Calendar of Events: Check Them Out !
Berryville Main Street Winter 2014 Member Feature Midwives - Wendy Dotson L oudoun Community M i dw iv e s was founded in 2003 by certified Nursemidwives Wendy Dotson, CNM and Margie Brandquist, CNM. Our goal was to expand the options of women and their families who wanted this model of care in the hospital setting. We have now attended over 4,000 births at Inova Loudoun Hospital, and have 6 full-time midwives. We have a LOW c/section rate (9-10%) and about half our moms choose unmedicated, natural childbirth, while about half choose epidurals. We provide comprehensive pregnancy care and also care for women throughout the life cycle with gynecology and family planning services. (Continued on back) $1500 GIVEAWAY HAS BEGUN! Each Holiday Season Berryville Businesses Come Together To Give Back To The Community! N ow thru Dec. 11th - marks another exciting promotion sponsored by Berryville Merchants and Berryville Main Street! Each year many businesses come together to promote the ANNUAL $1500 GIVEAWAY! Yes, you got it – we will actually be giving away $1500 in cold cash and “Berryville Bucks” to 11 lucky winners right before Christmas! One person will be the grand prize winner & will receive $250 in cash and $250 in “Berryville Bucks”. Ten additional people will receive $50 in cash & $50 in Berryville Bucks! Winners in the past have all appreciated the extra cash/ bucks just prior to the holidays. To enter, visit any participating business ( no purchase required, must be 18 years of age or older). When you purchase something, you are entitled to extra entries based on the amount of purchase. The more businesses you visit during the holidays, the more entries you will have in the drawing. The drawing will be held on Dec. 12th. Check Them Out ! Here’s who is new in Town… Body Art Tattoo (W. Main) now open Modern Mercantile (S. Church) opening soon The Tea Cart (E. Main Street) now open Re-Love It (E. Main Street) now open Calendar of Events: Nov 27th Meter Decorating Contest begins Nov 29th Jewelry Demo & Refreshments . 2:30 to 3:30 (FHG) Dec 5th Lighting the Tree & Luminaries Dec 6th Christmas Parade Dec 6th Jewelry & Card Demo Refreshments 12:30 – 3:30 (FHG) Dec 12th $1500 - Giveaway – Winners announced Dec 13th Jewelry Demo Refreshments 12:30 – 3:30 (FHG) Dec 20th Jewelry & Card Demo .. Refreshments 12:30 – 3:30 (FHG) Jan 6th 5th Anniversary Celebration Begins. 5% Discount thru the 31st. Feb 7th Exhibit Opening 6-8pm - (FHG) His and Hers: Wood-Turnings . and Photographs from Mark . and Ellen Zimmerman 2 News from Berryville Main Street And Its Members Membership News A special thanks for your continued support of Berryville Main Street… Here are the newest members either renewing or new to the Berryville Main Street Family - we thank you! New Partner Memberships: Village Emporium, Body Art Tattoo, Kenny’s Auto & Trike Shop, Top of VA Regional Chamber The Tea Cart Re-Love It Modern Mercantile Renewing Partner Memberships Berryville Farm Supply Parking Meter Contest: While the meters take a vacation for the holiday season, what better time to show off your decorating skills? Businesses, families, friends, neighborhoods, clubs and schools get together & come up with some great ideas to mark the season! Show us your special flair for holiday fun! Decorations can be put up starting Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 27th, and must be completed by Tuesday December 3rd. Registration per meter is $5.00 - Meters will be assigned by Berryville Main Street. Decorations MUST BE REMOVED by Tuesday December 30th – please contact Berryville Main Street for an application. Light Up The Town: In MEMORY or HONOR of your Friends or Family B erryville Main Street will be lighting up the trees on Main Street again this year. Signs will be placed at the base of each tree. When you donate $10.00 in Memory or Honor of your loved ones to Berryville Main Street their name will be placed on the sign. You are encouraged to take a stroll down Main Street and look at the names when the trees are lit. These signs will be in place during the holiday season and will allow everyone to remember your loved ones during this special time of the year. Stop by Berryville Main Street with your names and payment at PO Box 372 Berryville. For more information call 540-955-4001 or email 3 News from Berryville Main Street And Its Members “Sightings from the South” (Millwood, Boyce, Waterloo & White Post that is..) Locke Store- Millwood, VA By Juliet MacKay-Smith M y grandparents moved to Clarke County in the 1930’s, when the road that passes through Millwood took a turn in front of Locke Store, and forded Spout Run just beyond the Burwell-Morgan Mill. The store was built in 1836 and has been a continuous working store since that time, conveniently serving Clarke County with provisions as well as a community meeting place. When I was growing up, I visited my grandmother’s farm in the summers, and always looked forward to getting a ‘treat’ at Locke Store. After 12 years of serving up our own treats, the Ladies (& Gents) of Locke Store are once again busy preparing for the holidays. We look forward to providing you, our loyal customers of Berryville & Clarke County, with fabulous food, fine wines & craft beers, and unique gifts to make your season more hassle-free and full of splendor! Come visit for your holiday shopping - Holidays at the Barns Deliver your finest Gingerbread Creation Tues, Dec. 2nd – Thurs. Dec 4th. Hours: 12:00 Noon – 3:00 PM. Friday, December 5 - Saturday, January 3: “Barns of Rose Hill Student Art and Gingerbread Exhibit” Opening Reception Friday, December 5th, 7 p.m. (After Tree Lighting in Rose Hill Park). Saturday, December 6: Barns of Rose Hill presents “Madrigal Songs of Loyalty, Light, and Love” 8:00 PM Performed by The Clarke County High School Chamber Choir. Sunday, December 7: Barns of Rose Hill presents “December Dance Selections” 2:00 PM Shenandoah Conservatory Arts Academy of Shenandoah University Jr. & Sr. Dance Ensembles. Sunday, December 7: Barns of Rose Hill presents “The Joy and Peace of Christmas in Song” 6:00 PM The Choirs of Shenandoah Conservatory Arts Academy, The Blue Ridge Choristers and The Top of Virginia Youth Chorale. Saturday, December 13: Barns of Rose Hill presents “The Woodshedders” 8:00 PM. $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Call 540-9555-2004 for more information. 4 Rosemont Manor A Berryville Treasure I thought I knew much about Rosemont but research taught me differently. Yes, it was the home of Virginia Governor and U. S. Senator Harry F. Byrd Sr. and a haven for Washington’s elite for 200 years, but did you know the estate began as a gambling debt? An August 15, 1932 oral history of Rosemont by Reverend Sigismund Stribling Ware for Louise C. Bakewell and transcribed by her nurse Catherine Fincham, provided information about the owner of Rosemont about 1760. In the interest of space, I will highlight from his notes as it pertains to Rosemont’s history It begins, “Starting at what is now known as Castleman’s Ferry on the Shenandoah River. Following the River as far as “The Rocks,” now owned by Miss Ann Lewis. In this section of land there were about ten thousand acres owned by Mr. Mann Page of “Mansfield” near Fredericksburg, Virginia.” “Mann Page News from Berryville Main Street And Its Members was at Williamsburg, Virginia, where he created a gambling debt amounting to five hundred pounds. He could not pay this debt. He borrowed five hundred pounds from Sir Ralph Wormley, giving him in payment the ten thousand acres of land in the section along the Shenandoah River starting at Castleman’s Ferry. He gave it at twenty-five (25) cents per acre. He did this because General George Washington told him it was a fine body of land (this was about the year 1730). Sir Ralph Wormley who owned this tract of land lived at “Rose Hill. At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, Sir Ralph Wormley became a Tory and was banished from that country and made to go to Berkeley and Frederick counties). Made to stay there where he owned property. He had two sons and one daughter that I know of and their names were James, John, and Anne….” down the original house, replacing it with a large colonial frame house. Mr. Clapp sold the place to Mr. Arthur Warthen of Front Royal, Virginia. Who sold the main place, with house on it to Mrs. Harriman. The other part of the place was divided and sold to Mr. John B. Neill and Mr. M. C. Warden. And, Mr. Harry F. Byrd and Rev. William Smith. Later Mr. Byrd bought Mr. Smith’s share.” “Anne inherited the estate known as “Rosemont” and married George Norris and had three children by this marriage. Their names were John, William, and Mrs. Thornton. Mrs. Thornton left no heirs.” (FYI: the Thornton daughter married Isaac Tyson and they bought Rosemont in 1856. The Tyson family was prominent in Maryland industrial circles and a donor has been researching the family.” We know that Mrs. Harriman added fourteen rooms to the house and had the house stuccoed and moved several oak trees which once stood to the north of the house. Mrs. Harriman changed the original entrance by moving it further up the pike. “Then, Rosemont was bought by Mr. Jesse Tyson of Baltimore, Maryland. Mr. M. C. Clapp of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, bought “Rosemont” from the Tyson estate, about 1901. He and his family lived there. He tore “Mrs. Harriman sold it to Dr. William M. Smith, who left it to his widow. She sold it to the former Governor Harry F. Byrd, who recently purchased the Neill-Warden portion. “Cleft Oak” formerly known as “Mantua” was sold by Mr. Norris to a Mr. Beamer who sold it to Mr. A. Moore, Jr. Mr. Moore changed the name to “Cleft Oak” because there was a very handsome oak tree standing near the top of what is known as “Grind Stone Hill” on the valley pike, which had a cannon ball shot through it during the Civil War. This oak tree crumbled away recently.” “Mr. Moore sold “Cleft Oak” to a Mrs. Kitteridge and it is now owned by the Round Hill Orchard Company.” The oral history from Reverend Ware gives readers a picture about Rosemont’s beginnings. Then came the Genda family and we are proud of their ownership, restoration, and renovations! Visit Rosemont on December 15th, 2014, from 5 to 8PM. The fee is $10 for adults and $5 for students (through college). Come to 16 Rosemont Manor Lane, Berryville. Refreshments will be served and gift items can be purchased. Proceeds benefit the Clarke County Education Foundation. Visit 5 News from Berryville Main Street And Its Members Downtown Space Available 30 WEST MAIN ST. 3272 sq. ft. $1600./mo. (includes heat and water) 2 floors, 4-5 offices, baths, Kitchenette. 540-539-2791 (Rent for whole bldg.) 22-B E. MAIN ST. 1500 sq. ft. $1500./mo. (2nd floor) 703-928-0431 Jerry Johnson 206 FIRST ST. 56,000 sq. ft. Concrete former apple storage. Ideal for heavy iron work, carpentry, sculpture. All uses /offers considered. You are limited only by your own imagination 610-390-6612 Giel Millner 401 E. MAIN ST. 16,000 sq. ft., 5 floors $2200./mo. 540-539-8120 Jay Hillerson 15B CROW ST. 2500 sq. ft. - $1800/mo. 703-522-5151 Paul Jassal 210 FIRST STREET Building leasing 6000 - 43000 sq. ft. - negotiable Indoor Storage 1000 - 4000 sq. ft. negotiable Outdoor Storage lots 1/2 acre - 2.5 acres - negotiable 540-955-2950 Bob Smalley BOARD MEMBERS Jerry Johnson, President, Economic Restructuring Susi Bailey, Treasurer Tricia James, Budget and Finance Committee Kathy Pierson, Promotions Committee Jay Arnold, Merchants Committee Sherry Craig, Merchants Committee Lockett Van Voorhis, Design Committee Christina Kraybill Promotions Committee Michael Haymaker Economic Restructuring Luanne Carey, Berryville Main Street Director Kate Petranech, Fire House Gallery Director 6 News from Berryville Main Street And Its Members & Happenings Gallery News E-x-p-a-n-d-e-d Hours … for the Holidays and Beyond! Customers spoke and Berryville Main Street listened. To accommodate shoppers’ requests, we’re increasing gallery hours by 20% starting December 2nd. Check out our Facebook Page (Fire House Gallery and Shop) and new website (http:// – see story below) for updates on Holiday Hours. Fire House Gallery Hours of Operation Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 11am - 4pm 11am - 4pm 11am - 4pm 11am - 4pm 11am - 5pm Closed By Chance - Berryville Main Street open New Website Makes Its Debut for the Holiday Season … and 5th Anniversary Celebration. Welcome visitors, to the new gallery website! Building on the strong foundation created by Diane and Russ Harrison -- who built the gallery’s first one -- the new site moves the user experience fully into the 21st century with interactive filters that put the visitor in the driver’s seat. With the click of a mouse, the user can: • Explore the full collection -- to savor its quality and range • Do a targeted search by favorite medium (pottery, glass, etc.) or by artist • Build a visit around a current exhibit ... or, plan ahead for one coming soon In addition to showcasing its art and exhibits, the site gives pride of place to another key gallery asset -- the building itself. Visitors will learn the story of its beginnings -- why Berryville Main Street took on the challenge to create the Fire House Gallery; and how in five short years it has not only only attracted honors and grants but also a dedicated customer base contributing to the economic vitality of the community. In anticipation of the gallery’s fifth anniversary -- and to make the site complete – a complete listing of all shows, exhibits, and Art of Making Art demos, which the gallery has presented since its doors opened January 9, 2010 will soon be added to the site as well as links to news and feature stories that have appeared in print or online. 7 News from Berryville Main Street And Its Members Put More Bling in YOUR Jingaling: Jewelry Showcase & Handmade Cards Jewelry. The gift ALL women love to get! card to make the gift complete. Make this year’s holiday gift truly memorable with a handmade necklace, bracelet, or earrings. Add a personalized your selections or commission a one-of-a-kind piece for an upcoming birthday or anniversary. Demonstrations 12:30 to 3:30pm. Light refreshments served. Demonstrations are part of the gallery’s Art of Making Art series, funded in part by grants from the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts. • November 29 Jewelry artist, Charmaine Jackson. • December 6 Jewelry artist, Pam Singer. Custom card artist, Tina Weishaupt • December 13 Jewelry artist, Rachel Rogers Jewelry artists will be showing and selling their work on the four Saturdays before Christmas. Custom card artists will be on hand for two of them. Come meet the artists and make • December 20 Jewelry artist, Sally Myers; Custom card artist, Mary Mayhew Check out the new website for details on the artists. His and Hers: Wood-Turnings and Photographs from Mark and Ellen Zimmerman February 7-March 7, 2015 Opening Reception 6-8 pm February 7 What’s it like to have two artists in the family? Do they critique each other’s work? Inspire it? Meet the couple and find out at the opening reception. This stunning show will feature Mark’s superbly executed hand-turned bowls and Ellen’s sensitive and memorable photographs of places and things. Light refreshments served on the 7th. (Member Feature continued from page 1) We ended up in Clarke County because we noticed many families were coming to us from the west, in the Shenandoah Valley and beyond. “The Midwives at Berryville” office at 3 1/2 East Main St. is our idea to better serve those families, who now don’t have to drive Over the Mountain for all their visits- and of course, we hope they will tell their friends & families that we’re here! Ask us about the brand new Natural Birth Center open at Inova Loudoun Nov 10. Our website has lots of info: Berryville-Main-Street/130130599002 Contributors: Kathy Piersen, Kate Petranach, Sherry Craig, Jay Arnold, Wendy Dotson and Sharon Beasley 23 E. Main Street P.O. Box 372 Berryville, VA 22611 Phone 540 955-4001 Fax 540 955-0909 Newsletter is published by Berryville Main Street and issued four times a year —December, March, June, and September. Its purpose is to provide news about people and events in and around the historic district; promote local business; and raise awareness about the many ways a vibrant downtown contributes to a community’s quality of life. Berryville Main Street is a 501(c)3 organization and part of Virginia Main Street since 1992. The Main Street program was launched in 1985 by the National Trust for Historic Preservation to encourage growth and revitalization of commercial districts in towns across the United States. To order a subscription or advertise contact: Berryville Main Street VOLUNTEERISM “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” ~Dr. Seuss As we enter 2015, we have lofty goals– We need you !! Berryville Main Street is only as good as our volunteers!! If you have a talent, skill, or contact, and are interested in making a difference in the community, please let us know! Specifically we are looking for persons to help with our core committees: Organization • Promotion • Design • Economic Restructuring Reach out to the Berryville Main Street office or a Board Member for details. Luanne Jerry Johnson Cookie Guy Mainstreet Firehouse Xmas Meters Music In The Park Bank Of Clarke Yardsales Giveaway Banners Volunteers Sponsellers Rosemont Emporium Edward Jones Marios Grille Midwives Locke Neato Barns Berryville Auto Boyds BBT True Value Blossman Clermont Heritage Stutzman Sweet Peas
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