bakerstown connections - First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown, PA


bakerstown connections - First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown, PA
MARCH 2015
P.O. Box 127, Route 8 at Heckert Road, Bakerstown PA 15007  Phone: 724-443-1555  Fax: 724-443-5223  Website:
Connecting the people around us
to the God who loves us ...
through Reaching, Growing, and Serving!
Sunday Schedule
8:45 - 9:45 a.m. Praise Worship Service
10:00 - 10:50 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 - 12:00 p.m. Choral Worship Service
The Café is open from 9:45-10:45 a.m.
Senior Pastor - Dan Muttart
Youth Pastor - Jeremy Collins
Parish Pastor - Gary Weston
Director of Christian Education - Sandy Floyd
Choral Director - Mia Tepper
Organist - Rich Anthony
Business Manager - Mike Herron
Financial Assistant - Kelly Ganter
Program Assistant - Leslie Ward
Office Assistant - Linda Smith
Housekeeper - Lisa Wood
Custodian - Mike Risk
Children’s Ministry Asst. - Danni Hackel
Hospitality Coordinator - Brenda Clifford
Deadline for April Newsletter: March. 10
A Glimpse at the Calendar
March 4, 11, 18 & 25, Lenten Dinners and
Classes continue
March 8, Scout Sunday
March 8, Flying Solo
March 15, Fellowship at Valencia Woods
March 21, Men’s “Reverse the Curse”
Conference in Saxonburg
March 22, April 26, May 31, Papercrafting
Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday
See details on page 2
March 29, Palm Sunday
April 2, Maundy Thursday
April 3, Good Friday
April 4, Easter Egg Hunt
April 5, Resurrection Sunday
See bulletins, call the church office, or visit for details.
Dear Friends,
Have you noticed lately that the pace of life is becoming more and more frantic?
As someone who, until recently, did not have any children in my home, I have always marveled at those of you who are parents of school age children. For you to
coordinate school, homework, sports practices, dance practices and more takes the
military precision of a five-star general combined with the negotiation expertise of
a skilled diplomat! It is because of that frantic lifestyle that I want to propose that
you simplify one aspect of your life: your Christian walk.
Being a Christian does not mean that you attend every single Bible study that a
church offers, or that you spend five nights a week at a church. People who simply
accumulate knowledge without putting that knowledge to practical effect are encyclopedias, not disciple-makers.
So instead of that, try this simple formula:
1. Have a daily quiet time in God’s word. You can even use our Bible Blasts to do
so (not signed up for Bible Blasts? Contact Leslie Ward in our church office and
she’ll make sure you are). Write your own impressions about that Bible verse by
journaling and make sure you pray, as well.
2. Attend one small group gathering in our church, just one. It can be First
Things First or Women’s Bible study on Tuesday mornings, one of the new Life
Groups you’ll be hearing about that will meet during the week, or perhaps the
Sunday Kid Raiser’s class. The Bible tells us that iron sharpens iron. Your faith
will grow and be sharpened by hanging out with other believers. The Bible also
tells us that wherever two or more are gathering in His name, Jesus is there in the
midst of them. He will grow you spiritually in small groups.
3. Get involved in at least one activity where you have an opportunity to meet
others’ needs and share the love of Christ, just one activity. This could be volunteering on a regular basis at a ministry like Hosanna Industries, volunteering in
our children’s Sunday school, serving as a greeter at our church door, volunteering at the middle school or at a local hospital. You can set a goal to do this
monthly, twice a month, or weekly, depending on your schedule.
4. Attend a worship service every Sunday. This is more than about a time to get
your batteries recharged (though that definitely is one benefit); it is also about
doing what you were designed to do: to love the God who created you and to
connect closely with Him. God the Father and Jesus the Son are powerfully
present, by the power of the Holy Spirit, when people gather to worship the
Triune God and learn from the special revelation that is His word, the Bible.
The Bible refers to our Lord being the calm in the midst of the storm. Simply turn
to Him, and be blessed!
Pastor Dan
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
Holy Week and Easter / Adult Education
Adult Education Opportunities
Holy Week and Easter
March 29, Palm Sunday - 8:45 & 11:00 a.m.
The Great Parade . . . One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
25th Anniversary of Hosanna Industries
(We will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Hosanna Industries
in a special Combined Worship Service
on April 12 at 11:00 a.m. with Donn Ed Preaching)
April 2, Maundy Thursday Service - 7:00 p.m.
Music . . . Meditation . . . Communion
April 3, Good Friday
7:30 a.m. Men’s Good Friday Breakfast at FPCB.
Speaker Tom Walker, Neil Walker’s father.
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Blood Drive at FPCB
12:00-3:00 p.m. Sanctuary open for personal meditation
7:00 p.m. “Tenebrae Service” at FPCB
April 4 Saturday
10:00-11:00 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt (age 2-grade 4)
April 5, Resurrection Sunday
6:30-7:00 a.m. Sunrise Service (followed by a continental
breakfast from 7:00-8:00 a.m., Colonial Room)
8:45 a.m.
“RESTORATION”, Dan Muttart; Praise Band
11:00 a.m. “RESTORATION”, Dan Muttart; Chancel Choir
Hallelujah! He is risen!
page 2
The Lenten curriculum continues through March
with The God We Can Know. The DVD, filmed
on location in the Holy Land, allows us to travel
with Rob Fuquay and see the places where Jesus
stood while disclosing his identity, and in what
context he spoke each “I Am.” The God We Can
Know is also the basis of Lenten sermons, Diving
Deeper classes, devotionals, and Bible Blasts.
The Sunday morning schedule follows:
March 1, “I am the Light of the World - Knowing
God's Guidance” - Nelson Crooks
March 8, “I am the Good Shepherd - Knowing
God's Care” - Bob Klein
March 15, “I am the True Vine - Knowing God's
Power” - Al Wettach
March 22, “I am the Way, the Truth, & the
Life - Knowing God's Way” - Craig Russell
March 29, “I am the Resurrections and the
Life - Knowing God's Possibilities” - Mike
Also meeting Sundays at 10 a.m.:
Women’s Studies. Contact, Joyce Birkhimer.
Men’s Studies. Contact, Mitch Tepper.
Current study is “Men’s Fraternity.”
Parenting Group. Contact, Kerrie Wynn.
They recently explored “God’s Technology”
and ended their study with a guest speaker
who shared information on gaming. Looking
ahead, they will study James Dobson’s
“Leaving a Legacy”. Study guides are available for $3. Please feel free to stop in the
Heritage Room and join this group of parents, grandparents, and others who have an
interest in children and youth.
April 5, Resurrection Sunday
No Classes or Café
Palm Sunday . . . March 29
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)
Palms and Ribbons in the Great Parade!
On March 1 during Sunday Specials, the Mission Committee
will talk to the children about One Great Hour of Sharing.
Since 1949, Presbyterians have joined with millions of other
Christians through OGHS to share God’s love with people experiencing need. Encourage your child to think of others this Lenten season. Please be sure to mark your child’s first and last
name on their fish bank. Children return their Banks on Palm
Sunday, March 29. OGHS envelopes are available with this
newsletter. If you receive your newsletter electronically, pick up
an OGHS envelope from the pew racks or the church office.
Like last year, the children will be waving palms AND
ribbons as they bring their offerings for OGHS. It’s
called a Ribbon Dance! If your child in K-Grade 5 would
like to wave ribbons in a routine, we will be practicing
following the 11 a.m. Children’s Moments on March 8,
15 and 22, 11:30-noon in Room 201. A Ribbon Dance is
a folk dance that uses ribbon movement set to music.
Circles, corkscrews, swirls and curlicues are festively
presented. For more information, see Sandy Floyd.
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
page 3
Church Family News / In Our Mailbox
Church Family News Please contact the church office with news to
Ava Violet Anzelone, daughter of Ashley & Daniel Anzelone and
granddaughter of Judy & Drew Sundquist, on January 30
Eliana Pearl Mowen, daughter of Jessica Long Mowen & Gabriel
Mowen, granddaughter of Stephanie & Jeffrey Mowen, and greatgranddaughter of William & Nancy Mathews, on February 19
Avery Ann Pangonis, daughter of Heather Marie Stern Pangonis &
Matthew P. Pangonis, on February 22
“Dear Bakerstown Family,
In Our Mailbox
I want to thank you for the
pastors & deacons visits, prayers, phone calls,
encouraging cards, flowers, food and your outpouring of love during my recent knee surgery.
Don and I have been blessed to be members of
such an awesome church for over 45 years. It is
so wonderful to be a part of such a loving,
thoughtful and caring ‘family’. May God bless
each of you with much love, laughter and happiness. Blessings to all, Betty Balla”
Happy Birthday:
Kay Mayhew will celebrate her 99th birthday on March 7.
(134 Marwood Road, Cabot, PA 16023)
Our Prayers go out to the families of:
Ed Floyd in the death of his father Harry K. Floyd on February 11
Steve Sargent in the death of his father Stanley E. Sargent on February 18
Rosemary Butler in the death of her granddaughter Cydney Shea Butler on February 20
In Memoriam:
Marjorie J. Hanchett … February 14, 2015
Irma Flick … February 22, 2015
Women of Bakerstown (WOB)
A Jeopardy-style quiz for all “visitors”
How can I learn more about this church that I’ve
been attending for ( ) weeks, months, or years?
What will make me excited about membership in
The WOB sincerely
thank all who
contributed to their
special offering on
WOB Sunday,
February 8.
All are invited to …
World Day of Prayer
Friday, March 6 at FPCB
How can I get to know lots of great people better,
and receive a coupon for free goodies at the Café
on May 31?
9 a.m.—Fellowship; 10 a.m.—Service
The worship service was written by
women of the Bahamas based on Jesus’
words, “Do you understand what I have
done for you?” and is jointly sponsored
by FPCB, Bakerstown United Methodist
Church, St. Richard’s Catholic Church
& Trinity Lutheran Church.
New Connections begins on Saturday, April 25 at 10 a.m.
If you’ve been visiting FPCB -- for a long time, or just recently -- and are
considering membership, you are invited to this class about the Christian
faith, our Presbyterian heritage, and our ministry at Bakerstown on Saturday,
April 25 at 10 a.m. in the Colonial Room. Lunch is provided; childcare is
available if reserved ahead. Following this initial meeting, the class will
meet on Sundays at 10 a.m. for six weeks. We understand that everyone may
not be able to make all of the classes, but we encourage regular attendance in
order for you to form friendships and learn about FPCB. Of
course, there is no obligation to join the church at the
conclusion of the classes. Those who decide to join FPCB
will be welcomed into membership on Sunday, May 31 (the
weekend after Memorial Day). If interested in New
Connections, call Linda Smith, 724-443-1555.
The WOB could use the following items to
help complete personal care bags: little
Kleenex packages, hand towels, nail clippers, band-aids, large toothpaste, emery
boards, soap, & gallon ziplock bags. Please
place items in the WOB closet near the
Colonial Room, across from the water
fountain. Thank you!
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
Hallelujah Chorus / Parent’s Night Out / Stewardship
page 4
Have you ever sung Handel’s Hallelujah
Chorus in a choral group? Would you like to
sing it again on Resurrection Sunday, April 5
at the 11 a.m. service? If so, see Mia Tepper.
She’ll provide music for your review and
invite you to come by to rehearse it with the
choir the Thursday prior or at 10 a.m. on
Resurrection Sunday in the Sanctuary.
Parent’s Night Out on Saturday, February 7 was a blast! Thirty-one children up through grade 5 enjoyed games,
activities, a light dinner and a movie while their parents had the opportunity to share an evening out. Children made
lots of crafts for their parents for Valentine’s Day. Youth and adults provided childcare, and parents were VERY
appreciative of their willingness to participate in non-stop energetic activities with the children on a Saturday night.
The Stewardship committee has chosen the final phrase of 2 Corinthians 9:7 as its theme verse:
for God loves a cheerful giver.
That’s a pretty familiar verse for most of us; we’ve heard it all of our lives. That sometimes means it loses a bit of its power to
move us to action. So, in an effort to make it more meaningful, I googled “stewardship” as a biblical term:
Remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth. Deuteronomy 8:18
Okay, that’s pretty clear. And as an illustration, the thread added:
“Every faculty you have, your power of thinking or of moving your limbs from moment to moment, is given you by God. If
you devoted every moment of your whole life exclusively to His service, you could not give Him anything that was not in a
sense His own already”. C.S. Lewis
Now, that sort of changes the perspective. We work hard and enjoy a lifestyle that surpasses most of the world’s. But with the
pictures of the beautiful things and amazing wealth that we are bombarded with each day, it’s so easy to think that we deserve
only the best. Then it becomes easy to shortchange the Lord on the tithe He requires of us. After all, don’t I deserve that daily
latte on my way to my job? Or the dinner that someone else prepares and cleans up after? And giving time and talent? There
are lots of folks with more of that; ask them! Hmm, not very giving thoughts and they certainly are not cheerful giving
As we work our way through Lent while (hopefully!) watching winter slowly release its grip on us, please prayerfully
consider giving a fair share of all that you have been so richly blessed with back to God. It really is His anyway!
Stephanie Mowen, Stewardship Team
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
Fellowship / Stephen Ministry
Men’s Ministry
Men’s Conference—March 21, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“Reverse the Curse”
Saxonburg Memorial Church, Saxonburg, PA
An amazing line-up of speakers (including Tunch Ilkin,
Steve Chiles, JT Thomas, & Craig Wolfley),
continental breakfast and full catered lunch for just $25.
Contacts: Nelson Crooks, Dan Saniga
page 5
Flying Solo
A ministry for Single Women
The next Flying Solo get-together is March 8
at 12:30 p.m. at Atria’s. Contact: Doris
Anderson. Events are the 2nd Sunday of the
month except for May (Mother’s Day) &
December (holidays), and new
women are invited. Call the
church office for information.
Papercrafting—March 22, 1-4 p.m.
(scrapbooking, card & party favor making, etc.)
Whether you are a seasoned card maker/scrap
booker, or would just like to try a fun new craft, all
are welcome!
After taking a winter break, this group will start
meeting again Sunday, March 22, 1-4 p.m. (come
for part or all of the time) in the Westminster
Room. We will continue to meet the fourth Sunday
of the month. (Future dates; April 26 and May 31,
due to Memorial Day on the 24th.)
You can bring your own project, or try one provided. A die cut machine is available for use. Come
relax and enjoy some creativity! Questions?
Contact Lori Demas (412-855-7488)
I was reading an article by Charles Swindoll that
has to do with ATTITUDE. Have you noticed
lately how attitudes have gone “downhill”? People are so negative and
cranky about life and the world. We should all look for a solution to this
problem. Read on! In some ways, attitude is more important than facts,
education, money, circumstances, failures, successes, appearances, giftedness, skill, and what other people think, say or do. Your attitude can
make or break you! Remarkably, God gives us the ability to choose our
attitude and to embrace each and every day. We cannot change our past,
other people, or the inevitable. The only thing we can change is our attitude. Go into a roomful of people sometime with a cranky look, then
go in with a friendly look. Which works better? Life is hard enough.
Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone had a good attitude? Just smile and
embrace the joy and grace of a brand new day! The Stephen Ministers
want you to know that we are here for you in strict confidence. If you
need us, ask one of the ministers or call Bob Joyce at 724-443-8379.
“Dear Lord, Give me an attitude of love & caring today and every day!”
Your friend in Christ, Pat Eversole
Stephen Ministry
Ice Skating at North Park—January 25
Curtin E. & Madalyn Schafer
Memorial Scholarships
The Curtin E. & Madalyn Schafer Memorial
Scholarship Fund was established to provide
financial assistance in the form of scholarship
grants for post-secondary education to
individuals who are members of, or connected
significantly with, FPCB, who commit to
serve in full-time Christian ministry.
Applications are being accepted for scholarship
grants for the 2015-2016 school year.
Applications and guidelines are available from
the church office. The completed application
should be submitted no later than March 31 to:
First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown
Attn: Schafer Memorial Scholarship Fund
P.O. Box 127
Bakerstown, PA 15007
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
Children’s Ministry
page 6
Children’s Ministry
Looking ahead
Fellowship at Valencia Woods: March 15, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Easter games and activities are planned. Everyone—all ages—
invited! Hope you can join us! Please let Sandy know if you plan to
attend at or call 724-443-1555.
It’s not just the Valencia Woods residents who are happy when
FPCB comes to visit—the children
enjoy themselves as well.
Baking for Meals on Wheels:
Sunday, April 19, 12:30-3:30
p.m. for K-Grade 5. Meals on
Wheels prepares and serves nutritious
meals for homebound people and
also provides a friendly visit to
neighbors who may be getting better
from surgery or illness. We can help
South Butler Community Meals on
Wheels! We will bake desserts that
will be part of a meal for someone in
our community. Meet in Fellowship
Hall. Parents and grandparents are
needed, too! Sign up on an activity
card, call the church office at 724443-1555, or email to indicate you will be there!
age 2-grade 4
at First Presbyterian Church of
Saturday, April 4, 10 – 11 a.m.
Easter Puppet Show
 Fun & Enthusiastic Singing
 Egg Hunt with Prizes
Bring your basket!
To help us plan, please
register by March 30.
Call 724-443-1555.
TWEENER RETREAT at Camp Ligonier
Grades 4 & 5, join us for a weekend to remember!
Friday, May 8 and Saturday, May 9
119 children enjoyed
the Easter Egg Hunt
& Puppet Show last
year. If you have children or grandchildren
age 2—grade 4, sign
them up and bring
them for an exciting
There will be games, outdoor laser tag, low ropes course and
time learning about our awesome God!
Cost: $70 / Tweener
Register before April 20.
See Sandy Floyd or Danni Hackel to get your copy of forms
needed. Friends are welcome to attend.
Before you plan your summer vacation, be sure to look at the dates for Summer Blast Camp 2015:
Summer Blast 2015 — “EVEREST”
July 13-17, 2015; Summer Blast Sunday, July 19, 2015 for Age 4 - Grade 5
Applications will be available on May 1, 2015. Register by June 1 to be guaranteed a t-shirt.
Youth that have completed 6th grade as well as adults are encouraged to serve at Summer Blast Camp:
Crew Leader
Station leader
Kitchen crew
Child care
Contact: Sandy Floyd, 724-443-1555 or
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
Behind the scenes
Mission News / BPCC
page 7
Mission Updates
2015 Honduras Hope Mission—February 6-15
13 HOURS . . . Would you wait in a line that long to see
a doctor? Many Hondurans did, in order to get into our
mission clinics in La Villa de San Francisco, which shows
how important seeing a doctor and receiving medicine, a
water filter, and a mosquito net is to them.
During the eight days we were in Honduras, over 2000 people visited our clinics; 1400 mosquito nets and 707 water filters
were distributed, plus Bibles,
Children’s Bible Story Book,
eyeglasses, toiletry kits, good,
clothing, and toys, thanks to all
of you who through prayers and
generous support make the Honduras Hope Mission possible.
Our goal is to get 20 people per day! The job location will be
determined as we get closer to that date due to weather and
client circumstances. Please sign up trusting that you will be
doing productive work to show Christ's Love to our needy
neighbors! All ages and skill levels welcome! Hosanna will
provide the tools. The middle-schoolers will also have the
opportunity to stay on Hosanna's campus with Jeremy that
week. Contact Amanda (Evans) Becker at 412-559-7062 or to sign up before June.
April 18th at North Park: HI-5K Fun Run/Walk to
benefit Hosanna Industries. Sign up to run or walk at
Hosanna Industries’ 25 Anniversary will be
celebrated at FPCB on Sunday, April 12 at one
combined worship service at 11:00 a.m.
with Rev. Dr. Donn Ed preaching.
Sunday School Classes will meet at their usual time on April 12.
We’ll provide you with a more
complete report in next month’s
newsletter, but for now please
know that you have shared God’s
love in some very practical ways
with thousands of those whom
Jesus calls “the least of these.”
Thank you! Gary Weston.
Bakerstown Presbyterian Children’s Center (BPCC)
“For God so loved the
world that He gave His
one and only Son!”
Lighthouse Foundation
Free Computer Classes
begin the week of March 18.
For details, call 724-898-4673, 724-586-5554,
or email
Happy Easter from
BPCC! At BPCC we emphasize the spiritual side of Easter through songs, art projects
and Bible stories! The preBPCC 3 year old classes
school will be decorated for
love their February
spring and (New Life) will
Bible verse!
fill the halls with egg carton
crosses, handmade chicks, butterflies,
etc. “Because He lives, we can face
tomorrow!” During the month of
March, we are preparing for ParentTeacher Conferences, Praise Time
Music, releasing butterflies, Easter
parties, and Vision Screening, and
our Pre-K children will be going to
Beechwood Farms for a special “tree
tapping” field trip!
Church website:
For information: 724-443-5330
Emily Willard, Director
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
Non-Profit Org.
Nonprofit Standard Mail
Permit #9
U.S. Postage
Bakerstown, PA 15007
First Presbyterian Church
of Bakerstown
P.O. Box 127
Route 8 at Heckert Road
Bakerstown, PA 15007
Phone: 724-443-1555
Sunday Schedule:
8:45 — 9:45 a.m.
Contemporary Service
10:00 — 10:50 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 — 12:00 p.m. Choral Service
The Café is open from 9:45-10:45 a.m.
“Maybe I am thick, but I can’t understand a
woman who gives up her diet for Lent.”
Keep the faith — but not to yourself.
Upcoming Events . . .
Rocking Worship Roadshow (MS & HS)
March 6th, 4:00 p.m. $10, at the Peterson Events Center.
Mercy Me, Jaime Grace, Matt Maher, Crowder.
A full line up of great musicians!
Silver Ring Thing (HS only)
March 22nd, 6:00-8:30 p.m., at Northway Community Church.
High School students learn about abstinence.
Contact Jeremy for more information.
Lecrae Concert (HS only)
April 19th, 7:00 p.m., $20 at Stage AE
Please let Jeremy know if you are interested ASAP, there are a
limited number of tickets.
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving

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BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS P.O. Box 127, Route 8 at Heckert Road, Bakerstown PA 15007  Phone: 724-443-1555  Fax: 724-443-5223  Website:

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