January » April 2010


January » April 2010
» April
The Met, Market Street, Bury BL� �BW
���� ��� ���� / http://themet.biz
Mark Radcliffe
and The Big Figures 6
Carolina Chocolate Drops 8
Top of the World 9
Starting a new year is always an exciting time with resolutions and
Moishe’s Bagel !0
plans to make the new year more fulfilling and rewarding than the
last. We take a similar approach at The Met with a programme of
shows and workshops fuller, better and more exciting than ever.
We are dedicated to bringing the best for less and with low ticket
prices, free theatre for under 26s and affordable concessions we
Meeting Joe Strummer !1
hope you will act on what you see in the brochure and come and
Lau !1
support one of the best independent venues in the country in
presenting more theatre, music and family activities in Bury.
The Met is proud to support Bury in an exciting year of
development for the town sure to attract visitors from
throughout Greater Manchester to a unique town centre full of
cultural attractions just twenty minutes from Manchester.
Rainbow Fish !5
take part @0 & @1
David Agnew, Director of The Met
Address The Met, Market St,
Bury, BL9 0BW
Tickets 0161 761 2216
Admin 0161 761 7107
email post@themet.biz
web http://themet.biz
The Met is run by Bury
Metropolitan Arts Association, a
and Drink
Start your evening with a
meal at The Met and end it
registered charity (No 701879).
Our restaurant Automatic
Our first floor Theatre Bar
We gratefully acknowledge the
serves fine food all day and
offers a range of beers
support of our funders & sponsors:
offers an Early Bird menu from
and wines before, during
4pm-7pm Monday to Friday for
and after each show.
only £9.95 per person for two
courses and £11.95 for three.
with a drink in one of our
Sample real ales or a selection
candle lit bars.
of fine whiskeys in our foyer
bar Malt, open every day.
For more information or to book call 0161 763 9399
C O M E D Y A M E R I C A N A C O M E D Y Mark Thomas
Horse Comedy
The Manifesto Tour 2010
With special guest Jill Jackson
Monday 11 January 8pm / £15
Wed 13 January 8pm / £15
Nashville born singer-songwriter
Kevin Montgomery plays timeless,
resonant songs reminiscent of
Bruce Springsteen and Jackson
Browne. He comes to The Met
with material from his new
album 2:30am, engaging stories
of life, love, laughter and loss.
Wednesday 20 January
8pm / £5
This nationwide search for
tomorrow’s comedy stars comes
to The Met. Come and cheer
a local through to the finals!
Hosting will be Australian
comedian Pam Ford. To enter
email info@laughinghorse.co.uk.
R O C K & P O P Manc Floyd
Award-winning comedian
You get to vote on the
Saturday 16 January 8.30pm
Lotta Led
and activist Mark Thomas
policies you like, Mark road
£8 / Standing
Friday 22 January 8.30pm
Dark Side of the Moon 2010
R O C K & P O P comes to The Met to warm
tests them and then sets
up for his brand new tour.
off to make them happen.
performed in its entirety,
The UK’s finest Led Zep tribute.
Mark creates a manifesto -
It’s somewhere between
followed by a second set of other
Songs from the entire catalogue
a policy paddle to help steer
Jim’ll Fix It for anarchists and
Floyd gems. Enjoy classic tracks
including classics Whole Lotta
our way out of sh*t creek.
White Collar Crimewatch…
like Breathe, Time and Money.
Love and Stairway To Heaven.
Pink Floyd’s classic album
£11 advance / £13 door
D rama J A Z Z Turning Points
The Swing
M6 Theatre Company
Thursday 28 January
7.30pm / £3
Thursday 28 January 8pm
£10 / £9 conc & members
Following their recent success
across Britain, America and
A collection of four specially
commissioned monologues
by North West writers.
A M E R I C A N A Tom Russell
Holland, Lancashire sextet
The Swing Commanders have
emerged as international artistes
with their unique rendition of
These short single voice plays,
popular music from the 30s, 40s
developed with young people,
and 50s. Firmly established as
share the courage, conflicts
Europe’s top Western Swing band,
and joys of characters facing
prepare for a great night out!
difficult decisions in their lives.
A Mr Kite Benefit
Saturday 23 January 8pm / £16
Featuring: Web Pal and It Should
Have Been Me by Billy Cowan;
and Close to Home and Father’s
Tom Russell returns to treat us
twenty albums and songs that
to his fine songs including a
have been covered by Bob Dylan
new album Blood and Candle
and the late, great Johnny Cash.
Smoke. The singer-songwriter
His music ranges from cowboy,
has an amazing career that
roots, and rock, to the far
includes recording more than
reaches of outsider Americana.
Footsteps by Mary Cooper.
Audience members may take
part in a free 20 minute
workshop following the show.
Suitable for anyone aged 13+.
F O L K R O O T S B L U E S D R A M A Dervish
Mark Radcliffe
and the
Big Figures
Friday 29 January 8pm
£12 / £10 conc & members
The elements that make great
Celtic music all come together
in Dervish - exceptional
muscianship, breathtaking vocals,
high-energy tunes and instantly
Feelgood mould, The Big Figures
explore the endless complexities
features Radio 2’s Mark Radcliffe
that make great Irish music.
and his best mate PJ Walmsley.
Bury’s Ged Wilson launches
his new album Forever Now, a
collection of self-penned songs
taken from everyday experiences.
The Big Figures are
named after the
original drummer
of Dr Feelgood
£10 advance / £12 door
crafted arrangements subtly
Friday 29 January 8pm / £6
£10 / £8 conc / £8 members
An R&B band in the classic Dr
Ged Wilson
Wed 3 February 7.30pm
Saturday 30 January 8pm
compelling songs. Carefully
B L U E S Ged Wilson
Supported by Tom Doughty
Performed by Bob Golding
The illustrious line-up is
completed by three more
hunks of burning Lancastrian
love: ‘Go-go’ Johnny Jobson
(harmonica), Cameron Sweetnam
(bass) and Andy Hyams (drums).
The Big Figures are delighted
Commemorating the 25th
to share the stage with lap
anniversary of his untimely
steel one man blues band Tom
final curtain, Morecambe
Ged’s music is acoustic roots
Doughty, who creates a unique
celebrates the extraordinary
with a contemporary twist -
sound with original songwriting
life of Britain’s best loved
often bluesy, always engaging.
and vintage instruments.
comic - Eric Morecambe.
R O C K and P O P the missing link between Ross
The Hamsters
Noble and Frankie Howard, the
Play Jimi Hendrix and ZZ Top!
The Hamsters
delightful but daring Jo Dakin,
and compere Barry Dodds.
Thursday 4 February 8pm
£12 advance / £14 door
F O L K R O O T S Standing
Session A9
Following their sell out show
last year, The Hamsters return
to The Met. The guitar, bass and
Friday 5 February 8pm
£10 / £8 conc / £8 members
drums trio have been voted the
Described as the best band to
UK’s best blues rock band and
come out of Scotland in 100
are the leading interpreters of
years, this eight piece includes
the music of Jimi Hendrix and
members from Capercaillie,
ZZ Top. These guys are not just
the Peatbog Faeries, Boys of
awesome - they are phenomenal!
the Lough and Fiddlers’ Bid.
The band’s balance of their
Featuring the multitalented Bob Golding (who
could have been born to
play Eric), penned by the
brilliant Tim Whitnall and
directed by solo-maestro
C O M E D Y instrumentation; four fiddles
First Thursday
Comedy Club
ranged against guitars, piano,
Thursday 4 February
8.30pm / £8
accordion and drums brings a
Paul Foot has appeared
on US reality TV show
Last Comic Standing
Session A9
multi-layered sophistication
and creates a rich panoply of
harmony, countermelody, crossrhythms and complementary
Guy Masterson, Morecambe
Featuring Paul Foot, finalist in
textures to their unbeatably
is a must see for all fans
the Paramount Worldwide Search
rambunctious jigs, reels and
of classic British comedy.
for a Star! Plus Imran Yusuf,
jaggy Balkan-style dance tunes.
A M E R I C A N A D R A M A Carolina
feeling and the passage of time.
is on tour performing material
From post-war Manchester to
from his new album There’s a
the grit and glamour of Africa’s
Whole New World Out There
silver mines and ballrooms,
alongside much loved classics.
Touched Theatre
Touched Theatre evoke worlds
Wednesday 10 February 7.30pm
£7 / £5 conc & members
Saturday 6 February 8pm / £16
often associated with Caucasian
musicians from Appalachia, not
Inspired by the remarkable true
African-Americans from the
story of a northern troublemaker
North Carolina Piedmont.
turned African adventurer,
folk traditions, the Carolina
The Conquest
of Everest
Friday 12 February 8.30pm
£16 advance / £17.50 door
Sat 13 February 2pm / Free
An opportunity of see the
remarkable Oscar-nominated
documentary which inspired
Founding member of eighties
Spike Theatre’s new play Top of
theatrical exploration of memory,
band It Bites, Francis Dunnery
the World (here on 17 & 18 Feb).
Rhiannon Giddens, and Justin
Robinson) trade duties as
singers and swap instruments
as they take on traditional
and contemporary songs.
“this young trio reclaim a legacy
R O C K & P O P Human Remains is an immersive
Chocolate Drops (Dom Flemons,
a blues, ballads, waltzes and
jug-band stomps…” The Observer
A Mr Kite Benefit.
F I L M Francis
Old-time southern string music is
Breathing new life into the black
long lost and half remembered.
D R A M A The King’s Got
Donkey’s Ears!
Top of the World
Spike Theatre
Presented in association with The Met and Unity Theatre, Liverpool
Wed 17 & Thu 18 February 7.30pm / £8 / £6 conc & members
Andrea Glass
In 1953 beekeeper Edmund
Incorporating projected
Hillary and porter Tenzing
animation, puppetry, and a
R O C K A N D P O P F A M I L Y S H O W Norgay began a gruelling and
whole load of snow, two heroic
Andrea Glass
treacherous ascent to the
performers will bring to life this
summit of the world’s highest
epic tale of adventure, bravery
Saturday 13 February 8pm
The King’s Got
Donkey’s Ears!
mountain – Everest.
and international fame.
£8 / £6 concessions
Theatre of Widdershins
Andrea Glass returns to the road
Tue 16 February 1pm
with her second album and new
£6 / £4 members
band. Bolton born Andrea headed
for Nashville almost three years
ago where she worked with some
of Nashville’s finest session
players including Al Perkins.
EARS! Funny things at the
best of times…. But imagine
You can see The Conquest of
being cursed with great big,
Everest, the 1953 documentary
furry ones! That’s exactly what
which inspired Top of the World,
happened to King Orik. This
on Saturday 13 February.
Described as ‘rain soaked
tale of mythical mayhem and
Americana’ Andrea has
asinine antics is lovingly retold
been championed by Radio
using puppetry, storytelling
2 legend Bob Harris.
and original music. Ages 4+.
R O C K & P O P W O R L D R O O T S Stackridge
Moishe’s Bagel
Presented by David Cartlidge
Friday 19 February 8.30pm
£15 advance / £17 door
As contemporary and fresh
The Scottish Falsetto
Sock Puppet Theatre
C O M E D Y Scottish Falsetto
Sock Puppet Theatre
and Ali Cook
Stars of BBC 3’s Comedy
Shuffle and Upstaged, and
the darlings of YouTube, they
Returning after a sell out show
last year, the Scottish Falsetto
bring you songs, sketches,
socks and violence.
Sock Puppet Theatre are the
They are joined by the hilarious
comedy double act that has
Ali Cook, who mixes comedy
to be seen to be believed.
with cutting edge magic.
£14 / £10 conc & members
Rip-roaring, foot-stomping, jazzinflected klezmer and Balkan
as bands half their age,
music from some of Scotland’s
Stackridge return to The Met
finest musicians. An intoxicating
with material from their new
mix of Eastern European dance
album A Victory For Common
music, Middle Eastern rhythms
Sense, a collection of songs
and virtuoso performances.
that emphasise their talent for
Moishe’s Bagel return to The
writing memorable melodies
Met with their brilliant music
and playful, poignant lyrics.
guaranteeing a fantastic night out.
Friday 19 February 8pm / £8
Saturday 20 February 8pm
D R A M A F O L K R O O T S Meeting
Joe Strummer
by Paul Hodson
The Future is Unwritten
Thursday 25 February 7.30pm / £10 / £8 conc & members
Friday 26 February 8pm
£14 / £12 conc / £12 members
Best group at the BBC Folk
Awards for two years running,
1978: Nick and Steve see The Clash for
Lau is a formidable union of
the first time in Victoria Park. It’s as
three of the finest and most
if they take an oath to stay true to
innovative exponents of modern
the values embodied in that day...
traditional music in Scotland
2002: Strummer’s death forces Nick
today: Kris Drever, Martin
Green and Aidan O’Rourke.
R O C K & P O P Charting the lads attempts to maintain
B L U E S Rod Clements
their ‘oath’ to Strummer while living
through Thatcherism, paying the
Slack Alice
Saturday 27 February 8.30pm
bills and maintaining relationships,
Fri 26 February 8.30pm
£14 advance / £16 door
this passionate punk
£8 / £6 conc & members
and Steve to re-evaluate their lives.
comedy is about
attitude, friendship
and celebrity - and
a celebration of
the man who set
the agenda for
a generation.
Presented by David Cartlidge
Co-founder of folk-rock legends
R&B masters Slack Alice
Lindisfarne, Rod Clements’ career
return to The Met with a line
reads like a who’s who of British
up of fantastic songs. They
roots music. In this solo show
have just released a Best Of...
he performs his new material
collection and a follow up to
alongside Lindisfarne classics,
their highly acclaimed English
and tells stories drawn from his
Eddie and Other Stories.
extraordinary forty year career.
A mericana D R A M A C O M E D Y Richmond
The Dept of Smelling Pistakes
A Mr Kite Benefit
Wednesday 3 March 7.30pm / £8 / £5 conc / £5 members
Publick Transport Theatre Company
plus support
Sunday 28 February 8pm / £13
“A hilarious caricature of the
Oregon four-piece Richmond
stifling formalities and hierarchies
Thursday 4 March 8pm
£14 / £12 conc & members
Fontaine’s evocative alt-country
A new comedy set in Russia
of office life, channelling Reggie
songs paint a powerful and
where two civil servants
Perrin, Kafka, Beckett and the
Liverpool comedian John
sometimes troubling portrait
jostle for power, one a puffed
Goons – and two splendid comic
Bishop comes to The Met
of life along the margins of the
up bureaucrat, the other an
performances from Angus Barr
fresh from his stint on
contemporary American West.
unexpected inspector.
and Toby W. Davies.” Venue
BBC1’s Live at The Apollo. Richmond
F O L K R O O T S Gráda
Saturday 6 March 8.30pm / £10 / £8 conc / £8 members
John Spiers and Jon Boden have twice won the
BBC Radio 2 folk award for Best Duo
Irish five-piece Gráda play
The band have released three
music deeply rooted in
acclaimed albums, and recently
the Irish tradition, but also
recorded a fourth in Nashville
blended with jazz, Americana
with Grammy Award winning
and other influences that
producer Tim O’Brien.
come together as if they were
lifelong bedfellows.
“Grada is to Irish music what
Arcade Fire is to Indie -
F O L K R O O T S Folk Festival as they are in
informal, prodigious and full
and Boden
a lock-in at the local pub.
of spirit” Washington Post
Friday 5 March 8pm
£14 / £12 conc / £12 members
John Spiers and Jon Boden have
made the genre of spontaneous,
J A Z Z Louise Parker
Saturday 6 March 8pm / £8
punky English folk their own.
A regular on Radio 2’s Best of
Loud, proud, and passionate,
Jazz, Louise Parker is a skilful
they present traditional stories
interpreter of swing, blues and
and dance music which are
gospel classics. Her effortless
just as much at home on the
style and warm tone creates a
main stage of the Cambridge
performance to stir the soul.
Lucy Wainwright Roche
R O C K A N D P O P David R Black plus support
Friday 12 March 7.30pm / £5 / Standing
Alternative art-rock band David R Black return with an acoustic set.
F O L K R O O T S Breabach
Friday 12 March 8pm / £10 / £8 concessions & members
A M E R I C A N A Scottish firebrands Breabach
Breabach have received two
are one of the most talked
nominations in a row from the
about bands on the folk scene.
Scottish Trad Music Awards for
Their innovative Celtic style
Best Scottish Folk Band.
Lucy Wainwright Roche
shows a flare, excitement
Supported by Alana Levandoski
from such a young group.
and diversity rarely seen
Wednesday 10 March 8pm / £10 / £8 concessions & members
Daughter of Loudon Wainwright
and sister to Martha and
the hopes and heartbreaks
Rufus, Lucy Wainwright Roche
of everyday people. Full of
has exploded onto the indie-
melody and melancholy, her
folkscene. Drawing inspiration
songs showcase her beautiful,
from traditional folk songs as
inspiring vocals. well as rock and pop music,
her songs are short stories of
“Breabach blow my socks
off” Morning Star
Rainbow Fish is
D R A M A based on the popular
children’s book by
Les Misérables School Edition
Marcus Pfister
PADOS Youth Group
Tue 16 - Fri 19 March 7.30pm / Sat 20 March 2.30pm & 7.30pm
Tuesday 7.30pm & Saturday 2.30pm £7 / All other shows £8
F A M I L Y S H O W B L U E S Rainbow Fish
Dr Truth
Blunderbus Theatre Company
Saturday 13 March 1pm
£6 / £4 members
Saturday 13 March 8pm / £7
anniversary they celebrate
with their amazingly talented
youth groups. For twenty
cast, a prestigious performance
years PADOS Youth Group
that will set a benchmark
have gone from strength to
for other UK youth groups.
B L U E S musicians, immersed in the
Friday 19 March 8.30pm / £8 / £6 concs & members
language of the blues. The
band play original songs
beautiful fish in the ocean. But,
with an American style
she is proud and vain, and none
and Salford sensibility.
away her most prized possessions.
musical meets one of
Manchester’s longest running
Preston Reed
shimmering scales, is the most
friend - until she learns to give
strength and to mark their
Dr Truth are five experienced
The Rainbow Fish, with her
of the other fish want to be her
The world’s longest running
A New York visionary credited
handed style. Unlike many
with reinventing the acoustic
instrumentalists, the power
guitar, Preston Reed will take
and depth of Reed’s original
you on a ride through the
songwriting is as unique as the
impossible and unforgettable.
man’s execution, as blues, rock,
Truth bring together talented and
He fuses chord-based grooves,
funk and jazz meet, embrace,
experienced musicians to perform
soaring melodic runs and
interlock and attack to create
Fast rising on the UK circuit, Dr
A magical underwater
original and sophisticated
polyrhythmic percussion
a sonic brew quite unlike
adventure for ages 4+ blues at a world class level.
with his breathtaking two-
anything you’ve heard before.
R O C K A N D P O P F O L K R O O T S J azz Garron Frith,
John Herring &
Roydan Styles
An Evening with
Saturday 20 March 8pm / £8
Singer-songwriter Garron Frith’s
country rock songs have gained
him high praise. For this concert
he is joined by Manchester
acoustic folk artists John
Herring and Roydan Styles.
R O C K A N D P O P Echoes of
Eva Cassidy
Performed by Sheila Gott
& O’Hooley and Tidow
Friday 26 March 8pm / £12 / £10 concessions / £10 members
Manship, presents a spring gig
O’Hooley (ex-Unthanks) and
with the best of jazz, hot and
cool... classics and new originals.
the release of their new
Heidi Tidow; dapper-suited
album ABCDEFG. Armed with
gentlewomen with a wryly
acoustic guitars, five-part
observant take on life. The
C O M E D Y harmonies and a bucketful
pair create their very own
of attitude, the new songs
brand of contemporary folk
cover topics such as the
with stark and beautiful piano
First Thursday
Comedy Club
wearing of iPods in public,
playing. They will be playing
the censorship of music, the
material from their new
power of the voice and Simon
album, Silent June.
Cowell’s come-uppance.
Thursday 1 April
8.30pm / £8
Canadian Superstar, hit Performer
from BBC1’s Comedy Showcase
and just about the best act
on the circuit, Tom Stade will
and vocal coach Sheila Gott.
orchestra, fronted by Munch
They are joined by Belinda
music in aid of Bury Cancer
Cassidy is top UK session singer
The Met’s community jazz
stage once more to celebrate
An inspirational evening of
to the enchanting voice of Eva
£6 / £4 members
Chumbawamba take to the
Thu 25 March 7.30pm / £12.50
Support Centre. Paying tribute
Wednesday 31 March 7.30pm
be joining us this month with
three top support acts!
“Funny as Hell. Pushes the limits
just far enough” Now Magazine
D R A M A F A M I L Y S H O W Me and Me Dad
as actors and the whole audience
A Little
join in as chorus singers - this is
family theatre at its very best.
Image Musical Theatre
F O L K R O O T S Saturday 3 April 2.30pm
by Nick Lane
Hull Truck Theatre Company
Thursday 1 April 7.30pm / £12 / £10 concessions & members
A story of friendship, fish pie
Can their relationship
and flick-to-kick football
survive? Or is this is one
Andy Green’s dad is good
at Subbuteo; hopeless with
£6 / £4 members
kitchen nightmare even
This wonderful story of a
Gordon Ramsay couldn’t fix?
parentless girl courageously
spaghetti. So when Andy’s mum
A brand new bittersweet
dies, he does the decent thing -
comedy from the writer of
he takes a month off work and
My Favourite Summer.
moves back home
resisting hunger and cruelty at
the hands of her headmistress
is one of the most inspiring
of all the children’s classics.
Saturday 3 April 8pm
£10 / £8 conc / £8 members
Filska have built their music on
the islands tradition of fiddle
playing. Featuring acclaimed
Shetland fiddler Jenna Reid, the
band have a highly unique and
with his dad to teach
You can be the star of the
innovative sound derived from
him how to cook.
show with the opportunity for
their fresh and dynamic approach
Fighting memories,
some children to take part
to Shetland traditional music.
and occasionally
each other,
the pair boil
pans and set
grills on fire.
Filska is a Shetland
This play may contain strong language.
word meaning
‘high spirited’
R O C K A N D P O P F O L K R O O T S The Hobopop
Finbar Furey
Saturday 3 April 9pm / £8
A legend of Irish music for
Manchester’s Kirsty McGee
is joined by Mat Martin, Nick
Blacka and Rob Turner to form
The Hobopop Collective, a
Thursday 8 April 8pm / £16
more than four decades, Finbar
Furey has been an all Ireland
Uillean Pipe Champion and lead
singer of The Furey Brothers.
four-piece which adds jazz
Enjoy an evening of music, charm
and rockabilly to McGee’s
and wit with one of Ireland’s
exceptional rootsy songwriting.
great musicians and raconteurs.
F O L K R O O T S Martin Simpson
Friday 9 April 8pm / £15 / £13 conc & members
Finbar Furey
acted and sang in
Martin Scorsese’s
film Gangs of
New York
One of the finest acoustic finger-
interpretations of traditional
style and slide guitar players
songs are masterpieces of
in the world, twice-winner of
storytelling. His solo shows are
Musician Of The Year at the
intense, eclectic, spellbinding
BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards and
and deeply moving. His new
nominated for Musician of the
album True Stories was released
Year 2009, Martin Simpson’s
this year to great acclaim.
F A M I L Y S H O W B lues Constantly challenging and
Across the
Deep Blue Sea
Maggie Bell,
Dave Kelly and
The British
Blues Quartet
relentlessly inventive comedy
Stuff and Nonsense Theatre
Saturday 10 April 1pm
£6 / £4 members
A tiny boat, a little lost man and
the great wide ocean... How did
Thursday 15 April 8pm
Soul diva Maggie Bell joins forces
home? And why does that fish
with Blues Band guitar wizard
keep biting him on the bottom?
Dave Kelly and the mighty British
dolphins and a multitude of deepsea creatures swim to the surface
in this
animation, live-
fuels an eclectic set punctuated
by impressive feats of mimicry
and verbal dexterity. His highly
charged dry observational
humour taps into the diversity
of contemporary Britain.
£14 / £10 concs & members
he get there? How can he get
Singing whales, acrobatic
Blues Quartet (Zoot Money, Colin
Allen, Colin Hodgkinson and Miller
Anderson) for an evening of soul
R O C K A N D P O P Nearly Dan
Saturday 17 April 8pm
£10 advance / £12 door
and blues classics - with some
Less tribute and more homage to
thumping rock’n’roll thrown in.
jazz-influenced best sellers Steely
Dan, Nearly Dan is saviour to the
C O M E D Y legions of Dan fans. The band’s
Paul Chowdhry
approach is faithful, though
Friday 16 April 8pm / £13
as tight as their namesakes, a
not reverential, and relaxed but
testament to hours of rehearsal
music, physical
Paul Chowdhry has distinguished
comedy and just
himself over the past few years
the odd squirt of
as one of the most talented and
They return to The Met following
water. Ages 5+.
popular comedians in the UK.
a sell out show last year.
and a great deal of talent.
”One of the
finest Asian
comics around,
he's laidback,
very cool and
always has a
great take on
Time Out
Classes &
with Chris Rowbury
Saturday 23 January 10am
£20 / £15 concession
Monday 15-Friday 19 February,
from ages 11-16 (school year
7 to 11). Learn break dance
With Ruth Mauriello. For
of experience welcome.
produce original, exciting
6-16 year olds with an
theatre? Join Cotton Shed for
interest in dance, drama and
an exciting half-term project
music. Call Ruth on 0161
creating a show from scratch.
763 6161/07738267346.
Inclusive theatre company
Cotton Shed creates high quality
work based on a creative process
ideas regardless of ability.
workshop leader Chris Rowbury
A Break-Dance crew for boys
Do you want to perform and
that involves all of its members'
Brothers and more. Inspiring
Monday 4.30pm-5.30pm / £3
Sundays 10am-1pm
learning to sing hits from the
Kinks, The Monkees, the Everley
Bury Boys
10am-3pm / £25
Spend a fun and rewarding day
60s including The Beatles, The
Suitable for all young people
aged 10-16 including those
with disabilities or special
needs. Places limited.
moves and stunts. All levels
Mondays 5pm-7pm
Aiming High
Mondays 4-5pm (8-13 years) /
Tuesdays 4-5pm (14-18 years) /
Weekly drama sessions for
young people with disabilities
or additional needs, from Bury
A weekly drama session
for young adults. Contact
Streetwise on 0161 253 6476.
Metro Jazz
Mondays 6.30pm-9.30pm
£70 (£50 conc) per term
Council Childrens Services and
Led by Munch Manship. Front
and laughter. Come along
The Met. Build confidence, make
line musicians needed for
whether you're in a choir already
friends and learn great skills in a
The Met’s community jazz
or only ever sing in the bath!
fun and creative environment.
orchestra. Over 16s only.
teaches using plenty of humour
Half Term Regular
Met Express
Mondays 7pm-9pm / Tuesdays
10.30-12.30pm & 7-9pm
Drama for people with disabilities.
Only accepting new members
for the Tuesday am session.
Black Pudding
Youth Theatre
Bury Youth
Tuesdays 5.30pm-7pm
Bury Youth Theatre
Weds 5pm-6.30pm (10-14 yr olds) / 7pm-8.30pm (15 yrs +) / £2.50
Led by Claire Fildes and Marc Young. Physical theatre for young people.
Led by Claire Fildes. For 11-17
years olds interested in dance.
Bury Vocal
Bloco Ashê:
Bury Samba
Tuesdays 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Wed 17 February & Wed 24
Saturdays 11am-1pm
(Beginners) / 8.45pm - 9.45pm
March 7.30-9pm / £4
£5 / £3 conc / £2 under 16s
Led by Rose Hodgson. For
A welcoming and exciting samba
Tuesdays 5pm-7pm
(Improvers) / £5
Youth drama from Bury Youth
Learn Salsa, Bachata, Merengue
people who want to sing -
drumming workshop catering
Service, led by MaD Theatre. email
and other dance style with Amos
regardless of whether they
for beginners and beyond. The
D.Cretney@bury.gov.uk for info.
De Roover and The Latin Crew.
think they are in tune or not!
band welcomes new members.
Coming Soon…
Mr Kite
John Hegley
Friday 23 April
at St. Bede’s Club,
Clayton-Le-Woods, Chorley
The offer applies to drama shows
£12 advance / £13 door
that have the Night Less Ordinary
logo (above). Just fill out a form
in person at the ticket office or
on our web site and tell us what
Diana Jones
Thursday 13 May
Luka Bloom
Sunday 16 May
Karen Mathieson
John Tams &
Barry Coope
Friday 21 May
Jon Boden and the Remnant Kings
Saturday 13 March 8pm
at The Worden Arts
Thursday 27 May
at The Met, absolutely free!
Friday 29 January 8pm
Thursday 6 May
Centre, Leyland
£13 advance / £14 door
Jon Boden
Christmas 2010
Then you can see brilliant theatre
Diana Jones
Hot Club of
Cow Town
The Lion, the Witch
and the Wardrobe
Aged under 26?
Tickets from The Met on
0161 761 2216
you’d like to come and see. If
you’re unsure if a show is included
just call us on 0161 761 2216.
This is made possible through
A Night Less Ordinary, an Arts
Council England scheme in
association with Metro which
will provide 618,000 free theatre
tickets to anyone under 26 in more
than 200 venues across England.
For more information visit
themet.biz/freetickets or
Ticket booking Membership
Hire The Met
By phone from
If you love coming to The Met
The Met is a fully accessible
For performances, conferences,
0161 761 2216 or
and want to support us, why
venue, both on its ground
meetings and exhibitions, our
from Quaytickets
not become a member? Just
and first floors.
spaces are as versatile as your
0843 2080500.
call 0161 761 2216 to join.
Online via
Membership fees
with a lift to the main theatre
•Single membership £25
and accessible toilet facilities.
or Quaytickets
•Joint membership £40
• The entrance is fully ramped
• We have staff on hand to help.
events. Our experienced staff
and professional facilities take
the hassle out of your event:
•Sound and lighting by
experienced stage technicians
Membership benefits
Should you require a personal
In person from The Met.
•Saving on event tickets.
escort, we can supply that
•Ticket sales through our
Mon to Fri 10am-8pm;
•10% off food in Automatic.
person with a free ticket.
friendly ticket office
Saturday 11am-5pm.
•Invitations to VIP and
Other ticketing information...
•Concessions are available for
children, and people over 60,
on benefit, or in education.
•Groups Buy 10 tickets in one
transaction and get an 11th free.
members events.
•Twice yearly newsletter.
•Receive your Met brochure
before anyone else.
•No booking fee - ever!
Keep in touch
• A magnetic induction loop
for hearing aid users is used
in the Main Theatre for the
majority of our events.
• Guide dogs are welcome,
•Fully licensed bar
•High quality catering from the
expert chefs of Automatic
•Marketing advice and support
and water can be provided
We welcome promotions
upon request.
by bands, amateur and
professional groups, and
• Get our email newsletter
We want your visit to The Met
to be a first class experience.
• Be our fan on Facebook
If you have any special
Call Catherine Collins on
requirements call us on
0161 761 7107 or email
phone and online bookings. There
• Follow us on Twitter
0161 761 2216 to let us know,
hires@themet.biz to discuss
is no fee for bookings in person.
and we'll do our best to help.
your requirements.
•We are unable to offer refunds.
Ticket exchange may be possible.
•A transaction fee is payable on
independent event promoters.
Printed on paper manufactured
from an FSC accredited sustainable
IQ set up for their concert
source, using vegetable based inks.
at The Met last October
Please recycle this brochure
(photo by Andy Labrow)
when you have finished with it.