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rady a zkušenosti
Tlamovci - cichlidy afrických jezer Malawi a Tanganyika
Stránka č. 1 z 6
A breeding station for the 21st century. Rapportage
Who engaged anytime in marine aquaristic or who bred Cichlids of the great East African
lakes, knows without doubts name of Ing. Hynek Darbujan.
www.tlamovci.cz ©2009
He is author of many statues, several books, the famous Czech propagator of marine aquaristic. He
initiates regular seminars of marine aquaristists with great experience and he is also the peak
breeder, who bred like the first Altolamprologus calvus or Petrochromis trewavasae. He began to
engage in the 90th in the fully new discipline – marine aquaristic.
Until that time was breeding of the marine animals in periphery of interest in our country and
business exists only with the animals from Adriatic Sea.
Mr. Darbujan became the adviser and he created the marine aquariums. Later he established an
importing station of the marine animals. Today his company HD Cichlid and Marine Centre is on
the top of our market.
But he continues in breeding of the African Cichlids. His breeding and importing
station is among the best ones in our republic. Let’s go and look at it!
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The equipment is located is the single one-floor building with a flat roof. Sunshine is coming
through skylights and it helps to nice colors of the fish, to their condition and to their
začíná velkým písmenem
Za tečkou a čárkou je vždy
mezera (nikdy před)
Mělo by se psát s
You can come to the station either through an
office or directly through a cargo ramp. It is
rather large for our country, all in all aquariums
content about 50 thousands of litres.
No metal is in station. There are only glass stands, which are in the fact only stick aquariums, which stay one on the other. The sides are by 25cm higher then aquariums and the
upper aquarium is stick on these sides even to the 4th floor. The bottom sides hold the
three aquariums above.
It means – no rust and big reduction of
finance. The cleaning and disinfection are very
simple and you can’t room for stands.
Tlamovci - cichlidy afrických jezer Malawi a Tanganyika
Stránka č. 2 z 6
90cm wide corridors are among the stands. It is very
important detail. Cleaning, feeding
or catching is very comfortable and more, sunshine is
enough even for the lowest aquariums
It is necessary to have some helpers, as the station is rather large. Mostly breeders
employ their family members, but the owner of this station prefers work of handy women.
The women’s hands are absolutely without competition – in the whole station is order and
The work is easier through various innovations. F.e. two-way filter from bioaquacite,
which is cleaned itself by every change of water and it is not necessary to clean it. The
filters are in all big tanks.
The dark front moving strips are not very usual. It
would stop jumps of the fish by catching, but when it is
closed, it means, that the fish are fixed for expedition
and it is not allowed to feed them.
Behind the last row of the aquariums are located large content tanks, where the water is temporized,
where substances from water sediment and chlorine naturally evaporates.
You can take in by the view from higher level airy luminosity and efficient performance of the station.
A lot of sunshine is here thanks to skylights above corridors. More, below skylights is in the whole
length ramps with lights and ventilators.
Tlamovci - cichlidy afrických jezer Malawi a Tanganyika
Stránka č. 3 z 6
Of course, there are efficient dehumidifiers there.
Service lines of air and water are usual. Nevertheless, it is seen in the picture, how it is
serviceable and easy to survey.
Except the main breeding hall and the office are still in the building the room for technical
support (support power station, source of compressed air, freezers and stock of transport
boxes) and the smaller breeding hall with another smaller aquariums.
The young Cichlids are here after leaving of their parent’s mouth, the small fish of other
kinds have better luck and they live together with their parents (f.e. Tanganjika specie
Neolamprologus falcicula syn. cygnus). No incubators are here for the fish eggs and
As the breeding hall is large enough, the aquariums with the collection of Tanganjika Cichlids
of family Cyatopharynx are here too. Two kinds in five colors are here at this time.
I took pictures of three from them. But no photo is able to show beauty of the fish in
Cyathopharynx furcifer “Kabogo” is in the picture. Down thera is Cyathopharynx furcifer
A dole Cyathopharynx foai "Moliro" a Cyathopharynx foai "Karilani"
Tlamovci - cichlidy afrických jezer Malawi a Tanganyika
Stránka č. 4 z 6
Another thousands liters of water, this time in tanks in hothouse, are as supply for “fertile weeks”. It becames often in
ideal conditions of breeding hall. Also here are the bred fish
of family Aulonocara till the full colors and only then they
are sold.
The fish of family Aulonocara live in lake Malawi a little deeper than most of usual
bred Cichlids. That’s why their eyes are bigger and adapted on worse light
conditions. Females are grey, silver or brown, but beauty of Males is unbelievable.
The following pictures are only small examples of many kinds and shapes in the
breeding station. The more famous is Aulonocara stuartgranti, named by the wellknown exporter of the fish from Malawi. The blue form “Ngara” is in the picture.
Aulonocara sp. "Red rubin"
Aulonocara sp. Eureka appropriate to
the group of specie A. jacobfreibergi.
Aulonocara sp. "lwanda" Hai Reef
Aulonocara kandeensis ( a
part of the scientifists are almost sure,
that this nice black specie is only
subform of Aulonocara maylandi
Aulonocara sp. Mamelela
Lichnochromis acuticeps
Dominant yellow or black discoloration with metallic shine is typical for kinds living in
Ukerewe (Victoria’s lake). It is very difficultto correct determine the fish there thanks to
rapid evolution and thanks to today rapid dieing out and mutual crossing, which is
caused by change of living conditions.
The fish in the picture is called in business Astatotilapia nyerei “Ruti Island”, but
the correct scientific name is probably Pundamilia nyerei.
Tlamovci - cichlidy afrických jezer Malawi a Tanganyika
Stránka č. 5 z 6
Fossorochromis rostratus
Cyrtocara moorii
Other interesting fish is blue-black Fossorochromis rostratus.
The males occur in the lake in the big shoals.
Horizontal and perpendicular dark gratings on the silver sides are typical for them.
Usual bred fish, but in the same time very popular one, is
so called “Dolphin” – Cichlid Cyrtocara moorii, with typical oil bump in the forehead.
Pseudotropheus sp "elongatus chewere"
One of the hot news from lake Malawi –
the sand Cichlid Lethrinops sp. "Red cap Itungi"
Placidochromis phenochilus
Astatotilapia nyererei "Ruti Island"
Dominant yellow or black discoloration with metallic shine is
typical for kinds living in lake
Ukerewe (Victoria’s lake). It is very difficultto correct determine the fish there thanks to rapid evolution and thanks to
today rapid dieing out and mutual crossing, which is caused
by change of living conditions.
The fish in the picture is called in business Astatotilapia nyerei “Ruti Island”, but
the correct scientific name is probably Pundamilia nyerei.
Astatotilapia sp. "Yellow belly"
Enantiopus melanogenys
Astatotilapia sp. “Yellow belly” is another lovely fish, which was recently imported.
up left).
Cichlids from lake Tanganjika are most numerous in the aquariums. It is nonsence to name all
kinds of them here, but I can show at least two from them, Tropheus moorei and T. duboisi, or
sand Cichlid from family Xenotilapia and Enantiopus. Gay discoloration of the Males of
Enantiopius melanogenys (shoal of them is in the picture above) is evident in the time of
impression. At that time is more expressive wide black margin of fins and yellow head.
Altolamprologus calvus "Chisanse Yelow"
Cyprichromis sp. "leptosoma Jumbo" Kitumba
Tlamovci - cichlidy afrických jezer Malawi a Tanganyika
Stránka č. 6 z 6
Ctenochromis hoorei
Eretmodus sp. "cyanostictus north Tanzania"
Spathodus erythrodon
Neolamprologus buescheri Kamakonde
Lamprichthys tanganicanus
Thorichthys ellioti
The big Gobbies Lamprichthys tanganicanus swim among Cichlids of family Cyprichromis.
(p hoto up left ).
I caught sight also representatives of Cichlids from Central America, extraordinary colored
Thorichthys ellioti, who are related to very famous Thorichthys
meeki. They can reach size of 15cm and they come from drainage
of Papaloapan river.
Ing. Hynek Darbujan is the person, who realized his dream. He has job, which is interesting for
him, which feeds him and in which he is reputable specialist. He visited several times Africa in the
last time and he watched, took photos and caught Cichlids in their natural world.
He imported even some new forms of the fish. He tries hard to create optimal conditions for
acclimatization of the imported fish and for their reproduction in his breeding station. Quality
Is in the first place. The advanced attention is paid to choice of the fish parents, quality of
feeding and purity.
Web firm’s pages you can found on
Writed for Akvaristu.cz.
Autor: Martin Rose / translated by MIRO
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