palms continued -
palms continued -
PALMS CONTINUED Chamaedorea oblongata inforensis: Chamaedorea pochutlensis: Pacyita Palm: An understorey palm that grows best in the shade. Has slender canes, broad dark green leaves and oval, black fruit on bright orange bracts. 2m x 60cm Zone 10 Cane Lilla: Great understorey palm with clusters of slender cane-like stems, tan ring bands and arching glossy green pinnate leaflets. Nice hedged or used as a screen. 3.5m x 2.5m Zone 10 Chamaedorea seifrizii: Chamaedorea tepejilote: Bamboo Palm: Dense clumping habit with slender bamboo-like stems varying in height and elegantly arching, glossy green, pinnate leaves. Pacaya Palm: A solitary plam with a slender bamboo-like trunk with prominent nodes, crowned with glossy green, arching pinnate leaves. Plant out of the sun. 3m x 2m Zone 10 3m x 2.5m Zone 10 Chamaedorea woodsonia: Chambeyronia macrocarpa: A solitary palm from New Caledonia that will require a micro climate to do well. Spectacular bright red new growth trade marks this palm. Seldom available 3m x 1.2m Zone 10+ An understorey palm with a green solitary slender bamboo-like trunk, topped with a crown of glossy green, arching, pinnate leaves. 3m x 2m Zone 10 Dypsis baronii: Dypsis lutescens: Multi-clustering with smooth red/yellow bamboo like stems bearing large green arching pinnate leaves. Yellow flowers in summer. Our favourite palm. 3m x 1.2m Zone 10 Golden Cane Palm: Clump forming, multi-clustering palm with thick yellow-green stems and arching pinnate fronds. Best grown as an indoor plant in New Zealand. 3m x 1.2m Zone 10+ Euterpe edulis: Howea forsteriana: Jucara Palm: A tall, slim, solitary palm, with an attractive crown of drooping leaves, and a coloured crownshaft. The palm heart is edible. Kentia Palm: A graceful palm, with dark green ringed trunk, and arching leaflets, and brown hessian-like thatch around the leaf bases. 5m x 3.5m 9m x 4.5m Full Sun Zone 10 Partial Shade Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil 19 Zone 10 Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native PALMS CONTINUED Linospadix monostachya: Livistona chinensis: Walking stick Palm: A beautiful smaller palm requiring some filtered light but can also grow in moist shade. Arching fronds with stunning spikes of red berries. 2m x 1.5m Zone 9 Chinese Fan Palm: Handsome slender trunk with large, broad, lime green, palmate leaves with elegantly drooping tips. Bears blue fruits. Very hardy - almost any climate. 4m x 3m Zone 10 Phoenix roebelenii: Ravenea glauca: Pygmy Date Palm: A dwarf palm with a slim trunk and a beautiful crown of dark green, pinnate, feathery leaves. Will take light frosts. An elegant asset. 2m x 1.5m Zone 10 A slender palm, fast growing, will handle a windy position and still look good (not coastal). An attractive feature within a landscape because of its dark green form. 4m x 3m Zone 10 Rhapis excelsa: Rhopalostylis chathamica: Lady Palm: A dense, clump forming palm with slim trunks covered in woven fiber and fan-shaped, glossy, dark green, palmate leaves. Keeps its form well. 2m x 1m Zone 10 Chatham Is. Nikau: An elegant rare nikau palm that differs from the others with its tall upright fronds and white downy mid ribs. Attractive planted in groves. 6m x 3m Zone 9 Rhopalostylis cheesemanii: Rhopalostylis sapida: Kermadec Is. Nikau: Stout smooth grey-green trunk covered in band-like leaf scars with very large, arching pinnate fronds up to 3m long. Very elegant. 6m x 3m Zone 10 Nikau: Stout smooth greygreen trunk covered in bandlike leaf scars with very large green upright pinnate fronds up to 3m long. A hardy New Zealand icon. 6m x 3m Zone 9 Sabal bermudana: Syagrus romanzoffiana: Bermuda Fan Palm: A robust, stocky palm with a sturdy trunk topped by a head of large, broad, blue-green, palmate leaves. Stunning when mixed with pinnate foliage. 6m x 3m Zone 9 Queen Palm: A fast growing palm with a tall grey slender trunk, topped with a crown of dense, fine, feathery, pinnate palm fronds. Full Sun Partial Shade 12m x 8m Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil 20 Zone 9 Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native RESTIOS Apodasmia similis: Baloskion tetraphyllum: Oi Oi Reed: An elegant jointed rush which will grow happily in or near salty and fresh water. Rustles in the wind. Plant near ponds. Great in floral arrangements. 1.5m x 1m Zone 9 Plume Rush: A beautiful restio that forms a dense clump of slender stems like a miniature bamboo. Plant in moisture retentive soil. Great for cut foliage. 1m x 1m Zone 9 Calopsis paniculata: Chondropetalum tectorum A South African reed with finely branched, green stems, attractive yellow-brown node sheaths and grass like flowers in the autumn. Likes damp. Ideal near water. 1.8m x 1.2m Zone 9 Thatching Reed: An attractive, fast growing, clump forming reed with slender, compact spikes with brown bracts when flowering in autumn. Lovely cut foliage. 1.5m x 1.5m Zone 9 Cyperus haspan: Cyperus papyrus: Dwarf Papyrus: Dwarf papyrus A lovely plant for damp areas with its slender stems topped with star shaped leaf clusters. Adds interest to shrub borders. 45cm x 1m Zone 9 Egyptian Reed: Fast-growing, clump-forming reed with long, deep-green stems, topped with a thick mop of wispy thread-like foliage. 2m x 1.5m Zone 9 Elegia capensis: Elegia cuspidata: Broom Rush: Tall slender stems with clusters of fine fluffy leaves at the nodes. Golden-brown flower heads, followed by dark seed heads. Clump forming reed with sturdy upright green stems and dense bronze flower heads surrounded by papery brown bracts. 2m x 2m 1m x 1m Full Sun Zone 9 Partial Shade 21 Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil Zone 9 Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native RESTIOS CONTINUED Elegia grandis: Ischyrolepis subverticellata: A beautiful structural Restio from South Africa with erect grey-green stems and golden bracts, topped by large showy seed heads. Giant optic reed: A stunning architectural reed with long dark green, arching, feathery fern like stems tipped with brown seed capsules in autumn. 1.5m x 1.2m Zone 9 1m x 1m Zone 9 Junus inflexus ‘Afro’: Rhodocoma capensis: Cork Screw Rush: Clump forming tubular reed like leaves with new growth forming tight coils then spiraling out as it grows. A ’funky’ addition to any landscape. 60cm x 60cm Zone 9 A restio from South Africa. One of the hardiest and most salt and wind tolerant plants. Has graceful plumes of flowers reaching 2m. Very adaptable. 2m x 60cm Zone 9 Rhodocoma giganteai: Thamnochortus spicigerus: An attractive reed with finely divided foliage on bright green stems when young maturing to long arching plumes with feathery foliage. A tall reed with blue-green leaves, that produces wheat like flowers on tall spikes almost continuously. Plant in moist well drained soil. Coastal hardy. 1.8m x 1.2m Zone 9 2.5m x 1m Full Sun Zone 9 Partial Shade Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / 22 NZ Native BAMBOO Arundinaria murilae: Arundinaria nitida: Umbrella Bamboo: A clump forming, non-invasive, soft cascading bamboo with long narrow yellow canes topped with narrow, lush leaves. Used in ‘Japanese’ gardens. 3m x 1.5m Zone 7 Panda Bamboo: A clump forming, non-invasive bamboo, with narrow leaves and purple canes. New growth has black & white banding. Ideal near ponds. 2.5m x 1m Zone 7 Bambusa gracillis: Bambusa multiplex ‘Wong Tsai’: A non invasive clump forming bamboo with an arching habit that is ideal for Japanese gardens. Looks great planted by a pond being reflected in the water. 3m x 2m Zone 8 Fairy Bamboo: A dainty non invasive popular clump forming bamboo, with straight green to yellow canes and graceful nodding tops of narrow green leaves. 2.5m x 2m Zone 8 Bambusa multiplex: ‘Alphonse Karr’ Phyllostachys nigra: Probably the best looking of the hedging bamboos. Pinkish shoots become greenstriped, yellow clumps. Colour deepens with age. Hardy and easy to grow. 5m x 2.5m Zone 8 Black Bamboo: A stricking bamboo with ebony canes and graceful, long, rich green leaves. Fabulous as a container plant. Pleiblastus auricomus: Shibataea kumasaca: Minature Bamboo: A semi dwarf, dense, clump forming bamboo with purplish green canes and bright yellow leaves sriped green. Minature Bamboo: A compact clump forming miniture bamboo with zig zag burgandy canes and ovate, lime green, lightly pleated leaves. 50cm x 30cm Zone 7 1.5m x 1m Full Sun 5m x 3m Zone 7 Partial Shade Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil 23 Zone 7 Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native GRASSES Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon’: Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon Mini’: Clump forming with bright yellow-green and cream variegated, grass-like, tall, arching foliage. Great around pond margins. Clump forming ground cover with bright yellow-green and cream variegated, grasslike, foliage. Great around pond margins. 25cm x 25cm 10cm x 10cm Zone 9 Astelia ‘Silver Spear’: Dianella ‘Silver Border’: Chatham Is. Astelia: Clump forming with dramatic, long, broad, sword-like silver leaves that arch near the tips. 1.8m x .8m Zone 9 Flax Lily: Long, broad, arching, strap-like, green leaves edged with a silver border with purple flowers from spring followed by blue berries. 60cm x 60cm Zone 10 Zone 9 Dianella ‘Golden Chance’: Dianella tasmanica: Flax Lily: Long, arching, strap-like, yellow /green variegated leaves with pale purple flowers is summer followed by pale blue berries. Tasmanian Flax Lily: Long, broad, arching, strap-like, bright green leaves with blue flowers from spring followed by purple berries. 40cm x 40cm 1m x 30cm Zone 9 Zone 8 Dietes bicolor: Dietes grandiflora: South African Iris: Long, arching, deep green, straplike leaves that produces creamy-yellow iris-like flowers on long stems in summer. 70cm x 70cm Zone 9 South African Iris: Long, arching, deep green, straplike leaves withwhite flowers with purple, brown and yellow markings in summer. Full Sun Partial Shade 1m x 60cm Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil 24 Zone 9 Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native GRASSES CONTINUED Dietes iridoides ‘Silver Sword’: Libertia grandiflora: South African Iris: Sword shaped erect green leaves with cream bases that splay in a distinct fan shape. Produces white flowers in spring. 60cm x 50cm Zone 9 NZ Iris: Tall, strap-like, rich green, erect leaves, with white star shaped flowers on long stems in spring followed by auburn seed capsules. Libertia peregrinans: Libertia ‘Taupo Blaze’: NZ Iris: Narrow strap-like, bronzy-orange leaves, with white star shaped flowers on long stems in spring followed by gold seed capsules. 40cm x 40cm Zone 8 NZ Iris: Strap-like, leaves that change from green to orange, with white star shaped flowers in spring followed by gold seed capsules. Liriope muscari: Liriope muscari variegata: Mat forming ground cover with strap-like, deep green, arching leaves. Produces a head of purple bead-like flowers in autumn. Mat forming ground cover with strap-like, arching, yellow-green variegated leaves, with a head of pink bead-like flowers in autumn. 30cm x 30cm 30cm x 30cm 75cm x 60cm 60cm x 60cm Zone 8 Zone 9 Zone 9 25 Zone 8 Ophiopogon japonicus: Ophiopogon japonicus ‘Black Dragon’: Mondo Grass: Ground cover with strap-like, curving, green leaves, with white flowers in summer followed by blue-black berries. Black Mondo Grass: Ground cover with strap-like, curving, black leaves. White flowers in summer followed by black berries. 25cm x 3cm 20cm x 30cm Zone 9 Zone 9 Ophiopogon japonicus ‘Nana’: Phormium ‘Surfer’: Miniature Mondo Grass: Mat forming with small strappy, dark green leaves. White flowers is summer followed by black berries in autumn. 10cm x 10cm Zone 9 Dwarf Flax: A striking dwarf variety with sword-like arching leaves with bronze margins that forms a pronounced twist with age. Full Sun Partial Shade 60cm x 60cm Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil Zone 8 Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native FERNS Asplenium bulbiferum: Asplenium oblongifolium: Hen & Chicken Fern: A creeping fern with long soft feather-like fronds which develop bulbils to produce more plants. Great understorey plant for damp shady areas. 80cm x 1m Zone 10 Shining Spleen: Beautiful, glossy, bright green, pinnate fronds which can grow to 1m or more in length. Great understorey plant. 1m x 1m Zone 10 Blechnum gibbum: Cyathea robusta: Silver Lady: Low growing fern from Hawaii with light green fronds that grows a short trunk (1m). Great understorey plant in dappled light or shade. 1m x 1m Zone 10+ Lord Howe Tree Fern: Large attractive, fronds produced from a trunk that can reach up to 3m high. Has silver fury-like scales giving it a silver glow. 4m x 3m Zone 8 Cyathea tomentossisima: Dicksonia fibrosa: Highland Lace Fern: A beautiful tree-fern with copperybrown lacy fronds and green leaflets. From Paupa New Guinea. 1.5m x 1.5m Wheki-ponga: Slow growing, tree fern with a very thick, fibrous trunk and produces a beautiful crown of crisp fronds in a shuttlecock shape. 5m x 3m Zone 8 Zone 9 Dicksonia antarctica: Marattia salicin: Soft Tree Fern: Tree-like fern with a thick furry trunk-like stem with a head of large, long, leathery green, palm like fronds. King Fern :A tropical looking fern with large dark green leathery fronds which can reach 3-4m in length from a bulbous base. 6m x 4m 2m x 3m Full Sun Zone 8 Partial Shade 26 Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil Zone10 Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native FERNS CONTINUED Niphidium crassifolium: Platycerium veitchii: Graceful Fern: A tropical looking, clump forming fern with tall, broad, glossy erect, lime green, palm-like fern fronds. Fantastic for cut foliage. 1m x 1.5m Zone 9 Elk Horn Fern: An epiphytic fern with long, sterile, elliptical fronds with silvery undersides. Statement plant on trees, rocks and walls. Rumohra adiantiformis: Blechnum spicant: Leather Fern: A hardy fern with long fronds of leathery triangular leaflets, used often for cut foliage. A great plant for a damper spot. Attractive small fern, ideally suited to a cooler part of the garden in order to flourish. Foliage firm to touch making it a unique hardy addition to any rockery. 30cm x 30cm Zone 9 50cm x 75cm 50cm x 80cm Zone 9 Zone 9 Blechnum patersonii: Todea barbara: Strap Water Fern: From Australia. This fern has simple long, strapy, dark green leaves with new pink growth in late winter. Ideally suited around water features. 50cm x 50cm Zone 10 An endangered species from Northland NZ with mid green leaflets that are almost plastic to touch. A hardy fern suited to most soil and climate conditions. 50cm x 50cm Zone 10 Blechnum fluviatile: Leptopteris superba: An unusual and striking fern with dark green double sided fronds. Difficult to grow requiring a damp shady position. Ideally positioned by a waterfall. Seldom available. Common through much of the country, especially in damp shady areas beside streams. Distinctive with their rosette shaped clumps of drooping sterile fronds. 30cm x 30cm Zone 10 Doodia media: Blechnum penna-marina: Rasp Fern: An understory ground covering fern with stunningly coloured new pink growth in winter. Keep moist during the summer months. 30cm x 30cm Zone 10 Ground hugging smaller fern suitable for under-planting in damper areas. Hardy and versatile. Don’t allow to dry out. Firmer glossy green short stemmed fronds. 20cm x 20cm Zone 9 Full Sun Partial Shade 27 Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native TREES & SHRUBS Agapetes buxifolia: Agapetes serpens: A low creeping shrub with small, bright green leaves running up arching branches. Produces red bell like flowers in late winter. Evergreen shrub with arching reddish stems covered in small, dark green, ovate leaves and dark red tubular flowers. Great tumbling over a retaining wall. 2m x 90cm Zone 9 90cm x 60cm Zone 9 Agapetes meiniana: Beilschmiedia tarairi: An Australian climber that can be grown as a shrub if kept trimmed. New growth is flushed red and produces red tubular flowers. Taraire: Leathery, oval, olive green leaves when young that age to a dark glossy green. Flowers in spring with large date-like fruit in June. Beloved by Wood Pigeons. 10m x 10m Zone 10 1m x 1m Zone 9 Bougainvillea ‘Smarty Pants’: Brugmansia ‘Noel’s Blush’: A small scrambling bush with soft green leaves and clusters of light pink flower bracts in summer. Can be trimmed for hedge or topiary. Angel’s Trumpet: Large, ovate, green, tobacco-like leaves that produces large, fragrant, soft pink trumpet flowers in spring and autumn. Long flowering season. 1.8m x 1.2m Zone 10 1.5m x 1.5m Zone 10 Buxus microphylla ‘Koreana’: Buxus sempervirens: Korean Box Hedge: Dense, bushy, evergreen shrub with small, glossy, ovate leaves. Great for clipped hedge or topiary. Does not defoliate like other Buxus. 75cm x 1m Zone 7 English Box Hedge: Dense, bushy, evergreen shrub with small, glossy, ovate leaves. Great for clipped hedge or topiary. Full Sun Partial Shade 1.5m x 1.5m Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil 28 Zone 7 Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native TREES & SHRUBS CONTINUED Corokia ‘Bronze King’: Corokia ‘Frosted Chocolate’: Korokia: Hardy small shrub ideal for hedges and screening. Has tiny yellow flowers followed by small red berries for the birds. Korokia: Great shrub for clipped hedge with leathery, ovate, chocolate brown/ green leaves and yellow flowers in spring followed by red berries. 2m x 1.5m Zone 9 2m x 1.5m Zone 9 Corokia ‘Geenty’s Green’: Cussonia paniculata: Korokia: Great shrub for clipped hedge with small, leathery, elliptic, glossy green leaves and yellow flowers is spring followed by red berries. 2m x 1.5m Zone 9 South Africa Cabbage Tree: Hardy small tree with distinctive corky bark and large snowflake leaves. Dichroa versicolor: Escallonia ‘Gold Bryan’: Evergreen Hydrangea: Large, oval, dark green, pleated leaves which produce heads of small blue flowers (pink if alkaline soil) in summer. Hardy evergreen growing shrub that has cheerful gold leaves and tiny pink flowers. Great in shrub border and used as a high light plant against dark green foliage. 2m x 2m Zone 9 2m x 1.8m 4m x 1.5m Zone 8 Exbucklandia populea: Zone 10 Ficus dammaropsis: Malayan Aspen: Fast growing columal shaped tree, adding 1m+ of growth per year. Distintive flattered stipules at the tip of the stem make this an unsual eye catching tree. 7m x 4m Zone 8 Dinner Plate Fig: Spectacular tree with large, soft, dark green leaves with prominent light green veins. Hard to propagate, a rare find. 4m x 4m Zone 10+ Fuchsia ‘Holly Hobby’: Fuchsia ‘Pink Jewel’: A miniature delight with its tiny leaves and dainty pink flowers through spring and summer. Plant in shrub borders or containers. A very pretty, bushy shrub with cerise-pink flowers that are prolific over summer and leaves that are tipped peachy-pink in full sun. 50cm x 50cm 80cm x 80cm Full Sun Zone 9 Partial Shade 29 Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil Zone 9 Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native TREES & SHRUBS CONTINUED Gardenia augusta ‘Professor Pucci’: Gardenia radicans: Bushy shrub with glossy, dark green, ovate leaves that displays an abundance of white, fragrant, double flowers in spring / summer. Compact ground covering shrub with glossy, dark green leaves that displays very fragrant white, double flowers in spring / summer. 1.5m x 1m 30cm x 50cm Zone 10 Griselinia littoralis: Zone 10 Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’: Broadleaf Kapuka: Bushy hedging shrub, great for screening. Can be used in a formal garden as clipped hedges or topiary. Grows into a handsome small tree. 6m x 3m Zone 8 Japanese Holly: Great shrub for clipped hedge and topiary balls with its small, deep green, compact foliage. Won’t defoliate in wet weather. 1m x 1.2m Zone 6 Iochroma cyaneum: Laurus nobilus: Fast growing shrub from South America with large soft mid-green leaves and produces clusters of tubular purple flowers is summer. Bay Tree: Medium tree with glossy, dark green, aromatic leaves often used in cooking. Can be clipped as formal hedges or topiarised. 2m x 1.8m 5m x 3.5m Zone 10 Zone 8 Macadamia tetraphylla: Meryta demhamii: Macadamia: Long olivegreen leaves with wavy margins. Produces racemes of tiny white flowers followed by edible nuts. 3m x 2.5m Zone 9 Pacific Puka: A striking single stemmed columnar tree with large, long, glossy green leaves. Has a juvenile look that of a lancewood. Michelia figo: Michelia yunnanensis: Port Wine Magnolia: Great shrub for clipping with small dark green, glossy leaves with purple-brown, fragrant flowers from early spring. 4m x 3m Zone 9 Slow growing shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, that have a brownish velvety covering when young. White flowers in spring. Full Sun Partial Shade 3m x 2.5m 4m x 2m Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil 30 Zone 10 Zone 10 Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native TREES & SHRUBS CONTINUED Murraya paniculata: Pouteria lucuma: Jasmine Orange: An attractive shrub with glossy, dark green leaves and fragrant small white flowers. Clips well for topiary or hedges. Butterscotch Tree: Medium tree with large, ovate, glossy green leaves that produces a green round edible fruit with sweet yellow flesh. 2m x 2m 8m x 4m Zone 10 Zone 9 Rhododendron vireya - assorted: Rothmania globosa: Vireya: Open tropical shrub with glossy green leaves and clusters of colourful (some) fragrant flowers in Autumn. Bell Gardenia: Narrow, elliptical, glossy leaves with fragrant trumpet-shaped white flowers with yellow to maroon veining in spring. 45cm - 2m x 30cm - 1.5m Zone 10 3m x 1.8m Zone 10+ Schefflera arboricola ‘Renate’: Schizolobium parahybum: Dwarf Umbrella Tree: Has glossy, mid-green leaves. with yellow flowers and golden berries. Great as screen - low hedge or filler in a sub-tropical garden. 1.5m x 90cm Zone 10 Brazilian Fern Tree: Slim, straight trunk with large, soft, green, fern-shaped leaves reaching over 1m long that form an elegant canopy. Deciduous. 10m x 10m Zone 10 Streblus banksii: Strobilanthes gossipinus: Bank’s Milk Tree; An attractive small tree with oval, dark green leaves and pale undersides. Juvenile leaves are deeply lobed. Great screening shrub. 5m x 3.5m Zone 9 Cotton Tree: Small evergreen shrub with green leaves covered in tiny golden hairs. Produces clusters of lavender flower heads in summer. Wind resistant. 1.2m x 1.2m Zone 10 Vaccinium staffeanum: Vaccinium acrobracteatum: Handsome small, glossy, leathery, ovate green leaves with new growth an eye catching pure red. Very hardy plant. From the blueberry family. 60cm x 60cm Zone 8 Unusual but eye catching shrub with glossy, leathery, oval green leaves with new growth a striking bright red. Very hardy plant. From the blueberry family. 60cm x 60cm Zone 8 Full Sun Partial Shade Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / 31 NZ Native CLIMBERS Allamanda neriifolia: Ficus pumila: An evergreen shrub / climber with medium sized green leaves and large showy yellow bell-shaped flowers from spring to autumn. Creeping Fig: A fast growing, evergreen, climber with small ovate, dark-green leaves. Great for covering unsightly objects quickly. 3m x 2m 4m x 4m Zone 10 Zone 9 Phasedus caraella: Pyrostegia venusta: Snail Vine: A fast growing evergreen climber with highly perfumed purple and white, snail type flower. Makes a great screen cover. Flame Vine: A fast growing climber with ovate glossy green leaves that is covered in a mass of orange tubular flowers from spring to summer. 6m x 5m Zone 9 3m x 2m Zone 10 Tecomanthe speciosa: Trachelospermum jasminoides: A lush evergreen tropical vine with thick glossy green leaves. Produces clusters of tubular cream flowers from winter to early spring. 5m x 3m Star Jasmine: An evergreen climber with glossy green leaves that produces clusters of highly scented star shaped white flowers in summer. Also grown as ground cover. 5m x 5m Zone 9 Zone 10 Tecomanthe montana: Distictis buccinatoria: An attractive half hardy climber from Papua New Guinea that displays clusters of pinky flowers with yellow throats. Stunning in any garden. Medium climber. 3m x 3m Zone 10 An evergreen climber with showy clusters of slender blood/red trumpet flowers that prolifically bloom throughout summer and Autumn. 5m x 5m Zone 9 Full Sun Partial Shade 32 Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native EDIBLES Zingiber officinale: Alpinia galangal: An edible ginger that produces rhizomes that are succulent and juicy. The finely sliced flesh steeped in hot water is good for upset stomachs and an energy boost. 1m x .5m Zone 10 Red and White Ginger: Produces the essential Thai Spice used in Tom Yum Soup. Plant in tropical boarders close to paths where its pure sweet scent will delight you. 1m x .5m Zone 10 Dovyalis hebecarpa: Morus rubra: This tropical apricot produces up to a kilo of fruit per day. Can be contained by regular heavy pruning. Tart fruit but is high in anti-oxidants and rich in flavour. 4m x 4m Zone 10 A graceful fast growing tree that can grow in moist soils. Produces a massive crop of black fruit twice a year in January then October. 4m x 2m Psidium cattleyanum: Zone 10 Psidium Thai Guava: Red Cherry Guava: The hardiest of the small guavas producing prolific crops of small red tangy fruit high in Vitamin C. Water well while the fruit is forming. 2.5m x 2m Zone 10 Huge green/white fruit with a tangy flesh-outstanding to eat. Red winter leaves. Worth trying for something a little different. Also available is the large pink tropical Guava. 2.5m x 2m Zone 10 Passiflora ligularis: Passiflora edulis: Granadilla-Golden Passionfruit: From Mexico. Stunning blue flowers and large sweet tasting fruit. Will lose some leaves during frosty times but is hardy. 10m x 3m Zone 10 Passionfruit: Perenial strong growing climber with dark green foliage. Once established bares good crops of round purple fruit. Full Sun Partial Shade 33 3m x 3m Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil Zone 10 Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native EDIBLES CONTINUED Syzigium jambos: Pouteria lucuma: Rose Apple: Tastes like an apple with a rose flavour. Great pleached, hedged and topiaried and planted as a single specimen. Enjoy the scent of the flowers. 4m x 2.5m Zone 9 Luma: Appealing green fruit with a bright yellow pulp. Can be used in ice creams as a butterscotch natural flavouring. Originates from the higher attitudes of Peru. 4m+ x 2m Zone 10 Macadamia tetraphylla: Musa cavendish: Macadamia: Long olivegreen leaves with wavy margins. Produces racemes of tiny white flowers followed by edible nuts. Miniature Fruiting Banana: A dwarf banana with large smooth paddle-like green leaves with red mid ribs and markings and edible fruit. 3m x 2.5m 1.5m x 2m Zone 9 Zone 10 Myrtus ugni: Vaccinium corymbosum: Cranberry: Bushy shrub that produces delicious red berries. Great as a low hedge or topiaried in a pot, can take a high water table. These deciduous shrubs flower in winter and fruit from Nov. onwards. Plant in a moist soil and mulch with acidifying mulches, ie pine needle. 1.5m x 1.2m Zone 8 1.8m x 90 cm Zone 8 Citrus hystrix: Citrus meyeri ‘Meyer’: Kaffir Lime: Small slow growing tree with unusual double lobed leaves. The aromatic leaves and grated rind are used in Thai cuisine. Look great in containers. 2m x 1.8m Zone 10+ Meyer Lemon: Small hardy tree that produces large crops of juicy fruit even when young. Citrus reticulata: Citrus ‘Tahiti’: Mandarin: Trees produce heavy crops of succulent easily peeled fruit from an early age. Ideal for containers or to brighten up a winter garden as the fruit ripens. 3m x 1.8m Zone 10 Tahitian Lime: Small tree ideal as a specimen or container tree. Produces smooth skinned rich flavoured fruit. Full Sun Partial Shade 2m x 2.4m 2m x 1.5m Shade Dry Soil Moist Soil 34 Zone 9 Zone 10 Wet Soil Wind Tolerant Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / NZ Native PLANTING GROUPS HARDY SUBTROPICAL Agave geminiflora Agave stricta Alpinia zerumbet ‘Varigata’ Arenga engleri Arundinaria murielae Arundinaria nitida Bambusa gracilis Bambusa multiplex ‘Wong Tsai’ Beaucarnea guatemalensis Butia capitata Calibanus hookeri Chamaedorea cataractarum Chamaedorea pochutlensis Cordyline glauca ‘Showoff’ Ctenanthe pilosa Cyathea robusta Cyathea tormentosissma Cycas revoluta Dasylirion longissium Dicksonia antarctica Dicksonia fibrosa Dioon edule Dioon spinulosum Doryanthes palmeri Escallonia ‘Gold Bryan’ Exbucklandia populea Fascicularia bicolor Haemanthus coccineus Heuchera ‘Green Spice’ Howea forsteriana Lepidozamia peroffskyana Ligularia japonica argenteum Ligularia reniformis Ligularia tussilaginea ‘Aureo-maculata’ Macrozamia communis Maranta leucounera tricolor Molineria capitulata Monstera deliciosa Musella lasiocarpa Niphidium crassifolium Philodendron spp. Phyllostachys nigra Pleioblastus auricomus Puya berteroniana Pyrostegia venusta Raphidophora decursiva Rhopalostylis chathamica Rhopalostylis sapida Russelia equisetiformis Sabal bermudana Shibataea kumasaca Strelizia Mandeldas Gold Strelitzia nicolai Strelitzia reginae Strobilanthes gossypinus Syagrus romanzoffiana Trachelospermum jasminoides Vaccinium acrobracteatum Yucca elephantipes Zamia furfuracea HEDGE Agapetes buxifolia Buxus microphylla ‘Koreana’ Buxus sempervirens Corokia ‘Bronze King’ Corokia ‘Frosted Chocolate’ Corokia ‘Geenty’s Green’ Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’ Laurus nobilus Michelia figo Michelia yunnanensis Murraya paniculata Shibataea kumasaca Strebulis banksii Syzigium jambos Ugni molinae Vaccinium acrobracteatum Vaccinium staffeanum GROUND COVER Ajuga reptans ‘Catlin’s Giant’ Gardenia radicans Junus inflexus ‘Afro’ Maranta leucounera tricolor Ophiopogon japonicus Ophiopogon japonicus ‘Black Dragon’ Ophiopogon japonicus ‘Nana’ Pachysandra axillaris Pachysandra terminalis Raphidophora decursiva Rhoeo discolor Rubus pentalobus Schizocentron elegans Selliera radicans FRAGRANT Gardenia augusta ‘Professor Pucci’ Gardenia radicans Michelia figo Michelia yunnanensis Murraya paniculata Phasedus caraella Rothmannia globosa Syzigium jambos Trachelospermum jasminoides Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / 35 BOG / MARGINAL Acorus sp Ajuga reptans Apodasmia similis Astilbe arendsii ‘Show Star’ Astilbes sp Baloskian tetraphyllum Calopsis paniculata Colocasia fallax Colocasia nigrescens Cyperus haspen Cyperus papyrus Elatostema rugosum Elegia cuspidata Elegia grandis Hosts sp Iris sibirica ‘Caesar’s brother’ Junus inflexus ‘Afro’ Ligularia sp Myrtus ugni Onixotis triquetra dipidax Primula heladoxa Rhodocoma capensis Rhodocoma gigantea Selleria radicans Thalia dealbata Thamnochortus spicigerus Zantedeschia elfin EDIBLE Alpinia galangal Citrus hystrix Citrus reticulata Citrus ‘Tahitian Lime’ Citrus x meyeri ‘Meyer’ Doryalis hebecarpa Laurus nobilus Macadamia tetraphylla Morus rubre Musa cavendish Pouteria lucuma Psidium cattleyanum Psidium Thai white/pink Guava Ugni molinae Vaccinium sp Zingiber officinale MOIST SHADE Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon’ Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon Mini’ Alocasia ‘Jade Millie’ Astilbe sp Chamaedorea cataractarum Cordyline glauca ‘Showoff’ Elatostema rugosum Hosta- assorted Iris sibirica ‘Caesar’s brother’ Ligularia sp Liriope muscari varigata Marattia salicina Primula heladoxa Rumohra adiantiformis Trycrtus hirta Ferns: Blechnum fluvitile Blechnum patersoni Blechnum penna marina Doodia media Leptopteris superba DRY SHADE Aechmea lueddemanniana ‘Rubra’ Ardisia japonica ‘Nishiki Aspidistra elatior ‘Variegata’ Asplenium oblongifolium Aucuba forst green Billbergia nutans Chamaedorea microspadix Chamaedorea oblongata Chamaedorea pochutlensis Chamaedorea seifrizii Clivia miniata ‘Santa Barbara Hybrids’ Cyathea tomentossisima Dianella ‘Border Silver’ Dianella ‘Golden Chance’ Dianella tasmanica Dicksonia fibrosa Haemanthus albiflos Molineria capitulata Platycerium veitchii Scadoxus multiflorus ssp. Katherinae Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 / 36 GREENHITHE Coatesv ill 16 WHENUAPAI d Waitakere Rd SH Old North Rd KUMEU e River head HOW TO FIND US Taupak iR Brigh Dr U Cree k Rd HOBSONVILLE Nix d on R ams ur o arb er H pp SH Red Hills Rd otor MASSEY este N.W Buck Don rn M Rd Rd s Rd son Red Hill d sR ien Am Nel way 16 TAUPAKI WEST HARBOUR TE ATATU 111 Taupaki Rd, Kumeu, Auckland PLANTET EARTH LTD Phone 09 412 2689 Facsimile 09 412 2683 Freephone 0800 218 090 Email LANDSCAPE DESIGN & NURSERY Plantet Earth Ltd. Ph 09 412 2689 / Fax 09 412 2683 /