Vane Minerals (UK) Limited
Vane Minerals (UK) Limited
VANE Minerals Plc REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Period ended 31 December 2004 Company Registration No. 04573663 Company Registration No. 0457366 DIRECTORS AND ADVISERS DIRECTORS MJ Spriggs Non-Executive Chairman SD Van Nort Chief Executive Officer LC Arnold Executive Director MC Idiens Executive Director RP Jeffcock Non-Executive Director DRB Ingmire Non-Executive Director SECRETARY MC Idiens REGISTERED OFFICE 2 Park Lane Leeds LS3 1ES AUDITORS SOLICITORS Baker Tilly Hammonds Chartered Accountants 2 Park Lane 2 Bloomsbury Street Leeds London WC1B 3ST LS3 1ES REGISTRARS NOMINATED ADVISER AND BROKER Capita Registrars Seymour Pierce Limited The Registry Bucklersbury House 34 Beckenham Road 3 Queen Victoria Street Beckham London Kent BR3 4TU EC4N 8EL FINANCIAL PUBLIC RELATIONS BANKERS Parkgreen Communications Barclays Bank Plc Iceland House PO Box 44 London London W1S 2AQ EC3V 9EX 150 New Bond Street 54 Lombard Street :: The Vane Minerals team at Guadalcazar REPORT HIGHLIGHTS z Listed on AIM in June 2004 raising £3.283m net of expenses z At the end of the financial period, the Group had cash balances of £2.34m z All work programmes are on schedule and under budget z Commenced production on the Diablito gold-silver prospect in Mexico with full capacity production expected to be ahead of schedule during 2005 z Follow-up exploration work at prospective Guadalcazar gold prospect in Mexico significantly progressed z Drilling on Guadalcazar commenced in March 2005 z Option acquired on the Mina Charay gold-silver prospect in Mexico. First drilling results favourable z Uranium prospects identified in the North America. 7 prospects claimed to date with a further 28 under review z Gold and copper targets identified in Paraguay CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT It gives me pleasure to have this opportunity of reviewing the principal events in the development of VANE Minerals since the company’s successful listing on AIM in June 2004. Since that event, I am happy to report that the company’s share price has improved strongly in a market in which mining increasingly is playing a pre-eminent role. This encouraging performance continues to be underpinned by the strength of the gold price on international markets. We remain on course with our declared strategy of generating early cash flow from our developing properties. While the thrust of our activities remains our developing goldsilver projects in Mexico, we have additionally made application in recent months for gold-copper prospects in Paraguay and also for uranium licences in North America. The £3.283 million (net of expenses) raised by VANE Minerals on listing in 2004 is being applied to fund the detailed exploration and development of our three main properties in Mexico: Diablito (gold-silver) in Nayarit; Guadalcazar (gold) in San Luis Potosi; and Mina Charay (gold-silver) in the State of Sinaloa. My colleague, Steve Van Nort, has commented further in his report on progress with each of these prospects. Throughout the past year, the company has strived to apply the funds raised in the IPO in an efficient and diligent manner. Consequently, VANE Minerals has managed to accomplish its objectives as set out in the listing prospectus within budget and ahead of schedule and expects to be able to continue to fund its various exploration activities from these resources, until the company becomes cash generative with the development of our Diablito property. Our current cash burn rate is £143,000 per month, and this is expected to be maintained during the first half of 2005 until Diablito reaches full production. At the December 2004 year-end, the group held £2.344 million in cash. One of the pillars of VANE Minerals’ strategy has been the continuing access to the extensive database of exploration files of the Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold company. The exclusive agreement which we entered with this company was recently extended by a further year to June 2006, and we intend to use this unique resource to identify additional exploration targets in the coming months. This has been a busy year for your company in which a number of milestones have been reached. VANE would like to thank its shareholders for their continued support during this period of build-up towards initial mine production and cash flow generation. Your board believes that, with its exciting portfolio of exploration and development projects, the company is placed now to grow the business substantially and to create sustainable value going forward. MJ Spriggs Chairman 7 April 2005 : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 6 : : : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 7 : : CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT We are very pleased and encouraged by the progress that the VANE team has made since the company listed in June of 2004. The two existing properties at the time of the listing are on schedule and below budget as set out in the company’s prospectus and new additions to the VANE portfolio are progressing well and show promising potential. Freeport-McMoran Exploration Files We have continued our review of the Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold Company’s 7000 plus exploration files, in accordance with our exclusive agreement, which was recently extended to 30 June 2006. Targets of interest have been identified and their evaluation is expected to be undertaken in the coming months. Diablito Project The company’s Diablito project has been and continues to be a success. The company’s plan was to rapidly develop this property in order to give VANE a cash flow and enable the company to be a self-funding exploration company. Up-grading of indicated resource at Diablito was accomplished through a detailed diamond drilling programme which has been reported on in two press releases dated 29 September 2004 and 25 October 2004. New resource estimates developed from the drilling programme are tabulated below: Tons Tons Tons Grade Grade Measured Indicated Inferred Au opt (Gold) Ag opt (Silver) 23,300 11,700 65,000 0.39 42.4 Further up-grading of and expansion of the resource base is anticipated, especially down dip and to the west, with the completion of additional infill and step-out drilling. A mining plan for recovery of the Diablito resource, as outlined during the above mentioned drilling campaign, has been formulated, a contract mining company selected and VANE and the MGA Contratista Minera SA de CV are now in the process of initiating that development plan. First production of ore is now expected in May 2005 with the design capacity of 50 t/d to be achieved two months ahead of the plan as outlined in the budget detailed in the listing prospectus. Guadalcazar Work at the company’s Guadalcazar epithermal gold prospect has progressed satisfactorily. VANE has completed a detailed geochemical survey (rock, water and mesquite), geophysical surveys (gravity, magnetics and VLF) and geologic mapping of the limestones surrounding the Guadalcazar basin. Compilation of all this data has identified a number of drill targets which offer the potential of discovering a large hydrothermal gold deposit. Eight targets have been selected to be drilled. The drill is scheduled to be mobilized in late February with drilling, 22 holes budgeted, to commence immediately thereafter. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 8 : : Mina Charay In addition to the above accomplishments the VANE team has secured an option to purchase the Mina Charay gold-silver property located in the State of Sinaloa, Mexico. The Mina Charay project has both the potential for rapid generation of cash flow and the discovery of a large bulk mineable deposit. First phase diamond drilling, 7 holes, has been completed along with a reconnaissance VLF survey, both of which indicate that one or more well-mineralized vein structures occur within the Mina Charay property and are open to the West, along strike and down dip. Paraguay In Paraguay the company has applied for three large concessions in east central Paraguay totalling 3,800 sq kilometres, where at least 22 gold and/or gold/copper geochemical anomalies have been identified. Work has begun to evaluate these anomalies through more detailed geochemical work, with drilling planned for the future. Uranium Work was initiated in late December 2004, on acquiring potential uranium resources and/or prospects in North America. As of early 2005, 7 targets have been claimed and a further 28 prospects have been identified and are being targeted for acquisition. Some of the prospects are believed to contain indicated resources with uranium grades of around 1% U3O8 or 20 pounds uranium oxide per ton. At present uranium oxide prices of approximately $21.00/pound, the value of ore is over $400/ton. SD Van Nort Chief Executive Officer 7 April 2004 : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 9 : : : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 10 : : DIRECTORS' REPORT The directors submit their report and the group financial statements of VANE Minerals Plc for the period ended 31 December 2004. Principal Activities The principal activity of the group during the period was that of evaluation and acquisition of mineral exploration targets, principally gold and silver targets. Change of Name On 13 December 2004 the company passed a special resolution changing its name from VANE Holdings plc to VANE Minerals Plc. Review of the Business and Future Developments This is dealt with in the Chairman’s Statement and Chief Executive Officer’s Report. Dividends The directors do not recommend a dividend for the period. Directors The following directors have held office since 1 October 2003: MJ Spriggs (appointed 10 May 2004) SD Van Nort (appointed 21 October 2003) LC Arnold (appointed 21 October 2003) MC Idiens RP Jeffcock DRB Ingmire (appointed 10 May 2004) Directors' Interests in Shares and Share Options Directors' interests in the shares of the company, including family interests, were as follows: Number of ordinary shares of 10p each MJ Spriggs SD Van Nort - - 6,500,000 1 10,500,000 MC Idiens 2,045,000 DRB Ingmire 1 1 October 2003 (or on appointment) LC Arnold RP Jeffcock Number of ordinary shares of £1 each 31 December 2004 5,800,000 2 3 25,000 1 1 - Beneficial interest held through the Van Nort Family Trust. 2 Beneficial interest held though L Clark and Ardith P Arnold Family Trust 3 Beneficial interest held by Caithness Limited, a wholly owned entity of the JP Jeffcock Settlement. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 11 : : Directors' Interests in Shares and Share Options (Continued) Directors’ interests in share options of the company, including family interests, as at 31 December 2004 were as follows: Date of grant Number of Shares Exercise Price Option exercise period MC Idiens 25 May 2004 3,000,000 11p 02/06/05 to 24/05/14 RP Jeffcock 25 May 2004 1,000,000 11p 02/06/05 to 24/05/14 These options are exercisable in the event that in any continuous period of 90 days expiring on or after 2 June 2005, the average mid-market share price exceeds 16.5p representing 150% of the share price at the date the company’s shares were admitted to trading on AIM. No share options were exercised or waived during the year. There have been no changes in directors’ interests in shares or options between 1 January 2005 and 31 March 2005. The market price of the shares at 2 June 2004 (date of admission to trading on AIM) and 31 December 2004 was 11p and 11.75p respectively and the average during this period was 8.87p. Substantial Shareholdings Other than the directors’ interests shown above, the company has been notified of the following substantial interests as at 31 March 2005: Number of Shares Percentage of issued share capital Commerzbank 13,636,364 9.3% Frank Nelson 12,500,000 8.6% Alan Francis Edwards 12,500,000 8.6% Richard Harris 12,500,000 8.6% Roy Williams 12,500,000 8.6% 5,400,000 3.7% RAB Capital Plc Creditor Payment Policy The company policy is to ensure that, in the absence of dispute, all suppliers are dealt with in accordance with its standard payment practice whereby all outstanding trade accounts are settled within the term agreed with the supplier at the time of the supply or otherwise 30 days from receipt of the relevant invoice. Trade creditor days based on creditors at 31 December 2004 were 17 days (2003: Nil days). Annual General Meeting Notice of this year's annual general meeting is set out at page 37 of this document. Resolutions are to be proposed as special business to enable the Directors to allot unissued shares and, subject to the limits therein contained, to allot shares for cash other than to existing shareholders in proportion to their shareholdings. The resolutions enabling Directors to allot unissued shares will be limited to the allotment of shares up to a maximum nominal amount of £4,871,400, which represents less than one third of the total ordinary share capital in issue as at 7 April 2005. The Directors do not have any present intention of exercising such authority, other that to satisfy obligations under the Company's share option scheme, and the authority will expire at the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting after the passing of the proposed resolution. The resolution enabling the directors to allot shares other than to existing shareholders in proportion to their shareholdings is limited to the allotment of shares up to a maximum nominal value : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 12 : : of £730,719 which represents 5% of the total ordinary share capital in issue as at 7 April 2005. Both of these resolutions seek authorities which are in accordance with the current guidelines issued by the Investment Committee of the Association of British Insurers and the National Association of Pension Funds ("Guidelines"). Auditors A resolution to reappoint Baker Tilly, Chartered Accountants, as auditors will be put to the members at the annual general meeting. By order of the board MC Idiens Company Secretary 7 April 2005 : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 13 : : CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT Corporate Governance The policy of the Board is to manage the affairs of the company in accordance with the Principles of Good Governance and Code of Best Practice as set out in Section 1 of the Revised Combined Code annexed to the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority. The Board and its Committees Board meetings are scheduled to take place once every two months and there is contact between meetings as required. The meetings are held to set and monitor strategy, review exploration and trading performance, examine acquisition possibilities and approve reports to shareholders. In addition, the Board approves the annual forecasts and any reforecasts. Procedures are established to ensure that appropriate information is communicated to the Board in a timely manner to enable it to fulfil its duties. Details of directors who served during the year are set out in the directors’ report. The Board is now comprised of three Executive and three Non-Executive directors. The Board has separate roles for Chairman and Chief Executive. The Board has established an Audit Committee, which comprises the non-executive Chairman Michael Spriggs and nonexecutive director David Ingmire. The Audit committee meets twice a year. It is responsible for meeting the auditors, reviewing the annual report and accounts before their submission to the Board, ensuring that the financial performance of the company is properly reported on and monitored, reviewing the recommendations of the auditors on accounting policies, internal control and other findings of the audit and making recommendations to the Board on the scope of the audit and the appointment of the auditors. The Board has established a remuneration committee, which comprises the non-executive Chairman Michael Spriggs and non-executive director David Ingmire. The remuneration committee meets twice a year and reviews the performance of the executive directors and the scale and structure of their remuneration having due regard to the interests of the shareholders. The Committee also approves the granting of share options. Communication with Shareholders The Board encourages regular dialogue with shareholders. All shareholders are invited to the AGM at which directors are available for questioning. The notice of AGM is sent to all shareholders at least 21 working days before the meeting. The number of proxy votes received for and against each resolution is disclosed at the AGM and a separate resolution is proposed on each item. Financial and other information about the Company is available on the Company’s website. Internal Control The directors are responsible for the group’s systems of internal control and for reviewing its effectiveness. However, such a system is designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business objectives, and can only provide the directors with reasonable and not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss. The key procedures that have been established and which are designed to provide effective internal control are as follows: Management structure – Each of the group’s subsidiaries are managed by an executive director. The Board meets every two months. In addition, there are frequent management meetings of the executive members of the Board and other senior staff. Financial reporting – An annual forecast is prepared by the executive directors and reviewed by the whole Board. Performance against forecast is monitored monthly. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 14 : : Internal audit – The Board has reviewed the need for an internal audit function and has concluded that the group is not large enough to warrant a full-time internal auditor. The Board reviews the effectiveness of the systems of internal control and the control environment. No significant control deficiencies were reported during the year. No weaknesses in internal controls have resulted in any material losses, contingencies or uncertainty which would require disclosure as recommended by the guidance for directors on reporting on internal controls. Health and Safety It is the objective of the group to ensure the health and safety of its employees and of any other persons who could be affected by its operations. It is the group’s policy to provide working environments which are safe and without risk to health and provide information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure the health and safety of its employees. Investment Appraisal The Board approves proposals for the acquisition of new businesses and sets guidelines for the development of new properties. Capital expenditure is regulated by authorisation controls. For expenditure above specified levels, written proposals must be submitted to the Board and reviews carried out to monitor progress against budget. Going Concern Having made appropriate enquiries and having examined the major areas which could affect the group’s financial position, the directors are satisfied that the group has adequate resources to continue in operation for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they consider it appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 15 : : DIRECTORS' RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each financial period which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and the group of the profit or loss of the group for that period. In preparing those financial statements, the directors are required to: a. select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; b. make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; c. state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material departures d. prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that disclosed and explained in the financial statements; the group will continue in business. The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company and the group and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 1985. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 16 : : : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 17 : : INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF VANE MINERALS Plc Overview We have audited the financial statements on pages 20 to 36. This report is made solely to the company’s members, as a body. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditors’ report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company and the company’s members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinion we have formed. Respective Responsibilities of Directors and Auditors The directors’ responsibilities for preparing the Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards are set out in the Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities. Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and United Kingdom Auditing Standards. We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with the accounting policies as set out on pages 24 and 25 We also report to you if, in our opinion, the Directors’ Report is not consistent with the financial statements, if the company has not kept proper accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit, or if information specified by law regarding directors’ remuneration and transactions with the company and other members of the group is not disclosed. We read other information contained in the Annual Report, and consider whether it is consistent with the audited financial statements. This other information comprises only the Chairman’s Statement, Chief Executive Officer’s Report, the Directors’ Report and the Corporate Governance Statement. We consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial statements. Our responsibilities do not extend to any other information. Basis of Audit Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the directors in the preparation of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the company's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 18 : : Opinion In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the group and company at 31 December 2004 and of the group loss for the period then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985. BAKER TILLY Registered Auditor Chartered Accountants 2 Bloomsbury Street London WC1B 3ST 7 April 2005 : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 19 : : CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the period ended 31 December 2004 Notes 15 months ended 11 months ended 31 December 2004 30 September 2003 TURNOVER Net operating expenses 2 OPERATING LOSS £ £ - - (637,663) - (637,663) - Interest receivable 3 41,041 - Interest payable and similar charges 4 (2,071) - LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 5 (598,693) - Taxation 7 35,533 - (563,160) - (0.52p) - 15 months ended 11 months ended LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION 15 LOSS PER SHARE Basic and diluted 8 The operating loss for the period arises from the group’s continuing operations. STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES 31 December 2004 30 September 2003 Loss for financial period Currency translation losses on foreign currency net investments Total recognised gains and losses for period : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 20 : : £ £ (563,160) - (67,404) - (630,564) - CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 31 December 2004 Notes 31 December 2004 30 September 2003 £ £ 9 11,503,882 - 11 116,093 - 2,344,253 2 2,460,346 2 (66,078) - 2,394,268 2 13,898,150 2 FIXED ASSETS Intangible assets CURRENT ASSETS Debtors Cash at bank and in hand CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year 12 NET CURRENT ASSETS NET ASSETS CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 13 14,614,382 2 Share premium account 14 - - Profit and loss account 15 (716,232) - EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS’ FUNDS 16 13,898,150 2 Approved by the board on 7 April 2005 MJ Spriggs Chairman SD Van Nort Chief Executive Officer : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 21 : : COMPANY BALANCE SHEET 31 December 2004 Notes 31 December 30 September 2004 2003 £ £ 10 12,391,735 - 11 19,905 - 2,021,138 2 2,041,043 2 FIXED ASSETS Investments CURRENT ASSETS Debtors Cash at bank and in hand CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year 12 NET CURRENT ASSETS NET ASSETS (29,884) - 2,011,159 2 14,402,894 2 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 13 14,614,382 2 Share premium account 14 - - Profit and loss account 15 EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS’ FUNDS 16 Approved by the board on 7 April 2005 MJ Spriggs Chairman SD Van Nort Chief Executive Officer : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 22 : : (211,488) 14,402,894 - 2 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the period ended 31 December 2004 Notes Cash flow from operating activities 17a Returns on investments and servicing of finance 17b Capital expenditure and financial investment 17b Acquisitions and disposals 17b 2004 2003 £ £ (584,524) 38,970 (381,899) 56,594 - CASH OUTFLOW BEFORE MANAGEMENT OF LIQUID RESOURCES AND FINANCING (870,859) - Management of liquid resources 17b (2,285,791) - Financing 17b 3,282,514 2 125,864 2 2004 2003 £ £ 125,864 2 Cash outflow from increase in liquid resources 2,285,791 - Change in net funds resulting from cash flows 2,411,655 2 INCREASE IN CASH IN THE PERIOD RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS Increase in cash in the period Translation difference (67,404) Movement in net funds in the period NET FUNDS AT 1 OCTOBER 2003 NET FUNDS AT 31 DECEMBER 2004 : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 23 : : - 2,344,251 2 2 - 2,344,253 2 ACCOUNTING POLICIES BASIS OF ACCOUNTING The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable accounting standards. BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION The consolidated financial statements incorporate those of VANE Minerals Plc and all its subsidiary undertakings. Subsidiaries acquired during the period are consolidated using the acquisition method. All financial statements are made up to 31 December 2004. FOREIGN CURRENCIES Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate ruling at the date of the transaction. All differences are taken to the profit and loss account. Assets, liabilities, and results of overseas subsidiaries are translated at the rate ruling at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising are dealt with through reserves. INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Expenditure including related overheads on the acquisition, exploration and evaluation of interests in licences not yet transferred to a cost pool is capitalized under intangible fixed assets. Cost pools are established on the basis of geographic area. When it is determined that such costs will be recouped through successful development and exploitation or alternatively by sale of the interest, expenditure will be transferred to tangible fixed assets and depreciated over the expected productive life of the asset. Whenever a project is considered no longer viable the associated exploration expenditure is written off to the profit and loss account. DEFERRED TAXATION Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date where transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the future or a right to pay less tax in the future have occurred at the balance sheet date. Timing differences are differences between the Group’s taxable profits and its results as stated in the financial statements that arise from the inclusion of gains and losses in tax assessments in periods different from those in which they are recognised in the financial statements. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is regarded as more likely than not that they will be recoverable against suitable taxable profits in the future. Deferred tax is recognised in respect of the retained earnings of overseas subsidiaries only to the extent that, at the balance sheet date, dividends have been accrued as receivable or a binding agreement to distribute past earnings in future has been entered into by the subsidiary or associate. Deferred tax is measured at the average tax rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which timing differences are expected to reverse, based on tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 24 : : INVESTMENTS Long term investments representing interests in subsidiary undertakings are stated at cost less any provision for impairment in the value of the fixed asset investment. LEASING Rental payments under operating leases are charged to the profit and loss account on a straight line basis over the year of the lease. RETIREMENT BENEFITS The group makes contributions to the personal pension schemes of its employees and directors. The amount charged to the profit and loss account in respect of pension costs is the contributions payable in the year. There were no unpaid contributions at the period end. TURNOVER Turnover represents the invoiced value, net of Value Added Tax, of goods sold and services provided to customers. COMPARATIVE FIGURES The comparative figures cover the period from incorporation on 25 October 2002 to 30 September 2003. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : 25 : : NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the period ended 31 December 2004 1 LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION The group’s loss on ordinary activities before taxation was derived from its principal activity. 2 NET OPERATING EXPENSES 15 months ended 31 December 30 September 2004 2003 £ £ 637,663 - 15 months 11 months Administration expenses 3 INTEREST RECEIVABLE ended ended 31 December 30 September 2004 2003 £ £ 41,041 - 15 months 11 months Bank interest receivable 4 INTEREST PAYABLE AND SIMILAR CHARGES ended ended 31 December 30 September £ £ 2,071 - 15 months 11 months 2004 Other interest 5 LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 11 months ended ended 2003 ended 31 December 30 September 2004 2003 £ £ 25,000 - Loss on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after charging: Auditors’ remuneration Exchange loss - audit (principal auditor) - interim review (principal auditor) 3,000 - - tax compliance/advice (principal auditor) 8,000 - 18,486 - - overseas network auditor : : Vane Minerals Plc : : Baker Tilly Report : : Page 26 : : 15,574 - 6 EMPLOYEES 15 months 11 months ended ended 31 December 30 September 2004 2003 No No 6 2 £ £ The average monthly number of persons (including directors) employed by the company during the period was: Office and management Staff costs for the above persons: 137,600 - Social security costs Wages and salaries 16,352 - Other pension costs 7,300 - 161,252 - DIRECTORS’ EMOLUMENTS 2004 Annual Salary Salary Payable £ £ Bonus Total Pension £ £ £ Executive directors SD Van Nort 24,000 - - - - LC Arnold 24,000 - - - - MC Idiens 78,000 45,500 7,800 53,300 4,550 Non-executive directors MJ Spriggs 36,000 21,000 - 21,000 - RP Jeffcock 24,000 14,000 - 14,000 - DRB Ingmire 24,000 14,000 - 14,000 - 210,000 94,500 7,800 102,300 4,550 SD Van Nort and LC Arnold waived their annual salary entitlement in the period to aid the cashflow of the group. In addition to the above emoluments some directors received payments for consultancy services to the group as detailed in note 20. 15 months 11 months ended ended 31 December 30 September 2004 2003 No No 1 - The number of directors to whom retirement benefits are accruing under money purchase schemes was : : Vane Minerals Plc : : Baker Tilly Report : : Page 27 : : 7 15 months TAXATION 11 months ended ended 31 December 30 September 2004 2003 £ £ Current tax: UK corporation tax on losses of the period - - Adjustments in respect of previous periods - - Total current tax - - Deferred tax: Origination and reversal of timing differences (35,533) - (35,533) - (35,533) - Loss on ordinary activities before tax (598,693) - Loss on ordinary activities multiplied by the rate of corporation tax for (179,608) - Tax on loss on ordinary activities Factors affecting tax charge for period: companies of 30% Effects of: Expenses not deductible for tax purposes Unrelieved tax losses carried forward Tax charge for period 10,690 - 168,918 - - - Unrelieved tax losses of £540,000 (2003: £Nil) carried forward have not been recognised as a deferred tax asset, as there is currently insufficient evidence that the asset will be recoverable in the foreseeable future. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : Baker Tilly Report : : Page 28 : : 8 LOSS PER ORDINARY SHARE The calculation of basic and diluted loss per ordinary share is based on the following loss and number of shares. 15 months 11 months 31 December 30 September 2004 2003 £ £ ended Loss for the financial period ended (563,160) Weighted average number of shares - 2004 2003 No. of shares No. of shares 107,745,590 2 Due to the loss incurred in the period, there is no dilutive effect from the issue of share options. 9 INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Development costs £ GROUP 1 October 2003 - Additions 10 381,899 Acquired with subsidiaries 11,121,983 31 December 2004 11,503,882 INVESTMENTS Shares in Loans to subsidiary subsidiary undertakings undertakings Total £ £ £ COMPANY 1 October 2003 - - - Additions 11,246,200 1,145,535 12,391,735 31 December 2004 11,246,200 1,145,535 12,391,735 : : Vane Minerals Plc : : Baker Tilly Report : : Page 29 : : 10 INVESTMENTS (continued) The group acquired 100% of the called up ordinary share capital of VANE Minerals (UK) Limited by the issue of 112,461,980 ordinary shares of 10p and 100% of AVEN Associates LLC for cash consideration of £50,000. The assets and liabilities of the VANE Minerals (UK) Limited group have been consolidated at their fair values to the group, as set out below: Book Net assets acquired: Mining rights/development costs Current assets Fair value Adjustment value £ £ £ 184,000 10,937,983 11,121,983 330,217 Current liabilities - (156,000) 358,217 10,937,983 330,217 (156,000) 11,296,200 Discharged by: Shares 11,246,200 Cash 50,000 11,296,200 The above adjustment represents the inherent value of the mining and exploration rights which the VANE Minerals (UK) Limited group owns. At 31 December 2004 the company held more than 20 per cent of the equity of the following undertaking: Class of Proportion Country of Holding Held Incorporation Nature of business Ordinary 100% United Kingdom Mining and exploration - 100% USA Mining and exploration Ordinary 100% Mexico Mining and exploration Direct: VANE Minerals (UK) Limited *AVEN Associates LLC *Minerales VANE SA de CV *Indirect shareholding The summarised profit and loss account of VANE Minerals (UK) Limited and its subsidiaries for the 3 month period prior to acquisition is as follows: £ Operating expenses (44,844) Operating loss (44,844) Taxation - Loss for the financial period (44,844) Loss after tax for the VANE Minerals (UK) Limited group for the year ended 30 September 2003 was £445,127. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : Baker Tilly Report : : Page 30 : : 11 DEBTORS Group Due within one year: Company 2004 2003 2004 2003 £ £ £ £ Deferred tax asset 35,533 - - - Other debtors 62,403 - 1,748 - Prepayments and accrued income 18,157 - 18,157 - 116,093 - 19,905 - The deferred tax asset is in relation to tax losses available to be carried forward in Minerales VANE SA de CV. 12 CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year: Trade creditors Other taxes and social security Accruals and deferred income 13 Group Company 2004 2003 2004 2003 £ £ £ £ 21,833 - 1,884 - 8,393 - - - 35,852 - 28,000 - 66,078 - 29,884 - SHARE CAPITAL Group and Company 2004 2003 £ £ 20,000,000 100 14,614,382 2 Authorised: 200,000,000 ordinary shares of 10p each (2003: 100 ordinary shares of £1 each) Allotted, issued and fully paid: 146,143,823 ordinary shares of 10p each (2003: 2 ordinary shares of £1 each) On 21 October 2003, the company’s authorised share capital was increased to £20,000,000 by the creation of 19,999,900 ordinary shares of £1 each ranking pari passu with the existing share capital. On 21 October 2003, the authorised and issued share capital of the company was subdivided so each ordinary share of £1 each sub divided into 10 ordinary shares of 10p each. On 23 December 2003, 112,461,980 ordinary shares of 10p each were issued at par value to acquire the entire issued share capital of VANE Minerals (UK) Limited. On 2 June 2004, 33,681,823 ordinary shares of 10p each were issued at 11p per share via a placing and admission to trading on AIM. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : Baker Tilly Report : : Page 31 : : 13 SHARE CAPITAL (continued) Share options At 31 December 2004, the following share options over ordinary shares of 10p each of the Company had been granted and not exercised: Date of grant Number Exercise of shares Exercise Period Price Options: 25 May 2004 5,600,000 11p 02/06/05 to 24/05/14 5,000,000 of these options are exercisable in the event that in any continuous period of 90 days expiring on or after 2 June 2005, the average mid-market share price exceeds 16.5p representing 150% of the share price at the date the company’s shares were admitted to trading on AIM. 600,000 of these options vest and are exercisable in 3 equal, annual tranches from 2 June 2005. 14 SHARE PREMIUM ACCOUNT Group and Company 1 October 2003 Premium on shares issued during the period Share issue costs 2004 2003 £ £ - - 336,818 - (422,486) Transfer to profit and loss account 31 December 2004 - 85,668 - - - The balance of the share issue costs in excess of the share premium account of £85,668 have been charged directly to the profit and loss account reserve. Included within share issue costs are fees of £36,150 (2003: £Nil) charged by the company’s auditors. 15 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 1 October 2003 Group 2004 2003 2004 2003 £ £ £ £ - Loss for the financial period Exchange rate adjustments Company - (125,820) - (563,160) - (67,404) - (85,668) - (85,668) - (716,232) - (211,488) - - - Transfer from share premium account 31 December 2004 In accordance with s230 of the Companies Act 1985, VANE Minerals Plc has not presented its own profit and loss account. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : Baker Tilly Report : : Page 32 : : 16 RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENT Group IN EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS’ FUNDS Loss for the financial period Issue of shares during the period 2003 2004 2003 £ £ £ £ (563,160) 14,951,198 Share issue costs Company 2004 2 (125,820) 14,951,198 (422,486) - (67,404) - - - 13,898,148 2 14,402,892 2 2 - 2 - 13,898,150 2 14,402,894 2 2004 2003 £ £ Exchange rate adjustments (422,486) 2 - Net addition to shareholders’ funds Opening shareholders’ funds Closing shareholders’ funds 17 CASH FLOWS a Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating activities Operating loss (637,663) - 143,063 - Increase in debtors Increase in creditors Net cash outflow from operating activities b (89,924) - (584,524) - Analysis of cash flows for headings netted in the cash flow Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 2004 2003 £ £ 41,041 Other interest paid (2,071) - Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance 38,970 - Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of intangible fixed assets (381,899) - Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment (381,899) - 106,594 - Acquisitions and disposals Cash acquired with subsidiary Acquisition of subsidiary Net cash inflow from acquisitions and disposals (50,000) - 56,594 - Management of liquid resources Cash deposited on 7 day deposit (2,285,791) - Net cash outflow from management of liquid resources (2,285,791) - 3,705,000 2 Financing Proceeds from issue of share capital Share issue costs (422,486) Net cash inflow from financing 3,282,514 : : Vane Minerals Plc : : Baker Tilly Report : : Page 33 : : 2 17 CASH FLOWS (continued) At Cash-flow 1 October 2003 c d Analysis of net funds £ Cash at bank and in hand 2 125,864 Cash on deposit - 2,285,791 2 2,411,655 Cash acquired with subsidiary Acquisition of subsidiary Net inflow of cash in respect of the purchase of subsidiary 18 At 31 December 2004 £ £ £ Analysis of the net outflow of cash in respect of the purchase of subsidiary undertaking: Exchange Difference (67,404) (67,404) 58,462 2,285,791 2,344,253 2004 2003 106,594 - £ £ (50,000) - 56,594 - FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS On 28 May 2003, Minerales VANE SA de CV (“VANE Mexico”) signed an agreement with Minera Apolo, SA de CV (“Minera”) to grant all the rights applicable to all minerals allowed under the Mining Law on the mining lots “Santa Cruz”, “El Tigre”, “Conejo”, “El As”, “Kat” and “El Tigre 11” located in Guadalcazar, San Luis Potosi for 36 months from the date the agreement was signed. Minera is to carry out samplings to provide the group with a geological report; for this service the group paid US$50,000 (fifty thousand US dollars) on 1 June 2003; US$50,000 (fifty thousand US dollars) on 1 July 2003; US$200,000 (two hundred thousand US dollars) on 1 June 2004 and will pay US$300,000 (three hundred thousand US dollars) on 1 June 2005. The two first payments are mandatory; the remaining payment will also be paid, unless the agreement is ended in advance. The agreement also includes a royalty payment and a purchase option. A Net Smelter Return Royalty (“NSR”) will be paid over the life of the mines at a rate of 1%. The purchase option can be executed by the group at any time during the agreement or at its due date. The agreed selling price for the property is US$10,000,000 (ten million dollars) and will be paid US$5,000,000 (five million dollars) at the date the purchase agreement is signed and in 10 annual payments of US$500,000 (five hundred thousand dollars) each. If production starts during the period and the balance of the debt is paid then the royalties paid during such period will be considered as a part of the payment of the debt. Transfer of the property by the group will require the immediate payment of the remaining balance of the debt. The term for the use of concessions follows: Lot Status Due date Santa Cruz Exploitation 30 May 2050 El Tigre Conejo Exploration Exploitation 27 July 2050 El As Exploration 1 October 2007 Kat F1 and F11 Exploitation 12 January 2054 El Tigre 11 Exploitation 6 November 2050 Lina I Exploration 23 December 2009 Chiyo Exploration 20 January 2010 Lina FI & FII Exploration 03 February 2010 17 November 2005 : : Vane Minerals Plc : : Baker Tilly Report : : Page 34 : : 18 FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS (continued) Any property acquired within 5 kilometres area from the property where lots are located made by Minera or the group during the term of the agreement will be considered as part of the property in the agreement. On 17 September 2003 VANE Mexico signed a rights concession agreement with Minera on the mining lot named “El Diablito” which is divided in four parts and is located in Tecuala, Nayarit. Due date of the concessions is 1 September 2009 and the amount paid was $100. This agreement is based on a previous agreement signed on 17 October 2002 between Minera and VANE Minerals (UK) Limited. In accordance with this agreement, the group should sign a Development Agreement with Apolo if it decides to commence extraction operations. This agreement, signed on 17 September 2003, includes a 5% royalty payment to Minera on the net amounts paid to the company by the smelter by way of smelter returns commonly referred to as Net Smelter Royalty (“NSR”) and a reference on properties acquired in the zone, similar to that included in the Guadalcazar lots agreement. In September 2004 VANE Mexico signed a preliminary agreement with PAFEX, S.A. de C.V. to allow them to carry out geological studies in the three lots of a Mine named Charay located in Sinaloa, Mexico with a sole payment of US$35,000 (thirty five thousand US dollars). This agreement was extended on 1 February 2005, which include the possession of the lots and established the following payments: US$20,000 (twenty thousand US dollars) on 1 February 2005; US$10,000 (ten thousand US dollars) on 1 May 2005; US$10,000 (ten thousand US dollars) on 1 June 2005; US$75,000 (seventy five thousand US dollars) on 1 July 2005; US$150,000 (one hundred and fifty thousand US dollars) on 1 January 2006; US$300,000 (three hundred thousand US dollars) on 1 July 2006; and US$410,000 (four hundred and ten thousand US dollars) on 01 January 2007. If the group decides to acquire the rights to these lots, it should pay US$2,000,000 (two million US dollars). Of this amount PAFEX should acquire shares in VANE Minerals Plc to the amount of US$1,000,000 (one million US dollars) in value. 19 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The group’s financial instruments comprise cash. The group has various other financial instruments, such as debtors and creditors, that arise directly from its operations which have not been included in the following disclosures. The main risks arising from the group’s financial instruments are interest rate risks and liquidity risk. The policies for managing these risks are regularly reviewed and agreed by the Board. It is, and has been throughout the period under review, the group’s policy that no trading in financial instruments should be undertaken. Foreign exchange risk The functional currencies of the Group are Sterling, US dollars and Mexican Pesos. The Group’s foreign subsidiaries are denominated in foreign currencies. The Group does not hedge against the effects of movement in exchange rates. The risks are monitored by the Board on a regular basis. Interest rate risk The group’s policy on interest rate management is agreed at Board level and is reviewed on an ongoing basis. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : Baker Tilly Report : : Page 35 : : 19 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (continued) Interest rate profile of financial assets The interest rate risk profile of the Group’s financial assets as at 31 December 2004 was: Sterling US Dollars Mexican Pesos Fixed Floating rate Rate Total £ £ £ 2,011,160 43,006 2,054,166 274,631 8,310 282,941 - 7,146 7,146 2,285,791 58,462 2,344,253 2,285,791 58,462 2,344,253 Of which: Cash at bank and in hand The fixed rate sterling and US dollars deposits at 31 December 2004 are short term deposits and earn interest at 4.75% and 1.96% respectively. Floating rate instant access deposits in Sterling earn interest at prevailing bank rates. Liquidity risk It is the group’s policy to finance its business by means of internally generated funds supported by the group’s bankers and external share capital. Facilities are regularly reviewed by the Board. Facility The group does not currently have an overdraft facility. Fair value There is no material difference between the fair value of borrowings and other financial instruments and their book value at the balance sheet date. 20 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS Payments made to directors of the group during the period for the provision of consultancy services were as follows: 2004 Name of director £ MC Idiens 30,100 RP Jeffcock 35,489 LC Arnold* 48,974 SD Van Nort* 46,945 *Payments made through AVEN Associates LLC, an indirect subsidiary of the company. No amounts were owed by the group at the period end in relation to these transactions. The group has taken advantage of the exemption under FRS8 in regard to the disclosure of transactions and balances with group companies. : : Vane Minerals Plc : : Baker Tilly Report : : Page 36 : : VANE MINERALS PLC NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the second Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the offices of Seymour Pierce Limited, Bucklersbury House, 3 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4N 8EL on 12th May 2005 at 11.00 am at which the following matters will be dealt with: Ordinary Business 1 To receive the Reports of the Directors and Auditors and the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2004. 2 To re-elect Robert Jeffcock as a Director of the Company. 3 To re-elect Matthew Idiens as a Director of the Company. 4 To re-appoint Baker Tilly as auditors of the Company to hold office from the conclusion of this meeting until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting at which accounts are laid before the Company and to authorise the Directors to agree their remuneration. Special Business As Special Business to consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolutions, of which resolution number 5 will be proposed as an ordinary resolution and resolution number 6 will be proposed as a special resolution: 5 That for the purposes of Section 80 of the Companies Act 1985 (the "Act") (and so that expressions defined in that Section shall bear the same meanings as in this Resolution) the Directors be, and they are, generally authorised to allot relevant securities up to a maximum nominal amount of £4,871,400 to such persons at such times and on such terms as they think proper during the period expiring on the date of the next Annual General Meeting after the passing of this Resolution (or any adjournment thereof) save that the Company may before such expiry make an offer or agreement which would or might require relevant securities to be allotted after such expiry and the Board may allot relevant securities in pursuance of such offer or agreement as if the authority conferred hereby had not expired. 6 That the Directors be and they are hereby generally authorised to allot for cash or otherwise equity securities (as defined in Section 94 of the Act) of the Company pursuant to the authority conferred by Resolution 5 above as if Section 89 of the Act did not apply to such allotment provided that this power shall be limited: (a) to the allotment of equity securities in connection with a rights issue, open offer or otherwise in favour of the holders of ordinary shares of 10 pence each ("Ordinary Shares") where the equity securities respectively attributable to the interests of all such shareholders are proportionate (as nearly as may be practicable) to the respective numbers of Ordinary Shares held by them on the record date for such allotment but subject to such exclusions or other arrangements as the Directors may deem necessary or expedient in relation to fractional entitlements or legal or practical problems under the laws of, or the requirements, of any recognised regulatory body or any stock exchange in any territory; : : Vane Minerals Plc : : Baker Tilly Report : : Page 37 : : (b) to the allotment of equity securities pursuant to the terms of any share schemes for (c) to the allotment otherwise than pursuant to subparagraphs (a) and (b) above of equity Directors and employees of the Company or any of its subsidiaries; and securities not exceeding in aggregate the nominal amount of £730,719, provided further that the authority hereby granted shall expire at the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting after the passing of this Resolution (or any adjournment thereof) save that the Directors shall be entitled to make at any time before the expiry of the power hereby conferred any offer or agreement which might require equity securities to be allotted after the expiry of such power. By order of the Board Matthew Idiens, Company Secretary 2 Park Lane Leeds LS3 1ES 7 April 2005 AGM Notice Page 2 : : Vane Minerals Plc : : Baker Tilly Report : : Page 38 : : Head Office US Office Mexico 18b Charles Street AVEN Associates LLC Minerales Vane SA de CV Mayfair 7400 North Oracle Road #131 Humboldt No. 121 London Tucson Colonia del Valle, W1J 5DU AZ 85704 San Lus Potosí, United Kingdom USA CP 78200 Phone: +44 (0) 20 7667 6322 Phone: +1 (520) 797 1393 Fax: +44 (0) 870 460 4162 Fax: +1 (520) 742 7280 México