Newsletter Vol. 32, Issue 2 - Jesus People Information Center


Newsletter Vol. 32, Issue 2 - Jesus People Information Center
4338 Third Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95817
The “Reality Check” Zine
Editor: Thomas Adcock
Jesus said, “Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written,…”
Then the Devil left Him!
What “Expert” Do You Trust?
1. There is not the slightest indication
that nuclear energy will ever be
obtainable. It would mean that the
atom would have to be shattered at
will.” Albert Einstein, 1932
2. “This is the biggest fool thing we
have ever done… The bomb will
never go off, and I speak as an expert
in explosives.” Admiral William
Leahy, advising Pres. Harry Truman
on U.S. Atomic Bomb project, 1945.
3. “The thought of being President
scares me. I don’t think I want
the job.” Ronald Reagan,
Governor of California, 1973.
If this is
the first free newsletter you have
received from us and you do not want to receive
any more—Do Nothing—you will not receive
another one. If you would like to continue
receiving our free newsletters periodically,
contact us by e-mail or letter and tell us. We will
not send you any letters begging for money and
we will not give your name and address to
anyone else. Thank you. Tom Adcock,
President, Jesus People Ministry. E-mail address: Mailing address: 4338
3rd Ave. Sacramento, CA 95817.
4. “While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially I consider it
an impossiblity, a development of which we need waste little time dreaming.” Lee de Forest, American
inventor of the Audio tube, pioneer in development of radio and T.V., 1926.
5. “’Gone With The Wind’ is going to be the biggest flop in Hollywood history. I’m just glad Clark Gable
will be the one falling on his face and not Gary Cooper.” Gary Cooper, 1938.
6. “I do not consider Hitler to be as bad as he is depicted. He is showing an ability that is amazing, and he
seems to be gaining victories without much bloodshed.” Mahatma Gandhi, May 1940.
7. “You ain’t goin’ anywhere…son. You ought to go back to driving a truck.” Jim Denny, Manager of
Grand Old Opry, firing Elvis Presley after one performance, September 25, 1954.
8. “In the year 1999, and seven months, from the sky will come the Great King of Terror.” Nostradamus.
9. 1993 “Jesus was very fond of Mary Magdalene, probably a prostitute, and he is frequently in pictures in
an intimate pose with the apostle John. I believe Jesus was an androgynous figure, not without sex, or
unisexual but whole” M. Scott Peck, Further Along the Road Less Traveled, page 161 (M. Scott Peck
claims he became a Christian in 1980). See our book list.
10. And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.
Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out;
and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things
which are written may be fulfilled. But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in
those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the
edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the
Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. Jesus Christ, approximately 29 A.D. (Luke 21: 20-24).
(See Luke 19:41-44) 70 A.D. prophecy fulfilled!
We Believe:
In the Triune God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is True God and True Man. The Holy Spirit
is a Divine Person. The Old and New Testaments are
God's Divinely Inspired words. All have sinned and come
short of the Glory of God and are in need of salvation.
Salvation has been provided through Jesus Christ for all
men. It is the will of God that every believer be filled
with the Holy Spirit. Healing is provided through the
redemptive work of Christ and is available to every
believer. The Church consists of all those who have
received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour.
There shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and the
unjust. In the personal, visible, imminent return of Jesus
Christ. In Water baptism, and observance of the Lord's
1. Free Bible correspondence course to prison inmates.
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A man that is a heretic after the first and
second admonition reject; Knowing that he
that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being
condemned of himself.
Titus 3:10, 11
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Volume 32 - Issue 2 (published seasonally) This newsletter
is published by Jesus People Information Center, 4338 3rd.
Ave. Sacramento, CA 95817, a non-profit Christian
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it is not necessary now to be “born again spiritually”
because if they work hard enough to escape
Armageddon they will live on the new earth. (They
teach their members how not to be saved.)
Mormons believe the trinity is three gods of many
millions of other gods. That Jesus is the brother of
Lucifer and if they work hard enough at the Mormon
teachings they too will be a god ruling their own planet
with “a Jesus and Satan” of their own under their
control. It is inconceivable that true repentance can be
achieved by people who believe that they themselves
and Almighty God are of the same “kind”. Christian
Science denies Jesus Christ died on the cross. They
claim sin, sickness and death are just illusions, making
God a liar.
The Bible condemns these teachings very clearly.
It is a shame that Christians are so ignorant that they
just “avoid” standing up for the truth. Excuses such as
“I witness by my life” That’s good as far as it goes but
some of the happiest decent people are deceived by
everything from the Bahai faith to the false teaching of
Universalism. Happy and decent, but deceived.
People might “look at them” and think they have the
“answer”. Atheists and witches can have good
manners and can be honest citizens.
It’s time for the large majority of American
Christians, born-again Christians (God recognizes no
other kind) to “get serious”. Most have an excuse that
will not stand up to God’s word. You’ve heard it,
you’ve said it. “I don’t believe religion should be
shoved on people”. Then just share it, duh! You can’t
“make” a person a Christian. “I don’t want to
condemn anyone else’s religion” Why? Think it out!
Jesus was offensive to almost everyone as were the Old
Testament prophets and New Testament apostles. And
they paid dearly for it. Judge yourself. You may not
really be saved yourself, or maybe you just don’t know
what the Bible teaches. Anyway if you just say “I
don’t believe that because” and you learn enough to
give sound reasons, they might not be offended and
might get saved. You don’t have to witness to
everyone you meet—duh. But are you doing your
share or supporting Christian groups that do?
Christians, apostate church members and pagans
all know the song “Amazing Grace”. The church and
the world need to pay attention to the words.
When a book or a newsletter like this is being read or
when you hear a sermon in church or on the street and
you feel like screaming “Don’t Judge Me” and think
the words of the Bible back you up, consider this: This
newsletter, a book, a sermon is not a personal message
to you—if the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it; or maybe
your guilt is real..
Unfortunately even most Christians are ignorant of
the fact that the New Testament has five different
words and at least eight different meanings for the
word ‘judge’. Additionally there are numerous
scriptures which use other words that demand the same
meaning. Jesus said “beware of false prophets.”
Naturally you must ‘judge’ to be able to do this. In
Romans Paul tells Christians “who are you to judge
your brother?” Yet in Corinthians he commands the
Christians to “Judge those in the church”. No
contradiction. The context explains it all. We should
never judge self-righteously, as the Pharisee judged the
Publican in Luke ch. 18 and we should not judge or
preach against a sin that we are actively guilty of
ourselves. That’s hypocritical judgment.
Otherwise we are commanded to judge prophecy,
judge those who claim to be prophets, false teachings
(heresies and cults and anti-christ religions). Though
no Christian is perfect 24/7, 52 weeks a year in every
thought and deed, there are lines you cannot cross
concerning judging behavior also. For example:
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit
the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither
fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with
mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards,
nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the
kingdom of God.” (I Cor. 6:9, 10)
I was guilty of almost every sin mentioned here,
and many others. The point is you cannot continue to
live like this and make it to heaven as the context
When Charles Finney stated “False religious
teachers are worse than murderers for they murder the
souls for whom Christ died.” He was biblically
correct. We have led people out of religions so evil
that if they continue believing what the religion teaches
they would end up in HELL. A strong judgment you
I’ll just mention one reason why for each group
(but there are many reasons): “Jehovah’s Witnesses
teach their members only 144,000 will go to heaven, so
“T’was Grace that taught my heart to FEAR,
then grace my fears relieved. How precious did
that grace appear the hour I first believed.”
there are that find it.” “Knowing the terror of the Lord
we persuade men”
There is only one kind of “saving faith”. Here are
two examples.
1. Read the book of Job, at least chapters one and two.
Hear Job’s reply, “Though God slay me yet I will trust
2. Read Daniel chapter 3 and note these words. “Our
God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the
burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of
thine hand, O King. But if NOT, be it known to you O
King we will not serve thy gods.”
Whoever you are I pray God will give you the
grace to do His will in your life. Jesus Christ did not
come to earth to live a sinless life only to be ridiculed,
persecuted and willingly die to offer mankind one of
many ways to better your life, or help you turn over a
new leaf or make you healthy, wealthy and wise, or to
find a purpose in life. You don’t find that purpose
until you repent and find Jesus as your savior. He
came to save our souls from the Hell we all deserve.
Christians who really know that understand my
“concerns”. It’s time to put the horse back in front of
the cart. The first public sermon Jesus preached was
“Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand”. Perhaps
it’s time for Christians and non-Christians to sit down
and read the Bible again.
Some people need to be afraid of where they are
going. Have you ever felt the fear? How many of you
have said, “I don’t want to hear about condemnation.”
We are all condemned until we realize we are headed
for God’s righteous eternal judgment in Hell (a place
of no hope) for our willful sins – and most refuse to
repent of their evil and receive God’s free salvation in
the person of his eternal Son, Jesus Christ. (John 3:18
are the exact words of Jesus Himself).
How well the apostle 21 centuries ago saw the
situation. “I charge you therefore before God, and the
Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the
dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the
word! Be ready in season and out of season.
Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and
teaching. For the time will come when they will not
endure sound doctrine, but according to their own
desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap
up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears
away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.”
2 Tim. 4:1-4”
Only God can regenerate (give spiritual life) to a
person. From Genesis to Revelation the command to
repent and believe is found. If you really love
someone you won’t mind “hurting their feelings,” if
necessary, to wake them up to the truth. Our Bible
course could help many of you whether you are a
Christian or not. I make no money at all on it. It is
12 lessons with many books for $300. Or order one
lesson at a time for $25 per lesson. In 1975 I took a
“Pastor’s Bible course”, 16 lessons, from the Southern
Baptist Seminary for $600. I’m sure it would cost
much more than that now. Our course is 10 times
better than that one and half the price. Most of you
would learn more than you have learned in 20 years of
church attendance. The world picks and chooses, even
from the Bible, what it wants to believe is true.
Christians who also use this practice most stop. That’s
how deception works. If you don’t embrace the whole
truth, you may not really be a Christian at all. When
was the last time you heard preaching in your church
based on any of these scriptures? For example:
“If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out,
better to enter life blind, than enter hell with sight.”
“Do not fear them which can kill the body, fear Him
who has power to destroy both body and soul in hell.”
“He who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is
not fit for the kingdom of God—Remember Lot’s
“Strive to enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the
gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and
many there are who go there, but narrow is the way
and straight is the gate that leads to eternal life and few
Keep the Faith
When was the last time you heard a sermon, for one
example, from Colossians, chapter 1, where Paul
addresses “the saints” verse 2, who had faith in Jesus
Christ verse 4, saying they had been made partakers of
the inheritance vs. 12, and had been translated into the
kingdom of the Son of God vs. 13, redeemed by the
blood , vs. 14 now reconciled to God vs. 21, then Paul
declares in verse 23 “IF you continue in the faith
grounded and settled and not moved away from the
hope of the gospel” read the entire chapter and book
for yourself . Let’s believe all the message and preach
all the message. It is a truth—most Christians will
continue in the faith. But to say “everyone who is
really saved will never do any of those things Jesus and
his apostles warned believers about; they will never
turn away.”—Really? I prefer to tell people exactly
what the Bible says. After over 30 years in active
literature and personal evangelism I realize there are
people of all levels of intelligence, different levels of
education and biases who read and don’t understand so
I want to close this way.
If you are not a Christian or not sure, you must
simply come to God with the attitude of the Publican in
Luke chapter 18 and your object of faith as your savior
must be the Lord Jesus Christ Romans ch. 10 vs. 9 &
10. If you are/were a Christian and believe you have
been so bad/evil God won’t forgive you, the remedy is
the same I John 1 vs. 8 & 9—confess to Jesus (the
only mediator) what you did wrong (sin). He will
restore you and forgive you for all you may have
forgotten you did also. You have not committed any
“unpardonable” sin! God wants to forgive all. Drop
that pride and go to Him! You don’t need a priest!
Jesus said, “Thy Word is Truth” Doctrine is
important. It determines what you believe and what
you do and your eternal destiny. It’s very important to
know what the Bible says and what it means. I’m
talking about the main and plain basic beliefs. The
Devil quoted scripture to Jesus and is still speaking it
today. Make sure you know who you are listening to!
And make sure that’s what the Bible means when they
quote it. And finally, to the person who told me he
was afraid to even mention Hell to his lost friends
because it would drive them further away from God;
“stop walking on egg shells.” If your heart is right and
you tell the truth—the blame is on them—not you!
Whether you’re timid or firm, if your motive is true,
the truth will not drive people away from Jesus. That’s
just their “excuse” that God will never accept on
Judgment Day. Naturally use the Bible as your guide.
It is not necessary to tell a repentant person that they
need to repent. Jesus warned the rebellious
unbelievers, and just offered mercy to the repentant
seeker. That’s what Jesus would do.
Friend, I stand in judgment now, and feel that you're to
blame somehow. On earth, I walked with you day by
day, and never did you point the way. You knew the
Lord in truth and glory, but never did you tell His
story. My knowledge then was very dim; You could
have led me safe to Him. Yes, I knew He'd made the
earth, but knew not of that second birth. And now I
stand this day condemned because you failed to
mention Him. You taught me many things, that's true;
I called you "Friend" and trusted you. Now I learn that
it's too late, you could have kept me from this fate. We
walked by day and talked by night, and yet you showed
me not the light. You let me live, and love and die,
and knew I'd never live on high. Yes, I called you
"friend" in life, and trusted you through joy and strife.
And yet, coming to this end, I realize you're not my
Lord, help me to be the man my dog thinks I am!
? ?
Statue of the Hindu deity Ganesha
Paul taught all have sinned and since Jesus
has only “been around” for 2000 years and
millions lived before Jesus and all people
worldwide haven’t even had a chance to hear the
Christian message today then that means all
those people will be in Hell! No it does not.
Then when Mother Teresa told people they
did not have to be a Christian – to just be a good
Hindu or good Buddhist and they will go to
heaven must be true. Politically correct yes, but
no it is not true—I don’t get it. Take our Bible
The heretics, as many as they
are, all depart [from each
other], holding so many
opinions as to one thing.
They bear about their “clear
notions” in secret within
themselves. Therefore, if
they ever agree among
themselves as to the things
predicted in the Scriptures,
then we will also refute
them. Meanwhile, in
addition to holding wrong
opinions, they also convict
themselves, for they are not
of one mind with regard to
the same words. Irenaeus (c.
180, E/W), 1.514.
“The belief that natural objects, natural phenomena,
and the universe itself possess souls.” Webster New
Universal Unabridged Dictionary, 1996, Random
House Publishing.
teaches. “Seeing then that we have a great high
priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the
Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For
we do not have a high priest which cannot be
touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was
in all points tempted like we are, yet without sin.
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of
grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to
help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:14-16.
“Placing faith in the Saint Christopher medal is a form
of animism. Animism comes from the Latin word
anima which means ‘soul’ or ‘breath’”. Guide to
World Religions, Editor: Dean Halverson, Bethany
House Publishers.
This “religion” may be more widespread than people
think. The New Age movement or Hinduism with it’s
unknowable god both substitute “mediators” or “gods”
Hindus have over 300 million gods and the New Age
movement claims contact with ascended masters,
angels, crystal power, etc. The United States is fast
becoming a superstitious madhouse. Some Roman
Catholics and some eastern orthodox church members
have said they pray to the Virgin Mary because they
fear Jesus Christ is too severe of a judge. It is painfully
obvious they do not know Jesus Christ as their own
personal Lord and Savior as Holy Scripture
Animism is the practice of pagan tribes in Africa and
of all the Voodoo and Santeria of the Caribbean.
“They worshipped creation instead of the Creator—
God gave them up” animism should be exorcised from
Christian churches. It is a false mediator between men
and God. Jesus told a woman “You worship what you
know not… The hour now is that true worshipers shall
worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father
seeks such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and they
that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and
By Dan Corner
because one is wearing the brown scapular, was made by
Mary to Saint Simon Stock on July 16, 1251.
Afterwards, the Catholic saint Alphonsus stated:
Before a direct answer is given to this important
questions, a brief description and some basic
information about the scapular would be most
appropriate for some people. The brown scapular in
my possession measures 1-1/8” by 1-1/2”, is made of
cloth and has a picture of Mary holding the baby
Jesus in her arms. Under this picture are these
surprising words:
“Just as men take pride in having others wear their
livery, so the Most Holy Mary is pleased when Her
servants wear Her Scapular as a mark that they
have dedicated themselves to Her service, and are
members of the Family of the Mother of God”
(emphasis ours).
Whosoever dies wearing this (brown) scapular
shall not suffer eternal fire. Mary’s promise.
Also we read” Pope Benedict XV granted an
indulgence of 500 days [from Purgatory] each time the
scapular is kissed.” Furthermore, it is alleged that:
This small rectangular patch of cloth is attached
to another similar sized patch of cloth by way of two
flat cords which enables them to be draped over one’s
chest and back. The other piece of cloth also has a
message on it underneath a picture of Jesus’ face:
Cease! The Holy face of Christ protects me.
Along with this brown scapular came a small
information sheet about it which carries the
Imprimatur from Thomas M. O’Leary, D.D., July 16
1941, Bishop of Springfield. In it we read that the
aforementioned promise of escaping eternal fire,
“This Devotion and Garment can be traced back to
The Old Testament, to the great prophet Elias and
the remaining faithful living in the caves of Mount
Carmel, and is recommended to sincere people of all
A summarizing comment is then presented and
followed by a prayer to Mary:
“Attach then, great importance to your brown
Scapular, it is an assurance of your salvation, just
as to reject Mary’s grace is to invite perdition”
(emphasis ours).
Eden) or a holy messenger from God through a vision,
as apparently was the case in 1251!
“’O Queen, who art the beauty of Carmel and the
mediatrix of all graces, pray for us’ (prayer
from The Raccolta may be said on your Rosary
Beads)” (emphasis ours).
(3) Please note that wearing the scapular is
supposed to be “an assurance of your salvation.”
Again, in contrast to this, the eternal, written Word of
God declares the following about assurance of salvation:
After all these authoritative Catholic claims and
promises, now the original question which was stated
in the title of this article can be more appropriately
addressed—Why do Catholics wear the brown
“He who is having the Son, hath the life; he who is
not having the Son of God—the life he hath not.
These things I did write to you who are believing in
the name of the son of God, that ye may know the
life ye have age-during, and that ye may believe in
the name of the Son of God” (1 John 5:12,13
Young’s Literal Translation).
(1) First and foremost, Catholics wear the brown
scapular because they think they will escape eternal
fire by doing so! This misguided trust, as sincere as
it may be, is only possible because Catholicism does
not teach the only way to escape Hell fire is
complete faith in Jesus (John 14:6; Acts 20:21; Gal.
3:26). If they only knew JESUS is the only mediator
to the Father (1 Tim. 2:5), has the only name in
which salvation is found (Acts 4;12), is the gate
(John 10:9), our life (Col. 3:4) and hope (1 Tim. 1:1),
then they would never trust in wearing a scapular
again, even if the message allegedly originated
through a vision from Mary and has a pope’s
Please note the present-tense in that passage. The only
true assurance of salvation, that is offered by God,
comes from “having” (present-tense) the Lord Jesus.
Verse 13 is also explicit as it reveals that only those who
“are believing” in the name of the Son of God have true
assurance of salvation! Please note the exclusive object
of our faith must be Jesus. No such salvation assurance
can be found anywhere in God’s Word by trusting
anyone or anything else, including wearing the scapular!
In fact, for one to trust in wearing the scapular to escape
eternal fire shows that he is not trusting in Jesus, which
reveals his lost spiritual condition.
(4) Though it is alleged that the scapular can be
traced back to the Old Testament to the days of the
prophet Elias, it is impossible to scripturally substantiate
this claim! There is no Biblical evidence for this claim!
Furthermore, kissing an object can only be associated
with idolatry, and never true worship of God, which has
never included the use of a graven image of man,
woman, etc. in any form (Deut. 5:8-10 cf. John 4:23,24).
Therefore, according to scripture, we have another solid
reason to reject wearing of the scapular and devotion to
(2) Among other reasons, the Bible was written
to inform us about salvation (2 Tim. 3:15). Since it
clearly does not mention salvation through the
wearing of a scapular (or anything else) we should
not think the message about the scapular can deliver
us from eternal fire! Since this Catholic message
originated from a vision in 1251, we should also
immediately be skeptical about it, for now there
would be a way of escaping eternal fire that did not
exist before July 15, 1251.
Further, since Mormons, Seventh-day Adventists
and other similar religious groups also claim
authoritative visions which likewise contradict the
Bible, we can only conclude that it is impossible for
God to be the source of all these visions, since they
all contradict each other and even more importantly,
the Holy Bible! Logically, there must be another
source of visions, since God wouldn’t (even couldn’t)
give out all these conflicting messages! The Bible
confirms this and reveals who the source is that tries
to deceive us through visions. Paul wrote:
(5) Please note the way Catholicism views Mary, as
expressed in the aforementioned prayer—Queen and
mediatrix of all graces. There is nothing in scripture to
back up either of these ultra-exalting descriptions of
Many scriptural objections could be cited to counter
the teaching that Mary is Queen of Heaven or mediatrix
of all graces. Regarding this latter description of Mary,
perhaps no refutation can excel the clarity associated
with the conversion of the repentant, dying thief. If one
would check the gospel accounts of the Lord’s infinite,
redemptive death for every single person, he would
notice that Mary was at the foot of the cross when Jesus
was dying. In spite of this, the dying thief did NOT go
to Mary to get to Jesus (Luke 23:42,43)! Please note
that Jesus did NOT tell this repentant sinner in need of
“…Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light”
(2 Cor. 11:14).
This is a key verse in evaluating visions. The devil
wants to deceive us, and attempts to do so under the
appearance of a friend (as with Eve in the garden of
forgiveness to first go to Mary, “the mediatrix of all
graces,” so that he could afterwards come to Him!
The scriptural record shows Mary had absolutely NO
ROLE at all in this man’s salvation.
Dear reader, be assured that the Lord Jesus will
likewise receive us as He did the repentant thief, that
is, if we, too, go directly to Jesus in a repentant state
as this conversion example reveals. Furthermore,
other scriptures command us to follow this procedure
(Matt. 11-28: John 5:40; 6:35, 7:37; etc.)! Finally, if you
try to get to Jesus by first going through Mary, you are
in disobedience to His directives and you’ll NEVER find
Him or the salvation He offers!
Dan Corner, Evangelical Outreach, P.O. Box 265,
Washington, PA 15301-0265
I never went back to the spa again, except to get
my check. It wasn’t just that I didn’t want to face the
other girls. It was that I couldn’t feel I belonged there
with them, since they hadn’t yet thrown away their
lives.” 91
The garments pose many problems for those who
wear them. For one, Mormons have been so
indoctrinated in the importance of wearing them at all
times except in special situations, decisions as to when
not to wear them are unnerving. Secondly, they are
ugly for fashion-minded women, since fashion clothes
often are incompatible with the garments. And for
Mormons who leave the church, the greatest joy often
is getting rid of the garments. Laake was finally able
to get rid of her garments and writes: “I was very
frightened on the day I finally relegated my garments
to the past in a ceremony of prayer and voodoo that I
hoped would appease any heavenly onlookers. — I
gathered them into a soft pile and carried them out onto
the little concrete porch that adjoined my apartment. I
mounded them together on the concrete and crouched
down beside them, clutching a pair of scissors and a
book of matches.” 92
After burning the garments Laake writes: “It was
over, and I was more elated than I could have
imagined. My heart and loins pulsed with a thrill of
danger that was almost sexual, but I also felt utterly
helpless and unprotected, as though I were a soft,
stripped sapling an inch thick that could be snapped in
two by someone’s hands. That sensation of
vulnerability would last for years.” 93
Another young Mormon woman who had received
her endowment and had to wear her garment was in
tears when she said that her garment was
uncomfortable and hid her breasts, as it was necessary
to put her brassier over them. 94
While still another young Mormon woman’s
marriage ended in divorce when her husband insisted
on keeping garments on at all times. 95 Some Mormons
do not remove them ever, although removal is allowed
Sacred undergarments are worn by all Mormons, male
and female, who have received recommends to enter
temples and have been endowed there. These
garments, white in color, have markings of a compass
and a square on the left and right breasts and one mark
embroidered over the navel and a mark over the right
knee. These are Masonic markings copied by Joseph
Smith who initiated the idea of the garments. They are
to be worn 24 hours a day throughout life, supposedly
since they protect the wearer from Satan and harm.
Laake tells about one of her embarrassing moments
with “the garment.” “That night the other girls and I
lined up on the tile ledge surrounding the whirlpool.
…One of the attendants, a girl with black hair to her
waist and legs like a Barbie doll’s was shoving hairpins
into her ponytail in order to get it off her neck. Then
she stepped out of her blue slacks and the other girls all
followed suit, tugging at their pants or kicking their
way out of them until they were a wall of bare young
legs forming a complete ring around me. The girls
pulled their shirts over their heads. Wielding spitting
hoses, they stood hip to hip in their bras and panties,
squealing and with their eyes gleaming, wordlessly
ready for the water fight of their lives.
“I couldn’t see a way out of it. While my coworkers waited, I very slowly pulled my own slacks
down to the floor and stood revealed in the baggy,
knee-length lower half of my garments. In the back, I
could feel them flapping open at the crotch and
exposing my buttock to the fetid air. In the front, they
parted so that the other girls could see my pubic hair.
“What are those?” somebody asked into a moment
of sudden silence.
“They’re my underwear, I mumbled. …I broke out
of the circle and fled into a dressing booth, where I sat
on the narrow bench, my heart pounding. …I stayed
there, very still, as the shrill sounds of the water fight
gathered force, until the sounds died out altogether and
I heard the girls chattering, emptying out the dressing
rooms. Finally the lights went out and Yet I continued
to sit alone in the dark, too humiliated to move.
“Long John” underwear. The men’s garments have a
top with short sleeves and a neckline that is a bit more
“scooped” than a typical man’s T-shirt. The bottoms
reach to just above the knees. Women’s garments are
similar except there is a choice of different necklines
(scooped, V, or square), and the sleeves are shorter
than the men’s sort of like “cap sleeves.” The bottoms
also reach to just above the knees. Both men’s and
women’s come in either one-piece or two-piece styles,
and in a variety of fabric weights and blends, such as
nylon, cotton, and cotton/poly. Members are informed
that they are not to cut, sew or alter the garments in any
way. For example, they cannot be shortened, pinned
up or rolled up to allow for wearing a shorter dress or
pair of shorts.
on certain occasions, as when swimming or in some
sports, etc.
Sacred garments are worn after a person has
received his or her first temple “endowments.” During
this ceremony, a person is given a “new name,” is
taught the story of the creation of the world (from the
Mormon perspective), makes vows promising to live
according to the Mormon Church’s requirements,
learns how he or she can enter the Celestial kingdom,
and is given instruction in Mormon doctrine. The
garments are to be worn under one’s clothing at all
times, except during times (to be determined by the
member’s own prayerful discretion) where the
garments would be exposed to non-members as in the
armed forces or would hinder a worthwhile activity.
Some examples whereby garments can be removed are
bathing, activities such as swimming and for visits to
the doctor’s office or hospital, where they could easily
be seen by nonmembers. The temple workers explain
that there are other situations where the garments may
temporarily be removed, subject to the wearer’s
judgment, but that the garments are a source of both
spiritual and physical protection and should be worn
The garments look somewhat like short versions of
Excerpt from “The Mormon Conspiracy” by Charles L.
Wood LLC, Black Forest Press, San Diego, CA, 2004. pp.
91. Deborah Laake, Secret Ceremonies, 145-148.
92. Ibid., 167.
93. Ibid., 168.
94. Judy Robertson, No Regrets, How I Found My Way Out
of Mormonism, (Light and Life Communications, 1997), 65.
95. Ibid., 66.
They have gone astray
with regard to one of the
three Persons of the
Trinity. For example,
some say, like Sabellius,
that the Almighty person
of the Father Himself
suffered. Others say, like
Artemas, that the person of
the Son only appeared to
be born and manifested.
Still others contend, like
the Ebionites, that the
prophets spoke of the
person of the Spirit. As to
Marcion and Valentinus,
…it is better not even to
make mention. Methodius
(c. 290, E), 6.338.
Another Testament
of Jesus Christ
Another Testament of
Another Jesus Christ
In Fact!
But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let
him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than
what you have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men?
For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ. Galatians 1:8-10
“Honestly examining the facts about them, and
comparing the facts with the Holy Scriptures of the
Bible, we are led irresistibly to the conclusion that
Jehovah’s Witnesses are the Bible Christians of today.
They are the only ones preaching the good news of
God’s established Kingdom” (Christendom or
Christianity, pp. 16, 17)
Never was there a more deceptive doctrine advanced
than that of the trinity. It could have originated only in
one mind, and that the mind of Satan the Devil.
(Reconciliation; 1928; pp. 101)
“If the message Jehovah’s Witnesses are bringing to
the people is true, then it is of greatest importance to
mankind. If it is false then it is the duty of the
clergymen and others who support them to come
boldly forward and plainly tell the people wherein the
message is false.” (The Golden Age, January 18, 1933,
p. 252)
We are already living in the seventh millennium –
since October 1872. (The Time Is At Hand; 1889; 1915
ed.; pp. 363)
The scriptural proof is that the second presence of the
Lord Jesus Christ began in 1874 A.D. (Prophecy,
1929; 1,589,000 ed.; pp. 65)
“…There is but one place of safety, and that is to be in
and to abide in the organization of Jehovah God.”
(Riches; 1936; pp. 101)
Furthermore, not only do we find that people cannot
see the Divine Plan in studying the Bible by itself, but
we see, also, that if anyone lays the Scripture Studies
aside, even after he has used them after he had become
familiar with them, after he has read them for ten years
– if he lays them aside and ignores them and goes to
the Bible alone, though he has understood his Bible for
ten years, our experience shows that within two years
he goes into darkness. On the other hand, if he had
merely read the Scripture Studies with their references,
and had not read a page of the Bible, as such, he would
be in the light at the end of the two years, because he
would have the light of the Scriptures. (The
Watchtower, 9/15/1910; pp. 298)
Hence the Christ, or the Anointed One, is a collective
or composite company, Christ Jesus being the head and
the 144,000 members of his church being the body.
(The New World; 1942; 2,000,000 ed,; pp. 96)
The new system of things to be set up is Jehovah’s
kingdom; and the magazine dedicated to heralding to
you the announcement of its establishment is The
Watchtower. By strict adherence to Bible prophecy it
points out the only way of salvation and entrance into a
new world system. It does not privately interpret
prophecy, but calls attention to physical facts, sets
them alongside prophecy, and you see for yourself how
well the two match, how accurately Jehovah God
interprets his own prophecy. (What Has Religion Done
for Mankind?; 1951; advert.)
In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the
Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established
truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world,
and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will
be accomplished near the end of A.D. 1915. (The Time
Is At Hand; 1889; 1915 ed.; pp. 99)
After almost six thousand years of human sorrow,
suffering and death, at last permanent relief is near at
hand and will be realized within this generation. (New
heavens And A New Earth; 1953; pp. 7)
The constellation of the Pleiades is a small one
compared with others which scientific instruments
disclose to the wondering eyes of man. But the
greatness in size of other stars or planets is small when
compared with the Pleiades in importance, because the
Pleiades is the place of the eternal throne of God.
(Reconciliation; 1928; pp. 14)
Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs
to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to
individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may
believe that they can interpret the Bible. For this
reason the Bible cannot be properly understood without
Jehovah’s visible organization in mind. (The
Watchtower, 10/1/1967; pp. 587)
house-to-house preaching. (The Watchtower,
7/15/1979; pp. 15)
So, does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn
them of dangers and to declare things to come? These
questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is
this prophet? …This “prophet” was not one man, but
was a body of men and women. It was the small group
of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that
time as International Bible Students. Today they are
known as Jehovah’s Christian witnesses. (The
Watchtower; 4/1/1972; pp. 197)
To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we
must identify that organization and serve God as part
of it. (The Watchtower, 2/15/1983; pp. 12)
What about those whose hope is everlasting life on
earth? Why is accurate knowledge vital for them?
Because there are no degrees of Christian integrity, as
if there were a higher standard for the anointed, who
have a heavenly hope, than for the other sheep, who
have an earthly hope. (John 10:16; 2 Peter 3:13)
Christian principles apply equally to all. For that
reason, all of us need to recharge our spiritual batteries
with accurate knowledge on a regular basis. (The
Watchtower, 12/1/1989; pp. 16)
This separating work has indeed been carried forward
under angelic direction. (Matt. 25:31, 32) And in
conjunction with it there has been angelic aid in
declaring the “good news,” for how often it has
happened that a sincere person had prayed to God for
help, only to find one of Jehovah’s Witnesses standing
at his door! And how often has a Witness been guided
by some unusual circumstance to call at a home where
spiritual aid is needed the most! Being aware of the
support of the myriads of heavenly angels, may we
never let up in searching out worthy persons by zealous
Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed
remnant and the “great crowd,” as a united
organization under the protection of the Supreme
Organizer, have any scriptural hope of surviving the
impending end of this doomed system dominated by
Satan the Devil. (The Watchtower, 9/1/1989; pp. 19)
Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet of God said “The
inhabitants of the moon are more of a uniform size
than the inhabitants of the earth, being about six feet in
height. They dress very much like the Quaker style
and are quite general in style, or the fashion of dress.
They live to be very old; coming generally near a
thousand years.” (From the journal of Oliver B.
Huntington, a devout Mormon contemporary of Joseph
Smith. Copy at Utah State Historical society, Vol. 2,
page 166. Also found in the Henry Huntington
Library, Pasadena, CA.)
him.” This God is the father of our Lord Jesus Christ
and the father of our spirits. . . .
. . . my text is the Bible and reads as follows: “and
this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only
true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent.” I will
now put another text with this and then offer a few
remarks. It is one of the sayings of the Apostle Paul:
“For though there be many that are called Gods,
whether in heaven or in earth (as there be Gods many
and Lords many) but to us there is but one God, the
Father of whom are all things, and we in him; and one
Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by
But let us turn our attention to the God with which we
have to do. I tell you simply, he is our father; the God
and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the father of
our spirits. . . .
Now if you believe what you have heard me say you
will believe there are Lords many, and Gods many; and
you will believe that unto us, the inhabitants of the
earth there is but one God and with whom we have to
You and I have only one God to whom we are
accountable, so we will let the rest alone, and search
after the one we have to do with; let us seek after him,
the very being who commenced this creation. . . .
I tell you more, Adam is the father of our spirits. He
had lived upon an earth; he did abide his creation, and
did honor to his calling and priesthood, and obeyed his
master or Lord, and probably many of his wives did
the same and they lived, and died upon an earth and
then were resurrected again to immortality and eternal
life. . . .
and with all the handicaps of that race seems to have
little opportunity. But think of the mercy of God to
Chinese people who are willing to accept the gospel.
In spite of whatever they might have done in the preexistence to justify being born over there as Chinamen,
if they now, in this life, accept the gospel and live it the
rest of their lives they can have the Priesthood, go to the
temple and receive endowments and sealings, and that
means they can have exaltation. . . .
Think of the Negro, cursed as to the Priesthood. . .
. This Negro, who, in the pre-existence lived the type
of life which justified the Lord in sending him to the
earth in the lineage of Cain with a black skin….In
spite of all he did in the pre-existent life, the Lord is
willing, if the Negro accepts the gospel . . . he can and
will enter the celestial kingdom. He will go there as a
servant, but he will get celestial glory. (“Race
problems—As they Affect the Church,” address by
Apostle Mark E. Petersen at the Convention of
Teachers of Religion on the College Level, Brigham
Young University, Provo, Utah, August 27, 1954.)
I reckon that Father Adam was a resurrected being,
with his wives and posterity, and in the Celestial
kingdom they were crowned with glory, immortality,
and eternal lives, with thrones, principalities and
powers; and it was said to him it is your right to
organize the elements; and to your creators and
posterity there shall be no end. . . .
Our spirits and the spirits of all the human family were
begotten by Adam and born of Eve.
(Brigham Young Papers, Oct. 8, 1854, call number Ms.
D 1234, Christ Historian’s office, Salt Lake City.)
. . . Our father in heaven is exalted and glorified. He
has received His thrones, His principalities and power,
and He sits as a governor, as a monarch, and overrules
kingdoms, thrones, and dominions that have been
bequeathed to Him, and such as we anticipate
receiving. While He was in the flesh, as we are, He
was as we are. But it is now written of Him that our
God is as a consuming fire, that He dwells in
everlasting burnings, . . . God is the Father of our
spirits; He begat them, and has sent them here to
receive tabernacles. . . .(Brigham Young, Journal of
Discourses, 4:54.)
I feel to bless this people, and they are a God-blessed
people. Look at them, and see the difference from
their condition a few years ago! Brethren who have
been on missions, can you see any difference in this
people from the time you went away until your return?
[Voices: “Yes.”] You can see men and women who
are sixty or seventy years of age looking young and
handsome; but let them apostatize, and they will
become gray-haired, wrinkled, and black, just like the
Devil. (Journal of Discourses, Brigham Young,
October 7, 1857, vol. 5, p. 332).
“. . . wherefore, as they were white and exceedingly
fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing
unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of
blackness to come upon them.” (Book of Mormon,
2 Nephi 5:21)
“. . . there was a blackness came upon all the children
of Canaan, that they were despised among all people . .
.And . . . they were a mixture of all the seed of Adam
save it was the seed of Cain, for the seed of Cain were
black, and had not place among them.” (Pearl of
Great Price, Moses 7:8 and 22)
Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African
race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed
mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty,
under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will
always be so. (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses,
vol. 10, p. 110.)
There is a reason why one man is born black and with
other disadvantages, while another is born white
with great advantages. The reason is that we once had
an estate before we came here, and were obedient,
more or less, to the laws that were given us there
(Doctrines of Salvation: Sermons and Writings of
Joseph Fielding Smith, compiled by Bruce R.
McConkie, vol. 1, Bookcraft, 1954, p.61).
Christian Science—In Their Own Words
“Christian Science is unerring and divine.” (Science and
Health, Mary Baker Eddy. p. 99)
What Christian Science say about the Bible. “The
decisions by vote of Church Councils as to what should
and should not be considered Holy Writ; the manifest
mistakes in the ancient versions; the thirty thousand
different readings in the Old Testament, and the three
hundred thousand in the new—these facts show how a
mortal and material sense stole into the divine record,
with its own hue darkening to some extent the inspired
page.” (Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy. p. 139)
We cannot escape the conclusion that because of
performance in our pre-existence some of us are
born as Chinese, some as Japanese, some as Indians,
some as Negroes, some Americans, some as Latter-day
Saints. These are rewards and punishments…Is it
not reasonable to believe that less worthy spirits would
come through less favored lineage?. . .
Let us consider the great mercy of God for a
moment. The Chinese, born in China with a dark skin,
We do NOT have a Pen-Pal Program.
Dear Jesus People,
I’m locked up here at Mule Creek Prison…I was saved in
1984 but fell short of God’s glory and got divorced. Now
my new wife says God is telling her to divorce me… I have
grown close to God now because of the trouble I am in
now… Please pray for me and send me a free copy of the
book “Living Like a Jesus Freak.”
David Rodriguez, Ione, CA
Editor: I got a request from a Protestant
Evangelical High School teacher in Portugal asking for
help. Corresponding back and forth, he informed me
Portugal is 98% Catholic, 1% Mormon and Muslim and less
that 1% Bible believing Christian. He wanted to
evangelize. We sent him a few books on those religions
and many, many tracts that by their content refutes all the
lies of men’s religious traditions. I’m withholding his name
as I’m sure we will be sending the newsletter to people in
Portugal who read our tracts. I don’t want to jeopardize his
job. Though he doesn’t seem to care.
Remove my name from your mailing list. How dare you
have that article about Arnold Murray. He does teach that
two different Adams were created but I don’t want your
newsletter. I study the Bible verse by verse. If Adam &
Eve and Cain & Abel were the first family on earth where
did Cain’s wife come from?
Pam F.
Avoca, MI
Dear Jesus People,
You were referred to me… I have been a Christian for two
years and beginning to understand the fundamentals of the
Christian faith but I need help… Can I get a free copy “What
Love Is This?-Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God”…
David Lujan
Corcoran State Prison, CA
Editor: A great example of the quality of teaching you get
from Arnold Murray. She can’t even answer one of the first
questions covered in any juvenile class in a Baptist or
Pentecostal Sunday School. Arnold Murray teaches Satan
had sex with Eve produced an actual, physical race of
Satan’s children,. The Jews in Israel—according to him,
English and American Anglo Saxons are the “Lost ten tribes
of Israel:” etc. ad heresy. Joseph Smith taught the
American Indians were descendants of the biblical Joseph
as well as other ideas and threw a barrel of them together
and created Mormonism.
Jesus People,
Thank you. Your gifts to the prison have brought
tremendous blessing to the men after they read your large
gift of literature. In fact many are sending them home to
their families. I am responsible for 23 study groups here.
Thank you for helping me.
William Moors, Protestant Chaplain
California Medical Facility, Vacaville, CA
Jesus People,
I need help. I have satanic thoughts and I know the
battleground is my mind. And yes I am a true believer in
Jesus Christ. It’s just when I was released I got drunk on
parole and I’m back in here. I need help…
Prentiss Gardley
Washington Correction Center, Shelton, WA
Dear Jesus People,
You sent me a book on the different religions of the
world…It was so good. Can you send one to my son who
works in a Honda plant with a lot of Japanese people and
send him your newsletters please.
Melcena Searfoss
Alamo, TX
Jesus People,
I found your name on a resource list here that supplies free
magazines, books and tracts to inmates… Please send me
what you can to help my faith…
Jessie Sanchez
Chuckawalla State Prison, Blythe, CA
Dear Tom and Kathy,
Thank you so much for all the books, magazine and tracts. I
also appreciate the Bible study. Thumbs up for you for the
emotional and spiritual support your ministry has given to
Kevin Day
State Prison, Lovelady, TX
Jesus People,
Please send me one complete Bible. I teach Sunday school
using scripture portions only. I want to better organize my
Alfred Afenyo
Ghana, West Africa
Dear Jesus People,
I am serving 4 years here and became a Christian only 4
months ago. I took all the instruction I could get in here but
need your Bible course now…
Lashawn McCall
Valley Women’s Prison, Chowchilla, CA
Jesus People,
I found one of your newsletters here. Oh please put me on
list to get more of them and any Christian readings you
James Bennett
Pendleton Correction Center, Indiana
Jesus People,
Please send your free magazine to my friends on the
outside. Here is a list of their names and addresses…
Naomi Wade
State Women’s Prison, Corona, CA
Jesus People,
Please send me the following six books on Islam being a
false religion…
Darryl Presley,
State Prison, Portage, WI
Dear Sir,
I am a Christian working in Poland. I have been
distributing New Testaments. I need some tracts. The
people here are almost all Catholic and think protestants are
like Jehovah’s Witnesses or some other cult…
Adrian Middleton
Torun, Poland
Editor: I sent one book and an admonishment that his
“gimme everything free” attitude needs to change. It
probably helped get him into prison in the first place.
Jesus People,
I would very much like to have your free Bible course…
John Salyer
West Shoreline Corr. Center
Muskegon Heights, MI
Dear Thomas Adcock,
The Protestant brotherhood here greets you… Our Christian
library here desperately needs help for the men…
Rev. Hidalgo
Mid-Orange Correctional Facility, Warwick, NY
Dear Brothers in the Lord,
I want to thank your ministry in spreading the gospel in
here. A brother in here loaned me a book you gave him.
“Coping with Cults” by Lori MacGregor and I got the
information I needed to witness to the lost Jehovah’s
Witnesses in here…
Octavio Avila
State Prison, Calipatria, CA
Editor: We sent a large supply including all the Spanish
books and Bibles I had.
Thank you for all the different tracts and pamphlets on
Roman Catholicism, drug addiction, Mormonism and
Jehovah’s Witnesses… I want some more books against the
teaching of Jehovah’s Witnesses like “A field Service
Encounter” …
Keith Fortnell
Prison, Imperial, CA
Jesus People,
Please send me your very informative newsletters… There
is a revival going on here and we have some Christian
guards too and others are being saved.
Lori Collins
Pulaski State Prison, Georgia
Jesus People,
I’d like to read some of your good Christian books…
Robert Curtis
Rogers County Jail, Claremore, OK
Dear Sir,
I’d like to get some good Bible study material so I can have
the word deep inside me when I get out of here…
Brenda Graves
Women’s Prison, Chowchilla, CA
Jesus People,
Thank you for the diploma and all the books you gave me.
You are a blessing to many. If you can send me anymore
literature I will read it and pass it on in here.
Arley Sellers
Menard Correction Center, IL
Could you please send me a Bible and Bible study plans…
Morris Marion
Folsom Prison, CA
Jesus People,
I was a Christian for 10 years but was sent here two years
ago. I have constantly reflected all this time as to what
happened to get me here and I understand now that I needed
Jesus as my Lord and not just my savior…
Brian Blinkick
Salinas Valley Prison, Soledad, CA
Jesus People,
I am now a Christian but I need to understand why these
cults are wrong. Can you help me…
Brett Dunaway
Alabama State Prison, Union Springs, Alabama
Jesus People,
Please send me course so I can learn about Jesus…
Josh Swaan
New Folsom Prison, CA
Jesus People,
Thank you for sending me your newsletter. Will you give
me the book “Live Like A Jesus Freak”? And please send
my 13 year old daughter there in Sacramento stories about
Renee Espinoza
Rio Consumnes Corr. Center, Elk Grove, CA
Jesus People,
Please send me your Christian magazine…
Tracy Cowan
Scotts Corr. Facility, Plymouth, Mich.
I was told about you here. I’m facing an 11 year sentence
for 2 counts of robbery. I am a new Christian and was told
you had good books…
Ramiro Garcia
State Correctional Facility, Jamestown, CA
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing in reference to receiving your free Bible
correspondence course…
Michelle Griffin
Hernando Correctional Institution, Brooksville, Florida
Jesus People,
I’d like to start your free Bible course…
John Anthony Perez
Pelican Bay Prison, Crescent City, CA
Jesus People,
I would very much like to be enrolled in your free Bible
Gloria Thomas
Prison, Pewee Valley, KY
I am a pastor of a foursquare church here and I need…
Gideon Karl
Papua, New Guinea
Dear Jesus People,
I would love to continue receiving your magazine. I
enjoyed the issues that were sent to me…
Rachell Shannon
Federal Corr. Institute, Dublin, CA
Editor: I wrote him back and wanted to know why the
Foursquare Church denomination did not supply basic
bibles to their “mission churches” They have enough
money to “buy and sell” this ministry a hundred thousand
Dear Jesus People,
I would like to have your Bible study and the book you
have exposing all the occult practices…
Francisco Archuleta
Prison, Pueblo, CO
I read your article about Arnold Murray--part of it. Who do
you think you are to slander someone. God says judge not
lest you be judged. The Bible says the line of serpent
people from Cain is in the Bible…
Arlene (no address given)
Jesus People,
I knew the Lord, or thought I did. But nothing as great as
I’m experiencing now… My Bunkie is taking your free
Bible course and I would like it also…
David Baker
State Prison, Avenal, CA
Editor: She should have read the whole documented article
before she “judged” me. She’s just a heretic who doesn’t
want to be confused by the facts.
Jesus People,
I was reading a book someone in here gave me published by
Bethany House and I noticed an advertisement free
magazine write to you so I sure want it…
Allen Thomas
State Prison, Waupen, WI
Jesus People,
I thank you for the Bible, newsletter and first lesson. Now
my friend in here wants to study also…
Jesse Kirby
State Prison, Forks, WA
I am a new Christian and my roommate brought to my
attention you have Bible study books…
Jason Dean
Hall County Jail, Gainesville, GA
Dear Brother,
I received the books showing the unbiblical teachings of
Jehovah’s Witnesses and I thank you. You also had errors
of Roman Catholic Church which had photo copies of
original writings proving the case. I’d like 4 or 5 more of
them to give to some Catholics in here…
Robert Winters
State Prison, Corcoran, CA
Dear Sir or Madam,
Can you please send me Bible study plans…
Roger Talbot
Prison, Lincoln, Nebraska
Jesus People,
Hello… We need another computer a large amount of 1611
versions of the KJV Bibles…
Pastor Renaldo Ballanado, Philippines
Jesus People,
Long ago you helped us and now you did it again. The
Spanish congregation here and I thank you for the Spanish
bibles and Spanish Christian books and we will be grateful
for any further Spanish Christian literature.
Chaplain Luis Mattos
Green Haven Correctional Facility, Stormville, NY
Editor: I responded—in essence saying I do not buy
computers for people. I would not buy the expensive 1611
KJV Bibles for anyone. It’s hard enough to understand the
regular KJV especially for people in his country.
Jesus People,
Thanks for all the books like “Answering Islam” and “He
Walked Among Us”. We have a strong group of Christians
in here and we need to be able to give answers…
Patrick Hall
State Prison, Avenal, CA
Dear Tom,
I am at a loss for words. Thank you so much for the
newsletters and books. We have started a small group here
of nine serious believers. I have been appointed to teach
our class four times a week. I appreciate Dave Hunts book
and Dan Corners “Believers Conditional Security”. The
complete nonsense of Calvinism and responsible Christian
living is important for the men here to understand if they
want to live a Christian life…
Victor Renteria
State Prison, Corcoran, Ca
Jesus People,
Thank you for allowing me to participate in your Bible
course. I pass on the books after I study them.
Clyde Franklin
Cal. Men’s Colony, San Luis Obispo, CA
Jesus People,
I have received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior but I
have a problem. I’m having a hard time understanding what
I read in the Bible and what I’m supposed to do now that I
am a Christian…
Joseph Grijalva
Santa Clara County Jail, San Jose, CA
Hello Bro. Tom,
What is a good book on 7th Day Adventists? I have a friend
who is studying their materials and I need to know a little
more so I can help him before he gets tangled up in there.
Elwood McComas Jr.
Williamstown, KY
I am a former preacher of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I got
out 1-5-92 after 33 years of membership. I was a 3rd
generation so they still are holding most of my family
hostage. The worst thing that high demand Bible cults do to
their victims is they “soul rape” you so you become angry at
God. It’s been called “surrogate displacement” rage. But
God is good and I now have a counter cult ministry myself.
I am determined to warn people about these “wolves in
sheep’s clothing”
Danny Haszarad
Dear Tom,
Thank you for sending your newsletters and the tracts. I
pass them out on streets of Long Beach. I haven’t got a
newsletter in a long time…
Tim Richardson
Long Beach, CA
Editor: Well I need financial support. It costs $6,000 to
print a minimum of 15,000 newsletters and mail them out.
My wife and I give 8% of our income to the church we
attend because they need it and use it wisely, and have spent
all the money we had on free literature for 30 years. We are
supported by tax exempt, individual free will donations. I
need some individuals to freely give so I can.
Dear Tom Adcock
I just received the first copy I’ve ever seen of your
newsletter. I really appreciate the articles. “Calvin’s
Evanescent Grace” “A Few Notes on Atonement” and the
article on “Evolution” All tremendous and important
articles. Please keep us on your mailing list.
Gerald Johnson, Director, Faith Ministries, Greenville, SC
I was reading a book from the library here and it had a
stamp inside to write for a free Christian magazine. I’d like
it and any other Christian materials you have. Thank you
Sharon Ford
Women’s Prison, Corona, CA
Jesus People,
Hope Aglow recommended I take your more involved free
Bible course since I finished the one they have…
Tony James
Crossroads Corr. Center, Cameron, MO
Your address was on a tract someone gave me about love
changing your heart. My husband and I are having
problems… I am a heroin addict… Do you know where I
can find help?…
Jeanne Benavidez
Tucumcari, NM
Dear Jesus People,
I have always felt uneasy with Charles Stanley’s doctrine
which he dogmatically says nothing you can do after you
are saved would cause you to fall from grace. I also agree
“The Prayer of Jabez” is a dumb “magical formula”. When
Wilkinson came out with “Secrets of the Vine” I didn’t see
anything in it to make it a best seller…
Marie Piehota
Reading, PA
Editor: As a matter of fact I recommended them to a group
I knew in their area.
I read one of the many free books you sent here called
“Healing Hidden Hurts”. It really helped me a lot. I was
searching for love in all the wrong places. I realize now no
drugs, no man, only God can satisfy me. If you have more
good books please let me have a few.
Onita Wabare
Women’s Prison, Chowchilla, CA
Editor: Well that’s what sells in American Christian circles,
baby-food, and false gospels. It is a shame, I agree.
Just a letter to let you know I received and appreciate the
books you sent me. We need to know how to answer the
false religions in here. We really need your books on Islam
in here. Can you please give me the following two books…
Frank Taylor,
Solano State Prison, Vacaville, CA
Jesus People,
Please send me info on how I can get your free studies,
magazines and gospel tracts.
William Schreck
Collier County Jail, Naples, Florida
Editor: Books sent. If people in the free world don’t
buy some of our books to at least give me a cash
flow and I don’t get financial supporters—
It will end.
And the letters keep
coming, every day.
Dear Jesus People,
I recently had a chance to read one of your Youth Bibles
you sent here and I request more help…
Danielle Wallenberg
Sacramento County Jail, CA
These books are offered for a suggested tax-deductible donation-and we pay the shipping. Send a check
or money order for the amount to Jesus People 4338 3rd Ave., Sacramento, CA 95817 with your request.
We do not accept credit cards. See our web site for complete book list and articles.
Suggested Donation
The Less Traveled Road and the Bible by H. Wayne House and Richard Abanes. Exposing the heretic
M. Scott Peck. (248 pages) (40% off list price) (Bulk prices available.)
One Nation Under Gods, The History of the Mormon Church by Richard Abanes. (651 pages) Completely
documented but reads like a novel. (15% off list price)
Mormonism Shadow or Reality by Sandra Tanner. The most complete, documented book showing the errors of
Mormonism. Hard cover (576 pages)
3,913 Changes In the Book of Mormon A copy of the original 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon with all the
changes marked.
Joseph Smith and Polygamy by Sandra Tanner (264 pages)
Curse of Cain? Racism In the Mormon Church by Jerald and Sandra Tanner. (126 large pages)
Major Problems of Mormonism by Jerald and Sandra Tanner. (256 pages)
Kingdom Of the Cults by Walter Martin and Hank Hanagraaff. Covers all cults, Bahai faith, Islam, mind
control, Scientology, etc. (704 pages)
Coming Again, But When? By Jerry Newcombe. Covers the different views Christians have had on the “end
time” from the first century to present. Different views on the Anti-christ, the Tribulation, etc. (364 pages)
The Religion That Kills - Christian Science: Abuse, Neglect, and Mind Control by Dr. Linda Kramer who was a
Christian Scientist for 30 years. (30% off list price)
Reasoning from the Scriptures with Jehovah’s Witnesses by Ron Rhodes. (436 pages)
Bible Answers for Jehovah’s Witnesses by Charles Trombley. An ex-Jehovah’s Witness (110 pages)
Heresies...Heresy And Orthodoxy In the History of the Church by Harold O.J. Brown. 90% of this book is
about the heresies about Jesus before 300 A.D. and why Christians rejected them. Hardcover (486 pages)
A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs by David Bercot. A reference guide to over 700 topics discussed by
early church fathers. Hardcover (704 pages)
A Dictionary of Early Christian Biography A reference guide to over 800 Christian men and women, heretics
and sects of the first six centuries after Christ. Hardcover (1,028 pages)
The Roman Catholic Deception A 1-1/2 hour VHS video by Bill White. A personal, biblical testimony of why
he left the Catholic Church. (55% off list price)
Is This The Mary Of The Bible? by Dan Corner. The best book comparing the “Roman Catholic Mary" to Mary
the mother of Jesus. Documented from 1st century to 21st century. (249 pages)
Answering Islam by Norman Geisler and Abdul Saleeb. A non-emotional, intelligent refutation of the credibility
of the Muslim religion. (336 pages)
The Word-Faith Controversy by Robert Bowman, Jr. Understanding and exposing the “health and wealth
gospel.” (254 pages)
White Washed by Sidney Cleveland. 233 pages exposing the deceit of Ellen G. White and the 7th Day Adventist
Life In The Son by Robert Shank. A refutation of Calvinism. (380 pages)
The Believer's Conditional Security by Dan Corner. Refutes the once saved, always saved, unconditional
security of the believer. (801 pages)
What Love Is This? Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God by Dave Hunt. (436 pages) 20% discount
America, Israel, Islam VHS Video by Dave Hunt. A stunning documentary. (25% off list price)
The Fundamentals Edited by R. A. Torrey. 100 Christian articles, 1,420 pages in two hard cover volumes,
answering scientific, historical, biblical arguments against the Bible. I highly recommend this set of books.
He Walked Among Us by Josh McDowell. A defense of the biblical Jesus from history, archeology, and other
sources. (365 pages)
Alleged Discrepancies In The Bible by John Haley. Author reconciles many “so-called” Bible contradictions.
(473 pages)
The Homosexual Agenda by Alan Sears and Craig Osten. Exposing the principal threat to religious liberty
today. (229 pages).
A Strong Delusion—Confronting the “Gay Christian” Movement by Joe Dallas. (245 pages)
The Doctrine of Original Sin by John Wesley. In modern English. (275 pages)
The New Age Is Lying To You by Eldon Winker. Excellent, abundant information. (223 pages) (50% off list
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In this manner, heretics either wrest plain and simple words to any sense they choose by their conjectures—or else,
they violently resolve by a literal interpretation words that imply a conditional interpretation and are incapable of a
literal solution. Tertullian (c. 207, w), 3.377.
I took 14 years of Karate/Judo, my
wife Kathy 2 years, Son Eric 8 years,
daughter Jerusha 4-1/2 years.
“Vengeance may be sinful—Self
Defense is not” If we, for example,
came upon a man raping a woman—
we’d do something about it. It would
be sinful not to. (For those pacifists
who write me thinking they
understand what Jesus meant when
he said, “turn the other cheek.”)
Visit our Web Site for a complete list of our
books and articles.:
E-mail us at:
by Emily Hunter
Harvesting is pleasant work.
In mellow days we reap with joy;
With eager hands we clasp the grain.
We give God praise, for now we know
We labored not in vain.
But plowing is not so.
In days yet brisk and cool we struggle hard.
With calloused hands we grip the plow;
And though we hope for future yield of grain,
We do not see it now.
And if the field be new--a virgin land-The greater is the strain.
For furrows firstly made are dug with toil
Resistant to intrusion lies the sleeping soil.
Sharp roots and rocks repel the blade
And must be cast aside.
And from the grasp of hardened ground
Great boulders must be pried.
Were upward eyes of faith not clear
To see the yield as from the hand of God,
If downcast eyes of flesh stared at the feet
Where lies the brown and barren sod,
Then never would be turned one stone,
Then never would one seed be sown,
Then never would the wheat be grown-No harvest for the Lord.
But we behold the harvest now
through eyes of faith--and so we plow.
For plowers first must break the ground.
Then others come with seed to sow,
And later hands to weed and hoe.
And lastly reapers come with joy
To harvest flowing stalks of gold.
But now we plow--because in faith
The harvest we behold.
On the Lord's Supper
On the Popish Mass
I. As in the preceding Disputation we have treated on
Baptism, the sacrament of initiation; it follows, that we
now discuss the Lord's Supper, which is the sacrament of
I. Omitting the various significations of the word
"Mass" which may be adduced, we consider, on this
occasion, that which the Papists declare to be the
external and properly called "expiatory sacrifice," in
which the sacrificers offer Christ to his Father in behalf
of the living and the dead; and which they affirm to have
been celebrated and instituted by Christ himself when
He celebrated and instituted his Last Supper.
II. First. We say, this sacrifice is falsely ascribed to the
institution of the Lord's Supper: For Christ did not
institute a sacrifice but a sacrament; which is apparent
from the institution itself, in which we are not
commanded to offer any thing to God, at least nothing
external. Yet we grant, that in the Lord's Supper, as in
all acts, is commanded, or ought to exist, that internal
sacrifice by which believers offer to God prayers, praises
and thanksgiving: In this view, the Lord's Supper is
called "the Eucharist."
III. Secondly. To this sacrifice are opposed the nature,
truth and excellence of the sacrifice of Christ. For, as the
sacrifice of Christ is single, expiatory, perfect, and of
infinite value; and as Christ was once offered, and "hath
by that one oblation perfected for ever them who were
once sanctified," as the Scriptures testify, undoubtedly
no place has been left either for any other sacrifice, or
for a repetition of this sacrifice of Christ.
IV. Thirdly. Besides, it is wrong to suppose that Christ
can be or ought to be offered by men, or by any other
person than by Himself: For He alone is both the Victim
and the Priest, as being the Only One who is truly "holy,
harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners."
V. From all these particulars it is sufficiently apparent,
that it is not necessary, nay, that it is impious, for any
expiatory sacrifice now to be offered by men for the
living and the dead. Besides, it is a piece of foolish
ignorance, to suppose either that the dead require some
oblation; or that they can by it obtain remission of sins,
who have not obtained pardon before death.
VI. In addition to these three enormous errors
committed in the Mass, with respect to the sacrifice, to
the priest, and to those for whom the sacrifice is offered,
there is a Fourth, which is one of the greatest turpitude of
all, and is committed in conjunction with idolatry;--that
this very sacrifice is adored by him who offers it, and by
those for whom it is offered, and is carried about in
solemn pomp.
In these words, "The Mass is an expiatory, representative and commemorative sacrifice," there is an opposition in the apposition and a manifest contradiction.
II. We define it thus: the Lord's Supper is a sacrament of
the new Testament immediately instituted by Christ for
the use of the church to the end of time: In which, by the
legitimate external distribution, taking, and enjoyment of
bread and wine, the Lord's death is announced, and the
inward receiving and enjoyment of the body and blood
of Christ are signified; and that most intimate and close
union or fellowship, by which we are joined to Christ
our head, is sealed and confirmed on account of the
institution of Christ, and the analogical relation of the
sign to the thing signified. But by this believers profess
their gratitude and obligation to God, communion
among themselves, and a marked difference from all
other persons.
III. We constitute Christ the Author of this sacrament:
For He alone is constituted, by the Father, the Lord and
Head of the church, possessing the right of instituting
sacraments, and of efficaciously performing this very
thing which is signified and sealed by the sacraments.
IV. The Matter is, bread and wine; which, with regard
to their essence, are not changed, but remain what they
previously were; neither are they, with regard to place,
joined together with the body or blood, so that the body
is either in, under, or with the bread, &c.; nor in the use
of the Lord's Supper can the bread and wine be
separated, that, when the bread is held out to the laity,
the cup be not denied to them.
V. We lay down the Form in the relation and the most
strict union, which exist between the signs and the thing
signified, and the reference of both to those believers
who communicate, and by which they are made by
analogy and similitude something [unum] united. From
this conjunction of relation, arises a two-fold use of signs
in this sacrament of the Lord's Supper: The First, that
these signs are representative: The Second, that, while
representing, they seal Christ to us with his benefits.
VI. The End is two-fold: The First is, that our faith
should be more and more strengthened towards the
promise of grace which has been given by God, and
concerning the truth and certainty of our being ingrafted
into Christ. The Second is, (1.) that believers may, by
the remembrance of the death of Christ, testify their
gratitude and obligation to God; (2.) that they may
cultivate charity among themselves; and (3.) that by this
mark they may be distinguished from unbelievers.
Works of James Arminius Vol. II pages 442-444
(Experiencing God)
In The Secret…..
I go to You and sit. I think of You and wait. You come.
I begin to sense Your presence. Peace covers the room.
Your heart envelops me. I take a deep, gentle breath and
smile. Gentle waves begin to wash over me. At times they
feel like the wake of a quiet river. This time it seems, I’m
sitting in Your heart. The waves feel like blood pulsing
through Your heart. My heart responds and sings a silent
song of gratitude, love and joy. Tears fall as I sit in the
Secret Place. I think of an icicle melting in the spring
sunshine and ask You to shine Your love on the cold places
in my heart. You respond as I sit humble, broken,
acceptable and loved. You care more than a thousand
earthly lovers, family members or friends. Your motives are
pure. You understand everything about me and love me
none-the-less. I weep as You shine in my heart and chase
all the darkness away. I will never be sin-free until You
take me to be with You. Then, face to face I’ll see You and
worship You forever. But until then, I thank You daily for
purchasing me with Your precious blood so I may even now
enter into Your very presence.
By Margaret Adcock
(My Daughter-In-Law)
In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that
God has sent His only begotton Son into the world, that
we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we
loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be
the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:9, 10
I don't care if it
rains or freezes
Long as I got my plastic Jesus
Sittin' on the dashboard of my car
Comes in colors, pink and pleasant
Glows in the dark, it's iridescent
Take it with you when you travel far
Get yourself a sweet madonna
Dressed in rhinestone, settin' on a
Pedestal of Abalone Shell
Goin' ninety, I ain't scary
Cause I got the Virgin Mary
Assuring me that I won't go to hell