We pray that Confirmation will be an experience


We pray that Confirmation will be an experience
Follow Chuck on his website: www.ChuckKnowsChurch.com
And find Chuck at Lake Junaluska during the Confirmation Retreat Weekends!
Non-Profit Org.
Lake Junaluska,
NC 28745
Permit #1
About the band, Forgotten City: “I loved how they
engaged the students and also mixed hymns into the
contemporary music in their set. We come from a
church with only traditional worship options, so they
were able to feel at home with the hymns, but still
experience a new style of worship.”
About the main speakers: “We chose this weekend
based on him (Andy Lambert) being the main speaker.
He has an awesome way of connecting with kids/youth.”
“Always Duffy was right on target with the topics,
illustrations and challenges for both adults and youth
alike - thanks so much for continuing to provide the
relevant sermons for all ages and the laughter it was
much needed for each of us.”
About the Stoles Workshop: “Hands-on nature of the
workshop captured the kids attention well - they were
most engaged during this workshop.”
“I think the making of the stoles was very meaningful. I
enjoyed making one as did each of the kids. It is thought
About the new Team Building workshop:
“Awesome! This was the first time we had experienced
this at the retreat and the kids seemed to really learn a
great deal about one another as they worked together to
accomplish the goal for each activity.”
We pray that
Confirmation will
be an experience
your youth will
remember for a
Belin UMC, SC
Belin UMC from SC has a wonderful testimony of their
Confirmation Weekend. Check out their short video on
To be faithful in my...
-Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service & Witness
P.O. Box 546
Lake Junaluska, NC 28745
Except from Chuck Knows Church, Episode #43. Chuck Knows Church is a
WEEKLY online series produced for all people by The General Board of
Discipleship (GBOD) of The United Methodist Church.
What do we hear participants say about their
experience at a Confirmation Retreat Weekend?
A Ministry of the Southeastern Jurisdictional Council
... in the Church it
commitment that a person makes to respond to God’s
grace; to publicly reaffirm their baptismal
vows before the congregation. Confirmands,
usually youths between the ages of 11 and 14,
who have been raised and nurtured in the
church since their baptism. Most churches have
organized confirmation classes where
Confirmands learn about the Christian faith.
United Methodists believe that conscious faith
and intentional commitment are necessary.
Individuals may have been baptized as infants,
but later they also claim as their own the faith
that the church proclaimed on their behalf at
their baptism. This is done deliberately through
confirmation classes. The focus is on the
understanding of Christian doctrines, spiritual
disciplines and what a life of
actually means. The hope is to lead the
Confirmands to personally heed the calling of
God, to profess Jesus Christ as savior, and to
embrace the Christian faith on their own. It
should be remembered that Confirmation is not
entrance into church membership, this was
already done through baptism, instead it’s the
person’s first public affirmation that the faith
of the church is also their own. The Confirmand
is taking the responsibility for living as a
member of the body of Christ and for fulfilling
God’s purpose.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew
in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned
for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 NIV
March 14 - 16
Speaker: Rev. Andy Lambert
Known as “the funniest man in youth
ministry,” Andy is a native of
Pfafftown, NC. He received a B.A. in
sociology from Appalachian State
University and a Masters of Divinity
from Duke Divinity School. Andy has
proclaimed the Gospel at comedy clubs,
churches and colleges, traveling throughout the US, Mexico, Wales and
The focus of our weekends are to augment the curriculum
being taught in the local church, with a focus on providing
tools to youth that will help them keep their promise when
they are confirmed in the church. The mini-workshops will be
more specifically tailored to address the importance of:
Being Present in the life of the church.
Learning the spiritual disciplines like Prayer in
developing a conversational relationship with
March 21 - 23 and April 25 - 27
Speaker: Rev. Duffy Robbins
Rev. Duffy Robbins is Professor of Youth Ministry at
Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. A
thirty-five year veteran of youth ministry, he’s the
bestselling author and co-author of Enjoy the
Silence, Speaking to Teenagers, Youth Ministry Nuts
and Bolts and many more. Duffy speaks around the
world to teenagers and people who care about
March 28 - 30
Speaker: Rev. Travis Garner
Rev. Travis Garner is the Pastor of Discipleship
and Missions at Brentwood UMC, Brentwood, TN.
He has a BS & BM from Lambuth University and an
MTS from Vanderbilt Divinity School. He and his
wife Amanda have three little boys. He enjoys
spending time with family, cycling, reading,
music, drinking coffee; and watching the
Fighting Illini, the Cubs, and the Green Bay
April 4 - 6
Speaker: Rev. Carolyn Poling
Rev. Carolyn Poling is the Youth Pastor at
Impact UMC in Atlanta, GA. Impact is about
people seeking a real experience with God.
Previously Carolyn was the Director of
Ministries with Young People at Lake
Junaluska. We’re excited to have Carolyn
back at Lake Junaluska with us this weekend!
November 14 - 16
Speaker & Worship Leader: Don Washburn
Don Washburn has been the Director of Camp
Lookout for 15 years. Camp Lookout’s mission is to
provide unique settings of retreat for Holston
Conference where God’s love is encouraged,
experienced, valued, and seen in each person and
creation as we share in community to nurture
mind, soul, body, and spirit. Don brings not only experience in youth
ministry but passion to see young people following Christ with all
their hearts.
What the Bible says about Gifts and why it's
important as a joyful expression of faith to
Figuring out what talents God has given you,
what you are passionate about, and how you can
put them into the Service of others
Which also follows with Witness as you reflect
the spirit of Jesus through your life.
The World Methodist Museum is a place where
youth will discover more about John Wesley, and
the roots of United Methodism.
The SEJ Heritage Archives Center is a valuable
opportunity for youth to get a better understanding of the polity of the United Methodist
Church with emphasis on the southeast.
TeamBuilding is a returning favorite activity
for youth to discover how working together to
problem solve and meet challenges as a group
translates to working together to bring about
God’s kingdom here on earth. Plus, it’s really
Forgotten City is a Christian Band based in
Waynesville, NC. Chance Kuehn, David Merrell,
Chris Pruett, Adam Henson, Aaron Hawkins are
focused on the one true Savior. Forgotten City
will be our band for all of the spring Retreat
These extraordinary weekends are filled with kids from
across the southeast. For youth to worship together from so
many diverse backgrounds, and to be unified by their belief in
God, is truly inspiring - both for them and for the adults who
come with them!
Costs are per person and includes 2 nights lodging and 4
meals; Saturday breakfast, lunch & dinner, Sunday breakfast.
Housing Reservations are made through the Conference
Center at 800-222-4930.
 West-End Option: Junaluska Apts., Lakeside Lodge,
Mountainview, or Sunnyside with meals at the Terrace:
$93.00/person. Limited space is available at this lower rate.
Reserve early!
 Upgrade Option: Terrace Hotel: $99.00/person.
A housing deposit of $35 per person is required to secure
housing. A $150 refundable damage deposit will be collected
for each group. LJA Housing deposit is refundable less $15
processing fee per person up to 30 days prior to the event.
Housing fees are subject to a $35 forfeiture fee when
cancelation is made within 30 days.
Providence Lodge: A privately owned lodge available for
groups. Call Pat at 888-631-3400 for rates and availability.
Other Options: Cottage Rentals - privately owned homes,
apartments and cottages managed by the Lake Junaluska
Conference Center. Call 800-222Lower Housing Cost Option:
Stay at the Atkins House
(Home of IGC)! Groups of 16 or less
are welcome. Contact Bobbie
Ammons, Hostess, at 800-482-1442
for cost and availability.
Providing Your Own Housing? Groups of 10 or more
wishing to eat on campus are asked to purchase meal
tickets in advance by calling Reservations at
1. Select your weekend:
March 14 - 16, 2014 with Andy Lambert
March 21 - 23, 2014 with Duffy Robbins
March 28 - 30, 2014 with Travis Garner
April 4 - 6, 2014 with Carolyn Poling
April 25 - 27, 2014 with Duffy Robbins
November 14 - 16, 2014 with Don Washburn
2. Complete your group information:
Church: _________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________
State: ______________ Zip: _______________________
Contact Name:___________________________________
Email: __________________________________________
YES! I have secured housing for our group!
Adults Attending: # ___ Men + #____ Women = __________
Confirmands Attending: # ___ Boys + #____ Girls =______
Group Total: ___________
Program Fee:
Youth Total: ______________x $70 = ________________
Adult Total: ______________x $60 = ________________
Total Program Fee: $_____________
3. Complete your payment information:
Check Enclosed for $________ made payable to the
Intentional Growth Center (IGC). Mail to: P.O. Box 546
Lake Junaluska, NC 28745
Pay by credit card: MasterCard/Visa/American Express
Program Fee includes all mini-workshop materials,
museum tours, TeamBuilding activities, stole and t-shirt.
$1 of the program fee goes toward our UMCOR Service Project!
 $70.00 for youth
 $60.00 for adults
Some Scholarship Aid may be available. Contact IGC for
information and an application.
Email: info@IntentionalGrowthCenter.org
Phone: 800-482-1442 • Fax: 828-452-4225
Credit Card # ____________________________________
Expiration date: _____ /_____
Billing Address: ___________________________________
Register Online:
Program Fees are refundable at any time, less a $10 per
person processing fee.