analyzers - Helmut Singer Elektronik
analyzers - Helmut Singer Elektronik
NETWORK ANALYZERS Scalar Network Analyzer. 10 MHz to 100 GHz Model 8757A . 76 dB dynamic range . Accurate swept power measurements(dBm) . 40 dB dlrectivity bridges . Four independent display channels . Limit testlng bullt in . . 8 Save/recall setup and cal data Dlrect plotter or printer output With compliments Helmut Singer Elektronik fon +49 241 155 315 fax +49 241 152 066 Feldchen 16-24 D-52070 Aachen Germany HP 8757A Option 001 Descrtption Measure insertion I~ or pin. retum k8, SWR, &ud P'Wef quickIy and accurately witb tbe HP 8757A scalar network analyzer. Witb bigb perfonnance detecton and directional bridges aDda com~nion HP source Rod digital plotter, tbe HP 8757A ~ tbe basis of. complete measurementsystem witb IUperb perronnance. Perfonnance Tbe HP 8757A features 76 dB of dynamic range (-60 dBm to + 16 dBm) wben usedwitb tbc HP 11664A/Edetecton. Witbsquare wave modulation aod detection (AC), tbe HP 11664detectors enable reliable, drift-free measurementl from 10 MHz to 40 GHz. Witb tbc HP 85025 and 85026 AC/DC detecton, make scalar meuurementl witb or witbout modulation to 100 GHz. In DC mode (no modulation), use tbc HP 85025A/B to make accurate swept.frequency measurementl of power (dBm). High directivity bridles (> 40 dB) COYerin,RF and microwave frequencies belp produce excellent measurement resultI. Vsing tbe HP 85020 series aod 85027 series directional bridJCl, maU accurate measurementl of reftection aod transmission ~rameten simultaneously. Calibrate your test system, aod make normalized meuurements witb 0.01 dB vertical resolution. Select tbe optimum horizontal res0lution rar your application, by cb~inglOI, 201, 401, 801, or 1601 data points. Lower resolution allows raster sweep timea. Calibrate witb fulll601 point resolution over your frequency ranae. Tben zoom in on a narrower frequency span and retain calibration. Tbe HP 8757A interpolates tbc calibration data automaticaUy. Easy to UM Witb a combination or simple front panel keys aod lXJWerfulmenudriven soft kerl, tbe HP 8757A allows you to set up tbc system and make accurate measurementsrast. Menus appeal on tbe display, and you control tbcm witb tbc front panel soft keys.The soft keys live you powerful ca~bilities witbout adding rront ~nel COIDpluity. Press CAL and let tbc menu guide you tbrougb calibratioo procedurea. Press AUTOSCALE to bring your measurement into view quiekty. Activate tbc "Cursor" and dia I it to any point on yaur data trace for an accurate bigh resolution reading of magnitude (and frequency with the HP 8350B/8340B/834I 8). Measurementsare fast aod easy. ProductiYity W"1thout a Controilet' Tbe HP 8757A increasesproductivity in scalar measurementseven without a controller. Decrease tbc time it takes you to set up and make measurements,whi1eimprovinl tbe quality of tbc reaults. Enter your own limit liDes ror easy comparison of measurement resultl to upper aod Iower specification limits. Or UIC tbae 1ineau your own referencecalibration and removethe frequency responsesof devicesthat are inserted after calibration. independentdisplay cbannelsadd new capabilities to tbc system. Each cbannel can display the data taken flom any of tbc tbree (or optiona1ly Cour)detec:torinputs. Eacb cbannel can displaya sinaJe input (A, B, (C), R) or a ratio combinatiOllof two inputs (AIR, B/R, AlB, etc.). With Courinputs, measuremulti-port devicesor characterize severaldevicessimultaneously. Or compare tbe raponse of tbe test device to tbc stored responseof your "reference" device. When uJed witb tbc HP 8350B sweep oscillator or tbc HP 8340B/8341B synthaized sweepers,tbe HP 8757A acts u a SYItem controller by manalin, the sourcevia tbe '"8757 System Interface." Usin8 tbis interface tbc HP 8757A can extract frequency information and anDOtatetbe display. Wben uscd alODe,tbe HP 8757A can save and recall up to nine front panel states in non-volatile memory, cornplete witb calibration or measurementdata, limit lineI. and plot labels. With the system interface and a companioo HP source, tbe HP 8757A can saveand recall not only its own front panel State,hut tbe source's as weil. ConfiauTCorten repeated measurementsonly 0Dce. Tben just recall that set-up and connect your device. Combining the HP 8757A with an HP 8350B/8340B/8341B also enables the useful "alternate swccp" function, which allows you to sweep different frequency ranges or power levels and display tbem both in real time. Tbe HP 8757A can adapt to any swccp ramp input in tbe 0-10 V range, such as a 2-5 V ramp. Test voItage-controiled oscillators and attenuators, using your test voltage ramp to drive the HP 8757A display. Plot output power or attcnuation versus tuning voltage. Document Your Result. Tbe HP 8757A also usesthe "8757 System Interface" to drive an HP-IB digital plotter or "ThinkJet" printer. Plot what appearson the CRT or define your own plot and plot sizc. Get crisp, permanent, annotated plots without a controller. Print graphics or tabular data listinp 00 tbc HP "ThinkJet" printer. Millimeter Me..urement. Extend scalar measurementsto millimeter-wave frequencies with tbe HP 8757A and tbe wavepide detector for your frequency range. The HP R, Q, and U85026A detectors afTer fully calibrated scalar measurementsin the frequency bands 26.5-40 GHz (Ka) 33-50 GHz (Q) and 40-60 GHz (U). Add an HP millimeter-wave source and waveguide coupler rar a complete salar measurementsystem to 60 GHz. B~dband measurementsin ~ from 10 MHz to 4OISOGHz can be made witb tbe HP 85025D detector. Measurementsfrom 55 to 65 GHz and 90 to 100 GHz &TCpossibleusing tbe HP 85025C detector ada~ and extemal detectors. For otber applications above 60 GHz, UM your own waveauide detector witb eitber the HP 8502SC (AC/DC) or 11664C (AC ooly) detector adapters. NETWORK ANAL YZERS 8757/8756 System Accessorles Models 85027A/B/C/D/E, 85020A/B, 85025A/B/C/D/E, 11884A/C/D/E, R/Q/U 85028A Dlrectlonal Bridges Detectors Tbe HP 85020 series and HP 85027 series arc dircctional bridges designcd espccially for the HP 8757, 8756 and 8755 scalar network analyzcrs. Each bridge features outstanding directivity and test port match in a compact, ruggcd package. Within each bridge, one zcro-bias Scbottky dicxie detcctor mcasurcs tbc return 1088of tbc test dcvicc. Ratio measurcmentscan bc made by adding a power splitter (HP 1I 667A/B/C) and detcctor Two types or dctecton are availablc rar U8Cwith HP scalar nctwork analyzcn rar mcasurcmcntsup to 60 GHz. All dctecton providc cxccllcnt impcdancc match, and thcrcrorc minimizc mismatch uncertainty in scalar mcasurcmcnts. e (HP 11664scricsor HP 85025scrics). EW HP 85027 A/B/C/D/E Directlonal Bridges Tbc HP 85027 scries dircctional bridges are designcd to opcratc with tbc HP 8757.8756 and 8755 scalar nctwork analyzcrs for reftcction mcasurcmcnts from 10 MHz to 47 GHz. A switch on tbc HP 85027 series bridges aUowsthe user to configure tbem for operation witb tbe HP 8757 or tbe HP 8756 and 8755 scalar network analyzen. Wben used witb the HP 8757 scalar network analyzer, tbe HP 85027 series bridges aUow tbe user to choosetbe measurement mode that best suits the application. Use tbe bridge's AC mode (modulated RF) for measurementsin tbe presence of undesired signals such as broadband noise or electromagnetic interference. Or cb~ tbe bridge's DC mode (unmodulated RF) to measure tbe return loss of modulation sensitive devices such as amplifien with gain contral cir. cuits. Use the companion HP 85025 seriesdetecton rar AC and DC measurementvenatility or the HP 11664seriesdetecton for AC only measurements. High (40 dB) directivityand excellent test port match ensureaccurate reftection measurements over a broad swept frequency range. Tbe HP 85027B bridge operates flom 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz and has an SMA compatible, precision female 3.5mm (typical) test pon connector. Tbe HP 85027A/C bridges operate from 10 MHz to 18 GHz. Tbe HP 85027A has a ru. 7mm (typical) test port connector and tbe HP 85027C has a precision Type-N connector. Tbe HP 85027E operates flom 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz and has an SMA compatible, precision male 3.5mm (typical) test port connector. Reftection measurements from 10 MHz to 47 GHz are possible using the HP 850270 directional bridge. Me.auring SMA deYices Hcwlett-Packard recommends using the HP 85027A bridge and an 7mm (typical) to 3.5mm (typical) adapter for mcasuring SMA deviccs from 10 MHz to 18 GHz. For SMA mcasurcments to 26.5 GHz. HP recommcnds using 3.5mm (typical) to 3.5mm (typical) adapters (includcd with tbc HP 85027B/E bridge) to prescrvetbc HP 85027B/E output connector. HP 85020MB Directional Bridges The cconomical HP 85020A/B dircctional bridges also offer high (40 d8) directivity and exccllent port match at RF (to 4.3 GHz) frequencies. For 50 ohm mcasurements choosc tbc HP 85020A. Tbe HP 850208 is designcd foT 75 ohm environments. 80th RF bridges have Typc-N conncctofS. e Tbc HP 85025 and 85026 scri~ dctccton arGdcaigncdspccifically tor operation with thc HP 8757 Scalar Nctwork Analyzcr and are not compatible with eithcr the HP 8756A or tbe 8755. Tbc HP 85025/26 detectors detect either a modulated (AC) or an unmodulated (DC) microwave signal. In AC mode, the HP 85025/26 series detect the envelopeof the 27.8 kHz modulated microwave signal, provided intemally by the HP 83508 SweepOscillator with RF plug-in or externally with the HP 8340/41 synthesized sweepers.In DC mode, the HP 85025/26 leries detectors measurethe microwave power directly without modulation. Tbe user an change detection modes from the HP 8757 front panel. HP 11884 Setles Detectors (AC Onl,) Tbe HP 11664seriesdetectors are designedto operate with the HP 8757. 8756 and 8755 scalar analyzers in AC mooe only. Tbe HP I 1664A/E cover the 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz range. and the HP 116640 covers from 26.5 to 40 GHz. Detector Adapters Tbe HP 85025C and the HP l1664C Detector Adapters match the scalar analyzer display to most standard crystal, silicon, and gallium arsenide detectors.This enablesthe user to operate in any (requency band, such as above60 GHz with the HP 87S7A, and above 40 GHz with the HP 87S6A. Tbe HP 85025C Detector Adapter is designed(or use with the HP 8757 only, and can operate in either AC or DC detection modes.A softkey calibration sequencecalibrates the HP 8757 display to your particular detector (or an accurate display o( power level. Tbe anaJyzer can then account (or the voltage versusinput power characteristics o( the detector in use.Tbis calibration requires two known calibration inputs, one at a high level (linear operating region, above0 dBm) and one at a low level (square law region, below -20 dBm). Tbe HP ll664C Detector Adapter is designed(or use with the HP 8757.8756, and 8755 scalar analyzers.Tbe HP ll664C is matched to the particular diode used via two screwdriver adjustments. One ad. justment sets the adapter's amp1ifier pin to the correct power level indication on the scalar network anaJyzer. Tbe second adjustment matches the input impedanceo( the adapter to the load impedanceo( the detector. Together, the voltage versuspower characteristics o( the detector are calibrated (or the scalar analyzer display. .01-18 c-. TYP&-N (m) 11664E .01-26.5 3.5mm(m) 116640 26.S-40 -28 . $IM(m). In AC dItIctiOII mode 0II1y: RM.nL8 0, .01-.04GHz: 10dB .04-4GHz: 4-12GHz: 12-18GHz: .0l-.04GHz: .04-6GHz: 6-20GHz 20-26.5GHz: 12c8 20c8 11. 11. 10c8 20c8 16d8 12c8 +1610-60 dBm 8757 11664A' 17H, ... m5 (e) Freq. R-.. 116&4C HP 85025 and 85026 Series Detectors (AC/DC) Detector Summary wItII tIII HP m7. Type - For (G~ 222 ~ B w.-IIt +10to -SOdBm n +16to-60. +10\o-SO. +10to -SOcart +10to -SO.,. . . 0.17kI 0.9kg (0.411) (211) .. u 0.24. (0.511) 1.0. (2.2.) 0.17kI (0.4') 0.9" (2~) NETWORK ANAL YZERS 8757/8756 System Accessorles (cont'd) 85020 AlB, 85025 A/B/C/D/E, R/Q/U 85028A, 11664 A/C/D/E Models 85027 A/B/C/D/E, Detector Summary (cont'd) 85Q2SA', I FOt' .01-18 - ..1757 -Ir Typ.-N(m) . .. .01-.04GHz: AC .. Ix: ~ 10dB mod8: .04-4GHz: 4-18GHz: .. +16to -55 dBm AC 20dB 17c8 85O2SE .01.26.5GHz15nvn(m) R85026A' 26.~ WR.28 33-SO WR-22 12dS 40-60 WR-19 12.. 85025D .01-50GHz 2.4mm(m) ~ l/85O26AI B25A 12cE 10cE 20d8 23d8 20d8 15d8 9 dB 10dS 20 dB 25dB 23~ ... +16te -55 18m " " - +16to-SOc&.. " +10to -SOdBm +10to -4S 8ft " .. +10to -SOc8m +10te-4S... .. M +101o-SO. +10to-4SdBm .. ,. -10 to -SOdBM -10to -4Sd8m M " .. .. M .. (~ . Dlrectiona. Bridge Summary modtOftly: ConI.tor 0IrICIIvitJ Test (dB) POI1 T- PIrt ~ W8iIIIt NIl"'" (8) .01-43GHz 85OD (..) -10 to -4S 1&11 .. (~ (mIz) ~ +16m -50811 +1610-551&11 , ~ (2.21t) " $NA(m)' 111HPm7. mI, « 8755InAC~ FrIq. NomiIaI 1.0. " -10 to -SOcEm . FOt' - Q.24" +16to-SSI8ft +&6.-5018m (tYPC*) 85O25CK71' 90-100GHz WR-18 . K , '.': 85O2SC KS7' SS-6S GHz WR.15 B2SC' +16to -50 d8m (0.511) .01.~.5 1511111(m) .01-18Gt1z: $-.. 18-26.5 GHz: 1~ MHz: 40-100MHz: .1-14GHz: 140034 GHz: ~GHZ: 4O-SO GHz: l~MHz: 40-100MHz: .1.25GHz: 25-26.5GHz: 12dB modt SO00ms .01-2.4 GHz 7SoIVT8 Typ.-N(f) T~ (f) 0.5kI 2.3. (1.211) .. 15 ~ .. .01-8.4GHr;<1.15 o.s. 13'- 8.4-114GHr;<1.25 (1.211) (S- Typt-N(f) .01-3GHz:40d8 .01-3GHz:<1.22 Type-N (f) 3-4.3GHz: 34dB 40d8 3-4.3GHz: <1.25 .01.1.3 GHz: <1.25 l3-14 Gf8: <1.43 85027A .01-18GHz FOt'_. ""87M,« 85O27B 8755. .01-~.5 GHz SOoIwns AC ~... 50 dwns Typ.-N(f) 3.5IrIn (1) 7mm m7. 3.5nIrI (f) ~ AC..K 40 d8 .01-20GHz:40 d8 2O-a.5 GHz:~ dB 85O27C .01-18GHz SO~ ~ (t) Typt-N (f) .01-114 GHr; ~dB 12.4-18GHz:34 c8 .01-47 GHz 850270 8SO27E ~.,. .01-26.5 GHz SOoIvns 2.4nIn(f) 3.- (f) 2.4mm(m) 3.5nvn(m) 8.4-20GHz:<1.43 2O-26.5Qtz:<1.75 .01-8.4GHz:<1.15 " .. .- -'- 8.4-12.4GHz:<1.25 12.4-18GHz:<1.43 .01-16 GHz: <1.15 " 16-J>GHz:<1.25 .. .. 40-47GHz:25dB ~ GHz:<1.40 40-47GHz:<1.85 .. M M .. (typi:aI) .01-8.4:<1.15 .. .. .01.20GHz:40dB 8.4-20GHz:<1.43 2O-a.5GHz:<1.75 dIIICIar -- ~ o.,.IdI.'" .. 26.5-40GHz:J> dB 2.TII8..~ 8Id... -- ~ .. ... HP8O2IC ~ .. 8757 A~ ~ 2.0« ~. 10 prw.iOI8l.w-.. aId8"" HP11t14A~ E ~'.II. 4.TII8 K67 , ... HP 81.-1;;-'=;-"- - ~ 8Id. HP ~ KR--_. TII8 HP8a5CK71, 81- ===~8Id.HP~ Kl1-, ~,...~, 3. ., .01-26.5 GHz: 35 dB 2O-a.5GHz:36~ 1.0pIian.1d181g81O1__. 12.4-18Gf8: <1.43 .01-8.4GHz:<1.15 .-t,ou-1a8 HP..~ NETWORK ANAL YZERS 8757/8756 System Accessorles (con't Models 11679A/B, 85023A/B/C/D, HP 11679A 85022A,85028A, 11614A Frequency r8nge:HP S5023A/C,dc to IS GHL HP S5023D, dc to 1.3 GHz. HP S50238, dc to 26.5 GHz. HP S5023F. dc to 50 GHz. Connector type: HP S5023A, 7mm. HP S50238, 3.5mm. HP S5023C.Type-N. 50 ohm. HP S5023D. Type-N, 75 ohm. HP S5023F. 2.4mm, 50 ohm. Characteristlc Imped811C8:HP S5023A/8/C/F, 50 ohm. HP S'023D, 75 ohm. Weight: net, 0.5 kg (1.2Ib); shipping, 1.2 kg (2.91b). (((~:~~~ HP 85022A HP 85023C- 11170C). BNC connector.: N-Male, N-Male. BNC Imped8nce: SOohm. Weight: net. 0.5 kg (1.21b); shipping, 1.2 ka (2.91b). HP 85028A HP 11868A HP 85022A System Cable Kit The HP 85022A containsall the BNC and HP.IB cablesto connect an HP 8350B sweeposcillator (or HP 8340B synthesized sweeper), an HP Series 200 or 300 computer, and a printer to the HP 8757 or 8756. This kit contains 3 one-meter HP-IB cables (HP 10833A), 3 two-CootBNC cables (HP 11170B), and 1 Cour-foot BNC cable (HP HP 11678A HP 11879A/B Extension Cables Functlon: These cables extend lhe distancc bctween lhe scalar network analyzcr and lhe detector or bridge to a maximum of 200 feet without degradation of performance. HP 11679A: 7.6 m (25 ft) extension cable HP 116798: 61 m (200 ft) extension cable HP 85023A/B/C/D/F Verification Kita The HP 85023 Series system vermcation kits each contain a set of precision componentsusedto perform a systemverification procedure fot the HP 87578/568 scalar network analyzer system. This procedure, which is in the HP 8757/56 Operating and Service Manuals, checks system installation and can be used as a daily functional test. Ch~ a system verification kit to match your device under test. For 7mm applications. select the HP 85023A. Ir you are measuring 8MA or 3.5mm the HP 85023B. For 50 ohm, Type-N applications, select the HP 8SO23C.These kits (HP 85023A/B/C) all include an open, short, 10 dB fixed attenuator, 50 ohm termination, and a source to directional bridge adapter of the corresponding connector type. Tbe HP 85023D verification kit, for 75 ohm Type-N measurements,consistsof a short, a 75 ohm termination, a 50 ohm 10 d8 fixed attenuator and two HP 11852850 to 75 ohm minimum loss pads (for 50/75 ohm impedance convenion). The HP 85023F verification kit includes 2.4mm standards for venfying performanceofthe HP 8757S systemto SOGHz. lncluded area 2.4mm female open, short and 50 ohm load, a 10 d8 attenuator, and female to female adapter. HP 85028A 7mm Directivity Verification Standards tor HP 85021A/85027A The HP 85028A allows on-site verification of the 40 dB dircctivity of the HP 85021A and 85027A dircctional bridges. For frequencies below 2 GHz, a prcciaion 52 dB return lass load is used. For frequencies flom 2 to 18 GHz, a sliding mismatch is usedto establish a ripple pattern flom which the dircctivity can be calculated. The HP 82028A includes a precision 50 ohm termination, a high-performance sliding mismatch, an 7mm open/short, an 7mm connectOt gage kit, and a torque wrench. Welght: net, 2.0 kg (4.5 lb); shipping. 3.5 kg (8.0 lb). HP 11814A Firmware Enhancement Tbe HP l16l4A firmware enbancement updates tbe HP 8757A scalar network analyzer to firmware revision 2.1. (HP 8757As witb serial number prefix 2802A or bigher already bave revision 2.1 firmware). Firmware revision 2.1 includes all the features offirmware revision 2.0, wbicb added several new features to previousversionsof tbe HP 8757A. Theseinclude tbe ability to display and plot reftection traces in units of standing wave ratio (SWR), tabular listings of numerical data on an HP ThinkJet printer, fu" calibration and operation witb tbe HP 85025C detector adapter and R/Q/U85026A waveguide detectors, and tbe ability to display and plot an externat voltage applied to a rear panel input. All revision 2.1 features are HPIB programmable. NETWORKANALVZERS 8757/8756 System Accessorles (cont'd) Models 11613B, 11636A/B, 11665B, 11668A,11852B HP 11888AHigh PassFilter The HP 11668A high pass filter accessoryja recommendedwhen making measurements on active devi~ that have pin below 50 MHz. Use of the HP 11668A, placed after the HP 11665B, reduces the modulator drive feedthrough from 8 mV to 1 mV and prevents possibleamplifier saturation. Use of the HP 11668A filter is not necessary for passivemeasurementssince the feedthrough from the HP 11665B is -65 dOm and causesno degradation in system performance. Frequency range: 50 MHz to 18 GHz. Insertion Loss Return Loss 50-100 MHz ~2.5 dB ?:.12dB 100MHz-8GHz ~1.0dB ?:.16dB 8-12 GHz SI.0dB ?:.14dB 12-18GHz ~1.5dB ?:.14dB Maximum input: +27 dBm. Connectors: N-female, N-male. Weight: net, 0.13 kg (5 oz); shipping, 0.28 kg (10 oz.). HP 11678A Low Pass Filter Kit Description: the HP ll678A low passfilter kit containsfive filters. Low passfilters reduceharmonicsgeneratedby the RF sourcewhen makingprecisionmeasurements. FrequencyRange(low passfilters.cutoff frequencyfc) HP 11688A: 2.8GHz. HP 11689A: 4.4 GHz. HP 11684A: 6.8GHz. HP l1685A: 9.5 GHz. HP l1686A: 13.0GHz. Insertion Ion: < 1.1dB at 0.95fc. Rejection(at 1.25fc): greaterthan40 dB. Impedance:SOohmnormal. Connectors:N-Femaie,N-Male. Weight:net, 0.44kg (1Ib); shipping,1.2kg (2.9Ib). HP 116138 Calibrator HP 8757 and 8756 verification/calibration is recommendedevery 12 montbs. Tbis can be accomplisbed at an HP service center or onsite using tbe HP 116138 ca1ibrator and an HP 9000 series 200 or leries 300 computer. Tbe HP 116138 is a dedicated transfer standard for calibration of tbe HP 8757 and 8756. Tbe HP 116138 provides tbe standard a 27.778 kHz source and a seriesof precision attenuators. Tbc calibrator includes software (botb 3.5 and 5.25 incb formats) tbat operates on an HP 9(XX)series 200 or series 300 computer. thc 8ASIC operating system (8ASIC 2.0, and aOOve)and a GP-IO cable for use wben calibrating tbe HP 8756. Tbe software verifies (and adjusts if nece5sary) tbe internal calibration parameters stored in tbe non-vo1atile memory of tbe HP 8757 and 8756. All HP 8757 and 8756 detector inputs can be calibrated in a matter of minutes. Re-calibration of tbe HP 116138 is recommendedevery two years. Memory Requlrement: 112M byte, includina 8ASIC. Hardware Requirement: HP 98622A 16-bit GP-IO interface card for use witb HP 8756. Dimensions: 40 H x 185 W x 203 mm D (1.5 x 7.3 x 8.0 in). Cable iength: 1.22 m (48 in). Weight: Net 0.91 kg (2Ibs). Shipping 1.4 ta (3Ibl). HP 116138 HP 11636A/B Power Dividers Tbe HP 11636A/B powerdividers/combiners are recommended wbenmakingwidebandcomparisonmeasurements without ratioing. and in fault locationmeasurements with the HP 87575/85016.Detailedspecifications areon page341. Other Signal Separation Devices Many other signal separationdevicesare available from HP for use with the HP 8757, 8756 and 8755. Coaxial couplers from 0.1 to 18 GHz are available witb tbe HP 770 series,tbe 790 series,and the HP 11692.Higher directivity HP 752 serieswaveguide couplers can also be used witb tbe HP 8757, 8756 or 8755 witb tbe addition of appropriale HP 281 series waveguide-to-coaxadapters. 116658 Modulator Function: absorbtivc on-off modulator designed ror and powcred by thc HP 8757,8756 or 8755 scalar nctwork analyzers. Ft.-J 15-40ft 40WIz-4~ 4-8~ i-12.4 GHz 12.~18GHz ~a. ~..~ ~IOc8 ~15d8 ~12d8 ~8d8 ~8 c8 a. ~~ S7.0c8~~c8 S12c8 ~35c8 S3.8c8~d8 S4.3d8 ~ d8 S5.0d8 ~ d8 Moduletar drive feedthrough: S8 mV (peak) at 27.8 kHz at citber port wben powered by tbc HP 8757, 8756 or 8755. Rcduccd to S ImV (peak) using tbc HP 11668A. (See HP 11668A High Pass Filter). Drive curr.nt: nominally +50 mA in On condition. -50 mA Oft' condition. Wejght: net, 0.17 kg (6 GI); shipping. 0.9 kg (2 lb). HP 11852850 ohm/75 ohm Minimum Los. Pad Tbe HP 118528 is a low SWR minimum losspad requircd betwccn 75 ohm dcvicesand 50 ohm sourcesand detectors. For more information, see page 245. NETWORK ANAL YZERS 8757/8756 System Accessorles (con't) Models 11667A/B/C DC. ~. DCa HP 1187A 4- . -- 18GHz Input SIR: SI.15 Sl.25 sl.45 Eq~ SI.10 Si'» sl.33 so.15 sG.2O ~ 0utputSWR: (Ieveling 01' ratio meaSlXements) HP 11687A HP 116678 e 0utpIt T~((between output arms) Typc8,... TraJ~ (dIc): (between 0,5 1.5 10 output Mms) HP 11887C Input HP 11887A/B/C Power Splitter The HP 11667A/B/C power splitters are recommended when manng wideband ratio measurementsusing the HP 8757, 8756, or 8755 scalar network analyzer. These two-resistor type splitters provide excellent output SWR at the auxiliary arm when used for source leveling or ratio measurement applications. The tracking between output arms over a frequency range flom dcto 50 GHz allows wideband measurementsto be made with a minimum of uncertainty. K8 18-- HP116678/C K8 &5. K~ 40. DC~ 50. $WH: HP116678 HP11667C EquiYIleIIt 0- Sl.22 Sl.22 Sl.29 Sl.38 S1.50 Sl.i5 Sl22 ~ ~1.22 Sl.2t Sl.~ HPl16678 SO.25 sO;. HPl1667C ~.» sO.35 so.. st.. SWH: (Ieveling or ratio measurements) HP11&678 HP 11667C OutputT~(d8): (between output arms) Frequency A8nge: HP 11667A: DC to 18 GHz. HP 116678: DC to 26.5 GHz. HP 11667C: DC to SOGHz. Impedance:SOohms nominal. In..rtion L088: HP 11667A/B: 6 dB nominal. TJpic8PII8 ~ (dll):(betwHn ~ arms) HP116678 HP11667C 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3,0 Typicalll*'tloll ~. HP 11667C 6.0 7.0 a.o 1.5 M8ximum Input Power: + 27 dBm Connectors: HP 11667A: N-female on alt poru. HP 11667B: APC-3.5 femate on a11ports. HP I I 667C: 2.4 mm female on all poru. DImension.: HP 11667A: 46 H x 52 W x 19 mm D (1.8 x 2.0 x 0.7 in.). HP 116678: 40 H x47 W x 10 mm D (1.6 x 1.9 x 0.4 in.). HP 11667C: 36 H x 36 W x 10 mm D (1.4 x 1.4 x 0.4 iIL). We"hl: HP 11667A: Det,0.14 q (0.31Ib); shipping0.22q (0.5 Ib). HP 116678:nct, 0.06q (0.13Ib); shipping0.14 q (0.3 Ib). HP 11667C: nct. 0.06 q (0.13 Ib); shipping 0.14 q (0.31b). NETWORK ANAL YZERS Orderlng Information Model 8757 Ordertng 'nform_"on Tbe HP 87S7S Automatic Sca1ar Network Analyzer is ordered with multiple lifte items to live you maximum ßexibility in specifying a system that meeU your needs. Tbis orderinl Juide lisu tbe HP 87S7Sline items required for software compatibility. It is not necessary to order any liDe item you already own. Couult your locaI HP SaIesOffice if you wouId üke assistance. HP 87578 8C8a. Network Aß81yzer System This system model number ensures coordination of shipments and compatibility of instruments aDdsoftware. Aß8tyZ8r HP 8757A Scalar Network. Analyzer Opt. 001 Fourth detector input Opt. WJO Two yean extended service Sweep Osc-.tors (c~ eitbcr HP 83SOBwith an RF Plug-in, 83408, or 8341B) Dlrecttonal8ridges (ch~ at least ODe) HP 85027A 0.01-18 GHz. 7mm, SOohm HP 85O27B0.01-26.5 GHz. 3.5mm fcmalc, SOohm HP 85027C 0.01-18 GHz. Type-N femaJe,SOohm HP 850270 0.01-47 GHz, 2.4mm male, SOohm HP 85027E 0.01-26.5 GHz. 3.5mm maJe,SOohm HP 85020A0.01-4.3GHz. Type-N fcmalc,SOohm HP 85O2OB0.01-2.4 GHz, TYjIO-N femaie. 1.5ohm Detecton (ch~ at leut ODe) HPII~.4 0.01-18 GHz. Type-N male Opt.OOI 7mm aJDnector HP 116641:0.01-26..5 GHz, 3.5mm male HP II~O 26.5-40 GHz. WR-28 wavepide HP 1166«: Detector Adapter HP 85015.40.01-18 GHz, Type-N male Opt. 00 I 7mm ccxm«;tor HP 85O15B0.01-26.5 GHz, 3.5mm male HP 850150 O.OI-SOGHz. 2.4mm male HP 8SO15E0.01-26..5 GHz. 3..5mmmale HP R85O16.426.5-40 GHz, WR-28 _ve8wde HP ~ 33-SOGHz. WR-22 wavquidc HP U85016A 40-60 GHz. WR-19 wavcguide HP 85015<::Detector Adapter System Verlftc8tian Kita (chooseat least ODe) HP 85018.4 7mm directivity verification standards HP 85023.4 7mm. SOohm HP 850138 3.5mm. SOohm HP 85013C Type-N. SOohm HP 850230 Type-N, 7S ohm HP 85023F2.4mm.SOohm Filter Kits HP 11668High PassFilter Kit HP 11678LowPUl Filter Kit Systemc-.. Kif HP 85021A SystemCable Kit Computer (chooseone) HP 98157AlM byte Memory Board HP 98S80A Series 300. Mooel310 Di8C Dm.. (one required CorHP 98165) HP 9122D 3.5 inch Dual Flexible Disc Drive Softw8W (c~ ODe~) HP 85015B System Software CorHP 8757 Opt. 630 CorComputer with HP 9121D/22D Disc Drive ()pt. 655 Coreither HP 98265 or 98365 Computer HP 850168 TraDSmiSlioaLiDe Test SoCtwareCorHP 8757 Opt. 6JO: ror Computer with HP 9121D/22D DiIC Drive Opt 655: ror either HP 98265 or 98365 Ccxnputer A~"" ~ _&~-:~.~:~~~ Printer (chooseat leut ODe) HP 2215A ThinkJet Printer HP 22278 QuietJet Printer HP 2932A Opt 046 Impact Graphia Printer Ptotter (choc»eat least ODe) HP 7440A Opt. 002 Ei8ht-pen Grapbia Plotter (8.5' xII') HP 7550 Eight-pen Vector P\otter (11' x 17') OptlOMI ACC8UGri88 (for ratio aDd/or modulationmeasurements) HP 11636A Power Divid« DC to 18 GHz HP 116368 Power Divider DC to 26.5 GHz HP 116658 Modulator HP 11667A Power Splitter DC to 18 GHz Opt. 001 N-male on input port; N.femaJe on output ports: Opt. 002 N-femaJe on input port; 7mm on wtput ports: HP 116678 Power Splitter DC to 26.5 GHz HP 11667C Power Splitter DC to SOGHz HP 118518 SOto 75 ohm Minimum ~ Pad Sentce 8nd Support Producta HP 116138 Calibrator HP 8757S+23N Onsitc Installation (wbcre availablc) HP 8757S+028 Onsitc Service (wbcre aYailablc)
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