October - Tidewater Turners


October - Tidewater Turners
Volume 14, Issue 10
October, 2013
Next Meeting
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - 6:30 PM
Chris Pouncy
Sorby Tools
The Tidewater Turner
(See Page 7)
Editor: Terry Richards
Norfolk Woodcraft
Janaf Shopping Center
Newsletter Published Monthly
Tidewater Turners of Virginia, Inc.
764 Oliveri Lane
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
A Chapter of:
The American Association
of Woodturners
Sam’s Sayings:
Comments from Club President
Sam Warren
Sam Warren
Vice President:
Dwight Bullock
Connie Shiera
Dave Zurek
Board of Directors:
Ray Kallman
Clifton Chisum
Belton ‘Bear’ Garvin
Joe Mattox
Peter Turbide
webmaster @tidewaterturners.net
Gary Gobel
Norfolk, VA. Our next meeting will be
the date of decease of a venerable contributor to the Tidewater Turners, having
been left to languish unattended, unmanaged, and unloved. Unless someone
steps forward to shepherd the “Shop
Talk” program, it will die an untimely
death. We need someone who will step
up and out and will take charge of this
program as a Shop Talk Coordinator.
The person we seek will ensure that there
is always someone prepared to answer
member questions at shop talk and solve
their turning problems. That person
should also promote some aspect of turning for newcomers to come in and see a
“mini” presentation on some subject of
turning. The Shop Talk Coordinator
does not have to be personally at each
shop talk, but ensure that someone will
be there to carry on the program. Is this
something to which you could give new
life? See any board member at the next
meeting. Their names are listed on this
page, just to the left of this column.
Many of you know but some may not,
that we, are a local affiliated club of the
national organization, the American Association of Woodturners. There are
over 305 chapters in the US and internationally, with over 15,000 members.
Benefits include:
-AAW negotiated liability insurance.
Any member who demonstrates or turns
at demos is covered, as long as it is a
club sponsored event.
Continued on Page 6
On the Cover this Month...
...and on every page - Fall is
here, and the Tidewater Turners are hunkering down for
winter! Peak turning season is
also here - but first, we need to
clean up the leaves and twigs
in the yard. Unfortunately, one
of our members has fallen into
a leaf pile and disappeared.
He has not been seen for several
months. He wants to go to Shop
Talk, but can’t be found.
Have You Seen
Turner? He
Missed Shop
Classified leaks suggest he might
be lost in the Tidewater Turner
Newsletter. Look for him on each
page. He’s wearing a bright red
hat, so you should easily be able to
see him.
October, 2013 - Page 2
Ray’s Report
Connie’s Comments
Board News from Chairman,
Notes from Club Secretary,
Ray Kallman
Connie Shiera
Board Briefs
Board Meeting Notes October 3, 2013
Tidewater Turners
Monthly Meeting Minutes Sept. 24, 2013
On October 3rd, the Turners Board of Directors and Officers held their monthly meeting at Woodcraft. To keep
the membership informed about our efforts, here is a
summary of the meeting.
The meeting was called to order by Sam Warren, President.
He welcomed all visitors and 2 past members that rejoined.
Welcome all. Sam made announcements of upcoming events
and Ray Kallman reported on upcoming demos. First are
Newport News Fall Festival on Oct. 5 and 6th and then the
Makers Market Fair on Oct. 19.
The club has a Delta drill press in one of the Woodcraft
classrooms that is unused. Dwight suggested we sell it
and the board agreed. Terry will publish a Dutch auction
article with photos in the next newsletter.
Dwight mentioned that the d'Art Center is having a
"Meet and Greet" for area artists on Oct. 5th. He suggested we send a representative.
The club has been investigating renting a studio in the
d'Art Center in downtown Norfolk. d'Art suggest that we
rent a room on the arcade that will run approximately
$300 per month. We would move several club lathes to
the studio and members would man the studio to both
turn and sell pieces. We would be required to have a
representative in the studio 6 days per week. The board
voted to form a committee to investigate this opportunity
and determine if there is enough interest.
Dwight reported that in recent classes, the instructor had
difficulty finding the club’s chucks and tools. He suggested that we consider buying a large roll-around locking tool cart.
Show and Tell: Myron Curtis, Larry Shiera, Tony Knowles,
Sherman McLaughlin, Chuck Horton, Jerry Whitehurst, Reuben Everett and Tom Meade.
Tonight’s demonstration is by Cliff Guard. He showed how
he does embellishments, ebonizing, surface texturing and pyrography to his turned and finished pieces.
Thanks Cliff for a very nice and informative demo.
Door Prizes: Tim Pierce, Ivan Clark, Art Green, Denise
McCue, Doug Fowlkes, Chuck Horton, Dwight Bullock and
Larry Shiera.
Dave Zurek’s ornament class winner was Denise McCue.
Bill Caillat’s segmented bowl class winner was Henry Bean.
Meeting was closed until October 22nd .
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Sheira, Secretary
Continued on Page 9
Support Our Sponsors
Shop Talk
October 17, 2013 - 6:30 PM
3508 Pittmantown Rd
Suffolk, VA 23438
Norfolk Woodcraft
Bring your questions and ideas to
October, 2013 - Page 3
September Club Meeting Demonstration
Cliff Guard
Enhancing After Turning
Cliff came to the meeting promising to compare his embellishing techniques to spices on food. Instead he delivered a
full seven course meal, the kind you eat with three forks,
four plates, and five spoons. He showed his secrets for ebonizing, texturing, carving layouts, relief figurines, and several others too numerous to mention.
There was so much information that our heads were spinning as fast as the lathe he used. His comments were supported by actual finished examples of the results of his work
on simple wood pieces.
The ebonizing process, in particular, was very interesting, as
he pointed out that woods high in tannin worked best for
this technique. That is why most vinegar/steel ebonizing is
done on the various oaks, pecan, and ash. All these species
are high in tannin.
He also showed his technique for relief carvings, and the
reasons for texturizing that part of the piece that is not
carved. That relieves the evidence of the part of the piece
that has been carved away, the knife trails, so to speak.
Members who were there got a huge amount of useful information; members absent surely missed out on a great event.
October Club Meeting Demonstration
Chris Pouncy from Sorby Tools
What’s New in Turning Tools?
Chris Pouncy from Sorby Tools will be making his annual
visit to our club meeting. Members will recall last year
he demonstrated the new Sorby Sharpening System that
overcomes many of the problems associated with round
grinder wheels. In other years, he has shown us different
existing tools and
ways to enhance
turnings. Following Cliff’s September demonstration,
will no doubt add
to our knowledge
of going way beyond ‘round and brown.’ All members
should attend this very important meeting to see what
Chris is bringing across the water this season. Sorby tools
are always developing something new and interesting.
All the Sorby tools Chris demonstrates are available on
the far side of our
back wall in Bill’s
store. If it’s so
new that even he
doesn’t have it yet,
he can place an
order for you and
have it in a few
He demonstrates turning techniques 2012
Showing the New Sorby Sharp System-2012
Support our Sponsors
Box 3737
Hickory, N.C. 28603
October, 2013 - Page 4
Club Calendar
October, 2013
Public Demo
Newport News
Reservoir Park
Monume nt
Opens - 1888
Columbus Day
Returns To
Philippines 1944
Club Meeting
6:30 PM
Woodcraft Store
Board Meeting
Woodcraft Store
6:30 PM
Shop Talk
Norfolk Woodcraft
6:30 PM
Public Demo
Newport News
Reservoir Park
Public Demo
Makers Faire
Norfolk Scope
Public Demo
V.B. Farmers’
November, 2013
Marie Antoinette
Born Vienna
7 Turners Board 8
6:30 PM
Veterans Day
Moby Dick
Club Meeting
6:30 PM
Shop Talk
October, 2013 - Page 5
Sam’s Sayings:
Continued from Page 2
-AAW sponsored scholarship programs, for John Campbell and Arrowmont Schools
-Notifications on regional symposiums
-Eligibility to apply for Educational Opportunity Grants
-Our chapter profile listed on the AAW website
-Access to Best Practices and teaching tools
-National support for the chapters youth programs
-Chapter Challenge competitions
-Six annual copies of the “American Woodturner” journal, with many helpful articles on woodturning and tips
and tricks.
This is another resource if you want to take your turning
to the next level.
Happy turning,
Dutch Auction
Club Drill Press
As you read the notes from the last Board meeting, you
will see a reference to the Club’s floor – model drill press.
Since the club rarely uses this machine, it will be offered
to members and other readers of the Tidewater Turner.
Recall last year that we conducted a Dutch auction for a
club mini-lathe. This year, we will be doing the same for
the drill press.
The process goes like this: The club will offer a selling
price. If there is a buyer at that price, they will get the
press at the advertised price. If there is no buyer at that
price, then the next selling offer may be reduced. If there
is a buyer at that price, the sale is done. If there are two
buyers at that price, it’s first come, first served. FYI, a
new press like this sells for $500+.
If you are going to be one of the buyers, don’t wait. You
just might turn out to be the one who spoke second; you
might be beaten out by one who spoke first. Dave Zurek
will be receiving all bids.
Model 17-900
3/4 HP
BID $250.00
15 Speeds
Capacity: 1/16” - 5/8”
Support our Sponsors
520 22nd St.
Norfolk, Va. 23517
1287 East 1120 South
Provo, UT 84606
October, 2013 - Page 6
Public Demonstration
Mini-Makers Faire
This year, we once again demonstrated at the Norfolk Mini
-Makers Faire, our second year. This is a gathering of
people who make things. It is not an art exhibit; it is not
really a craft show, either. It definitely is, however, a
unique experience; the lady across the aisle makes jewelry
out of old plastic shopping bags, while the fellow on another side operates a steam engine from a solar heated boiler. This audience is arguably the most enthusiastic of any
we encountered in our other demonstrations. Many asked
questions and showed a real interest in the answers.
things. They took a particular interest in Cliff’s long
pointy finials. There was a remote controlled blimp flying
around the room that occasionally crashed into our area.
We believe they suspected he was making blowgun darts
to shoot it down. At the end of the day, the blimp survived
and Cliff avoided jail.
During the one day event, we were seldom without watchers and interested spectators. We made and gave away
dozens of spinning tops to the younger set, who sometimes
waited several minutes for their own prize. Some of the
youngsters had no idea how they worked, (imagine a toy
without batteries) but were eager to learn.
The Faire was the featured story on the front page of the
local Hampton Roads section of the Sunday 10/20/2013
Virginian-Pilot newspaper. The writer talked of all the
high tech toys on display. Our toy tops were decidedly
low tech, but equally thrilled dozens of the younger set.
We sold a small, but respectable quantity of items, although we were so busy talking to people, it did not get
boring, even right up until closing time.
We eagerly await next year.
The Norfolk Police came by to see us and watch us make
Art tends the store
Our nemesis, the Hindenburg
Ray’s client anticipates his top
Terry explains gyroscopic precession
to a 4 year old
Cliff and Dwight wow the crowd
Showing the colors
Support our Sponsors
3911 Killam Ave.
Norfolk, VA 23508
The Shops at Janaf
5802 E. Va. Bch. Blvd. Suite 152
Norfolk, Va. 23502
October, 2013 - Page 7
September Show ‘N Tell Turning of the Month
Jerry Whitehurst is no stranger to awards. Last month, his
mixed media wood/glass bowl won the award for “Best in
Show” at our Members’ Artist Show in the d’Art Center in
Norfolk. At the end of September, he brought a very
unique piece to our regular meeting Show ‘N Tell. This
was a relatively small piece for Jerry, who usually turns out
much larger pieces. However, the unique combination of
vegetable and mineral once again produced a great result.
The piece is about 4.5” in diameter by 4” tall overall. The
wood, of course from Jerry, is a burl, but a seldom mentioned species from Indonesia called PacHok.
As if that alone were not unique enough, the embellishment
on the lid of the little bowl/box is made of gypsum crystals.
These are found in the desert, and are formed when miner-
Top view of the ‘Desert Rose’
als are dissolved in drops of water and dried in the intense
sun. They are referred to by locals as the “Desert Rose”
due to their unique shape.
Jerry also experiments with glass and is gaining expertise
in lapidary work, polishing stones. He used a diamond flat
wheel to true up the bottom of these crystals so they would
sit flush on the top of the box lid.
Attached are a couple of pictures of the piece, and of Jerry
in his wood stash. For a close-up of the piece itself, look at
the cover of this issue. The reduced image of this bowl
also adorns each page of the issue as a watermark.
Congratulations, Jerry on a wonderful piece!
Jerry and some of his new redwood burls
Side view of the bowl/box w/ perfect lid fit
Next TT tree party...
Big bowl blanks headed to Amos’ house
Support Our Sponsors
Rustic Timber Company
5117 Witchduck Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
October, 2013 - Page 8
October is Election Month
Vote !
It’s that time of year again, time to vote for our club officers for 2014. All officers serve one-year terms; therefore,
they are re-elected or not every fall. Elections for officers
for next year will be held at the regular October Club Meeting. For a list of the officers who are currently serving, see
the masthead on page 2. For a list of those officers who
have so far expressed a desire to be nominated for 2014,
see Column 2, Paragraph 3 in Ray’s Review shown below.
Remember, any dues-paid member can nominate any other
dues-paid member for any office to stand for election for
any of the expiring terms.
It’s up to you. If you choose not to lead, it is at least your
responsibility to choose wisely those who will. Your club;
your vote.
In November, we will elect 3 Board members. Read about
that in next month’s Newsletter.
Ray’s Review
Continued from Page 3
Dwight reported on:
- upcoming private lesson raffles including: OCT FRED WISSEN - CASTING PROCESS, NOV - SCOTT
- upcoming meeting demonstrations will include: OCT - SORBY REPRESENTATIVE, NOV TURN-A-THON and DEC - No Demo (Club Christmas
Connie proposed that the Club Christmas Party be scheduled for Sunday, Dec 8th. This date may conflict with
some members so Connie wll investigate alternative
dates. Like last year, Dave and Ray will purchase turkey
breasts and Sam will buy a ham. We'll ask members to
bring side dishes.
Connie mentioned the possibly of a show in Virginia Beach
Town Center at the Tidewater Art Alliance from October
24th to January 3rd.
Connie presented a draft of modified club by-laws for the
board to review. The draft corrects some erroneous information and cleans up some wording. If accepted by the
board, it will be presented to the membership.
Ray thanked Connie and the rest of her team for all their
work setting up the Members' Show. Ray suggested that
she contact the staff at d'Art Center and confirm a date for
the show in the fall of 2014.
Dave is continuing research into new audio visual equipment for the club. His preliminary list of equipment will
run approximately $2100 for improved cameras, sound system, DVR and flat screen TVs. He suggested several board
members meet with the Woodworkers Guild on Oct 7th to
discuss sharing equipment and costs.
Dave also provided an update on the status of upcoming
classes including the pepper mill class in October and the
possibility of a beginner's class this winter.
Ray reported that he contacted Mr. James Jones at
the Charles Taylor Arts Center to find out how we were
scheduled for their show “May 3 - June 1, 2014 Hampton
Roads Artist Groups Juried Exhibition”. Mr. Jones is inviting us to put pieces in the show and has listed us on his
web page. He will send addition information.
Ray reported on upcoming public demonstrations. Both Newport News Fall Festival (Oct 5 & 6) and
the Norfolk Makers Faire (Oct 19 ) are on track. The City
of Virginia Beach has invited us to demonstrate at the Virginia Beach Farmer's Market on Oct 26th. Ray will send
an email to see if there is interest.
Since Peter was unable to attend, Ray provided his report
on the status of the nomination committee. Three board
positions and all officers are open. Peter and Joe have
asked to run again for their board seats. John Delong has
asked to request nomination to have his name placed on the
ballet for the remaining open seat. Also, all officers’ positions are on the 2014 ballot. Dave Zurek has asked to be
nominated for President. Dwight and Connie have asked to
be nominated for re-election as Vice President and Secretary. Currently, there are no candidates for Treasurer.
Elections for officers will be at the October meeting; for
Board seats at the November meeting.
Every year the board selects a woodturner of the year that
is announced at the Christmas party. Sam has asked that
we change the policy and have the general membership
provide names of deserving turners. The board will select
from that list. This will be addressed at the next regular
Any members who have topics they would like discussed at
a board meeting can forward the topic in writing to any
officer or board member.
Ray Kallman
Board Chairman
October, 2013 - Page 9
Public Demonstration
Newport News Heritage Festival
The club was well represented at the Newport News Heritage Festival. Saturday was a gangbuster day, with hundreds of people coming to and through our display area.
We set up two tents and kept six lathes going pretty much
full time. Unlike the past two years, it did not rain this
In total, thirteen Tidewater Turners members participated
in the demonstration. Five others came by to visit and to
wish us well. Excellent participation.
A couple of wood patrols went into the woods across the
lane in search of FOG (found on ground) and WILA
(whatever is lying around) wood to turn from rustic stock.
This wood was indeed rustic, as we attempted several
pieces, most of which failed. Nevertheless, it is always a
good conversation theme to show visitors that the beautiful finished pieces on the show tables began as very humble stock. Some folks were amazed that wood actually
comes from logs. Go figure.
Sunday was a bit less busy than Saturday, but we still had
good traffic.
For those of you who use the small mini/midi lathes with
the motor directly under the bed ways, take a lesson from
this demo. Keep the shavings cleared from around the
motor. There is no internal cooling air on these motors,
only what circulates around the outside housing. When
that housing is blocked from the cooling fan air, the motor
has a hot spot and will eventually fail. Wood shavings are
a good insulator; they hold the heat in very well - unfortunately.
The blacksmiths won the award for best display this year we had hoped to return to our winning ways. At least this
year, we didn’t get beaten out by the goat farm. Pounding
iron is closer to our craft than shearing wool. There is
always next year.
The audience won’t get too close
Amos gets new hair
Busy day at the store
Clifton has a fan
Larry under the long lens
Connie at the counter
October, 2013 - Page 10
September Show ‘N Tell
Myron Curtis
Larry Shiera
Jerry Whitehurst
Tom Meade
Sherman McLaughlin
Chuck Horton
Tony Knowles
Reuben Everett
October, 2013 - Page 11
Club Public Demonstration Schedule
Once again, your club will be engaging in a series of public demonstrations throughout the season. Those events
that are scheduled at this time are listed below. All members are encouraged to participate. While we seem to get
more than our share of rainy days, we all have a lot of
club to be covered by the AAW’s liability insurance.
You do not have to be an AAW member to come out,
show your stuff, engage the audience, and learn from other members. You do have to be an AAW member to operate the lathes at these events, in order for you and the
A few weeks before each event Ray sends out an email,
seeking participants. Don’t miss the opportunity.
Don’t let that small restriction keep you away. There is
plenty to do at these events. Even those who do actually
turn wood spend a big part of the time talking to visitors
and spectators.
Here are our public demos for 2013 as currently scheduled:
(1) Virginia Beach Spring Craft Market
- Completed - about 15 members participated with great floor traffic. Back for next year!.
(2) Francis Land House
- Completed - excellent showing. Accolades from House Management!
(3) The Adam Thoroughgood Spring Craft Festival.
- Completed - great turnout for a 5 - hour show. Much improved advertising helped grow the crowd!
(4) The Gathering of Blacksmiths
- Completed - not a great crowd; and yes, it did rain as the cold wind did blow! Good time by all!
(5) Chippokes Park Antique Steam & Gas Festival—Cancelled
(6) Pork, Peanut & Pine Festival
Chippokes State Park - July 20 & 21
 Good foot traffic last year - until we were rained out! BRING YOUR RAINCOAT!
- Completed - 5,000 people, and IT DID NOT RAIN!
(7) Artisans in the Park
Great Neck Park @ Great Neck Rec. Ctr. Virginia Beach - September 7 & 8
10:00AM - 5:00 PM Sat; 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sun
- Completed– great success and no rain! Local event - our first time here!
(8) D’art Center
Selden Arcade - 208 E. Main St. Norfolk, VA
- In Conjunction with the Club’s Artists’ Member Show
 NOTE: Three Saturdays! Choose your days - September 14, 21, 28
Noon - 4:00 PM each day
- Completed 3 setups - Great facility, but limited traffic on weekends!
(9) Newport News Fall Festival
Newport News Reservoir Park - October 5 & 6
- A popular demo with lots of visitors and good sales. Located at Newport News Reservoir Park.
- Completed - As always, good crowds and plenty of FOG wood to be had. No Rain!
(10) Norfolk Mini-Makers Faire
Scope Conference Center - Norfolk, VA - October 19
10:00 - 5:00 Indoors - Let it rain!
- Completed - Rain it did, but we were snug inside. Great setup and a unique experience!
(11)Virginia Beach Farmer’s Market Harvest Festival
Farmer’s Market - Corner Dam Neck and Princess Anne Roads - VA Beach - October 26
8:30 AM Setup - 4:00 PM teardown
- A new venue for us. Our last Demo of the year, so don’t miss it!
New Listing
October, 2013 - Page 12
News from the AAW
Upcoming Events in Easy Driving Distance
North Carolina Woodturning Symposium
Biennial Event - November 1– 3, 2013
Greensboro Coliseum Special Events Center, Greensboro, NC.
There will be 7 simultaneous demonstrations at each of 9
rotations over the three days so you will be able to choose
from a total of 63 rotations. This will give you an opportunity to see the demonstrations you desire. We are happy
to present 6 featured and 8 regional demonstrators.
Read More:
Featured Demonstrators for 2013:
Jimmy Clewes, USA, Douglas J. Fisher, Canada
Bob Rosand, USA, Avelino Samuel, St. John, VI
Keith Tompkins, USA, Molly Winton, USA
Remains To Be Seen
Oct 3, 2013 - Nov 12, 2013 Asheville, NC - South USA
At the Blue Spiral Gallery. Remains to be Seen - An Out-of-the-Box Look at Modern Cremation Containers. Juried exhibit of vessels for cremation ashes for people and/or pets. Materials can include ceramics, wood, glass, metal, biodegradable
materials, and/or mixed media. Recommended capacity 200 cubic inches.
Tennessee Association of Woodturners Symposium
January 31 - February 1, 2014 Franklin, TN
Marriott Hotel, Cool Springs, TN. Trent Bosch, Barbara Dill, Kurt Hertzog, and Doug Fisher are notable demonstrators.
Call 615-973-3366 for information, or visit the website: http://tnwoodturners.org/symposium/
Exhibit - By the Light of the Moon
January 18 - March 15, 2014 Gatlinburg, TN
Show at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts - artworks inspired by the moon - most media included, wood in particular. Entry deadline is October 15, 2013. Contact Stephanie G. Darr - 865-436-5860, ext 22, or look at the event at their
Symposium - Virginia Woodturners Symposium
September 13 - 14, 2014 Fisherville, VA
A unique symposium experience where you watch expert mentors demonstrate various turning techniques and projects, and then you will have a chance to try it under the guidance of the mentor. Also, see many well known vendors
for all the latest in turning tools and supplies.
October, 2013 - Page 13