capsules - Cancerbush
capsules - Cancerbush
Online Store - Page 1 of 8 MOTHER NATURES FINEST HERBAL REMEDIES PO Box 32500 London, W3 8GZ Email: Tel : + 44 208 993 4870 / 07943 144 544 CATEGORY CAPSULES OILS SYRUPS HERBAL TEA We provide the finest quality herbs and offer comprehensive nutritional support, our aim is to educate the public with the knowledge they require to take charge of their temple by the utilization of Mother Natures Finest herbs that support the body. We supply our products worldwide and believe our global family will embrace this vision. Browse our online store we offer a wide range of the finest produce Mother Nature has bestowed upon all sentient beings on planet earth, from the very popular 'Blood Cleanser Tea' that eliminates excess sugars, salts and all foreign matters from the body. Another favourite is our seasonal 'Flu Buster tea' that destroys flu within 2 days. SEEDS CAPSULES PRODUCTS 1 2 3 4 NAME BENEFITS QTY PRICE YAMOA CAPSULE MAKE SURE YOU STOCK UP ON YAMOA POWDER (WHILE STOCKS LAST) THIS POPULAR NATURAL REMEDY ADVERTISED ON ITV (LONDON TONIGHT) Yamoa Powder Funtumia Elastica bark powder has been used in Ghana for many years for respiratory 60 conditions. It is a natural product from the Funtumia Caps Elastica gum tree, and when taken on a relatively short-term basis, can have lasting respiratory health benefits. This product is 100% effective For Asthma & hay fever taken as instructed on label. £30 CANCER BUSH The use of medicinal properties of this bush has been recorded for assisting the following conditions: Cancer, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Backache, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Depression, Diabetes (type 2) odema, fever, Gastric ailments, Heartburn, 60 Hot flushes, Hypertension, Influenza, ME, Peptic Caps ulcer, Rheumatism, Rheumatoid arthritis, Viral hepatitis, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Wasting from cancer, TB and AIDS and Mental depression, swine flu, & HIV/AID. £15 BLACK SEED OIL Black Seed Oil is an amazing powerful oil that heals and strengthens the body. traditional uses for Black Seed range from digestive complaints, skin problems, infertility plus a host of ailments, a very powerful healing seed used for centuries by indigenous cultures. £15 MARIANDINA A Mariandina A is a natural nutritional food supplement formula for the maintenance of good health in people of all ages and walks of life. It can 30 Caps be used by anyone who wants to maintain good health by supplementing the nutritional deficiencies found in any diet. boosts the immune system. 100 ml SIZE ORDER £12 file://E:\[[ WEB DESIGN ]]\My Web Sites\CLIENTS\CANCER BUSH\MOTHER-N... 07/02/2015 Online Store - 5 MARIANDINA B 6 MARIANDINA J 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CORAL CALCIUM NATURAL MALARIA KIT PERIOD PAIN CONTROL HORMONE BALANCE Page 2 of 8 Cleanses all body organs Mariandina B is a natural nutritional food supplement formula for the 30 maintenance of good health in people of all ages Caps and walks of life. It can be used by anyone who wants to maintain good health by supplementing the nutritional deficiencies found in todays diet. Breaks down viral loads responsible for the growth and development of illnesses Mariandina J is a natural nutritional food supplement formula for the maintenance of good health in people of all ages and walks of life. 30 Caps £12 £12 Coral Calcium neutralizes acid growth and harmonizes the alkalinity of our bodies assuring that cell health is maintained by controlling the acidity 60 that we introduce into bodies by consuming too Caps much acidic foods and consumed pollutants. Coral calcium is super rich in natural calcium. Takes 2 capsules (1 Morning and 1 Evening ) £25 Neutralizes Malaria, by cleansing the bloodstream removing excess sugar from the body, this action must be followed through for 7 days, then the capsules are taken, the capsules creates bitterness in the blood and as mosquitoes hate bitter, the 60 Caps likelihood of being attacked in greatly reduced, hence if mosquitoes cant detect sweet blood they will go elsewhere. (Taken as instructed on label) 1 packet of Blood Cleanser plus 60 Malaria Caps £25 Period Pain Control Takes absolute control of the painful condition that affects many women as they begin the cycle, endometriosis is a major cause many women suffer at this time whereby they are 20 doubled up in pain due to the blood not flowing as it Caps should, the tissues tend to clump together creating this excruciating pain, period pain control will be of great benefit. (Taken before or during cycle) £20 Hormone Balance Corrects all hormone imbalances, many women who are experiencing changes in the body, ie: hot flushes, excess sweating, change in cycle, hormonal changes, Hormone balance will correct these imbalances. (Take 2 capsules a day with food) 50 Caps £20 BRAIN FOOD Brain Food A blend of the finest herbs for feeding and quickening the brain, its actions are clearly defined by the stimulation of the neuron centres located in the brain, these centres are charged with 50 the electric energy of the brain food compound. re Caps builds brain cells improves memory & concentration . (Take 1 capsule morning & 1 evening ) £15 HEART FOOD Is rich in Cayenne which is known to be the perfect food for the heart, if you suffer from an enlarged heart, a sluggish heart, a hole in the heat, in fact 50 any disorder of the heart has been remedied by this Caps remarkable simple solution. (Take 1 capsule a day anytime with food) £7 This combination opens up the arteries allowing the removal of built up residue responsible for the clogging and narrowing of the pipe work, Artery 50 ARTERY FLUSH flush is a herbal dyno –blast that removes all debris Caps from the system thereby giving you a zest for life. (Take 2 capsules daily – Morn & just after dinner. ) £7 WEIGHT LOSS Weight Loss Program This compound breaks attacks the fat and breaks it down to liquid, hence 50 file://E:\[[ WEB DESIGN ]]\My Web Sites\CLIENTS\CANCER BUSH\MOTHER-N... 07/02/2015 Online Store - PROGRAM Page 3 of 8 one will notice the passing of more urine, by this process the fat is eliminated from the body. ( Take 1 capsule in morning, 1 evening ) Caps £20 14 15 PARASITE CLEANSER Purges parasites infestation, by launching an attack on these critters that rob our body of vital nutrients, this cleanser eliminates the parasites, their eggs and their waste that warehouses in our bodies (Take 2 capsules in morning, 2 evening ) 50 Caps £25 16 TUMOUR CONTROL CAPSULES A tried and tested compound that arrests and shrinks tumour growth, tumours are like a glorified boil only it is internal, whereby it gets inflamed as it 60 grows in size, Tumour control will be most useful in Caps this instance (Take 2 capsules in morning, 2 evening ) £25 17 NATURAL THYROID CONTROL Thyroid control will balance over reactive or under reactive thyroids, nearly all thyroid problems are based on a deficiency of natural Iodine, Iodine is 50 Caps required to maintain under or overactive thyroid related issues. (Take two daily 1 in the morn & 1 just before bed) £10 18 MORINGA CAPSULES Moringa is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin A, B, C and E, potassium, iron, antioxidants, phyto 60 chemicals, protein, and dietary fibre. According to Caps recent nutritional studies, Moringa ranks among the top natural products in providing those nutrition's, vitamins, antioxidants, as well as vital proteins. scientists have called Moringa "the most nutrient rich plant ever discovered" 60 capsules – (Take 2 in the morn) to give you the power needed for your day. £10 19 CORDYCEPS MUSHROOM CAPSULES Cordyceps are mushrooms, a brilliant gift to 60 humanity from the Creator, it stimulates the immune Caps system and enhances the natural antioxidants £12 20 OYSTER MUSHROOM CAPSULE Oyster mushrooms ( Pleurotus Ostreatus ) is a fleshy, gilled mushroom growing in shelf-like fashion on wood that is a good food and promising medicinal. Protein quality is nearly equal to animal derived protein. Low fat content is mostly of the good unsaturated kind. Also contained are 60 carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins B1, B2, plus minerals, Caps especially iron and an antioxidant. This mushroom shows activity against cancer and high cholesterol. It has shown activity in the following areas: anti tumour, immune response, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and a great antibiotic. £12 21 SHIITAKE MUSHROOM CAPSULES Shiitake mushrooms are an excellent source of selenium. They are a very good source of iron. They 60 Caps are a good source of protein, dietary fibre, and vitamin C. £12 WARBURGIA CAPSULES Warburgia is also known as Pepper bark, Isibhaha and Pepper basboom. The Warburgia salutaris tablets are made from an elite chemo type of 60 Warburgia. This tree is the most valuable of the Caps natural African antimicrobials and the bark and leaves have been used to treat yeast, fungal, bacterial and protozoal infections for centuries. £12 22 Coriolus versicolor powder and extract through cell wall-broken, high concentration modern file://E:\[[ WEB DESIGN ]]\My Web Sites\CLIENTS\CANCER BUSH\MOTHER-N... 07/02/2015 Online Store - Page 4 of 8 technologies. Richly contains Coriolus veriscolor polysaccharide, polypeptide, xylogen, amino acid and microelements, etc. Its key functions may 60 include detoxifying the liver, soothing the nerves and nourishing the brain and adjusting the immune Caps system. 23 CORIOLUS MUSHROOM CAPSULES 24 MAITAKE MUSHROOM Maitake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa) may best be known for its cancer-fighting properties. It contains 60 grifolan, an important beta-glucan polysaccharide Caps (molecule composed of many sugar molecules linked together). £12 RED REISHI MUSHROOM Red Reishi It is non-toxic and can be taken daily without producing any side effects. When it is taken regularly, it can restore the body to its natural state, 60 Caps enabling all organs to function normally it is an Immune modulator - regulates and fine tunes the immune system. £12 25 £12 Moringa Green Powder (Large / Small) Moringa is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin A, B, C and E, potassium, iron, antioxidants, phytochemicals, 185g protein, and dietary fibre. According to recent MORINGA nutritional studies, Moringa ranks among the top natural products in providing those nutrition's, GREEN POWDER vitamins, antioxidents, as well as vital proteins. scientists have called Moringa "the most nutrient 394g rich plant ever discovered" This is the FOOD of the FUTURE. 26 Moringa Green Powder Small (185 gms) £12.00 GBP OILS PRODUCTS NAME HEMP SEED OIL 27 BENEFITS QTY PRICE SIZE Hemp Seed Oil is rich in 52 essential nutrients, omega 3-6 and essential fatty acids. Hemp has 3 unique nutritional factors. It has an ideal balance of Omega 3 and 6 for sustainable human health, it has a full amino acid spectrum meaning it provides 250ml complete protein, and it has a massive trace mineral content truly one of nature's superfoods. ORDER £7 Black Seed Oil is an amazing powerful oil that heals and BLACK strengthens the body. traditional uses for Black Seed range 60 SEED from digestive complaints, skin problems, infertility plus a host of Caps £10 ailments, a very powerful healing seed used for centuries by OIL 28 indigenous cultures. Reverses aging skin, it promotes elasticity to the skin restoring a youthful appearance, it protect the skin from all forms of skin MORINGA cancer, excellent as a sun block, Moringa Oil is the base for all mainstream anti-wrinkle creams currently in todays cosmetic 50ml range, Moringa oil is an excellent food for hair growth being rich OIL in all vitamins and minerals it feeds the roots and follicles encouraging richly well nourished and healthy hair. 29 £8 SYRUP & TINCTURES PRODUCTS NAME COLLOIDAL BENEFITS Colloidal Gold: Anti-inflammatory properties - Research shows that colloidal gold can ease the swelling QTY Small 250ml PRICE SIZE ORDER Colloidal Gold Small (250ml) £20.00 GBP file://E:\[[ WEB DESIGN ]]\My Web Sites\CLIENTS\CANCER BUSH\MOTHER-N... 07/02/2015 Online Store - Page 5 of 8 associated with inflammatory conditions like arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, and tendinitis GOLD Large 500ml 30 31 32 33 34 COLLOIDAL BRONZE Colloidal Bronze: supplements are used to treat deficiencies of metals in the body and boost its immune system. Colloidal copper is actually small flecks of copper mixed with purified water. The water acts as a vehicle for delivering the metal to the digestive system. Copper supplements have been found to act as an anti-inflammatory as well as treatment for wounds and burns. Colloidal Silver Small (250ml) £16.00 GBP Large 500ml Small 250ml Colloidal Bronze Small (250ml) £16.00 GBP Large 500ml Mariandina Syrup Contains a range of Vitamins and Minerals enriched with Herbal Extracts like Ginkgo Ginseng Sarsaparilla, 250ml etc., all in a base of honey and malt, balanced with a pleasant blackcurrant taste. Small 250ml FIBROMEND Fibromend a fibroid eliminator is 100% Organic herbal product with no side effects, this remedy has been used for many generations by west African master herbalists, this tincture breaks down fibroid tissue growths, fibro mend neutralizes the crippling symptoms of endometriosis almost immediately, fibromend reduces bloating and balances uterine problems. Diamend is a natural herbal supplement, a proprietary blend of organically grown herbs that can help to reduce blood sugar levels. Diamend is a natural 100% natural organic product with no known side – effects. Diamend feeds all areas of pancreas to kick start insulin production naturally . Small 250ml Hypermend naturally helps to increase the blood supply to the heart relaxing and soothing muscles increasing the diameter (size) of the blood vessels, it can assist in the regulation of the blood pressure. It ca also assist the lowering serum cholesterol and reducing blood viscosity (thickness) and arterial plague build up. Small 250ml HYPERMEND 36 Small 250ml MARIANDINA SYRUP DIAMEND 35 37 COLLOIDAL SILVER Colloidal Silver: is also effective as a digestive aid when taken with meals as it stops fermentation of food in the stomach and intestines. Fermentation can occur if food sits there for too long and this can lead to gas, bloating, pain, indigestion and reflux, so taking silver can help avoid all these unpleasant symptoms which a lot of people suffer with after meals. £12 Fibromend Small (250ml) £30.00 GBP Large 500ml Diamend Small (250ml) £30.00 GBP Large 500ml Hypermend Small (250ml) £30.00 GBP Large 500ml Erectile dysfunction Impotence can be due to physical causes (from diabetes, high blood pressure and high blood sugar, 50ml hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, stress and LIFT UP DE BOY negative thinking. Lift up de Boy is a combinations of several herbs to help with Erectile Dysfunction. £25 HERBAL TEA PRODUCTS 38 NAME BENEFITS QTY PRICE SIZE FLU BUSTER TEA A herbal combination of herbs effective in eliminating colds and the flu, it is useful against influenza a disease that killed 50 million in the 1915 Spanish flu pandemic, flu buster has been hailed as a surety for destroying flu within 2 days (Taken as and when required) £7 ORDER Eliminates waste, excess sugars, salts and all foreign matter from the bloodstream thereby balancing cholesterol as well as cleansing the liver and kidneys file://E:\[[ WEB DESIGN ]]\My Web Sites\CLIENTS\CANCER BUSH\MOTHER-N... 07/02/2015 Online Store - Page 6 of 8 insuring an elimination of impurities generally passed out in urine, however the bowels may also purge should the body make that determination, the results of blood cleanser is clearly reflected on the skin whereby a healthy colour and glow has never failed to be noticed, BLOOD CLEANSER energy levels are noticeably heightened giving a feeling TEA of wellbeing. (Generally taken only in the morning) 39 £7 ( Excellent for night workers who need additional energy) Lung Cleaner Tea LUNG CLEANER TEA 40 Cleanses and detoxifies the lungs and airways of all putrid matter, phlegm, mucus, catarrh, by expelling and cleansing the lungs with all natural herbs, lung cleanser is effective or all lung complication £7 ( use as and when required) ARTHRITIS BLEND TEA 41 Arthritis develops as a direct result of uric acid, uric acid is derived from all meats, it is the urine of the animal than remains in the animal, when cooked the urine converts to uric acid, this acid is dumped in to the joints of the body eventually the body becomes calcified by this acid and begins to lock the bones, Arthritis blend dissolves calcification restoring free and easy movement of the once affected joints. £7 (take as and when required ) Eyebright Tea is especially effective in the restoring strength to the eyes correcting visual problems, by working on the optic nerve, the cornea, the retina, the eris and the pupil Eyebright possesses antiEYE BRIGHT BLEND inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-allergenic properties it TEA is equally rich in vitamins which balances all eye complications. 42 £7 (taken only at night) Liver cleanser is a much needed support system to the liver, the liver handles over 1200 differing functions, it most recognisable function is the regulation of our emotions, if we are too hot headed swearing and cussing the liver is out of sync, on the flip side we may LIVER be easily upset, crying over non issues, sad , CLEANSER REBUILD depressed, wrong thinking, liver cleanser brings TEA harmony to the overworked organ dispensing the elements much needed to restore balance. 43 £7 (drink as and when required) SCIATICA & BACK PAIN CONTROL TEA 44 Developed to control the unbearable pain experienced by sufferers of both sciatica and lower back pain, sciatica is an excruciating and almost unbearable pain that runs down the back of the leg from the buttocks, this tea has been classed by users as a miracle tea giving swift relief, the effect is similar in arresting lower back pain. £7 (take as and when needed) HEMP TEA 45 Helpful in symptoms such as sleeplessness and and a range of ailments, it is widely known to help painful arthritis, hemp tea is a muscle relaxant, nerve soother. £7 (taken as and when required) SEEDS PRODUCTS NAME BENEFITS QTY PRICE SIZE ORDER file://E:\[[ WEB DESIGN ]]\My Web Sites\CLIENTS\CANCER BUSH\MOTHER-N... 07/02/2015 Online Store - Page 7 of 8 Rich in 52 nutrients loaded with 3,6,9 essential fatty acids DESHELLED that feed the brain, de- shelled hemp seed can also be blended with water to make a super rich milk, mix it with HEMP salads, sprinkle over cooked meals, blend in your SEED smoothes for extra zest. 46 MORINGA Loaded with vitamins and minerals, 20 amino acids, 46 anti- oxidants, volatile oils, excellent for male & female libido. 47 SEEDS £7 100 Seeds £8 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS 48 49 NAME BENEFITS This Toothpaste is free from the harsh and dangerous chemical commonly known as fluoride which has adverse effects, reports declare that fluoride was used in the war effort to mind control RADIANCE prisoners of war, this ingredient should avoided at TOOTHPASTE all costs. This toothpaste is sodium laurel sulphate free, sodium laurel is foaming agent and also used as a degreaser, again not a chemical one should consume. CHEMTRAIL BUSTER QTY PRICE SIZE ORDER £7 Absorbs harmful radiation, it eliminates aluminium, Barium, Cadmium, Titanium and all radioactive by products. This amazing combination pulls all heavy metals out of the body, heavy metal toxicity is a major contributory factor of cellular malfunctions creating 60 £15 Caps cancers, mood swings, depression, bipolar, asthma, plus many recorded ailments. Take care of YOU, reclaim your health, clean up with CHEMTRAIL BUSTER. 50 CRYSTAL HARMONY LIGHT UNIT The Light Unit has been designed for ease of use and is suitable for use by the energy Practitioner or individual. When applied to the human energy field this can be a very useful tool for working in particular with the chakras, acupuncture points and the meridian flows through the body. People have also noticed beneficial effects on the environment, plants, and animals around them when using these units over a period of time. 51 KNOWLEDGE Knowledge for life show on Genesis radio Double FOR LIFE or triple cds of king lion radio shows on SHOW ON Please state what date and guest of the show that GENESIS you require RADIO £7 file://E:\[[ WEB DESIGN ]]\My Web Sites\CLIENTS\CANCER BUSH\MOTHER-N... 07/02/2015 Online Store - Page 8 of 8 Would you like to stock our products on your website or shop? If so drop us an email and we will be happy to assist you. MOTHER NATURES FINEST HERBAL REMEDIES PO Box 32500 London, W3 8GZ Email: Tel : + 44 208 993 4870 / 07943 144 544 file://E:\[[ WEB DESIGN ]]\My Web Sites\CLIENTS\CANCER BUSH\MOTHER-N... 07/02/2015
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for assisting the following conditions: Cancer, Anxiety, Arthritis,
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Diabetes (type 2) odema, fever, Gastric ailments, Heartburn,