2008 Annual Report - The College of New Rochelle
2008 Annual Report - The College of New Rochelle
�UARTERLY Winter 2009 | Volume 80 | No. 1 The College of New Rochelle Alumnae/i Magazine The College of New Rochelle 2008 Annual Report T The College’s primary purpose is the intellectual development of persons through the maintenance of the highest standards of academic excellence and educational growth. he College of New Rochelle was founded in 1904 by the Ursuline Order as the first Catholic college for women in New York State. Today, the College serves a student population of more than 7,000 students. In addition to the School of Arts and Sciences, which remains all-women, the College has three co-educational schools: the Graduate School, established in 1969; the School of New Resources, in 1972; and the School of Nursing, in 1976. The College’s main campus is in New Rochelle, with six branch campuses of the School of New Resources located throughout the New York metropolitan area. The College offers strong reasons for seeking private support. The importance of the life of the spirit and a reverence for the individual are hallmarks of an Ursuline valuebased education. These characteristics are manifest in a College of New Rochelle education today. The College’s primary purpose is the intellectual development of persons through the maintenance of the highest standards of academic excellence and educational growth. From this tradition, the College derives its dedication to the education of women and men in the liberal arts and in professional studies. The College reaches out to those who have not previously had access to higher education and places particular emphasis on the concept of lifelong learning. Private support allows the College to build upon its commitment and mission as an educational institution by providing academic scholarships, grants, financial aid, and technology enhancements. Similarly, funding is needed for physical plant renovations, special programs, and curriculum development. Gifts to the College include cash, appreciated securities, capital donations, real estate, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, endowed funds, and bequests. When The College of New Rochelle is included in estate plans through a planned gift or a bequest, thoughtful donors reduce their taxes, protect their assets, and generate income. By reaching beyond their own lives to assure opportunities for future generations, generous donors shape the future and make a critical difference in the College’s ability to fulfill its mission. For additional information about making a gift to The College of New Rochelle, please call the Office of College Advancement at (800) 474-4232. Or you can email us at makeagift@cnr.edu. UARTERLY EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Lenore Boytim Carpinelli SAS’89 Associate Editor UARTERLY The College of New Rochelle Alumnae/i Magazine Volume 80 | No. 1 Irene Villaverde SNR’04 Assistant Editor Andrea Hindmarsh Fagon SAS’00 Graphic Design Kim Barron Contributing Writer John Coyne 2008 Annual Report PAGE 2 PRESIDENT’S LETTER 11 THE YEAR IN REVIEW 18 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Summary Statement of Changes in Net Assets Analysis of Net Assets 2004-2008 2008 Unrestricted Revenues 2008 Expenses I Photographs Peter Finger G. Steve Jordan I 19 I I Rob Morgan John Vecchiolla 2007-2008 ADMINISTRATION Stephen J. Sweeny 20 LETTER FROM THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 21 2008 GIFTS TO THE COLLEGE 22 I. EXTRAORDINARY GIVING 23 II. THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE COLLEGE OF NEW ROCHELLE 26 III. ANNUAL FUND GIFT CLUBS The President’s Circle The President’s Circle Associates The Founder’s Society The Chidwick Associates The Century Club 40 IV. ALUMNAE/I ANNUAL GIFTS School of Arts & Sciences 1927-1979 School of Arts & Sciences/School of Nursing 1980-2008 Graduate School School of New Resources 68 V. President Ellen R. Curry Damato Executive Vice President Dorothy Escribano Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Judith Huntington Vice President for Financial Affairs Joan E. Bristol Vice President for Student Services Brenna Sheenan Mayer Vice President for College Advancement Richard Thompson Dean, School of Arts & Sciences Guy Lometti Dean, Graduate School Elza Dinwiddie-Boyd Dean, School of New Resources Mary Alice Donius Dean, School of Nursing James T. Schleifer OTHER ANNUAL GIFTS Friends Current and Former Faculty and Staff Parents and Past Parents Other Gifts Golf and Tennis Outing Corporations, Foundations and Organizations Government Matching Gift Companies Dean, Gill Library 76 VI. PLANNED GIVING The Heritage Society 78 VII. CLASS OFFICERS 80 VIII. TRUSTEES, ADMINISTRATION, VOLUNTARY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT DEAR MEMBERS OF THE COLLEGE FAMILY, Dr. Sweeny, President of The College of New Rochelle, one of our finest Catholic colleges.” I simply thanked the Holy Father for the encouragement of his visit and the generosity of his extraordinary ministry in the Church. Wherever he went, he seemed to light up the space. Almost one year ago now, Benedict XVI arrived in the United States for a visit to the United Nations. All along the way, in dramatic contradiction to the media’s predictions that this would be an unhappy father chastising his errant children, the Pope walked among us in encouragement and affirmation, calling us still to higher ground and purpose. Here was the father so proud of the family, grateful for our faithfulness, and reminding us that we are still so supremely well positioned to influence our nation and the world in the promotion of human dignity. As the Pope moved on, I have never felt more the privilege of leading this great community, of representing all of you who have been faithful companions in keeping this College vital and vibrant for 105 years. Realizing that we never operate in isolation, the Pope’s visit reminded us that we are part of something so enormous, the universal Gospel mandate “that they may have life and have it abundantly,” that lives have been touched and transformed for generations and are still so touched by the College. The Annual Report provides us with the opportunity to inventory the precious values which animate this university community. The gift of the Ursulines to the world in 1904, The College of New Rochelle still proudly flies the flag of Catholic liberal arts college for women. We stand fast to our commitment to the Catholic intellectual, moral and social justice tradition. We believe more than ever in our 105-year commitment to the education of women; we want to have our students view the world through the eyes of women. We believe in the primacy of the liberal arts and in the value of building community drawn from diversity. During the papal visit, it was my great honor to meet the Pope on three different occasions. Of course, I was present when the Holy Father, at his explicit request, met with Catholic college presidents and the education officers of the American dioceses. Dr. Ellen Curry Damato, Executive Vice President, and I were privileged to be guests of the Holy See, seated behind the delegates of nations on the floor of the General Assembly at the United Nations. Finally, and without doubt, an experience that will remain with me forever, my wife, Barbara, and I were guests of Cardinal Egan in the chapel of our seminary at Dunwoodie, Yonkers, as the Pope walked among special-needs children in an event organized by Catholic Charities. So lovingly, so reverently, so joyfully, the Holy Father greeted each child. Undisturbed by the spontaneity, sometimes the sheer unpredictability of these beautiful children, the Pope, in his unhurried embrace of each, provided extraordinary personal witness to the message of Jesus: “Let the little children come to me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Having watched this all in awe, and unashamed to admit, with tears streaming down my face, I was, to say the least, unprepared when the Cardinal directed the Holy Father to Barbara and me: “Holy Father, here is 2 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E As we celebrate in this report the conclusion of another successful year at the College, in this current year as I pen this, how quickly economic crisis has gripped the nation and world. Although, like everyone else, we are experiencing the effect of this economy, at CNR we are resolute in our mission, and we reaffirm the essential partnership we have with you. This report lists so many friends of the College. I never take that friendship for granted. In good times and times of challenge, these friends walk with us and support us. I am so grateful for your faithful company. You allow us, as the Holy Father described us, to be a “messenger of hope” for the nation and world! Sincerely, As vital members of this College of New Rochelle community, you are part of an educational enterprise that has been a thriving institution for 105 years. I count on your interest and support. We are a wise community. We have weathered storms before. I have no doubt we will emerge from this one stronger, wiser, and ever more faithful to the success of each of our students. Stephen J. Sweeny, Ph.D. President 3 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Reflections on the 2008 Papal Visit to the U.S. Members of the CNR Community had several occasions to visit with Pope Benedict during his historic journey. We asked several members of the CNR Community to share reflections of the Pope’s visit. To Discuss, To Reflect, To Inspire Action By Dr. Joan Bailey Special Assistant to the President for Mission & Identity T he Papal visit of last spring was of special importance to Catholic higher education in many ways but most significant was no doubt his speech directed to Catholic educators delivered at The Catholic University of America. The pastoral and motivational tone was certainly valuable and significantly different from what the United States media had predicted based on their reporting of some of the more divisive and visible critics of American Catholic higher education. Likewise the content, which addressed the Catholic identity of Catholic educational institutions, especially higher education, emphasized an understanding of Catholic identity that relies on “the noble goals of scholarship and education, founded on the unity of truth and in the service of the person and the community.” The Pope made clear that the “Catholic identity is not dependent upon statistics. Neither can it be equated simply with orthodoxy of course content. It demands and inspires much more: namely that each and every aspect of your learning 4 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E … the Papal visit has made a significant impact on all Americans, Catholic and nonCatholic alike, as his words have recalled us to our foundational commitments to creating a society with justice and equality at its core. communities reverberates within the ecclesial life of faith. Only in faith can truth become incarnate and reason truly human...” This certainly presents challenges for us at CNR, but it also opposes those “critics” who would use simple numbers as the litmus test for being Catholic. It is also noteworthy that the Pope was encouraging not scolding as some folks were predicting. But most important about this is that the media had chosen to give voice to the “litmus test” folks before the visit and so had prepped readers and listeners for a confrontation. That same media hardly reported the pastoral encouragement that did in fact occur. Now we in Catholic higher education must work more assiduously to tell the vibrant story of the current situation of Catholic education in America and to make ever more visible, through our diversity, our continuing great contributions to the Academy, the Church and the Society. In addition to the Pope’s address to Catholic educators, his homilies and his speeches have provided much to discuss and reflect upon and to inspire action. The speech at the United Nations has already driven dialogue on Catholic social justice and global justice and is apparently already bearing fruit in the actions of the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who is expected to soon release a report on the “responsibility to protect” human rights for the General Assembly to debate. As Pope Benedict XVI said, nations of the world joining together in the United Nations must hold sovereign states accountable for the atrocious crimes that occur when sovereign states refuse to act or, even worse, are themselves the perpetrators of abuses of persons. In short, the Papal visit has made a significant impact on all Americans, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, as his words have recalled us to our foundational commitments to creating a society with justice and equality at its core. 5 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2008 PAPAL VISIT TO THE U.S. Offering a Profound Gift Students Visit with the Pope By Helen Wolf Director of Campus Ministry I DON’T THINK THEY HAD ANY IDEA WHAT LAY BEFORE THEM THAT DAY. Although encountering some physical hardships, the students who attended didn’t seem to mind. Merin George, a senior in the School of Arts and Sciences, commented on the enthusiastic nature of the attendees. “I couldn’t help but notice how people remained cheerful for the most part of the day.” What struck Merin was the diversity of the crowd who, at another time and in another place, may not have reacted so pleasantly to the discomforts of the day. She remembers how the mood became even more joyful once they all caught sight of the Popemobile. “When the Pope arrived I found myself cheering with sheer joy along with thousands of others who waved Papal flags in unison. When the Pope arrived, I saw something unexpected. I saw people who believe and who honor the head of the Catholic Church, craning their necks to get a glimpse of him. When he passed by in his car, we all screamed excitedly.” Nineteen students from The College of New Rochelle traveled to the Archdiocesan seminary, St. Joseph’s in Yonkers, for the Papal Youth Rally on April 19, 2008. In preparing for the day, the Archdiocese laid out some very specific guidelines. The Pope was expected to arrive at 5 p.m., but students were expected to arrive at noon and could not leave the grounds after 2 p.m. Their commitment was for the entire day. No backpacks, food, water bottles or other personal amenities could be taken onto the grounds. Food vouchers were provided to all attendees, but lines were long. Seating was on the ground, and shady spots were few. The most important part of the day for Laura Enright, a senior in the School of Nursing, was the message she gleaned from Pope Benedict’s remarks. This was an historical day as none of the students present had ever known a pope other than John Paul II. Laura wondered what he would find to say to this generation of youth. “I found his message about the saints inspiring, people whose life and works were carried out in the Americas. It gave me a sense that I could do good works as 6 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E When the Pope arrived, I saw something unexpected. I saw people who believe and who honor the head of the Catholic Church, craning their necks to get a glimpse of him. When he passed by in his car, we all screamed excitedly. well in my lifetime.” Even more striking was what the Pope didn’t say. “Without telling us specific ways to live our lives,” writes Laura, “Pope Benedict reassured us if we keep the truth of Jesus Christ as the guiding factor in our lives, we can make a real difference in changing the world for the better.” Jazmine Garzon, a junior with the School of Nursing, had similar thoughts. “There were a few things that I took with me that day and one of them was how much influence this generation has to make change. Hope and faith is sometimes all you need. Pope Benedict gave us that hope and he showed me that I can act to make a change and build peace in the world. Who else but us, God’s children?” Pope Benedict offered a profound gift to the youth of our Church. He courageously challenged them to work toward ending drug and substance abuse, poverty, racism, violence, the exploitation of women, and the degradation of the earth. He called on them to bear witness to the Good News of Jesus on the streets of New York. Through prayer, developing a strong, personal relationship with God, and in fellowship with the Church body, Benedict encouraged them to listen to the whispers of God in the extraordinary journey of their lives. What a grace-filled message offered to a remarkable generation of young people. Those 19 CNR students were each empowered to make their lives a gift of self for the love of the Lord Jesus and, in turn, to share that love with every member of the human family. Not one of them left that day untouched by this message, not one of them discouraged to discover and embrace God’s particular vocation for them. No, I don’t think our students had any idea as to what would happen to them that day. 7 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2008 PAPAL VISIT TO THE U.S. YOUR HOLINESS, We were as little children awaiting your arrival at the United Nations; we were as the little children waiting to see Jesus, wanting to be with Him. It was as if it were some two thousand years ago and Christ was walking among us healing and blessing us, and we were those little children whom he asked to come unto Him. Usually dripping in dignity and titles, we possessed none of that guile, none of that artifice, none of that formality. Rather, we felt privileged to be present at such an occasion. Filled with excitement, with peace and with joy, as if anticipating the gifts we would receive on a special occasion – a birthday, a graduation, Christmas, Hanukah…, we were as little children, innocent and awed, awaiting your arrival. The feeling was visceral, pervasive in all of us – the believer and non-believer, the Catholic and nonCatholic, the young and the old, from doctors to laborers, from clergy to laity, we were all awaiting your arrival for your healing, for your blessing and for your joy – that same joy exhibited on your face immediately following your election to the Papacy. In Washington, at the United Nations, in New York, at Ground Zero, at the Synagogue, at the Churches and Stadiums, at the Meetings – planned and unplanned, at the prayer services and the Masses, in person and on TV, you healed and blessed the world, the country, the city, the Church. In the Church, we needed you to heal the scars from the injury of priestly abuse. In the Country and, particularly in New York City, we needed you to heal the scars from the injury of 9/11. In the World, symbolized by the United Nations, we needed you to heal the scars from the injuries of wars, genocide, famine and poverty. And heal us you did, by your presence, by your grace, and by your love – that authentic love for all of us as God’s children regardless of circumstances or belief. And how generous you were to us! Your presence was a great gift, your words a further gift. Yet, your healing and your blessings were the gifts we needed and which we cherish most of all. Upon our meeting, I only spoke a few words to you. Those few words seemed to speak volumes to you. “Holiness, thank you for healing us,” I said, as you took my hand in greeting. You stopped, looked deeply into my eyes, into my soul, as if confirming to me the importance of my words. At that moment, you seemed to know, as I did, that I was only the instrument articulating this profound spiritual truth which was given to me to deliver to you. Still holding my hands, you waited for me to continue, to say more. (It seemed an eternity…) Finally, I added, “and blessing us.” 8 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E That’s all I could say; that’s all you needed to hear; that’s all that needed to be said, as we stood face to face enveloped in the deep grace of God’s holiness. Somehow, you knew that I spoke for the millions of people throughout the nation and throughout the world; somehow you understood that I was expressing their profound gratitude in the message I had just conveyed to you, perhaps affirming what you knew to be the true purpose of your visit. You started to move to the next person, yet continued to hold onto my hand with your papal ring hand. As if to seal what had just occurred, I kissed your ring with great reverence and respect. Only then did you release my hand and move on to other people. At the end of the receiving line, a chorus of young children waited for you. They presented flowers to you and sang for you in German. One of the songs was from your childhood and, for a few poignant moments, you were a child again. Then, we all were as little children enveloped in God’s love, being healed and blessed. After the conclusion of the ceremony, as you walked past us again, exiting the gallery, confirming all that had come to pass, the healing and the blessing radiated through the halls of the United Nations and, indeed, onto the streets of New York City and its environs, symbolic of the healing and blessing of the world. You had begun this healing and blessing in Washington, but because of your visit to the United Nations, the healing and blessing felt more intense now, particularly at Ground Zero. Hence, Ground Zero became the heart of your healing and blessing of all humanity. You arrived in this country, some said, as a rock star. That characterization, however, minimizes your impact and your intention. Your impact on us was immediate – quiet and intimate, although joyfully noisy, exuberant and public. Your intention was to bless us with your presence, but you profoundly healed us in that blessing, with an evolving, slow, permanent healing of our souls. Consequently, we are all the better for your visit. We continue to heal and be blessed as we go on with our lives, knowing that you – holy man, priest, pope, embodiment of the sacred lineage of two thousand years – walked among us and healed us with your presence, your blessings and your love. We were as the little children, knowing what they knew then, wanting what they wanted then: the goodness, the presence, the holiness, the connection of the love – God’s all encompassing love of which you so eloquently speak, write and live. We were as little children! Thank you for healing us… and blessing us. Respectfully, Baroness Flavia Frati-Spagnola New York, New York, United States of America Baroness Flavia Frati-Spagnola is a graduate of the College's School of Art & Sciences. 9 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2008 PAPAL VISIT TO THE U.S. A Joyous, Gentle & Warm Shepherd By Rev. Dr. J. Joseph Flynn, OFM Cap. College Chaplain Y ears before his call to be the successor to the Chair of St. Peter, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger acquired the reputation of being a stoic enforcer of the teachings of The Catholic Church as the president of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. People saw him as unbending in his decisions, a hardliner who was coldly conservative. This picture followed him into his papacy. The world did not expect anything different. However, his visit to the United States became a surprising education and the dissolution of a stereotype that haunted his life previously. His joyful demeanor and his boundless energy for a man 81 years old spoke volumes to the truth of who this man really was. a Rocky movie where he battles a Russian giant in Russia and is booed in the beginning of the fight. At the end he states: “When we first met, I didn’t much like you, and you didn’t like me. But we changed. If we can change, then everyone can change.” Pope Benedict was not the man we thought he was and so many people allowed themselves to think differently about him. And he was affected by this experience too because he could see how deeply the faith resides in the people of America, and he stated this openly. The first indication came when Pope Benedict asked to meet with the presidents of Catholic colleges and universities of the United States. Because of past experiences a general foreboding arose that correctives were coming. To the surprise of many at this meeting at The Catholic University of America, the Pope praised the educators present, encouraging them to continue their good work. The scene was set for more affirmation to come. I believe that the single-most important moment on this trip which I mentioned in my homily on Sunday, April 20, 2008 was accepting Cardinal Sean O’Malley’s request to meet with a number of survivors of sexual abuse by the clergy. Unable to go to Boston, Boston came to the Pope. It was a moving moment as the Pope listened to each person, while holding their hand and weeping with them as they shared their painful stories. These moments entered into his remarks as he moved from venue to venue. His itinerary was changed to make room for this important meeting, something we would never have expected. As Pope Benedict traveled to different venues in Washington and New York, he exuded warmth and joy that became infectious. I think of those famous lines in Ultimately, the Pope came to know and like what he saw in Americans, and Americans came to know and like a joyous, gentle and warm shepherd in the person of the Pope. 2007–2008 / THE YEAR IN REVIEW The Year in Review… J U LY 20 07 I The College hosts 90 adult volunteers for the New York State Empire Games which were held throughout Westchester. The volunteers stayed in Ursula Hall for the week and had breakfast at the Student Campus Center each morning before heading off to their various assignments. I The Westchester Art Therapy Association awards three graduate art therapy students the Thesis Award for 2007. The awardees are Alexandra Dziedzic, Shannon Flatley, and Lauren Rega. I The School of Arts & Sciences Art Department offers an intense Summer Art Portfolio Workshop, designed for high school students (sophomores, juniors, seniors, and recent graduates) who want to develop a strong college admissions portfolio. 11 2007 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2007–2008 / THE YEAR IN REVIEW Members of the Class of 2011 try out their new Dell Latitude D630 laptop computers. Incoming freshmen in the School of Arts & Sciences and School of Nursing receive free new laptops from the College at the beginning of the fall semester. A U G U ST 20 07 Martha Counihan, OSU, Associate Professor and Archivist at CNR, is a delegate to the Ursuline General Chapter held in Rome. This General Chapter meeting of the Roman Union of the Ursuline is held every six years for the purpose of electing new leadership, deciding upon priorities, and receiving reports of all the provinces of the Roman Union of the Ursulines. Sr. Martha is one of 82 delegates from around the world. S E P T E M B E R 20 07 I CNR appoints new members to Board of Trustees: Hugh F. Johnston; Margaret Mary Kelleher, OSU; and John C. Nicholson. I New York State Assemblyman George Latimer presents CNR with a $50,000 New York State capital construction grant to be used to construct the smart classrooms in The Wellness Center. I Emory Craig, Director of Academic Computing, presents a paper on “Transforming our Learning Environments: Video Games as a Model for an Innovative Learning Paradigm” at the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE) conference, held in Heraklion, Crete. I The Castle Gallery’s first exhibit of the 2007-2008 season features magic memorabilia from the collection of Nelson Nicholson. I Dr. Amy Bass and Dr. Daniel Garcia of the School of Arts & Sciences lead a discussion on the U.S. Constitution. This seminar helps develop habit of good citizenship in the next generation of Americans. 12 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW O C TO B E R 20 07 I President Stephen J. Sweeny and Chair of the Senate Timothy Ebsworth Associate Professor of Multicultural and Multilingual Education in the Graduate School, dedicate a bench in honor of CNR’s long time and beloved groundskeeper Leonard Toterhi at the Senate Picnic. I Cornelio Spence SAS’08 and Curdel Williams SAS’08, along with Dr. Judith Gordon, Associate Professor of Social Work in the School of Arts & Sciences, present a session on innovative approaches to familiarizing students with diverse fields of practice at the New York State Social Work Education Association Annual Conference in Saratoga Springs, NY. I Karen Willoughby SAS’86, the Special Projects Editor for Reed Elsevier and Editor of the trade publication Food International, spends the day sharing her expertise with School of Arts & Sciences students. I Students from the School of Nursing, School of Arts & Sciences, School of New Resources, and the Graduate School are recognized for their commitment to service, receiving the Ursuline Institute Serviam Awards for 2007 on Founder’s Day. Six students from The College of New Rochelle join students from Bard and Vassar as part of a threecollege Green Torch Relay team that walk, run, and bike to Albany, as part of Focus The Nation. I Dr. Connie Vance, Professor in the School of Nursing, receives the 2006 Humanitarian Award from Hope for a Healthier Humanity and the Pan American Catholic Health Care Network. In celebration of Italian Heritage Month, the College hosts the Bersaglieri, a marching band visiting from Abruzzi, Italy. 13 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2007–2008 / THE YEAR IN REVIEW N OV E M B E R 20 07 JA N UA RY 20 0 8 I I Photojournalist and Fulbright Scholar Haider Abdul Razak speaks to students in the SAS International Studies Program. Born in Germany, Haider Abdul Razak was an embedded journalist to cover the war in Iraq for the U.S. and international media organizations. I Sweetness in the Rhythm of Jazz: Herbert Gentry’s Inner Dance, an exhibit featuring the works of the late artist Herbert Gentry, opens at the Gordon Parks Gallery and Cultural Arts Center located on the School of New Resources John Cardinal O’Connor Campus. I Dr. Kenneth J. Doka, Professor of Gerontology in the Graduate School, publishes “When a Friend is Suffering” in the November 2007 issue of Catholic Digest. Dawn Cillo SAS ’87 is selected for the NCAA Women’s Basketball Division III 25th Anniversary Team. The College of New Rochelle participates in Focus The Nation, an unprecedented national simultaneous educational symposia on global warming solutions for America. D EC E M B E R 20 07 I Forty CNR students, faculty and staff participate in the National Polar Bear Plunge at Hudson Park in New Rochelle. I Robert Makunu speaks to the School of Nursing students in Romita Auditorium on the importance of development and implementation of HIV and AIDS control within the Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) program. Makunu is the Deputy HIC/AIDS Unit Manager of the OVC program in Kenya. I Fifteen Years: The Art of Laura James opens at the winter exhibition in the Castle Gallery. 14 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW M A R C H 20 0 8 The Gospel Choir takes part in the celebration of Black History Month at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. F E B R UA RY 20 0 8 I Adrienne Wald, Director of Wellness Education and Programs, testifies in two hearings on health legislation, one of which leads to a ban on the use of artificial trans fats by food establishments operating in Westchester County. I Andrea DeCapua, Assistant Professor of Multilingual/ Multicultural Education in the Graduate School, authors her second book, Grammar for Teachers: A Guide to American English for Native and Non-Native Speakers. I More than 100 graduating students from the School of New Resources’ six campuses gather on the Main Campus for a celebration of the Class of 2008. I Students from School of Arts & Sciences, School of Nursing, and School of New Resources are among hundreds of students in Albany at the Council for Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu)-sponsored Lobby Day. I Eleven students from the School of Arts & Sciences and School of Nursing, along with three staff members, spend a week performing community service during the Plunge to the Mission in San Lucas Toliman in Guatemala. I Dr. Ruth Zealand, Associate Professor of Education in the School of Arts & Sciences, is the first recipient of the Art of Accessible Teaching Award given by Teachers College, Columbia University. Dr. Zealand is recognized for her outstanding contribution to the educational equity for students with disabilities. I Dr. Nibaldo Aguilera, Instructional Staff in the area of Social Sciences at the School of New Resources DC-37 Campus, appears on the Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network (HITN) program Dialogo De Costa a Costa to discuss the recent conflicts between Ecuador and Colombia. I Five students from the School of Arts & Sciences, accompanied by Dr. Nereida Segura Rico, Associate Professor of Spanish, SAS, and Dr. Judy Gordon, Associate Professor of Social Work, SAS, spend eight days in Puerto Rico as part of a course on Puerto Rican history and culture. I Dr. Anne McKernan, Associate Professor of History in the School of Arts & Sciences, has a previously published work, “War, Gender and Industrial Innovation: Recruiting Women Weavers during the Napoleonic Wars,” selected for inclusion in the first volume of a new series, The History of Anglo-Irish Relations. I Dr. Kersha Smith, Instructional Staff in the area of Psychology at the School of New Resources Brooklyn Campus, presents her paper “Creating Pedagogy Through the Cultural Code of Hip Hop Culture” at the American Educational Research Association’s Annual Conference in New York City. I In honor of Women’s History Month, The College of New Rochelle hosts its annual Elvira M. Dowell ’36 Lecture featuring noted author and editor Dr. Kristin Waters. 15 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2007–2008 / THE YEAR IN REVIEW Members of the College’s faculty, staff, and students from the Main Campus and five NYC campuses participate in the College’s Annual Community Service Day at the Richmond House in Yonkers, NY. M AY 20 0 8 I Graduating Senior Blanca Pacca SAS’08 appears on the cover of the Spring 2008 issue of the Journal News Education Outlook. She talks about the many advantages of a CNR education that helped shape her plans for a career in medical research. Blanca receives the Community Service Award, given by the Class of 1980, to the graduating senior who exemplifies outstanding service and leadership in the community. I The 36th Annual Strawberry Festival is held at CNR. The Strawberry Festival, which was introduced to CNR in 1973, is the single largest event organized entirely by the College’s undergraduates. I The annual Honors Conference Day is held. Fourteen juniors and seniors display and explain their work on posters to the faculty, staff, and other students of CNR. I At the annual Sports Awards, guest speakers are Lois Salto SAS’84 and Ann Fitzpatrick SAS’85, both All-Americans on CNR’s Blue Angels basketball team during their CNR years. Over 20 sports awards are presented to student/athletes, including the top Blue Angel Award to Ruth Collura and the Senior Scholar Athlete Award to Gabrielle Carrasquillo. This award is given to the student-athlete with the highest cumulative GPA. A P R I L 20 0 8 I I The College officially dedicates the new Wellness Center with an Academic Convocation and a blessing of the building by The Most Reverend Gerald T. Walsh, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of New York and Rector of St. Joseph’s Seminary. Renowned medical ethicists Dr. Edmund D. Pellegrino, John Carroll Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Medical Ethics at Georgetown University and Chair of the President’s Council on Bioethics, and Dr. Nuala Kenny, O.C., FRCPC, Professor, Departments of Bioethics and Pediatrics at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, are given honorary degrees. Volunteers call 350 donors in “Thank-A-Thon” for their Annual Fund pledges. I Recent CNR graduates and Alumnae/i Association board members gather at ESPN Zone in New York City to network and enjoy great food and conversation. I Human rights activist and Fulbright Scholar, Homa Sorouri speaks on “Human Rights in the Lives of Refugees: the Plight of Stateless People” at the International Studies Program funded by the Deborah and Russel Taylor Foundation. 16 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW J U N E 20 0 8 I CNR celebrates its 70th annual Alumnae/i College Reunion. Angela Merici Medal recipients are Sally O’Hagan Fisher SAS’43, Yvelise Molina Bosch SAS’48, Mary Keenan Hart SAS’58, Marcelle Willock SAS’58, and Jane Perkinson SAS’63. I Senior Vice President and Publisher of Harper’s Bazaar Valerie Salembier SNR’73 hosts the second CNR Women’s Networking Breakfast Forum at the Hearst Tower. I CNR senior Ruchelle Austin (Brooklyn, NY) is named to the 2008 NCAA Division III Statistical Champion for Rebounds Per Game. I Dr. Walter Sullivan, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership in the Graduate School and Director of CNR’s Center for Educational Policy & Practice, is appointed Coordinator of the Regents’ Steering Committee for Standards Review by the New York State Board of Regents. I Cristina de Gennaro, Associate Professor of Art in the School of Arts & Sciences, is awarded a fellowship for an artist residency at the Fundacion Valparaiso in Almeria, Spain for the month of June. CNR confers over 1,400 degrees on students in the four schools as well as honorary degrees on Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, S.D.B., Sister Mary Antona Ebo, FSM, civil rights pioneer, and Emily Kernan Rafferty, President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, at Commencement in May 2008. 17 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E FINANCIAL STATEMENT Th e f i n a n c i a l i n f o r m a t i o n b e l o w s u m m a r i z e s t h e c h a n g e s i n n e t a s s e t s a s o f a n d f o r t h e y e a r e n d e d J u n e 30 , 20 0 8 w i t h c o m p a r a t i v e a m o u n t s f o r f i s c a l 20 07. S U M M A RY STAT E M E N T O F C H A N G ES I N N ET ASS ETS (in thousands) Unrestricted Revenues, Gains and Other Support: Expenses: 2008 2007 2008 2007 $46,315 $44,277 $19,086 $17,953 Contributions 3,467 3,924 Academic Support 15,312 14,901 Grants and Contracts 3,331 2,544 Student Services 5,396 5,127 Investment Return (429) 3,181 Institutional Support 14,017 13,829 Sales and Services of Auxiliary Enterprises 4,945 5,379 Auxiliary Enterprises 5,278 5,286 Total Unrestricted Revenues and Gains $57,629 $59,305 $59,089 $57,096 (15) 3,422 (113) — Tuition and Fees, net of scholarships Net Assets Released from Restriction Total Unrestricted Revenues, Gains and Other Support 1,445 $59,074 Instruction Total Expenses 1,213 Increase (Decrease) in Unrestricted Net Assets Amount not yet recognized as a component of net periodic benefit cost $60,518 Effect of adoption of FAS No. 158 — (659) Increase (Decrease) in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets 12 (336) Increase in Permanently Restricted Net Assets 1 90 ($115) $2,517 Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets A N A LYS I S O F N ET ASS ETS 20 0 4 - 20 0 8 (in thousands) 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 Unrestricted: Operations Capital $18,025 $13,107 $16,508 14,752 $15,648 12,849 $15,495 11,776 $15,148 11,247 Total Unrestricted $31,132 $31,260 $28,497 $27,271 $26,395 Temporarily Restricted 1,110 1098 1,433 961 1,002 Permanently Restricted 4,465 4,464 4,374 3,926 3,488 $36,707 $36,822 $34,304 $32,158 $30,885 Total Net Assets 18 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2008 Unrestricted Revenues Tuition and Fees, net of scholarships Contributions 6% Sales and Services of Auxiliary Enterprises 8% Grants and Contracts 6% Net Assets Released from Restrictions 2% Investment Return 0% 2008 Expenses Instruction 32% Academic Support 26% Institutional Support 24% Auxiliary Enterprises 9% Student Support 9% 19 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF 78% N EW RO C H E L L E L E T T E R F RO M B OA R D O F T RU S T E E S D EV E LO P M E N T CO M M I T T E E D E A R G R A D UAT ES A N D F R I E N D S , Our CNR family is a remarkable community of more than 40,000 graduates, and thousands of faculty, staff, parents and friends. It is a family with deep ties, sharing a commitment to the liberal arts, to service, and to the College’s educational mission. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you very much for your active participation in the life of CNR through your gifts to the College in 2007-2008. We are grateful for your gifts of all kinds: your time as a volunteer, your confidence in recommending CNR to a friend or family member, your guidance with students, your attendance at CNR programs, and your hospitality in sharing your home or business for a College event. We are also grateful for your financial support. There was an 8% increase in funds contributed to CNR last year. These gifts provide important enhancements to every student’s education, the most visible being the completion of the beautiful, award-winning Wellness Center. Your Annual Fund gifts provide enhancements not covered by tuition—student opportunities for leadership and service, access to online educational resources, guest lectures by distinguished visiting professors, or travel to an honors conference. Gifts to CNR totaled $5.3 million from 4,438 donors—graduates of all four Schools, current and former faculty and staff, friends, foundations, and corporations. I I I I I Unrestricted gifts to the Annual Fund totaled over $2 million; CNR graduates gave $1.5 million of this total. Leadership gifts from 388 President’s Circle members provided $1.3 million to the Annual Fund. For the seventh consecutive year, faculty and staff support increased. How grateful we are to these partners for all they do for our students and the College. The College received $2,795,000 in new capital gifts and pledges from 206 graduates and friends. Estate gifts from our faithful alumnae provided more than $300,000. Special thanks to all who contributed to the Annual Fund for the first time, particularly our most recent graduates of the Class of 2008! More than half of our new donors to the Annual Fund are School of New Resources and School of Nursing alumnae/i. I also thank you for embracing Partners for Excellence, a new College-wide initiative created to strengthen our CNR family, by engaging and connecting us more closely to Alma Mater. You partner with us to educate students and fulfill CNR’s mission. Your ongoing involvement and support are vital. Thank you, again, for your outstanding support of The College of New Rochelle, so apparent in this report. Sincerely, Christine LaSala SAS ’72 Chair, Development Committee, Board of Trustees Co-chair, The Campaign for The College of New Rochelle 20 2006 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2008 GIFTS TO THE COLLEGE 20 0 8 G I F T S U M M A RY A N N UA L G I F TS F R O M I N D I V I D UA LS Dollars Donors $1,685,000 $220,000 $1,905,000 3,852 262 4,114 $114,000 $83,000 $311,000 $92,000 $600,000 63 14 17 1 95 $2,505,000 4,209 Alumnae/i and Students Friends, Faculty & Staff Corporations & Foundations TOTAL CAPITAL GIVING $2,497,000 $292,000 $12,000 $2,801,000 165 58 6 229 GRAND TOTAL $5,306,000 4,438 Dollars Donors $3,997,000 $58,000 $67,000 $32,000 2,536 437 655 239 Alumnae/i and Students Parents, Friends, Faculty & Staff TOTAL FROM INDIVIDUALS OT H E R A N N UA L G I F TS Golf and Gala (gross) Corporations & Foundations Bequests Government TOTAL OTHER GIFTS TOTAL ANNUAL GIVING C A P I TA L G I F TS A N D P L E D G ES G I V I N G BY SC H O O L (All Funds) School of Arts & Sciences Graduate School School of New Resources School of Nursing G I F T C LU B S – G I F TS F R O M I N D I V I D UA LS Gift Dollars Donors $1000+ $500+ $250+ $100+ $1-99 $1,318,000 $101,000 $90,000 $141,000 $63,000 $1,713,000 388 188 319 1,187 1,922 4,004 (Unrestricted Annual Fund) President’s Circle Founder’s Society Chidwick Associates Century Club Contributors TOTAL A N N UA L G I V I N G H I STO RY 20 0 4 - 20 0 8 (excludes capital gifts) Alumnae/i Parents & Friends Corporations & Foundations Bequests TOTAL DOLLARS 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 $1,700,000 $288,000 $117,000 $311,000 $2,416,000 $1,404,000 $433,000 $286,000 $520,000 $2,643,000 $1,499,000 $334,000 $91,000 $1,222,000 $3,146,000 $1,317,000 $326,000 $80,000 $624,000 $2,347,000 $1,727,000 $411,000 $558,000 $1,128,000 $3,824,000 21 2007 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 1 EXTRAORDINARY GIVING We proudly list all individuals, corporations and foundations who have made cumulative gifts of $100,000 or more to The College of New Rochelle. It is with gratitude that we acknowledge this distinguished group of graduates and friends. This public expression of admiration is a small token of our deepest appreciation for the exceptional gifts they have shared with the College throughout the years. The Aaron Diamond Foundation AETNA, Inc. Estate of Anne Ahern SAS’38 Altman Foundation Marsha & Michael Ambler Friend Estate of George J. Ames Marion* and George J.* Ames Friend Camille & Albert* Casling (Camille Andrea SAS’42) Kathleen* & Edward Baran (Kathleen Foley SAS’60) Jean & James Barrow (Jean Shanaphy SAS’68) Mary* & Ralph* Bell (Mary Fischer SAS’34 ) Estate of Mary Fischer Bell SAS’34 Marjorie McCausland Beyersdorf SAS’88 Constance & Maurice Bissonnette (Constance Doorley SAS’49) Estate of Virginia Mitchell Blissert SAS’41 Estate of Genevieve Voss Bossard SAS’29 Estate of Emily P. Brazell SAS’25 Estate of Margaret J. Carey SAS’30 Lillian & Patrick Carney (Lillian Brennan SAS’69) The Castle Foundation Castle Oil Corporation Anne Giesler Chappell SAS’48 Estate of Mary Louise Charles SAS’32 Joan & Joseph Chisholm (Joan Rombach SAS’59) Estate of Consetta Ciliberti SAS’31 Colburn Home Estate of Marguerite Collins SAS’14 Estate of Mary J. Comyns SAS’43 Connelly Foundation Consolidated Edison Company of New York Foundation Estate of Marilyn T. Conway SAS’51 Joan & James* Cook (Joan Henderson SAS’51) Rose Cuomo Coviello SAS’41 Estate of Marion Hagerty Covolo’30 Ngaire O’Connell Cuneo SAS’72 Estate of Amelia Currie SAS’23 Estate of Muriel B. D’Amico SAS’35 Patricia & Daniel Derbes (Patricia Maloney SAS’52) Maureen C. Didier SAS’43 Beth & Tom Donovan (Elizabeth Sculley SAS’56 ) Estate of Margaret Slattery Dowd SAS’61 and Joseph Dowd Regina Duffy* SAS’41 Patricia & Frank* Dunn (Patricia McGinnis SAS’60) Margaret Svack Dyroff SAS’43 Kathryn Erat SAS’56 Alphonsus I. Farry Friend Joan McConnell Fitzpatrick SAS’50 The Flaherty Family Foundation William Flynn Friend Ann & Patrick Foley (Ann Tubman SAS’55) Joan & Sanford Freilich Friend Jane Roberts Garvey SAS’38* Estate of Madeline Breckenridge Grogan SAS’42 Ellen & W. Jason Hancock (Ellen Mooney SAS’65) Marylou* & Warren Hayford (Marylou Meyer SAS’52 ) Rita Buckley Higgins* SAS’39 Margaret McNamara Hill SAS’27 Kathrene Blish Houlihan Friend Independent College Fund of NY IBM Corporation Johnson & Johnson Corporation Joan Canfield Kennedy* SAS’53 Judy & Dennis Kenny (Judy Kenny SNR’82) Dolores Castellano King SAS’61 Ann Pfohl Kirby SAS’49 Rosemary Gerard Klemann SAS’39 Estate of Mary Graham Knapp SAS’42 Theresa* & Eugene M. Lang Friend Patricia Lanza Friend Lanza Family Foundation Christine LaSala SAS’72 & Ellen Lipschitz Friend The Leeds Foundation, Inc. Sarah Niles Leonard SAS’51 Elizabeth Bell LeVaca & Joseph LeVaca Friend Rita* & Milton* Lewis (Rita McAuliffe SAS’36) Jean Little* SAS’50 Estate of Jean Little SAS’50 Los Angeles Dodgers, Inc. Margaret & Edward* Lyons (Margaret Whyte SAS’59) Estate of Joan Heverin MacNaughten SAS’49 Gail & Al J. Maiolo Friend Mary & Robert* McCooey Friend Chair of the Board of Trustees Michael Ambler with Mauro C. Romita and Camille Romita. Eileen McEntegart SAS ’51 Estate of Ruth M. McGuire SAS’42 Irene Murphy McInerney SAS’45 Estate of Charles W.V. Meares Maria Luisa* & Charles W. V. Meares* (Maria Luisa Cisneros SAS SAS’39) Estate of Maria Luisa Cisneros Meares SAS’39 Estate of Marie Tracy Murphy SAS’17 NAPA Trust Joan Grattan Nestor SAS’47 The Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation Carole & Nelson Nicholson (Carole McCarthy SAS’59) Margaret & James J.* Nicholson Friend NYNEX Corporation Marge O’Connor SAS’66 Annette & Peter O’Malley Friend Estate of Muriel Paige SAS’36 Patrick Carney Foundation Pepsi-Cola Albany Bottling Co. Estate of Eileen Marion Hevey Petersen Jane Scully Reichle SAS’67 Estate of Margaret M. Reilly SAS’33 Margaret & Joseph C. Antalec (Margaret Reilly SAS’59) Estate of Marguerite Reinhardt SAS’28 Isabel Reithebuch SAS’46 Doris & Daniel Robinson Friend Camille & Mauro C. Romita (Camille Gervino SNR’75, GS’88) Betty & Michael Romita Friend Estate of Edith V. Rooney SAS’21 Sandra Priest Rose GS’77 * Deceased 22 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E The Frederick P. and Sandra P. Rose Foundation Phyllis Schreiber SNR’74 Estate of Rhea F. Schreier SAS’24 Terry & Roland* Seidler (Terry O’Malley SAS’54) Estate of William Sharwell Friend Sabina & Walter Slavin (Sabina Sprague SAS’62) Estate of Josephine Spence SAS’35 Frances & John Strachan (Frances Weir SAS’45) Oona Burke Sullivan SAS’51 Mary Supple Dailey SAS’66 Debbie * & Russel Taylor Friend Margo & Lee Terwilliger (Margo Marabon SAS’68 ) Texaco Foundation Estate of Thomas Denaouley Estate of Mary Reardon Tuttle SAS’34 Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa’s Ursuline Provincialate Mary Lou* & Peter Vogt (Mary Lou Koessler SAS’53) Donna Matthews Walcott SAS’52 Edwina Weisheit SAS’46 Myles V. Whalen, Jr. Friend Agnes & Edward* Williams (Agnes Neill SAS’51) Roberta Williamson Friend Marcelle M. Willock SAS’58 Estate of Geraldine Young SAS’42 Estate of Helen V. Zaremba SAS’17 Estate of Edith Zierer Anonymous (6) 11 THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE COLLEGE OF NEW ROCHELLE The College of New Rochelle opened its new $28 million holistic Wellness Center last spring to serve students, faculty, and the greater campus community. The Center will enable CNR to reframe its approach to health and well-being, bringing that knowledge into the community and having a vital impact on the healthcare crisis in America. The Wellness Center is part of The Campaign for The College of New Rochelle—implemented to strengthen financial resources in order for CNR to continue to fulfill its mission. Included in this Campaign, in addition to donations to the Wellness Center construction and programs, are gifts to restore Holy Family Chapel, to strengthen CNR’s Endowment Fund, and all gifts to the Annual Fund. There are still many naming opportunities available in the Wellness Center, and your continued support of this vital facility will be gratefully received. Our heartfelt appreciation is extended to each of the following donors to The Campaign for The College of New Rochelle. Donors to the Annual Fund are listed in the sections that follow. AETNA, Inc. Theresa Agliardo SAS ’77 GS ’97 Tara Alfano SAS ’02 GS ’04 Kelley Allen SAS ’98 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. – Omicron Eta Chapter Naomi Boyd GRS’02 Chimere Clark SAS’03 Sharon Robinson Clayton Katiatu C. Conteh SAS’04 GRS’06 Roxanne A. Conteh SAS’07 Estela G. Garcia SAS’02 Cheryl Watson Harris Tamara Gloster Jinkins Melissa C. Martyn SAS’02 Shalima McCants SAS’01 Margaret McKnight Alicia Meeks-Thomas SAS’01 C. Isabelle Sarrazin SAS’00 Reshma Sinanan SAS’99 Jennifer Smith SAS’05 Launette Woolford SN’03 Kareen Jump Young Marsha & Michael Ambler Friend The Ambler Family Foundation Lois Scarpino Amend SAS ’57 Marie Donahue Anderson SAS ’75 Margaret & Joseph C. Antalec (Margaret Reilly SAS ’59) Cecilia Aponte SNR ’92 Mary Ann Kokoszyna Arlt SAS ’75 Joan Arnold Friend Jason Arrington SNR ’80 Sara Arthur SAS ’59 Joan Bailey Friend Judith Balfe SNR ’89 GS ’91, ’97 Archie M. Bankston Friend Rosa & LeRoy Barksdale (Rosa Davis SNR ’75) Walter Barnes SNR ’98 Jean & James Barrow (Jean Shanaphy SAS ’68) * Deceased Claire Kennedy Bartlett SAS ’50 Dolores Battalia SNR ’75 Ann Marie McGovern Beal SAS ’53 Alma Beer GS ’74 Vincentia Belbruno SAS ’53 Estate of Mary Fischer Bell SAS’34 Vera Bellejambe SNR ’05 Ana Benitez SNR ’01 Patricia Bennett SN ’98 Berkshire Alumnae Club Marjorie McCausland Beyersdorf SAS ’88 Dorothy Biscornet Friend James K. Bishop* Friend Ann Black SAS ’55 GS ’90 Rosemary Miles Blair SAS ’51 Elizabeth Boehling Bosetti SAS ’51 Rory Brady GS ’06 Jeanne Brennan, OSU SAS ’45 Barbara & John* Bresnan Friend Elizabeth Breton SAS ’39 Elisabeth Brinkmann Friend Joan Bristol Past Parent Nancy Bragger Brown SAS ’53 Beverlee Bruce Friend David Brunt Friend Carol Buckingham SNR ’79, Lenore Boytim Carpinelli SAS ’89 Joan Carson SAS ’43 Tenaya Carter SN ’01 Margaret Casey SAS ’60 Monique Caubere Friend Carolinda Cavalluzzo GS ’79 Anne Giesler Chappell SAS ’48 Joan & Joseph Chisholm, Past Parent (Joan Rombach SAS ’59) Rose Mary Seifert Clair SAS ’50 Terry A. Clark* SAS ’72 The Class of 1973 Manuelita Clemente SNR ’90 Ingrid Climis GS ’82 Joan Close SAS ’69 Barbara DiSalvo Cole SAS ’76 Muriel McGough Cole SAS ’44 Jean Barrett Colligan SAS ’50 William Collins Friend Robin & Alan Colner Friend Margaret Comaskey SAS ’61 Christine Zywiak Conroy SAS ’69 Consolidated Edison Company of NY Foundation Susan A. Conte, OSU SAS ’73 Joan & James* Cook (Joan Henderson SAS ’51) Corini Insurance Agency Elizabeth Vincent Corrigan SAS ’43 Past Parent Marlene Buckingham SNR ’82 Diana & George Buffum Friend Anne Bunting, OSU SAS ’49 Eileen Egan Burke SAS ’59 Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes SAS ’54 Elizabeth Cahill SAS ’84 Jennifer Cahill Friend Cynthia Caione SAS ’85 Jane Canner SAS ’72 Susan Canning Friend Carmela Carillo SNR ’83 Lillian & Patrick Carney (Lillian Brennan SAS ’69 ) Patrick Carney Foundation Teresa Cotterall-Lagana SNR ’89 Rose Cuomo Coviello SAS ’41 Rosalie Duffy Crabbe SAS ’72 Emory Craig Friend Charles Critchlow Friend Katharine Critchlow Friend Nancy Carolan Cusack SAS ’50 Marcelle McCormack Daly SAS ’44 Mary Anne Borrego Danguillecourt SAS ’81 Linda David Friend Theresa Davis SAS ’73 Dianne Ramirez Dejesus SAS ’73 Dana Deravin Carr GS ’86 Maureen C. Didier SAS ’43 Margaret Svack Dyroff SAS’43 Elza Dinwiddie-Boyd Friend Samantha DiPalo Friend District Council 37 Barbara Rice Doggett SAS ’49 Mary Alice Donius Friend Dolores Morris Donnelly SAS ’45 Janet Donnelly SAS ’44 Frances Quilter Donovan SAS ’41 Jean & Wallace Doud Friend Eugenie Brunings Douglass SAS ’52 Nancy Doyle GS ’76 Patricia McGinnis Dunn SAS ’60 Mary Eckert SAS ’72 Margaret Edmonston SNR ’82 TH E CAM PAIGN FOR TH E COLLEGE OF N EW ROCH ELLE Sources as of 6/30/08 Trustees (current and former) Alumnae/i and Friends Government Annual Fund (including bequests) Total 23 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E in millions $13.9 $10.1 $7.9 $21.6 $53.5 THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE COLLEGE OF NEW ROCHELLE Richard Ehrhardt Friend Stephanie & David Eisenberg Friend Isaac Elegbe Friend Kathryn Erat SAS ’56 Joan Eskenazi Friend Beatrice Putnam Fairbanks SAS ’38 Joseph C. Farina & Angela Koutoulakis Friend Alphonsus Farry Friend Ann Battaglia Feldman SAS ’65 Michael Ferrara Friend Katherine Johnston Ferrari SAS ’59 Kathleen A. Finnerty, OSU SAS ’60 Margaret Mary Fischer SAS ’53 Nancy Elizabeth Fitch Friend Joan McConnell Fitzpatrick SAS ’50 Marylou Mele Fitzpatrick SAS ’54 Ann & Patrick Foley (Ann Tubman SAS ’55) Ana Maria Eugenio Fontoura SAS ’90 Margaret Fonzo SAS ’42* Claire Fordrung SAS ’55 Roberta Flippo Frank SAS ’78 Flavia Frati-Spagnola SAS ’60 Joan & Sanford Freilich Friend Miriam Treffeisen Friend SAS ’37 Catherine Gadarowski SAS ’45 Kathleen Gallogly-Rheaume SAS ’73 Philip & Gaylene Gasparini Friend Angela Dawn Mestier George SAS ’60 Mary Roslyn Walsh Gilligan SAS ’45 Patricia Ahearn Gillin SAS ’52 Alice Duffy Grant SAS ’63 Audrey Pistilli Grieco SAS ’61 Gail O’Neill Gunther SAS ’67 Ann & Luke Halley Friend Ellen & W. Jason Hancock (Ellen Mooney SAS ’65) Lorraine Handal SNR ’79 Betsy Lofink Harrington SAS ’84 Katherine Hart* SAS ’70 Maurice & Anne Hartigan Friend Marylou* & Warren Hayford (Marylou Meyer SAS ’52) Mary & Doug Hearle (Mary Hogan Hearle SAS ’56 GS ’87) Joan Henry SNR ’90 Marie DePan Herlihy SAS ’41 Jill Kaplan Herz Friend Marianne Hickey SAS ’71 Charles Houghton Friend Patricia Rogers Huang SAS ’73 Rosalie Pedalino Jacobs SAS ’50 Suzanne & Jonathan Jacoby Friend Michele Marotta Jaworski SAS ’76 Ethel Jones SNR ’91 Jones Apparel Group Jane Grzymski Kahl SAS ’71 Mary Keegan SAS ’69 Patricia Keegan SAS ’73 Regina Kehoe, OSU SAS ’56 GS ’85 Margaret Mary Kelleher, OSU Friend Delores Jackson Kelly SNR ’93 Joan Cunniff Kennedy SAS ’54 Judy & Dennis Kenny (Judy Kenny SNR ’82) Susan McElduff Kiernan SAS ’72 John and Laura Killian Friend Susan Kimmel SN ’87 Dolores Castellano King SAS ’61 Ann Pfohl Kirby SAS ’49 Nancy Kloczko SAS ’73 Nancy Kotonias SAS ’76 Jane Seidel Kresser SAS ’59 Kathleen Kuczkowski, OSU SAS ’56 Anne Schreck La Roche SAS ’74 Christine LaSala SAS ’72 & Ellen Lipschitz Friend Marion & Joseph Lechowicz (Marion Carbery SAS ’59) Eileen Leonard & Dale Hagstrom (Eileen Leonard SAS ’72) Elizabeth Bell LeVaca Friend Josie Lindau SNR ’80 Estate of Jean Little SAS’50 Christine Loomie SAS ’73 Dorothy Lundy SNR ’78 Michael T. MacNeil Friend Margaret Ann Walsh Magovern SAS ’47 Mary Delehanty Mandeville SAS ’63 Kathleen Mannino SNR ’04 Claire & Anthony Manto Past Parent (Claire Colangelo SAS ’69) Theresa M. Fazioli Marino SAS ’49 & Christine A. Marino, MD, SAS ’75 Natalie Marshall Friend Marilyn Masiero GS ’90 Mary Massimo SAS ’67 Mathis Pfohl Foundation William C. Maxwell Friend Brenna Sheenan Mayer & George Mayer Friend Marjorie McCoy SAS ’72 Claudette McCree SNR ’00 Kristin Krause McDonough SAS ’68 Eileen McEntegart SAS ’51 * Deceased Kathleen McEntegart SAS ’56 Valerie McEwen SAS ’73 Virginia Malankowski McFadden SAS ’58 Vida McGlone SNR ’88 Margret Baxter McHugh SAS ’50 Nancy & Paul McKenna (Nancy Collins SAS ’51) Ann Donovan McKeon SAS ’48 Anne Mead SAS ’45 Elvira Mezzaucella SNR ’89 Marianne Milzoff SN ’97, Parent Fay Mitchell Friend Barbara Calandra Moore SAS ’73 Denise Deldin Moore SAS ’73 GS ’78 Catherine Morgan SNR ’02 Christine Morrison SAS ’72 Judy Mauser Morriss SAS ’59 Rita & Robert Muccino Friend Marie Therese McGrath Mulcahy SAS ’59 Mary Sue Murphy SAS ’73 Shirley Murray-Govia SNR ’83 GS ’85 Rosa Puleo Napoleone SAS ’75 Mary Jane & George Neumann Friend Elise Nichols-Powell GS ’77 Carole & Nelson Nicholson (Carole McCarthy SAS ’59) Margaret Nicholson Friend Anne-Marie Nolin SAS ’75 Francine Nolin-Rogers SAS ’72 Mary-Louise O’Brien Northgraves SAS ’73 Mary Carpenter Nunz SAS ’54 Marge O’Connor SAS ’66 Elizabeth O’Donnell SAS ’62 Leo J. O’Donovan, SJ Friend Annette & Peter O’Malley Friend Catherine Chojnacki O’Neill SAS ’67 Soeurette Obas SNR ’86 Karen Olney SAS ’91 James Pasternak GS ’91 Patricia Moore Peirano SAS ’69 Anne Pelak SNR ’90 GS ’96 Jane Perkinson SAS ’63 Judith Perry SAS ’64 Ann Peterson, OSU SAS ’62 Claire & Norman Philips (Claire Waterbury SAS ’54) Martha Miles Plamp SAS ’50 …Our apologies to Marion and Joseph Lechowicz for omitting their names in last year’s report. Members of CNR swim team dive into the pool in the new Wellness Center. 24 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E James & Angela Plowden-Wardlaw Friend Mary Uhrich Pobieglo SAS ’75 Larry Pobiner Friend Elaine Podszus SN ’94 The Province of St. Mary of the Capuchin Order Mary Jane Kann Reddington SAS ’45 Jacob Reed SNR ’04 Therese Carusone Reichert SAS ’57 Jane Scully Reichle SAS ’67 Susan Brown Reitz SAS ’72 Maryann Renzi SAS ’73 Margaret Schoenemann Ribaudo SN ’89 Gina D’Aprile Riberi SAS ’86 Christianne Russo Ricchi SAS ’73 Elizabeth Riddle SAS ’72 Marguerite Sisca Riposanu* SAS ’40 Faith Ritchie SAS ’69 & Richard Menaker SAS ’69 Rhonda Robinson-Hill SNR ’93 Kathleen Bieger Roche SAS ’67 Ramona Rodriguez SNR ’79 Marie T. Rofhok SNR ’84 GS ’87 Carolyn Keyes Rohlf SNR ’85 Kassandra Loucas Romas SAS ’67 Camille & Mauro C. Romita (Camille Gervino SNR ’75, GS ’88) The Roslyn Savings Foundation Elaine Rubinson & Irving Levine Friend Barbara Russell Friend Elizabeth Donoghue Russell SN ’83 Noreen Siragusa Ryan SAS ’62 Catherine Perkinson Sabol SAS ’59 Marilyn Hesser Saulle Friend Margaret Seifert Schiffer SAS ’52 Lauren Schorr & Alan Genachowski Friend Nicole Schwarz GS ’06 Samantha Segarra SNR ’06 Terry & Roland* Seidler (Terry O’Malley SAS ’54) Mary Rycenga Shukie SAS ’71 Alice Siegel Friend Sisters of St. Ursula Jane Slagle Friend Sabina & Walter Slavin (Sabina Sprague SAS ’62) Carolyn Murphy Smith SAS ’73 Mary Lenore Smith, RDC Friend Executive Vice President Ellen Curry Damato, Judy Kenny SNR ’82, Dennis Kenny and Dr. Nuala Kenny at the opening of the Wellness Center. Dr. Kenny received an honorary degree and was a distinguished speaker. Patricia Smith SAS ’57 Eleanor Fitzpatrick Smollen SN ’83 Margaret Snyder SAS ’50 Mary & Jay Sandak (Mary Sommer SAS ’71) Diana Stano, OSU Friend Frances & John Strachan (Frances Weir SAS ’45) Rosemary Tomczak Strekel SAS ’68 Raquel M. Suarez SAS ’73 Marilouise Sullivan SAS ’62 Oona Burke Sullivan SAS ’51 Mary Supple Dailey SAS ’66 Anita Sutton GS ’84 Mary Egan Swartz SAS ’69 Mary Greer Sweeney SAS ’56 Barbara & Stephen J. Sweeny Friend Errol Thompson Friend Odell Thompson SNR ’76 Alice Timothy SAS ’52 Susan & Leslie Tolchin Friend Alice Elizabeth Carroll Tortora SAS ’45 Helen Kelleher Treml SAS ’48 Margaret & Alain Tripeau Friend Ruth Ann Tully SAS ’73 Eleanor Fyall Turner SAS ’73 Paul Tyrl Friend Jo-Ann Keller Ullrich SAS ’65 Susan & Sydney Unger Friend United Way of Dutchess County Ursuline Community/Liberty Avenue Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa’s Anthony & Yvonne Vallace Friend Cassandra Rogers Van Derslice SNR ’89 Jean McEvoy VanDelft SAS ’38 Elizabeth VanderPutten SAS ’65 Joan Varrone SAS ’72 Jane D’Apice Vergari SAS ’71 Lillian Viacava* SAS ’51 Margaret Lew Gogol Victors SAS ’73 Anne T. Vitale Friend Mary Lawler Vogt SAS ’73 Mary Lou* & Peter Vogt (Mary Lou Koessler SAS ’53) Rose Marie Bizzoco Volpe SAS ’56 GS ’80 25 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Anne Traynor G. Vonick SAS ’49 GS ’84 Donna Matthews Walcott SAS ’52 Marue English Walizer SAS ’59 Anne Marie Weiler SAS ’52 Edwina Weisheit SAS ’46 Mary McEntegart Welch ’49 Marianne Slysz Welna SAS ’55 Myles V. Whalen Friend Patricia Wiley SAS ’72 Agnes Neill Williams SAS ’51 Roberta Williamson Friend Marcelle M. Willock SAS ’58 Carol Mungan Wingertzahn SAS ’53 Kathy & Perry Winter Friend Deborah Jeffrey Wisoff Friend Helen Wolf Friend Robert I. Wolf Friend XL Reinsurance America, Inc. Maria Angello Zambelli SAS ’44 Paul Zapatka GS ’97 Louise Glover Zollicoffer SNR ’89 Anonymous (4) 111 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Leadership for the Second Century The President’s Circle is an Annual Fund gift club established in 1967 that recognizes those alumnae/i, parents, faculty, staff and friends of The College of New Rochelle whose leadership giving provides more than 75% of the unrestricted Annual Fund dollars raised from individuals. President’s Circle membership for 2008-2009† is extended to the following donors whose combined unrestricted giving (including matching gifts) to the Annual Fund totaled $1,000 as of June 30, 2008. Contributions to the Golf and Tennis Event are counted toward membership in The President’s Circle in that this event supports the Annual Fund. Membership is also extended to those individuals who have given a cumulative lifetime total of $100,000 or more to The College of New Rochelle. † Starting July 1, 2008 the new Partners for Excellence gift societies replace those that had been in effect for more than 40 years (see inside back cover). The College extends profound thanks to the following 388 donors for their generous gifts to the Annual Fund totaling $1,318,100 for fiscal year 2008. DISTINGUISHED MEMBERS ( $ 5 , 0 0 0 TO $ 9 , 9 9 9 ) Margaret & Joseph C. Antalec (Margaret Reilly SAS’59) Michelle Altilio GS’95 Barbara M. Bresnan Friend Susan Yaeger Dyke SAS’60 Robert & Ann Eckenrode Friend Beau & George Erbe (Florence Lang SAS’57) Mary Mosser Falvo SAS’54 Ann & Patrick Foley (Ann Tubman SAS’55) Bridget Foley SAS’78 Florence Covino Friedlander SAS’48 Jane Roberts Garvey SAS’38* Nancy Harkins SAS’75 Maurice & Anne Hartigan Friend Ann Gartland Higdon SAS’68 Dolores Castellano King SAS’61 Jean Wilson Kirby SAS’61 Rosemary Gerard Klemann SAS’39 Mary McAniff Kresky SAS’58 Margaret Mount Lynn SAS’69 Leah Brooks McDonough SAS’44 Rosa Puleo Napoleone SAS’75 Carole & Nelson Nicholson (Carole McCarthy SAS’59) Aulana Pharis Peters SAS’63 Ann Magrum Rowland SAS’58 Allison Rubeli SAS’67 Andree Lejeune Scanlon SAS’57 Oona Burke Sullivan SAS’51 Barbara & Stephen J. Sweeny Friend Edwina Weisheit SAS’46 Anonymous Trustees Elizabeth Bell LeVaca, Anne Vitale, Fr. Leo O’Donovan, SJ and Lillian Brennan Carney SAS ‘69 C E N T E N N I A L CO U N C I L MEMBERS ( $ 25 , 0 0 0 A N D A B OV E ) Jean & James Barrow (Jean Shanaphy SAS’68) Rose Cuomo Coviello SAS’41 Marylou* & Warren Hayford (Marylou Meyer SAS’52) Donna & Hugh J. Kelly (Donna McAuley SAS’58) Margaret Snyder SAS’50 Agnes Neill Williams SAS’51 U R S U L I N E H E R I TAG E SO C I ET Y M E M B E R S ( $ 10 , 0 0 0 TO $ 24 , 9 9 9 ) Marsha & Michael Ambler Friend Camille Andrea-Casling SAS’42 Patricia McGinnis Dunn SAS’60 Joan & Sanford Freilich Friend Lucille Grow SAS’43 Ellen & W. Jason Hancock (Ellen Mooney SAS’65) Christine LaSala SAS’72 & Ellen Lipschitz Friend Rachel Gambardello McGonigle SN’83 Joan Grattan Nestor SAS ’47 John & Lesley Nicholson Friend Sandra Priest Rose GS’77 Jane Scully Reichle SAS’67 Camille & Mauro C. Romita (Camille Gervino SNR’75, GS’88) Terry O’Malley Seidler SAS’54 Marilouise Sullivan SAS’62 Anne T. Vitale Friend Donna Matthews Walcott SAS’52 Patricia & Ronald Williams Past Parent (Patricia Barnum SAS’56 ) * Deceased 26 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E C AST L E ASSO C I AT E MEMBERS ( $ 3 , 0 0 0 TO $ 4 , 9 9 9 ) Maureen Clifford Albers SAS’60 Kelley Allen SAS’98 Rosemary Maniscalco Baczewski SAS’80 Margaret Casey SAS’60 Harriette & Martin Chelnik (Harriette Chelnik SNR’73) Alisann Alexander Collins SAS’63 Margaret & Thomas Conniff Friend Lois Reynolds Coon SAS’58 Joan Campana Diaferia SAS’55 Mary Ann Dolan SAS’56 Beth & Tom Donovan (Elizabeth Sculley SAS’56) Sarah O’Hagan Fisher SAS’43 Margaret Fonzo SAS’42* Virginia Conway Fredricks SAS’42* Miriam Treffeisen Friend SAS’37 Alice Duffy Grant SAS’63 Lillian Kroepke Healy SAS’46 Kathleen Duffy Henry SAS’54 Marie Karl SAS’75 Mary Costello Karl SAS’45 Christiane Keck SAS’61 Edith Bratti Larkin* SAS’39 Elizabeth Bell LeVaca Friend Aline Sgueglia Martinelli SAS’52 Margaret Mary McQuillan SAS’45 Christine Morrison SAS’72 Betty & Michael Romita Friend Anonymous A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S FOUNDING MEMBERS ( $ 1 , 9 0 4 TO $ 2 , 9 9 9 ) Mary Ann Kokoszyna Arlt SAS ’75 Isabelle Healey Bacon SAS ’53 Margaret Baine SAS ’67 Anne Phillips Barden SAS ’45 Rosa & LeRoy Barksdale (Rosa Davis SNR ’75) Dolores Battalia SNR ’75 Ann Marie McGovern Beal SAS ’53 Andrea Mazzari Berzolla SAS ’63 Elaine & James Blair (Elaine Donovan SAS ’64) Joan Fiori Blanchfield SAS ’64 Frances & Raymond Broderick (Frances Choquette SAS ’57) Eleanor Shea Buckley SAS ’60 Helen Fitzgerald Butler SAS ’40 Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes SAS ’54 Barbara McGrath Candee SAS ’49 Anne Giesler Chappell SAS ’48 Victor Cimino Friend Carolyn Grant Clarke SAS ’51 Joy Kober Cowan SAS ’64, Past Parent Joan Gafney Crowley SAS ’52 Patricia & Daniel Derbes (Patricia Maloney SAS ’52) Janet Donnelly SAS ’44 Dorothy Escribano Friend Joseph C. Farina & Angela Koutoulakis Friend M. Virginia Hartcorn Fortney SAS ’40 Teri Gamble Friend Carol Gourlie SAS ’55 Marianne Birch Gumbs SAS ’63 Eileen Mylod Hayden SAS ’59 Ann Heck SAS ’69 Mary Ball Hofstetter SAS ’63 Kathrene Blish Houlihan Friend Judith & Bradley Huntington Friend Anne Marie Nichol Hynes SAS ’71 Judy & Dennis Kenny (Judy Kenny SNR ’82) Ann Pfohl Kirby SAS ’49 Helen Collins Krumsiek SAS ’57 Barbara Kunkel SAS ’45 Margaret Whyte Lyons SAS ’59 Cecelia Stevens Mackey SAS ’64 Margaret Ann Walsh Magovern SAS ’47 Ann Pepek Morrison SAS ’67 Judy Mauser Morriss SAS ’59 Miriam Stapleton Moynihan SAS ’71 Cecelia Mruk SNR ’78 Carrol & Margo Muccia Friend Mary Sue Murphy SAS ’73 Lela Keough Negri SAS ’56 Florence O’Donovan SAS ’39 Jeannette Carry Parshall SAS ’55 James Plowden-Wardlaw Friend Agnes Claire Reithebuch SAS ’51 Isabel Reithebuch SAS ’46 Joan Connors Roberts SAS ’64 Claire Schnell Rooney SAS ’51 Ethel Ankner Shafter SAS ’56 Ginger & Leon Smith (Virginia Smith SNR ’83) Mary Sommer Sandak & Jay Sandak (Mary Sommer SAS ’71) Rose Ann & Vincenzo Sperandio Friend Mary Egan Swartz SAS ’69 Margo & Lee Terwilliger (Margo Marabon SAS ’68) CNR students Samantha Bach SN’09, Mary Sessoms SAS’09 and Andrew Gifford GS’10 were invited guests to the President’s Circle Dinner. Lizabeth Beauregard Weaver SAS ’72 Marcelle M. Willock SAS ’58 MEMBERS ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 TO $ 1 , 9 0 3 ) Rosemary Vasas Abbott SAS ’65 Lois Scarpino Amend SAS ’57 Ellen Riccobono Anderson SAS ’58 Angela Loveman Armitage SAS ’66 Joan Arnold Friend Joan Bailey Friend Barbara Brosnan Baisley SAS ’56 Sandra Bartik SAS ’67 Theresa Behrle-Mohs SAS ’80 Mary MacDonagh Berberich* SAS ’35 Lorraine Ouellette Berner SAS ’67 Diane Guest Biondi SAS ’60 Ann Black SAS ’55 GS ’90 Rosemary Miles Blair SAS ’51 Joseph Blank Friend Mary Joan Bodensteiner SAS ’73 Elizabeth Boehling Bosetti SAS ’51 Anne Doherty Bottner SAS ’63 Woodrow Bovell Friend Maureen Donelan Boyle SAS ’56 Jean Stevens Brennan SAS ’77 Ellen Longden Breyer SAS ’70 Lynn O’Rourke Bride SAS ’69 Mary Quinn Bright SAS ’52 Joan Bristol Past Parent Eileen Egan Burke SAS ’59 Mary Ellen Burns SAS ’74 Isabel Reithebuch SAS’46, Agnes Claire Reithebuch SAS’51 and President Stephen J. Sweeny. * Deceased 27 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Jane Canner SAS ’72 Nancy Carey Cassidy SAS ’79 Barbara & Donald Chapin (Barbara Wise SAS ’50) Ann Bergassi Chiodini SAS ’69 Margaret McGorty Colavita SAS ’58 Elizabeth Stanton Colleran SAS ’50 Jean Barrett Colligan SAS ’50 Margaret Comaskey SAS ’61 Julie Connelly SAS ’65 Diane Lee Conner SAS ’56 Janet Maroney Connolly SAS ’61 Joan Cornell Friend Ellen Courtien SAS ’69 Mary Ellen Morin Cox SAS ’65 Rosalie Duffy Crabbe SAS ’72 June Langran Crabtree SAS ’49 Ngaire O’Connell Cuneo SAS ’72 Joanne Colavita Cuoco SAS ’60 Kathleen Meyer Curtin SAS ’70 Joan Crawford Daly SAS ’52 Ellen Curry & William Damato Friend Linda David Friend Theresa Davis SAS ’73 Mary Del Monte SAS ’63 C. J. & Constance Denne Friend Kenneth Doka Friend Mary Alice Donius Friend Claire Donohue Friend Jeanne Bouchard Dorian SAS ’50 Jane Cooney Dowling SAS ’56 Mary Dugan SAS ’74 Frances Sanchez Durgin SAS ’38 Maureen Costello Durkin SAS ’52 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S Timothy Ebsworth Past Parent Laura and Richard Ellis Friend Elizabeth Evers SAS ’58 Joseph C. Farina & Angela Koutoulakis Friend Gertrude Hanley Farrington SAS ’35 Emily St. Clair Fogarty SAS ’59 Rose Anne Fogarty SAS ’68 Jean Protzmann Frese SAS ’43 Patricia Reilly Gamache SAS ’65 Meg Gardinier Lawder SAS ’81 Marianne Bachand Geiger SAS ’55 Alice Murphy Gillespie SAS ’37 Francine Gillian SN ’05 Patricia Ahearn Gillin SAS ’52 Pat Quattrochi Gorman SAS ’64 Mary Govers SAS ’45 Catherine Graham SN ’96 Gloria Greco SAS ’52 Dana Greene SAS ’63 Audrey Pistilli Grieco SAS ’61 Noel McNamara Grimm SAS ’68 Mary & Roger Grimm Friend Gertrude Kelly Hamilton SAS ’57 Eleanor Donlon Hannigan SAS ’54 Eileen Gallagher Harrington SAS ’62 Madonna Wells Hart SAS ’68 Edwina Kearney Hassi SAS ’58 Mary & Doug Hearle (Mary Hogan SAS ’56 GS ’87) Margot & Stephen Holland Friend Margaret Pasquariello Holtman SAS ’69 Alexander Hood Friend Carolyn Miller Howard SAS ’55 Mary Lu & Francis Hughes (Mary Lu Sullivan SAS ’52) Anne Marie Nichol Hynes SAS ’71 Josephine DiFrancesco Jacobson SAS ’53 Sue Borncamp Jayes SAS ’49 Mary Corcoran Jigarjian SAS ’69 Margaret Heinchon Johnson SAS ’49 Hugh & Marianne Johnston Friend Mary Kane SAS ’41 Patricia Byrne Kelleher SAS ’46 Deborah Kelly Friend Wendy Ilett Keryk SAS ’75 Kathleen Rees Klein SAS ’51 Jeanne Welcher Kleinfield SAS ’43 Nancy Kloczko SAS ’73 Jane Seidel Kresser SAS ’59 Margaret Kelly Kummerer SAS ’60 Mary Elizabeth Lacerenza SAS ’72 Joan Connolly Laporte SAS ’48 GS ’87 Dolores Lauritano SAS ’52 Barbara Kearns Lautenschlager SAS ’57 Marion & Joseph Lechowicz (Marion Carbery SAS ’59) Ann Yu-Li Chiu Lee SAS ’74 GS ’76 Christine Piliponis Lenehan SAS ’72 Eileen Leonard & Dale Hagstrom (Eileen Leonard SAS ’72) Margaret Kuntz Lessing SAS ’62 Kathleen LeVache Friend Guy Lometti Friend Christine Loomie SAS ’73 Anne Stenach Lopatto SAS ’50 Ann Hines LoVoi SAS ’55 Diana Fava Lucca SAS ’48 John and Mary Ann Carroll Dolan SAS ’56 with Vice President for College Advancement Brenna Sheenan Mayer. Christina Hoffman Lucey SAS ’70 Joan Meister Luecke SAS ’56 Kwanghee Lyew Friend Margaret Alberti Lynch SAS ’52 Susan Lynskey SAS ’87 Anne Hunter MacArtney SAS ’76 Beatrice Mackenzie SAS ’53 Anne & James Magee Past Parents (Anne Magee GS’79) Mary Delehanty Mandeville SAS ’63 Claire & Anthony Manto Past Parent (Claire Colangelo SAS ’69) Mary Ann Geraci Marriott SAS ’59 Diana & Roland Marshall (Diana Ruffolo SAS ’47) Patricia Martin SAS ’45 Brenna Sheenan Mayer & George Mayer Friend Dian Jennings Mayo SAS ’53 Orlando McAllister Friend Jane Reiss McAniff SAS ’58 Mary Jane McPartland McCann SAS ’68 Nancy Babacz McCloskey SAS ’68 Irene McConnell SNR ’86 Alicia Murphy McCormick SAS ’61 Kristin Krause McDonough SAS ’68 William McElhenny Friend Dorothy McElroy SAS ’55 Valerie McEwen SAS ’73 Marilyn Dempsey McGill SAS ’68 Muriel Flaherty McGinnis SAS ’39 Geraldine Larkin McGrath SAS ’50 Mary McGrath SAS ’66 Pat Rosenkranz Levins, CNR's Corporate Relations Officer, joins classmates Christine Loomie and Sue Murphy at The President's Circle Dinner. All are members of the Class of 1973. Irene Murphy McInerney SAS ’45 James & Jayne McKee Friend Christine Marino McKeever SAS ’75 Nancy & Paul McKenna (Nancy Collins SAS ’51) Julie Siard McMahon SN ’88 Mary McNamara SAS ’77 Anne Butkovsky Messina SAS ’60 Mary Mills* SAS ’56 Joyce Celentano Moran SAS ’61 Susan Morrison Friend Marie Therese McGrath Mulcahy SAS ’59 Noranne Mulcahy SAS ’66 Grace Tubman Mullaney SAS ’59 Jan VanValkenburgh Murphy SAS ’58 Catherine & Paul Nagy (Catherine Tyburski SAS ’62) Eileen & Michael Niedzwiecki (Eileen Stavinsky SAS ’72) Elizabeth Donovan Nolan SAS ’79 Margaret Nolan SAS ’71 Mary McKiernan O’Brien SAS ’47 Kathleen O’Connor SAS ’64 Nina Boyd O’Connor SAS ’73 Leo O’Donovan, S.J. Friend Ruth Holthouse O’Dowd SAS ’51 Mary O’Hagan* SAS ’43 Maureen O’Rourke SAS ’51 Anne Owens SAS ’56 Anne Pelak SNR ’90 GS ’96 Mary Pepe SAS ’71 Kathleen Person SAS ’69 Kathryn Peterson SAS ’61 * Deceased 28 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S Lois Farrell Phillips* SAS ’61 Julie Pifer SAS ’60 Mary Jo Rocque Pittoni SAS ’69 Therese FitzMaurice Powderly SAS ’83 Karen & Thomas Prior (Karen Walsh SN ’86) Mary Jane Kann Reddington SAS ’45 Barbara Koeppen Reilly SAS ’65 Susan Brown Reitz SAS ’72 Gina & David Riberi (Gina D’Aprile SAS ’86) Christianne Russo Ricchi SAS ’73 Rosemary Vavasour Richards SAS ’74 Mary Creeden Risio SAS ’68 Faith Ritchie SAS ’69 & Richard Menaker Noel Petri Robinson SAS ’69 Rosanne Lammers Rodilosso SAS ’58 Patricia O’Hare Rosen SAS ’73 GS ’76 Marie Porco Rossi SAS ’60 GS ’71 Debra Cummiskey Ruel SAS ’75 Judy SNR ’85 & Dennis Ryan GS ’94, Past Parent Gertrude Quinlan Ryan SAS ’50 Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier SAS ’58 Marie Sayegh Shack SAS ’68 Ethel Ankner Shafter SAS ’56 Ruth Daley Sharkey SAS ’55 Mary Sheahan SAS ’31 Mary Agnes Fitzgerald Shelley SAS ’55 Eileen Case Sibson SAS ’60 Nancy Miller Skibbie SAS ’54 Sabina & Walter Slavin (Sabina Sprague SAS ’62) Margaret Malloy Slyngstad SAS ’53 Ann Cuomo Smith SAS ’47 Carolyn Murphy Smith SAS ’73 Kathleen Smith SAS ’71 Saddie & Lowery Smith Friend Eleanor Fitzpatrick Smollen SN ’83 Jane Crabtree Stark SAS ’51 Ann Kasprzak Sterbenz SAS ’67 Margaret Lawler Stott SAS ’57 Ann Fenlon Strauss SAS ’59 Rosemary Tomczak Strekel SAS ’68 Elizabeth Lynch Sullivan SAS ’40 Maria Phillips Sullivan SAS ’61 Marianne Smith Sullivan SAS ’80 Walter Sullivan Friend Mary Supple Dailey SAS ’66 Elizabeth Hebb Sweney SAS ’76 Alice Timothy SAS ’52 Therese Tormey Todd SAS ’48 Germaine Keogh Trabert SAS ’58 Patricia Trainor SAS ’59 Mary Dehn Van Dessel SAS ’56 Connie Vance Friend JoEllen Vavasour SAS ’76 Mary Kathrynn Vavasour SAS ’72 Mildred Middlemiss Veltri SAS ’49 Rose Marie Murray Verrilli SAS ’52 Faith Rieg Victory SAS ’56 Adrienne Wald Friend Nancy Shannon Walsh SAS ’62 Susan Grant Walsh SAS ’72 Veronica Kunkel Warren SAS ’43 Madeline Hamilton Whalen SAS ’62 Barbara D’Arcy White SAS ’49 Madeline White SAS ’65 Bonny Willett GS ’92 Deirdre Dunne Winters SAS ’59 Ellen Toal Wry SAS ’64 Catherine Young SAS ’61 Former Trustee Marion Carbery Lechowicz SAS’59, Sanford Freilich, Trustee Joan Freilich, Joan Bristol, Vice President for Student Services, and Lois Scarpino Amend SAS’57. PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Special recognition as a President’s Circle Associate Member is extended to any recent graduate (1 to 9 years since graduation) whose total unrestricted Annual Fund giving, including corporate matches, meets the following criteria: for graduates 1-4 years from graduation, a total gift of $250+; for graduates 5-9 years from graduation, a total gift of $500+. Upon their 10th reunion, these donors are invited to continue their leadership giving by joining The President’s Circle with a gift of $1,000 or more. CNR is grateful for these recent graduates who are leadership donors. P R ES I D E N T ’ S C I R C L E ASSO C I AT E P R ES I D E N T ’ S C I R C L E ASSO C I AT E 1- 4 Y E A R S 5-9 YEARS Francine Gillian SN’05 † Susanne Pino Lebrija SNR’05 Joseph Smith SNR’06 Fay Bennett-Lord SNR’00 Colleen Maher Bimbo SNR’03 Kenneth Lemon SNR’02 Pearl Hayes Sullivan SNR’03 † Also a member of The President’s Circle THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed in this report who have made contributions between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call The Office of College Advancement, at 800-474-4232 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at makeagift@cnr.edu. Rosa Puleo Napoleone SAS’75, Chair of the Annual Giving Committee with past chair Joan Campana Diaferia SAS’55, Eileen Case Sibson SAS’60, and Gloria Greco SAS’52. 29 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE FOUNDER’S SOCIETY The Founder’s Society recognizes donors who contribute $500 to $999 to the unrestricted Annual Fund. The 188 members listed below represent alumnae/i, parents and friends who contributed $101,000 in 2008. The entire College community is grateful for the difference these donors make to the College’s well-being. Maureen Hanley Abrahamson SAS’70 Frances McKillop Ambrose SAS’59 Adelaide Amend SAS’58 Carol Nelson Andrews SAS’62 Sharon Sneider Arnold SN’84 Margaret Giegengack Ayling SAS’47 Frances LoCicero Bailie SAS’65 Joan Peerenboom Bartosic SAS’45 Donna Silvia Batch SAS’65 Marianne Bennett SAS’70 Fay Bennett-Lord SNR’00 Colleen Maher Bimbo SNR’03 Mary Virginia Kelley Bliley SAS’53 Eleanor Davidson Boyle SAS’58 Linda Liotti Breving SAS’58 Doris Daily Brough SAS’63 Jane Canner SAS’72 Margaret Starr Casey SAS’69 Mary Lavery Cavanagh SAS’44 Carol MacDonald Chandler SAS’56 Eileen Mainzer Church SAS’83 Joan Close SAS’69 Ellen Brady Colasurdo SAS’65 Carol Bodensteiner Corliss SAS’75 James Coyne Friend Ellen Kochan Cuddy SAS’63 Anna Hansek Cyr SAS’47 Jacqueline Compton D’Alessio SAS’64 Jane McKeon Dalton SAS’89 Mary Jayne Hernandez Delbridge SAS’67 Eileen Bertsch Donahue SAS’75 Mary Ann Zeender Donovan SAS’71 Margaret Dore SAS’45 Mary Beth Wagner Dougherty SAS’62 Laurie DuBos Friend Mary Maguire Dunne SAS’63 Carol Carnes Dwyer SAS’57 Margaret Edmonston SNR’82 Jo Ann Schilling Fannon SAS’72 Martha Coleman Farquhar SAS’58 Agatha Kelly Fay SAS’44 Mary Brown Fee SAS’73 Louise Fischer SAS’47* Mary-Christy Fisher Friend Mary Ellen Flaherty SAS’58 Marie Flanagan SAS’64 Michele Daleas Forte SAS’66 Susan Karutis Gaffney SAS’64 Ann Broady Gardiner SAS’71 Sally Fernet Geloso SAS’68 Margaret George SAS’72 Anne Gevlin SAS’66 Mary Roslyn Walsh Gilligan SAS’45 Clara Louise Malone Gould SAS’48 Mercedes Williams Granady SAS’73 GS’74 Nancy Guillet Gravina SAS’79 Lillian Dordan Gray SAS’44 Angela Griffiths SAS’69 Amy Hagerty SAS’95 Marion Halbritter SAS’39 Beverly Harris Friend Mary Keenan Hart SAS’58 Margaret Sweeney Hartnett SAS’67 Marianne Hickey SAS’71 Anne Burns Horgan SAS’40 Sandra Thomas Horsman SNR’82 Barbara Bachstetter Johnsen SAS’65 Theresa Cardinale Johnson SAS’61 Eileen McGirr Johnston SAS’44 Betty Ann Kelly Keane SAS’52 Jane Moynihan Kelley SAS’45 Joan Kelley SAS’47 Joan Fee Kelly SAS’59 Carol Mele Kennedy SAS’68 John & Laura Killian Friend Charlotte McNeil King SAS’63 Constance Partridge Knoebel SAS’60 Mary Adikes Kortvelesy SAS’59 Kathleen Cravero Kristoffersson SAS’76 Theresa Kubis SAS’61 Grace Otto Kurak SN’84 Maureen Baldwin Lambert SAS’51 Joann Hawkes Langston SAS’53 Kenneth Lemon SNR’02 Mary Alice Boyle Lipski SAS’58 Patricia Casey Looby SAS’59 Nancy Collins Lord SAS’58 Ellen Lunny-Olenick SAS’65 Maryann Padula Mading SAS’65 Cornelia Mahon SAS’54 Carol Mahoney SAS’61 Katherine Mylod Mainzer SAS’56 Therese Cardinal Mallon SAS’47 Kathleen Ryan Mangan SAS’61 Marilyn Masiero GS’90 Catherine May SAS’46 Frances Katy Connors McCaffrey SAS’72 Gloria Gregory McDermott SAS’48 Virginia Malankowski McFadden SAS’58 Anne Peters McGeady SAS’43 Carol deSantis McGough SAS’51 Marie Lombard McGraw SAS’63 Michele McMahon SAS’76 Anne Mead SAS’45 Dorothy Elling Meehan-Ripa SAS’56 Lorraine Riley Meenan SAS’59 Susan Ball Miles SAS’80 Marianne Milzoff SN’97 Margaret Brennan Moore SAS’51 Suzanne Groark Morgan SAS’57 Rowena Larkin Morris SAS’59 Jane Rako Morrissey SAS’59 Mary Jo Dwyer Murnane SAS’69 Mary Santangelo Nocero SAS’65 Isabel Hogan Nolan SAS’58 Kathleen Quinlan Norman SAS’64 Elizabeth Blake O’Connell SAS’48 Teresita Dwyer O’Leary SAS’63 Mary Dillon O’Neil SAS’58 June Swantko Olszewski SAS’52 Mary O’Brien Pawloski SAS’73 Marjory Peterson Friend Betty Ann Power SAS’73 GS’81 Constance Martin O’Hearne Prud’homme SAS’53 Catherine Leddy Pucciarelli SAS’56 Eileen Short Quigley SAS’88 GS’03 Michael Quinn Friend Lucy Cuomo Rafferty SAS’39 Mary Tierney Rafferty SAS’48 Dorothy Huisking Rebak SAS’40 Martha Reddington SAS’76 Sheila Reilly SAS’62 Margaret Smith Rejto SAS’58 Theresa Riccio SAS’60 GS’75 Cecelia Dunn Roche SAS’52 Irmina Bestard Rodriguez SAS’67 Marie Rofhok SNR’84 GS’87 Carla Romita Friend Helen Boyle Rosenbauer SAS’58 Mary Ann Runkle Savard SAS’59 James Schleifer Friend Mary Semple SAS’61 Marie Serpe Friend Nancy Packert Shashaty SAS ’63 Susan Shoulet GS’82 Kathy Westelinck Silver SAS’70 Sheridan Farnham Snell SAS’67 Katherine Ronan Soohoo SAS’74 Kristine D’Onofrio Southard Friend Judith Casey Stephenson SAS’71 Jean Stoddart SAS’65 Jeanne Gagnier Stone SAS’47 Constance Turner Sullivan SAS’58 Patricia Sullivan SAS’48 30 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Pearl Hayes Sullivan SNR’03 Patricia McGovern Sweeting SAS’56 Ann TenEyck SAS’57 Barbara Thebaut SAS’48 Patricia Beliveau Thomas SAS’62 Errol Thompson Friend Diane Thornewell SAS’73 Rosemary Tiernan SAS’75 Joan & Walter Tolley Past Parent Catherine Langellotti Vigilante SAS’52 Beatrice Fisher Voutsinas SAS’58, Past Parent Susan Shulga Waas SAS’63 Marue English Walizer SAS’59 Ellen Moriarty Walsdorf SAS’71 Margaret Casey Walz SAS’56 Judith Hughes Watson SAS’65 Judith Murray Webdale SAS’65 Dolores McKeon Weber SAS’49 Marguerite Crowley Weibel SAS’68 Anne Marie Weiler SAS’52 Gladys Haile Weinberg SAS’49 Rosemarie Affatato Wenick SAS’65 Julia Whalen SAS’55 Margaret McCarthy Willis SAS’41 Patricia Connelly Wilson SAS’68 Dale Zola SAS’71 Joan Gavenda Zummo SAS’63 Anonymous * Deceased Starting July 1, 2008 the new Partners for Excellence donor societies replace those that had been in effect for more than 40 years (see inside back cover). A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE CHIDWICK ASSOCIATES Chidwick Associates members contribute between $250 and $499 to the unrestricted Annual Fund. CNR is grateful to the 319 members listed below who contributed $90,000 in 2008. Thank you for your support. Antoinette Abraham SAS ’57 Theresa Agliardo SAS ’77 GS ’97 Seton Caulfield Ahearn SAS ’79 Carolyn Merz Alia SAS ’63 Mary Allen SAS ’38 Joyce Trainor Altieri SAS ’63 Lorraine Hoskins Amberg SAS ’48 Marc Anders SNR ’76 Dolores Lausberg Andrew SAS ’63 Jason Arrington SNR ’81 Sara Arthur SAS ’59 Joellyn Ausanka SAS ’65 Josephine Zehner Bab SAS ’53 Anne Serzan Babineau SAS ’73 Erin Devaney Baker SAS ’95 GS ’00 Judith O’Hara Balfe SNR ’89 GS ’91, ’97 Maureen Smet Baltay SAS ’67 Nancy Glennan Barry SAS ’58 Catherine Bartholomew SAS ’79 Claire Kennedy Bartlett SAS ’50 Joan Molanphy Bassett SAS ’50, Past Parent Nancy Bosten Battiste SAS ’67 Nilda Bayron-Resnick SAS ’77 Andre Beauzethier Friend Doreene Berger SAS ’81 Vivian Farley Black SAS ’47 Patricia Murray Blessington SAS ’56 Georgette Rosenberg Bloom SAS ’48 Mary Maloney Bonney SAS ’52 Keith R. Borge Friend Elizabeth Bourgeois SAS ’67 Maureen Boyland SAS ’48 Mary Baldwin Brady SAS ’48 Maree Brennan Friend Mary Mylod Brockway SAS ’57 Felicia Prekeris Brown SAS ’58 Mary Louise Healey Brown SAS ’50 Joan Bray Burke SAS ’57 Regina Roche Butt SAS ’60 Helen Weber Buzaid SAS ’50 Marie Cafferty SAS ’58 Martha Lane Campbell SAS ’62 Maryanne Carney SAS ’74 Walter Carter SNR ’77 Elizabeth Griffin Casarino SAS ’64 * Deceased Starting July 1, 2008 the new Partners for Excellence donor societies replace those that had been in effect for more than 40 years (see inside back cover). Laurie Peterson Castaldo SNR ’94 Margaret Croake Cherico SAS ’53 Patricia Looby Clary SAS ’59 Pamela Flaherty Colavecchio SAS ’73 Janice Conlon Collins SAS ’69 Mary Connelly SAS ’72 Ann Dowd Connolly SAS ’52 Jacqueline Corcoran SAS ’86 Catherine Corgan SAS ’57 Elizabeth Vincent Corrigan SAS ’43 Susan Coyne GS ’73 Elizabeth Greaves Crawford SAS ’63 Rosita Creamer SAS ’65 Audrey Roberts Creary SAS ’52 Harold Crocker GS ’78 Marion Purdy Crombie SAS ’71 Mary Anne O’Callaghan Cronan SAS ’68 Marybeth Keefe Crone SAS ’80 Emily Callahan Cronin SAS ’45 Mollie McLaughlin Crumrine SAS ’62 Deborah Dee Curran SAS ’57 Maureen Quinn D’Alleva SAS ’58 Elizabeth Bonavita D’Angelo SAS ’50 Beverly Fasick Dalrymple SAS ’76 Eleanor Flynn Daly SAS ’56 Mary Anne Borrego Danguillecourt SAS ’81 Louise Feldhaus Danylevich SAS ’72 Maura Dausey SAS ’59 Roberta Tolle DeBaldo SAS ’58 Ann Gruendl Decker SAS ’71 Dorothy Gromann Delaney SAS ’47 Helen Clegg Delaney SAS ’49 Jeanne Whelan Demarzo SN ’83 Mikell Gallagher Deptula SAS ’64 Jane Detweiler SAS ’75 Jeanne Tolle Devlin SAS ’50 Virginia Leyden deWolf SAS ’73 Elza Dinwiddie-Boyd Friend Celeste Messina Dominioni SAS ’74 Susan Fauerbach Downes SAS ’67 Mary Harvey Doyle SAS ’57 Bonnie M. Driscoll SAS ’61 Doris Tracy Driscoll SAS ’48 Joan Scully Duffy SAS ’51 Anne Marie Dunne-Chernik SN ’84 Ann Barry Durbin SAS ’54 Beatrice Cunningham Easton SAS ’58 Elizabeth Staab Emery SAS ’53 Grace Eubanks SNR ’86 Kathryn Hourin Faber SAS ’58 Catherine Gardner Falvey SAS ’48 Anne Bright Farnsworth SAS ’50 Ellen Kiernan Fauerbach SAS ’67 Ann Battaglia Feldman SAS ’65 Elizabeth Marra Feuerstein SAS ’58 Audrey Field Galligan SAS ’55 Mary Alyce Farrell Fields SAS ’54 Noel Keyser Fischer SAS ’49 Nancy Elizabeth Fitch Friend Florence Doyle Fitzgerald SAS ’50, Past Parent Helen Higgins Fitzgerald SAS ’50 Mary-Alice Fitzgerald SAS ’61 GS ’80 Maureen O’Connor Fitzpatrick SAS ’62 Joan Jacquart Fleming SAS ’50 Joan Foley SAS ’51 Mary Curran Folsom SAS ’65 Edith Jameson Forbes SAS ’42 Claire Fordrung SAS ’55 Margaret Forte Friend Martha Furlong SAS ’65 GS ’76 Patricia Furman SNR ’82 GS ’84 Patricia McDonnell Gaffney Friend Jeanne Hunter Galick SAS ’54 Mary Ann Clines Gallagher SAS ’47 Susan Ryan Gannon SAS ’55 Rosemary Swords Gatti SAS ’64 Marie Trombacco Gianzero SAS ’59 Marilyn Picardi Giglia SAS ’61 Irene Murphy Gilles SAS ’48 Joan Palmera Giordano SAS ’57 Kathryn Gleeson SAS ’61 31 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E L. Joan Mehltretter Goodman SAS ’58 Rita Moriarty Gorman SAS ’62 Louise DiSanto Greer SAS ’53 Bernice Keller Griffin SAS ’55 Claire Habib SAS ’50 Mary Hagerty GS ’79 Patricia Haggerty SAS ’54 Clara Halloran SAS ’57 Joanne Kuhl Halscheid SAS ’69 Joan Fleming Hanifin SAS ’52 Florence Congiolosi Hansen SAS ’55 Mary Johnston Hansen SAS ’67 Ellen Erisman Harrington SAS ’55 Theresa Maher Harris SAS ’48 Martha Hartmann-Harlan SAS ’71 Jane Delaney Hellberg SAS ’77 Heather Herrera Friend Winifred Hajla Hespe SAS ’54 Rose Mary Abel Horn SAS ’43 Jacqueline Quinones Hughes SAS ’72 Russell Hullstrung SN ’99 Rosemarie Hurley SAS ’74 Holly Ingelfinger-Lopez SN ’87 Ada Isasi-Diaz SAS ’71 Marianne Cunilio Jackson SAS ’64 Shirley Mason Johnston SAS ’49 Carolyn Miller Jordan SAS ’64 Jean Rosaire Joseph Friend Kevin B. Keefe Friend Janet Keenan SAS ’61 Eileen Crawford Kelmer SAS ’43 Patricia Reilly Kenney SAS ’65 Virginia Curren Kenney SAS ’47 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE CHIDWICK ASSOCIATES Esther Schoffelen Rada SAS ’75 Elizabeth Rohrer Reddy SAS ’49 Anne Donohue Reid SAS ’53 Kathleen Bieger Roche SAS ’67 Josephine Montanile Ronan SAS ’56 Janice Ruggiero SAS ’60 Blanche Dickinson Ryan SAS ’48 Joan Gaynor Ryan SAS ’50 Marilyn Hesser Saulle Friend Muriel Thompson Schaad* SAS ’45 Charlotte Molleur Schaefer SAS ’59 Jane Gallagher Schaefer SAS ’45 Virginia Funk Schneider SAS ’46 Elizabeth Bosco Serra SAS ’55 Patricia O’Keeffe Shea-Wallace SAS ’49 Eileen O’Donnell Sheehan Ginn SAS ’58 Patricia Ahearn Sheerin SAS ’61 Pearl Tong Shum SAS ’67 Margaret Kilroy Sill SAS ’63 Esta Sinclair SNR ’81 GS ’87 Jane C. Slagle Friend Stephen Small SNR ’91 Gabrielle Ceriale Smith SAS ’58 Joanne Hartnett Smith SAS ’49 Joseph Smith SNR ’06 Marilyn Roth Smith SAS ’59 Patricia Smith SAS ’57 Edisnerky C. Soto Friend Barbara Reish Spangler SAS ’64 Mary-Susan Dowling Spencer SAS ’56 Marita Schellings Spooner SAS ’66 Margaret Stanislaus SAS ’57 Carmen Trueba Stanley SAS ’56 Elizabeth Brown Stento SAS ’84 Louise McDonnell Stevens SAS ’48, Barbara Lutz SAS ’73 Helene Lutz Shea SAS ’70 Ann Maloney Lyons SAS ’51 Katherine McHugh Maria SAS ’58 GS ’72 Anne Dorr Markowski SAS ’67 Marilyn Giannelli Martin SAS ’56 Patricia Oakley Mathieu SAS ’77 Marianne Carrig Mazan SAS ’52 Ruth Dobbins McCaffrey SAS ’44 Edna McCallion Friend Jean Mahoney McCarthy SAS ’43 Leslie Johnson McDonald SAS ’63 Mary Ellen Foster McEvily SAS ’65 Constance & John* McGillicuddy Friend Beatrice Close Kerr SAS ’66 Nancy Kiehnle SAS ’50 Patricia Brunetto Kiernan SAS ’54 Susan McElduff Kiernan SAS ’72 Elizabeth Carraher Kilsheimer* SAS ’46 Isola Kokumo Friend Mary Jane McGovern Kreiger SAS ’64 Joan Foley Kreimer SAS ’67 Eileen Mahoney Kristofik SAS ’43 Patricia Sobierajski Kuhr SAS ’63 Barbara Kullmann SN ’90 Jennifer Crowhurst Lakin SAS ’03 Nieli Langer GS ’85 Margaret Doyle Lawler SAS ’63, Past Parent Eleanore Leary SAS ’55 Susanne Pino Lebrija SNR ’05 Suzanne Hennessy Lipsky SAS ’70 Christopher Lovergine Friend Claire Scesney Lundahl SAS ’83 * Deceased Rita Howard McGoldrick SAS ’57 Claire McIntee SAS ’61 Ann Donovan McKeon SAS ’48 Natalie Hastings McMahon SAS ’54 Sheila White McMahon SAS ’63 Suzanne Lukaswitz McMahon SAS ’54 Dorothy McManus SAS ’64 Mary-Alicia Lawler McRae SAS ’65 Michelle Braun Merriweather Friend Frances Miceli SNR ’81 GS ’84 Mary Sasseen Miller SAS ’49 Alice Milot SAS ’56 Barbara McGovern Mitchell SAS ’58 Filomena Russo Mohr SAS ’61 Angela Cadigan Mooney SAS ’55 Constance Wong Mow SAS ’54 Heidi Muhleman SAS ’98 Jean Mulhern Mulhern SAS ’48 David & Mary Ann Munroe Past Parent Julia McKeon Murphy SAS ’65 Daryl Thompson Neubecker SAS ’63 Jean-Baptiste Nicholson, OSU SAS ’60 Virginia Nelson Nihill SAS ’43 Geraldine Noble-Martocci SAS ’79 Valerie Facey Noel SN ’81 Adrienne O’Brien SAS ’57 Sheila Coughlin O’Connor SAS ’63 Anne Kinney O’Donnell SAS ’82 Elizabeth O’Donnell SAS ’62 Mary Killian O’Donnell SAS ’55 Tara O’Neill-Brant SAS ’98 Mary Close Oppenheimer SAS ’73 Margaret Pascale-Veziris SAS ’80 Elizabeth Byrne Peloso SAS ’61 Judith Perry SAS ’64 Margaret Mary Corcoran Quinn SAS ’37 Past Parent Mary McGarry Stuart SAS ’63 Mary Martin Stump SAS ’66 Muriel Paulhus Sullivan SAS ’58 Rosanne Firlit Sullivan SAS ’70 Mary Sorrentino Summo SAS ’50 Elinor Tanck SAS ’57 Denise Taylor GS ’81 Sheila Horgan Titus SAS ’75 Marian Trotta Tobin SNR ’79 Elaine Tolley-Andrews SAS ’90 Anne Bowe Tomcykowski SAS ’64 Marjorie McAllister Toner SAS ’48 Patricia Tracey SAS ’70 Joan Spitaleri Tykot SAS ’57 Ann McDonald Tyra SAS ’71 Angela Valitutto SAS’00 GS’04 Donna VanAlst SAS ’85 Jean McEvoy VanDelft SAS ’38 Bernice Maynard Veckerelli SAS ’58 Marguerite Marino VillaSanta SAS ’51 Cecilia Grebenstein Volpati SAS ’54 Lillian Koenig von Brockdorff SAS ’58 Dorothy Wade GS ’84 Sandra Giannoni Wainman SAS ’67 Suzette Walker-Vega SAS ’00 Mary Anne Finnerty Walldorf SAS ’66 Susan Waszkiewicz SAS ’69 Elizabeth Ashley Watson SAS ’51 Mary Watson-Stribula SAS ’68 Carole M. Weaver Friend Diana Weaver Pedalino SAS ’87 Ann Tutrinoli Weber SAS ’56 Josephine Dieges Weigner SAS ’48 Marianne Slysz Welna SAS ’55 Jacqueline Berean Westa SAS ’57 Mary Donovan Western SN ’82 Mary Endrich Whelan SAS ’38 Catherine White SAS ’45 Tawn Arcuri Whittemore SAS ’75 Susan Reid Wilke SAS ’66 Suzanne Siegert Williamson SAS ’74 Guye E. Wiltshire SNR ’01 Maura Meehan Winkler SAS ’61 Elizabeth Bues Wittemann SAS ’63 Anne Harvey Wright SAS ’72 Anne Murphy Yankoupe SAS ’63 Anne Yedowitz SAS ’34 Robin Zaleski SAS ’89 Class of 1947 Anonymous THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed here who have made contributions between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call The Office of College Advancement, at 800-474-4232 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at makeagift@cnr.edu. 32 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE CENTURY CLUB The Century Club recognizes donors who contribute between $100 and $249 to the unrestricted Annual Fund by June 30 each year. The College appreciates this support from 1,187 members listed who gave $141,00 in 2008. Marie Abel SNR ’76 Claire McPartland Abenante SN ’91 Lena DiVincenzo Abruzzi SAS ’40 Barbara Adams Friend Romayne Parlanti Agliotta SAS ’53 Gloria Akainda SN ’05 Elsie Alexander GS ’74 Jacqueline Gura Alferman SAS ’76 Emelita Martorella Allen SAS ’59 Ellen Alleyne GS ’03 Odalys Alonso SAS ’82 Carol Alterman SNR ’79 Frances Battaglia Altman SAS ’58 Marie Gleeson Amoroso SAS ’64 Lucille Nicolais Andersen SAS ’62 Donna McMahon Anderson SAS ’69 Carole Fabrizzi Angelino SAS ’62 Madeleine Martyn Anglim SAS ’52 Dolores Liggero Anostario SAS ’54 Lorraine Liebler Anson SAS ’43 Carole Anzisi SNR ’90 Linda Milone Apicella SAS ’60 Victoria Arango SAS ’73 Kathryn Gambino Arntzen SAS ’77 Marilyn Audain SNR ’00 Patricia Johnson Auth SAS ’68 Patricia Murphy Ayres SAS ’51 Dorothy Lynch Babis SAS ’51 Joan Cushwa Baer SAS ’50 Eileen Bagge GS ’91 Mary Riley Bagnulo SAS ’64 Mary Lou Norton Baker SAS ’57 Randy Goguen Balano SAS ’81 Agnes Carrozzella Barba SAS ’57 Cathleen Cahill Barber SAS ’57 Patricia Abbott Barden SAS ’60 Jenna Sunderland Barresi SAS ’99 Jessica Wassmer Barrett SAS ’49 Josephine Sheehan Barry SAS ’49 Carolyn Chadbourne Barton SAS ’38 Margaret Scholz Bartsch SAS ’52 Paula Rittenhouse Beales SAS ’71 M. Joyce Derrick Beauchamp SAS ’57 Margaret Gleeson Becker SAS ’56 Patricia Connors Becker SAS ’66 Maryann Becraft GS ’94 * Deceased Starting July 1, 2008 the new Partners for Excellence donor societies replace those that had been in effect for more than 40 years (see inside back cover). Sarah Keilty Bedell SAS ’64 Alma Beer GS ’74 Valerie Burke Beeson SAS ’62 Mary Ellen Beitel SN ’95 Florence Bell SAS ’54 Linda Bellmare Friend Pamela Panizzut Belmonte SAS ’87 Stefanie Beninato SAS ’72 Margaret Bennett GS ’84 Carol Hurley Benson SAS ’50 Peggy Judge Berger SAS ’47 Barbara Canavan Berkowitz SAS ’69 Kristin Berman GS ’95 Mary Digiusto Bertolini SAS ’69 Lynn Tasco Bertsch SAS ’78 Marie Bianca SNR ’82 Frances Delisle Bianculli SAS ’50 Kathleen Monahan Biggs SAS ’65 Yvonne Heyes Billera SNR ’73 Patricia Bilow SAS ’73 Irwin Birnbaum Friend Frances Minetti Biscoglio SAS ’60 Daphne Bispham SNR ’74 GS ’79 Kari Black GS ’04 Janet Sarrantonio Blair SAS ’74 GS ’77 Tiffani Blake SAS ’03 Julita Blasi SAS ’61 Rosemary Kirby Bloem SAS ’64 Margaret Pruner Boehling SAS ’57 Barbara Sullivan Bonaventura SAS ’49 Darcy Boyan Bonaviso SN ’82 Sheila Lane Booth SAS ’69 Yvonne Boothe SN ’03 Margaret Meskill Borchert SAS ’76 Ellen Greene Borzelli SAS ’68 Kathleen Kay Bosco SAS ’61 Lois Forster Boston SAS ’60 Carole Boucher SN ’93 Yolanda Lacagnina Bouffard SAS ’50 Mary McDonald Boulin SAS ’51 Alexandra Liddy Bourne SN ’81 Edna Bourne SNR ’82 Mary Marchetti Bovich SAS ’58 Elizabeth Ryan Bowler SAS ’63 Anne Boyce SAS ’54 Ina Creagh Boyd SAS ’57 Mary Catherine Sheldrick Boyle SAS ’68 Maura McTague Boyle SAS ’71 Hattie Braddy SNR ’95 Susan Bradlau SNR ’77 Mary Durant Bradley SAS ’57 Rosalie Lenahan Bradley SAS ’45 Noreen Brady SAS ’74 Cecily Piderit Brancaccio SAS ’69 Alma Branche SNR ’82 Jeanne Brennan, OSU, SAS ’45 Kelly Brennan Friend Daniel Bresnahan Friend* Elsa Brett SAS ’75 Geraldine Larkin Brick SAS ’67 Catherine Savarese Brinker SAS ’56 33 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Barbara Rothenberg Brown SNR ’81 Florence Brown SAS ’72 GS ’76 Ina Ruth Brown SNR ’87 Joan McAndrews Brown SAS ’53 Nancy Bragger Brown SAS ’53 Patricia Crawford Brown SAS ’51 Phyllis McCullough Brown SAS ’52 Eileen Maher Browning SAS ’64 Lisa Cranwell Bruce SN ’83 David Brunt Friend Joanne Harmon Bryant SAS ’78 Francina Bullock SNR ’91 Elaine Dehan Burger SAS ’55 Mark Burigo GS ’78 Barbara Alliegro Burke SAS ’50 Joanna Burke SAS ’70 Mary Hennelly Burke SAS ’69 Rosemary Smith Burke SAS ’48 Claire Carolan Burnell SAS ’52 Deborah Burnett GS ’06 Mary Buschman-Kelly SAS ’65 Claire Garvey Butler SAS ’53 Mary Tartaglione Butler SAS ’62 Marcia Butler-Hurlington SN ’03 Christine Byram GS ’81 Margaret Hilly Byrnes SAS ’50 Rosemary Byrnes Doyle SAS ’61 Anne Shea Cagnina SAS ’52 Kathleen Kelley Caldara SAS ’75 Marie Calderazzo SAS ’52 Joan Donovan Caldwell SAS ’66 Alice Marie Connors Callo SAS ’57 Kathryn McMahon Campbell SAS ’43 Vivian Campbell SNR ’84 Susan Canada SNR ’89 Taryn Meagher Cannon SN ’81 Eileen Titterton Carbery SAS ’53 Edwina Parsons Carcerano SAS ’69 June Cardinali GS ’76 Dawn Camadella Cardone SAS ’54 Angelina Carforo SNR ’90 Yvonne Carmichael Friend Lois Carnochan SN ’88 Jose Carrion GS ’00 Kevin Carroll GS ’94 Karenann Gilbride Carty SAS ’82 Mary Ellen Carty SAS ’80 Mary Carvalho SAS ’42 Helen Casey SAS ’61 Nancy Casey GS ’89 Jeanne Cashman, OSU, SAS ’64 Elizabeth Vaglio Cassero SAS ’61 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE CENTURY CLUB Patricia Crawford Cassidy SAS ’50 Elizabeth Castillo SAS ’75 Marilyn Catania-Bello SN ’81 Patricia Borgognoni Catchpole SAS ’71 Mary Sussilleaux Ceccolini SAS ’68 Babette Caraccio Centofanti SAS ’78 Susan Chadwick SNR ’81 Linda Zuffelato Chakar SAS ’69 Gail Brough Chapman SAS ’57 Margaret Reynolds Charles SAS ’51 Alice Chase SAS ’52 Francine Gallello Chattin SAS ’79 Aida Cheema SNR ’96 Claire Chiappetta SAS ’83 Marie Linehan Chiappetta SAS ’49 Susan Kohl Child SN ’81 Barbara Chirinos-Stewart SAS ’83 Patricia Connelly Chirles SAS ’69 Viola Cholmondeley SNR ’83 Erin Churchill SAS ’03 GS ’05 Susan Consoimagno Cianflone SAS ’68 Rose Mary Seifert Clair SAS ’50 Nancy Allain Clark SAS ’69 Lorraine Clark-Reed SN ’91 Eunice Claire Clarke SNR ’93 Carol Gill Clifford SAS ’62 Patricia McGowan Clifford SAS ’56 Ingrid Climis GS ’82 Virginia Hameline Clough SAS ’55 Jane Russell Coates SAS ’59 Jeanne Calamari Coburn SAS ’64 Dorothy Schrieber Codd SAS ’61 Anita Stanziale Cohen SN ’82 Barbara Cohen GS ’77 Lawrence Cohen Friend Rosemarie Martocci Cohn SAS ’37 Mary Gail Bigos Cokkinias SAS ’63 Lorraine Paoli Colangelo SAS ’49 Cecilia Maguire Coleman SAS ’44 Patricia Foley Conaghan SAS ’55 Leila Villada Condon SAS ’49 Majorie Conlon SNR ’92 Barbara Connelly SNR ’86 Margaret Mary Connevey SAS ’51 Marie Fitzsimmons Connors SAS ’35 Maureen Connors SAS ’80 Christine Zywiak Conroy SAS ’69 Kathleen Conroy SAS ’68 Mary Cadigan Conroy SAS ’71 Laura Conte Friend Marie Valluzzo Convertito SAS ’57 Mary Hubbard Coogan SAS ’56 Roseclare Coombs SNR ’99 GS ’06 Mary Buschen Cooper SAS ’56 Ruth Corbett SNR ’04 Marguerite McNamara Corcoran SAS ’58 Stephanie Syze Cordes SAS ’60 Barbara Parker Corr SAS ’57 Elisa Correa-Soto GS ’01 Deborah Correnti SN ’92 Helen Haye Cort SAS ’43 Helen Trelewicz Costigan SAS ’61 Teresa Cotterall-Lagana SNR ’89 Joan Montgomery Coughlin SAS ’53 Martha Counihan, OSU SAS ’67 Mrs. James Courtney Past Parent Jane Spillane Courtney SAS ’62 Mary Enders Courtney SAS ’49 Wendy Rome Courtney SAS ’75 Virginia Nuvolini Couture SAS ’48 Moira Lynch Crabtree SAS ’60 Margaret Crahan SAS ’60 Joann Crawford SNR ’82 Rita Creagh SAS ’55 Anne Moynihan Creedon SAS ’48 Patricia Braun Crinigan SAS ’47 Daisy Crosby SNR ’78 Patricia Gallagher Cuff SAS ’58 Patricia Colahan Cunningham SAS ’59 Michael Cuomo Friend Jane Dasey Curlee SAS ’52 Sheila MacMahon Currington Darrah SAS ’49 Mr. & Mrs. William Cuttle Friend Rosemary Keefe Cyr SAS ’64 Maria Rose D’Onofrio SAS ’77 * Deceased 34 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Irene Dabrowski SAS ’74 Sharon Carroll Dabrusco SAS ’79 Barbara Hadlock Dacey SAS ’52 Catherine Riley Daignault SAS ’68 Marcelle McCormack Daly SAS ’44 Christina Daly Chatroo SN ’81 Elizabeth Cuff Dalzell SAS ’45 Charlie Daniel SNR ’83 Charlotte Neilan Darling SAS ’61 Stephanie Carle Davies SAS ’87 Sarah Davila SAS ’86 Norman Davis SNR ’75 Suzette McKiernan Davis SAS ’61 Dale Tristany Davis Starenko SAS ’63 Natalie Davy GS ’05 Rochelle Moccio De Angelis-Kilmart SAS ’60 Marie Dolan De Francesco SAS ’64 Kathleen Meek de la Cour SAS ’72 Virginia de Wolf SAS ’68 Margaret Baylock Dean SAS ’67 Michelle DeBeauvernet SN ’86 Clare Rooney Decker SAS ’60 Mary Gibbons Deegan SAS ’64 Jean Kelly Delaney SAS ’52 Kathryn Golden Delaney SAS ’62 Dorothea Schatzlein DeLannoy SAS ’49 Rita Cardone Delaurier SAS ’42 Rosalie Procaccino Delillo SAS ’61 Ernestine Denegall SN ’95 Jane Grasso Dennehy SAS ’82 Mary Shreve Dennen SAS ’52 Eileen Denver SAS ’64 Jane Lipinski Derasadourian SAS ’75 Marie Derenzis SN ’98 Carol Cooke Derrenbacher SAS ’65 Carol Hopkins DeRuggiero SAS ’58 Louis DeSalle Friend Anne Peel DeShields SAS ’69 Justine Brophy Desmond SAS ’49 Margaret Gormley Detko SAS ’55 Patricia Rice Devereaux SAS ’65 Marjorie Devery SAS ’64 Danielle Devine SAS ’94 Ann Gilligan DiDiego SAS ’51 Regina Killeen Dietz SAS ’64 Anne Therese Dillen, OSU, SAS ’58 Nancy Dillon SAS ’74 Louise DiModica SAS ’56 Margaret McGrath DiScipio SAS ’87 Barbara Rice Doggett SAS ’49 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S Ann Schork Doherty SAS ’56 Irene Conlon Doherty SAS ’51 Gloria Canal Doino SAS ’60 Jean McKiernan Dolan SAS ’43 Mary Snyder Donahue SAS ’58 Dolores Morris Donnelly SAS ’45 Tesse Hartigan Donnelly SAS ’54 Catherine Collins Donohoe SN ’84 Joan Donovan SAS ’62 Patricia Craig Dorsey SAS ’49 Margaret Klinkhammer Douglas SAS ’33 Carol Beebe Dowley SAS ’66 Ann Grady Doyle SAS ’59 Anne Crapser Doyle SAS ’52 Eugenie Doyle Friend Nancy Doyle GS ’76 Suzanne Draghi SAS ’62 Patricia Gafney Draper SAS ’49 Maryanne Driscoll SAS ’68 Irene Krumeich Duffy SAS ’54 Judith Travers Dugan SAS ’62 Teresa Zakrzewski Duggan SAS ’65 Nelson Dukes SNR ’88 Marya Dull-Washington SAS ’60 Louise Dunbar Friend Patricia O’Connor Duncan SAS ’64 Mary Ahern Dunn SAS ’50* Joyceann Lemley Dupee SAS ’79 Sheila Walsh Durgin SAS ’51 Lois Stone Dwyer SAS ’50 Genevieve Eboli SAS ’42 Mary Eckert SAS ’72 Sandra Edmonds SNR ’89 GS ’93 Eva Flamm SNR ’93 Mary Jane Hepinstall Flanigan SAS ’63 Grace Flannelly SAS ’58 Mary Kehoe Flannery SAS ’64 Ellen Clifford Flatley SN ’86 Margaret Slagsvol Flavia SAS ’54 Brigidanne Flynn SAS ’87 Elizabeth Flynn SAS ’58 Kathleen Mannix Flynn SAS ’70 Sarah Hubbell Flynn SAS ’60 Mary Ruth Willmann Foglino SAS ’56 Ann Marie Gallacher Foley SN ’86 Kathleen Jones Foley SAS ’63 Mary Ahearn Foley SAS ’56 Glenna Faller Follmer SAS ’59 Naomi Roche Fonseca SAS ’56 Sharon Fornaciari SAS ’77 Nancy Tomedy Forsberg SAS ’65 Joanne Fortune SAS ’67 Jane Walsh Foster SAS ’57 Janice Francis SNR ’84 Rose Franco SAS ’49 Roberta Filippo Frank SAS ’78 Deborah Michalec Frantzen SN ’88 Kathleen Fredrick SAS ’59 Jacqueline French SAS ’50 Mary Jo Frere SAS ’48 Mary Frey Bennett SAS ’70 Marie Frank Friend SAS ’41 Jane Mahoney Fritz SAS ’41 Emma Fulwood SNR ’78 Mariann Jablosky Funch SAS ’79 Joseph Furgiuele SNR ’75 Virginia Furman SNR ’78 Doreen Gallagher SNR ’78 Gloria Angello Gallagher SAS ’51 Jean Tobin Galletta SAS ’52 Kathleen Gallogly-Rheaume SAS ’73 Mary Tracy Gamble SAS ’71 Sandra Smith Gangle SAS ’64 Frances Torpy Gardner SAS ’44 Patricia Carey Gareri SAS ’48 Ann Erisman Garrahan SAS ’49 Susan Gatson SNR ’93 Mary Gillen Gatter SAS ’40 Christine Dillon Gaynor SAS ’70 Susan Genicevitch SNR ’00 Sheila Fitzpatrick Geoghegan SAS ’61 Angela Dawn Mestier George SAS ’60 Joanne Spinelli Gerardi SAS ’83 Mary Finnegan Gibbons SAS ’54 M. Joan Callahan Gilbert SAS ’55 Sondra Edouards SNR ’77 Rosemary Cummins Edwards SAS ’60 Lucy DiSanto Egan SAS ’55 M. Patricia O’Neill Egan SAS ’66 Jane McClelland Ekkers SAS ’62 Susan Tucker Elcock SAS ’83 Isaac Elegbe Friend Kathryn English SAS ’51 Mary Ellen Roche Fagan SAS ’52 Andrea Hindmarsh Fagon SAS ’00 Phyllis Andrea Falino SAS ’44 Mary Ellen Nugent Falk SAS ’59 Linda Fallo-Mitchell SAS ’75 Elizabeth Dubois Faricy SAS ’69 Hilda Farmer Past Parent Mary Comella Farnsworth SAS ’72 Winifred Sieger Farrell SAS ’47 Ann Savino Farrelly SAS ’60 Mark Fauntleroy SNR ’99 Maria Favale SAS ’08 Helen Felitto SAS ’38 Mary Ferrandi SNR ’06 Aileen Ferrick SN ’98 Anna Filippino Filardi SAS ’65 Emelda Walker Filteau SAS ’63 Ruth O’Connor Finn SAS ’41 Betty Ann Wymbs Finneran SAS ’52 Kathleen Finnerty, OSU SAS ’60 Michael Finnerty Friend Carol Jacunski Fiore SAS ’64 Gloria Fitzgerald SAS ’45* Jeanne Harder Fitzgerald SAS ’70 GS ’74 Regina McCrimlisk Fitzgerald SAS ’47 35 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Marella Gilchrist GS ’91 Geraldine Gilliam SNR ’85 Linda Reichman Gilmartin SAS ’69 Nancy Maxwell Girling SAS ’80 Anne McSheehy Giroux SAS ’55 Sedrick Goldbeck SNR ’89 Kathryn Gallagher Golden SAS ’63 Anne Golub SNR ’74 Constance O’Connor Gooley SAS ’61 Erin Gorman SAS ’97 GS ’99 Catherine Gotti SAS ’51 Barbara Gould Friend Sheryll Grady SAS ’79 GS ’80 Ronald D. Graham Friend Linda Grande Past Parent Dian Marchetti Grandefeld SAS ’72 Joanne Masterson Gray SAS ’55 Katherine Gray SNR ’00 Cecelia Hanley Greco SAS ’55 Patricia Fordham Greedan SAS ’73 Antonia Green SNR ’88 Elizabeth Broe Green SAS ’51 Gail Greene SNR ’05 Lorraine Greene-Elshot GS ’92 Yvette Greenland SAS ’87 Ida Grieco SNR ’82 Mary Lou Zanca Griffin SAS ’63 Virginia Donahue Griffin* SAS ’45, Past Parent Anne Monahan Griffiths SAS ’78 Barbara Grodd SNR ’75 Janice Barry Grzesinski SAS ’62 Laura Martelle Gucwa SAS ’84 Mary Domingue Guerin SAS ’60 Mary Guido SAS ’60 Mary Houlihan Guilfoyle SAS ’46 Patrice McAllister Guiney SAS ’47 Diane D’Isidori Hack SAS ’81 Margaret Green Hackett SAS ’42 Patricia Hagan SAS ’71 Marjorie Stone Hagenah SAS ’66 Mary O’Connor Haggerty SAS ’46 M. Andree Byrne Halcott SAS ’69 Patricia Kenney Hall SAS ’58 Mary Lou Bartholomew Hallatt SAS ’54 Marie Cudicello Halloran SAS ’59 Barbara Klein Hamill SAS ’57 Carol Burke Hamilton SAS ’65 Hilda Hamlett SNR ’89 Mary Jane Walsh Hanlon SAS ’72 Patricia Hanlon Friend Irene Domser Haracz SAS ’44 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE CENTURY CLUB Melanie Harasym Friend Margaret McGonegal Harbin SAS ’65 Maryann Daroska Hardwicke SAS ’71 Margery Hunter Hardy SAS ’46 Kathleen Hart SAS ’90 Ann Marie Hartigan GS ’88 Mary Jane Evans Hartigan SAS ’55 Joan Hartmann SAS ’74 Maeve Carmody Hartmann SAS ’46 Doris Rehm Hartnett SAS ’48 Claire Thompson Harty SAS ’50 Isabel Nahan Harvey SAS ’48 Katheryn Hathaway Friend Christine Meany Hauser SAS ’71 Annmarie Stenderhoff Hawkins SAS ’82 GS ’84 Anne Power Hayden SAS ’71 Clare Dowd Hayes SAS ’44 Cynthia Tedesco Hayes SAS ’77 Angela Bannan Healey SAS ’59 Mattia Musci Healy SAS ’62 Kelly Shannon Hearle SAS ’87 Carol O’Connell Heinze SAS ’60 Patricia Hanrahan Hembach SAS ’57 Patricia Hoch Hendricks SAS ’59 Eileen Kelly Henning SAS ’69 Patricia Scully Henry SAS ’59 Letitia Hepburn SNR ’99 Marie DePan Herlihy SAS ’41 Mary Heald Herlihy SAS ’59 Marie Lynch Hermann SAS ’60 Anne Rogan Herndon SAS ’32 Anne Heslin SNR ’78 Mary Schrade Heubel SAS ’58 Trudy Triolo Higgins SAS ’71 Amy Bush Highsmith SAS ’86 Belinda Hill SNR ’05 Margaret Lewis Hilton SAS ’59 Kathleen Histon SNR ’73 Sarah White Hoblitzell SAS ’56 Susan Rutecki Hoehler SAS ’67 Barbara Hoffman SAS ’78 Elizabeth Farrell Hogan SAS ’49 Susan Alexander Hogan SAS ’63 Mary O’Donnell Holden SAS ’48 Elizabeth Happy Homa SAS ’50 Shirley Homes SNR ’79 Liz Horvitz SNR ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hoskins Friend Kathleen Neary Howard SAS ’52 Helen Phelan Howe SAS ’52 Patricia Rogers Huang SAS ’73 Donna Balducci Hughes SAS ’74 Kathleen Desmond Hughes SAS ’54 Mary Coughlin Hughes SAS ’42 Sara Carey Hull SAS ’56 Margaret Parmelee Hummel SAS ’62 Marion Price Hunt SAS ’37 Lola Hunter SNR ’74 Eileen McNiff Hussey SAS ’62 Joan Gaine Hutchison SAS ’55 Ann Gavigan Huzinec SN ’83 S. Stephanie Peterman Iachetta SAS ’59 GS ’94 Connie Ward Iervolino GS ’88 Florence Mullen Indiveri SAS ’46 Maureen Innes SN ’92 Anne-Marie Wilchek Iozzo SAS ’67 Patricia Lamb Isgro SAS ’73 Elayne Woodridge Jackson SAS ’81 Jackie DeCarvalho Jahosky SAS ’94 Emilie Lowerre Jambois SAS ’71 Mary Jane Bergeron Janick SAS ’53 Peter Jaskow SN ’01 Catherine O’Reilly Jaundrill SAS ’71 Carole Schmidt Jennings SAS ’62 Ann Hetherman Johnson SAS ’51 Grace Johnson GS ’75 Kit Frohne Johnson SAS ’65 Susan Johnson SAS ’69 Geraldine Curtin Jordan SAS ’74 Rosemary Joyce-Petrovich SAS ’75 Kathleen Juan SAS ’61 Mary Giegengack Jureller SAS ’61 Jane Grzymski Kahl SAS ’71 Winifred Kahl SNR ’89 Janet Houlihan Kain SAS ’49 Mary Ann Kaiser SAS ’80 Mary Martin Kaletta SAS ’53 Carol Kane SAS ’68 Mary Lavelle Kane SAS ’38 Linda Kapurch SAS ’72 Marcia Kawer SNR ’76 Amy McCann Keary SN ’91 Barbara Paino Keber SAS ’76 Georgia Smith Keefe SAS ’50 Margaret Russell Keefe SAS ’69 Maryellen Keefe, OSU, SAS ’58 Regina Kehoe, OSU, SAS ’56 GS ’85 Margaret Mary Kelleher, OSU, Friend Anne Morrison Keller SAS ’51 Katherine McGrath Kelley SAS ’51 Mary King Kelley SAS ’67 Sandra Kelley SAS ’61 Mary Beth Bayle Kelligrew SAS ’65 Jean Reardon Kellogg SAS ’66 Dorothy Ann Kelly, OSU, SAS ’51 Frances Bohmert Kelly SAS ’55 Gail Manss Kelly SAS ’61 Theresa Kelly SNR ’92 Catherine Horan Kempthorne SAS ’75 Joan Cunniff Kennedy SAS ’54 Linda Mastrangelo Kennedy SAS ’67 Cecilia Corcoran Kenny SAS ’49 Madelene Costin Kenny SAS ’45 Michelle Kerr SAS ’73 Norma Gleeson Kerr SAS ’45 Nancy Cusick Kesseli SAS ’50 Barbara Ramsey Kiley SAS ’68 Barbara Kiley SAS ’65 Nancy Phelan King* SAS ’54 Ann Kirby SAS ’50 Nancy Duffy Kirkpatrick SAS ’43 Geraldine Sansone Klein-Robbenhaar SAS ’58 Alice Wintrich Klingsberg SAS ’39 Grace Barnett Knechtel SAS ’56 Karen Tesmacher Knipling SAS ’74 Rita Mulligan Knowles SAS ’54 Clara Stanfield Kolarsick SAS ’44 E. Patricia McDermott Konvalinka SAS ’55 Marie Lauricella Krumeich SAS ’48 Pamala Kuch SNR ’99 GS ’02 Cynthia Edwards Kusa SAS ’57 Anne Schreck La Roche SAS ’74 Mary Ryan LaBelle SAS ’70 Monique Laborde SAS ’91 Elizabeth Feiner LaCasse SAS ’81 Elizabeth Borden Lalor SAS ’52 Patricia Byrnes Lammers SAS ’53 Vincentia Corbetta Landolfe SAS ’48 Sheila Desmond Landon SAS ’53 Nancy Landy GS ’89 Frances Doyle Lane SAS ’41 Elizabeth Barry Lange SAS ’65 Joan Moynihan Langlais SAS ’71 Dorothy Larkin Friend Mary Goldsmith Larkin SAS ’69 GS ’74 Cecile Lasis SNR ’80 Anne Durner Lauenstein SAS ’60 Sue Guinn Lauro SAS ’73 GS ’91 Elizabeth Connare Lavallee SAS ’59 Grace Lawton GS ’79 Mary Hagen Leahy SAS ’47 Julia Donahue Learnard SAS ’42 36 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Nancy Bisio Leary SAS ’55 Mary Jo Casson Lee SAS ’50 Ethna O’Flannery Lehman SAS ’55 Rose Scoca Leon SAS ’43 Carol Shannon Leonard SAS ’64 Lisa Chiulli Leonard SAS ’72 Sarah Niles Leonard SAS ’51 Charles Lercara SNR ’91 Marylin Carey Lescher SAS ’55 Patricia Gill Leveque SAS ’71 Patricia Rosenkranz Levins SAS ’73 Caryn Levison GS ’76 Ruth Lichter GS ’91 Patricia Linehan Friend Joan Hembrooke Livornese SAS ’52 Blakeslee Benjamin Lloyd SAS ’65 Isabel Torras Loader SAS ’61 Margo McNeill Locaputo SAS ’59 Maura Lockwood SAS ’74 Marie Visnauskas Loehmann SAS ’77 GS ’81 Anne Koening Loesch SAS ’58 Teresa Mahoney Lomonte SN ’83 Joan Conti Lonergan SAS ’76 Elvira Longordo SAS ’78 Marilyn Puchli Lorenz SAS ’66 Inge Lowenstein SNR ’94 Hastie Lowther SNR ’76 Janet Rozumalski Lucas SAS ’70 Michele Luciano-Carbone SAS ’75 Teresa Luraschi Friend Elease Lyde SNR ’95 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S Kathleen Lynch Friend Linda Ryan Lynch SAS ’71 Margaret Houlihan Lynch SAS ’57 Marion Lynch, OSU, SAS ’63 Thomas Lynch Friend Jean-Marie LaPlant Lyne SAS ’60 Christine Skelly Lynskey SAS ’87 Susan Miner Lyons SAS ’66 Elizabeth Farrell MacBlane SAS ’52 Andrea Eomme MacBurney SAS ’51 Josephine Macek SAS ’44 Kathleen Sanner Madden SAS ’61 Carolyn Aloisi Magro SAS ’49 Patricia Glocheski Maguire SAS ’72 Meghan Mastellon Mahon SAS ’90 Margaret Hartigan Mahoney SAS ’52 Maureen Mahoney-Josiah SAS ’86 Joan Maire SN ’82 Michelle Malcolm SN ’92 Gina Carmignani Malin SAS ’82 Joan Hannon Maloney SAS ’55 Jane Garbarino Manning SAS ’61 Nancy Walsh Manning SAS ’59 Kathleen Mannino SNR ’04 Carole James Marbury SAS ’56 Camille Marchetta SAS ’62 Bonnie Kerner Markunas SAS ’84 Victoria Rossetto Marmora SAS ’56, Past Parent Mary Marquis GS ’75 Carlota Trueba Marraro SAS ’46 Joseph Marsh, Sr., Past Parent Marie Quigley Marshall SAS ’55 Robin Jordan Marshall GS ’05 Astrid Martin SNR ’81 GS ’87 Dolores Duffy Martin SAS ’52 Mary Beth Martin SAS ’74 Mabel Martini SNR ’88 Mary Braca Martocci SAS ’44 Patricia Ahearn Mastellon SAS ’65, Past Parent Catherine Kacmarynski Mastny-Fox* SAS ’61 Tamara Matheson SN ’04 E. Irene Herald Matthews SAS ’53 Theresa Martin Mattina SAS ’78 Donna Bowler Mattoon SAS ’76 Mary Baker Maus SAS ’58 Lin Januska May SAS ’70 Dorothy Fitzgerald Mazaitis SAS ’66 June Evangelist McCann SAS ’60 * Deceased Barbara McCarthy Friend Eileen Songer McCarthy SAS ’91 Patricia Rowe McCarthy SAS ’72 Regina McCormack SAS ’49 Genevieve Maher McCullough SAS ’63 Elizabeth Shea McDermott SAS ’60 Joan Lucas McDermott SAS ’64 Anita Cicenas McDonough SAS ’68 Ellen Oleksak McDonough SAS ’64 Susan Spencer McElroy SAS ’61 Virginia Leary McElroy SAS ’51, MaryAnn Cecarelli Meyer SAS ’75 Marie Ullrich Michels SAS ’57 Margaret Midgley SAS ’70 Inez DeLucia Migliore SAS ’54 Kathleen Kilduff Milazzo SAS ’69 Mary Cronin Miller SAS ’60 Barbara Simon Mills SAS ’61 Susan Munroe Milne SAS ’75 Elaine Holland Milton SAS ’49 Adelina Mingo SNR ’84 Rubaba Mirza-Cannon SAS ’90 Laura Mistretta-Nelson SAS ’82 Fay Mitchell Friend Mary Donovan Moeller SAS ’61 Mary Andrews Monahan SAS ’57 Patricia Mooney SAS ’70 GS ’75 Peter Mooney, Jr., Friend Denise Deldin Moore SAS ’73 GS ’78 Sabrina Moore SNR ’94 Noreen Deane Moran SAS ’63 Margaret Moroney SAS ’53 Jane Mackenzie Morosky SAS ’53 Barbara Guilfoyle Morpurgo SAS ’53 Stephanie Weston Morris SAS ’74 Jean Gibney Morrissey SAS ’55 Janice Moscoso SNR ’00 Melanie Moser SAS ’72 Joan Roxby Mostica SAS ’60 Carol Fabiani Mueller SAS ’58 Barbara Mulligan-Rado SAS ’63 Marianne Meyer Mundy SAS ’63 A. Marylin Brarman Murphy SAS ’58 GS ’77 Ann Waters Murphy SAS ’55 Carol Murphy SAS ’69 Debra Hayes Murphy SN ’89 Margaret Mary Goodwin Murphy SAS ’43 Rita Murphy SAS ’51* Ann Marie Johnson Murray SN ’82 Miriam Murray GS ’83 Catherine Frank Murtha SAS ’68 Joan D’Angelo Musci SAS ’53 Miyada Musharbash Friend Rosa Myrick SNR ’80 Patricia Lechner Nahas SAS ’65 Claire Sorieri Nappi SAS ’55 Anna Naumann SNR ’01 Carol Donlon Nealon SAS ’56 Frances Bossuet Neary SAS ’36 Joan Neary SNR ’92 Ann Neidhart SAS ’69 Past Parent Joanne Palisi McEniry SAS ’85 Mary Christine McGahan SAS ’74 Anne Carroll McGann SAS ’46 Joan Whalen McGauley SAS ’59 Frances Black McGilloway SAS ’42 Rosemary McGinn Stack SAS ’66 Ann Goodwin McGovern SAS ’46 Kathleen Scott McGrath SAS ’72 Mary Ann Walker McGrath SAS ’57 Una Hinchcliffe McHugh SAS ’87 Mary McInerney GS ’00 Thelma McInnis SNR ’94 Kathleen Sullivan McKenna SAS ’64 Kay O’Connor McKenna SAS ’59 Marie Murphy McKeon SAS ’64, Past Parent Virginia Alcide McKeon SAS ’76 Catherine Ryan McKiernan SAS ’41 Nancy Padlon McKinley SAS ’69* Carolyn Mclean SN ’03 Ellen McLean SAS ’78 GS ’79 Marian Maney McLellan SAS ’50 Patricia McNally McLoughlin SAS ’50 Barbara Sagnelli McMahon SAS ’63 Ursula Kehoe McMahon SAS ’60 Mary Lawrence McManus SAS ’65 Allison McMillan-Lee SAS ’81 Barbara O’Hara McNamara SAS ’84 Christine Geiger McRedmond SAS ’74 Margaret O’Rourke Meggesto SAS ’65 Janet Hendrick Megna SAS ’58 Margaret Badum Melady SAS ’61 Alice Dooling Mellen SAS ’50 Patricia Yetman Melville SAS ’61 Katherine McNamara Menard SAS ’68 Catherine Mendrzycki SNR ’80 GS ’85 Mary Kurak Merenda SN ’83 Kathleen Hooks Merrifield SAS ’63 Mary Meyer SAS ’70 37 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Joan Mosher Nelligan SAS ’45 Elizabeth Coyle Nelson SAS ’39 Olga Antignani Nespole SAS ’59 Phyllis Newton Friend Virginia Cronin Nickel SAS ’46 Maeve Nolan Hipius SAS ’82 Anne-Marie Nolin SAS ’75 Francine Nolin-Rogers SAS ’72 Denise Rocheleau Nordberg SAS ’67 Margaret Smith Norris SAS ’67 Mary Ann Delinski Nowell SAS ’63 Christine Deegan Noya SAS ’71 Mary Walsh Nunes SAS ’53 Mary Carpenter Nunz SAS ’54 Ann Mulligan O’Brien SAS ’58 Dorothea Henderer O’Brien SAS ’60 Jean Closter O’Brien SAS ’48 Margaret Gillis O’Brien SAS ’51 Margaret Wallace O’Brien SAS ’62 Mary Flynn O’Brien SAS ’48 Maryliz Volin O’Brien SAS ’70 Maura McCauley O’Brien SAS ’68 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE CENTURY CLUB Monica O’Brien GS ’82 Patricia Gould O’Brien SAS ’56 Ellen Welch O’Bryan SAS ’58 Janet Griffin O’Connell SAS ’41 Mary Ringkamp O’Connell SN ’80 Dorcas Fraser O’Connor SAS ’53 Elizabeth Shalloe O’Gorman SAS ’54 Judith O’Neill O’Gorman SAS ’61 Ellen Bingo O’Malley SAS ’71 Jacquelyn Burns O’Neil SAS ’55 Patricia O’Neil SAS ’52 Elizabeth Gendron O’Neill SAS ’64 Ruth McCooey O’Neill SAS ’42 Eileen O’Connell O’Reilly SAS ’38 Keelin O’Sullivan SAS ’80 GS ’95 Elizabeth Sayre Oldendorp SAS ’68 Susan Oluwasanmi Friend Elisabeth Quirk Orford SAS ’78 Therese Martino Orzano SAS ’42 Susan Tierney Oslin SAS ’71 Maureen Jennings Oster SAS ’69 Pamela Barogin Otruba SAS ’67 Christine Heffernan Page SAS ’73 Ann Hald Palmer SAS ’53 Susan Palmer GS ’74 Roberta Glowacki Palmisano SAS ’69 Allyssandra Pane-Berrios SAS ’05 Dorothy Harlan Parlatore SAS ’51 Carol Pulcini Paskiewicz SAS ’67 Patricia Tarantino Passaro SAS ’53 Irene Treffeisen Payne SAS ’44 Patricia O’Connell Pearson SAS ’72 Fred Peck GS ’93 Virginia Hyland Peel SAS ’41 Patricia Moore Peirano SAS ’69 Patricia Grumblatt Pelle SAS ’76 Geraldine Pelliccio SNR ’93 Yvonne Lokensgard Percival SAS ’49 Claudia Perry SAS ’92 Mary Jane Perry SAS ’69 Mariann Perseo SAS ’65 Madalienne Peters SAS ’68 Barbara Sansone Peterson SAS ’64 Marie Bottino Petrone SAS ’40 Patricia Phelan SAS ’69 Corinne Sloane Philbin SAS ’47 Barbara Cassidy Phillips SAS ’70 Barbara Gibney Phillips SAS ’58 Maureen Patton Phillips SAS ’87 Roberta Arrigoni Pickett SAS ’58 Margaret Maher Pierce SAS ’68 Barbara Murphy Piontkowski SAS ’68 Rosalie Moscarillo Piontkowski SAS ’49 Marguerite VanArsdale Pohlmann SAS ’47 Anne Meyer Pollard SAS ’59 Eleanor Hickey Pomeroy SAS ’72 Claire McGuire Porter SAS ’64 Janice Powalski SAS ’69 Alison Powers SAS ’71 Cornelia DeSantis Pratt SAS ’60 Audrey Reis Prescott SAS ’50 Judith Morin Prisco SAS ’68 GS ’72 Claire Walbridge Pushkal SAS ’50 Rosalie Giuliani Puskar SAS ’76 Ruth Ann Fitch Quah SAS ’74 Diane Quandt Friend Lesley Quinlan SAS ’72 Leslie Groth Quinn SAS ’79 Mary Quinn SAS ’42 Elizabeth Radell SAS ’75 Annalinda Pandolfi Ragazzo SAS ’74 Pierrette Rameau SNR ’00 Janice Ramsey SAS ’74 Anne McCarthy Randall SAS ’45 Roblyn Rawlins Friend Margaret Mitchell Reaves SAS ’43 Laura Reden SAS ’80 Ethel McKeon Reese SAS ’68 Joan Swallow Regan SAS ’50 Catherine Campbell Reichard SAS ’65 Courton Reid SNR ’89 Eileen Reilley SAS ’49 Jeanne Reilly GS ’86 Mary Crawford Reining SAS ’62 Mary Marano Reiss SAS ’45 Janet Rella SN ’95 Diane Rende SNR ’05 Maryann Renzi SAS ’73 Patricia Morrissey Repko SAS ’78 Alphonse Restivo SNR ’84 Flora Reyes SNR ’86 Rebecca Rhinehart SAS ’70 Anne Walsh Rhodes SNR ’75 GS ’82 Mary Kirby Rhodes SAS ’68 Mary Feehan Ribaudo SAS ’55, Past Parent Lenore Cronin Riccio SAS ’65 Lisa Riccio SAS ’82 Alice Kane Rice SAS ’66 Gloria Richards SNR ’77 Arkless Richardson SNR ’87 Patricia Maher Rickman SAS ’63 Mary Robinson Ridgway SAS ’70 Deborah Coupe Rios SAS ’79 Penelope Moscoe Risher SAS ’68 Mariya Rivera SAS ’82 Frank Rizza Friend Harriette Gillem Robinet SAS ’53 Ruth McCollester Robins SNR ’83 Dolores Robinson SNR ’86 Dorothy Robinson SNR ’77 Carolyn Keyes Rohlf SNR ’85 M. Dorothy Gossard Rolincik SAS ’54 Mary Hayes Rollauer SAS ’69 Annemarie Romagnoli GS ’76 Joanne Smith Romalewski SAS ’69 Mary Creagh Rondeau-Kiley SAS ’67 JoAnn Brown Rosenow SAS ’66 Mary Frances Gambino Rotondi SAS ’79 Aline Harwood Rubin SAS ’60 Clare Piderit Rubin SAS ’78 Esther Rubin SNR ’81 Shelly Laub Rubin SAS ’83 Virginia Lang Ruder GS ’01 Anne-Patricia Rufino SAS ’67 Elizabeth Reynolds Ruggiero SAS ’75 Elizabeth Donoghue Russell SN ’83 E. Sheila Murray Russo SAS ’44 Marjorie Schmidt Russo SN ’81 Gloria Ruzzo SAS ’44 38 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Frances Fitzgerald Ryan SAS ’55 Margaret Ryan SNR ’83 Sarah Ryan SAS ’52 Juanita Torres Saco SAS ’66 Barbara Salahuddin-Grant SNR ’98 Tobi Rochford Salottolo SAS ’75 Marlene Piccolo Salvatore SAS ’63 Theresa Moylan Samot SN ’80 Rodney Samuels SNR ’95 Marion Shaw Sanger SAS ’46 Claire Pacia Santoro SAS ’60 Jule Cunningham Saracco SAS ’57 Kathleen Shea Sarosy SAS ’69 Regina Sasseen SAS ’60 Sharon Sawler GS ’84 Mary Sayers SAS ’57 Lauren Kristan Scanlon SAS ’67 Mary Anna Scanlon SNR ’82 Maureen Duffy Schaffer SAS ’51 Caryl Corbetta Schiess SAS ’52 Margaret Seifert Schiffer SAS ’52 Mary Elizabeth O’Shea Schippereit SAS ’45 Joanne Guido Schirone SAS ’76 GS ’81 Barbara Schlapp SAS ’68 Barbara Schmitt SAS ’70 Loretta D’Agostino Schmitz SAS ’57 Doris Schneible SNR ’86 Mary Frances Schnorr SAS ’79 Jane May Schonfeld SAS ’71 Joan Ireland Schubert SAS ’50 Mary Mullen Schuellein SAS ’77 Rita Hertzog Schultze SAS ’46 Mary Ann Davila Scotese SAS ’75 Kathleen McGrath Scott SAS ’75 Samantha Segarra SNR ’06 Carol Senfield SAS ’58 Regina Setikas GS ’76 Carol Naumann Shallenberger SAS ’50 Linda Brunner Shanley SAS ’66 Teresa FitzGerald Shannon SAS ’45 Howard Shapiro GS ’03 Catherine Whittle Shaw SAS ’62 Jacqueline Russillo Shea SAS ’63 Joan Bergener Shea SAS ’60 Paula Farrell Shea SAS ’59 G. A. Johnson Sheller SAS ’58 Maryclaire Boyce Sherwin SAS ’41 Loretta Mengel Shirey SAS ’68 Helen Shubik SAS ’47 Virginia Shuford-Brown SAS ’72 Mary K O’Brien Siciliano SAS ’86 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S Julie Skurdenis SAS ’64 Nancy Fischer Slagle SAS ’47 Maureen Ferry Slattery SAS ’44 Mary Elizabeth Slevin SAS ’77 Lynn Murray Slonaker SAS ’75 Golden Smalls SNR ’77 Barbara Smith SAS ’58 Claire Smith, OSU SAS ’58 Denise Delaney Smith SAS ’58 Dorothy Costello Smith SAS ’52 Lucille Legrand Smith SN ’92 Sally Smith SAS ’65 Susan Murphy Smith SAS ’64 Cornelia Siano Snidero SAS ’55 Therese Elliot Snow SAS ’50 Margaret Kenny Southwell SAS ’68 Joan Feeney Spaulding SAS ’59 Lucy Elliot Squires SN ’80 Patricia Mertelus St. Germain SNR ’97 Joan Steinbrecher SAS ’58 Nancy Steng GS ’72 Mozell Steplight SNR ’98 Patricia Johnson Stets SAS ’48 Mary Ellen Mangeot Stewart SAS ’49 Barbara Hawthorne Stiles SAS ’58 Grace Miller Stillwell SAS ’57 Theresa Stilo SAS ’61 Virginia O’Brien Stoeffel SAS ’67 Merrill Stone GS ’04 Rosamond Dausey Stott SAS ’56 Marilyn Caputo Straniero SAS ’58 Lorraine Stratis GS ’84 Nina Sheehan Strattner SAS ’55 Patricia Quinn Straub SAS ’44 Patricia Straus GS ’73 Joan Stringfield SNR ’97 Sheila Hayes Strother SAS ’71 Donald Struckman SNR ’93 Mary Studeny SAS ’69 GS ’82 Katherine Studwell GS ’82 Karen Sturzenbecker GS ’90 Claudia Sullivan GS ’97 Flavia Kinney Sullivan SAS ’56 Jeanne Leddy Sullivan SAS ’51 Jill Ganey Sullivan SAS ’59 Katherine Learson Sullivan SAS ’60 Marlene Lauria Sullivan SAS ’54 Fred Sullo Friend Ann Summo Past Parent Celeste Boland Sundermann SAS ’42 Kathryn Stirn Supple SAS ’51 * Deceased June Guncheon Vajda SAS ’35 Cassandra Rogers Van Derslice SNR ’89 Barbara Brennan Van Hook SAS ’62 Teresa Van Slyck GS ’82 Lisa Velazquez-Denapoli SNR ’03 Penelope White Ventura SAS ’72 Carol Tirpak Vergara SAS ’76 Patricia Vergara SAS ’49 Suzanne McGauley Vide SN ’93 Ann Krecek Vier SAS ’56 Elizabeth Videtto Viola SAS ’94 Susannah Violino SAS ’79 Joan Virgin SNR ’76 GS ’77 Mary Pat Lawler Vogt SAS ’73 Anne Traynor Vonick SAS ’49 GS Judith Heffernan Wack SAS ’50 Diane Wade Friend Mary Nolan Wakeford SAS ’65 Mary O’Connor Wald SAS ’53 Anne Hannaway Walker SAS ’69 Mary Burke Wall SAS ’58 Anne Cullinan Walsh SAS ’62 Patricia Walsh GS ’78 Kathryn Bell Walter SAS ’63 Betty Ward SAS ’55 Kathleen Ward SAS ’81 Bernadette Socorso Watson SAS ’66 Jane Quinlan Watson SAS ’56 Mary Louise Foradora Webber SAS ’56 Teresa Weed, OSU, SAS ’47 Marilyn Ginsberg Weisbrot SAS ’75 GS ’79 Gloria Malankowski Weisz SAS ’61 Mary Newell Welch SAS ’61 Patricia Pini Welch SAS ’52 Marion O’Reilly Weldon SAS ’38 Janice Wernock GS ’97 Genevieve Madison West SAS ’51 Constance Weston Past Parent Joan Wezel GS ’83 Adele Costa Whalen SAS ’67 Patricia Wheeler SN ’94 Erin White SN ’88 Georgiana Donase White SAS ’58 Linda Leong Sutter SAS ’83 Nina Anderson Sutton SN ’80 Linnette Swann SAS ’95 Margaret Rabbitt Swearingen SAS ’55 Alice Walsh Sweeney SAS ’62 Margaret Toohy Sweeney SAS ’55 Helen Boyce Sweeters SAS ’44 Geraldine Smith Swiney SAS ’40 Yolanda Fargnoli Talamo SAS ’47 Melvin Tann SNR ’87 Georgia Smith Tanner SAS ’52 Kathryn Ziegler Tatlow SAS ’60 Denise Gleason Taylor SAS ’74 Louise Taylor SAS ’69 Mary Ann DeMetsenaere Taylor SAS ’58 Yvonne Abraham Taylor SAS ’55 Elizabeth Rocque Tennyson SAS ’72 Mary Emmons Tergesen SAS ’59 Jean Wilson Tharp SAS ’51 Anne Mitchell Thiel SAS ’52 Beverly Thomas GS ’85 Suzanne Sayegh Thomas SAS ’62 Elena Thomas-Hall SNR ’77 Cynthia Thompson SNR ’01 Dorothy Thompson SNR ’92 Maryann Ryan Thompson SAS ’64 Sally Furlong Thompson SAS ’60 Joanne Thorne SNR ’01 Joan Ryan Thowsen SAS ’67 Anne Tierney Thureson SAS ’60 Linda O’Leary Titterington SAS ’71 Beverly Cipollo Tobin SAS ’59 Sheila Toner SAS ’88 Enid Topchik GS ’88 Marion Kettling Torchia SAS ’63 Maria Torres Torres SN ’85 Nicole Totans SAS ’99 Margaret Norton Tracy SAS ’42 Betty Sliney Trapasso SAS ’48 Jayne Connors Travers SAS ’83 Susan Trooien Ferguson SAS ’87 Patricia Ryan Tully SAS ’50 Margaret Valentine Turano SAS ’69 Maureen Turci SAS ’80 Helen Turley GS ’74 Eleanor Fyall Turner SAS ’73 Nancy DeGennaro Turner SAS ’67 Susan Ugliarolo GS ’96 Louise Wiswall Unger SAS ’59 Lawrence Urban GS ’78 Jaqueline Butler Vacheron SAS ’59 Eileen Vail GS ’86 Margaret Flynn White SAS ’46 Jacqueline Osborne Wicha SAS ’46 Sandra Crupi Wicina SAS ’63 Marilyn McCormack Wickel SAS ’57 Janet Swanson Wiedenhoft SAS ’55, Past Parent Mary Ann Nicolais Wiedmont SAS ’68 Martie Wielgus-Negri GS ’04 Evelyn Wigfall SNR ’89 Miriam Sweeney Wilcox SAS ’40 Julia Lawrence Willemin SAS 1928 Annie Williams GS ’77 Susan Stansfield Williams SAS ’82 June Williams-Blain SNR ’04 Margaret Reese Williamson SAS ’75 Marian Meyer Wilpers SAS ’41 Stephanie Wilson, OSU, SAS ’54 Carol Mungan Wingertzahn SAS ’53 Geraldine Houlihan Winn SAS ’75 Margaret Winner SN ’81 Loraine Ciardullo Wolynic SAS ’72 Joan Rossy Wood SAS ’53 Brenda Sullivan Wooding SAS ’71 Audrey Woods SNR ’96 GS ’05 Diana Ramasco Woods SAS ’60 Jean Healion Woods SAS ’40 Beth Falvey Woodtli SAS ’82 GS ’85 Catherine McKenna Wooters SAS ’50 Erin Yarrobino SAS ’04 Penelope Young GS ’94 Sagrario Zacariaz SNR ’94 Marlyn Kilgannon Zalud SAS ’52 Maria Angello Zambelli SAS ’44 Kathleen McCloskey Zanger SAS ’78 Catherine Hyland Zavorskas SAS ’82 Mary Jean Donovan Zdinak SAS ’48 Nancy Humphreys Zelem SAS ’79 Ann Zeppieri SNR ’90 Joyce Zibro SAS ’58 Barbara Krawchuk Zimmerman SAS ’64 Mary Zini GS ’89 Joan Jenkins Zlotkowski SAS ’70 Mariann LaRocca Zukowski SN ’81 THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed here who have made contributions between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call The Office of College Advancement, at 800-474-4232 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at makeagift@cnr.edu. 39 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E IVSCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS The College is ever grateful to the following alumnae/i from the School of Arts & Sciences and the School of Nursing who contributed almost $4 million to CNR during fiscal year 2008. We celebrate these 2,563 partners from the classes of 1928 to 2008. 19 34 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 350 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 14 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 350 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 14 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Elizabeth O’Brien, OSU Marjorie Stiehl Tonsmeire Anne Yedowitz 19 28 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 10 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 20 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 10 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 20 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Julia Lawrence Willemin F U N D AG E N T : Mary Hollister Redgate TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 0 0 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 9 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 0 0 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 9 % TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 2 , 250 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 19 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 2 , 250 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 19 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Mary MacDonaugh Berberich* Marie Fitzsimmons Connors Gertrude Hanley Farrington Mary Russo, OSU June Guncheon Vajda 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Frances Bossuet Neary 19 37 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 4 , 8 50 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 19 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 4 , 8 50 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 19 % Mary Sheahan Rosemarie Martocci Cohn Miriam Treffeisen Friend Alice Murphy Gillespie Marion Price Hunt Margaret Mary Corcoran Quinn 19 32 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 10 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 9 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 10 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 9 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Anne Rogan Herndon 19 33 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 225 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 13 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 225 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 13 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Margaret Klinkhammer Douglas Alice McCollester, GNSH 1941 1958 1968 1959 1951 1952 1950 1967 1956 1945 Top Ten Classes $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 104,338 94,279 75,043 65,168 63,094 63,067 45,426 42,117 41,208 40,240 1958 1950 1951 1952 1957 1963 1954 1960 1956 1955 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 7, 8 34 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 31% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 7, 533 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 31% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1958 1950 1951 1954 1952 1963 1957 1959 1955 1956 57% 54% 53% 52% 51% 51% 51% 50% 49% 49% 19 4 0 19 39 Heritage Society Members: 3 Elizabeth Breton Margaret Madden Granger Marion Halbritter Rosemary Gerard Klemann Alice Wintrich Klingsberg Edith Larkin* Muriel Flaherty McGinnis Elizabeth Coyle Nelson Florence O’Donovan Lucy Cuomo Rafferty Mary Allen Cecilia Pfeifer Babcock Carolyn Chadbourne Barton Frances Sanchez Durgin Helen Felitto Jane Roberts Garvey* Mary Lavelle Kane $1,094,429 $ 974,018 $ 566,941 $ 143,554 $ 121,067 $ 104,488 $ 94,422 $ 83,647 $ 82,191 $ 77,043 Marie Anne Kergaravat Eileen O’Connell O’Reilly Jean McEvoy VanDelft Marion O’Reilly Weldon Mary Endrich Whelan Heritage Society Members: 2 Heritage Society Members: 5 1958 1959 1951 1961 1972 1941 1952 1969 1967 1968 Top Ten Classes 57% 54% 52% 51% 51% 51% 50% 49% 49% 49% TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 13 , 974 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 22 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 13 , 9 24 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 20 % 19 38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PA RT I C I PAT I O N BY C L A S S Top Ten Classes TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 10 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 10 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % Heritage Society Members: 5 CO N T R I B U T I O N S BY C L A S S PA RT I C I PAT I O N BY C L A S S 19 36 Heritage Society Members: 0 CO N T R I B U T I O N S BY C L A S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Heritage Society Members: 2 19 31 TOP CL ASSES FOR ALL GIVI NG 2008 1928-1979 Top Ten Classes 19 35 Julia Lawrence Willemin SAS’28 (right) and Erin Churchill SAS’03, GS’05 (left) at Alumnae/i College 2008. Julia was celebrating her 80th Reunion while Erin was celebrating her 5th Reunion. TOP CL ASSES FOR AN N UAL F U N D 2008 1928-1979 40 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E F U N D AG E N T : Elizabeth McMahon TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 7, 6 50 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 30 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 7, 6 50 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 30 % Lena DiVincenzo Abruzzi Marion O’Keeffe Bowles Helen Fitzgerald Butler M. Virginia Hartcorn Fortney Mary Gillen Gatter Anne Burns Horgan Alice O’Donnell Melcher Marie Bottino Petrone Dorothy Huisking Rebak Marguerite Sisca Riposanu Elizabeth Lynch Sullivan Geraldine Smith Swiney Miriam Sweeney Wilcox Jean Healion Woods * Deceased A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS 19 41 19 4 3 F U N D AG E N T : Rose Cuomo Coviello F U N D AG E N T S : Mary FitzMaurice Jean Mahoney McCarthy TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 10 4 , 4 8 8 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 31% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 10 4 , 338 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 31% Heritage Society Members: 2 Irene Domser Haracz Kathleen O’Hare Havens Clare Dowd Hayes Rita Anne Houlihan, RC Eileen McGirr Johnston Clara Stanfield Kolarsick Josephine Macek Elizabeth Behan Marcy Mary Braca Martocci Ruth Dobbins McCaffrey Leah Brooks McDonough Eileen Murphy* Irene Treffeisen Payne Marjorie Stempel Politoske E. Sheila Murray Russo Gloria Ruzzo Maryrose Baechle Scheutzow Maureen Ferry Slattery Patricia Quinn Straub Helen Boyce Sweeters Maria Angello Zambelli TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 26 , 6 20 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 35 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 26 , 520 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 35 % Heritage Society Members: 9 Rose Cuomo Coviello Frances Quilter Donovan Ruth O’Connor Finn Marie Frank Friend Jane Mahoney Fritz Marie DePan Herlihy Nora Eileen Higgins Mary Kane Frances Mehr Kelleher Frances Doyle Lane Catherine Ryan McKiernan Marie Tully Murray Janet Griffin O’Connell Virginia Hyland Peel Maryclaire Boyce Sherwin Ann Britton Sweeney Margaret McCarthy Willis Marian Meyer Wilpers 19 4 2 F U N D AG E N T : Ruth McCooey O’Neill TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 18 , 250 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 27 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 18 , 250 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 27 % Heritage Society Members: 4 Camille Andrea-Casling Mary Carvalho Rita Cardone Delaurier Genevieve Eboli Margaret Fonzo* Edith Jameson Forbes Virginia Conway Fredricks* Margaret Green Hackett Mary Coughlin Hughes Julia Donahue Learnard Frances Black McGilloway Ruth McCooey O’Neill Therese Martino Orzano Mary Quinn Quinn Celeste Boland Sundermann Margaret Norton Tracy Lorraine Liebler Anson Kathryn McMahon Campbell Elizabeth Vincent Corrigan Helen Haye Cort Maureen C. Didier Jean McKiernan Dolan Sarah O’Hagan Fisher Jean Protzmann Frese Margaret Mulhearn Grenga Lucille Grow Rose Mary Abel Horn Eileen Crawford Kelmer Nancy Duffy Kirkpatrick Jeanne Welcher Kleinfield Eileen Mahoney Kristofik Rose Scoca Leon Mary Donohue McCarren Jean Mahoney McCarthy Anne Peters McGeady Margaret Mary Goodwin Murphy Virginia Nelson Nihill Mary O’Hagan* Margaret Mitchell Reaves Veronica Kunkel Warren 19 4 5 F U N D AG E N T : Margaret Dore TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 4 0 , 6 55 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 2 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 4 0 , 24 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 0 % Heritage Society Members: 8 Anne Phillips Barden Joan Peerenboom Bartosic Rosalie Lenahan Bradley Jeanne Brennan, OSU Emily Callahan Cronin Miriam Monsour Donnellon 19 4 4 F U N D AG E N T : Marcelle McCormack Daly TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 13 , 0 0 9 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 33 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 12 , 159 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 32 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Mary Lavery Cavanagh Muriel McGough Cole Cecilia Maguire Coleman Elinor Collins Marcelle McCormack Daly Janet Donnelly Phyllis Andrea Falino Agatha Kelly Fay Frances Torpy Gardner Mary Gardner Lillian Dordan Gray * Deceased 41 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Dolores Morris Donnelly Margaret Dore Gloria Fitzgerald* Catherine Gadarowski Mary Roslyn Walsh Gilligan Mary Govers Beryl Farley Graham* Virginia Donahue Griffin* Mary Costello Karl Eileen M. Kelleher, OSU Jane Moynihan Kelley Eileen Lawlor Kennedy Madelene Costin Kenny Norma Gleeson Kerr Barbara Kunkel Patricia Martin Irene Murphy McInerney Lillie Smith McKenna Margaret Mary McQuillan Anne Mead Claire Cudmore Mileto Joan Mosher Nelligan Norma Pratt Mary Louise Qualey, HHS Anne McCarthy Randall Mary Jane Kann Reddington Mary Marano Reiss Muriel Thompson Schaad* Jane Gallagher Schaefer Mary Elizabeth O’Shea Schippereit Teresa FitzGerald Shannon Alice Elizabeth Carroll Tortora Catherine White Rita Scott Willard A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES SCHOOL OF ARTS AN D SCI ENCES AN D SCHOOL OF N U RSI NG REUNION CLASS GIVING Therese Cardinal Mallon Diana Ruffolo Marshall Jane Hyde McLean Joanne McCarthy Miller Joan Grattan Nestor Mary McKiernan O’Brien Corinne Sloane Philbin Marguerite VanArsdale Pohlmann Mary Riley* Joan Sweeney Ruffing Helen Shubik Nancy Fischer Slagle Ann Cuomo Smith Jeanne Gagnier Stone Yolanda Fargnoli Talamo Teresa Weed, OSU M. Patricia Braun White 19 47 F U N D AG E N T : Diana Ruffolo Marshall TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 31 , 911 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 31% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 26 , 911 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 31% Heritage Society Members: 8 Ten Year History Year Donors Dollars 1999 767 $ 328,208 2000 712 $ 590,965 2001 709 $ 788,548 2002 783 $ 473,715 2003 692 $ 301,458 2004 694 $ 280,709 2005 687 $ 516,869 2006 676 $ 1,521,120 2007 685 $ 1,772,487 2008 594 $ 1,404,644 19 4 6 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 18 , 128 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 28 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 18 , 078 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 28 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Mary Boyan, OSU Mary Houlihan Guilfoyle Mary O’Connor Haggerty Margery Hunter Hardy Maeve Carmody Hartmann Lillian Kroepke Healy Florence Mullen Indiveri Patricia Byrne Kelleher Elizabeth Carraher Kilsheimer* Florence Goldberg Lieberman Frances Lyle, OSU Carlota Trueba Marraro Catherine May Anne Carroll McGann Ann Goodwin McGovern Virginia Cronin Nickel Cecilia Donohue Paulmann Isabel Reithebuch Marion Shaw Sanger Virginia Funk Schneider Rita Hertzog Schultze Ruth Gertz Shopmyer Jane McMahon Staff Edwina Weisheit Margaret Flynn White Jacqueline Osborne Wicha Margaret Giegengack Ayling Peggy Judge Berger Vivian Farley Black Alice Bouchard, OSU Miriam Cleary, OSU Kathleen Collins Patricia Braun Crinigan Anna Hansek Cyr Dorothy Gromann Delaney Winifred Sieger Farrell Louise Fischer* Regina McCrimlisk Fitzgerald Marie Pulda Fox Elizabeth Haug French Mary Ann Clines Gallagher Patrice McAllister Guiney Margaret Herbert Heckett* Adelaide Heckler Joan Kelley Virginia Curren Kenney Mary Hagen Leahy Margaret Ann Walsh Magovern 19 4 8 F U N D AG E N T : D i a n a Fa v a L u c c a TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 51 , 559 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 5 % TOTAL AN N UAL F U N D: $21,408 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 4 % Heritage Society Members: 4 Lorraine Hoskins Amberg Marian Pinto Barnette Georgette Rosenberg Bloom Maureen Boyland * Deceased 42 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Mary Baldwin Brady Rosemary Smith Burke Anne Giesler Chappell Aveline Dillon Christie Virginia Nuvolini Couture Catherine Clerkin Crable Anne Moynihan Creedon Doris Tracy Driscoll Catherine Gardner Falvey Mary Jo Frere Florence Covino Friedlander Patricia Carey Gareri Irene Murphy Gilles Clara Louise Malone Gould Mary Alice Guinee Theresa Maher Harris Doris Rehm Hartnett Isabel Nahan Harvey Nancy Finan Hogan Mary O’Donnell Holden Marie Baldassare Kridos Marie Lauricella Krumeich Vincentia Corbetta Landolfe Joan Connolly Laporte GS ’87 Diana Fava Lucca Gloria Gregory McDermott Ann Donovan McKeon Joan Bottelli Mersch Ann M. Moore, CND A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS Jean Mulhern Mulhern Jean Closter O’Brien Mary Flynn O’Brien Elizabeth Blake O’Connell Mary Ricketson Payson Mary Tierney Rafferty Blanche Dickinson Ryan Jane Hanlon Schell* Elizabeth Wasilik Sereni Gertrude Brodine Spence Patricia Johnson Stets Louise McDonnell Stevens Patricia Sullivan Barbara Thebaut Therese Tormey Todd Marjorie McAllister Toner Betty Sliney Trapasso Helen Kelleher Treml Josephine Dieges Weigner Mary Jean Donovan Zdinak 19 4 9 F U N D AG E N T : M i l d r e d M i d d l e m i s s Ve l t r i TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 35 , 14 6 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 8 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 16 , 9 8 6 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 6 % Heritage Society Members: 9 Jane Bacon Barrett Jessica Wassmer Barrett Josephine Sheehan Barry Patricia Real Bobbin Barbara Sullivan Bonaventura Nancy Grady Bradbury Estelle Harper Brocks Anne M. Bunting, OSU Barbara McGrath Candee Marie Linehan Chiappetta Lorraine Paoli Colangelo Leila Villada Condon Mary Enders Courtney June Langran Crabtree Sheila MacMahon Currington Darrah Helen Clegg Delaney Dorothea Schatzlein DeLannoy Justine Brophy Desmond Barbara Rice Doggett Patricia Craig Dorsey Mary F. Dowd, OSU Patricia Gafney Draper Noel Keyser Fischer Rose Franco Ann Erisman Garrahan Barbara Farley Gilroy Jean Smith Hackett Dorothy Muller Henry Terri Heveran Phyllis Hinchcliffe, OSU Elizabeth Farrell Hogan Sue Borncamp Jayes Margaret Heinchon Johnson Shirley Mason Johnston Janet Houlihan Kain Cecilia Corcoran Kenny Ann Pfohl Kirby Marjorie Zecher Lepore Mary Burr Leslie Carolyn Aloisi Magro Eleanor L. Maloney, OSU Rosemarie Mole Mangan Olive Traynor Marcinkowski Regina McCormack Rosemary Brittingham Menk Mary Sasseen Miller Elaine Holland Milton Marion Cashion Moriarty Ruth Wallace O’Connor Mildred Aiello Panny Irene Stern Pastarnack Yvonne Lokensgard Percival Rosalie Moscarillo Piontkowski Elizabeth Rohrer Reddy Eileen Reilley Mary McCarthy Rynn Gataletto Kathleen Brod Scully Patricia O’Keeffe Shea-Wallace Joanne Hartnett Smith Mary Ellen Mangeot Stewart Mildred Middlemiss Veltri Patricia Vergara Anne Traynor Vonick GS ’84 Dolores McKeon Weber Gladys Haile Weinberg Mary McEntegart Welch Barbara D’Arcy White Katherine Kling Wyllie* 19 50 F U N D AG E N T : Jean Barrett Colligan TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 51 , 6 01 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 54 % TOTAL AN N UAL F U N D: $45,426 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 54 % Heritage Society Members: 6 Joan Cushwa Baer Claire Kennedy Bartlett Marie Dunn Bartnett GS ’73 Joan Molanphy Bassett Carol Hurley Benson Frances Delisle Bianculli Yolanda Lacagnina Bouffard Suzanne Bennett Bradley Marianne Charles Brannigan Mary Louise Healey Brown Mary Digby Brussell Barbara Alliegro Burke Helen Weber Buzaid Margaret Hilly Byrnes Patricia Crawford Cassidy Barbara Wise Chapin Rose Mary Seifert Clair Elizabeth Stanton Colleran Jean Barrett Colligan Mary Fleming Collins* Joan Baily Coughlan Frances Senger Coyle Nancy Carolan Cusack Elizabeth Bonavita D’Angelo Patricia Dillon Darrell Helen Burchetta Davis Jeanne Tolle Devlin Jeanne Bouchard Dorian Mary Ahern Dunn* Lois Stone Dwyer Joan Marie FitzGibbon Fanelli Anne Bright Farnsworth Madeleine Rice Finnerty Florence Doyle Fitzgerald Helen Higgins Fitzgerald Joan McConnell Fitzpatrick Joan Jacquart Fleming Jacqueline French M. Joan Fraser Gately Margaret Phelan Gavin Carol Markle Grabko Eileen Walsh Grennan Claire Habib Mary Kervick Hammond Claire Thompson Harty Elizabeth Happy Homa Rosalie Pedalino Jacobs Joan McGowan Keating Georgia Smith Keefe SC H O O L O F A R TS A N D SC I E N C ES A N D SC H O O L O F N U R S I N G 2008 GIFTS FROM REUNION CLASSES / ANNUAL FUND Class 1933 1938 1943 1948 1953 1958 1963 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 TOTAL Donors 2 12 24 54 60 95 89 65 57 30 30 18 13 15 12 14 590 * Deceased 43 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Participation 13% 31% 35% 44% 44% 57% 51% 41% 38% 27% 16% 13% 9% 11% 7% 5% 27% Dollars $225 $7,534 $26,520 $21,409 $14,480 $94,279 $37,030 $75,043 $21,263 $13,974 $15,500 $2,416 $610 $5,120 $928 $365 $336,695 A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES Margaret Snyder Mary Sorrentino Summo Patricia Ryan Tully Judith Heffernan Wack Catherine McKenna Wooters Catherine Leone Zambernardi Nancy Collins McKenna Dorothy Meeker Mela Cecilia McGowan Michalak Patricia Pelletier Michaud Margaret Brennan Moore Rita Murphy* Maureen White Nesbitt Evelyn Clasen Nonnon Margaret Gillis O’Brien Ruth Holthouse O’Dowd Stephanie Fitzpatrick O’Keefe Maureen O’Rourke Dorothy Harlan Parlatore Agnes Claire Reithebuch Claire Schnell Rooney Maureen Duffy Schaffer Jane Crabtree Stark Jeanne Leddy Sullivan Oona Burke Sullivan Kathryn Stirn Supple Jean Wilson Tharp Marguerite Marino VillaSanta Patricia Lace Voorhees Elizabeth Ashley Watson Genevieve Madison West Agnes Neill Williams 19 51 F U N D AG E N T : Agnes Claire Reithebuch TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 56 6 , 9 41 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 53 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 6 3 , 0 9 4 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 52 % Heritage Society Members: 9 Nancy Cusick Kesseli Nancy Kiehnle Marie Kilbourn Ann Kirby Adrienne Lachapelle Kohlstrom Mary Jo Casson Lee Anne Stenach Lopatto Colette Vier Martin Mary Kearns McCarthy Jacqueline Busch McCracken Geraldine Larkin McGrath Margret Baxter McHugh Marian Maney McLellan Patricia McNally McLoughlin Jean Kilcoyne McSharry Alice Dooling Mellen Eleanor Fiorillo Melley Elaine O’Keefe Morrissey Audrey Reis Prescott Claire Walbridge Pushkal Joan Swallow Regan Gertrude Quinlan Ryan Joan Gaynor Ryan Joan Ireland Schubert Carol Naumann Shallenberger Elvira Leggiadro Sisca Therese Elliot Snow * Deceased Patricia Murphy Ayres Dorothy Lynch Babis Rosemary Miles Blair Elizabeth Boehling Bosetti Mary McDonald Boulin Patricia Kelly Bratches Patricia Crawford Brown Mary Fowler Burgess Margaret Reynolds Charles Carolyn Grant Clarke Margaret Mary Connevey Joan Henderson Cook Ann Gilligan DiDiego Irene Conlon Doherty Marilyn Grimm Doherty Joan Scully Duffy Sheila Walsh Durgin Kathryn English Joan Foley Gloria Angello Gallagher Catherine Gotti Claire Meany Gray Elizabeth Broe Green Ann Hetherman Johnson Anne Morrison Keller Katherine McGrath Kelley Dorothy Ann Kelly, OSU Kathleen Rees Klein Maureen Baldwin Lambert Dolores Murnane Lentz Sarah Niles Leonard Ann Maloney Lyons Andrea Eomme MacBurney Verona Gobeo McCarthy Nancy Ford McDermott Virginia Leary McElroy Eileen McEntegart Carol deSantis McGough 19 52 F U N D AG E N T : Mary Lu Sullivan Hughes TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 9 4 , 4 22 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 51% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 6 3 , 0 67 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 51% Heritage Society Members: 8 Madeleine Martyn Anglim Margaret Scholz Bartsch Julie Bennett Mary Maloney Bonney Mary Quinn Bright Phyllis McCullough Brown Claire Carolan Burnell Teresa M. Byrne, OSU Anne Shea Cagnina Marie Calderazzo AnnMarie Del Bello Carlo Alice Chase Rosemary Murphy Chesterman Louise Riley Cicero Ann Dowd Connolly Audrey Roberts Creary Joan Gafney Crowley 44 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Jane Dasey Curlee Barbara Hadlock Dacey Joan Crawford Daly Jean Kelly Delaney Mary Shreve Dennen Patricia Maloney Derbes Anne Crapser Doyle Maureen Costello Durkin Elizabeth Madden Dybas Mary Ellen Roche Fagan Betty Ann Wymbs Finneran Jean Tobin Galletta Patricia Ahearn Gillin Gloria Greco Joan Fleming Hanifin Marylou Meyer Hayford* Vivian Ferracci Hernon Kathleen Neary Howard Helen Phelan Howe Mary Lu Sullivan Hughes Betty Ann Kelly Keane Claire Kenny* Elizabeth Borden Lalor Maureen Finnegan Landrigan* Patricia Mead Lang Dolores Lauritano Joan Hembrooke Livornese Margaret Alberti Lynch Claire Lebel Lyons Elizabeth Farrell MacBlane Mary Ann Ebeling MacPherson Margaret Hartigan Mahoney Dolores Duffy Martin Aline Sgueglia Martinelli Joan Hennessey Matulis Marianne Carrig Mazan Caroline Pagnucco Meskers Ann Marie Burton Murphy Helen Donovan Nightingale Patricia O’Neil June Swantko Olszewski Vera Farmer Penrod Virginia Gorman Raship Cecelia Dunn Roche Sarah Ryan Caryl Corbetta Schiess Margaret Seifert Schiffer Helene Moore Sinclair Dorothy Costello Smith Georgia Smith Tanner Anne Mitchell Thiel Alice Timothy A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS Elizabeth Tucker Treacy Ann Therese Trinidad, OP Rose Marie Murray Verrilli Catherine Langellotti Vigilante Donna Matthews Walcott Mary Lee Jones Waldron Anne Marie Weiler Patricia Pini Welch Marlyn Kilgannon Zalud 19 53 F U N D AG E N T : Joann Hawkes Langston TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 14 , 9 55 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 6 % TOTAL AN N UAL F U N D: $14,480 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 4 % Heritage Society Members: 3 Romayne Parlanti Agliotta Josephine Zehner Bab Isabelle Healey Bacon Ann Marie McGovern Beal Barbara Becher Vincentia Belbruno Mary Virginia Kelley Bliley Frances Higgins Brett Joan McAndrews Brown Nancy Bragger Brown Claire Garvey Butler Eileen Titterton Carbery Margaret Croake Cherico Joan Montgomery Coughlin Jean Carmel Daley Mary Pat Whalen Devane Mary Faith Parker Donaldson Norma Fazia Elser Elizabeth Staab Emery Margaret Mary Fischer Diane Buschen Golden Louise DiSanto Greer Patricia Peterson Hoffmann Josephine DiFrancesco Jacobson Mary Jane Bergeron Janick Julia Broderick Keane Patricia Byrnes Lammers Sheila Desmond Landon Joann Hawkes Langston Grace Carmody Loesel Beatrice Mackenzie E. Irene Herald Matthews Dian Jennings Mayo Barbara Ryan Meara Marie-Celine Miranda, OSU Margaret Moroney Jane Mackenzie Morosky Barbara Guilfoyle Morpurgo Frances Morris Marie McGuire Mulvenna Angela Murray Joan D’Angelo Musci Mary Walsh Nunes Dorcas Fraser O’Connor Mary Mitchell O’Sullivan Ann Hald Palmer Patricia Tarantino Passaro Constance Martin O’Hearne Prud’homme Carole Quinn Anne Donohue Reid Harriette Gillem Robinet Dolores Searles Roy Mary Lou Janick Siard Margaret Malloy Slyngstad Rosemary Marrone Smith Teresa Sorrentino Anita Esler Tuoti Mary O’Connor Wald Carol Mungan Wingertzahn Joan Rossy Wood Marylou Mele Fitzpatrick Margaret Slagsvol Flavia Jeanne Hunter Galick Alice Garvey Gallivan Mary Finnegan Gibbons Patricia Haggerty Mary Lou Bartholomew Hallatt Eleanor Donlon Hannigan Kathleen Duffy Henry Winifred Hajla Hespe Catherine Schott Hoffman Kathleen Desmond Hughes Joan Cunniff Kennedy Patricia Brunetto Kiernan Nancy Phelan King* Rita Mulligan Knowles Caryl Doherty Lennon Kathleen Arbuckle Logan-Prince Cornelia Mahon Ruth McLaughlin McBride Eva Ormon McKay Natalie Hastings McMahon Suzanne Lukaswitz McMahon Inez DeLucia Migliore Mary Miller, OSU Jean Glokner Moran Constance Wong Mow Mary Carpenter Nunz Elizabeth Shalloe O’Gorman M. Dorothy Gossard Rolincik Janice Roes Salter Iva Short Schulz Terry O’Malley Seidler Nancy Miller Skibbie Marlene Lauria Sullivan Ruth Anne Cronin Thompson 19 54 F U N D AG E N T : Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 34 , 50 8 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 52 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 29 , 10 2 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 50 % Heritage Society Members: 3 Dolores Liggero Anostario Florence Bell Anne Boyce Madeleine Quenneville Brooks Mary Geaney Brown Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes Dawn Camadella Cardone Elizabeth Carpentier, OSU Joan Herald Comey Marianne De Mott Tesse Hartigan Donnelly Carole Saunders Doyle Marlene Rossbach Dube Irene Krumeich Duffy Ann Barry Durbin Mary Mosser Falvo Mary Alyce Farrell Fields * Deceased 45 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Cecilia Grebenstein Volpati Mary Helen Wang, OCD Stephanie Wilson, OSU 19 55 F U N D AG E N T : J e a n n e t t e C a r r y Pa r s h a l l TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 39 , 10 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 9 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 39 , 0 55 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 9 % Heritage Society Members: 6 Ann Black GS ’90 Ingrid Schubert Bolke Barbara Lawrence Bridgers Elaine Dehan Burger Andrea Gallagher Cain Virginia Hameline Clough Rosemarie Murphy Codus Patricia Foley Conaghan Rita Creagh Margaret Gormley Detko Joan Campana Diaferia Joan McGrath Donahue Judith McEnroe Dorgan Lucy DiSanto Egan Audrey Field Galligan Ann Tubman Foley Claire Fordrung Susan Ryan Gannon Marianne Bachand Geiger M. Joan Callahan Gilbert Anne McSheehy Giroux Carol Gourlie Joanne Masterson Gray Cecelia Hanley Greco Bernice Keller Griffin A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES 19 56 SC H O O L O F A R TS A N D SC I E N C ES A N D SC H O O L O F N U R S I N G F U N D AG E N T : Pa t r i c i a B a r n u m Wi l l i a m s 2008 GIFTS FROM REUNION CLASSES / ALL GIVING Class 1933 1938 1943 1948 1953 1958 1963 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 TOTAL Donors 2 12 24 55 62 95 90 65 57 30 30 18 13 15 12 14 594 Janine Vier Grogan Mary Shaughnessy Haney Florence Congiolosi Hansen Ellen Erisman Harrington Mary Jane Evans Hartigan Carolyn Miller Howard Joan Gaine Hutchison Margaret Moran Jordan Kathleen Leddy Kane Patricia Beal Kelleher Frances E. Bohmert Kelly E. Patricia McDermott Konvalinka Eleanore Leary Nancy Bisio Leary Ethna O’Flannery Lehman Marylin Carey Lescher Ann Hines LoVoi Nina Iannotti Maguire Joan Hannon Maloney M. Eileen Murphy Maresca Marie Quigley Marshall Dorothy McElroy Jeanne Plessis Medina Angela Cadigan Mooney Jean Gibney Morrissey Ann Waters Murphy Claire Sorieri Nappi Participation 13% 31% 35% 45% 46% 57% 51% 41% 38% 27% 16% 13% 9% 11% 7% 5% 27% TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 4 3 , 30 8 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 9 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 41 , 20 8 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 9 % Dollars $225 $7,834 $26,620 $51,559 $14,955 $1,094,429 $39,042 $77,043 $53,175 $14,074 $16,100 $2,416 $610 $5,270 $928 $365 $1,404,644 Heritage Society Members: 5 Barbara Brosnan Baisley Margaret Gleeson Becker Patricia Murray Blessington Maureen Donelan Boyle Catherine Savarese Brinker Doris Koerner Cafiero Carol MacDonald Chandler Patricia McGowan Clifford Diane Lee Conner Mary Hubbard Coogan Mary Buschen Cooper Eleanor Flynn Daly Louise DiModica Ann Schork Doherty Mary Ann Carroll Dolan Elizabeth Sculley Donovan Elizabeth F. Dowd, OSU Jane Cooney Dowling Cecilia Stahl Eberle Mary Doyle Eglin Mary Ruth Willmann Foglino Mary Ahearn Foley Naomi Roche Fonseca Bernadette Hannaway, OSU Mary Hogan Hearle GS ’87 Sarah White Hoblitzell Sara Carey Hull Francis Kearney, OSU Regina F. Kehoe, OSU GS ’85 Agnes Kelly, OSU Claire Senger Kingsley Grace Barnett Knechtel Kathleen Kuczkowski, OSU Mary Ellen Flynn Loveless Natalie Schwarz Lowell Joan Meister Luecke Katherine Mylod Mainzer Carole James Marbury Victoria Rossetto Marmora Marilyn Giannelli Martin Kathleen McEntegart Dorothy Elling Meehan-Ripa Mary Mills Donna Walsh Milne Mary Killian O’Donnell Jacquelyn Burns O’Neil Ann Martin Olson Marietta Giuffrida Opisso Jeannette Carry Parshall Joan Newlove Priest Mary Feehan Ribaudo Frances Fitzgerald Ryan Elizabeth Bosco Serra Ruth Daley Sharkey Mary Agnes Fitzgerald Shelley Cornelia Siano Snidero Nina Sheehan Strattner Nancy Donovan Sullivan Margaret Rabbitt Swearingen Margaret Toohy Sweeney Yvonne Abraham Taylor Mary Jane Kenny Truckenbrodt Betty Ward Marianne Slysz Welna Julia Whalen Janet Swanson Wiedenhoft * Deceased 46 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Alice Milot Carol Donlon Nealon Lela Keough Negri Patricia Gould O’Brien Mary Casey O’Grady Anne Owens Lorraine Esposito Petricone Catherine Leddy Pucciarelli Josephine Montanile Ronan Claudia Chiappano Sangiuolo Kathryn Swift Sarrides Ethel Anker Shafter Natalie Palidwor Sonevytsky Mary-Susan Dowling Spencer Carmen Trueba Stanley Marta Uriarte Steffan Rosamond Dausey Stott Ann Marie Kenny Sullivan Flavia Kinney Sullivan Mary Greer Sweeney Patricia McGovern Sweeting Mary Waterman Thompson Mary Dehn Van Dessel Faith Rieg Victory Ann Krecek Vier Rose Marie Bizzoco Volpe GS ’80 Clare Keefe Walsh Margaret Casey Walz Jane Quinlan Watson Mary Louise Foradora Webber Ann Tutrinoli Weber Kathryn Sansone Wells Patricia Barnum Williams 19 57 F U N D AG E N T : M a r i e Va l l u z z o C o n v e r t i t o TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 28 , 6 58 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 51% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 28 , 6 33 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 51% Heritage Society Members: 4 Antoinette Abraham Virginia Ketterson Aller Lois Scarpino Amend Katherine Kane Anderson Mary Lou Norton Baker Agnes Carrozzella Barba Cathleen Cahill Barber M. Joyce Derrick Beauchamp Rosemary Fisher Bertolotti Margaret Pruner Boehling Ina Creagh Boyd A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS The Class of 1958 celebrated their 50th Reunion. Mary Durant Bradley Mary Mylod Brockway Frances Choquette Broderick Ann O’Shaughnessy Burke Joan Bray Burke Alice Marie Connors Callo Gail Brough Chapman Marie Valluzzo Convertito Catherine Corgan Barbara Parker Corr Gretchen Russell Craffey Deborah Dee Curran Mary Harvey Doyle Carol Carnes Dwyer Florence Lang Erbe Jane Walsh Foster Jacqueline Com Francois Jacqueline Vitucci Gfeller Joan Palmera Giordano Clara Halloran Barbara Klein Hamill Gertrude Kelly Hamilton Catherine Murray Harrington Patricia Hanrahan Hembach Joanne Incerto Helen Collins Krumsiek Cynthia Edwards Kusa Barbara Kearns Lautenschlager Margaret Houlihan Lynch Madeleine Bourre McDermott Rita Howard McGoldrick Mary Ann Walker McGrath Phyllis VandeCar Meader Elizabeth Seidel Messler Marie Ullrich Michels Roberta Miller, OP Mary Andrews Monahan Suzanne Groark Morgan Beatrice O’Connell Mraz Adrienne O’Brien Gloria Pedalino Bridget Puzon, OSU Virginia Brady Rhodes Jule Cunningham Saracco Mary Sayers Andree Lejeune Scanlon Loretta D’Agostino Schmitz Barbara Weis Sheehan Joan Meeker Skrobala Patricia Smith Margaret Stanislaus Grace Miller Stillwell Margaret Lawler Stott Elinor Tanck Ann TenEyck Joan Spitaleri Tykot Cynthia Scaiano Walsh Jacqueline Berean Westa Marilyn McCormack Wickel 19 58 F U N D AG E N T : Rosanne Lammers Rodilosso TOTAL 2008 GIVING: $1,094,429 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 57 % TOTAL AN N UAL F U N D: $94,279 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 57 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Frances Battaglia Altman Adelaide Amend Ellen Riccobono Anderson Nancy Glennan Barry Mary Gallagher Battersby GS ’75 Mary Marchetti Bovich Eleanor Davidson Boyle Linda Liotti Breving Felicia Prekeris Brown Marie Cafferty Barbara Calamari, OSU Ellen Casey Margaret McGorty Colavita Margaret Horrigan Connolly Lois Reynolds Coon Marguerite McNamara Corcoran Patricia Gallagher Cuff Maureen Quinn D’Alleva Roberta Tolle DeBaldo Carol Hopkins DeRuggiero Anne Therese Dillen, OSU Mary Snyder Donahue Beatrice Cunningham Easton Elizabeth Evers Kathryn Hourin Faber * Deceased 47 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Martha Coleman Farquhar Pauline Blank Fearn Elizabeth Marra Feuerstein Mary Ellen Flaherty Grace Flannelly Elizabeth Flynn Martha Gleason, OSU L. Joan Mehltretter Goodman Patricia Kenney Hall Rosanne Hoffmann Hanrahan Mary Keenan Hart Edwina Kearney Hassi Mary Schrade Heubel Maryellen V. Keefe, OSU Donna McAuley Kelly Geraldine Sansone Klein-Robbenhaar Mary McAniff Kresky Barbara Mackinnon Kuttner Mary Alice Boyle Lipski Anne Koening Loesch Nancy Collins Lord Eileen Roche Loughran Katherine McHugh Maria GS ’72 Mary Baker Maus Wilma Cook Maus Jane Reiss McAniff Eileen Ferren McCulley Virginia Malankowski McFadden Janet Hendrick Megna Barbara McGovern Mitchell Carol Fabiani Mueller Ann Brough Mullin Phillips A. Marylin Brarman Murphy GS ’77 Jan VanValkenburgh Murphy Martha Callaghan Neiro Isabel Hogan Nolan Ann Mulligan O’Brien Ellen Welch O’Bryan Mary Dillon O’Neil Carol Whelan Pasquantonio Barbara Gibney Phillips Roberta Arrigoni Pickett Henrietta Raymond Margaret Smith Rejto Rosanne Lammers Rodilosso Helen Boyle Rosenbauer Ann Magrum Rowland Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier Carol Senfield Eileen O’Donnell Sheehan Ginn G. A. Johnson Sheller Barbara Smith A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES Claire Smith, OSU Denise Delaney Smith Gabrielle Ceriale Smith Joan Steinbrecher Barbara Hawthorne Stiles Marilyn Caputo Straniero Constance Turner Sullivan Muriel Paulhus Sullivan Mary Ann DeMetsenaere Taylor Germaine Keogh Trabert Carol Kloss Traynor Bernice Maynard Veckerelli Lillian Koenig von Brockdorff Beatrice Fisher Voutsinas Mary Burke Wall Georgiana Donase White Marcelle M. Willock Joyce Zibro Marianne Trijonis Burke Joan Rombach Chisholm Patricia Looby Clary Jane Russell Coates Margaret Vogel Consiglio Patricia Colahan Cunningham Maura Dausey Ann Grady Doyle Rosalpina Mercado Eynon Mary Ellen Nugent Falk Katherine Johnston Ferrari Emily St. Clair Fogarty Glenna Faller Follmer Kathleen Fredrick Marie Trombacco Gianzero Marie Cudicello Halloran Eileen Mylod Hayden Angela Bannan Healey 19 59 Patricia Hoch Hendricks Patricia Scully Henry Mary Heald Herlihy Margaret Lewis Hilton S. Stephanie Peterman Iachetta GS ’94 Joan Fee Kelly Mary Adikes Kortvelesy Marilyn Kowalcyk K. Jane Seidel Kresser Elizabeth Connare Lavallee Marion Carbery Lechowicz Margo McNeill Locaputo Patricia Casey Looby Janet Spence Lowery Margaret Whyte Lyons F U N D AG E N T S : Sara Arthur Eileen Egan Burke Eileen Mylod Hayden Rowena Larkin Morris TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 974 , 018 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 50 % TOTAL AN N UAL F U N D: $65,168 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 8 % H e r i t a g e S o c i e t y M e m b e r s : 16 Emelita Martorella Allen Frances McKillop Ambrose Sara Arthur Mary Rendich Behringer Eileen Egan Burke * Deceased Nancy Walsh Manning Mary Ann Geraci Marriott Lorraine Nocero Mazzola Joan Whalen McGauley Kay O’Connor McKenna Carolyn Quinn McNamara Lorraine Riley Meenan Rowena Larkin Morris Judy Mauser Morriss Jane Rako Morrissey Marie Therese McGrath Mulcahy Grace Tubman Mullaney Olga Antignani Nespole Carole McCarthy Nicholson Mary-Ellen Murray Christiansen Photiades Anne Meyer Pollard Justine Nerrow Ryan Mary Pajer Ryan Catherine Perkinson Sabol Mary Ann Runkle Savard Charlotte Molleur Schaefer Paula Farrell Shea Marilyn Roth Smith Joan Feeney Spaulding Ann Fenlon Strauss Jill Ganey Sullivan Jean Lilly Sweeney Marie Tarleton Lucie Giegengack Teegarden Mary Emmons Tergesen Beverly Cipollo Tobin Patricia Trainor Louise Wiswall Unger Jaqueline Butler Vacheron Marue English Walizer Elizabeth Bennett Weizenecker* Deirdre Dunne Winters Joan Jurgenson Wolter 19 6 0 F U N D AG E N T : Eileen Case Sibson TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 4 8 , 20 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 9 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 38 , 10 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 9 % H e r i t a g e S o c i e t y M e m b e r s : 14 Mary Donegan Acunto Maureen Clifford Albers Linda Milone Apicella Patricia Abbott Barden Diane Guest Biondi 48 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Frances Minetti Biscoglio Lois Forster Boston Eleanor Shea Buckley Regina Roche Butt Margaret Casey Catharine Smith Conley Shirley Smith Conway Stephanie Syze Cordes Moira Lynch Crabtree Margaret Crahan Joanne Colavita Cuoco Carolyn Bucheri Daigle Rochelle Moccio De Angelis-Kilmart Clare Rooney Decker Gloria Canal Doino Marya Dull-Washington Patricia McGinnis Dunn Susan Yaeger Dyke Rosemary Cummins Edwards Ann Savino Farrelly Sr. Kathleen A. Finnerty, OSU Marion Mylod Fitzgerald Mary Fogarty Flad Sarah Hubbell Flynn June Toretta Fuentes Mary Barry Gallagher Angela Dawn Mestier George Mary Domingue Guerin Mary Guido Carol O’Connell Heinze Marie Lynch Hermann Rose Ann Keane Elaine Schramm Kenyon Isabel Wilkinson Kimmel Constance Partridge Knoebel Margaret Kelly Kummerer Anne Durner Lauenstein Alice Faughnan Lowe Jean-Marie LaPlant Lyne June Evangelist McCann Elizabeth Shea McDermott Therese J. McMahon, OSU Ursula Kehoe McMahon Isolina Rodriguez Meeks Anne Butkovsky Messina Mary Cronin Miller Mary Ellen Moynihan Morin Joan Roxby Mostica Carol Kennedy Mylod Jean-Baptiste Nicholson, OSU Patricia Noone, SC Dorothea Henderer O’Brien A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS Julie Pifer Cornelia DeSantis Pratt Mary Beth Meaney Quigley Theresa Riccio GS ’75 Marie Porco Rossi GS ’71 Betty Hall Roveda Aline Harwood Rubin Janice Ruggiero Claire Pacia Santoro Eileen Sanzo Regina Sasseen Joan Bergener Shea Eileen Case Sibson Margaret Stearns Katherine Learson Sullivan Rita Meister Sweet Kathryn Ziegler Tatlow Sally Furlong Thompson Anne Tierney Thureson Diana Ramasco Woods 19 61 F U N D AG E N T S : Judith O’Neill O’Gorman Th e r e s a C a r d i n a l e J o h n s o n Joan McInerney Hallowell TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 14 3 , 554 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 4 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 38 , 554 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 4 % H e r i t a g e S o c i e t y M e m b e r s : 11 Eileen Murray Arens Barbara Faltz Barbieri Julita Blasi Kathleen Kay Bosco Rosemary Byrnes Doyle Helen Casey Elizabeth Vaglio Cassero Jean Gallagher Chen Dorothy Schrieber Codd Eileen Murphy Collins Margaret Comaskey Janet Maroney Connolly Sheila Conway Helen Trelewicz Costigan JoAnn Fogarty Crinieri Charlotte Neilan Darling Suzette McKiernan Davis Rosalie Procaccino Delillo Judith Allen Dillon Mary Alice McMahon DiSalvo Bonnie M. Driscoll * Deceased Mary-Alice Fitzgerald GS ’80 Sheila Fitzpatrick Geoghegan Marilyn Picardi Giglia Catherine Yodice Giles Kathryn Gleeson Constance O’Connor Gooley Claudia Barnett Gordon Audrey Pistilli Grieco Ruth Judd Haggerty Constance Bury Hegarty Letitia Fagan Holleran Diane Delaney Houston Lauretta Sotak Jenkins Theresa Cardinale Johnson Kathleen Juan Mary Giegengack Jureller Christiane Keck Janet Keenan Sandra Kelley Catherine Elder Kelly Gail Manss Kelly Dolores Castellano King Jean Wilson Kirby Theresa Kubis Isabel Torras Loader Kathleen Sanner Madden Carol Mahoney Kathleen Ryan Mangan Jane Garbarino Manning Catherine Kacmarynski Mastny-Fox* Alicia Murphy McCormick Susan Spencer McElroy Claire McIntee Margaret Badum Melady Patricia Yetman Melville Barbara Simon Mills Kathleen Daly Mirabile Margaret Shalloe Mitchell Mary Donovan Moeller Filomena Russo Mohr Joyce Celentano Moran Valerie Trivisonno Moreno Dorothea Maiuzzo Muccigrosso Ann Marie Reisert Nolan Judith O’Neill O’Gorman Elizabeth Byrne Peloso Kathryn Peterson Lois Farrell Phillips* Mary O’Connell Regan Marie Williams Scalia Mary Semple Patricia Ahearn Sheerin Theresa Stilo Maria Phillips Sullivan Alycia O’Brien Vivona Gloria Malankowski Weisz Mary Newell Welch Maura Meehan Winkler Catherine Young Marcia Young Anonymous 19 6 2 F U N D AG E N T : C a t h e r i n e Ty b u r s k i N a g y TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 27, 4 67 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 41% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 24 , 8 97 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 41% Heritage Society Members: 8 Lucille Nicolais Andersen Carol Nelson Andrews Carole Fabrizzi Angelino Catherine Bagley Kathleen Schwartz Barrett Valerie Burke Beeson 49 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Mary Tartaglione Butler Martha Lane Campbell Susan Herald Clarke Carol Gill Clifford Rae Condon Joan Rafferty Coon Kathleen Corrigan Fuhs Jane Spillane Courtney Patricia O’Connor Cowan Mollie McLaughlin Crumrine JoAnne Davidson Mary Joanne Raymond MahonDeBernardis Kathryn Golden Delaney Joan Donovan Mary Beth Wagner Dougherty Suzanne Draghi Judith Travers Dugan Mary Alice Duggan, OSU Jane McClelland Ekkers Imelda Maloney Farrell Maureen O’Connor Fitzpatrick Barbara Gorr Foley A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES Maureen Furlong Gertrude Tully Girod Rita Moriarty Gorman Patricia McKeown Graham Janice Barry Grzesinski Eileen Gallagher Harrington Agnes Gennatasio Harris GS ’79 Mattia Musci Healy Margaret Parmelee Hummel Eileen McNiff Hussey Carole Schmidt Jennings Arlene Whited Kalinowski Adrienne Kanach, SHCJ Mary Lou Smith Kanach Ann Keegan, RGS Marcia Goffa Ketchum Grace Hourigan Lattanzio Margaret Kuntz Lessing Camille Marchetta Mary Ann McGrath Martin Agnes McNamee Judith Allen Mugovero Catherine Tyburski Nagy Joanne Megivern Nelson Margaret Wallace O’Brien Elizabeth O’Donnell Cathleen O’Donnell Paprocki Ann Peterson, OSU Ellen Belcher Petrisko Elizabeth Quinn Sheila Reilly Mary Crawford Reining Noreen Siragusa Ryan Catherine Whittle Shaw Sabina Sprague Slavin Marilouise Sullivan Mary M. Sullivan, OSU Marybeth Markham Sullivan Alice Walsh Sweeney Patricia Beliveau Thomas Suzanne Sayegh Thomas Barbara Brennan Van Hook Anne Cullinan Walsh Nancy Shannon Walsh Madeline Hamilton Whalen Joan Woodcome, OSU Marianna Brown Young Margaret Doyle Lawler Verna Pappalardo Lofaro Marion Lynch, OSU Mary Delehanty Mandeville Anne McAuliffe-O’Donnell Genevieve Maher McCullough Leslie Johnson McDonald Marie Lombard McGraw Barbara Sagnelli McMahon Sheila White McMahon Barbara Runkle McNamara Kathleen Hooks Merrifield Gail Engels Mon Pere Noreen Deane Moran Barbara Mulligan-Rado Marianne Meyer Mundy Daryl Thompson Neubecker Mary Ann Delinski Nowell Sheila Coughlin O’Connor Teresita Dwyer O’Leary Rosemary Ceruzzi Paglia Francia Macosky Parsons Jane Perkinson Aulana Pharis Peters Marie Donovan Potter Mary Purcell Mary Ryan Redmond Patricia Maher Rickman Margaret Connelly Rzeznikiewicz Marcia Tierney Salko Marlene Piccolo Salvatore Janet Kearns Scavo Nancy Packert Shashaty Jacqueline Russillo Shea 19 6 3 F U N D AG E N T S : Pa t r i c i a S o b i e r a j s k i Ku h r TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 39 , 0 4 2 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 51% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 37, 0 30 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 51% Heritage Society Members: 5 Carolyn Merz Alia Joyce Trainor Altieri Dolores Lausberg Andrew Marie O’Malley Armstrong Anna Mancino Ascione Jane Barbiasz Georgiann Crocicchia Bates Andrea Mazzari Berzolla Anne Doherty Bottner Elizabeth Ryan Bowler Doris Daily Brough Judith Collins Brown Dorothy Girasek Bruley Darby Callahan Judith Mallegol Cardanha Louis Marie Carter, OSU Sheila McCrudden Cherico Carol Meighan Chiappa Mary Gail Bigos Cokkinias Alisann Alexander Collins Carol Jennings Collins Elizabeth Greaves Crawford Ellen Kochan Cuddy Dale Tristany Davis Starenko Mary Del Monte Mary Maguire Dunne Joan Rost Figlozzi Emelda Walker Filteau Mary Jane Hepinstall Flanigan Beatrice DiFazio Foley Kathleen Jones Foley Irene Dellano Ghiorzi Kathryn Gallagher Golden Alice Duffy Grant Dana Greene Roesel Mary Lou Zanca Griffin Marianne Birch Gumbs Ruth Brown Hamilton Mary Ball Hofstetter GS ’81 Susan Alexander Hogan Helene Douglas Holohan Carol O’Neil Hyatt Charlotte McNeil King Patricia Sobierajski Kuhr * Deceased 50 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Barbara Petry Sidari Margaret Kilroy Sill Helen Small Virginia Partridge Sniatkowski Mary McGarry Stuart Marion Kettling Torchia Susan Shulga Waas Kathryn Bell Walter Sandra Crupi Wicina Elizabeth Bues Wittemann Anne Murphy Yankoupe Joan Gavenda Zummo 19 6 4 F U N D AG E N T : Joan Fiori Blanchfield TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 23 , 6 61 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 39 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : 23 , 6 36 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 39 % Heritage Society Members: 8 Marie Gleeson Amoroso Mary Riley Bagnulo Sarah Keilty Bedell Elaine Donovan Blair GS ’92 Joan Fiori Blanchfield Rosemary Kirby Bloem Janice Pacifico Breslin Eileen Maher Browning Madeleine Castello Bunk Elizabeth Griffin Casarino Jeanne F. Cashman, OSU Eileen Keegan Chiaramonte Jeanne Calamari Coburn A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS Bernardine Puricelli Compton Marie Cucuzzella Cote Joy Kober Cowan Rosemary Keefe Cyr Jacqueline Compton D’Alessio Marie Dolan De Francesco Mary Gibbons Deegan Eileen Denver Mikell Gallagher Deptula Marjorie Devery Regina Killeen Dietz Patricia O’Connor Duncan Carol Jacunski Fiore Marie Flanagan Mary Kehoe Flannery Susan Karutis Gaffney Sandra Smith Gangle Rosemary Swords Gatti Pat Quattrochi Gorman Margaret Guinan Grigalonis Paula Guerin Joy Canazon Howe Marianne Cunilio Jackson Carolyn Miller Jordan Maureen Langham Koehl Mary Jane McGovern Kreiger Carol Shannon Leonard Cecelia Stevens Mackey Cicily Sorbello McCarthy Joan Lucas McDermott Ellen Oleksak McDonough Kathleen Sullivan McKenna Marie Murphy McKeon Mary Ann McKinney Dorothy McManus Kathleen Timpane Medbery Maureen Kavanaugh Murray M. Cecilia McNamara Murtagh Melody Pontell Nista Kathleen Quinlan Norman Kathleen O’Connor Julia Looser O’Grady Elizabeth Gendron O’Neill Judith Perry Barbara Sansone Peterson Claire McGuire Porter Donna Povall Elizabeth Souppa Remlin Joan Connors Roberts Mary Shea, OSU Julie Skurdenis * Deceased Karen Fairbrother MaryKate Riordan Federman Ann Battaglia Feldman Anna Filippino Filardi Kathleen Madden Flack Mary Curran Folsom Nancy Tomedy Forsberg Martha Furlong GS ’76 Patricia Reilly Gamache Geraldine White Gildea Nancy Donnelly Greaney Carol Burke Hamilton Ellen Mooney Hancock Margaret McGonegal Harbin Barbara Higgins Lucia Dunn Hill Patricia Shannon Hinchey Barbara Bachstetter Johnsen Kit Frohne Johnson Mary Beth Bayle Kelligrew Patricia Reilly Kenney Barbara Kiley Francine Napoliello Lampidis Elizabeth Barry Lange Blakeslee Benjamin Lloyd Kathleen Buchler Lund Ellen Lunny-Olenick Karen Davis Madden Maryann Padula Mading Patricia Ahearn Mastellon Mary Ellen Foster McEvily Mary Lawrence McManus Mary-Alicia Lawler McRae Margaret O’Rourke Meggesto Mary Moran GS ’82 Julia McKeon Murphy Susan Murphy Smith Barbara Reish Spangler Carolyn Spitz Barbara Stronczer Maryann Ryan Thompson Anne Bowe Tomcykowski Patricia Smith Treanor Ellen Toal Wry Barbara Krawchuk Zimmerman 19 6 5 F U N D AG E N T : M a r y D o n a h u e - Av e n i TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 32 , 517 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 41% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 32 , 297 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 0 % Heritage Society Members: 7 Rosemary Vasas Abbott Emelise Aleandri Joellyn Ausanka Lynne Borra Baikal Frances LoCicero Bailie Donna Silvia Batch Kathleen Monahan Biggs Ellen Rooney Breslin Margaret Buckley Mary Buschman-Kelly Ann Carew Cahill Ellen Brady Colasurdo Julie Connelly Mary Ellen Morin Cox Rosita Creamer Carol Cooke Derrenbacher Patricia Rice Devereaux Mary Donahue-Aveni Teresa Zakrzewski Duggan 51 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Patricia Lechner Nahas Valerie Niosi Mary Santangelo Nocero Nancy Peavy O’Neil Mariann Perseo Catherine Campbell Reichard Barbara Koeppen Reilly Lenore Cronin Riccio Arleen Jacaruso Sheridan Sheila Smith Simollardes Joanne Godley Smith Sally Smith Paulette Sorg Jean Stoddart Judith Sheehan Tully Kathleen Shay Tully Joan Burke Turner Jo-Ann Keller Ullrich Elizabeth VanderPutten Mary Nolan Wakeford Judith Hughes Watson Judith Murray Webdale Rosemarie Affatato Wenick Madeline White Elizabeth Holzer Zoeller 19 6 6 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 28 , 070 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 35 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 14 , 570 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 35 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Marguerite Sabato Amann Regina Feeks Anderson Angela Loveman Armitage Patricia Connors Becker Mary Cameron Betancourt Joan Donovan Caldwell Carol Beebe Dowley M. Patricia O’Neill Egan Maria Estevez Kathleen Reid Fino Rita Bundschuh Fitzpatrick GS ’85 Michele Daleas Forte Anne Gevlin Linda Maheu Gilberto Marjorie Stone Hagenah Margaret Brennan Keating Patricia Keating Jean Reardon Kellogg Beatrice Close Kerr Margaret Murray Kiernan A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES Mary McKeon Klein Marilyn Puchli Lorenz Susan Miner Lyons Dorothy Fitzgerald Mazaitis Rosemary McGinn Stack Joanne McGovern, RGS Mary McGrath Gene Meyer Virginia DeCicco Minicucci Regina McGrory Monte Noranne Mulcahy Marge O’Connor Ingrid Poschmann O’Grady Laurie Waldorf Pant Alice Kane Rice JoAnn Brown Rosenow Juanita Torres Saco Carolyn Donohue Schuchardt Linda Brunner Shanley Marita Schellings Spooner Mary Martin Stump Mary Supple Dailey Mary Anne Finnerty Walldorf Bernadette Socorso Watson Susan Reid Wilke Maureen Phelan Youngs 19 67 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 8 2 , 191 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 34 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 4 2 , 117 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 34 % Heritage Society Members: 4 Christl Heinzeller Anastasio Margaret Baine Maureen Smet Baltay Sandra Bartik Nancy Bosten Battiste Lorraine Ouellette Berner Elizabeth Bourgeois Geraldine Larkin Brick Joyce Rondino Clark Martha Counihan, OSU Margaret Baylock Dean Mary Jayne Hernandez Delbridge Virginia Downer GS ’76 Susan Fauerbach Downes Ann Dwyer Ellen Kiernan Fauerbach Joanne Fortune Audrey Gaquin Buck Joan Hobson Ginnetti * Deceased Clara Interlandi Grande Gail O’Neill Gunther Mary Johnston Hansen Dorothy Podesta Harris Margaret Sweeney Hartnett Maureen Sullivan Hawkins Susan Rutecki Hoehler Lynn Ambrose Holmes Anne-Marie Wilchek Iozzo Mary King Kelley Linda Mastrangelo Kennedy Jolanta Rajewska Kerschhagel Joan Foley Kreimer Mary Atala Lessard Judith Petricone Lynch Anne Dorr Markowski Carol Frechette Martinez Eleanor Moretta Ann Pepek Morrison Denise Rocheleau Nordberg Margaret Smith Norris Catherine Chojnacki O’Neill Eileen Potkay Olynciw Pamela Barogin Otruba Carol Pulcini Paskiewicz Jane Scully Reichle Kathleen Bieger Roche Irmina Bestard Rodriguez Mary Creagh Rondeau-Kiley Allison Rubeli Anne-Patricia Rufino Patricia Giebelhouse Savage Lauren Kristan Scanlon Pearl Tong Shum Sheridan Farnham Snell Denise Soebbing Soares Ann Kasprzak Sterbenz Virginia O’Brien Stoeffel Joan Ryan Thowsen Eileen Kennedy Tonsmeire Nancy DeGennaro Turner Sandra Giannoni Wainman Adele Costa Whalen Suzanne Bouthillier Zarcaro 19 6 8 F U N D AG E N T : Kristin Krause McDonough Mary Creeden Risio TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 77, 0 4 3 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 41% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 75 , 0 4 3 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 41% Heritage Society Members: 7 Patricia Seakwood Attkins Patricia Johnson Auth Jean Shanaphy Barrow Joan Flynn Beesley Ellen Greene Borzelli Mary Catherine Sheldrick Boyle Mary Sussilleaux Ceccolini Susan Consoimagno Cianflone Elizabeth Drucker Condrige Kathleen Conroy Mary Anne O’Callaghan Cronan Catherine Riley Daignault Susan Bundschuh Davidson Virginia de Wolf Loretta Gleeson Dilorenzo Maryanne Driscoll Patricia DeAngelis Fife Eileen McDermott Fitzpatrick Rose Anne Fogarty Sally Fernet Geloso Johana Doyle Griffith 52 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Noel McNamara Grimm Madonna Wells Hart Ann Gartland Higdon Christine Kelleher Jones Carol Kane Virginia Quinn Kearns Carol Mele Kennedy Barbara Ramsey Kiley Adrienne Larkin Katherine Ward Leonard GS ’73 Mary Jane McPartland McCann Nancy Babacz McCloskey Anita Cicenas McDonough Kristin Krause McDonough Marilyn Dempsey McGill Katherine McNamara Menard Catherine Frank Murtha Maura McCauley O’Brien Elizabeth Sayre Oldendorp Madalienne Peters Margaret Maher Pierce Barbara Murphy Piontkowski Judith Morin Prisco GS ’74 Mary Beth Read, OSU Kathleen Colangelo Record Ethel McKeon Reese Carroll Reid Mary Kirby Rhodes Penelope Moscoe Risher Mary Creeden Risio Barbara Schlapp Marie Sayegh Shack Loretta Mengel Shirey Donna MacInnis Smallwood Margaret Kenny Southwell Rosemary Tomczak Strekel Margo Marabon Terwilliger A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS Barbara Hunihan Tully Beatrice Ott Ukraincik Mary Watson-Stribula Marguerite Crowley Weibel Mary Ann Nicolais Wiedmont Patricia Connelly Wilson Roberta Walsh Zardecki 19 6 9 F U N D AG E N T : E l i z a b e t h B o n a u t o Ku h n s TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 8 3 , 6 47 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 37 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 29 ,74 6 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 37 % Heritage Society Members: 9 Donna McMahon Anderson Diane Bente Barbara Canavan Berkowitz Mary Digiusto Bertolini Sheila Lane Booth Cecily Piderit Brancaccio Anne McGinnis Breen Lynn O’Rourke Bride Mary Hennelly Burke Edwina Parsons Carcerano Margaret Starr Casey Linda Zuffelato Chakar Ann Bergassi Chiodini Patricia Connelly Chirles Nancy Allain Clark Joan Close Janice Conlon Collins Christine Zywiak Conroy Ellen Courtien Anne Peel DeShields Susanna Donnelly Duffy Candace Soukup Fagan Elizabeth Dubois Faricy Barbara Cort Gaerlan Linda Reichman Gilmartin Linda Herriott Gniazdowski Catherine Kelly Goegel Angela Griffiths June Carey Haberbusch M. Andree Byrne Halcott Joanne Kuhl Halscheid Maria Garofalo Hargus Ann Heck Eileen Kelly Henning Margaret Pasquariello Holtman M. Patricia Diesing Hurleigh * Deceased Mary Corcoran Jigarjian Susan Johnson Margaret Russell Keefe Ann Marie Wentworth Kettler Mary Goldsmith Larkin GS ’74 Margaret Mount Lynn Claire Colangelo Manto Nancy Padlon McKinley* Mary Ann Johnston McSparran Kathleen Kilduff Milazzo Mary Jo Dwyer Murnane Carol Murphy Ann Neidhart Maureen Jennings Oster Roberta Glowacki Palmisano Patricia Moore Peirano Mary Jane Perry Kathleen Person Susan Tyrrell Petroccione Patricia Phelan Mary Jo Rocque Pittoni Caroline Fagan Postel Janice Powalski Faith Ritchie Noel Petri Robinson Mary Hayes Rollauer Joanne Smith Romalewski Kathleen Shea Sarosy Mary Studeny GS ’82 Mary Egan Swartz Louise Taylor Doreen Cassidy Thibadeau Margaret Valentine Turano Christine Caprio Vaccarella Aida Badran Wakefield Anne Hannaway Walker Susan Waszkiewicz Melany Carballeira Wuersig Anonymous (2) Kathleen Meyer Curtin Jeanne Harder Fitzgerald GS ’74 Kathleen Mannix Flynn Mary Frey Bennett Christine Dillon Gaynor Marion Bodkin Hansen Ann Foley Hoban Jane Bride Johnson Jane Joyce Patricia Bennett Kahl Mary Ryan LaBelle Margaret Rohn Lazlo Suzanne Hennessy Lipsky Janet Rozumalski Lucas Christina Hoffman Lucey Helene Lutz Shea Lin Januska May Madeleen Scordato McKenna Suzann Messer Mockovak Mary Meyer Margaret Midgley Patricia Mooney GS ’75 Mary Healey Moroney Charlotte Murphy Catherine Novak-Viviano Maryliz Volin O’Brien Mary-Anne Cotterall Partridge GS ’75 Barbara Cassidy Phillips Celine Matula Phillips Rebecca Rhinehart 1970 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 9 ,732 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 27 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 9 ,732 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 27 % Heritage Society Members: 6 Maureen Hanley Abrahamson Marianne Bennett Elizabeth Beves Ellen Longden Breyer Joanna Burke Cheryl Colangelo Martha Heffernan Cordova 53 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Mary Robinson Ridgway Barbara Schmitt Kathy Westelinck Silver Barbara Burke Smith Ruth Ellen Radics St. Clair Rosanne Firlit Sullivan Patricia Tracey Diana Francello Voerge Margaret Wheeler Marian Yarmas Joan Jenkins Zlotkowski 1971 F U N D AG E N T S : Mary Sommer Sandak Miriam Stapleton Moynihan TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 31 , 8 9 9 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 38 % TOTAL AN N UAL F U N D: $21,649 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 37 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Paula Rittenhouse Beales Kathleen Hackett Boccagna Maura McTague Boyle Ann McKeon Brass Patricia Borgognoni Catchpole Mary Cadigan Conroy Marion Purdy Crombie Linda Yando Cunningham Ann Gruendl Decker Donna Demarest A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES Margaret McCormack Urban Ellen Moriarty Walsdorf Brenda Sullivan Wooding Dale Zola 1972 F U N D AG E N T : Rosalie Duffy Crabbe TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 121 , 0 67 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 37 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 32 , 207 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 36 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Mary Ann Zeender Donovan Mary Tracy Gamble Ann Broady Gardiner Michelle Wheeler Gill Patricia Hagan Maryann Daroska Hardwicke Martha Hartmann-Harlan Christine Meany Hauser Anne Power Hayden Marianne Hickey Trudy Triolo Higgins Anne Marie Nichol Hynes Ada Isasi-Diaz Emilie Lowerre Jambois Catherine O’Reilly Jaundrill Jane Grzymski Kahl Joan Moynihan Langlais Mary-Elizabeth Learnard Carriuolo Patricia Gill Leveque Ellen Mannix Lynch Linda Ryan Lynch Maureen Irwin Maguire Anne McGlinchy Merrick * Deceased Denise Sweeney Angelini Frances deGrandpre Baroody Stefanie Beninato Florence Brown GS ’76 Angela O’Loughlin Calabrese Jane Canner Barbara Sweeney Carey GS ’93 Christine Collins Mary Connelly Margaret Coughlin Rosalie Duffy Crabbe Ngaire O’Connell Cuneo Louise Feldhaus Danylevich Kathleen Meek de la Cour Margaret Dodds-Schumacher* Mary L. Dolan, SU Mary Eckert Jo Ann Schilling Fannon Mary Comella Farnsworth Kathleen Murphy George Margaret George Susan Ripp Gordon Dian Marchetti Grandefeld Barbara Grcevic Mary Jane Walsh Hanlon Michele Mazzola Hess Jacqueline Quinones Hughes Linda Kapurch Susan McElduff Kiernan Mary Elizabeth Lacerenza Christine LaSala Christine Piliponis Lenehan Eileen Leonard Lisa Chiulli Leonard Patricia Glocheski Maguire Moira McCue McCabe Frances Katy Connors McCaffrey Patricia Rowe McCarthy Kathleen Scott McGrath Angela Carideo Meyer Mary Jo Herrick-Piretti Miller Donna Martelli Morin Marguerite Byrnes Moynahan Miriam Stapleton Moynihan Margaret Nolan Christine Deegan Noya Loretta Seery Nugent Ellen Bingo O’Malley Jane O’Neill Susan Tierney Oslin Mary Pepe Alison Powers Kathleen Kellet Rechis Joan Kelleher Salinger Mary Lisa Schaad-McNamee Jane May Schonfeld Joanne Fiaschetti Shimko Mary Rycenga Shukie Kathleen Smith Mary Sommer Sandak Judith Casey Stephenson Sheila Hayes Strother Linda O’Leary Titterington Ann McDonald Tyra 54 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Christine Morrison Melanie Moser Eileen Stavinsky Niedzwiecki Francine Nolin-Rogers Catherine Lari Overton Patricia O’Connell Pearson Linda Pescarmona Eleanor Hickey Pomeroy Lesley Quinlan Susan Brown Reitz Elizabeth Riddle Catherine Rollman GS ’76 Mary Serbacki, OSF Kathleen Sheehan Virginia Shuford-Brown Nancy Dignum Solimene Elizabeth Rocque Tennyson Mary Kathrynn Vavasour Penelope White Ventura Susan Grant Walsh Lizabeth Beauregard Weaver Mary Kotsenas Williams Loraine Ciardullo Wolynic Anne Harvey Wright 1973 F U N D AG E N T : Christine Loomie TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : 53 , 175 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 38 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 21 , 26 3 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 38 % Heritage Society Members: 8 Victoria Arango Priscilla Frederick Arnott Anne Serzan Babineau Patricia Bilow Mary Bodensteiner Ann Tenore Carroll Joan Carty Pamela Flaherty Colavecchio Sr. Susan A. Conte, OSU Margaret Lucey Coughlin Theresa Davis Dianne Ramirez Dejesus Virginia Leyden deWolf Lois May Dieter Mary Brown Fee Jacqueline Summers Fraser Kathleen Gallogly-Rheaume Mercedes Williams Granady GS ’74 Patricia Fordham Greedan Denise Grenier A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS Patricia Rogers Huang Patricia Lamb Isgro Patricia Keegan Carol Smith Keough Michelle Kerr Nancy Kloczko Sue Guinn Lauro GS ’91 Louise Lessard Patricia M. Rosenkranz Levins Katherine Lloyd Christine Loomie Barbara Lutz Valerie McEwen Janice McCarthy McGrath Barbara Calandra Moore Denise Deldin Moore GS ’78 Mary Sue Murphy Mary-Louise O’Brien Northgraves Nina Boyd O’Connor Susan Blanchette Oleson Mary Close Oppenheimer Christine Heffernan Page Mary O’Brien Pawloski Betty Ann Power GS ’81 Maryann Renzi Christianne Russo Ricchi Patricia O’Hare Rosen GS ’76 Kathleen O’Neill Schuler Carolyn Murphy Smith Ada Steinmetz-Duffin Raquel Suarez Bonita Damato Takeuchi Diane Thornewell Ruth Ann Tully Eleanor Fyall Turner Margaret Lew Gogol Victors Mary Pat Lawler Vogt 1974 F U N D AG E N T : Mary Ellen Burns TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 11 ,730 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 32 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 11 , 58 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 32 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Patricia DeMayo Andrews Barbara Harmonay Armiento Janet Sarrantonio Blair GS ’77 Jeanne Schilling Boetig Noreen Brady Mary Ellen Burns Elizabeth Trach Capurso Maryanne Carney Karen Sell Cornetz Irene Dabrowski Nancy Dillon Celeste Messina Dominioni Mary Dugan Sharon Gebo Foltz Barbara Loperfido Gavosto Joy Galella Goldowsky Joan Hartmann Donna Balducci Hughes Rosemarie Hurley Alexandra Forgiel Jasinski Geraldine Curtin Jordan Marilyn Erwin Kerns Karen Tesmacher Knipling Anne Schreck La Roche Ann Yu-Li Chiu Lee GS ’76 Mary Alice O’Hare Lee Maura Lockwood Lynda Magrath Mary Beth Martin Mary Christine McGahan Christine Geiger McRedmond Deborah Laurence Milne Stephanie Weston Morris Angela Parker Rachel Pinette Ruth Ann Fitch Quah Annalinda Pandolfi Ragazzo Janice Ramsey Marjorie Rende Janice Toterhi Ritter GS ’81 Bartlene Sages Cynthia Willemain Salvesen Alouise Doern Skehan GS ’80 Katherine Ronan Soohoo Denise Gleason Taylor Suzanne Siegert Williamson Mary Winberry 1975 F U N D AG E N T : Rosa Puleo Napoleone TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 36 , 6 6 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 34 % TOTAL AN N UAL F U N D: $25,365 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 34 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Marie Donahue Anderson Mary Ann Kokoszyna Arlt Maureen Brady Elsa Brett Kathleen Kelley Caldara Maureen Casey Elizabeth Castillo Carol Bodensteiner Corliss Wendy Rome Courtney Jane Lipinski Derasadourian Jane Detweiler Eileen Bertsch Donahue Mary Frances Duffy Robbie Davis Edmonds Linda Fallo-Mitchell Gayle Kingsbury Ferencz Debra Cummiskey Ruel Elizabeth Reynolds Ruggiero Tobi Rochford Salottolo Mary Ann Davila Scotese Kathleen McGrath Scott Lynn Murray Slonaker Rosemary Tiernan Sheila Horgan Titus Marilyn Ginsberg Weisbrot GS ’79 Tawn Arcuri Whittemore Margaret Reese Williamson Geraldine Houlihan Winn Susan La Magna Grasso Nancy Harkins Kathleen Kuroski Helhoski Lorrin Levine Johnson Jacquelene Butler Johnston Rosemary Joyce-Petrovich Marie Karl Catherine Horan Kempthorne Wendy Ilett Keryk Mary-Jo Sweeney Knizeski Catherine Holden Landy GS ’89 Michele Luciano-Carbone Alice Luzzi Veronica Buhl Masterson Christine Marino McKeever MaryAnn Cecarelli Meyer Susan Munroe Milne Rosa Puleo Napoleone Anne-Marie Nolin Jill O’Brien Aida Karabatzakian Pisani Mary Uhrich Pobieglo Esther Schoffelen Rada Elizabeth Radell Rosemary Vavasour Richards Lea Ann Szurek Rosenthal 1976 55 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E F U N D AG E N T : Michele Marotta Jaworski TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 11 , 8 55 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 25 % TOTAL AN N UAL F U N D: $11,810 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 23 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Jacqueline Gura Alferman Marie Rerrie Barrow Margaret Meskill Borchert Mary Fluke Breitlow Barbara DiSalvo Cole Lisa Cribari Beverly Fasick Dalrymple Sylvia Hausvik GS ’80 Anne Dunne Hourihan Barbara Paino Keber Margaret Scully Kennedy Nancy Kotonias Kathleen Cravero Kristoffersson Joan Conti Lonergan Patricia Hunter MacArtney Donna Bowler Mattoon Genellen McGrath Virginia Alcide McKeon Michele McMahon A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES/ SCHOOL OF NURSING Suzanne Sinatro O’Hearn Patricia Grumblatt Pelle Rosalie Giuliani Puskar Martha Reddington Teri Rosen Joanne Guido Schirone GS ’81 Sally Smith Catherine Carino Stube Elizabeth Hebb Sweney JoEllen Vavasour Carol Tirpak Vergara Dorothy Walsh Cynthia Tedesco Hayes Jane Delaney Hellberg JoAnn Krupa Marie Visnauskas Loehmann GS ’81 Patricia Oakley Mathieu Mary McNamara Mary Unrugh Randall Marie Ouchakof Ringquist Mary Mullen Schuellein Maria Sedotti Diane Mancuso Shirzadi Mary Elizabeth Slevin 1977 1978 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 4 , 4 9 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 20 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 4 , 39 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 20 % Heritage Society Members: 0 F U N D AG E N T : E l i z a b e t h Wh a l e n Theresa Agliardo GS ’97 Kathryn Gambino Arntzen Nilda Bayron-Resnick Mary Fitzgerald Best Jean Stevens Brennan Christine Cornely Maria Rose D’Onofrio Sharon Fornaciari Jeanne Rafferty Franz Karen Hahn GS ’79 1979 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 5 , 675 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 20 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 5 , 675 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 20 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Seton Caulfield Ahearn Catherine Bartholomew Sandra Cooney Cappelli Nancy Carey Cassidy Francine Gallello Chattin Terri Ouellette Cohane Sharon Carroll Dabrusco Joyceann Lemley Dupee Lauren Saccomano Ennist Carol Esposito Mary MacPherson Fama Mariann Jablosky Funch Sheryll Grady GS ’80 Nancy Guillet Gravina Anita Malpica Carolina Bolivar Murphy Geraldine Noble-Martocci Elizabeth Donovan Nolan Barbara Reed Papalexis Christine Torelli Pasacrita Leslie Groth Quinn Deborah Coupe Rios Mary Frances Gambino Rotondi Mary Frances Schnorr Louise Molinelli Tayar Kathleen Smith Toner Susannah Violino Megan Anglim Wares Nancy Humphreys Zelem TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 14 , 074 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 27 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 13 , 974 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 27 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Mary Riddle Armiento Lynn Tasco Bertsch Carol Harrison Brady Joanne Harmon Bryant Sandra Camishion Carella Sharon Davis Carter Claudia Trovato Cassone GS ’98 Babette Caraccio Centofanti Jane Morgan Cerone Barbara Argay Conboy Suanne Peterson DeNunzio GS ’80 Bridget Foley Roberta Filippo Frank Anne Monahan Griffiths Barbara Hoffman Diane Spinale Horner Julie Carey Jackson Maureen Shannon Joly Elvira Longordo Theresa Martin Mattina Nancy McCormick Ellen McLean GS ’79 Elisabeth Quirk Orford Nory Picos Patricia Morrissey Repko Clare Piderit Rubin Dorann O’Brien Sheehan Karen Bielling Showell Maria Nicolais Vailonis Kathleen McCloskey Zanger 19 8 0 F U N D AG E N T : Marianne Smith Sullivan TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 9 , 333 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 17 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 9 , 333 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 17 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Rosemary Maniscalco Baczewski SAS Betty Anne Burns Bancroft SN Theresa Behrle-Mohs SAS Annette Masaryk Bonomo SAS GS ’85 Noreen O’Donnell Carroll SAS Mary Ellen Carty SAS Noreen Clarke SN Maureen Connors SAS Anne Grieco Crawford SAS * Deceased 56 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Marybeth Keefe Crone SAS Nancy D’Alessandro SN Linda Serino DeBourbon SAS Nancy Maxwell Girling SAS Theresa Sobieski Hedding SAS Jean DeFeo Herman SN Carol O’Neill Jensen SAS Mary Ann Kaiser SAS Mary Kathleen Madigan SAS Kathleen Carroll Mahoney SN LuAnn Garvey McCormick SN Susan Ball Miles SAS Jo Deanne Groth Mitchell SAS Mary Ringkamp O’Connell SN Keelin O’Sullivan SAS GS ’85 Carol Concorso Padron SAS Margaret Pascale-Veziris SAS Laura Reden SAS Joanne Remy-Maldacker SAS Patricia Walsh Russell SAS Theresa Moylan Samot SN Lucy Elliot Squires SN Marianne Smith Sullivan SAS Nina Anderson Sutton SN Mary Beth Bond Thompson SAS Maureen Turci SAS 19 81 F U N D AG E N T S : M i c h e l l e Wo n g Alexandra Liddy Bourne TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 4 , 4 25 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 24 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 4 , 325 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 24 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Randy Goguen Balano SAS Doreene Berger SAS Alexandra Liddy Bourne SN Regina Brennan-Maresco SAS Taryn Meagher Cannon SN Marilyn Catania-Bello SN Lisa Cesare SAS Mindy Moliterno Chanelli SAS Susan Kohl Child SN Alexandra Clarke Melograno SAS Mary Ellen Colangelo SAS Christina Daly Chatroo SN Mary Anne Borrego Danguillecourt SAS Brenda Fitzpatrick Denneny SN Georgina Ennis SAS GS ’84, ’93 Catherine Falvey SN Danuta Anikin Fein SN A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS Theresa Johnson Gallin SAS Eva Garcia SAS Meg Gardinier Lawder SAS Alice Canner Garnanez SN Suzanne Guillet-Dodge SN Diane D’Isidori Hack SAS Lydia Sakowski Howie SAS Tracey McGlinchey Huttick SN Elayne Woodridge Jackson SAS Diane Johnson Jason SAS Theresa Jones-Francois SAS Elizabeth Feiner LaCasse SAS Cynthia Bucci Lyons SAS GS ’00 Annette Marsella SAS Ann McErlean SAS Joan Lamberti McGrath SAS Allison McMillan-Lee SAS Gabrielie Kerkapoly Miller SAS Olga Torres Murphy SAS Valerie Facey Noel SN Wendy Griffin O’Keefe SAS Gabrielle Woh Pastores SAS Katherine Weber Purtzer SAS Andrea Girardi Rogati SAS Marjorie Schmidt Russo SN Ming Chan Samalot SAS Joan Cleary Valenti SAS Kathleen Ward SAS Margaret Winner SN Mariann LaRocca Zukowski SN 19 8 2 F U N D AG E N T : Margaret Beal Abel TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 4 , 0 6 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 16 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 4 , 0 6 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 16 % Heritage Society Members: 3 Deborah Moore Abner SAS Odalys Alonso SAS Kathleen Moran Amundsen SN Darcy Boyan Bonaviso SN Ellen Brooks-Kelly SAS Karenann Gilbride Carty SAS Anita Stanziale Cohen SN Patricia Ayan DeMarinis SAS Jane Grasso Dennehy SAS Ann Marie Fulvio Fiscella SN Patricia Kelly Gralla SAS Elizabeth Roche Hatcher SAS Annmarie Stenderhoff Hawkins SAS GS ’84 * Deceased Joan Maire SN Gina Carmignani Malin SAS Laura Mistretta-Nelson SAS Ann Marie Johnson Murray SN Stephanie Musso SN Maeve Nolan Hipius SAS Anne Kinney O’Donnell SAS Lisa Riccio SAS Mariya Rivera SAS Barbara Cassidy Rohonczy SAS Martha Hancock Schultz SAS Mary Ellen Mercurio Sennert SN Cindy Shufelt-Boyce SAS Lori Bianchini Sparano SAS Marie Balthazar Sylvestre SAS Mary Donovan Western SN Susan Stansfield Williams SAS Beth Falvey Woodtli SAS GS ’85 Dawn Carroll Worobel SAS Catherine Hyland Zavorskas SAS TOP CL ASSES FOR AN N UAL F U N D 2008 1980-2008 TOP CL ASSES FOR ALL GIVI NG 2008 1980-2008 CO N T R I B U T I O N S BY C L A S S CO N T R I B U T I O N S BY C L A S S Top Ten Classes Top Ten Classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 19 8 3 1983 1980 1998 1981 1982 1986 1987 1984 1988 1999 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 16 , 10 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 16 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 15 , 50 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 16 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Nancy DuPilka Best SAS Lisa Cranwell Bruce SN Theresa Vinci Caracciolo SN Lauralee Briante Chambers SAS GS ’90 Claire Chiappetta SAS Barbara Chirinos-Stewart SAS Eileen Mainzer Church SAS Gwendolyn Schiavone Cristiano SN Evelyn Newman Cucchiara SAS Pat Riccio Czako SAS Jeanne Whelan Demarzo SN Susan Tucker Elcock SAS Suzanne Ellis-Kelly SAS GS ’89 Patricia DeMaras Fitzgibbon SAS Joanne Spinelli Gerardi SAS Renee Hudak SAS Ann Gavigan Huzinec SN Teresa Mahoney Lomonte SN Claire Scesney Lundahl SAS Rachel Gambardello McGonigle SN Mary Kurak Merenda SN Barbara Lawn Nadolny SN Therese FitzMaurice Powderly SAS Janet Kendall Rogers SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1983 1986 1980 1984 1998 1981 1982 1987 1988 1999 PA RT I C I PAT I O N BY C L A S S PA RT I C I PAT I O N BY C L A S S Top Ten Classes Top Ten Classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F U N D AG E N T : Th e r e s e F i t z M a u r i c e Po w d e r l y $15,500 $ 9,333 $ 5,120 $ 4,325 $ 4,060 $ 3,665 $ 3,280 $ 2,982 $ 2,416 $ 1,795 1981 1987 1984 1989 1980 1982 1983 1990 1986 1988 24% 21% 20% 19% 17% 16% 16% 15% 15% 13% Shelly Laub Rubin SAS Elizabeth Donoghue Russell SN Eleanor Fitzpatrick Smollen SN Linda Leong Sutter SAS Mary Szmidt SAS Jayne Connors Travers SAS Elaine Rice Watts SN 19 8 4 F U N D AG E N T S : D i a n e Po l c h l o p e k S a r n a Sharon Regan Masciovecchio TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 8 , 0 07 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 20 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 2 , 9 8 2 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 20 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Sharon Sneider Arnold SN Angela Occhiuto Ballantyne SAS Jacqueline Morin Caffrey SAS Frances Bendernagel Caliendo SAS 57 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1981 1987 1984 1989 1980 1982 1983 1990 1986 1988 $ 16,100 $ 13,665 $ 9,333 $ 8,007 $ 5,270 $ 4,425 $ 4,060 $ 3,380 $ 2,416 $ 1,795 24% 22% 20% 19% 17% 16% 16% 15% 15% 13% Joan McMahon Clifford SN Doreen Davis SN Susan De Alejos SAS Catherine Collins Donohoe SN Carolyn Beaulieu Dunn SAS Anne Marie Dunne-Chernik SN Laura Martelle Gucwa SAS Betsy Lofink Harrington SAS Elizabeth Horgan SN Carol Priore Houseknedht SAS Grace Otto Kurak SN Jean Covell Leyton SAS Mary Magee SN Bonnie Kerner Markunas SAS Nancy Walsh McCormack SN Barbara O’Hara McNamara SAS Patrice Ahern Miloslau SN Catherine Morris SN Kathleen Fitzgerald Murphy SN Regina Clegg Pineiro SAS A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES/ SCHOOL OF NURSING Mary Ryan Garcia SAS Eileen Strittmatter Senor SAS Barbara Gillman Shannon SN Ruzha Krasnici Skoblar SN Elizabeth Brown Stento SAS Eileen Turner Warner SAS Dawn Wile SAS Elaine Yusko SN 19 8 5 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 24 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 8 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 24 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 8 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Silvana Bajana SAS Angela Burke SN Deborah Giandana Chalifoux SAS Maureen Glynn Crowley SAS Anne Dennis-Tapia SAS Patricia Knudsen SAS Katrina Hayward Kummer SAS Joanne Palisi McEniry SAS Susan Lane McLaughlin SAS Christine Wright Rafferty SAS Elaine Peters Schultheiss SN Marguerita Sneddon SAS Genene Sullivan SAS Maria Torres SN Donna VanAlst SAS 19 8 6 F U N D AG E N T S : Nancy Colihan Edwards L i s a B e s s e g h i n i - Wi n j u m TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 13 , 6 6 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 15 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 3 , 6 6 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 15 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Candice Castro SN Jacqueline Corcoran SAS Sarah Davila SAS Michelle DeBeauvernet SN Meredith Molloy Englebert SAS GS ’91 Ellen Clifford Flatley SN Cheryl Boyer Foelker SN Ann Marie Gallacher Foley SN Mary Frances Zankl Grasso SAS Patricia Crichton Harris SAS Amy Bush Highsmith SAS Teresa Feil Hoppe SAS GS ’89 Grace Jackson SAS Maria Gross Liedlich SAS Maureen Mahoney-Josiah SAS Christine Englot Mash SAS Elizabeth Martocci McMahon SAS Jeanne Marie Combs Moore SAS Regina Nardone SN Karen Walsh Prior SN Gina D’Aprile Riberi SAS Mary K O’Brien Siciliano SAS Ellen Rafferty Sorge SAS Margaret Stapleton SN Deborah Swanson-Guth SAS Sophia Vazac SAS Jane Stephens Weckesser SN The Class of 1983 celebrated their 25th Reunion. 19 87 19 8 8 F U N D AG E N T : H o l l y I n g e l f i n g e r L o p ez TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 2 , 416 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 13 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 2 , 416 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 13 % TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 3 , 38 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 22 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 3 , 28 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 21% Heritage Society Members: 3 Heritage Society Members: 0 Ann Conroy Burger SN Lois Carnochan SN Mary Jo Daly SAS Holly McMahon Frankel SN Deborah Michalec Frantzen SN Alison Frede SAS April-Anne Gavin SAS Margaline Lazarre SN Pamela Gorman Mannion SAS Theresa McEvoy-Colgan SN Juliana Kelley Mclaughlin SAS Julie Siard McMahon SN Rosemary Merino SAS Mara Blackwell Mooney SAS Eileen Short Quigley SAS GS ’03 Kathleen Reilly SN Sheila Toner SAS Erin White SN Kathryn Kerrigan A’Hearn SN Pamela Panizzut Belmonte SAS Margaret Lukens Byrne SN GS ’03 Amy Coupe SAS Stephanie Carle Davies SAS Margaret McGrath DiScipio SAS Pauline Liquori Festa SAS Brigidanne Flynn SAS Yvette Greenland SAS Kelly Shannon Hearle SAS Holly Ingelfinger-Lopez SN Suann Ingle SAS Susan Kimmel SN Christine Skelly Lynskey SAS Susan Lynskey SAS Una Hinchcliffe McHugh SAS Margaret Reilly Murtagh SN Laura Dooley Perry SAS Maryann Damiani Petix SN Maureen Patton Phillips SAS Lisa Sparling SAS Regina Collins Thomson SN Susan Trooien Ferguson SAS Diana Weaver Pedalino SAS 19 8 9 F U N D AG E N T : Ta r a A m b e r y Pa t t e r s o n TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 6 87 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 19 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 4 87 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 19 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Leonilda Iaconangelo Bara SAS Marianne Brady SN Helen Funck Bueti SN Lenore Boytim Carpinelli SAS * Deceased 58 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Mary Cawley SAS Jane McKeon Dalton SAS Rhonda Figueira SN Kimberly Hunter Lemite SAS Eileen Sutton Malin SAS Jane Wiedenhoft McGrath SAS GS ’93 Mary Mendes SN Debra Hayes Murphy SN Carolyn Simmonds Nenart SAS Cristina Oliveira SAS Pamela Bodine Pargen SAS Tara Ambery Patterson SAS Margaret Ribaudo SN Valerie Sopher SN Lisa Vesperman Still SAS Christine Lloyd Trezza SAS Robin Zaleski SAS 19 9 0 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 39 2 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 15 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 34 2 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 15 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Regina Ambery Beechert SAS Victoria Cassara SAS Ana Maria Fontoura SAS Kathleen Hart SAS Teresa Howard SN Raina Josberger SAS Eileen Byrne Kennedy SN Barbara Kullmann SN Rosemarie Lifrieri SN Margaret Loughran SN Meghan Mastellon Mahon SAS Bridget Mercaldi SN A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS Rubaba Mirza-Cannon SAS Catherine Abate Palumbo SAS Linda Smith SAS Elaine Tolley-Andrews SAS Daphne Weston SN 19 9 2 19 91 Marilyn Bell SN Melinda Cade Brockwell SN Deborah Correnti SN Antoinette Cantone Denning SAS GS ’96 Carole Derkach SN Maureen Innes SN Jennie Jaklitsch SAS Michelle Malcolm SN Claudia Perry SAS Lucille Legrand Smith SN F U N D AG E N T : N a n c y Pa n i a g u a TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 0 59 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 11% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 019 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 11% Heritage Society Members: 2 Claire McPartland Abenante SN Diane Aponte-Durando SAS Christina Blay SAS GS ’03 Hyacinth Charles SN Lorraine Clark-Reed SN Amy McCann Keary SN Monique Laborde SAS Amy Esslinger Litman SAS Mary MacBlane SN Karen Olney Maidenbaum SAS Eileen Songer McCarthy SAS Virginia McMath SN Jody Ouellette SAS Elizabeth Conner Varker SN Viola White SN Herminia McKernan SAS GS ’98 Letitia Rouse SN Suzanne McGauley Vide SN Verona Whipple SN TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 74 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 10 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 74 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 10 % Heritage Society Members: 1 19 9 4 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 50 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 4 8 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % 19 97 F U N D AG E N T : Pa m e l a M a n t a l v a n o s TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 26 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 0 0 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Danielle Devine SAS Jackie DeCarvalho Jahosky SAS Yvonne Mason SN Elaine Podszus SN Elizabeth Videtto Viola SAS Cynthia Wade SN Patricia Wheeler SN Megan Burt SN Marcie Cobelli SN Amy Collado SN Erin Gorman SAS GS ’99 Marlyn Laforest Lestage SN Sarah Mendez SN Marianne Milzoff SN Teresa Okolo SN Grace Onovo SN GS ’02 Candice Greenidge Ward SAS 19 9 5 19 9 8 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 4 4 9 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 4 4 9 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 6 % F U N D AG E N T : Heidi Muhleman Heritage Society Members: 1 19 9 3 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 610 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 9 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 610 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 9 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Heritage Society Members: 0 Carole Boucher SN Eileen Buckley SN Yvette Carp SN Elizabeth Cowan SN Noreen Mastellon Immel SAS Deborah Digilio Maggiacomo SAS Linnette Markland SN Elorene Marshall SN Erin Devaney Baker SAS GS ’00, ’05 Mary Ellen Beitel SN Ernestine Denegall SN Amy Hagerty SAS Mary McKenna-Murray SN Colette Prophete SAS Janet Rella SN Hope Richards SN Linnette Swann SAS 19 9 6 F U N D AG E N T : J o a n n a Ti e r n e y C u s a c k TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 235 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 235 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Heather Ashfield SN Brenda Kibler Aversano SAS Jennifer Gauthier SAS Catherine Graham SN Rosemarie Gustafson SN Debra Miller-Saultz SN Dina Mule SAS Tracee Borrelli Panzarella SN TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 5 , 270 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 11% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 5 , 120 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 11% Heritage Society Members: 0 Kelley Allen SAS Patricia Bennett SN Joan Beran-Morris SN Marie Derenzis SN Rebecca Eller SAS Aileen Ferrick SN Juanita Fryar SN Jacqueline Josephs-Haughton SN Gail Kozlowski SN Barbara Krajewski SN Eileen Lawne SN JoEllen Revell Mellone SAS Annette Miller SN Heidi Muhleman SAS Tara O’Neill-Brant SAS 19 9 9 F U N D AG E N T : R y a n Wr i g h t TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 1 ,79 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 8 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 ,79 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 8 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Sandra Aufiero SN Linda Barclay-Dey SN Jenna Sunderland Barresi SAS 59 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES/ SCHOOL OF NURSING Lucille C. Bridgewater SN Gloria Bull SN Kulsoom Butt SAS Alice Davis SN Russell Hullstrung SN Eileen Kravitz SN Cathy Lane SN Tara Pasciucco SAS Michelle Swaby SAS Nicole Totans SAS Roney Vaniyapurakal SN Shanika Victor SAS 20 0 0 F U N D AG E N T S : D i a n a Va l d e s Griselda Kim TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 1 , 30 4 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 9 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 , 30 4 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 9 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Millissa E. Bess SN Tanya Dell SN Agata Drzewicki SN Andrea Hindmarsh Fagon SAS Candra Harris SAS Ute Schneider Hickman SAS Jennifer Liuzza SAS Mirjana Celic Marte SAS GS ’05 Jaclyn Martinez SAS Catherine N. Nettey-Tamakloe SAS Gloria Romero SAS Zainabu Sesay-Harrell SN Ram Sethi SN Angela Valitutto SAS GS ’04 Suzette Walker-Vega SAS Alexa Willingham-Sorden SAS 20 01 F U N D AG E N T : M a r i a n n e We s t o n TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 550 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 8 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 525 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 8 % Peter Jaskow SN Mary Job SAS Mariete Koottappillil SN Ruth Micari SN Hafeeza Rahman SN Rebecca Teetsel SAS Patricia Griffin Thakkar SN Veronica P. Thomas SN 20 0 6 20 0 4 F U N D AG E N T : Kadi Conteh TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 470 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 5 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 470 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 5 % F U N D AG E N T : Dawn Bridges TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 14 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 3 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 120 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 3 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Tara Alfano SAS GS ’05 Beverley Henry SN Julie Rivera SN Rebecca Rosario-Dure SN Mini Thannical SN Karen Wright SN Marie Faulknor SN Betty Ikwild-Cherico SN Nina Irizarry SN Marcia Martin-Toussaint SN Tamara Matheson SN Merna Newell SN Alfredo Perez SN Surena Simpson SAS Gail Wilson SN Erin Yarrobino SAS 20 0 5 20 07 F U N D AG E N T : Ti a r a S i m m o n s TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 250 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 2 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 250 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 2 % TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 1 ,774 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 7 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 1 ,774 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 7 % 20 0 3 F U N D AG E N T : Ay a n a M i t c h e l l Heritage Society Members: 0 Gloria Akainda SN Crystal Aladeselu SAS Regina Asante SN Cynthia Brown Funches SN Samantha Young Dube SAS Cecilia Frampton SN Francine Gillian SN Veronica Goyburu SAS Chris Hanson SN Catherine Jeffrey SN Lauren A. Malzone SAS Peter Oni SN Sarah Owusu-Ansah SN Allyssandra Pane-Berrios SAS Veronica Ruffin-Ellis SN Jennifer Smith SAS Sovannary Tan SN Rosa Vargas SN TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 9 28 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 7 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 9 28 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 7 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Tiffani Blake SAS Yvonne Boothe SN Marcia Butler-Hurlington SN Erin Churchill SAS GS ’05 Helen Collins-Caffrey SAS Malka Gross SN Yvonne Hodge SN Joyce Intervallo SAS Jennifer Crowhurst Lakin SAS Carolyn McLean SN Susamma Thomas SN Karen Velardi SN Heritage Society Members: 0 Ann Anderson SN Henrietta Boamah-Ashitey SAS Natalie Cunningham SN Nisha Feliz SAS Carmen McCallum SAS Diana Rodriguez SAS Jamie Schwarzfeld SN Sonila Sema SN Kathryn Tyranski SAS Kelly Wheeler SN Clementina Wimpel SN Nancy Zephirin SN Heritage Society Members: 0 20 0 2 TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 30 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 8 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 30 0 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 8 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Roxana Argintescu SAS Irena Astriab SN Ilana Benet SN Amanda Cartagena SAS Tenaya Carter SN Maria Alovera DeBellis SN Orlean Dixon SN 60 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Heritage Society Members: 0 Roxanne Conteh-Hurtado SAS Ntumba Mukena SN Maureen O’Neill SN Seema Sebastian SN Shantia White SN 20 0 8 F U N D AG E N T : Sandy Cayo SN Va l e r i e S i r a n i S N TOTA L 20 0 8 G I V I N G : $ 36 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 5 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 36 5 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 5 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Maria Aguayo SAS Varda Barthelemy SN Gabrielle Carrasquillo SN Sandy Cayo SN Ruth Collura SN Tina Duncan SN Maria Favale SAS Dilia Garcia SN Raymond Herbst SN Blanca Paccha SAS Shila Pandey SN Daniela Pinori SN Valerie Sirani SN Krystal Yazzetti SN A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS GRADUATE SCHOOL We are grateful to the 437 alumnae/i donors from the Graduate School who partnered with the College by supporting the Annual Fund. Thank you! Rita Aber ’88 Theresa Agliardo SAS ’77 GS ’97 Elsie Alexander ’74 Tara Alfano SAS ’02 GS ’05 Nancy Burke Allard ’02 Ellen Alleyne ’03 Kathryn Almquist ’85 Nadine Alperin ’90 Michelle Altilio ’95 Mark Anderson ’88 Janet Angelillo ’75 Jean Anthony ’91 Patricia Astwood ’85 Marie Attinello ’85 Peggy Austin ’83 Guadalupe Avila SNR ’95 GS ’06 Ida Ayres ’72 Peggy Badran SNR ’95 GS ’00 Claudia Castro Baez ’01 Eileen Bagge ’91 Erin Devaney Baker SAS ’95 GS ’00 Judith O’Hara Balfe SNR ’89 GS ’91, ’97 Harriet Barnett ’75 Marie Dunn Bartnett SAS ’50 GS ’73 Mary Gallagher Battersby SAS ’58 GS ’75 Julie Bauer ’90 Thelma Bauer ’91 Susan Bauman ’86 Sue Bays ’76 Victoria Bea ’88 Maryann Becraft ’94 Alma Beer ’74 Leslie Bellsey ’89 Doris Benjamin SNR ’75 GS ’79 Falandria Bennett ’04 Margaret Bennett ’84 Jill Berkowicz ’95 Theresa Kanelhar Berkowitz ’77 Kristin Berman ’95 Linda Bern ’77 Ramona Berry-Ingram ’89 Beverly Bierman ’85 Falandria Bennett ’04 Daphne Bispham SNR ’74 GS ’79 Ann Black SAS ’55 GS ’90 Kari Black ’04 Elaine Donovan Blair SAS ’64 GS ’92 Janet Sarrantonio Blair SAS ’74 GS ’77 Trudee Blank ’83 John Blaser ’04 Mary Blassingame ’89 Carolyn Blatt ’86 Christina Blay SAS ’91 GS ’03 Keria Blue ’04 Phyllis Bocian ’84 Annette Masaryk Bonomo SAS ’80 GS ’85 Linda Botton ’75 Nancy Boynton ’94 Claire Bradner ’88 Mary Bradshaw ’03 Rory Brady ’06 Kathleen Bright ’90 Peggy Richardot Brizzolara ’84 Regina Broten ’95 Carolyn Brown SNR ’96 GS ’00 Florence Brown SAS ’72 GS ’76 Ernestine Bryant ’78 Alexey Bulokhov ’06 Elizabeth Buonamici ’04 Joan Burbage, SC ’96 Mark Burigo ’78 Deborah Burnett ’06 Theresa Butler ’91 Christine Byram ’81 Lisa Byrd-Watkins ’00 Margaret Lukens Byrne SN ’87 GS ’03 Ann Canniff ’94 Diane Capasso SNR ’83 GS ’01 Joan Caputo ’74 Bernadette Deierlein Ricco Carbone ’88 June Cardinali ’76 Barbara Sweeney Carey SAS ’72 GS ’93 Suzanne Carpiniello ’83 Jose Carrion ’00 Kevin Carroll ’94 Anne Casamassa ’73 Nancy Casey ’89 Margaret Cashman ’89 Claudia Trovato Cassone SAS ’78 GS ’98 Carolann Castellano ’78 Nancy Castelli ’97 Wanda Castner ’76 JoAnne Catalanotte-Braem SNR ’84 GS ’90 Carolinda Cavalluzzo ’79 Helen Cedeno-Bores ’06 Lauralee Briante Chambers SAS ’83 GS ’90 Audrey Chatzky ’77 Linda Christiansen ’83 Erin Churchill SAS ’03 GS ’05 Linda Cimillo ’74 Jessica Cioffoletti ’02 Mary Cleary SNR ’73 GS ’77 Ingrid Climis ’82 Barbara Cohen ’77 Elizabeth Cohen ’88 Linda Collins ’76 Christina Colucci ’01 Eileen Connelly ’91 Roseclare Coombs SNR ’99 GS ’06 Jacqueline Cooperman ’91 Elisa Correa-Soto ’01 Patricia Cox ’94 Susan Coyne ’73 Cheryl Croce ’88 Harold Crocker ’78 Sarah Cromer ’75 Sarah Vincent Crum SNR ’81 GS ’89 Debra Cunningham-Ahlfeld ’87 Denise D’Andrea ’80 Mary Jo Dalbey ’79 Suzanne Daly ’89 William Damato ’99 Leslie Davies ’86 Natalie Davy ’05 Patricia De Meo SNR ’85 GS ’89 Janice De Nave ’81 Lucia De Rosa ’94 Irma Coppeletti Dean SNR ’93 GS ’95 Karen Dejesus ’06 Evelyn Del Valle ’06 Carol DelGrosso ’77 Antoinette Cantone Denning SAS ’92 GS ’96 Suanne Peterson DeNunzio SAS ’78 GS ’80 Joanne Depinto SNR ’98 GS ’02 Dana Deravin-Carr ’86 Eileen Diano ’87 Kimberly Diggs ’98 Maureen DiLello ’76 Fortunata Lardo DiMarco ’99 Gilda DiMarco SNR ’75 GS ’79 Anne Dinan ’79 Mary Beth Dinoto ’79 Irma DiPaolo ’80 Erin Dohn ’80 Lynne Dolle ’93 Denise Domato-Borducci ’01 Lucille Domini ’75 Maryellen Doremus ’96 Virginia Downer SAS ’67 GS ’76 61 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Cynthia Doyle ’80 Nancy Doyle ’76 Dawn Drace ’06 Elizabeth Duque ’00 Michele Dzwonek ’02 Sandra Edmonds SNR ’89 GS ’93 Sylvia Egal ’01 Bella Ehrenpreis ’73 Suzanne Ellis-Kelly SAS ’83 GS ’89 John Engels SNR ’93 GS ’96 Maria Engemann ’74 Meredith Englebert SAS ’86 GS ’91 Brenda Engler ’94 Georgina Ennis SAS ’81 GS ’84, ’93 Virginia Falcone ’04 Arlene Falk ’85 Carol Fata ’79 Beverly Feder ’84 Christina Feliciano ’89 Janette Fenton ’94 Marcie Ferder ’01 Mary Fergus ’89 Cheryl Ferrara ’02 Lorraine Ferrara ’81 Marlene Filewich ’87 June Fink ’73 Cassandra Fiore ’79 Jeanne Harder Fitzgerald SAS ’70 GS ’74 Mary-Alice Fitzgerald SAS ’61 GS ’80 Rita Bundschuh Fitzpatrick SAS ’66 GS ’85 Catherine Fleming ’75 Susan Flower ’80 Susan Foster ’78 Valerie Foster ’99 Lois Franco ’79 Charlotte Frede SNR ’80 GS ’91 Francine Friscia ’78 Judith Fucci ’84 Martha Furlong SAS ’65 GS ’76 Patricia Furman SNR ’82 GS ’84 Blondena Furtick ’84 Adrienne Garnett ’84 Carol Gaskill ’78 Felicia Geraldi ’78 Jane Giard ’96 Kathleen Gil-Zuzulo ’87 Marella Gilchrist ’91 Alzina Gilmore ’04 Marjorie Gold ’93 Rona Goldberger-Hecker ’84 A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS GRADUATE SCHOOL Susan Goodman ’84 Erin Gorman SAS ’97 GS ’99 Ethel Gorman SNR ’85 GS ’89 Sheryll Grady SAS ’79 GS ’80 Barbara Graham ’00 Kelly Graham ’02 Mercedes Williams Granady SAS ’73 GS ’74 Annie Grant ’77 Marie Grassi ’80 Libby Grasso ’72 Denise Gray ’04 Molly Greece ’02 Lorraine Greene-Elshot ’92 Ronnie Greenfield ’73 Andrea Grumbine ’00 Jeannine Guido ’06 Susan Hackel ’97 Mary Hagerty ’79 Karen Hahn SAS ’77 GS ’79 Robert Hanley ’91 Roberta Petitmaire Harnisch ’74 Louise Harootunian ’73 Adrienne Harris ’89 Agnes Gennatasio Harris SAS ’62 GS ’79 Mary Harter ’03 Ann Marie Hartigan ’88 Clement Hastie ’89 Barbara Hatcher ’88 Ellen Hauben ’92 Sylvia Hausvik SAS ’76 GS ’80 Annmarie Stenderhoff Hawkins SAS ’82 GS ’84 Mary Hogan Hearle SAS ’56 GS ’87 Ellen Hebard SNR ’94 GS ’99 Laura Heiss ’81 Deborah Hellman ’74 Jill Olan Hickey ’77 Rana Hobson ’00 Mary Ball Hofstetter SAS ’63 GS ’81 Norma Holzer ’84 Teresa Feil Hoppe SAS ’86 GS ’89 Andrea Horowitz ’02 Miriam Horowitz ’83 Janet Hotchkiss ’88 Douglas Houghton ’84 Alana Howell SNR ’87 GS ’99 Marie Huffman SNR ’78 GS ’83 S. Stephanie Peterman Iachetta SAS ’59 GS ’94 * Deceased Connie Ward Iervolino ’88 Mimi Ivy ’87 Joan Jacobson ’85 Sandra Jeanette ’89 Geraldine Johnson ’94 Grace Johnson ’75 Charlie Jones SNR ’81 GS ’89 Renee Jones ’75 Judith Joynt ’86 Joyce Kanyuk ’78 Olivia Kaufman ’88 Regina F. Kehoe, OSU SAS ’56 GS ’85 Diane Keller ’94 Jeanne Kennedy ’76 Joyce Kent ’89 Marlene Kern SNR ’77 GS ’84 Gail Kestenbaum ’92 Ruth Kirk ’84 Rita Klachkin ’99 Linda Klein ’05 Michael Kollmer ’03 Fern Kossak ’89 Maryann Koutsis ’80 Jane Kowaleski ’96 Claire Kubasik ’75 Pamala Kuch SNR ’99 GS ’02 Walter Kumpf ’84 Colleen La Bianco ’84 Richard Lahey ’84 Judith Lambertson ’82 Catherine Holden Landy SAS ’75 GS ’89 Nancy Landy ’89 Nieli Langer ’85 Joan Connolly Laporte SAS ’48 GS ’87 Kim Lapple ’01 Mary Goldsmith Larkin SAS ’69 GS ’74 Sue Guinn Lauro SAS ’73 GS ’91 Grace Lawton ’79 Juliana Leach ’91 Ann Yu-Li Chiu Lee SAS ’74 GS ’76 Arlene Leitner ’88 Carole Lempert ’77 Helene Lennon ’79 Katherine Ward Leonard SAS ’68 GS ’73 Steven Leunig ’88 Caryn Levison ’76 Barbara Lewin ’79 Daphne Lewis ’01 Ruth Lichter ’91 Antoinette Lightbourn ’04 Maria Lipschutz ’02 Frances Litvin ’83 Marie Visnauskas Loehmann SAS ’77 GS ’81 Leonora Loney ’03 Mariana Lopez de Sharff ’87 Elaine Ludwig ’73 Maureen Lynch ’87 Cynthia Bucci Lyons SAS ’81 GS ’00 Josephine Machera ’72 Marie Mackey ’78 Barbara Madias ’90 Alma Maffucci SNR ’82 GS ’84 Anne Magee ’79 Ms. Pamela Magelowitz ’94 Margaret Mahoney ’77 Loretta Malaspina ’73 Cheryl Malcolm-Borrelli ’76 Nancy Mangialardi ’03 Barbara Marchewka ’78 Katherine McHugh Maria SAS ’58 GS ’72 Mary Marquis ’75 Maria Marrero SNR ’93 GS ’95 Robin Jordan Marshall ’05 Mirjana Celic Marte SAS ’00 GS ’05 Astrid Martin SNR ’81 GS ’87 Rhonda Martinez ’06 Marilyn Masiero ’90 Carol Masone ’94 Mary Lou Matteau ’77 Marie Mays-Gee ’75 Mary McAllister ’00 Ronnie McCants ’97 Liane McCarthy ’89 Mynetta McCutcheon SNR ’05 GS ’08 62 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Patrice McDermott ’06 Catherine McElroy SNR ’92 GS ’94 Jane McGee ’77 Jane Wiedenhoft McGrath SAS ’89 GS ’93 Mary McInerney ’00 Herminia McKernan SAS ’93 GS ’98 Kathleen McKnight ’96 Ellen McLean SAS ’78 GS ’79 Vincent McPartlan ’81 Stephanie Mecca ’95 Dale Meier ’81 Catherine Mendrzycki SNR ’80 GS ’85 Frances Miceli SNR ’81 GS ’84 Jane Mickatavage ’86 Gregory Middleton ’01 Spiro Milas ’06 Arlene Miller ’82 Dorothy Miller ’80 Barbara Milon ’78 Ronald Mineo ’94 RoseAnn Minnerly SNR ’90 GS ’93 Deborah Mizrahi ’80 Joanne Mohan ’88 Patricia Mooney SAS ’70 GS ’75 Denise Deldin Moore SAS ’73 GS ’78 Dorothy Moore ’87 Mary Moran SAS ’65 GS ’82 Christiane Smith Morejon SNR ’02 GS ’04 Susan Morgenstern ’81 Kathleen Muentener SNR ’92 GS ’96 Constance Mullen ’02 Eileen Mullery ’76 A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS Maryellen Mullin-Yonkers ’90 A. Marylin Brarman Murphy SAS ’58 GS ’77 Cordia Murphy ’06 Mark Murphy ’79 Miriam Murray ’83 Shirley Murray-Govia ’85 Anne Myers ’80 John Naclerio ’72 Joan Napoli ’82 Angela Nardone ’88 Nora Naughton SNR ’01 GS ’03 Philip Navarrete ’77 Arthur Nechamkin ’99 Elise Nichols-Powell ’77 Soledad Nieves ’01 Sylvia Nissen ’84 Susan Nolan ’95 Anne Nozzolio ’80 Joanne O’Beirne ’82 Monica O’Brien ’82 Susan O’Brien ’85 Irma O’Connor ’00 Christine O’Rourke ’00 Suzanne O’Rourke ’87 Keelin O’Sullivan SAS ’80 GS ’95 Lois Olden ’80 Grace Onovo SN ’97 GS ’02 Ledora Orvieto ’84 Rita Padden ’95 Susan Palmer ’74 Claudia Papazian - Moravec ’91 Mary-Anne Cotterall Partridge SAS ’70 GS ’75 James Pasternak ’91 Fred Peck ’93 Anne Dennison Pelak SNR ’90 GS ’96 Gail Perkin ’92 Gail Perlow ’77 Barbara Campagna Pettersen ’76 Joycelyn Phipps ’06 Florence Pietrafesa ’86 Aleksandra Pietrusiewicz ’00 Caroline Pisani ’81 Sheila Pite ’87 Ellen Pitrelli ’97 Kathryn Playford ’06 Roberta Plotycia ’04 Adriana Podesta ’99 Lori Ann Polidoro ’95 Ellen Porcaro ’02 Rosann Porcellini ’79 Betty Ann Power SAS ’73 GS ’81 Sandra Priest Rose ’77 Judith Morin Prisco SAS ’68 GS ’72 Eileen Short Quigley SAS ’88 GS ’03 Marie-Helene Raho ’77 Renuka Rajani ’07 Sylvia Ramos-Gonzalez ’88 Anastasia Raptis SNR ’83 GS ’86 Jeanne Reilly ’86 Anne Walsh Rhodes SNR ’75 GS ’82 Theresa Riccio SAS ’60 GS ’75 Maria Riccobono ’73 Tara Richards ’06 Patricia Richardson ’77 Carole Risi ’93 Janice Toterhi Ritter SAS ’74 GS ’81 Dorothy Robertson SNR ’79 GS ’87 Marie Rofhok SNR ’84 GS ’87 Catherine Rollman SAS ’72 GS ’76 Annemarie Romagnoli ’76 Camille Gervino Romita SNR ’75 GS ’88 Jane Cohen Rose ’78 Patricia O’Hare Rosen SAS ’73 GS ’76 Dorene Ross ’79 Marie Porco Rossi SAS ’60 GS ’71 Judith Roya SNR ’87 GS ’89 Wayne Rubin ’89 Virginia Lang Ruder ’01 Augustine Russo ’74 Phyllis Ruto ’78 Angela Saavedra SNR ’80 GS ’82 Gloria Saed ’80 Nerissa Salvador ’01 Marta Carneiro Sandoval ’05 Emily Limmer Sanmarco ’01 Adair Santoro ’86 Pablo Sanz ’00 Marie Saunders ’82 Sharon Sawler ’84 Kenneth Schaaf ’81 Monica Schaefer ’81 Joanne Guido Schirone SAS ’76 GS ’81 Barbara Schmitt ’75 Sidonie Schneider ’04 Linda Schuch ’85 Carol Lynn Schulman ’91 Anne Schultz ’85 Nicole Schwarz ’06 Rosemarie Scutero ’75 Linda Seekatz ’74 Stephanie Senulis ’97 Regina Setikas ’76 Phyllis Shankman ’82 Howard Shapiro ’03 Patricia Sheeran ’77 Margaret Sheridan ’88 Karen Sherman ’87 Susan Shoulet ’82 Lee Anne Siegfried ’90 Gloria Simmons ’85 Sylvia Simon ’79 Esta Sinclair SNR ’81 GS ’87 John Singleton ’02 Paul Siragusa ’80 Alouise Doern Skehan SAS ’74 GS ’80 Kathleen Smith ’83 Virginia Smith ’78 Yvonne Smith SNR ’90 GS ’97 Jane Snerson ’76 Peter Soans ’79 Carol Solanto ’88 Gilbert Spears ’90 Maureen Spinozza ’95 Katherine Stanley ’77 Carol Stark ’77 Nancy Steng ’72 Laverne Stevens ’96 Merrill Stone ’04 Lorraine Stratis ’84 Patricia Straus ’73 Jane Strobel ’82 Jeanmarie Strobel-Ward ’91 Mary Studeny SAS ’69 GS ’82 Katherine Studwell ’82 Karen Sturzenbecker ’90 Barbara Sullivan ’80 Claudia Sullivan ’97 Anita Sutton ’84 Cecile Swallow ’81 Phyllis Tarlow ’79 Denise Taylor ’81 Diana Taylor ’75 Patricia Smith-Freeman Terry ’88 Marguerite Testa ’75 Suzanne Tether ’99 Nancy Thevenet ’80 Beverly Thomas ’85 Maria Thomas ’02 Patricia Thomas ’75 Janet Thompson ’89 Jaime Timm ’04 Ann Timmons ’86 Enid Topchik ’88 63 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Christine Tozzo ’78 Margaret Trahar ’83 Theresa Travalino ’75 Elizabeth Tremberger ’95 Helen Turley ’74 Frances Turro ’78 Donna Tyler SNR ’89 GS ’93 Susan Ugliarolo ’96 Lawrence Urban ’78 Eileen Vail ’86 Angela Valitutto SAS ’00 GS ’04 Teresa Van Slyck ’82 Ethel Vapner ’02 Claudine Vasquez ’00 Theresa Vaughan-Gregg ’85 Helen Verdicchio ’76 Joan Virgin SNR ’76 GS ’77 Mary Ann Vlymen ’83 Rose Marie Bizzoco Volpe SAS ’56 GS ’80 Anne Traynor Vonick SAS ’49 GS ’84 Dorothy Wade ’84 Carolyn Walsh SNR ’82 GS ’85 Patricia Walsh ’78 Betsy Weiner ’78 Marilyn Ginsberg Weisbrot SAS ’75 GS ’79 Ellen Wentworth ’85 Janice Wernock ’97 Joan Wezel ’83 Lisa Whelan ’87 Silvia White ’81 Martie Wielgus-Negri ’04 Lisa Wigutow ’86 Bonny Willett ’92 Annie Williams ’77 Ann Willis ’91 Jennie Wirth ’88 Ruth Wolff ’97 Audrey Woods SNR ’96 GS ’05 Beth Falvey Woodtli SAS ’82 GS ’85 Rose Wyda ’85 Grace Young ’77 Hope Young ’89 Penelope Young ’94 Patricia Zahniser ’75 Paul Zapatka ’97 Mary Zini ’89 Dana Pierce Zottoli ’00 Barbara Zucrow ’89 Peggy Zugibe ’78 A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS SCHOOL OF NEW RESOURCES The College is most grateful to the 655 donors to the Annual Fund who are graduates of the School of New Resources. We thank you for partnering with CNR through your new and renewed gifts to the Annual Fund. We welcome the most recent graduates of SNR Class of 2008 who gave to the College while still students! B R O O K LY N C A M P U S Walter Barnes ’98 Janet Baron-Bowen ’99 Fay Bennett-Lord ’00 Clara Blue ’00 Ulyth Boodoo ’99 Hattie Braddy ’95 Natasha Brathwaite ’06 Carolyn Bynoe ’06 Everlena Callaham ’06 Everett Callender ’93 Leon Crooks ’98 Minnie Dash ’05 Hortense Davis ’89 Shavonn Dubois ’07 Sophia DuRall ’04 Diane Fosten Esnard ’97 Roslyn Footman ’99 Sheila Forbes ’96 Barbara Fritz-Washington ’87 Charles Gilchrist ’04 Maxine Gordon ’03 Nivita Grant-Brooks ’08 Tierney Grate ’06 Gail Greene ’05 Geraldine Hailey ’93 Loretta Hall ’99 Edele Harding-David ’05 Felecia Harris-King ’08 Belinda Hill ’05 Ida Hinton ’94 Ruth Hippolyte ’05 Monica Holvey ’90 Carol Humphrey ’06 Arwilda Jackson ’04 Veronica Jacob ’05 Tamara Johnson ’06 Margaret Knights ’98 Ronnie Legette ’95 Robert Lewis ’95 Sharon Mack ’00 Mabel Martini ’88 Johnnymae McCrae ’05 Thelma McInnis ’94 Glenda Merrill ’98 Carol Lemons Metivier ’06 Ebony Miley ’05 Janice Moscoso ’00 Venice Nugent ’01 Magdalena Oliver ’05 Ruby Oliver ’94 Sharon Peterson ’04 Delores Phillips ’97 Diane Plant ’92 Carolyn Ritchie ’99 Eric Rock ’96 Yvette Rose ’04 Jean Samad-Waugh ’95 Rodney Samuels ’95 Laurel Shippy-Brooks ’01 Joseph Smith ’06 Robin Stephens ’03 Felicia Tavera ’99 Joanne Thorne ’01 Sylvia Trotman ’01 Leona Williams ’93 Patricia Williams ’06 Wynglend Williams ’04 Guye Wiltshire ’01 JOHN CARDINAL O ’ CO N N O R C A M P U S Peggy Badran ’95 GS ’00 Ana Benitez ’01 Phyllis Best ’06 Martha Boadu ’06 Deborah Bullock ’82 Lottie Chaney ’85 Eunice Claire Clarke ’93 Manuelita Clemente ’90 Dorothea Cochran ’88 Amelia Cooper ’82 Ruth Corbett ’04 Lenora Crandell ’04 Joann Crawford ’82 Felicita Davis ’05 Pamela Diallo ’93 Edith Dorsey ’88 Nereida Feliciano ’04 Noemi Forty ’92 Helen Gaillard ’00 Bernadette Garcia ’05 Sheila Glenn ’05 Milagros Hicks ’01 Helen Holden-Wingate ’06 William Holmes ’05 Saikou Jagana ’99 Gilda Jefferson ’08 Delores Kelly ’93 Sophia Larroy ’90 Melvin Macedon ’03 Pamela Mason ’03 Deborah Mitchell ’06 Sabrina Moore ’94 Teresa Mujica ’83 Linda Paul ’83 Maria Petersen-McFarlane ’91 Jacob Reed ’04 Flora Reyes ’86 Clara Ricks ’84 Adelaida Robles ’04 Mayra Sanchez-Estupinan ’04 Mozell Steplight ’98 Valerie Strachan ’01 Ana Tavarez ’05 Deborah Terrell ’96 Annette Tyner ’05 Leona Washington ’84 Jamie Williams-Rivera ’85 * Deceased 64 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E CO - O P C I T Y C A M P U S C A M P U S F U N D AG E N T : S a d i e M . S a d l e r ’ 77 Deirdre Barrios ’06 Carolyn Brown ’96 GS ’00 Vivian Campbell ’84 Carmela Carillo ’83 Viola Cholmondeley ’83 Aida Claudio ’92 Eloise Coleman ’76 Linda Collins ’06 Daisy Crosby ’78 Barbara Crowe ’77 Sarah Vincent Crum ’81 GS ’89 Ann Fantell ’81 Debra Garland-Tirado ’03 Arthur Gelman ’77 A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS Clara George ’77 David George, Jr. ’05 Vivian Hendricks ’83 Kenyatta Hollingsworth ’97 Alana Howell ’87 GS ’99 Delores Jacobs ’87 Ena James ’03 Collette Johnson ’03 Michael Johnson ’03 Charlene Jordan ’89 Harriet Karmazin ’83, Past Parent Stanley Laing ’00 Violet Lawrence ’98 Kenneth Lemon ’02 Irving Margulies ’76 Maria Marrero ’93 GS ’95 Ella Mathis ’96 Rosalind Maxwell ’83 Mary McKoy ’96 Alice Mercado ’06 Noalis Miller ’98 Euphemia Mitchell ’95 Joan Mitchell ’91 Carmen Molina ’04 Maxwell Momoh ’95 Barbara Mont ’77 Vivian L. Murphy ’01 Miriam Negron ’05 Dorothy Nicholson-Brown ’77 Dorothy Noble ’80 Soeurette Obas ’86 Monica Parris ’04 Mayra Perez-Adon ’00 Bernice B. Pires ’01 Curley Spires Potter ’86 Pierrette Rameau ’00 Judith Reed ’80 Margie Reed ’05 Hazel Rivers ’86 Dorothy Robinson ’77 Angelica Rodriguez ’86 Margie Rogers ’81 Judith Roya ’87 GS ’89 Barbara Salahuddin-Grant ’98 Linda Salmon ’03 Yolanda Salmon ’03 Edna Sams ’05 Tisha Simon ’08 Bertha Smith ’03 Annette Sterling ’06 Laverne Stevens ’96 Virginia Stewart ’85 Joan Stringfield ’97 Pearl Hayes Sullivan ’03 Melvin Tann ’87 Estelle Tapper ’83 Darlene Taylor ’06 Jessie Thomas ’87 Elena Thomas-Hall ’77 Marie Thomason ’83 Norma Piazza Toscano ’98 Wilhelmina Varner ’85 Yelizaveta Vaynshteyn ’02 Judith Wexler ’75 Lorraine White ’90 Carol Whittaker ’06 Keith Williams ’06 Phyllis Williams ’99 Sagrario Zacariaz ’94 Patricia Deroche ’06 Zaida Diaz ’03 Enid Dominick ’96 Sandra M. Dubose ’01 Viola Fisher Dyce ’75 Sondra Edouards ’77 Gertrude Edzant ’83 Henry Effinger ’79 Eleanor English ’76 Barbara Epstein ’88 Grace Eubanks ’86 John Fernandez ’80 Raymond Florida ’84 Doris Fraser ’88 Mayleen Frederick ’98 Emma Fulwood ’78 Susan Gambler ’01 Edna Jenkins ’81 Gladys Jones ’93 Mary Jones ’95 Ruth Keisner ’80 Jenaline Kellier ’86 Theresa Kelly ’92 Janice Kleppel ’99 Katherine Kwok ’04 Maryann Latorre ’03 Douglas Layne ’89 Mary Leacock ’76 Charles Lercara ’91 Isaac Levine ’73 Lorraine Linton ’01 Noemi Lopez ’89 Edith Lorick ’91 Hastie Lowther ’76 D C 37 C A M P U S Plutarco Andrade ’06 John Ansah ’93 Lauren Antoine ’00 Katherine Aponte ’05 Nancy Aragon ’08 Jimmy Arnold ’87 Jason Arrington ’81 Jennifer Austin ’03 Karen Bagdonas ’98 Barbara Baker ’80 Gitanjali Balgobin ’88 Gwendolyn Barr ’06 Nylsa Barris ’79 Vera Bellejambe ’05 Paul Bennett ’91 Sandra Bilbo-Dent ’95 Paul Blair ’90 Beatrice Borum ’76 Willie Bowman ’73 Carolyn Brady ’78 Joseph Brown ’06 Kim Burke ’99 Sharon Butler ’04 Bernice Cabey ’85 Walter Carter ’77 Anthony Cefalu ’75 Frances Clark ’97 Alphean Clarke ’01 Roberta Collier ’86 Lissette Cruz ’06 Norman Davis ’75 Genevieve Dechalus ’00 Theresa Dennis-Butler ’03 Susan Gatson ’93 Deborah Gill ’99 Diane Giorgi ’87 Sedrick Goldbeck ’89 Ruth Gonnello ’86 Katherine T. Gray ’00 Kathryn Gruby ’80 Yetta Guy ’82 Lorraine Handal ’79 Gretchen Harris ’04 Annette Henry ’01 Letitia Hepburn ’99 Anne Heslin ’78 Jeanette Hoff ’86 Nora Hutchinson ’78 Nubia Imani-Beazer ’86 Doris Jackson ’77 Sharon Jackson ’08 Dorothy Lundy ’78 Astrid Martin ’81 GS ’87 Stacy Matone ’05 Vida McGlone ’88 Juana McKelvey ’79 Leona Montagnino ’91 Geraldine Moore ’99 Gertrude Moore ’90 Marian Moore-Payne ’76 Audrey Morton-Walker ’87 Alvin Murrell ’79 Doreen Myers ’06 Rosa Myrick ’80 Jon Ng ’97 Elaine Nunez ’01 Sheryl O’Neal ’01 Valerie Ottey ’99 Diane Pepitone ’00 65 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS SCHOOL OF NEW RESOURCES Josephine Pittari ’00 Ann Progler ’79 Mary Quigley ’99 Pazzy Quiroz ’06 Dorothy Reid ’84 Ramona Reid ’91 Gloria Richards ’77 Violet Richardson ’93 Dolores Robinson ’86 Ramona Rodriguez ’79 Allan Rose ’76 Ann Ross ’06 Jacqueline Ross ’99 Esther Rubin ’81 Renee Ryals ’86 Margaret Ryan ’83 Ana Sanchez ’03 Hilma Shannon ’89 Dorothy Siegel ’79 Esta Sinclair ’81 GS ’87 Roslyn Slucker ’79 Stephen Small ’91 Jewell Sutler ’85 Patricia Smith-Freeman Terry ’79 GS ’88 Linda Thomas ’01 Melanie Thomas ’03 Dorothy Thompson ’92 Odell Thompson ’76 John Toto ’78 Jo Turner ’83 Eleanore Sealey Walker ’76 Evelyn Watkins ’81 Beverly Weathers ’04 Lucy West ’81 Sandra Whitchett ’00 Evelyn Wigfall ’89 Ruthell Williams ’01 Tyrone Williams ’00 Wilma Williams ’86 Etheline Wilson ’88 Norma Wright ’95 Cathryn Sullivan ’06 NEW ROCHELLE CAMPUS Marie Abel ’76 Elizabeth Adams ’95 Joan Adams ’91 Michelina Almstead ’83 Carol Alterman ’79 * Deceased Peggy Althoff ’84 Marc Anders ’76 Carole Anzisi ’90 Cecilia Aponte ’92 Andrea Arscott ’06 Hiltrud Aubert ’81 Mary Ann Haigh Austin ’93 Guadalupe Avila ’95 GS ’06 Judith O’Hara Balfe ’89 GS ’91, ’97 Rosa Davis Barksdale ’75 Dolores Battalia ’75 Barbara Bellamy ’87 Doris Benjamin ’75 GS ’79 Maura Bermingham ’98 Marie Bianca ’82 Yvonne Heyes Billera ’73 Colleen Maher Bimbo ’03 Gloria Bisaccia ’90 Daphne Bispham ’74 GS ’79 Elnorah Boone ’01 Michelle Bordonaro ’93 Edna Bourne ’82 Susan Bradlau ’77 Alma Branche ’82 Barbara Rothenberg Brown ’81 Marlene Buckingham ’82 Gertrude Bunke ’82 Susan Canada ’89 Diane Capasso ’83 GS ’01 Angelina Carforo ’90 Ellen Carney ’85, Past Parent Julie Davis Carran ’81 Carole Cassetta ’79, Past Parent Laurie Peterson Castaldo ’94 JoAnne Catalanotte-Braem ’84 GS ’90 Jacquelyn Cauthen Hamer ’91 Christopher Cavanagh ’86 Susan Chadwick ’81 Harriette Chelnik ’73 Mary Cleary ’73 GS ’77 Joan Cohen ’85 Majorie Conlon ’92 Barbara Connelly ’86 Teresa Cotterall-Lagana ’89 Teresa Courtien-McElroy ’01 Helen Curran ’96 Jerilyn D’Agostino-Francis ’04 Barbara Datino ’85 Charlesanna Davis ’83 Elouise Davis ’79 Alexander Daza ’00 Patricia De Meo ’85 GS ’89 Irma Coppeletti Dean ’93 GS ’95 Judith Dean ’76 George Dennerlein ’76 Joanne Depinto ’98 GS ’02 Marie Tormey DeSalvo ’82 J. Patricia Deur ’80 Arlene Dimarco ’89 Gilda DiMarco ’75 GS ’79 Eileen DiNiscia ’86 Sarah Dodd ’83 Norma Downer ’82 Suzanne Drachman ’86 Sandra Edmonds ’89 GS ’93 Margaret Edmonston ’82 John Engels ’93 GS ’96 Sophia Facey ’00 Denise Feighery ’79 Maria Felix ’06 Mary Ferrandi ’06 Eva Flamm ’93 Doris Fleishman ’80 Janice Francis ’84 Charlotte Frede ’80 GS ’91, Past Parent Joseph Furgiuele ’75 Patricia Furman ’82 GS ’84 Virginia Furman ’78 Doreen Gallagher ’78 Susan Genicevitch ’00 Raphael Gibbs ’88 Priscilla Goldberg ’82 Virginia Tormey Golliher ’87 Anne Golub ’74 Paulette Gordon ’91 Ethel Gorman ’85 GS ’89 Marlene Gouraige ’92 Ida Grieco ’82 Barbara Grodd ’75 Catherine Haas ’87 Tamika Hamilton ’08 Ellen Hebard ’94 GS ’99 Joan Henry ’90 Fannie Hill-King ’81 Kathleen Histon ’73 Shirley Holland ’74 Shirley Homes ’79 Sandra Thomas Horsman ’82 Liz Horvitz ’89 Marie Huffman ’78 GS ’83 Lola Hunter ’74 Jacquelin Hyde ’06 Naomi Ingram ’78 Audrey Isaacs ’92 66 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Mariette Izold ’94 Janice Johnson ’75 Charlie Jones ’81 GS ’89 Jennifer Jones ’05 Winifred Kahl ’89 Monroe Kaufman ’89 Marcia Kawer ’76 Catherine Kempin ’03 Judy Kenny ’82 Marlene Kern ’77 GS ’84 Edwin Krumeich ’85 Pamala Kuch ’99 GS ’02 Sylvia Laguna ’83 Barbara Lane ’94 Cecile Lasis ’80 Susanne Pino Lebrija ’05 Linda Lefkowitz ’75 Rosemary Lent ’85 Barbara Levy ’80 Josie Lindau ’80 Maria Bottone Lombardozzi ’98 Frances Lopez ’03 Benedict Loscalzo ’81 Judith LoSecco ’91 Inge Lowenstein ’94 Elease Lyde ’95 Robert Macfarlane ’88 Alma Maffucci ’82 GS ’84 Charlotte Magnotta ’03 Joyce Malone ’06 Kathleen Mannino ’04 Myra Martin ’80 Virginia Martin ’82 Corinne Mastruzzi ’74 Irene McConnell ’86 Catherine McElroy ’92 GS ’94 Kathleen McHugh, SC ’75 Anne McKenna ’82 Michelle Medley ’99 Catherine Mendrzycki ’80 GS ’85 Elvira Mezzaucella ’89 Frances Miceli ’81 GS ’84 Roberta Mick ’87 Helen Miley ’94 Arlene Minella ’84 RoseAnn Minnerly ’90 GS ’91 Christiane Smith Morejon ’02 GS ’04 Catherine Morgan ’02 Cecelia Mruk ’78 Kathleen Muentener ’92 GS ’96 Norma Myers ’80 Nora M. Naughton ’01 GS ’03 A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L G I F TS Joan Neary ’92 Doris Nelson ’07 Dorothy Noto ’75 Jacqueline T. O’Connor ’01 Anna Ortiz ’06 Sandra Overton ’79 Jennifer Padilla ’06 Jeanette Pandolfo ’77 Anne Dennison Pelak ’90 GS ’96 Geraldine Pelliccio ’93 Jeanne Perlman ’87 Theresia Perna ’76 Mary Pfeiffer ’83 Gerda Pintauro ’76 Sally Raniolo ’06 Anastasia Raptis ’83 GS ’86 Denise Reben ’93 Courton Reid ’89 Barbara Reilly ’82 Donna Summo Reitano ’93 Louise Rella ’86 Diane Rende ’05 Alphonse Restivo ’84 Anne Walsh Rhodes ’75 GS ’82 Maria Rios ’89 Dorothy Robertson ’79 Ruth McCollester Robins ’83 Marie Rofhok ’84 GS ’87 Ralph Rogers ’81 Carolyn Keyes Rohlf ’85 Camille Gervino Romita ’75 GS ’88 Laura Rothman ’99 Ann Rothstein ’76 Antoinette Pergola Ryan ’04 Judy Ryan ’85, Past Angela Saavedra ’80 Mary Anna Scanlon ’82 Ellen Gromer Schiavone ’00 Doris Schneible ’86 Deanna Schwam ’99 Martha Sipser ’74 Golden Smalls ’77 Virginia Smith ’83 Yvonne Smith ’91 GS ’97 Joanne Spitaliere ’83 Patricia Mertelus St. Germain ’97 Evelyn Stewart ’97 Rita Stewart ’74 Virginia Saalfrank Stonesifer ’76 Donald Struckman ’93 Mary Anne Sullivan ’90 Sarah Newcombe Sullo ’97 Anna Swanston ’80 Lynda Tepperman ’78 Marian Trotta Tobin ’79 Donna Tyler ’89 GS ’93 Elizabeth Tyropolis ’83 Cassandra Rogers Van Derslice ’89 Annette Van Ness ’85 Lisa Velazquez-Denapoli ’03 Joan Virgin ’76 GS ’77 Mollie Vogel ’74 Carmen Vora ’93 Clementine Waller ’05 Carolyn Walsh ’82 GS ’85 Danielle Wattel ’78 Judith Wellins ’90 Mary Wey ’96 Doris Wheeler ’75 Helen Williams ’86 Ida Williams ’81 Rachel Williams ’77 June Williams-Blain ’04 Lori Wilson ’96 Nancy Wollman ’81 Audrey Woods ’96 GS ’05 Sharon Zaffino ’86 Ann Zeppieri ’90 Madeline Zevon ’78 Louise Glover Zollicoffer ’89 Catherine Zuccarelli ’85 Frank Morris ’99 Anna Naumann ’01 Kimberly Newbill ’03 Gloria Peters-Wynn ’86 Joan Reid ’99 Olive Richardson ’93 Stephanie Riley ’03 Oscar Roberts ’86 Carol Shepard ’90 Lillian Simmons ’91 Joan Strawder ’03 Gwendolyn White ’95 Patricia Zeff ’00 NEW YORK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY CAMPUS R O SA PA R KS C A M P U S C A M P U S F U N D AG E N T : Ronald Bascombe ’93 C A M P U S F U N D AG E N T : C y n t h i a S m i t h ’ 07 Paul Anobile ’92 Ronald Bascombe ’93 Sondra Boozebailey ’87 Rosalind Brathwaite ’95 Ina Ruth Brown ’87 Mamie Bryant ’85 Joanne Carmignani ’98 Harry Carter Jr ’00 Thelma Christian ’85 Nancy Clarke ’83 Roseclare Coombs ’99 Ronald Cooper ’94 Charlie Daniel ’83 Beverly Daniels ’00 Gail Davis ’97 Susan De Souza ’03 Michael Deveney ’98 Nelson Dukes ’88 Ruthie Fowler ’88 Regina Gibson ’91 Geraldine Gilliam ’85 Antonia Green ’88 Michael Greene ’96 Mae Gunn ’93 Hilda Hamlett ’89 Job Hamlett ’83 John Hines ’99 Jacqueline Jackson ’84 Ethel Jones ’91 Ramon Jusino ’90 Claudette McCree ’00 Adelina Mingo ’84 Ida Miranda ’00 Carolyn Moorhead ’83 Latonya Simpson ’05 Marilyn Audain ’00 Helen Austin ’05 James Boyd ’06 Deborah Buntin-Lassiter ’00 Oslyn-Claire Campbell ’06 Aida Cheema ’96 Patricia Clemetson ’05 Delita Dubose ’03 Raymonde Duterlien ’06 Mark Fauntleroy ’99 Patricia Fernandez ’05 Willie Gamble ’01 Joan Gardner ’84 Kenneth Gibson ’04 Paula Gregory ’06 Patricia Cherif Herman ’96 Lois Hill ’97 Mynetta McCutcheon ’05 GS ’08 Rebecca Page ’88 Kay Peck-Maxwell ’93 Arkless Richardson ’87 Rhonda Robinson-Hill ’93 Johnny Russ ’03 Samantha Segarra ’06 Sheila Sessoms ’99 Phyllis Sessoms-Jones ’04 Regina Sherman ’99 Tamatha Sibert ’01 Sarah Smith ’90 Cynthia Thompson ’01 Jeanette Williams ’06 Antoinette Yousef ’03 67 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E VFRIENDS OT H E R A N N UA L G I F TS Marsha & Michael Ambler Jeanne Anselmo Joseph C. Antalec Rolando Arroyo Sheryl Ann Balgobin Vivienne Bartley Carol Beyersdorfer Irwin Birnbaum Andrew Bissessar David Black Joseph Blank Terry Blum Judith Bonhaus Maree Brennan Barbara M. Bresnan Claudia N. Brodlieb George A. Buffum Margaret & Michael Butler Jeanne M. Campion Glen H. Cannell Michelle Cardwell Frances Sternhagen Carlin Yvonne Carmichael Victor Cimino Lawrence Cohen Catherine Collins Robin & Alan Colner Margaret & Thomas Conniff Laura M. Conte Joan Cornell Jerry Crisci * Deceased Charles Critchlow Katharine Critchlow Dale Ann & Brian Cummings Michael Cuomo Margaret & William Cuttle Bina Daniel Clara Davilman Aymara de Cardenas Marianne DeJesus Richard DeJesus-Rueff E. J. DeNave Margot DeSevo Samantha DiPalo Claire Donohue Jean & Wallace Doud Carol Ann Douglas Eugenie Doyle Dale Drakeford Ann & Robert Eckenrode Deborah B. Edwards Elizabeth M. Edwards Rebecca M. Edwards Patrice & Richard Ehrhardt Stephanie & David Eisenberg Susan Endler-Kirby & Paul Kirby Joseph C. Farina & Angela Koutoulakis Michael Finnerty Mary-Christy Fisher Margaret Forte Richard K. Fox Joan & Sanford Freilich Annette Friedlander Ann Marie Gallin Helen Gallin Louella & James P. Gallin Karen & John C. Gallin Margaret & Joseph W. Gallin Nancy & Michael Gallin Patricia Gallin M. Christine & William J. Gallin Ronald Garfunkel Gaylene & Philip Gasparini Constance B. Geiger Merin George Julia Giannotti Barbara Gould Kathleen Grabowski Wendy J. Gray Mary & Roger Grimm Juanita Halim Ann & Luke Halley Alicia & Lawrence Hamilton Patricia Hanlon George Hanze Jennifer Harp Beverly Harris Anne & Maurice Hartigan Warren Hayford Jill Kaplan Herz Margot & Stephen Holland Eleanor M. Holman Alexander Hood Helen Hoskins Kathrene Blish Houlihan Louise Nicholson Howe Marya Howell-Carter Anne M. Hubbard Bridget Hubbard Suzanne & Jonathan Jacoby Lynn Jaffe Hugh Johnston Josiah Jones Margo R. Jones Mary A. Joseph Kevin B. Keefe Patricia Keepnews Margaret Mary Kelleher, OSU Ellen T. Kennedy John & Laura Killian Helen King Margaret A. Klein James Knickman Ray LaManna Patricia Lanza Elizabeth Bell LeVaca Susan Leverone John Lewenauer Elizabeth Lewin Patricia A. Linehan Teresa Luraschi Kathleen E. Lynch Thomas J. Lynch Sherly Mathew George Mayer Edna McCallion Barbara McCarthy Willard F. McCormick William McElhenny Constance & John* McGillicuddy Jayne & James McKee Valencia McPherson Glynn Meggison Mary K. Mitchell 68 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Peter J. Mooney, Jr. Mary G. Moorhouse Janet C. Morgan Susan Morrison Margo & Carrol Muccia Rita & Robert Muccino James Murphy Madeline Murray Mary Jane & George Neumann Phyllis Newton John & Lesley Nicholson Margaret Nicholson Carolyn Noble Leo J. O’Donovan, SJ Annette & Peter O’Malley John Pardon Princy Philip James & Angela Plowden-Wardlaw Larry Pobiner Adelene Quigley Carla Romita Mauro C. & Camille Romita Betty & Michael Romita Elaine Rubinson & Irving Levine Lauren Schorr & Alan Genachowski Martin and Carol Schwartz Marie Serpe Louis Sheinbaum Saddie L. & Lowery Smith Rose Ann and Vincenzo Sperandio Diana Stano, OSU J. Marcus & Carolyn Swan Amie Taney Mary Ann Tobin Catania Susan Tolchin Christopher Tower Margaret & Alain Tripeau Susan & Sydney Unger Yvonne & Anthony Vallace Jennifer & Dennis Varian Anne T. Vitale Diane Wade Kimberly Wendolski Florence & John Whalen Myles V. Whalen, Jr. Kathy & Perry Winter Deborah & Jeffrey Wisoff Amiel Wohl Sara S. Wynn Jee H. Yoon Gilda Zalaznick OT H E R A N N UA L G I F TS CURRENT AND FORMER FACULTY & STAFF The College is blessed to have a vibrant community of talented and dedicated faculty and staff, current and former, who open doors for our students, not only by educating them, but also by supporting them and the College through their annual contributions. Thank you so much! C U R R E N T FAC U LT Y & STA F F Susan Acampora Barbara Adams Nibaldo Aguilera Joan Arnold Joan Bailey Silvana Bajana SAS ’85 Judith O’Hara Balfe SNR ’89 GS ’91,’97 Andre Beauzethier Linda Bellmare Gloria Benhuri Ana T. Benitez SNR ’01 Fay Bennett-Lord SNR ’00 Kristin Berman GS ’95 Colleen Maher Bimbo SNR ’03 Dorothy Biscornet Kari Black GS ’04 Tiffani Blake SAS ’03 Christina Blay SAS ’91 GS ’03 Keith R. Borge Woodrow Bovell Kelly Brennan Daniel Bresnahan* Elisha Brewster Elisabeth Brinkmann Joan Bristol Carolyn Brown SNR ’96 GS ’00 David Brunt Jennifer Cahill Susan Canning Ellen Carney SNR ’85 Lenore Boytim Carpinelli SAS ’89 Laurie Peterson Castaldo SNR ’94 Monique Caubere Erin Churchill SAS ’03 GS ’05 William Collins* Susan A. Conte, OSU SAS ’73 Roseclare Coombs SNR ’99 Martha Counihan, OSU SAS ’67 James Coyne John Coyne Emory Craig Harold Crocker GS ’78 Ellen R. Curry Damato Linda David Stephanie Decker Louis DeSalle Elza Dinwiddie-Boyd Kenneth Doka Mary Alice Donius Laurie DuBos Louise Dunbar Terri Eberle Timothy Ebsworth Margaret Edmonston SNR ’82 Isaac Elegbe Dorothy Escribano Joan A. Eskenazi Andrea Hindmarsh Fagon SAS ’00 Mark Fauntleroy SNR ’99 Maria Favale SAS ’08 Michael Ferrara Anne Lalli Ferrari Nancy Elizabeth Fitch Ana Maria Fontoura SAS ’90 Patricia Furman SNR ’82 GS ’84 Teri Gamble Nancy Maxwell Girling SAS ’80 Nancy Gonchar Linda Grande Gail R. Greene SNR ’05 Amy Hagerty SAS ’95 Melanie Harasym Katheryn T. Hathaway Heather Herrera Deborah Hunt Judith Huntington Connie Ward Iervolino GS ’88 Darryl Jones Jean Rosaire Joseph Deborah Kelly Isola Kokumo Faith Kostel-Hughes Pamala Kuch SNR ’99 GS ’99 Nieli Langer GS ’85 Dorothy Larkin Kenneth Lemon SNR ’02 Patricia M. Rosenkranz Levins SAS ’73 Guy Lometti Elvira Longordo SAS ’78 Christopher Lovergine Kwanghee Lyew Marion Lynch, OSU SAS ’63 Margaret Mount Lynn SAS ’69 Meghan A. Magee Lynda Magrath SAS ’74 Kathleen Mannino SNR ’04 Claire Colangelo Manto SAS ’69 Robin Jordan Marshall GS ’05 William C. Maxwell Brenna Sheenan Mayer Orlando McAllister Mynetta McCutcheon SNR ’05 GS ’08 69 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Anne McKernan Michael McLean Michelle Braun Merriweather Elvira Mezzaucella SNR ’89 Marianne Milzoff SN ’97 Fay Mitchell Grace Tubman Mullaney SAS ’59 Constance M. Mullen GS ’02 Miyada M. Musharbash Susan Oluwasanmi Allyssandra Pane-Berrios SAS ’05 Anne Dennison Pelak SNR ’90 GS ’96 Dorothy Perri Marjory Peterson Diane Quandt Michael Quinn Pierrette Rameau SNR ’00 Jennifer Ransom Roblyn Rawlins Frank Rizza Marie Rofhok SNR ’84 GS ’87 Rebecca Rosario-Dure SN ’02 Johnny Russ SNR ’03 Barbara Russell Rodney Samuels SNR ’95 Marilyn Hesser Saulle Norma J. Seabury Linda Shand Tamatha Sibert SNR ’01 Alice Siegel Jane C. Slagle Mary Lenore Smith, RDC Edisnerky C. Soto Kristine D’Onofrio Southard Stephanie Squires Lambros G. Stamoulis Mozell Steplight SNR ’98 Pearl Hayes Sullivan SNR ’03 Walter Sullivan Fred Sullo Ann Summo Stephen Sweeny Robert Tate Cynthia R. Thompson SNR ’01 Errol Thompson Richard Thompson Donna Tyler SNR ’89 GS ’93 Paul Tyrl Geraldine Valencia-Go OT H E R A N N UA L G I F TS CURRENT AND FORMER FACULTY & STAFF Connie Vance JoEllen Vavasour SAS ’76 Michael P. Vecchiolla Adrienne Wald Suzette Walker-Vega SAS ’00 Carole M. Weaver Violet White Vennesa Williams Guye E. Wiltshire SNR ’01 Elizabeth Wisniewski Helen Wolf Robert I. Wolf Sagrario Zacariaz SNR ’94 F O R M E R FAC U LT Y & STA F F Michelina Almstead SNR ’83 Lois Scarpino Amend SAS ’57 Yvonne Heyes Billera SNR ’73 Mary Boyan, OSU SAS ’46 Jeanne Brennan, OSU SAS ’45 Anne M. Bunting, OSU SAS ’49 Barbara Calamari, OSU SAS ’58 Yvonne Carmichael Karenann Gilbride Carty SAS ’82 Richard Cassetta Margaret Croake Cherico SAS ’53 Jessica Cioffoletti GS ’02 Lawrence Cohen Donna Demarest SAS ’71 C. J. Denne, Jr. Marie Tormey DeSalvo SNR ’82 Joan Campana Diaferia SAS ’55 Claire Donohue Dale Drakeford Laura Ellis John Engels SNR ’93 GS ’96 Margaret Forte Janice Francis SNR ’84 Charlotte Frede SNR ’80 GS ’91 Joan S. Freilich Angela Dawn Mestier George SAS ’60 Catherine Yodice Giles SAS ’61 Kelly Graham GS ’02 Denise Gray GS ’04 Gloria Greco SAS ’52 Mildred Haipt, OSU Phyllis Hinchcliffe, OSU SAS ’49 Russell Hullstrung SN ’99 Mary Job SAS ’01 Dorothy Ann Kelly, OSU SAS ’51 Judith Preble Kenny SNR ’82 Susan Kimmel SN ’87 Nancy Kotonias SAS ’76 Joan Connolly Laporte SAS ’48 GS ’87 Sarah Niles Leonard SAS ’51 Kathleen LeVache Frances Lyle, OSU SAS ’46 Michael MacNeil Anne Magee GS ’79 Katherine McHugh Maria SAS ’58 GS ’72 Mirjana Celic Marte SAS ’00 GS ’05 Frances Miceli SNR ’81 GS ’84 Marie-Celine Miranda, OSU SAS ’53 Eileen Stavinsky Niedzwiecki SAS ’72 Cornelia S. Northway Jennifer Padilla SNR ’06 Ann Raia Colaneri Anastasia Raptis SNR ’83 GS ’86 Agnes Claire Reithebuch SAS ’51 Gloria Romero SAS ’00 Marie Porco Rossi SAS ’60 GS ’71 Mary Russo, OSU SAS ’35 James Schleifer Susan Shoulet GS ’82 Eileen Case Sibson SAS ’60 Jennifer Smith SAS ’05 Virginia Smith SNR ’83 Russel R. Taylor Lucie Giegengack Teegarden SAS ’59 Patricia Smith-Freeman Terry SNR ’79 GS ’88 Nicole Totans SAS ’99 Angela Valitutto SAS ’00 GS ’04 Anne Traynor Vonick SAS ’49 GS ’84 Sandra Giannoni Wainman SAS ’67 PARENTS & PAST PARENTS It is with special gratitude that we thank our current and past parents of CNR students. Your support of CNR’s programs and facilities through your annual gifts is very much appreciated. Joan Molanphy Bassett SAS ’50 Margaret Bloecker Joan Bristol Ellen Carney SNR ’85 Carole Cassetta SNR ’79 Joan Rombach Chisholm SAS ’59 James Courtney Joy Kober Cowan SAS ’64 Timothy Ebsworth Hilda Farmer Mark Fauntleroy SNR ’99 Florence Doyle Fitzgerald SAS ’50 Charlotte Frede SNR ’80 GS ’91 Jaime Garzon Linda Grande Harriet Karmazin SNR ’83 Frances Mehr Kelleher SAS ’41 Margaret Doyle Lawler SAS ’63 Claire & Anthony Manto (Claire Colangelo SAS ’69) Victoria Rossetto Marmora SAS ’56 Joseph E. Marsh, Sr. Patricia Ahearn Mastellon SAS ’65 Virginia Leary McElroy SAS ’51 Marie Murphy McKeon SAS ’64 Mr. & Mrs. David Munroe Evelyn Clasen Nonnon SAS ’51 Mary Feehan Ribaudo SAS ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Riley Joseph Roberge Judy Ryan SNR ’85 Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier SAS ’58 Rhoda L. Smith * Deceased 70 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Louise McDonnell Stevens SAS ’48 Ann Summo Mr. & Mrs. Walter Tolley Beatrice Fisher Voutsinas SAS ’58 Constance Weston Janet Swanson Wiedenhoft SAS ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Williams Patricia Barnum Williams SAS ’56 OT H E R A N N UA L G I F TS OTHER GIFTS M E M O R I A L G I F TS I N M E M O RY O F … Elizabeth Wheeler Ashley SAS’17 Elizabeth Ashley Watson SAS’51 Margaret M. Bedard Friend Sarah Niles Leonard SAS’51 Blanche Blank Friend Joseph S. Blank Friend Eleanor Lynch Blowe SAS’52 Adelene Quigley Friend Margaret Brennan Friend Kathleen Lynch Friend Marie & Consalvo Castellano Dolores Castellano King SAS ’61 Alice Dunnie Chenal SAS’53 Ann Marie McGovern Beal SAS’53 Terry Clark SAS’72 James Knickman Friend Lucy Reilly Cooper SAS’42 Susan Leverone Friend Phyllis Newton Friend Celeste Boland Sundermann SAS’42 Diane Wade Friend Catherine M. Corbett Friend Patricia Wiley SAS’72 Mary Ellen Donnelly Critchlow SAS’69 Lillian Brennan Carney SAS’69 Charles Critchlow Friend Katharine Critchlow Friend Bernadette DeJesus-Arroyo SN’05 Rolando Arroyo Friend Clara Davilman Friend Marianne DeJesus Friend Richard DeJesus-Rueff Friend Carol Ann Douglas Friend Wendy Gray Friend George Hanze Friend Benedict Loscalzo SNR’81 Valencia McPherson Friend Mary Ann Tobin Catania Friend Eugenia & Thomas Dennison Friend Anne Dennison Pelak SNR’90 GS’96 Aileen Hanlon Lyons SAS’44 Patricia Hanlon Friend Alice Grattan Duffy SAS’37 Rosalie Duffy Crabbe SAS‘72 Alice Duffy Grant SAS’63 John and Beatrice Flynn Joseph Flynn, OFM Cap The Province of St. Mary of the Capuchin Order Toby Friedlander SNR’77 Annette Friedlander Friend Eleanor Holman Friend Helen King Friend Martin Schwartz Friend Sarah Landrigan Gamble SAS’71 Ellen Mannix Lynch SAS’71 Beryl Farley Graham SAS‘45 Ronald Graham Friend Dorothy Seifert Hafner SAS’55 Margaret Seifert Schiffer SAS’52 Katherine Hart SAS’70 Mary Moorhouse Friend Sheila Sullivan Hartman SAS’61 JoAnn Fogarty Crinieri SAS’61 Thomas Hoctor Friend Estate of Jeannette Forbes Hoctor Nancy Quirk Keefe SAS’56 Kevin Keefe Friend Jean Kennedy SAS’39 Ellen Kennedy Friend Mary Corinne Herk Lynch SAS’53 Thomas Lynch Friend Aileen Hanlon Lyons SAS’44 Patricia Hanlon Friend Gail Cooper Marrin SAS’68 Judith Preble Kenny SNR’82 Dorothy Paretti McCarthy SAS’42 Genevieve Eboli SAS’42 Barbara Gould Friend Juanita Halim Friend John Lewenauer Friend Madeline Murray Friend Marita Bowers McElhenny SAS’50 William McElhenny Friend Elizabeth Monaghan, OSU Friend Grace Otto Kurak SN’84 Margaret Jaynes Morrison SAS’29 Susan Morrison Friend Sidney P. Mudd Friend Virginia Furman SNR’78 Jane Nadler Friend Dorothy Perri Friend John J. Nolan Friend JoAnn Fogarty Crinieri SAS’61 Katherine Hanson O’Malley SAS’28 Peter O’Malley Friend Norma Dubey O’Shea SAS’47 Joanne McCarthy Miller SAS’47 Harry Protass Friend Dolores Castellano King SAS’61 Muriel Thompson Schaad SAS‘45 Mary Jane Kann Reddington SAS‘45 Eldon M. Talley Friend Eileen Case Sibson SAS’60 Deborah W. Thomas GS’04 Thompson & Bender, LLC Nicole Totans SAS’99 Gwen Tolliver-Luster Friend Louise Dunbar Friend Anne Dennison Pelak SNR’90 GS’96 Eric Tutera Friend Tara Alfano SAS’02 GS‘04 Patricia Bennett SN’98 Dorothy Biscornet Friend George A. Buffum Friend Ann Tenore Carroll SAS’73 Robin & Alan Colner Friend Corini Insurance Agency Samantha DiPalo Friend Richard Ehrhardt Friend Mr. & Mrs. Philip Gasparini Friend Luke & Ann Halley Friend Jill Kaplan Herz Friend Charles Houghton Friend Suzanne & Jonathan Jacoby Friend Jones Apparel Group Jane Grzymski Kahl SAS’71 Susan McElduff Kiernan SAS’72 Nancy Kotonias SAS’76 Claire Colangelo Manto SAS’69, Past Parent Catherine Morgan SNR’02 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muccino Friend Rosa Puleo Napoleone SAS’75 Anne-Marie Nolin SAS’75 Anne Dennison Pelak SNR ‘90 GS’96 Larry Pobiner Friend Mary Jane Kann Reddington SAS’45 Elaine Rubinson & Irving Levine Friend Marilyn Hesser Saulle Friend Lauren Schorr & Alan Genachowski Friend Sisters of St. Ursula Susan Tolchin Friend Margaret & Alain Tripeau Friend Susan & Syndney Unger Friend Ursuline Community/Liberty Avenue Yvonne & Anthony Vallace Friend Kathy & Perry Winter Friend Deborah & Jeffrey Wisoff Friend XL Reinsurance America, Inc. Margaret Hanley VanOrden SAS’52 Marianne Carrig Mazan SAS’52 Kathryn Shanley Vavasour SAS’44 Rosemary Vavasour Richards SAS’74 Mary Kathryn Vavasour SAS’72 Cloatta Farrell Vesely SAS’69 Mary Digiusto Bertolini SAS’69 71 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E OT H E R A N N UA L G I F TS OTHER GIFTS CHAPEL & CAMPUS M I N I ST RY G I F TS Susan Acampora Friend Barbara Adams Friend Joan Arnold Friend Silvana Bajana SAS ’85 Sheryl Ann Balgobin Friend Dorothy Biscornet Friend Andrew Bissessar Friend Ann Black SAS ’55 GS ’90 Christina Blay SAS ’91 GS ’03 Alice Bouchard, OSU, SAS ’47 Barbara M. Bresnan Friend Joan Bristol Past Parent Claudia N. Brodlieb Friend Carolyn Brown SNR ’96 GS ’00 Michelle Cardwell Friend Frances Sternhagen Carlin Friend Margaret Cashman GS ’89 Richard Cassetta Friend Class of 1952 Class of 1955 Miriam Cleary, OSU, SAS ’47 Susan A. Conte, OSU, SAS ’73 Emory Craig Friend Linda David Friend Dawn, Inc. Aymara de Cardenas Friend Stephanie Decker Friend E. J. DeNave Friend Louis DeSalle Friend Diocese of Palm Beach, Inc. * Deceased Claire & Anthony Manto Past Parent (Claire Colangelo SAS ’69) Sherly Mathew Friend Irene McConnell SNR ’86 Willard F. McCormick Friend Irene Murphy McInerney SAS ’45 Lillie Smith McKenna SAS ’45 Michael McLean Friend Glynn Meggison Friend Rosemary Brittingham Menk SAS ’49 Marianne Milzoff SN ’97 Mary K. Mitchell Friend Janet C. Morgan Friend Grace Tubman Mullaney SAS ’59 James Murphy Friend Margaret Nicholson Friend Carolyn Noble Friend John Pardon Friend Anne Pelak SNR ’90 GS ’96 Princy Philip Friend The Province of St. Mary of the Capuchin Order Michael Quinn Friend Ann Raia Colaneri Friend Jennifer Ransom Friend Frank Rizza Friend Camille & Mauro C. Romita (Camille Gervino SNR ’75, GS ’88) Judy SNR ’85 & Dennis Ryan GS ’94, Mary Alice Donius Friend Elizabeth F. Dowd, OSU, SAS ’56 Louise Dunbar Friend Timothy Ebsworth Past Parent Deborah Edwards Friend Elizabeth M. Edwards Friend Rebecca M. Edwards Friend Anne Lalli Ferrari Friend Patricia McDonnell Gaffney Friend Jaime Garzon Parent Constance B. Geiger Friend Merin George Friend Julia Giannotti Friend Catherine Yodice Giles SAS ’61 Louise Harootunian GS ’73 Barbara Higgins SAS ’65 Mary Ball Hofstetter SAS ’63 GS ’81 Anne M. Hubbard Friend Russell Hullstrung SN ’99 Deborah Hunt Friend Judith & Bradley Huntington Friend Darryl Jones Friend Kevin B. Keefe Friend Patricia Keepnews Friend Margaret A. Klein Friend Eileen Kravitz SN ’99 Ray LaManna Friend Elizabeth Lewin Friend Kwanghee Lyew Friend Margaret Mount Lynn SAS ’69 Meghan A. Magee Friend Lynda Magrath SAS ’74 Past Parent Marilyn Hesser Saulle Friend Seema Sebastian SN ’07 Terry O’Malley Seidler SAS ’54 Tamatha Sibert SNR ’01 Jane C. Slagle Friend Barbara & Stephen J. Sweeny Friend Amie Taney Friend Richard Thompson Friend Christopher Tower Friend Donna Tyler SNR ’89 GS ’93 Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa’s Geraldine Valencia-Go Friend Connie Vance Friend JoEllen Vavasour SAS ’76 Adrienne Wald Friend Dorothy Walsh SAS ’76 Violet White Friend Amiel Wohl Friend Jee H. Yoon Friend 72 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E E N D OW M E N T G I F TS Lillian & Patrick Carney (Lillian Brennan SAS’69) Ann & Patrick Foley (Ann Tubman SAS’55) The Gellin-Zalaznick Foundation, Inc. Louise Nicholson Howe Friend Eileen McEntegart SAS’51 Kathleen McEntegart SAS’56 Carole & Nelson Nicholson (Carole McCarthy SAS’59) J. Marcus Swan Friend Mary McEntegart Welch SAS’49 Gilda Zalaznick Friend ESTAT E G I F TS Estate of Anne Ahern SAS’38 Estate of John Gordon Bridge Charitable Remainder Unitrust Estate of Mary Louise Charles SAS’32 Estate of Consetta Ciliberti SAS’31 Estate of Marilyn T. Conway SAS’51 Estate of Margaret Slattery Dowd SAS’61 and Joseph Dowd Estate of Patricia Marie Duffin SAS’39 Estate of Jeannette Forbes Hoctor Estate of Janet Loughran Lawson SAS’34 Estate of Catherine Mackey SAS’32 Estate of Margaret McConnell SAS’27 Estate of Mary Louise Morrissey SAS’39 Estate of Norma Dubey O’Shea SAS’47 Estate of Isabella M. Pernicone SAS’44 Estate of Marguerite Sisca Riposanu SAS’40 Estate of Arline Wielgosz Sheehan SAS’46 Estate of Jeanne G. Smith SAS’50 Estate of Lillian D. Viacava SAS’51 COMMEMORATIVE GIFTS I N H O N O R O F. . . Paul E. Arlt Friend Mary Ann Kokoszyna Arlt SAS ’75 Dorothy Biscornet Friend Nicole Totans SAS ’99 Marie Linehan Chiappetta SAS ’49 Patricia Linehan Friend Sarah O’Hagan Fisher SAS ’43 Mary-Christy Fisher Friend OT H E R A N N UA L G I F TS Alice Gallin, OSU, SAS ’42 In honor of her 60th anniversary as an Ursuline, the following donors have funded the Sr. Alice Gallin Lectures Margaret & Michael Butler Friend Dale Ann & Brian Cummings Friend Susan Endler-Kirby & Paul Kirby Friend Beau & George Erbe (Florence Lang SAS’57) Ann Marie Gallin Friend Helen Gallin Friend Louella & James Gallin Friend Karen & John Gallin Friend Margaret & Joseph Gallin Friend Nancy & Michael Gallin Friend Patricia Gallin Friend M. Christine & William Gallin Friend Kathleen Grabowski Friend Alicia & Lawrence Hamilton Friend John Gallin & Son, Inc. Josiah Jones Friend Claire & Anthony Manto (Claire Colangelo SAS’69) Jennifer Varian Friend Florence & John Whalen Friend Ellen Mooney Hancock SAS ’65 Peter J. Mooney Friend Mary Elizabeth Lacerenza SAS ’72 Christine LaSala SAS ’72 Edith Bratti Larkin SAS ’39 Carol Beyersdorfer Friend Judith Bonhaus Friend Bridget Hubbard Friend Elizabeth O’Brien, OSU, SAS ’34 In honor of her 70th anniversary as an Ursuline L. Joan Mehltretter Goodman SAS ’58 Adrienne M. O’Brien SAS ’57 John J. Rathschmidt, OFM Cap Friend Jennifer Padilla SNR ’06 Angela Valitutto SAS’00 GS’04 Adelaide Thomason, OSU SAS ’45 73 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Gina D’Aprile Riberi SAS ’86 Marcelle M. Willock SAS ’58 Irwin Birnbaum Friend G I F TS - I N - K I N D Judith & Bradley Huntington Friend International Business Machines Corporation New York State Attorney General Office OT H E R R EST R I C T E D A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS David Black Friend Maureen C. Didier SAS ’43 Stephanie & David Eisenberg Friend Georgina Ennis SAS ’81 GS ’84,’93 L. Joan Mehltretter Goodman SAS ’58 Judy & Dennis Kenny (Judy Kenny SNR ’82) Patricia Lanza Friend Ellen & Daniel Lynch (Ellen Mannix SAS ’71 ) Mary MacBlane SN ’91 Kathleen Muentener SNR ’92 GS ’96 Marge O’Connor SAS ’66 Dorothy Perri Friend Jane Scully Reichle SAS ’67 Antoinette Pergola Ryan SNR ’04 Karen Bielling Showell SAS ’78 Valerie Sirani SN ’08 Russel Taylor Friend Lynda Tepperman SNR ’78 Susan Shulga Waas SAS ’63 SC H O L A R S H I P S Estate of Mary Louise Charles SAS’32 JoAnn Fogarty Crinieri SAS ’61 Adrienne Garnett GS ’84 ’99 Antoinette & Lawrence Iannotti Foundation, Inc. Estate of Jeannette Forbes Hoctor James Knickman Friend Nina Iannotti Maguire SAS ’55 Ursuline Provincialate OT H E R A N N UA L G I F TS GOLF and TENNIS OUTING More than $114,000 was raised at the September 25, 2007 event held to benefit CNR students through the Annual Fund. Many thanks to committee chairs Florence “Beau” Lang Erbe SAS’57, Dolores Castellano King SAS’61 and Camille Romita SNR’75, GS’88. Photos, clockwise from top left: Mary Jane Cerullo, Dolores Agnew, Trish Mulvoy and Peggy Whyte Lyons SAS’59. Representing DB Systems were Kevin Brown, Nancy Maxwell Girling SAS’80, Ken Brown & James Brown. Rose Marie Marks, Camille Romita SNR’75, GS’88, Susan Reddy & Mary Grimm. Susan Perotti, Ralph Luca, Diana Gilbert, Tony Caputo, Jim Broderick, Lesley Bowman, Chris Feeney, Amy Calcavecchio, Ken DeRenzis, Eileen Wolfe, Judy Huntington, Joyce Kraweicki, and Eileen Miolla. TH E COLLEGE OF N EW ROCH ELLE THAN KS I N GR ATEF U L AP P R ECIATION DI N N ER SPONSORS: Andron Construction Corporation Union State Bank AIG-Valic Ampul Electric Andron Construction Company Barrett Roofing, Inc. Benenati Coffee Company, Inc. Terry Blum Friend Joan E. Bristol Past Parent C&B Plumbing and Heating, Inc. Canon Business Solutions Castle Oil Corporation Victor Cimino Friend Commercial Kitchens County Chair Renting Company Jerry Crisci Friend Cullen & Dykman, LLP Michael Cuomo Friend D.P. Wolff, Inc. DB Systems Corporation Dell Computers, Inc. Dennis Rowan Services, Inc. Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield Environmental Control Florence Lang Erbe SAS ’57 Dorothy Escribano Friend F.M. Specht Associates, Inc. Fairway Testing Ferguson, Aufesser, Hallowell & Wrynn, LLP First Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company Forno Enterprises, Inc. Ronald Garfunkel Friend Gavin Cabling Systems Gerard B. Tracy Associates HIP-Health Plan of New York Judith Huntington Friend Anne Marie Nichol Hynes SAS ’71 IKON.5 Architects InfoHighway/Broadview Communications Corp. Lynn Jaffe Friend JCF Associates LLC Joseph Tetro Inc. Judy Kenny SNR ’82 Dolores Castellano King SAS ’61 KPMG LLP Christine LaSala SAS ’72 74 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Margaret Whyte Lyons SAS ’59 George R. Mayer Friend Midlantic Restoration Corporation Carrol A. Muccia Friend Power Communication Services, Inc. RA Security Systems, Inc. Camille Romita SNR ’75, GS ’88 Louis Sheinbaum Friend Sodexho, Inc. & Affiliates Sound Shore Medical Center Sovereign Bank StarCom Oona Burke Sullivan SAS ’51 Marjorie McAllister Toner SAS ’48 Union State Bank United Iron, Inc. Urban-Suburban Recreation, Inc. Villa Construction Company Waldorf & Associates OT H E R A N N UA L G I F TS CORPORATIONS, MATCHING GIFT FOUNDATIONS and COMPANIES ORGANIZATION GIFTS The Charitable Foundation of the Burns Family Inc. Collins Electric Company Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Corini Insurance Agency Dawn, Inc. The Delaney Memorial Foundation, Inc. Diocese of Palm Beach, Inc. The Donohue Family Foundation The Dorchester Foundation The Gellin-Zalaznick Foundation, Inc. George Link, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Antoinette & Lawrence Iannotti Foundation, Inc. John Gallin & Son, Inc. Jones Apparel Group Kirby Family Foundation Lanza Family Foundation M&S Foundation 234 Moonachie Corporation 3M Aetna, Inc. Allmerica Financial Corporation American Cyanamid American Express Company, Inc. American International Group, Inc. Amoco Foundation, Inc. Aon Corporation AT&T Corporation AXA Financial Companies Bank of America Corporation Bank of Boston Corporation The Bank of New York Foundation The Boeing Company Bristol-Myers Fund Carpenter Technology Corp. Castle Oil Corporation ChevronTexaco CIGNA Corporation Citicorp, N.A. Citigroup, Inc. CNA Foundation Colgate-Palmolive Company Connelly Foundation Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Delta Air Lines, Inc. Dow Chemical Company Dow Jones and Company Eli Lilly and Company Ernst & Young, LLP ExxonMobil Foundation Fair Isaac Corporation Federated Department Stores, Inc. General Electric Company GlaxoSmithKline Foundation The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc. Horizon Blu Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey Houghton Mifflin Company IMS HEALTH ING Foundation International Business Machines Corporation J. Walter Thompson Company John Hancock Financial Services Johnson & Johnson Johnson Controls, Inc. New York Life Political Life Action Committee Novo Nordisk The Province of St. Mary of the Capuchin Order The Richard and Angela Armitage Family Foundation The Frederick P. and Sandra P. Rose Foundation The Roslyn Savings Foundation Russel and Deborah Taylor Foundation Sisters of St. Ursula Thompson & Bender, LLC Ursuline Community of Mount Vernon Ursuline Community/Liberty Avenue Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa’s Ursuline Provincialate The Walt Disney Company XL Reinsurance America, Inc. GOVERNMENT US Department of Education US Department of Health and Human Services US Department of Transportation SAFTEA-LU US Senators Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer NY State Education Department NY State Assemblyman George Latimer NY State Assemblyman Michael Benedetto NY State Assemblywoman Annette Robinson NY State Higher Education Services Corporation 75 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E JPMorgan Chase The JPMorgan Chase Foundation Lehman Brothers Lincoln National Corporation Lockheed Martin Corporation Lord & Taylor Foundation Maritz, Inc. Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. MasterCard International, Inc. The McGraw-Hill Companies Medarex Matching Gifts Program The Merck Company Foundation Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. Metlife, Inc. Mobil Foundation, Inc. Monsanto Fund Morgan Stanley & Co, Inc. Motorola Foundation The Napier Foundation National City Corporation New York Life Insurance Company The New York Times Company, Inc. Northrop Grumman Foundation Northwestern Mutual Olin Corporation PepsiCo, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Philip Morris, Inc./JK Group Pitney Bowes Inc. Procter & Gamble Co., Inc. The Prudential Insurance Company of America Random House, Inc. Reader’s Digest Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Saint-Gobain Corporation Sony Electronics, Inc. Southern New England Telephone Unilever United States, Inc. United Technologies Corporation USG Corporation Vanguard Group, Inc. Velcro USA, Inc. Verizon W. W. Grainger, Inc. The Wachovia Foundation The Walt Disney Company Foundation Wells Fargo Bank Wyeth Xerox Corporation 1 VTHE HERITAGE SOCIETY PLANNED GIVING The College of New Rochelle is deeply grateful to the following graduates and friends who have made plans to benefit future generations of students. As members of The Heritage Society, they have thoughtfully included the College in their estate plans through a planned gift or bequest. Rosemary Vasas Abbott SAS ’65 Ann Andreykovic SAS ’61 Donna Marie Miranda Anjos SAS ’82 Joseph C. Antalec Friend Rita Hamm Arnstein SAS ’37 Sara Arthur SAS ’59 Frances LoCicero Bailie SAS ’65 Margaret Baine SAS ’67 Jean Shanaphy Barrow SAS ’68 Claire Kennedy Bartlett SAS ’50 Joan Peerenboom Bartosic SAS ’45 Dolores Greico Battalia SNR ’75 Marjorie McCausland Beyersdorf SAS ’88 Constance Doorley Bissonnette SAS ’49 Elaine Donovan Blair SAS ’64 GS ’92 Barbara Sullivan Bonaventura SAS ’49 Anne Giesler Chappell SAS ’48 Harriette Chelnik SNR ’73 Marie Linehan Chiappetta SAS ’49 Joan Close SAS ’69 Rosemarie Martocci Cohn SAS ’37 Elizabeth Stanton Colleran SAS ’50 Claire Keane Collins SAS ’34 Alice McGuane Collins SAS ’47 Margaret Comaskey SAS ’61 Rae Condon SAS ’62 Mary Jane Hanley Connelly SAS ’43 Janet Maroney Connolly SAS ’61 Marion Connor SAS ’36 Jane Close Conoley SAS ’69 Joan Henderson Cook SAS ’51 Meighan Waterbury Corbett SAS ’79 Rose Cuomo Coviello SAS ’41 Joy Kober Cowan SAS ’64 Mary Ellen Morin Cox SAS ’65 Moira Lynch Crabtree SAS ’60 Elizabeth Greaves Crawford SAS ’63 Eileen Toohey Crowley-Reed SAS ’67 Sheila MacMahon Currington Darrah SAS ’49 Maura Dausey SAS ’59 Suzette McKiernan Davis SAS ’61 Clare Rooney Decker SAS ’60 Mary Gibbons Deegan SAS ’64 Dorothy Gromann Delaney SAS ’47 Patricia Maloney Derbes SAS ’52 Joan Bryson Devin SAS ’43 Virginia Leyden deWolf SAS ’73 Maureen Didier SAS ’43 Ellen Dolan SAS ’48 Catherine Donnelly SAS ’38 Mary Donnelly SAS ’61 Elizabeth Sculley Donovan SAS ’56 Mary Beth Wagner Dougherty SAS ’62 Patricia O’Connor Duncan SAS ’64 Patricia McGinnis Dunn SAS ’60 Susan Yaeger Dyke SAS ’60 Margaret Svack Dyroff SAS ’43 Lee Elliott Brown SNR ’73 Beatrice Putnam Fairbanks SAS ’38 Margaret Fallon SAS ’60 Louise Orto Famighetti SAS ’52 Mary Comella Farnsworth SAS ’72 Margaret Mary Fischer SAS ’53 Mary-Alice Fitzgerald SAS ’61 GS ’80 Jeanne Harder Fitzgerald SAS ’70 GS ’74 Mary FitzMaurice SAS ’43 Catherine Degen Bond SAS ’60 Pamela Merlino Borowiec SAS ’80 GS ’88 Anne Boyce SAS ’54 Mary Quinn Bright SAS ’52 Rhonda Brunson SAS ’88 Eleanor Shea Buckley SAS ’60 Eileen Egan Burke SAS ’59 Mary Ellen Burns SAS ’74 Marie Cafferty SAS ’58 Rory Carroll Canellis SAS ’70 Hugh L. Carey Past Parent Lillian Brennan Carney SAS ’69 Joan Carson SAS ’43 Margaret Casey SAS ’60 Madelyn Cassidy SAS ’37 Mary Lou Cassotto SAS ’71 Lisa Cesare SAS ’81 *Deceased 76 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Maureen O’Connor Fitzpatrick SAS ’62 Eleanor Fischer Flannery SAS ’33 William Flynn Friend Phyllis Foisy SAS ’51 Beatrice DiFazio Foley SAS ’63 Joan Foley SAS ’51 Margaret Fonzo SAS ’42* Claire Fordrung SAS ’55 M. Virginia Hartcorn Fortney SAS ’40 Jane Walsh Foster SAS ’57 Flavia Frati-Spagnola SAS ’60 Clare Barrett Freaney SAS ’38 Jacqueline French SAS ’50 Loretta Donovan French SAS ’30 Anamarie Ferry Friberg SAS ’47 Miriam Treffeisen Friend SAS ’37 Maureen Furlong SAS ’62 Catherine Gadarowski SAS ’45 Linda Gademan SAS ’70 Jane Roberts Garvey SAS ’38 Lubomira Rydl Gary SAS ’73 Angela Dawn Mestier George SAS ’60 Patricia Ahearn Gillin SAS ’52 Mary Louise Mona Gillis SAS ’68 Georgina Suarez Gonzalez SAS ’53 Carol Gourlie SAS ’55 Alice Duffy Grant SAS ’63 Audrey Pistilli Grieco SAS ’61 Lucille Grow SAS ’43 Paula Guerin SAS ’64 Linda Barbero Guiod SAS ’68 Mary Norton Guterl SAS ’36 Patricia Hagan SAS ’68 Ellen Mooney Hancock SAS ’65 Florence Congiolosi Hansen SAS ’55 Maryann Daroska Hardwicke SAS ’71 Eileen Mylod Hayden SAS ’59 Clare Dowd Hayes SAS ’44 Victoria Richardson Heland SAS ’69 Anne Rogan Herndon SAS ’32 Terri Heveran SAS ’49 Margaret McNamara Hill SAS ’27 Margaret Lewis Hilton SAS ’59 Carol Ann DeNicolo Howe SAS ’82 Donna Balducci Hughes SAS ’74 Virginia Hughes SAS ’35 Maureen Cooper Hurlbut SAS ’52 GS ’73 Dorothy Hyde SAS ’37 Josephine DiFrancesco Jacobson SAS ’53 Sue Borncamp Jayes SAS ’49 PLANNED GIVING Margaret Heinchon Johnson SAS ’49 Anne Kane SAS ’64 Mary Costello Karl SAS ’45 Barbara Paino Keber SAS ’76 Judith Preble Kenny SNR ’82 Dolores Castellano King SAS ’61 Jeanne Welcher Kleinfield SAS ’43 Jasperdean Kobes SAS ’61 Audrey Kovacic SN ’84 Katherine Seidel Kresser SAS ’59 Theresa Kubis SAS ’61 Elizabeth Borden Lalor SAS ’52 Deirdre LaPorte SAS ’63 Marion Carbery Lechowicz SAS ’59 Sarah Niles Leonard SAS ’51 Patricia M. Rosenkranz Levins SAS ’73 Jacqueline Moore Lloyd SAS ’50 Eileen Chew Logan SAS ’88 Christine Loomie SAS ’73 Mary Grace DelTorto Ludwig SAS ’47 Margaret Alberti Lynch SAS ’52 Margaret Mount Lynn SAS ’69 Margaret Whyte Lyons SAS ’59 Ursula Magagna SAS ’32 Cornelia Mahon SAS ’54 Mary Manifold SAS ’27 Diana Ruffolo Marshall SAS ’47 Frances Katy Connors McCaffrey SAS ’72 Eileen Songer McCarthy SAS ’91 Dorothy McElroy SAS ’55 Eileen McEntegart SAS ’51 Muriel Flaherty McGinnis SAS ’39 Jean Hearn McGuire SAS ’69 Barbara McMahon SAS ’54 Anne Mead SAS ’45 Anne Butkovsky Messina SAS ’60 Susan Ball Miles SAS ’80 Patricia Mooney SAS ’70 GS ’75 Loretta Gaffney Moore SAS ’41 Jane Rako Morrissey SAS ’59 Cecelia Levesque Mruk SNR ’78 Noranne Mulcahy SAS ’66 Marie Therese McGrath Mulcahy SAS ’59 Mary Sue Murphy SAS ’73 Catherine Tyburski Nagy SAS ’62 Patricia Lechner Nahas SAS ’65 Carole McCarthy Nicholson SAS ’59 Maryliz Volin O’Brien SAS ’70 James O’Brien Friend Florence O’Donovan SAS ’39 Ruth McCooey O’Neill SAS ’42 Electa Bachmann O’Toole SAS ’46 Gladys Osborne SNR ’92 GS ’95 Lucy Schubmehl Palme SAS ’47 Jane Perkinson SAS ’63 Rita Perna SAS ’38 Antonino Pesce Friend Marilyn Clarke Peterson SN ’89 Jane Phelps Friend Julie Pifer SAS ’60 Edward Poccia GS ’94 Therese FitzMaurice Powderly SAS ’83 Barbara Borra Pudlinski SAS ’55 Henrietta Raymond SAS ’58 Martha Reddington SAS ’76 Mary Jane Kann Reddington SAS ’45 Mary O’Connell Regan SAS ’61 Therese Carusone Reichert SAS ’57 Jane Scully Reichle SAS ’67 Margaret Reilly-Antalec SAS ’59 Mary Creeden Risio SAS ’68 Faith Ritchie SAS ’69 Marie Porco Rossi SAS ’60 GS ’71 Jane Rundle SAS ’73 Frances Fitzgerald Ryan SAS ’55 Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier SAS ’58 Mary Linda Sara SAS ’70 Mary Ann Runkle Savard SAS ’59 Vincenza Scaduto SNR ’91 Jane Gallagher Schaefer SAS ’45 Maureen Duffy Schaffer SAS ’51 77 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Janet Schneider SNR ’83 Kathleen Brod Scully SAS ’49 Mary Serbacki, OSF SAS ’72 Helen Shubik SAS ’47 Gaetana Sibilio SAS ’69 Eileen Case Sibson SAS ’60 Henrietta McDermott Simeone SAS ’43 Sabina Sprague Slavin SAS ’62 Margaret Snyder SAS ’50 Barbara Reish Spangler SAS ’64 Mary-Susan Dowling Spencer SAS ’56 Joan Stapleton-Dwyer SAS ’72 Jane Crabtree Stark SAS ’51 Joan Steinbrecher SAS ’58 Judith Casey Stephenson SAS ’71 Rosemary Tomczak Strekel SAS ’68 Marilouise Sullivan SAS ’62 Oona Burke Sullivan SAS ’51 Patricia Sullivan SAS ’48 Celeste Boland Sundermann SAS ’42 Anne Sweeney SAS ’79 Patricia McGovern Sweeting SAS ’56 Geraldine Smith Swiney SAS ’40 Marcella Pfeiffer Syracuse SAS ’50 Thomas Taaffe Friend Russel Taylor Friend Margo Marabon Terwilliger SAS ’68 Jean Wilson Tharp SAS ’51 Doreen Cassidy Thibadeau SAS ’69 Mary Jane Thompson SAS ’59 Alice Timothy SAS ’52 Linda O’Leary Titterington SAS ’71 Marjorie McAllister Toner SAS ’48 Barbara Sisk Troxell SAS ’69 Joan Spitaleri Tykot SAS ’57 Mary Dehn Van Dessel SAS ’56 Patricia Vergara SAS ’49 Jane D’Apice Vergari SAS ’71 Mary Nolan Wakeford SAS ’65 Marue English Walizer SAS ’59 Edwina Weisheit SAS ’46 Madeline White SAS ’65 Barbara D’Arcy White SAS ’49 Valerie Roberts Wilcox SAS ’57 Miriam Sweeney Wilcox SAS ’40 Susan Reid Wilke SAS ’66 Patricia Barnum Williams SAS ’56 Marcelle Willock SAS ’58 Bridget Roach Wilson SAS ’72 Ellen Toal Wry SAS ’64 Anne Yedowitz SAS ’34 Evelyn Yenson SAS ’67 11 V CLASS OFFICERS CLASS 1927 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1938 1939 CLASS PRESIDENT Anne Yedowitz Mary MacDonagh Berberich 1943 Margaret Mary Goodwin Murphy 1944 Janet Donnelly 1945 Dolores Morris Donnelly 1946 1947 1949 Ann Goodwin McGovern Sr. Alice Bouchard, OSU Patrice McAllister Guiney Blanche Dickinson Ryan Mary Patricia Deignan McElroy Patricia O’Keeffe Shea-Wallace 1950 Joan Gaynor Ryan 1951 1952 Kathleen Rees Kleinfield Phyllis McCullough Brown 1953 1954 1955 Irene Krumeich Duffy Carol Gourlie 1956 Ethel Ankner Shafter 1957 Francine Corcoran Edwards 1958 1959 L. Joan Mehltretter Goodman Mary Keenan Hart Jaqueline Butler Vacheron Marcia Moynihan Norton Jean Lilly Sweeney 1960 Patricia McGinnis Dunn 1961 Kathryn Gleeson Janet Keenan Dolores Castellano King 1965 1966 Marie Howe Iaconetti Jean McEvoy VanDelft Justine Burns Ogden Rosemary Reen Martell Virginia Blewitt Schlotman Marguerite Sisca Riposanu* Eleanore Boettigheimer Rose Margaret Fonzo* 1964 CLASS FUND AGENT Marie Quinn Connelly Mary Hollister Redgate Muriel Flaherty McGinnis 1941 1942 1962 1963 CLASS NEWS AGENT Rita Stevens Costello 1940 1948 REUNION CHAIRPERSON Alice Duffy Grant Teresita Dwyer O’Leary Joan Morgan Flatley Jane Schneider Marge O’Connor Susan Miner Lyons Sr. Irene M. Kutsky, OSU Camille Andrea-Casling Jean Mahoney McCarthy Rose Scoca Leon Patricia Quinn Straub Kathryn Shanley Vavasour* Mary Jane Kann Reddington Electa Bachmann O’Toole Sr. Miriam Cleary, OS Mary Jean Donovan Zdinak Rosemary Smith Burke Mary McEntegart Welch Mary McCarthy Rynn Gataletto Mary Louise Healey Brown Barbara Alliegro Burke Eileen McEntegart Patricia Ahearn Gillin Caryl Corbetta Schiess Louise Riley Cicero Alice Timothy Dolores Searles Roy Marie Hanache Patricia Tarantino Passaro Carole Quinn Anita Esler Tuoti Isabelle Healey Bacon Margaret Croake Cherico Ruth Anne Cronin Thompson Julia Whalen Claire Fordrung Catherine Leddy Pucciarelli Jane Stock Thomas Ann TenEyck Jacqueline Berean Westa Beatrice “Pete” Fisher Voutsinas Sr. Maryellen V. Keefe, OSU Jaqueline Butler Vacheron Marcia Moynihan Norton Jean Lilly Sweeney Stephanie Syze Cordes Anne Butkovsky Messina Marilyn Picardi Giglia Mary Alice McMahon DiSalvo M. Virginia Hartcorn Elizabeth McMahon Eugenia Mortlock Flatow Sr. M. Paula Holdman, SC Rose Cuomo Coviello Ruth McCooey O’Neill Kathryn McMahon Campbell Jeanne Welcher Kleinfield Cecilia Maguire Coleman Clare Dowd Hayes Sr. Eileen M. Kelleher, OSU Jane Gallagher Schaefer Sr. Frances Lyle, OSU Mary Young Mary FitzMaurice Jean Mahoney McCarthy Marcelle McCormack Daly Marjorie McAllister Toner Diana Fava Lucca Barbara McGrath Candee Mildred Middlemiss Veltri Joan Molanphy Bassett Jean Barrett Colligan Patricia Lace Voorhees Mary Lee Jones Waldron Agnes Claire Reithebuch Mary Lu Sullivan Hughes Mary Martin Kaletta Joann Hawkes Langston Ruth Anne Cronin Thompson Marianne Bachand Geiger Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes Jeannette Carry Parshall Mary Dehn Van Dessel Sara Carey Hull Joan Palmera Giordano Patricia Barnum Williams Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier Rosanne Lammers Rodilosso Kathleen Fredrick Rowena Larkin Morris Eileen Egan Burke Eileen Mylod Hayden Sara Arthur Eileen Case Sibson Moira Lynch Crabtree Maura Meehan Winkler Suzette McKiernan Davis Margaret Mylod Farabaugh Mary Ball Hofstetter Daryl Thompson Neubecker Jacqueline Compton D’Alessio Jane Perkinson Noreen Deane Moran Patricia Smith Treanor Elizabeth Gendron O’Neill Mary Curran Folsom Kathy Brubaker Davies Susan Reid Wilke Marjorie Stone Hagenah Joellyn Ausanka Jean Reardon Kellogg Dorothy Maun Boodaghian Beatrice Close Kerr Catherine Brown Gengel * Deceased 78 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Margaret Dore Diana Ruffolo Marshall Marie Valluzzo Convertito Theresa Cardinale Johnson Judith O’Neill O’Gorman Joan McInerney Hallowell Catherine Tyburski Nagy Patricia Sobierajski Kuhr Joan Fiori Blanchfield Mary Donahue-Aveni CLASS OFFICERS CLASS CLASS PRESIDENT REUNION CHAIRPERSON CLASS NEWS AGENT CLASS FUND AGENT 1967 Denise Soebbing Soares Ellen Kiernan Fauerbach Jane Scully Reichle 1968 Sally Fernet Geloso Roberta Walsh Zardeck 1969 Margaret Pasquariello Holtman Kristin Krause McDonough Mary Creeden Risio Elizabeth Bonauto Kuhns 1970 Sheleen Quish 1971 1972 Rachael Orsatti Hart Margaret Nolan Patricia O’Connell Pearson 1973 1974 Valerie McEwen Anne Schreck La Roche Mary Atala Lessard Margaret Baine Lorraine Cyr Germain Janet Rossi Maffucci Marie Sayegh Shack Barbara Sisk Troxell Joanne Smith Romalewski Jacqueline Billings Briganti Helene Lutz Maryliz Volin O’Brien Marie Turley Marlene Melone Tutera Susan Brown Reitz Kathleen Scott McGrath Patricia Lamb Isgro 1975 Nancy Harkins Esther Schoffelen Rada 1976 1977 Sally Smith Michele McMahon Jeanne Rafferty Franz 1978 Sandra Camishion Carella 1980 1981 Susan Ball Miles Christine Meehan Virginia Curry 1982 Sr. Patricia M. Schifini, OSU 1983 Sharon Scanlan 1984 1986 Maria Prainito Pedersen Kathleen Mahoney Ferrari Lauren Chisholm Olga Conde Rella Diana Minotti-Mitrano Genellen McGrath Rosemary Gorman McLaughlin Andrea Nevin Lynch Mary Fernandes Michunovich Patricia Oakley Mathieu Lillian Mitchell Kathleen McCloskey Zanger Maureen Connors Anne Yorke Cannon Wendy Griffin O’Keefe Randy Goguen Balano Catherine Hyland Zavorskas Karenann Gilbride Carty Elizabeth Donoghue Russell Theresa Vinci Caracciolo Jean Rusie Hutton Diane Patierno Powell Jacqueline Morin Caffrey MaryJo Morpurgo Gavigan Patricia Pickering Patricia Fagan Ryan Margaret Prebish Sciommeri 1987 Christine Skelly Lynskey 1988 Elizabeth Conway Mazzola 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Carolyn Simmonds Nenart Elaine Tolley-Andrews Katia Hale Mason 1985 1994 1995 Patricia Devlin Jennifer Oetzel 1996 Susan Kelley Clare Cashman Silvernail Mary Kay McSweeney Blanco Marie Patunas-Rubin Michele Kress DiCarlo Theresa McEvoy-Colgan Lisa Vesperman Still Colleen Fitzgerald DiRago Doreen Delage Napoli Jennie Jaklitsch Michele Accardo Sofo Jessica McCormack Blum Michele Wasko Hlewicki Heather Archibald Hope Ntim-Addae Richards Renee Blackwell Jacqueline Maxwell 1997 1998 Brenda Kibler Aversano Kelley Allen 1999 2000 Angela Valitutto Christine Sumner-Percopo Tara O’Neill Brant Kelley Allen Nicole Totans Suzette Walker-Vega Anne E. Rapalje Melissa Martyn Jessica Hamilton Monroe Tara Alfano Erin Churchill 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Ellen Donovan Manewal Mary Studeny Maureen Hanley Abrahamson Barbara Burke Smith Mary Sommer Sandak Miriam Stapleton Moynihan Rosalie Duffy Crabbe Ann Tenore Carroll Mary Dugan Janice Ramsey Corrin Sorteberg Joan Kauffman JoEllen Vavasour Joyce Campman Keegan Mary Fernandes Michunovich Andrea Nevin Lynch Christine Loomie Mary Ellen Burns Catherine Russell Wright Elizabeth Whalen Theresa Moylan Samot Randy Goguen Balano Marianne Smith Sullivan Michelle Wong Alexandra Liddy Bourne Anne Kinney O’Donnell Sandra Phipps Jayne Connors Travers Shelly Laub Rubin Margaret Beal Abel Deborah Michalsky Mugridge Nancy McCarthy-Mangels Patricia Giorgio-Hebrank Daphne Dominguez Sullivan Patricia Crichton Harris Linda Creighton Wulforst Anne Keefe Carucci Rosa Puleo Napoleone Michele Marotta Jaworski Julia Vargas Larino Therese FitzMaurice Powderly Diane Polchlopek Sarna Sharon Regan Masciovecchio Paula Caputo Curtiss Nancy Colihan Edwards Lisa Besseghini-Winjum Holly Ingelfinger-Lopez Theresa Barone Feinberg Jane McKeon Dalton Colleen Fitzgerald DiRago Jennifer Yearwood Ginn Antoinette Cantone Denning Noreen Mastellon Immel Kathleen Rooney Paprota Melissa Varnavas Tara Ambery Patterson Nancy Paniagua Carlye Spataro Calo Gina Kirchner Jennifer Oetzel Joanna Tierney Cusack Cynthia Romualdo Michelle Tabi Pamela Mantalvanos Heidi Muhleman Jenna Sunderland-Barresi Cora Santaguida Ryan Wright Griselda Kim Diana Valdes Marianne Weston Dawn Bridges Ayana Mitchell Kadiatu Conteh Tiara Simmons Tara Alfano 79 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 111 V T RU S T E E S , A D M I N I S T R AT I O N , VO LU N TA RY B OA R D S , A N D CO M M I T T E E S 20 07- 20 0 8 B OA R D O F T R U ST E ES D E V E LO P M E N T CO M M I T T E E A LU M N A E / I ASSO C I AT I O N B OA R D 20 07 – 20 0 8 Marlene Melone Tutera SAS’71 President Christine LaSala SAS ’72 Chair Michael Ambler Lillian Brennan Carney SAS ’69 Elizabeth LeVaca James Plowden-Wardlaw Stephen J. Sweeny Margo Terwilliger SAS ’68 Marcelle Willock SAS’58 20 07- 20 0 8 B OA R D O F T R U ST E ES Michael Ambler Judith O’Hara Balfe SNR’89, GS’91,’97 Vice President O F F I C E O F CO L L EG E A DVA N C E M E N T Tara Nicole Alfano SAS’02, GS’04 Sandra Bartik SAS’67 Marie-Helene Raho GS’76 Noel Petri Robinson SAS’69 Nicole Totans SAS’99 Suzette Walker Vega SAS’00 Brenna Sheenan Mayer Vice President for College Advancement Linda David Executive Director of Capital Campaigns Kelly Brennan Director of Alumnae/i Relations S E N AT E R E P R ES E N TAT I V ES Brigidanne Flynn SAS’87 2nd Vice President Nilda Bayron-Resnick SAS’77 Susan Ball Larson SAS’65 Lela Keough Negri SAS’56 Corresponding Secretary Elisha Brewster Administrative Assistant to the Director of Annual Giving Carolyn M. Brown SNR ’96, GS ’00 Christiane Morejon SNR’02, GS’04 20 07- 20 0 8 A N N UA L G I V I N G CO M M I T T E E O F T H E A LU M N A E / I ASSO C I AT I O N B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S Recording Secretary Mary Hogan Hearle SAS’56, GS’87 Trustee Chair Dolores Battalia SNR’75 Lillian Brennan Carney SAS’69 Joseph C. Farina Mary Hogan Hearle SAS’56 Hugh F. Johnston Regina F. Kehoe, OSU SAS’56 Margaret Mary Kelleher, OSU Christine LaSala SAS’72 Elizabeth LeVaca Jean-Baptiste Nicholson, OSU SAS’60 John C. Nicholson Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J. Ann Peterson, OSU SAS’62 James Plowden-Wardlaw Carla L. Romita Saddie L. Smith Diana Stano, OSU Stephen J. Sweeny Margo Marabon Terwilliger SAS’68 Anne T. Vitale Marcelle M. Willock SAS’58 Stephanie Wilson, OSU SAS’54 N O M I N AT I N G CO M M I T T E E Rosa Puleo Napoleone SAS ’75 D I R EC TO R S Patricia Bennett SN’98 Erin Churchill SAS’03 Martha Counihan SAS’67 Jacqueline Compton D’Alessio SAS’64 Joyce Gaston GS’89 Nancy Harkins SAS’75 Barbara Krajewski SN’98 Susan Ball Larson SAS’65 Patricia Ahearn Mastellon SAS’65 Eileen Songer McCarthy SAS’91 Marilyn Dempsey McGill SAS’68 Rosa Puleo Napoleone SAS’75 Marge O’Connor SAS’66 Ita O’Sullivan SN’86 David Patterson SNR’97 Jane Scully Reichle SAS’67 Alvin Rivera SNR’07 Theresa Moylan Samot SN’80 Virginia Shuford-Brown SAS’72 Rodney Samuels SNR’95 Pearl Hayes Sullivan SNR’03 Tanya Thomas GS’06 Valarie Williams GS’95 Robin Zaleski SAS’89 Assistant Director of Alumnae/i Relations Monique Caubere Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations Louise Dunbar Associate Director of Annual Giving Chair Lois Scarpino Amend SAS ’57 Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes SAS ’54 Judy Kenny SNR ’82 Mary Sue Murphy SAS ’73 Lela Keough Negri SAS ’56 Tara O’Neill Brant SAS ’98 Faith Ritchie SAS ’69 Jennifer M. Smith SAS’05 Marian Trotta Tobin SNR ’79 Marlene Melone Tutera SAS ’71 20 07- 20 0 8 B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S , C AST L E G A L L E RY Barbara Adams Robert Antonik Lisa Besseghini-Winjum SAS ’86 Elaine Donovan Blair SAS ’64 Jessica Cioffoletti GS ’02 Kelly Clark GS ’05 Cristina deGennaro Judith Duffy GS ’72 Patricia Furman SNR ’82 Michelle Jammes Guy Lometti Marion Lynch SAS ’63 Robert Morgan Katrina Rhein SAS ’02 Mary Jane Robertshaw SAS ’51 Larene Sanchez SNR ’96 Lynda Shand Richard Thompson 80 2008 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Patricia Rosenkranz Levins SAS ’73 Corporate Relations Officer Claire Colangelo Manto SAS ’69 Director of Donor Relations Mynetta McCutcheon SNR ’05 Administrative Assistant to the Director of Gift Planning Miyada Musharbash Assistant Director of Alumnae/i Relations Marilyn Saulle Director of Annual Giving Carole Weaver Director of Gift Planning Partners for Excellence Gift Societies Starting July 1, 2008 the new Partners for Excellence gift societies replace those that had been in effect for more than 40 years. In addition, the College will recognize loyal donors through the new Fidelis Society and a donor’s cumulative giving to CNR through two new named societies. PARTNERS FOR EXCELLENCE GIFT SOCIETIES Annual Fund Gift Societies CNR’s Annual Fund Recognition Societies $250 Cum Laude Associates $500 Magna Cum Laude Associates $750 Scholars’ Circle $1,000 Deans’ Circle The President’s Circle Associates CNR’s Annual Fund Leadership Gift Society for Recent Graduates $250+ 1-4 years $500+ 5-9 years $750+ 10-12 years The President’s Circle CNR’s Annual Fund Leadership Gift Societies $1,500 Blue & White Society $1,904 1904 Society $3,000 Castle Society $5,000 Brescia Society $10,000 Ursuline Society $15,000 Adrian Iselin* Society $25,000 Leadership Society $50,000 Cornerstone Society Fidelis Society CNR’s recognition society to recognize loyal donors who have given regularly to the College for 10 or more years *Adrian Iselin, early supporter of Mother Irene Gill and president of the Board from 1904 to 1935. He forgave the mortgage on the Castle on the occasion of CNR’s Silver Jubilee in 1929. It was the first major gift to the College. The Heritage Society CNR’s recognition society for donors of planned and estate gifts Mother Irene Gill Society CNR’s recognition society for donors whose cumulative lifetime giving to all funds totals $500,000 – $999,999 St. Angela Society CNR’s recognition society for donors whose cumulative lifetime giving to all funds totals $1,000,000 or more Partners for Excellence Create Opportunity • Inspire Vision • Ensure Tradition THE COLLEGE OF NEW ROCHELLE 29 CASTLE PLACE NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10805
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