Pt. Vilas Thuse || Navagraha Shanti Samagri List
Pt. Vilas Thuse || Navagraha Shanti Samagri List
Pt. Vilas Thuse || Navagraha Shanti Samagri List || Qty 25 Keep material separate in different plates #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 & #6 as given below Material For Havan (Holy Fire) Construction Bricks – Available at Home Depot / Lowes / OSH etc… 1 Agni Patra: A small pan with handle. 1 Box Household Aluminum Foils 15-20 Fire Burning Wood Sticks 6” – 8” long. 15-20 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bowl 1 Small Bowl 1 Small Bowl 1 Small Pouch Each Type 1 Big Bowl Ready to light Bar-Be-Q Charcoal Briquettes Wood Burning Lighter Fluid Pure Ghee (16 Oz) Black Sesame (Kale Til) & Regular White Sesame (Safed Til) Sattu – Jau – Jav (Barley) Black Urad Dal (Black Lentil Whole Grains) Sapta Dhanya - Seven types of grains like –White Beans, Red Kidney Beans, Green Peas, Chick Peas, Brown Lentil, Gram etc… Paddy Puffed Rice (Puffed Rice or Pop Corn can be also used) (925-858-4540) Navagraha Shanti Samagri List 1 of 5 Pt. Vilas Thuse Qty 1 Set Keep material separate in different plates #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 & #6 as given below Navagrah Samidha - dry sticks of – Amba (Mango), Umbar, Pimple, Jambhul, Vad (Banian). If possible any of these can be also arranged Shami, Palas, Khair, Limbu (Lemon), Aghada, Chandan. Readymade Navagrah Samidha available in Market. Havan Samagri is also available which can be used. Qty 1 1 1 Set Material For Nava Graha Pooja Nava Graha Pratima (Gold/Silver Preferred) This is MUST Nava Graha Yantra (copper) – Good to have but Optional Red Yellow, Green, Rangoli Colors. Decorate the entrance of your house with an attractive Rangoli Design. You can also use colored chalks or crayons. 1 1 Bowl 2 Bowls 1 Bowl 6 2 1 set 1 1 1 Qty 1 1 Ganga Jal Pouch/Bottle (if available) Yellow Mustard White Rice Grains Wheat Grains Small lamps of Kanik i.e. Aata - (Wheat Flour) like earthen lamps (Panati) used in Diwali. Toran (Decorative door hanging) for the door (Minimum 1 for the main door) Panch Ratna Dan – Very small bids of (1) Hira (Diamond), (2) Moti (Pearl), (3) Povale (Coral), and very small pieces of (4) Sone (Gold), (5) Chandi (Silver), Only if you can afford & wish… this is to be donated to the Priest. Generally available in market. Vastra Dan – shirt / shawl / chadar (bed sheet) / Table cloth / Neck Tie etc…as you wish & can afford. To be donated to Panditji. Upavastra Dan - uparane / pancha / towel / Napkin / handkerchief etc… as you wish & can afford. To be donated to Panditji. Patra Dan – Kalash / Bhande / Vati / Pela / Bowl / Plate etc… made of Silver/Stainless Steel/Brass/Copper/Glass/Plastic etc…as you wish & can afford To be donated to Panditji. Material for Pooja Dais (Stage/Platform) Chaurang - 4 legged wooden square stool (Approx. 18"X18"X6-8"). (Small rectangular folding coffee tray, or even a square or rectangular corrugated box will serve the purpose) Shankha - Conch (925-858-4540) Navagraha Shanti Samagri List 2 of 5 Pt. Vilas Thuse Qty 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 10-12 2 1 1 1 1 Qty 2 Must 2 Must 1 set Must 1 Keep material separate in different plates #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 & #6 as given below Ghanta – Bell (Silver/Brass/Stainless Steel) Ganesh & Lakshmi Murti/Coin (Silver/Brass) Kul-Devata (Family Deity) Murti (Silver/Brass) or photo. Decorative cloth on the Chaurang (Dais) like table cloth, shawl etc…If the churang has decorative surface of silver/copper, the cloth is not necessary. Vastra (Cloth - like blouse piece, handkerchief, napkin…) for Kalash Flower pots with 5-6 flowers each with long stems can also be used instead) Samai (Brass/Stainless Steel/silver Lamp with 5 or 7 wicks) used with oil. (Only ONE wick to be lighted during Pooja due to wooden construction of houses in USA) Long Cotton Wicks for Samai Seating Mattresses (for host couple) In case of the hard floors the seating mattresses should have good cushioning. Match Box or Gas Lighter Cello Tape Scissor for cutting thread etc... Paper Napkin Roll/Packet Material for Host for performing Pooja Kalash/Loti (Silver/Copper/Stainless Steel). Traditional Indian pot used for keeping drinking water during lunch or dinner, can also be used if Pooja Kalash is not available. Tamhan/Purnapatra (7-8" diameter) (Silver/Copper/Stainless Steel Plate traditionally used in Pooja one is used for keeping on Kalash & other is used for Pooja Vidhi) Panchpatra/Bhande (Silver/Copper/Stainless Steel – traditional Indian pot used for drinking water during lunch or dinner, it is about 3 inches in height & 2.5 inches in diameter) & Pali (Silver/Copper/Stainless Steel – traditional spoon used in Pooja) Niranjan (Silver/Brass/Stainless Steel Lamp with one wick used with ghee) (925-858-4540) Navagraha Shanti Samagri List 3 of 5 Pt. Vilas Thuse Qty 10-12 Keep material separate in different plates #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 & #6 as given below Cotton Wicks for Niranjan (small lamp with Ghee) 2 Silver/Stainless Steel Plates with 9”-12” diameter – 1 for Aarti and another for keeping pooja material 1 1 Water Jar/Jug/Bottle (½ Gallon) (Stainless Steel/Plastic) Utensil/Bowl (½ Gallon) (Stainless Steel/Plastic) for keeping used water 2 25 11 11 10-12 5-6 pairs 1 Qty 1 Bowl 1 Pouch 1 Pouch 1 Pouch 1 Pouch Qty 1 box 1 box 1 Box Qty Medium size stainless steel bowls or utensils for Punahavachan Vidhi 5 types of Fruits 5 each like Mango, Banana, Apple, Orange, Grapes, Pear, Peach etc… 1 Dollar Bills Quarter Coins Cotton Balls Janve (Janeu) (White Holy Thread) Red Holy Thread (Moli) Plate #1 – Gandhakshata Material Akshata (Take Rice Grains & mix little Kumkum) Haldi (Turmeric Powder) Kumkum (Red Powder) Sandalwood Powder or Tablets. Ashtagandha (Scented Orange Powder) Plate #2 - Dhoop Aarti (Prayer) Material Agarbatti (Thin Incense Sticks) with Stand Dhoop (Thick Incense Sticks/Cones/crystals etc...) Kapur (Camphor) with Kapur Aarti Patra/Plate Plate #3 - Naivedya (Offering) (925-858-4540) Navagraha Shanti Samagri List 4 of 5 Pt. Vilas Thuse Qty 25 40 12 Each 12 Pcs 12 1 Bowl 5 Must Keep material separate in different plates #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 & #6 as given below Tambulam (Beatle leaves with stem) Supari (Beatle Nuts) Pancha Khadya - (5 types of dry fruits) e.g. Kharik (Dry Dates), Kaju (Cashews), Badam (Almonds) Manuka (Resins), Piste (Pistachio) Gud (Jagary) Dry Coconut small triangular pieces to be cut from halves as shown in the picture. Khadisakhar (Sugar Crystals) Naral / Nariyal- (Coconut with water) Qty Plate #4 - Naivedya (Offering to the God) 1 Bowl Panchamrut (Mixture of Milk, Curd, Honey, Sugar, Ghee) 1 Plate Maha Naivedya – One plate of Food cooked in home 1 Box Any one sweet of your choice e.g. Pedha / Barphi / Laddu /khir etc… Qty Plate #5 - Pushpam - Flowers 5-10 Tulasipatra (Leaves of Tulasi – Holy Basil) if available 20-30 Flowers Assorted (Rose, Marigold etc...) Qty Plate #6 - Miscellaneous * Ghee for Niranjan & Oil for Samai – * 1 Bowl each 1 Attar - (Scent) small bottle 7-8 Plates (Stainless Steel /Plastic/Disposable) for keeping Pooja Material Important Please ensure that all the material is available and kept well organized in different plates to the right side of the Pooja Chaurang. If you have any shortage or facing difficulties in understanding any description please contact Panditji (925-858-4540). Ensure that the Pooja Vidhi begins on time so that it can be completed in time. Ensure that you have some relatives/friends to help you on the Pooja day right from the beginning till end. Authentic Source of Pooja Material in Bay Area: Pooja International, 34159 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94555 Contact: Sunita D Singh Tel: 510-793-7930 / 408-569-0990 Cell (925-858-4540) Navagraha Shanti Samagri List 5 of 5
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