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booklet jurusan IE english.cdr
Faculty of Economics and Business
For enquiries please contact:
Mrs. Evi Primantari (Department’s Secretary)
Tel. +62 274 548510-548515 Ext. 150
Welcome to the
Department of Economics
Welcome to the Department of Economics
Why study at Universitas Gadjah Mada?
Undergraduate program in economics
International undergraduate program in
Field of specialization
What do they say?
Student exchange and double degree program
Program structure
Assessment method
Student and alumni profiles
Careers and employment prospects
Living in Yogyakarta
Admission process
Frequently asked questions
Visit and contact us
Pertamina Tower, one
of the icon of FEB UGM
Welcome to the Department of Economics,
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas
Gadjah Mada!
The Department of Economics has performed for
more than 58 years strong commitment and
consistency in developing high quality
(undergraduate, master and doctoral) education,
community services as well as both pure and
applied researches related to economics in
Indonesia. As one of the oldest economics
departments, the Department of Economics has
been famous as the best economics department
in Indonesia and become an important reference
in South East Asia in the higher education Tri
Dharma (teaching, research, community service).
Being a well-known nationally and internationally
is one of the main purposes of ED FEB UGM. This
is manifested with achievements in publications
and national as well as international
accreditation. The International Undergraduate
Program (IUP) of the Department of Economics
together with other programs at FEB UGM has
got an international accreditation by The
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of
Business (AACSB) on May 12, 2014.
Prof. Tri Widodo, M.Ec.Dev., Ph.D
Head of Department of Economics
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Why study at
Universitas Gadjah Mada?
Why study at
Universitas Gadjah Mada?
What is economics?
Economics is a social science that study how
people choose to use resources and how the
economy works. Economics includes the study of
labor, land, and investments, of money, income,
and production, and of taxes and government
expenditures. Therefore the aim of economics is
to gain better understanding about incentives
and how it can be used to improve welfare.
Economics at Universitas Gadjah Mada
The Department of Economics is part of the
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas
Gadjah Mada (UGM), along with the Department
of Accounting and Department of Management.
UGM ( is an Indonesian public
ivy league research university located in
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, founded on December 19,
1949. UGM is the oldest and largest institution of
higher learning in Indonesia. Located in
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, the 360 acre university
comprises of 18 faculties, 68 undergraduate
study programs, 23 diploma study programs, 104
master and specialist study program, and 43
doctorate study programs.
UGM has approximately 55,000 students, 1,187
foreign students and 2,500 faculty members
currently. UGM has been considered to be one of
the most prestigious universities in Indonesia.
UGM is implementing an “educopolis” area, a
step taken by universities in creating conducive
environment for the continuity of the learning
The Faculty of Economics and Business
( was founded on
September 19, 1955, where it was still part of the
Faculty of Law, Economics, Social and Politics. In
1958, the Faculty of Economics moved to the
area of Bulaksumur, occupying a part of Gadjah
Mada University Administration Center Building.
Then in January 1989, it moved to a new building
at Humaniora Street, Bulaksumur, and operates
there to this today. Seeking to meet its
international goals, the Faculty changed its name
to the Faculty of Economics and Business in
The Faculty of Economics and Business earns one
of the world prestigious accreditation The
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of
Business (AACSB) after almost 7 years of
institutional development process. The Faculty of
Economics and Business becomes the first AACSB
earner in Indonesia.
The origin of the Department of Economics can
be traced since 1952 when it was still a division
under the Faculty of Law, Economics, Social and
Politics. In 1983 the Department of Economics
and Development Studies was established and
then changed to the Department of Economics in
The Department of Economics obtained an “A”
accreditation from the Board of National
Accreditation (BAN-PT).
Research collaboration
The Department of Economics provides wide
opportunity for research collaboration between
the lecturer and the students. Third and fourth
year undergraduate students may apply to
become research assistant at Research and
Training in Economics and Business (P2EB),
Macroeconomic Dashboard, Center for
Economics and Public Policy (PSEKP), or to
individual lecturers. Macroeconomic Dashboard
produced quarterly report on the Indonesian
economy where research assistants, which
include undergraduate students, are the
backbone of its production.
Student organization
HIMIESPA ( is the
student association for undergraduate students
at the Department of Economics. The association
held several annual activities such as Economics
Discussion and Study Forum (FSDE), CorruptionFree Economy (EBK), and various workshops.
Students of the Department of Economics may
also join the Students Executive Board (BEM),
Students Mountaineering Club, religious
organizations, and various other students body.
When I first came into the university, I actually
had low expectations about my study.
However, eventually I found the economics
professors here to be the best in the country
that I forgot about the faculty's shortcomings.
Now I'm itching to get the most out of my
study and learn from the best
Andreas Rahadyanto (B.Econ. IUP Class 2013)
Notable alumni
By studying at the undergraduate program in
economics, FEB UGM, you will be continuing the
footsteps of exceptional people including Prof.
Boediono (Minister of Finance in 2001-2005,
Governor of Bank Indonesia in 2008, and vice
president of Indonesia in 2009-2014), the late
Prof. Mubyarto (founding father of Ekonomi
Pancasila), Adrianus Mooy (Governor of Bank
Indonesia 1988-1993, Dean of UPH Business
School in 2010), and Prof. Sri Adiningsih (member
of President Joko Widodo’s Advisory Board).
Alumni of the undergraduate program in
economics are equipped with both technical and
soft skills needed to become professional
economist. Some of the alumni worked as
professional economist at Bank Mandiri, Bank
Indonesia, Ministry of Finance, National Team for
the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K),
the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and
many other prestigious institutions.
The Faculty of Economics and Business
cooperates with various scholarship providers
such as LPDP, Bank Indonesia, Bidik Misi,
Accenture, GE Foundations, and many others to
help students who are financially challenged (see
The Department also provides research grant for
joint-research in undergraduate thesis writing.
Recipients of the research grant are asked to
present their research results during the
research-expo week.
Undergraduate Program
in Economics
The undergraduate program in economics provides excellent learning environment. A typical student
finishes his/her study in 3.5 to 4 years, where the first two years are mostly consist of core subjects. A
student who able to complete the whole study program will be awarded a Bachelor of Economics degree
(Sarjana Ekonomi).
Economics teaching at FEB UGM
consists of Core and Fields
subjects. Core subjects are the
foundation of economic analysis.
Core subjects comprise of
microeconomics, macroeconomics,
and quantitative methods
(mathematics, statistics,
Semester 1
Year 1
Semester 2
Semester 3
On the other hands, Fields are
focus or specializations that can be
categorized into: public economics,
development economics,
monetary economics, international
economics, and business
Many of the subjects taught at the
undergraduate program in
economics require strong logical
reasonings and mathematical
skills. Therefore, students from the
Science major (IPA) are more than
welcome to apply to the program.
Year 2
Semester 4
Semester 5
Year 3
Semester 6
The rooftop garden provides a cozy place to
relax after study.
Final year
Semester 7
Semester 8
Introduction to Accounting I, Introduction to
Business, Introduction to Economics I,
Indonesian, Introduction to Law, Sociology
Economics, Mathematics for Economics I
Religion I, Microeconomics I, Introduction to
Economics II, Statistics I, Pancasila, Civics,
Mathematics for Economics II, English for
Macroeconomics I, Economic Development I,
Public Economics I, International Economics
I, Statistics II, Business Economics I,
Microeconomics II
Macroeconomics II, Economic Development
II, Public Economics II, International
Economics II, Econometrics I, Industrial
Economics , Monetary Economics I
Monetary Economics II, History of Economic
Thought, Econometrics II, Indonesian
Economy, Workshop on Public Economics,
Workshop on Economic Development,
Workshop on International Economics,
Religion II, Research Methodology,
Institutional Economics, Agricultural and
Rural Economics , Workshop on Monetary
Economics, Workshop on Business
Economics, Workshop on Theory of
Economics, Elective
Three electives
Community service, Undergraduate thesis
Notes: the number of subjects eligible to be taken every semester by students are
subject to the academic performance of the students. See and
International Undergraduate
Program in Economics
Field of Specialization
The Department of Economics also provides opportunity to international students to enroll to the
international undergraduate program (IUP) in economics. IUP students are expected to spent at least 1
semester abroad as a part of the exchange program. Below is the curriculum for the IUP in economics
Similar to the regular program, the
IUP program also consists of Core
and Fields subjects. However,
subjects taken by the students in
early years of the program are
offered as a package.
Semester 1
Year 1
The focus of the IUP in economics
is business economics. Therefore,
subjects offered are tailored such
that the contents are relevant with
the global business environment.
Likewise, subjects taught at the
IUP in economics require strong
logical reasonings and
mathematical skills. Therefore,
students from the Science major
(IPA) are more than welcome to
apply to the program.
Prospective international students
please visit this Office of
International Affairs website:
Semester 2
Semester 3
Year 2
Semester 4
Semester 5
Year 3
Semester 6
Final year Semester 7
Introduction to Accounting I, Introduction to
Business, Introduction to Economics I,
Indonesian,Management, Sociology and
Politics, English and Writing Skills,
Mathematics for Economics I
Indonesian Values and Ideology,
Microeconomics I, Introduction to Economics
II, Introduction to Accounting II, Introduction
to Business II, Statistics for Business,
Introduction to Business Law, Foreign
Language (Mandarin, Japanese)
Macroeconomics I, Economic Development I,
Public Economics, International Trade,
Statistics for Business, Business Economics I,
Microeconomics II, Quantitative Methods for
Business Decision Making
Macroeconomics II, Monetary Economics,
Project Evaluation, Indonesian Economy,
International Finance, Fundamental
Econometrics, Managerial Economics,
Financial Economics
Banking and Non-banking Industries,
Econometrics for Business, Development
Economics II, Institutional Economics, 3
Industrial Organization, Research
Methodology, Business Ethics, 3 Electives
Internship/community services,
Undergraduate thesis
Notes: the number of subjects eligible to be taken every semester by students are
subject to the academic performance of the students. See and
Studies how economics can
help analyze business firms
and organizational structure in
relation with labor, capital, and
product market.
Studies how government
interventions are needed in
the absence of the market
through the lens of economic
efficiency and equity.
Employment opportunity:
Government, international
NGO, Ministry of
Development Planning.
Studies pattern of
international network such as
trade, exchange rate policy,
tariff policy, globalization, and
international finance.
Employment opportunity:
Ministry of Trade, investment
banks, international NGO.
Studies how economics may
help emerging economies
solve development problems
such as poverty, labor market
problem, and health issues.
Employment opportunity:
Government, World Bank,
Ministry of Development
Employment opportunity:
Private enterprises, stateowned enterprises, private
Studies the role of money in
the economy and its
relationship with inflation,
money supply, interest rate,
financial regulation, and
Employment opportunity:
Central bank, Ministry of
Finance, private banks.
What Do They Say?
Student Exchange and
Double Degree Program
“The curriculum here is designed to give both inclusive and understanding of
theoretical economics and applicable approach to real economic
phenomenon to students.”
Arya Swarnata (B.Econ. Class 2012)
“Career prospect is very broad. Thanks to the Lord I am accepted
in a field that corresponds to my education.”
Fandi Gunawan (B.Econ. Alumni 2013), analyst at the center of trade policy
harmonization of the Ministry of Trade
“Studying economics here makes me confident about my future since
it is the best in the country. The lecturers learning environment is very
supportive and the curriculum is excellent. Economics department
has delivered the best economists in the country, as well.”
Talitha Rahma (B.Econ. IUP Class 2013)
“In addition to being research assistant, my analytical skills were
developed by doing challenging class assignments. This helps me
in preparing for my professional career.”
Azka Khairina (B.Econ. Alumni 2013), analyst at the statistics department of
Bank Indonesia
“My research skill is upgraded and I contributed to the
development of GAMA LEI, a business cycle projection model
developed by FEB UGM.”
Galih Adhidharma (B.Econ. Alumni 2013), researcher at Macroeconomic
Student exchange program
Double degree program
The purpose of the program is to give students
opportunity to experience another educational,
business and cultural environment. Students will
be treated as regular students with the same
freedom and restrictions in choosing courses.
Students participating double degree program
will receive S.E. (Sarjana Ekonomi) degree from
Universitas Gadjah Mada and B.Sc. (Bachelor of
Science) from partner universities. Double
degree students in FEB UGM are required to join
Community Service as part of the requirement to
obtain bachelor degree from UGM.
At the completion of their studies, the
institutions will provide each other with
transcripts or report on each student’s progress.
Students shall pay tuition fee at their home
university and shall be exempted from paying
tuition fee at the host institution. The program
usually will endure for one semester at a partner
Partner university:
? Bremen University of Applied Sciences
? Pforzheim University, Germany
? University of Groningen, Netherlands
? ESCEM France.
? ISCTE Lisboa, Portugal.
? Hirosima University of Economics, Japan
? University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
? Nagoya University, Japan
? Chuo University, Japan
? Saga University, Japan
? The University of Tokyo, Japan
? Chiba University, Japan
? Daejon University, South Korea
? Arnhem Business School, Netherlands
? INHA University, South Korea
? Sung Kyun Kwan University, South Korea
? Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Netherlands
? Avans University, Netherlands
Students are required to complete at least four
semesters (equals to 84-96 credits) of study at
the International Undergraduate Program (IUP)
FEB UGM. They will spend 2 to 4 semesters in
partner universities (depend on host university's
regulations). FEB students taking double degree
program are required to write bachelor thesis
and comprehensive exam for their bachelor
degree of Sarjana Ekonomi from UGM.
Also, partner university requires FEB students to
take internship. The period ranges from 100
working days up to six months, and can be done
either at host or home university. The program
usually will endure for two or more semesters at
a partner university.
Partner university.
? The University of Melbourne
? University of Queensland
? France Business School, Poitiers
? Hochschule Pforzheim University of Applied
? University of Groningen
? Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
? Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Program Structure
Assessment Methods
Subjects in the regular undergraduate program in
economics are delivered using Bahasa Indonesia.
However, most of the lecturers prefer to use
English-language textbooks and presentations.
Therefore, make sure that you are comfortable in
using English in daily life.
The undergraduate program in economics take
staff quality seriously. There are 46 lecturers in
the Department of Economics, where 56% of
them hold Ph.D. degree, while many of the
master’s degree holders are currently taking
Ph.D. study. Most of the lecturers are graduates
from respected foreign universities, mostly from
the United States and Australia, and only 1 out of
5 (21.74%) graduated from within Indonesia.
International undergraduate program in
economics, however, uses English in delivering
the courses, in discussions with lecturers, and in
formal correspondence with faculty staffs.
SINTESIS: Efficient online system
The Faculty uses an online system called
SINTESIS. The system provides comprehensive
information for students, lecturers, and
administrative staffs of the Faculty. Information
about grades, syllabus, student profile, teaching
schedules, and other academic information can
be accessed via SINTESIS. Students, therefore,
are expected to check SINTESIS regularly to avoid
missing updates.
Credits system
The Department of Economics uses credit points
system (SKS), where for each SKS students are
expected to have 50 minutes of class hours per
week. A typical economics subject has 3 SKS,
which means that a student will have 2.5 hours
of class meeting within a week for 1 subject. For
the whole study, an economics student must
complete 144 SKS (111 SKS compulsory subjects
and 33 electives). The limit for SKS to be taken is
based on the GPA achievement.
In the last few years, the Department of
Economics introduced various “workshop”
classes where students are given practical/
applied economics. Therefore, students should
be able to gain more than theoretical economics.
Throughout the semester, 1 subject is delivered
in 14 meetings. The main assessment method is
the mid-term and final exam. However, lecturers
are encouraged to give assignments and student
presentation. Therefore, the final grade is a
weighted average of all grade components.
Following the reputation of the Department of
Economics, lecturers are expecting exceptional
performance of the students in the class.
Students should realize this expectation when
entering the class and study hard.
Exit assessment on a departing student is done
by writing and defending an undergraduate
thesis, and passing a comprehensive exam (Basic
Microeconomics, Basic Macroeconomics and
Basic Development Economics courses).
3 examiners, comprising 1 supervisor and 2 other
lecturers, conduct thesis defense and the
comprehensive exam. Students failing the
defense/exam may reapply for it again. Those
failing more than 3 times will be assigned to a
faculty member for counseling.
Students who have completed the
undergraduate economics program will be
awarded citations based on their cumulative GPA
and length of study:
? High distinction (cum laude): cumulative GPA
≥ 3.51 and completing their studies in the
maximum of 8 semesters
? Very satisfactory (Distinction): 2.76 ≤
cumulative GPA ≤ 3.50
? Satisfactory: 2.00 ≤ cumulative GPA ≤ 2.75
There are two libraries (
at the Faculty of Economics and Business, in
addition to the Department’s own library and
university’s libraries. Faculty libraries are
managed by 10 professional staffs and has links
to journal databases such as EBSCO, ProQuest,
ScienceDirect, JSTOR, IEEE Computer Society,
OPAC FEB Library, SpringerLink, ACS Publications,
and an online catalog (EBDL – Economics and
Business Digital Library). In total there are 11739
collections of textbooks and more than 7000
theses (undergraduate and graduate).
Other facilities
The Faculty provides language laboratory,
computer laboratory, student rooms, and every
classroom are equipped with LCD projector.
Research assistant working at Research and
Training in Economics and Business (P2EB).
Student and Alumni Profiles
Studying here has enlighten me to keep learning
and to travel the world. The learning process has
open doors to study, live, and work abroad. The
program gave me chance to be an exchange
student at Fukuoka Women’s University and at
Science Po University in Paris. I also join the
international internship at Siam Cement Group in
Bangkok, Thailand.
Personally, studying here is a life changing
experience that inspire me to see the boundless
Caroline H. Manik (B.Econ. Class 2010)
Being a student at the Department of Economics
means being a part of the foremost in Indonesia.
Here, whatever your background is, you will be
upgraded both in academic and non-academic
way. During your spell, not only your analytical
skills, but also your social skills will be multiplied
The question is not whether you will be accepted
to be a part of us or not. The real question is: are
you ready to be upgraded?
Timotius H. Partohap (B.Econ. Alumni 2013),
M.Sc. in Economics candidate at University of St.
A year studying abroad was a marvelous
experience for me, and definitely one of the
stories I would tell my children when I am old.
The diverse culture, and of course people I met
overseas were mind-boggling, even when you
came from the already culture-rich nation like
Indonesia. There, you will also feel the difference
between developing and developed countries,
especially in a country like Netherlands, and the
most modern city in Europe at Rotterdam. That
feeling will either fuel you to want stay there, or
to go back helping your country to grow. I chose
the later. Yet, certainly I would want another year
of studying abroad during Master or PhD
Program, and thanks to this experience, I can be
more prepared hopefully. Cheers!
UGM’s Department of Economics is a
manifestation of academic institution for the
betterment of Indonesia. The lecturers are
internationally qualified and the facilities are
more than adequate.
The combination of all above aspects, in addition
to the open communication between lecturers
and students, has enable me to taste experience
working at the Financial Service Authority, Bank
Indonesia Supervisory Board, and at the State
Palace (Presidential Office).
Reinardus Suryandaru (B.Econ. Alumni 2013),
assistant to the member of President Joko
Widodo Advisory Board
Wira Ditta Lokantara (B.Econ. Class 2011),
double-degree program at Erasmus School of
Careers and Employment
Students wishing to continue academic career
should consider FEB’s graduate program in
economics. Currently, the Department of
Economics has three graduate programs:
Results from alumni tracer study show that most
of the respondent (30%) needs 1-3 months to
obtain the first job and only 10% who needs to
wait for more than a year to get his/her first job.
The tracer study also managed to obtain
information on the type of the workplace. It was
found that the majority of the alumni from the
Department of Economics worked for the
government (49%) followed by domestic private
sector (26%).
Some employers such as Bank Indonesia even
have talent scouting program aiming top
graduates of the undergraduate program.
Graduates of the program opt for a wide variety
of careers, including private banking, the
government, Bank Indonesia, Financial Service
Authority, private companies, international NGO
(ADB, World Bank, SMERU), and many more.
The Faculty and the Department of Economics
cooperates with companies to provide
internships and work experience. Since 2008,
career counseling is also offered through SSC
(Student Service Corner). Personal development
service and academic counseling service
comprises of workshops on academic writing
skills, presentation skills, exam preparation, and
thesis defense.
Alumni from FEB are automatically joins in
KAFEGAMA (which is part of the greater UGM
alumni organization, KAGAMA) where the
organization held events such as alumni lecture
series, internship opportunities, scholarships,
and research funding.
Non-academic activities by KAFEGAMA includes
provision of endowment fund, construction of
new building, support for research facilities, and
expansion in the industrial network through the
Faculty Advisory Board.
It has been an amazing opportunity to study economics at UGM. The
lecturers, facilities, and student activities are all supportive to my
development. I have received several awards such as 1st prize on Financial
Inclusion Paper Competition and 3rd prize on UNESCO’s Worldwide Essay
Contest. All thanks to my economics education!
Master of Science in Economics
Master of Development Economics
Doctorate in Economics
In addition to the regular program, the study
program also has a linkage with foreign university
in the form of double degree program. In the first
year of study, master’s students attend courses in
UGM, while in the second year the students
attend courses in partner university.
Titles from foreign university:
Master of Science in Economics
? Crawford School of Economics and
The program is an extension to undergraduate
economics with emphasis given to theoretical
analysis and research. A typical master’s student
spent two years to graduate with an M.Sc. in
Government. Australian National University
(ANU): Master of International and Development
Economics (MIDEC)
? National Graduate Institutes for Policy Studies
(GRIPS) Japan: Master of Public Policy (MPP)
? International University of Japan (IUJ): Master
of Arts in International Development (MA)
? Hiroshima University: Master of Arts (M.A.)
? Takushoku University: Master of International
Development (MIDS)
? Kobe University: Master of Economics (M.Ec.)
? Yokohama National University: Master of
Economics (M.Ec.)
? Ritsumeikan University: Master of Arts (M.A.)
The M.Sc. program offered double degree
program with the following partner university:
Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia
State University (USA), Department of
Economics, Tulane University (USA), Crawford
School of Economics and Government, The
Australian National University (Australia), and
Graduate School of International Management
International University of Japan (Japan).
Master of Development Economics
This is an applied economics program with
particular attention is given to the issue of
economic development. With more than 3000
alumni, the program is growing and continues to
innovate, such as the popular property and
business appraisal and asset management
program. The program also offers certification for
property appraisal, the only one in Indonesia.
Doctorate in Economics
The doctorate program in economics offers the
highest academic training in the field of
economics. The program provides rigorous
academic research with expectation of producing
high quality dissertation. The doctorate program
is structured (courseworks, preliminary exam,
proposal exam, research, dissertation writing)
and students are expected to graduate after 3-5
years of study.
Dyah Pritadrajati (B.Econ. Class 2010), recipient of UGM Student Achievement Award 2014
Living in Yogyakarta
Welcome to Jogja!
Named as one of the most livable cities in
Indonesia in 2014, Yogyakarta continued to
mesmerize domestic and foreign visitors. The city
is known as the City of Culture due to the
preserved cultural heritage embodied not only in
various historical buildings, but also in the
people. No wonder that Yogyakarta is one of the
favorite tourist destination after Bali.
You will also need some money to follow
interests beyond your academic studies. If you
have no plans to go out for cinema or cultural
event performances, Jogja itself has many
“hidden” interesting cultures and social aspects
to be observed
Find more about Yogyakarta here:
Numerous education institutions in the city also
makes the city as the icon of education in
Indonesia with Universitas Gadjah Mada lies at
the center of it. As in many cities where
education is at its heart, learning atmosphere is
optimal for study.
Living Cost
A single student living in Jogja would need
approximately USD172/month to meet basic
living expenses such as boarding; (USD27, single
room), food (USD95), daily fares, transportation
(USD50), medical cover, and other necessities. It
should be stressed, however, that these figures
are all approximate and how much you actually
spend will depend a lot on your personal lifestyle. Some people may be able to live
moderately; others might find it hard to maintain
their usual standard of living.
Sunset at Queen Boko Temple, located at
the eastern part of Yogyakarta
Jogja Djokdja
Admission Process
Frequently Asked Questions
Joint admission test
? SBMPTN (joint
admission test to state
? SNMPTN (nation-wide
admission test to state
Independent admission test
Talent scouting (by invitation)
Admission test
? Outstanding talent from poor
? Outstanding talent from regions
? Outstanding talent in arts and sports
? IUP admission
? Outstanding talent from partner
Note: all of above admission test are for regular undergraduate program in economics except for the IUP
admission test that is aimed to select international undergraduate students in economics
There are 2 main pathways for students to sit the
admissions tests: 1) the joint admission test
where UGM and other universities design and
manage the placement test, and; 2) the
independent admission test by UGM.
The joint and competitive admissions tests are
based on written exams (for IUP admission there
is also interview and group discussion session).
The number of new students via this system is
60% of all new regular students in the
Department of Economics.
While for the talent scouting admission test, the
Directorate of Higher Education invites high
school students to register for national selection
based on the 3rd and 4th semester grade. Each
high school student is entitled to register for 2
study programs at 2 public universities. This
entry system only provides 40% of all new
students in the Department of Economics,
Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Admission to the undergraduate program in
economics is competitive and prospective
students should apply soon. The regular
undergraduate program in economics only
accepts around 100 students per year.
Please consult to the following websites for more
information regarding the admission process:
Regular undergraduate economics program:
? IUP in economics:
? UM:
Is studying economics hard?
Serious study of any science, including
economics, is hard. What makes economics looks
slightly harder than other social sciences is
because of the higher degree of mathematics
I’m majoring in Science (IPA) in my
highschool. Why should I enrol in
Economics required a relatively higher degree of
mathematics compared to other social sciences.
Your mathematical skills obtained in highschool
will be useful when studying economics. It is also
more interesting than pure science because
economics involves humans!
I’m majoring in Social Science (IPS) in my
highschool. Why should I enrol in
Despite heavy in mathematics, economics is still
a branch in social science because it involves
human, society, and organization (such as the
government) in its analysis. Your social science
skills that you get in highschool will be
elaborated more in university-level economics!
How about academic performance?
In 2013 80.50% of our graduating students
obtained GPA > 3.00 (above B).
What makes economics different with
accounting or management?
Economics studied about the economy as a
whole, such as the economy of Indonesia, rather
than a specific business matter as in accounting
or management. In economics we learn and try
to find ways to eradicate poverty and inequality,
something that almost never existed when you
studied accounting or management. In
economics we also learn quantitative methods
that are often used in the context of business
and accounting.
How competitive is it to enrol the
It is moderately competitive. In 2013 the
percentage of accepted students to the number
of applicants is 2.94%.
Can I have a topic outside 5 field of
specialization for my undergraduate
Of course you can. The 5 field of specialization is
just a guide of what you can do for your research.
How many students per class?
The maximum capacity is 60 students per class,
but the average is just around 30 students per
Is there any health service in UGM?
How about Internet access?
The Internet is widely available throughout the
Faculty and can be accessed via 40 Wi-Fi access
Yes, we have GMC (Gadjah Mada Medical Center)
that provides health and non-health counseling
Visit and Contact Us
Please visit us!
Sekretariat Bersama Jurusan
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jln. Sosio Humaniora Bulaksumur No. 1
Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Tel: +62 274 548510-548515 Ext. 150
Fax: +62 274 563213
For international students please contact us here
Office Hours:
Monday to Thursday : 07.00 am - 16.00 pm
Friday : 07.00 am - 11.00 am and 13.00 - 16.00
Tel: +62 274 548510 Ext. 123
Mobile: +62 811 250 05 05
Fax: +62 274 580727
Visit us online!
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