FTire: High-End Tire Model for Vehicle Simulation in SIMPACK
FTire: High-End Tire Model for Vehicle Simulation in SIMPACK
3RD PARTY PRODUCT | Michael Gipser, Gerald Hofmann, cosin scientific software FTire: High-End Tire Model for Vehicle Simulation in SIMPACK Fig. 1: Tire structure distortion on Belgian block road IDEAS DRIVING FTIRE DEVELOPMENT A modern tire simulation model is expected to be a virtual reproduction of the true tire, covering all of its vehicle dynamics-relevant aspects and their respective cross-correlation, and providing reliable insight into the dynamic behavior of the tire. Such an accurate tire model has to take into account many different kinds of external or internal excitations, for example: • short-waved road irregularities (Fig. 1) • sharp-edged and/or high obstacles with small extensions like cleats and stones • location- and time-dependent road friction properties and water film depth •high-frequency rim oscillations induced by active suspension control systems • variable inflation pressure • variable tire and road surface temperature • actual tread wear state •tire imbalance, non-uniformity, run-out and other imperfections 10 | SIMPACK News | March 2014 The tire is undoubtedly both the most important and the most complex vehicle suspension component. With this in mind, tire simulation today requires more than the mathematical approximation of a hand full of steady-state, deflection- and slip-based force/moment characteristics on ideally flat or constantly curved surfaces. And it requires more than sensing the road below the tire at a single point, or an ‘equivalent volume’ approach, which condenses the complex geometrical road surface shape into one value. Neglecting this would result in oversimplified tire dynamics and rough road influence. This is what 'classical' tire models have done since the earliest vehicle dynamics simulations. Instead, the increasing complexity of stateof-the-art vehicle models requires a versatile, robust and multi-purpose tire model that can be used not only in 'classical' handling application scenarios, but also with highly dynamic road excitations, misuse scenarios, and any component test rig application, simultaneously. • rim flexibility • road surface flexibility and/or plasticity simplified model still observes all related physical principles. To a certain extent, and in clear contrast to pure mathematical apDue to the nonlinear and high-frequency proximations, such models are able to exnature of most of the tire dynamics aspects, trapolate conditions not completely covered a physics-based model appears to be the by a respective experiment. only option. The intrinsic benefit of physicsFor example, consider the real tire’s main based models is that there is no need to structure. This structure is composed of a find and ‘build in’ the tire behavior for every ‘nearly’ axisymmetric placement of carcass, single combination of belt, and bead, artire input signals, tire “A modern tire simulation ranged in layers and states and operating model is expected to be a virtual embedded into difconditions. Rather, as reproduction of the true tire...” ferent types of rubber with the real tire, the compound as matrix behavior is a consequence of fewer but material. In FTire, SIMPACK’s high-end tire more reliable physical principles. model, this structure is replaced by a closed The art of tire modeling is no longer the Sichain of small nonlinearly flexible bodies. syphean task of implementing ever more arDespite this obvious simplification, the foltificial influencing factors, trying to take into lowing are automatically observed: account every new observed phenomenon. Rather, it comes down to deciding which • well-known relationships between differphysical effects may be neglected or simplient modes and mode-shapes, and their fied under certain conditions. The remaining dependency on load and rolling speed Michael Gipser, Gerald Hofmann, cosin scientific software | 3RD PARTY PRODUCT ➡ 500 to 2500 DOFs, assigned to a ring of belt segments: translation along x/ y / z rotation about longitudinal axis The most important development aspect of FTire is the design and implementation of feasible, reliable, and affordable methods to determine the parameters of the physical submodels. After this, the inherent numerical complexity of some of the models requires the development of optimized ODE and PDE solvers, running in co-simulation with the MBS, FEM, or system dynamics solver. Today, it is expected that tire models run in real-time, for HiL and driving simulator applications. FTire does so, after some internal tuning, but with the original core model. bending with 3 to 9 shape functions ➡ Belt segments coupled to each other and to rim by a large set of nonlinear spring/damper elements, reflecting the tire's structural stiffness properties CORE MECHANICAL MODEL FTire’s core model is a special, MBS-like arrangement of nonlinear elasticity, dissipative and inertia elements which replace the real tire structure (Fig. 2a/b). Selection of these elements and their parameterization is such that belt distortion under a wide range of relevant external loads on flat or non-flat surface matches that of the real tire in a detailed way. Lower-order eigenfrequencies, mode shapes (including bending modes), and modal damping values are matched sufficiently well at the same time. Stiffness parameters and internal belt normal forces are influenced by actual inflation pressure (Fig. 2c). The related parameterization takes respective measurements of the global tire stiffness under different conditions, as well as eigenfrequencies and related mode shapes, for use in a parameter identification (PI) pro- Fig. 2a: Structure model: belt segments • impulse and energy conservation • structure distortion under different kinds of static loads •relationships between local and global stiffness • symmetry and defined of linearized mass and stiffness matrix, etc. FTire arranges the physics-based tire description into subsystems, well-defined system boundaries and interface signals which have clear physical meaning. This allows easy activation and deactivation of certain tire model extensions, without replacing the data-file or changing the model interfacing. To complete this 'model scope on demand' approach, two more aspects have to be mentioned: •FTire is scalable with respect to timely and spatial resolution of structural discretization and road surface sensing. This is achieved by strictly decoupling physical data and numerical settings. Whatever internal time step, segment number or tread block number is chosen, the prescribed static, modal and steady-state properties used to determine internal physical parameters will be precisely matched by FTire. This is achieved in a fully automated way, during the so-called data pre-processing phase, which is repeated if numerical settings are changed. •Several of the subsystem models were introduced to extend FTire’s scope of application, e.g., road surface description, soft-soil model and rim flexibility model, which may be replaced with user-written versions using standardized C-code interfaces. By the means listed above, the tire model variant actually used is tailored to the application, saving computing time without the need to maintain different tire models or tire model data files. rim Ffr ictio n dd yn cfr Ffriction ddyn d dyn d radial c radial ssion gre ictio n pro cd dradial yn cfriction belt hysteresis by dry friction F friction nod c dyn cradial cdyn progression belt e nod belt node e dynamic stiffening by Maxwell elements force/deflection progressivity run-on-flat bottoming by nonlinear radial springs Fig. 2b: Structure model: radial force elements SIMPACK News | March 2014 | 11 3RD PARTY PRODUCT | Michael Gipser, Gerald Hofmann, cosin scientific software implemented in internal, switchable subsystems (Fig. 4): stiffness: c = c (p) pressure forces: Fpressure = F (p) • n Fig. 2c: Inflation pressure influence cess. Alternatively, comparable static load cases or modal analyses of a FEM tire model may serve as 'virtual measurements'. In order to compare modal data, FTire provides linearized system matrices at any arbitrary operating point. The second component of the core model is the tread description, comprised of an arbitrary number (typically between 3.000 and 10.000) of massless 'contact elements' (Fig. 3). These contact sensors, with extensions in the range of millimeters, are attached to the structure model elements and potentially come into contact with the road. If so, radial deflection (and thus local ground pressure), local sliding velocity, individual temperature, and local road contact tangent planes are used to compute sensorindividual normal and friction forces. These forces constitute the distributed external load of the structure model. By setting the unloaded lengths of the contact sensors in an appropriate way, it is possible to take into account grooves, lugs, and other tread patterns (Fig. 3). FTire’s road evaluation supports all quasiindustry-standard road data formats, and in addition, has a simple interface for user-defined road models. The complete decoupling of road evaluation from SIMPACK allows SIMPACK to be connected to all FTire-supported road models, without any extra provisions within SIMPACK. SUBSYSTEMS Next to the core model, FTire optionally provides several extensions, most of which are 12 | SIMPACK News | March 2014 Michael Gipser, Gerald Hofmann, cosin scientific software | 3RD PARTY PRODUCT structural stiffness), and tread friction characteristics • A tread wear prediction model, driven by local friction power and tread temperature (Fig. 5) •A flexible and visco-elastic rim model, which can be replaced by a user-provided model • A soft soil model, based on the BekkerWong soil equation [7] which can be replaced by a user-provided terra-mechanical soil model (Fig. 6) • A fluid-dynamics-based filling gas vibration model, driven mainly by time- and location-dependent variations of the tire cross section, to predict excitation and influence of 'cavity modes' • Extra contact elements for tire misuse simulations, like belt-to-rim contact (bottoming), sidewall-to-curb contact, and rim-to-curb contact • Several modifications of the core mode parameters, to take into account different types of tire imperfections such as imbalance, non-uniformity, tread gauge variations, conicity, ply-steer and more • A thermal model, predicting the filling gas temperature as well PARAMETERIZATION as the tread surface temperature field. In FTire's parameterization procedure, a It is driven by heat generated in all disclear distinction is made between data sipative and friction used internally in the elements of the me“A clear distinction is made model equations ('prechanical core model, between data used internally processed' data), and as well as by cooling in the model equations, and data to be supplied by through convecdata to be supplied by the user.” the user ('basic' data). tion, radiation and a Basic data are obtained transfer of heat into the environment. by standard laboratory measurements, or by In turn, the temperatures influence both equivalent simulations with an FEM model, inflation pressure (and by this indirectly if available. 3rd Party MBS solver user defined stiff road interface > 0.80 0.70 .. 0.80 0.60 .. 0.70 0.50 .. 0.60 0.40 .. 0.50 0.30 .. 0.40 0.20 .. 0.30 0.10 .. 0.20 < 0.01 grid-line dist. 20mm Fig. 3: Tread model t= 0.152s s= 0.84h stiff rim CTI internal MBS susp. model FTire core 3rd Party system simulator internal flexible rim model internal soil model user defined flex. rim model interface user defined soil model interface Fig. 4: FTire: subsystems, system borders, interfaces, plug-ins These standard measurements are selected to be as inexpensive, repeatable, significant, and as reliable as possible. Observing this, a standardized measurement procedure — which was recently defined by a working group of German car manufacturers — has been recommended. Comprehensive software (FTire/fit, Fig. 7) is available to automate the parameterization and validation process (Fig. 8a/b), based upon these measurements. However, such methods require significant training and expertise in tire dynamics. Certain test laboratories provide 'turn-key' FTire data files. ground pressure [MPa] CTI internal stiff roads • control of FTire’s animation • provision of TYDEX/STI output • provision of key tire data, as required by the calling vehicle model • selection of user-defined submodels •specification of FTire’s ‘speed mode’, a collection of settings to influence FTire’s speed of computation (up to real-time INTERFACING AND NUMERICS FTire is run in co-simulation, thus completely decoupling the integration of its huge number of internal state variables from SIMPACK’s DAE solver. As with all other supported simulation environments, the interface between SIMPACK and FTire is realized by an easy to apply, but comprehensive application programming interface. This API, called CTI (cosin tire interface), handles: • exchange of system signals between vehicle and tire model • loading of tire and road data files • specification of operating conditions • requests for extra output Fig. 5: Tread wear model activated SIMPACK News | March 2014 | 13 3RD PARTY PRODUCT | Michael Gipser, Gerald Hofmann, cosin scientific software The integrator deals with potentially extremely large non-linear structure deformations, locally unstable friction characteristics, and high numerical stiffness of the structure’s equations of motion. The integrator takes full advantage of FTire’s numerical properties, like the nearly axisymmetric tire structure and clear discrimination between stiff and non-stiff system components. It guarantees certain static and modal properties of the discretized model, independent of actual numerical settings like internal step-size and mesh resolution. Although using a constant internal step-size is preferable, CTI and FTire can be connected to any step-size- and order-controlling external solver. However, FTire’s performance is best if the solver step size does not change too often. ground pressure [MPa] > 0.80 0.70 .. 0.80 0.60 .. 0.70 0.50 .. 0.60 0.40 .. 0.50 0.30 .. 0.40 0.20 .. 0.30 0.10 .. 0.20 < 0.01 t = 0.091s s = 1.63h grid-line dist. 20mm Michael Gipser, Gerald Hofmann, cosin scientific software | 3RD PARTY PRODUCT Fig. 6: FTire on soft soil model: pressure distribution and road surface deformation capability for simultaneous computation of all tires of a vehicle) and much more. The use of these capabilities is under sole control of the calling solver. CTI and FTire are packed into a single dynamic library (cti.dll in Windows systems and libcti.so in Linux systems), without any extra dependencies. in all important vehicle simulation environments. FTire is used by several dozen OEMs, tire manufacturers, tier-1-suppliers, and research institutes world-wide and can be applied to almost all types of ground vehicle and aircraft tires. It has become the first choice for ride comfort, handling, durability, and mobility applications. longitudial force size & geometry, mass vertical stiffnes.... belt in-plane and lateral bending stiffness, belt longitudinal stiffness... Out-Of-Plane Statics belt lateral and torsional stiffness... tread stiffness... Handling small slip values belt-out-of-plane bending stiffness... longitudial force 600 400 200 200 0 0 -400 time [s] [N] 3600 vertical force 3400 0 -200 -200 -400 -400 -600 -600 time [s] time [s] [N] 4400 vertical force [N] 5600 4200 5400 4000 5200 3800 5000 3600 4800 3400 4600 vertical force 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 Fig. 8a: Cleat test validation, v = 5 km/h (blue = measurement, red = FTire) Wheel Load 2.3 kN In-Plane Cleat Tests belt extensibility, in-plane damping, more tread rubber properties... Out-Of-Plane Cleat Tests out-of-plane damping, belt out-of-plane flexibility kinematics... Friction Characteristics large slip values sliding friction coefficients Fig. 7: Sequential parameter identification, using direct data, static properties, steady-state measurements, and dynamic cleat tests for in-plane and out-of-plane excitation 14 | SIMPACK News | March 2014 Wheel Load 4.7 kN [N] 800 2000 3200 4400 time [s] time [s] time [s] Directly Measured Data Traction / Braking longitudial force 400 200 Tyre and Vehicle Dynamics (3rd ed.), pp. 582– 586. SAE International 2012 [5] Gipser, M.: Pneumatic Tire Models: the Detailed Mechanical Approach. In: Road and Off-Road Vehicle System Dynamics Handbook. Mastinu, Plöchl (eds), CRC Press, to appear in November 2013 [6] Wong, J.Y.: Terramechanics and Off-Road Vehicle Engineering (2nd ed.). ButterworthHeinemann, Oxford 2010 Wheel Load 3.5 kN [N] 600 400 2200 In-Plane Statics [1] FTire documentation and more material: www.cosin.eu [2] Gipser, M.: FTire — the Tire Simulation Model for all Applications Related to Vehicle Dynamics. Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 45:1, pp. 217–225, 2007 [3] Gipser, M.: RGR Road Models for FTire. Proc. SAE World Congress 08M-54, Detroit 2008 [4] Gipser, M.: The FTire Tire Model. In: Pacejka,H. B.: Wheel Load 2.3 kN [N] -200 CONCLUSION Nearly 15 years of intense development, FTire’s specialized ODE/PDE solver updates preceded by 15 years of experience in tens of thousands of state variables (includtire modeling, have made FTire the most ing 3D displacements, comprehensive and temperature, friction “A modern tire simulation frequently used physiand wear state of all model is expected to be a virtual cal tire model today. contact elements) once reproduction of the true tire...” Providing the complete per internal time step. tool chain to create, The duration of this time step can be choanalyze, and process data for both tire sen, but is typically around 0.2 ms. and road surface properties, it is available REFERENCES [N] 1500 longitudial force Wheel Load 3.5 kN [N] 1500 1000 1000 500 500 0 0 -500 -500 longitudial force Wheel Load 4.7 kN [N] 1500 longitudial force 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -1000 -1000 0.000.02 0.040.06 0.080.10 0.000.02 0.040.06 0.080.10 0.000.02 0.040.06 0.080.10 time [s] time [s] time [s] [N] 4000 vertical force [N] 5000 vertical force [N] 6000 vertical force 3500 4500 5500 3000 4000 5000 2500 3500 4500 2000 3000 4000 1500 2500 3500 1000 0.000.02 0.040.06 0.080.10 time [s] 3000 2000 0.000.02 0.040.06 0.080.10 0.000.02 0.040.06 0.080.10 time [s] time [s] Fig. 8b: Cleat test validation, v = 40 km/h (blue = measurement, red = FTire) SIMPACK News | March 2014 | 15