District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing 2011 Page 1 of 299
District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing 2011 Page 1 of 299
District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 108871 1/6/2011 Vendor Name RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 26/10 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 26 108872 1/6/2011 INOUYE, RUSSELL J. Dec 17/10 Expense Reimbursement - Batteries 108873 1/6/2011 SCHULTHEISS, ALANA Jan 4/11 Jan 4 108874 1/6/2011 LAMONT, SCOTT 108875 1/6/2011 108876 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 85,331.28 85,331.28 33.56 33.56 Course Fees - Business Strategy Mgmt Risk Mgmt Forum Reg/Travel Expense 711.75 130.08 841.83 Dec 30/10 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 BARRY, LINDA Dec 31/10 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 1/6/2011 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Dec/10-001 Nov/10-006 Asphalt Paving - Finch Dr Asphalt Paving - Thunderbird Ridge 77,286.74 112,982.91 190,269.65 108877 1/6/2011 ADAMS, MIKE Dec 17/10 Dec 10/10 BCAEM Membership Blue Card Online Command Course 50.00 295.00 345.00 108878 1/6/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 4753 Dec 1/10 E-Comm Emergency Phone - Dec 1 1,361.63 1,361.63 108879 1/6/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 003898814082 Mike Mobility Charges to Dec 17 119.65 119.65 108880 1/6/2011 BEST APPLIANCE REPAIR 16008 Animal Control Dryer Repairs 89.60 89.60 108881 1/6/2011 BELL MOBILITY Dec 17/10 Blackberry Service to Dec 17 5,669.77 5,669.77 108882 1/6/2011 BLACKETT, BEV Dec 16/10 Yoga Instruction - Nov 2 to Dec 10 343.75 343.75 108883 1/6/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 26/10 Union Dues - P/P 26 3,984.96 3,984.96 108884 1/6/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 7861 7862 7860 Load/Haul Asphalt to Landfill Finch Drive Culvert Repair Paving - Finch/Loggers Intersection 3,605.28 1,800.05 17,263.12 22,668.45 108885 1/6/2011 CAPILANO HIGHWAY SERVICES CO. 10-703 Release H/B - Blvd & Highlands Way S 222,961.93 222,961.93 108886 1/6/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 3212 3213 SEP Messaging Service - Dec HSMRS Messaging Service - Dec 271.04 168.00 439.04 108887 1/6/2011 CAULTON, MARK Dec 23/10 Reimbursement - Batteries 54.79 54.79 108888 1/6/2011 COAST AIR CONDITIONING LTD., 281522 281514 281527 HVAC Service - Nov 26 G/H Firehall Service - Nov 23 M/H HVAC Preventative Mtce 487.20 240.80 796.32 1,524.32 Page 1 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 108889 1/6/2011 BASF CANADA INC. 130352831 Zetag - Bal of P/O 30300 3,223.12 3,223.12 108890 1/6/2011 CASCADE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE GROUP 10 11 12 Corridor Trail Watercourse - Nov 1,184.40 1,184.40 108891 1/6/2011 CORAL ENGINEERING LTD 142054 142064 Pool Service Heating Repairs 4,148.82 1,956.30 6,105.12 108892 1/6/2011 CHEF BIG D'S DELI LTD. 1716 Live Fire Training Lunches Dec 2 & 4 422.28 422.28 108893 1/6/2011 COM-TECH LEARNING SOLUTIONS INC. 511 2010 548 Customized Training - Office 2010 Customized Training - Office 2010 4,089.11 3,024.00 7,113.11 108894 1/6/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 13668 13662 Warning Trail Signs Change Pool Schedule Sign 648.48 156.80 805.28 108895 1/6/2011 CMCC CONTRACTING 115041 Footbridge Repairs/Mount Placards 392.00 392.00 108896 1/6/2011 DENBAR CONSTRUCTION 1009 Investigate Roof Leak, Clear Gutters 100.80 100.80 108897 1/6/2011 DAVIDSON, KEN Dec 22/10 Drop In Paint/Sketch - Sept to Dec 92.00 92.00 108898 1/6/2011 DYNAMIC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LTD. 2458 Property Management Support - Oct 2,037.00 2,037.00 108899 1/6/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 2579 Lock/Unlock Nexen Beach - Nov 1,337.41 1,337.41 108900 1/6/2011 EGLOBAL IT SOLUTIONS INC. 140491 Cash Drawer 172.48 172.48 108901 1/6/2011 ESRI CANADA 90020980 90021030 Server Consulting Services Latitude - Tier 1A - Lic Agreement 10,637.76 6,160.00 16,797.76 108902 1/6/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 November 2010 Call Outs/Practices - November 4,490.49 4,490.49 108903 1/6/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 2 November 2010 Call Outs/Practices - November 6,461.48 6,461.48 108904 1/6/2011 G-VAN CATERING AND CONSULTING INC. Dec 3 Volunteer Honourariums Lunch Cards 750.00 750.00 108905 1/6/2011 HOUGHTON, ERIC Dec 22/10 Reimbursement - Drivers Medical 28.00 28.00 108906 1/6/2011 KOENIG, SANDRA Jan 5/11 Balance of Course Fees 266.84 266.84 108907 1/6/2011 LEADING EDGE LINEMARKIING 1228 Lay Out/Paint Roadway Lines 5,780.45 5,780.45 Page 2 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 108908 1/6/2011 Vendor Name MURDY & MCALLISTER November 2010 Professional Services - Nov 108909 1/6/2011 OPUS CONSULTING GROUP LTD. 2402477 2031 Transportation Plan to Dec 31 108910 1/6/2011 ON THE ROCKS CURLING STORE LTD. 018826 108911 1/6/2011 RYAN, RICK 108912 1/6/2011 108913 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 10,282.21 10,282.21 12,221.24 12,221.24 Rink Protector 345.86 345.86 Dec 28/10 Badminton Instruction 202.50 202.50 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS Dec 22/10 Gas Use - Dec 22 Billing 20,179.75 20,179.75 1/6/2011 MOLBY, SACHA Dec 16/10 Fitness Classes - Senior Centre 400.00 400.00 108914 1/6/2011 SQUAMISH YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION Dec 10/10 Soccer Goals 2,018.54 2,018.54 108915 1/6/2011 SERGENT, DAN Dec 31/10 Work Boot Allowance 123.19 123.19 108916 1/6/2011 WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARD OF B.C. 051944-AQ Dec Oct to Dec Premiums 26,039.05 26,039.05 108917 1/6/2011 WILCOX, MICHELLE Dec 20/10 Reimburse - Goal Setting Supplies 86.17 86.17 108918 1/6/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE, TAXATION BRANCH Jan 6/11 School Tax Remittance - Dec 321,108.44 321,108.44 108919 1/19/2011 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Aug/10-019 Nov/10-007 Dec/10-005 Dec/10-004 Paving on 2nd Ave Paving Government Road Paving Various Locations Paving/Concrete Work - Buckley Ave 1,600.00 201,831.26 52,866.58 36,362.23 292,660.07 108920 1/19/2011 ALTA LAKE ELECTRIC LTD. 1055 1045 Install New Fixture Install PVC Junction Box 1,680.00 532.00 2,212.00 108921 1/19/2011 ASTTBC 1377188 Membership Dues 327.04 327.04 108922 1/19/2011 ACKLANDS - GRAINGER INC. 43730554518 Supplies 331.56 331.56 108923 1/19/2011 AQUAM 160597 160623 Supplies Supplies 1,212.66 289.41 1,502.07 108924 1/19/2011 AUTOMOTIVE TRADES EQUIPMENT SERVICES LTD 8681 Annual Hoist Inspections 616.00 616.00 108925 1/19/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES S/C Laundry - Dec 27 R/C Uniform Service - Dec 27 R/C Uniform Service - Dec 13 W/Y Laundry - Jan 10 F/H Laundry - Jan 10 40.32 190.61 190.61 47.60 33.87 801.65 LVAN316677 LVAN316661 LVAN312717 LVAN320390 LVAN320388 Page 3 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description LVAN320404 LVAN320386 LVAN318508 S/C Laundry - Jan 10 R/C Uniform Service - Jan 10 R/C Uniform Service - Jan 3 108926 1/19/2011 ARCHIBALD CLARKE & DEFIEUX (SQUAMISH) 236863 235779 Sports Can Insurance - Dec Sports Can Insurance - Nov 108927 1/19/2011 ANNA'S ATTIC 93448 - 32 108928 1/19/2011 ASHEKIAN, CAROLINE 108929 1/19/2011 108930 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 40.32 199.23 59.09 70.00 15.00 85.00 Bookshelf for S/C 487.20 487.20 Jan 11/11 Travel Expense - Sept to Dec 2010 200.72 200.72 CHARTIS INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA January 2010 January Premiums 537.78 537.78 1/19/2011 ADAMS, MIKE Jan 6/11 Meeting Refreshments 46.00 46.00 108931 1/19/2011 AUTOMIND COLLISION 303816 Repair Body Damage on 9083 1,111.13 1,111.13 108932 1/19/2011 AVANTAGE PARTNERS 06242 Consulting Services 8,545.60 8,545.60 108933 1/19/2011 AWESOME POSSUM WILDLIFE CONTROL 02310 Generator Building Service 291.20 291.20 108934 1/19/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 5218 Dec 14/10 5268 Dec 14/10 9205 Dec 14/10 5205 8 Jan 4/11 S/C Telephone Charges to Dec 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Dec 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Dec 14 Telephone Charges to Jan 4 84.27 85.18 84.30 11,545.90 11,799.65 108935 1/19/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 020053013119 012242076059 Cell Phone Charges to Dec 17 V/S Pagers to Dec 14 221.31 62.16 283.47 108936 1/19/2011 BC HYDRO 110004843693 400001604374 Loggers Lane Lift Stn to Dec 7 Hydro Use - Jan 4 Billing 415.41 58,386.96 58,802.37 108937 1/19/2011 BLOCK WATCH SOCIETY OF B.C. 141 2011 Block Watch Society Membership 35.00 35.00 108938 1/19/2011 BONGARDE COMMUNICATIONS LTD. 598238-FJKA51 Safety Compliance Insider 472.58 472.58 108939 1/19/2011 BDO DUNWOODY 10345069 Progress Billing - 2010 Audit 19,175.52 19,175.52 108940 1/19/2011 BOUCHARD, LYNNE 406714 Program Refund 152.00 152.00 108941 1/19/2011 BCFTOA 2011-95 2011 BCFTOA Annual Membership 75.00 75.00 108942 1/19/2011 ACCESS POINT INFORMATION CANADA LTD. 9935751210 9935751110 Land Title Searches - Dec Land Title Searches - Nov 36.96 35.84 72.80 Page 4 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 108943 1/19/2011 BRITISH COLUMBIA SAFETY AUTHORITY 510302 Boiler Operating Permits 747.00 747.00 108944 1/19/2011 BROADWAY REFRIGERATION & W11598 Repair Light Fixture 291.20 291.20 108945 1/19/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 1/11 Union Dues - P/P 1 5,984.57 5,984.57 108946 1/19/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 13448 Winter Sand 657.27 657.27 108947 1/19/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 7871 7872 7873 7859 7870 7885 Govt Rd S/S Project Govt Rd S/S Project Govt Rd S/S Project Govt Rd S/S Project Govt Rd S/S Project Govt Rd S/S Project - Prog #5 18,804.17 1,578.21 1,610.72 3,475.99 18,140.16 356,160.76 399,770.01 108948 1/19/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) 108949 1/19/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004F-89061 5004P-89067 5004RCMP-89058 5004-89057 5004X-89901 5004Q-89899 5004D-89060 5004H-89062 5040O-89066 5004K-89064 Residential Service - Dec G/H F/H Garbage, Cdbd - Jan RCMP Garbage, Cdbd - Jan/Dec M/H Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - Jan S/C Recylcing - Jan W/Y Garbage, Cdbd - Jan CF/Concession Garbage - Jan Library Garbage, Paper - Jan/Dec V/C F/H Garbage - Jan R/C Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - Jan/Dec 108950 1/19/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 3303 Messaging Service - Jan 108951 1/19/2011 CANADA POST CORPORATION 9450231976 9453466613 9455472605 9459088044 9461266029 BRM Return BRM Return BRM Return BRM Return BRM Return 108952 1/19/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 26594652 26604026 26650862 26695007 26677738 108953 1/19/2011 CASCADE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE GROUP 10 11 11 999.17 yes Page 5 of 299 57,305.65 141.83 240.31 609.21 42.56 400.19 352.78 153.22 58.33 789.73 60,093.81 168.00 168.00 1.56 0.83 1.66 1.66 4.98 10.69 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 532.12 14.77 403.43 239.31 237.18 1,426.81 Final Invoice - Mashiter Intake 2010 170.80 170.80 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 108954 1/19/2011 CORAL ENGINEERING LTD 143913 Install Condensing Boiler 108955 1/19/2011 CLEARTECH INDUSTRIES INC. 90037 SJC 89444 SJC 443306 SJC Container Return Credit Container Return Credit Sodium Hypochlorite 108956 1/19/2011 CIVICINFO BC 2011131 108957 1/19/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 108958 1/19/2011 108959 Invoice Amount 59,939.04 Paid Amount Void 59,939.04 (437.08) (471.58) 1,889.66 981.00 2011 Membership 920.64 920.64 13698 Change Pool Schedule Sign 156.80 156.80 CN RAILWAY PROPERTIES 181572 E1827 Railway Xing - 2006 535.00 535.00 1/19/2011 CATON, RHONDA 368682 Program Refund 129.29 129.29 108960 1/19/2011 CANTERBURY FOOD SERVICE LTD. 2463388 Supplies 279.24 279.24 108961 1/19/2011 COMPASS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LTD. P477-1012 DOS Energy Ownership/Operating W/S 10,752.00 10,752.00 108962 1/19/2011 CN NON-FREIGHT 90418492 9500038628 9500039236 9500039240 9500039246 9500039251 9500039254 9500039355 9500039730 9500068461 9500068464 9500068475 Woodfibre Ferry Rd Cert #1031 SQ-CN-E1038-01 Water Pipeline 2008 SQ-CN-E0909-01 Water Pipeline 2008 SQ-CN-E1077-01 Water Pipeline 2008 SQ-CN-E1698-01 Effluent Lines 2008 SQ-CN-E1884-01 Sewer Pipelines 2008 SQ-CN-E1885-01 Water Pipeline 2008 SQ-CN-E1888-01 Sewer Pipelines 2008 SQ-CN-E2109-01 Single Emerg Lane 2008 SQ-CN-E0909-01 Water Pipeline 2010 SQ-CN-E1077-01 Water Pipeline 2010 SQ-CN-E1698-01 Effluent Lines 2010 2,400.00 1,590.00 1,590.00 1,590.00 3,180.00 3,180.00 3,180.00 3,180.00 1,590.00 525.00 525.00 1,050.00 23,580.00 108963 1/19/2011 CN NON-FREIGHT 9500068480 9500068481 9500068534 9500068538 9500068807 SQ-CN-E1884-01 Sewer Pipelines 2010 SQ-CN-E1885-01 Water Pipeline 2010 SQ-CN-E1038-01 Water Pipeline 2010 SQ-CN-E1888-01 Sewer Pipeline 2010 SQ-CN-E2109-01 Single Emerg Lane 2010 1,050.00 1,050.00 525.00 1,050.00 525.00 4,200.00 108964 1/19/2011 CHANCEY, JENNI Jan 13/11 Expense Reimbursement 838.59 838.59 108965 1/19/2011 CABAM 16493 Volunteer Pins, Balloons 177.97 177.97 108966 1/19/2011 CDW CANADA INC. VZJ3273 Samsung Monitors 2,202.28 2,202.28 Page 6 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 108967 1/19/2011 Vendor Name DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 108968 1/19/2011 108969 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 412.10 1,511.13 184.11 1,522.92 523.83 (1,131.83) 104546 104477 104679 104504 103004 Chemicals Chemicals Sodium Hypochlorite Dolphin Repairs Credit DELL CANADA INC. 707010006121100 707010006138807 Projector Laptop 736.96 918.62 1,655.58 1/19/2011 DENBAR CONSTRUCTION 1011 Install Baseboard to Library Lobby 279.50 279.50 108970 1/19/2011 DAN MCRAE DOS 39 Downtown Entrance Improvement Study 4,480.00 4,480.00 108971 1/19/2011 DR. RUA READ 339259 OFA Form 50.00 50.00 108972 1/19/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-89727 4501-89940 4501-89941 Wood Waste Removed from L/F - Dec Landfill Contract - Dec Tires/Gypsum Board - Dec 9,806.64 20,608.93 3,980.20 34,395.77 108973 1/19/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 2598 Adv Ctre Guard Patrols - Dec 743.01 743.01 108974 1/19/2011 END OF THE ROLL 9929 Carpet Replacement 759.56 759.56 108975 1/19/2011 EBERS, KIM Jan 10/11 Expense Reimbursement 904.98 904.98 108976 1/19/2011 ESRI CANADA 90021464 ESRI Training 1,108.80 1,108.80 108977 1/19/2011 FIRE CHIEFS' ASSOCIATION OF B.C. 11-S31 Membership Dues 555.52 555.52 108978 1/19/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 December 2010 Call Outs/Practices - Dec/10 4,930.50 4,930.50 108979 1/19/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 2 December 2010 Call Outs/Practices - Dec/10 8,908.65 8,908.65 108980 1/19/2011 FDM SOFTWARE LTD. 20100379 2011 Annual Support/Maintenance 7,168.00 7,168.00 108981 1/19/2011 FIANDER CONSTRUCTION 138591 Re & Re Bleachers 12,096.00 12,096.00 108982 1/19/2011 FRASER VALLEY REFRIGERATION LTD., 132567 Condenser Pump Repairs 508.48 508.48 108983 1/19/2011 FLAGHOUSE INC P04154840102 P04154840103 P04154840101 Program Equipment Program Equipment Program Equipment 552.18 802.33 311.82 1,666.33 108984 1/19/2011 FINNING (CANADA) PINV9649591 Yellow Paint 32.37 166.90 Page 7 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description PINV9649592 Air Filters 108985 1/19/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 11157 Firefighter Study Manuals 108986 1/19/2011 GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Jan 2011 January Premiums 108987 1/19/2011 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOC.OF BC 1697 108988 1/19/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. 108989 1/19/2011 108990 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 134.53 2,445.52 2,445.52 83,549.55 83,549.55 2011 Membership Fees 504.00 504.00 Jan 2011 2009 Wave Lease - Jan 436.61 436.61 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 1498599 1595348 Freight Freight 269.47 94.88 364.35 1/19/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5035 Plumbing Repairs RCMP 142.80 142.80 108991 1/19/2011 GEORGE, KAY 405815 Program Refund 333.00 333.00 108992 1/19/2011 FMEP P/P 1/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 1 301.50 301.50 108993 1/19/2011 HOMEWOOD HUMAN SOLUTIONS CANADA INC. 72726 Employee Assistance Prog to Mar 31 1,543.45 1,543.45 108994 1/19/2011 JUSTICE INSTITUTE OF B.C. 20025560 20025491 F/F Exams F/F Certificates 5.00 33.60 38.60 108995 1/19/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 45052 45045M Water Loss Mgmt Program - Dec 2010 Water Model Update - Dec 16,853.23 29,302.04 46,155.27 108996 1/19/2011 KAL TIRE 064065959 064059832 Flat Repairs Flat Repairs 30.24 21.28 51.52 108997 1/19/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01461338 P/D C451 Copier Charges to Nov 26 752.21 752.21 108998 1/19/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13056782 IT/Eng C450 Rental to Mar 31 1,070.83 1,070.83 108999 1/19/2011 KEHL PETERSEN 12-110 Core Service Review 7,434.40 7,434.40 109000 1/19/2011 KELROY SOLUTIONS 124 Fleet & Equipment Long Term Plan 7,701.12 7,701.12 109001 1/19/2011 KAZIMIRSKI, ANNE 405347 Program Refund 1,520.88 1,520.88 109002 1/19/2011 YOUNG, ANDERSON 57355 Professional Services - Dec 250.15 250.15 109003 1/19/2011 LANG, JIM Dec 31/10 Expense Reimbursement 251.51 251.51 Page 8 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109004 1/19/2011 Vendor Name LONDON DRUGS 109005 1/19/2011 109006 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 8407185 0800015981 8407179 8407182 0800012468 0800014619 0800014620 8407186 Storage Bins Samsung Flat Screen TV Christmas Tree Toaster Oven Supplies Replacement AV Equipment Stereos for Programs Hole Punches LIFESAVING SOCIETY 51322 51657 51428 Supplies Rescue Can 2011 Affiliation Fee 1/19/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 783402 783991 782699 783183 782734 782659 782524 782818 782014 425443 782769 783223 Credit - Core Back Up Camera Fuel Pump Compressor Belt Batteries Battery Battery Alternator Radio Antenna Filter Quick Disconnect Wipers 109007 1/19/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 783293 784697 Shop Supplies Wiper Blades, Ties, Connectors 109008 1/19/2011 LEMMER SPRAY SYSTEMS (B.C.) LTD. V68923 Paint Machine 109009 1/19/2011 LAWRENCE, JORDAN Dec 13/10 Expense Reimbursement 109010 1/19/2011 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 9713143 9751251 9427966 9629457 9918782 9737031 Lock Box Padlocks Spray Lubricants Credit for Overstocked Items Credit #9646366 Credit #9427966 109011 1/19/2011 LEON LEBENISTE 0239 Balance - Hanging Signs 109012 1/19/2011 LIDSTONE & COMPANY 10037-101 Nov 1231 Professional Services - Nov Professional Services Page 9 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 35.80 2,344.49 673.94 50.39 78.39 127.04 1,053.32 308.87 16.74 751.78 110.88 110.00 (323.33) 329.90 269.24 8.56 487.85 163.50 105.26 323.33 17.34 29.18 52.39 64.66 972.66 1,527.88 90.17 83.72 173.89 4,026.40 4,026.40 25.75 25.75 256.61 344.28 1,049.47 (395.33) (86.83) (88.80) 1,079.40 310.00 310.00 8,044.46 650.22 12,189.08 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 1232 Professional Services 109013 1/19/2011 LUMIERE PHOTOGRAPHY 0001 Promotion Boxes 109014 1/19/2011 MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY (MFABC) Jan 15/11 Jan 15 2011 B/L 2030 Principal B/L 2095 Principal 109015 1/19/2011 MUNICIPAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF B.C. 19704 19703 19874 19873 109016 1/19/2011 MEGA-TECH 109017 1/19/2011 109018 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 3,494.40 294.95 294.95 34,306.00 21,409.00 55,715.00 Insurance Claim Insurance Claim Insurance Claim Insurance Claim 110.20 165.00 524.40 27.20 826.80 78368 Siren Drivers 776.16 776.16 MORFCO SUPPLIES LTD. 606935 Snow Removal Blades 1,114.68 1,114.68 1/19/2011 MMCD ASSOCIATION 2011-37 2011 Sponsorship Fee 1,000.00 1,000.00 109019 1/19/2011 MURDY & MCALLISTER 109020 1/19/2011 MAINROAD MAINTENANCE PRODUCTS AR05666 Cold Asphalt Mix 109021 1/19/2011 MARINE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE W13485 W13487 W13488 Roof Repair Roof Repairs Temporary Repairs - Dec 13 109022 1/19/2011 MAXINE MORRIS Dec 22/10 109023 1/19/2011 MOVING SOUND TECHNOLOGIES 109024 1/19/2011 109025 29,476.12 yes 1,497.89 1,497.89 381.92 577.92 218.40 1,178.24 Review Utility Billing Procedures 2,800.00 2,800.00 29522 Mosquito Mark 4 3,130.40 3,130.40 MIKE TRUELOVE METALWORKS 038390 Fabricate Five Railing Supports 756.00 756.00 1/19/2011 MICKELSON CONSULTING INC. 2010-12-001 Communications Strategy - Nov/Dec 2,100.00 2,100.00 109026 1/19/2011 MDO REAL ESTATE LTD. Dec 31/10 Consulting Services 560.00 560.00 109027 1/19/2011 MARSHALL, SUSAN 405556 Program Refund 80.00 80.00 109028 1/19/2011 LAT DIV OF LAFARGE CANADA INC 18529907 Bulk Salt 12,215.48 12,215.48 109029 1/19/2011 NINETY NINE TRANSPORT LTD. 10-453 7289 Lifted Influent Pumps - Nov 12 Lifting Influent Pumps - Dec 29 291.12 291.20 582.32 109030 1/19/2011 CITY OF NANAIMO 19831 F/F Material 156.27 156.27 Page 10 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 109031 1/19/2011 NFPA 5030556X NFPA Membership Dues 150.00 150.00 109032 1/19/2011 NESTERS MARKET 89689 Dec 21 Prisoner Meals 164.22 164.22 109033 1/19/2011 NEW AGE TRADING INC. 93447 93364 Nov 30 Tablecloths Preschool Supplies 21.84 8.96 30.80 109034 1/19/2011 NIKO'S VACS TO WAX SUPPLY LTD. 31649 31865 Supplies Supplies 214.46 771.02 985.48 109035 1/19/2011 NORCOM NW INC. 10-453 Power Supply and Power Cord 400.00 400.00 109036 1/19/2011 ON SIDE RESTORATION SERVICES LTD. 10037001 Roof Leak - Fire Hall #1 1,935.42 1,935.42 109037 1/19/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 93333 Dec 16 93334 Dec 20 93336 Jan 10 Supplies Supplies Supplies 212.86 72.80 23.44 309.10 109038 1/19/2011 OPEN ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS 011-0001 Technical Services to Jan 7 504.00 504.00 109039 1/19/2011 ON SIGHT EQUIPMENT LTD. 1284 Belt Organizer 201.04 201.04 109040 1/19/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 4509 4493 4437 4490 4492 4541 4702 4657 4685 4640 4641 Govt Rd S/S Const to Dec 31 Slope Stability Skyline Pl to Nov 30 Blvd Pump Stn Upgrade to Nov 30 Corridor Trail Improvements to Nov 30 TBird Reservoir Upgrade to Nov 3 TBird SCADA Upgrade to Dec 31 TBird Reservoir SCADA - Dec TBird Res Disinfection Upgrade - Dec Govt Rd S/S Const - Dec Corridor Trail Improvements - Dec Slope Stability Skyline - Dec 18,321.46 3,310.17 3,949.84 832.16 4,846.39 10,998.41 7,051.32 618.80 6,189.66 6,855.97 5,070.89 68,045.07 109041 1/19/2011 PUROLATOR INC. 410338704 Freight 52.37 52.37 109042 1/19/2011 PIONEER MAINTENANCE LTD. 0011 0009 0012 Steam Cleaning Library Carpets Steam Cleaning Municipal Hall Steamp Cleaning Library Upholstery 896.00 1,792.00 336.00 3,024.00 109043 1/19/2011 PANAGO PIZZA PLACE 90319 Dec 16 Pizza - ADP Meeting - Dec 16 44.32 44.32 109044 1/19/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 10355332 Carbon Dioxide 412.17 523.99 Page 11 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 10386403 CO2 Tank Rental to Jan 14 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 111.82 109045 1/19/2011 PRECISION SERVICE & PUMPS INC. 10665 Brennan Park Well - Irrigation 109046 1/19/2011 PETTY CASH (ADMIN SERVICES) Dec 20/10 Petty Cash to Dec 20 109047 1/19/2011 PIPELINE MECHANICAL 3754 3838 3834 3839 Boiler Repairs Quarterly Mtce Air Handling Units Fixed Pilot Light Serviced Boiler #1 & AHU #1 109048 1/19/2011 POWER MUSIC CANADA 7010930 Seniors Fitness Material 109049 1/19/2011 PIQUE PUBLISHING INC. 00160336 Capital Projects Engineer Ad 109050 1/19/2011 PLATZ, VALERIE Jan 12/11 Refund Overpayment Dog Licence 109051 1/19/2011 PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD 26829 Consulting Services 109052 1/19/2011 PLUMB, NEIL Dec 24/10 Expense Reimbursement 109053 1/19/2011 PETRO-CANADA 923647595 923714795 Bulk Oil Drum Return 1,772.90 (224.00) 1,548.90 109054 1/19/2011 PHOENIX MEDIA DIRECT 0098098-IN Bond/Satin Paper 1,069.29 1,069.29 109055 1/19/2011 QUALITY SAW & KNIFE LTD. 147558 Sharpen Ice Knives 204.40 204.40 109056 1/19/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 1/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 1 141,601.44 141,601.44 109057 1/19/2011 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN32110 IN31564 MS03962 IN31034 IN31951 IN30365 CR18002 Parts Pins & Bushings Refuse Containers, Concrete Pads Parts Parts Housing for Mower Head Credit - Housing 109058 1/19/2011 RACE & COMPANY LLP 76909 Professional Services 109059 1/19/2011 RD PENHALL LTD. 36216 Time-n-Tide Calendars, Pocket Books 109060 1/19/2011 R.F. BINNIE & ASSOCIATES 24523 Buckley Ave Traffic Calming - Nov Page 12 of 299 10,048.90 10,048.90 162.36 162.36 142.80 481.60 95.20 1,072.40 1,792.00 109.38 109.38 94.08 94.08 5.00 5.00 1,341.20 1,341.20 103.63 103.63 184.40 479.79 6,378.40 69.54 223.18 343.74 (343.74) 7,335.31 56.00 56.00 170.37 170.37 2,723.84 2,723.84 Cheque # Pay Date 109061 1/19/2011 Vendor Name ROGERS MEDIA INC 109062 1/19/2011 109063 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description AB-8412 44012-6 WEB Advertising Radio Ads ROBERTSON KOLBEINS TEEVAN GALLAHER 10-12037 Mamquam River Pipeline - Nov 1/19/2011 RESORT MUNICIPALITY OF WHISTLER 39008399 39008197 39008157 Municipal Cost Sharing Transit 2010 Municipal Cost Sharing Transit 2010 Transit Order - Oct Return/Nov Order 109064 1/19/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. 49907 RI 49667 RI 50015 RI 10 Mbps Internet Access - Dec 10 Mbps Internet Access - Nov 2 FX Lines - February 109065 1/19/2011 RENTAL NETWORK LTD. 1-051902-03 1-052000-02 109066 1/19/2011 RICHMOND ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 109067 1/19/2011 109068 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 582.40 1,086.40 504.00 3,433.28 3,433.28 47,930.17 106,142.00 38,784.00 192,856.17 1,032.73 866.25 973.72 2,872.70 Equipment Rental - Oct 22 Equipment Rental - Oct 26 586.04 169.12 755.16 243248 Quarterly Mtce - Jan to Mar 182.02 182.02 REVENUE SERVICES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Jan 2011 Nov Adj January Premiums November Premium Adjustment 12,556.50 6.00 12,562.50 1/19/2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX IN55700 IN005130 IN005129 IN55416 IN55701 Houdini Pro Hand Tool Ladder Testing Ladder Repair Harnesses Boots 206.14 1,820.03 620.12 966.56 184.69 3,797.54 109069 1/19/2011 RUSSELL FOOD EQUIPMENT LTD. B19896 Insulated Serving Trays 813.12 813.12 109070 1/19/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1295447 1294626 1292960 1291728 1293601 1294041 1294039 1294151 Sledge Hammer Hardipanel for Training Site Paint Supply Locking Device Batteries Batteries Braided Line Patio Stones 31.24 235.20 102.54 15.30 17.77 21.32 15.70 76.75 515.82 109071 1/19/2011 ROBIN'S MAID-TO-CLEAN 10-58 SAC Bldg Cleaning - Oct/10 1,736.00 1,736.00 109072 1/19/2011 REIS, SHAWN C. Jan 6/11 Footwear - CSA Uniform Issue 179.19 179.19 109073 1/19/2011 RESTRAINT CONSULTING 27 Consulting Services - Dec/10 2,451.86 2,451.86 Page 13 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109074 1/19/2011 Vendor Name RUTH, SARAH Jan 6/11 Volleyball Instruction 109075 1/19/2011 ROHL, MONICA 405986 Program Refund 109076 1/19/2011 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 48 (SEA TO SKY) Dec 2010 2010 Theatre Budget 109077 1/19/2011 SHOPPERS DRUGMART #219 93005 Dec 16 Supplies 109078 1/19/2011 SQUAMISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 21120794 109079 1/19/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 109080 1/19/2011 109081 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 238.50 238.50 187.11 187.11 5,130.91 5,130.91 12.85 12.85 Membership Renewal 405.44 405.44 P/P 26/10 P/P 1/11 Union Dues - P/P 26 Union Dues - P/P 1 216.30 451.42 667.72 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 325489890 327742845 Freight Freight 609.12 78.95 688.07 1/19/2011 SMITH-CAMERON PUMP SOLUTIONS 103007 Dual Pump Dosing System 16,284.80 16,284.80 109082 1/19/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00016662-2 SQDI00016662 SQDI00016459 SQDI00016422 SQDI00016422-2 SQDI00016423 Cr 15961 SQDI00016459-2 10467 10468 10469 Dec 31 S/C Activities December 31 Edition December 24th Edition December 17th Edition Dec 17 S/C Activities Dec 17 Ad - Job Opportunity Credit - Overpayment December 24th Edition Subscription 1 Subscription 2 Subscription 3 109083 1/19/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 93038 Dec 15 93483 Dec 24 93481 Dec 14 93446 Dec 16 93331 Dec 13 93335 Jan 10 93484 Jan 5 93450 Jan 4 Council Breakfast Supplies Supplies Supplies Seniors Christmas Lunch Dog Bones Supplies Supplies Supplies 109084 1/19/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY Jan 2011 Youth Services Contract - Jan 109085 1/19/2011 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS LTD. 026568149 026494556 Misc Charges Custom File Folders Page 14 of 299 975.61 396.35 792.68 975.61 792.68 51.98 (178.08) 975.61 44.80 44.80 44.80 4,916.84 348.62 12.36 36.01 48.57 75.00 18.35 18.23 41.95 599.09 21,026.67 21,026.67 41.44 154.56 196.00 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109086 1/19/2011 Vendor Name SCU INSURANCE SERVICES LTD. Jan 7/11 2011 Fleet Insurance 109087 1/19/2011 STATE CHEMICAL LTD 94864802 All Purpose Cleaner 109088 1/19/2011 SQUAMISH VALLEY GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 195365 RCMP Christmas Party 109089 1/19/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 326978 328096 327922 327921 BP Bunker Monitoring to Feb 28 Repair Oil Room Door Battery Replacement Repair Electrical Room Door 109090 1/19/2011 SPEEDY AUTO & WINDOW GLASS 8331-203911 Windshield Repair 109091 1/19/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED CM55960 117891 117808 118038 117956 55960 56176 56140 118035 Alternator Credit Diagnose Engine Code Reprogrammed PCM Flush Transmission Fluid Scan Engine Code Alternator Parts Pedal Flush Transmission (39.20) 158.64 219.62 220.84 158.64 280.87 33.60 157.84 219.76 109092 1/19/2011 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 47959 Freight 294.19 294.19 109093 1/19/2011 SOFTCHOICE CORPORATION 2565040 2566516 2556205 Server & Exchange Licences Asset Management Subscription VSphere Technical Support 1,136.76 1,619.42 635.40 3,391.58 109094 1/19/2011 SPERLING HANSEN ASSOCIATES INC. 10272 Landfill Upgrades - 2011 16,334.40 16,334.40 109095 1/19/2011 SHAW CABLE 8708 Dec 12/10 0109 Dec 24/10 5474 Dec 16/10 0115 Dec 16/10 0848 Dec 16/10 S/C Internet Service to Jan 3/11 RCMP Internet Service to Jan 15 M/H Internet Service to Jan 7 W/Y Internet Service to Jan 7 R/C Internet Service to Jan 7 105.15 141.00 99.57 81.70 88.42 515.84 109096 1/19/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 236599 Supplies 35.18 35.18 109097 1/19/2011 SPECTRUM LANDSCAPES 16792 956260 Jan 5/11 Sidewalk Snow Clearing Nov 26-30 Clear Picnic Area 3,287.20 1,097.60 4,384.80 109098 1/19/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 4984 4953 RCMP Coffee Supplies M/H Coffee - Dec 9 104.80 49.00 565.24 Page 15 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 84,633.00 84,633.00 255.36 255.36 1,500.00 1,500.00 117.60 302.40 123.20 302.40 845.60 78.40 78.40 1,410.61 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 5009 5013 4978 4912 5060 W/Y Coffee - Dec 23 F/H Coffee M/H Sugar M/H Coffee - Dec 2 RCMP Coffee Supplies 109099 1/19/2011 SQUAMISH SUSTAINABILITY CORPORATION 262 Leadership/Managers Meetings 109100 1/19/2011 SIGNAL SYSTEMS IN-20022-01 Portable Radios, Chargers 109101 1/19/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 2481 2347 2277 2354 B/P & Cemetery Service - Nov Wasp/Bee Treatment B/P & Cemetery Services - Sept Wasp/Bee Treatment 109102 1/19/2011 SQUAMISH TRUCK AND TRAILER LTD 8304 8198 8197 8234 8236 8238 8191 8239 8275 8358 109103 1/19/2011 SUPREME OFFICE PRODUCTS LIMITED 109104 1/19/2011 109105 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 141.00 109.59 30.10 49.00 81.75 379.14 379.14 1,727.06 1,727.06 99.68 122.08 278.88 278.88 779.52 Air Dryer Kit Annual Inspection & Repairs Unit #QINT2 Inspection Unie #E2 Inspection Engine #1 Inspection Engine #11 Inspection Oil Filters RESC #2 Inspection Repair & Inspection Drain Plug 76.54 2,798.05 560.36 155.68 155.68 155.68 76.05 155.68 553.60 22.49 4,709.81 1565684/S 1565635/S 1565440/S Freight Preschool Program Supplies Preschool Program Supplies 214.64 287.17 3,426.66 3,928.47 SEA TO SKY CAR WASH 4452 4483 Vechicle Cleaning Vehicle Cleaning 35.84 17.92 53.76 1/19/2011 SEA TO SKY INVASIVE SPECIES COUNCIL 20 Support Services 4,000.00 4,000.00 109106 1/19/2011 SOLUS CONSULTING INC. 621 Insights Workshop 2,990.93 2,990.93 109107 1/19/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 822575 824235 828171 824257 826575 823535 824437 Monthly Demurrage - Nov Fitting Credit Parts for Bucket Tool Bench Shop Supplies Supplies Page 16 of 299 168.00 12.48 (34.59) 230.55 378.08 121.33 597.72 3,039.87 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 824441 822570 826283 825629 815661 Credit Monthly Demurrage - Nov Batteries Parts Oxygen Refill 109108 1/19/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 825836 825208 825603 825537 825894 824383 825134 825197 825200 824989 825005 824722 Snow Plow Bolts Transmission Oil Bolts, Washers, Nuts Lights Parts Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Oil Filters Washer Fluid Shop Supplies 109109 1/19/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 825909 825969 826096 826301 826999 827196 825914 825955 826431 827168 826603 826805 Parts Filters Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Parts Security Indicators Filters Parts Clamps Clamps 109110 1/19/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 827210 827923 Vacuum Filters Shop Supplies 109111 1/19/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE Jan 12/11 Gymnastics Instruction Jan 12, 13 109112 1/19/2011 TIM HORTONS 91245 Dec 16/10 Refreshments for Fire Fighting 109113 1/19/2011 TRANN, RICHARD Jan 30/11 109114 1/19/2011 exp SERVICES INC. 109115 1/19/2011 TAB Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void (54.07) 16.00 553.37 1,008.90 42.10 30.24 77.84 35.62 17.33 23.15 18.74 70.12 51.43 10.01 22.31 13.44 55.88 426.11 68.87 37.09 14.22 38.74 58.02 17.00 68.87 7.62 139.59 43.66 23.73 17.88 535.29 69.18 18.19 87.37 256.00 256.00 67.56 67.56 Youth Alternatives Program - Jan 1,250.00 1,250.00 18890 Govt Rd S/S Trunkmain 1,345.78 1,345.78 11142896 Custom File Folders 222.95 222.95 Page 17 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 109116 1/19/2011 TRANSTAR SANITATION SUPPLY LTD. 003366 002857 003387 002856 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 109117 1/19/2011 TEMPLE CONSULTING GROUP LTD. 15391 MAIS 2011 Maintenance Program 109118 1/19/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 78643418 Cleveland Ave Lease Rent - Jan 109119 1/19/2011 TIGERDIRECT.CA INC. D08780140102 D08780140101 Computer Equipment External Card Readers 109120 1/19/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY Dec 22/10 109121 1/19/2011 THPC TURF HEALTH PRODUCTS COMPANY INC 109122 1/19/2011 109123 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 165.57 179.76 166.25 5.71 517.29 23,133.60 23,133.60 1,232.00 1,232.00 227.22 90.96 318.18 Hotel Room Tax - Oct 5,006.97 5,006.97 596 Supreme Green Tarp 1,128.96 1,128.96 TEMPEST TECHNOLOGY 0158390-IN Video - Winds Have Changed 94.95 94.95 1/19/2011 TRAVERS, THOMAS 406853 Program Refund 36.89 36.89 109124 1/19/2011 UNION OF B.C. MUNICIPALITIES PC-1218 Local Govt Planners/Calendars 72.80 72.80 109125 1/19/2011 UNITED WAY Dec 24/10 Employee Donations - P/P 24, 25, 26 361.22 361.22 109126 1/19/2011 UNITED RENTALS OF CANADA INC. 90985494-001 90999233-001 Heaters Fan 58.24 104.44 162.68 109127 1/19/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 53159 53136 Bottled Water Rain Gear 84.00 366.28 450.28 109128 1/19/2011 WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARD OF B.C. 051944-AQ (2) Balance of 4th Quarter Assessment 11.07 11.07 109129 1/19/2011 WESTBURNE ELECTRIC SUPPLY B.C. 1134764 Plugs, Lights 505.53 505.53 109130 1/19/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-137570 Supplies 1,559.64 1,559.64 109131 1/19/2011 WETT INC. 11-0374 2011 WETT Renewal 84.00 84.00 109132 1/19/2011 WESCLEAN EQUIPMENT & CLEANING SUPPLIES 5658764 5661535 5658763 Doggie Bags Doggie Bag Dispensers Doggie Bags 1,528.58 1,972.66 1,528.58 5,029.82 109133 1/19/2011 MARKS #829 93174 Dec 9/10 Replacement Rain Gear 493.87 493.87 Page 18 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 109134 1/19/2011 WURTH CANADA LTD 20307924 Electrical Bin Restock 176.74 176.74 109135 1/19/2011 WESTBURY, JODI 406385 Program Refund 304.00 304.00 109136 1/19/2011 4REFUEL CANADA LP 153766 Bio Diesel 1,624.97 1,624.97 109137 1/19/2011 ALTA LAKE ELECTRIC LTD. 947 980 1016 1002 992 Replace Stolen Copper Grounding Cell Area Generator Repair Various Service at Library RCMP Electrical Repairs Change Lamp at Library 185.05 576.80 1,820.00 212.15 72.80 2,866.80 109138 1/19/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 3119 440199 Cr Prisoner Laundry - Dec 21 Credit - Duplicate Invoice 42.59 (38.37) 109139 1/19/2011 AVENUE MACHINERY CORP AW57277 Door Mirrors 107.52 107.52 109140 1/19/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E725321 E736237 E733892 E729087 E730920 Weekly Analysis - Nov 5 Weekly Analysis - Dec 15 Weekly Analysis - Dec 7 Weekly Analysis - Nov 18 Weekly Analysis - Nov 25 150.64 84.00 150.64 84.00 84.00 553.28 109141 1/19/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN312721 LVAN312716 LVAN308671 LVAN314675 LVAN312719 W/Y Laundry - Dec 13 CP Laundry - Dec 13 CP Laundry - Nov 29 R/C Uniform Service - Dec 20 F/H Laundry - Dec 13 45.84 75.81 75.81 59.09 32.96 289.51 109142 1/19/2011 ANNEX PUBLISHING & PRINTING INC. IN42700 Rapid Intervention Teams 63.84 63.84 109143 1/19/2011 AVCON CONSULTING LTD. Dec 7/10 Jan 4/11 Airport Consulting Services Airport Consulting Services 1,402.20 436.80 1,839.00 109144 1/19/2011 GENERATION 2 CONTROLS INC. 124283 Monitoring DDC Controls - Dec 435.68 435.68 109145 1/19/2011 ALFA LAVAL INC. 222288 Performance Agreement 3,095.68 3,095.68 109146 1/19/2011 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION 712765 P.W. Paws Comic Books 246.53 246.53 109147 1/19/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 4316 Dec 14/10 ADSL Line to Dec 14 199.00 199.00 109148 1/19/2011 BC WATER & WASTE ASSOCIATION Dec 13/10 Membership - Gavin Murgatroyd 60.00 60.00 Page 19 of 299 4.22 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 109149 1/19/2011 BC TRANSIT 1010765 1010865 1110765 1110865 Para Transit Service - Oct Conventional Transit Service - Oct Para Transit Service - Nov Conventional Transit Service - Nov 109150 1/19/2011 BRINKS CANADA LTD. 0625090785 109151 1/19/2011 BRITISH COLUMBIA SAFETY AUTHORITY 109152 1/19/2011 109153 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 9,430.00 59,904.00 5,854.00 60,297.00 135,485.00 Armoured Car Service - Nov 818.86 818.86 ELR 513834 Electrical Operating Permits 1,848.00 1,848.00 BCT FENCING 379251 Chain Link Fence Installation 2,822.40 2,822.40 1/19/2011 BELL DISTRIBUTION 99292496 Blackberries 503.72 503.72 109154 1/19/2011 BCF CONTRACTING 358320 358318 358316 Trash Grate & Lifting Lug Backhoe Repairs Handrail, Walkway Horsecreek Outfall 641.55 380.80 1,215.84 2,238.19 109155 1/19/2011 BROOK & ASSOCIATES INC 4909 Zoning B/L Consulting Services - Nov 5,571.20 5,571.20 109156 1/19/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94748722 94741385 Biodiesel Cardlock - Nov 5,301.43 6,294.16 11,595.59 109157 1/19/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 13192 13308 13069 12678 12679 12712 12711 Winter Sand Winter Sand Road Base Road Base Road Base Winter Sand Winter Sand 1,347.96 951.01 101.47 292.73 1,177.78 427.00 695.41 4,993.36 109158 1/19/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 7830 7865 7881 Leak Repair - 6th & Victoria Kingswood Water Service Repair Ayr Drive Drainage 2,606.24 3,773.73 12,843.10 19,223.07 109159 1/19/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001539 J001534 J001542 J001503 J001536 J001540 J001537 J001538 J001541 Remove Banners/Hang Christmas Lights Street Lights Heater Fan Installation P/H Springs SCADA - Landfill P/H Springs - W/W SCADA - Roads & Drainage Float Switch Replacement SCADA - Sewage - Misc SCADA - W/W 5,152.56 3,068.62 223.89 123.20 327.60 145.60 72.80 145.60 218.40 11,174.27 Page 20 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description J001507 J001535 J001533 SCADA - Misc - Water R/C Electrical Repairs RCMP Parking Lot Lights Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 691.60 182.00 822.40 109160 1/19/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001598 J001590 Queensway - SCADA - Sewage Change Step Lights - Eagle Winds 109.20 414.40 523.60 109161 1/19/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004K-87921 504PUMP-87713 5004D-87917 5004V-87927 5004Q-88663 5004H-87919 5004X-88664 5004O-87923 5004P-87924 5004RCMP-87915 5004-87914 R/C Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - Dec/Nov Pumping - Nov 24 CF/Concession Garbage - Dec A/W Field Portable Toilet - Dec W/Y Garbage, Cdbd, Bear Bin - Dec Library Garbage, Paper - Dec/Nov S/C Recycling - Dec V/C F/H Garbage - Dec G/H F/H Garbage, Cdbd - Dec RCMP Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - Dec/Nov M/H Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - Dec/Nov 747.73 324.80 352.78 162.40 400.19 139.22 42.56 58.33 141.83 268.31 519.61 3,157.76 109162 1/19/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 3197 3305 Messaging Services SEP Messaging - Jan/Excess Dec 1,470.84 257.60 1,728.44 109163 1/19/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 26564964 26603575 26527489 26564764 26519329 26511193 26531785 26443038 26546125 26629416 26531816 26570476 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Copy Paper Supplies Printer Cartridges Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Adjustable Easel 460.07 228.63 107.96 220.27 517.44 215.88 114.22 108.57 128.04 1,834.40 20.32 285.57 4,241.37 109164 1/19/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 26665061 26680848 Adjustable Easel Supplies 856.70 59.71 916.41 109165 1/19/2011 BASF CANADA INC. 130618587 Zetag 12,897.65 12,897.65 109166 1/19/2011 CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 9903656990 9903612497 9903611234 Landfill Water Service - Nov RCMP Coffee Service RCMP Water Service 30.35 294.40 119.79 444.54 Page 21 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109167 1/19/2011 Vendor Name CASCADE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE GROUP 109168 1/19/2011 109169 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 931.00 3,296.69 1,254.40 1,111.29 10 11 14 10 11 13 10 10 13 Finch Drive Paving - Nov Govt Rd S/S Monitoring Final - Nov Mashiter Intake 2010 - Oct SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 110 169 280 P/W Laundry - Nov 17 W/W Laundry - Nov 21 W/W Laundry - Nov 27 69.38 47.60 13.44 130.42 1/19/2011 COMFY'S LAUNDRY 92980 Nov 93466 Dec Library Laundry - Nov Library Laundry - Dec 21.28 31.92 53.20 109170 1/19/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016041792 Inverted Orange Spray Paint 32.14 32.14 109171 1/19/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 13659 13709 Bear Smart Banner with Stand/Case No Smoking Signs 390.88 33.60 424.48 109172 1/19/2011 CANADIAN TIRE STORE #483 N13174674 N13174750 Supplies Speakers 284.08 81.47 365.55 109173 1/19/2011 COACH DEPOT INC. cd4778 Fox 40 Whistler with SEP Logo 3,926.75 3,926.75 109174 1/19/2011 PEIRCE, HANNAH Dec 20/10 Travel Expense - July 8.32 8.32 109175 1/19/2011 DJ SPENCE TREE SERVICE 480 Remove Hazardous Trees 3,976.00 3,976.00 109176 1/19/2011 DURAGLAS COMPOSITES CORP. 276 Graveliners, Cremation Vault 4,740.96 4,740.96 109177 1/19/2011 DAN MCRAE DOS 38 Grant Procurement Services - Dec 554.40 554.40 109178 1/19/2011 DYNAMIC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LTD. 2625 Property Management - Nov/Dec 966.00 966.00 109179 1/19/2011 DELPRO AUTOMATION INC. IN-00033906 Hach 1720E Turbidimeter 3,023.03 3,023.03 109180 1/19/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-88836 4501-88847 4501-88835 Landfill Tires/Gypsum Board - Nov Wood Waste Removed from Landfill-Nov Landfill Contract - Nov 5,422.22 1,128.30 25,622.78 32,173.30 109181 1/19/2011 ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATORS CERT.PROGRAM 20101054 Exam Fees - G. Murgatroyd/Opr Dues 218.40 218.40 109182 1/19/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 2602 2599 2584 2592 S/C Alarm Response Guard Patrols - Dec Adv Ctre Guard Patrols - Nov B/P Washrooms Lock Up - Dec 53.93 3,884.01 828.40 158.19 4,924.53 Page 22 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109183 1/19/2011 Vendor Name EMPAC ENGINEERING LTD. 11826 Technical Services - SCADA 109184 1/19/2011 EBB ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS INC. 2010104 Nuisance Animal Management Plan 10,337.25 10,337.25 109185 1/19/2011 EBA ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LTD. V-256154 Pavement Management System 28,265.44 28,265.44 109186 1/19/2011 FIRST TRUCK CENTRE X003130516:01 Wiper Arm 37.93 37.93 109187 1/19/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 11153 11152 11155 11154 11080 209876 211199 211180 210885 211233 Blank Business Cards Business Cards Business Cards Business Cards Business Cards Envelopes Calculator Supplies Wall Calendars Phone Message Books 1,016.96 235.20 39.20 39.20 78.40 10.89 75.68 54.78 30.64 32.93 1,613.88 109188 1/19/2011 GARIBALDI EXCEL TIRE SERVICES LTD. 91398 Tires 1,044.06 1,044.06 109189 1/19/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. 548320 Sensors 327.40 327.40 109190 1/19/2011 GLENTEL WIRELESS CENTRE 12-03-10 12-10-10 I94449 I94424 Parts Battery Headsets for Intercom Portable Battery 1,579.20 189.84 1,982.40 255.36 4,006.80 109191 1/19/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2268 2266 Keys Cut Padlocks 79.80 510.05 589.85 109192 1/19/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 4960 5007 4993 RCMP Bldg Serevices Dog Pound Plumbing Repairs M/H Washroom Repairs 2,413.32 106.06 115.58 2,634.96 109193 1/19/2011 GARDNER, GREG Dec 21/10 Travel Expense - Dec 21 58.76 58.76 109194 1/19/2011 G-VAN CATERING AND CONSULTING INC. Dec 13/10 Clocktower Cafe Shortfalls 1,808.72 1,808.72 109195 1/19/2011 GIRI, PRIA Jan 6/11 Travel Expense - Aug to Dec 134.68 134.68 109196 1/19/2011 GRAY, KANE Dec 16/10 Standby - Film Work 260.00 260.00 109197 1/19/2011 GUERRILLA MANAGEMENT LTD. 181210-01 Consulting Work on Leases to Dec 18 1,932.00 1,932.00 Page 23 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2,825.76 2,825.76 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 109198 1/19/2011 GUERRILLA MANAGEMENT LTD. 311210-01 Consulting Work on Leases to Dec 31 504.00 504.00 109199 1/19/2011 FMEP P/P 26/10 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 26 301.50 301.50 109200 1/19/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 137384 137749 Red Marker Chainlube 80.37 14.99 95.36 109201 1/19/2011 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 9014731 1023904 8970005 70891 4070993 4070998 4970007 2970002 7970003 6071105 5015595 9980003 Dec/10 Camera Snake Supplies Supplies Tool Box, Ratchet Parts Parts Heaters Radiator Heater Coupling Roof Patch Angels Parts 434.43 145.41 46.75 34.14 63.53 15.43 100.78 67.19 14.10 22.92 246.38 25.38 1,216.44 109202 1/19/2011 HOWE SOUND TAXI DOSDec2010 Taxi Service - Dec 17 196.15 196.15 109203 1/19/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 20674 20675 Generator Fuel Container 1,635.20 324.80 1,960.00 109204 1/19/2011 ITT INDUSTRIES OF CANADA, L.P. 50106795 Level Regulators 1,411.20 1,411.20 109205 1/19/2011 INPROTECT SYSTEMS INC. 141042 141197 PreMark Letters Custom Signs 696.86 2,674.56 3,371.42 109206 1/19/2011 IRWIN AIR LTD 29355 Building Maintenance 1,785.85 1,785.85 109207 1/19/2011 JUSTICE INSTITUTE OF B.C. 194906 194907 194909 Course Fees - Emerg Scene Mgmt Course Fees - Incident Cmd System Course Fees - Incident Cmd System 710.00 311.00 311.00 1,332.00 109208 1/19/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 44891 44712 44881 44885 44759 44937 Asset Management Plan - Nov 2010 Water Model Update - Nov Water Loss Mgmt Program - Nov River Level/Rain Gauge - Nov CSI of WWTP - Nov Flood Hazard Assessment - Nov 12,406.28 13,496.56 1,479.24 90.16 810.32 5,599.44 33,882.00 Page 24 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109209 1/19/2011 Vendor Name KAL TIRE 109210 1/19/2011 109211 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 064065812 064065443 Tire Repair Tire Repair KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN1461341 C280 Copier Chges to Nov 23 1/19/2011 KANGABAGS 808 109212 1/19/2011 KP PERFORMANCE ANTENNAS 109213 1/20/2011 109214 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 136.64 190.40 53.76 98.03 98.03 RIT Bags 461.22 461.22 1422 Antennas 799.68 799.68 SQUAMISH RIVERSTONES DEVELOPMENT LTD. Jan 14/11 Refund Building Permit Deposits 6,659.20 6,659.20 1/26/2011 TREMBLAY, PETER Jan 18/11 Expense Reimbursement 93.00 93.00 109215 1/26/2011 ADDIS, SHANE Jan 18/11 Reimburse - Bulbs & Battery 34.66 34.66 109216 1/26/2011 BCT FENCING 379254 R/C Chainlink Fencing 9,150.40 9,150.40 109217 1/26/2011 EXECUTIVE SUITES 2257 2532 2255 Room Charge - Sept 12, 13 2010 Room Charge - Nov 20/10 Room Charge - Sept 11/10 510.66 158.31 113.10 782.07 109218 1/26/2011 MURDY & MCALLISTER Jan 11/11 Legal Services - Dec/10 14,738.06 14,738.06 109219 1/26/2011 SUPERIOR PROPANE INC. 55760681 Bulk Propane - May 18/10 717.82 717.82 109220 1/26/2011 SEA TO SKY WASTE MANAGEMENT LTD. Jan 2011 Landfill Attendant Services - Jan 6,466.25 6,466.25 109221 1/26/2011 MOLBY, SACHA Jan 13/11 S/C Fitness Instruction - Jan 4-13 442.50 442.50 109222 1/27/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 7883 Holdback Release - Govt Rd Trunk S/S 310,280.88 310,280.88 109223 2/2/2011 ALLAN, JACKIE Jan 11/11 Training Materials 150.00 150.00 109224 2/2/2011 4REFUEL CANADA LP 154207 Bio Diesel 811.19 811.19 109225 2/2/2011 685946 BC LTD 84/10 Jan 13/11 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 109226 2/2/2011 ALL KEYS & LOCKS 10044 Repair Deadbolt on Front Door 28.00 28.00 109227 2/2/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 2316 2124 Prisoner Laundry - Dec 15 Prisoner Laundry - Dec 7 19.78 30.89 50.67 109228 2/2/2011 ACKLANDS - GRAINGER INC. 4373 0565208 Lights 56.54 56.54 Page 25 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109229 2/2/2011 Vendor Name ALS ENVIRONMENTAL 109230 2/2/2011 109231 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description E740285 Weekly Analysis - Jan 7 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN316660 LVAN322370 LVAN320385 CP Laundry - Dec 27 R/C Uniform Service - Jan 17 CP Laundry - Jan 10 2/2/2011 GENERATION 2 CONTROLS INC. 124287 Monitoring DDC Controls - Jan 109232 2/2/2011 ACTIVE NETWORK LTD. 22002107 109233 2/2/2011 ARCTIC POWER SYSTEMS B.C. LTD. 109234 2/2/2011 109235 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 150.64 150.64 75.81 61.57 79.23 216.61 449.12 449.12 Class - Brochure-link 3,360.00 3,360.00 alta1959 Power Line Inspection 5,264.00 5,264.00 AGAT LABORATORIES 10K77504T Oil Analysis 22.40 22.40 2/2/2011 ALLDATA 186431 Automotive Alldata Program Subscr 2,100.00 2,100.00 109236 2/2/2011 ALFRED WAUGH ARCHITECT 11008-002F Consultant Services to Dec 31/10 25,368.00 25,368.00 109237 2/2/2011 A HIGH CUT ABOVE GENERAL CONTRACTING MMX643 SAC Take Down Non Operating Lights 151.20 151.20 109238 2/2/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 4316 Jan 14/11 ADSL Line to Jan 14 196.30 196.30 109239 2/2/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 055720071092 SEP Pager Service to Dec 31 66.64 66.64 109240 2/2/2011 BEST APPLIANCE REPAIR 16059 Dishwasher Repair 117.54 117.54 109241 2/2/2011 BC HYDRO 116004812788 S/C Hydro Use to Dec 31 2,169.88 2,169.88 109242 2/2/2011 BRITISH COLUMBIA WATER & WASTE ASSOC. 2361 Jan 31 9432/3044 Jan11 10457 Jan 31 BCWWA 2011 Membership - W. Chadwick BCWWA 2011 Dues - Caulton/Halliday BCWWA 2011 Dues - B. Smith 35.00 70.00 60.00 165.00 109243 2/2/2011 BRITISH HYDRAULICS 29685 Repair Damaged Hydraulic Cylinder 1,129.52 1,129.52 109244 2/2/2011 BRINKS CANADA LTD. 0627620785 Armoured Car Service - Dec/11 1,095.50 1,095.50 109245 2/2/2011 BRANDT TRACTOR LTD. 5487996 5487883 Heater Knob, Pressure Rel Valve Tie Rod End 41.21 187.60 228.81 109246 2/2/2011 BELL MOBILITY Jan 17/11 Blackberry Service to Jan 17 5,468.92 5,468.92 109247 2/2/2011 BETHEL LANDS CORP DP 295 Jan 21 Release 90% Landscape Bond DP 295 36,000.00 36,000.00 109248 2/2/2011 BELL DISTRIBUTION 99392991 Blackberries 358.18 582.18 Page 26 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 99461220 Blackberry 109249 2/2/2011 BCF CONTRACTING 358323 Repair Loader Nose Plow 109250 2/2/2011 BDK CONSULTING Jan 31/11 Contract Services to Jan 31/11 109251 2/2/2011 BEVERIDGE, DEE 408109 109252 2/2/2011 BROOK POONI ASSOCIATES INC 109253 2/2/2011 109254 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 224.00 585.20 585.20 5,203.32 5,203.32 Program Refund 204.00 204.00 4997 Consulting Services to Dec 31/10 315.00 315.00 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 2/11 Union Dues - P/P 2 4,281.66 4,281.66 2/2/2011 CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY IN00130966 Course Material 2,634.40 2,634.40 109255 2/2/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94758690 94763590 Biodiesel Cardlock - December 2010 5,298.25 6,157.91 11,456.16 109256 2/2/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 12219 13414 Road Base Clear Crush 1,791.58 1,061.09 2,852.67 109257 2/2/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001615 J001617 J001618 J001613 J001614 J001592 J001620 J001591 J001616 J001631 J001633 J001632 Water System - Misc Misc SCADA - Dykes & Drainage Elec Repairs - TBird Reservoir Street Lights Wilson Flood Gate Hang Eagle Watch Banner Plateau Reservoir Street Lights Misc SCADA - Water Works Central Sewage Lift Stn Loggers//Finch Sewage Stn Alice Lake Reservoir - Water 218.40 182.00 235.20 180.71 289.30 123.20 393.70 1,436.92 509.60 254.63 677.16 690.09 5,190.91 109258 2/2/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001634 Thunderbird Reservoir 846.90 846.90 109259 2/2/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004C-89059 5004T-87925 5004I-89063 5004T-89068 5004V-89069 5004N-89065 MWWTP Gbg Jan/Hauling Biosolids Upper S/B Portable Toilet - Dec Landfill Portable Toilet - Jan Upper S/B Portable Toilet - Jan A/W Field Portable Toilet - Jan Nexen Beach Portable Toilet - Jan 18,386.10 162.40 162.40 162.40 162.40 162.40 19,198.10 109260 2/2/2011 CANADIAN ASSOC. OF FLEET SUPERVISORS 8156 2011 Membership Dues 981.12 981.12 Page 27 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109261 2/2/2011 Vendor Name CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 109262 2/2/2011 109263 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 3301 Messaging Services CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 26744951 26749320 26804589 26736663 PF00000467 2011 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies High Back Tilter Chairs 2/2/2011 BASF CANADA INC. 130552806 130666167 Zetag Zetag 109264 2/2/2011 CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 9903879185 109265 2/2/2011 CORAL ENGINEERING LTD 109266 2/2/2011 109267 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,364.44 1,364.44 77.23 101.55 478.18 117.46 3,119.18 3,893.60 12,895.55 12,900.03 25,795.58 SEP Final Payment - Water 20.74 20.74 143346 143343 Hooked Up Electric Heaters Service & Repair 517.44 2,266.07 2,783.51 CEMETERY & CREMATORIUM ASSOCIATION Jan 19/11 Mt Garibaldi Cemetery Membership Dues 140.00 140.00 2/2/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 1086 1085 P/W Laundry - Dec 8 P/W Laundry - Dec 8 31.36 50.23 81.59 109268 2/2/2011 CHANCEY, JENNI Jan 31/11 Expense Reimbursement 551.77 551.77 109269 2/2/2011 COENCORP CONSULTANT INC 7260 Technical Support - Fuel Mgmt System 1,680.00 1,680.00 109270 2/2/2011 DEL EQUIPMENT 503003 503002 503121 Speed Sensor Sensor Credit - Sensor 109271 2/2/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 104728 Supplies 109272 2/2/2011 DELL CANADA INC. 707010006107701 707010006053823 Dell Poweredge Server Dell Vastro Laptop 109273 2/2/2011 DJ SPENCE TREE SERVICE 471 Remove Danger Trees Mamquam Rd 109274 2/2/2011 DENBAR CONSTRUCTION 1012 1018 1017 1016 2011 RCMP Mech Room Re-position Councillor Name Plates RCMP Evidence Office Engineering Bldg Rear Steps 109275 2/2/2011 DEO, NEIL Jan 20/11 Medical Form 109276 2/2/2011 EMPAC ENGINEERING LTD. 11923 SCADA Data Extraction Page 28 of 299 291.06 310.46 (310.46) 291.06 488.66 488.66 19,123.78 896.22 20,020.00 1,624.00 1,624.00 100.80 242.75 280.00 578.48 1,202.03 20.00 20.00 680.68 1,881.88 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 11889 SCADA Upgrade 109277 2/2/2011 FIANDER CONSTRUCTION 138592 Grade & Form Walkways-Bowling Green 109278 2/2/2011 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICERS ASSOC OF BC Jan 18/11 109279 2/2/2011 FIRST TRUCK CENTRE 109280 2/2/2011 109281 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,201.20 5,600.00 5,600.00 2011 Membership Dues - Fulton/Reis 134.40 134.40 X003136957:01 Water Pump & Rad Cap 152.22 152.22 FITNESS TOWN COMMERCIAL 733 2011 Vision 3800 Upright Cycle 2,357.60 2,357.60 2/2/2011 FLORIAN, NICOLE 408129 Program Refund 250.35 250.35 109282 2/2/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 11239 11221 Business Cards Whiteprints 173.60 7.06 180.66 109283 2/2/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 1562917 Freight 81.09 81.09 109284 2/2/2011 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 2716371 Satellite Service to Dec 21 46.93 46.93 109285 2/2/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2314 Service Call - Repairs M/H & Lib 163.18 163.18 109286 2/2/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 4979 Plumbing Repairs - W/Y 109.48 109.48 109287 2/2/2011 GLENTEL INC. Jan 7/11 MSAT Phones to Jan 7 141.35 141.35 109288 2/2/2011 GILLIS, CARLEEN 405078 Program Refund 129.00 129.00 109289 2/2/2011 GODECKE PLUMBING & HEATING 413 Animal Shelter Repairs 123.20 123.20 109290 2/2/2011 HARRIS & COMPANY Dec 31/10 Professional Services to Dec 31/10 911.29 911.29 109291 2/2/2011 FMEP P/P 2/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 2 301.50 301.50 109292 2/2/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 138066 137463 137931 138068 Supplies Snow Shovel Keys Cut Toilet Seat 27.98 15.09 17.74 25.75 86.56 109293 2/2/2011 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 5015554 8021266 1071337 5980002 9990532 Plastic Containers Supplies Parts Gas Can Plant, Soil 22.34 66.49 11.96 8.95 62.57 172.31 Page 29 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109294 2/2/2011 Vendor Name HEATHER EVANS HEC 2010-21 Corridor Trail Project 109295 2/2/2011 HARBOUR INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 729574C Wiper Motor 109296 2/2/2011 HENDERSON RECREATION EQUIPMENT LIMITED 103392 Playground Equipment Installation 109297 2/2/2011 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE MUNICIPAL CLERKS Jan 18/11 109298 2/2/2011 JACOBSEN, NINA 109299 2/2/2011 109300 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,618.40 1,618.40 172.73 172.73 42,766.42 42,766.42 Ann Dues/N.M. C.Pawluk Deputy Clerk 235.00 235.00 407171 Program Refund 146.00 146.00 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 44755 45051 45003 45004 45020 Sq River Riprap Upgrade 2009-Nov/10 Dev Servicing Reviews - Dec/10 EMBC Flood Prot Upgrades - Dec/10 Sq River Gravel Removal - Dec/10 Flood Protection Plan to Dec 31/10 11,233.29 1,791.44 1,977.64 1,498.52 568.51 17,069.40 2/2/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13056783 Ops C450 Copier Rental to Mar 31 1,080.15 1,080.15 109301 2/2/2011 L & A EQUIPMENT LTD. 10-177 Snow Removal - Dec 1 5,241.60 5,241.60 109302 2/2/2011 LONDON DRUGS 800016510 800016312 Video Card Employee Computer Purchase 67.19 975.73 1,042.92 109303 2/2/2011 LIFESAVING SOCIETY 51682 Bronze Cross 108.00 108.00 109304 2/2/2011 LMO ENTERPRISES INC. 121409 Treadmill Purchase Option 758.52 758.52 109305 2/2/2011 LANGLEY EMERGENCY PROGRAM 34050 Animal Intake Pet Registration Form 60.75 60.75 109306 2/2/2011 LEGALE, MARISSA 1348924 Program Refund 135.00 135.00 109307 2/2/2011 MICHELIN NORTH AMERICA (CANADA) INC. DA0003145954 Tires 2,789.79 2,789.79 109308 2/2/2011 MCINTOSH, LISA Jan 24/11 Babysitter Training 250.00 250.00 109309 2/2/2011 MORRIS, AMANDA Jan 27/11 Gymnastics - Jan 6 to 27 1,055.00 1,055.00 109310 2/2/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE - TRANSPORTATION 4897 Cost Share Agreement - Oct to Dec/10 2,883.84 2,883.84 109311 2/2/2011 MICROSOFT LICENSING, GP 9803148072 9803176404 Enterprise Desktop Pro Microsoft EA Licensing Renewal 1,900.68 41,840.98 43,741.66 109312 2/2/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE PUI56460 Parks - Annual Permit Fee 560.00 560.00 Page 30 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109313 2/2/2011 Vendor Name MODU-LOC FENCE RENTALS LTD. I0067822 Fence Panel Rental - Dec 109314 2/2/2011 MOUNTAIN CRESTS 2006 LTD 2927 Embroidered Toques 109315 2/2/2011 MARINE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE W13644 109316 2/2/2011 MCINTOSH, CHAD 109317 2/2/2011 109318 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 20.56 20.56 98.56 98.56 Second Site Visit 421.12 421.12 Jan 19/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 MCCRUM, ULRIKA Jan 12/11 Overpayment of Care Fund 12.32 12.32 2/2/2011 MOODIE, KAREN 404056 Program Refund 85.00 85.00 109319 2/2/2011 MATI AC c/o CivicInfo BC Jan 18/11 Advanced Communication Skills 2,800.00 2,800.00 109320 2/2/2011 LAT DIV OF LAFARGE CANADA INC 19033228 2011 Bulk Salt 16,697.25 16,697.25 109321 2/2/2011 NESTERS MARKET 89690 Jan 12 Prisoner Meals 36.97 36.97 109322 2/2/2011 OK TIRE & AUTO SERVICE 6117 6116 Tires Winter Tires, Wheel Balance 640.64 660.02 1,300.66 109323 2/2/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 93338 Jan 17 Dog Food 70.38 70.38 109324 2/2/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 4680 Blvd Pump Station Upgrade to Dec 31 7,658.00 7,658.00 109325 2/2/2011 O'DONOHUE, CHRIS Jan 18/11 Property Tax Refund 655.34 655.34 109326 2/2/2011 PIONEER MAINTENANCE LTD. 0160 Steam Cleaning Carpets 140.00 140.00 109327 2/2/2011 PETTY CASH (FIRE DEPT.) Jan 20/11 Petty Cash - Jan 20 86.46 86.46 109328 2/2/2011 PREMIER PACIFIC SEEDS LTD. 12451 Squamish Overseeding 6,182.40 6,182.40 109329 2/2/2011 PACIFIC COAST FIRE EQUIPMENT 43625 Annual Fire Alarm Monitoring 470.40 470.40 109330 2/2/2011 PUBLIC SECTOR DIGEST INC. 3281 3281 2011 T/A Software Support Renewal Tangible Assets Software 997.26 997.25 1,994.51 109331 2/2/2011 PIEROTTI, JAMIE Dec 6/10 Reimbursement 356.82 356.82 109332 2/2/2011 PETERS, JENNIFER 366057 Program Refund 135.60 135.60 109333 2/2/2011 PERFECT PAINTERS 1C Jan 10/11 Exterior Painting for Firehalls 2,638.16 2,638.16 Page 31 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109334 2/2/2011 Vendor Name RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) 109335 2/2/2011 109336 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description P/P 2/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 2 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA/RCMP OIC Q31011 Integ 90755202 Squamish Integrated Team to Dec 31 Policing Agreement to Dec 31 2/2/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. Dec 1/10 Jan 1/11 50135 RI Long Distance Charges - Nov/10 Long Distance Charges - Dec/10 10 Mbps Internet Access - Jan 109337 2/2/2011 RENTAL NETWORK LTD. 1-053170-01 1-053169-01 Field #5 Tent Repair Field #5 Tent Cleaning 109338 2/2/2011 RICHARDSON, CLARE 407174 Program Refund 109339 2/2/2011 REVENUE SERVICES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Feb 2011 February Premiums 109340 2/2/2011 RUTTAN, SARAH 408909 Program Refund 109341 2/2/2011 RESTRAINT CONSULTING 23 109342 2/2/2011 RDH BUILDING ENGINEERING LTD. 109343 2/2/2011 109344 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 122,137.18 122,137.18 136,679.67 480,990.09 617,669.76 155.43 148.38 887.64 1,191.45 4,004.03 705.60 4,709.63 102.00 102.00 12,891.00 12,891.00 316.16 316.16 Consulting Services to Nov 30/10 2,691.90 2,691.90 1000257 Consulting Services to Dec 31 4,368.00 4,368.00 RICH-ELECTION Jan 13/11 Election Workshop - Arthurs/Pawluk 414.40 414.40 2/2/2011 BRAIDWOOD & COMPANY 6809 Professional Services - DP 63 232.69 232.69 109345 2/2/2011 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 48 (SEA TO SKY) 604 Gymnasium Rental 158.80 158.80 109346 2/2/2011 SHOPPERS DRUGMART #219 434342 Supplies 6.71 6.71 109347 2/2/2011 SQUAMISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 21121003 21120901 21121006 Lunch Admission - K. Muller Fee for Service - January 2011 Fee for Service - February 25.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 16,025.00 109348 2/2/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 2/11 Union Dues - P/P 2 219.54 219.54 109349 2/2/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 390119081 Freight 186.07 186.07 109350 2/2/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS 1927548 Jan 6 Jan 24/11 S/C Gas Use to Jan 5 Gas Use - Jan 24 Billing 102.40 20,020.81 20,123.21 109351 2/2/2011 SUPERIOR PROPANE INC. 58356754 56694567 Bulk Propane Bulk Propane - Sept 7/10 1,873.31 403.00 2,276.31 Page 32 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109352 2/2/2011 Vendor Name SQUAMISH CHIEF 109353 2/2/2011 109354 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description SQDI00016690 January 7th Edition SAVE-ON-FOODS 93485 Jan 14 93337 Jan 13 Supplies Supplies 2/2/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 317746 328344 328338 329012 109355 2/2/2011 SETON 109356 2/2/2011 109357 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 487.80 487.80 41.32 88.18 129.50 Archive Bldg Monitor to Sept 30/10 A/C Monitoring to Dec 31/11 Pump Stn (Eagle Viewing) to Dec 31 RCMP ESB Monitoring to Mar 31 134.40 336.00 302.40 252.00 1,024.80 9313539010 Ice Melter, Gloves 197.01 197.01 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 56391 56245 Fuel Filter Repair Damaged Dash Panel 107.41 237.52 344.93 2/2/2011 SOFTCHOICE CORPORATION 2555645 2577375 Virtual Server Licence Virtual Guest Mtce Renewal 2,619.16 1,881.04 4,500.20 109358 2/2/2011 MOLBY, SACHA Jan 27/11 Keep Well Instructor - Jan 17 to 24 557.50 557.50 109359 2/2/2011 SHAW CABLE 5474 Jan 16/11 0115 Jan 16/11 0848 Jan 16/11 M/H Internet Service to Feb 7 W/Y Internet Service to Feb 7 R/C Internet Service to Feb 7 99.57 81.70 88.42 269.69 109360 2/2/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 237053 P/M on Convertamatic 241.92 241.92 109361 2/2/2011 SPECTRUM LANDSCAPES 16803 16908 Snow Clearing - Dec 21 Snow Clearing - Jan 12 1,002.40 1,271.20 2,273.60 109362 2/2/2011 SNAP-ON-TOOLS 112910782 111510318 Air Gun Repair Rubber Hammer 391.94 66.19 458.13 109363 2/2/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5142 5126 5117 5056 5093 W/Y Coffee SFR Coffee RCMP Coffee M/H Coffee - Jan 5 M/H Coffee - Jan 13 232.00 88.00 78.00 49.00 49.00 496.00 109364 2/2/2011 SPINDLER, ELKE 396923 Program Refund 178.08 178.08 109365 2/2/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 3385 3384 Regular Service - Dec/10 M/H Regular Service - Dec/10 99.68 84.00 183.68 109366 2/2/2011 SAGEMCOM CANADA INC IN02176 Phone Support With SW Upgrade 3,148.32 3,148.32 Page 33 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 109367 2/2/2011 SQUAMISH TRUCK AND TRAILER LTD 8456 8425 Filters Repair Steering Cylinder 18.68 455.85 474.53 109368 2/2/2011 SQUAMISH RIVERSTONES DEVELOPMENT LTD. DP295 Jan 31/11 HST Omitted from DP 295 O/S Serv Fee 576.48 576.48 109369 2/2/2011 SONES, ROSANNE Jan 20/11 Expense Reimbursement 40.47 40.47 109370 2/2/2011 SQUAMISH OCEAN WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT Jan 13/11 Property Tax Refund 285.84 285.84 109371 2/2/2011 SHAHI, BALPREET 407997 Program Refund 35.32 35.32 109372 2/2/2011 SKILLSOFT CANADA LTD 75439 Encore with Live All Access 2,184.00 2,184.00 109373 2/2/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 827549 827544 827540 827339 828860 828324 827955 827260 828250 828380 828564 827991 Monthly Demurrage - Dec R/C Yearly Demurrage R/C Monthly Demurrage - Dec Oxygem Tank Refills Hose Clamps Brass Bolts, Nuts Nuts, Bolts, Flat Bar Nuts & Bolts Nuts & Bolts Hose & Fitting Nuts & Bolts License Place Light 168.00 77.28 16.00 63.28 9.95 105.12 37.30 47.53 45.09 111.96 73.25 19.92 774.68 109374 2/2/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 829335 829668 829428 829951 828861 829257 829618 829761 828879 829329 829342 829583 Stock Shop Towels Shop Supplies Radiator Cap Brass Fitting Bin Restock Bolt & Tap Scraper Bolts, Safety Chains Snow Shovel Tire Chains Supplies Shop Supplies Shop Supplies 620.12 24.85 41.78 5.95 37.15 61.16 426.92 36.61 316.02 206.21 5.01 6.03 1,787.81 109375 2/2/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 830787 830249 830563 830296 Chain Repair Driveshaft Filter & Plate Shop Supplies 80.19 432.58 49.86 60.47 1,498.49 Page 34 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 830614 830318 830473 830314 830671 830449 829981 830037 Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Oil Filters Hydraulic Motor/Filter Brake Pads Hoses Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 25.42 24.26 25.67 509.89 107.00 70.21 78.96 33.98 109376 2/2/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 830888 830802 830805 831145 830947 831081 830853 Bolts Stover Nut Washers, Nuts, Bolts Flat Bar Steel for Snow Removal Equipment Steel for Snow Removal Equipment Shop Supplies 1.77 9.07 118.72 30.71 74.77 15.08 20.37 270.49 109377 2/2/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE Jan 26/11 Gymnastics Instruction Jan 19-27 368.00 368.00 109378 2/2/2011 TIM HORTONS Dec 16/10 Council Breakfast 71.68 71.68 109379 2/2/2011 TRANSTAR SANITATION SUPPLY LTD. 003631 003837 Supplies Supplies 31.30 22.96 54.26 109380 2/2/2011 TOM GREEN Jan 13/11 Jan 13 Travel Expense Travel Expense 125.45 72.80 198.25 109381 2/2/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY Jan 26/11 Hotel Room Tax - Nov 2010 5,294.14 5,294.14 109382 2/2/2011 THOMA, STEFANIE 366058 Program Refund 154.00 154.00 109383 2/2/2011 UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISES INC. 582705 583102 Manual/Enrollment - C. Halliday Course/Entrollment - L. Barry 153.00 153.00 306.00 109384 2/2/2011 UNILOGIK SYSTEMS INC. 1872 Red Hat Enterprise Basic Support 330.40 330.40 109385 2/2/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 53189 Supplies 317.86 317.86 109386 2/2/2011 MARKS #829 89965 Jan 5 Gloves 30.22 30.22 109387 2/2/2011 WATKINS, CINDY Jan 24/11 Preschool Supplies 75.36 75.36 109388 2/2/2011 WILHELM, ROBERT Jan 16/11 Refund Credit Balance UB 2182 195.00 195.00 Page 35 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109389 2/11/2011 Vendor Name TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 109390 2/11/2011 109391 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 5205 8 Feb 4/11 Telephone Charges - Feb 4 Billing TELUS MOBILITY 020053013120 003898814083 Cell Phone Charges - Jan 17 Billing Mike Mobility - Jan 17 Billing 2/11/2011 BC HYDRO 400001623887 109392 2/11/2011 NEOPOST CANADA LTD. 109393 2/15/2011 109394 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 11,578.17 11,578.17 174.16 141.51 315.67 Hydro Use - Feb 3 Billing 73,645.43 73,645.43 Feb 11/11 Postage - DPOC #250326 5,600.00 5,600.00 0858370 BC LTD Jan 31/11 Refund UB Overpayment #227 61.89 61.89 2/15/2011 4REFUEL CANADA LP 154658 Cart Biodiesel 491.42 491.42 109395 2/15/2011 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Jan/11-001 Snow Removal - Jan 12 2,205.00 2,205.00 109396 2/15/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 4273 4109 5001 5240 RCMP Laundry - Jan 11 RCMP Laundry - Jan 5 RCMP Laundry - Jan 18 RCMP Laundry - Jan 25 39.19 47.33 34.10 21.95 142.57 109397 2/15/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E738835 E741822 Weekly Analysis - Dec 30 Weekly Analysis - Jan 14 84.00 84.00 168.00 109398 2/15/2011 AUTOMOTIVE TRADES EQUIPMENT SERVICES LTD 8699 Repair Small Hoist in Shop 639.09 639.09 109399 2/15/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN328327 LVAN324344 LVAN326334 LVAQN324328 F/H Laundry - Feb 7 S/C Laundry - Jan 24 R/C Uniform Service - Jan 31 R/C Uniform Service - Jan 24 33.87 40.32 61.57 199.23 334.99 109400 2/15/2011 ANNEX PUBLISHING & PRINTING INC. Jan 13/11 Canadian Firefighter Subscription 11.30 11.30 109401 2/15/2011 ASSOCIATED FIRE SAFETY MAINTENANCE 9226 9232 F/F Gloves F/F Gloves 1,821.41 196.57 2,017.98 109402 2/15/2011 ADDIS, SHANE Feb 7/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 109403 2/15/2011 ARNOLD, DAN Feb 7/11 Feb 1/11 Reimburse for Medical Certificate Air Brake Class I Fees 75.00 232.00 307.00 109404 2/15/2011 CHARTIS INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Feb 2011 February Premiums 537.78 537.78 109405 2/15/2011 ADAMS, MIKE Feb 4/11 CAFC Dues 224.70 224.70 Page 36 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109406 2/15/2011 Vendor Name AVANTAGE PARTNERS 109407 2/15/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 5218 Jan 14/11 9205 Jan 14/11 5268 Jan 14/11 4753 Jan 1/11 S/C Telephone Charges to Jan 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Jan 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Jan 14 E-Comm Emergency Phone to Jan 1 109408 2/15/2011 BC TRANSIT 1210865 1210765 Conventional Transit - Dec 2010 Para Transit Service - Dec 2010 109409 2/15/2011 BC HYDRO 113004914141 S/C Hydro Use to Feb 3 109410 2/15/2011 BRANDT TRACTOR LTD. 5488120 Exhaust Manifold Gaskets 109411 2/15/2011 BROADWAY REFRIGERATION & W11890 Furnace Repairs 109412 2/15/2011 BRZEZOWSKI, R. & HUYBREGTS, A. 15/10 Feb 9 Refund Damage Deposit 109413 2/15/2011 BASRA, NAVJOT 407061 Program Refund 109414 2/15/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 3/11 109415 2/15/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94770195 94770194 94774800 109416 2/15/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 109417 2/15/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. Jan 31/11 7884 Refund Bal Hydrant Deposit Release H/B - Loggers Creek Dev 109418 2/15/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001670 J001677 J001679 109419 2/15/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004PUMP-90009 5004P-90233 5004O-90232 5004H-90228 5004RCMP-90224 5004-90223 5004X-91025 5004Q-91024 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,724.80 yes 84.26 84.26 87.35 1,361.63 1,617.50 63,583.00 21,431.00 85,014.00 1,977.84 1,977.84 17.07 17.07 345.00 345.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 83.48 83.48 Union Dues - P/P 3 4,185.13 4,185.13 Bulk Oil Biodiesel Biodiesel 348.85 3,234.51 4,255.39 7,838.75 3,443.08 yes 328.00 14,764.96 15,092.96 Fix Light in Library Display Case Replace Receptacle SPCA Bldg Replace Ballast Council Chambers 72.80 90.44 114.53 277.77 Pumping Lift Stations G/H F/H Garbage, Cdbd - Feb V/C F/H Garbage - Feb Library Garbage, Paper - Feb/Jan RCMP Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - Feb/Jan M/H Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - Feb/Jan S/C Recycling - Feb W/Y Garbage, Cdbd - Feb/Jan 324.80 141.83 58.33 139.22 268.31 567.21 42.56 431.92 1,974.18 Page 37 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109420 2/15/2011 Vendor Name CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 109421 2/15/2011 109422 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 3408 3448 HSMRS Messaging Service - Feb SEP Messaging Service - Feb CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 26791275 26851626 26771591 26806950 26832176 26844501 26878814 26803619 26943232 Supplies Supplies Supplies Calculator Correction Tape Supplies Copy Paper Supplies Supplies 2/15/2011 COAST CORRIDOR CHIEF'S ASSOCIATION 2011-13 2011 Membership Dues 109423 2/15/2011 CORAL ENGINEERING LTD 109424 2/15/2011 CHEF BIG D'S DELI LTD. 1721 1720 Lunches for Recruit Training Lunches - First Responder Training 109425 2/15/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 3326 109426 2/15/2011 COMFY'S LAUNDRY 109427 2/15/2011 109428 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 168.00 280.00 112.00 90.70 474.59 176.89 12.31 25.83 256.71 124.05 314.55 460.96 1,936.59 25.00 25.00 4,345.01 yes 301.63 113.03 414.66 Coveralls - Jan 5 18.48 18.48 Jan 2011 Jan 2011 Lib M/H Laundry - Jan Library Laundry - Jan 43.68 21.28 64.96 CORSA CYCLES (1996) LTD. 141/10 Feb 9 Damage Deposit Refund 2,500.00 2,500.00 2/15/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 13795 13780 13707 Squamish River Dyke Sign Arena Dressing Room Signs Adventure Smart Banner 380.80 954.24 179.20 1,514.24 109429 2/15/2011 SIRIUS XM CANADA INC. SI-003376 2 Radios - 2011 Service 806.13 806.13 109430 2/15/2011 COBRA ELECTRIC 41068 Intersection Inspection 5,097.37 5,097.37 109431 2/15/2011 CN NON-FREIGHT 9500079319 S/S Pipe 2010 Rent - Mile 40.20 5,657.12 5,657.12 109432 2/15/2011 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES 164481 Synthetic Grease 2,334.00 2,334.00 109433 2/15/2011 DAY-TIMERS OF CANADA LTD. 41024596 Refill & Holder 97.26 97.26 109434 2/15/2011 DANCO EQUIPMENT LTD. 7166031 7166327 Blade Curb Guards Curb Shoe 312.10 96.57 408.67 Page 38 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109435 2/15/2011 Vendor Name DEL EQUIPMENT 109436 2/15/2011 109437 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 503065 Blade Wear Blocks DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 104694 104563 105205 105204 Supplies Life Jackets, Water Noodles Chemicals Chemicals 2/15/2011 DIAMONDHEAD DOOR CO. LTD., 171068 109438 2/15/2011 DENBAR CONSTRUCTION 109439 2/15/2011 109440 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 337.98 337.98 1,391.04 1,529.25 1,716.05 207.06 4,843.40 RCMP Gate Service 516.20 516.20 1024 1023 1021 Supply/Install Interior Window Repair Desk, Install Clip Boards Libray - Miscellaneous Jobs 644.00 100.80 100.80 845.60 DHL EXPRESS (CANADA) lTD. H25440 749 Freight 26.85 26.85 2/15/2011 DOUGLAS LAKE EQUIPMENT S03876 Cutting Edges, Nuts, Washers 725.13 725.13 109441 2/15/2011 DAN MCRAE DOS40 Grant Procurement Serv to Jan 31 4,536.00 4,536.00 109442 2/15/2011 DR. LAWRENCE W. KLEIN INC. 2086 Medical Report 50.00 50.00 109443 2/15/2011 DOUG BUSH SURVEY SERVICES LTD. 10-712 OSiem Pavilion Services - Dec/10 3,402.60 3,402.60 109444 2/15/2011 DICKSON, STEPHEN 41/10 Feb 9 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 109445 2/15/2011 DALE, ROSE/ANDREW Feb 2/11 Refund Overpayment A/C 8050 5.00 5.00 109446 2/15/2011 DOWNTOWN CENTRE MOTORS LTD. Jan 27/11 Refund Deposits - DP 283 9,343.49 9,343.49 109447 2/15/2011 DR. ALEXANDRA BROOKS-HILL LTD. Jan 26/11 Company Form 150.00 150.00 109448 2/15/2011 EMERGENCY SOCIAL SERVICES ASSOC. OF BC 2011-022 ESSA 2011 Membership 175.00 175.00 109449 2/15/2011 ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATORS CERT.PROGRAM Feb 5/11 Operators Certification Renewals 537.60 537.60 109450 2/15/2011 ERICSSON MANUFACTURING LTD. 1568 Bases for Bear Aware Signs 567.88 567.88 109451 2/15/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 2608 2607 Adv Ctre Guard Patrols - Jan Guard Patrols - Various - Jan 804.38 3,630.61 4,434.99 109452 2/15/2011 EDGEWATER PROJECTS LTD. Feb 7/11 Refund Deposits - DP 254 68,902.20 68,902.20 109453 2/15/2011 EBA ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LTD. V-13301057 Pavement Mgmt System - Nov 29-Jan 2 6,643.28 6,643.28 Page 39 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109454 2/15/2011 Vendor Name FRASER VALLEY REFRIGERATION LTD., 132971 Brine Test 109455 2/15/2011 FIRST TRUCK CENTRE X003137302:01 Horn Contact 109456 2/15/2011 FOURCHALK, RYAN Jan 28/11 Refund - Spay - A/C 11180 109457 2/15/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 212211 11197 109458 2/15/2011 GARIBALDI EXCEL TIRE SERVICES LTD. 109459 2/15/2011 109460 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 156.80 156.80 9.37 9.37 25.00 25.00 Printer Cartridges Business Cards 143.25 151.20 294.45 91410 Retread Tire 184.52 184.52 GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Feb 2011 February Premiums 83,460.02 83,460.02 2/15/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. 548938 775810 Feb 2011 Parts Diagnose Steering Problems 2009 Pontiac Wave Lease - Feb 206.32 54.88 436.61 697.81 109461 2/15/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 1622896 1659113 Freight Freight 89.34 139.94 229.28 109462 2/15/2011 GREATER VANCOUVER REGIONAL DISTRICT RMO12-11 Comparison Manual - CUPE/IAFF 560.00 560.00 109463 2/15/2011 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 2780679 Satellite Service to Jan 21 46.93 46.93 109464 2/15/2011 GUILD, YULE & COMPANY 2009-0363 Professional Services 1,591.61 1,591.61 109465 2/15/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2336 2317 Office Door Lock Service Keys Cut for Lock Box 112.78 12.77 125.55 109466 2/15/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5072 5077 5070 M/H Plumbing Repairs F/H Roof Drain Repairs M/H Plumbing Repairs 106.40 221.76 305.20 633.36 109467 2/15/2011 G-VAN CATERING AND CONSULTING INC. Jan 27/11 Catering - Transportation Meeting 374.00 374.00 109468 2/15/2011 HARRIS & COMPANY Jan 31/11 Professional Services to Jan 24 954.63 954.63 109469 2/15/2011 FMEP P/P 3/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 3 301.50 301.50 109470 2/15/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 138087 138006 138241 137949 Battery, Lights Storage Box Tap Aerator Batteries 18.56 32.47 6.71 493.38 551.12 Page 40 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109471 2/15/2011 Vendor Name HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 20483 Blade Change, Blade Sharpening 109472 2/15/2011 IDEAL DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 205108 Oxygen Concentrator for Teach Pool 109473 2/15/2011 INPROTECT SYSTEMS INC. 141644 109474 2/15/2011 IMPRINT PLUS 109475 2/15/2011 109476 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 89.60 89.60 1,787.52 1,787.52 Bear Aware Signs 722.74 722.74 PIN0070315 Plates, Covers, Magnets 201.60 201.60 IRELAND, TODD Apr 19/10 Refund Hydrant Use 63.75 63.75 2/15/2011 JUSTICE INSTITUTE OF B.C. 20024698 F/F I & II Exams - July - Sept 2010 10.00 10.00 109477 2/15/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 45182 45002 River Level/Rain Gauge - Dec/10 Squamish River Riprap Upgrade - Dec 30.80 5,190.62 5,221.42 109478 2/15/2011 KAL TIRE 064066277 064066267 064066365 064066279 064066280 064066433 064066367 Credit - Radial Casing Flat Repair Front Tires for Mower Retread Tires Rear Tires Flat Repair Front Tire, Tire Change Overs (75.49) 71.79 1,471.97 1,248.98 1,067.05 78.40 463.89 4,326.59 109479 2/15/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01502719 CONIN01495214 M/H Pro 950 Copy Charges to Jan 12 Pro 950 Copy Charges to Dec 29 109480 2/15/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13104770 M/H Pro 950 Rental to Apr 30 109481 2/15/2011 KEHL PETERSEN 11-100 Core Review Services - Jan 109482 2/15/2011 KELROY SOLUTIONS 126 Cr 127 Credit - Overcharge on Inv #124 Fleet/Equip Plan Closing Charges (775.87) 1,103.80 109483 2/15/2011 KNIGHT, JAMES & LYNN 39/10 Feb 8 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 109484 2/15/2011 LIFESAVING SOCIETY 51226 First Aid Recert Manual/Fees 36.60 36.60 109485 2/15/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 428492 785735 425551 786580 786548 786469 786445 Oil Filter & Oil Vent Visors Credit - Batteries Battery Batteries Front/Rear Shocks U-Joint, Tie Rod End 79.79 90.88 (487.85) 120.41 293.19 313.56 70.72 857.31 Page 41 of 299 103.51 278.49 382.00 1,716.96 1,716.96 11,755.60 11,755.60 327.93 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 785790 786288 786617 Axle Shaft Supplies for Aux 4 Boat Repair Tarp 93457 Jan 27 93452 Jan 20 Flowers for Tables Flowers 109486 2/15/2011 LUCKY LOONIES 109487 2/15/2011 LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT ASSOC OF B 10464 109488 2/15/2011 LIDSTONE & COMPANY 109489 2/15/2011 109490 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 148.16 131.02 97.43 20.14 31.32 51.46 Job Posting Ad - Feb 4 1,260.00 1,260.00 1346 1347 Professional Services Professional Services 745.25 1,941.80 2,687.05 LGMA c/o CivicInfo BC Jan 31/11 MATI 2011 Reg - B. Barnett 2,800.00 2,800.00 2/15/2011 MUNICIPAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF B.C. 20057 2011 Assessments 102,342.00 102,342.00 109491 2/15/2011 MAXWELL PAPER CANADA INC. 6173324 Thermal Rolls 78.40 78.40 109492 2/15/2011 NEOPOST CANADA LTD. 1810407 External Scale Rate Chip 374.53 374.53 109493 2/15/2011 NESTERS MARKET 89686 Nov 3 89692 Feb 3 89691 Jan 26 Prisoner Meals Prisoner Meals Prisoner Meals 58.70 145.47 43.36 247.53 109494 2/15/2011 NRB HOLDINGS 109495 2/15/2011 NGO, BILLY N. 02/11 Feb 9 Refund Damage Deposit 109496 2/15/2011 OK TIRE & AUTO SERVICE 6161 109497 2/15/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 109498 2/15/2011 109499 1,000.00 yes 1,000.00 1,000.00 Wheel Alignment 100.74 100.74 94042 Feb 3 93340 Jan 27 Supplies Dog Food, Balls 89.39 248.81 338.20 OPEN ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS 011-0003 Technical Services to Feb 9 504.00 504.00 2/15/2011 PETTY CASH (FIRE DEPT.) Feb 9/11 Petty Cash - Feb 9 73.64 73.64 109500 2/15/2011 PETTY CASH (REC/AQUATIC CENTRE) Jan 31/11 Petty Cash - Jan 31 80.98 80.98 109501 2/15/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 10483618 10542077 Cylinder Rental to Dec 31 Carbon Dioxide 23.26 441.85 465.11 109502 2/15/2011 PPE LABS 1020 Turn Out Gear Repair 207.20 207.20 Page 42 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109503 2/15/2011 Vendor Name PIPELINE MECHANICAL 109504 2/15/2011 109505 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 3888 3931 Repair Blocked Drain RCMP Boiler Service PIQUE PUBLISHING INC. 00161572 00161769 Request for Tenders Ad - Jan 20 Request for Tenders Ad - Jan 27 2/15/2011 PLATZ, VALERIE Feb 2/11 Refund Overpayment A/C 8342 109506 2/15/2011 PLANET CLEAN IN99653806 109507 2/15/2011 PEPPER, ASHLEY 109508 2/15/2011 109509 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,828.09 2,410.49 582.40 196.56 196.56 393.12 5.00 5.00 Supplies 617.25 617.25 403880 Propram Refund 448.84 448.84 QUALITY SAW & KNIFE LTD. 149789 Sharpen Ice Knives 147.84 147.84 2/15/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 3/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 3 115,981.34 115,981.34 109510 2/15/2011 R.F. BINNIE & ASSOCIATES 24765 Buckley Ave Traffic Calming - Dec/10 1,695.96 1,695.96 109511 2/15/2011 RESORT MUNICIPALITY OF WHISTLER 39008435 Whistler/Sq Monthly Passes - Dec 4,640.00 4,640.00 109512 2/15/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. 50245 RI 50364 RI 2 FX Lines - March 10 Mbps Internet Access - Feb 973.72 957.02 1,930.74 109513 2/15/2011 RFABC 2011-140 RFABC Membership Renewals 560.00 560.00 109514 2/15/2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX IN56085 IN56117 F/F Helmets, Boots F/F Boots 4,538.35 184.80 4,723.15 109515 2/15/2011 ROMMEL HOMES LTD. Feb 4/11 Refund Overpayment UB #7110 29.35 29.35 109516 2/15/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1299418 Copper Tubing 22.16 22.16 109517 2/15/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 3/11 Union Dues - P/P 3 230.98 230.98 109518 2/15/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 325496705 325485748 390088546 Freight Freight Freight 31.66 42.49 27.04 101.19 109519 2/15/2011 SQUAMISH MUNICIPAL LIBRARY Feb 8/11 SDODS Meeting Room - Jan 31 50.00 50.00 109520 2/15/2011 SOCAN Jan 31/11 Tariff 15.A & Tariff 19 269.34 269.34 109521 2/15/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00016773 SQDI00016772 Job Opportunity - Jan 21 January 21st Edition 51.98 975.61 2,685.92 Page 43 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description SQDI00016740 SQDI00016928 January 14th Edition January 28th Edition 109522 2/15/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 4976 Nov 25/10 94041 Jan 31 93487 Jan 26 93455 Jan 27 91471 Feb 3 Supplies Supplies Supplies Fruit Basket Shampoo 109523 2/15/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY Feb 2011 Youth Services Contract - Feb 109524 2/15/2011 SCU INSURANCE SERVICES LTD. 23669 SEP 2011 Boat Insurance 109525 2/15/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 331214 Library Monitoring to Apr 30 109526 2/15/2011 SHRED-IT BC 071070987 109527 2/15/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 109528 2/15/2011 109529 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,170.53 487.80 37.53 108.72 40.38 16.78 19.49 222.90 21,026.67 21,026.67 1,373.00 1,373.00 84.00 84.00 File Destruction 114.27 114.27 118266 Transmission Flush 226.12 226.12 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 49232 48420 48828 Freight Freight Freight 157.92 58.39 188.32 404.63 2/15/2011 MOLBY, SACHA Feb 9/11 Keep Well Instructor 570.00 570.00 109530 2/15/2011 SHAW CABLE 5490 Dec 16/10 5490 Jan 16/11 8708 Jan 12/11 F/H Internet Service to Jan 7 F/H Internet Service to Feb 7 S/C Internet Service to Feb 3 173.53 106.34 105.15 385.02 109531 2/15/2011 SMIDOVA, INGRID 373059 Program Refund 45.00 45.00 109532 2/15/2011 ST. PIERRE, TIMMIA Feb 7/11 Refund Commuter Tickers #145/144 72.00 72.00 109533 2/15/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 237912 Reinforced Wipers 217.56 217.56 109534 2/15/2011 SNAP-ON-TOOLS 0110112234 0127112930 Batteries Credit - Batteries 1,084.88 (408.91) 675.97 109535 2/15/2011 SCADA CONTROLS CENTRAL LTD. 565 563 564 567 561 566 Control Microsystems Upgrade Access Control Keypad Mescon RTD Thermal Heat Engineering Services - Loggers/Finch Engineering Services ClearSCADA Upgrade 2,948.96 504.00 1,092.00 3,125.92 2,469.15 1,311.52 Page 44 of 299 14,420.56 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 562 Engineering Services Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2,969.01 109536 2/15/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5182 5125 5154 RCMP Coffee/Tea M/H Coffee - Jan 20 M/H Coffee - Jan 27 66.50 49.00 49.00 164.50 109537 2/15/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 3383 R/C Regular Service - Dec 67.76 67.76 109538 2/15/2011 SEA TO SKY FIRE PREVENTION 1031 1192 1186 1185 1032 Server Room Inspection - Apr/10 Fire Extinguisher for Lunch Room RCMP Bi-annual Inspection M/H Bi-annual Inspection RCMP Server Room Inspection - Apr/10 393.75 145.60 420.00 420.00 393.75 1,773.10 109539 2/15/2011 SQUAMISH TRUCK AND TRAILER LTD 8601 Purge Kit/Cartridge Kit 77.00 77.00 109540 2/15/2011 SEA TO SKY CAR WASH 0031 Vehicle Cleaning - Dec 26.88 26.88 109541 2/15/2011 SQUAMISH RIVERSTONES DEVELOPMENT LTD. 2032011 Jan 27/11 Off Site Services to Nov 30/10 Refund Admin Fees - DP295 2,055.96 2,276.25 4,332.21 109542 2/15/2011 S.P.U. CONSTRUCTION LTD. 08/10 Feb 9 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 109543 2/15/2011 S. BILN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 266/93 Feb 9 Refund Damage Deposit 750.00 750.00 109544 2/15/2011 STEPHENS, ALISHA 364209 Program Refund 40.00 40.00 109545 2/15/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 832353 831918 833008 832982 831795 832976 831530 831547 830788 830378 830198 832194 Oil Filters Shop Supplies Back Up Alarm Muffler Clamps Bolts, Nuts Parts Galvanized Chain Oil Filters Spray Lube Replacement Hose for Wash Bay Parts Trailer Fenders 29.03 32.40 106.14 187.91 1.67 8.51 108.57 34.23 32.23 106.85 21.84 47.04 716.42 109546 2/15/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 833010 833187 Gaskets Hoses 5.03 59.63 64.66 109547 2/15/2011 TEAM SKYLINE IN003145 Pickle Ball Set 326.14 644.22 Page 45 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description IN002818 Shuttles Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 318.08 109548 2/15/2011 TRANN, RICHARD Feb 28/11 Youth Alternatives Program - Feb 1,250.00 1,250.00 109549 2/15/2011 exp SERVICES INC. 21484 OSiem Pavilion Services - Dec/10 9,035.76 9,035.76 109550 2/15/2011 TRANSTAR SANITATION SUPPLY LTD. 003977 004062 Supplies Supplies 656.91 148.46 805.37 109551 2/15/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 78701617 March 2011 Cleveland Ave Lease Rent - Feb Cleveland Ave Lease Rent - Mar 1,232.00 1,232.00 2,464.00 109552 2/15/2011 STUDIO SQ BY TIGERI LTD PARTNERSHIP Feb 10/11 Release 90% Landscape Bond - DP249 5,221.75 5,221.75 109553 2/15/2011 TAPP, KAREN Feb 2/11 Expense Reimbursement 28.01 28.01 109554 2/15/2011 UNISTRUT BUILDING SYSTEMS 01-A184318 Posts for Bear Aware Signs 349.66 349.66 109555 2/15/2011 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS DEV CORP 91/10 Feb 10 90/10 Feb 10 Refund Damage Deposit Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 109556 2/15/2011 MARKS #829 93581 Jan 15 Rain Coat, Pants 196.54 196.54 109557 2/15/2011 WIGGINS ADJUSTMENTS LTD. Jan 31/11 Collection Fees 448.00 448.00 109558 2/15/2011 WICK, PAUL & LOUISE 153/09 Feb 9 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 109559 2/15/2011 ZONE WEST ENTERPRISES LTD. 30175 Helmet Crests 51.52 51.52 109560 2/17/2011 SWEENEY, SEAN Feb 14/11 2011 Uniform Cleaning Allowance 400.00 400.00 109561 2/17/2011 INOUYE, RUSSELL J. Feb 14/11 2011 Uniform Cleaning Allowance 400.00 400.00 109562 2/17/2011 FULTON, R.W. Feb 14/11 2011 Uniform Cleaning Allowance 400.00 400.00 109563 2/17/2011 BARONE, STEVE Feb 14/11 2011 Uniform Cleaning Allowance 400.00 400.00 109564 2/17/2011 DRIVER, COURTNEY Feb 11/11 Hoop Dance Beginner Jan 18 - Feb 8 337.50 337.50 109565 2/17/2011 DEANE, RONAN Feb 9/11 Indoor Soccer Instr Jan 18-Feb 8 54.00 54.00 109566 2/17/2011 GARIBALDI HOME SERVICES LTD. 128/09 Feb 9/11 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 109567 2/17/2011 HEAD, JULIA Jan 10/11 Reimburse - Emergency First Aid 97.00 97.00 Page 46 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 109568 2/17/2011 MORRIS, AMANDA Feb 11 Reimburse for Gymnastics Badges 33.00 33.00 109569 2/17/2011 MORRIS, AMANDA Feb 11/11 Gymnastics Instruction Feb 1 - 10 640.00 640.00 109570 2/17/2011 REIS, SHAWN C. Feb 14/11 2011 Uniform Cleaning Allowance 400.00 400.00 109571 2/17/2011 SQUAMISH PADDLING CLUB Feb 2/11 Kayak Instruction 209.33 209.33 109572 2/17/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE Feb 8/11 Gymnastics Instruction Feb 2 - 10 496.00 496.00 109573 2/17/2011 TIGERDIRECT.CA INC. D08115670101 Seagate 500GB Hard Drive 236.60 236.60 109574 2/24/2011 SEA TO SKY WASTE MANAGEMENT LTD. Feb 2011 Landfill Attendant Services - Feb 6,466.25 6,466.25 109575 2/28/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 26 2010 Income Tax, CPP, EI 23,762.93 23,762.93 109576 3/1/2011 0842451 B.C. LTD. 91/09 Feb 24 Refund Engineering Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 109577 3/1/2011 4REFUEL CANADA LP 155091 Cart Bio Diesel 1,134.04 1,134.04 109578 3/1/2011 755572 BC LTD. 39/09 Feb 23 20% Prof Certification Reduction 1,686.00 1,686.00 109579 3/1/2011 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 7000259215 Bal Balance of Payment for Supplies 19.00 19.00 109580 3/1/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E743843 Weekly Analysis - Jan 21 84.00 84.00 109581 3/1/2011 AQUAM 161495 Rubber Fins 26.32 26.32 109582 3/1/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN324327 LVAN328324 LVAN328329 LVAN310702 LVAN306666 LVAN328343 LVAN332324 CP Laundry - Jan 24 CP Laundry - Feb 7 W/Y Laundry - Feb 7 R/C Uniform Service - Dec 6/10 R/C Uniform Service - Nov 22/10 S/C Laundry - Feb 7 S/C Laundry - Feb 21 79.23 79.23 47.60 59.09 59.09 40.32 40.32 404.88 109583 3/1/2011 ARETE SAFETY AND PROTECTION INC. 61477 Managing Internal Conflict at Work 1,416.50 1,416.50 109584 3/1/2011 APEGBC WEB0915 Web Posting - Capital Proj Eng 386.40 386.40 109585 3/1/2011 GENERATION 2 CONTROLS INC. 124291 Monitoring DDC Controls - Feb 449.12 449.12 109586 3/1/2011 ARCHIBALD CLARKE & DEFIEUX (SQUAMISH) 238522 Sport-Can Insurance - Jan 150.00 150.00 Page 47 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 109587 3/1/2011 A2Z ARENA PRODUCTS LTD. 434 Flooring, Ice Cleats 349.22 349.22 109588 3/1/2011 ADAMS, MIKE 2010 D/C Allow 2011 D/C Allow 2010 Dry Cleaning Allowance 2011 Dry Cleaning Allowance 373.12 400.00 773.12 109589 3/1/2011 ACTIVATION 2011 - THE ACTIVE NETWORK Feb 18/11 Conference Registration - Pria Giri 495.00 495.00 109590 3/1/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 055720071093 SEP Pager Service to Jan 31 67.97 67.97 109591 3/1/2011 BC HYDRO 115004889112 Hydro to Feb 3 - End of Plateau Dr 16.68 16.68 109592 3/1/2011 BOABC 2893/3004 Feb24 BOABC Dues - R. Cassidy/M. Campbell 728.00 728.00 109593 3/1/2011 ACCESS POINT INFORMATION CANADA LTD. 9935750111 Land Titles Searches - Jan 103.04 103.04 109594 3/1/2011 BCRPA Feb 17/11 2011 Membership Fees 770.00 770.00 109595 3/1/2011 BLACKETT, BEV Feb 17/11 Seniors Yoga Instr Jan 11 - Mar 4 500.00 500.00 109596 3/1/2011 BDK CONSULTING Feb 28/11 Contract Services to Feb 28 1,617.28 1,617.28 109597 3/1/2011 BELL, STACY Feb 9/11 Reimburse 2010 Portion EOCP Fees 34.98 34.98 109598 3/1/2011 BRZEZOWSKI, R. & HUYBREGTS, A. 15/10 Feb 25 Refund Lot Grading Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 109599 3/1/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 Dec 2010 P/P 4/11 DOS Share - 2010 Christmas Parties Union Dues - P/P 4 1,723.94 4,144.55 5,868.49 109600 3/1/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94780527 94786305 94784826 B5 Biodiesel Bulk Oil Cardlock - Jan 3,201.42 174.43 6,131.93 9,507.78 109601 3/1/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 13579 13578 210/07 Feb 8 Winter Sand Road Base Complex Bldg Fee Reduction BP 210/07 534.83 826.91 1,500.00 2,861.74 109602 3/1/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001678 J001673 J0001675 J001672 J001671 J001699 Hang Crime Stoppers Banner Take Down Crime Stoppers Banner Repair Street Lights Take Down/Hang Banners Electrical Repairs - Aquatic Ctre Replace Hi-Bay Lights RCMP Bldg 123.20 123.20 462.11 347.20 109.20 1,176.00 2,340.91 Page 48 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109603 3/1/2011 Vendor Name CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 109604 3/1/2011 109605 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 5004F-91023 5004I-90229 5004C-90225 5004I-89984 5004K-90230 Residential Service - Jan Landfill Portable Toilet - Feb MWWTP Garbage, Biosolids - Feb/Jan Clean Scale at Landfill R/C Gbge, Cdbd, Paper - Feb/Jan CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 3382 Messaging Services 3/1/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 26904799 26926609 26928177 26795315 26866787 26954354 26943729 26911573 26953851 26366333 26878750 26954353 109606 3/1/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 109607 3/1/2011 109608 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 57,959.46 78,300.43 162.40 18,842.84 560.00 775.73 1,312.92 1,312.92 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Cover Paper Supplies Envelopes, Sorter Supplies Supplies Suppllies 415.99 387.47 343.14 131.54 9.47 26.47 72.78 86.20 66.03 162.59 75.78 33.59 1,811.05 26965378 26986381 27050076 26961492 26991799 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Copy Paper 32.45 24.90 72.93 134.67 553.46 818.41 CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 9903919968 Landfill Water - Jan 20.15 20.15 3/1/2011 CASCADE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE GROUP 11 01 10 Corridor Trail Watercourse - Jan 2,243.92 2,243.92 109609 3/1/2011 CORAL ENGINEERING LTD 145303 Rev 145303 2011 Rev R/C Temporary Heating Oct - Dec R/C Temporary Heating to Jan 19 3,772.30 1,094.10 4,866.40 109610 3/1/2011 CHEF BIG D'S DELI LTD. 1725 1723 1679 Recruit Training Lunch Recruit Training Lunch Recruit Training Lunch 271.27 282.58 282.58 836.43 109611 3/1/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 3556 3557 4143 4144 4145 P/W Laundry - Jan 7 #029266 P/W Laundry - Jan 7 #029267 P/W Laundry - Jan 20 #029268 P/W Laundry - Jan 20 #029270 W/W Laundry - Jan 20 #029271 47.10 43.68 19.04 46.84 19.04 175.70 Page 49 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109612 3/1/2011 Vendor Name CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016042257 Inverted Orange Spray Paint 109613 3/1/2011 CMCC CONTRACTING Jan 31/11 V/C - Dntn Connector Trail Report 672.00 672.00 109614 3/1/2011 CANTERBURY FOOD SERVICE LTD. INV2466271 Supplies 169.85 169.85 109615 3/1/2011 CANADIAN TIRE STORE #483 N13174773 Bins & Misc Preschool Supplies 75.62 75.62 109616 3/1/2011 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES 164481 Feb 23 Synthetic Grease for Shop 3,532.40 3,532.40 109617 3/1/2011 CHANCEY, JENNI Feb 16/11 Reimburse - BCWWA Conf Registrations 1,624.00 1,624.00 109618 3/1/2011 CHROMA COMMUNICATIONS GROUP INC. 030111 Municipal Radio System Review 9,096.42 9,096.42 109619 3/1/2011 DIAMOND HEAD MOTORS 23052 Propane 18.00 18.00 109620 3/1/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 104826 104413 104874 104876 Supplies Supplies Chemicals Chemicals 530.21 90.61 91.02 1,706.65 2,418.49 109621 3/1/2011 DOUGLAS LAKE EQUIPMENT S03932 Seals 44.93 44.93 109622 3/1/2011 DITTUS, ROLAND 157/04 Feb 11 Refund Damage Deposit 750.00 750.00 109623 3/1/2011 DR. GERHARD MALHERBE 243697 Benefit Form 50.00 50.00 109624 3/1/2011 DAY, DOUGLAS DP231 Feb 23 Release Landscaping Bond D/P 231 229,527.00 229,527.00 109625 3/1/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-91060 4501-91061 4501-90889 Landfill Contract - Jan Landfill Tires/Gypsum Board - Jan Wood Waste Removed - Jan 20,467.08 3,721.23 2,464.52 26,652.83 109626 3/1/2011 ELLIS, DANIEL 04/10 Feb 25 Refund Damage/Lot Grading Deposits 2,000.00 2,000.00 109627 3/1/2011 ELAHO LOGGING LTD. Feb 22/11 Refund Property Tax O/P 1,338.27 1,338.27 109628 3/1/2011 EASTERBROOK, TOM 2010 D/C Allow 2011 D/C Allow 2010 Dry Cleaning Allowance 2011 Dry Cleaning Allowance 400.00 400.00 800.00 109629 3/1/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 January 2011 Volunteer Incidents/Training - Jan 4,439.16 4,439.16 109630 3/1/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 2 January 2011 Volunteer Incidents/Training - Jan 6,163.41 6,163.41 Page 50 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 77.15 77.15 Cheque # Pay Date 109631 3/1/2011 Vendor Name FINNING (CANADA) 109632 3/1/2011 109633 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void (31.10) 332.86 363.96 SINV3290034 Cr PINV9732172 Credit Balance Blade Wear Blocks FIRST ON SCENE 217 WCB OFA Level 1 Course - Feb 10 987.03 987.03 3/1/2011 FITNESS TOWN SERVICE 146 Onsite Service - Gym Equipment 131.04 131.04 109634 3/1/2011 FIELDS, NINA Feb 22/11 Pilates Beg/Int - Jan 4 - Feb 22 744.07 744.07 109635 3/1/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 11265 11259 11281 11156 11288 11287 11328 Business Cards Self Inking Stamp Blank Gift Certificates Business Cards Envelopes Window Envelopes Whiteprints 39.20 26.82 118.27 39.20 500.64 184.80 82.32 991.25 109636 3/1/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 1686106 Freight 210.50 210.50 109637 3/1/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5042 Install Three Drinking Fountains 7,439.96 7,439.96 109638 3/1/2011 GLENTEL INC. Feb 7/11 MSAT Phones to Feb 7 144.21 144.21 109639 3/1/2011 GIBSONS & DISTRICT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT 109640 3/1/2011 HUB FIRE ENGINES & EQUIPMENT LTD. 23454 Solenoid 109641 3/1/2011 FMEP P/P 4/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 4 109642 3/1/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 138327 138235 138438 138402 138136 138505 109643 3/1/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 109644 3/1/2011 109645 3/1/2011 343.17 yes 69.19 69.19 301.50 301.50 Supplies Supplies Maintenance Supplies Supplies Supplies Plumbing Supplies 17.32 40.86 18.49 22.94 47.32 5.59 152.52 21010 Leaf Blower Repair 60.65 60.65 HALCROW CONSULTING INC CTLDHW-o7c CTLDHW-o7b CTLDHW-o7a Zoning Bylaw Review Zoning Bylaw Review Zoning Bylaw Review 4,620.00 3,920.00 4,332.16 12,872.16 INGRAHAM, CARL 11/11 Feb 25 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 Page 51 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109646 3/1/2011 Vendor Name JANZEN, ANDRE & CATHERINE 124/05 Feb 11 Refund Damage Deposit 109647 3/1/2011 JONES, ADRIAN & SAXBY, TRACY 95/10 Feb 11 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 109648 3/1/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 45240 Review Flood Prot Plan - Jan 1,279.15 1,279.15 109649 3/1/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01502720 CONIN01479530 CONIN01479529 CONIN01516669 CONIN01479528 CONIN01495211 R/C C452 Copy Charges to Jan 12 R/C C452 Copy Charges to Dec 20/10 S/C C280 Copy Charges to Dec 20/10 S/C C280 Copy Charges to Jan 25 W/Y C450 Copy Charges to Dec 15/10 DI5510 Copier Charges to Dec 29/10 229.50 392.27 87.00 105.80 583.09 151.56 1,549.22 109650 3/1/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13104768 13104769 13170081 R/C C452 Copier Rental to Apr 30 S/C C280 Copier Rental to Apr 30 Planning C452 Rental to Apr 30 1,101.10 537.76 1,080.80 2,719.66 109651 3/1/2011 KOCH, MAIKE 367825 Program Refund 11.00 11.00 109652 3/1/2011 L & A EQUIPMENT LTD. 11-013 Squamish River Dyke Progress #1 47,803.39 47,803.39 109653 3/1/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 785395 429666 Fuel Pump Grease Seal 61.92 30.55 92.47 109654 3/1/2011 LUCKY LOONIES 93458 Feb 9 93459 Feb 14 93460 Feb 23 Flowers for Senior Centre Special Events Supplies Tablecloths & Flowers 31.32 106.40 41.43 179.15 109655 3/1/2011 LATITUDE GEOGRAPHICS GROUP LTD. 201100033 Regional Training W/S - D. Griffin 548.80 548.80 109656 3/1/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE QUEEN'S PRINTER 92512552 Index of Current BC Regs - Dec/10 16.67 16.67 109657 3/1/2011 MEGA-TECH 78927 Light Head Top Lights 336.00 336.00 109658 3/1/2011 MORRIS, AMANDA Feb 24/11 Gymnastics - Feb 15 - 24 640.00 640.00 109659 3/1/2011 MODU-LOC FENCE RENTALS LTD. I0069472 I0070897 Fence Panel Rental - Jan Fence Panel Rental - Feb 20.56 18.55 39.11 109660 3/1/2011 MORUM, DR. GUY 244051 243784 243756 243522/23 245478 Benefit Form Benefit Form Benefit Form Benefit Forms Benefit Form 50.00 50.00 50.00 70.00 50.00 270.00 Page 52 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 750.00 750.00 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 109661 3/1/2011 LAT DIV OF LAFARGE CANADA INC 19080664 Bulk Salt 716.80 716.80 109662 3/1/2011 NINETY NINE TRANSPORT LTD. 8026 Load Pump, Test Pump, Return Pump 627.20 627.20 109663 3/1/2011 NESTERS MARKET 89693 Feb 16 Prisoner Meals 17.57 17.57 109664 3/1/2011 NEW AGE TRADING INC. 93456 Jan 27 Tablecloths, Ribbon 47.04 47.04 109665 3/1/2011 OPUS CONSULTING GROUP LTD. 2402566 2031 Transportation Plan - Jan 16,752.23 16,752.23 109666 3/1/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 4715 Stawamus Disinfect Sys Upgrade - Dec 4,316.66 4,316.66 109667 3/1/2011 ON SIDE RESTORATION 101/10 Feb 11 Refund Damage Deposit 2,500.00 2,500.00 109668 3/1/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 10566585 10687325 10653840 CO2 Tank Rental to Feb 14 Carbon Dioxide Cylinder Rental to Jan 28 111.82 315.66 21.31 448.79 109669 3/1/2011 PETTY CASH (ADMIN SERVICES) Feb 28/11 Petty Cash - Jan 4 to Feb 28 339.64 339.64 109670 3/1/2011 PARADISE FABRICATING 11-420 Steel Sheet at Air Intake RCMP Bldg 705.60 705.60 109671 3/1/2011 PIPELINE MECHANICAL 3518 3999 BP Greenhouses Labour & Material Replace Fire Brick in Boiler #1 469.16 1,960.03 2,429.19 109672 3/1/2011 PESKETT, G. & ELBERTSEN, L. 109673 3/1/2011 QUALITY SAW & KNIFE LTD. 150904 Ice Knives Sharpened 109674 3/1/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 4/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 4 109675 3/1/2011 R.F. BINNIE & ASSOCIATES 24398 109676 3/1/2011 ROGERS MEDIA INC 109677 3/1/2011 109678 109679 1,000.00 yes 147.84 147.84 112,211.30 112,211.30 Buckley Ave Traffic Calming - Oct/10 6,212.64 6,212.64 77115-1 Radio Ads - Jan 1,041.60 1,041.60 RESORT MUNICIPALITY OF WHISTLER 39008060 Municipal Cost Sharing Transit 2009 25,707.80 25,707.80 3/1/2011 ROMMEL HOMES LTD. 36/08 Feb 11 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 3/1/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1303170 1299332 1299333 1300863 MDF Sheets Piano Hinges Sheets of Crezone Plywood 1x8 Stk Grn Cedar Channel 232.96 21.85 100.80 307.51 1,517.80 Page 53 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 1299170 1300259 1300261 181933 1300861 1301430 Orange Line Paint Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 109680 3/1/2011 REIS, SHAWN C. Feb 14 Replace Damaged Glasses 109681 3/1/2011 RESTRAINT CONSULTING 29 Economic Development - Jan 109682 3/1/2011 BRAIDWOOD & COMPANY 6811 6825 6810 Legal Fees - DVP 65 Legal Fees - DP 311 Legal Fees - DVP 64 109683 3/1/2011 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 48 (SEA TO SKY) 97/09 Feb 11 Refund Damage Deposit 109684 3/1/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 4/11 Union Dues - P/P 4 109685 3/1/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS Feb 4/11 S/C Gas Use to Feb 3 109686 3/1/2011 SQUAMISH INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD. 23808 2011 Property Insurance Renewal 109687 3/1/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT Feb 15/11 2010 Annual Solid Waste Services Fees 109688 3/1/2011 SUPERIOR PROPANE INC. 58789403 58801621 58741837 109689 3/1/2011 SIMSON-MAXWELL 109690 3/1/2011 109691 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 108.35 (70.15) 41.62 682.66 21.67 70.53 145.00 145.00 1,541.30 1,541.30 236.01 236.01 236.01 708.03 1,000.00 1,000.00 267.99 267.99 1,006.33 1,006.33 253,621.00 253,621.00 75,726.00 75,726.00 F/H Tanks Installed F/H Bulk Propane F/H & Conc Rental Contract 1,516.83 2,143.76 304.68 3,965.27 R53588 Repair Onan Generator 1,285.09 1,285.09 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00017009 SQDI00016963 February 11th Edition February 4th Edition 487.80 487.80 975.60 3/1/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS Sept 15/10 93783 Feb 11 93007 Feb 17 93488 Feb 7 93763 Feb 24 Supplies Valentine Candy Office Meeting Supplies Supplies Door Prize for Senior Centre 95.14 39.83 58.39 27.61 20.69 241.66 109692 3/1/2011 SOCAN Jan 27/11 Tariff 8 - 2011 Fees 66.27 66.27 109693 3/1/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 328346 328982 Landfill Monitoring to Dec 31/11 S/C Monitoring to March 31 336.00 84.00 520.80 Page 54 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 331210 CP Station Leasing Charges to Apr 30 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 100.80 109694 3/1/2011 SCHELLENBERG, TERESA Feb 23/11 Parent & Tot Soccer Jan 12 - Feb 9 120.05 120.05 109695 3/1/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 56421 56422 56432 Funnel Funnel Seat Belt 13.63 13.63 320.97 348.23 109696 3/1/2011 SOFTCHOICE CORPORATION 2599731 2589878 2593106 Supermicro Superserver Processor UPG Processor Kingston 6GB Ram 2,917.42 949.98 346.64 4,214.04 109697 3/1/2011 MOLBY, SACHA Feb 25/11 Keep Well Instruction - Feb 14 - 24 570.00 570.00 109698 3/1/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 238222 238223 Supplies Supplies 259.41 672.27 931.68 109699 3/1/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5220 5205 5187 5239 5258 5262 F/H Coffee - Feb 10 M/H Coffee - Feb 10 M/H Coffee - Feb 3 M/H Coffee - Feb 17 RCMP Coffee RCMP Tea 176.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 65.00 13.00 401.00 109700 3/1/2011 SIGNAL SYSTEMS IN-20251-01 IN-20252-01 IN-20250-01 IN-20253-01 Pager Repair/Service Pager Repair/Service Pager Repair/Service Pager Repair/Service 42.00 104.38 63.00 84.00 293.38 109701 3/1/2011 SHERLOCK, MICHAEL Feb 22/11 Watercolour/Acrylic Jan 10 - Feb 1 441.28 441.28 109702 3/1/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 3429 3428 M/H Regular Service - Jan R/C Regular Service - Jan 84.00 67.76 151.76 109703 3/1/2011 STEVENSON, SKAI 202964 Benefit Form 50.00 50.00 109704 3/1/2011 SEA TO SKY FIRE PREVENTION 1212 RCMP Bldg Repairs 179.20 179.20 109705 3/1/2011 SQUAMISH TRUCK AND TRAILER LTD 8463 Test Strip Kits - Coolant 16.33 16.33 109706 3/1/2011 SUPREME OFFICE PRODUCTS LIMITED 1560658 Supplies 523.86 523.86 109707 3/1/2011 SEA TO SKY WALK IN CLINIC 6149 6157 Complete Physical Complete Physical 50.00 50.00 250.00 Page 55 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 6153 6155 6171 Complete Physical Medical Form Medical Form Feb 23/11 Ice Pond Puppies - Jan 12 - Feb 16 109708 3/1/2011 SCHELLENBERG, EVELYN 109709 3/1/2011 SQUAMISH CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH WITNESFeb 9/11 Refund Deposit Balances 109710 3/1/2011 SPENCER FOR HIRE CONTRACTING LTD. 010104 109711 3/1/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 109712 3/1/2011 109713 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 50.00 50.00 50.00 176.40 176.40 12,892.69 12,892.69 Cleared Roof Drains on RCMP Bldg 215.60 215.60 829708 832002 831198 830348 833146 833254 833351 833299 831920 832678 833971 832677 Floor Dry Casters Supplies Lockout Plates Parts Parts Parts Oil & Fuel Filters Galv Pipe Monthly Demurrage - Jan Credit - RE 675754 R/C Monthly Demurrage - Jan 80.55 54.61 88.68 39.51 4.48 25.47 5.98 105.26 61.29 168.00 (7.40) 16.00 642.43 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 834305 834620 834049 833692 834143 837274 Bearings Air Filter Rags Bucket Tooth Lubricant Bearings 21.08 10.02 27.53 45.60 22.61 47.42 174.26 3/1/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE Feb 23/11 Gymnastics Instruction - Feb 16-24 464.00 464.00 109714 3/1/2011 TRANSTAR SANITATION SUPPLY LTD. 005116 Supplies 227.44 227.44 109715 3/1/2011 TEMPLE CONSULTING GROUP LTD. 15432 Modify Program/Templates UB Invoice 840.00 840.00 109716 3/1/2011 TEANBY, GRAHAM Feb 18/11 Refund Credit on Account 50.00 50.00 109717 3/1/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY Feb 22/11 Hotel Room Tax - Dec 2010 5,517.06 5,517.06 109718 3/1/2011 TAYLOR, ANDRES & AMY 135/10 Feb 11 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 109719 3/1/2011 UNITED WAY Feb 24/11 Employee Donations - P/P 1 - 4 676.76 676.76 Page 56 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109720 3/1/2011 Vendor Name UDI PACIFIC REGION DISSQUA 11-12 Membership Dues to Jan 31, 2012 109721 3/1/2011 VAN DER HOEK, M. 65/10 Feb 11 Refund Damage Deposit 109722 3/1/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 53363 53269 Fire Extinguisher Mtce/Insp Rain Gear 109723 3/10/2011 BC HYDRO 400001641752 109724 3/10/2011 BELL MOBILITY 109725 3/10/2011 109726 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 560.00 560.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 316.60 289.43 606.03 Hydro Use - Mar 3 Billing 52,754.03 52,754.03 Feb 17/11 Blackberry Use to Feb 17 4,256.23 4,256.23 BCF CONTRACTING 358331 358324 Repair Loader Plow Shoes/Blade Repair Mower Arm 889.69 2,809.47 3,699.16 3/10/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS Feb 22/11 Gas Use - Feb 22 Billing 18,634.42 18,634.42 109727 3/10/2011 THORNE, MARTIN March 9/11 Yellow Cedar Bowl 500.00 500.00 109728 3/15/2011 TREMBLAY, PETER Feb 17/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 109729 3/15/2011 BAXTER, SHIRLEY Mar 7/11 Bathing Suit Allowance 60.00 60.00 109730 3/15/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 6007 7107 6297 6165 RCMP Prisoner Laundry - Feb 1 RCMP Prisoner Laundry - Feb 21 RCMP Prisoner Laundry - Feb 15 RCMP Prisoner Laundry - Feb 8 48.13 38.33 27.78 26.92 141.16 109731 3/15/2011 ANIMAL CARE EQUIPMENT 119796 Assorted Leashes 254.95 254.95 109732 3/15/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E745859 E690910 E664902 E693700 E696167 E692274 E749674 E747180 E698656 Weekly Analysis - Jan 31 Weekly Analysis - July 20/10 Weekly Analysis - Apr 15/10 Weekly Analysis - July 29/10 Weekly Analysis - Aug 12/10 Weekly Analysis - Aug 10/10 Weekly Analysis - Feb 23 Weekly Analysis - Feb 11 Weekly Analysis - Aug 20/10 84.00 84.00 78.75 84.00 150.64 150.64 84.00 150.64 60.20 926.87 109733 3/15/2011 ASSOCIATED FIRE SAFETY MAINTENANCE 9287 9261 Small Suspenders F/F Turnout Coats, Pants 433.23 12,702.81 13,136.04 109734 3/15/2011 ACTIVE NETWORK LTD. 4200001274 Class Mtce/Support Renewal 15,264.02 15,264.02 Page 57 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109735 3/15/2011 Vendor Name CHARTIS INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 109736 3/15/2011 ALFRED WAUGH ARCHITECT 109737 3/15/2011 AVANTAGE PARTNERS 109738 3/15/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 5205 Mar 4/11 4316 Feb 14/11 4753 Feb 1/11 Telephone Charges - Mar 4 Billing ADSL Line to Feb 14 E-Comm Emergency Phone to Feb 1 109739 3/15/2011 BC TRANSIT 111765 111865 Para Transit Service - Jan Conventional Transit Service - Jan 109740 3/15/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 020053013121 003898814084 012242076061 Cell Phone Charges to Feb 17 Mike Mobility Charges to Feb 17 V/S Pager Service to Feb 14 102.45 146.25 62.79 311.49 109741 3/15/2011 BOABC Mar 7/11 2604 Feb 1/11 B/L Course #2 - R.Cassidy/M.Campbell 2011 Membership - J. Sarwal 392.00 364.00 756.00 109742 3/15/2011 BRINKS CANADA LTD. 0630100785 Armoured Car Service - Jan 931.00 931.00 109743 3/15/2011 BRANDT TRACTOR LTD. 5489534 Parts to Repair Front Driveshaft 734.91 734.91 109744 3/15/2011 BRITISH COLUMBIA SAFETY AUTHORITY 522755 RCMP Bldg Elevator Opr Permit 189.00 189.00 109745 3/15/2011 BELL DISTRIBUTION 99545975 99157902 RIM Skins, Leather Holsters Credit - Nokia Phone 134.06 (44.75) 89.31 109746 3/15/2011 BCF CONTRACTING 358328 358329 Repair Plow Blade Repair Broken Flapgate 50.40 385.53 435.93 109747 3/15/2011 BAKER, MELANIE 20B/10 Mar 11 Refund Lot Grading/Damage Deposits 2,000.00 2,000.00 109748 3/15/2011 BUCHANAN, JOHN Mar 2/11 Refund 75% BP Deposit 655.20 655.20 109749 3/15/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 5/11 Union Dues - P/P 5 4,172.59 4,172.59 109750 3/15/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94802078 94799291 94781326 Bulk Delo Biodiesel Low Sul Diesel 373.49 4,310.22 4,001.50 8,685.21 109751 3/15/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 13536 Road Base 294.10 3,594.10 March 2011 March Premiums 11008-002D 11008-003F Osiem Pavillion Disbursements - Jan Osiem Pavillion Services - Jan Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 537.78 537.78 299.73 4,032.00 4,331.73 3,449.60 yes Page 58 of 299 8,483.30 191.15 1,185.73 9,860.18 (4,386.00) 63,449.00 59,063.00 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 210/07 Mar 11 Refund Damage Deposit 109752 3/15/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 7891 Snow Removal - P/H Rd - Jan 13 109753 3/15/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001697 J001694 J001700 J001698 J001739 J001696 J001674 J001701 J001695 J001738 J001732 Sewage Lift - Central SC-11 Water Ops - C12 Meters Galbraith Avenue Remove Entrance Banners Glacier View Street Lights MSTP Centrifuge P/H Springs Well Pump Station Hospital Hill Pump House Sewage SC-04 Chieftan Lift Repair Damaged Light at M/H Repair Parking Lot Lights RCMP Bldg 109754 3/15/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004N-90231 5004T-90234 5004V-90235 5004D-90226 5004F-91797 5004F-91067 5004X-91415 5004RCMP-91325 5004P-91335 5004-91324 5004O-91334 5004H-91330 Nexen Beach Portable Toilet - Feb Upper S/B Portable Toilet - Feb A/W Field Portable Toilet - Feb CF/Concession Garbage - Feb Residential Service - Feb Compost at Queensway Depot S/C Recycling - March RCMP Garbage, Cdbd - March G/H F/H Garbage, Cdbd - March M/H Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - March/Feb V/C F/H Garbage - March Library Garbage, Paper - March/Feb 109755 3/15/2011 CANADA POST CORPORATION 9462958644 9464746029 9457291612 BRM Return BRM Annual Fee - 1000073952 BRM Return 109756 3/15/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 15311 27118720 27064624 27140816 27157466 26915195 27088117 27087949 27058477 26933009 27175612 Stacking Chairs - Garage Lunchroom Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Credit - Returns Supplies Supplies Stapler Supplies Page 59 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 3,300.00 831.04 831.04 364.00 327.60 172.48 246.40 145.60 582.40 2,356.59 145.60 109.20 72.80 437.25 4,959.92 162.40 162.40 162.40 352.78 57,998.53 511.84 42.56 240.31 141.83 553.21 58.33 139.22 60,525.81 1.68 728.00 0.83 730.51 287.77 101.50 104.90 199.71 525.26 489.67 (270.73) 479.81 189.17 46.19 86.01 2,239.26 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 109757 3/15/2011 CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 9904161479 Landfill Water Service - Feb 109758 3/15/2011 CLEARTECH INDUSTRIES INC. 450515 SJC Sodium Hypochlorite 109759 3/15/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 5114 5115 5116 5033 109760 3/15/2011 COMFY'S LAUNDRY 109761 3/15/2011 109762 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 20.15 20.15 1,394.39 1,394.39 P/W Coverall Cleaning - Feb 4 W/Y Coverall Cleaning - Feb 4 W/Y Mop Cleaning - Feb 4 W/W Coverall Cleaning - Feb 2 49.84 31.36 35.56 13.44 130.20 Lib Feb 2011 M/H Feb/11 Library Laundry - Feb M/H Laundry - Feb 21.28 21.28 42.56 CASTLEROCK CONSTRUCTION LTD. 9100 Snow Plowing Downtown - Jan 12 1,724.80 1,724.80 3/15/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016042395 016042492 Latex Field Marking Paint Field Marking Painit/Orange Paint 287.53 364.68 652.21 109763 3/15/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 13936 13867 13915 Osiem Pavillion Sign Training in Progress Signs Weatherproof Stickers - Bear Aware 492.80 469.28 56.00 1,018.08 109764 3/15/2011 COMPASS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LTD. P477-1101 NEU Feasibility Study - Jan 4,435.20 4,435.20 109765 3/15/2011 CORIX UTILITIES INC. 2011600159 Check PRV Settings 2,918.15 2,918.15 109766 3/15/2011 CAROTHERS, NICOLE 402072 Program Refund 51.00 51.00 109767 3/15/2011 COMFORT INN & SUITES - RED DEER Mar 11/11 Accommodation - T. Seille 627.00 627.00 109768 3/15/2011 DEL EQUIPMENT 503407 Sensor Tester & Cable Extension 190.59 190.59 109769 3/15/2011 DELL CANADA INC. 707010006364403 707010006308006 Toner Cartridges Dell Poweredge Fan Assembly 3,281.60 72.80 3,354.40 109770 3/15/2011 PEIRCE, HANNAH Mar 2/11 Reimburse - Ice Melter 9.17 9.17 109771 3/15/2011 DENBAR CONSTRUCTION 1031 RCMP Bldg - Repair Window Ledge 100.80 100.80 109772 3/15/2011 DHL EXPRESS (CANADA) lTD. H25440 750 KK8232 388 H25440 751 KK8232 387 Freight Freight Freight Freight 213.22 30.33 96.52 162.19 502.26 Page 60 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109773 3/15/2011 Vendor Name DEWAR, LOUISE 411279 Program Refund Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 221.76 221.76 109774 3/15/2011 DAN MCRAE DOS41 Grant Procurement Services 109775 3/15/2011 DRIVER, COURTNEY 109776 3/15/2011 DUTTA, RONNIE 369984 Refund Program Credit 81.60 81.60 109777 3/15/2011 DUPUIS, LINDA 378208 Refund Program Credit 33.60 33.60 109778 3/15/2011 DICKIE, ALDA 328961 Refund Program Credit 23.63 23.63 109779 3/15/2011 EDDI'S WHOLESALE GARDEN SUPPLIES LTD. 177026 Horticulture Equip/Supplies 1,905.81 1,905.81 109780 3/15/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-92051 Wood Waste Removed from L/F - Feb 4,089.87 4,089.87 109781 3/15/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 2620 2621 Adv Ctre Guard Patrols - Feb Guard Patrols/Alarms - Feb 731.81 3,464.09 4,195.90 109782 3/15/2011 EVTA OF BC Feb 25/11 EVTA Membership - S. Barone 50.00 50.00 109783 3/15/2011 ENFORCEMENT TRAINING ACADEMY 212 Course Registration - T. Seille 1,312.50 1,312.50 109784 3/15/2011 EBA ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LTD. V-260886 Pavement Management Plan - Jan 8,999.42 8,999.42 109785 3/15/2011 FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES 14436 Membership Fee to March 31, 2012 2,475.08 2,475.08 109786 3/15/2011 FLORES, ANNA 399387 Program Refund 104.92 104.92 109787 3/15/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 213697 Clipboards 22.98 22.98 109788 3/15/2011 GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. March 2011 March Premiums 85,904.00 85,904.00 109789 3/15/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. 776204 549244 549253 549200 March 2011 Replace Ignition Grille, Grille Insert Key Cut Door Lock 2009 Pontiac Wave Lease - March 681.53 481.60 10.71 176.96 436.61 1,787.41 109790 3/15/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 1741116 Freight 86.46 86.46 109791 3/15/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2346 Nexen Beach Padlock Repair 112.39 112.39 109792 3/15/2011 GARDNER, GREG Mar 2/11 Travel Expense - Feb 10 58.80 58.80 1,285.20 1,285.20 200.89 yes Page 61 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 109793 3/15/2011 GREAT WEST EQUIPMENT CF19438 Cross Plate 288.06 288.06 109794 3/15/2011 GREGG DISTRIBUTORS (BC) LTD 005-431670 Paper Towel 222.43 222.43 109795 3/15/2011 GRIFFIN, DAN Feb 23/11 Reimburse - Parking/Fuel Expenses 69.50 69.50 109796 3/15/2011 GRAY, KERRI 382003 Refund Program Credit 26.77 26.77 109797 3/15/2011 FMEP P/P 5/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 5 301.50 301.50 109798 3/15/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 138072 138564 138594 138349 138137 Rust Paint Batteries Supplies Freezer Bags Rechargeable Batteries 79.50 12.87 17.56 10.84 89.49 210.26 109799 3/15/2011 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 7071654 4980005 Supplies Supplies 51.47 65.73 117.20 109800 3/15/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 21068 21122 21162 Air Filters Sharpen Hedge Trimmers Aspen Fuel 101.81 112.00 487.20 701.01 109801 3/15/2011 HUNTER, LISA 418265 Refund Program Credit 83.90 83.90 109802 3/15/2011 HARBOUR INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 731847C Belt Tension 172.65 172.65 109803 3/15/2011 HALL, ALEXIS 416440 Program Refund 53.48 53.48 109804 3/15/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 45374 45332 45373 45372 Sq River Gravel Removal - Jan Development Servicing Reviews - Jan EMBC Flood Protection Upgrades - Jan Sq River Riprap Upgrade 2009 - Jan 929.88 1,085.07 2,796.64 14,888.96 19,700.55 109805 3/15/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01495213 CONIN01526266 C/D C450 Copy Charges to Dec 29/10 M/H Pro 950 Copy Charges to Feb 14 1,106.06 226.25 1,332.31 109806 3/15/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13172343 W/Y C452 Copier Rental to Apr 30 1,080.80 1,080.80 109807 3/15/2011 KEHL PETERSEN 11-101 Core Review Services - Feb 12,311.80 12,311.80 109808 3/15/2011 KRITZINGER, JOHAN 247471 Time Loss Benefit Form 50.00 50.00 Page 62 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109809 3/15/2011 Vendor Name KULLAR, BALJIT Mar 10/11 Refund Commuter Tickets 109810 3/15/2011 L & A EQUIPMENT LTD. 11-005 Downtown Snow Removal - Jan 13, 14 109811 3/15/2011 YOUNG, ANDERSON 57941 Professional Services 109812 3/15/2011 LICENCE INSP & BYLAW OFFICER ASSOC OF BC Mar 7/11 109813 3/15/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 109814 3/15/2011 109815 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 36.00 36.00 21,662.20 21,662.20 38.92 38.92 2011 LIBOA Memberships 360.00 360.00 430790 430806 430807 787154 787533 430464 788868 788942 Parts Grease Seal Credit - Grease Seal Batteries for M/H Generators #1 & #2 Battery, Battery Post Pads Belt Tensioner Assembly Wiper Blades Belt 258.91 38.98 (64.50) 166.95 200.41 27.20 72.72 60.66 761.33 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 0130793 Electrical Bin Restock 571.61 571.61 3/15/2011 LIDSTONE & COMPANY 1478 1479 1476 1477 1474 1404 1475 Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services 109.03 219.18 207.87 1,370.99 21.73 4,186.68 592.37 6,707.85 109816 3/15/2011 LORENZ DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 113/10 Mar 7/11 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 113/10 1,000.00 1,000.00 109817 3/15/2011 LANGLEY EVENTS CENTRE Mar 8/11 Refund Zamboni Payment 2,100.00 2,100.00 109818 3/15/2011 LEBRUN-STORIE, LOUISE 391104 Refund Program Credit 125.10 125.10 109819 3/15/2011 MORFCO SUPPLIES LTD. 607073 607048 Grader Blades Plow Shoes 3,246.97 1,202.88 4,449.85 109820 3/15/2011 MAXWELL PAPER CANADA INC. 6176197 Paper Rolls 183.05 183.05 109821 3/15/2011 MORRIS, AMANDA Mar 15 Mar 15/11 Gymnastics - Feb 26 to Mar 10 Gymnastics Revenue Split Programs 570.00 6,431.48 7,001.48 109822 3/15/2011 MCKENZIE, BILL Mar 9/11 Drivers Physical 75.00 75.00 109823 3/15/2011 M&R ENVIRONMENTAL 05035846 Barrel of Antifreeze 333.48 333.48 Page 63 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 109824 3/15/2011 MARINE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE W13854 Works Yard Roof Repairs 109825 3/15/2011 MANN, KAREN Mar 10/11 Keep Well Instructor - Mar 10, 11 109826 3/15/2011 MICKELSON CONSULTING INC. 2011-12-003 2011-12-002 109827 3/15/2011 CITY OF NANAIMO 109828 3/15/2011 109829 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 336.00 336.00 30.00 30.00 Strategic Graphic Design Analysis-Feb Communications Strategy - Feb 280.00 3,397.20 3,677.20 20077 F/F Skills Text Books 1,887.42 1,887.42 NATIONAL PROCESS EQUIPMENT WSK50009524 Rebuild Chlorine Injector Pump 2,285.25 2,285.25 3/15/2011 NAKED LUNCH 950407 Sandwiches, Soup, Salad 140.56 140.56 109830 3/15/2011 NEOPOST CANADA LTD. 1840475 Postage Machine Ink Cartridge 303.46 303.46 109831 3/15/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 94044 Feb 21 94046 Feb 24 Dog Food Dog Food 30.38 84.46 114.84 109832 3/15/2011 OPEN ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS 011-0005 IT Services - Feb 12 to Mar 11 1,008.00 1,008.00 109833 3/15/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 5036 5038 5037 Stawamus Disinfect System Upgrade-Jan Slope Stability Skyline Pl - Jan Govt Rd S/S Const - Jan 3,852.39 4,514.16 1,931.44 10,297.99 109834 3/15/2011 PUROLATOR INC. 411480537 411407847 Freight Freight 292.14 57.79 349.93 109835 3/15/2011 PITCH-IN BRITISH COLUMBIA 11 BC PR 8 2011 Membership Renewal 550.00 550.00 109836 3/15/2011 PIPELINE MECHANICAL 4007 4010 Supply/Install New Pumps Install New Actuator 5,064.64 781.66 5,846.30 109837 3/15/2011 PIQUE PUBLISHING INC. 00162089 00162344 Employment Opp Ad Mgr of Info Tech Ad 94.08 94.08 188.16 109838 3/15/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 5/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 5 116,628.02 116,628.02 109839 3/15/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA 1800004604 LAN Support - Oct to Dec 2010 6,204.94 6,204.94 109840 3/15/2011 RESORT MUNICIPALITY OF WHISTLER 39008068 39008069 39008070 39008527 Sq/Whistler, Greyhound Tickets - Aug Sq/Whistler, Greyhound Tickets - Sept Sq/Whistler, Greyhound Tickets - Oct Mun Cost Sharing 2010 Transit - Dec 6,725.00 5,427.00 6,870.00 25,272.30 40,003.63 Page 64 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Credit Revenue 39008656 Commuter Service Revenue - 2010 Mun Cost Sharing Transit 2011 - Jan 109841 3/15/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. 50469 RI Mar 1/11 Feb 1/11 2 FX Lines - April Long Distance Charges - Feb Long Distance Charges - Jan 109842 3/15/2011 RENTAL NETWORK LTD. 1-053312-01 Propane Fill 109843 3/15/2011 REVENUE SERVICES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA March 2011 March Premium/Jan Adjustment 109844 3/15/2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX IN56396 IN56341 Universal Smoke Fluid Extrication Gloves 109845 3/15/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1304455 1305092 1304040 Flashlights Supplies 2x4 KD Fir, Screws 109846 3/15/2011 RICHARDSON, CLAIRE & BROWN, KENNETH 57/09 Mar 8/11 109847 3/15/2011 BRAIDWOOD & COMPANY 109848 3/15/2011 109849 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void (25,707.80) 21,417.13 973.72 167.57 164.76 1,306.05 22.40 22.40 13,248.00 13,248.00 272.83 280.16 552.99 28.20 15.68 72.34 116.22 Refund Lot Grading Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 6826 Prof Services - Dev Permits 204.65 204.65 SQUAMISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 21121172 Fee for Service - March 8,000.00 8,000.00 3/15/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 5/11 Union Dues - P/P 5 237.92 237.92 109850 3/15/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 325506267 Freight 253.21 253.21 109851 3/15/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS 1927548 Mar 29 S/C Gas Use to March 4 321.75 321.75 109852 3/15/2011 SUNSATIONAL VACATIONS 31800 Gift Certificate 150.00 150.00 109853 3/15/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00017046 SQDI00017219 SQDI00017010 SQDI00016964 February 18th Edition February 18th Edition Job Ad - Feb 11 Job Ad - Feb 4 539.78 487.80 51.98 51.98 1,131.54 109854 3/15/2011 SEA TO SKY WASTE MANAGEMENT LTD. March 2011 Landfill Attendant Services - Mar 6,466.25 6,466.25 109855 3/15/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 91470 Dec/10 94142 Feb 28 94043 Feb 18 94049 Mar 1 93489 Feb 17 Program Supplies - Holiday W/S Kleenex Supplies Supplies Cream, Milk 85.13 26.84 104.62 66.01 19.23 324.16 Page 65 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 93425 Feb 22 92829 Mar 2 Water Refills Cookies, Juice - UMBC Meeting Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2.37 19.96 109856 3/15/2011 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS LTD. 026732222 Numeric Labels 51.00 51.00 109857 3/15/2011 STATE CHEMICAL LTD 94959843 94929109 Truck Wash Fragrance Pak 216.16 412.15 628.31 109858 3/15/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 330522 Pump Stn - Plateau - to Mar 31 84.00 84.00 109859 3/15/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 118591 56625 56641 56642 CM56641 Repair Wire Transmission Oil, Filters O Ring O Ring Credit - O Ring 310.55 167.56 16.69 9.87 (16.69) 487.98 109860 3/15/2011 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 50070 49650 Freight Freight 154.61 227.96 382.57 109861 3/15/2011 SQUAMISH PHYSIOTHERAPY & REHABILITION Feb 18/11 On-Site Job Observation 1,525.00 1,525.00 109862 3/15/2011 MOLBY, SACHA Mar 11/11 Keep Well Instructor 450.00 450.00 109863 3/15/2011 SPERLING HANSEN ASSOCIATES INC. 11013 Landfill Upgrades - 2011 25,202.67 25,202.67 109864 3/15/2011 SHAW CABLE 8708 Feb 12/11 0848 Feb 16/11 0115 Feb 16/11 5474 Feb 16/11 5490 Feb 16/11 S/C Internet/Digital TV to Mar 3 R/C Internet Service to Mar 7 W/Y Internet Service to Mar 7 M/H Internet Service to Mar 7 F/H Internet, HD Plus to Mar 7 168.01 88.42 81.70 99.57 109.81 547.51 109865 3/15/2011 STAFF, MONICA 357782 Program Refund 15.33 15.33 109866 3/15/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 239213 Supplies 634.29 634.29 109867 3/15/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5240 W/Y Coffee 141.00 141.00 109868 3/15/2011 SOUND & SOUL STUDIOS 1724 Projector Cleaning, Testing 224.00 224.00 109869 3/15/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 3430 B/P Serv Bldg/Cemetary Bldg - Jan 99.68 99.68 109870 3/15/2011 SQUAMISH TRUCK AND TRAILER LTD 8686 8632 8713 Brake Chamber Measuring Tool Analog Decibel Meter Steering Assist Cylinder 108.58 140.00 733.60 982.18 Page 66 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 109871 3/15/2011 SEILLE, TRACY Mar 7/11 Mar 11/11 Reimburse - Waterproofing System Course Per Diem - Apr 10 to 16 109872 3/15/2011 SMITH, BOB Feb 11/11 Medical Expense 109873 3/15/2011 SCOTT, ANDREW Mar 4/11 109874 3/15/2011 SHALA YOGA INC 109875 3/15/2011 109876 109877 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 40.82 455.00 495.82 75.00 75.00 Refund Culvert Deposit 1,951.76 1,951.76 21/11 Mar 2/11 Refund BP/Damage Deposit 2,500.00 2,500.00 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 838323 838350 836748 836443 838047 830624 835090 835915 836000 789791 800074 808452 Credit - Bolt Auto Slack Adjusters Credit - Core Deposit Snow Removal Supplies Filter Restock Tire Chains Needle Bearing Sander Motor Credit - Spark Plugs Credit - Core Deposit Grinding Wheels Pipe Cutter (73.92) 201.49 (89.77) 197.44 274.18 548.56 205.03 290.48 (17.64) (59.93) 195.89 133.88 3/15/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 820473 827275 835214 834402 835137 835286 833653 834401 834638 834618 808661 835201 Snow Removal Supplies Snow Removal Supplies Snow Removal Supplies Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Spark Plugs Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Safety Glasses Disposable Coveralls Mini Add-A Circuit 0xygen Bottles 4.33 41.94 17.65 67.60 32.10 54.33 54.06 5.59 154.78 78.67 96.06 92.96 700.07 3/15/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 836526 835949 836380 835372 835532 835299 835382 835384 Caliper, Core Deposit Snow Removal Supplies Shop Supplies Ratchet Tiedown Oil Restrict Indicator Standard Plugs Standard Spark Plugs Standard Spark Plugs 178.91 36.22 101.34 49.38 22.33 27.78 21.17 30.24 631.89 Page 67 of 299 1,805.69 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 835765 836001 835329 836353 Load Tiedown Ratchets Clamp Gas Cap Oxygen Refill 109878 3/15/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 837909 838045 837402 837814 837131 837159 837162 836961 836839 837417 837877 837704 Shop Supplies Filters Parts Quick Connect Snow Removal Parts Snow Removal Parts Fitting, Hose Connector Parts Oil Filter Grid Disc Snow Removal Bolts Monthly Demurrage - Feb 109879 3/15/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 838082 838143 838046 838317 838319 838291 838401 838282 838318 838343 838359 838354 109880 3/15/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 109881 3/15/2011 109882 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 69.44 44.00 17.48 33.60 157.55 65.31 142.81 23.73 77.03 14.02 19.62 14.31 14.60 15.62 73.47 168.00 786.07 Shop Supplies Zip Wheels Filters Screw Extractor, Drill, Filter Hydraulic Hose Hose Clamps Quick Connect Scraper Bolts Screw Extractor Filters Crow Foot, Vise Grips, Wrench Filters 16.50 25.60 40.30 71.41 27.48 8.75 47.47 51.52 35.83 28.66 71.31 21.85 446.68 839277 838526 838402 838413 Fuel Filters Vent Cap, Filters Scraper Bolts Parts 44.78 48.15 51.52 94.44 238.89 TETRAULT, FLORENCE Mar 15/11 Gymnastics Instr - Mar 3, 9, 10 400.00 400.00 3/15/2011 exp SERVICES INC. 24519 OSiem Pavillion - Jan 4,573.89 4,573.89 109883 3/15/2011 TRANSTAR SANITATION SUPPLY LTD. 005128 Garbage Bags 74.19 74.19 109884 3/15/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 78792091 Cleveland Ave Lease Rent - Apr 1,232.00 1,232.00 Page 68 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109885 3/15/2011 Vendor Name TIGERDIRECT.CA INC. 109886 3/15/2011 109887 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 762.78 878.84 116.06 D09480310102 D09480310101 Hitachi 2TB SATA HDD HD Dock, Patriot RAM 4GB Kit STUDIO SQ BY TIGERI LTD PARTNERSHIP Mar 7/11 Refund Deposit Balances - DP249 9,014.13 9,014.13 3/15/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY 1635543 Maintenance Service to Feb 2012 1,298.98 1,298.98 109888 3/15/2011 UNION OF B.C. MUNICIPALITIES Mar 10/11 Vehicle Lic Remit Nov/10 to Feb/11 746.25 746.25 109889 3/15/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 53376 53401 Yellow & Orange Safety Vests Safety Supplies 125.44 591.07 716.51 109890 3/15/2011 WESTKEY GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS LTD., 30790 Utility Invoice Forms 532.00 532.00 109891 3/15/2011 WESTBURNE ELECTRIC SUPPLY B.C. 1145604 Parts 165.97 165.97 109892 3/15/2011 WAYBAR GROUP (CHEMICALS) 888924 Nitrile Gloves 151.20 151.20 109893 3/15/2011 WURTH CANADA LTD 20367278 Stock Order 386.31 386.31 109894 3/15/2011 WESBILD HOLDINGS LTD. 34/09 Mar 7/11 33/09 Mar 7/11 71/09 Mar 7/11 35/10 Mar 7/11 Complex Building Fee Reduction Complex Building Fee Reduction Complex Building Fee Reduction Complex Building Fee Reduction 2,195.00 5,195.00 2,240.20 170.00 9,800.20 109895 3/15/2011 WONG, JENNY Mar 8/11 Sewer Line Damage 504.00 504.00 109896 3/16/2011 DRIVER, COURTNEY Mar 15 Hoop Dance - Feb 15 to Mar 8 140.62 140.62 109897 3/16/2011 INFORM ARTS Jan/Feb 2011 Dec 2010 Minute Taking Services - Jan/Feb Minute Taking Services - Dec 2010 448.00 448.00 896.00 109898 3/17/2011 WESTKEY GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS LTD., Mar 17/11 Postage for utility notices 4,012.00 4,012.00 109899 3/21/2011 CHADWICK, E. WAYNE March 4/11 Flygt Course Per Diem 65.00 65.00 109900 3/21/2011 BELL, STACY Mar 4/11 Mar 15/11 Flygt Course Per Diem Parking for Flygt Course 65.00 7.50 72.50 109901 3/21/2011 CORAL ENGINEERING LTD 146362 145304 Repairs to RTU #4 & #6 Repairs/Mtce to S/C Unit 1,879.06 3,143.88 5,022.94 109902 3/21/2011 ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATORS CERT.PROGRAM March 4/11 Exam Fee - OIT - Stacy Bell 140.00 140.00 Page 69 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109903 3/21/2011 Vendor Name SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 69 Mar 9/11 MFA Issue No. 69 - B/L 1299 109904 3/29/2011 SQUAMISH BMX RACING CLUB March 29/11 Squamish Legacy Grant 109905 3/30/2011 DOCKTER, EDWARD A. Mar 21/11 Mar 21 Parking Expense Insullation for Office HVAC Ducts 109906 3/30/2011 ALLAN, JACKIE Mar 13/11 109907 3/30/2011 PAWLUK, CHARLENE 109908 3/30/2011 109909 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2,976.00 2,976.00 29,000.00 29,000.00 15.00 104.36 119.36 Audio Jacks - Arena Timekeepers Booth 39.17 39.17 Mar 14/11 Parking - LGCA Course - Richmond 39.00 39.00 BRUUN, MAREN March 29/11 Companion Dog Training Jan, Feb 630.00 630.00 3/30/2011 4REFUEL CANADA LP 156091 Bio Diesel 971.64 971.64 109910 3/30/2011 ALL KEYS & LOCKS 3600C 3626C 3902C Keys Cut, Key Tags Master Locks Cabinet Sliding Glass Door Lock 18.51 265.44 13.99 297.94 109911 3/30/2011 ALTA LAKE ELECTRIC LTD. 1227 Fix Exterior Lights F/H Training Area 88.82 88.82 109912 3/30/2011 A.C. INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENT SERV. LTD. 28500 Decommission Chlorine Gas System 747.04 747.04 109913 3/30/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 8348 8177 RCMP Laundry - Mar 15 RCMP Laundry - Mar 8 36.62 22.98 59.60 109914 3/30/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E747986 Weekly Analysis - Feb 10 84.00 84.00 109915 3/30/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN336402 LVAN336397 LVAN332307 LVAN334391 LVAN332308 LVAN330317 LVAN336398 LVAN328325 LVAN336400 LVAN336416 W/Y Laundry - Mar 7 CP Laundry - Mar 7 CP Laundry - Feb 21 R/C Uniform Service - Feb 28 R/C Uniform Service - Feb 21 R/C Uniform Service - Feb 14 R/C Uniform Service - Mar 7 R/C Uniform Service - Feb 7 F/H Laundry - Mar 7 S/C Laundry - Mar 7 47.60 79.23 79.23 61.57 199.23 61.57 199.23 199.23 33.87 40.32 1,001.08 109916 3/30/2011 GENERATION 2 CONTROLS INC. 13300 124300 Install Software on New PC - RCMP Monitoring DDC Controls - March 397.60 449.12 846.72 109917 3/30/2011 ALEXANDER DEVELOPMENTS 09/10 Mar 22 Refund Engineering Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 Page 70 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 109918 3/30/2011 Vendor Name ARCHIBALD CLARKE & DEFIEUX (SQUAMISH) 240005 Sports-Can Insurance - Feb 109919 3/30/2011 ASHEKIAN, CAROLINE Mar 23/11 Expense Reimbursement 109920 3/30/2011 ALFRED WAUGH ARCHITECT 11008-004F 11008-003D Osiem Pavillion - Feb Osiem Pavillion Disbursements - Feb 109921 3/30/2011 ALLSTAR MECHANICAL LTD. 11-2097-38 109922 3/30/2011 ABC OFFICE 109923 3/30/2011 109924 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 160.00 160.00 96.88 96.88 1,820.00 395.65 2,215.65 1st Quarter Annual Inspection 592.20 592.20 Order #1112375 Saddle Stapler, Staples, Freight 264.63 264.63 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 4753 Mar 1/11 E-Comm Emerg Phone to Mar 1 1,361.63 1,361.63 3/30/2011 BC TRANSIT 211765 211865 Para Transit Service - Feb Conventional Transit - Feb 20,174.00 65,633.00 85,807.00 109925 3/30/2011 BOABC 109926 3/30/2011 BRITISH COLUMBIA WATER & WASTE ASSOC. 4343 Mar 17/11 Membership Fees - T. Moyle 109927 3/30/2011 BONGARDE COMMUNICATIONS LTD. C700750 109928 3/30/2011 BRINKS CANADA LTD. 109929 3/30/2011 109930 364.00 yes 35.00 35.00 P/R Compliance Insider Renewal 332.64 332.64 0632450785 Armoured Car Service - Feb 934.62 934.62 BELL MOBILITY March 17/11 Blackberry Service to March 17 4,845.04 4,845.04 3/30/2011 BRITISH COLUMBIA SAFETY AUTHORITY 524140 RCMP Bldg Boiler Inspections 1,126.72 1,126.72 109931 3/30/2011 BCF CONTRACTING 358333 Plow Repair 50.40 50.40 109932 3/30/2011 BARDACH,JEANETTE 06/10 Mar 22/11 Refund Engineering Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 109933 3/30/2011 BRACKENDALE PLUMBING 10104 Plumbing Repairs - F/H 532.00 532.00 109934 3/30/2011 BIR, AJAIB 49/10 Mar 9/11 Refund Engineering Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 109935 3/30/2011 BURNHAM, AINSLEY 419437 Program Refund 150.00 150.00 109936 3/30/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 6/11 Union Dues - P/P 6 4,158.04 4,158.04 109937 3/30/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94802564 94806297 Biodiesel Cardlock - Feb 2,138.41 5,990.08 8,128.49 109938 3/30/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 13828 Road Base 257.37 1,735.92 Page 71 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 13577 Winter Sand 109939 3/30/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 7905 Emergency W/M Repair - Hwy 99 109940 3/30/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001737 J001731 J001741 J001740 J001735 J001736 J001742 J001729 J001676 J001728 J001730 J001733 109941 3/30/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) 109942 3/30/2011 109943 109944 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,478.55 26,541.57 26,541.57 Connect Injection Pump SCADA - Sewage Lift Finch/Loggers Misc SCADA Water Ops - Hospital Hill PRV BP Tool Storage Shed Repair Lights - W/Y SCADA - Smoke Bluffs Radios R/C Parking Lot Light Repairs Remove Christmas Lighs - Hang Banners Test Equipment - R/C Replace Automatic Capacitor R/C T/B Metering Pump Refit 72.80 857.70 400.40 145.60 252.57 345.86 254.80 324.46 4,253.20 364.00 1,304.80 3,723.32 12,299.51 J001745 J001743 J001744 J001774 J001770 J001771 SCADA - Water - Misc SCADA - Plateau Reservoir SCADA Misc - SC 11 Hook Up Temporary Office Heaters R/C Electrical Repairs - RCMP Bldg Install Circuit M/H Kitchen 364.00 400.40 182.00 1,008.00 497.84 336.00 2,788.24 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004C-91326 5004V-91337 5004D-91327 5004N-91333 5004T-91336 5004Q-91414 5004E-91328 5004I-91331 5004K-91332 5004PUMP-92107 WWTP Garbage Mar, Biosolids Feb A/W Field Portable Toilet - Mar CF/Concession Garbage - Mar Nexen Beach Portable Toilet - Mar Upper S/B Portable Toilet - Mar W/Y Garbage, Cdbd - Mar Recycling Depots Compost - Feb Landfill Portable Toilet - Mar R/C Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - Mar/Feb Emerg W/M Break - Pumping 15,859.60 162.40 352.78 162.40 162.40 400.19 511.84 162.40 775.73 1,136.80 19,686.54 3/30/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 3534 3505 SEP Messaging Service - Mar HSMRS Messaging Service - Mar 112.00 168.00 280.00 3/30/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 26927379 27153930 27150751 27028468 27147543 27008078 Supplies Supplies Supplies CD Storage Box Easel Pad, Copy Paper Organizer 310.69 25.83 86.09 14.55 192.93 67.74 2,018.82 Page 72 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 27186315 27194176 26831836 27128396 27195021 27157885 Credit - Organizer Supplies Supplies Supplies Calculator, Copy Paper Copy Paper Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void (67.74) 179.59 84.54 171.20 109.03 844.37 109945 3/30/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 27154193 27224890 Supplies Supplies 17.23 56.62 73.85 109946 3/30/2011 CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 9904285097 9904062073 9903879186 RCMP - Creamers - Feb RCMP - Creamers - Jan RCMP Coffee, Creamers - Dec/10 18.50 27.75 52.15 98.40 109947 3/30/2011 CASCADE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE GROUP 11 2 5 Corridor Trail Watercourse Issues 2,109.80 2,109.80 109948 3/30/2011 CORAL ENGINEERING LTD 146372 HVAC Maintenance - Dec 2,077.60 2,077.60 109949 3/30/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 6438 5118 W/W Laundry - Feb 23 W/W Laundry - Feb 7 13.94 33.43 47.37 109950 3/30/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 14029 Skyline Place Project Sign 224.00 224.00 109951 3/30/2011 CAMPBELL, SUSAN 405519 Program Refund 40.90 40.90 109952 3/30/2011 CCOHS 402293 Day of Mourning Pins, Posters 72.80 72.80 109953 3/30/2011 COLLIER, SHANNON March 25/11 Bus Tickets for Spring Break Camp 22.25 22.25 109954 3/30/2011 COBRA ELECTRIC 41225 Install Vehicle Loop Detector 484.51 484.51 109955 3/30/2011 CHANCEY, JENNI Mar 15/11 CNAM 2011 Conference Registration 448.00 448.00 109956 3/30/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 105693 104952 105929 105931 Supplies Credit Test Reagents Sodium Hypochlorite 532.06 (3.14) 74.65 1,928.51 2,532.08 109957 3/30/2011 DELL CANADA INC. 707010006462116 707010006449003 707010006432672 Vostro 3700 Laptrops Latitude XT2 Tablet Dell 750 Fan Assembly 1,915.65 2,632.22 218.40 4,766.27 109958 3/30/2011 DIAMONDHEAD DOOR CO. LTD., 978278 978277 Repair Shop Bay Door Service All Bay Doors 123.20 236.88 360.08 Page 73 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 109959 3/30/2011 DJ SPENCE TREE SERVICE 477 Remove Large Alder Tree - Dryden Cres 109960 3/30/2011 DHL EXPRESS (CANADA) lTD. H25440 752 Freight 109961 3/30/2011 DOWNTOWN CENTRE MOTORS LTD. 25/09 Mar 21 20% Prof Fee Reduction 109962 3/30/2011 EGLOBAL IT SOLUTIONS INC. 141211 109963 3/30/2011 EMPAC ENGINEERING LTD. 109964 3/30/2011 109965 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,624.00 1,624.00 95.67 95.67 2,670.00 2,670.00 Computer Equipment 853.81 853.81 12069 SCADA Services 414.40 414.40 E-COMM, EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS 11-0055 Dispatch/Fire Levy to March 31 10,480.00 10,480.00 3/30/2011 EASTERBROOK, TOM Mar 15/11 FCABC Chiefs Meeting March 3 25.00 25.00 109966 3/30/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 Feb 2011 Volunteer Incidents/Training - Feb 6,207.30 6,207.30 109967 3/30/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 2 Feb 2011 Volunteer Incidents/Training - Feb 9,969.30 9,969.30 109968 3/30/2011 FRASER VALLEY REFRIGERATION LTD., 133130 Check for Leak 769.44 769.44 109969 3/30/2011 FIRST ON SCENE 220 First Aid Course 986.94 986.94 109970 3/30/2011 FITNESS TOWN SERVICE 333 Maintenance on all Units 181.44 181.44 109971 3/30/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 11382 Self Inking Stamp 31.30 31.30 109972 3/30/2011 GREAT WEST WHOLESALE LTD. 91877 Supplies 68.22 68.22 109973 3/30/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. 549384 April 2011 Antenna 2009 Pontiac Wave Lease - April 24.74 436.61 461.35 109974 3/30/2011 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 2852590 Satellite Service to Feb 21 46.93 46.93 109975 3/30/2011 GBC CANADA INC. 10026835 Clear Lamination Film 92.31 92.31 109976 3/30/2011 GREATER VANCOUVER FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC Mar 15/11 2011 GVFCA Membership Fees 250.00 250.00 109977 3/30/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2390 2394 2345 Repair Door - RCMP Bldg Weather Door Seal Cash Drawer Lock 134.40 145.88 87.92 368.20 109978 3/30/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5137 Plumbing Repairs - R/C 194.32 194.32 Page 74 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 109979 3/30/2011 Vendor Name GHUMAN, KULWANT 109980 3/30/2011 109981 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Mar 13/11 Work Boot Allowance G-VAN CATERING AND CONSULTING INC. 92830 Mar 16 Dec 15/10 Blind Channel Forum Refreshments Leadership Luncheon - Dec 15/10 3/30/2011 GOSNELL, SHAWN & SHARON 44/10 Mar 8 109982 3/30/2011 GILLIES, HOWARD & DIANA 109983 3/30/2011 109984 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 145.59 145.59 252.00 218.40 470.40 Refund Engineering Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 31/11 Mar 17 Refund Engineering Damage Deposit 2,500.00 2,500.00 HOWE SOUND INN & BREWING COMPANY 03/11 Mar 15 Refund Engineering Damage Deposit 2,500.00 2,500.00 3/30/2011 FMEP P/P 6/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 6 301.50 301.50 109985 3/30/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 137870 138242 138395 138589 138703 138748 Snow Shovels Carpet Tape Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 40.30 13.43 47.41 22.94 166.97 4.93 295.98 109986 3/30/2011 HEIN, TERRY 101755 Delivery Minutes 33.60 33.60 109987 3/30/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 21199 21004 Repairs & Parts Brush Blades 246.09 167.72 413.81 109988 3/30/2011 HOMEWOOD HUMAN SOLUTIONS CANADA INC. 74311 EAP Adjustment - Nov/10 to Mar/11 616.49 616.49 109989 3/30/2011 HALCROW CONSULTING INC CTLDNT-02 Upper Mamq Blind Channel to Feb 2,598.40 2,598.40 109990 3/30/2011 INFORM ARTS March 2011 Minute Taking Services - March 3 224.00 224.00 109991 3/30/2011 JOHAL, GURJIT March 29/11 Bhangra Dance 221.25 221.25 109992 3/30/2011 JARRETT, EMMA March 29/11 Womens Floor Hockey 121.50 121.50 109993 3/30/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 45590 45388 45530 W/S Dev Serv Studies - Feb Water Loss Mgmt Program - Jan Paradise Trails Flood Prot Plan - Feb 824.32 18,644.94 1,439.42 20,908.68 109994 3/30/2011 KAL TIRE 064066996 064066852 Tires Grader Tire 1,013.78 1,055.93 2,069.71 109995 3/30/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01531379 CONIN01531380 Ops C452 Copy Charges to Feb 22 C/D C452 Copy Charges to Feb 22 206.91 746.86 1,549.73 Page 75 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description CONIN01526267 R/C C452 Copy Charges to Feb 15 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 595.96 109996 3/30/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13214718 C/D C452 Copier Rental to June 30 1,080.80 1,080.80 109997 3/30/2011 KITCHEN, JANNICKE 419938 Program Refund 209.00 209.00 109998 3/30/2011 YOUNG, ANDERSON 57788 Professional Services 49.28 49.28 109999 3/30/2011 LONDON DRUGS 8407192 800017815 Moisture Meter Employee Computer Purchase 11.19 1,570.44 1,581.63 110000 3/30/2011 LIFESAVING SOCIETY 52050 LSIR Manual 23.49 23.49 110001 3/30/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 788949 Batteries 478.50 478.50 110002 3/30/2011 LUCKY LOONIES 93768 Mar 7 94261 Mar 17 94264 Mar 22 Supplies S/C Art Supplies Flowers for Arranging 45.90 19.88 30.23 96.01 110003 3/30/2011 LESSARD, MARIE CLAUDE 391475 Program Refund 139.85 139.85 110004 3/30/2011 LEFEBVRE, BRIAN 137/06 Mar 8 Refund Engineering Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 110005 3/30/2011 LINDE CANADA 43180490 Lease Renewal to Feb 2012 56.10 56.10 110006 3/30/2011 LABELLE, DENISE Mar 3/11 Reimburse for Picture Frame Expense 16.77 16.77 110007 3/30/2011 LAUDRUM, DAVID 110008 3/30/2011 MUNICIPAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF B.C. 20271 20272 Claim Costs Claim Costs 29.10 4,316.41 4,345.51 110009 3/30/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE EMI57240 1512 Permit Effluent Discharge Fee 7,699.38 7,699.38 110010 3/30/2011 MURDY & MCALLISTER Jan 2011 Legal Fees - January 16,891.56 16,891.56 110011 3/30/2011 MCINTOSH, LISA Mar 24/11 Babysitter Training - Mar 4 to Apr 7 250.00 250.00 110012 3/30/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE - TRANSPORTATION 5024 Cost Share Agreement - Jan to Mar 2,883.84 2,883.84 110013 3/30/2011 MODU-LOC FENCE RENTALS LTD. I0072263 Fence Panel Rental - March 20.56 20.56 110014 3/30/2011 MARSHALL, SUSAN 411759 Program Refund 54.50 54.50 35.00 yes Page 76 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110015 3/30/2011 Vendor Name MAKHAN, SHARM 375311 Program Refund 110016 3/30/2011 NEOPOST CANADA LTD. 1843856 Postage Meter Rental to April 2012 563.81 563.81 110017 3/30/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 94048 Mar 1 94050 Mar 9 94051 Mar 16 Extra Large Kennel Marrow Bones Large Dog Beds 172.48 71.68 140.74 384.90 110018 3/30/2011 OPEN ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS 011-0006 IT Services - Mar 15 to Mar 26 1,176.00 1,176.00 110019 3/30/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 5039 Corridor Trail Improvements - Jan 5,764.32 5,764.32 110020 3/30/2011 PELL BUSINESS EQUIPMENT LTD. N-APRANN-0041 Mailer/Scale Mtce Agreement to Mar/12 1,159.20 1,159.20 110021 3/30/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 10755741 10834296 10866441 CO2 Tank Rental to Mar 14 Cylinder Rental to Feb 25 Carbon Dioxide 111.82 21.31 424.88 558.01 110022 3/30/2011 PETTY CASH (ADMIN SERVICES) Mar 21/11 Petty Cash to March 21 173.34 173.34 110023 3/30/2011 PAR-T-PERFECT 086 R/C Birthday Parties 434.00 434.00 110024 3/30/2011 QUALITY SAW & KNIFE LTD. 152509 153223 Sharpen Ice Knives Sharpen Ice Knives 110.88 110.88 221.76 110025 3/30/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 6/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 6 113,718.42 113,718.42 110026 3/30/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA 1800004864 LAN Support - Jan 1 to Mar 31 5,800.00 5,800.00 110027 3/30/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA 1001188 SFR Radio Licenses Renewal 2,600.00 2,600.00 110028 3/30/2011 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN32786 IN32769 Filter Seals, Nuts 16.42 89.44 105.86 110029 3/30/2011 RESORT MUNICIPALITY OF WHISTLER 39008451 Whistler/Sq Commuter Passses - Jan 3,944.00 3,944.00 110030 3/30/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. 50602 RI 10 Mbps Internet Access - Mar 782.88 782.88 110031 3/30/2011 ROMMEL HOMES LTD. 66/08 Mar 8 06/09 Mar 24 Refund Engineering Damage Deposit Engineering Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 110032 3/30/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1305882 1305407 1304825 Plywood, Lumber Plywood, Felt, Shingles Snow Shovels 172.95 220.98 116.44 535.56 Page 77 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 69.00 69.00 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 1306142 Heater - Mens Change Room 110033 3/30/2011 RESTRAINT CONSULTING 32 Economic Development - Feb 110034 3/30/2011 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 48 (SEA TO SKY) 644 645 646 647 648 649 110035 3/30/2011 SHOPPERS DRUGMART #219 110036 3/30/2011 110037 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 25.19 1,315.06 1,315.06 HSSS - Adult Basketball HSSS - Competitive Volleyball HSSS - Recreational Volleyball DRSS - Badminton GHE - Indoor Soccer GHE - Floor Hockey for Women 425.00 557.30 557.30 663.20 343.00 343.00 2,888.80 92409 Mar 5 Traffic Control ID Photos 167.83 167.83 SQUAMISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 21121021 21121173 Traffic Control Requalifications Fee for Service Agreement - April 375.00 8,000.00 8,375.00 3/30/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 6/11 Union Dues - P/P 6 219.96 219.96 110038 3/30/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 325505441 390028485 390080796 390080862 Freight Freight Freight Freight 461.00 27.15 100.72 43.31 632.18 110039 3/30/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 103 Apr 23 MFA Issue No. 103 B/L 1977 36,771.44 36,771.44 110040 3/30/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 65 Apr 24 MFA Issue No. 65 B/L 1268, 1299 212,765.24 212,765.24 110041 3/30/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 81 Apr 22 MFA Issue No. 81 B/L 1756 160,355.21 160,355.21 110042 3/30/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 99 Apr 19 MFA Issue No. 99 B/L 1917 61,415.04 61,415.04 110043 3/30/2011 SUPERIOR PROPANE INC. 58665420 58865236 58948367 59033475 55395395A Bulk Propane - Greenhouse Bulk Propane - F/H & Greenhouse Bulk Propane - Greenhouse Bulk Propane - Concession Buylk Propane - Greenhouse 921.56 2,306.92 449.16 277.17 782.22 4,737.03 110044 3/30/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00017262 March 4th Edition 1,371.96 1,371.96 110045 3/30/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 93491 Feb 25 93492 Mar 10 91469 Dec 8 W/Y Cream, Milk W/Y Cream, Milk, Sugar, Hot Chocolate Christmas Program Supplies 25.81 43.69 146.97 216.47 110046 3/30/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY Mar 11/11 ECE Conference Registration 80.00 80.00 Page 78 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 110047 3/30/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY March 2011 Youth Services Contract - March 110048 3/30/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 332880 332859 331213 Adv Ctre Monitoring to May 31 BP Bunker Monitoring to May 31 BP LC Out Bldg Monitoring to Apr 30 110049 3/30/2011 SETON 9314298022 9314339683 Fire Signs Bumper Bracket 110050 3/30/2011 SUNFLOWER BAKERY LTD. 20059 110051 3/30/2011 MOLBY, SACHA 110052 3/30/2011 110053 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 21,026.67 21,026.67 84.00 117.60 84.00 285.60 78.39 95.38 173.77 Sandwiches, Soup, Salad 101.92 101.92 Mar 25/11 Seniors Keep Well Mar 14 - 17 300.00 300.00 SPERLING HANSEN ASSOCIATES INC. 11038 Landfill Upgrades to Feb 28 29,199.82 29,199.82 3/30/2011 SHAW CABLE 0848 Mar 16/11 0115 Mar 16/11 5474 Mar 16/11 5490 Mar 16/11 R/C Internet Service to Apr 7 W/Y Internet Service to Apr 7 M/H Internet Service to Apr 7 F/H Internet,HD Plus to Apr 7 88.42 81.70 99.57 126.34 396.03 110054 3/30/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 239214 831399 239899 Supplies Supplies Stainless Steel Waste Receptacles 17.77 157.14 606.70 781.61 110055 3/30/2011 SPORT MEDICINE COUNCIL OF BC IN17082 In Training Reg Fees/Membership 4,413.75 4,413.75 110056 3/30/2011 SPECTRUM LANDSCAPES 16916 Snow Clearing Sidewalks - Feb 18-28 1,932.00 1,932.00 110057 3/30/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5361 5370 5353 5338 5267 5301 W/Y Coffee Supplies F/R Coffee RCMP Coffee M/H Coffee - Mar 10 M/H Coffee - Feb 24 M/H Coffee - Mar 3 273.10 176.00 120.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 716.10 110058 3/30/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 3483 3481 3482 B/P, Cemetary Regular Service - Feb R/C Regular Service - Feb M/H Regular Service - Feb 99.68 67.76 84.00 251.44 110059 3/30/2011 SQUAMISH TRUCK AND TRAILER LTD 8903 Tailgate Cylinder 164.29 164.29 110060 3/30/2011 SONES, ROSANNE March 21/11 Meeting Supplies 40.19 40.19 Page 79 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110061 3/30/2011 Vendor Name SIMS, NICOLE 419146 Program Refund 110062 3/30/2011 SABOURIN, SONNY 412387 Program Refund 305.00 305.00 110063 3/30/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 838577 838578 839478 840202 838278 839574 840163 840161 840176 838661 839166 837699 Snow Removal Parts Snow Removal Parts Brake Pads & Rotors Rad Cap, Silicone Snow Removal Parts Hose Fittings Hose Clamps Connectors Splicers Light Air Operated Service Jack BP Monthly Demurrage - Feb 48.13 8.89 229.41 77.65 222.88 77.72 2.60 39.09 8.04 8.72 839.99 16.00 1,579.12 110064 3/30/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 840613 840582 840251 Clamps, Fitting Filters Shop Supplies 61.07 14.52 96.34 171.93 110065 3/30/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE Mar 25/11 Gymnastics - March 16, 17 312.00 312.00 110066 3/30/2011 TRANN, RICHARD March 30/11 Youth Alternatives Program - Mar 1,250.00 1,250.00 110067 3/30/2011 TESS PRODUCTIONS 524486 Camera/Computer Services - Mar 8 114.00 114.00 110068 3/30/2011 TAPP, KAREN Mar 9/11 Sports Equipment, Program Book 40.62 40.62 110069 3/30/2011 TERRY E. DUNCAN 2315-03 Confined Space Session - March 7 682.33 682.33 110070 3/30/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY Jan 2011 Hotel Room Tax - Jan 4,882.95 4,882.95 110071 3/30/2011 UNITED WAY Mar 23/11 Employee Donations - P/P 5 & 6 338.38 338.38 110072 3/30/2011 ULTIMATE PROMOTIONS 149201 Uniforms 1,690.79 1,690.79 110073 3/30/2011 VANCOUVER COASTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY CG201200442 S/C Health Permit Operating Fees 150.00 150.00 110074 3/30/2011 VRIEND, RANDALL 417325 Program Refund 88.48 88.48 110075 3/30/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 53422 Safety Supplies 237.36 237.36 110076 3/30/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-141234 First Aid Supplies 144.70 144.70 Page 80 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 56.20 56.20 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 110077 3/30/2011 WATKINS, CINDY Mar 25/11 Preschool Supplies 110078 3/30/2011 WIGGINS ADJUSTMENTS LTD. Feb 28/11 110079 3/30/2011 WEISS, PAT 110080 3/30/2011 110081 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 262.52 262.52 Collection Commission 62.74 62.74 Mar 13/11 Home Depot Supplies 243.42 243.42 WALL 2 WALL 1120-2011 Install Tracks & E Caps - RCMP 756.72 756.72 4/12/2011 CHADWICK, E. WAYNE Mar 24/11 Flygt Course Expenses 334.04 334.04 110082 4/12/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 9291 RCMP Laundry - Mar 29 19.16 19.16 110083 4/12/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E753035 E751881 Weekly Analysis - Mar 3 Weekly Analysis - Feb 24 84.00 84.00 168.00 110084 4/12/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN338408 LVAN340412 LVAN340428 LVAN342367 LVAN344339 LVAN340411 LVAN344334 R/C Uniform Service - Mar 14 R/C Uniform Service - Mar 21 S/C Laundry - Mar 21 R/C Uniform Service - Mar 28 W/Y Laundry - Apr 4 CP Laundry - Mar 21 CP Laundry - Apr 4 61.57 199.23 40.32 61.57 47.60 79.23 79.23 568.75 110085 4/12/2011 ANNEX PUBLISHING & PRINTING INC. IN43910 Live Fire Training Book 79.96 79.96 110086 4/12/2011 ACTIVE NETWORK LTD. 22002500 Fargo Ribbons for DTC 400 515.20 515.20 110087 4/12/2011 ARCTIC POWER SYSTEMS B.C. LTD. alta1977 Repair Power Lines 2,729.44 2,729.44 110088 4/12/2011 AGAT LABORATORIES 11K93659T Oil Sample Kits 221.76 221.76 110089 4/12/2011 A HIGH CUT ABOVE GENERAL CONTRACTING MMX648 Take Down Lights - SAC 352.80 352.80 110090 4/12/2011 ALLSTAR MECHANICAL LTD. 11-2095-35 11-2096-37 11-2096-36 S/C Leaking Unit A/C Quarterly Inspection R/C Quarterly Inspection 1,111.60 557.20 835.80 2,504.60 110091 4/12/2011 ADVANCED LIFEGUARD TRAINING INT'L Mar 28/11 Pool Ops Course - Level 1 & 2 2,970.00 2,970.00 110092 4/12/2011 ARELANO, EVELYN 423312 Program Refund 129.00 129.00 110093 4/12/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 4316 Mar 14/11 5218 Feb 14/11 ADSL Line to March 14 S/C Phone Service to Feb 14 196.53 84.65 9,528.09 Page 81 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 9205 Feb 14/11 5268 Feb 14/11 9205 Mar 14/11 5218 Mar 14/11 5268 Mar 14/11 5205 8 Apr 4/11 S/C Phone Service to Feb 14 S/C Phone Service to Feb 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Mar 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Mar 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Mar 14 Telephone Charges - Apr 4 Billing 110094 4/12/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 020053013122 003898814085 Cell Phone Charges to Mar 17 Mike Mobility Charges to Mar 17 110095 4/12/2011 BC HYDRO 400001658065 Hydro Use - Apr 4 Billing 110096 4/12/2011 B.C. COMMUNICATIONS INC. IN063807 14135 110097 4/12/2011 BUNBURY & ASSOCIATES 110098 4/12/2011 110099 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 84.26 84.32 84.26 84.26 84.26 8,825.55 141.21 144.55 285.76 61,969.20 61,969.20 Motorola Radio 12 V, Radio Repairs Radio, batteries Task #101449 699.75 665.28 1,365.03 4948 Professional Services 504.00 504.00 BISLA, DALBAG Apr 11/11 Refund Damage Deposit 2,500.00 2,500.00 4/12/2011 BURNABY BAG & BURLAP LTD. 65379 Twill Basket Liners 700.00 700.00 110100 4/12/2011 BELL DISTRIBUTION 99647479 99659723 99659724 Nokia Graphite Flip Phone Bell Vehicle Charger RIM Travel Wall Charger 190.34 100.63 111.89 402.86 110101 4/12/2011 BDK CONSULTING Apr 1/11 Apr 1/11 - 2 Professional Services Consulting Services 777.80 1,582.90 2,360.70 110102 4/12/2011 BC THEATRE SCHOOLS Apr 8/11 Musical Theatre - Jan 14 to Mar 18 3,538.50 3,538.50 110103 4/12/2011 BEATTY, HEATHER 418140 Program Refund 102.00 102.00 110104 4/12/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 19/10 Addn P/P 7/11 Initiation Fee - P/P 19/10 Union Dues - P/P 7 10.00 4,109.14 4,119.14 110105 4/12/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94816939 94810748 94820379 Bulk Oil Biodiesel Biodiesel 523.27 7,834.75 2,797.72 11,155.74 110106 4/12/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 13958 2011 13962 13970 13987 13866 Winter Sand Road Base Road Base Road Base Winter Sand 547.53 1,191.68 73.80 119.57 1,341.59 3,274.17 Page 82 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 110107 4/12/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001773 J001776 J001777 J001763 J001792 J001775 J001778 J001772 J001734 J001780 J001779 W/Y Electrical Repairs North Yards S/L Stn Service MSTP Electrical Repairs Install Additional Capacitor R/C Street Light Repairs Plateau Reservoir Blvd Pump Station Street Light Repairs Street Light Repairs Blvd Pump Station Blvd Pump Station - SCADA 110108 4/12/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004I-92347 Landfill Portable Toilet - Apr 110109 4/12/2011 CARLETON RESCUE EQUIPMENT 52397 Dry Suit Task #102099 110110 4/12/2011 CANADIAN ASSOC. OF FLEET SUPERVISORS 8076 December 2010 Meeting Fees 110111 4/12/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 3531 Messaging Services 110112 4/12/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 15885 27328388 27278604 15723 27241158 27210153 Guest Chair Supplies Supplies Multi Tilter Chair Supplies Supplies 110113 4/12/2011 BASF CANADA INC. 130847898 Zetag 110114 4/12/2011 CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 9904395563 110115 4/12/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 110116 4/12/2011 110117 110118 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 711.93 72.80 182.00 1,484.00 1,876.07 218.40 254.80 377.91 1,294.31 238.56 417.89 7,128.67 145.60 145.60 1,115.52 1,115.52 89.60 89.60 1,312.92 1,312.92 207.19 162.57 60.30 537.59 122.36 121.25 1,211.26 12,907.93 12,907.93 Landfill Water Service - Mar 29.85 29.85 7215 7217 7218 7216 7526 Shops Coveralls W/Y Laundry Shops Coveralls W/W Coveralls W/Y Coveralls, Jackets 25.20 14.00 68.10 32.42 14.00 153.72 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016042675 Field Marking Paint, Supplies 1,902.76 1,902.76 4/12/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 14031 14080 Change Pool Hours - Spring Break Spring Pool Hours 156.80 156.80 313.60 4/12/2011 CANADIAN NATIONAL 90443472 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Oct 2009 624.20 7,571.70 Page 83 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 90443475 90443473 90443480 90443476 90443474 90443477 90443478 90443481 90443479 90443482 90447079 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Nov 2009 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Dec 2009 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Jan 2010 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Feb 2010 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Mar 2010 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Apr 2010 Amble Path Signal Mtce - May 2010 Amble Path Signal Mtce - June 2010 Amble Path Signal Mtce - July 2010 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Aug 2010 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Sept 2010 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 624.20 624.20 624.20 624.20 624.20 624.20 624.20 624.20 651.30 651.30 651.30 110119 4/12/2011 CANADIAN NATIONAL 90453747 90458150 90462854 90467074 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Oct 2010 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Nov 2010 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Dec 2010 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Jan 2011 651.30 651.30 651.30 651.30 2,605.20 110120 4/12/2011 COBRA ELECTRIC 42100 Cleveland Ave @ Buckley/Hunter 579.61 579.61 110121 4/12/2011 CLEAN AIR SERVICES CANADA LTD. 3302 3301 3303 S/C Kitchen Hood Cleaning R/C Kitchen Hood Cleaning B/P Conc Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning 897.96 1,147.72 653.52 2,699.20 110122 4/12/2011 CANADIAN DOORMASTER ELECTRIC LTD. 45075 Supply/Inst Shutter Doors - S/C 5,572.00 5,572.00 110123 4/12/2011 CABAM 16658 Volunteer Books 229.03 229.03 110124 4/12/2011 CHROMA COMMUNICATIONS GROUP INC. 040111 Test Pagers/Portable Radios 1,164.80 1,164.80 110125 4/12/2011 CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONING LTD. W73971 RCMP Bldg Compressor Service 276.64 276.64 110126 4/12/2011 COENCORP CONSULTANT INC 7447 Repl Computer Ops Fuel Mgmt System 1,728.16 1,728.16 110127 4/12/2011 CLARKE, JAY DP298 Mar 28 Refund Installation Fees 900.01 900.01 110128 4/12/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 105962 105953 Wheel Chair Axles Wheel Chair Wheels, Arm Rest 67.20 160.78 227.98 110129 4/12/2011 DJ SPENCE TREE SERVICE 498 490 Remove Trees Alice Lake Reservoir Cleared Trees for New Pavillion 3,696.00 2,296.00 5,992.00 110130 4/12/2011 DENBAR CONSTRUCTION 1039 1036 Supply/Install Doors at W/Y Misc Labour and Materials 1,201.99 442.63 1,644.62 Page 84 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110131 4/12/2011 Vendor Name DAMS FORD LINCOLN SALES LTD. 51017852 Right Side Window Regulator 110132 4/12/2011 DANIELSON, MARCIA Apr 11/11 International Folk Dancing 240.00 240.00 110133 4/12/2011 DIANNE DARBY - CUSTOM SEWING Apr 8/11 Badges Sewn & Delivered 80.00 80.00 110134 4/12/2011 DUNBAR, NOLINA 423291 Program Refund 129.00 129.00 110135 4/12/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-93283 4501-92137 4501-92136 4501-92180 Landfill Contract - March Landfill - Tires/Gypsum Board - Feb Landfill Contract - Feb L/F - Decontamination of CFC - Mar 25,922.04 5,002.88 19,088.75 940.80 50,954.47 110136 4/12/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 2622 2623 2625 2624 M/H/Library Guard Patrols - March R/C Guard Patrols - March Nexen Beach Lock/Unlock Gates - Mar A/C Guard Patrols/Alarm Resp - Mar 1,402.13 503.33 1,337.41 558.45 3,801.32 110137 4/12/2011 THE ESCAPE ROUTE 5107 5108 5109 5111 5110 Supplies Task #101584 Map Task #100974 Trail Map Task #102784 Trail Map Task #104885 Dry Bag Task #102099 82.88 21.22 14.50 14.50 22.34 155.44 110138 4/12/2011 FIRST TRUCK CENTRE X003149427:01 Wheel Speed Sensor 39.26 39.26 110139 4/12/2011 FITNESS TOWN SERVICE 377 Install Shocks, Power Cord & Switch 231.84 231.84 110140 4/12/2011 FLORIAN, NICOLE Mar 31/11 Refund Credit U/B #2002 36.20 36.20 110141 4/12/2011 FRANKLIN, WHITNEY Mar 31/11 Refund Credit - U/B 4648 36.20 36.20 110142 4/12/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 214855 11423 11424 11442 11429 215087 215086 Business Card Holder, Envelopes Business Cards Business Cards Business Cards Window Envelopes Notebooks Task #102519 Notebooks Task #102784 11.92 196.00 39.20 78.40 648.48 10.89 28.91 1,013.80 110143 4/12/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2413 Repair Panic Hardware on Exit Door 92.40 92.40 110144 4/12/2011 GOODBYE GRAFFITI BURNABY 9969 Ever-Clean Program - March 228.48 228.48 Page 85 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 225.79 225.79 Cheque # Pay Date 110145 4/12/2011 Vendor Name G-VAN CATERING AND CONSULTING INC. 110146 4/12/2011 110147 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2,470.90 7,355.58 554.30 1,821.63 2,508.75 Feb 3/11 Dec 17/10 Mar 4/11 Apr 1/11 Shortfalls - Jan 2 to Feb 3/11 Shortfalls - Nov 29 to Dec 17/10 Shortfalls - Feb 7 to Mar 4/11 Shortfalls - Mar 7 to Apr 1/11 GODECKE PLUMBING & HEATING 422 Replace Kitchen Faucet - W/Y 222.29 222.29 4/12/2011 GRIMM, ROSELINE 418807/418821 Program Refund 394.24 394.24 110148 4/12/2011 GRAHAM S. FANE, MBA, CMA, FCMA 03142011 Total Impact Business Case Analysis 7,056.00 7,056.00 110149 4/12/2011 HANLEY AGENCIES LTD. 71226 Parts 2,619.01 2,619.01 110150 4/12/2011 FMEP P/P 7/11 FMEP Case #92042 301.50 301.50 110151 4/12/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 138868 138828 138608 138869 138905 Batteries Supplies Angler Line Ant Traps Hooks 14.49 12.86 13.42 36.11 4.46 81.34 110152 4/12/2011 HEIN, TERRY 101756 Recruit Class Refreshments - Apr 3 273.06 273.06 110153 4/12/2011 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 1024165 Light Bulbs 102.40 102.40 110154 4/12/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 21287 21341 Air Filter Fuel Cap 3.81 14.00 17.81 110155 4/12/2011 HOMEWOOD HUMAN SOLUTIONS CANADA INC. 74821 EAP - Apr to June 2011 1,902.70 1,902.70 110156 4/12/2011 HORVATH, MIKLOS BP 32B Apr 8 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 110157 4/12/2011 HO, YIELY Mar 28/11 Spring Break Camp Supplies 31.33 31.33 110158 4/12/2011 JUSTICE INSTITUTE OF B.C. 20026654 Training Courses, Manuals & Expenses 8,829.60 8,829.60 110159 4/12/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 45599 45589 45719 45787 Squamish River Gravel Removal - Feb Development Servicing Reviews - Feb Squamish River Riprap Upgrade - Feb Water Loss Mgmt Program - Feb 373.52 422.80 11,509.81 11,523.34 23,829.47 110160 4/12/2011 KAL TIRE 064067301 064066961 064067553 Tire Repair Tire Change Overs Retread Tires, Tire Repairs 49.84 107.52 697.15 854.51 Page 86 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 110161 4/12/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01531381 CONIN01531377 CONIN01561675 Comm Serv C452 Copy Chges to Feb 22 S/C C280 Copy Charges to Feb 22 Pro 950 Copy Charges to Mar 23 110162 4/12/2011 KRUMME, RACHEL 421372 Program Refund 110163 4/12/2011 L & A EQUIPMENT LTD. 11-022 Squamish River Dyke Prog #2 110164 4/12/2011 LONDON DRUGS 0800018117 Sony IPod Dock, Batteries 110165 4/12/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 791317 Belt 110166 4/12/2011 LENHART, NICOLE 420770 Program Refund 110167 4/12/2011 LAME DEVELOPMENT INC Apr 8/11 Refund Damage Deposit 110168 4/12/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE 92537893 92543890 110169 4/12/2011 MURDY & MCALLISTER 110170 4/12/2011 110171 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 265.65 181.71 633.68 1,081.04 88.20 88.20 68,614.56 68,614.56 303.81 303.81 4.12 4.12 144.00 144.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Supplies Uniform Trousers 53.22 805.73 858.95 Feb 2011 Legal Fees - Feb 15,200.56 15,200.56 MAXWELL PAPER CANADA INC. 6180830 Paper Rolls 171.36 171.36 4/12/2011 MERCER (CANADA) LIMITED 75346564 Benefits Consulting - Jan/Feb 5,320.00 5,320.00 110172 4/12/2011 MILLER CAPILANO MAINTENANCE CORP S11-1192 Winter Mtce Diamond Head Rd - Feb/11 310.80 310.80 110173 4/12/2011 MOUNTAIN CRESTS 2006 LTD 3049 Golf Shirts with Embroidered Logo 119.84 119.84 110174 4/12/2011 MICKELSON CONSULTING INC. 2011-12-001 Communication Strategy Plan 5,059.40 5,059.40 110175 4/12/2011 MANN, DEANE Mar 14/11 Refund PST Charged in Error 9.52 9.52 110176 4/12/2011 NORELCO CRANE SERVICES LTD. 11057 Annual Shop Crane Inspection 560.00 560.00 110177 4/12/2011 NEOPOST CANADA LTD. 1846004 Pressure Sens Labels 42.19 42.19 110178 4/12/2011 NESTERS MARKET 89694 Mar 9 89695 Mar 30 Prisoner Meals Prisoner Meals 29.81 84.03 113.84 110179 4/12/2011 NEWMAN, AMANDA 421292 Program Refund 60.14 60.14 110180 4/12/2011 NEW AGE TRADING INC. 91466 Dec 8 Christmas Programs 2010 38.64 38.64 Page 87 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 110181 4/12/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 94054 Mar 31 Dog Food 110182 4/12/2011 OPEN ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS 011-0008 110183 4/12/2011 OPUS CONSULTING GROUP LTD. 2402593 2402603 02402700 110184 4/12/2011 O'CONNELL, KATE 110185 4/12/2011 ORSSICH, C & J Apr 8/11 Refund Damage Deposit 110186 4/12/2011 PUROLATOR INC. 411705375 411780248 110187 4/12/2011 PACIFIC SOIL ANALYSIS INC. 110188 4/12/2011 110189 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 248.84 248.84 IT Services to April 8 1,986.37 1,986.37 2031 Transp Plan Printing Costs 2031 Transportation Plan to Feb 18 2031 Transportation Plan to Mar 18 568.79 8,377.49 8,246.16 17,192.44 13.98 yes 1,000.00 1,000.00 Freight Freight 43.88 329.46 373.34 2011-185 Detailed Soil Fertility Analysis 403.20 403.20 PETTY CASH (FIRE DEPT.) Mar 22/11 Petty Cash to March 22 82.59 82.59 4/12/2011 PETTY CASH (FINANCE) Apr 6/11 Petty Cash to Apr 6 214.45 214.45 110190 4/12/2011 PACIFIC COAST FIRE EQUIPMENT 44559 45038 Annual Inspections Emergency Call - R/C 2,002.56 576.80 2,579.36 110191 4/12/2011 PROCTER, CATHERINE 422994 Program Refund 547.85 547.85 110192 4/12/2011 PONTINI, MICHELLE Mar 31/11 Reimburse ECD Conference Reg 80.00 80.00 110193 4/12/2011 PETRO-CANADA 924308155 Bulk Oil 2,493.17 2,493.17 110194 4/12/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 7/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 7 119,738.65 119,738.65 110195 4/12/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA 1001129 2011 Radio Licence Renewal 3,194.00 3,194.00 110196 4/12/2011 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN33391 IN33524 IN33350 IN33560 IN33729 IN33709 IN33882 Seals, Plug, Rad Cap Seal Door Glass Divertor Valve for Hydraulics Deck Hoist Parts Pulley Parts Tie Rod End 129.61 1.67 408.84 662.77 63.63 276.05 82.90 1,625.47 110197 4/12/2011 ROGERS MEDIA INC 82015-1 S/C Advertising 180.32 1,494.08 Page 88 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 44000-2B Radio Ads 110198 4/12/2011 RESORT MUNICIPALITY OF WHISTLER 39008753 39008754 39008649 Mun Cost Sharing S2S Transit - Feb S2S Transit Passes - March Whistler/Sq Commuter Passes - Feb 110199 4/12/2011 REEL MECHANICAL 2036 Annual Reel Maintenance 110200 4/12/2011 REVENUE SERVICES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA April 2011 April Premiums 110201 4/12/2011 ROMMEL HOMES LTD. BP 125/06 Apr 8 BP 156/04 Apr 8 BP 05/05 Apr 8 Refund Damage Deposit Refund Damage Deposit Refund Damage Deposit 110202 4/12/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1310277 Side Boards 110203 4/12/2011 RACE, DOUG Mar 1/11 Travel Expense - Feb 23, Mar 1 110204 4/12/2011 SQUAMISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 21121253 Fee for Service - May 110205 4/12/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 7/11 Union Dues - P/P 7 110206 4/12/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS Mar 24/11 Gas Use - March 24 Billing 110207 4/12/2011 SQUAMISH VETERINARY Mar 31/11 110208 4/12/2011 SUPERIOR PROPANE INC. 110209 4/12/2011 110210 110211 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,313.76 16,847.13 3,248.00 4,408.00 24,503.13 4,228.00 4,228.00 13,192.50 13,192.50 1,000.00 750.00 750.00 2,500.00 15.12 15.12 166.40 166.40 8,000.00 8,000.00 325.26 325.26 18,918.44 18,918.44 Professional Services to Mar 31 1,201.15 1,201.15 59287304 Bulk Propane 2,373.56 2,373.56 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00017315 SQDI00017583 March 11th Edition March 25th Edition 1,371.96 1,027.59 2,399.55 4/12/2011 SEA TO SKY WASTE MANAGEMENT LTD. April 2011 Landfill Attendant Services - Apr 6,466.25 6,466.25 4/12/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 29Mar2011 3/29/11 29 March 30 March 2011 3/30/11 28 March 2011 28March 30March 29March 2011 28Mar2011 28/03/11 Batteries Task #104885 Batteries, Water Task #101159 Water Task #101376 Water, batteries Task #100974 Batteries, water task #100334 Water, Batteries Task #102252 Water, Batteries Task #102519 Batteries Task #102784 Water Task #102792 Water Task #103002 Water, Batteries Task #105110 71.61 56.52 3.95 56.52 117.56 82.29 86.52 22.36 14.90 7.45 87.66 718.47 Page 89 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 29/03/11 Supplies Task #102099 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 111.13 110212 4/12/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 94053 Mar 22 93494 Mar 22 March 29 2011 94265 Mar 31 93496 Apr 4 March 28/11 March 29/11 Mar 29/11 Mar 29 2011 March 29 Mar 29 Mar 30/11 Supplies Supplies Water, Batteries Task #101689 Flowers, Gift Basket Supplies Water, Batteries Task #101980 Batteries, Water Task #101842 Water, Batteries Task #101662 batteries, water task #101658 Water Task #101584 Supplies Task #101504 Batteries, granola bars Task #101496 141.34 24.23 81.81 30.20 30.21 87.66 89.58 112.25 116.44 3.95 74.99 172.33 964.99 110213 4/12/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS March 30/11 March 30 Batteries Task #101449 WAter Task #101496 172.38 7.90 180.28 110214 4/12/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 328972 329010 329011 328352 328336 328326 328321 333860 329022 329026 B/P Concession Monitoring to Mar 31 Harris Slough Monitoring to Mar 31 Pump Stn Emerg Access Rd to Mar 31 TBird Reservoir Monitoring to Dec 31 W/Y Mtce Bldg Monitoring to Dec 31 W/Y Modular Units Monitoring to Dec 31 MSTP Monitoring to Dec 31 Archive Bldg Battery Replacement M/H Monitoring to Mar 31 Archive Bldg Monitoring to Mar 31 84.00 134.40 134.40 336.00 336.00 336.00 336.00 123.20 134.40 134.40 2,088.80 110215 4/12/2011 SPEEDY AUTO & WINDOW GLASS 8331-208441 Install Door Window 137.76 137.76 110216 4/12/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 118684 Repair Transmission Error Code 594.79 594.79 110217 4/12/2011 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 50473 Freight 338.73 338.73 110218 4/12/2011 MOLBY, SACHA Apr 11/11 Seniors Keep Well - Mar 28 to Apr 7 570.00 570.00 110219 4/12/2011 SHAW CABLE 8708 Mar 12/11 Digital TV, Internet to Apr 3 137.21 137.21 110220 4/12/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 239643 239636 239635 239403 Supplies Supplies Supplies Black Bags 709.44 56.24 80.93 302.40 1,149.01 Page 90 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110221 4/12/2011 Vendor Name SQUAMISH SUSTAINABILITY CORPORATION 271 Facility Rental 110222 4/12/2011 SIGNAL SYSTEMS IN-20641-01 ICOM Radio, battery Task #101449 110223 4/12/2011 SHERLOCK, MICHAEL Apr 11/11 110224 4/12/2011 SOUND & SOUL STUDIOS 110225 4/12/2011 110226 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 371.00 371.00 1,188.00 1,188.00 Acrylics & Water Colour Mar 7-29 449.25 449.25 1733 Projector Cleaning/Microphone 845.60 845.60 SEA TO SKY FIRE PREVENTION 1238 1223 1239 Annual Inspection - W/Y Annual Inspection - WWTP Annual Inspection - Ops 291.20 672.00 291.20 1,254.40 4/12/2011 SQUAMISH TRUCK AND TRAILER LTD 8964 Repair Kits 278.56 278.56 110227 4/12/2011 SONES, ROSANNE Mar 28/11 Medical Forms 40.00 40.00 110228 4/12/2011 SPENCER FOR HIRE CONTRACTING LTD. 010111 Repairs to Front Steps Engineering 2,764.65 2,764.65 110229 4/12/2011 THANDI, SOHAN Apr 8/11 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 110230 4/12/2011 TOM GREEN Mar 16/11 Mar 16 Mar 16 - 3 Mar 16 - 4 Mar 16 - 5 Travel Expense to Mar 14 Travel Expense to Feb 24 Travel Expense to Feb 10 Travel Expense to Jan 28 157.44 128.44 152.88 125.32 172.92 737.00 110231 4/12/2011 TERRY E. DUNCAN 2315-04 Safety Committee Session 697.33 697.33 110232 4/12/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY 032911A Van Outdoor Adventure Show Costs 2,240.00 2,240.00 110233 4/12/2011 VALHALLA PURE OUTFITTERS March 30/11 March 31/11 Mar 30/11 Helmet Task #101689 Task 101449 GPS Task #101496 40.26 179.14 335.94 555.34 110234 4/12/2011 VIMAR EQUIPMENT LTD. 282489 Electric Water Pump 1,258.88 1,258.88 110235 4/12/2011 VANCOUVER COASTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY CG201200578 Health Permit Operating Fees 1,050.00 1,050.00 110236 4/12/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 53493 53489 53490 53500 Fire Extinguisher Supplies Task #102784 supplies task #102887 102704 101658 Supplies task #101449 101842 101496 98.00 617.88 744.78 80.67 1,541.33 110237 4/12/2011 WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARD OF B.C. Mar 31/11 Jan to Mar 2011 Premiums 30,883.40 30,883.40 Page 91 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description IN-141237 110238 4/12/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. Nitrile Gloves 110239 4/12/2011 WEST COAST MACHINERY LTD. 110240 4/12/2011 WEISS, PAT Mar 28/11 Expense Reimbursement 110241 4/12/2011 YELLOW PAGES GROUP 6048925217 110242 4/12/2011 ZONE WEST ENTERPRISES LTD. 110243 4/13/2011 110244 Invoice Amount 42.70 Paid Amount Void 42.70 72.37 yes 295.59 295.59 Yellow Pages Ads 42.47 42.47 30606 Captain Name Bars 62.72 62.72 BETHEL LANDS CORP 101 Work completed to April 2011 181,070.76 181,070.76 4/14/2011 BELL, STACY April 7/11 Per Diem BCWWA Conf Apr 16-20 260.00 260.00 110245 4/14/2011 CHANCEY, JENNI April 7/11 Per Diem BCWWA Conf Apr 16-20 260.00 260.00 110246 4/14/2011 SMITH, BOB April 7/11 Per Diem BCWWA Conf. Apr 16-20 260.00 260.00 110247 4/26/2011 SQUAMISH SUSTAINABILITY CORPORATION April 20 2011 Advance 2011 Operating Grant 55,000.00 55,000.00 110248 4/27/2011 ALLAN, JACKIE April 15 2011 Log Books 29.60 29.60 110249 4/27/2011 PAWLUK, CHARLENE April 15 2011 April 20 2011 Reimbursement for Course Parking for conference 408.50 41.00 449.50 110250 4/27/2011 CHADWICK, JULIANA April 14/11 Expenses 27.56 27.56 110251 4/27/2011 4REFUEL CANADA LP 157382 156249 Bio Diesel Biodiesel 406.00 1,136.97 1,542.97 110252 4/27/2011 835 GRIFFIN ROYAL CANADIAN AIR CADETS April 7 2011 Community Enhancement Grant 1,000.00 1,000.00 110253 4/27/2011 ALL KEYS & LOCKS 3917C Keys 11.71 11.71 110254 4/27/2011 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Jun/10-035Rev Re & Re Concrete works at Renaissance 10,225.58 10,225.58 110255 4/27/2011 ACKLANDS - GRAINGER INC. 43730569955 Cartridges, Ballast 953.36 953.36 110256 4/27/2011 ALANO CLUB OF SQUAMISH April 7 2011 Community Enhancement Grant 5,000.00 5,000.00 110257 4/27/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E757003 Water Analysis 84.00 84.00 110258 4/27/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN344337 Cotton Roll Towel 33.87 375.31 Page 92 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description LVAN344353 LVAN344335 LVAN346329 LVAN348291 Senior Centre Laundry Brennan Park Laundry Brennan Park Laundry Table Cloths Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 40.32 199.23 61.57 40.32 110259 4/27/2011 ACCESS COPYRIGHT 33666/34535 Licence Fees 382.20 382.20 110260 4/27/2011 CHARTIS INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA April 2011 April Premiums 489.45 489.45 110261 4/27/2011 ALFRED WAUGH ARCHITECT 11008-005F 11008-004D Consultant Fees O'Siyam Pavilion O'Siyam Pavilion 6,944.00 205.35 7,149.35 110262 4/27/2011 AVANTAGE PARTNERS 06250 06259 6266 Continuous Improvement Program Consulting Services General Consultation 1,724.80 3,449.60 5,801.60 10,976.00 110263 4/27/2011 AWESOME POSSUM WILDLIFE CONTROL 2319 2320 Rat Removal - Fire Hall #1 Rat Removal - Engineering 841.40 257.60 1,099.00 110264 4/27/2011 ABELL, ALISON April 15 2011 Product for pool retail sales 31.28 31.28 110265 4/27/2011 BEST APPLIANCE REPAIR 16260 Fix Muni Hall Fridge 89.60 89.60 110266 4/27/2011 B.C. COMMUNICATIONS INC. 64203 64204 Radio Repairs Radio Repairs 106.31 33.26 139.57 110267 4/27/2011 BC HYDRO 50345345 Service for O'Siyam Pavillion 3,340.96 3,340.96 110268 4/27/2011 BRINKS CANADA LTD. 0634800785 Brinks Service March 2011 954.42 954.42 110269 4/27/2011 BRANDT TRACTOR LTD. 5489794 Drive Line Yoke & Washer 474.39 474.39 110270 4/27/2011 ACCESS POINT INFORMATION CANADA LTD. 9935750211 9935750311 February 2011 Land Titles 75.04 44.80 119.84 110271 4/27/2011 BOULIER, MARK April 5/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 110272 4/27/2011 B & B EXCAVATING & LANDSCAPING 2278 Water Service Installation 4,704.00 4,704.00 110273 4/27/2011 BELL DISTRIBUTION 99709807 99725775 Blackberry SIM card 223.89 5.60 229.49 110274 4/27/2011 BDO DUNWOODY LLP 10363510 Professional Services 2010 42,777.24 42,777.24 Page 93 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 110275 4/27/2011 Vendor Name BLACKETT, BEV 110276 4/27/2011 110277 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 250.00 500.00 250.00 April 27 2011 Apr 27/11 Seniors Yoga Apr 5-28 Seniors Yoga Mar 8-31 Business Interiors by Staples 15865 Chair 279.99 279.99 4/27/2011 BREU, KRISTA & AARON April 14 2011 Roll# 2000074426005 621.84 621.84 110278 4/27/2011 CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY IN00137152 Swim Kids Badges 1,329.20 1,329.20 110279 4/27/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94837691 Biodiesel 2,399.69 2,399.69 110280 4/27/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 14137 Road Base 216.91 216.91 110281 4/27/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001841 J001823 J001825 J001824 J001833 J001821 J001822 J001840 Labour March 22 Library Labour/Material March 1,8,10 Labour/Materials March 17-18 Labour/Material March 18-Smoke Bluffs Labour March 31 Labour & Materials March 17 Labour March 18 Storm Sump Station Labour/Material Pat Goode Park 72.80 946.33 605.92 442.60 72.80 929.57 308.00 1,375.35 4,753.37 110282 4/27/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004-92340 5004F-93296 5004D-92343 5004E-92344 5004H-92346 5004O-92350 5004P-92351 5004Q-92663 5004N-92349 5004C-92342 5004C-93354 5004K-92348 Recycling Residential Pickup Concession Garbage Compost Service Waste Service - Library April Waste removal April Waste Removal Works Yard Garbage Portable Toilet - Nexen Beach BioSolids Pumping Brennan Park Garbage 609.21 58,069.49 352.78 632.80 139.22 58.33 141.83 400.19 145.60 26,000.64 739.20 789.73 88,079.02 110283 4/27/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004RCMP-92341 5004T-92352 5004V-92353 April Waste/Recycling Portable Toilet - Smoke Bluffs Portable Toilet - All Weather Fields 268.31 145.60 145.60 559.51 110284 4/27/2011 MAXXAM ANALYTICS VA507101 Water Samples 546.56 546.56 110285 4/27/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 27406998 27402995 27419253 Batteries Office Supplies Paper 88.66 133.03 40.28 1,304.44 Page 94 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 27361799 27311772 27336343 27425657 27457901 27423865 Office Supplies Magazine File, Binders Binder Supplies Supplies Supplies 110286 4/27/2011 CORAL ENGINEERING LTD 139692 144962 Pool Maintenance Pool Maintenance 110287 4/27/2011 CANADIAN PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT 12696 110288 4/27/2011 CHEF BIG D'S DELI LTD. 110289 4/27/2011 110290 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 137.76 44.33 20.93 327.08 61.59 450.78 2,710.75 6,248.10 8,958.85 Registration for Wendy Shard 622.72 622.72 1662 Live Fire Lunch 271.27 271.27 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 7527 PW Laundry 37.30 37.30 4/27/2011 COMFY'S LAUNDRY Mar 2011 Library Laundry 21.28 21.28 110291 4/27/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 16043469 016043451 016043469 Paint Supplies Paint Paint Supplies 47.38 368.37 47.38 463.13 110292 4/27/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 14050 Logos 155.68 155.68 110293 4/27/2011 COMMUNITY BROADCASTING SERVICES 40411049 21411095 Facebook Advertising TV Announcements 313.95 240.45 554.40 110294 4/27/2011 CN NON-FREIGHT 9500085191 9500085583 9500085168 9500085167 9500085182 9500085251 9500085258 9500085196 SQ-CN-E1884-01 SQ-CN-E2109-01 SQ-CN-E1077-01 SQ-CN-E0909-01 SQ-CN-E1698-01 SQ-CN-E1038-01 SQ-CN-E1888-01 SQ-CN-E1885-01 1,120.00 560.00 560.00 560.00 1,120.00 560.00 1,120.00 1,120.00 6,720.00 110295 4/27/2011 CANADA DAY COMMUNITY CELEBRATION 110296 4/27/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 105989 105988 105975 106405 Pool Chemicals Pool Supplies Filter Covers Supplies 110297 4/27/2011 DRIVER, COURTNEY April 26 2011 Mar 29-Apr 19 Hoop Dance 2,000.00 yes Page 95 of 299 2,279.16 187.39 445.76 468.78 3,381.09 220.50 220.50 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 110298 4/27/2011 DOUGLAS, CORAL April 7/11 April 18 2011 Apr 19 2011 Conference Registration Reimbursement Preschool Supplies Preschool Supplies 40.00 8.96 11.73 60.69 110299 4/27/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-92432 4501-93284 Woodwaste Removal Gypsum/Tires 15,139.50 5,172.59 20,312.09 110300 4/27/2011 EGLOBAL IT SOLUTIONS INC. 141441 141331 Toshiba Adapter Replacements Toner Cartridges 123.42 1,695.42 1,818.84 110301 4/27/2011 E-COMM, EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS 11-0189 CR-00679 Dispatch Levy, CAD Levy to June 30/11 Fire CAD Levy 10,480.00 (2,555.00) 7,925.00 110302 4/27/2011 ESRI CANADA 2011-03-28 License Agreement 16,800.00 16,800.00 110303 4/27/2011 EAGLE WATCH PROGRAM 110304 4/27/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 March 2011 Volunteer Incidents Training March 2011 4,831.04 4,831.04 110305 4/27/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 2 March 2011 Volunteer Incidents Training March 2011 7,571.03 7,571.03 110306 4/27/2011 FEDERAL EXPRESS 5-888-16594 Animal Care Equipment 34.28 34.28 110307 4/27/2011 FIANDER CONSTRUCTION 138595 Concrete Walks 6,384.00 6,384.00 110308 4/27/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 215170 215455 11501 11502 11503 Rite in the rain books Clipboard Purchase Orders Receipts Window Envelopes 85.68 18.65 999.04 670.88 700.00 2,474.25 110309 4/27/2011 GREAT WEST WHOLESALE LTD. 92223 Supplies 276.36 276.36 110310 4/27/2011 GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. April 2011 April Premiums 88,874.67 88,874.67 110311 4/27/2011 GUARDIAN ENGRAVING 130839 Pitch in Week 84.00 84.00 110312 4/27/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. 777088 549650 2008 Cheverolet Silverado Additive 1,900.96 22.55 1,923.51 110313 4/27/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 1803887 March 2011 Courier Service 204.31 204.31 110314 4/27/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5209 Water Fountain 616.00 1,629.04 1,500.00 yes Page 96 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 5213 RCMP Cells 110315 4/27/2011 GIRI, PRIA April 12 2011 Expenses 110316 4/27/2011 HOWE SOUND WOMEN'S CENTRE SOCIETY April 7 2011 110317 4/27/2011 HOWE SOUND SECONDARY 110318 4/27/2011 110319 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,013.04 495.64 495.64 Community Enhancement Grant 10,000.00 10,000.00 April 7 2011 Community Enhancement Grant 975.00 975.00 HARRIS & COMPANY March 31/11 Professional Services to March 28/11 1,525.44 1,525.44 4/27/2011 FMEP P/P 8/11 FMEP Case #92042 P/P 8 301.50 301.50 110320 4/27/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 138922 138900 138794 138875 138959 Air Freshener, Soap Lighters Supplies Cleaning Supplies Supplies 16.99 11.18 503.44 19.63 12.31 563.55 110321 4/27/2011 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 7014145 8071274 8071280 12819 Batteries Micromitts Supplies Potting Soil 35.82 11.13 226.19 20.10 293.24 110322 4/27/2011 HOWE SOUND CURLING CLUB April 11 2011 Community Enhancement Grant 23,000.00 23,000.00 110323 4/27/2011 IDEAL DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 207804 Circuit Board Set 586.32 586.32 110324 4/27/2011 INPROTECT SYSTEMS INC. 142300 Signs 70.67 70.67 110325 4/27/2011 INFORM ARTS April 2011 Minute Taking Services 224.00 224.00 110326 4/27/2011 JAGUAR MEDIA INC MN110036 Municipal InfoNet web membership 840.00 840.00 110327 4/27/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 45431 45738 45946 45947 45964 Professiona Services Jan 2011 Professional Services February 2011 Professional Services Mar 1-31/11 Water/Sewer Devel Servicing Studies 2011 Professional Services - Leachate Design 87.92 30.80 4,346.72 654.36 12,161.50 17,281.30 110328 4/27/2011 KAL TIRE 64067880 64067638 64067631 Flat Repair Tires Tires 90.72 254.69 127.48 472.89 110329 4/27/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01561674 F/H DI5510 Copier Charges to Mar 23/11 154.20 2,867.37 Page 97 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description CONIN01558261 CONIN01558258 CONIN01552752 C/D C452 Copier Charges to Mar 22/11 S/C C280 Copier Charges to March 22 R/C C452 Copier Charges to Mar 14 110330 4/27/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13241332 13241330 M/H Pro 950 May to July 31, 2011 R/C C452 May-July 110331 4/27/2011 LONDON DRUGS 8406355 Frames 110332 4/27/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 434352 434637 792268 434155 791863 Spill Kit Relay Test Rapid Fix Repair Kit Taper Roller Battery 110333 4/27/2011 LUCKY LOONIES 94267 April 14 110334 4/27/2011 LAVERDIERE, MONICA April 27 2011 110335 4/27/2011 MCCHESNEY, JOHNNA 110336 4/27/2011 MORRIS, AMANDA April 6/11 April 27 2011 Gymnastics Mar 14-April 6 Gymnastics Apr 12-22 110337 4/27/2011 MTS MAINTENANCE TRACKING SYSTEMS INC. 1761 Feb 21-25 110338 4/27/2011 MINSHELL, BERT April 12 2011 110339 4/27/2011 NORSTAD PRODUCTS 110340 4/27/2011 110341 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2,297.34 113.40 302.43 1,739.14 1,103.64 2,842.78 37.28 37.28 286.70 51.51 32.46 12.08 79.51 462.26 Easter Supplies - volunteer Tea 29.11 29.11 Gymnastics Apr 14 & 21 52.00 52.00 7.10 yes 525.00 690.00 1,215.00 5,454.20 5,454.20 Woodstove Refund 100.00 100.00 069899 Planter Baskets 770.40 770.40 NAKED LUNCH 950421 Council Lunch 112.50 112.50 4/27/2011 NEOPOST CANADA LTD. 1846906 Ink Cartridge 303.46 303.46 110342 4/27/2011 NEW AGE TRADING INC. 93777 April 15 Volunteer Tea supplies 18.48 18.48 110343 4/27/2011 NEWMAN, MICAH April 26 2011 Red'n of Cash Works Security Willow Cr. 98,357.30 98,357.30 110344 4/27/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 94056 April 15 Food 160.60 160.60 110345 4/27/2011 PUROLATOR INC. 411857790 Freight 48.92 48.92 110346 4/27/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 11018992 10936547 Cylinder Rent Tank Rental 21.31 111.82 133.13 Page 98 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 110347 4/27/2011 PRESSED METAL PRODUCTS LTD 21310 Badges 356.72 356.72 110348 4/27/2011 PETTY CASH (ADMIN SERVICES) April 19 2011 March 21 to April 19 2011 232.75 232.75 110349 4/27/2011 PIPELINE MECHANICAL 4179 Pool Service 715.03 715.03 110350 4/27/2011 PEMBERTON AGGREGATES LTD. April 13 2011 Release Landscape Cash Bond DP245 1,847.90 1,847.90 110351 4/27/2011 QUALITY SAW & KNIFE LTD. 154538 Sharpen Knives 147.84 147.84 110352 4/27/2011 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN33925 CR18262 Bushings, Bearings Rod End credit 113.66 (82.90) 30.76 110353 4/27/2011 ROGERS MEDIA INC 82015-2 77115-2 Seniors Centre Advertising Brennan Park Advertising 695.52 520.80 1,216.32 110354 4/27/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. 50697 RI May 1 to 31 2011 973.72 973.72 110355 4/27/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1311729 1303705 145-01307577 145-01303705 Plywood Supplies Plywood Supplies 27.16 46.92 125.40 46.92 246.40 110356 4/27/2011 SQUAMISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE April 7 2011 Exhibitor Booth 196.00 196.00 110357 4/27/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 390063363 390162169 freight Freight 47.05 143.52 190.57 110358 4/27/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00017634 Ads April 1/11 1,027.59 1,027.59 110359 4/27/2011 SQUAMISH ARTS COUNCIL April 7 2011 Community Enhancement Grant 15,000.00 15,000.00 110360 4/27/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS April 15 2011 94269 Apr 19 93784 Apr 21 Easter Eggs Volunteer Tea supplies Easter Egg Hunt Supplies 19.38 47.13 39.66 106.17 110361 4/27/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY April 13 2011 First Aid Course 85.00 85.00 110362 4/27/2011 SCHELLENBERG, TERESA April 27 2011 Feb 16-Apr 6 Parent & Tot Soccer 245.00 245.00 110363 4/27/2011 SOFTCHOICE CORPORATION 2663710 Equipment 164.82 164.82 110364 4/27/2011 SQUAMISH FOOD BANK SOCIETY April 7 2011 Community Enhancement Grant 10,000.00 10,000.00 Page 99 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 110365 4/27/2011 MOLBY, SACHA April 27 2011 Seniors Keep Well Apr11-21 110366 4/27/2011 SPERLING HANSEN ASSOCIATES INC. 11080 Professional Services Landill Upgrades 110367 4/27/2011 SQUAMISH MEDICAL CLINIC 110368 4/27/2011 SHARD, WENDY April 12 2011 Parking for Conference 110369 4/27/2011 SQUAMISH COMMUNITY FOUNDATION April 7 2011 Community Enhancement Grant 110370 4/27/2011 SNAP-ON-TOOLS 0318114522 Shop tools 110371 4/27/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5448 5360 5390 5453 5487 5416 Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee, Sugar Coffee 110372 4/27/2011 SQUAMISH SUSTAINABILITY CORPORATION 276 Boardroom, Refreshments for Mgrs Meeting 110373 4/27/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 2480 November 2010 Service Brennan Park 110374 4/27/2011 SEA TO SKY FIRE PREVENTION 1240 Fire Extinguisher Renewal 110375 4/27/2011 SQUAMISH NATION April 5 2011 Refund Water, Sewer 110376 4/27/2011 SCHELLENBERG, EVELYN April 26 2011 Feb 16-Mar 23 Ice Pond Puppies 110377 4/27/2011 SMITH, MARCIA April 11/11 First Aid Course 110378 4/27/2011 SQUAMISH CAN (CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK) April 11 2011 Community Enhancement Grant 110379 4/27/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 840727 844722 841520 843718 841692 840852 839143 845310 845003 844029 Flash Light Power Stearing Pump Shop Supplies Filters Quick Release Valve Nylon Sling Flood Gate Air Filter Core Deposit Monthly Demurrage Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 570.00 570.00 22,606.14 22,606.14 37.50 yes Page 100 of 299 55.00 55.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 107.18 107.18 60.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 79.10 49.00 335.10 148.40 148.40 67.76 67.76 168.00 168.00 8,559.26 8,559.26 117.60 117.60 97.00 97.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 38.18 169.16 88.07 332.04 22.44 246.38 658.35 (24.63) (84.00) 168.00 1,898.42 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 845867 838494 Motor Lights 110380 4/27/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 843761 843638 843303 841943 842147 843636 842191 842332 843241 843145 843696 843700 Oil Seal Filters Lexan Glass Spark Plug Bulbs Headlights Chain Lights/Shop Supplies Switch Snow Plow Kit Quick Connect Filters 110381 4/27/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 844724 844186 844138 845774 844990 844580 845210 845189 845895 844783 844579 844026 110382 4/27/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 110383 4/27/2011 110384 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 233.63 50.80 13.33 135.93 75.13 12.33 23.68 35.32 10.58 62.18 49.38 130.50 94.07 28.62 671.05 Threaded Rod Cobalt Bit Square Stock Filters/lamps Supplies Trailer Wiring Connector Belts Standard Plug Bucket of ATF Stock Order Stock Order Monthly Demurrage - Helium 2.86 7.20 10.95 27.43 54.77 20.81 14.62 27.78 64.88 98.39 28.11 16.00 373.80 846756 Safety Vest 61.49 61.49 TETRAULT, FLORENCE April 27 2011 Gymnastics Apr 13-21 448.00 448.00 4/27/2011 TIM HORTONS 521 Apr 7/11 523 Mar 15/11 522 Apr 7/11 Muffins/Coffee for training Muffins/Coffee for 1st Aid Training Muffins/Coffee for training 39.44 49.29 49.29 138.02 110385 4/27/2011 TEMPLE CONSULTING GROUP LTD. 15464 Progress Maintenance 3,168.48 3,168.48 110386 4/27/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 78841535 Cleveland Ave Lease Rent - May 1,232.00 1,232.00 110387 4/27/2011 TOWNLINE VENTURES April 5 2011 Refund Balance of Dep Phase 1 SD 295 26,795.85 26,795.85 110388 4/27/2011 TIMBERWOLF RESTAURANT LOUNGE April 10 2011 Fire Rescue Breakfast 312.50 312.50 Page 101 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 110389 4/27/2011 TRIPLE FIVE QUALITY WOOD INC. 154 Bark Mulch 110390 4/27/2011 VIMAR EQUIPMENT LTD. 281863A Squeegee/Cloth/Ice Edger Blades 110391 4/27/2011 WESTBURNE ELECTRIC SUPPLY B.C. 1277000 1279063 Outlet Digital Clamp Meter/Multimeter 110392 4/27/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-141719 IN-143156 IN-143160 110393 4/27/2011 WIGGINS ADJUSTMENTS LTD. 110394 4/27/2011 110395 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,747.20 1,747.20 270.61 270.61 13.27 1,188.32 1,201.59 First Aid Supplies Overalls First Aid Kit Restock 167.10 151.20 40.58 358.88 March 31/11 Commissions for March Collections 448.00 448.00 WHISTLER CORE (THE) 24252 Climbing 168.00 168.00 4/27/2011 WILCOX, MICHELLE April 19 2011 Supplies 94.59 94.59 110396 4/27/2011 WEST COAST WEATHER BARRIERS LTD 392 Bus Shelter Glass Panels 23,541.60 23,541.60 110397 4/27/2011 YARDWORKS EXCAVATING 645 Excavator Mar 4 38873 Britannia 190.40 190.40 110398 4/27/2011 ZONE WEST ENTERPRISES LTD. 30684 Belts/Buckles 413.28 413.28 110399 4/27/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 8/11 Union Dues, Initiation Fees P/P 8/11 4,288.58 4,288.58 110400 4/27/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 8/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI-P/P 8/11 110,169.73 110,169.73 110401 4/27/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 8/11 Union Dues P/P 8/11 251.31 251.31 110402 5/10/2011 LONSDALE, CORINNE May 10/11 LMLGA 2011 Per Diem 195.00 195.00 110403 5/10/2011 HEINTZMAN, PATRICIA May 10/11 LMLGA 2011 Per Diem 195.00 195.00 110404 5/10/2011 RAISER, BRYAN May 10/11 LMLGA 2011 Per Diem 195.00 195.00 110405 5/10/2011 MURRAY, TERRY April 28 2011 PADM 201 Course Refund 418.00 418.00 110406 5/10/2011 4REFUEL CANADA LP 157569 Bio Diesel 810.87 810.87 110407 5/10/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 110408 5/10/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL 131.57 yes E760088 E762256 Testing Weekly Analysis - Apr 7 Page 102 of 299 84.00 150.64 318.64 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description E763927 Weekly Analysis - Apr 14 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 84.00 110409 5/10/2011 A.A. AUDIO LAB LIMITED 28801 Mobile Hearing Testing 684.88 684.88 110410 5/10/2011 A.R. MOWER & SUPPLY LTD. 26904 Lapping Compound 183.68 183.68 110411 5/10/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN348275 LVAN352135 Laundry W/Y Laundry - May 2 199.23 47.60 246.83 110412 5/10/2011 APEGBC WEB1133 Posting for Capital Projects Engineer 408.80 408.80 110413 5/10/2011 GENERATION 2 CONTROLS INC. 124306 Monitoring 449.12 449.12 110414 5/10/2011 ARCHIBALD CLARKE & DEFIEUX (SQUAMISH) 241700 March Liability Insurance Report 60.00 60.00 110415 5/10/2011 CHARTIS INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA May 2011 May Premiums 486.45 486.45 110416 5/10/2011 AUTOMIND COLLISION REPAIR 304049 Paint new wind deflector 224.00 224.00 110417 5/10/2011 ALLSTAR MECHANICAL LTD. 11-2149-84 Labour & Materials 1,673.81 1,673.81 110418 5/10/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 4316 Apr 14/11 ADSL Line to Apr 14 195.86 195.86 110419 5/10/2011 BRABER EQUIPMENT LTD. 673437 Parts 112.55 112.55 110420 5/10/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 055720071095 055720071094 SEP Pager Service to Mar 31 SEP Pager Service to Feb 28 68.00 68.00 136.00 110421 5/10/2011 BUNBURY & ASSOCIATES 4958 Provide Survey - Skyline Place 840.00 840.00 110422 5/10/2011 BC HYDRO 50344910 Temporary pole relocation 40122 Skyline 1,638.56 1,638.56 110423 5/10/2011 BELL MOBILITY Apr 17/11 Blackberry Service to April 17 4,947.74 4,947.74 110424 5/10/2011 BRITISH COLUMBIA COMMUNITY April 30 2011 Membership 560.00 560.00 110425 5/10/2011 BC CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL FOUNDATION May 2 2011 Jeans Day Proceeds 130.00 130.00 110426 5/10/2011 BCF CONTRACTING 358340 358341 Repair Loader Plow Adjusters Rebuild Plow Blade Adjusters 251.61 1,085.94 1,337.55 110427 5/10/2011 BDK CONSULTING May 2/11 Contract Services to May 2 1,546.00 1,546.00 110428 5/10/2011 BLACK TUSK FIRE & SECURITY INC 6426 Annual Inspection 190.40 672.00 Page 103 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 6427 Annual Inspection Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 481.60 110429 5/10/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 9/11 Union Dues - P/P 9 4,207.85 4,207.85 110430 5/10/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94842551 94842552 Biodiesel Bulk Delo 3,615.20 118.43 3,733.63 110431 5/10/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 14269 14270 19mm Road Base 19mm Road Base 1,245.53 212.80 1,458.33 110432 5/10/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001863 J001839 J001835 J001837 J001838 J001879 J001878 J001834 J001896 J001895 Mamquam Sewage Plant Mamquam Sewage Plant Mamquam Sewage Plant Stawamus Chlorine Shack Stawamus Chlorine Shack M/H April 15/11 Animal Shelter - April 13/11 Repair Light in Shop Replace Capacitor Electrical Repairs - MSTP 72.80 432.77 330.75 1,243.20 2,128.17 701.12 260.69 133.28 145.60 145.60 5,593.98 110433 5/10/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004X-92664 Senior Centre Recycling April 42.56 42.56 110434 5/10/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 3612 3611 3601 April April April Service 209.44 168.00 1,521.24 1,898.68 110435 5/10/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 27429231 27408628 Office Supplies Office Supplies 106.27 228.59 334.86 110436 5/10/2011 CONSOLIDATED ENVIROWASTE IND. INC. 48977 Turf Soil/Top Soil 2,428.16 2,428.16 110437 5/10/2011 BASF CANADA INC. 130893065 130799801 130725254 200KG PE-Drum, removable head Zetag Zetag 12,908.99 12,904.51 12,902.93 38,716.43 110438 5/10/2011 CHANNEL FABRICATING LTD. 993705 Fabricate Brackets 716.80 716.80 110439 5/10/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 8671 8103 6628 6437 8598 9161 Laundry Bag Laundry Laundry Laundry Laundry P/W Shops Laundry - Apr 6 92.00 13.44 14.00 50.68 29.12 34.01 233.25 Page 104 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 110440 5/10/2011 COMFY'S LAUNDRY M/H March M/H Laundry March 2011 110441 5/10/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016042956 016043603 016043635 Painting Supplies Latex Field Marking Paint Inverted Orange Spray Paint 110442 5/10/2011 CASSIDY, REED 110443 5/10/2011 CAFFEINIUM HOLDINGS LTD 00000035 Coffee/Food 110444 5/10/2011 CHANCEY, JENNI May 5/11 APEGBC Law & Ethics Seminar Fees 110445 5/10/2011 CWR HOLDINGS LTD. May 3 2011 110446 5/10/2011 DJ SPENCE TREE SERVICE 110447 5/10/2011 110448 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 21.28 21.28 22.61 862.58 38.57 923.76 74.88 yes 75.40 75.40 386.40 386.40 Complex Bldg 20% Fee Reduction 1,482.00 1,482.00 504 Tree Removal 1,870.40 1,870.40 DENBAR CONSTRUCTION 1041 Dog Pound - Replace dryer vent 535.92 535.92 5/10/2011 DAMS FORD LINCOLN SALES LTD. 51018571 51019676 Key Blank Door Glass 84.84 241.28 326.12 110449 5/10/2011 DANIELSON, MARCIA May 9/11 International Folk Dancing Apr 5-26 96.00 96.00 110450 5/10/2011 DYNAMIC RESCUE SYSTEMS INC. 483 Confined Space Rescue Course 1,344.00 1,344.00 110451 5/10/2011 EEC INDUSTRIES LTD 022104 Supply and Install Sign 694.40 694.40 110452 5/10/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 2626 2638 2635 2636 2637 2639 Patrols March 2011 Adventure Centre Guard Patrols Nexen Beach Guard Patrols - M/H, Library Guard Patrols - BPRC Guard Patrols - Dog Pound Guard Patrols - Adventure Centre 743.01 431.42 413.45 143.81 113.85 239.68 2,085.22 110453 5/10/2011 EMPAC ENGINEERING LTD. 12152 Professional Services 331.52 331.52 110454 5/10/2011 FITNESS TOWN SERVICE FTS200561 FTS200563 FTS200560 FTS200562 Equipment Service Maintenance Maintenence Equipment Service 922.71 231.84 231.84 1,397.98 2,784.37 110455 5/10/2011 GARIBALDI NURSERIES 165234 Soil Mix 74.57 74.57 Page 105 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 110456 5/10/2011 Vendor Name GUARDIAN ENGRAVING 110457 5/10/2011 110458 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 130813 Plaques GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. 549709 549810 777182 Light Socket Wind Deflector Replace Brakes 2003 Ford F550 5/10/2011 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 2919922 Satellite Service to March 21/11 110459 5/10/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2452 2429 2455 Service Call - Gate to Secure parking Service Call Fix Glass Sliding Door Lock 110460 5/10/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5246 5247 Works Yard Muni Hall 110461 5/10/2011 G-VAN CATERING AND CONSULTING INC. 001 93775 Apr 12 110462 5/10/2011 GREENER FOOTPRINTS 110463 5/10/2011 GLENTEL INC. 110464 5/10/2011 GEORGE YUNG-SHENG&KARIN SANDRA TOSOLINI May 3/11 Pause Cafe Lease Settlement 110465 5/10/2011 HANLEY AGENCIES LTD. 71456 110466 5/10/2011 FMEP 110467 5/10/2011 110468 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 179.20 179.20 8.62 154.78 2,030.62 2,194.02 46.93 46.93 145.60 289.91 53.76 489.27 95.20 95.20 190.40 Volunteer Tea - Senior Centre Senior Centre Lunch Vouchers 438.15 750.00 1,188.15 GF-91810 Reusable Bags 420.00 420.00 Mar 7/11 MSAT Phones to March 7 138.76 138.76 120,000.00 120,000.00 Water Service Tubing 336.00 336.00 P/P 9/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 9 301.50 301.50 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 139128 139007 139036 Hose Nozzles Outlet & Plug Supplies 20.14 14.55 43.53 78.22 5/10/2011 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 9070273 Shelving Unit, Cord 459.09 459.09 110469 5/10/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 21352 21471 21658 21708 Gloves Gas Caps Air Filters Spools 268.80 27.92 35.84 38.36 370.92 110470 5/10/2011 ITT INDUSTRIES OF CANADA, L.P. 50113082 Re & Re Pump Galbraith Lift Station 6,916.56 6,916.56 110471 5/10/2011 INDUSTRY CANADA 1001129 Radio Renewel PW 3,356.00 3,356.00 110472 5/10/2011 HARVEY, JOHN April 11 2011 Golf Course Kiosk Trail Head 94.08 1,163.18 Page 106 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Apr 11 2011 Smoke Bluffs 110473 5/10/2011 JB AUTOCARE 9722 A/C Recharge 110474 5/10/2011 JARRETT, EMMA May 6/11 Womens Floor Hockey 110475 5/10/2011 KAL TIRE 64068216 64066432 64067994 064068636 Tires Tire Repair Tire Tire Repair 110476 5/10/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01558260 CONIN01558262 110477 5/10/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 110478 5/10/2011 110479 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,069.10 392.81 392.81 40.50 40.50 1,032.42 21.28 43.53 29.12 1,126.35 W/Y C452 Copy Charges to Mar 22 P/D C452 Copy Charges to Mar 22 181.04 204.27 385.31 13241333 13241334 P/D C452 Copier Rental to July 31 W/Y C452 Copier Rental to July 31 1,080.80 1,080.80 2,161.60 KERKHOFF CONSTRUCTION LTD. May 3 2011 Lot Grading Damage Deposit 3,000.00 3,000.00 5/10/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 436140 793858 793853 793793 793804 793346 793803 793879 794790 79485 794789 792722 Relay Supplies Supplies Brake Caliper Core Credit Brake Calipers Brake Caliper Credit Relay Batteries Top Top - Credit OTC Scanner Upgrade Kit 110480 5/10/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 793938 793939 794198 Parts Parking Brake Vent 110481 5/10/2011 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 0344545 0358817 0246960 0216239 Bolt Bin Restock Metric Jam Nut Credit Cleaner 110482 5/10/2011 LIDSTONE & COMPANY March 2011 Professional Services 3,834.43 3,834.43 110483 5/10/2011 LAME DEVELOPMENT INC April 26 2011 Lot Grading Damage Deposit Refund 1,000.00 1,000.00 Page 107 of 299 12.98 24.44 241.72 158.24 (44.80) 345.31 (129.96) 12.98 135.04 155.22 (155.22) 950.88 1,706.83 113.98 76.15 27.37 217.50 537.19 8.01 (413.90) 144.95 276.25 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 110484 5/10/2011 MUNICIPAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF B.C. 20464 Insurance Claim 110485 5/10/2011 MURDY & MCALLISTER March 2011 Legal Services - March 110486 5/10/2011 MODU-LOC FENCE RENTALS LTD. I0073887 Fence Panel Rental 110487 5/10/2011 MOUNTAIN CRESTS 2006 LTD 3099 3068 110488 5/10/2011 MARINE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 110489 5/10/2011 110490 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 209.80 209.80 20,797.87 20,797.87 19.89 19.89 T Shirts Jacket 1,050.56 95.76 1,146.32 W14073 Repairs 1,003.52 1,003.52 MICKELSON CONSULTING INC. 2011-12-004 Comm Strategic Development - March 950.60 950.60 5/10/2011 NAKED LUNCH 950423 Soup/Sandwiches 138.60 138.60 110491 5/10/2011 NESTERS MARKET 89696 Apr 20 Prisoner Meals 52.23 52.23 110492 5/10/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 94060 April 29 94059 April 29 Salmon Pepperoni Dogfood 10.19 180.51 190.70 110493 5/10/2011 PIONEER MAINTENANCE LTD. 0169 RCMP - Steam Clean Carpets 532.00 532.00 110494 5/10/2011 PETTY CASH (FIRE DEPT.) April 28 2011 March/April 62.92 62.92 110495 5/10/2011 PROFIRE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INC., 00028190 Motors 645.43 645.43 110496 5/10/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 11054932 Carbon Dioxide 471.96 471.96 110497 5/10/2011 POLO, ADRIANE May 9/11 Acting II 346.50 346.50 110498 5/10/2011 PETTY CASH (ADMIN SERVICES) May 9/11 Petty Cash to May 9 180.12 180.12 110499 5/10/2011 POPE, TODD April 27 2011 Fuel, Dinner, Conf Reg'n 331.13 331.13 110500 5/10/2011 PIPELINE MECHANICAL 4231 Service Oven - Senior Centre 388.26 388.26 110501 5/10/2011 PIQUE PUBLISHING INC. 00163846 00163976 April 7 Ad - Request for Tenders April 14th Ad - Capital Proj Eng 141.12 94.08 235.20 110502 5/10/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 9/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 9 118,234.19 118,234.19 110503 5/10/2011 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN34385 IN34260 Hose, Switch Oilseals, Gaskets 287.36 41.65 372.88 Page 108 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description IN34579 IN34646 Springs Oil Seal 110504 5/10/2011 R.F. BINNIE & ASSOCIATES 25318 Govt Rd S/S Extension - March 110505 5/10/2011 REVENUE SERVICES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA May 2011 May 2011 Premiums 110506 5/10/2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX IN57425 110507 5/10/2011 ROMMEL HOMES LTD. 110508 5/10/2011 110509 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 9.79 34.08 3,001.60 3,001.60 12,745.50 12,745.50 MSA Parts 1,642.03 1,642.03 April 26 2011 April 27 2011 Lot Grading Damage Deposit Refund Lot Grading Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 RACE, DOUG April 26 2011 Expenses re: SODC 90.00 90.00 5/10/2011 RUTH, SARAH May 9/11 Rec Volleyball - Jan 12 to Mar 30 189.00 189.00 110510 5/10/2011 RAMZY CONSTRUCTION LTD. April 27 2011 Engineering Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 110511 5/10/2011 SQUAMISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE May 3/11 21121464 2011 Visitors Info Centre Contract Fee for Service - June 109,667.00 8,000.00 117,667.00 110512 5/10/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 9/11 Union Dues - P/P 9 258.09 258.09 110513 5/10/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS Apr 21/11 Gas Use - April 21 Billing 16,343.29 16,343.29 110514 5/10/2011 SQUAMISH HEATING & SHEET METAL WORKS LTD 9357 Zamboni Water Heater 241.92 241.92 110515 5/10/2011 SUPERIOR PROPANE INC. 59522264 Bulk Propane - Firehall 1,247.58 1,247.58 110516 5/10/2011 SIMSON-MAXWELL R53099 Service Call November 23 620.11 620.11 110517 5/10/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 93499 Apr 18/11 94057 April 26 94341 May 3 W/Y Cream, Milk, Tea Supplies Supplies 28.11 107.16 61.15 196.42 110518 5/10/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 334838 334844 334828 336092 334797 336100 M/H Monitoring April to June Archive Monitoring April to June RCMP Monitoring April to June Dog Pound False Alarm Senior Centre Monitoring April to June RCMP Battery Replacement 134.40 134.40 252.00 106.40 84.00 123.20 834.40 110519 5/10/2011 SCHELLENBERG, TERESA May 9/11 Soccer - April 13 to May 11 274.40 274.40 Page 109 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 110520 5/10/2011 Vendor Name COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 110521 5/10/2011 110522 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 119021 56988 57021 57029 57007 Tire Replaced Brake Assembly Passenger Seat Belt Seat Belt Assembly Door Jam Assembly SOFTCHOICE CORPORATION 2672554 Server Support 5/10/2011 MOLBY, SACHA May 9/11 Seniors Keep Well 110523 5/10/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 0000240834 0000240820 0000240806 0000240831 0000240825 0000240826 0000240827 0000240821 0000240822 0000240828 0000240829 0000240833 110524 5/10/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 110525 5/10/2011 110526 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 335.09 1,505.69 179.39 462.11 445.10 84.00 2,537.15 2,537.15 450.00 450.00 Supplies - Library Supplies - Library M/H Supplies M/H Washroom Cleaner RCMP Supplies W/Y Supplies Ops Supplies Pool Supplies Arena Supplies Library Supplies Firehall - Supplies Firehall - Supplies 857.98 88.26 309.62 39.51 482.42 777.49 679.26 607.92 1,160.33 43.34 763.77 673.93 6,483.83 0000240837 0000241252 0000240962 0000240836 0000240835 0000241145 0000241253 RCMP Supplies M/H Supplies Arena Supplies Foam Soap Soap Dispenser Library - Vacuum Bags Supplies - Arts Council Bldg 1,761.78 281.84 157.14 12.60 14.28 57.57 278.79 2,564.00 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5527 W/Y Coffee 243.40 243.40 5/10/2011 SQUAMISH SUSTAINABILITY CORPORATION May 3/11 2011 Operating Grant 96,717.00 96,717.00 110527 5/10/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 5033 5032 5034 M/H March Regular Service BPRC March Regular Service BPRC Service Bldg/Cemetary Bldg 84.00 67.76 99.68 251.44 110528 5/10/2011 SEA TO SKY FIRE PREVENTION 1248 Annual Inspection 126.00 126.00 110529 5/10/2011 SEA TO SKY CAR WASH 0133 March Vehicle Washing 17.92 17.92 110530 5/10/2011 SQUAMISH CAN (CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK) SCAN005 Expenses related to Re-Use-It Fair 1,426.08 1,426.08 Page 110 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 110531 5/10/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 847393 846542 839482 839575 838854 838793 839639 839729 846674 846212 847615 846773 Brake Pad Set Hoses Switches Exhaust Nozzles Supplies Nuts, Bolts Filters Battery Supplies Barrel Pumps, Wiper Blades Lights, Tiewraps Hydraulic Hoses 150.48 393.59 45.85 302.30 17.09 44.17 47.12 2.34 (67.86) 179.20 221.97 274.80 110532 5/10/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 841821 844630 839914 846628 846005 846072 845461 845904 846057 846707 846183 846400 Sledge Hammer Solenoid, Filter Switch Flashlight, Scraper, Hose Wheel Chocks for SEP Trailer Wheel Bearing Connectors Parts Air Filter Hydraulic Hoses Hydraulic Hoses Brass Fitting 17.57 92.39 31.79 48.05 14.40 16.08 7.04 119.94 8.72 36.68 146.72 3.68 543.06 110533 5/10/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 847235 847889 847617 847891 847424 848531 848924 848720 849269 850059 848970 850496 Hydraulic Hoses Tail Light Converter Lift Support Set of Wheel Chocks Universal Joint Channel Steel Supplies Body Fasteners Parts Hydraulic Hose, Switch Universal Joints Filters 19.41 22.81 50.40 14.96 18.69 22.60 48.89 6.18 48.68 56.90 37.39 100.86 447.77 110534 5/10/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE May 9/11 Gymnastics - May 11 to 19 448.00 448.00 110535 5/10/2011 TIM HORTONS 93750 Mar 2/11 Coffee for ICS Training 49.29 49.29 Page 111 of 299 1,611.05 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110536 5/10/2011 Vendor Name TOOM, MEG 1 Apr 15/11 Contract start up of Bear Aware 110537 5/10/2011 STUDIO SQ BY TIGERI LTD PARTNERSHIP April 28 2011 Complex Bldg 20% Fee Reduction 110538 5/10/2011 THOMPSON, JORDAN May 2/11 Occ First Aid Level I 110539 5/10/2011 TERRY E. DUNCAN 2315-05 Confined Space Session April 7/11 110540 5/10/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY April 29 2011 May 3/11 Hotel Room Tax - Feb 2011 Operating Grant 110541 5/10/2011 UNITED WAY May 4/11 Employee Donations - P/P 7, 8 & 9 110542 5/10/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 53541 Bottled Water 110543 5/10/2011 WESTKEY GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS LTD., May 5/11 110544 5/10/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. 110545 5/10/2011 110546 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,048.32 1,048.32 2,097.00 2,097.00 80.00 80.00 674.11 674.11 7,324.51 84,000.00 91,324.51 357.57 357.57 63.00 63.00 2011 Tax Notice Postage 4,720.00 4,720.00 IN-142847 IN-142665 IN-143679 Safety Equipment Safety Equipment Tear Away Vests 1,803.20 660.67 71.40 2,535.27 WESCLEAN EQUIPMENT & CLEANING SUPPLIES 5697638 Biodegradable Doggie Bags 1,834.29 1,834.29 5/10/2011 WURTH CANADA LTD 20442782 Electrical Bin Restock 258.76 258.76 110547 5/10/2011 WEBIR AUTOMATION & CONTROL SERVICES LTD. 26318 Supply & Install Humidity Transmitter 1,775.20 1,775.20 110548 5/19/2011 CASSIDY, REED May 3 Expense Reimbursement 126.36 126.36 110549 5/19/2011 CAROLA MOORE 93774 Mar 31 Clay Pots 93.00 93.00 110550 5/19/2011 MURGATROYD, GAVIN May 11/11 Per Diem - Chlorine Handling Course 325.00 325.00 110551 5/19/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 105 May 9 MFA Issue No. 105 B/L 2029, 2052 206,692.63 206,692.63 110552 5/19/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 61 May 9 MFA Issue No. 61 B/L 1225 6,375.00 6,375.00 110553 5/19/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 72 May 9 MFA Issue No. 72 B/L 1572 52,566.66 52,566.66 110554 5/25/2011 VIRGINT, SUZANNE L. 421505 Program Refund 144.00 144.00 110555 5/25/2011 MCCREEDY, CAROLYN May 9/11 Reimburse H&S Week Snacks 101.22 101.22 110556 5/25/2011 FULTON, R.W. May 9/11 Fire Investigation Course Fees 50.00 50.00 Page 112 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 110557 5/25/2011 ALLAN, JACKIE May 9/11 Propane Tank Refill for Zamboni 93.81 93.81 110558 5/25/2011 CHADWICK, JULIANA May 16/11 Expense Reimbursement 96.64 96.64 110559 5/25/2011 ALL KEYS & LOCKS 10233 Keys for Garbage Bin at M/H 21.00 21.00 110560 5/25/2011 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 00945164 8# Membership Renewal - J. Chancey 165.00 165.00 110561 5/25/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 10241 Laundry 37.49 37.49 110562 5/25/2011 AVENUE MACHINERY CORP AI50519 Seat Cover 132.16 132.16 110563 5/25/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E766619 Weekly Analysis - Apr 28 84.00 84.00 110564 5/25/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN354200 LVAN352148 LVAN352131 LVAN352133 LVAN350258 R/C Uniform Service - May 9 S/C Laundry - May 2 R/C Uniform Service - May 2 F/H Laundry - May 2 R/C Uniform Service - Apr 25 61.57 40.32 199.23 33.87 61.57 396.56 110565 5/25/2011 ASSOCIATED FIRE SAFETY MAINTENANCE 9341 F/F Gloves 358.16 358.16 110566 5/25/2011 ACTIVE NETWORK LTD. 2001395 Brochure Export 3,248.00 3,248.00 110567 5/25/2011 ANDREW, LISA 426967/423794 Program Refund 91.60 91.60 110568 5/25/2011 ALLCOCK, KATE 401296 Program Refund 100.00 100.00 110569 5/25/2011 ALFRED WAUGH ARCHITECT 11008-006F 11008-005D Osiem Pavillion Services Osiem Pavillion Disbursements 7,392.00 204.67 7,596.67 110570 5/25/2011 ARCHIBALD, CHRYSTAL 428431 Program Refund 220.73 220.73 110571 5/25/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 5205 8 May 4/11 9205 Apr 14/11 5268 Apr 14/11 5218 Apr 14/11 4753 Apr 1/11 4753 May 1/11 Telephone Charges - May 4 Billing S/C Telephone Charges to Apr 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Apr 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Apr 14 E-Comm Emergency Phone to Apr 1 E-Comm Emergency Phone to May 1 9,635.13 85.94 87.34 85.95 1,365.15 1,365.22 12,624.73 110572 5/25/2011 BC TRANSIT 311765 311865 Para Transit Service - March Conventional Transit Service - Mar 8,586.00 59,362.00 67,948.00 Page 113 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 110573 5/25/2011 Vendor Name BRABER EQUIPMENT LTD. 110574 5/25/2011 110575 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 673182 Blade Stock Order TELUS MOBILITY 020053013123 003898814086 012242076063 Cell Phone Charges to Apr 17 Mike Mobility Charges to Apr 17 V/S Credit 5/25/2011 BUNBURY & ASSOCIATES 4983 4978 Professional Services Professional Services 110576 5/25/2011 BRINKS CANADA LTD. 0637120785 Armoured Car Service - April 110577 5/25/2011 ACCESS POINT INFORMATION CANADA LTD. 9935750411 Land Title Searches - April 110578 5/25/2011 BETHEL LANDS CORP 102 Billing for Work Completed to April 110579 5/25/2011 BELL DISTRIBUTION 99783016 99747684 99761159 99747683 110580 5/25/2011 B.A. ROBINSON CO. LTD. 110581 5/25/2011 110582 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2,377.30 2,377.30 142.15 145.52 (25.67) 262.00 761.60 1,792.00 2,553.60 992.31 992.31 48.16 48.16 113,308.85 113,308.85 Blackberry 9780 Blackberry 9780 Blackberry 9780 Blackberry 9780, Car Charger 89.54 89.54 89.54 123.09 391.71 028401515 Cartridge Replacement 956.28 956.28 BLACK TUSK FIRE & SECURITY INC 6477 Change Ball Valve Alarm Test Line 256.48 256.48 5/25/2011 BAGLEY, LYNN 426751 Program Refund 107.00 107.00 110583 5/25/2011 BILN, BRANDON 361168 Program Refund 34.27 34.27 110584 5/25/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 10/11 Union Dues - P/P 10 4,205.90 4,205.90 110585 5/25/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94830528 Cardlock - March 7,306.98 7,306.98 110586 5/25/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001877 J001793 J001894 J001897 S/C Changed Breaker Annual Permit Review Stawamus Intake Hypo Retrofit Mashiter Intake Solenoid Valves 92.29 728.00 4,556.43 612.75 5,989.47 110587 5/25/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004H-93651 5004K-93653 5004F-94420 5004E-93648 5004I-93652 5004O-93655 5004P-93656 Library Garbage, Paper - May/Apr R/C Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - May/Apr Residential Service - April Queens Way Compost Serv - April Landfill Portable Toilet - May V/C F/H Garbage - May G/H F/H Garbage, Cdbd - May 139.22 775.73 58,113.84 511.84 145.60 58.33 141.83 86,927.64 Page 114 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 5004-93644 5004D-93647 5004N-93654 5004C-93646 5004G-93650 M/H Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - May/Apr C/F Concession Garbage - May Nexen Beach Portable Toilet - May MWWTP Biosolids - May/Apr Kinsmen C/G Gbge,Port Toilet May/Apr Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 469.21 352.78 145.60 24,630.66 1,443.00 110588 5/25/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004RCMP-93645 5004U-93659 5004T-93657 5004V-93660 5004TT-93658 RCMP Garbage, Cdbd - May Hendrickson Fields Port Toilet - May Upper S/B Portable Toilet - May A/W Field Portable Toilet - May S/B Lower Park Lot Port Toilet-May/Apr 240.31 497.28 145.60 145.60 263.20 1,291.99 110589 5/25/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 3709 Messaging Service - May/Excess Apr 1,040.76 1,040.76 110590 5/25/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 27523386 27533443 27549744 27505367 27504560 27643417 27442662 27575037 Supplies Supplies Commercial Cutter Chairmat, Mouse Pads Copy Paper Supplies Supplies Desk Stapler 192.65 233.34 82.21 194.85 461.22 444.72 98.55 41.88 1,749.42 110591 5/25/2011 CHAIRLINES 110551 Chair Cylinder Replacement 56.00 56.00 110592 5/25/2011 CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS 80030 Apr 19 90591 Apr 19 CGA Member Dues - J. Greenlees CGA Member Fees - M. Collier 958.16 958.16 1,916.32 110593 5/25/2011 BASF CANADA INC. 130939895 Zetag 12,908.46 12,908.46 110594 5/25/2011 CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 9904404415 RCMP - Creamers 46.25 46.25 110595 5/25/2011 CASCADE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE GROUP 11 4 5 11 3 22 11 3 23 Corridor Trail Watercourse - Apr Emergency W/M Repairs Meighan Creek Wilson Slough Emerg Access 61.88 1,548.68 352.80 1,963.36 110596 5/25/2011 CANADIAN PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT 110597 5/25/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 9441 W/W Laundry - Apr 13 26.32 26.32 110598 5/25/2011 COMFY'S LAUNDRY Apr 2011 Apr 2011 M/H Library Laundry - April M/H Laundry - Apr 21.28 21.28 42.56 110599 5/25/2011 CANCOR CUTTING & CORING LTD. 407397 Core Out Floor TBird Res Building 504.00 504.00 622.72 yes Page 115 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 110600 5/25/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016043858 016044282 Orange Spray Paint Paint Supplies 110601 5/25/2011 CASCADIA SAFETY SYSTEMS INC. 727 110602 5/25/2011 CANADIAN NATIONAL 110603 5/25/2011 110604 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 38.57 64.56 103.13 Overhead Equipment Site Visit 670.88 670.88 90471626 90475888 90480753 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Feb Amble Path Signal Mtce - March Amble Path Signal Mtce - April 651.30 651.30 651.30 1,953.90 CAMPBELL, MORGAN May 3/11 BC Housing HPO Course Cassidy/Campbell 78.00 78.00 5/25/2011 CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONING LTD. W74972 Service Call - Clocktower Cafe 347.76 347.76 110605 5/25/2011 CASEY, ELAINE 365133 Program Refund 22.00 22.00 110606 5/25/2011 DEL EQUIPMENT 503587 Snow Plow Headlight Kit 330.40 330.40 110607 5/25/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 106489 106307 106702 106701 Supplies for Resale Credit - Chlorine Container Returns Chemicals Pool Test Reagents 110608 5/25/2011 DHL EXPRESS (CANADA) lTD. KK8232 389 Freight 110609 5/25/2011 DAN MCRAE DOS42 Grant Procurement Services to Apr 29 110610 5/25/2011 DAY, KRISTINE May 12/11 110611 5/25/2011 DZAMAN, JULIA 110612 5/25/2011 110613 494.09 (1,559.60) 2,005.58 102.02 1,042.09 35.00 35.00 2,091.60 2,091.60 LIBOA Conference Per Diem 195.00 195.00 424207 Program Refund 406.05 406.05 DOUCETTE, DANIELLE 427824 Program Refund 74.54 74.54 5/25/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-94322 4501-94714 4501-94715 Wood Waste Removed - April Landfill Contract Free Weekend Landfill Tires Removed - May 5,367.12 9,350.26 1,110.28 15,827.66 110614 5/25/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 10 9 8 7 R/C Guard Patrols - April Lock/Unlock Nexen Beach - April Guard Patrols - M/H & Library - Apr A/C Guard Patrols, Alarms - April 366.24 878.98 915.60 376.62 2,537.44 110615 5/25/2011 EGLOBAL IT SOLUTIONS INC. 141673 Sanford Labelwriter 275.63 275.63 Page 116 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110616 5/25/2011 Vendor Name ECHO LAKE HOLDINGS LTD. May 18/11 Release Landscape Bonding DP 182 110617 5/25/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 April 2011 Voluntter Incidents/Training - April 1,918.62 1,918.62 110618 5/25/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 2 April 2011 Volunteer Incidents/Training - April 3,498.66 3,498.66 110619 5/25/2011 FIELDS STORES #044 93785 Mar 10 Games 13.44 13.44 110620 5/25/2011 FALCON EQUIPMENT LTD. 130010272 440001505 Yearly Crane Service Yearly Crane Inspection 891.68 397.60 1,289.28 110621 5/25/2011 FINCHAM, GREG 423875 Program Refund 138.00 138.00 110622 5/25/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 11507 11504 11441 Local Purchase Orders Business Cards Business Cards 879.20 156.80 151.20 1,187.20 110623 5/25/2011 GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. May 2011 May Premiums 77,787.00 77,787.00 110624 5/25/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. May 2011 777383 2009 Pontiac Wave Lease - May Vehicle Repairs 436.61 623.73 1,060.34 110625 5/25/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 1832554 1862997 Freight Freight 195.06 132.85 327.91 110626 5/25/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2477 Repair Handicap Enter Switch 75.60 75.60 110627 5/25/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5268 S/C Plumbing Repairs 112.55 112.55 110628 5/25/2011 GOODBYE GRAFFITI BURNABY 37782 Ever-Clean Program - April 228.48 228.48 110629 5/25/2011 GARDNER, CALEM May 11/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 110630 5/25/2011 HARRIS & COMPANY Apr 30/11 Professional Services to Apr 26 4,492.50 4,492.50 110631 5/25/2011 FMEP P/P 10/11 FMEP Case #92042 301.50 301.50 110632 5/25/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 139124 139222 139167 139187 139198 138551 139115 Recycle Box Kettle Door Stops Batteries, Dual Driver Supplies Glow Sticks Supplies 87.29 39.19 11.18 52.52 119.26 62.50 270.21 660.89 Page 117 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 8,750.00 8,750.00 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 139090 Drill Bits 110633 5/25/2011 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 1071542 71562 Parts Clamps, Fittings 110634 5/25/2011 HANGAR 14 FILMS May 11/11 110635 5/25/2011 ISTRC 110636 5/25/2011 110637 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 18.74 44.59 7.68 52.27 Refund Balance Filming Deposit 2,404.68 2,404.68 110149 Undisturbed Core Analysis 1,900.00 1,900.00 DR. JIM JAMIESON 350572 351302 347419 OFA Form OFA Form OFA Form 37.50 37.50 37.50 112.50 5/25/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 46053 46052 45968 46170 46206 46051 Sq River Gravel Removals - Mar EMBC Flood Prot Upgrades - Mar Paradise Trails Flood Prot Plan - Mar EMBC Flood Prot Upgrades - Apr W/S Dev Servicing Studies - Apr Sq River Riprap Upgrade 2009 - Mar 352.24 180.60 863.65 252.84 288.96 3,422.75 5,361.04 110638 5/25/2011 KAL TIRE 064068841 064068769 064069056 Replace Winter Tires - SEP 10 Tire Changeover to Summer Tires Flat Repair 111.94 89.54 30.24 231.72 110639 5/25/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01576896 CONIN01576895 CONIN01576892 CONIN01576893 CD/Eng C452 Copy Charges to Apr 13 W/Y C452 Copy Charges to Apr 13 M/H Pro 950 Copy Charges to Apr 13 R/C C452 Copy Charges to Apr 13 1,176.93 257.16 113.58 315.09 1,862.76 110640 5/25/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13234284 13241331 W/Y C452 Copier Late Charges S/C C280 Copier Rental to July 31 34.90 543.24 578.14 110641 5/25/2011 YOUNG, ANDERSON 59064 Professional Services 92.06 92.06 110642 5/25/2011 LONDON DRUGS 0800019673 Estimate for Laptop Repair 44.80 44.80 110643 5/25/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 437480 437442 437533 Exhaust Pipe Tran Filter Spark Plugs Spark Plug Wires 39.30 117.05 66.08 222.43 110644 5/25/2011 LUCKY LOONIES 94272 Apr 27 93379 Apr 18 94276 May 16 Flowers for Volunteer Preschool Supplies Flower Displays 27.32 33.32 8.95 69.59 Page 118 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110645 5/25/2011 Vendor Name LARSON, JENNIFER 425376 Program Refund Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 94.00 94.00 110646 5/25/2011 LONSDALE QUAY HOTEL May 12/11 LIBOA Conf Accomm #719723 & #719726 918.90 918.90 110647 5/25/2011 LUSSIER, PATRICIA 427149 Program Refund 112.40 112.40 110648 5/25/2011 LEONG'S NURSERY 29462 Plants 8,007.10 8,007.10 110649 5/25/2011 LANGLEY CONCRETE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 286461 287136 Drywells, Lifting Device Credit - Re: #286461 2,638.72 (1,012.48) 1,626.24 110650 5/25/2011 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 0386587 Car Washing Solution 110651 5/25/2011 LIDSTONE & COMPANY April 2011 110652 5/25/2011 LANGDON, ADAM 110653 5/25/2011 110654 191.27 191.27 Professional Services - April 2,563.68 2,563.68 BP 46/11 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 46/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 LLANDER, NANETT 423289 427417 Program Refund Program Refund 129.00 52.64 181.64 5/25/2011 MORRIS, AMANDA May 24/11 May 24 Gymnastics - April 26 to May 5 Gymnastics - Apr 28 & May 5 640.00 48.00 688.00 110655 5/25/2011 MCKENZIE, BILL May 10/11 Reimburse Medical Exam Fee 28.00 28.00 110656 5/25/2011 MILLER CAPILANO MAINTENANCE CORP S12-1013-01 Traffic Control - Hwy 99 W/M Break 2,501.78 2,501.78 110657 5/25/2011 MOUNTAIN CRESTS 2006 LTD 3131 Embroider Logo on F/R Shirts 23.52 23.52 110658 5/25/2011 MARINE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE W14117 Roof Repairs 2,661.12 2,661.12 110659 5/25/2011 MICKELSON CONSULTING INC. 2011-12-005 Communication Strategic Dev - Apr 6,720.00 6,720.00 110660 5/25/2011 MITCHELL, CLARK 423758 Swim Visits Refund 24.29 24.29 110661 5/25/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE May 19/11 Document Copies 50.00 50.00 110662 5/25/2011 MILLER, MARTIN & MUNCHIN, HAYLEY May 19/11 Refund Eng Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 110663 5/25/2011 MCLAIN, A. or STEMBRIDGE, P. 110664 5/25/2011 MARTINS, ROGGRIO & MARIA BP 20/11 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 20/11 110665 5/25/2011 NEW AGE TRADING INC. 91474 May 17 Padlocks 1,000.00 yes Page 119 of 299 1,000.00 1,000.00 30.80 30.80 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 110666 5/25/2011 NORTH SHORE LIBOA CONFERENCE May 12/11 LIBOA Conference Fees - Day, Smith 798.00 798.00 110667 5/25/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 94389 May 3 Tick Removal Pliers 134.40 134.40 110668 5/25/2011 OPEN ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS 011-0011 Technical Services to May 20 672.00 672.00 110669 5/25/2011 ON THE ROCKS CURLING STORE LTD. 018831 Lawn Bowling Supplies 104.00 104.00 110670 5/25/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 5512 5511 Stawamus Disinfect System Upgrade-Mar Control Valve Automation - Mar 1,655.92 3,662.40 5,318.32 110671 5/25/2011 ON SIDE RESTORATION BP 127/09 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 127/09 1,000.00 1,000.00 110672 5/25/2011 PELL BUSINESS EQUIPMENT LTD. 04421 Half Labels 154.34 154.34 110673 5/25/2011 PETTY CASH (FIRE DEPT.) May 10/11 Petty Cash to May 10 80.61 80.61 110674 5/25/2011 PETTY CASH (REC/AQUATIC CENTRE) May 18/11 Petty Cash to May 18 84.90 84.90 110675 5/25/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 11142542 CO2 Tank Rental to May 14 116.24 116.24 110676 5/25/2011 PIPELINE MECHANICAL 4264 WWTP Test Backflow Preventer 99.68 99.68 110677 5/25/2011 PACIFIC DOOR CLOSER SERVICE LTD. IN57027 Supply/Install Auto Swing Door S/C 3,052.00 3,052.00 110678 5/25/2011 PUBLIC SECTOR DIGEST INC. 3437 Annual Membership Renewal 554.40 554.40 110679 5/25/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 10/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 10 107,560.16 107,560.16 110680 5/25/2011 ROGERS MEDIA INC 77115-3 44000-2 Radio Ads Radio Ads 520.80 1,957.76 2,478.56 110681 5/25/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. 50823 RI 50922 RI 10 Mbps Internet Access - Apr 2 FX Lines - June 782.88 973.72 1,756.60 110682 5/25/2011 RICHMOND ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 253244 Quarterly Mtce - Apr to June 190.67 190.67 110683 5/25/2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX IN57676 IN57381 Pike Poles Visors for Helmuts 226.69 711.31 938.00 110684 5/25/2011 REIS, NIKI 386619 Program Refund 51.00 51.00 110685 5/25/2011 RUTH, SARAH 358087 Program Refund 47.20 47.20 Page 120 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 110686 5/25/2011 ROZMANN, ROSALIA & GEORGE BP 47/11 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 47/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 110687 5/25/2011 BRAIDWOOD & COMPANY 6844 Professional Services - DVP 308 236.01 236.01 110688 5/25/2011 SQUAMISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 110689 5/25/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 10/11 Union Dues - P/P 10 255.40 255.40 110690 5/25/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 325550918 390109118 Freight Freight 464.14 28.16 492.30 110691 5/25/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS 1927548 Apr 6 S/C Gas Use - April 6 Billing 314.35 314.35 110692 5/25/2011 SUPERIOR PROPANE INC. 59488938 59561196 59733519 Bulk Propane - Greenhouse Credit - Concession Bulk Propane - Firehall 563.89 (105.29) 1,297.94 1,756.54 110693 5/25/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00017684 April 8th Edition 1,516.74 1,516.74 110694 5/25/2011 SEA TO SKY WASTE MANAGEMENT LTD. May 2011 Landfill Attendant Services - May 6,466.25 6,466.25 110695 5/25/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 94481 Mar 29 93758 Mar 29 93378 Apr 18 94562 May 13 94342 May 16 94273 Apr 28 Supplies - Task 101662 Supplies - Task 101689 Program Supplies Supplies Supplies - P/W Week Fruit Basket 104.13 79.79 55.97 83.37 30.05 16.78 370.09 110696 5/25/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY 427350 Program Refund - C. Laroque 54.00 54.00 110697 5/25/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY Apr 2011 Youth Services Contract - April 21,026.67 21,026.67 110698 5/25/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY May 2011 Youth Services Contract - May 21,026.67 21,026.67 110699 5/25/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 336968 336882 Ops - Check False Alarms CP Station Monitoring to July 31 168.00 100.80 268.80 110700 5/25/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 119084 Repair Damaged Engine Wiring 958.71 958.71 110701 5/25/2011 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 52156 50886 51318 Freight Freight Freight 123.42 238.07 135.55 497.04 222.88 yes Page 121 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 110702 5/25/2011 Vendor Name MOLBY, SACHA 110703 5/25/2011 110704 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 43.00 43.00 347069 Program Refund SHAW CABLE 0115 Apr 16/11 8708 Apr 12/11 W/Y Internet Services to May 7 S/C Internet Service to May 3 31.60 141.06 172.66 5/25/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 241339 241340 241335 241336 241337 241338 240823 241341 241251 241504 241505 241506 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 93.95 187.89 10.24 140.92 140.92 234.86 157.27 140.92 187.89 10.25 93.95 123.65 1,522.71 110705 5/25/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 241632 241719 241735 Supplies Supplies Supplies 409.68 469.73 235.17 1,114.58 110706 5/25/2011 SIMS, GARY May 24/11 MS Exchange Course Travel Expense 488.40 488.40 110707 5/25/2011 SQUAMISH BREAKFAST CLUB May 9/11 2011 Membership Fees 150.00 150.00 110708 5/25/2011 SQUAMISH ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY Apr 11/11 Community Enhancement Grant 1,500.00 1,500.00 110709 5/25/2011 SNAP-ON-TOOLS 0127112931 Impact Gun Batteries 408.91 408.91 110710 5/25/2011 SMITH, LOLETTA May 12/11 2011 LIBOA Conference Per Diem 195.00 195.00 110711 5/25/2011 SCADA CONTROLS CENTRAL LTD. 575 Control Microsystems Upgrade 2,793.56 2,793.56 110712 5/25/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5526 5542 5588 5635 5587 M/H Coffee - Apr 21 M/H Coffee - Apr 28 RCMP Coffee W/Y Coffee M/H Coffee - May 5 49.00 49.00 125.00 229.20 49.00 501.20 110713 5/25/2011 SUPREME OFFICE PRODUCTS LIMITED 1570569 Supplies 468.47 468.47 110714 5/25/2011 SILVERBACK TREEWORKS LTD. 726 Tree Hazard Assessment Report 268.80 268.80 Page 122 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110715 5/25/2011 Vendor Name SWIFT, ALEXANDRA 402435 Program Price Refund 110716 5/25/2011 SPRENKELS, SHELLEY 364232 Program Refund 110717 5/25/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 851671 844524 851143 851093 849288 851560 852036 851016 849893 841661 850121 844124 Silicone Batteries Filter Fittings Redi Rod Credit - Filter Kit Credit - Bucket Pump Exhaust Pipe Monthly Demurrage - Apr Hinges Oil, Oil Filters Battery 110718 5/25/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 852462 851151 851842 Double Sided Tape Filter Bucket Pump 110719 5/25/2011 TERRALINK HORTICULTURE INC. 506622 507311 110720 5/25/2011 exp SERVICES INC. 110721 5/25/2011 110722 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 13.44 13.44 46.00 55.98 571.33 46.64 7.03 10.93 (46.64) (55.36) 204.04 169.00 63.03 912.44 48.47 46.00 1,986.89 44.12 50.56 55.36 150.04 Fertilizer Field Marker Lime 6,573.27 359.52 6,932.79 29951 OSiem Pavillion to Mar 31 1,061.49 1,061.49 TOOM, MEG 2 May 8/11 Bear Aware Contract to Apr 30 898.56 898.56 5/25/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 78876404 Cleveland Ave Lease Rent - June 1,232.00 1,232.00 110723 5/25/2011 TIGERDIRECT.CA INC. D09814010101 Flash Drive 76.23 76.23 110724 5/25/2011 TARGETZONE FITNESS 110725 5/25/2011 UNION OF B.C. MUNICIPALITIES D-3329 2011 UBCM Annual Dues 110726 5/25/2011 UNITED WAY May 17/11 110727 5/25/2011 VOGEL, TONY 110728 5/25/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 80.00 yes 9,502.58 9,502.58 Employee Donations - P/P 10 119.19 119.19 May 24/11 Golf Lessons - Apr 26 to May 11 771.54 771.54 53491 53496 53585 Supplies Bottled Water Hydro Test 78.36 84.00 352.18 514.54 Page 123 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110729 5/25/2011 Vendor Name WESTKEY GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS LTD., 150328 2011 Utility Packages 110730 5/25/2011 WESTBURNE ELECTRIC SUPPLY B.C. 1295989 Zap Straps 110731 5/25/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-144473 IN-142668 110732 5/25/2011 MARKS #829 110733 5/25/2011 110734 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,224.19 1,224.19 66.98 66.98 Safety Supplies Nitrile Gloves 265.75 307.55 573.30 94563 May 17 Scrub Tops, Pants 135.02 135.02 WHISTLER EXCAVATIONS LTD. BP 56/11 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 56/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 5/25/2011 WOLFE, KATHY 425552 Program Refund 169.00 169.00 110735 5/25/2011 WEISS, PAT May 9/11 Floor Edging, Gas for Power Washer 30.96 30.96 110736 5/25/2011 WOODS, ANGELA 367299 Program Refund 28.80 28.80 110737 5/25/2011 ZONE WEST ENTERPRISES LTD. 30861 Uniform Shirts 710.08 710.08 110738 5/26/2011 DRYGAS, HEIDI May 24/11 Hydrotherapy Classes - Jan to Apr 325.00 325.00 110739 5/26/2011 HEINTZMAN, PATRICIA May 25/11 FCM 2011 Halifax Per Diem 260.00 260.00 110740 5/30/2011 BELL MOBILITY May 17/11 Blackberry Service to May 17 4,788.23 4,788.23 110741 5/30/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 7933 Govt Rd S/S Proj Deficiency H/B Rel 10,000.00 10,000.00 110742 5/30/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS May 24/11 Gas Use - May 24 Billing 12,202.89 12,202.89 110743 6/1/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 102 June 1 MFA Issue 102 - B/L 1944 & 1945 86,178.64 86,178.64 110744 6/1/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 77 June 1 MFA Issue No. 77 - B/L 1613 296,658.68 296,658.68 110745 6/7/2011 ADAMS, DIANE June 6/11 Workplace Emergency First Aid 105.00 105.00 110746 6/7/2011 ALL KEYS & LOCKS 3643C Keys 97.04 97.04 110747 6/7/2011 A.C. INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENT SERV. LTD. 28518 Remove Chlorine Gas System 556.64 556.64 110748 6/7/2011 ACKLANDS - GRAINGER INC. 4373 0572763 4373 0571745 4373 0571744 Repair/Recertify Retrieval System Lights Lights, Timers 712.05 843.62 342.10 1,897.77 110749 6/7/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E764744 Weekly Analysis - Apr 20 84.00 234.64 Page 124 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description E770246 Weekly Analysis - May 6 110750 6/7/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN352130 LVAN356165 LVAN360187 LVAN356182 LVAN358185 LVAN356166 CP Laundry - May 2 CP Laundry - May 16 W/Y Laundry - May 30 S/C Laundry - May 16 R/C Uniform Service - May 23 R/C Uniform Service - May 16 110751 6/7/2011 ARCHIBALD CLARKE & DEFIEUX (SQUAMISH) 243823 Sports-Can Insurance - April 110752 6/7/2011 CHARTIS INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA June 2011 110753 6/7/2011 AWESOME POSSUM WILDLIFE CONTROL 110754 6/7/2011 110755 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 150.64 79.23 123.26 40.04 41.13 61.57 199.23 544.46 70.00 70.00 June AD&D Premiums 471.00 471.00 02346 Mouse Proofing 179.20 179.20 ALLSTAR MECHANICAL LTD. 11-2227-95 11-2207-105 11-2117-85 1st Quarter Inspection to May Parts Induction Fan Motor/Repairs 1,944.60 595.12 1,625.68 4,165.40 6/7/2011 ALLEN, SHEILA & ROD BP 140/09 Jun 6 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 110756 6/7/2011 BCR PROPERTIES LTD INV010974 Adjustment re Invoice 010792 29.17 29.17 110757 6/7/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 055720071096 SEP Pager Service to Apr 30 69.36 69.36 110758 6/7/2011 BLACKCOMB HELICOPTERS LP 110759 6/7/2011 BC ONE CALL LIMITED 201103036 Services - Jan to Mar 2011 250.49 250.49 110760 6/7/2011 BLACK TUSK FIRE & SECURITY INC 6570 Annual Fire Inspection - RCMP 616.00 616.00 110761 6/7/2011 BABUIN, MARJORIE 349441 Adjustment Refund 14.50 14.50 110762 6/7/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 11/11 Union Dues - P/P 11 4,406.31 4,406.31 110763 6/7/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94837339 94842217 94846085 94851866 Cardlock - April 13 Cardlock - April 20 Cardlock - April 27 Cardlock - April 30 2,309.61 1,714.67 911.31 1,159.13 6,094.72 110764 6/7/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 7937 Catch Basin - Govt Rd/Garibaldi Way 1,072.96 1,072.96 110765 6/7/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001935 J001893 Change setting Mosquito system Installation of Capacitor 123.20 1,131.20 4,125.16 3,544.24 yes Page 125 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description J001898 J001900 J001936 J001901 J001932 J001899 J001943 SCADA Review, Training SCADA Review, Training SCADA Services SCADA - Plateau Reservoir Alice Lake Reservoir Control Room SCADA Services F/H Light Repairs Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 218.40 655.20 509.60 582.40 72.80 436.80 395.56 110766 6/7/2011 CAREER TRACK PUBLICATIONS May 25/11 Supervisor Course - Lamont/Virgint 333.76 333.76 110767 6/7/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004Q - 94364 5004X-94365 W/Y Garbage, Cdbd, Bearbin May S/C Recycling - May 400.19 42.56 442.75 110768 6/7/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 3722 3764 2011 HSMRS Messaging Service - May SEP Messaging Serv May/Excess Apr 168.00 257.60 425.60 110769 6/7/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 27628705 27643619 15870 27700384 27706048 Supplies Supplies SEP Bookshelf Supplies Supplies 156.92 247.99 430.10 72.42 17.85 925.28 110770 6/7/2011 BASF CANADA INC. 130974988 130989107 Zetag Zetag 6,508.36 5,423.58 11,931.94 110771 6/7/2011 CLEARTECH INDUSTRIES INC. 93358 MAW 92180 SJC 456082 SJC Container Return Credit Container Return Sodium Hypochlorite (414.96) (792.40) 1,316.22 110772 6/7/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 10368 P/W Laundry- April 29 110773 6/7/2011 COASTAL MOUNTAIN EXCAVATIONS Prog #1 Skyline Retaining Wall - Prog #1 110774 6/7/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016043861 016044250 016043863 110775 6/7/2011 CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONING LTD. 110776 6/7/2011 110777 6/7/2011 108.86 40.26 40.26 55,331.19 55,331.19 Latex Field marking paint Paint Brushes Siphon Assembly for Paint Machine 1,218.67 18.79 156.74 1,394.20 W75563 W75311 Service Call - Clocktower Cafe Freezer Repairs 502.88 1,415.68 1,918.56 CHENIER, JACYNTHE 375276 Program Adjustment Refund 15.00 15.00 CONVOY TECHNOLOGIES 1610 Back Up Camera 808.50 808.50 Page 126 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110778 6/7/2011 Vendor Name DICKSON, LISA May 31/11 Rippen Bettys/Riders-Apr 26 - May 18 110779 6/7/2011 DENBAR CONSTRUCTION 1046 SAC Bldg Washroom Services 110780 6/7/2011 DHL EXPRESS (CANADA) lTD. H25440 753 KK8232 390 Freight Freight 110781 6/7/2011 DAN MCRAE DOS43 Grant Procurement Services to May 31 110782 6/7/2011 DRIVER, COURTNEY June 3/11 Hoop Dancing - Mar 29 to Apr 19 110783 6/7/2011 DYDYNSKY, L. BP 61/11 Jun 2 Refund Damage Deposit 110784 6/7/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-94805 4501-94798 4501-94797 Wood Waste Removed from L/F - Apr Landfill Tires/Gypsum - April Landfill Contract - April 110785 6/7/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 1 23 22 21 20 28 Adv Ctre Guard Patrols Apr 11-30 Dog Pound Guard Patrols - May M/H & Library Guard Patrols - May Lock/Unlock Nexen Beach & Patrol-May R/C Guard Patrols - May Adv Ctre Guard Patrols - May 110786 6/7/2011 EDDIES HANG-UP DISPLAY LTD 721183 Ballot box/ bags 110787 6/7/2011 EXPERIENCE PUBLISHING INC. 14645 110788 6/7/2011 FIRST TRUCK CENTRE 110789 6/7/2011 110790 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,059.38 1,059.38 170.65 170.65 90.47 28.42 118.89 781.20 781.20 56.25 56.25 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,127.97 4,498.93 29,574.54 36,201.44 488.32 324.73 1,318.46 1,362.41 512.74 781.31 4,787.97 59.18 59.18 Banner Ad in Magazine 330.40 330.40 R003022807:01 Repairs- Engine 701.55 701.55 FALCON EQUIPMENT LTD. 440001510 Yearly Crane Inspection 375.20 375.20 6/7/2011 FrontierPC.com 210324001 Wireless Bridge for Remote Access 157.28 157.28 110791 6/7/2011 FAIRHURST, WILLIAM & FLORENCE June 3/11 Refund Property Tax Overpayment 275.00 275.00 110792 6/7/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 11585 11583 11584 11548 11547 White Print Photo copies Whiteprints Whiteprints Business Cards Business Cards 11.03 7.06 4.59 89.60 50.40 162.68 110793 6/7/2011 GARIBALDI EXCEL TIRE SERVICES LTD. 91537 Tires 622.50 622.50 Page 127 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 110794 6/7/2011 Vendor Name GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. 110795 6/7/2011 110796 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description June 2011 June Premiums GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 1771084 1713141 Freight Freight 6/7/2011 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 297 Satellite Service to Apr 21 110797 6/7/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5288 5276 110798 6/7/2011 GOLDER ASSOCIATES LTD. 110799 6/7/2011 110800 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 82,081.04 82,081.04 115.54 135.87 251.41 46.93 46.93 RCMP Building Repairs M/H Plumbing Services 1,457.87 443.97 1,901.84 402433 Slope Stability to May 1 3,148.45 3,148.45 G-VAN CATERING AND CONSULTING INC. Apr 11-15/11 Apr 18-22/11 S/C Catering Service S/C Catering Service 1,383.97 1,105.35 2,489.32 6/7/2011 GLENTEL INC. Apr 7/11 May 7/11 MSAT Phones to April 7 MSAT Phones to May 7 266.48 144.84 411.32 110801 6/7/2011 GOODBYE GRAFFITI VANCOUVER 37996 Ever-Clean Program - May 228.48 228.48 110802 6/7/2011 GARIBALDI SHOPPING CENTRE LTD. 110803 6/7/2011 HOWE SOUND SECONDARY SCHOOL June 6/11 2011 Bursaries 110804 6/7/2011 HI-LITE TRUCK ACCESS LTD 39506 110805 6/7/2011 FMEP 110806 6/7/2011 110807 50,820.00 yes 2,000.00 2,000.00 Lights 500.51 500.51 P/P 11/11 FMEP #92042 - P/P 11 301.50 301.50 HURFORD, RENEE June 2/11 WSIT Recert, NL Update, First Aid 280.00 280.00 6/7/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 139368 134095 139116 139236 139271 139237 Batteries Tool Kit Bleacher Paint Cleaning Supplies Drill Bits Socket Adapter Kit 5.57 352.70 398.61 9.72 11.18 7.83 785.61 110808 6/7/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 21918 21994 22079 Ewuipment Throttle Cable Tools 658.66 63.45 184.09 906.20 110809 6/7/2011 HAINSWORTH, MELINDA May 30/11 Volleyball - Jan 10 to Apr 18 283.50 283.50 110810 6/7/2011 HALCROW CONSULTING INC CTLDNT-03 Upper Mamq Blind Channel Mar to Apr 11,719.68 11,719.68 Page 128 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 110811 6/7/2011 HINKSON, ALEX May 31-2011 Rippen Riders Apr 26-May 17 120.00 120.00 110812 6/7/2011 HIGHLAND GREEN CLEANING 153 Cleaning SAC Public W/R May 14-31 604.80 604.80 110813 6/7/2011 IDEAL DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 209349 Power/Fuse Assembly for Ozone System 78.06 78.06 110814 6/7/2011 INDUSTRY CANADA 1001129 May 5 1001188 RI Radio Renewal P/W Reinstatement Fee Radio Licence Reinstatement Fees 162.00 134.00 296.00 110815 6/7/2011 JUSTICE INSTITUTE OF B.C. 206442 20026783 206445 20027196 Fire Service Administration F/F Program Exams F/F Frontline Leadership First Responder Course 988.00 345.00 622.00 713.44 2,668.44 110816 6/7/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 46192 46128 Sq River Riprad Upgrade 2009 Apr Leachate Sewer Design Apr 1,712.64 14,908.95 16,621.59 110817 6/7/2011 KAL TIRE 04069487 064069573 Tire Changeover Tire Changeover 89.54 89.54 179.08 110818 6/7/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01576897 CONIN01582094 P/D C452 Copy Chges to April 13 S/C Copy Charges to Apr 26 213.48 168.03 381.51 110819 6/7/2011 KERKHOFF CONSTRUCTION LTD. BP 128/129/132 Refund Damage Deposit 3,000.00 3,000.00 110820 6/7/2011 KILBY, MAIA May 31 Rippen Bettys Apr 27-May 18 120.00 120.00 110821 6/7/2011 LONDON DRUGS 8406376 8406358 8406361 0800013600 Cr 0800019436 0800020064 Carafe, Vacuum Carafe Preschool Supplies Key Fob Battery Credit Re Inv 0800013600 Employee Computer Purchase Toshiba DVD Recorder 110822 6/7/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 425521 Batteries 110823 6/7/2011 LEAR, JEANETTE May 31/11 Refund Spay A/C 11239 110824 6/7/2011 LGMA c/o CivicInfo BC June 1/11 2011 Clerks/Corp Off Reg-C.Pawluk 110825 6/7/2011 LAVERDIERE, MONICA June 2/11 June 6/11 Gymnastics - June 2 Gymnastics - May 12 & 19 Page 129 of 299 44.78 28.37 10.07 (20.98) 2,056.30 183.11 2,301.65 487.85 487.85 25.00 25.00 616.00 616.00 24.00 48.00 72.00 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110826 6/7/2011 Vendor Name LUBICZ-SZYDLOWSKI, D. & JUFFERMANS, J. BP 19/10 May 31 Refund Damage Deposit 110827 6/7/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE 92578727 Uniform Trousers 125.01 125.01 110828 6/7/2011 MORFCO SUPPLIES LTD. 607525 Gutter Brooms 428.40 428.40 110829 6/7/2011 MCINTOSH, LISA June 6/11 Babysitter Training - Apr 28 - Jun 9 250.00 250.00 110830 6/7/2011 MORRIS, AMANDA June 6/11 June 3/11 Gymnastics - May 10 - 19 Gymnastics-May 31-Jun 2/Spring Split 640.00 1,820.00 2,460.00 110831 6/7/2011 MODU-LOC FENCE RENTALS LTD. I0075673 Fence Panel Rental - May 20.56 20.56 110832 6/7/2011 MULLER, KIM May 27/11 Expense Reimbursement 88.11 88.11 110833 6/7/2011 MSA CANADA 96131615 ICM Repair 447.45 447.45 110834 6/7/2011 MURGATROYD, GAVIN May 24/11 Parking Expense - Chlorine Course 31.36 31.36 110835 6/7/2011 MCLAIN, A. or STEMBRIDGE, P. BP 49/11 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 49/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 110836 6/7/2011 MYERS, HATTIE BP 86/10 Jun 2 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 110837 6/7/2011 MATARESE, CLAUDIO June 3/11 Refund Spay A/C 10209 25.00 25.00 110838 6/7/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 94564 May 27 Dog Food 63.65 63.65 110839 6/7/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 5513 Slope Stability Skyline - March 9,179.46 9,179.46 110840 6/7/2011 PUROLATOR INC. 411599575 Freight 29.04 29.04 110841 6/7/2011 PETTY CASH (FIRE DEPT.) May 26/11 Petty Cash to May 26 77.17 77.17 110842 6/7/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 11195178 Carbon Dioxide 462.07 462.07 110843 6/7/2011 PAYLESS AUTO TOWING LTD. 334315 Towing Charge 97.10 97.10 110844 6/7/2011 PREMIER PACIFIC SEEDS LTD. 12930 13106 Turf Annual Ryegrass Overseed Mix 1,452.59 1,881.60 3,334.19 110845 6/7/2011 PIPELINE MECHANICAL 4289 4329 4330 Quarterly Maintenance WWTP New Motors on Exhaust Fans - WWTP Maintenance - W/Y Shop & Office 476.00 1,879.36 509.60 2,864.96 Page 130 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,000.00 1,000.00 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110846 6/7/2011 Vendor Name PURE FLOWER SHOP & FRAME HOUSE 708152 National Day of Mourning Wreath 110847 6/7/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 11/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 11 110848 6/7/2011 ROGERS MEDIA INC 82015-3 110849 6/7/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. 110850 6/7/2011 110851 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 40.00 40.00 108,998.54 108,998.54 S/C Radio Ads 231.84 231.84 51055 RI 10 Mbps Internet Access - May 782.88 782.88 ROBSON, ETHEL May 26/11 Refund Spay A/C 11280 25.00 25.00 6/7/2011 RAVENS PLATEAU DEV. CORP. June 1/11 Reduction of Cash Bond S/D 226 30,000.00 30,000.00 110852 6/7/2011 RAISER, BRYAN June 2/11 Travel Expense - LMLGA 70.72 70.72 110853 6/7/2011 REVENUE SERVICES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA June 2011 June Premiums 12,539.50 12,539.50 110854 6/7/2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX IN57746 IN58215 MSA Housing O-Rings, Burst Disc Kits 159.15 346.86 506.01 110855 6/7/2011 RABOLD, CONNIE 428527 Program Refund 112.00 112.00 110856 6/7/2011 RUSSELL FOOD EQUIPMENT LTD. V25217 S/C Convection Oven Service 358.40 358.40 110857 6/7/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1318981 1307901 Medium Clear Poly Plywood Sheets 51.40 93.71 145.11 110858 6/7/2011 ROBINSON, GORDON 93391 18 Vacuum Cleaner for SEP 139.94 139.94 110859 6/7/2011 RICE, CHRIS May 30/11 Refund Transit Adult June Pass 39.00 39.00 110860 6/7/2011 BRAIDWOOD & COMPANY 6843 Professional Services - DVP 67 208.01 208.01 110861 6/7/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 11/11 Union Dues - P/P 11 254.18 254.18 110862 6/7/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 390162480 327786914 327701839 Freight Freight Freight 122.06 500.37 28.04 650.47 110863 6/7/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS 1927548 May 5 S/C Gas Use to May 4 234.62 234.62 110864 6/7/2011 SUPERIOR PROPANE INC. 59783386 5954537 F/H Bulk Propane Greenhouse Bulk Propane 993.66 441.34 1,435.00 110865 6/7/2011 SMITH-CAMERON PUMP SOLUTIONS 113348 Chlorine Residual Analyzer 4,440.80 22,640.80 Page 131 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 113382 Dosing Pumps Stawamus Intake 110866 6/7/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00017772 SQDI00017727 SQDI00018053 SQDI00018004 April 22nd Edition April 15th Edition May 6th Edition April 29th Edition 110867 6/7/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 93787 May 25 91475 May 25 94566 May 27 94581 May 26 94567 May 31 Preschool Supplies Little Swimmers Supplies Fruit Basket Supplies 110868 6/7/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 336886 336885 Library Monitoring to July 31 BP LC Out Bldg Monitoring to July 31 110869 6/7/2011 SPEEDY AUTO & WINDOW GLASS 8331-212301 Door Window 110870 6/7/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 57336 110871 6/7/2011 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 110872 6/7/2011 110873 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 18,200.00 1,029.07 1,669.88 978.65 1,029.06 4,706.66 32.78 40.70 132.30 16.78 31.99 254.55 84.00 84.00 168.00 207.27 207.27 Rear Axel Oil Additive 11.72 11.72 51748 Freight 69.81 69.81 MOLBY, SACHA May 26/11 Seniors Keep Well Program 450.00 450.00 6/7/2011 SPERLING HANSEN ASSOCIATES INC. 11106 Landfill Upgrades - 2011 26,382.66 26,382.66 110874 6/7/2011 SHAW CABLE 8708 May 12/11 5490 Apr 16/11 5474 Apr 16/11 5474 May 16/11 5490 May 16/11 S/C Internet, Digital TV to June 3 F/H Internet Service to May 7 M/H Internet Service to May 7 M/H Internet Service to June 7 F/H Internet/PPV to June 7 141.06 107.46 100.69 100.69 163.45 613.35 110875 6/7/2011 SQUAMISH SENIOR CITIZENS' HOME SOCIETY BP 194/05 May31 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 110876 6/7/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 242279 242174 242197 241624 241625 242103 242445 242444 242441 242442 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 0.84 356.89 204.03 0.17 0.17 420.18 110.71 59.02 33.07 21.80 1,365.64 Page 132 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 242443 Supplies 110877 6/7/2011 SCADA CONTROLS CENTRAL LTD. 576 579 578 577 MO2 Series Temperature Sensors Engineering Services - Mar Engineering Services Jan - Mar 3rd Ave Flood Gate HMI Programming 110878 6/7/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5593 5629 5677 110879 6/7/2011 SIGNAL SYSTEMS 110880 6/7/2011 110881 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 158.76 702.24 1,235.09 1,310.40 1,159.20 4,406.93 F/H Coffee Supplies Coffee Supplies, Water Filter W/Y Coffee 176.00 211.79 91.00 478.79 IN-20774-01 IN-20773-01 IN-20788-01 IN-20744-01 IN-20720-01 IN-20786-01 Pager Repairs Pager Repairs Pager Repairs Radio Parts Pager Repairs Pager Repairs 94.64 42.00 84.00 178.39 94.64 109.52 603.19 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 5083 5084 5138 R/C Regular Service - April M/H Regular Service - April M/H Regular Service - May 67.76 84.00 84.00 235.76 6/7/2011 SQUAMISH TRUCK AND TRAILER LTD 9333 Air Purge Valve 73.90 73.90 110882 6/7/2011 SPENCER FOR HIRE CONTRACTING LTD. 020211 Roof Replacement Pumphouse Building 2,460.14 2,460.14 110883 6/7/2011 STONEHOUSE STRATEGY, MARKETING 111 Sq Network Directional Strategy 2,580.80 2,580.80 110884 6/7/2011 SMITH, WALTER BP 144/05 May31 Refund Damage Deposit 750.00 750.00 110885 6/7/2011 SORENSON, ERIC & KATHRYN 110886 6/7/2011 SENECHAL, JOHN May 31/11 Refund Spay A/C 11271 110887 6/7/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 853811 852225 854945 846651 850635 852866 852867 853654 853577 853579 Tidy Tank Spring Hooks Credit - Toggle Switch Hydraulic Hose Hose for Flush Unit Spark Plugs, Transmission Filter Eyebolt Tie Wrap Trailer Supplies Credit - Spark Plugs 1,000.00 yes Page 133 of 299 25.00 957.60 24.19 (8.95) 559.07 255.01 60.50 4.10 63.27 69.33 (33.13) 25.00 1,949.01 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 845101 843422 Credit - Parts Helium 110888 6/7/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 854295 852883 854808 854807 853617 853219 Flat Bar Hex Coupling Nuts Stock Switches Parts Alternator Belts 110889 6/7/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE June 6/11 June 6 Gymnastics - June 1 & 2 Gymnastics Apr 27, 28 & May 4, 5 110890 6/7/2011 TURNER, WANDA 311618 Program Refund 110891 6/7/2011 TEMPLE CONSULTING GROUP LTD. 15466 Turn off XREF in MAIS System 110892 6/7/2011 TOOM, MEG June 2/11 June 2/11 2 June 2/11 3 Bear Aware Travel Exp Apr 4-26 Bear Aware Travel Exp Apr 27 - May 12 Bear Aware Travel Exp May 13-30 110893 6/7/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY May 25/11 110894 6/7/2011 TRUSTEES OF THE SQUAMISH CONGREGATION 110895 6/7/2011 110896 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void (82.07) 80.09 16.96 3.00 1.12 26.63 31.29 36.58 115.58 224.00 448.00 672.00 45.00 45.00 1,008.00 1,008.00 140.92 121.68 125.32 387.92 Hotel Room Tax - March 10,697.76 10,697.76 BP 57/10 Jun 2 Refund Damage/Lot Grading Deposits 12,010.00 12,010.00 THIARA, K & S BP 108/06 May31 Refund Damage/Lot Grading Deposits 2,000.00 2,000.00 6/7/2011 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS DEV CORP BP 164B/08May31 Refund Damage/Lot Grading Deposits 2,000.00 2,000.00 110897 6/7/2011 VALHALLA PURE OUTFITTERS 94565 May 27 Uniform Boots 201.54 201.54 110898 6/7/2011 VIMAR EQUIPMENT LTD. 282885 282870 280771 Cr 240450 Timer Timer Credit - Ice Edger Blades Credit - Handle (#239009) 272.90 272.90 (232.96) (201.77) 111.07 110899 6/7/2011 VOGEL, TONY June 6/11 Childrens Golf Lessons May 17-Jun 2 465.50 465.50 110900 6/7/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 53645 Fire Extinguishers 1,476.04 1,476.04 110901 6/7/2011 WINDFIRM TREE SERVICE 3826 Remove Hazardous Trees - Smoke Bluffs 319.20 319.20 110902 6/7/2011 WILCOX, MICHELLE June 2/11 Expense Reimbursement 627.94 627.94 Page 134 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110903 6/7/2011 Vendor Name WORKMAN, HOLLY 429271 Program Refund 110904 6/7/2011 YAGI, JOHN 428464 Camping Fee Refund 110905 6/7/2011 ZANDER, ROD 303717 303718 Washing Library Exterior Windows Washing M/H Exterior Windows 110906 6/9/2011 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Apr/11-005 Rev 110907 6/9/2011 SCOTIABANK 110908 6/9/2011 110909 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 125.00 125.00 56.70 56.70 195.00 130.00 325.00 Asphalt Overlay Maple Drive 8,810.71 8,810.71 June 7/11 SSC Grant - Pay Down LOC 50,000.00 50,000.00 BARNETT, BRIAN May 27/11 Expense Reimbursement 59.40 59.40 6/9/2011 BDK CONSULTING June 2/11 Contract Services to June 2 2,094.60 2,094.60 110910 6/9/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 12204 Oct 6/10 14196 Apr 4/11 14387 14357 13475 Road Base Road Base Road Base Road Base Road Base 686.31 121.89 211.02 127.99 309.48 1,456.69 110911 6/9/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. Apr 1/11 May 1/11 Long Distance Charges - Mar Long Distance Charges - April 236.50 185.25 421.75 110912 6/9/2011 RAVENS PLATEAU DEV. CORP. June 6/11 Release of Security - Amon Lands 6,086.63 6,086.63 110913 6/9/2011 DOWNTOWN SQUAMISH BIA Apr 11/11 2011 Community Enhancement Grant 2,000.00 2,000.00 110914 6/9/2011 WESBILD HOLDINGS LTD. BP 33/09 May 31 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 33/09 50,820.00 50,820.00 110915 6/17/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS June 4/11 Telephone Charges - June 4 Billing 9,917.91 9,917.91 110916 6/17/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 003898814087 020053013124 Mike Mobility Charges to May 17 Cell Phone Charges to May 17 145.09 142.28 287.37 110917 6/17/2011 BC HYDRO 400001694456 111005188338 Hydro Use - June 3 Billing Logger Lane Lift Stn Hydro to June 6 69,976.44 158.97 70,135.41 110918 6/17/2011 COBRA ELECTRIC 43141 Cleveland/Pemberton Ped Not Working 400.67 400.67 110919 6/17/2011 CORIX UTILITIES INC. 2011600020 2011700023 PRV Service - Adventure Centre Credit - Re 2011600020 110920 6/17/2011 ROGERS WIRELESS 6354472551 SEP Phones - May 5 Billing Page 135 of 299 3,160.64 (226.24) 76.12 2,934.40 76.12 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 110921 6/17/2011 SHAW CABLE 0848 Apr 16/11 0848 May 16/11 R/C Internet Service to May 7 R/C Internet Service to June 7 110922 6/21/2011 SWEENEY, SEAN June 6/11 110923 6/21/2011 4REFUEL CANADA LP 110924 6/21/2011 110925 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 89.54 89.54 179.08 JI Course Accommodation 106.18 106.18 160424 Bio Diesel - May 17 582.69 582.69 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Apr/11-009 Dec/10-025 Patching Road Cuts - Various Areas Asphalt Paving - Govt Rd 8,893.53 1,787.78 10,681.31 6/21/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 12181 12076 11064 Cell Block Laundry - May 10 Cell Block Laundry - May 4 Cell Block Laundry - Apr 19 27.76 40.41 45.84 114.01 110926 6/21/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E770391 E772471 Weekly Analysis - May 11 Weekly Analysis - May 18 84.00 84.00 168.00 110927 6/21/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN360183 LVAN362225 LVAN360185 LVAN360200 R/C Uniform Service - May 30 R/C Uniform Service - June 6 F/H Laundry - May 30 S/C Laundry - May 30 199.23 61.57 33.87 40.32 334.99 110928 6/21/2011 ABRAMO, MARION 431370 Program Refund 311.00 311.00 110929 6/21/2011 ASSOCIATED FIRE SAFETY MAINTENANCE 9425 W.L. GORE Sutter Tester 1,764.00 1,764.00 110930 6/21/2011 GENERATION 2 CONTROLS INC. 124313 Monitoring DDC Controls - May 449.12 449.12 110931 6/21/2011 ALFRED WAUGH ARCHITECT 11008-007F OSiem Pavilion Services - May 2,240.00 2,240.00 110932 6/21/2011 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION 110933 6/21/2011 ALLSTAR MECHANICAL LTD. 11-2192-123 MUA/Exhaust Fan/Dehumidifier Repairs 7,792.96 7,792.96 110934 6/21/2011 ADVENT HOME SOLUTIONS INC. 66/11 June 17 Refund Damage Deposit - B/P 66/11 2,500.00 2,500.00 110935 6/21/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 5218 May 14/11 9205 May 14/11 5268 May 14/11 4316 May 14/11 S/C Telephone to May 14 S/C Telephone to May 14 S/C Telephone to May 14 ADSL Line to May 14 84.29 84.29 84.82 195.07 448.47 110936 6/21/2011 BC HYDRO 117004973419 111005179881 Hydro Use End of Plateau to Apr 1 Hydro Use End of Plateau to June 3 13.31 15.78 29.09 152.00 yes Page 136 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 110937 6/21/2011 BOABC BOA-1713 Job Posting 110938 6/21/2011 BLACKCOMB HELICOPTERS LP 16084 SAR Team Re-validation Training 110939 6/21/2011 BETHEL LANDS CORP 103 Work Completed to June 2011 110940 6/21/2011 BLACKETT, BEV June 17/11 110941 6/21/2011 BABUIN, SUZANNE 110942 6/21/2011 110943 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 414.40 414.40 2,446.08 2,446.08 34,474.91 34,474.91 Seniors Yoga Instr May 3 - June 17 312.50 312.50 420867 Program Refund 201.00 201.00 BARLEY, ROBIN 127/05 June 17 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 127/05 750.00 750.00 6/21/2011 BRINE, W & J 53/10 June 16 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 53/10 1,000.00 1,000.00 110944 6/21/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 12/11 Union Dues - P/P 12 4,290.27 4,290.27 110945 6/21/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94862706 94866526 94858330 94866809 Cardlock - May 18 Cardlock - May 25 Cardlock - May 11 Biodiesel - May 17 1,878.08 986.34 1,825.54 4,496.02 9,185.98 110946 6/21/2011 CENTAUR PRODUCTS INC. 14773 Transportable Bleachers 18,144.00 18,144.00 110947 6/21/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001997 J001914 J001836 J001940 J001865 J001864 J001934 J001933 J001891 J001942 Power Upgrade to Farmers Market P/H Springs Repairs Street Light Repairs Remove/Replace Banners - May 2 Street Light Repairs Hang Banners - Apr 11 Remove/Replace Banners - Apr 26 Street Light Repairs Street Light Repairs Adjust Settings Mosquito System-V/C 532.00 6,739.82 123.20 123.20 161.73 196.00 123.20 252.34 1,245.13 123.20 9,619.82 110948 6/21/2011 MAXXAM ANALYTICS VA483664 VA424205 VA423344 Analytical Charges Analytical Charges Analytical Charges 280.00 262.50 1,008.00 1,550.50 110949 6/21/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 3831 3830 SEP Messaging Service - June/Exc May HSMRS Messaging Service - June 300.16 168.00 468.16 110950 6/21/2011 CANADA POST CORPORATION 9466969078 9468695744 BRM Charges BRM Charges 3.80 1.90 5.70 Page 137 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 110951 6/21/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 27748271 27717176 27637460 27687163 27724286 27792696 27788064 27722083 27744131 16940 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Toner Cartridge Supplies Copy Paper Supplies Front Desk Office Chair 312.51 325.05 218.29 41.87 186.42 380.79 172.24 241.26 405.70 204.37 2,488.50 110952 6/21/2011 CLAYMORE CLOTHES (1982) LTD. 2620 Uniform Pants, Shirts 253.12 253.12 110953 6/21/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 11113 11186 9308 11115 W/W Laundry - May 2 STP Laundry - May 15 W/W Laundry - Apr 11 Coverall Cleaning - May 3 27.44 17.36 32.93 12.94 90.67 110954 6/21/2011 COMFY'S LAUNDRY May 2011 Library Laundry - May 26.60 26.60 110955 6/21/2011 COM-TECH LEARNING SOLUTIONS INC. 613 Customized Training - Office 2010 1,512.00 1,512.00 110956 6/21/2011 CANCOR CUTTING & CORING LTD. 407422 Core Holes - SDB - Valve Solenoid 896.00 896.00 110957 6/21/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016044175 Clovabond Aerosols, Red Spray 18.12 18.12 110958 6/21/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 14369 Govt Rd Curb & S/W Signs 896.00 896.00 110959 6/21/2011 CANADIAN NATIONAL 90481353 GST Recovery - Inv 90363555 120.00 120.00 110960 6/21/2011 CANADIAN TIRE STORE #483 N13725374 94278 June 3 Oil Pans Supplies 89.38 77.32 166.70 110961 6/21/2011 COMMERCIAL TRUCK EQUIPMENT CO. 7168116 Button & Release Pin 80.18 80.18 110962 6/21/2011 COOKE, RAY 425442 Program Refund 95.00 95.00 110963 6/21/2011 CANSTAR RESTORATIONS 44/11 June 17 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 44/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 110964 6/21/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 106572 Supplies 498.29 498.29 110965 6/21/2011 DHL EXPRESS (CANADA) lTD. H25440 754 Freight 90.54 90.54 Page 138 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 110966 6/21/2011 Vendor Name DAKE CONTRACTING 103187 Repair Hand Railing 110967 6/21/2011 DR. GERHARD MALHERBE 249898 Time Loss Benefit Form 50.00 50.00 110968 6/21/2011 DR. M. ILLINGWORTH IN15379 Medical Form 30.00 30.00 110969 6/21/2011 DR. STEVE MASSELINK 256624 Time Loss Benefit Form 50.00 50.00 110970 6/21/2011 EDDI'S WHOLESALE GARDEN SUPPLIES LTD. 182969 Supplies 245.87 245.87 110971 6/21/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-94843 Cecontamination of CFC - May 23 772.80 772.80 110972 6/21/2011 EBA ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LTD. V-267368 V-267438 Pavement Management System to May 1 Pavement Management System to May 22 10,836.34 2,800.00 13,636.34 110973 6/21/2011 FINNING (CANADA) SINV3660265 Repair Bucket Lever 433.03 433.03 110974 6/21/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 216575 Folders 16.80 16.80 110975 6/21/2011 GARIBALDI NURSERIES 165239 W/Y Plants 258.25 258.25 110976 6/21/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. 549993 June 2011 Differential Additive/Dextron 2009 Pontiac Wave Lease - June 396.95 436.61 833.56 110977 6/21/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 1937420 Freight 46.28 46.28 110978 6/21/2011 GRANT & SINCLAIR ARCHITECTS LTD. 113133 RCMP Building Project Plans 2,905.41 2,905.41 110979 6/21/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2517 2490 2506 Lockset - Janitor Storage Area Door Lockset, Re-key S/C Remove Cash Drawer Broken Key 124.22 155.56 65.58 345.36 110980 6/21/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5341 Plumbing Repairs - W/Y 129.92 129.92 110981 6/21/2011 G-VAN CATERING AND CONSULTING INC. 0003 Safety Mirror - RCMP Front Desk 56.00 56.00 110982 6/21/2011 GYGAX ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES LTD. I1312 Blvd Bridge Railing Repair 1,120.00 1,120.00 110983 6/21/2011 HOWE SOUND WOMEN'S CENTRE SOCIETY 74/11 June 17 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 74/11 2,500.00 2,500.00 110984 6/21/2011 HARRIS & COMPANY May 31/11 Professional Services to May 31 1,264.78 1,264.78 110985 6/21/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 139317 139208 Supplies Raid Spider Killer 14.20 21.48 528.21 Page 139 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 224.00 224.00 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 139441 139431 139439 139507 139503 139484 139502 Garden Cart Paint Painter Tape Supplies Supplies Paint Supplies 110986 6/21/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 22172 21465 Repair Pressure Washer Pump Gas Cans 110987 6/21/2011 INPROTECT SYSTEMS INC. 142600 Supplies 110988 6/21/2011 IMSA May 30/11 2011 Membership Dues 110989 6/21/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 46185 46097 46267 46354 46396 River Level/Rain Gauge - Apr River Level/Rain Gauge - March Sq River Gravel Removals - April Sq/Cheekeye River Sediment Removal-Apr Dyke Upgrade - Eagle View Area - Apr 110990 6/21/2011 KAL TIRE 064069709 064069717 064069606 110991 6/21/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 110992 6/21/2011 110993 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 83.99 172.88 25.13 44.25 66.09 75.20 24.99 642.26 28.22 670.48 2,899.34 2,899.34 60.00 60.00 30.80 30.80 554.68 13,323.20 4,617.35 18,556.83 Tire Changeovers Tire Freight Charge Turf Tires 134.40 16.80 280.00 431.20 CONIN01611747 CONIN01611748 CONIN01604649 CONIN01611745 CONIN01617251 CD/Eng C452 Copy Charges to May 25 P/D C452 Copy Charges to May 25 R/C C452 Copy Charges to May 16 S/C C280 Copier Charges to May 25 M/H Pro 950 Copy Charges to May 30 958.52 409.26 381.65 148.22 41.56 1,939.21 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13316391 P/D C452 Late Charges 12.06 12.06 6/21/2011 KELLY, JESSICA June 15/11 Preschool Dance Apr 1 to June 10 1,464.68 1,464.68 110994 6/21/2011 KIPFER, CHANDRA June 10 June 10/11 Pencil Pals Pro Rate Registration Pencil Pals Spring Apr 29 to June 24 14.00 448.00 462.00 110995 6/21/2011 KRISZTINA RICHTERNE KALLAI June 8/11 Seniors Keep Well - June 7 to 29 100.00 100.00 110996 6/21/2011 KAILA, JASPAUL SINGH 28/09 June 17 Refund Lot Grading Deposit - BP 28/09 1,000.00 1,000.00 110997 6/21/2011 YOUNG, ANDERSON 59633 Professional Services 77.06 77.06 Page 140 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 110998 6/21/2011 Vendor Name LONDON DRUGS 110999 6/21/2011 111000 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 8406383 8406386 Canon Ink & Paper Supplies DR. A. LAM 351440 Insurance Form 6/21/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 798136 Bulk Oil 111001 6/21/2011 LUCKY LOONIES 111002 6/21/2011 LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT ASSOC OF B 10854 Job Posting Week Ending May 13 111003 6/21/2011 LOWER MAINLAND LOCAL GOVERNMENT L-9094 2011 Membership Dues 111004 6/21/2011 LOKKEN, PAMELA June 7/11 111005 6/21/2011 LEXIS NEXIS CANADA INC. 111006 6/21/2011 111007 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 100.78 145.52 44.74 37.50 37.50 171.00 171.00 81.46 yes 1,904.00 1,904.00 616.00 616.00 Travel Expense - Mar 4 & May 18 11.64 11.64 10300499 BC Planning Law & Pract Issue 21 137.50 137.50 LIDSTONE & COMPANY 1831 1770 1830 1829 Professional Services - May Professional Services - May Professional Services - May Professional Services - May 1,060.30 42.73 2.35 1,379.56 2,484.94 6/21/2011 LAVERDIERE, MONICA June 20/11 Gymnastics - June 9 & 16 48.00 48.00 111008 6/21/2011 MANCHESTER SUPPLY 110926 Ground Level Vases and Casings 1,212.93 1,212.93 111009 6/21/2011 MORRIS, AMANDA June 15/11 Spring Revenue Split Programs 2,000.00 2,000.00 111010 6/21/2011 MUNICIPAL RISK SERVICES LIMITED 11724110 Risk & Rec Lands Workshop - J. Baron 166.88 166.88 111011 6/21/2011 MCKENZIE, BILL June 10/11 Work Boot Allowance 83.98 83.98 111012 6/21/2011 MILLER CAPILANO MAINTENANCE CORP S12-1006 Diamond Head Road Winter Mtce 414.40 414.40 111013 6/21/2011 M&R ENVIRONMENTAL 05040209 Anti Freeze 733.04 733.04 111014 6/21/2011 MDO REAL ESTATE LTD. Apr 15/11 Feb 24/11 Market Data Assistance Consulting Services 840.00 1,680.00 2,520.00 111015 6/21/2011 MEDIA ARTS SOCIETY OF SQUAMISH June 9/11 Refund Business Licence 190.00 190.00 111016 6/21/2011 MURPHY, T & T 118/08 June 16 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 118/08 1,000.00 1,000.00 111017 6/21/2011 NESTERS MARKET 89698 May 18 Prisoner Meals 79.65 157.50 Page 141 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 89697 May 11 Prisoner Meals 111018 6/21/2011 NEW AGE TRADING INC. 94153 June 14 Preschool Supplies 111019 6/21/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 94569 June 7 Dog Food 111020 6/21/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 5642 5639 5640 5637 5635 5634 Control Valve Automation - April Corridor Trail to April 30 Stawamus Disinfect System Upgrade-Apr Skyline Dr W/M Replacement - Apr Skyline Dr Retaining Walls - Apr Slope Stability Skyline Pl - Apr 111021 6/21/2011 PETTY CASH (REC/AQUATIC CENTRE) June 15/11 111022 6/21/2011 PPE LABS 111023 6/21/2011 111024 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 77.85 15.96 15.96 320.90 320.90 4,029.48 4,299.09 7,964.41 1,051.12 4,241.88 8,450.94 30,036.92 Increase Petty Cash 100.00 100.00 1096 Equipment Maintenance 140.56 140.56 PAQUIN, HUGO June 15/11 Reimbursement of Over Charge 90.00 90.00 6/21/2011 PEARCE, SHANNON 430560 Program Refund 1,246.00 1,246.00 111025 6/21/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 12/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 12 103,179.59 103,179.59 111026 6/21/2011 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN32189 CR18118 CR18126 IN35483 IN35246 IN35974 Bushings Credit Credit Parts Brake Shoes Parts 111027 6/21/2011 R.F. BINNIE & ASSOCIATES 25469 111028 6/21/2011 ROGERS MEDIA INC 111029 6/21/2011 111030 111031 239.27 (795.22) (39.20) 304.12 204.04 244.56 157.57 Govt Rd S/S Extension - April 964.04 964.04 77161-1 Radio Ads - Community Clean Up 489.44 489.44 TELIPHONE CORP. 51151 RI 2 FX Lines - July 973.72 973.72 6/21/2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX IN58545 Fireade 2000 Solution 3,748.64 3,748.64 6/21/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1318657 1320440 1320468 1320492 1320538 1318573 One Gallon Pail Building Material Lumber Screws Lumber Supplies 11.21 155.81 11.39 18.80 3.75 64.34 390.70 Page 142 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 1307577 Plywood 111032 6/21/2011 RICHARDSON, CLAIRE & BROWN, KENNETH 57/09 June 16 Refund Damage Deposit - B/P 57/09 111033 6/21/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 12/11 111034 6/21/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 111035 6/21/2011 111036 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 125.40 1,000.00 1,000.00 Union Dues - P/P 12 252.82 252.82 327906095 325538487 390184005 Freight Freight Freight 27.93 32.72 144.56 205.21 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS 1927548 Jun 23 S/C Gas 3.52 3.52 6/21/2011 SQUAMISH VETERINARY Apr 29/11 Monthly Services - April 163.63 163.63 111037 6/21/2011 SEA TO SKY WASTE MANAGEMENT LTD. June 2011 Landfill Attendant Services - June 6,466.25 6,466.25 111038 6/21/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 93011 June 14 94152 June 14 93439 May 31 94344 May 18 94346 June 1 Meeting Supplies Preschool Supplies Bottled Water for Eye Wash Public Works Week Supplies W/Y Cream, Milk 45.02 11.18 2.37 23.96 19.23 101.76 111039 6/21/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY May 31/11 Youthfest Barricade Rental 80.00 80.00 111040 6/21/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 334826 334825 Pump Stn Emerg Access Rd to June 30 Pump Stn Mamquam River to June 30 134.40 134.40 268.80 111041 6/21/2011 SCHELLENBERG, TERESA June 20/11 Soccer - May 18 to June 22 441.00 441.00 111042 6/21/2011 SUNFLOWER BAKERY LTD. 20355 Meeting Refreshments 52.19 52.19 111043 6/21/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 119482 Rear Axel Inspection 381.17 381.17 111044 6/21/2011 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 52565 Freight 141.13 141.13 111045 6/21/2011 MOLBY, SACHA June 10/11 Seniors Keep Well - May 30 to June 9 450.00 450.00 111046 6/21/2011 SQUAMISH ELKS LODGE #119 June 9/11 Business Licence Refund 396.00 396.00 111047 6/21/2011 SPECTRUM LANDSCAPES 16978 Judd Slough Compensation Planting 15,326.01 15,326.01 111048 6/21/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5717 5723 5676 RCMP Tea - June 2 RCMP Coffee - June 2 M/H Coffee - May 26 26.00 125.00 49.00 431.00 Page 143 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 5718 5739 5649 5619 M/H Coffee - June 2 M/H Coffee - June 9 M/H Coffee, Sugar - May 19 M/H Coffee - May 12 111049 6/21/2011 SCARTH, ROSANNE 384296 Program Refund 111050 6/21/2011 SOUND & SOUL STUDIOS 1763 Installation of TV - Senior Centre 111051 6/21/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 5137 111052 6/21/2011 SPANI, CHUCK 111053 6/21/2011 111054 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 49.00 49.00 84.00 49.00 86.80 86.80 923.44 923.44 R/C Regular Service - May 67.76 67.76 June 10/11 Work Boot Allowance 50.39 50.39 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 845059 844979 856417 855919 856416 847135 845510 842276 856999 849305 858206 851603 HSS Tube, Saw Cutting Lubricant Blow Torch Repair Supplies Air Filter, Fuel Filter Credit - Gas Filter Gear Wrench Respirator Cartridge Flex Bar Parts Credit - Core Deposit Bearings Stock 6/21/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 854505 Galvanized Chain 111055 6/21/2011 exp SERVICES INC. 30821 OSiem Pavilion - April 111056 6/21/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 78921623 Cleveland Ave Lease Rent - July 111057 6/21/2011 VROOM, YVONNE June 14/11 Refund Spay - A/C 11158 111058 6/21/2011 VIMAR EQUIPMENT LTD. 280771 Corr 283148 111059 6/21/2011 VIDAS, DEBBIE 111060 6/21/2011 111061 111062 54.21 32.23 64.49 44.55 (30.12) 25.52 38.95 37.84 82.92 (89.60) 43.32 1,735.78 2,040.09 36.96 36.96 526.65 526.65 1,232.00 1,232.00 25.00 25.00 To Replace Credit - Ck 110898 Ripper Blade 232.96 422.88 655.84 June 8/11 Tap Dance Instr Seniors Apr 21-May 19 150.00 150.00 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 53404 Supplies 209.17 209.17 6/21/2011 WESTKEY GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS LTD., 152648 2011 Property Tax Notices 3,484.32 3,484.32 6/21/2011 WESTBURNE ELECTRIC SUPPLY B.C. 1343740 Cable Ties 121.30 121.30 Page 144 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 111063 6/21/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-144627 IN-138669 Disposable Gloves, Safety Vests Ear Plugs, Gloves 111064 6/21/2011 WILLIAMS, SHEENA 54/11 June 17 Refund Damage Deposit - B/P 54/11 111065 6/21/2011 ZONE WEST ENTERPRISES LTD. 31230 111066 6/22/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE 111067 6/22/2011 111068 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 196.62 55.00 251.62 2,500.00 2,500.00 Custom Embroidered Crests 448.00 448.00 EMS33082 Interest Charges - EM157240 26.73 26.73 PETTY CASH (ADMIN SERVICES) June 20/11 Petty Cash to June 20 173.72 173.72 6/22/2011 SHAW CABLE 0115 May 23/11 W/Y Final Billing Internet Service 8.53 8.53 111069 6/22/2011 TESS PRODUCTIONS 524516 Camera/Computer Services to May 24 504.00 504.00 111070 6/22/2011 WEST COAST WEATHER BARRIERS LTD June 17/11 Release H/B Bus Shelter Glass Panels 2,308.00 2,308.00 111071 6/29/2011 BC HYDRO 400001676885 Hydro Use - May 3 Billing 60,803.60 60,803.60 111072 6/29/2011 BCF CONTRACTING 358346 358349 358345 Repair Rail Overpass (Tantalus) Repair Backhoe Snow Plow Blade Fabricate Water Service Couplings 540.81 1,926.40 952.00 3,419.21 111073 6/29/2011 CANADIAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION 98132 June 2/11 CPWA Membership - B. Smith 176.00 176.00 111074 6/29/2011 FIELDS, NINA June 29/11 Int Pilates - March 15 to May 3 685.54 685.54 111075 6/29/2011 INFRATECH POLYMERS INC. 2649 High Performance Cold Mix 1,372.00 1,372.00 111076 6/29/2011 KEHL PETERSEN 11-103 11-104 11-102 Consulting Services - April Consulting Services - May Consulting Services - March 7,727.40 11,819.60 7,743.40 27,290.40 111077 6/29/2011 PACIFIC WEST SYSTEMS SUPPLY LTD. R30265 Dam Sacks 1,943.60 1,943.60 111078 6/29/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE June 28/11 Gymnastics - June 8, 9, 15, 16 512.00 512.00 111079 7/5/2011 PAWLUK, CHARLENE June 24/11 Exempt Fund Gift Reimbursement 50.00 50.00 111080 7/5/2011 0718848 BC LTD June 23/11 Tax Sale Redemption - 6000010738000 46,954.06 46,954.06 111081 7/5/2011 0873303 BC LTD. 138/10 June 27 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 138/10 2,500.00 2,500.00 Page 145 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 111082 7/5/2011 Vendor Name ALL KEYS & LOCKS 111083 7/5/2011 111084 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 93754 May 13/11 3961C Keys with Tags Keys, Key Tabs ALTA LAKE ELECTRIC LTD. 1399 1400 Relocate Bay Fixture Refit Bay Lighting - F/H #2 7/5/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 13023 13256 111085 7/5/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL 111086 7/5/2011 111087 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 15.76 74.56 58.80 72.80 2,184.00 2,256.80 RCMP Laundry - May 17 RCMP Laundry - May 31 25.63 56.93 82.56 E774620 Weekly Analysis - May 25 84.00 84.00 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN368132 LVAN364222 LVAN364238 LVAN368145 LVAN368130 LVAN368128 LVAN366269 W/Y Laundry - June 27 R/C Uniform Service - June 13 S/C Laundry - June 13 S/C Laundry - June 27 F/H Laundry - June 27 R/C Uniform Service - June 27 R/C Uniform Service - June 20 40.04 199.23 40.32 40.32 33.87 199.23 61.57 614.58 7/5/2011 AON REED STENHOUSE June 16/11 CP Volunteer Insurance Renewal 199.50 199.50 111088 7/5/2011 APEGBC WEB1270 Website Posting - Capital Proj Eng 330.40 330.40 111089 7/5/2011 GENERATION 2 CONTROLS INC. 124328 Monitoring DDC Controls - June 449.12 449.12 111090 7/5/2011 ALLSTAR MECHANICAL LTD. 11-2286-146 11-2286-141 2nd Quarter Annual Inspection - A/C 2nd Quarter Annual Inspection - R/C 557.20 835.80 1,393.00 111091 7/5/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 4753 June 1/11 E-Comm Emergency Phone to June 1 1,380.70 1,380.70 111092 7/5/2011 BILLIE'S FLOWER HOUSE 24774 Flower Arrangement 95.20 95.20 111093 7/5/2011 BRABER EQUIPMENT LTD. 675114 Mower Parts 12.13 12.13 111094 7/5/2011 ACCESS POINT INFORMATION CANADA LTD. 9935750511 Land Title Searches - May 69.44 69.44 111095 7/5/2011 BELL MOBILITY June 17/11 Blackeberry Service to June 17 4,859.35 4,859.35 111096 7/5/2011 BCT FENCING 379407 379408 379403 379413 Inspect Bleachers, Hang Safety Mesh Barbed Wire Demolition Supply/Install Bottom Rail Repairs to RCMP Gate 268.80 1,103.20 802.64 403.20 2,577.84 111097 7/5/2011 BISHOP, CHRIS June 17/11 Travel Expenses to June 16 144.51 144.51 Page 146 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 111098 7/5/2011 BDK CONSULTING June 30/11 Contract Services to June 30 111099 7/5/2011 BOWERMAN, SAM June 30/11 111100 7/5/2011 BROOK POONI ASSOCIATES INC 111101 7/5/2011 111102 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2,867.20 2,867.20 Rippen Riders - May 24 to Jun 28 150.00 150.00 5238 Zoning B/L Consulting Serv to May 31 350.00 350.00 BC THEATRE SCHOOLS July 4/11 Musical Theatre - April 1 to June 10 3,323.25 3,323.25 7/5/2011 BLACK TUSK FIRE & SECURITY INC 6750 6751 6781 6782 Wire in Smoke/Heat Combo - File Room Tech Labour - RCMP Bldg Reset Fire Panel F/H #2 Exit Light Sign, Exit Sign 303.52 124.32 82.88 328.16 838.88 111103 7/5/2011 BFL CANADA 451006 Senior Centre Insurance 3,245.00 3,245.00 111104 7/5/2011 BCCSA 121 Emerg Scene Traffic Control Course 160.00 160.00 111105 7/5/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 13/11 Union Dues - P/P 13 4,290.70 4,290.70 111106 7/5/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94874423 Bulk Oil 71.46 71.46 111107 7/5/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 15082 14747 2011 14558 2011 14356 Road Base Gravel Road Base Road Base 2,708.64 44.80 80.75 1,134.78 3,968.97 111108 7/5/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J001970 J001994 J002002 J001993 J002012 J001998 J002000 J002001 J001959 J002003 J002035 Take Down/Hang Banners - May 16 Alice Lake Reservoir Elec Repairs Thunderbird Reservoir Hot Water Tank M/H Light Repairs Rear of Eng Bldg Street Lights - Meadow Ave Jun 1 Street Lights Tantalus Rd May 25 Hang Banners - May 30 Street Lights Mashiter Creek Bridge B/P Convection Oven Repairs Hang Flower Baskets - May 31 Install Phase Loss Control Panels 159.60 1,147.20 86.80 95.35 158.00 123.20 123.20 950.90 185.30 1,411.20 4,704.00 9,144.75 111109 7/5/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004H-95028 5004-95021 4005RCMP-95022 5004C-95023 5004D-95024 Library Garbage, Paper - June/May M/H Cdbd, Gbge, Paper - June/May RCMP Gbge, Cdbd, Paper - June/May WWTP Biosolids - June/May CF Conc Garbage - June 139.22 581.21 268.31 25,445.01 352.78 87,685.74 Page 147 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 5004N-95031 5004G-95027 5004E-95025 5004I-95029 5004F-96066 5004O-95032 5004K-95030 Nexen Beach Portable Toilet - June KC Portable Toilet, Gbge - June/May Recycling Depots - June/May Landfill Portable Toilet - June Residential Service - May V/C F/H Garbage - May R/C Gbge, Cdbd, Paper - June/May Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 145.60 1,027.31 632.80 145.60 58,113.84 58.33 775.73 111110 7/5/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004Q-95382 5004V-95038 5004V-95037 5004U-95036 5004TT-95035 5004T-95034 5004P-95033 W/Y Cdbd, Gbge - June BP Fields E/F Port Toilet-June/May A/W Field Port Toilet - June Hendrickson Field Port Toilet - June SB Lower Parking Lot Port Toilet-Jun Upper S/B Portable Toilet - June G/H F/H Garbage, Cdbd - June 400.19 241.92 145.60 291.20 145.60 145.60 141.83 1,511.94 111111 7/5/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 27922120 27814794 27895077 27799924 27878751 27917424 Supplies Supplies Copy Paper Supplies Supplies Supplies 71.32 59.42 224.16 283.51 131.73 94.46 864.60 111112 7/5/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 12001 12004 8104 12180 Shops Laundry - May 17 Shops Laundry - May 25 W/Y Laundry - Mar 17 P/W Laundry - May 26 51.97 18.46 13.44 37.80 121.67 111113 7/5/2011 COMFY'S LAUNDRY June 30/11 M/H Laundry - May 12, 26 21.28 21.28 111114 7/5/2011 COASTAL MOUNTAIN EXCAVATIONS Prog #2 Skyline Retaining Wall - Prog #2 72,424.88 72,424.88 111115 7/5/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016044797 016045006 016045273 016045249 016045330 016045521 016045423 Supplies for Graffiti Removal Zinc Spray Paint Inverted Orange Spray Paint One Covercoat Latex White Wire Cage Frame, Brushes One Covercoat Latex White One Covercoat Latex White 206.58 38.51 77.15 294.45 27.59 147.22 147.22 938.72 111116 7/5/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 14406 Expressions of Interest Signs 1,475.04 1,475.04 111117 7/5/2011 CASCADIA SAFETY SYSTEMS INC. 743 742 Parts for Eng Fall Arrest Systems Labour for Eng Fall Arrest Systems 2,240.00 2,240.00 7,245.28 Page 148 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 741 744 Inspections/Certifications Expenses for Eng Fall Arrest Systems 111118 7/5/2011 CMCC CONTRACTING Apr 30/11 TOM Trail Maintenance 111119 7/5/2011 CANADIAN TIRE STORE #483 N13725376 Septonic Treatment 111120 7/5/2011 CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONING LTD. W76123 S/C Maintenance 111121 7/5/2011 CWR HOLDINGS LTD. 110/10 June 29 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 110/10 111122 7/5/2011 CASAVANT, GEORGE & DOROTHY June 22/11 Refund Property Tax O/P 111123 7/5/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 107057 107056 111124 7/5/2011 DICKSON, LISA 111125 7/5/2011 111126 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2,240.00 525.28 5,000.00 5,000.00 24.62 24.62 559.16 559.16 13,725.00 13,725.00 506.11 506.11 Pool Chemicals Pool Test Kit Reagants 1,490.22 219.64 1,709.86 July 5/11 Rippen Bettys/Riders May 24-Jun 28 2,598.75 2,598.75 DJ SPENCE TREE SERVICE 513 Danger Tree Removal - Aspen Rd 481.60 481.60 7/5/2011 DAY, KRISTINE June 23/11 Expense Reimbursement 59.65 59.65 111127 7/5/2011 EDDI'S WHOLESALE GARDEN SUPPLIES LTD. 182987 Cultivator/#1 Sunshine Mix 65.45 65.45 111128 7/5/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-95979 4501-95980 4501-94874 4501-95118 Landfill Contract Landfill Tires/Gypsum Board - May Asphalt/Tree Services - May Wood Waste Removed - May 26,334.53 5,204.00 3,595.20 1,141.45 36,275.18 111129 7/5/2011 EMPAC ENGINEERING LTD. 11977 SCADA Services 123.20 123.20 111130 7/5/2011 ESRI CANADA 90024410 Geocortex Technical Support 1,120.00 1,120.00 111131 7/5/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 May 2011 Volunteer Incidents/Training - May 3,260.40 3,260.40 111132 7/5/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 2 May 2011 Volunteer Incidents/Training - May 7,122.72 7,122.72 111133 7/5/2011 FITNESS TOWN SERVICE 683 708 Labour, Onsite Service - Apr 21 Install LB & Battery on Bike 181.44 75.04 256.48 111134 7/5/2011 FIELDS, NINA 111135 7/5/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 685.54 yes 217059 11663 CDs with Squamish Valley Business Cards Page 149 of 299 8.29 39.20 221.37 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 11671 11664 11670 11669 11665 Self Inking Stamp Business Cards Whiteprints Burn & Colour Scan CDs Business Cards 111136 7/5/2011 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 3049469 Satellite Service to May 21 111137 7/5/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2537 2531 Master Locks, Keys Cut Repair Lock Front Desk Gate 111138 7/5/2011 GARDNER, GREG June 23/11 111139 7/5/2011 G-VAN CATERING AND CONSULTING INC. 111140 7/5/2011 111141 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 51.46 39.20 7.06 36.96 39.20 51.39 51.39 294.67 72.80 367.47 Travel Exp - Ec Dev Round Table-Vanc 67.60 67.60 0002 Open House Zoning B/L Refreshments 117.60 117.60 GLENTEL INC. June 7/11 MSAT Phones to June 7 161.56 161.56 7/5/2011 GO TRANSPORT LTD. 27507 Container Shipping 369.60 369.60 111142 7/5/2011 FMEP P/P 12 & 13 FMEP Case #92042 603.00 603.00 111143 7/5/2011 HI-PRO SPORTING GOODS 167 132 Arena Dasher Board Cleaning Install Kick Strip - Arena 655.20 3,595.20 4,250.40 111144 7/5/2011 HAGA, YOKO 432533 Program Refund 52.50 52.50 111145 7/5/2011 HOWE SOUND WINDOW CLEANING June 18/11 RCMP Outside Windows Washed 728.00 728.00 111146 7/5/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 139459 139633 139612 139515 139581 139559 139460 139349 138876 139521 139663 139692 Dolly Face Plates, Batteries Plumbing Supplies Paint Supplies Supplies Mallet, Velcro Painter Tape Vacuum Filter Light Bulbs Supplies Supplies 123.19 11.24 80.96 37.60 22.60 59.74 16.44 25.13 27.99 201.43 46.44 66.64 719.40 111147 7/5/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 22371 22375 Leaf Flower Repairs Thrust Washer 134.28 20.10 154.38 Page 150 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111148 7/5/2011 Vendor Name HINKSON, ALEX 111149 7/5/2011 HAINES, VALERIE 111150 7/5/2011 IDEAL DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 209778 Supplies 111151 7/5/2011 INPROTECT SYSTEMS INC. 142965 111152 7/5/2011 JARMAN, EMILY 111153 7/5/2011 111154 June 30/11 Rippen Riders - May 24 to June 28 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 180.00 180.00 404.38 yes 60.22 60.22 Sidewalk Packages 2,520.00 2,520.00 80/11 June 28 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 80/11 2,500.00 2,500.00 K.S. SIRENS KS028910 Work Wallet 63.84 63.84 7/5/2011 KAL TIRE 064070073 064067837 Flat Repair Retread Tires for Grader 45.36 2,653.64 2,699.00 111155 7/5/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01611746 W/Y C452 Copier Charges to May 25 483.41 483.41 111156 7/5/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13316392 W/Y C452 Late Charges 12.06 12.06 111157 7/5/2011 KAILA, JASPAUL SINGH 111158 7/5/2011 L & A EQUIPMENT LTD. 11-059 Squamish River Dyke Final Payment 111159 7/5/2011 LONDON DRUGS 0800020524 8406382 8406390 USB Charger Sunscreen, Photos Preschool Photos 111160 7/5/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 11-059 800056 Battery Hitch Pin 111161 7/5/2011 LUCKY LOONIES 94280 June 20 111162 7/5/2011 LAND TITLE & SURVEY AUTHORITY OF BC 111163 7/5/2011 111164 2,000.00 yes 80,112.82 80,112.82 22.39 31.42 20.78 74.59 135.04 17.44 152.48 Flowers for Arranging 26.85 26.85 June 23/11 Tax Sale Redemption Notice 10.90 10.90 LEONG'S NURSERY 29906 1000 Plants Credit for Plant Material Inv 29462 7/5/2011 MORFCO SUPPLIES LTD. 607274 111165 7/5/2011 MURDY & MCALLISTER 111166 7/5/2011 111167 7/5/2011 4,491.81 (1,141.58) 3,350.23 Snow Removal Parts 3,016.50 3,016.50 April 2011 Legal Services - April 31,559.91 31,559.91 MORRIS, AMANDA July 4/11 Jun 7-17, Spring 70/30 Split/Badges 3,018.22 3,018.22 M&R ENVIRONMENTAL 05041456 Waste Rags Disposal Fee 174.66 174.66 Page 151 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 111168 7/5/2011 MEGA-LAB MANUFACTURING CO. LTD. 118709 Megalube Grease 465.92 465.92 111169 7/5/2011 MOUNTAIN CRESTS 2006 LTD 3222 T-Shirt, Screening, Embroidering 287.28 287.28 111170 7/5/2011 NEWMAN, MICAH June 24/11 Security Reduction - Willow Cres 69,891.12 69,891.12 111171 7/5/2011 OPUS CONSULTING GROUP LTD. 02402765 02402815 2031 Transportation Plan to Apr 22 2031 Transportation Plan to May 20 4,513.60 3,137.02 7,650.62 111172 7/5/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 5828 5763 5762 5827 5837 5830 5824 SCADA Software Support to May 31 Corridor Trail to May 31 Skyline Dr W/M Replacement - May Control Valve Automation - May Alex Munro F/H Roof Repl - May Corridor Trail Mamquam Section-May Slope Stability Skyline - May 5,165.44 25,670.40 11,462.04 6,487.80 5,814.89 3,369.24 22,059.50 80,029.31 111173 7/5/2011 O'BRENNAN, CAROLE 432369 Program Refund 235.00 235.00 111174 7/5/2011 PUROLATOR INC. 412398431 Freight 31.47 31.47 111175 7/5/2011 PIONEER MAINTENANCE LTD. 0175 0176 Steam Clean Carpets - V/C Firehall Steam Clean Carpets - G/H Firehall 112.00 308.00 420.00 111176 7/5/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 11238758 11342990 11387401 11423246 Cylinder Rental to Apr 29 CO2 Tank Rental to June 14 Carbon Dioxide Cylinder Rental to May 27 25.37 116.24 449.64 21.63 612.88 111177 7/5/2011 PRESSED METAL PRODUCTS LTD 22131 Cap Badge & Collar Dogs 129.36 129.36 111178 7/5/2011 PAC RIM FILTRATION SERVICES 2009908 Yearly Fuel Tank Cleaning 13,687.04 13,687.04 111179 7/5/2011 PACIFIC DOOR CLOSER SERVICE LTD. IN57207 Maintenance Arena Auto Doors 414.40 414.40 111180 7/5/2011 PAR-T-PERFECT 126 Pirate Ship/Face Painter - May 1 195.00 195.00 111181 7/5/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 13/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 13 101,558.97 101,558.97 111182 7/5/2011 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN36218 IN36383 IN36289 Pulley, Spindle Air Freight - Cutting Deck Motor Hydraulic Motor for Cutting Deck 65.56 65.63 712.73 843.92 Page 152 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 111183 7/5/2011 Vendor Name ROGERS MEDIA INC 111184 7/5/2011 111185 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 77115-4 Summer Recreation Radio Ads RENTAL NETWORK LTD. 1-054777-02 1-055196-02 Drill, Drill Bit Drill, Drill Bit 7/5/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1324606 1328527 1329481 1328386 1324813 1324814 1326777 1326653 1327047 Wheelbarrow PVC Couplings Paint PVC Pipe Supplies Concrete Mix Supplies Supplies Batteries 111186 7/5/2011 RAMSAY, KEVIN June 22/11 111187 7/5/2011 RUDKOWSKY, ROLAND 111188 7/5/2011 111189 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,041.60 1,041.60 40.32 40.32 80.64 126.00 19.20 180.40 435.57 128.54 91.30 105.73 124.13 63.91 1,274.78 Ferry Fare - RCMP Mtg Victoria 41.60 41.60 June 24/11 Work Pants 55.99 55.99 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 48 (SEA TO SKY) 718 717 716 715 714 719 HSSS - Competitive Volleyball HSSS - Adult Basketball GHE - Indoor Soccer GHE - Floor Hockey DRSS - Badminton HSSS - Recreational Volleyball 239.72 186.80 122.50 154.00 345.60 80.93 1,129.55 7/5/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 13/11 Union Dues - P/P 13 254.39 254.39 111190 7/5/2011 SQUAMISH HEATING & SHEET METAL WORKS LTD 9504 Annual Mtce of Tube Heaters 1,523.20 1,523.20 111191 7/5/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 94347 June 15 94492 Jun 9 Cream, Milk, Tea Supplies - SLT Challenge Cove 24.99 192.95 217.94 111192 7/5/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 338759 334788 BP Bunker to Aug 31 BP Concession to June 30 117.60 84.00 201.60 111193 7/5/2011 MOLBY, SACHA June 22/11 Seniors Keep Well - June 15-23 390.00 390.00 111194 7/5/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 243174 242202 242280 242746 243079 243080 Supplies Supplies Garbage Bags Supplies Supplies Supplies 88.46 1,706.10 446.88 92.87 141.32 153.18 3,348.82 Page 153 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 242617 242881 243176 243078 242618 Supplies Convertamatic Repairs Kleenex Supplies All Purpose Cleaner 111195 7/5/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5790 5773 W/Y Coffee F/H Coffee - June 20 111196 7/5/2011 SQUAMISH RIVERSTONES DEVELOPMENT LTD. June 27/11 111197 7/5/2011 SHAHI, BALPREET 111198 7/5/2011 111199 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 106.96 320.08 50.22 54.25 188.50 124.00 176.00 300.00 Refund Utility O/P #7196 1,993.29 1,993.29 140/10 June 27 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 140/10 1,000.00 1,000.00 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 857860 858239 858260 856893 857837 854235 858479 853599 853697 858760 856250 849888 Light Parts Parts Ear Muffs Barrel Pump Galv Pipe Bolts & Nuts Ready Rod, Epoxy Caulking Gun Ready Rod Monthly Demurrage - May Monthly Demurrage - April 6.04 5.25 93.52 40.64 55.36 98.43 125.44 156.55 15.78 32.91 8.00 16.00 653.92 7/5/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 860065 859410 858942 859511 859333 860530 860099 860102 860052 859195 860578 860678 Switches Brake Pads & Rotor Parts Ready Rod Gas Can Stopper Cutting Discs, Grinder Blade Trans Filter Fuel Filter Lag Bolts Epoxy Glue Brake Pads, Rotors Brake Pads, Rotors 40.30 133.99 95.18 11.83 0.90 28.43 73.35 7.60 13.44 28.55 222.69 217.12 873.38 111200 7/5/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 860910 860747 860762 Trailer Hitch Repair Rotors Brake Pads 51.03 61.35 72.63 185.01 111201 7/5/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE June 29/11 Belly Dancing - May 2 to June 27 604.21 604.21 Page 154 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 111202 7/5/2011 TAPP, KAREN June 20/11 Expense Reimbursement 140.70 140.70 111203 7/5/2011 TARGET PRODUCTS LTD. 7551836 7561863 7557649 7557650 TD, Premium TD, Premium TD, Premium TD, Premium 346.48 337.34 356.97 188.70 1,229.49 111204 7/5/2011 TRIPLE FIVE QUALITY WOOD INC. 225 Hemlock/Fir Bark Bulch 1,747.20 1,747.20 111205 7/5/2011 TOTAL POWER LTD. P00030 P00033 P00031 Fuel Float Fuel Sensor Level Credit - Fuel Level Sensor 111206 7/5/2011 UNITED WAY June 29/11 111207 7/5/2011 ULTIMATE PROMOTIONS 111208 7/5/2011 111209 314.42 228.73 (314.42) 228.73 Employee Donations - P/P 11, 12, 13 357.57 357.57 149370 Summer Staff T-Shirts 547.41 547.41 UNITED RENTALS OF CANADA INC. 93769963-001 Boom Lift Rental 1,236.40 1,236.40 7/5/2011 VILLAGE GREEN GARDEN CENTER 1047 Landscaping Services - Firehalls 655.20 655.20 111210 7/5/2011 VOGEL, TONY July 4/11 Golf Lessons June 7 to 23 210.00 210.00 111211 7/5/2011 WESTERN TECHNICAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. 0726791-IN Chrome Wire Roll File 421.38 421.38 111212 7/5/2011 WESTBURNE ELECTRIC SUPPLY B.C. 1330401 1347662 8333457 1356944 PVC Conduit Pool High Bay Lamps Credit - Re #1347662 Arena High Bay Lamps 293.33 1,314.29 (187.75) 1,952.16 111213 7/5/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-145670 Safety Vests 147.00 147.00 111214 7/5/2011 WEBIR AUTOMATION & CONTROL SERVICES LTD. 26626 Service R/C HVAC Control System 717.02 717.02 111215 7/5/2011 WESBILD HOLDINGS LTD. 33 & 34/09 Lot Grading Deposit - BP 33 & 34/09 2,000.00 2,000.00 111216 7/5/2011 ZONE WEST ENTERPRISES LTD. 31556 F/R Recruit Uniforms 414.40 414.40 111217 7/5/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE, TAXATION BRANCH July 5/11 Part 1 School Tax Initial Remittance 111218 7/15/2011 BELL, STACY July 4/11 Backflow Prevention Course Per Diem 325.00 325.00 111219 7/15/2011 CAULTON, MARK July 4/11 Backflow Prevention Course Per Diem 325.00 325.00 Page 155 of 299 3,372.03 4,510,027.90 4,510,027.90 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 111220 7/15/2011 MURGATROYD, GAVIN July 4/11 Backflow Prevention Course Per Diem 111221 7/15/2011 MTS MAINTENANCE TRACKING SYSTEMS INC. July 8/11 Backflow Prevention Course 111222 7/19/2011 CHADWICK, E. WAYNE July 14/11 Medical for Class 3 License 111223 7/19/2011 AVENUE MACHINERY CORP AI53534 Belt, Pulley, Bolt, Spacer 111224 7/19/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN370044 R/C Uniform Service - July 4 111225 7/19/2011 CHARTIS INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA July 2011 July AD&D Premiums 111226 7/19/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 4316 June 14/11 5205 8 Jul 4/11 ADSL Line to June 14 Telephone Charges - July 4 Billing 111227 7/19/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 055720071097 055720071098 SEP Pager Service to May 31 SEP Pager Service to June 30 111228 7/19/2011 BC HYDRO 400001710078 Hydro Use - July 4 Billing 111229 7/19/2011 BUNBURY & ASSOCIATES 5048 Professional Services - Skyline Pl 111230 7/19/2011 BDO DUNWOODY 10386818 2010 Audit Progress Payment 111231 7/19/2011 BRINKS CANADA LTD. 0639730785 Armoured Car Service - May 111232 7/19/2011 BRITISH COLUMBIA SAFETY AUTHORITY 524140 Int RCMP Bldg Boiler Insp Interest 111233 7/19/2011 BCRPA 1480 Jul 12/11 BCRPA Membership - Scott Lamont 111234 7/19/2011 BELL DISTRIBUTION 99870067 Blackberry Vehicle Charger 111235 7/19/2011 BRACKENDALE PLUMBING 10155 10154 10149 111236 7/19/2011 BLACK TUSK FIRE & SECURITY INC 111237 7/19/2011 111238 7/19/2011 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 325.00 325.00 3,024.00 3,024.00 75.00 75.00 103.58 103.58 61.57 61.57 467.55 467.55 199.78 10,002.89 10,202.67 68.03 68.00 136.03 52,453.14 52,453.14 1,064.00 1,064.00 17,903.88 17,903.88 722.91 722.91 6.78 6.78 265.00 265.00 39.14 39.14 Supply/Install Mop Sink - M/H Supply/Install Mop Sinks - W/Y Repairs to Ladies W/R - SAC 896.00 1,792.00 97.44 2,785.44 6785 6778 M/H Annual Fire Insp Deficiencies Library Annual Fire Insp Repairs 1,438.08 512.96 1,951.04 BICEGO, SANDRA July 12/11 Refund Property Tax O/P 1,634.74 1,634.74 BROADWAY OR BUST PERFORMING 73/11 July 4 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 73/11 2,500.00 2,500.00 Page 156 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 111239 7/19/2011 Vendor Name C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 111240 7/19/2011 111241 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description P/P 14/11 Union Dues - P/P 14 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94883773 94874526 94879543 94888564 Cardlock - June 15 Cardlock - May 31 Cardlock - June 8 Cardlock - June 22 7/19/2011 CAPILANO HIGHWAY SERVICES CO. July 12/11 Tender Refund 111242 7/19/2011 CROCKER EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. 36509 111243 7/19/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) 111244 7/19/2011 111245 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 4,582.62 4,582.62 2,282.11 1,967.38 931.48 2,956.25 8,137.22 50.00 50.00 Zamboni Service 1,664.83 1,664.83 J002033 J001999 J002062 J002060 J002054 J002082 Stawamus Chlorine Shack Connect Mobile Genset - STP Wiring at M/H Replace Ballast - Library Install Wiring at Works Yard Stawamus Treatment Plant 1,707.28 344.40 1,304.80 72.80 107.80 739.20 4,276.28 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004E-96380 5004-96377 5004RCMP-96378 5004H-96383 5004I-96384 5004X-95383 5004O-96387 5004P-96388 June Compost Service/July Recycling M/H Gbge, Cdbd, Paper - July/June RCMP Gbge, Cdbd, Recycle - July Library Gbge, Paper - July/June Landfill Portable Toilet - July S/C Gbge,Compost,Recycle - June/May V/C F/H Garbage - July/June G/H F/H Gbge, Cdbd - July 753.76 511.21 240.31 139.22 145.60 227.99 112.18 141.83 2,272.10 7/19/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 3824 Messaging Services - June/Exc May 1,365.56 1,365.56 111246 7/19/2011 CANADA POST CORPORATION 9470427416 9471839402 BRM Mail to May 17 BRM Charges 3.40 0.85 4.25 111247 7/19/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 27920023 27797261 16910 27938043 27936294 27939567 27968812 27982737 27955099 28000430 Supplies Supplies Lowback, Multi Tilter Chair Window Security Envelopes Supplies Copy Paper, Toner Cartridges Supplies Supplies Supplies Materials for EOC 570.44 139.74 419.99 77.55 114.80 372.23 304.17 137.09 355.49 178.61 2,670.11 111248 7/19/2011 CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 9904645530 Creamers - May 17.75 17.75 Page 157 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 111249 7/19/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD July 7/11 Release 10% Holdback - DP 277 2,564.40 2,564.40 111250 7/19/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 12179 12002 9162 10176 W/W Coverall Cleaning - May 26 Uniform Service - May 20 P/W Laundry - Apr 6 P/W Coveralls - Apr 17 18.48 17.81 37.54 25.20 99.03 111251 7/19/2011 COM-TECH LEARNING SOLUTIONS INC. 619 614 625 Training - Word & Outlook 2010 Training - Excel Intermed - Jun 16 Excel/Word Intermediate July 5,7 1,512.00 756.00 1,512.00 3,780.00 111252 7/19/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 14467 14487 Plywood for Signs Labour re Expression of Interest Sign 179.20 78.40 257.60 111253 7/19/2011 CANADIAN NATIONAL 90486323 Amble Path Signal Mtce - May 651.30 651.30 111254 7/19/2011 COMMUNITY BROADCASTING SERVICES 61311039 Facebook Advertising - Jun 18-Jul 1 313.95 313.95 111255 7/19/2011 CANPAGES 5337965 Advertising - Animal Shelters 306.88 306.88 111256 7/19/2011 CARGOE, SHERRI 111257 7/19/2011 CANSTAR CONSTRUCTION LTD. 13/11 July 4 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 13/11 111258 7/19/2011 CHANCEY, JENNI July 13/11 July 8/11 111259 7/19/2011 CHITTLE, RYAN 111260 7/19/2011 111261 360.00 yes 1,000.00 1,000.00 Parking @ Airport - S/D Bylaw Update Flight to Campbell River - S/D Bylaw 11.00 819.96 830.96 June 27/11 Workboot Allowance 111.99 111.99 COMPLIANCE SOLUTIONS CANADA INC. 2596A Mobile Work Centre, Cart 1,364.28 1,364.28 7/19/2011 DELL CANADA INC. 707010006905916 Dell Vostro Laptop for D. McRae 616.22 616.22 111262 7/19/2011 DHL EXPRESS (CANADA) lTD. H25440 755 Freight 87.62 87.62 111263 7/19/2011 DAN MCRAE DOS44 Grant Procurement Services - June 453.60 453.60 111264 7/19/2011 DISCOVERY WAY PROPERTIES INC. 125/10 June 30 124/10 June 30 20% Complex Bldg - BP 125/10 20% Complex Bldg - BP 124/10 1,261.00 1,832.00 3,093.00 111265 7/19/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-96479 Wood Waste Removed - June 9,378.12 9,378.12 111266 7/19/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 37 Guard Patrols - M/H & Library - June 1,483.27 3,589.15 Page 158 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 38 42 32 Lock/Unlock Nexen Beach - June M/H Alarm Response - June 23 Adv Ctre Guard Patrols - June 111267 7/19/2011 EKSTEEN, BEN 262113 254366 261036 Time Loss Benefit Form Time Loss Benefit Form Time Loss Benefit Form 111268 7/19/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 June 2011 111269 7/19/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 2 111270 7/19/2011 111271 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,318.46 54.94 732.48 50.00 50.00 50.00 150.00 Volunteer Incidents/Training - June 4,600.64 4,600.64 June 2011 Volunteer Incidents/Training - June 5,246.74 5,246.74 FIELDS, NINA July 18/11 Int Pilates - May 10 to June 28 297.50 297.50 7/19/2011 FIRST EDITION FIRST AID TRAINING INC. 3096 Defibrillation Pads 98.89 98.89 111272 7/19/2011 GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. July 2011 July Premiums 78,015.46 78,015.46 111273 7/19/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. July 2011 2009 Pontiac Wave Lease - July 436.61 436.61 111274 7/19/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 1972813 2010266 1899509 Freight Freight Freight 68.76 120.07 155.66 344.49 111275 7/19/2011 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 3116538 Satellite Service to June 21 46.93 46.93 111276 7/19/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2568 2578 2569 Lock Repairs - RCMP Outside Storage Repair Front Door Closer - Library Replace Latch on Door Lock - Library 166.71 114.96 88.31 369.98 111277 7/19/2011 GARIBALDI VETERINARY HOSPITAL 159424 Vet Services - June 17 371.49 371.49 111278 7/19/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5430 5408 5431 Plumbing Repairs - Pool Plumbing Repairs - Arena T/Bird Water Test Station 102.48 95.20 168.00 365.68 111279 7/19/2011 HARRIS & COMPANY June 30/11 Professional Services to June 30 5,005.35 5,005.35 111280 7/19/2011 HARRISON HOT SPRINGS HOTEL June 28/11 Accomm - K. McIntosh - B/L Course 424.65 424.65 111281 7/19/2011 FMEP P/P 14/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 14 301.50 301.50 111282 7/19/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 139770 139777 Supplies Supplies 21.80 1.46 267.36 Page 159 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 139748 139684 Supplies Hoses, Hose Nozzles 111283 7/19/2011 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 4113170 1073189 5072386 8072963 7073294 Bedding Plants Lumber, Deck Screws Spray Paint Supplies Parts 111284 7/19/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 22297 Fuel 111285 7/19/2011 HIGHLAND GREEN CLEANING 159 SAC Cleaning Services - June 111286 7/19/2011 IRWIN AIR LTD 29569 111287 7/19/2011 INFORM ARTS 111288 7/19/2011 111289 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 110.88 133.22 76.12 58.64 39.61 8.74 12.40 195.51 333.76 333.76 1,008.00 1,008.00 Compressor Items 711.20 711.20 May-June 2011 Minute Taking Services - May & June 672.00 672.00 HARVEY, JOHN July 11/11 Smoke Bluffs Labour & Material 2,220.40 2,220.40 7/19/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 46612 46661 46489 46662 46572 Leachate Seweer Design - May Sq River Rip Rap Upgrade 2009 - May W/S Dev Servicing Studies - May Sq/Cheekeye River Sediment Remove-May Eagle View Area Dyke Upgrade - May 15,926.12 3,835.15 768.60 11,456.85 18,627.39 50,614.11 111290 7/19/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS SVCINV00142535 P/D C452 Staples 109.76 109.76 111291 7/19/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13325501 C/D C452 Copier Rental to Sept 30 1,080.80 1,080.80 111292 7/19/2011 KERR, DAVID/DRAPER, CHANTAL July 8/11 Refund Property Tax O/P 770.00 770.00 111293 7/19/2011 KAILA, JASPAUL SINGH 28/09 Jun 27 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 28/09 1,000.00 1,000.00 111294 7/19/2011 KALBERG, JEFFREY & HAINES, SARAH July 12/11 Refund Property Tax O/P 2,004.85 2,004.85 111295 7/19/2011 LONDON DRUGS 0800021433 Employee Computer Purchase 1,652.73 1,652.73 111296 7/19/2011 DR. A. LAM 354055 356090 Insurance Form Insurance Form 60.00 60.00 120.00 111297 7/19/2011 LIFESAVING SOCIETY 53371 53278 Bronze Star, Bronze Cross Supplies 130.00 639.28 769.28 111298 7/19/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 800212 Belts 21.35 652.75 Page 160 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 800151 441660 Wiper Connector Windshield Wiper Blades 111299 7/19/2011 LAERDAL MEDICAL CANADA LTD 81159650 Supplies 111300 7/19/2011 LUCKY LOONIES 94151 June 14 94277 June 3 Preschool Supplies Supplies 111301 7/19/2011 LETT, MARNIE 55/11 July 13 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 55/11 111302 7/19/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE, TAXATION BRANCH July 18/11 School Tax Remittance - Part 2 111303 7/19/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE 92593517 92605391 92594305 111304 7/19/2011 MCINTOSH, KELLIE 111305 7/19/2011 111306 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2.31 629.09 246.38 246.38 9.52 71.94 81.46 2,500.00 2,500.00 998,280.58 998,280.58 Uniforms Uniform Belt Uniforms 178.85 22.27 219.61 420.73 June 29/11 Bylaw Course Per Diem 195.00 195.00 MANN, GURNAM 107/06 June 30 Ref Damage/Lot Grading Dep-BP 107/06 2,000.00 2,000.00 7/19/2011 MM PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES SD327 Jun 22/11 Refund Eng Insp Deposit - SD327 1,952.01 1,952.01 111307 7/19/2011 NESTERS MARKET 89699 June 22 89700 July 6 Cell Block Food Cell Block Food 63.89 87.73 151.62 111308 7/19/2011 NEW AGE TRADING INC. 93793 June 30 93012 June 22 Supplies Supplies 7.28 18.48 25.76 111309 7/19/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 94574 June 27 Supplies 84.63 84.63 111310 7/19/2011 OPEN ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS 011-0016 IT Services to July 15 1,008.00 1,008.00 111311 7/19/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 5826 5636 Stawamus River SCADA to May 31 Corridor Trail Design to Apr 30 5,978.56 2,992.08 8,970.64 111312 7/19/2011 ON SIDE RESTORATION 29/11 July 14 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 29/11 2,500.00 2,500.00 111313 7/19/2011 PUROLATOR INC. 412744772 Freight 26.60 26.60 111314 7/19/2011 PETTY CASH (FIRE DEPT.) July 5/11 Petty Cash to July 5 162.33 162.33 111315 7/19/2011 PANAGO PIZZA PLACE 93311 June 23 Adv Design Panel Mtg Refreshments 45.56 45.56 111316 7/19/2011 PLANNING INSTITUTE OF B.C. 12526 Job Posting - Planner 666.40 666.40 Page 161 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 111317 7/19/2011 POLO, ADRIANE July 15/11 Acting Camp - July 4 - 8 762.30 762.30 111318 7/19/2011 PAR-T-PERFECT July 9/11 Inflatable Rentals/Birthday Parties 195.00 195.00 111319 7/19/2011 PETRO-CANADA 925051993 924389529 Bulk Oil Credit - Drum Deposit Return 111320 7/19/2011 PILOTE, SEBASTIAN July 12/11 Refund Property Tax O/P 111321 7/19/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 14/11 111322 7/19/2011 R.F. BINNIE & ASSOCIATES 111323 7/19/2011 111324 2,016.28 (56.00) 1,960.28 703.93 703.93 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 14 109,289.40 109,289.40 25646 Govt Rd S/S Extension - May 597.52 597.52 ROGERS MEDIA INC 77161-2 Radio Ads - Property Taxes, HOG 489.44 489.44 7/19/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. June 1/11 July 1/11 51272 RI Long Distance Charges - May Long Distance Charges - June 10 Mbps Internet Access - June 209.72 242.87 782.88 1,235.47 111325 7/19/2011 REVENUE SERVICES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA July 2011 July MSP Premiums 12,285.50 12,285.50 111326 7/19/2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX IN58836 Parts 84.56 84.56 111327 7/19/2011 ROGERS WIRELESS 6354472561 SEP Phones - June 5 Billing 120.00 120.00 111328 7/19/2011 BRAIDWOOD & COMPANY 6850 Professisonal Services - DVP 68 236.01 236.01 111329 7/19/2011 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 48 (SEA TO SKY) 8853 Bus Trip to Works Yard - May 18 252.54 252.54 111330 7/19/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 14/11 Union Dues - P/P 14 272.67 272.67 111331 7/19/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS June 23/11 Gas Use - June 23 Billing 7,518.78 7,518.78 111332 7/19/2011 SQUAMISH VETERINARY 0116741 0116854 0117191 0117016 0117019 0117269 Vet Services - May 7 Monthly Vet Service - May Monthly Vet Services - June Vet Services - June 6 Vet Services - June 6 Monthly Vet Services - July 196.73 107.52 107.52 25.42 28.90 107.52 573.61 111333 7/19/2011 SEA TO SKY WASTE MANAGEMENT LTD. July 2011 Landfill Attendant Services - July 6,466.25 6,466.25 111334 7/19/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 93792 June 30 Camp Supplies 134.12 355.27 Page 162 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 91476 June 24 94550 June 20 94572 June 20 Preschool Grad Cake Graduation Ceremony Juice Supplies Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 44.99 79.07 97.09 111335 7/19/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY July 2011 Youth Services Contract - July 21,026.67 21,026.67 111336 7/19/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY June 2011 Youth Services Contract - June 21,026.67 21,026.67 111337 7/19/2011 SCU INSURANCE SERVICES LTD. July 4/11 Summer Camp Bus Insurance 371.00 371.00 111338 7/19/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 340884 340893 340899 RCMP ESB Monitoring to Sept 30 M/H Monitoring to Sept 30 Archive Bldg Monitoring to Sept 30 252.00 134.40 134.40 520.80 111339 7/19/2011 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 52986 Freight 448.45 448.45 111340 7/19/2011 MOLBY, SACHA July 6/11 July 14/11 Seniors Keep Well June 20 to July 5 Seniors Keep Well July 4 - 14 430.00 240.00 670.00 111341 7/19/2011 SPERLING HANSEN ASSOCIATES INC. 11182 Landfill Upgrades - 2011 7,070.84 7,070.84 111342 7/19/2011 SHAW CABLE 5490 June 16/11 5474 June 16/11 F/H Internet/HD Plus Serv to June 16 M/H Internet Service to June 16 107.46 100.69 208.15 111343 7/19/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 243940 243941 243762 243605 243077 243604 243606 Supplies Dispensers Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 180.12 0.34 226.58 136.53 369.33 611.59 187.89 1,712.38 111344 7/19/2011 STAPLES MCDANNOLD STEWART 794 032 Jun 27 Bylaw Bootcamp Reg - K. McIntosh 1,089.20 1,089.20 111345 7/19/2011 SQUAMISH SIKH SOCIETY July 6/11 Refund Traffic Control Device Deposit 140.00 140.00 111346 7/19/2011 SNAP-ON-TOOLS 0627116588 Gloves 133.62 133.62 111347 7/19/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5812 W/Y Coffee 182.00 182.00 111348 7/19/2011 SIGNAL SYSTEMS IN-20577-01 Batteries & Clips 264.99 264.99 111349 7/19/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 5085 R/C & Cemetery Bldg Service - Apr 99.68 99.68 Page 163 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111350 7/19/2011 Vendor Name SQUAMISH TRUCK AND TRAILER LTD 9325 Computer Diagnostics 111351 7/19/2011 SEA TO SKY INVASIVE SPECIES COUNCIL 23 Support Services 111352 7/19/2011 SQUAMISH CAN (CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK) SCAN006 111353 7/19/2011 SQUAMISH NATION DANCE GROUP 111354 7/19/2011 111355 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 112.78 112.78 4,000.00 4,000.00 Movie in the Park - Canada Day 400.00 400.00 July 1/11 Dance Performance - July 1 250.00 250.00 SEA TO SKY CLEAN AIR SOCIETY June 29/11 Financial Contribution Agreement 3,616.00 3,616.00 7/19/2011 SQUAMISH UNITED CHURCH July 4/11 Refund Excess Tax-Church Use Exempt 1,349.40 1,349.40 111356 7/19/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 862142 861082 861900 861018 862004 861515 861490 862141 856253 863115 863150 863082 Sprinkler Heads V-Belts Supplies Fuel Cartridge Supplies Hydraulic Hose Filter Housing Coveralls Monthly Demurrage - May Trailer Hitch, Adapter Plug Supplies Parts 21.97 28.67 281.80 9.12 4.69 61.11 63.60 101.24 169.00 61.68 61.73 25.19 889.80 111357 7/19/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 863155 863151 863169 863255 Batteries, Safety Glasses Hydraulic Fitting Parts Supplies 12.12 17.39 141.64 31.96 203.11 111358 7/19/2011 TIM HORTONS 94497 July 13 Food Service for EOC Exercise 57.85 57.85 111359 7/19/2011 TERRALINK HORTICULTURE INC. 518858 Fertilizer 4,003.20 4,003.20 111360 7/19/2011 TESS PRODUCTIONS 524527 Camera/Computer Services - June 560.00 560.00 111361 7/19/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 78968146 Relocation Clark Road Trail 5,477.18 5,477.18 111362 7/19/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 78962510 Cleveland Ave Lease Rent - Aug 1,232.00 1,232.00 111363 7/19/2011 TIGERDIRECT.CA INC. D10371280101 Sound Card, Seagate 500GB 257.73 257.73 111364 7/19/2011 TOM GREEN July 11/11 July 4 - 3 Travel Expense to July 8 Travel Expense - Apr 11 to May 16 68.78 182.00 1,161.30 Page 164 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description July 4 - 2 July 4 - 1 July 4 - 4 July 4 - 5 July 4 - 6 July 4 - 7 Travel Expense - Mar 28 to Apr 8 Travel Expense Mar 15 to 25 Travel Expense - May 17 to May 30 Travel Expense - May 31 to Jun 13 Travel Expense - June 14 to 27 Travel Expense - Jun 28 to Jun 30 111365 7/19/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY July 6/11 Hotel Room Tax - April 111366 7/19/2011 TUMBLEWOODS INDOOR PLAYGROUND 287 111367 7/19/2011 TD CANADA TRUST 111368 7/19/2011 111369 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 206.96 196.04 156.52 130.00 186.68 34.32 11,834.78 11,834.78 Mini Cupcakes for Canada Day 295.68 295.68 July 8/11 July 12/11 B.Kilgour Mtge #6443117 Prop Tax Ref S.Steele Mtge #0134244 Prop Tax Ref 499.58 113.07 612.65 THREE VETS LTD. 04-7259 Uniform Boots 257.60 257.60 7/19/2011 UNION OF B.C. MUNICIPALITIES July 6/11 Vehicle Licence Remittance Mar-Jun 205.00 205.00 111370 7/19/2011 UNITED WAY July 13/11 Employee Donations - P/P 14 119.19 119.19 111371 7/19/2011 UNITED BUILDING SYSTEMS UBSI-110514 Repairs to Thunderbird IT Tower 2,839.20 2,839.20 111372 7/19/2011 URGENCES REANIMATION AED201105 Automatic External Defibrillator 2,214.70 2,214.70 111373 7/19/2011 VALHALLA PURE OUTFITTERS 89967 July 14 Nikwax for Waterproofing Jackets 49.17 49.17 111374 7/19/2011 VIMAR EQUIPMENT LTD. 283552 Switch/Springs 108.65 108.65 111375 7/19/2011 WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARD OF B.C. Jun 30/11 April to June Premiums 35,027.96 35,027.96 111376 7/19/2011 WESTBURNE ELECTRIC SUPPLY B.C. 1334342 Stawamus Conduit Run 36.31 36.31 111377 7/19/2011 WATKINS, CINDY June 15/11 Workboot Allowance 86.21 86.21 111378 7/19/2011 WESTMANA DEVELOPMENT CORP. July 11/11 Refund Water Analysis - DP269 4,482.74 4,482.74 111379 7/19/2011 WATSON, MICHELLE July 6/11 Taxi Fare to Pick Up Day Camp Bus 72.80 72.80 111380 7/20/2011 NEOPOST CANADA LTD. July 20/11 Postage - DPOC #250326 5,600.00 5,600.00 111381 7/25/2011 BC ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY July 20/11 2011 BCAA Levy 303,246.63 303,246.63 111382 7/25/2011 BARJAKTAROVIC, LORI 433695 Program Refund 133.00 133.00 Page 165 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111383 7/25/2011 Vendor Name BOHN, JERI 432856 Program Refund Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 384.00 384.00 111384 7/25/2011 COOKE, JEFF 430041 Program Refund 95.00 95.00 111385 7/25/2011 DOUGLAS, CORAL July 6/11 Expense Reimbursement 32.59 32.59 111386 7/25/2011 DUNCAN, LISA 432855 Program Refund 540.00 540.00 111387 7/25/2011 KUNCIAK, MICHELLE 374031 Program Refund 42.00 42.00 111388 7/25/2011 MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY (MFABC) July 20/11 2011 Levies 865.95 865.95 111389 7/25/2011 ROHL, MONICA 434392 Program Refund 283.00 283.00 111390 7/25/2011 SQUAMISH MUNICIPAL LIBRARY July 25/11 2011 Library Grant 72,100.00 72,100.00 111391 7/25/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT July 20/11 2010 SLRD Levy, 2010 Excess Levies 111392 7/25/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL HOSPITAL DIST July 20/11 2011 Levy, 2010 Excess Levies 111393 7/25/2011 SEA TO SKY REGIONAL HOSPITAL DISTRICT July 20/11 SSRHD 2011 Requisition 111394 7/25/2011 DOWNTOWN SQUAMISH BIA July 25/11 111395 8/3/2011 BETHEL LANDS CORP 111396 8/3/2011 111397 1,296,214.00 1,296,214.00 66,722.00 66,722.00 158,705.00 158,705.00 2011 Squamish BIA - B/L 2172 45,000.00 45,000.00 104 OSiem Pavilion Work to July 15 131,067.71 131,067.71 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 15/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 15 105,047.24 105,047.24 8/3/2011 POLOWICH, EDWARD H. July 18/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 111398 8/3/2011 ALLAN, JACKIE July 19/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 111399 8/3/2011 ARTHURS, ROBIN July 28/11 Travel Expense - Airport Lands Tour 14.04 14.04 111400 8/3/2011 ALL KEYS & LOCKS 3976C 3682C 10223 Keys Padlocks Locks & Keys - Third Ave Flood Gates 69.38 175.00 431.70 676.08 111401 8/3/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 15079 15216 14107 14214 Cell Block Laundry - June 21 Cell Block Laundry - June 28 Cell Block Laundry - June 7 Cell Block Laundry - June 14 28.27 32.92 14.06 30.54 105.79 111402 8/3/2011 ACKLANDS - GRAINGER INC. 4373 0574062 Gas Calibration for Gas Detector 403.66 1,169.86 Page 166 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 4373 0575259 4373 0575522 Compressed Gas Lapping Gel 111403 8/3/2011 AVENUE MACHINERY CORP AI54189 AI54328 Parts Universal Joint Yoke 111404 8/3/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E786753 E776597 Weekly Analysis - June 30 Weekly Analysis - June 1 111405 8/3/2011 A.R. MOWER & SUPPLY LTD. 27500 111406 8/3/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES 111407 8/3/2011 111408 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 403.66 362.54 75.98 204.66 280.64 84.00 84.00 168.00 Gel Lapping Compound 183.68 183.68 LVAN373754 LVN371918 LVAN371934 LVAN348274 LVAN375536 LVAN375548 LVAN375532 LVAN377416 R/C Uniform Service - July 18 R/C Uniform Service - July 11 S/C Laundry - July 11 CP Laundry - Apr 18 W/Y Laundry - July 25 S/C Laundry - July 25 R/C Uniform Service - July 25 R/C Uniform Service - Aug 1 61.57 199.23 41.13 79.23 40.04 40.32 199.23 61.57 722.32 ARETE SAFETY AND PROTECTION INC. 61540 Managing Internal Conflict at Work 1,406.50 1,406.50 8/3/2011 AVCON CONSULTING LTD. July 12/11 Airport Consulting/Crack Sealing 5,784.80 5,784.80 111409 8/3/2011 GENERATION 2 CONTROLS INC. 124342 Monitoring DDC Controls - July 449.12 449.12 111410 8/3/2011 ARCHIBALD CLARKE & DEFIEUX (SQUAMISH) 245415 247440 Sports Can Insurance - May Sports-Can Insurance - June 35.00 20.00 55.00 111411 8/3/2011 A2Z ARENA PRODUCTS LTD. 570 Rubber Flooring, Nylon Strips 1,121.12 1,121.12 111412 8/3/2011 AGAT LABORATORIES 11K17839T Oil Sample Bottles 221.76 221.76 111413 8/3/2011 ALFRED WAUGH ARCHITECT 11008-006D 11008-008F OSiem Pavillion Disb - June OSiem Pavillion Consultant Fees - Jun 716.70 2,800.00 3,516.70 111414 8/3/2011 ALLSTAR MECHANICAL LTD. 11-2263-158 11-2263-159 11-2263-167 11-2293-169 11-2310-168 11-2322-175 M/H 2nd Quarter Inspection Library 1st Quarter Inspection M/H Repairs M/H Repairs M/H Repairs RCMP Detachment Service 592.20 465.36 1,086.40 428.40 967.20 357.00 3,896.56 111415 8/3/2011 ABELL, ALISON July 10/11 Little Swimmer Diapers for Resale 29.33 68.26 Page 167 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description July 24/11 Expense Reimbursement Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 38.93 111416 8/3/2011 BCR PROPERTIES LTD INV010792 CN E2318 Water P/L Mile 39 - 2010 525.00 525.00 111417 8/3/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 5218 Jul 14/11 5268 Jul 14/11 9205 Jul 14/11 4316 Jul 14/11 S/C Telephone Charges to July 14 S/C Telephone Charges to July 14 S/C Telephone Charges to July 14 ADSL Line to July 14 176.64 182.70 176.64 198.45 734.43 111418 8/3/2011 SCOTIABANK July 14/11 Refund Property Tax O/P - Moses 770.00 770.00 111419 8/3/2011 SCOTIABANK July 29/11 Prop Tax O/P - Joel Trigg 770.00 770.00 111420 8/3/2011 BC TRANSIT 611876 611865 611765 Squamish/Whistler Comm - June Conventional Transit - June Para Transit - June 32,487.00 66,428.00 8,465.00 107,380.00 111421 8/3/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 003898814088 020053013125 003898814089 Mike Mobility Charges to June 17 Cell Phone Charges to June 17 Mike Mobility Charges to July 17 148.34 142.18 145.00 435.52 111422 8/3/2011 BUNBURY & ASSOCIATES 5066 Stan Clarke Park Services 2,912.00 2,912.00 111423 8/3/2011 ACCESS POINT INFORMATION CANADA LTD. 9935750611 Land Title Searches - June 60.48 60.48 111424 8/3/2011 BELL MOBILITY Aug 17/11 Blackberry Service - July 17 Billing 4,668.42 4,668.42 111425 8/3/2011 BELL DISTRIBUTION 99977268 99991293 99970666 Blackberries Blackberry Upgrade Nokia Replacement Phone 223.78 55.94 100.74 380.46 111426 8/3/2011 BLACKETT, BEV July 27/11 Seniors Yoga - June 21 to July 26 187.50 187.50 111427 8/3/2011 BDK CONSULTING July 28/11 Contract Services to July 28 1,830.80 1,830.80 111428 8/3/2011 BROOK POONI ASSOCIATES INC 5299 Zoning B/L Consulting Serv to Jun 30 3,453.24 3,453.24 111429 8/3/2011 BC INSTANT LAWNS AND LANDSCAPES 2011-21 Soil & Sod Supply and Installation 2,757.16 2,757.16 111430 8/3/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 15/11 Union Dues - P/P 15 4,582.07 4,582.07 111431 8/3/2011 CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY IN00144959 UC002560 IN00138670 WSI Recert Course Package Credit for Wrong Materials Supplies Page 168 of 299 570.24 (145.38) 5.60 430.46 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 111432 8/3/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94884191 Bulk Delo 384.45 384.45 111433 8/3/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 15344 15518 Road Base Road Base 613.68 288.41 902.09 111434 8/3/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J002053 J002059 J002080 J002038 J002037 J002063 J002064 J002057 J002079 J002055 J002036 J002034 Remove/Replace Banners Service Queensway Pump Operation Repairs Queensway Pump Station Repair Street Light Banner Brackets Remove/Replace Banners S/C Fluorscent Fixture in Parkade Harris Slough Pump Station Street Lights - Perth Drive Street Light Repairs - Paisley Pl Record Keeping DOS Log Books Street Lights - Ravens Plateau Street Light Repairs - Tanatalus 369.60 145.60 123.20 591.45 246.40 224.43 234.20 159.60 320.31 291.20 291.20 364.03 3,361.22 111435 8/3/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J002081 Dryden Creek Dike Pumping Station 182.00 182.00 111436 8/3/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004K-96237 5004C-97354 5004F-97447 5004Q-96733 5004K-96385 5004V-96392 5004U-96391 5004D-96379 5004T-96389 5004N-96386 5004G-96382 5004TT-96390 R/C Recycle Stations - May WWTP Gbg,Recycle July/Biosolids-June Residential Service - June W/Y Gbg, Cdbd - July/Inv Spec - Jun R/C Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - July/June A/W Field Portable Toilet - July Hendrickson Fields Port Toilet - July CF Concession Garbage - July Upper S/B Portable Toilet - July Nexen Beach Portable Toilet - July Kinsmen CG Port Toilet Jun/Gbg-July Lower S/B Park Lot Port Toilet-July 1,344.00 25,526.91 58,271.90 502.11 851.33 145.60 291.20 368.46 145.60 145.60 1,055.30 145.60 88,793.61 111437 8/3/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004X-96734 5004VV-96393 S/C Compost June/Recycle July Field E & F Portable Toilet - July 121.52 145.60 267.12 111438 8/3/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 27918109 27888889 28080812 27975017 27989571 28030728 28047937 Index Inserts Supplies Supplies Paper for Annual Report Paper for Annual Report Xerox Digital Color Elite Paper Supplies 12.31 190.70 175.32 90.92 227.30 264.06 261.41 1,398.44 Page 169 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 28077746 Supplies 111439 8/3/2011 BASF CANADA INC. 131109017 Zetag 111440 8/3/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 14149 14142 14140 111441 8/3/2011 COMFY'S LAUNDRY 111442 8/3/2011 111443 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 176.42 19,702.57 19,702.57 Shops Laundry - June 28 Clean Tent P/W Parks Coverall 39.31 56.00 13.16 108.47 June 2011 Lib June 2011 M/H Laundry - June Library Laundry - June 21.28 21.28 42.56 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016045384 Paint and Supplies 139.79 139.79 8/3/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 14568 14548 14636 14605 Pool Schedule Summer Hours Public Washroom Signs Bear Aware Signs Corridor Trail Improvements Signs 156.80 44.80 178.08 863.52 1,243.20 111444 8/3/2011 CANTERBURY FOOD SERVICE LTD. INV2474513 Coffee, Sugar 312.74 312.74 111445 8/3/2011 CIBC MORTGAGES INC. July 29/11 Prop Tax O/P - Hudec/Ottova 770.00 770.00 111446 8/3/2011 CHROMA COMMUNICATIONS GROUP INC. 020711 SCADA Review/Prelim Design to Jul 12 7,692.36 7,692.36 111447 8/3/2011 CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONING LTD. W77185 Service Boiler at R/C 228.48 228.48 111448 8/3/2011 CWR HOLDINGS LTD. July 22/11 Release 90% Landscape Bond - DP 285 15,755.40 15,755.40 111449 8/3/2011 CITY OF TORONTO jULY 29/11 Deposit - Vote Tabulator Rental 1,630.00 1,630.00 111450 8/3/2011 CORNISH, CHRISTINA 3666 3583 Refund Camping Fees (Rec 437412) Refund Camping Fees (Rec 435737) 51.70 51.70 103.40 111451 8/3/2011 CHANG, G. & TRASOLINI, K 63/11 July 29 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 63/11 2,500.00 2,500.00 111452 8/3/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 107839 107838 107615 107959 107875 Chemicals Chemicals Dolphin Repair Chemicals Supplies 2,282.54 144.70 263.42 113.76 315.95 3,120.37 111453 8/3/2011 DICKSON, LISA July 29/11 WNH July 11-15/RB July 25-29 1,159.34 1,159.34 111454 8/3/2011 DJ SPENCE TREE SERVICE 518 Tree Removal 1,428.00 1,428.00 Page 170 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 111455 8/3/2011 DAVEY, JOHN July 19/11 Refund Balance - SD314 111456 8/3/2011 DANIELS, DAVID July 27/11 111457 8/3/2011 DUNCAN, LISA 111458 8/3/2011 111459 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 3,737.96 3,737.96 Property Tax O/P - R3000502817001 770.00 770.00 435932 Program Refund 295.00 295.00 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-97422 4501-97423 Landfill Contract - June Tires, Gypsum Board - June 28,924.08 4,306.67 33,230.75 8/3/2011 ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATORS CERT.PROGRAM F20110018 Facility Renewal Fees 448.00 448.00 111460 8/3/2011 EMCO 9682562-00 Seal Pipe 2,340.35 2,340.35 111461 8/3/2011 EGLOBAL IT SOLUTIONS INC. 141882 Toner Cartridges 1,865.94 1,865.94 111462 8/3/2011 ELKINS, NORMAN July 13/11 Refund Property Tax O/P 1,221.49 1,221.49 111463 8/3/2011 FINNING (CANADA) PINV0106365 P/H Springs Parts 134.25 134.25 111464 8/3/2011 FIRST TRUCK CENTRE R003023293:01 Diagnose Engine Problem 285.34 285.34 111465 8/3/2011 FITNESS TOWN SERVICE 786 836 Install Rails on Treadmill Foot Rails 75.04 305.86 380.90 111466 8/3/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 11740 11774 11776 11775 Whiteprints Business Cards Business Cards Building Inspection Reports 16.46 78.40 39.20 207.20 341.26 111467 8/3/2011 GARIBALDI EXCEL TIRE SERVICES LTD. 91588 Tires 571.20 571.20 111468 8/3/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. 550511 550507 Parts Parts 9.23 13.48 22.71 111469 8/3/2011 GUILD, YULE & COMPANY 3021433 Professional Services to May 31 908.84 908.84 111470 8/3/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2590 2598 2604 R/C Service Call New Lock for Storage Room - RCMP Re-key Locks Forestry Bldg 330.96 134.40 189.45 654.81 111471 8/3/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5301 Water Testing Bldg Services 3,273.39 3,273.39 111472 8/3/2011 G-VAN CATERING AND CONSULTING INC. 0006 Breakfast for Core Leadership Team 634.98 634.98 Page 171 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 111473 8/3/2011 GROLEAU, AMELIE 435202 Program Refund 111474 8/3/2011 GLENTEL INC. July 7/11 111475 8/3/2011 GOODBYE GRAFFITI VANCOUVER 111476 8/3/2011 111477 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 46.00 46.00 MSAT Phones to July 7 141.18 141.18 38323 38604 Ever-Clean Program - June Ever Clean Program - July 228.48 228.48 456.96 GILL, BALWINDER July 27/11 Property Tax O/P - R7000029977002 1,826.68 1,826.68 8/3/2011 HANLEY AGENCIES LTD. 71827 72176 Parts Parts 870.24 1,362.48 2,232.72 111478 8/3/2011 FMEP P/P 15/11 FMEP Case #92042 301.50 301.50 111479 8/3/2011 HI-PRO SPORTING GOODS 266 Hockey Nets, Fenders, Protectors 782.99 782.99 111480 8/3/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 139882 139848 139734 139756 139690 Supplies Batteries Supplies Paint Wasp Spray 14.52 35.06 36.94 177.36 28.49 292.37 111481 8/3/2011 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 3114273 9074186 9074188 Bedding Plants Red Spray Paint, Pick Batteries 65.93 46.44 58.20 170.57 111482 8/3/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 22811 22899 22074 22691 22834 22535 Weedeater Repairs Stihl Heads Weedeater Repairs Chainsaw Repair Chainsaw Repair Hedge Lube 22.40 111.89 27.92 193.43 112.73 16.24 484.61 111483 8/3/2011 HALCROW CONSULTING INC CTLDHW-9 Zoning B/L Consultation to July 15 5,513.76 5,513.76 111484 8/3/2011 HALEY, BRIDGIT 437453 Program Refund 95.40 95.40 111485 8/3/2011 INPROTECT SYSTEMS INC. 142865 141883 143395 Firearms Sign Senior Centre Parking Sign Round Posts 146.79 284.37 1,340.64 1,771.80 111486 8/3/2011 ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES B001112 B001111 Mamquam Rd W/M Replacement to Jun 17 Squamish Subdivision B/L to Jun 17 2,046.80 6,618.64 8,665.44 Page 172 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 111487 8/3/2011 INFINITE ROAD MARKING LTD. 87 Govt Rd Sidewalk Project Markings 111488 8/3/2011 JORGENSEN, CHAYA July 27/11 Babysitting Training Course - July 111489 8/3/2011 JENSEN, AMANDA Aug 3/11 File Boxes & Travel Expense 111490 8/3/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 46845 46842 46827 46830 Hydrant Testing - June District Metering Design - June W/S Dev Servicing Study - June Development Servicing Reviews - Jun 111491 8/3/2011 KAL TIRE 064070800 Tire Repair 111492 8/3/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01627874 CONIN01646633 CONIN01646630 SVCINV00144060 CONIN01646629 R/C C452 Copy Charges to June 14 CD/Eng C452 Copy Charges to June 22 S/C C280 Copy Charges to June 21 M/H Pro 950 Staples M/H Pro 950 Copy Charges to June 29 111493 8/3/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13370751 13370750 13370752 111494 8/3/2011 KELROY SOLUTIONS 111495 8/3/2011 111496 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,680.00 1,680.00 250.00 250.00 92.54 92.54 4,572.96 3,062.08 3,388.56 437.49 11,461.09 30.24 30.24 456.64 695.90 141.75 364.00 552.23 2,210.52 M/H Pro 950 Copier Rental to Oct 31 S/C C280 Copier Rental to Oct 31 P/D C452 Copier Rental to Oct 31 1,716.96 542.31 1,080.80 3,340.07 128 Equipment Replacement Strategy - Apr 3,911.04 3,911.04 KONONOFF, RYAN July 27/11 Property Tax O/P - R7000502549078 1,189.88 1,189.88 8/3/2011 YOUNG, ANDERSON 60809/60210 Professional Services 451.59 451.59 111497 8/3/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 442490 801781 443383 442687 419711 802620 801789 Ignition Lock Cylinder Oil & Filter Ball Joint Hydraulic Oil Battery Floor Dry Oil Filters 48.04 97.26 116.77 371.50 146.97 114.07 17.88 912.49 111498 8/3/2011 LUCKY LOONIES 94587 July 13 Flower Arrangements 17.90 17.90 111499 8/3/2011 LIDSTONE & COMPANY 1943 1942 1941 1886 Professional Services - June Professional Services - June Professional Services - June Professional Services - June 1,135.29 182.00 609.11 5,977.03 7,903.43 Page 173 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 111500 8/3/2011 MUNICIPAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF B.C. 20679 Insurance Claims 111501 8/3/2011 MURDY & MCALLISTER May 2011 June 2011 Professional Services - May Professional Services - June 111502 8/3/2011 MAXWELL PAPER CANADA INC. 6192248 Receipt Paper 111503 8/3/2011 MORRIS, AMANDA July 27/11 111504 8/3/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE - TRANSPORTATION 111505 8/3/2011 111506 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 9.70 9.70 23,415.14 32,582.70 55,997.84 122.86 122.86 Gymn July 18-22/25-29 & Prog Split 2,589.35 2,589.35 5234 Cost Share Agreement - Apr to June 2,921.62 2,921.62 MODU-LOC FENCE RENTALS LTD. I0077883 I0079925 Fence Panel Rental - June Fence Panel Rental - July 19.89 20.56 40.45 8/3/2011 MARINE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE W14378 M/H Drain Repairs 1,232.00 1,232.00 111507 8/3/2011 MICKELSON CONSULTING INC. 2011-12-006 Communication Strategy - May/June 1,621.20 1,621.20 111508 8/3/2011 MANZINI, LISA 436000 Program Refund 97.00 97.00 111509 8/3/2011 MORRIS, JULIE July 20/11 Expense Reimbursement 189.02 189.02 111510 8/3/2011 MORRISON, S. 75/11 July 28 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 75/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 111511 8/3/2011 MODRAY, LAURA/BRISBOIS, MICHAEL July 26/11 Property Tax O/P - R4000502715001 478.55 478.55 111512 8/3/2011 NEW AGE TRADING INC. 94588 July 19 Supplies 15.12 15.12 111513 8/3/2011 NEUFELD, JOHN July 27/11 Property Tax O/P - R7000029944000 770.00 770.00 111514 8/3/2011 OLYMPIC INTERNATIONAL SALES LIMITED 4904 Steam Cylinder 357.84 357.84 111515 8/3/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 6004 5985 5982 5983 5966 Corridor Trail to June 30 SCADA Software Support to June 30 F/H #3 Roof Replacement to June 30 Corr Trail Harris/Tanatalus to Jun 30 Control Valve Automation - June 11,705.12 11,025.19 9,521.15 16,802.07 4,244.42 53,297.95 111516 8/3/2011 PUROLATOR INC. 412832937 412926589 413097217 Freight Freight Freight 29.47 46.28 54.30 130.05 111517 8/3/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 11536535 CO2 Tank Rental to July 14 116.24 618.59 Page 174 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 11613327 11572718 Cylinder Rent to June 24 Carbon Dioxide 111518 8/3/2011 PACIFIC WEST SYSTEMS SUPPLY LTD. R53792 Dam Sacs 111519 8/3/2011 PETTY CASH (SENIOR CENTRE) July 19/11 S/C Petty Cash to July 19 111520 8/3/2011 PHOENIX, ROBERT & JULIE July 29/11 111521 8/3/2011 QUALITY SAW & KNIFE LTD. 111522 8/3/2011 111523 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 21.63 480.72 1,431.81 1,431.81 88.06 88.06 Property Tax O/P - $2000500215001 770.00 770.00 160040 Sharpen Knives 213.30 213.30 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN37250 IN37528 IN36609 IN37668 Jacobsen Parts Lamp & Grill Assembly Windshield Glass Aerator Tines, Tine Brackets 246.92 70.87 606.33 1,200.95 2,125.07 8/3/2011 RD PENHALL LTD. 36474 Time-n-Tide Pocket Books 25.37 25.37 111524 8/3/2011 R.F. BINNIE & ASSOCIATES 25757 25895 Squamish Anti-Whistling Study - June Elements 2 Off Site Const - June 3,008.99 4,040.96 7,049.95 111525 8/3/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. 51366 RI 51483 RI 2 FX Lines - Aug 10 Mbps Internet Access - July 973.72 782.88 1,756.60 111526 8/3/2011 RENTAL NETWORK LTD. 1-055093-01 Propane Fill 44.80 44.80 111527 8/3/2011 RICHMOND ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 263718 Monthly Maintenance - July 182.02 182.02 111528 8/3/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1337873 Tubing, Hacksaw 39.29 39.29 111529 8/3/2011 ROGERS WIRELESS 6354472571 SEP Phones - July 5 Billing 79.52 79.52 111530 8/3/2011 RUSH, CHERYL & PETER July 13/11 Property Tax O/P - R5000501731002 901.79 901.79 111531 8/3/2011 ROCHE, PAUL July 27/11 Reimburse Duplicate Charge 56.69 56.69 111532 8/3/2011 RODGERS, LEANNE & WILLIAM July 27/11 Property Tax O/P - R5000000682001 2,737.54 2,737.54 111533 8/3/2011 BRAIDWOOD & COMPANY 6871 6884 Squamish CAN Temp Use Permit 28 Legal Fees - DP 301 236.01 237.82 473.83 111534 8/3/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 15/11 Union Dues - P/P 15 291.32 291.32 111535 8/3/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS July 22/11 Gas Use - July 22 Billing 4,901.74 4,901.74 Page 175 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 111536 8/3/2011 SIMSON-MAXWELL R56511 Serviced Emergency Power System 111537 8/3/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00017350 SQDI00018093 SQDI00018161 SQDI00018335 SQDI00018385 SQDI00018437 SQDI00018682 SQDI00018491 March 18 Edition May 13 Edition May 20th Edition May 27th Edition June 3rd Edition June 10th Edition June 24th Edition June 17th Edition 111538 8/3/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 94349 July 11 94576 July 12 93795 July 18 111539 8/3/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY 111540 8/3/2011 111541 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 812.00 812.00 975.61 975.34 1,029.07 1,341.55 1,970.49 2,553.77 1,430.02 2,047.81 12,323.66 Cream, Milk Supplies Summer Camp Supplies 16.34 28.98 54.07 99.39 July 22/11 Teddy Bear Picnic Summer Camp 60.00 60.00 SOCAN July 18/11 Tariff 8 - Apr 1 to June 30 236.07 236.07 8/3/2011 STATE CHEMICAL LTD 95101122 95156076 Truck Wash Floor Clean 221.76 221.76 443.52 111542 8/3/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 340848 340882 328286 328337 340857 342040 BP Concession Monitoring to Sept 30 Wilson Slough Pump Stn to Sept 30 Blvd Pump Stn Monitoring to May 1 Drydem Creek Pump Stn to May 1 S/C Monitoring to Sept 30 ESS Bldg Reinstalled Door Contact 84.00 134.40 112.00 112.00 84.00 123.20 649.60 111543 8/3/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 57717 57718 57668 Oil Filters Filters Drivers Seat Belt Assembly 81.20 155.57 376.26 613.03 111544 8/3/2011 MOLBY, SACHA 111545 8/3/2011 SHAW CABLE 0848 Jun 16/11 5490 July 16/11 5474 July 16/11 8708 July 12/11 R/C Internet Service to July 7 F/H Internet Service to Aug 7 M/H Internet Service to Aug 7 S/C Internet, Digital TV to Aug 3 111546 8/3/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 243002 242446 Supplies Supplies 36.00 yes Page 176 of 299 91.33 107.46 100.69 141.06 440.54 16.76 61.04 77.80 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111547 8/3/2011 Vendor Name SPECTRUM LANDSCAPES 111548 8/3/2011 SQUAMISH YACHT CLUB 111549 8/3/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5880 5842 5813 5789 5760 5871 5891 5914 M/H Coffee - July 14 M/H Coffee - July 7 M/H Coffee - June 30 M/H Coffee - June 23 M/H Coffee - June 16 RCMP Coffee - July 12 RCMP Coffee - July 15 Coffee for Parks Bunker - July 21 111550 8/3/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 5173 111551 8/3/2011 SEA TO SKY FIRE PREVENTION 111552 8/3/2011 111553 17039 Skyline Place Trees & Seeding Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2,233.17 2,233.17 30,000.00 yes 50.50 50.50 49.00 49.00 49.00 65.00 65.00 182.00 560.00 M/H Regular Service - June 84.00 84.00 1200 Annual Inspection - F/H #2 504.00 504.00 SQUAMISH CAN (CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK) July 25/11 Refund TU Permit for Farm-2011 GIA 1,100.00 1,100.00 8/3/2011 SMITH, JEN 390717 Program Refund 83.85 83.85 111554 8/3/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 864365 865309 864709 864931 862744 862745 864391 863965 863960 863553 859665 861253 Mower Bolts Bearing, Seals Brake Pads, Rotors Brake Pads, Rotors Monthly Demurrage - June Yearly Demurrage Chain for Cutting Deck Filters Quick Release Valve Air Filter Credit Re 859618 Filter Stock Order 60.55 231.93 166.02 169.86 169.00 154.56 23.52 142.37 26.81 65.25 (4.38) 489.87 111555 8/3/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 865304 865827 864729 864503 865087 865746 865852 866288 866291 865190 Oil Filters Front Brake Pads Shop Supplies Fuel Filter Welding Rod Oil Filters Cloth Rags Fuel Hose Cable Tie Shop Supplies 34.23 119.44 46.56 22.39 69.20 46.75 55.06 29.06 7.04 54.85 Page 177 of 299 1,695.36 662.19 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 866038 866587 Bolts & Nuts Air Filters 111556 8/3/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 866776 866781 866864 866594 866607 867426 Mower Parts Mower Parts Mower Parts Brake Shoes Wheel Cylinder Saw Cutting 111557 8/3/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE July 29/11 111558 8/3/2011 TAYLOR, BERYL 111559 8/3/2011 111560 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 141.12 36.49 44.89 21.02 33.13 85.56 31.72 3.08 219.40 Gymnastics - July 18-22 & 25-29 848.00 848.00 July 26/11 ESS Binders for Forms 107.38 107.38 TRU WAY RESCUE SERVICES INC. TW 11-0007 Tool Hoses 162.40 162.40 8/3/2011 TOOM, MEG Aug 2/11 #1 Aug 2/11 #2 Travel Expense May 31 to June 19 Travel Expense - June 20 to July 12 139.36 183.56 322.92 111561 8/3/2011 TRAVEL MEDICINE AND VACCINATION CENTRE DOS0628 Hep Clinic - June 28 800.00 800.00 111562 8/3/2011 TAPP, KAREN July 29/11 Replace Cheque for Exp Reimbursement 61.05 61.05 111563 8/3/2011 TOM GREEN July 18/11 Travel Expense July 11 to July 15 54.60 54.60 111564 8/3/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY July 25/11 Hotel Room Tax - May 9,557.35 9,557.35 111565 8/3/2011 TD CANADA TRUST July 29/11 Prop Tax O/P - Daniel & Trish Brown 770.00 770.00 111566 8/3/2011 TAG ADVENTURE TOURS LTD 167 Monkido Tree Course Summer Camp 485.33 485.33 111567 8/3/2011 VIMAR EQUIPMENT LTD. 283209 283597 Hand Crank Assemblies Wandering Hose 610.65 1,464.39 2,075.04 111568 8/3/2011 VAN-KEL IRRIGATION 107768-00 Parts 514.60 514.60 111569 8/3/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 53818 53651 Steel Hand Truck Air Cylinders 138.93 237.80 376.73 111570 8/3/2011 WESTKEY GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS LTD., 154952 154639 Credit Re - Tax Notices A/P Cheques (161.06) 1,102.08 941.02 111571 8/3/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-146408 Ear Plugs/Extreme Noise Ear Muff Page 178 of 299 65.89 65.89 Cheque # Pay Date 111572 8/3/2011 Vendor Name WINDFIRM TREE SERVICE 111573 8/3/2011 111574 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 3851 3870 3879 Tree Removal - Read Road Trim Bushes & Trees Remove Danger Trees - Judd Rd WHITTAKER EQUIPMENT LIMITED 996 Water Truck for Dust Control 8/3/2011 WILSON, MARIANNE July 21/11 111575 8/3/2011 ZONE WEST ENTERPRISES LTD. 111576 8/3/2011 111577 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 308.00 2,660.00 588.00 1,764.00 1,139.60 1,139.60 Reimbursement of Double Payment 31.36 31.36 31777 Chief Epauletes 71.68 71.68 ZONDERLAND, MELANIE July 14/11 Property Tax O/P - R4000501374022 770.00 770.00 8/4/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE, TAXATION BRANCH Aug 3/11 2nd School Tax Remittance 14,779.60 14,779.60 111578 8/4/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA/RCMP OIC 90768219 Q41011 Policing Agreement - Jan - Mar 2011 Squamish-Integrated Team to Mar 31 505,418.67 81,821.92 587,240.59 111579 8/11/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 5208 8 Aug 4/11 Telephone Charges - Aug 4 Billing 9,942.98 9,942.98 111580 8/11/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 020053013126 Cell Phone Charges to July 17 143.35 143.35 111581 8/11/2011 BC HYDRO 400001729252 Hydro Use - Aug 3 Billing 53,283.09 53,283.09 111582 8/11/2011 BASF CANADA INC. 131031722 131035043 131031733 Zetag Credit - RE Inv 131031722 Zetag 21,197.53 (3,389.53) 6,505.71 24,313.71 111583 8/11/2011 CHANNEL FABRICATING LTD. 993722 Repair University Bridge Railing 6,260.80 6,260.80 111584 8/11/2011 SEA TO SKY WASTE MANAGEMENT LTD. Aug 9/11 Landfill Attendant Services - Final 4,926.00 4,926.00 111585 8/11/2011 SQUAMISH YACHT CLUB Aug 10/11 Legacy Sport Funds Expensed to Date 6,808.00 6,808.00 111586 8/11/2011 SQUAMISH FLYING CLUB Aug 9/11 Airport Day Contribution 600.00 600.00 111587 8/11/2011 UNISOURCE CANADA, INC. 54721-PQ1 Parts & Labour - HP 4500PS 1,467.48 1,467.48 111588 8/15/2011 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Jul/11-017 Govt Rd Curb & Sidewalk Extension 123,323.92 123,323.92 111589 8/15/2011 ALTA LAKE ELECTRIC LTD. 1515 AC Pump & Air Handler on Emerg Pack 806.40 806.40 111590 8/15/2011 AVENUE MACHINERY CORP AI54716 Quick Coupler 269.85 269.85 111591 8/15/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E789741 Weekly Analysis - July 6 150.64 318.64 Page 179 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description E790821 E784231 Weekly Analysis - July 13 Weekly Anaylsis - June 22 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 84.00 84.00 111592 8/15/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN379322 LVAN375534 S/C Laundry - Aug 8 F/H Laundry - July 25 40.32 33.87 74.19 111593 8/15/2011 ASHEKIAN, CAROLINE July 27/11 Travel Expense - Apr 5 to July 21 83.20 83.20 111594 8/15/2011 CHARTIS INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA August 2011 August Premiums 464.40 464.40 111595 8/15/2011 ALLSTAR MECHANICAL LTD. 11-2326-177 Replace DHW Pump Motor for A/C 975.22 975.22 111596 8/15/2011 AGUILAR, NATIVIDAD Aug 13/11 Property Tax O/P R3000500488053 770.00 770.00 111597 8/15/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 4753 July 1/11 E-Comm Emergency Phone to July 1 1,408.31 1,408.31 111598 8/15/2011 BC TRANSIT 511876 411765 411865 511765 511865 Squamish/Whistler Comm - May Para Transit Service - April Conventional Transit Service - April Para Transit Service - May Conventional Transit Service - May 34,146.00 8,026.00 68,269.00 7,825.00 66,702.00 184,968.00 111599 8/15/2011 BRINKS CANADA LTD. 0641780785 Armoured Car Service - June 825.38 825.38 111600 8/15/2011 ACCESS POINT INFORMATION CANADA LTD. 9935750711 Land Title Searches - July 153.44 153.44 111601 8/15/2011 BMO FINANCIAL GROUP Aug 12/11 Property Tax O/P - Miller 275.00 275.00 111602 8/15/2011 BRITISH COLUMBIA SAFETY AUTHORITY 536526 Risk Assessed Certificate 63.84 63.84 111603 8/15/2011 BELL DISTRIBUTION 99933220 Otterbox Defender Case 67.14 67.14 111604 8/15/2011 BCF CONTRACTING 363359 Galbraith Outfall 428.40 428.40 111605 8/15/2011 BARRON, JODY July 28/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 111606 8/15/2011 BLACK TUSK FIRE & SECURITY INC 7026 7025 7017 WWTP Alarm System Parts & Service WWTP Fire Alarm Service RCMP Fire Alarm Service 641.76 300.16 816.48 1,758.40 111607 8/15/2011 BUKSA, ROMAN BP 84/11 Aug 10 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 84/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 111608 8/15/2011 BUSY MUMS MEDIA INV1154 Sea to Sky Fair Regular Booth 140.00 140.00 Page 180 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111609 8/15/2011 Vendor Name C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 16/11 Union Dues - P/P 16 111610 8/15/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94898038 Cardlock - June 30 111611 8/15/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J002109 J002111 J002112 J002113 J002110 J002115 J002116 J002117 J002118 J002114 J002056 J002120 111612 8/15/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) 111613 8/15/2011 111614 8/15/2011 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 4,360.63 4,360.63 4,643.69 4,643.69 Queensway W/W Lift Stn Repairs SCADA Labour & Material SCADA - Dryden Creek Pump Stn Judd Slough Pump Stn SCADA Street Light Repairs Alice Lake Water Reservoir SCADA SCADA Misc Review Lower University Pump Stn SCADA Blvd Pump Stn SCADA Install Sprinkler Control Box Thunderbird/Mashiter Water Works Repair Ground Wire Brennan Park 123.20 105.06 72.80 72.80 381.65 159.60 145.60 86.80 159.60 160.24 218.40 158.14 1,843.89 J002124 J002121 Street Light Repairs Stawamus Water Treatment SCADA 299.61 86.80 386.41 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004Y-93317 5004E-97706 5004I-97710 5004H-97709 5004K-97711 5004F-98677 5004O-97713 5004P-97714 5004RCMP-97703 5004-97702 5004X-89799 Turf Blend Recycling Depots - Aug/Jul Landfill Port Toilet - Aug Library Garbage, Paper - Aug/July R/C Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - Aug/July Residential Service - July V/C F/H Garbage - Aug G/H F/H Garbage, Cdbd - Aug RCMP Garbage, Cdbd - Aug/July M/H Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - Aug/July S/C Garbage - Jan 369.60 511.84 145.60 139.22 865.33 58,303.88 58.33 141.83 240.31 525.21 501.76 61,802.91 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 28056769 28114882 28162457 28159127 28051354 28052819 28065041 28088339 28016027 28115772 28180404 28100950 Supplies Supplies Supplies Recycled Paper Supplies Toner Cartridges Copy Paper Board Planner Supplies Xerox Digital Color Elite Paper Supplies Supplies 394.27 88.35 74.88 93.73 468.00 324.78 92.24 55.43 181.57 264.06 212.45 58.50 2,308.26 Page 181 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 111615 8/15/2011 CONSOLIDATED ENVIROWASTE IND. INC. 49756 Bulk Trio Blend Turf Soil 111616 8/15/2011 CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 9904827822 Landfill Water Service - June 111617 8/15/2011 CASCADE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE GROUP 11 7 35 11 7 45 111618 8/15/2011 CLEARTECH INDUSTRIES INC. 111619 8/15/2011 111620 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,263.36 1,263.36 11.30 11.30 Corridor Trail Paving Impact - July EMBC Project Cheekye River - July 2,620.35 2,167.88 4,788.23 461800 SJC 95004 MAW Sodium Hypochlorite Container Return Credit 1,316.22 (414.96) SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 15199 15255 14144 13067 W/Y Laundry - July 5 P/W Laundry - July 14 W/W Coveralls - June 16 P/W Laundry - June 6 18.66 50.46 30.80 28.00 127.92 8/15/2011 COMFY'S LAUNDRY July 2011 Lib July 2011 MH Library Laundry - July M/H Laundry - July 21.28 21.28 42.56 111621 8/15/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016045835 016045268 016044766 Inverted Orange Spray Paint Inverted Orange Spray Paint Inverted Orange Spray Paint 38.57 38.57 38.57 115.71 111622 8/15/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 14674 14690 14481 14643 Landfill Upgrades Signs Video Camera Signs Senior Centre Signs Printed Vinyl Rink Sign 761.60 302.40 72.80 291.20 1,428.00 111623 8/15/2011 CANADIAN NATIONAL 90491173 Amble Path Signal Mtce - June 651.30 651.30 111624 8/15/2011 CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONING LTD. W77582 F/H #2 Planned Maintenance 325.64 325.64 111625 8/15/2011 CHELSWICK, TREVOR Aug 13/11 Property Tax O/P R6000011035000 198.00 198.00 111626 8/15/2011 DJ SPENCE TREE SERVICE 494 Remove Danger Drees 1,540.00 1,540.00 111627 8/15/2011 DENBAR CONSTRUCTION 1002 Aug 3/11 1005 Aug 5/11 1004 Build Bench WWTP for SCADA Change Locks Planning Office Misc Services - M/H & F/H 1,094.69 119.28 448.72 1,662.69 111628 8/15/2011 DAN MCRAE Aug 4/11 Aug 11/11 Marketing Design Promo Mtg Expenses Reimburse Grow 2011 Convention Fee 32.70 495.00 527.70 111629 8/15/2011 DIMARZO, ALLYS 438098 Program Refund 143.00 143.00 Page 182 of 299 901.26 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 111630 8/15/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-97799 Wood Waste Removed from L/F - July 5,158.03 5,158.03 111631 8/15/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 57 39 50 56 55 54 SAC Alarm Response - July 3 BPRC Guard Patrols - June Adv Ctre Guard Patrols - July R/C Guard Patrols - July Nexen Beach Lock/Unlock Gates - July M/H & Library Guard Patrols - July 54.94 494.42 756.90 549.36 1,362.41 1,483.27 4,701.30 111632 8/15/2011 EVTA OF BC Aug 3/11 Membership - S. Barone 50.00 50.00 111633 8/15/2011 E-COMM, EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS 11-0452 Dispatch/Fire CAD Levies - Jul-Sept 10,480.00 10,480.00 111634 8/15/2011 FIRST NATIONAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION Aug 12/11 Aug 12 Property Tax O/P - Jennifer Dickie Property Tax O/P - D. Saindon 770.00 770.00 1,540.00 111635 8/15/2011 FRIZZLE, KARI 438685 Program Refund 173.90 173.90 111636 8/15/2011 FOWLER, JOHN & JUDITH Aug 12/11 Property Tax O/P - R3000504494002 275.00 275.00 111637 8/15/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 11771 Courtesy Passes 200.48 200.48 111638 8/15/2011 GARIBALDI EXCEL TIRE SERVICES LTD. 91635 Cooper Tires 571.20 571.20 111639 8/15/2011 GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. August 2011 August Premiums 84,985.15 84,985.15 111640 8/15/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 2034779 2091339 Freight Freight 305.60 150.96 456.56 111641 8/15/2011 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 3202232 Satellite Service to July 21 46.93 46.93 111642 8/15/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5284 BP Concession W/R Plumbing Repairs 398.71 398.71 111643 8/15/2011 GARDNER, GREG July 27/11 Travel Exp - Landfill Presentation 67.60 67.60 111644 8/15/2011 GILL, NAVDEEP Aug 11/11 Local Govt Course Tuition Fee Half 426.86 426.86 111645 8/15/2011 FMEP P/P 16/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 16 301.50 301.50 111646 8/15/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 140042 140024 139808 139959 Supplies Supplies Supplies Paint Rollers 8.18 23.92 43.08 22.33 347.61 Page 183 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 139868 139952 139872 Supplies Connectors Paint 111647 8/15/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 22905 23055 22655 Parts Supplies Weed Eater Line 111648 8/15/2011 HIGHLAND GREEN CLEANING 172 SAC Janitorial Cleaning - July 111649 8/15/2011 HEAVY CONSTRUCTION LINK 301 302 Env Upgrade/Leachate S/S - July Loggers Lane Deficiencies - July 111650 8/15/2011 ITT INDUSTRIES OF CANADA, L.P. 50123791 111651 8/15/2011 ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES 111652 8/15/2011 111653 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 43.64 29.10 177.36 78.12 342.38 79.98 500.48 1,041.60 1,041.60 537.60 436.80 974.40 Parts & Labour to Repair #1 Pump 3,185.06 3,185.06 B001144 B001142 Mamquam Rd W/M Replacement to July 15 Subdivision Bylaw to July 15 6,329.29 7,428.40 13,757.69 JUSTICE INSTITUTE OF B.C. 20027662 F/F Program Online Exams 337.50 337.50 8/15/2011 JOSE, MARY JANE 436436 A Program Refund 123.10 123.10 111654 8/15/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 46904 46817 46723 46654 47008 46846R 46925 Infrastructure Planning - W/F - June Leachate Sewer Design - June Cent Way Lift Stn Assessment - June River Level/Rain Gauge - May Sq/Cheekye River Sediment Rem - June Cheekeye River Sediment Mgmt - June Dyke Upgrade-Eagle Viewing Area-Jun 12,050.68 13,854.77 2,069.20 30.80 10,947.41 2,817.08 22,791.91 64,561.85 111655 8/15/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01655253 CONIN01646632 CONIN01646627 CONIN01655257 CONIN01655258 CONIN01655254 SVCINV00144248 CONIN01655252 S/C C280 Copy Charges to July 21 W/Y C452 Copy Charges to June 22 F/H DI5510 Copy Charges to June 29 CD/Eng C452 Copy Chges to July 21 P/D C452 Copy Chges to July 21 R/C C452 Copy Chges to July 21 R/C C452 Copier Staples M/H Pro 950 Copy Chges to July 20 179.49 514.58 84.00 552.75 430.00 446.63 109.76 135.13 2,452.34 111656 8/15/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13370749 13370753 R/C C452 Copier Rental to Oct 31 W/Y C452 Copier Rental to Oct 31 1,080.80 1,080.80 2,161.60 111657 8/15/2011 KAMINSKI, ANDREAS Aug 9/11 Ref Bldg Permit Deposits - 82 & 98/09 2,000.00 2,000.00 Page 184 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111658 8/15/2011 Vendor Name L & A EQUIPMENT LTD. 11-092 Corridor Trail Clarke Dr to Scott Cr 111659 8/15/2011 LONDON DRUGS 0800022149 Employee Computer Purchase 111660 8/15/2011 LIFESAVING SOCIETY 53735 111661 8/15/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 111662 8/15/2011 LANGLEY CONCRETE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 111663 8/15/2011 111664 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 25,784.64 25,784.64 1,147.41 1,147.41 NLPR Badges 878.00 878.00 803850 803743 803738 803739 444916 444766 803224 Fuel Containers for Parks Dept Fuel Containers for Roads/Drainage Fuel Containers for WWTP Parts Washer Motor Batteries Shop Supplies 29.84 32.44 33.44 0.63 31.14 442.92 38.89 609.30 288854 Parking Curbs, Pins 501.76 501.76 LAWSON LUNDELL LLP BARRISTERS/SOLICITORS 474168 Auditors Letters 224.00 224.00 8/15/2011 LEJER, NATASHA Aug 5/11 Summer Camp Expense Reimbursement 21.26 21.26 111665 8/15/2011 MAXWELL PAPER CANADA INC. 6194876 Landfill Paper Rolls 192.64 192.64 111666 8/15/2011 MSA CANADA 96219966 Gas Detector Repair 360.69 360.69 111667 8/15/2011 MCAP SERVICE CORP Aug 12/11 Aug 12 Property Tax O/P - Gray Property Tax O/P - Schemitsch 770.00 770.00 1,540.00 111668 8/15/2011 MURGATROYD, GAVIN July 25/11 Ops/Mtce of W/W Collection Course 157.98 157.98 111669 8/15/2011 MBTA 176-11 Mtn Biking Annual Partnership Fee 1,680.00 1,680.00 111670 8/15/2011 MICKELSON CONSULTING INC. 2011-12-007 Communication Strategy - July 1,960.00 1,960.00 111671 8/15/2011 MACVICAR, CHRISTINA 438358 Program Refund 311.00 311.00 111672 8/15/2011 NESTERS MARKET 94551 June 20 Recruits Graduation Refreshments 593.49 593.49 111673 8/15/2011 NEW AGE TRADING INC. 93789 June 1 Preschool Graduation Supplies 50.96 50.96 111674 8/15/2011 NICHOL, BEN 439458 Camping Fee Refund 13.90 13.90 111675 8/15/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 94577 July 22 Dog Food 231.30 231.30 111676 8/15/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 6005 Skyline Drive W/M Replacement - June 30,667.41 47,892.71 Page 185 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 4491 5829 6006 Stawamus Disinfect Sys Upgrade-Nov/10 Skyline Dr Retaining Walls - May Skyline Dr Retaining Walls - June 111677 8/15/2011 PUROLATOR INC. 413334949 Freight 111678 8/15/2011 PETTY CASH (FIRE DEPT.) Aug 5/11 Petty Cash to August 5 111679 8/15/2011 PETTY CASH (REC/AQUATIC CENTRE) July 21/11 Petty Cash to July 21 111680 8/15/2011 PREMIER PACIFIC SEEDS LTD. 13764 111681 8/15/2011 PERSICS, ENDRE 111682 8/15/2011 111683 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,389.08 2,378.32 13,457.90 102.59 102.59 64.69 64.69 110.10 110.10 Squamish Overseeding Mix 5,603.94 5,603.94 Aug 12 Property Tax O/P - R6000010738000 1,045.00 1,045.00 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 16/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 16 98,062.14 98,062.14 8/15/2011 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN38153 Filters, Washers, Bushings 187.40 187.40 111684 8/15/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. August 1 2011 Long Distance Charges - July 205.26 205.26 111685 8/15/2011 REVENUE SERVICES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA August 2011 August Premiums 12,915.00 12,915.00 111686 8/15/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1337549 1337064 1324644 1336041 1338262 1339517 1339865 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Plumbing Supplies Supplies Lumber for Railing (Vandalism Repair) 22.30 30.21 12.22 152.49 218.11 33.84 8.62 477.79 111687 8/15/2011 CLEVE RISTO 111688 8/15/2011 ROSTRUM DEVELOPMENTS/0523344 BC LTD Aug 8/11 Storm Sewer et al DP 173 Glacierview 111689 8/15/2011 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 48 (SEA TO SKY) 759 647 A BES - Ultimate Frisbee Missed Pmt - Badminton Winter 2011 111690 8/15/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 16/11 111691 8/15/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 111692 8/15/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF 95.00 yes 2,952.29 2,952.29 28.00 79.40 107.40 Union Dues - P/P 16 305.37 305.37 327701838 325557181 Freight Freight 27.93 237.81 265.74 SQDI00018730 SQDI00018890 July 1st Edition July 22nd Edition 1,234.39 1,630.62 7,229.05 Page 186 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description SQDI00018785 SQDI00018828 July 8th Edition July 15th Edition Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,964.18 2,399.86 111693 8/15/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 91478 Aug 8 94578 July 25 94351 Aug 2 93014 July 21 Summer Program Supplies Supplies W/Y Cream, Milk Quarterly Meeting Snacks/Lunch 75.21 190.75 16.44 85.42 367.82 111694 8/15/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 328292 328333 328277 342036 340881 340883 342757 342753 Stawamus Chlorine Plant to May/11 P/H Springs Well to May/11 Alice Lake Reservoir to May 2011 Check Alarm Dryden Creek Pump Stn Pump Stn Harris Slough to Sept 30 Plateau Reservoir Pump Stn to Sept 30 Library Monitoring to Oct 31 CP Station Monitoring to Oct 31 112.00 112.00 112.00 106.40 134.40 84.00 84.00 100.80 845.60 111695 8/15/2011 SCHELLENBERG, TERESA Aug 11/11 Soccer Instruction - 3 Camps in July 806.40 806.40 111696 8/15/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 57820 Seat Cushion 363.64 363.64 111697 8/15/2011 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 53430 53933 Freight Freight 540.51 313.39 853.90 111698 8/15/2011 SPECIMEN TREES 71448 Trees for Skyline Place 1,267.84 1,267.84 111699 8/15/2011 MOLBY, SACHA Aug 9/11 Aug 15/11 Seniors Keep Well - Aug 2 - 11 Seniors Keep Well July 18-28 330.00 360.00 690.00 111700 8/15/2011 SHAW CABLE 8708 June 12/11 S/C Digital TV/HD/Internet to Jul 3 141.06 141.06 111701 8/15/2011 SQUAMISH ELKS LODGE #119 Aug 2/11 Refund Balance Barricade Rental 120.00 120.00 111702 8/15/2011 SNAP-ON-TOOLS 0609116304 Heavy Duty Scanner 7,161.95 7,161.95 111703 8/15/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 5970 F/H Coffee - Aug 4 176.00 176.00 111704 8/15/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 5172 5139 5174 5223 BP Regular Service - June BP Service Bldg/Cemetery Bldg - May BP Service Bldg/Cemetery Bldg - June M/H Regular Service - July 67.76 99.68 99.68 84.00 351.12 111705 8/15/2011 SNAP SEA TO SKY V-019-011369 May 2011 1/4 Page Ad 403.20 403.20 Page 187 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111706 8/15/2011 Vendor Name SOLUS CONSULTING INC. 0659 Executive Team Workshop 111707 8/15/2011 SAPPAL, BALDEV & KAMALJIT Aug 12/11 Property Tax O/P - R5000020166001 111708 8/15/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 862743 867535 867676 867831 867232 866761 855830 856210 866553 861455 861458 864723 111709 8/15/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 111710 8/15/2011 111711 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2,240.00 2,240.00 2,755.15 2,755.15 Monthly Demurrage Hose Parts Brake Rotors/Pads Fan Galv Chain Parts F/H Yearly Demurrage Shop Towels Oil, Filters Parts Supplies 16.00 34.61 11.40 215.29 61.81 9.24 13.09 154.56 107.25 295.48 57.30 59.34 1,035.37 869459 869519 869525 869839 868097 869554 867972 868030 868249 868302 868480 Parts Parts Parts Grease Seals Light Bungy Card Light Bar Trailer Jack Coveralls, Glasses, Gloves Horn Medical Oxygen 21.94 10.90 17.23 9.06 42.55 5.31 35.49 113.78 87.02 24.04 33.60 400.92 TESS PRODUCTIONS 524537 Camera/Computer Services - July 432.00 432.00 8/15/2011 TISZOLCZI, JOSEPH Aug 12/11 Property Tax O/P - R6000010789000 1,120.00 1,120.00 111712 8/15/2011 TOM GREEN Aug 5/11 Aug 3/11 Travel Expense - July 18-22 Travel Expense - July 25-29 77.48 60.84 138.32 111713 8/15/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY DOS2011 2011 Tourism Squamish Membership 56.00 56.00 111714 8/15/2011 TEGART, MAYMIE Aug 11/11 Reimburse for Summer Camp Ice Cream 15.66 15.66 111715 8/15/2011 THOMAIDIS, CHARLOTTE 439412 Program Refund 57.60 57.60 111716 8/15/2011 UNITED WAY Aug 11/11 Employee Donations - P/P 15 & 16 238.38 238.38 Page 188 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111717 8/15/2011 Vendor Name URBAN SYSTEMS 105180 Long Term Financial Plan - June Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 16,800.00 16,800.00 111718 8/15/2011 UNISOURCE CANADA, INC. 59400-PSI Bond Premium CAD Color 202.45 202.45 111719 8/15/2011 VAN-KEL IRRIGATION 108021-00 Parts 443.87 443.87 111720 8/15/2011 VILLAGE GREEN GARDEN CENTER 1113 Fire Hall #1 & #2 Garden Clean Up 655.20 655.20 111721 8/15/2011 VAN HOEK, ANNERIEKE & IMMERZEEL, JEROEN Aug 9/11 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 23/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 111722 8/15/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 53845 53998 Hand Cart Fire Extinguisher Recharges 102.33 229.60 331.93 111723 8/15/2011 WEST COAST RAILWAY ASSOCIATION Aug 5/11 Kids Railway Museum/Train Ride 64.68 64.68 111724 8/15/2011 WALTON APPRAISALS LTD. 11-50357 Smoke Bluffs Property Appraisal 336.00 336.00 111725 8/15/2011 WONG, HOK Aug 8/11 Opthalmic Lens for F/F Face Mask 96.00 96.00 111726 8/15/2011 WIGHT, HILARY Aug 11/11 Musical Theatre Summer Camps Aug 2-5 2,700.60 2,700.60 111727 8/15/2011 WHISTLER WAKE 111728 8/15/2011 WYLLIE & NORRISH ROCK ENGINEERS 1072 Corridor Trail Rock Excavation 111729 8/15/2011 YELLOW PAGES GROUP 11-4963664 Senior Centre - July 111730 8/15/2011 ZANDER, ROD 303722 303724 Washing F/H Windows/Garage Doors Washing RCMP Bldg Windows 111731 8/26/2011 AARON CABS 111732 8/26/2011 ASSOCIATED FIRE SAFETY MAINTENANCE 9441 9474 Port-A-Plate Turn Out Gear Coats & Pants 111733 8/26/2011 COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT CORP 205083 Door Lock Latches 111734 8/30/2011 0755572 BC LTD Aug 29/11 DP 268 Works Security Reduction #2 111735 8/30/2011 0718848 BC LTD Aug 17/11 Tax Sale Redemption 111736 8/30/2011 ALL KEYS & LOCKS 3670C 3669C 3609C Keys, Key Tags Rekey Ignition Keys Cut for Flood Gates 901.60 yes 1,755.60 1,755.60 17.47 17.47 175.00 95.00 270.00 20.00 yes Page 189 of 299 85.12 22,796.93 22,882.05 123.65 123.65 5,595.56 5,595.56 61,041.53 61,041.53 24.97 56.28 70.61 151.86 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 111737 8/30/2011 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Jun/11-027 Jul/11-006 Jun/11-026 Jun/11-028 Jun/11-029 Jun/11-030 Jul/11-007 2011 Paving Program - Pebbles Pl 2011 Paving Program - Main St 2011 Paving Program - Pierowall Pl 2011 Paving Program - Paisley Pl 2011 Paving Program - Mamquam Rd E 2011 Paving Program - Mamquam Rd W 2011 Paving Program - Hemlock St 111738 8/30/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 16215 17079 17245 16106 Cell Block Laundry - July 12 Cell Block Laundry - July 19 Cell Block Laundry - July 27 Cell Block Laundry - July 6 111739 8/30/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN379306 LVAN381130 LVAN382874 111740 8/30/2011 ACTIVE NETWORK LTD. 111741 8/30/2011 111742 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 17,095.46 22,726.40 14,320.07 12,714.95 57,468.03 28,269.64 40,336.13 192,930.68 36.34 28.94 36.38 35.65 137.31 R/C Uniform Service - Aug 8 R/C Uniform Service - Aug 15 W/Y Laundry - Aug 22 199.23 61.57 40.04 300.84 22003289 Fargo Cleaning Kit, Ribbons 557.76 557.76 ALLABY, CAELA Aug 25/11 Reimburse Summer Camp Expense 5.00 5.00 8/30/2011 ALFRED WAUGH ARCHITECT 11008-007D 11008-009F OSiyam Pavillion Disb - July OSiyam Pavillion Consult Serv - July 190.13 1,344.00 1,534.13 111743 8/30/2011 AJ TECHNICAL CONSULTING LIMITED 11DS-018 RFP Office Rooftop Unit Site Visit 560.00 560.00 111744 8/30/2011 BCR PROPERTIES LTD INV011528 CN E2318 Water P/L Mile 39 - 2011 560.00 560.00 111745 8/30/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 4316 Aug 14/11 ADSL Line to August 14 194.95 194.95 111746 8/30/2011 BRABER EQUIPMENT LTD. 678036 U-Joints 30.37 30.37 111747 8/30/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 003898814090 Mike Mobility Charges to Aug 17 142.29 142.29 111748 8/30/2011 BEST APPLIANCE REPAIR 16558 16553 R/C - Timer, Moisture Sensor R/C Parts & Labour 119.54 107.52 227.06 111749 8/30/2011 BC HYDRO 107005348197 111005309656 Pavillion Hydro to Aug 4 Loggers Lane Lift Stn Hydro to Aug 5 13.92 117.04 130.96 111750 8/30/2011 BDO DUNWOODY 10396760 Financial Statement Services 18,447.42 18,447.42 111751 8/30/2011 BC HYDRO 50365307 Temporary Pole Move - Skyline Dr 4,095.84 4,095.84 Page 190 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 111752 8/30/2011 BRADLEY REFRIGERATION CONSULTANTS LTD 473 R/C Condenser-Chiller Replacement 4,082.80 4,082.80 111753 8/30/2011 BDK CONSULTING Aug 23/11 Constulting Services - Aug 1-21 1,053.00 1,053.00 111754 8/30/2011 BRACKENDALE PLUMBING 10179 Install Janitor Sink F/H #2 896.00 896.00 111755 8/30/2011 BLACK TUSK FIRE & SECURITY INC 7054 7027 7042 WWTP Smoke Detector Service WWTP Parts & Labour R/C Parts & Labour 817.60 424.48 276.64 1,518.72 111756 8/30/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 17/11 Union Dues - P/P 17 4,480.69 4,480.69 111757 8/30/2011 CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY IN00149153 Supplies 8,343.65 8,343.65 111758 8/30/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 7957 Backhoe Services - Peebles Place 327.04 327.04 111759 8/30/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J002176 J002119 J002175 J002122 J002061 J002123 J002058 J002147 J002146 J002179 J002174 J002108 Check Out Pool Pump Check Lights at Blvd Pump Stn S/C Kitchen Freezer Service P/H Spring Water - SCADA STP - Water SCADA TBird/Mashiter Water - SCADA Judd Slough Pumping Stn Dryden Creek Pump Station SCADA SCADA - Water Remove Faded Banners Eaglewind Blvd Misc SCADA Plateau Reservoir SCADA 72.80 88.07 72.80 520.80 715.94 698.60 697.20 614.60 145.60 123.20 938.00 3,670.26 8,357.87 111760 8/30/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J002194 J002195 J002193 Animal Control Emergency Light Packs Repair Drill Press P/H Springs SCADA 754.61 72.80 145.60 973.01 111761 8/30/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004D-97705 5004X-98053 5004G-97708 5004G-98684 5004T-97715 5004N-97712 5004TT-97716 5004U-97717 5004V-97718 CF Concession Garbage - Aug S/C Compost, Recycle - Aug/July Kinsmen CG Port Toilet,Gbge-Aug/Jul KCG Portable Toilet Xtra - July Upper S/B Port Toilet - Aug Nexen Beach Port Toilet - Aug SB Lower Park Lot Port Toilet - Aug Hendrickson Fields Port Toilet - Aug A/W Field Portable Toilet - Aug 352.78 154.00 1,189.70 134.40 145.60 145.60 145.60 291.20 145.60 2,704.48 Page 191 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111762 8/30/2011 Vendor Name CARLETON RESCUE EQUIPMENT 00053923 Rope Bags 111763 8/30/2011 CANADA POST CORPORATION 9473518803 BRM Charges - July 111764 8/30/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 28233568 28188607 28195082 28248882 28201443 Supplies Supplies Classic Crests Copy Paper Paper 111765 8/30/2011 CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 9904740179 RCMP Creamers 111766 8/30/2011 CASCADE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE GROUP 11 7 36 11 4 4 Sewer Line Extension - July Equipment Rental Meighan Creek 111767 8/30/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 15195 16102 W/W Laundry - July 5 W/W Laundry - July 18 111768 8/30/2011 CLARKE, ANITA Aug 15/11 Work Boot Allowance 111769 8/30/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016045551 Latex Field Marking Paint 111770 8/30/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 14731 111771 8/30/2011 CANADIAN NATIONAL 111772 8/30/2011 CARGOE, SHERRI 111773 8/30/2011 CHETNA 111774 8/30/2011 CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONING LTD. W77999 Replace High Pressure Switch F/H #2 111775 8/30/2011 CWR HOLDINGS LTD. 100/11 Aug 25 111776 8/30/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 111777 8/30/2011 111778 111779 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 185.91 185.91 5.95 5.95 673.71 124.44 127.05 51.72 93.73 1,070.65 55.50 55.50 1,356.23 45.92 1,402.15 24.02 22.29 46.31 150.00 150.00 1,218.67 1,218.67 SFR Window Stickers 140.00 140.00 90495830 Amble Path Signal Mtce - July 667.23 667.23 Aug 26/11 Tennis Camp - July 25-29 200.00 200.00 450.00 yes 476.00 476.00 Refund Damage Deposit BP 100/11 2,500.00 2,500.00 107960 108308 108335 Chemicals Supplies Nose Clips 2,081.70 485.07 13.44 2,580.21 DICKSON, LISA Aug 24/11 Wheels n Heels Aug 15-19 591.50 591.50 8/30/2011 DHL EXPRESS (CANADA) lTD. H25440 756 Freight 86.36 86.36 8/30/2011 DR. SHEILA SWOPE 358604 Insurance Form 50.00 50.00 Page 192 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111780 8/30/2011 Vendor Name DR. M. ILLINGWORTH IN22264 Medical Form 111781 8/30/2011 DESCHUTTER & ASSOCIATES DOS0811 Landfill Scale Attendant - Aug 8-31 111782 8/30/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-98794 4501-98801 4501-98802 Site Preparation/Lock Block Wall Landfill Contract - July Landfill Tires, Gypsum - July 111783 8/30/2011 ERICSSON MANUFACTURING LTD. 1657 Concrete Bases 111784 8/30/2011 SOURCE OFFICE FURNISHINGS 281776 111785 8/30/2011 EVERGRO CANADA INC. 111786 8/30/2011 111787 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 30.00 30.00 9,017.68 9,017.68 15,599.05 30,582.29 3,852.30 50,033.64 2,232.60 2,232.60 Table, Post Legs 224.00 224.00 201463 Turface Infield Mix 190.40 190.40 FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 July 2011 Volunteer Incidents/Training - July 3,461.04 3,461.04 8/30/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 2 July 2011 Volunteer Incidents/Training - July 7,824.96 7,824.96 111788 8/30/2011 FIRST TRUCK CENTRE X003176265:01 Air Conditioning Hoses 524.69 524.69 111789 8/30/2011 FRASER, JAMES K. SD290 Aug 19/11 Refund Security/Admin/Legal Deposits 11,265.64 11,265.64 111790 8/30/2011 GARIBALDI EXCEL TIRE SERVICES LTD. 91637 Tires 1,536.64 1,536.64 111791 8/30/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. August 2011 2009 Wave Lease - August 436.61 436.61 111792 8/30/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 2115517 Freight 178.90 178.90 111793 8/30/2011 GLENTEL WIRELESS CENTRE 111794 8/30/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5488 R/C Spray Wand for Ice Arena 111795 8/30/2011 GARDNER, GREG Aug 16/11 111796 8/30/2011 GLENDAY, LINDA 111797 8/30/2011 111798 266.00 yes 675.34 675.34 Travel Expense - Aug 15 76.96 76.96 Aug 16/11 Reimburse - Medical Form 50.00 50.00 GOODBYE GRAFFITI VANCOUVER 38618 Ever-Clean Program - Aug 228.48 228.48 8/30/2011 FMEP P/P 17/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 17 301.50 301.50 111799 8/30/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 140188 Supplies 9.16 9.16 111800 8/30/2011 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 5080303 3021168 Supplies Supplies 74.10 188.75 262.85 Page 193 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 111801 8/30/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 23339 23333 23354 23399 23435 Chain Saw Bar, Chain Chaps, Hand Pruners Chain, Fuel Cap Weedeater Parts Chain for Chain Saw 111802 8/30/2011 HO, ANGELA 78/09 Aug 25 111803 8/30/2011 HO, YIELY 111804 8/30/2011 INPROTECT SYSTEMS INC. 111805 8/30/2011 IRELAND, SUSAN 111806 8/30/2011 HARVEY, JOHN Aug 17/11 Reimburse Smoke Bluff Expenses 111807 8/30/2011 JET ICE LTD 64727 111808 8/30/2011 JB AUTOCARE 111809 8/30/2011 111810 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 84.50 360.42 45.30 160.72 110.61 761.55 Refund Damage Deposit BP 78/09 1,000.00 1,000.00 Aug 22/11 Camping Food for Summer Camps 37.98 37.98 143532 Parts 708.06 708.06 184.00 yes 1,487.43 1,487.43 Ice Paint 644.44 644.44 10401 Recharge Air Conditioning System 472.24 472.24 J.A.C.C. ESTATES LTD. Aug 25/11 Refund Landfill Deposit 300.00 300.00 8/30/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 46786 47092 47091 47056 47057 46410 River Level/Rain Gauge - June Sq/Cheekeye Sediment Removal - July Cheekye River Sediment Mgmt - July Development Servicing Review - July W/S Dev Servicing Studies - July MSTP Dewater Controls Upgrade - Apr 30.80 3,230.36 9,225.78 178.08 294.28 10,090.47 23,049.77 111811 8/30/2011 KEY FOOD EQUIPMENT SERVICES 0189899 Thermatec Control Knobs 107.69 107.69 111812 8/30/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01655256 CONIN01646634 W/Y C452 Copier Charges to July 21 P/D C452 Copy Chges to June 21 210.95 567.17 778.12 111813 8/30/2011 KOENIG, SANDRA Aug 26/11 Reimburse Half of Course Tuition 272.06 272.06 111814 8/30/2011 KEHL PETERSEN 11-106 11-105 Consulting Services - July Consulting Services - June 3,107.80 8,707.20 11,815.00 111815 8/30/2011 KEYLAND DEVELOPMENTS LTD. DP 299 Aug 15 Release 90% Bonding - DP 299 28,844.64 28,844.64 111816 8/30/2011 KINGSTON, ANITA Aug 16/11 Property Tax Refund 350.00 350.00 Page 194 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111817 8/30/2011 Vendor Name L & A EQUIPMENT LTD. H/B Rel Aug 25 Sq River Dyke Bank Prot H/B Release 111818 8/30/2011 LIFESAVING SOCIETY 52857 Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross 111819 8/30/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 804458 424019 804754 806108 806013 806014 Level/Tire Gauges To Offset Credit #424094 Battery Bushings Shocks Batteries 111820 8/30/2011 LAND TITLE & SURVEY AUTHORITY OF BC Aug 18/11 111821 8/30/2011 LYNCH BUS LINES 111822 8/30/2011 111823 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 21,836.75 21,836.75 36.00 36.00 30.63 321.38 82.49 14.37 313.56 470.38 1,232.81 Tax Sale Redemption Notice 10.90 10.90 49520 Bus Rental - July 4 to Aug 30 4,480.00 4,480.00 LAVERDIERE, RICHARD Aug 24/11 Tot Floor Hockey Spring Programs 201.60 201.60 8/30/2011 LANCASTER, COREY July 18/11 Reimburse - Medical Certificate 50.00 50.00 111824 8/30/2011 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 0246960 Corr 0490897 Credit Taken in Error Bolt Bin Stock Order 413.90 722.28 1,136.18 111825 8/30/2011 LIDSTONE & COMPANY 10037-095 July 10037-103 July 10037-106 10037-108 Professional Services - July Professional Services - July Professional Services - July Professional Services - July 1,275.01 1,135.06 10.64 2,964.12 5,384.83 111826 8/30/2011 LOOMIS EXPRESS H25440 003 Freight 26.31 26.31 111827 8/30/2011 MSA CANADA 96245215 ICM 2000 Repair 412.30 412.30 111828 8/30/2011 MORFCO SUPPLIES LTD. 606130 Cutting Edge 305.47 305.47 111829 8/30/2011 MORUM, DR. GUY 269131 269858 Time Loss Benefit Form Time Loss Benefit Form 50.00 50.00 100.00 111830 8/30/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE 251733 251728 CL 129299 42000 Loggers to July 31 CL 129299 42000 Loggers to Apr 30 2,698.08 3,597.44 6,295.52 111831 8/30/2011 MOULDEN, ELIZABETH 440950 Program Refund 91.00 91.00 111832 8/30/2011 NINETY NINE TRANSPORT LTD. 8196 Transport Generator 1,601.60 1,601.60 111833 8/30/2011 NAKED LUNCH 950448 SDCB Meeting Lunch 64.68 64.68 Page 195 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 111834 8/30/2011 NESTERS MARKET 92883 July 27 92882 July 20 Cell Block Food Cell Block Food 111835 8/30/2011 NEW AGE TRADING INC. 95163 Aug 15 Summer Camp Supplies 111836 8/30/2011 NEWMAN, MICAH Aug 26/11 Aug 26 Willow Cr Rd Const Reduction #3 Willow Cres Road Const - #1 111837 8/30/2011 OPUS CONSULTING GROUP LTD. 02402908 02402963 2031 Transportation Plan to Jun 17 2031 Transportation Plan to Jul 15 111838 8/30/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 6169 6173 6170 6175 5927 6176 6171 6172 6174 F/H #3 Roof Replacement to July 31 Skyline Dr W/M Repl to July 31 Skyline Dr Retaining Walls to July 31 Judd Slough SCADA - July Skyline Place Retaining Wall - June Corridor Trail - July Skyline Place Retaining Wall - July Corridor Trail - July Control Valve Automation - July 111839 8/30/2011 PUROLATOR INC. 412622773 413373854 412524428 411901289 Freight Freight Freight Freight 111840 8/30/2011 PETTY CASH (REC/AQUATIC CENTRE) Aug 23/11 111841 8/30/2011 PROFIRE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INC., 111842 8/30/2011 111843 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 157.04 231.93 388.97 22.40 22.40 2,683.80 62,580.04 65,263.84 1,467.20 1,125.60 2,592.80 623.53 234.36 4,008.96 1,086.96 5,789.65 13,844.03 2,986.35 15,745.15 4,489.50 48,808.49 38.15 28.67 41.65 30.83 139.30 Petty Cash to Aug 23 129.57 129.57 00028532 Rotation Motor Command Light 159.01 159.01 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 11830817 11747861 11733938 Cylinder Rent Carbon Dioxide C02 Tank Rental to Aug 14 25.37 452.32 116.24 593.93 8/30/2011 P & B UPHOLSTERY 1558 1561 Reupholster Seat Reupholster Seat 142.80 140.00 282.80 111844 8/30/2011 PETTY CASH (ADMIN SERVICES) Aug 22/11 Petty Cash to Aug 22 177.64 177.64 111845 8/30/2011 PRECISION LINE PAINTING 6/16/2011 Painting Bike Lanes/Parking Stalls 784.00 784.00 111846 8/30/2011 PPE LABS 1132 Service on Fire Gear 548.93 548.93 Page 196 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111847 8/30/2011 Vendor Name PLANTE, EMANUEL Aug 25/11 Property Tax Refund R4000035421012 111848 8/30/2011 QUARRY MARINE LTD. 460117 Battery Chargers 111849 8/30/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 17/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 17 111850 8/30/2011 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN38756 111851 8/30/2011 R.F. BINNIE & ASSOCIATES 111852 8/30/2011 111853 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 726.26 726.26 371.62 371.62 100,517.15 100,517.15 Fuel Sending Unit 126.63 126.63 26013 26012 Elements 2 O/S Construction - July Anti-Whistling Study - July 269.92 499.24 769.16 ROGERS MEDIA INC 77115-5 117258-1 Radio Ads - June Radio Ads - Property Taxes 1,041.60 489.44 1,531.04 8/30/2011 RICHMOND ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 267001 Monthly Maintenance - Aug 182.02 182.02 111854 8/30/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1339235 1340903 1343179 1341770 Brooms Supplies Supplies Supplies 75.22 91.37 56.16 34.13 256.88 111855 8/30/2011 RDH BUILDING ENGINEERING LTD. 1001612 BP Concession Bldg Assessment 616.00 616.00 111856 8/30/2011 CLEVE RISTO 49 51 Painting Meeting Room #3 Paint Meeting Room #1 95.00 245.00 340.00 111857 8/30/2011 REACH PHYSIO SOLUTIONS Aug 10/11 Testing Session August 3 270.00 270.00 111858 8/30/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 17/11 Union Dues - P/P 17 300.74 300.74 111859 8/30/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 390211940 325506446 390160389 390179792 325007217 Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight 125.51 368.28 27.82 27.82 36.29 585.72 111860 8/30/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS Aug 23/11 Gas Use - August 23 Billing 5,302.17 5,302.17 111861 8/30/2011 SQUAMISH VETERINARY 117581 Monthly Services 127.46 127.46 111862 8/30/2011 SUPERIOR PROPANE INC. 56970979 60611282 Bulk Propane Rental Contract 2,352.79 218.03 2,570.82 111863 8/30/2011 SMITH-CAMERON PUMP SOLUTIONS 113920 Hypo Metering Pump Repairs 429.80 644.00 Page 197 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 113924 Parts/Labour to Repair Flow Monitor 111864 8/30/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00019080 SQDI00019810 July 29th Edition August 12th Edition 111865 8/30/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 95164 Aug 19 95162 Aug 15 Summer Camp Supplies Summer Camp Supplies 111866 8/30/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY August 2011 Youth Services Contract - August 111867 8/30/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 342756 BP LC Out Bldg Monitoring to Oct 31 111868 8/30/2011 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 54783 111869 8/30/2011 SQUAMISH PHYSIOTHERAPY & REHABILITION 111870 8/30/2011 111871 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 214.20 1,630.62 1,434.25 3,064.87 21.02 47.78 68.80 21,026.67 21,026.67 84.00 84.00 Freight 210.81 210.81 Aug 17/11 Ergonomic Assessments 900.00 900.00 MOLBY, SACHA Aug 18/11 Seniors Keep Well - Aug 15-18 180.00 180.00 8/30/2011 SPERLING HANSEN ASSOCIATES INC. 11185 Landfill Upgrades 2011 to July 31 3,440.58 3,440.58 111872 8/30/2011 SHAW CABLE 0848 July 16/11 8708 Aug 12/11 R/C Internet Service to Aug 7 S/C Digital TV to Sept 3 89.54 143.88 233.42 111873 8/30/2011 SHARD, WENDY Aug 15/11 #1 Aug 15/11 #2 Aug 15/11 #3 Travel Expense - Jan 4 to Mar 8 Travel Expense - Mar 18 to May 27 Travel Expense - June 3 to July 28 8.84 11.96 15.08 35.88 111874 8/30/2011 SQUAMISH ROCK GUIDES 100853 Summer Rock Climbing Camps 2,688.00 2,688.00 111875 8/30/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 244983 244985 244984 244986 244982 Supplies Supplies Canister Vacuum Supplies Garbage Bags 346.82 82.77 689.34 114.98 893.76 2,127.67 111876 8/30/2011 SQUAMISH SUSTAINABILITY CORPORATION 281 Facility Rental - SORE Apr 30 988.65 988.65 111877 8/30/2011 SIGNAL SYSTEMS 21260 Radio Programming 134.40 134.40 111878 8/30/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 2818 5222 Mouse Treatment R/C Regular Service - July 334.88 67.76 402.64 111879 8/30/2011 SEAL TEC INDUSTRIES LTD. 4855 Cracksealing - Squamish Airport 3,372.60 3,372.60 Page 198 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111880 8/30/2011 Vendor Name SQUAMISH CAN (CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK) Aug 25/11 2011 GIA - Refund TU Permit Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 100.00 100.00 111881 8/30/2011 SQUAMISH REBUILD SOCIETY Aug 18/11 Promotion 111882 8/30/2011 SANGHA, M & R 111883 8/30/2011 SHAHI, B & K 140/10 Aug 25 Refund Lot Grading Deposit BP 140/10 111884 8/30/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 870260 868877 870902 868323 869417 871102 871133 872083 873470 847079 850617 868872 Cutting Torch Gauge & Hose Monthly Demurrage - July Straps, Bungy Cords Tap Plug Tap Parts Parts Parts Credit - Tie Rod End Shop Supplies Shop Supplies R/C Monthly Demurrage - July 111885 8/30/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 870249 870263 869615 870141 870394 870261 870346 869613 870730 870834 871109 869618 Grease Seals Acetelene Adapter Jerry Can Bearings Light, Light Harness Flat Bar Parts Air Filter Supplies Seals, Grease Hose Fitting Jerry Can 9.06 24.14 9.06 30.87 21.24 65.41 37.14 42.59 24.40 40.15 11.00 12.43 327.49 111886 8/30/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 871582 871197 871737 871634 871522 871743 871821 871220 871971 871960 PSI Gauge Flat Bar Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Air Filter Shop Supplies Shop Supplies 21.83 24.01 22.27 28.58 13.37 4.88 53.09 21.88 77.36 44.90 355.54 770.56 770.56 1,000.00 yes Page 199 of 299 1,000.00 145.98 169.00 95.83 62.38 44.60 382.60 137.10 182.06 (63.27) 3.24 20.71 16.00 1,000.00 1,196.23 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 872014 871694 Shop Supplies Batteries Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 36.33 7.04 111887 8/30/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 873165 872443 872497 872591 873237 872262 872347 872086 872918 872926 872156 872465 Suction Gun Parts Parts Rotary Pump Nylon Washers Parts Parts Parts Mower Bolts Mower Bolts Fenders Fender 18.10 34.72 29.18 88.82 78.40 34.84 89.03 38.44 47.04 6.38 43.33 43.33 551.61 111888 8/30/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 873619 873790 873474 873478 Filter Metric Bolts Supplies Parts 9.79 4.03 53.05 44.59 111.46 111889 8/30/2011 TAC MOBILITY 72/11 Refund Damage Deposit BP 72/11 2,500.00 2,500.00 111890 8/30/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 79003450 Cleveland Ave Lease Rent - Sept 1,232.00 1,232.00 111891 8/30/2011 TOM GREEN Aug 22/11 Travel Expense Aug 2 - 19 132.08 132.08 111892 8/30/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY Aug 24/11 Hotel Room Tax - June 7,384.29 7,384.29 111893 8/30/2011 TOTAL POWER LTD. W00038 Generator Engine 49,688.80 49,688.80 111894 8/30/2011 TAG ADVENTURE TOURS LTD 204 Monkido Kids for Summer Camp 342.59 342.59 111895 8/30/2011 THE ROCK CHURCH Aug 17/11 Refund Pavillion Damage Deposit 100.00 100.00 111896 8/30/2011 UNISTRUT BUILDING SYSTEMS 01-A189137 Gator Shield Posts 3,288.27 3,288.27 111897 8/30/2011 VIMAR EQUIPMENT LTD. 283811 283769 Electrical Water Pump Annual Service Olympia Ice Bear 1,258.88 1,101.96 2,360.84 111898 8/30/2011 VR 446 CRF IN TRUST Aug 26/11 The Phoenix Govt Rd Reduction #1 14,474.74 14,474.74 111899 8/30/2011 VERTICAL REALITY SPORT STORE Aug 15/11 Refund Barricade Rental 140.00 140.00 Page 200 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 111900 8/30/2011 Vendor Name WESTWARD SALES LTD. 111901 8/30/2011 111902 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 70.88 748.93 28.63 649.42 53729 53878 54074 Fire Extinguisher Breaker Bars Safety Supplies WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-149090 Safety Gear 117.89 117.89 8/30/2011 WURTH CANADA LTD 20547385 Electrical Bin Restock 327.26 327.26 111903 8/30/2011 WALSH, ANTHONY 440141 Program Refund 32.80 32.80 111904 8/30/2011 WOLFE, REBECCA 3625 Camping Fee Refund 32.80 32.80 111905 8/30/2011 ZAMORANO, GABRIEL 111906 9/8/2011 MURRAY, TERRY Aug 30/11 Half of PADM 202 Course Fees 111907 9/8/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 9205 Aug 14/11 5218 Aug 14/11 5268 Aug 14/11 111908 9/8/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 111909 9/8/2011 111910 13.90 yes 426.86 426.86 S/C Telephone Charges to Aug 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Aug 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Aug 14 85.87 86.37 86.88 259.12 020053013127 Cell Phone Charges to Aug 17 89.66 89.66 BELL MOBILITY Aug 17 Blackberry Service - Aug 17 Billing 5,203.82 5,203.82 9/8/2011 EGLOBAL IT SOLUTIONS INC. 142174 DCS 3110 IP Cameras 1,181.73 1,181.73 111911 9/8/2011 HURFORD, RENEE 111912 9/8/2011 KITTNER, JESSE Aug 15/11 Food-SFR Rope Rescue Course Aug 13 111913 9/8/2011 LIDSTONE & COMPANY 1614 1615 1617 1616 1727 111914 9/8/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE, TAXATION BRANCH 111915 9/8/2011 111916 111917 214.80 yes 247.74 247.74 Professional Services - March Professional Services - March Professional Services - March Professional Services - March Professional Services - April 218.40 117.82 4,772.46 841.51 638.85 6,589.04 Sept 1/11 School Tax Remittance - Aug 7,728.93 7,728.93 OWEN BIRD LAW CORPORATION IN TRUST Sept 7/11 Court Costs 9,461.25 9,461.25 9/9/2011 DAWSON, ANDY Sept 9/11 Payroll Advance P/P 18 Missing T/C 500.00 500.00 9/13/2011 LONSDALE, CORINNE Sept 6/11 2011 UBCM Conference Per Diem 170.00 170.00 Page 201 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 111918 9/13/2011 Vendor Name VIRGINT, SUZANNE L. Sept 8/11 PWABC Conference Per Diem 111919 9/13/2011 LALLI, PAUL Sept 6/11 2011 UBCM Convention Per Diem 111920 9/13/2011 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Aug/11-005 Aug/11-006 Aug/11-009 Aug/11-008 Aug/11-019 2011 Paving Program - Finch 2011 Paving Program - 5th Ave 2011 Paving Program - Perth 2011 Paving Program - Vancouver St Govt Rd Curb & Gutter S/W Extension 111921 9/13/2011 ALTA LAKE ELECTRIC LTD. 1568 Replace Lamps/Ballasts Mens B/F 111922 9/13/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 18172 Cell Block Laundry - Aug 9 111923 9/13/2011 ACKLANDS - GRAINGER INC. 4373 0576848 4373 0577450 111924 9/13/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL 111925 9/13/2011 111926 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 260.00 260.00 185.00 185.00 31,425.88 105,806.41 49,523.29 74,874.44 5,070.64 266,700.66 1,764.19 1,764.19 26.63 26.63 Supplies Fluorescent Lights 115.76 491.18 606.94 E798449 E801101 E795676 E793946 E803474 Weekly Analysis - Aug 3 Weekly Analysis - Aug 10 Weekly Analysis - July 27 Weekly Analysis - July 20 Weekly Analysis - Aug 17 150.64 84.00 84.00 84.00 84.00 486.64 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN382886 LVAN382870 LVAN384663 S/C Laundry - Aug 22 R/C Uniform Service - Aug 22 R/C Uniform Service - Aug 29 40.32 199.23 61.57 301.12 9/13/2011 GENERATION 2 CONTROLS INC. 124350 Monitoring DDC Controls - Aug 449.12 449.12 111927 9/13/2011 ALLABY, CAELA Sept 2/11 Summer Camp Supplies 6.77 6.77 111928 9/13/2011 ALLSTAR MECHANICAL LTD. 11-2322-191 11-2383-217 11-2311-189 2nd Quarter Inspection - RCMP A/C Compressor Repairs A/C Water Meter/PVR Service 1,944.60 474.66 238.00 2,657.26 111929 9/13/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 5205 8 Sep 4/11 Telephone Charges - Sept 4 Billing 9,904.53 9,904.53 111930 9/13/2011 BC TRANSIT 711765 711865 711876 411876 Para Transit Service - July Conventional Transit - July Squamish to Whistler Commuter - July Squamish to Whistler Commuter - Apr 7,886.00 60,969.00 35,158.00 39,418.00 143,431.00 111931 9/13/2011 BC HYDRO 113005272238 400001746602 End of Plateau Dr to Aug 3 Hydro Use - Sept 6 Billing 19.56 52,632.37 52,651.93 Page 202 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 111932 9/13/2011 BRINKS CANADA LTD. 0644190785 Armoured Car Service - July 1,030.54 1,030.54 111933 9/13/2011 BC CONSERVATION FOUNDATION 540201-005 Wage Top-Up-Bear Aware Co-ordinator 3,714.48 3,714.48 111934 9/13/2011 BCT FENCING 379443 Chainlink Fencing Installation 1,270.57 1,270.57 111935 9/13/2011 BC/YUKON COMMAND Aug 2/11 Military Service Recognition Book 265.00 265.00 111936 9/13/2011 BELL DISTRIBUTION 90124223 90115604 Otterbox Commuter, Defender BB 9780 Upgrades, Skins 212.58 190.12 402.70 111937 9/13/2011 BLACK, LORRAINE 422758 Program Refund 75.00 75.00 111938 9/13/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 18/11 Union Dues - P/P 18 4,415.88 4,415.88 111939 9/13/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 16520 Road Base 536.57 536.57 111940 9/13/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 7981 Loggers Lane Deficiencies - Prog #1 196,561.53 196,561.53 111941 9/13/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J002205 J002178 J002191 J002206 J002204 Disconnect WAS Pump #3 Reconnect Pump #1 and Test Electrical Repairs MWWTP SCADA Install Cameras at Landfill 72.80 109.20 800.80 650.18 1,445.80 3,078.78 111942 9/13/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004Q-98052 5004Q-89798 5004F-100051 5004I-99082 5004E-99078 W/Y Garbage, Cdbd - Aug W/Y Recycle - Jan Residential Service - Aug Landfill Portable Toilet - Sept Recycling Depots - Aug 429.31 286.41 58,387.39 145.60 511.84 59,760.55 111943 9/13/2011 MAXXAM ANALYTICS VA544630 VA544219 Water Quality Samples Bacterial Water Testing Concert Site 546.56 1,003.52 1,550.08 111944 9/13/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 4063 4062 Messaging Service - Aug Messagine Service - July 1,533.56 1,421.56 2,955.12 111945 9/13/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 28220414 28197900 28162608 28310030 28311630 17686 Journal Journals Pencils Supplies Copy Paper Floor Safe 17.30 328.76 7.00 271.53 138.36 377.43 1,312.30 Page 203 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 28332510 28356222 Clipboards Supplies Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 10.34 161.58 111946 9/13/2011 CUMMINS WESTERN CANADA 002-99484 Replace Turbocharger 2,256.11 111947 9/13/2011 CLEARTECH INDUSTRIES INC. 466948SJC 96209 MAW Sodium Hypochlorite - July 21 Credit - Container Return 1,316.22 (538.16) 111948 9/13/2011 COASTAL MOUNTAIN EXCAVATIONS Prog #3 Skyline Retaining Wall - Prog #3 111949 9/13/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016047034 016047089 111950 9/13/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 111951 9/13/2011 111952 2,256.11 778.06 13,567.05 13,567.05 Covercoat Orange Spray Paint 54.68 115.72 170.40 14763 14785 Parking Enforcement Signs Pool Shutdown Sign 369.60 117.60 487.20 CASSIDY, REED Aug 22/11 Work Boot Allowance 131.03 131.03 9/13/2011 CAMP SUMMIT Sept 2/11 High Ropes Summer Camp - July 25 218.40 218.40 111953 9/13/2011 CARGOE, SHERRI July 13/11 Tennis Camp Jun 7,14,21,28 Jul 11-15 360.00 360.00 111954 9/13/2011 CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONING LTD. W78050 W78071 S/C Maintenance R/C Maintenance 559.16 1,173.76 1,732.92 111955 9/13/2011 CUSTOM SHELTERS & MARKETING 1089 Repair Kit for Special Events Tent 78.40 78.40 111956 9/13/2011 CARL GOLDSTRAW 1049 Exterior Painting F/H #2 1,064.00 1,064.00 111957 9/13/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 108679 108718 108719 Supplies Pool Test Reagents Chemicals 7,847.34 113.79 2,369.65 10,330.78 111958 9/13/2011 DJ SPENCE TREE SERVICE 525 Tree Removal 3,360.00 3,360.00 111959 9/13/2011 DOUGLAS, CORAL Aug 30/11 Summer Camp Supplies 17.77 17.77 111960 9/13/2011 DESCHUTTER & ASSOCIATES DOS0813 Landfill Attendant Services - Sept 11,648.00 11,648.00 111961 9/13/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-100085 4501-100083 4501-100062 Landfill Tires, Gypsum Goard - Aug Landfill Contract - Aug Safety Railings Public Drop Area 4,113.76 29,424.30 18,256.00 51,794.06 111962 9/13/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 66 Lock/Unlock Nexen Beach - Aug 1,362.41 2,827.37 Page 204 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 67 Guard Patrols - M/H & Lib - Aug 111963 9/13/2011 FINNING (CANADA) 960002667 Generator Cable Rental 111964 9/13/2011 FITNESS TOWN SERVICE 918 111965 9/13/2011 FOSTER, MANDY 111966 9/13/2011 111967 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,464.96 1,411.20 1,411.20 P/M on Fitness Equipment 181.44 181.44 Aug 30/11 Aug 30 Summer Camp Supplies Summer Camp Supplies 79.33 226.32 305.65 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 11827 220158 Whiteprints All Weather Binder, Refills 14.11 72.17 86.28 9/13/2011 GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. P/P 18/11 September Premiums 83,461.83 83,461.83 111968 9/13/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. Sept 2011 2009 Pontiac Wave Lease - Sept 436.61 436.61 111969 9/13/2011 GLENTEL WIRELESS CENTRE I98674 Jul 5 I99126 Jul 27 Motorola Minitor V Pagers Extra Programming/Set Up for Pagers 12,374.82 266.00 12,640.82 111970 9/13/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2640 2639 Padlocks & Keys Replace Door RCMP Front Counter 35.06 1,072.40 1,107.46 111971 9/13/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5546 M/H Plumbing Repairs 104.72 104.72 111972 9/13/2011 GOLDER ASSOCIATES LTD. 419285 Slope Stability Recommendations 248.10 248.10 111973 9/13/2011 GOODWIN STUDIOS 10290 Spar Tree Ad 252.00 252.00 111974 9/13/2011 GARDNER, GREG 111975 9/13/2011 GLENDAY, LINDA Sept 1/11 Reimburse Medical Certificate Chges 111976 9/13/2011 GREGG DISTRIBUTORS (BC) LTD 005-500234 111977 9/13/2011 GROUND CONTROL ENTERPRISES LIMITED 111978 9/13/2011 111979 160.00 yes 50.00 50.00 Paper Towel 222.43 222.43 2011-1 SODC Meeting with Mayor & Council 735.00 735.00 GHUMAN, RUPINDERJIT 416393 Program Refund 44.22 44.22 9/13/2011 FMEP P/P 18/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 18 301.50 301.50 111980 9/13/2011 HUNSRA, JASWANT 07/10 Sept 9/11 Damage/Lot Grading Deposits BP 07/10 2,000.00 2,000.00 111981 9/13/2011 HEINTZMAN, PATRICIA Sept 6/11 2011 UBCM Conference Per Diem 170.00 170.00 Page 205 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 111982 9/13/2011 Vendor Name HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 111983 9/13/2011 111984 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 6.69 43.06 36.37 140146 140259 Zap Straps Cloth Tape HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 23547 23354 Aug 18 23465 Chain Saw Repairs Chain Saw Parts Chain Saw Parts 294.70 31.30 38.64 364.64 9/13/2011 HARBOUR INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 48008H Turn Signal Switch, Turbo Oil Line 210.31 210.31 111985 9/13/2011 HEAVY CONSTRUCTION LINK 305 304 Loggers Lane Deficiencies - Aug Env Upgrade & Leachate S/S - Aug 571.50 4,636.80 5,208.30 111986 9/13/2011 IDEAL DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 217121 217214 Teach Pool Ozone Generator Cr - Circuit Board Set Inv 207804 1,581.44 (586.32) 111987 9/13/2011 ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES B001163 Subdivision Bylaw to Aug 12 111988 9/13/2011 IRC BUILDING SCIENCES GROUP INC. 4844 4843 Roof Plan Drawing & Repair Specs Site Visit - A/C 111989 9/13/2011 DR. JIM JAMIESON 361025 OFA Form 111990 9/13/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 46764 47088 47170 47196 47206 Squamish River Riprap - June Squamish River Riprap - July Dyke Upgrade - Eagle Viewing - July Leachate Sewer Design - July Paradise Trail Flood Prot Plan - July 111991 9/13/2011 KAL TIRE 064072063 064072197 111992 9/13/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 111993 9/13/2011 111994 995.12 14,920.53 14,920.53 2,800.00 476.00 3,276.00 37.50 37.50 2,447.48 2,655.24 11,131.19 13,332.86 575.77 30,142.54 Tire Repair Tires 30.24 502.53 532.77 CONIN01680626 CONIN01680627 CONIN01680629 S/C C280 Copy Charges to Aug 22 R/C C452 Copy Charges to Aug 23 CD/Eng C452 Copy Chges to Aug 23 165.02 332.07 605.54 1,102.63 KIRKHAM, ROBERT Sept 6/11 2011 UBCM Conference Per Diem 185.00 185.00 9/13/2011 L & A EQUIPMENT LTD. 11-109 Corridor Trail Clark to Scott Prog #2 78,702.62 78,702.62 111995 9/13/2011 LONDON DRUGS 9006236 Logitech USB Headphones 78.84 78.84 111996 9/13/2011 LEONG'S NURSERY 29707 Basket Stuffers 172.03 172.03 111997 9/13/2011 LAURALEE CHENG 33 BPRC NLS Aug 23 - Sept 2 1,881.60 1,881.60 Page 206 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 111998 9/13/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE WSI85242 2011 Water Licences 111999 9/13/2011 MODU-LOC FENCE RENTALS LTD. I0082519 Fence Panel Rental - Aug 112000 9/13/2011 MCMILLAN LLP, IN TRUST Sept 2/11 Property Tax Refund - Grantham 112001 9/13/2011 NEW AGE TRADING INC. 95165 Aug 24 112002 9/13/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 112003 9/13/2011 112004 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 4,020.61 4,020.61 20.56 20.56 2,690.60 2,690.60 Summer Camp Supplies 21.84 21.84 95202 Aug 25 Marrow Bones 76.15 76.15 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 6185 6189 Stawamus River SCADA to July 31 SCADA Software Support - July 3,379.90 11,455.15 14,835.05 9/13/2011 O'CONNELL, KATE Apr 6/11 Expense Reimbursement 13.98 13.98 112005 9/13/2011 PIPELINE MECHANICAL 4624 4623 WWTP Quarterly Maintenance P/W Office & W/Y Quarterly Mtce 476.00 509.60 985.60 112006 9/13/2011 PWABC Sept 6/11 PWABC 2011 Technical Conference 2,180.64 2,180.64 112007 9/13/2011 PEERY, JEFF 442529 Camping Fees Refund 32.80 32.80 112008 9/13/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. 51585 RI 51702 RI 2 FX Lines - Sept 10 Mbps Internet Access - Aug 973.72 782.88 1,756.60 112009 9/13/2011 RECEIVER GEN.FOR CAN./MEASUREMENT CANADA 112010 9/13/2011 RAISER, BRYAN Sept 6/11 2011 UBCM Conference Per Diem 112011 9/13/2011 REVENUE SERVICES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Sept 2011 September Premiums 112012 9/13/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1345690 1345702 Gutter Parts Tape 112013 9/13/2011 RACE, DOUG Sept 6/11 112014 9/13/2011 CLEVE RISTO 112015 9/13/2011 112016 112017 98,568.91 yes 185.00 185.00 13,230.00 13,230.00 6.20 55.44 61.64 2011 UBCM Conference Per Diem 115.00 115.00 53 Comm Dev Office Painting 360.00 360.00 BRAIDWOOD & COMPANY 6889 Professional Services - DP 313 237.82 237.82 9/13/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 18/11 Union Dues - P/P 18 262.70 262.70 9/13/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00019132 August 5th Edition 1,434.25 3,002.19 Page 207 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description SQDI00019217 August 19th Edition 112018 9/13/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 93419 Aug 30 93417 Aug 26 91479 Aug 26 94579 Aug 17 95201 Aug 25 94355 Aug 30 Distilled Water for Eyewash Bottles WF 3 Ply Multipac Shampoo/Conditioner for Retail Supplies Supplies Milk, Creamo 112019 9/13/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY Sept 2011 Youth Services Contract - Sept 112020 9/13/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 58106 Lamp Cover 112021 9/13/2011 SHAW CABLE 5490 Aug 16/11 5474 Aug 16/11 0848 Aug 16/11 112022 9/13/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 112023 9/13/2011 112024 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,567.94 1.58 17.90 17.60 34.64 29.16 19.33 120.21 21,026.67 21,026.67 14.31 14.31 F/H Internet, HD Plus to Sept 7 M/H Internet to Sept 7 R/C Internet to Sept 7 107.46 100.69 91.37 299.52 245336 245475 245479 245391 Supplies Scrubber Maintenance Supplies Degradable Black Bags 130.11 241.92 207.20 305.47 884.70 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 6083 W/Y Coffee 125.00 125.00 9/13/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 5224 Reg Serv - BP Service/Cemetery Bldgs 99.68 99.68 112025 9/13/2011 SQUAMISH FLYING CLUB Aug 29/11 Barricade Rental - Aug 26 to 29 120.00 120.00 112026 9/13/2011 SQUAMISH CAN (CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK) Sept 1/11 Event Insurance 500.00 500.00 112027 9/13/2011 SCHAEFER, SHANNON Aug 29/11 Property Tax O/P R4000067729007 770.00 770.00 112028 9/13/2011 SQUAMISH TOYOTA TOCS16693 TOCS16638 Remove Stickers Exterior of Vehicle Clean Interior or Unit 475.99 314.89 790.88 112029 9/13/2011 STC CONSULTING 2087 OH&S Prog Analysis,Empl Audit/Interv 5,880.00 5,880.00 112030 9/13/2011 STEIN, SUSAN Sept 2/11 Property Tax O/P R#3000000331002 731.50 731.50 112031 9/13/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 874785 874561 875479 874856 874559 Helium Gloves Grease Tubes Air Filters Parts 80.09 24.86 221.02 23.96 9.46 385.85 Page 208 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 874314 874413 874859 Coolant Filter Air Brake Hose Coolant Filter Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 8.31 9.84 8.31 112032 9/13/2011 TIGERDIRECT.CA INC. D10963230101 Samsung LED Monitors 908.29 908.29 112033 9/13/2011 TOM GREEN Aug 30/11 Travel Exp to Aug 26/Misc Exp 120.06 120.06 112034 9/13/2011 TOSOLINI, KARIN 442872 Program Refund 94.00 94.00 112035 9/13/2011 UNITED WAY Sept 12/11 Employee Donations - P/P 17 & 18 238.38 238.38 112036 9/13/2011 URBAN SYSTEMS 105958 Long Term Financial Plan - July 9,408.00 9,408.00 112037 9/13/2011 ULTIMATE PROMOTIONS 149424 Bear Aware Magnets 1,993.60 1,993.60 112038 9/13/2011 VIMAR EQUIPMENT LTD. 283953 Spray Nozzles, Nozzle Selector 230.38 230.38 112039 9/13/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-150452 IN-150055 Overalls Supplies 226.80 41.84 268.64 112040 9/13/2011 WESCLEAN EQUIPMENT & CLEANING SUPPLIES 5736406 Doggy Bags 1,869.91 1,869.91 112041 9/13/2011 WESTERN HYDROBLASTING 11-042 Line Eradication Tantalus & Govt Rd 16,812.82 16,812.82 112042 9/13/2011 WHISTLER WAKE 0001 Wakeboarding Camp 901.60 901.60 112043 9/13/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 18/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 18 98,568.91 98,568.91 112044 9/15/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 4753 Aug 1/11 E-Comm Emergency Phone to Aug 1 1,408.87 1,408.87 112045 9/15/2011 SANGHA, M & R 51/08 Aug 25 Refund Lot Grading Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 112046 9/23/2011 GARDNER, GREG Sept 23/11 UBCM Per Diem 160.00 160.00 112047 9/23/2011 HEINTZMAN, PATRICIA Sept 23/11 UBCM Per Diem Adjustment 90.00 90.00 112048 9/23/2011 LALLI, PAUL Sept 23/11 UBCM Per Diem Adjustment 140.00 140.00 112049 9/23/2011 LONSDALE, CORINNE Sept 23/11 UBCM Per Diem Adjustment 155.00 155.00 112050 9/23/2011 RAISER, BRYAN Sept 23/11 UBCM Per Diem Adjustment 140.00 140.00 112051 9/26/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94914652 Cardlock - July 27 2,841.19 2,841.19 Page 209 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 112052 9/26/2011 MORFCO SUPPLIES LTD. 607157 607433 Snow Removal Supplies Snow Removal Supplies 1,502.68 3,443.73 4,946.41 112053 9/26/2011 ROB FITZGERALD August 2011 Professional Services 2,068.54 2,068.54 112054 9/27/2011 GUGINS, JANET M. Sept 14/11 Travel Expense - Jan to Sept 2011 356.98 356.98 112055 9/27/2011 0755572 BC LTD Aug 19/11 Refund Admin/Legal Fees - DP268 6,316.83 6,316.83 112056 9/27/2011 755572 BC LTD. 39/09 Sept 23 Ref Damage/Lot Grading Dep BP 39/09 3,857.50 3,857.50 112057 9/27/2011 ALL KEYS & LOCKS 3885C 3622C 3621C Keys Cut Compound Keys Entry Keys for EOC 10.64 39.65 21.05 71.34 112058 9/27/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 18065 19024 19177 Cell Block Laundry - Aug 3 Cell Block Laundry - Aug 15 Cell Block Laundry - Aug 23 17.86 17.58 15.23 50.67 112059 9/27/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E805910 E810015 Weekly Analysis - Aug 24 Weekly Analysis - Sept 2 84.00 84.00 168.00 112060 9/27/2011 AQUAM 169710 Basketball Goal 1,072.12 1,072.12 112061 9/27/2011 A.R. MOWER & SUPPLY LTD. 27857 Lapping Compound 183.68 183.68 112062 9/27/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN386516 LVAN390175 LVAN386531 LVAN390187 LVAN382872 R/C Uniform Service - Sept 5 W/Y Laundry - Sept 19 S/C Laundry - Sept 5 S/C Laundry - Sept 19 F/H Laundry - Aug 22 199.23 40.04 40.32 40.32 33.87 353.78 112063 9/27/2011 AVCON CONSULTING LTD. Aug 31/11 Consulting Services - Airport 2,245.60 2,245.60 112064 9/27/2011 GENERATION 2 CONTROLS INC. 124364 Monitoring DDC Controls - Sept 449.12 449.12 112065 9/27/2011 ARCHIBALD CLARKE & DEFIEUX (SQUAMISH) 250965 Sports-Can Insurance - Aug 210.00 210.00 112066 9/27/2011 AUTOMIND COLLISION REPAIR 304348 Parts & Labour for New Tailgate 560.00 560.00 112067 9/27/2011 AQUIFORM DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 447213 Grates, Flow Meters 1,653.34 1,653.34 112068 9/27/2011 ALLAN, PETER & GAIL Sept 21/11 Property Tax Refund R#6000500701012 1,737.28 1,737.28 Page 210 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 112069 9/27/2011 SCOTIABANK Sept 21/11 Property Tax Refund - Hoggan/Verigin 770.00 770.00 112070 9/27/2011 BC WATER & WASTE ASSOCIATION 39384 Reg - Water Dist I - G. Murgatroyd 952.00 952.00 112071 9/27/2011 BLACK & BAIRD LTD. 011I14639 Pump Alternator 553.28 553.28 112072 9/27/2011 BC HYDRO 150001801819 150001801822 Christmas Lights Nov/10 to Jan/11 Christmas Lights Nov/10 to Jan/11 283.51 2,155.86 2,439.37 112073 9/27/2011 BRANDT TRACTOR LTD. 5493496 5488673 5489133 Filters, Springs Roof Cover Credit - Roof Cover 112074 9/27/2011 ACCESS POINT INFORMATION CANADA LTD. 9935750811 Land Title Searches - Aug 112075 9/27/2011 BMO FINANCIAL GROUP Sept 21/11 112076 9/27/2011 BCT FENCING 112077 9/27/2011 112078 262.87 828.80 (580.16) 511.51 178.08 178.08 Property Tax Refund - Sharpe 1,045.00 1,045.00 379455 Fence Installation - Airport 3,669.44 3,669.44 BETHEL LANDS CORP 105 Final Billing to Aug 15 - Pavillion 20,284.69 20,284.69 9/27/2011 BARNETT, BRIAN Sept 19/11 Travel Expense - Sept 7 - 19 286.00 286.00 112079 9/27/2011 BRACKENDALE PLUMBING 10172 Janitor Sink, DCVA for Sprinkler 1,624.00 1,624.00 112080 9/27/2011 BLACK TUSK FIRE & SECURITY INC 7236 7152 Security Alarm Install Forestry Bldg Parts and Labor 532.00 937.44 1,469.44 112081 9/27/2011 BOND, JAMIE 107/10 Sept 26 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 107/10 1,000.00 1,000.00 112082 9/27/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 19/11 Union Dues - P/P 19 4,190.07 4,190.07 112083 9/27/2011 CARDINAL CONCRETE LTD. 41/11 Sept 23 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 41/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 112084 9/27/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 7983 Corridor Trail - Prog #1 91,327.62 91,327.62 112085 9/27/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J002148 J002241 J002240 J002242 J002243 J002244 J002262 Reconnect Emergency Generator Central Sewage Lift SCADA Alice Lake Reservoir SCADA Westway Sewage Lift Stn SCADA SCADA Misc Plateau Reservoir SCADA Misc SCADA 327.60 603.40 414.40 268.80 910.00 1,234.42 218.40 4,381.26 Page 211 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description J002284 J002261 Replace Ballasts - Library Plateau Reservoir SCADA 112086 9/27/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004U-99089 5004TT-99088 5004T-99087 5004D-99077 5004G-99080 5004N-99084 5004-99074 5004RCMP-99075 5004Q-99423 5004C-99076 5004P-99086 5004O-99085 H/F Portable Toilet - Sept/Aug SB Lower Park Lot Port Toilet - Sept SB Upper Park Lot Port Toilet - Sept C/F Conc Garbage - Sept K/C Gbge, Port Toilet - Sept/Aug Nexen Beach Port Toilet - Sept M/H Gbge, Cdbd, Paper - Sept/Aug RCMP Garbage, Cdbd - Sept W/Y Garbage, Cdbd - Sept/Aug WWTP Garbage, Biosolids - Sept/Aug GH F/H Garbage, Cdbd - Sept VC F/H Garbage - Sept 112087 9/27/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004V-99090 500H-99081 112088 9/27/2011 CANADIAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION 112089 9/27/2011 112090 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 113.04 291.20 380.80 145.60 145.60 352.78 1,727.30 145.60 483.21 240.31 483.16 21,227.32 141.83 58.33 25,531.84 A/W Field Port Toilet - Sept Library Garbage, Paper Tote - Sept 145.60 139.22 284.82 Sept 12/11 Renewal Membership - Lamont/Virgint 352.00 352.00 CARLETON RESCUE EQUIPMENT 00054760 Small Bags, Mesh Liner Kit 188.44 188.44 9/27/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 4061 4060 4145 4140 4143 2011 SEP Messaging Service - July/Aug HSMRS Messaging Service - July/Aug HSMRS Messaging Service - Sept Messaging Service SEP Messaging Services - Aug/Sept 532.00 336.00 168.00 1,557.08 897.12 3,490.20 112091 9/27/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 28357922 28350751 28311472 28163031 28141481 28312074 28312150 28298679 28465562 28482578 Address Labels Document Holder, Keyboard, Mouse Supplies Shredder Oil Storage Boxes Supplies Copy Paper Supplies Supplies Printer Ribbons 50.47 137.95 244.07 22.72 51.30 133.44 620.26 287.91 75.02 20.12 1,643.26 112092 9/27/2011 CUMMINS WESTERN CANADA 002-2850 DPF Exhaust Repairs 4,281.88 4,281.88 112093 9/27/2011 BASF CANADA INC. 131250862 131197836 Zetag Zetag 9,912.13 9,912.92 19,825.05 Page 212 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112094 9/27/2011 CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 9904941607 Landfill Water Service - July/Aug 112095 9/27/2011 CASCADE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE GROUP 11 8 33 Corridor Trail Paving Impact - Aug 112096 9/27/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 18227 18228 112097 9/27/2011 COMFY'S LAUNDRY 112098 9/27/2011 112099 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 51.30 51.30 1,257.20 1,257.20 W/W Laundry - Aug 15 (Missed) P/W Shops Laundry - Aug 17 28.11 36.74 64.85 M/H Aug/11 Lib Aug/11 M/H Laundry - Aug Library Laundry - Aug 21.28 21.28 42.56 COASTAL MOUNTAIN EXCAVATIONS Prog #4 Skyline Retaining Wall - Prog #4 32,480.10 32,480.10 9/27/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016047360 016047566 Field Marking Paint Covercoat Paint 2,437.34 329.50 2,766.84 112100 9/27/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 14858 Cougar Siting Signs 215.04 215.04 112101 9/27/2011 CANADIAN NATIONAL 90497342 90500707 Woodfibre Crossing Maintenance Amble Path Signal Mtce - Aug 2,400.00 667.23 3,067.23 112102 9/27/2011 CORIX WATER PRODUCTS LP 1011386492 Parts 72.52 72.52 112103 9/27/2011 CANADIAN TIRE STORE #483 95174 Sept 16 Special Event Supplies 39.72 39.72 112104 9/27/2011 CARL GOLDSTRAW 1051 Powerwash, Paint - Library 1,254.40 1,254.40 112105 9/27/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 108369 In-Line Thermometer 952.06 952.06 112106 9/27/2011 DUST-AWAY ROAD SPRAYING LTD. 3303 3303-A 3004 Magnesium Chloride Magnesium Chloride Magnesium Chloride 1,871.67 9,764.57 10,083.76 21,720.00 112107 9/27/2011 DEVTRA INC. 1147 Light Vehicle Pre-Trip Booklets 1,955.81 1,955.81 112108 9/27/2011 DOUGLAS LAKE EQUIPMENT S05092 Parts 301.31 301.31 112109 9/27/2011 DAKE CONTRACTING 103207 Change Bearing, Rebuild Housing 1,153.71 1,153.71 112110 9/27/2011 DR. GERHARD MALHERBE 272869 Time Loss Benefit Form 50.00 50.00 112111 9/27/2011 DYNAMIC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LTD. 1666 1665 1659 S/C Elevator Mtce Sept/09 to Sept/11 S/C Landscaping - Jul/10 to Jun/11 S/C Reimbursable Insurance 2009/10 3,794.75 964.98 5,479.00 19,159.81 Page 213 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 1664 1663 1662 1660 1661 1658 S/C Eaglewind HOA Dues Jul/10-Jun/11 S/C Fire Equip Mtce Jul/10 to Jun/11 S/C Parkade Mtce Jul/10 to Jun/11 S/C Ext Cleaning Jul/10 to Jun/11 S/C Strata Mgmt Fees Jul/10 to Jun/11 S/C Alarm Monitoring Jul/10 to Jun/11 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,051.35 314.15 1,092.83 3,627.80 2,697.28 137.67 112112 9/27/2011 DISCOVERY WAY PROPERTIES INC. 125/10 Sept 23 Refund Lot Grading Dep - BP 125/10 1,000.00 1,000.00 112113 9/27/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 71 75 Adv Ctre Guard Patrols - Aug Alex Munro F/H Static Guard - Sept 866.77 1,429.68 2,296.45 112114 9/27/2011 FIRST TRUCK CENTRE X003184395:01 X003183802:01 Coolant Sensor Surge Tank 88.22 152.97 241.19 112115 9/27/2011 FOURCHALK, DONNA 120/11 Sept 13 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 120/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 112116 9/27/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 11890 11859 11888 11889 11918 Business Cards Business Cards Business Cards Business Cards 2nd Sheet Letterhead 78.40 78.40 151.20 39.20 115.63 462.83 112117 9/27/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. 551040 551021 779638 550850 Steady Bearing Headlight Adjuster Supply/Reprogram New Key Fob Sway Bar Links 218.40 43.01 238.22 91.39 591.02 112118 9/27/2011 G. SMILLIE HOLDINGS LIMITED 41/10 Sept 23 Refund Damage/Complex Bldg Reduction 10,209.00 10,209.00 112119 9/27/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 2145116 Freight 61.87 61.87 112120 9/27/2011 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 3277570 Satellite Service to Aug 21 46.93 46.93 112121 9/27/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2625 2684 2667 Repair Door Lock Repair Lock - File Cabinets Adjust Front Door 95.59 92.40 92.40 280.39 112122 9/27/2011 GARDNER, GREG Sept 22/11 Replace 2009 UBCM Conv Per Diem Cheq 390.00 390.00 112123 9/27/2011 GREAT WEST EQUIPMENT CF21010 Fuel Tank, Cross Plates 899.76 899.76 112124 9/27/2011 GREGG DISTRIBUTORS (BC) LTD 005-496199 005-502761 Shop Lights Paper Towel 151.20 444.86 596.06 Page 214 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112125 9/27/2011 GLENTEL INC. Sept 7/11 MSAT Phones to Sept 7 112126 9/27/2011 GRIFFIN, DAN Sept 26/11 112127 9/27/2011 GREEN, DAWN 112128 9/27/2011 112129 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 460.97 460.97 MISA Conf Travel Expense - Sept 22 68.41 68.41 Sept 10/11 Seniors Interpretive Walks Jul/Aug 51.04 51.04 HOWE SOUND WOMEN'S CENTRE SOCIETY Sept 19/11 Barricade Rental Return 120.00 120.00 9/27/2011 HANLEY AGENCIES LTD. 72270 Parts 4,309.98 4,309.98 112130 9/27/2011 HARRIS & COMPANY August 26/11 July 22/11 Professional Services to Aug 25 Professional Services to July 21 3,560.14 1,450.40 5,010.54 112131 9/27/2011 FMEP P/P 19/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 19 301.50 301.50 112132 9/27/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 140407 140466 Packing Tape Keys Cut, Key Chains 9.49 14.27 23.76 112133 9/27/2011 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 4070153 3993769 6024826 7015314 7070756 4025213 3070199 Safety Hasp Wood for Trailer Deck Boards for Trailer Repair Wasp Killer Pipe Adapter Blades Sonic Tubes, Blinds 5.02 108.43 110.71 15.66 13.54 27.99 352.15 633.50 112134 9/27/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 23621 Weedeater Repair 63.22 63.22 112135 9/27/2011 HOMEWOOD HUMAN SOLUTIONS CANADA INC. 77114 Employee Assistance Prog to Sept 30 2,765.11 2,765.11 112136 9/27/2011 HIGHLAND GREEN CLEANING 189 SAC Cleaning Services - Aug 1,041.60 1,041.60 112137 9/27/2011 HUME, ADRIANA Sept 12/11 Staff Barbeque Supplies 9.98 9.98 112138 9/27/2011 HUME, GAVIN & ADRIANA 53/11 Sept 14 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 53/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 112139 9/27/2011 ICBC Sept 12/11 Refund U/B #4862 Overpayment 914.86 914.86 112140 9/27/2011 JUSTICE INSTITUTE OF B.C. 213344 213342 FOCP110 Fire Serv Adm - S. Sweeney FOCP111 Company Insp - S. Sweeney 311.00 311.00 622.00 112141 9/27/2011 DR. JIM JAMIESON 361854 OFA Form 37.50 37.50 Page 215 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 112142 9/27/2011 Vendor Name JHUDGE, AMARJIT 112143 9/27/2011 112144 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Sept 13/11 Refund Sea to Sky Commuter Tickets KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 47038 47210 47390 47382 47474 47413 Cent Way Lift Stn Assessment - July Metering Design - July Dyke Upgrade - Eagle Viewing - Aug Cheekey Fan Development - Aug District Metering Design - Aug W/S Development Servicing - Aug 9/27/2011 KAL TIRE 064071438 Grader Tire 112145 9/27/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01680628 CONIN01690192 W/Y C452 Copy Chgs to Aug 23 M/H PRO 950 Copy Chgs to August 29 112146 9/27/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13451180 Eng C452 Copier Lease to Dec 31 112147 9/27/2011 LIFESAVING SOCIETY 54311 112148 9/27/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 112149 9/27/2011 112150 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 64.80 64.80 291.48 4,311.72 5,026.03 863.65 12,879.03 538.80 23,910.71 1,041.22 1,041.22 311.75 227.46 539.21 1,097.30 1,097.30 NLS Pool Option Sept 2 540.00 540.00 448612 807173 807685 807703 806520 807771 808115 808655 808677 808128 807846 Steady Bearing Dump Battery Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Barrel of Bar Oil Door Handle Mud Flaps Muffler Clamps, Pipe Credit - Mud Flaps Oil J-B Weld 130.49 229.21 8.41 6.76 824.89 18.14 29.28 8.81 (14.64) 78.44 27.73 LIDSTONE & COMPANY 2137 2135 2136 2133 2134 2132 Professional Services - Aug Professional Services - Aug Professional Services - Aug Professional Services - Aug Professional Services - Aug Professional Services - Aug 400.40 321.33 127.12 3,768.91 946.23 769.33 6,333.32 9/27/2011 LOBDELL, M. & S. 121/11 Sept 13 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 121/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 112151 9/27/2011 LOXTON, KERI Sept 21/11 Property Tax/UB Refund 1,499.44 1,499.44 112152 9/27/2011 LEONE INTERNATIONAL MARKETING INC. 65/07 Sept 22 Refund Damage/Lot Grading Deposits 3,500.00 3,500.00 112153 9/27/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE QUEEN'S PRINTER 32056235 Index of Current BC Regs (06/11) 16.67 16.67 Page 216 of 299 1,347.52 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112154 9/27/2011 MURDY & MCALLISTER July 2011 Professional Services - July 112155 9/27/2011 MAXWELL PAPER CANADA INC. 6200291 112156 9/27/2011 MORUM, DR. GUY 112157 9/27/2011 112158 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 15,350.32 15,350.32 Paper Rolls 78.68 78.68 272870 Time Loss Benefit Form 50.00 50.00 MURGATROYD, GAVIN Sept 13/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 9/27/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE Sept 7/11 Operating Cost Repayment 5,172.86 5,172.86 112159 9/27/2011 MARINE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE W14526 Temporary Sealant HVAC Curb 318.08 318.08 112160 9/27/2011 MICKELSON CONSULTING INC. 2011-12-008 Consulting Services - Aug 7,602.00 7,602.00 112161 9/27/2011 MERCER, KATHLEEN 119/11 Sept 13 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 119/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 112162 9/27/2011 MCJANNET, SARAH Sept 21/11 Travel Expense to PIBC - Sept 16 73.46 73.46 112163 9/27/2011 MAKAVCHIK, SOFYA Sept 7/11 Refund Student Bus Pass 40.00 40.00 112164 9/27/2011 MIKKELSEN, T. & G. 111/10 Sept 26 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 111/10 1,000.00 1,000.00 112165 9/27/2011 NESTERS MARKET 95173 Sept 16 92885 Sept 14 Juice Boxes - Take a Kid Mtn Biking Cell Block Food 79.12 66.90 146.02 112166 9/27/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 95203 Sept 9 Supplies 236.80 236.80 112167 9/27/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 6335 6333 6334 6327 6326 Skyline Dr Retaining Walls - Aug Skyline Dr W/M Replacement - Aug Corridor Trail - Aug Corridor Trail Design/Constr - Aug Control Valve Automation - Aug 5,026.16 371.00 16,195.96 7,843.90 1,635.42 31,072.44 112168 9/27/2011 ON SIDE RESTORATION 10046348 Emergency Repair - Water Damage 4,981.86 4,981.86 112169 9/27/2011 PUROLATOR INC. 412795200 Freight 40.80 40.80 112170 9/27/2011 PETTY CASH (FIRE DEPT.) Sept 7/11 Petty Cash to Sept 6 123.95 123.95 112171 9/27/2011 PROFIRE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INC., 28896 Motor Assembly, Switches 584.24 584.24 112172 9/27/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 11931884 11931883 CO2 Tank Rental to Sept 14 Carbon Dioxide 116.24 477.96 594.20 Page 217 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112173 9/27/2011 POABC 112174 9/27/2011 PHILLIPS, SHEILA 118/11 Sept 14 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 118/11 112175 9/27/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 19/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 19 112176 9/27/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA 1800001325 LAN Support - Apr 1 to June 30 112177 9/27/2011 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN38851 112178 9/27/2011 RACE & COMPANY LLP 112179 9/27/2011 112180 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 150.00 yes 1,000.00 1,000.00 92,489.23 92,489.23 8,136.54 8,136.54 Filters 180.88 180.88 78966 Professional Services - ROW 861.46 861.46 ROGERS MEDIA INC 117244-1 R/C Radio Ads - July 1,041.60 1,041.60 9/27/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. Sept 1/11 51802 RI Long Distance Charges - August 2 FX Lines - Oct 145.08 973.72 1,118.80 112181 9/27/2011 RICHMOND ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 270295 Monthly Maintenance 182.02 182.02 112182 9/27/2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX IN59412 CN4941 IN60103 Gaskets Credit - Gaskets Turnout Gear Cleaner 93.82 (93.82) 163.86 163.86 112183 9/27/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1348791 1348321 1339746 1346057 1350767 1347700 1347888 1344527 1347387 Boards Supplies Supplies Elbow Shelf Supports Supplies Supplies Tools Plywood, Supplies 23.07 109.75 321.70 10.53 5.02 247.08 206.26 48.65 385.35 1,357.41 112184 9/27/2011 RDH BUILDING ENGINEERING LTD. 1001918 Consulting Services to Aug 31 5,544.00 5,544.00 112185 9/27/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 19/11 Union Dues - P/P 19 301.95 301.95 112186 9/27/2011 SQUAMISH HEATING & SHEET METAL WORKS LTD 9642 Supply/Install Pressure Switch 283.36 283.36 112187 9/27/2011 SQUAMISH VETERINARY 0117798 p Veterinary Services - to Aug 31 391.10 391.10 112188 9/27/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT Aug 30 2011 PILT Excess Levies 466.69 466.69 Page 218 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 112189 9/27/2011 Vendor Name SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 69 Sept 26 MFA Issue No 69 - B/L 1299 112190 9/27/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT Sept 14/11 2011 BC Housing GIL 112191 9/27/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL HOSPITAL DIST Sept 14/11 Aug 30/11 2011 BC Housing GIL 2011 PILT Excess Levies 112192 9/27/2011 SMITH-CAMERON PUMP SOLUTIONS 114576 Misc Parts 112193 9/27/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00019492 SQDI00019424 SQDI00019425 September 2nd Edition August 26th Edition Community Resource Business Directory 112194 9/27/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 95170 Sept 9 94593 Aug 25 94359 Sept 19 94495 Sept 7 112195 9/27/2011 STATE CHEMICAL LTD 112196 9/27/2011 112197 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 6,847.05 6,847.05 421.18 421.18 68.34 75.72 144.06 687.40 687.40 999.13 1,038.02 1,005.76 3,042.91 Preschool Supplies Fruit Basket Cream, Milk Brackendale Fall Fair Supplies 85.47 16.78 17.52 182.99 302.76 95193892 95239558 Floor Cleaner Supplies 262.08 318.09 580.17 SQUAMISH SECURITY 344395 345499 BP Bunker to Nov 30 Alarm Service Call - RCMP 117.60 106.40 224.00 9/27/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 58165 Tailgate 507.20 507.20 112198 9/27/2011 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 54377 55208 55638 Freight Freight Freight 576.79 377.88 302.14 1,256.81 112199 9/27/2011 SCOTIABANK Sept 21/11 Property Tax Refund - Smith/Parker 770.00 770.00 112200 9/27/2011 SPERLING HANSEN ASSOCIATES INC. 11213 Landfill Upgrades - Aug 11,747.99 11,747.99 112201 9/27/2011 SIEMENS, WILLIAM & AILSA Sept 21/11 Property Tax Refund 275.00 275.00 112202 9/27/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 245390 246294 245960 246052 246050 246051 Supplies Supplies Credit - Hanger Supplies Supplies Supplies 43.34 243.84 (4.05) 191.25 71.25 80.60 626.23 112203 9/27/2011 SONDERGAARD, BRAD Sept 26/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 Page 219 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 112204 9/27/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 6078 6047 6116 6133 6132 6178 M/H Coffee - Aug 31 M/H Coffee, Filters, Sugar - Aug 25 M/H Coffee - Sept 8 F/H Coffee Supplies RCMP Coffee Supplies W/Y Coffee Supplies 50.50 129.19 50.50 206.00 136.50 360.49 933.18 112205 9/27/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 2877 5299 5300 RCMP Bldg Mouse Treatment M/H Regular Service - Aug BP Service/Cemetery Bldgs - Aug 110.88 84.00 99.68 294.56 112206 9/27/2011 SERGENT, DAN Sept 23/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 112207 9/27/2011 SQUAMISH TRUCK AND TRAILER LTD 10141 10201 9736 Alternator Replace Oil Pressure Sensor Unit Credit - Warranty on Inv 9333 655.20 356.46 (73.90) 937.76 112208 9/27/2011 SEA TO SKY MAINTENANCE SERVICES DOS9711 Repair Door Pulley Dog Pen 50.40 50.40 112209 9/27/2011 SAFE SOFTWARE INC. 12884 FME Professional Edition 672.00 672.00 112210 9/27/2011 SANGHA, M & R 51/08 Sept 26 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 51/08 1,000.00 1,000.00 112211 9/27/2011 SEGUSS, EMMA Sept 12/11 OH&SW May 4-5 80.00 80.00 112212 9/27/2011 SQUAMISH TERMINALS Sept 15/11 Barricade Rental 180.00 180.00 112213 9/27/2011 STEIN, AMY 133/10 Sept 23 Refund Lot Grading Dep - BP 133/10 1,000.00 1,000.00 112214 9/27/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 876369 867747 867935 874046 875411 875872 873694 871749 874962 873693 863792 872519 Marker Light Stock Cabin Air Filter Grader Bolts Monthly Demurrage - Aug Swivel Repair Kit Blades Belt Oil Filters Oil, Filters Traffic Vests, Loctite Safety Glasses, Dust Masks 9.79 992.21 40.52 65.52 169.00 22.01 364.84 23.23 13.31 336.88 120.28 108.06 2,265.65 112215 9/27/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 876385 Turn Signal 80.57 599.51 Page 220 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 876849 876384 876647 876466 876841 876897 876401 876678 876713 876729 876370 Fuel Hoses Fuel Filter Mirror & Magnet Hydraulic Hose Sway Bar Bushing Spark Plug Wire Set Parts for Vent Hose Filter Kit Spark Plugs Sway Bar Repair Kit Kerosene 112216 9/27/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 877492 876919 878732 879004 877256 877348 876944 Lights, Clips Electrical Tape Torx Bit, Adapter Horn, Duct Tape Interior Door Handle Spark Plugs, Filters Road Flares 112217 9/27/2011 TEMPLE CONSULTING GROUP LTD. 15536 112218 9/27/2011 TOOM, MEG 112219 9/27/2011 112220 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 87.95 8.23 17.21 53.63 12.31 67.39 31.95 22.22 44.17 24.29 149.59 272.59 9.96 19.07 53.40 8.24 41.70 308.29 713.25 Progress Maintenance - 2011/12 3,168.48 3,168.48 Sept 21/11 Sept 21 Travel Expense - July 13 - Aug 2 Travel Expense - Aug 3 - 18 148.72 123.76 272.48 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 79048297 Cleveland Ave Lease Rent - Oct 1,232.00 1,232.00 9/27/2011 TOM GREEN Sept 12/11 Sept 9/11 Sept 19/11 Sept 26/11 Travel Expense - Sept 6 to 9 Travel Expense - Aug 30 to Sep 2 Travel Expense - Sept 12 to 18 Travel Expense to Sept 25 150.80 96.20 94.64 75.92 417.56 112221 9/27/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY Sept 21/11 Hotel Room Tax - July 11,499.25 11,499.25 112222 9/27/2011 TELUS 2392032 Relocation Clarke Road Trail 1,160.79 1,160.79 112223 9/27/2011 TWO BIRDS EATERY 97/11 Sept 13 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 97/11 2,500.00 2,500.00 112224 9/27/2011 VIMAR EQUIPMENT LTD. 284461 284306 Nozzles Seals for Sweeper 53.09 205.77 258.86 112225 9/27/2011 VAN-KEL IRRIGATION 108022-00 Parts 1,243.76 1,243.76 112226 9/27/2011 VILLAGE GREEN GARDEN CENTER 30.24 yes Page 221 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112227 9/27/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 54188 Muriatic Acid 112228 9/27/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-151130 Gloves 112229 9/27/2011 WINDFIRM TREE SERVICE 3928 112230 9/27/2011 WILSON, DEBORAH 112231 9/27/2011 112232 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 37.86 37.86 106.74 106.74 Tree Removal at Airport 2,744.00 2,744.00 112/11 Sept 14 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 112/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 YOUNG, GWEN 443291 Program Refund 155.00 155.00 10/4/2011 ASSOCIATED FIRE SAFETY MAINTENANCE 9523 Turn Out Coats and Pants 20,263.94 20,263.94 112233 10/4/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 003898814091 020053013128 Mike Mobility Charges to Sept 17 Cell Phone Charges to Sept 17 144.75 111.81 256.56 112234 10/4/2011 BELL MOBILITY Sept 17/11 Blackberry Service - Sept 17 Billing 4,962.56 4,962.56 112235 10/4/2011 FINNING (CANADA) SINV3681056 SINV3681057 SINV3681058 SINV3681062 SINV3681068 SINV3681069 SINV3681070 SINV3681074 SINV3681077 SINV3681078 SINV3681080 SINV3681054 P/H Springs Generator Maintenance V/C Generator Maintenance MSTP Generator Maintenance RCMP Bldg Generator Maintenance Generator Maintenance Generator Maintenance Central L/S Generator Mtce Portable Generator Maintenance M/H Generator Maintenance M/H Generator Maintenance Blve Water Reservoir Generator Mtce Travel Expense - Generator Mtce 1,208.97 1,065.12 1,429.12 1,159.76 1,047.76 1,047.76 1,109.92 1,282.40 837.21 837.21 1,353.08 1,055.88 13,434.19 112236 10/4/2011 FINNING (CANADA) SINV3681081 SINV3681083 SINV3681107 SINV3682893 F/H #1 Generator Maintenance R/C Generator Maintenance Sewer P/S Generator Maintenance Queensway P/S Generator Maintenance 647.27 930.62 1,094.23 1,030.40 3,702.52 112237 10/4/2011 LAND TITLE & SURVEY AUTHORITY OF BC Sept 19/11 Land Title Fee - Register Tax Sale 185.30 185.30 112238 10/4/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA/RCMP OIC 112239 10/4/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS Sept 22/11 Gas Use - Sept 22 Billing 112240 10/4/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 116 Sept 26 MFA Issue 116 - B/L 2051, 2052, 2064 936,503.13 yes Page 222 of 299 5,889.55 5,889.55 50,668.86 50,668.86 Cheque # Pay Date 112241 10/5/2011 Vendor Name RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA/RCMP OIC 112242 10/12/2011 112243 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void (230.89) 611,860.19 77,314.11 534,776.97 Recon 1011 Q11112 90779303 C Recon 1011 Squamish-Integ Q11112 Squamish-Integ Policing Agreement - Apr to June 2011 WYNNE, CAROL J. Sept 29/11 Sept 29 Travel Expense - Apr 27 to Sept 22 Travel Expense - Feb 15 to Apr 9 86.32 45.76 132.08 10/12/2011 BIANCO, ROSELLA Sept 29/11 Travel Expense Sept 28 - DB Perks 65.52 65.52 112244 10/12/2011 STEER, SANDRA Sept 29/11 Expense Reimbursement 63.15 63.15 112245 10/12/2011 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Jul/11-008 Rev Paving - Corridor Trail 61,684.48 61,684.48 112246 10/12/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 20010 20242 Cell Block Laundry - Sept 1 Cell Block Laundry - Sept 13 28.94 28.28 57.22 112247 10/12/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E812000 E816165 E814434 Weekly Analysis - Sept 9 Weekly Analysis - Sept 21 Weekly Analysis - Sept 16 167.44 84.00 84.00 335.44 112248 10/12/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN390171 LVAN392058 LVAN388350 LVAN390173 LVAN393889 LVAN393874 R/C Uniform Service - Sept 19 R/C Uniform Service - Sept 26 R/C Uniform Service - Sept 12 F/H Laundry - Sept 19 S/C Laundry - Oct 3 R/C Uniform Service - Oct 3 199.23 61.57 61.57 33.87 40.32 199.23 595.79 112249 10/12/2011 CHARTIS INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Sept 2011 September Premiums 464.40 464.40 112250 10/12/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 4753 Sept 1/11 5268 Sept 14/11 9205 Sept 14/11 5218 Sept 14/11 4316 Sept 14/11 E-Comm Emergency Phone to Sept 1 S/C Telephone to Sept 14 S/C Telephone to Sept 14 S/C Telephone to Sept 14 ADSL Line to Sept 14 1,408.88 90.41 85.87 85.87 194.95 1,865.98 112251 10/12/2011 SCOTIABANK Oct 5/11 Refund Prop Tax O/P R6000071732000 770.00 770.00 112252 10/12/2011 BC HYDRO 400001762311 Hydro Use - Oct 3 Billing 49,519.25 49,519.25 112253 10/12/2011 BOABC Oct 7/11 BOABC 2011 Education Seminar 252.00 252.00 112254 10/12/2011 BLACK TUSK HELICOPTER INC., B11-073 Remove Ldg Pad Cloudburst Mtn 2,373.95 2,373.95 112255 10/12/2011 BRANDT TRACTOR LTD. 5496705 Door Latch Parts 259.68 259.68 Page 223 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112256 10/12/2011 BETHEL LANDS 106 Final Billing - Painting Pavillion 112257 10/12/2011 BCT FENCING 379462 Emergency Fence Repairs Chlor Bldg 112258 10/12/2011 BLACKCOMB HELICOPTERS LP 16926 112259 10/12/2011 BETHEL LANDS CORP 112260 10/12/2011 112261 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 6,596.80 6,596.80 537.60 537.60 Trip to Cloudburst Site 5,084.80 5,084.80 Oct 5/11 Release 10% Holdback - DP 295 4,000.00 4,000.00 BELL DISTRIBUTION 90172221 90159280 Blackberry, Charger Blackberrys, Otterbox Defender 89.49 179.03 268.52 10/12/2011 BLACK TUSK FIRE & SECURITY INC 7390 7398 7392 Guard Patrols - Mun Hall/Library Guard Patrols - Nexen Beach Guard Patrols - Brennan Park 1,556.52 1,318.46 622.61 3,497.59 112262 10/12/2011 BEAVER ELECTRICAL MACHINERY LTD. 172481 172613 Rewind Windings and Repairs Bebuild Shaft & Retrofit 3,864.00 3,080.00 6,944.00 112263 10/12/2011 BABUIN, LILLIAN 444056 Program Refund 110.00 110.00 112264 10/12/2011 BLOW, KAREN 442621 Program Refund 348.00 348.00 112265 10/12/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 20/11 Union Dues - P/P 20 4,190.03 4,190.03 112266 10/12/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94910691 94921517 94947102 94905359 94938194 Cardlock - July 20 Cardlock - July 31 Cardlock - August 31 Cardlock - July 13 Cardlock - Aug 24 2,630.58 2,695.57 3,487.25 4,014.42 1,995.41 14,823.23 112267 10/12/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J002177 J002282 J002239 J002238 Street Light Repairs MSTP Electrical Repairs Street Lights Street Lights 456.64 72.80 356.23 220.07 1,105.74 112268 10/12/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004F-101358 4936 5004I-100739 5004E-100735 5004K-99083 5004X-99424 Residential Service - Sept KCG Portable Toilet - Sep 15 Landfill Portable Toilet - Sept Compost Services - Sept R/C Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - Sept S/C Compost Service - Sept/Aug 58,399.85 291.20 145.60 632.80 851.33 89.04 60,409.82 112269 10/12/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 28571779 Supplies 312.48 947.03 Page 224 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 28519252 28555363 28513154 Supplies Supplies Supplies 112270 10/12/2011 CREATIVE CHILDREN FURNITURE 106318 Supplies 112271 10/12/2011 CORDER, JAYNE 398696 112272 10/12/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 112273 10/12/2011 112274 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 156.56 225.12 252.87 167.84 167.84 Program Refund 16.30 16.30 17030 W/Y Laundry - Aug 5 20.52 20.52 COMFY'S LAUNDRY Sept/11 Lib M/H Sept/11 Library Laundry - Sept M/H Laundry - Sept 31.92 31.92 63.84 10/12/2011 COLLIER, MARCIA Sept 29/11 Refund Unused Commuter Tickets 21.60 21.60 112275 10/12/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016047885 Orange Spray Paint 38.57 38.57 112276 10/12/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 14797 To Replace Missing Letters on Sign 397.60 397.60 112277 10/12/2011 CANTERBURY FOOD SERVICE LTD. INV2479434 S/C Coffee 154.08 154.08 112278 10/12/2011 CANADIAN DOORMASTER ELECTRIC LTD. 47201 Install Second Rolling Steel Door 2,080.66 2,080.66 112279 10/12/2011 CHANCEY, JENNI Oct 3/11 BCWWA Conference Per Diem 180.00 180.00 112280 10/12/2011 CORE GROUP CIVIL CONSULTANTS LTD. 11-1896 Consulting Services Loggers Lane 3,948.00 3,948.00 112281 10/12/2011 CHIKI DESIGNS 41 Reupholster Pool Change Room Benches 723.52 723.52 112282 10/12/2011 CARL GOLDSTRAW 1055 Paint Entry Door - RCMP Bldg 168.00 168.00 112283 10/12/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 109434 109292 109291 108466 109461 Reagents Pool Chemicals Pool Test Reagents Weir Assembly, Tensioners Dolphin #1 Repair/Dolphin #2 Part 215.58 2,928.44 56.06 567.27 1,770.09 5,537.44 112284 10/12/2011 DELL CANADA INC. 707010007248052 Misc Equipment 772.74 772.74 112285 10/12/2011 DIAMONDHEAD DOOR CO. LTD., 730851 V/C Firehall Service Call 203.84 203.84 112286 10/12/2011 DJ SPENCE TREE SERVICE 528 Emergency Tree Removal - Ind Park 868.00 868.00 112287 10/12/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-100239 Remove CFC from Landfill Fridges 1,187.20 1,187.20 Page 225 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112288 10/12/2011 EAGLE VIEW SECURITY LTD. 65 B/P Guard Patrols - Aug 112289 10/12/2011 FRASER VALLEY REFRIGERATION LTD., 70661 Refrigeration Compressors Service 112290 10/12/2011 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICERS ASSOC OF BC #114 Rev Sep 16 Fire Safety Brochures 112291 10/12/2011 FRASER MILNER CASGRAIN LLP BP 193/07 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 193/07 112292 10/12/2011 FITNESS TOWN COMMERCIAL 1002 Treadmill Parts 112293 10/12/2011 FOX, JUSTIN Oct 6/11 Property Tax O/P R2000501192005 112294 10/12/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 11942 Whiteprints 112295 10/12/2011 GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. October 2011 October Premiums 112296 10/12/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. 779822 Replace Vent Solenoid 112297 10/12/2011 G. SMILLIE HOLDINGS LIMITED BP 41/10 Refund Lot Grading Deposit - BP 41/10 112298 10/12/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 112299 10/12/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5625 M/H Washroom Repairs 112300 10/12/2011 G-VAN CATERING AND CONSULTING INC. 0024 Cake for Seniors Celebration 112301 10/12/2011 GOODBYE GRAFFITI VANCOUVER 39126 Ever-Clean Program - Sept 112302 10/12/2011 GALILEO COFFEE COMPANY 1077 Refreshments 112303 10/12/2011 HOWE SOUND INN & BREWING COMPANY 112304 10/12/2011 FMEP P/P 20/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 20 112305 10/12/2011 HURFORD, RENEE Sept 25/11 Sept 30/11 112306 10/12/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 112307 10/12/2011 HALLIDAY, CRAIG Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 476.11 476.11 3,946.88 3,946.88 14.56 14.56 25,000.00 25,000.00 382.82 382.82 5,835.15 5,835.15 4.70 4.70 85,489.10 85,489.10 218.67 218.67 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,940.00 yes 240.24 240.24 67.20 67.20 228.48 228.48 36.12 36.12 321.55 yes 301.50 301.50 Celebration on Ice Event Coffee Preschool/Birthday Party Supplies 39.76 56.37 96.13 140536 140358 140463 Finishing Nails Supplies Shelf Clips 6.14 76.96 3.56 86.66 Sept 29/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 Page 226 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 112308 10/12/2011 Vendor Name HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 112309 10/12/2011 112310 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 67.14 391.61 116.26 44.18 29.06 134.97 23952 23809 23691 23891 23810 Chain Saw Bar Chainsaw Chains Chain Saw Repair Chain Saw Chain Blades for Weedeaters HALCROW CONSULTING INC CTLDHW-8 CTLDNT-05 CTLDNT-04 Zoning B/L Technical Services Upper Mamquam Blind Channel Study Upper Mamquam Blind Channel Study 8,350.97 5,540.27 6,760.32 20,651.56 10/12/2011 HEAVY CONSTRUCTION LINK 306 Env Upgrade & Leachate S/S - Sept 4,300.80 4,300.80 112311 10/12/2011 HOLLY NORTH PRODUCTION SUPPLIES LTD. 90499 Parts/Repairs to Smoke Fogger 308.56 308.56 112312 10/12/2011 HARTNELL, THERESA Oct 6/11 Property Tax Refund R1000032852000 2,356.97 2,356.97 112313 10/12/2011 HARTNELL, V & T BP 130/08 Refund Damage/Lot Grading Deposits 2,000.00 2,000.00 112314 10/12/2011 ITT INDUSTRIES OF CANADA, L.P. 50128530 Submersible Pumps 8,971.20 8,971.20 112315 10/12/2011 ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES B001198 B001202 Mamquam Rd W/M Replacement to Sept 9 Subdivision Services to Sept 16 848.06 15,025.36 15,873.42 112316 10/12/2011 INGRAHAM, C & A BP 85/11 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 85/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 112317 10/12/2011 JUSTICE INSTITUTE OF B.C. 112318 10/12/2011 JOHN PAUL MORRISON 539 Cisco Call Manager Consultation 112319 10/12/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 47603 47614 47380 47595 47391M 47598 47490 47443 47476 River Sediment Removal - Aug Sediment Mgmt Program - Aug Leachate Sewer Design - Aug Sanitary Conveyance Strategies - Aug Sq River Riprap Upgrade - Aug P/H Springs Well Head Prot - Aug District Metering Design - Aug Mamquam WWTP Risk Assessment - Aug DCC Update - Aug 112320 10/12/2011 KOONER, MUKHTAR S. Sept 29/11 112321 10/12/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 112322 10/12/2011 KORDEL, CONRAD 1,371.43 yes 672.00 672.00 6,545.72 7,974.76 2,559.82 694.40 5,557.43 3,236.11 686.28 5,883.08 22,836.86 55,974.46 Refund Unused Commuter Tickets 187.20 187.20 CONIN01680630 P/D C452 Copier Charges to Aug 23 342.41 342.41 Oct 3/11 MISA Conference Expenses 781.12 781.12 Page 227 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112323 10/12/2011 KELROY SOLUTIONS 129 Equipment Replacement Strategy 112324 10/12/2011 KALLAI, KRISZTINA RICHTERNE Sept 30/11 Seniors Keep Well - Sept 26-29 112325 10/12/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 809460 449674 808804 808679 808905 112326 10/12/2011 LAERDAL MEDICAL CANADA LTD 112327 10/12/2011 112328 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2,576.00 2,576.00 200.00 200.00 Brass Fittings Grease Seals Parts Supplies Supplies 8.78 30.69 7.58 16.24 23.55 86.84 81160252 Battery Pack 294.56 294.56 LATHAM LANDSCAPES 3285 3233 Supply/Install Hedges Skyline Wall Landscape 3rd Ave & Victoria 2,463.05 3,880.80 6,343.85 10/12/2011 LOOMIS EXPRESS H25440 004 Freight 55.30 55.30 112329 10/12/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE, TAXATION BRANCH Oct 4/11 School Tax Remittance - Sept 10,615.48 10,615.48 112330 10/12/2011 MUNICIPAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF B.C. 20921 20922 20923 20924 Insurance Claim Insurance Claim Insurance Claim Insurance Claim 385.00 130.90 1,091.79 908.83 2,516.52 112331 10/12/2011 MURDY & MCALLISTER August 2011 Professional Services - August 7,778.55 7,778.55 112332 10/12/2011 MCINTOSH, LISA Sept 28/11 Babysitter Course - Sept 14 - Oct 12 250.00 250.00 112333 10/12/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE - TRANSPORTATION 5264 Cost Share Agreement - July to Sept 2,921.62 2,921.62 112334 10/12/2011 MODU-LOC FENCE RENTALS LTD. I00844499 Fence Panel Rental - Sept 19.89 19.89 112335 10/12/2011 MEDISYS HEALTH GROUP LP IV004900 Medical Examination 1,568.00 1,568.00 112336 10/12/2011 MILLER CAPILANO MAINTENANCE CORP S12-1091 Magnesium Chloride 917.73 917.73 112337 10/12/2011 MURGATROYD, GAVIN Sept 28/11 Water Dist Course Per Diem 325.00 325.00 112338 10/12/2011 MOLINI, CAROLINE 442750 Program Refund 145.00 145.00 112339 10/12/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE Sept 27/11 2011 Provincial Voters List 20.00 20.00 112340 10/12/2011 MARINE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE J052679 F/H #3 Roof Repl - Prog #1 104,564.88 104,564.88 Page 228 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 112341 10/12/2011 MORRIS, JULIE Sept 29/11 Expense Reimbursement 522.50 522.50 112342 10/12/2011 MICELI, MELANIE 448058 Program Refund 157.50 157.50 112343 10/12/2011 MOONEY, SHIEL 444017 Program Refund 49.00 49.00 112344 10/12/2011 MILLSON TECHNOLOGIES INC. BP 144/10 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 144/10 2,500.00 2,500.00 112345 10/12/2011 MCLELLAN, MICHAEL & MARTHA 432113 Program Refund 474.10 474.10 112346 10/12/2011 NATIONAL AIR TECHNOLOGIES 10313 Clean Dryer Vents 336.00 336.00 112347 10/12/2011 NESTERS MARKET 92884 Aug 24 Cell Block Food 73.61 73.61 112348 10/12/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 6332 F/H #3 Roof Replacement to Aug 31 1,323.84 1,323.84 112349 10/12/2011 OREAMUNO, JOSE Oct 5/11 Indoor Soccer Drop In Feb - Apr 124.00 124.00 112350 10/12/2011 PUROLATOR INC. 413852055 Freight 28.98 28.98 112351 10/12/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 12113645 12013219 12128185 Carbon Dioxide Cylinder Rental to Aug 26 CO2 Tank Rental to Oct 14 394.95 21.63 116.24 532.82 112352 10/12/2011 PAR-T-PERFECT 200 Bouncy Castle, Face Painter 526.40 526.40 112353 10/12/2011 PETTY CASH (SENIOR CENTRE) Oct 6/11 Petty Cash to Oct 6 56.99 56.99 112354 10/12/2011 QUALITY SAW & KNIFE LTD. 163706 Sharpen Ice Knives 154.56 154.56 112355 10/12/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 20/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 20 89,145.06 89,145.06 112356 10/12/2011 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN40382 Headlamp Assembly 142.68 142.68 112357 10/12/2011 R.F. BINNIE & ASSOCIATES 26131 26132 26135 Anti-Whistling Study - Aug Elements 2 Off Site Const - Aug Tantalus Rd Storm Sewer - August 749.28 6,704.15 1,387.57 8,841.00 112358 10/12/2011 ROGERS MEDIA INC 117244-2 R/C - Summer Camp Ads 520.80 520.80 112359 10/12/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. 51904 RI 10 Mbps Internet Access - Sept 782.88 782.88 112360 10/12/2011 RAISER, BRYAN Oct 4/11 Travel/Internet - UBCM 123.78 123.78 Page 229 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112361 10/12/2011 REVENUE SERVICES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA October 2011 October Premiums 112362 10/12/2011 RYAN, RICHARD Sept 28/11 Badminton - Apr 4 to 27 112363 10/12/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1345885 1352225 1350317 1346152 1346253 1352964 1352966 1345853 112364 10/12/2011 RACE, DOUG 112365 10/12/2011 112366 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 13,109.00 13,109.00 94.50 94.50 Pick Axe, Mop Supplies Supplies Concrete Mix Concrete Mix Supplies Supplies Concrete Mix 70.54 106.02 69.76 26.84 26.84 83.43 15.18 26.84 425.45 Oct 4/11 Travel Expense - UBCM 177.20 177.20 RAMSAY, KEVIN Oct 4/11 PWACB Convention Per Diem 110.00 110.00 10/12/2011 REIS, SHAWN C. Oct 3/11 Rope Course Lunch 68.88 68.88 112367 10/12/2011 ROCH, JACINTHE 443503 Program Refund 125.34 125.34 112368 10/12/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 20/11 Union Dues - P/P 20 287.50 287.50 112369 10/12/2011 SQUAMISH HEATING & SHEET METAL WORKS LTD 9661 Supply/Inst On Demand Water Heaters 11,102.56 11,102.56 112370 10/12/2011 SQUAMISH INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD. 25600 Add Coverage for Vote Tabulators 129.00 129.00 112371 10/12/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00019594 SQDI00019541 SQDI00019645 September 16th Edition September 9th Edition September 23rd Edition 1,553.24 1,810.92 1,515.10 4,879.26 112372 10/12/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 95206 Sept 27 95205 Sept 14 95204 Sept 14 94360 Oct 3 94499 Sept 10 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Brackendal Fall Fair Supplies 49.06 26.86 85.62 16.44 765.30 943.28 112373 10/12/2011 SOCAN Oct 4/11 Tariff 8 - July to Sept 66.27 66.27 112374 10/12/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 334827 Plateau Reservoir Monitor to June 30 84.00 84.00 112375 10/12/2011 STOKES INTERNATIONAL 94431 F/F Shirts 783.92 783.92 Page 230 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 112376 10/12/2011 Vendor Name COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 112377 10/12/2011 112378 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 58226 58319 58310 Drivers Side Seat Belt Dome Light Hose SHAW CABLE 5474 Sept 16/11 5490 Sept 16/11 0848 Sept 16/11 M/H Internet Service to Oct 7 F/H Internet/HD Plus to Oct 7 R/C Internet Service to Oct 7 10/12/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 245763 245762 246053 243681 243680 243678 243175 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 112379 10/12/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 6019 112380 10/12/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 112381 10/12/2011 112382 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 740.88 843.72 64.96 37.88 100.69 107.46 89.54 297.69 1,294.19 171.65 361.08 417.85 1,464.56 794.56 253.70 4,757.59 RCMP Coffee, Tea 71.50 71.50 5298 B/P Regular Service - Aug 67.76 67.76 SOLTERRA DEVELOPMENT CORP Oct 7/11 Oct 7 Refund Damage Deposits Refund Damage Deposits 25,000.00 7,000.00 32,000.00 10/12/2011 SEA TO SKY MAINTENANCE SERVICES DOS92711-1 DOS92711-2 Dog Pen Fence Area Concrete Repairs Dog Pen Kennel Area Concrete Repairs 1,969.41 350.34 2,319.75 112383 10/12/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 879275 879232 879270 878771 874307 877985 879042 875408 878727 880092 880096 879586 Hoses Fastener Driveline Heater Switch Safety Clear Cap, Rotor Clamps, Elbow Monthly Demurrage - Aug Chain Head Lights Lights Muffler Clamp 18.55 1.16 162.88 35.60 15.48 32.11 33.20 16.00 38.93 34.57 78.36 3.68 470.52 112384 10/12/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 880902 880302 880182 880294 880798 Battery Plugs Parts Supplies Belt 31.68 22.66 5.24 30.95 20.29 1,388.16 Page 231 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 881883 880499 880155 880396 880398 880423 880425 Hose End Parts Air Filter Filters Filters Parts Diesel Cond Plus 112385 10/12/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 881981 882004 881904 Oil Seals Bearings Clamp 112386 10/12/2011 TEAM SKYLINE IN009514 CN100179 IN010306 Supplies Credit - Pickle Ball Set Supplies 112387 10/12/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE Oct 5/11 Gymnastics - Sept 21 to Oct 6 112388 10/12/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 79091349 Relocate Services - Skyline 112389 10/12/2011 TOM GREEN Oct 3/11 Travel Expense - Sept 26-30 112390 10/12/2011 TARGET PRODUCTS LTD. 7579044 112391 10/12/2011 UNION OF B.C. MUNICIPALITIES 112392 10/12/2011 112393 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 2.90 45.00 34.78 99.25 701.65 337.80 55.96 33.51 10.74 4.44 48.69 948.81 (245.28) 184.24 887.77 696.00 696.00 1,678.13 1,678.13 53.56 53.56 TD Premium 365.03 365.03 DT2012-79 2012 Dog Tags 717.66 717.66 UZIEL, EWA BP 120/08 Refund Lot Grading Dep - BP 120/08 1,000.00 1,000.00 10/12/2011 VANDERHOOK, MAGDALENA 444021 Program Refund 135.00 135.00 112394 10/12/2011 WESTERN TECHNICAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. 0727414-IN Ink Tube Assembly, Plotter Repair 1,220.51 1,220.51 112395 10/12/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 54177 Bottled Water 73.50 73.50 112396 10/12/2011 WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARD OF B.C. Sept 30/11 July to Sept Prem A/C 051944-AQ 37,617.06 37,617.06 112397 10/12/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-151251 IN-152441 IN-150808 IN-152794 IN-152576 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 139.41 28.56 117.36 153.48 198.87 637.68 112398 10/12/2011 MARKS #829 93856 Sept 28 Mens Safety Rubber Boots 241.90 241.90 Page 232 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 112399 10/12/2011 Vendor Name WHISTLER EXCAVATIONS LTD. 112400 10/12/2011 112401 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 11165 11164 Landfill Leachate S/S - Prog #1 Landfill Env Upgrade - Prog #1 WHISTLER WELDING SERVICES LTD. 3112 Pool Gutters 10/12/2011 WHISTLER 2010 SPORT LEGACIES 205 112402 10/13/2011 ADVANCE CLAIMS (STERLING PACIFIC) LTD 112403 10/13/2011 112404 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 141,580.15 596,336.53 454,756.38 5,503.68 5,503.68 Laser Biathlon Program - Aug 19 67.20 67.20 2011-235 Refund Info Request Fees 44.80 44.80 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2700 2701 2656 2663 2669 2668 R/C Storage Room Service Call M/H Front Door Service Call S/C Doors Service Call R/C Staff Office Door Service Parks - Keys Cut M/H New Locks on Storage Room 92.40 255.02 105.00 61.60 31.92 196.00 741.94 10/13/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5557 5576 5612 5613 Plumbing Repairs Plumbing Repairs Plumbing Repairs Plumbing Repairs 161.04 375.77 226.24 435.01 1,198.06 112405 10/13/2011 RESTORING DATA INC. 2670 Hard Drive Data Recovery 3,890.99 3,890.99 112406 10/18/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 103 Sept 26 MFA Issue No. 103 - B/L 1977 15,043.28 15,043.28 112407 10/18/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 65 Sept 26 MFA Issue No. 65 - B/L 1268 & 1299 91,341.25 91,341.25 112408 10/18/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 99 Sept 26 MFA Issue No. 99 - B/L 1917 154,526.76 154,526.76 112409 10/20/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94927674 94933600 94950727 Cardlock - Aug 10 Cardlock - Aug 17 Cardlock - Sept 7 2,821.10 3,410.61 913.65 7,145.36 112410 10/24/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 81 Sept 26 MFA Issue No. 81 - B/L 1756 71,422.00 71,422.00 112411 10/25/2011 BAXTER, SHIRLEY Oct 21/11 P/P 22 Advance 700.00 700.00 112412 10/25/2011 LALLI, PAUL Oct 18/11 Travel Expense - Sept 26, Oct 18 148.20 148.20 112413 10/25/2011 OREAMUNO, CHRISTIAN Oct 11/11 Refund Commuter Tickets 54.90 54.90 112414 10/25/2011 751355 BC LTD. Oct 24/11 Reduce Cash Bond - SD 368 49,864.50 49,864.50 112415 10/25/2011 ALL KEYS & LOCKS 3746C Locks for Dog Bag Dispensers 257.04 257.04 Page 233 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 112416 10/25/2011 ALTA LAKE ELECTRIC LTD. 1670 Remove All Hanging Baskets 655.20 655.20 112417 10/25/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 24835 23804 Cell Block Laundry - Sept 27 Cell Block Laundry - Sept 20 26.06 31.76 57.82 112418 10/25/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN397555 S/C Laundry - Oct 17 40.32 40.32 112419 10/25/2011 ABRAMO, MARION 439420 Program Refund 55.00 55.00 112420 10/25/2011 ADG PROJECTS 2835 District of Squamish/BC Flags 1,764.18 1,764.18 112421 10/25/2011 ARCHIBALD CLARKE & DEFIEUX (SQUAMISH) 251822 Sports-Can Insurance - Sept 115.00 115.00 112422 10/25/2011 ACORN, DAVID Oct 17/11 Workboot Allowance 150.00 150.00 112423 10/25/2011 CHARTIS INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA October 2011 AD&D Premiums - October 464.40 464.40 112424 10/25/2011 AGAT LABORATORIES 11K42366T Basic Wear Analysis Package 221.76 221.76 112425 10/25/2011 ANDREEF, TIERA 446442 Program Refund 75.00 75.00 112426 10/25/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 5205 8 Oct 4/11 Telephone Charges - Oct 4 Billing 9,901.34 9,901.34 112427 10/25/2011 BC TRANSIT 911865 911765 911876 811765 811876 811865 Conventional Transit - Sept Para Transit - Sept Squamish/Whistler Commuter - Sept Para Transit - Aug Squamish/Whistler Commuter - Aug Conventional Transit - Aug 69,705.00 7,886.00 34,463.00 8,804.00 39,382.00 65,518.00 225,758.00 112428 10/25/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 055720071099 055720071100 055720071101 SEP Pager Service to July 31 SEP Pager Service to Aug 31 SEP Pager Service to Sept 30 66.64 67.97 69.33 203.94 112429 10/25/2011 BC HYDRO 106005491448 118005300684 Loggers Lane Lift Stn Hydro to Oct 5 End of Plateau Dr Hydro to Oct 3 120.19 16.71 136.90 112430 10/25/2011 BOABC BOA-1802 Job Postings 621.60 621.60 112431 10/25/2011 BDO DUNWOODY 10407152 Finalization of 2010 Audit 7,605.72 7,605.72 112432 10/25/2011 BRINKS CANADA LTD. 0646610785 Armoured Car Service - Aug 992.65 992.65 Page 234 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 112433 10/25/2011 Vendor Name ACCESS POINT INFORMATION CANADA LTD. 9935750911 Land Title Searches - Sept 112434 10/25/2011 BETHEL LANDS CORP Oct 20/11 Refund Eng Insp Dep - DP 297 301.90 301.90 112435 10/25/2011 BCF CONTRACTING 363368 363369 363365 Weld Mower Head Repair Nose Plow Blade Finch Drive Trash Rack 126.00 476.00 845.38 1,447.38 112436 10/25/2011 BLACK TUSK FIRE & SECURITY INC 7391 Guard Patrols 286.89 286.89 112437 10/25/2011 BAVCO BACKFLOW APPARATUS & VALVE CO. 550042 Midwest Test Tube Kit 82.55 82.55 112438 10/25/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 21/11 Union Dues - P/P 21 4,080.43 4,080.43 112439 10/25/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 17078 Drain Rock 248.34 248.34 112440 10/25/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 8001 8003 Loggers Lane Deficiencie - Prog #2 Corridor Trail - Prog #3 22,873.69 95,984.40 118,858.09 112441 10/25/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004C-100733 5004D-100734 5004U-100261 5004G-100737 4936 Cr 4936 Ck 112268 5004RCMP-100732 5004-100731 5004O-100742 5004Q-101074 5004H-100738 5004N-100741 WWTP Gbg, Biosolids - Oct/Sept CF/Concession Garbage - Oct HF Portable Toilet - Sept/Oct Kinsmen CG Remove Port Toilet/Bin Credit - Kinsmen CG Port Toilet To Corr Credit Re Cheq 112268 RCMP Gbge, Cdbd, Paper - Oct/Sept M/H Gbg, Cdbd, Paper - Oct/Sept V/C F/H Garbage - Oct W/Y Garbage, Cdbd - Oct Library Gbge, Paper - Oct/Sept Nexen Beach Portable Toilet - Oct 8,610.96 352.78 515.20 252.00 (291.20) (291.20) 268.31 539.21 58.33 429.31 125.22 145.60 112442 10/25/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004V-100747 5004T-100744 5004TT-100745 5004X-101075 5004P-100743 A/W Field Port Toilet - Oct Upper Smoke Bluffs Port Toilet - Oct SB Lower Park Lot Port Toilet - Oct S/C Compost Service - Oct/Sept G/H F/H Gbge, Cdbd - Oct 145.60 145.60 145.60 137.76 141.83 716.39 112443 10/25/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 4253 Oct 1/11 4255 HSMRS Messaging Service - Oct SEP Messaging Service - Oct/Sept 168.00 374.08 542.08 112444 10/25/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 28574698 28588276 28590853 Supplies Supplies Supplies 199.92 68.01 57.48 1,759.43 Page 235 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 185.92 185.92 10,714.52 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 28621747 28469804 28600585 28625184 28582005 28568601 28625183 28593726 28433630 Toner Cartridges Supplies Supplies Batteries Supplies Supplies Laminating Film Hard Cover Notebooks Supplies 112445 10/25/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 28628891 28681651 Supplies Supplies 112446 10/25/2011 CUMMINS WESTERN CANADA 002-8929 112447 10/25/2011 CASCADE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE GROUP 112448 10/25/2011 112449 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 224.93 163.18 53.84 13.88 147.73 549.55 64.05 73.89 142.97 62.63 37.39 100.02 Diagnose Driveability Issue 306.76 306.76 11 9 34 Corridor Trail Paving Impact - Sept 939.40 939.40 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 19263 Shops - Coveralls/Laundry Sept 8 31.24 31.24 10/25/2011 COASTAL MOUNTAIN EXCAVATIONS J000272 Skyline Retaining Wall - Prog #5 67,455.10 67,455.10 112450 10/25/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016048120 016047878 016047879 016047635 016047892 Field Marking Paint Paint Supplies Repair Kit for Paint Machine Marking Paint Latex Paint 1,218.67 156.06 75.34 57.86 124.82 1,632.75 112451 10/25/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 14963 14702 14932 Hwy Banner for Shake Out BC Aux 04 Rescue Signs Change Pool Hour Sign 784.00 67.20 156.80 1,008.00 112452 10/25/2011 CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONING LTD. W79892 W79912 W79853 W79575 W79603 Replace Exhaust Fan - F/H #2 Installed New Transformer - F/H #2 Replaced Fan Cycle Control - M/H Maintenance - F/H #2 S/C Service Call 2,098.88 223.47 1,149.40 325.64 415.24 4,212.63 112453 10/25/2011 COUNTRY BLEND Oct 5/11 Country Blend Concert 1,200.00 1,200.00 112454 10/25/2011 THE COPPER CUP RESTAURANT LIMITED 94890 Oct 1/11 Lunch for ESS Site Mgmt JIBC Course 212.67 212.67 112455 10/25/2011 CREATIVE TOOLBOX CONSULTING INC. 046 Workshop - June 26 0 Its Play Time 728.00 728.00 112456 10/25/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 108415 Supplies 117.83 117.83 Page 236 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 112457 10/25/2011 DJ SPENCE TREE SERVICE 529 533 536 Emergency Tree Work Tree Removed - Brennan Park SVGC Trail - Remove Widow Maker 392.00 700.00 280.00 1,372.00 112458 10/25/2011 DAY, KRISTINE Oct 13/11 JIBC/LIBOA Per Diem 130.00 130.00 112459 10/25/2011 DOUGLAS, CORAL Oct 12/11 Preschool Supplies 8.95 8.95 112460 10/25/2011 DESCHUTTER & ASSOCIATES DOS1011 Landfill Attendant - Oct 11,648.00 11,648.00 112461 10/25/2011 DALY, AMANDA 422767 Program Refund 25.60 25.60 112462 10/25/2011 DR. CHRISTOPHER HOAG 531 Medical Letter 25.00 25.00 112463 10/25/2011 DEANE, PAM 446247 Program Refund 680.00 680.00 112464 10/25/2011 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSOC OF B.C. 2011-1011 Business Retention & Expansion W/S 2,240.00 2,240.00 112465 10/25/2011 ENGRAVING, AWARDS & GIFTS 258645 Walnut Judges Gavel 111.00 111.00 112466 10/25/2011 ESRI CANADA 90030158 Latitude - Tier 1A - Lic Agreement 6,160.00 6,160.00 112467 10/25/2011 FIRST ON SCENE 231 First Aid OFA Level 1 571.20 571.20 112468 10/25/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 11928 221206 Business Cards Desk Bell 39.20 3.53 42.73 112469 10/25/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. 780105 Repair E-Vap System 417.19 417.19 112470 10/25/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 2166119 2196590 Freight Freight 94.54 205.16 299.70 112471 10/25/2011 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 3377332 Satellite Service to Sept 21 49.16 49.16 112472 10/25/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5648 Flush Floor Drains - Dog Pound 1,248.80 1,248.80 112473 10/25/2011 GARDNER, GREG Oct 4/11 Travel Expense - Sept 16, 26 140.40 140.40 112474 10/25/2011 GLENTEL INC. Oct 7/11 MSAT Phones to Oct 7 193.56 193.56 112475 10/25/2011 HANLEY AGENCIES LTD. 72463 Nelson Box Risers 261.52 261.52 112476 10/25/2011 HARRIS & COMPANY Sept 27/11 Professional Services to Sept 27 9,315.90 9,315.90 Page 237 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description P/P 21/11 112477 10/25/2011 FMEP FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 21 112478 10/25/2011 HURFORD, IRENE 112479 10/25/2011 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 9020825 9020845 Fittings Fliptop Boxes 112480 10/25/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 23884 112481 10/25/2011 HOMEWOOD HUMAN SOLUTIONS CANADA INC. 112482 10/25/2011 112483 Invoice Amount 301.50 Paid Amount Void 301.50 72.97 yes 25.23 23.49 48.72 Aspen Synthetic Oil 1,023.68 1,023.68 80940 EAP Program - Oct to Dec 3,766.17 3,766.17 HOUGHTON, ERIC Oct 17/11 Work Boot Allowance 123.19 123.19 10/25/2011 HIGHLAND GREEN CLEANING 205 SAC Cleaning Services - Sept 1,276.80 1,276.80 112484 10/25/2011 ITT INDUSTRIES OF CANADA, L.P. 50127075 50129117 Pump Rental - Aug 16-28 Pump Rental - Aug 29 to Sept 21 781.20 428.40 1,209.60 112485 10/25/2011 INFORM ARTS Sept-Oct 2011 Minute Taking Services - Sept/Oct 840.00 840.00 112486 10/25/2011 INBIZ IN SEA TO SKY 5280 Decal/Patches for Existing Signs 117.60 117.60 112487 10/25/2011 ISLAND SAVINGS CENTRE 6988 Aug 25 Training Reg Cancellation Fee 60.00 60.00 112488 10/25/2011 JUSTICE INSTITUTE OF B.C. 01A-14371 216110 Fire Officer Principles/Practices Frontline Leadership - P. Walsh 234.43 311.00 545.43 112489 10/25/2011 HARVEY, JOHN Oct 10/11 Smoke Bluffs Expenses 614.55 614.55 112490 10/25/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 47623 P/H Springs Well Head Prot - Sept 5,103.32 5,103.32 112491 10/25/2011 KAL TIRE 064073288 064073294 064073210 064073322 064073050 064073028 Mount & Balance Tires Mount & Balance Tires Tires Tire Change Overs Tire Change Over Four Tires 123.19 106.39 499.48 67.19 78.40 998.73 1,873.38 112492 10/25/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01701501 CONIN01718607 CONIN01718610 CONIN01718609 CONIN01718611 R/C C452 Copy Chges to Sept 16 S/C C280 Copy Chges to Sept 23 Eng C452 Copy Chges to Sept 26 W/Y C452 Copy Chges to Sept 26 P/D C452 Copy Chges to Sept 26 290.62 162.79 931.74 355.38 251.24 2,167.11 Page 238 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description CONIN01718606 M/H Pro 950 Copier Chges to Sept 28 112493 10/25/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS 13491905 13491908 13491906 13491907 13491909 R/C C452 Copier Rental to Jan 31/12 P/D C452 Copier Rental to Jan 31/12 S/C C280 Copier Rental to Jan 31/12 M/H Pro 950 Copier Rental to Jan 31/12 W/Y C452 Copier Rental to Jan 31/12 112494 10/25/2011 KALLAI, KRISZTINA RICHTERNE Oct 11/11 Oct 20/11 Senior Keep Well - Oct 3 to 6 Seniors Keep Well - Oct 17-20 112495 10/25/2011 L & A EQUIPMENT LTD. 11-126 Corr Trail - Clarke to Scott-Prog #3 112496 10/25/2011 LONDON DRUGS 8406426 8406457 112497 10/25/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 112498 10/25/2011 112499 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 175.34 1,095.39 1,092.09 537.62 1,735.10 1,095.23 5,555.43 200.00 206.00 406.00 116,218.09 116,218.09 Microwave, Ext Cord Supplies 100.77 82.84 183.61 809909 809287 809843 809842 Snow Removal Parts Shop Supplies Seat Cover Set Steering Stabilizer Shock 38.73 64.00 154.02 46.31 303.06 LAND LUGGERS 65021 Work on Smoke Bluffs Trail 2,352.00 2,352.00 10/25/2011 LEMMER SPRAY SYSTEMS (B.C.) LTD. V024539 Gun Filter Kit, Tips 245.62 245.62 112500 10/25/2011 LEONG'S NURSERY 30240 Pansies for Downtown Planters 1,039.36 1,039.36 112501 10/25/2011 LEXIS NEXIS CANADA INC. 10337605 BC Planning Law & Pract Issue 22 144.43 144.43 112502 10/25/2011 LAVERDIERE, MONICA Oct 19/11 Gymnastics Instr - Sept 22 to Oct 20 256.00 256.00 112503 10/25/2011 M. VAN NOORT & SONS - BULB CO. LTD. 1115001 1115000 Bulbs Bulbs, Freight 1,659.84 221.46 1,881.30 112504 10/25/2011 MORRIS, AMANDA Oct 19/11 Gymnastics Coach - Sept 14 to Oct 17 1,020.00 1,020.00 112505 10/25/2011 MOORE, BARBARA Oct 14/11 Reimburse - Heater for GM Eng/Parks 52.91 52.91 112506 10/25/2011 MULLER, KIM Oct 24/11 Park Openings Refreshments 49.36 49.36 112507 10/25/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE 558778 Annual Rent - Disp 821514 11,760.00 11,760.00 112508 10/25/2011 MARINE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE W14614 M/H Roof Repair 1,236.48 1,236.48 Page 239 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 112509 10/25/2011 Vendor Name MICKELSON CONSULTING INC. 2011-12-009 Consulting Services - Sept 112510 10/25/2011 MCJANNET, SARAH Oct 14/11 USB Flash Drive 112511 10/25/2011 MASTERCRAFT PROJECTS LTD. 21120 21119 Edgewater Park Playground Eagle Run Park Playground 112512 10/25/2011 MONK, SUSAN Oct 12/11 Refund Spay A/C 11294 112513 10/25/2011 MCDOWELL, CHAD Oct 19/11 Gymnastics Coach - Oct 5 to 21 112514 10/25/2011 NESTERS MARKET 92886 Sept 28 Cell Block Food 112515 10/25/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 95210 Oct 6 95207 Oct 3 112516 10/25/2011 ONE GEAR HOLDINGS LTD 112517 10/25/2011 112518 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,301.16 1,301.16 78.39 78.39 44,852.08 44,968.00 89,820.08 12.50 12.50 1,242.00 1,242.00 68.90 68.90 Dog Food Dog Supplies 15.51 217.85 233.36 Oct 14/11 Property Tax Refund R5000000899000 365.16 365.16 OPEN ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS 011-0020 IT Services to Oct 3 588.00 588.00 10/25/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 6354 6355 6440 6522 6511 Plateau Reservoir SCADA - Aug Judd Slough SCADA - Aug F/H #3 Roof Replacement - Sept Skyline Dr Retaining Walls - Sept Control Valve Automation - Sept 2,797.20 296.54 1,450.40 6,383.16 1,318.24 12,245.54 112519 10/25/2011 PETTY CASH (FIRE DEPT.) Oct 13/11 Petty Cash to Oct 13 109.78 109.78 112520 10/25/2011 PETTY CASH (FINANCE) Oct 24/11 Petty Cash to Oct 24 385.49 385.49 112521 10/25/2011 PROFIRE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INC., 27690 Two Tank Replace VIv 500PSI 714.78 714.78 112522 10/25/2011 PEDERSEN, SHAWN 446248 Program Refund 340.00 340.00 112523 10/25/2011 PPE LABS 1154 TOG Repairs 315.08 315.08 112524 10/25/2011 PIPELINE MECHANICAL 4721 Fixing Fallen Drain Pipe at Pool 4,480.78 4,480.78 112525 10/25/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 21/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 21 86,695.68 86,695.68 112526 10/25/2011 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION #277 Oct 13/11 Remembrance Day Wreath 84.00 84.00 112527 10/25/2011 RESORT MUNICIPALITY OF WHISTLER 39009555 BOV Seminar 448.00 448.00 Page 240 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 112528 10/25/2011 Vendor Name TELIPHONE CORP. 112529 10/25/2011 112530 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 973.72 1,098.59 124.87 51995 RI Oct 1/11 2 FX Lines - Nov Long Distance Charges - Sept RICHMOND ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 273900 RCMP Monthly Mtce - Oct 182.02 182.02 10/25/2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX IN60290 F/F Elite Boots 366.69 366.69 112531 10/25/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1350823 1350838 1350834 1355991 Trexx Pool Shut Down Supplies Pool Shutdown Supplies Supplies 860.16 8.31 110.69 52.39 1,031.55 112532 10/25/2011 ROGERS WIRELESS 6354472591 SEP Phones - Aug 5 & Sep 5 Billing 83.97 83.97 112533 10/25/2011 ROBINSON, DAVID 112534 10/25/2011 BANK OF MONTREAL Oct 11/11 Retirement Payment - C. Wynne 112535 10/25/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 21/11 112536 10/25/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 112537 10/25/2011 112538 57.40 yes 17,530.24 17,530.24 Union Dues - P/P 21 309.66 309.66 390200686 390122758 Freight Freight 134.23 28.16 162.39 SQUAMISH INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD. 25703 Prop Ins - OSiyam Pavilion 328.00 328.00 10/25/2011 SUPERIOR PROPANE INC. 60790702 Concession Tank Rental 97.22 97.22 112539 10/25/2011 SHANAHAN'S 1169103 1278202 Sensor Board Touch Button Grab Bars 52.64 107.52 160.16 112540 10/25/2011 SMITH-CAMERON PUMP SOLUTIONS 114936 Parts 280.00 280.00 112541 10/25/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00019843 SQDI00019892 September 30th Edition October 7th Edition 2,122.15 1,933.00 4,055.15 112542 10/25/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 94596 Sept 29 94600 Oct 11 95212 Oct 6 95175 Sept 18 95581 Oct 12 95521 Oct 5 94888 Oct 1 Fruit Basket Country Blend Concert Supplies Supplies Celebration on Ice Slab Cake Supplies Batteries JIBC Course Refreshments 16.78 69.75 31.19 85.99 22.93 28.53 36.62 291.79 112543 10/25/2011 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS LTD. 027205506 File Folders 154.56 154.56 Page 241 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 112544 10/25/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 346849 346855 346802 346840 M/H Monitoring to Dec 31 Archive Bldg Monitoring to Dec 31 BP Conc Monitoring to Dec 31 RCMP ESS Bldg Monitoring to Dec 31 134.40 134.40 84.00 252.00 112545 10/25/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED CM58363 58363 58351 120734 58420 58421 Credit - Core Return MAF Sensor Manual Hub Transmission Repairs Track Bar Ball Joint (44.80) 202.68 427.50 351.79 246.15 84.69 112546 10/25/2011 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 56489 Freight 163.71 163.71 112547 10/25/2011 SQUAMISH CABLE & COMMUNICATIONS 3317 Telus PRI Repair Assistance 72.80 72.80 112548 10/25/2011 SPERLING HANSEN ASSOCIATES INC. 11234 Landfill Upgrades to Sept 30 21,389.45 21,389.45 112549 10/25/2011 SHAW CABLE 8708 Sept 12/11 S/C Internet, Digital TV to Oct 3 141.06 141.06 112550 10/25/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 246999 240824 Supplies RCMP Bldg Supplies 440.63 109.86 550.49 112551 10/25/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 6252 6227 6200 6142 6179 M/H Coffee - Oct 13 M/H Coffee - Oct 6 M/H Coffee - Sept 29 M/H Coffee - Sept 14 M/H Coffee - Sept 22 50.50 50.50 50.50 50.50 50.50 252.50 112552 10/25/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 2908 Tantalus Rd Mouse Treatment 334.88 334.88 112553 10/25/2011 SEA TO SKY CAR WASH 0294 Vehicle Cleaning - Aug 44.80 44.80 112554 10/25/2011 SEA TO SKY MAINTENANCE SERVICES DOS101411 DOS101211 DOS101111 W/Y Trailer Repairs SAC Gutter Debris Removal/Disposal M/H Siding & Drywell Repairs 166.32 224.00 1,919.23 2,309.55 112555 10/25/2011 STEEL, BOB Oct 11/11 Piano Tuning 336.00 336.00 112556 10/25/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 883341 882592 882218 882893 Tailgate Handle Drill Bit Parts Supplies 34.38 13.65 46.42 8.89 359.87 Page 242 of 299 604.80 1,268.01 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 882959 882235 882417 880097 879198 882238 872600 881984 Oil Filter Parts Flat Bar, Angle Iron Credit - Automotive Belts Kerosene, Tarp Fuel Filters Rotary Pump Reach Pad Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 18.91 8.16 29.01 (42.00) 60.49 44.78 88.82 48.36 112557 10/25/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 883602 883604 883875 Hydraulic Hose Flat Bar Spray Paint 112558 10/25/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE Oct 19/11 Gymnastics Instr - Oct 19-20 112559 10/25/2011 TIM HORTONS 94889 Oct 1 94887 Sept 28 ESS Site Mgmt Course Snacks Break Supplies 112560 10/25/2011 TERRALINK HORTICULTURE INC. 529087 529391 CM Fertilizer, Lime Pallet Return 112561 10/25/2011 TESS PRODUCTIONS 524541 Camera/Computer Services to Sept 20 528.00 528.00 112562 10/25/2011 TEMPLE CONSULTING GROUP LTD. 15544 Voters List Data 504.00 504.00 112563 10/25/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 79097082 Cleveland Ave Lease Rent - Nov 1,232.00 1,232.00 112564 10/25/2011 THE CORE Aug 23/11 Climbing Camps - July 26 to Aug 23 1,764.00 1,764.00 112565 10/25/2011 TOM GREEN Oct 17/11 Oct 17 Travel Expense - Oct 3 to 7 Travel Expense - Oct 11 to 15 75.92 30.16 106.08 112566 10/25/2011 TUMBLEWOODS INDOOR PLAYGROUND 434 Mini Cupcakes 161.28 161.28 112567 10/25/2011 UNITED WAY Oct 14/11 Employee Donations - P/P 19 & 20 238.38 238.38 112568 10/25/2011 VILLAGE GREEN GARDEN CENTER 1169 F/H #1 & #2 Fall Clean Up 655.20 655.20 112569 10/25/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 54298 Disposable Gloves, Masks 60.74 60.74 112570 10/25/2011 WESTBURNE ELECTRIC SUPPLY B.C. 1493701 1491764 1420017 1391583 Supplies Parts Emergency Light Bulbs Plugs 72.06 34.27 21.30 59.50 187.13 Page 243 of 299 15.86 18.05 19.80 53.71 480.00 480.00 61.96 57.85 119.81 7,751.40 (184.80) 7,566.60 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 112571 10/25/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-152959 IN-151850 IN-152177 Hand Sanitizer Nitrile Gloves Nitrile Gloves 62.09 61.51 246.04 369.64 112572 10/25/2011 WATKINS, CINDY 446075 Program Refund 335.00 335.00 112573 10/25/2011 WILSON, RHONDA 445658 Program Refund 198.00 198.00 112574 10/25/2011 WATSON, MICHELLE Oct 3/11 Travel Expense - June 27 to Oct 3 39.52 39.52 112575 10/25/2011 WENTZEL, SANDI 446249 Program Refund 340.00 340.00 112576 10/25/2011 YELLOW PAGES GROUP 09-2386809 Chamber of Commerce Listing 49.12 49.12 112577 10/27/2011 GUSTASON, DAVA A. Oct 24/11 Exempt Contribution to Baby Gift 100.00 100.00 112578 10/27/2011 BELL MOBILITY Oct 17/11 Blackberry Service to Oct 17 4,803.62 4,803.62 112579 10/27/2011 BURAK, J. & MORGAN, K 57/11 & 117/10 Refund Damage/Lot Grading Deposits 3,000.00 3,000.00 112580 10/27/2011 DIGASAURUS EXCAVATING LTD. 90/11 Oct 20 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 112581 10/27/2011 EYBEN, BRETT 118/10 & 121/10 Refund Damage/Lot Grading Deposits 4,000.00 4,000.00 112582 10/27/2011 HANS, PRITPAL 106/08 Oct 20 Refund Damage Deposit 1,000.00 1,000.00 112583 10/27/2011 HURFORD, RENEE Oct 14/11 LI Trainer Recertification 72.97 72.97 112584 10/27/2011 HEALTH & HOME CARE SOCIETY OF BC 31139 Oct 26 Immunization Deposit 562.50 562.50 112585 10/27/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 325543772 325589857 325575475 Freight Freight Freight 156.09 462.71 27.93 646.73 112586 10/27/2011 SPRENKELS, M. & S. 19/09 Oct 20 Refund Damage/Lot Grading Deposits 2,000.00 2,000.00 112587 10/27/2011 VANDENBOSCH, RAELENE 136/11 Oct 18 Refund O/P Damage/Lot Grading Deposits 2,000.00 2,000.00 112588 11/2/2011 SCHULTHEISS, ALANA Oct 27/11 Risk Mgmt Forum Per Diem - Nov 3/4 65.00 65.00 112589 11/2/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 5218 Oct 14/11 9205 Oct 14/11 5268 Oct 14/11 S/C Telephone Charges to Oct 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Oct 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Oct 14 88.60 87.59 89.70 467.26 Page 244 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 4316 Oct 14/11 ADSL Line to Oct 14 112590 11/2/2011 DUROCHER, RANDY Oct 21/11 Seniors Christmas Banquet Music 112591 11/2/2011 EXECUTIVE SUITES 133 PA System/Podium - Apprec Dinner 112592 11/2/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE, TAXATION BRANCH Nov 1/11 School Tax Remittance - Oct 112593 11/2/2011 RAMAGE, YVONNE Oct 21/11 Seniors Christmas Banquet Door Prizes 112594 11/2/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS Oct 24/11 Gas Use - Oct 24 Billing 112595 11/3/2011 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Aug/11-014 2011 Paving Program 112596 11/3/2011 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Aug/11-018 Asphalt Paving - Various Cuts 112597 11/3/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94955295 94960685 94976420 94981437 94970745 Cardlock - Sept 14 Cardlock - Sept 21 Cardlock - Oct 12 Cardlock - Oct 19 Cardlock - Sept 30 112598 11/3/2011 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Aug/11-010 Aug/11-007 2011 Paving Program 2011 Paving Program 112599 11/8/2011 PAWLUK, CHARLENE Oct 31/11 Oct 31 Travel Exp 2011 Clerks Forum Victoria 2011 Clerks Convention Expenses 112600 11/8/2011 CHADWICK, JULIANA Oct 31/11 112601 11/8/2011 ALL KEYS & LOCKS 112602 11/8/2011 112603 112604 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 201.37 300.00 300.00 56.00 56.00 11,048.12 11,048.12 300.00 300.00 7,478.83 7,478.83 124,276.92 124,276.92 18,421.66 18,421.66 2,795.12 2,988.03 3,184.69 2,927.84 4,803.30 16,698.98 24,704.02 17,063.34 41,767.36 166.40 403.84 570.24 Expense Reimbursement 34.90 34.90 10496 Keys Cut 42.56 42.56 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN397541 LVAN397539 LVAN395757 LVAN397543 LVAN403097 LVAN401274 LVAN399462 LVAN401289 F/H Laundry - Oct 17 R/C Uniform Service - Oct 17 R/C Uniform Service - Oct 10 W/Y Laundry - Oct 17 R/C Uniform Service - Nov 7 R/C Uniform Service - Oct 31 R/C Uniform Service - Oct 24 S/C Laundry - Oct 31 33.87 199.23 61.57 40.04 61.57 199.23 61.57 40.32 697.40 11/8/2011 APEGBC Nov 1/11 2012 Annual Fee - Brian Barnett 386.40 386.40 11/8/2011 GENERATION 2 CONTROLS INC. 124368 Monitoring DDC Controls - Oct 449.12 449.12 Page 245 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112605 11/8/2011 AMBLEPATH PROPERTIES LTD. 174/07 Nov 3 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 174/07 112606 11/8/2011 ALLSTAR MECHANICAL LTD. 11-2454-241 112607 11/8/2011 ALBERTA FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION 112608 11/8/2011 112609 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,000.00 1,000.00 AQ/C Labour & Material 645.16 645.16 IN11-693 Fundamentals of F/F Skills 2nd Ed 996.86 996.86 ARMSTRONG, CACIA 428003 Program Adjustment 13.37 13.37 11/8/2011 AYERS, D & L 77/11 Nov 2 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 77/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 112610 11/8/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 4753 Oct 1/11 E-Comm Emergency Phone to Oct 1 1,408.88 1,408.88 112611 11/8/2011 BC WATER & WASTE ASSOCIATION 39777 SCADA Seminar - T. Green 498.40 498.40 112612 11/8/2011 TELUS MOBILITY 020053013129 003898814092 Cell Phone Charges to Oct 17 Mike Mobility Charges to Oct 17 111.78 141.97 253.75 112613 11/8/2011 BUNBURY & ASSOCIATES 5161 5167 Professional Services - Skyline Dr Research for Marine Strategy 2,800.00 1,638.12 4,438.12 112614 11/8/2011 BROWN, STEPHANIE 445655 Program Refund 198.00 198.00 112615 11/8/2011 BRITISH COLUMBIA SAFETY AUTHORITY 544518 R/C Boiler Operating Permits 747.00 747.00 112616 11/8/2011 B.B.R CONTRACTING LTD. 2011-280 Reinforce Wall in S/C Banquet Hall 2,801.16 2,801.16 112617 11/8/2011 BCT FENCING 379452 Hendrickson Outfield Fence Repairs 604.80 604.80 112618 11/8/2011 BCRPA 2337 Job Advertisement 35.00 35.00 112619 11/8/2011 BETHEL LANDS CORP 91/07 Nov 3 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 91/07 1,000.00 1,000.00 112620 11/8/2011 BCF CONTRACTING 363375 Snow Plow Repair 428.40 428.40 112621 11/8/2011 BLACKETT, BEV Nov 1/11 Yoga Instruction - Sept 13 to Oct 31 406.25 406.25 112622 11/8/2011 BARRON, JODY Oct 20/11 Medical Certif - Class 1 Licence 75.00 75.00 112623 11/8/2011 BLACK TUSK FIRE & SECURITY INC 7299 7560 7631 7640 7638 Service Sprinkler System - S/C Winterize Dry Sprinkler System Adv Ctre Patrols - Oct Nexen Guard Services - Oct M/H & Library Guard Patrols - Oct 307.44 280.00 280.78 1,362.41 1,648.08 4,781.32 Page 246 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 7632 7562 B/P Guard Patrols - Oct B/P Winterize Dry Sprinkler System Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 622.61 280.00 112624 11/8/2011 BLOW, KAREN 446245 Program Refund 340.00 340.00 112625 11/8/2011 BANBURY, NICHOLE 422850 Program Refund 50.00 50.00 112626 11/8/2011 BURRARD ROOFING & DRAINAGE INC. R2011-8613 Tantalus F/H Roof Repairs 7,000.00 7,000.00 112627 11/8/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 22/11 Union Dues - P/P 22 4,157.99 4,157.99 112628 11/8/2011 CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY IN00147582 CN00006407 Courses, Products Credit - Sales of Courses 2,705.68 (540.00) 2,165.68 112629 11/8/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 16954 17126 17194 Road Base Road Base Washed Drain Rock 350.16 1,110.39 118.27 1,578.82 112630 11/8/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. Oct 31/11 Deficiency H/B Release - Corr Trail 11,424.00 11,424.00 112631 11/8/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J002281 J002280 J002347 Street Lights Street Lights - Tantalus Road M/H Outside Lights 956.98 650.38 72.80 1,680.16 112632 11/8/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004F-102650 5004E-102073 5004I-102076 5004K-100165 5004K-100740 5004Y-101420 5004-102069 5004RCMP-102070 5004J-89797 Residential Service - Oct Recycling Depots - Oct Landfill Portable Toilet - Nov Interior Recycle Sorting Stations R/C Gbge, Cdbd, Paper - Oct/Sept Turf Blend M/H Gbg, Cdbd, Paper - Nov/Oct RCMP Gbge, Cdbd - Nov SPCA Garbage - 2011 58,410.51 511.84 145.60 1,344.00 865.33 2,553.60 483.21 240.31 309.12 64,863.52 112633 11/8/2011 CARLETON RESCUE EQUIPMENT 55253 Collar for Basket Stretchers 296.44 296.44 112634 11/8/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 4295 Messaging Services 1,460.76 1,460.76 112635 11/8/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 18486 28760029 28699388 28657733 28749919 Multi Tilter High Back Chair Supplies Binders, Chair Mats, Recycle Bin Supplies Supplies 548.79 347.36 332.80 93.07 108.45 1,430.47 Page 247 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 112636 11/8/2011 Vendor Name CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 112637 11/8/2011 112638 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 9905086911 RCMP Coffee Supplies CREATIVE CHILDREN FURNITURE 105331 105331CN Supplies Credit 11/8/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 16311 18230 18231 20065 20066 21071 P/W P/W P/W P/W P/W P/W 112639 11/8/2011 COMFY'S LAUNDRY Oct 2011 M/H Oct 2011 Library Laundry - Oct M/H Laundry - Oct 112640 11/8/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 025340216 016048034 016048158 Hose & Paint Machine Repairs Orange Spray Paint Forest Green Paint 112641 11/8/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 15096 Airport Directional Signs (2) 112642 11/8/2011 CMCC CONTRACTING 2011-29 112643 11/8/2011 CANADIAN NATIONAL 112644 11/8/2011 112645 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 138.75 138.75 813.42 (4.17) 809.25 25.48 13.83 20.55 25.48 37.26 33.10 155.70 28.00 21.28 49.28 137.20 109.29 68.52 315.01 4,183.20 4,183.20 Stairs/Trail Work - Penny Lane 10,588.35 10,588.35 90506092 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Sept 667.23 667.23 CORIX UTILITIES INC. 2011602075 Meter Testing on Site 1,170.45 1,170.45 11/8/2011 CARR, LAURA 437360 Program Refund 305.00 305.00 112646 11/8/2011 CHROMA COMMUNICATIONS GROUP INC. 130611 Servicing Mobile/Portable Radios 22,336.94 22,336.94 112647 11/8/2011 CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONING LTD. W80022 W80165 W80432 R/C Combustion Analysis F/H #2 - Filters Warranty Credit - W80165 112648 11/8/2011 COMMERCIAL TRUCK EQUIPMENT CO. 7169725 Curb Guard 112649 11/8/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 109315 109518 Pool Controller Supplies 112650 11/8/2011 DJ SPENCE TREE SERVICE 537 539 539 Oct 25/11 540 Remove Alder Tree - Valley Drive Remove Maple Tree - Clark Drive Tree Faller/Spotter - Water Tower Widow Maker - Shannon Estates Page 248 of 299 Roads - Coveralls - July 30 Roads - Laundry - Aug 29 Roads Laundry - Aug 31 Roads Coveralls - Sept 21 Shops Laundry - Sept 21 Laundry - Oct 4 723.24 187.82 (187.82) 723.24 579.40 579.40 2,800.00 201.53 3,001.53 224.00 616.00 840.00 196.00 1,876.00 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112651 11/8/2011 DIANNE DARBY - CUSTOM SEWING Oct 27/11 Flashers Stitched on Suit Jacket 112652 11/8/2011 DISCOVERY WAY PROPERTIES INC. 132/11 Nov 2 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 132/11 112653 11/8/2011 DANIELSON, CELESTE 443294 Program Refund 112654 11/8/2011 DUGGAN, P & C 27/09 Nov 7 112655 11/8/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 112656 11/8/2011 112657 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 20.00 20.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 100.00 100.00 Refund Damage Deposit - B/P 27/09 1,000.00 1,000.00 4501-101474 4501-101473 4501-102646 4501-102647 Landfill Contract - Sept Landfill Tires, Gypsum Board - Sept Landfill Tires, Gypsum - Oct Landfill Contract - Oct 26,319.72 5,577.56 5,252.53 24,986.68 62,136.49 EMERGCO TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS 5844 Hypo Kit Heater 1,215.20 1,215.20 11/8/2011 EKSTEEN, BEN 280199 Time Loss Benefit Form 50.00 50.00 112658 11/8/2011 FRASER VALLEY REFRIGERATION LTD., 137766 New Transmitter 1,734.88 1,734.88 112659 11/8/2011 FITNESS TOWN SERVICE 1235 1002 Parts Installation - Treadmill Bike, Treadmill Parts/Labour 231.84 382.82 614.66 112660 11/8/2011 FAWCUS, CHENE 432320 Program Amendment 22.11 22.11 112661 11/8/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 222502 11975 12008 12009 11991 11992 11993 12005 12006 Auto Expense Books Laminated Maps Business Cards Business Cards Whiteprints Whiteprints Whiteprints Ivory Envelopes Ivory Envelopes 100.54 107.52 39.20 117.60 7.28 30.41 28.22 196.00 196.00 822.77 112662 11/8/2011 GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Nov 2011 GWL November Premiums 85,170.85 85,170.85 112663 11/8/2011 GUARDIAN ENGRAVING 138728 School Fire Drill Challenge Plaque 84.00 84.00 112664 11/8/2011 GLENTEL WIRELESS CENTRE J01390 J01391 Head Set for Radio Firecom, Cable 1,489.60 1,114.40 2,604.00 112665 11/8/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2726 Nexen Beach Padlock 78.40 78.40 Page 249 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 112666 11/8/2011 Vendor Name GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 112667 11/8/2011 112668 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 5631 5692 R/C Mens Washroom Repairs Install Flow Meters GROVER, ELLIOTT & CO. LTD. 2011-0720-O Business Park Appraisal 11/8/2011 GREGG DISTRIBUTORS (BC) LTD 005-498444 005-498445 112669 11/8/2011 GILLIS, CARLEEN 112670 11/8/2011 112671 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 5,563.94 5,981.76 417.82 2,074.30 2,074.30 Lights Lights 48.63 10.64 59.27 426651 Program Refund 77.04 77.04 GOODBYE GRAFFITI VANCOUVER 39397 R/C Ever-Clean Program - Oct 228.48 228.48 11/8/2011 GCR RAIL CROSSINGS 1056-11-012 Concrete Panels - Depot & Govt 56,192.39 56,192.39 112672 11/8/2011 HOWE SOUND SECONDARY SCHOOL Nov 2/11 Poinsettias 132.00 132.00 112673 11/8/2011 FMEP P/P 22/11 FMEP Case #92042 301.50 301.50 112674 11/8/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 23588 23745 Repair Chain Saw Labour & Material 78.34 186.84 265.18 112675 11/8/2011 HEAVY CONSTRUCTION LINK 310 Env Upgrade & Leachate S/S - Oct 4,569.60 4,569.60 112676 11/8/2011 INPROTECT SYSTEMS INC. 144533 145028 Custom Sign RCMP Custom Signs 324.80 342.70 667.50 112677 11/8/2011 INFRATECH POLYMERS INC. 2685 Cold Mix 1,624.00 1,624.00 112678 11/8/2011 IRWIN AIR LTD 29882 29881 Air Compressor Service Air Compressor Service 1,388.80 711.11 2,099.91 112679 11/8/2011 ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES B001203 Sq BP Servicing Costs Analysis 2,727.26 2,727.26 112680 11/8/2011 JUSTICE INSTITUTE OF B.C. 217800 20028421 Withdrawal Fee F/F II Practical Exams 50.00 37.50 87.50 112681 11/8/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 47641M 47597 47684 47296 47689 47690 47688 47751 MWWTP Risk Assessment River Level/Rain Gauge - Aug DCC Update - Sept River Level/Rain Gauge - July Sq/Cheekeye Sediment Removal-Sept Sediment Management Program - Sept Eagle Viewing Area Upgrade - Sept Clarke PRV Design Criteria - Sept 14,826.25 28.00 5,606.73 30.80 16,446.06 8,828.11 1,076.60 1,575.84 48,418.39 Page 250 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112682 11/8/2011 KAL TIRE 064073629 064073680 Flat Repair Install Winter Tires 112683 11/8/2011 KGC FIRE RESCUE INC. 232668 Vehicle Glass Smash Kits 112684 11/8/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUS. SOLUTIONS CONIN01718603 F/H DI5510 Copy Chges to Sept 28 112685 11/8/2011 KELLY, JESSICA Oct 28/11 Dance - Fall Session 1 112686 11/8/2011 KALLAI, KRISZTINA RICHTERNE Nov 4/11 Nov 1/11 Seniors Keep Well - Oct 26 to Nov 3 Seniors Keep Well - Oct 11 - 13 112687 11/8/2011 L & A EQUIPMENT LTD. Prog #1 Mamquam Rd W/M Replacement - Prog #1 112688 11/8/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 811462 811141 810629 450985 Battery Tester Supplies Batteries Warranty Credit 112689 11/8/2011 LUCKY LOONIES 95583 Oct 20 Table Cloths, Tissue Paper 112690 11/8/2011 LAST LOGOS PROMOTIONAL INC. 20111169 Open House Posters 112691 11/8/2011 LIDSTONE & COMPANY 2304 2246 2245 2242 2301 2300 2302 2303 Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services 112692 11/8/2011 LAVERDIERE, MONICA Nov 2/11 Gymnastics Instr - Oct 6,13,20,27 112693 11/8/2011 LOOMIS EXPRESS H25440 005 Freight 112694 11/8/2011 LEARNING, C 136/07 Nov 2 112695 11/8/2011 LEUNG, JOHN 112696 11/8/2011 112697 11/8/2011 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 33.60 106.39 139.99 1,075.76 1,075.76 84.00 84.00 1,468.02 1,468.02 450.00 168.75 618.75 39,169.76 39,169.76 212.79 98.12 231.54 (231.54) 310.91 26.04 26.04 349.55 349.55 270.48 3,833.72 2,234.30 3,991.73 2,662.35 72.80 875.17 72.80 14,013.35 88.00 88.00 140.21 140.21 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 136/07 1,000.00 1,000.00 165/08 Nov 2 Ref Damage/Lot Grading Dep BP 165/08 2,000.00 2,000.00 MEGA-TECH 85540 Bulb 331.02 331.02 MURDY & MCALLISTER Sept 2011 Professional Services 10,350.06 10,350.06 Page 251 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 112698 11/8/2011 MCCHESNEY, JOHNNA Oct 27/11 Expense Reimbursement 15.50 15.50 112699 11/8/2011 MADER, MARIA 427418 Program Refund 47.04 47.04 112700 11/8/2011 MORRIS, AMANDA Nov 1/11 Lesson Prep Core Prog & Admin 70.00 70.00 112701 11/8/2011 METRO TESTING LABORATORIES W3366 W3365 W3362 W3335-4 W3335-3 W3335-2 W3335-1 W3335 Asphalt Testing & Inspection Asphalt Testing & Inspection Asphalt Testing & Inspection Asphalt Testing & Inspection Asphalt Testing & Inspection Asphalt Testing & Inspection Asphalt Testing & Inspection Asphalt Testing & Inspection 2,167.20 1,369.20 1,475.60 943.60 798.00 1,937.60 3,399.20 1,990.80 14,081.20 112702 11/8/2011 MODU-LOC FENCE RENTALS LTD. I0086938 Fence Panel Rental - Oct 20.56 20.56 112703 11/8/2011 MILLER CAPILANO MAINTENANCE CORP S12-1092 Dust Control at Landfill 1,667.90 1,667.90 112704 11/8/2011 MRO ELECTRONIC SUPPLY LTD. 3257404 Power Supplies 636.16 636.16 112705 11/8/2011 MARINE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE J052686 J052689 W14768 F/H Roof - Holdback Release F/H Roof Revised Contract Roof Drain Repairs Eng Roof 112706 11/8/2011 MCFEE, JULIE 1535755 Program Refund 112707 11/8/2011 MCDOWELL, CHAD Nov 2/11 Gymnastics Coaching - Oct 26-28 112708 11/8/2011 MILLS, DOUG Oct 24/11 112709 11/8/2011 MAURUS, JOHN & KERN, HELENA 112710 11/8/2011 112711 11,618.32 (1,429.68) 666.40 10,855.04 42.00 42.00 454.50 454.50 Refund Commuter Tickets 64.80 64.80 Oct 26/11 Refund Property Tax O/P 422.58 422.58 NINETY NINE TRANSPORT LTD. 8195 Moving Log Book Container to WCRHP 672.00 672.00 11/8/2011 OK TIRE & AUTO SERVICE 6703 6704 6689 Tires & Rims Tires & Rims Tires & Rims 1,249.92 1,249.92 1,249.92 3,749.76 112712 11/8/2011 OFFICE ESSENTIALS 384582 384160 Designjet Cartridges Designjet Cartridges 278.88 456.96 735.84 112713 11/8/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 6521 Corr Trail-Harris to Tantalus-Sept 17,702.57 30,461.94 Page 252 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 6481 6488 6477 6478 6480 PHS MoDBus to DNP3 Conversion - Sept Stawamus C/2 Shed - Sept WWTP SCADA Integ Evaluation - Sept Plateau Reservoir SCADA - Sept SCADA - Remove Unsol Messages - Sept 112714 11/8/2011 ON SIDE RESTORATION 10047768 11-10-104137 Youth Centre Roof Leak Water Damage Repairs - F/H #1 112715 11/8/2011 PETTY CASH (REC/AQUATIC CENTRE) Oct 31/11 112716 11/8/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 112717 11/8/2011 112718 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 7,069.80 210.30 771.42 1,830.53 2,877.32 1,473.47 1,983.27 3,456.74 Petty Cash to Oct 31 104.02 104.02 12327636 12307199 12242170 Tank Rental to Nov 14 Carbon Dioxide Cylinder Rental 116.24 678.17 25.37 819.78 PETTY CASH (ADMIN SERVICES) Oct 24/11 Petty Cash to Oct 24 245.74 245.74 11/8/2011 PATRICK, DONALD & LYNDA 122/10 Nov 1 Refund Lot Grading Deposit BP 122/10 1,000.00 1,000.00 112719 11/8/2011 PPE LABS 1175 TOG Repairs 1,226.46 1,226.46 112720 11/8/2011 POLLARD WATER I310512-IN Pivot Gauges 207.68 207.68 112721 11/8/2011 PHOENIX ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD 27121 Review Cert of Compliance Application 1,064.00 1,064.00 112722 11/8/2011 PEARSON, NICOLE 112723 11/8/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 22/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 22 112724 11/8/2011 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN40659 Parts for Cutting Deck Lift 112725 11/8/2011 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION #277 Oct 20/11 94896 Oct 27 Remembrance Day Wreath Remembrance Day Wreath 112726 11/8/2011 R.F. BINNIE & ASSOCIATES 26386 26370 26548 26391 Anti-Whistling Study - Sept Elements 2 Off-Site Constr - Sept Brennan Synthetic Field - Sept Tantalus Road Storm Sewer - Sept 112727 11/8/2011 ROGERS MEDIA INC 117244-3 112728 11/8/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. 112729 11/8/2011 REVENUE SERVICES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 110.50 yes 84,214.75 84,214.75 82.35 82.35 139.00 84.00 223.00 302.96 685.44 1,692.04 1,524.21 4,204.65 Preschool/Senior/Summer Camp Ads 520.80 520.80 52102 RI 10 Mbps Internet Access - Oct 782.88 782.88 Nov 2011 November Premiums 12,891.00 12,891.00 Page 253 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112730 11/8/2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX IN60538 Gaskets 112731 11/8/2011 ROMMEL HOMES LTD. Nov 3/11 112732 11/8/2011 RAVEN RESCUE 112733 11/8/2011 112734 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 128.13 128.13 Refund Damage Deposits 4,000.00 4,000.00 2387 TRR Course Fee - S. Reis 1,092.00 1,092.00 RYAN, RICHARD Oct 28/11 Badminton - Jan 17 to Mar 30, 2011 243.00 243.00 11/8/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1357576 1349587 1358831 1359954 1360350 BR Extension Tube Supplies Dewalt Reciprocating Saw Kit Supplies Bldg Supplies S/C Kitchen 12.52 9.25 211.68 39.30 368.52 641.27 112735 11/8/2011 ROB FITZGERALD 32136 Sept/11 Marine Strategy Consulting - Sept 1,539.58 1,539.58 112736 11/8/2011 BRAIDWOOD & COMPANY 6896 Professional Services - DP 312 237.82 237.82 112737 11/8/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 22/11 Union Dues - P/P 22 297.96 297.96 112738 11/8/2011 SQUAMISH VETERINARY Sept 29/11 Professional Services 365.05 365.05 112739 11/8/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 102 Oct 25 MFA Issue No. 102 - B/L 1944, 1945 206,262.85 206,262.85 112740 11/8/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 105 Oct 25 MFA Issue No. 105 - B/L 2029, 2052 87,186.93 87,186.93 112741 11/8/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 61 Oct 25 MFA Issue No. 61 - B/L 1225 19,228.10 19,228.10 112742 11/8/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 72 Oct 25 MFA Issue No. 72 - B/L 1572 16,931.25 16,931.25 112743 11/8/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT MFA 77 Oct 25 MFA Issue No. 77 - B/L 1613 74,725.00 74,725.00 112744 11/8/2011 SUPERIOR PROPANE INC. 61014421 Bulk Propane - Sept 27 1,027.88 1,027.88 112745 11/8/2011 SMITH-CAMERON PUMP SOLUTIONS 114852 Pump Repairs 469.28 469.28 112746 11/8/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00019946 October 14th Edition 1,810.92 1,810.92 112747 11/8/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 95213 Oct 17 95584 Oct 27 Supplies Fruit Basket 89.56 33.56 123.12 112748 11/8/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 346812 S/C Monitoring to Dec 31 84.00 84.00 Page 254 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 112749 11/8/2011 Vendor Name SETON 112750 11/8/2011 112751 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 14.54 58.19 43.65 9316219535 9316160761 Flagging Tape Flagging Tape SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 56071 Freight 437.51 437.51 11/8/2011 SHAW CABLE 5474 Oct 16/11 5490 Oct 16/11 0848 Oct 16/11 M/H Internet Service to Nov 7 F/H HD & Internet Service to Nov 7 R/C Internet Service to Nov 7 100.69 107.46 89.54 297.69 112752 11/8/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 247415 247416 247725 Supplies Supplies Supplies 73.74 157.43 1,046.75 1,277.92 112753 11/8/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 6272 6280 6301 RCMP Coffee - Oct 17 W/Y Coffee - Oct 19 F/H Coffee 78.00 182.00 176.00 436.00 112754 11/8/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 5333 5331 5332 BP Service/Cemetery Bldgs - Sept R/C Regular Service - Sept M/H Regular Service - Sept 99.68 67.76 84.00 251.44 112755 11/8/2011 SQUAMISH TRUCK AND TRAILER LTD 9348 Replace Power Assist Cylinder 771.57 771.57 112756 11/8/2011 SEA TO SKY CAR WASH 0329 Vehicle Cleaning - Sept 78.40 78.40 112757 11/8/2011 SQUAMISH CAN (CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK) Nov 1/11 Re-Use-It Fair Expenses 2,621.00 2,621.00 112758 11/8/2011 SERVIN, ESTEFANIA 449621 Swim Pass Refund 23.24 23.24 112759 11/8/2011 STEWART, ASHLEY 427210 Program Refund 32.00 32.00 112760 11/8/2011 SIMONE, M. & SONG, J. 77/08 Nov 3 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 77/08 1,000.00 1,000.00 112761 11/8/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 881069 882484 883803 880274 876457 878056 884028 877246 881068 881386 882925 Oxygen Gloves Center Pull Towels, Latch Switch Oil Boom Socks Parts Hydraulic Hose Repair Blue Tarp Acetylene Monthly Demurrage - Sept Parts 92.96 1,248.06 50.10 11.19 309.08 37.54 33.81 79.73 108.53 161.00 80.08 2,314.09 Page 255 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 884029 Parts Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 102.01 112762 11/8/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 885066 885067 884674 884057 884930 884240 885357 884566 884845 885481 885020 884068 Hydraulic Hose Gloves Brake Hardware Kits Shop Supplies Steel for Noseplow Bottle with Sprayer Pipe Brake Shoe Hardware Kit Bin for Snow Removal Supplies Fittings Snow Removal Bolts, Bin Supply Parts 29.86 45.01 14.09 54.07 15.99 2.12 10.10 14.09 222.88 1.66 34.72 275.37 719.96 112763 11/8/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 886229 887241 886024 886652 886709 885727 886189 886023 886574 887220 886406 886506 Flat Bar Headlight Bulbs Supplies Oil Seals Trailer Connector Fittings Quick Connect Fittings Snow Removal Supplies Snow Removal Supplies Parts Plugs Plugs 27.22 34.57 30.12 30.78 5.70 142.64 145.12 273.10 339.16 96.04 0.43 0.43 1,125.31 112764 11/8/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 887245 887297 887310 Hydraulic Fittings Hydraulic Hose Hydraulic Hose & Fittings 2.87 29.51 21.06 53.44 112765 11/8/2011 TEAM SKYLINE IN011159 Supplies 42.56 42.56 112766 11/8/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE Oct 27/11 Nov 2/11 Belly Dancing - Sept 19 to Oct 24 Gymnastics Instr - Oct 26-28 379.99 264.00 643.99 112767 11/8/2011 TESS PRODUCTIONS 524552 Camera/Computer Services - Oct 392.00 392.00 112768 11/8/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 79124273 Relocate Telus Facilities - Raven 7,226.24 7,226.24 112769 11/8/2011 TIGERDIRECT.CA INC. D11073810101 D11073810102 D11073810103 Computer Equipment Hard Drive Dock USB 3.0 Hard Drive Dock 560.08 40.28 40.28 640.64 Page 256 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112770 11/8/2011 TOM GREEN Oct 24/11 Oct 31/11 Travel Expense - Oct 17 to 21 Travel Expense - Oct 24 to 28 112771 11/8/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY Aug 2011 Hotel Room Tax - August 112772 11/8/2011 THE HIVE DESIGNS & GIFTWARE 492792 112773 11/8/2011 TEAM SALES 112774 11/8/2011 112775 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 85.80 82.68 168.48 12,117.96 12,117.96 Stage Curtain Repairs 201.60 201.60 54293 Shake Out BC T-Shirts 184.80 184.80 URBAN SYSTEMS 106827 Long Term Financial Plan - Sept 17,248.00 17,248.00 11/8/2011 UNITED RENTALS OF CANADA INC. 95737770-001 95959339-001 Scarifier 5-6HP Carpet Blower Dryer 881.85 213.92 1,095.77 112776 11/8/2011 VALHALLA PURE OUTFITTERS 95425 Sept 22 Stuff Sacks 87.03 87.03 112777 11/8/2011 VIMAR EQUIPMENT LTD. 284574 284464 Ice Resurfacer Towel Swivel Joint 82.45 425.29 507.74 112778 11/8/2011 VAN BIBBER, MONIQUE 410424 Program Refund 25.00 25.00 112779 11/8/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 54207 54360 Fire Extinguisher & Lighting #1 Hall Hydrostatic Test, Refill 85.05 181.94 266.99 112780 11/8/2011 WESTBURNE ELECTRIC SUPPLY B.C. 1468450 Ballasts 159.69 159.69 112781 11/8/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-147075 IN-146249 Reflective Strips Oil Socks, Oil Sponge Pail 75.60 75.94 151.54 112782 11/8/2011 WESCLEAN EQUIPMENT & CLEANING SUPPLIES 5756760 Doggie Bag Dispensers 446.99 446.99 112783 11/8/2011 WHISTLER WELDING SERVICES LTD. 3143 Repair Basketball Hoop Pipe 333.20 333.20 112784 11/8/2011 WALKER, ALISON 448065 Program Refund 75.00 75.00 112785 11/8/2011 WEYS, R & J 78/11 Oct 20 Refund Damage Deposit - BP 78/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 112786 11/8/2011 WENTWORTH, C & PRICE, M 80/09 Nov 1 Ref Damage/Lot Grading Dep BP 80/09 2,000.00 2,000.00 112787 11/8/2011 WEST COAST SPILL SUPPLIES 18150 Linkable Oil Absorbent Booms 560.00 560.00 112788 11/8/2011 ZONE WEST ENTERPRISES LTD. 32527 Shipping Charge for Shoulder Flashes 16.80 16.80 Page 257 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 112789 11/14/2011 Vendor Name BC SNOWMOBILE FEDERATION Nov 14/11 Snowmobile Safety Equipment 112790 11/17/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 5205 8 Nov 4/11 Telephone Charges - Nov 4 Billing 112791 11/17/2011 BC HYDRO 400001781259 Hydro Use - Nov 3 Billing 112792 11/17/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 94986287 94993459 Cardlock - Oct 26 Cardlock - Oct 31 112793 11/17/2011 SONES, ROSANNE Nov 8/11 112794 11/17/2011 TEDDER, CAMI 112795 11/18/2011 112796 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 3,000.00 3,000.00 9,913.55 9,913.55 65,070.64 65,070.64 3,219.31 2,068.17 5,287.48 Flowers for Appreciation Dinner 280.00 280.00 451071 Refund Birthday Party Extra Fee 72.80 72.80 BOULIER, RICHARD J. Nov 18/11 Election Official 498.75 498.75 11/18/2011 HALLDORSON, JON P. Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112797 11/18/2011 SMITH, KATHLEEN L. Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112798 11/18/2011 KUSCH, DIANNE L. Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112799 11/18/2011 VICKERSON, RON Nov 18/11 Special Presiding Election Official 551.25 551.25 112800 11/18/2011 FANZONE, TINA Nov 18/11 Election Official 490.00 490.00 112801 11/18/2011 PAWLUK, CHARLENE Nov 18/11 Deputy Chief Election Officer 1,200.00 1,200.00 112802 11/18/2011 ARTHURS, ROBIN Nov 18/11 Chief Election Officer 1,800.00 1,800.00 112803 11/18/2011 MURRAY, TERRY Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112804 11/18/2011 BELL, BARB Nov 18/11 Assistant Presiding Election Official 250.00 250.00 112805 11/18/2011 BOULIER, JOY Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112806 11/18/2011 BLACKWELL, RIUN Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112807 11/18/2011 BLACK, LLOYD Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112808 11/18/2011 BLACK, LORRAINE Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112809 11/18/2011 CAREY, MARY Nov 18/11 Assistant Presiding Election Official 250.00 250.00 112810 11/18/2011 COLLIER, MARCIA Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 Page 258 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 112811 11/18/2011 CAMPBELL, MORGAN Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112812 11/18/2011 CROWSTON, JUDY Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112813 11/18/2011 DZINY, CATHERINE Nov 18/11 Election Official 770.00 770.00 112814 11/18/2011 EMERICK, PETER Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112815 11/18/2011 ELSON, CRYSTAL Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112816 11/18/2011 ECKERSLEY, STEPHANIE Nov 18/11 Election Official 105.00 105.00 112817 11/18/2011 GILROY, SHARON Nov 18/11 Election Official 350.00 350.00 112818 11/18/2011 GILL, NAVDEEP Nov 18/11 Election Official 315.00 315.00 112819 11/18/2011 HARRISON, JODIE Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112820 11/18/2011 HENDRICKSON, VILMA Nov 18/11 Election Official 770.00 770.00 112821 11/18/2011 KOENIG, SANDRA Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112822 11/18/2011 MARTIN, FRAN Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112823 11/18/2011 MCINTOSH, KELLIE Nov 18/11 Machine Election Official 210.00 210.00 112824 11/18/2011 MOORE, BARBARA Nov 18/11 Election Official 437.50 437.50 112825 11/18/2011 MULLER, KIM Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112826 11/18/2011 MORRIS, MAXINE Nov 18/11 Election Official 393.75 393.75 112827 11/18/2011 MARTINELLO, JODIE Nov 18/11 Election Official 385.00 385.00 112828 11/18/2011 O'CONNELL, KATE Nov 18/11 Election Official 376.25 376.25 112829 11/18/2011 POLLOCK, MCKENZIE Nov 18/11 Election Official 630.00 630.00 112830 11/18/2011 RAMAGE, ORA Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112831 11/18/2011 ROBERTS, PHILIPPA Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112832 11/18/2011 SCHULTHEISS, ALANA Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 Page 259 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 112833 11/18/2011 SMITH, LOLETTA Nov 18/11 Machine Election Official 210.00 210.00 112834 11/18/2011 SMITH, KELLY Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112835 11/18/2011 SMITH, STACEY Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112836 11/18/2011 SCHULTHEISS, ERIKA Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112837 11/18/2011 SERHA, JASMINE Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112838 11/18/2011 STOCK, SILKE Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112839 11/18/2011 TOP HAT/ROZ MAR LTD. Nov 18/11 Pizza for Nov 19 General Election 300.00 300.00 112840 11/18/2011 TIWANA, RAMAN Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112841 11/18/2011 WILLIAMS, LINDA Nov 18/11 Election Official 210.00 210.00 112842 11/18/2011 JENSEN, AMANDA Nov 17/11 Advance on P/P 24 (T/C P/P 23) 525.00 525.00 112843 11/22/2011 TAYLOR, CLAUDIA Nov 22/11 Advance P/P 23 (T/C Missing) 275.00 275.00 112844 11/22/2011 CHADWICK, E. WAYNE Nov 22/11 Payroll Correction 800.00 800.00 112845 11/22/2011 DAWSON, ANDY Nov 22/11 Payroll Correction 600.00 600.00 112846 11/23/2011 INOUYE, RUSSELL J. Nov 8 - 1 Nov 8 - 2 Nov 8 - 3 Refreshments - Boat Fire Refreshments - Corridor Chief Mtg Executive Office Chair 74.16 78.72 100.00 252.88 112847 11/23/2011 BAXTER, SHIRLEY Nov 10/11 WSI Recert Training 105.00 105.00 112848 11/23/2011 SCHULTHEISS, ALANA Nov 15/11 Risk Mgmt Forum Expenses 189.65 189.65 112849 11/23/2011 BARRY, LINDA Nov 7/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 112850 11/23/2011 ACKLANDS - GRAINGER INC. 4373 0556343 Arena Carpets 805.79 805.79 112851 11/23/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E824241 E824704 E827138 E829880 E832492 Weekly Analysis - Oct 12 Weekly Analysis - Oct 7 Weekly Analysis - Oct 19 Weekly Analysis - Oct 26 Weekly Analysis - Nov 2 150.64 84.00 84.00 84.00 150.64 553.28 Page 260 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112852 11/23/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN404886 LVAN404898 W/Y Laundry - Nov 14 S/C Laundry - Nov 14 112853 11/23/2011 ACTIVE NETWORK LTD. 2001874 112854 11/23/2011 ARCHIBALD CLARKE & DEFIEUX (SQUAMISH) 112855 11/23/2011 112856 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 40.04 41.83 81.87 Crystal Reports Training 896.00 896.00 253775 Sports-Can Insurance - Oct 120.00 120.00 ALFA LAVAL INC. 226427 228491R Biosolids Dewatering Controls Upgrade Centrifuge Major Service 8,064.00 11,400.27 19,464.27 11/23/2011 AVS ENTERPRISES INC. Nov 7/11 Refund Credit Balance - A/R Account 53.00 53.00 112857 11/23/2011 M&M MEAT SHOPS 94885 Sept 18 94500 Sept 8 Burgers for Reunion Barbeque Brackendale Fall Fair Burgers 148.63 323.91 472.54 112858 11/23/2011 ARNOLD, DAN Nov 15/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 112859 11/23/2011 A2Z ARENA PRODUCTS LTD. 732 Parts & Labour 2,100.00 2,100.00 112860 11/23/2011 ALPINE LINE PAINTING 556940 2011 Line Painting Contract 51,762.07 51,762.07 112861 11/23/2011 CHARTIS INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Nov 2011 AD&D Benefits - November 462.75 462.75 112862 11/23/2011 ABELL, ALISON Nov 13/11 Reimburse Purchase of Supplies 34.57 34.57 112863 11/23/2011 ALL-AMERICAN ASSOCIATES, INC. 3050 Black Plastic Heavy Duty Display 770.00 770.00 112864 11/23/2011 AGATHA CHUNG NOTARY PUBLIC Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment A/R Account 53.00 53.00 112865 11/23/2011 ATMORE & COMPANY LAW CORPORATION Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment on A/R Account 53.00 53.00 112866 11/23/2011 ADAMS, MICHAEL 423598 Program Refund 10.00 10.00 112867 11/23/2011 SCOTIABANK Nov 7/11 Prop Tax O/P - Swarn R5000000611000 770.00 770.00 112868 11/23/2011 BRABER EQUIPMENT LTD. 681922 Blade Inventory 2,475.60 2,475.60 112869 11/23/2011 BRITISH COLUMBIA WATER & WASTE ASSOC. 32018 Nov 1/11 2011/12 Membership/SCADA Seminar 1,004.80 1,004.80 112870 11/23/2011 BRANDT TRACTOR LTD. 2440571 Replace Defective Water Pump 2,091.75 2,091.75 112871 11/23/2011 BISHOP, CHRIS Nov 21/11 Reimburse 32 GB USB Drive 89.59 89.59 Page 261 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 112872 11/23/2011 Vendor Name BETHEL LANDS CORP 112873 11/23/2011 112874 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 7,159.12 7,159.12 Nov 7/11 Release 10% Holdback - DP 275 BCF CONTRACTING 363376 363374 Repair Loader Bucket Fabricate/Install Hand Rails, Grating 95.20 4,643.43 4,738.63 11/23/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 23/11 Union Dues - P/P 23 3,935.70 3,935.70 112875 11/23/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 15891 15963 Jul/11 Road Base Road Base 559.48 1,324.44 1,883.92 112876 11/23/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 8012 8038 8039 Emergency W/M Repair - Thunderbird Bicycle Baffles,Posts-Corridor Trail Water Service Repair - Buckley 5,477.36 17,404.80 654.08 23,536.24 112877 11/23/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J002378 J002379 J002343 J002346 Repair Lights at Civic Centre Hook Up Dryer Duct Booster Fan Tune Radio Antenna Plateau Reservoir Smoke Bluff Radio/Antenna Service 510.20 322.72 193.20 218.40 1,244.52 112878 11/23/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004K-102077 5004D-102072 5004Q-102399 5004O-102079 5004P-102080 5004N-102078 5004TT-102082 5004T-102081 5004C-102071 5004H-102075 5004C-97704 5004P-101460 R/C Gbge, Cdbd, Paper - Nov/Oct CF/Concession Garbage - Nov W/Y Gbge, Cdbd - Nov V/C F/H Garbage - Nov G/H F/H Garbage, Cdbd - Nov Nexen Beach Portable Toilet - Nov SB Lower Park Lot Port Toilet - Nov Upper SB Port Toilet - Nov WWTP Garbage, Biolids - Nov/Oct Library Garbage, Paper - Nov/Oct WWTP Gbge,Recycle,Biosolids-Aug/Jul Water Truck Emergency - TBird Ridge 879.33 352.78 429.31 58.33 141.83 145.60 145.60 145.60 28,318.93 139.22 22,642.30 1,184.40 54,583.23 112879 11/23/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004X-102400 5004V-102083 5004Z-102703 S/C Compost, Recycling - Nov/Oct AW Field Portable Toilet - Nov Pavillion Bearbin Fee - Nov 105.28 145.60 29.12 280.00 112880 11/23/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 4358 4357 Messaging Service - Nov/Oct Messaging Service - HSMRS - Nov 142.24 168.00 310.24 112881 11/23/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 28814241 28753286 28821083 28832247 28664267 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 31.56 84.35 457.37 194.28 57.64 1,952.78 Page 262 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 28802507 28809264 28677023 28813562 28836799 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 474.59 136.12 169.94 67.98 278.95 112882 11/23/2011 CLEARTECH INDUSTRIES INC. 471644 SJC 475876 SJC 96981 MAW 98929 MAW Sodiuim Hypochlorite Sodium Hypochlorite Container Return Credit Container Return Credit 112883 11/23/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 11114 14145 14139 14143 16101 14147 20064 P/W Laundry - May 2 W/W Laundry - June 24 W/W Laundry - June 16 P/W Laundry - June 16 W/W Laundry - July 18 P/W Laundry - June 28 P/W Laundry - Sept 21 19.88 13.44 13.44 24.08 13.44 14.00 14.00 112.28 112884 11/23/2011 COLLIER, MARCIA Nov 8/11 Conference/Course Travel Expense 15.75 15.75 112885 11/23/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016048425 Field Marking Paint 444.79 444.79 112886 11/23/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 15044 Garden Centre Dev Sign 280.00 280.00 112887 11/23/2011 CANADIAN NATIONAL 90511541 Amble Path Signal Mtce - Nov 667.23 667.23 112888 11/23/2011 CARL GOLDSTRAW 1056 Painting Washroom - SAC Bldg 1,064.00 1,064.00 112889 11/23/2011 CORE TELECOM INNOVATIONS INC. N11-305-320 DID, IVR Service 46.31 46.31 112890 11/23/2011 COTE, JOSEE & CANTIN, GILBERT Nov 7/11 Property Tax Refund R5000000682002 770.00 770.00 112891 11/23/2011 DEL EQUIPMENT 504666 504686 Moldboard Shoes Level Sensors 765.11 209.53 974.64 112892 11/23/2011 DIAMONDHEAD DOOR CO. LTD., 277917 Shop Door Repair 172.48 172.48 112893 11/23/2011 DJ SPENCE TREE SERVICE 542 Danger Trees - Dryden Trail 1,148.00 1,148.00 112894 11/23/2011 DAN MCRAE Nov 7/11 Travel Exp - Whistler Presentation 83.20 83.20 112895 11/23/2011 DAMS FORD LINCOLN SALES LTD. 51030198 51023938 Fuel Pump Cab Air Filters 302.94 208.10 285.25 Page 263 of 299 1,316.22 1,316.22 (1,916.88) (326.20) 389.36 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 51022509 Credit - Warrant re: 51017852 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void (225.79) 112896 11/23/2011 DRIVER, COURTNEY Nov 16/11 Hoop Dance - Sept 20 to Nov 8 116.80 116.80 112897 11/23/2011 DR. RUA READ 363104/5/6 Prisoner Medical Fees 541.95 541.95 112898 11/23/2011 DESCHUTTER & ASSOCIATES DOS1018 DOS1017 Extra Operating Hours - Landfill Landfill Attendant - Nov 1,523.20 11,648.00 13,171.20 112899 11/23/2011 DAVID N. YOUNG NOTARY CORPORATION Nov 2/11 Refund O/P on AR Account 26.25 26.25 112900 11/23/2011 EECOL ELECTRIC CORP LN 0477276 Electronic Utility Locator 6,628.16 6,628.16 112901 11/23/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-102665 4501-101548 Woodwaste Removed from Landfill-Oct Landfill Services - Oct 1,549.27 24,430.85 25,980.12 112902 11/23/2011 EMCO 93011-99 Service Charge - 108022-00 24.88 24.88 112903 11/23/2011 EXTRA FOODS Nov 7/11 Refund Credit Balance - AR Account 106.00 106.00 112904 11/23/2011 E-COMM, EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS 11-0630 Dispatch/Fire Levy to Dec 31/11 10,470.00 10,470.00 112905 11/23/2011 EBB ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS INC. 201182 201139 Nuisance Animal Management to Oct 27 Nuisance Animal Management to Jun 20 3,748.36 13,751.92 17,500.28 112906 11/23/2011 ECKERSLEY, STEPHANIE Nov 21/11 Election Official 35.00 35.00 112907 11/23/2011 EMBERTON & COMPANY Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 51.44 51.44 112908 11/23/2011 EUGENE MACCHI BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 157.50 157.50 112909 11/23/2011 FRASER VALLEY REFRIGERATION LTD., 70636 Replace Brine Chiller & Condenser 203,481.60 203,481.60 112910 11/23/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 222350 222457 Supplies Supplies 42.84 5.29 48.13 112911 11/23/2011 GARIBALDI NURSERIES 266803 Thermometers for Green Houses 40.22 40.22 112912 11/23/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. Nov 2011 Oct 2011 551388 800181 551419 551371 2009 Pontiac Wave Lease - Nov 2009 Pontiac Wave Lease - Oct Speaker Replaced Sensor Spark Plug Leads ATF Fluid 436.61 436.61 43.05 185.19 125.50 20.83 1,247.79 Page 264 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 112913 11/23/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 2259348 2223561 Freight Freight 112914 11/23/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5728 5715 Supply/Install Storage Tank Replace Gas Piping 112915 11/23/2011 GILROY, BRANDON Nov 21/11 112916 11/23/2011 FMEP 112917 11/23/2011 112918 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 288.27 141.29 429.56 2,647.50 2,503.78 5,151.28 Election Official 140.00 140.00 P/P 23/11 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 23 301.50 301.50 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 140818 140834 140759 140856 140863 Composting Bins Supplies Supplies Batteries Christmas Lights 44.76 184.34 63.08 67.13 16.78 376.09 11/23/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 24260 23798 24436 Repair of Line Painter Line, Base Cart Lever 471.77 164.08 31.81 667.66 112919 11/23/2011 HOWE SOUND MARINE RESCUE SOCIETY Nov 7/11 2011 Brackendale Fall Fair Proceeds 482.99 482.99 112920 11/23/2011 HERITAGE LAW Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 26.50 26.50 112921 11/23/2011 ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES B001249 Clarke Dr PRV Station Replacement 4,139.80 4,139.80 112922 11/23/2011 ITT W & WW 112923 11/23/2011 HARVEY, JOHN Nov 7/11 Smofe Bluffs Materials/Honorarium 838.34 838.34 112924 11/23/2011 DR. JIM JAMIESON 362961 Prisoner Medical Fees 110.00 110.00 112925 11/23/2011 JAGDISH SINGH NOTARY PUBLIC Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 247.00 247.00 112926 11/23/2011 JOHAL, RAJDEEP Nov 3/11 Refund Unused Commuter Tickets 64.80 64.80 112927 11/23/2011 KAL TIRE 064074319 064074205 064074571 064074561 064074626 064075047 064075122 Tire Change Overs Tires Tire Change Overs Tire Rotations Replace Four Tires Tire Changeovers Tires, Tire Changeover 106.39 357.15 106.39 280.00 170.02 80.64 1,088.68 2,189.27 194.88 yes Page 265 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 112928 11/23/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01741605 Pro 950 Copy Charges to Oct 27 28.00 28.00 112929 11/23/2011 KRISZTINA RICHTERNE KALLAI Nov 17/11 Seniors Keep Well - Nov 7 to 17 418.75 418.75 112930 11/23/2011 KATE MANVELL NOTARY PUBLIC Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 26.25 26.25 112931 11/23/2011 KENNETH R. SHERK NOTARY PUBLIC Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 94.00 94.00 112932 11/23/2011 KIM M. VICKERS NOTARY PUBLIC Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 106.25 106.25 112933 11/23/2011 YOUNG, ANDERSON 62585 Professional Services 49.67 49.67 112934 11/23/2011 LONDON DRUGS 8406435 Computer Speakers for Laptop 108.98 108.98 112935 11/23/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 452487 812325 453006 813451 Tranny Pan Gasket Oil Wheel Seals Batteries 23.21 22.47 30.69 369.73 446.10 112936 11/23/2011 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 9300287853 Bolt Bin Restock 924.09 924.09 112937 11/23/2011 LIDSTONE & COMPANY 2458 2460 2459 2461 2457 2456 2455 Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services 6,534.81 1,412.04 3,881.64 250.66 1,330.67 771.46 2,947.48 17,128.76 112938 11/23/2011 LAVERDIERE, MONICA Nov 16/11 Gymnastics Instruction - Nov 3, 10 80.00 80.00 112939 11/23/2011 LONSDALE AVENUE LAW CENTRE Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 201.23 201.23 112940 11/23/2011 LINDSAY KENNEY LLP Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 970.20 970.20 112941 11/23/2011 LESLIE, NATHAN Nov 16/11 Hockey Clinics - Oct 14 to Nov 4 525.02 525.02 112942 11/23/2011 MORFCO SUPPLIES LTD. 608204 Snow Removal Stock Order 85.68 85.68 112943 11/23/2011 MORRIS, AMANDA Nov 1 Gymnastics - Nov 1 to 10 470.00 470.00 112944 11/23/2011 METRO TESTING LABORATORIES W3389 W3390 Asphalt Testing & Inspection Asphalt Testing & Inspection 1,156.40 1,064.00 4,480.00 Page 266 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description W3387 W3391 Asphalt Testing & Inspection Asphalt Testing & Inspection 112945 11/23/2011 MOORHEAD, BRIAN Nov 7/11 Smoke Bluffs Materials 112946 11/23/2011 MARINE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE J016183 112947 11/23/2011 MICKELSON CONSULTING INC. 112948 11/23/2011 112949 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,209.60 1,050.00 62.66 62.66 BP Concession Roof Replacement 4,344.93 4,344.93 2011-12-010 Consulting Services - Oct 1,315.72 1,315.72 MCDOWELL, CHAD Nov 2 Gymnastics - Nov 2 to 13 648.00 648.00 11/23/2011 MARGARET RANKIN NOTARY PUBLIC Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 53.00 53.00 112950 11/23/2011 NEOPOST CANADA LTD. Nov 16/11 Postage - DPOC A/C 250326 5,600.00 5,600.00 112951 11/23/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 95219 Nov 8 95214 Oct 21 95217 Oct 25 Supplies Supplies Marrow Bones 287.80 340.23 81.00 709.03 112952 11/23/2011 PETTY CASH (FIRE DEPT.) Nov 14/11 Petty Cash to Nov 14 65.57 65.57 112953 11/23/2011 PETTY CASH (ADMIN SERVICES) Nov 21/11 Petty Cash to Nov 21 234.52 234.52 112954 11/23/2011 PACIFIC ALLIANCE TECHNOLOGIES A4546 Contract Renewal - AutoCAD 2,213.12 2,213.12 112955 11/23/2011 PIPELINE MECHANICAL 4489 4857 New Condenser Fan Motor & Capacitor Greenhouse Furnace Inspection 1,546.27 150.64 1,696.91 112956 11/23/2011 PORRITT & COMPANY Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 26.25 26.25 112957 11/23/2011 PETER MINTEN PLC Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 26.75 26.75 112958 11/23/2011 POWELL RESEARCH (1995) LTD. Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 82.25 82.25 112959 11/23/2011 QUIZNO'S CLASSIC SUBS Nov 8/11 Course Refreshments 161.01 161.01 112960 11/23/2011 QUANTUM EMERGENCY RESPONSE - BC ER11283-01 Emergency Response Services 1,326.08 1,326.08 112961 11/23/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 23/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 23 79,008.44 79,008.44 112962 11/23/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA 1800002726 LAN Support - July 11 to Sept 30 7,403.65 7,403.65 112963 11/23/2011 ROLLINS MACHINERY LTD. IN41165 Parts for Chain Guide 123.00 123.00 Page 267 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 112964 11/23/2011 Vendor Name TELIPHONE CORP. 52191 RI 2 FX Lines - Dec 112965 11/23/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL - CCRA Nov 17/11 Re: Rental Network 886080613RP0001 112966 11/23/2011 RICHMOND ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 277426 RCMP Bldg Mtce - Nov 112967 11/23/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1361265 1361461 1361446 1359659 Supplies Lumber for Side Boards on Dump Box Boards Supplies 112968 11/23/2011 ROYAL PRINTERS LTD. 468907 2011 Election Ballots 112969 11/23/2011 REIS, SHAWN C. Nov 8/11 112970 11/23/2011 ROGERS WIRELESS 112971 11/23/2011 112972 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 973.72 973.72 2,890.27 2,890.27 182.02 182.02 26.70 25.76 23.07 81.85 157.38 1,412.32 1,412.32 Juice Boxes - Sq Elem Fire Prev 15.02 15.02 63544725A1 SEP Phones - Oct 5 Billing 79.47 79.47 ROB FITZGERALD Oct 18-20/11 32136 Oct 11/11 32136 Oct 18/11 32134 Oct 7 Marine Strategy Consulting Marine Strategy Consulting Marine Strategy Consulting Marine Strategy Consulting 1,960.00 1,970.80 2,058.28 2,100.00 8,089.08 11/23/2011 REG K. CHOW NOTARY PUBLIC Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 12.07 12.07 112973 11/23/2011 ROBERTSON DOWNE & MULLALLY LAWYERS Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 55.66 55.66 112974 11/23/2011 BRAIDWOOD & COMPANY 6917 Professional Services - DP 310 235.58 235.58 112975 11/23/2011 SQUAMISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 21122347 November Chamber Lunch - R. Kirkham 25.00 25.00 112976 11/23/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 23/11 Union Dues - P/P 23 222.98 222.98 112977 11/23/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 325592788 325583781 Freight Freight 476.16 426.80 902.96 112978 11/23/2011 SQUAMISH HEATING & SHEET METAL WORKS LTD 9792 9853 Supply/Install Dryer Booster Fan Heater Module Changed 1,042.72 482.72 1,525.44 112979 11/23/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT Nov 17 Provincial GIL - Darrell Bay 119.19 119.19 112980 11/23/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT Nov 17/11 Provincial GIL 295.40 295.40 112981 11/23/2011 SQUAMISH S.P.C.A. Nov 3/11 SPCA Animal Core Agreement 2011 13,953.60 13,953.60 Page 268 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 112982 11/23/2011 Vendor Name SMITH-CAMERON PUMP SOLUTIONS 115352 New Hypo Pump for PH Springs 112983 11/23/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00019994 October 12th Edition 112984 11/23/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 95216 Oct 24 95218 Nov 7 94168 Nov 17 Supplies Supplies Supplies 112985 11/23/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY Nov 2011 112986 11/23/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY 112987 11/23/2011 112988 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 4,032.00 4,032.00 1,976.03 1,976.03 115.36 27.22 7.77 150.35 Youth Services Contract - Nov 21,026.67 21,026.67 Oct 2011 Youth Services Contract - Oct 21,026.67 21,026.67 SQUAMISH SECURITY 346839 348643 348040 348640 348642 Plateau Reservoir Pump Stn to Dec Library Monitoring to Jan 31 M/H - Replaced Batteries Keyscan CP Station Monitoring to Jan 31/12 BP LC Out Bldg to Jan 31/12 84.00 84.00 341.60 100.80 84.00 694.40 11/23/2011 SPEEDY AUTO & WINDOW GLASS 8331-217701 New Glass Doors out to Courtyard 3,599.44 3,599.44 112989 11/23/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 58654 58646 120696 Spark Plug Alternator Repair Engine Driveability Issue 4.12 213.92 796.23 1,014.27 112990 11/23/2011 SHAW CABLE 8708 Oct 12/11 S/C Digital TV/HD Plus to Nov 3 141.06 141.06 112991 11/23/2011 SQUAMISH GENERAL HOSPITAL 9851914128 Prisoner Medical Fees 260.00 260.00 112992 11/23/2011 STARBUCKS Nov 7/11 Refund Credit Balance - AR Account 75.00 75.00 112993 11/23/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 247732 247609 247608 248029 248034 248037 248036 Washroom Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 758.45 1,447.79 1,300.68 84.46 74.47 206.12 127.02 3,998.99 112994 11/23/2011 SQUAMISH YACHT CLUB Nov 14/11 Nov 17/11 Two 420 Advance Sail Training Boats Inflatable Coach Boat 19,252.80 3,939.20 23,192.00 112995 11/23/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 6368 6342 Hot Chocolate W/Y Coffee 28.00 137.28 165.28 Page 269 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 112996 11/23/2011 Vendor Name SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 5390 BP Service Bldg & Cemetery Bldg-Oct 112997 11/23/2011 SQUAMISH SWIFT CREEK DEVELOPMENT LTD. Nov 7/11 Release 10% Holdback - DP 297 112998 11/23/2011 SEA TO SKY MAINTENANCE SERVICES DOS11411 Gutter Cleaning 112999 11/23/2011 SQUAMISH HILLTOP OVER 50 HOCKEY Nov 7/11 113000 11/23/2011 SIEBENGA & KING LAW OFFICE Nov 2/11 113001 11/23/2011 STEEL BLUE PRODUCTIONS INC. 113002 11/23/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 888850 890393 890272 889829 888386 889060 888086 888015 888949 889245 889329 881385 Brake Parts Supplies Supplies Supplies PSI Gauges PSI Gauges Transmission Filter Coupler Repair Kit Exhaust Parts Head Lights Spring Kits Monthly Demurrage - Sept 113003 11/23/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 890705 890472 Supplies Batteries 113004 11/23/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE Nov 16/11 Gymnastics Instructor Oct 27 - Nov 9 113005 11/23/2011 TOOM, MEG 3 Oct 10/11 113006 11/23/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 113007 11/23/2011 113008 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 99.68 99.68 1,973.34 1,973.34 331.02 331.02 Refund Credit Balance - AR Account 7.00 7.00 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 27.29 27.29 336.00 yes 24.58 16.00 186.93 41.61 26.53 53.07 19.25 26.39 43.16 36.47 13.64 8.00 495.63 11.58 10.66 22.24 480.00 480.00 Bear Aware & Cougar Aware Contract 1,521.18 1,521.18 79150327 Cleveland Ave Lease Rent - Dec 1,232.00 1,232.00 TD CANADA TRUST Nov 4/11 Prop Tax Ref G. McNutt 5000502693001 275.00 275.00 11/23/2011 TOM GREEN Nov 14 Nov 7/11 Travel Expense - Nov 7 to 10 Travel Expense - Oct 31 to Nov 4 43.68 73.84 117.52 113009 11/23/2011 UNION OF B.C. MUNICIPALITIES C11-3501 Forum Lunch - UBCM Conv - B. Raiser 100.80 100.80 113010 11/23/2011 UNION OF B.C. MUNICIPALITIES ED-1010 Electronic Voting Devise 50.00 50.00 113011 11/23/2011 UNION OF B.C. MUNICIPALITIES Nov 16/11 Vehicle Lic Remittance July-Oct/11 261.25 261.25 Page 270 of 299 Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 113012 11/23/2011 UNITED WAY Nov 8/11 Employee Donations - P/P 21 & 22 113013 11/23/2011 UNITED FURNITURE WAREHOUSE Nov 7/11 113014 11/23/2011 VANCE C. HOY 113015 11/23/2011 113016 Cheque # Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 203.38 203.38 Refund Credit Balance - AR Account 75.00 75.00 Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 26.25 26.25 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 54115 Fire Extinguisher Recharge 48.16 48.16 11/23/2011 WESTERN SAFETY PRODUCTS LTD. IN-153321 145491-1 IN-154664 Rain Gear, Pressure Dressing Back Order - Rain Gear Hand Sanitizer 113.79 142.69 62.09 318.57 113017 11/23/2011 WHISTLER EXCAVATIONS LTD. 11171 Landfill Leachate S/S Prog #2 78,424.42 78,424.42 113018 11/23/2011 YETMANS LAW CORPORATION Nov 2/11 Refund Overpayment - AR Account 274.00 274.00 113019 11/23/2011 ZANDER, ROD 303726 303725 Washing Exterior Windows - Library Washing Exterior Windows - M/H 195.00 130.00 325.00 113020 12/2/2011 BELL MOBILITY Nov 17/11 Blackberry Service to Nov 17 4,584.13 4,584.13 113021 12/2/2011 BELL, STACY Nov 10/11 SCADA Seminar Per Diem - Nov 29/30 50.00 50.00 113022 12/2/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 Volunteer Incidents/Training - Aug Volunteer Incidents/Training - Sept Volunteer Incidents/Training - Oct 3,536.28 5,009.73 4,288.68 12,834.69 113023 12/2/2011 FIRE COMPANY NO. 2 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 Volunteer Incidents/Training - Aug Volunteer Incidents/Training - Sept Volunteer Incidents/Training - Oct 8,119.65 6,991.05 8,464.50 23,575.20 113024 12/2/2011 GEORGE SCHRAM Dec 1/11 Holiday Party DJ Service 695.00 695.00 113025 12/2/2011 HUME, ADRIANA Nov 24/11 Employee Service Recognition Gifts 324.81 324.81 113026 12/2/2011 KRANENBURG, TREVOR Nov 22/11 Live Fire Training - Gibsons Nov 19 500.00 500.00 113027 12/2/2011 MURGATROYD, GAVIN Nov 10/11 SCADA Seminar Per Diem - Nov 29/30 50.00 50.00 113028 12/2/2011 MUSSEAU, ERIK Dec 1/11 Bagpiping Service - Inaugural Meeting 300.00 300.00 113029 12/2/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 390231084 Freight 27.93 27.93 Page 271 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 113030 12/2/2011 Vendor Name TOM GREEN Nov 10/11 SCADA Seminar Per Diem - Nov 29/30 113031 12/6/2011 HOWE SOUND INN & BREWING COMPANY Dec 6/11 DOS Holiday Party 113032 12/7/2011 GUGINS, JANET M. 453177 Program Refund 113033 12/7/2011 42059 BC LTD 91/11 Dec 1/11 Refund Damage Deposit BP 91/11 113034 12/7/2011 ALL KEYS & LOCKS 10549 3750C 113035 12/7/2011 ALTA LAKE ELECTRIC LTD. 113036 12/7/2011 113037 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 50.00 50.00 1,643.40 1,643.40 89.60 89.60 2,500.00 2,500.00 Master Keys, Door Keys Padlocks 32.87 515.76 548.63 1768 1764 F/H #1 - Replace Ballasts Library Services 123.98 119.34 243.32 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 23038 23144 22056 24010 24209 24101 Cell Block Laundry - Oct 18 Cell Block Laundry - Oct 26 Cell Block Laundry - Oct 4 Cell Block Laundry - Nov 1 Cell Block Laundry - Nov 15 Cell Block Laundry - Nov 9 21.67 19.88 14.21 20.74 32.37 27.55 136.42 12/7/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN408542 LVAN404882 S/C Laundry - Nov 28 R/C Uniform Service - Nov 14 41.83 199.23 241.06 113038 12/7/2011 GENERATION 2 CONTROLS INC. 124372 Monitoring DDC Controls - Nov 449.12 449.12 113039 12/7/2011 ALFRED WAUGH ARCHITECT 11008-010F OSiem Pavilion - Oct 1,820.00 1,820.00 113040 12/7/2011 ALLSTAR MECHANICAL LTD. 11-2465-278 11-2457-261 11-2456-260 11-2456-259 Call Out - RTU Library Library 2nd Quarter Inspection M/H Air Cond/Heating M/H 3rd Quarter Inspection 380.80 465.36 1,063.61 592.20 2,501.97 113041 12/7/2011 AQUIFORM DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 449922 Flowmeters 403.65 403.65 113042 12/7/2011 ANDERSEN, ERIC Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Deposit 100.00 100.00 113043 12/7/2011 AUDET, PHIL Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Deposit 100.00 100.00 113044 12/7/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 9205 Nov 14/11 5268 Nov 14/11 5218 Nov 14/11 4753 0 Nov 1/11 S/C Telephone Charges to Nov 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Nov 14 S/C Telephone Charges to Nov 14 E-Comm Emergency Phones to Nov 1 85.87 85.87 86.88 1,408.88 1,667.50 Page 272 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 113045 12/7/2011 Vendor Name BC TRANSIT 113046 12/7/2011 113047 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 7,968.00 73,519.00 65,551.00 1011765 1011865 Custom/Para Transit Service - Oct Conv Transit Services - Oct TELUS MOBILITY 020053013130 Cell Phone Charges to Nov 17 111.78 111.78 12/7/2011 BEST APPLIANCE REPAIR 16868 M/H Fridge Water Filters 111.89 111.89 113048 12/7/2011 BUNBURY & ASSOCIATES 5199 Clarke Drive PVR Station 1,792.00 1,792.00 113049 12/7/2011 BRINKS CANADA LTD. 0649020785 Armoured Car Service - Sept 988.68 988.68 113050 12/7/2011 BARONE, STEVE Nov 22/11 Live Fire Training-Gibsons Nov 19/20 600.00 600.00 113051 12/7/2011 ACCESS POINT INFORMATION CANADA LTD. 757556 Nov 24 Corporate Registry Deposit 500.00 500.00 113052 12/7/2011 BIRING, BALVINDER S. Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Permit 100.00 100.00 113053 12/7/2011 BEAUBIEN, ANDREA Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Deposit 100.00 100.00 113054 12/7/2011 BISHOP, CHRIS Nov 22/11 Parking Expense - Nov 22 18.00 18.00 113055 12/7/2011 BIR, ADAM Nov 24/11 Work Bood Allowance 150.00 150.00 113056 12/7/2011 BCF CONTRACTING 363378 Grating/Drain Services 140.00 140.00 113057 12/7/2011 BC ONE CALL LIMITED 201103394 Services - July to Sept 282.24 282.24 113058 12/7/2011 BOWRA GROUP INC Nov 29/11 Release Landscaping Bond - DP 234 31,500.00 31,500.00 113059 12/7/2011 BAKER, MELANIE 86/11 Dec 1/11 Refund Damage Deposit BP 86/11 1,000.00 1,000.00 113060 12/7/2011 BLACK TUSK FIRE & SECURITY INC 6649 7062 7639 7792 7775 S/C Kitchen Inspection SC Labour & Supplies Parks Guard Patrols - Halloween W/Y Emergency Lights/Extinguisher R/C Sway Brace 357.84 703.36 1,300.15 299.04 392.00 3,052.39 113061 12/7/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 24/11 Union Dues - P/P 24 4,118.91 4,118.91 113062 12/7/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 16999 17818 Oct 26/11 17738 17744 16970 Sept 8/11 Winter Sand Road Base Road Base Road Base Winter Sand 265.80 202.79 1,457.23 320.78 1,916.15 6,275.14 Page 273 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 16998 17745 17743 Winter Sand Road Base Road Base 113063 12/7/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 8040 8021 Bicycle Baffles - Extras Loggers Lane Deficiencies Prog #3 113064 12/7/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J002377 J002380 J002342 J002340 J002423 J002283 M/H Repair Outside Lights Street Lights Street Lights Street Lights Landfill Outside Lighting Lamp Pole 113065 12/7/2011 MAXXAM ANALYTICS VA570201 Drinking Water Samples 113066 12/7/2011 CARLETON RESCUE EQUIPMENT 55077 113067 12/7/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 113068 12/7/2011 113069 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 141.76 1,643.95 326.68 1,017.79 26,962.59 27,980.38 159.01 2,281.62 1,518.18 357.90 123.20 72.80 4,512.71 546.56 546.56 Simulaids Water Randy 1,153.42 1,153.42 4377 Messaging Service 1,568.28 1,568.28 CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS 224675 CICA Handbook - Public Sector Acctg 91.35 91.35 12/7/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 28953960 28791617 28849533 28694448 28815258 28963268 28963816 28899312 Supplies Copy Paper Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 59.14 329.24 486.05 160.19 69.26 288.64 378.38 419.55 2,190.45 113070 12/7/2011 BASF CANADA INC. 131435937 Zetag 9,915.02 9,915.02 113071 12/7/2011 CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 9905152828 Landfill Water Service - Sept 11.97 11.97 113072 12/7/2011 CORIOLIS CONSULTING GROUP 11205 Gar Springs Amenity Analysis - Oct 5,460.00 5,460.00 113073 12/7/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 14148 21070 15254 14141 Roads - Laundry - June 28 Roads - Laundry - Oct 4 Roads Laundry - July 14 Roads - Laundry - June 16 25.22 13.16 13.16 13.16 64.70 113074 12/7/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 15127 PVC Sandwich Boards 332.64 332.64 Page 274 of 299 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Cheque # Pay Date 113075 12/7/2011 Vendor Name COLLEGE OF APPLIED BIOLOGY 2308 Nov 25 2012 Professional Dues - C. Ashekian 113076 12/7/2011 CARGOE, SHERRI 96/11 Nov 30/11 Refund Damage Deposit BP 96/11 113077 12/7/2011 COOKE, JEFF Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Deposit 113078 12/7/2011 CORE GROUP CIVIL CONSULTANTS LTD. 11-1947 Loggers Lane 113079 12/7/2011 CHITTLE, RYAN Nov 24/11 Medical Exam for Class 3 Lic 113080 12/7/2011 CARL GOLDSTRAW 1057 Painting at Firehall #2 113081 12/7/2011 CARLIN, JESSICA 402432 113082 12/7/2011 DAY-TIMERS OF CANADA LTD. 113083 12/7/2011 113084 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 325.00 325.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 100.00 2,352.00 2,352.00 75.00 75.00 728.00 728.00 Program Refund 13.44 13.44 41062078 Refills 66.49 66.49 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 109805 109806 Sodium Hypochlorite Chemicals 1,560.68 146.91 1,707.59 12/7/2011 DELL CANADA INC. 707010007450518 Toner Cartridges 705.60 705.60 113085 12/7/2011 DIAMONDHEAD DOOR CO. LTD., 277950 276527 277878 Shop Door Repair R/C Bay Doors - Annual Service Repair Bay Door 178.08 256.48 250.32 684.88 113086 12/7/2011 DOBRA DESIGN 2010411 Bike Racks - Smoke Bluffs 700.00 700.00 113087 12/7/2011 DAY, KRISTINE Nov 25/11 Per Diem/Travel Expense 123.30 123.30 113088 12/7/2011 DR. SHEILA SWOPE 368992 Medical Evaluation Form 37.50 37.50 113089 12/7/2011 DAVE MITCHELL AND ASSOCIATES LTD. 821 Executive Search for Fire Chief 5,600.00 5,600.00 113090 12/7/2011 EGLOBAL IT SOLUTIONS INC. 142412 Epson POS Printer 741.78 741.78 113091 12/7/2011 EVANS, HANNAH Nov 26/11 Property Tax Refund R6000011252017 770.00 770.00 113092 12/7/2011 FEDERAL EXPRESS 5-988-86785 Freight 14.17 14.17 113093 12/7/2011 FIRST ON SCENE 232 First Aid Course 987.03 987.03 113094 12/7/2011 FITNESS TOWN SERVICE 1360 Full P/M on Fitness Equipment 231.84 231.84 113095 12/7/2011 FIELDS, NINA Dec 2/11 Pilates Classes - Nov 8 - 29 168.00 168.00 Page 275 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 113096 12/7/2011 FrontierPC.com 211031057 Durable Banner Printer Paper 113097 12/7/2011 FRANKLIN, MEGAN Nov 16/11 Refund Spay - A/C 11274 113098 12/7/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 221828 221880 12007 12056 113099 12/7/2011 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 113100 12/7/2011 113101 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 328.14 328.14 25.00 25.00 Supplies Supplies Business Cards #10 Window Envelopes 26.01 66.52 39.20 648.48 780.21 2288339 Freight 111.54 111.54 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 3453096 Satellite Service to Oct 21 46.93 46.93 12/7/2011 GLENTEL WIRELESS CENTRE J01865 J01392 Pager Vertex Parts & Batteries Headsets, Plugs 867.10 1,243.20 2,110.30 113102 12/7/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2790 2768 2774 2780 Library Roof Hatch R/C Service Call - Locks S/C Office Back Door Re-Key Library 109.03 1,121.90 122.75 650.66 2,004.34 113103 12/7/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5749 New Dishwasher at Library 222.60 222.60 113104 12/7/2011 GOODBYE GRAFFITI BURNABY 39682 Ever-Clean Program - Nov 228.48 228.48 113105 12/7/2011 G-VAN CATERING AND CONSULTING INC. 0038 Lunch Vouchers for Volunteers 750.00 750.00 113106 12/7/2011 GREGG DISTRIBUTORS (BC) LTD 005-522566 005-524511 005-519186 Stock Stock Stock 15.36 15.36 270.68 301.40 113107 12/7/2011 GLENTEL INC. Nov 7/11 MSAT Phones to Nov 7 193.56 193.56 113108 12/7/2011 GYGAX ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES LTD. I1395 Squamish Bridge Inspection - Oct 2,195.20 2,195.20 113109 12/7/2011 GOODGROVE, JORDYN nOV 17/11 Travel Expense 83.20 83.20 113110 12/7/2011 GEORGE, TAMMY 454502 Program Refund 116.00 116.00 113111 12/7/2011 HANLEY AGENCIES LTD. 72968 72906 Parts Parts 147.73 2,822.62 2,970.35 113112 12/7/2011 HABITAT SYSTEMS INC. 12000 Playground Equipment - Pat Goode Park 27,157.83 27,157.83 Page 276 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 113113 12/7/2011 HARRIS & COMPANY Oct 2011 Professional Services to Oct 26 113114 12/7/2011 FMEP P/P 24/11 113115 12/7/2011 HANSEN, UFFE 113116 12/7/2011 113117 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 29,521.56 29,521.56 FMEP Case #92042 - P/P 24 301.50 301.50 Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Deposit 100.00 100.00 HURFORD, RENEE Nov 23/11 Bathing Suit Allowance 60.00 60.00 12/7/2011 HEINTZMAN, PATRICIA Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Deposit 100.00 100.00 113118 12/7/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 141041 140876 140879 140948 140830 140928 Flashlight Set Bakers Rack Supplies Lights, Snow Shovels Composters Supplies 31.33 39.19 14.09 80.40 128.63 48.98 342.62 113119 12/7/2011 HEALTH & HOME CARE SOCIETY OF BC HPSF11181-1 Flu Vaccinations 717.50 717.50 113120 12/7/2011 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 4072328 8072531 5072634 8072838 Lumber Blade Blades Supplies 35.21 14.55 145.49 35.16 230.41 113121 12/7/2011 HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT (2008) LTD. 24133 23515 24388 24405 24241 24354 Diamond Blades Stihl MS 261 Blower Repairs Chain Catcher Parts Oil, Fuel 246.29 683.14 191.44 25.20 348.32 106.40 1,600.79 113122 12/7/2011 HENNIGAR, KATHRYN Nov 25/11 Conference Expenses 436.14 436.14 113123 12/7/2011 HEATHER EVANS HEC 2011-10 Corridor Trail Project 1,094.80 1,094.80 113124 12/7/2011 HELFIRCH, BOBBI Nov 16/11 Refund Spay A/C 11430 12.50 12.50 113125 12/7/2011 ITT INDUSTRIES OF CANADA, L.P. 50133341 50130167 Pump Repair Impeller 7,606.54 194.88 7,801.42 113126 12/7/2011 INPROTECT SYSTEMS INC. 144615 144835 144826 Stop Signs Round Post Brackets Signs 1,582.76 763.37 2,767.97 5,114.10 Page 277 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 113127 12/7/2011 IRWIN AIR LTD 29939 Supplies 113128 12/7/2011 ICOMPASS TECHNOLOGIES INC. 12060 Renewal - CouncilVIEWS, etc. 113129 12/7/2011 INFORM ARTS Nov 2011 Minute Taking Service - Nov 113130 12/7/2011 ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES B001245 B001244 Mamquam Rd W/M Replacement to Oct 7 Subdivision B/L to Oct 7 113131 12/7/2011 JUSTICE INSTITUTE OF B.C. 01A-14671 20028686 113132 12/7/2011 HARVEY, JOHN 113133 12/7/2011 113134 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,297.50 1,297.50 10,596.25 10,596.25 224.00 224.00 3,071.38 8,587.28 11,658.66 Fire Officers Principles & Practices First Responder Courses 81.13 252.00 333.13 Dec 5/11 Smoke Bluffs Expenses 390.39 390.39 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 47933 47876 47970 47980 47984 48025 48026 48111 DCC Update - Oct Sanitary Conveyance Strategies-Sept P/H Springs Well Head Prot - Oct Dryden Creek Pump Stn Upgrades - Oct Leachate Sewer Design - Oct Dyke Upgrade-Eagle Viewing Area-Oct River Sediment Removal - Oct Development Servicing Reviews - Oct 5,155.42 18,922.58 1,253.91 3,353.80 785.68 85.86 2,182.32 618.24 32,357.81 12/7/2011 KAL TIRE 064074279 064074913 064074644 064075517 Retread Tire Inventory Tires Flip Tractor Tire on Rim Mount Two Tires 2,282.80 498.51 251.44 53.76 3,086.51 113135 12/7/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01731852 CONIN01741608 CONIN01727051 R/C C452 Copy Charges to Oct 25 P/D C452 Copy Charges to Oct 27 S/C C280 Copy Charges to Oct 24 571.13 284.68 191.51 1,047.32 113136 12/7/2011 KALLAI, KRISZTINA RICHTERNE Dec 1/11 Seniors Keep Well Nov 22-24 28-Dec 1 350.00 350.00 113137 12/7/2011 KENT, PETER Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Deposit 100.00 100.00 113138 12/7/2011 KRENZ, REBECCA 454505 Program Refund 87.00 87.00 113139 12/7/2011 LANG, JIM Nov 15/11 Nov 15 Expense Reimbursement Expense Reimbursement 762.01 56.91 818.92 113140 12/7/2011 LONDON DRUGS 8406444 0800025778 Prints Camera for Program Use 71.94 398.01 1,527.60 Page 278 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 0800025845 0800026137 Picture Frame Employee Computer Purchase 814137 814641 814852 453293 813574 813424 Brakes Shop Supplies Battery Sphag Sorb Seals Batteries Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 78.24 979.41 113141 12/7/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 247.78 7.93 202.71 1,075.20 28.21 271.02 1,832.85 113142 12/7/2011 LUCKY LOONIES 113143 12/7/2011 LAVERDIERE, MONICA Dec 2/11 Gymnastics - Nov 17 - 24 113144 12/7/2011 LOOMIS EXPRESS H25440 006 Freight 113145 12/7/2011 THE LIVING ROOM RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE 621 Volunteer Buffet Dinner & Reception 113146 12/7/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE, TAXATION BRANCH Dec 5/11 School Tax Remittance - Nov 113147 12/7/2011 MORFCO SUPPLIES LTD. 608278 113148 12/7/2011 MATEC 113149 12/7/2011 MURDY & MCALLISTER 113150 12/7/2011 MINISTER OF FINANCE 113151 12/7/2011 MCLENNAN, LARRY Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Deposit 100.00 100.00 113152 12/7/2011 MDO REAL ESTATE LTD. Nov 14/11 Consulting Services 840.00 840.00 113153 12/7/2011 MARSHALL, SUSAN 453155 Program Refund 25.00 25.00 113154 12/7/2011 MASTERCRAFT PROJECTS LTD. 21144 Parts 6,078.24 6,078.24 113155 12/7/2011 MCDOWELL, CHAD Dec 2/11 Gymnastics - Nov 16 - 25 441.00 441.00 113156 12/7/2011 MEILLEUR, JOHN May 3/11 Refund Business Licence Overpayment 50.00 50.00 113157 12/7/2011 MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT OF CANADA 157/09 Dec 1/11 Refund Damage Deposit BP 157/09 1,000.00 1,000.00 113158 12/7/2011 NINETY NINE TRANSPORT LTD. 8901 Lifted Influent Pumps 327.60 327.60 47.69 yes 128.00 128.00 26.04 26.04 4,777.74 4,777.74 15,423.04 15,423.04 Snow Removal Stock Order 5,180.34 5,180.34 X101439-J Inspection - Smeal Fire Truck 1,940.96 1,940.96 October 2011 Professional Services - Oct 17,779.02 17,779.02 280.00 yes Page 279 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 113159 12/7/2011 Vendor Name NFPA 113160 12/7/2011 113161 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 5356755X Membership Dues NESTERS MARKET 92887 Oct 17/11 92888 Nov 2/11 92889 Nov 9/11 92890 Nov 16 Cell Block Food Cell Block Food Cell Block Food Cell Block Food 12/7/2011 NAGRA, BALJIT 15/11 Dec 1/11 Ref Damage/Lot Grading Dep BP 15/11 113162 12/7/2011 NAIOP 221931 2012 Membership Dues - C. Chalmers 113163 12/7/2011 OK TIRE & AUTO SERVICE 6990 Wheel Alignment 113164 12/7/2011 O'BRIEN PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES 95220 Nov 21 Supplies 113165 12/7/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 6668 Skyline Dr Retaining Wall - Oct 113166 12/7/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 12418795 113167 12/7/2011 PRESSED METAL PRODUCTS LTD 113168 12/7/2011 113169 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 165.00 165.00 59.56 54.88 47.81 28.55 190.80 2,000.00 2,000.00 374.00 374.00 78.34 78.34 154.20 154.20 2,851.31 2,851.31 Carbon Dioxide 21.63 21.63 23309 Disc & Cut Out Collar 69.44 69.44 PRICE, RICK Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Deposit 100.00 100.00 12/7/2011 PPE LABS 1192 TOG Repairs 131.80 131.80 113170 12/7/2011 PIPELINE MECHANICAL 4943 S/C Stove Service 292.32 292.32 113171 12/7/2011 PRIOR, TED Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Deposit 100.00 100.00 113172 12/7/2011 PATTERSON, T. Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Deposit 100.00 100.00 113173 12/7/2011 PETRO-CANADA 900969510 900978052 Shop Fluid Stock Order Returnable Drum Deposit Credit 5,706.06 (224.00) 5,482.06 113174 12/7/2011 PCL CONSTRUCTORS WESTCOAST INC. 34/10 Nov 30/11 Ref Damage/Lot Grading Dep BP 34/10 2,000.00 2,000.00 113175 12/7/2011 PARVIAINEN, AULI Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Deposit 100.00 100.00 113176 12/7/2011 PICKARD, RON Dec 7/11 Refund Credit UB - #2554 41.02 41.02 113177 12/7/2011 QUALITY SAW & KNIFE LTD. 165876 167327 Sharpen Ice Knives Sharpen Ice Knives 147.84 154.56 302.40 113178 12/7/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 24/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 24 80,752.56 80,752.56 Page 280 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 113179 12/7/2011 R.F. BINNIE & ASSOCIATES 26613 26607 Tantalus Rd S/S - Oct Anti-Whistling Study - Oct 1,534.62 1,075.20 2,609.82 113180 12/7/2011 ROGERS MEDIA INC 117244-4 117258-2 126924-1 Winter Programs Radio Ads SFR Open House Radio Ads 1,041.60 489.44 1,853.60 3,384.64 113181 12/7/2011 TELIPHONE CORP. 52300 RI 10 Mbps Internet Access - Nov 782.88 782.88 113182 12/7/2011 ROTO AIRE DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 113183 12/7/2011 REVENUE SERVICES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Dec 2011 December 2011 Premiums 113184 12/7/2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX IN61430 Fire Line Tape 113185 12/7/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1364405 1361260 1362903 1361572 1361783 1364248 1365502 1363228 Parts Plywood Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Extension Cords 113186 12/7/2011 RAMSAY, ELAINE Nov 30/11 113187 12/7/2011 ROGERS WIRELESS 113188 12/7/2011 113189 221.73 yes 12,903.50 12,903.50 208.77 208.77 10.74 9.07 10.25 61.95 16.67 40.23 25.60 69.07 243.58 Volunteer Incentive for Bus Trips 125.00 125.00 1003463411 SEP Phones - Nov 5 Billing 106.94 106.94 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 24/11 Union Dues - P/P 24 209.97 209.97 12/7/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 327842921 327842922 325606528 Freight Freight Freight 74.33 80.16 217.50 371.99 113190 12/7/2011 FortisBC-NATURAL GAS Nov 23/11 Gas Use - Nov 23 Billing 13,794.69 13,794.69 113191 12/7/2011 SQUAMISH HEATING & SHEET METAL WORKS LTD 9875 Service Fireplace - Library 100.80 100.80 113192 12/7/2011 SQUAMISH VETERINARY 0118588 Monthly Services 467.83 467.83 113193 12/7/2011 SUPERIOR PROPANE INC. 61326119 Bulk Propane 856.75 856.75 113194 12/7/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF SQDI00020301 November 11th Edition 2,607.26 7,907.73 Page 281 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description SQDI00020245 SQDI00020178 November 4th Edition October 28th Edition 113195 12/7/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 95177 Oct 28 93316 Nov 15 94171 Nov 23 Halloween Goodies for Skate Food & Drinks - Election Supplies 113196 12/7/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 346837 346838 113197 12/7/2011 SCHELLENBERG, TERESA 113198 12/7/2011 113199 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 3,028.61 2,271.86 54.23 54.26 13.95 122.44 Harris Slough Pump Stn to Dec 31 Wilson Slough Pump Stn to Dec 31 134.40 134.40 268.80 Nov 23/11 Preschool/PT Soccer - Sept 21-Nov 30 883.40 883.40 SHRED-IT BC 9000009352 On Site Shredding - Oct 28 238.40 238.40 12/7/2011 COASTAL FORD SALES LIMITED 58742 Transmission Lever 82.54 82.54 113200 12/7/2011 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 57278 56866 Freight Freight 283.57 285.55 569.12 113201 12/7/2011 SOFTCHOICE CORPORATION 2865130 Catalyst Switch, Rack 4,478.36 4,478.36 113202 12/7/2011 SPERLING HANSEN ASSOCIATES INC. 11264 Landfill Upgrades to Oct 31 7,274.93 7,274.93 113203 12/7/2011 SHAW CABLE 5490 Nov 16/11 5474 Nov 16/11 0848 Nov 16/11 8708 Nov 12/11 F/D HD/Internet to Dec 7 M/H Internet Service to Dec 7 R/C Internet Service to Dec 7 S/C Digital TV/HD Plus to Dec 3 107.46 100.69 89.54 146.66 444.35 113204 12/7/2011 SQUAMISH GENERAL HOSPITAL 11-155140 Emergency Fee - File 2011-6047 260.00 260.00 113205 12/7/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 248581 248722 248030 248251 248038 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 72.55 297.76 228.98 351.55 212.45 1,163.29 113206 12/7/2011 SNAP-ON-TOOLS 0711116829 Parts 248.07 248.07 113207 12/7/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 6396 6420 6424 6293 6310 6341 RCMP Coffee SFR Coffee M/H Coffee - Nov 24 M/H Coffee - Oct 20 M/H Coffee - Oct 27 M/H Coffee - Nov 3 130.00 65.00 50.50 50.50 50.50 50.50 498.00 Page 282 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 6363 6399 M/H Coffee - Nov 10 M/H Coffee - Nov 17 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 50.50 50.50 113208 12/7/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 5389 5388 M/H Regular Service - Oct R/C Regular Service - Oct 84.00 67.76 151.76 113209 12/7/2011 SONES, ROSANNE Nov 17/11 Medical Letter 25.00 25.00 113210 12/7/2011 SQUAMISH ELEMENTS II DEVELOPMENTS LTD. Nov 9/11 Admin, Eng Insp Refund 613.28 613.28 113211 12/7/2011 SEA TO SKY MAINTENANCE SERVICES DOS11.23.11.1 DOS11.23.11.2 DOS11.23.11.3 Gutter Cleaning Gutter Cleaning Blockage Clearing 398.22 240.80 117.60 756.62 113212 12/7/2011 SQUAMISH TRAVEL MEDICINE 415850 Hep A - Booster 45.00 45.00 113213 12/7/2011 STC CONSULTING 2088 Consulting Services 6,720.00 6,720.00 113214 12/7/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 885747 887546 889298 890934 890691 890411 890225 889985 890205 890219 890315 869086 Blades R/C Monthly Demurrage - Oct Filters & Oil Nuts & Bolts Hoses Oil Seals Nuts & Bolts Supplies Stock Filter Oil Filters Stock 45.81 16.00 437.44 13.64 22.78 30.78 1.39 121.70 309.05 8.89 161.48 77.87 1,246.83 113215 12/7/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 891348 891565 891633 891945 891335 891343 892612 892340 892547 Head Lights Parts Parts Supplies Supplies Supplies Belt Repair Snow Chains Switches 14.54 18.93 8.87 19.03 112.25 174.72 56.94 165.11 54.40 624.79 113216 12/7/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE Dec 2/11 Gymnastics - Nov 16 to 25 614.00 614.00 113217 12/7/2011 TIM HORTONS 93317 Nov 19 Coffee, Donuts, Muffins 124.15 325.63 Page 283 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 94894 Sept 18 Reunion Donuts 113218 12/7/2011 TAYLOR, BERYL Nov 30/11 Expense Reimbursement 113219 12/7/2011 TESS PRODUCTIONS 524567 113220 12/7/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 113221 12/7/2011 113222 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 201.48 37.54 37.54 Camera/Computer Serv -Nov 8 160.00 160.00 79150013 Pole Relocation - Skyline 715.57 715.57 TOM GREEN Nov 28/11 Nov 21/11 Travel Expense - Nov 21 - 25 Travel Expense - Nov 14 - 18 71.76 50.96 122.72 12/7/2011 TOURISM SQUAMISH SOCIETY Nov 23/11 Hotel Room Tax - Sept 8,712.08 8,712.08 113223 12/7/2011 TUMBLEWOODS INDOOR PLAYGROUND 557 Councillor Lonsdale Retirement Cake 140.00 140.00 113224 12/7/2011 TRIPP, SUSAN 450294 Refund Cheque Payment 710.23 710.23 113225 12/7/2011 TWO PEAKS HOME INSPECTION Dec 7/11 Ligh Commercial Inspection 784.00 784.00 113226 12/7/2011 UNITED LOCK-BLOCK LTD. 312563 Road Barrier 1,724.80 1,724.80 113227 12/7/2011 URBAN SYSTEMS 107407 Long Term Financial Plan - Oct 4,704.00 4,704.00 113228 12/7/2011 ULTIMATE PROMOTIONS 149524 T-Shirts, Sweatshirts 1,336.81 1,336.81 113229 12/7/2011 VALHALLA PURE OUTFITTERS 92612 Nov 23 Hiking Poles, Gift Card 166.00 166.00 113230 12/7/2011 WESTWARD SALES LTD. 54455 Bottled Water 42.00 42.00 113231 12/7/2011 WESTBURNE ELECTRIC SUPPLY B.C. 1466321 Parts 481.60 481.60 113232 12/7/2011 WINDFIRM TREE SERVICE 4026 Remove Tree Smoke Bluff Trail 224.00 224.00 113233 12/7/2011 MARKS #829 95386 Oct 12 Rain Gear 362.84 362.84 113234 12/7/2011 WEST COAST SOUND LTD. 20920 20919 All Candidates Meeting Sound Microphone, PA System 2,528.96 486.99 3,015.95 113235 12/7/2011 WEYS, ROBERT Nov 28/11 Refund Election Sign Deposit 100.00 100.00 113236 12/7/2011 YELLOW PAGES GROUP 11-5069258 11-5174783 11-5280355 11-5384970 S/C - Yellow Pages S/C - Yellow Pages S/C - Yellow Pages S/C - Yellow Pages 17.47 17.47 17.47 17.47 69.88 Page 284 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 113237 12/7/2011 ZONE WEST ENTERPRISES LTD. 37061 Chief Shirt 113238 12/8/2011 R.DIAMOND BUILDING DESIGN Nov 23 Dec 5 Bldg Inspections Oct 21 to Nov 22 Bldg Inspections Nov 23 to Dec 5 113239 12/16/2011 ALPINE PAVING (1978) LTD. Sept/11-050 Oct/11-036 Oct/11-035 Nov/11-046 Nov/11-045 2011 Paving Program Asphalt Paving - Various Patches Asphalt Paving - Skyline Dr Asphalt Paving - Various Areas Asphalt Paving Rail/Pedestrian Xing 113240 12/16/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 5205 8 Dec 4/11 Telephone Charges - Dec 4 Billing 113241 12/16/2011 BC HYDRO 400001798623 113242 12/16/2011 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. 113243 12/20/2011 113244 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 42.56 42.56 4,566.06 2,875.49 7,441.55 346,165.44 11,685.44 13,960.76 21,204.93 8,730.24 401,746.81 9,899.26 9,899.26 Hydro Use - Dec 5 Billing 86,085.64 86,085.64 95015424 Cardlock - Nov 30 17,157.10 17,157.10 STEER, SANDRA Dec 13/11 Reimburse Decorations for Parade 36.23 36.23 12/20/2011 LAMONT, SCOTT Dec 15/11 Reimburse - BCIT Course 1,232.00 1,232.00 113245 12/20/2011 MURRAY, TERRY Dec 5/11 PADM 202 Course Fee Reimbursement 418.57 418.57 113246 12/20/2011 ALL KEYS & LOCKS 3897C 10497 Keys Gate Locks, Key Locks 113.03 162.85 275.88 113247 12/20/2011 ALTA LAKE ELECTRIC LTD. 1781 1825 1845 1898 Supply Lamps - RCMP Removal of Banners Replace Covers on Exterior Fixture Replace Ballast 136.92 2,912.00 516.32 72.80 3,638.04 113248 12/20/2011 ALPHA LAUNDRY LTD. 25172 25086 Cell Block Laundry - Nov 29 Cell Block Laundry - Nov 22 20.27 23.43 43.70 113249 12/20/2011 ACKLANDS - GRAINGER INC. 4373 0582314 Gloves 456.22 456.22 113250 12/20/2011 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL E839252 E835428 E837336 Weekly Analysis - Nov 23 Weekly Analysis - Nov 10 Weekly Analysis - Nov 17 84.00 84.00 84.00 252.00 113251 12/20/2011 ALSCO UNIFORM & LINEN SERVICES LVAN412189 LVAN406717 LVAN412185 W/Y Laundry - Dec 12 R/C Uniform Service - Nov 21 R/C Uniform Service - Dec 12 40.04 61.57 199.23 595.51 Page 285 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description LVAN410367 LVAN408527 LVAN412187 R/C Uniform Service - Dec 5 R/C Uniform Service - Nov 28 F/H Laundry - Dec 12 113252 12/20/2011 ARCHIBALD CLARKE & DEFIEUX (SQUAMISH) 255466 Sports-Can Insurance - Nov 113253 12/20/2011 ARCTIC POWER SYSTEMS B.C. LTD. 13000080 Labour/Material Mamq Chlorine Plant 113254 12/20/2011 CHARTIS INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Dec 2011 AD&D Insurance - Dec 113255 12/20/2011 ALLSTAR MECHANICAL LTD. 11-2453-258 11-2453-281 11-2650-357 A/C Quarterly Insp - Aug - Oct R/C Quarterly Insp - Aug - Oct AC Units for EOC Server Room 113256 12/20/2011 ADVICAS GROUP CONSULTANTS INC. 2011064-01 Professional Services - Fitness Area 113257 12/20/2011 ANNELIESA BUSH/WILLIAM MULVIHILL Dec 8/11 113258 12/20/2011 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS 113259 12/20/2011 113260 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 61.57 199.23 33.87 115.00 115.00 1,421.95 1,421.95 490.83 490.83 557.20 835.80 15,447.04 16,840.04 1,680.00 1,680.00 Refund Propety Tax O/P 770.00 770.00 4316 Nov 14/11 ADSL Line to Nov 14 195.46 195.46 TELUS MOBILITY 055720071102 003898814093 SEP Pager Service to Oct 31 Mike Mobility Charges to Nov 17 70.72 146.09 216.81 12/20/2011 BEST APPLIANCE REPAIR 16864 M/H Fridge Repairs 124.88 124.88 113261 12/20/2011 BC HYDRO 119005349309 119005357346 End of Plateau Hydro Use to Dec 1 Loggers Lane Lift Stn Hydro to Dec 5 16.50 205.14 221.64 113262 12/20/2011 B.C. COMMUNICATIONS INC. IN070614 Motorolla Radios, Charger 4,748.69 4,748.69 113263 12/20/2011 BRINKS CANADA LTD. 0651270785 Armoured Car Service - Oct 935.75 935.75 113264 12/20/2011 BARONE, STEVE Dec 8/11 Live Fire Training 300.00 300.00 113265 12/20/2011 BCT FENCING 379521 379518 Smoke Bluffs Tower Perimeter Fencing Installation of Fencing & Gates 23,350.10 12,348.28 35,698.38 113266 12/20/2011 BELL DISTRIBUTION 90389068 Blackberry Upgrades 571.03 571.03 113267 12/20/2011 BIR, JENNIFER 447152 Program Refund 118.20 118.20 113268 12/20/2011 BCF CONTRACTING 363379 Brackets 380.80 380.80 113269 12/20/2011 BLACKETT, BEV Dec 6/11 Seniors Yoga - Nov 1 to 29 250.00 250.00 Page 286 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 113270 12/20/2011 BLACK TUSK FIRE & SECURITY INC 7816 7809 7814 7818 7930 M/H & Library Guard Patrols Nexen - Lock/Unlock B/P Guard Patrols - Nov A/C Alarm Response - Nov 5 Replace Sprinkler Head Server Room 113271 12/20/2011 BHUPINDER JIAN/KALVINDER DHALWAL Dec 14/11 Refund Property Tax O/P 113272 12/20/2011 C.U.P.E. LOCAL 2269 P/P 25/11 Union Dues - P/P 25 113273 12/20/2011 COAST AGGREGATES LTD. 17511 17476 17291 Road Base, Crush Road Base Road Base 113274 12/20/2011 COAST VALLEY CONTRACTING LTD. 8046 Release H/B - Corridor Trail 113275 12/20/2011 CONTINENTAL POWER SERVICES (1987) J002422 J002407 J002402 J002403 J002404 J002406 J002291 J002293 J002263 J002192 J002182 J002341 Hook up New RTU Replace Baseboard Heater SAC Bldg Commission Temp RTDs and Test Eagle Run Drainage Lift Stn P/H Springs - SCADA Misc Review Lift Stn Requirements Install Outside Light Fixtures A/C R/C Replace Overhead Pool Lights R/C Pool & Ice Arena Lights R/C Ice Arena Panel R/C Motion Sensors - Dressing Room Blvd Pump Stn - Rewire Surge Prot 113276 12/20/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004-103275 5004K-103283 5004Q-103601 5004K-103858 5004F-103874 5004I-103282 5004E-103279 5004O-103285 5004N-103284 5004D-103278 5004P-103286 5004H-103281 M/H Garbage, Cdbd, Paper - Nov R/C Gbge, Cdbd, Paper, Compost - Nov W/Y Gbge, Cdbd - Nov R/C Hid-A-Bag Bins - Dec 5 Residential Service - Nov Landfill Portable Toilet - Nov Recycling Depots - Nov V/C F/H Garbage - Dec Nexen Beach Port Toilet C/F Concession Garbage - Dec G/H F/H Gbge, Cdbd - Dec Library Gbge, Paper Tote - Dec 113277 12/20/2011 CARNEY'S WASTE SYSTEMS 5004RCMP-103276 RCMP Garbage, Cdbd - Nov Page 287 of 299 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,428.34 1,318.46 549.36 54.94 420.00 3,771.10 770.00 770.00 4,280.10 4,280.10 969.80 72.62 452.22 1,494.64 22,081.79 22,081.79 389.20 194.81 1,019.20 1,716.95 327.60 182.00 688.80 319.20 3,138.68 145.60 2,463.27 72.80 10,658.11 497.21 1,015.97 429.31 1,344.00 58,465.61 162.40 753.76 58.33 162.40 190.20 141.83 139.22 63,360.24 240.31 915.76 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 5004X-103602 5004T-103287 5004TT-103288 5004V-103289 5004Z-103290 S/C Compost Service - Nov Upper S/B Portable Toilet - Dec S/B Lower Parking Lot Port Toilet-Dec A/W Field Portable Toilet - Dec New Pavillion Garbage - Dec Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 105.28 162.40 162.40 162.40 82.97 113278 12/20/2011 MAXXAM ANALYTICS VA532710 Analytical Charges 271.04 271.04 113279 12/20/2011 CONNECTIONS ANSWERING SERVICE 4467 4466 SEP Messaging Service - Dec HSMRS Messaging Service - Dec 197.12 168.00 365.12 113280 12/20/2011 CANADA POST CORPORATION 9477252248 9475140616 9478971793 9480754072 BRM - Sept 27 BRM - Aug 2, Aug 11 BRM - Oct 13, 20, 28 BRM - Nov 23 0.85 1.70 2.55 0.85 5.95 113281 12/20/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 28884448 28938815 29000590 28952955 28365670 28931703 19038 28958713 28953058 28694457 28821300 29004114 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Paper Supplies Coat Tree Supplies Copy Paper Copy Paper Supplies Supplies 124.28 104.19 419.44 171.35 154.10 262.68 78.39 255.40 524.83 461.22 151.92 225.24 2,933.04 113282 12/20/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. 29065188 29009638 29039237 29021307 29045778 29066303 29007515 29021444 29066449 29033361 Supplies Supplies Supplies Toner Cargridge Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 255.56 4.88 230.66 106.23 430.37 212.46 176.23 12.80 76.94 109.79 1,615.92 113283 12/20/2011 BASF CANADA INC. 131360228 131353703 Zetag Zetag 14,779.00 4,748.80 19,527.80 113284 12/20/2011 CANADIAN SPRINGS WATER COMPANY 9905231122 RCMP - Creamers - Oct 37.00 67.65 Page 288 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 9905272751 Landfill Water Service - Nov Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 30.65 113285 12/20/2011 CLEARTECH INDUSTRIES INC. 479605 SJC Sodium Hypochlorite 1,316.22 1,316.22 113286 12/20/2011 CHEF BIG D'S DELI LTD. 1733 Meals for F/R Training 361.95 361.95 113287 12/20/2011 SEA TO SKY LINENS LTD. 23069 23047 23048 24082 24184 P/W Roads Laundry - Nov 3 W/Y Laundry - Nov 2 Shops Coverall/Laundry - Nov 3 P/W Laundry - Nov 21 P/W Laundry - Nov 26 13.16 13.44 40.77 44.35 25.98 137.70 113288 12/20/2011 COMFY'S LAUNDRY Nov 2011 M/H Nov 2011 Library Laundry - Nov 10, 24 M/H Laundry - Nov 42.56 21.28 63.84 113289 12/20/2011 COASTAL MOUNTAIN EXCAVATIONS J000273 Release H/B - Skyline Retaining Wall 28,735.86 28,735.86 113290 12/20/2011 COLLIER, MARCIA 113291 12/20/2011 CLOVERDALE PAINT INC. 016048570 016048033 Latex Field Marking Paint Credit - Inverted Orange Spray Paint 2,262.56 (70.72) 2,191.84 113292 12/20/2011 CENTURY SIGN SYSTEMS LTD. 15215 15220 15025 Eagle Vista Development Sign Edit Eagle View Vista Dev Sign Orange Coroplast Signs 98.00 98.00 1,030.40 1,226.40 113293 12/20/2011 CANADIAN NATIONAL 90503084 Xing Surface Mtce - MP 43.58 1,415.00 1,415.00 113294 12/20/2011 CORIX UTILITIES INC. 2011601751 2011601752 Solenoid Assessment & Inst Est to Inst Flow Meter/Repair Kit 938.00 1,075.60 2,013.60 113295 12/20/2011 CABAM 16931 Magnets, Flower Seeds, Keychains 294.50 294.50 113296 12/20/2011 CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONING LTD. W80780 W81105 W80976 W81100 W81051 W81666 W81638 W80792 W81067 Mtce - Aquatic Equipment Replace Gas Regulator - R/C Service Call - Pool Boiler R/C Heat Exchangers R/C Trinity Boiler S/C Failed Circuit Board R/C Main Pool Boiler Mtce - Change Filters - S/C R/C Zamboni Bay Hot Water Boiler 1,173.76 696.92 848.16 1,280.16 1,022.29 440.16 175.56 559.16 175.56 6,371.73 113297 12/20/2011 CURTIS PAVING (2003) ENTERPRISES INC. 11-333 Railway Crossing at Depot Road 9,858.24 9,858.24 290.08 yes Page 289 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 113298 12/20/2011 DAY-TIMERS OF CANADA LTD. 41067335 SFR Daytimers 113299 12/20/2011 DUNCAN AUTO BODY 6529 113300 12/20/2011 DB PERKS & ASSOCIATES LTD. 113301 12/20/2011 113302 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 329.74 329.74 Repairs to 2002 Rescue Truck 1,023.12 1,023.12 110277 109900 Flowcell Strainer Supplies 201.44 2,981.00 3,182.44 PEIRCE, HANNAH Dec 14/11 Reimburse Library Microwave, Travel 128.39 128.39 12/20/2011 DANIELSON, MARCIA Dec 7/11 Intl Folk Dancing - Sept 20 to Dec 6 264.00 264.00 113303 12/20/2011 DAVID THOMSON PHOTOGRAPHY AND DESIGN District-001 2011 Inauguration Digital Images 275.00 275.00 113304 12/20/2011 DR. SHEILA SWOPE 370457 Medical Evaluation Form 37.50 37.50 113305 12/20/2011 DESCHUTTER & ASSOCIATES DOSDEC2 DOSOTN Landfill Attendant - Dec Extra Operating Hours at Landfill 11,648.00 1,294.72 12,942.72 113306 12/20/2011 EVERGREEN PROJECTS LTD. 4501-102772 4501-103919 4501-103918 Pressure Wash Scale Landfill Contract - Nov Landfill Tires, Gypsum - Nov 436.80 23,421.88 6,485.26 30,343.94 113307 12/20/2011 EMCO 9689585-00 Galvanized Pipe, Couplings 1,366.85 1,366.85 113308 12/20/2011 EKSTEEN, BEN 286744 285374 Time Loss Benefit Form Time Loss Benefit Form 50.00 50.00 100.00 113309 12/20/2011 EDDIES HANG-UP DISPLAY LTD 753556 755410 Stanchions, Sign Holders Stanchion 615.40 192.57 807.97 113310 12/20/2011 ESRI CANADA 90031533 Geocortex Technical Support 1,120.00 1,120.00 113311 12/20/2011 FINNING (CANADA) 960024523 960024521 960024477 960024509 960024515 960024479 960024483 960024474 960024487 960024490 960024495 Generator Readiness Inspection Generator Readiness Inspection Generator Readiness Inspection Generator Readiness Inspection Generator Readiness Inspection Generator Readiness Inspection Generator Readiness Inspection Generator Readiness Inspection Generator Readiness Inspection Generator Readiness Inspection Generator Readiness Inspection 386.40 327.67 386.40 386.40 327.67 327.67 386.40 386.40 386.40 386.40 386.40 4,460.61 Page 290 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 960024502 Generator Readiness Inspection 960027944 960024764 960024751 960024746 960024744 960024726 Fuel Solenoid Generator Readiness Test Generator Readiness Inspection Generator Readiness Inspection Generator Readiness Inspection Generator Readiness Inspection Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 386.40 113312 12/20/2011 FINNING (CANADA) 335.13 668.62 327.67 327.67 386.40 386.40 2,431.89 113313 12/20/2011 FINCHAM, GREG 113314 12/20/2011 FIRST TRUCK CENTRE X003201034:01 Wiper Motor 62.88 62.88 113315 12/20/2011 FLORIAN, NICOLE 455262 Program Refund 65.64 65.64 113316 12/20/2011 FLOCOR INC. 5076903 Backflow Test Kit 881.44 881.44 113317 12/20/2011 GARIBALDI GRAPHICS LTD. 12077 12058 222812 223605 Business Cards Business Cards Supplies Cream Paper for Business Licences 78.40 50.40 22.58 104.07 255.45 113318 12/20/2011 GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Dec 2011 December Premiums 84,122.51 84,122.51 113319 12/20/2011 GREG GARDNER MOTORS LTD. 551325 800075 Dec 2011 Hub Cap Brake & Front End Repair 2009 Pontiac Wave Lease - Dec 22.40 838.38 436.61 1,297.39 113320 12/20/2011 DR. G. STELZL 369770 Medical Evaluation Form 37.50 37.50 113321 12/20/2011 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO 3522952 Satellite Service to Nov 21 46.93 46.93 113322 12/20/2011 GARIBALDI LOCK & SAFE LTD. 2826 Service Fire Rescue Doors 224.06 224.06 113323 12/20/2011 GARIBALDI PLUMBING INC. 5772 5446 Plumbing Repairs Concession Stand Service W/R in SAC Building 101.92 121.84 223.76 113324 12/20/2011 GLENDAY, LINDA Dec 14/11 Consulting Services - Gerrie Waugh 300.00 300.00 113325 12/20/2011 G-VAN CATERING AND CONSULTING INC. 0041 0047 Dec 2/11 Catering for Inaugural Meeting Cupcakes Seniors Christmas Banquet 2,499.84 134.40 2,400.00 5,034.24 113326 12/20/2011 GILL, NAVDEEP Dec 19/11 Local Govt Course Tuition Fee 426.86 426.86 241.90 yes Page 291 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 113327 12/20/2011 HOWE SOUND INN & BREWING COMPANY 92615 Nov 30 Gift Certificates 113328 12/20/2011 HARRIS & COMPANY Nov 28/11 Professional Services to Nov 28 113329 12/20/2011 FMEP P/P 25/11 FMEP Case #92042 113330 12/20/2011 HARBOUR AUTHORITY OF SQUAMISH 3881 Caution Sign for Ramp 113331 12/20/2011 HOME HARDWARE SQUAMISH 141006 140976 141076 141070 141120 141163 141142 Supplies Supplies Supplies Mops Supplies Shower Head Step Stool 113332 12/20/2011 HIGHLAND GREEN CLEANING 239 Janitorial Cleaning SAC 113333 12/20/2011 HEAVY CONSTRUCTION LINK 313 Env Upgrade/Leachate S/S - Nov 113334 12/20/2011 HUME, ADRIANA Dec 5/11 Service Recognition Gifts 113335 12/20/2011 HURLEAU, MONIQUE 455373 Program Refund 113336 12/20/2011 HUTTON COMMUNICATIONS OF CANADA, INC. 585105 Antennas 113337 12/20/2011 HAYMACK AUTO GLASS Nov 28/11 113338 12/20/2011 INPROTECT SYSTEMS INC. 113339 12/20/2011 113340 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 220.00 220.00 8,430.16 8,430.16 301.50 301.50 84.00 84.00 174.35 103.82 11.91 53.02 12.82 15.66 10.68 382.26 56.00 56.00 2,016.00 2,016.00 353.27 353.27 67.50 67.50 2,379.90 2,379.90 Refund Overcharge on Business Lic 162.50 162.50 143645 Sign 162.78 162.78 ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES B001303 B001302 B001310 Mamquam Rd W/M Repl - Oct 8 to Nov 4 Subdivision B/L - Oct 8 to Nov 4 Clarke Dr PRV Stn Repl Oct 8-Nov 4 1,215.20 812.11 3,409.50 5,436.81 12/20/2011 INBIZ IN SEA TO SKY L1206 L1211 Volunteer Manuals Gold Recognition Stickers 212.80 53.76 266.56 113341 12/20/2011 KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 48252 48146 48182 Metering Design -Tantalus/Ayr - Oct Sediment Mgmt Program - Oct Sanitary Conveyance Stragegies - Oct 2,034.92 11,673.20 2,782.73 16,490.85 113342 12/20/2011 KAL TIRE 064075622 064075641 Tire Change Overs Tire Change Over 62.72 47.04 333.76 Page 292 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 064075934 Tire Re-Grooving 113343 12/20/2011 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CONIN01765325 CONIN01765324 CONIN01765323 CONIN01765321 CONIN01771546 P/D C452 Copy Chges to Nov 22 C/D, Eng C452 Copy Chges to Nov 22 Ops C452 Copy Chges to Nov 22 S/C C280 Copy Chges to Nov 21 M/H Pro 950 Copy Chges to Nov 29 113344 12/20/2011 KELROY SOLUTIONS 130 Fleet Replacement Policy Changes 113345 12/20/2011 KALLAI, KRISZTINA RICHTERNE Dec 16/11 113346 12/20/2011 L & A EQUIPMENT LTD. 113347 12/20/2011 113348 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 224.00 533.69 983.57 599.33 194.80 36.40 2,347.79 4,334.40 4,334.40 Seniors Keep Well - Nov 21, Dec 5-15 450.00 450.00 Prog #2 Mamquam Rd W/M Replacement - Prog #2 545.20 545.20 YOUNG, ANDERSON 63100 Professional Services 99.74 99.74 12/20/2011 LANG, JIM Dec 5/11 Reimburse - SEP Engraving on Radios 103.51 103.51 113349 12/20/2011 LONDON DRUGS 8406448 8406446 8406450 8406463 8406460 Panasonic Microwave Christmas Cards Gifts for Raffle Basket Supplies Wrapping - Recognition Gifts 167.99 60.48 35.72 66.00 16.41 346.60 113350 12/20/2011 LORDCO PARTS LTD 815363 815014 814518 Batteries Trailer Harness Tow Strap 279.52 29.48 27.32 336.32 113351 12/20/2011 LEXIS NEXIS CANADA INC. 10363301 BC Planning Law & Pract Issue 23 144.43 144.43 113352 12/20/2011 LIDSTONE & COMPANY 2572 2508 2576 2507 2575 2574 2573 Professional Service Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services 1,321.77 346.80 561.74 9,366.67 3,017.84 2,359.34 2,201.70 19,175.86 113353 12/20/2011 LAVERDIERE, MONICA Dec 8/11 Gymnastics - Dec 8 64.00 64.00 113354 12/20/2011 MORFCO SUPPLIES LTD. 608419 Snow Blades 1,707.69 1,707.69 113355 12/20/2011 MEREDITH, BOB Nov 21/11 Work Boot Allowance 150.00 150.00 Page 293 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date 113356 12/20/2011 Vendor Name METRO TESTING LABORATORIES 113357 12/20/2011 113358 District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description W3360 W3361 W3359 W3410 W3364 W3363 W3388 Asphalt Testing/Inspection/Soil Tests Asphalt Testing/Inspection Asphalt Testing/Inspection/Soil Tests Asphalt Testing/Inspection Asplhalt Testing/Inspection Asphalt Testing/Inspection Asphalt Testing/Inspection MICROSOFT LICENSING, GP 9817261066 Microsoft EA Licensing Renewal 12/20/2011 MODU-LOC FENCE RENTALS LTD. I0089568 113359 12/20/2011 MORUM, DR. GUY 113360 12/20/2011 113361 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 1,794.80 14,084.00 1,568.00 2,007.60 1,316.00 2,881.20 2,828.00 1,688.40 41,840.98 41,840.98 Fence Panel Rental - Nov 19.89 19.89 254264 Time Loss Benefit Form 50.00 50.00 MORUM, JAIME 437095 Program Refund 52.50 52.50 12/20/2011 MARINE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE W14813 EOC Server Room AC Project 668.64 668.64 113362 12/20/2011 MICKELSON CONSULTING INC. 2011-12-011 Consulting Services - Nov 2,373.88 2,373.88 113363 12/20/2011 MCDOWELL, CHAD Dec 15/11 Gymnastics Coaching - Dec 8 & 9 297.00 297.00 113364 12/20/2011 MATHEWS, RICHARD Dec 16/11 Expense Reimbursement 756.66 756.66 113365 12/20/2011 MAYO, BARCLAY Nov 2/11 Emergency First Aid Certification 117.60 117.60 113366 12/20/2011 LAT DIV OF LAFARGE CANADA INC 22614635 22296742 Road De-Icing Salt Road De-Icing Salt 8,264.53 16,893.44 25,157.97 113367 12/20/2011 NAKED LUNCH 271136 Assorted Sandwiches, Salad, Soup 140.28 140.28 113368 12/20/2011 NEW AGE TRADING INC. 95921 Nov 23 Preschool Supplies 18.48 18.48 113369 12/20/2011 NEIL DEO 094976 S.A.R. Boat Repairs 1,932.16 1,932.16 113370 12/20/2011 OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 6674 6675 6670 6678 6671 6676 HMI for Thermometer - Oct Stawamus C/2 Shed - Oct Harris/Tantalus Design to Oct 31 Control Valve Automation to Oct 31 F/H #3 Roof Repl - Oct PHS MoDBus to DNP3 Conv - Oct 1,336.25 220.64 11,895.03 592.37 2,740.96 7,558.78 24,344.03 113371 12/20/2011 PUROLATOR INC. 414394962 414159334 Freight Freight 28.78 22.69 51.47 Page 294 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 113372 12/20/2011 PETTY CASH (FIRE DEPT.) Dec 9/11 Petty Cash to Dec 9 130.02 130.02 113373 12/20/2011 PETTY CASH (FINANCE) Dec 8/11 Petty Cash to Dec 8 133.66 133.66 113374 12/20/2011 PETTY CASH (REC/AQUATIC CENTRE) Dec 14/11 Petty Cash to Dec 14 91.07 91.07 113375 12/20/2011 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 12492114 12523449 Carbon Dioxide CO2 Tank Rental to Dec 14 398.61 116.24 514.85 113376 12/20/2011 PETTY CASH (ADMIN SERVICES) Dec 13/11 Petty Cash to Dec 13 141.92 141.92 113377 12/20/2011 PIPELINE MECHANICAL 5012 5013 P/W Office Inspection/Cleaning WWTP Quarterly Mtce on Mech Equip 509.60 476.00 985.60 113378 12/20/2011 PACIFIC DOOR CLOSER SERVICE LTD. IN58018 Eagle Motion Sensor 732.59 732.59 113379 12/20/2011 POLLARD WATER I314091-IN Chlor Pail 700.30 700.30 113380 12/20/2011 PLUMB, NEIL Oct 14/11 Travel Expense - BCR Properties 21.42 21.42 113381 12/20/2011 PETTY CASH (SENIOR CENTRE) Nov 21/11 Dec 9/11 Petty Cash to Nov 21 Petty Cash to Dec 9 15.18 13.73 28.91 113382 12/20/2011 PROSPEC PRODUCTION SERVICES LTD. 1125 AV Services at Roundhouse - Dec 6 240.80 240.80 113383 12/20/2011 RECEIVER GENERAL (REVENUE CANADA) P/P 25/11 Income Tax, CPP, EI - P/P 25 81,553.23 81,553.23 113384 12/20/2011 R.F. BINNIE & ASSOCIATES 26745 26617 Synthetic Field - Oct Sandman Inn O/S Def Remediation 9,443.00 272.72 9,715.72 113385 12/20/2011 RENTAL NETWORK LTD. 1-057702-01 Propane Fill 44.80 44.80 113386 12/20/2011 RICHMOND ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 280938 RCMP Bldg Monthly Mtce - Dec 182.02 182.02 113387 12/20/2011 RICHARDSON, CLARE 1400588 Program Refund 47.20 47.20 113388 12/20/2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX IN61963 Helmets 269.92 269.92 113389 12/20/2011 RUSSELL FOOD EQUIPMENT LTD. IN017552 Supplies 373.18 373.18 113390 12/20/2011 RONA REVY INC. 1352244 1351703 1367388 String Line for Fields String Line, Tarp Supplies 61.94 54.71 234.86 478.57 Page 295 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 1339884 1367285 Shingles for Electrical Room Supplies Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 90.72 36.34 113391 12/20/2011 REIS, SHAWN C. Dec 8/11 Live Fire Training 250.00 250.00 113392 12/20/2011 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 48 (SEA TO SKY) 893 School Gymnasium Rental 280.00 280.00 113393 12/20/2011 SQUAMISH FIREFIGHTERS UNION, LOCAL 2874 P/P 25/11 Union Dues - P/P 25 236.28 236.28 113394 12/20/2011 COMOX PACIFIC EXPRESS LTD. 390164397 Freight 50.92 50.92 113395 12/20/2011 SQUAMISH HEATING & SHEET METAL WORKS LTD 9869 Replace Office Rooftop Unit 32,884.32 32,884.32 113396 12/20/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT 10211400 Apr - Sept 2011 Route 99 Farebox 4,207.57 4,207.57 113397 12/20/2011 SQUAMISH-LILLOOET REGIONAL DISTRICT 15 Feb 11 2011 Annual Fees for Solid Waste Serv 66,303.00 66,303.00 113398 12/20/2011 SMITH-CAMERON PUMP SOLUTIONS 115816 High Viscosity Liquid End 560.00 560.00 113399 12/20/2011 SQUAMISH CHIEF 10467 Dec 19/11 SQDI00020360 Squamish Chief Renewal November 18th Edition 44.80 999.13 1,043.93 113400 12/20/2011 SAVE-ON-FOODS 94172 Dec 1/11 95943 Nov 30/11 93320 Nov 18/11 95522 Nov 22/11 95589 Nov 24/11 95590 Nov 24 95884 Dec 4/11 92614 Nov 28 94175 Dec 13 Supplies Supplies Food & Supplies - Election 2011 Batteries Supplies Supplies Distilled Water for Eyewash Stations Gift Cards - Recognition Gifts Supplies 26.91 29.13 59.42 34.69 21.20 27.97 3.16 50.00 69.90 322.38 113401 12/20/2011 SEA TO SKY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY Dec 2011 Youth Services Contract - Dec 21,026.67 21,026.67 113402 12/20/2011 SQUAMISH SECURITY 349761 351344 Replace Battery - W/Y Mtce Bldg Replace Resistor in Fire Panel - Lib 123.20 106.40 229.60 113403 12/20/2011 SETON 9316678838 Emergency Flashlight Centres 2,470.05 2,470.05 113404 12/20/2011 SEA TO SKY COURIER & FREIGHT 57680 Freight 255.41 255.41 113405 12/20/2011 SOFTCHOICE CORPORATION 2821629 2878706 2877014 Hardware Mtce Networking Service Desk Plus Blackberry Enterprise Server License 4,439.68 1,668.30 457.25 6,565.23 Page 296 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 113406 12/20/2011 SK SANITARY SPECIALTIES MFG. LTD. 248580 249077 249073 249076 249074 484425 Supplies Icemelter Icemelter Icemelter Icemelter To Reverse Credit 113407 12/20/2011 SQUAMISH SIKH SOCIETY Dec 8/11 Refund Property Tax O/P 113408 12/20/2011 SOAVE DISTRIBUTING 6475 6486 6461 Coffee, Hot Chocolate M/H - Coffee - Dec 8 M/H Coffee - Dec 1 113409 12/20/2011 SQUAMISH PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Dec 5/11 Meeting Room - Advanced Voting 113410 12/20/2011 SQUAMISH SUSTAINABILITY CORPORATION 345 113411 12/20/2011 SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL LTD. 113412 12/20/2011 113413 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void 51.00 64.51 80.64 80.64 32.26 4.05 313.10 2,454.93 2,454.93 275.00 50.50 50.50 376.00 37.50 37.50 Staffing - Re: Inside Edge 302.40 302.40 3123 RCMP Bldg Rat Treatment 334.88 334.88 SEA TO SKY GLASS INC. 8529 Replace Glass at Bus Stop 593.60 593.60 12/20/2011 SQUAMISH TRUCK AND TRAILER LTD 11150 9610 Computer Diagnostics Computer Diagnostics 176.92 112.78 289.70 113414 12/20/2011 SEA TO SKY CAR WASH 0361 Vehicle Washing - Oct 15.96 15.96 113415 12/20/2011 SQUAMISH RIVERSTONES DEVELOPMENT LTD. DP295 Dec 7/11 Release Holdback - DP 295 7,000.00 7,000.00 113416 12/20/2011 SONES, ROSANNE Dec 9/11 Reimburse - Picture Frame 24.61 24.61 113417 12/20/2011 SEA TO SKY WALK IN CLINIC Dec 5/11 Medical Form 50.00 50.00 113418 12/20/2011 SEA TO SKY MAINTENANCE SERVICES 113419 12/20/2011 SQUAMISH CAN (CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK) Nov 24/11 Waste Christmas Tree 113420 12/20/2011 STONEHOUSE STRATEGY, MARKETING 118 113421 12/20/2011 STC CONSULTING 113422 12/20/2011 113423 12/20/2011 92.40 yes 832.90 832.90 Consulting Services 18,782.80 18,782.80 2126 Consulting Services 4,200.00 4,200.00 S.O.S. SECURITY SOLUTIONS LTD. 24237 Video Surveillance RCMP Cell Block 2,240.00 2,240.00 SQUAMISH OFF-ROAD CYCLING ASSOCIATION Dec 13/11 Squamish Sport Legacy Funding 30,000.00 30,000.00 Page 297 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 113424 12/20/2011 TRITON AUTO AND INDUSTRIAL LTD. 801-894766 801-894989 801-892788 801-894248 801-894436 801-893094 801-893487 892030 890218 887234 889898 Parts Cabin Air Filter Snow Chain Brake Check Parts Medical Oxygen Tank Refills Monthly Demurrage - Nov Credit - Relief Valve Oil Filters Plow Bolt Stock Plow Bolt Stock 113425 12/20/2011 TETRAULT, FLORENCE Dec 15/11 Dec 15 Gymnastics Instruction - Dec 7 & 8 Belly Dancing - Nov 7 - Dec 5 113426 12/20/2011 TOOM, MEG 4 Dec 15/11 Dec 5/11 Dec 5 Dec 16/11 December 16 Bear Aware & Cougar Aware to Nov 30 Travel Expense - Sept 11 to Dec 10 Travel Expense - Aug 19 to Sept 9 Travel Expense - Nov 15 to Dec 8 Travel Expense - Oct 14 to Nov 10 113427 12/20/2011 TAPP, KAREN Dec 10/11 113428 12/20/2011 TOM GREEN 113429 12/20/2011 113430 Invoice Amount 14.10 16.90 192.19 7.62 101.64 63.28 161.00 (287.45) 47.44 291.20 620.37 Paid Amount Void 1,228.29 378.00 260.00 638.00 2,554.08 117.52 136.24 54.08 137.28 2,999.20 Supplies/Travel Reimbursement 85.50 85.50 Dec 3/11 Travel Expense - Nov 28 to Dec 2 49.92 49.92 TUMBLEWOODS INDOOR PLAYGROUND 605 Inauguration Services 168.00 168.00 12/20/2011 TURNER, VAL 436541 Program Refund 62.50 62.50 113431 12/20/2011 UNION OF B.C. MUNICIPALITIES PC12-114 Local Government Wall Calendars 72.80 72.80 113432 12/20/2011 UNITED WAY Dec 10/11 Employee Donations - P/P 23 & 24 203.38 203.38 113433 12/20/2011 URBAN SYSTEMS 107408 Consulting Services 854.84 854.84 113434 12/20/2011 VIMAR EQUIPMENT LTD. 285085 Ice Blades 2,193.41 2,193.41 113435 12/20/2011 VINCENT L. READY 32681 Nov 23/11 Professional Services 7,390.43 7,390.43 113436 12/20/2011 VOELKER, HEIDI Dec 13/11 Compensation for Arbitration Part 200.00 200.00 113437 12/20/2011 WESTBURNE ELECTRIC SUPPLY B.C. 1470112 1587704 Plugs Smoke Detectors 78.07 382.04 246.35 Page 298 of 299 Cheque # Pay Date Vendor Name District of Squamish AP Cheque Listing Invoice # 2011 Description 8344645 Credit - Smoke Detector 113438 12/20/2011 WESTERN SCALE CO. LTD. 92219 Annual Landfill Scale Calibration 113439 12/20/2011 WHOLESALE FIRE & RESCUE LTD. 73740 Ropes, Pulleys, & Swings 113440 12/20/2011 MARKS #829 95883 Dec 3/11 Steel Toe Rubber Boots 113441 12/20/2011 WHISTLER EXCAVATIONS LTD. 11174 11176 11173 11175 Landfill Env Upgrade - Prog #2 Landfill Env Upgrade - Prog #3 Landfill Leachate S/S - Prog #3 Landfill Leachate S/S - Prog #4 113442 12/20/2011 WATKINS, CINDY Dec 13/11 Class 3 - Medical Form 113443 12/20/2011 WESTERN UTILITY LOCATE SERVICES 107434 113444 12/20/2011 WALL 2 WALL 113445 12/20/2011 113446 Invoice Amount Paid Amount Void (213.76) 535.36 535.36 1,938.63 1,938.63 60.47 60.47 524,802.10 28,513.90 125,725.24 29,380.38 708,421.62 75.00 75.00 Locate on 2nd Ave 448.00 448.00 1012-2012W Remove/Replace Broken Stair Treads 604.37 604.37 WIPPICH, NEIL 391282 Program Refund 59.36 59.36 12/21/2011 COLLIER, MARCIA Dec 14/11 Cash Drawer for Third Workstation 290.08 290.08 113447 12/21/2011 ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATORS CERT.PROGRAM Dec 1/11 2012 Certification Dues Renewal 548.80 548.80 113448 12/21/2011 FINCHAM, GREG Nov 30/11 Work Boot Allowance 120.95 120.95 113449 12/21/2011 O'CONNELL, KATE Dec 21/11 Council Breakfast Coffee 159.04 159.04 Page 299 of 299
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