EdCamp Application - Peoria Unified School District


EdCamp Application - Peoria Unified School District
KidZone Application
Student’s Full Name: _________________________________________________________________
Student’s Birth Date: _________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: _______________________________________________________________
Gender: ☐ Male ☐ Female
Grade Entering in 2016-17: _________________________
Student resides with: ☐Mother☐Father☐Both Parents ☐Other (Specify) __________
Are there any legal custody agreements? ☐No☐Yes (If yes, you MUST attach a copy of the agreement)
Does your student currently have an IEP (Individual Education Plan)? ☐Yes☐No
Does your student currently have a 504 Accommodation Plan? ☐Yes ☐ No
Mother/Guardian Name: ___________________________________________________________
Peoria Unified employee? ☐ Yes ☐No
Home Phone: _______________________________ Work Phone: __________________________
Cell Phone: _________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: _______________________________________________________________
Father/Guardian Name: _____________________________________________________________
Peoria Unified employee? ☐Yes ☐No
Home Phone: _______________________________ Work Phone: ___________________________
Cell Phone: _________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: ________________________________________________________________
The Peoria Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability,
or age in its programs and activities. No child will be denied enrollment in or access to the Peoria Unified KidZone
solely on these bases. All protections that students with disabilities and their parents are entitled to under the
provisions of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-65) and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794), including reasonable accommodations, will be provided to eligible
students in the Peoria Unified School District Programs.
Revised 10/12/16
2016-17 Peoria Unified KidZone Program Enrollment
Choose the Peoria Unified KidZone program location your student will attend for the 2016-17 school year:
Desert Palms
Desert Valley
Marshall Ranch
 Foothills
 Sahuaro Ranch
Choose the Peoria Unified KidZone program plan for your student for the 2016-17 school year. Please note
that if a location or plan is not chosen, your child will not be enrolled in the program and the registration will not
be accepted.
Individual child costs
Family rate/Peoria Unified staff costs
5 days per week, AM and PM,
$285 per payment=$2,850 total
Includes holiday breaks, Professional Development
days, early release, and late start morning
5 days per week, AM and PM,
$235 per payment=$2,350 total
Includes early release and late start
Each student/staff discount
$200 per payment=$2,000 total
Includes early release and late start
5 days per week, PM only
$190 per payment= $1,900 total
Includes early release
Each student/staff discount
$165 per payment=$1,650 total
Includes early release
5 days per week, AM only
$115 per payment=$1,150 total
Includes late start
Each student/staff discount
$90 per payment=$900 total
Includes late start
Up to 3 days per week, AM and PM
$170 per payment=$1,700 total
Includes late start and early release
Each student/staff discount
$150 per payment=$1,500 total
Includes late start and early release
Up to 3 days per week, PM only
$110 per payment=$1,100
Includes early release
Each student/staff discount
$100 per payment=$1,000 total
Includes early release
Up to 3 days per week, AM only
$80 per payment=$800 total
Includes late start
Each student/staff discount
$75 per payment=$750 total
Includes late start
☐Early Dismissal Days $15 per day
☐Late Start Mornings $15 per day
Revised 10/12/16
Each student/staff discount
per payment= $2,500 total
Includes holiday breaks and
Professional Development days
*Please note, registration is $35 for an individual student or $50 for a family
EdCamp is a full day program that is offered when school is not in session. EdCamp provides care from
6:00 am- 6:00 pm and will be located at Desert Valley. On these days students will engage in hands on
activities, group games, challenges and enrichment. To view the complete school calendar for holidays,
early release days and the first/last day of school, visit the district’s website at www.peoriaud.k12.az.us.
The calendar can be found under the ‘Schools” tab. Please note that Professional Development and Early
Release days are subject to change. Please note that if you do not register for EdCamp days during your
initial registration, there is a possibility that EdCamp may reach its capacity and you may not be able to
do so at a later time.
EdCamp Prices
☐Full Day $52 per month
o Includes holiday breaks/Professional full days
☐Individual Days $30 per day
o Includes any one holiday break/Professional full days
2016-17 EdCamp Days:
Professional Development- September 6th
Columbus Day- October 10th
Fall Break- November 21st-23rd (closed on 24th and 25th)
No School Day- December 23
Winter Break- December 27th-January 6th (**Please note, we will be closed the first day
of winter break, December 26th)
Professional Development- January 17th
Professional Development- February 21
Professional Development- March 17th
Spring Break- March 20th-24th
April Break- April 14th
Professional Development- April 17th
Tuition is based on a daily rate for 180 school days and divided into 10 equal payments. Fees are not
charged for school holidays. A NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee of $35 per student or $50 per family
is due at the time of registration. Payments are due the first of each month through May (Ex: August’s
fees are due August 1st). Early release afternoons are included if the student is enrolled in PM care. Late
Revised 10/12/16
start mornings are included if the student is enrolled in AM care. Fees may be prorated for children
entering or leaving the program mid-month. DES Child Care Subsidies are accepted at all sites. There is a
discount for district employees and additional students residing in the same household.
Peoria Unified 2016-17 KidZone Fee Attendance Contract
My student, __________________________________, is attending the ________________________
Peoria Unified KidZone. My student will be in grade ________ in the 2016-17 school year.
Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: _________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: _______________________________ Work Phone: ___________________________
Email address: ______________________________________________________________________
Start date: ________________
Withdrawal Date: __________________
Registration fee: ______________________ Monthly payments: ______________________________
Total Enclosed: _______________________(Make checks payable to Peoria Unified School District)
Parent/Guardian Print Name
Revised 10/12/16
Parent/Guardian Signature
Waiver of Liability
I/We hereby release and forever discharge Peoria Unified School District, its elected and appointed
officials, directors, officers, boards, commissions, agents, representatives, servants, employees and any
and all other persons, firms or corporations who are or might be liable, from and all claims of any kind
and character which I/we may have against them due to my child’s participation, in a Peoria Unified
School District Program. This waiver includes all damages, losses, costs, expenses and injuries that
allegedly occur during the course of this program. In that regard, I/we covenant to indemnify, defend
and hold harmless to the fullest extent permitted by law the foregoing persons and entities from any loss
or damages including reasonable attorney’s fees and litigation expenses, which may be incurred by them
in the event any such claim are asserted against them or any of them. I/we understand that medical
claims are my/our responsibility. This waiver does not extend to any such or liability that is caused by the
sole and exclusive intentional acts or gross negligence of the Peoria district or its officers, employees or
By signing below, I attest that I have read and agree to abide by the payment policies listed on the
policies page of this registration packet and that I have received a copy of and will abide by the policies
and guidelines outlined in the Peoria Unified KidZone Parent Handbook. I also understand that Peoria
Unified Kid Zone Staff may sign my child in and out of the program as needed, i.e. room changes during
program hours.
Please print name
___________________________________________ Signature
Date: __________________________
Check - Check Number: __________
Credit Card: ______-_______-_______-_______
ID #_________________
Money Order
Credit Card
Discover Staff
Signature: ______________________________________ Amount Paid: _________________
Revised 10/12/16
List of KidZone Sites
August 10, 2016 to May 24, 2017
Canyon Elementary
5490 W. Paradise Ln., Glendale
(623) 201-9338
Copperwood Elementary
11232 N. 65th Avenue, Glendale
(623) 201-9295
Desert Palms Elementary
11441 N. 55th Avenue, Glendale
(623) 512-2224
Desert Valley Elementary
12901 N. 63rd Avenue, Glendale
(623) 512-2216
Heritage Elementary
5312 W. Mountain View Rd, Glendale
(623) 277-6667
Foothills Elementary
15808 N. 63rd Avenue, Glendale
(623) 512-2217
Marshall Ranch
12995 N. Marshall Ranch Drive, Glendale
(623) 512-2223
Sahuaro Ranch
10401 N. 63rd Ave. Glendale
(623) 512-2067
For questions on KidZone, please contact:
Connie Rae Flusche-Facilitator at 623-556-7202
Michelle McArdle-Facilitator at 623-512-2066
Ashley Worrell-Director at 623-512-2047
Revised 10/12/16
CDC/SGH# or name:____________________
Arizona Department of Health Services
Bureau of Child Care Licensing
Emergency, Information and Immunization Record Card
Child’s Name:
Date Enrolled:
Home Address (#, Street, City, State, Zip Code):
Date Disenrolled:
Date of Birth:
Home Phone:
Parent or Guardian Name:
Home Address (#, Street, City, State, Zip Code):
Cell Phone (optional):
Contact Telephone Number:
Parent or Guardian Name:
Home Address (#, Street, City, State, Zip Code):
Cell Phone (optional):
Contact Telephone Number:
I authorize the following individuals to collect my child from the facility in case of emergency or if I cannot be contacted:
(Pursuant to R9-5-304.B, at least two contact persons are required.)
Contact Telephone Number:
Contact Telephone Number:
Contact Telephone Number:
Contact Telephone Number:
If Medical care is necessary, call:
Contact Telephone Number:
Health Care Name:
*A Health Care Provider is a physician, physician assistant or registered nurse practitioner.
In case of injury or sudden illness,
I request that this individual be called first:
The following individual(s) may NOT remove my child from the facility:
Custody papers have been provided and are on file at the facility.
Telephone Authorization Code (optional):___
Immunization Information
(A licensee shall attach an enrolled child's written immunization record or exemption affidavit to the enrolled child's Emergency, Information and
Immunization Record card.)
For information regarding current immunization requirements go to:
www.azdhs.gov/phs/immun/index.htm or contact the Arizona Immunization Program Office at (602)364-3630.
One of these items must accompany the EIIR card at all times:
Copy of current official documented immunization record attached
Religious Beliefs exemption form signed by parent/guardian attached
Medical Exemption form signed by physician and parent/guardian attached
Signed Laboratory Proof of Immunity form attached
Notification of immunizations needed sent to Parent(s) or Guardian(s):
Updated immunizations received and attached:
mo /day/ yr
mo /day/ yr
mo /day /yr
mo /day/ yr
mo /day/ yr
mo /day /yr
Medical Information
Is child allergic to food or other substances?
Is child usually susceptible to infections and if so, what precautions need to be taken?
If yes, list precautions:
Is child subject to convulsions and what should be our procedure if one occurs?
If yes, specify procedure:
Is there any physical condition that we should be aware of and what precautions should
be taken (heart trouble, foot problem, hearing impairment, hernia, etc.)?
If yes, list precautions:
If yes, describe symptoms, name foods or substances to be avoided, and the procedure to follow if reaction occurs:
Additional comments:
Other special instructions:
This Emergency Information and Immunization Record Card is accurate and complete, front and back, and was provided by:
Parent/Guardian PRINTED Name:
G:\Forms\Emergency Information and Immunization Record Card (6/16)
Peoria Unified School District #11
KidZone before and after school program On Campus Permission Slip
I ___________________________ give permission to allow______________________
(Print Parent’s or Guardian’s name)
(Print Child’s Name)
To visit the different areas of the Peoria Unified Campuses during the 2016-17 KidZone/
EdCamp days campus. Students and staff will be exploring the different areas of the campus for
multiple purposes. At no point will they walk across the street or through a parking lot.
(Parent or Legal Guardian)
Date: ____________________________
KidZone / EdCamp
Sign In - Out Authorization
I, ________________________________, give my permission to allow
(Print parent or guardian name)
________________________________ to be signed in and out of the
(Print students name)
KidZone before and after school program by D.H.S. licensed Peoria Unified
District employees.
_____________________________________ Date: _______________________
(Parent or Legal Guardian signature)
Student Name:
Student Address:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Phone Number:
City, State, Zip Code:
Thank you for agreeing to have your child participate in the 2014-15 Back-to-School Photo Shoot. The Peoria
Unified School District uses a wide variety of photographs throughout the school year as promotional tools to
help highlight the district, its staff and its students. Photographs taken at today’s event may be used as the
district’s discretion such as district publications, on the website, on official social media sites overseen by the
school district and in advertisements representing the district. Not all photographs taken today may be used.
Purpose: The purpose of this P h o t o an d V i d e o Release is to i d e n t if y t h o se f am i l ie s w h o c o n se n t
t o give the Peoria Unified School District permission and authority to use and/or publish you and/or your
child’s name, image, and/or creative works to further the district’s educational mission. The district is asking
that all parents/guardians sign and return this form.
Consent and Release:
The district may use, release, and/or publicize my and/or my child’s name, image (in any form), and creative
work through any medium whatsoever, including, but not limited to, the internet, written publication,
and broadcast for any educational, editorial, promotional, business or other purpose without prior notice or
compensation. The district may exercise its rights as it deems appropriate for its productions, for
advertising, and for other purposes. By signing below, I intend for the district to rely upon this Release; and
I agree to release, not to sue, and to indemnify and hold the district harmless for, from and against any and
all injuries, claims, demands, damages, actions, causes of action, suits or judgments of any kind or nature
whatsoever (including attorneys’ fees and other costs in the defense of any such claim or suit) brought by
myself or on behalf of myself or my child as a result of any claim, loss, damage, or injury to any persons or
property arising out of or in any way relating to any action, inaction, or participation in any video or
photographic production of the district.
 I do consent to the above.
Student Signature (if over 18)
Parent/Guardian PRINTED NAME
Parent/Guardian Signature
(Required for all students under 18)
Acceptable use of the electronic information services requires that the use of these resources be in accordance with the following
guidelines and support the educational goals of Peoria Unified School District.
Summary: You will be held responsible for your actions. Your actions may be monitored and tracked while using school
computers or the computer network. Do not download inappropriate or copyrighted material. Do not disclose personal
information about you or your family. Notify your teacher if you receive a communication or access a website that you feel
is inappropriate.
The student must:
Agree to use the electronic information system for educational or district business purposes only.
Agree not to submit, publish, display or retrieve/download any inappropriate material, including material that is defamatory,
abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, illegal, or deliberately inaccurate material; nor
shall students provide direct links to such materials or encourage the use of controlled substances.
Agree not to download, archive, distribute or share any software or digital file(s) (such as movies, music, or text) that would
constitute a violation of copyright laws, including any trademark and/or license restrictions.
Agree not to attempt to harm, modify system files or data belonging to other users.
Agree not to attempt to gain unauthorized access to district systems or data, damage software or hardware or interfere with
system operation or security.
Agree to only access the PUSD network with his/her PUSD network user name unless directed by the teacher to use a
“generic lab user name”. Permission to use generic lab user name is valid only during the class period where permission
was granted.
Agree to keep his/her password private.
Agree to notify his/her teacher if a password is lost or stolen, or if there is reason to believe that someone has obtained
unauthorized access to the system.
Agree not to use the network in a way that would disrupt the use of the network by others.
Understand that e-mail should not be considered absolutely secure or private.
Understand that e-mail in the district e-mail system is the property of the district.
Understand that computer activities, including e-mail, may be monitored and tracked.
Agree not to reveal anyone else’s personal information without the proper permission or authority.
Agree not to use the system to make any unauthorized purchases or to conduct any non-approved business.
Agree that this policy specifically prohibits the use of games or simulations for entertainment purposes. A game or simulation
used for an educational purpose may be authorized by your teacher during class time.
Agree to follow all District Policies and Student Handbooks as written.
Understand that the system administrators reserve the right to set quotas for disk usage on PUSD network system. Students
who exceed their quota will be advised to delete files to return to compliance.
Agree to notify his/her teacher, or email helpdesk@peoriaud.k12.az.us if the user believes he/she has discovered a security
problem on any PUSD system. The student should not demonstrate the problem to any other user or attempt to exploit the
problem in any way.
Student use of information systems is acknowledged to be a privilege, not a right. Students must adhere to strict district guidelines.
Administrator(s) will deem what is appropriate and inappropriate use of information systems. Any action by a student determined to
constitute an inappropriate use subjects the student to disciplinary action. Depending on the seriousness of the user’s offense,
consequences will be administered as stipulated in the Student Handbook and/or District Policy. Students will also be subject to all
applicable state and federal laws.
Students and parents/guardians of students must understand that their student may have access to the Internet. Through the use of
filtering software and supervision, Peoria Unified School District limits access to inappropriate materials on the Internet. Students
and parents should be aware that no filtering system is completely effective in preventing access to all inappropriate
materials, and it is the student’s responsibility to follow the above regulations and the directions of staff.
I understand and will abide by the above terms and conditions of this PUSD acceptable use policy, and will use computer and
electronic resources for curricular or district business purposes only. I further understand that any violation of this agreement is
unethical and may constitute a criminal offense and may result in civil liability to me and my parents or guardians, if I am under age
18. Should I commit any violation, I am subject to consequences of the school and district disciplinary code and of state and federal
Student Signature
(Printed Student Name)
Parent/Guardian Signature
(Printed Parent/Guardian Name)
My child has permission to use the Internet.
My child does not have permission to use the Internet.
Rev. 8/11/09