the art society - 101 Art Gallery


the art society - 101 Art Gallery
11 MAY 2012
Creative Director
Design Layout & Graphic Director
Graphic Consultant
First vice President PETER SHEPPARD
Contact Clayton de Freitas
Contact Shevi Hadaway
Past news letters can read at
News articles can be viewed at
Facebook page!/groups/10632371183/
For further information please visit our website at
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Bunty O' Connor will be having a Raku
workshop on the weekends of May 12th and
May 19th, 2012. Don't miss out on this exciting event. Please contact Bunty to book your
spot as early as possible, this may be her last
workshop for this year. Background: Raku is
a rapid process of making and firing clay
pieces with glaze in a gas kiln. It is a social
event tinged with the excitement of the fire
and the spontaneous, unpredictable results
obtained. Workshops are divided into 2 days.
On the first, participants will make pots by
hand suitable for the firing. On the second,
one week later, we fire the pots in the raku
Details: Part 1 - Creation of clay pieces Weekend of May 12/13Part 2 (firing) - weekend of May 19/20All materials are provided.
Cost is $1000.Location: in Chick lands near
to the old Ajoupa Pottery. Please call 673
0605 for details/ bookings or e mail Bunty at:
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For further information please visit our website at
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Gala Opening Reception on the 18. May at 6:30 pm for the
ASTT's May Members' Group Exhibition at The Art Society's
Art Gallery located in Federation Park. Celebrating the 50th
Anniversary of Trinidad & Tobago’s Independence and
United Nations Year of The Cooperatives 2012…
It was once said that our perception of ourselves is created
by the art of our age. It has been widely known that art acts
as documentary evidence of who we were and so too can
inform us of who we are now and who we may become.
Nostalgia-The Old Inspires The New art exhibition, will very
much symbolize these contrasting opposites in the art installation.
This will be represented by all extraordinary mediums across
the various disciplines of the visual arts, such as paintings,
prints, drawings, sculptures, photography, architecture and
design, film, media and 3D installations all done by you, the
Artists of Trinidad and Tobago. At present, The Art Society
of Trinidad and Tobago is making every effort to deepen the
success of cultural partnerships of local Artists and Cooperative Enterprises of Trinidad and Tobago to facilitate a channel of communication through modern and contemporary art,
as well as a dialogue between art of the past and that of the
ASTT anticipates that new perspectives can be opened up
through this exhibition, which aims to express nostalgia for
traditional art, craft and design that has been slowly
vanishing from Trinidad and Tobago since the growth of
contemporary art.
For further information please visit our website at
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Benefits to Corporate Citizens (T&T)
buying Art 150% Tax Incentive
(1) Where in a year of income, a company incurs expenditure in
respect of an artistic work, there shall be allowed as a deduction, in ascertaining the chargeable profits of the company for
that year of income, an allowance equal to the actual
expenditure incurred up to a maximum of two million dollars.
(2) In respect of a visual work of art
(a) the deduction may only be claimed in respect of the initial acquisition of the work;
(b) the deduction be allowed where the work
(i) is done by a national of Trinidad and Tobago
(ii) is certified by an art gallery, which shall submit a valuation of
the work done
For further info please visit
National Registry—The Legislation
For further information please visit our website at
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The ASTT Bids a Fond Adieu to the
101 Art Gallery
The 101 Art Gallery is moving on from the ASTT
Gallery to its new location. The ASTT appreciates
the collaboration over the years and the mutual
benefits of this association. We wish Mark Pereira
and the 101 Art Gallery continued success, and
longevity of its impressive legacy to developments
in the visual arts of Trinidad and Tobago.
The original location of the 101 Art Gallery was at
101 Tragarete Road, Port of Spain. After several
successful exhibitions there, Mark Pereira sold
that building and contemplated his next move.
At about that time, Mark attended the ASTT’s November Members Group show at the ASTT Headquarters and was alarmed at the poor facility for
displaying valuable art. The premises needed serious attention and the lighting was inadequate.
The 101 Art Gallery was already assisting the
ASTT by helping with cataloguing and organizing
the exhibitions. Previously, the ASTT Annual Exhibitions were very prestigious events that were
held at The National Museum and Art Gallery and
the Central Bank. It was for a time, the highlight
of the Art Season.
Pereira approached Courtenay Williams, the sitting President of The Board of Directors of the
Society with an offer to upgrade the facility, at
his own expense, in exchange for three months
rent-free occupation of the gallery from September to November. With the support of the Board,
the project moved forward with the sealing of the
windows and doorways and the installation of an
air conditioning system and professional lighting
in return for his occupation from September to
Mark and the 101 Art Gallery also brought awareness to this renewed space and updated the logo
with the tag line, “Putting the Art Society on the
Map”. This approach was extremely successful
as many more individuals were able to identify
the location of the ASTT and visitors to the venue
For further information please visit our website at
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Over the years, Mark Pereira and the 101 Art Gallery mounted many extremely successful exhibitions of paintings, sculpture, jewelry, private collections and other special events. In the period
outside of Pereira’s rental, the ASTT became a
very desirable rental venue for artists and other
individuals. Mark believes that the space has
enormous versatility and can be used not only for
art exhibitions but also lectures, film nights, studio sessions, reading nights, yoga, weddings and
parties etc.
Pereira has expressed the view that the ASTT facility could be improved by mirroring the existing
building with another and a 12’ common space
between them. He sees this as the most cost effective measure in the short-term which would
both double the available rental space and increase the ability to host more than one event at
a time. Storage space is also another need that
this approach would address.
Mark has identified two regrets in his collaboration with the Society. The first concerns his offer
to have one or two students at a time attached
to the 101 Gallery to gain experience in the work
leading up to exhibitions which involve receiving
the work, cataloguing, hanging, sales and delivery to the buyer. He thought that this offer would
be invaluable to those desiring a career in art administration. It is a source of considerable regret
that this offer was never taken up by the Society.
The second concerns the 101 Gallery’s annual
“Precious Paintings Exhibition” which has the potential for students and lovers of art to learn
about the work of those who have gone before.
These exhibitions have been an invaluable resource for students and art lovers and the Mark
recommends this as an area of research for the
ASTT, in association with relevant other agencies
for its reference library.
As the ASTT moves forward, it must be cautious of
the standard of the shows held at its facility to avoid
another stigma of poor shows just to earn some
rental dollars. In the new 101 Gallery the space will
be for the exclusive use of the gallery and the pool
of artists who produce high- caliber work. If there is
not control over what is put on the walls, it will soon
be said that the ASTT has poor exhibitions and interest in its exhibitions will be lost all-together. The
ASTT must be engaged and selective in what is
being shown or taught in its space.
As the 101 Gallery is currently hosting its last exhibition before moving into its spanking new gallery space later this year, it is with enormous
gratitude that we salute Mark Pereira for his vision and generosity over the years which have
contributed to the further development of the
ASTT gallery as a successful space for promoting
the Visual Arts.
By Peter Sheppard
For further information please visit our website at
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Jackie Hinkson display of art, featuring sketches
of old buildings in Trinidad and Tobago, is
housed in the Marie Louise gallery upstairs in the
National Museum of Trinidad and Tobago. This
collection of art commissioned some years ago
by the museum from the artist, is a look at the
colonial landscape that has all but gone.
The exhibit is opened from 9am to 5.00 pm
during the week except Mondays and
Dear Patron,
Please be advised that the exhibition by Guy
Beckles currently on at the Museum of the City
of Port of Spain has been extended for a few
days, until Friday 4th May 2012. Here is your
last chance to see these one of a kind,
innovative, and exciting creations by Trinidad
and Tobago's only Kinetic Artist.
The Museum of the City of Port of Spain is
located opposite the RBTT Car Park on South
Quay. Limited parking is available at the
Museum's Car park, however there is a City
Corporation Car park next to the Museum that
charges $5 dollars per hour.
Please enter Museum through Car park
Entrance and NOT through the Main Door.
The opening hours are Tuesday to Saturday
9a.m. to 5p.m. We do look forward to seeing
you. Entrance is free of charge.
National Museum and Art Gallery
117 Frederick Street
Port of Spain
TEL: 623-5941/ 623-0339
For further information please visit our website at
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Consortium of Disability Organizations
in partnership with
Ministry of the People and Social Development
University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT)
Music Festival for the Disabled 2012
‘We’re Trini Too’
Saturday 12th May, 2012
National Academy for the Performing Arts
Theatre 1
Students from the Academy for the Performing Arts (APA) at the UTT participated
in an independent study class, Teaching Artist Training with the Consortium for
Disabilities led by Associate Professor Deborah Sunya Moore. APA students
learned basic methods for leading music classes in addition to being placed at
centres around Trinidad, February – May 2012. We congratulate them on the
culmination of this project. Fourteen centres for disabilities will participate from
around Trinidad.
The Music Festival for the Disabled 2012 is open to the public and is in honour of
Trinidad and Tobago's 50th anniversary of independence.
For further information please visit our website at
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Tuesday 15. MAY
7:00 PM
Horizons Art Gallery will play host to Tobagonian artists
Jason Nedd and Nazim Baksh starting May 15 th.
Tobago born and raised, Jason Nedd started drawing at
an early age. From painting T-shirts as a teen, he
moved on to developing techniques in watercolour,
acrylic and his signature oils. Nedd continues to
aggressively pursue his enthusiasm for drawing and
painting, exhibiting his work at galleries in both Trinidad
and Tobago, and at his own mini-gallery at his
Lanse-Fourmi home.
As a child, Nazim Baksh relocated from the Windward
side of Tobago to just outside Scarborough. This gave
him a feel for the all-round culture of the island, which is
clearly reflected in his paintings. A graduate of the
London Metropolitan University, Baksh holds a BSc
degree in Computing and Information Systems and a
postgraduate degree in Arts and Cultural management
from the University of the West Indies. He is skilful in a
variety of mediums including oils and watercolours, but
paints mainly in acrylic.
Both artists reflect the lush colours and cultural
influences of their surroundings, creating an exhibition
with a distinctively Togabonian flavour. As can be expected from Nedd, emphasis is placed on dramatic contrast between the light and shadows of his subjects, and
the vibrancy of his colour palette is ever-present. Baksh
depicts landscapes, pan men and local scenes soaked
in sunlight, all infused with the vibrant colours he prefers.
Jason Nedd and Nazim Baksh open their joint exhibition
at Horizons Art Gallery, with a grand opening Tuesday
15th May, 7:00-8:30pm. Viewing continues daily until 19th
May, Monday to Friday 9am-5:30pm, Saturday 9am1pm. Please call 628-9769 for further information.
For further info visit
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Join the ASTT membership
and become part of T&T’s
most brilliant Visual Artists.
FEES are TT $ 200.00
The Art Society of
Trinidad and
Tobago account number
96345, at any First Citizens
Bank branch.
Scan your filled out form and
deposit slip, then send to
treasurer Ilka Hilton– Clarke
will look after membership
card and receipt for you.
REMINDER ...would you like
to help with a programme
that brings about self esteem
and gives life ,through the
medium of art in our
schools. Then contact James
Armstrong at
for further details on
For further info visit
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Frame it
ASTT has 20 wooden
cash & carry
size 4x8 ft,
cost TT $300.00 each.
Peter Sheppard
mobile 1 868 685 6289
home 1 868 628 0466
Regarding our ASTT news letter
Please contact Clayton de Freitas at
to place art news, exhibitions , rentals of
studio spaces ,any gallery news ,
workshops offered, art for sale,
restoration and anything art
related .
Rental of ASTT Art Gallery
There are very few spaces
left in 2012
Book your space early for
send request to:
Are you an artist? would you like
others to see your work? then get
your own biography page, on our
website by sending, a bio
followed with high resolution
images, of yourself and 1 to 6
images of your work , the fee is
only TT150.00. contact llka Hilton
Clarke. at