indulge Q1 - Star Cruises
indulge Q1 - Star Cruises
SHOP ONBOARD ᰑጆ⃔ᗊ┠ᛦ∛處Fragrances, watches, jewellery & skincare 欨㷃ҷ㏚擅ҷ䕯ⶅ╙崆匩♐ ındulge Q1 2014 VOYAG E S O F D I S C OV E RY A N D S U R P R I S E ⴛ儝 我 憔ġġ䛀ㅒ榧 厹 Embark for glamour The romance of cruising ⌚ዾᏈᤸġᦥ₴ḥ⋞ᶗ China’s new ski thrills Genting Resort Secret Garden ጱỺᱷᲓᑊġġ ᢖṊᱻ∛Ẁ MEN OF THE FOREST Orang-utans in Kota Kinabalu ᚩጱጴᎊġᗉᔬ⟤⋂ᡪᵲᵲ COOL WEATHER, HOT SPRINGS Thermal baths around Asia ᳇ᎢỎẤġ➳➱ᗉᐾᑊ ᑀỹ᠌ DOWNLOAD OUR ANDROID TABLET OR IPAD APP ᾚ悘ⴘⓢ㎥ŊőłŅ㍘䚷ġ 䮚ゞ›╦㔛ᾙ杀崏㮑弲 Contents ᐂ␙ On the cover 32 Evoking the Golden Age of travel aboard the Star Pisces អᣃᅝᑋᆛ◬ᱽ៧ᾊᆜ ጆᢽᯀᚓ፶ḥ⋞ᵂ ṗᜲủ፸ᛵᣉ᷒ᶮᒩ Q1 , 2 014 Star Cruises 瀦㞮幖宙 services 64 Onboard shopping Cruise ᰑጆ┠ᛦ Choose from our extensive range of duty-free products 㝔厹 ⢷㎠↠䣍⪩⋜䮔帷♐ᾼ戇庋ㅒ榼⬌ 70 22 Global vision ⒭ᮾᷲᱥ The ambitious plans of Genting Group Chairman Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay await at China’s premier skiing destination South Korea and more Star Cruises story ⎿ᾼ⢚ҷⓦ楢ҷ欻ℕ嬎╙⌅ ⚡៧Ṟᘟ ⢷ᾼ⢚榑亩䠓䁠桹〵⇖㣠⋶虇 䡰㉔›╦⏉䅏䠓䁠桹㮑╙⌅ 㻁⢿Ⓩ䠓䀺㹘⑬⢿㛍沕怺ㅒ From humble beginnings to today’s world-class fleet ㏅⪥㻊⑤ 50 Cruise fashion 䃒ᜲủ፸ 72 tea leaves Retro glamour aboard the Star Pisces Ship fleet ⚡៧ᰑḻ ᩅᣍᬧ⍾ ⢷ʥ桨泩㞮埮ʦᾙ捜䖍㞣㝴樷啾 †榑桕⢧Ὴ⾼Ὲ㜾捛㤦⢚㹿 朚㑢㫼⑨㑀㢘滊⢥⪶宗 38 Reading the 26 Men of the forest ᚩጱጴᎊ Taiwan’s tea and its fascinating history A close-up look at Borneo’s “wild man”, the orang-utan 57 Going for gold ⁚仈╿䇲▜哅╙⌅イ⁉⋴⑬ ṗᜲᲓᑊ 䠓㴆▁ The precious metal that’s rebounding in popularity, especially in Hong Kong 44 Hot spots Ỻᱷጴ∛ IMAGES: Cover: AJL Studio. Dancers: Stephanie Berger Thrills and spills aplenty Escape 8 10 Porthole view ᠖ዾ᠌ự 灒捠憨䮽幃捠ⷻ䠓梏㷑⌜㲰ᾙ Take a dip at the best hot springs in China, Malaysia, ⓖ虇⢷欨㾾㢃㞾⪶╦㼗幊冔 82 20 years! 20ᘐᑧ We’re celebrating a special anniversary ㎠↠栕捜㌅䫬㎟䱚ijı◷〃 䠓棡䣭 懇㿇 14 Dining 20 Precinct Ꮆᱣᜬ⅒ ᗏᡱᣋ ≜ΐ● We take a peek at a fascinating destination Our pick of top cuisine at fine Asian eateries Head to Robertson Quay on the Singapore River ᾏ䱉╳抌ⁿ⋘䠓樷帛 乍戇㻁Ⓩ⋶䠓榑亩橮〫 䂺㳴㝋㜿⣰儔₾懫䩋榼ᾏ⿅ What’s on A look at our vessels and their destinations ⁚仈㎠↠䠓抄悹╙厹姛䡽䠓⢿ 慠䢚⯕儔㻁ʥ捝⁉ʦ五㵪䒸䒸 32 Ski Chongli 瀦㞮抄悹㟘怺ᾥ䛛亩⋻▇䠓㎟㛔‚ 18 Wine 62 Star Cruises people ᯔᗇ∻╞ ᗏ⟌ ⚡៧ḥ⋞ዷᛦ⅂ Key entertainment events around the region All you need to know about a top Bordeaux Meet the captain of the SuperStar Virgo 㻁Ⓩ⋶䠓⮪㮑╙㜖⒥䡪‚ ⁚仈㹱䏍⪩䠓榑ⶥ拡唙 容ʥ埤⬂㞮埮ʦ又朆 10 i n d u l g e Q1 2014 3 CHAIRMAN’S NOTE ᎐᥆ᛵᾭ ❣ ALL ABOARD 䠊又㿇㮑 慝䠊ᾙ瀦㞮抄悹蘼憨㞾 㻁欥ᾏ㒖 䠓抄悹⋻▇瀦㞮抄悹 㢏㜿㔷⎉䠓桫尛 ҿ›╦Ӏ Ҹ␄⎙埮䠓⎉䏗拜▗㢻⋻▇␄愵 20◷〃亏ㆄ虇䖍尯戏▓⃜厖㎠↠ᾏ弆㌅ 䫬ʥ卹䛀朡懇ゞ抄悹⇖㢮ʦ俀㯺㻁20〃䠓⋘悬㴆䮚Ҹ 悤沕㈯朡䠓又ᾙ䚮㻊虇╊㔘ᾏ⎖俐㜖侮䵏虇⌜拜▗㟑 ⶩ䘿⨒ҷ儝☂橮䏸☛榑亩⮪㮑虇㞾㎠↠䉉㝔ⴱ㭚ㆬ䠓儝 ⬨ⴘ㔡Ҹҿ›╦Ӏ桫尛㐎嬁瀦㞮抄悹䠓䐈吁虇乔▗⁴ᾙ Twenty years after the founding of Star Cruises, we’re launching a new magazine on its maiden voyage ㏏㢘䐈幹虇䉉㝔ⴱ㕟K㟑ⶩҷ弲☂厖⮪㮑䳘幖宙虇䉉 ⪶ⵅ⁚仈瀦㞮抄悹⢷㻁⇫棯㾾╲䠓孏⋘⬌╊埤Ҹ ⶅ䚅㞮埮抄悹΅㞾欥㲰⁴㸨⾃〖⃫䉉㵜㾾虇㢻㢮 䲻 26 榐㢘杫㝋〖䠓⧀虇⿅⪶ⵅ╊孏幭䜅⢿䐈㢘䠓 瀦㞮抄悹␄愵20〃虇㝦ᾚ䠓㜿桫尛戇⢷㳳株␄⎙ 五㵪䒸䒸虇⁴╙⁚仈〖ᾜⵈ撾懝䠓㟾灭☛㻊⑤Ҹ ⢷›╦栌⋘☛㼆㺚Ὶ檧虇呴㊂㲲幭╵ᾏ䮽㟾帛虇ᾜ ⬷⎿ᾼ⢚䠓榑ⶥ䁠桹⧃☛㙐㢘ⴛ∨⌻Ⳳ懚⑤宼㝌䠓 elcome aboard! This is the premier issue of indulge, the magazine of Star Cruises, Asia’s leading cruise operator. The first issue coincides with the 20th anniversary of Star Cruises and we invite you to join us in celebrating two decades of freestyle cruising with a distinctive Asian style. It’s a great idea, this combination of relaxed shipboard life, freedom from formality, stylish surroundings, delicious food and great entertainment. With indulge, we have served up this same mix of style, fun and entertainment, and spiced it with a dash of information about the ports that we visit throughout Asia. In another first, we are using Kota Kinabalu in Sabah as a home port for SuperStar Aquarius and our story on page 26 introduces you to some of the locals, the unique ginger-haired orang-utans, as well as some tips about what to see and do around KK. If you ever tire of sun and sea, you can always head to China’s premier ski fields and the Genting Resort Secret Garden (page 32) with its unrivalled facilities for winter sports. If the cold does not appeal, you could visit Secret Garden in summer when the wildflowers bloom and revel in the fresh mountain air. Or you could escape the chill with a dip in the hot springs in various ports, many of which have healing properties (page 44). As we welcome the Year of the Horse, what better souvenir than a gold horse! Special Chinese New Year gold horse coins are available onboard and our story on gold (page 57) will add sparkle to you reading. We hope indulge adds elements of discovery and surprise to your Star Cruises voyage. Bon voyage. W ⵕ呠梁榑㮑⢡虃䲻 32 榐虄Ҹ呴⃯ᾜ✫㳰ⵡ⍆䠓⪸㶲虇 ╾⢷⪞⪸⏜ㄏ㮑⢡虇㲲幭䡪㛍䠓捝呀虇☋◇⸀Ⓩ㾔㜿 䠓䰉㶲Ҹ柳 㳳 Ὶ ⪥虇⪩ ↚㾾╲染 慠 抌 㢘 䀺 㹘虇㹰 䀺 㹘ᾜ≔╾⁴比 廿 ⵡ㊞虇戓 ⌆ ∨ ᾜ ▛ 䟑 㛗虇╾ 尹 㞾 ᾏ 厘 ⋸ ㄦ 虃䲻44榐虄Ҹ 慝㔴欻〃ℕ卷虇戓㢘⁏灋㵣ʥ捠ʦ 欻㢃▗懸䠓亏ㆄ♐蘼㎠↠䐈⎴㕟K ʥ欻〃亏ㆄ捠⿲ʦ㝋又ᾙ䠓䬽♐〦 ⎉⚽Ҹ⃯΅╾⁴冊杀㢻㢮䠓灒捠槛 ⧀懢虃䲻 57 榐虄虇㾀尜峧憨䮽䠋⎉ 尧⁉⋘䄳䠓捠ⷻҸ ⾛㢪ҿ›╦Ӏ劌⿅ 仵 ⪶ ⵅ毩✫虇⛮䠋 ⪶ ⵅ ╊ 㔱 亱虇崢⃯㢃›╦ ⢷瀦㞮抄悹䠓㟑⋘Ҹ 䫬⪶ⵅᾏ彾榕樷Ҹ Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay, Chairman and Chief Executive, Genting Group Ṋᱻṇ‼᎐᥆ᣯᒭ៝ⓘᷮ ጳᴒᖾᚩᦤ Indulge is published quarterly by Genting Hong Kong Limited and is produced for Star Cruises by Bauer Media Hong Kong Printed by C&C Offset Printing Limited. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of Genting Hong Kong Limited. All rights Company Limited, 14/F, C&C Building, reserved. Copyright © 2013 by Genting Hong Kong Limited. Opinions in indulge are the writers’ and not necessarily endorsed by 36 Ting Lai Road, Tai Po, Genting Hong Kong Limited. Genting Hong Kong Limited and Bauer Media Hong Kong Limited accept no responsibility for New Territories, Hong Kong unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies or other material. Manuscripts, photographs and artwork will not be returned unless ᾼ啾⛕⑨ヸ吁⓿⏆㢘柟⋻▇㐎⓿ accompanied by appropriate postage. 欨㾾㜿䛛⪶⥣㷏瀦彾 36 埮ᾼ⛕⪶┵ 14 㮢 4 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e CONTRIBUTORS ᓆᜇ▥ፃ ALEXIS LAI ANDREW LOITERTON MARIE LEBAILLY MARK GRAHAM Falling prices have spurred a renewed demand for gold. Alexis examines just why glittering Hong Kong has become a central hot-spot for the precious metal. Andrew’s photography spans many industries including travel, portraits and fashion. He captures the glamour for our fashion shoot this month aboard the Star Pisces. Marie works as a creative director, fashion editor and stylist, and set the scene by styling this month’s fashion shoot – a retro style evoking the Golden Age of travel. Beijing-based Mark snaps on his skis and takes to the slopes for a look at Genting Resort Secret Garden in Chongli, China’s new premier skiing destination. 灒捠⊈㧋ᾚ彛捜㜿⏉䅏―梅⚽⾑⧃ 憨䮽幃捠ⷻ䠓梏㷑ҸAlexisⷀ㳳 㔱宝欨㾾䉉⃤㎟䉉幆干捠檍䠓䍀戇 Ὶ⢿Ҹ Andrew䠓㚬⃫♐懜╙㝔懙ҷ㟑婬 ╙⁉䏸別≞䳘ᾜ▛䵓䜖虇㢻㢗ⅎ 䠊ᾙ桨泩㞮埮抄悹 䉉㎠↠䠓㟑婬 䐈悾㙜⎏Ҹ Marie怺⌋␄⃫俌䡲ҷ㟑婬佷悾╙ ⁴⒦※䉉ⵅ䠓Mark Graham廿容 ⃜㝋⺖䬽侲䠓ⵕ呠梁榑㮑⢡虇⢷⺖ ⸀⺊⽉朢㔱䰅憨↚ᾼ⢚㢏㜿䠓榑亩 䁠桹⑬⢿㢘⃤◇イῚ埤 Ҹ ヱ巰㒖ᾘ分虇⢷㢻㢗䠓㟑婬䐈悾 ᾼ虇⬈ⶖᾏ嬁嬁㎆厙㢜檍捜䖍㞣㝴 懯㺚抄悹䠓灒捠㴁㢗Ҹ PRISCILLA SIEW STEVE THOMAS SALLY ROBINSON KAREN FONG Writer and photographer Priscilla is your guide to the best bars, restaurants, coffee shops and art venues along Roberston Quay on the Singapore River. Based in Southeast Asia for 20 years, Steve specialises in adventure-travel writing. He takes us on a jungle trek to view Borneo’s “wild man”, the orang-utan. Sally compiled the profile of Genting Group Chairman, Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay, who reveals the strategies and values behind a business that keeps on growing. Spa and wellness expert Karen takes a dip in Asia’s top hot springs, from new offerings at China’s five-star resorts to traditional Japanese onsens. ⃫冔⌋㚬⾺Priscilla⿅⃯䂺㳴 㜿⣰㹂䛣虇㔱亱儔₾懫䩋榼ᾏ⿅ ▓ゞ▓㮲䠓拡▶ҷ檟もҷ☥⛰檷☛ 坬姢⧃⢿Ҹ ⷔ⃞⢷㤀ⓦ朆懣20〃䠓Steve㙔朆 㘿㴆根㝔懙䠓㜖䱯Ҹ⁙㢮⿅榧 崏冔㾀⋴╱㤦虇䱉㔱㢘ʥ捝⁉ʦῚ 䯀䠓五㵪䒸䒸慠㹐 Ҹ Sally㜖㘿梁榑桕⢧Ὴ⾼Ὲ㜾捛 㷃䟑╙Ⅼ⇴ⵅKaren廿容㻁Ⓩ ⪩↚榑亩㷃䟑宼㝌虇䜅ᾼ⒔㑻ᾼ⢚ 㜿ら䠓‣㞮亩䀺㹘〵⇖㣠☛≂伀䠓 㝴㢻䀺㹘 㤦⢚㹿䠓㎟朆伢㴆虇㑢ⷤ‚㫼㏏懚 䚷䠓䳥䛴虇⁴╙伢䍮ₐ㫼㏏㑀㒐 䠓⊈⇋孏Ҹ ındulge VOYA G E S O F D I S C OV E RY A N D S U R P R I S E ⴛ 儝 我 憔 䛀 ㅒ 榧 厹 Published by BAUER MEDIA HONG KONG LIMITED STAR CRUISES EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Chief Operating Officer Blondel So 垖㛻ㅆ Chief Operating Officer William Ng ◂汧幱 Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications & PR Vivian Sim 㸗唘噽 Senior Officer, Corporate Communications & PR Amanda Li 㣝䯝 ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: ASIAN IN-FLIGHT MEDIA LIMITED Hong Kong, Managing Director Peter Jeffery +852 3910 6388 peterjeffery@ 6 Advertisement Director Joanne To +852 3910 6395 joanne@ Q1 2014 i n d u l g e Hong Kong, Advertisement Manager Dominic Chan +852 3910 6397 dominic@ Singapore & Malaysia Joseph Yap +65 6337 6996 / +65 9683 9530 joseph@ Unit 604-5, 6/F, 625 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong Tel: +852 3921 7000 Fax: +852 3921 7099 Website: Editorial enquiries: Managing Director Niall Murphy Publishing Director Alky Cheung ツ㻲⊏ Business Manager Graham Cheung ツ␜㹱 Editor in Chief William Fraser Art Director Chris Roseby Designer Kenneth Chan 栂⇴㢦 Production Director Jimmy Tse 岬㜖ㅯ Assistant Production Manager Chris Wong 灒㞼⇴ E S C A PE ḡᵂ Wo rd s / 㘿㜖 Sally Robi n son PORT OF CALL 㹙⹇ Porthole view ╳抌慠帛 Myanmar ≵ᖏ Yangon’s 2,500-yearold Shwedagon Pagoda ᐟᐤᑺ2,500ᑧ⍹Ꮒᛵጙᜲᑡ ᢢᚶ⋂ᐟᐤᛵᴻᏫᴞឰ⎴ᅘᜲ⃜⋙Ἃᛵᒹẇᘍᚩ⊐ጙᅗᯀᑋ៦ᗏ⍶ᅙ ᏻ╷ឈᎤᶋᛵ፞᧻៧ᾊḥ⋞ᑋ 2013 ᑧ 8 ፸ 14 ፶ᯧዯᑿᛖᐟᐤᅙ ⟤ᐤᅝ㝔ⴱᾜ⬷⢷⾑⋶䂺㳴虇孏幭ⴞ⇘䠓㴥㶠㟑㢮╳厙ら䵘虖⎿㞑⸀⾑⧃虃www.bogyokemarket.com虄 憪憪΅ㄗᾜ撾Ҹᒴᅝⴞ⇘䠓Governorʣ s Residence虃www.governorsresidence.com虄 ㎥⾁ㄸⅽ䠓啾瀦拡〦Strand Hotel 虃www.hotelthestrand.com虄Ҹ ᡱᣋᅝᾜ嬐撾懝⁴圠灒☛儔㢪ⳟ屎☂䠓泩㿾丂丘虃Mohinga虄Ҹ 8 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e IMAGE: Getty Images There’s never been a better time to see Yangon’s colonial buildings, shimmering pagodas and leafy streets. SuperStar Libra called at Yangon for the first time on 14 August, 2013, sailing from Penang. SEE: Take a walking tour of the city’s magnificent but crumbling colonial buildings and visit the massive Bogyoke Aung San Market ( SLEEP: The grand Governor’s Residence ( or the beautifully renovated Strand Hotel ( EAT: Mohinga: rice noodles in fish stock flavoured with turmeric and tamarind. E S C A PE ḡᵂ WHAT'S ON 䡪‚䍀灭 Festive occasions ២ᑇጙᑊ elebrate the Year of the Horse rse at the Penang ng Chinese New Year Culture and Heritage Celebration, held on 2 February, ruary, 2014, in the Malaysian island’s capital, George ge Town – a te. Watch specUNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. ces and take part tacular performances and lion dances in traditional Chinese arts such as calligraphy and C paper cutting. de fireworks, In Hong Kong, celebrations include flower markets and horse racing. On 31 January, 2014, thousands will line the streetss of Tsim Sha Tsui for the Cathay Pacific Internationall Chinese New Year Night Parade, which turns the harbourfront into a giant street party. The heart of Singapore’s celebrations tions is the Chingay Parade. From 8pm on 7-8 February, 2014, see spectacular floats, fire eaters, lion on dancers, musicians, dance acts and jugglers converge on the Formula One Pit Building beside Marina arina Bay for a Mardi Gras-style parade and party. In n other ports, such as Malacca and Yangon, head for Chinatown to join in the Chinese New Year celebrations. rations. ᜪ 㔴欻〃⎿ℕ虇╕᪑⛸ᣊ⇠ᏼፕ፲ፓ⇘Ồⶖ㝋 ᏼፕ፲ፓ⇘Ồⶖ㝋 㱂⥝⽭欥〫✻㹊 2014〃2㢗2㝴虇⢷欻ℕ嬎㱂⥝⽭欥〫✻㹊 ⾑厘姛虇容ⴱⶖ╾⢷憨↚娺⎦⋴凾▗⢚㛨䭠㜖 娺⎦⋴凾▗⢚㛨䭠㜖 仓俣ᾥ䛛㜖⒥戉䚱▜撓䠓╳⥝虇孏䢚乍捖䠓㜖⒥䵏䡽☛ 乍捖䠓㜖⒥䵏䡽☛ 厭䓔姷䂣虇΅╾⁴╒厖ᾼ⢚≂伀坬姢㻊⑤虇ℚ⬑㞴凾 㻊⑤虇ℚ⬑㞴凾 ☛⏹亨Ҹ ⢷欨㾾虇慝㞴䵏䠓㻊⑤⒔㑻ἃṮ₡ᅘᱟᏕᅘ┟᪑䳘 ₡ᅘᱟᏕᅘ┟᪑䳘 䡪‚Ҹ2014ᑧ1፸31፶虇ᦤᨴᜀỉ២ↂṮ₡ጴᘝⶖ⢷ ↂṮ₡ጴᘝⶖ⢷ ⶥ㸨☏㼆∜厘姛虇㼆䆀ᾏ⿅ⶖ⒥怺䉉⪶⤚㻍⧃⢿Ҹ ⪶⤚㻍⧃⢿Ҹ ᔍ♐ጙΐᒭ㞾㜿⣰慝㜿㞴㻊⑤䠓汧䃽虇䛀 汧䃽虇䛀 2014ᑧ ⽰懙ҷ▭䇺姷䂣 ҷ 2፸7-8፶㟩ᾙ8㟑朚⭚虇乍捖䠓呀恙⽰懙ҷ▭䇺姷䂣 厭䓔ҷ概㮑䂣⎉ҷ厭志ҷ泣姢㏁㹤䳘䵏䡽ⶖ⌀⍅ᾏ䎟虇 䵏䡽ⶖ⌀⍅ᾏ䎟虇 军䆀㼆䇲㝐䠓Formula One Pit Building lding΅⒥怺䉉➘ 〃啾䑑㳰㟩㢒Ҹ⌅⥝⾑⬑欻⋼䛁☛ⁿ⋘虇䜅⢿䠓ᤂዷ ⁿ⋘虇䜅⢿䠓ᤂዷ ᷭ΅㢒厘愵ỉ២⇠᧸᠖᪳Ҹ 10 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e CONGRATS! 㳰㌅◷〃 Join us in celebrating 20 years of distinctive Asian freestyle cruising! For two decades, Star Cruises has been providing voyages of discovery and surprise. On page 22, you can read how Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay, Chairman of the Genting Group, was inspired to introduce cruising in Asia. And on page 82, you can see milestone photos of Star Cruises. 烙ℕ㌅䫬瀦㞮抄悹㎟䱚20◷〃亏ㆄ蘼20〃ℕ虇瀦㞮抄悹 厃䉉㻁Ⓩ䠓㝔ⴱ⿅ℕ樷㧋䓷⌆ᾣ㈯懙卹⢷䠓㼆ᾙῚ 㝔虇崢䠊又䠓㝔ⴱ㎆嗦毩✫䠓ㅒ㉔ⷤ朚ᾜ▛䠓㔱亱㝔 䮚Ҹ冊杀䲻22榐虇│╾―孲梁榑桕⢧Ὴ⾼Ὲ㜾捛㤦⢚㹿 ⬑⃤ㄦ⎿⛮䠋朚ⷤ㻁抄悹㫼⑨Ҹ冊杀䲻82榐虇ⅎ劌捜 䀺瀦㞮抄悹㝋▓↚䠋ⷤ栝㵄䛨ᾚ䠓乍捖䋶䏖Ҹ Bloomin’ marvellous 呀㤬㑪ⷤ The dragon dance is a traditional celebration at the Chingay Parade in Singapore ỉᎧᘙᔍ♐ጙΐᒭ ḢᒭṞᯱᛵℜᜨ₡ IMAGES: Parade: Roslan Rahman – AFP/Getty Images. Flower: Getty Images March 2014 Every March, Victoria Park in Hong Kong’s bustling Causeway Bay district is transformed into a vibrant field of colour during the annual Hong Kong Flower Show. The week-long show has floral demonstrations, competitions, music showcases and dance performances, alongside stalls selling plants, blooms and gardening equipment. 2014ᑧ3፸ 㵞〃3㢗虇欨㾾搔昋䇲䠓似⪩⎸⋻⢡㢒厘姛ᾏ〃 ᾏ〵䠓ᣍᵁᎯ᤺✪虇ⶖ俐ㅨ䠓搔昋䇲⒥䉉吁ヸ 㜠㜤䠓呀㼆Ҹ䉉㢮ᾏ◷䠓㻊⑤柳呀ⓘⷤ⪥虇 戓㢘▓槭㵣庌ҷ概㮑☛厭志姷䂣虇䖍⧃ 宼㢘▓䮽㪜䏸ҷ呀ⓘ⁴╙⢡坬 䚷♐䠓㚳㰣虇幭呀Ὶ檧虇 戓╾庋ㄦㅒ榼⬌Ҹ Theme flower Kalanchoe will brighten your day ᜳ⁆⁊ᐂ⛐ᯗ E S C A PE E ḡᵂ 灭 WHAT'S WHAT AT'S ON ON 䡪‚䍀灭 Trisha Brown Dance Company performs at this year’s Hong Kong Arts Festival Always entertaining: Grand Fiesta ᤥ∛ᙨ◊ᅠ ᪑ᏑᙲṊᱻᎌᠾ″ᑧ᷒ ᬂᰒᅛᏖᦃℜ┦‼ᚑ 2014ᑧᣍᵁ♐ᰰὓ₡Ꭴ Dramatic scenes 倌亪坬⩖ 18 February-22 March, 2014 The 42nd Hong Kong Arts Festival serves up more than 50 international performers, orchestras, theatre and dance troupes. Highlights include the National Theatre of China’s interpretation of Romeo and Juliet, Scottish Ballet’s Highland Fling, the South African-set drama Mies Julie from the University of Cape Town’s Baxter Theatre Centre, and jazz singer Gregory Porter. 2014ᑧ2፸18፶-3፸22፶ ᯧ 42 ᘿᣍᵁ♐ᰰὓ⿅ℕ弔懝 50 ↚⢚株姷䂣✽⃜䔊㐏虇 䜅ᾼ⒔㑻䓷䱚坬姢ⵅҷ䴰サ㮑⢧ҷ␖⢧☛㳛厭⢧Ҹ坬姢䵏 ALL ABOARD Luxury line-up at Royal Phuket Marina 懷懙㮑‚ ⅐᷒ΐὶᑋᡈᤲᏖᐷ ΐὶᣣ∛ᱡᝁᡐ 9-12 January, 2014 See more than 60 deluxe yachts moored at Royal Phuket Marina for the Phuket International Boat Show, which also features an indoor exhibition with more than 150 global brands representing everything from charter-sailing companies to nautical gadgets and water-sports equipment. 捜榼榔䡽㢘ᾼ⢚⢚ⵅ尀␖柱捜㜿寽捚䠓ҿ儔ⵕ㳟厖㣀瀦 嗘Ӏҷ垖㧋垼吼圍厭⢧䠓汧⢿厭ҿ⍰Ὶ㎏㖥䂍䅏㉔䵖Ӏҷ 2014ᑧ1፸9-12፶ 朚㟽㛵⪶ⴇ Baxter 㳛␖柱◗䔊䠓ⓦ棭厭╿␖ҿ哀唘 ⢷䠖ⵅ⾒▘懙取ↀ㮑扷厘姛䠓Ꮦᐷↂΐὶ᤺虇ⶖ㢘弔懝 ⭟Ӏ虇⁴╙䥴▜䏄⩺㮑㳛㏚Gregory Porter䠓姷䂣Ҹ 60叧巹啾懙取⇫㹙╒ⷤҸⴳ⋶ⷤ孌⏖㢘⋷䖒150↚♐䏛 ╒ⷤ⛕虇㔷⁚懙取䭮幒ҷ厹㼆婬僽☛㷃ᾙ懚⑤䚷♐䳘Ҹ 12 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e Light it up THE YEAR OF THE HORSE ᪆ᝁὓ⇠ 欻〃ₙ⭚ 29 November-31 December, 2013 December is party time in Manila with the monthlong Grand Fiesta at Resorts World Manila. Celebrations kick off on 29 November, 2013, with the Christmas-tree lighting ceremony and continue with concerts, raffles and movies from the Metro Manila Film Festival. A parade will feature giant papier-mâché Higantes figures, like the ones paraded through the streets during Angono’s annual Higantes Festival. There is also a lively programme of daily entertainment including acrobats, magicians and jugglers. 31 January, 2014 2013〃11㢗29㝴厂㜃↚12㢗 2014ᑧ1፸31፶ 12፸៦᪑Ꮡᙲᛵ᠘⁝፸ᅗ᪑ᏑᙲṊᱻᎌᠾ⓴ᒭᜳῖ ዯᣥ፸ᛵ᪑ᏑᙲṊᱻᎌᠾ″ᑧ᷒ᅙ⇠ᗦᚑ2013ᑧ11፸ 29፶␣ὧ⊱⍯ᝁ⎍↞ᑨᏩᑨ᤺Ḷᅗᬻᷕ៦ዯ᱕ᒱᣇ∛ ⃜Ҹ欻⋡⁴ⴒ䠓凿㋶☛⑳ Ồᅘ ∿᎔ ⇝ὓᶟ᠖᪳ᅙ⇠ᗦጴዯ┯Ꭹ៘Ꮢងᨔ 懚惇ᾙ㞾㎠↠嬹ⵕ䠓⪴ ዷ᪡ᖶΐᅳ⚎ᓃᑠ፭⏱ᕦᑧᖊ❣ὓᛵᨔዷ᪡ᖶΐ᠖᪳ᅴᅙ Ҹ別欻䠓⁉⩺ ⍢፸ᛵ⇠ᗦᴞḸᅗᕦ፞┯ᑺ◫ᕂᅘ❉ᰰᘍ◫ᡵᶟ€ ㆶ㧋朚㢦虇㊪ ᠖ዾᛵᜱᜨ₡ᅙ ″㢚╚虇㛱 The last day of January marks the first day of the Year of the Horse, the seventh animal in the Chinese zodiac. Horse people are said to be enthusiastic, love making friends and are aggressive in pursuing their dreams. 12䚮別ᾼ虇欻㔡姛䲻ᾒ ⫽虇卹╳⁴ℕ⢷䚮㻊ᾙ☛ ⃫㛱䉉虇㞾 ↚ᾜ㐧ᾜ㏲ 䠓憟⪱冔Ҹ Miles ahead IMAGES: Dancers: Stephanie Berger. Marathon: Imaginechina 冟朆彠 21 December, 2013 Join more than 8,000 runners for the fourth annual Hainan Danzhou International Marathon along Hainan Island’s north coast. Those looking for an easier option can try the half marathon or the five-kilometre race. 2013ᑧ12፸21፶ 弔懝 8,000 ▜朆彠⇴⋡ⶖ╒⢷㼆ⓦ⺅⒦⹇厘姛䠓 䲻⡪ⷕᦫᝨ㫂ᑤↂ᪑ᙲᚮ┟Ҹ庌㢒戓厘愵悒悤沕䠓 ⓙ欻㑘㤍庌╙‣⋻捛庌彠榔䡽虇䉉╒庌戇㏚㕟K㢃⪩ 䠓戇㙖Ҹ On the run on Hainan Island ᚑᦫᝨ⓴ᒭᛵ᪑ᙲᚮ┟Ḗ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 13 ESCAPE ḡᵂ DINING ℂ檩儝橮 Hotel cuisine ᙏᏸ Try these restaurants at landmark hotels in the ports we call to ⎿㎠↠⇫㹙㾾╲䠓䥴▜拡〦虇♐⠟憨檟も䠓儝橮 Wo r d s / 㘿 㜖 A n g u s L i Get a taste of history at Hotel Fort Canning ⃡ᬌ⁕ᙏ᠍Ử ⍹Ꮒᣉ⚍ Hotel Fort Canning 䠖㝞㶲㻍 ocated on a hill in the middle of Fort Canning Park in Singapore, Hotel Fort Canning was once the administrative centre of the Majapahit Dynasty in the 14th century. The Glass House restaurant, surrounded by lush greenery, serves up L fusion cuisine that combines traditional Malaysian tastes with Western flavours. Laksa sspaghetti is the staple dish, w with the spicy laksa sauce aand seafood ingredients w working surprisingly well with tthe pasta. The mixed seafood p pie tee is another popular dish tthat features a cup of fresh sshrimp, diced scallops and d diced turnips. 䠓⸀ᾧҸ㙩宧悘虇憨⋡⢷14ᾥ 亏㞾䂎冔₾⫆䔚㢬䠓姛㛎ᾼㅒҸ 拡〦婰䠓The Glass House檟も 伯㯈䘿俭虇K㍘䠓㞾乔▗≂伀欻 ℕ樷☂╙嬎㝈╲☂䠓㾆▗啫ゞ虇 拜㖼⎉吁Ҹ⌅ᾼᾏ懢㑪䏛啫▊㸨 ㊞⪶⎸丘虇╾尹㞾㞮㻁㾆▗啫䠓 ℋℋ冔虇欨愲䠓▊㸨挻㜨☛㼆洽 拜㜨虇拜▗⡋䚩ℂ䠓㊞⪶⎸ 丘虇⇩⎉㊞㊂ᾜ⎿䠓儝☂Ҹ╵ᾏ 㳍⁉㶲⏜啫㼆洽捠㣾⏖㞾ⓦ㺚 ⮧㊈啫䠓姷虇⁴欨劕㣾䡪䣏 壵両ҷ⿅ⳟ両☛䠌城嚣両虇欨劕 ỉ ⣰䬞う拡〦 ╗㾔䏌Ҹ 虃Hotel Fort Canning虄 ⃜㝋䬞う⋻⢡ᾼ⪽ Fine dining in Penang ᑋ╷ឈᗊᏸᡱᗏ Take your pick for afternoon tea ᢒᑨጄፕᩅᛵᡱᩅ╞ ᵵᮼ€ᐂ THE RITZ-CARLTON KUALA LUMPUR ▘栕⣰ῌㆬ ⓰ⶣ榢拡〦 Afternoon tea in The Lobby Lounge at the Ritz-Carlton Kuala Lumpur will please the eye and palate. A variety of snacks includes quiche lorraine, chicken-and-mushroom pie, ham and cheese with nutted bread and a range of fine desserts. Choose from 40 Ronnefeldt teas courtesy of the German brand. Lee Eng Heng Executive Chef of Star Pisces 桨泩㞮埮抄悹姛㛎俌ど㣝㷇厗 What is your favorite restaurant? Jade Garden Restaurant in Tsim Tsa Tsui, Hong Kong. Traditional and local flavours can be discerned in its dishes.. How frequently do you visit the restaurant? In one month, I visit around four to five times. Name two dishes there that you like the most. I like their fried e-fu noodle and siu mai. These are delicious and cooked in the traditional way. Which dishes will you have for festive occasions, such as Lunar New Year? ▘栕⣰ῌㆬ⓰ⶣ榢拡〦婰䠓 The At Lunar New Year, I recommend the raw, marinated fish dish called yu sheng, and braised pork knuckle. Yu sheng because the Chinese believe it brings prosperity, and braised pork knuckle as it brings good fortune and good luck. Lobby Lounge 檟も虇K㍘⬌䢚 What is your best food-related memory? ╗⬌▒䠓≂伀咀ゞᾚⓗ哅虇儝☂ My best memory related to food is eating roast suckling pig. 灭⒔㑻䊦塚㐈ҷ桭刘垠啖㐈ҷ 㤫⁐灄⒔⫍䇺匎弆▇䳘虇戓㢘ㅆ ᓇᲟ❣ᤐዯḸ⟞ᅞ ⢚▜䏛 Ronnefeldt 㕟K䠓 40 ⪩ 䮽哅嗘Ҹ ᓇᏗᔅᑑጊᐤ❁ዯᑿ᱑ᤲ⟞ᅞ ⊲ⅉᎤ᱑ᤲ⟞ᾝᓇᲟ❣ᛵᗣᷠᅙ 欨㾾ⶥ㸨☏䠓兯⢡虇╾⁴▒⎿≂伀⢿懢䠓乄啫Ҹ ᾏ↚㢗亓⡪ҷ‣㲰Ҹ ㎠㢏✫㳰↠䠓、䍡ₙ灄☛䍡干虇☂懢⬌虇 Eastern & Oriental Hotel 㴥㶠戉樷 Eastern & Oriental Hotel is an architectural gem in Penang filled with colonial charm. You don't have to be a hotel guest to enjoy the traditional afternoon tea at 1885, the hotel restaurant named after the year Eastern & Oriental was established. The dining menu has been updated, with new creations including the delicious Maine lobster bisque and pan-seared Hokkaido scallops. ╷ឈᛵᚣ፵ጙᙏᅳEastern & Oriental Hotelᅴ៦ዯ᥊ᴻᏫᴞᛵឰ ⎴⚮ᅗᓟᗐጰᑋᙏጄₓᅗጌᣚᬗᗭ᎔ᙏḶỔᑧᐡᘒᑀᛵᆛ1885ᆜ ⟞ᗊᗽṞᯱᢒᑨጄፕᩅᅙ⟞ᜬᕗᴈጆỉᷠᲦᅗᗒ⑬ᡱᗾᛵ⊞⍾ᵓ ᘍᕆᦫ╖ᗾᶋᴄᗭộᢄᛵᣍἂᎫᦫᬉጛᅙ ⇩㹤㳲Ҹ ὓᛵᣦᅗ⛡ᑙῑ⍣ỉᑧᅗ ᓇỒ╞ጽ↚ᷠᅞ 慁㡕㜿〃㟑虇㎠㢒灭㘗泩䚮☛䍫⋒忓Ҹ 啾⁉抌䢇ⅰ泩䚮劌⿅ℕ⬌懚虇军⋒忓⏖ ⵢ㊞ⵛ幃▘䫴Ҹ ⊲ፍᗊℚᣋᛦᑺ⚆ᛵ ᡱᑗᑇ⍏ᅞ 㢏劌⿅仵㎠儝⬌⡭㍅䠓橮䏸㞾䉳 巻Ҹ Personal favourite: Jade Garden Restaurant 4/F, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong ᭆ▾⟞ᅝℋẀ ᣍᵁᑢᕩᘃ ᦍ፧ᓗ3ᾊ ៧ᐤᒭ4∘ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 15 ESCAPE ḡᵂ DINING ℂ檩儝橮 Festive delights ὓ⇠ᡱᣋ A number of dishes have a special relevance during Lunar New Year 厖慁㡕㜿〃㢘杫䠓䐈⎴啫ゞ Wo r d s / 㘿 㜖 A n d r e w Ta n Holiday favourite: fatt-choy yu sheng ⑬ὓᗏᅝᶋᩨᱽ Fatt-choy yu sheng 䠋帰泩䚮 Fatt-choy yu sheng, or just yu sheng, is a Lunar New Year dish prepared mainly for Chinese people in Singapore and Malaysia. It’s particularly popular with businessmen and working people because its name has a double meaning, implying better luck and fortune for the coming year. The main ingredients are raw slices of fish and abalone, with peeled carrot, white radish, cucumber, pickled ginger, spring onion, peeled pepper and pomelo, ground peanuts, deepfried rice noodles and a special kind of cracker called pok chui. Once the dish is placed on the table, tradition dictates that diners vigorously toss the food with their chopsticks, while shouting “lo hei, lo hei!” (good fortune!). Singapore restaurants within the Park Hotel Group, among others, serve this treat during Lunar New Year. 檩⁴⎖䏖㎥⎖㨬䠓指圠ҷ嚴ҷ拴 劕䠓䈡丘㨬ҷ䏌╲䠓愲㪡ҷ圓劕 檔☛亿䩷䠓呀䚮䳘䉉⃫㜨虇 ᾙ剰城嚣企ҷ䠌城嚣企ҷ棡䙫企ҷ 墫㥩䏖虇拜▗Ὴ孡䚮泩䏖☛洠泩 䏖虇㾆▗㚹㑛Ҹ▒䠓㟑↨䴆ⳟ烙 ᾚ虇⫍㘗军弆虇⌜ℕᾏ╴ʥ㘗 㘗泩䚮╗䯀䠋帰泩䚮虇㞾㜿⣰ 弆蘼㘗弆蘼ʦᾏ〃䠓⬌懚ⷀ憨灋 ☛欻ℕ嬎䐈㢘䠓慁㡕㜿〃䐈吁 ⷤ朚Ҹ㜿⣰䠍㮑拡〦桕⢧㝦ᾚ 啫檩虇巰ㅄ⬌懚厖ⵛ幃虇䐈⎴╦ 䠓㴉檟も⢷慁㡕㜿〃㢮朢K㍘㘗 䚮㊞⁉☛㏢⽴ᾏ㝞㳰慝Ҹ憨懢ℂ 泩䚮Ҹ Spicy pepper crab 愲㪡夒妈 Crabs are popular in Singapore, especially at Lunar New Year. Spicy pepper crab is delicious and its red colour symbolises luck and good fortune, bringing happiness to the table. Singapore restaurants serving classic examples of the dish include those at the Park Hotel Group, the Jumbo Seafood chain and No Signboard Seafood chain. 愲㪡夒妈㞾㜿⣰⢚啫Ὶᾏ虇╲☂⪩㮲⒥虇愲㪡㞾⿅欨䚫䠓虇灠剰㪡 ㊈☂虇戓㢘瀈塚灒ҷ䏪㹈䳘䳘Ҹ憨懢啫⢷慁㡕㜿〃㢮朢ⶳ⌅╦㳰慝虇 ⁉↠✫㳰⌅五吁巰ㅄ五懚䜅榼Ҹ㜿⣰㢘寀⪩檟もK㍘憨懢啫檩虇⒔ 㑻䠍㮑拡〦桕⢧㝦ᾚ檟も虇⁴╙憲攥桕⢧䕜ⶅ㼆洽㮢☛䊰㑪䏛㼆洽 䳘Ҹ拡〦ҷ檟檷䊈屎㏚坬岪䰅虇╲☂㒎㓞俌劌ㇿ⎿⬌埤Ҹ Pineapple treats 灒㨷㙊 Pineapple tarts are a traditional snack at Lunar New Year and always a favourite for Chinese people in Singapore and Malaysia. They are available all year, however, as most bakeries as well as souvenir stores stock them. Pineapple cakes, popular in Taiwan, are a slightly different take on this festive treat. 灒㨷㙊㎥冔╺灒㨷拴虇㢘灭 ≞╿䇲㻐姛䠓溂㨷拴虇㞾㜿 ⣰☛欻ℕ嬎啾⁉懝〃ㅔ ∨䠓䚫灭Ҹᾜ懝⢷⌅㝴ⳟ虇 ⪶姦⾆䠓㚳⃜΅㢘⚽干憨 䮽橮Ҹ灒㨷⌅㞾啯城䠓 16 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e ⎴䯀虇΅䯀ʥ㞉㨷ʦ虇㢘厗 㞉ҷ⬌⋕榼Ὶ㊞Ҹ E S C A PE ḡᵂ WINE ℂ捏 Wo rd s / 㘿㜖 Louie Chan ▜朏㢻吁 BRILLIANT BORDEAUX High among elite wine producers, Château Lafite Rothschild has established itself as the toast of Bordeaux by producing red wines with remarkable consistency of character ᙲᴑᰛ⍋ᷕᯆ⋊ጆᣎᅘᣉᦕ⎕ᗤᛵᛆᑑᡪᅗ ordeaux: the name is synonymous with the finest wines sought after by connoisseurs the world over for its complex character and sheer quality. But even among wines of this renowned French region, there are ranks of excellence that date back to the time of Emperor Napoleon III, who ordered a classification system for the best Bordeaux wines to be enjoyed by visitors from around the world at the Exposition Universelle of 1855. The result was the Bordeaux Wine Official Classification of 1855, whose standards are still in use today. Wines produced by a total of 61 châteaux across the three most important wine-producing regions B 18 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e within Bordeaux were ranked first to fifth growths (crus), with the prestigious First Growth or Premier Grand Cru Classé status given to only four châteaux. Château Lafite Rothschild, one of these first four châteaux, is perhaps the most famous and familiar name among them. Situated in the wine-producing village of Pauillac within the Médoc region to the north-west of Bordeaux, the estate – one of the largest in the region – boasts 112 hectares of vineyards producing about 35,000 cases annually, of which between 15,000 and 25,000 are First Growths. The excellence is largely due to the terroir: soils are composed of gravel, sand, limestone and some clay. The average age of the Grand Cru vines is more than 40 years, with some more than 100 years old in La Gravière plot – another key to the wines’ intense, concentrated and complex character. The estate’s origins date back to 1234, when it was the property of Gombaud de Lafite. The name Lafite came from the Gascon la hite, meaning “small hill”. Château Lafite was known to have had vines that were planted in the 15th century, The estate was purchased in the 17th century by the Ségur family, who expanded the vineyard and refined the winemaking techniques. By the dawn of the 18th century, Château Lafite was a symbol of success. But the French Revolution brought an end to the Ségur family’s ownership of the estate and it became public property. In 1797, it was sold to a group of Dutch merchants, and in 1868, Baron James Mayer de Rothschild acquired the estate, now known as Château Lafite Rothschild. From the 19th century, the Château had to weather several difficult periods, including battling the 19thcentury wine blight and the two world wars. But the Rothschild family continued investing in the business despite the periods of hardship, and this continued to IMAGES: Estate: Christophe Boisvieux – hemis/AFP ᑋᯖᑑᱻᑢ⟌᪼ጱ☽ᘾᱻᨑᑊᒳ The estate of Chateau Lafit Lafite Rothschild in the Med es Medoc region produces abou about 35,000 cases of red Bord Bordeaux annually from om its 11 112 hectares of vine vineyards ᙲᴑᰛᒳᚑᛆᑑ᎐ᢢᯆ᪸ ᙲᴑ ᪸ ᱼᅗ MédocᛵᾃᷟẀᓂᑊ112ፊᱼ Méd ᑧᯆ3 35,000≧ᛆᑑᡪ BUY ON BOARD 瀦㞮抄悹ᾙK戇庋䠓儝拡 IMAGES: Barrels: Mick Rock – Cephas. Bottle: Eric Feferberg – AFP/Getty Images Lafite Rothschild 1996 add to Château Lafite Rothschild’s reputation as a consistent producer of one of the world’s best red wines. These wines have an unmistakable depth of character, particularly evident in the Lafite millennium vintages, specifically the 2000, 2005, 2006 and 2008, which all received scores of more than 96 points by respected American wine critic Robert Parker. In 1999, Parker awarded the château’s 1996 vintage a perfect score of 100 points, praising it as possibly “the biggest, largest-scaled Lafite I have ever tasted” and “unquestionably this renowned estate’s greatest wine since the 1986 and the 1982”. ⢚㹱䏍⪩嗰喓拡⁴巟 ᛈ 㯈虇 虇㳲㞾捏媌 㯈 䛀冐㯈仟㎟䠓嗰喓 䛀 Lafite Rothschild 2000 ⵛ╲㊮╙ ᾙῧ幹捞 挖┩ℂ捏䠓ㅔ∨嬐亯ῚᾏҸ Lafite Rothschild 2005 ›崌⋷䖒虇㾀╦␘ 㧈 㙩 宧 悘虇拡 唙 䠓 㴆 ▁╾ 憌 Lafite Rothschild 2006 ↠憌㓶虇╾⁴尹㞾ℂ 䀾 厂 1 2 3 4 〃虇䜅㟑䏸㫼䠓Ὴ ⁉ Lafite Rothschild 2008 捏䠓▜寭Ҹ䋅军虇ℕ卹憨↚㹤⢚ 䉉 Gombaud de Lafite虇拡唙 䠓▜⳦⏖╥卹ᾼᾥ 亏ⓦ㹤㝈 宏 Mouton Rothschild 2008 Haut Brion 2006 槭虖䜅〃虇䉉―䩉Ⅼ╒1855〃 la hite虇㊞㒖ʥ⸀ᾧʦҸ 䛀15 ᾥ亏朚⭚虇拡唙⾁伢㧌䮽 ᾥ䛛喻⢚ⓩ孌㢒䠓ℕ幢劌♐⠟ᾙ 嗰喓虇憨㵄㴆▁㑘㜟凭▜㝋ᾥҸ Latour 2009 䳘ℂ捏虇ᾚ宼䱚封⏅〵Ҹ Ségurⵅ㝞⢷ 17ᾥ亏庋⋴拡唙Ὶ Chateau Angelus 2009 1855〃尤䚮䠓⎦亩拡唙⎕亩⏅ 㹎䚷厂⁙虇㹱䏍⪩ᾘ⪶䚱Ⓩ䠓61朢 ㄛ虇ᾜ⃕厃㚃ⷤ嗰喓⢡虇㢃懁ᾏ Chateau Montrose 2007 㳴㛈✓捏拡㐏姢Ҹ Chateau Lascombes 2008 ⎦亩拡唙娺⎕䉉ᾏ⎿‣亩虇⃜⎦ 䢃⎿18 ᾥ亏㢺虇㑘㜟拡唙⾁› 歂▜䚱Ⓩ䠓ℂ捏虇⣖榗㒘㒎䧃⺨ ᾘᾥ㟑㢮⏅䠓拡唙⎕亩⏅〵⎕ ᾏ亩䐈䳘䠓拡唙㢏⎬╹㢘⡪ⵅҸ 崌㬄栕虇⃕ᾏ⧃㹤⢚⪶棸☌虇拡 ⢷▜⎦ᾏ亩䐈䳘䠓⡪⪶ 拡 唙 唙㎟䉉⋻㢘帰䚱虇㝋1797〃娺 ᾼ虇⁴㑘㜟拡唙㢏帯䡪▜Ҹ拡唙 唆垼帰⢧㛅庋Ҹ1868 〃虇拡唙⚽ ⃜㝋㹱䏍⪩Ὴ嬐䚱拡ⓏMédoc嬎 ‗James Mayer de Rothschild䛆 ⒦棱䠓Pauillac 㣠唙虇⌅嗰喓⢡⃣ 䏄虇䛀⌅ⵅ㝞伢䍮厂⁙Ҹ Margaux 2009 Haut Brion 2009 Chateau Talbot 2008 Chateau Dauzac 2005 拡虇⒔㑻2000ҷ2005ҷ2006╙ 2008 䳘虇⣖䔁ㄦ儝⢚㲙⮐拡寤 ⢿ 112⋻榒虇〃䚱 35,000 䵀嗰喓 ㄭ 1 9 ᾥ 亏 朚 ⭚虇拡 唙 ⪩㲰 栆 拡虇䜅ᾼ㢘15,000厂25,000䵀ⷻ ⋴ 伢 䍮⡿ ⨒虇⒔㑻 䈌 桲 ㆶ 䠓 㧈 㝋ᾏ亩拡Ҹ 䞳堫妁ⵂ╙⋸㲰ᾥ䛛⪶㎿虇⃕⢷ 1 9 9 9 〃虇P a r k e r 仵 ‗ 拡 唙 㑘㜟拡唙䠓⊹幹⎉♐虇╾㴇 Rothschild ⵅ㝞䠓㐤幖厖伢䍮 1996 〃䠓〃₌拡ⴛ儝䠓100 ⎕虇 㝋䜅⢿䠓ʥ樷⢮ʦ虖⌅嗰喓⢡䠓 ᾚ虇拡唙Ⅼ㒐ᾥ䛛㢏榑ⶥ䠓五拡 䡪崩㳳ℂ捏㞾ʥ㎠♐⠟懝仟㭚㢏 ⢮⩳丧⢮ⶠҷ䪺䦂⪩虇㔡㷃ㆶℂ虇 媌憯⛕䠓⢿⃜虇厂⁙⸈䱚ᾜ↡Ҹ 嗰喓㯈。⣖〃烰䉉 4 0 ⪩㴁虇La 拡 唙 ⎉♐ 䠓 五 拡 ⷳ 㲰巟ⵛ虇 Gravière⢿⧙䚩厂㢘ᾙ䠍〃䠓冐 䐈 ⎴ 㞾 2 0 0 0 〃 弆 ⎉♐ 䠓 〃₌ ⁉Robert Parker仵‗96㎥⁴ᾙ 䠓寤⎕Ҹ 桓⇘䠓 㑘㜟ℂ捏 ʦ虇㢃 㞾ʥ拡唙 個 1986╙1982 憨⋸㳍⎉吁〃₌ 拡Ὶㄛ╗ᾏ∠⃫ʦ Ҹ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 19 E S C A PE ḡᵂ SINGAPORE 㜿⣰ Studio M Hotel Singapore 䩋榼㿇忳 QUAY TO THE CITY Wo rd s / 㘿㜖 Priscilla Siew Head to Robertson Quay on the Singapore River for an eclectic mix of bars, restaurants, coffee shops and arts venues 㹎嗦㜿⣰㹂䂺㳴虇⢷儔₾懫䩋榼ᾏ⿅㢘▓ゞ▓㮲䠓 拡▶ҷ檟もҷ☥⛰檷☛坬姢⧃⢿虇ᾜ㊐㸡㢘⬌╊埤 ỉᎧᘙ Studio M ᙏ With its contemporary design conceptualised around tight, functional spaces, Studio M Hotel Singapore has made space-saving cool. Rooms are loft-inspired duplex studios, with the bed tucked on to one level and a study area and living space placed on another level. A huge window runs down the entire length of the two levels, giving a full view of the city outside. Not for the claustrophobic, however, or guests with limited mobility. 㜿⣰Studio M拡〦宼宗䖍⒥虇⁴⌆劌ㆶ䠓余ⵕ ⾒䉉宼宗㬑ㆄ虇│ℎ㞾亿䠓䰉朢΅⎴⌆㟑ⶩ㊮Ҹ ⴱ㏎㔰䚷ᾙᾚ⋸ⷳ䠓媖ゞ朲㮢宼宗虇䣰〙⃣䚷ᾏⷳ虇 弆ⷔ厖⽴⃫Ⓩ⢷╵ᾏⷳ虇▛㟑戓宼䳘▛⋸ⷳ汧〵䠓 嗌⢿⪶䰦虇崢⃞ⴱⶖ⥝⾑㟾厃䡰㛅䣋 〤Ҹ䋅军虇㳳宼宗ᾜ懸▗㢘「朘㇟㎋䝖 ㎥姛⑤ᾜⅎ䠓⃞ⴱҸ Limoncello Pizza & Grill Though named for a delicious lemon-flavoured after-dinner drink, this restaurant carries the entire Italian menu from caprese to bolognese to tiramisu. Try the house ravioli before you move on to the pizzas, the main draw here. 檟も桥⁴儝☂䠓㊞⪶⎸㱇㰻拡 ☌▜虇┊K㍘▓䮽㊞⪶⎸啫ゞ虇 䛀caprese⍆䡳ҷ刘挻㊞丘⁴ 厂㊞⪶⎸听⩺塚乤ゞゞↀ∨Ҹ ら峿⃯ᾏ寵檟も卹ⵅ媌䠓㊞⪶ ⎸梁▭虇䋅ㄛ䜅䋅ᾜ劌撾懝ⴒ Kith Café Riverside ramble at sunset ᛂṗᚚ₴ᕥ Wait for the relative coolness of the evening and take a leisurely stroll along Robertson Quay. Follow the Singapore River and continue along the Clemenceau Avenue flyover and into beautiful Fort Canning Park – a historic landmark offering peace and solitude in the very heart of the city. 䠓㑪䏛㊞⪶⎸圓檔Ҹ 懫䩋榼ᾏ⿅䂺㳴虇㹎嗦㜿⣰㹂 廿虇憣伢Clemenceau Avenue 䠓⪸㯚虇ⅎℕ⎿儝瀦䠓㴆▁⢿㮨 䬞う⋻⢡虇⢷憨↚䓔⥝䠓ᾼㅒ ⢿⿅㊮╦棫岟䫴☛䠓㶪⢜Ҹ 20 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e 憨朢䩋榼Ⓩ⋶䠓☥⛰檷㶲㶪朡懸ㆰ⁉虇崢⁉㊮╦⎿ ⓗㄛ㌄㎅䠓㶪⢜Ҹ染慠䠓ⷔ㶠⪶⪩⢷。㝴⎿ℕ虇⢷样 ㊞㚉㛍䠓棁⪸檟㧛›䚷☥⛰☛灄⒔虇ᾏⴱ⁉⿅嗦 䑦虇㎥㞾ⶖⲿ⋡恙㛍⢷㝐戙Ҹ⎿―◷㢺虇▒㝸ⓗ檟䠓⁉ ↠ⷀ㢒墑㙐军厂虇☥⛰檷榢㟑崙ㄦ棭⿇䍀沶Ҹ 灒㞞㟑₌虇ῧ嗦企企㽋㊞虇⢷儔₾ This cosy neighbourhood café has the lazyafternoon vibe down pat. Nearby residents make up many of the weekday patrons, enjoying coffee and breads throughout the casual spread of outdoor tables, dogs and baby strollers parked beside them. Weekends can be a noisier affair as the brunch crowd finds its way down. Books Kinokuniya ᡫᐖឦᦀᙏ Pick up a few tomes at the Japanese booksellers’ Liang Court store – one of four branches serving Singapore’s population of readers who also frequent the city’s sprinkling ng of specialist and indie bookshops and the well-stocked public library. Singapore Tyler Print Institute ỉᎧᘙᦤ᪰ᛤᶁ᪇ The STPI building, a restored warehouse, is part gallery, part high-tech paper mill and part workspace. The print institute seeks out guest artists and showcases the results, as well as specially curated exhibitions. 亏ₙ⢚ⷚ⢷㜿⣰㢘⡪ⵅ⎕ 㜿⣰㹿②䏗䛺柱⏜怺㞾ᾏ〶帷↘虇伢冊㜿ㄛ㝱㞾 〦虇㊪㢇⁉⩺╾⁴⎿⃜㝋‽朲 ᾏⵅ坬す虇΅㞾ᾏ朢汧䭠㐏憯亨は虇戓㕟K⽴⃫朢崢ⴱ⾼ 庋䏸⛕⧃䠓〦ⳟ憪憪Ҹ柳㳳Ὶ Ὶ 䏗䛺ⵅ歟䛨␄⃫虇⁴╙ⷤ⎉↠䠓↚⁉⃫♐虇䛺柱㢒㢮䳥ⷤ ⪥虇䓔⥝⪩朢朏☛䓷䱚㢇〦虇 ⵛ㢘䐈吁䠓ⷤ孌Ҹ ⁴╙坞㢇巟ⵛ䠓⋻⌀⢥㢇檷虇 抌㊪杀崏䠓⁉⩺㻐憲ㅧ慣Ҹ Wine Connection – Tapas Bar & Bistro IMAGES. River view: Getty Images. Theatre Works: Kar-Wai Wesley Loh, courtesy of TheatreWorks (S) Ltd. Book: Tomohiro Ohsumi – Bloomberg via Getty Images TheatreWorks From its home in a former rice warehouse, TheatreWorks stages performances addressing issues such as Asian identity and the tension between modernity and tradition. The company frequently collaborates with international artists as it tries to bring in perspectives across different art forms, social classes and cultures. Whether it’s a light chardonnay you crave or the lingering tannins of a late-night shiraz, Wine Connection’s extensive collection has you covered. Niche bottles from the likes of Mexico, Greece and Scotland cater to connoisseurs with curious palates. ᾜ䴰⃯✫㳰㾔㜿䠓Chardonnay嗰喓拡虇戓㞾⇞㊪Shiraz檧榊 ㈯朆䠓✽虇Wine Connection䠓坞拡䮽槭俐⪩虇㢘ᾏ㳍▗ ⃯ㅒ㊞Ҹ✫㳰➦寵悒僤㢘╲☂䠓␘虇╾⁴ᾏ寵憨婰䠓⨷嬎♴ҷ⾛ 卧╙垖㧋垼ℂ捏Ҹ 䛀丂↘㛈ら军㎟䠓坬姢姷䂣䰉朢TheatreWorks虇 㢮㔷⎉ᾜ▛ヱゞ䠓姷䂣虇㔱亱㻁怺⎕尜▛╙ ≂伀厖䖍䠓姬䰐䳘屁槛Ҹ㳳㯮㭚伢⿇厖⢚株坬姢ⵅ ▗⃫虇➦寵憞懝ᾜ▛坬姢ヱゞҷ䫍㢒栝ⷳ╙㜖⒥ 孏灭虇イ榧㜿䠓坬姢嬥捝Ҹ Shunjuu Izakaya ២ᡣᘾឦ Robertson Quay has a significant Japanese population, so it should come as no surprise that some of the better Japanese restaurants in town are found here. Shunjuu Izakaya specialises in sumiyaki – traditional Japanese charcoal grill, served in small dishes – pared with a dazzling selection of 60 sake labels. 儔₾懫䩋榼ᾏ⿅㢘ᾜⶠ㝴㢻⁉ 凩ⷔ虇⡯㳳◇イ⪩朢ᾏ㻐㝴㢻檟 も懁歟Ҹ㞴䭚ⷔ拡ⷚῊ㏢㝴㢻≂ 伀䈼䍡㜨䖕虇⁴乍侊䨮⫘ⴱ虇 戓㢘60䮽㝴㢻㾔拡K戇㙖Ҹ S t a r C ruiin s ed u D lEC g eE MQ1 B E R2014 2 0 13 21 C RU I SE ᨴ ᨴ PROFILE FILE 容 Wo rd s / 㘿㜖 Sally Robi n son Genting Group C Chairman Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay is taking the family b business from strength to strength 梁榑桕⢧Ὴ⾼Ὲ㜾捛㤦⢚㹿⿅榧ⵅ㝞䚮㊞㢃ᾙⷳ㮢 梁榑桕⢧ GLOBAL VISION an Sri Lim Kok Thay remembers his childhood holidays well; not for hours spent lazing by the pool, but for the trips he made with his father, then a building contractor, to inspect project sites around Malaysia. "That was his style, to work and work even during the holidays. He would fit in the family by taking us with him," says Lim, Chairman and Chief Executive of the Genting Group, which was founded by his father, Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong, in 1965. Hard work, honesty and integrity were the values that guided Lim’s father and they also underpin his son’s corporate life. Since he took over from his father in 2003, Lim has diversified the group’s interests and expanded globally, and has always taken care of the communities in which he works. The Genting Group, which includes Star Cruises, is now one of Asia’s leading companies, with interests in leisure and gaming, cruises, plantations, energy and biotechnology. It has five public companies listed on stock exchanges, 58,000 employees and a combined market capitalisation of T 22 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e ጳ 㜾捛㤦⢚㹿⁜㾔㟿宧ㄦ䱴〃䠓⇖㢮⬑⃤ 〵懝虖戲棭㞾㈯朡⢿恉⢷㺂㷯㝐䊰㏏‚ ‚虇军㞾彮嗦䜅㟑₊㐎ら⛕䠓䏅嬹虇⎿懜 ⃗㝋欻ℕ嬎▓⢿䠓⽴⢿嬥⽴䮚懁ⷤҸ 㤦⢚㹿尹蘅ʥ憨㞾䠓⃫樷虇ᾜ⇫⽴⃫虇│ℎ⇖㝴΅⽴ ⃫Ҹ⽴⃫Ὶ檧ᾜㅧⵅ〼虇㏏⁴㐙㎠↠΅⿅╊Ҹʦ㤦⢚㹿 䖍₊梁榑桕⢧Ὴ⾼☛姛㛎俌婐虇憨↚嬞㮰焟⪶䠓ₐ㫼桕 ⢧虇㞾䛀䏅嬹Ὲ㜾捛㤦㨶㧟㝋1965〃␄䱚Ҹ ⑳⫽蘢尯蘢㳲䢃㞾㤦⢚㹿䠓䏅嬹ᾏ䚮⫘ 姛䠓⇩⁉ ┮⏖虇‵㞾㤦⢚㹿䴰䖕㝦ᾚ⛕㫼䔚⢚㏏䭘㐎䠓䖕ㆄҸ 2003 〃ㄭ䏅嬹㏚ᾼ㔴㩡⁴ℕ虇㤦⢚㹿桕⢧䠓㫼⑨䵓 䜖㢃⪩⋒⒥虇■⋷䖒⾑⧃㚃ⷤ虇ᾣᾜㅧ杫㎆⽴⃫ ㏏╙䠓䫍ⓏҸ 㝦ᾚ㙐㢘瀦㞮抄悹䠓梁榑桕⢧虇䖍⢷⾁䠋ⷤ䉉㻁Ⓩ ⋶䠓榑亩ₐ㫼桕⢧虇㫼⑨⒔㑻ⓩヸ蘢抄悹蘢䮽㪜⢡蘢劌䀟 ☛䚮䏸䭠㐏榧⥮Ҹ桕⢧㝦ᾚ⌀㢘‣ⵅᾙ⾑⋻▇虇♰⽴⁉ 㜇懣5喻8ⓒ⁉虇俌⾑⇋懣380 ⊓儝⋒Ҹ㤦⢚㹿㝋2002 〃 䔁欻ℕ嬎㛎〫⌙ⶐ䉉ʥῈ㜾捛ʦ 虇憨㞾㔗‗封⢚⋻㶠䠓 䲻‛汧㬽搫虇姷㕩₠朡☛⮪㮑‚㫼䠓帱䔊 Ҹ 梁榑 桕 ⢧㝦 ᾚ⌆ 姷 ㆶ䠓 ₠ 朡㫼 ⑨ ♐䏛虇㞾 㤦 ⢚ 㹿㔴㩡ㄛῊ㚃ⷤ䠓榧⥮Ҹ♐䏛䖍⢷䠓㫼⑨㢘㻁Ⓩ 巹啾抄悹䍮懚⛕瀦㞮抄悹⋻▇蘢咀⢚㢏⪶䠓幼⧃䍮懚 ⛕☛偌倵䥴▜廛⣉ Genting Casino虇⁴╙㎟夜▗拡 〦ҷⓩヸҷ⮪㮑☛₠朡宼㝌㝋ᾏ汣䠓伫▗〵⇖⑬⢿梁榑 Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay (above left) can look to the future with optimism, thanks to businesses such as Resorts World Genting Malaysia (top) and Resorts World Sentosa Singapore (bottom) ጳᴒᖾᚩᦤᅳᏔጆ‽ᅴ⁝ ṇ‼ᴗᠻᠥ∛⟤ᅗᑆᠥ₅ጄ ᛵ᪑ᗔᒯᗉṊᱻᎌᠾᅳጆ‽ᅴ ỉᎧᘙὧᮣᕩᑀᲓᎌᠾ ᅳጄ‽ᅴᶟỔ᪱℧℧፶ጆ IMAGES. Sentosa resort: Charles Pertwee – Corbis/IC. Resorts World Genting: Fumio Okada – OTHK 䘿䖒嬥捝 C RU I SE ᨴ PROFILE 容 US$38 billion. In recognition of the group’s success, Lim received the “Tan Sri” title in 2002 for contributions to leisure and travel business, the second-highest civilian order that can be given to a Malaysian. Genting’s iconic leisure brands have been one of the main areas of expansion under Lim. They include Star Cruises, Asia’s premier cruise operator, Genting Casino, the largest casino operator in Britain and a casino in New York, and the successful Resorts World brand with integrated resorts combining hotels, gaming , entertainment and leisure facilities in Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia and the Bahamas. Resorts World Miami and Resorts World Las Vegas are under development. None of this would have happened without Lim’s vision, energy and passion for his business. He travels extensively and is always on the lookout for the next big thing that could form the basis of a business opportunity. He also has strong entrepreneurial skills and a willingness to take calculated risks, but there’s something else too: sheer hard work. His father, who passed away in 2007, constantly reminded his children that there is no shortcut to success – just hard work and determination. Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong led by example. Born in Fujian Province, China, he was forced to give up his studies and started working at the age of 16 when his own father died. He moved to Malaysia to become an apprentice carpenter for his uncle, eventually joining the family construction business. His big break came in 1969 when the Malaysian prime minister granted him a licence to operate a casino in the Genting Highlands as part of a hotel he was developing there. Gaming went on to become the core of the Genting Group’s highly profitable businesses. There was never any doubt that the younger Lim would enter the family business. He joined the Genting Group in 1976 and gradually climbed the corporate ladder, working alongside his father and learning from him. Lim was instrumental in the internationalisation of the Genting Group and was the key driver behind the early developments of the Group’s casino projects worldwide, such as the Burswood Resort Casino (Australia), Adelaide Casino (Australia), Lucayan Beach Resort (Bahamas) and Subic Bay Resort & Casino (Philippines). Lim and his family were the key financiers for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe during the initial 24 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e It is my family that inspires me, fulfils me and keeps me grounded ⵅ〼䅏䠋―㎠虇㎟ⷀ―㎠虇 㔷⑤㎠⏜懁虇΅⿅仵㎠ 㴇ⷻ㊮ ᾥ䛛虇⒔㑻㜿⣰蘢喁ㄚⵍ蘢欻ℕ嬎☛⾃♗毻䠓梁榑ᾥ 䛛虇成ⵕ╙㑘㜾傃㜾䠓梁榑ᾥ䛛〵⇖㣠㳲⢷厗らҸ 憨㎟ⷀ⋷抌㴇㝋㤦⢚㹿䠓汧䥊懯䥩☛ᾜ㍗虇 ⁴╙‚㫼䠓䍀尯Ҹ⎿埤嬥虇伢⿇䛨㊞⾑⧃強⑱虇 ⁴㷑㔛㕰捜嬐⛕㯮Ҹ‵㙐㢘懝⁉䠓ₐ㫼䴰䖕㐏⽶虇槧㊞ 㐎㙣伢寤₿䠓樷根虇⃕㢃捜嬐䠓㞾棭⿇⑳⫽Ҹ㤦⢚㹿䠓 䏅嬹⾁㝋2007〃憬ᾥ虇䚮⏜伢⿇ⳟ⬂凂㕟棱☌虇テ屎 ㎟㸡㢘㔆ㄠ虇㉮㢘⑳⫽☛㸉ㅒҸ Ὲ㜾捛㤦㨶㧟㢻怺ⷀ㞾㢏ℂ䠓⌇䵓Ҹ⎉䚮㝋ᾼ⢚ 䬞ら䢐虇16㴁戲〃⡯䉉䏅嬹╊ᾥ军娺慺⇫ⴇ㐤怺䫍㢒Ҹ 䂑㺚懝㼆⎿欻ℕ嬎虇彮嗦╣╣ⴇ㢷⽴虇ㄛℕ⋴― ⵅ㝞䠓ら䵘䚮㊞Ҹ⢷1969 〃懖⎿―ᾏ䚮㢏⪶䠓㯮懖虇 䜅㟑䠓欻ℕ嬎欥䢇䠋仵ᾏ↚⢷梁榑汧┮䠓拡〦⋶伢 䍮幼⧃䠓䏛䋶虇幼⧃䚮㊞卹㳳㎟―梁榑桕⢧㢏庉撱䠓㧇 ㅒ㫼⑨Ҹ Family values: Lim learned a lot from his late father, Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong (left) ᤲ᥉⟤ᙞᅝᚩᦤᬙጦᎄ⏧ጳᴒᖾᚩ᭵ᦓᖮጆ⒫᧟ᖠᑑ development of Foxwood Casino in United States. Foxwood Casino has since grown to be one of the largest resort casinos in the world. Lim was also a financier to the Seneca Indian Nation in the development of the Seneca Niagara Casino. When the Australian government made the decision to increase the number of casino licences, Lim predicted a decrease in profits and sold up the businesses there as well as in the Bahamas. He returned his focus to Malaysia and expanded the Genting Highlands resort. In 1993, he established Star Cruises, now the third-largest cruise operator in the world and the largest in Asia, and expanded the cruise business with the acquisition of Norwegian Cruise Line in 2000. Family is very important to Lim, who is married with three sons. “It is my family that inspires me, fulfils me and keeps me going and grounded,” he says. His eldest son, Lim Keong Hui, is Executive Director of Genting Hong Kong. His second son works for Resorts World Genting and the youngest has joined Genting Energy. “I tell them not to be afraid and just do it. That is the philosophy my father passed on to me – that we should not be afraid of making mistakes.” Key assets: Resorts World Sentosa Singapore (left), Genting Club at Resorts World Genting Malaysia (top right) and Resorts World Casino New York City (bottom right) ᢽᢢΆᯆᅝỉᎧᘙὧᮣᕩ ᑀᲓᎌᠾᅳᏔ‽ᅴᅗ᪑ᗔᒯᗉ Ṋᱻᎌᠾፇጷᱻ⟞ᛵᶜᅳᎷ ጆ‽ᅴᨏᡮጷᱻ ᎌᠾ⋆ᲵᅳᎷጄ‽ᅴ 㤦⢚㹿㔴㔛ⵅ㝞䚮㊞ῒ㞾榕䖕㎟䱯䠓䠋ⷤ虇㝋1976 〃⋴梁榑桕⢧ㄛ虇⢷桕⢧婰憟㳴㚏ⓖ虇彮样䏅嬹戙⇩ 戙ⴇҸ㤦⢚㹿㞾㔷⑤梁榑桕⢧⢚株⒥䠓杫攄⁉䏸虇‵㞾 桕⢧㝸㢮䠋ⷤ㼆⪥ⓩヸ㫼⑨䠓㔷㏚虇帯帻䠓榔䡽⒔㑻㢘 䅂㻁䠓Burswood Resort CasinoҷAdelaide Casino虇 ⁴╙⾃♗欻䠓Lucayan Beach Resort☛喁ㄚ幢䠓Subic Bay Resort & CasinoҸ㤦㶞ⵅ㝞㢃㞾儝⢚⓿䲻ⴘ扷嗌 Mashantucket Pequot䠋ⷤFoxwood Casino ⎬㢮䠓 Ὴ嬐㐤幖冔虇Foxwood 䖍㟑㞾⋷䖒㢏⪶幼⧃〵⇖㣠Ὶ ᾏҸ㤦⢚㹿↚⁉‵㐤幖䛀儝⢚╵ᾏ↚⓿䲻ⴘ扷嗌Seneca Indian Nation䴰䖕䠓Seneca Niagara CasinoҸ ᾜ懝虇䜅䅂㻁㛎〫㸉⨭䠋幼⧃䏛䋶虇㤦⢚㹿榟㢮 憨ⶖ㢒厃䡗⎸ᾚ柜虇⡯㳳⎉⚽―⢷䅂㻁╙⾃♗欻䠓 榔䡽Ҹ⌜㲰凩䊵㝋欻ℕ嬎䠓㫼⑨虇㚃ら梁榑汧┮〵 ⇖㣠Ҹ1993 〃虇䢚⎿㻁⾑⧃抄悹䠓梏㷑㢘ᾙⓖ強 ⑱虇⡯军␄䱚―瀦㞮抄悹⋻▇虇䖍⢷⾁䠋ⷤ㎟⋷䖒䲻ᾘ ⪶☛㻁Ⓩ㢏⪶䠓抄悹䍮懚⛕Ҹ2000〃虇㛅庋―㒹⮐ 抄悹⋻▇虇懁ᾏ㳴㚃⋔瀦㞮抄悹䠓嬞㮰Ҹ ⵅ〼㤦⢚㹿军宏棭⿇捜嬐虇⾁⯩剁㢘ᾘ↚⋡ ⳟҸ⣵宏蘅ʥⵅ〼䅏䠋―㎠虇㎟ⷀ―㎠虇㔷⑤㎠⏜懁虇΅ ⿅仵㎠㴇ⷻ㊮Ҹʦ 䠓朆ⳟ㤦㒀悬䖍₊梁榑欨㾾⦆姛嗲‚Ҹ㲰ⳟ₊分㝋 梁榑ᾥ䛛虇⋡ⳟ⏖⢷梁榑劌䀟㫼⑨⽴⃫Ҹ ʥ㎠◙寃↠㵚榗ⵂㆤ虇╹䴰ㄏ䢃⏜Ҹ憨㞾㎠䏅嬹 㛨仵㎠䠓⚁䖕虇戲ⷀ㞾㎠↠ᾜ嬐ⵂㆤ䐾撾Ҹʦ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 25 C RU U I SE SE ᨴ MALAY MALAYSIA AYSIA 欻ℕ嬎 Orphaned, injured and previously captive orang-utans are rehabilitated at sanctuaries with the eventual aim of returning them to the wild 㤦ᾼῚ䔚 MEN OF THE FOREST Borneo’s famous “wild man”, the orang-utan, is the best-known symbol of the rainforest-clad equatorial island. And you don’t have to venture far off the beaten track to meet one ⃜㝋廳懢ᾙ䠓⯕儔㻁嬕䡥䣏⪶䏖䍀⿅桷㤦虇㢘ʥ捝⁉ʦῚ䯀䠓五㵪䒸䒸㞾⺅ᾙ㢏 ▜䠓㮨ㅦҸ䖍⢷虇⃯㵚榗㾀⋴⇞懯⢿⥮虇΅╾厖䏯↠慠彬桱㔴宇 Wo rd s / 㘿㜖 Steve Thoma s 26 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e IMAGES: Hanging orang-utan: Mattias Klum – National Geographic Creative. Close-up: Kelvin Marshall – Nature & Wildlife Photography Ḣዹᔬ✬ጱ፬ᛵᡪᵲᵲᅗጰ៦ᏌᎴ◬⏧ᅗ ៦ᴜᗽṢᙬᰳᓾᚑ❬ፇᅗᖈᣞᑋጱ፬ፇᬻᗽ ᳞ᬌᛓ⒱ᅗᔪ᭬ᨬᑇ▀ᱥᏊ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 27 ᨴ MALAYSIA 欻ℕ嬎 he first time you come face to face with an orang-utan can be a humbling and enthralling experience. These huge, adorable and darkly orange-coloured primates with soft eyes and long arms are just a few short genetic steps behind us humans on the evolutionary trail – something that becomes immediately apparent when you meet one in person. Ever-increasing logging and plantation activity, and the resulting ever-decreasing Borneo rainforests, have forced the last remaining wild orangutan deep into the island’s inner jungles, making these timid and graceful creatures extremely hard to spot in the wild. Even a week-long trek into the remote forests of the interior would need to be well blessed to yield a sighting. Their plight, and that of their fellow endangered forest dwellers, has not gone unrecognised, and several primary and secondary rainforest reserves have been declared as safe havens for endangered Borneo fauna and flora. Most of the wildlife reserves and sanctuaries are far from the madding crowd, which means that getting to them is often something of an epic journey in its own right. There is one place, however, where you can see the orang-utan and several other endangered animals and plant life all in one userand inhabitant-friendly environment – a sort of mini Borneo, if you will. Located 30 minutes’ drive south from Sabah’s capital of Kota Kinabalu – or KK as it’s often called – is the Lok Kawi Wildlife Park, a 110-hectare area that cares for a broad selection of Borneo’s bestknown animals and botanical delights, in a controllable yet semi-liberated environment. This means that any visitor who wishes to see these species for themselves can do so without the extensive financial and logistical demands of spending weeks in the wild on the off-chance of a sighting. T 28 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e ᯧ ᾏ㲰慠彬桱㔴宇五㵪䒸䒸虇⃯ℕ尹㎥寀㞾 ᾏ弮捜㜿尜峧卹⾀䠓㢘弲汣毦Ҹ五㵪䒸䒸㞾 棗朆槭⑤䏸ᾼ䠓⪶⧙榼虇⋷怺朆䂎五㩤吁 㵪虇桨卑朆朆虇䣋䫭䀺㥣虇ㄗ㞾宝⁉✫㊪Ҹ䏯 ↠䠓懁⒥䮚〵≔㲰㝋⁉槭虇⦉⡯彮⁉槭㬄Ὶ䢇虖嬹怺㔴 宇五㵪䒸䒸ㄛ虇⃯ⅎ㢒䥴懢⁉上ᾝⴒ⁻㢘⪩㔴慠Ҹ 样嗦⁉↠ᾜ㝆朚⩍慁⢿☛䦜㯈㢷虇⯕儔㻁䠓䍀⿅桷㤦 㝴㾟傸虇⏸ᾚ㣴䉉㜇ᾜ⪩䠓捝䚮五㵪䒸䒸΅娺慺戆⎿╱ 㤦䠓㾀⪓䚮㻊Ҹ䏯↠ㆶ㧋ⵂ儭虇怺㵄⊹桔虇嬐⢷捝⪥䢚⎿ 䏯↠⢷桲Ὶ╗桲Ҹ㢘㟑↨ⷀ䴦呀ᾙᾏ↚㞮㢮㾀⋴ⵕ㤦虇 ΅ᾜᾏ╾⁴㐍⎿䏯↠䠓忳Ҹ 䏯↠☛⌅⢷ 㩽㤦䚮㻊䠓䆤─䏸䮽ᾏ㮲虇䚮☌棱卷 捜捜⮐劔虇㉔㹐㝸⾁イ弆ᾥ䛛杫㹷Ҹ⡯㳳⢷⯕儔㻁⪩↚┮ 䚮☛㲰䚮桷㤦Ⅼ剁Ⓩ虇抌⾁偞㎟䉉―▓䮽䆤─⑤㪜䏸䠓戎 桲㏏Ҹ ⪶扷⎕捝䚮䚮䏸Ⅼ剁Ⓩ☛〖崆ᾼㅒ抌懯桱⁉䋨虇嬐╊ ╒孏⋜ᾜ―嬐ㅜ╦厮恙⑭榢Ὶ呵虇〇⬌㢘ᾏᾹ⋋⬑㞾憆⃯ i Getting there Hiring a driver or taxi is the easiest way to reach Lok Kawi Wildlife Park, about 30 minutes’ drive from Kota Kinabalu. 䏗㢻⯕儔㻁䠓捝䚮䏸⡼虇㝱懸▗五㵪䒸䒸☛⌅䆤─䠓 ⑤㪜䏸㪁ㇾ䚮朆虇╗╾⁴崢㝔ⴱᾜ䚷朎憣彚㼘⢿⏜ㄏ孏幭Ҹ 憨Ᾱ⢿㝈ⷀ㞾㺪汧捝䚮⑤䏸⢡虖ⴒ⃜㝋㸨⾃欥〫〖 ⁴ⓦ虇䛀⾑ᾼㅒ此恙⏜ㄏ≔梏亓30⎕斧Ҹ捝䚮⑤䏸⢡⃣⢿ 110⋻榒虇⢡⋶╾⁴㐍⎿⪶捞『Έ⁉䥴䠓⯕儔㻁⑤㪜䏸虖戲 婰䛀⽴⃫⁉◧㈘ㅒ䴰䖕虇䘿⨒┊䢇䜅朚㛍卹䛀Ҹ㞣㝴虇㝔ⴱ 䉉―ᾏ䤈憨⑤㪜䏸䠓䢮帛虇ᾜ㉫冦幊⪶捞⁉䏸㾀⋴ 桷㤦㜇◷虇⃕劌▵䢚⎿五㵪䒸䒸戓嬐䢚懚㶲虖䢇㵣弆ℕ虇 ⁙⪸䠓㝔ⴱ╾厡懸ㄦ⪩―Ҹ 㺪汧㝋2007〃⛮䚷虇⡼⌔䠓䏸䮽ᾜ㝆⨭⪩虇΅㊗ℕ㊗ ╦㝔ⴱ㳰慝Ҹ捝䚮⑤䏸⢡棱䯜ひ杙虇⃕㹎嗦⢡⋶ㄠ䂺㳴虇 ᑙᒺᙗᅝ ㄭ 〖 此 ╹梏⋸ҷᾘ↚㟑⾁╾懙䛱㪜䏸⢡Ⓩ╙捝䚮⑤䏸⢡ⓏҸ 恙⎿㺪汧捝䚮⑤䏸⢡ 亓梏ⓙ㟑虇╾䭮恙憲 ▇㯮㎥ῧ宗䮚恙⏜ㄏҸ 㢒≞㟽憩⑤䏸⢡去娺⡿⢷䒈䠓䰉朢⋶Ҹ㺪汧䠓⃗宼 ⦉㝋ⴘ⋷⛞槛虇⪶扷⎕捝䚮⑤䏸ᾜ劌样埤㛍⌊虇⃕΅ᾜ 宗⁚῝⑤䏸⢡☛朚㛍ゞⅬ剁ⓏῚ朢虇ⴒᾜ✽㞾ᾏ榔㝔懙宼 When to go The dry season, from March to September, is best. However if you have a chance to go, don't pass it up. ᗏᅝ 3 㢗厂 9 㢗 䠓㞀Ⳳ䵏Ҹᾜ懝╹嬐 ⃯㢘㟑朢虇屚ᾜ嬐撾懝 ⎿容䠓㯮㢒Ҹ 㝌虇΅㞾ᾏ↚㛨剁ⴇ兡ᾼㅒҸ䏸⡼΅₩㛅ⵈ⫀╊䏅㵜㎥ ╦―≆䠓⑤䏸虇䉉䏯↠捜慣捝⪥⇩⬌䀥∨Ҹᾼㅒ΅厃㕟 ⓖ⋻䣍䠓Ⅼ剁㊞峧虇崢⪶ⵅ㞝䠌䆤─⑤䏸䠓㪁ㇾ⢿㳲棱卷 ⡃捜⮐劔虇Ⅼ剁⽴⃫⏊ᾜⵈ佸Ҹ 柳―五㵪䒸䒸虇⢡⋶戓㪁ㇾ嗦朆烊䓃虃⯕儔㻁䠓䓷㢘♐ 䮽虄ҷ朆卑䓎ҷ⯕儔㻁䥽巰ҷ欻ℕ埝ҷ欻ℕ䌙ҷ梁师☛ 垖朏䳣卧䐏䏪䳘⑤䏸Ҹ戲婰΅㞾孏幭桏湴䠓⬌⢿㝈虇样㟑 㢒䢚⎿吁ヸ倌亪䠓䐏湴☛⌅䭌湴槭Ҹ IMAGES. Proboscis monkey and gibbon: Getty Images. Orang-utans being fed and hornbill: Alamy/Argusphoto C RU I SE Stag sans light S TA G S E M I 9 P T Orang-utans (above left) aren’t the only forest dwellers to see in Borneo. Gibbons and wreathed hornbill (right top and bottom) at Lok Kawi Wildlife Park. A sanctuary at Labuk Bay protects proboscis monkeys (left). Feeding time is popular at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre (below) ♉ᛵᚩጰṟᏁᑺᡪᵲᵲᅳᏔጆ‽ᅴᴬᥖᅗᑋ᪓ᘹ ᱥ᪳ᛦẀ┯Ꮅ᎔ᡒᗭᜳ⓭ἕᅳጆ‽ᅴᘍ≏ᯒᵮ᱾ᅳጆ‽ᅴᅜ ᙲጁ⟠ᝉ✬᪸ᠥᝉᖟᜳ↛ᵱᅳᏔጄ‽ᅴᒚ᰿ᅙ ᑋᒯᏜዷἕᔬ✬ጱ፬ᅗጤᓆዷᤍᑋ╓ᡪᵲᵲᅳጄ‽ᅴ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 29 ᨴ MALAYSIA 欻ℕ嬎 Lok Kawi was opened in 2007 and has slowly developed both in terms of its content and popularity. Although the wildlife park is quite roomy, two to three leisurely hours are sufficient for following the designated paths through the botanical and wild-animal areas. Most of the animals do not run wild here, for obvious reasons of safety, but they are certainly not confined as they would be in a regular zoo. The park layout means it is somewhere between a zoo and an open enclosure. It acts not only as a tourism facility but also as an educational and study centre, and it even helps rehabilitate orphaned and injured animals into the wild. The centre also brings a greater awareness of the urgent need to protect the environment of these endangered species. As well as the orang-utan you can also see proboscis monkeys – endemic to Borneo – gibbons, Borneo pygmy elephants, Malayan tigers, sun bears, clouded leopards and the Sumatran rhinoceros, to name but a few. The park is also a superb place for bird-watching with several colourful hornbills and other avian species just waiting to be spotted. If you’re hoping to see the very best of Borneo’s natural delights within a short timescale then you’d be hard-pressed to beat Lok Kawi. It provides a great taste of the wild in an accessible ⬑㤫㟑朢ᾜ⪩虇╗㊂孏幭⯕儔㻁㢏⌆◇イ䠓⑤㪜䏸虇 ⎿容㺪汧捝䚮⑤䏸⢡ᾏᾜ㢒⃯⫀㢪虇⢷戲婰悤悤沕 沕憪ⓙ⪸ⅎ╾⁴䢚䡰▓䮽捝䚮⑤㪜䏸Ҹ⌜冔虇⬑㤫㸰㢘䢚 懝五㵪䒸䒸虇⯕儔㻁䠓㝔䮚╗㆝劌䴦㞾ⴛ儝Ҹ ⃜㝋〖⁴㤀亓200⋻捛䠓嬎ㅔ㺪⁉䓎〖崆ᾼㅒ虇䢇ⅰ 㞾⋷䖒㢏 ▜䠓▛槭宼㝌Ҹⴒ抿慠㸨⾃㤀⒦扷䠓⸀㏢㧈虇 Local produce at the nightly Filipino market in Kota Kinabalu (above left and centre bottom) ᗉᔬᛵᷛិ⅓ᘝᏕᗒ⑬ᯆ ᑊᡱᣋᅳጆ‽Ꮇ‽ᅴ K O T A K I N A B A L U H I G H L I G H T S ᔬ᷒ΐ Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park Take an island-hopping trip see the bustling water villages of Pulau Gaya. Head on to Sapi, Mamutik or Manukan for snorkelling or diving to marvel at the abundant and colourful aquatic life, or simply just kick back and relax on the pristine beaches. ᚣᘨᱣᙲ᪻ᦫፊẀ 㝔ⴱ╾⁴⋗⎿桔⺅╒孏䍀 沶䠓㷃ᾙ〵⇖㣠虇⌜⎿㸨㵣⺅ҷ欻䯕慹⺅㎥㢋⬃、 ⺅㻽䃪㎥䃪㷃虇㲲幭倌亪⩾瀦䠓㼆㺚䚮㋚虖㎥㞾⢷ ⁉彰僤厂䠓㸨䇧ᾙ›╦㈯朡㟑⋘Ҹ Night-time munchies As the famous Borneo sunset fades, head down to the waterfront on KK and wander around the Filipino Market, with its numerous seafood 30 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e stalls. Alternatively, go to town to dine at Kampung Air Sri Selera’s open-air restaurants. ᣋᑋᔬ 㲲幭懝 ▜䠓⯕儔㻁㝴嗌儝㟾虇ᾜ⬷⎿㼆 戙䠓喁ㄚ幢⾑⧃⪶⛥㼆洽ҸῚㄛ虇⌜⎿⾑ᾼㅒ䠓 Kampung Air Sri Selera ひ⧃虇⋘槶柎〖㢏㢘▜ 䠓棁⪸儝橮䍀灭Ҹ Sabah State Museum Get a feel for the diverse and colourful tribal history of Sabah by visiting one of Malaysia’s best museums. It also showcases impressive exhibits on how things were before the bombing that devastated much of KK – then called Jesselton – during World War II. While you’re there take a moment to visit the enchanting botanical garden and art gallery. ᕩ፧Ვᛦ ‛㲰⪶㎿㢮朢虇柎〖虃厙䯀Jesselton虄檌╦䈽䇺㗶㴧虇㊂䥴懢‛㎿⏜柎〖䠓㉔㹐╙ ―孲㸨⾃乍捖⪩⮎䠓䮽㝞㴆▁虇ᾏ嬐⎿㸨⾃ⓩ䏸 檷憪憪虇ⴒ㞾欻ℕ嬎㢏⎉吁䠓ⓩ䏸檷Ὶᾏ虇染宼 䠓㪜䏸⢡╙坬す΅ⓐ⎕◇イҸ Shangri-La’s Rasa Ria Resort There is an excellent wildlife reserve at the resort, located at Tuaran – 40-minutes’ drive north of KK. The wildlife reserve has a dedicated orang-utan care project and also a forest canopy walk. ᣍᦕᖾᙲᰒᓗṅឯᙏ ⃜㝋㜦垼䠓欨㧋捛㑘唝 ⎸桔〵⇖拡〦㢘ᾏ↚䴰䖕ⴛ✓䠓捝䚮Ⅼ崆Ⓩ虇䛀柎 〖此恙ㄏ⒦廿40⎕斧ⅎ╾㑄懣虇Ⅼ剁Ⓩ捜灭㔷姛五 㵪䒸䒸Ⅼ剁榔䡽虇宼㢘㯈⌯㳴懢Ҹ IMAGES: Market vendor: Getty Images. Food stall: Alamy/Argusphoto. Kayaks and sunset: Frits Meyst – Adventure4ever C RU I SE Stag sans light S TA G S E M I 9 P T No visit to Borneo would be complete without an orang-utan encounter ⬑㤫㸡㢘䢚懝五㵪䒸䒸虇⯕儔㻁䠓㝔䮚╗㆝劌䴦㞾ⴛ儝 half-day package and no visit to Borneo would be complete without an orang-utan encounter. Some 200 kilometres east of Kota Kinabalu is Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre, which is probably the best-known such facility in the world. Also close to Sandakan in north-eastern Sabah, the sanctuary is set in the 4,300-hectare Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve. The sanctuary was founded in 1964 and actively rehabilitates orphaned, injured and previously captive orang-utans with the eventual aim of returning them to the wild. Between 60 and 80 orang-utans inhabit the sanctuary and twice each day the wardens feed them from treetop platforms. A few orang-utans generally come to feed and visitors can trek via a walkway and witness the feed from observation platforms. Sea kayaking (centre top) is an excellent way to experience the natural beauty of Kota Kinabalu (above right) ᐮᷕ⎕፹ᒧᅳጆ‽ᅴᅗ ᛕᒧᦫጆᅗᬡᵩẦᗽἡᑊ ᛵ፞ᵩᡱᴗᅳᎷ‽ᅴ ⃜埤⃣⢿4,300⋻榒䠓嬎ㅔ㺪-⓰㵣⎸䠓㩽㤦Ⅼ崆Ⓩ⋶Ҹ〖 崆ᾼㅒ㝋1964〃㎟䱚虇㝷⢷厃Ⅼ崆⫀╊䏅㵜ҷ╦≆╙㢍 偞娺杫⢷䷯婰檋檙䠓五㵪䒸䒸虇⿺䏯↠捜㜿懸㍘捝⪥ 䠓䚮㻊Ҹ 䖍㟑亓㢘60厂80桊五㵪䒸䒸ⷔ⃞⢷〖崆ᾼㅒ虇䴰䖕♰ 㵞⪸抌㢒⎿㯈榑。╿櫄橮䏯↠⋸㲰虇㵞㲰俌㢒㢘」桊五㵪 䒸䒸⏜ℕ▒㤀嬎Ҹ㝔ⴱ㹎嗦ᾏ㨬㳴懢⏜ㄏ䤼㢪╿虇ⅎ╾慠 彬桱孏䢚櫄橮䠓㉔㹐Ҹ WEBSITES ᡐ⚆ᔃ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 31 C RU I SE ᨴ CHINA ᾼ⢚ Wo rd s / 㘿㜖 Mark Graham SKI CHONGLI 䁠桹Ὶ㮑 32 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e Genting Resort Secret Garden, a ski Stag sans light resort S TA G Sjust E M I three 9PT hours from Beijing, is wowing visitors with its world-class facilities 彬桱⒦※≔ᾘ↚㟑恙䮚䠓ⵕ呠梁榑㮑⢡虇 ⁴ᾥ䛛亩䠓宼㝌◇イ⪶捞㋤▜军ℕ䠓㼆⋶⪥㿇ⴱ Genting Resort Secret Garden offers up thrills and spills for wintersport experts and beginners alike ᢖṊᱻ∛Ẁ⍕ᑺ⋢ᑁỺᱷ ỉ፯᎔ᒣ᪓፯ᛵᱷᅗᝉ♢ ⟇ᕦᒳᵂហ⃔⏏ᒚ▀ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 33 ᨴ CHINA ᾼ⢚ t has only been operating for a year, but Genting Resort Secret Garden, close to Beijing, has already established itself as the prime ski destination in the country, with 30 runs and plans for another 50 in the years to come. The new resort is also attracting thousands of visitors in spring, summer and autumn – people who wish to arrange their vacation around various sports and outdoor activities or who simply want to breathe fresh, clean, pine-scented air and get away from the hustle and bustle of cities in China, as well as those further afield. “The resort is targeted at urbanites who have grown in affluence through hard work and are looking for a place to relax and enjoy the environment,” says Datuk Lim Chee Wah, who has overseen the project since its early days. “We named it the Secret Garden because not many people know where it is. There’s huge potential. It will be wonderful to clean your lungs; this is where we saw tourism I 34 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e Genting Resort Secret Garden currently offers 30 ski runs and more than 250 hectares of skiing area ᢖṊᱻ∛Ẁᐂ᰿ᑺ30 ᭾ᱷᅗỺᱷ᪸ᣃ⎬ᝢ῟ 250ፊᱼ develop in the West – in the Alps and Rocky Mountains. We will see this increasingly in China with the nouveau riche and also working people.” The new complex has been particularly welcomed by Beijing residents; Genting Resort Secret Garden is about three hours by road from the Chinese capital – all along smooth new highways. The resort is in the mountainous Chongli region of Hebei Province, a favoured destination for snowsports aficionados. Skiers and snowboarders were thrilled when they learned that a resort was opening with a firm commitment to offer challenging skiing and world-class leisure facilities. A five-star hotel, run with the same slick professionalism that is to be found at Genting operations worldwide, ensures that the accommodation, as well as après-ski wining and dining, is also at international levels of excellence. From the outset, the plan for Genting Resort Secret Garden was for it to be a year-round operation, with plenty of reasons to visit in the warmer IMAGES: Snowboard (opening pages): Melody He C RU I SE ᒳ 㝋⒦※慠扙䠓ⵕ呠梁榑㮑⢡朚㫼厂⁙䥼䥼 ᾏ〃虇⾁慔憮㚏ⓖ䉉⋷⢚榑亩䁠桹⑬⢿Ҹ 㮑⢡䖍㢘30㨬桹懢虇宗␒㝋㢹ℕ㜇〃⌜ ⨭50㨬Ҹ 憨↚⋷㜿䠓〵⇖㣠⢷㞴ҷ⪞ҷ䭚ᾘⳲ◇イ㎟ⓒᾙ喻䠓 The five-star Genting Grand hotel presents world-class guest facilities and service ጺ៧ᨑᛵṊᱻጙᙏᠥហ ᴀᗒᎌᠾᨑᛵ᰿០ℚ᪱ 䮽ⵛ㒠㎿ㆶ䠓桹懢☛ᾥ䛛亩₠朡宼㝌虇憨㝋✫㳰䁠桹 ╙䔸✽㤎䁠桹䠓⁉⩺ℕ尹虇䠓䩉㞾ᾏ⪶✫宙Ҹ 〵⇖㣠䠓‣㞮亩拡〦䛀㫼⑨懜╙⋷䖒䠓梁榑桕⢧ 㫼⢧栙䴰䖕虇䩉Ⅼ⃞ⵎ㢜⑨ҷ檟檁卂橮☛ℂ捏K㍘⣖懣 厂⢚株亩㷃。Ҹ 㼆⋶⪥懙ⴱ⎿ℕ懁姛▓䮽㏅⪥㻊⑤☛汣剁懚⑤虇㎥㞾⢷ ⢷哘㙻⎬㢮虇桕⢧⾁㢘宗␒㐙ⵕ呠梁榑㮑⢡䠋ⷤ䉉⋷ ⪶卹䋅婰☋◇憞嗦㤍㯈呂欨䠓㾔㜿䰉㶲虇㠺⎴俐⡑䠓⥝ 〃朚㛍䠓㝔懙宼㝌虇Έ―崢〵⇖㣠⢷⌻Ⳳ䠓䁠桹㞉ⳲῚ ⾑䚮㻊Ҹ ⪥▛㮲◇イ虇⢷☛㠥䠓⪸㶲捛‵㕟K⪩㮲⒥䠓㻊⑤虇崢 ㄭ憨↚榔䡽朚ⷤ㟑ⅎ⾁伢㙣₊䡲䣲分⑨䠓㤦厃啾尹蘅 ✫㊪佁䖒ҷ懯彂ҷ⸀⢿恙ҷ㿇㺂䠓懙ⴱ⢷憨婰⪶槾怺㏚Ҹ ʧ〵⇖㣠⾛㢪䉉ㅨ䨛䠓抌⾑⁉㕟Kᾏ↚╾⁴㛍沕怺ㅒҷ 〵⇖㣠棱䯜ひ杙虇㢹ℕ㢃㢒⨭宼㜇↚汧䏍⪺䖒⧃Ҹ ›╦⪶卹䋅䠓㯮㢒Ҹ㎠↠ⶖ榔䡽☌▜䉉ⵕ呠虇㞾⡯䉉ⵕ 㜃↚〵⇖㣠䠓ₐ␒䛀⢚株䥴▜桹⸀〵⇖㣠㫼⢧栙 Ecosign虇⁴╙ᾘ坸⾑ら䵘⋻▇Hornberger + Worstell▗ ⃫宼宗虇㏢憯⎉ᾏ↚㯺彷‣↚⸀巆☛ᾘ↚⸀䠓㮑⢡虇 䁠桹Ⓩ䠓棱䯜懍250 ⋻榒虇桹懢俌朆〵懣 65 ⋻捛Ҹ⃜㝋 䲻ᾘ↚⸀巆䠓〵⇖㣠Ὴら䵘虇棱䯜ひ懣50喻。㝈丂Ҹ ⵕ呠†樅῟⡼䠓䡽㦖㞾徊怺ᾥ䛛倶䁠桹〵⇖㣠Ὶ⎦虇 ᾝ㒎⪶㉯㜾②╙䭠僦㑘⪩㺪䩾⸀劘䠓〵⇖㣠䢚烟Ҹ ῟⡼㢘ⅎ㔆䠓″憩慭㔴⒦※╙⌅⒦扷⥝⾑虇⁴⢌柔倶ⴛ ✓嵍㝌☛㢜虇Έᾼ⢌▛上〵⇖㣠⫯―㢏㜿䠓汧㦖⍕Ҹ 㤦厃ⓝ嶃處ʥ㎠⁻䠓ₐ⎡㞾⁴㉯㜾②Έ噬㢻Ҹ㉯㜾②㞾 Ᾱ╠ⷤⴛ✓䠓䫍Ⓣ虇ⴭ径╾㒐偼╠ⷤ䖕ㆄ虇⌂㹷䔾⨒Ⅼ 呠䠓㏏⢷⢿洽䉉⁉䥴Ҹ㎠↠䠓〵⇖㣠㙐㢘ㄗ⪶䠓⊹⑱虇 㿇ⴱㄏㄏ䉉憨婰㾔㜿亣㽷䠓䰉㶲军崩㳝ᾜ⾁Ҹ憨΅㳲㞾 嬎㝈⢚ⵅ䠓䁠桹⑬⢿抌宼⢷柎䏍ⓠ㜾⸀⢿Ⓩ☛㺪䩾⸀ 劗䠓┮⡯Ҹ样嗦ᾼ⢚䠓ⵛ㏅⨭╙⑭⑤⁉╲䃇強ⵛ婤虇 ㎠↠榟嬚䁠桹ᾼㅒ⢷ᾼ⢚ⶖ㢒㊗ℕ㊗㟽╙Ҹ蘽 ⵕ 呠 梁 榑 㮑 ⢡ 䐈 ⎴ ◇ イ 欥 抌 䠓 ⷔ 㶠虇⡯ 䉉 ㄭ ⒦※此恙⏜ㄏ虇朚⢷⋷䮚㠱憩䊰柊䠓㜿ら⋻彾ᾙ虇恙䮚 ㏜ᾜ懝ᾘ㟑Ҹ 〵⇖㣠⃜㝋⸀⽡弆䠓㹂⒦䢐⺖䬽侲虇憨⋡ᾏ䢃⁴ℕ 抌㞾䁠桹懚⑤㊪⬌冔䠓⑬⢿Ҹ〵⇖㣠尢宏厃㝋朚䠋⪩ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 35 C RU I SE ᨴ CHINA ᾼ⢚ Whistler is the model we anchored the plan on . . . a community, sustainable and sensitive to nature months, as well as during the ski season. Tennis players, hikers, mountain bikers and swimmers are all well catered for, and there are plans for several golf courses within the extensive complex. The master plan, drawn up by international mountain-resort specialists Ecosign and San Francisco-based architects Hornberger + Worstell, connects five valleys and three mountain peaks, linking more than 250 hectares of skiing area and more than 65 kilometres of trails. The core village project, spread over 500,000 square meters, is found in the third valley. The aim is that Genting Resort Secret Garden will ultimately be spoken of in the same breath as the world-class resorts at Whistler in Canada or Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. Certainly it has already set new standards for China, as an internationalstandard mega-resort within easy reach of Beijing and other northern-China cities. “Whistler is the model that we anchor our master plan on. It is a very well developed community, and sustainable and sensitive to nature,” says Lim. “That took 30 years, whereas here in China we are trying to build it in 10 to 12 years.” In the near future, the resort will become even more easily accessible. A station on the high-speed railway line from Beijing to Xinjiang is planned for a location close to the resort, which would cut the journey time from the capital to about an hour. Flights from other parts of China – and nearby Asian cities – will also be able to land at the nearby airport, allowing city dwellers to be on the ski slopes in just half a day. The resort caters to all levels of skiing proficiency, from beginners – who can sign up for lessons – to seasoned practitioners. Visitors who don’t want to hurtle down the slopes can try their hand at ice skating or tubing, or simply relax and unwind in the ample grounds of the Genting Grand hotel. The property offers a total of 265 guest rooms 36 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e i Getting there Genting Resort Secret Garden, in Chongli, is about a three-hour drive from Beijing. ᑙᒺᙗ處ⵕ呠梁榑㮑 ⢡⃜㝋⺖䬽侲虇彬桱⒦ ※≔ᾘ㟑恙䮚 When to go Billed as a year-round resort, there are plenty of outdoor activities and facilities to visit during any season. ᮿầᘵὓ處〵⇖㣠⡪Ⳳ 䠕虇ᾜ▛Ⳳ䵏㢘ᾜ▛ 䠓㏅⪥㻊⑤☛宼∨ and suites, each with room for four people, cooking facilities and plush décor. Some mountain-view suites have an outdoor Jacuzzi, allowing guests to enjoy a comfortable soak while taking in the awesome rural scenery. The steep slopes that carry skiers in winter are used by mountain bikers in the warmer months. A race organised by Mountain Bike China drew more than 100 competitors last summer – a further endorsement of how highly rated the resort’s trails are becoming. Guests can also take in the picturesque scenery and fresh air along hiking trails with names as imaginative and evocative as the Deer Path, the Marmot’s Garden, Through the Clouds, and Stairway to Heaven. When winter comes, the mountainsides are blanketed with snow and coloured in places with the fluorescent blur of downhill skiers. In years to come, Genting Secret Garden Resort will build on its already sterling reputation for snow-sports excellence; the ultimate plan features a total of 87 ski runs serviced by 22 ski lifts. The figures are mind-boggling. But thinking large scale, and long term, is commonplace in the China of today and, of course, very much a part of the Genting philosophy, whether it’s building big resorts or establishing a fleet of cruise ships. In years to come, Genting Resort Secret Garden is certain to hold international tournaments, which will give it a higher profile on the world snow-sports map. Even a decade ago, the idea of a luxury ski resort in China would have sounded fanciful, but today the nation’s now-affluent middle class has ample money to spend on leisure pursuits and, increasingly, demand the same facilities and service standards they have witnessed on trips overseas. The Genting resort is a secret they are already sharing – with both like-minded friends in China and those further afield. IMAGES: Snow: Imaginechina. Snowboarders: CFP ㎠⁻䠓ₐ⎡㞾⁴㉯㜾②Έ噬㢻虇⾛㢪╠ⷤ㎟ᾏᾹⴛ✓䠓䫍Ⓣ虇ⴭ径╾㒐 偼╠ⷤ䠓䖕ㆄ虇々⌂㹷䔾⨒Ⅼ剁 Stag sans light S TA G S E M I 9 P T 剁Ҹ⁻䚷ᾙ30 〃㏜╠ⷤ⎿䔿⢷䠓孓㮰虇㎠⁻⎨ⶬ嵤⢷ ᾼ⢌呀10厂12〃䠓㞅枃虇ⶕ〵⇖㣠╠ⷤ㎟戲㧆䠓孓㧋Ҹʦ ⢷ᾜ䠓ⶕ㣴虇ⵕ呠†樅῟⡼䠓″憩ⶕ₩㢃㝈ⅎ虇 ⡯Έ䛀⒦※⎿㜿䜕䠓汧晐偎ⶕ”〵⇖㣠染慠わ嵍惵䱨虇 ⷙ㞅䛀欥抌⒦※⏜ㄏ〵⇖㣠䠓″憩㞅枃ⶕ傸⍞厂⪶倵 ᾏᾹ㞅Ҹ῟⡼染慠㢃㢘㣉⣉虇崸ᾼ⢌⌅䢐⾑╙ 㻁 ⥝⾑䠓㿇ⴱ虇㝯梏朎憣彚㼘虇╹梏ⓙ⪸䠓㝔䮚虇│╾⁝ 俐ⓝ枈⾑㣴⎿慨⋎›╦䁠桹⇖㢮Ҹ 〵⇖㣠䠓䁠桹懢Έ▓䭜䁠桹⁉⩺䠓梏嬐军嵍虇䛀⎬ In winter, skiers and snowboarders take to the resort’s slopes, which in summer are also a mountain biker and hiker’s paradise 慈☋◇㾔㜿䰉㶣Ҹ慨卹姛惵ㄓ䠓▜⳦▓⌆䐈吁虇㢘憌 Ꭲ፞ᅗហᎵᑋឯᕜᛵጢᘙ ጆỺᱷᙬ᛬Ỻᱷᚬᅜᗭድᤝ ፞ᅗឯᕜỄᖮ➦ᑯḏᱥ ᒢᒭᖯᘍ⅟ᖭᛵᑗᑊ፵ ⎡ⶕ桹懢㇊㛿⨭厂87㣰虇々㥅嵍22㣰䠊⸀傕惵Ҹ 慨㛿⳦▻弆㣴⪶ㄦ㉙⁉虇ᾜ慖⍰‚嵁㷑⪶孓㮰☛朎 瀎懢ҷ⢮㑷炯῟⡼懢ҷ䰎†懢ҷ║⪸ㄓ䳘Ҹ ⌻⪸㣴ῃ㞅虇⸀⸼暉ᾙ䠠䠠䠌桹虇䁠桹⁉⩺怺ᾙ䠓哶 ⋘䁠桹婔Έ䠌吁桹懢㾊ᾙ㜠㜢吁ヸҸ㢹㣴㛿〃虇ⵕ呠† 樅῟⡼⃫Έ桹⢿慟剫⢿䠓▜⩿ⶕ₩㢃♜虇⡯Έ῟⡼崰 慫╠ⷤ虇㳲㞾䔿ᾼ⢌䠓䐈吁虇΅㞾ⵕ呠†樅῟⡼㑀㒐䠓 㝷虇桕⡱㝦ᾚ䠓〵⇖㣠⁴厂孑⋘又枮䠓孓㮰▛㧆〭⪶Ҹ 虃╾⢷㳳║䁠桹⦉䧏嶍䮚虄厂廓㾀䁠桹ᾢⵅ虇抌劌㐍 㢹㣴㛿〃虇ⵕ呠†樅῟⡼ⶕ㎟Έ⢌柔䁠桹廪‚⣉⢿虇 ⎿▗憑䠓䁠桹懢Ҹ⬑㤫㸰㢘⌃厃䁠桹虇╾⁴憘㑸䀫⌿☛ ⢷⢌柔䁠桹慟厭╿⓯ᾏ⾼⃜Ҹ⡭㊂ⓐ〃⏜虇⢷ᾼ⢌⌃ら 䔸惽剝䁠桹虇㎥㞾›䚷†樅⪶拡〦₦⪩䠓₠极嵍⪖Ҹ 巹ⓝ䁠桹〵⇖㣠嵩ⷭ儝ῌ䠓《㊂虇⃕㞾䔿⢷虇ᾼ⢌㜿⌡弆 拡〦⌀㕟K265枃ⴱ㏎╙⫦㏎虇㏏㢘㏎枃⣖Έ⡪⁉㏎虇⌔ 捛婔䃱巹ⓝ虇㢘䈘⌆㕟K虇╾⁴⢷㏎枃捛䊈嶒䋽橮Ҹ扷⎕ 桹⸀㟾⫦㏎⪖㢘ⴳ⪥㒘㗸㷯虇㿇ⴱ╾⁴ᾏ慈›╦㒘㗸虇ᾏ 慈ⷌ字⩽枣䠓捝⪥㟾吁Ҹ 䠓ⵛ婤ᾼ‶柅ⷑ⾁偞㢘彂⪮捠晀庮㑔巹ⓝ⯀῟㻊虇军 ᾣ㾟㾟⾛㢪⢷⢌⌔㐍⎿劌ⱁ儝㼆⪥㷃。䠓嵍㝌╙㢜Ҹ ⁙㝴虇ⵕ呠†樅῟⡼⾁偞㞾ㅦ▛懢▗䠓ᾼ⪥䁠桹䏀⬌ 冔Ὶ枃䠓ᾏᾹ⋻わ䠓䭧ⵕҸ 柰䠓桹懢⢷⌻⪸K䁠桹⁉⩺ℎ䚷虇⎿―☛㠥Ⳳ向⎨ ㎟Έ弙捝卹姛惵䠓惵懢Ҹ╊〃⪞⪸虇Mountain Bike China ⢷慨捛῍㵣廪虇◇イ懍䠍⃜⇴⋎⎿㣴ᾏ愒汧ᾚ虇╾子〵 WEBSITE ⇖㣠䠓⸀⢿惵彾商ㄦ㤐汧䠓嵓₆Ҹ ᔃ 㿇ⴱ΅╾⁴㹎卹姛惵ㄓㄡ㳴䠊⸀虇ᾏ慈㲲廞儝㟾虇ᾏ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 37 C RU I SE ᨴ TAIWAN ╿䇲 Taipei’s Dadaocheng’s area is a lesson in history, particularly for those in search of a great cuppa ╿⒦⪶䯊⥤䠓冐姦ᾜ⃕㺚䀱嗦䅒䅒䠓㴆▁㶪⢜虇憨婰䠓 哅姛㢃㞾寀⪩㊪哅⁉⩺㻐憲ㅧ慣䠓⢿㝈 Wo rd s / 㘿 㜖 K i k y W u / ◂幃啾 P h o to s / 㚬 N e i l Wa d e READING THE TEA LEAVES 哅欨㉔䅒 or the Chinese, tea is not only a drink but also a facet of culture that brings people together. Occasionally, it unites lands: more than 150 years ago tea played its part in connecting the island of Taiwan with the outside world. When English merchant John Dodd arrived in the 1860s, he marketed Taiwan’s oolong tea under the name “Formosa Tea” (Formosa being the old name for the island). With the help of local merchant Lee Chun-sheng, Dodd sold the product in New York City, where it was an instant hit, propelling Taiwan and its tea to international fame. Dadaocheng, a small area in Taipei’s Datong District and bound to the rest of the world by the Danshui River, was instrumental in shipping Taiwanese tea to the F ⁝ ᾼ⢚⁉军宏虇哅ᾜ╹㞾䚧挖䃳✘䠓檁㜨虇㢃⿅ℕ⁴哅㢒╚䠓㮑弲虇΅㞾ᾼ啾㜖 ⒥ᾼ捜嬐䠓扷₌Ҹ军㝋厉䇲军宏虇 ʥ Formosa Teaʦ㐙憨⧙⢿㝈㔷■―⢚株Ҹ 虃ʥ Formosa ʦ㞾㳟㻁⢚ⵅ厉䇲䠓厙䯀虇㊞䉉ʥ儝瀦䠓⺅⽋ʦ Ҹ虄䠍檧〃⏜咀 ⛕亓兿ʬ㣫ㅆ⢷幆愵薸㞴䚮䠓ⓣᾚ㐙╿䇲䉞焜哅⁴Formosa TeaῚ▜摆⚽⎿ 亟亓虇樷棰嬎㝈Ҹ⃜㝋╿⒦恙䱨嬎⒦棱䠓⪶䯊⥤ⅎ㞾䜅〃ⶖ╿䇲哅嗘㔷■⢚株䠓捜嬐厭╿Ҹ ⪶䯊⥤㒖䠓㞾㶠㲙嬎彾⁴ⓦҷㅯⳬ嬎彾⁴⒦ҷ捜㌅⒦彾⁴嬎ҷ䆤卷㽰㷃㹂ᾏ⿅䠓Ⓩ⥮Ҹ㾔㢬 ♇巟〃朢虇㽰㷃朚㾾虇⪶䯊⥤⡯㹂懚Ὶⅎ虇䛀㡻䯏⧃䠋ⷤ㎟䉉哅嗘桕㛲⢿Ҹ㾾╲⛕又仰倈ᾜ 令虇⛕幗梁桕虇哅姛ҷ䊨哅は㤦䱚虇㺚⛕΅亪亪⏜ℕ宼䱚㺚姛虇⫯―⪶䯊⥤俐咑䠓⛕㫼⦉䪝Ҹ 38 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e Tea leaves drying in a traditional basket at Chen Wey Tea Room ᑋᩅ᪗⒣ᛵᶗጱᅗ⏎ᗾᩅᢖ ᩅᯔᑋṞᯱᛵᒒ⎸ጛጆ C RU I SE ᨴ TAIWAN ╿䇲 West. Merchant shipping underwent a boom period during the Xianfeng Emperor’s reign (18501861) and the area, which was once used for drying crops grew with the commerce to become a major tea-trading hub, dotted with street markets, teashops, tea factories and foreign trading companies. This growth soon led to the establishment of other businesses and industries, while the building of an extensive railway network in the late 19th century helped to connect Dadaocheng to the rest of the island and beyond. It turned it into an important hub for commodities such as herbs and fabrics, which came from all across China. The area remained prosperous from the late Qing Dynasty until the demise of the Japanese colonial period at the end of World War II. During Dadaocheng’s heyday, five foreign consulates, the headquarters of six major foreign firms and nearly 100 tea companies were packed into a 500-metre stretch of Guide Street close to the Danshui River. Tea-company owners and tycoons built luxury residences here and in neighbouring areas. During this boom period, the scent of tea infused the air and fashionable young women would flock to the stores where they worked during the harvesting season to select the best leaves. As then American consul in Taiwan James W. Davidson put it, the harvest season was a grand social occasion, and tea soon became known as the “merry leaf” among the locals. Today, Dadaocheng is not quite the dynamic place it once was, but Dihua Street and the surrounding area still draws crowds of shoppers in search of traditional Chinese goods and herbs, especially in the run-up to Lunar New Year. To walk 哅㫼㝋㞾㎟䉉⪶䯊⥤ʥᾏ㫼厗䠍㫼㞉ʦ䠓㚾㦀䚱㫼Ҹ 样嗦俀帺╿䇲嬎⹇䠓旄彾憩恙Ὶㄛ虇⪶䯊⥤㢃㞾ⓦ⒦ 帷ҷᾼ坴ҷ⾒Ⓢ䠓㐈䠋ᾼㅒ虇⌅噻䠋ⷤ厖俐㬽㟾巰虇ㄭ 㾔㢺ᾏ䢃似㒐⎿㝴㹊㟑㢮Ҹ 䜅㟑虇㹎嗦㽰㷃㹂䠓幃ㅆ姦虇䥼䥼亓 500 丂ⅎ凩桕 ―‣↚⢚ⵅ䠓榧‚檷ҷ⋼⪶㺚姛☛慠䠍ⵅ䠓哅姛虇哅嗘 揔ⳟ厖ⵛ⛕⽷幗抌⢷憨㨬姦☛染慠厗ら巹ⴔҸ㵞憱哅 嗘䚱Ⳳ虇哅欨䂎⾑姦虇䒈䰓䠓殝㮢ᾚ⧭䂎哅䵀ҷ乍ㅒ㏢ Chen Wey Tea Room sells everything from pu’er to oolong tea – along with pots for you to make a brew ⏎ᗾᩅᢖድ᫋⋈ᴓ᠓ ᦿᶟᐾᑨᩅᅗ┯ᗒ⑬ ᐾᴷᘹ⏏ᩅᲽᅗ⟇ᓇ ᕵᎤዯᲽᑗᩅ ㏽䠓㕏哅⬂䰎㨼⌅朢虇嚩䉉⫖孏Ҹ㢍₊儝⢚歟╿榧‚䠓 James W. Davidson㕞慿䜅㟑䠓䡪㹐處ʥ㔰哅㢮䛀憨㐈 W H E R E T O G O ᒺᰤᩅᣍ Dihua Street in Taipei is a popular shopping spot in the run-up to Lunar New Year celebrations ᕦᱝῑ⍣ỉᑧጘᅗᏄᎫᏕᏫⓘẨᗭᢱፓᷭ␈ᑧ᱈ 40 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e Chaoyang Tea Park Stroll among a variety of tea bushes, such as jin shuan, oolong and asssam, then sample a brew at Wang Tea. Chen Wey Tea Room Choose from a fine selection of teas at the former residence of renowned fortune-teller Lin Wu-hu. Wang Tea Tea leaves are still dried the traditional way a over charcoal fire at this Taipei landmark. ᴟḾᩅፊẀ 㝋⢡ᾼ䂺㳴虇│╾嬚捠嗀ҷ 兯䔘╙柎圸⭕䳘哅㯈虖样ㄛ 戓╾䮊㳴ㄏ染慠䠓㢘宧▜哅 ›╦♐咦䠓㮑弲Ҹ ⏎ᗾᩅᢖ 哅呠⣟嗌㝋╿䇲䥴▜☌䖕⪶ ⾺㤦‣㿥䠓㛔ⷔ虇∨㢘䗂䗾 䂎䡽䠓哅嗘╾K戇㙖Ҹ ᑺᩚᑀᩅ 憨朢╿⒦冐⳦埮厂⁙⁜㹎䚷 ≂伀㝈ゞ媌哅虇⒔㑻⁴䈼䇺 䉧哅嗘Ҹ Lane 64, Section 2, Chongqing North Road ᢽ⇠Ꭻዶ᠈64ឩ No. 156, Section 1, Dihua Street ᢱፓᷭዯ᠈156ᾊ No.2, Lane 64, Section 2, Chongqing North Road ᢽ⇠Ꭻዶ᠈64ឩ2ᾊ Let Chen Wey Tea Room proprietor Lu Li-hsien pour the perfect cup and give you a history lesson ⏎ᗾᩅᢖᛵᚣ᎐ጴዯᓬ▚➭ጰᓄ Ồᠥ❁ហ⫱ጆዯᚪᑗᩅᅗ┯Ồ i∻ᬧፍᗊᏄ⟠ᩅᛵ⍹Ꮒᗦ n d u l g e Q1 2014 41 C RU I SE ᨴ TAIWAN ╿䇲 Leaves are sorted by hand at Wang Tea (top), where traditional tools (bottom) are still used for the brewing process 1. 5. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. Take your pick ᵨᩅጰ❣ Which brew is for you? It’s all a matter of personal taste, but here are eight teas from Taipei store Wang Tea, for you to consider 哅嗘䠓䮽槭㜇Ὶᾜ䡰虇䰅䱮♹ᾏ㳍㏜㞾⃯䠓ʥ戲㣾哅ʦ虚⁴ᾚ⋺㳍 㢘宧▜哅䠓⎉♐虇㎥寀㢒㢘ᾏ㳍▗⃯ㅒ㊞Ҹ 1. Wang’s Aged Tea A strong and well-scented brew, it’s a firm favourite among dedicated tea drinkers. ᱯᑧᒘᩅ!欨㸘军栂䠓䀺䃳⬌哅虇㾀╦㊪哅 ⁉⩺㳰慝Ҹ 5. Chi Chong Oolong Tea a Produced from charcoalbaked leaves, it is rich in colour and taste. ᘟ⃣ᦿᩅ!⁴㳲伀⸸哅䈼䊨㐏姢㜖䇺乍䊨虇 哅㿾灒䃳⬑墫虇䚧䚫檌䂎Ҹ 2. Wang’s Black Tea Enjoyed hot or cold, this tea has a minty fragance with a hint of sweetness. 6. High Mountain Oolong ng g Grown at an altitude of at least 1,000 metres, this tea has a powerful, long-lasting taste. ℯᣍᡪᩅ!㛲䠋圓唆㾔欨䠓五哅虇☂懢㢘䚧 䚫虇⍆檁㎥䍀檁䠕Ҹ ᪓ጢᦿᩅ!䚱卹㼆㑣1,000丂⁴ᾙ䠓哅⢡虇 䁚☂檌䂎虇烡榿䛨欨Ҹ 3. Oriental Beauty This semi-fermented oolong tea is sweet and presents a strong fruity aroma. 7. Wenshan Pouchong With its natural-flower scent,t, this golden-green tea will send you back to nature. ᚣ፵ᡱዷᩅ!伢ᾼ〵䠋挄䠓䠌㵺䉞焜哅虇㞾ᾏ 㳍⌆䅒扐㤫欨╙䚧䚫☂䠓ℂ♐Ҹ ፲ጢᎩ⃣ᩅ!橓懇卹䋅呀欨䠓╿ 䇲⒔䮽哅虇吁䄳洽䨶虇‗⁉⬑㸟 㞴樷Ὶ㊮Ҹ 4. Tieguanyin This version of the popularr tea is noted for its orchid fragrance and fruity accents. nts. ts 8. Bilochun A refreshing, invigorating green tea with a strong fragrance. ✷⟤ᣇ!憨㳍㬄╦㳰慝䠓哅♐虇⿅㢘「垼䠓㾔 欨╙ダ㤫指☂Ҹ ⃜┉២!欨㶲㾔⍌ҷ⋔䂎㻊䠓伯哅虇崢⁉ ㅒ㡯䫭ㆰҸ 42 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e ᑺᩚᑀᩅ᎔ዷ፯᳹␋ᩅᅳጆ‽ᅴᅜ ᰾ᑑᩆዷᒣፂፁᗐᏸṞᯱᛵ ᒒℽᩅᗤᅳጄ‽ᅴᛔᩅ through the streets is to step back in time: some of the teahouses here were established more than a century ago and visitors can view a variety of architectural styles, from Baroque to Minnan. One building of note is the Jin-Ji Tea Company at 73 Guide Street, a small structure shaped in Renaissance style and built by the late tea mogul Chen Tien-lai. A few steps away, Dodd’s business partner and philanthropist Lee is remembered at Lee Chun-sheng Memorial Christ Presbyterian Church. In recent years some Dadaocheng teahouses have been promoting the history and culture surrounding Taiwanese tea. A case in point is Chen Wey Tea Room, which occupies the former residence of the late renowned fortune-teller Lin Wu-hu. The house, on Dihua Street, is the area’s oldest building in the Minnan style. On entering the shops, visitors will be treated to a cup of tea by one of the owners, Lu Li-hsien, with none of the hard sell that often characterises this kind of store. Lu likes to show visitors around so that they can see the old paraphernalia that goes with traditional tea-drinking. Another tea-related attraction is Chaoyang Tea Park tucked away in an alley at Chongqing North Road. The first tea park in Taipei, Chaoyang is a lively oasis featuring a variety of tea bushes, such as jin shuan, jade oolong and assam. As you stroll along the park, take note of the floor plaques that illustrate the process of tea-making. The park also houses Wang Tea, a factory building that has been around for five generations. One remarkable feature is a room where tea leaves are dried over a charcoal fire, a traditional method commonly used in the old days. Marketing manager Hsu Jing-te, a son-in-law of the Wang family, says tea is like a glue that binds people together in Taiwan. Since he became part of the family, he has become a big fan of tea and is keen to share his passion. “Good tea can stand the test of the time,” he says. “The charcoal fire is as warm as it always was. When you have time, come in for a cup of tea.” ►儭䠓ⶠ⬂䢚弆ℕ䓅⬑䫍″Ⳳ䵏䠓朚⭚ʫʫҸʦ哅嗘㢃 ⃜㤀Ὴ◑䬽槾ᾜ⛞⃯㞾▵幆哅虇ⅎ⫘ᾙᾏ㣾䖍㸞⬌哅虇 ⡯㳳娺䯀䉉㞾ʥㅺ㮑Ὶ嗘ʦ Ҹ 厖⃯⌀幭䂎ⷚ䠓╳㝸哅䵀ҷ哅僟ҷ哅⪉╙哅㙣Ҹ姷䫉虇 ⪶䯊⥤⡯㷃军䚮虇䛀哅军弆虇䋅军虇⢷䃽弆䃽嗌朢΅憒 ╿䇲哅⁴ⓙ䠋挄哅䉉Ὴ㻐虇⡯㳳崙⒥⪩䱾ҷ樷☂憆⁉虇╿ ᾜ懝媹ᾚ俐啾ҷ廿⋴㴆▁䠓ᾏ⪸Ҹ㟑厂⁙㝴虇俐㬽ᾜ⌜䠓 䇲䠓䠍檧〃哅▁㢃⁉⡭☂䊰䰽Ҹ⌅⋓朆◑䬽厊ⅎ⡯䉉 ⪶䯊⥤┊⑬㟾ℬ厙虇ⓦ⒦桫帷ҷᾼ坴姛梁桕䠓慹⒥姦虇㵞 ㊪哅ҷ㊪冐ⷚ军戇㙖⢷㳳朚〦虇厖▛⬌⎕›╿䇲哅Ҹ尹 ⎿〃䵏ℬ䋅㙯䂎愵〃帷䠓⁉䃽虇㹎姦㤦䱚䠓╳冐₎⾃㺪 ⁉䚮⬑♐哅虇ᾜ▛幹⢿㢘ᾜ▛䠓☂懢Ҹ⢷⪶䯊⥤虇哅ᾜ╹ ⋚ゞҷ㺚㮢ゞ☛朸ⓦゞ䠓䠍〃ら䵘虇厖⁜䥦䱚⢷幃ㅆ姦 㞾檁㜨虇军㞾ᾏ䮽㢘棗泑䠓㜖⒥Ҹ ᾼㅒ䠓㞣㝴哅嗘揔ⳟ栂⪸ℕ㏏ら䠓㜖坬ㄸ厗ゞら䵘ʥ撵 㹎嗦捜㌅⒦彾䂺㳴虇㑟懁⾆⋶虇╾⁴䠋䖍╿⒦⾑䲻ᾏ 宧哅姛ʦ虃幃ㅆ姦 73 埮虄虇⁴╙」㳴Ὶ懨ҷ䉉亏ㆄʥ╿哅 〶⁴哅嗘䉉Ὴ槛䠓㢬栌哅嗘⋻⢡虖捠嗀ҷ兯䔘ҷ柎圸⭕䳘 Ὶ䏅ʦ军厗ら䠓㣝㞴䚮亏ㆄ㛨㢒虇ᾏ弆棫棫⢿䉉䜅〃䠓 哅䮽䚮㶲䠓灭佃⡪◷虇⢡Ⓩ⋶戓摹宼㢘媌哅㻐䮚䠓孲 槾建㴁㢗⃫㴆▁嬚峘Ҹ 尹㳴懢虇ⅰ㳴廿ℕ㢘ᾏ䮽䰎弙╿哅㴆▁䠓㮑弲Ҹ⋻⢡㝐虇戓 䖍⢷虇廿ᾏ弮⪶䯊⥤虇㢃㢘⬑䰎弙㟑⋘栶懢虇冐姦ᾙℬ 㢘ᾏ朢╳吁╳欨䠓㢘宧▜哅虃厙▜䉉䔚㢘宧哅姛虄虇憨朢冐 䮏╾嬚廿懝䠍〃㴁㢗䠓╿哅冐⳦埮Ҹ慠〃ℕ虇憨冐⳦埮 ⳦埮哅姛⾁≂㐎‣虇ᾜ⃕Ⅼ䛨╙個倛ℎ䚷≂伀䠓ʥ䊨䷯ 㢃⁴⌅卹怺䠓㛔‚厖㜖⒥虇仟▗₠朡╙孏⋘㻊⑤虇⁴哅 朢ʦ⁴䈼䇺䊨哅虇戓朚㛍仵懙ⴱ╒孏虇╾⁴尹㞾⪶䯊⥤哅 㢒╚虇亿尹嗦╿䇲哅䠓⏜ᾥ厖⁙䚮Ҹ厊☂哅呠⣟嗌㝋 欨㴁㢗䠓嬚峘Ҹ哅姛䍮㫼扷伢䖕ㄟ㟾ㅆ΅㞾䔚ⵅ䠓⬂Ⰾ虇 ☌䖕⪶⾺㤦‣㿥䠓㛔ⷔ虇憨〶伢㜃ⅽ䠓ら䵘㞾⪶䯊⥤㢏 姷䫉虇哅朚⛮⁉厖⁉䠓杫⅑虇䔚ⵅᾥ厖哅䉉ₜ虇哅㢘 ╳冐䠓朸ゞ姦ⷚῚᾏҸ哅呠⢷╿䇲哅⁉◑䬽厊伢䍮ᾚ虇 䅒┩䠓㊮㉔虇卹⾀΅⡯哅仟佲Ҹ尹處ʥ㴁㢗㻐惘虇⬌哅ℬ ⁜⦔㒐⁴≂伀⽴〞媌⃫╙㔷ひ╿䇲哅Ҹ廿懁哅呠虇╵ᾏ 厙虇䈼䇺΅ᾏ⬑ㄏ⿇䀺㠥虇㢘䰉虇屚ℕ✬哅蘼ʦ Old favourite: housed in a factory building, Wang Tea (above) dates back five generations Ṟᙱᅝᑺᩚᑀᩅᅳጆ‽ᅴ ᔈόᚑᎶᒘᛵℽᩅ⇛ፇᅗᑙ ፂᏻᯧጺṞዷ⒠ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 43 C RU I SE ᨴ HOT SPRINGS 䀺㹘 The AWAY Spa at the W Seoul Walkerhill offers a modern take on hot-spring culture ᣌ᷒ᓐጢᰛWᙏᛵAWAYᎁ⒱ጱ፬ 㯭ᑁἡᑊ፲ፓᅗᴀᗒỉᑨᛵᎁ⒱✬ᮿṌᐂ HOT SPOTS 㻊㹘䀟 Wo rd s / 㘿㜖 Karen Fong Experience the relaxing and restorative effects of Asia's top hot springs, ranging from traditional Japanese onsens to China’s new five-star resorts ᬙṞᯱᛵ፶Ꮵỹ᠌ᅗᗭጱỉឰᛵጺ៧ᨑỹ᠌ឯᕜᅗ⟇ᓇ ➳➱ᗉᐾᑊᛵᱻᨑ᰿០ᅗ⃔ᗊᛔỹ᠌≻ᖮ፬ᛵ⒱▔Ꭸᥳ HOT SPRINGS 䀺㹘 ᨴ C RU I S E China ጱ Bathing Chinese-style is a more casual, fun and communal affair. Lately, five-star hotel chains have started to open in the more famous hot-spring areas. 㹰䄰⢷ᾼ⢚㞾ᾏ䮽㢃䉉悤沕㈯朡䠓抿捛㻊⑤虇 慠〃㢃㢘ᾜⶠ‣㞮亩憲攥拡〦标倛懁歟歂▜䠓 䀺㹘ⓏҸ n the northern parts of Chongqing, the waters of the North Hot Springs are a steady 38°C and are thought to relieve tension, skin and muscular ailments, and sooth digestion and neuropathic conditions. Guests at the newly opened Banyan Tree Chongqing Beibei can benefit from soothing hot-spring waters that contain calcium sulphate, magnesium and potassium – with goldthread herbs added for extra relaxation – in a luxurious resort setting. Hainan Island is also popular for thermal soaks, with about 75 hot-spring sites developed so far. Hot-spring resorts on the island include the Pearl River Nantian Resort & Spa, with 67 pools . On the other side of the island, the massive Mission Hills Resort Haikou has an extensive range of facilities in a more luxurious setting. In Guangdong Province, Zhuhai – an easy ferry ride from Hong Kong – is home to China’s first Japanese-style open-air hot springs. Opened in 1998, the Imperial (Yu Wenquan) Hot Springs Resort, has about 20 kinds of natural hot springs, as well as massage facilities and sauna rooms. I ᒳ 㝋捜㌅⾑⒦扷䠓捜㌅⒦䀺㹘䠓㷃䀺䯸似㒐 ⢷㚬㶞 38〵虇㙩尹㝋㼗柳余ツҷ䠽匩ҷ创刘 䝍䝔虇⁴╙亢佸㼗⒥☛䫭伢䝪䳘⣖㢘䢇䜅䠓䟑 㛗Ҹ㜿朚䠓捜㌅⒦䨩㈔㬤唙䠓㹘㷃►㢘䧺指掲ҷ攑╙ 描䳘䪵䏸幹虇戓槜⪥㾊灒憲虇崢⃞ⴱ⢷巹啾䠓䘿⨒ᾚ 䡰㉔›╦⌆㢘亢佸⃫䚷䠓䀺㹘㷃Ҹ 㼆ⓦ⺅΅㞾䍀朏䠓䀺㹘⑬⢿虇⺅ᾙ⾁朚䠋亓 75 ↚厖 䀺㹘䢇杫䠓㟾灭╙宼㝌Ҹ⺅ᾙ䠓䀺㹘〵⇖㣠⒔㑻宼㢘67 The new and luxurious Banyan Tree Chongqing Beibei (top and above) adds beneficial herbs to the water ỉḶỔᛵᢽ⇠Ꭻ㜋ᥝ₌ᰛᅳጆ‽ጆ‽ᅴᑋỹ᠌ᎁጱᎧዹᗤᑺᧁᦜ⒱ᥳᛵᨿ♔ WHERE ỹ᠌ᭆፃᅝ Mission Hills Resort Haikou Luxury resort with golf courses, comfortable rooms and extensive hot-spring facilities. Banyan Tree Chongqing Beibei Each villa in this newly opened, luxury hotel has its own soaking pool. ᦫጕᅝ⟤⚸ᵏΐឯ᪸ 憨↚巹啾〵⇖㣠⋶ 宼㢘汧䏍⪺䖒⧃ҷ厡懸ⴱ㏎虇⁴╙⪩↚䀺㹘宼 㝌Kⴱ⁉›䚷Ҹ ᢽ⇠ᅝᎫ㜋ᥝ₌ᰛ 㢏慠朚䠓巹啾拡〦虇㵞朢 ⎴⨔⣖拜∨䭐⁉䀺㹘㹰㷯Ҹ ↚䀺㹘㷯䠓ᾘ䕯㷮ⓦ䚿䀺㹘〵⇖Ⓩ虖⢷⺅䠓╵ᾏ䱾虇 嬞㮰焟⪶䠓㼆╲孏䇍㿥㝔懙〵⇖Ⓩ虇⢷㢃巹啾䠓䘿⨒ᾚ 䉉㝔ⴱ㕟Kᾏ亊⎦䗂䗾䂎䡽䠓䀺㹘宼㝌Ҹ ひ㤀䢐䕯㼆彬桱欨㾾ᾜ懯虇╾悤沕⣟又⏜ㄏҸ䜅⢿䠓 Pearl River Nantian Resort & Spa A resort setting with 67 hot-spring pools. Imperial (Yu Wenquan) Hot Springs Resort A popular resort with cosy Westernand Japanese-style rooms. ጃᗉᅝᒆᝨᏺỹ᠌ឯ᪸ ∨㢘67↚䀺㹘㷯䠓 〵⇖㣠Ҹ ᦫᅝᬛỹ᠌ᵄᕜ 憨↚∨╦㳰慝䠓〵⇖㣠虇 㕟K厡懸䠓嬎ゞ╙㝴ゞⴱ㏎Ҹ 䕯㼆䀺㹘㾰⇖㣠㝋1998 〃朚㫼虇㞾ᾼ⢚欥↚イ懁㝴ゞ 棁⪸樷◑㬑ㆄ䠓䀺㹘Ҹ䀺㹘╾㕟K亓20䮽⪸䋅䀺㹘虇 ⁴╙㒘㗸宼㝌☛㧠㒎㼃ⴳ䳘Ҹ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 45 C RU I S E ᨴ HOT SPRINGS 䀺㹘 Taiwan Ꮔ⟠ Taiwan’s hot springs, particularly in Beitou – 40 minutes’ drive from the capital – combine Japanese-style bathing with the more laidback, Chinese attitudes. ╿䇲䠓䀺㹘虇䐈⎴㞾彬桱╿⒦⾑Ⓩ≔40 ⎕斧恙䮚䠓 ▜䀺㹘折⒦㐤虇ⶖ 㝴ゞ䀺㹘䠓㧋屎虇厖ᾼ⢚⁉悒䉉样ㆶ䠓ʥ㹰㿾ʦ㋚〵仟▗弆ℕҸ ore than 100 hot springs are located all over Taiwan, with the most in the north, encompassing Taipei as well as Wulai, which is famous for its skin-rejuvenating sodium bicarbonate springs. Beitou district's hot springs are sulphurous, with steam constantly rising from the valley. The area was developed during the Japanese occupation between 1895 and 1945 and renovated in the 1990s, transforming Beitou into a modern resort town with hotels and spas. Villa 32, a resort managed by the Relais & Châteaux company, offers high-end traditional Japanese bathing. Taiwan has a mix of bathing styles, but most public baths require guests to wear swimsuits. M ᐨ ╿䇲⌀㢘弔懝100 ↚䀺㹘Ⓩ虇⪶扷⎕⃜㝋⒦扷䠓╿⒦╙䉞ℕ䳘⢿Ҹ䉞ℕ䀺㹘ⷻ Villa 32 has communal as well as private hot-spring baths ጃዶᒭ᰿ᑺᐩᏸ ᖓዷᗊᏸᛵᵓឦ WHERE ỹ᠌ᭆፃᅝ Villa 32, Beitou A Relais & Châteaux property, this elegant boutique hotel has several private hot-spring baths. Ꭻᕏᅝጃዶᒭ 儔喙⪞ 㣄乍♐拡〦桕⢧㝦ᾚ䠓乍♐拡〦虇 㧋屎汧桔虇宼㢘⪩↚䭐⁉䀺㹘㼃㷯Ҹ Full Moon Spa, Wulai Elegant rooms and tastefully designed cypress hot-spring bath tubs for in-room bathing. ᦿᗔᅝᚘ፸ỹ᠌Ồ ⴱ㏎宼宗⊹桔虇⎴⌆㧋屎虇㼃ⴳ⋶∨㢘⁴ 㥞㯈媌㎟䠓㼃㨅虇⃞ⴱ⢷㏎⋶‵╾›╦ʥ㹰㿾ʦ䠓䁚☂Ҹ 㝋䩂指㶺掘㹘虇㕟K㢘䠽匩ㇱㄸ㻊䠓ʥ儝⁉㿾ʦ Ҹ ⃜㝋⒦㐤Ⓩ䠓䀺㹘ⷻ㝋䧺䪉㹘虇䜅⢿䠓⢿䍀巆ᾜ㝆⌡⎉噇㸌Ҹ⢷1895 〃厂 1945 〃䠓㝴㹊㟑虇⒦㐤ᾏ⿅娺朚䠋㎟䉉䀺㹘折虇⢷1990 〃懁姛㜃ら虇㎟䉉ᾏ↚ 拡〦厖㷃䟑ᾼㅒ㤦䱚䠓䖍⒥〵⇖⑬⢿Ҹ呴㊂⢷⒦㐤汣毦汧亩䠓≂伀㝴ゞ䀺㹘虇儔喙⪞ 㣄乍♐拡〦桕⢧䴰䖕䠓ᾘ‛姛檷㞾㢏ℂ╊埤Ҹ ⢷╿䇲㹰䀺㹘䠓㝈ゞ㤦㤦俌俌虇⃕⪶扷⎕⋻⌀㼃㷯嬐㷑槶ⴱ䰎嗦㺂婬⋴㼃Ҹ The Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat, Ipoh, is built around a limestone cave ᙧᝉᛵThe Banjaran Hotsprings Retreatᔈό ᑋᐅᒎᙃጢᚩጴḸ Sunrise Hot Spring Hotel, Taian Mountain views and private hot-spring baths in a calm atmosphere. ᦤᑠᅝ፶Ꭴỹ᠌ᵄṑᙏ 䘿⨒棫䫴☛虇╾懯䣉⸀⽡儝㟾虇 ∨㢘䭐⁉䀺㹘㼃㷯Ҹ Malaysia ᪑ᗔᒯᗉ Malaysia's steaming hot springs are unusual for their tropical surroundings. 欻ℕ嬎䠓䍀⿅㶲↨憯ⷀ―ᾜⶠ⎴⌆䐈吁 䠓䀺㹘Ҹ I WHERE ỹ᠌ᭆፃᅝ The Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat, Ipoh Luxury resort with 25 villas, each boasting an outdoor Jacuzzi with geothermal hotspring water. ᙧᝉᅝThe Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat n Ipoh, a two-hour drive from Kuala Lumpur, the Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat is built around a limestone cave, where water bubbles up and cascades through the rocks, collecting minerals and ions. In Kota Kinabalu, Poring Hot Springs is popular among locals for its hot sulphuric minerals. Sutera Sanctuary Lodges, Kota Kinabalu Basic accommodation in the heart of the Poring Hot Spring & Nature Reserve, at the foot of Mount Kinabalu. ᗉᔬᅝSutera Sanctuary Lodges 㝔厜⃜㝋※戲⾃泾⸀⸀匂ᾚ䠓 Poring 䀺㹘╙ 宼㢘 25 朢⎴⨔䠓巹啾䀺㹘〵⇖㣠虇㵞朢⎴⨔ ⣖拜∨ⴳ⪥䀺㹘㒘㗸㼃㷯Ҹ 卹䋅Ⅼ崆Ⓩ虇㕟K⦉㢻䠓⃞ⵎ宼㝌Ҹ ᒳ 㝋ㆰⅬ䠓The Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat〵 ⇖㣠虇彬桱▘栕⣰≔⋸㟑恙䮚Ҹ〵⇖㣠ℬ䦂 䇿⸸⸀军ら虇⿇㢘䀺㹘㿶⎉㹎嗦䦂侺朢ㄏᾚ 㻐虇㹘㷃⡯㳳ⵛ►䪵䏸幹╙桱ⳟҸ⃜㝋〖䠓Poring 䀺 㹘虇㹘㷃►䧺䪉䪵䏸 虇㾀╦䜅⢿⁉✫㊪Ҹ 46 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e South Korea ᝨ═ Koreans tend to love all things spicy and this extends to their love of heat. This is one of the reasons that bathing is very much a part of the everyday culture. Derived from the ondol, a heated floor in traditional Korean housing, the jimjilbang – which roughly translates to public bathhouse – is a bathing and sauna complex where Koreans often go to socialise and relax. Outdoor bathing at W Seoul Walkerhill ᣌ᷒ᓐጢᰛWᙏᛵ፮ᏊᦲᲵ here are more than 400 naturally occurring hot springs in South Korea, distributed evenly throughout the country, and bathing facilities range from the everyday jimjilbang to more luxurious hot-spring resorts. Like most traditional jimjilbangs, Silloam Fire Pot Sauna in the heart of Seoul has hot steaming thermal baths and sauna rooms, and it offers traditional Korean scrubs. The baths feature waters with different healing ingredients, including charcoal for detoxification and the mugwort herb to invigorate. For a five-star experience in the city, the AWAY Spa at the W Seoul Walkerhill uses hot-spring water in its outdoor soaking tubs. Outside Seoul, the Bugok Hot Springs is one of the hottest places to bathe, with water temperatures at about 78°C – hot enough to gently boil an egg. Located at the foot of Mount Deokamsan, the sulphuric hot-spring water is thought to help breathing difficulties, skin diseases and joint pain. Busan also has numerous spas fed by hot springs, many of them extremely large and several by the sea. As in Japan, Korean bathing takes place without clothing, with men and women in separate areas. Jimjilbangs provide pyjama-like outfits for guests. IMAGES: W Seoul Walkhill – Michael Weber T ᝨ 楢⨒⋶⌀㢘 400 ⪩↚⪸䋅䀺㹘虇。⣖⎕㛲㝋ⓦ楢▓⢿虇ㄭ⿇嬚䠓㷦噇⎿ 巹啾䠓䀺㹘〵⇖㣠䳘宼㝌㍘㢘䡰㢘Ҹ⃜㝋欥䏍ᾼㅒ⢿⿅䠓楢ゞ㧠㒎 Silloam Fire Pot Sauna 彮≂伀㷦噇ᾏ㮲虇柳―㕟K梶㶲殿殿䠓䀺㹘㼃㷯☛㧠㒎ⴳ虇 戓㢘≂伀䠓楢ゞ䩷䦑㢜⑨Ҹ㼃㷯⋶宼㢘⌆∨ᾜ▛䟑㛗䠓㷯㷃虇⒔㑻㔡㵡䠓䈼㼃☛⁉乍 䫭ᾏ㒾䠓名噎㼃Ҹ㊂汣毦‣㞮亩ʥ㹰㿾ʦ汣毦虇欥䏍啾⋚⸀唙W拡〦染宼䠓 AWAY㷃䟑 ᾼㅒ㞾ᾜ‛Ὶ戇虇⌅㏅⪥㼃㷯⣖㔰䚷⪸䋅䀺㹘㷃Ҹ ⢷欥䏍⁴⪥⢿Ⓩ虇捫巆䀺㹘㞾䀺〵㢏汧䠓䀺㹘⑬⢿Ὶᾏ虇䜅⢿䀺㹘䠓㷃䀺懣㚬㶞 78〵虇」῝╾⁴ⶖ桭塚䋽䌮Ҹ⃜㝋Deokamsan⸀匂䠓䧺䪉㹘㙩尹㢘㛈✓☋◇懢䝍䝔ҷ 䠽匩䝔☛樷䅤䝔Ҹ捫⸀ᾏ⿅㢘寀⪩㕟K䀺㹘䠓㷃䟑ᾼㅒ虇䜅ᾼ㢘嬞㮰⪶ㄦ毩⁉虇΅㢘 ᾏ⃜㝋䆀㼆⢿ⓏҸ 彮㝴㢻ᾏ㮲虇ⓦ楢䠓⋻⌀㼃㷯⎕䉉䛆⩺㎥⬂⩺䚷虇军ᾣㅔ榗媇怺⋴㼃Ҹ㷦噇㢒㕟 K槭䣰姲䠓㼃娜K槶ⴱ䰎嗦Ҹ 楢⢚⁉䊰愲ᾜ㳰虇⁉䍀㷦㽚䂢䠓䄰⦑΅㞾↠ 䠓㢏㊪虇䠕⡯㹰䄰㞾楢⢚⁉㝴⿇䚮㻊ᾜ╾㎥僉 䠓ᾏ扷⎕Ҹ楢⢚䠓㷦噇‵╾峾䉉⋻⌀䄰⦑虇⌅ 㬑ㆄ䀟卹≂伀㏎厜ㅔ∨䠓㠥䈤Ҹ憨䮽仟▗㼃ⴳ╙ 㧠㒎䠓₠朡⧃㏏虇㞾楢⢚⁉。㝴沕オ怺ㅒ╙厖㢚 ╚凾仰㊮㉔䠓╊埤Ҹ WHERE ỹ᠌ᭆፃᅝ Silloam Fire Pot Sauna, Seoul This is a popular urban jimjilbang that also offers a communal sleeping room with no frills. ᣌᅝ Silloam Fire Pot Sauna 憨朢⃜㝋⾑Ⓩ⋶䠓㷦噇 ㄗ╦㳰慝虇▛㟑戓宼㢘⃗僽䶰✽䠓⋻⌀䣰䢯ⴳҸ W Seoul Walkerhill, Seoul Luxury hotel with designoriented accommodation and soothing treatments at the AWAY Spa. ᣌᅝ᷒ᓐጢᰛ W ᙏ ⁴ 宼 宗 樷 㧋 䉉 Ὴ 䠓 巹 啾 拡 〦 虇 ⌅ AWAY㷃䟑ᾼㅒ㕟K▓䮽亢佸怺ㅒ䟑䮚Ҹ Bugok Spadium, Bugok Hot Springs, Changnyeong County Accommodation is geared towards the business traveller and tourists looking to explore the region. ᚕ⁕᩻ᅝ᪄ᖧỹ᠌ Bugok Spadium 拡 〦 㞾 ⛕ ⑨ 㝔 ⴱ 䠓 䖕㊂Ὶ戇虇‵懸▗㔱亱䜅⢿樷⋘䠓懙ⴱҸ Hurshimchung Spa, Busan This spa in the Hotel Nongshim can accommodate 3,000 people and is said to be the largest in Asia. ᪄ጢᅝᷤ፬⟞ ⃜㝋慁ㅒ拡〦⋶䠓㷃䟑ᾼㅒ虇╾▛㟑ⵈ亜3,000 ⁉虇⦹䯀㻁㢏⪶䠓㷃䟑ᾼㅒҸ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 47 hile hot springs lie throughout Japan, the two main regions they are found are around the city of Noboribetsu, in the northern Hokkaido prefecture, and Beppu, in the south-western island of Kyushu. Dai-ichi Takimotokan in Noboribetsu is one of the largest spas in Asia. Founded in 1858, the sprawling complex includes 30 large baths with seven different types of healing water including one with sodium, calcium and chloride, and which is believed to be good for treating rheumatism. In Beppu, the Takegawara spa – the city’s most famous onsen – is known for its sand baths. Dating back to 1879 and now housed in a building with a Chinese-style tiled roof, guests dress in yukata – Japanese robes – and are packed tightly in the sand, where they stay in place for about 15 minutes. The warmth of the sand comes from the thermal springs and is said to help to heal bruises and ease stiff joints. Onsens can also be enjoyed in the urban areas, including the cities of Tokyo and Osaka which have thermal waters pumped in from the surrounding areas. In Tokyo, the Oedo Onsen Monogatari in Odaiba is a theme-park-like hot spring complex built to resemble Japan's Edo period. Visitors dress in yukatas and wander around an indoor, traditional Edo fair where they can buy snacks and play carnival games. The massive Spa World in Osaka has two floors, one with Asian baths and the other with European-style tubs, as well as saunas and swimming pools. W Japan ፶Ꮵ Oedo Onsen Monogatari is fashioned to evoke Japan's Edo period ጙᒆ፮ỹ᠌ᛦ⅃ᐓἇ፶Ꮵ ᒆ፮ᛵ᰿ᢤᣉᦕឰᑯ Communal hot springs (onsens) are a big part of Japanese culture. Traditionally, they are single sex, and bathing takes place naked, but more modern onsens allow mixed-gender bathing – and swimsuits. ⢷㝴㢻虇㹰䀺㹘㞾䛀ℕ⾁䠓≂伀㜖⒥虇䛆⬂冐ⶠ抌兡㋲⎿⋻⌀䀺㹘㹰 䄰Ҹ䜅⢿䠓≂伀䀺㹘宼㢘䛆⩺㎥⬂⩺䚷㼃ⴳ虇ㅔ榗媇怺⋴㼃虇⃕悒䖍 ⒥䠓䀺㹘⋐寀怺䰎㺂姲䠓䛆⬂ᾏ▛㼇㼃Ҹ ፶ WHERE ỹ᠌ᭆፃᅝ Oedo Onsen Monogatari, Tokyo Bay Located on the man-made island of Odaiba, this complex is easily accessible from Tokyo via the Yurikamome railway. The complex also has hotel rooms. ᚣᗋ⟠ᅝጙᒆ፮ỹ᠌ᛦ⅃ ⃜㝋⁉⽴⺅╿⧃虇染 宼䀺㹘㝔檷ⴱ㏎虇╾ㄭ㤀※ῧ㖼㼆潦佩悤恛⎦ 恙⏜ㄏ虇″憩ⅎ㔆Ҹ 㢻▓⢿⣖㢘䀺㹘虇⃕㢏凭▜䠓⋸⪶䀺㹘折虇䜅 ⷻ⒦㼆懢䠊⎴⾑ᾏ⿅虇⁴╙嬎ⓦ扷⺅⽋Ῥ⽭䠓 ⎴〫⾑Ҹ⃜㝋䠊⎴⾑䠓䲻ᾏ䁬㢻檷㞾㻁㢏⪶ 䠓㷃䟑ᾼㅒῚᾏ虖憨朢⃣⢿戋杙䠓伫▗宼㝌㝋1858 〃㎟ Dai-ichi Takimotokan, Noboribetsu A resort with a wide range of rooms, including accommodation for families and traditional tatami rooms. 䱚虇⌅ 30 ↚㼃㷯⌆∨ᾒ䮽ᾜ▛䟑㛗䠓䀺㹘㷃虇䜅ᾼᾏ䮽 ►㢘掘ҷ掲☛㶾⒥䏸䠓㹘㷃虇㙩尹╾㾪悤樷䅤䝔䝪Ҹ ᶊᓕᏕᅝᯧዯ Ꮵ ∨㢘⪩䮽ⴱ㏎槭⤚╾K戇 㙖虇⒔㑻ⵅ〼ゞ㏎朢╙㝴ゞ㭊㭊丂㏎朢Ҹ 㢬䧃樷ゞⷚ䙵䠓ら䵘⋶虇ㄭ1879〃␄愵厂⁙虇㴆▁㈯Ҹ ⎴〫䠓䲈䙵䀺㹘⏖⁴䦑㼃›崌⋷⢚虇ⴒ⣟嗌㝋ᾏ㩮⚟ 嬐汣毦䦑㼃䠓容ⴱ虇╹梏䰎ᾙ㼃姲恉⢷䦑ᾙ虇䛀⽴⃫⁉♰ ⁴䦑嬕噚⋷怺虇│╾㊮╦娺⥚⢷䀺䍀亿䦑⋶亓15⎕斧䠓 ⫖⬨䁚☂Ҹ䦑両╦⎿染慠䠓䀺㹘㷃䍀虇㙩尹㢘㹊䟑䞏 Spa World, Osaka This onsen complex is within walking distance of Shin-Imamiya station on the Osaka metro system and provides hotel rooms. ጙᗂᅝ⋢ᛖỹ᠌ጙᎌᠾ ╾ㄭⓦ㼆梊旄䠓⪶枹 㜿⁙ⴽ䱨㳴姛⏜ㄏ虇宼㢘拡〦ⴱ㏎Ҹ Nogamihonkan Ryokan, Beppu This elegant little ryokan – traditional inn – offers tatami rooms and Western-style rooms, as well as three baths that can be booked for private use. ≆☛杫䵏⊄䧻䠓㛗㤫Ҹ ᓕᙐᅝᱥጆᏥ 㧋屎汧桔䠓≂伀㝴ゞ㝔檷虇 㕟K㝴ゞ㭊㭊丂╙嬎ゞ㏎朢虇╵㢘ᾘ↚䭐⁉㼃 㷯╾K榟宑Ҹ 㮑⢡虇㺚 䀱䅒┩䠓㷮㏅樷㉔Ҹ容ⴱ⢷㕪 ᾙ㼃姲 ㄛ虇╾ │ ℎ ⢷ 㤀 ※╙ ⪶ 枹䳘⪶ ⥝ ⾑虇‵ 㢘 㯮㢒›╦㼇㹰 䀺㹘䠓㮑弲虇䀺㹘㷃㢒䛀抿慠⢿Ⓩ䠓䀺㹘イ⋴⥝⋶Ҹ 㤀※╿⧃䠓⪶㷮㏅䀺 㹘䏸尭 㞾ᾏ㏏ 伫 ▗ゞ 䀺 㹘Ὴ 槛 ⁴⢷₎䋶㷮㏅㟑 宼 宗樷 㧋䠓ⴳ⋶≂ 伀⾑桕戇 庋梅 橮㎥䔸㚳⃜懙㏁Ҹ╵⪥虇⪶枹䠓懸㹙䀺㹘⪶ᾥ䛛宼㢘 㻁╙㳟ゞῊ槛㼃㷯虇⎕⃣⋸↚㮢ⷳ虇▛㟑戓拜∨㧠㒎 ╙㿇㺂㷯䳘宼㝌Ҹ 48 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e C RU I SE ᨴ FASHION 㟑婬 攞捠㴁㢗 EMBARK FOR GLAMOUR 㮨槛處㤦ᾼῚ䔚 Evoke the Golden Age of travel and the romance of cruising with retro style ㎆厙㢜檍捜䖍㞣㝴懯㺚抄悹䠓灒捠㴁㢗☛㻹䂺㼆ᾙ㝔䮚 50 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e SHE’S WEARING Hat by Giorgio Armani Coat, belt and shoes by Prada Dress by Miu Miu Bag by Loewe HE’S WEARING Coat by Prada Suit by Dunhill Shirt and bow tie by Kent & Curwen Shoes by Ermenegildo Zegna Suitcases by Louis Vuitton ጚᖮᡤ Giorgio Armani᳔ጛ Pradaጙᒮᅘ᐀ᬉ᪓ῃ⌄ Miu Miu᱕ᖮᾙ Loewe፯ᴀ᰷ ᖎᖮᡤ Pradaጙᒮ Dunhillᒯᾜ Kent & Curwen❲ᢡ ⊛⊜↊ᶬ Ermenegildo Zegna᐀⌄ ᐀≧ ᚔsរᶊ C RU I SE ᨴ FASHION 㟑婬 SHE’S WEARING Top and skirt by Bottega Veneta Earrings by Siu ጚᖮᡤ ⊜ᾇᤲጆᒮ Ꭾ⁶ᾙ Siuᒜ⒭ ᖎᖮᡤ HE’S WEARING Ermenegildo Zegnaᒯᾜ Suit and tie by ↊ᬉ Ermenegildo Zegna Dolce & Gabbana Shirt by Dolce ❲ᢡ & Gabbana Watch by Jaquet Droz ṅᓐ⇞♉፯␒ 52 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e SHE’S WEARING Shirt, skirt and coat by Valentino Necklace by Siu Sunglasses by Prada HE’S WEARING Coat by Dunhill Trousers, shirt and tie by Kent & Curwen ጚᖮᡤ Valentino❲ᢡᅘᎮ⁶ᾙ ጙᒮ Siu♼ Prada፠Ḿᯗ♸ ᖎᖮᡤ Dunhillጙᒮ Kent & Curwenᜳ⏣ᅘ ❲ᢡ↊ᬉ Stag sans light S TA G S E M I 9 P T i n d u l g e Q1 2014 53 C RU I SE ᨴ FASHION 㟑婬 SHE’S WEARING Dress by Prada Necklace by Siu Clutch by Yves Saint Laurent ጚᖮᡤ Prada᱕ᖮᾙ Siu♼ Yves Saint Laurent፯ᴀᎩ SHE’S WEARING Top and skirt by Dior Necklace by Siu Hat is the stylist’s own ጚᖮᡤ HE’S WEARING Suit, shirt and tie by Kent & Curwen Watch by Franck Muller ᖎᖮᡤ Kent & Curwenᒯᾜᅘ❲ᢡ HE’S WEARING Suit by Dunhill Shirt by Ermenegildo Zegna Bow tie by Kent & Curwen ᖎᖮᡤ Dunhillᒯᾜ Ermenegildo Zegna❲ᢡ Kent & Curwen⊛⊜↊ᶬ ↊ᬉ Ermenegildo Zegna᐀⌄ Franck Muller፯␒ ᢱẏጆᒮᎮ⁶ᾙ Siu♼ ᳔ጛᏻᔲḁ᰿ᢤ᥇ᴀᗒ THE SHOOT ✎ℽḻ PHOTOGRAPHY ✎⇝ AJL Studio STYLING ᔲḁ។⍈ Marie Lebailly STYLING ASSISTANT ᔲḁ។⍈ᓛᮿ Valerie Viale MAKE UP ፓᔍ Megumi Sekine HAIR ⌗ង Ken Hui MODELS ∗ᧁᗡ Li Xinger at Elite and Danny J at Primo Management LOCATION Ჵᑊ Star Pisces◬ᱽ៧ᾊḥ⋞ 54 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e Stag sans light S TA G S E M I 9 P T i n d u l g e Q1 2014 55 JEWELLE JEWELLERY ERY Y 捠檍 ᨴ C RU R I SE E Ginkgo-leaf necklace from Chow Sang Sang ᘐᛵⅰᕚṌ♼ 灒捠⑬⢿ GOING FOR GOLD Everyone’s favourite precious metal is more popular than ever, especially in Hong Kong 䊰⁉ᾜ㊪䠓灒捠⏜㏏㢹㢘⢿╦㳰慝虇⢷欨㾾ⶳ䉉╦ⶄ Alexis i s Lai Wo rd s / 㘿㜖 Alex i n d u l g e Q1 2014 57 ᨴ JEWELLERY Y 捠檍 necklace with large plum blossoms carved in elaborate openwork; thick cuffs emblazoned with dragons and phoenixes; cartoon snake figurines wearing Chinese scholar hats and clasping ingots; a large peach etched with the character for longevity; an enormous pendant of a cartoon pig bearing auspicious wedding sayings and dangling six suckling pigs from her belly. This spectacular array of gold jewellery and collectible objects is just a small sample of what shoppers can find in display windows across Hong Kong. The city is renowned as a shopping paradise and it particularly lives up to its glittering reputation when it comes to gold. In comparison to the Western retail market, most gold products offered in Hong Kong are 24-karat – pure gold (zuk gam in Cantonese) or what is also referred to as 999.9 purity. Apart from the norm of pure gold, the absence of sales tax, a wide range of designs, a high level of 58 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e 2014 is the Chinese Year of the Horse, and equine offerings are available from many jewellers, such as this gold horse from Chow Sang Sang, ornament and pendant from Chow Tai Fook, and watch from Memorigin ᠥᜪᬻ᪑ᑧᗔ⓳ᅗ᎔᪑᰿ᢤ ᛵᜲ‐ᑋ2014ᑧጙᒭᗥ ᅗᗓᑙᘐᛵᜲ᪑╱᰿ᅘ ᘐጙ⃡ᛵ‐ᘍᐺ⇀ᅗ᎔ Ὀᔪ᠌ᛵ፯␒ craftsmanship, and strong local jewellery brands make Hong Kong an attractive hub to shop for gold, says Dennis Lau, Director of Sales Operations at Chow Sang Sang, one of the city’s leading chains. “In the past 10 years, the jewellery business has been quite good, which has encouraged investment in the design and production technology industries,” says Lau, who is also Director of General Affairs with the Hong Kong Jewellers’ and Goldsmiths’ Association. Gold is highly esteemed within Chinese culture, symbolising wealth, luck and prosperity. In general, Hongkongers favour simple gold or diamond jewellery for daily wear, retailers acknowledge. The ostentatious pieces seen in display windows are generally reserved for weddings and Lunar New Year, the key annual occasions for people to purchase gold jewellery and collectibles. Indeed, these products abound with auspicious Chinese symbols and sayings. A spokeswoman at Chow Tai Fook – another IMAGES: Shop window: Mike Clark – AFP/Getty Images. Gold bars: Jerome Favre – Bloomberg via Getty Images. Sow and piglet: Studio MC C RU I SE All that glisters is gold, at least in Hong Kong: a shopper browses a window display (top), one- and five-tael bars (centre) and traditional wedding jewellery (bottom) includes multiple gold bracelets and a sow-and-piglet necklace ᜲᐤ᪆᪆ᛵᣍᵁᅝᦧḈᜇᚶ⋂☡ᶛ ᾝᛵᜲ‐ᅳጆ‽ᅴᅗᢽዯᗣᘍጺᗣᛵ ᜲ᭾ᅳጱḸᅴᅗṞᯱ▚ᜲ‐ᑙᜲ፯ ✺ᘍ᎔Ꮺ⋀ᘍጟ⋀ᠥᱛងᛵ♼ ᅳጄ‽ᅴ 桤亿䖱䠓⪶㣄敳䰉㨔呀槇敗虖捜 䛇䛇䠓焜湾㏚旁虖榼㏃ᾼゞ䑏⋒ ⿌ҷ㏚㕰捠⋒ⶅ䠓⓰憩塖虖⏊ ᾙʥ⪌ʦ⳦䠓⪶⪌㧒虖怺ᾙ⏊㢘⯩ ⱐ▘䫴尭ҷ利ⳟ▙嗦⋼桊巻䠓⽷⤚⓰憩捠巻敗⨫Ҹ 憨崢⁉䡽ᾜ㠖仵䠓灒捠欥檍☛㛅坞♐虇╹㞾欨㾾捠 厥㱴䰦婰ⷤ䫉䠓ᾏ扷⎕灒捠檍♐Ҹ欨㾾㢘庋䏸⪸⦑Ὶ 崌虇捠檍幆干㢃ᾜ⢷尀ᾚҸ 㢘⎴㝋嬎㝈梅⚽⾑⧃虇欨㾾⾑棱⪶扷⎕灒捠䚱♐⣖㔰䚷 24K亣捠虃㢻⢿⁉╺彂捠虄虇│999.9亣捠Ҹ 欨㾾ထ▜䕯ⶅ憲攥〦◷䚮䚮䠓㫼⑨䍮懚俌䡲␘⋚㜛㒖 ⎉虇欨㾾捠檍ᾏ去⁴亣捠媌憯虇ᾙᾜ宼摆⚽䮔ҷ㳍ゞ⪩ҷ ㏚⽴⬌ҷ㢻⢿䕯ⶅ♐䏛╲䨠ℂ䳘⊹⑱虇欨㾾㎟䉉庋幆 捠檍䠓䖕㊂⢿㝈Ҹ 怺⌋欨㾾䕯䦂䔘⟷捠搏欥檍㫼⛕㢒㢒⑨Ὴ₊䠓␘⋚㜛 ╗尹處ʥ懝╊ⓐ〃虇䕯ⶅ欥檍㫼䠋ⷤ叾⬌虇⅒懁―宼宗╙ 媌憯㐏姢䠓㐤幖Ҹʦ ≂伀ᾼ⢚㜖⒥巰ㅄⵛ幃ҷ〇懚䠓灒捠㔷⺖∨厂Ҹ梅⚽ ⛕㒖⎉虇欨㾾⁉。㝴✫㳰㏃宼宗䶰亓䠓捠檍㎥昌檍虇⢷ ⛕〦㱴䰦ⷤ䫉䠓啾瀦捠檍≔⢷⯩ⵃ㎥慁㡕㜿〃㏜㏃Ҹ 慁㡕㜿〃‵㞾欨㾾⁉㵞〃庋幆捠檍☛灒捠㚉宼䠓㞉Ⳳ虇䉉 ―㍘䵏虇䚱♐ᾏ去抌㢘ᾼ⢚≂伀䠓▘䫴䏸╙䫬䬞尭Ҹ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 59 ⅟ᨴ ᨴ 捠檍 JEWELLERY MALAYSIA 欻ℕ嬎 leading home-grown chain – nominated its bestselling wedding items as the thick bracelets engraved with elaborate dragon and phoenix designs and the Chinese double-happiness character as well as the pig necklace with its overt fertility symbolism. The arrival of Lunar New Year sees a burst of new designs based on the zodiac animal of the year, often in the form of stylised cartoon figurines, as with the snake in 2013. They are viewed as omens of prosperity, with certain objects, such as ingots, serving feng shui purposes. In the past year, a dive in gold prices – a drop of more than US$400 an ounce over the second quarter to less than US$1,200 – prompted a sharp surge in worldwide demand for gold, the fourth-highest level of demand on record in terms of value. Much of this voracious appetite for gold stemmed from Asia, driven by India and Mainland China, which together accounted for nearly 60 percent of the demand for jewellery and nearly half for coins and bars. These countries also generated more than 77 percent of the 155-ton worldwide increase in demand during Q2, says the World Gold Council. Mainland China also had a spillover effect in Hong Kong, which experienced the world’s highest percentage growth in demand in Q2 – 66 percent to a record 12.1 tons. The council credited the buying spree in Hong Kong to Mainland Chinese tourists as well as local customers taking advantage of low prices to buy 60 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e Personal touch: a shop assistant places a gold bracelet on the arm of a prospective buyer. Such items are popular in Hong Kong as wedding gifts ᙏᤍᗴᓛዯᒳ❁ហᾦ⑲ᜲ፯ ✺ᅜᑋᣍᵁᅗᜲ፯✺៦ộᗽ ❣ᜪᛵᶬ▚ᛦ wedding jewellery. Sure enough, Chow Tai Fook reported a 63 percent year-on-year growth in revenue in Q2. Gold prices have slowly risen from their three-year low at the end of June, and major retailers say sales have returned to normal. Mainland Chinese consumers have increasingly played an outsized role in the Hong Kong gold retail scene, as cross-border travel restrictions have been progressively relaxed since 2003. Before then, mainlanders comprised about 10 percent of Chow Sang Sang’s Hong Kong customers in Hong Kong, Lau says. Since then, they have steadily increased to more than 60 percent, exceeding locals, who make up about 30 percent. The World Gold Council forecasts that the mainland’s demand for the precious metal will continue to increase in the long term, given the country’s “growing middle class, relatively high inflation expectations and the ingrained cultural significance of gold”. Pricing aside, Chow Sang Sang offers the same selection of gold products in its Hong Kong and mainland stores, Lau says, adding that there is no need to localise its offerings as mainlanders have acquired knowledge on par with Hong Kong shoppers. He sees an increasing shift towards purchases of diamond, rather than gold, jewellery – a trend, he says, that would complement, rather than diminish, gold’s standing within Chinese culture, in which gold is forever. IMAGES. Hands: Aaron Tam – AFP/Getty Images. Animals: Mike Clarke – AFP/Getty Images. Shoppers: Laurent Fievet – AFP/Getty Images C RU I SE 欨㾾╵ᾏ憲攥欥檍〦◷⪶䬞䠓䠋宏⁉㒖⎉虇↠㢏╦㳰 慝䠓⯩ⱐ捠檍虇㞾桤⏊―焜ҷ湾☛ʥ⡜ʦ⳦䠓㏚旁虇⁴╙ⵢ ㊞ʥ⪩ⳟ蘽䠓捠巻敗⨫Ҹ㵞⎿慁㡕㜿〃虇捠厥抌㢒㒘䜅〃 䚮別ℕ宼宗捠檍虇憯⤚⓰憩⒥虇ℚ⬑2013〃ⅎ㔷⎉―塖〃 亊⎦Ҹ憨䚮別捠檍㢒拜⁴⋒ⶅ䳘䏸₅虇ⵢ㊞ⵛ幃▘䫴虇 ╵⪥戓㢘⒥孲⪹㴁䠓⃫䚷Ҹ 懝╊ᾏ〃捠⊈ㆴ彛虇⢷䲻‛Ⳳ㵞ⴘ⩺ᾚ彛弔懝400儝 ⋒虇彛厂1,200儝⋒⁴ᾚ虇⅒ℎ⋷䖒灒捠䠓梏㷑ㆴ␖⨭ Ҹ㒘⊈⇋宗䴦虇灒捠䠓梏㷑懣⎿㴆ℕ䲻⡪汧Ҹ 憨到灒捠䍀䃽Ὴ嬐ℕ卹㻁虇ⶳ⌅㞾⓿〵☛ᾼ⢚⋶⢿虇 Ever popular, gold animals (left) are especially highly prized at Lunar New Year, while a shop assistant (right) talks customers through an extensive range of golden jewellery ᎔᪳ᛦ᰿ᢤᛵᜲ‐ᅳᏔ‽ᅴ ᑋῑ⍣ỉᑧፍᏊᗽ❣ᜪᅜ ᙏᤍᠥ❁ហፃ᯳ᐾᑨᐾ∐ᛵ ᜲ‐ᅳᎷ‽ᅴ ◷⪶䬞⢷䲻‛Ⳳ〵撓ㄦ悒╊〃▛㢮⪩63虀䠓⨭朆Ҹ⢷6㢗 〤朚⭚虇捠⊈⢷彛厂ᾘ〃ℕ䠓㢏⃝⃜ㄛ憟䃇⡭ⓖ虇军⪶⤚ 梅⚽⛕‵姷䫉灒捠摆捞⾁⡭ㄸ㳲⿇㷃。Ҹ 卹2003〃憟㳴㛍⋶⢿㝔ⴱ彷⨒弃㾾㝔懙䠓柟⏅ㄛ虇 ⋶⢿懙ⴱ⢷欨㾾灒捠梅⚽⾑⧃䠓孡吁㝴䡙▒捜Ҹ2003 〃 ⁴⏜虇⋶⢿懙ⴱ⃣◷䚮䚮㜃汣槶ⴱ亓ᾏ㎟虇⃕䖍㟑⾁⨭厂 懍⋼㎟虇懯弔亓⃣ᾘ㎟䠓㢻⢿槶ⴱҸ ᾥ䛛灒捠ⓣ㢒榟㾻虇⋶⢿䠓ʥᾼ䚱⁉㜇⨭朆ҷ悒汧䠓憩 勈榟㢮厖灒捠㧈㾀㥱⢉䠓㜖⒥㊞㽄ʦ 虇朆懯军宏⣖ℎ⋶⢿ 灒捠䠓梏㷑㒐倛⨭朆Ҹ ⋸⢚▗⌀庋幆亓⋼㎟捠檍╙慠‣㎟捠⿲☛捠㨬Ҹᾥ䛛灒捠 ◷䚮䚮⢷欨㾾☛⋶⢿䠓〦厥⎉⚽䢇▛䠓灒捠䚱♐虇 ⓣ㢒䠓㜇⳦槾䫉虇⋷䖒䲻‛Ⳳ䠓灒捠梏㷑⨭朆䉉155 ⠇虇 㻁▓⢚⃣䜅ᾼ䠓ᾒ㎟ᾒҸ欨㾾╦㉯㝋ᾼ⢚⋶⢿䠓⪥䀱㛗 ⃕⊈㧋㢒㢘⽽䛿Ҹ␘⋚㜛孲捚尹虇⋶⢿槶ⴱ䠓䥴峧☛♐ ㍘虇䲻‛Ⳳ䠓梏㷑⨭朆䔖䉉⋷䖒㢏汧虇懣⋼㎟⋼虇⁴捜捞 ▛䠓䚱♐Ҹ戓䠋䖍虇戇㙖幆昌䦂欥檍军棭捠檍䠓ⴱ⁉ 宗懣␄亏撓䠓12.1⠇Ҹ ㊗ℕ㊗⪩Ҹ ᾥ䛛灒捠ⓣ㢒尜䉉虇⋶⢿容㾾㝔ⴱ虇ᾙ㢻⢿槶ⴱ弐捠 ⊈ᾚ彛庋幆⯩ⱐ捠檍虇桨桨⿅⑤―欨㾾䠓庋幆灓捠䍀䃽虇 BUYING TIPS ☂⾁厖欨㾾槶ⴱ䢚烙虇⡯㳳㵚榗䐈⎴䉉⋶⢿⾑⧃宼宗ᾜ ᾜ懝虇尜䉉虇庋幆昌䦂☛灒捠㞾姛䠓虇ᾜ㢒⏙ダ 灒捠䠓梏㷑虇⡯䉉⢷≂伀ᾼ⢚䫍㢒虇灒捠㞾㷇㇕䠓Ҹ ḋᜲḄ Look for gold at the Eternus Luxury shops onboard Star Cruises. ⢷瀦㞮抄悹䠓又栙ᾙ虇╾⁴ ⎿Eternus Luxury 戇庋灒捠 䚱♐Ҹ Some items are sold at a fixed price, but in general, 24K gold products are priced by multiplying its weight (in Chinese taels) by the current gold price. Jewellery bears an additional labour cost. 扷⎕⛕♐㒘宑⊈⎉⚽虇⃕ᾏ去ℕ尹24K亣捠䚱♐䠓 ⊈㧋㢒⁴灒捠⾑⊈ῧ⁴䚱♐捜捞虃⁴⋸䉉✽⃜虄宗 䴦Ҹ捠檍⏖㛅㏚⽴幊Ҹ Jewellery shops are ubiquitous in Hong Kong, but are concentrated in major shopping districts such as Causeway Bay and Tsim Sha Tsui. 欨㾾䠓捠厥⪩ᾜ⑬㜇虇⃕⪶扷⎕桕ᾼ⢷Ὴ嬐庋䏸Ⓩ ⬑搔昋䇲☛ⶥ㸨☏䳘Ҹ For novice shoppers, it’s best to stick to shops accredited by the Hong Kong Tourism Board’s Quality Tourism Services (QTS) programme. Such shops will usually have a sticker in their window or you can look them up in the QTS’s online directory at 㜿㏚幆ⵅ㢏⬌⎿䔁欨㾾㝔懙䠋ⷤʥ⊹幹㝔懙㢜⑨ 宗␒虃QTS虄ʦ尜╾䠓梅⚽⛕〦庋幆灒捠虇尜╾⛕ 〦㢒ⶖQTS幋亨ツ幋⢷㱴䰦ᾙҸ 幋⢷㱴䰦ᾙҸ 㳳⪥虇΅╾⁴⎿封宗␒䠓佁榐㥴 封宗␒䠓佁榐㥴 杀⛕〦▜✽處 When in doubt, bt, major jewellery y chains such as Chow Sang Sang, Chow ow Tai Fook, Luk Fook, k, and King Fook – all QTS accredited – are e safe bets for gold shopping. hopping. ⬑㤫戓㢘䜠⛞虇╾⋘槶◷䚮䚮ҷ ╾⋘槶◷䚮䚮ҷ ◷⪶䬞ҷ⋼䬞☛㟾䬞虇憨⡪朢欨㾾 㟾䬞虇憨⡪朢欨㾾 Ὴ嬐䕯ⶅ憲攥〦⣖䔁 ⣖䔁QTS尜峘Ҹ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 61 E S C A PE ḡᵂ PEOPLE ⁉䏸 A native of Sweden, Magnus Gottberg has been captain of the SuperStar Virgo since 2006. He commands a crew of 1,340 from 27 nations as the ship sails to Thailand and Malaysia from its home port of Singapore 䗭⌇婣䠓Magnus Gottberg卹2006〃弆㙣₊ʥ埤⬂㞮埮ʦ又朆Ҹ⢷抄悹ㄭ㵜㾾 㜿⣰歪ㄏ㹿⢚╙欻ℕ嬎䠓厹䮚ᾼ虇帯帻䴰䖕ℕ卹27↚⢚ⵅ䠓1,340⃜♰⽴ 㔛叄⁉ AT THE HELM Which is your favourite port? There are many beautiful ports around the world but two stand out among them – Hong Kong and Sydney. Imagine entering Hong Kong in the beautiful morning light and getting closer to the absolutely spectacular skyline, with the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre shining like a jewel. The same goes for Sydney: passing the natural sight of the Heads, and a few moments later being inside sheltered waters and seeing the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. I don’t need to get paid to do that! Which is your favourite stretch of sea? Sailing into Halong Bay in Vietnam is just amazing, with its archipelago of hundreds of limestone islands – extremely beautiful! Tell us about a typical day on board. I spend a lot of time on the bridge navigating the ship in and out of ports and also assisting the bridge team in heavy traffic. We have meetings and spend time on inspections all over the ship. I also walk around the ship and talk to guests and the crew. Describe your first voyage with Star Cruises. That was on 9 August, 1998, on the SuperStar Leo leaving the shipyard in Papenburg for sea trials in the North Sea. That was also a spectacular moment for Star Cruises as the SuperStar Leo was the first ship to be newly built for the company. Which is your favourite place on the ship? Certainly the bridge where we navigate, but whenever I get hungry I just love the Samurai Japanese restaurant on Deck 8. Which is the most difficult port to navigate? The straits of Singapore and Malacca are considered some of 62 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e the busiest shipping lanes in the world. We have to be on our toes at all times in order to navigate this area safely. Which is your most memorable cruise on the SuperStar Virgo? It was when we came from Sin- Captain Magnus Gottberg of the SuperStar Virgo "ᰤጚ៧ᾊ"ᰑᜳ Magnus Gottberg gapore’s Sembawang shipyard in 2012 after completion of a US$25 million renovation and seeing how much the guests enjoyed the improvements. Do you interact much with guests? We have one formal night a week when I meet hundreds of guests, which I really like. But we must not forget that the captain is on board to ensure the safety and the safe navigation of the ship, so there is limited time for me to interact, even though I am acting as a figurehead for the whole ship. Have you ever been afraid at sea? I have only been afraid once and that was when I was a teenager. We were in a sailing yacht and we had a severe leak, but we managed, so it ended happily. How have cruises changed since you started your career? When I started working on cruise ships, only very few people could afford the trips. Today many more people can enjoy the excitement of a cruise ship and see new destinations. What is your best tip for seasickness? Very few guests will get seasick as the ships have grown so big that the effect from rough seas is limited. If you could captain the world’s greatest cruise, where would you go? That would be a very long cruise: I would include Sydney, Halong Bay, Hong Kong, Alaska, the Panama Canal, and see the Norwegian fjords and even Saint Petersburg in Russia. ᓇᲟ❣ᤐዯᣥᵁጕᅞᾥ䛛ᾙ㢘ㄗ⪩儝瀦䠓㾾╲虇⃕欨 㾾☛㈘ⷋ䠓㼆㾾儝㟾㢏⁉䫭ㄏҸ㊂≞ᾏᾚ⢷儝瀦䠓㟷 㡵ᾼ虇抄悹歪⋴欨㾾虇䃇䃇棯慠憆⁉䠓⪸株佩虇欨㾾㢒峿 ⷤ孌ᾼㅒ⬑ⶅ䦂去朒朒䚮悬Ҹ㈘ⷋ΅ᾜ懠⪩崢虇㲲幭懝 ㈘ⷋ孡䠓卹䋅樷⋘ㄛ虇抄悹样│懁⋴⋶㾾㷃⥮虇㈘ⷋ㳛 ␖柱╙㈘ⷋ㼆㾾⪶㯚佸佸㞯⋴䣋䷍Ҹ劌⪯⢷╦圹⽴⃫㟑 檌孌⬑㳳儝㟾虇⢷㞾㎠䠓䬞㶲蘼 ᓇᲟ❣ᑋᤐዯᎆᦫᨴᒭᅞ歪懁弙ⓦᾚ焜䇲虇䣋⏜ With an average cruising speed of 24 knots, SuperStar Virgo is the fastest vessel in the Star Cruises fleet "ᰤጚ៧ᾊ" Ꮧᔅᨴᒭ᱖ឯ ᠥ24ᅗ៦⚡៧ḥ⋞ᰑḻ ጱᨴᒭ᱖ឯᔺᛵᰑ ᰤጚ៧ᾊᆜᛵᤐዯᑿᨴᶗᓇ⚈ᔵᅞ2012〃虇ʥ埤 ⬂㞮埮ʦⴛ㎟―冦幖 2,500喻儝⋒䠓冊㜿⽴䮚ㄛ桱朚⑬ ⶅ㞉又は虖䢚⎿㝔ⴱ䡰㉔›䚷㜿䯝宼㝌䠓㟑↨虇⭣ ⁉㲲㋿Ҹ ᓇ៦ᓥᬈℚហᐐ᠐ᅞ又ᾙ㵞㞮㢮㢒厘姛ᾏ㲰㳲ゞ 㟩ⵃ虇军㎠✫㳰⢷⾼朢厖ᾙⓒ▜幢ⴱ嬚棱Ҹ⃕ⓒ喻⎴ㅧ 宧虇䩉Ⅼ厹姛ⴘ⋷╙䉉抄悹厹虇㏜㞾又朆䠓㢏Ὴ嬐䠓 帻₊虇㏏⁴⊧䴰▜儸ᾙ㎠㞾ᾏ又Ὶ欥虇⃕㎠厖㝔ⴱ↠凙⪸ 㞾㜇䠍↚ㆹ䦂⼨⹚䠓䦂䇿⸸⺅⽋虇㊮孉棭⿇儝⬨Ҹ戲婰 䠓㟑朢⢷棭⿇㢘柟Ҹ 䠓㟾吁䢮㞾儝ᾜ⑬㛅 ጙᦫᛵរዾ៦ᓥᴜᓇẦᗭᠽ✌ᅞ㢘䚮⁴ℕ㎠⚾ᾏᾏ ᓇᕦ፞ᑋḥ⋞ጆᑺጽ↚ᗓᒭጤᓆᅞ㎠⪶扷⎕㟑朢抌⢷ 㲰㊮⎿ⵂㆤ虇㞾ⶠ〃㟑㢘ᾏ㲰㕩⾕⎉㼆虇又怺⡃捜懁㷃虇 此歪叨虇Έ抄又懁⎉ᾜ▛㾾╲厹虇⢷″憩俐ㅨ㟑ⓣ ⃕ㄛℕ㎠↠俌䴦ⴘ䋅〵懝虇㢘毩䊰根Ҹ 此歪叨䠓▛‚Ҹ㎠戓榗╒㢒峿╙⽰嬥抄悹ᾙ▓⪓虇΅ ዹᒭᒣፂᅗᓇⅅᠥḥ⋞ᒭỔᑺድጽ↚∐ᛵ◓➦ᅞ 㢒厖又ᾙ䠓㝔ⴱ☛♰⽴↠ⵡ㠓″嶗Ҹ 䜅㎠ 朚⭚⢷ 抄 悹 ᾙ ⽴⃫ 㟑虇╹㢘ⶠ 㜇 ⁉劌 帯 㙣ㄦ 弆 ᓇᎧዹ⚡៧ḥ⋞ឹᛵᣌᨴ➱៦ឿ∐ᛵᅞ1998〃8㢗 9㝴虇㎠╒䓔ⳟ㞮埮抄悹䛀⾤ー⦰䠓又は朚ㄏ⒦㼆䠓寵 抄 悹 㝔 䮚Ҹ䛀 㝋㝔 幊 ᾚ屎虇䖍 ⁙㢘 㢃 ⪩⁉╾ ⁴ ›╦ 厹Ҹ戲㞾瀦㞮抄悹䠓ᾏ↚㴆▁ㆶ㟑⏊虇⡯䉉䓔ⳟ㞮埮㞾⋻ 㖼ῧ抄悹⎿ᾜ▛㟾灭孏⋘䠓㮑弲Ҹ ᓇᑺጽ↚ᔒᛈ⁝᎕ọᰑᅞ䖍⢷⾁伢ㄗⶠ㢘ῧⴱ㠗又虇 ▇䲻ᾏ叧⋷㜿ら㎟䠓抄悹Ҹ ⡯䉉䖍⢷䠓抄悹汣䯜焟⪶虇樷㻹㝋厹姛䠓榎ᾜ㢒棭 ᓇᲟ❣ḥ⋞ጆᛵᤐᣥᑊ፵ᅞ䜅䋅㞾帯帻䉉抄悹厹 ⿇⪶Ҹ 䠓此歪叨虖利檢㟑㎠㢏㊪⎿又ᾙ⋺㮢䠓ℜ恜㝴㢻㜨䖕 Ҹ ᤐᣥᵁጕ⚈ᨴᒭᅞ㜿⣰㼆⺌☛欻⋼䛁娺嬥䉉⋷䖒 ᑙᏻᓇ⍠ᐞᎌᠾጆᱻᑢḥ⋞ᛵᰑᜳᅗᓇỒᕆᰑ Ḷᙗᒺᰤᅞ戲ⶖ㞾ᾏ㲰棭⿇䂺朆䠓厹䮚虇⡯䉉㎠㊂╊ 㢏俐ㅨ䠓厹懢Ҹ䉉䩉Ⅼ抄悹厹姛ⴘ⋷虇㎠↠ㅔ榗㵞⎕㵞䭡 ㈘ⷋҷᾚ焜䇲ҷ欨㾾ҷ柎㑘㜾虇憣伢⾃㒎欻懚㹂虇㎠戓 Ⅼ㒐峵孉Ҹ ㊂憯容㒹⮐䠓⺌䇲虇⁴╙⅓儔㜾䠓凥ㄋㄦ⦰Ҹ Sailing into Halong Bay in Vietnam is just amazing, with its hundreds of islands 歪懁弙ⓦᾚ焜䇲虇䣋⏜㞾㜇䠍↚⺅⽋虇㊮孉棭⿇儝⬨ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 63 SHOPPI NG ┠ᛦ 又ᾙ庋䏸 ONBOARD SHOPPING Whether it’s a pampering treat for yourself or a Year of the Horse gift for a loved one back home, you’ll find plenty of choices in our range of duty-free products. Here is a selection of delectable products available – but visit the retail shops on your ship to see the full range to tempt you. Happy shopping! 㸡㢘⁉㊂⢷〵⇖㟑⁜嬐䝁㝋⫣☌Ҹ㢘嬚╙㳳 瀦㞮抄悹䉉―㝈ⅎ⪶ⵅ⢷又ᾙ庋䏸虇乍ㅒ㒠戇 ―ᾏ亊⎦欨㷃ҷ崆匩♐ҷ㏚擅ҷ䕯ⶅҷ拜檍ҷ 嗰喓拡╙䉗拡䳘帷♐Kῧⴱ戇庋Ҹ 䊰履㞾䉉―䓝幭卹⾀虇㐠㎥㞾䉉㗿㊪嬹㢚戇 庋ᾏ₌㌅䫬欻〃䠓㜿〃䬽♐虇㎠↠䠓⋜䮔♐ 亊⎦䉉⃯㕟K䣍⪩䠓戇㙖Ҹ ㎠↠⢷㳳⎦⎉扷⎕乍戇帷♐虇⃕ᾜ嬐撾懝⎿ 又ᾙ䠓梅⚽〦䢚䢚⌅戇㙖Ҹ 屚䡰›庋䏸㮑弲蘧 IMAGES. Ocean waves: Getty Images. No one wants to work hard on a holiday. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to shop onboard Star Cruise ships with an expert edit of fragrances, skincare, watches, jewellery, accessories, and wine and spirits. FRAGRANCES 欨㷃 SHOPPI NG ┠ᛦ 2/ ANNA SUI Anna Sui Fairy Dance Eau de Toilette Spray 50ml ₴ℜ⟏ጚᙨᮍᣍᎁ 50ᮅፖ A floral-fruity fragrance, Fairy Dance reproduces a bouquet of sweet, care-free fruity essences and all the rich aromas of a garden full of roses. Top notes: orange, mango and pink pepper. Middle Notes: rose, peony and bamboo. Base Notes: sandalwood, vetiver and vanilla. ⋔䂎呀㤫欨☂䠓䂺厭乍棗⬂ㆶ㽰欨㷃虇䉉 ⃯⿅ℕ䔺䗿䠓憆⁉呀欨虇军䚫儝䠓欨㶲ᾼ ┊╗憞嗦㊘㈔䠓㤫欨虇崢⁉憆挘ᾜ⾁Ҹ ⏜屎處㯧ⳟҷ吡㤫ҷ丘五剰㪡 ᾼ屎處䔺䗿ҷ䏰Ὲҷ䲈ⳟ ㄛ屎處㰏欨㢷ҷ欨㧈哘ҷ欨哘 1/ LANVIN IN Rumeur 2 Rose ose Eau de Parfum 50ml ᨇ➔ᛯጚᙨᮍᣍ 50ᮅፖ A resonating blend of ultra-femininity, this fruity-floral interpretation of the mystery of Rumeur is almost impossible to label. With an effervescence of white rose, it’s the fragrance that everyone’s talking about. Top notes: orange, lemon, grapefruit, bergamot, pear. Middle notes: white rose, lilies, honeysuckle, lily of the valley. Base notes: woody, musk, amber. mber. 㟑ⶩ欨㷃虇亿匸 䉉⊹桔〃悤⬂⩺屎拜䠓㟑ⶩ欨㷃虇亿匸 呀欨憞棁嗦䠌䔺䗿☛䠍▗呀䠓吻呂虇⃯ 呀䠓吻呂虇⃯ ᾏ寵㊪ᾙ! US$ 55 3/ CALVIN KLEIN ck one Shock For Him 100ml ck one Shock For Himᖎᙨᮍᣍᎁ 100ᮅፖ ck one Shock For Him is built around aromatic, spicy and deep oriental nuances. It opens with citrus notes of clementine, fresh cucumber and energy-drink accord. Top notes: Spanish clementines, purple lavender, cucumber. Middle notes: osmanthus, black pepper, cardamom, black basil. Base notes: tobacco, patchouli, amber, Kashmir musk. ck one Shock For Him䚅怺宼宗⁴姷 ⪶卌╜╪䠓⧦溘䉉⌅宼宗棗㊮虇⢷伢⌇䠓 ck one宼宗ᾙ虇ᾙ洽巣㗅䣋䠓吁ヸ⧦ 溘虇姷懣⎉テ䉗䠓䓷䐈↚⁉樷㧋Ҹ ⏜屎處嬎䕼䏨㥠㯧ҷ人吁䌞姲哘ҷ灒䙫 ⏜屎處㦂㯨ҷ㱇㰻ҷ嗰喓㥩ҷ⃪㏚㥠ҷ㨷ⳟ ҷ⃪㏚㥠ҷ㨷ⳟ ᾼ屎處㧑呀ҷ灠剰㪡ҷ唂囊ҷ灠儔② ᾼ屎處䠌䔺䗿ҷ䠍▗呀ҷ捠搏呀ҷ揃垼 搏呀ҷ揃垼 ㄛ屎處䋨哘ҷひ垎欨ҷ䖴䕏ҷ✏⁏丂䏍瀬欨 ㄛ屎處㢷幹屎ҷ瀬欨ҷ䖴䕏 US$ 59 US$ 58 i n d u l g e Q1 2014 65 SHOPPI NG ┠ᛦ SKINCARE ✬⊉ 4/ THE BODY SHOP Strawberry Shower Gel 250ml ᑑ᫉ᕱᦲ✿ 250ᮅፖ Enjoy a deliciously sweet scent with this soap-free shower gel that contains real strawberry-seed oil. 垙►⩺⪩⛳㨷丌㹈䠓䊰䠑⦉㸟㼃棁虇 创匩䃣㽷虇㛲䠋柲柲欨䚫㶲ㇾҸ 6/ JURLIQUE Rose Hand Cream 100ml ᛯ✬፯╍ 100ᮅፖ US$ 7 A rich protective hand cream containing rose, calendula and viola to deeply moisturise and restore smoothness, leaving hands feeling soft and smoother than ever. 5/ H2O PLUS Face Oasis Hydrating Treatment 50ml ᦫ᠍ᎁ∲ᝉ⒜ৗᲭ 50ᮅፖ This oil-free moisture gel delivers deep hydration while minimising the appearance of fine lines with phospholipids, multivitamin complex and moisturising marine botanicals. 憨㳍ᾜ►㹈⎕䠓⛺❀䉉创匩㕟K㾀ⷳⅬ䅤虖 军⌅㏏►䠓䪆劑ҷ媖▗⪩䮽似䚮亯⁴╙㼆 㺚㪜䏸Ⅼ䅤㎟₌虇⌆㢘㽰⒥亿亚䠓㛗Ҹ US$ 45 66 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e ⵛ►䔺䗿㪜䏸乍㹈ҷ捠䡭呀╙人儔垼㎟₌ 䠓崆㏚梫虇㾀ⷳ䁚䃳╙ⅽ崆桨㏚虇崢㏚扷 创匩⡭ㄸ㥣恮亿䁠Ҹ US$ 42 WINE & SPIRITS ᡱᗏ⟌ SHOPPI NG ┠ᛦ 15/ BARON OTARD VSOP CONGNAC 14/ REMY MARTIN LOUIS XIII Remy Martin Louis XIII Gift Box 70cl ዷ᪑ᚔጀጃ 70cl ▚ᯓᾜ Baron Otard VSOP Cognac 10cl The Remy Martin Louis XIII Cognac is blended from more than 1,200 eaux de vie from Grande Champange aged between 65 years and more than 100 years. In a display of finesse of the master blender’s skills, figs and subtle aroma of sandalwood instantly disperse. ⅐ῖVSOPጩᖷ 10cl VS stands for very special, and the Otard VS Cognac is blended from different eaux de vie from the finest growth areas, aged in Limousin oak casks. This VS Cognac has an amazing fruity aroma. ⁉榼欻彾㞢ⓐᾘ、戠䛀1,200䮽䚱卹㹤⢚⪶欨㱂Ⓩҷ伢懝 65〃 厂100〃䠓栂捏儝拡㏏㾆▗军㎟Ҹ⢷乍㿪䠓㾆▗㐏坬ᾚ虇䊰呀 㤫㤫欨☛㰏欨㢷䠓㾔㜿欨㶲䤻朢ㄭ╲ᾼ㻐䀱虇檧榊䊰䰽Ҹ VS姷棭⿇䐈⎴虇巹懣VS、戠㾆▗ᾜ▛䡪䚱Ⓩ䠓ᾙℂ儝拡虇 US$ 2,952 US$ 55 僽㝋╳冐䠓⪶㯰㢷㨅⋶栂〃Ҹ憨䮽䐈⎴䠓、戠虇㛲䠋㤫☂䅒 扐䠓呂欨Ҹ SEAFOOD PRODUCTS ᠸḊᦫᗾ SHOPPI NG ┠ᛦ 10/ HOI SANG HONG Abalone and sea cucumber ⑅ᱽᦫ᪺ Seafood producer and distributor Hoi Sang Hong’s seafood is imported from all around the world. Quality international-standard seafood is guaranteed throughout selection, food-processing, packaging and transportation. 㼆䚮姛㼆䚱橮♐ⅰ崌弔ⓢ虇封⋻▇䠓㼆䚱橮♐ℕ卹⋷䖒⪩↚⢚ⵅ虇ㄭ㒠戇䚱♐虇 ⽴⁴╙⒔婬懚惇䠓ⴘ㔡虇抌Ⅼ♐幹⊹叾╙䲵▗⢚株㮨䀥虇㞾ⅰㅒ䠓Ⅼ峘Ҹ Australian Canned Abalone, per can 䅂㻁洠泩 㵞僟 Japanese sea cucumber, per 300g 㝴㢻㼆╒ 300⋚ US$ 60 US$ 772 i n d u l g e Q1 2014 67 SHOPPI NG ┠ᛦ JEWELLERY & ACCESSORIES ⚮᩿‐ 11/ RAY-BAN Wayfarer Sunglasses Rayban፠Ḿᯗ♸ Nothing says effortless cool quite like a pair of Ray-Ban’s Wayfarer sunglasses. Pick these up in sapphire blue. ㏃ᾙRay-ban䠓Wayfarer⪹栌䣋数虇ᾜ伢 ㊞朢ⅎ䡰槾⤚㧋Ҹᾜ⬷戇㙖坜ⶅ䦂吁亊Ҹ US$ 192 12/ FOLLI FOLLIE Collection of Flowerball Flowerball፯♼ᖗᐬ Sterling-silver plated bracelet with butterflies, white-enamel floral patterned beads and pops of chunky white resin. 擜搏㏚敗拜⁴夃夅⢥㧗虇⁴憞㞝╙䠌吁㠅䦂 灭佃虇㟑ⶩ╾㊪Ҹ 13/ SWAROVSKI Swan Pendant ፞☌Ṍ♼ This elegant Swan pendant featuring clear crystals, capturing the grace and elegance of a swan. ⵕ昁朒䎜㠅䦂䠓⪸滬▙檍虇≂䫭⢿◗䖍⎉⪸滬⊹桔 汧幃䠓儝㋚Ҹ US$ 115 68 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e IMAGES. Crystals graphic: Getty Images. US$ 117 LUXURY WATCHES ⫱ⓝ㏚姷 SHOPPI NG ┠ᛦ CANOPUS ᗏ⚮⛮␒⚮ᑋ⚡៧ḥ⋞ Visit the Canopus shop onboard Star Cruises to see the range of luxury watches from leading brands: Tissot, Mido, Raymond Weil, Jaquet Droz, Franck Muller, Chopard, Girard Perregaux, Bell & Ross, Porsche Design, Chronoswiss, etc. ⢷瀦㞮抄悹䠓又栙ᾙ虇╾⁴⎿ℂⶅ斧擅䕯ⶅ戇庋ℕ卹ᾥ䛛䣍⪩䠓汧䱾 ㏚擅♐䏛虇⒔㑻處፞᭺ᅘᡱឯᅘ ™រᅘṅᓐ⇞♉ᅘFranck Mullerᅘ ⏙ᖺᅘᜨᅘᷖᅘPorsche DesignᅘChronoswissᶟᶟҸ i n d u l g e Q1 2014 69 STA R C RU I SE S ⚡៧ḥ⋞ 瀦㞮≂⫖Ҷ THE STAR CRUISES STORY Being in the right place at the right time has ensured a bright future for Asia’s leading cruise operator 憨朢㻁欥ᾏ㒖䠓抄悹⋻▇㔛㕰⋗㯮虇 㙐㢘⪸㟑⢿⎸虇⏜㟾ᾏ䏖⋘㞝 he Star Cruises concept was born amid the crystal waters of the Bahamas. It was the mid 1980s and Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay, then an executive with the Genting Group run by his father, Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong, was working on the development of the Grand Lucayan Beach Resort on Grand Bahama. As the resort took shape, he watched a series of sleek cruise liners sailing by; North America’s budding cruise industry was just taking off and Lim Kok Thay (also known as KT Lim) realised it was only a matter of time before Asians were looking to holiday in the same way. “When I returned to Asia I saw the potential for a worldclass cruise line here,” he says. His reasoning was sound: Asia had a growing prosperity and beautiful natural scenery – perfect for cruising. And importantly, there was no competition in Asia at that time. From the start KT Lim, now T 70 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e Chairman and Chief Executive of the Genting Group, wanted to do things differently; he called it “freestyle cruising”. There would be no ties or tuxedos, just a relaxed resort ambience where guests choose what to do and when. His ships would be floating five-star resorts for everyone. Today, KT Lim’s vision has become the award-winning Star Cruises, Asia’s leading cruise operator which, in 2013, celebrated its 20th anniversary. It has a fleet of 19 ships cruising to 200 destinations under the brands Star Cruises and Norwegian Cruise Lines. But success didn’t happen overnight: though KT Lim was sure of the idea for an Asian cruise operator he needed to convince his father, the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong, who was Chairman of the company. Together they visited the local cruise industry based in Miami and luckily Lim Goh Tong liked what he saw. “It was my first acquaintance with the industry,” he wrote in his 2004 autobiography, My Story. “I told myself if I went into this industry I would buy the biggest and best cruise ships . .. and make my entry as a major player in Asia.” The opportunity arose in 1993. An operator with two newly built 1,700-passengercapacity ships had run into financial difficulties. Genting made a cash offer of US$162.5 million, which was accepted, and Star Cruises was incorporated in the same year. Though the cruise industry was non-existent in Asia at that time, Lim Goh Tong stood firm. “I was convinced investing in Asia’s cruise industry was the right move at the right time,” he wrote. The first Star Cruises liner Star Aquarius arrived in Singapore in December 1993 for its maiden voyage. In 1998 the company took delivery of its first new-build ship SuperStar Leo followed by SuperStar Virgo in 1999. The new ships were an instant hit. In November 2000 Star Cruises listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In the same year it expanded with the purchase of Norwegian Cruise Line, making Star Cruises the third-largest cruise line operator in the world. The 12 new cruise ships allowed Star Cruises to tap into the more established markets of North America and Europe, with cruises to destinations from Hawaii and the Bahamas to the Mediterranean, Canada and the Mexican Riviera. In November 2002, the dual arrival of SuperStar Aries and SuperStar Leo in Shanghai made maritime history: it was the first time that two world-class cruise liners had been berthed alongside each other at Gao Yang Pier. Star Cruises has kept up a regime of continuous 叧抄悹ⶅ䚅㞮埮㑄懣㜿⣰虇ⷤ 朚欥厹Ҹ1998〃虇䲻ᾏ叧宑庋䠓抄 悹䓔ⳟ㞮埮″虇军埤⬂㞮埮‵㝋 兛〃″虇⋸叧㜿又䤻│⪶╦㝔ⴱ 㳰慝Ҹ 2000 〃 11㢗虇瀦㞮抄悹㝋欨㾾 ″㞢㏏ᾙ⾑虇▛〃‵㎟㛅庋㒹⮐ 抄悹虇ℎ瀦㞮抄悹㎟䉉⋷䖒䲻ᾘ improvement with new products and services. The Hong Kong-based Star Pisces and Sanya-based SuperStar Aquarius were renovated in 2011, and in 2012 SuperStar Virgo underwent a major refit. Norwegian Cruise Lines listed on New York Stock Exchange in January 2013. The investment continues with the order of a brand-new 4,500-passenger-capacity ship, designed especially for the Asian market. In 2013, Star Cruises was inducted into the prestigious Travel Trade Gazette’s Travel Hall of Fame after winning Best Cruise operator in the Asia Pacific for 10 consecutive years. In the same year it was also voted Asia’s Leading Cruise Line at the World Travel Awards for the second year running. More information on Star Cruises is available on our website: 㞮 抄 悹 䠓㊞ㆄ䀟卹 ⾃♗欻㾔䄗䠓㷃⥮Ҹ 尀尹 19 8 0 〃ᾼ虇 Ὲ㜾捛㤦 ⢚㹿 ₊分 㝋 䏅 嬹 Ὲ㜾捛㤦 㨶㧟㏏ ␄ 䱚 Ὶ 梁榑桕⢧虇帯帻䠋ⷤ⃜㝋⪶⾃♗ 欻⺅䠓㼆䇧〵⇖㣠Grand Lucayan Beach ResortҸ 〵⇖㣠⽽ᾜ⪩嗌㎟䠓㟑↨虇䢚 嬚ᾏ叧╗ᾏ叧䂑‽䠓抄悹⢷㼆棱 ᾙ歪懝Ҹ䜅㟑虇⒦儝㻁䠓抄悹㫼⏪ 弆㳴虇⃕㤦⢚㹿⾁㊮⎿虇俌㢘ᾏ⪸虇 㻁⁉΅㢒✫㳰ᾙ憨䮽〵⇖㝈ゞҸ 尹處ʧ⡭⎿㻁ㄛ虇㎠䢚⎿ᾥ䛛 亩抄悹厹佩⢷㻁䠓䠋ⷤ䃪Ҹ蘽 㢘⋔彂䠓䖕䛀處㻁㝴強俐㬽虖 㙐㢘懸▗䠋ⷤ抄悹㝔懙䠓儝瀦卹 䋅㟾孏虖军㢏捜嬐䠓㞾虇䜅㟑⢷ 㻁㸡㢘⌅抄悹伢䍮冔Ҹ ㏢ㄭ朚⭚虇䖍₊梁榑桕⢧Ὴ⾼⌋ 姛㛎俌婐䠓㤦⢚㹿虇ⅎ⾛㢪㏢䧃≂ 伀㧕㧕虇㕟K㏏尹䠓ʧ卹䛀朡懇 ゞ抄悹⇖㢮蘽ʟ㝔ⴱᾜ䚷仟榧⿅ ☛䰎䬽㢜虇戓╾⢷悤沕卹⢷䠓〵⇖ 㶲㶪ᾼ样ㅒ㏏㳁⢿㊂⇩⁏灋ⅎ⇩⁏ 灋Ҹ⾛㢪㐙㝦ᾚ抄悹㏢憯㎟‣㞮 亩䠓㼆ᾙ〵⇖㣠Ҹ 䖍㟑虇㤦⢚㹿⾁䖍―䜅〃䠓 滊⢥懯嬚虇瀦㞮抄悹⾁䠋ⷤ㎟䉉ᾏ ⚡ ⵅⷱ䔁㴙㬽ҷ≁嬥㻁䠓抄悹⋻ ▇Ҹ2013〃虇瀦㞮抄悹㌅䫬㎟䱚20 懀〃虇⌀㙐㢘 19 叧抄悹虇㝦ᾚ⋸↚ ♐䏛瀦㞮抄悹☛㒹⮐抄悹䠓厹佩 ▗⌀嬕噚亓200↚厹灭Ҹ ㎟棭ᾏ㢬ᾏ⪤䠓‚Ҹ桥䋅 㤦⢚㹿懁恜㻁抄悹㫼⑨ⅰㅒⓐ 彂虇⃕⁜梏尹㢜䜅㟑㙣₊桕⢧Ὴ⾼ 䠓䏅嬹͑⾁㛔䠓Ὲ㜾捛㤦㨶㧟Ҹ 㝋㞾虇↠䏅ⳟ‛⁉ᾏ弆⎿成 ⵕ嬥䜅⢿抄悹㫼虇䓅〇㤦㨶㧟 ㏏嬚ᾏ⎖㾀㊮㲲✫Ҹ⢷ 2004 〃⎉䏗䠓≂宧ҿ㎠䠓㛔‚Ӏᾼ㕟 ⎿處ʧ憨㞾㎠欥㲰㔴宇憨↚姛㫼虇 ㎠◙寃卹⾀處⬑㤫㎠嬐懁恜憨↚姛 㫼虇ⷀᾏ㢒庋僽㢏⪶ҷ㢏⬌䠓抄 悹虇ᾏ朚⭚ⷀ嬐⢷㻁抄悹⾑⧃ ⃣╥捜嬐䠓⢿⃜Ҹ蘽 1993〃虇㯮㢒仑㝋ℕ卷Ҹᾏⵅ栆 ⋴帰⡿䠓抄悹⋻▇虇㸉⎉⚽㝦ᾚ ⋸叧悘ⴱ捞懣1,700⁉ҷ⋷㜿㏢憯䠓 抄悹虇梁榑桕⢧⁴䖍捠1.625 ⊓儝 ⋒㎟庋⋴Ҹ瀦㞮抄悹‵㝋▛〃㎟ ⪶抄悹⋻▇Ҹ 㜿⨭䠓 12 叧抄悹ⶖ瀦㞮抄悹䠓 㫼 ⑨ 㑢ⷤ 厂⒦儝㻁 ☛ 㳟 㻁 䳘⾁ 䠋ⷤ㎟䌮䠓⾑⧃虇抄悹厹佩懜╙ ⪞ ⮐ ⫆ҷ⾃♗欻儳⺅ҷ⢿ᾼ 㼆ҷ 㒎⪶虇⁴厂⨷嬎♴嚩坜㼆⹇Ҹ 2002〃11㢗虇瀦㞮抄悹㝦ᾚ䠓䠌 儙㞮埮厖䓔ⳟ㞮埮▛㟑ℕ⎿ᾙ㼆Ҹ 憨㞾欥㲰㢘⋸叧ᾥ䛛亩抄悹券 券⢿⇫棯⢷ᾙ㼆汧栌彾䩋榼虇ᾚ ᾙ㼆厹㼆▁䠓㜿亏撓Ҹ 瀦㞮抄悹ᾜ㝆㔷⎉㜿䚱♐☛㢜 ⑨虇⑨㷑乍䡙㷑乍Ҹ2011〃虇⎕⎴⁴ 欨㾾☛ᾘ䉉㵜㾾䠓桨泩㞮埮☛ ⶅ䚅㞮埮懁姛―⋷棱冊㜿虇埤⬂㞮 埮‵㝋2012〃懁姛―⪶嬞㮰㜃ⅽҸ 2013 〃 1㢗虇㒹⮐抄悹㝋亟亓峘 ⏇″㞢㏏ᾙ⾑Ҹ又栙‵個倛㚃⋔虇 宑庋―ᾏ叧捬㻁⾑⧃军宼宗ҷ 悘ⴱ捞懣4,500⁉Ὶ⋷㜿抄悹Ҹ 2013 〃虇瀦㞮抄悹憲倛ⓐ〃䔁 䥴▜䠓ҿTravel Trade GazetteӀ戇 䉉ʧ⪹Ⓩ㢏ℂ抄悹⋻▇蘽虇⡯ 㤦㨶㧟㢘⦔䠓ⅰㆄ虇⢷卹≂ᾼ 㳳㬽䠊ʧTTG㝔懙⪶䓝㬽崌⦑蘽Ὶ ⎦Ҹ2013〃䠓ʧᾥ䛛㝔懙⪶䓝蘽虇瀦 㞮抄悹‵憲倛䲻‛〃㬽䔁ʧ㻁 懢處ʧ㎠㾀ⅰ㐤幖㻁抄悹㫼㞾 榧又栙蘽䠓㴙㬽Ҹ 䱚Ҹ 䜅㟑㻁戓㸡㢘抄悹㝔懙虇⃕ 㳲䩉䠓㸉虇㟑㯮‵㎟䌮Ҹ蘽 1993〃12㢗虇瀦㞮抄悹㝦ᾚ䲻ᾏ ⬑㳁―孲㢃⪩瀦㞮抄悹䠓幖㜨虇 屚䆞孌處 i n d u l g e Q1 2014 71 SU PE R STA R V I RG O ᰤጚ៧ᾊ 埤⬂㞮埮處㜿⣰ҷ欻ℕ嬎╙㹿⢚ SINGAPORE, MALAYSIA AND THAILAND SUPERSTAR VIRGO ail to the heavenly white-sand beaches of Phuket and Langkawi and explore the fascinating history and culture of Penang and Malacca. From Singapore, SuperStar Virgo sails the serene waters of the Andaman and South China seas to take in the most exotic and interesting parts of Asia including the citystate of Singapore, as well as Malaysia and Thailand. S Entertainment: From technology-mad teens to F A C T S A N D F I G U R E S ḥ⋞Ά Tonnage: 75,338 Length: 268m Width: 32m Number of cabins: 935 Passenger capacity: 1,870 Average cruising speed: 24kn 72 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e ⓘᭌᎁḪᅠ75,338⌶ ᜳឯᅠ268ᒓ ╅ឯᅠ32ᒓ ហ᙮∋Ḫᅠ935Ḹ ῍ហዷ∋ᅠ1,870ዷ Ꮧᔅᨴᒭ᱖ឯᅠ24 families and couples, there’s entertainment onboard to suit everybody. In addition to swimming pools and decks for lazing on, there is a golf driving range, hairdressing and beauty salon, several shops, a video arcade and even a library. There’s no chance of bored children thanks to a thrilling 100metre mega water slide, Neptune’s Wet and Wild fun pool and an onboard climbing wall. Evenings can be as action packed as guests like: sit back and sip a cocktail in the elegant Champagne bar; enjoy live music and dancing in the Galaxy of the Stars lounge; take in a cabaret at Lido, the ship’s fully equipped theatre; or take to the stage at the karaoke bar. Food and drink: Dining onboard is all about choice and flexibility. There are 13 places to feast, spanning every cuisine from Chinese to Indian to Mediterranean. For a special evening, head to Palazzo, the ship’s elegant gourmet Italian restaurant or sample the freshest sushi at Samurai. The Taj Indian restaurant is a certified halal restaurant onboard the ship. Pavilion serves family-style Chinese food and Bella Vista hosts a Mediterranean buffet. Snacks are available around the clock at Blue Lagoon and Taverna. one of the four Jacuzzis, swim gentle laps or simply find a peaceful spot on deck to soak up the sun. Services: Charlie’s Child Care Centre takes care of little ones, Oscar’s Salon provides hairdressing and beauty services; there is onboard shopping at Ports O’Call and the Star Boutique. ⬂㞮埮朚ㄏ⾒ ▘☛ 㜿洽⪌▇Ҹ㹿⭻⓿〵卹檟も㞾又 㻽儔″ㆰ䃣䠌憆 ⁉ ᾙ╾⁴K㍘尜╾㾔䢮橮♐䠓檟もҸ 䠓 㼆 䇧虇㐙 㱂 ⥝ ╙ ῧⴱ΅╾⁴⎿䂎䂱恡♐⠟懢⢿ⵅ⿇ 欻⋼䛁䠓䛿⢚㜖⒥ ᾼ啫虇㎥㞾⎿䨶㻹桔朲›╦⢿ᾼ㼆 吁ヸ憟ᾏ◗䖍䣋⏜Ҹ抄悹ㄭ㜿⣰ 卹檟Ҹ军坜㿥☥⛰〶╙⭁吻⮫拡 ⎉䠋虇㹎樷。㻹棫䠓ⴘ懣㢋㼆╙ⓦ ▶⏖⋷㝴K㍘▒儝灭Ҹ ᰤ ᾼ⢚㼆⏜懁虇崢㝔ⴱ亿㊞㲲幭㜿 ⣰ҷ欻ℕ嬎ҷ㹿⢚╙⌅イ⁉⋴ ⑬䠓㻁⢿ⓏҸ ᬌ∛᰿០ᅠ⢷抄悹ᾙ㸡㢘恁㎅ ᾜ⇩懚⑤䠓↮╲Ҹ又ᾙᾜ⃕宼㢘 ⇴怺ⴳ虇戓㢘㏅⪥佸彠ㄠ☛㻐䀺 ᤥ∛᠖᪳ᅠ埤⬂㞮埮䠓又ᾙ⮪㮑 㷃㒘㗸㷯Ҹ棁⪸㺂㷯╺⁉㛍沕ㅒ 䮽槭俐⪩虇䊰履䍀㊪梊䔸䠓ⶠ〃虇 䫭虇⡪↚㒘㗸㷯崢⁉㠱㊞㻽㸘虇│ 戓㞾㐅冐㚫》⎉懙䠓ⵅ〼㐠㎥› ℎ⢷䛁㤎ᾙ㐍↚㢘⎸⃜僽虇棫›㝴 Cabins: The 935 cabins range from the stylish staterooms to larger junior suites with balconies, all styled in soothing contemporary tones. ╦䀺欷㻹䂺䠓㉔ⅅ虇抌劌㐍⎿▗ㅒ ⋘㼃΅崢⁉怺ㅒ厡⣵Ҹ Itinerary: SuperStar Virgo’s home port is Singapore. Choose from five-, three- or two-night packages. The longer trips take in the beaches of Phuket and Langkawi as well as Malaysia’s culturally rich Penang, Malacca and Port Klang. Three-night packages visit Penang and Phuket or Phuket and Langkawi and the twonight cruises sail to Malacca and Port Klang. 仵ⳟ⿅ℕ㝱⏉䅏╗⋔䂎㳰㮑 ㊞䠓㼗朡㝈ゞҸ又ᾙ䠓㿇㺂㷯ҷ䛁 㤎䰉朢ҷ汧䏍⪺䖒侃兡⧃ҷ儝ⵈ╙ ᗥ᎘᪱ᅠ㥴䖕崆》ᾼㅒ㕟K宦 汽⤚ⷚҷ庋䏸すҷ梊ⳟ懙㏁ᾼㅒ☛ ⋡㢜⑨虇⫶㜾⓰儝ⵈ╙汽⤚ⷚ䉉㝔 ⢥㢇檷䳘虇劌㐤㝔ⴱ㏏⬌Ҹ军䜅 ⴱ㕟K䖕汽㢜⑨╙儝ⵈ崆䖕虖又ᾙ ᾼ朆懣100丂䠓㷃ᾙ䁠㨾ҷ㼆䠖㷃 ᾙ㮑⢡䠓⋡䱴Ὴ槛㺂㷯☛㚏⸸䏕虇 㢃㢘乍♐す╙瀦㞮庋䏸す崢㝔ⴱ䡰 ㉔庋䏸Ҹ 㝔ⴱ╾⁴⢷汧桔䠓欨㱂拡▶♐⠟ ហ᙮Άᅠ935朢ⴱ㏎ᾼ虇㢘宼宗 㟑ⶩ䠓ⴱ㏎⁴厂憲棁╿䠓㛭巹啾 桭ⷍ拡虖⢷搏㹂㞮⪫俌㢒㲲幭䖍⧃ ⫦㏎䳘虇㶪⢜厡懸卹⢷Ҹ 䠓㟑⋘Ҹ㟩朢㻊⑤▛㮲乍捖⪩⮎虇 概㮑姷䂣虇戓╾⁴样㳛弆厭虖⢷宼 ∨ᾏ㻐䠓瀦抌㳛␖柱孏幭䵏䡽虇㎥ ᶗ ᅠ埤⬂㞮埮⁴㜿⣰ ⢷⓰㑘OK㏎ᾼᾏⷤ㳛✘虇΅㞾ᾜ撾 䉉㵜㾾虇㝔ⴱ╾戇㙖⋼㝴‣⪫ҷ⡪ 䠓戇㙖Ҹ 㝴ᾘ⪫ҷᾘ㝴⋸⪫㝔䮚Ҹ悒朆憣䠓 㝔䮚憣伢⾒▘☛㻽儔″ㆰ䠓䍀⿅ ṓ᰿ᲆᅠ又ᾙ檟檁䮽槭伢懝乍 㼆䇧ҷ欻ℕ嬎⋔䂎㜖⒥泔䠓㱂 㒠亿戇虇13 朢橮刕⒔儔ᾼ⢚ҷ⓿〵 䚩厂⢿ᾼ㼆啫ゞҸ㊂懝ᾏ↚桲ㅧ䠓 ⥝ҷ欻⋼䛁☛⾃䚮㾾Ҹᾘ⪫㝔䮚憣 㟩ᾙ虇╾⁴⎿汧亩檟も⾤㑘亯›╦ ㆰҸ⋸⪫㝔䮚⏖⏜ㄏ欻ℕ嬎䠓欻 ㊞ゞ儝櫛虇㎥⎿ℜ恜㝴㢻㜨䖕ᾏ⠟ ⋼䛁╙⾃䚮㾾Ҹ 伢㱂⥝☛⾒▘虇㎥⾒▘☛㻽儔″ Health and fitness: No excuses for slacking onboard: fitness amenities include a well-equipped gym, an outdoor jogging circuit and a jet-current exercise pool. The Parthenon Pool is the perfect place for relaxation; lounge in i n d u l g e Q1 2014 73 SU PE R STA R GE M I N I ◬ጛ៧ᾊ 桨ⳟ㞮埮處㼆ⓦ⺅╙弙ⓦ HAINAN AND VIETNAM SUPERSTAR GEMINI 74 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e he recently refurbished SuperStar Gemini combines smart new cabins, restaurants and recreational areas with 6,000 square feet of premium duty-free shopping. The 765-cabin vessel sails the open waters surrounding Southern China and the Gulf of Tonkin, taking in the spectacular coastal scenery from Sanya on the southern tip of China’s Hainan Island to Danang and Halong Bay in Vietnam. T Entertainment: SuperStar Gemini is a floating five-star resort. During the day, guests can lounge by one of the two luxurious pools, have a relaxing massage or reflexology session at the health club or browse a range of premium international brands in the extensive shopping area. Kids are well taken care of with the selection of pools and dedicated children’s playroom and childcare centre. After dark, the Stardust Lounge hosts dazzling cabarets starring a cast of talented singers, dancers and musicians, and there is also a karaoke bar. Or simply relax with a cocktail in the Rendezvous Bar or Maxim’s Lounge. Food and drink: Feast on the international buffet and freshly grilled fish and meat at the outdoor Oceana Barbecue; visit Bella Vista for Western cuisine or Taipan for delicious Chinese à la carte. Relax with a drink and take in the ocean views in the outdoor pool bars. Health and fitness: Stay active at the King Neptune Health Club complete with gym, spa and massage treatments. There is an outdoor jogging track and two swimming pools onboard. Services: Oscar’s Salon provides hair and beauty treatments, and a dedicated mahjong room provides a peaceful place to play. The shopping area’s range of luxury retailers include Milan Station for designer handbags, Eternal Elements for gold and silver, Canopus for watches and cdf Duty Free for cosmetics, perfumes and fashion accessories. Cabins: The 765 cabins provide a range of newly renovated accommodation, from comfortably furnished ocean-view staterooms and smartly styled junior suites to deluxe executive suites. Itinerary: Choose from two- and three-night cruises from the home port of Sanya on Hainan Island with its beautiful beaches and tropical climate to stunning Halong Bay and the lively port of Danang in Vietnam. UNESCO World Heritage Site Halong Bay is made up of 1,600 islands, mostly uninhabited, which form a spectacular landscape of limestone karsts jutting up from emerald waters. The port of Danang offers a perfect mix of beautiful beaches and city culture; disembark to visit Danang Cathedral and the Museum of Cham Sculpture. 冊 㜿ⴛ䛱 䠓桨ⳟ㞮 ᬌ∛᰿០ᅠ㼆䠖䫭⇴怺ↀ㮑扷 埮虇ᾜ⃕烙∨啾瀦䠓 柳―㢘⇴怺ⴳ虇戓㕟K㷃䟑╙㒘 ⴱ㏎ҷ檟 も ☛ ⮪ 㮑 㗸㢜⑨Ҹⴳ⪥㢘佸彠ㄠ╙⋸↚ 宼 㝌虇汧 亩 ⋜ 䮔 ♐ 㺂㷯Ҹ 〦㢃⃣⢿6,000。㝈◝Ҹ又ᾙ⌀㢘 ᗥ᎘᪱ᅠ⫶㜾⓰儝汽╙儝ⵈᾼ 765朢ⴱ㏎虇厹䮚⎉䠋厂ⓦᾼ⢚㼆 ⋻㼆╙⒦扷䇲虇崢㝔ⴱ檌孌ᾼ⢚ ㅒ䉉㝔ⴱ㕟K䖕汽╙儝ⵈ㢜⑨虇又 㼆ⓦ⺅ⓦ䱾䠓ᾘ⾑ҷ弙ⓦ⺃㾾╙ ᾙ䠓灊ⶖ㏎崢㝔ⴱ卹㎟ᾏ⢚虇㛊 ᾚ焜䇲䳘⑬㟾Ҹ ⡪㝈⥝Ҹ庋䏸す⋶梁桕⪩朢⫱啾䚱 ♐梅⚽⛕虇⒔㑻䍮▜䏛㏚娚䠓丂 ᤥ∛᠖᪳ᅠ桨ⳟ㞮埮㞾㼆ᾙ䠓‣ 垼䱨ҷ摆⚽捠搏欥檍䠓㷇㇡捠〓ҷ 㞮亩〵⇖㣠Ҹ㝴朢虇㝔ⴱ╾⁴⢷巹 ⚽干▜擅䠓ℂⶅ斧擅䕯ⶅ虇戓㢘cdf 啾㺂㷯㝐㼗䩷㟑⋘虇㎥㞾⎿⇴怺ↀ ᾼ⋜⋜䮔〦㕟K⒥⬬♐ҷ欨㷃╙㟑 㮑扷›╦厡懸䠓㒘㗸㎥彂扷㒘㗸虇 ⶩ拜檍戇㙖Ҹ 䋅ㄛ⎿䗂䖔䂎䡽䠓庋䏸〦庋幆汧亩 ⢚株♐䏛䚱♐Ҹ又ᾙ㢘⪩↚⋡䱴㿇 㺂㷯☛懙㏁ⴳ虇㢃㢘崆》ᾼㅒ虇⿺ ហ᙮Άᅠ又ᾙ765朢ⴱ㏎⋷扷 伢懝冊㜿虇㢘厡懸啾瀦䠓㼆㟾ⴱ 㝔ⴱ䋶槶▛姛Ҹ⋴⪫ㄛ虇䠍 ㏎ҷ宼宗㟑ⶩ䠓巹啾⫦㏎╙姛㛎 㮑朏拡す屚ℕ㳛㏚ҷ厭志♰╙概㮑 ⫦㏎䳘Ҹ ⵅ虇⿅ℕ憲⧃乍捖㳛厭姷䂣虖又ᾙ 䠓⓰㑘OK拡す╾崢㝔ⴱ卹⛀卹⮪虇 ᶗ ᅠ㝔䮚⎕䉉ᾘ㝴⋸⪫╙ 军ⴘ棫⢿⢷⪥䇧9埮▶㎥儝㞮も› ⡪㝴ᾘ⪫又䮚虇䛀㙐㢘㞝Ⱙ㼆䇧䠓 䚷桭ⷍ拡⏖㞾╵⪥ᾏ↚戇㙖Ҹ 㵜㾾㼆ⓦ⺅ᾘ弆厹虇憣伢㺚䀱 䍀⿅樷㉔䠓ᾚ焜䇲虇㢏ㄛℕ⎿⋔䂎 ṓ᰿ᲆᅠ梭橪彾䍡䉳檟も䠓棁 㻊䠓弙ⓦ㾾╲⺃㾾Ҹᾚ焜䇲娺凾 ⪸䍡䉳⧃╾⁴♐⠟⋷䖒儝橮╙▓ ▗⢚㛨䭠㜖仓俣⎦䉉ᾥ䛛戉䚱虇䛀 䮽洽泩ҷⱸ刘䠓卹䍡䉳虖五㏎ⳟ 嬎檟も㕟K嬎ゞ儝橮虇ᾙ㼆冐橾〦 1,600 ↚⺅仓㎟虇⪶扷⎕䉉䊰⁉ ⺅虇㭚㎟⢷䨶㼆ᾼ⌡弆䠓䓷䐈✏㜾 ⏖⁴儝☂ᾼ啫㳍ⴱҸ又ᾙ宼㢘⪩朢 䐈⢿帛Ҹ⺃㾾䠓㼆䇲樷⋘厖⥝⾑㶲 棁⪸㷯䛣拡▶虇㝔ⴱ╾ᾏ戙›䚷檁 ㇾ″䢇悬㞯虇㝔ⴱ╾ᾙ⹇懙孌⺃㾾 ♐ᾏ戙㲲幭⊹儝䠓㼆㟾Ҹ ⪶㛨⦑╙⺃㾾⓯⯕桤⏊ⓩ䏸檷Ҹ F A C T S A N D F I G U R E S ḥ⋞Ά To Tonnage: 50,764 Length: 230m Le Width: 29m W Number of cabins: 765 Nu Passenger capacity: 1,530 Pa Average cruising speed: 18kn Av ⓘᭌᎁḪᅠ50,764⌶ ᜳឯᅠ230ᒓ ╅ឯᅠ29ᒓ ហ᙮∋Ḫᅠ765Ḹ ῍ហዷ∋ᅠ1,530ዷ Ꮧᔅᨴᒭ᱖ឯᅠ18 i n d u l g e Q1 2014 75 SU PE R STA R AQUA R I US ⚮ᯃ៧ᾊ ⶅ䚅㞮埮處㤀欻ℕ嬎╙㸅喙 EAST MALAYSIA AND BRUNEI SUPERSTAR AQUARIUS 76 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e ith a homeport on the stunning East Malaysian coast at Kota Kinabalu, SuperStar Aquarius sails the South China Sea to the verdant rainforestcovered shores of Sabah, Brunei and Sarawak with their exotic mix of culture, delicious food and beautiful beaches. Onboard it’s non-stop entertainment with resort-style facilities including a swimming pool, golf putting range and spa facilities. W Entertainment: Perfect your swing at the mini-golf putting range, relax over a game of cards or mahjong, take a dip in the pool or spend the afternoon shopping. When the lights go down, take in a spectacular cabaret show at Stardust Lounge, enjoy an evening of gaming at the Star Club, have a drink at Maxim’s Lounge or head for Skyline Karaoke Lounge. Food and drink: With more than six restaurants to choose from, there is a delicious range of Asian and international cuisines onboard. Chinese à la carte cuisine is served at Taipan or Dynasty for more relaxed family-style dining. Spices hosts a delicious Asian buffet, or try Oceana Barbecue for fish and meat under the stars. For lighter bites, Blue Lagoon serves Asian food around the clock. Time for drinks? Take in the beautiful Malaysian coastline over a glass of wine at the Lagoon Bar or relax at Champ’s, overlooking the pool. Health and fitness: Fitness equipment includes a well-equipped gym, an outdoor jogging circuit, and a jet-current exercise pool. The swimming pool is the perfect place for relaxation; lounge in one of the four Jacuzzis or simply find a peaceful spot on deck to soak up the sun . Services: Childcare centre, children’s playroom and nursery. Duty-free shopping includes Canopus watches and jewellery, Ports O’Call duty Free and cdf Duty Free. Oscar’s hair and beauty salon offers pampering. Cabins: 756 spacious cabins ranging from comfortable staterooms to luxurious junior and executive suites. 䚅㞮埮䛀㤀欻ℕ嬎 ᬌ ∛᰿ ០ᅠ⇴ 怺 拜 ⫦ ⒔ 㑻ᾏ 䠓〖㼆⹇弆厹虇歪 ↚宼∨烙⋷䠓⇴怺ᾼㅒҷᾏ㨬㏅ 伢ⓦᾼ⢚㼆虇懁⋴㸅 ⪥佸彠ㄠ虇⁴╙ᾏ↚㻐䀺㷃㒘 ⚮ 喙ҷ㸨⾃ҷ䦑⑭弙桷 㗸侃兡㷯Ҹ棁⪸㺂㷯㞾㝔ⴱ㛍沕 㤦㼆⹇虇䠋㔧䴖ᾼ⫖弲䠓㜖⒥ҷ䕜 怺ㅒ䠓㢏ℂ⢿灭虇ᾣ∨㢘⡪↚ 櫗╙ㆰ⁉䠓㼆䇧Ҹ抄悹䉉㝔ⴱⴘ㔡 㒘㗸㷯虇崢⁉↠㼇㹰⌅ᾼ虇㠱㊞ ―24㟑⋷㝈⃜⑤㊮⮪㮑虇〵⇖拡 㻽㸘虇│ℎ⢷䛁㤎ᾙ㐍↚㢘⎸⃜ 〦ゞ宼㝌⒔㑻㿇㺂㷯ҷ汧䏍⪺䖒侃 僽虇棫棫⢿›╦㝴⋘㼃虇΅㞾╺⁉ 兡⧃ҷ⇴怺ⴳ╙㷃䟑ᾼㅒҸ 怺ㅒ厡㠱Ҹ ᤥ∛᠖᪳ᅠ㝔ⴱ╾⢷⤚汧䏍 ᗥ᎘᪱ᅠ又ᾙ宼㢘崆》ᾼㅒҷ ⪺䖒侃兡⧃ᾏⷤ䖒㐏虇㎥⋷㉔㐤⋴ ⋡䱴懙㮑⧃╙ⲿ⋡㏎虇㢘⪩朢 亨䏛懙㏁ҷ灊ⶖ农㮑虇⢷㺂㷯㠱㺂虇 ⋜䮔〦虇⒔㑻ℂⶅ斧擅䕯ⶅҷ乍♐ ㎥冔⢷ᾚⓗ㟑₌䡰㉔庋䏸Ҹ⪫⃝ ⤑虇㝔ⴱ╾⢷㞮愿拡す㲲幭乍捖䠓 す╙cdfᾼ⋜⋜䮔〦Ҹ⫶㜾⓰儝汽 ╙儝ⵈⷚ⏖䉉㝔ⴱ憐ᾙ▓ゞ▓㮲䠓 㳛厭姷䂣ҷ⢷㼆㞮ↀ㮑扷⃫ㆰ㉔ 汣幋㢜⑨Ҹ 幼ҷ⢷儝㞮拡す㐙拡屖㳰虇䚩厂⢷ ⍛梓⓰㑘OK汧㳛ᾏ㢁Ҹ Itinerary: From the home port of Kota Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysia’s secondlargest state, the three-night cruise takes in the tropical rainforests of Muara in Brunei and Bintulu in Sarawak while the two-night cruise sails the high seas and beautiful coastlinearound Kota Kinabalu. ṓ᰿ᲆᅠ⌀㢘弔懝⋼朢檟檁 宼㝌虇㕟K▓ゞ▓㮲㻁╙⢚株儝 ហ᙮Άᅠ⌀㕟K756朢㛭ⴱ ㏎虇䛀厡懸䠓㮨䀥ⴱ㏎ҷ巹啾⫦㏎ ╙姛㛎⫦㏎䳘虇ᾏ㍘ↀ⋷虇㝔ⴱᾜ ㊐㸡㢘戇㙖Ҹ 橮Ҹ⪶䕼╙䔚㢬檟も⫘ᾙ懢⢿ⵅ ⿇ᾼ啫虇欨☂恡㕟K儝☂㻁卹 ᶗ ᅠ⁴欻ℕ嬎䲻‛⪶ 檟虇⫶䕙⮫䍡䉳䉉㝔ⴱⴘ㔡ᾏ↚㞮 ⽭㸨⾃䠓〖䉉㵜㾾虇⡪㝴ᾘ⪫䠓 䰉ᾚ䠓洽䉳䡪ⵃҸ橮㝈棱虇坜㿥 㝔䮚䛀㳳⎉䠋虇憣伢㸅喙䠓䯕柎 ☥⛰〶⋷㝴K㍘㻁儝灭Ҹ㊂㐙拡 㑘䍀⿅桷㤦╙䦑⑭弙䠓㶠抌泾Ҹ厂 屖㳰虚╾⎿㿥䛣▶招虇ᾏ戙㲲幭 㝋ᾘ㝴⋸⪫䠓㝔䮚虇⏖懙㴆〖ᾏ 欻ℕ嬎㹎⹇樷⋘虇㎥㞾⢷欨㱂▶ ⿅䠓⩾杙㼆⥮虇⁴╙㟾吁㎍⁉䠓 卷㷯♐拡Ҹ 㹎㼆⢿⿅Ҹ F A C T S A N D F I G U R E S ḥ⋞Ά Tonnage: 5 51,309 Length: 230 230m Width: 29m Wi Number of cabins: 756 Num Passenger capacity: 1,511 Passen Average c cruising speed: 18kn ⓘᭌᎁḪᅠ51,309⌶ ᜳឯᅠ230ᒓ ╅ឯᅠ29ᒓ ហ᙮∋Ḫᅠ756Ḹ ῍ហዷ∋ᅠ1,511ዷ Ꮧᔅᨴᒭ᱖ឯᅠ18 i n d u l g e Q1 2014 77 SU PE R STA R L I BR A ፞᧻៧ᾊ ⪸䭳㞮埮處㹿⢚╙佻䛇 THAILAND AND MYANMAR SUPERSTAR LIBRA 78 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e xplore the historic home port of Penang in Malaysia before cruising the Andaman Sea to Thailand’s beautiful Krabi and Phuket and on to Myanmar’s fascinating capital Yangon. SuperStar Libra offers guests a floating five-star resort with entertainment for everyone, from families to couples. E Entertainment: SuperStar Libra’s extensive resort-style facilities are all about flexibility. 㵜㾾欻ℕ嬎㱂⥝弆 ᬌ∛᰿០ᅠῧⴱ⢷棁⪸佸彠ㄠ 厹⏜虇ῧⴱ╾⋗亿㊞ 擪擙怺汣㟑虇戓╾⁴懯䣉⩾杙䠓 ᑋ 㲲幭憨↚㴆▁㈯䠓 㼆㟾Ҹ✫㊪䖒槭懚⑤䠓尀虇╾⁴⎿ 㾾╲Ҹ抄悹㢒厹姛ⴘ 懚 ⑤䛁㤎╊ ㏢ᾏ⧃ ䷒ 䖒 ㎥ 䔸 㸨 懣㢋㼆虇⏜ㄏ㹿⢚䠓✏㵣╙⾒▘虇 ⪉䖒Ҹ⇴怺ᾼㅒ㕟K宼㝌ⴛ✓䠓 ⌜汣毦佻䛇欥抌ⁿ⋘䠓泔Ҹ⪸䭳 ⇴ 怺 ⟷ 㣟╙ 㧠 㒎 㼃 㒘 㗸 㢜 ⑨虖 㞮埮䓅⬑ᾏ〶㼆ᾙ‣㞮亩拡〦虇䉉 ㏅⪥㿇㺂㷯㎥㛭䠓㝴⋘䛁㤎虇⏖ ⵅ〼╙㉔ⅅ憐ᾙ▓䮽⮪㮑›╦Ҹ 㞾㛍沕怺ㅒ䠓㢏⬌╊埤Ҹ 〵⇖⮪㮑宼∨虇宼㢘汧䏍⪺䖒侃兡 ᗥ᎘᪱ᅠ庋䏸戇㙖⒔㑻處cdf ᾼ⋜⋜䮔〦ҷ⒔儔⒥⬬♐ҷ㏚娚 ⧃ҷ⇴怺ᾼㅒҷ㿇㺂㷯ҷ㝴⋘䛁㤎ҷ ╙㟑ⶩ拜檍䠓乍♐すҷ摆⚽捠搏 桨⁉㠥㷃㼇㷯╙㒘㗸㷯Ҹῧⴱ╾⎿ 欥檍䠓㷇㇡捠〓Ҹ㳳 ⪥虇↠ 㷃㠅⪶⦑撋䗃拡す♐⠟儝拡☛㲲 ╾⁴⢷ 叆 䰦⋡ 䱴 懙 ㏁ ⴳ⋶䡰㉔ 幭㈯㕩撋䗃䂣⫞虇㎥㞾⎿㞮愿拡す 䔸㮑Ҹ又ᾙ宼㢘ᾏ朢儝ⵈ柱╙ 孏䢚乍捖㳛厭姷䂣虇呴㞾檧厗㢹 挺䟑ᾼㅒҸ ᤥ∛᠖᪳ᅠ⪸䭳㞮埮⒔儔▓ゞ There is a golf driving range, fitness centre, swimming pool, sun deck, twin hot tubs and a Jacuzzi. Or sit back with a drink and listen to gentle piano sounds in the Crystal Court lobby lounge; take in a dazzling cabaret at the Stardust Lounge; hit the high notes at Skyline KTV karaoke; or dance the night away at Boomer’s nightclub. Food and drink: Choose from a mouth-watering range of dining options: Four Seasons for a continental feast; the Mariner's Buffet for a sumptuous spread, Ocean Palace for Chinese family dining and Spices for wokfresh Asian specialities. There are plenty of spots for a quiet drink, too: start the evening poolside with sundowner cocktails at Coconut Willy’s. Health and fitness: Exercise overlooking the ocean on the outdoor jogging track,, shoot hoops p at the basketball court or enjoy a game of shuffleboard on the dedicated sports deck. The fitness centre has a wellequipped gym and sauna, and the outdoor pool and expansive sun deck is the perfect place to wind down. Services: Shopping includes cdf Duty Free and Ports O’Call for cosmetics, handbags and fashion accessories and Eternal Elements for gold and silver. Children are kept entertained at the Porthole children’s playroom. There is also a beauty salon and medical centre on board. 䡰虇ᾜ⬷⢷⍛梓KTVᾏⷤ㳛坬虇㎥⎿ ⾒⭕䏍䠓⩺汧䍀厭䑑㳰Ҹ ហ᙮Άᅠ柳―㕟K厡懸䠓ⴱ ㏎⪥虇⢷䛁㤎 䲻 9 ⷳ╙ 䲻 1 0 ⷳ㢃 ṓ᰿ᲆᅠ又ᾙ㢘䣍⪩⁉⤑㼝 䠓檟檁戇㙖蘅⡪Ⳳ檟もK㍘㳟标 宼㢘巹啾㼆㟾⫦㏎ҷ巹啾⫦㏎╙ 姛㛎⫦㏎Ҹ ゞ儝櫛ҷ厹㼆ⵅ卹檟檟も㕟K 巹啾䠓⢚株儝橮ҷ㼆啾ⴽῊ䖕ᾼゞ ᶗ ᅠ厹䮚㢘⡪㝴ᾘ⪫╙ 啫亊ҷ欨☂恡佁儔㻁樷☂啫Ҹ㢃 ⋸㝴ᾏ⪫戇㙖虃ᾒ㝴⋼⪫䠓ⁿ⋘⢧ 㢘⪩↚⢿灭崢㝔ⴱ╾朚㎆㠱檁虇⬑ ⾁伢仟㣮虄虇⡪㝴ᾘ⪫⢧⏜ㄏ✏㵣 㝴㠽㟑⎕⎿㪿ⳟ⮐⎸▶虇ᾏ戙㲲幭 ╙⾒▘虇⋸㝴ᾏ⪫⢧⏖懷懙㱂⥝ 挘⁉㝴嗌虇ᾏ戙♐☂桭ⷍ拡Ҹ ◷戙䠓㼆⥮Ҹ Cabins: The cabins range from comfortable staterooms to deluxe ocean-view cabins and junior and executive suites on decks 9 and 10. Itinerary: Choose from three-night and overnight cruises (the six-night Yangon cruise has already finished). The three-night cruise takes in Krabi and Phuket,, and the overnighter sails the high seas around Penang. F A C T S A N D F I G U R E S ḥ⋞Ά To Tonnage: 42,285 Length: 216.3m Le Width: 32.64m Wi Number of cabins: 709 Nu Passenger capacity: 1,418 Pa Average cruising speed: 19kn Av ⓘᭌᎁḪᅠ42,285⌶ ᜳឯᅠ216.3ᒓ ╅ឯᅠ32.64ᒓ ហ᙮∋Ḫᅠ709Ḹ ῍ហዷ∋ᅠ1,418ዷ Ꮧᔅᨴᒭ᱖ឯᅠ19 i n d u l g e Q1 2014 79 STA R PI S C E S ◬ᱽ៧ᾊ 桨泩㞮埮處欨㾾 HONG KONG STAR PISCES 80 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e tar Pisces has the vibrant Hong Kong as its home port. Explore the city’s rich cultural heritage – excellent museums, beautiful natural scenery and luxury shopping. Star Pisces departs from Ocean Terminal in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui with its mega shopping malls selling a wide range of luxury brands. Visit Hong Kong Space Museum and Hong Kong Cultural Centre nearby or take S ◬ 泩 㞮埮⁴俐啾䠓 ⴘ棫⢿厖╚厘㣾屖ㅒ虚䗃▶㞾 欨 㾾 䉉 㵜 㾾虇⾑ ⋶ 㛍沕ㅒ㉔䠓㢏ℂ戇㙖Ҹ 㴆▁▜⑬巟ⵛҷⓩ䏸 檷梁桕ҷ卹䋅㟾吁⊹ ᬌ∛᰿០ᅠ㝸ᾙ⋗⎿榑ⷳ䛁㤎䠓 儝虇㢃ᾜ῞槾幃⫱啾䠓庋䏸⬌╊ 棁⪸佸彠ㄠ㐥㚊乍䫭虇ᾏ戙彠㳴虇ᾏ 埤Ҹ桨泩㞮埮䠓䠊又⢿灭㞾⃜埤 戙㲲幭⩾杙㼆㟾Ҹ㼆䠖䫭㢒㏏⏖㕟 ⶥ㸨☏ㅒ卮⢿⿅䠓㼆懚⪶し虇憲㔴 K⇴怺ᾼㅒҷ㧠㒎㼃ҷⴳ⋶㺂㷯ҷ㒘 ⪶⤚庋䏸⛕⧃虇⎉⚽⋷䖒䥴▜♐䏛 㗸㷯╙彂扷㒘㗸㢜⑨虇ῧⴱ‵╾⎿ 䠓䚱♐Ҹ䠊又⏜虇ῧⴱ╾⋗⎿抿慠 棁⪸㿇㺂㷯╙䛁㤎›╦㝴⋘㼃Ҹ 䠓欨㾾⪹䰉檷╙欨㾾㜖⒥ᾼㅒ懪 a stroll along the Avenue of the Stars with its stunning views of Hong Kong Island before embarking. Star Pisces cruises the South China Sea for one night – the perfect getaway for fun-loving cruisers who enjoy being entertained in a lively atmosphere. Entertainment: Explore 12 storeys of activities and relaxation. After dinner enjoy music and dance at the Galaxy of the Stars entertainment centre or head to Star Karaoke for a singalong. Food and drink: Star Pisces offers maximum flexibility with a wide range of dining options. The Mariner’s Buffet serves a delicious international spread and there is freshly prepared à la carte sushi at the Sushi Bar. For Chinese, head for Taipan. Blue Lagoon serves snacks and Southeast Asian favourites around the clock. Looking for a quiet drink? The Piano Bar is the perfect place to relax with a chilled glass of wine. Health and fitness: Start the day with an invigorating run around the outdoor jogging track on the top deck with spectacular ocean views. Visit the Health Club for its gym, sauna, indoor pool and massage and reflexology treatments. The Wet & Wild outdoor pool and deck is perfect for sunny days. 懣虇㎥㞾㹎㞮⋘⪶懢孏⋘虇㲲幭 ᗥ᎘᪱ᅠ⢷又ᾙ懙憪⋜䮔〦䡰 ⹇欨㾾⺅䠓㟾厃Ҹ桨泩㞮埮䠓⋸㝴 ㉔庋䏸虇ℂⶅ斧擅䕯ⶅ䍮勤擅╙ ᾏ⪫厹䮚懙㴆ⓦᾼ⢚㼆虇懸▗✫㳰 䕯ⶅ虖cdfᾼ⋜⋜䮔〦⏖㕟K欨㷃ҷ 俐啾䍀沶䠓㝔ⴱҸ ⒥⬬♐ҷ㏚娚╙拜檍䳘戇㙖虖㷇㇡ 捠〓㢘捠搏欥檍虖╵⪥戓㢘梁桕▓ ᤥ∛᠖᪳ᅠ又ᾙ⮪㮑₠朡宼㝌懜 ゞ儝拡䠓梁榑㢒ҷ䍮⢚株▜䏛 ⃗ 12ⷳ䛁㤎虇㟩橾ㄛ╾⎿⪸㹂㞮拡 ㏚娚䠓丂垼䱨虇⁴╙∨㢘▓ゞ亏ㆄ す孏幭㳛厭姷䂣虇㎥⎿㞮⪫⓰㑘OK ♐䠓瀦㞮庋䏸⣙Ҹ 拡す厖⬌╚䡰㉔汧㳛Ҹ ហ᙮Άᅠⴱ㏎厡懸ㆰ⁉ҷ㶲㻍 ṓ᰿ᲆᅠ桨泩㞮埮梁桕▓䮽 檟檁卂橮戇㙖Ҹ▜ど㕟K⢚株儝 Services: Browse the comprehensive duty-free shopping including Canopus Watches and Jewellery; cdf Duty Free for perfumes, cosmetics, handbags and accessories; Eternal Elements for gold and silver, Genting Wine, Milan Station for international brand handbags and the Star boutique for plenty of souvenirs. ⊹桔虇䛀㮨䀥ⴱ㏎ҷ巹啾⫦㏎⁴厂 汧亩巹啾⫦㏎ゞゞↀ∨Ҹ 橮卹檟虇⪌▇▶⿇∨㜿洽⪌▇虇 ⪶䕼㕟Kᾼ⢚啫虇坜㿥☥⛰〶⋷㝴 憐ᾙ▓䮽橮╙㤀ⓦ儝橮Ҹ呴㊂ ᶗ ᅠ㼆ᾙ⋸㝴ᾏ⪫ⓦᾼ⢚ 㼆㝔䮚 Ҹ Cabins: Wide selection of comfortable and elegant cabins ranging from standard staterooms to superior and deluxe suites. Itinerary: One-night cruise on n the South China Sea. F A C T S A N D F I G U R E S ḥ⋞Ά T Tonnage: 40,000 Length: 177m L Width: 29m W Number of cabins: 590 N Passenger capacity: 1,009 P Average cruising speed: 18kn A ⓘᭌᎁḪᅠ40,000⌶ ᜳឯᅠ177ᒓ ╅ឯᅠ29ᒓ ហ᙮∋Ḫᅠ590Ḹ ῍ហዷ∋ᅠ1,009ዷ Ꮧᔅᨴᒭ᱖ឯᅠ18 i n d u l g e Q1 2014 81 A N N I V E R SA RY Ḡᑧ⇠᧸ Star Aquarius entered service as Star Cruises first ship in 1993 1993ᑧᅗ⚡៧ḥ⋞₅ጄᯧዯ⏐ḥ⋞"⚮ᯃ៧ᾊ"᭘ᨴ In 2002, SuperStar Leo and SuperStar Aries called at Shanghai on the same day for the first time SuperStar Leo and SuperStar Virgo were purpose-built ships for Asian travellers "ἔጛ៧ᾊ"ᘍ"ᒖ៧ᾊ" ᚑ2002ᑧᣌᑿᐹᛖጆᦫ "ἔጛ៧ᾊ"ᘍ"ᰤጚ៧ᾊ"ᱣ៦⚡៧ḥ⋞ ᠥᗉហᧁᓕᢥᱛᛵḥ⋞ HAPPY䚮㝴 BIRTHDAY! ㅺ㮑 Many significant events over 20 years have led to Genting Hong Kong becoming a leading global leisure, entertainment and hospitality corporation 懝╊20〃虇梁榑欨㾾␄憯―寀⪩⁉桲ㅧ䠓悬䋛㟑⏊虇々㟚怺 ㎟䉉₠朡ҷ⮪㮑☛㝔懙╙拡〦㢜⑨㫼䠓榧ₐ㫼 Resorts World Manila opened in 2009, offering world-class leisure alternatives ᪑ᏑᙲṊᱻᎌᠾᚑ2009ᑧḶỔᅗᠥហᴀᗒᎌᠾᨑᛵᐚḷᗊᗽ 82 Q1 2014 i n d u l g e Star Cruises purchased Norwegian Cruise Line in 2000, and today is the world’s third-largest cruise-line operator 2000ᑧᅗṊᱻᣍᵁᑳ┠រḥ⋞ᅗᒣፂጦᑯᠥᎌᠾᯧጃጙḥ⋞ፊᎽ