a consumer guide to life-enhancing procedures
a consumer guide to life-enhancing procedures
A CONSUMER Cosmetic Rejuvenation SPRING 2014 GUIDE TO LIFE-ENHANCING PROCEDURES FOR HEALTHY LIVING PAGE 6 Directed Editorial Advertisement t s e B l a n o s r e P r u Yo al Remov t a F e ap hes Ultrash 1-3 inc ® rm , ® e up to d e v u , J ® sthelis emoves R ® , Botox E Softlift ® , Restylane , ts eatmen r t n Voluma w o and fr l Wrinkle emova R r i a H val Laser ir remo a h t n e Perman Titan es, d n a t kin typ color s n ll e c a c r A fo of tening ng skin i h d e g i lu m T c ti n n i n Ski dow kin, no ts s s n te lif Tigh d neck enation v u j e face an R rinkle eels Facial Wjuvenation (IPL)acing • Laser p re urf y tions • Photo ide laser res l Skin Therap u l o S s s tX e r o x a i L P y m •S Hair oval • Therap ® ht tics Lig e n u S • Cap • Laser apy sh Ther la e y E • rem • Scar Genesis • Laser moval • Moles e R r e s La e spots Sun damage s • Ag al, Remov t a F d e an Cellulit tening py h sothera e M • Skin Tig tan gs • • Vein Skin ta gment • e n c n Pi •A • Brow s r a c S • pider e and S Varicos Veins e varicos e rapy g e n i th v o o r Rem & fac • Scle erapy - n legs, body th r e s • La ins o ider ve p s d n a nt • Ti • Acce hape s • Ultra ulous es, Fab r vic Lashes els aser pe L • ls e ical pe • Chem ermabrasion acea d os • Micro eatments • R tr • Acne Skin Se oduct Care Pr Lines lyria rm • A TX e d o r P • ® edical r • Skin • ZO M ricone • Vivie ente Latisse agi Ob • Per lazome • S nies • w o r F • Ce • ol • Gehw Skin Dr. Ron Young & Dr. Lilly Wouters Phlebology & Esthetic Medicine Serving Calgary & Area for 21 years Certified Botox® Injectors since 1996 Serving Calgary since 1993 This content was developed by Postmedia’s advertising department in collaboration with a client for commercical purposes. cosmetic rejuvenation Cosmetic Rejuvenation is published twice a year by the Calgary Herald. This content was developed by Postmedia’s editorial department as a result of a sponor’s interest in a particular subject. Postmedia did not afford the sponsor creative control beyond approving the broad subject; the sponsor was not given the opportunity to put restrictions on the content or review it prior to publication. Co-ordinator Jamie Zachary Contributors Barbara Balfour Cara Casey Karen Durrie Meghan Jessiman Rachel Naud Joel Schlesinger Adrian Shellard Design Lorraine Chartier Sales Inquiries t: 403-235-7168 e: advertising@ calgaryherald.com Cosmetic Rejuvenation SPRING 2014 Inside FEATURES 04 COVER: BUNDLE OF JOY 10 BOTOX: Cosmetic Q & A 12 INDUSTRY: SKIN DEEP 14 BoDY: Touchy topic 15 BoDY: magic wand 16 SPA: MEN EMBRACE R & R 17 nose: serious about the schnoz 18 ColumN: GETTING PAST THE GUILT New moms have renewed hope when combating cosmetic side-effects of pregnancy What is Botox and what areas can you treat. Understanding the difference between Botox and fractional laser resurfacing Procedure helps restore nipple sensitivity New technology revolutionizes laser hair removal Cue the cucumber water, spas about to get a shot of testosterone Functional rhinoplasty is more about good looks Treating cosmetic concerns is an investment in self-confidence Cover PAGE 6 Cosmetic Rejuvenation SPRING 2014 BUNDLE OF JOY New moms have renewed hope when combating cosmetic side-effects of pregnancy By Barbara Balfour Calgarian Lisa Shideler is following a familiar regimen these days. Out are the parabens, dyes and perfumes from her dresser drawers. In is anti-stretch mark belly butter, pregnancy-safe exercise and generous applications of sunscreen. Due to deliver her second child this August, the 24-year-old mother is diligent about safeguarding her body from the unwanted changes that the hormonal fluctuations of pregnancy can trigger. For Shideler, these can include heavily swollen feet and ankles, spots of eczema and a sudden sprinkling of tiny moles across her stomach. “I went to the dermatologist today because of a mole that changed in colour from light brown to really dark brown. My doctor said it was normal and that sometimes they can change colours in pregnancy,” says Shideler, a makeup artist at Estee Lauder. “I’ll also be going in for more pedicures and pre-natal massaging to help with circulation. I’ve noticed that my skin is always dry and so is my hair. “I also had super swollen feet the summer I was pregnant with my son, Kaden. And because my mom had skin cancer on her face, I didn’t tan at all, and wore sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to keep my whole face protected. So far, I’ve been lucky that I haven’t experienced varicose veins, acne or melasma.” For women who haven’t been so lucky during pregnancy, there are plenty of options. Renowned Calgary-based cosmetic and medical dermatologist Andrei Metelitsa says skin conditions triggered by pregnancy require customized approaches to treatment. “Pregnancy is a very unique physiological state,” says Metelitsa, medical co-director of the Institute for Skin Advancement. “A lot of typical treatments for these conditions cannot be used during pregnancy because they could potentially harm the fetus. They are therefore much more challenging to treat from a physician standpoint, and so it’s important we understand how to prevent them, if possible.” Sun exposure is a classic trigger melasma, which is manifested by ill-defined brown patches on the face as a result of hormonal changes caused by pregnancy or by being on birth control. “It is absolutely critical to use sunblock protection, especially in someone starting to develop signs of melasma. Some people may be genetically predisposed to it already, and additional sun exposure can lead to significant worsening,” says Metelitsa. He adds melasma treatment, which is done postpartum, can be highly variable depending on the effectiveness of the lasers being used. Metelitsa encourages people consult with a specialist who has a variety of laser devices and can customize a combination of treatments – including skin care products used to stabilize skin pigmentation, chemical peels and fractionated laser that is adjusted for skin colour. “There can be a very fine line between treating melasma effectively and producing a treatment that worsens melasma when done by an inexperienced person,” says Metelitsa. Some women experience the mythical “pregnancy glow,” while others develop an exacerbation of acne when they’re expecting. Most treatments designed to treat moderate-to-severe acne include some form of oral antibiotics or vitamin A retinoid Cosmetic Rejuvenation SPRING 2014 preparation creams – but neither should be used during pregnancy, says Metelitsa. Instead, pregnant women can safely try Blu-U light therapy, which targets and eliminates the bacteria actually causing the acne. “Although it might not necessarily be our first choice, we know it’s a safe option during pregnancy,” says Metelitsa. It’s also important to use proper cleansers and moisturizers to reduce overproduction of oil glands during pregnancy, he adds. “You want something lightweight and hypo allergenic. It also makes sense to utilize moisturizers that have built in sunscreen,” says Metelitsa. “We know in the dry environments of Alberta, our clients are especially prone to developing eczema and itchy skin. Moisturizers that contain a specific ingredient called ceramide are especially important for combating this.” Some pregnant women may develop gestational diabetes, which greatly affects their circulation. Regular foot care can help improve it and manage their edema, says Niki Blake, a Calgary-based skin-care technician at Skin Care Boutiques. “We use natural products by Gehwol, like Leg Vitality balm, or a herbal bath with eucalyptus, rosemary and lavender,” says Blake. “Scrubs are important because feet and legs tend to get dry and cracked during pregnancy. Monthly pedicures, especially toward the end of pregnancy, can also help a lot with reducing the swelling and relieving tired legs.” Other cosmetic complications resulting from pregnancy include the development of varicose veins in the legs and stretch marks around the abdomen, hips and buttocks. Both have a hereditary component; however, moms-to-be can take preventative measures. “To avoid varicose veins, pregnant women need to wear compression stockings – and of course they can see a vein specialist post pregnancy,” says Metelitsa. “We know stretch marks are correlated to profound weight gain in pregnancy, and vitamin E preparations such as body butter have been known to be a useful preventative measure.” Spider blood vessels that develop on the skin, around a centimetre in size with a centre and tiny superficial red branches, can be effectively zapped with blood vessel vascular lasers after pregnancy (breastfeeding moms can be safely treated). “In the past, the required treatments could potentially scar the skin. Now, with only one to two treatments, you can obliterate the vessels on the face with no scars” says Metelitsa. Another concern for many pregnant women is postpartum hair loss. “It doesn’t necessarily happen spontaneously,” says Metelitsa. “Three months post pregnancy, they could suddenly notice a fairly visible hair loss. “As long as we rule out other factors, it usually goes back to normal after six months. There are topical lotions they can use to stimulate growth such as Rogaine or Minoxidil. “As with any other concern, we always encourage patients to see a dermatologist who can advise them on the unique management of these conditions. When they occur in pregnancy, there are very different considerations to take than when you are dealing with a regular skin condition.” PAGE 6 Briefs Work out to look young The eyebrows have it The good news is penciled-in brows are out. The better news is there’s now a permanent solution to thinning those bushy beasts. Transplants, which takes about four hours, take hair from near the nape of the neck (the softness mimics the natural eyebrow) and use micro follicatory unit extraction (FUE) to remove hairs. In most cases, 300 to 400 hairs are taken. Eyebrow templates are used to create a shape that suits the patient’s face, and the implants are done in a way to create naturallooking results. The procedure is not only suited for aging women, but is also used on burn victims or for those with injuries that resulted in eyebrow separation. Dr. Brad Mechor MD FRCSC Otolaryngology Rhinology - Rhinoplasty Functional & Aesthetic Rhinoplasty Surgery Surgeon performed Aesthetic injections • Xeomin / Botox • Enteis / Juvederm If you needed yet another reason to exercise, here’s one big enough to get you running for the treadmill: working out slows down the aging process. Why? New research has found that the right combination of exercise prevents the shortening of telomeres. These strands of DVA are what keep your chromosomes intact. Over our lives, cells divide and replicate, and telomeres shorten. When they become too short, cells die. Depending on your lifestyle, you can either speed up or slow down the telomere-shortening process. However, recent studies have demonstrated that the right combination of exercise could help you turn the clock back by almost a decade. ELEVATE YOUR CONFIDENCE! RADIO FREQUENCY ST RADIO FREQUENCY FOR ACNE SKIN TIGHTENING The RF/Diode Skin Tightening procedure, via wrinkle reduction, features revolutionary technology that enables you to comfortably achieve a more youthful, tightened and lifted appearance. RF/Diode treatment is quick, safe and has no downtime. We’re proud to offer RF/Diode the first technology that uses combined energies to effectively and gently tighten your skin. Look as young as you feel. Schedule a personal consultation today! ACNE Tripolar Radio Frequency acne treatment effectively and gently resolves acne by treating it at the source. This energy is highly selective at targeting the sebaceous glands and acne bacteria. Clear beautiful skin is always in demand. Now with RF Acne Treatment, you can receive a higher standard of acne care than ever before. (403)270-8060 www.drmechor.com Fellow member of the Canadian Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Before After skin care boutiques Come discover these amazing clinic treatments PAGE 6 Before After 2131-33rd Ave SW 403.249.1774 www.skincareboutiques.ca Cosmetic Rejuvenation SPRING 2014 Teen Treatments Acne can take a real hit on a teen’s self-esteem. And for those sick of using over-the-counter creams that give them not-so-great results, a Calgary-based company is serving up serious solutions. Vive Rejuvenation uses steam and extractions, facials, chemical peels and Vibradermabrasion as helpful preventative treatments for teen acne, to promote consistent exfoliation, keeping skin clear and healthy. In addition, laser treatments – such as Limelight, Laser Genesis, Fraxel and Pearl – can help with deeper scarring, as well as promote healing and improved health of the skin. On a budget? Vive Rejuvenation offers a package for teens and young adults ($99) that includes medical acne consultation, clinical photography, steam and extractions treatment and the SkinTX Acne Treatment System. Thigh lifts slim legs Beauty gone bad Just because you can use your eyeliner down to the nub, doesn’t mean you should. Makeup can harbor some serious bacteria, which could result in nasty infections. Don’t know when to toss your makeup? Use these guidelines: Mascara: Toss after 3 months Concealer: Toss after one year for liquid versions, two for powder or stick varieties Liquid foundation: Toss after six months to a year. Eye shadow: Toss after three months for cream shadows, six months for powders. Liquid eyeliner: Toss after three to six months. Whiten your teeth...with oil Calgarians who want a whiter smile may want to hit the grocery store before heading to the dentist. Coconut oil is used in an ancient Ayurvedic practice called Oil Pulling, which is said to give people fresh breath, whiter teeth, less cavities, clearer sinuses and help prevent gingivitis. How does it work? Put a teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for 20 minutes – no more, no less. When the time is up, simply spit it out (into the garbage or a plastic bag, not down the drain). The “bad” bacteria stick to the oil, leaving your mouth clean and healthy. Want shapely legs for the summer? Thigh lifts are ideal for those who’ve lost a significant amount of skin elasticity or weight and have extra sagging skin on their upper legs. An inner thighplasty entails removing excess skin and fat from the area, while outer thigh lifts tighten skin in and around the area (including the behind) with an incision that goes from the hipbone to the buttock crease. Both surgeries take about three hours, downtime is about two weeks and a compression garment is worn for six weeks post-op to decrease swelling and help with healing. FRAXEL® . CUTERA® . BOTOX OX® . JUVED JUVEDERM EDER ED ERM ER M® . UltraShape®V3 . Facia Facials ials ia ls & B Body ody Wraps . Vivierskin® . Ski od SkinCeuticals kinC ki nCeuticals® . Latisse® . glõ•minerals™ nC Dr. Wendy Tink & Dr. Patricia Connick | Phone 403.237.8428 | 803, 10 Discovery Ridge Hill SW Calgary | www.viverejuvenation.com Cosmetic Rejuvenation SPRING 2014 PAGE 7 REFLECTT REFLEC HOW W YOU YOU FEEL INSIDE, ON THE OUTSIDE. OUT SIDE. WHAT’S NEW IN COSMETIC MEDICINE THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 – 5:30 - 7:00PM Come see what all the talk is about at INLIV’s information evening with Dr. Wendy Smeltzer & Dr. Christine Pezarro Botox® Cosmetic • Fillers • Selphyl® • CoolSculpting® • Skin Tightening • Intense Pulsed Light Latisse® • Microdermabrasion • Chemical Peels • Fractional Non-Ablative Skin Resurfacing RSVP requested as space is limited. Light refreshments will be served. suite 217, 1111 olympic way se calgary, alberta 403.538.8881 INLIV.COM Advertisement AN EXPERIENCED TEAM IN A NEW FACILITY INLIV Full Circle Health opened the Cosmetic Medicine Department in late 2013, and while they are fresh additions to the company, their team is far from new. Doctors Wendy Smeltzer and Christine Pezarro have over 28 years of combined experience in Cosmetic Medicine, while INLIV’s registered nurses, Nadia Zinchuk and Monica Grewal, contribute a collective 12 years of experience to the team. Not only does the INLIV Cosmetic team have a high level of experience and knowledge, they are also committed to every client and are proud of their exceptional standard of care—a strong philosophy held by each member of the team. The INLIV team takes time to assess every patient’s personal needs, developing a custom program to help them achieve optimal results. Clients can rest assured that they are in safe hands, as all injectable services are offered by INLIV’s experienced physicians, and technology services (such as CoolSculpting® and Thermage®) are performed by a registered nurse. Dr. Wendy Smeltzer, INLIV’s Medical Director, says, “You will always be more than just a number at our clinic. You’re a person with individual cosmetic goals. Our team continually aims to provide a warm and compassionate personal experience, from beginning to end.” Simply put: there are no cookie cutter programs here! The Full Circle Health experience wouldn’t be complete without a serene and soothing environment. An elegant oasis offers a relaxing setting for clients—both before and after treatments. It’s a welcoming place that creates a feeling of comfort and ease. Beauty lies within, and with the high standard of personal care and expertise provided by INLIV’s doctors and nurses, combined with this beautiful facility, patients are sure to walk away confidently knowing that they’re reflecting how they feel inside, on the outside. INLIV’s core purpose is to “Inspire Amazing Lives,” and the Cosmetic Medicine team will be sure to do just that. Botox® Cosmetic • Fillers • Selphyl® • CoolSculpting® • Skin Tightening • Intense Pulsed Light Latisse® • Microdermabrasion • Chemical Peels • Fractional Non-Ablative Skin Resurfacing Photo by Trish Tanner MEDICAL FITNESS COSMETIC MEDICINE & CORPORATE HEALTH This content was developed by Postmedia’s advertising department in collaboration with a client for commercical purposes. 403.538.8881 INLIV.COM Botox Cosmetic Q & A By Barbara Balfour Q: What is Botox? A: Botox, or botulinum toxin type A, is a drug that is made from a neurotoxin. When injected in small doses, it helps remove wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing the muscles. It can also be used to alleviate a variety of medical conditions, including excessive sweating and chronic migraines. In the early 1980s, two Vancouver ophthalmologists (Jean and Alastair Carruthers) used Botox to treat patients who suffered from one-sided eye spasms and tics. They recognized its cosmetic potential when their patients would return begging them to treat their other side because of the wrinkle-softening effects they noticed from it. Botox has been approved for cosmetic use in Canada since 2001. Meet Dr. Wendy Tink, medical director at Vive Rejuvenation, and the facility’s resident Botox injector Sandra Makowachuk. Tink holds more than 20 years of experience as a doctor, and is a clinical assistant professor in the department of family medicine at the University of Calgary. Makowachuk has been a registered nurse for more than 22 years, with 10 years of experience in cosmetic and esthetic medicine. We caught up with both of them to ask some common questions surrounding the ever-popular Botox. Q: What areas can you treat? A: The most common areas are the vertical frown lines in the forehead and the crow’s feet around the eyes. It can also be used in the neck, the muscles in the lower face that pull down the corners of the lips, and the smoker’s lip lines around the mouth. Q: What are the results? A: It takes three to four days for it to start to work, and lasts for three to four months. Injections for excessive sweating can last six months to a year. Q: Does it hurt? I hate needles. A: Most patients find it comfortable and tolerable. We use a tiny, superficial needle. We can use a numbing cream or ice beforehand if requested. Usually, the upper lip area is the most sensitive. Q: Who gets it done? A: On average, patients are in their 40s and 50s. However, they are coming in at a younger age for preventative treatments. PAGE 10 Q: Who should not get it done? A: Anyone who is pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive. Anyone with a neuromuscular disorder is also not a candidate for Botox. Q: How do you prepare? A: We recommend no blood thinners like Advil or Ibuprofen a week before and a day or two afterwards, to minimize the chance of bruising. Patients should not manipulate the injected area for four hours afterwards – so no face massages, don’t sleep on your face or do yoga. If you can, don’t put on any makeup afterwards. Q: W hat’s the biggest myth surrounding A: Botox? That you’re going to look completely frozen and have zero expression. We aim for 70 percent relaxation of the muscle. You’ll still have expression, but those fine lines will become softer at rest. Eyes become brighter and wide open. It doesn’t have to be a onestep process; you can always come back in two weeks if you want to add more. Q: How do I choose where to go? A: If a deal sounds too good, ask why. Only doctors can get Botox; they either administer it or delegate a medically trained health professional such a nurse. It is exceedingly important to understand the anatomy and how muscles work together. You should ask questions like: Who trained you? How did you learn? How do you decide what the right amount is? How do you handle complications? How can I reach someone after hours? Do you have before and after photos I can look at? Can I talk to a patient who’s had it done before? Cosmetic Rejuvenation SPRING 2014 Sponsor content Embracing change Calgary’s Cosmetic Laser & Vein Centre reveals new name, direction in cosmetic care For nearly 30 years, Calgarians have trusted Cosmetic Laser & Vein Centre as one of the most dependable and innovative medical and cosmetic facilities in Calgary. In 2012, the Santé Wellness Group purchased the facility, renaming it Sante Cosmetic Laser & Vein Centre. This spring, it emerges as the new Sante Medical. The expertise of the clinic’s highly trained professionals has always been a hallmark of the facility, and that quality of care will remain. Now, these same professionals have created a new vision and mission to bring clients the very best possible experience through an integrative approach to care. Striving for continued excellence going forward, Sante Medical’s new vision statement is ‘Enhancing wellness, vitality and confidence through excellence in medicine and science.’ “Moving forward, we will be constantly re-evaluating and researching treatments, and looking for ways to enhance our team,” says Amanda Preece, Sante Medical’s Marketing Director. Sante Medical specializes in cosmetic and preventative treatments and offers a full spectrum of services delivered in a personalized manner in a discreet environment. Procedures including cosmetic laser treatments, Botox and fillers, dermatology, body sculpting, vein treatments, and proven methods to firm and tighten Photo credit: iStock are performed by experienced medical professionals. Sante Medical is a fully accredited surgical centre that uses the most advanced procedures and most current technologies available. In an era where cosmetic facilities operated by minimally trained staff offering treatments without physicians on site has become commonplace, Sante Medical takes pride in having the highest standards and boasting top medical experts on its team. Dr. Louis Grondin remains as medical director, steering the ship into the future at Sante Medical. His training, knowledge, and vision have made him a highly respected pioneer in vein treatment techniques, and his master’s degree in dermatology assures patients of his expertise in treating skin conditions. He continues to travel the world to evaluate new technology in order to offer the latest and most effective procedures to patients. Sante’s medical team also includes Dr. Eryn Meloche, a promising young sclerotherapist and cosmetic physician, as well as Dr. Karim Punja, an oculoplastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic and reconstructive eyelid surgery. “There’s really a culture within the clinic of keeping a close eye on where the industry is headed, and on what people’s wants and needs are. We’re constantly evolving, and this name change reflects that,” Preece says. Another benefit to patients as Sante Medical transforms is the creation of new integrated package This content was developed by Postmedia’s advertising department in collaboration with a client for commercical purposes. options that combine treatments to give patients superior, more natural results at affordable prices. For example, the nonsurgical facelift combines Botox, filler, and skin-tightening procedures to address the overall appearance, rather than targeting single cosmetic concerns. The Mommy Makeover combines Ulthera, a non-surgical lifting and tightening treatment, and Endymed, a tightening, contouring and resurfacing treatment using radiofrequency waves. Sante Medical offers numerous minimally invasive procedures with little to no downtime that fit into busy and active lifestyles to help you look and feel your best. The Sante Medical team wants your experience to exceed your expectations and enhance your wellness, vitality and confidence. Step into Sante Medical to discover a renewed you. 1504, 15th Ave SW | 403-245-8008 santemedical.ca Industry Skin Deep Understanding the difference between Botox and fractional laser resurfacing By Jennifer Seamone The cosmetic industry is constantly teasing North Americans with new technology and procedures in the search for the fountain of youth. Yet often lost in translation is how these advances differ. Just like a snowflake, no two are the same – nor are their effects and potential side-effects. Here, we take a look at the difference between Botox and Fraxel – two procedures that target the skin in very different ways. Botox Botox has gained star-like power over the last three decades. A quick and virtually painless treatment, Botox is a non-toxic drug from the bacterial toxin botulin that’s injected into specific muscles of the face to block neurological signals to the muscle reducing wrinkles and frown lines. “A lot of times, a candidate is presenting PAGE 12 something they don’t want to show, like a level of hostility due to a frown line, a look of fatigue, or are starting to see wrinkles when they are not making that expression,” explains Dr. Wendy Smeltzer of Inliv Full Circle Health in Calgary. Botox can fix eyebrow droops or sags, ease or eliminate frown lines between the eyes and on the forehead and have a lifting effect around the mouth, to name just a handful of its benefits. “We get more and more lines on our faces as time goes by as a result of inadvertent frowning, which takes place with us noticing. Botox makes the crow’s feet fly away and frown lines smile,” says Dr. Janis Campbell at the Laser Rejuvenation Clinic and Spa. Prices per treatment vary depending on what is being treated and the required dose. A frown line can begin from $200 to $300 per visit and require a return trip every four to six months. Pregnant or nursing mothers and those with neurological conditions should not undertake Botox. Side effects can include tenderness, swelling and some local bruising. Fractional Laser Resurfacing Often referred to as the brand name Fraxel, Fractional Laser Resurfacing stimulates the skin’s natural rejuvenation process by triggering collagen production. The resurfacing helps reduce wrinkles and is used to treat overall skin texture problems such as acne and general scarring, pigmentation problems from sun damage and age spots, and to achieve improved skin smoothness. “A small spray of laser micro beams penetrates the skin. Focussed light energy creates small wounds that cause collagen revitalization,” says Smeltzer. “It is somewhat like aerating your lawn. There is the wound, but there is normal skin all around it.” Results can vary and can require anywhere from one to five treatments to achieve the desired result. Because it works with the skin’s natural cells it is reported to take between one and three weeks to see changes. Price per treatment ranges from $450 to 1,200 subject to the amount of skin covered. Downtime can be anywhere from three to five day, with varying amounts of swelling, redness and discomfort. “All these are medical procedures and should be treated as such,” says Smeltzer. “A medical history should be taken, including current medication and allergies and a careful evaluation done.” Cosmetic Rejuvenation SPRING 2014 How are you choosing to age? � � �� � � � � � � � �� � � � �� � � � � �� � �� � � ��� � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � ��� �� � � Aging shouldn’t be synonymous with degeneration of the body and loss of vitality. ����� ��� � � � �� � �� � � � �� �� � �� �� � � � � �� � �� � � � � �� � � � ��� � � � � ��� � � � � � � � � � �� � � �� � � � � �� � . Dr.Lizette Lourens,Jean Muir R.N �� � � � ��� � � � � � � � Age Management Institute � � �� � � ��� � � � � � � � � � � �� � � �� �� � � ��� � � � � �� � � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � �� � � � �� � �� � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � �� � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � ��� � � � �� � � � � �� � ��� � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� �� �� �� � � � � � � � � ��� �� � ���� � � � � �� �� � ��� � �� � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� �� � � �� � ��� � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � ��� � ��� � � � � � � � � “Aging well takes some effort but � �� � � � � � � � � the rewards are immeasurable; �� � � � �� � � � improved health, more energy, ���� � �� � � confidence and a positive outlook” � � � �� � �� �� � � � �� �� � � � �� � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � �� �� � �� � � � ��� � � � � � ������ �� � � �� � � � �� � � � � � � � � ��� � � � � � � �� � � � � �� � �� � � ����� � � � � � � �� � ������� � ��� � � � � ��� � � � � � �� � � � � �� � � � �� � � � �� � � � �� � ��� � �� �� � �� � � � �� � � � �� � � � �� �� � ��� � �� � � � �� � � �� � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � ��� � � �� � � � �� � � � � � � � � ��� � � � � � �� ��� � � � �� � �� � � � � � � � � � � � “Too many people, when they get old, think that they have to live by the calendar.” John Glenn, Astronaut ���� � ���� � � � �� � �� � 403-609-2196 � � � � � � � � � ��� � �� � Lose weight with medically assisted programs, and reshape your body naturally with CoolSculpting HCG Diet CoolSculpting Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Thyroid Treatment � � � �� � �� � � �� � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �� � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � �� � � �� � � �� � �� � �� � �� � � ��� ��� � � � � � � �� � � � �� � � Botox Juvéderm Restylane Cosmetic Fillers Soft Lift Lip Enhancement Weight Loss ���� � ���� � � � � �� �� � �� 403-265-4142 � � � � � � �� � Body Touchy topic Procedure helps restore nipple sensitivity By Rachel Naud Fiona Green (not patient’s real name) always felt something was missing from her sex life. The 50-something was never able to experience sensation in her nipples, which left her feeling self-conscious about her body. “I have always had inverted nipples, and for years felt that the sensitivity was lacking,” says Green. “My breasts were never an erogenous zone for me, so I figured something must be different than most other women. It’s an awkward and uncomfortable situation when your partner believes that area should be a natural element of foreplay. Yet for me, it wasn’t – ever. It simply didn’t arouse me.” The loss of sensitivity in nipples can be caused by a number of reasons, says Dr. Elizabeth Lourens, director of the Age Management Institute in Calgary. She notes the main sensitivity-stealing culprits include breast surgery involving the nipples (breast lift, augmentation or reduction), menopause and aging. Until recently, there hasn’t been a procedure to restore nipple sensitivity. However, Selphyl is now changing the lives of many women – including Green – and, yes, men. Selphyl allows natural tissue regeneration using a body’s own ability to rejuvenate. It allows physicians to isolate some of a patient’s own platelets and fibrin from their blood and, re-inject them in a particular site. To restore nipple sensitivity, blood is drawn from the patient’s arm just like at a lab. It is then centrifuged to remove the red and white blood cells. The plasma is then injected into the nipples. “The platelet-rich plasma causes growth of collagen, resulting in the restoration and repair of volume and texture in the tissue,” says Lourens. In addition to improving sensitivity and arousal, the treatment can also help lift inverted nipples, soften scar tissue from breast surgery and improve the nipple’s colour and texture. The procedure, which takes approximately 25 minutes, starts with the application of a topical cream to numb the area before the injection. For optimal results, the treatment should be repeated after four to six weeks to give collagen an extra boost. “With any platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment, one starts seeing results after about six weeks, but there are immediate positive effects, also,” says Lourens. For Green, one of those positive affects is increased self-confidence. “It’s interesting when you’re this far into your life and you’re only now experiencing what you’ve read and heard about for years,” she says. “It has made me more self-aware in general and a bit more confident during intimacy.” Cost of the treatment ranges from $700 for one treatment to $1,200 for the recommended two treatments. Results typically last between 18 months to two years. People on blood thinners and strong anti-inflammatories are not candidates, says Lourens adding, “certain medications and some supplements may need to be discontinued a week prior to the treatment and a week following. “Selphyl treatments may be contraindicated and be medically unsafe for some patients, so it is imperative to seek out an experienced professional for the consultation and treatment.” PAGE 14 Cosmetic Rejuvenation SPRING 2014 Body Magic wand New technology revolutionizes laser hair removal By Rachel Naud Laser hair removal has always been an imperfect art. Yet new technology now available to Calgarians is now taking guesswork out of the popular procedure. The Palomar Vectus, SkinTell machine available at Calgary’s Preventous Collaborative Health is allowing technicians to more accurately determine a patient’s skin type with a simple tap of a wand. You heard right: a “magic” wand. “It’s more accurate and almost twice as fast,” says Dr. Rohan Bissoondath, medical director at Preventous, noting the technology takes a leg treatment down from one hour to as little as 20 to 30 minutes. What usually takes two passes to remove the hair can also now be done in one. “So people have half as much discomfort,” says Bissoondath. “It’s really revolutionizing hair removal. What used to take six to 10 treatments, now only takes four to six.” Previously, the effectiveness on any laser hair removal procedure relied on technicians’ ability to “guess” which setting or wavelength was best for a patient’s skin type based on the user experience, hair colour, skin colour and how fast they burn or tan. Laser hair removal works by attacking the melanin or colouring of the hair, using different wavelengths or strengths, depending on the colour of skin and size or PAGE 15 density of the hair. The general rule of thumb: the darker the hair follicle, the stronger the wavelength (which is why ideal candidates for laser hair removal are those with dark hair and light skin). “There hasn’t been a hard science to determine one’s setting,” says Bissoondath. Using laser hair removal on people with tans has always been a particular challenge, notes Janet Champion, RN and owner of Champion Laser & Electrolysis Centre in Calgary. “When people are tanned, the colour of their skin is the same as their hair follicle, so the laser targets the skin as well as the hair,” she says. “They can get burnt, similar to that of a curling iron burn.” As with most laser hair removal procedures, there is no downtime associated with the treatment. Patients may experience some redness and sensitivity, “but nothing to stop you from taking part in your daily activities,” says Bissoondath. The cost of laser hair removal varies depending on the area being treated, but typically hovers around $1,200. Champion says the price of laser hair removal is cost-effective in the end. “Think about how many years you’ve been paying for waxing,” she says. “Although laser is equivalent to about the cost of two to three years of waxing, after a few treatments, 50 per cent of your hair is permanently gone. The younger you have it done, the more money you save in the long run.” Cosmetic Rejuvenation SPRING 2014 Spa Men embrace R & R Cue the cucumber water, spas are about to get a shot of testosterone By Rachel Naud Just days before Tyler Stewart’s (not real last name) wedding, his bride-to-be convinced him to finally try a day at the spa. With timeless wedding photos approaching, the couple needed a little R&R – massages, body scrubs and mani/pedis. Stewart agreed. Only they didn’t go together. While the bride-to-be went to a traditional spa, Stewart hightailed it to the men’s-only The Getaway Spa. “When you go to a couples’ spa, it’s mostly full of women,” says Stewart. “Guys tend to stand out. I just felt more comfortable at a men’s spa.” Although he has celebrated several anniversaries since he tied the knot, Stewart has made sure to make spa days more than an annual tradition. “It’s a ‘for me’ day,” he says. “It’s important to take time out for yourself. It’s a big stress relief. And after a long day or rough hockey game when I feel like a sore mess, a massage feels great.” Stewart isn’t alone when it comes to men and spas. In fact, according to the International Spa Association, the demographic split of spa patrons is now 53 per cent female to 47 per cent male. Whether they choose a men’s-only establishment or a regular day destination, men are partaking – and enjoying – the spa alongside their female counterparts. “More and more men are realizing that the benefits of spa are twofold; there’s the relaxation component, and the results component,” says Amanda Preece, acting marketing director Santé Spa & the Spa Ritual in Calgary. “They come in for the same underlying reasons as women: to relax and de-stress, and also to get results.” Annette Burwash, president of The Getaway Spa, says a lot of her clientele come to her having previously spent so much time focusing on their careers, only to look at themselves in the mirror and often feel like they look old and ragged. “Our most popular treatments include full body waxing, laser hair removal and manscaping,” says Burwash. “We also do a lot of barbering and grooming.” Preece says that massage, manicures, pedicures and facials are also growing in popularity, adding each of Sante Spa’s locations has at least one facial that’s customized specifically for male skin. “Men are learning that we have treatments tailored specifically for them – for their needs, for their skin types,” says Preece. “They are seeing that wanting to take care of yourself isn’t ‘girlie’ – it’s simply human. “Men and women both go to the gym, to the chiropractor, to the hair salon – and now, for spa treatments.” Preece added a little R&R can also spill over to a client’s personal and professional life. “Our downtown location inside Hôtel Le Germain sees a lot of male guests who are busy professionals. They’re running from meeting to meeting, leading fast-paced lives. These guests really understand that caring for themselves can give them that competitive edge.” PAGE 16 Cosmetic Rejuvenation SPRING 2014 Nose Serious about the schnoz Functional rhinoplasty is about more than good looks By Jacqueline Louie Going for a nose job isn’t just about getting a better-looking schnoz – it’s also about functionality. nasal septum, and can cause significant scarring of the nasal cavity.” Rhinoplasty can be performed using an external approach, which involves making a small incision underneath the tip of the nose and lifting the skin off the cartilage and bone underneath to expose the underlying anatomy. The procedure can also be done as an endonasal rhinoplasty, which involves making incisions on the inside of the nose. The approach depends on the extent of surgery to be performed, whether a surgery is a revision that might require extensive cartilage grafting, and surgeon preference. Addressing functional issues – such as a deviated nasal septum, turbinate enlargement or sinus problems – can be addressed at the same time. Little to no nasal packing is required with rhinoplasty surgery, but generally a cast is placed on the outside of the nose for a week or so. Post-op patients are encouraged to use a sinus nasal rinse, such as NeilMed sinus rinse, notes Mechor. Approximately 70 per cent of North American patients currently undergoing rhinoplasty procedures have some sort of functional issue, including allergies, septal deviation, turbinate enlargement and nasal polyps, says Calgary Sinus Centre director Dr. Brad Mechor. Any functional issue needs to be addressed during surgery to ensure a patient’s nose looks and functions well after. “Anybody who is considering having rhinoplasty performed needs to have a full assessment of their nose, both inside and out, because any changes on the outside of the nose will affect how the inside of the nose functions,” says Mechor, a rhinologist/nasal and sinus surgery specialist. “Just by taking down a bump, you can alter how well somebody is going to breathe. If you don’t address other problems – such as a deviated nasal septum, nasal turbinate enlargement or nasal polyps or allergies – you may have significant issues with breathing after surgery, even if it wasn’t a problem beforehand.” Rhinoplasty patients who don’t address these functional issues beforehand are the ones typically experiencing difficulties following surgery. “A good portion – over one-third – of the rhinoplasties I do are on patients who underwent rhinoplasty surgery and are now starting to have functional problems after surgery. These are mainly breathing issues that weren’t present before the initial surgery,” he says. Mechor recommends anyone considering surgery make sure there are no other problems going on with their noses, • Physician Grade Peels • Palomar Laser - Brown Spots, so that taking down even a little bump on the nose won’t Age Spots, Stretch Marks, • Herbal Green Peels Melasma, Ruby Points cause problems afterward. • AcneTherapy • YAG Laser Hair Removal, Broken • SmoothBeam Laser Cystic An ear, nose and throat surgeon or rhinologist can assess a Capillaries, SkinTightening for Acne, Boils, Congestion, Openthe Face, Neck & Body patient’s nose, both inside and out, using an endoscope and Closed Comedomes, Papules • Non-Ablative Resurfacing Acne Scarring, Large Pores possibly a CT scan to check the overall health and structure for the Face, Neck & Chest • Faces Dermatology Skin Care of the nose and sinuses. • Photo-Rejuvenation A health-care provider should also check patients for BUY A PACKAGE OF 3 PHYSICIAN allergies, and the different medications they might be on, GRADE PEELS FOR $375 & RECEIVE 4 says Mechor. “It’s important to look at what medications you are on, because different medications can affect how the nose will function in terms of dryness and mucous thickness,” he explains. Allergies can affect how the nose will function, as will a history of smoking and previous drug use. “Cigarette smoke and marijuana smoke cause the nose to produce more mucous, and prevent the normal lining of the nose from working properly,” says Mechor. “Cocaine is destructive to the nose. It will destroy the PAGE 17 Cecille Visser Undergrad Nurse/ Clinic Director Kirsten Patterson Medical Esthetician/ President Trusted by 1000‘s for over 15 years Impressive list of Certifications Worked & trained with Top Dermatologists Winner 9 Reader’s Choice Awards-Western Wheel What are You Waiting For? Call 403-475-0075 #100, 10333 Southport Rd. S.W. www.facesbeautyispower.com Cosmetic Rejuvenation SPRING 2014 Column Getting past the guilt Treating cosmetic concerns is an investment in self-confidence Not long ago, I had a patient come into my office. A busy professional in her mid 40s, she had two young children, a spouse, and a demanding career. She had made an appointment with me to discuss the varicose veins that, after two pregnancies, had begun to snake their way through her legs. She was hesitant to admit that although the veins weren’t yet causing any physical discomfort, they were indeed affecting her life. Embarrassed by the blue cords marring her legs, she had spent the last few summers in pants, jeans, and long dresses. As we discussed her treatment options, she was excited and relieved to hear that we could help her in ways that didn’t necessarily involve surgery. However, something was holding her back. As we talked, her hesitations were revealed. A wife and mother, she couldn’t shake the nagging fear that taking the time and resources to have her veins treated was somehow ‘selfish’ – that her desire to correct a cosmetic concern was shallow and vain. In the 28 years I’ve been working in cosmetic medicine, I have seen this story play out time and time again. While recent years have seen something of a societal shift toward greater acceptance of cosmetic procedures, many of my patients find themselves in this limbo. They know exactly what aspect of their appearance is bothering them – they may even know what treatment(s) can be used to correct their condition. And yet they’re seeking permission, so to speak, to address the problem. They need to be reassured that there is nothing selfish or vain about seeking treatment for cosmetic concerns. What I tell my patients is this: if it’s bothering you – if you’re upset by what you see in the mirror, if it’s affecting what you wear – that’s enough to make it a legitimate concern. We’re often exposed to platitudes that tell us the only thing that counts is what’s within, but the truth is that our appearance affects our self-image, our confidence, and the decisions we make. This in turn affects our lives in meaningful ways. By Dr. Louis Grondin, MD, MBA, FACPh, MScPD Don’t wait Men, in particular, tend to ignore their concerns until enough time has passed that the condition has worsened. Often, the thinking is if a condition gets to a point where real medical symptoms arise, that somehow legitimizes the decision to seek treatment. However, that line of thinking is flawed. It’s much easier to treat varicose veins in the early stages, rather than waiting until physical symptoms such as pain, itching, heaviness or ulceration appear. The same goes for early signs of aging in the face and neck. Early intervention can have a preventative effect, slowing the progression from fine lines to deep wrinkles. It’s not unlike dental care: you wouldn’t wait until your gums were aching and your teeth were filled with cavities before seeking the care of a dentist. By seeking treatment early, you can prevent the need for more invasive (and costly) treatments down the road. I tell my patients to approach cosmetic care in the same way you would plan for a vacation or home renovation. Do your research, determine your budget and have some idea what you would like to get out of the treatment. You can then go into your consultation with the clarity that comes from having a plan in mind. Dr. Louis Grondin is the Medical Director at Sante Cosmetic Laser & Vein Centre (soon to be renamed Sante Medical.) He combines decades of experience in treating venous disorders with a Masters degree in dermatology. His areas of interest include ultrasound-guided treatment for venous disease, endovenous laser surgery, microsurgery, tumescent liposculpture, cosmetic laser surgery, facial contour lift, and facial and body rejuvenation. PAGE 18 Cosmetic Rejuvenation SPRING 2014 SPONSOR CONTENT Standing out crowd from the Customer service, long-term vision differentiates Preventous Collaborative Health Preventous Collaborative Health is not just about making people look good. It’s about making people feel good, too. Centrally located on 17th Avenue S.W., the cosmetic medicine and private health facility prides itself on its unparalleled level of customer service that never ends with one treatment. “For everyone who comes in, we’ll sit down with them and lay out a road map and a plan to help them achieve their goals,” says Dr. Rohan Bissoondath, medical director at Preventous Collaborative Health. “It’s not just about one treatment. It’s about committing to a client over the long term and paying attention to the details, That’s what differentiates us. It helps us stand out from the crowd. We want people to feel comfortable, have their questions answers and feel at ease that they are in good hands.” Complementing the clinic’s commitment to quality customer service is its access to cutting-edge technology – from wrinkle treatments to laser hair removal. The goal at Preventous is always to enhance people’s natural beauty – not create something artificial, says Bissoondath. “We have a wide-range of tools and a solid understanding of what facial rejuvenation could be, should be and is,” he says. “As a result, we achieve natural-looking results. “We’re not trying to make 50-year-olds look 25. We just want them to look the best they can — to look fresher. That’s really what most Calgarians are after.” Preventous offers a number of wrinkle-fighting neuromodulators such as Botox, Dysport as well as dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane. It also uses chemical peels and fraxel laser resurfacing as part of the solution to facial rejuvenation. Fraxel repair lasers, for example, utilizes a high-intensity carbon dioxide laser to smooth out skin tone and soften frown lines and wrinkles while also tightening the skin. As part of the cosmetic road map that Preventous creates for each client, the clinic offers body contouring and laser hair removal treatments — procedures that have traditionally been dominated by women, but are increasingly popular among men, too. “Despite working out and eating healthy, sometimes people just need that little extra help with shedding some weight in problem areas such as love handles or lower abdominals,” says Bissoondath. “Liposonix is great for reducing stubborn fat.” Liponsonix is a fat-reduction treatment that uses highintensity ultrasound energy to target fat under the skin. It’s ideal for people who are unable to reduce belly fat or have other problem areas and need a little extra help to achieve their desired body shape. One of most exciting recent developments at Preventous is with laser hair removal. The clinic recently added a New Palomar Vectus machine that determines a patient’s skin type in a simple tap, which makes for a more effective treatment. Compare that to the guesswork traditionally associated with laser hair removal and you’ll start realizing why Preventous stands out from the crowd. “It’s almost twice as fast,” says Bissoondath, adding the technology takes a typical leg treatment down from one hour to as little as 20 to 30 minutes. Moreover, with this patented technology, what usually takes two passes to remove the hair can now be done in one. Learn more by visiting 1635 17th Ave. S.W., calling 403-229-0129 or going online to preventous.com 1635 17th Ave SW • 403-229-0129 email info@preventous.com • www.preventous.com This content was developed by Calgary Herald advertising department in collaboration with a client for commercial purposes.
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