Logistics Services - Low Level Waste Repository Ltd


Logistics Services - Low Level Waste Repository Ltd
Logistics Services
Packaging Stakeholder Workshop,
November 2012, Penrith.
Agenda for the day
Introduction.- LLWR Packaging Services Scope and Arrangements
IP-2 Drum (Solids & Liquids)
TC11 IP-1/2 Package System
IP-2 TC02 – Stainless Steel Re-usable HHISO
TC25 - ISO Platform Re-usable unit
IP-2 TC01 & 3 – Re-usable options and controls
LLWR Waste Loading Plan Proposed Changes
IP-1/IP-2 TC12 – Full Height ISO Containers
Transport Services Update
10. Open Floor Discussion
Logistics Services –
General Update
Packaging Stakeholder Workshop, November 2012, Penrith.
Presented By:
Marc Flynn, LLWR Logistics Services Manager (RAMTUC Chairman)
• General Packaging Supply Standards
• Scope of Packaging Services
• Org Structure
• Request for Services Process
• Documentation Distribution Protocol
• LLWR Base Package Designs Update
• LLWR Package Manufacturing Update
• New packages – 2014+
Packaging - General
Mission Statement
Packaging Services; LLWR Packaging Services Team
aspires to offer (in any combination of sale or rental) a
suitable range of IAEA approved transport and disposal
containers for packaging of radioactive materials,
inclusive of support services for the delivery of
optimised packaging solutions.
Packaging Contents (active) Scope
• VLLW (non fissile and fissile)
• LLW (non fissile and fissile)
• ILW (for long term storage at Sellafield).
Regulations - Expectations
Compliance with the Regulations
e.g. International Regulations – IAEA The Safe
Transport of Radioactive Material TS-R-1 (2009)
Paragraph 621; Requirements for an IP-1
Compliance with the National Guidance
e.g TCSC 1006 - Transport of Radioactive
Material Code of Practice for The
Securing/Retention of Radioactive Material
Packages on Conveyances
Demonstrating Good Practice
without causing any unnecessary cost or
resource implications
Scope of LLWR Packaging Services
Work Breakdown
Package Manufacturing
Specialist Packaging and ancillary equipment design and manufacturing
Package Licensing
Licensing of the self assessment fleet
Container and Ancillary Sales
IP-2 ISO Container Sales (Disposal Containers)
IP-2 Ancillary Equipment Sales
IP-2 Drum Sales
Package ancillary supply (Spares, Lifting Frames, Loading Frames)
Low Cost Disposable Receptacles (waste boxes and SSPd sales)
Container and Ancillary Rental
IP-2 Packages Rental (Re-usable Containers)
IP-2 Package Ancillary Equipment Rental
Fissile Package Management
Fissile Package Licensing management
Fissile Package Rental LLW & ILWQ (Re-usable Containers)
Fissile Package Sales (Inner Disposable Containers)
Support Services
Package Support Services:
Package Operational Guidance Support
Package Inspection and Leak Testing Service
Package Repair assessment and full repair service
Damaged Package Retrieval service
Waste Loading Plan Preparation Service
Re-usable Package Maintenance co-ordination
Used Container Buy Back Service
LLWR Logistics Team
Forecasting/Planning for Packaging or
Equipment Supply
Benefits of new Web based system;
• Reduce need to stockpile containers
• Reduction of container storage costs
• Reduction of container re-inspections
for long term stored containers
• Increased number of packages
• Increased number of services
• Improved data from customers
means improved service and product
delivery from LLWR Benefits to
LLWR planning for manufacture of
Request for General Logistics Services
Package & Support Services
• Packaging (Sale or Rental)
• Ancillary Equipment Supply (Sale or Rental)
• Spares supply
• CSC Inspection Service
• ACEP Inspection Service
• Leak test Service
• Package Repair Service
• Package Recovery Service
• WLP Service
Transport Services
•Road, Rail, Sea
•Lifting Equipment
LSQ Form
LEN Form
Documentation Distribution – Web site
1- LLWR Home Page
2 - Logistics Services Home Screen
Click - Customers:
Logistics Services
3 - Transport Services
3 - Packaging Services
Documentation Distribution – Web site
Container Type
Certificate of
Operating Instructions
Expiry date
TC01 ½ Height ISO Disposal
Container (2910C)
TC01/IP2-96/Issue 3
LLWR “Licensed” Packaging update
License Status
IP-2 ISO Design and Licensing changes within next 6-12 months
• TC01 - 1/2 Height Container – minor design modification to vent port
• TC03 - 1/3 Height Container - new flat top lid modification
• TC08 - WAMAC Container – no changes suggested (design review 2013)
• TC05 - ISO Skip Container - no design changes, operational options only
• TC10 - Oversize container – no design changes – licensed on request
• 0017 - Recovery Container - no design changes proposed by SL
• TC02 - IP-2 Re-usable (metals container) – introduction of new 14te & 27te
stillage (payload) options (April 2013)
LLWR ISO Packaging manufacture (sales) update
Manufacturers x 3
License Status
• WH Davis
• Bootle Containers
Manufacture in next 6 months
• TC01 - 1/2 Height Container
• TC01 – MEB variants – (all allocated)
• TC06 – 2/3 height Container – no demand – if were 1 year delay
• TC03 - 1/3 Height Container
• TC04 – ceased manufacture
• TC08 - WAMAC Container (all allocated)
• TC05 - ISO Skip Container – ceased manufacture
Potential New Packaging 2014+
TC13 – Special 20’ IP-2 ISO Container
TC15 – Special 30’ IP-2 ISO Container
TC16 – New Powered Recovery Container
LLW Repository Ltd
TC14, LLWR IP-2 Steel Drum.
Barry Mellor
Packaging Services Manager
28th November 2012
TC14 Specification.
Operational Options
Generic Loading Plans.
• The TC14 is a 210 litre, 1A2, Packing
Group II, IP-2 approved steel drum for the
transport of Low Level and Very Low Level
• The Drum can be configured for the
transport of solids or liquids.
• Drum dimensions are; 615mm dia. (626mm
inclusive of fastener) by 886mm high.
• Pre IP-2 labelled with Max Gross Mass.
IP-2 Approved – tested to IAEA requirements.
UN base approval (1A2) for liquids and solids (PG II).
Supplied with a plain lid as standard (configured for solids)
Can be supplied with a 2” and ¾” Trisure closure (configured for
liquids) upon request.
Maximum permitted gross mass of 300kg.
Maximum permitted density for liquids of 1.5.
Internal coating suitable for contents with a pH of 6 to 10.
Stackable to 5 high.
Suitable for other classes of DG subject to the requirements of ADR.
Lid clamping bolt size 5/8” BSW
Drop testing of the drum was conducted by ONET.
Testing was carried out in accordance with IAEA Regulations.
Drum loaded with simulant contents with powdered marker for;
– VLLW wastes
– Combustible wastes (subject to approval)
– Supercompactable wastes #
# Note – WAMAC not yet confirmed drum acceptable
OK for all other Supercompaction Service Providers
Drum manufacture is a short lead time process.
Typically 3 days per batch (200 drums).
Drum manufacturer capacity is approx 2000 per week.
Delivery from works to site is expected to be no more
than 2 weeks from receipt of purchase order.
Operational Options
• The TC14 drum will be supplied with standard plain lid.
• Single use only.
The TC14 drum will be supplied with a lid fitted with Trisure bungs.
The full lid must not be removed after first use. Replacement bungs or
seals must be used for the multi-use option.
Liquids are to be loaded via the Trisure bungs.
Bungs to be fitted using a calibrated torque tool and adapter.
Trisure bungs and torque tool adapters can be supplied by LLWR.
Drums can be used multiple times using this arrangement.
Generic Loading Plans
• Loading plans for “standard” transport arrangements will be
generated in the coming weeks by LLWR Packaging
• In parallel to the Licence these will be made available on the
LLWR website.
IP-1 (IP-2) TC11 Package System
- road and rail compatible
Contents – VLLW
Marc Flynn
28th November 2012
Existing Transport Options for VLLW
VLLW Transport Experience
TC11 – Development
TC11 – SSP Delivery System
TC11 – inactive Trials and Findings
TC11 – Inner “SSP” Requirements
TC11 – Open Discussion on Operability of TC11
Introduction to VLLW Transport
Due to the low activity of most landfill
sites WAC. VLLW (categorized as
exempt to LSA- I from the IAEA Transport
Regulations) can be (and is) transported
in cheap low integrity packages by road.
Due to this fact, a high probability of an
incident happening exists, which could
impact on the sustainability of these
important waste diversion routes
Increase rail transport over road
Existing Transport Options for VLLW (LV)
Current (low cost) options
• Excess voidage, trapped voidage.
• Lifting on and off flat bed conveyances difficulties
• Drum Integrity issues (refurbished drums)
• Restraint - incompatible with rail unless in 20’ISO
Soft Sided Packages
• Lifting and restraining on to conveyances difficulties
• Unloading from conveyances and mobilising at
Landfill site difficulties with general off the shelf
• Uncompatible with rail as a single package
VLLW Transport Experience in UK
LLWR TC11 - Development
Inner containment
system “parameter
finding” tests
carried out in the
USA – Containment
under RCT was
witnessed with
variable pressure
differential test in
Inner containment
system loading
and handling trials
completed at
LLWR site.
Outer design concept,
tapered sides to aid
unloading, integral
restraint system with
stacking ability,
compliant with both
road and rail
transport modes
Emergency recovery
system already in
place for a
compromised inner
LLWR TC11 - SSP Delivery System
TC11 Outer – Functional Trials
Scope of Trial;
• Confirm TC11 outer can transport Soft Sided Packages SSP
• Confirm SSP can be safely and correctly loaded into the TC11
• Confirm if SSP’s remain in position in TC11 outer during routine
condition of transport
• Confirm SSP can be safely removed from the TC11 outer with
no effect to the SSP containment or structural integrity.
Loading the TC11
• TC11 Outer twist locks unlocked and TC11
outer removed from Transport vehicle.
• Load Bearing Cargo Net removed and safely
• TC11 Outer inspected for damage and any
water retention in the Bays.
• SSP used during this trial are for
demonstration purpose only.
• 2 x SSP loaded with simulated VLLW.
• SSP attached to Lifting Frame and loaded in
to bay.
• 2 x SSPs in position and the TC11vertical
load bearing cargo net refitted.
TC11 Functional Trial
Trial Distance = 250 miles total with 200 miles on
A Class Roads
Trial took 8 hours with 4 stops
Upon completion TC11 outer and inners were
inspected by for damage, water retention, fatigue
(Note - SSP during transportation retained shape)
Overall the TC11 packaging system performed as
expected met all functional requirements
Conclusion - TC11 outer does provide a safe and
secure method of transporting SSPs by road or rail.
Recommendations – TC11 inner (SSP) minor
design modifications could make the system slicker
and safer to operate
TC11 – SSP (Disposable) Inners
In summary the TC11 INNER will be required
to meet the following criteria • Cost - Cost effective for disposal with up to 2.5te to
5te payload per SSP (range of variants).
Containment - Capable of maintaining containment
when transporting a range of decommissioning wastes,
such as building, rubble, soils, combustible material
during RCT, in the TC11 outer.
Construction - Single layer construction incorporating a
water-resistant sealable layer and a heavier gauge
fabric protective layer to sustain mechanical loading
Lifting - Capable of being lifted without the need for a
“design specific” lifting frames
Handling - Capable of being attached to lifting
equipment from the side (no access permitted under
TC11 Development to IP-2
Logistics Services
Packaging Systems
TC02 Reusable Packaging System
Date: 28th November 2012
Logistics Services
The Need
• Why do we need a new packaging system?
– Increasing use of waste diversion routes
• Metals recycling
– Disposal containers not designed for, and, difficult to reuse
Disposal Containers
Logistics Services
Disposal Containers – Design Intent
• Designed for single use for direct disposal to vault
– Design optimised for grouting and disposal
• Engineered to facilitate grouting and minimise internal voidage once
• Open grid lattice floor – restricts/prevents man access, difficult to
monitor internals
• Top skirt (grout bund)– prone to damage in re-use
– Design optimised to reduce cost
• Unpainted carbon steel internals – will corrode, difficult to
• No HEPA filtered vent - 30 day limit on transport once sealed
• Welded studs for lid closure – limited life, prone to wear in reuse
• No engineered payload restraint
– Not designed to be unloaded
TC02 Reusable Package
TC02 – Design
• Designed for re-use
– Stainless steel containment boundary to aid decontamination
– Containment boundary moved inboard of structure to provide
additional protection during handling and transport
– Enclosed floor structure enabling access for monitoring
– HEPA filtered vent – no restriction on transport duration
– Engineered system for payload restraint using a range of
– Captive quick change swing bolts for lid closure – easy to
– Engineered system for lid seal face protection on lid set down
– Engineered to facilitate unloading
TC02 Packaging System
• System Components:
Type S1 stillage - 5t capacity ‘half size’ stillage (existing)
Type S2 (large item) stillage – 27t capacity (existing)
Type S3 stillage – 14t capacity (in manufacture)
Waste boxes – 3 sizes (design not yet finalised)
• System ancillaries:
– Stillage lifting frame - 30t WLL (existing)
– Stillage lifting frame – 5t WLL (existing)
– Fork lift adaptor for stillage lifting frame – 30t WLL (not yet in
TC02 Type S2 (large item) Stillage
TC02 Type S3 (drum) Stillage
TC02 Type S3 (optimum capacity) Stillage
TC02 Waste Boxes
For waste treatment we want to move from this
to this……….
TC02 Waste Boxes
To minimise the hold up
time of the licensed
TC02 Waste Boxes
• 3 sizes for use with type S3 (optimum capacity) stillage
– Type WB-1: A full size box - one can be accommodated on
the S3 stillage - fully utilizes the stillage load space - the tare
weight plus its payload capacity is equal to the stillage WLL.
– Type WB-2: A half size box - two can be accommodated on
the S3 stillage - the footprint and payload capacity is half that
of the full size waste box.
– Type WB-4: A quarter size box - four can be accommodated
on the S3 stillage - the footprint and payload capacity is half
that of the half size waste box.
TC02 Operations
• The TC02 is designed to be used on a “start clean, stay
clean” philosophy and this is reflected through the
monitoring protocols which are adopted
• Unlike a disposal container it can be thoroughly
monitored both internally and externally
• The guidance note PAA/GN05 details the monitoring
requirements for the package
TC02 Packaging System Video
TC02 Discussion
Points for discussion:
• Waste boxes
• Turnaround monitoring
• Lifting arrangements
LLW Repository Ltd
TC25, LLWR ISO Flat Rack.
Barry Mellor
28th November 2012
TC25 Specification.
Typical Use.
The TC25 started out as a standard freight industry 20’ ISO
Platform Container.
TC25 Specification
• Standard 20’ ISO footprint
• Original wooden deck is removed and
replaced with a steel main deck
(decontam/monitoring reasons)
• The multi “D” rings are removed, new
rated D rings fitted and tested.
• Individual “D” rings are rated to 25
• Fully inspected by LLWR SQEP
• Max Gross Mass of the Flat rack is 30
Typical use
The TC25 can be used to transport large/bulky SCO I or LSA I items unable
to be size reduced for containerisation into TC01, TC02 or TC03 ISO’s.
Bespoke restraint stillages can be designed by LLWR Packaging Engineers.
Example of use from Magnox Bradwell.
Proposed Option
• The present prototype flat rack is fitted with
collapsible end walls for stacking and transportation
when empty.
• Suggestion - Use fixed end 20’ Flat Racks?.
– Benefits - Could be then be fitted with removable top rails
and supports for fitting of tarpaulin sheeting - demand?.
IP-2 TC01 & TC03 Multi-use
Options and Controls
Contents – LLW
Marc Flynn
28th November 2012
• TC01 & TC03 Design
• Operational Options
– Disposal use
– 3 x Use
– ACEP Multi-use – 3000miles
• TC01 & TC03 Open Discussion on Operability
TC01 & TC03 Designs
Type IP-2
Contents - Solid LSA-II
Groutable Disposal
Max Gross Mass - 35te
Note – Transponders are to be fitted to all
LLWR Containers commencing 2013
TC01 & TC03 Design Constraints
Base – direct loading vertical
load – 2R-T
End Wall – 0.4R-T (12te)
Side Wall – 0.6R-T (21te)
Lid – None Weight Bearing
External Tie down – Twist
TC01 & TC03 Operational Options
Option 1 (PES)
Option 2 (PES)
Option 3 (ACEP)
Option 1 (PES)
Option 2 (PES)
Differences between ACEP & PES Inspection System
PES – Periodic Examination Scheme
• 5 year system uncontrolled system
• Maximum 30 month extension of CSC carried out by SQEP Inspector
• System more akin to single use (or restricted) use containers
ACEP – Approved Container Examination Procedure
• 12 month interval of periodic inspections by SQEP Inspector
• Maintenance Procedures and Nominated (trained) Inspectors must be
approved by HSE (HSE issue an internationally recognised ACEP
• System more akin to multi-use containers that require a level of integrity
(IP-2 etc)
Operational Option 1 (Disposal) – PES system
Operational Option 2 (3 x Use) – PES System
• Purchase TC01 or TC03 or use up older “unused” stock
• Request authorisation from –
transportandlogistics@llwriste.com - to assign serial number
to 3 x use system for metallic transports
• Internally restrict/control loading to 2/3 payload, Note - No
restrictions on loading waste - LLWR WLP process applies
• 1st use load container (<2/3 payload) inform LLWR of weight
and shipment date - ship and unload
• 2nd use inspect container - load container (<2/3 payload) inform LLWR of weight and shipment date - ship and unload
• 3rd use inspect container - load container (no payload
restrictions <35te gross) inform LLWR of weight and shipment
date ship to LLWR site for final disposal
Operational Option 3 - TC01 Only - ACEP System
• Submit WLP that demonstrates that the load will either be
a) restrained to base assembly and will not rely on side wall and end
walls under NCT or;
b) self restrained so that the forces on the side and end walls are
uniformally distributed across the surfaces
• WLP Options
a) use standard WLP from PAAGN004
b) submit functional specification for a restraint frame design for
compatibility assessment.
c) bespoke WLP
Operational Option 3 - TC01 Only - ACEP system
Process cont Either
a) Purchase new TC01 containers - Prior to Collection/Delivery), request
authorisation from – transportandlogistics@llwriste.com - to assign serial
number to ACEP system or;
b) Arrange for existing TC01 container to be assessed against ACEP
Note - Internally restrict/control loading of ACEP Containers to app WLP
12 Months or 3000 miles (which ever comes soonest) – Container requires
inspection by SQEP Inspector (record of inspection to be forwarded to LLWR
against ACEP)
Note – ACEP Maintenance decal will only be valid for a rolling 12 months
>3000 mile containers – subject to shipment inspection by SQEP inspector
until further notice by LLWR.
12 x Schedules of Standard
WLPs for TC01
Data Sheets
Waste Loading Plan Development
Simon Williams
28th November 2012
• Introduction of new Waste Loading Plan forms
• Assessment protocol of loading plans, guidelines and
• LLWR support
Proposed new WLP Forms - A & B
• Currently only one form for every type of loading plan
• New forms are intended to make the process
• LLWR welcomes comments on the revised forms
New WLP Form
Has been devised to make the process less onerous on
customers who regularly prepare WLPs
Current Form split into two Forms – Form A & Form B
1. For Customers using LLWR Standard loading plans just
Form A is required
2. For customers using their own format/system for preparing
WLPs just Form A is required
3. For customer wishing to use the LLWR system for bespoke
loading plans Form A & B are required
New Loading Plan Form B
• For bespoke loading plans only
• Similar to the previous form in layout
• Additional appendices can be added as required
Asks the questions you would be thinking of when
developing a loading plan e.g. Anchor points, Lashings
LLWR Waste Loading Plan Requirements
Assessment of loading plans
Regulations Governing Loading Securing
• IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of
Radioactive Material TS-R-1
• Advisory Material for the IAEA Regulations for
the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material TSR-1
• ADR (Road) and RID (Rail) section,
and IMDG (Sea) section 5.4.2 and 7.5
• CDG2011 and MSN 1997 (As Amended)
• Road Traffic Act 1991
World/National Guidance Documents for
Load Securing
• Transport of Radioactive Material Code of
Practice “The Securing/Retention of
Radioactive Material Packages on
Conveyances” TCSC 1006
• IMO/ILO/ UN ECE Guidelines For Packing of
Cargo Transport Units (CTU)
• Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and
Securing 2003 (CSS code)
• DfT Code of Practice Safety of Loads on
Routine and Normal Conditions of Transport
Routine Conditions of Transport (Incident Free)
•Uneven road or track
•Linear Accelerations and Decelerations
•Directional changes
•Road skids that do not result in an impact
Normal Conditions of Transport (Minor Mishaps)
•Minor impacts with vehicles and obstacles
•Rail shunting
•Heavy Seas
WLP Process
Waste Loading Plan
• Required for all services (except LLW & Standard Supercompatction) regardless
of exempt from RAM Transport Regulations
• Required to demonstrate due diligence has been carried out in respect to safety
and compliance for loading, transport and unloading for the three parties –
1)LLWR, 2)Consigning site 3) the Treatment Facility/Landfill Operator
WLP is used to ensure;
• Regulations have been complied with, the package integrity (if applicable) can
be maintained during RCT/NCT, the restraint of the load is satisfactory
• Waste treatments/land fill operators can safely unload the material from the
NOTE - Operational restrictions are in place for some LLWR containers (For
exampleTC05 combustible use)
Loading ISO containers
This requires:
– The load to be loaded centrally within the container
– Load to be evenly distributed across the base of container
– Load to be secured via chocking and/or strapping to internal (rated) anchor
– The container must be safe to load and subsequent unload after transport
LLWR IP-2 ISO containers are required to be loaded in accordance with
the relevant Package and Handling Instruction
NOTE - Operational restrictions are in place for some LLWR containers
(For exampleTC05 combustible use)
LLWR Support
LLWR Support
LLWR supply all of the tools to create a great loading
1. Assessment of customer loading plans and a range of
standard loading plans are available
2. A full loading plan service is offered to create loading plans
for customers
LLW Repository Guidance Notes
Guidance notes PAAGN01 – GN09 are listed on the
Further guidance notes will be released in the future keep
an eye on the website!
LLWR IP-2 ISO Container Data Sheets
Page 1
Page 2
Loading Plan Preparation Service
• The loading plan provided to the customer will
CAD Layout of Containers
Calculations (Centre of Gravity, Chocking and Strap)
Waste Loading Plan Form completed
Container Loading Sequence
Stillage/Cradle Requirements
Learning From Experience
The perfect Loading Plan
• The perfect loading plan received was from SL it
– Completed loading plan form
– Calculations with email from RE confirming they are
– Transport classification agreed with email to confirm this
– Photos of the item with full description and lashing
Well done guys!
• Currently 80% of WLP’s received require minor rework
• The most straight forward approach isn’t always used
• Changes can and will happen at the last minute
NOTE - Loading plans must be followed
• Suggested approach to enable WLP changes to be made
during loading operations
– Delegated authority appointments for SQEP individuals for minor
(self approved) changes to loading plans (e.g. use of 2te straps
instead of 2.5te etc )
– Amended WLP to be faxed/scanned & emailed to the treatment
facility and LLWR prior to dispatch
Introduction to TC12 Package
Contents – VLLW & LLW
Marc Flynn
28th November 2012
17 x Units – Scheduled to be available during 2013
• IP-1 – General Contents
• IP-2 - UN Drums PG II (solids)
• Rental use
• Stainless Lined
• Drum Restraint System
• Mature set of P&Hs
• Hepa Filter
TC12 Design Development Opportunities during 2013
Tie down System – demand for IP-1 Full heights?
Integrated Logistics Service
Melanie Irving
28th November 2012
Service Scope
• 1 x Rail Supplier, 5 x Road Hauliers (Tyson H Burridge, R Barker &
Sons, UAM, Geodis, Downton’s), various Swing Through.
Transport & Logistics
Transport - Equipment
• Two or Three axle Tractor Units (EU standard 5 or above) rated and
• taxed up to 38 t
• Two or Three axle Tractor Units (EU standard 5 or above) rated and
• taxed up to 44 t
• Skeletal trailers (20’ 30’ 40’ or/and Trombone Trailers)
• Flatbed trailers (with rated tie down features for items)
• Tautliner Trailers up to 40’ (Curtain Siders)
• Side Loader Trailers
• Swing Through Trailers
• Specialist Vehicles STGO Cat 1 – 3
• Crane trailer with approx 15te -18te payload, fitted with ISO container
twist locks
• 7.5te vehicles with Tail lifts with rated tie down anchor points
Transport & Logistics
Logistics Enquiry Process (Form System)
LEN Form
LSQ Form
Transport & Logistics
Introducing eLogistics
Web based Logistics Management System
Transport & Logistics
Logistics Enquiry Process – eLogistics (New)
Examples of Logistics Enquiry screens (currently being
piloted by LLWR/DRS)
Transport & Logistics
Logistics Enquiry Process – eLogistics (New)
User friendly system with mandatory field prompts,
ability to save and review entries prior to submission
Transport & Logistics
Logistics Enquiry Process – eLogistics (New)
Users can log into system to see the status of their
enquiry at any point in the process
Logistics Enquiry Process – eLogistics (New)
• Customer trials starting early 2013
• Full Roll to all Customers, Hauliers and
Suppliers commencing from April 2013
• Phase 2 integration “Packaging” under
development – phased implementation
• Transition to e-logistics system (from
paper system) scheduled for
completion by end of March 2014.
Transport & Logistics
For Further Information Contact –