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Effectiveness of the machines maintenance and processes Monography Editing and scientific elaboration Stanislaw Borkowski Jacek Selejdak Chapter 9 Katarzyna Szoltysee, Szymon Dziubcl ISO 22000: INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IN FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT IN THE PRODUCTION OF BREAD WITH ADDITIVES Abstract: Th proposed research shows the nee s ity of applying the rule of HAC P to baking pr duction on th example of mixed bread ' ith add iti es (vital gluten vitamin C). T this end a 12- tage procedure in accordance v ith the e en rul of Code Alimentarius (and also of the HACCP sy tern) was conducted. The re ult was meeting with the legal r quirement (hygienic packet) with special emphasis placed on the anal is of potential hazards. Four critical control points were determined ( CP ) along with the methods of their v rification and its frequency. What follow d was defining th necessary corrective actions and th methods of th syst m s udit (Codex Alim ntarius 2003) (PN- N ISO 9004:2001). v ing to the er r cent introduction of norm ISO 22000, the propo ed research has a ignificantl inno ative character and are demonstrati e in nature for rno t baking plant in Poland. Key words: PN- E ISO 22000:2006 Food production syst m HACCP 9.1. Introduction 1 0 22000 is a norm i sued by the International Organization for tandardization in eptember 2005 and it is applied to the food indu try. ince 2006 th re e i t al o the Polish orm P - N-1 0 22000:2006 compliance with which is upposed to ensu re high quality and, more importantly yet, afety at consuming various foods (PN - EN ISO 22000:2006). ISO 22000:2005 is a system directed at producers of food and additives, as well as of packages wholesalers and retailers in the food indu try logistics and transportation companies. The norm constitutes International Standard (IS) referring to food safety 1 Prof. dr hab. ini:. University of Economics in Wroclaw, Quality Analysis Department, e-mail: 2 Mgr inZ. University of Economics in Wroclaw, Quality Analysis Department e-mail: -89 - and created for all participants in the given ' food chain ranging from the basic producer to the final consumer. A such the norm directly concerns the following links with in the chain: Producers of food and fodder. Tran port and storage of food and fodder. Distribution companies (warehouses, wholesalers). Producers of food additives. Producers of eq uipment machines and devices. Packages for the contact with food. Hygienic measu res (GHP, HACCP). Servicers (hygienic services, DDD) Basic (farm) producers. It can be asserted that the international norm P -EN ISO 22000:2005 blends in itself norms ISO of the 9000:2000 series and the HACCP system. The relation to norm ISO 900 I :2000 terns from the fact that the most effective system in the field of food afety are tho e which work within the framework of a con tructed management system and are included in the organizations activities related to management. This ensures maximum advantage for the organizations and the involved sides (P - EN I 0 22000:2006) (PN - EN ISO 9000:200 I). Target Group: all types of enterprises in the Food Supply Chain- advanced, less adjusted, and companies without CCP IS022000 } Requirements based on Fig. 9.1. Requirements in the food supply chain. Source: (Kowalska J 2006) - 90 - Norm ISO 22000, similarly to norms from the ISO 9000 family introduces the notion of the process approach and proces management, however, ISO 9001 and 1 0 22000 have disparate applications: ISO 900 l: ensures the organization s ABILITY to achieve the professed goals ISO 22000: ensures FOOD SAFETY. 9.2. General characteristic of norm ISO 22000 Norm P - EN ISO 22000:2005 was prepared in accordance with the plan of norm ISO 9001 with the aim of improving the compatibility of the two norm . ISO 22000:2005 integrates the rules of HACCP system. With the aid of controllable requirements this norm blends the HACCP plan with the Preliminary Rules Programs (PR.Ps). Hazard analysis is the key to effective system of food safety management, since conducting a hazard analysis helps in ordering knowledge essential to introducing an efficient combination of supervisory measures. Norm 1 0 22000:2005 requires that all hazards which can be expected to occur in the food chain be identified and estimated. The purpose of preparing the norm ISO 22000 is global harmonization of requirements in the area of FOOD SAFETY MA AGEMENT in all links of 'food chain. orm ISO 22000:2005 meets the requirements of: 7 rules of Codex Alimentarius 12 stages of the HACCP system the norm legal regulations (hygienic packet - Fig. 9.2). General Food Law- Regulation No. 178/2002 Food of animal origin Regulation Enterprises H2 (853/2004) Sanitary and Veterinary lnsp ctlon Regulation (882/2004) Fig. 9.2. Requirements in the Food Supply Chain. ource: (www.europa. eu) -91 - Regulation H3 (883/2004) The content of norm ISO 22000: 1. Range. 2. Reference documents. 3. Terms and definitions. 4. ystem of food safety management. 5. Management responsibility. 6. Resource management. 7. Planning and realization of safe products. 8. Verification, validation and perfecting of the SZBZ. Attachment A: Common elements oflSO 22000:2005 and ISO 9001:2000 Attachment B: Common elements of ISO 22000:2005 and HACCP Attachment C: Requirements of Food Codex with regard to particular sectors (PN - EN ISO 22000:2006). 9.3. The application of the norm I 0 22000 in the production of rye bread with additives As has already been mentioned in Part I the stages and rules of the HACCP system constitute the basis of norm ISO 22000, therefore, they need to be meticu lously described during the process of their implementation. After having established HACCP team, this team describes the product its future application, prepares a technological schema and analyses CCPs. Further on technoloogical schema of the researched product was presented below: Rye bread with adclitives (Fig. 9.3). Then in compliance with the prepared procedure, taking account of the requ irement of the so-called ottermans Tree analysis of CCPs likely to occur during the process of receiving the researched product according to the workedout scale was conducted. After having performed the following actions, documentation needs to be prepared (Fig. 9.4). - 92 - Fig. 9.3. Technological schema of rye bread with additives. ource: authors' own study Fig. 9.4. Technological schema of rye bread with additives with Control and Critical Control Points. Source: authors ' own study -93 - Table 9.1. Hazard Analysis for Raw Materials and Packages Potential hazard Raw material, pnckn e 1.Receiving th raw materinl: 1.1. flour 1.2. yeasts 1.3. potato tarcb 1.4.salt 1.5. fruit nnd etabl~ B- insects and their r~mnant. s . M - b cu~ria (Bncillu ubtilis, magatcrium). musts { s pergi llu • P~nicilium), F- and, glass. rocks. root or other plant Risk level 3 CP, p CP-1 Pre enti e ction hoice of suppli r, current PZB quality atte t 2. Water 3. Packing foil F-du t Choice of suppli r, current PZH quality atte t ource: authors' own study Table 9.2. Hazard Analysis in tlte Production Process Raw Material/Package I Activities 1. Kneading of dough Potential Hazard B- insects, rodents, birds, leftovers, M bacteria (Bacillus Subtilis Megaterium type), putrid bacteria, coli group bacteria, musts (Aspergillus, Penicilum), Torulla type yeasts Hazard Level CCP, CP P-1 P•eventive Ac~ Choice of supplier, quality attest, process control, water quality examination, Hygienic -Sanitary Control of machines and devices, Health and Hygiene Control of the Crew F - possibility of penetration by foreign bodies, dust; parameters of the Kneading process, tempera. tu re - 2. Division into Bites B • insects, rodents, birds, leftovers, M bacteria (Bacillus Subtilis Megaterium type), putrid bacteria, coli group bacteria, musts (Aspergillus, Penicilum), Torulla type yeasts F- possibility of penetration by foreign bodies, dust; the weight of a single bite ource: authors ' own stud -94 - Process control, water quality examination, Hygienic- Sanitary Control of machines and devices, Health and Hygiene Control ofth Crew J Table 9.3. Hazard Analysis in the Production Proce s L: w Materiai /Pac~ Potential Hazard Activities 5.GAROWAN IE-the growth of the dough 8-lnsec~ Hazard Level CCP, CP -.:::::..::;:;=:==::r:;::::== M- bacteria (Bacillus Subtdl Megatenum type) , musts (Aspergillus. PeniCll um), Torulla type yeasts F- possililrty of penetrallOO by foreign bodies, dust. perametera of the proee .. - mo sture CCP-2 &.Baking b k•ng of bread 7. Removal of moulds from the ba ed bites 8. Ftnel Baking p.J L_. --..·-··--..··-·· . . ._Jl . J:~.~~.;~~J..:ye•:s Source: authors own study -95 - machines and deVICes, Heallh and Hygiene Control of the Crew, preven~on from miCroorganisms Constant 1 mperature control, maintaining appropriate parameters, process control, water quality examination, Hygienic - Sanllery Control or machines and d lAces, Heallh and Hygiene Control of the Crew. prelol!ntlon from microorganisms 8 ·Insects. rodents, birds, leftCMJrs. M - bacteria (Bacillus Subtills Mogoterium type), musts (Aspergillus. Penlcllum), Torutle type yeas ts F - possibility of penetration by foreign bodies, dust p8rameta rs ofthe proce~ tamperatura, time Control or conditions of storing and cooling, Hygienic Sanitary Control of rooms designated for cold stores 8 ·Insects, rodents, birds, leftCMJrs M -bacteria (Escherichia coli. Salmonella, Shigella, lhomnldlum auranuecum -colour1ul spots) 10. Cutting. Packlng ~~~~lten~~~=;ol of Hygienic -Sanitary Control or machines and devices, Health end Hygiene Control or the Crow, prevenbon from miCroorganisms M - bacteria (Bacillus SUbblls Megaterlum type), musts (Aspergilus, Penicllum), Torulla type yeasts: F- possbilrty of penetrabOn by foreign bod•es, dust B-lnsocts, ro dents, birds, leftovers, Mbactarl• (Escherichia coli, Salmonella , Shigella, Thamnldlum aurantlacum - col o urllJI Constanl temperature control. maintaining appropriate parameters, process control, water quality examination, Hyg.enic- Sanll8ry Control of machines and deVICes, Health and Hygiene Control of the Crew Constant temperature control , mamtalnlng appropnate parameters, process control. 8 · Insects, rodents, birds, leflOVers, M- bacteria (Baeilus SUbtihs Megatera~m type), musts (Asperg Ius, Penldlum). Torulle type ye sts F- possibility of penetration by foreign bodiBS, dust; parameters of the process: temperature, time Preventive Actions CP-3 Choice of the packages' supplier. quatlty attest, hygienic - sanitary control of rooms designated for storage, control ol packing machines and deiAces Table 9.4. Table of all Control Poi11ts (CPs) CPiocation Monitoring 1. Receiving the raw material, flour, yeast, potato starch, salt, vegetable and fruit Controlling the raw material according to the norm, laboratory analysis 2. Rounding and forming of bites 3. Cutting, packing Frequency Control of the devices' efficiency, hygienic - sanitary control Control over complying with the hygienicsanitary rules, control of protections aga nst penetration by foreign bodies. control of rooms Each supply Once In a quarter Corrective actions Evaluation of the supplier, Replacement of supplier Repairs, trainings Constant Constant Eliminating disparities, Enhancement of protections' efficiency Once a week Source: author ' own study Table 9.5. Table of all Criticlll Cotltrol Pi11ts CCPs Location and number ofCCP Kneading of the dough CCP1 Supervision method Frequency Laboratory control , organoleptic control once in a quarter, constant Warming CCP -2 Time control, Temperature Control, Constant Moisture Control Baklng, baking of bread CCP -3 Final Baking CCP-4 Ttme control, Temperature control Constant Time control, Temperature control Constant Toleration border according to the norm and good practice of production time: 20-35 mlns, temperatur e45 degreesC, moisture 80% time: 20-25 m ins, T220 degreesC tlme: 20 25mlns T=210220"C Source: authors own study - 96 - Critical value Borderline norm's values , bad texture of the dough Borderlln values Borderline values Borderline values Corrective measures Corrective procedures admissible In the production process, rejection of further production Parameters reg ulation Parameters regulation Parameters regulation Table 9.6. Verification of all Critical Control Points (CCPs) ----·- ...-----CCPnumber CCP-1 CCP-2 CCP-3 Verification Method Evaluation of production conditions, technical inspection of the device Verification Frequency Constant Control of the technological card during production, Technical inspection of the device Constant Technical Inspection of the device Constant Technical inspection of the device I Corrective actions Replacement of devices, Regulation , Trainings Introducing modifications on the parameters, Replacement of devices -·---· -·l Once a week ~. CCP-4 -·-·---------·--·] Constant Once a week Cleaning, · Regulating, Replacement of devices Cleaning, Regulating , Replacement of devices I I __j Source: authors own study 9.4. Summary The goals of ISO 22000 implementation The requirements of the norm are supposed to help the organization in the following spheres: providing frnal products which do not pose any threat to the consumers' health assessing and estimating the consumers expectations demonstrating how to successfully communicate with clients demonstrating how to adjust to and meet legal requirements with regard to food ensuring adherence to the self-detetmined policy of food safety. Benefits of implementing 11orm ISO 22000 systematization of actions related to the production of safe foods, introducing an efficient communjcation between all elements of the food chain improving food safety and decreasing the risk of transmitting diseases -97 - increasing the clients contractors , and suppliers trust efficiency at conducting a systematical analysis with the aim of hazard elimination, compliance with the EU General Food Law international certificate acknowledged in Poland Europe and other countries. Bibliography I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Codex Alimentarius comm1 10n. Food Hygiene Basic Texts, Recommended International ode of Practice. General Principles of Food Hygiene. 2003. Annex. llazard Anal i and Critical ontrol Point (HACCP) ystem and Guidelines for it Application CAC/R P- 1969 revi ed 4- 2003 FAOIWHO. Ko1oZ)'n - Krajew ka D. 2007. Higiena produkcji :iywnosci. Wydawn ictwo G W. War zawa. KO\ at ka J. Majew ka . bi dzinski M., Zadernow ki M. 2006. Nowe prawo tywnosciowe Unii Europejskiej a ystemy GMP, GHP, HACCP. Wydawnictwo DDK. Gdansk. PN - N I 22000:2006 ystemy Zarzqdzania Bezpieczenstwem Zywnosci Wymagania dla katdej organizacji naletqcej do lancucha :iywnosciowego. P - E 1 90 0:2001 ystemy Zarzqdzania Jakosciq - Podstawy i terminologia P - E 1 0 90 1:200 I ystem Zarzqdzania Jakosciq - Wymagania. PN I 0 9004:2001 ystemy Zarzqdzania Jakosciq - Wytyczne doskonalenia funkcjonowania. R zporZ(!dZ nie (W ) nr 852/2004 Parlamentu uropcjskiego i Rady z dnia 29 kwi tnia 2004 r. w prawi higien srodk6w pozywczych L 13911 Dziennik UrzydowyUnii ... uropej kiej 30.4.2004 Thi cientiflc work wa financed from finan ce sources on the science in 200920 I 0 years a a re earch project. -98 -