Pictured - Fort Jackson Leader
Pictured - Fort Jackson Leader
★ 81ST RSC CHANGES COMMAND — PAGE 4 F Y T U D R O TI F SE R U O C G IN N I A R T TNESS FI P OM C R E T H EFIG FIR TER S A M S LETE PAGE 3 ★ COMMUNITY SNAPSHOTS, PAGES 10-12, 14 ★ OP-ED, PAGE 19 ★ HAPPENINGS, PAGE 25 ★ CHAPEL, PAGE 34 ★ NEWS THANKSGIVING MEAL SCHEDULE The Thanksgiving dinner for retirees will be served from 1:30 to 4 p.m., Nov. 27 at Building 5454, the dining facility for 3rd Battalion, 13th Infantry Regiment and 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment. The cost is $7.70 per meal. The discounted rate of $6.55 is available to spouses and dependents of enlisted personnel in pay grades E-1 through E-4. For more information, call 751-7274. Thanksgiving meal schedule for units: Nov. 26 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 120th Adjutant General Battalion (Reception) Nov. 26 11:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Lightning Battalion; 2-39th Nov. 26 Noon to 2 p.m. Drill Sergeant School Nov. 27 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 369th AG Battalion; 187th Ordnance Battalion Nov. 27 11:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. 3-34th; 1-61st Nov. 27 11 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. 3-13th; 3-60th Nov. 27 Noon to 3 p.m. 2-13th Nov. 27 5 to 6:30 p.m. 1-34th Bldg. 1875 Bldg. 10401 Bldg. 9572 Bldg. 2302 Bldg. 11900 Bldg. 5454 Bldg. 4270 Bldg. 11500 ON THE COVER Photo by WALLACE McBRIDE Post firefighter Shaun Payne has completed the Master Fitness Trainer Course, a program designed to provide the Army with advisers equipped with knowledge of military fitness standards. SEE PAGE 3. Fort Jackson, South Carolina 29207 This civilian enterprise newspaper, which has a circulation of 15,000, is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. Army. Contents of the Fort Jackson Leader are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, Department of the Army or Fort Jackson. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of the Army or Camden Media Company of the firms, products or services advertised. All editorial content of the Fort Jackson Leader is prepared, edited, provided and approved by the Public Affairs Office of Fort Jackson. The Fort Jackson Leader is published by Camden Media Company, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army, under exclusive written contract with Fort Jackson. The civilian printer is responsible for commercial advertising. For display advertising rates and information call (803) 432-6157 or write Camden Media Company, P.O. Box 1137, Camden, S.C. 29020. For classified advertising information only: call (800) 698-3514 or e-mail sbranham@chronicleindependent.com or fax (803) 432-7609. For questions or concerns about subscriptions, call (803) 432-6157. To submit articles, story ideas or announcements, write the Fort Jackson Leader, Fort Jackson, S.C. 29207, call (803) 751-7045 or e-mail fjleader@gmail.com. Commanding General.............Maj. Gen. Bradley A. Becker Garrison Commander......................Col. Michael S. Graese Public Affairs Officer..................................Michael B. Pond Editor/Staff writer......................................Susanne Kappler Staff writer................................................Wallace McBride Staff writer................................................Andrew McIntyre Website: www.fortjacksonleader.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/FortJacksonLeader Twitter: www.twitter.com/fortjacksonpao Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/fortjacksonpao/ Page 2 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 NEWS Photo by WALLACE McBRIDE Harry Dressendorfer, left, and Shaun Payne, both with the Fort Jackson Fire Department, perform lunges. Payne recently graduated the from the Army’s Master Fitness Trainer Course and said he is planning to apply what he learned to the fire department’s physical training program. Fit to protect those who serve Post firefighter graduates from Master Fitness Trainer Course By WALLACE McBRIDE Fort Jackson Leader $)RUW-DFNVRQ¿UH¿JKWHUUHFHQWO\FRPSOHWHG DQ DGYDQFHG ¿WQHVV FRXUVH XVXDOO\ UHVHUYHGIRUSURIHVVLRQDO6ROGLHUV ,Q 2FWREHU ¿UH¿JKWHU(07 6KDXQ 3D\QHFRPSOHWHGWKH0DVWHU)LWQHVV7UDLQHU &RXUVHDSURJUDPGHVLJQHGWRSURYLGHWKH $UP\ZLWKDGYLVHUVHTXLSSHGZLWKDVRXQG XQGHUVWDQGLQJRIPLOLWDU\¿WQHVVVWDQGDUGV 3DUWLFLSDQWVLQWKHFRXUVHZKLFKLVW\SLFDOO\ RSHQ WR DFWLYH DQG UHVHUYH 6ROGLHUV PXVW PHHWDVHWRIFULWHULDEHIRUHEHLQJDFFHSWHG LQWRWKHSURJUDP ,QRUGHUWREHHOLJLEOH6ROGLHUVDOVRPXVW EH UHFRPPHQGHG E\ WKHLU EDWWDOLRQ FRPPDQGHUVDQGPHHW$UP\KHLJKWDQGZHLJKW VWDQGDUGV 6WDII VHUJHDQWV VHUJHDQWV ¿UVW November 6, 2014 FODVV DQG VHFRQG OLHXWHQDQWV WKURXJK FDSWDLQVDUHJLYHQSULRULW\DGPLWWDQFHVWDWXV ³:H¶YH EHHQ ORRNLQJ IRU D FRXSOH RI \HDUV QRZ WR VHQG ¿UH¿JKWHUV WR D SHHU WUDLQHUFRXUVHRQO\WR¿QGRXWWKDWWKH$UP\¶VEHVWDUHWUDLQHGULJKWKHUH´VDLG(ULF +DUSHU)RUW-DFNVRQ¿UHFKLHI $VZLWK6ROGLHUVWDNLQJSDUWLQWKHSURJUDP3D\QHLVH[SHFWHGWREULQJKLVSK\VLFDO¿WQHVVH[SHUWLVHEDFNWRWKH¿UHVWDWLRQ WRVKDUHZLWKKLVFRZRUNHUV ³7KH$UP\LVUHDOO\LQWHUHVWHGLQµWUDLQLQJDV\RX¿JKW¶ZKLFKLVNLQGRIKRZZH GR WKLQJV KHUH DW WKH ¿UH VWDWLRQ´ VDLG 3D\QHDIRUPHU$LU)RUFH¿UH¿JKWHU 3D\QHVXPPHGXSWKH¿WQHVVSKLORVRSK\ WDXJKWLQWKHSURJUDP ³'R WKLQJV WKDW DUH FRQGLWLRQDO WR KRZ \RX GR WKLQJV LQ WKH ¿HOG´ KH VDLG ³$QG WKH WUDLQHUV ZDQW \RX WR VWD\ DZD\ IURP LQMXU\DQGEHKHDOWK\VR\RXFDQFRQWLQXHWR SHUIRUP\RXUGXWLHV´ 7KH 0DVWHU )LWQHVV 7UDLQHU &RXUVH LV GLYLGHGEHWZHHQFODVVURRPLQVWUXFWLRQDQG ZRUN FRQGXFWHG RQ WKH SK\VLFDO WUDLQLQJ ¿HOG7KHFRXUVHWDUJHWVWKHZLGHUDQJHRI DJHDQG¿WQHVVOHYHOVIRXQGDPRQJ6ROGLHUV $QGEHFDXVH6ROGLHUVGHSOR\HGDURXQGWKH ZRUOGFDQQRWDOZD\VFRXQWRQKDYLQJDFFHVV WRGHGLFDWHG¿WQHVVFHQWHUVWKHSURJUDPLV VWUXFWXUHGWRFUHDWHDSK\VLFDO¿WQHVVUHJLPHQWKDWFDQEHFRQGXFWHGZLWKDPLQLPXP RIVSDFHDQGHTXLSPHQW +DUSHU VDLG WKDW WUDQVODWHV ZHOO WR KRZ ¿UH¿JKWHUVRSHUDWH ³:H¶UHVWUHQJWKHQLQJRXUERGLHVIRUWKH MREVHWZHSHUIRUPZKLFKLVLQFUHGLEO\LPSRUWDQW´ +DUSHU VDLG ³3D\QH LV JRLQJ WR KHOSXVPHHWWKDWJRDO,QWKHIXWXUHRWKHU ¿UH¿JKWHUV ZLOO DWWHQG WKLV FRXUVH :H¶UH The Fort Jackson Leader SURWHFWLQJWKRVHZKRSURWHFWXV´ ³,WZDVDJRRGH[SHULHQFH´3D\QHVDLG ³7KHWUDLQHUVDQGSDUWLFLSDQWVDFWHGOLNH, ZDVRQHRIWKHJX\VDQGGLGQ¶WWUHDWPHDQ\ GLIIHUHQW$QG,ZDVDEOHWRJHWVRPHJRRG LQIRUPDWLRQVRPHRILWLVVSHFL¿FDOO\IRU WKH$UP\EXWWKHUHDUHVRPHVLPLODULWLHVLQ KRZZHGRWKLQJV´ +DUSHUVDLGDGPLQLVWUDWRUVRIWKHSRVW¶V 0DVWHU)LWQHVV7UDLQHU&RXUVHKDYHDOVRRIIHUHGWRWDLORUDIXWXUHSURJUDPVSHFL¿FDOO\ IRUWKHQHHGVRI¿UH¿JKWHUV ³7KH\¶YHDJUHHGWRDVVHVVRXUFRUHFRPSHWHQFHV DQG KHOS XV GHYHORS H[HUFLVHV SURJUDPVWRPDNHXVEHWWHUDEOHWRGRRXU MREV²ZKHWKHULW¶VSXOOLQJKRVHVRUFOLPELQJ ODGGHUV´ +DUSHU VDLG ³3D\QH LV JRLQJ WREHZRUNLQJZLWKKLVSHHUVWRWUDLQXVDQG VWUHQJWKHQXV´ Milton.W.McBride3.ctr@mail.mil Page 3 NEWS Photos by STAFF SGT. TOSHIKO GREGG, 81st Regional Support Comman, Maj. Gen. Janet L. Cobb, commander of 81st Regional Support Command, addresses attendees at the change of command ceremony Sunday at the 81st RSC headquarters. She replaces Maj. Gen. Gill Beck, who retired after 36 years of service. 81st welcomes new CG 81st Regional Support Command Soldiers, civilians and guests of the 81st Regional Support Command bid farewell to its commander, Maj. Gen. Gill Beck, as he relinquished command to Maj. Gen. Janet Cobb, during a change of command ceremony held at the 81st RSC headquarters Sunday. In an event described by many attendees as a “who’s who of the Army Reserve,” Beck relinquished command after serving as the Wildcat’s commander for three years. Sunday’s event also marked the end of his military career after 36 years of service. “A great commander is one who mentors, coaches and teaches,” said Deputy Commanding General (Support), United States Army Reserve, Maj. Gen. Peter Lennon describing the departing leader’s style. Beck thanked the many guests who attended the ceremony for their support or mentorship throughout his tenure as commander and his military career. He paid special tribute to his wife by inviting her to renew their vows in front of the crowd. “I can never repay my wife for the role she has had to Page 4 ¿OOZKLOH,KDYHKDGWREHDZD\IURPKRPHRYHUWKH\HDUV performing my duty to the Army, but as she has asked me to ‘I will just try,” Beck said. Throughout history, a military unit’s colors has been D V\PERO RI WKH FRPPDQGHU RQ WKH EDWWOH¿HOG 7KH\ represent heritage, history, loyalty and unity of Soldiers. During a change of command ceremony, those colors are SDVVHG IURP WKH VHQLRU QRQFRPLVVLRQHG RI¿FHU WR WKH outgoing commander to the incoming commander as a symbol of the transfer of authority and responsibility to the new commander. “Gill Beck, as you close your three and a half decades of service to your Army and to your nation your name is associated with professionalism, leadership, mission accomplishment and, most important, wisdom, justice, mercy and kindness,” Cobb said. “Your shoes I cannot ¿OO EXW ZLWK \RXU FRQWLQXHG IULHQGVKLS DQG JXLGDQFH I’ll try to continue your legacy to take care of Soldiers, civilians and families.” Cobb joins the 81st RSC from her last assignment as assistant deputy chief of staff, G-4, Mobilization and 7UDLQLQJ,0$2I¿FHRIWKH'HSXW\&KLHIRI6WDII*LQ Washington, D.C. Her past assignments include battalion The Fort Jackson Leader- commander of the 1184th Transportation Terminal Battalion, which operated the Port of Ash Shuaybah, Kuwait from November 2002 through May 2003. She also held joint assignments including director of the Central Command Deployment and Distribution Operations Center (Camp Arifjan, Kuwait) and commander of the 598th Transportation Group (Terminal) in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Cobb was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, but as a child traveled the nation as a Coast Guard dependent. She is the ¿UVW IHPDOH FRPPDQGHU LQ VW:LOGFDW KLVWRU\ DQG KDV served in the Army for 40 years. “I am thrilled to once again wear the Wildcat patch,” Cobb said. “We have a fantastic team of professionals here at the 81st RSC, and I look forward to serving with them.” The 81st Wildcat staff consists of more than 1,200 personnel, including Department of Army civilians and Army Reserve Soldiers. The 81st RSC supports more than 53,000 Army Reserve Soldiers and civilians in more than 275 Army Reserve facilities in North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky and Puerto Rico. November 6, 2014 November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 5 NEWS Post proactive in Ebola prevention By WALLACE McBRIDE Fort Jackson Leader Installation leadership gathered Tuesday at the Soldier Support Institute to discuss the proactive measures being taken to monitor for potential contacts with the Ebola virus at Fort Jackson. “This has to be an ‘all hands on deck’ response plan,” Col. Traci Crawford, Moncrief Army Community Hospital commander, told leadership. “It’s going to take you guys thinking, in your senior footprint, ‘How are we going to execute it?’” Although it is important to get ahead of any potential crisis, it is highly unlikely the virus will become an issue on post, said Maj. Christopher Wilson, chief of preventive medicine at MACH. People with Ebola are not infectious XQWLOWKH\EHFRPHVLFNDQGHYHQWKHQLWLVDGLI¿FXOWYLUXV to transmit, he said. “It does require direct contact with a person who acWLYHO\KDVV\PSWRPVRUFRQWDFWZLWKEORRGRUERGLO\ÀXids of somebody with Ebola,” he said. “Only someone who is sick with Ebola can transmit.” Symptoms can take up to 21 days to express themselves. Fort Jackson has been screening Soldiers in Initial Entry Training since Oct. 3. During that period, the screenings have not detected anyone carrying the Ebola virus. To help identify possible Ebola incidents are early as possible, leadership was issued cards detailing common symptoms of the virus and what action should be taken. Soldiers who have traveled to West Africa or have had close contact with a person infected with Ebola in the past 21 days will be asked if they are exhibiting the following symptoms: fever, headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain or bleeding. “If a Soldier comes before a drill sergeant or cadre Photo by WALLACE McBRIDE Lt. Col. Eric Flesch, operations officer for the Army Training Center, addresses attendees of a briefing about Fort Jackson’s Ebola preparedness Tuesday at the Soldier Support Institute. member and says, ‘I’m not feeling well and I meet all fully assess the situation. WKHVH UHTXLUHPHQWV¶ 7KH GULOO VHUJHDQW¶V ¿UVW PRYH LV “All you have to do is separate,” Sloan said. “You to separate that Soldier from all contact with other Sol- don’t even have to isolate; we’re going to do that if it’s a diers and individuals,” said MACH Command Sgt. Major positive response. If there’s any doubt whatsoever, let (the Timothy Sloan. A team made up of a physician, two med- team) make the call.” ics and a nurse would then be immediately dispatched to Milton.W.McBride2.ctr@mail.mil CFC ongoing Service members and federal employees still have time to fill out their Combined Federal Campaign pledge cards. The goal of Fort Jackson’s campaign is to reach 100 percent of the personnel on post by Dec. 15, which is the last day in the campaign. The CFC is a federal fundraising campaign that allows employees to donate to a participating charity of their choice. Last year, the CFC collected more than $833,000 in the Midlands. Fort Jackson plays a large part in the Midlands campaign. Photo by SUSANNE KAPPLER Page 6 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 Lose Inches Herbal Body Wraps! Facials, Body Massages, Inch Loss Wraps, Waxing, & Seaweed Wraps as seen on WOLO TV The most trusted professional since 1980 Geat deals on web page! Gift Certificates Available 4700 Forest Dr., Suite 201 (1.7 miles from Gate 2) (803) 738-0903 www.europeanskinandhair.com Do you have questions about your legal rights or benefits? Call us today to see how we can help you. 1("%-*",0"+"%",01".(*'!"%-+,(0 1*+('%'#-*0'-,(&("%"',+ 1(*$*+(&)'+,"('1*"&"'%/ 1*(,'+,,%''"' METTS LAW FIRM, LLC 3531 River Drive, Columbia, SC 29201 M. Rita Metts, Attorney and Mediator (O) 803-929-0577 Skyla Joyner, child of CPT Charles Bailey and CW2 Tonia Bailey, will ofĮĐŝĂůůLJůĂƵŶĐŚŚĞƌďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ^ƚĂƌůŝƚĞƌĞĂƟŽŶƐŽŶEŽǀĞŵďĞƌϭϱ͕ϮϬϭϰ͘ dŚŝƐǁŝůůďĞĂĨƵŶͲĮůůĞĚŝŶƐƉŝƌŝŶŐĞǀĞŶƚĨŽƌĂůůĂŐĞƐ͘ŽŵĞĐĞůĞďƌĂƚĞ ǁŝƚŚƵƐ͊&ŽƌŵŽƌĞĚĞƚĂŝůƐ͕ĐĂůůϮϱϯͲϯϭϴͲϱϵϳϭ͘ Tis’ the Season for Beautiful Portrait Gifts 3 WEEKS ONLY! Ends 11/23 this coupon SAVE $5 with 43 PORTRAIT PACKAGE SPECIAL PACKAGE INCLUDES: [[V[V[V[V Regularly $19.99 New Holiday Sets & Winter Backgrounds ONLY $14.99 - PLUS FREE $20 GIFT Your Choice: 10% off Military Discount with Valid Military ID PLUS 5 FREE 5x7 Holiday Greeting Cards Hundreds of Design Options to Choose From $GGLWLRQDOFDUGVDVORZDV Never Any Sitting Fees. Portraits and Cards Printed in Studio within Minutes. free shipping 11 oz. Mug or Ceramic Ornament NP1833 Present this coupon at the beginning of your session Tuesday, November 4 through Sunday, November 23, 2014. LIMITED HOLIDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE. HURRY, CALL TODAY OR BOOK ONLINE AT PORTRAITS.COM T IS FACTIO N SA Harbison Crossing | 201 Harbison Boulevard, Suite 130 | Columbia, SC 29212 | 803.749.9580 The Village at Sandhill Town Center | 471 Town Center Place, Suite 7 | Columbia, SC 29229 | 803.419.7775 Studio Hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 9 am – 6 pm Appointments Highly Recommended. Walk-ins are welcome but may be limited based on availability. No subject or sitting fees. Specialty product handling fee applies. Only ONE $14.99 Portrait Package Advertised Special of your favorite pose per family, group or individual session may be purchased with coupon, from Tuesday, November 4 through Sunday, November 23, 2014. Promotion is not valid for business purposes, individual adult subjects or unaccompanied minors. $5 OFF and FREE gift coupon expires Sunday, November 23, 2014. Offer is subject to change at any time. November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 7 NEWS News and Notes POST ACCESS FOR NON-ID CARD HOLDERS VETERANS DAY EVENT Fort Jackson will observe Veterans Day with a wreathlaying ceremony at 4 p.m., Friday at Post Headquarters. In accordance with new Army policy, all non Department of Defense ID cardholders will have to be escorted during their entire time on Fort Jackson (or any other Army installation), or be vetted by the 3K\VLFDO6HFXULW\2I¿FHIRUQRQHVFRUWHGDFFHVV To obtain credentials for non-escorted access, the Physical SeFXULW\2I¿FHLVUHTXLUHGWRUXQDEDFNJURXQGFKHFNWKURXJKWKH)%, National Crime Database. Once favorably vetted, individuals will be issued credentials allowing them access to Fort Jackson. Individuals must keep these credentials with them at all times. 7KHYHWWLQJDQGFUHGHQWLDOLQJRI¿FHLVORFDWHGDWWKH*DWH)RUest Drive, Exit 12 off I-77) entrance. Military sponsors of contractors FDQDOVRYLVLW3K\VLFDO6HFXULW\DW6WURP7KXUPRQG%OYGGXUing normal duty hours (7:30 a.m.to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday) to expedite contractor credentialing. :HDSRORJL]HIRUWKHGHOD\DVZHSURFHVVWKHVXUJHRIUHTXHVWV within our limited resources. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. AMERICA RECYCLES DAY Fort Jackson will celebrate America Recycles Day from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Nov. 14 at the Recycling Center. Collections include scrap metal, plastics, cardboard, paSHU SDOOHWV JODVV WLUHV HOHFWURQLF ZDVWH DQG ¿UH H[WLQguishers. In addition, paper shredding is available. For more information, call 751-5971. FAMILY OF THE YEAR Fort Jackson’s annual Family of the Year ceremony is scheduled for 4 p.m., Nov. 14 at the Joe E. Mann Center. THANKSGIVING SERVICE A Thanksgiving worship service for the Fort Jackson community is scheduled from noon to 1 p.m., Nov. 19 at the Main Post Chapel. NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH A luncheon in celebration of Native American Heritage Month is scheduled from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Nov. 20 at the Solomon Center. VISIT THE LEADER ONLINE www.fortjacksonleader.com To submit an announcement, email fjleader@gmail. com. Information subject to change. Fort Jackson Thanksgiving Gate Hours Nov. 27 Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 4 Gate 5 Nov. 28 Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 4 Gate 5 Closed Open around the clock Closed Closed Closed Open around the clock Closed Open from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. for inbound DQGRXWERXQGWUDIÀF Normal hours will resume Nov. 29. S.R. Anderson, Attorney At Law Former JAG Officer In private practice in Columbia 35 years. Free initial consultation. Divorce, Adoption, Legal Separation, Probate, Wills, Auto Accidents. Call (803) 252-2828. Page 8 Ft. Jackson Movie Schedule Friday November 7 The Boxtrolls (PG) 7 p.m. 1h 36m Saturday November 8 Annabelle (R) 2 p.m. 1h 39m The Good Lie (PG-13) 4 p.m. 1h 50m PH (803)751-7488 Adult $5.50/Child (6-11): $3.00 3D: Adult $7.50/Child (6-11): $5.00 3319 Jackson BLVD Sunday November 9 The Maze Runner (PG-13) 2 p.m. 1h 53m The Judge (R) 4 p.m. 2h 11m **Ticket sales open 30 minutes prior to each movie** *Movie times and schedule are subject to change without notice* Wednesday November 12 The Maze Runner (PG-13) 2 p.m. 1h 53m The Equalizer (R) 4 p.m. 2h 12m AIRLINE CAREERS START HERE Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institution of Maintenance for free information 866-367-2513 The Fort Jackson Leader- Specializing in the latest styles! Sew ins, micro links, cuts, color, natural hair, micros, twists, tree braids, crochet braids, relaxers keratin treatments & more! 108 Columbia Northeast Dr. Suite C www.Haircandybeauty.com Call or book online now! 803-800-3801 November 6, 2014 UP CLOSE Photos by SGT. 1ST CLASS JOE CASHION, South Carolina National Guard During the ribbon-cutting ceremony Oct. 30 of the new Fire Station at the South Carolina National Guard’s McCrady Training Center, the station’s fire trucks are backed in to officially ‘occupy’ the facility. The station will serve both the military community at MTC and Fort Jackson. New fire station opens at McCrady By SGT. 1ST CLASS JOE CASHION South Carolina National Guard ($6729(56&²2IIHULQJ¿UHSURWHFWLRQVHUYLFHVIRUWKH6RXWK&DUROLQD1DWLRQDO*XDUG¶V0F&UDG\7UDLQLQJ&HQWHULQ DGGLWLRQWRRWKHUSDUWVRI5LFKODQG&RXQW\ WKHQHZDQGH[SDQGHG¿UHVWDWLRQDW07& ZDVRSHQHGZLWKDULEERQFXWWLQJFHUHPRQ\2FW ³7KLVLVDXQLTXHRSSRUWXQLW\IRUXVEHFDXVH RI ZKDW ZH FDQ EULQJ WR WKLV FRPPXQLW\ QRW RQO\ IRU WKH PLOLWDU\ EXW IRU WKHFLYLOLDQVDVZHOO´VDLG$QGUHZ-DPHV FKLHIRIWKH07&)LUH&RPSDQ\³:HDOVR KDYH SHRSOH RQ VWDII ZKR EULQJ QRW RQO\ ¿UH¿JKWLQJVNLOOVWRWKHWDEOHEXWRWKHUVDV ZHOO LQFOXGLQJ PHGLFV ¿UH PDUVKDOV LQVSHFWRUVDQGPHFKDQLFV´ ³7RGD\¶V ULEERQ FXWWLQJ VLJQL¿HV WKH FXOPLQDWLRQ RI DERXW \HDUV RI HIIRUW WR PDNH WKLV SURMHFW FRPH WRJHWKHU´ VDLG %ULJ*HQ9DQ0F&DUW\WKHGHSXW\DGMXWDQWJHQHUDORI6RXWK&DUROLQD³1RWRQO\ ZLOOWKLVVWDWLRQEHDUHVRXUFHKHUHDW07& EXWDOVRWR)RUW-DFNVRQDQGWRWKH/RZHU 5LFKODQGFRPPXQLW\DUHDWKURXJKFRRSHUDWLYHDJUHHPHQWVWKDWZHZLOOKDYHLQSODFH WRSURYLGHDGGLWLRQDOSURWHFWLRQWRRXU6RO- GLHUVDQGRXUFLWL]HQV´ &KLHI (ULF +DUSHU RI WKH )RUW -DFNVRQ )LUH 'HSDUWPHQW DJUHHG ZLWK 0F&DUW\¶V SDUWQHUVKLSDVVHVVPHQW ³,WZDVDJUHDWKRQRUIRUPHWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKHPHHWLQJVWRSODQWKLVIDFLOLW\´ +DUSHU VDLG ³7KDW WROG PH WKDW ZH DUH LQ WKLV WRJHWKHU :H DW )RUW -DFNVRQ DUH SOHDVHGIRU\RXDQG\RXU¿UH¿JKWHUV´ 2QH IDOOHQ ¿UH¿JKWHU QRW IDU IURP WKH PLQGVRIDQ\RQHLQDWWHQGDQFHZDV-DUYLV -RQHV ZKR ZDV D 6ROGLHU ZLWK WKH 6RXWK &DUROLQD 1DWLRQDO *XDUG¶V )LUH¿JKWLQJ 'HWDFKPHQW DQG ZDV DOVR D IXOOWLPH ¿UH¿JKWHU DW 0F&UDG\ +LV IDPLO\ ZDV LQ DWWHQGDQFHIRUWKHFHUHPRQ\ ³$VKDSS\WKLVGD\LVIRUXVZHDUHVWLOO VDG LQ RXU KHDUWV DV ZH ORVW RQH RI RXUV UHFHQWO\ $QG WR WKH -RQHV IDPLO\ 2XU WKRXJKWVDQGSUD\HUVFRQWLQXHWRJRRXWWR \RX´0F&DUW\VDLG -RQHVGLHG2FWDWWKHDJHRI ³,W ZDV D JUHDW ORVV´ -DPHV VDLG ³+H ZDVVRWDOHQWHG$WWKHDJHRIKHZDV ZRUNLQJRQKLVGRFWRUDWHDQGKHKDGDOVR SURGXFHG WKH EHVW ¿UH WUDLQLQJ SURJUDP , KDYHHYHUVHHQ´ )ROORZLQJ WKH FHUHPRQ\ DWWHQGHHV ZHUHWUHDWHGWRUHIUHVKPHQWVDQGDWRXURI WKHQHZIDFLOLW\ Brig. Gen. Van McCarty, right, the deputy adjutant general for South Carolina, and Lt. Col. Andrew Batten, construction and facilities management officer, cut a part of the ribbon during the official opening of the South Carolina National Guard’s new McCrady Training Center Fire Station Oct. 30. Follow the Leader: www.twitter.com/fortjacksonpao November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 9 COMMUNITY SNAPSHOTS Math Prize Patrol Courtesy photo The C.C. Pinckney Elementary School Math Prize Patrol rewards families for their participation in a schoolwide math problem solving initiative. Parents received a letter from the school at the beginning of October asking them to participate in math problem solving activities with their children at home. Ninety-eight students returned their pledges to the school. Twelve of those students were randomly selected as prize winners. The students’ families were greeted at their homes Oct. 29 by a caravan of vehicles carrying teachers, the school administrator, as well as Fort Jackson officials. The families received a box of math supplies, math problem solving games, calculators, a helium balloon and a picture taken with the Pinckney Prize Patrol team. This year’s winners included Imani Henegar, second grade; Mason Payne-Steward, second grade; Kyle Radomski, third grade; Jaden Moten, third grade; Jacob Stoll, fourth grade; Jaelon Henegar, fourth grade; Jardyn Robinson, fifth grade; Alex Clark, fifth grade; Lacey Mueller, sixth grade; Javier Vicente, sixth grade; Jyshawn Thomas, right, fourth grade; and M.J. Tom, second grade. Red Ribbon Week Re Sandra Barnes, prevention coordinator for the Army Substance Abuse Program at Fort Jackson, hands out promotional information for Red Ribbon Week Oct. 29 at The Exchange. The goal of the campaign is to increase awareness about the harmful effects of drugs. Pictured with her is Chase Limpert, left, of Virginia, and his brother Pvt. Tyler Buskey, who graduated from Basic Combat Training Oct. 30. Photo by WALLACE McBRIDE Page 10 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 COMMUNITY SNAPSHOTS Courtesy photo Trunk-or-treat The 187th Ordnance Battalion conducts its annual trunk-or treat event Oct. 29. The Soldiers, civilians and family members enjoyed dinner, candy, a ‘haunted hallway,’ and the movie ‘Mummy, I’m a Zombie.’ Soldiers displaye d their creativeness by decoratin g their cars for the occasion. Post partners with BBB Jim Camp, president and CEO of the Central South Carolina and Charleston Better Business Bureau, signs a memorandum of agreement to renew the BBB’s partnership with Fort Jackson’s Financial Readiness Program. The BBB and Army Community Service have been partners for more than 15 years. The BBB is a private nonprofit organization with the mission to promote and foster the highest ethical relationship between businesses and the public through voluntary self-regulation, consumer and business education and service excellence. The BBB and Fort Jackson will promote communication for fair and equitable business dealings and the protection of Service members and their families from deceptive or misleading business practices. The local BBB will develop creative solutions to local circumstances that make Service members and their families vulnerable to predatory and unethical business practices. For more information, visit www. bbb.org/columbia/. Courtesy photo November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 11 COMMUNITY SNAPSHOTS Courtesy photo Pretty in pink The Victory Spouses’ Club celebrates women’s health during its October luncheon at the NCO Club. The theme for the luncheon was ‘Pretty in Pink.’ Guest speakers from the American Cancer Society and Moncrief Army Community Hospital’s Women’s Clinic shared information and inspirational stories. Pictured, from left, are Lauri Duke, Michelle Turley, Pattye Barnes, Debbie Clough, Judith Fuller and Rachel McLamb. AER awarded Army Emergency Relief received AUSA’s National Service Award at the opening ceremony of AUSA’s annual symposium. AER was chosen for its decades of service providing Soldiers and families emergency financial assistance. Since its founding in 1942, AER has provided more than $1.5 billion to more than 3.5 million Soldiers and families in the form of grants, no-interest loans and scholarships. Accepting the award from AUSA president, retired Gen. Gordon Sullivan, left, and retired Lt. Gen. Robert Thompson, right, are retired Lt. Gen. Robert Foley, second from left, and retired Sgt. Maj. Donald Vincent. Photo by AUSA Page 12 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 NEWS Chaplains to offer holiday food assistance By ANDREW McINTYRE Fort Jackson Leader More than 150 commissary gift cards will be given to Fort Jackson Soldiers in need this holiday season thanks WRWKH)RUW-DFNVRQ,QVWDOODWLRQ&KDSODLQV2I¿FH “The intent of this program is to help needy families and Soldiers throughout the holiday season by giving them holiday gift cards that can be used at the commissary to purchase food for their families this Thanksgiving and &KULVWPDV´VDLG&KDSODLQ/W&RO&O\GH6FRWWGHSXW\ LQVWDOODWLRQFKDSODLQ The Holiday Food Assistance Program, hosted by the ,QVWDOODWLRQ &KDSODLQV 2I¿FH KDV SXUFKDVHG JLIW FDUGV at $50 each to help Soldiers and their families who have been recognized as needing assistance by their chains of FRPPDQG “We have asked the chains of command to look for WKRVH IDPLOLHV WKDW KDYH RQH LQFRPH 6ROGLHUV ZKR have families of four or more children plus the parents; 6ROGLHUV ZLWK IDPLO\ HPHUJHQF\ H[SHQVHV H[LVWLQJ AER/Red Cross loans; and families receiving federal/ VWDWHVXEVLVWHQFH´6FRWWVDLG Scott said the money comes from the chapel tithes and RIIHULQJIXQGQRWIURPDSSURSULDWHGIXQGV “This money literally comes from the offerings that are taken up during chapel services here on post,” he VDLG ³7KH FRQJUHJDWLRQV DUH WKH RQHV ZKR DUH UHDOO\ SD\LQJIRUWKLV7KH\DFWXDOO\YRWHRQZKDWWKH\ZDQWWR spend the money on in the Chaplaincy Program Budget Advisory Committee and they have made this program DSULRULW\´ 6FRWWVDLGWKDWWKHFKDSODLQVRI¿FHDOZD\VKHDUVIURP the on-post chapel congregations that they would like to KHOSIDPLOLHVRI6ROGLHUVZKRDUHLQQHHG “Last year, we gave out nearly $12,000 worth of gift cards, and we hope to give out about the same this year DVZHOO´6FRWWVDLG +HH[SODLQHGWKDWLWLVWRRHDUO\WRWHOOKRZPDQ\JLIW cards will be given out this year because the list of names of those Soldiers and families in need has not come in Photo by ANDREW McINTYRE The Installation Chaplains Office is purchasing commissary gift cards for Soldiers who are in need this holiday season as part of the office’s Holiday Food Assistance Program. \HW +H VDLG KH ZDQWV WR UHPLQG HDFK EULJDGH¶V FKDLQ of command that the deadline for helping Soldiers and families with this program is Friday for Thanksgiving DQG'HFIRU&KULVWPDV “We are not looking to turn families away if they are QRWRQWKHVXEPLWWHGOLVW:HDUHZLOOLQJWRKHOSWKRVHLQ who are in need, but the list will just better help us know KRZWRSUHSDUH´6FRWWVDLG Scott said if anyone would like to make a contribution WRWKHSURJUDPWKH5HOLJLRXV6XSSRUW2I¿FHZLOODFFHSW monetary donations during regular duty hours Monday WKURXJK )ULGD\ 7KH FKHFN VKRXOG EH PDGH RXW WR WKH Fort Jackson CTOF and include a note on the memo line stating that the money is for the Chapel Community +ROLGD\)RRG$VVLVWDQFH3URJUDP “These families need to know that we care,” Scott VDLG ³:H ZDQW WR KHOS WKHP HVSHFLDOO\ GXULQJ WKH KROLGD\VHDVRQ7KLVZKROHVHDVRQLVRQHRIJLYLQJDQG FDULQJ ² ZH GRQ¶W ZDQW DQ\ IDPLO\ WR EH RXW WKHUH LQ QHHGEHFDXVHWKH$UP\LVRQHELJIDPLO\´ For information on the Holiday Food Assistance 3URJUDP FDOO WKH ,QVWDOODWLRQ &KDSODLQV RI¿FH DW Andrew.R.McIntyre.civ@mail.mil 81st RSC hosts annual dining-out Maj. Gen. Peter Lennon, deputy commanding general for support, United States Army Reserve, is the keynote speaker during the 81st Regional Support Command’s dining-out Saturday. Photo by STAFF SGT. TOSHIKO GREGG, 81st Regional Support Command November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 13 COMMUNITY SNAPSHOTS Sports honors The winners of the fall Army Sports Program are: Flag football: Moncrief Army Community Hospital (left). Cross Country men: U.S. Army Drill Sergeant Academy (center left). Cross Country women: U.S. Army Drill Sergeant Academy (center right). Softball: 369th Adjutant General Battalion (bottom right). The Jammers, bottom right, won the sand volleyball tournament. The 165th Infantry Brigade team finished first in the sand volleyball league. Courtesy photos Page 14 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 15 NEWS TRADOC CSM named to be SMA By LISA FERDINANDO Army News Service :$6+,1*721²7KHVHQLRUHQOLVWHGDGYLVHURI86 $UP\7UDLQLQJDQG'RFWULQH&RPPDQGKDVEHHQVHOHFWHG WREHWKHQH[WVHUJHDQWPDMRURIWKH$UP\ 6HFUHWDU\RIWKH$UP\-RKQ0F+XJKDQG&KLHIRI6WDII RI WKH$UP\ *HQ 5D\ 2GLHUQR DQQRXQFHG 0RQGD\ WKDW &RPPDQG 6JW 0DM 'DQLHO 'DLOH\ ZLOO EH WKH WK VHU JHDQWPDMRURIWKH$UP\+HZLOODVVXPHWKH$UP\¶VKLJK HVW HQOLVWHG RI¿FH DIWHU 6JW 0DM RI WKH$UP\ 5D\PRQG &KDQGOHU,,,UHWLUHVDWWKHHQGRI-DQXDU\ ³:HKDYHWKHXWPRVWFRQ¿GHQFHLQ&RPPDQG6JW0DM 'DLOH\DQGORRNIRUZDUGWRKDYLQJKLPMRLQRXUOHDGHUVKLS WHDP´ 0F+XJK VDLG ³+LV H[SHULHQFH OHDGHUVKLS GHYR WLRQ WR 6ROGLHUV DQG FRPPLWPHQW WR RXU$UP\ PDNH KLP HVSHFLDOO\ VXLWHG WR DVVXPH WKLV LPSRUWDQW GXW\ RQH WKDW 6JW0DMRIWKH$UP\&KDQGOHUKDVPDVWHUIXOO\SHUIRUPHG IRUWKHODVWIRXU\HDUV´ 'DLOH\ ZKR HQOLVWHG LQ LV DQ LQIDQWU\PDQ DQG FRPEDW YHWHUDQ ZKR VHUYHG IRXU GHSOR\PHQWV LQ 2SHUD WLRQ,UDTL)UHHGRPDQGRQHLQVXSSRUWRI2SHUDWLRQ'HVHUW 6WRUP +HVDLGKHLVKXPEOHGE\WKHFKRLFH ³,W¶VHYHU\6ROGLHU¶VGUHDP²LWVKRXOGEHHYHU\6RO GLHU¶VGUHDP²WRVRPHGD\DWOHDVWKDYHWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WR EHWKHVHUJHDQWPDMRURIWKH$UP\´KHVDLG +HWROG2GLHUQRWKDWKHQHYHU³IDWKRPHGZKHQ,ZDVD \RXQJ6ROGLHUWKDW,¶GHYHUEHLQWKLVRI¿FHUHFHLYLQJWKLV W\SHRIUHFRJQLWLRQ´ 'DLOH\KROGVDEDFKHORURIVFLHQFHGHJUHHVXPPDFXP ODXGHIURP([FHOVLRU&ROOHJH +H VDLG KH DQG KLV ZLIH RI PRUH WKDQ \HDUV +ROO\ 'DLOH\DUHGHGLFDWHGWR6ROGLHUVDQGWKHLUIDPLOLHV ³7KLVUHTXLUHVDFRPPLWPHQWZHOOEH\RQGDQ\WKDW,¶YH HYHU GRQH EHIRUH DQG LW UHTXLUHV OHDGHUVKLS WKDW IUDQNO\ 6ROGLHUVQHHGWREHDEOHWRVHHHYHU\GD\´KHVDLG ³,RZHLWEDFNWRRXU6ROGLHUV,KDYHDUHVSRQVLELOLW\² DQDZHVRPHUHVSRQVLELOLW\WKDWLVQRWORRNHGXSRQOLJKWO\ E\WKH6ROGLHUVRIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV$UP\´KHVDLG 7KHUHLVDORWRIZRUNWRGRDQGLWLVDELJUHVSRQVLELOLW\ KH VDLG LQ FDUU\LQJ RQ WKH WUDGLWLRQV RI &KDQGOHU DQG LQ PHHWLQJ2GLHUQR¶VH[SHFWDWLRQVDQGVWUDWHJLFJRDOV ³7KH6ROGLHUVRIWKLVJUHDW$UP\GHVHUYHOHDGHUVKLSDQG WKHKLJKHVWFDOLEHURIOHDGHUVKLSZHFDQRIIHU´KHVDLG 7KH $UP\ KDV IDFHG FKDOOHQJLQJ WLPHV DQG WKHUH DUH PRUHFKDOOHQJHVDKHDGKHVDLG ³:KDW , FDQ DVVXUH \RX LV WKDW ZH DUH GRLQJ WKH ULJKW WKLQJV,KDYHEHHQLQWLPDWHO\IDPLOLDUZLWKWKHSROLF\SUR FHGXUHV DQG GLUHFWLRQ WKDW RXU OHDGHUVKLS RI WKH$UP\ LV WDNLQJXV,WUXO\EHOLHYHLWLVWKHULJKWGLUHFWLRQ´KHVDLG LEAD BY EXAMPLE 'DLOH\VDLGKHLVDVWDQGDUGVEDVHGVHUJHDQWPDMRUZKR LVDSSURDFKDEOHPLVVLRQIRFXVHGZKRWDNHVRQFKDOOHQJ LQJDVVLJQPHQWVVWULYHVIRUWKHEHVWDQGSODFHVWKHKLJKHVW SULRULW\RQSK\VLFDO¿WQHVVIRUKLPVHOIDQGKLV6ROGLHUV ³,WLVRXUMREHYHU\VLQJOHGD\WRUHSUHVHQWWKHEHVWZH SRVVLEO\FDQQRWRQO\IRUXVIRURXUSHHUVDQGIRURXUVX SHULRUVEXWPRVWLPSRUWDQWO\IRUWKHSHRSOHRI$PHULFD´ KHVDLG ³,¶PWUXO\H[FLWHGDVZHPRYHIRUZDUGEHFDXVH,WUXO\ EHOLHYHWKDWZHDUHKHDGLQJLQWKHULJKWGLUHFWLRQLQWKHIX WXUH´KHVDLG +HFUHGLWVKLVPHQWRUVIRUFKDOOHQJLQJKLPDQGKHOSLQJ KLPPDNHWKHULJKWGHFLVLRQV ³,¶PWKHEHQHIDFWRURIH[FHOOHQWOHDGHUVKLS´KHVDLG (QJDJHGOHDGHUVKLSLVLPSRUWDQWKHVDLG*RRGOHDGHUV NQRZWKHLU6ROGLHUVDQGWKHLUIDPLOLHVLW¶VLPSRUWDQWWKDW Page 16 Photo by DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY TRADOC Command Sgt. Maj. Daniel Dailey is interviewed at the Defense Media Activity Nov. 2 at Fort Meade, Md. He was selected to become the next sergeant major of the Army. 6ROGLHUV KDYH D EDODQFH EHWZHHQ ZRUN DQG KRPH OLIH KH VDLG ³,ZRXOGKDYHQHYHUPDGHLWWRZKHUH,DPWRGD\ZLWK RXWP\IDPLO\DQGWKDWUHTXLUHVEDODQFHEHWZHHQEHLQJD 6ROGLHUEHLQJDIDWKHUDQGDKXVEDQG´KHVDLG 6ROGLHUVVKRXOGQRWEHDIUDLGWRUHDFKRXWIRUKHOSLIWKH\ DUHIDFLQJSUREOHPVKHVDLG ³,WKLQNZH¶UHLQDWLPHLQWKH$UP\ZKHUHZH¶YHUHDOO\ JRWWHQULGRIWKDWVWLJPD´KHVDLG ³:KDWLVJUHDWLVWKDWZHKDYHOHDGHUVZKRVD\WKDWWKH\ QHHGKHOSDQGLWUHDOO\VKRZVWKH\RXQJ6ROGLHUVWKDW\RX WUXO\FDQEHVXFFHVVIXOHYHQWKRXJK\RX¶YHDVNHGIRUKHOS´ KHVDLG ,WLVDJUHDWUHVSRQVLELOLW\WREHFKDUJHGZLWKWKHVDIHW\ DQGZHOOQHVVRI6ROGLHUV\RXOHDGKHVDLG ³6RPHERG\KDVWUXVWHGPHZLWKWKHLUOLYHV´KHVDLG ³,WDNHWKDWYHU\VHULRXVO\WKHIRXUWLPHVWKDW,GHSOR\HG WRFRPEDWYHU\VHULRXVO\,W¶VP\UHVSRQVLELOLW\WREULQJ WKHPKRPHHYHU\VLQJOHRQHRIWKHP´'DLOH\VDLG ³7KDW¶VWKHXOWLPDWHUHVSRQVLELOLW\ZHKDYHQRWMXVWWR RXU6ROGLHUVEXWWRWKHPRWKHUVDQGIDWKHUVRIWKLVJUHDWQD WLRQ´KHVDLG³,WKLQNWKH\ZRXOGH[SHFWXVWRWUHDWWKHP OLNHWKHLURZQFKLOGUHQ´ 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ZDV\HDUVROGZKHQ,PDGHWKHFKRLFHWRMRLQWKHPLOL WDU\´ See DAILEY: Page 17 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 NEWS DA scientists working on Ebola vaccine By CHERYL PELLERIN DOD News :$6+,1*721 ²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¿JKWHUV DJDLQVW GHDGO\ SDWKRJHQV WKH\ PLJKWHQFRXQWHUDVELRZHDSRQVRQWKHEDWWOH¿HOG%XWODWH O\LWVZRUNKDVJDLQHGDPRUHLPPHGLDWHXVHDVDPHGLFDO WRROIRUHQVXULQJJOREDOSXEOLFKHDOWKVHFXULW\ 'U-RKQ'\H-UFKLHILQ86$05,,'¶V9LUDO,PPXQRO RJ\ %UDQFK VDLG GR]HQV RI YDFFLQH FDQGLGDWHV DUH EHLQJ FUHDWHGZRUOGZLGH³HVSHFLDOO\ZLWKWKLVRXWEUHDNDQGDOO RIWKHPKDYHWRJRWKURXJKD)RRGDQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUD WLRQUHJXODWRU\SDWKZD\´86$05,,'LVWDNLQJWKHPRVW DGYDQFHGYDFFLQHVIRUZDUGDVTXLFNO\DVSRVVLEOHWRWU\WR VWHPWKH(ERODRXWEUHDNKHDGGHG '\HZKRKDVZRUNHGDW86$05,,'IRUDGHFDGHVDLG WKDWRYHUWKHSDVW\HDUVVFLHQWLVWVWKHUHKDYHPDGHJUHDW DGYDQFHVLQYDFFLQHVDQGWKHUDSHXWLFV ³7KHYDFFLQHVZH¶YHEHHQZRUNLQJZLWKKHUHDOOH[SUHVV RQHSDUWLFXODUSURWHLQRIWKHYLUXVDQGPDQ\RIWKHVHYDF FLQHVKDYHEHHQVKRZQWREHSHUFHQWHIIHFWLYHLQQRQ KXPDQSULPDWHVRUPRQNH\VWXGLHV´'\HVDLG Dailey Continued from Page 16 ULÀHPDQ DQG WKHQ SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ 2SHUD WLRQV'HVHUW6KLHOGDQG'HVHUW6WRUP $IWHU UHWXUQLQJ IURP 'HVHUW 6WRUP KH UHPDLQHG LQ WKH WK ,QIDQWU\ 5HJLPHQW DQGZDVSURPRWHGWRWKHUDQNRIVHUJHDQW ZKHUHKHVHUYHGDVERWKDWHDPOHDGHUDQG DFRPPDQGHU¶VJXQQHUXQWLO 8SRQFRPSOHWLQJKLVWRXULQ*HUPDQ\ KHZDVUHDVVLJQHGWRWKHVW%DWWDOLRQWK ,QIDQWU\ 5HJLPHQW DW )RUW 5LOH\ .DQ VDV ZKHUH KH ZDV 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%DGJHZKHHOWKH5DQJHU7DEWKH([SHUW ,QIDQWU\PDQ¶V %DGJH WKH &RPEDW ,QIDQ WU\PDQ¶V%DGJH7KH2UGHURI6DLQW0DX ULFH&HQWXULRQDQGKHLVDPHPEHURIWKH 'LVWLQJXLVKHG$XGLH0XUSK\&OXE 9LVLWRXUZHEVLWHDWZZZIRUWMDFNVRQOHDGHUFRP )ROORZWKH/HDGHURQ7ZLWWHUDWZZZWZLWWHUFRPIRUWMDFNVRQSDR November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 17 NEWS MOS qualification lapse could lead to separation By LISA FERDINANDO Army News Service :$6+,1*721²6ROGLHUVZKRKDYHKDGWKHLUVH FXULW\FOHDUDQFHUHYRNHGRUGHQLHGIDFHUHFODVVL¿FDWLRQ RUVHSDUDWLRQIURPWKHIRUFHDFFRUGLQJWR$UP\+XPDQ 5HVRXUFHV&RPPDQG +5&LVVXHGDPLOLWDU\SHUVRQQHOPHVVDJH0,/3(5 0HVVDJH LQ 2FWREHU WR DVVLVW FRPPDQGHUV LQ LGHQWLI\LQJ HQOLVWHG 6ROGLHUV ZKR DUH QRW TXDOL¿HG LQ WKHLUSULPDU\PLOLWDU\RFFXSDWLRQVSHFLDOW\RU026 7ZRRIWKHPDMRUGH¿FLHQFLHV+5&KDVLGHQWL¿HGDUH VHFXULW\ FOHDUDQFHV DQG ODQJXDJH SUR¿FLHQFLHV DFFRUG LQJWR-DPHV%UDJJFKLHIRIWKH+5&5HWHQWLRQDQG5H FODVVL¿FDWLRQ%UDQFK ³&RPPDQGHUV FDQ¶W XWLOL]H WKHLU 6ROGLHUV SURSHUO\ LIWKH\¶UHQRWTXDOL¿HGLQWKHLU026´KHVDLG³,IWKH\ QHHGDFFHVVWRDFHUWDLQIDFLOLW\EDVHGRQVHFXULW\FOHDU DQFHDQGWKH\FDQ¶WJHWLQWKHUHWKH\FDQ¶WSHUIRUPWKHLU GXWLHV´ +5& KDV LGHQWL¿HG VHYHUDO KXQGUHG 6ROGLHUV LQ WKH DFWLYH$UP\ZKRVHUHFRUGVLQGLFDWHWKH\GRQRWKDYHWKH FOHDUDQFHUHTXLUHGLQWKHLU026%UDJJVDLG +H VDLG WKH FRPPDQGV KDYH EHHQ QRWL¿HG DQG QHHG WRWDNHDFWLRQ 7KH¿UVWRUGHURIEXVLQHVVKHVDLGLVIRUFRPPDQGHUV WRFRUUHFWDQ\HUURUVDQGUHSRUWEDFNLID6ROGLHUGRHVLQ IDFWKDYHWKHSURSHUFOHDUDQFH,IDFOHDUDQFHKDVODSVHG D6ROGLHUZLOOKDYHWRWDNHWKHQHFHVVDU\VWHSVWRJHWFXU UHQWDJDLQ +RZHYHULIWKHFOHDUDQFHKDVEHHQUHYRNHGRUGHQLHG FRPPDQGHUV QHHG WR UHFRPPHQG ZKHWKHU WKH 6ROGLHU VKRXOGUHPDLQLQWKH$UP\ ³,QDERXWGD\VIURPQRZZH¶UHJRLQJWRUXQWKRVH VDPH6ROGLHUVWKURXJKRXUTXHU\´KHVDLG³7KRVHZKR KDYHEHHQ¿[HGZLOOFRQWLQXHWRVWD\LQWKDW026DQG WKH RWKHU RQHV WKH\ VKRXOG EH HLWKHU SURFHVVLQJ IRU UH FODVVL¿FDWLRQRUVHSDUDWLRQ´ 7KH LVVXH DIIHFWV UHDGLQHVV KH VDLG QRWLQJ WKDW WKH $UP\PXVWHQVXUHLWLVUHWDLQLQJRQO\WKHPRVWTXDOL¿HG SHRSOH ,Q DGGLWLRQ +5& KDV LGHQWL¿HG$UP\ OLQJXLVWV ZKR KDYHQRWPDLQWDLQHGWKHLUODQJXDJHSUR¿FLHQFLHV%UDJJ VDLG Page 18 U.S. Army graphic A number of military occupational specialties require security clearances or language proficiency. If those or other qualifications lapse, Soldiers risk reclassification or separation. ³7KHVH DUH RXU FU\SWRORJLFDO OLQJXLVWV ZKR DUH UH 026WKDWLVRYHUVWUHQJWK TXLUHGWRLQWHUSUHWDIRUHLJQODQJXDJH´KHVDLG ,QWKHHYHQWD6ROGLHUGRHVQRWPHHWWKHTXDOL¿FDWLRQV /LQJXLVWV KDYH WR WDNH D SUR¿FLHQF\ WHVW HYHU\ \HDU IRUDVKRUWDJHRUEDODQFHG026WKHQWKDW6ROGLHUPD\ KHH[SODLQHG7KH\PD\EHODWHLQWDNLQJWKHWHVWRUKDYH EHUHFODVVL¿HGWR6SHFLDO5HSRUWLQJ&RGH³8´ IDLOHGWKHH[DP(LWKHUZD\WKH\QHHGWREHXSWRVWDQ 7KLV LGHQWL¿HV WKH 6ROGLHU DV QRW EHLQJ TXDOL¿HG LQ GDUGKHVDLG DQ\$UP\026DQGKHRUVKHZLOOEHVHSDUDWHGIURPWKH ³:H¶UHLQWKHPLGGOHRIDGUDZGRZQDQGZHFDQ¶WDI $UP\LQQLQHPRQWKV IRUGWRNHHSSHRSOHLQWKH$UP\ZKRDUHQRWTXDOL¿HGLQ ,QWKHVHWLPHVRIWLJKWEXGJHWDQGDVKULQNLQJIRUFH WKHLU026´KHVDLG³:HZDQWWREHDOLWWOHPRUHSURDF WKH $UP\ PXVW ORRN IRU ZD\V WR PDLQWDLQ UHDGLQHVV WLYHWKDQUHDFWLYHZKLFKLVZK\ZHSXEOLVKHG0,/3(5 %UDJJVDLG 0HVVDJH´ 6HSDUDWLRQIURPWKHIRUFHLVDODVWUHVRUWKHVDLG ,ID6ROGLHULVUHFRPPHQGHGIRUUHFODVVL¿FDWLRQ+5& ³2XU¿UVWRSWLRQLVWRUHFODVVLI\6ROGLHUVDQGFRQWLQXH ZLOOORRNLQWRWKHRWKHU026RSWLRQVIRUWKH6ROGLHU WRKDYHWKHPVHUYHLQWKH$UP\IRUDFDUHHU´KHVDLG %UDJJVDLG+5&ZLOOSODFHWKH6ROGLHULQDVKRUWDJHRU 6ROGLHUVDQGOHDGHUVZLWKTXHVWLRQVFRQFHUQLQJ026 EDODQFHG026EXWZLOOQRWUHFODVVLI\D6ROGLHULQWRDQ TXDOL¿FDWLRQVVKRXOGFRQWDFWWKHLUXQLWFDUHHUFRXQVHORU The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 OP-ED Honors PT prepares officers, instills pride O n a crisp September morning company, commanders within the 193rd Infantry Brigade met for physical training at 5:30 a.m. Captains and majors sounded off on the cool dew-saturated grass while the newest among their ranks led the formation in the Preparation Drill, Conditioning Exercise 1 and Conditioning Exercise 2. :KDWIROORZHGZDVQRWMXVW³RI¿FHU37´7KHWUDLQLQJ LQFOXGHGDUHÀHFWLRQRQWKHKLVWRU\RIWKHUG,QIDQWU\ Brigade, its subordinate units and the heroes that came from within. It also was a competition taken seriously by participants. It was also opportunity for the brigade commander to interface and associate with subordinate comPDQGHUV7KHJRDORIWKHUG+RQRUV37LVWREXLOG OHDGHUVZKLOHFRPSHWLQJIRUWKHUG+RQRUV37&XS 7KHFHQWUDOIRFXVRIWKHUG+RQRUV37IRUWKHODVW three months has been the valorous actions of the late retired Lt. Col. Matt Urban, a World War II veteran who HDUQHGWKH0HGDORI+RQRUZKLOHSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKH allied invasion of France with the 2nd Battalion, 60th ,QIDQWU\5HJLPHQW7KHQDFDSWDLQ8UEDQSHUIRUPHGD series of heroic actions, many of which required intense physical activity while under duress in combat. +RQRUV37HYHQWVDUHPRGHOHGDIWHUWKRVHHYHQWV 3DUWLFLSDQWVDUHUHDGSRUWLRQVRIWKH0HGDORI+RQRUFLtation before beginning each event. For example: While serving as a company commander leading an attack at 5HQDRXI)UDQFH8UEDQIRXQGKLVFRPSDQ\XQGHU¿UH from “...enemy tanks (that) were unmercifully raking WKLVXQLWDQGLQÀLFWLQJKHDY\FDVXDOWLHV´$UPHGZLWK a bazooka, “he worked his way with an ammo carrier WKURXJKKHGJHURZVXQGHUDFRQWLQXLQJEDUUDJHRI¿UH WRDSRLQWQHDUWKHWDQNV+HEUD]HQO\H[SRVHGKLPVHOI WRWKHHQHP\¿UHDQG¿ULQJWKHED]RRNDGHVWUR\HGERWK WDQNV´ Following the citation, battle buddy teams will conduct sprints and carry sand bags. In battle buddy teams, contestants complete a circuit of events that emulate the actions performed by Urban. COMMENTARY By CAPT. MATTHEW SMITH 193rd Infantry Brigade 8UEDQKDVEHHQDQLFRQLF¿JXUHIRU6ROGLHUVLQWKH 193rd, serving as a model of heroism and valor whom leaders can reference as they discuss the heritage of the XQLW7KHUGZDVIRUWXQDWHWREHDEOHWRVHQGQG%DWtalion, 60th Infantry Battalion command team, Lt. Col. -HII.LUE\DQG6JW0DM:LOOLDP7UDPHOWR$UOLQJWRQ National Cemetery to a wreath-laying ceremony for 8UEDQ7KLVKHOSHGWRIXUWKHUHVWDEOLVKDQRUJDQL]DWLRQDO culture of pride and motivation within the 193rd. +RQRUV37LVMXVWRQHSRUWLRQRIWKHUG/HDGHU 3URIHVVLRQDO'HYHORSPHQW3URJUDP+RQRUV37² coupled with weekly rally point discussions targeted at GLIIHUHQWDXGLHQFHVDVZHOODVRI¿FHUOHGGLVFXVVLRQV during which company commanders take turns leading dialogs based on topics previously agreed on by the IRUXP²PDNHXSVRPHRIWKHIRUPDOSRUWLRQVRIWKH 193rd Leader Professional Development Program. 7KHFXOPLQDWLQJ+RQRUV37FKDPSLRQVKLSHYHQWODVW quarter was a surprise event. Participants consisted of WKHZLQQLQJWHDPVIURPSUHYLRXV+RQRUV37HYHQWV 7KHRYHUDOOZLQQHUVZHUH&DSW.HLWK)LQHFRPPDQGHU of Company F, 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment, DQG&DSW$OH[DQGHU9DQ+RXWRSHUDWLRQVRI¿FHURIWKH WK7KHVHZLQQHUVZHUHDZDUGHGWKHUG+RQRUV 37&XS Fine expressed his surprise regarding the increasingly competitive nature of the event. ³,QLWLDOO\,WKRXJKWWKLVZRXOGMXVWEHDUHJXODURI¿FHU 37VHVVLRQZKHUHWKHEULJDGHFRPPDQGHUDGGUHVVHVXV DQGZHJRIRUDUXQ´KHVDLG³+RZHYHULWZDVFRP- Courtesy photo Capts. Keith Fine, left, and Alexander VanHout receive the 193rd Infantry Brigade Honors PT Cup. pletely the opposite. It was competitive, challenging and a break from the norm of the repetitive physical UHDGLQHVVWUDLQLQJVHVVLRQV$WWKHHQGRIWKHGD\,JRWWR NQRZP\SHHUVDOLWWOHEHWWHUFUHDWHFRQQHFWLRQV²DOO ZKLOH,ZRUNHGXSDOLWWOHELWRIDVZHDW7KH0HGDORI +RQRUFLWDWLRQVEURXJKWLWKRPHDQGNHSWXVJURXQGHGLQ our unit history. I’m looking forward to competing for WKHUG+RQRUV37FXSDJDLQ´ 7KHUGFRQWLQXHLWVSUDFWLFHRIFRQGXFWLQJ+RQRUV 37'UDZLQJIURPWKHXQLW¶VKHULWDJHLQWKLVZD\KDV EHHQDYDOXDEOHYHKLFOHIRULQVSLUDWLRQ7KHVHSUDFWLFHV tied to other activities have bolstered the development of leaders within the 193rd. Flu shot schedule 0RQFULHI$UP\&RPPXQLW\+RVSLWDOZLOORIIHUIUHHZDONLQLQÀXHQ]DYDFFLQHFOLQLFVIRUEHQH¿FLDULHVDJHVDQGROGHU 6RORPRQ&HQWHU 1RYDPWRSP &RPPLVVDU\ 1RYDQGDPWRSP 0DLQ([FKDQJH 1RYDPWRSP 3DWLHQWVZKRDUHHQUROOHGDW0RQFULHI0HGLFDO+RPHPD\UHFHLYHLQÀXHQ]DYDFFLQHVIURPWRDPDQGWRSP 0RQGD\V7XHVGD\V:HGQHVGD\VDQG)ULGD\VDQGIURPWRDPDQGWRSP7KXUVGD\V ,QÀXHQ]DYDFFLQHVDUHDOVRDYDLODEOHRQWKHWKÀRRUDW0$&+IRUEHQH¿FLDULHVDQGROGHUGXULQJWKHIROORZLQJWLPHV 0RQGD\V7XHVGD\V DPWRSP :HGQHVGD\V DPWRSP 7KXUVGD\V DPWRSP )ULGD\V DPWRSP :DONLQÀXVKRWVIRUFKLOGUHQDQG\RXQJHUDUHDYDLODEOHDW0$&+5RRPIURPWRDPDQGWRSP0RQGD\V :HGQHVGD\VDQG)ULGD\V )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOO November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 19 CMYK 27” WEB-100 For 60 mins for 55 Page 20 Off “Let Us Cater Your Next Event” Ph: (803) 432-3222 Fax: (803) 432-7611 Cell: (803) 315-2173 www.oldarmorysteakhouse.com When you show your Military ID Receive 10% COUPON STEAKS AND SEAFOOD OLD ARMORY Discount 10% receive a MILITARY & GOVERNMENT Columbia Native Serving Midlands Buyers & Sellers for 10+ years! 1043 Broad Street Camden, SC 29020 803.424.2005 samkendalls.com 803.486.0055 m serious food - cool bar Sam Kendall’s Accepting New Patients Accepting 5115 Forest Drive, #F1 Columbia, SC 29206 Mon-Fri 10:00-7:00 Sat & Sun by appointment only (864) 315-7462 Specialized in Cupping Massage please present military ID New Trial Price is 30 Mins for 24 tks New Clients for Military Only Om Spirit Massage Therapy Center 72 FINANCING VEHICLES AVAILABLE! chocolatenirvanabakery.com LUNCH Mon-Fri 11-2 Mon-Fri 10-6 Saturday 10-3 803-799-9982 4405 Jackson Blvd. Columbia, SC 29209 Murraywood Centre 7001 St. Andrews Road Columbia, SC 29212 Phone: 803-781-1230 Fax: 803-781-1960 www.footsolutions.com “Step into the Perfect fit” Comfort Shoes & Insoles Custom Orthotics John W. Owen, Jr. “Sion” CPed, CFo, CDME Owner LUGOFF FORD. Expires Expires 12/2/14 2306 Decker Blvd., Columbia SC 29206 Full Set & Design Nail Special $25 Shampoo & Set $40 Relaxer $60 Retwist & Style $50 Massage Specials Monday 1-6pm Ages 1-12 $7 13-17 $10 adults $15 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 November 6, 2014 APR Honoring Those Who Serve 500 MILITARY REBATE $ Up To Up To CAROLINA CDJR. Expires 12/2/14 INSPECTION FREE 28 MULTI POINT 10 OFF CAROLINA CDJR. Expires Expires 12/2/14 TIRE ROTATION $ &'%&571-32&] $)3:4-&3t+&&1t%0%(&t3". CAR O LINA CAROLINA CDJR. Expires 12/2/14 LUBE OIL & FILTER 10 OFF $ VEHICLES AVAILABLE! See Them All On Line At CarolinaCDJR.com CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP RAM TOYOTA FORD ACURA CADILLAC CHEVROLET GMC HONDA HYUNDAI INFINITI KIA LUXUS MAZDA MERCEDES BENZ NISSAN SATURN SCION VW VOLVO CAROLINA CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP RAM PRE-OWNED ALL MAKES! ALL MODELS! 250 *Offers with approved credit. $12000 off MSRP on ’14 Ram Crew Cab Laramie. 0% 72 months, $13.89 per thousand borrowed, down payment may vary, expires 11/30/14. 9 DIFFERENT MODELS! up up toto 72 72 MON MONTHS THS* % 0 891 US HWY. 1 SOUTH, LUGOFF, SC. 803-438-9160 20% Military Discount 7132 Parklane Rd Suite F, Columbia, SC 29223 (803) 788-1910 www.naturalsbraidsandweaves.com Our Styles Meet UCMJ Standards Appointments Available 24/7 Full Service Salon & Boutique NATURALS, BRAIDS & WEAVES 803-438-6124 LUGOFF FORD. Expires Expires 12/2/14 LUBE OIL & FILTER 803-438-2772 LUGOFF FORD. Expires Expires 12/2/14 TIRE ROTATION 28 MULTI POINT INSPECTION FREE 979 US Hwy 1 South, Lugoff, SC LUGOFF TOYOTA. Expires 12/2/14 TIRE ROTATION 10 OFF $10 OFF $ 878 US Hwy 1 South, Lugoff, SC LUGOFF TOYOTA. Expires 12/2/14 LUBE OIL & FILTER 10 OFF $10 OFF $ VEHICLES AVAILABLE! See Them All On Line At LugoffFord.com FORD TOYOTA CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP RAM ACURA CADILLAC CHEVROLET GMC HONDA HYUNDAI INFINITI KIA LUXUS MAZDA MERCEDES BENZ NISSAN SATURN SCION VW VOLVO 62 RAMS 41 JEEPS 55 DODGES 42 CHRYSLERS OVER 200 NEW VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM CAROLINA CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP RAM * 12,000 OFF MSRP $ AVE SUp To GET OUR LARGEST DISCOUNTS OF THE YEAR AS WE MOVE OUT ALL REMAINING 2014 MODELS TO MAKE WAY FOR THE 2015’S! THE TIME TO BUY IS NOW! 2ND YEAR IN A ROW!!! DEALER OF THE YEAR CarolinaCDJR.com The Fort Jackson Leader LUGOFF...Where It’s Always Fast, Fair & Friendly! LUGOFF TOYOTA. Expires 12/2/14 28 MULTI POINT INSPECTION FREE See Them All On Line At LugoffToyota.com TOYOTA FORD CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP RAM ACURA CADILLAC CHEVROLET GMC HONDA HYUNDAI INFINITI KIA LUXUS MAZDA MERCEDES BENZ NISSAN SATURN SCION VW VOLVO LUGOFF FORD PRE-OWNED ALL MAKES! ALL MODELS! 250 GET HUGE SAVINGS THEN SAVE EVEN MORE WITH 0% FINANCING FOR 72 MONTHS ON VIRTUALLY THE ENTIRE FORD LINE UP! Fusion Focus Mustang Escape Edge Expedition Explorer Flex C Max MONTHS 72 * 0 % LUGOFF TOYOTA PRE-OWNED ALL MAKES! ALL MODELS! 250 Saluting Those Who Serve 500 FORD MILITARY REBATE $ 0% 60 months, **Offer with approved credit,ed, down payment $16.67 per thousand borrow10/31/14. may vary, expires APR 60 MONTH 12,000 0% $ Up To PLUS OFF MSRP F-150’s F-250’s * *Offer with approved credit, 0% 72 months, $13.89 per thousand borrowed, down payment may vary, expires 11/30/14. Vehicle best price guarantee against any other new Ford Dealer in SC/NC, on exact vehicle in dealer stock, documentation required, dealer reserves right to purchase vehicle from competing dealer then resale to consumer at a savings. $500 Toyota Rebate when you lease or finance any new Toyota ON 11 TOYOTA MODELS AVALON CAMRY COROLLA SIENNA PRIUS PRIUS C PRIUS V 4-RUNNER RAV-4 VENZA TUNDRA MONTHS * 0 Up To % GUARANTEED! We’re The Fastest Growing Ford Dealer In The Midlands So We’re Remodeling To Serve You Better! NOBODY Nobody Beats A LUGOFF FORD Deal! HERE WE GROW AGAIN LugoffFord.com *Offers with approved credit. $8000 off MSRP on ’14 Toyota Tundra Crew Max Limited 4x4. 0% 72 months, $13.89 per thousand borrowed, down payment may vary, expires 11/30/14. No Cost Maintenance Plan For 2 Years Or 25,000 Miles Plus 2 Years Roadside Assistance OFF MSRP 8,000 $ To DISCOUNTS Up THE 2015 TOYOTAS ARE ARRIVING SO THE 2014’S MUST GO! YEAR END SALES DRIVE LugoffToyota.com LUGOFF...Where You Pay Less - A Lot Less Page 21 CMYK Don’t Leave Money On The Table Advertise in the Ft. Jackson Leader Call Betsy Greenway 803-432-6157 Page 22 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 23 For Advertising Information Contact: bgreenway@chronicle-independent.com Betsy Greenway 432-6157 Page 24 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 HAPPENINGS Calendar Friday Time Warner job fair 9 a.m. to noon, Strom Thurmond Building, Room 222 For more information, call 751-5256. Wednesday 2I¿FHUV:LYHV&OXEOXQFKHRQ DP2II¿FHUV¶&OXE Reservation is required by 3 p.m., Friday. For more information and to RSVP, call 788-1094 or 783-1220. Tuesday, Nov. 18 +LULQJRXU+HURHVMREIDLU 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Solomon Center the Solomon Center. For more information, call 751-4016. YOUTH SPORTS REGISTRATION Registration is open through Dec. 5 for youth basketball (ages 4 to 15) and cheerleading (ages 3 to 13). Participants must be registered with Child, Youth and School Services and have a current physical on ¿OH &RDFKHV DUH QHHGHG )RU PRUH LQIRUmation, call 751-5040/7451. IMMIGRATION EXAMS The Department of Preventive Medicine provides a physical exam, tuberculosis screening, laboratory tests and required LPPXQL]DWLRQV IRU 75,&$5( EHQH¿FLDries who need to complete an immigration exam for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 751-5251. Wednesday, Dec. 3 &KULVWPDV WUHH DQG PHQRUDK OLJKWLQJ SPORTS SHORTS FHUHPRQ\ Flag football games are played Monday 5 to 6 p.m., Post Headquarters through Thursday, starting at 6:10 p.m. Turkey Trot 5K run/walk, 8 a.m., Nov. 22, Semmes Lake. To register and to order a T-shirt, visit KWWSELWO\Z[](R. Sports banquet; 11:30 a.m., Dec. 9, SolDES CLOSURE 7KH 3ROLFH$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 2I¿FH ZLWK omon Center. The event is open to anyone the Directorate of Emergency Services will who has participated in the sports program WKURXJKRXWWKH\HDU&DOOWKH6SRUWV2I¿FH be closed Nov. 10-11 and Nov. 27-28. to RSVP. Jingle Bell Run 5K run/walk, 8 a.m., FUNCTIONAL FITNESS EVENT $ IXQFWLRQDO ¿WQHVV ZRUNRXW LV VFKHG- Dec. 13, Twin Lakes. To register and to oruled from 3 to 5 p.m., Tuesday at the U.S. der a T-shirt, visit KWWSELWO\Z[](R. For more information, call the Sports Army Physical Fitness School. The event is free and open to ID card holders 18 and 2I¿FHDW older. To pre-register before 4 p.m., Friday, visit visit KWWSELWO\Z[](R Registra- THRIFT SHOP NEWS tion is also available from 2 to 2:45 p.m. The Thrift Shop is hiring a cashier. Apply at the store. on the day of the event. Consignors are eligible for the Thrift 6KRS¶VQHZOD\DZD\DQGFUHGLWSURJUDP AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK Army Continuing Education joins forc- Thanksgiving items will be accepted es with educators from across the country through Nov. 13. They will expire Nov. 20. to celebrate American Education Week Christmas items will be accepted Nov. 1RY 7KLV \HDU¶V WKHPH LV ³$UP\ 18 through Dec. 11. They will expire Dec. Continuing Education — Army Strong, 18. Education Stronger.” The Army Continu- September through November are coling Education System offers a variety of lege months at the Thrift Shop. Customers programs to assist Soldiers in obtaining wearing a college shirt or hat will receive a D FROOHJH GHJUHH DQG VRPH FHUWL¿FDWLRQV discount. 2QFHDGHJUHHSODQLVHVWDEOLVKHG6ROGLHUV The Golden Carriage Program provides may apply for tuition assistance and en- free ball gowns for spouses of active-duty roll in class via the GoArmyEd portal. For service members E5 and below. more information, call 751-5341 or visit the Education Center at 4600 Strom Thur- AAFES NEWS AAFES has started its free layaway promond Blvd. gram for holiday shoppers. MAGNET AND SCHOOL CHOICE INFO AAFES is extending its return policy The directors of Richland School Dis- for items purchased from Nov. 1 to Dec. WULFW7ZR¶VPDJQHWDQGVFKRROFKRLFHSUR- 24. Items may be returned or exchanged grams will present information on those until Jan. 31. programs during a Fort Jackson school AAFES is commemorating the 50th anboard meeting at 4 p.m., today in the C.C. niversary of the Vietnam War with an essay Pinckney Elementary School auditorium. contest that provides Vietnam veterans and The meeting is open to the public. For family members an opportunity to share more information, call 751-6150, exten- memories of their local PX/BX experience during that time. For more information, sion 1. visit ZZZVKRSP\H[FKDQJHFRPSDWULRW family. CPAC HEALTH FAIR The Civilian Personnel Advisory Center will conduct a health fair from 9 a.m. MILITARY CHILD OF THE YEAR 2SHUDWLRQ +RPHIURQW LV VHHNLQJ QRPLto noon, Nov. 20 in the Marion Room at Announcements November 6, 2014 nations for the 2015 Military Child of the Year. Nominees must be legal dependents of Service members and between 8 and 18 years old. Nominations close Dec. 12. For more information, visit ZZZPLOLWDU\FKLOGRIWKH\HDURUJ. COMMISSARY NEWS The Commissary rewards card allows shoppers to use digital coupons at any commissary. For more information, visit www. FRPPLVVDULHVFRPUZDUGVBVXEVFULEHFIP. AMMUNITION HOF NOMINATIONS The Ammunition Hall of Fame is accepting nominations through Nov. 30. For more information, visit www.jmc.army. PLO+LVWRULDQ+DOO2I)DPHDVS[ or email XVDUP\ULDMPFPE[DPPRKDOORIIDPH# mail.mil. Housing happenings RENT CONCESSIONS Active-duty junior non-commissioned RI¿FHUVZLOOVDYHRIIWKHUHQWIRUIRXU months in new construction three- and fourbedroom homes if they move in this month. 6HQLRU1&2VFDQVDYHRIIWKHUHQWIRU two months. Pro-rated rent for homes in 37 DQG 37 LV RIIHUHG GXULQJ 2FWREHU This offer applies to all active duty service members, retirees and DoD civilians who VFKHGXOHDQ2FWREHUPRYHLQ)RUPRUHLQformation, call 738-8275. LIFEWORKS EVENTS Nov. 15, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., Community yard sale. For more information and to register, call 738-8275 or email emcdaniel@ EEFJUSFRP. ,QIRUPDWLRQLVVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH All events take place at the Community 9LVLW WKH FRPPXQLW\ FDOHQGDU DW KWWS MDFNVRQDUP\OLYHGRGOLYHPLO IRU D IXOO Center unless otherwise noted. For more information and to register, email emcdanOLVWLQJRIFDOHQGDUHYHQWV 6HQG\RXUDQQRXQFHPHQWVWRIMOHDGHU# LHO#EEFJUSFRP or call 738-8275. JPDLOFRP $QQRXQFHPHQWV DUH GXH RQH ZHHNEHIRUHWKHSXEOLFDWLRQGDWH CPAC CORNER )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOO NAF HBP OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD Off-post events 7KH)RUW-DFNVRQ/HDGHUDFFHSWVRQO\RII SRVWDQQRXQFHPHQWVIRUWKRVHRUJDQL]DWLRQV RUHYHQWVWKDWGLUHFWO\UHODWHWR6HUYLFHPHPEHUVDQGWKHLUIDPLOLHV VETERANS’ CELEBRATION Radiant Life Church in Elgin will host its DQQXDO YHWHUDQV¶ FHOHEUDWLRQ DW DP Sunday. The celebration features a color guard, the Armed Forces Medley, a gun salute and the playing of Taps for the fallen. Dinner will be served immediately following the worship service. FLAG FOOTBALL STANDINGS MONDAY/WEDNESDAY 3-34th . . . . . . . . . . 7-0 1-34th . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 120th . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 USADSS . . . . . . . 4-2 2-13th . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 3-13th . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 TFM . . . . . . . . . . . 0-6 TUESDAY/THURSDAY MACH . . . . . . . . . 6-0 175th . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 369th . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 2-60th . . . . . . . . . . 0-6 187th . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 4-10th . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 3-60th . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 6WDQGLQJVDVRI2FW The Fort Jackson Leader The NAF HBP open enrollment period for 2015 is scheduled Nov. 10 through Dec. 5. During the open enrollment period, eligible NAF employees who are not participating in the DoD NAF HBP may enroll for coverage. Employees who are enrolled in the NAF HBP in self-only coverage may change to family coverage. During the open enrollment period, employees who are already enrolled in DoD NAF HBP medical coverage or who enroll during the open enrollment period may also enroll in the dental plan associated with the medical plan. Eligible employees who are in regular positions who are not participating in a NAF HBP medical plan may enroll in the stand-alone dental option. Eligible employees may also make changes to their life insurance plan during this period. In addition, as a result of the Affordable Health Care Act initiative, eligible Flexible Employment Category employees will be TXDOL¿HGIRUWKHPHGLFDORQO\EHQH¿WEHJLQQLQJ-DQ(OLJLEOHHPSOR\HHVDUHGH¿QHG as those Flex employees who worked an average of 30 hours or more in a 12-month period during the employer-established Look Back Period. Eligible employees will receive an open HQUROOPHQW QRWLFH RI HOLJLELOLW\ IRU EHQH¿WV IURP WKH 1$) (PSOR\HH %HQH¿WV 2I¿FH 7KH1$)+52I¿FHZLOOEHUHVSRQVLEOHIRU contacting those employees after receipt of the list of eligibles. The eligible employee then completes the enrollment form. The +52FRQ¿UPVIDPLO\PHPEHULQIRUPDWLRQ with the employee. The eligible employees will have the option to accept or waive the EHQH¿WDIWHUUHFHLYLQJFRXQVHOLQJRQEHQH¿W eligibility by completing the statement of EHQH¿WVHOLJLELOLW\DWWKH1$)+52I¿FH Employees wanting to make changes to WKHLUEHQH¿WVDUHHQFRXUDJHGWRFRQWDFWWKHLU VHUYLFLQJ1$)32&IRUDQDSSRLQWPHQWWR ensure a smooth process. The open enrollment brochure will be posted at ZZZDUP\PZUFRPQDIEHQH¿WV DVS[ Page 25 Page 26 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 Custom Built On Your Lot Bentley series from $130,104 / 1,896 Sq. Ft. Beverly Be B ev ve errllly y se series eri ries es ffrom rom rom ro $157,128 2,149 Sq. Ft. New Haven series from $206,230 / 2,933 Sq. Ft. Come See Our Fully Furnished Model Home-Open Daily At Our Columbia Model Home Center :New home quotes within an hour :Hundreds of plans available FREE :Priced from the low $100’s to over $500,000 :Have land? If not, we’ll help you find it! !$$###" ! Ridgewood series from $250,384 / 3,642 Sq. Ft. November 6, 2014 * Pricing varies per county. All prices are subject to change without notice. The Fort Jackson Leader Page 27 To place your ads in the Ft. Jackson Leader Email: sbranham@chronicle-independent.com or Fax 803-432-7609 Page 28 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 Fitness discounts and wellness incentives that could earn you up to $75 and a wealth of other benefits for federal employees. Start saving today at www.fepblue.org/healthwellness. Open season is November 10 through December 8 fepblue.org This is a summary of the features for the 2015 Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan. Before making a final decision, please read the plan’s federal brochure (RI 71-005). All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the federal brochure. November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 29 Thank You Veterans! Jiffy Lube® salutes our men and women in uniform on Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11th. With proof of military service, all Veterans, and active duty military will receive a Jiffy Lube Signature Service® Oil Change for FREE! Jiffy Lube thanks you for your sacrifice and dedication to our country. This Veterans Day, we’re proud to offer our Jiffy Lube Signature Service® Oil Change FREE for all military personnel. And don’t forget that in honor of your service year round, we offer a 20% military discount every day. Visit columbiajiffylube.com or charlottejiffylube.com for the location nearest you and we look forward to serving you this Veterans Day. Page 30 The Fort Jackson Leader- OFFER GOOD ONE DAY ONLY: 11/11/2014 FREE Jiffy Lube Signature Service® Oil Change Veterans and Active Duty Military only Code: HONFREE Includes up to 5 qts. conventional oil. Valid at participating Columbia Jiffy Lube service centers only. Must present coupon at time of service. Not valid with any other offers for same service. Jiffy Lube, the Jiffy Lube design mark and Jiffy Lube Signature Service® are registered trademarks of Jiffy Lube International, Inc. © 2014 Jiffy Lube International, Inc. November 6, 2014 USC Degrees. USC Faculty. USC Quality. Online. Complete your bachelor’s degree online! palmettocollege.sc.edu To place your ads in the Ft. Jackson Leader Email: sbranham@chronicle-independent.com or Fax 803-432-7609 November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 31 Why do service members, veterans, and their families choose Midlands Technical College? We’re military friendly. MTC is one of the largest providers of veterans’ educational benefits to service members and their families in the state, and enrolled more than 1,000 veterans last fall alone. MTC is the only college in South Carolina to be designated as a VetSuccess on Campus site. Named a Top Military Friendly College by Military Advanced Education magazine, Midlands Technical College is also a Servicemembers Opportunity College and an “8 Keys to Success” site. MTC also evaluates the Joint Service Transcript (JST) for military experience and training for possible credits. 803.738.8324 | MidlandsTech.edu UP TO 30% OFF NOVEMBER 1st -30th VETERAN APPRECIATION SALE SCRATCH AND SAVE UP TO 30% OFF ANY COMPLETE PAIR OF PRESCRIPTION GLASSES PURCHASED* *See store for details. FT. JACKSON EXCHANGE 4110 Moseby Street, Fort Jackson, SC 29206 (803) 787-6670 Eye Exams Available by: Dr. Peter Candela Independent Doctor of Optometry TRICARE accepted - Appointments and Walk-ins Welcome Page 32 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 AROUND POST Saluting this Basic Combat Training cycle’s honorees DRILL SERGEANTS OF THE CYCLE Photo not available 6WDII6JW 9LOPDULV2WL]6ROLYDQU &RPSDQ\$ VW%DWWDOLRQ VW,QIDQWU\5HJLPHQW 6WDII6JW /\GHOO7KRPSVRQ &RPSDQ\% VW%DWWDOLRQ VW,QIDQWU\5HJLPHQW 6WDII6JW 6KDZQ9LN &RPSDQ\& VW%DWWDOLRQ VW,QIDQWU\5HJLPHQW 6WDII6JW $QJHOLTXH<RXQJ &RPSDQ\' VW%DWWDOLRQ VW,QIDQWU\5HJLPHQW 6WDII6JW 'DYLG6KRUFN &RPSDQ\( VW%DWWDOLRQ VW,QIDQWU\5HJLPHQW 6WDII6JW 6KHUHVD6WHZDUW &RPSDQ\) VW%DWWDOLRQ VW,QIDQWU\5HJLPHQW SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE 3YW(WKDQ&KULVWHQVHQ SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE 6SF/DXUHQ&RUQHOOLHU SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE 6SF.ULVWLQ/%UXFH SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE 6SF%ULDQ/HPPRQ SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE 6SF7\OHU5H\HV SOLDIER LEADER OF THE CYCLE 3IF5RQDOG6SHDUV SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE 3IF1LFKRODV3DUWDND SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE 3IF$QWKRQ\%UDXQ SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE 3YW0DFNOLQ7KRPDV SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE 6SF&KULVWRSKHU$NHUV SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE 3YW&RUWQH\&KLOG SOLDIER OF THE CYCLE 6SF0DUWKD-RQHV HIGH APFT SCORE 3YW'HYLQ)XOOHU HIGH APFT SCORE 3YW'DLVKD0DGGR[ HIGH APFT SCORE 3YW&KDVH-RKQVRQ HIGH APFT SCORE 3YW6DVKD*RQ]DOHV HIGH APFT SCORE 3YW-RVKXD*RUKDP HIGH APFT SCORE 6SF3KLOOLS+HUEHUW HIGH BRM 3YW'HMLRQGULFN.LUN HIGH BRM 3YW6HDQ:LGGRZV HIGH BRM 3YW(GZDUG'XQQ HIGH BRM 3YW7HUU\6LQJOHWRQ HIGH BRM 3YW/XFDV6FKUHLHU HIGH BRM 6SF0DWWKHZ.DSURFNL September Promotions Name Rank Name 6,036216FRWW( 92*7(OL]DEHWK$ /$5$0DULR$ :(%%&KULVWRSKHU0 $'.,16-XVWLQ5 $//(1$QWRQLD/ $</25'XQFDQ7 &/8031(5%UDQGRQ5 /((0$16$GDP- 6=$%/2:6.,(YDQ5 7,1'$//3DXO1 526$5,20217$/92-RVH &5,67(ULF/ +$5'<&RUH\' /7& &: &37 &37 /7 /7 /7 /7 /7 /7 /7 6*0 06* 06* 0F'$1,(/61DN\D/ $//(6&+%ULDQ- %81'<5XVVHOO) +$5',10DUFXV7 -2+16217DWLDQD< /(21$5'-DFN+ $%%277/HH0 %(//3RUVKD6 +(67(5&DVWHUDQQH6 +2:$5'0RQWDH' .:$10DUN& 1(/621'RXJODV$ 6&2770DUFXV$ Rank 06* 6)& 6)& 6)& 66* 66* 6*7 6*7 6*7 6*7 6*7 6*7 6*7 68%0,66,21*8,'(/,1(6 $QQRXQFHPHQWVVKRXOGEHW\SHGDQGQRPRUHWKDQZRUGV$OOVXEPLV VLRQVPD\EHHGLWHGWRFRPSO\ZLWK/HDGHUVW\OHDQG3XEOLF$IIDLUVUHJXODWLRQV $QQRXQFHPHQWVDUHGXHRQHZHHNEHIRUHSXEOLFDWLRQ6HQGDOOVXEPLVVLRQVWR )-/HDGHU#JPDLOFRP)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOO )RU LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW FODVVL¿HG DGYHUWLVLQJ FRQWDFW &DPGHQ 0H GLD &R DW &ODVVL¿HG DGV PD\ DOVR EH HPDLOHG WR VEUDQKDP# FKURQLFOHLQGHSHQGHQWFRP )RULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWGLVSOD\DGYHUWLVLQJFDOO%HWV\*UHHQZD\DW 7KH /HDGHU ZHOFRPHV OHWWHUV WR WKH HGLWRU $OO OHWWHUV VKRXOG LQFOXGH WKH QDPHDQGKRPHWRZQRIWKHZULWHU/HWWHUVVKRXOGDOVRLQFOXGHDSKRQHQXPEHU IRUYHUL¿FDWLRQSXUSRVHV7KH/HDGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRHGLWOHWWHUVIRUJUDP PDUVW\OHVSHOOLQJDQGEUHYLW\6HQG\RXUOHWWHUWR)-/HDGHU#JPDLOFRP)RU PRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOO November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 33 CHAPEL Worship Schedule PROTESTANT Sunday 8:30 a.m. Daniel Circle Chapel Gospel service, Daniel Circle Chapel (first service) 9 a.m. McCrady Chapel (SCARNG), McCrady Training Center 9:30 a.m. Hispanic, Magruder Chapel 9:30 a.m. Main Post Chapel 10:15 a.m. Daniel Circle Chapel Gospel service, Daniel Circle Chapel (second service) 10:45 a.m. Sunday school, Main Post Chapel 11 a.m. Memorial Chapel 11 a.m. Chapel Next, Bayonet Chapel Protestant Bible Study Monday 7 p.m. Women’s Bible study (PWOC), Main Post Chapel Tuesday 9 to 11:30 a.m. Women's Bible study (PWOC), Main Post Chapel Wednesday 6 p.m. Gospel prayer service, Daniel Circle Chapel 7 p.m. Gospel Bible study, Daniel Circle Chapel Thursday 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Fresh encounter Bible study, Chaplain Family Life Center 11:30 a.m. Mass, Main Post Chapel Sunday 7:30 a.m. Confessions, Solomon Center 8 a.m. IET Mass, Solomon Center 9:30 a.m. CCD (September through May), Education Center 9:30 a.m. Religious ed class for adults (September through May), Main Post Chapel 9:30 a.m. Religious ed class for children (September through May), Main Post Chapel 10:30 a.m. Reconciliation (after Mass or by appointment), Main Post Chapel 11 a.m. Mass (Main Post Chapel) 12:30 p.m. Catholic youth ministry, Main Post Chapel Wednesday 7 p.m. Rosary, Main Post Chapel 7:30 p.m. RCIA/Adult inquiry (September through May), Main Post Chapel ANGLICAN/LITURGICAL/EPISCOPAL Sunday 8 a.m. Anderson Street Chapel ISLAMIC Sunday 8 to 10 a.m. Islamic studies, Main Post Chapel Friday 12:45 to 1:30 p.m. Jumah services, Main Post Chapel Protestant Youth of the Chapel Saturday 11 a.m. Daniel Circle Chapel youth group, Dorn VA Hospital (first Saturday of each month) Sunday 5 to 6:30 p.m. Club Beyond youth group, Chaplain Family Life Center JEWISH Sunday 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Worship service, Memorial Chapel 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Jewish book study, Post Conference Room CATHOLIC Monday through Thursday Sunday CHURCH OF CHRIST 11:30 a.m. Anderson Street Chapel LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday 9:30 to 11 a.m. Anderson Street Chapel Wednesday 3 to 5 p.m. LDS family social, Anderson Street Chapel Wednesday 7 to 8 p.m. LDS scripture study, Anderson Street Chapel ADDRESSES, PHONE NUMBERS Anderson Street Chapel 2335 Anderson St., 751-7032 Bayonet Chapel 9476 Kemper St., 751-6322/4542 Daniel Circle Chapel 3359 Daniel Circle, corner of Jackson Boulevard, 7511297/4478 Education Center 4581 Scales Ave. Chaplain Family Life Center 5460 Marion Ave (to the side of the POV lot), 751-4961 Magruder Chapel 4360 Magruder Ave., 751-3883 Main Post Chapel 4580 Scales Ave., corner of Strom Thurmond Boulevard, 751-6469/6681 McCrady Chapel (SCARNG) 3820 McCrady Road (located at McCrady Training Center) Memorial Chapel 4470 Jackson Blvd., 751-7324 Warrior Chapel (120th AG Bn.) 1895 Washington St., 751-5086/7427 Installation Chaplain's Office 4475 Gregg St., 751-3121/6318 Follow the Leader on Twitter at www.twitter.com/fortjacksonpao. Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ FortJacksonLeader Page 34 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 JORDAN LAW FIRM ǻŞŖřǼȱŝŘŜȬŗşśŖȱȊȱ ǯ ȓ ǯ We care for the unique needs of children like no other practice. ŚśŖŖȱȱȱ Less that 1/2 mile from Gate One Kids and parents love our fun atmosphere and friendly staff whose sole focus is helping children to learn healthy dental care. ȱȱȊȱȱ ȱȱȊȱȱȱȊȱ Initial Consultation: $50.00 (up to one hour) ATTENTION CORN FARMERS The Strom Law Firm, L.L.C. is currently investigating claims on behalf of corn farmers who may be entitled to money for lost profits. If you grew, harvested or sold corn on a commercial basis from November, 2013 to present, you may have a legal claim for damages. For more information and a free review of your case, contact us toll free at 1-888-490-2847 or www.cornlawsuit.com J.P. Strom, Jr. 2110 Beltline Blvd., Columbia, SC (803) 252-4800 www.stromlaw.com (803) 736-6000 www.carolinachildrensdentistry.com Refinance your car loan and get... No payments for 90 $ 100* days & cash back! Powell 5470 Jackson Blvd. Online at (803) 736-3110 www.AllSouth.org Dojaquez *Approval is based on credit worthiness; existing AllSouth auto loans are not eligible for this promotion; 2010 and newer vehicles only; minimum loan amount of $5,000; interest will continue to accrue during the 90 days with no payment; $100 will be deposited into your account when the loan is established. Federally Insured by the NCUA. ADVERTISE IN THE FT. JACKSON LEADER. YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 35 PLACE YOUR AD IN 107 S.C. NEWSPAPERS LUNCH SPECIALS Chicken and reach more than 2.5 million readers using our small space display ad network Statewide or regional buys available $ Donna Yount 888.727.7377 scnewspapernetwork.com Shrimp South Carolina Newspaper Network $ Essex Homes serves our military: 7.50 Steak $ Ft. Jackson come to Winchester in Northeast Columbia! Shaw AFB come to Saddlebrook in Lugoff! 8.00 Lunch Monday - Friday 11:30pm - 2pm 1999 North Beltline Blvd. Ebuilt energy es. eff icient homipped All homes equ e with granit ss kle tan p, counterto separate hot water, /shower, gar den tub l vanity in double bow automatic h, owners bat system ler sprink and more. 7.00 803-782-1064 Dinner Monday - thursday 5pm - 9:30pm Friday: 5pm - 10:30pm saturday 4:30pm - 10:30pm sunday: 4:30pm - 9:30pm www.satosteak.com Mention this ad and receive a free washer/dryer. Call Jessica Chase 803.513.4494 IS TODAY THE DAY YOU IGNITE YOUR FUTURE? If you have the spark, we have the programs to guide you toward a rewarding career. FORTIS offers programs in the followingg areas: p g Nursing Ř Dental Assisting Medical Assisting HVAC-Refrigeration CALL 1.855.445.3276 TEXT “IGNITE” TO 367847 FORTIS.EDU IGNITE YOUR FUTURE FORTIS COLLEGE 246 STONERIDGE DRIVE, SUITE 101 $ COLUMBIA, SC 29210 Financial Aid Available for those who qualify. Career Placement Assistance for All Graduates. For consumer information, visit Fortis.edu. Page 36 The Fort Jackson Leader- November 6, 2014 C L A S Announcements For Your Information <PIANO LESSONS> Private piano lessons for all ages: Classics/ Jazz/ Hymns/ Alfred/ Accompaniment/ Improvisation/ Music Fundamentals/ Recital. Fun, Challenging & Inspiring. Piano Joy Call: 803-467-5623 Items for Sale Antiques & Collectibles Blake Shelton designed Takamine Acoustic Guitar. Won in a Pepsi contest, prize received Oct 18, 2014 by Fed Ex, $285.00 Call 803-957-0761. General Merchandise 12x20 storage building w/10 ft shelter on both ends, shingled roof, (3)windows, large door(front). Double doors on one end, phone hookup, lights, 200 amp breaker box inside, insulated ceiling/walls. $1800 OBO, 803-447-3511. 2- metal wall mount parts cabinets (Blue Streak), $150.00 and a 10 inch Craftsman Table Saw, $150.00 Please call 803-4915145. %UDVV +HDG %RDUG ZLWK ÀRZHU design for a full size bed, $30.00 OBO. Full size bed frame, $15.00. Two matching sofas, $100.00 each or both for $180.00, call 803-4473511. &RPPHUFLDO )ULJLGDLUH ÀRRU freezer, 4 feet long, $325. Queen size sleigh bed, $100 OBO. Call 363-6343. Compact Refrigerator. Sanyo brand, Brown w/wood grain look on door, $25.00. Two storage shelves inside, full width door storage compartment and a small freezer w/ice cube trays. Adjustable thermostat. Approx 9 years old, still works GREAT! Will send pics, 803-351-4638 Computer, EMach with XP Pro. Tower with clean install, internet ready. 2.5 GHz with 1GB RAM. 40 GB HD w/DVD writer. Asking $100, call 499-4211 or 840-3852 after 10:00 am. CONVECTION HEATER FOR SALE! Heater previously used outside on construction sites. Compact and light weight. Operates from propane tanks. 200,000 BTU. Matchless, piezo electric pilot ignitor. Hose and regulator included. Purchased new, $139 asking $60. Call 803-351-4638 if interested. Dell printer w/fax. Model A940. Black and color cartridges included. Good condition, $40. ´ 6DQ\R 79 QRW ÀDW VFUHHQ Excellent condition, $90. Call 803-787-8658. DUMP CART, new in factory box. Can be towed with yard tractor or can be pushed or pulled with handles. New cost $300 (have sale papers) will sell for $140. Please call 803-528-8197. Elliptical workout machine, health FOXE TXDOLW\ ¿WQHVV 6PRRWK Fitness CE7.4 Elliptical trainer. Floor mat included. Original price $1599, yours for only $375.00 November 6, 2014 Buy and move to your home by Thursday , Oct 30, 2014 and save $50. Call 651-592-3384. Gymboree girls’ clothes size 7/8 over 100 pieces, $50. Gymboree girls’ clothes size 9 over 50 pieces, $30. All are in great to very good condition. 803-439-1349. Mattress and Foundation set, full size, with frame.Like new condition. $150! Call 788-7528 Mink Coat for Sale. Size 5, length below bottom. Gave $3000 will sell for $800.00 Too small for me now, would make a great Christmas present. Call 665-5088. Queen size chocolate leather bed frame, excellent condition! $350.00 OBO. Contact 803-2619371 or 803-238-6416 RCA Big Screen TV with Remote (53 1/2 inches tall x 46 inches wide x 21 3/4 deep) has wheels and plays very well, $275 OBO, call 803-447-3511. Roll Bed Cover Ram Truck, like new good condition, costs $475 new, asking $160. Call 803-2107829. Please leave voice mail if no answer. Sofa & Loveseat. Must sellBrand New Sofa and Loveseat, still in plastic, $375. Call now 803-250-5511. Teak Cocktail Table-43 inches round, $125.00. (2)-pieces exercise equipment, $100.00/ both. (2) end tables w/cane tops, $50 each or 2/$75.00. (2) Antique dining chairs w/cane seats, $40.00 each. Wine cooler dual controls holds 21 bottles, $65.00. All in excellent condition, 803-7824912. S I than 5 mins to Ft. Jackson gates. Close to shopping, Trader Joes. Natural, easy maintenance yard. Arcadia Lakes Neighborhood, 803-256-7150. Brick house, 3BR/1.5BA, appliances, ceiling fans, central KHDWLQJ DQG DLU KDUGZRRG ÀRRUV Fenced-in back yard. Ready to move in. $70,000. (No down payment) Buy cheaper than rent. Appointment only. 803-775-6622 Lease w/option to buy or owner ¿QDQFLQJZGRZQSD\PHQW 3BR/1BA house, minutes to Ft Jackson Gate Two. New roof, ODPLQDWH ÀRRULQJ VPRRWK WRS range/oven. New electrical wiring, new a/c unit. Wired smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Large backyard. (803)318-7142. Manufactured home w/5 wooded acres. Very secluded, 7 miles to town. 2 miles to Lake Wateree. %5 GHQ ¿UHSODFH DQG RSHQ ÀRRU SODQ ZUDS DURXQG GHFN DQG front porch. Above ground pool. $90,000 OBO. Call/text 803-2430758 or email snezzo@bellsouth. net N.E. (1 mile from FJ Gate) Lake Front 3BR/2.5BA, Hardwood and FHUDPLF ÀRRUV *UDQLWH FRXQWHUV stainless steel appliances. Assume VA mort. FSBO, please call 484678-4993. 2ZQHU ¿QDQFLQJ ZLWK . down payment. 5 Bedrooms, 4 FULL Bathrooms, 3 car garage, only 6 years old. 2800 HSF, F N/E Columbia, The Summit. $225,000. Please call 412-3526032. Very nice 3BR/2BA, 2000 sqft brick home. Eat-in kitchen, formal living and dining room, family URRP ZJDV ¿UHSODFH JDUDJH large fenced in yard, deck w/hot tub. Great subdivision behind Lugoff Elementary. $139,000.00 or make offer. Email snezzo@ bellsouth.net or call/text 803-2430758. Land/Lots For Sale 3.23 acres w/14x70 mobile home, 14x20 addition, 3BR/2BA, w/32x38 open storage shed, CH/A, washer/dryer, some furniture, move-in ready, horses DOORZHG$VNLQJ.1RUWK near Dalzell. 15minutes to Shaw. 803-481-0572. For Rent 2BR/1.5BA townhouse, new appliances and W/D hookups. Quiet neighborhood and great location. Military clause, available now. For more information call 803-795-7029. 3BDRM/2 FULL Bath, 1300 sqft. 1 Block from award winning elementary school, excellent school district. Deck, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher. Less than 5 mins to Ft. Jackson gates. Close to shopping, Trader Joes. Natural, easy maintenance yard. Arcadia Lakes Neighborhood, 803-256-7150. I E D S 3BR/2BA Home for Rent, 1200sqft, 12x24 covered/screened deck, fenced backyard, vaulted ceiling. Security deposit required. Near Gate 5 Ft. Jackson, 20 minutes from Shaw. $900/month. Call 803-960-3203. 5 Bedrooms/4 FULL Bathrooms, 3 Car garage, only six years old. 2800 HSF. N/E Columbia, The Summit, $1800/month. Please call 412-352-6032. Beautiful Brick Home. Move in $750. 20 minutes from Ft. Jackson. +GZG ÀRRUV FHLOLQJ IDQV %5 large LR, DR, central heat. Stove, w/d connect. 2 porches. No pets. By appointment only. Please leave message, name and phone number. (803)765-0022. Beautiful Condo: 2 large BR, 2 full Baths (recently remodeled). VTIW +DUGZRRG ÀRRUV /5 & DR, ceiling fans. Remodeled kitchen, washer/dryer hookups, screened porch. Clubhouse, walking trails. 10 minutes to Fort. $700/month + security deposit. No Pets/No Waterbeds. 803-7886689. Completely furnished 2/2 condo, near NE location, very convenient to Fort Jackson. Tasteful decor, kitchen equipment, dinnerware, housekeeping supplies, washer/ dryer. Great for TDY, student. Only $825/month. Includes water, basic cable, pool, more. 3 month minimum. $825 security. NO PETS. 803-238-7334. )25 /($6( 2I¿FH5HWDLO Space. 10253 TNR- Rt #1 in NE Cola. 2 adjoining units, each 832 sqft. Near Village at Sandhills. Nice condition. Call 803-7887528 or 269-2523. Ft Jackson Gate 1, near VA Hospital. 3BR/2.5BA, large IDPLO\URRPZ¿UHSODFH5HQWLQJ $1,050/month plus deposit. Military discount, for more information, please call 803-2061547. Newly renovated near USC/ Rosewood area. 1BR/1BA, living and dining room have hardwood ÀRRUV UHIULJHUDWRU VWRYH DQG dishwasher. Front and rear private entrance and covered parking in back. Washer/Dryer connections. NO pets, NO smoking. $800/ month $1,000/deposit. 1 yr. lease, call 803-730-1865 One room studio apartment furnished in the NE Summit FOX RUN Subdivision. With fridge/internet, separate kitchen, standing shower and bathroom. Free utilities. $600 per month. $400 deposit. Non-smoker/ drinker. Contact 803-233-7042 or Cell 512-547-7077 Available from November 01, 2014. Quiet, safe country living in NE Columbia/Elgin. 3BR/2BA home, new paint, tile and hardwood ÀRRUV DOO DSSOLDQFHV LQFOXGHG NO smoking and NO pets. $950/ month with $950/deposit. For more information please call 254423-4826. Real Estate Since 1983 Homes For Sale rentals@landmarkresources.biz 3BDRM/2 FULL Bath, 1300 sqft. 1 Block from award winning elementary school, excellent school district. Deck, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher. Less www.landmarkresources.biz For pictures, visit: 803-988-0097 HOME FOR RENT NORTHEAST 466 Fox Trot Drive 319 Ferncliffe Road 4/2 3/2 $ 1090 $ 900 LEXINGTON/WEST COLA/CAYCE 274 Swansea Road 911 B Avenue 3/1.5 $695 3/2.5 $1200 ST. ANDREWS/BUSH RIVER (803) 790-0377 www.ppicolumbia.com HOMES FOR RENT Northeast 7 Pennridge Ct., 3/2.5 112 Clairborne Place, 3/2 125 Curvewood Dr., 3/2.5 80 N. Lake Pointe Dr., 3/2.5 $875 $895 $900 $995 Rosewood Hickory Place 1033-A Deerwood St., 2/2 $1,050 SE Garners Ferry 1030 Woodlawn Ave., 2/1 $515 3/2 $1300 5/3.5 $1290 3/2.5 $1100 SOUTHEAST 911 Cedar Terrace 613 Lake Forest Drive 232 Rosebrook Way $ 2/2 750 3/2.5 $1300 4/2.5 $1090 824 King Street 826 King Street 705 Maple Street 3/1 3/1 2/1 $ 1000 1050 1075 $ $ ROSEWOOD 514 Deerwood Street 522 Deerwood Street 320 S. Beltline Blvd. 2/1 2/1 2/1 $ 3/1.5 3/1.5 $ 615 600 460 $ $ GASTON $ 675 675 $1,345 ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIALS $1,400 Office@landmarkresources.biz 803-799-0859 Lexington 205 Crimson Oak, 5/3.5 LAKE CAROLINA 420 Braidington Way 1912 Lake Carolina Dr. 2084 Lake Carolina Dr. 2128 Glenn Road 2105 Sandy Run Dr. Forest Arces 1149 Sunnyside Dr., 3/2 3/2.5 $1500 2/1.5 $750 $ 600 2/2 2/2.5 $650 2/1.5 $550 $ 925 3/3 2/1.5 $600 $ 625 2/2 $ 2/2.5 1300 DOWNTOWN/SHANDON/MELROSE $880 Shandon 1115 Maple St., 3/1 230 Redbud Drive 1101 Cloister Place 1211 Meetze Road, C-3 31 Canterbury Court 2626 Seminole Road 1850 Atlantic Dr., #435 3734 Elberta St., C-2 1208 Bush River Rd., #J-4 123 River Bluff Ct. The Fort Jackson Leader Page 37 Two Bedroom Mobile Home with a two-room extension, 1 1/2 baths, living room, dining and kitchen area. Washer/Dryer hookups, fenced backyard, storage building, 1 acre private lot. North East Columbia, 1 1/2 miles from I-77. Please call 803-788-1329. Room for Rent PRIVATE full bath upstairs with furnished large bedroom. $400/ month, share utilities. No pets/No smoking. Security deposit. Long or short term lease. Available now. Call 803-665-5088. Room for Rent: Nice home Near Ft. Jackson, I-20 and I-77. All utilities, cable, internet, pool. Rent $550 per month plus deposit. Call Debbie at 803-736-9057. Transportation Cars/Trucks/Vans 1995 Ford Crown Vic, $1500. Please call 803-494-9181. 1997 Toyota Corolla, runs good, $1200. Call 363-6343. 1998 Oldsmobile Achiva, . SRZHU ZLQGRZV EOXH cloth seats, air conditioner needs to be recharged. Great running car, $1,995 OBO. Call Jerome at 803-414-6252 or 803-647-0173. 1999 Chevrolet 1500 Blue Conversion Van. Southern Comfort Package, V-8 350 engine. 179,000 miles. One owner, Good condition (a must see) for only $6,000. Call 803-432-0196. 2000 Mazda B4000 Pick up Extended Cab, (Black) less than 82,000 miles, V6, AC, AT, loaded with extras, captain seats, cloth, AM/FM/CD, Bed liner, Bed Rails, Tool Box, factory towing package. Asking $6777.00, phone 803-4352019 leave message will return call. 2003 Saturn, 132,700 miles, heated seats, sunroof and power windows and mirrors, new 16” rims. Runs well, $3,200 OBO. Call Jerome at 803-414-6252 or 803-647-0173. 2004 Gold Chevy Malibu w/tan LQWHULRU IRU VHOO . PLOHV owners, new tires, minor repairs QHHGHG *UHDW ¿UVW FDU DVNLQJ $2,500.00 OBO. Call Desha or Bruce at 803-220-9440 for more information. 2011 White Toyota Tacoma Access &DE.PLOHVRZQHUVSHHG manual. Bed Liner, Tool box, CD/ 5DGLR .HOO\ %% DVNLQJ $16,800. Call 479-8323/ james. houston1@us.army.mil 2013 Chrysler 200 Black with the S package. Extremely clean! 16,500 miles, fully loaded, asking $15,900 OBO. Please call 803391-6431. Motorcycles/ATVS 2003 Harley FXD Dyna Superglide (Anniversary). 5k miles, garage kept, super clean. Windshield, shorty pullbacks, Fwd controls, vance and Hines pipes, padded sissybar, saddlebags. $6,800. Call 803-481-8740 or text 803-5659439 to see. 2009 Yamaha FZ6R, 997 miles, Two Brothers Exhaust, LED tail and side marker lights, light kit, versa haul tow trailer, all in excellent condition. NADA SRP Page 38 Regional $7090, asking $5,500 OBO. Call 803-499-4315 please leave a message. Campers/RVs .H\VWRQH/DUHGRWKZKHHO RV. Two slide outs, electric awning. Many extras, super nice. See Pictures on Craig’s List. Call Judd at 803-751-2346 M-F. $23,135.26. C L A S Announcements For Your Information S I of items. Bake Sale also. Proceeds from sale will be applied for future events for the church. F I E MATTRESS SETS )XOO 4XHHQ .LQJ $225. 8807 Two Notch Rd., NE Columbia. New in plastic. (803)736-4799 David Branham Construction. Homes, Additions, Remodeling, Decks, Siding, Roofs, Garages and More. Quality Work. 803438-6768 or 803-427-3707 REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL!* Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/ mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-800-631-7038 Erik’s Tree Service. Tree removal & trimming. Responsible & reliable. Free Estimates. Licensed & Insured. 803-463-4172 Erik. FAA CERTIFICATION - Get approved Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Financial DLG IRU TXDOL¿HG VWXGHQWV -RE placement assistance.. Call AIM for free information 866-367-2513 Saturday, November 8, 7:3011:30am. 128 Leonard Circle, Sunny Hill Subdiv., (Camden). Christmas decorations, wooden 6DQWDV FORWKHV SXUVHV ¿UHSODFH set, etc. Rain or Shine. No Early Sales, Please. HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM HOME. 6-8 weeks. ACCREDITED. Get A Future! FREE Brochure. 1-800-264-8330. Benjamin Franklin HS! www. diplomafromhome.com YARD SALE: Bethel Worship Center Gym, 814 Fair St., Camden. Saturday, November 8th, 7:00-1:00. Proceeds go to Sacks of Love to feed 46 children at Jackson School. IN NEED OF QUICKBOOKS HELP? QuickBooks consultant experienced in Installation, Setup, Data entry/Clean up, Reconciliation, Reporting & more all at affordable rates. Use Qkbks to run your business PRUH HIIHFWLYHO\ HI¿FLHQWO\ SUR¿WDEO\)UHHSKRQHFRQVXOWDWLRQ (803)446-5172. Auctions Services ADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION in 107 S.C. newspapers for only <RXUZRUGFODVVL¿HGDG will reach more than 2.6 million readers. Call Donna Yount at the S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888727-7377 Home Repairs & Improvement LeGrand Cosmetology 425-8449 Clinic Hours Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 11:001:30 Friday & Saturday 8:301:30 Pay $50 & get ANY service once a week for 4 weeks Services performed by supervised students SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. 8QDEOHWRZRUN"'HQLHG%HQH¿WV" We can help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-404-5928 to start your application today! Tuesday, November 11, 2014 is the last day to redeem winning tickets in the following South Carolina Education Lottery Instant Game: (SC662) TRIPLE DYNAMITE 777. Yard Sales Yard & Estate Sales Items for Sale Wanted to Buy * T O P DOLLAR FOR JUNK C A R S , VANS AND TRUCKS. 803-459-6711. We pay cash for used and broken appliances. Refrigerators, stoves, washer & dryers. 803-549-6124. We will pick up!! Farm Goods ATTN: HUNTERS Cob or Shelled Corn $8.00/Bag. Goff Feed, Elgin. 803-788-1735 or 803-736-2042. HOLIDAY CRAFT BAZAAR General Merchandise Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 8 am until 1:00 pm. Lugoff Christian Ministries Church Fellowship Hall (937 Hwy #1 South, Lugoff) Brand New Mattress Sets: Still in plastic. Full Set $110. Queen set .LQJVHW&DQGHOLYHU Call 803-250-5511. Homemade Crafts and Goodies *Fall* *Christmas* *All Occasion* .HUVKDZ +Z\ 1 Saturday, Nov. 8th, 7-12pm. 3-Families. Large clothes, sign maker, 5 inside doors, hitch, chair, UDGLRKXPLGL¿HURGGVHQGV BIG BIG YARD SALE. Baby furniture, tools, kitchen accessories, furniture. Friday, Nov. 7th & Saturday, Nov. 8th, 7:00-1:00. 261 Ashley Creek Drive, Elgin. HUGE YARD SALE. Saturday, November 8, 2014 @ 7AM. Cornerstone Church, 2354 Haile St., Camden. Huge sale of variety DISH TV Retailer- Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800635-0278 Get The Big Deal from DirecTV! Act Now. $19.99/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX FREE GENIE HD/DVR Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. New Customers Only. IV Support Holdings, LLC. An authorized DirecTV Dealer. Some exclusions apply. Call for details 1-800-291-6954. The Fort Jackson Leader- D S Wheelchair & walker. Excellent condition. Only used a couple of times. $100.00 for both. 420-1093. ***A Perfect Window Cleaning and Low Pressure House Wash. FALL SPECIAL: Up to 50% off Selected Services. Deck Restoration & Sealing. Surface Cleaning: Driveways, walks, pool surfaces. Gutter cleaning & gutter covers. Residential & Commercial. Free Estimates. 4323927. www.aperfectwindow.com ***A Notch Above Tree Care. Top Quality Service-Lowest Prices. Licensed//Insured. BBB accredited. Call 803-983-9721 or 803-669-3414 and save. Free Mulch. ***Central Carolina Construction. Licensed & Bonded. Locally Owned. 6” Seamless Gutters, Metal & Shingle Roofs, Replacement Windows, Vinyl Siding, Additions. Any Type Construction. (803)669-2481; (803)-432-3881. **Decks Unlimited of Camden, LLC. For all your new construction, home improvement or recreational needs. Free estimates. Licensed/Insured. 803309-2303/803-243-2654 **VETERANS LANDSCAPING. Pressure Washing, Tree Trimming/ Removal, Yard Maintenance/ Clean-Up, Grading, Irrigation Systems, Sod. /Bush Hog/Hauling/ Chipper Service. 803-4279133/803-206-5003. Licensed/ Insured. Help support veterans *Jerry Morris Home Improvements & Vinyl Siding. 6” Seamless Gutters, Replacement Windows, Metal & Shingle Roofs, Remodeling, Room Additions, Decks, etc. 432-3881(home); 6692481(cell) Barnhill’s Tree Service. Tree trimming & removal. Reasonable, Reliable, Licensed & Bonded. Free Estimates. 425-7368. Camden Appliance Repair. 20 years experience. Affordable service rates on all makes & models. Call Vic 427-3212. &KDUOHV 5 *ULI¿Q 6U +RPH Improvement. Locally owned. Free Estimates. Residential & &RPPHUFLDO 5RR¿QJ 6HDPOHVV Gutters/Cleaning, Replacement Windows, Vinyl Siding, Decks, Carpentry, Additions. 803-5721168. EXTERIOR DREAMS & SEAMLESS GUTTERS. 6” seamless gutters, siding, decks, porches, replacement windows, URR¿QJ IHQFLQJ HWF 7160. Visit: dreamgutters.com Jones Landscaping Professional Lawn Care Services. Hedge & Shrub Trimming, Pinestraw Mulch & Much More. Free Estimates and Affordable Prices! Call Cody 803427-5944. 2OGH 6RXWK 5RR¿QJ Construction Co., LLC. Free Estimates. Complete Roof Replacements. Roof Leak Repairs. As low as $49.95. (803)796-2366. Jobs Drivers Wanted '5,9(575$,1((6 NEEDED NOW! Learn to drive for TMC Transportation. Earn $800 per week. Local 15-day CDL training available. TMC can cover costs. &DOOWRGD\ ADVERTISE YOUR DRIVERS JOBS in 107 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Your 25-word FODVVL¿HGDGZLOOUHDFKPRUHWKDQ 2.6 million readers. Call Donna Yount at the S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888-727-7377 Experienced OTR Flatbed Drivers earn 50 up to 55 cpm loaded. VLJQRQWR4XDOL¿HGGULYHUV Home most weekends Call 843266-3731 /www.bulldoghiway.com EOE Join our Team! Guaranteed pay for Class A CDL Flatbed Drivers. Regional and OTR. Great pay/ EHQH¿WVN PDWFK &$// TODAY 864-299-9645 www.jgrinc.com OTR FLATBED DRIVERS NEEDED!!! Class A CDL required. No hazmat. Home 3 out 4 weekends. Competitive pay & H[FHOOHQW EHQH¿WV $SSO\ RQOLQH sennfreightlines.com or call 800477-0792 :$17 72 '5,9( $ 758&. NO EXPERIENCE. COMPANY SPONSORED CDL TRAINING. In 3 Weeks Lean To Drive A Truck (DUQ )XOO %HQH¿WV 1-888-714-3759. Help Wanted ASSISTANT MANAGER Regional Finance has an opening for Assistant Manager. Previous H[SHULHQFH LQ FRQVXPHU ¿QDQFH is helpful but not required. Valid drivers license, proof of insurance & dependable transportation required. High school diploma November 6, 2014 or equivalent. Have an outgoing, positive attitude with a willingness to work hard and learn the business to advance. Competitive VDODU\ ZLWK IXOO EHQH¿WV SDFNDJH Apply in person: 1047 Broad St., Camden. EOE Can You Dig It? Heavy Equipment Operator Training! 3 Week Program. Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement Assistance with 1DWLRQDO &HUWL¿FDWLRQV 9$ %HQH¿WV(OLJLEOH &HUWL¿HG 3HUVRQDO 7UDLQHU SRVLWLRQ DYDLODEOH LQ .HUVKDZ County. Must have nationally UHFRJQL]HG FHUWL¿FDWLRQ 6RPH experience desired. Send resume to: Blind Box 1002, c/o Camden Media Company, P.O. Box 1137, Camden, SC 29021. Lugoff House of Pizza now taking applications for waitresses. Please apply within. No Phone Calls. MONEY FOR SCHOOL. Potentially get full tuition & great career with U.S. Navy. Paid training, medical/dental, vacation. HS grads ages 17-34. Call MonFri 800-662-7419. Part-time apartment maintenance person needed. Must have knowledge of appliances, painting & general maintenance. Apply in person at Lynnwood Place Apartments, 841 Frenwood Lane, Lugoff. Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Part-time mechanic. Apply in person 2pm-5pm, Credit Auto Sales, 728 US 1, Lugoff. Real Estate Homes For Sale *Awesome sale beautiful 4BR houses. Buy Now/Great Opportunity. Ready to Occupy. Camden. Lyttleton St/Chesnut St/ Bloomsbury Cir. Graham Realty, Inc. (803)432-7370. NC Mountains Custom built cabin on 2+ acres $79,900. Huge loft, lg. deck, views, paved access. Needs inside work. 828-286-1666. Allowance. Plus Commercial/ 2I¿FH5HWDLO3URSHUW\ $YDLODEOH. Camden/Lugoff/Elgin area. Graham Realty, Inc. (803)4327370/432-0855 **A lovely two bedroom condo. $585 Rent Special with 1 year lease. Beautiful park like setting in downtown Camden. Call Marie 803-432-5215 1007 Brown Street, 2BR, 1BA. $550/mo. Call 243-3332. 1BR/2BR apartments. $400/ mo-$450/mo. SPECIAL MOVEIN(1st month FREE Rent). Energy HI¿FLHQW*URXQG/HYHO *UDKDP Realty, Inc. 803-432-7370/4320855. Serving Camden/Lugoff/ Elgin & surrounding areas. 3BR 14x76 newly remodeled mobile home for rent. 5 miles east of Camden. $600/month plus deposit. Washer/dryer. Past rental history and references. 803-5760194 after 6:00. ADVERTISE YOUR VACATION PROPERTY FOR RENT OR SALE to more than 2.6 million S.C. newspaper readers. Your ZRUG FODVVL¿HG DG ZLOO DSSHDU in 107 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Call Donna Yount at the South Carolina Newspaper Network, 1-888-727-7377 Beautifully restored 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath 12x65 MH. Total electric, central air, huge yard w/rail fence, yard service & water included. Absolutely No Pets, ATVs or Dirt Bikes. Quiet Lugoff-Elgin area off Cook Rd., about 1 mile from store & elementary school. $600/ deposit, $600/month. 803-7293151. FOR RENT: 3BR, 2BA residence. 1203 Mill St. $850 monthly lease. 803-669-1751. For Advertising Contact: Large mobile home lots with trees in the Cassatt area. Not in a mobile home park. Call 432-1300.1 Betsy Greenway - 432-6157 bgreenway@chronicle-independent.com Rental 3BR/2 Full Baths in Elgin area. $600/month plus deposit. No Pets. Call 438-2441. Mobile Homes For Sale RED TAG Clearance! All 2014 models must go! Singlewides and doublewides. Great deals! Financing for every need. Land home packages available. Own Land free and clear? No money down. WOW!!! Don’t miss out... Only @ Clayton Homes of Lexington 877-659-5425. Auctions On-Line Real Estate Auction: Charleston, SC. Ashley River Marshland, 2 urban development tracts. 1 sells ABSOLUTE. ENDS Nov. 19 @ 5:00 HarperAuctionAndRealty.com Mike Harper SCAL 3728. 843729-4996. Two Real Estate Auctions. 5100 sq.ft. home and adjoining lot in Pawleys Island, SC. 8.41 acres in Edisto, SC. For details: BrooksAuctionServices.com 864379-1011 AUC-4316, RE-82950 For Rent ****RENTALS-(All Price Ranges). Large/small, 5/4BR/3BR/2BR Houses/Condos/ Apts/Mobile Homes(Short/ Long Term. Special- Move-In November 6, 2014 The Fort Jackson Leader Page 39 Why Pay More When you Can Payless? 20 ISSAN N 3 1 PATHFIN DE R 4WD CREWPOWER CAB LT,LOCKS, 8 CYLINDER, CRUISE FLEX FUEL, UNDER 25K MILES U 26,367 MILES HUGE HUGE SELECTION SELECTION OFOFVEHICLES VEHICLES AVAILABLE! AVAILABLE! CALL TODAY! CALL TODAY! D 2013 ODGE CHALLENGE R UCONNECT 2WD CREW CABENTRY LT, REMOTE PROXIMITY KEYLESS REMO8 CYLINDER, FLEX FUEL, KEYLESS START 50,284 MILES STK# 10527 STK#10399 STK# 10390 STK#10484 WON’T LAST MUST SEE! HURRY IN! OIL LIFE MONITOR 38 HWY MPG STK# 415 2010 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 ADJUSTABLE STEERING WHEEL POWER DOOR LOCKS AUTOMATIC HEADLIGHTS STK# 10457 SERVING THE AREA FOR 11 YEARS! 2013 CHEVY AVALANCHE 2012 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 MULTI-ZONE A/C REAR DEFROST HEATED SEATS STK# 10399 SECURITY SYSTEM TOW HOOKS KEYLESS ENTRY STK# 10456 2013 CHEVY CAPTIVA BLUETOOTH XM RADIO MP3 PLAYER STK# 10516 Why Pay More When you Can Payless? 803-454-1052 Call Today! 2013 CHEVY CRUZE AUTO-DIMMING REARVIEW MIRROR CRUISE STK# 10525 REMOTE ENGINE START HUGE MILITARY DISCOUNTS AND SPECIAL MILITARY FINANCING! Daily Specials SPEED CONTROL SECURITY ALARM KEYLESS ENTRY 3 POINT SEAT BELTS FOG LAMPS STK# 415 2013 CHRYSLER TOURING 2013 DODGE AVENGER 2011 FORD CROWN VICTORA UCONNECT POWER DOOR LOCKS HOOD INSULATION STK# 10438 SOUND INSULATION CRUISE LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT STK# 10425 2012 HYUNDAI TUCSON LIMITED BLUETOOTH W/VOICE RECOGNITION EZ LANE CHANGE ASSIST STK# 10441 2011 LINCOLN MKS BLUETOOTH VOICE ACTIVATED COMMUNICATIONS MULTI-ZONE A/C STK# 10449 CERTIFIED ® ® i à *8$5$17(('48$/,7<'(3(1'$%,/,7<5(/,$%,/,7< ,00(',$7(&29(5$*($)7(5385&+$6( 48$/,),(6)25217+(63271(:&$5),1$1&,1* '5,9(:,7+3($&(2)0,1' V 10307 Two Notch Road Columbia, SC 29229 803-454-1052 Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. *Ì> /7"Ê "/ Ê, $//0$.(6$//02'(/6&(57,),(' 83720,/(61(:&$5:$55$17,(6$9$,/$%/( 32,17,163(&7,21352&(66 <($581/,0,7('0,/(52$'6,'(6(59,&( , Ê ` STEERING WHEEL MOUNTED AUDIO CONTROLS AUX AUDIO JACK TINTED WINDOWS STK# 10512 Óä ALL SALES PLUS TAX, TAG, AND FEES. $0 DOWN WITH 66 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $19.23 FOR EACH $1000 BORROWED AT 8.9% APR WITH APPROVED CREDIT. Page 40 The Fort Jackson Leader November 6, 2014