Phase I : The Conqueror Scenario Ilyas Barbarossa after a fight with the Knights of St.John turned his ships around towards the city of Mytilene and with the help of some Traitors in the city who opened the castle gates for him attacked and conquered it. Now Ilyas and his two brothers Aruj and Khizr live in the center and the castle of Mytilene and rule the city together. The Pirates gave some equipment to the Traitors that helped them conquer the city and let them stay and guard the city around its center. And who are you ? Your Hero is a Knight of the St. John who is sent with more others to the island of Mytilene to take the city back from the Pirates. Outside the city Liberators exploit its unstable situation and try to steal everything they can. Phase I : The Conqueror Player Stats Experience points are gathered by completing quests. Experience is used to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Also Increase your damage Increase your Health Points Increase your Health Potions effectiveness Get you invited in Phase II experience increases enemy difficulty. Max HP is your maximum health points. Your Max HP is increased by your experience. Health Potions are used in Battle to replenish your Health Points. You can gain Health Potions by completing quests (1 potion per quest completed) and by converting Ratings to Potions (1 potion per 5 Ratings) . If you play Barbarossa during night time (21:00 and 06:00) you perform surprise attacks causing increased damage. Ratings are gathered when other players rate your quests when completing them using an 1-5 start rating system. Phase I : The Conqueror Completing Quests Saving Quests in your Quest Log and starting them is easy. Just update the Quest List to get the available Quests that other players created and save some of them (3 max) in your Quest Log. After starting a Quest the system will wait for a position fix (you can use Network or GPS to get one). Then you can read the title and the story line of the Quest and check your position and the enemy position on the map. When you are ready you can tap on the enemy to attack. In Barbarossa the players get experience not only by killing enemies but also by the distance between the player and the enemy. Pirates are the strongest enemies and reward 10 experience when they are killed. Traitors are easier and reward 5 experience points and Liberators are the easiest and reward no experience points when they are killed. 0-50 meters distance adds 30 experience reward to the quest. 50-150 meters distance adds 25 experience reward to the quest. 150-250 meters distance adds 20 experience points. 250 meters distance and more adds 15 experience points. So for example if you complete a quest in a 250 meters and more distance and the enemy is a Traitor you will get 5 + 15 =20 experience points. If the enemy is a Liberator you will get 0+15=15 experience points. The Battle system consists of a Turn-Based combat system. Using a variety of abilities (you get new ones as you progress) you can try to kill the enemy. At the end of the Quest you have to rate the quest for its scenario and title. Phase I : The Conqueror Insiders - Outlanders Insiders are players that complete at least one quest in a distance below 3500 meters from it. Outlanders are players that complete all their quests in a distance above 3500 meters. Insiders as they are near the city can move near the Quests to get 20,25 and 30 experience points bonuses. Outlanders cannot move near the Quests as they are far from the city so they cannot get more than 15 experience points bonus. To be fair we divided automatically the players to those two leagues and during Phase II invitations the best of each league will be invited every time. Phase I : The Conqueror Creating Quests Creating quests is also an easy process in Barbarossa and a good quest may reward you with many Ratings that can be converted to potions. To create a quest you have to first double tap on an area between the Brown – Green circle (the Liberators territory) , the Green – Red circle (the Traitors territory) or inside the Red circle (the Pirates territory) to create an enemy. To create a Quest and make it available for other players to complete it you pay 1 Health Potion fee. You cannot complete your own quests. If you don’t know what to write in the Quest you can use the Address button to search for places around the location you set the enemy. There you can get inspired to write an interesting quest. A successful quest consists of an interesting Title and Story line. As the quest is set at a real location you can use your knowledge for the location of the enemy you set to create an interesting quest that is connected with it. Phase II : The InterPlay Scenario In Phase II the city has fallen and the three Pirate brothers desperate to hide their treasures are gathered to the crypts of the castle and put them all in a Treasure Chest. Ilyas and Aruj locked the Treasure Chest with 2 combination locks. Khizr took the chest and his horse and left to hide the chest somewhere in the city. This way all three brothers would had to be present to open the chest. After a while the Knights found Aruj and Ilyas in the crypts. They got Aruj but Ilyas managed to escape and a Knight hunted him down. Meanwhile two guards move Aruj in the city changing shifts so no one will know where he is exactly in order to try to save him. Phase II : The InterPlay Invitations In Phase II three players have to be invited and cooperate as a 3 player team in order to open the locked chest and get a prize. The first of the Insiders is invited as a Treasure Hunter that searches nowadays to find the chest Khizr hid. The first of the Outlanders is invited as the Knight that hunts down Ilyas. Finally the Insider has to invite a friend to play as a Pirate who tries to free Aruj from the Knights that they got him and move his around the city. Phase II : The InterPlay The Treasure Hunter (The Insider) The Treasure Hunter will have to complete the Treasure Hunt scenario. By scanning Qr-Codes using a custom Android application in the city of Mytilene the player gets clues that vary from pictures and text to e-mails and custom device outputs and will have to find a real locked chest locked with two combination locks hidden in the city of Mytilene Qr-codes scans consume energy points. During the scans the player has to be as quite as possible as the higher the sound level of his environment is the more energy points he looses. The player can replenish energy points by putting the application in sleep mode. The player can use also hints to get more information about a clue. Hints are not unlimited and are gathered by the other two players in the team and automatically transferred to the Treasure Hunter. Phase II : The InterPlay The Knight that chases Ilyas (Outlander) The Knight that chases Ilyas will have to complete the ManHunt scenario. Ilyas runs towards a Traitor that will help him escape the city. The player has to run and kill Ilyas before he manages to get near the traitor. He can do that by approaching, the moving on the real world Ilyas, in a 60 meters and below distance and also a have visual contact with him to shoot him with a cannon. Before he dies Ilyas will give the player the code that unlocks the one of the locks that lock the Treasure Chest. The Player has to run on the real world using GPS and a custom Android application to kill Ilyas in at least 100 meters distance from the Traitor to get the combination of the lock. Also depending on the distance that Ilyas has from the Traitor when he is killed the system sends hints to the Treasure Hunter. The system automatically creates the game world around the player setting starting and ending points for Ilyas and calculating the routes he follows so the game can be played anywhere. Also Ilyas speed is set by the players location temperature. Phase II : The InterPlay The Pirate that tries to free Aruj (The player that the Insider invites) The pirate that tries to free Aruj will have to complete the Set Me Free scenario. In that scenario the two Guards that move Aruj gamble their shifts using dices. Every time one Guard scores a double passes Aruj to the other one. Two players in this scenario (2 developers) play the Guards and the invited player by the insider tries to free Aruj using an Augmented Reality application and running in the real streets. The Pirate has to tap on the Augmented Reality marker when he is in 20 meter and below distance from him to free Aruj. When that happens Aruj rewards the player with the combination lock that unlocks the lock that locks the Treasure chest. The Guards use a custom Android application to roll the dices and set Aruj position every time one of them scores a double. The game has a center that is played around and is automatically adjusted to the location the Pirate plays at. The Guards can set Aruj position in a max 120 meter distance from the center. Every time a guards sets the position of Aruj the system reveals the last known position of the Pirate. Phase II : Final Goal When the team has the Chest and the 2 combination codes they can open the chest and they will find inside it information on how to complete the game and get into the prize lottery.