Course Descriptions (Cont`d)
Course Descriptions (Cont`d)
Catalog Academic Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University International Headquarters 5950 Lakehurst Dr. Suite 101 Orlando, Florida 32819-8345 United States of America Telephone 1-407-896-0101 Fax 1-407-896-4477 Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 3 Message From the President Dear Prospective Studen t: There are so many cha llenges in life that kee p us from achieving wh you have a river in fron at we want to be. Ima t of you. On the other gine that side is a leafy tree with you. You want to cross wonderful fruit waiting the river to get that del for icious fruit. However, makes the passage imp the force of the flowin ossible. g water This is what happens in our lives: we know where we would like obstacles that prevent to go, but we think ther us from reaching our e are goa ls. Now imagine that across the water and you have a rope that is tied to the tree. Usi goes ng the rope you will be obstacles will be overco able to cross the river. me. All your efforts now All the will give you victory in crossing the river. God places so many challenges within reac h of the opportunities challenges. But He also for our life. He give gives grace along with s the the opportunities. He also help us reach our objecti gives us the vision tha ves. He gives us the rop t will e. If we are committed us take on the opportu by faith the vision wil nities that God has giv l help en to us. This vision is will take us to success. the rope tied to the tree that Through your enrollm ent in our University, you are beginning a new degree will be a challen stage in your life. To ge for you, but God get the will be with you, giving achieve success. Then, you the vision and ability earlier than you imagine to , you will be one of our victorious graduates. Welcome to our Univer sity. We trust you wil l find all your classes enriching to your life call and professors challen ing as you study diligent ging and ly. Prof. Anthony B. Portigl iatti, Ph.D. President and Chancello r 4 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Catalog For School Years 2016-2019 At the time this catalog was produced, every effort was made to assure its accuracy. However, it is subject to change, as we meet our commitment to our students, faculty, governing board, the requirements of the Florida Council of Private Colleges, Inc. (FCPC), and the certification requirements of the Council of Private Colleges of America, Inc. (CPCA) which exceed the minimum standards of the State of Florida. Therefore, the University reserves the right to make changes in faculty, programs, curricula, courses, schedules, requirements, tuition, fees, policies, procedures, and any other aspects without notice. We will notify students of changes in the catalog by e-mail and regular mailings. Please contact the appropriate department for current information, as well as, for additional information or any special requirements. This material is copyrighted and is subject to copyright laws. © 2015 Florida Christian University, Inc. All rights reserved. Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 5 Message From the Dean e also thought about t: sity. Many others hav iver Dear Prospective Studen Un ian rist Ch rida Flo to some of your possibecoming a student at s, but here are answers son You are considering rea s iou var for tion their dream to comple this, but did not bring ble concerns: re focused and you your mind is now mo ool before.” However, sch in was I en wh was as I 1. “I am not as young ter. bet e trat cen can con demdits for forty-five aca are three semester cre rses cou r Ou ” ses. y, or online. can’t go to day time clas video, independent stud 2. “I have to work and ance learning through dist or ses clas pus cam ough ic hours, available thr e h strength as you prepar Lord will bless you wit the t tha d fin will u to school at night.” Yo 3. “I am too tired to go h a university degree. to serve Him better wit ions.” We are a Chrisrn at previous institut lea to ed forc was I t tha Savior and Lord in all ular humanism things ing up Jesus Christ as lift to 4. “I did not like the sec tted mi com are s our staff and professor tian University and all . lum ricu cur the areas of our lives and ever, you have always the streets of gold; how k wal we il unt true be trust God by faith to m.” This will always r faith will grow as you 5. “Money is a proble You nt. ere diff no is s r goals before and thi attempted to meet you d. nee ant ort help you meet this imp ed to me in the past.” as other schools explain off pay to ns loa t den ly payment plan. t I will have large stu will have only a month 6. “I am concerned tha ndent University, you epe ind an are we as but This is a true concern, Ph. Rev. Bruce W.H. Urich, Dean 6 D. Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Table of Contents Message from the President ...................................................................... 05 Message from the Dean ............................................................................. 07 Table of Contents ....................................................................................... 09 Our History ................................................................................................. 10 Our Motivations ......................................................................................... 10 Faculty List................................................................................................... 13 Management ................................................................................................ 17 Academic Information ............................................................................... 18 Academic Degrees ...................................................................................... 19 Fees and Payments ..................................................................................... 21 Important Information, Policies and Facilities ...................................... 23 Registration Step by Step Application Process ...................................... 24 Academic Programs ................................................................................... 25 Course Descriptions ................................................................................... 61 General Education...................................................................................... 62 Professional Studies.................................................................................... 63 Contact Us ................................................................................................... 93 Academic Calendar ..................................................................................... 95 Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 7 Our History History Florida Christian University grew from Florida Theological Seminary, founded in 1985, by the first president Rev. Dr. Harold L. Shindoll, ThD. The seminary was the visionary foundation of Florida Christian University. Undergraduate and Graduate students in "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" may have their diplomas with the title of either "Florida Christian University" or "Florida Theological Seminary." These "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" courses will apply for a degree for graduation from either "Florida Christian University" or "Florida Theological Seminary." In the beginning academic programs were limited to classes at the Orlando campus. But distance learning education programs by video, independent study, and online provided for the university’s Global Outreach to meet the growing student interest. Upon the death of its founder Dr. Shindoll in 1998, his wife, Mrs. Dr. Floralee A. Shindoll, PhD was elected president and later President Emeritus. In 1999 Dr. Anthony Portigliatti PhD, was elected President and Chancellor with substantial institutional growth in the academic programs and global outreach which included University programs. The University promotes global outreach distance learning education programs by video, independent study, and online. The University supports the development of both campus and distance learning education programs with qualified faculty and use of state of the art technological infrastructure. Courses are offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese. The University develops adjunct instruction in different areas with the participation of international adjunct instructors invited to these events. Florida Christian University is the center of ministerial development and support for Florida Theological Seminary, American Ministers Asso- 8 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 them to fit into a globalized world of work. The University is committed to continuing education that enables the student to constantly update their resume. The students are served with a competency-based education through on campus classes and distance learning education, by video, independent study, and online classes. Our purpose is to provide quality educational programs that will improve the lives of our students. We provide programs for undergraduates and graduates who have a lifelong interest in effective educational programs with Christian foundations. Our programs and curricula meet the human social requirements with flexible hours that accommodate the time schedule of our students. Language Plans Florida Christian University added Spanish and Portuguese languages classes. Other languages will follow, Lord willing. Check for current status. Our beloved founder is in heaven, the first President, Rev. Dr. Harold L. Shindoll, and his wife, Dr. Floralee A. Shindoll ciation and Global Reach Christian Church. Mission and Purpose Florida Christian University is an American institution of higher education. The University offers the opportunity to achieve academic degrees at university level; with academic programs that are offered under ethical Christian principles. These principles are the foundation for the students to manage and to strategically lead with learned skills and abilities in their chosen professional field, to establish Florida Christian University as an institution of higher learning for students to be trained in any part of the world, to provide the tools necessary for Florida Christian University Standards of Excellence Statement of Faith Motto We believe the Bible is the literal, infallible, and inspired Word of God, and is the final authority on all matters of faith and life. [Matthew 24:35, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:3-4]. We believe there is one God Who is revealed to us in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. [John 1:1-4 & 14, Romans 8:9, 2 Corinthians 13:14]. We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, and His death, burial, and bodily resurrection, and in His complete deity and humanity; that He is fully God and came in the likeness of man-God incarnate. [Romans 1:3-4, John 1:1-14, I Timothy 3:16]. We believe Christ’s atoning sacrifice on Calvary has made possible the salvation of all mankind, by grace, through faith, and that a Christian stands, and lives, by the faith of the Son of God. [Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5, Galatians 2:16, Hebrews 9:12]. We believe in the present day, New Testament ministry of the Holy Spirit. [Mark 16:20, I Corinthians 12:7-11]. We believe in His appearing in and through the Body of Christ, and His imminent physical return. [Revelation 20:11-15, I Corinthians 15:13 -17, John 14:20 & 23, and 2 Peter 1:4]. We believe that God was in Christ reconciling the entire world unto Himself, and that the ministry of reconciliation has been given to the Body of Christ. [John 3:16-17, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21]. We believe in the bodily resurrection and righteous judgment of all mankind. [Acts 26:8, Revelation 20:11-15]. We believe concerning matters not specifically addressed in the Scripture, that the believer should seek the leading of the Holy Spirit, and the witness of the Word of God for direction. [Romans 14:4-5, Philippians 2:12]. We believe in water baptism as an act of obedience to the Word of God. [Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16]. Our motto is “Work of Faith with Power,” which is based on II Thessalonians 1:11, (KJV) “Wherefore also, we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power.” God fulfills the pleasure of goodness and all the work of faith. It means that God blesses us for our work of faith. It does not matter what is our work, profession, or ministry, we can do a work of faith. God understands the work and fulfills us with His power. Florida Christian University opment, campus and/or distance learning operations, catalogs, brochures, advertisements, application forms, financial information, and student records and transcripts. For verification of all FCPC standards go to CPCA Membership FCPC Membership Florida Christian University is a degree granting Advanced Member of the Florida Council of Private Colleges, Inc. (FCPC). The FCPC represents its private, faith based, post secondary educational institution members before any individual, private or government educational organization. The FCPC educational standards are patterned after our early historical educational institutions of higher learning for the following: faculty, academic curriculum, course devel- Florida Christian University is a degree granting Advanced Member of the Council of Private Colleges of America, Inc. (CPCA). The CPCA represents its private, faith based, post secondary educational institution members before any individual, private or government educational organization. The CPCA educational standards are patterned after our early historical educational institutions of higher learning for the following: faculty, academic curriculum, course development, campus and/or distance learning operations, catalogs, brochures, advertisements, application forms, financial information, and student records and transcripts The CPCA educational standards equal or exceed the minimum standards of the State of Florida and other State Departments of Education. For verification of all CPCA standards go to Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 9 Standards of Excellence CPCA Certification Florida Christian University voluntarily and without reservation submitted to the CPCA Certification Team site visit for a thorough and rigorous CPCA Certification examination. The CPCA Certification examination follows criteria similar to an accreditation team site visit. The visit was achieved by qualified experienced educational personnel providing quality peer reviewers who examined the following: faculty, verification of academic curriculum, course development with examination criteria, campus and/or distance learning operations, catalogs, brochures, advertisements, application forms, financial, student records and transcripts, and web site. Student interviews were conducted which determined that the educational learning experience provided has achieved true learning. The CPCA educational standards are patterned after our early historical US educational institutions of higher learning and equal or exceed the minimum standards of many State Departments of Education. For verification of all CPCA standards go to Florida Christian University is awarded the Certified Status 10 Year. as we provide them excellent Christian higher education programs. We must permanently stress the importance of the quality of the educational programs we deliver to our students. Our quality of instruction deserves constant monitoring. We have instituted measures to assure the academic quality of our curriculum. Our courses are reviewed to ensure instructional excellence. Our faculty has a Master or a Doctor degree in a discipline closely related to the courses they teach. Faculty members meet all of our standards of excellence and affirm agreement with our vision, mission, and purpose. students with millions of resources to support their academic studies. Students are assigned a number and can access all these resources. We constantly seek to improve Using the Olympic athlete as our example, we must strive to improve every day. We understand this goal can only be reached daily. Therefore, today we must be better than yesterday, tomorrow we must be better than today. We have to enlarge our borders and improve ourselves, every day, every month, and every year. Student acceptance policy (non-discrimination) Florida Christian University accepts single or married male and female students without respect to age, color, race, or national origin. We strive to treat each student with the respect and dignity God's creation deserves. Commitments to Excellence We have established these three commitments to excellence: We are committed to our Students The University staff understands that without our students there is no mission or purpose for our existence. We are here to serve our students 10 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Library information resources network—“LIRN" The University is a member of Library and Information Resources Network, Inc., 7855 126th Avenue. N, Largo, FL 33773; a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation formed in 1996 which is a consortium of educational institutions that have joined together to share access to information resources. The LIRN virtual library provides Florida Christian University Faculty List Prof. Paulo Cesar Pereira de Abreu Marketing and Coaching BA Administration, Universidade Vale do Rio Verde, UNINCOR, MBA Marketing, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, FVG, BA, MA Business Administration, Ph.D (c) Business Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Patricio D. Ebert Aguirre Education BA Prevention of Risks, Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana, MA Engineer in Risk Prevention and Environment, Universidad de Aconcagua, MA Security and Defense, Anepe Ministerio de Defensa, PhD Education, Florida Christian University. Prof. Pedro Moura Almeida Theology BA Theology, Seminario Teologico Batista do Sul do Brasil, MA Theology, Seminario Teologico Batista do Sul do Brasil, PhD(c) Theology, Florida Christian University. Prof. Marcio da Cruz Alves Counseling and Psychology BA Psychology, Universidade Fed. De Rio de Janeiro, BA Counseling, Florida Christian University, MA Clinical Counseling, PhD(c) Clinical Counseling, Florida Christian University. Prof. Emilia B.M.P. Arnaud Media Communication and Marketing BA Visual Communication, Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado, FAAP, MA Advertisement and Marketing, Universidade Sao Paulo, USP, PhD(c) Media Communication, Florida Christian University. Florida Christian University Prof. Jose Luis Figueroa Ayala Education BA Economics Sciences, Pontificia Universidade Catolica, BA Accounting, MA Accounting, Pontificia Universidade Catolica, PhD Business Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Joao Jesus Benedito Business Law BA Administration, Escola Superior de Administração e Negócios, ESAN, BA Law, Universidade de Sao Paulo, USP, MA Business Administration, PhD Business Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Artemio Bertholini Accounting BA Economics Sciences, BA Accounting, MA Accounting, Pontificia Universidade Catolica, PhD Business Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Rosa Maria Munguba Bezerra Business Administration, Marketing and Coaching BA Business Administration, Universidade Estadual do Ceara, UECE, MBA Marketing, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, FGV, MA Business Administration, Universidade de Fortaleza, UNIFOR, PhD Business Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Hilda Maria Cordeiro Barroso Braga Research BA Education, Universidade Sao Paulo, MBA Human Resource Administration, Universidade Santa'Anna, MA Administration, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, PhD High Education, Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo. Prof. Lucia Helena Pereira Brandao Counseling and Psychology BA Medicine, Escola de Medicina, BA Music, Theological Seminary, MS Psychiatry, Hospital Foundation, MS Psychology, Universidade Federal de Vitoria, MA Clinical Counseling, PhD(c) Clinical Counseling, Florida Christian University Prof. Marco Aurelio Cercal Business Administration, Economics Sciences and Coaching BA Business Admnistration, Faculdade Catolica de Administracao e Economia, MA Organizational Culture, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, PhD Business Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Ilma Luci Gomes Cunha Counseling, Psychology and Coaching BA Theology, Escola de Preparacao de Obreiros Envangelicos, MBA Human Resource Admnistration, Centro Superior de Ciencias Sociais de Vila Velha, MA Psychoanalisys, Sociedade Psicanalitica Ortodoxa do Brasil, MA Clinical Counseling, PhD Clinical Counseling, Florida Christian University. Prof. Maria Vilma Coelho Moreira Faria Sociology, Social Work and Business Administration BA Accounting, Universidade Federal do Ceara, UFC, BA Law, Universidade de Fortaleza, UNIFOR, MA Sociology, PhD Sociology, University of Tennessee. Prof. Jose Gaztambide Business Administration BA Business Administration, MA Business Administration, Inter American University. Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 11 Faculty List (Cont’d) Prof. Angela Montenegro Henriques Theology BA Theology, Seminario Evangelico teologico do Betel, BA Theology, MA Theology, PhD Theology, Florida Christian University. Prof. Sandra Regina da Luz Inacio Business Administration BA Administration, Faculdades Associadas de Sao Paulo, MA Business Administration, Universidade de Sao Paulo-FEA, PhD Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Nita Jacome BA Counseling and Psychology, MA Counseling and Psychology, PhD Counseling, Florida Christian University. Prof. Fernando E. Jensen Counseling, Bible and Theology BA Theology, John Calvin Seminary, ThM Pastoral Care and Counseling, New Brunswick Theological Seminary, PhD(c) Clinical Counseling, Florida Christian University. Prof. Dantas Lima Counseling, Bible and Theology BA Theology, Seminario Batista do Cariri, MA Counseling, PhD Counseling, Florida Christian University. Prof. Roque Elio Lisa Counseling, Bible and Theology BA Theology, Seminario Biblico de Sao Paulo, ThM, MA Psychology, PhD Psychology, Florida Christian University. Prof. Jaime Ramón Fuenzalida Marin Education BA Engineer in Business Administration, Professional Institute of Business Administration, BA Business Administration, Universidad Mariano Egana, MBA Project Evaluation, Universidad de Chile, MA Business Administration, Universidad de Santiago, PhD Education, Florida Christian University. 12 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Prof. Arnaldo Luis Costa Marion Education and Business Administration BA Business Administration, MA Teaching Method in Business, Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo, MBA Corporate Governance and Valuation, BI International. Prof. Robert J. Mendez Counseling and Psychology BS Data Processing, Jones College, BS Business Administration, Jones College, MA Counseling, PhD Counseling, Florida Christian University. Prof. Jose Carlos Marion Accounting BA Economics Sciences and Accounting, Fundacao Alvares Penteado, MA Pedagogical C om p lim e nt at io n, Ph D P eda g o g ica l Complementation, Universidade FEA/USP., Post Doctor, Kansas University. Prof. Antonio Salvador Morante Business Administration and Economics Sciences BA Economics Sciences, BA Business Administration, Faculdade Alvares Penteado, MA Accounting, Pontificia Universidade Catolica, PUC, PhD Business Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Claudia Martins Counseling and Psychology BA Psychology, MA Psychology, Ph.D., Florida Christian University. Prof. Alberto Matos Education, Bible and Theology, BA Theology, Betel Theological Seminary, BA Theology, Faculty of Theology of Boa Vista, MA Theology, Ecumenico Institute, PhD Education, Florida Christian University. Prof. Maria Lucileide Matos Counseling and Psychology BA Psychology, Institutos Paraibanos de Educação, IPE, BA Theology, Instituto Biblico Betel, BA Theology, Faculdade de Teologia de Boa Vista, MA Counseling , PhD Counseling, Florida Christian University. Prof. Benedito Cabral de Medeiros Filho Economics Sciences BA Economics Sciences, Faculdade de Economia, Finanças e Administração de Sao Paulo, FEFASP, BA Law, Faculdade de Direito de Vitória, FDV, MSC Econometrics, DSC Social Sciences, Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo, FESP-EPGCS. Prof. Nivaldo Silveira Nassiff Counseling, Bible and Theology BA Theology, Sem. Teologico Batista de São Paulo, BA Counseling, MA Counseling, PhD Counseling, Florida Christian University. Prof. Voltaire Nuňez Counseling and Psychology BS Business Administration, Mercy College, MS Education, Long Island University, ThD Pastoral Counseling, Florida Theological Seminary, PhD Clinical Counseling Psychology, Florida Christian University. Prof. Debbie Nuñez Counseling and Psychology BA Psychology, University of Central Florida, MA Psychology, PhD Psychology, Florida Christian University. Prof. Silas M. De Oliveira Business Administration, Sociology and Social Work BA Theology, Inst. Adventista de Ensino, BS Library Science, Fund. Esc. Sociologia Pol. SP, MLS Library Science, Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais, PhD Library & Information Science, University of Illinois. Florida Christian University Faculty List(Cont’d) Prof. Maria de Fatima Abud Olivieri Business Administration and Coaching BA Public Relations, Faculdade Casper Libero, MA Education, Art and Cultural History, Universidade Mackenzie, MBA Tourism Strategic Marketing, ECA USP, PhD Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Marisa Aparecida Oliveiri Business Administration BA Science, Universidade Sao Judas, MA Business Administration, Uniao das Faculdades da Organizaçao Paulistana Educacional e Cultura, UNOPEC, MA Biomedics Engineer, Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes, UMC, PhD Business Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Rafael Olivieri Neto Business Administration, Research, Mathematics and Coaching BA Economics Sciences, Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, MBA Economics Sciences, Universidade de Sao Paulo, USP, MBA Administration , Fundacao Alvares Penteado, MBA Human Resources Administration, Faculdade de Administracao e Ciencias Economicas, MBA Contemporary Marketing Problems, University of Central Florida, UCF, MA Education, Art and Cultural History, Universidade Mackenzie, PhD Business Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Stephanie A. Parson Computer Science, Business Administration and Coaching BA Computer Science, University of North Texas, MA Computer Resources & Management, Webster University, MA Project Management, George Washington University, MA Business Administration, Rollins College, PhD Business Administration, Florida Christian University, PhD(c) Business Administration, University of Phoenix. Florida Christian University Prof. Melissa Marion Pinto Media Communication BA Psychology, Universidade Sao Francisco, MA Psychology, Florida Christian University. Prof. Danilo Polanco Counseling and Psychology BA Agronomy/Social Work, San Ignacio of Loyola College, MA Agronomy/Social Work, Autonoma University, MRE Religious Studies/ Counseling, Gordon-Conwell Seminary, PhD Clinical Psychology, Florida Theological Seminary. Prof. Izilda Branca Polanco Counseling and Psychology BA Psychology, Instituto de Ensino Superior Senador Flaquer, BA Psychology, MA Psychology, PhD Psychology, Florida Christian University. Prof. Anthony B. Portigliatti Business Administration, Marketing, Communication and Coaching BA Business Administration, Education, Psychology - Florida Christian University, MA Business Administration, Education, Psychology, Coaching, Florida Christian University, PhD Business Administration, Education, Psychology, Florida Christian University. Prof. Lourenco Stelio Rega Theology and Education MA Ethics, Faculdade Teologica Batista de Sao Paulo, MA History of Education, Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo, PUC, PhD Religious Science, Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo, PUC. Prof. Marco A. Rezende Accounting BA Economy, Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul, IMES, MA Business Administration, Ph.D(c) Business Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Heloisa Marques Rios Education, Counseling and Psychology BA Healthy Science, Universidade do Sagrado Coraçao, MA Special Education, Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, PhD Education, Florida Christian University. Prof. Jose Augusto Rivera Counseling and Psychology BA Criminal Justice, Interamerican University, MA Public Affairs, Turabo University, MA Clinical Counseling, PhD(c) Clinical Counseling, Florida Christian University. Prof. Claudio Rizzo Marketing and Administration BA Marketing, MA Administration, Universidade Mackenzie, PhD Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Adolfo Vasquez Rocca Education BA Philosophy and Education, MA Philosophy and Education, Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, PhD Contemporary Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, PhD Anthropology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Prof. Peter Rollemberg Roman Media Communication BA Communications, Fundacao Armando Alvares Penteado, FAAP, BA Communication, Faculdades Integradas Alcântara Machado, FIAM, MA Communication, Florida Christian University. Prof. Paulo Renato Dos Santos Business Administration, Economics and Law BA Law, Universidade de Sao Paulo-USP, BA Accounting Sience, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, MA Business Administration, PhD Business Administration, Florida Christian University. Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 13 Faculty List(Cont’d) Rev. Dr. Wellington “Tony” Shaw Counseling and Psychology BS Psychology, Mico College, BA Social Science/History, Thomas Edison State College, MEd Psychology, PsyD Psychology, University of the West Indies, BTh Christian Education, MS Christian Counseling and Development, MA Christian Education, ThD Christian Clinical Psychology, Florida Theological Seminary, PhD Christian Counseling and Human Development, Florida Christian University. University of Maryland, BD Ministry, Princeton Theological Seminary, MEd Educational Psychology, Temple University, PhD Bible, Florida Theological Seminary. Prof. Marcelo Peruzzo Master in Business Management, University of Santa Catarina, Focus: Leadership and Personal marketing. Postgraduate in Marketing, FAE Business School. PhD, Florida Christian Univer- Prof. Olga Jácome de Utreras Education and Business Administration BS Education, Universidad Central del Ecuador, MBA International Projects, Politecnica Nacional Del Ecuador, MBA Administration(c), Politecnica Nacional de Ecuador, EdDS Education, University of Guayaquil. sity. Ambassador in Brazil - Neuromarketing Science & Business Association. He is the author of several books. Prof. Paulo Vieira International Master Trainer in Coaching, is Prof. Cleyde Silva Counseling and Psychology Social Work BA History, BA Nurse, Universidade de Caxias do Sul, UCSUL, BA Psychology, MA Psychology, PhD Psychology, Florida Christian University . Prof. Atonio Carlos Nascimento Valente Business Administration and Education BA Administration, Faculdade Batista da Serra, MA Business Administration, PhD Business Administration, Florida Christian University. Prof. Roberto Vertamatti Economics Sciences and Business Administration, BA Economicas Science, BA Accounting Sciences, Faculdade de Ciencias Economicas, MA Strategic Accounting, Centro Univ. Alvares Penteado, PhD Business Administration, Post Doctor(c ), Florida Christian University. three technical books, where he explains his Prof. Roberto Parreira Silva Theology BA Theology, Instituto Biblico Pentecostal, BA Theology, MA Theology, PhD Theology, Florida Christian University. Prof. Renato Cerqueira Zambrotti Education and Theology MDiv Divinity, MA Theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, PhD Education, Florida Christian University. Prof. Petra Rossi Prof. Gilson Borges Silva Theology BA Mathematics, Universidade Federal do Pará, BA Theology, Faculdade Teologica do Parana, MA Counseling, PhD(c) Theology, Florida Christian University. Prof. Eriberto Soto Theology BA Theology, Central American Theological College, BD Pastoral Ministry, Presbyterian Seminary, MDiv Theology, North American Baptist Seminary, ThM Historical Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary. Prof. Bruce W.H. Urich Bible, Speech, Literature, English, Psychology, History, Philosophy, Anthropology, Pastoral Leadership and Theology, BA Philosophy, 14 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 president of the Brazilian Federation of Integral Coaching Systemic. His extensive academic training goes through International MBA in Marketing, PhD deals with the tools that he created to restore belief, this methodology applied to your coaching job. He is the author of methodology concepts and application practice of Integral Coaching Sistêmico. The methodology he created is seen as the future of coaching for scoring in a much shorter time produce far greater results. Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Education, Florida Christian University. Master and Bachelor of Ministry in Biblical Studies. Prof. Augusto Jorge Cury Counseling and Psychology BA, MD, MA Florida Christian University. Prof. Benny Rodríguez Martínez Psychology, Counseling and Coaching BA in Arts Social Science in Psychology, University of Puerto Rico, MA in Arts in Coaching, Florida Christian University, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology—Pontificate Catholic University of Puerto Rico. Florida Christian University Faculty List(Cont’d) Prof. Luciano Salamacha Prof. Stefano Portigliatti Prof. Henrique Cesar de Oliveira Fernandes Bachelor of Law, University of Ponta Grossa. Doctorate of Jurisprudence, Florida Coastal Doctor in Political Philosophy by Chelsea Uni- Post-graduate degree, Focus: Industrial Manage- School of Law, Master in Business Administra- versity - London, England. Doctor in Philoso- ment, University of Paraná Tecnologica. MBA, tion, Florida Christian University, Bachelor in phy of Education - Florida Christian University - Getúlio Vargas Foundation. Master in Produc- International Business, University of South Orlando, USA, Master in Political Science tion Engineering, University of Paraná Tecno- Florida - Minor: Economics - Focus: Latin from UNB -Brasilia, DF, Brazil. logica. Doctorate in Business Administration, America. Universidad Nacional de Misiones – Argentina. He is the author of several books. Prof. José Stacey Prof. Josimelia Oliveira Master in Counseling Psychology, Practition- Doctor and Master in Clinical Christian Psy- er Prof. José Chavaglia chology for FCU, Master in Arts in Coach with ming (NLP), Therapist certified in Family Con- PhD, Focus: Quantitative Methods, University FCU, Master Strategic Intervention with Tony stellations. Life Coaching Certified. Institute of Lisbon ISCTE/IUL. Master in Robbins, Bachelor in Theology and Christian Business Management, the University Institute Counseling, Master in Clinical Christian Psy- Prof. Danilo Batista of Lisbon ISCTE/IUL. MBA in Business Ad- chology for FCU, SOAR HDT Advanced Certi- Master in Theology from Global University, BA ministration, Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV. fication Training, Certified Systemic and Integral in Bible and Theology, Cuba Pentecostal Bible Expertise in Accounting and Finance from the Coaching, Certified in Family Intervention. Institute. Bachelor of Theology at the Masters Triangle - FCETM. Graduated in Economics Prof. Bruno Portigliatti Theology at the School of Higher Studies, Cuba. from the University of Amazonia. Author of Doctorate of Jurisprudence, Florida Coastal Accounting Technician across Polytechnic Os- "Neuromarketing”. School of Law, Master in Business Administra- car Alberto Ortega Lara. Cuba. Degree in Psy- tion, Florida Christian University, BA in Politi- chology at the University Center of Las Tunas, Prof. Pedro Camargo cal Science and Spanish, University of South Cuba. Bachelor of Law, University of Rio de Janeiro Florida,. Faculty of Economic Science of the Mining in Neuro Lingu istic College and Seminary, Canada. BA in Bible and (UERJ). Master in Corporate Education, Catholic University, Campinas. PUCCAMP – Focus: Prof. Rosana Alves Marketing, Superior School of Advertising and Post-doctoral Fellow in Molecular Medicine and Marketing (ESPM). Graduated in Economics, the Cardiovascular System Marshall Institute of University of Amazonia. He is the author of Multidisciplinary Research and University of several books. Toledo/Health Science Campus, (Toledo, Prof. Ricardo Monteiro versity Research Corporation (Murc) and Na- Doctorate in Education and Inter culturally tional Institutes of Health (NIH/USA). Freie University in Berlin, Germany, Bachelor in Postdoctoral Molecular Neuropharmacology, Theology Germany, Department of Pharmacology University of São Master of Arts in German Literature, Albert- Paulo (USP) – Brazil. Financial support: Nation- Ludwig-University in Freiburg, Germany, Bach- al Council for Scientific and Technological elor in Applied Languages an Modern Literature Development (CNPq). Postdoctoral Fellow in University de Lisboa, Portugal. Neuro psychopharmacology, Department Psy- Ohio/USA), Financial support: Marshall Uni- Humboldt University, chobiology - Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) - Brazil Florida Christian University Program- Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 15 Management Board of Trustees Administration Dr. Anthony B. Portigliatti, BA, MBA, MEd, PhD President and Chief Executive Officer of Florida Christian University Chair Dr. Anthony B. Portigliatti, BA, MBA, MEd, PhD President and Chief Executive Officer Mrs. Fernanda G. Portigliatti, BA, MA, PhD(c) Vice-Chair Dr. Floralee A. Shindoll, AEd, BEd, MEd, EdD, PhD Treasurer Dr. Floralee A. Shindoll, AEd, BEd, MEd, EdD, PhD President Emeritus, Registrar and Admissions Rev. Climilton De Abreu Braga, BBA, ThM, PhD(c) Student Services and MKT-Research Specialist Mrs. Fernanda G. Portigliatti, BA, MA, PhD(c) Vice-President, Treasurer and Placement Director, Administrative and Financial Aid Director Rev. Dr. Bruce W.H. Urich, BA, BD, MEd, PhD Secretary Rev. Dr. Bruce W.H. Urich, BA, BD, MEd, PhD Dean of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Secretary Dr. Bruno D. Portigliatti BA, JD Director Dr. Bruno D. Portigliatti, BA, JD Chief Operational & Legal Officer 16 Dr. Josimelia Oliveira BA, MA, PhD Academic Affairs Coordinator Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Academic Information Semester Credit System Academic Year Our unit of credit is based on the academic hour. One semester credit consists of 15 academic hours. Our standard course is a three semester credit course that consists of 45 academic hours. Our Academic Year consists of 12 months of classes divided into three semesters. The on campus student can start a degree program at the beginning of each semester. Our distance learning students may start at any time with administration approval. for current status. Transfer Credits Grading System The University's transfer policy is to accept university, college or seminary credits earned from institutions subject to administration approval. Transfer credits require a minimum grade of “C” (2.4+70%+GPA). The maximum transfer credit awarded is three semester credits per course, up to the maximum of 50% of credit hours required for the FCU degree program. Florida Christian University recognizes the sovereignty rights of each institution to accept transfer of credits. Therefore, acceptance of transfer credits from FCU is at the discretion of the transferring institution. A course is completed when the student completes the minimum instructional hours and the required hours of personal study, research, reports, assignments, and exams, with a minimum grade of “C” (2.4+70%+GPA). No passing grade will be awarded until student has satisfactorily completed the assignments required. Graduation The University's main graduation is held the first week in December. A mid-year graduation may be held the first week of June. Graduates must complete the requirements as specified in the catalog and on the Student Enrollment Agreement. Students expecting to graduate should read graduation information before graduation. The diplomas shall be issued after graduation. Graduate degrees require at least 12 months. Undergraduate degrees are normally four years, but this may be accelerated if the student takes extra classes. Language Plans Florida Christian University added Spanish and Portuguese languages classes. Other languages will follow, Lord willing. Check Life Experience The University, with administration approval, may award up to a maximum of 12 semester credits for life experience applicable to a Bachelor degree only (includes six for Associate degree when awarded by FCU). Life experience credits will only be put on the transcript when student graduates with a degree from Florida Christian University and must be verified by a resume. Qualifications are: Mature men and women, at least 30 years of age, with minimum verifiable five years in a profession related to the degree program applied for or in their ministry vocation . Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 17 Undergraduate Degree Programs Semester credits required: 20 courses of 3 semester credits each. Bachelor degree program is achieved with 126 semester credit hours which includes a 60 semester credit hour Associate degree. Entrance Requirements: • Application for admission. • High School diploma or General Education Development (GED). • Applicants without high school diploma may be admitted to program which prepares them for the GED examinations. • Applicants under 18 years old require parent or guardian signature. • Must be recommended by two people or organizations. Associate degree program allows a student to receive professional training for 60 semester credit hours. The student is prepared with basic training in a general format. Students require this degree to enter the Bachelor degree program. Entrance Requirements: • Application for admission; • High School diploma or General Education Development (GED); • Applicants without a high school diploma may be admitted to a program which prepares them for the GED Examinations; • Applicants under 18 years old require parent or guardian signature; and • Must be recommended by two people or organizations. 18 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Graduate Degree Programs Semester credits required: 60 graduate semester credit hours (20 three graduate semester credit hour courses). Clinical Counseling and Psychology requires 90 graduate semester credit hours (30 three graduate semester credit hour courses). This includes 18 graduate credit hours for scientific investigation and nine graduate credit hours for Practicum. Semester credits required: 126 semester credit hours consisting of 42 three graduate semester credit hour courses. Master degree program is achieved with 60 graduate semester credit hours, but Clinical Counseling and Psychology require 90 graduate semester credit hours above a 126 semester credit hour Bachelor degree. Our students receive further development of their professional profile through research and in depth study thesis requirements. Entrance Requirements: Application for admission; Bachelor degree (126 semester credits); Official transcript(s); and Must be recommended by two people or organizations. Semester credits required: 60 graduate semester credit hours (20 three graduate semester credit hour courses.) This includes 18 graduate credit hours for scientific investigation. Clinical Counseling and Psychology require 90 graduate semester credit hours (30 graduate 3 semester credit hour courses). This includes 18 graduate credit hours for Scientific Investigation and nine graduate credit hours for Practicum. Florida Christian University Doctor degree program is achieved with 60 graduate 3 semester credit hours (20 graduate semester credits hour courses) beyond 60 graduate semester credit hour Master degree. This includes 21 graduate credit hours for scientific investigation. Clinical Counseling and Psychology require 90 graduate semester credit hours or 30 graduate 3 semester credit hour courses totaling 90 graduate semester credit hour Master degree. This includes 21 graduate credit hours for scientific investigation and nine graduate hours for the Practicum. The student receives a doctor degree when they do scientific research on a publishable topic (even if it is not published) for a dissertation that contributes to the field of human knowledge. The dissertation is defended before their dissertation committee. Entrance Requirements: Application for admission. Master degree (60 graduate semester credits) Master degree (90 graduate semester credits) for Clinical Counseling and Psychology, Official transcript(s). Must be recommended by two people or organizations. Post Doctor degree program is achieved with research supervised by the assigned advisor for the chosen area of concentration and approved by dissertation committee. Entrance Requirements: To be admitted to the Post Doctor program, candidates must : Application for admission. Doctor degree in a related discipline. Official transcript(s). Must be recommended by two people or organizations. Curriculum vitae Statement of field of study and objectives to be achieved in chosen field of research. No transfer credits. Semester credits required: 60 graduate semester credit hours consisting of courses taught by Post Doctor student, articles written, adjunct instruction, and publication of research dissertation. Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 19 Tuition and Fees Tuition (refundable) Tuition is always due upon enrollment: students enroll, organize their schedule, and pay in advance for the courses he or she plans to attend. For enrolled student to receive a full refund of paid tuition only, he/she must notify the institution within three working days from the date of first payment receipt issued by the institution. There are affordable payment plans available. Through special agreements with private institutions, we can offer unique payment options for students who qualify. Florida Christian University has the right to cancel any scheduled courses if necessary. right to modify the rules and registration, and will be advised of any and all modifications. of textbooks and materials required for each course of their assigned curriculum, which may be purchased from a local bookstore. Textbooks and Lab Materials Payment Plans In order to keep tuition and fees as low as possible, all required textbooks and course materials costs are excluded. Students will be given a list We maintain special agreements with private institutions to offer unique payment plan options for those who qualify. Initial Fees The initial fees are non-refundable and all students must pay them when they first enroll at Florida Christian University. The initial fees payment must accompany the application upon submission. Students who have already graduated and want to go on to another degree must enroll for that program and will have to pay the initial fees for the new enrollment. If in a twelve-month period students take no courses, they will be removed from the active status and will have to reapply and pay the initial fees again to be active students. Refund Policies There will be no refund or adjustment in tuition charges after the end of drop/add week, even if the student did not attend the class past the drop/add period, for a semester as specified in the FCU calendar. The student must agree to comply with the rules and policies and understand that the University shall have the right to terminate this contract enrollment at any time for violation of rules and policies as outlined in the catalog. The student must understand that the University reserves the 20 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Tuition and Fees (Cont’d) Scholarships Florida Christian University has the following scholarships for students who qualify. Payment in Advance Scholarship: Scholarship applicable to tuition only and available to all students who pay in full for their degree program in advance of their first class. This scholarship may be combined with: Full Time Christian Ministry Scholarship and/or Concurrent Enrolled Husband and Wife Scholarship. Full Time Christian Ministry Scholarship: Scholarship applicable to tuition only if Ordination certificate, License to preach or Commis- Florida Christian University sion to the gospel ministry, with verifiable proof of current active full time ministry. This scholarship may be combined with: Payment in Advance Scholarship and/or Concurrent Enrolled Husband and Wife Scholarship. Concurrent Enrolled Husband and Wife Scholarship: Scholarship applicable to tuition only when husband and wife are students enrolled concurrently (and both continue to graduation) in a degree program. This scholarship may be combined with: Payment in Advance Scholarship and/or Full Time Christian Ministry Scholarship. Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 21 Policies and Facilities Employment Assistance Disciplinary Actions The School has not made and will not make any guarantees of employment or salary upon student’s graduation. The University will provide student with placement assistance upon request, which will consist of identifying employment opportunities and advising them on appropriate means of attempting to realize these opportunities. Conditions for dismissals or disciplinary actions will be spelled out in individual cases in writing. Those conditions will be determined by one or more Faculty members, with the approval of the Dean. The student will always be required to accept the dismissal or disciplinary action, or to contest it, in writing. If there is no contest action, we will consider that the student has accepted the conditions and the corresponding action. If the student believes that the conditions for the dismissal or the disciplinary action are inappropriate, he/she can appeal following the Appeals Policy of Florida Christian University. Withdrawal Policy A student may drop classes, or may change classes after the end of the first session of the course, but not later than the beginning of the second session of the course. A student is not automatically withdrawn from a class simply for not attending the class: the withdrawal must be done in writing, during the appropriate time frame. The drop/add period for the course is required and a grade of incomplete will be given if the student does not complete the course requirements. 22 Appeals Policy To ensure that our procedures will not be conducted in a capricious or arbitrary manner, we have established that all the appeals from complaint solutions, dismissals, or disciplinary actions will be handled by a committee of staff, students and faculty. The appeals committee will be composed of one member representing the staff, one member Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 representing the students, one member representing the faculty, and one member appointed by the student who presented the appeal (never being the student, of course). If the given solution is still not satisfactory, then the student can submit a new appeal and that new appeal will be handled by the Chancellor, after he has listened to the Board of Trustees. Facilities We have moved to larger facilities four times in the last fifteen years, due to growth. We are located in a large two-story building that we moved into June 2004. We have a total of nineteen rooms and they are as follows: seven classrooms, computer lab, two meeting rooms, student break room, a large auditorium, library and six offices for the school administration. All nineteen rooms amount to a total of 7,049.30 sq. ft. Other rooms in our large building are available to us as we grow. Technology In order to improve learning efficiency, Florida Christian University has committed to utilize technological progress towards e-learning, still in combination with traditional learning. Such commitment and strategy will open new opportunities for anyone to learn anytime, anywhere, at one’s own pace. The interactivity between teachers, students and researchers with the use of multimedia presentation will also reinforce understanding and application. In addition, new doors of possibility of building learning communities will foster human interaction and knowledge sharing. Florida Christian University Application Process Obtain an Application Form from our Admissions Office. Complete the application and bring it back to us. If you prefer, you can do it easily using the Internet based Online Application P ro ce ss, at t he I nt ern et add re ss registration.htm. After receiving the copies of your documents, we will evaluate your position and give you orientation and develop an educational plan and advisement for you to select the classes you will need. We will also orient you about the original documents needed and the official transcripts you have to report from colleges or high school attended to send us. Florida Christian University Pay the application, evaluation, and registration fees at our Admissions Office by using any of the alternative ways we have for you to pay. Now that you have sent the Application and paid the Initial Fees, please bring copies of the diplomas, certificates, and unofficial transcripts of your previous courses to our Admissions Office. You can also send the copies of the documents by any kind of certified mail. Official transcript must come direct from the issuing institution. With the result of the evaluation process, we will be able to discuss and establish, together, the best financial alternative for you. Then we will issue the documents for you to sign, as the final agreement between you and Florida Christian University. If accepted you must sign the agreement with the financial institution that is financing the tuition and fees for your degree program. As soon as you have signed the agreement documents, you are ready to start. You can now enroll in any class you want, according to the program you have chosen. You can enroll in classroom courses or in distance learning courses according to which is convenient for you. If you are a distance learning student, you will receive specific orientation on the sequence for taking your classes. Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 23 Undergraduate Degree Programs Academic Years 2016-2019 Undergraduate Degree Programs Business Administration OVERVIEW OF THE PROGRAM Our students are provided with strong ethical and Christian principles and they are capable of strategically leading the talents and gifts of the different human groups. They are prepared to establish organizational processes and to respond with effectiveness and efficiency to any problem that might arise in the organization. Students graduating from this program have the opportunity of finding a broad and varied labor field, from administration of local agencies and ministries in process of formation, to participation in international organizations, and their field of work can be oriented either toward services or toward productive activities which generate a profit. ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION The student completing the Associate of Science degree in Business Administration will: • Be equipped for employment in an entry level position in the business world; • Be able to formulate and implement an effective marketing plan; • Be able to use financial statements in managerial operations; and • Be able to use modern informational systems in business. YEAR ONE General Education General Education Upon satisfactory completion of the General Education Studies student will: • Be able to correctly use composition skills, grammar and punctuation; and • Be able to integrate philosophical, literary and historical knowledge into a Biblical worldview. Humanities AD1410 Global Times AD1412 Entrepreneurship BI1101 Introduction to Study of the Bible ED1109 Study Methods & Techniques HU3010 Introduction to Humanities Social Sciences SC2205 Study of Man and His Culture SC2102 SC2101 Philosophical Thinking Survey of American History SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS BI1101 AD1412 AD1410 CC1521 PS1304 ED1109 Introduction to Study of the Bible .......................... 3 Entrepreneurship ...................................................... 3 Global Times.............................................................. 3 Temperaments I ......................................................... 3 General Psychology ................................................. 3 Study Methods & Techniques .................................. 3 Total Credits ............. 18 Business Administration SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT AD1415 AD1501 AD1101 AD1507 Introduction to Business........................................... 3 Administration Theory.............................................. 3 Administration with Christian Worldview .............. 3 Non-Profit Administration ....................................... 3 Total Credits ............. 12 Total Hours .............. 30 Behavioral CC1521 Temperaments I YEAR TWO PS1304 General Psychology PS4101 Introduction to Social Pschology General Education CREDITS SEMESTER Communications CM2210 Information, People and Technology CM2101 Composition I CM2108 Effective Communication CM3301 Composition II Florida Christian University CODE SUBJECT SC2102 SC2101 SC2205 CM2210 CM2101 CM2108 Philosophical Thinking ............................................. 3 Survey of American History ..................................... 3 Study of Man and His Culture ................................. 3 Information, People and Technology .................... 3 Composition I ............................................................ 3 Effective Communication......................................... 3 Total Credits ............. 18 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CREDITS 25 Undergraduate Degree Programs YEAR FOUR Business Administration SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT AC2201 AC2401 AD2505 AD2210 Principles of Accounting .......................................... 3 Accounting Theory ................................................... 3 E-Business .................................................................. 3 Marketing I ................................................................. 3 Total Credits............. 12 Total .......................... 30 CREDITS General Education SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS PS4101 Introduction to Social Psychology ..........................3 Total Credits .............3 Business Administration SEMESTER Associate of Science in Business Administration 60 semester credits. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Prerequisite: 60 semester credit hour Associate degree. The student completing the Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration will: • Be equipped for employment in an position in the business field; • Be able to formulate and implement an effective business plan; • Be able to use different economic systems; and • Be able to use modern communication systems in business. CODE SUBJECT CREDITS AD4402 AD4511 AD4512 MA4101 MA4103 MA4304 MA4405 EC4101 EC4520 SE4000 Stress Management ....................................................3 Volunteer Resources..................................................3 Advertising Fundamentals ........................................3 Mathematics ..............................................................3 Business Mathematics................................................3 Quantitative Methods ...............................................3 Introduction to Statistics ...........................................3 Introduction to Economics I ....................................3 Globalization...............................................................3 Seminar........................................................................3 Total Credits .............30 Total Hours...............33 YEAR THREE Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - 126 semester credits. General Education SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS CM3301 HU3010 Composition II .......................................................... 3 Introduction to Humanities ..................................... 3 Total Credits............. 6 Business Administration SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT AC3301 AD3304 AD3305 AD3308 AD3307 AD3309 AD3403 AD3503 AD3310 Computer Accounting ............................................. 3 Marketing II ............................................................... 3 Principles of Supervision ......................................... 3 Introduction to Human Resources ......................... 3 People Management .................................................. 3 Organizational Behavior ........................................... 3 Business Law ............................................................ 3 Organizational Management .................................... 3 Service Marketing ..................................................... 3 Total Credits............. 27 Total .......................... 33 26 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CREDITS Counseling OVERVIEW OF THE PROGRAM This Program is designed to prepare professionals, or to broaden the professional ministry of those who have a special sensitivity to help people for whom multiple circumstances suffer conflicts or emotional and spiritual troubles. This program offers a broad formation in the field of Counseling combined with Psychology and is supported by the contents of other areas that allow the student to develop tactical abilities of interpersonal intervention. The diagnosing and/or treatment of physical problems will be referred to the appropriate medical practitioner. General Education Upon satisfactory completion of the General Education Studies student will: Florida Christian University Undergraduate Degree Programs • Be able to correctly use composition skills, grammar and punctuation; and Be able to integrate philosophical, literary and historical knowledge into a Biblical worldview. • Humanities AD1410 Global Times BI1101 Introduction to Study of the Bible ED1109 Study Methods & Techniques HU3010 Introduction to Humanities AD1412 Entrepreneurship CC1521 ED1109 PS1304 AD1412 Temperaments I ......................................................... 3 Study Methods & Techniques .................................. 3 General Psychology .................................................. 3 Entrepreneurship ....................................................... 3 Total Credits ............. 18 Counseling SEMESTER CODE CC1101 CC1408 CC1610 CC1522 Social Sciences SC2101 Survey of American History SC2102 Philosophical Thinking SC2205 Study of Man and His Culture SC3204 Biological Science SUBJECT CREDITS Christian Counseling ................................................. 3 Human and Spiritual Development Theory ........... 3 Counseling Theories and Practice ............................ 3 Temperaments II ....................................................... 3 Total Credits ............. 12 Total Hours ....... 30 YEAR TWO Behavioral CC1521 Temperaments I PS1304 General Psychology PS4101 Introduction to Social Psychology General Education SEMESTER Communications CM2101 Composition I CM2108 Effective Communication CM2210 Information, People and Technology CODE SUBJECT SC2101 SC2102 SC2205 CM2210 CM2101 CM2108 Survey of American History ..................................... 3 Philosophical Thinking ............................................. 3 Study of Man and His Culture.................................. 3 Information, People and Technology .................... 3 Composition I ............................................................ 3 Effective Communication......................................... 3 Total Credits ............. 18 CREDITS ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN COUNSELING Counseling The student completing the Associate of Arts degree in Counseling will: • Be equipped for employment in an entry level position in the psychological field; • Be able to formulate and implement an effective counseling plan in terms of his or her job description; • Be able to use different psychological and psychiatric systems; and • Be able to use modern informational systems in psychological use. SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CC2539 CC2552 CC2594 CC2620 Biological Bases of Substance Abuse ...................... 3 Personality Disorders ................................................ 3 Career Development ................................................. 3 Counseling in Community Settings ......................... 3 Total Credits ............. 12 Total Hours ............. 30 CREDITS YEAR ONE Associate of Arts in Counseling – 60 semester credits General Education SEMESTER CODE AD1410 BI1101 SUBJECT CREDITS Global Times .............................................................. 3 Introduction to Study of the Bible........................... 3 Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 27 Undergraduate Degree Programs BACHELOR OF ARTS IN COUNSELING Counseling Prerequisite: 60 semester credit hour Associate degree. Students who complete the Bachelor of Arts Counseling degree should be able to: • Integrate Christian principles in critical thinking and decision making; • Identify effective interpersonal relationship skills; • Summarize major counseling, developmental, and personality counseling theories; and • Apply psychological theories to life situations. YEAR THREE General Education SEMESTER CODE SC3204 HU3010 SUBJECT CREDITS Biological Science ...................................................... 3 Introduction to Humanities ..................................... 3 Total Credits............. 6 Counseling SEMESTER CODE CC3304 CC3401 CC3439 CC3507 CC3509 CC3520 CC3523 CC3532 CC4503 SUBJECT SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CC4524 Federal State Law for Christian Counseling Part I.......................................3 Counseling the Divorced ..........................................3 Group Dynamics........................................................3 Psychology of Behaviorism in Christian Counseling .............................................3 Counseling Children of Divorce ..............................3 Family Systems, Functional/Dysfunctional ............3 Counseling Children, Youth and Aging ..................3 Family Groups and Social Links ..............................3 Biblical Psychology ....................................................3 Faith Based Approaches to Clinical Intervention ..3 Total Credits .............30 Total Hours...............33 CC4561 CC4567 CC4577 CC4583 CC4588 CC4604 SW4130 PS4307 PS4445 CREDITS Bachelor of Arts in Counseling – 126 semester credits Biblical Studies CREDITS Premarital Counseling ............................................... 3 Family Counseling ..................................................... 3 Counseling with Seniors ........................................... 3 Christian Counseling in Times of Crisis ................. 3 Group Therapy .......................................................... 3 Personality Theory: Self-esteem............................... 3 Documentation and Files ......................................... 3 Cognitive Therapeutic Techniques in Counseling . 3 Reconciliation of Broken Marriages……………...3 Total Credits............. 27 Total Hours .............. 33 YEAR FOUR Undergraduate and Graduate students in "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" may have their diplomas with the title of either "Florida Christian University" or "Florida Theological Seminary." These "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" courses will apply for a degree for graduation from either "Florida Christian University" or "Florida Theological Seminary." OVERVIEW OF THE PROGRAM The identification of a Christian ministry demands an essential need of a theological-Biblical formation and at the same time the development and application of methods to study the Bible, and methodologies for teaching it. The University has oriented this program in order to supply this need, complementing it with a combined study of Theology, Religion, Ministry, Missions, and other areas that will enable the student to acquire a job in an administrative field, as well as work in the ministerial field. General Education SEMESTER CODE PS4101 28 SUBJECT CREDITS Introduction to Social Psychology ......................... 3 Total Credits............. 3 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 General Education Upon satisfactory completion of the General Education Studies student will: • Be able to correctly use composition skills, grammar and punctua- Florida Christian University Undergraduate Degree Programs tion; and Be able to integrate philosophical, literary and historical knowledge into a Biblical worldview. • Humanities AD1410 Global Times AD1412 Entrepreneurship ED1101 Introduction to Christian Education HU3010 Introduction to Humanities CH1010 Introductory Coaching CH1010 PS1304 CC1521 Introductory Coaching ............................................. 3 General Psychology .................................................. 3 Temperaments I ......................................................... 3 Total Credits ............ 18 Biblical Studies SEMESTER CODE BI1102 BI1103 BI1201 BI1301 Social Sciences SC2101 Survey of American History SC2102 Philosophical Thinking SC2205 Study of Man and His Culture SUBJECT CREDITS Old Testament Survey ............................................... 3 New Testament Survey ............................................. 3 Genesis and Exodus .................................................. 3 Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy ................... 3 Total Credits ............. 12 YEAR TWO Behavioral PS1304 General Psychology CC1521 Temperaments I PS4101 Introduction to Social Psychology General Education SEMESTER CODE SC2101 SC2102 SC2205 CM2101 CM2108 CM2210 Communications CM2101 Composition I CM2108 Effective Communication CM2210 Information, People and Technology CM3105 Verbal Expression SUBJECT CREDITS Survey of American History ..................................... 3 Philosophical Thinking ............................................. 3 Study of Man and His Culture.................................. 3 Composition I ............................................................ 3 Effective Communication......................................... 3 Information, People and Technology .................... 3 Total Credits ............. 18 Biblical Studies ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN BIBLICAL STUDIES SEMESTER Students who have completed the Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies degree should be able to: • Demonstrate a general knowledge of the Bible, including a sympathetic understanding of the major books of the Bible; and • Evidence an understanding of the historical development of theology, and an ability to support their theological views and apply them to contemporary issues. CODE SUBJECT CREDITS BI2304 BI2315 BI2317 TH2305 Psalms ......................................................................... 3 Ezra-Nehemiah and Esther ..................................... 3 Proverbs ..................................................................... 3 Systematic Theology: Bibliology .............................. 3 Total Credits ............. 12 Total Hours............... 30 Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies – 60 semester credits. YEAR ONE General Education BACHELOR OF ARTS IN BIBLICAL STUDIES SEMESTER CODE AD1410 AD1412 ED1101 SUBJECT CREDITS Global Times .............................................................. 3 Entrepreneurship ....................................................... 3 Introduction to Christian Education ....................... 3 Florida Christian University Prerequisite: 60 semester credit hour Associate degree. Students who have completed the Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies degree should be able to: Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 29 Undergraduate Degree Programs • • Demonstrate an increasing involvement in the local church or other ministries with which they are associated; and Minister within a local church or other group by means of leadership skills, evangelism, and service. YEAR THREE General Education BI4516 MN4306 BI4318 TH4309 TH4301 BI4423 Dispensational Study of the Bible ............................3 Bible Geography ........................................................3 Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon ..........................3 Introduction to Systematic Theology ......................3 Christology..................................................................3 Minor Prophets (Six Before Exile)...........................3 Total Credits .............30 Total Hours...............33 SEMESTER CODE HU3010 CM3105 SUBJECT CREDITS Introduction to Humanities ..................................... 3 Verbal Expression ..................................................... 3 Total Credits............. 6 Biblical Studies SEMESTER CODE BI3207 BI3213 BI3302 BI3303 BI3305 BI3314 BI3323 BI3324 BI3325 SUBJECT CREDIT Galatians and Ephesians .......................................... 3 I & II Peter ................................................................ 3 Joshua, Judges and Ruth ........................................... 3 Acts ............................................................................. 3 I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles............................... 3 I & II Samuel ............................................................. 3 Matthew ...................................................................... 3 Mark ............................................................................ 3 Luke ........................................................................... 3 Total Credits ............ 27 Total Hours .............. 33 YEAR FOUR General Education Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies – 126 semester credits. Pastoral Leadership Undergraduate and Graduate students in "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" may have their diplomas with the title of either "Florida Christian University" or "Florida Theological Seminary." These "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" courses will apply for a degree for graduation from either "Florida Christian University" or "Florida Theological Seminary." OVERVIEW OF THE PROGRAM This Program is oriented to people who are involved in pastoral duties, or to those who have an identified ministerial vision. This program seeks the development of administrative criteria of organization in students, with a correct use of time, starting from strategic planning. At the same time this program helps to develop necessary abilities for pastoral practice, with clear leadership criteria. And fundamentally, it combines different areas of study, such as Theology, Missions, Religion, the Ministry with a broad study of the Bible, with the purpose of helping the students to define clear spiritual positions which are supported with life challenges. SEMESTER CODE PS4101 SUBJECT CREDITS Introduction to Social Psychology ......................... 3 Total Credits............. 3 Biblical Studies SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT BI4326 BI4316 BI4206 BI4456 John............................................................................. 3 Job: Integrity .............................................................. 3 Hebrews...................................................................... 3 History and Customs of the Old Testament .......... 3 30 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CREDITS General Education Upon satisfactory completion of the General Education Studies student will: • Be able to correctly use composition skills, grammar and punctuation; and • Be able to integrate philosophical, literary and historical knowledge into a Biblical worldview. Humanities AD1410 Global Times AD1412 Entrepreneurship Florida Christian University Undergraduate Degree Programs ED1101 HU3010 CH1010 Introduction to Christian Education Introduction to Humanities Introductory Coaching Pastoral Leadership SEMESTER CODE Social Sciences SC2101 Survey of American History SC2102 Philosophical Thinking SC2205 Study of Man and His Culture SUBJECT BI1104 BI1105 BI1107 BI1202 Behavioral PS1304 General Psychology CC1521 Temperaments I PS4101 Introduction to Social Psychology CREDITS Comparison of Old and New Testaments ........... 3 Worldwide Flood; Before and After ...................... 3 The Law of God........................................................ 3 Life of Christ ............................................................. 3 Total Credits ............ 12 Total Hours .............. 30 YEAR TWO General Education Communications CM2101 Composition I CM2108 Effective Communication CM2210 Information, People and Technology CM3105 Verbal Expression SEMESTER ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN PASTORAL LEADERSHIP Students who have completed the Associate of Arts in Pastoral Leadership degree should be able to: • Be able to articulate faith convictions and strategies; • Appreciate the transformative power of ideas and belief; and • Possess knowledge of the Bible and of historic and contemporary Christian thought and practice. YEAR ONE CODE SUBJECT SC2101 SC2102 SC2205 CM2101 CM2108 CM2210 Survey of American History .................................... 3 Philosophical Thinking ............................................. 3 Study of Man and His Culture ................................. 3 Composition I ........................................................... 3 Effective Communication ........................................ 3 Information, People and Technology .................... 3 Total Credits ............ 18 Pastoral Leadership SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT MI2101 MN2101 MN2105 TH2305 Missions I ................................................................... 3 Grace and Sovereignty of God ................................ 3 Christian Leadership (God's Perfect Order) .......... 3 Systematic Theology: Bibliology.............................. 3 Total Credits ............ 12 Total Hours .............. 30 General Education SEMESTER CODE AD1410 AD1412 ED1101 CH1010 PS1304 CC1521 SUBJECT CREDITS CREDITS Global Times ............................................................. 3 Entrepreneurship ..................................................... 3 Introduction to Christian Education ...................... 3 Introductory Coaching ............................................. 3 General Psychology ................................................. 3 Temperaments I ........................................................ 3 Total Credits ........... 18 Associate of Arts in Pastoral Leadership – 60 semester credits BACHELOR OF ARTS IN PASTORAL LEADERSHIP Prerequisite: 60 semester credit hour Associate of Arts degree. The students completing the Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Leadership degree will: • • Florida Christian University CREDITS Have knowledge of theological reflection in the ministerial area; and Be the students who will able to lead others into increased exegetical Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 31 Undergraduate Degree Programs TH4420 CM4408 competence. YEAR THREE General Education Pastoral Theology ......................................................3 Pastoral Care Ministry ..............................................3 Total Credits .............30 Total Hours...............33 SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS HU3010 CM3105 Introduction to Humanities ..................................... 3 Verbal Expression ..................................................... 3 Total Credits............. 6 Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Leadership – 126 semester credits. Theology Pastoral Leadership SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT BI3207 BI3213 BI3302 BI3303 BI3323 BI3324 BI3325 BI3515 MI3102 Galatians and Ephesians .......................................... 3 I & II Peter ................................................................ 3 Joshua, Judges and Ruth ........................................... 3 Acts ............................................................................. 3 Matthew ...................................................................... 3 Mark ............................................................................ 3 Luke ........................................................................... 3 Body of Christ ........................................................... 3 Missions II.................................................................. 3 Total Credits............. 27 Total Hours .............. 33 CREDITS YEAR FOUR General Education SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS PS4101 Introduction to Social Psychology ........................ 3 Total Credits............. 3 Pastoral Leadership SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT BI4206 BI4326 BI4516 BI4316 MN4306 MN4505 TH4309 TH4302 Hebrews...................................................................... 3 John............................................................................. 3 Dispensational Study of the Bible ........................... 3 Job: Integrity .............................................................. 3 Bible Geography ........................................................ 3 Ministry of the Holy Spirit ....................................... 3 Introduction to Systematic Theology...................... 3 Pneumatology ........................................................... 3 32 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CREDITS Undergraduate and Graduate students in "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" may have their diplomas with the title of either "Florida Christian University" or "Florida Theological Seminary." These "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" courses will apply for a degree for graduation from either "Florida Christian University" or "Florida Theological Seminary." OVERVIEW OF THE PROGRAM The theology program is oriented to students who have research and teaching centered in the study of Christian life and thought as their goal for the community of faith. These studies of Christian life and thought in the past, present, and future will recognize creative theological discussion and specialized research. General Education Upon satisfactory completion of the General Education Studies student will: • Be able to correctly use composition skills, grammar and punctuation; and • Be able to integrate philosophical, literary and historical knowledge into a Biblical worldview. Humanities AD1410 Global Times AD1412 Entrepreneurship ED1101 Introduction to Christian Education HU3010 Introduction to Humanities CH1010 Introductory Coaching Social Sciences SC2101 Survey of American History SC2102 Philosophical Thinking SC2205 Study of Man and His Culture Florida Christian University Undergraduate Degree Programs Behavioral PS1304 General Psychology CC1521 Temperaments I PS4101 Introduction to Social Psychology YEAR TWO General Education SEMESTER Communications CM2101 Composition I CM2108 Effective Communication CM2210 Information, People and Technology CM3105 Verbal Expression CODE SUBJECT SC2101 SC2102 SC2205 CM2101 CM2108 CM2210 Survey of American History .................................... 3 Philosophical Thinking ............................................. 3 Study of Man and His Culture ................................. 3 Composition I ........................................................... 3 Effective Communication ........................................ 3 Information, People and Technology .................... 3 Total Credits ............ 18 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN THEOLOGY Students who have completed the Associate of Arts in Theology degree should be able to: • Practice being the called disciple and minister of Jesus Christ, serving His Kingdom; • Bear witness to the complete truthfulness of Holy Scripture; and • Maintain the historic principles of the Christian faith. CREDITS Theology SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT MI2101 TH2102 TH2305 RG2101 Missions I ................................................................... 3 Introduction to Theology........................................ 3 Systematic Theology: Bibliology.............................. 3 Church History .......................................................... 3 Total Credits ............ 12 Total Hours .............. 30 YEAR ONE CREDITS General Education SEMESTER CODE AD1410 AD1412 ED1101 CH1010 PS1304 CC1521 SUBJECT Global Times ............................................................. 3 Entrepreneurship ...................................................... 3 Introduction to Christian Education ...................... 3 Introductory Coaching ............................................. 3 General Psychology ................................................. 3 Temperaments I ........................................................ 3 Total Credits ............ 18 Theology SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT BI1102 BI1103 BI1202 BI1215 Old Testament Survey .............................................. 3 New Testament Survey............................................. 3 Life of Christ ............................................................. 3 Exodus: Israel History and Conquests .................. 3 Total Credits ............ 12 Total Hours .............. 30 Florida Christian University Associate of Arts in Theology – 60 semester credits. CREDITS CREDITS BACHELOR OF ARTS IN THEOLOGY Prerequisite: 60 semester credit Associate of Arts degree. Students who have completed the Bachelor of Arts in Theology degree should be able to: • Know Christian based ethical principles and exemplify those moral imperatives in their ministry for the Kingdom of God; • Develop an in depth growth in their love of God; • Have an increased desire to bring glory to His name; and • Develop an abiding love for people within the Christian ministry through the local church. YEAR THREE General Education SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT HU3010 CM3105 Introduction to Humanities ..................................... 3 Verbal Expression ..................................................... 3 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CREDITS 33 Undergraduate Degree Programs Total Credits............. 6 Theology EDUCATION SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT MN3307 TH3406 TH3308 BI3515 CM3516 EV3101 BI3323 TH3420 RG 3405 Biblical Archaeology ................................................. 3 Anthropology ............................................................. 3 Soteriology ................................................................. 3 Body of Christ ........................................................... 3 Communication Project............................................ 3 Evangelism I ............................................................. 3 Matthew ...................................................................... 3 Heresiology ................................................................ 3 History of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements ............................................................... 3 Total Credits............. 27 Total Hours .............. 33 CREDITS YEAR FOUR OVERVIEW OF THE PROGRAM This program seeks to develop the potentialities in each student that translate into each of their gifts and talents. In a specific way, for everyone who has a genuine vocation for teaching, it seeks in their favor the formation that will allow them not only to carry out their duties, but also to be highly competitive in a society that demands the presence of a well qualified team of instructors. Also, it seeks to awaken in the Christian media the interest of having a well qualified team of instructors. General Education Upon satisfactory completion of the General Education Studies student will: • Be able to correctly use composition skills, grammar and punctuation; and • Be able to integrate philosophical, literary and historical knowledge into a Biblical worldview. General Education SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS PS4101 Introduction to Social Psychology ......................... 3 Total Credits............. 3 Humanities BI1101 Introduction to Study of the Bible ED1109 Study Methods & Techniques ED1101 Introduction to Christian Education CH1010 Introductory Coaching Theology SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT TH4301 TH4302 MN4505 TH4420 BI4456 CM4408 TH4303 BI4516 PS4307 TH4309 Christology ................................................................. 3 Pneumatology ........................................................... 3 Ministry of the Holy Spirit ...................................... 3 Pastoral Theology ...................................................... 3 History and Customs of the Old Testament .......... 3 Pastoral Care Ministry .............................................. 3 Ecclesiology ............................................................... 3 Dispensational Study of the Bible ........................... 3 Biblical Psychology.................................................... 3 Introduction to Systematic Theology...................... 3 Total Credits............. 30 Total Hours .............. 33 Bachelor of Arts in Theology – 126 semester credit hours. 34 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CREDITS Social Sciences SC2101 Survey of American History SC2102 Philosophical Thinking SC2205 Study of Man and His Culture Behavioral CC1521 Temperaments I PS1304 General Psychology PS4101 Introduction to Social Psychology Communications CM2210 Information, People and Technology CM2101 Composition I CM2108 Effective Communication CM3301 Composition II CM3105 Verbal Expression Florida Christian University Undergraduate Degree Programs ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Education SEMESTER Students who have completed the Associate of Science in Education degree will: • Know learning theories and how to use them; and • Be aware of theories of human development including psycho-social, socio-cultural and faith development. CODE SUBJECT ED2103 ED2104 ED2105 PS2102 Historical Foundations .............................................. 3 Mathematical Foundations ....................................... 3 Principles of Statistics................................................ 3 Learning Modalities .................................................. 3 Total Credits ............. 12 Total Hours............... 30 YEAR ONE General Education SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT BI1101 ED1109 ED1101 CH1010 PS1304 CC1521 Introduction to Study of the Bible........................... 3 Study Methods & Techniques .................................. 3 Introduction to Christian Education ....................... 3 Introductory Coaching .............................................. 3 General Psychology .................................................. 3 Temperaments I ......................................................... 3 Total Credits ............. 18 SEMESTER ED1102 ED1520 CC1408 ED1305 SUBJECT Associate of Science in Education – 60 semester credits. CREDITS Education CODE CREDITS CREDITS The Teacher ..............................................................3 Internship .......................................................... 3 Human and Spiritual Development Theory ........... 3 Introduction to Early Childhood Education .......... 3 Total Credits ............. 12 Total Hours............... 30 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Prerequisite: 60 semester credit Associate of Science in Education degree. The student completing the Bachelor of Science in Education degree will: • Be prepared with fundamental knowledge and skills for executing the teaching learning process; • Understand management principles for education in Christian, private, and public sectors; • Develop innovative approaches to instructional practices and lesson planning; • Understand performance assessment test role in developing the student’s opportunities to learn; and • Be given instruction on evaluating their own performance as an educator to improve their teaching effectiveness. YEAR THREE General Education YEAR TWO SEMESTER CODE General Education SEMESTER CODE SC2101 SC2102 SC2205 CM2210 CM2101 CM2108 SUBJECT CREDITS Survey of American History ..................................... 3 Philosophical Thinking ............................................. 3 Study of Man and His Culture.................................. 3 Information, People and Technology .................... 3 Composition I ............................................................ 3 Effective Communication......................................... 3 Total Credits ............. 18 Florida Christian University CM3301 CM3105 SUBJECT CREDITS Composition II........................................................... 3 Verbal Expression...................................................... 3 Total Credits ............. 6 Education SEMESTER CODE ED3501 ED3504 ED3435 SUBJECT CREDITS Techniques and Theories of Education ................. 3 Setting up Ideal CE Curricula for a Church ........... 3 Classroom Learning Principles ................................. 3 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 35 Undergraduate Degree Programs ED3201 ED3432 ED3130 ED3408 ED3412 PS3308 Technology for Educators........................................ 3 Social and Emotional Development of Young Children ......................................................... 3 Teaching Pre-School and Elementary Students..... 3 Curriculum Activities in Early Childhood .............. 3 Pedagogy for Middle and High School Levels of Education .................................................. 3 Problems of Learning ............................................... 3 Total Credits............. 27 Total Hours .............. 33 YEAR FOUR globalization, Coaching is considered to be an emergent and multidisciplinary profession. The program provides better forms and adapted strategies specifically to cover the needs of the professional. Coaching applies proven psychological techniques that work as tools in the human behavior as well as in their form to acquire knowledge and learning to learn. General Education Upon satisfactory completion of the General Education Studies the student will: • Be able to correctly use composition skills, grammar and punctuation; and • Be able to integrate philosophical, literary and historical knowledge into a Biblical worldview. General Education SEMESTER CODE PS4101 SUBJECT CREDITS Introduction to Social Psychology ........................ 3 Total Credits............. 3 Education Humanities AD1410 Global Times AD1412 Entrepreneurship BI1101 Introduction to Study of the Bible HU3010 Introduction to Humanities ED1109 Study Methods & Techniques SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS PS4302 ED4102 ED4407 ED4433 ED4435 ED4437 ED4448 ED4450 ED4510 SE4000 Educational Psychology............................................ 3 Teaching Diverse Populations ................................ 3 Active Learning Techniques ................................... 3 Early Childhood Education Theory and Practice.. 3 Cultural and Family Systems .................................... 3 Current Communication Media for Educators .... 3 Education and the Law ............................................ 3 Models of Teaching and Instructional Theory....... 3 Applied Statistics ...................................................... 3 Seminar ....................................................................... 3 Total Credits............. 30 Total Hours .............. 33 Bachelor of Science in Education – 126 semester credits. Behavioral CC1521 Temperaments I PS1304 General Psychology PS4101 Introduction to Social Psychology Social Sciences SC2101 Survey of American History SC2102 Philosophical Thinking SC2205 Study of Man and His Culture Communications CM2101 Composition I CM2108 Effective Communication CM2210 Information, People and Technology CM3301 Composition II ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN COACHING Coaching OVERVIEW OF THE PROGRAM The program in Coaching is a platform and a practical methodology that has a scientific validity to reach the best professional standards. Due to 36 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 The student completing the Associate of Arts in Coaching degree will: • Be equipped for the use with techniques of personal and group knowledge that improve the labor field; • Be able to promote long term goals and execute an extraordinary performance; and • Be enabled to maintain an effective communication supporting the Florida Christian University Undergraduate Degree Programs revision of the values of the group. Total Hours ............ 30 YEAR ONE Associate of Arts in Coaching – 60 semester credits. General Education BACHELOR OF ARTS IN COACHING SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT AD1410 AD1412 CC1521 BI1101 PS1304 ED1109 Global Times ............................................................. 3 Entrepreneurship ...................................................... 3 Temperaments I ........................................................ 3 Introduction to Study of the Bible .......................... 3 General Psychology ................................................. 3 Study Methods & Techniques ................................. 3 Total Credits ............ 18 CREDITS Prerequisite: 60 semester credit hour Associate of Arts in Coaching. The student completing the Bachelor of Arts in Coaching degree will: • • Coaching Be an able practitioner of coaching skills in varied work force environments; and Be prepared with specific coaching skills to develop leadership with abilities to affect maximum potential growth within their organization. SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS CH1010 AD1101 BI1202 CC1408 Introductory Coaching: ............................................ 3 Administration with Christian Worldview ............. 3 Life of Christ ............................................................. 3 Human and Spiritual Development Theory ........... 3 Total Credits ............ 12 Total Hours .............. 30 YEAR THREE General Education SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CM3301 HU3010 Composition II .......................................................... 3 Introduction to Humanities ..................................... 3 Total Credits ............ 6 YEAR TWO CREDITS Coaching General Education SEMESTER SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS CH3013 CH3014 CH3015 CH3016 SOAR-Human Development Tools I .................... 3 Operational Systems of Coaching ........................... 3 Global Coaching Impact in the World ................... 3 Coaching Laboratory I: Introductory Simulated Session ..................................................... 3 Coaching Meta-Model of Language ........................ 3 Beliefs: Identification and Intervention .................. 3 Systemic Coaching .................................................... 3 Individual and Organizational Alignment .............. 3 Contemporary Communications ............................. 3 Total Credits ......... 27 Total Hours ............ 33 CODE SUBJECT SC2101 SC2102 SC2205 CM2101 CM2108 CM2210 Survey of American History .................................... 3 Philosophical Thinking ............................................. 3 Study of Man and His Culture ................................. 3 Composition I............................................................ 3 Effective Communication ........................................ 3 Information, People and Technology .................... 3 Total Credits ............ 18 Coaching SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CH2011 CH2013 The Coaching Process .............................................. 3 Culture of Success and Innovation in the Workplace ....................................................... 3 Learning Modalities ................................................. 3 Cognitive Behavioral Psychology ............................ 3 Total Credits ............ 12 PS2102 PS2103 Florida Christian University CREDITS CH3017 CH3018 CH3020 AD3504 MN3310 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CREDITS 37 Undergraduate Degree Programs YEAR FOUR General Education SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS PS4101 Introduction to Social Psychology ........................ 3 Total Credits............. 3 Coaching SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CH4021 CH4022 Ethics in Systematic Integral Coaching ................. 3 Systematic Integral Coaching: Techniques and Tools. ............................................. 3 Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) ................... 3 Persuasion, Motivation and Influence in the Workplace............................... 3 Coaching at Work...................................................... 3 Practicum: 15 Tools-Systematic Integral Coaching ...................................................... 3 Integrative Team Building ........................................ 3 Federal State Law for Christian Counseling Part I ...................................... 3 Group Dynamic......................................................... 3 Active Learning Techniques..................................... 3 Total Credits ......... 30 Total Hours ............ 33 CH4023 CH4024 CH4025 CH4026 AD4513 CC4524 CC4507 ED4407 CREDITS Bachelor of Arts in Coaching – 126 semester credits. 38 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Graduate Degree Programs Academic Years 2016-2019 Graduate Degree Programs Business Administration Master of Science in Business Administration 60 graduate semester credits. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Prerequisite: 126 semester credit hour Bachelor degree. The student completing the Master of Arts degree in Business Administration will: • Demonstrate the ability to organize and prioritize; • Demonstrate the ability to delegate; • Effectively lead a team to arrive at a decision involving a business scenario; and • Identify points of view and understand the perspectives of others involved. MASTER OF SCIENTE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN HEALTH CARE SERVICES Prerequisite: 126 semester credit hour Bachelor degree. The student completing the Master of Arts degree in Business Administration with focus in Health Care Services will: Demonstrate the ability to organize and prioritize; Demonstrate the ability to delegate; Effectively lead a team to arrive at a decision involving a business scenario; and Identify points of view and understand the perspectives of others involved. Business Administration in Health Care Services Business Administration SEMESTER SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS CH3014 SC5314 AD5410 AD5411 AD5411 AD6543 SOAR Human Development Tools ..........................3 Leadership & Team Development.............................3 Multidimensional Support System in Health……....3 Global Health Policies and Systems ..........................3 Innovation Process ......................................................3 Managing Customer Service & Hospitality ...................................................3 Project Management ....................................................3 Infrastructure and Projects in .....................................3 Organization of Health ...............................................3 Finance in Health Care ................................................3 International Seminars.................................................15 CODE SUBJECT AC5304 AD5220 AD5405 Accounting in Non-Governmental Organizations .. 3 Management................................................................. 3 Strategic Planning for Organizational Management................................................................. 3 Marketing Research ..................................................... 3 Organizational Culture................................................ 3 Contemporary Administration................................... 3 Non-Profit Marketing ................................................. 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Managing Customer Services ..................................... 3 Consumer Behavior .................................................... 3 Financial Mathematics ................................................ 3 Macroeconomics ......................................................... 3 Economics II ............................................................... 3 Ethics for Ministers and Other Christians ............... 3 Graduate Total Credits ....... 42 AD5521 AD5540 AD5542 AD5620 SE5000 AD6543 AD6545 MA6303 EC6201 EC6502 MN6315 Scientific Investigation SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT IN5601 IN5602 IN6603 IN6604 IN6605 Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project ................................. 3 Thesis: Research .......................................................... 6 Thesis: Writing ............................................................. 3 Thesis: Defense ........................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits ....... 18 Total Hours .......................... 60 40 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CREDITS AD5308 AD5309 AD5309 SE5000 CREDITS Scientific Investigation IN5601 IN5602 IN6603 IN6603 IN6603 Scientific Investigation: Theory ..................................3 Scientific Investigation: Project ..................................3 Thesis: Research ...........................................................6 Thesis: Writing .............................................................3 Thesis: Defense ............................................................3 Graduate Total Credits.……..……. 18 Total Hours…….………....……… 60 Master of Science in Business Administration in Health Care Services - 60 graduate semester credits. Florida Christian University Graduate Degree Programs MASTER OF SCIENTE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN NEUROMARKETING Prerequisite: 126 semester credit hour Bachelor degree. The student completing the Master of Arts degree in Business Administration in Neuromarketing will: Demonstrate the ability to organize and prioritize; Demonstrate the ability to delegate; Effectively lead a team to arrive at a decision involving a business scenario; and Identify points of view and understand the perspectives of others involved. Business Administration in NeuroMarketing This degree program is designed to contribute to the students’ professional development through knowledge and awareness of contemporary strategic issues and practices achieved through the development of: • Knowledge of scientific and scholarly research methods and their application in the business setting for senior managers, and consultants; • Advanced critical thinking concepts and analytical skills; • An appreciation of cultural, ethical, and global issues and their impact on business theory and practices; and • Skills necessary for effective decision making in complex business environments through integrating theoretical insights into practical knowledge based applications. SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS CH3013 PS6510 AD5522 AD5523 AD5405 AD5524 AD5525 AD5526 AD5527 PD0010 SOAR Human Development Tools .......................... 3 Introduction to Neuroscience .................................... 3 Neuromarketing ........................................................... 3 Brain Canvas Model .................................................... 3 Strategic Planning ........................................................ 3 Neuroeconomy ............................................................ 3 Leadership in Neuromarketing Management ........... 3 Research Technologies in Neuromarketing .............. 3 Digital & Social Media in Neuromarketing............... 3 International Business Seminar .................................. 15 Graduate Total Credits….……. 42 Scientific Investigation CODE IN5601 IN5602 IN6603 IN6604 IN6605 SUBJECTS Scientific Investigation: Theory .………………….3 Scientific Investigation: Proje……………………. 3 Thesis: Research…...…………………………….. 6 Thesis: Writing …………………….……………..3 Thesis: Defense…………………..……………….3 Graduate Total Credits………….. 18 Total Hours………………….….. 60 Master of Science in Business Administration in NeuroMarketing - 60 graduate semester credits. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Prerequisite: 60 semester credit hour Master of Science degree. Florida Christian University Business Administration SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS AD7411 AD7509 AD7519 AD7541 AD7601 AD7611 AD7640 MA7506 EC8503 EC8504 CC8619 MA8510 SE8000 Small Business Management ...................................... 3 Developing a New Program ..................................... 3 Public Relations........................................................... 3 Environmental Management ..................................... 3 Organizational Management ...................................... 3 Business, Government and Society........................... 3 Merchandising ............................................................. 3 Mathematics for Administration and Economy...... 3 Microeconomics ......................................................... 3 Economic Analysis ..................................................... 3 Social and Cultural Foundations ............................... 3 Financial Flow and Risks ........................................... 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits ....... 39 Scientific Investigation SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS IN7601 IN7602 IN8603 IN8604 IN8605 Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project ................................. 3 Dissertation: Research ................................................ 6 Dissertation: Writing ................................................... 3 Dissertation: Defense.................................................. 6 Graduate Total Credits ....... 21 Total Hours .......................... 60 Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration 60 graduate semester credits. Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 41 Graduate Degree Programs DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN NEUROMARKETING DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN HEALTH CARE SERVICES Prerequisite: 60 semester credit hour Master of Science degree. Prerequisite: 60 semester credit hour Master of degree. This degree program is designed to contribute to the students’ professional development through knowledge and awareness of contemporary strategic issues and practices achieved through the development of: • Knowledge of scientific and scholarly research methods and their application in the business digital media setting for senior managers, consultants; vendors, independent professionals and etc. This degree program is designed to contribute to the students’ professional development through knowledge and awareness of contemporary strategic issues and practices achieved through the development of: • Knowledge of scientific and scholarly research methods and their application in the business setting for senior managers, consultants; vendors, independent professionals, doctors and etc. • Advanced critical thinking concepts and analytical skills; • An appreciation of cultural, ethical, and global issues and their • Advanced critical thinking concepts and analytical skills; • An appreciation of cultural, ethical, and global issues and their • impact on business theory and practices; • Skills necessary for effective decision making in complex business impact on business theory and practices; Skills necessary for effective decision making in complex business environments through integrating theoretical insights into practical knowledge based applications. environments through integrating theoretical insights into practical knowledge based applications. Business Administration in Health Care Services Business Administration SEMESTER SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS CH3014 CH8043 AD7678 AD8641 CM7551 AD7662 AD5523 AD7509 CC8619 SE5000 SOAR Human Development Tools ......................... 3 Spiritual Intelligence ................................................... 3 Neuromarketing in Innovation…………….….......3 Business Coaching ...................................................... 3 Information & Technology in Health Care.............. 3 Corporate Governance in Heath Care…...………..3 Brain Model Canvas .................................................... 3 Development New Program & Project in Heath .... 3 Social and Cultural Foundation…………………...3 International Seminars ................................................ 9 CODE SUBJECT CH3037 AD7678 AD7760 PS65010 AD7760 CH8042 AD7655 AD5523 AD5526 AD7325 SE8000 Soar Applied to Education ........................................ 3 Neuromarketing to Innovation.................................. 3 Fundamentals of Neuromarketing ............................ 3 Introduction to Neuroscience ................................... 3 Fundamentals of Genetics.......................................... 3 Emotional Intelligence ................................................ 3 Sensorial Marketing ..................................................... 3 Brain Model Canvas .................................................... 3 Research Technologies in Neuromarketing ............. 3 Inbound Marketing ..................................................... 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 9 Graduate Total Credits........ 39 Scientific Investigation SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT IN7601 IN7602 IN8603 IN8604 IN8605 Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project.................................. 3 Dissertation: Research................................................. 6 Dissertation: Writing ................................................... 3 Dissertation: Defense .................................................. 6 Graduate Total Credits........ 21 Total Hours .......................... 60 42 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CREDITS CREDITS Scientific Investigation IN5601 IN5602 IN6603 IN6603 IN6603 Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project ................................. 3 Thesis: Research .......................................................... 6 Thesis: Writing............................................................. 3 Thesis: Defense ........................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits.……..……. 18 Total Hours…….………....……… 60 Florida Christian University Graduate Degree Programs POST DOCTOR IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Counseling/Psychology Prerequisite: 60 graduate semester credit hour Doctor of Philosophy degree. CODE SEMESTER This degree program involves advanced research activity in preparation for a career position in academia, industry, or the non-profit sector. The uniqueness of this program supersedes regular classes and involves investigation of knowledge by the student participating in quarterly meetings on campus or on the web and adjunct instruction. The chosen area of concentration is under the oversight of and must be approved by the faculty mentor and Doctor Dissertation Committee. The objectives chosen will provide advanced development of the students’ professional skills by: • Developing advanced in depth research skills upon the foundation of the doctor degree; • Advanced preparation for scientific careers in academia, industry, and non-profit sector in Business Administration. • Post Doctor Degree teaching; • Written topical articles published or non -published; • Publishing book based on Post Doctor researched dissertation • project; and Participating in International Adjunct instruction. Post Doctor in Business Administration — 60 graduate semester credits Counseling/Psychology CC5301 CC5501 CC5503 CC5610 CC5537 SC5314 CC5543 CC5545 CC6565 CC6589 CC6592 CC6593 MN6315 SE6000 SUBJECT CREDITS Counseling Drug & Alcohol Abuse .......................... 3 Codependency II ......................................................... 3 Reconciliation of Broken Marriages .......................... 3 Counseling Theories and Practice………………...3 Christian Marriage and Family Counseling ............... 3 Leadership ................................................................... 3 Counseling the Bi-Polar ............................................ 3 Individual Evaluation and Assessment ..................... 3 Modern Psychotherapies: Application and Intervention ..................................... 3 Counseling the Sexually Abused ................................ 3 Counseling Domestic Violence Victims ................... 3 Brief Strategic Family Intervention ........................... 3 Ethics for Ministers and Other Christians................ 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits........ 42 Scientific Investigation SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT IN5601 IN5602 IN6603 IN6604 IN6605 Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project.................................. 3 Thesis: Research .......................................................... 6 Thesis: Writing ............................................................. 3 Thesis: Defense............................................................ 3 Graduate Total Credits ............................................... 18 Total Hours .................................................................. 60 CREDITS MASTER OF ARTS IN COUNSELING/PSYCHOLOGY Prerequisite: 126 semester credit hour Bachelor of Arts in Counseling or Psychology. Master of Arts in Counseling/Psychology – 60 graduate semester credits. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN COUNSELING/PSYCHOLOGY Students who complete the Master of Arts Counseling/Psychology degree should be able to: • Provide a knowledge base in relevant areas of psychology, including personality, psychopathology, therapy, multicultural issues, evaluation and assessment; and • Expand student skills in interviewing, assessment and techniques of therapy. Florida Christian University Prerequisite: 60 semester credit hour Master of Arts in Counseling/Psychology. Students who complete the Doctor of Philosophy Counseling/Psychology degree should be able to: • Create student understanding of client uniqueness, multi-cultural sensitivity, and student attitudes of flexibility in their work with clients; and • Endorse student development of appropriate ethics and profession- Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 43 Graduate Degree Programs al identification. Counseling/Psychology SEMESTER CODE CC7434 CC7510 CC7517 CC7524 CC7548 CC7569 CC7614 SW7620 CC8574 CC8618 CC8619 PS8307 SE8000 SUBJECT CREDITS Abortion Counseling ................................................... 3 Counseling for Spiritual Disturbances ...................... 3 Counseling for Families of Children with Disabilities & Disorders ..................... 3 Federal/State Law and Counseling/Social Work Part II ................................ 3 Counseling the Depressed .......................................... 3 Marriage Therapy ......................................................... 3 Counseling for Juvenile Delinquency ........................ 3 Psychosocial Dynamics of the Family ....................... 3 Theological Dimensions of Christian Counseling ... 3 Ethics & Legal Issues in Counseling/Social Work............................................. 3 Social and Cultural Foundations ................................ 3 Disorders: Stress, Phobias, Neurosis, Anxiety, Suicide, Alzheimer's Disease ...................... 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits........ 39 Scientific Investigation SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT IN7601 IN7602 IN8603 IN8604 IN8605 Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project.................................. 3 Dissertation: Research................................................. 6 Dissertation: Writing ................................................... 3 Dissertation: Defense .................................................. 6 Graduate Total Credits........ 21 Total Hours .......................... 60 CREDITS Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling/Psychology – 60 graduate semester credits MASTER OF ARTS IN CLINICAL COUNSELING/PSYCHOLOGY Prerequisite: 126 semester credit hour Bachelor of Arts in Counseling/Psychology. Psychology degree should be able to: • Acquire developmentally appropriate skills in each area of professional Clinical Counseling/Psychology; • Have Relationship, Assessment, Intervention, Research and Professional Roles; and • Demonstrate the personal and professional attributes of multiculturally competent practitioner-scholars. Counseling/Psychology SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CC5301 CC5610 PS5308 CC5508 CC5509 CC5501 CC5430 CC5530 Counseling Drug & Alcohol Abuse .......................... ..3 Counseling Theories and Practice………….….…...3 Multiple Intelligences ................................................ ..3 Human Growth and Spiritual Development Theory.3 Group Theories and Practice………………………3 Codependency II ......................................................... ...3 Human Sexuality ......................................................... ...3 Study of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual DSM V (Part One)...................... ..3 Study of Diagnostic & Statistical Manual DSM V (Part Two) ...................... 3 Christian Marriage and Family Counseling ............. 3 Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychopathology ........ 3 Counseling the Bi-Polar ............................................. 3 Individual Evaluation and Assessment ..................... 3 Counseling in Community Settings……………….3 Ethics & Legal Issues in Counseling/Social Work ............................................ 3 Counseling the Sexually Abused................................ 3 Counseling Domestic Violence Victims ................... 3 Autism .......................................................................... 3 Clinical Pharmacology ................................................ 3 Brief Strategic Family Intervention ........................... 3 Psychotherapy ............................................................ 3 Psychological Testing ................................................ 3 Psychodynamic Theory and Practice……………..3 Social and Cultural Foundations................................ 3 Graduate Total Credits ....... 63 Seminar CC5531 CC5537 CC5538 CC5543 CC5545 CC5620 CC8618 CC6589 CC6592 CC6595 PS6549 CC6593 PS6404 PS6433 PS6528 CC8619 SE6000 Scientific Investigation SEMESTER CODE Students who complete the Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling/ 44 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CREDITS IN5601 SUBJECT CREDITS Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Florida Christian University Graduate Degree Programs IN5602 IN5606 IN6603 IN6604 IN6605 Scientific Investigation: Project .................................. 3 Practicum ...................................................................... 9 Thesis: Research........................................................... 6 Thesis: Writing ............................................................. 3 Thesis: Defense ............................................................ 6 Graduate Total Credits................................................ 30 Total Hours .......................... 90 Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling/Psychology – 90 graduate semester credits. PM 5017 PM 5018 PM 5019 PM 5020 PM 5021 Scientific Investigation SEMESTER CODE MASTER OF ARTS IN MULTIFOCAL CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY Prerequisite: 126 semester credit hour Bachelor of Arts in Counseling/Psychology. Students who complete the Master of Arts in Multifocal Clinical Psychology degree should be able to: • Acquire developmentally appropriate skills in each area of professional Clinical Psychology; • Have Relationship, Assessment, Intervention, Research and Professional Roles; and • Demonstrate the personal and professional attributes of multiculturally competent practitioner-scholars. Multifocal Clinical Psychology SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT PM 5001 PM 5002 PM 5003 PM 5004 PM 5005 PM 5006 PM 5007 PM 5008 PM 5009 PM 5010 PM 5011 PM 5012 PM 5013 PM 5014 PM 5015 PM 5016 Intelligence Theories .................................................. 3 Counseling the Sexually Abused ................................ 3 Counseling Domestic Violence Victims.................... 3 Autism ........................................................................... 3 Clinical Pharmacology ................................................. 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Brief Strategic Family Intervention............................ 3 Psychotherapy ............................................................. 3 Psychological Testing and Measurements................. 3 Psychodynamic Theory ............................................... 3 Modern Psychotherapy ............................................... 3 Play Therapy ................................................................. 3 Counseling the Sexually Abused ................................ 3 Counseling Domestic Violence Victims.................... 3 Autism ........................................................................... 3 Clinical Pharmacology ................................................. 3 Florida Christian University Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Brief Strategic Family Intervention ........................... 3 Psychotherapy ............................................................. 3 Psychological Testing and Measurements ................ 3 Psychodynamic Theory............................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits ....... 60 IN5601 IN5602 IN5606 IN6603 IN6604 IN6605 SUBJECT CREDITS Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project ................................. 3 Practicum...................................................................... 9 Thesis: Research .......................................................... 6 Thesis: Writing ............................................................. 3 Thesis: Defense ........................................................... 6 Graduate Total Credits ............................................... 30 Total Hours .......................... 90 Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling/Psychology – 90 graduate semester credits. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN CLINICAL COUNSELING/PSYCHOLOGY Prerequisite: 90 semester credit hour Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling/Psychology. CREDITS Students who complete the Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Counseling/ Psychology degree should be able to: • Apply accepted psychological research, testing and advanced practices to mental health related issues; • Integrate in-depth Biblical and theological knowledge to the professional practice of counseling psychology; and • Demonstrate values integrity and ethical standards of conduct in chosen professional vocation. Counseling/Psychology SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CC7434 CC7510 CC7517 Abortion Counseling................................................... 3 Counseling for Spiritual Disturbances ...................... 3 Counseling for Families of Children with Disabilities & Disorders ............................. 3 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CREDITS 45 Graduate Degree Programs CC7524 CC7548 CC7569 CC7614 SW7618 CC7534 CC 7580 CC8574 PS8310 CC8615 CC8618 PS8307 PS8446 SW8208 SW8220 CC8619 SE8000 Federal/State Law and Counseling/Social Work Part II ......................... 3 Counseling the Depressed .......................................... 3 Marriage Therapy ......................................................... 3 Counseling for Juvenile Delinquency ........................ 3 Statistical Analyses of International Sociological Data ......................................................... 3 Counseling for Sexual Disorders ............................... 3 Behavioral Research .................................................... 3 Theological Dimensions of Christian Counseling ............................................. 3 Developmental Psychology ........................................ 3 Teen Suicide ................................................................. 3 Ethics & Legal Issues in Counseling/Social Work .. 3 Disorders: Stress, Phobias, Neurosis, Anxiety, Suicide, Alzheimer's Disease ..................................... 3 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.................... 3 Social Planning ............................................................. 3 Ethnicity and Social Work .......................................... 3 Social and Cultural Foundations ................................ 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits........ 60 ness of this program supersedes regular classes and involves investigation of knowledge by the student participating in quarterly meetings on campus or on the web and adjunct instruction. The chosen area of concentration is under the oversight of and must be approved by the faculty mentor and Doctoral Dissertation Committee. The objectives chosen will provide advanced development of the student’s professional counseling/psychology skills by: • Developing advanced in depth research skills upon the foundation of the doctor degree; • Advanced preparation for scientific careers in academia, industry, and non-profit sector in Counseling/Psychology; • Post Doctor Degree teaching; • Written topical articles published or non -published; • Publishing book based on Post Doctor researched dissertation project, and • Participating in International Adjunct instruction. POST DOCTOR in Counseling/Psychology 60 semester credits Biblical Studies Scientific Investigation SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS IN7601 IN7602 IN7606 IN8603 IN8604 IN8605 Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project.................................. 3 Practicum ...................................................................... 9 Dissertation: Research................................................. 6 Dissertation: Writing ................................................... 3 Dissertation: Defense .................................................. 6 Graduate Total Credits........ 30 Total Hours ......................... 90 Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Counseling/Psychology – 90 graduate semester credits POST DOCTOR OF COUNSELING/PSYCHOLOGY Prerequisite: 60 semester credit hour Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling/Psychology This degree program involves advanced research activity in preparation for a career position in academia, industry, or the non-profit sector. The unique- 46 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Undergraduate and Graduate students in "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" may have their diplomas with the title of either "Florida Christian University" or "Florida Theological Seminary." These "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" courses will apply for a degree for graduation from either "Florida Christian University" or "Florida Theological Seminary." MASTER OF ARTS IN BIBLICAL STUDIES Prerequisite: 126 semester credit hour Bachelor degree. The student completing the Master of Arts in Biblical Studies will: • Exhibit in depth understanding of Biblical content, theological synthesis, and hermeneutical practice; • Understand the value of the major fields of knowledge from a biblical foundation of truth; • Have an increased desire and foundation equipping them to be a lifelong learner of God’s Word; • Develop a deeper love for God that will bring honor and glory to His name; and • Have abiding love for people within the local church and or non- Florida Christian University Graduate Degree Programs values. profit ministry God calls them to serve. Biblical Studies Biblical Studies SEMESTER SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS BI7208 BI7308 BI7322 Study of the Hebrew Old Testament ........................ 3 James and Jude ............................................................ 3 I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus and Philemon ............................................................... 3 Philippians-ColossiansI & II Thessalonians ................................................... 3 Ezekiel .......................................................................... 3 Daniel ........................................................................... 3 I, II, & III John .......................................................... 3 Apostolic Facts-Disciple............................................. 3 Mission Theology ........................................................ 3 Biblical Interpretation Applications ......................... 3 Humanism .................................................................... 3 Harmony of the Gospels .......................................... 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits ....... 39 CODE SUBJECT BI5203 BI5205 BI5306 BI5309 BI5401 BI5402 BI5423 BI5538 MN6211 MN6315 TH6510 CM6404 CM6410 SE6000 Biblical Greek .............................................................. 3 Revelation ..................................................................... 3 I and II Corinthians ..................................................... 3 Tabernacle ................................................................... 3 Romans ......................................................................... 3 Isaiah ............................................................................. 3 Minor Prophets (Six During and After Exile) .......... 3 Jeremiah-Lamentations ............................................... 3 Five Fold Ministry ....................................................... 3 Ethics for Ministers and Other Christians ................ 3 Contemporary Theology ............................................. 3 Homiletics..................................................................... 3 Hermeneutics (Scriptural Interpretation) .................. 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits........ 42 BI7405 BI7432 BI7433 BI7529 MN7513 TH8416 CM8414 RG8407 BI8606 SE8000 Scientific Investigation Scientific Investigation SEMESTER SEMESTER CODE IN5601 IN5602 IN6603 IN6604 IN6605 SUBJECT CREDITS Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................... 3 Scientific Investigation: Project .................................. 3 Thesis: Research........................................................... 6 Thesis: Writing ............................................................. 3 Thesis: Defense ............................................................ 3 Graduate Total Credits........ 18 Total Hours .......................... 60 Master of Arts in Biblical Studies – 60 graduate semester credits DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN BIBLICAL STUDIES Prerequisite: 60 semester credit hour Master degree. The students this degree program should be able to: • Possess the skills necessary for ministry to people inside and outside of the local church, particularly pastoral care and excellence communication in the community; and • Integrate education, spiritual life, and life-experience into a consistent pattern of personal spiritual growth affecting character and Florida Christian University CREDITS CODE SUBJECT IN7601 IN7602 IN8603 IN8604 IN8605 Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project ................................. 3 Dissertation: Research ................................................ 6 Dissertation: Writing ................................................... 3 Dissertation: Defense.................................................. 6 Graduate Total Credits ....... 21 Total Hours .......................... 60 CREDITS Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies – 60 graduate semester credits. Pastoral Leadership Undergraduate and Graduate students in "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" may have their diplomas with the title of either "Florida Christian University" or "Florida Theological Seminary." These "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" courses will apply for a degree for graduation from either "Florida Christian University" or Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 47 Graduate Degree Programs Total Hours .......................... 60 "Florida Theological Seminary." MASTER OF ARTS IN PASTORAL LEADERSHIP Prerequisite: 126 semester credit hour Bachelor of Arts degree. Students who complete the Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership degree concentration should be able to: • Have an in-depth understanding of the personal spirituality which forms ministerial style; • Be able to analyze and effectively work within church systems which are in the permeating context of ministry; and • Make theological, moral, and practical applications of Scripture in various ministry settings. Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership – 60 graduate semester credits. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN PASTORAL LEADERSHIP Prerequisite: 60 graduate semester credit hour Master of Arts degree. The student completing the Doctor of Philosophy in Pastoral Leadership degree will be: • • Introduced to in depth, “Study to show thyself approved…” in their pastoral ministry; • Able to do in depth research with direct implications for the local church pastoral ministry that would be publishable; and • Provided a foundation to exegete Biblical interpretation with confi- Pastoral Leadership dence and with practical application to their pastoral ministry. SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS BI5205 BI5309 BI5455 BI5423 MN5302 EV5201 MN5409 MN5514 MN6315 CM6404 CM6410 TH6411 MN6211 SE6000 Revelation..................................................................... 3 Tabernacle ................................................................... 3 God of Covenants ...................................................... 3 Minor Prophets (Six During and After Exile) ......... 3 Worship Services ......................................................... 3 Evangelism II............................................................... 3 Administration and Guidance of the Church .......... 3 Ministry Help ............................................................... 3 Ethics for Ministers and Other Christians ............... 3 Homiletics .................................................................... 3 Hermeneutics (Scriptural Interpretation) ................. 3 Practical Theology ....................................................... 3 Five Fold Ministry ....................................................... 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits ....... 42 Scientific Investigation Pastoral Leadership SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT BI7322 I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus and Philemon ..................................................... 3 Ezekiel ........................................................................... 3 Daniel ............................................................................ 3 I, II, & III John ........................................................... 3 Apostolic Facts-Disciple ............................................. 3 Study of the Church Growth Movement .................. 3 Biblical Sanctification .................................................. 3 Ministerial Formation .................................................. 3 Harmony of the Gospels .......................................... 3 Biblical Interpretation Applications .......................... 3 How to Prepare a Sermon .......................................... 3 Humanism .................................................................... 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits................................................ 39 BI7432 BI7433 BI7529 MN7513 MN7521 MN7522 MN7523 BI8606 CM8414 CM8515 RG8407 SE8000 SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT IN5601 IN5602 IN6603 IN6604 IN6605 Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project ................................. 3 Thesis: Research .......................................................... 6 Thesis: Writing............................................................. 3 Thesis: Dissertation..................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits ....... 18 48 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CREDITS CREDITS Scientific Investigation SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT IN7601 IN7602 IN8603 IN8604 Scientific Investigation: Theory.................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project .................................. 3 Dissertation: Research ................................................. 6 Dissertation: Writing ................................................... 3 Florida Christian University CREDITS Graduate Degree Programs IN8605 Dissertation: Defense.................................................. 6 Graduate Total Credits ....... 21 Total Hours .......................... 60 Doctor of Philosophy in Pastoral Leadership – 60 graduate semester credits. Theology Undergraduate and Graduate students in "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" may have their diplomas with the title of either "Florida Christian University" or "Florida Theological Seminary." These "Biblical Studies," "Pastoral Leadership," and "Theology" courses will apply for a degree for graduation from either "Florida Christian University" or "Florida Theological Seminary." Scientific Investigation SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS IN5601 IN5602 IN6603 IN6604 IN6605 Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project ................................. 3 Thesis: Research .......................................................... 6 Thesis: Writing ............................................................ 3 Thesis: Dissertation .................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits ............................................... 18 Total Hours ................................................................. 60 Master of Arts in Theology – 60 graduate semester credits DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THEOLOGY Prerequisite: 60 graduate semester credit Master of Arts degree. MASTER OF ARTS IN THEOLOGY Prerequisite: 126 semester credit Bachelor of Arts degree. The student completing the Master of Arts in Theology degree will: • Know the dynamics of congregational analysis; • Integrate theological understandings with human need in the contemporary world; and • Demonstrate Christian commitment, maturity, integrity and spirituality. The student completing the Doctoral of Philosophy in Theology degree will: • Know the methods of qualitative, historical, and practical theological research; • Grow in understanding of the biblical, historical and theological warrants for contemporary ministerial practice; and • Develop effectiveness in the expository communication of Scripture, through oral and written media. Theology Theology SEMESTER SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT BI5309 EV5201 TH5021 TH5310 TH5307 RG5404 TH5420 SE5000 CM6404 CM6410 MN6315 TH6411 TH6510 MN6211 Tabernacle ................................................................... 3 Evangelism II ............................................................... 3 Cosmology ................................................................... 3 Eschatology .................................................................. 3 Hamartiology ............................................................... 3 World Religions ........................................................... 3 Apologetics................................................................... 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Homiletics .................................................................... 3 Hermeneutics (Scriptural Interpretation).................. 3 Ethics for Ministers and Other Christians................ 3 Practical Theology ...................................................... 3 Contemporary Theology............................................. 3 Five Fold Ministry ....................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits ....... 42 Florida Christian University CREDITS CODE SUBJECT BI7322 I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus and Philemon..................................................... 3 I, II, & III John .......................................................... 3 Seminar......................................................................... 3 Apostolic Facts-Disciple ............................................ 3 Study of the Church Growth Movement ................. 3 Biblical Sanctification ................................................. 3 Angelology ................................................................... 3 Biblical Language (Hebrew and Greek)- - Analysis ................................ 3 Mission Theology ........................................................ 3 Biblical Interpretation Applications ......................... 3 How to Prepare a Sermon.......................................... 3 Humanism ................................................................... 3 Harmony of the Gospels ......................................... 3 BI7529 SE7000 MN7513 MN7521 MN7522 TH7413 TH7414 TH8416 CM8414 CM8515 RG8407 BI8606 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CREDITS 49 Graduate Degree Programs Graduate Total Credits ....... 39 Scientific Investigation SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS IN7601 IN7602 IN8603 IN8604 IN8605 Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project ................................. 3 Dissertation: Research ................................................ 6 Dissertation: Writing ................................................... 3 Dissertation: Defense ................................................. 6 Graduate Total Credits ....... 21 Total Hours ......................... 60 The students completing the Master of Arts Degree in Education with focus on Principled Education will: • Demonstrate the ability to structure an educational program aligned with Principled Educational method. • Effectively lead a team to attain education excellence. • Identify the transformational aspects of education for competence and character. SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT ED5607 Philosophy & Christian Foundations in Principled Education............................................... 3 Education Methodology: Base & Application in Principled Education ............................................. 3 Tools & Projects in Principled Education ................ 3 Curriculum Theory and Organization in Principled Education ................................................... 3 SOAR Human Development Tools .......................... 3 Education and Evaluation .......................................... 3 Historical Foundations ................................................ 3 Leadership: Practice and development ...................... 3 Neuroscience Applied to Education.......................... 3 Cultural and Family System ........................................ 3 Guidance Counseling for the Classroom Teacher ... 3 Entrepreneurship ......................................................... 3 Models of Teaching and Instructional Theory ......... 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits:...……………. 42 ED5608 Doctor of Philosophy in Theology – 60 graduate semester credits ED5112 AD5304 POST DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY Prerequisite: 60 graduate semester credit hour Doctor of Philosophy in Theology This degree program involves advanced research activity. The uniqueness of this program supersedes regular classes and involves investigation of knowledge by the student participating in quarterly meetings on campus or on the web and adjunct instruction. The chosen area of concentration is under the oversight of and must be approved by the faculty mentor and Doctoral Dissertation Committee. The objectives chosen will provide advanced development of the student’s theology skills by: • Developing advanced in depth research skills upon the foundation of the doctor degree; • Advanced preparation for ministry related to theology in academia, industry, and non-profit sector; • Post Doctor Degree teaching; • Written topical articles published or non -published; • Publishing book based on Post Doctor researched dissertation project, and • Participating in International Adjunct instruction Post Doctor in Theology - 60 graduate semester credits Education CH3013 ED6509 ED2103 SC5314 ED5407 ED4435 ED5405 AD1412 ED4450 SE6000 CREDITS Scientific Investigation SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT IN5601 IN5602 IN6603 IN6604 IN6605 Scientific Investigation: Theory.................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project .................................. 3 Thesis: Research........................................................... 6 Thesis: Writing ............................................................. 3 Thesis: Dissertation ..................................................... 3 Graduate Total Credits:.………….…...18 Total Hours:……...….………….…….60 CREDITS Master of Arts in Principled Education 60 graduate semester credits. MASTER OF ARTS IN PRINCIPLED EDUCATION Prerequisite: 126 semester credit Bachelor of Science in Education degree. 50 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Prerequisite: 126 semester credit Bachelor of Science in Florida Christian University Graduate Degree Programs POST DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Coaching SEMESTER Prerequisite: 60 graduate semester credit Doctor of Philosophy in Education degree. This degree program involves advanced research activity. The uniqueness of this program supersedes regular classes and involves investigation of knowledge by the student participating in quarterly meetings on campus or on the web and adjunct instruction. The chosen area of concentration is under the oversight of and must be approved by the faculty mentor and Doctoral Dissertation Committee. The objectives chosen will provide advanced development of the student’s educator skills by: • Developing advanced in depth research skills upon the foundation of the doctor degree; • Advanced preparation related to professional skills for education in academia, industry, and non-profit sector; • Post Doctor Degree teaching; • Written topical articles published or non -published; • Publishing book based on Post Doctor researched dissertation project; and • Participating in International Adjunct instruction. CODE SUBJECT CH5027 Coaching Laboratory II: Simulated Session, Questions As Powerful Tools ................................... 3 Coaching Relationship/Dynamic .............................. 3 Professional Strategies of Systematic Integral Coaching......................................................... 3 Professional Ethics ...................................................... 3 Multiple Intelligences .................................................. 3 Multicultural Education…………………………..3 CH5028 CH5029 MN5305 PS5308 ED6514 AD7519 SE5000 CH6030 CH6031 CH6032 CH6033 CH6034 AD6542 CREDITS Public Relations ............................................................ 3 Seminar ......................................................................... 3 Applied Systematic Integral Coaching ..................... 3 Ethnicity and Diversity ............................................... 3 Coaching Compared: Counseling, Mentoring, Training and Consulting ............................................. 3 Behavioral Coaching ................................................... 3 SOAR: Assessment .................................................... 3 Transition and Change Management......................... 3 Total Credits ........................ 42 Post Doctor of Philosophy in Education - 60 graduate semester credits. Scientific Investigation SEMESTER Coaching MASTER OF ARTS IN COACHING Prerequisite: 126 semester credit hour Bachelor of Arts in Coaching. The student completing the Master of Arts in Coaching degree will: • Be able to demonstrate abilities to organize and prioritize learning skills in the work force; CODE SUBJECT CREDITS IN5601 IN5602 IN6603 IN6604 IN6605 Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project…………….. ......... 3 Thesis: Research .......................................................... 6 Thesis: Writing ............................................................. 3 Thesis: Defense ............................................................ 3 Total Credits .................... 18 Total Hour……………….60 Master of Arts in Coaching – 60 graduate semester credits. • Be a coaching professional able to lead the work force team in • effective decision making; and Be able to implement coaching strategies in which leadership can identify different points of view and understand the unique perspectives of each one. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN COACHING Prerequisite: 60 Graduate semester credit hour Master of Arts in Coaching. The student completing the Doctor of Philosophy in Coaching degree will: • Possess effective skills to develop senior coaches; Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 51 Graduate Degree Programs • Create programs to develop others to become professional coaches. • Be an effective internal coach that can practice professionally within a single organization; and • Be a professional coaching consultant to those organizations requiring professional coaching services in varied areas to improve their internal coaching staff. Coaching SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS CH7035 CH7036 CH7037 CH7038 ED7307 MN7523 CH7023 CH7040 CH8041 CH8042 CH8043 AD8641 PS8580 Integrated Model: Consulting Action Coach ........... 3 Coaching Laboratory III: Leadership-Coaching ...... 3 SOAR Applied ........................................................... 3 Professional-level Coach Education ........................ 3 Formation by Competition ........................................ 3 Ministerial Formation ................................................. 3 Transition and Change Management ........................ 3 Executive Coaching & Renewal ................................ 3 Global Leadership Development .............................. 3 Emotional Intelligence ............................................... 3 Spiritual Intelligence ................................................... 3 Business Coaching ...................................................... 3 Behavioral Research .................................................... 3 Total Credits ....................... 39 Scientific Investigation SEMESTER CODE SUBJECT CREDITS IN7601 IN7602 IN8603 IN8604 IN8605 Scientific Investigation: Theory ................................. 3 Scientific Investigation: Project ................................. 3 Dissertation: Research ................................................ 6 Dissertation: Writing................................................... 3 Dissertation: Defense ................................................. 6 Total Credits ........................ 21 Total Hours.......................... 60 Doctor of Philosophy in Coaching – 60 graduate semester credits. 52 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Course Descriptions Academic Years 2016-2019 Course Descriptions General Education Course Descriptions COMMUNICATIONS (CM) CM2101 Composition I ............................................................. 3Cr. LANGUAGE PLANS Instruction and practice in effective expository writing with emphasis on clarity of central and supporting ideas, development, logical organization, Florida Christian University added Spanish and Portuguese languages classes. Other languages will follow, Lord willing. Check for current status. coherence and grammatical mechanical accuracy. CM2108 Effective Communication ........................................... 3Cr. A study of theories of communication behavior in relatively unstructured ADMINISTRATION (AD) face to face situations, including small-group discussion. AD1410 Global Times ............................................................. 3Cr. CM2210 Information, People, and Technology ........................ 3Cr. A new vision of administration and ministry in all the areas of human life, Provides an introduction to basic concepts of information society, compu- not only the personal, but ministry and professional areas of life, taught at a ting and information systems principles, and the social implications of general level. information and information technology. This course presents the ideas and problems that make information and communication technology pro- AD1412 Entrepreneurship ........................................................ 3Cr. fessionals the drivers of hope in the 21st Century. This course analyzes the differences between entrepreneurs and executives. One sets out to identify the main myths that influence in the process of CM3301 Composition II............................................................ 3Cr. creation of companies. One looks to support and to orient the increasing Continuing from CM3101, instruction and practice in effective expository tendency on the part of graduated students towards the development of writing with emphasis on clarity of central and supporting ideas, develop- new ideas, entrepreneurship and the access to the resources that they ment, logical organization, coherence and grammatical mechanical accura- require for the initial stages. cy. BIBLE (BI) CM3105 Verbal Expression ....................................................... 3Cr. A study and application of the principles and practices of oral interpreta- BI1101 Introduction to Study of the Bible .............................. 3Cr. tion (reading) of literature, including individual and ensemble performance. This course explores how to understand the meaning of Scripture, and how it applies to us today. The course focuses on the different literary forms of COUNSELING (CC) Scripture, and provides different Bible studies for serious learners of God’s Word. In this practical approach to Bible study, students will learn how to CC1521 Temperaments I .......................................................... 3Cr. use resources, including Bible software for studying Scripture. The goal is to discover different temperaments and their characteristics to meet the needs of the client. Temperament is the part of the personality COACHING (CH) that remains constant in the individual throughout life by determining to a great extent the characteristics of the individual’s behavior, and how he or CH1010 Introductory Coaching .............................................. 3Cr. she relates to their surroundings by determining the attitude of the individ- This course will introduce the principles and skills of workplace coaching and ual before circumstances and people. This course helps to increase the their application to leadership mentoring; performance coaching as the key knowledge about people, and it helps students to know what type of skills for successful leadership at work, encouraging people to think creative- intervention the counselors need to apply. ly for themselves. A crucial aspect of effective delegation and capacity building in an organization. 54 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) EDUCATION (ED) the end of the Second World War. This course pays particular attention to the establishment of the United States, its political and social distinctive, ED1101 Introduction to Christian Education ........................... 3Cr. and the contradictions that culminated in the Civil War and a "new birth of This study seeks, in a specific way, to feed the motivation in people who freedom." have the vocation of teaching, enabling them with the tools that allow them to develop education with Christian principles. With this aim, it will SC2102 Philosophical Thinking ................................................ 3Cr. give a general approach to the main educational criteria and its historical The present course looks to develop in its students critical thought process; in addition, it looks for the development of the students’ interest through the study of philosophical thinking throughout history. The philo- in personal investigation. sophical problems that were the object of historical communications by analyzing to analyze contemporary problems through Biblical communica- ED1109 Study Methods & Techniques ..................................... 3Cr. tion. Understanding different types of scientific research and scientific techniques for a better knowledge in social research for communication to SC2205 Study of Man and His Culture ..................................... 3Cr. identify and analyze the subjects of social communications. The applica- A study of environmental stimuli, each individual human being creates his tion of the appropriate research and data production techniques in specific physical and mental personality from the biological attributes which are cases. shared by all people. Human societies and cultures emerged from the progressive integration of these responses; while the outward manifesta- HUMANTITIES (HU) tions of behavior are governed by the values and rules of each social group. HU3010 Introduction to Humanities ....................................... 3Cr. This course covers significant ideas, art forms, philosophies, and scientific SC3204 Biological Science ........................................................ 3Cr. developments in Western culture since the Renaissance. Discussions focus A non–laboratory course in biology. Introduction to the unifying principles on the way humans view their relationship with the past, with the future, of biology. The methods of science will be illustrated in the study of the with God, nature, other humans, and with themselves. chemistry of life, cell structure and function. A study of the body, genetics, reproduction, development and diseases of people. PSYCHOLOGY (PS) PS1304 General Psychology .................................................... 3Cr. II- Professional Studies A general revision of neuropsychology, sensations and perceptions, emotions and motivations, learning and memory, nature and nurture, lan- ACCOUNTING (AC) guage and the development of personality, and the psychological disorders and therapy. AC2201 Principles of Accounting ............................................. 3Cr. This course introduces students to the world of management accounting. PS4101 Introduction to Social Psychology .............................. 3Cr. An interactive experience that provides the student with a basic under- In this course the criteria of the individual and society are studied, the standing of accounting, covering the topics of general accounting including way in which the social interaction occurs; the acquired and modified an overview of financial statements. attitudes, peer pressure. General review of types of methodologies and group techniques that have some type of relationship with Social Psychol- AC2401 Accounting Theory ...................................................... 3Cr. ogy. The study of accounting techniques with examples of registering, classifying and summarizing the mercantile operations of a business with the SCIENCE (SC) purpose of facilitating the interpretation of its results by managers or directors who through accountings will be able to orient themselves on the SC2101 Survey of American History ........................................ 3Cr. course their businesses follow by means of countable and statistical data. A dynamic survey of American history from European contact, through These data allow knowing the stability and reliability of the company, cash Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 55 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) flow, general tendencies of sales, costs and expenses, among others, so AD2210 Marketing I ................................................................ 3Cr. that the financial capacity of the company can be known. This course will explore aspects such as the principles, the functions, organizations, methods and problems of commercialization involved in the AC3301 Computer Accounting ................................................ 3Cr. exchange process known as marketing: a managerial perspective that Explanation of accounting for managers so that they will understand the revolves around the marketing concept and the marketing mix. A study of practices used by their staff and auditors. Includes methods used inter- marketing research, distribution channels, supply and demand analysis, nally by managers involving accounting information for planning, invento- record of sales and product policy, and advertising and pricing. ry, and control. AD2505 E-Business .................................................................. 3Cr. AC5304 Accounting in Non-Governmental Organizations....... 3Cr. Explores what an e-business is and how it is managed. E-business is an Accounting is based on the necessity to count on truthful, opportune, and interdisciplinary topic encompassing both business and technology, basic complete financial information, with documents and registries that demon- business aspects and applications throughout the business world including strate the processes made by an organization and the results obtained commercial business, government, and education. that reflect their financial situation. Every organization that makes a permanent or occasional activity needs to control the operations that are AD3304 Marketing II ............................................................... 3Cr. carried out, changes in the assets, the obligations and the budget, in An analysis of strategies to participate competitively in the global market- order to inform and to interpret the results of the administrative and ing environment. This includes an analysis of the elements of an import- financial management. export operation, a multinational company, all the way to a geocentrically oriented global marketing operation. Special attention is given to cross- ADMINISTRATION (AD) cultural requirements from the design of products (goods and services) to promotion, advertising, sales, and service. AD1101 Administration with Christian Worldview .................. 3Cr. Historical bases of Administration. Introduction: classic, humanistic, bu- AD3305 Principles of Supervision ........................................... 3Cr. reaucratic, structural, systematic, neoclassic and the new configurations Introduction to concepts, principles and supervisory practices influencing or organizational approaches. It includes the basic knowledge for admin- the attainment of desired performance in today’s world. istration and application of the fundamental principles. how to effectively supervise and motivate others. An applied review of the Also, learning technical, conceptual, human resource, and decision making skills required AD1415 Introduction to Business ............................................ 3Cr. for supervisory assignments. Emphasis is placed upon diversity manage- This course introduces students to the world of business. It is designed to ment, quality initiatives, productivity, legal compliance, strategic align- be an interactive and lively experience that provides the student a basic ment, and team based operations. understanding of business. It will cover the dynamic world of business, planning and decision. AD3307 People Management ................................................... 3Cr. This course focuses in detail on a number of key elements in human re- AD1501 Administration Theory ................................................ 3Cr. source management including training, career management, personnel, Analysis of management that is facing constant transformations by im- and organizational development. proving abilities to manage a business correctly. Strategic enterprise organization: concepts, methods for implementing, accompanying and AD3308 Introduction to Human Resources ............................. 3Cr. evaluating, power, leadership, authority, communication and decision- An overview of human resources management, how it works, how it re- making organizational control process, and strategic overseeing. lates to other organizational departments, organizational policies, and the importance of the overseers and supervisors. AD1507 Non-Profit Administration .......................................... 3Cr. Administration that focuses on developing exemplary leaders to work in AD3309 Organizational Behavior ............................................. 3Cr. non-profit organizations to fulfill an integral, altruistic purpose, and to This course provides a foundation for understanding organizational behav- prioritize a cultural competency in the unique features of non-profits. ior at the individual, group, and organizational level. The course will familiarize students with research, theories, models, concepts, and con- 56 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) temporary issues in the field, and will emphasize active learning and skill AD4513 Integrative Team Building .......................................... 3Cr. development structured around the conceptual content of the course. This course offers a clear understanding of the theory and methodology of team coaching. Identifying specific skills to practice as a competent team AD3310 Service Marketing ...................................................... 3Cr. coach. A personal understanding of yourself as a team member. Team This course analyzes the branch of marketing that studies as a special coaching is for experienced coaches looking to develop their team practice category the intangible products that aim to satisfy certain necessities or as the organizations motivate and manage their teams in a period of expectations of the consumers, such as amusement, insurance, medical change and uncertainty. services, etc. AD5220 Management ............................................................... 3Cr. AD3403 Business Law .............................................................. 3Cr. Provides an introduction to the fundamental theories, concepts, principles, A study of the principles of business law covering the fields of contracts, and practice in private, public, and not-for-profit management. agencies, personal property, sales, negotiable instruments, partnerships, and corporations, security relations and trade regulations. AD5405 Strategic Planning for Organizational Management .. 3Cr. Instructions of how to elaborate an enterprise plan and how to evaluate AD3503 Organizational Management ...................................... 3Cr. the management of the company by means of the application. Behavior, attitudes, and performance of individuals within organizations, impact of informal groups and the organization on receptions, termina- AD5521 Marketing Research .................................................... 3Cr. tions, and interventions with employees. Marketing research is a pervasive function of modern organizations. The marketing concept is to be implemented; marketers must have a way of AD3504 Individual and Organizational Alignment ................. 3Cr. determining what it is that customers desire. Marketing research tech- Examines the importance of organizational alignment for information niques qualitative and quantitative approaches, some methods; we will systems success. Alignment means that internal practices such as pay, focus on experimental and survey research. Students will learn to develop promotion, staff selection, retention and organizational structure should a questionnaire, code and enter data, to analyze data, and finally, to positively support organizational efforts to change and innovate. prepare a managerial report that concisely and clearly summarizes results. Students will learn how successfully to use and interpret statistics. AD4402 Stress Management .................................................... 3Cr. This course exposes students to a holistic approach to stress manage- AD5540 Organizational Culture................................................ 3Cr. ment. It treats both cognitive skills and relaxation techniques with the Organizational Culture studies the concepts and manifestations which intention of preventing and/or alleviating the physical symptoms of stress. define an organization and the objectives of impact for the individuals or The learning activities of the course are both theoretical and experiential. other work organizations. This course introduces aids that will be needed for a better comprehension of conceptualization of the organizational AD4511 Volunteer Resources ................................................... 3Cr. culture. The goal is to provide knowledge and to understand the culture’s This course, volunteer resources, proposes to develop a volunteer man- complexity by appreciating the importance of all the activities like ceremo- agement based on substantive rationality, who are most appropriate ones nies, myths, rituals, and symbols used by the culture. to volunteer, to identify resources to recruit volunteers, maintain, train, supervise, evaluate and motivate volunteers. AD5542 Contemporary Administration .................................... 3Cr. An overview of how the evolution of various managerial techniques cause AD4512 Advertising Fundamentals .......................................... 3Cr. the breakdown of international borders and forcing companies to teach This course describes the infrastructure of the advertising field, the basics their staff to be quickly adapted to modern management techniques in of creating an effective advertising and the context of advertising as part order to enter global competitiveness. of the marketing mix. It is oriented with a focus on communication in integrated marketing, which seeks to provide solutions in brand develop- AD5620 Non-Profit Marketing .................................................. 3Cr. ment for return on investment in marketing. A non-profit organization takes the need for a new sense of satisfying not only the consumer but also the donor's needs. About non-profit, it’s an Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 57 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) overview of capital campaign to better understand a capital campaign AD7541 Environmental Management ...................................... 3Cr. process. A basic nonprofit marketing and promotions plan. Environmental management presents the work of academic researchers and professionals outside universities, including those in business, govern- AD6542 Transition and Change Management ..........................3Cr. ment, research establishments, and public interest groups, presenting a This course wide spectrum of viewpoints and approaches, about the natural resources. helps to explore and understand the things that happen before, during and after change. It will offer practical tools to make potentially difficult situations easier and it will engage with change in a AD7601 Organizational Management ...................................... 3Cr. realistic and in an empowering way. This course examines the practical solutions to everyday challenges, best practices and trends for the proper functioning of an organization, or non- AD6543 Managing Customer Services......................................3Cr. profit. Also focuses on the unique challenges faced by associations and Offers the student an overview of the strategic management of the linkag- help design ways to overcome any difficult situation affecting the organi- es between organizations and their customers by analyzing the main zation. points of fragility in relationships with customers and key in the implementation of care management systems of the same. AD7611 Business, Government and Society .......................... 3Cr. Examines the complex interface between the public and private sectors AD6545 Consumer Behavior .....................................................3Cr. within contemporary American society as well as in a comparative context, The consumer behavior course applies concepts, principles and theories both historical and global, to learn advanced problem defining, analytical from various social sciences in order to analyze the factors that influence and communication skills in dealing with difficult problems faced by busi- the purchase, consumption and disposal of products, services and ideas. nesses involving government regulation, politics, ethics and corporate Knowledge of the principles of consumer behavior and the factors that social responsibility. influence consumption is of great importance for the decision making marketing executive. AD7640 Merchandising ............................................................ 3Cr. This course provides knowledge about the art of presentation of products AD7411 Small Business Management ......................................3Cr. and how to display them. Define criteria for educating customers, how to Interdisciplinary program for students who want to develop financial awaken interest and finally to realize the sales process by using presenta- abilities, managerial abilities, and marketing abilities with the revision of tions, displays and communication in the exhibitions and events both the analysis of the benefits of cost and risk, insurance, law, public order national and international. and a focus on environmental problems. AD8641 Business Coaching ...................................................... 3Cr. AD7509 Developing a New Program .......................................3Cr. This course provides an overview of the principles and practices of busi- The review of theoretical and practical project development processes, ness coaching within organizational settings. Will revise a basic knowledge which includes identification, design and execution. Review of models of the coaching process, including how to create the coaching relationship, proposed by non-governmental organizations. engage in coaching conversations, and clarify action commitments. Teaching specific strategies and techniques to increase effectiveness when AD7519 Public Relations...........................................................3Cr. communicating with others, and to develop an awareness of your own and Public relations studied as the art and the science that establishes the other’s communication patterns. management of communication between an organization and the public. Revision of the strategies used in the bidirectional communication, those BIBLICAL STUDIES (BI) that involve knowing how to listen and to take care of the necessities of the clients and those with whom one addresses the public, to favor the BI1102 Old Testament Survey ................................................. 3Cr. mutual understanding between the organizations and their public. The Introduction to the Old Testament with its major divisions. Includes an practice of public relations, including techniques, investigates the tools, overview survey of each book with relations between types of books, the publicity, and the management of any program. authors and message. 58 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) BI1103 New Testament Survey ............................................... 3Cr. This will explore the relationship between the Old Testament Covenant A survey of the New Testament with its major divisions, and an overview and the New Testament Covenant, especially stressing the Old Testament of Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Revelation, including their authors and laws, customs, ways and history. message. BI2304 Psalms ......................................................................... 3Cr. BI1104 Comparison of Old and New Testaments ................. 3Cr. A study of the book of Psalms, its origin and context, the main message, A comparative study between the Old Testament and the New Testament, the accomplishments about the wisdom given under the power of God, the years of history in the Old and New Testaments, their books and the and the practical teachings for our life. main subjects; a review of the bases of the Christian doctrine and the Christian faith giving attention to the history and the main themes. The BI2315 Ezra-Nehemiah and Esther......................................... 3Cr. relation between God and man, the prophetic focus and its accomplish- A study of the books regarding the author, the message, the audience, ment through the times. and the time period in which written with the relationship to the Persian Empire. The return to Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the wall and the BI1105 Worldwide Flood; Before and After ........................... 3Cr. temple will be covered. A Biblical study of the following areas: the creation, the fall, the spreading of sin, and the deluge. BI2317 Proverbs ..................................................................... 3Cr. A study of the book of Proverbs, its origin and context, the main message, BI1107 The Law of God ............................................................ 3Cr. the accomplishments about the wisdom given under the power of God, How to exactly orient the methodologies for the study of the Bible, having and the practical teachings for our life. as resources of consultation books such as the Greek and Hebrew studies, and the commentaries of the Bible. This course promotes the detailed BI3207 Galatians and Ephesians ............................................ 3Cr. investigation of the Biblical contents, with particular emphasis on the This course is an interpretive (exegetical, theological and practical) study study of God’s Law. of Paul's letters to the Galatian and Ephesian believers. Special attention is given to the following: the Pauline argument in its progressive unfolding, BI1201 Genesis and Exodus.................................................... 3Cr. with intense investigation into the historical background, major themes The Pentateuch is the five first books of the Bible, attributed to Moses: and theological issues. Through class discussion and inductive research, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy (called by the the application of these teachings will be made to contemporary problems. Jews the "Torah" or "Law") Genesis: is the book of the "beginnings,” Exodus: "exit." Leviticus: "Levi,” "priest." Numbers: "lists," and Deuteron- BI3213 I & II Peter ................................................................ 3Cr. omy: "Second Law." This course studies Genesis and Exodus. Study of the letters of 1 & 2 Peter in the Bible. The origin and context of these letters. A revision of the message and the purpose of these letters, BI1202 Life of Christ ................................................................ 3Cr. and a contextualized application for our days. The life and teaching of Jesus Christ, His miracles and His holiness, the use of parables for teaching. The life of Jesus projected in the teachings BI3302 Joshua, Judges and Ruth ........................................... 3Cr. about His resurrection, ascension and His second coming. An in-depth study of these books and how God governed during the period of the Judges. There will be a study of how Joshua and Caleb carried BI1215 Exodus: Israel History and Conquests ....................... 3Cr. out the conquest of Canaan and how the judges followed up on this con- A study of the history of the nation of Israel: the patriarchs, the migra- quest. There will be a special study of how a woman from Moab, Ruth, tion, the monarchy. The course starts in Abraham and emphasizes all the was part of the lineage of David and Jesus. nations that by some way influenced the Hebrews: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. We also will consider the geography of the BI3303 Acts .............................................................................. 3Cr. middle-east and costumes in Biblical times. An in-depth study of this book and the growth of the early church. There will be a study of the ministry: first to Jews, then from the Jews to the BI1301 Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy........................ 3Cr. Gentiles, and finally to the whole world. An in-depth study of the books of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 59 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) BI3305 I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles. ...................................3Cr. BI4318 Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon ............................. 3Cr. An in-depth study of the history of the kings and the prophets of the The poetic books of the Bible, the ones that reflect about the life and the period covered in these books. There will be a study of how each prophet history of Israel. The book of Ecclesiastes and the theological and spiritual relates to which king(s). subjects in the book of Song of Solomon. BI3314 I & II Samuel ..............................................................3Cr. BI4326 John ............................................................................. 3Cr. A study of the books regarding the author, the message, the audience, A detailed study of the Gospel of John. The theological material that John and the time period in which written with the relationship to Saul and stresses will be covered in contrast with the other Gospels. David. The role of prophets in these books will be emphasized. BI4423 Minor Prophets (Six Before Exile) ............................... 3Cr. BI3323 Matthew .....................................................................3Cr. A detailed study of the times and messages of the first six minor prophets, A study of the Gospel of Matthew, its author, the way he presents the before the exile: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah and Jonah. There will person of Jesus Christ, the redeemer Messiah, who was promised to be special emphasis on how each prophet fits with the king or kings that Abraham, and King Savior, the genealogy of Christ; the two covenants of were prophesied about. God with His people: also the pact with David concerning the kingdom, and the pact with Abraham concerning redemption. BI4456 History and Customs of the Old Testament ................ 3Cr. A study of Biblical patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Their origin, BI3324 Mark .............................................................................3Cr. religious concepts, familiar structure and the purpose of their call for God’s Study of the Gospel of Mark, the second of the Gospels included in the kingdom. New Testament and the oldest of the four canonical Gospels. The life of Jesus Christ, from His baptism to His resurrection. BI4516 Dispensational Study of the Bible ............................... 3Cr. Dispensational theology can be defined very simply as a system of theolo- BI3325 Luke ............................................................................3Cr. gy which attempts to develop the Bible's philosophy of history on the basis Study of the Gospel of Luke: its language, style, theology and the equiva- of the sovereign rule of God. It represents the whole of Scripture and lent structure with the book of Acts. Study of the biography of the Savior history as being covered by several dispensations of God's rule. (Jesus Christ), from His birth to the conclusion of His redeemer task. In addition, with the study of this book, it will emphasize the prayers of the BI5203 Biblical Greek .............................................................. 3Cr. Lord Jesus Christ. Graduate class in New Testament Greek. It teaches the Greek alphabet, sounds, grammar and vocabulary, using J. Gresham Machen’s textbook. BI3515 Body of Christ ...............................................................3Cr. This course teaches the structure of the natural human body and all the BI5205 Revelation .................................................................... 3Cr. systems contained within the natural body from a spiritual point of view. Study of the Sovereignty of God in the book of Revelation. Review of the origin of the manuscript, and the definition of the context of its descrip- BI4206 Hebrews .......................................................................3Cr. tion. The prophecies of the book of Revelation, and the interpretation of This is a careful exploration of the anonymous book called Hebrews. We its symbols. The awaited events and fundamentally the revelation of Jesus will conduct a detailed analysis of this document in light of Jewish and Christ in the end times. Greco-Roman background materials that facilitate understanding its theological importance in the New Testament canon. BI5306 I and II Corinthians .................................................... 3Cr. An in-depth study of the first and second Epistles of Paul to the church at BI4316 Job: Integrity ...............................................................3Cr. Corinth. There will be a study of food sacrificed to idols, marriage and Integrity, moral purity and character; references in the Old and New appropriate worship styles. Testaments concerning integrity. Integrity as part of wisdom and the diligence with which we have to apply the Word of God in our lives in BI5309 Tabernacle .................................................................. 3Cr. order to have a good reputation. The tabernacle, along with its details was revealed to Moses in Mount 60 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) Sinai (Exodus 25:8-9). It seems that what God showed Moses on a vision BI7308 James and Jude ............................................................ 3Cr. of God’s Throne and of the “New Jerusalem,” so that Moses would make a Study of the letter books of the Bible, the letters of James and Jude. The detailed description of what he saw. This meticulous description later origin and context of these letters, and a revision of the message and the served to define the specifications of the tabernacle itself. The most im- purpose of these letters, and a contextualized application for our days. portant message in the study of the tabernacle is that it tells us about the Way to God. This affirmation will be evident when we analyze the compo- BI7322 I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus and Philemon ...................................................... 3Cr. nents of the tabernacle. A study of the pastoral books regarding the author, the message, the BI5401 Romans ........................................................................ 3Cr. audience, and the time period in which it was written. The uses of these in Biographical study of Saul of Tarsus-Apostle Paul. The human traditions of the pastor’s life and the life of the Church will be explained. his house and his school, and his fervor for the Law as a Pharisee and his conversion, and his condition as apostle of the Gentiles. The review of BI7405 Philippians- Paul’s writings that are exclusively letters, but of much doctrinal value and Colossians-I & II Thessalonians.................................. 3Cr. as much supernatural depth as a Gospel. The lessons of the Epistle to the A detailed study of these epistles, their teachings adjusted to the reality of Romans. the cities involved. These books will have their place in Church history explained and especially how they influenced the early and present-day BI5402 Isaiah .......................................................................... 3Cr. Church. The importance of the first of the books called major prophets. The detailed prophecy about the birth of Emmanuel, His life, death, resurrection, BI7432 Ezekiel .......................................................................... 3Cr. and His triumphant and eternal kingdom. The origin and context of the A study of the book of Ezekiel. The life of this prophet and his vision of the book. The punishment and restoration of Israel as His chosen people. The temple. There will be comparisons with the three temples that were built message and the contextualization with our time. (Solomon’s, Zerubbabel’s. Herod’s) and Ezekiel’s, which has never been built. BI5423 Minor Prophets (Six During and After Exile) .............. 3Cr. A detailed study of the times and messages of the last six minor prophets, BI7433 Daniel ........................................................................... 3Cr. during and after the exile: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zecha- A historic study of this prophet’s life, and the relationship to the book of riah and Malachi. There will be a detailed explanation of how they relate Revelation and prophecy. to the kings of the time. BI7529 I, II, & III John .......................................................... 3Cr. BI5455 God of Covenants ....................................................... 3Cr. This course is an examination of the letters of John. In seeking to under- The disposition of the historical pact of redemption and the revelation of stand the meaning of the letters, questions of composition, sources, struc- this pact in Scriptures, and the pacts that were revealed in Scriptures. The ture of the narrative, and historical placement will be explored. The major Pact of Abraham, his context, blessings and dangerous threats. themes of the letters will be compared and contrasted. BI5538 Jeremiah-Lamentations .............................................. 3Cr. BI8606 Harmony of the Gospels ............................................ 3Cr. Study of the book of Jeremiah among the major prophets, brief biograph- The life of Christ according to the writers of the four Gospels. The Gospels ical review of the prophet Jeremiah; study in reference of the book, will be studied in a contrasted way, and the writings will emphasize the life search of its origin and context, an analysis of the central message and an of Christ. application to the contemporary context. COUNSELING (CC) BI7208 Study of the Hebrew Old Testament………………………..3Cr. Introduction to the study of Hebrew. It has a review of the Hebrew alpha- CC1101 Christian Counseling ..................................................3Cr. bet, sounds, grammar and vocabulary. This class is an introduction to Christian counseling and includes: the art of interviewing and data gathering for pastors, teachers, and counselors to identify problems and determine to what extent counseling is required. Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 61 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) CC1408 Human Growth and Spiritual Development Theory CC2620 Counseling in Community Settings............................. 3Cr. ...................................................................................................3Cr. The course itself will be shaped by three major components: 1) The study This course places emphasis on the study of the characteristics of human of current trends and topics in community counseling. 2) The practice of growth at each stage of development. Special emphasis will be placed on specific techniques and interventions. 3) The application of the techniques counseling in various settings, including schools. Instruction and practice in community settings. The general principles of community counseling, in the writing of a case study report is also given. including, but not limits to prevention, education, consultation, and crisis intervention. CC1522 Temperaments II ........................................................3Cr. This course introduces the analysis of temperaments. This class will teach CC3304 Premarital Counseling ................................................ 3Cr. according to the nature of the person (what God gives when we are born) This course will include the subject of the commitment of a man and a compared and contrasted with our personality (learned behavior), why we woman in a marriage; it includes a study of the areas of tension that often behave in a different way, and how to integrate and apply the data col- affect the couple. Study of marriage from the Biblical point of view, and lected in the counseling cases. the applications in the physical, financial, and spiritual order with following of premarital counseling. CC1610 Counseling Theories and Practice ...............................3Cr. This course is an approach to counseling, drawing from various theoretical CC3401 Family Counseling ....................................................... 3Cr. models and applying them to different phases of the counseling process, New advisory services for family relationships will be introduced as ser- theories and techniques: psychoanalysis, existential therapy, person- vices of specific formation in the matter of family relationships, and spe- centered therapy, Gestalt therapy, behavior therapy, and cognitive behav- cialized services for cases of domestic violence. New services will be intro- ior therapy. duced to give an integrated answer in cases of domestic violence. CC2539 Biological Bases of Substance Abuse ..........................3Cr. CC3439 Counseling with Seniors ............................................. 3Cr. This course studies bio-molecules and the structure and operation of the Study of conditions and features of the psychology and physiology of cell, the general organization of the cell, basic types of cells, chemical seniors, cases which generally seek support in counseling, the types of molecule traffic through the cell, chemical mechanisms as a process for emotional stress that a person can suffer from, not only the senior patient obtaining energy by the cells and the mechanisms of division or reproduc- but the care giver as well, the organization and recommended treatment tion of the cells. In addition, the program analyzes the processes implied for seniors and the types of assistance that are available. in the maintenance, transmission, expression and change of the genetic information codified in the DNA molecule. These processes constitute the CC3507 Christian Counseling in Times of Crisis ...................... 3Cr. key for life, and allow us to understand the explanation for the mainte- Definition of crisis as consequences of unexpected experiences, personal nance and diversification of living things. Finally, we will study the interre- unsatisfactory results, or emergencies and disasters; social and personal lations of living things with each other and with the environment. levels of impact; how to take care of mental health in the midst of those circumstances, the most vulnerable group and the types of counseling that CC2552 Personality Disorders ..................................................3Cr. are recommended. Study of the upheavals of the personality, definitions, causes, incidences and factors of risk. Review of the symptoms, signs, examinations, treat- CC5509 Group Theories and Practice....................................... 3Cr. ments and expectations in the short and long term. Spiritual intervention Group theories and Practice, are designed to help prepare students to could be needed in these cases. work with children, youth, and adults in various settings, with an emphasis on conducting counseling groups and the effective use of psychotherapy CC2594 Career Development ....................................................3Cr. skills and procedures. Group processes are covered as the resource used Study describes how to guide a person to a career development, strength for solving conflicts when presenting the problems before an audience or analysis, and weaknesses in a career, the levels of performances; the group, in which the participants present common problems, for example: professional features; ethics and confidence. tobacco addiction, alcoholism, depression, etc., plus intervention levels for the counselor. 62 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) cognitive and emotional abilities for family counseling. CC3520 Personality Theory: Self-esteem ................................ 3Cr. CC4583 Counseling Children of Divorce .................................. 3Cr. Approach to self-esteem and Godly potential of the person. A study of the Study of the cultural, moral, social, and ethical implications that affect the different personality disorders from a Christian point of view. families after going through a divorce. Analysis of the current situation by observing the consequences after the family is divided. CC3523 Documentation and Files ............................................ 3Cr. This course utilizes different clinical tools to conduct clinical interviews and CC4588 Family Systems, Functional/Dysfunctional ................ 3Cr. develop bio-psycho-social assessments; to develop treatment plans with This course is designed to provide the graduate student counselors an appropriate goals to address identified needs; to develop clinical files that overview of the family as a functional and dynamic system of society. The meet basic legal and ethical standards; to utilize written standardized student counselor will explore two major competencies: (1) constructive documentation procedure to make chronological entries in client’s confi- multi-system family based counseling, (2) dynamics, elements and con- dential records; to utilize the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental struction of genograms. Disorders (DSM IV) to make recommendations and give clinical impressions. CC4604 Counseling Children, Youth and Aging ....................... 3Cr. This course will explain how to understand these special age groups and CC3532 Cognitive Therapeutic Techniques in Counseling ...... 3Cr. their development: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual; recognizing Theoretical study of cognitive therapy as the type of active, directive, trouble and dealing with it in ways to which they can relate. structured psychotherapy that is used to deal with a variety of mental disorders, such as depression, upheavals by anxiety, upheavals of person- CC5301 Counseling Drug & Alcohol Abuse .............................. 3Cr. ality, problems of assertiveness, sexual upheavals and marital disagree- This course will identify addictive behavior and its etiology, methods for ment. It is based on Biblical fundamental premises with the proposal of assessing and the basic skills for treating addictive systems, and ap- Biblical models and promises. proaches for collaborating with health programs who treat addictions. How to help families regroup after absence, to ride out periods of emo- CC4524 Federal State Law for Christian Counseling Part I ..... 3Cr. tional upheaval, and to find their way to establishing a more stable, yet Review of the requirements and effect of State/Federal laws for a Chris- flexible, family system. tian counselor. CC5430 Human Sexuality ........................................................ 3Cr. CC4561 Counseling the Divorced ............................................. 3Cr. Study of human sexuality from the philosophical, biological, and Biblical How to deal with all physical, financial and spiritual issues of divorce; points of view. A revision of the vital cycle of the human being, and sexual counseling dealing with loneliness, depression, forgiveness, reconciliation health from social historic perspective; Christian principles in regards to and other relationships. sexuality. CC4567 Group Dynamics .......................................................... 3Cr. CC5501 Codependency I .......................................................... 3Cr. Group Dynamics explores the various stages of groups, including pre- A detailed study of codependency including Biblical recommendations on group assessment and screening of group members, group development, codependency, its causes and the effects it has on relationships. This initial stage, transition stage, working stage, and ending stage of groups. course includes: identifying that there is a problem, codependency, symp- Students will be introduced to different types of groups. Ethical and multi- toms of denial; how to deal with the cause, as well as participating in class cultural issues are examined as they apply to groups. This course incorpo- case studies. rates experiential learning processes where students learn about group processes via group exercises in class. CC5503 Reconciliation of Broken Marriages ........................... 3Cr. An analysis of reconciliation in divorced couples, its causes and conse- CC4577 Psychology of Behaviorism in Christian Counseling 3Cr. This course has been created so that counseling students may compre- quences. A study of emotional hardships, and alternatives to reconciliation; avoiding a divorce, and how to work with reconciliation counseling. hend the functioning of the family as a system within a context; identifying and applying the procedures to evaluate families; applying evaluation procedures and help procedures to family development, and developing Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 63 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) CC5509 Group Theories and Practice .......................................3Cr. tion of how to apply counseling in cases of schizophrenia. Group theories and Practice, are designed to help prepare students to work with children, youth, and adults in various settings, with an empha- CC5545 Individual Evaluation and Assessment....................... 3Cr. sis on conducting counseling groups and the effective use of psychothera- The course introduces the principles and practices of individual evaluation py skills and procedures. Group processes are covered as the resource and assessment within the context of psychological counseling. Emphasis used for solving conflicts when presenting the problems before an audi- is placed on understanding the basic psychometric principles needed to ence or group, in which the participants present common problems, for evaluate a wide range of test instruments and assessment tools. example: tobacco addiction, alcoholism, depression, etc., plus intervention levels for the counselor. CC5620 Counseling in Community Settings ............................ 3Cr. The course itself will be shaped by three major components: 1) The study CC5526 Study of Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of current trends and topics in community counseling. 2) The practice of DSM IV (Part One) ......................................................3Cr. specific techniques and interventions. 3) The application of the techniques Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Part I) Axes I & II, in community settings. The general principles of community counseling, Clinical Disorders, Personality Disorders. including, but not limits to prevention, education, consultation, and crisis intervention. CC5529 Study of Diagnostic & Statistical Manual DSM IV (Part Two) ......................................................3Cr. CC6518 Play Therapy ............................................................... 3Cr. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Part II) Axes III & Comprehensive coverage of the main theoretical models of therapy of the IV & V, medical disorders, psychosocial and eco-environmental Problems game as it guides the diverse approaches and the methods of therapy of and global assessment functioning. the game used in clinical practice with children, adolescents, and adults. Examples of applying each model. CC5537 Christian Marriage and Family Counseling .................3Cr. This class will instruct the student in the concerns of marriage difficulties CC5610 Counseling Theories and Practice .............................. 3Cr. and the reconciliation of marriage partners through various means of This course is an approach to counseling, drawing from various theoretical Biblical counseling. Analysis of the implications of Christian marriage on models and applying them to different phases of the counseling process, family counseling. theories and techniques: psychoanalysis, existential therapy, personcentered therapy, Gestalt therapy, behavior therapy, and cognitive behav- CC5538 Diagnosis and Treatments of Psychopathology ..........3Cr. ior therapy. This course provides an introduction to the field of psychopathology. It is intended to provide students with the tools necessary to comfortably CC6565 Modern Psychotherapies: Application utilize the DSM system of classification while maintaining a coherent case and Intervention ........................................................ 3Cr. conceptualization that is not bounded by this system. In order to ensure A study of the different kinds of modern psychotherapy systems and the coverage of psychopathology, course material will be organized by diag- history of these systems. A study of the interventions that are used in nostic categories. different modern psychotherapies and the application of different kinds of modern psychotherapies. CC5543 Counseling the Bi-Polar and Schizoid Disorders .........3Cr. A study of bi-polar disorder or bi-polar affective disorder, a depressive CC6589 Counseling the Sexually Abused................................. 3Cr. disorder of long evolution in which the depressive episodes are interfaced The course studies crises due to sexual abuse; provides the methodology with the appearance of other episodes characterized by a high mood of intervention and crisis support services for women, children and men (excessive euphoria), expansive (anomalous hyperactivity) or null and who have been victims of sexual abuse, to couples as well as advising irritable; The phases of exaltation, wild joy or irritability and rudeness, spiritual intervention for these people. alternate with other episodes in which the person is in intense depression, with low mood, unable to enjoy, lack of energy, negative ideas and, in CC6592 Counseling Domestic Violence Victims ....................... 3Cr. serious cases, ideas of suicide. Analysis of schizoid disorders and orienta- Study of aspects that determine domestic violence, the rights in dignity 64 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) and value of the person and equality of rights of men and women; review or changing reality. This course includes: appreciation of life and prepara- of the behavioral models that are used to exert domination and control on tion for death, counseling those with anorexia nervosa, bulimia and other someone, that may include physical, sexual, economical, emotional and eating disorders. How to counsel children who have disabilities and their psychological abuse. The way of intervention of the Christian counselor in families. these cases. CC7524 Federal/State Law and CC6593 Brief Strategic Family Intervention ............................ 3Cr. Counseling/Social Work Part II ................................ 3Cr. Development of strategic plans of intervention in families by means of A graduate level review of State/Federal laws applied to the Christian counseling, oriented towards the areas social, educative, legal and psy- counselor/social worker, requirements and effects. chological. Study of existing resources in the community and mediations to constitute to the family in a support system, security and progress for CC7534 its members. The goal of this class is to equip students with the most effective tech- Counseling for Sexual Disorders ............................... 3Cr. niques in treatments of different sexual disorders, having a common CC6595 Autism ......................................................................... 3Cr. knowledge of possible causes, to diagnose and properly treat each patient, This course will highlight current research regarding neurodevelopment by means of integrating the truth, the word of God, based in love and issues in Autism, the diagnostic criteria used to identify children with ASD, faith. assessment and intervention considerations in communication, social interaction and play; the selection and use of appropriate evaluation tools. CC7548 Counseling the Depressed ........................................ 3Cr. How to counsel the depressed, looking for warning signs and how to CC7434 Abortion Counseling ................................................... 3Cr. encourage such a person. The course offers strategies for advising the different approaches of this problem that the advisor might encounter, for women who are planning to CC7569 have an abortion, or for the guilt that someone has after she has had an Therapy designated for the Christian marriage; the study of frequent abortion. It will be of vital importance to deal with this area in different conflicts between couples; technique that helps rekindle love, forgiveness ways. Advisors might also have to deal with parents of a pregnant girl, and respect in the Christian marriage. Marriage Therapy ...................................................... 3Cr. father of the baby, etc. CC7580 Behavioral Research .................................................3Cr. Behavioral Research works in diverse communities and provides a variety of counseling, rehabilitation, and support services. Counselors frequently BI7405 Philippians- are challenged with children, adolescents, adults, or families who have Colossians-I & II Thessalonians .............................. 3Cr. multiple issues, such as mental health disorders, addiction, disability and A detailed study of these epistles, their teachings adjusted to the reality of employment needs, school problems or career counseling needs, and the cities involved. These books will have their place in Church history trauma. Counselors must recognize these issues in order to provide their explained and especially how they influenced the early and present-day clients with appropriate counseling and support. Church. CC7614 CC7510 Counseling for Juvenile Delinquency ........................ 3Cr. Counseling for Spiritual Disturbances ..................... 3Cr. The study of juvenile delinquency and its treatment, counseling to youth This course approaches the form of intervention of the Christian counselor who are going through situations of personal, emotional, and social crisis; in cases of spiritual disturbances. How to identify this problem and who also includes guidance for families who are dysfunctional. should receive counseling. CC8574 CC7517 Theological Dimensions of Christian Counseling ..... 3Cr. Counseling for Families of Children Study that analyzes the religious phenomenon of theology with theories of with Disabilities & Disorders .................................... 3Cr. personality, morality, guilt, sexuality, psychopathology and psychotherapy. This course deals with crisis intervention, facing reality, living with reality CC8615 Florida Christian University Teen Suicide .............................................................. 3Cr. Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 65 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) Program oriented to prevention of the “epidemic of silence” related to sufficiency, and personality; so that individuals are positioned to perform suicide of adolescents through educational strategies to create conscious- with their strengths increasing productivity. ness in students and educators of tools and resources that can help them to identify and assist youth at risk. CH3014 Operational Systems of Coaching .............................. 3Cr. This course teaches students the different factors that go into the field of CC8618 Ethics & Legal Issues in Counseling/Social Work ....3Cr. coaching, including systems thinking, behavior science, cognitive behavior Review of the contents of ethics and professional ethics. The analysis of therapy, philosophy and therapy based on solutions. Students take part in an agreement and its application in each professional sphere and in the many learning methods including written assignments, discussion groups, counseling area. The legal ethics studied as professional regulations con- presentations and lectures. This will provide students with an understand- nected to the legal reasoning applied inside the legal field. ing of the principles behind coaching and skill to coach successfully in any setting. CC8619 Social and Cultural Foundations ...............................3Cr. This course examines the importance of understanding cultural and ethnic CH3015 attributes and cultural group dynamics; what these attributes have related This course includes basic and executive intercultural coaching skills in a Global Coaching Impact in the World ...................... 3Cr. to counseling. Attention is given specifically to gender roles, ethnic global business environment, integrative change strategies, international groups, subcultures, urban and rural societies, and different family life HR management, assessments, evaluation and research on executive patterns. coaching, sustainable business, coaching geographically dispersed team coaching, practice development, coaching versus other personal and COACHING (CH) systemic change management systems. CH1011 CH3016 Coaching Models .......................................................3Cr. Coaching Laboratory I: Introductory The construction process differs significantly from traditional, simplistic Simulated Session .................................................... 3Cr. and theoretical coaching approaches as it only uses validated, robust By the end of the course, the student will have a working knowledge of psychological, definitive modeling proven in real-world workplace. This how coaching can be used, what coaches need to do to be effective, and critical difference allows its users to achieve genuine, lasting, measurable the ability to practice the skills of coaching. change and growth. CH3017 CH2011 Coaching Meta-Model of Language ......................... 3Cr. The Coaching Process ...............................................3Cr. The study of the meta-model as a model of language. Although most This course is prepared with the purpose of giving a comprehensive over- sentences contain deletions, distortions and generalizations; a student can view of the coaching process. Coaching relationships need to move recover some missing or distorted information by asking meta-model through each phase and accomplish the necessary outcomes in order to questions. Patterns: deletion, distortion and generalization organized in be optimally effective to introduce, motivate, get to know, build and main- three categories: 1. missing information, 2. map of the world, 3. semantic tain the relationship, identifying needs and competences, supporting, and errors. evaluating. CH3018 CH2013 Beliefs: Identification and Intervention .................. 3Cr. Culture of Success and Innovation This course presents the model development process by looking at the in the Workplace ......................................................3Cr. relationship among culture, belief, and behavior in the coaching context. It This course is a guided learning course designed to prepare the students explains the importance of identifying cultural factors that influence the for a successful transition from campus to the workplace. Lecture topics way coaches approach coaching interactions, and their coaching models. covered include culture, success and innovation concepts. CH3020 CH3013 Systemic Coaching .................................................... 3Cr. SOAR-Human Development Tools I ..........................3Cr. Systemic coaching course is useful when making relationship decisions, The content of this course prepares for the leadership role with: boards, especially in complex environments or with ambiguous objectives. Consult- superiors, subordinates, and teams. It allows for the allocation of talents, ing, systemic coaching provides structure, support and feedback in an ongoing process of clarifying desires, removing blocks, attaining goals and 66 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) realizing visions. Systemic coaching provides process expertise, rather This intensive, integrative program includes preparation, study, assign- than content knowledge, to create healthy individuals and organizations. ments and practicum, coaching programs, and practice coaching skills as Healthy organizations, like other living systems, can identify, locate, ac- you learn them. Demonstrations of the 15 tools to receive one-on-one quire and assimilate missing resources. feedback to enhance your learning process. CH4021 CH5027 Coaching Laboratory II: Simulated Ethics in Systematic Integral Coaching .................... 3Cr. This course will examine coaching models and the ethics of coaching Session, Questions as Powerful Tools ...................... 3Cr. through readings, reflective writing and class discussions. In addition, Simulated group experience provides the necessary link between the students will have first-hand experience coaching and being coached, and classroom and actual group work practice. This course describes the con- will develop their own personalized coaching model. Best practices such tent and methodology of questions as powerful tools in which group lead- as record keeping, confidentiality, ethics, professional code of ethics and ership skills and process analysis are taught to undergraduates. Students standards. participate as both members and leaders of structured and unstructured simulated groups, receiving instruction material for discussion, immediate CH4022 Systematic Integral feedback on leadership skills or group process. Coaching: Techniques and Tools ............................... 3Cr. This course teaches students the different methods and techniques for coaching CH5028 Coaching Relationship/Dynamic ............................... 3Cr. others. Students take part in readings, coaching assignments and exercises, guest This course helps the student to find ways to hand the issues back to the lectures, and presentations. Topics in this course include developing good relation- person and to encourage them to find the solutions for themselves, devel- ships, establishing trust, creating awareness and developing the right plans and oping highly effective coaching skills you can put into practice immediate- strategies to coach successfully. ly, listening and responding skills, motivating and guiding, giving effective feedback, dealing with issues, assisting with professional and personal CH4023 Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) ...................... 3Cr. development. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), the tool applied to “real" experience (deep structure) from the language that we use (surface structure), the NLP communication model, processes, structure, and its applications. CH5029 Professional Strategies of Systematic Integral Coaching ................................... 3Cr. Study of coaching as a process that leads to the exploration of new ways CH4024 Persuasion, Motivation that respond to life in more competent, creative and meaningful ways. It‘s and Influence in the Workplace ................................ 3Cr. called integral coaching because it has intervention in all aspects of a This course teaches the theories behind motivating employees in the complex life. workplace. Students learn effective methods of persuading and influencing employees to improve performance, while motivating them into want- CH6030 Applied Systematic Integral Coaching ..................... 3Cr. ing to enhance their performance. Integral Coaching approach applied strategically to the individual, institutional or entrepreneurial levels through specific methodologies and dynam- CH4025 Coaching at Work ..................................................... 3Cr. ics adapted to different realities and professional goals. Coaching at work is unquestionably one of the most powerful staff development tools. It is carried out informally in almost every workplace. This CH6031 Ethnicity and Diversity ................................................3Cr. course will enable participants to develop more effective coaching skills in This course is designed to teach students cultural diversity; students will their own work setting. Focused on the role of manager and/or specialist have a broad exposure to a variety of social systems, cultures, and subcul- in coaching staff at all levels, it is suitable for those wanting to develop tures, both within the United States and the rest of the world. This part of their own coaching skills and for those who want to encourage coaching the curriculum encourages an appreciation of the realities of a racially and skill in the wider workforce. culturally diverse world. CH4026 Practicum: 15 Tools-Systematic CH6032 Coaching Compared: Counseling, Integral Coaching ....................................................... 3Cr. Florida Christian University Mentoring, Training and Consulting ........................ 3Cr. Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 67 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) This course is a comparative study about the difference between coach- Personal Skills Map assessment instrument as a tool for individual personal ing, counseling, mentoring and consulting, definitions, differences and growth, and develop a personal profile or “map" of eleven personal and important applications. life skills, as well as three potential problematic indicators, all related to emotional intelligence. CH6033 Behavioral Coaching .................................................3Cr. The core construction of behavioral/learning changes that predict behav- CH7040 Executive Coaching & Renewal ................................. 3Cr. ioral/learning change by identifying the core behavioral aspects (thinking, Workshops that focus on developing and managing resources; exploring beliefs, attitudes, values, etc.) that control the outcome. This vital con- many of the issues and challenges of daily work life including leadership struction differs significantly from traditional, simplistic coaching ap- style, conflict resolution, managing change, coaching and developing proaches as it only uses evidence-based behavior change techniques and others, team building, creating trust and respect, communication and time tools to provide behavioral feedback and an action plan. management strategies. CH6034 SOAR: Assessment ......................................................3Cr. CH8041 Global Leadership Development ................................ 3Cr. The content of this course focuses on the workplace counseling role (for This course provides an in-depth introduction to global leadership and its all workers): marital problems, family problems, emotionally disturbed, development. substance abusers, and others. The program gives both counselor and complex context with people from various cultures. It prepares students to do global work effectively in a counselee a stronger basis for understanding and interaction. CH8042 Emotional Intelligence ............................................... 3Cr. CH7023 Transition and Change Management ........................3Cr. This course delivers the in-depth knowledge and practical emotional intelli- This course is the review of the Managing Resources Program during gence skills projecting to ensure a strong, emotionally intelligent leader; a which functional teams will lead the way in creating an action plan for study that focuses on emotional intelligence as a powerful key to effective organizational success through practical implementation of leadership leadership. Learning how to apply emotional intelligence to specific leader- strategies. Participants will design, build and implement a plan embracing ship situations to gain the authority and success all leaders strive for. all elements of an organization. CH8043 Spiritual Intelligence .................................................. 3Cr. CH7035 Integrated Model: Consulting Action Coach ...............3Cr. This course challenges the student to make a quantum leap in how they Study of the integrated model: consulting, action, coach. Selecting the think about organizational behavior, leadership, relationships and organi- appropriate coaching model to use. Professional coaches need to identify zational structures. Explore spiritual intelligence and why it is important for two central component platforms--a process of core construction and business leaders to develop and use spiritual intelligence in the 21st cen- behavioral/learning change. tury. We will examine a new paradigm of work emerging from theories of CH7036 Coaching Laboratory III: the new sciences—one that encourages wholism, creativity, responsive- Leadership-Coaching.................................................3Cr. ness, diversity and integration; by rethinking how we work together, we Simulated group experience provides the necessary link between the can create new business strategies that will increase our personal effec- classroom and the actual group work practice. tiveness, enhance employee satisfaction and promote dynamic work structures that thrive in a rapidly changing marketplace. CH7037 SOAR Applied ..............................................................3Cr. Review of SOAR contents and application in sales: profiling, presenting, COMMUNICATIONS (CM) communications, and action. SOAR assists the sales force in understanding how to deal with different personalities and interactions. CM1107 Introduction to Communication: .............................. 3Cr. Central concepts in communication and the relation of communication to CH7038 Professional-level Coach Education ...........................3Cr. system theory, the acquisition of knowledge, the nature of language and The purpose of this course is to develop new knowledge and applications the maintenance of ethical values. of innovative teaching and learning assessment strategies, which significantly increase student performance. Participants will learn to utilize the 68 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 CM1110 Organizational Communication ................................ 3Cr. Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) The focus of this course is on providing the student with a broad under- CM3516 standing of the way communication operates within dyads, work groups, The present course looks to satisfy the necessity to channelize projects of Communication Project ............................................ 3Cr. and organizations. The intent is to give the student theoretical and empiri- communication, given the importance that the subject has and the neces- cal underpinnings for the communication the student will undoubtedly sities that are created as a result of the technological advance. The project participate in when the student moves to a work environment, and strate- has to be formulated in different branches of communication. gies for improving communication within the student’s group. Because technology is changing communication patterns and outcomes both in CM4408 organizations and more broadly in society, the course examines these This course is an introduction to pastoral care with a focus on the prob- Pastoral Care Ministry ............................................. 3Cr. technological changes. lems usually experienced by church leaders in local congregation (death, aging, grief, sickness, family tensions, etc.). Areas examined include: CM1402 Information Recollection Techniques ..................... 3Cr. personal and professional awareness and growth as a minister; historical This course contains all the standards of methodological procedures for and theological foundations of pastoral care and counseling; and various gathering information. A review of information from their notions to the theories, models, and methods which inform the work of the pastoral levels of contemporary development, works with the practice of tech- caregiver. Goals of the course include personal for growth and develop- niques to ensure your understanding. ment of a wholistic approach to the pastoral care of persons. CM3106 Laboratory of Verbal Expression ............................. 3Cr. CM4520 Communication Systems .......................................... 3Cr. Practice of linguistic abilities in the verbal expression. Limit of the verbal Theory and practice for electronic communications; spectral analysis, communication and the non-verbal one. Basic criteria of the non-verbal modulation and techniques, transmitting and receiving systems. communication, and its importance for the system of communication. The linguistic sign and non-verbal communication. Scopes of study: kinesis, CM4521 paralinguistic and phonemic. Introduction to Journalism is designed to introduce the student to news Introduction to Journalism ...................................... 3Cr. writing and reporting, vital skills to success in most areas of journalism CM3211 Non-verbal Communication ..................................... 3Cr. and mass communication. The overriding objective of the course is to help Limit of verbal communication and the non-verbal one. Basic criteria of the student develop a clear, concise writing style and a dedication to non-verbal communication. Importance of this system of communication. thorough, accurate reporting. Developing sensitivity to audiences' needs The linguistic sign and the non-verbal communication. Scopes of study: and interests is another important course objective. kinesia, paralinguistic and proxemic. CM3212 Multicultural Communication ................................... 3Cr. In this course, the student will learn the relationships among CM4522 Methodology and Investigation culture, of Communication ...................................................... 3Cr. communication and perception, and how these relationships are manifest- This course will introduce the rationale of the modern research process in ed in our daily interactions among people who are ethnically, racially and professional communication settings including electronic database search- sexually different from us. Students also will learn the appropriate com- es, critically reviewing research literature, data collection and analysis, munication skills necessary to minimize misunderstanding in intercultural writing the research report, and research ethics. encounters. CM4531 CM3401 Creativity: Theory and Practice ................................ 3Cr. Composition: Guide and Script ................................ 3Cr. Introduce the theory and practice of identifying hurdles to our own individ- This course is oriented to the study of the contemporary social processes, ual creativity and looking at problems in new ways. Hands-on exercises integrating the analysis of the cultural aspects (symbolic social) with the and games are a fun and interactive way to stimulate imagination and to one of the political, social and economic aspects of these processes. The practice new ways of thinking. review of diverse theories and the transitional and/or global processes and from a Christian view. CM5103 Broadcasting Techniques ......................................... 3Cr. Introduction to broadcast design with an emphasis on the design of program delivery, interaction of broadcast elements, institutional formations in broadcasting and role of broadcast designer in the production team. Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 69 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) The written media, basic introduction and concepts. General overhaul of CM5202 Performance ..............................................................3Cr. Advanced practice and application of speech writing, public address and the structure of the written expression. The journalistic sorts: article, editorial, news article, interview, column, chronicle, news. oral interpretation skills using many of the standards established by the global systems. CM7420 Reporting and Writing for Online Media ................. 3Cr. This class is designed to teach Media Communications students to report CM5513 Journalism Composition Genre .................................3Cr. and write for online media. Set up as an online newsroom, students are Explores the relationship between genre and communication strategies given assignments and projects as if they were assignments from his or and settings. The course examines how genre is experienced and how her editor. Through the course of the semester, students will not only individuals learn to manage the dynamic of genre in interpersonal interac- report through the Web, but report on online society as well. tion and public discourse. CM7424 CM6404 Critical Reading and Homiletics ..................................................................3Cr. Communication Technologies .................................. 3Cr. Preaching with emphasis on improved understanding of sermon prepara- This course will have many components and will reconcile literature within tion, delivery and self-evaluation. This course includes a study of praise a subset of literacy. This will develop familiarity with reading new infor- and worship services with suggestions for what is most helpful in worship mation communications technologies and multimodal, and trans-cultural services. Students will visit sample churches of the four main worship representations in our society. styles: liturgical written; Baptist and fundamentalist; Pentecostal, usually unchanging each week; and Charismatic, rarely changing. They will ex- CM8414 Biblical Interpretation Applications .......................... 3Cr. plore the worship presentation and the sermon. There will be a class This course challenges syncretism and legalism in the church as well as a discussion both of these sermons and worship services. Students will culture that largely values pluralism and popular philosophy and spirituali- preach one or more sermons, which will be discussed in a helpful, positive ty. way. CM8422 CM6410 Communications on the Internet ............................. 3Cr. Hermeneutics (Scriptural Interpretation) ................3Cr. Examination of the rhetoric and ethics of Internet technology and culture. An introduction to the basic principles of Biblical interpretation, including a Introduces theories of digital culture and its effects on both on-line and survey of the history of interpretation. Special attention is given to the actual identities and communities, especially in relation to ethnicity, gen- New Testament writers’ use of Old Testament passages, as well as com- der, class, physical ability and sexual orientation. Includes individual and mon hermeneutical fallacies. collaborative analysis. CM6530 Communication Law and Ethics ...............................3Cr. CM8515 How to Prepare a Sermon......................................... 3Cr. A thorough understanding of the legal framework in which the communi- This course is designed to instruct the student concerning methodology in cation industries operate and the ethical context of decision-making in the organizing sermonic material into proper sermonic form. The student is media professions. It covers the basics of contempt and defamation law; exposed to valid methods of textual analysis and outline construction. copyright; advertising; promotions and public relations; the legal framework for electronic communication using the Internet and e-mail; issues in ECONOMICS (EC) the regulation and control of print, broadcast and electronic media and the professional codes of ethics that apply in all fields of communication EC4101 practice. The economy, basic economic theory, public economy, political economy, Introduction to Economics I ..................................... 3Cr. theory of the utility, linear functions, globalization, international integraCM7104 Radio Broadcasting: Language .................................3Cr. tion, economic opening. Techniques required for speaking in front of a microphone, editing, reading copy and news broadcasting. Experience includes recording and criti- EC4320 cizing various styles of delivery. Describes how economic theory is linked to economic evaluation tech- Economic Theory....................................................... 3Cr. niques like cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis and to introduce CM7418 70 Journalism: Practice and Theory ..............................3Cr. Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) inspiring the students to search for the truth. students to many concepts that are specific to economic evaluation. Introduces students to the many varieties of economic evaluation to establish a ED1305 common terminology. Discusses cost-benefit with a demonstration of how An introduction to the history of early childhood education and an over- this type of evaluation is most clearly linked to economic theory. Explores view of current laws and best practices. Discussions will include issues other theories and concepts, including cost measurement, benefit valua- impacting families and current research in early childhood education. Introduction to Early Childhood Education .............. 3Cr. tion, and incremental decision-making. ED1520 Internship ................................................................. 3Cr. EC4520 Globalization ............................................................... 3Cr. This internship provides an opportunity for practical experience in student An analysis of how the concept of globalization, since the history of sail- affairs or other functional areas. The experience is meant to help the ing, has provided a cultural, economic, and political integration in various student gain an understanding of the functions of an office staff member continents of the planet, promoting a new beneficial reality on one hand, responsibilities. Therefore this experience will provide the student with the but on the other hand evil. opportunity to engage in the reflective practitioner process as the student is immersed in the field and gains experience. EC6201 Macroeconomics ......................................................... 3Cr. Basic study of macroeconomics using indicators of variation of the value ED2103 of money and macroeconomic models, GIP, rent indicators, savings and The historical foundations of education course is an exploration and analy- investment, marketing goods, marketing money, and economic theories. sis of the underlying issues within contemporary educational policies, Historical Foundations.............................................. 3Cr. practices, and theories. It is an attempt to ground the day-to-day realities EC6502 Economics II ............................................................. 3Cr. This course examines the allocation of scarce resources and economic of the classroom within a larger philosophical, historical, anthropological, political and sociological context. reasoning used by people as consumers, producers, savers, investors, workers, voters, and as government agencies. Key elements include the ED 2104 Mathematical Foundations ....................................... 3Cr. study of scarcity, supply and demand, market structures, government The course will cover basics of logic and set theory, plus selected topics role, national income determination, money and role of financial institu- from abstract algebra, number theory, and mathematical analysis. The tions, economic stabilization and trade. overall aim of the course is to prepare the students for advanced mathematics courses by focusing on the methodology of crafting various types EC8503 Microeconomics ....................................................... 3Cr. of rigorous proofs. Theories of production, determination of prices and distribution of income in regulated and unregulated industries and attention is also given to ED2105 industrial relations, monopolies and comparative economic systems. The purpose of this course is to provide the student with an introduction Principles of Statistics .............................................. 3Cr. to the science of statistics from a conceptual point of view that keeps the EC8504 Economic Analysis .................................................... 3Cr. This course is designed to enhance many of the learning objectives of the use of mathematics and mathematical symbols and formulae to a minimum. economic programs including: critical thinking, problem solving, quantitative skills, communication, research and technology skills. ED3130 EDUCATION (ED) This course is oriented to the analysis and review of contents for the Teaching Pre-School and Elementary Students ......................................... 3Cr. implementation of curriculum of elementary school (K-6). A practical work ED1102 The Teacher .............................................................. 3Cr. in the writing areas of operational objectives, taxonomy of questions, This current study will contribute so that the students can identify them- individualized education, groups and its form of registry in the curricular selves with the profile that is expected from the instructor, considering planning. that teaching is a practice understood as an integral educative assignment, prepared and developed in a set of abilities and attitudes to obtain ED3201 significant learning, formed for a performance with leadership, capable of Technology applied to education, and TIC as tool of frequent use in edu- Florida Christian University Technology for Educators ......................................... 3Cr. Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 71 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) cation. Use of Internet, computer science, programs of software, comput- ED3504 ers and Internet like tools for education-learning, initiatives and lessons Analysis and application of curricular approaches, curriculum content, learned when implementing projects of new technologies in the educative instructional methodology, and organizational strategies that support process. learners who seek non-academic outcomes in the church. ED3408 Setting up Ideal CE Curricula for a Church .............. 3Cr. Curriculum Activities in Early Childhood ..................3Cr. ED4102 Teaching Diverse Populations .................................... 3Cr. The purpose of this course is to explore the investigation and evaluation Understanding of culturally different studies, the psychological and socio- of teaching and learning in the early childhood education program logical factors, that influence the teaching or training of the culturally through the use of human and material resources. Purposes, types, and different. Special emphasis is placed on current practices utilized in over- designs for developmentally appropriate evaluation will be examined. coming the deficiencies in school. ED3412 Pedagogy for Middle ED4407 and High School Levels of Education ........................3Cr. Application of learning theory and assessment principles to classroom This course will provide information about the development of children Active Learning Techniques ..................................... 3Cr. teaching situations. and young people, role play and the routine observation of children and young people’s development in every day work. The student will also ED4433 learn about ways to support children and young people during key transitions in their lives. Early Childhood Education Theory and Practice ................................. 3Cr. An overview of early childhood education and services for young children and their families includes historical roots, societal changes, and program ED3432 Social and Emotional differentiation and future trends. Development of Young Children ...............................3Cr. This course introduces students to the process through which a child ED4435 develops a sense of self within a socio-cultural system. Students will learn Historical, psychosocial, economic, and political factors influencing the Cultural and Family Systems .................................... 3Cr. the significance of a supportive interpersonal environment for personality structure and functioning of ethnic families. Overview of racial/ethnic development. They will evaluate theories of emotional and personality health disparities over the life course and ways in which they are influ- development in infants and young children, birth to 8 years. They will enced by multi-level contextual factors. Cultural competency in research, describe the effects of social and emotional development on learning. service delivery, and development of family/health policy initiatives for ethnic families. ED3435 Classroom Learning Principles ..................................3Cr. ED4437 Current Communication Media for Educators ........ 3Cr. This course is designed to aid the in service educator (especially the The course uses an interdisciplinary approach to identify and analyze school counselor or school psychologist) in predicting, understanding, and important determinants affecting current educational theory, policy and controlling the fundamental principles of learning and human development practice that directly and indirectly impact the curriculum and the educa- as they apply to schools. The emphasis is on studying the variables shown tional experience. by research to affect students and educators in the teaching/learning process. ED4448 Education and the Law ............................................. 3Cr. Educators must know the laws that govern the operation and conduct of Techniques and Theories of Education ....................3Cr. their organizations as they face a highly litigious society. A study of the This course demonstrates how the use of instructional technology and ED3501 relevant legal principles that affect the operation, organization, and ad- how it provides some new possibilities for learning theories, how various ministration of American schools. technologies can impact how we teach, learn, and think. Through applied ers, as well as practicing and prospective administrators will gain and basic research, as well as theoretical and conceptual inquiry we are knowledge about legal issues that will help them in effectively performing guiding the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of a their professional duties within the boundaries of constitutional, statutory, new generation of learning environments. and case law. 72 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Practicing teachers, prospective teach- Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) Define a curriculum with a Christian worldview, including aspects of valED4450 Models of Teaching and Instructional Theory .......................................... 3Cr. ues, attitudes, competences, and skills to be developed throughout the course. The curriculum sets the purpose, general and specific objectives, This course will examine research findings related to effective teaching and leading ideas to be taught in each area of knowledge, considering practices, analyze the instructional models and strategies of teaching, cultural, economic, and political aspects pertaining to the student context. probe the theories and research evidence applicable to the various mod- A Principled Education curriculum integrates disciplines under the perspec- els, consider how students' diverse learning styles can be affected by tive of God’s sovereignty, and aligns with the philosophy and methodology various models, and explore the dichotomy between the research on of the school, functioning as a living tool to enable fulfillment of its vision. teaching and the practice of teaching. Investigate instructional models used and the choices made by teachers to build foundations for their classroom practice. Identify the goals and purposes of each teaching model and how each model fosters student learning. ED5305 Curriculum Theory and Organization ........................ 3Cr. This purpose of this course is to assist students as they construct an operational knowledge of integrated thematic curriculum. The course will focus on theory, planning, implementation, and evaluation of an integrated ED4510 Applied Statistics ..................................................... 3Cr. Beginning level course for students in elementary applied statistics. Topics include basic statistical principles; graphic presentation; descriptive thematic curriculum. Additionally, issues surrounding the implementation of innovative teaching methodology in traditional settings will be examined. measures of central tendency, dispersion, and location, inferential statistics and hypothesis testing, analysis and inference of linear correlation ED5403 coefficient and slope of regression line. Students will apply statistical concepts to real world situations. Planning and Directing a Christian Education Program ..................................................................... 3Cr. In this course, the student is introduced to the basic concepts of management and organizations. Primary emphasis is given to three primary func- ED5109 Academic Supervision............................................... 3Cr. This course is designed to provide intensive study of the field of school tions: planning, organizing, and controlling. Additional topics include: organization theory, global environment, ethics, and decision making. and instructional supervision. Supervision as a process including all efforts of school officials directed toward providing leadership to teachers and other educational workers in the improvement of instruction. ED5405 Guidance Counseling for the Classroom Teacher ..... 3Cr. The history and trends of the modern school guidance and counseling movement and an examination of the challenges and situations the school ED5111 Educational Projects ................................................. 3Cr. Definitions of the educative project; projection of systematic actions anticipated for the intervention in the education areas of learning. Documentation of the actions, and ways to formulate the project, its pursuit and counselor faces in the school setting. Skill development for curriculum development and teaching methods that emphasizes the effective delivery of a comprehensive guidance program encompassing cultural diversities and special needs. evaluation. ED 5407 Neuroscience applied to Education…………………….3Cr. ED5112 Tools & Projects in Principled Education……………..3Cr. Describe tools an educator can use to attain his/ her educational objectives, developing character and competence working through principles. It covers also the educational project as a means to foster a productive approach to opportunities and challenges, elaborating with goals, actions, leading ideas, responsibilities, and evaluation, with an integrated ap- This course deals with knowledge and the functioning of the brain, the contributions neuroscience has brought for educational practices, its application on acquiring the symbolic system and settling concepts. The cultural and biological bases for development and learning, as well as the implications of memory, are some of the important subjects of attention for the educator. proach. ED5304 Curriculum Theory and Organization in Principled Education………………………………...…….3Cr. ED5408 Integral Education .................................................... 3Cr. The course will implement a wholistic vision in the education process of learning. Competitions that require to be developed, what emotional ca- Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 73 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) pacities are necessary to promote in students, in order that one is able to for student evaluation and instructor performance and interpretation of take care of the intellectual formation, physical and spiritual in a harmonic standardized test results. form. This means that the education is not only projected in a rational dimension, but in an emotional, corporal, and relational one. ED6514 Multicultural Education ............................................ 3Cr. This course explores frameworks, materials, and strategies that will help ED5606 Designing a Program for Special Needs Students ...3Cr. the students translate the philosophy of multicultural education into effec- Characteristics, definitions, educational problems, and appropriate educa- tive educational practice with learners of any age, level, or background; tional programs for exceptional children in schools. Theories and historical accordingly, the course focuses on approaches to curriculum consonant foundations for students with specific learning, physical, cognitive, and with a multicultural perspective. emotional disabilities. ED6515 ED5607 Philosophy & Christian Foundations in American Education System ..................................... 3Cr. American educational system. An introduction to the study of education, Principled Education……………………………………….3Cr. providing students with a general view of this system, and analysis of the In this course the student will learn the importance and implications of underlying issues within contemporary educational policies, practices, and defining the philosophy in an education program, as the base and the theories. guiding line for structuring it consistently. This course will cover the elements of an education philosophy and elaborate on the uniqueness of a ED7101 Christian foundation, leading the student to articulate his/ her own Historical study of the paradigms, presence and meaning of education. worldview. Review of the objectives of education, and the pedagogical schools. Analy- Philosophy of Education ........................................... 3Cr. sis of the sense of value of the pedagogical work. ED5608 Education Methodology: Base & Application in Principled Education……………………………………….3Cr. ED7110 Present the method of teaching and learning that begins with reasoning over Biblical truths and identification of the foundations of knowledge in each subject studied. This reflective process includes research from varied sources, interaction with practical implications, and recording of personal discoveries, to forge an individual with an ethical character and productive competence. Managerial Techniques Oriented Toward Education ...................................... 3Cr. This course focuses on the current and emerging uses of technology in the classroom, including electronic equipment for telecommunications, networking, online services, list servers, tele-netting, and user groups, the uses and hazards of involving these technologies in teaching. ED7307 Global Education, Connections, Concepts and Careers .......... 3Cr. Focused on identified needs to the process of globalization, the study of ED6303 Organization and scholar competencies that are defined on the professional field and the Administration of Higher Education ..…………..…….3Cr. review of the curriculum that allows the development of formation by This course is designed to acquaint education leaders in higher education competitions. with the control, organization, financial and business aspects, academic and student personnel administration of the instructional program, com- ED7511 munity and government relationship. Study of cognitive processes which determine learning. The teaching Teaching-Learning Processes ................................... 3Cr. relationship learning and the condition of the educator as a mediator in ED6507 Quality Teaching .......................................................3Cr. learning. Values education and quality teaching: The importance of education values in its potential to re-focus teachers and schools on their essential ED7513 purpose, namely, wholistic improvement of the students in their care. In this course students will study, planning, designing, implementing, and Educational and Pedagogical Management ............. 3Cr. evaluating a comprehensive developmental school guidance program, ED6509 Education and Evaluation .........................................3Cr. serving not only the academic area, but curricular. Skills in designing traditional and alternative assessments, using results 74 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) ED7518 Distance Learning Strategies ................................... 3Cr. A study of various forms of distance learning with emphasis on computer EVANGELISM (EV) based systems and on-line learning. The course integrates relevant technology including multimedia authoring, web-based instructional materials EV3101 and management of internet based courses and programs. Students Evangelism: Review of the recognized forms of evangelism: personal design an educational web site and develop a strategy to deliver web- evangelism, Evangelism Explosion and others. The great evangelistic based instruction. campaigns and the appearance of the mega churches. ED7603 EV5201 Christian Ethics ......................................................... 3Cr. This will be the continuity between the description of human nature and Evangelism I ............................................................. 3Cr. Evangelism II ............................................................ 3Cr. Continuation of EV4101 with special study of evangelism techniques. normative principles of moral and ethical philosophy. The student will acquire the knowledge necessary to include/understand and to give an INVESTIGATION (IN) answer to main ethical and value questions. IN5601 ED7803 Administration of Varied Christian Education ......... 3Cr. This course looks to incorporate professional competitions: leadership, Scientific Investigation: Theory................................ 3Cr. This is a course that contains all the norms of methodological procedures, inquiry document writing and proposal. entrepreneurship, capacity of diagnosis, planning and conduction of educative management, practice in administrative functions-directors under IN5602 quality standards. Analysis of problems that can be possible objects of investigation. Applica- Scientific Investigation: Project ............................... 3Cr. tion of norms and elaboration of thesis plan or project of investigation, ED8052 Entrepreneurship Applied to Education ................... 3Cr. and approval of project Examine the application of entrepreneurial principles applied to the education field and the differences between entrepreneurs and executives. Its IN5606 purpose is to identify the myths and principles that influence the process This is a carefully supervised 600–hour practicum. Practicum .................................................................. 9Cr. of creating institutions or companies. It seeks to support and guide the growing tendency of graduate students to develop ideas and new enter- IN6603 prises, and helps to identify the access to resources that are required for Development by stages of formulated proposal in the thesis plan with due the initial stages, analyzes the profile of the entrepreneur and motivates pursuit and advising investigation. Thesis: Research ....................................................... 6Cr. the development of enterprising students. ED8514 Evaluation by Competitions ................................... 3Cr. IN6604 Thesis: Writing .......................................................... 3Cr. This course examines the methodological contributions of the most im- Preparation, review and presentation of definitive thesis, according to the portant assessments in the development of quality improvement, academ- norms stipulated by the University. ic excellence, and didactic teaching. The validity of evaluative tools and their global status in the teaching and learning process. Also will be IN6605 discussed the educational teaching necessary for the proper performance Oral defense of the project of investigation before a court proposed by the of the teacher in the act of teaching and learning, conceptualization, and university. Thesis: Defense ......................................................... 3Cr. measurement criteria associated with formational skills. IN7601 ED8813 Critical Analysis of Social, Ethical, Legal, and Safety Issues Related to Education .................... 3Cr. Scientific Investigation: Theory................................ 3Cr. This is a course that contains all the norms of methodological procedures, inquiry document writing and proposal. Critical analysis of contemporary educational issues, including ethical, safety, legal, cultural, and linguistic considerations which directly impact IN7602 schooling in a democracy. Analysis of problems that can be possible objects of investigation. Applica- Florida Christian University Scientific Investigation: Project ............................... 3Cr. Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 75 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) tion of norms and elaboration of thesis plan or project of investigation, MA6303 project approval This course provides a fundamental grounding in the mathematical con- Financial Mathematics ............................................. 3Cr. cepts and tools required by administration and economics activities, coverIN7606 Practicum ..................................................................9Cr. ing topics like logarithmic and exponential functions, graphs, linear pro- This is a carefully supervised 900–hour practicum. gramming, stochastic calculus, and other application for navigating on IN8603 MA7506 financial tools and making consistent analysis and decisions. Dissertation: Research ..............................................6Cr. Development by stages of the proposal formulated in the dissertation plan with the due pursuit and advising of the investigation. Mathematics for Administration and Economy.................................... 3Cr. Review of the subjects of mathematics that the administration and the economy are tied to. Among others they are: exponential and logarithmic IN8604 Dissertation: Writing .................................................3Cr. functions and graphs, functions, mathematical financiers, linear and first Preparation, review and presentation of the definitive dissertation, accord- systems, linear programming, sets and probability. Each one of these ing to the norms stipulated by the University. subjects is studied with its applications. IN8605 Dissertation: Defense ................................................6Cr. MA8510 Financial Flow and Risks........................................... 3Cr. Oral defense of the project of investigation before a court proposed by the This course will focus on the interpretation and use of basic financial university. information by non-financial managers, not on the production of financial statements and reports. MATHEMATICS (MA) MEDIA (ME) MA4101 Mathematics .............................................................3Cr. This course is directed for students of all programs, in order that they ME1406 acquire elementary quantitative skills. The general contents are: numeri- Multidisciplinary summative conception; definitions. Study of image and cal system, logical, first review of basic algebra, equations of first and word, corporative image, digital image, image and the sound, etc. Image: Theory .......................................................... 3Cr. second degree, equations systems, applications, inequalities, linear programming and other applications. ME2103 Symbolic Communication ......................................... 3Cr. This course examines various contributors to the human communication MA4103 Business Mathematics ...............................................3Cr. process including the influence of language on thought, the symbolic Functions, limits and continuity, derivatives, integration, and their applica- nature of communication, and the importance of context. It also investi- tion to business. gates the process of abstracting, human perception, epistemological MA4304 Quantitative Methods ...............................................3Cr. strengths and weaknesses, classification influence on communication, the The applicable study of methods and quantitative models in the admin- communication of prejudice, cultural influences on communication, and istration of the organizations, so that the administrator can apply the various other aspects of human communication. quantitative solution of the problems. The subjects in summary are: introduction to models, models in linear programming, analysis of sensitivity, ME2105 resolution in computer, problems of transport, PERT, CPM, networks, Theory of communication, set of principles, historical regularities, concepts decisions with multiple criteria, models of decision, simulation, inventories, and laws, that serve the study of communication. Study of the messages, models of prognoses. average ones to transmit them, forms of storage, the possibility of creat- Technology and Society ............................................ 3Cr. ing and of using rational form means, for the operation of the technician MA4405 Introduction to Statistics .........................................3Cr. Introduction and application of the main ideas of statistics, directed to societies; levels of operation of the communication: a) a physical level of the process, b) semantic level and, c) socio-cultural level. students who require the notional handling of statistics, to include/ understand affirmations based on data and to carry out the analysis of ME2521 such. This course makes a strategic analysis on the Internet; it reviews the Internet Ministry....................................................... 3Cr. directives distributed by superior organisms on the characteristics of this 76 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) first social mass media, its technological and ethical configuration, the digital breach and the freedom of expression. grate text, audio, video, graphics and animation to create productions for art media portfolios, corporate marketing, instructional presentations or business demonstrations. Students will go through the development pro- ME3305 Media Communications ........................................... 3Cr. This course introduces students to the structure and function of the mass cess of choosing a theme, determining a premise, structuring a storyboard and creating a multimedia production. media, with special attention given to news and information. It is designed to introduce mass communication majors to the field and various ME5304 media industries, and it will help all students become more informed and This course shows how instructional tools for delivering materials to learn- discerning media consumers. ers have improved since the conception of the Internet. ME3307 ME5305 Radio History .......................................................... 3Cr. Multimedia: Internet and Technology ..................... 3Cr. Digital Video Editing ................................................. 3Cr. Nature of the media, mechanics of operation, history, economics, pro- Practicum in digital video editing. Students will learn how to edit using gramming, internal and external control. state-of-the-art editing software. Experiences include capturing and importing elements, creating and working with timelines, and outputting ME3309 Radio Production Lab. ............................................ 3Cr. completed projects in multiple formats. Wireless speech, sonorous image, wireless assembly. Minimum units of the sonorous assembly, the sequences. The wireless rate and density of ME5306 information. Study of the wireless message: text and significant units, This course examines the development of technologies, institutions, regu- wireless script, classes, functional scheme of the script. lations, cultural forms, and audiences of electronic media. It considers the Communication Technology and Society ................. 3Cr. ways in which media were both shaped and forced into changing, the ME3310 Production Assistant (P.A.) Workshops ................. 3Cr. cultural and social conditions. The Production Assistant (P.A.) Workshop is an introductory course for surveying work in production at its entry level position, paperwork, eti- ME6308 quette, processes and physical requirements of the job. The workshop This class focuses on the basics of digital photography including the cam- develops the skills and flexibility needed. era, lenses and workflow using Adobe Photoshop and Bridge. Students Photojournalism ....................................................... 3Cr. will learn how to see and capture light, composition, depth of field, expoME4311 TV Production I ......................................................... 3Cr. sure and metering. There will be weekly assignments and a final pro- The essential elements of Television as a medium, its capabilities and ject. Students will have a weekly lab in which they will learn more about limitations. Practical experience in studio and/or field work. their equipment and Photoshop. ME4312 ME6410 Audiovisual Technology............................................ 3Cr. Multimedia Ministerial Projects ............................... 3Cr. This module introduces the student to the fascinating subject of translat- Focus on creative and technical challenges involved in multimedia story- ing audiovisual programming for Television, cinema, and Internet. It telling. Instruction in audio, video, reporting software, editing and pho- provides the student with an insight into the audiovisual translation pro- tography skills necessary to produce compelling multimedia ministerial cesses involved in the production of video material. The student will re- projects. ceive instruction on the principles of audiovisual translation and an introduction to the technical aspects of subtitling and dubbing, and practice in ME6520 the production of subtitling and voice-overs for audiovisual material. This unit is a thorough understanding of the legal framework in which the Legal Regulations for Mass Communication ............ 3Cr. communication industries operate and the ethical context of decisionME4313 TV Production II ...................................................... 3Cr. making in the media professions. It covers the basics of contempt and Fundamentals of broadcasting Television news including operation of defamation law; copyright; advertising; promotions and public relations; studio equipment, non-linear editing, and newscast direction in the pro- the legal framework for electronic communication using the internet and duction of an on-air program. email; issues in the regulation and control of print, broadcast and electronic media and the professional codes of ethics that applies in all fields ME5102 How to Interface Various Media .............................. 3Cr. of communication practice. Instruction in the design of an interface for an interactive multimedia product for web development or CD, DVD distribution. Students will inte- Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 77 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) language barriers, cultural and geographic barriers and religious climate of ME6601 Television Ministry .......................................................3Cr. the population. How to plan a Television ministry. This course introduces the student to the basic production and application of Television programs as they apply MINISTRY (MN) to ministry and education. MN2101 Grace and Sovereignty of God .................................. 3Cr. ME7501 Mass Media Administration ......................................3Cr. The target of this course is to make the students be interested in Biblical Problems of executive planning and management of newspapers, maga- investigation approaching the Grace and Sovereignty of God. The insuffi- zines, and broadcast media. ciency of men to reach God, and traditions. God as a provider of love and faith. The sufficiency of God’s love and the results that we can see when ME7502 Global Media: Theory and Research .........................3Cr. The course researches mass audiences and interrogates the global chang- we live a life of obedience. This course uses as one of the text books Grace and Sovereignty of God by Dr. Harold Shindoll. ing audiences and publics and postmodern approaches, and categories of public/audience consciousness and media typologies. MN2105 Christian Leadership (God's Perfect Order) ............. 3Cr. This course is oriented to the exploration of the perfect order of God in Online Media Production ..........................................3Cr. reconciliation, the ministry towards the family, in the government and the This course teach what are the dimensions and relationships of media ME8504 church. This study is used with the text book God's Perfect Order by Dr. education, media analysis and media production. Harold Shindoll and other books. ME8510 Screen and Sound Concepts ......................................3Cr. MN3307 Biblical Archaeology ................................................. 3Cr. Studies of the principles of screen and sound media in theory and prac- A study of Biblical Archaeology, the importance of its study. Some exam- tice. It has a strong emphasis on digital video and new media, yet it also ples: the Dead Sea Scrolls; Noah’s Ark. aims to create an awareness of screen language and its role in the construction of meaning, culture and history by looking at key examples from MN3310 Contemporary Communications ................................ 3Cr. classic films, to contemporary films, videos, documentaries, animation and This course addresses the modernization of communication as a human video art. It introduces students to the main concepts in media produc- interaction tool and essential to the proclamation of the gospel in current tion, filmmaking and sound, such as camera coverage, visual storytelling, days. genre, narrative, montage, or sound design. It also introduces students to basic editing software. Video Camera and Image Formation ........................3Cr. MN4306 Bible Geography........................................................ 3Cr. This unit introduces students to the video camera as the primary tool of ME8511 The objective of this course is to study the countries and main cities of the video production and visual storytelling. It aims to create an awareness of Old Testament, physical and historical characteristics, geographic situation screen language and its role in the construction of meaning, culture and and identification of the territories and registered Biblical events. history. Students will learn about the significance of the means of production as part of this process. MN4505 Ministry of the Holy Spirit ......................................... 3Cr. A study of the Holy Spirit. The theology of the enewal with use of J. Rod- MISSIONS (MI) man Williams’ text, Renewal Theology. The work of the Holy Spirit for regeneration, to justification, for sanctification and perseverance. The MI2101 Missions I ..................................................................3Cr. baptism of the Holy Spirit, the gift of the Holy Spirit for the Christian life. Introduction to foreign missions including geography, social economic problems, and spiritual condition of representative countries. MN5302 Worship Services ..................................................... 3Cr. History and application of praise and worship within the church including MI3102 Missions II .................................................................3Cr. evaluating of services from different kinds of traditions. Introduction to home missions. Identifying and locating home mission fields. Discovering what needs to be done and who can do it. Specific 78 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 MN5305 Professional Ethics .................................................... 3Cr. Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) Analyzes the complex challenges faced by organizations and the broad diversity of values, perspectives and opinions among the members of MN7523 Ministerial Formation ................................................ 3Cr. those organizations, it is vital that change agents work from a strong set A study of the multiple aspects of a great leadership, some reflection of principles to ensure they operate in a highly effective and ethical man- about real cases inside a ministry and how the pastor can fight against the ner. unexpected with ecumenical principles and wisdom. It teaches how to think and act in your position as a Christian minister. MN5409 Administration and Guidance of the Church ............ 3Cr. In this course we will study the principles of church administration, we will PSYCHOLOGY (PS) be able to help the Christian leader to build a better administration of the congregation that God has given them. An efficient administration of time, PS2102 money, gifts, abilities, etc. This course will help you understand and identify differences in approach- Learning Modalities .................................................. 3Cr. es to learning performance, including different learning styles and ways in MN5514 Ministry Help ............................................................. 3Cr. which students demonstrate learning. This course will emphasize under- This course will provide the following subjects: commission to serve, the standing how students’ learning is influenced by individual experiences, doctrine of the Lord Jesus, how to teach in a Sunday School, a body in talents, disabilities, gender, language, culture, family, and community Christ, Partnerships with God, The sanctification of believers, forgiveness values. by grace, the doctrine of the end times, the doctrine of the Bible, the pastor in the church today, the salvation doctrine, and a ministry plan for PS2103 the deacons. This course reviews current cognitive-behavioral models and delineates an Cognitive Behavioral Psychology .............................. 3Cr. innovative, theoretically and empirically grounded approach to assessment MN6211 Five Fold Ministry...................................................... 3Cr. and treatment. A study with foundation in Ephesians 5:11, it will study the five Biblical ministries: apostle, pastor, prophet, evangelist and teacher and the re- PS3104 sponsibilities that the ministry entails. This course present contrast the definition of processes in counseling and Positive Psychology .................................................. 3Cr. coaching; present the key principles for establishing a good therapeutic / MN6315 Ethics for Ministers and Other Christians .................. 3Cr. transformative relationship, development of powerful questions and how Christian ethics, definitions and justifications; ministry ethic, moral relativ- to create skillful states for a change work with verbal communication ism, the necessity of trustworthiness and right models of behavior. management and management of non-verbal communication and also the student will be able to development of sensory acuity. MN7513 Apostolic Facts–Disciple ........................................... 3Cr. PS3308 A study of the Acts of the Apostles in the fulfillment of the Great Commis- This course teaches how to identify a learning disability, how to detect a Problems of Learning ................................................ 3Cr. sion. The apostolate: forming disciples, and motivations for discipleship. problem in a child; the condition in learning disability, hearing impaired, The discipleship in the times of Jesus Christ, and the differences between verbal problems, reading difficulty, writing, difficulty in learning math, disciples, believers, models and methods for discipleship. social and emotional problems. MN7521 Study of the Church Growth Movement ................... 3Cr. PS4302 A study of the movements of the modern church, the concepts and meth- The study of psychology starting from the problems derived from learning. Educational Psychology ........................................... 3Cr. ods used for the growth of the church and a comparative study of the A review of the main schools of knowledge: cognitivism, psychoanalysis, principles mentioned in the Bible, analyzes the growth of the churches, applied psychology, conductivism, humanism and gestalt. intervention, and preparation of its leaders. PS4307 Biblical Psychology.................................................... 3Cr. MN7522 Biblical Sanctification ............................................... 3Cr. This course ties the scientific thought with the theological thought. It A study of Christian perfection or practical sanctification, definitions, sanc- establishes points of similarity and aspects recognized on the basis of the tification with the help of the Holy Spirit as a process. investigation. It establishes the utilities and limits of psychology in the Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 79 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) analysis of human behavior. PS8310 Developmental Psychology...................................... 3Cr. PS4445 Faith Based Approaches to Clinical Intervention ........3Cr. A study of achievement of the use of techniques and research methods for A review of the contents of the psychological tests of usual application research in developmental and educational psychology; gain advanced and transference, its contents, ways of applying, evaluation, diagnostics, knowledge for research in developmental and educational psychology. and practice with various examples. PS8446 PS5308 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.................... 3Cr. Multiple Intelligences ...............................................3Cr. This course focuses on the study of problems that children and adoles- Definitions and studies made on intelligence. Main exponent Howard cents go through; and how their mental health is affected by changes Gardner; intelligence as a developmental capacity. Types of intelligences, according to their age. importance, and description of the types of intelligence; application of knowledge. PS8580 Behavioral Research ................................................. 3Cr. A behavioral study identifying core behavioral aspects (thinking, beliefs, Psychotherapy ..........................................................3Cr. attitudes, values, etc.) that control the outcome. This vital process differs A study of concept, models, intervention strategies and fundaments of PS6404 significantly from traditional, simplistic coaching approaches as it only uses behavioral psychotherapy. The therapist: psychological characteristics of a evidence-based behavior change techniques and tools to provide behavior- successful therapist, common principles of change in psychotherapy, al change. methodological aspects of behavioral psychotherapy, techniques based on classic and operant conditioning and on social learning, cognitive and self- RELIGION (RG) control. RG2101 PS6433 Church History .......................................................... 3Cr. Psychological Testing and Measurements ................3Cr. A description of the history of the church from its beginnings. The de- A study of the theories, techniques and means used by advisors and scribed primitive Church in the book of Acts of the Apostles, the Church in teachers to make evaluation and assessments. Analysis of these tech- the times of the Reformation, the Church in our day, a study of the partici- niques when comparing between the content of discipline with the instru- pation of women in the history of the Church and the work that they have ment used. Preparation, administration, correction in interpretation of the carried out from the New Testament to the present. This course will be tests and other techniques of valuation and assessment. Emphasis in the centered in the expansion of Christianity. use of the results as a way of improving the therapeutic process of education. PS6528 Psychodynamic Theory .............................................3Cr. RG3405 History of Pentecostal and This course reviews the functions and dysfunctions of human behavior, Charismatic Movements .......................................... 3Cr. the levels of intervention and change on models of human occupation, A brief history of Pentecostalism, old Pentecostalism or Classic Pentecos- theoretical foundations for the planning of activities like therapy, sensorial talism, new Pentecostalism or Charismatic Renewal, the Signs and Won- integration and the indicators of behavior ders Movement. PS6549 RG5404 Clinical Pharmacology ...............................................3Cr. Basic principles of therapeutic pharmacology. World Religions ......................................................... 3Cr. Beginning with the creation, study of the religious beliefs of humanity, with emphasis on myths of old civilizations and the effects of the presence PS 8307 Disorders: Stress, Phobias, Neurosis, of Jesus Christ on earth. A study of the described primitive Church in the Anxiety, Suicide, Alzheimer's Disease ......................3Cr. book of Acts of the Apostles, contributions of old writers like Eusebius and Revisions of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM Josephus. The need of God in man, positive, negative religions, aspects, IV) brought major changes in the classification of the anxiety disorders. and false religions, a comparison of the main religions of the world. The present definitions are based on external and reported symptom patterns of the disorders rather than on theories about their origins. RG8407 Humanism ................................................................ 3Cr. A study of the effect of secular humanism on the church. 80 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) Basic principles and concepts of sociology, including culture, socialization, SCIENCE (SC) social structure, groups, social processes, and social change. SC5314 SOCIAL WORK (SW) Leadership - Practice and Development .................. 3Cr. Market changes and turns global, structures become more diffuse, instability and uncertainty permeate our social context. With all of this, the SW1101 Introduction to Social Work .................................... 3Cr. need for leadership has increased, to set direction, mobilize, and develop Introduction to the history, practice, values and perspective of social work. people to accomplish challenging objectives. Significant changes require Provides an overview of social problems and social services for different effective leadership, contributing also to elevate the importance the lead- populations with an emphasis on advancing social and economic justice. ership practice in all areas of life and work. Students will participate in exercises, observation and theory analysis. SEMINAR (SE) SW1112 Theory and Practice of Social Work Intervention I ....................................... 3Cr. Nature, purpose, function, and organizational content of the profession. SE2000 Seminar ..................................................................... 3Cr. FCU offers a Seminar with international exhibitors with academic contents of interest for all Associate students. SE3000 Seminar ..................................................................... 3Cr. FCU offers Seminars with international exhibitors with academic contents of interest for all Bachelor students. Historical development; a consideration of the development of social welfare institutions, formation of social welfare policies and their impact on practice, and the role of the social work professional. SW1115 Social Work Research Methods ............................... 3Cr. An introduction to the basic principles of research for planning and evaluating social intervention. Topics include problem formulation, design, measurement, analysis, and application of findings to theory and practice. SE4000 Seminar ..................................................................... 3Cr. FCU offers Seminars with international exhibitors with academic contents of interest for all Bachelor students. SW2118 Interviewing and Counseling ................................... 3Cr. This course covers interviewing and counseling in the context of legal representation, and the course addresses theories and techniques used in SE5000 Seminar ..................................................................... 3Cr. interviewing and counseling, utilizing simulation exercises. FCU offers Seminars with international exhibitors with academic contents of interest for all Master students. SE6000 Seminar ..................................................................... 3Cr. FCU offers Seminars with international exhibitors with academic contents of interest for all Master students. SW2214 Sociology Principles.................................................. 3Cr. This comprehensive course provides an up-to-date presentation of the essentials of a sociological study. Students will learn a wide range of classical and contemporary perspectives which will encourage links between theories and current research. SE7000 Seminar ..................................................................... 3Cr. FCU offers Seminars with international exhibitors with academic contents of interest for all Doctor students. SW3113 Theory and Practice of Social Work Intervention II ..................................... 3Cr. Method in social work: scientific procedure and method. The procedure SE8000 Seminar ..................................................................... 3Cr. FCU offers Seminars with international exhibitors with academic contents of interest for all Doctor students. SOCIAL SCIENCES (SS) and the operations of social work, the epistemology of the social work, traditional methods of Social Work, secondary methods in Social Work: supervision, investigation, administration, origin, processes, and functions. SW3120 Social Work Process ................................................. 3Cr. A sequence of actions or tasks which draw upon all of the components of SS4302 Introduction to Sociology......................................... 3Cr. Florida Christian University practice. Social work is a fluid and circular process whereby workers may Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 81 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) move from assessment through to implementation and evaluation. Mean- especially on how Social Security's benefit rules relate to employment, ingful interventions that fit within an overall plan or strategy. family relationships, household composition; how its procedures address the challenge of adjudicating the massive number of benefit claims that SW3124 Social Statistics ...........................................................3Cr. arise each year; and where lawyers fit in that process. This course introduces you to the basics of social statistics and social techniques to summarize numeric data obtained from censuses, surveys, SW4130 Family Groups and Social Links ................................. 3Cr. and experiments. The topics include frequency distribution, central ten- The purpose of this class is to provide professional skills that will help dency, variability, probability theory, and estimation. students to select, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of evidencebased family strengthening interventions. Students will increase their Global Perspectives in Social Work ..........................3Cr. knowledge, skills, and expertise in the most up-to-date information on This course is designed to provide an opportunity to engage in explora- effective family strengthening interventions in their area of primary inter- tions of global social issues related to social welfare policies, professional est. SW3128 social work practice, and of major global approaches addressing these SW4132 Social Work as Individualized Attention .................. 3Cr. issues. This course is concerned with social work as intervention with clients. The SW3303 Families, Schools and Community ............................3Cr. focus of the course is on individualized treatment planning and execution, This course will introduce students to the theoretical and practical issues based on diagnosis and the social worker's disciplined use of professional which are relevant to family centered social work. This course will explore skills. the impact of psycho-neurological research in the field of family centered work with parent figures and their infants and children as well as tradi- SW5103 Social Welfare Policy and Services ........................... 3Cr. tional and alternative family intervention models. How a social worker An analysis of policy issues as applied to such fields as poverty, discrimi- interacts between the school, the family and society. nation, crime, physical and mental health on both national and state levels. SW3502 Philosophy of Social Work.........................................3Cr. Philosophy of social work: meaning, objectives, scope and values; history SW5250 Social Administration................................................ 3Cr. of social work in the U.S.A. and democratic (equality, justice, liberty & A study of the meaning, scope, auspices-private and public, principles, fraternity) and humanitarian (human rights) matrix. Social work as a basic administrative processes and practices decision making communica- profession. tion, planning, organization, budgeting, financial control, and reporting. SW3510 Career of Social Work ................................................3Cr. SW5260 Funding for a Social Work Agency ............................ 3Cr. This course is a systematically designed course based on the cognitive An analysis of federal, state, and local policies related to contemporary information processing, theory for career problem solving and decision child welfare and system of social services to families. Current debates making developed. The course is designed to help in student’s decision about policies, financing, and structure and organization of service deliv- about this career aspiration. ery; process of influencing policy changes in children and family services. SW4115 Social Work Office .....................................................3Cr. SW5470 Social Work and Family ............................................ 3Cr. This course provides an introduction to data analysis and interpretation as This course will introduce students to the theoretical and practical issues used in professional social work practice. It includes an orientation to which are relevant to family centered social work. The impact of psycho- value issues that relate to the use of statistical procedures and data neurological research in the field of family centered work with parent presentation in practice settings, including an understanding that data figures and their infants and children as well as traditional and alternative selection, analysis, and presentation have been used to maintain power family intervention models. differentials and compromise progress toward social justice. It builds a knowledge base of data handling, elementary descriptive and inferential statistics, computer use in analysis, and interpretation. SW5601 Social Work Practice, Programs, and Social Policies ................................... 3Cr. This is designed to introduce students to the generalist approach of micro SW4116 Social Security ...........................................................3Cr. social work. The course focuses on developing a solid foundation for prac- This course provides an introduction to Social Security law. It focuses tice with individuals. Basic communication and helping skills are empha- 82 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Course Descriptions (Cont’d) sized. Social work values and principles as well as the integration of theo- THEOLOGY (TH) ry and practice will be explored. SW6210 Church and Social Work ............................................ 3Cr. TH2102 An intervention from social workers and ministers in social problems, A general introduction to theology, stressing its Biblical roots, and using social agency, the church and available resources, competencies of coun- the structure of the Apostles’ Creed as the framework for a systematic selors that will handle effectively, responsibly to raise their personal theology as most theologies do. There will be a study of a number of standards. existing theologies, evaluating them with the Bible. SW6262 Child and Adolescent Rights ..................................... 3Cr. TH2305 Children’s rights in their context, introduction to current issues concerning Study of the light of the Bible on the subjects that always maintain inter- children’s rights. Should children have rights? the international legal est, such as: the wrath of God, the price of sin, dogmas, essence of God, framework for children’s rights. plan of salvation, baptism, etc. Balancing rights and responsibilities: Introduction to Theology ......................................... 3Cr. Systematic Theology: Bibliology .............................. 3Cr. state, family, and child. TH3308 SW7618 Statistical Analysis of International Sociological Data ................................ 3Cr. A statistical analysis of survey data, including forming sociological re- Soteriology ................................................................ 3Cr. The purpose of this course is to study the Biblical foundations of soteriology, the historical unfolding of the implications of Biblical soteriology, and the contemporary development in soteriology. search questions, variable selection, analysis, interpretation, and writing in standard scientific form. TH3406 Anthropology ............................................................ 3Cr. Exploration from a Christian perspective of the mystery of human existSW7620 Psychosocial Dynamics of the Family ....................... 3Cr. ence. Examination of the structures of human being: self transcendence, Understanding and preventing child and spouse abuse. finitude, freedom, destiny, relatedness, autonomy, growth, and history. SW7630 International Position of Gender .............................. 3Cr. TH3420 An emphasis on the relationship between the social construction of gen- Heresiology focuses on identifying and explaining false doctrine. Heresiology ............................................................... 3Cr. der and the experiences of women and men in societies. Consideration of often included as a component of electric theology. It is cultural diversity in defining gender roles. SW8204 Criminal Justice and Social Work ............................. 3Cr. TH4301 A study on how the criminal justice system affects the social work profes- Christology as it goes from Christian theology to the study of the role that Christology ................................................................ 3Cr. sion. Jesus of Nazareth plays, his human nature, his divine nature, the interrelation between the two natures, some questions concerning the nature of SW8208 Social Planning.......................................................... 3Cr. God are also included. This course introduces an analysis of events including small town planning, environmental planning, neighborhood revitalization, economic TH4302 development, social planning, and urban design. This course introduces the study of the theology of the Holy Spirit, includ- Pneumatology .......................................................... 3Cr. ing the terminology and the divisions of theology, and examines the docSW8220 Ethnicity and Social Work ......................................... 3Cr. trines of revelation and inspiration. This course analyzes concepts that include ethnicity, culture, race, gender, minority and majority groups, marginality, social class, prejudice, stereo- TH4303 types, stratification, power, inequality, oppression, discrimination, racism, Historical analysis and study of the origin, nature, mission, structure and Ecclesiology............................................................... 3Cr. ethnocentrism, anti-Semitism, sexism, xenophobia, and homophobia. areas of intervention of the church. Relationship of the Church of God, These concepts will be examined in relation to the experiences of the development of ecclesiology. economically disadvantaged and oppressed. TH4309 Florida Christian University Introduction to Systematic Theology ....................... 3Cr. Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 83 Course Descriptions (Cont’d) The course introduces how to properly use and interpret the Bible, the undertaking will be surveyed. basic essential teachings of the Bible, to discuss intelligently both sides of controversial doctrinal issues, to demonstrate the validity of your own be- TH7413 liefs using the Bible. This is a theological study about the angels, elect and fallen angels. TH4420 TH7414 Pastoral Theology ..................................................... 3Cr. Angelology ................................................................ 3Cr. Biblical Language This course provides an introduction to the work of pastoral ministry by (Hebrew and Greek)-Analysis ................................... 3Cr. looking at its Biblical foundations, theological concerns and practical respon- The Interlinear Bible is compared to Greek and Hebrew texts using Biblical sibilities. In this course students will survey the qualifications for pastoral Concordance, and parallel method reading for lexicon study. ministry, examine the nature of the pastoral ministry, including the call and role of a pastor. TH8416 Mission Theology....................................................... 3Cr. Exploration of Biblical, historical, theological, political, and cultural perTH5021 Cosmology ................................................................ 3Cr. spectives on the world mission of the church. This course will examine religion as a human phenomenon by focusing on the aspect of cosmology, or the human view of how the world is constructed. It will consider and compare the Biblical cosmology with other religions. TH5307 Hamartiology ............................................................ 3Cr. This course explores the important Christian doctrine about: the origin of sin, the essence of sin, the transmission of sin, and sin in the life of man, original sin, actual sin, and punishment of sin. TH5310 Eschatology............................................................... 3Cr. The doctrines of the Church and last things are essential to a proper theological understanding of life in the Body of Christ and its wider world. They are informed by and in turn inform the ministries of all God’s people as they respond to God’s grace in worship, evangelism, and hospitality. TH5420 Apologetics ............................................................... 3Cr. A study of the intellectual moorings of the Christian world view and the practice of inviting real people into friendship and personal dialogue to consider the reasons for faith. This course examines why we think it is reasonable to believe anything at all, why we should think that God exists, and why we should believe that Jesus Christ is the ultimate self-revelation of God. TH6411 Practical Theology .................................................... 3Cr. Practical theology is the study of theology involving the effective means of communicating and applying Biblical doctrine to human needs. The two immediate goals of practical theology are the edification of believers and the evangelization of unbelievers. TH6510 Contemporary Theology ........................................... 3Cr. This course will explore the nature of the task(s) of theology. Primary readings from the great tradition of the Christian Church that represent both the traditional positions and contemporary expressions and challenges to its 84 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Contact Us Address Florida Christian University, Inc. International Headquarters 5950 Lakehurst Dr. Suite 101 Orlando, Florida 32819-8345 United States of America Directions From Orlando and North, take I-4 and exit on left-hand exit, 75A, Kirkman Road and International Drive. Stay on Kirkman Road to the first stop light, which is International Drive, turn right to the first light which is Universal Boulevard, turn left, then follow directions below. From Tampa and South, take the right-hand exit, 75A, International Drive. Turn right at the Florida Christian University exit (onto Universal Drive) and cross International Drive, then follow directions below. From both ways, you are now on Universal Boulevard. Go to the first light, which is Carrier Drive. Turn left and drive a block until you curve right onto Lakehurst Drive and in two blocks you will see 5950 Lakehurst Drive on the left. We are the main entrance to this large, white, two-story building. Contacts Telephone: 1-407-896-0101 Fax: 1-407-896-4477 e-Mail: E-mail addresses: General: Student Services: Administration: Finance: Board of Directors: Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 85 Academic Calendar WINTER SEMESTER 2016 Monday, January 9th, 2016 Winter Semester begins. Monday, January 18th, 2016 Closed for Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Tuesday, January 24th, 2016 End of drop/add period. Monday, April 23rd, 2016 Winter Semester ends. WINTER SEMESTER 2017 Monday, January 7th, 2017 Winter Semester begins. Monday, January 21st, 2017 Closed for Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Monday, January 28th, 2017 End of drop/add period. Monday, April 29th, 2017 Winter Semester ends. WINTER SEMESTER 2018 Monday, January 7th, 2018 Winter Semester begins. Monday, January 21st, 2018 Closed for Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Monday, January 28th, 2018 End of drop/add period. Monday, April 29th, 2018 Winter Semester ends. SUMMER SEMESTER 2016 Monday, May 2nd , 2016 Summer Semester begins. Monday, May 30th, 2016 Closed for Memorial Day. Tuesday, May 31st, 2016 End of drop/add period. Wednesday, July 4th, 2016 Closed for Independence Day. Monday, August 13th, 2016 Summer Semester ends. SUMMER SEMESTER 2017 Monday, May 6th, 2017 Summer Semester begins. Monday, May 20th, 2017 End of drop/add period. Monday, May 27th, 2017 Closed for Memorial Day. Thursday, July 4th, 2017 Closed for Independence Day. Monday, August 19th, 2017 Summer Semester ends. SUMMER SEMESTER 2018 Monday, May 6th, 2018 Summer Semester begins. Monday, May 20th, 2018 End of drop/add period. Monday, May 27th, 2018 Closed for Memorial Day. Thursday, July 4th, 2018 Closed for Independence Day. Monday, August 19th, 2018 Summer Semester ends. FALL SEMESTER 2016 Monday, September 3rd, 2016 Closed for Labor Day. Tuesday, September 4, 2016 Fall Semester begins. Monday, September 13th, 2016 End of drop/add period. Thursday, November 24th, 2016 Closed for Thanksgiving Day. Monday, November 30th, 2016 Fall Semester ends. FALL SEMESTER 2017 Monday, August 26th, 2017 Fall Semester begins. Monday, September 2nd, 2017 Closed for Labor Day. Tuesday, September 3rd, 2017 End of drop/add period. Thursday, November 21st, 2017 Closed for Thanksgiving Day. Monday, December 9th, 2017 Fall Semester ends. FALL SEMESTER 2018 Monday, August 26th, 2018 Fall Semester begins. Monday, September 2nd, 2018 Closed for Labor Day. Tuesday, September 3rd, 2018 End of drop/add period. Thursday, November 21st, 2018 Closed for Thanksgiving Day. Monday, December 9th, 2018 Fall Semester ends. 86 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University Academic Calendar (Cont’d) WINTER SEMESTER 2016 Tuesday, January 13th, 2018 Winter Semester begins. Monday, January 20th, 2018 Closed for Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Tuesday, January 21st, 2018 End of drop/add period. Monday, February 17th, 2018 Closed for Presidents’ Day. Monday, April 28, 2018 Winter Semester ends. SUMMER SEMESTER 2017 Monday, May 5th, 2018 Summer Semester begins. Monday, May 26th, 2018 Closed for Memorial Day. Tuesday, May 27th, 2018 End of drop/add period. Friday, July 4th, 2018 Closed for Independence Day. Monday, August 18th, 2018 Summer Semester ends. FALL SEMESTER 2018 Monday, September 1st, 2018 Closed for Labor Day. Tuesday, September 2nd, 2018 Fall Semester begins. Monday, September 15th, 2018 End of drop/add period. Thursday, November 27th, 2018 Closed for Thanksgiving Day. Monday, December 15th, 2018 Fall Semester ends. CLASSES BEGIN EACH MONTH OF A SEMESTER UNIVERSITY CLOSED University is closed Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Independence Day (July 4th), Labor Day (first Monday in September), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Eve (December 24th), Christmas Day (December 25th), New Year’s Eve (31st December) and New Year’s Day. (1st January) Florida Christian University Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 87 88 Catalog for School Years 2016-2019 Florida Christian University 5950 Lakehurst Dr. Orlando, Florida 32819-8345 U.S.A. Telephone 1-407-896-0101 Fax 1-407-896-4477 E-mail: Florida Christian University