C140.10 Report Spatial management...Dutch
C140.10 Report Spatial management...Dutch
Spatial management, ecological impacts and monitoring in relation to offshore wind energy development on the Dutch Continental Shelf We@Sea research area 2 J. Asjes (Imares) Spatial management, ecological impacts and monitoring in relation to offshore wind energy development on the Dutch Continental Shelf A review of the results of We@Sea Research Line 2: Spatial Planning and Environmental Aspects Authors: J. Asjes1, R. Hille Ris Lambers1, T. Reijs2, J.T. van der Wal1, S. van Heteren3, K. Wijnberg4, B. Perez Lapeña4, 4 4 1 5 Report number C140/10 IMARES Wageningen UR (IMARES - Institute for Marine Resources & Ecosystem Studies) Client: We@Sea P/a. ECN Postbus 1 1755 ZG PETTEN Publicatiedatum: 31 March 2010 1 IMARES. P.O. Box 68, 1970 AB IJmuiden, the Netherlands. 2 TNO 3 Deltares/TNO 4 UT 5 Seamarco 6 ECN 7 TNO IMARES is: • an independent, objective and authoritative institute that provides knowledge necessary for an integrated sustainable protection, exploitation and spatial use of the sea and coastal zones; • an institute that provides knowledge necessary for an integrated sustainable protection, exploitation and spatial use of the sea and coastal zones; • a key, proactive player in national and international marine networks (including ICES and EFARO). P.O. Box 68 P.O. Box 77 P.O. Box 57 P.O. Box 167 1970 AB IJmuiden 4400 AB Yerseke 1780 AB Den Helder 1790 AD Den Burg Texel Phone: +31 (0)317 48 09 00 Phone: +31 (0)317 48 09 00 Phone: +31 (0)317 48 09 00 Phone: +31 (0)317 48 09 00 Fax: +31 (0)317 48 73 26 Fax: +31 (0)317 48 73 59 Fax: +31 (0)223 63 06 87 Fax: +31 (0)317 48 73 62 E-Mail: imares@wur.nl E-Mail: imares@wur.nl E-Mail: imares@wur.nl E-Mail: imares@wur.nl www.imares.wur.nl www.imares.wur.nl www.imares.wur.nl www.imares.wur.nl © 2010 IMARES Wageningen UR IMARES, institute of Stichting DLO The Management of IMARES is not responsible for resulting is registered in the Dutch trade damage, as well as for damage resulting from the application of record nr. 09098104, results or research obtained by IMARES, its clients or any claims BTW nr. NL 806511618 related to the application of information found within its research. This report has been made on the request of the client and is wholly the client's property. This report may not be reproduced and/or published partially or in its entirety without the express written consent of the client. A_4_3_2-V11.2 2 of 110 Report number C140/10 Contents Contents................................................................................................................... 3 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 5 1.1. The Wind Energy at Sea Program (We@Sea) .................................................. 5 1.2. Research Line 2: Spatial Planning and Environmental Aspects ........................... 6 1.3. Developments since the start of We@Sea ...................................................... 6 1.3.1. Existing Wind Farms and new plans ................................................... 6 1.3.2. Spatial Management at the Dutch Continental Shelf ............................. 9 1.3.3. The monitoring and evaluation program “Offshore Wind Farm Egmond aan Zee” (NSW-MEP) ............................................... 10 1.4. The International Setting ........................................................................... 11 1.5. Consequences for Research Line 2 .............................................................. 12 1.6. Structure of the report .............................................................................. 12 2. Objectives of Research Line 2................................................................................. 13 3. Overall achievements and results ........................................................................... 15 3.1. Site-atlas and cumulative impacts ............................................................... 15 3.1.1. Introduction ................................................................................. 15 3.1.2. We@Sea Site Atlas ....................................................................... 15 3.1.3. Analysis of seabed and soil quality required for wind farms ................. 17 3.1.4. Integration application cumulative effects; CUMULEO 1.0 ................... 20 3.1.5. Analysis techniques for georeferenced monitoring data....................... 21 3.2. Morphological and Ecological Impacts .......................................................... 22 3.2.1. Morphological impacts ................................................................... 22 3.2.2. Impacts on marine mammals ......................................................... 24 3.2.3. Impacts on grey seals ................................................................... 25 3.2.4. Hearing sensitivity of Harbor Seals .................................................. 29 3.2.5. Results of NSW-MEP research related to marine mammals .................. 34 3.2.6. Impacts on birds .......................................................................... 35 3.2.7. Impacts on fish and benthos .......................................................... 40 3.2.8 Impact on benthic systems (fish and benthos) ................................... 40 3.2.9. Results of NSW-MEP research related to benthos and fish ................... 48 Impacts on benthos ............................................................................... 48 3.3. New Monitoring Techniques (WP4) .............................................................. 49 3.3.1. Introduction ................................................................................. 49 3.3.2. WT-Bird for monitoring of bird collisions ........................................... 49 3.3.3. Bird Radar ................................................................................... 52 3.3.4. A ship-based hydrophone system for detection and classification of cetacean echolocation signals ................................................ 53 3.4 Figures .................................................................................................. 54 3.4.1. DIDSON ...................................................................................... 57 4. Gaps and missing knowledge ................................................................................. 60 4.1 Short summary of We@Sea research findings. ............................................... 60 4.2 Gaps and suggestions for further research .................................................... 61 4.2.1. Data 61 4.3 Cumulative and Interaction effects ............................................................... 62 4.3.1. An integrated approach to planning ............................................... 62 5. conclusions .................................................................................................... 63 Report number C140/10 3 of 110 6 Quality Assurance ........................................................................................... 64 References .............................................................................................................. 65 Appendix 1 Summaries of all research projects within Research line 2.............................. 67 2004-003 Site atlas cumulative effects ............................................................... 68 2005-004 Integration application cumulative effects; Cumuleo 1.0 development ...... 70 2005-005 Analysis of seabed and soil quality required for wind farms ..................... 72 Long-term stability .......................................................................................... 72 2005-012 We@Sea Site - Atlas ......................................................................... 76 2006-006: GIS-technology and the analysis and forecasting of change in the marine environment ........................................................................................ 79 2004-001 Mussel 'map of opportunities' at the Nordsea ........................................ 81 2004-007: The influences of wind farms on benthos and fish ................................. 83 2004-012 PhD@Sea: Morphology ...................................................................... 86 2005-006: The effect of wind farms on the settling of gray seals at the North Sea (Halichoeros grypus .................................................................................. 88 2006-005: Underwater hearing sensitivity of harbour seals for tonal signals and noise bands(Phoca vitulina) .............................................................................. 90 2007-003: Seabirds on wind ............................................................................. 93 2004-006: A ship based hydrophone system for detection and classification of cetacean echolocation signals........................................................................ 97 2004-007: The influences of wind farms on benthos and fish ............................... 100 2005-022: Low cost en sea-clutter resistant radar for monitoring birds ................. 102 4 of 110 Report number C140/10 1. Introduction This report summarizes results of research within the topic ‘Spatial Planning and Environmental Aspects’ (Research Line 2) of the Wind Energy at Sea (We@Sea) program, and general developments related to spatial management and environmental issues concerning wind energy on the Dutch Continental Shelf (DCS), as well as the role of (the results of) We@Sea research and We@Sea partners. In addition, it highlights gaps and missing knowledge and presents recommendations for future research. 1.1. The Wind Energy at Sea Program (We@Sea) 2004 marked the start of We@Sea, a research program with the aim to develop, integrate and disseminate knowledge in order to facilitate the advance of 6000 MW of wind energy within the Dutch part of the North Sea (see text box). The We@Sea consortium consisted of more than 30 organizations directly or indirectly involved in the development of wind energy on the North Sea and was partly subsidized by the Dutch government within the framework of BSIK8. Central Objective We@Sea Program: The central objective of the knowledge program is to develop a structural basis for longterm business development in the Netherlands, for the purpose of preparing, designing, constructing, operating, maintaining and, in due course, dismantling offshore wind power plants. The We@Sea consortium consists of offshore wind farm developers, the offshore technology sector, the energy sector, the wind energy technology sector, investors, energy consultants, logistics organizations, environmental NGO’s and research organizations, including two universities. All organizations were directly or indirectly involved in technological and environmental issues as well as research related to the development of offshore wind energy. 8 http://www.senternovem.nl/bsik/index.asp Report number C140/10 5 of 110 1.2. Research Line 2: Spatial Planning and Environmental Aspects We@Sea research was organized along 7 lines. This report focuses on the results of Research Line 2 (RL2): ‘Spatial Planning and Environmental Aspects’ whose objective was ‘to survey spatial planning and environmental requirements to provide potential investors with reliable and relevant information on local conditions in orderto enable them to start with their site selection and development.’ For more information on the work packages and their objectives: see chapter 2. 1.3. Developments since the start of We@Sea Since the start of the We@Sea project in 2004 the development of offshore wind energy in the North Sea and on the Dutch Continental Shelf (DCS) accelerated intensively. Outside the scope of the We@Sea program, a considerable amount of knowledge was developed. We summarize some of these developments below. 1.3.1. Existing Wind Farms and new plans In 2004 concrete plans for two offshore wind farms existed; the Offshore Windpark Egmond aan Zee (OWEZ9) and the Princess Amalia Wind Farm (Q710). Currently, both these wind farms are operational (figure 2). In 2005 the Dutch government freed the market for the development of offshore wind energy within the DCS. AS a result, 10 project developers initiated the development of a total of 20 wind farms within the Dutch part of the North Sea (figure 1). (A map of the locations for wind farms for which a (draft) permit is issued by the Dutch government at the moment is presented in figure 2.) For each of these initiatives an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as well as an Appropriate Assessment within the framework of the Habitats Directive was carried out. These assessments were all carried out based on existing and best available information as well as expert judgments. Both the EIA’s and the Appropriate Assessments considerably enhanced and integrated existing knowledge with respect to environmental and ecological impacts of Offshore Wind Energy at Sea. 9 www.noordzeewind.nl 10 www.prinsesamaliawindpark.eu 6 of 110 Report number C140/10 Figure 1. Overview of all initiatives (in yellow) for offshore wind farms on the Dutch Continental Shelf. Source: http://www.noordzeeloket.nl/activiteiten/windenergie/algemeen/ Report number C140/10 7 of 110 Figure 2. Overview of licensed (green areas) locations for offshore wind farms and existing wind farms (bleu areas) at the Dutch Continental Shelf. Source: http://www.noordzeeloket.nl/activiteiten/windenergie/algemeen/ . 8 of 110 Report number C140/10 1.3.2. Spatial Management at the Dutch Continental Shelf In 2009 The Dutch government issued a new spatial management plan for the DCS within the framework of the National Water Plan (NWP11) which takes into account the recent developments with respect to wind energy development and Marine Protected Areas. With respect to wind energy and other uses at sea the NWP states: ‘Within international frameworks, the Cabinet is giving priority to the following activities that are of national importance for the Netherlands: • Sand extraction and replenishment: sufficient space for protecting the coast, counteracting flood risk and for fill sand on land; • Sustainable (wind) energy: space for 6,000 Megawatt of wind energy on the North Sea in 2020 (at least 1,000 km2 , creating conditions for further (international) growth after 2020; • Oil and gas field development: extracting as much natural gas and oil from the Dutch fields in the North Sea as possible; • Sea shipping: building a system of traffic separation schemes, clearways and anchoring areas allowing safe and prompt handling of shipping; • Defence areas at sea.’ These objectives have considerable consequences for spatial management of the DCS. In order to facilitate the development of wind energy at sea four areas were designated (figure 3): 1. ‘Borssele’ 2. ‘IJmuiden’ 3. The area off the Holland coast between Hoek van Holland and Texel 4. North of the Wadden Islands The latter two areas are still under discussion at the moment and should be regarded as ‘search areas’. Draft Policy Document on the North Sea (2008): As part of the policy aimed at sustainable, clean and economical energy generation, the number of wind turbines at sea will be drastically expanded. The Cabinet program ‘Clean and Efficient’ targets a sustainable energy generation of 20% by 2020, with the target increasing to 40% by 2050. In addition, a target figure of an installed power capacity of 6,000 MW of wind energy in the North Sea in 2020 has been formulated. The Cabinet wants the installed capacity to be as cost-effective as possible before 2020 and seeks to lay the foundations for further (international) growth after 2020. Achieving this objective is of national importance. 11http://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten-en-publicaties/publicaties-pb51/nationaal-waterplan-2009-2015engels.html Report number C140/10 9 of 110 Figure 3. Future spatial management of the Dutch Continental Shelf. Yellow areas indicate areas designated for wind energy. Dashed yellow areas indicate search areas for wind energy. Source: http://www.noordzeeloket.nl/noordzeebeleidNWP/nationaal_waterplan/nwp/ . For the development of offshore wind energy after 2020 the Dutch government aims for areas much further from the coast (yellow arrows, figure 3). Many partners within the We@Sea consortium also contributed significantly to this policy process. 1.3.3. The monitoring and evaluation program “Offshore Wind Farm Egmond aan Zee” (NSW-MEP) During the construction and exploitation of the “Offshore Wind farm Egmond aan Zee” (OWEZ) a large scale monitoring and evaluation program was initiated to evaluate both the technical characteristics as well as the environmental impacts of the wind farm. This monitoring program focuses on the following topics pertaining to environmental impacts of the wind farm: • Impacts on marine mammals, both seals and porpoises; • Impact on birds, both seabirds and migrating birds; • Impacts on fish and fish behavior; • Impacts on benthos; • Impacts with respect to underwater noise. The program was commissioned by NUON and Shell. The ecological research is carried out by IMARES, Bureau Waardenburg and Royal NIOZ. All these organizations were also members of the We@Sea consortium. Several research projects carried out within We@Sea research line 2 were combined with, 10 of 110 Report number C140/10 and /or supplemental to research carried out within the framework of NSW-MEP. Although the program runs until 2012, some of the NSW-MEP studies have been completed, and are available at http://www.noordzeewind.nl/ . 1.4. The International Setting In Denmark, United Kingdom and Germany offshore wind farms have been, or are currently being developed together with targeted research programs (figure 4). Many of the results of these studies have been reported in the international literature and are available on the web. In this report we mainly focus on the Dutch situation, but touching upon these studies where available and relevant.We refer to the individual We@Sea research reports for details on the international context of the results. Figure 4. Overview of Wind Energy targets and initiatives in the North Sea. Source: ? Report number C140/10 11 of 110 1.5. Consequences for Research Line 2 The development of offshore wind energy within the North Sea has accelerated, especially within the past 5 years. As a result, our knowledge of, and questions on, spatial and environmental aspects of offshore wind energy development has changed. Keeping this in mind, we have nevertheless summarized –all- results of the We@Sea RL2 program within this final report in order to be as complete as possible. Within the next two to three decades the planned development of many new wind farms within the DCS and the greater North Sea necessitates the addressing of gaps in our knowledge with respect to environmental issues and spatial management. One obvious example being the cumulative impacts of multiple wind farms. We are convinced that the results of this program can contribute to filling in these gaps. 1.6. Structure of the report In chapter 2 research performed under Research Line 2 is evaluated against the original objectives of RL2. Chapter 3 summarizes and highlights the main results of all research projects within RL2. Where appropriate, results of the NSW-MEP program and other assessments have also been integrated within this chapter. Finally, Chapter 4 touches upon the gaps in knowledge related to spatial and environmental aspects of wind energy at sea. Annex 1 contains all executive summaries of the We@Sea RL2 research reports. 12 of 110 Report number C140/10 2. Objectives of Research Line 2 Research within research line 2 was originally structured along 5 work packages (WP): 1. Decision support system for site selection, including site atlas; 2. Safety control 3. Environmental improvement; 4. Challenges for Nature; 5. Communications strategy for public awareness. The objective of WP 1 was the development of a decision support system balancing the design and profitability of offshore wind farms with environmental risks and opportunities. Research related to this work package was conducted especially during the early phase of the We@Sea program. These included studies on the design of a decision support tool to assess cumulative impacts of offshore wind farms, as well as studies on the definition and technical specifications of a GIS system for site selection, i.e. the Site Atlas. Furthermore GIS techniques to study environmental impacts of offshore wind farms were developed. Finally, seabed data were gathered and analyzed to facilitate site selection for offshore wind farms in relation to seabed characteristics, WP 2 dealt with safety aspects related to offshore wind energy development. The objective was to assess the risks of accidents, safety aspects for personnel and environmental risks. One study was carried out, but it was decided that it was more appropriate to report back on this within Research Line 5, Installation, Operation and Maintenance (reference). The objective of WP3 was to study the environmental burden along the entire lifespan of a wind farm: i.e. related to the production of turbines, the construction of offshore wind farms, their operation and maintenance, and their future decommissioning. No research was performed on this topic. The objective of WP4 ‘Challenges for Nature’, was to study the ecological impacts of offshore wind farms on the North Sea marine ecosystem was the Besides studies directly focusing on the effects on seals, birds, fish and benthos, new monitoring techniques were also developed. Most of these projects were combined with or were supplemental to NSW-MEP research. In addition, under this workpackage, the morphological impacts of offshore wind farms were addressed The last work package of RL2 focused on the communication of results of RL2 research to relevant stakeholders and the organization of meetings with these stakeholders. While no targeted research project was performed within the framework of this WP, several workshops, meetings and conferences related to the environmental aspects of offshore wind farms have taken place in the past five years. Many of these were organized or attended by We@Sea. From the start of the We@Sea program a RL2 theme group was formed to discuss and evaluate research proposals and results within the framework of RL2. This group consisted of We@Sea partners particularly interested in the RL2 research. Report number C140/10 13 of 110 Research within research line 2 was originally structured along 5 work packages (WP): 6. Decision support system for site selection, including site atlas; 7. Safety control 8. Environmental improvement; 9. Challenges for Nature; 10. Communications strategy for public awareness. The objective of WP 1 was the development of a decision support system balancing the design and profitability of offshore wind farms with environmental risks and opportunities. Research related to this work package was conducted especially during the early phase of the We@Sea program. These included studies on the design of a decision support tool to assess cumulative impacts of offshore wind farms, as well as studies on the definition and technical specifications of a GIS system for site selection, i.e. the Site Atlas. Furthermore GIS techniques to study environmental impacts of offshore wind farms were developed. Finally, seabed data were gathered and analyzed to facilitate site selection for offshore wind farms in relation to seabed characteristics, WP 2 dealt with safety aspects related to offshore wind energy development. The objective was to assess the risks of accidents, safety aspects for personnel and environmental risks. One study was carried out, but it was decided that it was more appropriate to report back on this within Research Line 5, Installation, Operation and Maintenance (reference). The objective of WP3 was to study the environmental burden along the entire lifespan of a wind farm: i.e. related to the production of turbines, the construction of offshore wind farms, their operation and maintenance, and their future decommissioning. No research was performed on this topic. The objective of WP4 ‘Challenges for Nature’, was to study the ecological impacts of offshore wind farms on the North Sea marine ecosystem was the Besides studies directly focusing on the effects on seals, birds, fish and benthos, new monitoring techniques were also developed. Most of these projects were combined with or were supplemental to NSW-MEP research. In addition, under this workpackage, the morphological impacts of offshore wind farms were addressed The last work package of RL2 focused on the communication of results of RL2 research to relevant stakeholders and the organization of meetings with these stakeholders. While no targeted research project was performed within the framework of this WP, several workshops, meetings and conferences related to the environmental aspects of offshore wind farms have taken place in the past five years. Many of these were organized or attended by We@Sea. From the start of the We@Sea program a RL2 theme group was formed to discuss and evaluate research proposals and results within the framework of RL2. This group consisted of We@Sea partners particularly interested in the RL2 research. 14 of 110 Report number C140/10 3. Overall achievements and results In this chapter we summarize the main results of studies performed within the framework of Research Line 2 of We@Sea. 3.1. Site-atlas and cumulative impacts 3.1.1. Introduction The research presented in this section mainly relates to Work Package 1 of RL2. We carried out research for the development of a site atlas to facilitate decision making in relation to offshore wind farm planning(Reijs et al 200.), Furthermore, we developed a prototype of a tool for the analyses of cumulative impacts of multiple wind farms in the North Sea (van Dokkum et al 2005; van der Wal et al 2007). Finally techniques for analysis of the impact of offshore wind farms, taking into account the spatio-temporal variation in the datasets were developed. (Perez-Lapena en Wijnberg, 2010). The results of these studies are summarized in the next three sections. 3.1.2. We@Sea Site Atlas Central theme of the We@Sea Site-Atlas project was the allocation of all relevant information required for the construction and operation of offshore wind turbines in a safe and economically sound manner with minimal environmental impact. This theme was subdivided into three subprojects. First, specific demands by different parties for the Site-Atlas were assessed (subproject 1). Second, an inventory of already existing available knowledge was supplemented by additional relevant information. Third, layout and presentation issues in the development of a structured Site-Atlas framework base were addressed. The demand side assessment allocated key areas where specific knowledge was required, as well as parties that indicated a need for such dedicated inputs. An example of potential We@Sea databases is provided below: Examples • • • • of potential We@Sea databases Biology: plankton, benthos, birds, fish, sea mammals, etc. Physical parameters: seabed (soil composition, sand dunes, et cetera), wind, wave patterns Economic parameters: wind turbine/farm yield, O&M costs, grid connection, wind farm design options (wind turbine make & type, configuration et cetera). Site specific issues: optional North Sea use applications, Marine Protected Areas etc. Phases Offshore wind power development parties include offshore wind technology and transport logistics suppliers, project developers, utilities, investors, and insurance companies. In addition research organizations, government bodies, environmental and other action groups, energy consultants, and O&M service providers. The assessment method involved conducting a number of interviews and workshops with parties as indicated above, where a difference was made between three distinct offshore wind farm project phases: • • • Planning; Construction; Operation. Report number C140/10 15 of 110 The overview of main findings was subdivided into nine main categories: 1.General (policy issues, management control and protection); 2.Soil and water; 3.Nature and environment (ecological processes, species, habitats, eco-labeling); 4.Human activities (fishery, recreation, transport, energy and mineral resources, military defense, aviation, business); 5.Coastal protection; 6.Energy yield (offshore wind turbine technology development, costs and benefits of wind power generation); 7.Perceptions, involvement, natural history and landscape added value aspects; 8.Design. The above questions themselves have been put forward to various organizations each with their own specific perceptions and viewpoints. These parties include the commercial business sector, the public sector, and other organizations with a key focus on social issues including (perceptions on) wind power acceptance. Comprehensive As part of the overall assessment, an inventory of available in-house knowledge was conducted within Dutch and foreign We@Sea-partners. This resulted in a data overview and dataset composition ranked by subject. From the assessment it became clear that there is already a comprehensive amount of information on offshore wind power available. However, a sizable proportion includes geographical maps, which often lack essential background information. In such situations it remains unclear which specific datasets have been visualized on these maps. This makes conducting an independent data analysis almost impossible. One specific field for which data is still largely lacking is for so-called cumulative effects. Linking datasets The next step involved linking dedicated demand and supply datasets in order to determine their internal match, and further to pinpoint potential information provision gaps. The Site-Atlas concept aimed at making all these data available in a systematic and easily accessible manner. For this project three alternative Site-Atlas options were explored: • A website linking to organizations in possession of a relevant database and additional (scientific) literature reference sources; • We@Sea conducts an intermediate role by providing datasets and models to its partners; • GIS functionality linked to datasets and models: • Displaying data with the aid of dedicated maps; • Information search function for specific areas; • Online models partly based upon GIS data. Discussions with We@Sea partners and other parties clearly indicated a preference for a website with links to organizations. A variant worth considering is offering organizations the possibility of ‘filling’ the We@Sea website with their own data. One essential precondition for this scenario is that all datasets meet stringent standards in terms of accuracy and reliability as formulated by We@Sea’s program bureau. As offshore wind power development takes place in a still young but highly dynamic (market) environment, an additional key demand is that the database is kept up to date, which requires a continuous effort. Though it is not part of We@Sea’s remit to search for data, the program bureau does have a primary task in developing a system incorporating suitable methodologies to effectively direct and control specific research projects. This in-house capability is particularly important with regard to policy procedures for offshore wind farms, one of the main bottlenecks hampering overall progress. In this case and for other relevant (related) issues the program bureau can indicate what specific knowledge gaps exist and require sustained research effort. 16 of 110 Report number C140/10 Specific phases Information required depends on specific offshore wind farm development phases like site assessment, installation, operation, and demolishing/recycling. It has also become clear that the application of a We@Sea Site-Atlas needs to be strongly linked with offshore wind farm monitoring programs currently conducted at the Dutch section of the North Sea and elsewhere. 3.1.3. Analysis of seabed and soil quality required for wind farms Spatial planning, specifically location selection by means of decision-support systems requires reliable and relevant data. Environmental data on the composition of seabed sediment, the composition and structure of subsurface layers, seabed morphology, and hydro- and morphodynamics play an important role in determining the primary suitability of a location for wind-farm development,. A large-scale overview of physical seabed parameters, linked to design aspects of individual turbine-support structures and entire offshore wind farms, allows the identification of areas of different suitability before detailed site surveys are carried out. For the Netherlands offshore territory between the latitudes of Texel and Hoek van Holland, This project provides an overview of seabed characteristics relevant for determining first-order suitability to wind-farm development. Physical seabed-sediment characteristics, such as grain size, mud content, and degree of cohesion are important parameters in seabed behavior during and after wind-farm construction. Seabed sediment plays a role in erodibility of the seabed (scouring) and in the formation of suspended-sediment plumes. The most suitable parameter characterizing the grain size of seabed sediments in the (sandy) research area is the median grain size of the sand fraction (63-2000 µm), which shows an overall fining from south to north. The northward-fining pattern is overprinted along the coast, where fines are captured by river-mouth sediment sinks, and exposed where the receding shoreface exposes tidal and shoreface deposits. It is also interrupted off Texel, where gravel is exposed on the seabed, washed out of till deposited during an Ice Age. A second seabed-sediment parameter is percentage mud content. In the research area, this is generally lower than 2. Near the coast, higher values occur, particularly near the entrance to Rotterdam Harbor. Cohesive sediment lies at or close to the surface only in the dredge spoils of Rotterdam Harbor, and where peat or early Holocene clay are cut by shipping lanes or by the receding shoreface, close to shore. The structure and composition of the subsurface is an important factor governing the stability and cost of turbine foundations. Knowledge of the subsurface is also necessary for calculating opportunity costs when valuable resources are (temporarily) no longer exploitable or when archeological treasures are disturbed. Fine-grained deposits, locally more than 10 m thick, are sensitive to compaction and affect the behavior and yield of wind turbines. Locations characterized by thick clayey units in the subsurface are potential exclusion areas. The presence of exploitable quantities of sand for concrete and mortar in a particular area can play a role in determining if wind-farm development makes economic sense A fully functioning layer model for the upper 50 m of the seabed subsurface is not yet available. The description of the structure and composition of the subsurface is therefore frequently based on far-fromperfect digital grids of the extent and thickness of individual layers. Information on the geotechnical parameters of these layers is scarce. By grouping geotechnical data on a Formations and Member scale, useful constraints on the range of various parameters for each unit can be defined on the range of various parameters for each unit. Water depth is directly linked to turbine height and thus to construction cost. Morphology (i.e. difference between crests and troughs of bedforms) is a measure of potential dynamics as a result of migrating bedforms. Water depths in the NCP range from 0 to more than 50 meters. In the relatively shallow part of the NCP between the latitudes of Texel and Hoek van Holland, the water depth increases gradually from the coast toward the border with the U.K. shelf. This gradual increase is overprinted by large-scale elongate ridges several kilometers in width, up to 100 km in length and 10-20 m in height. These tidal ridges are most commonly found far offshore, where they have a north-south orientation. However, they also occupy shallower areas closer to the coast, where they are connected to the shoreface at an oblique angle. The research area is also characterized by sand waves: smaller-scale bedforms that have Report number C140/10 17 of 110 wavelengths of several hundreds of meters en heights up to 10 m. In general, sand-wave height decreases from the southwest to the northeast. Morpho- and hydrodynamics are important in scouring and in the long-term stability of wind turbines. Areas with rapidly migrating large-amplitude bedforms, particularly sand waves, are characterized by a large variability in water depth through time. Migration rates are highest near the coast and decrease both in an offshore direction and toward the southwest. They range from almost 20 m/y in the extreme northeast of the research area to less than 1 m/y in the southwest. Given a life span of 30 years, wind turbines in the northeast will be affected by several passing sand waves, whereas turbines in the southwest will probably experience less variability in water depth, even though sand waves are higher in this area. Determining the relative importance of the various physical parameters governing the suitability of the seabed for the development of wind farms is difficult. There are no set rules to define and compare economic and environmental costs. Nevertheless, a first-order suitability assessment can be made by implementing a penalty-point system. For each location on the NCP, penalty points are assigned when unfavorable sediments are present in the shallow subsurface. For the Brown Bank Member and the Naaldwijk Formation, variable layer thickness is available as a grid, and translated into six classes of penalty points. Moderate-to-high gravel percentages of the seabed sediment generate penalty points as gravel habitats are rare, and because gravel is a valuable resource. An increasing number of penalty points with increasing mud percentage reflects the fact that construction activities (particularly cable trenching) disturb large volumes of seabed sediment. For bathymetry, deeper water is less favorable than shallower water. Finally, high-amplitude sand waves give more penalty points than low-amplitude sand waves. The aim of this translation exercise is a semi-quantitative classification of the research area into consistently defined suitability areas. The resulting applied geological map (Figure 1) is a useful element in decision-support systems. This first-order suitability grid for the NCP was made using readily available grids for various seabed and subsurface parameters affecting the economic and environmental cost of wind-farm development. 18 of 110 Report number C140/10 Figure 1. First-order suitability of the NCP for wind-farm development This approach has several drawbacks. First, -not all underlying grids are up-to-date. Second, -several grids do not cover all of the research area. Third, -many other thickness grids are absent altogether. Finally, the presence or absence of units used in the construction of the suitability grid does not reflect their maximum extent, but rather their presence at the top of the Pleistocene and Holocene sequences. Despite these drawbacks, the first-order grid is a suitable means in assessing the potential economic and environmental cost of wind-farm development. It enables the definition of exclusion zones, is a source of information in environmental-impact studies, and provides a developer with a semi-quantitative decisionmaking tool when comparing the suitability of two or more competing areas. Report number C140/10 19 of 110 3.1.4. Integration application cumulative effects; CUMULEO 1.0 There is growing demand for improved understanding of the cumulative environmental effects linked to multiple North Sea offshore wind farms. Knowledge on how to effectively quantify such cumulative offshore effects is currently insufficient: For instance, a conceptual understanding with regard to effects summation is almost totally lacking. This shortcoming is reinforced by lack of basic information on specific 'nature values'. Simultaneously these combined data are essential background data for allocating eventual cumulative effects on the distribution and ecology of certain species. The main objective was to develop rules for the calculation of cumulative effects linked to multiple offshore wind farms located in a confined area. These have been developed for a variety of themes including landscape & perception, and nature & environment (birds, sea mammals, fish, and sea fauna). This project further marks a first dedicated effort to develop a conceptual knowledge base for describing cumulative effects linked to multiple offshore wind farms spaced relatively close to each other. These interaction effects have been studied for various 'subject groups' including birds, underwater sound and benthos as well as landscaping/perceptions in relation to operational and new planned offshore wind farms. Dedicated support tool This study describes main results of a development track aimed at designing a dedicated support tool for describing offshore windfarm-related cumulative effects. The tool is named CUMULEO 1.0, and the acronym stands for 'CUMULative Effects of Offshore wind farms'. The calculation rules are based upon the current state-of-the-art with regard to available knowledge, but can be refined and updated with the latest knowledge In the future. However, the project excludes cumulative effects linked to offshore wind farms in a combination with other North Sea user functions. New Dutch legislation regarding application rules for the 'Wet beheer rijkswaterstaatwerken (WBR)12' came into effect December 31, 2004. Perhaps most importantly, the legislation clears the way for constructing new offshore wind farms in the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), and supports the government objective to build a cumulative 6,000 MW offshore wind capacity by 2020. In response to the new legislation a total of 78 developer consortia submitted 'starting documents' subdivided over 48 different sites, each known as a 'unique location'. Interestingly the cumulative installed capacity of these 48 locations adds up to 21,000 MW, a factor 3.5 higher than the initial 6,000 MW offshore wind objective. The Dutch government further decided to delegate selection of offshore locations to market parties, instead of choosing for a steering role that involves determining preference locations. This offshore wind power positioning has fuelled demand for a dedicated support tool,such as CUMULEO. Cumulative effects have to be viewed in relation to the currently already intensive use of the Dutch EEZ for a range of different activities including shipping, commercial fishery and mining. Furthermore, it is vital to pay sufficient attention to key natural values and other relevant issues requiring protection at national as well as European (EU) legislative levels. As part of Environmental Impact Analysis (in Dutch MER) rulings for new planned offshore wind farms, developers are obliged to provide comprehensive background information to the responsible authorities. That package includes sufficient clarification on cumulative effects linked to already operational and/or other planned wind farm projects, as well as additional ongoing and/or planned North Sea user applications. GIS technology basis CUMULEO is based upon Geographic Information System (GIS) technology essential considering the three-dimensional nature of disturbances to natural and environmental features. CUMULEO v1.0 as a 12 http://rijkswaterstaat.nl/wegen/wetten_en_regelgeving/wet_beheer_rijkswaterstaatwerken/ 20 of 110 Report number C140/10 main function comprises a sequence of working steps, which can all be performed with the aid of GISbased maps developed as part of the We@Sea Site atlas project. The calculation rules have been applied initially as part of a fictitious scenario, analyzing the cumulative effects of 10 'small' offshore wind farms of 100 MW each (all 28 x 3.6 MW). These fictitious ten wind farm sites are all located off the North Sea coast off the province of Zuid Holland. Furthermore, per theme we developed a calculation rule based on several predefined assumptions. Next step was analyzing this theme scenario with as its basis the outcomes of a cumulative effects search. This was followed by determining an eventual need for further optimizing, with a main focus at either calculation rules and/or basic background information. That in turn can provide the basis for future We@Sea projects. The calculation rules have finally been tested at planned Dutch North Sea wind farms OWEZ and Princess Amalia. 3.1.5. Analysis techniques for georeferenced monitoring data Evaluating and monitoring the impact of human activities on the marine environment is a requirement for sustainable marine development. A major issue within the We@Sea project is how to study the impact of offshore wind farms on marine fauna while the background signal (i.e. the undisturbed situation) is poorly understood. Distribution patterns of marine fauna have high spatial and temporal heterogeneity and are therefore difficult to characterize with few dedicated surveys in the impacted area.. Moreover, the understanding of the resulting pattern at this local scale will be influenced by the patterns at larger scales and by dynamic factors (ecological, physical, human activities) occurring at the location and time of the surveys. Assessing whether changes in the composition of marine fauna from the pre-construction to the post-construction situation are indeed evidence of impact is a challenging task. In this research we support ecological experts in the We@Sea project by performing a transparent analysis of multiple spatio-temporal data sets that contain (direct or indirect) information on the impact of offshore wind farms on marine fauna. The objectives of this study therefore are: 1. To develop a method to identify whether the number of a given species observed after the construction of an offshore wind farm is evidence of change due to the wind farm presence. 2. To test the method with data collected for assessing the impact of offshore wind farms on seabirds Fig. 2. In this study we have developed a method, based on geostatistical simulation to assess whether observations of spatio-temporally varying abundance of marine fauna (count data) in the wind farm area Report number C140/10 21 of 110 and its surroundings are evidence of impact of the wind farm on marine fauna. The data set should consist of data collected both before and after the construction of the offshore wind farm. The method can accommodate (a) expert knowledge on site-specific and species-specific information regarding species behavior in relation to biological and physical factors as well as human activities, and (b) statistical properties of the collected data over various temporal and spatial scales, including effects of varying surveying layout. To demonstrate the applicability of the method in real impact assessment studies the method has been applied to the case of the Egmond offshore wind farm and its impact on guillemots (Uria aalge). Results showed that the number of guillemots observed during the post-construction period in the impact and control areas did not provide evidence for either positive or negative impact of the wind farm on this seabird species. This conclusion holds for the current level of understanding of how guillemots respond to various dynamic physical conditions as well as the lack of coinciding monitoring data of the physical conditions at the day of survey. If we wish to assess impact of wind farms on seabirds, monitoring of known explanatory physical conditions at both the local and the larger scales is needed. Our findings illustrate once more that impact assessments on marine fauna, and seabirds in particular, are inherently surrounded by uncertainties due to the complexity of the problem at hand combined with the inability to collect sufficient amounts of accurate data for the assessments. With the developed method we expect that these uncertainties can be handled more explicitly in the decision making process on offshore wind farm development. The method can be extended (and currently is) to acquire insight in the probability of reaching a wrong conclusion about impact of offshore wind farms on marine fauna, in which the case that impacts remain undetected is of particular interest. This extension involves examination of the effects of i) survey effort and design, ii) spatial distribution of environmental factors, and iii) spatial autocorrelation in species abundance on the ability to detect an impact when it is indeed present. Results of analysis for different combinations of these factors will provide information for the design of optimal monitoring strategies balancing costs and effectiveness in detecting harmful impacts that are potentially present. This is to be done such that further developments can continue, but that notions about acceptable risks of specific ecological impacts for reaching targets of renewable energy are quantified and honored. Results of this study have been presented on international scientific conferences (NEED REFERENCES) and have been (and will be) submitted to international peer reviewed scientific journals. 3.2. Morphological and Ecological Impacts 3.2.1. Morphological impacts Introduction This project carried out within WP4 of RL2 as part of a PhD project studied the morphological impacts of offshore wind farms, and developed a system to predict the large-scale effects of human activities, e.g. wind farms, on the North Sea seabed on a long timescale. Natural and Human Induced Seabed Evolution The North Sea is a highly dynamic area, where a tidal current flows over a sandy seabed. It is an intensively used area where various human activities take place. The seabed is rich in oil and gas and many oil and gas platforms connected to the shore with pipelines, mostly buried below the seabed. Telephone and data cables are placed up and in the seabedrunning from one country to another. In addition the North Sea is a biologically rich area, and is intensively fished.. The sand of the seabed is mined and used for large infrastructural projects. As important harbors face the North Sea, intensive shipping takes place and there are many shipping lanes, which require dredging. In addition, large areas are reserved for offshore wind farms and other functions such asmilitary terrains. The seabed of the North Sea is not flat, but is shaped in several wavy patterns, ranging from small ripples to large sand banks. Sand banks have a wave length between 1 and 10 km and can have a height of several tens of meters. Somewhat smaller features are sand waves. Their length varies between 100 and 800 m and they can be up to 10 m high from trough to crest. As the North Sea is a very dynamic area, both in 22 of 110 Report number C140/10 natural and a morphological sense, and as many human activities take place here, it is important to know what the large-scale effects of human activities on the seabed will be. W e developed a system for predicting the large-scale effects of human activities on the North Sea seabed on a long timescale (van der Veen, 2008). This system implemented idealized morphodynamic models in a GIS (Geographical Information System) also containing data on the North Sea environment. We predicted the occurrence of sand banks and sand waves in the North Sea and compared these results with observations of these large-scale bed forms. The results show that we are able to correctly predict the occurrence of sand banks and sand waves in large parts of the North Sea, The models predicting the morphological effects of human activities cannot be validated yet. However, as they are based on the same principles as the models used to predict the occurrence of sand banks and sand waves, of which the results are compared with observations of large-scale bed forms in the North Sea. We assume that the models predicting the effects of human activities do not show any morphological evolution, if the model that predicts the occurrence of sand banks does not predict the occurrence of sand banks at this particular location. This because, the underlying mechanisms of the models on human activities are based on the same 2DH flow conditions that are necessary for sand bank development. We connected idealized morphodynamic models to the GIS to create a tool that used to predict the effects of human activities on the North Sea seabed. The models use site-specific input to give predictions for an arbitrary location in the North Sea. The first application of this system is large-scale sand extraction. Due to large construction project, such as the enlargement of the Rotterdam harbor, the demand for sand is rising and more offshore resources will be used to fulfill the need. This means that more large-scale sand pits will be created in the North Sea. The North Sea is a shallow shelf sea where the tide flows over a sandy bed. Therefore, the presence of sand pits can influence the morphological behavior of this seabed. The second application is offshore wind farms. We investigated the influence of offshore wind farms on the large-scale morphodynamics of the seabed. The need for sustainable energy is increasing, wind energy is one of the forms of renewable energy that can be harvested efficiently. We developed a morphodynamic model to investigate the effect of offshore wind farms on the seabed. By implementing the model in the GIS environment, the model allowed us to calculate the effects of a wind farm using site-specific and farm design input parameters. In figure .. the morphological effects of a wind farm in the Humber estuary and the Q7 wind farm close to the Dutch coast after 100 years are shown. We observed that the effects of the Q7 wind farm (located off the coast of Ijmuiden) are much smaller than the effects of the Humber wind farm. Predicted morphological changes after 100 years at the Q7 wind farm ranged from maximum 10 cm erosion to maximum 20 cm sedimentation. Predicted changes at the Humber site were 4 times larger. Figure 3 Seabed change in meter due to the Humber wind farm (left) and the Q7 wind farm (right) after 100 years. The values above the plot denote the lowest point of the seabed (min) and the highest bed elevation (max) in meter. Report number C140/10 23 of 110 By implementing idealized morphodynamic models in a GIS environment we were able to predict the occurrence of large-scale bed forms on the North Sea seabed. Also, by implementing models predicting the effects of human activities in the GIS system, we were able to give an indication of the large-scale morphological effects of these human activities in the North Sea, thereby providing a rapid assessment tool to predict the morphological effects of human activities on the seabed. 3.2.2. Impacts on marine mammals Introduction There are three potential impacts of offshore wind farms (OWF’s) on marine mammals in the North Sea: • The direct impact of underwater noise produced during pile hammering: The intense underwater noise produced during pile hammering can lead to death, hearing loss, or hearing damage in marine mammals. Marine mammals, especially dolphins and porpoises, are highly dependant on their hearing capability (sonar) in finding their food, for orientation and communication; • The loss of major feeding or nursery habitats: If an OWF (or a cluster of OWF’s), becomes unattractive for marine mammals (for example because of the underwater noise produced during operation or because of its presence) and the OWF is situated in an important feeding or nursery habitat, this might lead to the loss of these habitats and consequently may have an impact on the population; • Influence on migration routes due to disturbing influences of underwater noise during construction and operation of OWF’s: Several species of marine mammals are dependant of daily migration routes between for example the coast, e.g. seals resting on sand banks, and offshore feeding habitats. A single OWF or a cluster of OWF’s might lead to a barrier in these migration routes if they exhibit disturbing effects. On the other hand it is possible that OWF’s may develop into an attractive feeding or resting habitat for marine mammals if they lead to an increase in prey species. It is possible that fish abundance within the wind farms could increase due to either the introduction of new habitats due to the presence of turbines, as well as the absence of fisheries in the wind farm area. On the Dutch Continental Shelf, three species of marine mammals are most abundant: the harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, the harbor or common seal, Phoca vitulina, and the grey seal, Halichoerus grypus. Other species also occasionally occur, such asthe bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncates, the white-beaked dolphin, Lagenorhynchus acutorostrata, the white sided dolphin, Lagenorhynchus acutus and the Minke Whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata. Knowledge on these species is relatively low, but we assume that they are rare in comparison to seals or porpoises. Seals are monitored at their ‘haul-out’ sites in coastal areas by airplane, i.e. Wadden Sea and Delta areas, but information on their (feeding) migration routes in the North Sea, let alone information on important habitats in the North Sea, is still very scarce. This information is very important in order to assess the impacts of (clusters of) OWF’s on habitats or migration routes. Monitoring of porpoises and dolphins is executed during bimonthly surveys by airplane, which is mainly focused on birds. With respect to marine mammals, these aerial surveys can say something about presence and absence of species. However the method used in this monitoring program is not sufficient for a quantitative assessment of the distribution and the population of porpoises and dolphins. Monitoring of porpoises and dolphins is also performed during ship-based surveys. However these are not carried out on a regular basis and do not cover the entire DCS or North Sea. Only in the SCANS project, a coordinated North Sea wide monitoring of cetaceans was carried out in 1994 and 11 years later in 2005 (figure ..). The information of SCANS led to the first relatively reliable estimate of the harbor porpoise population in the North Sea, and insight in changes in the distribution of this species in the North Sea. 24 of 110 Report number C140/10 Figure 4 Two figures, left 1994 and right 2005, showing major shift in the distribution of harbor porpoise in the North Sea, Source: SCANS II: http://biology.st-andrews.ac.uk/scans2/inner-furtherInfo.html Research related to the impact of offshore wind farms on marine mammals in the Netherlands has focused on three topics: • Studies on the presence/absence of harbor porpoises in an offshore wind farm in relation to the surrounding reference areas and the baseline situation, i.e. the period before construction of the wind farm (NSW-MEP) in comparison to the impact situation, i.e. during operation of the wind farm; • Studies on the migration routes, distribution and habitat preferences of seals, both common and grey seals, on the Dutch continental shelf (NSW-MEP and We@Sea); • Studies on the hearing sensitivity of seals and porpoises (NSW-MEP and We@Sea). • A study on the impact of pile-hammering by carrying out ship-based surveys during the pilehammering period and analyzing stranded porpoises along the Dutch coast (NSW-MEP). Furthermore studies have been and are carried out on the production of under water sound during the construction and the operation phase of OWF’s (NSW-MEP). These data can be indirectly used to assess the impact of under water noise on marine mammal species. 3.2.3. Impacts on grey seals In order to assess possible effects of wind farming on the marine environment, basic data are essential. Both general and local knowledge should be made available to estimate effects on a local scale, and give insights into possible interactions between local phenomenon and this relatively new activity (so-called interaction effects). In the case of marine mammals in the Netherlands, studies have been conducted in relation to harbor seals and harbor porpoise within the framework of the NSW-MEP program (Brasseur et al in press, Scheidat et al in press). For grey seals in Dutch waters, identifying a cause and effect relationship between the wind farm (construction and operation) and the well-being of the seals was not possible due to insufficient information available for this species. Therefore a study was started within the framework of We@Sea to focus on grey seals. The study was set up to gain an understanding of the possible effects of large-scale development of wind farms at sea on grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in Dutch waters. However, in lack of references on the grey seals in Dutch waters, the prerequisite of this study was to gather basic data on the species. The study included 3 parts: 1. population development, 2. diet and 3. habitat use. This study permits for a (preliminary) Report number C140/10 25 of 110 assessment of the effects of the construction and operation of the wind farms Princess Amalia and the Offshore Wind farm Egmond aan Zee (OWEZ). Grey seal numbers have grown impressively in Dutch Wadden Sea in the past 30 years; from an occasional individual to a maximum count of over 2000 animals during the moult, when most animals are observed (fig ,,; reference). In addition, growing numbers of grey seals are observed in the Dutch Delta area, sometimes exceeding the number of harbor seals (Strucker et al., 2007.). Presumably, most animals originated from the British coasts, where the largest grey seal population in the world resides. 2500 Number of seals 2000 1500 Moult Other Pup 1000 02-Mar-04 06-Jun-01 10-Sep-98 15-Dec-95 20-Mar-93 24-Jun-90 28-Sep-87 01-Jan-85 0 27-Nov-06 500 Figure 5 Exponential growth of grey seals in the Dutch Wadden Sea during the moult (March/April 18.74%), the pupping period (December – February -19.76%) and during the remaining time ‘other’ 14.65%. Other strongholds of grey seals on the continent are found in Germany, but numbers remain below several hundred. This heightens the responsibility to protect them in the framework of the Habitat Directive. Yearly monitoring of the population development will show when the population stabilizes both in size as well as in the use of the haul outs. The data on the relative importance of the different haul outs plays an important role in assessing the distribution when at sea. We conducted dietary studies to define what the animals eat in the Dutch waters. These might give insight into possible changes in diet if animals are attracted to wind farms. In this part of the study we showed that grey seals along the Dutch coast primarily feed on a variety of demersal fish species, mainly sole in spring and flounder in autumn. This is comparable to the diet of grey seals from the east coast of the UK, though more sandeel is eaten there. On average, prey is seldom larger than 20cm and only slightly larger compared to the harbor seals’ diet. As scat analysis (like all methods for dietary research of cryptic animals) creates a bias, additional information was collected for fatty acid analysis. However, the results of this analysis are not yet satisfactory. In the near future, we expect to use this method in parallel to scat analysis to more fully understand the dietary preference of the species. Finally, from our spatial distribution studies we conclude that the Dutch North Sea zone plays an important role for grey seals, both in terms of migration and foraging (figure ..). Although most seals spend the majority of their time close to their central place (haul-outs), our model (REFERENCES) predicts that areas further offshore such as the Frisian front and the Dogger Bank provide suitable foraging areas. McConnell et al (1999) found that grey seals from UK populations travel to and feed on the Dogger Bank. Large distance migrations along the continental coasts and to the UK are observed. This suggests that the Dutch population is indeed open. Consequently, increase in human activity along these migration routes has the potential to disturb the seals. In our small sample size, a relatively large number of seals are found to make these journeys suggesting that it is common practice for these seals to travel such long distances. In terms of preference to particular areas, our model indicates that the grey seals prefer sandy areas and shallow waters. This lends support to previous studies in which similar 26 of 110 Report number C140/10 results were found (e.g. Aarts et al 2008, and in the case of harbor seals, Brasseur et al 2009). These findings allow the prediction of spatial distribution, even in areas with little telemetry data. The use of the offshore area seems crucial to understand the possible influence of wind farming. This in turn requires an understanding of the ‘normal’ behavior of the seals, i.e. habitat use, and the ability to accurately track individuals in their 3-dimensional environment. Additionally, it is necessary to understand if and how this ‘normal’ behavior changes in the presence of a wind farm or multiple wind farms. We have some understanding of grey seals in Dutch waters, i.e. numbers, haul out patterns, and phenology (as recently reviewed in Brasseur et al., 2008). However our knowledge on the seals’ distribution at sea is still lacking. Moreover this study shows that this can be somewhat hampered by the large individual variation of the animals. In this study we have gone through large efforts to gather more detailed information on the seals’ habitat use (preference) and on which factors influence their distribution (both natural and human). Habitat maps such as figure… can be used in discussions on spatial management with respect to choices on further development of offshore wind farms. We did not succeed in calculating the effect of pile driving activity at the wind farm, as the number of seals tagged at that moment were too low. In addition, many seals were too far from the area to perceive any activity. As a first guess based on circumstantial evidence; the seals seem to move towards the wind farm area more after the pile driving stopped. This is shown by the tracks of the seals that were tagged during the pile driving activity. Report number C140/10 27 of 110 Figure 6 Modeled seal preference using the preferences for the various environmental characteristics described in the report, but after removal of the effect of distance to the haulout site. This map provides a rough indication of where seals would be if they would not be constrained to return to their haulout. 28 of 110 Report number C140/10 3.2.4. Hearing sensitivity of Harbor Seals In order to improve the assessment of the audibility ranges of underwater sound related to offshore wind farms, the hearing thresholds of 2 harbor seals were tested for both tonal signals and noise bands. Methods study 1 The underwater hearing sensitivities of two one-year-old female harbor seals were quantified in a pool built for acoustic research, using a behavioral psychoacoustic technique. The animals were trained to respond when they detected an acoustic signal and not to respond when they did not (go/no-go response). Pure tones (0.125-0.25 kHz) and narrowband FM (tonal) signals (center frequencies 0.5-100 kHz) of 900 ms duration were tested. Thresholds at each frequency were measured using the up-down staircase method and defined as the stimulus level resulting in a 50% detection rate. Figure 7 Harbor seal at the listening station waiting for a sound signal. Report number C140/10 29 of 110 Figure 8 Trained response of the harbor seal after it detected a sound signal (swim away from listening station) Results study 1 The audiograms of the two seals did not differ statistically: both plots showed the typical mammalian Ushape, but with a wide and flat bottom (figure ..). Maximum sensitivity (54 dB re 1 µPa, rms) occurred at 1 kHz. The frequency range of best hearing (within 10 dB of maximum sensitivity) was from 0.5 to 40 kHz (6 ⅓ octaves). Higher hearing thresholds (indicating poorer sensitivity) were observed below 1 kHz and above 40 kHz. Thresholds below 4 kHz were lower than those previously described for harbor seals, which demonstrates the importance of using quiet facilities, built specifically for acoustic research, for hearing studies in marine mammals. 30 of 110 Report number C140/10 Figure 9 The average underwater hearing threshold (in dB re 1µPa, rms) of the two study animals in the present study, shown as a line, and the underwater hearing thresholds found for harbor seals in previous studies [Møhl, 1968 a (± 500 ms ■); Terhune, 1988 (500 ms □); Turnbull and Terhune, 1993 (repeated signals, 50 ms, 10/s ○); Kastak and Schusterman, 1998 (500 ms ▲); Southall et al., 2005 (500 ms ●)]. The numbers between brackets indicate the signal durations used in the studies. Report number C140/10 31 of 110 Importance for development of wind energy at sea The results suggest that under unmasked conditions many anthropogenic noise sources and sounds from conspecifics are audible to harbor seals at greater ranges than formerly believed. This means that both the sounds produced during the construction of wind parks (pile driving) and during the operational phase, are audible over wider ranges than formerly believed. However, audibility does not relate 1-to-1 to “effect on behavior”. To determine the effect on behavior “dose-response” studies with harbor seals are needed like those conducted for ACME sounds and tones (Kastelein et al., 2006 a, b), but then for specific wind farm related sounds. The study is published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (Kastelein et al., 2009a). Methods study 2 Fourteen narrowband noise signals (1/3-octave bands but with some energy in adjacent bands), at 1/3octave center frequencies of 0.2-80 kHz, and of 900 ms duration, were tested. Thresholds at each frequency were measured using the up-down staircase method and defined as the stimulus level resulting in a 50% detection rate. Results study 2 Between 0.5 and 40 kHz the thresholds corresponded to a 1/3-octave band noise level of ~60 dB re 1 µPa (S.D. ± 3.0 dB) (figure ..). At lower frequencies the thresholds increased to 66 dB re 1 µPa and at 80 kHz the thresholds rose to 114 dB re 1 µPa. The 1/3-octave noise band thresholds of the two seals did not differ from each other, or from the narrowband frequency modulated tone thresholds at the same frequencies obtained a few months before for the same animals. 32 of 110 Report number C140/10 Figure 10 The mean underwater hearing threshold (dB re 1µPa, rms) of the two study animals in the present study for 1/3-octave noise bands (▲), and the mean underwater hearing thresholds for tonal signals (□) of the same animals, with the same equipment, in the same environment four months earlier (Kastelein et al., 2009). Importance for development of wind energy at sea These hearing threshold values of this study can be used to calculate detection ranges of underwater calls and anthropogenic noises by harbor seals. Most windpark related sounds are not tonal, but noise bands. The study shows that harbor seal hearing is equally sensitive to noise bands as to tonal signals. Published knowledge on various harbor seal hearing parameters is mostly based on tonal signals, and may thus be used by acousticians to calculated audibility ranges of anthropogenic sounds, including windpark related sounds. The study is published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (Kastelein et al., 2009b). Role of results in international context Both studies have been published in a high ranking journal specialized in acoustic studies. Because the harbor seal occurs in all coastal areas of the temperate waters of the Northern Hemisphere, the interest in these studies is high. The studies are not only useful for calculating the detection ranges of sounds produced during all phases of offshore wind parks, but also for calculating detection ranges of all anthropogenic underwater sounds. One study has already been referred to in a recent overview of OSPAR about the effects of anthropogenic sound and marine fauna (OSPAR Commission, 2009). Report number C140/10 33 of 110 Suggestions for further hearing and behavioral response research related to offshore wind farms and anthropogenic underwater sound in general (Note: Similar behavioral studies have been conducted by SEAMARCO during the last 3 years for specific naval related sounds (for the Ministry of Defence); these studies are at the moment (March 2010) in the analysis phase and will be published in scientific journals later this year). Harbor seals 1. Underwater hearing sensitivity of harbor seals in noise (critical ratios). 2. Directionality of hearing in harbor seals (directivity index). 3. Temporary hearing Threshold Shift (TTS) in harbor seals. 4. Equal-loudness contours in harbor seals. 5. Startle response sound levels for harbor seals to windpark related sounds. 6. Avoidance sound levels for harbor seals to windpark related sounds Harbor porpoises 1. Temporary hearing Threshold Shift (TTS) in harbor porpoises. 2. Equal-loudness contours in harbor porpoises. 3. Startle response sound levels for harbor porpoises to windpark related sounds. 4. Avoidance sound levels for harbor porpoises to windpark related sounds Marine fish 1. Effect of certain specific anthropogenic sounds on marine fish. 3.2.5. Results of NSW-MEP research related to marine mammals Impact of pile hammering during construction of the OWEZ wind farm During the construction phase of the OWEZ wind farm studies were performed to analyze the possible impact of pile hammering on porpoises (Leopold & Camphuysen, 2008). Ship-based surveys and analyses of stranded animals were carried out. During construction no porpoises were detected in the area. This was probably caused by a combination of factors, i.e. densities of porpoises are generally low in the period during which pile hammering occurred, the presence of all ships present in the area might have scared off the animals, pingers and a ‘ramp-up’ procedure during pile hammering were also used to ward off the animal. Analyses of stranded data did not show increased strandings of porpoises in the vicinity and down-stream of the construction site. Pathological observations on stranded specimens, in order to study possible damage to the inner ear, could not be performed. It was concluded that timing and high before-pile driving noise levels made it very unlikely that porpoises got in harm’s way during construction of OWEZ. Impact of the Offshore Wind Farm Egmond aan Zee (OWEZ) on harbour porpoise The presence/absence of Harbour Porpoises within and in the vicinity of the Offshore Wind Farm Egmond aan Zee (OWEZ) was studied using acoustic porpoise detectors called T-PODs (Brasseur et al 2004, Scheidat et al in press). Observations were carried out before construction of OWEZ (T0), within the wind farm (T1) and in a so-called reference area. The impact of the wind farm was investigated by using a basic Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) design. The results showed that porpoise click activity increased in the impact area (wind farm) in comparison to the reference area (north and south of the wind farm). The cause for this could not be determined, but may be linked to an increase in food availability, i.e. increased numbers of fish, due to the so-called reef effect of wind farms and turbines and/or the absence of fisheries within the wind farm. These results deviate from studies that were carried out at Danish wind farms that showed a negative impact at the Nysted farm and no impact at Horns Rev (Tougaard et al 2006 a & b). This highlights that results from one wind farm cannot be directly translated to other farms. 34 of 110 Report number C140/10 Habitat preferences of harbor seals in the Dutch coastal area: analysis and estimate of effects of offshore wind farms The distribution and migration routes of harbor seals on the Dutch part of the North Sea were studied by means of telemetry techniques (Brasseur et al in press). Data were analyzed in order to determine the distribution, habitat preferences and impact of existing wind farms. Results showed that harbor seals in the DCS have a preference for areas relatively close to the haul out, relatively shallow areas and areas with sediments with low mud content. Furthermore indications were found that seals tend to avoid shipping activity and that tagged seals avoided the area of the wind farms during the construction phase when pile hammering occurred up to at least 40 km away. After operation the seals were found closer to the wind park then during construction. 3.2.6. Impacts on birds Introduction With respect to birds there are several potential impacts of OWF’s that are relevant. All bird species can experience a direct impact of wind farms due to collisions with wind turbines. Seabirds can be disturbed by the presence of the wind farms or activities associated with the (construction of) wind farms which can lead to loss of feeding or resting habitats. Wind farms can also act as barriers within important migrations routes of seabirds, i.e. between their breeding sites and feeding areas. Also other migrating birds along the Dutch coast or birds migrating between the Netherlands and the UK can experience these effects. The severity of all these potential impacts will be enhanced if more wind farms are developed in the North Sea (cumulative impacts) and several national and international plans for wind farms are developed in such a way that clusters of OWF’s may become barriers in migration routes. Within We@Sea one major study was executed in which the impact of offshore wind farms were studied. The results of this study are summarized below. Report number C140/10 35 of 110 Objectives This research serves four objectives: 1. To generate a map of the North Sea indicating in which areas wind farms would have an adverse effect on seabirds. 2. To find explanatory variables for the bird distribution in the biologically rich Frisian Front area. 3. To determine the gradient in bird fluxes in a transect perpendicular to the Dutch coast. 4. To develop innovative instruments for scientific research. Results Bird sensitivity map Bird distribution data have been gathered and brought together in one database from various sources: Rijkswaterstaat, NIOZ, IMARES and Bureau Waardenburg. An algorithm for bird sensitivity to wind farms depending on species characteristics was applied based on Garthe & Hüppop (2004) yielding an index number for bird risks; the wind farm sensitivity index (WSI). The overall risk map was constructed from the combined species distribution maps and species risk indices. WSI Max over all seasons Max WSI all Seasons WSI Avg over all seasons AVG WSI all Seasons 20 % lowest values 20 % lowest values 20 % low values 20 % low values 20 % values less concern 20 % values less concern 20 % values concern 20 % values concern 20 % values major concern 20 % values major concern Figure 1. Year-round maps of seasonal maximum (left) and average WSI values across the Dutch Continental Shelf, combining aerial and ship-based data (ducks excluded). The data are plotted in five, 20 percentile, classes. Areas of concern and of major concern are plotted in orange and red, respectively, while areas of less concern (the lower, 0-60 percentiles) are plotted in various shades of green. 36 of 110 Report number C140/10 Explanation of bird distribution in Frisian Front The Frisian Front attracts many seabirds (Dewicke et al 2002; Leopold 1991). It hosts a number of typical North Sea bird species such as Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis), Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus), Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus) and Common Guillemot (Uria aalge). For the latter two species, the area is of particular importance during the reproductive period. Lesser Black-backed Gulls fly back and forth from their breeding colonies on the Wadden Sea islands to their foraging areas at and around the Frisian Front (Ens et al 2009). Male Common Guillemots escort their still flightless chicks from the British breeding colonies to the Frisian Front and undergo a complete feather moult during this period (Camphuysen 2002). The Frisian Front is rich in both demersal and pelagic fish. Whereas Common Guillemots are able to reach this fish at any depth at any time (potential diving depths exceed Frisian Front bottom depths, cf Hedd et al 2009), most fish swim too deep to be preyed upon by surface feeders, such as Lesser Blackbacked Gulls. This is unless factors come in to play that bring these fishes to the surface. Under natural circumstances, pelagic fish can be driven to the surface by hunting predators, such as cetaceans (e.g. Harbour Porpoise Phocoena phocoena), birds (e.g. Common Guillemot) or predatory fish (e.g. Mackerel Scomber scombrus). In an attempt to escape, schools of small pelagic fish may migrate to the surface, where they can be preyed upon by surface feeders. These ‘feeding frenzies’, which are attended by several predatory species, are called ‘multi-species feeding associations’ (MSFA). Alternatively, otherwise unattainable fish become available through anthropogenic fishing, whereby discards are thrown overboard. These two mechanisms are not mutually exclusive and birds may use them opportunistically. We surveyed birds and sampled fish in the upper water column in the Frisian Front area. The interrelationship between fish, birds and environmental parameters yields knowledge on the distribution of birds at sea, which is important for spatial planning of wind turbines. Both fish sampling and echosounder scans revealed low densities of small pelagic fish near the water surface during daytime (figure 1). Daytime biomass of fish species known as prey for Common Guillemots (Sprat Sprattus sprattus, ScadTrachurus trachurus, Herring Clupea harengusi, Whiting Merlangius merlangus and Mackerel Scomber scombrus) did not correlate with observed Common Guillemot densities and guillemots were not seen foraging during the day. However, several Common Guillemots were observed to start diving at sunset. A nocturnal fish sampling revealed a much higher fish biomass (especially Herring and Sprat) in the upper water layers after sunset. A peak in diving activity during crepuscular periods (the twilight zone) has been reported for Common Guillemots (Nevins et al 2004; Hedd et al 2009). Suspending foraging to crepuscular periods when prey migrates upwards may energetically be favourable, as diving depth can be minimized (which may especially demanding for chicks) and hunting success may be higher (Helfman 1993). Although MSFAs have been observed at the Frisian Front in the past, none were observed during our 2009 survey. This can probably be explained by the absence of large fish schools and the low numbers of potential MSFA drivers. The only potential MSFA driver present in good numbers – Common Guillemots – were not foraging during daytime and therefore did not produce MSFAs diurnally. Hence, MSFAs could not supply Lesser Black-backed Gulls with diurnal foraging opportunities. Lesser Black-backed Gulls where mainly seen following the observation ship or – if within sight – following fishing vessels. This, combined with the virtual lack of natural foraging behaviour indicate that at least during daytime, Lesser Black-backed Gulls rely on fishing vessels discards rather than MSFAs. Man thus plays an important role in making unavailable fish available to gulls. Report number C140/10 37 of 110 Figure 2. Figure 2. Left: Typical echogram from the upwards beaming towed body with mounted 200 kHz splitbeam transducer. The red marks are probably fish(schools). In the first meter from the surface, the echogram shows a lot of noise, caused by reflections from the rough sea. Right: Acoustic distribution (NASC) of all fish species by 1 meter depth layers. Figure 3. Results from the ship-based bird survey in the Frisian Front area during 2-6 August. Left panel: density of Common Guillemots and fish tracks. Right panel: Lesser Black-backed Gulls and their associations with floating matter. Many gulls associated with the ship during the fish sampling (compare with fish track locations in left panel). 38 of 110 Report number C140/10 Gradient in bird fluxes It has been hypothesized that there is a gradient in bird fluxes going towards the coast. However, research so far has not provided proof for this. Currently employed bird radar stations are located relatively close to shore, providing only half the picture. In this project a bird radar station has been located at an offshore site. By comparing bird fluxes measured at different distances from shore, the hypothesized gradient in bird movements can be quantified and tested. Project results are, however, not yet available. Innovative instruments In order to collect data on the fish distribution in the upper layer of the water column, we developed three innovative instruments. First, we built an acoustic sensor for the upper water layer. Normally, these sensors face downwards and are towed behind the ship. The newly developed acoustic sensor faced upward, scanning the water column from the towing depth (approximately 7m) up to the water surface. In order to avoid disturbance of fish by the ship, towing the sonar in the wake of the ship should be avoided. Therefore, the sonar was dragged at an angle with the ships’ bearing, which was achieved by shaping it like a wing, making it ‘fly like a kite in the water’. Second, we developed a new fishing net that enabled us to fish the top three meters of water with a reasonably large net opening. Third, we adapted a special net for plankton surveys with a fixed net opening to operate in North Sea waters. Like the acoustic sonar, these nets had to be towed at an angle with the ships’ bearing, which was achieved by shearing boars (paravanes). Figure 4. From left to right: acoustic underwater kite, surface trawl net and floating plankton net. Implications for the development of wind energy at sea This project has generated a map of the North Sea that shows the areas where wind turbine parks can be planned best to have the least impact on birds. It will show what gradient in bird fluxes is present off the Dutch coast and it has given us a deeper understanding of explanatory variables for the distribution of birds at sea. Last but not least it has given us a set of innovative instruments to better survey the marine environment. Report number C140/10 39 of 110 3.2.7. Impacts on fish and benthos Introduction The potential impacts of offshore wind farms on the fish community and the benthos community can be as follows: • Pile hammering associated with the construction of the foundation for offshore wind turbines may result in damage to fish and fish larvae or changes in fish behavior due to the high levels of underwater noise associated with this; • Underwater noise produced during the operational phase of offshore wind farms may change fish behavior; • The presence of offshore wind farms may cause changes in seabed characteristics which can influence the distribution of benthic species and demersal fish species; • Absence of fisheries within the offshore wind farm, because fishing is not allowed, may change the characteristics of both the fish and the benthos community because detrimental impacts from fisheries will be absent; • The presence of the offshore wind farm and the wind turbines may lead to the introduction of a new habitat for fish and benthos. Within We@Sea one research project has been carried out which focused on the impact of offshore wind farms on the benthic community, both fish and benthos. This research is described below. 3.2.8 Impact on benthic systems (fish and benthos) In this study we examined the potential of wind farms in the North Sea for the conservation of both commercial, and non-commercial demersal fish species, the benthic fauna on which they feed, and the response of fishers to the closure of fishing areas as a result of the recent implementation of wind farms near IJmuiden. Within this study we addressed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A description of the prevalence of fish and benthos The relationships between benthos and fish The effects of protected areas for benthos and fish Suitability maps for wind farms, based on fish and benthos mortality The change in fishing intensity as a result of the development of wind farms. Through 1) maps of the distribution of fish and benthos from survey data, 2) & 3) modeling the food web relationships between benthos and demersal fish, and their relationships with the area covered by wind farms, 4) mapping the (potential) mortality of trawling on fish and benthos and 5) mapping the change in distribution of fishing effort based on VMS data, we address the placement of wind farms and their potential effects on fish, benthos and fishers. This report will also serve as a basis for future peer – reviewed publications in scientific literature, and as a basis for future work. Most important results: 1. The distribution maps of the boxcore fauna and the dredge fauna show that the fauna density is particularly high in the coastal zone and at the Frisian Front. The Doggerbank only shows a high density for the boxcore fauna. For biodiversity the Frisian Front and the Oystergrounds have the highest figures. See Figures 1 and 2 40 of 110 Report number C140/10 BOXCORE Total Fauna Density 55°30'0"N 55°0'0"N 54°30'0"N 54°0'0"N 53°30'0"N N/m2 15 - 125 126 - 500 501 - 2,000 53°0'0"N 2,001 - 8,000 8,001 - 33,877 20 - 517 517 - 769 769 - 897 897 - 1,149 1,149 - 1,646 1,646 - 2,626 2,626 - 4,561 52°30'0"N 52°0'0"N 4,561 - 8,379 8,379 - 15,911 15,911 - 30,773 51°30'0"N 3°0'0"E 4°0'0"E 5°0'0"E 6°0'0"E 7°0'0"E Fig. 1. The density of the macrobenthos of the DCS based on the boxcore data. The three grey spots indicate the wind farm and two reference areas. With kriging the density of the non-sampled areas is interpolated on the basis of the sampled stations (grey open circles). Report number C140/10 41 of 110 DREDGE Total Fauna Density 55°30'0"N 55°0'0"N 54°30'0"N 54°0'0"N 53°30'0"N N/m2 53°0'0"N 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 50 51 - 200 52°30'0"N 201 - 879 1-8 8 - 11 11 - 13 52°0'0"N 13 - 16 16 - 23 23 - 41 41 - 80 51°30'0"N 80 - 172 172 - 385 3°0'0"E 4°0'0"E 5°0'0"E 6°0'0"E 7°0'0"E Fig. 2. Fig. 2. The density of the large macro-infauna and the epifauna of the DCS based on the Triple-D dredge data. With kriging the density of the non-sampled areas is interpolated on the basis of the sampled stations (grey open circles). For the white areas data were not available and could not be interpolated 42 of 110 Report number C140/10 2. Based on maps of potential benthos mortality to trawling, wind farms (provided no fishing is allowed) will have a maximum positive effect in the coastal zone above the Frisian Wadden Islands, the northern part of the Broad Fourteen, and the southern part of the Doggerbank, as beamtrawling has the largest impact on the bottom fauna in these areas. See Figure 3. DREDGE Mortality 55°30'0"N 55°0'0"N 54°30'0"N 54°0'0"N 53°30'0"N 53°0'0"N 52°30'0"N 52°0'0"N % (Density) 5 - 10 51°30'0"N 10 - 15 >15 3°0'0"E 4°0'0"E 5°0'0"E 6°0'0"E 7°0'0"E Fig. 3. The mortality (percentage that will die) of the non-mobile macrobenthos species after the passage of a beamtrawl over the area. The density data are based on the Triple-D dredge surveys, and the mortality data are taken from or are interpolated from Bergman & van Santbrink (2000). For ease of interpretation the mortality data are split up into 3 groups. Areas with a macrobenthos mortality lower 10% are striped green, those with a mortality between 10 and 15% are striped yellow, while areas with a mortality higher than 15% are striped red. Report number C140/10 43 of 110 3. For fish: Although results are inconclusive, given the concentration of many of the discard vulnerable classes near shore, it would seem that, for some considerations can be made based on species with a largely asymmetrically, and or distinctly distributed sensitivities to mortality. For instance a consideration may be made to prevent discards (both of small commercial and non-commercial nature), while preserving commercial fish landings. This could be done by placing wind farms nearshore in areas where biomass of discard vulnerable size classes is high. This is especially the case for commercial species plaice, dab, and for many of the non-commercially fished species. Alternatively, policy may be prioritized towards preserving larger individuals, in which case the opposite strategy holds true. (see figure 4, for Dab (Limanda Limanda, illustrating smaller size classes, vulnerable to discarding closer to shore, while larger size classes further away from shore) Given the concentration of many of the discard vulnerable classes near shore, and the increasing costs of building wind farms further off shore, it would seem that, for demersal fish near shore wind farms, within or near the 12 mile zone are to be recommended, although, as mentioned above, a study optimizing the placement of wind farms given the costs and expected conservation effects would be of utmost use. 44 of 110 Report number C140/10 4°E 5°E !! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! 15 - 20 Limanda limanda (small) ! !!!! ! !! !! !! ! ! ! ! 55°N ! !!! O ! ! !!! ! !O ! ! ! 0 0.01-5.00 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! 5.01-15.00 40 - 45 ! 15.01-25.00 45 - 50 ! ! ! !! ! 52°N ! ! 25.01-50.00 ! O !! 60 - 70 6°E 700000 6100000 6000000 7°E 2°E 800000 6°E 7°E ! ! !! ! O ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !!OO!!OO! !! 3°E 500000 0 25 - 30 0.01-5.00 30 - 35 ! 5.01-15.00 ! 15.01-25.00 ! 25.01-50.00 2°E 3°E 500000 4°E 5°E 4°E 45 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 70 6°E 700000 600000 3°E 40 - 45 5°E 7°E 800000 6°E 7°E 55°N ! ! !! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! O ! O !! !! ! !! ! ! ! !!!! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !!! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! O !! !! ! ! ! ! ! !!! O !OOO!O !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! O O ! !! !!! ! ! !! 54°N ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! OO !!!!!! !!!! !!! O! ! O! O ! !! O O ! !! O !!! O !! ! ! ! O ! ! ! ! ! ! O ! ! !! ! ! ! ! O O ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! O !! ! ! O O O!!O ! ! O!O !! !! O!O OO !O! ! ! !! OO ! !O !!O! O !!! O !OO !OO! ! !! !! O !!!! ! !! !!!!O! ! ! ! !O!!O ! ! O!! OOOOO!! !! ! O!! O!O!! ! !! !! ! ! !! O ! ! O !!!O!!!!O! O! ! ! !O! ! ! O ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! depth in m Spring 1985-2008 kg/ha ! ! ! ! ! !! ! 5.01-15.00 ! 15.01-25.00 ! 4°E 5°E 600000 25.01-50.00 6°E 700000 1 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 !! ! 20 - 25 30 - 35 !!!! ! !! ! 25 - 30 !! ! ! ! ! ! 0.01-5.00 !! !! ! ! ! ! depth in m 0 ! ! ! ! ! !! 15 - 20 ! O ! 1 - 10 ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! 53°N 10 - 15 ! ! ! ! 5900000 ! O ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! Limanda limanda (large) ! !! ! 20 - 25 O 0 25 - 30 ! 0.01-5.00 30 - 35 ! 5.01-15.00 ! 15.01-25.00 ! 25.01-50.00 52°N 35 - 40 !! 2°E 20 - 25 O ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! !! !! !!! ! O ! O! ! ! ! O ! ! ! O !! ! ! ! !!!! !!! ! ! ! Limanda limanda (small) ! ! !! ! !! !! !! ! Limanda limanda (large) ! 15 - 20 !! ! ! 35 - 40 50 - 60 Autumn 1985-2008 kg/ha ! ! 1 - 10 10 - 15 ! ! 5800000 ! ! depth in m Spring 1985-2008 kg/ha ! 35 - 40 40 - 45 45 - 50 5700000 ! ! ! ! !!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! O OO OO ! ! ! ! ! ! 53°N ! ! 52°N ! ! ! ! !! O!OO !! !! O!O !O! ! ! !! OO ! !O !!O! O !!! O !O !! ! !! !! O !!!!! ! !! !!!!!O ! ! ! !O!!!O ! ! ! !OO!!! !! ! ! O!! O!!! !! ! ! !! O ! ! O !!!O!!!!O O! ! ! !O! ! ! ! ! 30 - 35 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! O ! !! ! ! !! ! ! !!!! ! ! O !! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 20 - 25 25 - 30 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! O ! ! ! ! !! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! O! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! ! !O ! ! ! ! ! ! O !! ! ! ! O ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! O! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! !!! ! !! !! ! !! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! !! !!! ! ! !!! !!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! O ! ! !! ! ! !!! ! ! !O !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! O ! !! ! ! ! ! O! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! !!! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !O !O ! ! ! !!! ! !!!! !! ! ! !!!!!!!!!! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!! O! !O!!!! !! ! ! ! !!!! !! ! !! !! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! O O !! ! !!!!! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!! O ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !!O! ! O ! ! ! ! !!! ! !!!!! O!!OO ! !!! ! ! ! !O!! !!!O ! ! !!!!!! O ! O ! ! !! ! !!! !!! O !! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! !! !! !! ! !! !! ! !O ! !!! ! ! !!! ! !! ! OO! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! O! ! ! ! !!!! !!! ! ! ! !!! !! !!OO !! ! ! !!!! ! !! !! !! ! !! !!! O! ! !!! ! !O ! !!!!!! ! !!!! !! !!! ! ! ! !! O! O !! !! ! ! ! !!! O!! !!!! !! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! !!! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!! !! ! ! ! ! ! !! !!! ! O ! !! ! !! !!!!! !!!! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! !! ! !!!! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! !O ! !! ! ! ! !!!!!!! !! ! !! ! ! ! !! O ! OO !OO ! ! !O ! ! ! ! !O!! !!O !! O ! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! O!OO ! !! !!O! OO O ! ! !! ! ! !O ! ! ! ! !O !! ! O O!!! O ! ! !! ! !! ! !! !!!!! O! ! !! O !!! !! ! !!!!! !! !! ! !! ! ! ! ! !!! !! !!! !!! !! ! OO O ! !!!! O! ! !! ! !! !! ! !! ! !! ! !!!!! ! ! ! !! ! O O ! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! O !! O! ! O !! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! O ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! ! !! !! ! !!! ! !!! !! !!!! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !!!!! !!!!!!! ! ! O !!! !! !!!!! !! ! OO !! ! ! !! ! !!! !!! ! !! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! O ! ! 54°N !! ! O ! ! !!! ! ! ! !!! ! !!! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! O 1 - 10 10 - 15 ! !!! !! ! depth in m 5°E ! ! ! ! ! ! 5°E O ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! 35 - 40 4°E ! ! !! ! 600000 ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! !!! ! ! ! Autumn 1985-2008 kg/ha ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!! !! !!!!!!!! !! ! !! ! !! 4°E 3°E ! !! !! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! !!!!! !! ! !!! !!!!! ! !! ! ! !! ! !! ! 6100000 2°E 54°N ! ! 3°E 500000 ! 53°N !! 2°E !! ! ! ! ! ! !! !!!! ! !!!!! !! ! !! ! ! ! !! !!! ! ! !! ! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! !! ! !! ! !! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! !!!!!!! !! !! !!! ! ! !!!! !! ! !! ! ! !! ! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !! ! !!!! !!!!! !! !! !!! !!!!!! ! !!!!! !!!!!! !! ! !!! ! !! ! ! !! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !!!! ! !! ! ! !!!!!! !!! !! !! ! ! ! !!!! !!! ! !! ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !!! !! ! 6100000 ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !!! !!!!! ! ! ! ! !! !!!!!! !! ! ! !! !! 6000000 ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5900000 52°N ! ! ! !!! ! !!!! ! ! ! ! !! !!! O !!! ! O! ! ! !! !! !! ! !! ! !!! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!! !! !!! ! ! !!! !! !!! ! ! ! ! !!! !! ! !! !! !! !! !!!! !!!! !!! ! !! !!! !!!! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! !!! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !O !!! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! !!!!! !!!! O ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! !!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !!!!! !! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! ! ! !!!!! !!!! ! ! ! ! ! !!!! !! !!! OO ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! !!! !! O !! ! !! ! ! !O ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !!! OO ! ! !! ! !! ! !!!!!! !! !! !!!! O !! ! !!!!! !! !! ! ! ! ! !!! !! !!! !!! !! ! !!!! ! ! !!!! !! ! !! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! !!!! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! !! !! ! !!! ! !!! ! ! !!!! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !!!!! !!! !!! ! !!! ! !!!! O !! ! !!!! !!! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! 5900000 ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! !!!! ! ! ! ! !! 5800000 ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 53°N ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !!!! ! !! ! ! ! !!!! ! ! ! !!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! !!!! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! !! ! !!! ! ! ! ! !!! !!!!! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! 5700000 !! 55°N ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! !!!! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! !! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !!! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !!! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! 54°N ! ! ! ! ! ! 7°E ! ! ! !! 6°E 5800000 ! !!! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! 5°E 50 - 60 60 - 70 7°E 2°E 800000 3°E 500000 4°E 5°E 600000 6°E 700000 40 - 45 45 - 50 5700000 ! ! !! !! ! !! !!!! ! ! !! ! ! ! 5900000 ! ! ! ! 4°E 5800000 ! !! 3°E ! 6100000 ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !!! ! ! !!!!! ! ! !! !! 2°E ! !!!! ! ! ! !!! ! 55°N !! ! ! ! ! !!!! ! ! 7°E 6000000 ! ! ! 6°E 5700000 3°E 6000000 2°E 50 - 60 60 - 70 7°E 800000 Figure Fig. 4) Distribution of vulnerable Limanda limanda (dab), in autumn (left) and spring (right), for small (upper) and large (lower) fish. Report number C140/10 45 of 110 4. Model results suggest that increasing the area of wind farms can lead to different effects. For single wind farms, the reduction in trawling mortality can result in shifts in benthic composition within the wind farm. On a scale where these effects translate to the growth and population dynamics (i.e. for a large area covered in wind farms) these shifts in benthic composition may translate to both increases and decreases in fish and benthic composition, depending on current mortality levels. See Figure 5. Figure 5a: Schematic representation of the system which we model. The two benthos populations H (hard bodied) and S (soft bodied) each consist of a juvenile (J) and an adult (A) stage. Fish (F) and resources (R) are considered unstructured. Arrows indicate biomass flows, either through maturation (blue) or feeding (black). Figure 5b: Qualitative transitions in long term densities (equilibrium) of benthos and fish in large and small MPAs as a function of trawling mortality. Notation as In figure 5a. 46 of 110 Report number C140/10 5. In a literature review (Coolen, 2008) it was studied if the closure of wind farms for fishing activities had a positive effect on (local) benthic species and fish species on a population level. The closure of fisheries in a wind farm area will most likely have a positive effect on the local benthic fauna for wind farms of any size. For migratory benthic organisms, a wind farm must have a minimum size of 2,500 km2. For limited migratory fish the wind farm should have a minimum size of 10,000 km2 for it to have a positive effect on population level. This is not feasible within the current plans for wind farms totaling an area of 1,000 km2. 6. From our maps with the distribution of fishing effort, It is clear that as of yet, no outspoken effect of closure of the wind farm areas can be seen in terms of fishing effort. Dramatic changes in fishing effort reflect decreases in fleet capacity concurrently occurring within the same timeframe. changes in fishing effort seem to be, as for now, more the result of socio-economic considerations with regard to fleet capacity, than any perceived change in catch, positive or negative, around wind farms. It remains to be seen how fishing effort will redistribute in the years to come as a consequence of the development of benthos and fish within the existing wind farms, and with the possible building of more wind farms in the North Sea. See Figure 6, as an example for shifts in beam trawling placement as a function of the building of wind farms. Figure 6 Fishing effort(hrs), before, after and normalized difference for the Dutch beam trawl fleet before (2004/2005) and after ( 2007/2008) the building of wind farms Q7 and MEPOWEZ (denoted in green outline) Brown lines denote the 12 Nautical mile boundary, and the boundaries of the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Implication of the results for wind energy at sea: In making a decision about the best place for building a wind farm at the NCP the most recent data for bottom fauna are now available (e.g. to avoid areas with high biodiversity and fauna abundance) and areas where the exclusion of beam trawling will have the largest effect are known (immediate positive effect of wind farms on the bottom fauna large). There is now a conceptual model available for studying interactions between fish and benthos in relation to extremes in wind farm coverage, although further extension and study of this model would lead to more precise predictions on the exact nature of wind farm cumulative effects. Another important conclusion deriving from this study is that conflicting recommendations can be made based on whether to conserve which species or species group, or depending on optimality considerations for fishing effort. Considering the different recommendations derived from the study of benthic mortality rates (i.e. red areas in figure 3), or derived from fish distributions (Areas near to the coast), decisions on Report number C140/10 47 of 110 placements of wind farms will then depend on a prioritization of which species and/or stage to conserve. Recently developed programs for optimal spatial conservation design such as MARXAN (Ball and Possingham 2000, Possingham et al 2000) or MARZONE (Watts et al 2009) do allow for the optimization of many considerations, both biological and economic, and would be the best way forward to balance considerations based on benthos, fish, fishers, and wind farms. 3.2.9. Results of NSW-MEP research related to benthos and fish Impacts on benthos No major differences in the benthic community were found a few months after completion of the OWEZ wind farm (Daan et al 2009). In addition, when compared to the surrounding areas, no difference in bivalve recruitment was found (Bergman et al. 2009) A very well developed and diverse hard substrate community with a clear zonation according to depth, and dominated by the common mussel, Mytilus edulis was found on the wind turbines (Bouma & Lenkeek 2009) Impacts on fish Before, and 1 year after construction of the wind farm the composition and abundance of pelagic and the demersal fish communities was sampled within the wind farm as well as in reference areas. Both fish communities showed large interannual variability and no clear impact of the wind farm on the fish community was been observed (Ybema et al, 2009; Hille Ris Lambers & Ter Hofstede, 2009). Sampling of both demersal and pelagic fish will be repeated in 2011. 48 of 110 Report number C140/10 3.3. New Monitoring Techniques (WP4) 3.3.1. Introduction We@Sea recognized that the increasing demand for ecological research around Offshore Wind Farms also necessitated the development and application of new and/or improved monitoring techniques. Without these techniques, several current and future research topics related to offshore wind farm development would be hard or impossible to address. The We@Sea research in which promising new monitoring techniques were developed or applied is described below. First, the development of WT-Bird: a system to monitor bird collisions in wind farms. Monitoring bird collisions under offshore conditions is impossible without the use of these kind of systems. In contrast to the situation on land, it is virtually impossible to count bird casualties due to collisions with wind turbines by means of observes. Furthermore, though feasible, monitoring bird collisions with traditional observer methods is very time consuming and therefore very expensive. Moerover, these observations cannot be performed at night. The WT-Bird system described below, is a possible solution to these problems. Second, the ROBIN-Lite system, a radar system developed to detect bird movements in and around offshore wind farms is described. There are only a few radar systems available worldwide to study bird movements and ROBIN-Lite is one of these systems and a promising one. The third monitoring technique that has been developed deals with the underwater detection of porpoises by means of acoustic techniques. Porpoises and dolphin are very rare and difficult to monitor in the North Sea, mainly due to their behavior and the presence of very turbid waters. Therefore traditional observed techniques to monitor the species, either by plane or by ship, are very time-consuming and therefore very expensive. In addition, cetacean species are highly protected in the North Sea and receive a lot of attention related to the impact of offshore wind farms. A technique to monitor porpoises and dolphins by means of an array of hydrophones was developed. These can be easily mounted on a ship and makes it possible to detect cetaceans under water and determine their positions. Finally a new sonar technique: the DIDSON was applied in the Offshore Wind farm Egmond aan Zee (OWEZ). DIDSON makes it possible toobserve fish and fish behavior in turbid waters.The applicability and testing of this technique as well as the results of the observations are summarized below. 3.3.2. WT-Bird for monitoring of bird collisions We aimed to make the bird collision monitoring system WT-Bird, which has only been tested at a single onshore wind turbine, available for offshore application. This would make it possible to count and register actual bird collisions with wind turbines offshore at a larger scale and over a long period of time, and would greatly improve the validation of collision risk models. The WT-Bird system uses acceleration sensors inside the blades to detect audible vibrations from a bird collision. These sensors are connected to a measurement system in the rotor that processes the impact signal in real-time to detect impacts among other noises from the turbine and other external sources, cf. Figure 1. Report number C140/10 49 of 110 Figure 1: Simplified scheme of rotor blade with a single acceleration sensor that picks up vibrations from several sources. When a collision is detected a trigger is released. This trigger event starts a number of predefined actions. First the recorded vibration monitoring data around the trigger event is stored and an e-mail alert message is sent to the operator. Second, selected video recordings, of at least 30 seconds before to 30 seconds after the collision event, are stored. These video recordings are performed by cameras are mounted outside the tower. A computer inside the tower permanently acquires and stores the video images in a temporary buffer. Figure 2 shows the video equipment mounted outside of the Nordex N80/2.5MW turbine in the ECN Wind turbine Test park Wieringermeer (EWTW). Figure 2: Outdoor equipment of the WT-Bird prototype on the tower of a Nordex N80 turbine at EWTW (left: video camera, right: infrared lights and precipitation sensor) ECN and E-Connection Project initially planned for a series of tests to be conducted in a coastal wind farm located on the Oosterschelde Storm Flood Barrier, in order to test and calibrate the monitoring system in offshore-like conditions. However these tests could not start, because of warranty discussions with the wind turbine manufacturer. Within the term of We@Sea, no suitable alternative locations to perform the tests were found. Recently, however NoordzeeWind, Vestas and ECN have started to investigate the possibilities for retrofit installation of WT-Bird on one or more turbines in the OWEZ wind farm. Meanwhile ECN has continued monitoring with the current prototype on a Nordex N80/2.5MW turbine at the ECN Wind Turbine test site Wieringermeer, which has provided valuable operational experience on the systems reliability and maintenance, as well as with data analysis of collisions and other events. 50 of 110 Report number C140/10 Because of rapid product developments several novel camera types were available showing considerable improvement of the image quality at night. This improved image quality, however, is still not sufficient to recognize birds in full darkness. In general the system has shown to be reliable with only little maintenance effort. In the monitoring period one bird collision, as well as a number of other events has been recorded. Figure 1 shows a series of video images of a detected bird collision. The bird, which enters the camera field of view in the upper left corner, hits a blade that is moving downwards. After the collision the bird falls to the ground in an almost straight line. Figure 2 shows a video registration from a series when ice plates slide from the blades and break into smaller parts. The blue arrows indicate the locations of the ice sheets. The video images and the sound fragments from several events of falling ice clearly differ from those of a bird collision, so an operator should be able to distinguish between these different events. Figure 3: Bird collision on 2008-04-25, composite picture from video images Report number C140/10 51 of 110 Figure 4: Triggered video registration of ice falling off from a blade on 2007-03-19. 3.3.3. Bird Radar In order to prevent bird strikes, radar has been used by the military for decades to monitor bird movements. And although these radars have been proven to be effective in tracking thousands of birds simultaneously, widespread use of bird radars has been hindered by the prohibitive costs and specialized character of these military radars. However, recent developments have led to the construction of radar systems based upon common and affordable maritime radars. With the development of these low cost systems, bird radar has become within the reach of a much larger community including stakeholders within areas of civil aviation, impact and risk assessment and bird migration research. Within these application areas, the rapid growth of large scale offshore wind farms has created an emerging interest in the deployment of bird radar for risk and impact assessments within or near these farms. However, deploying these systems in an offshore environment create many challenges including the need for unmanned operation, remote control, transfer of large amounts of data and wave generated noise that affects radar detection of birds in adverse weather conditions. As partner in the WE@SEA program, TNO aims at contributing to this emerging field by the development of a low-cost bird radar system. This system, ROBIN Lite, combines many years of experience in developing and deploying radar for bird strike prevention with modern and affordable radar systems. The current system consists of horizontal S-band maritime radar that is capable of tracking birds up to many kilometers. Connected to this horizontal system is a proprietary TNO design of a pan-tilt radar system providing height and wing beat frequency information of tracked birds. This combination of horizontal and pan-tilt radars creates a system that is capable of tracking birds in three dimensions with a solid basis towards species-recognition. The main aim of the WE@SEA bird radar research is to develop a sea-clutter resistant system 52 of 110 Report number C140/10 suitable for offshore deployment. Sea clutter is the noise generated in the radar signal due to radar reflections of sea waves. This noise severely hampers the detection of birds in an offshore environment. To address this challenge an advanced filtering approach, named DEKODO, has been employed to suppress sea clutter and improve detection capabilities. This filter, originally developed to detect small surface vehicles at high sea states, is capable of detecting and predicating wave fronts and can use this information to improve signal to noise ratios. Data for testing this filter has been collected at two sites, one at the Pier of Scheveningen and one at the Oosterschelde. Using this data it has been demonstrated that suppression of sea clutter is successful, however the severe performance requirements of the filter has become a serious threat for real-time deployment. After extensive testing and performance improvements alternative for DEKODO has been studied. One promising solution, still subject of current research, combines both wave front tracking and advanced classification algorithms to distinguish bird tracks from wave front tracks. Using previous recorded data is has been shown that wave front tracking is possible without performance degradation. Offshore deployment of bird radar requires high levels of automation, remote control and data transfer capabilities. During extensive testing at both a wind farm in Dresden and a site at a military airport in Woensdrecht the ROBIN Lite did perform well. It supports continuous unmanned operation, supports long distance mass data transfer using WiFi, ADSL and SATCOM links and allows a high level of remote control. Remote includes the ability to start and stop the 4 / 23 system from a remote location, configure the system and provide full database access. One aspect still under development is the ability to restart the radar themselves, which under normal circumstances requires an operator to manually operate a switch on the radar systems. Given the broad and international market interest in the Robin Lite system, TNO has decided to spin-off the further development and marketing in a recent startup called Robin Radar Systems. 3.3.4. A ship-based hydrophone system for detection and classification of cetacean echolocation signals The main aim within this project was to develop an improved, system for underwater detection of porpoises and dolphins supporting visual observation surveys as an alternative to existing techniques, such as towed-hydrophone arrays. This new system benefits from the lower noise condition underneath the ship’s bow compared to the noise induced wake of the propeller zone, in which the traditional systems are towed. Cetacean echolocation signals are received through a ship-based forward-facing semi-circular 12-channel hydrophone array and was developed for permanent underwater use on the bow of FRV “Tridens” or other relevant ships (Figure 1). The dome shell and mechanical construction of the housing (1000 (l) x 800 (w) x400 (h) mm) were designed to withstand slamming forces developed on the bow of FRV “Tridens” at a sailing speed of 17 knots according to the classification of the American Bureau of Shipping High speed naval craft 2003. The analogue hydrophone signals are simultaneously digitized at 16 bit resolution on two data acquisition cards and sampled with 500 kHz rate to support the maximum frequency range of harbour porpoise echolocation signals. A study was done on the effects of slamming forces on the sensor dome installed underneath the bow of FRV “Tridens” and with these results the dome shell was designed and critical aspects of the design negotiated (finite elements calculation) (Figure 2). A software framework was developed to distinguish echo-location signals of cetaceans, to identify cetacean species and to plot the acoustic encounters as an overlay on an oceanographic GIS map together with the ship’s course (Figure 3). The software supports detection of dolphin vocalizations in a range of 2 to 150 kHz and also a number of operational functions such as replay and simulation modes. Report number C140/10 53 of 110 The equipment was tested at sea on the former pilot boat “Kluut” (Figure 4), while artificial echo-location signals were projected at known distances from another vessel “Blue Marlin”. The tests, showed that the system functions in principle, but that detection algorithms were not sensitive enough. A thorough refinement of the software modules for click and burst detection increased the system’s sensitivity. Although this system is a prototype version the results are promising and offer great opportunities for high speed sailing and operations on smaller vessels, which enables surveys through hazardous coastal zones, like wind farms, while new software functions, like mapping and sorting of detections are standard and will reduce post analysis time. This new approach has great potential, does not require deck handling/time and is a serious candidate to replace the current towed techniques. 3.4 Figures Figure 1 Sensor position marked in red underneath the bow approximately 4 m below the waterline of FRV ”Tridens”. 54 of 110 Report number C140/10 Figure 2 Result of finite elements calculation showing some deformation due to slamming pressure of 0.2 MPa (in mm). Report number C140/10 55 of 110 Figure 3 Example of the click monitor window of the detection software (top). The channel with the highest click intensity is separately highlighted and a directional arrow is pointed so as to match the listening direction of its hydrophone relative to the vessel. The bottom picture shows the GIS map window with the overlay of sailed track and encountered click detections Figure 4 Detail the preparations of the field test with a provisional construction of the sensor dome against the bow of MV “Kluut”. 56 of 110 Report number C140/10 3.4.1. DIDSON The objective of this study was to develop a methodology for monitoring of fish behavior in the direct surroundings of artificial reef elements such as wind turbines, ship wrecks, pipelines and offshore platforms which are known to attract fish. For this purpose a dual high frequency sonar (DIDSON) was used (Figure ..). More specifically, we assessed the effect on the outcome of the large scale acoustic surveys which studied the effect of wind farms on pelagic fish within the framework of NSW-MEP,. These surveys were executed in 2003 and 2007 and are to be executed again in 2011. The reason to collect observations directly near the monopiles was that fish densities at close distance to the turbine might be very different than farther away due to the so-called “reef effect” This might lead to bias when comparing the baseline hydro acoustic observations with observations in the wind farms. Figure Figure 5. Deployment device to operate the Didson at the transects from an inflatable boat. The device is put on the boat’s inflatable board making a stable platform for a pole with the DIDSON sonar (arrow) attached to it. The small picture pillow shows a screen shot from the DIDSON, Above the scour bed (stones) numerous fish are visible with to the right the monopile. The qualitative results from this study clearly show that fish concentrations around the monopiles are much higher in the first 15 – 20 meters. Overall fish density was on average a factor 37 higher above the Report number C140/10 57 of 110 scour bed around the monopiles than in the open water habitats in between monopiles. Length of the observed fish mainly ranged from 10 - 40 cm. Figure .. shows that the density of fish around the monopile recorded with the DIDSON is relatively high. Fish concentrations farther away than 20 m from the monopiles are more similar to the concentrations of fish found in the 2003 survey when the wind farm had not yet been built. 4 3 Didson Monopile, june 2009 2 1 0 4 3 Didson Transition, june 2009 2 Frequency of occurrence 1 0 4 3 Didson Open Water, june 2009 2 1 0 80 60 Acoustic Survey, NSW (T0) april 2003 40 20 0 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Acoustic Survey, Coast (T0) april 2003 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 Abundance class (kg/km2) Figure 6 Frequency histogram of the estimated density of horse mackerel from the 15 Didson observations in three different habitats (‘scour bed directly around the monopile’, ‘transition’ habitat directly outside the scour bed and ‘open water’ in the wind farm) and compared to the acoustic samples in the baseline 2003 hydro acoustic survey within the wind farm planning area, ‘NSW’, and the reference area, ‘coast’). 58 of 110 Report number C140/10 The significance of the results for the development of wind power at sea The results from this study offer insight in the way impact studies for wind farms at sea should be set up. We show what the possible bias in a large scale hydro acoustic survey would be for different levels of density around the monopiles. Densities higher than 100 times the density in open water leads to an underestimation of 8% (Figure 3..). The factor 37 found from the Didson data of the OWEZ wind farm would lead to an underestimation of 3% in hydroacoustic surveys. We do not yet know the species composition around the monopiles and how this changes during the season. For this, hydro acoustic surveys and Didson observations should be carried out in complement focusing on different temporal and spatial scales ranging from meters to kilometers, and from tidal, daily to seasonal. Apart from the findings above which address the objective of the study, the study confirms the expectation that monopiles function as artificial reefs for some fish species. This knowledge can be used by the managers of marine areas marked out for the building of wind farms. The area may thus have some potential of refuge for some commercial fish species or have some value as nature reserve due to the introduction of new habitats. Potential bias in overall fish density estimates based on open water surveys in the windpark 1.200 1.001 1.000 0.992 Bias factor 1.000 0.921 Monopile avoidance Monopile indifference Monopile attraction 0.800 0.535 0.600 0.400 0.200 0.103 0.000 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 Fish density directly around monopile relative to open water Figure 7 Potential bias in fish abundance estimates (based on hydro acoustic surveys) when small scale (<20m) attraction or avoidance to the monopiles in the wind farm OWEZ is not taken into account. Our findings have a general value. It is likely that monopiles in other wind farms, on sandy bottoms, have a similar effect on the fish behaviour and small scale distribution as found in our study. This effect may be different for wind farms built in rocky areas, as in rocky areas monopiles as a habitat for fish are more similar to the surrounding natural rocky structures. In contrast, monopiles in the sandy areas in this study are markedly new habitats, attracting different species. Report number C140/10 59 of 110 4. Gaps and missing knowledge 4.1 Short summary of We@Sea research findings. The We@Sea program has contributed important information concerning impacts of offshore wind farms on the marine environment, in addition to contributing to the development of promising new monitoring techniques for fish, birds, and cetaceans. These techniques have their application both within as well as outside of wind farm related monitoring. In the past five years Dutch research programs outside the framework of We@Sea have also enhanced knowledge related to environmental impacts of offshore wind farms. The NSW-MEP program (see chapter 3) studied the impacts of the OWEZ wind farm on benthos, fish, birds and marine mammals and will be finished in 2011 (Lindeboom, 2010 in prep.). Finally, within the framework of the Birds and Habitat directives several Environmental Impact Assessments and ‘Appropriate Assessments’ for all new initiatives for developing offshore wind farms on the Dutch Continental Shelf (DCS) were finalized in the past few years. These studies were based on available data and knowledge, and highlighted that further research is needed on impacts of underwater noise (especially related to pile hammering) on fish larvae and breeding colonies. (referenties). In other countries surrounding the North Sea the impacts of offshore wind farms on the ecosystem has been researched and published. The most extensive environmental monitoring programs have been carried out in Denmark, (referentie). In other countries surrounding the North Sea most studies are still ongoing and as such not yet published. With the push for more sustainable energy, wind farms are increasingly being planned and built in the North Sea. The results from the We@Sea program, as well as from national and international monitoring and evaluation programs on environmental impacts of wind farms should serve to inform and influence the planning and design of new wind farms on as well as influence the design and scope of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA’s) and Appropriate Assessments (AA’s) for these wind farms. Within the We@Sea program, the following progress has been made: • Maps for wind farm suitability based on various criteria have been made: based on seabed and subsurface parameters (Section 3.1.3), morphodynamic models of seabed evolution (Section 3.2.1), bird distribution data and the Wind farm sensitivity index (Section 3.2.3), and fishing and its impacts on fish and benthos (Section 3.2.5). These maps are meant to inform debate on the pros and cons of wind farm placement. • We@Sea research filled in some of the gaps in knowledge on grey seal population development, diet and habitat use, as well as the hearing sensitivity of harbor seals (Section 3.2.2), enabling more informed environmental impact studies. In addition, guidelines for collecting and archiving environmental data have been developed within the Site-Atlas Project. (Section 3.1.1) • New monitoring techniques were developed; the bird collision monitoring system WT-Bird (Section 3.3.2), The ROBIN-Lite bird radar (Section 3.3.3), and a ship borne cetacean monitoring system (Section 3.3.4). In addition, statistical techniques for the analysis of highly spatial and temporally variable data (as is often the case for marine fauna) were developed. These all contributed to an improved base for the future monitoring of wind farm impacts. • A promising new high frequency sonar device, the DIDSON, was tested successfully for suitability for assessing fish distribution and the factors determining this within wind farms (Section 3.3.5). • Both a GIS-based tool for assessing cumulative effects within the marine environment, CUMULEO (Section 3.1.4) as well a conceptual model for the cumulated effects of wind farms on benthos and fish (Section 3.2.5) were developed, facilitating scenario evaluation for the impacts of multiple wind farms on the environment. We point to these sections and the individual reports for specific recommendations arising from this research. 60 of 110 Report number C140/10 4.2 Gaps and suggestions for further research The contributions of We@Sea outlined within each individual section have been highlighted above. We stop here to take a helicopter view; synthesizing We@Sea research and highlight the importance of 1) data collection archiving and updating, 2) Cumulative and Interaction effects with (multiple) wind farms, 3) marine spatial planning and the importance of an integrated vision on placement of marine wind farms. 4.2.1. Data Assessing the environmental impacts of a wind farm under high information uncertainty has been a recurring theme within We@Sea and allied research. For birds (Section 3.2.3), current bird radar is located far too close to shore to provide a complete picture on hypothesized gradients in bird fluxes, in addition while Multi Feeding Associations of birds have been observed in the past, they were not observed during the 2009 survey period, thus not giving a complete picture on the trophic interrelationships between different species, and how these are affected by wind farms. For grey seals, the study of impacts of the wind farm was hindered by lack of fundamental knowledge on grey seal behavioural ecology. While the We@Sea research filled in some of the gaps (Section 3.2.2), there is still insufficient information on the seals’ distribution at sea and the large individual variation within the population poses a challenge to the characterization of this in the future. Within the allied project MEP-NSW the distribution of pelagic fish has been found so variable on a year to year basis that a characterization as to the effects of wind farms within statistical bounds is difficult (See also section 3.2.5). Though the redistribution of pelagic fish has been found within the wind farm with the aid of promising new high frequency sonar device (DIDSON: Section 3.3.5) it is still at this stage not possible to determine what exact effect the wind farm has on the behavior of fish. It is intuitive that marine mammals might avoid the wind farm during pile driving, and harbor seal audiograms funded partly by We@Sea (Section 3.2.2 ) have found that many anthropogenic noise sources and sounds from conspecifics are audible to harbor seals at greater ranges than formerly believed. This means that both the sounds produced during the construction of wind parks (pile driving) and during the operational phase, are audible over wider ranges than formerly believed. However, the studies of avoidance during pile hammering were challenged by a low number of tagged harbor seals, making only educated guesses possible. The question as to how harbor seals, let alone other marine mammals, respond to underwater noises such as pile-driving, remains. We@Sea research has, among others, highlighted the lack of basic knowledge for bird feeding distributions, grey seal reproduction dynamics and feeding, and the uncertainty in our knowledge of the ecology of the sea. To a certain extent, this uncertainty may be attributed to the lack central data warehouse, where all relevant data pertinent to environmental characteristics can be found. The creation of such a site atlas (Section 3.1.1) has highlighted the importance for such a central point for data collection, as well as the challenges faced in the creation and continuation of such a site. Unfortunately, the creation of such a site was challenged by legal and practical issues among partners, as have many similar initiatives in the past. A practical and legally feasible framework for data sharing and warehousing involving multiple parties remains a challenge. Report number C140/10 61 of 110 4.3 Cumulative and Interaction effects Several of the We@Sea research projects have produced maps for decision support for optimal wind farm placement for minimal environmental impact (Sections 3.1.3, 3.2.1, 3.2.3, and 3.2.5). These maps are focused on specific, single organisms or pressures (i.e. birds, marine mammals, benthos, fish, or fishing). This raises the issue as to how wind farm placement impacts on the interactions between these different actors. It may well be that shifts in abundance and behavior impact indirectly, compound across different trophic levels and lead to quite possibly non-intuitive results. For instance, our results from benthos-fish interactions (Section 3.2.5), suggest that a shift in fishing mortality due to wind farm placement may either increase or decrease benthic biomass, depending on size of the wind farm and the initial mortality before wind farm placement. Finding the nature of such interaction effects induced by wind farm placement, is not a trivial task. One study, on Multi-Species Feeding Associations (Section 3.2.3) has touched upon the challenges in studying interactions between different species, let alone the implications of the shift in interactions between species. First, finding the right trade-off between statistical resolution and survey costs for studying –one- species is already a bit of an issue, however the implications of studying the interactions between two species, let alone a whole food web may require more survey resolution as a whole than when studying the species separately. This requires enlightened survey design, where intelligent choices on survey resolution can be made through support by predictions given through modeling, and the further development of statistical techniques for the analysis of highly spatial and temporally variable data, such as already pioneered in Section 3.1.5. While individual wind farms may have non-measurable impacts on the environment, the cumulative effects of several individual wind farms require consideration of the effects of each wind farm in conjunction with all other wind farms and manmade activities in the sea. How do the cumulative redistributions of mortality, species distributions and species interactions scale with area and distribution of wind farms? This is a key question raised by results of research of We@Sea and others. The creation of CUMULEO 1.1 (Section 3.1.4) has gone partway towards resolving this issue, yet it must be stressed that cumulative effects methodologies are still developing, and are limited by the lack of data and knowledge on the nature and magnitude of cumulation with wind farm area and placement. 4.3.1. An integrated approach to planning We@Sea, as well as many other monitoring programs have focused on the effects of wind farm(s) on specific, individual environmental factors (for instance on sediment, birds, marine mammals, fish, benthos), and in some cases on the interaction between two of these factors (benthos-fish, Section 3.2.5; fish-birds & fish-fishers Section 3.2.3). In many cases this research has led to the production of maps of optimal placement of wind farms based on these criteria. However the recommendations arising from these maps are sometimes conflicting or exclusive; for instance recommendations for wind farm placement arising from seabed and subsurface parameters, point to wind farm placement near certain coastal areas (figure X, Section 3.1.3), whereas maps created using the bird wind farm sensitivity index (figure X, Section 3.2.3) point to these same coastal areas as areas of major concern for wind farm placement. Perhaps one way forward,the usage and development of techniques for both weighing and trading-off the different environmental impacts as well as the socio-economic constraints involved in wind farm placement. In addition, the role of wind farms and wind farm placement must also be considered within the context of the many other conflicting usages of the sea. Quantitative models and methods for prioritization of environmental and economic interests, such as, for instance MARXAN (Ball and Possingham 2000, Possingham et al 2000) or MARZONE (Watts et al 2009) are widely used tools for marine spatial planning which could accommodate at least a partial weighing of these interests. In addition broad stakeholder participation in the process of planning and evaluation of the use of sea is to be recommended as a means of fostering broad societal support for the outcome of such a hypothetical exercise. 62 of 110 Report number C140/10 5. conclusions Research line 2 of We@Sea generated many new scientific results with respect to the environmental aspects related to offshore wind farms during the past 5 years. Furthermore new monitoring techniques have been developed of which some are now being used in studies around offshore wind farms. Other techniques showed promising results but need further development. Finally new methodologies were developed that can aid in integrated assessment of the development of multiple wind farms on the North Sea and in determining cumulative impacts. Most of these methodologies are promising but also need further development in order to be applicable in future planning issues around offshore wind farms on the North Sea. Despite these extensive research programs a lot of research questions still remain. Furthermore it is expected that in the period 2011-2013 three new offshore wind farms will be build on the DCS and that from 2014-2020 around 5000 MW of offshore wind energy will be installed on the DCS. Anticipating this, the Dutch government has started the development of an integral ecological research program, which is expected to start in 2010 and last for 5 to 10 years (Boon et al, 2010 in prep.) The (intermediate) results of this research program will be used in future environmental legislation and future spatial planning related to offshore wind farms on the DCS. However, it is possible that the plans for development of offshore wind farms run far ahead of the knowledge necessary to estimate the impacts on the environment of these wind farms. Report number C140/10 63 of 110 6 Quality Assurance IMARES utilises an ISO 9001:2008 certified quality management system (certificate number: 578462009-AQ-NLD-RvA). This certificate is valid until 15 December 2012. The organisation has been certified since 27 February 2001. The certification was issued by DNV Certification B.V. Furthermore, the chemical laboratory of the Environmental Division has NEN-AND-ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation for test laboratories with number L097. This accreditation is valid until 27 March 2013 and was first issued on 27 March 1997. Accreditation was granted by the Council for Accreditation. 64 of 110 Report number C140/10 References Kastelein, R. A., van der Heul, S., Verboom, W. C, Triesscheijn, R.J.V., and Vaughan- Jennings, N. (2006a). “The influence of underwater data transmission sounds on the displacement of captive harbour seals (Phoca vitulina),” Marine Environmental Research 61, 19-39. Kastelein, R.A., van der Heul, S. Terhune, J. M., Verboom W.C. and Triesscheijn, R.J.V. (2006b). “Deterring effects of 8-45 kHz tone pulses on harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in a large pool,” Marine Environmental Research 62, 356-373. Kastelein, R. A., Wensveen, P. J., Hoek, L., Verboom, W. C., and Terhune J. M. (2009a). “Underwater detection of tonal signals between 0.125 and 100 kHz by harbor seals (Phoca vitulina)”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 1222-1229. Kastelein, R. A., Wensveen, P., Hoek, L., Terhune, J. M. (2009b). “Underwater hearing sensitivity of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) for narrow noise bands between 0.2 and 80 kHz”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126, 476-483. OSPAR Commission (2009) Overview of the Impacts of Anthropogenic Underwater Sound in the marine Environment. Bio Diversity Series, pp 133. Camphuysen CJ 2002. Post-fledging dispersal of Common Guillemots Uria aalge guarding chicks in the North Sea: The effect of predator presence and prey availability at sea. Ardea 90(1): 103-119 Dewicke A, Rottiers V, Mees J & Magda V 2002. Evidence for an enriched hyperbenthic fauna in the Frisian front (North Sea). Journal of Sea Research 47: 121-139 Garthe S & O Hüppop 2004. Scaling possible adverse effects of marine wind farms on seabirds: developing and applying a vulnerability index. Journal of Applied Ecology 41: 724-734 Ens BJ, Bairlein F, Camphuysen CJ, de Boer P, Exo, K-M, Gallego N, Klaassen, RHG, Oosterbeek K & Shamoun-Baranes J 2009. Onderzoek aan meeuwen met satellietzenders. Limosa 82:33-42 Hedd A, Regular PM, Montevecchi WA, Buren AD, Burke CM & Fifield DA 2009. Going deep: common murres dive into frigid water for aggregated, persistent and slow-moving capelin. Marine Biology 156:741–751 Helfman GS 1993. Fish behaviour by day, night and twilight. In: Pitcher TJ (ed). Behaviour of teleost fishes, pp. 479–512. Fish and Fisheries Series 7, Chapman and Hall, London Leopold MF (1991) Toppredatoren op het Friese Front: zeevogels en zeezoogdieren. In: de Gee A, Baars MA & van der Veer HW (eds). De Ecologie van het Friese Front. NIOZ Rapport 1991-2: 79-89, NIOZ Texel Nevins HM, Harvey JT & Adams J (2004) Diving behavior and aerobic dive limit of the Common Murre (Uria aalge). Chapter 3 in: Nevins HM (2004) Diet, demography, and diving behaviour of the Common Murre (Uria aalge) in central California. MSc thesis, San Francisco State University Hyder, 1999 Hyder. Consulting guidelines for the assessment of indirect and cumulative impacts as well as impact interactions. Brussels: EC DGX1 Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection; 1999. Canter and Kamath, 1995 L.W. Canter and J. Kamath, Questionnaire checklist for cumulative impacts, Environ Impact Assess Rev 15 (1995), pp. 311–339 Report number C140/10 65 of 110 Justification Rapport C140/10 Project Number: 430.2501.301 The scientific quality of this report has been peer reviewed by the a colleague scientist and the head of the department of IMARES. Approved: Dr. ir. R. Hille Ris lamberts Researcher Signature: Date: Approved: 2010 Dr. ir. T.P. Bult Head of Fisheries Department Signature: B.a.: Date: 2010 66 of 110 Report number C140/10 Appendix 1 Summaries of all research projects within Research line 2 Report number C140/10 67 of 110 2004-003 Site atlas cumulative effects Placing a large number of offshore wind turbines at the North Sea as envisaged by the Dutch government for the period until 2020 puts increasing demand at available sea space. It can be expected that this development will cause a number of challenges and especially competition with existing user functions within the available North Sea space. These key user functions as a consequence will be limited in their demand for space, and include interlinked effects. This report describes the definition phase of an application project closely linked to a We@Sea “Site atlas” research sister project. The main aim of this application is enabling a balanced judgement between different aspects linked to and associated with developing offshore wind farms. The focus thereby is at cumulative effects such future offshore wind farms may impose at nature, marine environment and (marine) safety. A definition of “Cumulative effects” as mentioned in this study mainly refers to what interaction(s) may take place when two or more offshore wind farms are distanced relatively close to each other. However, cumulative effects can also occur already within a single offshore wind farm. Here, wind turbines directly facing the dominant wind direction capture for instance a larger quantity wind energy compared to equivalents positioned in their wake. There is also a clear trend for new planned & built offshore wind farms to grow in average size (MW base). Some of these new projects cover an area similar or even larger compared to several smaller wind farms built in the past. Interaction Assume that as part of an experiment individual turbines are systematically added to the existing stock. It then seems logical to assume that total wind farm effect (i.e. in terms of energy yield or space utilisation) each time linearly increases with the effect of a single unit added. In a situation when this is no anymore valid and the effect either increases faster, or alternatively is reduced less than expected, the interaction that occurs can be described as a “Cumulative effect.” Cumulative effects can be relatively easy determined for a single offshore wind turbine, or a wind farm of limited size. An appropriate common instrument is in such cases a so-called Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA; in Dutch MER). However, cumulative effects linked to a large number of wind farms being built are at the moment rather difficult to predict. A positive decision favouring the construction of a new offshore wind farm at a planned location does depend on several main considerations. One essential precondition is that the specific location has not been claimed for one or multiple alternative and often-competing user functions. Three main decision criteria include: 1. Cost and benefits. An offshore wind farm has to earn revenues to the owner/operator, otherwise it will simple not be built; 2. Environmental and safety aspects (i.e. EIA). The offshore wind farm should not cause unacceptable environmental damage and other harmful effects, and/or unacceptable risk of damage and injuries; 3. Social cost-benefit analysis, whereby envisaged benefits should at least match added costs. As a trend these social wind project aspects gain in importance as part of the overall decisionmaking process. Cumulative aspects do play a key role in all three main “Go – No go” project criteria. In many circumstances whereby a linear link between number of turbines and associated effects is expected, ‘effect summation’ is applied as method. In a number of cases interactions play a key role and can either amplifying, mitigating, or threshold effects be determined. Main themes 68 of 110 Report number C140/10 With regard to cumulative effects, as part of the study effort a number of main themes have been identified as important. These include birdlife, shipping safety, energy yield, below water surface noise emission, landscape/ perceptions and above water noise. A commission responsible for the Dutch MER explicitly names cumulative effects on birdlife and shipping safety as important. For wind farm owners/operators by contrast energy yield is a factor of crucial importance. The researchers found that current calculation rules applied in MER studies are unsuited to deal with these cumulative effects. At the same time including cumulative effects is regarded important for both individual MER procedures as well as strategic future use of Dutch territorial waters (NCP). It is therefore crucial to create improved understanding of these cumulative effects and start developing state-of-theart calculation rules and adapted methodologies. Simultaneously, time pressure is high due too the fact that during 2005 – 2007 a substantial number of offshore wind farm MER studies will be conducted plus project concessions issued. Finally, this ‘definition study’ contains an inventory of potential cumulative effects described per specific theme, with a focus at state-of-the-art and the nature of dedicated know-how gaps. The inventory specifically shows that developing better-adapted calculation rules and methodologies will not be easy. That in turn is largely due to the fact that required fundamental (background) knowledge at the moment is either scarce or insufficiently available. Considering the tight timeframe it is therefore recommended to already commence developing temporary rulings on cumulative effects based upon state-of-the-art know-how. It is further recommended to join-in with existing research and simultaneously start preparations for well-defined future studies, both aimed at finding appropriate solutions for current know-how gaps. Such a determined dedicated approach has the potential to result within a two-year period into a set of optimised calculation rules/methodologies and/or an optimised data set for carrying out these calculations. Report number C140/10 69 of 110 2005-004 Integration application cumulative effects; Cumuleo 1.0 development The CUMULEO development effort further builds on main findings of the We@Sea 'Site atlas cumulative effects' definition study (report 2004-003). There is growing demand for improved understanding of cumulative effects linked to the planned building of multiple North Sea offshore wind farms. At the moment there is insufficient relevant know-how available on how to deal effectively with the issue of quantifying such cumulative offshore wind farm effects. Conceptual know-how is for instance almost totally lacking with regard to effects summation. This shortcoming is reinforced by the fact that basic information on specific 'nature values' almost lacks completely too. Simultaneously these combined data are essential background data for being able to allocate eventual cumulative effects like those on the distribution and ecology of certain species. The main project objective was to develop calculation rules focused at determining cumulative effects linked to multiple offshore wind farms, all located in a confined area. These calculation rules have been developed for a variety of themes including landscape & perception, and nature and environment (birds, sea mammals, fish, and sea fauna). This project further marks a first dedicated effort to develop a conceptual know-how base necessary for describing cumulative effects linked to several offshore wind farms spaced relatively close to each other. These interaction effects have been studied for various 'subject groups' including birds, under water sound, benthos and landscaping/perceptions in relation to operational and new planned offshore wind farms. Dedicated support tool This report describes main results of a development track aimed at designing a dedicated support tool for describing offshore wind farms related cumulative effects. The tool is named CUMELEO 1.0, and the acronym stands for 'CUMULative Effects of Offshore wind farms'. The calculation rules themselves are based upon the current state-of-the-art with regard to available know-how base. In future when relevant new know-how becomes available, these calculation rules can be refined. However, the project excludes cumulative effects linked to offshore wind farms in a combination with other North Sea user functions. New Dutch legislation regarding application rules for the 'Wet beheer rijkswaterstaatwerken (Wbr)' came into effect at December 31, 2004. Perhaps most important, the legislation clears the way for constructing new offshore wind farms in the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). It is also in support of the government objective to build a cumulative 6,000 MW offshore wind capacity by 2020. In response to the new legislation a total of 78 keen developer consortia submitted 'starting documents' subdivided over 48 different sites, each known as a 'unique location'. Interestingly the cumulative installed capacity of these 48 locations adds up to 21,000 MW, a factor 3.5 higher than the initial 6,000 MW offshore wind objective. The Dutch government further decided to delegate selection of offshore locations to market parties, instead of choosing for a steering role that involves determining preference locations. This offshore wind power positioning has fuelled demand for a dedicated support tool like CUMULEO. Cumulative effects have to be viewed in relation to the currently already intensive use of the Dutch EEZ for a range of different activities including shipping, commercial fishery and mining. Furthermore, it is vital to pay sufficient attention to key nature values and other relevant issues all requiring protection at national as well as European (EU) legislative levels. As part of Environmental Impact Analysis (in Dutch MER) rulings for new planned offshore wind farms, developers are obliged to provide comprehensive background information to the responsible authorities. That package includes sufficient clarification on cumulative effects linked to already operational and/or other planned wind farm projects, as well as additional ongoing and/or planned North Sea user applications. GIS technology basis With regard to main functionally aspects CUMULEO is based upon Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, which is essential considering the three-dimensional disturbances to nature and specific values that need protection. CUMULEO v1.0 as a main function comprises a sequence of working steps, 70 of 110 Report number C140/10 which can all be performed with the aid of GIS-based maps earlier developed as part of the We@Sea Site atlas project. The calculation rules have been applied first as part of a fictive scenario, which analyses cumulative effects on ten 'small' offshore wind farms of 100 MW each (all 28 x 3.6 MW). These fictive ten wind farm sites are all located off the Zuid Holland province Noth Sea coast. Furthermore, per theme a calculation rule has been developed on the basis of several predefined assumptions. Next step was analyzing this theme scenario with as its basis the outcomes of a cumulative effects search. This was followed by determining an eventual need for further optimizing, and with a main focus at either calculation rules and/or basic background information. That in turn can provide the basis for future We@Sea projects. The calculation rules have finally been tested at planned Dutch North Sea wind farms OWEZ (former NSW) and Princess Amalia (former Q7-WP). Report number C140/10 71 of 110 2005-005 Analysis of seabed and soil quality required for wind farms Spatial offshore wind farm location selection and planning requires reliable and relevant data that can be obtained with the aid of decision-supportsystems. Compiling an overview of necessary main parameters was therefore considered desirable within the framework of the We@Sea researchprogramme, for which purpose a research area West of the Dutch coastline had been allocated. The central research question formulated was finding answers to the influence of abiotic seabed characteristics linked to the windfarm construction phase and exploitation costs during operation. In biology, abiotic components are defined as non-living chemical and physical factors in the environment. Figure 1. Research area West of the Dutch coastline. Long-term stability A second interlinked main question is on long-term wind turbine stability and efficiency. Various physical parameters provide essential process know-how and system knowledge, which in turn can be translated into applicationmodels. Two key envisaged benefits linked to this approach are avoiding unnecessary field research at unsuitable locations, and substantial investment costs saving during a wind farm preparation phase. When determining the suitability or non-suitability of a specific location for offshore wind-farm development, obtaining environmental data on the composition of seabed sediment layers is essential. Additional data on the composition and structure of subsurface layers, seabed morphology, andhydroand morphological dynamic variables are required too. Furthermore, a comprehensive overview of 72 of 110 Report number C140/10 physical seabed main parameters linked to specific design aspects of individual turbine-support structures and complete offshore wind farms, allows sea area identification with a well-defined suitability ranking order. This preparation process has to be completed first before engaging into detailed site surveys. Sediment grain size Physical seabed-sediment characteristics are important parameters in seabed behavior during and after wind-farm construction. Seabed sediment composition plays a role in the degree of seabed erosion (scouring) and in the formation of suspended-sediment plumes. The most suitable parameter for characterizing seabed sediment grain size in a (sandy) research area is by taking the median of a sand fraction (63 - 2000µm). This typically shows finer grain sediments measured along a South - North geographical line. However, the northward direction finer grain sediment pattern is overridden along the coastline, where finer sediment particles are relatively abundant. The global pattern is further interrupted when moving offshore from Texel, a Dutch North Sea island, where a seabed gravel layer lies fully exposed. A second relevant seabed-sediment parameter is mud content. In the research area, this share is generally less than 2%. Near the coastline, higher values do occur, particularly near the Rotterdam harbour entrance. Both structure and composition of the seabed subsurface are important parameters governing the stability and cost of turbine foundations. Value lost Detailed seabed subsurface knowledge is also essential when analyzing the value lost to society in case valuable resources have become temporarily or no longer exploitable. The same situation may apply when archaeological treasures are being disturbed. Locally, fine-grain sediment deposit thickness generally measures over 10 metres. Such locations are potential offshore wind farm exclusion areas. A fully functioning layered model for the upper 50 metres of the seabed subsurface is not yet available. Any description of subsurface structure and composition must therefore necessarily be based upon imperfect grids for establishing both extent and thickness of individual seabed soil layers. Information on main geotechnical parameters of these layers is scarce, but can be applied to constrain their ranges. Morphology, like for instance the difference between migrating seabed crests and troughs, is a potential seabed dynamics phenomenon. Between the Texel and Hoek van Holland geographical latitudes water depth increases gradually from 0m at the coastline to about 35 metres at the territorial boundary with the UK continental shelf. However, large-scale tidal ridges measuring up to 10 - 20m in height interrupt this gradual water depth increase pattern. Report number C140/10 73 of 110 Sand waves The research area is also characterized by sand waves - smaller-scale seabed formations with heights measuring between 1 - 10m. In general, sand waves height decreases in Southwest to North Eastern direction. Sand-wave migration rates are highest near the coast, and range from almost 20metres per year to the extreme Northeast of the research area to less than 1m annually in the South Western part. A rule of thumb is that water depth is linked directly to wind turbine foundation height measured from seabed to the sea surface and thus represents a measure of cumulative installation cost. Simultaneously, there are no set rules to define and compare seabed-related economics and environmental costs. A first order area suitability assessment for future wind farms can be conducted by implementing a penalty-points system, which has resulted into a first usable geological grid design. Such a geological grid can be regarded a building block within decision-support systems. In this specific exercise it shows that the most suitable areas for Dutch offshore wind-farm development are situated off the Zuid-Holland province coastline. Useful instrument Finally, a penalty-points approach also has several imperfections and application drawbacks. Not all underlying grids appear to be up-to date. Several of these grids for instance offer no full area coverage, and many thickness values linked to specific grids are also missing. In addition, the availability of units applied during a suitability grid design does not reflect their maximum extent but instead show a presence at the top of the Pleistocene and Holocene sequences. Despite these drawbacks, the first order grid design serves as a useful instrument for assessing potential economic and environmental costs linked to offshore wind farm development. 74 of 110 Report number C140/10 Table 1: Stratigraphic units present in the subsurface of the North Sea Basin. Table 1: Stratigraphic units present in the subsurface of the North Sea Basin. Report number C140/10 75 of 110 2005-012 We@Sea Site - Atlas Organisation TNO division Construction and Spatial Development TNO project number 016.54109 Report name We@Sea site-Atlas Research Area RL-2 Report numbers WE@SEA 2005-012 TNO-rapport 2007-D-R0073/A ISBN-number 978-90-5986-232-6 Authors Th.A.M. Reijs G.M. Bouma J.T. van der Wal V.G. Blankendaal Date January 30, 2007 We@Sea Site-Atlas The Site-Atlas project has been conducted as part of the We@Sea research programme and fits under research line 2 named ‘Spatial planning and environmental aspects.’ Central theme of the We@Sea SiteAtlas project was allocating all relevant information required for the construction and operation of offshore wind turbines in a safe and economically sound manner and with minimised environmental impact. For the assessment this central theme has been subdivided into three main research items or subprojects. At first specific demands for the Site-Atlas by different parties involved have been assessed (subproject 1). The second subproject involved an inventory of already existing available know-how supplemented by additional relevant information sources. A third and final subproject focused at layout and presentation issues, and encompassed the development of a structured Site-Atlas framework base. The demand side assessment allocated key areas where specific know-how is required, as well as these parties that indicated a need for such dedicated inputs. An example of potential We@Sea databases is provided below: Examples of potential We@Sea databases • Biology: plankton, benthos, birds, fish, sea mammals, et cetera • Physical parameters: seabed (soil composition, sand dunes, et cetera), wind, wave patterns • Economic parameters: wind turbine/farm yield, O&M costs, grid connection, wind farm design options (wind turbine make & type, configuration et cetera). • Site specific issues: optional North Sea use applications, Marine Protected Areas et cetera Some of the offshore wind power development parties include offshore wind technology and transport logistics suppliers, project developers, utilities, investors, and insurance companies. In addition research organisations, government bodies, environmental and other action groups, energy consultants, and O&M service providers. Phases The assessment method itself involved conducting a number of interviews and workshops with parties as indicated above, whereby a difference was made between three distinct offshore wind farm project phases: - Planning; - Construction; - Operation. 76 of 110 Report number C140/10 The overview of main findings was subdivided into nine main question categories: 1. General (policy issues, management control and protection); 2. Soil and water; 3. Nature and environment (ecological processes, species, habitats, eco-labelling); 4. Human activities (fishery, recreation, transport, energy and mineral resources, military defence, aviation, business); 5. Coastal protection; 6. Energy yield (offshore wind turbine technology development, costs and benefits of wind power generation); 7. Perceptions, involvement, natural history and landscape added value aspects; 8. Design. The above questions themselves have been put forward from various organisations each with their own specific perceptions and viewpoints. These parties include the commercial business sector, the public sector, and other organisations with a key focus on social issues including (perceptions on) wind power acceptance. Comprehensive As part of the overall assessment an inventory check of already available in-house know-how base with Dutch and foreign We@Sea-partners was conducted. That in turn resulted into a data overview and a datasets composition ranked on subject. From the assessment it became clear that there is already a comprehensive amount of information on offshore wind power available. However, a sizable proportion includes geographical maps but these often lack essential background information. In such situations it remains unclear which specific datasets have been linked to information made visible on these maps. Conducting an independent data analysis becomes then almost impossible. One specific field where data are still largely lacking are so-called cumulative effects, and a better understanding requires in-depth investments. Linking datasets The next step involved linking dedicated demand and supply datasets in order to determine their internal match, and further to pinpoint potential information provision gaps. The Site-Atlas concept idea aimed at making all these data available in a systematic and easily accessible manner. The design of such a Site-Atlas is not limited to one concept only. For this project four potential alternative options have been explored: •A website with specific links to organisations in possession of a relevant database and additional (scientific) literature reference sources; •We@Sea conducts an intermediate role by providing datasets and models to its partners; •GIS functionality linked to datasets and models: -Displaying data with the aid of dedicated maps; -Information search function for specific areas; •Online models partly based upon GIS data. Discussions with We@Sea partners and other parties involved clearly indicated a main preference for the first option (website with links to organisations). A variant worth considering is to offer organisations in possession of a relevant database the possibility of ‘filling’ the We@Sea website with their own data that they are willing to make available. However, one essential precondition is that in the latter scenario all datasets made available do meet stringent standards in terms of accuracy and reliability as formulated by We@Sea’s programme bureau. An additional key demand is to keep the database up to date, which requires a continuous effort. That in turn is due to the fact that offshore wind power development takes place in a still young but highly dynamic (market) environment. Report number C140/10 77 of 110 It is in principle not part of We@Sea’s main task package to conduct data inventory search projects. On the other hand the programme bureau does have a primary task in developing a system incorporating a suitable methodology that enables We@Sea to effectively direct and control specific research projects. This in-house capability is particularly important with regard to policy procedures for offshore wind farms, today one of the main bottlenecks hampering overall progress. In the latter case and for other relevant (related) issues the programme bureau can indicate what specific know-how gaps do exist and require a sustained research effort. Specific phases Information required finally depends on specific offshore wind farm development phases like site assessment, installation, operation, and demolishing/recycling. It has also become clear that the application of a We@Sea Site-Atlas needs to be strongly linked with offshore wind farm monitoring programmes that are conducted currently at the Dutch section of the North Sea and elsewhere. 78 of 110 Report number C140/10 2006-006: GIS-technology and the analysis and forecasting of change in the marine environment Analysing and forecasting of change in the marine environment; a method for identifying impact of large-scale offshore wind farms on marine fauna The North Sea provides a range of services to a variety of commercial sectors. These include fishery, shipping and port development, tourism, oil & gas extraction, while offshore wind power development is an activity of more recent date. Next to these economical services, the North Sea also provides home to diverse fauna. Marine environment monitoring and studying the environmental impact of multifunctional North Sea space usage are in that respect considered of key importance. As such this offshore wind power related research project fits into a wider context with clear and comprehensive sustainable development objectives laid down for the vast and intensely used area. Marine ecosystem & offshore wind farms With respect to offshore wind farms, attempts are being made within the We@Sea project context, as well as through additional research efforts to assess their overall impact on the marine environment. More specifically, attention is focused at monitoring direct and/or indirect impacting effects that offshore wind farms might impose upon organisms and habitats being part of the North Sea marine ecosystem. However, assessing such impact based on monitoring data is far from simple. One of the reasons is that the marine environment itself represents a complex system, with many different types of organisms and phenomena interacting in an inter-related and often unpredictable manner. For instance, a decrease in numbers of a given seabird species after wind farm completion can be viewed as an indicator of a negative post-construction impact effect. But a question to be raised here is whether this decrease in seabird numbers can be attributed solely to the new wind farm. Or are other likely contributing causes to blame, such as sea temperature front location and/or natural variability unrelated to such a specific project? Understanding spatio-temporal behaviour of specific species and their interrelation with other marine phenomena is therefore an essential prerequisite for assessing whether or not there has in fact been any measurable impact. An earlier literature review clearly indicated that when conducting impact assessment studies involving seabirds, the method should include external factors other than the presence of an offshore wind farm. These factors may be physically understood relationships (e.i. temperature fronts attract seabirds because of good feeding conditions), statistically described and/or observed long-term trends within large-scale seabird distribution patterns. All these factors may generate variability in species patterns that need to be accounted for when assessing possible post-construction situation deviations in and around a specific offshore wind farm. Therefore, in order to assess post-construction wind farm effects on seabirds in a scientifically sound manner, information on species “history”, and actual dynamic factors affecting the numbers of seabirds counted during surveys should be included. Research challenges Insight in marine fauna spatio-temporal behaviour is often hampered by high variability occurring over different scales, a phenomenon that turns data collection and a proper understanding of accumulated findings into a complex task. Analysing seabird distribution inside a given area for instance shows spatial variation that may be related to patterns in external factors (such as water turbidity), plus annual variations among others due to population dynamics. In addition seasonal, monthly, weekly, or daily variations may occur, related for instance to potential spatio-temporal variations in food resources and daily rhythms. Therefore, changes in a marine fauna situation can be related to wind farm presence but may also be caused by ecological, physical and other factors including human activities like commercial fishery. Report number C140/10 79 of 110 Besides above-mentioned conceptual issues, wind farm impact studies represent considerable challenges related to data collection limitations. Marine data collected for impact studies for instance tend to be scarce and patchy distributed in both space and time and are affected by detection errors (due to for instance varying visibility conditions, or seabirds may be diving to catch prey). The fact that data characteristics tend to violate statistical assumptions required for their analysis is another main issue. Furthermore, data values can become blurred by other factors occurring at a different scale. As a consequence, marine ecologists face a real challenge on how to proceed with these impact assessment studies. The latter require an analysis procedure capable of accommodating species behaviour in both space and time. The research projects main aim is to develop such a procedure. This procedure should also be capable of accommodating site- and species specific knowledge in a flexible manner such that it can handle increasing insight over time. In a practical sense, the framework should enable ecologists to assess whether accumulated observations on given species numbers provide sufficient evidence of possible changes resulting from (a) wind farm presence. Results As part of this research project an analysis method based on geo-statistical simulation has been developed. The method assesses whether observations of spatio-temporal variation in marine fauna abundance (count data) within the wind farm area and its surroundings, both pre- and post construction, offer indeed evidence of impact. The method comprises two main aspects: 1. Explicitly account for time-varying spatial structure in species abundance over various scales 2. Account for the effect of differences in pre- and post-construction survey effort and design. In order to demonstrate the method’s applicability in a real impact assessment environment, it is currently being applied at the OWEZ (former Egmond aan Zee) offshore wind farm site. The goal is to identify whether, based on pre- and post-wind farm construction monitoring of guillemot abundance, changes occurred in the number of guillemots in the wind farm area that are unlikely explained by known patterns of variability. See also: http://www.seaonscreen.org/vleet/index‐eng.php?use_template=ecomare.html &item=sea&pageid=guillemot.htm No evidence Based on the analysis carried out to date (September 2009) it is expected that the monitoring results will not provide sufficient evidence of measureable impact caused by the Egmond wind farm. This conclusion is valid for current levels of understanding on how guillemots respond to various dynamic physical conditions. Finally for assessing the impact of wind farms on seabirds, monitoring known explanatory physical conditions at both localised and larger scales is required. 80 of 110 Report number C140/10 2004-001 Mussel 'map of opportunities' at the Nordsea The Dutch 6,000 MW offshore wind power objective for 2020 puts a considerable claim to the use of available North Sea space. However, it also offers unique opportunities for alternative user functions including mussel cultivation. At the moment this activity takes typically takes place in sheltered shallow water coastal areas worldwide. This report discusses the current status in the world regarding commercial offshore mussel cultivation in deep-water open sea. Secondly, with as its functional bases ‘natural’ mussel growth locations, an indicative map marking those Dutch North Sea areas potentially suitable for mussel cultivation and/or mussel seed collection has been drawn up. Conducting mussel cultivation activities in deeper water and at open sea as a novel marine development and economic activity is still at an infant stage. Furthermore, a clear majority of all available information on the subject originates from universities and research institutes, and typically not from commercial parties. And while it is indeed true that several companies did commence already with commercial mussel cultivation at open sea, no examples have been found of projects operational for several years undisturbed. Innovation leap forward Developing open sea mussel cultivation necessitates a leap forward in terms of innovation, including the development of a different expertise field compared to what is available today in the Netherlands. In other words, the nature of demanding North Sea offshore conditions requires the development of a dedicated integrated cultivation technology (support) package adapted to these specific circumstances. In addition, potential future successes linked to open sea mussel cultivation will be to a large extent location bound. Furthermore, a variety of factors pledge for gradual step-by-step mussel cultivation nursery development including extensive pilot testing at location. Some potential uncertainties include for instance actual seed production, storm damage risks, and sufficient materials durability. In addition risks of yield losses due too premature mussel separation from their growth cultivation ropes and/or losses caused by predation. Besides technological obstacles that need overcoming, it is equally important to consider alternative ways to prevent potential conflicts breaking out between different North Sea user application groups like shipping, sand extraction, and fishing. The bulk of research project conclusions do seem in support of open sea mussel cultivation as a technically feasible venture, but simultaneously the economic feasibility remains at the moment largely unclear. The latter uncertainty is especially linked to the fact that new and innovative technologies are required and these for the greatest part still need developing. For the specific Dutch situation a pilot project spread over different locations and conducted during a 3 – 4 year period, can substantially improve understanding on the overall economics linked of open sea mussel cultivation. Equally important is to draw sufficient attention to appropriate legislation that is controllable and workable at the same time. Only after completing a systematic and above all realistically designed pilot phase it will be possible to properly judge on overall feasibility and the potential of commercial North Sea based mussel cultivation. Mussel opportunity map Based upon results found during mussel growth field measurements at floating buoys, a mussel cultivation opportunity map indicates potentially suitable locations for mussel cultivations and/or mussel seed production. A first indicative result drawn from studying mussel growth at buoys clearly shows that the phenomenon occurs within the entire North Sea area. However, the same buoy field measurements performed at different North Sea geographical areas show that some do better than others in terms of total mussel numbers counted. In addition, substantial differences were found between individual North Sea buoys with regard to mussel weight increase, whereby meat percentage is a common measure for mussel quality. And despite the fact that mussel quality varies during the seasons, and measurements were not taken within the same season(s), the actual mussel meat percentage as such offers a reasonable quality indicator. It will finally be essential to conduct a series of specific measurements in Report number C140/10 81 of 110 order to determine overall suitability of given specific locations for mussel cultivation and/or mussel seed production. If proven viable and successful open sea mussel cultures can potentially contribute towards a measured offshore wind power energy generation cost reduction. 82 of 110 Report number C140/10 2004-007: The influences of wind farms on benthos and fish An exploration of suitability for wind farm placement in the Dutch North Sea with particular reference to benthos and demersal fish Many offshore wind farms are currently being planned in the Dutch section of the North Sea, and often these areas are closely spaced to commercial fishery sites. That in turn may have serious nature conservation related implications on organisms habituating these areas, but may also impact the fishery industry (“spill-over” effect). Whether or not these area closures will be effective depends both on species interaction within wind farms, and dedicated location specific conditions. This research project applies existing data from routine surveys aimed at examining the distribution of demersal fish and benthos. Benthos is a variety of organisms that live near, on, or into the seabed, known as benthic zone. They live in or near marine sedimentary environments, from tidal pools along the foreshore, out to the continental shelf, and then down to the abyssal depths. In addition, the project analyses their potential sensitivity to mortality and thus potential response to wind farm placement, for which specific recommendations are given. Furthermore, a derived model analyzes the effects of area closure on interactions and population dynamics for both fish and benthos. It finally studies the shift in fishing effort by Dutch trawlers as a result of the recent construction of two wind farms near Egmond aan Zee (OWEZ and Princes Amalia). Undisturbed benthos A desk study conducted by the North Sea Foundation examines and evaluates a wide variety of variables and potential effects linked to offshore wind farm construction and operation. One of the main topics studied was whether closure to fishing activities will have a positive effect on (local) benthic species and fish species on a population level scale. A 2008 review revealed for instance that no evidence in support of any positive effect resulting from small closed areas on fish species population levels was found. Furthermore benthos within European offshore wind farm boundaries was generally found to remain undisturbed by wind turbines. Only for sessile benthic species a positive effect is expected. In addition natural variations in benthic fauna was found to be of such a large extent that differences between wind farms and reference areas are regarded as non-significant. Another finding was that epifauna on the monopiles and supporting rocky substrate around the structures did not differ significantly from reference areas with a similar soil surface. At two Swedish wind farms, mussels occurring on the piles were also located at the surrounding sandy sea bottom. And within a Danish wind farm organisms that normally live on rocks, were again found on mussel stacks that had dropped from the monopile foundations onto the sandy sea bottom. Large differences were detected during research on fish presence in and around wind farms, set against undisturbed reference areas. However, natural variation in fish populations was also found to be high, while detected differences were within natural variation of these areas and therefore non-significant. During calm weather, divers observed several fish species around monopiles of spinning wind turbines. During such low-wind conditions the installations produce relatively little noise. However, while turbines noise can potentially disturb fish, current knowledge on these effects is insufficient for informed decision making on (preferred) wind farm locations. Wind farm size A potential effect linked to existing operational wind farms is the spreading of organisms from piles and rocks to the sandy sea bottom where they disrupt the existing ecosystem. Closure of wind farm areas for fishery activities will most likely show a positive effect on local benthic fauna and this observation is valid for wind farms of any size. For migratory benthic organisms, a wind farm must have a minimum 2,500km2 size. And in order to have a positive impact on population level for limited migratory fish a wind farm requires a minimum 10,000km2 size. Report number C140/10 83 of 110 However, both above sizes do not fit within current Dutch government plans for building wind farms totaling an area of “only” 1,000 km2. Within the above context it should also be noticed that the bulk of evidence on (potential) effects resulting from offshore wind farm placement has been derived from either only a single or few projects. And as such conclusions from this literature review do not necessarily apply for the scaling up to multiple wind farms occupying large areas of North Sea space. Marine Protected Areas (MPA ’s) are valuable tools for conserving nation's natural and cultural marine resources as part of an ecosystem approach to management. As part of this research three aspects connected to MPA closure for fisheries, benthos, fish and fishers have to be taking into account and were all examined. One assumption is that closure of a marine area will have a positive effect on communities at a scale larger than the protected area itself. These envisaged effects might either occur directly through organism mortalities reduction within a protected area, or indirectly caused by changes in resource availability due to shifts in species composition and abundance. Composition and disturbances Recent studies examine effects of benthic community composition and productivity disturbances by linking them indeed to marked shifts within these areas. Translating such shifts in community composition to resource availability for benthic fish thereby remains open as a new research topic. That in turn makes an effects extrapolation linked to area closure on fish difficult. A main conclusion derived from this research is that when fish are treated as a dynamic population, as would be the case in a large MPA, all elements of a food web can coexist at low mortality. And only in sufficiently large MPA ‘s fish is dynamically coupled to benthos in such a manner that the system can facilitate coexistence through preferential feeding on prey species most resistant to trawling mortality. In small MPA ‘s by contrast, where fish move in and out of the area constantly, such facilitated coexistence is not possible. In that latter case, (preferred) soft benthic species will go extinct at low trawling intensity, a situation where predation is the dominant source of mortality. At high trawling intensity by contrast, predation mortality is relatively minor and the hard species goes extinct. The suitability of protected areas for fish and benthos recovery is dependent on location, size, positioning relative to other protected areas, and species-specific considerations. Results further differ depending on life history (fecundity, offspring) and habitat specific (spawning, nursery, or migration areas) factors. For highly mobile and/or migratory species, protected area effects are less obvious compared to those for benthic macro-fauna, whose lifecycle is more likely to take place entirely within a protected area. Bottom trawling North Sea fauna for several decades has already been influenced heavily by bottom trawling most probably causing severe alterations in composition, density and biomass quantily. Literature suggests that the entire Dutch Continental Shelf (DCS) surface area during 1994 alone was trawled 1.36 times. For this and other reasons it is virtually impossible to construct precise maps of the past North Sea bottom fauna situation due too largely lacking and therefore incomplete hard data. Available maps therefore with certainty do not provide a real picture of the original undisturbed (non-fished) North Sea fauna. But even though current North Sea maps provide a far from conclusive picture some remarks can be made regarding species with a largely asymmetrically, and/or distinctly distributed sensitivity to mortality. One potential consideration is to prevent discards while preserving commercial fish landings. This might be achieved by building wind farms at near shore locations, areas where biomass consisting of discard vulnerable size classes is high. That in turn is especially true for commercial fished species plaice, dab, and many non-commercially fished species. Alternatively, government policy may instead be prioritized towards preserving larger individuals, in which case an opposite strategy holds true. 84 of 110 Report number C140/10 Many discard vulnerable classes are concentrated near shore. Combined with increasing costs associated with building wind farms further away from shore, locating wind farms near shore (≤12-mile zone) is recommended for demersal fish benefit. Further research aimed at optimizing wind farms based upon both costs considerations and expected conservation effects will in the latter respect be of utmost value. Fishery effects Wind farm area closure will also affect commercial fishery. And as fishery activities may redistribute as a result of area closure, fishing pressure can either increase or decrease within these areas. The following changes in fishing effort can potentially be envisaged: 1. Redistribution of fishing effort to shipping activity; 2. Possible redistribution of fishing activity around the borders of a wind farm, due too fishers response to a “spill-over effect.” Examining wind farm closure effects on redistribution fishing effort during the period 2004/2005 compared with years 2007/2008, made clear that no explicit effects have become apparent. In terms of a perceived “spillover effect”, beam trawlers do show increased fishing effort in between the two operational Dutch wind farms. However, this area also coincides with a common shipping route for IJmuiden-based beam trawlers heading to northern fishing regions. Increased fishery activities may therefore reflect an early start of beam trawling on their way north, reinforced by a concentration effort caused by a restriction in shipping routes. Real long-term changes in fishing behavior as a result of area closure are at the moment far from clear. This despite a given fact that current changes in fishing effort seem especially the result of socio-economic considerations with regard to fleet capacity. Far less likely is any perceived change in fish catch around wind farms, positive or negative. It therefore remains to be seen whether and to what extend commercial fishing effort will redistribute in the years to come. This also needs to be weighed against benthos and fish development within existing wind farm boundaries and new additional North Sea projects at various planning stages. Taking into account different options derived from studying benthic mortality rates and/or near shore fish distribution, future wind farms will require prioritization between benthos, fish, fishers, and a requirement for more wind power. Finally conflicting recommendations can be made based upon different main objectives. One potential focus is conserving certain species or a species group, while an alternative focus might be to create optimised conditions for commercial fishing activities. Applying currently developed optimization software can potentially prove of great benefit by prioritizing these potentially conflicting interests. Report number C140/10 85 of 110 2004-012 PhD@Sea: Morphology Natural and Human Induced Seabed Evolution; the occurrence of large-scale bed patterns and the effects of human activities on the North Sea seabed. Organisation Twente PhD thesis report University, The Netherlands Natural and Human Induced Seabed Evolution; the occurrence of largescale bed patterns and the effects of human activities on the North Sea seabed. Research Area Report numbers RL-2 WE@SEA 2004-012 ISBN 978-90-365-2613-5 Funding EU-project HUMOR (EVK3-CT 2000-000037) PhD@Sea, which is funded under the Dutch Government BSIK programme and supported by the WE@SEA consortium. Author Henriët van der Veen Date 21 February 2008 The North Sea is a highly dynamic water mass, where tidal currents flow over a sandy seabed. This intensively used sea space is characterised by a wide range of different human activities that are being conducted simultaneously. The North Sea seabed is rich in natural resources like oil and gas, which has resulted into the construction of multiple oil and gas platforms to extract these valuable natural resources. The platform structures themselves are connected to transport and processing facilities onshore via pipelines typically buried into the seabed. In addition telephone and data cables are located either above or into the seabed interlinking countries one to another. Economic importance Since the North Sea is a biologically rich area, fishing activities always formed an important economic activity. Some sections in addition still contain unwelcome but substantial numbers of sea mines originating from World War I as well as WW II. Other areas in turn are in use for accommodating largescale infrastructural projects. And as many important European harbours are located along North Sea shores intensive shipping movements is one of the logical consequences. That in turn necessitates that many shipping lanes need to be dredged on a regular basis in order to safeguard vessel passage. In addition, large sea areas have been reserved for building offshore wind farms and/or serve other specific functions like air force practice. With regard to seabed topology the North Sea is neither flat nor smooth, but instead shaped in patterns, ranging from small ripples to large sand banks. Sand banks feature wavelengths between 1 and 10 km and can extend to a height of several tens of meters. Somewhat smaller in size are so-called sand waves. Their length varies between 100 to 800 metres, and they typically measure up to 10 m high from trough to crest. The North Sea is a very dynamic sea area, both in natural and morphological sense. Due to a delicate combination with many human activities taking place simultaneously, it is essential to determine the nature as well as (interacting) implications linked to large-scale morphological effects of these human 86 of 110 Report number C140/10 activities. One distinct human activity that quickly gains in overall importance is the planned construction of multiple North Sea offshore wind farms over the next decades. As part of this thesis research a system capable to predict such large-scale effects on the North Sea seabed interlinked to various human activities put upon a long timescale has been developed. This was achieved by implementing idealized morpho-dynamic models in a GIS (Geographical Information System) that also contains specific data on the North Sea environment. Correct prediction During this research project the occurrence of sand banks and sand waves in the North Sea was predicted and these were later compared with observations indicating the occurrence of such large-scale seabed features. The results above all show that for large sections of the North Sea it is indeed possible to correctly predict the occurrence of sand barks and sand waves at specific locations. The new models that predict morphological effects linked to human activities cannot be validated yet. However, these models are based upon the same principles as models used to predict the occurrence of sand banks and sand waves. The latter are validated against North Sea observations of these large-scale seabed sand deposit settings, this may give trust in the models that are applied to predict morphological effects of human activities. It is assumed that models predicting human activity linked effects do not show any morphological seabed evolution, when the model that predicts sand bank effects does not predict sand bank occurrence. In other words, the model that predicts the occurrence of sand banks does not indicate the occurrence of sand banks at that particular location. This is due to the fact that underlying principles or mechanisms of the models predicting effects of human activities are based by on the same 2DH flow conditions that are necessary for sand bank development. By connecting idealized morpho-dynamic models to a GIS it is possible to create a tool well suited for predicting human activity linked effects to North Sea seabed conditions. The models apply site-specific inputs to provide predictions for an arbitrary location in the North Sea. Offshore wind farms A first main application of the new system is large-scale sand extraction. Due to major construction projects like the planned Rotterdam harbour enlargement, demand for sand is rising steeply. Offshore resources will increasingly be required to fulfil these needs for large sand quantities, implying for instance that multiple large-scale sand pits need to be created in the North Sea space. And as the North Sea is a ‘shallow shelf sea’ where the tide flows over a sandy bed, the presence of sand pits can influence seabed behaviour. Future offshore wind farms are a second main future application for the new system. As part of the research project influences of offshore wind farms on large-scale seabed morpho-dynamics effects were studied. With reason, as the need for renewable energy is rising and wind power is one of the main power sources that can be harvested effectively. The research project resulted into the development of a morpho-dynamic model that enables studying the effects of offshore wind farms on the seabed. Implementing this model in a dedicated GIS environment, offers the possibility to calculate seabedinduced effects induced by a wind farm while applying site-specific and farm design input parameters. Finally, implementing idealized morpho-dynamic models in a GIS environment enables the prediction of the occurrence of large-scale North Sea seabed sand deposits. This is achieved by implementing specific models predicting effects of human activities within a GIS system. That in turn makes it feasible to provide an indication of large-scale morphological effects resulting from these North Sea human activities. The end result is a rapid assessment tool for predicting human activity inked morphological effects at the seabed. Report number C140/10 87 of 110 2005-006: The effect of wind farms on the settling of gray seals at the North Sea (Halichoeros grypus Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the Dutch North Sea: population ecology and effects of wind farms There is growing but circumstantial evidence that anthropogenic actions such as offshore wind farms might influence life and wellbeing of marine mammals. Construction and operational activities, including traffic movements in relation to installation upkeep, augment human influence already dominantly present in a heavily exploited Southern section of the North Sea. The main focus of this research effort is to gain understanding of possible effects large-scale offshore wind farm development in Dutch territorial waters might inflict upon grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). Defining effects of human activities such as the construction of offshore wind farms requires either a measured change or just its absence in seal population. Effects may either occur in numbers, distribution, diet, or dedicated habitat. In the specific case of grey seals residing in Dutch waters, identifying a cause and effect relationship between a wind farm (construction and operation) and seals wellbeing was not an easy to accomplish task. In fact progress was hampered by the fact that insufficient information has in the past been collected on this relatively new species. In lack of such detailed references on grey seals in Dutch waters, a prerequisite of this new study was to include basic data on the species. A summary of data on population development, diet and specific habitat issues is presented has been the main focus of this research. Impressive past growth Population studies show that grey seal numbers did experience impressive growth during the past three decades. Within this period the numbers increased from occasional individuals to a maximum 2000 mammal count during the moult season, a period when the animals can most frequently be seen. Growing grey seal numbers have also been observed in the Dutch Delta, sometimes even exceeding the number of harbour seals. Presumably, the majority of these animals originated from the British island coasts where the worlds largest grey seals population resides. Other grey seal strongholds on European continental coasts are found in Germany, but their number count remains below a couple of hundreds. It is thereby clear that the Netherlands accommodates the largest number of this seal species. That given fact reinforces a responsibility to protect these creatures within the Habitat Directive framework. Annual population development monitoring will show when they as a group stabilise both in size as well in the use of haul-outs. Based on scat analysis results, grey seals all along the Dutch coast mainly feed on a variety of benthic prey species. Most common is that they eat sole during spring and flounder in the autumn. This feed pattern is comparable to the diet of grey seals residing along the UK east coast, even though in these areas a larger quantity of sand eel is eaten. And on average prey length seldom exceeds 20cm, which is only slightly larger compared to harbour seals primary diet. Dietary research Because a scat analysis – like all methods applied for cryptic animals dietary research – does create a bias, additional information was collected for fatty acid analysis. However, results of the latter analysis are not yet satisfactory. In the near future researchers therefore expect to use this method in parallel to scat analysis in order to gain better understanding on dietary preferences of these seal species. One of the main conclusions with regard to spatial distribution of individual seals is that the Dutch North Sea zone is an important area for grey seals in terms of migration and foraging. And although a majority seals spend most of their time near their central location (haul-outs), a model applied predicts that areas further offshore such as the Frisian front and the Dogger Bank provide suitable foraging areas too. Past research indicates that grey seals originating from UK populations travel to and feed at the Dogger Bank. Large distance migrations along continental coasts and to the UK have been observed as well. This in turn suggests that the Dutch grey seals population is indeed “open”. Consequently, an increase in human activity along these migration routes holds the risk that seal populations might become disturbed. In this 88 of 110 Report number C140/10 small sample size a relatively large number of seals is found to make journeys as described above. And that suggests a rather common practice for the grey seals to travel such long distances. In terms of preference to particular areas, the same model applied indicates that grey seals prefer sandy areas and shallow waters. These findings are in support of previous research where similar results were found for grey as well as harbour seals. Equally important, it allows prediction of spatial distribution, even in areas with little available telemetry data. “Normal” seal behaviour Understanding the possible influence(s) of wind farms is crucial in an overall offshore area utilisation context. That in turn requires thorough understanding of “normal” seal behaviour, i.e. habitat use and a capability to accurately track individual mammals in their 3-dimensional environment. Furthermore, it is essential to understand if and in what manner these “normal” behaviour patterns change due to wind farm presence. This research team already has gained some understanding of the grey seals phenomenon in Dutch waters, i.e. numbers, haul-out patterns, and phenology. The latter branch of biology studies cyclical biological events, such as flowering, breeding, and migration, in relation to climatic conditions. Phenological records of the dates on which seasonal phenomena occur provide important information on how climate change affects ecosystems over time. The available know-how base regarding seals distribution at sea is much more limited. This research further shows that attempts to acquire fresh knowledge can somewhat be hampered by large individual variations between these mammals. But despite this given complication substantial efforts have been taken to obtain more detailed information on seal habitat use (preferences) and on factors that influence their distribution, both natural and human interference based. Finally, when attempts were made to calculate effects of wind farm pile driving upon seals, the effort was hampered by at that moment were relatively low seal numbers. Furthermore, many seals were at a far away distance from the wind farm construction area and to big in order to suffer any effect of these piledriving activities. And though circumstantial, seals seem to move towards he wind farm construction area once pile driving have ceased, a phenomenon observed by seal tracks tagged during the actual activity. Report number C140/10 89 of 110 2006-005: Underwater hearing sensitivity of harbour seals for tonal signals and noise bands(Phoca vitulina) Harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) show the most extensive geographic distribution of any seal species. They inhabit the eastern Baltic Sea as well as both eastern and western Atlantic Ocean (300 to 800 north) and Pacific Ocean (280 to 620 north) coastal areas. This specific species leads an amphibious life, resting on land, while migration, foraging and courtship activities occur underwater. During the breeding season, male harbour seals produce underwater vocalizations described as growls and short broadband-pulsed calls. Importance of sound In order to determine the importance of sound to harbour seals during various activities, information is required on their underwater hearing sensitivity. Harbour seals main activity examples include communication, reproduction, predator avoidance, navigation, and disturbance potential by anthropogenic noise. This underwater hearing sensitivity has been scientifically analysed and tested for pure tones as well as frequency-swept tones. However, in each of in total seven previous reports that were analysed, in fact only the sensitivity of a single harbour seal at part of the frequency hearing range was studied. Moreover, in each of these past research projects different equipment, methodologies, and signal parameters have been applied, with the animals involved being of various ages, and all were males. In addition, some of the hearing thresholds may have been influenced (masked) by research pool-related background noise. And as harbour seals are found in coastal waters, these are typically places with busy human activities. For assessing potential disturbances by anthropomorphic noise sources, it is essential to obtain robust underwater hearing threshold curves for this pinniped species. For meeting that objective a quiet testing environment and a representative number of animals are both necessary preconditions. To meet these specific requirements, a pool and filtration system with special acoustic features designed for hearing studies was built at a quiet location in the Netherlands. And especially for this hearing trial, two healthy one-year-old female harbour seals were also obtained. Final aim was to determine underwater hearing thresholds for both seals over their entire hearing range, by applying a psychoacoustic behavioural technique. Acoustic signal response The animals were trained to respond when detecting an acoustic signal and not to respond when they did not (go/no-go response). The test range included pure tones (0.125 - 0.25 kHz) and narrow-band FM (tonal) signals (centre frequencies 0.5 - 100 kHz) with 900ms duration. In addition, an up-down staircase method was applied for quantifying detection thresholds at each frequency range. The resulting underwater audiograms (50% detection thresholds) of the two seals did not differ in statistical terms: both plots showed a typical mammalian U-shape, but with a wide flat bottom. Maximum sensitivity (54 dB) occurred at 1 kHz, while the best hearing range – defined as 10 dB from the maximum sensitivity varied from 0.5 to 40 kHz (6⅓ octaves). Higher hearing thresholds - indicating reduced sensitivity - were observed below 1 kHz and above 40 kHz. Thresholds below 4 kHz proved lower than those previously described for harbour seals. This in turn demonstrates the importance of applying quiet facilities built specifically for meeting these acoustic research marine mammal hearing studies demands. The biggest hearing research challenge is maintaining a low background noise level, and great care was therefore given to this issue during the trials. The single main factor influencing a specific ‘LF’ part of the background noise spectrum within a pool is wind. This caused airborne noise during wind speed increase plus increased soil vibrations. During the four-month research period wind speeds were relatively low compared to previous years, which meant that background noise levels in the pool remained very low and even partly below sea state 0. 90 of 110 Report number C140/10 Absolute audiograms It is important to know whether the audiograms obtained during the research project were in fact “absolute audiograms”, or signals impacted by pool-related background noise. 0.125 - 0.5 kHz range signals were therefore only tried under wind force conditions below 2 Beaufort, because false alarms did occur at higher wind speeds. The latter is probably caused by the fact that both animals reacted to background noise elements resembling test signals. Still, the false alarm rate was generally highest for lower frequencies (< 1 kHz in this research). A majority of transient background noise signals prone to trigger false responses originate from this part of the spectrum range. As both seals were tested within the same sessions, any differences between thresholds obtained must have been due to differences in hearing sensitivity and/or individual differences in response criteria, motivational state, or behaviour. But equipment specification variations and settings, methodologies, personnel or background noise could not be held responsible for any of these threshold differences. Furthermore, in a majority of previous studies focused at pinniped hearing, except two experiments, pure tones were used as stimuli. Only the hearing of a Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) and two Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) have in the past been tested with narrow-band FM tonal signals. With humans FM signals tend to cause a slightly higher arousal effect compared to pure tones and therefore slightly lower hearing thresholds, more specifically < 5 dB depending on centre and modulation frequency. However, the use of FM signals instead of pure tones probably had little effect on the thresholds found in this research, an assumption based upon a hearing test with 250 Hz signals on a Pacific walrus. In that latter trial case no threshold difference was found between narrow-band FM signals like those applied in the present research – with frequency modulation being only 1% of centre frequency - and pure tone signals. Signal duration Hearing thresholds depend on signal duration, whereas integration time is also frequency-dependent and decreasing with frequencies going up. However, the 900 ms signal duration used during the research was probably longer than the harbour seal’s hearing system integration time. Above 4 kHz, thresholds found in previous hearing studies and those found in the present research proved similar. However, below 4 kHz present thresholds found were up to 20 dB lower than those values obtained in previous studies. These differences themselves may have been caused by a variety of reasons. One option is that low frequency signals were masked by background noise in the previous studies. Another potential reason is that animals in those cases may have suffered “TTS” due to high background noise levels caused by pumps before the hearing tests were conducted. Third, signal duration in a majority of the previous studies was shorter compared to the current project duration, and that in turn can possibly cause a hearing threshold increase. The latter factor is not attributable to integration time. It is on the contrary most likely due to the fact that it proves difficult for these animals to distinguish between transient signals as part of background noise and test signals. Finally there may have been individual, gender, health condition, or age-related differences in hearing sensitivity between these animals undergoing such tests. Ecological significance Key research project finding is that harbour seal hearing is more sensitive below 4 kHz than found in previous studies. Harbour seal’s hearing frequency range in fact shows overlap with the loudest and most common anthropogenic noise sources. Anthropogenic noise effects on marine mammals are highly variable in both nature and magnitude, and harbour seals show avoidance behaviour to certain sounds in specific contexts. Anthropogenic noise might also reduce the time harbour seals stay for foraging purpose in particular areas, thus potentially harming their physiological condition and potential reproductive success. In addition to harbour seal hearing sensitivity, the avoidance rate and disturbance Report number C140/10 91 of 110 zones around sound sources both depend on several other factors. Examples include general background noise level, water depth, ocean floor sediment properties and spectrum, source level and anthropogenic noise duration. In general, based on current findings, many anthropogenic noise sources are audible at greater ranges than formerly believed possible. Finally based on the small minimum audible angles for low frequencies, researchers concluded earlier that harbour seals are low frequency hearing specialists. This research shows that harbour seals possess can in fact hear very well at wide frequency range, and that they are capable to hear lower frequencies better in quiet conditions than previously expected 92 of 110 Report number C140/10 2007-003: Seabirds on wind Birds at Sea; studies into the possible impacts of wind farms on seabirds This research project addresses four different main objectives: 1. Generate a map of the North Sea indicating at which areas wind farms would have an adverse effect on seabirds; 2. Find explanatory variables for bird distribution in the biologically rich Frisian Front area; 3. Determine the bird fluxes gradient in a transect perpendicular to the Dutch coast; 4. Develop innovative instruments for dedicated scientific research. Bird distribution in Frisian Front The Frisian Front attracts many seabirds and hosts a number of typical North Sea bird species. These include for instance the Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis), Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus), Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus) and Common Guillemot (Uria aalge). For the latter two species, this sea area is of particular importance during the reproductive period. Lesser Black-backed Gulls fly back and forth from their breeding colonies at the Waddenzee islands to their foraging areas in and around the Frisian Front. Male Common Guillemots escort their still flightless chicks from the British breeding colonies to the Frisian Front and undergo a complete feather moult during this period. The Frisian Front is also rich in both demersal and pelagic fish. Common Guillemots are capable to reach this fish at any depth and any time (potential diving depths exceed Frisian Front actual water depths. Most fish by contrast swim too deep for risking falling prey to surface feeders, such as Lesser Blackbacked Gulls. This observation is valid unless factors come into play bringing these fishes to the sea surface. Upper water column In this research project surveyed birds and sampled fish in the upper water column as part of the Frisian Front area were extensively studied. The interrelationship between fish, birds and environmental parameters yields fresh insight into the distribution of seabirds, which in turn is an important input for offshore wind turbine spatial planning. Under natural circumstances, pelagic fish can be driven to the sea surface by hunting predators, such as cetaceans (e.g. Harbour Porpoise Phocoena phocoena), birds (e.g. Common Guillemot) or predatory fish (e.g. Mackerel Scomber scombrus). In an attempt to escape this danger, schools of small pelagic fish may try migrating to the surface, where they face the risk of becoming prey to surface feeders. These ‘feeding frenzies’, which are attended by several predatory species, are called ‘multi-species feeding associations’ (MSFA). Alternatively, otherwise unattainable fish become available through anthropogenic fishing, whereby discards are thrown overboard. These two mechanisms are considered not mutually exclusive and birds may use them opportunistically. Low densities In this research project surveyed birds and sampled fish in the upper water column of the Frisian Front area were extensively studied. The interrelationship between fish, birds and environmental parameters yields fresh insights onto the distribution of seabirds, which in turn provides important information for facilitating offshore wind turbine spatial planning. Both fish sampling and ‘echo-sounder’ scans revealed low densities of small pelagic fish near the water surface during daytime (Figure 1). Daytime fish species biomass, a well-known prey for Common Guillemots (Sprat Sprattus sprattus, ScadTrachurus trachurus, Herring Clupea harengusi, Whiting Merlangius merlangus and Mackerel Scomber scombrus) did not correlate with observed Common Guillemot densities. Especially noticable, these guillemots could not be seen foraging during daytime. However, several Common Guillemots were observed to start diving at sunset. A nocturnal fish sampling Report number C140/10 93 of 110 revealed a much higher fish biomass concentration (especially Herring and Sprat) in the upper water layers after sunset. A peak in diving activity has been reported for Common Guillemots during crepuscular periods (the twilight zone). Suspending foraging to crepuscular periods when prey migrates upwards may be favourable energetically, as diving depth under these circumstances can be minimized. The latter activity can be especially demanding for chicks, while hunting success is potentially higher. Hypothesis A hypothesis was that the Frisian Front is rich in fish, which are hunted at by subsurface predators making the fish available to gulls in MSFAs. Although MSFAs have been observed at the Frisian Front in the past, none were observed during a 2009 project survey. This can probably be explained by the absence of large fish schools and the low potential MSFA driver numbers. The only potential MSFA driver present in good numbers – Common Guillemots – were not foraging during daytime and therefore did not produce MSFAs diurnally. Hence, MSFAs could not supply Lesser Black-backed Gulls with diurnal foraging opportunities. Lesser Black-backed Gulls where mainly observed when following the observation vessel or – if within sight – following fishing vessels. This, combined with the virtual lack of natural foraging behaviour indicate that at least during daytime, Lesser Black-backed Gulls rely on fishing vessels discards rather than MSFAs. Man thus plays an important role in making otherwise unavailable fish available to gulls. Figure 1 Left: Typical echogram from the upwards-beaming towed body with a mounted 200 kHz splitbeam transducer. The red marks are probably fish (schools). In the first meter water down from the surface, the echogram shows a lot of noise, caused by reflections from the rough sea conditions. Right: Acoustic distribution (NASC) of all fish species subdivided by 1-metre depth layers. 94 of 110 Report number C140/10 Figure 2 Results from the vessel-based bird survey in the Frisian Front area during August 2-6. Left panel: density of Common Guillemots and fish tracks. Right panel: Lesser Black-backed Gulls and their associations with floating matter. Many gulls associated with the vessel during the fish sampling. Compare this with fish track locations in left panel. A second hypothesis is on a gradient in bird fluxes when approaching towards the coast. Currently bird radar stations are typically located relatively close to shore, providing only part of the required input data. In the context of this project a bird radar station has been located at an offshore site. By comparing bird fluxes measured at different distances from shore, the hypothesized gradient in bird movements can be quantified and tested. However, at this stage project results are not yet available which implies a lacking proof in either supporting or rejecting this latter hypothesis. Innovative instruments In order to collect relevant data on fish distribution in the water column upper layer, the research team developed three innovative instruments. At first an acoustic sensor for the upper water layer was built. Normally these sensors face downwards and are towed behind a vessel. The newly developed acoustic sensor by contrast faces upward, scanning the water column from towing depth (approximately 7m) up to the water surface. In order to avoid fish being disturbed by vessel-induced movements, towing the sonar in the vessel wake should be avoided. Therefore, the sonar device was dragged at an angle with the vessel’ bearing. This was achieved by giving the device a distinct wing shape that made it ‘fly like a kite in the water’. Secondly, a new fishing net with a reasonably large net opening was developed, enabling researchers to fish the upper three metres of the water column. Thirdly, a specially adapted net featuring a fixed net opening was developed for conducting plankton surveys in North Sea waters. Like the acoustic sonar, these nets had to be towed at an angle with the vessels’ bearing, which was structurally achieved by employing shearing boars (paravanes). Report number C140/10 95 of 110 Figure 3 From left to right: acoustic underwater kite, surface trawl net and floating plankton net. Bird sensitivity map Bird distribution data were finally accumulated and put into a single database originating from three different sources: Rijkswaterstaat, NIOZ, IMARES and Bureau Waardenburg. Furthermore, a specific algorithm for determining bird sensitivity to wind farms depending on species characteristics was applied to this database. The Bird sensitivity map as a main project result serves as an overall risk map and was constructed based upon combined species distribution maps and species risk indices. It above all offers an advanced capability to pinpoint these specific areas where offshore wind farms can be planned best with the least impact upon seabirds. The map does also show what gradient in bird fluxes is present off the Dutch coast, and it provides also improved understanding of explanatory variables linked to the distribution of birds at sea. Last but not least it has provided the participating research institutes with a set of innovative instruments offering superior capabilities for surveying the marine environment. 96 of 110 Report number C140/10 2004-006: A ship based hydrophone system for detection and classification of cetacean echolocation signals The Cetaceans are one of the most distinctive and highly specialized orders of mammals. They include the largest animal that has ever lived, the blue whale; the highly intelligent and communicative dolphins; the tusked narwhals and blind river dolphins and singing humpback whales - nearly eighty living species in all. Source: www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/mammal/cetacea/cetacean.html Cetacean vocalisations Toothed whales produce two types of vocalisations: •Social calls i.e. “whistles”; with this sound they communicate with others, like wolves each dolphin call is unique per specimen, which leaves opportunities to estimate numbers; •Echolocation; Like bats these calls are used to navigate and prey targeting. This specific type of sound can be described as an impulsive type of waveform, a so-called click, with a number of amplitude changes decaying in time. The first type of sound signatures occur mostly in the lower frequency band < 20 kHz, while echolocation signals can range up to 150 kHz. Echolocation has been demonstrated in several cetacean species. Toothed whales produce forward-projected bursts of impulsive type of sound of high intensity and frequency. Each pulse is brief and has been found to range from 50 - 200 s in duration. In most cases intervals between pulses enable to receive an echo from specific targets before a new pulse is emitted. Acoustic properties of these sonar signals vary per species, with the centre frequency as their most distinctive parameter. The habitat of species can partly be recognised in the frequency where the energy peaks. Of all cetaceans species harbour porpoise are the hardest animals to spot visually as only the upper part of their body appears above water surface during breathings. Sighting of these animals further depends on weather conditions. This visual capability in fact rapidly declines between 1 to 2 Beaufort and is probably limited to maximum wind force 3 Beaufort conditions. And as cetacean produce vocalisations with unique acoustic properties and patterns, acoustics are a logical choice in extending the observation programmes and make full benefit of ship and survey time. Sound signatures Dutch observation programmes focus mainly on harbour porpoise abundance in the Dutch economic zone of the North Sea. However, because acoustic properties of cetacean vocalisations are unique for each species the technical approach of a detection system requires flexible techniques to filter these individual sound signatures from their background noise. Next step is to identify species from these parameters, of which the properties are known from literature. At present acoustic sensor array’s, so-called towed hydrophone array’s, connected to computercontrolled filter/capture techniques are employed as an aid to visual observations. However, there are a number of technical disadvantages linked to these technologies applied today: •A submerged acoustic hydrophone array towed behind a vessel as an observation instrument turns insensitive in frontal sailing direction. This ‘forward view’ is common practice for ‘normal’ visual observations; •Hydrophone elements typically consist of cylindrical shaped piezo elements with their highest sensitivity in a direction perpendicular to the element axis, which is equivalent to sailing direction. And in case Report number C140/10 97 of 110 spherical hydrophones are applied the actual numbers are too low to ensure an accurate bearing calculation and/or a sufficient left - right ambiguity; •An array is towed in the cavitation-prone vessel wake zone. This zone typically contains similar impulsive propeller noise masking the low frequency part of a received signal bandwidth, and/or may introduce false click detections that can potentially jeopardize cetacean click detection; •Traditional detection system processing applies electronic circuits to detect cetacean signals, whereas to reduce data a high frequency spectrum is enveloped into a lower frequency band. Hydrophone array These above identified imperfections led to an idea to position a hydrophone channel array underneath the frontal hull bow section. Such an array spans a 180-degree horizontal forward-facing arc with narrow horizontal directionality - little angular overlap between adjacent hydrophones - and wide vertical directionality. A second feature of this novel cetaceans detection approach is that the system is located in the most-quiet vessel section with minimised impact of the propulsion system and/or other dominant sound emitting sources. With other maritime detection techniques, like for fish this front position advantage was already recognised as being superior during the early days of fishery technology development. At present both sonar and echo Souder transducers applied in modern trawlers are all positioned at the hull front side. When for instance 12 hydrophone channels are applied each channel would cover a 15-degree angle (1800 in total). The third part of the research effort was to design a permanent all-weather proof system, thereby eliminating a need to mount and remove the sensor dome anew for each next survey. The sensors further need to be resistant against the impact of slamming forces during vessel operation, but without loosing acoustic transparency and by maintaining a suitable degree of sensitivity. The most logical target vessel to apply this new technology at was a research vessel FRV “Tridens”, which is frequently used for visual observations. This vessel as an added advantage offers the required elevation from where cetaceans can be spotted over a wide distance. Another advantage is that this technology can be applied during other surveys all year round. Sailing speed Sensor design and commissioning involved a study by Delft (NL) based manufacturer Lightweight Structures on the feasibility of the project’s ambition. This design specification package involves operating a permanently mounted sensor dome underneath the bow part of the “Tridens” that is capable to withstand a maximum 17 knots sailing speed. A sensor dome containing all measuring equipment is positioned approximately 4 - 5 metres below water surface. Based upon this perspective and specification particulars of the ”Tridens” actual slamming forces were calculated and applied for sensor dome design, materials selection and production methodology development. As part of the research project an advanced 12-channel cetacean detector has now been developed, which for permanent marine submerged application is fitted at the bow of the FRV “Tridens”. Cetacean echolocation signals are received through a ship-based forward-facing semi-circular 12-channel hydrophone array. Both housing dome shell and mechanical construction (1000 (l) x 800 (w) x400 (h) mm) were designed to withstand slamming forces at the vessel bow during a 17-knot sailing speed. These marine specifications are in accordance with American Bureau of Shipping 2003 classification standards for high-speed naval craft. Analogue signals are simultaneously digitised at 16-bit resolution on two data acquisition cards, and sampled with a 500 kHz rate in order to support the maximum frequency range of harbour porpoise echolocation signals. 98 of 110 Report number C140/10 Distinguishing echolocation signals The powerful software framework developed simultaneously is capable of distinguishing between echolocation signals by cetaceans, identify cetacean species, and plot acoustic encounters as overlay on oceanographic GIS maps together with the ship’s course. The software supports detection of dolphin vocalisations within a range of 2 - 150 kHz, added by a number of operational functions such as replay and simulation modes. Equipment trial tests have been performed offshore on board a former pilot vessel named “Kluut”, while artificial echolocation signals were projected at pre-determined distances from a second vessel, the “Blue Marlin”. The tests proved that system functions principally operated according to expectation, but the trials also revealed that detection algorithms were not sensitive enough. Following the trials both software click and burst detection modules have been thoroughly revised. And although still a prototype version stage and requiring further optimising effort both regarding hardware and software systems, overall results are promising. That in turn offers great opportunities for high-speed sailing and operations performed with smaller vessels, and enables surveys through hazardous coastal zones characterised by large man made structures like wind farms. The new software development approach as a key advantage reduces post analysis time as main functions like mapping and sorting of detections are standard features integrated within the software architecture. Finally it has become clear already that this new approach offers great otential turning it into a serious candidate for replacing current methods and techniques. Report number C140/10 99 of 110 2004-007: The influences of wind farms on benthos and fish Natural and Human Induced Seabed Evolution; the occurrence of large-scale bed patterns and the effects of human activities on the North Sea seabed. Organisation Twente University, The Netherlands PhD thesis report Natural and Human Induced Seabed Evolution; the occurrence of large-scale bed patterns and the effects of human activities on the North Sea seabed. Research Area Report numbers RL-2 WE@SEA 2004-012 ISBN 978-90-365-2613-5 Funding EU-project HUMOR (EVK3-CT 2000-000037) PhD@Sea, which is funded under the Dutch Government BSIK programme and supported by the WE@SEA consortium. Author Henriët van der Veen Date 21 February 2008 The North Sea is a highly dynamic water mass, where tidal currents flow over a sandy seabed. This intensively used sea space is characterised by a wide range of different human activities that are being conducted simultaneously. The North Sea seabed is rich in natural resources like oil and gas, which has resulted into the construction of multiple oil and gas platforms to extract these valuable natural resources. The platform structures themselves are connected to transport and processing facilities onshore via pipelines typically buried into the seabed. In addition telephone and data cables are located either above or into the seabed interlinking countries one to another. Economic importance Since the North Sea is a biologically rich area, fishing activities always formed an important economic activity. Some sections in addition still contain unwelcome but substantial numbers of sea mines originating from World War I as well as WW II. Other areas in turn are in use for accommodating largescale infrastructural projects. And as many important European harbours are located along North Sea shores intensive shipping movements is one of the logical consequences. That in turn necessitates that many shipping lanes need to be dredged on a regular basis in order to safeguard vessel passage. In addition, large sea areas have been reserved for building offshore wind farms and/or serve other specific functions like air force practice. With regard to seabed topology the North Sea is neither flat nor smooth, but instead shaped in patterns, ranging from small ripples to large sand banks. Sand banks feature wavelengths between 1 and 10 km and can extend to a height of several tens of meters. Somewhat smaller in size are so-called sand waves. Their length varies between 100 to 800 metres, and they typically measure up to 10 m high from trough to crest. The North Sea is a very dynamic sea area, both in natural and morphological sense. Due to a delicate combination with many human activities taking place simultaneously, it is essential to determine the nature as well as (interacting) implications linked to large-scale morphological effects of these human activities. One distinct human activity that quickly gains in overall importance is the planned construction of multiple North Sea offshore wind farms over the next decades. 100 of 110 Report number C140/10 As part of this thesis research a system capable to predict such large-scale effects on the North Sea seabed interlinked to various human activities put upon a long timescale has been developed. This was achieved by implementing idealized morpho-dynamic models in a GIS (Geographical Information System) that also contains specific data on the North Sea environment. Correct prediction During this research project the occurrence of sand banks and sand waves in the North Sea was predicted and these were later compared with observations indicating the occurrence of such large-scale seabed features. The results above all show that for large sections of the North Sea it is indeed possible to correctly predict the occurrence of sand barks and sand waves at specific locations. The new models that predict morphological effects linked to human activities cannot be validated yet. However, these models are based upon the same principles as models used to predict the occurrence of sand banks and sand waves. The latter are validated against North Sea observations of these large-scale seabed sand deposit settings, this may give trust in the models that are applied to predict morphological effects of human activities. It is assumed that models predicting human activity linked effects do not show any morphological seabed evolution, when the model that predicts sand bank effects does not predict sand bank occurrence. In other words, the model that predicts the occurrence of sand banks does not indicate the occurrence of sand banks at that particular location. This is due to the fact that underlying principles or mechanisms of the models predicting effects of human activities are based by on the same 2DH flow conditions that are necessary for sand bank development. By connecting idealized morpho-dynamic models to a GIS it is possible to create a tool well suited for predicting human activity linked effects to North Sea seabed conditions. The models apply site-specific inputs to provide predictions for an arbitrary location in the North Sea. Offshore wind farms A first main application of the new system is large-scale sand extraction. Due to major construction projects like the planned Rotterdam harbour enlargement, demand for sand is rising steeply. Offshore resources will increasingly be required to fulfil these needs for large sand quantities, implying for instance that multiple large-scale sand pits need to be created in the North Sea space. And as the North Sea is a ‘shallow shelf sea’ where the tide flows over a sandy bed, the presence of sand pits can influence seabed behaviour. Future offshore wind farms are a second main future application for the new system. As part of the research project influences of offshore wind farms on large-scale seabed morpho-dynamics effects were studied. With reason, as the need for renewable energy is rising and wind power is one of the main power sources that can be harvested effectively. The research project resulted into the development of a morpho-dynamic model that enables studying the effects of offshore wind farms on the seabed. Implementing this model in a dedicated GIS environment, offers the possibility to calculate seabedinduced effects induced by a wind farm while applying site-specific and farm design input parameters. Finally, implementing idealized morpho-dynamic models in a GIS environment enables the prediction of the occurrence of large-scale North Sea seabed sand deposits. This is achieved by implementing specific models predicting effects of human activities within a GIS system. That in turn makes it feasible to provide an indication of large-scale morphological effects resulting from these North Sea human activities. The end result is a rapid assessment tool for predicting human activity inked morphological effects at the seabed. Report number C140/10 101 of 110 2005-022: Low cost en sea-clutter resistant radar for monitoring birds Organisation Report name TNO division Defense, Security and Safety Final report WE@SEA project ROBIN Lite bird radar development aimed at maritime bird migration monitoring Report numbers WE@SEA 2005-022 + 2006-013 TNO 015.35126 + 032.11223 Author Addy Borst, M.Sc. Date May 15, 2008 Introduction At the end of 2007 offshore wind farms with a total capacity of about 1,100 MW were operational in Europe, while new projects are being added regularly in a number of countries. The EU’s objective is to have 40,000 MW offshore wind power operational by 2020 in European waters. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) forms an integral part of each offshore wind farm planning stage, and these studies include bird migration monitoring. Until today there were no effective radarbased monitoring systems available with a key operational focus at tracking bird movements. As part of the WE@SEA research program TNO division Defense, Security and Safety engaged into developing a dedicated bird tracking radar system under the product trade name ROBIN Lite. One of the main project and product development objectives was that ROBIN Lite enables the continuous and systematic registration of bird migration in a predefined area around offshore wind farms. A second main project objective is that the radar system can be remote controlled, operate independent from unmanned offshore wind farms, and that the bird-migration data can be transmitted onshore. Despite the fact that the Robin Lite system development, testing and optimizing process has not been completed yet, substantial commercial interest is expressed already from Dutch as well as foreign parties. 102 of 110 Report number C140/10 The project execution process itself also faced a number of setbacks, for instance with regard to signal interference issues. That necessitated intermediate system redesign, which in turn required additional funding exceeding the initial budget and also caused considerable project progress delay. Due to the importance attached by TNO towards accomplishing a fully operational and tested ROBIN Lite system, a decision was made to fund this crucial last project stage towards commercialisation from internal TNO resources. ROBIN Lite bird radar development objectives During the next decennia a large number of offshore wind farms are planned in the North Sea. It is also envisaged that offshore wind farms will in future provide a significant share of total electricity demand in the Netherlands. However, environmental effects and potential constraints are without exception closely linked to planned as well as operational (offshore) wind farms. Project developers are obliged to conduct an EIA, aimed at quantifying any positive and negative environmental effects linked to the building and operation of offshore wind farms. Such an EIA in addition has to contain specific project measures aimed at alleviating and/or significantly reducing these negative wind farm effects. An important part of an EIA is dedicated towards the potential impact of offshore wind farms to fish, birds, sea mammals and other water born organisms. With regard to local effects on birds like accidental collisions, habitat loss, and/or wind farms posing a barrier to migration routes and general freedom of movement all need to be quantified. Until today quantifying all these effects has proven very hard to accomplish. This is true for bird monitoring in general but especially tracking offshore bird migration offshore is highly complex and a very time consuming process. It is in fact a combination of the logistical efforts required (i.e. transportation and local stay) and specific challenges linked to observing bird movements during night hours above the water surface. Radar for bird observation Radar has always been regarded one of the potentially most important available tools for bird observation and especially bird flight movements in a marine environment during the dark. Radar observation as a key advantage is fully independent of visual conditions (i.e. darkness, foggy weather). It is in addition possible to register and electronically store all bird movements at random and scattered in a wide area, and low as well as high altitudes. Finally with the aid of high-level automation tools key variables including flight directions, flight speeds, and bird flock densities can be quantified. Bird radar systems require sufficient range to cover a given wind farm object and a wide area stretching several kilometres around it in order to adequately track and analyse bird migration behaviour. Today’s bird radar systems are all based upon maritime ‘shipping-type’ radars. Under ideal circumstances these systems are indeed capable to detect small objects including birds above land at a range spanning several kilometres. However, above a water surface the detection range is often much more limited due too wave reflection effects. Under regular sea state (= wave height) conditions, and in a combination with wave reflection and multi-path effects (= sea clutter), the actual radar detection range is seldom more then 1 kilometre. But in practice this range is often restricted to less than 500 metres. As sufficient area around an offshore wind farm is required to enable adequate bird migration pattern studies, the latter range is considered rather limited. Low-cost bird radar TNO has the internal capabilities and other necessary means to develop a relatively low-cost bird radar system, which does meet the above indicated range and detection sensitivity requirements. In addition this radar system, thanks to advanced built-in automation capabilities, requires substantially less manhours for data processing compared to compatible radar systems. These combined product features Report number C140/10 103 of 110 qualifies TNO’s bird radar system as an ideal tool for continuous bird migration monitoring in the vicinity of offshore wind farms. The system itself is in essence a combination of maritime radar technology applied in the shipping industry and an FMCW-type radar TNO already applies in other applications. The latter is fitted already with a commercially available DEKODO sea-clutter filter and ROBIN bird detection algorithms. Besides sea-clutter filtering, additional filters for handling wind turbine rotor reflection issues have been incorporated. Rotor reflection as a phenomenon is highly predictable and the required filtering method as a challenge is therefore rather easy and straightforward to tackle. TNO developed the original ROBIN system during the past twenty years for the Dutch royal air force (Koninklijke Luchtmacht or KLu) and several European air forces too. Based on radar data obtained from two KLu air control radars, ROBIN software is capable to fully detect and register all bird migration movements (tracks) across Dutch air space. In other words tens of thousands tracks can be followed and visualised simultaneously. The new bird radar system is based on integrating the above-mentioned modules into a single system entity. This system in turn is characterised by a number of distinct features including adequate detection sensitivity, easy-to-operate built-in capabilities, and is finally for clients relatively inexpensive to obtain. The new bird radar system will be extensively tested and validated offshore. These bird migration detection and tracking tests will be conducted in parallel with a ‘conventional’ state-of-the-art radar system, as well as human observation techniques. The test variables cover a range of different weather conditions, which include bird monitoring during daylight hours and during dusk and darkness at night. ROBIN Lite design specifications In the project predefining stage extensive consultation talks have been organised with potential user groups as well as biologists and ornithologists aimed at determining the ROBIN Lite’s minimal design specifications: 1 Range minimal 4km for a medium-size bird at sea state 2; 2 Height range water surface to minimal 2,000m (minimum tracking angle 18º); 3 Bird flight path registration in 2D; 4 Vertical bird flight height and flux registration in 2D; 5 Localised bird flight path and flying height registration in 3D; 6 Continuously 365/24/7 operational; 7 Remote control en data access; 8 Automated bird migration data processing and storage in a dedicated database; 9 Automated data transfer to shore; 10 Bird migration pattern visualisation; 11 Bird species recognition; 12 Bird numbers and bird flux registration; 13 GIS information application; 14 Sea-clutter filtering; 15 Additional rain, land and wind turbine rotor reflection filters; 16 Low-cost product. As a main outcome of an extensive customer product demand evaluation TNO decided for a system configuration based upon a combination of two distinct radars. For obtaining relevant 3D bird migration data a horizontal as well as a vertical radar system are required. Horizontal radar thereby records bird migration patterns in the horizontal plane, while the vertical radar adds height-related data. In total two ROBIN Lite test systems have been developed. One system is located on the roof of the TNO division’s The Hague based laboratory, while a second system is available for field testing. 104 of 110 Report number C140/10 ROBIN Lite horizontal radar For the horizontal radar system component any state-of-the-art maritime (shipping) radar with X-band and S-band frequencies can be applied. With regard to the radar hardware only minor modifications proved necessary, and an initial choice was made for X-band radar made by Furuno. An X-band frequency is compared to S-band better suited to detect small singing birds, but is as a disadvantage more sensitive for weather-related effects like rain and snow. The range is also slightly shorter compared to S-band. A bigger challenge proved the system electronics required for generating and processing radar signals into bird-specific information. One of the added difficulties is the fact that bird radar reflection hardly exceeds radar system-related noise. That in turn puts high technical and other demands to data acquisition quality. These demands are of such a high-level that the required system electronics is not available from Commercial Of The Shelf (COTS) market supply sources. TNO therefore engaged a specialised Dutch electronic system developer for supplying the data-acquisition hardware. Due to the generic nature of these system electronics it can as part of ROBIN Lite be connected to Furono radars as well as comparable radars of competing makes. ROBIN Lite horizontal radar in testing mode at a wind farm near Dresden, Germany ROBIN Lite vertical radar Dictated by customer demand for an adjustable height range in a combination with bird species recognition capability the application of a tilted (horizontal) type shipping radar system proved impossible. The main reason is that shipping radar transmits relatively high-performance pulses (maximum 25kW). However, for bird species recognition a system capability to continuously ‘spot’ a bird is essential. As a key precondition the radar should not rotate too fast in order to continuously keep track of this given bird. However, with modern shipping Report number C140/10 105 of 110 radar application the latter capability is prohibited for safety reasons. When this specific radar type stops rotating, than also the radar pulse transmission process ceases. A radar technology that allows the continuous ‘spotting’ of a bird is known as Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) technology. The latter radar type does transmit power continuously instead of by pulses. One main consequence from a radar technology point of view is that two antenna’s are required, one for transmitting and a second for receiving radar signals. And not unimportant an FMCW radar is known as a so-called Solid State system. This implies that the radar energy is not generated anymore as pulses in a radar-magnetron. A key advantage of a Solid State radar system is the much reduced upkeep requirement compared to standard pulse radars. The trials showed that birds could be detected from about 3 kilometres distance. Initially the FMCW radar transmitting power was 25 mW, but now this capacity is being raised to about 700 mW. ROBIN Lite vertical radar Data transfer, data processing and storage Remote control is an important aspect of the ROBIN Lite system development. This feature has been implemented and field tested during trials at a wind farm near Dresden (Germany) and at the Dutch Woensdrecht air force base. One of the positive findings was that the system operated continuously for several months, and during that period all data generated were successfully transmitted to TNO’s The Hague office. Generic designed data transfer is based upon TCP/IP Wide Arena Networks (TCP/IP WAN). That in turn can be achieved with different methods. These have been implemented and tested with the aid of SATCOM, WiFi en ADSL connections. Bird information in the form of bird flight tracks including variables like position, speed, direction, and reflection density needs to be stored in database format. State-of-theart formats include among others MS-Acces, MySQL, and PostGreSQL. 106 of 110 Report number C140/10 Mobile ROBIN Lite application Report number C140/10 107 of 110 Mobile ROBIN Lite application ROBIN Lite data visualisation Depending on client wishes ROBIN Lite results can be visualised in different manners. One option is to store radar images as unprocessed data, which as an advantage offers the possibility to keep these source data available for (renewed) future processing. A disadvantage is that the data volume increases very fast, which can quickly result in data storage and data transfer bottlenecks. The latter especially occurs when data transmission takes place via a data line with limited bandwidth. This is method is therefore only applied for development purposes. Another option is to store radar images as ‘streaming video’. That offers the possibility to maintain a capacity to analyse the source data either manually and/or visually, see the radar image example below. 108 of 110 Report number C140/10 ROBIN Lite radar streaming video image of wind farm near Dresden The most user-friendly data visualisation method applied today makes use of synthetic data stored in a database. This means in practice that - based on database queries - relevant bird tracks can be preselected and visualised with the aid of a GIS (Geographic Information System). The latter method offers by comparison a much-improved understanding of bird movement. A good example offered by bird migration data obtained from Google Earth is for instance represented in the picture below. Report number C140/10 109 of 110 Half hour bird migration monitoring image around the Woensdrecht air force base The ROBIN Lite system finally still needs to be validated by TNO’s Dutch project partners Bureau Waardenburg en IMARES ROBIN Lite validation trials at Woensdrecht air force base 110 of 110 Report number C140/10