Vendoma-Net - Aventura Technologies


Vendoma-Net - Aventura Technologies
(Vendoma Network Security System Remote Viewing Software)
Installation and User Guide
Version 1.02.XX
© 2004 Aventura Technologies, Inc.
„ Table of Contents
1. Foreword
2. Introduction
3. Installation
4. Using Vendoma Net
4.1 Vendoma Login Configuration
4.1.1 Adding, Deleting and Editing Site Information
4.1.2 Configuration Settings
9 Changing Login Name and/or Password
10 Adding, Deleting, and Editing site information
10 Set Up Connecting Mode
10 Display Configuration
12 Delete Current User
4.2 Accessing Vendoma-Net
4.3 Local Search
4.4 Remote Search
4.5 Settings
4.6 Event Notification
5.1 Dial-Up Server
Installation (Windows 98)
5.2 Dial-Up Client Installation
(Windows 98, 2000, XP)
5.3 Dial-Up Server Installation
(Windows 2000, XP)
5.4 Notes on Installing Vendoma-Net
1. Foreword
Following the commercial class DVR, we’ve released a 2nd generation DVR system which uses a
hardware compression codec board.
This remote view manual is issued for both commercial class DVRs and hardware compression codec
It is generally known to those in the DVR profession that MPEG4 technology is the best choice among
presently introduced codec technology. The main advantages are better image quality, faster
transmission, higher resolution, and multiple audio channels support.
Looking at the features that are available with the software codec, you will find that the same features
are also available with the hardware codec board.
The most remarkable differences between the hardware and the software codec types are high speed
transmission by remote viewings and multi-support in two way communications. Thanks to small-sized
files, these features are possible. Moreover, it allows you to utilize remote viewing by high resolution
(704 x 480 at NTSC) though the speed becomes slower.
Since there are still many countries that only have dial-up modem connections, we’ve engineered our
application to be compatible with modem connections.
As the actual communications facilities are quite different for those equipped with 56 Kbps modem
than those equipped with 100 MB LANs, it is very difficult to make software that works perfectly for
both environments. We are striving to release the best solution for remote viewing without utilizing any
commercial server.
We are looking forward to hearing your comments about our DVR. Should you have any questions,
please contact us.
Telephone: 1 (800) 870 5330
Fax: (631) 434 7000
2. Introduction
TCP/IP Protocol Support (PSTN, ISDN, ADSL, etc.)
Vendoma-Net supports communication protocols to log in to your Vendoma DVR.
Real-Time Monitoring of Vendoma Motion Pictures
Log in to Vendoma-Net and monitor all Vendoma DVR system images in real time.
Searching and Recording Vendoma Data
Vendoma-Net has various features for searching, recording, and even saving data to a local
computer (network).
Two-Way Voice Communications
Vendoma-Net provides voice communication capabilities with the Vendoma-Main system.
Sound can be recorded locally on 16 channels; however, two-way voice communication can
be done remotely on only one channel
Pan/Tilt/Zoom/Focus Remote Control
You can manipulate your Pan/Tilt/Zoom cameras via the Vendoma-Net program.
Manipulate Vendoma User Settings
Vendoma-Net allows you to enable or disable cameras, change recording schedules, and
set sensors.
Notify (Automatic message alert sent from Vendoma Main)
When Vendoma Main detects a motion or sensor trigger, Vendoma Main sends a notification
of the event and automatically turns on Vendoma-Net.
Compatible Operating Systems
Vendoma-Net supports Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000, and Windows XP.
3. Installation
Double-click setup.exe. The following message will appear:
Simply follow the messages on the screen. Leave the default settings as-is to install the program.
4. Using Vendoma-Net
4.1 Vendoma Login Configuration
Double click on Vendoma-Net to run the program. The following dialogue box will appears:
Login: Enter the Login name and password in the box and click LOGIN to access the remote
Once you’ve successfully logged in to Vendoma-Net, you have access to the
Vendoma Main program on the DVR.
New: Click New to add an authorized user. Enter the username and password desired and
click OK. You can make multiple accounts with separate passwords.
Click Edit to change the existing information already stored in Vendoma-Net’s
Cancel: Exit without changing any information or logging in.
Minimized screen: Make a tray icon for Vendoma-Net.
In order to begin using Vendoma-Net, you must first set up a user account for each person that will
have the authority to access the DVR. For first time set up, click “New” and enter the user’s
information in the boxes provided.
Description : Reference note or title of user
Login name : Enter the desired login name for a user
Password: Enter the desired password for that user.
Confirm P/W: Re-enter the password to confirm that it was entered correctly
After you enter the login information, click OK. The following screen will appear:
4.1.1 Add,Delete and Edit site information
New: Enter the information about the newly registered site.
Edit: Edit the existing registered information.
Delete: Delete the registered information.
Close: Exit.
Note: You cannot register the same site twice. Also, you cannot edit or delete the site information
while you are connected to a site.
For first time use, click “New” to register a site.
Site name: Type system’s name or site name. If you’re using an IP Server, type the code
number, which was stored at “system-> Code” in the DVR you want to access.
Method: Select “TCP/IP” if you are using a LAN, a cable modem, or ADSL. Select “Modem” if
you’re using a modem. If you’re using an IP Server, select “SERVER.”
IP/Tel #:
the telephone number.
User name: Type username that is registered in Vendoma main.
Password: Type the password registered in Vendoma main.
Property: Enter the port number. (See further information in “Appendix -> DVR Management >
Enter the IP address of the system or the IP Server. If you’re using a modem, enter
Detail Setting” in the DVR Main User Guide). It is recommended that you use the default data
stored in DVR program.
After you’ve entered all of the information, click “OK.” You will see the following menu box:
If you want to edit or delete data already stored, click “Edit” or “Delete” to change the data. (For
adding the name of new site, click “New” and enter the information.)
Once you’ve entered all of the site information, click “Close.” The following screen appears:
4.1.2 Configuration Settings
Change Login/Password: Allows you to change the password.
Add, Delete and Edit Site Information: Add, edit or delete the registered data.
Setup Connecting Mode: Configure settings for single site connection or multi site connection.
Display Configuration: Set initial view, switching interval, directory for log file storage, and
Delete current user: Delete the current user.
Note: You must configure “Setup connecting mode” and “Display configuration” before using
Vendoma-Net for the first time.
Vendoma-Net Changing Login Password
Old password: Type the current password.
New password: Type the new password.
Confirm password: Re-type the new password to confirm.
Even though the password was changed, the information must be registered in Vendoma Main. Add, Delete and Edit site information
If you need to revise any information, you can edit it here. Click “New” to register a new site, “Edit” to
edit existing site settings, or “Delete” to delete the existing data. Setup Connecting Mode
The following screen shows how to set up a select single site connection:
Single site connect: Check this box to access only one site.
Site name: Enter the name of the site you registered in “Add, Delete and Edit site
Connect at login: Check this box if you want to connect directly to this site once
you log in to Vendoma-Net.
Multiple site connect: Check this box if you want to access more than one site.
The following instructions are for setting up a multiple site connection.
POS: Check the box if you want to access this site by automatically logging on to it.
Site Name: Type the IP address of the site you want to connect to.
Not Used: Type “not used” in the box if you don’t wish to connect to that site.
Camera number(s): Choose the number of the camera you wish to view (if only one camera),
all, or partial.
All: Choose all cameras.
Partial: Choose when you select only a certain cameras to view, like POS/No.7 site,
which has cameras 1, 5, 7, and 9 selected. The display will show the cameras in that order
while they are switching.
Vendoma-Net Display Configuration
If you click “Display Configuration,” the following menu appears:
Initial View: You can select how many cameras you want to see in the initial view. Choose
between 1, 4, 6, 9, 10, or 16 channels.
Data Location: Designates the folder in which recorded data will be stored when you click
“save” while in Vendoma-Net.
Log File: Indicates the location and the file name to store the event log contents.
Switching: Establishes the swapping time (in seconds) between the present camera image and
the next camera image.
On-screen Display:
Display Name:
Selects the information you want to be shown on the screen.
Choose when you want the on-screen displayed information to show.
example, if you choose to display the site name and the camera name, you can decide whether
you want to view it in either of the following options:
Always: The information selected is shown on the image at all times.
On mouse-over : The information is shown only while your mouse is on the image.
Use IP Server: Check this box if you decide to use an IP Server.
Code: Type the Code you already registered at ‘IP/Num (Code)’ of “Remote notification
of events” at Network/System/DVR configuration found in Vendoma Settings.
Server: Type the address of the IP Server.
Notify interval:
Even if multiple events happen during this set time interval, the
notification will be sent just one time.
In order to get notification by modem from Vendoma main, you must configure “Incoming
connection” under Windows 2000/XP (or “Phone connection Server” under Windows 98). For
further details, refer to the Appendix of this manual.
1. The Code number should consist of a combination of letters and numbers.
2. Do not confuse “Code” of ‘Use IP Server’ and “Code” of ‘IP/Num (Code)’ of
notification of events”’ in Network/System/DVR configuration of Settings in Vendoma Main.. Delete Current user
From this menu, you can delete any user registered in Vendoma-Net.
Note: Before deleting any users, make sure you do not delete the site information registered under
this user. Deleting a user without having those sites registered under another user could cause you
to lose all information stored under that user.
4.2 Accessing Vendoma-Net
Double-click the Vendoma-Net icon to log-in Vendoma-Net.
Enter your login name, your password, and click login.
Date/Time: Indicates the time and date at the DVR’s location.
Login name: Displays the ID of the DVR’s administrator.
Event Information: Indicates any event notifications coming from Vendoma Main. This
will only display if “remote notification of events” is checked in Vendoma Main.
Transfer Status: Indicates the connection speed.
Clicking this tab leads you to the login screen for Vendoma-Net.
Clicking this tab logs you out and closes Vendoma-Net.
Click “Camera.” The following screen appears:
You can control pan/tilt/zoom cameras via Vendoma-Net. The arrow
buttons will move the camera in the direction of the arrow, and the zoom
and focus buttons will manipulate the camera accordingly.
The number in the middle circle indicates the camera being controlled;
the arrow key above and below the number allows you to select a
different camera number.
If your camera has the ability to have presets, you can also view preset
programs through Vendoma-Net. However, presets must be created at the
DVR itself through Vendoma Main. The number of possible presets is
dependent upon the camera’s basic features.
Click “Image” to bring up the image control menu. Simply select the
number of the camera you want to manipulate and adjust the image
quality. You can adjust the brightness, the contrast, the saturation, and
the hue.
By clicking “Compression Rate” on the main Vendoma-Net screen, you can
also change the compression rate.
Clicking “High Speed” will increase the data transfer rate, but will decrease
the quality of the images.
Clicking “Low Speed” will decrease the data transfer rate, but will increase
the quality of the images.
The default value is zero.
Clicking this tab brings you to the configuration menu (section –
and allows you to change the login and password, edit site information, etc.
Click this button to save the images you are viewing live in Vendoma-Main
and the recorded images found at Vendoma-Main by doing a remote search.
Local Search – By clicking local search, you can search all recorded data generated by
pressing the “Save” button in Vendoma-Net. From here two types of searches can be done:
(1) data from recorded live images and (2) stored data from Vendoma-Main.
Setting – Change the settings in Vendoma-Main (on the DVR) through Vendoma-Net.
Remote Search – Conduct a search and play back the data recorded by the DVR.
This toolbar gives you seven options for viewing your cameras. The screen can be divided up into
36 different channel views. The circular arrow button will cycle through the camera views. The "+"
button turns the current image into a full screen image.
If you move your mouse over the channel numbers while Vendoma-Net is connected to VendomaMain, the connection information (such as IP address or telephone number, camera number, and
connection status). You can also toggle the connection by clicking the box. The colors of the tap
boxes are differ and show the connection status.
A blue tap box means that you are connected to that camera. A pink tap box means that you
are not connected.
These taps enable or disable voice communications between Vendoma-Net
and Vendoma Main. To be able to use this function, "Sound Recording"
must be enabled in Vendoma Settings. The functions of these buttons are
Send Voice, Receive Voice, Send and Receive Voice, and Cancel.
With these buttons, you can directly activate the relays in Vendoma-Net.
Click the buttons to toggle the relay out.
Click this button to close Vendoma-Net.
4.3 Local Search
By clicking local search, you can search the data recorded in Vendoma-Net.
Clicking this
button allows you to search the locally stored data.
The above picture shows a search. Here, 20020522 is the date (2002, May 22) that the images
were stored. Test2 is the name of the DVR running Vendoma Main. If you plan to search for
images, you must remember the date the images were saved.
If the data was saved while
Vendoma-Net was connected to the DVR, the images were “saved while vieing.”
“Saved while viewing” – Data recorded by Vendoma-Net while you were viewing the live video
being recorded on the DVR.
“Saved while searching” – Data recorded at Vendoma-Net while you were playing back the data
stored in Vendoma Main.
Considering these factors, select the file and click OK to view the data.
Use the mouse to select the date you want to search.
Click Search to bring up the images recorded on that date.
Click Image tool to bring up the image tool menu.
The Image Tools menu allows you to alter the image by zooming in or out,
sharpening, softening, or changing the image to black & white for better image
The number at the top designates the speed at which the video will be played
back during normal playback (using the middle buttons).
The top left button is for fast rewind and the top right button is for fast forward.
The middle buttons are for normal playback. You must stop the playback in
order to adjust the speed at which the images play. The middle left button
plays the recording backwards at the selected speed and the middle right
button plays the video forward at the selected speed.
The lower left button rewinds the data frame by frame while the lower right
button advances the video frame by frame.
Clicking one of these buttons either increases the size of the screen (+) or
decreases the size of the screen (–).
The camera number is shown vertically on the right border, the hour is shown horizontally across the
bottom, and the minute is shown horizontally across the top. You can select the searching point by
clicking the desired camera, hour, and minute.
You can scroll through the cameras you’ve selected by clicking these up or down arrows.
Cameras are displayed in groups of four.
Click this button to print the images.
By clicking this button, you can save the current image to a disk. Images are saved as
bitmaps (.bmp), however, you can choose to save them as JPEGs.
AVI Saving: Click this button to save the images as an “.avi” file.
Select Site: Click this button to select the desired site.
Click this button to exit "Local Search."
4.4 Remote Search
Remote search allows you to search the data recorded by the Vendoma system while you
are still connected to the Vendoma System. When using this search feature, you will not
lose any frames recorded in Vendoma Main, even if the transmission speed is very slow.
After clicking Remote Search, you will see the following screen showing all of the registered sites.
Choose the site you want to search and click OK. The search screen will pop up.
Save the images being transferred as a “.dat” file.
The data saved can be searched by executing a “Local Search.”
4.5 Settings
While signed into Vendoma-Net, you can set the configuration of the Vendoma Main system, however,
you must make sure your username and password are entered as valid user accounts and that you
have been granted the authority to view the DVR remotely.
Click this icon to change the settings. The screen below will appear. Select the site that
you want to change and click OK.
For guidance in changing the settings, please refer to the “Installation and User Guide”
provided with your system.
4.6 Automatic Notification of Events
This feature, when set, will notify the designated person when an event happens, be it a motion
detection or a sensor trigger, etc.
Following is how to set and use this feature:
First you must enter the settings menu in Vendoma Main. Go into “system setup” and find
the network settings on the left side of the screen.
Check the box for “Remote notification of events.” Next, select the connection method (modem,
TCP/IP, or IP Server). Enter either the IP address (for TCP/IP connections), telephone number (for
modem connections), or IP/Num Code (for IP Server connections).
Next, you must set up the notification schedule. This is found in the Camera section of the Vendoma
Settings menu. Select the camera(s) you wish to be notified about, and set the schedule.
If you successfully set the configuration described above,
the notification uses two methods:
One is to display the event massage on “Event
Information” on the screen as shown in the picture at left.
This message includes the date, the time, and the
location of the event camera.
The other way makes the DVR screen pop up when the event takes place, but only if Vendoma-Net
was minimized (shown as a tray icon) as in the following picture:
When the event occurs, the tray icon will flicker at the bottom of screen.
5. Appendix
5.1 Dial-Up Server Installation (Windows 98)
In order to connect to Vendoma main by using a modem, a Dial-Up Server must be installed on
Vendoma Main and both the DVR and the machine you’re running Vendoma-Net from must be
equipped with a modem. To connect via TCP/IP, both of the systems must have an IP address.
How to configure a Dial up Server:
Go to the Start Menu > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Windows Setup, choose
"Dial-Up Server" from the "Connections" column and click “OK.”
Then go to the bottom of the screen and click Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications >
Dial-Up Networking and select “Dial-Up Server”
Check “Allow caller access” and click “Server type”
Select "PPP: Internet, Windows NT Server, Windows 98" and Click “OK” to finish the installation and
save the settings. If you have successfully installed the server, an icon will appear in your taskbar as
You can now log in to Vendoma-Net with a telephone number or IP address.
1. For dial-up server installation on Windows 2000/XP machines, please refer to section 5.3.
2. See section 5.2 for instructions on how to configure a PC to be a dial-up network client.
5.2 Installation/Configuration for Dial-Up Clients (Windows 98, 2000, and XP)
This Installation of Dial-up Clients should be done on the PC that hosts Vendoma-Net.
Double click “Configuration Setting” and go to “Add, Delete and Edit site Information” while in
Vendoma-Net. Enter the site information (modem, phone number, user name, and password.)
Click “Property” and follow the instructions below:
Windows 98
Do not type anything in RAS or RAS Password.
Windows 2000/XP
Enter a username in the RAS User box and enter the desired password in the box for RAS Password
If the dial-up server is installed on a Windows 98 machine, you should not type anything in “RAS
User” or “RAS Password.”
5.3 Dial-Up Server Installation on Windows 2000/XP
Installation on Windows XP
Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Network Connections to bring up the following screen:
Click “Create a new connection” to bring up the “Network Connection Wizard.”
Click Next.
Select “Set up an advanced connection.’
Select “Accept incoming connections” and click “Next.”
Select the device you want to allow to connect.
Check the box for “Do not allow private connections” and click Next.
Check the boxes for the users you want to allow to connect to the computer.
Enter the username and password you entered while setting up the RAS User and RAS Password
and click OK. The following pictures show the allowed users (the username in this example is “1.”)
Check the box for the Allowed User and then click Next.
Select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click Properties.
Check “Allow callers to access my local area network.”
Click the radio button for “Specify TCP/IP addresses” and enter the IP address. of the DVR in “From.”
Enter the IP address of the PC that hosts Vendoma-Net in “To.” Click ‘OK’ and then click ‘Next.’
You will see a window for “Completing the Network Connection Wizard.” Give the new connection a
name and click “Finish.”
There will be a new icon in Network and Dial-Up Connections representing the connection you’ve just
Installation on Windows 2000
Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Network and Dial-up Connections. You will see following
Double click ”Make new connection” to bring up the “Network Connection Wizard.“
Click Next.
Select the radio button for “Accept incoming connections” and Click Next.
Select the appropriate modem from the list and click Next.
Select “Do not allow virtual private connections” and click Next. The “Allowed Users” screen appears.
Here you can add the any username that’s already registered to use Vendoma Main. Click “Add.”
Enter the RAS Username and RAS Password and Click OK.
Select the box for the user you want to allow to access and click Next.
Select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click Properties.
Check “Allow callers to access my local area network.”
Click the radio button for “Specify TCP/IP addresses” and enter the IP address. of the DVR in “From.”
Enter the IP address of the PC that hosts Vendoma-Net in “To.” Click ‘OK’ and then click ‘Next.’
You will see a window for “Completing the Network Connection Wizard.” Give the new connection a
name and click “Finish.”
There will be a new icon in Network and Dial-Up Connections representing the connection you’ve just
5.4 Note on installation of Vendoma-Net
If you’re using one PC as both a DVR and a dial-up server, you must be careful not to overload the
system’s Processor (CPU). If you do overload the CPU, your computer will run much slower. In
this case, we strongly recommend that you establish the server on a separate machine, and not
directly on the DVR.