March 2014 - National Institute for Micro, Small and medium


March 2014 - National Institute for Micro, Small and medium
ISSN 0972-852X
March 2014
` 2/-
(An Organisation of the Ministr y of MSME, Govt. of India)
The Stuffs that Make Dreams...
Happy dreams are full of enchanting colour and sunshine, as the visual art creators tell us. So when we see something
brightly floating in colours, we float into a world of spring hues and sunny cheer – the world of dreams. Obviously, it is
the elegantly collated and collocated tints and shades that conjure up dreamy visions; and dyes are the stuff from which
the dream-making tints emanate.
Dr. A. Padma Raju, Vice-Chancellor, ANGRAU addressing the delegates. Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy, DG, ni-msme; Dr. Peter Hauser, Professor in
TECS, North Carolina University and President of AATCC, USA; Dr. (MRS.) Dominique Cardon, Emerite Senior Researcher at the National Centre
of Scientific Research, France; Dr. D. Rama Rao; Mr. Edric Ong, President of Society Atelier, Sarawak, Malaysia are also seen.
3-day international workshop on Natural Dyes was
organised jointly by the Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural
University (ANGRAU), the National Agricultural Innovation
Project and ni-msme during 5-7 March 2014.
Dr. A. Padma Raju, Vice-Chancellor, ANGRAU was the Chief
Guest of the inaugural event. In the inaugural address, he
focused on the merits of value chain mode in natural dyes and
had observed that conducting the research in the value chain
mode would be highly rewarding. He had also stressed on the
need for introducing quality parameters in natural dyes.
Mr. M. Chandrasekhara Reddy, Director General of ni-msme
highlighted the activities of the Institute, and its involvement
with dyes via the initiatives in processed foods, handlooms and
textiles, and handicrafts.
Dr. Peter Hauser, Professor in TECS, North Carolina
University and President of AATCC, USA – Guest of Honour –
had underscored the need for adoption of natural dyes to avoid
Inside ....
Mid Carrier/Product Identification...Programmes 4
Workshops for ITIs / BMOs
Programme for Environmental Engineers...
Skill/ Entrepreneurship Development Programmes
and more...
Exhibition of the Dye and textile products.
pollution, and to scale up research to meet that need. Mr. Edric
Ong, President of Society Atelier, Sarawak, Malaysia –
another Guest of Honour – had pointed out that natural dyes are
available throughout the world. Their application has so far
not attracted the concept of branding, and adheres to quality
parameters. The workshop is rightly timed to weigh these
issues, he had observed.
Dr. (Mrs.) Dominique Cardon, Emerite Senior Researcher at
the National Centre of Scientific Research, France had, in the
keynote address, expatiated on various issues concerning
natural dyes such as availability, standards, and methods of
application in early times. Among the other illustrious persons
who addressed the sessions was Dr. C. Dev Kumar, former
ADG (EPD), ICAR, who had dilated on the necessity of
understanding the chemistry of natural dyes and the analysis of
pigments in order to get good results.
The workshop themes focused on quality, standards, and
certification in natural dyes. About 50 papers were presented
Exhibition of Textiles made of natural dyes.
during the five technical sessions. The presenters included
senior ranking research scientists, scientific investigators,
professors, heads of departments and project directors from the
countries of Asia and Europe, and the US, besides experts from
laboratories and specialised institutions across the country.
Dr. R. Ezekiel, National Coordinator, NAIP, ICAR, CoChairman, had chaired the valedictory event. Addressing the
house, he had stated that bringing natural dyes into value chain
mode would resolve many issues and bridge the gaps in the
business of natural dyes.
In all, about 350 delegates from various streams of activities
associated with natural dyes had attended the workshop. In the
sidelights were: a craft bazaar putting on sale creative products
and textiles using natural dyes; a demo where national and
international artisans demonstrated the techniques of using
natural colours; an exhibition show-casing the handicraft and
textile products processed in natural dyes, created by native
and foreign designers, researchers and artisans.
Shahadat Kabir;
Saturday, March 29, 2014 9:09 AM
Thanks to NIMSME
E-Mail Box
Dear Sir,
I am very sorry that I could not say hello to you and all other NIMSME people earlier. In fact, it is only because of getting tremendously busy just after
coming back to my country. Local govt polls are going on here, and I have been made engaged in so many responsibilities in addition to my regular duties.
2. Let me tell you that NIMSME is one of the best memories of my life. I believe most of the participants of the IEDP-IV have had the same feelings. In fact,
it was an wonderful experience to be in NIMSME and to spend a long period of two months with excellent people like you and your colleagues.
3. As a member of the Bangladesh Administrative Service, I should say that India tour was something like eye-opener to me. I enjoyed a lot to be introduced with
the people from different cultural and linguistic background, and, most importantly, I gathered the first-hand Indian experience of many issues covering
administration, development, tourism and combining the languages & cultures. I must say this is of immense value for me.
4. Previously I thanked you and all other people in NIMSME for the cooperation provided in celebrating the International Mother Language Day-2014. It
was really a nice programme which made us realize the importance of promoting mother tongues. Here, I should repeat the wonderful cooperation which I
received from you, your colleagues and my fellow participants in organizing the programme.
5. Now, after having spent those unforgettable two months in the green campus of NIMSME, let me thank you and all of your colleagues including the
Registrar, Course Directors, Faculty Members, Chief Administrative Officer, Rector, Assistant Registrar for everything you did for us. NIMSME will
always remain in our heart. On behalf of all the Bangladeshi participants, I should also give thanks to the respective Ministries of MSME and external
affairs of The Indian Govt. for giving us the opportunity to be there.
Long live NIMSME!
With regards
Shahadat Kabir
Participant of THM, IEDP-IV, NIMSME, and
Assistant Commissioner (Land) & Executive Magistrate Poba, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Retrospection and Looking Ahead
From the
Director General’s
The closure of the financial year calls for a review of the year’s work, and planning for the next 12-month
period. Against the backdrop of the currents of global economy and trade, I think the Institute has been able to
show up a modestly good account of itself.
At the head of the list is the set of skill development training initiatives undertaken for our own Ministry, an
immensely prestigious programme, in which several thousands of trainees were enabled to enhance their skill
sets through ESDPs in a wide range of trades. Besides, skill development interventions were conducted for
NIFTEM in five states. This was followed by the project for the Building and Construction Department of
Andhra Pradesh, in which thousands of aspirants had been trained in different trades. Then there was the
computer training, coaching for Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ and for UPSC, SSC for the Union Ministry of Social Justice.
Apart from these, there was the burgeoning field of live projects, wherein more than a thousand engineering
students had executed projects in a wide variety of products. For the Union Ministry of Minority Affairs, free
coaching for PET (pre-engineering test) and PMT (pre-medical test) has been completed. There was the
outstanding programme for SC/ST prospective entrepreneurs, organised in association with DICCI for the
Govt. of A.P., and the specialised induction programmes for the newly recruited IPOs and Assistant Directors
of Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.
In consultancy too the turn out was quite smart. There were the schemes of DC (MSME), Export Packaging
and Vendor Development Programmes Evaluation, Revival of Pochampally Handloom Park, a series of
workshops on Strengthening of Business Membership Organisations (BMOs) in association with GIZ, cluster
development initiatives, implementation and training in ISO certification for our Ministry of MSME, IPR
updates, programmes for Singareni Collieries, NTPC, NMDC and SMPCIL.
On the international front too, the Institute has trained 425 executives from 62 countries through 23
programmes, including the special initiatives, as also those sponsored under ITEC and TCS Colombo Plan.
There was also the recent international workshop on Natural Dyes, a collaborative event that was a thumping
The cumulative number of trainees for the year – national and international together – was around 43,000 who
were trained through a total of 1300 programmes.
During this FY, the Institute has celebrated the Golden Jubilee, to mark which occasion, a memory book –
Golden Nuggets – was brought out. Two other volumes – Emerging Trends in Service Sector and Success
Stories of Entrepreneurship and Skill Development – were also released on the gala occasion. Besides, the
Regional Centre for Traditional Paintings (RCTP) of the Institute had also published 3 research documents
titled: 1. Mysore Paintings; 2. Chittara Paintings; and 3. Ganjifa Paintings.
We have also augmented our academic and recreational infrastructure, a new and enriched computer lab with
50 systems to enable more number of participants to work with better efficiency. A new website has been hoisted to network the alumnae ni-msme international participants. And a food
ball ground has been opened for soccer enthusiasts.
While the growth of activities speaks for itself with due modesty, the revenue too has recorded a modicum of
growth. Compared with the revenue of two financial years before, in 2013-14, the revenue has clearly doubled,
recording a 100% growth. Of the year’s total revenue other than ATI interventions has also shown an
appreciable rise, which perks up the spirits.
The morale boosting performance curve has been possible mainly due to the out-reaching support of our own
Ministry of MSME, the other Union Ministries of External Affairs, Food Processing, Social Justice and
Minority Affairs, and also the state government. The ni-msme family expresses the sincerest thanks to all of
them, and looks forward to receiving similar support and consideration in the ensuing times.
For future, we are planning to scale up our activities, and design some new need-based interventions to help the
practising as well as potential MSMEs within the country and outside.
M. Chandrasekhar Reddy
School of Enterprise Development (SED)
Mid Carrier / Product Identification Programmes
SED has organised the inaugural of two following programmes
of one week duration (03 – 07 Mar 2014) on 03 Mar 14:
The valedictory function of the two programmes was organised
on 07 Mar 14. Mr. K.S. Srinivas, IAS, Secretary (IT &
Industries), Govt. of Kerala was the Chief Guest of the event. In
his valedictory address, he said that there is no much scope for
large industries in both the states as there is no available space.
But the revitalisation of micro and small enterprises is taking
place with dedicated efforts. He said, proactiveness is a must to
withstand the competition in the present day situation. This also
holds good forDr.
He suggested
the Programme
U. K. Rao,
(SED) and
to implement the skills and knowledge in their respective work
sphere for better results.
i) Mid Career Programme on MSME Promotion, sponsored by
the Directorate of Industries and Commerce, Govt. of Kerala
and was directed by Prof. J. Koteswara Rao, AFM (SED). A
total of 28 Industrial Promotion Officers/Asst. Directors
attended the programme.
ii) Product Identification and Preparation of Low Investment
Project Profiles, sponsored by the Directorate of Micro and
Small Scale Enterprises, Govt. of West Bengal and was
directed by Dr. G.P. Vallabh Reddy, FM (SED). A total of 28
Industrial Promotion Officers/Asst. Directors sponsored by
the Govt. of West Bengal attended the programme.
Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy, Director General, ni-msme,
explained the new role of the DIC Officers towards the
enterprises and the entrepreneurs in the changing scenario. He
congratulated the participants for their successful completion
of the programme.
Dr. G.U.K. Rao, Director (SED) chaired the event. In his inaugural
address, Dr. Rao said both the programmes have similarities. The
participants belong to two programmes are working at gross root
level. In both the cases, the information flows from commissioner
to GM to Asst. Director to Promotional Officer. Coastal products,
labour problems are common for both the states. They were
industrially backward once, but both of them are developing with
pace as both the respective state governments are encouraging and
keen on developing MSMEs.
The participants had expressed views about their respective
programmes. They said they have learnt so many new things
during their programmes. However, they proposed that some
more inputs to be added in the areas of skill development and
rural development.
Earlier, Prof. J. Koteswara Rao welcomed the gathering. In his
welcome address, he briefed about the programme and objectives.
The Certificates were distributed to the participants by the
Chief Guest.
The event was concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Prof.
Vivek Kumar, Consultant (SED).
The event was concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Prof.
J. Koteswara Rao.
Earlier, Dr. G.P. Vallabh Reddy welcomed the gathering and
highlighted the proceedings of the programmes.
Mr. K.S. Srinivas, IAS,
Secretary (IT & Industries),
Govt. of Kerala
giving away the certificate.
Dr. G. P. Vallabh Reddy;
Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy,
DG, ni-msme;
Prof. J. Koteswara Rao,
AFM; are also seen.
Workshop for
eries of DGET Orientation Workshops on the SchemeUpgradation of 1396 ITIs through PPP were organised by
SED, ni-msme at various districts of Tamil Nadu and
Pondicherry. Prof. Vivek Kumar, Consultant (SED) was the
Workshop Director for all the workshops.
The First workshop was orgnanised at Chennai for Chennai
and Pudducherry region on 18 Mar 14. Total number of
participants attended the workshop was 44. It was inaugurated
by Mr. Ravi Chandran, Joint Director, Department of
Employment and Training, Government of Tamil Nadu.
Initially an introduction to the workshop was presented by
him. In the session, he presented the status of various ITIs
being supported through this scheme and getting updated. He
also pointed out that many IMC members are taking huge
initiatives for the upgradation part. A thought provoking
session on “Innovation” was taken by Prof Vivek Kumar. The
Regional Joint Director, DET, Madurai. He presented
PowerPoint presentation which details the status of ITIs of the
region after implementation of the scheme. Many success
stories were presented by the participants in which they
specifically highlighted their achievement in overall area after
the implementation of the scheme 1396. Mr. S. Muthuswami,
Principal gave a detailed presentation on two of the most
successful ITIs at Tenkashi and Veerakeralampudur. Ms
Dhanlakshami and Mr. Subburajan from Centre for
Entrepreneurship Development (Tamil Nadu) took a session
on income generating activities for sustainability in ITIs. In
continuation on the same topic, Mr. S. Venkatasubramonian
(SV), an IMC Member presented a case study of a polytechnic
that supports measures in revenue generation activities in an
ITI. Mr. T. John Bosco, Regional Joint Director of Training,
Tirunelveli gave his valedictory address and also presented the
closing remarks.
Third workshop was organised at
Hotel SRM, Trichy for Trichy and
Coimbatore regions on 21 Mar 14. The
total number of participants including
officials from various districts attended
the workshop was 40. It was
inaugurated by Mr. Ravi Bhaskar,
Regional Joint Director, Trichy as Chief
Guest. Mr. K Kadirvew, Regional Joint
Director, Coimbatore was the Guest of
Honour. The Workshop started with
presentation of success stories by Prof
Vivek Kumar. He presented the success
stories of three ITIs of different states,
Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and
Maharstra, while several participants
Mr. Ravi Chandran, Joint Director, Department of Employment and Training,
Government of Tamil Nadu addressing the gathering.
presented success stories of their own
Prof. Vivek Kumar and other officials are also seen.
ITIs. Ms. Aruna, CEO of Periyar
University, took a session on revenue
generation activities for repayment of loans through in-house
other sessions included important part of the scheme, i.e.
activities by the means of consultancy and other apprentice
MOA, Rules and regulations and financial procurement.
The Principal as well as Industry members found
Revenue generation models were also discussed with
it useful as an eye opener.
participants through a highly interactive session with
involvement of the officials of Department of Employment
and Training, Tamil Nadu. Eminent personalities like Sr. GM,
Hyundai Motors were also present through out the session and
participated actively.
Second workshop was organised in Madurai at V Grand Hotel
on 20 Mar 14. The total number of participants attended the
workshop was 47. It was inaugurated by Mr. T Rajashekhar,
The event was concluded with proposing vote of thanks by
Mr. C Ravichandran. He thanked DGET and nimsme for
sponsoring and organising the workshop respectively. He also
thanked Mr. N. Ramesh Babu Deputy Director, DGET, New
Delhi; and Mrs. G. Vijaya Mala, Assistant Director, DET,
Tamil Nadu for their continued support in smooth conduct of
the programme.
Workshop on Strengthening of Business Membership Organisations (BMOs)
n order to share some of the best
practices of various BMOs and also
create awareness on Government
Schemes, a workshop was organised at
ni-msme on 21 Mar 14 inviting the
Business Membership Organisations
(BMOs). The workshop was conducted in
association with FISME and coordinated
by Prof. K. Surya Prakish Goud (AFM),
SED. A total of 43 delegates participated
in the workshop.
The inaugural of workshop started with
welcome address by Dr. G.U.K. Rao,
Director (SED), ni-msme followed by
detailed information on background of
Mr. Madhu Babu, Mr. Amit Kumar, and Mr. B. Sarat Kumar
project, activities completed so far
are seen while Mr. Alok Kesari addressing the gathering.
and the impact by Mr. Amit Kumar,
Sr. Technical Expert, GIZ. Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy, Director General, ni-msme highlighted ToT organised at ni-msme and
services provided for six BMOs by ni-msme. Mr. Alok Kesari proposed vote of thanks.
In the first session, Mr. B. Sarat Kumar, Asst Director, MSME-DI detailed about cluster development projects being
implementing across Andhra Pradesh, scope for further interventions and role of BMOs in implementation. Mr. Amit Kumar
highlighted salient features of public procurement policy and Mr. Madhu Babu of IL&FS discussed on various important schemes
of Government of India for infrastructure development. The experts gave answers to the queries from the participants.
In the next session, Dr. Kala Gopalakrishnan, Freelance Consultant discussed on important aspects of BMO management whereas
Mr. ALok Kesari highlighted some of the successfully introduced new services by the BMOs and also gave some of the services
being offered by German BMOs. Mr. Ranganatha Babu of GIEMA shared experience in organising skill development
In the last session of the workshop, Ms. Rekha Kaul of NABET discussed on BMO accrediatation, Mr. Vijit Vasudevan of KNN
Team highlighted how the Knowledge News Network (KNN) supporting SMEs where as Mr. Vineet Goyal, Director, Steinbies
Centre for Technology Transfer in India explained about technology transfer and facilitation role of Steinbies.
The workshop concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Prof. K. Suryaprakash Goud.
The representatives of BMOs are
interacting with Dr. G. U. K. Rao,
Director (SED).
Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy,
DG, ni-msme is also seen.
Er. G. Durga Prasad explained the role and
responsibilities of Environmental
Engineer/Scientist. He focused on the job
opportunities in the area of protection of
environment particularly in Research
Institutions and MNCs at various levels. In his
address, he enumerated about conservation of
energy, biodiversity, climatic change, ground
water and soil contamination and also many
technologies developed for treating air
pollution, water pollution, sound pollution,
industrial pollution, vehicular pollution and
plastic menace.
Prof. J. Koteswara Rao, AFM (SED); Dr. G. U. K. Rao, Director (SED);
Er. G.Durga Prasad, Genaral Manager (EMP Cell), APIIC; and Mr Hrishikesh Mahadev,
Expert from GIZ, Hyderabad are seen in interactions with the delegates.
Training Programme for
Mr Hrishikesh Mahadev explained about the
role and activities of APIIC Ltd.
Earlier, Prof. J. Koteswara Rao welcomed the gathering and
briefed about the objective and contents of the programme.
Environmental Engineers of APIIC
Dr. G.U.K. Rao Director (SED) explained about the institute
activities with special reference to environmental aspects.
SED conducted Induction Training programme for
Environmental Engineers of Andhra Pradesh Industrial
Infrastructure Corporation (APIIC) during 24 – 29 Mar 2014.
The programme was sponsored by APIIC and was directed by
Prof. J. Koteswara Rao, AFM (SED). The inaugural function of
the programme was organised on 24 Mar 14.
Er. G. Durga Prasad chaired the Valedictory function organised
on 29 Mar 14. The event started with expressing the views by
participants. The Chief Guest interacted with the participants
on the feed back and action plan with regard to Socioeconomic Zones (SEZs) and Industrial Parks (IPs) submitted
by them. The event was concluded with distributing the
certificates to the participants on their successful completion
of the programme followed by vote of thanks proposed by
Prof. J. Koteswara Rao.
Er. G.Durga Prasad, Genaral Manager (EMP Cell), APIIC-Hyd.
was the Chief Guest of the event and Mr Hrishikesh Mahadev,
Expert from GIZ, Hyderabad was the Guest of Honour.
ESDPs at Tirupati
i-msme organised the valediction of 11 ESDPs in 6 trades at Tirupati on 14 Mar 14.
A total of 330 students attended the programmes. Prof. J. Koteswara Rao in his
valedictory address highlighted about
various schemes implemented by
MoMSME for the benefit of unemployed
youth and also motivated them to take-up
the self employment ventures. Earlier,
Ms.Lakshmi Priya, faculty welcomed the
gathering and Mr. P.Madhusudhana Rao,
MD of MAXIMA School of Animation
advised the trainees to set up micro
enterprises with less investment. The
certificates were distributed to the trainees
by Prof. Koteswara Rao.
Prof. J. Koteswara Rao, AFM (SED)
giving away the certificate.
Newly Elected Recreation Club Members
meeting was convened to declare the newly elected members for the Recreation Club on 04
Mar 14. The meeting was chaired by Prof. P. Udaya Shanker, Chairman of the Recreation
Club and Dr. C. Rani, CAO. The event was coordinated by Mrs. K. Nagamani, Secretary,
Recreation Club. Prof. P. Udaya Shanker, the outgoing Chairman of the Recreation Club declared
the names of the newly elected members for the Recreation Club, which was approved by the
Director General. The names and designations of the newly elected body for Recreation Club is as
under: Prof. Jayakar Gutty – Chairman; Prof. V. Swapna – Secretary; Mrs. Urmila Waghre – Jt.
Secretary; Mr. K. Kishan – Organising Secretary; Mrs. Sandhya – Lady Activity Member;
Mr. Sai Kiran – Treasurer; Prof. J. Koteswara Rao – Sports Member; and Ms. P. Anjali PrasannaCultural Member.
Prof. Jayakar Gutty, newly
elected Chairman of the
Recreation Club along with
the other newly elected
members presenting a
boquet to
Mr. M. Chandrasekhar
Reddy, DG, ni-msme.
The event was concluded with congratulating and greeting the newly elected members.
The new body of Recreation Club met the Director General on 21 Mar 14 and thanked him for
approving to elect new body and also to convene the meeting with regard to electing them who
greeted the Director General with a boquet.
E-Mail Box
from : Manish Mudaliar manishsoosai@gmail.comto: anjali nimsme <>
date : Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 3:45 PMsubject: mailed-by: gmail.comsigned-by: Important mainly because of the people in the
Dear Editor
I, on behalf of SAATHII Nagpur, would like to thank NI-MSME for regularly updating us with information on the national institute through
your monthly news bulletin. The aesthetic lay out and the clarity of pictures accompanying the news clips in the new look news bulletin is
highly appreciable and we wish you the best for the ensuing publications.
With regards
Manish Soosai Mudaliar, Associate Director (Programs and Development); SAATHII Nagpur
2nd Floor, Sai Ashish, Raj nagar; Chhaoni, Nagpur – 13; Ph. 91 712 2583889;
School of Entrepreneurship and Extension (SEE)
Skill Development Training Programmes on Food Processing
A series of Skill Development Training Programmes on Food
Processing sponsored by NIFTEM were conducted at various
places in the month of March 2013. The programme was
designed to cover all the aspects of business input needed to start
a small business in food processing including market survey and
field visit to select industrial units at respective places.
At Gangtok, Sikkim:
A total of 50 participants in the age group of 20-35 were attended
the programme. The preference was given to
SC/ST/BC/Minorities/Women categories in the selection of
participants. Mr. Bikash Singh, President- Federation of
Jharkhand Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FJCCI) was
the Chief Guest of the inaugural function held on 19 Mar 14. The
other dignitaries present were Mr. Arun Khemka, President,
Jharkhand Small Industries Association (JSIA); Mr.
Anirudh Singh, DGM, NIFTEM; Prof. Thomas
Mathew, Chairman, MIM; Dr. Meera Lal, Director
MIM; Prof. Shirley Philip, Dean-Administration,
MIM; Prof. Kumar Satyam, Head-Academics, MIM.
The Programme concluded on 29 Mar 14 with the
distribution of the certificates. Valedictory was held
on 29 Mar 14 and was attended by dignitaries namely
Mr. Chandrakant Raipat, Chairman-Institution of
Engineers; Mrs. Sapna Taneja, GM-Tajna Shellac
Pvt. Ltd.; Mr. R K Manjhi, Principal, TTC Fudi;
Reverend N Gagarai, Director, TTC Fudi; Mrs.
Elizabeth Horo, Crusade India; Prof. Shirley Philip,
Dean-Administration MIM; Prof. Kumar Satyam
and Head-Academics MIM.
At Guwahati, Assam:
A group photograph of participants with
Prof. Upendra Kumar Maurya, AFM, (SEE).
The first Programme was conducted at State
Agriculture Management and Extension Training
Institute (SAMETI), Gangtok during 07-12 Mar
2014. A total of 54 participants attended the
programme. The Programme was directed by Prof.
Upendra Kumar Maurya, AFM (SEE). Prof. A. K.
Singh Suryavanshi, Dean, Department of Business
Management; Dr. P. K. Paul, Associate Professor,
Department of Business Management; and
Mr. Ashish Kumar Manager, from sponsoring
agency NIFTEM visited SAMETI and were also
present during the inaugural. As part of the
programme the participants were taken to
Government Fruit Processing Factory at SIKKIM
Supreme for practical exposure besides class room sessions
after the inaugural.
At Ranchi, Jharkhand:
The Second Programme was conducted at Ranchi from 19 - 29
Mar 14 at Mangalam Institute of Management (MIM), Ranchi.
Dr. Meera Lal, Director, MIM; with Prof. Upendra Kumar Maurya,
Programme Director, (SEE); Mr. Arun Khemka, President, JSIA;
Mr. Bikash Singh, President, FJCCI; Mr. Anirudh Singh, DGM, NIFTEM;
Prof. Thomas Mathew, Chairman, MIM are seen on the dias.
The Third was conducted at IIE, Guwahati during 21-26 Mar
14. Dr. D.D. Mali was the Chief Guest of the Inaugural
function held on 21 Mar 14. Mr. Anirudh Singh, Deputy
General Manager, NIFTEM and Dr. Rani, Director (SEE) &
CAO, ni-msme, Hyderabad attended the programme as
Guests of Honor. Mr. Surajit Borgohain, Asstt. Director, SIRD
also attended the Inauguration. Dr. Rani, ni-msme and
Mr. Anirudh Singh from NIFTEM explained the aims and
objective of the programme. Mr. Surajit Borgohain discussed
about the scope of Entrepreneurship in Food Processing Sector
in Assam. The Inaugural event was concluded with a vote of
thanks proposed by Er. Anupam Dutta of NEDC. The
valediction of the programme was organised on 26 Mar 14 and
was attended by two guests, viz., Dr. Achinta Baruah,
Associate Faculty of IIE, Mr. Devkant Karn from Jwahar
Nabodey Sangsthan, Assam, and Mr. Shiv Shankar Jha from
NIFTEM was also present during the valediction.
At Bhubaneswar, Odisha:
The fourth one was conducted at Utkal University, Department
of Agri-Business Management, Bhubaneswar during 21-31
Mar 14. A total of 50 participants attended the programme. The
programme was inaugurated by Mr. S. Pujari, M.D, Benzfeb
Foods Ltd., Bhubaneswar; and Prof. P. Udayashankar Director
(SEM), ni-msme was the Guest of Honor of the inaugural.
Prof. Vijendra Mishra, Associate Professor, National Institute
of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management,
Sonepat, Haryana; and Prof Benudhar Bhuyan, Director,
Centre for Agri Management were also present. The
Programme concluded on 31 Mar 14 with the experience
sharing by the participants and distribution of certificates to the
At Tura, Meghalaya:
The fifth programme was conducted at North-Eastern Hill
University, Tura during 22-27 Mar 14. Mr. Anirudh Singh,
Deputy General Manager, NIFTEM was the Chief Guest of the
Inaugural held on 22 Mar 14, where in Dr. Rani, Director
(SEE) & CAO, ni-msme was the Guest of Honor. Mr. Singh in
his inaugural address explained the potential and value
addition needed in food products. Dr. Rani focused on the huge
wastage and need for more training on food processing sector
and Prof. Singhaiah, NEHU motivated the participants by his
address. The Programme concluded on 27.Mar 14 with the
experience sharing by the participants followed by distribution
of certificates to the participants.
At Bangalore, Karnataka:
The inaugural of skill development programme was held on 28
Mar 14 and was inaugurated by Prof. P. Udaya Shanker,
Director (SEM). During inaugural participants were given
in-depth understanding of the key concepts regarding food
processing and opportunities for local, national and
international business.
Focus was on exhaustive explanation of relevant concepts of:
food technologies management, skills development, facilities
and opportunities for business, production, marketing and
food safety. Prof. Vijendra Mishra, Associate Dean, NIFTEM
underlined main reasons for local entrepreneurs to direct their
attention on food processing, acquiring necessary
competencies and skills to efficiently run a business, as well as
to compete in fundamental economic sector concerning food
production and marketing.
Prof. Vijendra Mishra focused on importance of ensuring
consumers about undisputed quality of
their products and food processing
technologies. He also dealt with
importance of entrepreneurship in
order to have economic independence
and risk taking abilities. Understanding
risk returns plays important role in this
direction. There is a dire need to move
systematically to ensure success in the
business ventures.
In all the above places, the participants
expressed their views about the
programme during the valediction and
conveyed thanks to ni-msme, NIFTEM
and their respective study centres.
C. Rani, Director (SEE) and Dr. D.D. Mali, the Chief Guest with
other members are seen on the dias
EDPs (Technology Based, Women Entrepreneurship and Food Processing)
A six week Technology Based Entrepreneurship
Development Programme (TEDP), sponsored by DST, Govt.
of India was conducted by ni-msme for the unemployed
science graduates in Tirupati. There were 27 participants from
Chittoor district. The objective of the programme was to
inculcate the entrepreneurial culture while demonstrating a
technology, which is marketable to make an enterprising
activity. The experts have handled the classroom sessions.
Dairy Technologists from SV University have made the
demonstration about various milk products. Exposure visit to
Tirumala Dairy and Heritage Foods was arranged for the
participants to broaden their understanding about the subject.
The valedictory of the programme was organised on 28 Mar
14. Mrs. Padmaja, District Manager, Tirupati welcomed the
Prof. S. Glory Swarupa, AFM (SEE), ni-msme; Prof.
Kotilinga Reddy, Head, Dept. of Dairy Technology; and
Prof. Kusuma Kumari, Head, Dept. of Home Science & Food
Technology, SV University, Tirupati; Smt. Annapurna, Branch
Manager, SBI, Tirupati and
reporters from print &
electronic media were present.
programme. All the participants very confidently shared their
future plans. They thanked ni-msme and sponsorers of the
programme. Prof. S. Glory Swarupa has narrated the success
stories of women entrepreneurs across A.P. and India.
Certificates were awarded to all the participants.
The valediction of the EDP in Food Processing of six
weeks duration was organised at Unnava, Guntur on 27 Mar
14. The programme was sponsored by A.P. Food Processing
Society. There were 30 participants in the programme. The
major contents of the programme were entrepreneurship
motivation, support from government agencies, schemes of
MoFPI, market survey, technical and financial feasibility of
the project, business plan preparation, practical demonstration
and exposure visit to food processing industries.
Prof. S. Glory Swarupa, AFM (SEE); Mr. N. Radha Krishnan,
G r o u p M a n a g e r, C E N T U M L e a r n i n g , D e l h i ;
M r s . P. B a s a v a m m a , P a n c h a y a t P r e s i d e n t ;
Mr. Venkatasubbaiah, Mandal President, and Local
Coordinator were present in the valediction.
During the valediction, the
participants shared their
learning and experiences during
the programme. The event was
concluded with distribution of
certificates by the guests to the
participants on their successful
completion of the programme.
The valediction of Women
Entrepreneurship Development
Programme (WEDP) of six
weeks duration was organised
a t G u n t u r a n d Ti r u p a t i
respectively. The programmes
were sponsored by DST, Govt.
Prof. Glory Swarupa, Programme Director (SEE) giving away the certificate.
of India. There were 53 women
participants altogether in 2 programmes who were between the
age group of 18-35 years. The objective of the programme was
The event started with the Local Coordinator welcoming the
to create awareness and provide entrepreneurial inputs to the
gathering. All the participants while sharing their experiences
highlighted the important aspects they learnt during the
programme. Many were confident of doing a small scale
Prof. S. Glory Swarupa, AFM (SEE); Mr. Sameer,
in food processing sector. They thanked
Coordinator, ASSIST; and Local Coordinator were present in
ni-msme and sponsorer of the programme. Certificates were
the valediction of the programme. The Local Coordinator
awarded to the participants.
welcomed the gathering and briefed about the conduct of the
ESDPs for Women
i-msme in association with Confederation of Women Entrepreneurs (COWE)
conducted five ESDPs in four different trades under the scheme of Assistance to
Training Institutions sponsored by
MoMSME, Govt. of India. There were
150 participants altogether. Out of five
programmes, three were conducted
exclusively for SC community
(Advanced Java, Computer Hardware &
Networking) and one for women (Beauty
& Cosmetology) and the fifth one for
general category (Web Designing). The
valedictory function was organised on 25
Mar 14 at ni-msme campus.
Dr. C. Rani, Director (SEE) & CAO; Dr.
N. Srilakshmi, Registrar; Prof. S. Glory
Swarupa, AFM & Faculty In-chrage for
COWE; Mrs. Soudamani, President
COWE; Mrs. Lalitha, Treasurer, COWE;
Mrs. Balaji, Sr. Mentor, BYST; and other
Executive members of COWE were present.
Ms. Divya, Executive Member, COWE has invited the dignitaries onto the dais. Mrs. Soudamani narrated the activities, services and
growth of COWE. Participants of each programme had shared their impressions about the programme.
Dr. N. Srilakshmi explained the history of entrepreneurship, activities, achievements and other support services provided by ni-msme.
Mrs. Balaji has made a brief presentation about BYST, mentoring services and hand holding facilities. Prof. S. Glory Swarupa
encouraged the participants by giving the examples of business models of successful people. Further, she emphasised on market
survey, hard work and getting expertise. Dr. C. Rani in her message motivated the participants by sharing many aspects of
ni-msme’s experiences. Mrs. Lalitha has proposed vote of thanks. Certificates were awarded to all the participants.
Valediction of EDP in Food Processing
EDP in Food Processing sponsored by AP Food Processing Society was conducted by ni-msme at Sai Colony Community Hall,
Beeramguda, Ramachandrapuram (M), Medak District from 17 Feb - 31 Mar 14. A total of 33 women participants attended the
The valediction was organised on 31 Mar 14 and the event was presided over by Prof. Upendra Kumar Maurya, Associate Faculty,
SEE, ni-msme. The participants expressed their satisfaction with the programme and thanked ni-msme for conducting such
programmes and encouraging entrepreneurship especially in Food Processing. All the participants expressed that their confidence
levels have been increased after attending this programme. Prof. Upendra Kumar Maurya in his valedictory address enlightened
and boosted the confidence levels of the participants by citing few examples like Lijjat papad. Dr. (Mrs.) K. Prasuna has explained
about the conduct of the programme. The local ward members also attended the event.
The event was concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Mr. S.P. Reddy , Executive Director, ‘S’ Mushroom Agritech.
International Women's Day by SSMFT
Shri Sahiti Mahila Foundation Trust (SSMFT) invited Dr. N. Srilakshmi as Chief Guest for the international Women’s day
celebrations organised at Tyagarajagana Sabha, Hyderabad on 8 Mar 14. More than 200 women, viz., Artists, Scientists,
Lecturers, Professors, Doctors and Poets attended the event. The Principal of Andhra Mahila Sabha Music College, Lioness,
President of lions club shared was the Guests of Honour.
Dr. N. Srilakshmi in her inaugural address emphasised the role of women from a traditional responsibility as a mother, sister and
daughter to that of an official, entrepreneur, politician, etc. She appealed that women should empower other women by the way of
possible support and encouragement to excel in their respective interested fields.
The president of the trust, Mrs. Padma falicitated Dr. N. Srilakshmi for her contributions to the society as quality expert and also
International Women’s Day
The International Women’s Day with a theme “Women Empowerment – Inspiring Change” was organised by the Womens Study
Cell of School of Entrepreneurship and Extension (SEE), ni-msme on 12 Mar, 14. It was sponsored by Andhra bank. Dr. C. Rani,
Director (SEE) & CAO coordinated the event. Mrs. C. S. Ramalakshmi, IFS, Commissioner of Sericulture, Government of
Andhra Pradesh was the Chief Guest of the event. In her
inaugural address she said ni-msme is an self dependent
institute and with everyday happenings. She focused on the
potential and prospects in eco tourism giving emphasis on
women empowerment. She also explained about the role of
women in the present global scenario. Women
empowerment starts with the economic independence. To
become strong economically one has to have education,
skills, self confidence and facing challenges. She also
focused on entrepreneurship which is the basic thing
necessary for the women to develop their own. She
acknowledged the knowledge in women empowerment and
entrepreneurship by giving examples from her own
experiences while visited different countries.
Earlier, Dr. N. Srilakshmi, Registrar welcomed the gathering
and gave certain valuable suggestions related with women
The event progressed with the cultural presentations by artists
representing various organisations by the way of dances and
songs. Specially the prayer songs sung by baby Malavika
Anand, a renowned singer is praise worthy and also the dances
of Rajasthani troop. The event was attended by the
International delegates (Phase-IV) and the ni-msme family.
The foreign delegates as well as the ni-msme employees are
also participated in the cultural event.
The event was concluded with vote of thanks proposed by
Prof. Glory Swarupa, AFM (SEE).
The ni-msme women employees and foreigners
enjoying the peacock dance.
Study Tour for International Participants (Phase-IV)...
The participants of all the five International Programmes (Phase IV) and the special Unternational programme on Training of
Trainers on Entrepreneurship Development for Women Trainers-Motivators were taken to Bangalore and Mysore on Study Tour
during 24 Feb – 08 Mar 2014 and visited several organisations at respective places. The purpose of visit was to expose the
participants to the real time environment related with their sessions held in class rooms at ni-msme. The participants of seven
programmes were accompanied by their respective programme directors or coordinators. The programme names and the
accompanied faculty details are: 1. Planning and Promotion of Agro and Food Enterprises (PAFE), accompanied by Mr. M. Subba
Rao; 2. Promotion of Micro Enterprises (POME), accompanied by Prof. N. Prasad Reddy; 3. Training of Trainers in
Entrepreneurship and Skill Development (ToT-ESD), accompanied by Prof. Glory Swarupa; 4. Intellectual Property Rights
(IPRs) and Implications for SMEs (IPRIS) accompanied by Dr. N. Srilakshmi; and 5. Tourism and Hospitality Management
(THM), accompanied by Prof. T.V. Reddy. All these programmes were of eight weeks duration (20 Jan. – 14 Mar. 2014). The one
special programme, sponsored under the TCS Colombo Plan, on the Training of Trainers on Entrepreneurship Development for
Woman Trainers – Motivators, conducted during 24 Feb. – 14 Mar. 2014, was accompanied by Prof. Glory Swarupa.
The participants of respective programmes had discussions and interactions with the concern officers of the organisations which
they visited and acquired practical knowledge and skills. They expressed satisfaction and happiness with the study visits they were
taken and also expressed confidence in implementing whatever they have learnt at their back home situation.
School of Enterprise Information and Communication (SEIC)
Book Exhibitions for Foreign Delegates
wo Book exhibitions were organised by the
Small Enterprises National Documentation
Centre (SENDOC) of SEIC, ni-msme on 07 and 18
March 2014 respectively on the campus for the
benefit of the participants of two special
international programmes, viz., a) ToT of
Motivators in Women Entrepreneurship was
directed by Dr. C. Rani, Director (SEE); and b)
Enterprise Planning and Promotion in Food
Processing Sector in Africa Region (17 – 29 March
2014) directed by Dr. G.U.K. Rao, Director (SED).
The book exhibition organised for this programme
was visited by Mr. P.S. Verma, Deputy Secreatary,
Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of
India as Chief Guest.
Mr. Verma appreciated the initiative of ni-msme
to organise Book Exhibitions for the benefit of
Dr. C. Rani, Director (SEE) and Prof. V. Vishwas Rao, Consultant,
International Participants while going through the
SEIC interacting with the international participants visiting book stall in the exhibition.
book stalls. Mr. M. Chandra Sekhar Reddy,
Director General, ni-msme in his address complimented SEIC and book sellers for coordinating the activity and making available
relevant publications at the door step of international delegates.
Dr. G.U.K. Rao, Director (SED), Dr. N. Srilakshmi, Registrar; and Prof. V. Vishwas Rao, Consultant (SEIC) were present during
Mr. Verma visiting book stalls.
Ms. Anjali Prasanna, Publications In-charge; and Mr. N. Yadaiah organised the said book exhibitions and also displayed ni-msme
School of Enterprise Management (SEM)
Executive Development Programme for NTPC Ltd.
Mr. K. Sudarshan addressing the
gathering. Dr. N. Srilakshmi and
Prof. P. Udaya Shanker
are also seen.
EM has organised an Executive Development Programme for the officials of NTPC
during 18 – 29 Mar 2014 at ni-msme. The programme was sponsored by NTPC Ltd.,
Mahartana Company. A total of 22 middle level executives representing Ramagundem,
Moudia and Kudigi divisions of NTPC Ltd. were attended the programme.
Dr. N. Srilakshmi, Registrar & Head (CLAIMMS & IPFC) was the programme
Director. The programme started with
welcoming the participants by
Dr. N. Srilakshmi and briefed about the
programme content consisting important inputs
such as HR soft skills, Stress and time
management, Conflict management, TQM,
ISO, SCM & Six Sigma, Team building out
bound activities, Data analysis, IT Process in
Behavioural aspects (discipline, ethics and
etiquettes) in an organisation including
technical sessions with regard to Power sector
and electricity pricing.
An exclusive interactive session was arranged between the
participants and the higher Officials of NMDC on 28 Mar
14. The Executive Director of Southern Region,
Mr. Venkateswaran; Mr. Gopala Rao, General Manager
(HRD); Mr. Vishnu Mohan, DGM(HR); and Mrs. Roy,
NTPC Manager had participated in the interactions and
discussions with the participants discussed on their
experiences of learning in the programme.
The valediction of the programme was organised on 29 Mar
14. The event started with expressing the views by the
participants. They expressed that they have learnt and gained
knowledge and skills and also appreciated the faculty for
their commitment and friendly attitude. Dr. N. Srilakshmi
informed that all the delegates participated with zeal and
enthusiasm in the test organised for them and all of them scored above 80%.
Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy, Director General addressed the delegates with his valedictory
message that ni-msme is glad to have under taken this programme as a beginning and that we
look forward for more and more collaborations with NTPC Ltd and he congratulated all the
winners of the outbound Activity teams and gave away prizes followed by certificates.
Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy, DG,
ni-msme is giving away the prize
to the winners of the outbound
Activity teams. Dr. N. Srilakshmi,
Registrar is also seen.
The event was concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Prof. Dibyendu Chaudhury.
ni-msme organised one day workshops on “Standards and Benchmarking for MSMEs in India from IPR perspective”, sponsored
by Consultancy Development Center (CDC), New Delhi; and the second one on “Non-Conventional Energy for Reducing
Pollution and Conservation in MSMEs” on 27 Mar 14. The workshops were attended by a total of 80 participants from industries
in and around Hyderabad, CEOs of MSMEs, Consultants and Academia. The workshops were directed by Prof. V. Swapna, AFM
(SEM); and Prof. J. Koteswara Rao, AFM (SED).
Prof. P. Pramod Kumar, Head, Chemical Science & Technology (CCST), Institute of Science and Technology (I.S.T.), JNTUH
was the Chief Guest of the inaugural function. In his inaugural address, he focused on solar energy, its applications, energy costs,
solar devices and indigenous solar technologies. He suggested the private sector should take a leaf from solar initiatives in China,
Europe and Japan to develop indigenous solar products using
the cost-effective technologies available for mass production
and use of solar energy. While discussing about the other
workshop on Standards and Benchmarking for MSMEs, he
explained about the need of building awareness on IPRs,
protection of IPRs for strengthening the industries and trades,
best practices for assisting Indian MSMEs to the IP systems.
Prof. P. Pramod Kumar addressing the gathering. Prof. V. Swapna, Dr. N. Srilakshmi,
Prof. P. Udaya Shanker, and Prof. J. Koteswara Rao are also seen.
Earlier, Dr. N. Srilakshmi, Registrar & Director (IPFC),
ni-msme welcomed the gathering. In her address she briefed
about the activities and role of ni-msme in the IPR promotion
for MSMEs. She informed about the various awareness
programmes conducted by IPFC at the cluster level and
explained the role of Standards and IPR systems for MSMEs in
doing successful business. Then she informed that Germany is
generating 25 per cent of energy from solar power and other
countries are also started investing in renewable energy.
Prof. P. Udaya Shankar, Director (SEM), explained about the green and white revolutions and their benefits in the Indian context.
Further, he said that the Solar Energy is coming up with a revolution in saving energies where in the solar products/roof tops solar
devices are playing a significant role in removable energy solutions.
The event was concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Prof. Dibyendu Choudhury, CDC-KMPI Co-ordinator, ni-msme.
Farewell to foreign friends
n 13 Mar 2014, ni-msme had bid the
last farewell of the academic year
2013-14 to its international participants. It
was the valedictory function of its phase-IV
international executive development
programmes, the last phase of the year. The
phase consisted of a set of six training
programmes, apart from one special
international programme. In all, 146
delegates from 44 countries had derived the
benefit of sharing the Indian MSME
experience through these programmes.
The six programmes of the set were:
1. Planning and Promotion of Agro and
Food Enterprises (PAFE), directed by
Mr. J. J. Mammen, CGM, NABARD, Hyderabad addressing the gathering. Dr. N. Srilakshmi,
Dr. G.U.K. Rao; 2. Promotion of Micro
Registrar; Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy, DG, ni-msme; and Dr. C. Rani, Director (SEE) are also seen.
Enterprises (POME), directed by
Prof. N. Prasad Reddy; 3. Training of Trainers in Entrepreneurship and Skill Development (ToT-ESD), directed by Dr. C. Rani;
4. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and Implications for SMEsIPRIS) directed by Dr. N. Srilakshmi; 5. Tourism and Hospitality
Management (THM), directed by Prof. P. Udaya Shanker; and 6. Inclusive Growth of SME through Cluster Strategy directed by
Prof. K.S.P. Goud. All these programmes were of eight weeks duration (20 Jan. – 14 Mar. 2014). The one special programme,
sponsored under the TCS Colombo Plan, on the Training of Trainers on Entrepreneurship Development for Woman Trainers –
Motivators, conducted during 24 Feb. – 14 Mar. 2014, was directed by Dr. Rani.
Mr. J.J. Mammen, Chief General Manager, NABARD, Hyderabad was the Chief Guest of the occasion.
The Chief Guest, addressing the gathering, had appreciated the meeting at one place, of such a large group of diverse social and
cultural backgrounds, as rare, and pointed out the unique advantage of the situation to the delegates: by interacting with each other
during the long stay, they can gain insights into socio-cultural and socio-economic conditions in their neighbours’ countries. He
explained the role and activities of NABARD in the promotion and development of MSMEs with special reference to the rural
development. Further he said, Most of the developing economies in India is from the small and micro enterprises. The service
sector is contributing 60% of GDP in India. The agriculture has limitation because of the limited land. In India,
underemployment/unemployment is high and the way out is the primary sector and setting up of more number of micro and small
enterprises. He also focused on the importance of micro sector, supporting non-farm sector, encouraging micro entrepreneurship.
Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy, Director General, ni-msme in his address expressed gratitude to the Ministry of MSME as well as
the MEA. He suggested that the delegates should continue to be in touch with ni-msme on their return home and share their
experiences for mutual benefit. He appreciated the
International delegates attending the valediction.
initiation of participants for organising Mother
Language Day, specially Mr. Kabir, the participant
from Bangladesh has taken a lead in for the success
of the event. He also thanked the participants for
participating in International Women’s Day and
enjoying the designs of Indian fabrics and textiles
through the fashion show organised in ni-msme.
The Chief Guest had then distributed programme
completion certificates to the delegates.
The event was concluded with vote of thanks
proposed by Dr. C. Rani, Director (SEE) and the
Chief Administrative Officer.
Cultural Evening for International Programmes (Phase-IV)
Prof. T. V. Reddy, Programme Director (SEM) were
present during the event.
The Director General in his inaugural address
expressed his happiness being associated with a
cultural pitch which is a great union of 146 delegates
representing 44 countries on one platform. It is a great
event because the representatives from so many
countries have the chance to freely exchange their
cultural backgrounds through performances. He said
that the performance is excellent and moreover mere
participation itself makes all the difference, specially
in this type of functions.
he Cultural programme was organised in the evening at
Kalangan, ni-msme campus for the international
participants (Phase – IV) on 13 Mar 14. It was started with the
Indian traditional culture of lighting of the lamp by
Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy, Director General, ni-msme.
Dr. C. Rani, Director (SEE) & CAO; Prof. P. Udaya Shanker,
Director (SEM); Dr. N. Srilakshmi, Registrar; Dr. G. P. Vallabh
Reddy, FM (SED); Prof. Glory Swarupa, AFM (SEE) and
The event started with prayer and then the foreign
participants of different countries presented their
respective dance programmes and melodious songs.
Baby Gauravi has also contributed by a couple of
Indian traditional dances.
The international participants expressed their happiness and
thanked the Director General for arranging the international
evening and also educating them on culture and heritage.
The programme concluded with vote of thanks proposed by
Dr. G. P. Vallabh Reddy.
Review Meet of EDPs/ESDPs/ToTs Under ATI Scheme
a. A meeting was organised with the APEX Institutions at ni-msme on 01 Mar 14. It was Chaired by Prof. P. Udaya Shanker,
Director (SEM). The other members on the dais were Dr. C. Rani, Director (SEE) & CAO; Dr. G. P. Vallabh Reddy, FM (SED);
and Prof. V. Vishwas Rao, Consultant (SEIC). The meeting was convened by Dr. G. U. K. Rao, Director (SED). He informed
the representatives of the PIs about the submission of the completion of the reports and asked them the soft copies of the
presentations broad by the agencies. Mr. K. Subba Rao, CAS explained about a. completion/follow-up report and success
stories and the procedure to follow-up. b. To submit all the details of the programmes with regard to the years 2012-13 and
2013-14. c. Income Tax/Service Tax registration. Later, the representatives presented about their given programme.
b. A review meeting was organised with the Partner Institutions (PIs) on 03 Mar 14. It was chaired by Dr. C. Rani. Prof. P. Udaya
Shanker was also there on the dais. The event was convened by Dr. C. Rani. The representatives of the PIs gave their
presentations about their activities related with the assigned programmes.
@ ni-msme
A fashion show was organised to promote the
textiles using natural dyes on 7 Mar 14 at
ni-msme. The objective of the Fashion show was
to bring all artisans, artists, fabric specialists,
designers, weavers, technical experts,
entrepreneurs, specialists in design studio and
industry to a common plat form. Dr. A. Padma
R a j u , Vi c e - C h a n c e l l o r, A N G R A U ,
Mr. Paruchury Gopala Krishna, Story and
Dialogue Writer, Film Industry;
Fashion Parade of the artists.
Mr. Venkateswara Reddy, Vice Chairman,
National MSME Board, GoI; and
Dr. Chukka Kondaiah, CEO, NTR Memorial
Trust were the special guests. Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy,
international and national collections and facilitate linkages.
Director General, ni-msme has presided over the function.
The Director General appreciated Dr. A. Sharada Devi, CPI &
This was a unique opportunity where art meets science and
Emeritus Scientist, NAIP-VCND, ANGRAU and her team for
technology. IWND had gave an opportunity that will open up
their committed efforts in organising the IWND-2014 and
new perspectives in the national dye field and enhance
fashion show in a grand way.
Special International Programme on EPPFPS in Africa Region
he Programme on Enterprises Planning and Promotion of
Food Processing Sector in Africa Region was organised by
School of Enterprise Development (SED), ni-msme, during 17 –
29 Mar 14. The programme was attended by 26 delegates from
12 countries, viz., Cabo Verde, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana,
Madagascar, Mauritius, Sudan, Tanzania, The Gambia, Tunisia,
Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
The objective of the programme was to sharpen the
professional skills of the participants on various issues related
to promote Food Processing Sector such as food quality,
standardization, value addition, exports, entrepreneurship
development etc. The other topics covered were: Strategies to
promote the sector and prepare action plans which would be
useful in the participant’s back home situation.
Mr. P.S. Verma, Deputy Secretary, Government of India,
Ministry of Food Processing Industries inaugurated the
Mr. P. S. Verma, Dy. Secretary,
MoFPI, GoI addressing the gathering.
Dr. N. Srilakshmi, Registrar,
Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy,
DG, and Dr. G. U. K. Rao, Director
(SED) are also seen.
programme on 17 Mar 14. In his inaugural address, Mr. Verma had explained various support
measures taken by Food Processing Industries to Promote the Sector in Africa Region and
also gave an overview of the recent initiatives taken by the Ministry such as setting up of food
testing laboratories with the help of ICRISAT; food processing clusters in Africa.
Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy, Director General, ni-msme explained about the importance of
the food sector and said this is one of the sun rising sector.
Earlier, Dr. N. Srilakshmi, Rgistrar welcomed the Chief Guest and the gathering. In her
welcome address, she explained the role of ni-msme in the promotion of India-African Cooperation and also the activities of
Dr. G.U.K. Rao, Programme Director informed that the programme is third in series and also the importance and demand of the
programme. He briefly explained about the contents of the programme and focused on infrastructure, marketing (linkages),
preservation technologies, standardisation, preparation of foods, contamination and the laboratory tests, storage, preservation,
preparation of national plan by the way of mutual discussions etc.
The inaugural event was concluded with vote of thanks proposed by MR. M. Subba Rao, Consultant (SED).
The valediction was held on 29 Mar 14 and Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy chaired the event. The event started with the views
expressed by the participants and they said that the programme is extremely useful to them and conveyed that they will implement
the knowledge and skills at their back home situation, which they acquired during the programme.
Dr. G.U.K. Rao in his address informed that the participants were exposed to various food processing units and interacted with
many entrepreneurs. They also had hands -on training of some food products viz., Juices and cookies.
Further, he said that the group also interacted with the entrepreneurs and institutions during their short period of visit to Mysore
and Bangalore as on study tour. Most of the participants have rated programme as very good and also felt that the usefulness of the
programme is very high in order to develop policies, strategies and B2B relation with other countries.
Dr. G.P. Vallabh Reddy explained about the demand of ready-made foods. It is in increasing trend as most of the couples are in
employment and they are not getting proper time to attend the home based needs including preparation of food in most of the
countries. He thanked the participants for their cooperation during the study tour to Bangalore and Mysore.
Mr. M. M.Chandrasekhar Reddy, Director General in his valedictory address complimented the participants and stressed the need
for promoting the Food Processing Sector in all the developing economies and in particular in Africa Region. He expressed his
immense happiness over the maximum number of participants expressing their views and also to come once again to ni-msme for
attending other programmes related to their work sphere.
The programme was concluded with the distribution of certificates by the Director General to the participants on their successful
completion of the programme followed by proposing vote of thanks by Mr. M. Subba Rao.
Editorial Team
Editor: Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy
| Associate Editor: Prof. V. Vishwas Rao
Editorial Coordinator & Layout by : Ms. P. Anjali Prasanna
ni-msme, Yousufguda, Hyderabad - 500 045, India
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Postal Regn. No. HD/1049/2012-14
RNI. No. APENG/2002/7034
Date of Publication : 15 April 2014
Dr. N. Srilakshmi, Registrar, Head C-LAIMS & IPFC made a presentation on Intellectual Property
Facilitation Centre (IPFC), ni-msme before Mr. Madhav Lal, IAS, Secretary, MoMSME and the
Chairman of IPFC Steering Committee; and Mr. Surendranath Tripathi, IAS, Joint Secretary (SME),
MoMSME on 7 Mar 14 at NIESBUD, New Delhi. In her presentation, she explained about the achievements, strengths, opportunities and
weaknesses of IPFC including its action plan for the year 2014-15.
The Secretary emphasised that IPFCs should act as platforms to undertake capacity building among MSMEs with regard to focusing on new
initiatives as value addition in their processes of manufacturing of products and services which would be registered under IPRs. He further
stressed that it is the need of the hour that IPFCs work for the honor and success of ministry of MSME - IPFC Project, which is for the first time
initiated by India and they may act as Role models to other developing nations. Secretary and Joint Secretary complemented ni-msme and
Dr. N. Srilakshmi for her presentation.
Visitors’ Gallery
A Meeting was convened in the chambers of the Director General
with the new GC Members, viz., Mr. T. V. Ratna Rao and
Mr. K. B. Sridhar on their first visit to ni-msme on 24 Mar 14 after
assuming charge as GC Members. Dr. C. Rani, Director (SEE) &
CAO; Prof. P. Udaya Shanker, Director (SEM); Dr. G. U. K. Rao,
Director (SED); Dr. N. Srilakshmi, Registrar and Prof. V. Vishwas
Rao, Consultant (SEIC) were present. The said faculty explained the
role and activities of their respective schools and interactions were
held with the GC Members on the activities. The meeting was
concluded with felicitating Mr. T.V. Ratna Rao and Mr. K. B. Sridhar
by presenting memento and copies of Golden nuggets by
Mr. M. Chandrasekhar Reddy, Director General, ni-msme followed
by word of appreciation.
A Meeting was convened in the chambers of the Director General
with Mr. V. K. Thakral, IAS, AS & FA, Ministry of MSME, New
Delhi on his visit to ni-msme on 13 Mar 14.
Dr. C. Rani, Director (SEE) & CAO; Prof. P. Udaya Shanker,
Director (SEM); Dr. G. U. K. Rao, Director (SED); Dr. N.
Srilakshmi, Registrar and Prof. V. Vishwas Rao, Consultant (SEIC)
were present. The said faculty explained the role and activities of
their respective schools and interactions were held with Mr. Thakral.
The faculty answered to the quiries of Mr. Thakral during
interactions related with their respective activities.
The meeting was concluded with thanking Mr. Thakral by the
Director General and the faculty.
Toll - Free Udyami Helpline
In a communique M/o MSME informed about the Udyami Helpline
(a call centre for MSMEs) set up since 21 Aug 2010 Accessible on a national
toll-free number 1800-180-6763 on all days from 6 AM to 10 PM.
Printed, published and edited by Mr. M.Chandrasekhar Reddy, Director General on behalf of National Institute for Mirco,
Small and Medium Enterprises (ni-msme) (An Organisation of the Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India). Published from ni-msme,
Yousufguda, Hyderabad 500 045 and printed at A.S. Graphics, 7-1-282/C/10, Beside Yellamma Temple, Balkampet,
Hyderabad 500 038.