Speaker Kit


Speaker Kit
Evan Marc Katz
for Smart, Strong, Successful Women
About Me
About the
I Believe
Evan Marc Katz
About Me
About Me
Evan Marc Katz
By helping women understand men – what they think, how they act, and what they
really want – I empower them to make healthy, informed choices in love.
My entire career has been built around writing things that others think but refuse to say out loud. As a result,
I’ve built a bit of a reputation as an iconoclast, even though I don’t think I say anything particularly controversial.
If anything, my guiding light is truth. I don’t view the world based on how I’d like it to be. I pay attention to
how it is and advise on how we can best adapt.
I call myself a “reality-based” dating coach. Yet somehow, this is an unusual stance. Look around. You’ll see.
Most relationship experts are marketers; they pray that you like them and lull you with platitudes about
“being yourself” and “love happens when you least expect it.”
Yet both of those commonly held beliefs are untrue. And I’m gonna show you how.
First, have you ever been on a really bad date? Well, guess what? Your bad date guy was being himself! Do
we want to encourage him do to MORE of that? No, we do not.
Second, if love happens when you least expect it, it should occur while you’re working 50 hours a week, going
to the gym, and traveling.
Except that’s not how it works. In fact, love is most likely to happen when you’re actively looking for it. Do jobs
happen when you least expect them? Do you get hired when you stop sending out resumes and going on
interviews? Of course not.
This just goes to show that the most powerful lessons are often the most obvious ones. We all have underlying
beliefs about love, relationships, and gender dynamics. However, not everyone’s beliefs are equally accurate
and not everyone’s beliefs are necessarily empowering.
So when I talk to your organization, I’m never going to mention the words “right and wrong”. They make
people feel bad. Instead, I use “effective vs. ineffective”.
Are your efforts effective in yielding the results you desire?
So whether I’m helping a smart woman break up with an ambivalent man, assisting a company in finding its
voice through blogging, or outlining the ever-changing dating landscape to singles and dating sites, my job
is to both educate and entertain.
With over 1.5 million blog readers and 50,000 newsletter subscribers, I’ve been doing this for the greater part
of a decade. Now it’s your chance to see me live.
I’d like to think I combine the insight of Dr. Drew and the wit of Adam Carolla, but that’s probably overstating
the case.
Still, I’m cheaper than both of them and at least 85% as entertaining.
Women’s networking groups, Internet marketers, and dating sites have been delighted with my work and I’m
confident you will be, too.
I look forward to working with you and trust that our partnership will be an “effective” one.
I learned so much from Evan’s training and FOCUS Coaching…The result of all this
is, in less than one year, I met my fiancée online. I was passionate about meeting
someone who respected me, honored me, and really loved me…just for me. And,
I wanted to feel the same about him. I’m thrilled to say that I found that man. Rachel E
9 months and 14 first dates later, I met the man of my dreams! Love is not a big
enough word for how we feel about each other! Thank you for doing what you
do- for leading me in the right direction, giving me the confidence to believe in
myself and helping me find the love I deserve. - Cheryl O
I’ve always disliked self-help, but from the moment I started reading “Finding the
One Online”, I felt you were talking to me. Yesterday, my man brought roses to
celebrate the anniversary of our first kiss. How romantic is that? Your advice was
a beautiful gift! - Janie B
Seriously…everything you described would happen, happened! He emailed me,
he called me, he asked for a date, he called back, he contacts me every day, he
took down his profile first, he stopped dating the other women he was dating and
asked me to “date exclusively” because he wants to focus on getting to know me
better. All I did was say yes. - Heather J
To make a long story short, I am so happy because I met Mr. Right. He possessed
the 3 important requirements that fit my need: chemistry, compatibility, and
emotionally and physically attraction. We are committed and our relationship is
going on strong for three years now. Thank you very much for helping women like
me. - Rett R.
You always did tell it like it is. I have to say thank you for believing in me, and giving
me confidence I didn’t know I had. Thank you for seeing that there was something
to be seen in me, that I didn’t even know existed. Now, I have a boyfriend who is
the best friend I love to make out with. - Sahaja P
Many thanks to, you, Evan. You really know what you’re talking about – and you
CARE. My boyfriend and I have been in a committed relationship now for about
five months and it keeps getting better. I am enjoying a type of peace and ease in
a relationship that I’ve never experienced before. That, in itself, is a tremendous
gift to me, and worth its weight in gold. - Melanie R
Thanks to Evan, I finally feel like I’m exactly where I want to be in life. The future is
wide open and bright, and I found a rare gem to cherish. I thank Evan for his advice
and insight, his reading recommendations, and his encouragement through this
process. Evan rocks as a dating coach, and if he can change my life, I promise: he
can change yours, too! - Marianne K.
A man with answers about men! That is the “golden ticket”! I’m so glad I didn’t
give up, no one should ever give up. You have to kiss A LOT of toads to find your
prince. - Jana B
Hire Me and Tell
All Your Co-Workers
What a Genius You Are!
Okay, so you’ve checked out my site and think that I
have a compelling message to deliver to your audience.
Congratulations. You are one VERY smart person, and I applaud you for being
so forward thinking. You deserve a raise, and probably a promotion as well.
After all, you had the uncanny ability to recognize that inviting me to talk with
you for a few hours would be a life-changing experience for everyone involved.
Whether you’re a marketing guru doing an event for entrepreneurs, a program
director at a house of worship, or a women’s group looking for something
different, my powerful and compelling message will delight and inspire.
You want out-of-the-box? I don’t even OWN a box!
That’s how serious I am about providing unique value to your stage.
As a dating coach and author who specializes in helping smart, strong, successful
women understand men and find love, I have a rare and valuable take on some
of the biggest challenges faced by your audience.
Oh, and I’ve been told that I’m really f-ing funny. I mean, for a dating coach, not,
for like, a comedian.
What that means is that I’m prone to saying things that are so true and so
recognizable that they will make you laugh in spite of yourself. Seriously. I’ve
brought down the house at a ballroom of singles at the Washington DC Hilton,
run a series of dating seminars for curious JDaters at Club Med Turks and Caicos,
and blew the minds of hundreds of dating execs at the iDate Conference in
I promise you nothing less than my best effort and will prove to you that there is
no contradiction between education and entertainment.
One more promise: after I speak at your (conference, seminar, event, church,
temple, big mansion on the hill), I will let everyone know that you are truly a
Evan Marc Katz
Available for Keynotes, Seminars, Workshops and Events
Tell ‘Em What You Think
For conferences, corporations, women’s
organizations, women’s networking, information
marketers and Internet entrepreneurs
Be the CEO of Your Own Love Life
For women’s organizations, women’s networking,
houses of worship, dating/relationship coaches,
singles groups, dating sites
Too Much of a Good Thing
For women’s organizations, women’s networking,
houses of worship, dating/relationship coaches,
singles groups, dating sites
Dating Professionals’ Toolkit
For dating/relationship coaches, singles groups,
dating sites
Blogging, Online Marketing and Social
For conferences, corporations, women’s
organizations, women’s networking, information
marketers and Internet entrepreneurs
How To Inspire Confidence and Attract Clients Just By
Saying The Things That You Think You Shouldn’t Say!
How You Can Take Control of Your Own Destiny and
Stop Wasting Years of Your Life on The Wrong Men.
How Your Strengths at Work Can Actually Be Your
Weaknesses in Relationships, And What You Can
Do About It.
How You Can Help Men Attract Women, Women
Understand Men, and Your Clients Get Out of Their
Own Way
How to Build Online Communities and Grow Your
Book Evan Marc Katz
for your next event:
Tell ‘Em What You Think!
How To Inspire Confidence and Attract Clients Just By Saying The Things That You Think
You Shouldn’t Say!
Are you a marketer who is struggling to differentiate yourself from a thousand other coaches
and gurus? Are you an executive who wants to build a team of confident, take-charge selfstarters? Are you a company failing to find a “voice” for your brand?
Personal branding is something that’s essential these days, yet so much of what we see out
there is generic, cut-and-paste, boilerplate business copy. It simply doesn’t work. People
are too savvy, too busy, too jaded. They’re looking for authenticity, vulnerability, humor, and
Believe it or not, I have all of those qualities (plus humility!) in spades, and I can show you an actual formula to help
your business project these qualities as well.
Be the CEO of Your Love Life
How you Can Take Control of Your Own Destiny and Stop Wasting Years of Your Life on The
Wrong Men.
Whether we like it or not, love DOESN’T happen when you least expect it. You may have a rich,
full, single life, but if you never meet eligible men, it’s next to impossible to find a relationship.
And if you worked hard to successfully climb the corporate ladder, you have to be willing to put
in the time to find companionship. Learn how to shift your mindset, prioritize dating, and create
a vibrant new love life from scratch, without making the most common mistakes of other smart,
strong, successful women.
Too Much of a Good Thing
How Your Strengths at Work Can Actually Be Your Weaknesses in Relationships, And What
You Can Do About It.
If you’ve ever noticed that:
A) You’re more impressive than 95% of men you meet.
B) You think you need to date the most impressive 5% of men.
C) Those same men are not interested in you and don’t want to commit to you…
Welcome to one of the 21st century’s greatest paradoxes. By attaining equality in the workplace,
women can theoretically “have it all”? But what does this mean? Can anyone have it all? And
if not, what compromises should you reasonably be willing to make in the name of love?
Learn to understand how career women often have to date like men, which is more complicated than you may
have previously considered.
The Dating Professionals’ Toolkit
If you’re in the business of helping men and women find love, you’re aware of the pitfalls
of dating. Nice guys with no confidence. Strong women with no femininity. Busy and arrogant
alpha males. Timid and awkward beta females. In this presentation, I illustrate how men can
understand women, women can understand men, and your clients can get over their pickiness
and make true connections.
Blogging, Online Marketing and Social Media
I am a failed screenwriter with no resume, no work experience, and no job skills. I was fired
from entertainment jobs, customer service jobs and boiler room jobs. Now I have a blog
that brings in 1.5 million unique visitors a year and is the lead generator for a 50,000 person
mailing list that grosses seven figures. Let me tell you how I found my voice, cultivated a
readership, and am able to monetize it.
Rocked it At:
NSA – National Speakers Association
Jewish Federation – Young Leadership Conference:
92nd Street Y
JDate – Club Med
Learning Annex
iDate – Internet Dating Conference
I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change
Matchmakers Conference Friar’s Club
Catherine Malandrino Café
Saint Monica’s Church
Matchmakers Alliance – Cruise
Since my first book came out in 2003, I’ve been extremely fortunate to have appeared in many of the
biggest mainstream media outlets. Most journalists tell me that I’m a great quote, both for my insights
into dating, relationship and gender dynamics, and, most likely, because I tend to say things that are
considered controversial. What I can assure you is that I’ll get back to you quickly, I’m generous with
my time, I’m comfortable speaking extemporaneously, I’m good on camera, and I’ll probably give you
the most interesting stuff in your entire piece.
I very much appreciate your time and consideration and hope to contribute something valuable to
your story.
“The Today Show”, NBC
“CBS Early Show”, CBS
“The Tyra Banks Show”, Syndicated
“Weekend Today”, NBC
“Extra”, Syndicated
“The Rachael Ray Show”, Syndicated
“The Greg Behrendt Show”, Syndicated
“CNN Showbiz Tonight”, CNN
“Good Day LA”
“Dayside”, Fox
“Fox and Friends”, Fox
“Mind of Mencia”, Comedy Central
“Wall St. Journal Report”, MSNBC
“Living Live”, Retirement Living Network
“Fox Morning News”, Los Angeles
“Headline News”, CNN
“Movie and a Makeover”, WTBS
“Live from…with Kyra Phillips”, CNN
Men’s Health
Women’s Health
New York Times Magazine
Smart Money
Business 2.0
US Magazine
Marie Claire
Business Week
Harper’s Bazaar – France
New York Times
USA Today
Washington Post
Detroit Free Press
Wall St. Journal
USA Today
Miami Herald
Los Angeles Times
Houston Press
Chicago Tribune
San Francisco Chronicle
New York Post
Sydney Morning Herald
Philadelphia Daily News
Toronto Globe and Mail
New York Daily News
International Business Times
• “Studio 360”, NPR
• “Air Talk with Larry Mantle”, KPCC – Pasadena
• “Afternoon Advice with Tiffany Granath”, Playboy Radio
• “Leeza at Night”, Syndicated
• WhatMenReallySayAboutWomen “Sex Files”,
Sirius Radio, Maxim 108
• “Sex With Emily,” San Francisco, CA
• “The Rolanda Watts Show”, Greenstone Media
• “HearSay with Cathy Lewis”, WHRV, Norfolk, VA
• Daybreak USA with Al Lerner and Richard Stevens”, USA Radio Network
• “Into the Night with Jack Riccardi”, KTSA – San Antonio
• John DeBella Show”, WMGK-FM – Philadelphia
• “The Walt Bodine Show”, KCUR – Kansas City
• “Athena and Jeff in the Morning”, WKZN – New Orleans
• “Rick and Donna in the Morning”, WMXJ – Miami, FL
• “Work with Marty Nemko”, NPR
• “Rod Ryan Show”, KTBZ – Houston, TX
• “KPRS Morning Show” – Kansas City
• AOL Love and Sex Coaches
• “Upfront & Straightforward with Alan Roger Currie”, BlogTalkRadio
• CNN.com
• HuffingtonPost
• Salon.com
• Bloomberg News
• Cosmo Online
• Wired News
• Gizmodo
• YourTango
• About.com
• ABC News.com
• ExtraMSN
• Love@AOL
• Yahoo! Personals
• HappenMag – Match.com
• JMag – JDate.com
• Nerve
• iVillage.com
About the Books
About the Books
My first book, written while I was working in customer
care at JDate in 2002. There are a few dated references, but
I’d like to think it holds up surprisingly well. Not only is it funnier than my more recent stuff, but it’s a great place to start
if you’re first dipping your toes in the online dating waters.
“Indispensible. The book’s tips on everything from jazzing up
your profile to polishing your first-date etiquette are so sharp
that this is a must read for any online dater.”
– Time Magazine
My second book was written, in part, as a
response to “He’s Just Not That Into You”. It probably would
have sold more copies if it were called “WHY He’s Just Not
That Into You”. Still, the he said/she said author dynamic, the
short punchy chapters and the occasional killer metaphor
(“Hitting on 20”) makes this a solid entry in the “self-help
lite” category.
“Plainspoken and to the point, the guide is simple, practical, and above all, positive, the message invaluable, not to
mention entertaining…There are enough small gems in
these pages to reinvigorate even the most pitiful dating repertoire.” – CurledUp.com
My bestselling eBook answers the most common
question I get as a dating coach: “Why did he disappear?”
In 133 pages, I explain why men pull away from women after
a first date, during courtship, and in a relationship, and help
women let go of the pain and confusion of the past. This
book really changes lives.
“Get it, read it, reread it and commit it to memory, and then
stand back and be amazed at how much better your love life
(not to mention your whole life!) becomes.” – Carol Allen
What I Believe
What I Believe
Before you book me as a speaker, it’s important for you to know what I believe.
I know this is long, but please take an extra minute to read the following, and soon you’ll see why I have such
a unique and powerful message to bring to your audience.
Thanks so much for your time and consideration.
I believe that love takes effort.
I believe that dating gets trickier as you get older.
I believe that men and women are equal but different.
I believe that both genders are unfair and hypocritical.
I believe that dating is a minefield for both men and women.
I believe that most people are good at heart, but act selfishly.
I believe that our previous experience shapes our beliefs and actions falsely.
I believe that chemistry is exciting but often blinds you to your partner’s faults.
I believe that most people want to find love, but think short-term instead of long-term.
I believe that dating frustration comes from our inability to understand the opposite sex.
I believe that we can’t change the world, but we can change our beliefs and reactions to the world.
Have you ever observed that:
Men sometimes don’t follow up after sex.
Men sometimes date you without wanting to make a long-term commitment.
Men sometimes break up with you if they feel criticized, smothered, or pressured.
This isn’t just something I noticed myself. This is something that you’ve noticed as well:
Men act in their own self-interests.
No matter how unfair, no matter how annoying, and no matter what we say, in 100 years, men are still going
to be acting this way.
The question, therefore, is what you can do in spite of male misbehavior. As such, I am not here to defend
men, apologize for men, or make excuses for men.
I am simply here to explain men.
I am here to offer you the truth about what we’re thinking, why we do what we do, and what you should
expect when dating us.
When I observe that men don’t always call after sex, I am not saying that it’s okay.
When I observe that men are perfectly willing to date you even if they don’t plan to commit, I am not
condoning it.
When I observe that men don’t like being criticized, micromanaged, or emasculated, I am not saying that
men are flawless in their treatment of you.
I am literally just reporting back to you what you have already noticed yourself.
And since I can’t make men call, commit, or change, all I can do is tell you how to identify the undesirable
ones and attract and keep the good ones.If that’s something you’re open to, you’ll enjoy reading my advice.
And if the idea that you have to change still upsets you, let me clarify further:
There’s nothing wrong with you.
There’s nothing wrong with being single.
There’s nothing wrong with leading a rich, fulfilling solo life.
All I’ve observed is that many women want to find love, but don’t go on nearly enough dates to do so. This
is why I am a proponent of online dating, among other means of meeting men. Dating may be flawed, but it
creates more opportunity to meet single men than every other social activity in your life combined.
Once you’re dating, I offer you a few observations that I feel are indisputable:
If you understand men, you will have an easier time connecting with them.
If you have high standards, there will be fewer men “qualified” to date you.
If only 5% of men are qualified to date you, you must go on more dates to find love than someone who will date a greater percentage of the population.
To get more dates, you have to make more time and effort to find love.
In all relationships, there are tradeoffs and compromises.
Compromise means assessing the traits you can and cannot accept.
Most people refuse to compromise on things like: height, weight, age, education, income and
religion, but routinely compromise on the wrong things: kindness, consistency and commitment.
Compromise doesn’t mean to settle, to give up your dreams, or to put up with poor treatment.
If he has a trait you can’t accept , leave, because you can’t change him.
If you find fault with every single man, you risk being alone forever.
If you would rather be alone than compromise, great. Nobody’s judging you.
“Wanting to reform the world without discovering one’s true self is like trying to cover the world with leather
to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes.” – Ramana Maharshi
I don’t give “tough love”. I don’t impose my opinion on how the world should be. All I do is observe how the
world works – good and bad – and give you guidance on how to react. As such, I call myself a “reality-based”
dating coach. If you’d rather get dating tips about a fictional world in which men always do what they say,
where they never judge on looks or age, and where you’re never left wondering where you stand, you will
find yourself very frustrated by what you read here. I also predict you will be very frustrated with life, which will
continually disappoint you since it doesn’t conform to your fantasies.
As a dating coach, I believe that knowledge is power. I believe that once you understand the realities of
dating and the inner workings of the male mind, you can make informed decisions. Finally, I believe that your
informed decisions will catapult your relationships to new heights – not because you’ll suddenly have the
power to change men, but because you’ll learn to accept them in full, the way you would like to be accepted
Only from here can you build a foundation for a love that lasts a lifetime.
Warmest wishes and much love,
Evan Marc Katz
Evan Marc Katz
Click here to book me now!