Digital Accounting: The Effects of the Internet And Erp on Accounting


Digital Accounting: The Effects of the Internet And Erp on Accounting
Digital Accounting:
The Effects of
the Internet and
ERP on Accounting
Ashutosh Deshmukh
Pennsylvania State University – Erie, USA
IRM Press
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Deshmukh, Ashutosh, 1959Digital accounting : the effects of the Internet and ERP on accounting / Ashutosh Deshmukh.
p. cm.
Summary: "This book provides a foundation in digital accounting by covering fundamental topics such
as accounting software, XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language), and EDI"--Provided by
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-59140-738-9 (hardcover) -- ISBN 1-59140-739-7 (softcover) -- ISBN 1-59140-740-0
1. Accounting--Software. 2. XBRL (Document markup language) 3. Electronic data interchange. 4.
Internet--Economic aspects. 5. Business planning. I. Title.
HF5679.D47 2005
British Cataloguing in Publication Data
A Cataloguing in Publication record for this book is available from the British Library.
All work contributed to this book is new, previously-unpublished material. The views expressed in this
book are those of the authors, but not necessarily of the publisher.
This book is dedicated to Hema, my wife, for her unrelenting support
through many ups and downs that led to the publication of this book.
Digital Accounting:
The Effects of the
Internet and ERP
on Accounting
Table of Contents
Preface .......................................................................................................................... ix
Chapter I.
A Framework for Digital Accounting ............................................................................ 1
Digital Accounting, E-Accounting and the E-Thing .......................................... 1
Roots of Digital Accounting ................................................................................ 2
The Internet and Digital Accounting .................................................................. 3
Costs and Benefits of Digital Accounting ......................................................... 10
Structure of the Book ........................................................................................ 12
Summary ............................................................................................................ 13
References .......................................................................................................... 13
Endnote ............................................................................................................. 14
Chapter II.
The Evolution of Accounting Software ........................................................................ 15
History of Accounting Software ........................................................................ 15
What Constitutes Accounting Software? .......................................................... 27
Looking Ahead .................................................................................................. 32
Summary ............................................................................................................ 34
Appendix A: A Checklist for E-Commerce Features ......................................... 38
References .......................................................................................................... 35
Endnote ............................................................................................................. 14
Chapter III.
The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting ..................................................... 42
XML: What’s in it for Accountants? .................................................................. 42
History of Markup Languages .......................................................................... 44
What is XML? .................................................................................................... 48
XML Document ....................................................................................... 48
XML Supplementary Technologies ........................................................ 56
XML Tools and Software ........................................................................ 61
Advantages and Disadvantages of XML ................................................ 62
XBRL .................................................................................................................. 63
Structure of XBRL ................................................................................... 64
XBRL Taxonomies ................................................................................... 64
XBRL Instance Documents ...................................................................... 72
XBRL Tools and Software ....................................................................... 77
Audit and Control Issues in XRBL .......................................................... 78
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 80
Summary ............................................................................................................ 80
References .......................................................................................................... 81
Endnotes ............................................................................................................ 84
Appendix A: Applications of XML-Based Languages
in Accounting ................................................................................................ 84
Chapter IV.
Electronic Data Interchange ....................................................................................... 88
What is Electronic Data Interchange? ............................................................. 88
EDI Standards and Standard-Setting Organizations ....................................... 90
Infrastructure for EDI Solutions ........................................................................ 96
Accounting Software and EDI ........................................................................... 99
Financial EDI .................................................................................................. 103
EDI in the E-Era .............................................................................................. 110
EDI/XML ............................................................................................... 110
EDIINT .................................................................................................. 114
Internal Controls in EDI ................................................................................. 118
Benefits and Costs of EDI ................................................................................ 122
Looking Ahead ................................................................................................ 126
Summary .......................................................................................................... 126
References ........................................................................................................ 127
Chapter V.
The Revenue Cycle .................................................................................................... 131
Revenue Cycle Activities ................................................................................. 131
Sales Orders ..................................................................................................... 133
SAP CRM Tools .................................................................................... 135
CRM and Sales Orders ......................................................................... 141
Credit Approvals ............................................................................................. 143
Warehousing and Shipping ............................................................................. 149
Billing .............................................................................................................. 152
EIPP and EBPP Processes .................................................................... 153
Models for EIPP and EBPP .................................................................. 155
Infrastructure for EIPP and EBPP ........................................................ 160
Advantages and Disadvantages of EIPP and EBPP ............................ 162
Receivables and Collections ........................................................................... 165
Online Management of Receivables ..................................................... 165
Electronic Payment Methods ............................................................... 168
B2C Payment Methods ......................................................................... 169
B2B Payment Methods .......................................................................... 181
Electronic Lockboxes ........................................................................... 183
A Word on Digital Cash ....................................................................... 183
Summary .......................................................................................................... 185
References ........................................................................................................ 186
Endnotes .......................................................................................................... 189
Chapter VI.
The Expenditure Cycle .............................................................................................. 190
Expenditure Cycle Activities ........................................................................... 190
Ordering, Receiving and Paying for Goods .................................................... 192
Supplier Selection Strategy ................................................................. 194
Identifying and Selecting Suppliers ..................................................... 195
Contract Negotiations and Contract Management ............................. 196
Supplier Self-Service ............................................................................ 197
Support for Auctions ............................................................................. 197
Electronic Invoicing and Settlement .................................................... 198
Content Management ........................................................................... 201
Employee Self-Purchasing .................................................................... 202
Procurement Cards ............................................................................... 205
Unusual Items and Exceptions ............................................................. 210
Purchasing Intelligence ....................................................................... 210
SAP SRM Tools ..................................................................................... 212
Expenses and Payroll ...................................................................................... 215
Online Management of Expenses ......................................................... 215
Online Travel Centers .......................................................................... 219
Online Payroll ...................................................................................... 221
Fixed Assets ..................................................................................................... 225
Summary .......................................................................................................... 225
References ........................................................................................................ 227
Endnote ........................................................................................................... 229
Chapter VII.
The Conversion Cycle ............................................................................................... 230
Conversion Cycle Activities ............................................................................ 230
Supply Chain Management ............................................................................. 232
SAP SCM Capabilities .................................................................................... 234
Supply Chain Planning ........................................................................ 235
Supply Chain Execution ....................................................................... 237
Supply Chain Collaboration ............................................................... 238
Supply Chain Coordination ................................................................. 243
SAP SCM Tools ............................................................................................... 245
Supply Chain Cost Accounting ....................................................................... 251
Summary .......................................................................................................... 256
References ........................................................................................................ 257
Chapter VIII.
The General Ledger Cycle ........................................................................................ 260
General Ledger Cycle Activities ..................................................................... 260
Closing of the Books ....................................................................................... 262
Financial Analytics ......................................................................................... 268
Planning and Budgeting ................................................................................. 278
Enterprise Portals ........................................................................................... 282
Components of an Enterprise Portal .................................................... 284
SAP Enterprise Portals—A Business View ........................................... 286
Summary .......................................................................................................... 289
References ........................................................................................................ 290
Endnote ........................................................................................................... 292
Chapter IX.
Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting ............... 293
Digital Accounting and Accounting Processes .............................................. 293
Corporate Treasury Functions ....................................................................... 295
SunGard Treasury System .................................................................... 297
SAP CFM Tools .................................................................................... 299
Financial Supply Chain .................................................................................. 304
Corporate Performance Management ............................................................ 307
SAP SEM Tools ..................................................................................... 309
Summary .......................................................................................................... 315
References ........................................................................................................ 316
Chapter X.
Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting ................................... 318
Internal Controls: What and Why? ................................................................. 318
Security Issues in the Online World ................................................................ 322
A Conceptual Framework for Online Internal Controls ................................ 334
Standard Online Internal Control Techniques ............................................... 336
Security Policy ...................................................................................... 338
Passwords, Security Tokens and Biometics ......................................... 342
Access Control List (ACL) .................................................................... 343
Anti-Virus Software .............................................................................. 344
Defense Against Social Engineering .................................................... 344
Cryptology ............................................................................................ 345
Digital Watermarks .............................................................................. 349
Firewalls ............................................................................................... 350
Web Content Filtering .......................................................................... 352
Virtual Private Network (VPN) ........................................................... 353
Message Security Protocols ................................................................. 355
A Taxonomy of Network Anti-Intrusion Techniques ....................................... 357
Preventive Techniques .......................................................................... 358
Preemptive Techniques ......................................................................... 359
Deterrent Techniques ........................................................................... 359
Deflection Techniques .......................................................................... 359
Detection Techniques ........................................................................... 360
System Integrity Techniques ................................................................. 362
Intrusion Countermeasures (ICE) Techniques .................................... 362
A Word on Wireless Networks .............................................................. 362
Anti-Intrusion Products ........................................................................ 364
Automated Control and Compliance Tools .................................................... 364
Searchspace .......................................................................................... 364
TransactionVision ................................................................................ 367
Privacy and Assurance Issues in the Online World ........................................ 369
Trust Services ........................................................................................ 372
Privacy Audits ...................................................................................... 376
Summary .......................................................................................................... 378
References ........................................................................................................ 379
Endnote ........................................................................................................... 383
About the Author ....................................................................................................... 384
Index .......................................................................................................................... 385
Accounting and information technology have been constant companions since the
days of tabulating machines. Accounting — an art and science of financial information
— has evolved in tandem with information technology. The distinctions between the
accounting message and information technology medium are blurring faster and faster.
The advent of the Internet and enterprise resource planning (ERP) has not only continued but accelerated the trend. The rise and fall of the e-revolution has been spectacular; however, the promised work goes on. The changes are fast and furious, even in the
e-bust period. This book is an attempt to capture these changes in accounting workflows,
internal controls, and tools due to the e-age, e-era, and e-confusion!
What is Digital Accounting?
The term digital refers to digits or numbers; however, in the computer science lexicon,
this term refers to the representation of the information in 0s and 1s, which can be read,
written and stored using machines. The prefix “e” refers to electronic, meaning the use
of electricity in powering machines such as computers. Digital accounting, or e-accounting, as a corresponding analog, refers to the representation of accounting information in the digital format, which can then be electronically manipulated and transmitted. Digital accounting does not have a standard definition, but merely refers to the
changes in accounting due to computing and networking technologies. The term digital accounting is used in this book to capture the changes in the accounting cycles,
processes, and functions due to the Internet and ERP systems. The primary focus is on
accounting, and the secondary focus is on related finance functions. The level of
coverage in financial functions is primarily restricted to intra-business, and topics such
as Web-based stock investments and portfolio management are excluded.
The terminology, jargon, and lingo spawned by the computer era are unprecedented,
and the title and the subject matter of the book has been debated and questioned
repeatedly. In covering various topics, I have erred on the side of caution. I have
covered a number of technologies and topics that may only be peripherally related to
the main theme of the book. This book is still version 1.0, and I am sure topics will be
found that escaped me. I welcome your comments and criticisms.
What Makes This Book Different?
Integrating e-commerce/e-business in the accounting literature has been a challenge.
Neither the pervasive effects of e-commerce on internal and external accounting processes are clearly articulated nor a conceptual approach for handling these changes
has been formulated. There is no consensus in the coverage of underlying networking
technologies, changes in accounting software, and new xRM (relationship management) tools.
This book, though by no means definitive, presents a way to understand these developments. This book provides a foundation in digital accounting by covering developments in accounting software, Web-based financial reporting languages and Electronic
data interchange (EDI). Then the effects of the Internet and ERP on accounting are
classified and presented for each accounting cycle. Such an approach in handling the
e-developments in the accounting context allows us a comprehensive examination of
the changes in the established accounting cycle framework.
Chapter I expands on this theme and provides a framework for developments in accounting due to the Internet and ERP. This chapter also deals with the description and
history of digital accounting. The next three chapters are the foundations of digital
accounting. These chapters cover the evolution of accounting software, XML
(eXtensible Markup Language) and XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language),
and EDI, respectively. Accounting software is no longer accounting software, but is
being sold even by mid-level vendors as business software. Accounting software not
only integrates the internal functions but comes pre-packaged with a number of ecommerce/e-business functionalities. XML directly affects data transfer and data analysis. The most famous XML-based language for accountants is XBRL. XBRL is discussed in-depth to get a better understanding of changes in financial reporting. EDI,
the forerunner of e-commerce, is not dead but is going strong and is getting adopted for
XML and the Internet. A large installed base and heavy monetary investment characterize EDI; this important technology needs to be properly understood by accountants. I
believe an in-depth understanding of these three areas is necessary to understand the
effects of the Internet and ERP on accounting and finance functions.
The next four chapters focus on chronicling and analyzing digital developments in the
context of accounting cycles. Chapter V deals with the revenue cycle. Here, Web-based
sales orders, effects of customer relationship management (CRM) software on sales
orders and accounting data, online credit approvals and its connection with the accounting system, Web-based tracking of goods and its implications for accounting,
electronic invoice/bill presentment and payment, electronic payment mechanisms, and
online automated receivables management are discussed. Chapter VI deals with the
expenditure cycle. Topics such as Web-based purchase orders, electronic procurement
of goods and services, and consequent posting and payment activities are discussed
here. These activities are increasingly handled by supplier relationship management
(SRM) and e-procurement tools, which are extensively covered with an emphasis on
accounting processes. Additionally, the areas of procurement cards, online management of expenses and payroll, and online travel centers are covered. Chapter VII deals
with the conversion cycle. The focus in this chapter is not on production activities but
on supply chain management. The production function is now part of an extended
collaborative enterprise in many organizations. Cost accounting is not merely assessing product costs but also striving to identify and optimize costs across the supply
chain. Basic principles of supply chain management, software tools for supply chain
management, and changes in cost accounting are covered here. Finally, Chapter VIII
considers the general ledger cycle. This chapter discusses the evolution of the general
ledger and financial reporting. First, managerial and information technology tools for
Web-enabled virtual close of the books are discussed. The rest of the chapter primarily
focuses on reporting software, business intelligence tools, executive dashboards, enterprise portals and its interaction with accounting data. I have primarily used SAP
tools to illustrate the functionalities; however, these are supplemented with the latest
software tools from other vendors.
Chapter IX deals with the role of digital accounting in financial and strategic management. Developments such as financial supply chain and corporate performance management that integrate e-developments in comprehensive managerial philosophies are
covered. Finally, Chapter X discusses controls, security, and audit in the online-networked world. This chapter first presents a conceptual framework for internal controls
in the online world. Then, various standard control techniques are discussed. The new
Web-based anti-fraud and anti-money laundering software is also covered. The discussion of privacy and assurance issues concludes the chapter and rounds off the book.
To Whom is This Book Addressed?
This book provides a broad introduction to the effects of the Internet and ERP on
accounting workflows, processes and controls. Specifically, this book is useful to practicing accountants and auditors who want to familiarize themselves with the latest
developments in this area. This book can be used as a supplement in introductory
accounting information systems or auditing courses. The accounting cycle approach
will fit perfectly with current approaches of teaching accounting information systems.
The book can also be used as a stand-alone book in advanced accounting information
systems or e-commerce course at the undergraduate or graduate level. If you wish to
use this book for classroom purposes, an end-of-chapter questions and solutions manual
is available on request from the author.
Ash Deshmukh
Associate Professor of Accounting & Information Systems
Department of Accounting
Sam and Irene Black School of Business
Pennsylvania State University—Erie
I wish to thank the team — Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Jan Travers, and Michele Rossi at
Idea Group Inc. — who made the publication of this book possible by accepting my
proposal. My special thanks to Kristin Roth and Amanda Appicello for guiding me
through the maze of publication requirements. This book benefited due to the comments made by several experts: Neal Hannon (University of Hartford) and Kinsun Tam
(University at Albany) provided insightful comments on the XML/XBRL chapter. Also,
Somnath Bhattacharya (Florida Atlantic University), Jeffrey Romine (Truman State
University), Ido Millet (Pennsylvania State University – Erie), and two anonymous
reviewers provided many helpful comments. I also wish to thank corporations that
allowed me to use their products and screen shots from their Web sites for illustrative
purposes. Finally, I am grateful to Altova Corporation for providing me with the XML
Spy software. All errors are my responsibility.
A Framework for Digital Accounting 1
Chapter I
A Framework for
Digital Accounting
Digital Accounting,
E-Accounting, and the E-Thing
The term digital refers to digits or numbers; however, in the computer science lexicon
this term refers to the representation of information in 0s and 1s, which can be read, written
and stored using machines. The prefix “e” refers to electronic, meaning use of electricity
in powering machines such as computers. Digital accounting, or e-accounting, as a
corresponding analog, refers to the representation of accounting information in the
digital format, which then can be electronically manipulated and transmitted. Digital
accounting does not have a standard definition but merely refers to the changes in
accounting due to computing and networking technologies.
Accounting, the art and science of measuring business performance, has evolved with
business, more so with information technology. Punch cards and mainframes, databases
and data warehouses, personal computers and productivity software, specialized accounting software and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs), among other things, have left their mark
on accounting theory and practice. For example, data-entry mechanisms, data storage
and processing mechanisms, end reports, internal controls, audit trails and skill sets for
accountants have been in continual flux for the past several decades.
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
2 Deshmukh
Roots of Digital Accounting
Accounting is sometimes called a lagging science, meaning accounting is reactive —
it reacts to developments in business and technology. Interestingly, accounting was
initially on the cutting edge of the Information Technology revolution. The roots of
digital accounting can be traced to the depression era and World War II. Tax regulation,
at the time, was becoming complex, and World War II introduced a variety of logistical
and data management problems. The details of financial transactions and physical
location of goods could not be reliably handled, even with the armies of clerks. This work
was boring, paid poorly and demanded a high degree of accuracy. Welcome the
tabulating machines. As many know, Mr. Watson, the CEO of IBM, remarked that world
might not need more than five computers. Tabulating machines soon evolved, and the
new technology found newer and wider applications, undreamt even by its wildest
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the mega corporations of the day began to handle data
that rivaled government requirements. This data could not be handled manually, let alone
cost effectively. Accounting and financial information, due to its repetitive nature and
heavy volume, became a prime candidate for automation. Initial investments in information technology, though the term was not yet invented, were controlled by accounting
and finance departments. The mechanization of accounting and finance information
expanded the power of Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and controllers by enabling them
to influence operational and strategic decisions. The financial justification of investments was not an issue, since financial executives endorsed the investments. However,
as the tabulating installations turned into data processing centers, the technology
became too complex to be controlled by accountants. Data processing managers started
handling the data processing center and the Data Processing Management Association
(DPMA) was born. The automation of accounting and financial data had begun, and soon
developed an irreversible momentum.
Accounting and e-commerce also met decades ago. The development of Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI) and Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) can be said to be the beginnings
of the digital exchange of accounting information among trading partners. EDI and EFT
both involve exchange of data electronically and sound very similar to e-commerce. The
conceptual roots of EDI can be traced back to the Berlin Airlift in the late 1940s. During
the Berlin Airlift, consignments of various goods and materials arrived with manifests
in different languages, different numbers of copies and differing formats, among other
things. To overcome problems caused by such documents, a standard manifest was
designed. This standard manifest could be transmitted via telephone, telex or radio.
Thousands of tons of cargo per day were tracked using these manifests. The United
States (U.S.) army logistics officers who designed the scheme later implemented it in the
corporate world. EDI is based on the idea of this standard manifest. EDI uses a
standardized format for documents that can be transmitted, read and processed electronically. The standardized formats of these documents are controlled by various industry
standards and trade associations. Initially, EDI was used to transfer purchasing and
selling documents. Later on, EDI was used to handle financial transactions such as
payment and collection activities.
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
A Framework for Digital Accounting 3
EDI, if properly implemented, can streamline supply chain management, reduce labor
costs and errors, increase processing speed and accelerate cash flows. The primary
problems with EDI are: (a) the formats are highly structured and sometimes proprietary;
(b) the structure of the data format limits the amount of information in the EDI messages;
(c) specialized software that is expensive to install and maintain is required; and (d) it
offers few financial benefits to suppliers. Currently, only 6% of the estimated 10 million
businesses in the U.S. are EDI capable. Large corporations, banks and transportation
companies have invested and continue to refine EDI technology; many large corporations — for example, Wal-Mart — will not do business with a supplier unless the supplier
is EDI capable.
EFT, on the other hand, can be traced back to wire transfers pioneered by Western Union
in 1871. Money could be delivered at one location and then transferred to another
location using telegraph; the third party with appropriate identification then could
collect those funds at that location. As the development of electronic networks reached
a critical mass, the banking industry started using these networks to transfer money. The
primary purposes of EFT were to lower banking costs, speed up clearing of checks, and
control errors and fraud. Eventually, the capabilities of EFT were combined with EDI, and
Financial EDI (FEDI) was born. FEDI formats are now capable of handling payment and
collection activities in the business world.
The Internet and Digital Accounting
The advent of the Internet and e-commerce/e-business has continued and in many ways
accelerated the trend.1 The Internet and e-commerce not only promised to change intraand inter-business processes but also challenged the very foundations of established
business practices. All business areas, accounting and finance included, came under
intense scrutiny as dot com businesses mushroomed. The rise and fall of the e-revolution
had been spectacular and breathtaking. The hype and hysteria surrounding these new
technologies have been replaced with more realistic appraisal of their costs and benefits.
The changes and constants in accounting probably can be better analyzed from this
vantage point.
A brief historical perspective for the Internet and e-commerce will equip us better to
appreciate the evolution of digital accounting. The Internet is a collection of interconnected computer networks. These connections span the world, creating a computing
space used for a variety of activities such as business, entertainment, communication
and so on. The Internet has no hub, is not owned by any corporation or government, but
is sustained by the efforts of individuals, corporations and governments. The specific
information transmission protocols developed for the Internet allow information to flow
over different communication mediums, different software and hardware platforms, and
even different languages. Information on the Internet courses through various conduits
such as optical fibers, telephone lines, satellite transmissions and microwave emissions,
to name a few.
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
4 Deshmukh
Exhibit 1. Structure of the Internet
Wide Area Networks
Local Area Networks
Telephone Lines
Telephone Lines
Dedicated high
bandwidth lines
cro ns
Mi iatio
Exhibit 2. Tele-marketing, t-tailing, or e-tailing?
Think of the vast potential of the market — total population of 10 million, about 12 cities
having population greater than 200,000 and an annual national income of $10 billion. Dreams
are made up of this stuff? This is the U.S. of the 1880s.
Richard was an agent of a railway station in North Redwood, Minn., having plenty of spare
time on hand. A Chicago company shipped gold-filled watches to a local jeweler, but the
jeweler had never ordered those watches. Richard obtained the shipment of watches and used
a telegraph to contact railroad operators and employees to sell the batch.
Richard made a nice profit. He soon started R. Sears Watch Company, a predecessor to
today’s Sears, Roebuck and Co.
The development of the Internet is not a 1990s activity; the roots of the Internet go far
deeper. The technological foundations of the Internet were laid in the 19th century. The
development of the Telegraph (communicating as dots and dashes), Transatlantic Cable
(as a communication medium) and Telephone all contributed to the development of the
Internet. The development of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
(ARPANET) in the late 1960s heralded the era of interconnected computers. The primary
objective of ARPANET was to develop a network that would provide numerous alternate
network paths to the ultimate destination. The packet switching mechanism for data
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
A Framework for Digital Accounting 5
transfer was the key. This mechanism split data into different packets and routed it to the
destination using different network paths. Thus, if one part of the network was down an
alternate network path could be taken, and data flow remained unbroken.
In the 1970s, however, ARPANET was primarily used by academics and research
agencies for the exchange of information. E-mail, File Transfer Protocols (FTP),
newsgroups and remote computer connection protocols, among other things, were
developed to facilitate free-flow of information. The National Science Foundation (NSF)
built a backbone (56 KB) that was primitive by today’s standards, but it was a start. In
the 1980s, the NSF took off commercial restrictions for the use of NSFNet, which was by
then a primary backbone for carrying Internet messages.
Exhibit 3. Timeline for the Internet
≥? 2004
Transatlantic Cable
Packet switching networks developed.
• ARPANET. Department of Defense (DOD) establishes nodes at UCLA, Stanford
Research Institute and University of Utah. The objective is research into
• The idea of Electronic Data Interchange begins to emerge from various industry
Individuals go online for the first time. E-mail invented.
E-mail goes international (Norway and England). Telnet protocol specified.
E-mail takes off, newsgroups are born, and UNIX platform is employed.
Interactive games make appearance.
Electronic Data Interchange and Electronic Fund Transfer continue to grow.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) for the network invented.
This leads to the definition of an internet as a connected set of networks using TCP/IP
NSF creates NSFNet, a backbone with 56KB speed. Cleveland FreeNet comes online
and offers free Internet access.
NSF lifts commercial restriction on the Internet. The Internet continues to grow;
businesses go online.
Tools such as Gopher (developed by University of Minnesota) and WAIS to index and
access information on the Internet become available.
Birth of the WWW. The graphical, hyperlinked interface to the Internet is developed by
(Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire (CERN). The WWW allowed multimedia to
come to the Internet; WWW has now become synonymous with the Internet.
The United Nations and U.S. White House come online. Mosaic, the WWW browsing
software, released, making net surfing popular. Businesses and media begin to
understand the potential of the Internet.
The commercialization of the Internet begins in earnest. Microsoft enters the fray,
Internet Explorer and Netscape battle for supremacy.
• The golden days of the Internet. Bandwidth explodes, along with the number of
users of the Internet. Experts herald the arrival of the e-revolution and promise to
change the world. Dot com stock values reach sky high.
• The arrival of Internet2 and NGI.
The dot com revolution crashes. Terrorism, corporate mis-governance, dubious business
practices and creative accounting destroy stock values.
Will the Internet deliver on its promised revolution?
Is it just one more tool in the toolkit of businesses?
What will be global effects of the Internet?
What do you think?
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
6 Deshmukh
The 1990s witnessed an explosion in the personal, business and government uses of the
Internet. This field was characterized by numerous buzzwords, fast-changing technical
specifications, continual new releases of software, new Web programming languages,
numerous standard-setting industry associations, and emergence of new alliances and
ventures promising new and improved management methods. Information became
obsolete by the time it saw virtual or real daylight. Telecom companies rushed in to build
the bandwidth and backbones, new Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Web sites
mushroomed, and the Internet grew rich in information content. To mine the information
riches of the Internet, various tools were invented. Tools such as Wide Area Information
Services (WAIS), Archie (short for archives), Gopher and scores of others were used to
index and then to access information. The World Wide Web (WWW) is a graphical,
hyperlinked, multimedia part of the Internet that spread rapidly and became synonymous
with the Internet. Mosaic was the first browser used to browse the contents of the WWW.
Mosaic grew into Netscape and Microsoft introduced its competing version — Internet
Explorer. The earlier tools for file transfer, newsgroup reading, chat, e-mail and so forth
are now integrated in these browsers and almost transparent to the end user. The
functionality of browsers continues to grow with every new version.
The potential applications of the Internet are vast; however, bandwidth limitations may
limit the development of data-hungry applications. The Internet2 is an initiative led by
universities and backed by the industry and government. Next Generation Internet (NGI)
is a parallel effort by the U.S. federal government. The idea behind both initiatives is to
develop high-bandwidth networks that will enable advanced applications such as realtime video broadcast, digital libraries, virtual laboratories, distance-independent learning, tele-immersion and national security applications. The Internet2 and NGI initiatives
aim to bring these new technologies to businesses and individuals to spur new advances
in Internet applications. The Internet thus continues to evolve in exciting directions.
The use of the Internet by businesses gave rise to e-commerce. The complexity of this
area is characterized by multiple definitions, a profusion of jargon and diversity of
opinions. Academics and practitioners have defined e-commerce, e-business, e-tailing
and i-commerce; different types of e-commerce such as Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
and Business-to-Business (B2B); online vs. off-line business models; and so on. Ecommerce alone has several definitions. The effects of the Internet on business are so
pervasive that such diversity is understandable. For example, communication infrastructure, business processes, delivery of products and services, managerial philosophies
and organizational structure are subject to change due to the influence of the Internet.
For our purposes, the understanding of what e-commerce does is more critical than a
specific term or definition. The three common threads that run through the definitions
of e-commerce (and e-business) can be summarized as follows:
Electronic networks or the Internet is used as a communications medium for the
exchange of business information
Provides capability to sell and deliver products or services on the Internet
Uses the networks and digital information to redesign inter- and intra-business
processes and workflows.
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A Framework for Digital Accounting 7
Exhibit 4. The effects of the Internet and e-commerce on business
Meta Issues
•Organizational Models
•Business Strategies
•Hardware and Software Infrastructure
•Integration with ERP Systems
Demand Chain
• Customer Relationship
• Demand Forecasting
• Order Management
• Product and Brand
Information Management
• Channel Management
• Customer Services
• Business Intelligence
Finance and Accounting
•Financial Reporting
•Internal Controls and Audit
•Cost Accounting
•Treasury Functions
Human Resources
•Payroll Accounting
•Benefits Management
•Personnel Management
•Product Design
•Product Development
Other Business Processes
•Document Storage and Retrieval
Supply Chain
• Supplier Relationship
• Production Planning
• Materials Management
• Transportation and
• Business Intelligence
The effects of e-commerce, as can be seen, cut across various industries; industry
intermediaries; and, the ultimate, consumers; and also within the industry itself. Ecommerce is more of an umbrella term that refers to all areas of business affected by use
of the Internet and not merely selling and buying activities.
The initial effect of e-commerce was on front-end business processes, especially sales
and marketing in retail and consumer products segments (sometimes referred to as etailing). The B2C segment connects directly with retail consumers. E-commerce marketing efforts first spawned business Web sites, or electronic storefronts. These Web sites
provided information about businesses and could be interactive. Such Web sites
enabled sales of products and services by providing catalogs for products, information
about products and helpful advice, and also had mechanisms for electronic payments.
This phase of e-commerce was characterized by a wave of B2C Web sites, some of which
became very successful, though only a few (such as and eBay) survive
The B2C e-commerce area became crowded very quickly, and the problems with running
profitable Web sites were apparent by the late 1990s. B2B e-commerce was proclaimed
as the next big step in the evolution of e-commerce. Organizations understood that ecommerce is a pervasive concept and will affect the demand chain (demand forecasting,
delivery of products to customers and cash collections, customer profitability analysis,
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8 Deshmukh
best ways of delivery, etc.), supply chain (production planning, purchasing of raw
materials and services and consequent payments, inventory management, transportation and distribution, etc.), internal business processes, technology applications and
business models, among other things.
As B2B e-commerce took off, there was a proliferation of Web portals, exchanges, online
auctions and community e-marketplaces that provided a centralized place on the Internet
for buying and selling of products. The prime purpose of portals, exchanges or emarketplaces was to facilitate business activities. The products offered in the B2B
commerce catered to vertical industries (markets for raw materials to finished goods) or
horizontal industries (cross-industry buying and selling activities). And the selling
methods involved either negotiations between the seller and buyer or auctions. The
selling of products for one organization is buying for another; thus, purchasing,
production and logistics activities also got tied in. The illustrative models of e-commerce
are listed in Exhibit 5. This listing is not exhaustive, there is considerable overlap in the
models and the definitions are neither clear-cut nor universally accepted; however, these
models give an idea about the diversity of e-commerce practices.
The Internet also transformed internal business processes. For example, purchasing
departments can employ online auctions in real time to reduce costs, employees can use
e-procurement software to order supplies from their desktops, customers can configure
products online, engineers can collaborate on product development across the world,
travel and operating expenses can be managed online and goods in transit can be
monitored over the Internet.
Exhibit 5. Illustrative models of e-commerce
B2B Web Sites
B2B Exchanges
B2B Vertical Portals
B2B Brokering Sites
B2B Information
Selling of products or services to the ultimate consumer.
Selling of products or services within businesses. Following
are some models of B2B commerce.
These Web sites are similar to mini-trade exhibits. They
contain information about the company, allow customers to
conduct business by providing catalogs, order forms and
payment mechanisms; and provide self-service abilities to
the customers and suppliers by allowing access to internal
back-office systems.
Here, multiple suppliers list their products so a company can
shop for a desired product, request and participate in bids, or
simply explore various purchasing options.
These provide information about a particular industry,
product listings, discussion groups and other Web sites of
interest, among other things. These sites may provide
capabilities of B2B exchanges.
These sites serve as a broker between a buyer and a seller.
These include trade and industry associations, industry
standard organizations, and any other sites that offer
information pertinent to a particular industry.
Selling of products or services to federal, state or local
Selling of products or services within consumers.
Selling of products or services by consumers to businesses.
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A Framework for Digital Accounting 9
Exhibit 6. Accounting – A lagging science?
SAP Advertisement, Business Week, December 9, 2002
E-commerce in general and B2B commerce in particular continue to evolve. The general
mood that dot com companies will overwhelm established industrial behemoths had
dissipated. Talk about disruptive technologies, new organizational models, virtual
corporations and other exotic concepts have been replaced with more sober assessments
of the effects of the Internet. The majority of the corporations have strategies for
leveraging the Internet and e-commerce. These technologies will continue to transform
the business landscape; however, the extent and depth of these changes is open for
speculation. Initial estimates of B2B commerce in the U.S. were forecasted to be
approximately $1 to $3 trillion by 2003/2004. The final numbers did not match these
estimates. The general slowdown of business coupled with the stock market crash has
put a big question mark on the estimates, in this area.
As changes sweep through business, can accounting be left behind? The early days of
dot com companies are replete with horror stories. Businesses got overwhelmed because
back-office systems were unable to process the flood of orders pouring through the Web.
What an interesting way to get into trouble! Consequently, the accounting information
system (as a subsystem of the enterprise information system) was tinkered, reengineered,
Web enabled and customer oriented, giving rise to a host of new developments.
The effects of the Internet on accounting are described via different terms in the
literature; for example, financial electronic commerce, e-finance and e-accounting. There
has been one conference, the Financial Electronic Commerce Conference, and the
presentations in the conference did not explicitly define or describe the term. However,
the subject matter presented in the conference mainly dealt with accounting and finance.
The term e-finance industry does appear in the literature. This term refers to major
traditional finance industries such as banking, brokerage and insurance that have
become net centric. On the other hand, the e-finance term has also been used to delineate
changes in the accounting/finance functions due to the Internet. This terminological
confusion is very common in the e-commerce arena. The effects on accounting due to
the Internet, shorn of technical jargon, can be described, on the lines of the description
of the e-commerce term, as follows.
Electronic networks or the Internet is used as a communications medium for the
exchange of accounting and financial information
Accounting and finance functionality that supports capability to sell and deliver
products or services on the Internet
Uses the networks and digital information to redesign accounting and finance
processes and workflows
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Developments in computers and networks have now affected virtually every area in
accounting. Take revenue cycle, for example. Sales orders can arrive on the Web through
EDI, B2B or B2C storefronts, Customer Relationship Management software or automated
sales force. In cases of sales orders that need credit decisions in few minutes, Web-based
credit services offer automation of the entire credit approval process. Web-enabled
Warehouse Management Systems (WMSs) partially or completely automate picking and
packing of goods and products. Shipments can be tracked or monitored using the
Internet. The billing function can be handled as Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment
(EBPP) or e-billing and/or by FEDI. Online receivable services can automate the entire
receivables process. Payments can be made using credit cards, procurement cards,
electronic checks or digital cash in addition to traditional methods. New software tools
and accounting processes have emerged to implement and handle these changes.
Costs and Benefits of
Digital Accounting
The problems inherent in measuring benefits of Information Technology or e-commerce
also are present in the cost/benefit analysis of digital accounting. A general listing of
costs and benefits is easy; however, quantification with a reasonable degree of accuracy
is difficult. The costs are quite readily apparent and can be quantified to a certain extent.
However, the quantification of benefits remains elusive. How do you put dollar numbers
on a Web-based download of bank statement and automatic bank reconciliation by an
ERP system?
Let us take a conceptual look at costs and benefits.
Faster cycle times — these include credit approvals, payments and collections,
posting of transactions, closing of the books, generation of reports and more time
available for higher-level analysis
Broader geographic reach
Continuous service availability, 24/7 access, and more satisfied internal and
external customers
Reduced error rates – that means fewer transactions with errors as well as fewer
Reduced accounting staff and improved productivity
Better cash management – efficient payments and effective collections
Cost savings in mail, paper and storage of paper
Improved audit trails and security.
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A Framework for Digital Accounting 11
Investments required in computer hardware and software
Initial need for expensive consultants
Costs involved in systems, processes, processing of information and report
generation changes
Continual training or retraining needs and/or requirements for personnel with
specialized skills
User resistance
Careful attention needs to be paid to security, control and audit requirements for
financial transactions during the initial configuration. If the initial configuration of
the system is not correct or the integration with ERP software or legacy systems
is faulty, then there are recurring costs and fewer benefits from the implementation.
Exhibit 7. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: A case study of cost-effective
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Church) had thousands of vendors and
vendor payments were done as follows: 5% by procurement cards, 80% by check and 15%
by EFT. In 1997, the Church had decentralized payment structure, redundant payment
systems, DOS EDI translator and old check printing software. The Church wanted to
minimize the number of payments, lower cost per payment, eliminate process redundancy
and improve vendor satisfaction. The primary drivers for change were: a new PeopleSoft
Accounts Payable (AP) system, increasing number of vendors and existing banks moving to
mandatory electronic payments.
The Church analyzed hard costs (such as bank charges and office supplies) and soft costs
(such as processing minutes and filing) for checks ($2.06 per check), EDI payments ($0.84
per transaction) and EFT ($0.37 per transaction). A decision to shift vendors from paper
checks to EFT was done; the EDI option, though viable, was not pursued, since 90% of the
vendors were not EDI capable. The vendors were offered incentives to move to the EFT
system, and by 1999, the number of vendors receiving payments moved from 700 to 7,500.
The conversion rate was approximately 25% of the vendors. The projected payback period
in 1999 was 17 months, and IRR for the next 4 years was 39%.
The implementation of EFT achieved the objectives of lower costs payments and reduction
in manual processes. However, the Church was concerned with vendor satisfaction. To
address this issue they needed a mechanism that would provide vendors details of the
payment. The Church designed the Electronic Remittance Delivery System (ERADS) based
on the PeopleSoft system. This system uses connected e-mail and fax servers to issue
payments details. The Church reported that the system was running fine, with little manual
intervention. The Church continues to improve the payment process.
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Exhibit 8. Chapters and contents
Accounting Cycles
5. The Revenue Cycle
• Customer Relationship Management
• Online Credit Approvals
• Web Based Shipment Tracking
• Electronic Billing and Payment
• Online Management of Receivables
• Electronic Payment Methods
6. The Expenditure Cycle
• Supplier Relationship Management
• Electronic Invoicing and Settlement
• Procurement Cards
• Online Management of Expenses
• Online Payroll
7. The Conversion Cycle
• Supply Chain Management
• Supply Chain Costs
8. The General Ledger Cycle
• Virtual Close
• Financial Analytics
2. Accounting Software • Enterprise Portals
3. XML and XBRL
• Executive Dashboards
4. EDI
9. Financial and Strategic
• Financial Supply Chain
• Corporate Performance
10. Controls, Security,
and Audit
• Security Issues
• Conceptual Framework
• Standard Internal
• Anti-Intrusion
• Automated Tools
• Privacy and Assurance
The costs and benefits of digital accounting decisions are intimately linked with targeted
accounting processes, the information technology used and the knowledge needs for the
proposed solution; as such, each decision is unique. For example, factors such as current
document volume per period, percentage of digital documents, current cycle times and
error rates, current transactions costs, security and control issues, and nature of
accounting software or legacy systems all need to be considered in implementing new
technologies and solutions. There is no silver bullet or a standard template for such
Structure of the Book
The changes and new developments in digital accounting are comprehensively covered
in the coming chapters. This book focuses on capturing changes in the accounting
cycles, processes and functions due to computing and networking technologies. A
classification of these e-changes in the context of accounting cycles provides us with
a framework that can be used for present as well as future developments in accounting.
The primary focus is on accounting, and a secondary focus is on related finance
functions. The level of coverage in financial functions is primarily restricted to intrabusiness finance functions; topics such as Web-based stock investments and portfolio
management are excluded.
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A Framework for Digital Accounting 13
The next three chapters deal with the topics of Accounting Software, eXtensible
Business Reporting Language (XBRL) and EDI, which should serve as foundations for
the study of digital accounting. Then the accounting cycles — revenue, expenditure,
conversion and general ledger — and the resulting changes are investigated. The next
chapter explores the effects of digital accounting on financial and strategic management.
This chapter also covers new concepts such as financial supply chain and corporate
performance management. Finally, control, security and audit issues in the online world
are explored.
This chapter sets the tone for chronicling and analyzing developments in accounting due
to the Internet and ERP. The origins of storage and exchange of accounting information
in digital format go back to mainframes, EDI and EFT, all of which are decades old. EDI
and EFT both involve electronic exchange of data over networks. EDI is used by most
major corporations, who have invested heavily in this technology. EFT is used by banks
in moving funds, and EDI-enabled EFT is referred to as Financial EDI. Digital accounting
has gone beyond EDI and EFT, and now encompasses all accounting cycles.
A brief history of the Internet and WWW is provided to get a better understanding of
its effects. The business effects of the Internet/WWW are reflected in a terminological
explosion. To simplify matters, the term e-commerce is used and defined, and the
description is comprehensive enough to capture major inter- and intra-organizational
effects of the Internet. This definition of e-commerce is extended to accounting and
finance. Next, a conceptual discussion of costs and benefits of digital accounting is
provided. The quantification of benefits is a difficult issue and is still being researched.
Finally, the structure of the book is discussed.
Clarke, R. (1998). Electronic data interchange (EDI): An introduction. The Australian
National University. Retrieved May 10, 2003, from
Cohn, M., & Bellone, R. (1997, January). Looking back: History of accounting software.
Accounting Technology, 19-36.
Fogarty, K. (2002, June). E-future lies in the back office. Computerworld, 17, 36.
Glover, S., Liddle, S., & Prawitt, D. (2001). E-business: Principles and strategies for
accountants. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Greenstein, M., & Vasarhelyi, M. (2002). Electronic commerce: Security, risk, management, and control. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Hayes, M. (2002, June 17). E-business loses momentum. InformationWeek, 52-55.
Hill, N., & Ferguson, D. (1989, March). Electronic data interchange: A definition and
perspective. EDI Forum: The Journal of Electronic Interchange, 5-12.
History of the Internet. (2003). Net Valley. Retrieved May 8, 2003, from
Internet2. (2002). Internet2. Retrieved May 8, 2003, from
Kalakota, R., & Whinston, A.B. (1996). Frontiers of electronic commerce. Reading, MA:
Leiner, B., Cerf, V., Clark, D., Kahn, R., Kleinrock, L., Lynch, D., Postel, R., Roberts, L.,
& Wolff, S. (2002). A brief history of the Internet. Internet Society. Retrieved May
8, 2003, from
Levinsohn, A. (2001, April). The wild, wired world of e-finance. Strategic Finance, 2632.
Macola Software (2001). Macola’s electronic data interchange white paper (Progression Series 7.5). Exact America. Retrieved December 9, 2002, from http://
McKie, S. (1998). The accounting software handbook. Loveland: Duke Communications
Napier, A., Judd, P., Rivers, O., & Wagner, S. (2001). Creating a winning e-business.
Boston, MA: Course Technology: Thomson Learning.
Rayport, J., & Jaworski, B. (2001). E-commerce. New York: McGraw Hill.
Schneider, P., & Perry, J. (2001). Electronic commerce (2nd ed.). Boston: Course Technology: Thomson Learning.
Sears history. (2002). Sears and Gurunet. Retrieved January 23, 2003, from
Stultz, R. (2001). Demystifying EDI. Plano, TX: Wordware Publishing.
Turban, E., Lee, J., King, D., & Chung, H. (2000). Electronic commerce: A managerial
perspective. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Tynan, D. (2003). 1996-’99: The Internet Era. InfoWorld, 25(49), 50.
Williams, J. (2000). Developing the most cost effective FEC strategy: A case study by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In the Proceedings of the
Financial Electronic Commerce Conference, April 2-5, Chicago.
This chapter (and the rest of this book) uses the terms e-commerce and e-business
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The Evolution of Accounting Software 15
Chapter II
The Evolution of
Accounting Software
History of Accounting Software
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, mega corporations of the day began to handle data that
rivaled government requirements. This data could not be handled manually, let alone
cost-effectively. Accounting and financial information, due to its repetitive nature and
heavy volume, became a prime candidate for automation. Initial accounting programs
were written for mainframe computers, not surprisingly, since IBM and its Big Irons ruled
the computer world. Early mainframe computers were large, due to the ferrite core memory,
and cumbersome. The processing intelligence was centralized in the mainframe. Mainframes served a large number of users, and data was processed in a batch mode. Users
submitted data using dumb terminals and jobs were processed based on the length of the
queue and priority of the jobs. Mainframes provided a high level of security and
reliability. Minicomputers, pioneered by the Digital Equipment Corporation, had similar
capabilities but were smaller and less powerful. Currently, distinctions between mainframes and minis are very blurred, and for our purposes make very little practical
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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Exhibit 1. Hardware/software cycles
Time Period
Computer Type
Characteristics of Accounting Software
The Mainframe
The Minicomputer
• Centralized intelligence; dumb terminals; and batch
processing mode; no Graphical User Interface (GUI)
• Flat files or indexed file organization
• Hierarchical or network databases
• High transaction processing capacity
• Large number of users supported
• Shared intelligence across network
• File sharing architecture
• Indexed file organization
• Limited transaction processing capacity
• Limited users supported
• Mixture of mainframe, mini and PCs supported
• Shared intelligence across network
• Client-server architecture
• Relational database systems
• Databases can be centralized or decentralized
• High transaction processing capacity
• Large number of users supported
• Mixture of mainframe, mini and PCs supported
• Shared intelligence across network or centralized
• Client-server architecture and browser-server
• Relational databases, multidimensional databases,
object-oriented databases
• Databases can be centralized or decentralized
• Flexible transaction processing capacity
• Large number of users; support for world-wide users
The Microcomputer
Local Area Networks
The Client-Server
Local Area Networks
Wide Area Networks
The Client-Server
Local Area Networks
Wide Area Networks
The Browser-Server
The Internet and
Early accounting software on mainframe- or minicomputer-type systems was written in
programming languages such as COBOL, Assembler, FORTRAN and RPG. Data were
stored in flat files with fixed formats or indexed file organization structures of the
mainframe. Later on, if the database was used, it was a hierarchical or network type. These
accounting packages were usually developed by programmers within the company to
solve particular problems. These home-grown packages were sometimes adapted and
taken to market by the enterprising programmers. As the demands on these systems grew,
programs were modified and updated. Generally, there was no life-cycle plan for systems
modification, maintenance and update. The resulting systems were rigid, inflexible,
unscalable but critical.
Some of these systems still run in the business world and in governments, and are now
called legacy systems. This term does not have a standard definition, but refers to
computer systems based on old hardware and software technology — primarily mainframe-based and powered by second- and third-generation software languages. The term
old is a relative term, and with time every system has potential to become a legacy system.
The Internet had made some systems developed in the 1990s obsolete and even those
could be termed as legacy systems. Many businesses are heavily invested in legacy
systems and do not have financial wherewithal to reengineer these systems. Legacy
systems run mission critical applications, excel in heavy-duty transaction processing,
and any system disruptions can have disastrous consequences. On the other hand,
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The Evolution of Accounting Software 17
Exhibit 2. File/database management systems
Data Organization Method
• Flat files
• Indexed structure
Virtual Storage Access Method
Hierarchical databases
Network databases
Relational databases
Client-server databases
Multidimensional databases
Object-oriented databases
Object-relational databases
Data warehouse
Data marts
Brief Explanation
• Data is contained in only one table
• Data can be accessed sequentially or randomly by using an
index of records
• Data is accessed using inverted index (called B+tree); file
management system used on IBM mainframes; used for
legacy databases
• Hierarchically arranged data – tree structure
• Similar to hierarchical; however, unlike hierarchical
databases, child tables can have more than one parent, thus
supporting many-to-many relationships
• Data stored in collection of tables that follows
mathematical rules
• Database server runs 24/7 to handle requests coming
through the clients; mostly relational
• DBMS organized around group of records that share
common field value; rapidly provides values at each
intersection; useful for complex, user-driven, ad-hoc
• Supports modeling and creation of data as objects; useful
in multi-media environment
• Relational database systems with added object capabilities
• Collection of wide variety of data to support management
decisions; useful in presenting a picture of business at a
point in time
• Database(s) or subsets of a database that focus on
particular department or subject
continuance of legacy systems may result in operations and service-related failures;
maintenance of these systems is expensive, since mainframe programmers and mainframe
parts are more expensive than PC programmers and PC parts; and the applications are
more difficult to modify. Not all legacy systems need to be changed; however, in due time
changes in legacy systems are bound to accelerate.
Primarily, two approaches to address legacy systems exist. First, an organization
migrates to an entirely new software and/or hardware platform— generally by utilizing
a new software package. This can be a phased introduction or a big bang approach, where
all systems are changed in one shot. Spectacular successes and failures in both of these
techniques have been recorded. The second option is to modernize the existing legacy
system — restructure, reengineer, refurbish, rejuvenate or rearchitect the legacy system.
Different techniques used in these modernization methods are— rewrite the old code in
a new language, transport the existing business knowledge to current hardware platforms, extend the legacy system by adding Web front-end and query facilities, or some
combination of these techniques.
Lord Corporation provides an interesting story of migration vs. modernization of legacy
systems. Lord is a 75-year-old, approximately $400 million multinational corporation.
They offer high-tech mechanical and chemical products to aerospace, transportation and
chemical industries. Lord had a heavy investment in legacy systems. They used ASK
MANMAN in the DEC/VAX environment for the mechanical division and Infinium and
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Exhibit 3. Lord’s legacy system
Web Based Budgeting Tools
Consolidation of General Ledgers
Hyperion’s Enterprise System
Supplemental Programs
•Paperless Payables
•Supplier Data Interchange
•Automated Posting
Established Legacy Systems
Power Play
Crystal Reports
•Drill Down
•Data Analysis
Mechanical, Chemical, and
Other Divisions
Prism in the AS/400 environment for the chemical division. The transaction processing
capacity of these systems was deemed adequate; however, a major problem was
inflexibility of the system and consequent inability of the company to extract and analyze
Lord made an ambitious effort to modernize the legacy system. The legacy system was
enhanced in phases to increase capabilities. Some examples are:
Paperless payables: The mechanical products division wrote a program in FORTRAN that created payment vouchers from receiving a report and purchase order.
This program interacted with the ASK MANMAN system and saved Lord $100,000
in the introductory year.
Supplier data interchange: This add-on program enabled the suppliers of the
mechanical division to tap into databases and determine material requirements,
access data on quality problems and view payment information.
Automated posting of travel and procurement expenses: This add-on program
enabled periodic posting of travel and procurement expenses to the legacy system
EDI with customers: Data in the legacy system was restructured. This restructured
data was exported to EDI mailboxes and from there to customers.
Autofaxes: This program collected information from the legacy database and
automatically faxed shipments and other ancillary information to customers.
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The Evolution of Accounting Software 19
Disparate general ledgers in the legacy system for various departments were consolidated by using Hyperion’s Enterprise system. Reporting tools such as Cognos’ Power
Play and Crystal Reports were used for drill down and data slicing and dicing. Intranet
Workflow software was used to redesign accounts receivable, accounts payable and
purchase order approval workflows. The budget process was streamlined using Webbased tools developed in-house.
These improvements enabled Lord Corporation to considerably extend the life of its
legacy systems. Not only was the life extended, but data extraction and analysis
capabilities were also enhanced. However, problems with legacy systems were deep
rooted ,and every solution created new problems. Lord, after overcoming Y2K challenges
and an intense evaluation of its systems, decided to scrap the legacy system and replace
it with SAP R/3. As this experience shows, the migration vs. modification decision is
neither easy nor inexpensive.
In the 1980s, microcomputers arrived on the scene — computing for the proletariat.
Personal Computers (PCs) were a major paradigm shift; the high priests of information
technology lost their stranglehold on the technology, now anyone and everyone could
understand and utilize Information Technology. The individual PCs soon got connected,
giving rise to PC networks. The earlier networks were LANs. LANs served users in a
confined geographical area, such as a building, campus or corporate headquarters.
Earlier LANs were based on Novell Netware, IBM PC Network or Microsoft LAN manager,
and used the file sharing architecture. Generally, one powerful computer served as a file
server, and other networked computers interacted with this server. The file server would
download files from the shared location to the user’s desktop, and the user would process
data and upload it to the server.
Accounting data were generally stored using an indexed sequential access file structure
or Pervasive Software’s Btrieve engine. Btrieve is a transactional database engine. This
engine can handle heavy transaction loads, speedily access data and update data. Data
are maintained in tables; however, Btrieve does not maintain information about the
tables, validate input data or format information. These functions are generally performed
by the application, and to that extent Btrieve differs from relational databases. Btrieve
is still an engine of choice for low-level accounting software, though the trend is
unmistakably toward relational databases. In fact, Btrieve has introduced Pervasive
Structured Query Language (SQL), a relational database engine. The initial PC filesharing architecture could not support a large number of users, transfer data quickly and
handle heavy transaction processing.
The majority of initial accounting systems in the PC environment were single-user
systems, but some of the programs could use file-sharing server architecture and served
the multi-user environment. Many of these systems shipped on floppies and could be
run from a floppy disk drive. Simply Accounting in 1985 could be run — the entire
program, including the data — from one floppy disk. The hard disk space was expensive
— at one time, $1,000 a megabyte — and few businesses could afford it. Programming
languages such as Basic, Pascal and dBase II, to mention a few, were used. Operating
systems such as Disk Operating System (DOS), Apple and Control Program for Microprocessors (CP/M) were used by earlier PCs. As DOS became the de facto operating
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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system in the microcomputer arena, the majority of the programs were either written for
DOS or ported over to DOS.
DOS was soon replaced by the Windows architecture that enabled GUI; and the ensuing
Windows versions provided advanced networking capabilities. The GUI for accounting
applications had become a reality.
Quite a few accountants misunderstood GUI and the Windows environment. The GUI is
not merely use of colors or graphs on-screen. In the absence of Windows, earlier
accounting programs built their own versions of interfaces; thus, input/output screens
were not standardized, valuable programming resources were spent and the user learning
curve was steep.
Windows allowed accounting software programmers to build cheap, consistent and
standardized interfaces. Programmers could now focus on improving functionality of the
product, and users did not have as steep of a learning curve. Accounting systems and
documents are hierarchical in nature; for example, a chart of accounts or financial
statements. The GUI enabled efficient navigation of the accounting environment. The
What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) features allowed for exact duplication of
paper documents, making entries easier. And perhaps most importantly, internal controls
could be built right onto the screen, minimizing input errors. The Windows environment
facilitated sophisticated data extraction, analysis and presentation functions, which
traditionally had been an Achilles’ heel for legacy systems. The dynamic links and object
embedding and linking in Windows also enabled interoperability of different software
products. These features and its new avatars are now so standardized that it is hard for
a new generation to think about text- and cursor-based entries.
Concurrent with the rise of Microsoft’s Windows operating system, the client-server
environment also shot to prominence. The file-sharing architecture of the original PC era
was quickly replaced by the client-server environment. The client-server architecture is
not based on a vendor-specific platform. A server is defined as a provider of services,
and a client is a requester of services. In this environment, one or more computers —
mainframe, mini or PC — function as a server, which contains centralized files. A client
can be any computer that requests services of the server, generally through the network.
The clients can be thick, meaning they are powerful and offer local processing, or thin,
meaning they merely operate as data display devices.
The file server is now replaced by the Relational Database Management System
(RDBMS) server. Instead of sharing the entire file, only the query and response to the
query is shared. Queries are generally posed using some form of SQL. In this environment, applications can run on both the server and the client. This scalable and flexible
architecture handled large numbers of users and transferred heavy loads of data
speedily. Additionally, in the client-server environment, exchange of information is
generally handled via GUI.
Technically, the client-server environment is characterized by three layers: presentation,
application and database. The presentation layer is at the client level, and its main
function is to download, upload and display data. If the client has sufficient processing
power, then data processing can also be done locally. Application and database layers
are maintained at the server level. The application layer handles business rules and logic
for processing data and performs other ancillary functions such as data validation, error
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The Evolution of Accounting Software 21
Exhibit 4. Client-server architecture1
Presentation layer
Application layer
Database layer
•Data download, upload, display, and processing
• Data processing logic
• Business rules
• Data validation, error correction, user help, and
exchange of messages
•Managing data
•Storing database tables
•Security, integrity, and administration
corrections, data retrieval and user help, among other things. In the context of an
accounting system, financial transactions will be processed at this level. The database
layer essentially performs standard database functions, such as data storage, security,
backups and administration.
In the two-tier client-server architecture, application logic is run on the client and/or
server computer. The accounting application can now run on the client side (if the client
is powerful enough – thick client) or on the server side (if the client is not powerful
enough – thin client) depending on the program. In the three-tier client-server architecture, the application layer is run on the application server and the database layer is run
on the database server. The application server handles business rules and processing
logic and eases demands on the presentation clients and database servers. The application server simplifies the system by queuing messages, scheduling transactions and
assigning priorities to different transactions. In this situation, accounting software will
run on application servers and, if the need arises, processing logic can be run on the client
or database server. The transaction database will be stored on the database server. Users
can be managed more effectively, since user queries first hit the application server and
thereafter are passed on to the database.
If the database is licensed only for 50 users, then the application server will only submit
queries in batches of 50. This architecture is speedier, scalable and secure compared to
the two-tier architecture, but requires more hardware and increases the complexity of the
system. In the N-tier architecture, the application layer consists of more than one server
and allows different processes to run on different application servers in that layer. For
example, one server can handle AR, a second one can handle AP and a third one can
handle financial reports. This architecture is more powerful than two- and three-tier, but
is also more complex and expensive.
The client-server environment forced accounting software developers to either develop
accounting programs from scratch or rewrite existing applications. The client-server
architecture enabled use of GUI as a front end for data extraction, analysis and
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Exhibit 5. Different configurations in the client-server architecture
Three -Tier
Presentation layer
Presentation layer
Application layer
Application layer
Presentation layer
Application layer
Application sub layers 1,2,3….n
Database layer
Database layer
Database layer
presentation. The back end usually consisted of RDBMS, which ran on a powerful
computer. Accounting transactions could now be processed in a distributive processing
environment. The separation of database from application enabled accounting software
developers to focus on accounting programs, thereby avoiding maintenance of proprietary databases. Accounting programs could quickly adapt to changes in databases and
new developments in databases, such as multi-media and object-oriented databases,
without extensive rewriting of programs.
Not all accounting systems use power of relational databases. Accounting software can
use a proprietary front end to: connect to a relational database instead of re-writing the
accounting application, enforce referential integrity in the application and not in the
database, and ignore the replication and distributed processing functionalities of the
database. A few accounting systems are written from scratch to use the power of
databases such as Microsoft’s SQL server and the client-server architecture — for
example, MAS 500 by Best Software (now Sage Software). In any case, the majority of
these accounting applications can now run on LANs or WANs (which serve a wide
geographic area such as state or a county) and can serve hundreds of users. Generalized
accounting software or packaged accounting software really took off with the advent of
the PC and client-server environment. The majority of today’s accounting software
companies such as Intuit, Peachtree, Great Plains, Exact Macola and Best Software were
born during the early 1980s.
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The Evolution of Accounting Software 23
Exhibit 6. Browser-server and client-server architecture
Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
Application Database
Client 1
Client 2
Web server
Client n
Application Database
The next paradigm shift occurred with the rise of the Internet and WWW. The functionality of accounting software expanded to accommodate e-commerce capabilities. This
gave rise to browser-server architecture (for details of the origin of this term see, which is essentially an extension of the clientserver environment. The server can be accessed over the Internet by a graphical browser
and data can be downloaded and uploaded. The server that can be accessed over the
Internet is called a Web server. This Web server sits between the application and
database layer and the clients. The Web server handles incoming and outgoing messages
using various Internet protocols, and application and database servers perform standard
functions. In other words, the Web server provides Web-related services.
Generally, Web servers can provide various Internet-related services such as FTP, e-mail
and telnet in addition to Web-related services. These services are provided via numbered
ports. A port is essentially a pathway into and out of the computer or network devices.
For example, a PC has ports for the keyboard, mouse, modem and printer. Different ports
or different pathways on the server provide different services. Some of the well-known
ports are port 21 for FTP, port 25 for e-mail and port 80 for Web-related services. As a
security precaution, servers will allow outside connections only to the designated ports.
If there are no restrictions, then the client can connect to any port on the server using
the Internet. Once a connection to the port is established, Internet protocols will be used
to access various services.
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Exhibit 7. Internet-related services and port numbers
Port 07
Port 13
Port 21
Port 25
SMTP (E-mail)
Port 80
The browser-server architecture enabled a variety of e-commerce features. Web stores
can be established on the Internet, and customers have 24/7 access to these stores. The
customers and suppliers can, with appropriate authority, log on to the company network
and use self-service features. Thus, the demand and supply chains remain perpetually
connected and can communicate in real time. Employees can access company databases
for information, tap into bulletin boards, and enter travel and other expenses when on
the road; the list is endless.
SAP R/3 has been designed for the client-server environment and can be used to illustrate
both client-server and browser-server environments. SAP R/3 is an ERP system. The term
ERP was coined by Gartner Group in the early 1990s. ERP systems offer enterprise-wide
applications by connecting differing functional systems such as accounting, finance,
production, human resources, and sales and distribution. ERP systems in essence
integrate all departments and functions across the organization, using a suite of
commercial software packages. ERP systems, to reiterate, use RDBMS or a data warehouse to store immense amounts data, are based on client-server and its successor
architectures, and allow user interaction through GUI. SAP R/3, and Oracle are leading
vendors of ERP packages.
A very simplistic representation of the SAP R/3 system is shown in Exhibit 8. This is a
conceptual representation of the system and is independent of the version. The
databases supported at the database server level include IBM DB2, Oracle, Informix and
Microsoft SQL server. SAP stores master data, transaction data and metadata that
describe the database structure at the database server. The Advanced Business
Application Programming (ABAP) language can be used to define and manipulate such
stored data. Application servers can run on various operating systems such as Uniplexed
Information and Computing System (UNIX), its variations, Virtual Memory System
(VMS) and Windows New Technology (NT), and its successors. Business logic runs on
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The Evolution of Accounting Software 25
Exhibit 8. SAP R/3 implementation of client-server architecture
• Common look and feel
across different platforms
Browser access
SAPGUI clients
•Internet connections
•Transaction management
Web enabling
SAP Internet transaction servers
Application servers
Data warehouse
•User dialogs
•Database update
•Background jobs
•Message coordination
•Gateway services
•Master data
•Transaction data
application servers, and these servers also perform basic services: the user dialogs
service processes user inputs using business logic; database updates service updates
the database after the transaction is complete; enqueue service controls business
objects by generating, holding and releasing locks; background jobs service completes
transaction processing; message coordination service controls to and fro movement of
data; gateways service controls communication between SAP R/3 and the external
systems; and spooling service controls printing. Since database, application and
presentation layers can and generally run on different systems, the application layer
supports various networks and network protocols.
The SAP Internet Transaction Server (ITS) is a Web server. The primary function of SAP
ITS is to establish communication between the Internet and the SAP R/3 system, a
difficult task given the technical differences. This server converts the SAPGUI interface
into HTML, enabling Internet and intranet (a private network that generally can only be
accessed by authorized persons, such as the employees of a company) users to access
and use the SAP R/3 system. SAP ITS is a cornerstone for service that
provides a multitude of Web functionalities. The presentation layer contains SAP GUI,
which is an interface operated by users to access data, launch applications and display
data. This GUI provides a consistent look and feel across different platforms. The SAP
R/3 system is very complex; however, the preceding brief description provides us with
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a cutting-edge example of a client-server/browser-server implementation of accounting
ASPs (Application Service Providers) use browser-server architecture to develop a
whole new way of delivering accounting software. ASPs deploy, host and manage a
software application from a centralized facility, allow access to this software over the
Internet and charge fees for access. This is a general definition; however, in the dynamic
world of computing one encounters a wide band of services under the rubric of ASPs.
These services can range from purely HTML- (or a variant) based, which allow the user
to enter data and display reports by using merely a browser and the Internet connection,
to application(s) hosted and managed by the ASP in its entirety, which make the clientside computer function as a dumb terminal, but the user can see all screens as if the
applications are installed locally.
A problem for many small- and medium-sized businesses is the management of accounting software, which consumes vital resources. The installation, configuration, upgrade,
maintenance, security and backup requirements can be onerous for small businesses.
The needed expertise is scarce and/or expensive. The lower-level accounting software
may come with a weak database engine, or some required features may have to be
sacrificed. ASPs offer Web-based accounting software as a cost-effective solution for
small- and medium-sized businesses. Oracle was the first company to introduce Webbased accounting software, named Netledger, in 1998. Netledger started slowly and
lacked many necessary capabilities; for example, the early version only had standard
accounting modules and a payroll module. Netledger has considerably changed and
added more capabilities in its later versions. Oracle offered various products such as
Oracle Small Business Suite, NetLedger, NetCRM, NetSuite and NetLedger Advanced
Accounting. The database engine used was the Oracle database, a powerful database
for small- or medium-sized businesses. Oracle took responsibility for upgrade, maintenance, backup and security (including the Internet security) of the software. However,
in 2004, NetSuite separated from Oracle and has become an independent company.
Small-business accounting software vendors are not standing still, either. QuickBooks
has introduced an online version to compete with NetLedger, Microsoft has its own
online Finance Manager, and Peachtree has introduced ePeachtree, a pure online
product. Peachtree has another version for online accounting — it has added a Web
module called Peachtree Web Accounting to its flagship product, Peachtree Complete
Accounting. Data and the main program reside on the user’s computer; however, the Web
module can be used to push data to the Web. The Web-based data can be accessed by
online users, with proper authorization and authentication, for processing and running
reports. At predefined synchronization intervals, the Web data and the desk data are
synchronized, creating a unified version of data. ACCPAC (published by Best Software)
offers ACCPAC online service as a Web-based accounting package for mid-sized
businesses. SAP offers a limited number of modules in an online mode at
The functionality of online products continues to increase and presents a viable
alternative to in-house accounting software.
The current generation of accounting software is enabled for standalone computers,
many variants of a client-server environment, browser-server architecture or Internet
delivery. Accounting software is written for a variety of operating systems and networks,
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The Evolution of Accounting Software 27
uses a variety of programming languages and supports a range of databases. The
dominant operating system is Windows NT and its successive generations; other
supported operating systems are Linux (opens source version of UNIX), variations of
UNIX and Novell Netware. Few accounting systems are also available on the Macintosh
and IBM Operating System 2 (OS/2) platform. The databases at the core of accounting
systems primarily consist of Btrieve, Pervasive SQL, Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Access,
Informix, IBM DB2 and Oracle — most of these are relational databases. Programming
languages such as Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, C, C++, JAVA and other object-oriented
or Web-based languages are used in writing accounting software.
What Constitutes Accounting Software?
The term accounting software denotes software that handles accounting and perhaps
finance functions. The traditional view of classifying accounting software is by the size
of businesses served by the accounting software. Initial offerings of accounting
software packages were and (often times) now are aimed at a certain-size business. The
size of the business is mostly measured by revenue and considerations such as number
of employees or volume of transactions. The market starts at the lowest level of home/
small office and extends to billion-dollar multinational and multi-product companies. The
functionalities, databases, operating systems and capabilities of accounting software
vary at each level.
The broad segments within the market are as follows: home/small, small, medium, large
and multinational corporations – an accounting software market space. The approximate
revenue range is less than $1 million, $1 to $25 million, $25 to $250 million, $250 to $350
million and greater than $500 million for each segment, respectively. These distinctions
are, of course, arbitrary; however, useful for our purposes. There have been hundreds
of accounting software companies. Some major players in each segment are shown in
Exhibit 9. Most of these companies have existed for more than a decade, have a
substantial installed base and have provided proven solutions.
Accounting software aimed at each segment has different characteristics. At the lowest
level, accounting software offers standard accounting modules such as order entry,
payroll, general ledger and financials; it generally runs on a standalone system or
supports few users; and a database is embedded in the software. The cost is low and the
software can be bought off the shelf. Accounting software that serves the mid-size
market can provide a full financial suite and advanced industry-specific modules, and
offer e-commerce solutions. This software can support multiple users, operate on
multiple operating systems and come with an embedded database or work with any
existing relational database products. The software is expensive and is generally sold by
Value Added Resellers (VARs). VARs specialize in a particular software package and
serve as consultants during installation and operation of the system. The ERP packages
at the high end are extremely expensive — a software cost of millions of dollars being
merely a drop in the bucket compared to extensive consulting, training, reengineering of
workflows and restructuring of organizations costs — and require armies of consultants
and multiple years to install and make operational.
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Exhibit 9. Major accounting software vendors
Small-Medium Business
Small Business
Home/Small office
SAP R/3,
Oracle, and
Lawson Software
Great Plains, Exact
Macola, Sage Software,
Traverse Open Systems
DacEasy, MYOB,
Peachtree, and
Within broad categories of low-, mid- and high-end accounting; there can be other
distinctions. The Web site provided the following classification: Vertical Accounting, where accounting solutions are geared
toward a particular industry; Add-On products, which perform certain specialized
functions and can work with existing accounting packages or in a standalone mode, and
Horizontal Accounting, which provides accounting solutions for a wide range of
industries. This accounting software discussion so far has been in the context of
Horizontal Accounting solutions, which is a dominant pattern in the accounting
software industry.
Many accounting software packages are aimed at certain industries or types of businesses. The following discussion of these software packages does not strictly follow the
definition of Vertical Accounting, though it uses the general concept. For example,
programs such as Exact Macola offer a historical focus on manufacturing; CAP Automation and Cougar Mountain software are geared to point-of-sale retail environments; and
there are programs specifically written for service industries. Due to special information
needs, industry segments such as insurance, construction, property management, and
law and accounting practices require specialized accounting packages. Then there are
numerous packages aimed at the non-profit sector, which obviously has different
reporting and analysis requirements. Packages — Add-On products — generally focus
on a special accounting function. For example, there are packages that specialize in fixed
assets management, payroll, time and billing, and tax preparation. As accounting
software gets increasingly integrated, a trend fueled by SAP, the majority of add-on
product vendors either get acquired or develop alliances.
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The Evolution of Accounting Software 29
The accounting software market is also segmented by countries. Languages, financial
reporting rules, auditing requirements, tax code, and business laws and regulations are
different in each country. Many high-end accounting software vendors have built multilanguage, multi-tax code and multi-currency support in their software so multinational
companies can coordinate their operations in various countries and regions. There also
are specialized companies that serve specific national markets. For example, several
accounting software packages cater to the new European Union and deal with the Euro
The traditional market-size view gives us a good understanding of the markets and market
strategies of accounting software vendors. These markets are dynamic in nature, and as
companies become successful in one segment, they try to branch upstream, downstream
or both. The product functionalities and product offerings of accounting software are
also continually changing. The installed base remains a good indicator of the long-term
survival of accounting software vendors and, as such, software vendors continuously
struggle to seize market share. Accounting software companies also offer products to
different segments to ensure that as customers grow (or occasionally shrink) they can
seamlessly move from one software product to another within the same family.
As business demands on accounting software grow, new functionalities are continuously added in accounting software. The mantra of this new age is comprehensive
functionality. No matter what functional area the software catered to, vendors cannot
survive unless they offer a reasonably integrated package to their core constituency of
customers. Hundreds of business software vendors now offer accounting and finance
Exhibit 10. Competition in various segments
Small-Medium Business
Small Business
Business One
Edition 1
• Great Plains
• eEnterprise
• Dynamics
• Navision
• Solomon
• Small
Intuit, Inc.
Home/Small office
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functionalities. The major players in every market and industry segment now offer
integrated solutions, and the role of stand-alone product vendors is slowly but surely
diminishing. The terminology and alphabet soup of new capabilities become more
fantastic, and one wonders what do vendors mean by the term accounting software? The
answer is that traditional accounting software no longer exists.
High-end ERP vendors such as SAP R/3 never claimed to be accounting software
vendors, though SAP has one of the best accounting and finance modules. This trend
has filtered down to mid-size vendors. The majority of mid-sized accounting vendors
claimed that their systems were in fact ERP systems. In the late 1990s, markets zoomed
beyond ERP and into e-commerce and the resulting inter- and intra-business integration.
Accounting software vendors, keeping up with the times, added new e-functionalities.
ERP claims were modified to describe this new face of accounting software. Following
are some descriptions of accounting software picked up from the Web sites of the
traditional mid-sized accounting software vendors:
Microsoft Great Plains ( Microsoft
Business Solutions–Great Plains offers integrated capabilities for financial management, distribution, manufacturing, project accounting, human resource management, field service management and business analytics.
Sage Software ( MAS 500 boasts integrated solutions
that automate all areas of business management, including CRM, accounting and
financials, project accounting, distribution, manufacturing, human resources and
Macola ( Macola ES is the only ERP solution
designed for the mid market with native Business Process Management (BPM)
capabilities, including powerful exception management tools.
The accounting function, as a trend of our times, is getting submerged in the greater
business information system. Today’s accounting software contains accounting modules and a plethora of business modules, even at the low end of the accounting software
spectrum. Accounting modules depict traditional journals and ledger; however, accounting data now resides in relational databases. The database or data warehouse may consist
not only of financial information but also non-financial information.
A standard structure for accounting software is shown in the Exhibit 11. Accounting
modules are at the core of the business information system, since accounting is still the
language of business. The accounting modules are supplemented and/or complemented
by various functional modules, such as production planning and control, inventory order
processing, project management and warehouse management. The inter-organizational
transactions are managed using specialized modules such as supply chain management,
supplier relationship management and customer relationship management. The primary
database of an organization now consists of financial and non-financial information,
often times a data warehouse with which all functional modules interact. The e-commerce
modules can be physically separated or integrated with the software; however, they
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The Evolution of Accounting Software 31
Exhibit 11. Structure of accounting/business software
Business function modules
•Treasury functions
•Production planning and control
•Warehouse management
•Project management
•Human resources management
•Supply chain management
•Supplier relationship
•Customer relationship
Accounting modules
•Sales order entry
•Accounts receivable
•Accounts payable
•Job costing
•Fixed assets
•General ledger
•Enterprise reporting
Customization tools
• Modifying
functionalities software and database
• Data import and export
• Customizing screens,
views, and reports
RDBMS or data warehouse
E-commerce modules
Web support for:
oEnterprise reporting
oOnline expense management
oWeb enabled closing
•Treasury functions
Web support for:
•Electronic data interchange
•Customer relationship management
•Supplier relationship management
•Supply chain management
•Electronic marketplaces and exchanges
enable various inter- and intra-organizational Web-based processes. A general structure
of accounting/business software is outlined below.
Accounting modules: The core accounting modules perform standard accounting
jobs; for example, order entry and billing, accounts receivable, accounts payable,
inventory, payroll, fixed assets, job costing and general ledger. In addition to these
core modules can exist other accounting-related modules, such as bank reconciliation, foreign currency managers, time and billing, and travel expense management,
among other things. These modules are sometimes standard and sometimes sold
separately. Software almost always includes a separate module called system
manager (or a similar term) that provides common services to all accounting
modules — for example, searching data across all applications. Accounting
modules are often supplemented with treasury modules that manage cash, working
capital, derivatives, investments in bond and stock markets, and foreign exchange
and interest rate risk exposure.
Business function modules: These modules run the entire gamut, from functional
areas to supply-and-demand chain management. The functional modules can be
manufacturing related, such as material requirements planning, capacity requirements planning, production scheduling or warehouse management. Demand chain
management may include modules like sales forecasting, customer relationship
management or sales force automation; and supply chain management modules can
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consist of supplier relationship management and inventory forecasting and management modules. The business function modules may also contain industry
specific modules — for example, modules for non-profit companies.
E-commerce modules: E-commerce modules vary, from support for traditional EDI
to Web-based executive dashboards/enterprise portals, which provide vital business information to executives/employees in a user-friendly format. Almost every
accounting cycle has seen emergence of different types of e-functionalities.
Third-party add-on products: Add-on products can vary from vendor to vendor.
Some accounting software products offer a comprehensive set of accounting
modules and do not need add-on products. Few accounting vendors offer core
modules and have an open architecture for the software, and generally third-party
developers can easily develop add-on products purchased separately. Additionally, standard modules on specific software can be add-on product for other
accounting software, due to each product’s market focus. The common add-on
products are fixed assets modules; reporting modules such as F9, Crystal Reports
or FRx; and e-commerce-related modules.
Customization tools: Customization tools add or improve functionality of the
software; import and export data; and customize forms, screen views and reports.
In earlier days, many software companies shared the program code with customers.
The trend now is to provide 4th Generation Programming Languages (4GL) tools,
such as Visual Basic or Visual Basic for Applications-based tools, which allow
extension of accounting software sometimes without tampering with the program
The evolution of accounting software marches on. Accounting software is now part of
integrated business software, business information system and business solutions, and
no doubt there are even more exotic terms on the horizon. Accounting software analyzes
financial and non-financial information, interacts with powerful reporting tools, is
enhanced by Web-based processes, and of course fulfills the basic requirements of
financial reporting in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
(GAAP). The requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 make it even more imperative
for accountants and auditors to have a deeper understanding of the continuously
evolving and changing accounting systems.
Looking Ahead
Directions for the evolution of accounting software and the accounting software
industry remain unpredictable, which of course is true for all predictions. In any case, here
they are! The high-end accounting/business software market is becoming, and the trend
will continue, supportive of what can be called multi-enterprise collaboration, which was
described as collaborative commerce (c-commerce) in the late 1990s. The ERP infrastructure is now a foundation for the applications that connect suppliers, customers,
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The Evolution of Accounting Software 33
employees and other stakeholders in a giant web of information. Gartner Group has
already coined a term ERP II and AMR Research Group has offered Enterprise Commerce
Applications (ECM) as an alternative for these types of applications. The terminology
continues to be confusing, and each software vendor and consultant defines identical
or similar things with different labels.
Basically, ERP II and ECM functionalities include e-commerce and Internet applications.
These applications also cover what is called xRM categories; for example, Customer
Relationship Management (CRM), Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), Supply
Chain Management (SCM), Partner Relationship Management (PRM) and Employee
Relationship Management (ERM). There is an endless debate about what these terms
mean, and different definitions and interpretations are offered by vendors, consultants
and academicians. The explanations provided here use commonly accepted definitions
and provide general understanding of the terms.
CRM integrates customer-centric efforts such as marketing campaigns, call centers, help
desks, sales force automation and customer analytics (such as most profitable customers). SRM and SCM handle managing sourcing of raw materials, production, inventory
and logistics; additionally, these also improve collaboration with suppliers, manage risk
and analyze supplier profitability. PRM deals with efficient management of relationships
between sellers and indirect channels, such as dealers, agents, VARs, wholesalers and
distributors. ERM focuses on employee education, performance analysis, incentive
effects, workforce analytics and additional tasks, such as recruitment, time and expense
reporting, and employee self-service. A new field called Demand Chain Management
(DCM) that encompasses customer demand and consequent activities, and intersects
with CRM, SRM and SCM, is also sometimes offered as a separate module.
Analytical abilities of accounting/business software are also being enhanced. Earlier
business intelligence applications generally collected and analyzed data from customer
and supplier databases, manufacturing and marketing activities, personnel data and
financial data to generate reports in the desired format for the end user. Some of these
tools were not user-friendly nor fully exploited. Now, enterprise portals and executive
dashboards that are Web- and GUI-based, provide various user-friendly tools and can
be accessed remotely are being developed and deployed. These portals and dashboards
can be utilized to view information in a numerical or visual format, drill down to obtain
further information, and analyze information and data using embedded analytical tools.
These preceding management issues are not new— these are as old as business itself.
A number of independent software vendors have products in these areas that are
decade(s) old. The novelty is that these products are getting integrated and, on the base
provided by ERPs, can now offer powerful capabilities. The extent of integration of these
tools and consequent effectiveness is a matter of debate, and different software vendors
have strengths in different areas. Different businesses have deployed these technologies with varied results. What seems certain is that seamless integration of these
functionalities remains the Holy Grail for software vendors.
These high-end developments will continue to filter down the hierarchy, faster and
quicker than ever before. Accounting software vendors are merging and consolidating
to acquire new markets and new capabilities. The accounting software industry still
remains in a fragmented state— many accounting software vendors are competing for
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
the same mid-sized market. As such, powerful industry players such as SAP, Oracle and
Microsoft are moving upstream and downstream in the accounting software market. The
million-dollar question, of course, is what is the comparative effectiveness and efficiency
of these tools offered by various companies? The answer is illusive and remains open
for further research and experimentation.
At the lower end of the accounting software, movement toward relational databases and
client-server architecture is expected. The use of relational database capabilities by
accounting software varies widely; however, more accounting programs have begun to
exploit power of relational databases. The use of Web-based accounting software is a
continuing experiment. Web-based offerings are developing a clientele; the extent of
penetration in the market is not clear. Web-based systems, though, are going to be part
of the accounting software landscape, and in due course, most of the accounting
software vendors will offer some type of Web-based access, entry and reporting
These speculations for the future are based on experts’ thinking and trends observed in
the past. Accounting software is not required to follow any of these directions. Though
unlikely, niche software players or garage developers could change the face of the
industry. Coming developments, whatever they may be, will certainly test our ability to
learn, understand and employ new technologies.
Accounting was the first functional area to get automated and feel the effects of
Information Technology. Accounting software has become more sophisticated over the
last several decades, and now it forms the core of business information systems.
Accounting software based on older mainframe technologies is often referred to as
legacy systems. Accounting software changed with the advent of PCs and client-server
and browser-server environments. Today’s accounting software is GUI-based, userfriendly and accessible from remote places. RDBMS is at the core of these accounting
systems, which provides flexible and scalable accounting systems that can serve
hundreds or thousands of users. Most of these software suites now look similar and
provide comprehensive functionalities; however, these suites have different strengths
and weaknesses.
Accounting software no longer exists at mid-size and higher-ends. Instead, we have
accounting/business software, integrated business information systems, or ERP systems with accounting and finance modules. Accounting modules interact with other
functional modules and also with entities outside the organization. In the future, the
functionality of high-end software will include increasingly powerful capabilities for
intra- and inter-organizational collaboration. The trend is toward integration of different
functions in one software package. The present high-end functionality should filter
down to mid-sized accounting software, a process that has already begun. Lower-end
accounting software will use the full power of RDBMS and be written or re-written to take
advantage of the client-server environment. E-commerce developments have added new
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The Evolution of Accounting Software 35
capabilities to existing software. Accounting workflows and processes in every accounting cycle have changed due to these features.
Alderson, A., & Shah, H. (1999). Understanding legacy systems through viewpoints and
events. The University of York, UK. Retrieved June 8, 2003, from
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Bourne, T. (1997, October). Helping to tackle the legacy systems problem. Management
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Carlton, C. (1999a). How to select the right accounting software. Journal of Accountancy,
August, 67-75.
Carlton, C. (1999b, September). How to select the right accounting software. Journal of
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Carlton, C. (1999c, October). How to select the right accounting software. Journal of
Accountancy, 61-68.
Carlton, C. (2002a). Customizing accounting software. Retrieved June 15, 2003, from
Carlton, C. (2002b). Guide to accounting software modules. Retrieved June 15, 2003, from
Carlton, C. (2002c). History of Web-based accounting software. Retrieved June 15, 2003,
Carlton, C. (2002d). History of Web-based accounting. Retrieved June 15, 2003, from
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute. (2003). Client-server software architectures – An overview. Software Technology Review. Retrieved June 16, 2003, from
Cohn, M. (1994, December). Accounting technology: The first decade. Accounting
Technology, 12-23.
Cohn, M., & Bellone, R. (1997, January). Looking back: History of accounting software.
Accounting Technology, 19-36.
Courteny, H.M., Prachyl, C.L., & Glandon, T. (1998, March). Guide to accounting
software. Journal of Accountancy, 44-46.
Darrow, B. (2003). Once more into the fray: Microsoft to take on Intuit. CRN, 8(1074), 6.
Deshmukh, A., & Romine, J. (2002, November). Accounting software and e-business.
CPA Journal, 52-54.
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Enterprise information portals and executive dashboards. (2002). Information Builders.
Retrieved June 17, 2003, from
Ericson, J. (2001). Measuring supplier performance. Line 56. Retrieved December 8, 2002,
Ericson, J. (2002a). Is ERM a contender. Line 56. Retrieved December 8, 2002, from
Ericson, J. (2002b). The partner channel. Line 56. Retrieved December 8, 2002, from
ERP II: The next source of competitive edge or just another acronym. (2003). Centerline
ERP. Retrieved May 8, 2004, from
Gilmore, D., & Tompkins, J. (2003). WMS footprint expands into supply chain. IDY
Systems. Retrieved May 8, 2004, from
Glick, B. (2000). JD Edwards bets the farm on ERP II. VNU Network. Retrieved December
8, 2003, from
Gumaer, R. (1999, September). Beyond ERP and MRP II. IIE Solutions, 32-36.
Harrington, A. (2001). Gartner touts ERP II vision. VNU Network. Retrieved December
8, 2003, from
Hedtke, J. (1998, May). Classy small biz accounting software. Accounting Technology,
Hedtke, J. (2001, May). The best of the disk and the Web. Accounting Technology, 4043.
Hibbard, J. (2002). A field day. Red Herring. Retrieved December 8, 2003, from
Jones, R.A. (2002, May). Spotlight on midlevel ERP software. Journal of Accountancy,
Koch, C. (2002). The ABCs of ERP. CIO. Retrieved December 8, 2003, from
Lobaugh, J., & Deshmukh, A. (2000, September). Supplementing legacy financial systems by integrating high-end technology. Strategic Finance, 52-60.
McCausland, R. (1999, September). SQL database shoot-out. Accounting Technology,
McCausland, R. (2002, August). Distribution software: ROI is king. Accounting Technology, 50-54.
McCausland, R. (2004). ERP for the masses? Accounting Technology, 20(4), 14-20.
McCullough, D. (1999). A white paper on: The North American market for Warehouse
Management Systems (WMS), software and systems integration services. Venture
Development Corporation. Retrieved December 8, 2003, from
McKie, S. (1998). The accounting software handbook. Loveland: Duke Communications
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
The Evolution of Accounting Software 37
McNaurlin, B.C., & Sprague, R.H. (2004). Information systems management in practice.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Mello, A. (2001). Battle of the labels: ERP II vs. ECM. ZDNet. Retrieved December 8, 2003,
Pervasive Software Inc. (2002). Differences in programming: Btrieve’s way of thinking.
Retrieved December 10, 2003, from
Robinson, P. (2001). ERP survival guide. BPIC. Retrieved December 10, 2003, from
Rogers, A. (2002). ERP startup targets smaller manufacturers. CRN. Retrieved December
10, 2003, from
SAP history. (2001). SAP. Retrieved December 10, 2003, from
Schroeder, J. (1999). Enterprise portals: A new business intelligence paradigm. DM
Review. Retrieved December 10, 2003, from
Scott, R. (1999, December). J.D. Edwards counts on midmarket history. Accounting
Technology, 58.
Scott, R. (2002, June). Squeezing the mid-range. Accounting Technology, 6.
Stimpson, J. (2002, September). Mid-level accounting software takes off. Practical
Accountant, 42-45.
Trunk, C. (2002, July). Putting more “M” into WMS. Material Handling Management,
Vendor information: Microsoft Great Plains. (2002). Microsoft. Retrieved May 10, 2004,
Exhibits 4 and 5 are adapted from McKie, S. (1998). The accounting software
handbook. Loveland: Duke Communications International.
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Appendix A:
A Checklist for E-commerce Features
This appendix provides a list of e-commerce features that intersect with accounting and
finance. The exact nature of intersection is discussed in later chapters. Listed features
are available on most accounting software packages aimed at mid-sized or large
businesses. This list is illustrative and not exhaustive.
Revenue Cycle
Web Storefronts – B2B and/or B2C
Web site creation tools; offers support for third party storefronts; have preferred
partners for creating or hosting Web sites
Produces ready-to-publish Web catalogs; can represent product items in more
than one category in an online catalog; links photographs with products
Price and product changes automatically flow to the Web
Ability to create shopping carts and forms
Supports EDI – automatically confirms, fills and ships customer orders; generates
support documents at each step of the process
Real-time connectivity with back-end office processing
Customer Relationship Management Tools
Clickstream analysis
Customer intelligence
Sales intelligence
Support for sales force automation
Online promotions and targeting
Sales Order
Retrieves orders from the Web in all formats
Supports remote data entry via Web; online confirmation of orders for immediate
verification by customers; e-mail acknowledgement of the order
Accepts new customers
Customer Self-Service
Order entry, order tracking, links to tracking pages of courier services
Product price and product availability
Product configurators to customize products
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The Evolution of Accounting Software 39
Ability to view billing and payment information, purchases and returns chronologically, by order or by item
Drill-down capabilities
Chat facilities with sales people
Credit Approval
Web-based credit check and credit approvals
Automatic credit check and approval
Automatic credit card validation
Ability to check on established credit limit
Billing and Collections
E-mail invoicing
Electronic bill presentment
Ability to handle multi-format payments; for example, letters of credit, bills of
exchange, electronic fund transfers, credit cards, digital cash and so forth
Capability to create and track service request
Ability to integrate call centers and e-mail requests with back-end office processing
Access to company knowledge bases
Real-time information on orders, shipping and payment information
Ability to create collaborative platforms or forums
Online technical support
Expenditure and Conversion Cycles
Integrated EDI solution – electronically sends and receives purchase orders and
Can handle various EDI standards
EDI solution pre-mapped to each trading partner’s standards
Links to third-party translators and mapping software applications
Interfaces with EDI and fax software
Bar code interface
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Supply Chain Management
Supplier Relationship Management/E-Procurement
Supports multiple standards for security and data communication
Support for sourcing
Support for online negotiation
Support for catalog development and hosting
Support for auctions
Support for customization and automation according to trading agreements,
workflows and business rules
Vendor Self-Service
Get information on request for quotation or proposals, purchase order revision,
receipt or return of goods and payments
Performance metrics for quality and delivery
Inventory requirements available through EDI or Internet posting
Drill-down capabilities
Chat facilities with purchase people
Online forms for claiming travel and entertainment expenses
Online management of expense reimbursements
Online payroll
Online time sheets
Support for online travel centers
Product Development
Online design and development tools
Sharing of product design over the Internet
Virtual testing and collaboration
Integration or interface with Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) software
Human Resources
Access to personal files, job performance and company policies
Access to 401K funds
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The Evolution of Accounting Software 41
Internal bulletin boards for jobs and other projects
Support for online payroll services
General Ledger Cycle and Financial Reporting
Support for enterprise portals and executive dashboards
Web-enabled closing of the books
Web-based planning and budgeting
Printing of financial reports to Web publishable format, allowing report generation
via Web queries and distributing reports via e-mail
Supports global tax code requirements
Supports multiple exchange rates
Supports multiple languages
These changes are illustrative and not exhaustive; however, the description is fairly
comprehensive. But even this checklist fails to capture sweeping changes covered later
on. A number of new software tools and new accounting processes have emerged to
implement and handle these changes. A classification of these e-changes in the context
of accounting cycles provides us with a framework that can be used for classifying the
present as well as future developments in accounting.
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Chapter III
The XML-Based
Web Languages and
XML: What’s in it for Accountants? 1
The Internet spins a vast web of information across the globe. Data and information flow
freely — available to anyone for learning, understanding and analysis. Organizations can
cooperate across departments, regions and countries. ERP II and ECM herald the era of
intra- and inter-business collaboration. Sounds wonderful – what is the problem? The
problem is as old as mainframe vs. PC and Windows vs. Macintosh. Data can move freely
but are not standardized. Data streams have no universal meanings; consequently, data
are not understood by all systems, analyzed easily, translated across different languages
and human readable, among other things. Specialized hardware and software is needed
for data decoding, and if the required tools are not available, then you are out of luck.
This problem is not only confined to the Internet. A great deal of money (by one estimate,
almost 20% of the U.S. gross national product) is spent on generating new information,
and more than 90% of this information is in documents, not in databases. Businesses in
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 43
the U.S. produce approximately 100 billion documents per year. This information is stored
in various formats across a range of computer systems. These disparate storage formats
cause severe problems in accessing, searching and distributing this information.
Any solution (a combination of information technology products and services) that
manages information across diverse software and hardware platforms must address a few
key requirements. First, these solutions should be transparent to users. The technical
details should not be handled by users. Second, users should be able to save data and
information in the desired format; for example, databases, text files or proprietary formats.
Third, a solution must intelligently retrieve data and information. This solution should
be knowledgeable regarding meaning of the information itself. Finally, such solution
should be capable of providing the desired output — print, screen, Web or CD/DVD
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has been designed to meet these requirements.
Needless to say, XML will not solve all information management problems, and certainly
not in a short time. XML is the first step, but has been hailed as a revolutionary advance
in data transfer and information identification on the Internet. XML has developed
tremendous momentum in the last few years. The majority of key software vendors is
involved in XML standard-setting forums and products, and is actively promoting XML
gospel. Microsoft CEO Ballmer says: “You could say we’ve put 100 percent of our
resources into it. We’ve taken an approach that incorporates XML into everything we
do. I’d say we’re betting the company on XML.” The future seems promising, but only
time can tell.
XML has applications in a wide range of areas; for example, sciences, mathematics, music,
religion and, of course, business. XML and various XML-based languages are affecting
different business areas, such as e-procurement, e-commerce, EDI, electronic payment
systems, financial data transfer and derivatives, to mention a few. XML influence is also
felt across different areas; for example, there are XML applications in accounting,
finance, advertising and manufacturing. XBRL, an application of XML, is an electronic
format for simplifying the flow of financial statements, performance reports, accounting
records and other financial information between software programs. XBRL International
explains XBRL as the accounting industry’s method to take standard business reporting
data and transform it into the digital world of bits and bytes. Financial data consists of
financial statements, cost accounting data and tax information; prior to XBRL, there was
no standard way to transfer, analyze and understand this data. XBRL is designed to
standardize financial data transfer and enable preparation and publication of that
information in a desired format. XBRL is finding worldwide acceptance and is backed by
major businesses, accounting institutes and governmental agencies worldwide. See the
most current member list at
As XML and XBRL make inroads in accounting software and internal and external
accounting reports, and affect information transfer across businesses, it is necessary to
understand the mechanics of these languages. A required depth of understanding, of
course, depends on whether one wants to be involved in developing standards,
preparing and/or programming reports, or simply using the language. However, whatever
your role, you must understand these new developments.
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Exhibit 1. Timeline for markup languages
Mid 1990s
> 2000
Concept of hyperlinks–use of a markup in a document to point to
another page or file; creating hypertext
Procedural markups for text processing–Text and RTFs (Rich Text
W. Tunnicliffe, President of Composition Committee of GCA
(Graphic Communication Association) forwards the idea of
separating content from formatting of a document
GCA Gencode (Generic Coding) Committee advocates the use of
descriptive over procedural markups
In 1969 at IBM, Charles Goldfarb and his colleagues Mosher and
Lorie create a markup language called GML (initials of three
creators, also Generalized Markup Language), by 1980, 90% of
documents at IBM are in GML
ANSI (American National Standards Institute) forms The Computer
Languages for the Processing of Text Committee
First working draft of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup
Department of Defense and IRS use SGML
Text processing becomes Word processing; software specific
formatting procedural markups
WYSIWIG (What You See Is What You Get) features–Markups go
under the hood
Advent of WWW (World Wide Web)
o HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)–based on hyperlinks and
o HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)–an application of
o URL – Uniform Resource Locator
HTML and its successor versions continue to become more
powerful though ultimately found inadequate for tasks of the
information management on the web
XML, a less complex version of SGML, is formulated
o W3C makes XML recommendation in 1998
XML evolution marches on
History of Markup Languages
SGML is one of the first standardized markup languages. Most of today’s markup
languages, including XML, have descended from SGML. What are these markup
languages? To understand markup languages, we have to first understand markups.
Markups (also referred to as tags) are notations in a document that are not content. The
term content refers to information contained in the document; for example, financial data,
product specifications, news, catalogs and contracts, among other things. Markups can
be any sequence of characters or symbols inserted in the document to provide information concerning formatting, printing, appearance or, most importantly, providing information about the content. Markups are not unique to electronic documents; for example,
headings, punctuation and paragraphs provide information about the content of a paper
document and help human readers navigate the document. Also, markups such as
annotations, wavy underlines or special symbols have been used to guide the printer or
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 45
compositor. Markups for electronic documents perform a similar function by providing
information about content, format, printing and processing of a document.
Markups can be of two types — procedural and descriptive (also known as generic
markups). Procedural markups specify how to process the text and primarily deal with the
formatting and presentation of the document (not with the content). These are software
specific; for example, formatting markups, codes or tags used by Word or WordPerfect.
“Move right margin by ¼ inch,” “skip the line” and “go to new page” are some instances
of procedural markups used by word processing software. Since procedural markups do
not contain information regarding content and are proprietary, they cannot be communicated between software packages and operating systems. Organizations store content
in various formats across various departments and computer systems: word processor
files, spreadsheet files, database files, text files and image files, to mention a few. These
formats mostly use procedural markups and do not talk to each other, causing difficulties
in content management.
Descriptive markups, on the other hand, contain information about the logical structure
of text and content in the document. The basic premise behind descriptive markups is to
keep content separate from style of the document. Descriptive markups can help identify
elements of the document structure, such as chapter, section or a table of contents. For
example, descriptive markup <para> tells us that either the following item is a paragraph
or it is the end of the previous paragraph. These markups can also be used for
presentation of content in different data formats such as HTML, Portable Document
Format (PDF), relational data tables and so forth. Additionally, descriptive markups are
human and machine-readable and are in the public domain; some procedural markups also
are human readable. However, human readability does not ensure complete understanding of the markups — descriptive or procedural; some markups may make sense only to
machines. Descriptive markups form the basis of markup languages. As Charles Goldfarb,
one of original inventors of markup languages, said: “Markups should describe a
document’s structure and other attributes and should completely divorce structure
from appearance while facilitating indexing and generation of selective views.”
Markup languages are not programming languages, but they basically allow for representation of text in an electronic form. Markup languages specify the following rules:
A dictionary of markups allowed
Meaning of markups
When and where the markup is required
Distinguishing a markup from the text
Markup languages provide a set of conventions that can be used for encoding texts. To
reiterate, a markup language specifies symbols for markups, meaning of markups,
distinction of markup from text and the type of markup required for a specific purpose.
Markup languages ably deal with the problem of content management.
As stated earlier, SGML is one of the first standardized markup languages, and can be
characterized as the mother of all markup languages. SGML provides markups that result
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in representation of an electronic text not dependent on specific devices or system and
can be read over a wide variety of computers. SGML is a markup language and also a
metalanguage. A metalanguage does not define a language but allows us to create a
consistent markup language by providing the mechanics of a formal description of
markup language (similar to providing grammar for the language). SGML is a very
powerful and complex markup and metalanguage. Numerous software tools are available
to create and validate SGML documents. SGML provides for almost an infinite array of
markups, needs to be written only once and is platform independent. This leads to shorter
lead times, reduction in cost and better control in document production.
SGML is governed by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 8879, developed in 1986, and it is widely used in industry and commerce for large documentation
projects. For example, SGML has been used to describe technical documentation of
stealth bombers, patients’ clinical records and musical notations. However, SGML is a
pre-WWW language and is not specifically designed for the Internet. The use of SGML
for specifying documents on the Internet is difficult, since no mainstream browser
supports SGML. Additionally, though SGML provides structure, it does not provide
style sheet standards, which deal with formatting and presentation of information,
resulting in problems of presentation. SGML is widely used; however, it is not very useful
in the Web environment.
Like SGML, XML is a markup language and metalanguage. However, XML is stripped of
complexities, multifarious options and lesser-used parts of SGML. XML essentially is a
subset of SGML. XML makes it easy to define document types, is easier to understand
and program, can deal with multiple languages and is better suited for the Internet
environment. XML is extensible, meaning capable of being extended or customized, and
not fixed format and predefined (as HTML). Hence, XML can be used to design and define
markups for an infinite variety of documents. XML allows transmission of data from
server to browser, application to application, and machine to machine.
Exhibit 2. Differences in HTML and XML
Primarily used for web page
Primarily defines format of a
document through predefined set
of markups or tags
An application of SGML
o Manufacturers’ specifications
may limit universal
Describes display format of the
Generally not human readable
Can be used to store any kind
of structured information
Allows creation and definition
of markups
o The authors can design
their own document types
o XML hypertext linking
abilities are better than
o XML stylesheets provide
far better facilities for a
browser presentation and
A subset of SGML
o Valid XML files are valid
SGML files; can be used
on the Web and in existing
SGML environments
Describes structure of the
Can be made human readable
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 47
W3C (, whose mission is to develop interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential as a forum
for information, commerce, communication and collective understanding, develops the
standards for XML. The standards designed or accepted by W3C are in the public
domain. The design goals for XML 1.0 as listed on are:
XML shall be straightforwardly usable over the Internet.
XML shall support a wide variety of applications.
XML shall be compatible with SGML.
It shall be easy to write programs that process XML documents.
The number of optional features in XML is to be kept to the absolute minimum,
ideally zero.
XML documents should be human-legible and reasonably clear.
The XML design should be prepared quickly.
The design of XML shall be formal and concise.
XML documents shall be easy to create.
Terseness in XML markup is of minimal importance.
HTML, the primary language used to describe and deliver documents in the Internet
environment, is also an application of SGML. HTML uses concepts of hyperlinks,
hypertexts and tags to browse files on the Internet; but it is neither as flexible nor as
powerful as SGML. HTML, though simplistic, was at the right place at the right time. The
use of HTML exploded as the Web expanded. However, HTML has many limitations. For
example, HTML can only be used to define and deliver simple report-style documents —
lists, tables, headings, and some hypertext and multimedia. This limitation is due to the
fixed and predefined set of markups or tags used by HTML. These tags are used for
primarily formatting documents, and support fixed and simple document structure.
HTML provides static definitions of these documents and does not provide means to
identify data, resulting in limited reuse and interchange of HTML documents. Searches
on the Internet produce a large number of hits, since HTML does not identify contents
of the documents. For example, it cannot differentiate between stocks (as in shares) and
stocks (as in inventories). HTML’s functionality has been variously extended by
different vendors, and several incompatible versions exist. However, HTML has a large
installed base and it will probably continue to exist in the Internet environment.
XML does not replace HTML; instead, it allows for definition of markup elements as one
sees fit. In fact, XML has been applied to extend HTML, and the resulting language is
called eXtended HTML (XHTML). This language permits document creation, content
and delivery using features of both XML and HTML. Let us see the structure of XML
that enables us to achieve these amazing features.
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What is XML?
That is a billion-dollar question; and like most billion-dollar questions, it is difficult to
answer. XML is a way of organizing and managing information, a constellation of
supplementary technologies and a paradigm for information handling for the Internet
age. Large volumes describe the guts of XML; however, we can only look at the
fundamental concepts. First, creation of XML documents using XML markups will be
discussed. Second, satellite technologies that expand the XML abilities — for example,
dealing with numbers, voice, images and Web publishing — will be reviewed. Finally,
XML tools and software that allow us to create XML documents and applications will
be covered.
XML Document
XML document is a basic unit of information and consists of content and markups, and
follows the rules of XML. The content can be text, numbers, images or equations. Exhibit
3 shows a simple example of an XML document. The upper part of Exhibit 3 shows a memo
from a student to the faculty member; in the lower part, this memo has been converted
into XML format.
The first line in the XML format (<?xml version=”1.0" encoding=”ISO-8859-1"?>)
indicates the XML version and encoding used in the document. This line is required so
Exhibit 3. XML document
The Professor
A Student
April 1, 2004
Please remember to turn in my grade before the due date.
XML Memo
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<to> The Professor </to>
<from> A Student </from>
<date> April 1, 2004 </date>
<subject> Grade </subject>
<text> Please remember to turn in my grade before the due
date. </text>
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 49
that XML-aware applications can process the document. This memo conforms to XML
specification 1.0 and uses the ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1/West European) character set. XML
characters are based on an encoding system called Unicode that can handle up to 65,536
characters. These characters are used to represent various languages; for example, Latin,
Greek, Hindi and Han ideographs (Chinese and Japanese language); additionally,
various symbols sets have been defined. ISO is working on another standard called
Universal Character System (UCS) that can handle up to 2 billion characters, ensuring
that XML fulfills its promise of universal application. These standards enable XML to
handle different languages and different symbols. Some of these XML standards and
their uses are described in Exhibit 4.
XML documents must conform to XML syntax, meaning grammar of the language. Take
a look at this syntax by studying Exhibit 3. The second line in the XML memo says
<memo>, which means that this document is a memo. The term <memo> that comes first
and tells us about the document is called root element. The root element includes
everything between <memo> and </memo>. The next four elements (to, from, date and
subject) are called child elements. The last line repeats </memo>, indicating the end of
the root element. A person can easily infer that this XML document is a memo, which
indicates that XML is human readable and self-descriptive to some degree.
Root and child elements give XML a tree-type structure. XML elements include everything from the beginning tag to the ending tag and things in between. An element can
be mixed, simple or empty. A mixed element contains text and other elements. For example,
root element <memo> is a mixed element since it contains other child elements. A simple
element generally contains only text and an empty element contains nothing. The
elements <to>, <from>, <subject> and <text> are simple elements and there is no empty
element in our example. An element can also have an attribute, which provides additional
information about the element. If, in our memo, we want to incorporate the date as an
attribute of the root element memo, then we will define <memo> element as <memo
date=“April 1, 2004”>.
Following are basic rules of XML syntax. Please remember there are numerous extensions
to these rules.
All XML documents should have a root element.
All XML elements should have a beginning tag and an ending tag.
XML tags are case sensitive.
All XML elements are properly nested. That means both the beginning and ending
tags for each child element exist within the body of parent element. (Exhibit 3
emphasizes this fact by indenting all child elements.)
Elements should not overlap. For example, we cannot have:
<to> The Professor <from>
A Student </to> </from>
Element names start only with letters and underscores and can only contain letters,
numbers, hyphens, periods and underscores. For example, <from> or <_from> are
valid but <from me> and <from-me> are not valid.
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Exhibit 4. Character sets underlying XML
ISO(International Organization for
Standardization) Standards
IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)
Character Sets
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
Standards and ISO Standards
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
Represents various natural languages in the
Represents different character sets
Identify languages and countries
Identify the Internet resources
Attributes values must be in quotation marks. Attribute in a XML document means
a sub element defined within an element. For example, if the root element <memo>
is expanded to add a date, then the root element will look like <memo date=“April
1, 2004”>. The value of sub element date should be in quotation marks, otherwise
XML syntax is violated.
XML requires strict adherence to the syntax and brooks no deviations. An XML
document that conforms to these rules is called well formed. The next question is where
do we get those markup/tags, such as to, from and so forth? These are the tags that we
created; remember, XML is a metalanguage. Then, following the grammar of XML, we
generated a well-formed XML document. This can be called free-form XML. XML
programs can understand it. However, this format is of little use, since in the free-form
format meaning and structure of tags is not specified in any place. If a slightest mistake
in typing tags is made, processing may come to a halt or be incorrect. It will be extremely
difficult to debug errors, although many programs have simplified the process by
automating debugging tasks. Additionally, errors in content cannot be detected by
merely a well-formed XML document.
XML provides tools to model documents to overcome these problems. Document
modeling involves specifying rules for a document. These rules define structure of the
document and a list of its legal elements; they can provide definitions for the following
Elements permitted in the document
Attributes permitted in the document
Parent element and child elements
Order of child elements
Number of child elements
Contents of the element
Data types for elements and attributes
Default and fixed values for elements and attributes
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 51
Exhibit 5. DTDs
XML Memo
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE memo SYSTEM “memo.dtd”>
<to> The Professor </to>
<from> A Student </from>
<date> April 1, 2004 </date>
<subject> Grade </subject>
<text> Please remember to turn in my grade before the due date. </text>
Note: This will be memo.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<! DOCTYPE memo [
<!ELEMENT memo (to, from, date, subject?, text+)>
<!ELEMENT subject (#PCDATA)>
Note: This will be accompanying memo.dtd file.
Any particular document (called document instance) can be compared with the document
model to make sure the particular document is in conformity with the specified rules. This
is called validating a document. A valid document is free from XML syntax errors, such
as misspelled tags, improper order of tags or missing data; and follows all rules specified
by the author. The two main tools provided by XML to validate documents are called
Document Type Definition (DTD) and XML Schema.
A DTD is a formal description of a particular type of document. Using XML Declaration
Syntax, DTDs describe what names are to be used for describing elements (elements
consist of a start tag and an end tag), where they occur in the document and their
interrelationships. DTDs can be located in the document with the tags and content or can
reside in a separate file. XML documents with DTDs generally consist of two parts: the
first part contains tags and content, and the second part formally describes syntax of the
document. The XML document must contain tags and content; however, a very simple
XML document may not need DTDs. For business uses, DTDs are, of course, crucial. A
simple example of DTD will be used for illustrative purposes.
Exhibit 5 provides an example of DTD for a memo document. The third line in the DTD
part introduces the elements in the memo. This document has three required header
elements — to, from and date. The fourth header element, subject, is optional, which is
specified by a question mark. The element text can have more than one occurrence
(multiple paragraphs), which is identified by a + mark. The term #PCDATA refers to parsed
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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Exhibit 6. XML Schema
XML Memo
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<memo xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" memo.xsd">
<to> The Professor </to>
<from> A Student </from>
<subject> Grade </subject>
<date> 2004-04-01 </date>
<text> Please remember to turn in my grade before the due date. </text>
Note: This will be memo.xml file.
XML Schema
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:mo=""
xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified"
<xs:element name="memo">
<xs:element name="to" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="from" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="subject" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="date" type="xs:date"/>
<xs:element name="text" type="xs:string"/>
Note: This will be memo.xsd file.
character data; that is, text. Text should be a pure text and should not contain any
unrecognized markup strings. The encoded memo will now be stored in a memo.xml file
and the associated DTD will be stored in a memo.dtd file.
There are differences in this XML memo and the one in Exhibit 3. The DTD-based XML
memo has a second line in the XML memo that indicates this document is based on a DTD,
and the same DTD is given in the second part of Exhibit 5. The resulting memo output
will be similar to the one in Exhibit 3. Both these formats can be used to display the
document on-screen or print it on a standard form. However, the format in Exhibit 5 can
be used to generate a new form based on each element. Any new memo (document
instance) based on the given DTD can be validated by the DTD and debugging of errors
will be easy.
The primary problem with DTDs is that the DTD syntax is not a valid XML syntax. Thus,
support for XML and an additional support for DTD syntax is required when XML
documents are processed. XML Schema is the other method of validation and is
considered superior to DTD for various reasons. First, XML Schemas support data types
such as numeric, alphanumeric or dates. This support enables us to describe permissible
document content, to easily validate data and to convert data between different data
types, to mention a few advantages. Second, XML Schemas use XML syntax, and the
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 53
Exhibit 7. Example of purchase order (Source: XML Spy, used with permission)
resulting documents look like XML files and can be processed using existing XML tools.
Third, XML Schemas ensure correct data communication by clearly specifying expected
format of data. Finally, XML Schemas based on XML are extensible, which allows for
reuse of schemas or creation of your own data types.
Exhibit 6 shows the XML Schema for the memo. The XML memo document now contains
a reference to XML Schema. The fourth line in the XML memo area
xsi:schemaLocation=” memo.xsd”> indicates the location of our
schema. This location can be on a local drive; in the Web environment, a URL will
probably provide this location. This schema is provided in the latter half of Exhibit 6. The
later part of the third line in the XML Schema area xmlns:xs=”
XMLSchema indicates that elements and data types used in the schema conform to The fifth line identifies the element name as memo. The
next line specifies the element memo as of complex type, because this element contains
other elements such as to, from, date, subject and text. An element can be declared
complex type due to several other conditions not discussed here.
Then, a correct sequence of the elements and the data type for each element is provided.
The elements inside the sequence must occur in a given order. All the other elements —
to, from, date, subject and text — are simple elements. A simple element in XML can
contain only text. The XML Schema defines text broadly and includes data types such
as Boolean, text strings and dates. In case of the elements to, from, subject and text, data
type is specified as string, meaning these elements can contain only text strings. The
element date is defined as date and not as a string, since this data field should only accept
date format and no other data type. XML Schema travels with the original memo and can
be used to validate the memo. This schema can also be used to generate similar memos.
Any violations of rules of schema in the new memo can now be rapidly identified. These
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Exhibit 8. XML purchase order and XML Schema (Source: XML Spy, used with
XML Purchase Order
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- edited with XML Spy v4.4 U ( by
Alexander Falk (Altova, Inc.) -->
xmlns:ipo="" orderDate="1999-1201" xsi:schemaLocation="
<shipTo export-code="1" xsi:type="ipo:EU-Address">
<name>Helen Zoe</name>
<street>47 Eden Street</street>
<billTo xsi:type="ipo:US-Address">
<name>Robert Smith</name>
<street>8 Oak Avenue</street>
<city>Old Town</city>
<item partNum="833-AA">
<productName>Lapis necklace</productName>
<ipo:comment>Need this for the
<item partNum="748-OT">
<productName>Diamond heart</productName>
<ipo:comment>Valentine's day
<item partNum="783-KL">
<productName>Uncut diamond</productName>
<item partNum="238-KK">
<productName>Amber ring</productName>
<ipo:comment>With no inclusions,
<item partNum="229-OB">
<productName>Pearl necklace</productName>
<item partNum="128-UL">
<productName>Jade earring</productName>
XML Schema
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- edited with XML Spy v4.0 NT beta 1 build Jun 13 2001
( by Alexander Falk (Altova, Inc.) -->
<schema targetNamespace=""
International Purchase order schema for
Copyright 2000 All rights reserved.
<!-- include address constructs -->
<include schemaLocation="address.xsd"/>
<element name="purchaseOrder"
<element name="comment" type="string"/>
<complexType name="PurchaseOrderType">
<element name="shipTo" type="ipo:Address"/>
<element name="billTo" type="ipo:Address"/>
<element ref="ipo:comment" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="Items" type="ipo:Items"/>
<attribute name="orderDate" type="date"/>
<complexType name="Items">
<element name="item" minOccurs="0"
<element name="productName"
<element name="quantity">
<element name="price"
<element ref="ipo:comment"
<element name="shipDate"
type="date" minOccurs="0"/>
<attribute name="partNum"
<simpleType name="Sku">
<restriction base="string">
<pattern value="\d{3}-[A-Z]{2}"/>
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 55
Exhibit 9. Example of a complex document (Source: XML Spy, used with permission)
abilities are vital in large and repetitive documents, such as purchase orders or sales
XML allows for combination and reuse of other independently developed formats. Thus,
different documents can be combined in one document; however, elements and names
in those documents should be defined similarly. What happens when two documents
contain the same name defined differently? For example, one document defines memory
as Random Access Memory (RAM) and another document defines memory as human
memory. If these two documents are merged then there will be a conflict on hand. XML
provides a mechanism called XML Namespaces to deal with these situations. XML
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Namespaces not only prevent name clashes but also tell the processing software how
to treat the different groups of elements. For example, equations will be processed using
certain XML rules and text will be processed using another set of XML rules. Namespaces
in the XML document will be declared by using an attribute whose name is xmlns or has
xmlns: as a prefix.
Exhibits 7, 8 and 9 are taken from XML Spy, which provides Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) for XML. Exhibit 7 shows an international purchase order. The
approximate actual format of the purchase order is displayed in the bottom right corner.
This format is fairly common in the business world. The associated XML Purchase Order
and XML Schema of this purchase order are shown in the Exhibit 8. This example shows
how complex XML becomes once we start looking at real-world documents. The
associated XML Schema uses all concepts such as XML Namespaces and complex types
covered earlier. This XML Schema also uses many advanced concepts that are beyond
the scope of this book. Exhibit 9 shows a document that contains datasheet, text and
images. XML can easily handle these complicated documents. The partial XML tags for
this document are shown in the next screenshot in Exhibit 9. This XML snapshot shows
how the images are embedded in the document.
So far only bare basics of XML have been covered. XML is a versatile language and is
not limited only to documents. XML provides a logical structure of the document and
not the physical structure. The file can be physically at different locations and not
necessarily at one location for XML documents to function properly. However, XML is
not a programming language and, as such, XML is not executable. An XML file is
processed using programs written in traditional programming languages.
XML Supplementary Technologies
XML consists of marking up of a text document. So how will XML fulfill its promise of
leaping across national boundaries, linguistic differences and incompatible systems?
XML is a modular language and there is an emergent set ·of modules increasing
capabilities of XML. XML is armed with a host of supplementary technologies that enable
these modules. 2 A broad categorization of these technologies is as follows:
Validation and linking technologies
Transformation technologies
Processor technologies
XML applications
Security applications
XML provides a rich and flexible syntax to describe content. This very flexibility creates
a problem of identifying valid XML documents. The validating technologies allow us to
validate XML documents effortlessly, well, with little less effort! The primary validating
technologies are DTDs and XML Schema, covered earlier. XML Schema is becoming
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 57
Exhibit 10. Examples of XML supplementary technologies
Validation and linking technologies
XML Schema
X Base
Transformation technologies
Canonical XML
SMIL Animation
RDF Schema
XML Signature
Encrypted Data
Processor technologies
XML applications
Non-text applications
Publishing on the Web
Web communication and services
Semantic Web and Resource
Description Framework (RDF)
Security applications
increasingly popular and may become a dominant method. DTDs have a solid installed
base, since DTDs are used in SGML, and are not likely to vanish in the short-term.
The popularity of the Web can be partially traced to its hyperlink capabilities. The user
can jump from one page to another across Web sites and geographical boundaries. XML
achieves this functionality using linking technologies. XML Linking Language (XLink)
specifies the syntax for XML links, which creates and describes links between the
Internet resources. This linking can be unidirectional or can connect several resources.
The location of links can be separate from linked resources, and links can be associated
with metadata (data that describes data). X Base supports XLink by providing connections with external resources such as images, style sheets and forms that can be
processed, among other things. XPath, XPointer and XFragment are useful in addressing
internal structure of XML documents. These syntaxes enable pointers pointing to parts
of an XML file such as elements, character strings or other parts. XML Fragment
Interchange Language can be used to send a part of the XML document, called a
fragment, to a specified receiver.
Transformation technologies enable us to get a desired output from an XML document.
eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) can be used to design style sheets for XML
documents to display on the Web. These style sheets use XML syntax and are processed
with XML tools. XSL can transform XML documents to HTML documents and can also
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Exhibit 11. Formatted memo in Word and associated style sheet for the Web
The Professor
A Student
April 1, 2004
Please remember to turn in my grade before the
due date.
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css"?>
{font-family:Times New Roman;
text-align: left;
text-indent: 36.0pt}
{font-family:Times New Roman;
{font-family:Times New Roman;
{font-family:Times New Roman;
text-align: left;}
{font-family:Times New Roman;
{display: block;
margin-bottom: 0.5 em;}
The Professor</
A Student </p>
April 1, 2004</p
<p>SUBJECT: Grade</p>
<p>Please remember to turn in m
before the due date. </p>
transform a given XML format to another XML format. If an XML document uses a
vocabulary not recognized by the system, then XSL Transformation (XSLT) can be used
to create a desired vocabulary and then to process an incoming document. The other
illustrative transformation technologies include canoncalization (Canonical XML), XML
data query language (XQuery) and merging of documents (XInclude).
Processing technologies include software applications that interface with XML documents, read and process the XML file, and provide access to the content. These software
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 59
modules are referred to as XML Processor or XML Application Programming Interface
(API). One of the important API specifications is called Document Object Model (DOM).
The W3C has approved DOM specifications for programmatically accessing structure
and data contained in XML documents. DOM is a conceptual API for structuring,
accessing and manipulating XML documents. DOM creates tree-based (root and
children) representation of the XML document in memory and also defines a programmatic interface to traverse the XML tree and manipulate elements, attributes and values.
In other words, DOM allows software programs to dynamically access and update the
content, structure and style of documents. Microsoft and other software vendors have
developed specific concrete examples of DOM that can be used with their software.
XML applications involve developing XML markups and syntax in a specific application
area. XML can also be used as a metalanguage — then, which areas are using this
metalanguage to develop XML-based markup languages and to what purpose? There are
numerous XML initiatives in business and non-business areas. Conceptually, these
applications can be divided into four categories:
Non-text applications: XML, as already mentioned, can be used to handle non-text
data. The non-text data includes, for example, numbers, images, multimedia,
graphics and voice. Some illustrative applications include Mathematical Notation
(MathML), which is a language used to handle mathematical functions; Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL), which combines disparate multimedia objects in a coherent presentation; SMIL Animation, which provides an
animation framework for XML; and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), which enables
graphics in XML.
Publishing on the Web: XHTML is an application of XML to HTML and can be used
to publish Web pages. There are other applications; for example, XForms can be
used to design Web forms.
Exhibit 11 shows the formatted memo used in the earlier section. This formatted memo
was then run through XML Spy and the associated style sheet was generated. This style
sheet is based on XHTML and will be needed to display the formatted memo exactly on
the Web.
Web communication and services: Languages in this area handle communications
in the client-server environment, define protocols for exchange of information and
describe Web services.
Semantic Web and RDF: XML is also providing building blocks for Semantic Web.
Semantic web refers to the extension of the current Web where information
definition is standardized, enabling automated tools to process data. This standardization also leads to better linking of information and easier discovery,
integration and reuse of data. Such a web will enable collaborative processing of
data by humans and computers in a symbiotic fashion. The primary effort by W3C
in this area is RDF. RDF is a framework for metadata, which enables machine-
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Exhibit 12. Real-world application of XML
Listed Companies
Osaka Securities Exchange
Document Processing System
XML Files
Conversion to XML
les Media
L Fi
•Thirteen hundred companies forward financial information to Osaka Securities Exchange
•Manual process changed by the use of XML tools
•XML files converted to HTML format using XSLT
•XML files forwarded to media; HTML files go to the web
•Real-time disclosure of information
•Information format is flexible
•Reduced paperwork
understandable information. Such a framework shall promote interoperability of
information among differing systems and enable automated processing. The
applications will include better search engine capabilities; cataloging content and
content relationship at various Web site, pages or even digital libraries; content
rating; and description of intellectual property rights. RDF has many potential
electronic commerce, security, entertainment and business applications. RDF
heavily relies on XML technologies.
XML is increasingly being used in security applications. XML languages in this area
include XML Signature for syntax and processing of digital signatures; XML Key
Management Specification (XKMS) for use of public keys; Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) for privacy issues in the Web environment; and there are XML-based
initiatives to encrypt data.
These comprehensive developments are mind-boggling. XML in a few years has
progressed enormously and promises to usher in a new generation of Web and Webbased services. The usual caveat, of course, is that we are looking at emergence of a new
technology or, rather, a set of technologies. Though the promise and potential is great,
success in a great measure will depend on proper execution of different initiatives. The
technology, even if perfectly developed, may not live up to its buildup. Given the
momentum behind XML and the might of businesses and consortiums backing XML, let
us err on the side of hope!
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 61
XML Tools and Software
XML has applications in numerous areas. So, what software tools are available to create
these applications? First, tools to design, edit and validate XML documents are needed.
Second, tools to display XML pages, manage XML databases and create XML-based
content are required. Third, user-friendly software packages to read and process XML
documents also are necessary. Different XML software tools exist to cater to these areas.
XML tools can be broadly categorized as follows: XML and XSL editors; XML parsers;
XML browsers; XML database, content management and desktop publishing tools;
XML APIs; and specialized XML software. Microsoft Office 2003 has built-in XML
Schema capability available to all users, which may spur wider use and acceptance of
XML and XSL editors enable XML authoring. These tools can be used for XML editing
and validation, schema editing and validation, XSL editing and transformation, and
conversion of existing documents to XML documents, among other things. Tools for
Windows and Macintosh platforms can be explored by accountants interested in XML.
Given that all business information is being transformed into this digital dialect,
accountants mastering this area will have unique advantages in business and accounting. Many tools offer GUI interface and are easy to use. XML parsers check that the XML
document conforms to XML syntax, and validating parsers confirm that the document
matches the DTD, which may be specified internally or externally. These can be
standalone or integrated in a comprehensive tool.
If XML is used to create Web content, then XML-enabled browsers are required to view
those Web pages. Currently, a number of XML browsers exist, and Internet Explorer (5.0
and above) and Netscape (6.0 and above) provide partial XML support. XML database
and content management tools help in converting databases; structured and unstructured documents, such as spreadsheet files, traditional programming files and Web
pages; and other data formats, such as images, sound or video files to XML documents.
The content management tools also help in presentation of data and documents on the
Web. XML desktop publishing tools are similar to XML and XSL editors described
earlier. XML API deals with the interface of XML documents with applications, and
specialized XML software has functionalities that do not fit in earlier categories. These
functionalities are very technical in nature and generally useful for XML programmers.
In the early days of XML, there was a proliferation of tools in every area. XML-specific
Web sites mention hundreds of software tools to tackle every aspect of XML. As is the
trend in the software industry, these disparate tools and various functionalities are being
offered in integrated packages. These packages — for example, XML Spy — offer IDE
to support various XML technologies described earlier. XML IDE does not substitute
for traditional programming suites such as C++ or JAVA, databases and Web development IDEs. XML IDE applies conceptual XML technology to a specific programming
application running on a specific operating system and uses a particular networking
environment. However, XML IDE tools are easy to use and available on the desktop in
a familiar Windows environment, and they are an excellent way to learn and apply XML.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of XML
The primary advantages of XML are:
XML is a subset of SGML and is a very powerful and flexible language applicable
to document- and transaction-centered processing.
XML is device- and (programming-) language independent, provides interoperability
to data and information.
XML allows industry groups to develop their own markup languages, which should
meet the needs of those groups more efficiently and effectively.
XML writing, interpretation and implementation are relatively user-friendly.
XML is suitable for Web purposes, thereby opening doors to various e-commerce
Can be made human readable
XML is supported by W3C, and standards are in the public domain. In the financial
area, such public acceptance can translate into seamless transfer of data among
banks, financial institutions, stock exchanges, SEC and public accountants.
The primary disadvantages are:
XML standards must be adopted by all parties involved in the interchange of
XML standards, once developed, need to be managed and maintained continuously.
XML can become fragmented like HTML and face incompatibility problems.
XML follows strict formatting rules and has high startup costs.
XML adds overhead to data transmission.
There will be costs involved in conversion of data, training and use of XML.ROI
depends heavily on universal adoption of XML.
XML implementation can create radical changes in workflow and cause userresistance-type problems.
Inflated expectations may lead to disillusionment and backlash from industry
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 63
XBRL, formerly known as eXtensible Financial Reporting Modeling Language (XFRML),
is causing excitement in the accounting community. The XBRL initiative started in 1998
under the auspices of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).
The potential of this project soon became clear, and was formed to coordinate
efforts in this area. is now an independent organization called XBRL International and supports XBRL standards in the international arena. This organization is a
non-profit consortium and has more than 170 members (a number that will only increase
in the future) who represent leading businesses, major national accounting bodies,
software vendors, non-profit organizations and governments. XBRL International has
released XBRL specifications 2.0 and 2.1. These and other ancillary specifications are
royalty-free, in the public domain and freely licensed to any user.
XBRL is an application of XML in the financial reporting arena. XBRL uses accepted
financial reporting standards, and allows automatic exchange and reliable extraction of
financial statements across all software and technologies. Financial reporting includes
annual reports, SEC filings, reports from companies to investors, regulators, investors,
and financial analysts, general ledger information and audit schedules. This definition
is inclusive and not exhaustive. Financial reporting does not refer to market data such
as security prices — FinXML and RIXML are the languages that deal with market data
(see Appendix A). XBRL is reporting oriented, not transaction oriented. XBRL aims to
streamline the financial supply chain — companies, the accounting profession, data
aggregators, investment community, accounting software vendors and other users.
Exhibit 13. Timeline for XBRL
Charlie Hoffman (CPA, Knight, Vale & Gregory, Washington, US) proposed
using XML for financial reporting
AICPA conducted a pilot study to build a prototype–called XFRML
(eXtensible Financial Reporting Modeling Language)
AICPA forms a steering committee–, about a dozen companies join
the effort
o First specification released
o US CI (Commercial and Industrial Firms) taxonomy released
o APRA (Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority)–the first company to
implement XBRL 1.0
Specification 2.0 for XBRL released
Core requirements for general ledger released
Draft of taxonomy for IASC (International Accounting Standards Committee)
Several international symposiums held
More than 170 organizations have joined the effort under the umbrella of
XBRL International
XBRL Specification 2.1 approved
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Exhibit 14. Definition of XBRL
XML based standard format for financial reporting
XBRL facilitates drill down of information
XBRL is extensible, users can increase its applicability
XBRL can be used transfer a single item of financial data or a financial database
XBRL standards are in the public domain
XBRL does not set new accounting standards
XBRL does not create a generic chart of accounts
XBRL does not translate GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)
XBRL is not a privately owned standard
XBRL does not capture data at the transaction level
Structure of XBRL
XBRL is a markup language and, as such, we need to understand specified markups,
definitions of markups and existing mechanisms to validate those markups. Supplementary technologies to create, process and transfer XBRL documents are also necessary
to complete our understanding. This journey will be similar to XML in the earlier sections.
First, XBRL markups, XBRL documents and XBRL Schemas that validate these documents are covered. Second, transformation and processing technologies that support
XBRL are examined. Finally, XBRL tools and software that enable real-world implementation of the language are discussed.
XBRL Taxonomies
XBRL handles financial data, so markups or tags that describe financial statement items,
such as inventory, receivables and net income, are needed. Do not forget that these
financial statement elements are related; for example, current assets can be calculated
from cash, accounts receivable and inventory, among other things. The problem is that
there is neither a standard definition of individual items nor an internationally acceptable
format for financial statements. There is additional industry and firm-specific terminology; banks will use different terms than, say, an automobile manufacturer. Within banks,
there are different levels of voluntary disclosures that are bank-specific. Comprehensive
definitions that will take care of differences in the GAAP, differences in industry and firm
terminology, and also factors in relationships between financial statement elements are
needed. A great deal is being asked of a markup language. Let us study concepts of XBRL
specifications, taxonomies and instance documents to get a deeper understanding of
how this reporting challenge is met.
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 65
XML specifications XML Schema, XLink, XML Namespace, Xpath and XSLT are used
to develop XBRL specifications. XBRL specifications provide a set of normative rules
that tell us how to develop valid XBRL instance documents and taxonomies. We need
instance documents and taxonomies to markup financial reports. So what are these
instance documents and taxonomies? Conceptually, an instance document is a collection
of marked up financial facts, and a taxonomy document provides meanings, definitions
and interrelationships among those facts. The XBRL specification defines XML elements
and attributes used to create XBRL instance documents. The taxonomies are developed
by concerned users; they may be national accounting bodies, specific industry groups
or individual firms. XML meta model in the XBRL specification provides a language that
can be used to define new elements and taxonomies of elements as desired by the users.
Now let us take a look at taxonomy. Taxonomy refers to a particular classification system.
The taxonomy documents, in XML terms, can be called a dictionary of markups.
Taxonomies define content of the document and, in essence, are XML Schemas. XBRL
taxonomy is a dictionary or a classification system for financial facts. These financial
facts come from standard accounting practices; for example, in the U.S., financial facts
will be in accordance with the U.S. GAAP. The taxonomy provides definition of these
financial facts. The taxonomy also provides relationship between those concepts and
can even supply calculations to express those relationships.
No single taxonomy can cover the world’s diverse need for financial reporting. Outside
of the U.S., initial emphasis was on developing the taxonomy for the International
Accounting Standards (IAS). Not all countries have adopted the IAS. Concurrent efforts
focused on developing taxonomies for each country, referred to as jurisdictions. This is
an ongoing effort, and different countries are at different levels in developing relevant
taxonomies. Almost all major industrial countries have initial taxonomies for countryspecific GAAP in place. The next level is to develop taxonomies for each industry within
the country. The requirements and terminology for each industry is different, and we
Exhibit 15. XBRL taxonomies I
•XML Schema
•XML Namespace
W3C XML Recommendations
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Exhibit 16. XBRL taxonomies II
XBRL Taxonomies
International Accounting Standards
Country 1
Country 2
Country n
Industry 1
Industry 2
Industry n
Firm 1
Firm 2
Firm n
•Canadian (CICA)
•Hong Kong (HKSA)
•Agriculture •Not-for-profit
Firm specific terms
voluntary disclosures
need taxonomy to cover each industry. The IAS, country-specific GAAP and industryspecific terminology taxonomies will be in the public domain. Finally, taxonomies to cover
firm-specific terminology and voluntary disclosures by individual firms are also needed.
A firm may also develop a taxonomy for internal reporting and/or consolidations, which
may not be in the public domain. XBRL is extensible and allows development of new
markups, which are compatible with the existing framework as long as the rules of XBRL
are followed. The illustrative examples of following taxonomies in the U.S. indicate the
extensive efforts and wide range of applications in this area:
XBRL for financial statements
XBRL for management reporting
XBRL for general ledger
XBRL for tax returns
XBRL for EDGAR filings
XBRL for assurance services (audit schedules)
XBRL for authoritative literature
XBRL for business reporting
Industry specific taxonomies
Taxonomies created by private parties for internal reporting purposes
Taxonomy creation is a complex task. People involved must have knowledge of relevant
accounting principles and XBRL specifications. This is a multi-disciplinary effort.
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 67
Exhibit 17. U.S. GAAP CI taxonomy directory detail
Preferred Namespace Prefix
Official Name
Namespace Identifier
Taxonomy Date
XBRL Version
Current Location
Home page or printout of
U.S. GAAP Commercial and Industrial (CI)
This financial reporting taxonomy is intended to provide
detail-level accounting terms that will allow commercial
and industrial-type companies that conform to U.S.
GAAP to tag financial statements in XBRL.
Public Working Draft
Financial facts can be collected by reviewing financial statements, annual reports and
relevant accounting standards, among other things. These facts need to be formatted
according to XBRL specification to create an XBRL-compliant taxonomy. Once created,
taxonomies undergo several levels of reviews to ensure accuracy and completeness.
Initially, taxonomy drafts are circulated as public working drafts, which may change after
the public review process.
XBRL International has a final say on taxonomies. A recommended taxonomy has the
same official status as XBRL specification. An approved taxonomy refers to XBRLcompliant taxonomy that has been developed by XBRL International or has undergone
a public review process. Acknowledged taxonomy is created by outsiders and listed by
XBRL International on its Web site; XBRL International only assures that this is an
XBRL-compliant taxonomy and in the public domain. Final taxonomy is assigned a
version number and is permanently available on the XBRL International’s Web site.
Let us take a detailed look at a specific taxonomy — the U.S. GAAP CI taxonomy. The
directory details for U.S. GAAP CI are shown in Exhibit 17. This taxonomy is in a public
working draft stage; it combines different taxonomies for delivering financial statements.
These different taxonomies are: XBRL International’s INT-GCD (Global Common Document) and INT-AR (Accountant’s Report); XBRL U.S. taxonomies USFR-NAMDA
(Notes and Management Discussion Analysis), USFR-GFC (General Concepts), USFRPT (Primary Terms), USFR-SEC-CERT (SEC Officers Certification, mandated by SarbanesOxley Act of 2002) and USFR-MR (Management Reports). These taxonomies together
meet the financial reporting needs of companies that follow FASB standards, can be
roughly grouped under the commercial and industrial category, and have commonalities
in reporting elements in their financial statements.
A taxonomy consists of elements, attributes or datatype definitions. The taxonomy may
also include a relationship between elements or relationship of elements in one taxonomy
with elements of another taxonomy. Exhibit 18 shows partial entries for current assets in
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
the U.S. GAAP CI taxonomy in tabular format. Each row corresponds to one element. The
taxonomy contains the following details which are illustrated in Exhibit 18.
ID: ID indicates the unique number of the element in the taxonomy.
Weight: Weight indicates the relationship with parent elements. A weight of 1
indicates that all the child elements’ values are multiplied by 1 and added or rolled
up. This summation or rolling up gives us the value of parent element. For example,
parent element Current Assets can be derived by adding child elements cash, AR,
inventory and so forth. The account Allowance for Doubtful Accounts needs to
be subtracted (indicated by –1) from Accounts Receivable Trade to get Net
Receivables. The term Assets indicates a weight of 0, meaning no further roll up is
Balance: Balance indicates whether the balance is debit or credit.
Type: Type indicates the data type, such as monetary, text, shares or decimals.
NS (Namespace): NS refers to the taxonomy to which the element belongs. Since
the U.S. GAAP CI taxonomy combines various taxonomies, we see references to
different taxonomies in this column.
Label/Description: A name of the financial elements is provided with a description
of that element. There can be multiple labels in different languages.
References: This refers to the authoritative literature used to obtain a description
of the financial element. The reference mentioned can include a reference name of
the literature, reference number of the literature, reference chapters, and reference
paragraphs and subparagraphs. The description for the term Assets comes from the
Statement of Financial Concepts 6; if desired more details can be accommodated.
Then, in Exhibit 18, there are two views of the taxonomy; the first one is a tree view. This
view starts with Document and Entity Information that deals with name of the company
and the author(s) of the document. Then we see sequential elements of the financial
statements. The second view shows dictionary form taxonomy elements, which provides
definitions of elements. Here, definitions of cash-related elements are highlighted. Note
that element numbers are different in the dictionary view.
This entire taxonomy contains 1,460 elements required to describe the core financial
statements under U.S. GAAP CI. These elements can be used to create income statement,
balance sheet, statement of cash flows, statement of stockholder’s equity, notes and
management discussion and analysis, auditor’s report, management report and SEC
officers certification.
Technically, an XBRL taxonomy document is a valid instance of an XML Schema
document and generally consists of a package of six interrelated XML files. The contents
of each row shown in Exhibit 18 are stored in this package of XML files. These files are:
XML Schema File (.XSD file) and XML Linkbases (.XML files). The XML Linkbases
consist of five files: references, presentation information, calculation relationship
between elements, labels and definitional relationship between elements. The reference
file provides references to the authoritative literature. These references can be detailed
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 69
Exhibit 18a. Partial description of elements in the U.S. GAAP CI taxonomy
(usfr-gc: Assets)
Con 6
Current Assets
Cash, Cash
Equivalents and
Short Term
Cash and Cash
Probable future economic
benefit obtained or
controlled by an entity
Sum of all current assets those assets that are
reasonably expected to be
realized in cash or sold or
consumed within a year or
within the normal operating
cycle of the entity
Cash and short term
investments with an original
maturity less than one year,
including restricted cash
ARB 43 6
Cash and short term, highly
liquid investments that are
readily convertible to known
amounts of cash and are so
near their maturity that they
present negligible risk of
changes in value due to
changes in interest rates usually with an original
maturity less than 90 days,
This includes restricted cash,
treasury bills, commercial
paper and money market
funds and other operating
cash balances
Unrestricted cash available
for day-to-day operating
Allowance for
FAS 95 7
Estimate of uncollectible
trade A/R that reduces the
gross receivable to the
amount expected to be
and drill down to paragraphs and subparagraphs of relevant literature. The presentation
file contains an order in which elements described in the taxonomy appear in the financial
statements. The order presented is not applicable in every circumstance; however, it
represents the most common way to present the information. The calculation file contains
the information about weights. A weight of 1 indicates that this particular element will
be added with other child elements to derive a parent element. A weight of –1 indicates
that this element will be subtracted to derive the value of a parent element. The labels file
provides a complete description of each element in the taxonomy. The description can
be in different languages, such as Japanese or German. The definitional file creates the
parent-child relationships required to generate the financial statements. These linkbases
are connected to each other to facilitate data retrieval.
Exhibit 19 shows how the element Cash is stored in these different files. A beginning of
the XML Schema and the description of the element Cash is shown in the XML format.
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Exhibit 18b. U.S. GAAP CI – taxonomy elements: Tree view
Exhibit 18c. U.S. GAAP CI – taxonomy elements: Dictionary view
The .XML files are complicated and contain several entries for accuracy and completeness. Exhibit 20 shows the partial representation of usfr-pt-2002-10-15.XSD file for the
element Cash.
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 71
Exhibit 19. Taxonomy files
Element No. 307
XBRL Taxonomy Package
XML Schema
References to the authoritative literature
FAS 95, 7
First child element
Parent element: Cash and Cash Equivalents
Weight = 1, value is added to
Parent-child relationships
Exhibit 20. Partial representation of usfr-pt-2002-10-15.XSD file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <!-- Taxonomy based on XBRL standard v.2. Created by UBmatrix
Taxonomy Builder 5.0.80. Contact -->
- <schema xmlns=""
xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:usfrpt=""
pt/2002-10-15" elementFormDefault="qualified">
- <element id="usfr-pt_UnrestrictedCash"
name="UnrestrictedCash" type="xbrli:monetaryItemType"
substitutionGroup="xbrli:item" xbrli:balance="debit">
- <annotation>
<documentation>Unrestricted cash available for dayto-day operating needs</documentation>
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XBRL Instance Documents
Once the taxonomies are in place, we can create XBRL instance documents. XBRL
instance documents describe financial facts; it can be a single item such as Current
Assets, or a complete Annual Report. In creating these instance documents, we need
taxonomies, since taxonomies provide definitions and XBRL formats for these financial
facts. The process is comprised of the following steps:
Generate financial data using accounting software. XBRL-compliant software can
create instance documents without intervention. If not, data can also be entered
manually or exported to third-party XBRL software.
Use the appropriate taxonomy. For example, if financial statements of commercial
and industrial companies under U.S. GAAP are being prepared, then U.S. GAAP
CI taxonomy (discussed earlier) will be required. No single taxonomy is adequate
to cover the financial reporting need of corporations. The software for creating
extensions to an XBRL taxonomy is required before XBRL is widely adopted and
Map data generated by accounting software to the taxonomy. Most of today’s
software provides a method for manual drag and drop to map the data to
taxonomies. This method is available in Word and Excel in Microsoft Office 2003.
Create an instance document. To reiterate a few points:
The instance document is XML- and XBRL-compliant
The instance document contains company financial data
The instance document uses both industry-created taxonomies and company-specific extensions to the XBRL taxonomy
The instance document can now be transformed into a report format or can be
processed by other software programs
XBRL does not create reports in a WYSIWYG format. XBRL instance documents must
have a style sheet that formats an XBRL document properly. XBRL facilitates data
transfer, not data formatting. The XBRL files have separate XML style sheets files (.XSL
files). These files can format documents in the required format; for example, as a PDF file,
HTML file or Word file. These style sheets can be developed using several software
languages; however, XML tools are rapidly being developed to standardize and simplify
the process.
Technically, XBRL instance documents follow syntax defined by XBRL. This syntax
enables software applications that process instance documents to find, extract and
analyze financial facts efficiently and effectively. This syntax is defined using XML
Schema and this schema defines following elements: item, context, tuple (one row or one
record) and group. An item represents a single financial fact or business measurement.
Financial facts can be numbers or text, such as notes to financial statements. Context
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 73
XBRL Taxonomies
Exhibit 21. XBRL instance documents I
International Accounting Standards
Country Specific GAAP
•Compliant accounting software
•Third-party software
Industry Specific Items
Instance Document
Firm Specific Items
Instance Document
Statements and
XSL Files
Exhibit 22. XBRL instance documents II
Root Element – set of related items.
Numbers or text
< Group
< context = N or non N
< Item 1
< Item 2
< Item 3
< Item n
< Group
Root Element
•cwa Attribute
•The Entity Subelement
•The Scenario Subelement
Taxonomies – meanings,
definitions, and interrelationships
of and between financial facts or
elements (numeric or non-numeric) hold the necessary information for providing proper
context to the financial facts. Context elements have the following attributes:
ID: Identifies the context — numeric or non-numeric
Period: Provides chronological background to the item. For example, instant refers
to a specific point in time and is useful for balance sheet and statement of cash
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
flows. Another description, duration/endDate, means a period of given length of
time or ending as specified, which is useful for describing income statement.
Unit: Specifies a relevant standard for measurement. For monetary measurements,
we have standard currency designations; for example, in the U.S., dollars are used
for measurement.
Precision: Shows the arithmetic precision of the measurement. For example,
precision=“10” means numbers can be expressed up to 10 significant decimal digits.
cwa Attribute: Refers to closed world assumption. If this condition is true, then
the information in the document is complete and new values can be calculated
based on data in the document. If not, then we should not attempt to calculate new
values. This attribute is applicable only in the numeric context.
The entity subelement: This subelement identifies the organization (name of the
company, department, individual, etc.) to which the document pertains.
The scenario subelement: This subelement enables handling of actual, reported,
budgeted, restated and pro-forma formats. Additional valid markups for internal
reporting purposes can be designed and used because of this subelement.
The tuple element allows management of interdependent business facts. For example,
manager’s name can be associated with manager’s title, and a set of facts — manager’s
title/manager’s name — can be used in multiple occurrences. The last element in this
series is group element. This element group is a general grouping mechanism that helps
in combining related items. It is the designated root element for XBRL instance documents.
Take a look at the XBRL instance document in Exhibit 23. This document shows Cash
Flow Statement for Microsoft for 6/30/2002. Line numbers have been added to provide
easy reference in the following explanations. The document is simple; however, not all
lines are explained. Line 1 indicates that this is an XML document based on XML
recommendation 1.0. The encoding employed is utf-8 (UCS Transformation Format 8) as
defined by ISO standards. Line 2 is a comment indicating that this document is written
at the University of Kansas in XBRL version 2.0. Line 3 starts with <group, which is a
root element. In this XBRL instance document, we are combining statement of cash flowrelated items.
The xmlns in line 3 implies that a namespace declaration is being made, followed by a colon
that separates xmlns and the namespace prefix. This namespace declaration allows
software applications to detect XBRL documents and/or to differentiate taxonomies in
the same document. Then there is an equal sign, and the location for the namespace —
in this case, Web address — is shown in double quotations. Line 3 associates the
taxonomy for XBRL instance to the default namespace. Group element also occurs on the
last line, 73, following XML conventions. The namespaces used in lines 4, 5 and 6 are ci,
KU and ku. These namespaces are for taxonomies; we know the taxonomy U.S. GAAP
CI; other taxonomies at Kansas University (KU and ku) are also being used. Lines 7 and
8 define the link namespace and the xsi namespace. Line 9 identifies the schema file (xbrlinstance.xsd) defining the taxonomy referred to in Line 8.
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 75
Exhibit 23. XBRL instance documents III
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <!-- KU: XBRL v.2 -->
- <group xmlns=""
xsi:schemalocation=" xbrl-instance.xsd">
- <numericContext id="NC1" precision="10" cwa="false">
- <entity>
<identifier scheme="">Microsoft</identifier>
- <unit>
- <period>
<ci:netCashFlowsOperatingActivitiesIndirect.netIncome numericContext="NC1" label="Net
<ci:adjustmentsToReconcileCashFlows.depreciationAmortizationCashFlowsReconciliation numericContext="NC1
label="Depreciation amortization and other noncash
<KU:uknown numericContext="NC1" label="Net recognized (gains)/losses on
<ci:adjustmentsToReconcileCashFlows.otherAdjustments numericContext="NC1" label="Stock option income tax
<ci:adjustmentsToReconcileCashFlows.changesInDeferredIncomeTaxes numericContext="NC1" label="Deferred
income taxes">-4.16E8</ci:adjustmentsToReconcileCashFlows.changesInDeferredIncomeTaxes>
<ci:adjustmentsToReconcileCashFlows.otherAdjustments numericContext="NC1" label="Unearned
<KU:uknown numericContext="NC1" label="Recognition of unearned revenue">-8.929E9</KU:uknown>
<ci:changeInWorkingCapitalIndirect.changeInReceivables numericContext="NC1" label="Accounts receivable">1.623E9</ci:changeInWorkingCapitalIndirect.changeInReceivables>
<ci:changeInWorkingCapitalIndirect.changeInOtherCurrentAssets numericContext="NC1" label="Other current
<ci:changeInWorkingCapitalIndirect.otherChanges numericContext="NC1" label="Other long-term assets">9000000.0</ci:changeInWorkingCapitalIndirect.otherChanges>
<ci:changeInWorkingCapitalIndirect.changeInOtherCurrentLiabilities numericContext="NC1" label="Other curren
<ci:changeInWorkingCapitalIndirect.otherChanges numericContext="NC1" label="Other long-term
<ci:netCashFlowsOperatingActivities.netCashFlowsOperatingActivitiesIndirect numericContext="NC1" label="Ne
cash from
<ci:proceedsFromIssuanceOfEquity.commonStock numericContext="NC1" label="Common stock
<ci:paymentForRepurchasesOfEquity.commonStock numericContext="NC1" label="Common stock repurchased">
<ci:netCashFlows.netCashFlowsFinancingActivities numericContext="NC1" label="Net cash used for financing">
<ci:paymentsForAssets.propertyPlantAndEquipment numericContext="NC1" label="Additions to property and
<ci:paymentsForAssets.purchasesPaymentsForInvestments numericContext="NC1" label="Purchases of
<ci:proceedsFromSalesMaturityOfAssets.investmentProceeds numericContext="NC1" label="Maturities of
<ci:proceedsFromSalesMaturityOfAssets.investmentProceeds numericContext="NC1" label="Sales of
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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Exhibit 23. (continued)
<ci:netCashFlows.netCashFlowsInvestingActivities numericContext="NC1" label="Net cash used for investing">1.0845E10</ci:netCashFlows.netCashFlowsInvestingActivities>
<ci:endOfPeriodCashAndCashEquivalents.netCashFlows numericContext="NC1" label="Net change in cash and
<ci:netCashFlows.effectOfExchangeRateOnCash numericContext="NC1" label="Effect of exchange rates on cash
and equivalents">2000000.0</ci:netCashFlows.effectOfExchangeRateOnCash>
<ci:endOfPeriodCashAndCashEquivalents.beginningOfPeriodCashAndCashEquivalents numericContext="NC1"
label="Cash and equivalents beginning of
<ci:cashFlows.endOfPeriodCashAndCashEquivalents numericContext="NC1" label="Cash and equivalents end of
Line 10 refers to the attributes that apply to all items in the group. Numeric context refers
to type of data required to provide context for a financial fact; in this case, the data type
is numeric, since we are dealing with the cash flow statement. The maximum number of
digits that will be used by any item in the group is 10, which is defined by precision. The
term cwa refers to closed world assumption; this condition is false, which means that the
processing application should not calculate new values based on the information given
in this instance document. If the cwa assumption is false, then the XBRL document does
Exhibit 24. XBRL instance documents IV (Source: www.fraank.eycarat.ukans.ed/, used
with permission)
Cash Flow Statement
Net income
Depreciation amortization and other noncash items
Net recognized (gains)/losses on investments
Stock option income tax benefits
Deferred income taxes
Unearned revenue
Recognition of unearned revenue
Accounts receivable
Other current assets
Other long-term assets
Other current liabilities
Other long-term liabilities
Net cash from operations
Common stock issued
Common stock repurchased
Net cash used for financing
Additions to property and equipment
Purchases of investments
Maturities of investments
Net cash used for investing
Net change in cash and equivalents
Effect of exchange rates on cash and equivalents 2000000.00*
Cash and equivalents beginning of year
Cash and equivalents end of year
Note: * All values except this are in millions
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 77
not hold all the facts necessary to perform further computations. Lines 11, 12 and 13
identify the entity to which the information relates; in this case, Microsoft. Entities can
also describe a subsidiary of a company, departments or cost/revenue centers. Lines 14,
15 and 16 describe the unit of measurement; U.S. dollars for our document. Lines 17, 18
and 19 identify the period; for the statement of cash flows, it is a date or an instant, 200206-30. XBRL can accommodate different date formats.
Lines 21 to 72 describe various items that constitute statement of cash flows. In line 21,
ci refers to the taxonomy namespace defined in line 4, then the item or element name is
given. The name in line 23 indicates that we are calculating net cash flows from operating
activities using the indirect method, and the label for the first item is net income. The
numeric context is defined earlier and labeled as NC1. The amount is mentioned between
greater-than and less-than signs. The lines up to 72 describe various items in the
statement of cash flows. Note that negative numbers, such as in lines 30 and 31, have a
negative sign. This statement of cash flows is a good example of an instance document,
though this document does not cover all the components of XBRL syntax.
The statement of cash flows is a simple document. As we add more details, the XBRL
instance documents will become complex. This XBRL instance document can be used to
create the statement of cash flows in a variety of formats, provided we create appropriate
XSL files. For example, Exhibit 24 shows the approximate HTML output of this XBRL
instance document. We can define different style sheets and create output as a PDF file,
Word file or text file.
XBRL Tools and Software
XBRL is a markup language and in itself does not do anything. A host of supplementary
tools are required to bring XBRL to life. XBRL tools can be broadly classified into the
following categories:
Taxonomy-related tools
Document instance-related tools
Programmatic tools
XBRL Repositories
Taxonomy related tools enable viewing, editing and building of taxonomies. These tools
are important, since extending taxonomies will be necessary for company-specific
financial statements. The XBRL viewing tools allow viewing and printing of taxonomies.
The editing tools allow us to add, delete or change the existing taxonomy. Finally,
taxonomy-building tools can be used to build or create taxonomies, if necessary from
scratch. The taxonomy creator can also help in preparing documentation for taxonomies.
Remember, instance documents are nothing but financial reports tagged by XBRL. The
instance document-related tools allow creating, viewing, editing and validating instance
documents. Many accounting software packages are planning to support mapping of the
accounting system to XBRL taxonomy, thereby partially automating creation of XBRL
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instance documents. Some tools even map data warehouses to reporting taxonomies.
Third-party software packages allow creation of instance documents from scratch or
editing of imported instance documents. Few software packages even process instance
documents to produce a generic output. Instance documents need to be validated to
confirm that they match the schema specified by the XBRL specification. There are
software tools (even Web-based) that take the file and check the validity of that file
against the taxonomy file. XBRL International maintains an extensive list of tools on its
Web site.
The instance documents need to be accessed by the software and processed. The
programmatic access to structure and data in the XBRL document is facilitated by XBRL
DOM. XBRL DOM is technically a software application (API component) embedded in
the application software, such as Microsoft Excel or UB Matrix Studio. XBRL DOM makes
working with XBRL instance documents user friendly, insulating the user by taking care
of validating and linking tasks. XBRL DOM changes with changes in XBRL Schema
specification and XBRL specification. Thus, users need not be conversant with the latest
changes to validate and edit instance documents. There also are XBRL extractor tools
that help to extract XBRL data from Web pages and other sources. Microsoft released
an XBRL tool, Microsoft Investor Analyst, that works with Excel and imports XBRLformatted documents in the spreadsheet for further analysis. Now this tool has been
supplanted by Microsoft Office Tool for XBRLTM Prototype, available at
XBRL repositories refer to a consolidated collection of financial statements and reports
in XBRL for various companies. Currently, has an extensive
collection of SEC filings in XBRL format. Other Web-based solutions can convert nonXBRL documents into XBRL format. The University of Kansas Ernst & Young Research
Center has an intelligent agent (a software program that automatically performs certain
functions based on the occurrence of specified events) that can extract SEC filings and
convert those into XBRL format, among other things. XBRL search engines (not yet
developed) that search for XBRL on the Internet and intranets will be useful for financial
users and the research community.
Audit and Control Issues in XBRL
Audit and control issues in XBRL are just beginning to be analyzed. Applications of
XBRL span the entire spectrum of financial and managerial reporting. These applications
will profoundly affect audit and control mechanisms. The purpose of this section is not
to cover all these areas; however, it is to briefly identify areas that are immediately
affected due to the introduction of XBRL. Conceptually, the simple questions are:
How will XBRL financial statements be used? They carry all the same challenges
that paper-based reports contain, but add the extra dimension of divisibility.
Will companies and auditors give assurance on XBRL instance documents as
a whole?
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 79
What about a small piece of the whole, such as earnings per share calculation?
How do you know if the appropriate taxonomy is being used?
How do you know if the taxonomy is correct, especially if it is internally developed?
How do you know XBRL instance documents are properly marked up?
How do you ensure the integrity of tagged data?
How do you ensure accuracy and integrity of style sheets to guarantee proper
What are the appropriate auditing and sampling procedures to audit these control
The XBRL tagged financial statements in the Web environment, or even in a non-Web
environment, can be used either as a whole or in part. A financial statement can provide
a hyperlink that can take a user to a different analysis, presentation or calculation. These
may be integral to the financial statements or addenda. The audited parts of financial
statements are not distinguishable from non-audited parts. The question is, how far does
the auditing assurance go? What ways let the user know of the audited and non-audited
information? What are the auditor’s duties and what type of disclosures are needed in
such a case? These are the global questions that demand answers before we even look
at the mechanics of taxonomy creation and use.
Numerous taxonomies can be used to create XBRL instance documents. The next area
of concern is appropriateness of the taxonomy being used, the version of taxonomy being
used, match between requirements of a financial report and taxonomies, and the accuracy
of mapping financial data with the taxonomies used. If the taxonomy is internally
developed, it needs to be validated and vetted for accuracy and completeness. The
controls over taxonomy choice, creation and editing need to be installed and monitored.
Accounting software automates many of these functions; in this case, output needs to
be evaluated on a sample basis. Additionally, controls over creation, viewing and editing
instance documents are required.
The XBRL instance document contains markups, and these markups need to be accurate.
If the document is not correctly marked up, then it may not be processed correctly.
Automated controls over error correction, isolation of incorrect files and appropriate
computer messages should be in place. These controls need to be validated and tested.
Once the accuracy of instance documents is ensured, then questions of tracking changes
in those documents arise. The standardized procedures for change and maintenance of
these documents need to be in place, especially if documents are displayed on the Web
in real time. The issues of authorization and authentication in the networked environment
need to be analyzed carefully.
The actual auditing procedures are being discussed by the profession. However, these
auditing procedures are not new. Many auditing techniques are already in place for
similar applications; for example, EDI. Many standard auditing procedures in computerbased information systems are probably applicable in these areas. Accountants and
auditors should be aware that with the promise of XBRL there is some peril of control
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XBRL is backed by major accounting bodies, professional accounting firms, software
vendors and even governments, and is the only XML-based initiative in the financial
reporting area. XBRL taxonomies are being developed in a wide range of areas, from
financial statements to tax and assurance services and, no doubt, even more creative
applications will come online. XBRL tools are rapidly being deployed, and the basic
software infrastructure is in place. XBRL promises a seamless transfer of financial data
across different information technologies and also to overcome lingual and national
barriers. Recent empirical research indicates that using XBRL results in better acquisition
and integration of information for individuals.
However, to fulfill these promises, substantial upfront investments are required. The
richness and variations in financial reporting will probably result in complex taxonomies.
Developing, validating and maintaining these taxonomies are major tasks. Since XBRL
is based on XML specifications, as XML changes XBRL needs to be updated, which
probably will be an ongoing task in the near future. Accounting software, analytical tools,
skill sets for accountants and the nature of auditing and internal controls will certainly
XML is an attempt to standardize data and information transfer, which has been an
Achilles heel for the Internet. XML is being applied in different areas – from music and
religion to sciences and business. Businesses are moving strongly into a digital world,
full of markups for all recordable business events. Financial data will not be an exception
to this rule. As accounting deals with financial data, it is inevitable that XML will affect
accounting. Markup languages such as XML use markups to identify the structure of
documents. Markups can be procedural or descriptive. Procedural markups are software
specific, used for formatting the document and not useful if that specific application is
not being used. Descriptive markups contain information about logical structure of text
and content in the document. These are used in markup languages.
Markup languages specify symbols for markups, meaning of markups, ways to distinguish markups from content of the document and purposes of different markups. SGML
is one of the first markup languages and has wide applications. SGML is not suitable for
the Internet, and is not supported by most browsers. XML is a subset of SGML, and is
specifically developed for the Internet. The X in XML stands for extensible, meaning
users can define their own markups and develop markup languages for specific purposes.
An XML document is a basic unit of information and must strictly follow the syntax rules
of XML. XML syntax consists of different rules — for example, each document must have
a root element. A well-formed XML document follows all rules of XML. To provide an
explanation for markups, XML employs mechanisms of DTDs or XML Schema. DTDs
provide explanation of tags and the syntax of the document. XML Schema is similar to
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 81
DTD; however, it supports different datatypes, is written in XML syntax and is
extensible. XML Schema is replacing DTD as a method of document validation.
XML merely marks up the document, so how do we process these documents? XML is
armed with a host of supplementary technologies. Validation and linking technologies
enable us to validate XML documents and provide hyperlink capabilities. Transformation technologies allow display of XML documents in various output formats. Processor
technologies permit software applications to process XML documents. XML applications are in areas of music, animation and Web publishing, to mention a few; and different
XML-based languages are being developed in these areas. There are also various XMLbased security initiatives.
The major initiative for the accounting community is XBRL. This XML-based language
is designed to standardize financial and business reporting. XML specifications are used
to develop XBRL. XBRL has two main components: XBRL taxonomy and XBRL instance
documents. XBRL taxonomies are classification systems for financial facts. Taxonomies
are being developed for IAS, nation-specific GAAPs, and industry- and firm-specific
terminology in each country. Functional taxonomies, such as financial statements,
general ledger, tax returns and assurance services, are also being developed.
XBRL instance documents describe financial facts; it can be one financial item or a
complete set of financial statements. XBRL instance documents can handle numeric and
non-numeric data; different units of measurement; multi-period financial statements; and
actual, budgeted or pro forma reporting. Numerous software tools are being developed
to create, edit, view and maintain taxonomies and instance documents. XBRL promises
many benefits, but there are associated costs. Taxonomy creation and maintenance is a
complex task, and is consuming resources of the accounting community. Audit and
control issues raised by XBRL applications are just being addressed. XML is a dynamic
language, and as XML specifications change, XBRL also will change. Accounting
software, analytical tools, skill sets for accountants, and nature of auditing and internal
controls will continue to evolve accordingly.
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Bovee, M., Ettredge, M., Srivastava, R., & Vasarhelyi, M. (2002, Fall). Does the year 2000
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 83
Richard, J. (2002a). The anatomy of an XBRL taxonomy (working paper). XBRL. Murdoch:
Murdoch University. Retrieved January 17, 2003, from
Richard, J. (2002b). The anatomy of XBRL instance documents (working paper). XBRL.
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Richard, J. (2002c). An introduction to XML/XBRL (working paper). XBRL. Murdoch:
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XBRL. Murdoch: Murdoch University. Retrieved January 17, 2003, from
Richard, J., & Tibbits, H. (2002). Understanding XBRL. CPA Australia NSW Branch
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Schmelzer, R. (2001). The “pros and cons” of XML. Waltham: Zapthink Research Report.
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
XML Spy, XML integrated development environment (white paper). (2002). XML Spy.
Retrieved January 10, 2003, from
A substantial part of this chapter is taken from Deshmukh, A. (2003). XBRL.
Communications of AIS, 13(16), March, 1-40.
A poster depicting comprehensive treatment of XML technologies used to be
available on the Web site
Appendix A: Applications of
XML-Based Languages in Accounting
XML specification 1.0 establishes rules for creating good XML. XML applications
develop good rules of XML in specific areas of interest. The Web site,,
details the name of the standard, organization(s) involved in developing the standard,
category for the applications and XML examples. This site lists more than 60 areas where
XML applications are under development. XML applications are in business and nonbusiness areas. In the context of business, XML applications can be broadly categorized
as vertical industry applications and horizontal or e-business applications. For example,
the vertical industries listed are accounting, advertising, automotive, software and waste
management; horizontal industry applications are in the areas of databases, e-commerce,
supply chain management and financial reporting. There are a number of overlapping
initiatives in the vertical industry and horizontal business applications. Non-business
applications are in the fields of chemistry, economics, mathematics, music and religion.
Let us take a quick view of typical XML initiatives that are affecting or will affect the
accounting function. We take an accounting cycle approach and identify XML-based
languages that may affect individual accounting cycles. There is some overlap here, and
it is identified as these developments are described. Some of the initiatives are competing
in nature and some span more than one area. The initiatives that affect finance and
security markets are shown under Finance. Developments listed here are illustrative and
not exhaustive; new initiatives are coming online rapidly. These primary developments
are shown in Exhibit A_1.
ebXML, BizCodes, BASDA e-Business XML cXML, XML Voucher and XML EDI will
affect Web-based sales orders and related activities. Electronic Business using XML
(ebXML) aims to develop a standard method to exchange business messages, conduct
trading relationships and communicate business data in common language. BizCodes
initiative is also an attempt to provide one standard format for global e-business
interchanges. BASDA e-Business XML standard is developed so orders and invoices
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 85
Exhibit A_1. XML-based languages and accounting cycles
Accounting Cycle
Transaction Type
Revenue Cycle
Sales order
Credit approval
Expenditure Cycle
Review of inventory
Choosing a supplier
Purchase order
Receipt of goods
Receipt and payment of the
Conversion Cycle
• Product design
• Production planning and
• Manufacturing
• Inventory control
• Source journals
• General ledger
• Financial reporting
• Derivatives, interest rate
• Capital markets
• Transfer of financial data
Financial Reporting
XML Application
BASDA e-Business XML
VISA XML Specification
XML Voucher
VISA XML Specification
XML Voucher
XML UPS Tracking
can be directly exchanged between different accounting applications. This standard will
automate existing accounting functions by eliminating incompatibility between systems
and resultant manual entries. XML EDI uses XML and EDI technologies together to
provide a next generation of EDI. This standard aims to express existing EDI mechanisms
in XML syntax, thereby creating a more flexible version of EDI. This version is expected
to be cheaper and affordable to small businesses. XML EDI affects both sell-side and
buy-side activities. EDI transactions will not be replaced; however, the XML technologies may broaden the use of EDI.
Coupons, loyalty points and gift certificates accompany the payment and delivery of
goods in the real world. XML Voucher defines voucher (a logical entity that represents
a right to claim goods or services) properties in XML syntax. This standard provides for
a voucher-trading model, requirements for Voucher Trading System (VTS) for secure
circulation of vouchers, and Generic Voucher Language (GVL) for a description of
different types of vouchers. These vouchers need to be connected with related revenue
accounts for automated entries. This development will also reduce manual entries, since
coupons and gift certificates do create paper-based systems.
There is a profusion of standards in the electronic payments area. Electronic Commerce
Modeling Language (ECML) standardizes electronic payments on the Web by providing
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a set of hierarchical payment-oriented data structures that supports electronic wallets.
This standard provides functionality such as confidentiality, non-repudiability of
transactions, automated payment scheme selection and smart-card support.
Electronic payment systems are varied and contain Secure Electronic Transactions
(SET), Mondex, CyberCash and DigiCash, among other things. Internet Open Trading
Protocol (IOTP) subsumes these protocols and aims to provide systems that resemble
traditional paper-based methods of trading. The aim here is to provide definitions of
trading events, such as negotiation of who will be parties to the trade, how the trade will
be conducted, the presentment of an offer, method of payment, provision of a payment
receipt, and delivery and receipt of goods in a way that two unfamiliar parties in ecommerce can complete the transaction successfully. Use of this protocol will make cash
management easier and curb online fraud. The ideal here is global interoperability.
The Bank Internet Payment System (BIPS) secures financial transactions for a bank and
its customers over the Internet. This standard uses existing technologies wherever
possible and uses new protocols to bridge gaps. The idea is to maintain banks’ role as
a trusted agent in transactions in the virtual world. For customers, this protocol offers
less costly transactions, more convenience and flexibility in payment options. These
standards sometimes are overlapping, but mostly target different areas and can be
expected to solve some of the thorniest problems in e-commerce.
The expenditure cycle and conversion cycle directly relate to Supply Chain Management.
The illustrative initiatives in this area are cXML, eCX XML, VISA XML, PDML and PDX.
Commerce XML (cXML) is designed to facilitate communication of business documents
between procurement applications, e-commerce hubs and suppliers. cXML supports
electronic product catalogs (similar to paper catalogs; the primary use is to convey
product and service content to buyers), punchout catalogs (these interactive catalogs
allow buyers to choose between different options and configure the product), procurement applications and order-receiving systems (accepting and processing of purchase
orders). This format competes with mail, fax and EDI formats.
Electronic Catalog XML (eCX XML) has a slightly different emphasis. It is developed to
promote electronic catalog interoperability. This standard primarily deals with catalog
structure, dynamically described product information and catalog updates. A purchasing procedure substantially changes in this environment. Employees can order from their
desktops and payments may be made electronically. Separation of duties and automation
of internal controls through workflows need to be carefully evaluated. The integration
with activity-based costing systems may also pose a challenge.
VISA XML specification is a standard for automation of B2B purchasing functions and
monitoring of travel and entertainment expenses. This standard is not limited to Visa Card
payment, but supports multiple payment types. Currently, this standard supports lineitem invoice details for procurement, airline and travel itinerary data, lodging information
and car rental information. Future releases of the specification are for specific industries.
Online product design, development and manufacturing are already supported by most
of the ERP software packages. XML developments will make standardization easier.
Product Data Markup Language (PDML) supports interchange of product information
between commercial systems or government systems. Product data information often
needs to be exchanged inter- or intra-company; and for government contractors, the
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The XML-Based Web Languages and Accounting 87
information exchange is more intensive and continuous. To meet the needs of these
groups, PDML is being developed. The other type of product information exchange takes
place when company has a network of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs),
manufacturing service providers and parts suppliers. Product information exchange is
lifeblood for such virtual networks. Product Definition Exchange (PDX) is a standard for
the e-supply chain. This initiative is focused on exchange of product information
between OEMs, manufacturing service providers and component suppliers.
In the finance arena, there are initiatives that deal with derivatives, capital markets and
financial data transfer. Financial Products Markup Language (fpML) enables automation
of flow of information across entire derivatives partner and client networks. The financial
services industry has already developed standard contracts for derivatives. The prediction was that the current 5-day preparation time for a derivative contract would be cut
down to 1 day by 2005. SwapsWire, a network of investment banks, has already
implemented fpML for interest swaps. A SwapsWire spokesperson said that a typical
financial institution handles 380 trades in a week, and an average staff person handles
approximately 9 trades per week. The company expects to significantly increase the
productivity of staffers by using automated contracts.
FinXML is a framework for defining vocabularies for the capital markets. This framework
is expected to support a universal standard for data interchange within the capital
markets. Currently, FinXML supports interest rates, foreign exchange and commodity
derivatives, bonds, money markets, loans and deposits, and exchange-traded futures
and options. Research Information Exchange Markup Language (RIXML) is an industrystandard dialect of XML that deals with management of research information, which
includes equity research, fixed-income research, and events and calendars. This specification is targeted toward financial services firms such as brokerage houses, asset
management companies, mutual fund managers and securities houses.
Interactive Financial exchange (IFX) specification is a framework for transfer of financial
data, which is developed by major financial institutions. Currently, IFX provides support
for bank statements download, credit card statement download, funds transfer, consumer payments, business payments, brokerage and mutual fund statement download,
and bill presentment and payment. Open Financial Exchange (OFX) is similar to IFX and
currently supports consumer and small-business banking; consumer and small-business
bill payment; and bill presentment and payment, including stocks, bonds and mutual
funds. OFX is developed by Microsoft, Intuit and CheckFree.
This description covers a few areas in XML-based languages in the context of accounting
cycles. XML is in flux, and new developments and changes in existing applications are
rapid and frequent. A visit to will indicate that there is an explosion in XML
standards and applications. XML effects on information transfer and management will
be pervasive and affect every area of the business domain, and even arts, sciences,
education and government. These developments will affect accounting and finance in
due time. The exact implications for accounting are not very clear at this point, except for
the well-known XBRL initiative. However, these developments will definitely affect
transaction processing, internal controls, audit trails and accounting workflows. There
will be meaningful changes in information management for security markets, banking and
financial institutions. Information-intensive industries will certainly benefit from the
coming standardization.
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Chapter IV
Electronic Data
What is Electronic Data Interchange?
Before the dawn of the computer age, intra- and inter-business activities, especially
purchasing and selling of products and services, were paper-intensive. Paper documents
such as purchase orders, invoices, shipping notices, and bills of lading needed to be
prepared in multiple copies. These copies had to be approved, signed, preserved in files
for a certain duration, forwarded to trading partners and processed in a myriad of ways.
Purchasing and selling activities rippled through the entire organization and tied in
manufacturing, logistics, accounting, finance and human resources, among other areas.
The documents then multiplied exponentially. Additionally, these documents were
organization-specific, meaning there were no standard formats. The lack of standard
format resulted in extra processing time; incoming purchase orders needed to be
converted into the organization’s sales order. In the 1960s, giant corporations had to deal
with a mountain of paperwork and employ armies of clerks to process those documents.
The associated costs and their effect on the bottom line alarmed managers. The idea of
electronic surrogates for these documents and Electronic Data Processing (EDP) began
to look attractive. In the late 1960s, the idea of an electronic exchange of standardized
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Electronic Data Interchange 89
documents had taken a firm root in the transportation industry. The age of EDP has
arrived and EDI was on the forefront of the wave and became more sophisticated over
the next several decades.
EDI is easy to mistake for many electronic communication formats devised over the last
decade. However, EDI has a distinct personality of its own. Formally, the definition of
EDI (The Accredited Standards Committee Cases X12, says:
“The movement of business data electronically between or within firms
(including their agents or intermediaries) in a structured, computerprocessable data format that permits data to be transferred without re-keying
from a computer-supported business application in one location to computersupported business application in another location.”
This definition highlights various unique features of EDI. Business data is transmitted
electronically, does not need re-keying, can pass through networks and/or storage
mediums, and does not need human intervention for flow, capture or processing. Data
processing is generally done by business applications specifically designed to process
the incoming data. The description so far matches with FTP, e-mail, fax or many other ecommerce applications. The key distinction between EDI and other forms of e-commerce
is structured format of data. Paper documents, e-mail or fax do not have a specific,
universally accepted data format. These forms of communication are handled using
computers, manually or by a combination of both. In EDI, a need to minimize human
intervention requires that data must be understood by the communicating computer
systems. That means data must be pre-formatted and should be based on standards
acceptable to the trading partners, and computers must be programmed to understand
the incoming format of data.
Exhibit 1. EDI and other forms of communication
Structure of Data
Standard Setting Bodies Industry Formats Proprietary Formats
Bar Codes
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EDI Standards and
Standard-Setting Organizations
The idea of a standard document, as mentioned in Chapter 1, originated during the Berlin
Airlift. Incoming cargo was accompanied by documents that were non-standard, in
different languages and in different formats, which caused a logistics nightmare. The U.S.
Army logistics officers designed a standard manifest to replace these non-standard
documents. The standard manifest could be transmitted via telephone, telex or radio. The
standard became a success; thousands of tons of cargo per day were tracked using these
manifests. This very same idea resurfaced in the 1960s. Corporations, led by the
transportation industry, began to employ standardized documents in electronic format.
Initially, standards were devised by individual corporations. These standards were in
proprietary formats and were incompatible with other standards. Interestingly, some
proprietary standards are still used, though corporations are steadily moving to generic
standards. By the late 1960s, the transportation industry reached a critical mass of users.
Different standards were hindering growth and acceptance of EDI. The TDCC was formed
to create EDI standards for shipping, rail and trucking segments of the transportation
industry. TDCC published its first set of standards in 1975. Then the Grocery and Food
industry also launched its initiative in the EDI arena. To unify these disparate efforts for
EDI standards, ANSI ( started coordinating efforts for generic standards
in the late 1970s. ANSI was founded in 1918 to administer and coordinate development
of national standards in various areas. ANSI does not develop standards, but provides
a forum where interested parties such as professional societies, trade associations,
industry groups and government can come together and write and maintain standards.
Exhibit 2. Timeline for EDI standards and organizations
Standard manifests designed for cargo transportation during the Berlin
• Early 1960s: DuPont and Chemical Lehman transmit cargo
information in EDI-type formats.
• Mid 1960s: Shipping manifests transmitted through telex that could be
automatically converted into computer processable data.
• Late 1960s:Transportation Data Coordinating Committee (TDCC)
formed to establish EDI standards.
• 1975: TDCC publishes the first set of EDI standards.
• 1977: Grocery and food industry launches a pilot project to assess the
feasibility of EDI.
• 1978: ANSI develops generic EDI standards -- ANSI X.12
• 1982: Automotive industry employs EDI; GM and Ford mandate EDI
for suppliers.
• 1985: EDI for Administration, Commerce and Trade (EDIFACT)
starts developing international EDI standards.
• Late 1980s/Early 1990s: Federal government starts using EDI.
• XML-developed. XML/EDI standards begin to take shape.
• EDIINT (EDI over the Internet) initiatives
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Electronic Data Interchange 91
Exhibit 3. ANSI X.12 transaction set for invoice (810)
Segment Description
Max. Use
Interchange control header
Functional group header
Transaction set header
Beginning segment for invoice
Reference number
Address information
Geographic location
Terms of sale
Baseline item data (Invoice)
Note/Special instruction
Date/Time reference
Total monetary value (Summary)
Allowance charge
Transaction totals
Transaction set trailer
Functional group trailer
Interchange control trailer
The Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X.12 has been entrusted by ANSI to develop
EDI standards. These standards by the committee are codified in ANSI X.12. The Data
Interchange Standards Association (DISA) serves as a secretariat for ASC X.12 and
published an entire set of X.12 standards in one single volume. These standards have
been in use in the U.S. Parallel to ANSI, other organization that is active in the EDI
standards area is the United Nations rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT, This initiative began
in Great Britain, and initial efforts were in developing EDI standards for Europe. However,
now EDIFACT develops internationally accepted standards. EDIFACT standards are
influenced by ANSI X.12 standards, and there are many common structural characteristics; however, there are some differences in formats and structures of these standards.
The unification of these standards is a work in progress.
Under the broad umbrella of ANSI X.12 and EDIFACT, there is a host of other standards.
The different industry groups have industry-specific standards; for example, retail,
insurance, transportation, automobile and banking have their own EDI standards. XMLbased EDI has been gaining momentum in recent years, and there are separate standards
for different industries under this group. There is also a movement to integrate EDI with
the Internet, moving away from proprietary networks, covered by EDIINT standards. The
other illustrative areas include standards for object-oriented EDI, product and data
harmonization in EDI and messaging systems in EDI. The dynamic nature of this area can
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
be understood by checking these Web sites: and These
sites have comprehensive information about standards that affect the electronic exchange of information, along with a comprehensive list of standards for EDI. These
standards will probably continue to change and evolve in the foreseeable future.
So what are these standards and how do they work? The basic components of the
standards, both ANSI X.12 and EDIFACT, are similar. First, standards provide the syntax
and encoding scheme that specify the structure of data. In EDI, the data structure makes
data independent of machines, systems and storage media; and allows for common
interpretation. The structure is also modular — meaning changes in part of the message
Exhibit 4. An invoice mapped to the EDI format
ce s
Interchange control header
Functional group header
Transaction set header
Invoice #2
(Data segments)
(Data elements)
Transaction set trailer
Transaction set header
Transaction set trailer
Invoice #1
(Data segments)
(Data elements)
Transaction Set Header
T2T Company
T2T Company
7167, State St.
Erie, PA 16000
U2U Company
7617, Main St.
Meadville, PA 16001
T2T Company
Invoice #1
Invoice Date:
P.O. Number:
P.O. Date:
Net 30
Description Quantity Unit Price Extended Price
Mother Board
Graphics Board 5
Invoice #3
(Data segments)
(Data elements)
Transaction set trailer
Functional group trailer
Interchange control trailer
Functional group header
Functional group trailer
A set of sales invoices
Transaction set header
Transaction set trailer
A single sales invoice
Data segments
Data elements
Address of the customer
Individual line items in the address
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Electronic Data Interchange 93
do not need changes in other parts. Second, standards provide for data dictionary. This
dictionary defines business terminology such as date, time, address and currency in
special EDI terms. Third, standards provide a way to combine basic blocks of information
(called data elements) such as date, time, account number and supplier’s name and
address, to create a complete document such as invoice (called a transaction set). We
will look deeper at ANSI X.12 standards to get some understanding of the inner workings
of EDI.
Traditional business activities — for example, sales transactions — are based on
exchange of various documents, such as request for quote, sales order, shipping notice,
bill of lading and invoice, to mention a few. EDI standards pattern EDI messages on a
transaction basis. A complete representation of invoice (810) in ANSI X.12 format is
shown in Exhibit 3. This format is taken from ANSI X.12 standards and it shows EDI
segment name, segment description, whether the segment is mandatory or required, and
maximum number of times the segment can be used. Invoice-specific items are as follows
— ST to ITD segments describe the invoice header section, IT1 to DTM segments
describe invoice details, and TDS to CTT segments describe invoice summary details.
The same transaction set is mapped to an invoice in Exhibit 4. The EDI message at the
left-hand side indicates structure of the message. EDI message, in the U.S., means the
entire data stream, including interchange header and trailer. There are five components:
the interchange control structure, functional groups, transaction sets, data segments
and data elements. The shaded region at the right-hand side shows a series of sales
invoices. Each sales invoice, in EDI terminology, will be considered a transaction set;
and a collection of invoices, that is, group of similar transaction sets, will be considered
a functional group.
Exhibit 5. Invoice (810) converted to EDI message
N1*BY*T2T COMPANY*92*123456
N3*7167 STATE ST
N1*BT*U2U COMPANY*92*654321
N3*7617 MAIN ST
Invoice Header
Header information, transaction set control number
Invoice number and date
Currency U.S. dollars
Packing slip reference
Name of the supplier
Address of the supplier
Address of the supplier
T2T account representative number
Name of the customer
Address of the customer
Address of the customer
Terms of sale – Net 30
Shipping date
FOB – shipping
Invoice Detail
Part number, quantity shipped, and price information
Part number, quantity shipped, and price information
Invoice Summary
Total amount of the invoice
Applicable taxes
Total IT1 segments
Transaction set control number
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A transaction set consists of data segments; each data segment is comprised of data
elements of variable lengths. Data elements are analogous to information in the line item,
and data segments are analogous to the entire line item or the logical collection of line
items. For example, line items in customer address such as street, city, state and country
will be considered data elements. Data elements can be numeric, decimal, identifier,
string, and date or time; have a minimum and maximum length; and an indication whether
the element is required or optional. A collection of data elements will result in a data
segment; when all line items in the customer address are combined, we get a data segment
that identifies the customer. ANSI X.12 standards provide a data element dictionary that
maps business terms such as date, address and so forth to the EDI message. Each data
element in EDI will have a reference number cited in the data element dictionary. These
standards also specify which data segments can be used in the message, sequence of
the segments, optional or required nature of the segments, whether the segment can be
repeated and, if yes, rules regarding repetition (loops) of the segments.
A comprehensive collection of data segments will be called a transaction set. In other
words, the sales invoice (being a transaction set) will consist of data segments that will
define company name and address, customer name and address, information about
ordered parts, prices, freight and taxes. The structure of transaction sets is threefold:
header and trailer area, detail or line item area, and summary area.
Header and trailer area: The transaction set header consists of a transaction
identification number and transaction set control number. The transaction identification number is a three-digit number that uniquely identifies type of the
transaction; for example, 810 means invoice. A wide range of business documents
(approximately 250) for different industries have been standardized by ANSI X.12.
A list of frequently used transaction identification numbers and the names of
corresponding documents are listed in Exhibit 6.
Transaction set control number is a unique sequence number assigned to each
data segment, and the last number in that sequence identifies the total number of
data segments. For example, if there are five data segments, then the first data
segment will have a control number such as 0001 and the last data segment may have
a control number 0005. The header area contains the transaction set control number
associated with the first data segment. The transaction set trailer area indicates that
the transaction has ended, total number of segments included, and the transaction
set control number (generally the same number included in the header area).
Detail area: This area consists of data segments that provide information regarding quantity, price, catalog numbers, part numbers and product description, among
other things. The sequence of segments may form a loop that may be repeated; for
example, 810 IT1 (baseline item data) can be repeated 999,999 times. In case of an
invoice, each loop will approximately correspond to each line item on the invoice.
Summary area: This area can contain summary information such as total price for
the invoice and/or it may include control information such as number of lines in a
sales order or hash totals.
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Electronic Data Interchange 95
Exhibit 6. EDI-capable documents in different functional areas
and finance
Sales invoices
Debit/Credit memos
Payment order/Remittance advices
Tax reporting
Purchase Orders (PO)
PO acknowledgments
PO changes/adjustments
Order status inquiries
Order status report
Planning schedules
Product transfers and resale
Inventory advice
Prices/Sales catalogs
Request for quote
Return requests for quote
Price authorizations
Product activity data
Routing and carrier instruction
Advance shipment notices
Shipment status messages
Freight details and invoices
Planning schedule
Production sequence
Functional acknowledgment
The set of transaction sets will be enveloped in a functional group. A functional group
header will precede all transaction sets and a functional group trailer will succeed all
transaction sets. As shown in Exhibit 4, functional group envelopes transaction sets of
three invoices. The functional group header consists of a functional ID code that
identifies the transaction set; for example, sales invoice or purchase order, application
codes for the sender and receiver, and date and time, among other things. The functional
group trailer identifies the number of included transaction sets and the data interchange
control number, which is assigned by the sender. In the ANSI X.12 standard, a functional
group receipt is acknowledged by a functional group acknowledgement (or functional
acknowledgement), which indicates that the transaction sets have been received and can
be processed. Remember, this communication takes place between computer systems.
The Interchange Control header and trailer that surround the functional group do not
contain EDI-specific information; however, they identify the sender and receiver, the
date and time of transmission, and the version of X.12 being used in the transmission.
Exhibit 5 shows the conversion of the invoice shown in Exhibit 4 into an EDI message.
Exhibit 5 uses elements of a transaction set as indicated in 810 transaction set and details
of the invoice to create an EDI message. On the left-hand side are lines of the EDI message,
and on the right-hand side are the meaning of those lines. The invoice header (ST to ITD),
invoice details (IT to DTM) and invoice summary (TDS to CTT) are delineated to clearly
indicate how the invoice gets transformed into an EDI message. The interchange control
header and functional group header are not shown for the sake of simplicity.
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Infrastructure for EDI Solutions
An effective implementation of EDI requires a firm infrastructural foundation. The
infrastructure for EDI includes translation software, communication software, hardware
for data transfer and security, and legal trading partner agreements. The process begins
with accounting software preparing the required document, such as purchase order or
advanced shipping notice in electronic format. This process also works for paper
documents, which can be typed and entered in the EDI software. However, using paper
documents negates benefits of the EDI system.
The translation software then translates the document or a batch of documents in EDI
format (and vice versa); the EDI syntax and coding scheme must be followed precisely.
The translation software (called translator) is a crucial piece in the EDI system. The
primary task of translator is to convert outgoing messages from the seller’s unique format
to a standard EDI format and to convert incoming EDI messages to the buyer’s unique
format that can be further processed by the buyer’s accounting software. The translation
process consists of three steps. First, a file conversion program in the translation
software formats data from the business application so data can be accepted by the EDI
formatting software. Second, the EDI formatting software takes data output from the file
conversion program and reformats it in the EDI standard format. Third, the communication software prepares the data for transmission. The translator also performs certain
secondary tasks. The incoming message can be validated by the translators; if there are
any errors, an error file can be generated. The translator also generates functional
acknowledgments when it receives messages. Some useful features of the translator are
enumerated below.
The translator should support major EDI standards such as ANSI X.12 and
EDIFACT. Additionally, it should support required industry specific standards, for
example, automotive, groceries, or transportation industry
The translator should support a data-mapping functionality for a wide range of
incoming and outgoing messages, including multiple and nonstandard transaction
The translator should seamlessly integrate with the existing accounting system;
for example, packaged software, ERP systems or legacy systems. Or, the vendor
should be willing to provide a customized solution.
The translator should automatically generate functional acknowledgements.
The translator should require minimum manual intervention. Tasks such as scheduling, archiving of messages, table lookups and generation of turnaround documents should be done automatically.
The translator should have an appropriate reporting facility to generate standard
or custom reports.
The translator should have connection facilities for trading partners’ networks, the
Internet and/or dial up telephone lines.
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Electronic Data Interchange 97
Exhibit 7. Infrastructure for EDI solutions
software prepares
the relevant
EDI message
reaches the
partner’s computer
system or mailbox
software translates
documents in the
EDI format
Partner downloads
message or the EDI
software receives
the message
software transfers
outgoing message
over the network
Translation software
translates the
incoming message
Network connections
ØDirect connection – dial-up or
leased line
ØValue added network
ØMay need additional security
Converted message
is processed by the
relevant application
Dozens of companies provide translator software; however, due to industry consolidation, this number is constantly changing. Translation software is available as a standalone module as well as part of integrated EDI solutions offered by the same company.
For example, Exact Macola software uses GENTRAN by Sterling Software as translator
for its EDI module; however, Sterling Commerce also offers a variety of e-commerce suites
and products that use the same translator software.
The translated document is transferred by the communications software over networks
to the partner’s computer system. Data transfer can be achieved by direct connections
or by logging into the partner’s computer system. The connection can be direct, such
as regular phone lines or dedicated leased phone lines, broadband lines or Digital
Subscriber Line (DSL). The choice depends on frequency of the EDI messages. If the
messages are processed in a batch mode and only need a few hours for transmission, then
regular phone lines may be a viable choice. However, as frequency of the messages goes
up, number of EDI partners goes up, and/or usage of other online applications goes up,
dedicated lines are more useful. The communication software should be capable of
supporting multiple protocols to support these connections.
Indirect connections take place through third-party networks, referred to as Value Added
Networks (VANs). A VAN is a private network provider. Basically, VANs move data,
especially large and sensitive files, between companies. The term value added denotes
that these networks add services that are not readily available on public networks. A list
of additional services is quite lengthy, and includes handling of all connectivity-related
issues, such as providing various communication options, protocol conversions and
electronic mailboxing; security-related issues, such as privacy, authentication, data
integrity and storage of data for audit trail purposes; consulting services; and other
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Exhibit 8. Value added networks
Client mailboxes
Client mailboxes
Connected clients
miscellaneous services, such as connecting to other VANs, EDI to e-mail conversion, EDI
to fax conversion and electronic catalogs.
In EDI, generally, VAN is used as a post office. VANs provide electronic mailboxes for
trading partners. The trading partners dial in or otherwise connect with the VAN and
deliver messages. For example, the sender will dial in and connect with the VAN and
deliver a purchase order. This order will be enclosed in an envelope and the address on
the envelope will notify the order’s destination to the network. The order will be placed
in the mailbox of the appropriate supplier. The supplier will then log into the network and
retrieve the purchase order, and the resulting functional acknowledgment will be placed
in the sender’s mailbox. Generally, every client of the VAN receives two mailboxes, first
for incoming and second for outgoing EDI messages.
The basic service model described above is generally enhanced by VANs by offerings
of additional services. For example, VANs can send advance notification that a message
has arrived in a mail box; if there is no mail, then a no mail status can be displayed;
downloading and uploading of messages can be automated using telecommunication
sessions; and the same communication session can be used to deliver messages to
different trading partners. The VAN will also wait after a message is delivered for
acknowledgment of receipt of that message. It is important that the message is delivered
once and only once. If the same message is delivered twice, it might be processed twice.
Detailed transaction logs are maintained by the VAN to ensure an audit trail and accuracy
of the EDI messages. Additional services include EDI translation, secure e-mail and
management reporting, among other things.
VAN is a crucial link in the EDI chain. To protect interests of both sides, there is generally
a legal agreement between the VAN operator and the customer. This agreement covers
various areas; for example, description of the services, pricing structure, disaster
recovery procedures, liability and damages due to disruption of services or errors on part
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Electronic Data Interchange 99
of the VAN, security of messages, confidentiality and integrity of messages, provisions
for independent third-party review of the VAN security, and procedures for termination
or extension of the agreement.
The legal trading agreement, on the other hand, is between trading partners. The origins
of these agreements can be traced to days when electronic EDI transactions did not have
the same legal status as paper-based transactions. Interestingly, commercial law has not
yet kept pace with EDI practice. The trading agreements fill the gap and provide a legal
basis for EDI transactions. A trading agreement is also necessary to eliminate disputes
that arise in an electronic environment. Since there is no comprehensive EDI Law, each
trading agreement is unique. The contract can be a few lines to an elaborately drawn
document that can only fit in a three-ring binder. The American Bar Association
( provides Model Electronic Data Interchange Trading Partner
Agreement and Commentary, a booklet that can be obtained from the association.
The EDI trading agreement addresses the primary issue of establishing validity of
transactions that do not have a paper trail. The agreement also deals with many
technological issues unique to the EDI environment. Generally, these agreements cover
following areas.
Defining nature and scope of the EDI trading relationship. For example, discussions of electronic transactions, scope of the agreement, enforceability of the
contracts, implicit contracts created by the EDI transactions and so forth.
The EDI formats and documents used by the transacting parties
EDI software specifications
Third-party network specifications
Security, integrity and confidentiality of EDI messages
Responsibility for disrupted, garbled or corrupted messages and remedial action
Cost issues
Trading partner guidelines — for example, a checklist to assess partner readiness
for EDI
This agreement is not an absolute necessity for EDI transactions. As EDI has gone
mainstream and become an accepted business practice, importance of the agreement has
somewhat declined. Many trading partners do not use a legal agreement of any form
whatsoever. However, most major corporations will insist on a formal agreement.
Accounting Software and EDI
Accounting software primarily connects to the EDI chain via translator. The extent of
integration between the translator and accounting software gives rise to various EDI
configurations. The first level is where there is no integration between the translator and
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Exhibit 9. Translator interface with accounting systems
Accounting system
business applications
Level I
EDI translator
EDI translator
Level II
EDI translator
EDI translator
Front end processor
the accounting system. In the second level, the translator is integrated with the
accounting system. The configurations in this level include translator being connected
to the network via custom-developed software. The translator can also come integrated
with the accounting software, pre-configured and ready for required EDI messages. In
the mainframe environment, the translator can be mounted on the front-end processor
that receives the incoming EDI messages and communicates with business applications.
Many smaller companies have simply purchased the translator software and used it as
a stand-alone piece of software. The incoming EDI messages are translated by the
translator, and the resulting documents, such as purchase order, are printed out. Then
these documents are manually processed by the concerned departments. The outgoing
messages are keyed into the translator from the outgoing documents generated by the
accounting system. This type of arrangement is useful for companies that have few
trading partners and a low frequency of EDI messages.
This solution is low cost, since it avoids the costs of integrating EDI software with the
existing accounting system, does not affect workflows and still makes the company EDI
capable. There are also considerable problems with this arrangement. First, the translator
is merely used as a fax machine, where paper documents are passed back and forth.
Second, manual data entry creates possibilities for additional errors in the accounting
system. The outgoing messages create more problems, since all data needs to be
reentered; rekeying of all information needs to be done in EDI format; and the outgoing
messages frequently lack EDI-specific information, such as terms code qualifiers or shipto qualifiers, which must be captured at the time of data entry. Some complex documents
such as Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN) may need multiple entries. Data entry
operators need considerable EDI expertise to accomplish these tasks. Finally, this
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Electronic Data Interchange 101
Exhibit 10. MACOLA EDI module
•Base module
•ASN sub-module
•Industry sub-modules
•Bar code interface file
Bar code
interface file
862 850 875
header and
detail data
810 – Invoice
830 – Planning schedule
850 – Purchase Order
856 – ASN
862 – Shipping schedule
875 – Grocery PO
880 – Grocery invoice
810 880 856
header and
detail data
arrangement deprives the organization benefits of EDI, such as reducing errors and
improving cycle time.
Integration of the translator with the accounting system can be achieved in two ways.
First, a custom solution can be developed. This approach precisely tailors the solution
to the needs of the organization. However, this approach can be expensive, and if the
customized solution is not planned properly, it can lead to inflexible systems that do not
scale with the organization. The majority of the mid- and higher-end accounting software
packages offers integrated EDI capabilities. Either development is done in-house or is
accomplished by integrating third-party products with the software. These products
transfer responsibility for tracking and maintaining changes in EDI standards to the
software companies, enable tracing of integration problems to one source for tech help,
and can come with pre-mapped and pre-configured EDI capabilities. However, EDI
capability, scalability, price, expertise and support for different industries and standards
vary with different types of accounting software.
The EDI module in the Macola Progression Series is used to illustrate real-world
implementation of EDI in accounting software. Macola primarily serves mid-size corporations, and the software is likely to be used by suppliers of major corporations like
WalMart, GM or Ford. Macola Software had a historical manufacturing focus, and has
extensive EDI capabilities. Macola had an integrated EDI solution, and its EDI module
is comprised of a group of software and utilities packages. These various packages are
described below.
The translator: The translator used by Macola is called GENTRAN: Director of
Windows, provided by Sterling Software. This software has the ability to connect
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with various VANs, directly connect with clients, generate functional acknowledgments and validate inbound and outbound EDI files. This translator converts
incoming EDI files to an intermediate flat file format and passes those files to the
base module, and takes outgoing intermediate flat files and converts them to EDI
The base module: This module has three components — base integration logic,
cross-reference file maintenance programs and standard systems tools common to
different modules. The base integration logic helps create both inbound documents (such as orders) and consequent outbound documents (such as invoices).
The incoming EDI orders are integrated with the Macola order entry module and
the outgoing invoices are generated from Macola invoice data. The incoming
orders are validated against the Macola data format and exceptions are written to
the exception file. An audit report can be run against the exception file to determine
which files need manual intervention. Additionally, EDI data is written to another
file to keep a copy of data for further reference. Then, the validated data of inbound
orders is ready to be processed by the software. The outbound invoices are created
from Macola formatted invoices. These invoices can be printed. The base module
then converts the e-version of Macola formatted invoices to an EDI format
specified by a trading partner. The invoices are in the form of intermediate flat files,
and are ready to be processed by the translator. The processing is generally done
when the user chooses the appropriate menu option. The file conversion uses
cross-reference files that contain customer cross-reference files, which hold
customer-specific information, and item cross-reference files, which contain the
entire ANSI EDI standard. These files convert data to and from the trading partner’s
identification codes and also help customize the EDI module.
The sub-modules: If the company needs any EDI capabilities over and above the
base module, then optional sub-modules can be purchased. These modules are
generally industry-specific, for example, the ASN sub-module or the automotive
The ASN module is used to convey shipment details to the customer. The
information includes carrier information, pallet and box bar code data, and description of the items and packages. The Macola White Paper on EDI says that ASN
is one of the most complex EDI documents and can have up to five levels of detail.
ASNs are required by the automotive industry and many retail trading partners. If
a mistake is made in the ASN, if the ASN is missing or if the ASN is late, many
automotive companies will refuse to pay for the shipment or will inflict heavy
penalties on the supplier.
The automotive sub-module deals with the planning schedule (830) and the
shipping schedule (862). The planning schedule contains forecast information for
the trading partner’s requirements; Macola handles up to 13 weeks of forecasting
information and integrates the planning schedule with the master scheduler
module. The shipping schedule informs vendors of the release date for each
shipment. Both of these are critical documents for automotive companies and their
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Electronic Data Interchange 103
Bar code interface file: The bar code interface file supplements the ASN submodule. Bar code data collection systems generate bar code labels (termed as
Uniform Code Council/UCC 128) at the point of packing. The bar code numbers are
mandatory on most ASNs. If the company uses a third-party bar code data
collection system, then the bar code interface file can be used to read the bar code
labels, import data and populate the ASN.
The trading partner: This is a collection of files that contain EDI file specification
details for each trading partner. The translator uses these files to print, view, enter
and translate the documents; these specifications also include conversion of
Macola data to EDI format and vice versa. If a document is to be manually entered,
then these files can help in printing and/or entering that document into the system.
The prior description is a simplistic description of the Macola EDI system. The real-world
EDI/accounting systems are very complex and are getting more complex as more
functionality is loaded in. The majority of mid-level and almost all higher-level accounting packages either offer an integrated EDI or third-party EDI solution to customers.
Financial EDI
EDI permitted organizations electronic transfer of purchase and sales documents.
However, payments and processing of payments were still paper-based, negating some
of the benefits of the EDI system. FEDI enables organizations to exchange payment and
remittance information electronically, thereby allowing them to handle payables and
receivables using the EDI system. The stringent EDI data formatting rules are applied to
these electronic fund transfers and, hence, the name FEDI. The types of information that
can be transferred include remittance advice, payment and check details, account
analysis, lockbox receipts, letters of credit information and electronic acknowledgments.
FEDI is sometimes viewed as closing the EDI loop. FEDI can be defined as (Ferguson,
“The electronic transfer of payments, payment-related information or other
financial documents between a bank and its customers or between business
partners, in a standardized, computer readable format.”
FEDI deals with transfer of funds and related remittance information. Hence, it involves
intermediary financial institutions, at least one bank but generally two or more. Banks
have been moving funds amongst themselves electronically for several decades by using
electronic funds transfer (EFT) . The roots of FEDI can be traced to EFT, and to
understand FEDI it is first necessary to understand EFT.
EFT is not merely electronic transfer of information; it is called by some transfer of value,
meaning dollar amounts get transferred. Currently, there are four major ways of executing
EFT. The three real-time methods are: FedWire developed by Federal Reserve, ClearingCopyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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Exhibit 11. Remittance advice (820) converted to EDI message
Erie Company
Corry Company
Pay $103,240.50 by ACH Credit, from account
999-1234 at PNC Bank 98765432 to Account
432-1999 at Mellon Bank 23456789.
Requested Settlement Date 11/09/2003.
Transaction # 10029
Payment for Invoices:
$50,000.00 09/09/2003
$53,240.50 10/09/2003
820 – Remittance Advice
N1*PR*Erie Company!
N1*PE*Corry Company!
Partial Explanations for 820 Terms
ST – Transaction set header
BPR – Beginning segment for remittance advice
DA – Deposit account
C – Credit
TRN – Transaction
DTM – Date and time reference
N1 PR – Name payer
N1 PE – Name payee
ENT – Entity (Code for multiple billing sites)
RMR – Remittance advice accounts receivable
open item reference
DTM – Data and time reference – invoice date
SE – Transaction set trailer
house for Interbank Payment Systems (CHIPS) and Society for Worldwide Interbank
Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT); on the other hand, Automated Clearinghouse
Transfers (ACH), the fourth method, is a batch system. A brief description of these
methods is provided.
FedWire: This is an electronic network or communications system that connects
the Federal Reserve and its branches; government agencies such as the Treasury
and more than 9,000 depository institutions are connected to this network. FedWire
is a real-time transfer of money through this network, using Federal Reserve
account balances. The transfer mechanism starts when the sender’s bank debits
the sender’s account and informs its local Reserve bank to send a transfer to
another Reserve bank that serves the receiver’s bank, if sender’s and receiver’s
banks are in different Federal Reserve districts. The receiver’s bank notifies the
receiver of the transfer and the funds are immediately available. The two Reserve
banks settle the transaction through what is called Interdistrict Settlement Fund.
If the sender’s and receiver’s bank are in the same district, then only one Reserve
bank processes the entire transaction. In the year 2000, the total volume of
transactions over FedWire approached close to $400 trillion.
The Federal Reserve network can also be used for communicating instructions to
other banks; the payer can obtain a confirmation number to help track the payment
through the system; and the payee can get a message that the account has been
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Electronic Data Interchange 105
Exhibit 12. Mechanisms of EFT
Accounting application
Trading partner I
Bank B
Bank A
Real Time
Batch System
Accounting application
Trading partner II
credited. The FedWires are very secure, work in real time, and the payment is
guaranteed by the Federal Reserve and cannot be reversed. However, the real-time
nature of transactions makes FedWire labor intensive and expensive for routine
business use. The FedWire format also limits the amount of payment-related
information that can be transferred and frequently requires human intervention for
CHIPS: This, similar to FedWire, is an electronic payments system that connects
New York City and affiliated banks. CHIPS is privately owned and operated by the
New York Clearing House Association. This association used to be a group of the
largest New York City financial institutions, but now includes non-New York banks.
Historically, CHIPS focused on foreign exchange transactions and handled approximately 95% of all U.S.-dollar payments between countries. CHIPS now also
focuses on domestic business. CHIPS is both a customer and competitor of
FedWire. Currently, the total-dollar volume of transactions in a year over CHIPS
rivals FedWire.
CHIPS operates as a netting system when moving funds. For example, if Bank A
owes Bank B $500 million and vice versa, then there will be no actual movement of
funds. The netting can be multilateral also; if Bank A owes Bank B $500 million and
Bank C owes Bank A $500 million then Bank A’s payment to Bank B will be queued
until a corresponding receipt arrives from Bank C. The net effect on Bank A’s cash
balance will then be zero. Payments that have no match will be held until the end
of the day and then settled; these payments are final immediately.
The advantages and disadvantages of CHIPS are similar to FedWire. However, in
2001, CHIPS added FEDI functionality by expanding the data set that can be carried
with payment information. The ancillary information such as invoice numbers,
discount details, rebates and so forth can be sent via 9,000-character data set. This
data set supports ANSI X.12, EDIFACT, XML and other user-defined formats.
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CHIPS has also introduced a Universal Payment Identification Code that facilitates electronic payments between businesses.
SWIFT: SWIFT is a non-profit organization organized by European bankers. More
than 7,000 financial institutions in approximately 200 countries are affiliated with
this network. SWIFT, similar to FedWire and CHIPS, provides a secure and efficient
system for electronic transfer of funds. In the absence of central authority such as
the Federal Reserve, payments are cleared by the corresponding banks. The access
to SWIFT is through member banks only.
SWIFT’s format ( is a proprietary format designed to handle
payment instructions, letters of credit, confirmations, balance information and so
forth. SWIFT messages are referred to by category numbers called Message
Transfer (MT) numbers. A SWIFT message will consist of name and code of the
originating and receiving bank, date and time, name and code of the person
authorizing the transaction, name and account numbers involved in the transaction, a description of the monetary asset being moved and MT category of the
transmission, and also will allow for some standardized pre-defined descriptive
phrases. The new SWIFT MT 103 and MT 103+ formats have added extra space
(9,000 characters) for payment-related information and support ANSI X.12 and
EDIFACT standards.
ACH: ACH is a secure, private electronic payment transfer systems that connects
the majority of the banks (commercial, credit unions or savings and loans) in the
U.S. The National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) is an organization of these commercial banks that sets standards and rules for ACH transfers.
NACHA also handles research, pilot programs and marketing for ACH transfers.
Exhibit 13. ACH payment formats
Corporate transactions
CCD – Cash Concentration and
CCD+ – CCD with addenda
Data Capacity
Cash concentration and account
funding and some types of corporate
Used by the U.S. government in
payment of invoices, taxes and trade
94 characters
CTP – Corporate Trade
Corporate-to-corporate payments
CTX – Corporate Trade
Corporate-to-corporate payments
Consumer transactions
PPD – Prearranged Payment or
POS – Point of Sale
MTE – Machine Transaction
CIE – Customer Initiated Entry
Direct deposit of social security,
Point of sale (terminal) transactions
Automated Teller Network
Bill payments from home (banking
or telephone)
94 characters and an addenda of up
to 80 characters (Note: Addenda
records contain payment-related
94 characters and an addenda of up
to 4,990 records (80 characters
94 characters and an addenda of up
to 9,999 records (80 characters
94 characters
94 characters
94 characters
94 characters
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Electronic Data Interchange 107
This service first was initiated in California and was used for Social Security
payments. Initially, government transactions constituted the bulk of fund transfers; however, the volume of corporate transactions is rising rapidly. ACH is
primarily designed for high-volume transactions processed in a batch mode. The
transacting company transmits the electronic payment information, which contains details of the payer and payee, account numbers and the receiver’s financial
institution, to Bank A. Bank A sorts the transactions and all on-us (transactions
involving Bank A or its branches) are settled immediately and the company’s
account is debited for all (not only for on-us) payments. Bank A then (generally
at the end of the day) merges transactions received from other companies and
transmits the information to the local ACH. If the receiver’s bank is served by a local
ACH (intra-regional transactions), then transactions are forwarded to that bank for
settlement. If not (inter-regional transactions), then the local ACH forwards those
transactions to the ACH that serves the receiver’s bank. Federal Reserve gets
information about the transactions from the involved ACHs. Then the account at
the sender’s bank is debited and the receiver’s bank is credited. The receiver’s
bank, after receipt of transactions, will credit the receiver’s account.
ACH transaction files begin with the file header record that designates physical
characteristics of the file and identifies the originator of the batches. The transaction batches follow the file header. The batch header identifies the originator of
transactions and provides a brief description of debits or credits. The detail entries
follow the batch header, and information in the batch header applies to all detail
entries in that batch. The batch header, along with the detail entries, provides
complete information, such as name, account number, amount, debit or credit and
so forth, to relay the payment to the ultimate receiver.
ACH transfers handle a variety of transactions — corporate and consumer. ACH
transfers are used to handle both consumer and corporate transactions. A brief
discussion of corporate ACH formats is necessary to better understand EFT;
consumer transactions, however, are beyond the scope of this book.
CCD and CCD+: This format is primarily used for cash concentration
(consolidation of funds) and also some types of corporate payments. The data
capacity of this format is only 94 characters (and for CCD+ a small addenda
that can contain remittance advice information); as such, it cannot carry
ancillary payment information. These formats can be processed by almost all
CTP: This format provides more addenda space than CCD. But the extra space
provided in this format is not governed by specified standards; as such, extra
information does not have universal interpretation. In addition, many banks
are incapable of processing this format.
CTX: This format has additional space (more than CTP). However, this format
overcomes limitations of CTP by standardizing the data format. CTX addenda
are in essence ANSI X.12 document 820 (Payment order/Remittance advice).
CTX format envelops the 820 EDI format in the ACH envelope, thereby making
it FEDI capable. This format is slowly gaining acceptance, though not all
banks can process it.
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The fixed cost of ACH transactions is high, but the variable cost is low. Since ACH
transactions have exceeded required critical mass, it is one of the cheapest methods of
money transfer, and is appealing to businesses. The cost per ACH transaction continues
to decline.
EFT is integral to successful execution of FEDI. The primary problem in using EFT formats
for FEDI results from data capacity limitations of EFT formats. Businesses need not only
information related to the mount of the invoice but also details concerning payments,
such as invoice numbers, adjustments, and other related documents. The newly emerging
EFT data formats that are supplementing or subsuming EDI standards do not have data
capacity limitations. The changes in this area are fast and furious. CHIPS, SWIFTS and
NACHA are entering into new e-service areas such as security, trust and controls in
financial services. New software products can now generate ACH-compatible data right
out of accounting software, and XML standards promise to make these transfers
transparent and simple. The future is here, but not everywhere. The technical capabilities
of the banks and companies vary widely. These different stages of technological
development have given rise to various types of paper and EFT, paper and FEDI, and pure
FEDI business processes. Some of the common types of FEDI are shown in Exhibit 14.
FEDI I depicts a scenario where transacting parties use the same bank, and all involved
entities are FEDI capable. Business A transmits 820 (Payment Order and remittance
advice) to the common bank, detailing amounts and ancillary payment information. The
bank processes the information, debits and credits the trading partners, and forwards 820
to Business B. Business B receives payment and the details of payment, and processes
it directly through its accounting software.
Exhibit 14. Different types of FEDI
Business A
Common Bank
Business A and B
Business B
Business A 820
Business A
820 Business B
Business B Notify payee
820 Payee’s
Business A
EFT Payee’s Notify
Business B
Business C
Business D
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Electronic Data Interchange 109
In FEDI II, Business A and Business B use different banks. The diagram describes two
cases — one shown by solid arrows and one shown by dotted arrows. In the case shown
by solid arrows, both banks are capable of processing the CTX format. Business A
transmits 820 to its bank. The bank processes the transaction and envelopes 820 into CTX
format as shown in Exhibit 15. The CTX is required since value (or funds) will be
transferred from one bank to another bank. The CTX format carries transfer of funds
information and addendum to the CTX envelope, which carries the remittance advice
information. The funds will be transferred to Business B’s account, and 820 carrying
payment information and remittance advice details will be transmitted to Business B for
further processing. In the dotted-arrows scenario, Business B’s bank is not CTX capable.
In this case, Business A will transmit 820 to its bank and also to Business B directly.
Business A’s bank will extract the payment information from the 820 and transfer the
funds electronically to Business B’s bank using the format required by that bank — for
example, CCD. Business B’s bank will transfer the funds to Business B’s account and
notify Business B that payment has been received. This information will be reconciled
with remittance advice (820) details received from Business A.
ERADS is also used to transfer information concerning remittance details. ERADS uses
an e-mail or fax system in conjunction with EFT. The funds are transferred through regular
electronic channels using EFT formats; however, the ancillary information is faxed, emailed or FTPed to the payee. If the FEDI transaction volume is low, then this method
provides a cost-effective alternative to the processing of 820s.
FEDI III shows a Value Added Bank (VAB). VAB is a financial service provider with FEDI
capabilities and VAN capabilities. VAB is capable of accepting EDI-formatted documents such as 820. VAB can process 820 in various ways. The 820 can be transmitted as
820 to a FEDI-capable bank and directly to a FEDI-capable business. If the payee’s bank
Exhibit 15. CTX envelope and 820
Business A
Business A
CTX Envelope
Business B
Business B
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is not FEDI capable, then money can be transferred using one of the EFT formats. If the
payee wants printed checks, then checks are printed and mailed to the payee. Additional
options such as fax notifications, conversion of data to proprietary file formats and
communications over the Internet are also available. As shown in Exhibit 14, Business
A only needs to transmit 820 to VAB and further processing in the required format is
carried out by VAB. This enables Business A not to worry about FEDI capabilities of the
trading partners.
FEDI is also used in reengineering of work flows. Perhaps the most well-known example
is Evaluated Receipts Settlement (ERS), also known as invoiceless process, self billing,
pay-on-receipt or payment-from-receipt. ERS is used in manufacturing organizations and
their suppliers; for example, automotive and electronics. ERS is based on a pre-negotiated
price for goods and services. The price is conveyed using price lists or catalogs, or may
form part of the written contract with an agreed-upon shelf life (30 or 60 days). A purchase
order is generated by the purchaser that includes quantity, price, freight, tax and other
relevant billing items, and then is submitted using EDI (other methods can be used). The
supplier acknowledges receipt of the purchase order using ASN (856). The products are
supplied using an itemized bill of lading (or packing slip) that contains references to the
purchase order or contract. The bill of lading is validated by reconciling ASN with the
purchase order.
If price can be gleaned from the purchase order, then the payment amount can be
determined by reconciling the purchase order with the receiving report. In this case, the
invoice becomes a redundant document and does not provide additional information.
Once the quantity of goods is entered into the system, payment information can be
generated using relevant data, such as prices, freight, taxes and so forth. JD Edwards’
software factsheet claims that once you enter the receipt information the system will
automatically create vouchers, edit and calculate taxes and discounts, and generate
appropriate journal entries. The payment will be electronically transferred to the supplier’s
account. ERS eliminates non-value added activities and documents, and also reduces
manual intervention.
EDI in the E-Era
EDI, as a mature technology, enjoys a strong installed base and well-established
standards. However, EDI is inflexible and static; if EDI standards do not meet a business
need, there is no way to deviate from standards and still implement EDI. The standards
only deal with data transfer; there is no mechanism to transfer processing rules and
desired ancillary information. This, of course, gives rise to exacting procedures to map
data from the company’s database to the EDI standards and vice versa. Competing
standards, ANSI X.12, EDIFACT and industry-specific standards, have caused fragmentation of the market. If a supplier following the ANSI X.12 standard decides to supply
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Electronic Data Interchange 111
Exhibit 16. Differences in EDI and XML
Data is marked by using segments and
Data elements can be numeric, decimal,
identifier, string, and date or time; have a
minimum and maximum length; and an
indication whether the element is required or
Segments names generally have three
Document structure is defined by message
definition that is programmed in the software.
Standards primarily defined ANSI X.12 and
Generally VANs used for data transfer and is
not browser capable.
Messages not human readable
EDI is optimized for data transfer.
1. Data is marked up by using tags.
2. Data restricted to strings without format.
However, standards are rapidly evolving in this
3. Tag names are not restricted in length.
4. Document structure is described in the Schema
that generally travels with the document.
5. Multiple standard setters involved;
standardization is just beginning.
6. Can use the Internet and is browser capable.
7. Messages can be human readable.
8. XML is optimized for easy programming. Data
transfer may require far more bandwidth than
goods to a company following EDIFACT standards, then that supplier may incur extra
costs due to specialized translation software, training and/or developing interfaces. The
Internet, compared to VANs, offers cheaper communication options that cannot be
efficiently exploited by EDI in its current format. The complexity of EDI is reflected in the
multi-year implementation cycles and its inability to penetrate small- and medium-size
EDI needs to be updated for the Internet/e-commerce age. This updating ideally should
preserve EDI’s roots by providing backward compatibility and should give EDI wings
by providing open standards, analytical capabilities and ease of use. Enter XML! The
basic idea behind XML/EDI is to envelop EDI messages in the XML format. Exhibit 17
shows a rather simple example of Address Segment in the EDIFACT code and the related
XML wrapper. XML can be used to develop DTDs or XML Schema for each EDI
transaction. The EDI code now stands enveloped in the XML format, and XML carries
additional information, such as style and formatting characteristics. The XML formatting
information will allow the EDI information to be viewed by users in the exact required
format, which may include an exact replica of a paper document or form such as order
forms, catalogs or healthcare claims. This ability supports transfer of business documents and transaction-based information. On the other hand, the EDI-specific information can also be extracted from the XML format by use of programming languages such
as JAVA; and can be accessed by machines for EDI processing.
The XML wrapper is just the beginning of XML/EDI. A standard infrastructure agreed
upon by industry, government and standard-setting bodies needs to be developed. The
evolution has begun, and the new conceptual framework proposes fusion of five different
technologies to make EDI flexible and dynamic. These technologies are: XML, EDI,
knowledge templates, software agents and global data repositories.
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Exhibit 17. EDI message in XML format
The address segment in the EDIFACT format:
NAD+ST+DUNS54678:46++Saurabh Patil+2000 Amy Avenue+Erie+PA+16000+USA
The address segment in the XML format:
<?XML version = “1.0”
<STREET>2000 Amy Avenue</STREET>
The foundation for this framework is provided by XML. The XML envelope empowers
an EDI message. XML provides the syntax that transports data and related information
across networks. EDI message identifiers can be supplemented or supplanted by XML.
EDI formatting is preserved and transported in the XML envelope, providing complete
backward compatibility. The existing investment and installed base remain protected.
EDI data transfer, even in the XML envelope, is static, meaning only data is transferred,
with no information about what to do with it. To make data dynamic and interactive, the
receiver should be able to understand business concepts represented in the data stream
and apply business-specific rules to that data for appropriate processing. This process
is multifaceted and multi-layered. The incoming data must be analyzed to evaluate the
role and syntax of each piece of the interchanged data, understand sequencing of the data
stream, determine steps in the processing of data, call on the appropriate programs, move
processed data from one stage to another and account for interactions of these different
Knowledge templates and software agents can be used to deal with this complexity.
Knowledge templates include rules for presentation and processing of data. These
templates resemble a spreadsheet format in layout and are supplemented by DTDs. These
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Electronic Data Interchange 113
Exhibit 18. Convergence of XML and EDI
Global data
templates and DTDs enable understanding of different organizations’ data, presentation
of data in a format desired by the end user and identification of required processing of
data. Software agents interpret templates to make out work requirements, can automatically create knowledge templates for new jobs and/or look up existing templates, and
allow user requirements to be expressed in natural language terms. JAVA and ActiveX
can be used to create software agents, and XML can be used to transport agents to the
desired location. The global data repositories provide universally accepted definitions
and descriptions of common business objects, DTDs, EDIFACT or ANSI X.12 dictionaries, and business rules and requirements for trading partners, industry, and federal and
state governments. The purpose of a global data repository is to provide a semantic
foundation for interacting businesses by allowing knowledge templates and software
agents to automatically look up meanings and definitions of business documents,
processes and rules.
The XML/EDI is a work in progress and can evolve in different and unpredictable
directions. Primary research questions deal with how to faithfully represent EDI data in
the XML format, how to build industrial strength intelligence in XML documents and how
to develop universally acceptable definitions of various business documents and
processes to be included in the global data repository. The XML/EDI Group is already
proposing ideas and discussion papers on various standards involved. Developing
XML/EDI will be a collaborative effort involving businesses, EDI and Internet standardsetting bodies, government and academic communities, and may continue for decades.
The successful XML/EDI combination should provide many benefits. These advantages
include increased connectivity with different networks and less reliance on VANs, easy
access to EDI messages via browser and the Internet, expanded character set and
multilingual capabilities, elimination of translation software, and reduction in need for
trading partner agreements. The primary disadvantage of XML is increased requirement
for bandwidth. As seen previously, translation of one line of an address segment takes
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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many lines in XML. Generally, bandwidth is not considered a constraining factor;
however, if businesses start widely using XML/EDI, then consumption of bandwidth due
to large XML files may cause unforeseen problems.
Traditionally, EDI messages trekked over VANs. This method provided needed security
and control features — however, at premium prices. Initially, efforts were made to replace
VANs with ISPs; this solution did not work very well, because of unresolved security
problems. However, EDIINT, spearheaded by the IETF (, has spawned
numerous initiatives to facilitate transfer of EDI messages over the Internet. EDIINT
takes the EDI messages and transports them over the Internet and at the same time
endeavors to provide VAN-level security and functionality. The primary objective of
EDIINT is to increase the use of EDI by enabling small- and medium-size businesses to
participate in EDI. This increase is to be achieved by use of the Internet in communicating
EDI messages, simplifying implementation processes and making them cost-effective,
and providing tools that make transfer of data transparent to the user.
EDIINT does not change the basic structure of EDI messages. EDIINT is a set of protocols
that allows exchange of structured data such as EDI messages over the Internet. The
protocols define how a legacy EDI message is wrapped into a Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions (MIME) envelope, encrypted and transmitted over the Internet. The MIME
envelope allows for transport of the EDI messages, proprietary file formats or Web forms
formatted in HTML or XML. The encryption is done using Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
protocol or Secure/MIME (S/MIME) protocols, and the transmission protocol is TCP/
IP. A connection method can be dial-up, point-to-point, VAN or the Internet.
The initial generation of data is identical in traditional EDI and EDIINT. Data is produced
by business applications in the form of proprietary flat file formats and then get converted
into ANSI X.12 or EDIFACT format by the translator software. The resulting EDI data
Exhibit 19. Differences in traditional EDI and EDIINT
Traditional EDI
Formatting of the message
Proprietary flat files, Web
forms (HTML or XML)
Enveloping layer
X.12.5 Protocol for ANSI
X.12 and ISO9735 for
MIME envelope on top of
the EDI envelope, FTP,
Transport layer
VAN protocol, generally X.25
packet switching networks
Physical layer
Direct connections
Dial-up lines
Direct connections, dial-up
lines, VANs, the Internet
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Electronic Data Interchange 115
is generally enveloped by X.12.5 protocol in ANSI X.12 standard and ISO 9735 in
EDIFACT standard. This envelope identifies sender, receiver, data content standard and
version by assigning control numbers. These functions are performed on EDI Gateway.
Gateway functions generally involve mapping, enveloping, de-enveloping, logging of
transmission activity and communicating of the messages. If the EDI Gateway resides
on another machine, a communications program takes data from machine to machine.
The EDI message then moves to the EDIINT server. This server takes the EDI file and
formats it using S/MIME format as an S/MIME file. The sender’s and receiver’s
addresses are converted from EDI to e-mail addresses, the message is encrypted and
encoded, and then digitally signed. The EDI message is sent from the sender’s EDIINT
server to the Internet e-mail server as a secure e-mail attachment. The receiver’s EDIINT
server then decrypts the incoming messages and authenticates data by confirming data
integrity. The S/MIME attachment gets decoded, the e-mail addresses get converted to
EDI addresses, and the EDI message travels to the receiver’s EDI Gateway. The EDI
message then can be processed by business applications after passing through the
translator. The transmission is logged at the EDI Gateway and also at the EDIINT server
at both ends. If the receipt acknowledgement is received, it is processed; if it is not
received, appropriate error messages are generated and corrective action is taken.
There are numerous other variations of the EDIINT scheme. For example, a rather simple
method is to use Web forms formatted using HTML or XML; this method is sometimes
referred to as Web-EDI or lite EDI. This variation is useful where trading partners are small
and have no desire to invest in EDI. Here, the trading partner accesses the Web server
of the EDI-enabled partner. The Web server contains several business documents, such
as purchase orders as forms. These forms look like their printed counterparts. The Web
Exhibit 20. Traditional EDI message over the Internet
The Internet
EDIINT server
EDI server
Proprietary file format
Accounting application
Trading partner I
EDIINT server
EDI server
Proprietary file format
Accounting application
Trading partner II
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Exhibit 21. Web forms and EDI
The Internet
Browser enabled
Web server
EDI server
Proprietary file format
Accounting application
Trading partner I
Accounting application
Trading partner II
server can be accessed via standard browser over telephone lines. The trading partner
logs onto the Web server and fills in relevant forms. Once a form is submitted, the server
side programs (generally written in JAVA or Active X) package the form in the EDI-type
message. This message then moves on to the EDI translator and is translated into a
proprietary format and processed by the accounting system.
Several reasons exist for why incoming forms are packaged as EDI messages and are not
directly integrated with the back-office system. First, if EDI is installed and operational,
then the organization already has a robust and well-tested interface. This interface has
been tested for necessary functionality and integrated with the accounting system; plus,
the necessary investment has already been made. Second, the existing EDI applications
have the required security and controls. Finally, it avoids the extra cost associated with
new interfaces, new programs and new security features.
This EDI method involves investment in EDI only on the part of the dominant trading
partner. The small trading partners can participate in the business simply by using
browser and phone lines. However, the main disadvantage is that the small trading
partners do not have back-office integration with the EDI system. The full benefits of EDI,
of course, are not available in such circumstances. Human intervention on the small
trading partner’s site can delay the entire process. And, if incoming orders are printed
and processed, then we are again looking at a fax-to-EDI-to-fax type scenario with all its
inherent disadvantages.
IBM ( offers services to small businesses to become EDI capable through
what is called Web Data Transfer and Forms Exchange. This service was spun off in 2004;
however, this application is very interesting and worthy of study. Web Data Transfer
allows for exchange of EDI and non-EDI files between trading partners through a Web
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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Electronic Data Interchange 117
Exhibit 22. IBM solution for Web forms/orders
tra data b
X.400 gateway
Accounting application
Trading partner II
IE/FTP gateway
IE/FTP gateway
for the Internet
SMTP gateway
AN ect
I/V onn
E e rc
Accounting application
Trading partner I
browser and Internet connection. File formats such as EDI, binary, text or XML can be
exchanged, and proprietary file formats, such as Excel, can be automatically converted
into EDI format. Forms Exchange provides for exchange of electronic forms, including
EDI- and XML-formatted forms such as orders and invoices, using a browser and Internet
connection. Forms can include data entry forms such as purchase order, invoices and
ship notices; presentation forms such as (again) purchase orders, invoices, and ship
notices that need to be viewed and printed; and turnaround forms, such as ship notices
generated in response to a purchase order. The trading partner can send and receive
Web-based electronic forms, upload and download forms from accounting software (the
service even supports QuickBooks and Peachtree) and respond to the trading partners.
The infrastructure for these services is provided and hosted by IBM and is called
information exchange. This infrastructure and related MQSeries software provide for innetwork translation of Web-based forms into EDI, XML or another format as desired by
the trading partners. Like VANs, IBM also provides mailboxes (in and out) to the trading
partners. Information exchange is not only an EDI solution, but it also provides an array
of e-business solutions and, according to IBM claims, provides a reliable infrastructure
for those solutions. The essential components of this information exchange are described below:
Expedite family of products: This family of software products is primarily installed
on the client side; that is, trading partners will have this software installed on their
machines. The software supports a variety of operating software and hardware
platforms, facilitates interface with accounting software, and manages notifications and communications of electronic messages.
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
EDI VAN interconnect: If the trading partners use other VANs, then this software
manages connections with IBM and other service providers.
SMTP gateway: The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) gateway allows use of
the Internet in transferring EDI and non-EDI files.
EDI dial Out: This feature enables EDI-formatted data to be transferred to trading
partners who do not use the Information Exchange services of IBM.
X.400 gateway: This enables users of X.400 (a standard messaging protocol that
allows data to travel over different networks) to exchange data with non-users of
X.400 and vice versa.
ANX gateway: The Advanced Network exchange (ANX) is a private network
preferred by the automotive industry. The ANX gateway allows ANX-enabled and
ANX non-enabled users to exchange data, with or without being an ANX subscriber.
IE/FTP gateway and IE/FTP gateway for the Internet: These gateways allow
information exchange subscribers to send and receive files over VANs and the
Internet. If the data transfer is over the Internet, then audit trail information,
backups and listings of the mailbox contents are provided. Standard Internet
security protocols and encryption of files are used for authentication, data
confidentiality and data integrity.
OFTP/IE: This provides an interface between the Organization for Data Exchange
through Transmission (ODETTE; used by European Motor Manufacturers) file
transfer protocol and Information exchange services. This interface enables to and
fro transmission of ODETTE data and Information Exchange data.
Web data transfer: This is an entry-level Web solution that was described earlier.
IBM staked out e-business as a core service area just before e-business became a
buzzword. But IBM is not the only solution provider in this area. The majority of ERP
vendors have a full e-business functionality built into their products. Even medium- and
small-accounting software manufacturers have built-in EDI support. However, IBM’s
solution is comprehensive and makes an excellent illustration for changes sweeping the
EDI landscape.
Internal Controls in EDI
Evaluation of internal controls in the EDI environment encompasses technical, legal and
audit considerations (Control techniques mentioned in this section are covered in detail
in Chapter 10). The basic areas that should be covered include effects of automation,
trading partner agreements, the EDI software and its interface with the accounting
system, and the communication system. In security terms, we can classify these
considerations as validity of transactions, mutual authentication of identity, end-to-end
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Electronic Data Interchange 119
data integrity and confidentiality, non-repudiation of origins, auditability of transactions and backups for the system. The areas are not mutually exclusive, and EDI controls
often times apply to more than one area.
Validity of transactions: The primary question in EDI is the legal status
Mutual authentication of identity: Authentication is the process of verifying
identity of the transacting party. It involves determining whether someone or
something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be. Authentication of identity
has two facets: identity of the machines and identity of the humans operating the
machine. The methods of authenticating machines depend on the manner of
connection. If the partners connect using dedicated, secured lines, then the issue
of authentication does not arise, since the connected machines do not change. In
case of dial-up modems, VAN connection authentication can be carried out by
means of static or dynamic passwords or personal identification numbers (PINs),
passwords or PINs and security tokens, automatic callbacks and biometric techniques. The use of digital certificates is also increasingly common. A digital
certificate establishes credentials of the transacting partner, is issued by a third
party called the certificate authority, and uses encryption and digital signatures to
establish identity.
of transactions, since the transactions occur without a manual authenticating
signature. This question arose since commercial law was vague on various points
such as electronic offer and acceptance, propriety of paperless transactions,
competency and sufficiency of electronic evidence, and electronic audit trails and
record retention, among other things. The UCC requires that the contract be signed
and in writing if it involves sale of goods for more than $500. The signature
authenticates the document, verifies origin of the document and makes enforcement of the contract possible. EDI transactions are not in writing nor do they
contain any signature. Trading partner agreements attempted to rectify the situation by addressing some of these concerns in a bilateral framework. These
agreements outline a mutually acceptable method of authentication such as digital
signatures, passwords that allow access to each others’ systems or any other
method. For example, one way to bypass the problem is to send a blanket purchase
order to trading partners at the beginning of the year; manually signed by a proper
authority. The EDI purchase orders for the entire year then can be considered
releases against the blanket purchase order and, as such, legally valid. The review
of legal literature indicates that trading partner agreements are enforceable and will
be upheld by courts.
Establishing identity of a human at the machine end is primarily a matter of intraorganizational controls. It requires review of access controls and separation of
duties within the organization. The human user is identified by something the user
knows, carries or something about the user. These criteria include passwords, ID
cards or biometric measures such as fingerprints. The internal controls in these
areas should be reviewed. At a minimum, EDI access should be restricted and the
system should employ log-on authentication. Another layer of control is generation of a functional acknowledgment. This serves as a receipt of the message and
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if the original message is not generated by the trading partner, then he/she will be
alerted to the fact that an unauthorized transaction has taken place.
Data integrity and confidentiality: Data integrity refers to the transfer of data
without any modification, intentional or unintentional, in the transit. Data
confidentiality refers to inability of unauthorized parties to access data. The
standard controls that address these two concerns are listed below.
Encryption: This process transfers text messages into a cipher or coded text
that cannot be read by unauthorized users. A password or a key is needed to
decrypt the file. There are many encryption algorithms of varying strength.
The strength of encryption used in EDI depends on security concerns of the
involved organizations.
Security algorithms: Various algorithms exist to protect network communications, such as echo check, parity check or message sequence numbering,
or request response techniques. A checksum value may be employed to seal
the message that indicates that contents of the message have not been altered.
Communication protocols: If the Internet is used for transmission, then
standard Internet protocols such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or S/MIME
can be used to protect data integrity and confidentiality.
EDI translator packages reject messages that do not comply with EDI standards.
The rejected messages, whether incoming or outgoing, should be collected in a
separate file and analyzed carefully. The translation software also allows for onscreen error detection and correction facilities. These should be used with care, and
additional errors due to manual intervention should be avoided. The trading
partners’ agreements generally cover these security procedures and should be
Other potential problems exist in this area. For example, messages can be delayed
in transit, can be misrouted or can be inadvertently sent twice or more. If the
message is delayed or misrouted, the entire supply chain can get disrupted.
Technical solutions can be useful to some extent. Most of the trading partners’
agreements have procedures to deal with such a situation. However, VAN security
has been quite effective and these problems have not figured in EDI. The trading
partners’ agreements also cover audits of VANs by mutually acceptable auditors.
However, precautions need to be taken against human error. If the same message
is sent twice, it might be processed twice, causing loss to both parties. If the
message contains errors, it might be processed with those errors. These errors are
especially plausible in stand-alone translator systems. The operators should have
appropriate training and education. The EDI system should also be physically
isolated and/or should have log-on access controls.
Non-repudiation of origins: Non-repudiation refers to proof that an electronic
document was sent by the sender and received by the receiver. The three aspects
of non-repudiation are: non-repudiation of origin, of receipt and of submission.
Non-repudiation covers the problem of post facto denial of the electronic transaction by the transacting parties. First, it proves that the transaction took place;
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Electronic Data Interchange 121
second, it establishes identity of the transacting parties. The various controls that
address non-repudiation can be summarized as follows.
Digital signatures that accompany the electronic document for authentication
purposes can also be useful for non-repudiation purposes; since digital
signatures prove that the transaction was authorized and generated from a
specific source.
The EDI software generates automatic functional acknowledgment when the
EDI message is received. VANs also provide automatic acknowledgments for
messages sent and received. These acknowledgments, along with the generation of functional acknowledgments by the EDI software, serve to provide
proof that the document was received.
The use of digital certificates also serves to verify origin and receipt of the
electronic document. The certificate authority keeps a time stamped and
signed record of transmissions, along with the identities of the sender and
Protocols like SSL authenticate connecting computers via public key handshake at the beginning of a secure session. If the transaction takes place over
the Internet, then communication protocols such as SSL can provide assurance regarding origin and receipt of the electronic transaction.
In case of VAN, the administrator keeps a log of documents delivered to and
from each mailbox. This audit log also serves as a non-repudiation source.
Auditability of transactions: Auditability of transactions refers to existence of an
audit trail and ability to verify past transactions. The issues concerning validation,
control and recording of transactions are dealt with earlier. The issue of an audit
trail is considered below in Backups. However, the following questions need to be
asked concerning auditability of transactions.
Has each EDI message received and sent been preserved?
What is the medium of storage? What are access controls over such storage
medium? Is there a clear separation of duties for generation, maintenance and
update of this storage medium?
Have the EDI messages been formatted, altered or changed in any way before
storage? If yes, can original messages be recreated?
What are the controls for rejected or corrupted incoming and outgoing
messages? Are error files preserved? Who has the authority to rectify errors
and resubmit transmissions?
Have error detection and correction facilities in the translator program been
verified (by the user, third-party or vendor)?
Do stored records contain authentication stamps and/or digital signatures?
Have records of how messages were sent, received and transferred through
networks been preserved?
How long will EDI records be kept?
In case of the VAN, are audit reports by a third party available?
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Backups: Once the organization starts using EDI, especially integrated EDI, then
business workflows are severely disrupted if the EDI software or communication
network fails. The following questions are useful whether the company has a direct
connection or transacts business via VAN.
What is the frequency and length of time of service outages?
What is the status of the back-up system?
How long does it take to activate back-up systems?
In case of failure, is the incoming data archived? How it is stored? How can
the archived data be accessed?
What is the division of responsibilities for data lost in transmission?
What is the disaster recovery or business continuity plan? Is a copy available?
What kind of back-up systems does the VAN have for its phone lines and
power supply?
In case of VAN, are audit reports by the third party available?
There is no such thing as absolute security, and even security policies are subject to cost
benefit analysis. EDI, when properly programmed, runs by itself. The majority of controls
is automated and shall work as programmed. VANs have been handling data for financial
institutions and governments for a long time and, as such, have developed a high level
of security. Generally, problems with VAN security have been few and far between. The
primary problems exist in the areas of disruption of networks, manual intervention in the
system and legal problems arising out of trading partners’ agreements. The review of
business continuity plans, organizational security policies and trading partners’ agreements should cover these critical areas.
Benefits and Costs of EDI
EDI replaces paper via electronic transactions, thereby changing the nature of the
workflows. The implementation of EDI takes multiple years, and significant benefits start
flowing only after several years. EDI, like any complex technological solution, imposes
costs and delivers benefits to the adopter; these are difficult to quantify due to intricacies
of EDI projects. A summary of these benefits and costs is provided below.
Customer service: Many companies have adopted EDI after an important customer, such as WalMart or GM, has asked them to be EDI capable. If the business
has significant dealings with these giant corporations, they get to keep the
customer and stand to gain added business through increased efficiencies.
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Electronic Data Interchange 123
EDI allows a company to fulfill orders faster and accurately. However, research also
indicates that cost justification of such improvements is very difficult, causing
many companies to ignore a formal cost-benefit analysis. EDI is often justified on
the basis of commitments to customers and differentiation of services and products.
Data accuracy: Research indicates that EDI improves accuracy of data by reducing
manual and other types of errors. For example, a distributor in the grocery industry
reduced the invoice error rate from 20% to 1% and reduced the staff from 50 to less
than five. Other examples include reductions in returned shipments, reductions in
purchase order errors and optimization of transportation costs in the high-tech and
pharmaceutical industries.
Decrease in cycle time: Time between orders-to-cash may also decrease due to
EDI. The paper-based system adds days before an invoice is ready, error rates that
cause delay in payment increase, and paper checks take time to reach their
destination. EDI automates the entire process; thus, as product delivery occurs,
the invoice is sent to the customer. If FEDI is also used, then payments can also
be received faster. However, delivery of payments is based on agreements with
trading partners, and speedy delivery of the payments is not guaranteed. For
example, GM used to pay electronically 3 days after the due date on the payment.
These 3 days represented delay in the mail. Sears also had similar policies. However,
faster billing at least eliminates delays on the part of the supplier.
Decrease in costs: EDI accelerates reordering, and due to quick partner response,
decreases uncertainty in reordering. This has significant effect on the safety stock
hold by the corporation. Inventory levels can be lowered without adding risk. For
example, Pacific Bell used EDI and an inventory management system to reduce parts
handling warehouses from 19 to two, maintaining the same level of service and
realizing substantial savings.
EDI also decreases the need for personnel due to automation of processes, realizing
labor savings. Additionally, EDI eliminates or at least reduces paper handling,
storage, retrieval and mailing costs.
Improvements in existing workflows: EDI can improve productivity of the existing
workforce. For example, a large metal fabricator employed buyers for its purchase
function, and productivity of those buyers soared after EDI, since each buyer was
able to handle more accounts and spend more time on the buying process. Sales
and purchases information is now available in digital format, and can be used for
managerial analyses. For example, in the late 1990s, K Mart was able to analyze sales
information according to the region, metropolitan area, population density and
other desired dimensions. This application is a precursor to full-blown CRM
applications discussed in the revenue cycle.
EDI might also be useful in auditing applications. Matching of invoice and payment
can be done electronically, and the entire population can be covered. Universal
computerization of accounting systems and automated auditing software, of
course, makes this possible in the majority of cases.
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Upfront costs: The upfront costs of EDI can be summarized as follows.
Hardware costs: These costs depend on the existing infrastructure. EDI
hardware includes personal computers, modems or dedicated lines for connecting with trading partners. Most businesses have this infrastructure and
do not need to buy additional hardware.
Software costs: Software costs involve costs of translation and communications software. It can be off-the-shelf software used standalone or integrated
with the existing system; or a new EDI-integrated system can replace a legacy
system. The costs can vary from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands
of dollars, depending on the complexity of EDI implementation. However, EDI
is a mature technology; powerful products and knowledge pools currently
exist and can make the transition smoother.
If EDI translator packages are purchased separately, then the existing systems
need to be modified. The interfaces need to be rewritten, data need to be
mapped from the existing accounting database format to the translator format,
or data may need to be collected that is not collected in the existing system.
If new data needs to be collected, the generation, processing and storage
costs of this data need to be factored in. The software design, programming
and testing are unique to each company.
Changes in existing workflows: As mentioned earlier, EDI can improve
productivity of the existing workforce. To realize this potential, existing
workflows and job descriptions need to be analyzed and redesigned to take
advantage of EDI characteristics such as instantaneous availability of information, slicing and dicing of electronic information using reporting tools, and
also possibilities of errors in the EDI system. These changes cost money due
to disruption of the existing system, uncertainty caused by introduction of a
new technology, and training and education.
Training costs: If EDI expertise does not exist in the company or new systems
are being introduced, then a significant amount needs to be spent in training
and education of personnel. Research indicates that these costs include
systems design or re-design, training seminars, standards adoption, purchasing and distribution of purchasing manuals and user guides, establishing
internal procedures and controls, and involvement in industry associations.
Trading partner costs: If a company is rolling out EDI and expects its trading
partners to do the same, then it needs to sell the program to other partners.
EDI is a high fixed-cost venture, and is not profitable until adopted by a critical
mass of partners. Marketing and promotional costs can take various forms;
for example, having a presence in trade shows, advertising of EDI capabilities,
consulting for trading partners and, in some cases, buying hardware and
software for partners. Negotiating formal or informal trading agreements can
consume valuable managerial time. Small trading partners may also need
continuing assistance for maintaining and expanding EDI.
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Electronic Data Interchange 125
Recurring costs
Administration costs: Once the EDI system is in place, it does not need a great
deal of attention. However, monitoring oEDI messages, error corrections and
exception handling, program updates and maintenance, EDI standard and
format changes and so forth are some continuing activities that cost money.
Communication costs: Communication costs depend on the method of data
transfer. In case of leased lines, monthly fixed charges need to be paid. VAN
charges depend on variables and can be confusing. These charges are based
on certain monthly minimum and per-character charges; for example, $XX per
month (2-year minimum) and $X per megabyte of data received and sent.
Additionally, there can be a one-time connect charge. Trading partners may
use different VANs, and there can be additional charges as messages are
routed over different networks.
Duplication of procedures: If all trading partners are not EDI capable, the
organization needs to maintain dual procedures to accommodate data flows.
The need to maintain EDI- and paper-based transactions systems imposes
recurring additional costs.
Estimating EDI benefits and costs is extremely difficult. There is no agreed magic formula,
and different companies use different techniques to make estimates. The benefits are
hard to quantify, and costs can vary from several thousand to millions of dollars. In many
cases, the decision is made on the basis of faith. EDI Research Inc. conducted a survey
in 1990, asking respondents to rank EDI benefits. The ranking obtained was:
Improved accuracy of data
Improved customer service
Reduced clerical errors
Faster access to information
Decreased delivery time
Decreased administrative time
Improved cash management and payment practices
Lower inventory costs
The survey also noted that the payback period for EDI projects was estimated to be 2.5
years; however, EDI projects were not mainly justified on a cost basis, and estimated cost
savings realized by EDI implementers were primarily guesstimates.
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Looking Ahead
In 1998, the estimated EDI global revenue — that includes hardware, software, services
and communication charges — was estimated to be $12 billion. Globally, approximately
350,000 organizations were involved in EDI; in the U.S., approximately 6% of the 10 million
U.S. companies are EDI capable. Thomson EC Resources EDI forecast indicated that EDI
will continue to grow at the rate of 18% from 1997 to 2002. By 2000, EDI was expected to
surpass paper as a most important mode of information exchange for large- and mediumsized businesses. And some estimates put EDI transactions at $1 trillion by 2003. The
accuracy of these forecasts can only be ascertained down the road. The installed base,
robust operations and heavy investments continue to keep EDI a viable business
The e-revolution has refined EDI by throwing up open standards, using the Internet in
communications and providing alternate means of EDI for small businesses. Trends that
outline the future of EDI are slowly emerging. Experts seem to agree that influence of
XML, Web-based EDI and low-cost EDI solutions will be most important in the coming
days. The use of XML has the most promise of changing inflexible and static EDI
structures and making them flexible and dynamic. This concept is immensely appealing,
but successful execution remains an issue. The XML-based infrastructures are in infancy
and may take years before they acquire industrial strength. The majority of businesses
are taking baby steps as they test the new and unproven technology and are in no hurry
to tear down the existing EDI structures.
Until 1998, approximately 95% of EDI traffic was on VANs. The percentage was expected
to drop to below 50% in 5 years, as the Internet was being increasingly used for
transferring EDI messages. Advances in the security and stability of the Internet have
accelerated the pace. Businesses are attracted to this area since it promises immediate
cost reductions. The use of VANs will not disappear, since VANs have been aggressively
pricing their services and many businesses still do not trust the open infrastructure of
the Internet.
Penetration of EDI in small- and medium-size businesses remains a concern. The browserbased or form-based solutions, as the one offered by IBM, are fast becoming cheaper
alternatives to traditional EDI. These alternatives offer EDI benefits to all trading
partners. Bigger partners can get all suppliers on board while smaller partners can have
benefits of EDI; and it may also encourage many smaller businesses to trade with larger
This chapter provides a comprehensive introduction to EDI. Accounting and finance
departments are intimately involved with the implementation of EDI and FEDI, and
aspiring accountants need to understand the fundamentals of this technology. The
origins of EDI date back to the idea of standard manifest floated during the Berlin Airlift.
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Electronic Data Interchange 127
Today, EDI has strict standards of data formatting and data transmission that differentiate EDI from fax and e-mail. EDI standards are maintained by two main organizations —
ANSI X.12, primarily used in the U.S.; and EDIFACT, primarily used in Europe (it has also
gained international acceptance).
The infrastructure for EDI includes translation software that translates incoming EDI
messages into proprietary data format and vice versa, communication software that
transmits data over VANs or the Internet, associated security measures and trading
agreements that define rules of the game. The majority of the medium and almost all large
accounting software vendors offer EDI functionality, either integrated or available via
third party.
EDI can also be used to transmit payments and other payment-related information, and
this version is called FEDI. Banks have been using EFT by employing FedWire, CHIPS,
SWIFT and ACH to transfer funds between themselves for the last several decades. FEDI
formats, such as 820, are increasingly supported by the proprietary bank formats. FEDI
closes the EDI loop by automating the entire process. FEDI penetration is slow because
of technological problems giving rise to various types of paper and EFT, paper and FEDI,
and pure FEDI processes. FEDI has been used extensively in reengineering of purchasing
and accounts payable functions by large corporations.
EDI is being increasingly transformed by applications of XML and the Internet, which
promise to add previously unthinkable functionality to EDI and a vastly reduced cost of
transmissions. However, both these approaches are experimental and need a lot of work
before being widely accepted. These two trends according to most experts will most
influence the EDI future. EDI in any format provides robust security features for validity
of transactions, mutual authentication of identity, data integrity and confidentiality,
non-repudiation of origins, auditability of transactions and backups.
Benefits of EDI include improved customer service, increased data accuracy, decreased
cycle time, decreased transaction costs and improvements in existing workflows. There
are, of course, upfront costs such as hardware, software, changes in existing workflows,
training costs and trading partner costs; and recurring costs, such as administration and
maintenance costs. The estimates of upfront costs vary from tens of thousands to
millions of dollars, depending on the intensity of the EDI project.
EDI continues to evolve and change. EDI is becoming cheaper and more capable with
every iteration. There are formidable problems in developing new frameworks and
paradigms; however, the work continues. The basic promise of EDI is to lower costs and
cycle time. These objectives remain relevant in every business age. The installed base
and heavy investments promise that EDI will be with us for a long time.
Albright, B. (2003, March). EDI for the masses. Frontline Solutions, 3, 12-13.
Batson, B. (1997). EDI and the Internet. Texas Instruments. Retrieved February 7, 2003,
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Bednarz, A. (2002, February 18). EDI service providers expand range. Network World, 2728.
Bragg, S. (1997). Advanced accounting systems. Altamonte Springs: The Institute of
Internal Auditors.
Copeland, K., & Hwang, J. (2001). Electronic data interchange: Concepts and effects.
Internet Society. Retrieved February 7, 2003, from
Electronics Industry Data Exchange Association. (n.d.). EIDX business models for
electronic business. Retrieved February 9, 2003, from
Evaluated receipts settlements and tax compliance: A report of the steering committee
task force on EDI audit and legal issues for tax administration. (2001). Federation
of Tax Administrators. Retrieved February 10, 2003, from
Ferguson, D. (2000a). Financial EDI: A required business practice before the turn of the
century. EDI Forum: The Journal of Electronic Data Interchange. Reprinted in
Fundamentals of Electronic Commerce Handout, Proceedings of Financial
Electronic Commerce Conference, April, Chicago.
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transfer: The basics. EDI Forum: The Journal of Electronic Data Interchange.
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Journal of Electronic Data Interchange. Reprinted in Fundamentals of Electronic
Commerce Handout, Proceedings of Financial Electronic Commerce Conference, April, Chicago.
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Electronic Data Interchange 129
Hill, N., & Ferguson, D. (2000c). The EDI revolution and bank strategy. EDI Forum: The
Journal of Electronic Data Interchange. Reprinted in Fundamentals of Electronic
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
The Revenue Cycle 131
Chapter V
The Revenue Cycle
Revenue Cycle Activities
The revenue cycle deals with the delivery of products or services to customers and
consequent collection of cash from customers. The standard transaction flow in the
revenue cycle can be characterized as follows: sales order comes in from the customer;
credit department approves credit; warehouse assesses the inventory and releases
goods; shipping department ships the goods; the customer is billed based on the sales
order and shipping documents; and eventually cash is collected from the customer.
Traditionally, the sales department received sales orders by paper, fax, EDI and,
sometimes, even verbally. The incoming sales order is in fact a purchase order from the
customer, often times in the customer company document format. The purchase order
then gets converted to the standard sales order and processed. If an order arrives through
EDI, then purchase and sales order formats are pre-approved and based on partner
agreements. The majority of companies will input the sales order in their accounting
system. It will be routed to the credit department for credit approval. The credit will be
approved based on prior history of the customer or, if the customer is new, by obtaining
relevant credit information. The approved sales order will be forwarded to the warehouse.
Here, inventory availability will be checked, goods will be released and stock release
documents will be generated. The shipping department will ship goods when those arrive
on the shipping docks. The documents involved are a shipping notice and bill of lading.
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Exhibit 1. The revenue cycle
•Paper files
•Computer databases
The billing department receives copies of the sales order, the approved sales order, stock
release and shipping notice. The billing department will then reconcile these documents
and bill the customer. The entry will be made in the accounts receivable journal and,
subsequently, summary totals transferred to the general ledger.
The collection process begins with check and remittance advice, which contains
payment-related information, coming to the mail room. These two are separated and the
check and remittance list (a list of all received checks) goes to the cash receipts
department. The check is deposited and the remittance list and remittance advice are
forwarded to the accounts receivable department. An entry is made in the accounts
receivable ledger and the summary totals are forwarded to the general ledger. Internal
control measures include comparing bank deposits with the summary totals of the
accounts receivable ledger and bank reconciliations.
General activities in the revenue cycle are easy to describe; however, there is no standard
processing set up for these activities. The types of documents involved, processing
methods, billing methods, internal controls and collection methods vary depending on
the technology, industry and market focus of the involved businesses. The sophistication of the accounting software package or ERP system, extent of the integration among
homegrown legacy systems and accounting software, and extent of the coordination
among departments are also some deciding factors. The practices range from manual
documents to highly automated, Web-enabled methods. Of course, no one solution is
right for all companies.
The Internet and ERP have injected many changes in the revenue cycle. Sales orders can
arrive on the Web through EDI, B2B or B2C storefronts, online exchanges, CRM or Sales
Force Automation (SFA) software. In the cases of sales orders that need credit decisions
in a few minutes, Web-based credit services offer automation of the entire credit approval
process. Picking items in the warehouse is controlled by sophisticated WMSs, some of
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The Revenue Cycle 133
Exhibit 2. E-changes in the revenue cycle
Sales order
•Online stores
•Online exchanges
•Online credit approvals
•Automation of approvals
Online receivable
Payment methods
• Credit cards
• E/Paper checks
• Digital cash
Internet-based services
•Collection of credit information
•Decision tools/algorithms
•Customization of decision tools
Electronic lockboxes
which are Web-enabled. Shipments can be tracked or monitored using the Internet. The
billing function can be handled as Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment (EIPP)
and/or by FEDI. Payments can be made using negotiable electronic instruments or digital
cash in addition to traditional methods. Online receivable services can automate the
entire receivables process. An electronic lockbox1 enables automatic downloading of
cash collections to accounting software. And, depending on the integration with the
accounting system, further processing, such as posting to accounts receivable and
general ledger, can be automatically performed. These changes are explored in this
The chapter is organized as follows: First, automation of sales orders is discussed in the
context of CRM. This discussion also covers intersecting areas between CRM and
accounting. Second, the online credit approval process is described. The credit approval
process can be partially automated, fully automated or Web enabled, and all of these
variations are covered. Third, warehousing and shipping, with special emphasis on Webbased monitoring of shipments, is discussed. Fourth, EIPP and EBPP processes, models
for EIPP and EBPP, and advantages and disadvantages of these methods, are reviewed.
Fifth, online management of receivables and electronic payment methods in B2C and B2B
transactions are comprehensively analyzed. Finally, a summary rounds off the chapter.
Sales Orders
Sales orders can arrive via Web, EDI and the EDI variants, online exchanges, or CRM or
SFA software. Conceptually, there is little difference in online orders and offline orders.
The proper processing of online orders requires substantial integration of the front-end
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Exhibit 3. Customer life cycle management and periodic accounting (Source:
Customer Profitability
Customer Profitability
Gross Sales
Less: Sales Returns/Allowances
=Net Sales
Less: Product Costs
=Contribution Margin I
Less: Direct Sales Costs
Sales Order Costs
Shipment Costs
Marketing Costs
=Contribution Margin II
Less: Indirect Sales Costs
Support Costs
Service Costs
=Contribution Margin III
Customer Life Cycle
Customer life cycle management calculates the lifetime value of the customer. If such analysis indicates that
it is more profitable to attract the customers who spend little in the first year but spend a great deal in the next
year, can a marketing campaign be aimed at such customers? Will management be willing to sacrifice this
year’s profits on the altar of improved profitability for the next year? Even more interestingly, if the
company has a CRM program in place that attracts such customers; will the new or incoming management
keep it going?
Some believe that periodic financial accounting is one of the causes of CRM failure. The periodic financial
accounting has been accused of short-term orientation. On the other hand, many successful managers have
argued importance of meeting this quarter’s numbers. The truth probably is in the middle somewhere.
However, analyses of the customer profitability need to consider these ramifications.
systems with the back-end accounting systems. Organizations need to precisely coordinate credit approvals, inventory availability and shipping methods, among other
things. A number of online companies faced severe problems in processing incoming
sales orders; especially in the good old days of the dot-com era.
A basic understanding of CRM in the revenue cycle will be helpful for accountants. CRM
intersects with accounting, especially accounts receivable analysis, and offers nontraditional ways of analysis. The term CRM, though extensively used, lacks a standard
definition. The basic idea is to understand behavior of customers and assess the
profitability of customers. CRM is not a new concept. Tools such as paper-based records,
telephone interviews, focus groups and marketing surveys have been used for CRM
purposes. The advent of the Internet, data warehouses and data mining technologies
offer more sophisticated ways to manage the customer relationship process. The
objectives of CRM include improving customer service, increasing efficiency and
effectiveness of call centers and marketing channels, cross selling of products, discovering new customers and improving profitability of existing customers.
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The Revenue Cycle 135
CRM endeavors to focus disparate pieces of information such as customer behavior,
customer demographic and financial data, sales and marketing, channel effectiveness,
and service and support functions to establish a better relationship with the customer.
CRM includes managing prospective and existing customers, coordinating various
marketing channels to effectively market products, and integrating customer support
functions with the back-end office systems. These functions are managed using CRM
software; the software suite being only a means to an end. CRM can be classified into
three categories.
Operational CRM: This component of CRM deals with integration of all customer
touch points or interactions; for example, different sales channels such as Web,
phone, fax and face to face; service centers; call centers; and human contact. The
integration strives to increase efficiency and profitability of customer interactions.
Analytical CRM: The customer data created by operational CRM is captured in a
data warehouse or repository. This data is mined by data mining algorithms. The
analytical capabilities of CRM can help identify profitable customers, products and
regions; conduct life cycle analysis on customers; recognize productive salespersons; and provide sophisticated sales forecasting abilities. Additional areas of
analysis include observing past customer behavior, predicting customer behavior
in the near future and identifying cost-effective marketing strategies. Many of
these analytical methods go way beyond the aging analysis of accounts receivable.
Collaborative CRM: This area deals with creating seamless interactions with
customers through different channels such as e-mail, brochures, catalogs, newsletters, chat rooms, call centers, help desks and newsletters.
These three components are not entirely independent. There has been a swirl of jargon
in this area — customer asset management, customer relationship planning and customer
life-cycle management, to mention a few. Most of these terms refine the basic meaning
of CRM, not very important to the theme of this book. SFA, a forerunner of CRM, has
essentially become a subset of CRM. SFA includes equipping members of the sales force
with machines to connect with corporate databases and enable them to check status and
pricing of products, view customer contracts and conduct high-level reporting and
analysis. SFA can result in direct interface with the accounting system for observing
inventory levels and placing sales orders.
CRM is a complex topic and intersects with marketing, sales, service, finance and logistics
departments; additionally, it has a strong strategic component, requiring involvement of
top management. The components of CRM software are examined to understand CRM
functionalities. CRM packages consist of a constellation of modules and are connected
with the base ERP or back-end accounting system. All of the leading ERP vendors offer
CRM tools, and numerous software vendors sell CRM tools for organizations of all sizes,
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Exhibit 4. The functional view of SAP CRM
•Enterprise sales
•Field sales
•Channel sales
•Channel commerce
•Enterprise marketing
•Field marketing
•Channel marketing
•Enterprise service
•Field service
•Customer service
•Channel service
•Analytical scenarios
•Analytical methods
Supply chain
Siebel Corporation being the market leader in this segment. SAP and Oracle tools are
primarily used in this book, though different software suites are used when appropriate.
SAP provides all its e-business solutions on a platform called The list of
e-business solutions is lengthy and continues to expand as SAP brings forth more
functionality under this umbrella. The suite of CRM tools falls under this platform and
gives a good idea regarding existing state of the art in this area. Following is a bare-bones
description of a very complex software suite.
SAP CRM tools manage four different customer-centric functions: marketing, sales,
service and customer analytics. This is a functional view of SAP CRM capabilities. This
review highlights reach of the CRM tools in customer-related functions, covers a lot of
marketing ground and contains a number of marketing buzzwords and jargon. The
description here, though, focuses on a high-level review of CRM functionalities.
The marketing function in the SAP CRM is supposed to support the entire marketing
cycle, from planning to analytics. The capabilities of the marketing function are illustrated below.
Enterprise marketing: Marketing efforts across the enterprise can be managed
using Enterprise Marketing. Specific marketing activities supported are marketing
planning, marketing budgeting, product management, customer segmentation,
trade promotion management, campaign management, lead management and personalization of marketing efforts.
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The Revenue Cycle 137
Field marketing: These capabilities are similar to enterprise marketing, though
these are aimed at marketing initiatives at the regional or field level.
E-marketing: Marketing campaigns over the Internet are enabled here. Capabilities include catalog management, content management, personalization, one-toone marketing and customer segmentation.
Telemarketing: Telemarketing capabilities using call lists and interactive scripts
are enabled in this function.
Channel marketing: Marketing efforts can be coordinated with channel partners
by providing relevant information, consistent branding, appropriate incentives
and measurement tools.
Sales functionalities are geared toward sales teams. The idea is to establish a consistent
sales process that supports sales activities. Functionalities are described below.
Enterprise sales: Features include integrated sales planning and forecasting,
account and contact management, opportunity and pipeline management, sales
methodology analyzer, task and activity management, incentives and commissions
management, sales order management, quotations and contracts, logistics management and analytics.
Field sales: These capabilities are similar to enterprise sales, though these are
aimed at marketing initiatives at the regional or field level.
E-selling: Using the Internet to establish Web fronts and support Web-based
sales activities is supported here.
Telesales: Features here include lead management, pipeline and opportunity
management, call scripting and prompts, call lists, Web chat, e-mail response, voice
call back, sales order management, and quotations and contracts.
Channel sales: Capabilities are similar to enterprise sales, but these are available
to channel partners.
Channel commerce: Features include virtual showroom, distributed catalog and
content management, distributed order and inventory management, hosted order
management and hosted partner sites, which enable collaborative sales activities
with the partners.
Service is an important component of CRM. Service activities span a spectrum from
planning to actual delivery of services, and need comprehensive software tools for
management. The illustrative functionalities of service function are given below.
Enterprise service: Service efforts across the enterprise can be managed using
enterprise service. Specific service activities supported are service planning and
forecasting, customer service and support, resource planning and optimization,
knowledge management, installed base management, service order management
and professional services.
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Field services: Capabilities are similar to enterprise service, and are aimed at service
initiatives at the regional or field level.
E-service: These capabilities can be used by customers to track orders, access
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and knowledge bases, and self-service.
Features include parts catalog, knowledge management, request management, live
customer assistance, account self-service, installed base management, complaints
and returns management, and billing and payment.
Customer service: Features include help desk, customer service and support, and
complaint management. These can be used to manage customer contracts and
complaint resolutions from a central place.
Channel service: Capabilities are similar to enterprise service, but these are
available to channel partners.
Analytics in the SAP CRM consist of analytical scenarios and analytical methods. The
analytics do not only include performance measures but also optimization and planning
tools. Analytical scenarios provide customer analytics, product analytics, marketing
analytics, sales analytics, service analytics and interaction-channel analytics. These
different measures come as pre-packaged solutions, and customized measures, if required, can be developed. Analytical methods, on the other hand, are a collection of tools
and methodologies that can be used for performance measurement, trend prediction and
Exhibit 5. CRM analytics
Customer analytics
Marketing analytics
Sales analytics
Service analytics
Channel analytics
•Customer behavior modeling
•Customer value assessment
•Customer portfolio analysis
•Customer life cycle analysis
•Plan and measure marketing performance
oTime, territory, distribution channel, etc.
•Plan, simulate, and measure marketing campaigns
oResponse rates, contribution margin per
campaign, conversion rates, and campaign ROI
•Product and brand analysis
•Sales planning tools
•Sales pipeline analysis
•Sales cycle analysis
•Sales team performance analysis
•Customer satisfaction
•Product quality
•Complaint trends
•Analysis of service revenues and costs
•Web traffic and performance analysis
•Customer interactions analysis
•Clickstream analysis
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The Revenue Cycle 139
Exhibit 6. SAP CRM software suite
Interaction center
Field applications
Channel management
SAP business information warehouse
SAP knowledge warehouse
SAP exchange infrastructure
SAP enterprise portal
optimization of customer relationships. The analytics component is common to all
functions and can be used in marketing, sales and service functions.
SAP CRM software modules operate on top of an ERP system in a symbiotic fashion. The
leading vendors claim that their CRM tools will run on top of any ERP system. However,
the practical difficulties of integrating systems from different vendors can be formidable,
and should be kept in mind while evaluating these claims. CRM modules offered by SAP
include the following components: business information warehouse, knowledge warehouse, exchange infrastructure, enterprise portal, field applications, e-commerce, interaction center and channel management.
First, let us look at the modules that enable CRM; these include business information
warehouse, knowledge warehouse, exchange infrastructure and enterprise portal. These
tools are used to support a variety of business processes and are not specific to CRM;
reference to these software modules will be made in the next several chapters. These
software modules are described here in the context of the CRM process. SAP Business
Information Warehouse collects business data from the underlying ERP system. If the
business uses modules from multiple ERP systems, then the business information
warehouse module can be programmed to interface with those systems and collect
required data. This module is optimized for the SAP ERP system, though not limited to
it, and is a combination of database and database management tools. For example, in the
context of CRM, this warehouse contains sales- and payments-related transaction data,
sales- and service-call activity, key customer contacts and details of product sales. This
data is available to sales, service and call-center personnel. Moreover, data can be
questioned using query languages, downloaded to spreadsheets or used to generate
reports with in-built reporting tools. Business information can be mined to derive key
performance indicators, capture comments made by teams working collaboratively, and
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develop special alerts; for example, a drop of more than 5% in sales to an important
customer would result in an alert to a specified sales manager.
The purpose of the knowledge warehouse is to store, organize, process and disseminate
knowledge. This warehouse can contain business rules, best practices, business
process information, and even decision support systems. Data can be in text or multimedia format. This module can also be used to create a training and documentation
database. This enterprise-wide database can be used to cut down on the learning curve
and training costs. Another building block of CRM tools is SAP exchange infrastructure.
This exchange infrastructure supports different standards such as XML, Web Services
Description Language (WSDL) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), along with
different communication protocols. The objective is to enable collaborative business
processes by cutting across various systems and protocols used within the organization.
In the absence of such support, the costs of integrating different systems may become
The final base component is SAP enterprise portal, which provides a consistent
navigation environment for corporate users. The ERP system can be run on mainframes,
minis or microcomputers, and on a variety of operating systems. Thus, a typical
organization — even if hosting an SAP ERP system — is likely to have numerous user
interfaces. The enterprise portal integrates applications, data and metadata, and Internet
information. This integrated information can then be used to provide reports as specified
by users or can be shared across the organization. This module is used in what SAP calls
financial insight, procurement insight and sale insight, which are essentially pre-
Exhibit 7. SAP CRM software functionalities
•Customer service
•Supporting processes
Interaction center
Field applications
•Filed marketing
•Field sales
•Field service
Channel management
•Partner management and analytics
•Channel marketing
•Channel sales
•Channel service
•Channel commerce
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The Revenue Cycle 141
packaged business intelligence tools. Enterprise portals and business intelligence tools
are discussed in depth in the general ledger cycle.
The integrated software modules that enable CRM functionalities are interactive center,
e-commerce, field applications and channel management. The interaction center module
handles contacts with customers; for example, telemarketing, telesales, customer service
and interaction analytics. The E-commerce module enables e-marketing, e-selling and
Web analytics. The field applications module supports field activities such as field
marketing, field sales and field service. The channel management module handles all
channel partner-related functions such as channel marketing, channel sales, channel
service and channel commerce. These functionalities have already been discussed.
To reiterate, the preceding information is a bare outline of an extremely complex software
suite. The demands on CRM tools are enormous, and these demands vary in different
businesses and industries. As such, it is not surprising that software supporting these
business processes is also large and complicated. In addition, the functionalities, jargon
and supporting technologies are exponentially expanding as CRM matures. There can
be practical problems in implementing such a package. The successes and failures of
CRM initiatives are being researched; though the conclusions are still in their infancy.
CRM and Sales Orders
This section takes a detailed look at the e-selling functionality, which provides information regarding how SAP CRM tools deal with incoming sales orders on the Web. The eselling functionality can be used to create Web-based storefronts. The Web sites
required to transact business in the B2B, Business-to-Market (B2M) and B2C environment are different. The B2B environment involves long-term contractual and pricing
arrangements, multiple buyers from a single customer and elaborate shipping requirements. The B2M environment is often characterized by connections with online exchanges and dealing with customers from around the world. Pricing information,
inventory availability and product configuration capabilities often are expected by B2M
customers. In the B2C environment, the Web site needs to be easy to navigate; electronic
catalogs with multimedia content are often required; and shopping carts and credit card
payment facilities are an absolute must. The e-selling functionality in the SAP CRM can
be used to create these different types of Web storefronts.
These Web sites that serve different clientele need many supporting features to be
effective. The first and foremost requirement is catalog or content management. The
electronic purchasing process depends on the availability of products in the electronic
format, referred to as electronic catalogs. The electronic catalogs provide information via
text, graphics, pictures, audio and video, among other things. If product descriptions and
selling terms and conditions are not electronic, then the buying process cannot be
automated. The more detailed and searchable the product database, the easier is the job
of the customers. Managing these electronic catalogs is called content or catalog
management, in e-commerce jargon. Content management is a complex and costly
process. The e-selling authoring tools can be used to create product catalogs. The
electronic catalogs can be developed in different formats, such as XML, spreadsheet and
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Exhibit 8. SAP CRM e-selling
Customer interaction center
•Catalog and content management
•Online order status and order tracking
Comma Separated Value (CSV); and automatically uploaded to the Web site. The content
can be changed, updated or modified. Additionally, these catalogs can also be imported
from online exchanges and third-party content providers. The electronic catalogs are of
no use unless they can be efficiently searched. The CRM tools also provide a search
facility for users. The search tools are similar to the ones you may have encountered on
the Internet — for example, Google.
The SAP CRM tools can offer self-service functionality for customers. Customers may
be able to conduct a variety of activities, such as entering orders, tracking orders, issuing
special instructions and viewing their accounts. A new customer can establish an
account online and conduct business. Sometimes the software allows the customer to
set up a customized screen available every time that customer logs in. These features
relieve company departments from routine queries and paperwork while empowering
customers to seek information in a timely fashion.
The customer can also see a personalized page based on his or her profile, preferences
and purchasing history. The customer will see product recommendations, related
product categories, and cross-selling and up-selling suggestions that facilitate one-toone marketing. The CRM tools can also be used to create online product configurators.
Customers can design products or customize products. Calculators can provide feedback
on the prices for designed or customized products; knowledge bases can be used to
provide relevant suggestions; and incompatible configurations are flagged and rejected.
Such product configurators need to be connected to the back-end systems to ensure
accuracy and product availability. The shopping carts, secure connections, and ability
to handle credit card and procurement card payments can also be added to the Web site.
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The Revenue Cycle 143
As the customer orders a product — self-designed, customized or off the shelf —
availability and delivery dates need to be calculated. Factors such as current inventory,
production capacity, shipping routes, shipping costs and time are considered in making
available-to-promise check. The integration may extend all the way up to the supply
chain, discussed in the Conversion Cycle. The SAP CRM and SAP SCM tools can be used
to provide such integration. Once the order is in place and prices and delivery dates are
confirmed, the customer should be capable of tracking orders, viewing invoices and
querying appropriate personnel in case of problems. The SAP CRM tools, apart from
these features, also provide hyperlinks to carriers’ tracking systems.
The e-selling tools can be used to conduct online auctions to get rid of surplus goods
and excess inventory. Bids can be solicited, the auction process can be monitored in real
time and bids can be evaluated using multiple criteria with in-built algorithms. The Web
storefront can also be connected with the customer interaction center. The customer can
talk with service agents via phone, chat facilities or voice-over-IP options. Customers
can also track service requests, connect and explore company knowledge bases,
establish online user forums and access online technical support. Routing of customer
requests and inquiries is based on automated workflows. These customer interactions
and customer activities data are stored in a data warehouse. This data can be used to
generate reports concerning customer behavior, retention reports, conversion reports,
site metrics and sales analytics.
Accounting processes can become part of the CRM process. The customers can
establish their own accounts, change contact information and periodically view those
accounts. Credit approvals can be automated or performed online. The invoices can be
automatically generated and electronically presented to the customers. In the B2B
environment, invoices can be altogether dispensed with to support the ERS process.
Payments can be made via credit cards or procurement cards and can be executed in the
Web store. These developments are discussed in the next sections; however, at this
stage please realize that some accounting processes can be handled by CRM software.
Credit Approvals
Traditionally, the credit approval process is reactive; that is, a sales order arrives and the
credit department evaluates credit worthiness of the customer. The credit process can
be classified in three phases:
Assessing quantum of and collecting information about the customer
Evaluating the information
Deciding credit worthiness of the customer
Credit approval decisions encompass trade credit, consumer credit or equipment financing. The time and expense involved in credit decisions depends on whether the customer
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Exhibit 9. Traditional credit approval process
the order
Order ≥ Credit limit
Order ≤ Credit limit
Collection of information
• Credit application
• Credit reports
• Financial statements
• References
• Payment history
•Decision models
•Artificial intelligence
•Human judgment
Order ≥ Credit limit
Order ≤ Credit limit
is new or established, availability of current information, whether an order is above or
below the credit limit, algorithms applied to evaluate the credit worthiness of the
customer, and other factors deemed important by the credit manager. This approach has
worked fairly well in established traditional commerce.
However, in the new e-environment, this approach can be costly, delay credit approval
and cause inconsistency in decision-making, and result in lost sales or uncollectibles.
Now, incoming orders are automated, 24/7 and customers are geographically scattered.
This environment forces corporations to respond to routine and non-routine credit
approvals in real time. The traditional credit approval process may become a bottleneck
in the revenue-generation process, since alternate suppliers are only a click away.
Historically, corporations have attempted a variety of techniques to accelerate the credit
approval process; for example, reengineering, automation and artificial intelligence
techniques. Internet resources provide other options to manage the credit approval
process. Internet-based resources and services can be used to collect information on the
customer, can provide standard and customized decision mechanisms, or can be used to
automate the entire credit approval process.
The Internet has numerous resources to collect general information regarding new or
prospective customers. The illustrative list of resources is provided in Exhibit 10 (A-I).
The resources listed provide the following types of information:
Financials, standard filings such as 10-K, 10-Q and S-8
Address of the company, incorporation information, product lines and top management information
Current and historical stock quotes and movements
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The Revenue Cycle 145
Exhibit 10. Web-based sources for credit approvals
I. General customer information
II. Specialized services
Ø Choicepoint –
Ø Lexis –
Ø Dun and Bradstreet –
(B) Web resources – decision tools
Ø Dun and Bradstreet –
(C) Web resources – comprehensive
credit approval management
Note: The above lists merely give some examples, but are not meant to be an exhaustive
list of either resources or services. Additionally, nature of the services provided
changes rapidly; please check the web sites for current information.
Web resources – customer
News and current events such as mergers, acquisitions, new products and new
Industry and sector news
These services provide a good starting point in the credit approval process. Costs vary
based on the brand name of the service, depth of the information desired and extent of
the required information. However, information concerning small businesses or international businesses can be hard to obtain.
Specific information regarding the customer can also be obtained using the resources
listed in Exhibit 10 (A-II). These Web-based companies collect information from various
sources and compile a comprehensive information portfolio. Available information is as
Name, address and contact information
History of the business
Financials, financial summary, key financial indicators and graphics
Credit lines
Credit score based on proprietary models
Telephone, fax and Web address
Names and information of the top managers
Lines of business, product lines and Standard Industry Codes (SIC)
Public filings concerning tax liens, judgments and liens, and UCC filings
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Country risk analysis
The information provided is quite comprehensive and, according to vendors, updated
constantly. These services are cost effective even for ad-hoc queries and accessible by
a browser; search and retrieval of this information is available in real time. For example,
prices can vary from $X per query to thousands of dollars for an annual contract.
Information on small businesses, privately held businesses and international businesses
is also available. The disadvantages of these services are difficulty in verifying accuracy
and integrity of the information, continuing need for cost-benefit analysis and stability
of the service.
Internet-based services also provide tools to aggregate the information to derive credit
rankings. Illustrative sites that provide these tools are shown in Exhibit 10 (B). The risk
assessment tools use proprietary algorithms but also allow customization based on
criteria specified by the customer. For example, a vendor can tailor the program to a
specific company’s needs, design rules and criteria based on that company’s input, offer
standardized decision engines, interpret results and push the results to the credit
manager’s desktop. The decision engines employ a variety of algorithms; for example,
advanced statistical methods, expert systems and artificial intelligence techniques. The
users need not understand technical intricacies of the program, but should have a general
understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of various algorithms. The outputs of
the system can include a credit risk score, comparison of risk level of the business with
other businesses, background information regarding the business and other items
specified by the user. These services can be tailored to small businesses, international
businesses or large businesses.
Exhibit 11. Web-enabled credit approval process
Phone Orders
credit approval
CRM/SFA Software
st o
B2B, B2C, or B2M
Credit Info
accounting system
Decision engine
•Business rules
•Judgment algorithms
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The Revenue Cycle 147
The primary advantages of these decision tools are: minimized manual intervention,
reduced cycle time for decisions, consistency in credit policy enforcement and reduced
operating costs. However, the tool needs to be chosen carefully, and there are upfront
and recurring costs, such as software and hardware investment, programming and
validating the tool, continuing maintenance or monthly payments to Web-based services.
The traditional, off-line credit grantors will benefit from the resources listed so far.
However, in the case of Web orders, the credit decision must be delivered in minutes or
seconds. This calls for automation of the entire credit approval process. The credit
approval decision can be completed in a matter of minutes. Web-based services that
provide such support are listed in Exhibit 10 (C). The process flow can be described as
Business installs the automated credit decisioning system. The system needs to
be integrated with a legacy accounting or ERP system, connected with approved
credit bureaus, able to access designated public information sources and be
embedded with the required decision expertise.
Customer information is forwarded to the credit system once the sales order arrives.
The credit system pools data from the accounting system, credit bureaus and public
information sources.
The collected information is filtered through the decision engine to arrive at a credit
score and the consequent decision. The decision engine is provided by the vendor
and is generally customized by the business.
If the decision is yes, then the system can generate the necessary documentation
or can forward the decision to the approved personnel or machine.
Exceptions are handled on basis of the rules programmed in the system.
The costs and successes of such services are based on a variety of factors; for example,
transaction volume; difficulty in integrating a credit system with accounting systems;
types and number of credit bureaus used; and intangible costs, such as process redesign
or reengineering, and resistance from the credit personnel, among other things.
A number of factors should be considered before using the Internet. An illustrative list
The speed with which credit needs to be approved.
The frequency of routine vs. non-routine (such as exceptions, high-dollar value
items or risky customers) credit approval decisions. The higher the frequency of
non-routine decisions, the lesser the use of the credit approval system.
Accuracy and integrity of the information available on the vendor’s Web site.
The decision tool should be evaluated for accuracy, customization capabilities,
expertise and training required for using the tool, updating routines and data
import/export capabilities.
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Exhibit 12. Tools of the trade:
The leading provider of Internet-based credit solutions is The
company has been around almost a decade and has survived the dot-com carnage.
Different types of products offered by are as follows:
Decision desktop: This is a collection of analytical tools that helps in assessing
individual customer risk and the overall risk exposure of a company.
• Portfolio analysis -- allows benchmarking a customer’s financial profile with
other peers as defined by SIC codes. Other options include comparison using
geographic location and business size; the analysis can be supplemented with
expert comments and graphs.
• Financial analysis -- calculates pre-defined financial ratios and cash flow
projections, compares financial statements and allows what if analysis.
• Business hierarchies -- build relationships between related businesses, such as
parent and subsidiary, to provide a 360-degree view of the risk exposure.
• Scoring -- develops a scoring system and customizes score cards.
Equipment financing expert: This helps lessors in granting credit. This product
includes a process automation engine that allows a business to implement its
proprietary knowledge and business rules in a credit-granting decision. Data can be
input manually, via FTP, using the Internet or through remote workstations. The
documentation is automatic. This product can interface with the ERP systems to
access customer data collected by the business and use it in the analysis.
nFusion Suite: This Web-based credit approval system integrates and automates
the entire credit approval process. The suite includes decision automation
technologies as described in the decision desktop, a centralized database repository
that collects data from internal accounting systems and external content providers
such as credit bureaus, and a decision engine that has business rules and
procedures and is capable of producing scorecards.
The instantdecision module is a base for nFusion Suite. This module automates
origination of a credit request at the point of sale either through Web screens or
third-party systems, automatically gathers data from credit-granting institutions,
analyzes data using programmed decision rules and, finally, communicates the
decision. If the credit-granting decision cannot be reached by the system, then an
in-depth financial analysis can be performed. The Suite also includes workflow
management tools.
RapidCollectTM automates the collection process. The primary objectives of this
tool are to reduce bad debts, improve cash flow and lower days sales outstanding.
This tool automates many routine administrative tasks, provides analytical and
performance measurement tools, and can be used to implement a uniform
collections methodology throughout the organization.
Ability of the automated service to integrate with existing legacy or ERP systems.
Relative costs involved in in-house vs. outsourced credit approval decision. For
example, costs saved — such as redeployment of credit personnel, no investment
in software and hardware, no recurring maintenance expense; against costs
incurred — such as lost expertise, treatment of exceptional cases, monthly payments, cost of dedicated connections and stability of the service provider.
The Internet has opened new ways to approach credit approvals. The Internet-based
resources can speed up the credit approval process and support various degrees of
automation. Various levels of services are offered by such Internet-based companies.
Acquiring information about the customers from proprietary and public databases,
feeding customer information into decision tools available on the Web or customizing
the entire credit approval process; whatever the requirement, the Internet can be
profitably leveraged to improve the credit approval process.
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The Revenue Cycle 149
Exhibit 13. Case studies for Gateway and Cisco
Gateway Corporation
Gateway Corporation builds and sells computers to consumers and
businesses. The computers can be built to the customer’s or business’
specification. Gateway’s business is based on high volumes and low
margins. In 1997, Gateway financed $377 million; about 20% of
Gateway’s customers used installment-type financing, and 60%-70%
used credit cards. Gateway benefits if the customers move from credit
cards to financing, because Gateway saves the upfront fee (average
1.85%) on the credit cards and earns about 4.5% on the financing side.
These percentages make a great difference in a low-margin business.
Gateway installed an online credit system from to
streamline its credit approval and financing processes in 1997. Gateway
used the system to check online credit and offer individuals and small
businesses financing by partnering with multiple finance partners. Mark
Scoular, director of business development in Gateway’s financial
services division, indicated that a loan application can be processed in 15
seconds, and completing the paperwork is much faster. He added that
reviewing loan applications is a fully automated process and two people
oversaw loan applications worth more than $4 billion, out of which $2
billion were financed. The percentage of customers availing of the
financing option had gone up considerably. Gateway was also able to
generate new revenue streams such as loan origination, develop customer
profile information for CRM, and use its financing arm for some of the
financing deals.
Gateway’s financing program later faced some difficulties. It goes to
show that any automated or Web-based method can only be as intelligent
as the programmers who program it.
Cisco is a giant company that sells Internet networking products. Cisco
also used’s software. The experience for Cisco was positive.
However, Cisco faced the following problems:
• Interfacing of’s software with the ERP system (Oracle)
was time consuming. Development time, estimated by Cisco, was
approximately 60 days.
• Cisco had an automated credit application process. However, only
25% of applications came back electronically; the rest were mailed
or faxed. These non-electronic applications had to be manually
keyed, delaying the credit decision.
• Cisco leases a lot of its equipment. Leasing business rules are
different, and Cisco had to develop a separate interface for its
leasing activities. Cisco used an outside firm to develop an e-lease
Warehousing and Shipping
Once the sales order is approved, the tasks of picking goods in the warehouse, making
a picking list and shipping the product take place sequentially. These tasks involve
warehousing and shipping, which are tightly integrated. Warehousing refers to storing
of the product, and shipping is primarily a logistics function; the shipment can be to the
customer or from the supplier. In this section, warehouse aspects pertaining only to
delivery of products to the customer — that is, outbound logistics — are discussed.
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The warehouse management and picking processes are often managed by WMSs. WMSs
were created to control the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse.
WMSs then evolved to encompass light manufacturing, transportation management,
order fulfillment and even accounting processes. Many suppliers of WMS exist, and
these systems span a spectrum, from material tracking systems all the way to ERP-type
The order fulfillment process in the e-commerce age became e-fulfillment process.
Initially for many e-tailers and now for many e-enabled established businesses, order
fulfillment remains a challenge. In the e-environment, especially for retailers, order
volume is higher, orders are parcel-sized and orders may need many vehicles for
transportation, since customers are geographically scattered and trucks are sometimes
only partially filled.WMSs can address many of these problems.
The core functions of the WMS system in outbound logistics are as follows:
WMS supports various methods of directing incoming goods to proper locations
and replenishing goods as required.
WMS also performs ancillary functions, such as packing goods, verifying goods,
holding goods, staging and loading goods.
WMS supports various methods of picking goods from the shelves. The logic of
picking goods depends on combinations of item, order, quantity and/or location,
and is generally supplied by the user.
WMS enables designing an optimum path for movement of materials, efficiently
utilizing storage space in the warehouse and assuring a proper storage configuration.
WMS can handle dangerous and hazardous materials by designating those to
special areas.
WMS saves on shipping costs by calculating the proper container size for packing
WMS can automatically create and forward ASN to the customer.
The advanced functionalities of WMS may include order allocation and router, freight
and parcel management, foreign trade zones management and retail compliance. WMS
functionalities are growing; however, if the organization has an existing ERP system, the
WMS needs to be integrated with ERP, CRM, material handling equipment and supply
chain planning. Web-enabled WMS also allows for tracking an order from inception to
end on the desktop using a browser.
The primary use of WMS and the Internet is their ability to track a shipment in transit.
The majority of businesses believe that carrier selection and shipment tracking using the
Internet are big factors in staying competitive. Numerous online companies specialize in
shipment tracking. The process works as follows: The shipments are turned over to the
carrier – road, rail or by air. The vehicles transmit the movement status to the concerned
carrier. The carrier periodically updates status of the shipment and transfers information
to the Web site of the shipment tracking company. The online company collects
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The Revenue Cycle 151
Exhibit 14. Internet-based shipment tracking
Carrier 1
Carrier 2
Carrier n
Shipment information
tracking site
information from various carriers and provides timely reports to the business. Shipments
can be tracked by bill of lading number, purchase order number, Return Material
Authorization (RMA) number or shipper reference number. Instead of using an online
company, a business can also obtain information directly from a carrier. The infrastructural
issues are more complex, though the basic process remains the same. Internet-based
shipment tracking and related software is useful to accountants in the following areas:
Handling sales and purchases cut-offs more precisely
Auditing freight bills for overcharges, duplicate charges and unrecognized shipments
Tracking of performance measures for shippers, such as load tender accept and
reject percentages, on-time pickup and delivery, and ratio of multiple claims
Analyzing volume by carrier, lane, equipment type or customer, and to perform
what-if analyses
Reducing operating costs and administrative overheads
Visibility of shipments is a first step in the shipping area. A number of pre- and postshipment activities can be affected by the Web-readiness of the carrier. First, an accurate
estimate of shipment charges based on contractual arrangements can be obtained from
the carrier database. Exact quotations are useful in case of frequent shipments and helpful
in managing cash flows. Second, a bill of lading can be created electronically, transmitted
to the carrier and printed at the source. Shipping labels can also be created at this time.
Third, the carrier can be informed directly about the pickup information. A log of pickup
requests is useful in monitoring carrier performance. Fourth, as already mentioned,
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shipment tracking ability is required. Shipment tracking ability should be supplemented
with the ability to reroute shipments in transit. Fifth, regular notification of shipment
status — either through e-mail or other electronic means — at predefined intervals is
necessary. Businesses can monitor shipments delivered on time, delayed shipments and
lost shipments, and should be able to take corrective action. Finally, the ability to
electronically retrieve documents, such as bill of lading, delivery receipt and packing
lists; and Web access to standard forms and documents, such as certificate of origin and
customs information and report creation tools are extremely helpful.
Billing methods differ in the B2B and B2C environment. The standard method of billing
in a B2B transaction involves reconciliation of sales order, credit approval, shipping
notice and stock release, among other things; and then the bill/invoice is prepared. The
process can be paper based, electronic or a mix. Incoming payments need to be matched
with the invoice, order number and shipping notice. Finally, the accounts receivable
subsidiary and general ledgers should be updated to reflect correct status of the
customer. The payments can be via cash, checks, credit cards and EFT, to mention a few.
Businesses may need multiple billing accounts per customer, which may have separate
review processes.
The B2B billing process is complex, error-prone and expensive; billing disputes are fairly
common. An EDI-based process referred to as ERS (also known as invoiceless process,
self billing, pay-on-receipt or payment-from-receipt) has been used to reengineer the
billing/payment process. However, EDI does not have a critical mass, and ERS is not
universally used 2. In the B2C environment, billing methods differ depending on the
industry. For example, if items are purchased in a store, the bill will be handed over
immediately; however, in case of telecom residential services or utilities, the paper bill
will be forwarded directly to the customer’s home. The paper-based bill is generally paid
by consumers by a check; however, payment methods may also involve credit cards or
The estimates of total number of bills in the U.S. economy vary between 27 and 30 billion
(approximately 12-15 billion B2B bills and 15-18 billion B2C bills). Businesses and
consumers annually write approximately 68-70 billion checks, which is the highest check
usage among industrialized nations. In B2C billing, consumers spend an average of 2
hours per month writing checks and spend $100 per year in associated costs, such as
postage, late fees and returned checks. Bill presentment and payment costs businesses
and consumers $80 billion per year; and internal processing costs for businesses are
around $45 billion per year. Can these costs be reduced by using the Internet? Gartner
Group estimates that using Web-based billing and payments, B2B companies can save
$7.25 and B2C companies $0.55 per bill. Apart from cost reduction, Web-based billing can
have strategic applications in the customer service area and CRM.
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The Revenue Cycle 153
EIPP and EBPP Processes
EIPP for B2B and EBPP for B2C transactions are the Web-based innovations to streamline
paper-based billing and payments processes. The core idea behind EIPP and EBPP is to
provide customers a facility to receive, pay, review, analyze and query bills primarily over
the Internet. There are many similarities in the way EIPP and EBPP operate; however,
EBPP is simpler, since the B2C environment is relatively less complex than the B2B
First, let us take a look at the modus operandi of EIPP and EBPP. The Web-based billing
and payments process includes billers (sellers — the party who bills), customers
(buyers), financial institutions and intermediate service providers. The generic steps
involved in EIPP and EBPP can be summarized as follows.
Enrollment: The customer has to navigate to the biller’s Web site and enroll in the
program. The front end of the Web site should have capabilities for the customers
to enroll online. The critical self-service abilities in this area include account
creation, account management and payment options. The biller, after positively
identifying the customer, issues account number, user ID and password. If the
customer has already created these data fields, they are confirmed and made
operational. Data provided by the customers can later be used in CRM.
The design of bills and invoices is a challenge due to the multimedia nature of the
Web. Additionally, in the B2B environment, sometimes an invoice can be hundreds
of pages long. In print format, the choices are rather drab; basically, black and white.
The Internet offers a rich array of colors, graphics and animation to make bills more
informative and entertaining. This stage provides opportunities for marketing
messages, up- or cross-selling, and personalized messages to the customer. A
whole new field of digital documents deals with problems in this area.
Data extraction and formatting: The next step is data extraction and appropriate
formatting of data in the digital format. The process for biller in EIPP and EBPP is
Exhibit 15. Differences in B (bill) and I (invoice)
Serving consumers -- relatively
Bill reflects charges and payment
activity for the consumer
Bill tells customer amount due and
where to send payment
Contains few line items -- generally
read and approved by the same
Bills paid as billed; lower rate of
Serving businesses -- relatively complex
Invoice provides details of services
provided or items purchased
Invoices may contain information used
to allocate costs
Invoices are matched, reviewed and
approved; then paid by the cash/treasury
Invoices not paid as invoiced; higher rate
of disputes (up to 15%)
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Exhibit 16. EIPP/EBPP process
Data extraction and formatting
Bill presentment
Bill verification/Dispute resolution
Control and reporting
same. The data needs to be extracted from the back-end accounting systems, and
data formats can range from software specific to ASCII files. This data needs to be
readied for digital delivery through the appropriate format; for example, HTML or
XML formatting. The customer may desire a digital document and printed invoice;
the digital bill also needs to be formatted in a printer-friendly format. Data may need
to be summarized in case of complicated bills and invoices.
Bill presentment: In this stage, a digital bill is presented to the customer. Delivery
methods may include e-mail, fax and palm device; posting on the biller’s Web site;
or forwarding the bill to a third-party Web site. A combination of methods can also
be used; for example, posting the bill on the Web site and notifying the customer
of the posting by e-mail. Digital bills can also be delivered on mobile phones and
televisions. Hotel industry all over the world has used the delivery of check-out
bills via close-circuit television for many years.
The electronically delivered bills and invoices occasionally do not reach the
destination due to e-mail or transmission failures. A failure detection and recovery
mechanism is needed to identify such instances and take corrective action.
Bill verification and dispute resolution: The customer then interacts with the bill
by reviewing details, posing questions, verifying accuracy and doing analytics, if
these capabilities exist. The review process in the B2C setting is relatively simple,
since generally only the customer reviews and approves the bills.
B2B transactions have an elaborate approval process, where the invoice is routed
to various departments before getting approved. In the B2B, and to a lesser extent
in the B2C environment, dispute resolution procedures also need to be formalized
in the workflow. Approximately 5% to 15% of B2B transactions are disputed.
Disputes can arise due to billing errors, partial or wrong shipments, promotional
or early payment discounts, or other myriad reasons.
Payment: The customer should be allowed a variety of remittance options, such
as using the customer’s own server, online banks, Web portals, ACH or credit card
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The Revenue Cycle 155
networks and, finally, a simple printed check. The customer should be able to
control for full or partial payments, payment dates or consolidation of bills for
In the case of a B2B transaction, the remittance information is captured by the EIPP
system and forwarded to the biller. This information is necessary for accounts
receivable reconciliation and can be automatically uploaded to the back-end
accounting system.
Control and reporting features: The strategic benefits of EIPP/EBPP are available
when customer viewing habits, payment behavior and visit logs are accumulated.
These databases are then mined using data mining algorithms to extract information
that can be used in marketing and customer service. The control and reporting
features should provide abilities to monitor, summarize, report and save such vital
Conceptually, the idea of electronic billing and payments seems efficient and effective.
However, there are number of challenges in the area. First, who should host the Web site
to post the bills, the seller or the buyer? In the EBPP environment, the question is, will
the consumer travel to different Web sites to collect bills? To answer this question,
different models proposed and/or used in this area need to be examined. Then there are
issues of front-end design of the Web sites, design of the electronic bills, data
conversion from legacy systems, internal controls for electronic delivery and acceptable
remittance options.
Models for EIPP and EBPP
There are three primary models for EIPP and EBPP — direct model, consolidator model
and Internet post-office model. These models differ in terms of implementation, workflows,
costs, benefits, controls and customer relationship capabilities.
In the direct model, the biller establishes the Web site for displaying bills and acts as a
service provider. Customers browse to the Web site to obtain bill information. The biller
controls design of the Web site, design of the bill, collection of the customer data,
marketing messages, and enrollment and dispute resolution. Customers are required to
visit the biller’s Web site periodically, collect billing information and arrange for
In the B2B environment, direct biller can be either a seller or a buyer. If the seller
establishes a Web site, then the buyers are expected to review their bills on the seller’s
Web site. This process is similar to the standard biller model described earlier. The sellerdirect model is a traditional model applicable for existing trade relationships where
payment terms and credit limits are pre-specified. Seller direct remains a popular choice
for sellers who issue a high volume of invoices or have high-value invoices. This model
is used in manufacturing, telecommunications, utilities, health care and financial services.
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Exhibit 17. Direct biller model
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer n
Buyer 1
Buyer 2
Buyer n
Seller 1
Seller 2
Seller n
On the other hand, if the buyer establishes the Web site, then the sellers have to post
their bills on the buyer’s site. The buyer will review the bills periodically and arrange for
payments. The question is, why should sellers agree to post their bills on the buyer’s
site? The choice between seller- and buyer-direct models depends on who is dominant
in the relationship. Large buyers such as Wal-Mart, who are interested in purchaseorder-driven invoicing and payment processes, generally can implement buyer-direct
models. The existing trading relationships and high volume or value of invoices are
prerequisites for this model, as in the seller-direct model.
Customers enjoy several advantages in the biller-direct model. First, this process is
similar to paper-based billing. The customer navigates to the Web site, reviews the bill
and pays the bill. Second, dispute resolution is faster, since the customer is interacting
directly with the biller. The biller can provide analytical facilities such as reviewing past
bills, comparing bills, calculating average bill and looking at seasonal variations in the
bill, such as in a utility bill. Third, if the customer wishes to add a new service or
discontinue an existing service, it can be done quickly. The majority of credit card
companies employ the biller-direct model. Finally, the seller must incur start-up and
operational costs for the Web sites and recurring maintenance and security costs.
Problems with the direct model are as follows: First, customers have to visit different Web
sites to gather billing information. This in itself is not a problem; however, customers may
encounter different interfaces, different payment mechanisms and different Web site
designs, causing acceptance problems. Second, the biller-direct model lacks the ability
to present consolidated bills. For example, if the customer gets one consolidated bill for
various services and pays that one bill, then the customer saves considerable time in the
process. Such one-stop billing is difficult in the direct model, since each biller essentially
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The Revenue Cycle 157
posts only his/her bills on the Web. Third, there are management problems for the
customer, such as tracking e-mail notifications, keeping bookmarks and visiting Web
sites. Finally, the seller has to convince a critical mass of customers to join the online
billing process. If the seller does not dominate the market, marketing a biller-direct model
can be tedious and expensive. The seller also has to bear the costs of Web site
construction and back-end systems integration.
The second EIPP/EBPP model is the consolidator model. The term consolidator refers
to the organization, generally Web based, which consolidates bills from various billers
and provides a single user interface to the user. Customers can view all their bills and pay
for them at one place. A consolidator is essentially an intermediary who collects and
aggregates bills and invoices from multiple sellers and posts those on the Web for the
benefit of multiple buyers. Additional value-added services, such as factoring, escrow,
insurance, credit ratings and payment processing may also be made available by the
The consolidator model can be further divided into two models – the thick consolidator
and the thin consolidator. The thick consolidator collects billing data that is in summary
and detailed formats. The customer can view bills online, access previous bills, investigate line item details, run analytics and do pretty much anything possible under the
biller-direct model. The thick consolidator manages the entire customer relationship. The
thick consolidator generally provides technical infrastructure and standards for formatting and publishing of digital bills. In the B2B setting, this model can bring together a
large number of smaller sellers and buyers. The success of this model depends on the
thick consolidator’s ability to attract and retain a critical mass of sellers and buyers.
Exhibit 18. Thick consolidator model
Customer 1
Biller 1
Biller 2
Web site
Customer n
Biller n
Buyer 1
Seller 1
Seller 2
Seller n
Customer 2
Web site
Buyer 2
Buyer n
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Major banks and Internet portals with established brand names can probably play a role
of thick consolidator.
CheckFree Corporation ( is one of the leading consolidators in the
EBPP area. CheckFree consolidates bills from hundreds of billers and presents them to
its customers. Currently, CheckFree has approximately 5 million U.S. consumers and
processes 4 billion payments each year. CheckFree does not charge upfront fees to the
users; it is a free service. CheckFree offers various options for payment, such as debit
cards, credit cards, paper checks and EFT, among other things. CheckFree guarantees
privacy and security, and also accepts responsibility for late payments and unauthorized
payment on customer accounts. Many corporations offer consolidator and EIPP/EBPP
services; for example, BillingZone, American Express, Discover and Intuit.
The primary advantage for customers is having a single point of contact with multiple
billers. The interface is standardized, bills look similar and there is only one Web site to
visit. In the B2B situation, sellers and buyers can leverage technology resources of the
consolidator, such as handling multiple data formats, analytical tools, security infrastructure and dealing with multiple transmission protocols. The initial set-up and
recurring operating expenses of the Web site can now be avoided.
There are several disadvantages of this model. First, the level of bill/invoice details is not
as deep as in the biller-direct model. Because the billers follow technology standards set
by the consolidator, formatting and presentation capabilities are limited. Second, the
level of interactivity decreases considerably in the thick-consolidator model compared
to the biller-direct model. For example, requesting a new service, changing the existing
service or performing in-depth analytics is either more difficult or non-existent. Sellers
Exhibit 19. Thin consolidator model
Biller 1
Biller 2
Customer 1
Web site
Biller n
Customer 2
Customer n
URL link for detailed billing information
Seller 1
Seller 2
Web site
Seller n
Buyer 1
Buyer 2
Buyer n
URL link for detailed billing information
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
The Revenue Cycle 159
are not able to exploit marketing and service opportunities of the new medium. Finally,
a thick consolidator generally cannot consolidate all bills for the customers. Customers
may be forced to visit multiple consolidator sites, though not as many as under the billerdirect model, negating some of the benefits of the model.
To offset some of the disadvantages of the thick-consolidator model, the thin-consolidator model was invented. The thin-consolidator model follows an industry-wide
technology standard rather than a proprietary standard of the thick consolidator. Thus,
billers can follow the same technology standards as they post bills and invoices on the
Web sites of various consolidators. The bills posted on the thin consolidator’s site only
consist of a summary. The customers can review and pay the bills on the thin consolidator’s
site. If they need additional details, such as line items or analytical tools, a Web link on
the consolidator’s Web site takes them to the biller’s Web site. This model recaptures
some of the advantages of the biller-direct model. Interactive customer service, advanced
analytics and cross-marketing activities can be implemented. The development of
industry-wide standards remains a barrier in the adoption of this model.
The third model is called the Internet post office model. This is primarily useful in the EBPP
area. Different billing organizations and financial institutions are connected with an
Internet post office. The Internet post office is a hub that can be managed by a Web portal,
brokerage firm, bank or any other intermediary organization. The billing organizations will
send bills to the Internet post office, and those will be delivered to the customer. Data
on the customer’s bank accounts is maintained by trusted organizations such as
Certificate Authorities. When the customer makes a payment decision, automated
procedures gather information about the customer’s bank accounts and initiate payment.
The success of such a model depends on the data standards for EBPP, security and
privacy protections, national biller directories and intelligent agents (a software program
Exhibit 20. The Internet post-office model
men n
Pay matio
inf illin
orm g
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
that automatically performs certain functions based on occurrence of specified events)
that can gather information from disparate sources. National post offices are best
equipped to offer the Internet post office service. In Canada, Australia and New Zealand,
national post offices are already offering these services; for example, Canada Post
Corporation, the Bank of Montreal and TELUS Corporation offer a service called epost
( that is essentially the Internet post office.
Infrastructure for EIPP and EBPP
The infrastructure requirements for EIPP and EBPP are similar, but not identical. The
following discussion primarily focuses on the EIPP/EBPP software that manages end-toend electronic billing and payment processing, and not on operating systems and
hardware. Needless to say, functionalities differ across various software packages. The
first problem for EIPP/EBPP software is extraction of data from accounting systems in the
desired format. Accounting systems can vary from old legacy systems to the latest ERP
systems. The legacy systems use different file formats for printing bills and invoices.
These print formats are captured by the EIPP and EBPP software to create digital bills and
invoices. The ERP software is generally capable of producing output in Web-viewable
format and can be directly used by the EIPP/EBPP software.
Various operating systems run legacy and ERP systems, such as Sun Solaris, Windows
and UNIX, among others. The EIPP/EBPP software for data extraction should be able to
interface with these operating systems. Software functionality should include the ability
to handle a large volume of transactions, large bills (capabilities range up to hundreds
Exhibit 21. Infrastructure for EIPP/EBPP
Customer 1
•Data extraction
•Data formatting
•Document routing
oInternal workflows
oExternal workflows
•Website development
•Interfaces with banks and
•Customer service features
•Consolidation of bills
•Technological standards
•Online storage and retrieval
•Security features
Customer 2
Customer n
•Control of payments
•Routing workflows
•Interface with banks
oFedWire, ACH, SWIFT
oFinancial EDI
oCredit/Debit cards
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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The Revenue Cycle 161
of thousands of pages) and large volumes of bills, graphical utilities to define data
extraction rules for various bill types, creation of summary statements and the capability
to match extracted data to the desired output format. The data extraction rules can also
create header and trailer records for mathematical functions, such as calculation of
payments totals, batch totals and batch count.
Output formats for an invoice or bill can be HTML, XML, image files or PDF, which are
Internet-viewable formats; printed invoices and statements remain as a backup format.
The EIPP/EBPP software provides standard templates for invoice creation, tax forms and
logical controls, such as conditional IF statements, date and amount formatting, and
audit controls. The software also has a document router that will route documents to the
billers’ or consolidators’ Web sites. Capabilities sometimes include the ability to format
summary data according to consolidators’ specifications. These digital documents are
archived online and indexed for easy retrieval. The standard biller-side control and
reporting features include ability to access online documents, logging customer visits
and payment behavior, data mining abilities and report generation capabilities.
The output can also be presented on e-mail, fax, palm device, cell phones and pagers, and
can be remotely printed. The EIPP/EBPP software needs to be integrated with the Web
application software. The messaging software to facilitate communication between
concerned parties is also required. The EIPP/EBPP software also monitors delivery of the
invoice to the customer. If the software detects failure in delivery, then alternate routes,
such as printing and posting of the invoices, are invoked.
The EIPP software resides on the billers’ and payers’ systems. On the payer side, the EIPP
software provides the ability to route the invoice to appropriate approvers. Ideally, the
software should also be able to integrate with the back-end accounting system. This
enables functionalities such as management of different supplier accounts, routing of
invoices through approval workflows as defined by accounting software, tracking
invoices online, assigning general ledger account numbers and running analytical
routines. The EBPP software does not generally reside on the user side, since the Web
sites are accessed using a browser.
On the payment side, the EIPP software provides creation of NACHA-compliant transactions, FEDI-type transactions and check printing ability for payroll and payables. The
check printing software can be integrated or add-on to the EIPP software. The software
has wizards (automated help tools) that enable creation of transaction numbers, bank
account details, vendor payment information and addenda requirements. The payer can
control amount to pay, payment format and settlement date. Payments are automatically
released on a pre-specified settlement date. Reporting utilities can generate reports such
as summary payable, details of payables and payment dates for various suppliers, among
other things. In the EBPP software, the payer-side payment utilities primarily reside on
the billers’ or consolidators’ Web sites and not on the payer’s system.
The EIPP/EBPP software needs to provide an interface with the banks or financial
institutions. Payment types such as FedWire, SWIFT, ACH, financial EDI, EFT, credit/
debit cards and printed checks should be supported by the software. The EIPP software
often provides wizards to create transactions with required payment options. Some
vendors support ERADS, where payment moves through the financial institutions and
remittance details are forwarded by e-mail or fax. If the seller uses electronic lockboxes,
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then the EIPP software should interface with these lockboxes to update accounts
receivable files.
The hosting of Web-based bill presentment is done either in-house in case of direct billers
or on the consolidator’s Web site if a third-party is used for bill consolidation.
Consolidators need to collect bills from various billing organizations. Conversion of bills
into a required format is generally standardized. The consolidator has to develop
technology standards in collaboration with the billing organizations and provide
software tools to accomplish data extraction and conversion. Consolidators also need
to collaborate with banks and financial institutions for collections from customers.
Security is an important requirement for acceptance of EIPP and EBPP. Standard security
features on EIPP and EBPP software include firewall, intrusion detection software, highquality encryption and message transmission security.3 On the user side, software can
be administered by the system administrator. The system administrator authorizes users
and assigns log-in privileges. Log-in activities of users are recorded, and this information
is available to the administrator. This log can provide auditability of the invoicing and
payments process. The organizations can institute additional controls at the desktop
level. The EBPP software also provides authentication and authorization controls for
users. Many EBPP service providers make explicit guarantees for privacy, security and
unauthorized payments.
Organizations wishing to offer EIPP/EBPP have several choices. First, the service can be
developed, delivered, operated and managed in-house. This provides for a customized
system tailored to the needs of the organization; however, it calls for considerable
expertise and deep pockets. Second, packaged software can be purchased and integrated
with the back-end accounting systems. Off-the-shelf packages have strong capabilities
and can handle transactions for large organizations. Third, the entire EIPP/EBBP
operation can be outsourced. There are vendors who can provide infrastructure and
programs to manage operations of companies of all sizes. The key items that need to be
addressed are as follows:
Interface of existing cash or bank management systems with the EIPP/EBPP
Technological and security standards and their implementation in the existing
Changes in the business workflows and internal controls
Changes in accounts receivable and accounts payable processing
Measurement of costs and benefits, and calculation of ROI
Marketing of the system to customers and/or suppliers
Advantages and Disadvantages of EIPP and EBPP
The advantages of EIPP and EBPP accrue to all parties involved in the process. These
include businesses that implement EIPP and EBPP, customers that join online billing and
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The Revenue Cycle 163
trading partners. Advantages are both tangible and intangible. EBPP and EIPP are
supposed to provide strategic benefits and cost reductions. These can be summarized
as follows:
Customer service: Improvements in customer service is a motivating factor
for many businesses to implement electronic invoicing. Customers can create
their own accounts, track purchases and control payments. Analytical tools
can be provided that will help customers compare and contrast invoices and
bills. Changing of existing services, discontinuation of existing services and
addition of new services is facilitated. Any other additional information can
be provided via Web links.
Digital documents can be downloaded by customers and uploaded to backend accounting systems, reducing error rates. High-value customers can be
given limited access to back-end accounting systems, say for order tracking.
Invoices and bills can be presented in different languages and different
formats for international customers. Such facilities can enhance customer
loyalty and retention rates.
Marketing opportunities: Online customer databases can be used to deliver
targeted marketing messages. There are opportunities for up-selling and
cross-selling to customers. Online salespersons can assist customers with
products and finalize orders immediately. EIPP also makes it easy to measure
the effectiveness of marketing campaigns to existing customers.
Cost reductions: Direct cost savings include reduction in making, printing
and mailing of bills. If the customer pays electronically, there are associated
savings in the reduction of cash float, paper handling of incoming checks and
manual entries in the accounting system. Businesses reduce their day’s sales
outstanding and improve cash management.
Indirect savings result from self-service abilities provided by EIPP and EBPP.
A large number of customer service inquiries are related to billing. A clearly
designed electronic invoicing facility can provide answers to many routine
questions, thereby reducing expensive customer support.
Convenience: In the B2C setting, activities such as obtaining billing information, analyzing bills, asking questions and controlling payments are easier for
customers, as compared to paper-based bills. Customers can also download
these bills directly into their personal money managers and avoid duplicate
manual entries. The posting of payments can be confirmed relatively quickly,
and accounts can be verified on an ad-hoc basis anytime. This will reduce wait
for bank statements and canceled checks.
For B2B partners, elimination of paper bills results in operational efficiencies.
Electronic bills can also be easily integrated in the electronic workflows
offered by different ERP packages. Disputes can be resolved online, approv-
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als are faster, discounts are rarely missed and cash flow projections are
relatively more precise.
Cost savings: These result from elimination of paper-based processes. Expensive activities such as opening of incoming mail, manual reconciliations and
paper-based checks can be reduced if not eliminated.
EIPP/EBPP is a new technology and faces inherent problems of introduction and
adoption of a new technology. Crucial for success is adoption of the technology by a
critical mass of users. In the absence of such users, the technology is not profitable and
does not succeed in the marketplace. Problems with EIPP/EBPP can be summarized as
Upfront and recurring costs: The biller or the consolidator has to incur
upfront costs to build the Web site and its integration with the back-end
accounting system. There are also costs of developing technology standards
for digital bills and invoices. These standards are required to handle multiple
data input/output formats, deal with various transmission protocols and
interface with customers’ accounting software through a browser front end.
Trading partners may need training and education in using EIPP, and those
costs are sometimes borne by the biller.
Recurring costs include maintaining the Web site, upgrading the Web site,
maintaining and modifying technology standards, and administrative costs.
Marketing costs: The developer of EIPP/EBPP has to market the electronic
invoicing services. Unless the critical mass of users accepts the concept,
these services cannot become profitable. The biller has to design incentives,
devise marketing campaigns, and educate partners to enroll and use EIPP/
EBPP services.
Risk management: If the banks or financial institutions use a consolidator to
present bills, they concede direct operational control. Risk management
procedures routinely used by financial institutions, some mandated by
federal regulations, must be followed by the EBPP providers. Federal regulators have expressed concerns in these areas.
Information collection: Customers have to navigate to the various Web sites
to get billing information. Multiple sites mean managing multiple enrollments,
multiple access routines and multiple data formats. In the B2B setting, the
buyer needs to integrate an accounts payable system with multiple seller sites
and has to comply with seller payment options.
Learning curve: There are initial costs in learning EBPP for customers. In case
of EIPP, specialized training and education programs may be necessary to
train accounting personnel.
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The Revenue Cycle 165
Enrollment problems: Customers should be able to subscribe and unsubscribe
from the service. Conditions such as enrollment for at least 1 year, fees for
subscribing or unsubscribing, and online problems can add costs to the
service. Given the current state of online services, such scenarios are not only
possible but likely.
Resistance to adoption: First, consumers are reluctant to change their
banking habits. Many people do not see much advantage in joining online
billing. Second, consumers have repeatedly expressed concerns regarding
privacy and security on the Web. Unless these concerns are addressed
appropriately, EBPP may not achieve critical mass. Third, many billers are not
capable of delivering electronic bills. That limits the number of bills available
on the Web and discourages consumers, since paper-based bills continue to
pour in. Some billers are waiting for a critical mass of users before offering
EIPP/EBPP, creating a classic catch-22. Finally, from billers’ perspective, there
is a lack of industry-wide standards for data exchange.
EIPP/EBPP was touted as a killer application of the 21st century. However, the acceptance rates for EIPP/EBPP have not been very encouraging. The value proposition that
looked so strong on paper did not work in the real world. As the technology matures,
adoption rates are beginning to move upwards, but not as wildly forecasted as in earlier
years. A treasury automation survey of Fortune 1000 companies indicated that approximately 40% to 50% businesses are interested in EIPP and EBPP, and approximately 10%
have already adopted EIPP/EBPP. This survey also revealed that the three most important
reasons for adopting EIPP/EBPP were cost reduction, service improvement and elimination of billing errors. A report from Gartner Group suggests that only 9% (B2C setting)
and 2.3% (B2B setting) adoption rates are required for a positive ROI. Giga Information
Group, on the other hand, estimates that EIPP/EBBP services can become profitable when
adoption rates are 12% to 15%. EIPP/EBPP does not have a large installed base; however,
awareness among businesses and consequent adoption rates continue to inch upward.
Receivables and Collections
Online Management of Receivables
Receivables management involves collection of receivables, post-collection activities
and financial analytics. The collection of receivables includes contacting the customer
via telephone calls or e-mails, customized dunning letters, resolution of disputes, faceto-face contact and any other activities to speed up collections. Post-collection activities
include matching incoming payments with invoices to get correct accounts receivable;
follow-up with customers via calls, letters or e-mails; and generating financial reports,
such as an accounts receivable aging schedule. Financial analytics involves performing
ratio analysis, cash flow analysis and determining working capital status.
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Exhibit 22. Online receivables management
Online accounts receivable software
Client’s system
Collection activities
Dispute resolution
Customer contact
•Telephone calls
•Dunning letters
•Face to face contact
•Collection agencies
Client’s customers
Post collection activities
Financial analytics
Payment matching
Customer follow-up
•NSF checks
•Satisfaction surveys
•Marketing messages
Report generation
Ratio analysis
•Current ratio
•Quick ratio
•AR turnover ratio
Cash flow analysis
Working capital analysis
The Internet has not generated new processes to displace existing receivables management. The primary effects of the Internet in this area are to move paper-based or manual
processes online and reengineer existing processes. Numerous online organizations
offer online receivables management. These services generally develop a comprehensive software suite to handle various accounts receivable management functions. These
online organizations also partner with accounting software vendors, enabling integration of their services with their client’s systems. These services are often industry- and
Online services start with credit evaluation of the client’s customers, covered earlier.
Services provided in the collection services area are generally transparent to the client’s
customer. The letters and paper-based bills that go to the client’s customer are on the
client’s logo, checks are drawn on the name of the client and aforwarded to the client’s
lockbox or physical location. Clerical work is handled by the online organization. Detailed
account information is available on the Internet and includes balances, payments, status
of delinquent accounts and transaction histories, among other things. Many of these
organizations also offer EIPP/EBPP, factoring, processing of returned checks and
ancillary marketing services. Marketing services might include delivery of marketing
messages, frequent shopper-type programs, data mining, customer profiling and automatic e-mails.
The topic of factoring of receivables, sometimes referred to as accounts receivable
financing, needs further examination. Online financing companies have changed the
dynamics of factoring. A significant number of small- and mid-size businesses need to
factor accounting receivables. The factoring of receivables means sale of receivables to
a financing company. The financing company buys the receivables at discount and/or
charges factoring fees. A certain percentage of receivables, for example, 80% of the
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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The Revenue Cycle 167
invoice price, is immediately handed over to the business. If the receivables are collected
in a timely fashion, the remaining 20% (less discounts or factoring fees) will also be paid.
Depending on the terms of the agreement, the risks of collection may or may not be passed
to the financing company.
The online factoring process has reduced paperwork considerably. The majority of
online factoring companies have forms and ancillary documentation on the Web site that
can be filled and submitted online by businesses wishing to factor receivables. However,
other processes are in a varied state of automation. A few companies have automated
the entire process. For example, 21st Century Capital has the following process: The entire
application and documentation process required for enrollment is online. The application
and ancillary documentation can be filled and submitted online. Identity of the business
or person wishing to avail the facilities is verified through Equifax eIDVerifierTM, which
serves as an online notary public substitute. The I Agree button serves as a surrogate
for a signature and authenticates the factoring agreement.
The process of printing invoices and mailing them to the financing company has also
been eliminated. 21st Century’s Web site provides online tools for creating and storing
digital invoices. Supporting documents, such as purchase order, shipping documents
and bills of lading, need to be faxed. The faxed documents are converted into digital
documents and stored with the invoices. These can be viewed, downloaded or printed
by authorized parties. Payment data is also posted on the Web site, which is useful in
managing cash flows.
These services are primarily marketed to small- and mid-size corporations. Some online
companies also cater to non-profit organizations and universities. The large corporations generally have a necessary accounts receivable management infrastructure in
place. Large corporations may use these services on a selective basis in a specific area.
Online receivable management companies are in flux, and are rapidly consolidating or
disappearing. A proper choice of partner is absolutely necessary in this area.
Exhibit 23. Online receivables factoring
Digital invoice
Payment data
Sales information
Online factoring service
Purchase order
Shipping documents
Bills of lading
Client’s customers
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Electronic Payment Methods
Standard payment methods and Web-era payment methods can be broadly classified into
three categories. First, the customer receives goods or services and informs the financial
institution, which then makes the payment to the business. Second, the customer
provides payment information to the business either by phone, fax, e-mail or Web site,
and this information is validated by the bank and payment is transmitted to the business.
Finally, the customers make direct payments to a business without any intermediate
financial institution. The first two methods have existed for decades as standard payment
methods in B2B and B2C transactions. The standard ways of making payment have been
check, credit cards and EFT.
The third method of bypassing financial institutions and making payments directly
surfaced in the Internet age. Customers have paid in cash for hundreds or thousands of
years, so the idea of digital cash was floated. The dot-com era spawned a variety of digital
cash payment methods suitable for e-commerce. The majority of these digital cash
inventions, especially in the B2C area, have not been successful. Needless to say, digital
cash does not bypass financial institutions completely, since the customer has to
purchase digital cash some place. Several payment methods also have altered the basic
credit card payment model, with varying degrees of acceptance in the marketplace. On
the other hand, a few online payment methods in the B2B area have been viable. In this
section, the focus is on different electronic payment methods used in e-commerce.
Initially, in the B2C area, there was an explosion in online payment methods. The number
of online companies offering these services has been declining, but remains quite strong.
Exhibit 24. Transaction clearing — Yahoo! categories (Source:
Check services
Clearing house
Transaction clearing
Digital money
Credit card merchant
Online escrow services
Smart cards
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The Revenue Cycle 169
Exhibit 25. Types of online payments
Checks/Negotiable instruments/Digital money
Good and services
Customer 1
Back end systems
Sales orders
payment details
Customer n
Customer 2
First, payment methods in this area are examined. These methods can be conceptually
classified in five categories: credit cards and checks, stored value cards, replenishment
accounts, phone-based billing and micropayments. Some of the methods are now
crossing over to the B2B area, and the distinctions are not exact. Second, electronic
wallets that support these payment methods are discussed. Third, developments in the
B2B area are discussed. A number of commonalities in the B2B and B2C areas exist;
however, payment methods more prevalent in the B2B world are stressed in the ensuing
discussion. Finally, electronic lockboxes are discussed. Remember, most of these
technologies are not new, but generally at least a decade old. These are being refined for
wider applications in the online world.
B2C Payment Methods
Credit Cards and Online Checks
Currently in the B2C area, a credit card is the most prevalent method of payment. In the
U.S., there exists an excellent infrastructure to support credit card payments, and for
consumers there is legal liability protection. Credit card essentially consists of name,
number, expiration date and magnetic stripes. The number system in credit cards is based
on ANSI Standard X4.13 (1983), and the numbers convey certain information; for
example, if the first number is 3 then it is a travel/entertainment card, if the number is 4
then it is a visa card and so forth. The magnetic stripes encode the information provided
in front of the card.
The credit card payment mechanism is simple. When the card is passed through the card
reader, the stored information is transmitted to the credit card company. This information
is verified, the amount charged is assessed to be within the credit limit on the card, and
then payment is approved. In the Internet environment, instead of a magnetic strip, the
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concerned person provides information by filling in onscreen questions. Approximately
85% to 90% of online payments are done by credit cards. However, credit cards pose many
problems in e-commerce, especially from a security perspective:
Credit cards are designed for face-to-face commerce. Identifiers such as name,
social security number and signature are irrelevant in e-commerce. There have been
efforts by some credit card companies to introduce PINs in online transactions for
additional security, though enrollment is voluntary.
Credit card data, basically name and card number, can be easily stolen. Card
numbers do not change and are stored on merchant servers, and can become easy
targets for hackers.
Credit cards are easy to duplicate.
Credit card fraud costs run into tens of billions of dollars. There are no concerted
efforts by credit card companies to create common fraud fighting utilities. However,
there are increased signs of activity in this area, due to the rising frequency of
online scams such as identity theft and phishing.
Checks remain another popular method of payment on the Internet. The checks can be
mailed in after purchase. However, check payments can also be effected online in real
time, and there are numerous online check verification services. The check verification
and approval mechanism is very similar to the credit cards. The customer makes a
purchase and decides to pay by check. The payment option is selected. Then the
customer is directed to the online check verification service. The customer is asked to
fill in a blank check on the screen, sometimes called a virtual register, which includes the
usual information and also bank account and routing numbers. The online service
Exhibit 26. Online checks4
Good and services
Customer 1
ck p
Payment instructions Customer 2
Customer n
Check/Credit card
verification service
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The Revenue Cycle 171
Exhibit 27. A conceptual representation of virtual check (Source:
First Name
Last Name
Check Number
Zip Code
Pay to the Order of
Bank Routing Number
Bank Account Number
Additional Information
E-mail Address
Birth Date
Driver’s License Number
Merchant Reference Number
contacts the bank, confirms the account and approves the check. The process is
transparent and the customer is not aware of the underlying steps.
The transfer of funds can be facilitated in different ways. The online service can transmit
the check to the merchant, which is then printed and then deposited in the bank. The other
method is to directly deposit the funds in the merchant’s account through EFT. These
services are also used for phone orders, fax orders or face-to-face business. For example,
when a customer writes a check, it will be swiped through a reader. The information will
be transmitted to the online service, which then follows the process described earlier. The
online service approves or rejects the check in a matter of a few seconds or minutes.
Additional services such as a log of transactions, NSF checks information, online
availability and delivery of customized reports, and downloading of payment data to the
merchant’s desktop may also be available. Detailed information regarding electronic
checks – standards, protocols, specifications and technology is available on
The estimates for all types of check frauds range from millions to billions of dollars.
Security precautions invariably include protecting blank checks, separation of duties,
making checks tamperproof by using water marks, holograms and multi-colored printing,
among other things. However, these precautions are not useful in the online environment. The problems and potential for fraud in online checks is similar to fraud in credit
card payments. There are software products that assess risk in credit card and online
check payments; for example, see
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Stored Value Cards
Stored value cards, as the name says, store value in the card; for example, prepaid phone
cards. The phone card can be used until the allocated minutes are exhausted. Generally,
value in the stored value cards is cash. Stored value cards are useful in commerce,
electronic or otherwise, when customers prefer to pay in cash. The value in the stored
value cards is input by the customer by paying upfront cash or making arrangements with
the bank or financial institution. Stored value cards can be dumb cards, meaning storing
little information apart from the cash balances, or can be smart, meaning storing a great
deal of information. The terms stored value cards, smart cards, and memory cards are used
interchangeably in the business; however, stored value cards are not synonymous with
smart cards. A smart card certainly stores value — money or information — but a stored
value card is not always smart.
Banks have offered prepaid debit and credit cards to customers for a long time. Customers
having problems in acquiring credit cards can opt for prepaid cards, which generally
charge a hefty fee. These prepaid cards are similar to stored value cards. The primary
difference in debit cards and stored value cards is that debit cards leave funds in the
customer’s account until the transaction is completed. The use of stored value cards has
gone far beyond merely paying for goods; businesses have found a variety of uses for
these cards. An illustrative list of applications of stored value cards follows.
Cash cards: This term primarily refers to cards that hold cash, or prepaid cards.
Businesses that issue cash allowances and refunds for returns to customers and
employees can issue cash cards in lieu of cash or check. Few retail businesses
mandate that these cards can only be spent in the store; thereby limiting impact on
cash flow. These cards can also be issued to employees who only need occasional
access to cash and can be used on an imprest basis. Many students use cash cards
on campus that obviates the need to carry cash.
Payroll cards: These cards store cash equaling the net wages or salary of an
employee. These cards can be redeemed at Point of Sale (POS) terminals or an ATM.
Such cards save costs of printing, cutting and mailing checks. These cards are
especially useful in the case of employees who refuse to accept EFT, do not want
to cash checks or for any other reason only accept cash.
Family cards: These cards are targeted at kids and teens. Parents fund the card and
can monitor usage of the card either via online services or through regular
statements. These cards can be used just like credit cards in online and offline
Gift cards: These are similar to cash cards. Gift cards can be generally used at
specified locations, such as a particular store or mall. These cards can be purchased
over the Internet or at local facilities. If a specific store issues such a gift card, it
is also referred to as a merchant card.
Incentive cards: As the name says, these cards are given to employees for
performance. These cards are issued instead of gifts, checks or prizes. Incentive
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The Revenue Cycle 173
cards are generally cheaper than checks or gift checks and the cash is immediately
available for consumption.
Mall cards: These are prepaid cards that can be used at a particular shopping mall.
These can be customized and bear a logo of the mall, or can be general mall cards.
Benefits cards: Checks are generally issued for health care reimbursement costs
or by government agencies for claims and benefits. The benefit card can be used
to deliver value instead of checks.
Virtual cards: This card is virtual, lacking a physical plastic counterpart. The card
is represented by numbers and can be used as a credit card in the online
environment. This can also be a debit account. In any case, this card provides
anonymity in the online environment.
The advantages of stored valued cards can be summarized as follows. First, the cards can
be used instead of cash, checks, traveler’s checks or cashier’s checks; additionally, these
can be used at an ATM. Second, the cards operate similarly to credit cards and there is
little or no learning curve. Third, these cards can be disposed of or can be reloaded
repeatedly. Fourth, from the seller’s perspective, only online equipment is needed to
verify the validity of the card, and no expensive third-party approval is required. The
management of electronic transfer of stored value is easier than management of cash and
There are also disadvantages. First, funds need to be paid up front, forfeiting interest.
Second is the fee structure associated with the stored value cards — some financial
institutions are known for expensive stored value cards, and some cards lose value if not
used in a specified time period. Third, if the card is lost, the process of reclaiming cash
on the card can be tedious. Finally, the purchase protection and limited liability offered
by credit cards is not always available on stored value cards.
Smart Cards
A smart card is a credit card-type, plastic card that contains an embedded generalpurpose microprocessor, typically an 8-bit microcontroller, though higher-bit configurations are evolving. Sizes and shapes of the smart cards are also beginning to differ from
the standard credit card. The microprocessor replaces the magnetic stripe on credit cards.
This microprocessor makes the card smart by enabling thousands of times of more
storage information. A smart card can contain different types of information; for example,
social security numbers, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, private encryption
schemes, health information and insurance details, among other things. Due to the
superior storage capabilities, the smart card has been applied in different areas apart from
funds transfer.
The smart card was invented in the 1960s; technology development occurred in different
countries. Smart cards took off in the 1980s, when the semiconductor technology became
capable of supporting advanced functionality in smart cards. The term smart card was
invented in France and continues to be used today. ISO has issued numerous standards
for smart cards. The standards for physical and mechanical characteristics are more
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Exhibit 28. Smart card
Mega Bank Card
L. Smith
9876 5432 10987
consistently observed than software standards. There are many competing standards
formulated by companies, industrial consortiums and user groups.
The smart card consists of a single integrated chip that houses a central processing unit,
Read Only Memory (ROM), RAM and programmable memory. Additionally, a smart card
contains card software and input/output ports. The ROM portion of the smart card
consists of the programs written during the manufacturing phase of the chip. RAM is
used by the smart card when the card is interacting with a PC or with an application that
requires a timely response. The programmable memory can be used to change the
information contained on the smart card. The card itself contains personal identification
information of the user, applications and data files, and a directory structure to identify
data files. The Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM) is used to
change the information; however, changes can be made only finite times, approximately
100,000 times. The size of each memory depends on the design of the smart card.
Exhibit 29. The evolution of the smart card
Mega Bank Card
Mega Bank Card
Mega Bank Card
L. Smith
9876 5432 10987
L. Smith
9876 5432 10987
L. Smith
9876 5432 10987
Protected tokens:
•Phone cards
Memory only:
•Transportation fare
•Health records
Microprocessor cards:
•Stored value or cash
•Digital signatures
•Personal identification
•Personal information
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The Revenue Cycle 175
The card software consists of an operating system, utility and application software. The
primary functions of the card software are to manage the internal information, communicate with the outside readers and implement security features, and can be used to
customize an off-the-shelf smart card. Security features deal with protecting the accessing and processing of applications and data on the smart cards. The principles of
cryptography and complex algorithms are used to hide the information from external
observers. As the use of smart cards grows, the attempts to crack security are becoming
sophisticated. The security features, in turn, are evolving. Input/output ports are used
to connect with card readers and/or PCs.
Smart cards are generally read by an external reader. A smart card reader authenticates
the merchant and the holder, then proceeds to make the transaction. There are two types
of smart cards: contact and contactless. Contact cards are physically in contact with the
reader, such as inserting in a slot or floppy drive of the computer. Contactless cards
operate using radio frequencies and need not touch the reader. The range is pretty short;
however, these types of cards are useful in security applications; for example, entering
a secured area.
Smart cards are evolving continuously. The UltraCard Inc. ( has
introduced a smart card that uses a thin magnetic strip that can come out of the card. This
card comes in contact and contactless forms. This magnetic strip can store up to 20 MB
of information, and storage capacity is increasing. Due to the high level of storage, this
card can store fingerprints, iris scans, photographs, voiceprints or similar biometric
identification measures. The higher storage enables multiple security applications,
allowing for private keys, certificate and public/private key infrastructure, among other
things. 5 These measures, the company claims, will provide almost unbreakable levels of
security. The card can only be accessed by organizations authorized by the user.
The smart card has found applications in many areas. For example, payments over the
Internet, computer security and access, wireless communications, banking, identifica-
Exhibit 30. Architecture of a smart card
Personal identification information
Data files
Security features
Data directories
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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tion purposes and security; have all seen extensive use of smart cards. Smart cards are
issued by a variety of organizations. Smart Card Alliance is a non-profit organization that
works for acceptance of smart card technology. A visit to
will show an extensive list of companies active in this area. Since we are interested in the
use of smart cards in e-commerce, let us take a look at a smart card payment process.
Initially, the holder of the card needs to contact the bank and download the cash into the
card. The holder can transfer the cash on the phone to a compatible card. In case of online
transactions, the card is first inserted into the reader. Special hardware sometimes needs
to be purchased by the user. The reader authenticates the holder and the merchant as
valid parties to the transaction. Before transmitting the payment, the holder’s reader
receives the digital signature from the merchant. The card, after verification, sends its
own digital signature, which is acknowledged by the merchant. Then cash is deducted
from the holder’s card and transferred to the merchant’s account. The digital signature
from the merchant’s card is again confirmed by the customer’s card, and the transaction
is complete only after valid confirmation. The process is similar to a credit card; however,
card readers on both sides validate the user, and issues of non-repudiation become
Smart cards have many advantages. First, smart cards have more functionality than dumb
cards and can be programmed and/or perform local processing. These abilities enable a
wide range of applications. Second, smart cards are more durable and secure, and store
more information than existing credit cards. Security protocols of the card are not
dependent on the communications channel and, as such, transactions can be conducted
over unprotected public networks. Finally, smart cards can be used in different communication media, such as phones, personal digital assistants and PCs.
Despite these advantages, smart cards have not taken off in the U.S. The use of smart
cards in Asia, Europe and Latin America is much higher than in the U.S. The expense of
purchasing new hardware, familiarity with credit cards, liability protection and the lack
of critical mass in adoption are some reasons cited in low usage of smart cards in ecommerce. Other significant concerns exist also, such as privacy, centralization of
personal information at one place and greater governmental and/or corporate control.
The momentum for smart cards, however, is building, and the forecasts for usage of smart
cards show a steeply rising trend.
Replenishment Accounts
In this payment method, a third-party online vendor manages payment and payment
information for the seller and buyer. PayPal ( and InternetCash
( are the leading vendors that provide this type of service or
variations thereof. With PayPal, the customer has to first navigate to the Web site of the
online vendor and register. The customer provides information concerning bank account
or credit card information. InternetCash, on the other hand, offers secure stored value
cards for use on the Internet. Once the account is established, the customer can use
services offered by the online service. Sellers also need to follow a similar process and
register at the site. However, the seller has to put client-side tools on its Web site,
provided by the online vendor.
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The Revenue Cycle 177
Exhibit 31. Replenishment account payment process
Goods and Services
Customer 1
Sales Orders
Sales Orders
Payment Authorization Customer 2
Online Payment
Customer n
•Establishing Account
•Providing Bank Account or
Credit Card Information
If the customer decides to purchase from a participating Web site, the customer clicks
on the appropriate payment button. This button takes the customer to the Web site of
the online vendor. Payment instructions are now delivered at this Web site. The online
vendor, after due authorization and authentication, transmits payment to the seller. The
payment is either charged to the credit card or debited from the customer’s bank account.
After receipt of payment, goods or services will be delivered to the customer. The
advantage of this method is instead of transmitting a credit card number or bank account
information to each seller, the information needs to be stored only at one place.
InternetCash uses digital signatures based on card numbers and customer PINs to
authenticate the transaction. These online services also provide for a mediation process
in case of dispute between seller and buyer. These services can also be used for recurring
payment, such as subscriptions. PayPal even allows C2C payments; the only condition
is the payers and the payee should have a valid e-mail address.
Phone-Based Billing
This payment method is generally used for buying digital goods and services, music,
articles or games, and viewing pay-per-view sites on the Internet. In this method,
purchases are charged to the customer’s phone account. Currently, eCharge
( is one online company that offers phone-based billing. The customer has to navigate to the eCharge Web site and download a client-side piece of
software. The seller also has to install a special icon on the payment page and install
server-side software provided by the vendor. This software communicates with the
eCharge server for completion of the transaction.
The customer downloads the product before payment. The downloaded digital product
is encrypted and unusable. When the customer approves payment, the customer’s
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modem is disconnected and dialed into a 900 number. The phone bill is charged at this
dialing in. At the same time, the customer also receives a decryption string for the digital
product. Then the modem is reconnected with the ISP’s order confirmation and completion page. These transactions are transparent to the user.
This payment method does not need any personal information of the user. The necessary
information is derived from the 900 number call. The customer receives the phone bill,
pays the bill and the seller gets the payment. eCharge charges fees to the seller and the
buyer, depending on the size of the transaction. Generally, there is also a ceiling on the
amount of purchase for the customer. The phone-based system is easy to operate for both
the seller and customer. This service is primarily aimed at approximately 30% of the U.S.
population, who do not have credit cards but have telephone access. The drawback for
the seller is that there is a considerable time lag in delivering service and receiving
These services cater to transactions that are less than $1. However, the term micropayment
is defined differently by different people. A standard definition describes micropayments
as a low-value economic activity. Again, the term low value can be interpreted differently.
The issue of micropayments arises especially regarding digital goods and products. A
payment of a small amount using checks and credit cards is not economical. The payment
mechanism then becomes a bottleneck in e-commerce.
Numerous innovations, such as Millicent protocol6, arose to meet this challenge. The
majority of these companies is now either out of business or provides different services
in addition to micropayments. The whole area of micropayments never became as
important as predicted by its proponents. Currently, micropayments do not prominently
figure in e-commerce payment mechanisms. Many organizations serve the micropayments
market; for example, eCharge, MicroCreditCard and Peppercoin. However, these companies handle micropayments in the framework of electronic payment methods described
Electronic Wallets
The electronic wallet, an e-counterpart of physical wallets, is not exactly a payment
mechanism. These wallets facilitate management of online payments, especially credit
and debit cards. An e-wallet contains customer-specific information, such as name,
billing and shipping address, credit card numbers, bank account numbers and any other
additional information as input by the user of the wallet. The primary purpose of the
electronic wallet is to make online shopping convenient and secure by protecting and
automating routine shopping functions.
Most Web sites have a standard way of authenticating users, especially with user IDs
and passwords. As the number of Web sites used for online shopping increases,
usernames and passwords become difficult to manage. Usernames and passwords are
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The Revenue Cycle 179
Exhibit 32. Passport authentication mechanism
2. Redirected to Passport. NET with ticket
3. User enters credentials
4. Credentials verified
Web site
5. Directed back
6. Authentication and profile data received
7. Verification and user access
Passport. NET
Passport. COM
Registered user
often generated on the spur of the moment and hard to remember. If the same username
and password is used at every site, that can become a security risk. These Web sites also
have different forms to fill in and different information is asked for. A few online
merchants have simplified the process; for example,’s single-click system.
Electronic wallets simplify the online shopping process by storing necessary information
securely and making it accessible.
There are two types of electronic wallets — client side and server side. Client-side
electronic wallets need to be downloaded and installed on the consumer’s machine. Such
installation ensures security of the information, since the information is stored on the
individual machine. Unless that machine is compromised, information remains safe. The
problem with client-side electronic wallets is portability. If the consumer is using any
other machine, the wallet becomes unavailable. This is a serious problem, since most
consumers use at least two machines, and probably more. A number of dot-com
companies initially offered client-side wallets, and most are out of business now.
The server-side electronic wallet resides on the server. The question is, whose server?
The electronic wallet is provided by a provider such as Microsoft. Consumers access the
provider’s Web site and fill in the application to activate the service. The electronic
wallets reside on the provider’s servers and are accessible from any machine, including
mobile phones, PDAs and digital TVs. The disadvantage of this method is that if the
provider’s server is compromised, a huge database of confidential information becomes
available for misuse. The other problem is that this database can be misused by the
provider. Questions regarding provider integrity, privacy policies and past behavior
need to be raised and answered.
Take a look at Microsoft’s .net Passport service — a server-side implementation.
Passport includes the following services: single sign-in service, express purchase and
kids passport service. Passport single sign-in service allows users to store commonly
used information in the Passport profile. This information can be transmitted to the
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participating site if desired by the user. This takes care of user names, passwords and
filling in of different forms. Passport express purchase service allows users to create an
electronic wallet that can store billing/shipping information, credit card numbers and
telephone numbers, among other things. Kids passport service allows parental control
over information sharing with Web sites and monitoring of profile information.
Passport stores the following types of information — credentials, profile data and wallet
information. Credentials are security-related information, such as passwords, PINs,
security keys, and/or secret questions and answers. Profile data includes e-mail address,
first and last name, birth date, gender and postal address, among other things. E-mail
address is common to the credential field and profile data. A large portion of profile data
is optional and not shared with other sites unless authorized by the user. Wallet
information consists of name, billing and shipping address, credit card or bank account
numbers, and telephone numbers.
Initially, a user has to register with the Passport service. This can be done at or at participating sites. User data now resides on Microsoft servers.
Once registered, the Passport service primarily performs the authentication function.
The user is identified by verifying credentials at the participating sites. The process
works as follows: The user browses to the navigating site and clicks on the Passport logo.
This site then attaches what is called a ticket, a small amount of data revealing time of
sign in and some other information, and redirects the user to The
information tickets are transferred as appendages to URLs or cookies, rather than serverto-server communication. The information flowing between Web sites uses SSL7 for
further protection.
On the Passport Web site, the user enters his or her credentials. These are verified and
a cookie is attached to the user’s browser. The user is redirected to the original Web site
with encrypted packets of information. These packets contain an authentication ticket
and any optional profile information as authorized by the user. The original Web site can
now authenticate the user as a valid user by using software called Passport manager,
which is installed on the Web site’s server. The user is then allowed to access secure
content and/or perform other functions. This process is transparent and the user is
generally not aware of the redirecting of information between the Web sites. The
Passport service encompasses more activities than described above; for example, there
are additional security provisions if the user is browsing on public networks.
Initial hype predicted that electronic wallets will become a focal point in e-commerce.
These wallets have found little acceptance. The basic question is, do consumers really
need this type of service? The question has been partially answered in the marketplace.
Next, for these wallets to be accepted, problems of standardization and interoperability
need to be settled. Different types of electronic wallets are accepted by different online
businesses. Consumers need to have multiple electronic wallets, which creates a problem
of managing electronic wallets. Different security protocols were used by different
wallets; many online businesses were not interested in becoming compatible with these
formats. So electronic wallets could only be used at certain places. The situation is
changing, but the problem of setting market-wide standards still exists, and plagues
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The Revenue Cycle 181
B2B Payment Methods
The majority of payment mechanisms in the B2C world are used to some extent in the B2B
world. The dominant forms of payments in the B2B world are ACH, FedWire, FEDI or
similar systems. Banking or financial institutions are central to these transactions. A host
of organizations exist to manage, facilitate or support these types of transactions. Many
of these payment variations have been discussed earlier. However, there are few
organizations that have successfully displaced a bank as a central institution. Actrade
Financial Technologies was one such online company, and offered a successful product
called Electronic Trade Acceptance Draft (E-TAD). The company is in bankruptcy courts,
but the payment process is still worthy of study.
E-TAD originated from Trade Acceptance Drafts (TAD). Actrade used TADs in the
international commerce before the advent of the dot-com era. In the year 2000, an eversion of the TADs was commercialized. E-TAD was similar to an electronic check, not
issued by any bank, but issued by Actrade. E-TAD was described as a negotiable
electronic payment obligation issued by a buyer to the supplier. This instrument was
payable at a future date and could be endorsed. The clearance mechanism was through
banking networks; however, E-TAD was encoded by Actrade technology. Buyers could
issue one or more E-TADs, and the terms could be up to 6 months.
The process worked as follows: Buyers and suppliers had to enroll in the program at the
Actrade Web site. Initial documents needed to be signed and forwarded to Actrade. The
buyer’s credit limit was assessed and approved. Only the buyers from the U.S. and
Canada could participate in the program; suppliers could be anywhere in the world.
Actrade was planning to expand the service to other countries. When the buyer
purchased goods or services from the supplier, individual Web site, B2B exchanges or
any other method, the buyer had to indicate the payment option as E-TAD. Payment
request was then forwarded to the Actrade server for processing.
Exhibit 33. Conceptual representation of trade acceptance draft
Trade Acceptance Draft
(Seller’s Name)
Due Date
Bank Name
(Buyer’s Bank)
Company Name
Authorized Signature
Routing Numbers
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Exhibit 34. E-TAD
Step 2:
Assess credit limit
Approve payment
•B2B exchange
•Actrade server
•Online orders
•Offline orders
Step 3:
Step 4:
E-TAD created
Due date
Buyer accepts E-TAD
Buyer debited
Supplier paid
Funds transfer
Step1 :
Sales order
Shipment of goods
If purchases were made offline, then buyers had to log in to the Actrade server. The buyer
submitted the necessary information, and after evaluating the buyer’s credit status, the
Actrade server would process the transaction. There were no enrollment fees for buyers
or suppliers. If a payment was approved, the supplier was electronically notified and an
E-TAD image was created. E-TAD was presented to the buyer for endorsement. At this
endorsement, the buyer was deemed to have paid fully for the ordered goods or services.
Actrade then purchased the face value of E-TAD from the supplier — less, of course,
discounts. The discount need not be paid by the supplier, depending on the terms; a
discount could also be paid by the buyer or split between the buyer and the seller. The
supplier received the payment in a couple of days. Actrade held the E-TAD up to the
designated future date and then debited the buyer’s bank account. The buyer got flexible
payment terms and the supplier received immediate cash. Actrade took over the credit
risk. .
E-TAD was an online method for accelerating collections of accounts receivable. In that
respect, it was similar to factoring or a bank line of credit. There were differences. E-TADs
financed only one transaction, and were purchased by Actrade without recourse. E-TAD,
being an unsecured method of financing, was similar to a bank line of credit, though there
were no fees.
B2B electronic payment methods are varied and in flux. There are almost infinite
variations of the payment methods described so far. Major payment methods and the
leading vendors supporting these methods have been examined in this section. There are
many players, software vendors, financial institutions, trades exchanges and ancillary
hardware vendors — it is impossible to cover them comprehensively. Due to the nature
of the online business, new players enter and old ones exit all the time.
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The Revenue Cycle 183
Electronic Lockboxes
A lockbox is basically a collection and processing service provided by a bank or financial
institution. Customers are given a specific address, generally a post box, for payment
delivery. The address generally has a unique zip code for faster mail delivery. The checks
at this post box are sorted, totaled, recorded and deposited. The details of these checks
are then forwarded to the accounts receivable or credit department of the concerned
organization. There are generally two types of lockboxes — retail and wholesale. Retail
lockboxes use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology and are suitable for lowdollar and high-volume payments. Wholesale lockboxes manually process invoices, and
payments are suitable for high-dollar and low-volume payments.
The paper-based lockbox invariably induces a time lag in payment information and
creates problems for credit departments and working capital management. Enter electronic lockboxes! Electronic lockboxes can handle payments through ACH, FedWire, EDI
payments or paper checks. Additionally, these lockboxes can be retail or wholesale.
Paper checks are converted into digital images generally via OCR technology. Incoming
payments are electronically processed and deposited. The accounting information is
captured in the process and can be transmitted online to the concerned organization. The
information can be provided on a disk or hard copy as desired.
The advantage of receiving information online is that it can be directly downloaded into
accounting software. Accounting software then can automatically match payments, and
unmatched payments can be reconciled manually. This system obviously results in
operational efficiency by saving costs and time. The problems in this system are at the
software design and interface stages. Many banks and accounting software vendors
have teamed up to provide compatible solutions.
A similar technology can be used for electronic bank statements. At the end of the month,
the bank transmits the bank statement electronically to the company. On the other hand,
an electronic bank statement can be posted at a secure Web site and can be downloaded
by the company. The bank statement is directly downloaded to accounting software and
automatically reconciled. Anyone who has done bank reconciliation by hand will
appreciate the automation. In the real world, the implementation can be difficult, since
many bank accounts are used and multiple bank statements need to be downloaded;
many banks may not even offer this service. The majority of leading accounting software
packages can handle automatic download and reconciliation.
A Word on Digital Cash
Digital cash, also known as e-currency, Web money or electronic cash, has been around
for at least a decade. The use of digital cash did not catch up as expected, and many
pioneering organizations have gone under. Digital cash is still being used, however; for
example, in smart cards, stored value cards, online casinos and by some pay-per-view
Web sites. Some payment mechanisms described earlier use digital cash. The use of
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digital cash, still, does not have a critical mass. After the initial shock, the traditional
methods of payment have become dominant in e-commerce.
A basic understanding of digital cash is still needed. To that end, characteristics of digital
cash, problems associated with digital cash and prospects for digital cash are now
examined. Digital cash, as the name implies, exists in the electronic realm. The first
question is, how we can simply designate a string of 1s and 0s as cash? Digital cash is
issued by a trusted entity, like a bank. The infrastructure of public/private keys and digital
signatures enables the issue of digital cash. Banks can sign on blocks of digital data as
representing cash using a private key, and customers and merchants can verify the digital
cash using the bank’s public key. A customer can use private keys to make withdrawals
and deposits, and the bank can verify those using the customer’s public keys.
Digital cash can be identifiable or anonymous. Identifiable digital cash contains information regarding the identity of the owner, and such money can be traced as it moves
through the economy. Anonymous digital cash, however, does not contain information
concerning the owner and does not leave a transaction trail. Anonymous digital cash is
created using what is called blind digital signatures. This digital cash is similar to paper
cash floating in the system.
These two types can be stored online and offline. Online digital cash denotes digital cash
held by a trusted entity, such as a bank. If a customer wishes to use the digital cash, then
he or she will contact the bank and the bank will transmit funds to the desired place. In
offline storage, the digital cash will be stored by the user on some form of magnetic media.
Offline anonymous digital cash poses complex security problems.
The foremost problem is preventing double spending. Digital cash is simply a string of
digits; what is to stop users from merely copying it over and over and multiplying the
cash at will? If smart cards are used, then the in-built hardware and software controls
prevent duplication of digital money. In online transactions, where smart cards are not
used, a bank gets contacted each time digital cash is spent. The bank advices the
merchant whether the cash is still valid; if it is not, the merchant refuses to consummate
the transaction. Offline anonymous digital cash, sans smart cards, can be traced if the
in-built protocols reveal the transaction trail and identity of the user. To protect the
privacy of the cash holder, such revelation takes place only if the digital cash is double
spent. However, the implementation of such a protocol is difficult, and security of
anonymous offline digital cash is not foolproof.
Theoretically, there are numerous advantages of digital cash. Digital cash can protect
privacy of the users; provide protection from fraud; and have properties such as
portability and divisibility, making it ideal for micropayments. Digital cash can be
convenient in making payments, reduce paper expenses and is easier to carry around.
Problems essentially revolve around making digital cash tamper-proof, having universal
standards for acceptance, recovering digital cash after the magnetic media crashes or is
stolen and not allowing criminals and terrorists to use it for undesirable activities. There
are other complex issues of money supply, competition with national monetary systems
and legality.
Digital cash initially created a great deal of debate and excitement. Online identifiable
digital cash is still being used, especially in conjunction with smart cards. The use of
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The Revenue Cycle 185
offline anonymous digital cash is hampered due to various factors, not to mention the
political climate prevailing after 9/11. Digital cash has created a niche for itself and will
continue to exist. As with many innovations, digital cash may catch on in due time and
The e-developments that affect the revenue cycle have been reviewed in this chapter.
The revenue cycles starts with the sales order. In the Web environment, sales orders can
arrive via online storefronts, online exchanges, EDI or CRM/SFA software. The instantaneous arrival of orders puts a premium on integration of front-end activities with backend accounting systems. CRM deals with comprehensive management of customer
touch points, behavior, data and marketing efforts. CRM software connects with the
back-end accounting systems and may come with tools that enable self-service abilities
for customers. CRM data mining tools also analyze customer profitability in different
ways than traditional accounting methods.
Credit approval is the next step in the revenue cycle. The Internet provides different types
of tools to manage credit approvals. First, many Web sites provide information about
public, private and/or international corporations for a fee. The types of information
provided and reliability of the information, though, needs to be evaluated. Second,
numerous Web sites provide decision tools that can be used to determine credit
worthiness of the customer. These tools are pre-programmed but can be customized, if
desired. The decision tools can be Web based or downloaded to the user’s desktop.
Finally, there are Web services that automate the entire process of credit approvals and
deliver a decision within minutes. These services use ERP databases, credit bureau
reports, public information and proprietary decision tools for decision making.
Warehousing and shipping has also changed due to the Internet. Warehousing is
managed by WMS, which controls the storage and movement of materials in the
warehouse. These can be Web enabled and can automatically start filling incoming
orders. Additionally, WMS can be used to monitor shipments using the Internet. Some
online organizations specialize in providing information regarding shipments in transit
by obtaining information from different carriers. Shipment visibility is only the starting
point in the shipping area. A number of pre- and post-shipping activities, such as getting
shipping charges, creating and transmitting a bill of lading, rerouting of shipments in
transit and electronic access to shipping documents, can be simplified using the Internet.
Billing has evolved due to EIPP and EBPP. These mechanisms provide customers a
facility to receive, pay, review, analyze and query bills over the Web. There are three
primary models for EIPP and EBPP – direct biller model, consolidator model and the
Internet Post Office Model. The models differ based on ownership of the Web site, modes
of collecting information and payment methods. All of these are being employed in the
real world. A number of companies provide infrastructure for EIPP/EBPP and include
software vendors, hardware manufacturers, intermediaries and financial institutions.
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EIPP/EBPP is being sold for strategic reasons such as customer service rather than for
cost reduction. Electronic billing has not captured the market as initially forecasted,
though adoption rates are increasing.
Online receivables management services now automate the entire process, which
includes presenting sale documents, collecting receivables, post-collection activities
and financial analytics. Specialized online factoring services can buy receivables and
advance cash on the Internet. Electronic payment methods in B2C transactions now
include online checks, smart cards, replenishment accounts, phone-based billing and
micropayments. Electronic wallets that support these various methods of payment are
available. In the B2B area, specialized services such as E-TAD could be used. Finally,
digital cash technology has been briefly reviewed. Digital cash is used in many online
activities, though it never lived up to its original promise. As with many innovations,
digital cash may catch on in due time and course.
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
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The Revenue Cycle 189
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Lockbox is basically a cash collection and processing service provided by a bank
or financial institution.
Please see Chapter 4 for discussion of these methods.
Please see Chapter 10 for a detailed discussion of these security techniques.
The information in this section is collected from the following Web sites:,, and
Please see Chapter 10 for a detailed discussion of these security techniques.
Millicent protocol is a security protocol that supports purchases costing less than
one cent.
Please see Chapter 10 for a detailed discussion of this security technique.
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190 Deshmukh
Chapter VI
The Expenditure Cycle
Expenditure Cycle Activities
The expenditure cycle consists of the ordering of goods and services from suppliers and
consequent payments to the suppliers. The generic transaction flow in the expenditure
cycle can be described as follows: inventory control reviews inventory records to
determine order requirements. A purchase requisition(s) is created and forwarded to the
purchase department. The requisition contains details of items and quantities required.
The purchase department selects suppliers by using the approved list of suppliers or any
other standard operating procedure established by the organization. The supplier is
selected and a purchase order is created and forwarded to that supplier. Another copy
of the purchase order goes to the inventory control department to notify it that goods
are on order. The supplier ships goods to the warehouse, and a receiving report is created.
The receiving report is forwarded to inventory control and accounts payable. Inventory
control updates inventory records based on the receiving report.
The accounts payable department receives an invoice from the supplier and creates a
voucher package by reconciling the necessary documents, such as purchase requisition,
purchase order, receiving report and invoice. The voucher package is then approved with
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The Expenditure Cycle 191
Exhibit 1. The expenditure cycle
Review of
Receipt of
of bill
Exhibit 2. E-change in the expenditure cycle
Receipt of
Receipt of
Supplier relationship management
corrections, if any. The accounts payable subsidiary ledger is updated and summary
totals are forwarded to the general ledger. The voucher package is forwarded to the cash
disbursement department. A check is prepared and mailed to the supplier.
The generic steps in the expenditure cycle are similar across organizations; however,
implementation of these methods spans a full spectrum, from manual methods to Webenabled automated methods, to innumerable combinations in between. There is no one
standard solution that fits all companies. The expenditure cycle has changed considerably due to the Internet and ERP. The review of inventory is automated and can be done
over the Internet. Suppliers can tap into company databases and supply needed items
based on inventory levels. The purchasing activities of today’s corporations span the
globe; suppliers can be based in different countries, and purchase staff may be
empowered to conduct purchasing activity without specific approvals. The entire
purchasing process can also take place over the Web in the absence of face-to-face
contact. Supplier relationship management and e-procurement enable such activities by
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192 Deshmukh
automating and Web enabling the majority of purchase functions. These tools can
interact with the accounts payable module for payment processing. Other areas in the
expenditure cycle that have been affected by the Internet, but not as glamorized, are
management of expenses, such as travel and entertainment, and payroll systems. Fixedassets management has also been Web enabled. Effects in the fixed assets area, however,
are not as profound as those in purchasing and expenses.
This chapter is organized as follows: First, changes in order, receipt and payment
activities in the expenditure cycle due to supplier relationship management and eprocurement are investigated. A detailed coverage of procurement cards is also provided. Second, online management of expenses, such as travel expenses and online travel
centers, is covered. Online payroll management is comprehensively discussed. Third,
changes in accounting for fixed assets are briefly reviewed. Finally, a summary rounds
off the chapter.
Ordering, Receiving and
Paying for Goods
The purchasing function of an organization involves a complex set of activities and
interfaces with various internal functions, such as production, accounting and treasury,
among other departments. Purchasing activities also include external entities, such as
suppliers and shippers. Let us take a look at these various activities and changes wrought
by the Internet. The first issue is: What are we purchasing? Depending on the business
of the organization, purchases can include raw materials, supplies, services or capital
goods. In this section, all these categories are discussed, though the detailed interactions of purchasing and production are discussed in the next chapter.
Purchasing activities, in the context of the expenditure cycle, consist of generating
requisitions, selecting suppliers, creating purchase orders, receiving goods and paying
suppliers. Illustrative additional activities generally not included in accounting texts are
as follows: A strategy needs to be designed for selecting suppliers. Corporate objectives
such as improving relationships with suppliers, minimizing costs of purchases, improving on-time deliveries or enforcing contract compliance dictate choice of suppliers.
Suppliers can be in any corner of the globe. The next task often times involves tedious
contract negotiations with the supplier and contract management. This task may involve
interactions of geographically diverse teams and a complex set of documents.
Once a supplier is chosen and contracts negotiated, the routine activities of placing
orders, receiving goods and paying for goods begins. The supplier can introduce new
products and services that need to be evaluated on a regular basis. Suppliers also need
to be assessed on numerous dimensions to ensure achievement of corporate objectives.
This is an outline of activities involved in purchasing of direct or indirect materials or
services. In the age of the Internet and ERP, these activities are integrated and generally
inseparable. A set of software modules can manage the entire purchasing process.
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The Expenditure Cycle 193
Initial efforts in this area resulted in what is called e-procurement. E-procurement refers
to the use of the Internet in purchasing direct or indirect materials; for example,
Maintenance, Repairs and Operating (MRO) purchases, office expenses and travel
expenses. E-procurement started with the use of the Internet for purchasing indirect
materials, but soon expanded to include different activities, such as streamlining the
purchasing process, consolidating product information from various suppliers and
linking with online exchanges and marketplaces. Internet-based procurement was soon
followed by SRM.
SRM started as a part of e-procurement, grew up to include sourcing and then became
a comprehensive area for managing suppliers. Sourcing is considered more strategic –
the right product, from the right supplier, for the right price. Procurement is considered
to be more tactical — the objective is to eliminate paperwork and reduce costs. Hence,
SRM is considered to be more comprehensive than e-procurement. Now, SRM includes
e-procurement in addition to a host of different activities. Another term that may be
encountered in the SRM field is spend management. This term refers to the management
of spending or expenses on direct and indirect materials, services and commodities,
which echoes the definition of e-procurement. Another term similar to SRM is Supplier
Life cycle Management (SLM) and denotes similar functionalities, though theoretical
definitions may differ.
SRM is defined as a set of suppliers facing practices enabled by a collaborative software
suite. SRM primarily deals with sourcing of suppliers and procurement. There is much
terminological confusion in this area; for example, how to differentiate between SRM and
SCM? There are many similarities and overlapping activities. Different software packages may use different acronyms to describe similar functionalities. Generally, but not
always, SRM will be considered a subset of SCM. SCM will be discussed as part of the
conversion cycle in the next chapter. The definitions of these terms vary and explanations
provided here are based on the generally accepted meanings of the definition. In any
case, remember to focus on functions and not on labels.
Exhibit 3. Supplier relationship management
Unusual items
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194 Deshmukh
The rise of SRM was fueled by a range of factors. The shrinking of product life cycle and
consequent need to redesign products or introduce new products, the trend toward
global outsourcing, the movement toward viewing suppliers as partners and not
adversaries, and the desire to squeeze costs from procurement were some main reasons.
Traditional ERP-based purchase systems could not answer such questions as — Who
are our top 10 suppliers?, Who are the worst suppliers? Why?, Who supplies the
maximum quantity of item X? and Is supplier Y profitable? So, software vendors
developed SRM software suites. SRM also supports knowledge creation and preservation; knowledge may not be lost due to employee turnover. The capabilities of this
software suite have become more sophisticated with each iteration.
SRM enables a set of internal and external purchasing activities. These activities start
at the strategy level and extend to purchasing intelligence. SRM is generally a suite of
software modules and operates on top of an ERP system. All major accounting and
business software vendors offer SRM functionality, but to a varying degree. The leading
SRM modules in the market, at least on paper, present very comprehensive SRM
functionalities. Let us take a sequential look at these different functionalities and
understand their connections with the accounting system.
Supplier Selection Strategy
Supplier selection strategy is, by and large, driven by corporate objectives. SRM
supports supplier selection strategy by providing quantitative data, projections and
analyses, and by facilitating online collaboration by providing appropriate tools.
Quantitative data includes patterns in spending and supplier performance, projections
of future performance based on available data and changes in existing products and
business, among other things. Analytical facilities in SRM enable detailed analysis of
Exhibit 4. Supplier selection strategy
• Changes in the economic and
market conditions
• Changes in corporate objectives
• Political imperatives
• Personal opinions and beliefs
• Contract usage
• Contract compliance
• Supplier performance metrics
• Maverick purchases
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The Expenditure Cycle 195
supplier contracts. Illustrative examples in the contract analysis include calculating the
use of the supplier by organization, evaluating gaps in contract coverage and supplier
performance, identifying purchases that do not conform to contracts and investigating
purchases made from non-approved suppliers.
Data requirements may change, depending on the nature of materials provided by the
supplier. For example, if supplies consist of commodities, then businesses deploy what
is called commodity business strategy or commodity strategy. Such strategy generally
demands in-depth cost analysis of purchases across business units, product lines,
supplier locations or cost centers. On the other hand, if the supplier provides a unique
product, then the supplier selection strategy may focus on locating another source and
product design rather than on cost considerations. SRM modules generally combine data
from the ERP system, or a data warehouse is created to support SRM operations. The
tools provided by SRM include pre-built workbooks, pre-defined reports, customizable
reporting capabilities and the ability to download and upload data from external analytical
tools such as Excel and Access.
Non-quantitative factors in supplier selection strategy include changes in economic and
market conditions, changes in corporate objectives, political imperatives and a number
of other factors. SRM modules provide collaborative tools, such as virtual chat rooms
and work rooms, discussion boards, project management tools, task managers and team
management tools. These virtual tools are useful for strategy teams generally geographically dispersed and who need to get information from sources close to suppliers or
markets. The strategies generally pursued are diversifying supplier base, decreasing
inventory and reducing total purchase costs, increasing capacity by adding additional
suppliers, focusing on few suppliers by narrowing supplier base or decreasing variability
in supplies by rationalizing delivery schedules.
Identifying and Selecting Suppliers
The next step is identifying suppliers that complement the chosen supplier strategy.
First, suppliers need to be discovered; second, they need to be qualified. The discovery
phase is a complex process conducted by purchasing, engineering and production
Exhibit 5. Supplier contract negotiations
Terms and conditions
Negotiate and renegotiate
Collaborative SRM Tools
Questions and answers
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196 Deshmukh
professionals. Information sources must be tapped by using phone, fax, paper catalogs
and industry contacts. The discovery phase of identifying suppliers is facilitated by
SRM tools. For example, online trading directories that can be searched based on various
parameters can be made available on the employee desktop due to SRM tools. Direct links
can be provided with external agencies such as and credit bureaus to assess
credit and business risks of suppliers. The SRM tools provide a structured way to design
and deliver Request for Information (RFI) to multiple suppliers, and collecting and
analyzing responses. Suppliers can post replies on the buying organization’s Web sites,
and supplier replies can be evaluated and analyzed.
The supplier identification phase is followed by supplier selection. Suppliers are asked
to provide Requests for Proposals (RFP) and Requests for Quotations (RFQ). Here again,
availability of standard documents and Web capability smoothes the transaction flow.
If suppliers are submitting bids, these bids can be managed online. The bids are
standardized and can be analyzed on any required dimensions such as price, quality and
delivery schedule. If supplemental information is required, it can be obtained online. SRM
tools may also support multiple languages, multiple currencies and be able to deal with
different time zones. Once the supplier is qualified and added to the approved list, that
supplier is available to all departments and locations.
Contract Negotiations and Contract Management
Contract negotiations and contract management is also facilitated by SRM tools. These
contracts are created by specifying terms and conditions, and are reviewed by lawyers,
suppliers and management before final acceptance. The negotiation cycle is long and
complicated. SRM tools help by providing online access to standard templates for
contracts, and they centralize all ancillary documents in one place. Standard templates
can be filled and customized online, and detailed and rich descriptions of requirements
is possible. Suppliers can be given access to negotiations if their participation is
preferred. Individuals in the organization can share their expertise and specific requirements at a central place. This knowledge base is useful in presenting a unified face to
Once a contract is awarded, the SRM tools can automatically generate a customized
contract and consequent purchase orders. Contracts, once awarded, are monitored for
compliance with existing terms and conditions. The signed contracts can be shared
widely within the organization for review and as models. If the contract is long term, the
system can be programmed to generate sourcing rules that will guide new requisitions
to desired suppliers. SRM tools provide usage statistics, purchase order histories and
alerts if the supplier violates pricing, quality, delivery or service standards. The
automated contract execution and increased visibility provides for a sound contract
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The Expenditure Cycle 197
Supplier Self-Service
SRM tools provide numerous supplier self-service abilities. These abilities are generally
provided through a supplier portal or supplier-facing SRM module. These tools allow
suppliers limited access to the buyer’s systems. If suppliers are new or selected for the
first time, they need to register with the buyer. Approved suppliers in the company
database can register directly, and automatically generated user IDs and passwords are
sent to them. Non-approved suppliers can also register, though there will be a review
process. The registration process is easy, and most organizations offer multiple ways of
Once the supplier is registered, the supplier can carry a variety of activities:
Update addresses and contact data
Create Web pages on the supplier portal to detail key information about themselves
and to advertise their services
Obtain information about their accounts. This information can be delivered
through different reports, such as purchase order history, purchase order confirmations, invoice and payments information, details regarding contracts and other
customized reports
Upload information about their products
Program software (limited); for example, a supplier can program for an automatic email after a purchase order is received
Support for Auctions
Another tool that has been used to reduce procurements costs is auctions. The basic idea
behind an auction is when an organization is selling a product, it will invite buyers to
compete with each other, and sell the product to the buyer who offers the highest price.
Traditionally, auctions have been used in many areas, particularly art and antiques,
where the real price of the product may not be easily determinable. An auction offers a
way to determine the market price while allowing sellers to obtain maximum price and
permitting each buyer to bid according to his/her estimate of the market value of that item.
There are different types of auctions, such as ascending prices where prices move
upward, descending prices where prices move downward, sealed bid and many other
Since we are not interested in auctions per se but only to the extent it is used in SRM tools,
let us view auctions from the sourcing and procurement perspective. Auctions are used
by corporations in purchasing direct and indirect goods, commodities and even complex
customized products. A form of auction that has become popular is called reverse
auction. In this auction, the buyer (note that the buyer is using the auction, not the seller)
posts a requirement for a particular product for a particular price. Suppliers can view the
price and bid their own price. All suppliers can view bids made by other suppliers and
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198 Deshmukh
try to outdo each other. The supplier who bids the lowest price generally wins the order.
These types of auctions have been in use for a long time, but became vastly more useful
after advent of the Internet.
A reverse auction in the Internet environment works as follows: Suppliers allowed to
participate in the auction are generally thoroughly screened. Since the low bid wins, the
winner must be able to provide quality product comparable to higher bidders. The online
auction is conducted on a secure Web site; suppliers may have to register in advance
and, if necessary, are given training in online auctions. The rules and regulations
stipulated by the auctioneer are final. Supplier IDs are masked and all suppliers are
assigned alpha numeric codes. Bids will be forwarded from remote locations and
suppliers can watch the bids in real time. The prices on the bids, but not the supplier
names, are now common knowledge. The supplier who bids lowest generally wins the
SRM tools enable auctions via supplier portals or supplier-facing software. Supplier
portals enable establishing private exchanges, which are set by the organization, linking
suppliers and partners in a secure environment. Suppliers are already pre-screened; the
supplier database is generally available online and information regarding auctions can
be conveyed to suppliers using e-mails or other online methods. Suppliers can receive
auctions and bidding information, log on to auction sites on the private exchange, view
an auction in progress, and review call and bid information. In case of unique products,
online supplier directories can be tapped for enlarging the supplier database.
The SRM software also provides decision tools for evaluating bids. If the price is not the
sole criterion, evaluating bids in real time is extremely difficult. If factors such as quality,
quantity, location and supplier reputation are factored in, decision makers face information overload. The decision tools in SRM can help rank incoming bids using ranks,
weights and pre-defined user formulas. A multivariate evaluation of incoming bids is thus
possible. SRM generally supports different types of auctions, not only reverse auctions,
and different types of quotations. These capabilities support strategic and ad-hoc
sourcing/procurement activities.
Electronic Invoicing and Settlement
The purchasing/invoicing and payment/settlement mechanism is the most important
process for our purposes. This process is carried out using back-end ERP systems and
SRM tools, such as supplier self-service and employee self-service. A purchase order
is created by the purchasing system, based on either an automated review of inventory
levels or on the employee purchase requisition. Suppliers can also monitor inventory
levels and generate purchase orders if inventory reaches pre-specified reorder levels.
This order process is called Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) and is covered in the next
This electronic Purchase Order (e-PO) is passed on to the supplier portal and gets
converted into an electronic Sales Order (e-SO) for the supplier. The supplier receives
an e-mail or logs into the system and processes the e-SO. A response to the PO is created;
if the response is in complete agreement with the initial PO, then the PO/SO is accepted
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The Expenditure Cycle 199
Exhibit 6. Invoicing and settlement
5. ASN
Bar-coded labels
6. Results of match
2. Sales order
3. Shipment details
1. Purchase Order
4. ASN
7. Invoice or ERS
8. Payment
Scan the bar codes
Match with ASN
by the transacting parties. If there is a disagreement, online negotiations take place until
a compromise is reached. If the POs are complex and changes are required as the work
progresses, these changes can be monitored online. Revisions to the initial PO are
archived and can be accessed for comparison purposes.
The user can also specify the status of purchases as taxable or tax exempt. This status
is then carried forward to the PO; as explained later, sales and local taxes can complicate
the purchasing mechanism. Account codes for accounts that need to be charged can be
generated using workflow rules. The charges can be split across multiple accounting
codes, multiple departments and/or multiple costs centers. If suppliers are based out of
the country, prices can be designated in foreign and local currency simultaneously.
The purchasing process is somewhat different in case of long-term contracts. In this case,
the supplier has agreed to certain pricing and quality terms for a given duration of time.
The workflow in the ERP system is used to specify the sourcing rules. These workflow
rules will be triggered if items covered under the long-term contract are required. These
items will be matched with the approved supplier list, and an appropriate supplier will be
chosen. Then the ERP system will generate required documents, such as a PO, and those
will processed as described earlier.
The ASNs, described in the EDI chapter, are created by the supplier and transmitted
electronically. ASN is essentially an electronic packing list and has elaborate formatting
requirements. ASNs carry information down to the container level or to the PO-detail
level, depending on the buyer’s requirements. ASNs improve visibility of incoming
goods; improve warehouse operations, such as receiving and putaway; and allow
efficient use of receiving docks, due to the advance knowledge of shapes and sizes of
incoming shipments. ASNs are required in EDI but can be used in SRM, and help automate
the receiving process.
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200 Deshmukh
Exhibit 7. UPC – A bar code
This bar code has a fixed length of twelve characters
The twelfth digit serves as a check digit
The supplier receives the e-PO and enters it into his/her system. The accounting system,
after processing the PO, makes it available to the warehouse or WMS module. Orders are
reviewed in the warehouse; items are picked off the shelves and packed. The packed items
are reconciled against the PO to confirm shipment. Any differences in the original PO and
packed items are noted. Data regarding item description, price and quantity is collected
during the packing phase. This data is used to create an ASN. The EDI modules of the
ERP software can automate this process.
The ASN is created and then used to print out bar-coded labels. Bar codes are rectangular
patterns of lines that vary in width and spaces. Each pattern is assigned a specific
character (0 to 9). Laser light reflects from those patterns and information in the lines or
patterns is automatically recognized by bar-code readers. There are various types of bar
codes; the common one used is UCC 128. The bar-coded labels used with ASN should
have a specific format(s), be capable of being scanned and be legible. Labels that do not
follow required guidelines need to be manually processed, and the supplier faces stiff
penalties for non-compliance with bar-code rules.
The bar-coded labels contain information regarding packed goods and that matches with
the ASN. The ASN is transmitted to the buyer, and the buyer’s purchasing and receiving
departments are alerted to the incoming goods. The ASN is increasingly being formatted
as ASN XML; the XML ability is supported by the majority of SRM vendors. Shipments
in transit can be monitored using the ASN and bar-coded labels. When the receiving
department receives the container carrying goods, the bar-code label is scanned and
information is matched with the ASN on file. The goods may be physically inspected, and
can be transferred to the appropriate place in the warehouse. Once the bar-code
information is scanned by the receiving department, the purchasing department is aware
of the receipt and can monitor the shipment, whether it is in the receiving department or
transferred to the warehouse.
The SRM tools provide electronic abilities for payment and settlement. The supplier
submits an invoice electronically, which can either be created using a supplier portal or
the supplier’s accounting system. The invoice is matched with the ASN and PO, and then
approved. In case of discrepancies, the invoice is routed to an appropriate manager for
correction, and corrections can be confirmed with the supplier. Once the invoice is
approved, it can be automatically paid according to the contractual terms and conditions.
Payment can be made through EFT or by a paper check directly at the due date, and the
due date can be automatically calculated to take advantage of available cash discounts.
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The Expenditure Cycle 201
Exhibit 8. Pay this supplier and you will pay dearly!
The OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) of the US Department of Treasury
administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions as dictated by the US foreign
policy and national security requirements. These sanctions are against designated foreign
countries, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, and those engaged in activities
related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The USA Patriot Act passed
after 9/11 fortifies the tools required to prevent, detect, and prosecute international money
laundering and people responsible for financing terrorism. The organizations must
monitor their payment and disbursement activities to make sure that undesirable entities
are not being paid. Bottomline Technologies ( have devised a
module called WebSeries Universal Payment Engine that scans the payment activities
and checks these payments against a file containing a list of undesirables. Information
concerning the undesirable entities is provided by the OFAC and continuously updated.
The penalties for violation of these laws and regulations are stiff and expensive.
Payment information is transferred to the accounts payable and general ledger, and the
back-end ERP system, after a review, posts those amounts to proper accounts. Suppliers
can view their invoices and payments against those invoices on the supplier portal. This
facilitates reconciliation of invoices by the supplier’s accounts receivable department.
The SRM tools can also support the ERS process described in the EDI chapter. Incoming
ASNs, often referred to as Advanced Shipment and Billing Notice (ASBNs), are identified
and matched with the PO or contract terms, and a corresponding invoice is created by
the back-end ERP systems or SRM tools. The invoice may also be eliminated. The amount
due to the supplier can be calculated using the PO and ASN/ASBN, and be credited to
the supplier. ASBNs frequently contain tax information for taxable shipments and can be
automatically used in the invoice. The invoice is electronically transmitted to the supplier
or posted on the supplier portal for review. This process is similar to the EIPP process
described in the revenue cycle. This process differs from manual matching of PO,
receiving report and purchase invoice, and then creating a voucher package. If the
documents do not match, an exception report is forwarded to the authority specified in
the workflow.
Content Management
The electronic purchasing process depends on availability of supplier products in the
electronic format, referred to as electronic catalogs. Electronic catalogs can provide
information via text, graphics, pictures, audio and video, among other things. If product
descriptions and selling terms and conditions are not electronic, the buying process
cannot be automated. The more detailed and searchable the product database, the easier
is the job of purchasers. Managing these electronic catalogs is called content management, or catalog management. Content management is a complex and costly process.
There are different ways to handle content management. First, suppliers can develop
catalogs internally in the approved format and then upload the information. The
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202 Deshmukh
consolidation of these catalogs is then done by SRM tools. Second, specialized content
management services can manage consolidation of supplier catalogs. These services are
useful for electronic marketplaces or exchanges where large numbers of buyers and
sellers meet. Since most buyers and sellers are small and in need of a standard catalog
format, the catalog management companies with standard protocols and software tools
can be invaluable. Finally, the organization can get information from suppliers and author
the catalogs and manage them or can even buy content from third-party providers. The
SRM tools and large organizations generally follow the first method, since it is cost
SRM tools provide self-authoring tools to suppliers. The electronic catalogs in different
formats, such as XML, spreadsheet and CSV, can be automatically uploaded to the
supplier portal or at a designated place in the buyer’s system. Suppliers can control
content and can change, update or modify the content to keep up with product changes.
Additionally, these catalogs can also be imported from online exchanges and third-party
content providers. The imported catalogs can be evaluated for quality and merged into
a single file. The product information can be structured and organized using standard
schemas such as United Nations/Standard Products Services and Code (UN/SPSC) or
can be formatted in XML variants. Such standard schemas are useful in eliminating
redundant and duplicate information, developing easy search mechanisms and assigning unique identifiers.
SRM tools also provide a search facility for users of the system. Electronic catalogs are
of no use unless they can be efficiently searched. The search tools are similar to ones
encountered on the Internet; for example, Google. These tools may be embellished for
given business purposes. Oracle’s iProcurment system offers facilities to search results
by price and relevance. The relevance of an item is calculated based on occurrences of
the search term in the given database. Additional search parameters include sorting by
description, supplier and category. If you have used search engines, you
already have a good idea as to how the process works.
Employee Self-Purchasing
As mentioned earlier, SRM rose from e-procurement, first as a tool set within the eprocurement area; then it consumed the e-procurement category. E-procurement began
to facilitate the purchases of indirect materials, such as MRO items, office furniture, office
supplies and machine parts; and services, such as janitorial, gardening and travel
expenses. Costs associated with paperwork and approval procedures make these
purchases very pricey. Generally, paper-based purchasing processes were not standardized, the number of suppliers could run in the thousands and approvals were time
consuming, resulting in high transaction costs. SRM tools continue to provide the eprocurement functionality, which is also referred to as employee self-purchasing. The
employee self-purchase process begins with identification of required items and then
searching for those items in electronic catalogs.
The catalogs developed by the suppliers can be hosted on the supplier portal and
browsed from the desktop by users. The content can also be managed by a third-party
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The Expenditure Cycle 203
organization, hosted by online exchanges or hosted by the supplier at its own Web site.
Hosting options are primarily determined by the relative power of the purchasing and
selling organizations. An automotive giant company like GM can ask its suppliers to post
their content on the GM-specified Web space, but a small company may have to use
online exchanges or navigate to the supplier’s Web site. The purchasing process is
essentially identical no matter where the catalog is hosted; however, there are differences
in the infrastructure that supports these purchases.
SRM tools also support internally developed electronic catalogs. Goods and materials
purchased by the company are typically stored in different warehouses. Employees
generally have no idea what is in stock and what is not. To offset this problem, internal
store catalogs detailing availability of goods at various locations are developed. In case
of selection of an item from internal catalogs, the SRM tools will produce an internal
requisition. The internal requisition may be converted into internal sales orders and
processed by the revenue cycle process; in cases where warehouses are treated as profit
centers or internal service providers, they compete against external providers. If the
required item is available both internally and externally, the user can choose the supplier
if he/she is authorized to do so. Items selected from internal catalogs are delivered from
the warehouse to the desired place, and the appropriate business unit or cost center is
charged with the cost.
This search-and-buy process is similar to the one experienced in buying books or music
CDs on the Internet. Required items are searched and selected; then a shopping cart is
filled with those items. SRM tools offer a few refinements, such as saving a template of
a shopping cart for recurring orders, searching based on product descriptions or product
numbers, and filling the carts and putting them on hold until the designated time, which
Exhibit 9. Conceptual representation of workflows for approval of shopping carts
Yes or No
Approver NOT required
No approver
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204 Deshmukh
makes the corporate procurement process easier. Employees can add extra information
to items selected; for example, if visiting cards are required, the required information such
as name, address and title can be uploaded. Some SRM tools can be configured to create
a purchase requisition based on the shopping cart.
The SRM tools read the product information in the shopping cart/purchase requisition
and decide whether approval is needed based on pre-programmed decision rules; for
example, the purchase amount exceeds a specified limit. If the answer is yes, the shopping
cart/purchase requisition is routed to the designated manager. Users can attach text,
URLs or files to the shopping cart if they wish to provide more information to the manager.
The manager can then approve or deny the request. In case of approval, the shopping
cart/purchase requisition is processed by the system; if not approved, the employee gets
notification that products cannot be purchased or certain changes in products are
required before approval. Approval workflow, such as the level of authority required for
approval and specified purchase limits, can be modified by authorized personnel. For
example, a manager going on vacation can assign approval rights to the other manager,
thereby avoiding potential bottlenecks.
The workflow shows a status of the shopping cart/purchase requisition at all times; for
example, approved, rejected, awaiting approval or approved with changes. The pending
shopping carts/purchase requisitions can be cancelled by the originator if desired. When
the shopping cart is approved, a PO is created by SRM tools or the back-end ERP system,
depending on the configuration. The PO is electronically transmitted to the supplier; the
transmission may be a message from accounting system to accounting system, e-mail or
any other form specified by the buying organization. The PO can also be transmitted in
different languages based on the preferences of the supplier.
Goods or services are then delivered by the supplier. The receiving report (also called
confirmation) can be created by the employee who originally requested the purchase.
Different routines are available in creating receiving reports. First, if the shipments or
services are partial, a receiving report can be created but put on hold. Second, suppliers
providing goods and services can automatically ask the system to produce receiving
reports after delivery. Third, if the organization needs tighter internal controls, creation
of receiving reports can be controlled by a central authority. For example, only the
administrative assistant can confirm delivery of services for the entire department. This
central authority receives goods or services and creates receiving reports. The invoices
are submitted by the supplier and automatically reconciled with the PO and receiving
report. On the other hand, the supplier delivery message (similar to ASN) can be used
to create an invoice, as in the ERS process described earlier.
In the case of Web sites hosted by suppliers or online exchanges, the SRM tools provide
what is called punchout capabilities. If the catalogs are hosted on the internal system,
then searching for products is easy since it is a matter of searching over the private
network of the company. When catalogs are outside the company’s network, it is difficult
to use tools embedded in the company’s SRM or ERP. The SRM tools provide a capability
that automatically links their network; that is, it punches out to the supplier’s site and
the supplier’s site can be searched using the SRM tools. When products are configured,
selected and loaded onto the shopping cart, the cart automatically links with the internal
system of the buyer. The shopping cart or resulting purchase requisition is routed
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The Expenditure Cycle 205
according to internal workflows. The problems with punchout are that each supplier’s
Web site is differently organized, meaning that there is a learning curve before a user can
efficiently search the site. Also, internal search tools may not work uniformly across
different Web sites.
The issue of integrating cost accounting systems with SRM tools has not been discussed
much in the literature. ERP systems and SRM tools from the same vendor generally ease
integration of cost accounting system with SRM. However, there were cases where
existing activity-based cost accounting and project cost accounting systems were
difficult to map to SRM tools. Accountants need to pay close attention to this area.
The SRM tools also provide for internal controls in purchases from electronic catalogs.
First, the internal catalogs can be arranged in different views and the employees of
different departments or different business units can access only certain items. Second,
if rare or expensive parts are needed, these parts can only be accessed by qualified
personnel having special clearance. Third, shopping carts created by employees can
have pre-set spending limits, and time periods can be specified during which employees
are allowed to make purchases. The expiry of purchasing rights after a certain time is
useful in case of employees who have resigned or reassigned. Fourth, as soon as the
shopping cart is created, the SRM tools check the inventory status to confirm that these
items are truly required. Fifth, if the goods or services are not budgeted, the SRM tools
can flag all such purchases and route those for special approvals. A message is also sent
to the user so the user knows that he or she is running over budget and can take corrective
measures. Finally, suppliers can confirm availability of the required items in real time; and
in case of stockouts, alternative suppliers can be immediately tapped, making for an
effective procurement process.
Procurement Cards
Procurement cards, also known as P-Cards or purchase cards, are credit cards issued to
non-purchasing staff for purchase of low-dollar items and services; for example, indirect
materials, supplies, services and small-value non-capital items. Bayer Corporation
recently targeted temporary help, overnight shipments, meetings and event planning,
uniforms and personal computers as additional areas for the use of procurement cards.
Increasingly, procurement cards are also being used to pay for Internet purchases. A
research report indicated that in 2001 approximately 60,000 procurement cards were in use
in the U.S., and the total volume of transactions was around $45 billion; and, about 25%
of Fortune 100 companies had adopted the procurement card program. These cards have
also become a hit in governmental, non-profit and university settings.
Research studies have shown that in many organizations, 80% of purchases account for
20% dollar payment volume. The paperwork created for completing the requisition, order,
approval, receipt, invoice and payment cycle for such purchases can easily overwhelm
any system and result in considerable costs. Even if an ERP system is used, considerable
overheads are involved in processing transactions for purchases of small items. Procurement cards decentralize purchasing authority by enabling employees to make purchases
without a paper trail and reduce transaction processing costs considerably. However,
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206 Deshmukh
credit card companies charge fees for issuing cards, and the fee structure varies
according to the agreements with the card companies. This cost needs to be factored in
a cost-benefit analysis of procurement cards.
Administration of procurement cards is generally handled by the department that
implements the cards, or it can be centrally administered by a department, such as
purchasing or finance. Introduction of procurement cards does not mean those cards will
be used. Many organizations have adopted incentives/penalties for using/not using the
cards. Procurement cards change purchasing activities and cause changes in the
recording of transactions. The primary effect is in mapping purchases to proper accounts
and processing receipt of goods.
Generally, the account structure in the general ledger in most organizations can support
recording procurement card transactions. The major problem is in the number of
transactions; recording of these transactions can be time consuming. This problem is
often referred to as reconciling with the financial system. This problem is handled in a
number of ways. First, few companies simply charge these transactions to what is called
procurement card purchases; or, a few standard headings, such as office supplies,
shipping supplies and operating expenses, may be developed and used to debit the
transactions. Second, a dedicated person may collect and sort reports and assign proper
accounts numbers. However, this method slows the system and adds costs.
Finally, procurement card reports coming from the credit card companies may be directly
mapped to the general ledger and recorded. This method automates the process but adds
upfront costs of programming. For example, Ericsson, a Swedish phone company that has
implemented procurement cards, receives two files at the end of a month from American
Express. The first file is an invoice to be paid to American Express and the second file
Exhibit 10. Procurement card purchase process
t te
t ro
•Control and monitoring
•P-Card intelligence
4. Good routed to buyer
3. Shipment Details
1. Search and order goods
2. Shipment details
5. Payment charged on P-Card
•Shipments monitored on the Web
•Automatic reconciliation
•Automatic posting to GL
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The Expenditure Cycle 207
provides a breakdown of spending by card, department and/or cost center. The second
file is directly input to the ERP system and accounting entry is completed.
There are also Web-based solutions (for example, P-Card Web Solution, that allow a user to receive expense statements over the Web, which can be
viewed via browser. This solution can come pre-mapped to the corporate database which,
of course, involves upfront programming. Cardholders can then split the transactions
based on item descriptions, categories and quantities, and assign the transactions to
accounting codes specified in the general ledger; any invalid codes are flagged at the
source. The user can then send a report to the general ledger and it can be posted directly
or after a review.
Users can also record their orders on the online order form and can formalize entries after
receipt of goods or services. The online order log or electronic record of purchases can
be automatically reconciled with electronic statements received from the card issuer.
After reconciliation, a transaction report is generated that can be routed to the manager,
who may review and approve it. The accounting codes are assigned by the user and can
be posted to the general ledger or the cost accounting system, depending on existing
This solution comes with what is called an administrator module. This function can be
used to manage the procurement card life cycle. The administrator can monitor card
activity and generate reports, such as sales tax, freight, 1099 and usage statistics. Card
users can be added or deleted, or their rights can be modified from this central place. Text
and multi-media entries regarding users, usage or suppliers can be added to the database
for reference purposes. For small businesses, a list of suppliers who accept procurement
cards can be provided. This list can be searched by SIC, Merchant Category Code (MCC),
name and location, among other things.
Receiving of goods on procurement cards also needs to be handled separately. The
objective is to reduce costs of small purchases, so the incoming small-purchase goods
should not be subject to the formal receiving process. Receipt of goods or services is
generally confirmed by one authorized employee; then the payment process can be
initiated. If goods are coming to the receiving dock, there may be a special receiving area
where only procurement card purchases are received. Another approach is to provide
suppliers with special, bright labels that identify incoming procurement card purchases.
These goods and supplies are directly forwarded to employees who ordered them and
are not entered into the system. To achieve these objectives, the procurement card
system needs to be connected with the receiving function. Information such as packing
slip, tracking numbers, shipper and carrier names, and contact information of the person
ordering goods needs to be available in real time to the receiving function.
Procurement cards can cause sales- and local-tax-related problems. Briefly: Does information collected from the procurement card statements provide sufficient documentation to determine whether the correct sales and local tax was collected on the
transaction at the point of sale? Companies have developed special procedures to
handle sales and state tax issues. Remember, businesses pay penalties if the appropriate
sales tax is not paid, whether they are buying or selling.
The first approach is to make approved vendors contractually obligated to collect and
remit appropriate taxes. Another approach is to educate employees concerning taxable
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208 Deshmukh
and non-taxable sales. If sales are taxable, the vendor should be asked to provide a
detailed breakout of sales tax, either on the invoice or on the shipping notice. Finally,
many organizations have acquired sales tax exemption from every state where procurement cards may be used. The organization provides an exemption number to all employees or embosses it on the procurement card. The organization then accrues and remits
the sales tax to various states based on the transactions. This method is cumbersome and
can add considerable overheads.
There are a number of other approaches to handle this issue. Some organizations will
simply remit the appropriate sales tax without any regard to the sales tax collected by the
vendor, since the dollar items are small. Others might rely on vendors and take chances
with the tax audit, since the dollar items are small. There also are other issues, such as
purchases from minority- and women-owned businesses and separate reporting requirements, which are not discussed here.
Controlling procurement cards is certainly a challenge. The main problem is assuring that
the procurement cards are only used as per the established corporate policy. Additional
controls also need to be in place to prevent unauthorized use and theft of procurement
cards. A number of internal controls can be designed to achieve these objectives.
However, research has shown that procurement card programs are not beneficial if
internal controls are strict and if cost allocations are taken very seriously. Remember,
these cards are used to facilitate purchase of low-value items and generate low-cost
transactions. If controls are very strict, employees may be discouraged from using
procurement cards. An illustrative list of internal controls is provided.
A card can only be issued by the authorized manager. There is written justification
as to whom and why the card is being issued. There are standard operating
procedures for stolen or misplaced cards.
These cards are issued only to trusted employees after proper documentation and
managerial approvals. In many cases, organizations even conduct background
checks before issuing cards. However, issuing procurement cards is not only a
financial issue. There is a delicate balance between trust and empowerment of
employees who receive cards and low morale in employees who do not receive
The person who holds the card is responsible for all charges on the card. Ultimate
liability rests with the company; however, the person is answerable to superiors
for use of the card.
Each card has a dollar maximum, and this maximum can be applied to daily, weekly
or monthly transactions. Even limits on how many times a card can be used in a day
or week can be set. These limits are set based on cost of the paperwork vs. dollars
at risk in purchasing transactions. Most organizations set limits around $5,000 or
Purchases can be restricted to approved suppliers. Such restrictions reduce
maverick buying, which refers to purchases made from suppliers who do not have
an existing contract or are not approved. If purchases are not restricted to approved
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The Expenditure Cycle 209
suppliers, there can be different types of restrictions; for example, suppliers (as
identified by SIC code) selling alcohol or chemicals may not be paid using the card.
There can be special procedures for purchases made over telephone, by fax or in
person. Employees often times are asked to maintain a log of purchase information,
such as items ordered, date ordered, order price and sales tax, if any. This adds to
the paperwork, and there are wide variations regarding this control; many organizations do not ask for logs at all.
Goods or services, when received, should be confirmed by the person who ordered
them. A few organizations may require additional confirmation from an independent person, though many organizations will not ask for it.
If the card is used in contravention of organizational policies and procedures, there
is a standard investigation process. Disciplinary and legal policies are generally
developed and, ideally, should be enforced.
A standardized reconciliation process is carried out at the end of the month, where
purchases made are matched against payment.
There can be periodic audit of selected procurement cards or card transactions.
Now that procurement cards have been discussed, a question on your mind may be —
why are we looking at these cards while reviewing SRM tools? SRM tools deal with a
gamut of supplier relations and, as such, must support procurement cards. Procurement
cards issued to employees are handled much the same way as described earlier. A single
invoice is received from the credit card company that is paid, and cash is credited. The
detailed breakdown of accounts is provided in another file and that file is directly fed to
the ERP system. If the breakdown is separately maintained and entered into the system,
then summary totals of this breakdown and a single invoice from the credit card company
are automatically reconciled. If there are any discrepancies, a report is routed to the
manager specified in the workflow.
Procurement cards can even be used in strategic sourcing. In this case, the procurement
card is issued to the supplier, not to the employees. Controls over these cards are similar
to those described for employee procurement cards. The SRM tools, during the requisition phase, identify suppliers that have been assigned procurement cards. The
procurement card information is provided on the resulting purchase order. In case of
employee self-service, shopping carts are automatically flagged for procurement card
payment based on pre-defined profiles of the supplier and employee. The supplier can
charge payments on the procurement card instead of providing an invoice. If more than
one purchase order is generated, the SRM software can consolidate these charges and
direct those to the supplier.
At the end of the month or a specified period, the credit card company sends an electronic
statement of purchases charged on the procurement card(s). Now purchase orders and
purchases charged need to be reconciled, and that can be a time-consuming chore. The
SRM tools automate the process by generating what is called PO history feed. This
history feed and electronic statements from the credit card company are matched and
reconciled automatically. If the reconciliation does not have any exception, an invoice
payable to the credit card company is created and forwarded to the accounts payable
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210 Deshmukh
application of the ERP system. Remember, the primary difference between employee and
supplier procurement cards from an accounting viewpoint is generation of the PO.
Unusual Items and Exceptions
SRM tools can also help handle items that are unique, find alternative suppliers when the
supply chain is disrupted due to unforeseen reasons or if there are sudden changes in
demand for goods and services. The SRM tools provide a space — SAP refers to this
space as a sourcing cockpit — for consolidating information, such as data on substitute
materials, an organization-wide list of approved vendors, alternative suppliers, and new
and unique products. This information is compiled by the organization as part of the
environmental scanning or as a routine precaution in conducting business. This space
also provides links that connect to external databases on suppliers and products. These
can be compiled as part of an industry-wide effort or by third-party vendors or trading
This entire universe of information is now available to employees who have to cope with
changes in products, processes or suppliers. There are tools to consolidate purchase
requisitions from different units to avail of discounts, create open POs and circulate
those to chosen suppliers, receive quotations from suppliers and compare them, and
search for the best alternatives. The workflow of the ERP system can be automated so
that if a supplier or product cannot be found, purchase requisitions are automatically
routed to this space.
Purchasing Intelligence
Purchasing intelligence involves analysis of data collected by SRM tools, which is
supplemented by external economic databases, competitor benchmarking and professional insights. Purchase intelligence can be used to evaluate corporate sourcing
strategies, the potential for better sources, cost efficiencies and detailed analyses and
reports. Illustrative examples of purchase intelligence are supplier scorecards, performance analysis and reports, and supplier ratings and categorization. There are numerous
other reports that can be generated using SRM tools.
The strategic analysis of sourcing involves evaluating effects of sourcing decisions on
key performance indicators for departments, businesses units or organizations. Key
performance indicators are defined by top management and sometimes referred to as a
procurement scorecard. These key indicators differ across strategies and businesses. A
search for better opportunities includes standardizing and consolidating suppliers,
monitoring supplier performance across multiple dimensions and optimizing supplier
portfolios. Additionally, the organization itself must be monitored to ensure compliance
with corporate objectives and policies. Such monitoring demands detailed analytical
reports. Let us see what reports are available in a SRM suite.
SRM tools collect detailed operational information, such as volume of purchases, quality
of products, price of products, delivery performance and compliance with contractual
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The Expenditure Cycle 211
terms. The details can be made as fine as required by line item, product groups or supplier.
This data can be used to benchmark and improve supplier performance on desired
indicators and reduce the total cost of ownership. Operational data can be used to
produce the following actionable reports:
Expenses and supplier analysis
Spending per supplier, commodity, cost center, and average requisition
Supplier on-time performance
Supplier delivery lead times performance
Supplier product reject ratios
Supplier credit ratings
Supplier ISO certification status
Number of suppliers per commodity
Quality Analysis
Warranty claims per product
Total material rejections per supplier, per commodity
Failure rates per supplier, per commodity
Financial Analysis
Timeliness of payments
Accounts payable turnover ratio
Accounts payable to sales ratio
Accounts payable per department, per business unit, per commodity
Top suppliers by volume.
Suppliers who provide service as opposed to tangible goods may be measured for service
responsiveness, quality assurance, measured quality and costs. Suppliers can be
notified about their performance using supplier portals. Many organizations issue formal
ratings to suppliers, informing them of their performance across pre-specified indicators.
A FedEx supplier evaluation program provides the following guidelines for an effective
program: First, measure value-added results and make sure that measurement costs do
not exceed benefits. Second, do not be constrained by available data. For example, if the
ERP system provides financial data but not performance data, do not automatically rely
on financial data. Finally, develop easy-to-understand measures and keep them few in
number. FedEx used four to six measures.
Management can also design other reports. For example, Oracle provides pre-defined
reports on contract leakage performance. This report tracks maverick buying; that is,
purchases made from suppliers who do not have an existing contract or are not approved.
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212 Deshmukh
This report will identify when maverick buying is exceeding the desired percentage and
needs to be controlled. The SRM tools provide drill-down capabilities that allow
investigating transaction-level data and specific contractual terms to search for reasons
of maverick buying. Another pre-defined report tracks purchase-to-sales ratio. This
report shows whether the costs of purchases relative to sales are within the desired limits.
Additionally, one can factor in the financial stability of the supplier to identify sourcing
risks. External data, such as supplier total revenues and its sales to the organization, can
be compared to figure out dependency of the supplier on the buyer’s organization.
A number of additional tools search databases developed using SRM software. The
database can be queried using specialized languages, downloaded to spreadsheets or
structured across multiple dimensions and analyzed accordingly. Reports can compare
suppliers as a cross-section, across a period of time or against standards and benchmarks, among other things. Remember, supplier data can come from different departments, different business units or international subsidiaries and associates. These
reports are only limited by the imagination of the analyzer.
SRM packages consist of a constellation of modules and are connected with the base ERP
or back-end accounting system. SRM tools are offered by all the leading ERP vendors,
and numerous software vendors sell SRM tools for medium-sized organizations. The
required functionalities for each organization are different and, to repeat — there is no
one standard solution. This section looks at SRM tools developed by SAP. SAP provides
all its e-business solutions on a platform called The list of e-business
solutions is lengthy and continues to expand as SAP brings more functionality under this
umbrella. The suite of SRM tools falls under this platform, and it will give us a good idea
regarding existing state of the art in this area. What follows is a rather simple description
of a very complex software suite.
SRM tools operate on top of an ERP system in a symbiotic fashion. All the leading
vendors claim that their SRM tools will run on top of any ERP system. However, the
practical difficulties of integrating systems from different vendors can be formidable and
should be kept in mind while evaluating these claims. SRM tools offered by SAP include
the following components: business information warehouse, knowledge warehouse,
exchange infrastructure, enterprise portal, enterprise buyer, bidding engine, supplier
self-service and catalog management tools by Requisite.
First, let us look at the modules that enable SRM; these include business information
warehouse, knowledge warehouse, exchange infrastructure and enterprise portal. SAP
business information warehouse and knowledge warehouse is not specific to SRM, but
are described here in the context of an SRM process. SAP business information
warehouse collects business data from the underlying ERP system. This module is
optimized for the SAP ERP system, though not limited to it, and is a combination of
database and database management tools. For example, in the context of SRM, this
warehouse contains purchase- and payments-related transaction data, purchases and
service-call activity, key supplier contacts and details of product purchases. This data
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The Expenditure Cycle 213
Exhibit 11. SAP SRM tools
SAP supplier self-service
Requisite BugsEye
Requisite eMerge
Online exchanges
Content providers
SAP enterprise buyer
SAP bidding engine
SAP business information warehouse
SAP knowledge warehouse
SAP exchange infrastructure
SAP enterprise portal
is available to purchase, production and maintenance center personnel. Moreover, data
can be questioned, downloaded to spreadsheets or used to generate reports with builtin reporting tools. The business information can be mined to derive key performance
indicators, capture comments made by teams working collaboratively and develop
special alerts; for example, maverick buying exceeding a certain percentage of total
The purpose of the knowledge warehouse is to store, organize, process and disseminate
knowledge. This warehouse can contain business rules, best practices, business
process information and even decision support systems. Data can be in text or multimedia formats. This module can also be used to create a training and documentation
database. This enterprise-wide database can be used to cut down on learning curve and
training costs. Another building block of SRM tools is the SAP exchange infrastructure.
This exchange infrastructure supports different standards such as XML, WSDL and
SOAP, along with different communication protocols. The objective is to enable collaborative business processes by cutting across various systems and protocols used within
the organization. In the absence of such support, costs of integrating different systems
may become prohibitive.
The final base component is the SAP enterprise portal, which strives to provide a
consistent navigation environment for corporate users. The ERP system can be run on
mainframes, minis or microcomputers and on a variety of operating systems. Thus, a
typical organization, even if hosting a single ERP system, is likely to have numerous user
interfaces. The enterprise portal integrates applications, data and metadata, and Internet
information. This integrated information can then be used to provide reports as specified
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214 Deshmukh
by users or can be shared across the organization. This module is used in what SAP calls
financial insight, procurement insight and sales insight, which essentially are prepackaged business intelligence tools. Enterprise portals and business intelligence tools
are discussed in depth in the general ledger cycle.
The next step investigates tools used to manage the SRM process. The SAP enterprise
buyer module is the nexus for SAP SRM tools. This module interfaces with employees,
purchase professionals, managers, suppliers and content managers. Employees can
search electronic catalogs, order required goods, check status of inventory and ordered
goods, and confirm goods delivered or services performed. Purchase professionals can
create bid invitations, manage received bids, create purchase contracts and process
incomplete purchase orders. Managers can use this module to set up workflows for
approving shopping carts or purchase requisitions. Suppliers can enter delivery of
goods or services and, if authorized, invoices into the system. Content managers can
manage electronic catalogs by importing and structuring content from suppliers, creating
new product catalogs or organizing existing product catalogs. SAP uses Open Catalog
Interface (OCI), the Internet-based protocol for managing electronic catalogs. The
enterprise buyer has numerous other features for administration, security and integration with back-end systems that are not discussed here.
The SAP bidding engine supports RFQs and reverse auctions. This engine can be used
to monitor the consequent flow of information and changes in prices. This engine also
includes a decision support system that eases determination of winning bids and
automates the follow-up PO process. The SAP supplier self-service module enables
document exchange, product content management, analytics and administration for
suppliers. Document exchange involves exchange of requisition, PO, receipt of goods,
invoicing and payment details. These documents are XML based and do not require
third-party intervention. Suppliers can upload, change, modify or delete product information from their electronic catalogs. Analytics involve various pre-packaged reports,
such as PO history, payment history and contract analysis. Suppliers can also create their
own reports. Administration of an account can also be accomplished by suppliers by
using this module and may involve changing IDs and passwords, enabling and limiting
access for their own employees, changing contact information and adding other desired
information to their home pages.
The supplier self-service module, as seen earlier, enables content management by
suppliers. It is supported by content management tools, Requisite BugsEye and Requisite eMerge. BugsEye is a search engine, and SAP claims that this engine can accommodate variations in content presentation, user experience and user requirements. eMerge
is a content management tool that can be used to create, maintain and manage electronic
catalogs. This tool is especially useful for creating a description of products and
materials that are not integrated with the product master information. The demands on
SRM tools are enormous, and these change per business and industry. As such, it is not
surprising that software supporting these business processes is also large and complicated.
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The Expenditure Cycle 215
Expenses and Payroll
Expense management was mentioned in discussing SRM tools, though the focus was on
direct and indirect materials and services. SRM tools and procurement cards both are
used to record, monitor and control expenses. Additionally, Web-based solutions from
independent vendors, add-on products from ERP vendors and software offerings from
credit card companies are available in these areas. As such, online management of
expenses and online payroll areas have matured enough to merit a separate discussion,
which follows.
Online Management of Expenses
The online management of expenses generally focuses on managing travel and entertainment expenses. Travel and Entertainment (T&E) expense can be the second- or thirdlargest controllable expense in the corporate world, and has significant processing costs
associated with it. Accounting systems, with their emphasis on aggregating costs,
cannot answer the questions that require breakdown of expenses; for example, what is
the cost of reimbursing one expense report? How many people are involved processing
expense reports? Are vendors complying with contractual terms? And, what is the
detailed analysis of spending categories? These questions are similar to those discussed
in the SRM area.
Employees can be on the road — in a different state or country — and need to file expense
reports. Expense processing systems in most of businesses involve a hybrid of paper,
spreadsheets and e-mail usage. The paper-based forms take time to fill out and route to
managers, who approve them. Auditing of such claims can consume considerable
resources of the accounting department. This process is rife with data-entry errors, since
manual data entry takes place in at least a couple of places. Estimates for manual
processing of T&E expenses range from $25 to $35 per report, which may translate into
millions of dollars per year for a large corporation. For example, a Microsoft report on
expenses states that Microsoft processed 200,000 reports in a year and spent $21
processing each expense report, prior to developing an in-house expense reporting
The other aspect of T&E expenses is actual travel arrangements. The prices of tickets for
business travelers have been traditionally high. Travel arrangements, if not consolidated
and handled properly, can quickly become expensive. Don’t forget that maverick buying,
even if it is buying airline tickets, is costly. Apart from the direct costs of travel, there
are indirect costs, such as time spent by employees and administrative assistants in
hunting deals, booking flights and paying for travel. The other policy issue is how will
an organization ensure that travel policies are being uniformly followed across the
business? The travel aspect of T&E has come under a great deal of scrutiny, and different
measures have been devised to streamline and reduce travel expenses.
Online management of T&E expenses can be categorized in two ways: first, managing
expenses using Web-based tools; and second, online travel centers and alternatives to
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216 Deshmukh
Exhibit 12. Online management of T&E expenses
ti o
ruc s
in tion
ym nfirm
P co
ERP system
travel using Web-based technologies. DuPont in the early 1990s developed the first T&E
expense management system. Now, vendors offering T&E solutions are numerous. There
are Web-based solutions for small- and mid-sized organizations; the majority of ERP
vendors, such as SAP and Oracle, have T&E add-ons; and a number of corporations have
developed in-house solutions. American Express also offers a suite of online expense
management tools. The Web-based solutions can be hosted by the provider and offered
for a fee to corporations. On the other hand, a corporation can deploy a Web-based
solution — whether developed internally or purchased from outside — on its networks
and make it available to employees.
The basic mechanism and components of these solutions, whether internally developed
or purchased from outside, are similar. Let us look at these functionalities; what follows
is a general description of the process. As the user logs in, he/she may be taken to a
personalized home page. This home page has links to prior expense reports, payment of
those expense reports and status of the expense reports, and the user can also access
relevant corporate policies and procedures. If there are any policy changes, policy alerts
can inform the user. The interface with the user is either in a familiar spreadsheet format
and/or has some resemblance with the paper-based voucher. The screen provides for
date, name of the supplier, nature of the expenses and amount, among other things.
Employees can assign project numbers and account codes. Help facilities are also
available for reference purposes. Note that some T&E tools allow for offline entry of
expense reports via client-side tools installed on the user’s machine; some tools make
it mandatory to log on to the network to fill in the report.
The T&E tools generally allow direct access to online credit card bills. The credit card
bills can be directly added to the expense report. If integration between online reports
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The Expenditure Cycle 217
and the T&E software is done properly, the fields in the expense report are automatically
populated, thereby saving manual entries. If the data fields are locked and cannot be
changed by the user, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will dispense with the requirement for paper-based receipts. Such integration depends on the cooperation between the
credit card issuer and software developer. In the case of disputed transactions, direct
links with credit card companies can be provided so a formal report can be filed
immediately. The T&E software can also alert the employee via e-mail at the end of the
month, reminding him/her that an expense report on a particular card is due.
There can also be wizards to simplify entries. For example, MS Expense 6.0 provides a
hotel wizard that helps split the hotel bill into different line items, such as room charge,
taxes, parking, phone and room service. Cash and out-of-pocket expenses need to be
entered manually, though support for PDAs and Pocket PCs for offline expense entry is
becoming common. Employees can also enter income tax-related information when filing
reports concerning gifts and entertainment. In some cases, the IRS allows digital images
of receipts instead paper receipts, and such receipts can be archived. These reports can
also force users to enter certain information, such as tour details and itinerary, required
by the back-end accounting systems for further processing.
Once the report is complete, it can be viewed online or printed for personal record of the
employee filing the report. The report can be stored for further entries or completed and
routed to the manager. Before the report is routed to the next level, the employee must
approve the report. The employee may reject the report and provide reasons, and the
report will be stored with no further action. The employee may also forward the report
to a manager who does not have approval authority but who may review the report and
offer comments. This utility can be useful for new employees. If the employee approves
the report, it will be forwarded to the requisite manager for approval.
The approval process depends on workflow specified in the software. The administrator
of the T&E program sets rules for approval workflows. The administrator can add, modify
or delete employees and approval managers. The administrator designs and updates
corporate policies, such as spending limits for employees, set up of special alerts and
management of online expenses. The expense reporting process can change based on
growth of the organization, changes in corporate objectives or for any other reason. The
administrator ensures that configuration of the reporting solution changes with changes
in the organization.
The security of online transactions is ensured by the administrator through standard
procedures such as intrusion detection systems, firewalls, Virtual Private Network
(VPN), SSL, digital certificates and multiple data backups (these security issues are
covered in detail in Chapter 10). Security becomes complicated when the Web solution
hosted by a provider is used. In this case, the security of the provider needs to be
assessed and may involve a comprehensive review of the vendor’s Web site. Many small
organizations lack resources for such scrutiny and may have to accept the vendor’s word
for security purposes. Hacking of T&E systems is not reported in the press, but that does
not mean that potential problems do not exist.
The manager who approves expense reports gets an automatic notification when the
report is submitted. The report is scanned by pre-programmed business rules and any
expense items that do not conform to the corporate policy are flagged. The manager can
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218 Deshmukh
now approve the report, reject the report or ask for modification. In case of approval, the
report is forwarded to accounts payable. If the report is rejected or needs to be modified,
the report goes back to the employee with appropriate comments.
Accounts payable reviews the transaction and makes appropriate entries by crediting
various suppliers and debiting expense accounts. Generally, the T&E software has direct
links with the ERP system, and making entries is merely a matter of clicking at the
appropriate places. The majority of T&E tools provided by independent vendors come
with a flat file capability. The database of expense reports can be used to create a flat file
that can be used to interface with accounting software. Approved expenses are then paid
via different methods such as ACH, direct deposit and checks. Microsoft saved
approximately $1 million by making prompt payment to American Express and receiving
special discounts.
Approved expense reports are periodically analyzed by accounting. Accounting can
review expense reports and establish pre-programmed rules for sampling and auditing.
Audits and reviews can be conducted online, since most automated auditing tools can
interface with T&E databases. The T&E software also provides a number of reporting
features. Expenses can be analyzed based on time period, employee, type of expenditure,
name of supplier or any other required criteria. Documents supporting the expense
reports can be tracked, either in a digital or paper-based format. Tracking is easier
compared to a purely paper-based system.
The T&E tools can also be used to manage other expenses. A few corporations have used
these tools for managing educational costs. The employee submits receipts for fee
payments and grade reports through the online system. The manager approves educational expenses online by reviewing grades and compliance with corporate policies.
Expenses are then forwarded to accounts payable and can be paid via direct deposit or
payroll. Any expense where the employees are physically dispersed can be effectively
managed using T&E-type tools. The advantages of these tools can be summarized as
Reduced costs associated with processing transactions
Help tools provide reduced need for expensive manual inquiries
Increased accuracy due to reduction in manual entries
Prompt reimbursement to employees for incurred expenses
Prompt payments to suppliers and maximization of discounts
Automated approval, reporting and auditing workflows
Ability to slice-and-dice data
Report facilities
Enforced compliance with corporate policies
Let us not forget costs associated with the T&E software, lest the discussion sound like
advertising copy for the software. Upfront costs associated with the software include
programming, developing interfaces with the ERP system and installing the software. In
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The Expenditure Cycle 219
case of external vendors, there are license fees. The upfront costs are followed by
maintenance costs for the software. The users, such as the administrators, managers and
employees, need to be trained and educated in use of the software. There are other
intangible factors, as well, such as user resistance, alignment of workflows with corporate
objectives and usefulness of information. In short, all the factors that cause problems
in introducing a new piece of software are present in introducing T&E software.
Online Travel Centers
The management of T&E expenses can be taken a step further.ERP systems can now
support online travel centers or e-travel capabilities. The T&E software described earlier
streamlines the recordkeeping and payment of travel expenses, but does not deal directly
with other substantive issues; for example, optimizing travel plans for an employee or
class of employees, negotiating with airlines for best deals, reservation process and
suggesting travel alternatives. The development of online travel centers or travel
management addresses these areas of concern. This area is important for accountants
and finance professionals as a cost containment or cost reduction strategy that has direct
effects on the bottom line.
Online centers can be independently hosted and operated or can be part of the ERP
system, such as SAP or Oracle. There are also consultants who comprehensively review
the T&E processes of a corporation and suggest solutions. The travel business involves
different entities, such as airlines, corporations, employees, travel agencies and other
suppliers, such as hotels, rental cars and cruise companies. In a corporation, travel
policies need to be implemented and monitored across the organization. Online travel
centers or e-travel should have the capability to interface with these constituents and
should also have reporting and intelligence capabilities. The structure of these software
suites is similar to ones seen in the case of T&E expense solutions.
Employees log on to an online travel portal, similar to, a consumer travel
portal on the Web. The travel portal provides self-booking capabilities, travel planning
Exhibit 13. E-travel solutions for corporate travel (Source:
e-Travel Aergo
SAP travel management
Broadvision e-Travel
e-Travel Web Fares
e-Travel workflow
e-Travel reporter (US)
e-Travel reporter (Global)
e-Travel mobile
Brower based self-booking tool for the employees
Links the travel agent, travel manager, and the accounting
This is a multi-function module.
• Booking engine to provide international travel service
• Tools to create and customize web sites
• XML-based interface to connect with online databases
Comprehensive access to the web fares -- including nontraditional and low web fares
Specification of workflows
US specific reporting capabilities
Global reporting capabilities
Wireless access to the Internet based travel services
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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220 Deshmukh
tips, city guides and maps, and references to corporate travel policies, among other
things. The portal also identifies preferred airlines and travel suppliers with whom
contracts have been negotiated. An employee can book airline tickets, hotel and rental
cars at the same time and can obtain negotiated rates. There are several helpful utilities,
such as the ability to view airline seats and maps, alternative itineraries according to cost
or preferred airports, templates for frequent trips and connectivity using mobile devices.
The services can be charged to corporate accounts, credit cards or smart cards.
E-Travel, an online company, partners with SAP to provide some interesting functionalities.
The employee accesses the online service via SAP. The human resources module of SAP
provides the travel profile for the employee. The travel profile identifies travel policies
applicable to the employee, travel preferences and frequent flier details. Information
concerning appropriate cost centers and bank accounts of the employee for reimbursement can also be identified. If the system is set up, the reservation can be transferred to
the corporate travel office for issue of electronic or paper-based tickets.
Online travel software also automates record keeping of expenses. The mechanism is
similar to the T&E software. Travel expenses can include air, hotel and rental charges;
additionally, there can be per diem charges, mileage and adjustment for travel advances.
The list can vary for each company. The software can also populate expense fields
depending on charges received electronically from travel suppliers. Online expense
vouchers can be filled and routed to the appropriate authority for approval. The software
also comes with reporting or intelligence capabilities. There can be pre-defined reports
and custom report abilities. Information regarding tracking travel cost and destination,
booking preferences, preferred suppliers and compliance with contractual terms can be
generated and routed to managers. Travel information can also be aggregated according
to department, business unit and cost center, and can be compared with budgets.
Online travel may also provide meeting management abilities. These include selecting
appropriate locations for meetings, negotiating with different suppliers for the best price,
creating budgets, registering attendees and group travel planning and purchasing.
These functionalities are enabled through online databases of suppliers for meeting
places and electronic abilities to circulate requirements, accept answers and analyze
those answers. Employees attending meetings can use the same tools to register and
book tickets. These tools monitor compliance with company policies and ensure that
employees use preferred suppliers and negotiated prices.
The online travel software also comes with workflow and administrative modules. These
workflows can automate functions, such as requesting pre-approval for travel outside
of corporate policy from an appropriate authority, notifying team members concerning
the trip, and routing requests as per standard approval procedures. The system keeps
users updated regarding their requests and status of expense reports in real time.
Approvals, rejections or requests for modifications are automated and the employee can
be alerted when these arrive. Administrative tools enable pre-configuring the software
for a company’s travel policy, entering information about preferred suppliers and
keeping the site updated for negotiated rates. Employees authorized to use the service
can be added, deleted or modified based on corporate policy.
This is a broad overview of capabilities of online travel centers or e-travel software. The
software is similar to T&E tools. The primary difference is in travel planning and ensuring
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The Expenditure Cycle 221
compliance with the travel policy, since these are more complex than merely automating
or Web-enabling recording of expenses. Advantages of the software are uniform
implementation of the travel policy; leverage with suppliers to negotiate prices, since
volume discounts can be taken; and reduced costs of processing transactions. The
tangible and intangible costs of the software are similar to those discussed earlier.
Online Payroll1
Payroll outsourcing is not a new phenomenon. Payroll preparation services have been
in existence for a long time. These services include employee data entry and payroll
calculations, direct deposits, cutting and mailing checks and 401(K) plan transfers. Many
small- and mid-sized businesses have found it cost-effective to outsource payroll due
to onerous federal and state tax requirements. Payroll processing companies have been
in the market for decades. CPA firms have recommended payroll outsourcing services,
and businesses have used these services with confidence. This established business
model has found easy acceptance in the Web environment. Online payroll services have
been quite successful despite general dot-com failures.
A number of established payroll services offer Web capabilities along with new dot-com
arrivals. Web-based services are similar to offline payroll services, though the Internet
introduces quite a few interesting twists. The prime advantage of Web-based services
is 24/7 access and the ability to enable employees, employers and administrators to view
and self-serve their own payroll accounts. Web-based services range a full spectrum. At
one end, these services will provide an organization with software. The approved
person(s) from the organization will remotely operate the software and generate payroll.
In this case, accounting chores such as data entry, tax calculations and check printing
are handled by the organization.
re tuto
po ry
Exhibit 14. Online payroll processing
re age
po ria
rts l
Source to gross
Gross to net
Net to reporting
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222 Deshmukh
On the other end, the organization can simply submit initial data and the payroll service
will take care of calculations, checks, record keeping and 401(K)-type arrangements.
Employees can access payroll-related information, such as viewing and printing paycheck stubs; changing contact information; and tracking vacation time, sick time and
paid time off. A number of payroll services also offer ancillary functions, such as
managing insurance services, retirement plans and human resource functions. The
decision regarding the extent of payroll outsourcing is unique to each company, and a
wide range of practices exists in the real world.
Payroll activities can be classified into three stages: First, collection of data and
calculations of gross salary, referred to as source to gross. Human resource policies are
established or referred to determine hourly rates and salary levels. Then labor data is
collected, managerial approvals are taken and gross pay is calculated. Second, calculating deductions and net payroll is referred to as gross to net. Third, funds are directly
deposited or checks are printed and mailed, and tax and managerial reports are generated.
This stage can be called net to reporting. All or part of these stages can be outsourced.
Let us take a look at a comprehensive online solution.
The business user needs to register with the online payroll company before utilizing
payroll services. Registration procedures require certain documentation mandated by
federal regulation. An illustrative list is as follows:
Payroll services EFT agreement
State power of attorney
IRS Form 8655
Additional documents requested by online services, including copies of quarterly
or annual returns, tax deposit coupons and copies of state registrations, among
other things.
These documents enable the online service to fulfill legal obligations and process
payroll. Generally, the user needs to appoint a payroll administrator who will be in charge
of payroll. Such a person is authorized to change payroll information and add, delete or
modify employee information. Additionally, a payroll approver is also needed. The
payroll approver reviews the final payroll and approves the printing of checks or direct
Next is setting up the account of the business user. Payroll information can be entered
via Web, PC, phone or fax. The Web-based entry generally needs only a browser and
Internet connection. PC entries require client-side tools; that is, software needs to be
installed on the user’s machine. Data entries can be done offline and then loaded to the
online software using the Internet connection. Phone entry means simply calling the
online company and reading the information over the phone; and fax entry involves
faxing over the required information.
A number of online companies provide tools that automate and enable remote entry of
labor-related data; generally, they are referred to as time and labor management solutions.
The employee checks in and either punches a card or scans a card through the clock. This
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The Expenditure Cycle 223
is a required step in the automation of labor data collection. The scanning machine
automatically captures details regarding employees and hours worked. This information
is transmitted to a PC, which generally runs software provided by an online service; for
example, eTime by ADP software. This software is programmed to apply business
policies and procedures to the collected data; for example, rates for various employee
categories, rates for overtime and hazard pay rates.
There are two issues, not Web related, of interest to accountants. A number of solutions
that collect hourly data at the shop floor can also be configured to collect additional data,
such as time spent on particular jobs, quantity produced and work order numbers. This
data can be used in job costing or productivity analysis. A second application of these
devices is in the area of scheduling. Employee hours can be matched to the production
schedule, and labor shortages or excesses can be forecast. The area of job costing
interface and scheduling is very complex and outside the scope of this book; however,
realize that labor data collection can have alternate uses.
Reports such as total hours worked, vacation time and sickness time for a quarter or year
can be generated using this software. Automatic reports for punching in and out of
employees are also generated, which are statutorily required. These reports can highlight
problems of absenteeism, late arrivals and departures, and missed punches. The actual
data can be compared to budgeted data and exception reports can be generated. Collected
labor rates and other data are directly transferred to the online payroll service. The data
can also be archived and stored at a user location. This data can be reviewed, analyzed
and forwarded to appropriate managers.
Online services generally send an e-mail informing the business that payroll information
is due at a particular date. The authorized employee can log on to the online service and,
after appropriate authentication, perform different functions; for example, running
payroll, running reports, making salary payments or other administrative functions.
Exhibit 15. Payroll data entry (Source:, used with permission)
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224 Deshmukh
Payroll information for employees, such as hours worked, changes in salary, deductions
and changes thereof, and other pertinent information, can be entered and viewed. Extra
data fields may include department, cost center or business unit number. Payroll
processing is generally very fast and done in a matter of minutes. The payroll, when
processed, is ready for review. The review may be conducted by the data-entry employee
or an authorized manager, depending on the separation of duties in a particular organization.
The next phase is payment to the employees, which can be done in a variety of formats.
A paper check can be printed and mailed to employees based on their addresses in the
database. The checks should have security features, such as watermarks, fading ink,
company logos or micro printing. Additional internal controls can be introduced for
paper checks. As the checks are being mailed, an electronic file containing details of all
checks is forwarded to the bank. The bank will match every presented check with the
electronic file and transfer funds only after a match is confirmed. Most online services
support direct deposit, as direct deposit is mandatory for some employees. The direct
deposit transfers funds to the employee-designated bank account at the end of the
month. Some online payroll services offer to fill stored value cards. These cards work
similar to debit cards and are useful when employees do not have bank accounts. Several
variations of the payment methods described so far are available in the online world.
The most beneficial feature of payroll processing companies, online or offline, is handling
of federal, state, and local taxes. These taxes are calculated and deducted at the time of
payroll processing. Then, the taxes are paid and appropriate filings with government
departments are completed. A number of online companies provide guaranteed performance in the area of tax payments. Certain contractual formalities need to be completed
before these services are operational.
The payroll data is archived and stored. A number of reports can be generated from this
data. The standard report is, of course, payroll register for the month. A list of employees
with gross pay, deductions and net pay can be generated, printed and reviewed. Other
reports may include year-end W-2s and 401(K)-specific reports for the employee and
employer contributions. Payroll can be analyzed according to department, project or cost
center, and customized reports can also be generated. Reporting facilities depend on the
data details entered at the initial stage, and are generally sufficient for standard reports.
This data can also be exported to Excel or Access if further analysis is desired.
Online payroll services have branched out with a number of value-added services. Online
services may provide a portal that offers a database of laws and regulations applicable
to salary, contain employment forms and have labor law posters and compliance tools.
These portals are useful for payroll professionals. A few online services offer Internetbased employee screening and drug testing. Managing insurance — medical, dental,
vision, Section 125 benefit plans and life insurance — offering and managing retirement
plans, and time and attendance systems are additional services offered by online
companies. The offered services are quite comprehensive and cover the entire gamut of
the human resources field. They are mentioned here to highlight the fast-changing nature
of the online payroll business.
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The Expenditure Cycle 225
Fixed Assets
Fixed assets are purchased, managed and ultimately disposed off. Fixed-asset accounting involves calculating cost of the asset, making periodic depreciation entries and
accounting for disposal of fixed assets. Other accounting areas involve extraordinary
repairs, additions and betterments. There is not much use of Web-based solutions in this
area, since most in-house accounting software can handle fixed-asset accounting.
However, there are few a Web-based twists in this area.
Fixed assets can be automatically created from accounts payable and purchasing
modules. If the asset is purchased at a location different than a recording location, then
Web-based application of this utility can come in handy. The purchase requisition, PO
and receiving report can be generated and entered in accounting software. The software
can then automatically create the fixed asset based on programmed business rules and
inform the fixed-asset department. The fixed asset then can be reviewed at a central
location and processed further.
Fixed assets in Web-enabled accounting software can also be managed remotely.
Depreciation expense entries are generally calculated automatically and posted to the
general ledger. Remote access can be used to verify these depreciation calculations;
make entries for extraordinary repairs, additions and betterments; and account for gain
or loss on disposal of assets. These functionalities are available in most accounting
software packages, and are mentioned here for completeness. However, basic fixed-asset
accounting processes have not changed dramatically due to Web enablement.
The expenditure cycle has changed considerably due to the advent of SRM, e-procurement tools, online management of expenses and online travel centers. Accounting
activities of matching documents such as purchase requisition, PO, receiving report and
invoice to create a voucher package and consequent payments have changed considerably. The creation of liabilities, posting of expenses, matching of documents, internal
controls, workflows and payments has been automated. The changes have simplified life
of accounting professionals and at the same time have demanded new skills, such as
understanding SRM tools.
The changing business processes and detailed analytical requirements of modern
management accelerated the ascent of SRM software. SRM tools have integrated
sourcing and procurement activities and have created a single process that controls
supplier-related activities. The process begins with a supplier selection strategy, which
requires hard analytical data and soft strategic and political inputs. SRM tools provide
a slew of analytical reports and collaborative tools to coordinate these activities.
Identification of suppliers is facilitated by online trading directories, historical knowledge bases, structured electronic way to forward and receive information, and collaborative tools.
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226 Deshmukh
The Internet, coupled with SRM tools, has allowed businesses to negotiate and manage
supplier contracts without paper. Contract templates are maintained in a central repository and can be filled online to generate customized contracts. These contracts can be
automatically monitored for compliance and gathering of intelligence data. Supplier selfservice abilities include changing contact information, creating Web pages, posting
information on Web pages, managing electronic catalogs and limited programming
abilities. Supplier self-service abilities reduce administrative burden on the purchase
departments. SRM tools also facilitate auctions, the contemporary popular variant being
reverse auctions. Reverse auctions allow buyers to host the auction and watch as
suppliers post bids and drive the price down; the lowest bidder is the winner. SRM tools
provide Web space, security and electronic tools to conduct reverse auctions. Automated analytical tools allow analysis of bids on dimensions other than price.
Invoicing and settlement have become embedded in the purchase process. The purchase
requisition is generated by an employee or from a shopping cart. The generation of a PO
is automatic and delivery of the PO is accomplished via supplier portals. The goods in
transit and on the receiving docks are monitored by ASNs. The ASN is matched with the
incoming shipment by using bar codes, and is automatically routed to the proper location
in the warehouse or to the ordering employee. Incoming invoices are confirmed by the
system by matching and reconciling PO and ASN. Invoices are electronically routed for
approval and paid at the due date. SRM tools also support ERS, wherein the invoices are
dispensed with or generated from the PO and ASN.
Electronic catalogs are sustained by SRM tools. These catalogs, essential to electronic
purchasing, can be created, hosted, modified and searched by the SRM tools. Employees
can search these catalogs from their desktops and order the required items without
routing the order through the purchase department. Approvals of these purchases are
specified in the workflows and can be carried online. The receipt of goods can be
confirmed by the employee or a special central authority. If goods arrive at the shipping
docks, those goods can be routed directly to the ordering department or employee.
Payment can be approved by the employee or handled via automated procedures.
Procurement cards are used to purchase low-value items, such as office supplies. These
cards have become popular in industry, government and university settings as costsaving measures. The electronic statement coming from credit card companies can be
directly posted to the general ledger; the SRM tools can facilitate such interfacing. There
are Web-based services that enable administration of procurement cards from the
Internet. A number of internal controls can be instituted for procurement cards, though
research has shown that too much control is counterproductive in the usage of
procurement cards. SRM tools can support employee procurement cards as well as
supplier procurement cards.
SRM tools also provide a space or sourcing cockpit to deal with unforeseen situations.
The intelligence and reporting abilities of SRM tools enable slicing and dicing of supplier
data every which way. Supplier performance, purchase expenses, quality analysis and
financial analysis are supported. Key performance indicators can be captured and
communicated for managerial purposes. The SRM tools come with a number of predefined reports, and additional reports can be created using built-in tools. These supplier
databases can be exported and analyzed via spreadsheets and query languages.
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The Expenditure Cycle 227
Online management of expenses includes managing T&E expenses, since these expenses
are incurred all over the country or the globe. Online management of these expenses
involves providing Web-based tools for entering of expenses, help facilities, automatic
routing to an approval authority and prompt reimbursement through direct deposit. On
the accounting side, a database of these expenses can be used to create various reports,
perform sampling and automatic audits, and post expenses directly to the general ledger.
Online travel centers take this concept a step further. They enable enforcement of travel
policies throughout the organization and streamline reservations, issues and payments
of tickets. Travel centers can be helpful in planning and optimizing travel across the
This chapter ended with a brief coverage of fixed assets. The Web has not changed the
basic fixed-assets accounting process. Remote entries and automatic creation of assets
based on PO and invoice enables managing assets at far-flung locations through a central
site. Depreciation entries, reports on additions and betterments, and disposal of assets
can also be managed remotely, making the accounting process simpler.
Ala, M., & Brunaczki, B. (2003, Spring). Online benefits solutions – A new trend in
managing employee benefits programs. Journal of Health Care Finance, 29, 6166.
Apicella, M. (2000, June). The ABCs of enterprise procurement. InfoWorld, 22, 47-49.
Campbell, J. (2003, April). Evaluating corporate travel automation. Business Travel News,
20, 87-93.
Chandra, A. (2003). Supplier Relationship Management: What is SRM? What does it do?
How can it work for your company? (SRM white paper). Oracle. Retrieved May 8,
2003, from
Copacino, W. (2001, January). Auctions expand e-procurement menu. Logistics Management & Distribution Report, 39.
Datex. (2002). Datex: Supply chain – Warehouse Management System (data sheet).
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eSourcing: Enabling the strategic sourcing process from end-to-end with Internet
technology (white paper). (2002). A.T. Kearney. Retrieved May 10, 2003, from
eTravel, Oracle product description. (2002). Oracle. Retrieved May 10, 2003, from
Federation of Tax Administrators. (2001). Procurement cards and tax compliance:
Bridging the gap. Retrieved May 15, 2003, from
Fixed Assets, product description. (2002). Intacct Corporation. Retrieved May 11, 2003
Gibley, T. (1999, July/August). A guide to purchasing card success: Overcoming 8 key
hurdles. TMA Journal, 47-50.
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
228 Deshmukh
Gilbert, A. (2000, November). E-procurement: Problems behind the promise. Information
Week, 48-62.
Hallett, T. (2002). The automation of travel and entertainment management (white
paper). Retrieved May 12, 2003, from
i2 procurement SRM solution. (2002). I2. Retrieved May 9, 2003, from
IBM expense reporting solutions (data sheets). (2003). IBM. Retrieved May 12, 2003,
Informatica strategic sourcing analytics (data sheet). (2003). Informatica. Retrieved
May 12, 2003, from
Knaster, B. (2002, March). Payroll thrives on the Internet. Accounting Technology, 3035.
Kopp, S. (2001, January/February). Reengineering your purchasing card program.
Financial Executive, 50-51.
Martinson, B. (2002, February). The power of the P-card. Strategic Finance, 31-35.
Merson, I. (2000). Reverse auctions: An overview (white paper). Wifron. Retrieved May
15, 2003, from
Mulhem, M., & Modesitt, L. (2004). How to make purchasing cards a key to companywide savings. AFP Exchange, 24, 32-35.
mySAP Supplier Relationship Management (white paper). (2003). SAP. Retrieved May
10, 2003 from
Office of Foreign Assets Control. (2003). U.S. Treasury. Retrieved May 13, 2003, from
Oracle Internet procurement, an Oracle application (white paper). (2001). Oracle.
Retrieved May 10, 2003, from
Oracle iProcurment 11i (data sheet). (2003). Oracle. Retrieved May 10, 2003, from
Oracle Purchasing Intelligence (data sheet). (2003). Oracle. Retrieved May 10, 2003,
Palmer, R. (1996, September). Are procurement cards for you? Management Accounting,
78, 22-29.
Porter, A. (2000). A purchasing manager’s guide to the e-procurement galaxy. Retrieved
May 15, 2003, from
Procurement cards. (2003). ExpensePath. Retrieved May 15, 2003, from
Product and solution description. (2003a). Concur. Retrieved May 15, 2003, from
Product and solution description. (2003b). ExpensAble. Retrieved May 15, 2003, from
Product description and FAQ. (2003). ExpensePath. Retrieved May 16, 2003, from
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
The Expenditure Cycle 229
Pruter, R. (2001, April). Vendors offer single portal Web sites to integrate benefits
communications and administration. Employee Benefit Review, 16-20.
Purchasing. (2001, December). Bayer Corporation beefs up its procurement card
program. Retrieved May 5, 2003, from
SAP bidding engine, SAP help. (2003). SAP. Retrieved May 23, 2003, from http://
SAP customer success story. (2003). SAS. Royal Dutch/Shell Group. Retrieved May 23,
2003, from
SAP travel management (data sheet). (2003). SAP. Retrieved May 23, 2003, from
SAS supplier relationship management (white paper). (2003). SAP. Retrieved May 24,
2003, from
Self-service procurement slashing costs and saving time (white paper). (2003). SAP.
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(2003). Commerce One. Retrieved May 25, 2003, from
Supplier enablement with mySAP Supplier Relationship Management (white paper).
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Taking charge, Ericsson, the Swedish phone giant, shows how corporate credit cards
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Tausz, A. (2001, November). Easing expenses. CMA Management, 48-49.
Thompson, C. (2004, June). Inappropriate P-card practices. Internal Auditor, 61, 97-99.
The information in this section is collected from,
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Chapter VII
The Conversion Cycle
Conversion Cycle Activities
The conversion cycle spans a range of activities — product design, production planning
and control, and cost accounting. Product design is a collaborative activity and can
involve a number of specialists from different functional areas. Production planning and
control involves planning production by optimizing factors such as customer demand,
availability of materials and labor, capacity constraints, distribution constraints and
storage constraints, to mention a few. Planned manufacturing activities are carried out
by processing raw materials though a combination of machines and humans and creating
a finished product. The cost accounting system provides data useful for evaluating
production function, determining product costs and generating information for inventory valuation for external reporting purposes.
The twin objectives of quality and cost reduction have been a holy grail for manufacturing organizations. The last few decades have seen a number of methodologies, such as
material requirements planning (MRP), manufacturing resource planning (MRP II), Just
in Time (JIT), Robotics and Six Sigma, which strived to achieve these objectives. The
conversion cycle is most visible in manufacturing organizations; however, the service
industry has also benefited from conversion cycle concepts and theories. The conver-
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The Conversion Cycle 231
Exhibit 1. The conversion cycle
and control
Raw materials
Finished goods
sion cycle interfaces with different functions and departments in the organization, such
as purchasing, marketing and finance. Initial efforts for quality and cost management
focused on connecting different departments and streamlining internal operations of
As organizations succeeded in squeezing costs from internal operations and improved
product quality, their attention turned to activities and entities external to the organization. Suppliers who supplied raw materials, carriers who moved goods, distribution
networks who distributed goods and customers who fueled demand; all of these external
entities came under intense scrutiny. The field of SCM that comprehensively deals with
all these activities was born in the 1970s, but gained prominence during the 1990s. SCM
deals with the entire gamut of sourcing, production planning and control, and distribution activities to begin with! SCM, a complex field, has many definitions, many interpretations, many perspectives and no single departmental owner.
The role of accounting in the production cycle has also changed over the years. Initial
involvement of accountants with the conversion cycle was primarily in determination of
product costs and inventory valuation. Changes in the conversion cycle caused changes
in cost accounting systems. Accountants grappled with devising measurements that
align incentives of the production department with corporate objectives. Cost accounting systems evolved to measure activities (Activity-Based Cost accounting, or ABC),
product costs at the design stage (target costing), quality of products and defect rates,
and effects on inventory due to JIT philosophy, among other things. Financial measurements for determining relative profitability of products and advising on product mix,
product pricing and special decisions such as make or buy have also seen accountant
So what are exact changes due to digital accounting in the production area, especially
as they intersect accounting? The Internet has been used as an enabler or facilitator in
implementing accounting processes; however, the Internet has not been used to
substantively alter cost accounting processes in the conversion cycle. However, there
has been a number of significant developments in managing the production function due
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to Internet-based SCM software. The focus of cost management and cost accounting has
shifted from a single organization to the entire supply chain. Studying the field of SCM
is crucial to understanding digital accounting and supply chain cost accounting.
First, a conceptual view of SCM is presented, since conversion cycle activities are best
studied under the umbrella of SCM. Second, changes in different areas, such as product
design, production planning and control, and product life cycle management, are
investigated, with particular emphasis on SAP SCM software. Third, changes in cost
accounting due to SCM are explained. Finally, a summary of the chapter rounds off the
Supply Chain Management
SCM is not a new concept; in fact, managing supplies and suppliers can be traced back
to the vertical integration undertaken by the automotive industry in the 1930s. Modern
origins of SCM could be traced to the 1960s, when systematic efforts to increase
operational efficiency and inventory reduction were undertaken by corporations. Preliminary efforts were in the areas of optimizing warehousing and transportation functions. The concepts of SCM crystallized in the 1970s and 1980s, especially under the
onslaught of JIT inventory management from Japanese automotive companies. However,
the state of information technology at the time did not provide implementation capabilities. Theoretical SCM concepts continued to evolve and, by the 1990s, they embraced
the entire supply chain.
ERP systems ushered in an era of integrating internal functions of the organization.
Businesses have become relatively sophisticated in making internal production operations efficient and cost-effective. SCM was the next step, wherein outside entities were
integrated in internal operations of the company. So what is this supply chain? The
supply chain, also known as value chain or demand chain, refers to the chain of suppliers
Exhibit 2. Supply chain
ERP software
Suppliers’ suppliers
supplier network
Distributors’ distributors
distributor network
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The Conversion Cycle 233
and their suppliers, manufacturers and subcontractors, warehouses, transporters and,
finally, customers. Basically, the supply chain encompasses the process of sourcing,
procurement, manufacturing and logistics until the product is delivered to the customer;
and may even include the process of discarding or recycling products.
SCM, as the term implies, involves managing the supply chain. Management of the
supply chain involves a range of complex decisions, strategic to operational. These
decisions revolve around the right product, right price, right cost, right quality, right
quantity, right location and right customer. Historically, supply chain constituents had
adversarial relationships. Suppliers wanted long-term commitments, manufacturers
wanted quality supplies at low cost and flexibility, retailers wanted fewer empty shelves;
and even internal functions of the organization had conflicting objectives. The supply
chain operated with inherent contradictions. SCM promises to replace such contradictions by connecting and harmonizing the supply chain; at least in theory. Decisions
involved in SCM can be categorized as follows — sourcing and procurement, logistics,
production, inventory and customers.
Sourcing and procurement: The business needs strategies for selecting, identifying and nurturing suppliers. Quality, location, financial stability, reputation and
past performance are some factors that go into these decisions. Once the supplier
is chosen, then its performance needs to be measured and monitored. The process
of managing inventory, receiving goods, quality control, invoicing and settlement
needs to be standardized and automated. This area overlaps with SRM functionalities
seen in the expenditure cycle.
Logistics: Logistics refers to the process of moving raw materials from the supplier
to the manufacturer, and moving finished goods from the manufacturer to the
customer. There are interim processes of storage, warehousing and selecting
carriers to complete movement of goods. Logistics involves decisions regarding
shipment size, modes of transport, location of distribution centers, order processing costs, optimization of transport routes and a host of other variables. Logistics
models can get very complex very quickly.
Production: Strategic production decisions include location of manufacturing
facilities; make-or-buy decisions; capacity of manufacturing facilities; and strategies concerning the product, such as low-cost or niche products. Operational
details are concerned with production planning and scheduling, quality control,
packaging, routing, labor management and day-to-day management of the plant.
Inventory: Inventory management choices include JIT or MRP, safety stock, raw
material order policies, finished goods stock level, warehousing locations and
WMS, among other things.
Customers: Managing customer orders, order entry, invoicing, settlement, customer service, policies regarding sales returns, resolving customer problems and
creating efficient processes for disposal of returned goods are also considered part
of SCM. These areas obviously overlap with CRM.
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The primary objectives of SCM are to maintain the desired service levels and minimize
costs across the supply chain, sometimes referred to as global optimization. An effective
SCM also results in improved profit margins and increased manufacturing throughput.
There is nothing new in these objectives; in fact, almost all tools we have seen so far strive
for the same results. The effective SCM, however, provides visibility — all trading
partners can view each other’s requirements and can collaboratively plan, produce and
meet customer expectations.
What parts of business can be considered non-SCM? SCM covers internal operations
and external connections — chain — and most business activities fall under SCM. As
such, SCM can be considered a strategy or management philosophy. The different
techniques and philosophies we have studied so far, such as ERP, CRM or SRM, have
overlapping objectives with SCM. The software suites for ERP, CRM, SRM and SCM all
require each other’s functionalities and databases to operate successfully; the differences are getting blurred.
SCM gained real prominence in the 1990s. Information technology has been the true
enabler of SCM due to data availability and universal communication protocols. The
advent of the Internet, globalization of business, an installed and operational ERP base,
and increasing competitive pressures have accelerated the metamorphosis of SCM from
a theoretical concept to real-world applications. SCM applications are still evolving, and
may take many years to mature. The promise and performance of new technologies has
a spotty record, and SCM is no exception.
How is SCM implemented? SCM is an extremely complex process, and its implementation
is akin (or perhaps more complex) to ERP installation. SCM will involve installation of
complex software modules, often on top of an ERP system, changes in corporate policies,
redesign of workflows, changes on the shop floor; and it may extend all the way to
preparing trading partners for changes through investment and education. The implementation of SCM includes suppliers, wholesalers, distributors, customers, consultants,
software vendors, system developers and system integrators. SCM also needs support
from the top leadership, willingness of suppliers and partners to share information and
maintain confidentiality, and sharing of rewards by the dominant partner. SCM is
generally an incremental, not a big-bang, process. The list of required functionalities for
SCM implementation is lengthy, and is reviewed in the context of SAP SCM software.
SAP SCM Capabilities
SAP SCM capabilities fall under four categories: supply chain planning, supply chain
execution, supply chain collaboration and supply chain coordination. Due to the fast
evolving nature of SCM and SCM software, there is considerable terminological confusion in these four areas. The functionalities are not clearly defined, and similar
functionalities are marketed under different names. The following discussion follows
SAP software specifications, though SAP white papers are not entirely consistent,
either. Remember the oft-repeated cautionary note: Focus on functions, not on terms.
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The Conversion Cycle 235
Exhibit 3. SAP supply chain management capabilities
•Supply chain design
•Collaborative demand and supply planning
•Materials management
•Collaborative manufacturing
•Collaborative fulfillment
•Inventory collaboration hub
•Vendor managed inventory
•Collaborative replenishment planning
•Enterprise portal
•Mobile supply chain management
•Supply chain event management.
•Supply chain performance management
SAP SCM functionalities are enabled by SAP SCM tools, such as advanced planner and
optimizer, product life cycle management, enterprise buyer and CRM. In this section, SAP
SCM capabilities are conceptually discussed, and in the next section, specific SAP
software modules are discussed.
Supply Chain Planning
Supply chain planning involves two functionalities — supply chain design and collaborative demand, and supply planning. Supply chain design refers to strategic decisions
regarding location of the suppliers, operational decisions concerning optimizing logistics network and analytical capabilities to provide supply chain intelligence and perform
what-if analyses. The geographic location, size and number of suppliers in a given
location are long-term strategic decisions. These decisions affect access to customer
markets and customer service levels and, hence, are of strategic significance. SAP
provides an optimization model that considers different factors, such as capacity
constraints, production costs, taxes and local content. These models can be used for
determining and selecting location. The location decision influences transportation
costs and modes, vehicle utilization, carrier selection and inventory carrying costs,
among other things. The optimization model in the SAP SCM tools can also be used to
optimize transportation costs across the entire logistics network. Analytical tools in the
supply chain design enable: analysis of the entire supply chain to pinpoint weak points,
simulation capabilities to run scenarios to strengthen weak points or work up alternate
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scenarios and a variety of key performance indicators available in graphical and numeric
format. Supply chain design results can be connected to other supply chain modules for
consequent execution.
Collaborative demand and supply planning deals with matching actual or forecasted
customer orders with the supply chain network to fulfill these orders timely and
profitably. Demand planning involves forecasting customer demand via statistical
techniques, analysis of customer behavior, effect of marketing events on sales and
performance analysis. Statistical forecasting is effective if data is cleaned of missing
values, outliers, seasonal changes and unique variations. The SAP SCM tools offer
standardized methods for cleaning data for statistical use. Statistical forecasting techniques include univariate models, causal analysis and composite forecasting models.
Univariate models include historical data for forecasting and a range of forecasting
techniques, such as moving average, linear regression and time series models. These
techniques can be used for forecasting and planning demand. Such forecasts can be for
a single product, a group of products, region, country or for a particular time period, such
as next week or month.
Causal analysis includes estimating effects of causal variables such as price, number of
displays, type of displays and number of stores, among other things on customer
behavior. Composite forecasting allows for combining results of a variety of forecasting
techniques and creating a composite forecast. Comparison of forecasts with actuals and
subsequent analysis of deviations is also possible. Marketing events, such as promotions, are expected to spike the organization’s sales. Forecasting techniques can be used
to isolate effects of such marketing events on sales. These incremental sales from
promotional events and incremental costs of promotions (from accounting records)
enable profitability analysis of promotions. Product life cycle management can also be
integrated with demand forecasting. Questions such as whether, when and how a new
product should be launched or an existing product be discontinued can be asked and
answered. The variety of statistical techniques in this area is mind-boggling; however,
forecasts are still a combination of art and science. Performance analysis involves a
number of key performance indicators that are discussed under supply chain coordination.
The purpose of demand planning is to plan the supply. Supply planning involves
streamlining flow of materials across the supply chain and optimizing purchasing,
transportation in and out, manufacturing and inventory. Constraints that need to be
considered are: transportation costs, production capacities, warehouse limitations,
financial requirements, quotas and a host of other factors. Decisions that are made in this
phase include supplier choice, product mix, inventory build-up across the supply chain,
and transportation in and out channels, among other things. Costs involved in this
process are material costs, production costs, transportation costs, inventory costs,
warehousing and handling costs, lost sales and penalties for unfulfilled contracts. SAP
SCM tools provide approximately a dozen optimizing algorithms, such as simplex-based,
branch and bound methods, and constraint-based optimization. If incoming customer
orders differ in priority, then capable-to-match functionality can be used. This function
can establish customer order priority, search the supply chain for raw and intermediate
products, route production through desired manufacturing locations and fill the orders
in a timely fashion.
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The Conversion Cycle 237
The purchasing and production plan is followed by a distribution plan. Distribution
planning involves supplying products to distribution centers. This supply may be based
on raising stock levels in all distribution centers proportionately, the demand faced by
each center or the priority of customer orders. The next step is transportation planning
— to the distribution centers and then to the ultimate customers. Transportation
decisions are complex, and variables such as types of carriers used, types of vehicles
used, maximum and minimum capacity of the vehicles, routes used, costs on different
routes, and current and expected demand. SAP SCM tools use these variables to optimize
transportation decisions; that is, minimize transportation costs and maintain service
Supply Chain Execution
Supply chain execution involves managing materials for production, manufacturing and
fulfillment of orders in collaboration with trading partners. Materials management strives
to procure the right raw materials at the right time, right place and right cost. SRM tools,
seen in the expenditure cycle, can be used in buying direct materials — that is, raw
materials — and these purchases are called planned sourcing. The ERP system determines raw materials requirements based on a production schedule, and the resulting
purchase requisitions are forwarded to the central purchasing system. The purchasing
system refers to the sourcing rules and forwards those requisitions to the preferred
suppliers as POs. The invoicing and settlement process is identical to the one in the
expenditure cycle. SRM tool functionalities, such as supplier self-service, auctions,
contract management and purchasing intelligence, are also available in planned sourcing. If the final product or parts of the product are to be outsourced, then such
subcontracting can be automated through materials management. The rest of the
functionalities are inventory management and VMI, which are seen later.
Inventory management involves maintaining the required inventory quantity and value.
The quantity on hand, quantity in the receiving department, quantity on order and
quantity at different locations can be seen at any point in time. As materials are
requisitioned to production, the inventory levels — that is, inventory quantity and
inventory value — are updated. Designated cost accounts and general ledger accounts
are also updated simultaneously. Inventory valuation using moving average price or
standard costs is available for external reporting purposes. Inventory can be separated
into two categories — standard and special — for efficient management. The standard
category includes inventory ready for issue, undergoing quality control and reserved for
special uses. The special category includes inventory that is valued, owned or managed
under different criteria; for example, consignment inventory, packaging materials to be
returned by customers after receipt of order and inventory earmarked for subcontractors.
Collaborative manufacturing encompasses mechanisms for sharing production information across the supply chain to coordinate production activities. Production strategies
vary based on industry and business, and include engineered-to-order, configure-toorder, make-to-order and make-to-stock. Engineered-to-order products may involve
complex projects and product design and development activities. Configure-to-order
products allow customers to choose from various product options and customize the
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product. Make-to-order decisions involve making products based on customer orders;
and make-to-stock entails making products based on a demand forecast. These production processes and associated procurement and product design activities must be
supported to enable collaborative manufacturing.
The current status of a product should be visible to customers, production personnel and
suppliers. Changes in the design, quality and quantity of raw materials, product
specification and product order need to be communicated quickly across the supplier
chain. Such communication allows partners to change their production schedules and
manage their supply chains more efficiently. SCM tools are used in optimizing production
schedules once production strategy and procurement processes are in place. Production
schedules are inherently uncertain, and the optimization algorithms need to constantly
adjust for changing constraints. These algorithms can be standard mathematical techniques, user-specified heuristics or a hybrid thereof. The final step in collaborative
manufacturing is actual production. For a manufacturing organization, production
activities are a core process, and these activities interface with cost accounting, time and
labor management, warehouses and materials management, to mention a few. The
information that flows across these departments should be synchronized, and changes
need to be captured in real time. SAP SCM tools, as an integrated package, enable these
Collaborative fulfillment consists of fulfilling customer orders on time, reacting to
changes in customer orders in real time, adjusting for changes in customer order
priorities, and avoiding expensive inventory buildup or shortfall. The achievement of
these objectives depends on the extent of integration and collaboration across the
supply chain. Online product configuration and design functionality enable designing
products in collaboration with geographically scattered suppliers and design teams, and
these functionalities are supported by SAP SCM software. Another feature is AvailableTo-Promise (ATP), which enables a local and global search for finished good, parts,
machine availability and capacity, or accessibility of intermediate products across the
supply chain. Based on this analysis, the ATP feature provides expected date of delivery
to the customer. ATP helps manufacturing by coordinating procurement and production,
and helps sales by faster delivery and product substitutions.
Collaborative fulfillment is also supported by intelligent allocation of products to
different distribution centers and customers based on demand and customer order
priorities. However, priorities of customer orders can change or unexpected new orders
may arrive, which may disrupt fulfillment schedules. In such cases, all suppliers and
internal functions of the organization can be informed of production schedule changes
and allocation of products using the SCM software. Finally, logistics management and
warehouses are also integrated to ensure low cost and fast movement of materials for
effective fulfillment of customer orders.
Supply Chain Collaboration
Supply chain collaboration is required in the context of all supply chain activities;
however, in this section, the focus is on inventory- and demand-related collaboration.
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The Conversion Cycle 239
A few areas have been covered earlier, though additional details and a few new
collaborative areas are discussed here. SAP ICH (Inventory Collaboration Hub) is the
Internet-based solution, and its purpose is to increase inventory visibility and enhance
collaboration across the supply chain. The primary functions of SAP ICH are listed
Communication with suppliers: Suppliers can see the status of their parts and
materials by accessing ICH via Web, e-mail or other mobile devices. Suppliers can
also get special reports from the organization, which can provide aggregate and
disaggregate information regarding inventory. The suppliers can review these
trends in the inventory buildup and consumption, and adjust production accordingly.
User designed alerts: ICH enables suppliers to design customized alerts, which are
triggered based on pre-defined events, such as quantities, percentages and
consumption. These alerts can be delivered through a variety of electronic
Integration with backend accounting systems: ICH comes with an XML-based
interface, which SAP claims can be integrated with any back-end accounting
system, including legacy systems.
VMI is another collaborative application in this area. VMI is also known as supplier
managed inventory, consignment inventory and consignment stores. Traditionally, the
customer placed an order with the vendor (or supplier) as per inventory requirements.
The supplier had no idea concerning the customer’s needs and had to hold safety stock
or expedite the orders to fulfill demand. In VMI, the customer’s inventory levels,
consumption patterns and demand forecasts are integrated into the supplier’s inventory
Exhibit 4. Vendor managed inventory
Available inventory
Sales patterns
Demand forecast
Monitor inventory levels
Monitor production/consumption patterns
Forecast future inventory requirements
Ship inventory at appropriate intervals
Minimize transportation costs
Stock shelves
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management system. VMI shifts responsibility of maintaining and managing (certain)
customer inventory levels from the customer to the supplier. As the customer needs
inventory, the supplier’s system will automatically generate POs and produce and ship
the necessary products. The most famous example of VMI is the agreement between
Procter & Gamble and WalMart in the late 1980s.
VMI involves three distinct phases. First, customer inventory requirements must be
estimated by continuous monitoring of customer inventory levels and sophisticated
forecasting techniques. Second, required inventory should be shipped to customer
locations by minimizing transportation costs. Finally, the customer’s shelves must be
stocked once goods reach the desired location, be it may a retail store, a parts room in
the factory or shelves in the warehouse. The agreement between the supplier and
customer is negotiated at the front end. The agreement deals with division of responsibilities, transportation modes, carrier selection, required service levels, key performance
measures and penalties for non-fulfillment, among other things. Despite agreements,
VMI requires a high level of trust and collaboration between the supplier and customer.
VMI implementation methods differ, and almost each VMI application is unique in some
way. VMI can be vendor controlled. Vendors remotely monitor and manage customer
inventory and usage patterns and fill in the shelves as needed. VMI can also be customer
controlled; for example, if the customer has multiple locations, logistics and transportation may be handled by the customer’s personnel. VMI is also not one single methodology; there are several VMI models, and the applicable model needs to chosen carefully.
In any case, VMI needs electronic transmission of information, often using the Internet.
VMI installations also use EDI transmissions if both parties are EDI capable.
VMI can be viewed as a value-added service activity. VMI provides inventory visibility
across the supply chain, decreases inventory levels for the supplier and the customer,
reduces logistical complexity and transportation costs, optimizes manufacturing and
increases services levels — all the way up to the retail level. Additionally, procurement
and administrative costs are lowered due to reduction of paperwork. Currently, hundreds
of software vendors are supplying VMI software, and scores of consulting firms
specialize in VMI implementation. The success of VMI can be inferred from the fact that
almost every large corporation has some form of VMI in place.
VMI also has limitations. VMI contracts have been canceled by numerous customers due
to implementation failures. First, VMI is a strategic decision, and VMI’s success largely
depends on support from top management. Second, the level of collaboration is limited.
If the disaggregation of data is not carried to the necessary level, the strategic benefits
of VMI may not materialize. Third, the internal objectives of the customer and the
objectives of VMI should be aligned. The procurement staff of the customer may resist
introduction of VMI and may put forth roadblocks as VMI rolls. Fourth, the customer may
have high expectations, and these may not be fulfilled immediately, resulting in disappointment. Finally, performance measures must be clearly specified and quantifiable.
Another concept that is closely tied to VMI is called Collaborative Planning, Forecasting,
and Replenishment (CPFR). CPFR builds on a number of practices such as VMI, Jointly
Managed Inventory (JMI), Continuous Replenishment Planning (CRP) and Efficient
Consumer Response (ECR). CPFR standards are established by Vendor Interindustry
Commerce Standards (VICS) and can be found at CPFR strives to align
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The Conversion Cycle 241
Exhibit 5. Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment
Joint strategies
Consistent plan
Single forecast
Sales patterns
Demand forecast
demand and supply through trading partner data interchange, exception-based management and collaborative work on problems that impede such alignment.
CPFR in terms of objectives sounds similar to the number of techniques seen so far, and
it is. The primary difference is in implementation of the CPFR methodology. The CPFR
process creates a joint strategy and consistent vision for supply chain partners. Such
strategy then drives the operational concerns of production, marketing and distribution.
The detailed process of CPFR can be described as follows.
Collaborative arrangement and planning: The supplier and customer jointly
devise a strategic plan. This plan may consider demand forecasts, promotional
activity, production patterns, product data and any other requisite information.
The strategies regarding what products to sell, how those will be merchandised and
promoted, and the time period are specified. This results in a consistent plan for
both the supplier and customer. By focusing on the flow of materials to the
customer, this plan helps unearth constraints and bottlenecks in the process,
which are then managed or neutralized. This understanding is made legal via
agreements and contracts. A sample CPFR contract is available at,
Forecasting sales: A single forecast is developed based on sales data, production
capacities and promotional activities. This forecast is an iterative process and each
partner must fully commit to the forecast before it is finalized. This single forecast
is split in two parts – order forecast and sales forecast. The order forecast
represents demand between the supplier and the customer, and sales forecast
represents demand from the customer’s customers. The forecast process considers
bottlenecks and constraints in the execution of the plan and devises measures to
overcome those weaknesses.
Production and distribution plans: Based on the single forecast, production,
shipping and replenishment plans are developed. CPFR claims that most of added
value results from a single forecast, which is based on the shared information and
is much more accurate than other forecasting methods.
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CPFR is enabled by electronic exchange of data, primarily over the Internet. CPFR
standards enable open and secure communications, flexibility, support for different data
types and interoperability across differing protocols. Many organizations also use EDI
in CPFR. The CPFR scenario discussed so far includes two partners, or two tiers — the
supplier and customer. The CPFR that deals with the entire supply chain or, in a vertically
integrated industry that deals with more than two partners, is called n-tier CPFR. Though
more complex, the core ideas behind n-tier CPFR are similar to the two-tier CPFR.
The primary advantages of CPFR are removing bottlenecks and constraints to fulfill
customer expectations, optimizing production and distribution facilities, and streamlining administration and operations. Problems in CPFR are maintenance of trust and
confidentiality between partners, continuing dynamic data interchange, joint resolution
of unforeseen problems and continuing support from top management. The financial
results of CPFR can be measured in terms of increased revenue, decrease in production
and distribution costs, and return on assets.
SAP supports CPFR standards and enables exchange of sales forecasts, exchange of
order forecasts and generation of production orders. SAP SCM capabilities include
support for standards from XML to EDI. SAP also supports measurement of key
performance indicators and sharing of this intelligence between the partners. Actual
fulfillment can be monitored using other SAP tools, and exceptions can be handled in real
Another important supply chain collaboration tool is mobile supply chain management.
This tool basically deals with connecting to the network using mobile and remote
devices. The mobile SCM capabilities of interest to accountants include automation of
Exhibit 6. Steps in CPFR
1. Develop collaboration arrangement
2. Create joint business plan
3. Create sales forecast
6. Create order forecast
7. Identify exceptions for order forecast
8. Resolve/Collaborate on exception items
4. Identify exceptions for sales forecast
9. Order generation
5. Resolve/Collaborate on exception items
Delivery execution
Note: A nine step CPFR process as outlined at
The feedback loops are not shown in this diagram.
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The Conversion Cycle 243
data collection activities on the shop floor and warehouses. Bar codes and other methods
can be used in data collection activities that are useful in tracking raw materials, work in
process and finished goods. Additionally, bar codes also enable accurate collection of
product costs.
Supply Chain Coordination
SAP SCM coordination capabilities consist of managing events such as issuance of
materials or shipment of goods and evaluating performance of the supply chain using
key performance measures. Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM) monitors supply
chain activities, such as procurement, production and sales order processing, and makes
information available to supply chain constituents. Suppliers need to know status of
shipments, payment of invoices and POs in the pipeline. Manufacturers require informa-
Exhibit 7. Oracle supply chain intelligence performance measures (Source:
Order to cash
Procure to pay
Operational costs
Booking ($)
Booking margin %
Billing ($)
Cancellation %
Return %
Shipping backlog ($)
Billing backlog ($)
Unbilled shipments backlog ($)
Delinquent backlog ($)
Number of orders shipped
Number of orders fulfilled
Number of orders fully shipped
% of orders one day book to ship (SCOR)
Number of orders one day book to ship
% of orders one day pick to ship
Number of orders one day pick to ship
Order entry cycle time (SCOR)
Book to ship cycle time (SCOR)
Book to fulfill cycle time (SCOR)
Book to pick cycle time
Pick to ship cycle time
Order to pay cycle time
Order to receive cycle time (SCOR)
Receive to pay cycle time
Product sales
Cost of goods sold
Product gross margin %
Product sales revenue growth %
Inventory value ($)
Inventory value %
On hand inventory value
On hand inventory quantity
WIP value
Inventory turns
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tion regarding status of intermediate products, finished products and inventory levels.
SCEM can supply information to these constituents, though the extent and depth of
information for external constituents depends on the authorization granted to them.
SCEM not only monitors supply chain activities, but can flag problems based on the
business rules programmed into the system. If incoming shipments are short or late,
standard operating procedures will be invoked. Authorized managers will be contacted
and informed regarding problems with shipments. The production schedule may get
adjusted automatically, alternate suppliers may be requested to provide goods, and
customers might be informed of problems with finished products delivery. SCEM
provides exception-based management abilities using three mechanisms described
Notification: The authorized manager, set of managers or trading partners are
notified. Problems then can be solved individually or in collaboration with partners.
Simulation: The system can simulate alternate scenarios for the problem activity
and suggest alternatives. For example, if the shipment is short by a certain number
of units, alternate suppliers having a ready supply may be identified and suggested. The analysis also comes with costs associated with each action.
Collaboration: SCEM enables collaboration by learning from past events. If
shipments from certain region are consistently delayed, such delay is factored into
every activity that relies on shipments from that region. SCEM may spot patterns
and suggest revising standards or fixing certain problems. The efficacy of SCEM
solutions depends on the knowledge programmed into the system, and may vary
according to the industry and business.
The final component is Supply Chain Performance Management (SCPM). Unless there
are quantifiable, reliable and understandable performance measures, the whole edifice of
SCM will be dysfunctional or may crumble altogether. SAP provides the following
guidelines concerning SCPM.
Align metrics with strategic objectives of the organization
Assign owners (individuals or teams) to all measures
Provide precise definition — metrics must be unique and comprehensible
Use few parameters (less than five per process)
Ensure that performance measures are easy to collect and reproducible
Avoid conflicting goals
If you remember the FedEx guidelines for SRM performance measures from the expenditure cycle, you will see remarkable similarities in SAP and FedEx guidelines. The
importance of performance measures is even more critical in SCM, since we are dealing
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The Conversion Cycle 245
with external partners who may have different internal incentive systems. Supply Chain
Council ( has developed a model called Supply Chain Operations Reference model (SCOR) that provides guidance on supply chain performance
The SCOR model is organized according to following processes — plan, source, make
and deliver. The model covers interaction under each process; for example, customer
interaction (order to payment), physical material transactions (supplier to factory, in the
factory, factory to warehouse and warehouse to customer) and market interactions
(demand to fulfillment of orders). The model is specified for multiple industries and
businesses. SAP SCPM capabilities support the SCOR industry standard. SCPM comes
with hundreds of pre-configured performance measures that can be used in SCPM.
The primary issues of interest for us are functionalities of the SCM software and its
connections with ERP, CRM, SRM, and other tools we have seen so far. SCM software
is supplied by numerous software vendors. This software ranges from add on modules
from the independent software vendors, integrated packages offered by the ERP
vendors, specialized pieces of software, for example, supply chain intelligence module,
and a number of combinations thereof. SCM software itself has a number of modules, and
different software vendors package different modules under the garb of SCM. This
section looks at the SAP SCM modules as SAP is the preferred software in this book.
SCM software generally runs on top of ERP software. Theoretically, ERP software is not
a pre-requisite; you can even manually feed data to the SCM software. In practice, unless
the business in integrated internally via some type of ERP system, successful operation
of the SCM software is well nigh impossible. Apart from the ERP system, the SCM
software may need additional supporting modules. The extent of supporting modules
depends on the capabilities of the SCM software and the expectations of the business
from the SCM software. SAP SCM software provides a comprehensive view of the myriad
of these requirements for SCM software. A word of caution: Many businesses may not
need such an elaborate suite of products, many businesses may need more functionalities
offered by the software, and the suitability of the software will vary depending on the
industry, type of business, size of business, depth and breadth of supply chain, and a
number of other factors.
Supporting modules for SAP SCM software are as follows: enterprise portal, business
information warehouse, knowledge warehouse and exchange infrastructure. These
components are also enablers for SRM functionalities. These modules were reviewed in
the revenue and expenditure cycle and are not discussed here.
SAP SCM modules that run on top of the preceding supporting modules are advanced
planner and optimizer, product life cycle management, enterprise buyer and customer
relationship management. SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO) is the core
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module in SCM. APO is a set of software or a package of tools that supports a variety
of SCM functions, such as planning, scheduling and real-time decision support. The core
modules of APO and their functionalities are discussed below.
Demand planning: This tool provides for structured demand planning methodology and provides forecasting algorithms. The process starts with historical data,
building forecasts, refining forecast models, monitoring forecast errors, and
performing historical comparisons of forecasts with actual sales. Forecasts can be
created for products, a class of products, regions, time periods, and even for
characteristics of configurable products. For example, if a red car with six-cylinder
engine sells better than cars in other colors, this fact can be incorporated in the
forecast. The forecast can be integrated backwards with a bill of materials to derive
requirements for raw materials.
Supply network planning: The demand plan is used to plan for sourcing, procurement, transportation and production activities. A single consistent model for the
entire supply chain can be developed with appropriate constraints and penalties
and can be optimized using powerful optimization methods.
Deployment function: This function determines inventory deployment to
distribution centers, warehouses, VMI accounts and production lines. This
deployment is based on business strategies, such as minimization of transportation costs, required safety stocks and replenishment strategies.
Transportation builder: This function can be used for maximizing capacity
and minimizing costs of transportation fleets.
Supplier networks
SAP enterprise buyer
Exhibit 8. Details of SAP SCM tools
Supporting software modules
•SAP enterprise portal
•SAP business information warehouse
•SAP knowledge warehouse
•SAP exchange infrastructure
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The Conversion Cycle 247
Global available to promise: This tool is used to provide expected delivery dates
to customers. APO uses a global multi-level search to assess the list of existing
orders, current production schedule, production capacity at different locations
and any other programmed factors, and provides an expected delivery date on a
particular order. Availability check methods include basic, advanced or rule-based
methods. These methods also provide explanations for results and simulation
capabilities. The simulation capabilities can be used to vary production locations,
warehouse locations and transportation methods, to mention a few. This feature
also has a shipment and transportation facility that automatically schedules
shipping of promised deliveries.
Production planning and detailed scheduling: This tool is useful in planning
production in multiple facilities and then optimizing such production by considering inventory availability and production capacity. Such facilities are useful in
planning critical products with long replenishment lead times or requiring bottleneck sources. This tool enables reduction of lead times, improvement in lead times,
increase in throughput and decrease in inventory costs.
Network design: This planning tool has strategic and operational applications. At
the strategic level, network design can be used to analyze the existing or proposed
supply chain; variables such as positioning of locations, territorial divisions,
transportation costs and carrier selection can be evaluated. This function comes
with a what-if ability to analyze different configurations of the supply chain.
Simulations can be carried out for different demand-and-supply patterns and
different cost and production capacity constraints. At the operational level, this
same analysis can be carried out to minimize costs and maximize service levels for
the existing supply chain.
Transportation planning: The transportation planner enables optimal use of
transportation fleets, helps vehicle scheduling and route determination that can be
adjusted in real time, decides transportation mode, selects carriers, maximizes
loading of different vehicles and allows for lowering of costs.
Supply chain collaboration: The purpose of this tool is to enable collaboration
amongst supply chain partners via collaborative engine and ITS. This tool allows
for exchange of information between trading partners, use of a browser to access
and modify data, security by means of authorization and authentication, and
support of exception-based management by monitoring and real-time alerts.
Supply chain monitoring: The supply chain is monitored using three sub-tools:
alert monitor, plan monitor and supply chain cockpit.
Alert monitor: The alert monitor watches demand plans, production plans and
vehicle schedules, and alerts if actual activity deviates from the plan. An alert
is routed to an approved manager, enabling management by exception.
Plan monitor: The plan monitor can be used to assess an individual production plan, compare a plan with different plans, assign scores and provide
advice on the soundness of the plan. Key measures, which can be configured
by the planner, can be displayed in tables or graphs.
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Supply Chain Cockpit (SCC): SCC provides a graphical interface that can be
used to manage and control the entire supply chain. SCC can be used to
perform the following functions.
View the entire supply chain at various detail levels
View, investigate and experiment with supply chain component relationships
Query data in the APO system
Provide key performance measures
Track alerts and respond to them.
SCC can be divided into individual work areas. Different decision makers can work
on different supply chain areas. SCC can be used by strategic planners, demand
planners, supply network planners, production planners and production schedulers.
SAP APO is a complex module; in fact, the eight sub-areas of APO listed above are
complex in themselves. APO has an open standard interface, and SAP claims that APO
can interact with heterogeneous software environments and can seamlessly integrate
even with non-SAP systems. The tools in the APO can be used at strategic, planning and
operational levels.
The next module to enable SAP SCM capabilities is SAP Product Life Cycle Management
(PLCM). The PLCM module can manage products and assets from the design phase to
retirement phase. PLCM supports evaluating existing product portfolio, identifying
market threats and planning new products for the future. New products can be designed,
developed and evaluated online. The changes in existing products can be executed and
production schedules changed. Finally, maintenance of existing products, after-sales
service and management of long-term assets can also be performed. Detailed functionalities
in these areas are briefly discussed below.
Life cycle data management: Life Cycle Data Management (LCDM) involves
managing data for products and assets from design to retirement phases. LCDM
integrates with a wide range of CAD tools to support online and offline design of
products. LCDM also supports Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
tools, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Microsoft Office applications.
LCDM has an XML interface to quickly connect with third-party tools.
LCDM offers handling of different product features and requirement documents,
bill-of-materials, routing of materials, CAD models and other technical documentation over the Internet and intranet. These functionalities can be used for online
design of products, managing changes to existing products, releasing product
changes to engineering and production lines, and supporting decisions concerning discontinuation of products.
Program and project management: Classic project management techniques, such
as controlling project structures, scheduling activities, estimating costs and
resources, and Critical Path Method (CPM) are supported by this function. Projects
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The Conversion Cycle 249
can be monitored online, a global view of current projects can be derived, and
aggregate tools that support cross-project management can be used in management of programs and projects.
Life cycle collaboration: This function uses an XML-based interface and the
Internet to connect development teams and engineers. External parties such as
contractors, suppliers and customers can exchange data such as drawings, service
bulletins, product manuals and parts information.
Quality management (QM): QM provides support for the quality loop specified by
ISO 9004. This quality loop consists of planning (market research, concept, design,
testing and production planning), implementation (production, inspections, storage and shipping) and usage (maintenance and disposal). Employees in charge of
quality can access the services and quality-related documents through the enterprise portal.
The QM module is connected to the enterprise buyer for supporting procurement
activities. Historical quality records of a supplier, quality requirements for a new
product and changes in existing quality requirements can be communicated to
interested parties for further action.
Asset life cycle management (ALCM): ALCM is used to manage physical assets
and equipment from investment to retirement phases. ALCM can be used to rank
assets according to cost, maintenance and support in the purchase phase. Once
installed, the ALCM can be used to monitor equipment malfunctions, manage
Exhibit 9. SAP APO components
Supply chain monitoring
•Alert monitors
•Plan monitors
•Supply Chain Cockpit
•Sales orders
Demand planning
•Forecasting Methods
Production planning
Detailed scheduling
Transportation planning
•Transportation plan
•Vehicle scheduling
Supply network planning
•Deployment function
•Transportation builder
Network design
Supply chain collaboration
•Collaborative engine
•Internet transaction server
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equipment modifications and upgrades, and design and execute maintenance
schedules. Asset costs are available on an individual and aggregate basis; and
related calculations, such as depreciation, can be automated. Asset replacement
decisions are aided by analyses of compatibility of new machines with existing
machines, maintenance schedules and costs for new machines, comparison of
capacity and cost and other pertinent factors.
Environment, health and safety: Environment, health and safety issues include
product safety, hazardous materials management, dangerous goods management,
industrial hygiene, occupational health and waste management. Federal and state
regulations in these areas mandate collection of certain data and require standardized work procedures. Such records can be kept and other ancillary functions can
be performed with the PLCM module.
The SAP Enterprise Buyer module is the nexus for SAP SRM tools, which was discussed
in the expenditure cycle. Enterprise buyer is also used in planned sourcing; that is,
purchases of direct raw materials. Purchasing can be done in an automated mode and also
by employees as self-service. This module interfaces with employees, purchase professionals, managers, suppliers and content mangers. Employees can search electronic
catalogs, order required goods, check status of inventory and ordered goods, and
confirm goods delivered or services performed. Purchase professionals can create bid
invitations, manage received bids, create purchase contracts and process incomplete
purchase orders. Managers can use this module to set up workflows for approving
shopping carts or purchase requisitions. Suppliers can enter delivery of goods or
services and, if authorized, invoices into the system. Content managers can manage
electronic catalogs by importing and structuring content from suppliers, creating new
product catalogs or organizing existing product catalogs.
Exhibit 10. SAP PLCM components
Life Cycle Data Management
Program and project management
Life Cycle Collaboration
Quality Management
Asset Life Cycle Management
Environment, health, and safety
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The Conversion Cycle 251
The final module included in SAP SCM is SAP CRM. CRM is primarily used in forecasting
sales. APO requires information regarding incoming sales orders to plan back-end
activities. If sales orders are managed in the CRM module, then APO must have access
to such data for planning purposes. Thus, the CRM module should also be connected
to the ERP system or to APO for feeding sales-related data. Another interesting
application of integration of SCM and CRM capabilities is extension of Global ATP. The
extension involves the ability to answer the question — is it Profitable to Promise (PTP)?
Incoming customer orders specify quality, quantity, delivery dates and service requirements, if any. If the item is in stock or if production capacity exists, then answers to orderfilling questions are easy. If the plant is running at capacity, should such an order be
accepted? The costs involved now are not only product costs, but also extra costs, such
as disrupted production, delayed shipments to other customers, and rescheduled
logistics. The decision still seems fairly easy to make. But wait! What if the customer is
important to us? If maintenance of a long-term relationship with this customer is more
important than making money on the order, the order should be filled. The CRM software
helps quantify the customer value and match it with expected costs. Alternatives, such
as accept order, accept order but raise price, outsource production or reject order, can
explored by combining SCM and CRM capabilities.
APO, PLCM, enterprise buyer and CRM modules enable SAP SCM capabilities, and all
of these modules generally run on top of an ERP system. The types of modules used, the
configurations of these modules and the deployments of various modules depend on the
size of the organization, nature of the industry, financial considerations and a number
of other factors. The demands on the SCM tools are enormous, and these change per
business and industry. As such, it is not surprising that software supporting these
business processes will also be large and complicated. Practical problems in implementing such a package are not discussed here.
Supply Chain Cost Accounting
The integration of functional areas via ERP and intra-business collaboration due to SCM
and CRM has led to merging of cost accounting in organizational information flows. The
cost accounting focus is not only on internal costs, but now are also on supply chain
costs. Typical internal cost accounting functions supported by ERP packages include
support for traditional cost accounting techniques, such as standard costing, variable
costing, application of overheads and inventory valuation for external reporting purposes. Additionally, advanced cost accounting techniques, such as activity-based
costing, activity-based cost management, balanced scorecard, resource-consumption
accounting and customized-cost accounting techniques are also supported by ERP
packages. Cost accounting simulations and what-if abilities are also included in the
toolset. These are useful in optimizing supply chain costs. The rest of this section is as
follows: First, costs involved in the supply chain are reviewed. Second, cost accounting
features of the ERP/SCM software are introduced. This is a general, brief review and not
restricted to effects of the Web and Internet.
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Exhibit 11. Supply chain costs
ERP software
Suppliers’ suppliers
supplier network
Distributors’ distributors
distributor network
Cost flow
SO processing costs
Transportation-in costs
PO processing costs
Product costs
Material costs
Supply chain inventory costs
SO processing costs
lost sales
Transportation-out costs
Returns costs
Warranties costs
Service costs
Supply chain financing costs
Supply chain costs by definition include costs across the supply chain, including order
processing costs, transportation-in and -out costs, material costs, product costs,
warehousing, and supply chain-wide inventory and financing costs. These costs are
described below.
Order processing costs: Order processing costs include processing of POs for raw
materials and sales orders for finished goods; order capture, validation, sourcing
and distribution. The time and effort of the staff assigned to handle these orders,
paperwork, searching for lost orders, order expediting, order confirmations, order
pickings, billings and invoice reconciliation are all examples of costs incurred in
order processing. Order processing costs are incurred by suppliers and by sellers.
These costs can be lowered by automating orders, EDI or eliminating orders such
as in VMI or CPFR.
Transportation-in and -out costs: These costs comprise a large portion of supply
chain costs. The measure for transportation-in costs is ratio of total transportationin costs to total material purchases. Transportation-out is measured by a ratio of
transportation-out costs to cost of goods sold, sales revenue or total fleet
operating costs. Transportation costs and inventory costs are generally related;
for example, transportation costs can be reduced by building inventory and vice
versa. Transportation optimization models that consider these different costs are
used to manage transportation-in and -out costs.
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The Conversion Cycle 253
Material costs: These are easily quantifiable as prices paid for materials. However,
we need to factor in quality of materials. Materials not up to standards can cause
shortages due to rejections, production problems and sub-par finished product.
SRM and SCM tools specially pay attention to quality metrics in deciding among
approved suppliers.
Product costs: These costs include costs of materials, labor and allocated overheads.
Quality initiatives and activity-based management techniques are routinely used
to control product costs and improve quality.
The costs of returned products, warranty costs and after-sales service costs also
need to be considered. These may be calculated as the total cost of ownership and
must be minimized, since these may be borne by the producer.
Supply chain inventory costs: One of the objectives of SCM is to decrease
inventories throughout the supply chain, since inventories are costly. Inventory
costs include financing costs, handling costs, wastage and storage costs, among
other things.
Supply chain financing costs: These costs capture funds invested in managing the
supply chain. Collaborative activities must be planned and appropriate software
purchased and operationalized — these activities consume money and time, along
with time invested by management. Inventory carrying costs are sometimes
included in this category. SCM software strives to make these costs visible, and
then optimizes those costs through different techniques.
In the ERP and SCM software world, cost accounting tools can be grouped under three
headings: traditional cost accounting tools, analytical and reporting tools, and proactive
tools. Traditional cost accounting tools are the tools for various methods for measuring
product costs, different techniques for allocating overheads and inventory valuation
methods. Analytical and reporting tools enable simulating different cost scenarios,
what-if analyses, comparison of budgets and standard costs with actuals, and other
reports useful to the organization. Proactive tools permit costing in a dynamic environment, estimating costs across the supply chain and simulating planned scenarios. The
primary effect of these tools on cost accounting is that cost accounting can perform both
reactive and proactive roles.
Traditional cost accounting focuses on product costs and involves cost accumulation,
cost allocation and inventory valuation. ERP packages support cost accumulation in real
time, and costs can be observed for each batch, overhead expenses can be automatically
allocated and unit product costs can be calculated. If standard cost accounting is used,
then variances can be calculated at pre-defined intervals. Inventory can be valued using
LIFO, FIFO or average costing methods. As materials are issued, cost of goods sold and
inventory entries can be created automatically. Cost accounting calculations are linked
to the financial accounting module, and inventory values can be transferred to those
modules for financial reporting purposes.
Activity-based costing and activity-based management is supported by most ERP
systems; Oracle has an add-on module, whereas SAP has an external partner to supply
the necessary software. Managing profits centers by defining cost objects, such as
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Exhibit 12. Oracle traditional cost accounting features (source:
Product costing
Allocation of
manufacturing, and
maintenance costing
Use multiple cost elements with unlimited sub-elements,
resources, and activities to define cost item structure
Report and view assembly costs by level
Assign multiple material overheads to items
Assign multiple resources to routing operations
Apply overhead costs on a fixed or variable basis
Roll up costs for engineering prototypes
Roll up costs for a single level or multiple levels in bills
of material
Copy a current bill of material to an alternate bill when
you perform a cost rollup
Roll up costs by cost type
Roll up costs based on alternate bills and routings
Update standard costs any time to revalue inventory and
work in process
Fixed amount per lot
Percent of item value
Percent of resource value
Amount per resource unit
Automatically create all work in process accounting
View work in process account balances by transaction,
job, or schedule
Automatically revalue work in process after standard cost
Variance reporting and control
Use standard, average, LIFO, or FIFO costing
Maintain perpetual inventory costs
Automatically create all inventory accounting entries
Analyze accounting transactions online
Track asset, expense items, and locations
Use rule-based accounting for revenue and cost of goods
Automatically revalue inventory after standard or average
cost changes
Maintain perpetual balances, discrete jobs, and schedules
products or customers, or allocation of indirect costs by identifying activities, resources
and objects, is generally supported. Activity-based management can be carried out by
using activity-based cost accounting data and analyzing cost drivers, activities and
A number of studies have shown that for SCM, the traditional cost accounting focus on
internal costs is not adequate; activity-based costing and target-costing approaches are
more useful. The analytical, reporting and proactive tools support these functions.
Target costing: Changes in product cost due to changes in sourcing, product
design and manufacturing facilities can be simulated. Cost elements such as
material, labor and overhead, and effects of outsourcing on product cost can be
estimated and different scenarios evaluated. Overheads can be allocated using
activities, resources and cost drivers, and if standard costing is used, variances can
be simulated and incorporated.
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The Conversion Cycle 255
Exhibit 13. Oracle activity-based cost accounting features (source:
Cost assignment and
Cost drivers
Visual tracing
Assign costs four ways:
o Department account to Department
o Department account to Activity
o Activity to Activity
o Activity to Department
Compute cost assignment distribution using statistical or
account methods
Assign costs using multi-stage mapping-allows cost
assignments to flow through multiple sets of departments
and activities
Create multiple mapping calculations and effective rule
Assign activities, materials, and cost objects to bill
Define activity hierarchies to facilitate activity cost rollup
Define an unlimited number of bill and activity
Import cost drivers from external systems
Compute drivers based on statistical or account data
Assign multiple drivers to the same activity
Mapping - Assign costs to departments and activities
Activity rates - Compute rates based on activity costs and
related drivers; use local or rolled up rates
Material unit cost - Compute material unit cost based on
total cost and usage data
Activity cost rollup - Sum up activity data based on a
defined activity hierarchy
Cost object unit cost - Sum all activities, materials, and
sub components based on consumption quantities for a
selected bill type
Extensions - Extend material unit costs and cost object
unit costs based on related statistics
Trace cost components back to their source department
View online in trace stack window
Trace by stock consumption or by total amounts
What-if analysis: What-if analyses include estimating changes in raw material
costs, transportation costs and products due to changes in SCM. Cost changes
due to engineering changes, new products and classic make-or-buy decisions can
be analyzed and evaluated. These cost changes can be compared with the sales
price, and gross margin reports can be generated.
Reports: A plethora of reports can be generated using ERP- and SCM-type
software. These reports can be centered on item, time, period, cost elements, cost
activities, operation or department, or can be user specified. Transaction analysis
reports for these items, and comparisons between actual and standard or budgeted
costs, are also available. The reports are generally supported by drill-up and -down
abilities for aggregated or detailed information.
Cost accounting, managerial accounting, cost management and most other cost approaches are generally supported by higher-end ERP systems. Financial and cost data
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
is stored in a repository or a database, and is connected to other organizational
databases. Such integration permits a high level of analytical flexibility, enables sophisticated simulation capabilities and supports management techniques such as Balanced
Scorecard or the SCOR model. The benefits of these systems are considerable; however,
software costs, implementation problems and failure rates are also formidable.
The conversion cycle consists of product design, production planning and control, and
cost accounting. Traditionally, cost accountants have been involved in determining
product costs. This cycle has seen many innovations in the last few decades. Techniques
such as MRP, MRP II and JIT have been successfully employed to reduce costs and
improve quality. Cost accounting has also changed, and new techniques to track
activities, quality and defect rates have been discovered and applied. As internal
improvements stabilized, the focus of businesses turned to their trading partners —
SCM. The effect of the Internet in the area of SCM is most pervasive and a new frontier
for accountants.
The concepts of SCM can be traced to the automotive industry of the 1930s and World
War II. SCM decisions revolve around right product, right price, right cost, right quality,
right location and right customer. SCM involves managing sourcing and procurement,
logistics, production, inventory and customers. SCM connects with front-end customercentric systems, back-end accounting systems and supplier networks. The advent of the
Internet, globalization of suppliers, installed and operational ERP base, and increasing
cost pressures have accelerated the dominance of SCM in organizations.
SCM capabilities, which were seen in the context of SAP SCM tools, include supply chain
planning, execution, collaboration and coordination. Supply chain planning deals with
designing the supply chain for optimizing costs and service levels, and collaborative
demand and supply planning. Demand is planned using forecasting techniques, and
supply is planned in collaboration with internal manufacturing facilities and supplier
networks. Supply chain execution executes plans devised during the planning phase by
managing materials for production, manufacturing and fulfillment of orders by collaborating with partners. Remember, the watchword is collaboration — collaboration with
suppliers and customers.
Supply chain collaboration includes a number of techniques, and two — VMI and CPFR
— were reviewed. VMI integrates the customer’s inventory levels, consumption patterns
and demand forecasts into the supplier’s inventory management system. As the customer needs inventory, the supplier’s system will generate POs and produce and ship
necessary products. CPFR takes the concepts of VMI a step further. CPFR merges the
supplier’s and customer’s strategies and objectives into one forecast. The entire supply
chain is coordinated as one organism. claims that such forecasts are more
accurate than forecasts that depend only on the sophistication of algorithms. The
primary advantages of CPFR are to remove bottlenecks and constraints in fulfilling
customer expectations.
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The Conversion Cycle 257
Supply chain coordination is the hands-on activity that monitors the supply chain for
problems and bottlenecks, and alerts the proper authority if deviations are detected.
Exception-based management capabilities are enhanced by simulation and learning
algorithms programmed into the system. In this phase, supply chain intelligence is also
provided. Supply chain intelligence metrics generally are based on SCOR, provided by
the Supply Chain Council.
SAP SCM software tools that allow for these functionalities were also reviewed. Enabling
modules, such as SAP APO and SAP PLCM, were explained in detail. The connections
between SCM and CRM, such as global available to promise and profitable to promise,
were explored. This interacting set of modules is complex — as it should be, since
enormous demands are placed on this software.
Finally, cost accounting functionalities in the new era were surveyed. Apart from
supporting traditional and activity-based cost accounting techniques, the SCM/ERP era
also supports target-costing approaches and provides simulation and what-if abilities.
Changes in supply chain costs due to changes in sourcing and production; changes in
product costs due to changes in design, engineering and materials; and make-or-buy
decisions can be modeled and simulated by the new software. However, do not confuse
availability of functionalities with successful implementation of the software, which is
another story — not covered in this book.
Bowersox, Closs, D., & Cooper, B. (2002). Supply chain logistics management (international ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
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Improving corporate governance: A balanced scorecard approach (white paper).
(2002). Oracle. Retrieved July 8, 2003, from
Koch, C. (2002). The ABCs of supply chain management. CIO. Retrieved July 10, 2003,
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
mySAP product life cycle management, key capabilities. (2003). SAP. Retrieved July 12,
2003, from
mySAP product life cycle management (white paper). (2003). SAP. Retrieved July 12,
2003, from
mySAP SCM supply chain planning, SAP solutions in detail. (2003). SAP. Retrieved July
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mySAP supplier relationship management (white paper). (2003). SAP. Retrieved July 12,
2003, from
mySAP supply chain management (white paper). (2003). SAP. Retrieved July 12, 2003,
Operations Management Roundtable. (2001). Optimizing costs along the supply chain
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Oracle activity based management 11i (data sheet). (2003). Oracle. Retrieved July 15,
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Oracle cost management 11i (data sheet). (2003). Oracle. Retrieved July 15, 2003, from
Oracle process manufacturing cost management 11i (data sheet). (2003). Oracle.
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Oracle supply chain intelligence (data sheet). (2003). Oracle. Retrieved July 15, 2003,
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Product life cycle management, solutions map. (2003). SAP. Retrieved July 16, 2003, from
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Quality management, SAP solutions in detail. (2003). SAP. Retrieved July 16, 2003, from
Quantifying the impact of supply chain glitches on shareholder value (white paper).
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achieve it. Intelligent Enterprise. Retrieved July 16, 2003, from www.intelligent
Reddy, R. (2002b). The evolution of supply chain technologies. Intelligent Enterprise.
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
The Conversion Cycle 259
SAP Solutions Brief. (2003). Asset management with mySAP product life cycle management. SAP. Retrieved July 5, 2003, from
SAP Solutions in Detail. (2003). Materials management with mySAP SCM supply chain
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SAP advanced planner and optimizer, Release 3.1 (white paper). (2003). SAP. Retrieved
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SAP advanced planner and optimizer, SAP help. (2003). SAP. Retrieved July 20, 2003,
SAP APO – Supply chain cockpit (white paper). (2003). SAP. Retrieved July 20, 2003, from
Seuring, S., & Goldbach, M. (2002). Cost management in supply chains. Heidelberg:
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Supply chain cockpit, SAP help. (2003). SAP. Retrieved July 21, 2003, from http://
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Retrieved July 24, 2003, from
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Chapter VIII
The General
Ledger Cycle
General Ledger Cycle Activities
The general ledger cycle consists of posting of entries from special journals, subsidiary
ledgers, and general journal to general ledger; as well as generating financial, managerial
and special reports. Accounting transactions are first recorded in special and general
journals from source documents and posted to subsidiary and general ledgers. At the
end of the accounting period, an unadjusted trial balance is prepared. Then adjusting
entries are made based on information from the controller and treasurer. The general
ledger can then be used to generate required reports. Once the financial statements are
finalized, accounting books are closed via closing entries, and a post-closing trial
balance is prepared. The traditional use of a general ledger has been for generating
financial reports for investors. Every student of accounting knows this.
Computerized accounting systems used s chart of accounts for capturing and classifying
accounting data. Data classified according to the chart of accounts can then be used to
generate financial, managerial and special reports. Reporting demands placed on the
chart of accounts continually grew. As a result, charts of accounts became very complex
in many organizations. The complexity of chart of accounts soon hit a roadblock. Instead
of facilitating flexible reports, charts of accounts became a monster to maintain and
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The General Ledger Cycle 261
Exhibit 1. The general ledger cycle
manage. The problem still persists in many organizations. Charts of accounts exist in all
ERP/accounting systems; however, customization and implementation of charts of
accounts and consequent reporting capabilities are more of an art than a science.
The general ledger in the first automation phase was maintained as some form of indexed
file organization. Many entry-level accounting systems still rely on Btrieve-type environments. Relational databases offered more flexibility and, when coupled with the client
server architecture, could perform far better reporting tasks. Software such as Crystal
Reports, which specialized in reporting and analyzing data, became commonplace. These
tools extracted subsets of data from corporate databases and used those data sets to meet
varied reporting and analytical demands of the organizations. The ERP systems changed
the nature of the general ledger by merging financial and non-financial information; data
warehouses, business information warehouses and knowledge warehouses ushered in
a new era of financial analytics.
The Internet increased functionality of ERP software. Closing of the books, which took
weeks or months for many organizations, was reengineered using Web-based tools.
Financial analytics extended beyond standard financial reports and included performance measures spanning customers, suppliers, manufacturing, human resources and
stakeholders. Data mining tools operated underneath and provided statistical analyses
of corporate data. Executive dashboards enabled executives to monitor vital signs of the
organization almost instantaneously. Planning and budgeting changed as far more
information and tools to manipulate corporate information became available to managers.
Enterprise portals that organized and disseminated the fragmented organizational
information came on the scene. These portals provided easy navigation and drill-down
capabilities to explore corporate databases. Remember, these tools promise a lot, but
implementation has not always been successful; these are not substitutes for managerial
vision and common sense.
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Exhibit 2. Changes in general ledger
Changes in general ledger
Indexed file
Financial information
Knowledge warehouses
Business information
Financial and non-financial information
Changes in financial reporting
Let us take a look at these changes in the general ledger cycle. First, reengineering of
closing of the books to shorten the time required for closing of the books is examined.
Such reengineering is often refereed to as virtual close. Second, new financial analytics
tools are investigated. Third, changes in planning and budgeting due to simulation
capabilities and what-if analyses are explored. Fourth, enterprise portals are explained,
and advantages and disadvantages of these tools are discussed. Finally, a summary
rounds off the chapter.
Closing of the Books 1
Closing of the accounting books refers to a process that starts with posting entries to
the general ledger and results in a post-closing trial balance. The process begins with
posting entries to the general ledger, preparing a trial balance, making adjusting entries,
preparing an adjusted trial balance, preparing financial statements, preparing closing
entries and, finally, preparing a post-closing trial balance. The prior year’s books are
closed or computerized accounts are sealed and cannot be altered — sometimes referred
to as hard close. The organization carries balances from the post-closing trial balance
to the next year and the process begins again. The books are also closed for quarterly
reporting and issuance of quarterly financial statements; this close is sometimes called
soft close, since accounting records are not sealed and can be altered.
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The General Ledger Cycle 263
What is the significance of the closing process? The primary issue is getting a handle
on financial results. Unless the closing process is complete, a clear understanding of
financial results is not possible. The financial results are matched with management
forecasts, and corrective actions, if required, are undertaken. The initial push for faster
closing of the books came in the 1990s, as markets criticized companies who did not have
visibility into their financial statements. Cisco achieved closing of the books in less than
24 hours and became a symbol of the new economy of financial management. The
intervening years saw a decline of the importance of virtual close, since formidable
difficulties were encountered in this endeavor. However, now the days of pro-forma
financial reporting are over, and GAPP-based reporting is valued again. New SEC
requirements specify that 10-Ks must be filed within 60 days (instead of 90 days) after
the close of the fiscal year and 10-Qs must be filed within 35 days (instead of 45 days).
The virtual close and its variations are beginning to receive attention again.
What is the status of the closing process in business, and does that pose a problem?
Surveys done in the U.S. and Europe indicate that the range to close the books spans
from 4 to 75 days. Organizations in the U.S. are more efficient, with the average closing
and reporting process being close to 12 days. The closing process is closely tied with
the quality of information. However, the length of the closing process is not associated
with the quality of information. For example, if the books are closed over a longer period,
management may expect more accurate financial information. However, a longer process
of closing of the books may indicate a chaotic state of accounting systems. Underlying
causes can be fragmented legacy systems or sloppy financial procedures. On the other
hand, the mere existence of quick close does not guarantee the quality of information,
either. Cisco, a poster company for virtual close, claimed that it possessed a godlike
ability to peer into every nook and cranny of the business, which enabled proactive
measures to control and steer the company. However, in the third quarter of 2001, sales
declined 30%, 2 billion dollars worth of inventory was written off and approximately 8,000
people were laid off. Many analysts commented that Cisco’s financial systems contributed to the management’s inability to make correct decisions. As always, technology and
Web-enabled virtual or fast close is merely a tool, and not a substitute for managerial
Virtual close is considered to be the ability to close the company’s books quickly and
generate financial statements. Virtual close can also be viewed as a minimum distance
between business activity and reporting of such an activity. The quickness or distance
has not been defined precisely. According to various analysts, closing of the books in
less than 5 days can generally be considered a virtual close; however, John Chambers,
CEO of Cisco, may disagree, since he has defined virtual close as the ability to close the
financial books with one hour’s notice. The time elapsed in closing of the books is often
times considered a symptom of underlying problems. Many organizations have undertaken the virtual close process as a way to streamline the financial reporting process. This
effort involves a number of important decisions concerning relevance and reliability of
accounting information.
Closing of the books, though tidy on paper, can be a nightmare in the real world. Problems
in closing of the books can be classified into four broad categories: accounting problems,
technology problems, organizational problems and environmental problems. This clas-
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sification is helpful in conceptualizing problems, though the classifications are not
entirely independent. The provided list is illustrative, and each organization faces a
unique set of problems in the closing process. Let us take a look at these problems and
the methods used to overcome them.
The primary accounting problem is the lack of standard accounting procedures across
the organization for data collection, recording and reporting. Data collection processes
can be a mélange of automated processes, manual processes and spreadsheet-based
processes. Adjustments, reclassifications and reconciliations can also be a mix of
manual/spreadsheet/automated functions and can be time consuming. Organization can
have more than one chart of accounts. This problem is more acute with multinational
organizations, who must comply with local and head-office accounting requirements.
Closing of the books can also be used to generate managerial reports or correct immaterial
errors, causing distractions from the core process. These problems generally go hand in
hand with the complex charts of accounts. Detailed accounting codes need additional
validation during closing, since these fields need to be verified before the books are
closed, though all of them are not required for financial reporting. In many organizations,
once the financial statements are prepared, they are reviewed by some sort of financial
planning group. If the results are not acceptable, the statements might come back and
additional processing may take place to achieve desired results. Such obvious manipulation of results adds to the closing process.
The fragmented accounting or financial systems cause a major problem in the closing
process. Data from disparate systems need to be collected, which may be in the form of
paper entries, spreadsheets or databases. Such data have to be validated and entered into
the main accounting system. Data for consolidation purposes may also include budget
Exhibit 3. Problems in closing of the books
•Lack of standard accounting procedures
•Manual processes
•Complex chart of accounts
•Lack of focus in closing process
•Accounting results reviewed and manipulated
•Fragmented financial systems
•Multiple legacy or ERP systems
•Lack of consolidation tools
•User resistance
•Lack of ownership
•Decentralized operations
•Multinational operations
•Lack of top management support
•Frequent organizational restructuring
•Merger and acquisition activity
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
The General Ledger Cycle 265
data, human resource data, inventories and shipments. The collected data needs to be
normalized to conform to a common set of definitions and entered into the accounting
system. The consolidation of financial statements also requires currency translation,
elimination of intercompany transactions, accrual adjustments and minority ownership
calculations, which, if not automated, can consume a large block of time. The consolidation process is iterative and calculations may need to be repeated; all in all, such
requirements are not conducive to virtual close.
Organizational problems start if top management is not committed to the process. If top
management is not committed, problems such as user resistance and decentralized
operations become even more acute. The closing process should also have a clear
ownership for accountability. Decentralized and multinational organizations may have
a variety of ERP or accounting systems in operation and can face consolidation problems.
Finally, even if the closing process is efficiently organized, it may have to undergo
revisions if there is continuing merger and acquisition activity. The existing closing
process also needs to be revised as the organization grows and expands, adds markets
and products, restructures businesses and segments, or contracts by shedding markets
and products. As such, the closing process is always a work in progress.
The initial rush to reengineer the closing process has slowed considerably. Organizations realized formidable barriers in such an effort. Now, the focus is not merely on time
required to close the books, but also on the quality of financial reporting, process
improvements and proper use of technical infrastructure. There have been some successes in this area, notably in the technology sector. For example, Microsoft’s financial
reporting system consolidates 340 statutory companies in 4 days, handles 3,000 queries
per month from 1,200 users, and has an uptime of 99.25%. The reengineering efforts led
by Cisco, Motorola, Dell and Microsoft have led to development of guidelines in these
areas. The main lessons learned are summarized below.
Standardize accounting procedures: The first step in standardizing accounting
procedures is to have a common chart of accounts. This chart should be detailed
enough at the unit level and should allow quick consolidation at the higher
corporate level. The organization should have a standard method of collecting,
presenting and measuring transaction data. Cutoff dates for subsidiary ledgers
should be clearly specified, and a closing calendar should be synchronized. Other
helpful activities are as follows:
Regularly close subsidiary ledgers and journals that feed data into the general
Reconciliations, whether subsidiary ledger to general ledger or intercompany
transactions, should be continuous or at frequent intervals, not at the end of
the quarter or the end of the year.
Make sure that a powerful consolidation system exists for consolidation
purposes. Use Web-based applications or interfaces in consolidation, which
have been found to be cost-effective. At minimum, the consolidation package
should offer submission and consolidation workflow management,
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multicurrency management, intercompany and allocation processing, and
journal entry processing.
Have a clear and coordinated closing schedule and make sure it is communicated clearly across the organization. Establish clear checkpoints for the
closing process.
Simplify the chart of accounts.
Focus on material items such as sales, accounts receivable and inventory; and
reduce judgments in the entry process.
Beware of problems in standardizing transactional data. The definitions of
order, raw material and finished good can vary per user. Janelle Hill of META
Group says — “Winning semantic agreement over transactional data is even
harder than gaining semantic agreement over data for the data warehouse”
(Decker et al., 2002).
Integrate and automate financial systems: The organization should be standardized on a particular ERP system. Unless the ERP system is in place, the process of
virtual close is next to impossible. Data should be captured at the source and
entered only once. Adjustments, reclassifications and reconciliations should be
standardized and automated. Manual entries should be minimized.
Tie in operational systems: Operational systems should be closed before the
financial systems or, at least, the results should be available to the financial system
in real time. Operational data, such as shop floor data, needs to be integrated into
the financial system, if possible.
Use the Internet: Enable self-service features using the Web to reduce administrative overhead in accounting. Distribute reports via the Web, use XBRL to
transmit reports to external stakeholders, send flash alerts to line managers using
the intranet to enable exception-based management and publish key performance
measures on the Web for immediate access.
End users should be trained in Online Analytical Processing Tools (OLAP) or
enterprise portals so that they can acquire needed information. Such education
reduces administrative overhead on the Finance and IT departments.
Automate workflows: Routing of entries for approval, the approval process and
posting should be automated. Business rules should be developed to deal with
formula-based accruals, standardized month-end entries and standard transactions. Any deviation from the rules should result in an alert to the appropriate
Use Key Performance Measures: Key performance indicators should be standardized and distributed to line managers in real time. Such performance measures can
provide alternate information to managers in the absence of full-blown financial
A complete reengineering of the closing process is supposed to take approximately 5
years. Even after 5 years, the target may be elusive due to changes in business and
accounting systems. The benefits of virtual close primarily accrue due to improvements
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The General Ledger Cycle 267
Exhibit 4. Microsoft key performance measures
Real time
Mid year
•Worldwide revenues by customer
•Worldwide revenues by product
•Daily sell-in and partner sell-in
•Channel inventory
•Cost center transactions
Profit and loss accounts
•Product units
•GAAP financial statements
•Strategic initiatives
•Customer satisfaction
•Market share
in the underlying accounting systems and not only by faster closing. For example,
Microsoft lists the following benefits of virtual close.
Batch processing of transactions is significantly decreased
Estimates and accruals have been reduced
The accounting process is aligned with accounting systems
Users find the system useful and use it more
Finance is a value-added partner and not a transaction-processing machine
Virtual close is not pursued by many corporations, and for good reasons. First, the cost
benefit analysis may indicate that costs of virtual close outweigh benefits. Costs such
as disruption of work, new workflows, new systems and standardized accounting
procedures may be more than benefits due to real-time access to financial statements.
Second, the quality of accounting information may suffer due to virtual close. Many
organizations have pursued virtual close at the cost of detailed verifications and
controls, and the resulting financial information has followed the ancient law of information technology — garbage in, garbage out. Due to recent accounting scandals and
Sarbanes Oxley, 2002 requirements, many CEOs and CFOs are not interested in accelerating the closing process if there is even the slightest doubt that the quality of
information might suffer. Finally, the added business value of such an effort may not be
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Financial Analytics
Financial analytics refer to analyses of financial data; financial analytic tools, generally
software, are any tools used for analyzing financial data. General ledger as a repository
of financial data has always been the source to be mined for information. Before machine
accounting, paper-based trial balances – a torturous process of balancing the trial
balance and preparing financial statements — was in place. In the mainframe era,
financial reports could be generated by submitting requests to the IT department. The
era of PCs and the advent of spreadsheets led to the rise of the end user. The types of
tools used to explore financial databases/data warehouses have exploded; consequently, the types of available financial reports also have mushroomed.
The time-tested tool of financial analyses is spreadsheet. The revolution started by
VisiCalc and Lotus 1-2-3 continues unabated. Currently, there are dozens of spreadsheet software packages, though the market is primarily dominated by Microsoft Excel.
Spreadsheets have been used and are being used in preparing financial statements,
preparing budgets, performing ad-hoc analyses and even for consolidation purposes.
Spreadsheet functionalities have expanded exponentially and now include the following.
Data management: Spreadsheets provide unsurpassed flexibility in managing
data. Data can be arranged in different ways and analyzed using numerous
mathematical and statistical functions; attractive charts can be prepared and
printed or electronically distributed. Advanced functionalities such as multidimensional pivot tables for data analysis, solver for constraint optimization,
auditing features and linking of files have made accountants’ lives easier
throughout the world.
Statistical analysis: Spreadsheets have become increasingly sophisticated in
statistical analysis. Initial tools for descriptive statistics have given way to
advanced statistical techniques such as Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), forecasting and Fourier analysis.
Macro language: Macros can be used to automate repetitive tasks in the
spreadsheet. Microsoft Excel comes with in-built Visual Basic for Applications
(VBA) that can be used to customize the spreadsheet by changing appearance
or adding functionality.
Add on: There is a flourishing industry that creates add-ons for spreadsheet
software. Illustrative examples of functions that can be added are given below.
Genetic algorithms for solving complex optimization problems
Data mining and advanced statistical applications, such as survival analysis
Applications in finance, such as bond analysis, derivatives analysis, portfolio analysis, foreign exchange options and credit analysis
Specialized applications in Chemistry, Pharmacology and Engineering.
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The General Ledger Cycle 269
Exhibit 5. Financial analytics
•Report writing tools
•Analytical tools
•Business intelligence
Financial data
Business information
CRM analytics
SCM analytics
PLCM analytics
HR analytics
Enterprise portals
Executive dashboards
•Financial statements
•Managerial reports
o Products
o Segments
o Regions
•Project accounting
•Special reports
The influence of spreadsheets is pervasive. Excel is being taught at the high school level
and copies of spreadsheet software have reached most households. Spreadsheets are
now used by accountants, economists, engineers, managers and even in personal money
management. The spreadsheet footprint can be seen in most reporting software, where
the user interface is invariably in the row/column format of a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets
will continue to be used in financial analytics for the foreseeable future. The expertise
in spreadsheets is almost a given for entry-level accountants. Spreadsheets, however,
have limitations. Spreadsheets cannot handle large amounts of data, a problem especially
in a terabyte corporate environment. The interfaces of spreadsheets with ERP and
accounting systems need to be programmed and configured, or else manual entries
become inevitable. These limitations, of course, spawned alternatives.
As client-server and relational databases became prevalent, the use of database query
tools also increased. These databases can be queried using SQL, which is relatively easy
to learn. Initially, databases also came with database report writing tools. These tools can
perform vital accounting functions, such as formatting documents like checks and
invoices, collecting required data from the database and generating financial statements,
formatting financial statements and creating special reports such as aging accounts
receivable analysis. Databases such as Microsoft Access and Lotus Approach offer
these functionalities. These databases and SQL are used by many accounting departments in small- and mid-sized organizations.
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Exhibit 6. Business intelligence tools
•Data extraction
•Data transformation
•Data load
Business information
ERP system
•Key performance measures
•Ad-hoc queries
•Business intelligence
•OLAP metadata
Business intelligence
•Business logic
•Mathematical/statistical models
•Data mining
Executive dashboards
Management dashboards
Executive information systems
Pre-packaged solutions
•Planning and budgeting
•Financial analytics
•Balanced scorecard
•Corporate performance management
These tools were soon superceded by specialized report writing tools and analytical
tools, which now have evolved to a new category of Business Intelligence (BI) tools;
Crystal Reports/Business Objects and Cognos are examples of leading software vendors
in this area. This BI software can handle report writing, data analysis and consolidations,
and support ad-hoc queries. This software extracts data from disparate data sources,
such as relational databases, legacy systems and flat files. The extracted data can have
different data structures so it is transformed to conform to requirements of the BI tools
or according to the business rules defined by the system administrator. Then, data is
loaded typically into data marts, which are subsets of the data warehouse that focus on
a desired topic. The loaded data can be put to reporting and analytical use. The Extract,
Transform, and Load (ETL) process is generally handled by separate components, which
enable defining and implementing of the ETL process by system administrators. The
software is Web enabled and can interact with a variety of ERP systems; in fact, BI
software vendors have developed strategic alliances with ERP vendors. Note that there
are legions of software vendors offering separate software for supporting ETL processes, reporting information, analyzing data and for BI. Crystal/Business Objects and
Cognos are, however, integrated environments and support all stages. The functionalities
of BI software follow.
Reports: Reports can be designed using reporting software. The software comes
with designer module that generally has a drag-and-drop interface and operates
in the Windows environment. The report design can be extremely complex, and
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The General Ledger Cycle 271
data-rich reports can be created. Data can be sorted, mapped, grouped, charted and
hyperlinked. Reports can be saved and exported in a variety of formats.
Reports can be scheduled for delivery at periodic intervals.
Users can interact with reports and modify them through ad-hoc queries.
Reports can be streamed over the Internet at pre-defined intervals to authorized parties. Crystal incorporates a utility called report streaming that
delivers reports to the user’s browser in real time.
Reports can also be delivered to users based on happening of a certain event,
called event-driven reporting.
OLAP: OLAP processing enables multidimensional analysis. The transformation
phase of the ETL process creates data structures, which can be explored dimensionally; Cognos calls such data PowerCubes. What is the meaning of dimension? In
business parlance, a dimension can be time — week, month or year; product —
product groups or individual products; or location — county, city, state, region
or country. Dimensional analysis refers to connecting these disparate dimensions
to answer questions such as: What are sales in Erie in March for product X? What
salesperson in the northeast region sold the highest units of product Y? Such
questions are extremely difficult to answer using a general ledger.
Data captured in multidimensional cubes can be manipulated in different ways; that
is, different questions can be asked to understand data. The numbers can be drilled
down; for example, if sales in a particular region are below target, then sales for each
product can be examined. If that does not answer the questions, then sales per
salesperson or territories in that region can be explored. Data can be sliced and
diced, meaning dimensions can be changed to view data from different angles. Data
can also be graphed for better understanding or presentations.
The data capacity of OLAP tools is much higher than spreadsheets, and can be
measured in billions of rows and columns. Data can be viewed over the Web or in
a Windows environment, or can be downloaded to Excel. Excel can read OLAP
cubes directly and manage multidimensional data sets by using pivot tables. OLAP
tools can automate business calculations, such as percent changes in revenue and
market share. Users can design alerts; for example, if sales decline more than 1%
in region Z then the manager will be notified immediately.
Analysis: Users not only want to view data but also to crunch it. Analytical tools
provide these abilities via mathematical functions and statistical procedures.
These are similar to functions encountered in Excel. There can also be data mining
tools that automatically analyze data and provide hidden information in the
absence of priori hypotheses. This analysis can be carried on the multidimensional
cubes and other data structures, depending on the capabilities of the software.
Pre-packaged solutions: BI software now provides a number of pre-packaged
solutions that can operate on top of an ERP system and perform the required
service. Solutions range from planning and budgeting tools to CPM. The BI
software collects data from disparate corporate sources and can manipulate it using
in-built mathematical and statistical capabilities. These abilities can be easily
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
transformed to perform budgeting, consolidations, financial analytics, or to support ABC and ABM.
Executive dashboard, management dashboard, metrics driven management or
executive information systems: The term dashboard indicates continuous monitoring of vital indicators of the business and taking corrective actions, just as you
control your car. The concept behind Executive or Management Dashboards (EDs)
is not new; earlier versions of accounting systems implemented Executive Information Systems (EIS) that were similar to EDs. The concept of SAP cockpit seen
earlier is another version of ED. Cognos implements the same concept as metrics
driven management.
The BI software can provide ED-type solutions; these can be pre-packaged or
custom-designed by the company. EDs generally use a browser-based interface
and provide pre-specified Key Performance Measures/Indicators (KPMs/KPIs).
These KPIs are defined by management and are tied to industry benchmarks and
best practices. Data can be viewed at the aggregate level and displayed in numbers
and graphs. Some EDs may even show the graphics as fuel or speedometer gauges
to compare performance against budgets or benchmarks. The why behind the
indicators can be further explored due to drilldown capabilities. An illustrative list
of ED characteristics is provided below.
The user interface can be customized
Exception-based reporting is achieved via colorful graphics, such as red
traffic lights
User-defined alerts can be designed, which can come to the user via e-mail,
PDAs or as on-screen alert messages
EDs are not limited to top management. The BI software has extended the concept.
Top-level managers are provided with scorecards, critical business metrics and
visualizations of the required data. Mid-level managers can receive more detailed
information, which can be sliced, diced and analyzed. Operational data can be
delivered on the shop floor. Reports can vary from a multi-page detailed report to
a one-page summary. Pros and cons of EDs have been discussed in the literature.
The only lesson is that the ED is only as good as the manager who makes decisions
based on its output.
The framework for BI software that enables these functionalities will now be discussed
by using Cognos BI tools for illustrative purposes. Users interface with BI tools via
Cognos Upfront. This is a Web-based point of access or portal to Cognos tools and has
a zero footprint on the user’s desktop, meaning the contents can be accessed through
a browser and do not require any resident software on the desktop. This portal has a
graphical interface and reporting and analytical tools, and can be personalized. A user
can change the look and feel of the portal, change settings and create new boxes with
personalized content. The portal also standardizes the user interface, and every user in
the organization sees the same interface. Users can share and transfer reports and
collaborate on projects.
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The General Ledger Cycle 273
Exhibit 7. Examples of Cognos reporting and analytic applications (Source:
Questions > 500
KPIs (Key
Indicators) > 200
Reports > 45
Questions > 600
KPIs > 60
Reports > 35
Questions > 500
KPIs > 60
Reports > 35
Questions > 700
KPIs > 65
Reports > 35
Questions > 500
KPIs > 80
Reports > 30
Questions > 200
KPIs > 170
Reports > 30
Questions > 120
KPIs > 170
Reports > 45
Analytical measures
Functional performance
Customer sales
Product sales
Channel sales
Sales organizational effectiveness
Distribution functional performance
Distribution organizational effectiveness
Customer credit
Corporate self-Appraisal
Cash Inflow
Organizational effectiveness
Financial performance
Key financial ratios
Operational performance
Vendor account
Cash outflow
Organizational effectiveness
Stock overview & valuation
Material movement activity
Inventory demand
Material reservation
Physical inventory
Inventory forecast
Organizational effectiveness
Material expenditure
Material demand
Process effectiveness
Organizational effectiveness
Work order material usage and cost
Quantity and yield
Organizational effectiveness
Cognos Web Services uses an XML-based interface. This service can be used to deliver
business intelligence in different computing environments having a software and
hardware mix via Web-based protocols. For example, such protocols can be used to
deliver data to mobile phones or visual programs, such as Macromedia Flash. Cognos
tools come with pre-packaged reports, analyses and ad-hoc query routines. Cognos Web
service can be used as an adapter (a device that allows one system to connect to and work
with another) for such packaged reports. This service also provides a visual test studio
environment that can be used to test and verify business intelligence applications.
Cognos Access Manager centralizes security functions for reports, analyses and
queries. The access manager maintains user classes and applies authorization and
authentication rights to these classes. Security can be applied across multidimensional
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Exhibit 8. Business objects dashboard manager (Source:
products/dashboard_manager/, used with permission)
cubes, tables, rows or columns. Cognos Administrator handles standard functions, such
as configuration, deployment and administration. The configuration manager allows
configuration of BI servers, and these configurations can be saved and re-used. The
deployment manager allows deploying applications or parts of applications for users
across the enterprise. Administrative functions, such as monitoring the system, ensuring
security, managing users and troubleshooting, are also carried out in this component.
Cognos Architect manages BI metadata and business rules. Architect gathers data
collected from corporate sources and creates metadata — data that describes data — and
creates a consistent data view for BI applications. This metadata is used to provide
reports and analysis. The advantage of having a BI framework is ease of installation and
configuration. Ease is a relative word; there is an industry of consultants, trainers,
implementers and programmers that has developed around BI tools.
ERP vendors are also aggressively integrating reporting and analytical capabilities in
their software. Lawson Software, for example, uses OLAP to create separate data marts
that serve different users in different functional areas. These data marts are essentially
multidimensional cubes. Advantages of these data marts include reliving burden on the
general ledger, providing pre-packaged calculations and enabling user self-service.
These financial data marts perform the following functions.
Financials data mart: The general ledger is transferred to the OLAP environment
and can be analyzed on different dimensions such as segments, account periods,
fiscal year and products. This data mart obviously can be used to generate GAAPcompliant financial reports.
Daily financial data mart: The focus of this data mart is on the short term. Daily
integration of point-of-sale information with consumer buying patterns can be
achieved in the retail environment. The dimensions of analysis are similar to the
financials data mart.
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The General Ledger Cycle 275
Project and activity accounting data mart: Designated projects, such as construction of a fixed asset and activities such as services deliverable to customers, can
be monitored..
Strategic ledger mart: This data mart provides strategic information, such as
profitability or business performance, along required dimensions. Regional managers can view performance of the region, profit centers can monitor their profit and
loss statements, and transactional data can be viewed in a format desired by the
user. Users can essentially monitor their slice of business on a pre-defined metrics.
Ad-hoc analyses can also be performed.
Assets data mart: Assets information, such as book value, location, depreciation
methods, lease costs and accumulated depreciation, can be obtained instantaneously. The assets can be viewed by segments, departments, costs centers or
locations. Changes in policies can be administered from this central location,
making policy compliance easier.
Lease management data mart: This data mart contains information on operating
and capital leases and related assets. Payment schedules, rent and lease obligations, and related calculations can be done in this data mart.
SAP, on the other hand, uses mySAP BI to deliver business analytics, of which financial
analytics is a part. These tools are supported by technologies seen earlier — SAP
exchange infrastructure, SAP knowledge warehouse, SAP business information warehouse and SAP enterprise portal. MySAP business Intelligence consists of a BI platform,
BI tools and measurement and management. The BI platform provides a foundation for
Exhibit 9. Cognos architecture
Cognos Access Manager
Cognos Architect
Cognos Administration
Cognos Upfront
Cognos Web Services
Business information warehouses
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Exhibit 10. Lawson financial data marts
Financial reports data mart
Daily financial reports data mart
Project and activity accounting data mart
Financial data
Strategic ledger data mart
Assets data mart
Lease management data mart
Business information
Data marts
OLAP, data mining tools and user alerts. BI tools provide for a Web-based or ad-hoc
query design, reporting and analytical functionalities, and the ability to create Webbased reports and dashboard for dissemination of information. Measurement and
management tools allow for measuring and monitoring of business performance based
on packaged and user defined KPIs, management of metadata to maintain consistent data
and collaborative business intelligence. Additional capabilities of mySAP BI include
Web-based reporting and analysis, different modes of delivering information to the end
user, integration with Microsoft Excel, multidimensional analysis, mathematical and
statistical functions for analysis, and support for mobile means of access. SAP also
provides best practices as per industry to guide new installers of mySAP BI tools.
The mySAP BI tools use these supporting technologies and interact with the SAP ERP
system to provide business analytics. The advantage of this package is that it is tightly
integrated with SAP ERP and is transparent with respect to data warehouses, middleware
(software that serves as an intermediary between systems software and an application)
and BI software. The mySAP BI tools function similarly to the Cognos and Business
Objects tools. The basic building block of mySAP BI tools is called InfoObjects. These
objects contain data concerning customers, sales orders, settlements and other business
information. InfoObjects are created by pulling information from different data sources
and are used in BI applications. InfoObjects are used to create data marts and multidimensional cubes for further analysis. These BI tools can also be integrated with Crystal
Reports for specialized needs of various departments.
SAP also provides packaged BI solutions — sales insight, procurement insight and
financial insight. These packages have built-in reports, analyses and displays for
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The General Ledger Cycle 277
important measures in sales, procurement and financial areas. Financial Insight Package
is a Web-enabled analytical cockpit that centralizes financial analytics at one place. This
package is an advanced version of EDs. The abilities provided in this package are similar
to those of BI tools and the Lawson ERP system. Financial statements required under
GAAP, details of general ledger and subsidiary ledgers, revenue and cost accounting,
order and project accounting, and product and service cost calculations are the primary
general ledger-based reports. Multidimensional analysis is available; for example, in the
revenue cycle, customer paying habits, overdue payments and days of sales outstanding
can be monitored using built-in data marts. Similar to BI tools, analytical capabilities to
crunch the numbers are available, user alerts can be designed and reports can be streamed
over the Internet or Web to users.
Spreadsheets skills are a must and BI skills will soon be required. Financial analytics seen
so far and business analytics discussed in the next chapter obviously indicate that
reporting and analytical requirements of the coming age are far more detailed and complex
than the spreadsheet era. Accountants are involved in a number of reporting issues,
including design and generation of reports. A number of ABC and ABM models are run
using data warehouses. If you want to explore such data warehouses for cost accounting
reports, you need to understand names and definitions of data elements in the warehouse. Specifying data marts requires defining the areas of interest, again, by understanding data elements in the data warehouse. Data mining software and embedded tools
are quite user friendly, and if you need to get a deeper understanding of, say, customer
behavior and profitability, then you should be capable of specifying the required models.
The basic idea is to understand what is possible using these tools. Accountants need
to understand the possibilities, or they may fail to exploit the tremendous power of these
Exhibit 11. SAP business intelligence
Exchange infrastructure
Knowledge warehouse
Business information warehouse
MySAP business intelligence
•Business intelligence platform
•Business intelligence tools
•Measurement and management
Packaged BI solutions
•Financial insight
•Sales insight
•Procurement insight
Enterprise portal
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Planning and Budgeting
Budgeting has been used as a control tool for many decades. The budget philosophy
developed in the slow-growth and stable environment, primarily as a means of controlling
costs. The objectives of budgeting and performance measures have evolved in modern
times. Business is more dynamic and budgets are not confined to long time frames; dollar
amounts and net income are not the only things measured; and budgets are used for
purposes far more creative. Research indicates that today the annual cost of planning
and budgeting is 1.5% to 3% of revenue, and managers and controllers spend between
20% and 50% of their working hours on planning and budgeting. Costs involved in the
planning and budgeting process are substantial. Are the benefits worth these costs? The
answer depends on the handling of the budget process by an organization. The Internet,
data warehouse and multidimensional analysis, among other things, all play a role in a
world-class planning and budgeting system.
The budget process in many companies is still based on the general ledger and supported
by extensive use of spreadsheets. Many accounting systems and ERP systems restrict
the budgeting process to general ledger, in spite of having a central relational database
system. Budget functionalities may allow for creating budget codes that can be used to
post budget numbers to the required budget, such as planned budget, forecasted budget
or revised budget. Budgets can be created using budget-entry sheets and imported (or
exported) to spreadsheet software. The budget can be posted to general ledger accounts
for specified accounting periods, and percentage and monetary variances can be
calculated. However, such a process does not support the needs of managing budget
submission workflow, creating models, simulating various scenarios and viewing realtime changes in results.
If the budget process is managed using spreadsheets, then such a process is inefficient,
ineffective and expensive, even for a mid-sized corporation. Spreadsheets can multiply
rapidly — product, segments, departments, locations and regions. The number of
spreadsheets may spiral into triple digits. Consolidating these spreadsheets may take
weeks, never mind the verification, validation and auditing of them. A survey conducted
by the International Association of Financial Executives Institute (IAFEI) found that
data collection and validation, consolidation of information and production of meaningful reports took a long time, making budget numbers obsolete. Financial executives were
also concerned with their inability to link business strategies with operational plans and
Software vendors recognized needs of planners and budgeters, and now a slew of
vendors is offering planning and budgeting software. These solutions range from
standalone simulation tools and budgeting software, integrated tools offered by ERP
vendors or standalone tools offered in a package with an ERP system. New planning and
budgeting systems have the following features.
Roll up and Roll down: Budgets should be easy to roll up to the macro level and
connect with corporate financial metrics that represent business objectives and
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The General Ledger Cycle 279
strategies. The budgets should also be easy to roll down to individual operational
or departmental managers.
Web-enabled: Budgeting tools that are browser-based enable collaborative budgets. Bottom-up and top-down forecasting, real-time information from the field,
revision of targets and changes in business strategies, among other things, can be
incorporated rapidly.
Integration with back-end systems: Planning and budgeting software needs to be
integrated not only with the accounting system but also with multiple applications,
such as CRM and SCM, across the enterprise. Most high-end budgeting applications use data or business information warehouses.
Flexibility: Planning and budgeting software should come with built-in analytical
applications and permit analysis across multiple dimensions. Consolidations
should be done immediately and revisions to the budget should be easy. Users
should be able to see changes in the entire budget due to changes in tparts of the
budget or budget assumptions.
OLAP: Multidimensional analysis is generally possible in the OLAP environment.
The OLAP component is a requirement for good budgeting software.
Security: Budgets are sensitive, and security should be established at the user,
departmental and each managerial level. Input data should be validated, user
activity should be audited and a system administrator should be able to manage
the security from a centralized location.
The required capabilities are similar to those offered by BI software. As such, many BI
vendors offer planning and budgeting software. A BI vendor not seen so far is a company
called SAS. SAS has origins in statistical analysis, and using that as a base, the company
has made strong offerings in the BI area. The corporation, in recent years, has also
diversified into offering business software such as CRM, financial management and
SRM; planning and budgeting software being a part of their financial management
The first requirement in budgeting software is planning facility. The term planning used
hereafter is not merely restricted to financial planning, though discussion centers on
financial planning. The planning facility must enable collaborative planning. The people
involved in planning, tasks allotted to those people, timelines and designated workflows
should be visible to planning participants. For larger corporations, a Web-enabled
planning process is a necessity. Browser-based processes can be widely used, irrespective of software and hardware platforms. The different types of planning functions, such
as top-down, bottom-up, currency translations, rolling budgets and activity-based
budgeting, should be supported. The user interface should be customizable; for example,
rows and columns, visualization techniques or other data presentation techniques need
to be supported for wider user acceptance.
The planning facility should have simulation capabilities. Changes in assumptions of the
plan; running of multiple scenarios; factoring in changes in external variables, such as
economic growth; and what-if analysis should be supported by the planning software.
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Budgets are no longer static, and simulation capabilities are especially useful for rolling
forecasts. Plans for income statement, balance sheet, profit centers or cost centers
should be capable of being independently set while being connected with each other.
Plans and budgets can be capable of being aggregated, disaggregated and drilled down
for further details. If the supply chain is integrated, the plans need to be visible to supply
chain participants. Portals or other mechanisms should be in place to share plan
information with trading partners.
SAS’s planning and budgeting solution comes with similar planning abilities. A formulated plan must be mapped to dollars and cents, which is budgeting. The budget
administrator or responsible manager sets the objectives and defines the budget criteria.
The budget criteria specify planning period, entities involved in planning, types of
budgets required and persons responsible for the budgets. SAS also incorporates what
it calls business drivers in the planning solution. These drivers are either fixed values or
formulas similar those seen in the spreadsheet. Examples of these drivers may include a
given dollar figure for fixed overhead or formula for calculating sales commissions. These
business drivers can be tracked, defined and changed on a system-wide basis. These
drivers represent organizational policies and budget assumptions, and help align
budgets with organizational objectives.
The first step in SAS solution is the creation of data entry forms. These forms can be used
to capture financial and non-financial data. Data can be captured on the desired
dimensions and subjected to what-if analyses. The desired data fields can be prepopulated but cannot be altered by the user. Automated features such as increment and
spreading expedite filling in correct data. These forms are distributed, reviewed, filled and
submitted over the Web. A centralized location saves completed forms. Budget partici-
Exhibit 12. SAS planning and budgeting solution
Planning process
• Data entry forms
• Assignment and access for forms
• Review and accept forms
• Track status using workflows
• Prepare data for analysis and reporting
ERP system
Legacy system
Flat files
Non-financial data
Planning functions
1. Explore business model
2. Data import
3. Cost allocations
4. Manage consolidation and reporting cycle
5. Controlled changes to input data
6. Currency conversion
7. Consolidate data
8. Perform reporting and analysis
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The General Ledger Cycle 281
pants can be notified via e-mail that these forms are available to set the budget process
rolling. These forms support both top-down and bottom-up budgets. In the case of topdown budgets, the forms can be populated with desired numbers and sent downward.
For bottom-up budgets, the budget numbers can come from the lower levels of the
organization. The iterative process can be then carried out.
The forms are subject to strict ownership and access requirements. The budget director
establishes the ownership and accountability for each form by defining authorization for
user groups. Authorization rights include read, write, modify and submit. The systems
administrator manages access controls and issuance of passwords. Internal control over
forms is established by using these rights. Authenticated users can log in and perform
the necessary functions to complete the forms. As users submit the forms, the budget
director or department reviews those forms and accepts or rejects them. If the form is
accepted, it moves to the next approver as specified in the workflow. Upon final approval,
the form is submitted to the central administrator. In the case of rejection, the user gets
an e-mail notification of rejection along with the reasons. At the completion of this
process, the central administrator can consolidate the forms. The planning solution
comes with a financial data warehouse that stores the data and can be used for reporting
and consolidation purposes.
This planning solution also provides workflow and auditing capabilities. Workflow
features enable the administrator to track the forms and provide information such as:
Who has finished the forms? Who has finished and submitted the forms? Who has not
opened the forms? E-mails can be automated and sent to laggard users at periodic
intervals. User activity is logged and a detailed record of users, forms, changes and
approvals is kept. Illustrative additional controls are as follows: First, when files change
or new journals are created, the process is flagged and details of the events are recorded.
Second, data can be managed by setting up batch processes with stringent controls.
Third, users can define their own data validation procedures for incoming or imported
data. Fourth, if the budget form is not approved, it cannot be used in budget consolidations. Finally, users can exercise control over consolidations and reconsolidations for
correcting errors.
The SAS planning solutions supports extraction of data from a variety of sources. Users
can build data validation routines to ascertain data integrity and automatically add new
dimensions during the data-importing phase. Costs can be allocated to departments,
products or customers by using different methods, such as percentage split, equal split,
and proportional and fixed values. ABC and ABM capabilities are provided by a thirdparty vendor and can be used, if needed. The consolidation and reporting cycle is
dynamic; that is, data arrives in batches and budgets get revised with the incoming data,
data can change and be resubmitted thus changing the budgets again. Top management
can also change budget assumptions, triggering a new round of budget calculations. The
consolidations can be repeated and reports regenerated. The SAS planning solution
provides for a Web-enabled workflow to view these changes and incorporate them in a
timely fashion. Reports can be scheduled and executed at pre-determined intervals.
The original data for intercompany transactions, goodwill, minority interest or similar
transactions is not altered, but changes are kept in a separate file, providing an audit trail.
Currency conversion can be carried out based on user-defined tables and business rules.
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The collected financial data can be analyzed and explored in a multidimensional mode.
SAS also provides various mathematical and statistical functions to analyze data, if
desired. The reports can be distributed in the form of electronic booklets, and actual
performance can be measured against budgeted norms. The usual facilities of graphical
visualization, dashboards, drill downs, user-defined and programmed alerts, and userdefined reports are available. The SAS planning and budgeting solution is a typical
solution, and most competing vendors offer similar functionalities.
Enterprise Portals
The word portal refers to a door, gateway or entrance, especially the one that is imposing.
Internet portals are gateways to information stored at different locations. You have
probably visited, which is a portal that provides organized information on
various topics. There are also various search engines called Search Portals, such as
Google and AltaVista, that can search for information based on terms and descriptions.
These portals are referred to as public portals, because they are available to all users
and only need connection with the Internet for use. The portal concept has been
transported to the corporate world. These portals are called enterprise portals, Enterprise
Information Portals (EIPs), business portals and corporate portals. These portals are
private, meaning their use is restricted to authorized users.
The primary function of portals in the corporate world is similar to public portals —
organization and dissemination of information or content. However, enterprise portals
cannot merely focus on content; the corporate world requires and demands far more
functionalities than public portals. Software vendors and consultants have produced
multiple definitions and interpretations of enterprise portals. These definitions revolve
around organization of information, collaboration among users, technical infrastructure
and business intelligence capabilities. As the enterprise portal technology evolved, all
these functionalities have converged, and now comprehensive software offerings have
emerged in this area. So, what are the characteristics of enterprise portals?
Enterprise portals provide consistent user-friendly interface across the organization and can be accessed from the intranet, Internet or mobile devices.
Enterprise portals use push-and-pull technologies to disseminate information.
Users can pull information via the portal, and the portal can push (or send)
information to users based on pre-programmed criteria, similar to alerts.
Information sources can be internal and external. Enterprise portals are capable of
retrieving data from different computing environments, application packages and
Web-based sources.
Enterprise portals, as opposed to public portals, provide interactivity, often called
bi-directional flow of information. The users not only drill for information but can
also analyze, format and transfer information.
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The General Ledger Cycle 283
Enterprise portals come with pre-packaged applications or packages targeted at
functions or industries. For example, an enterprise portal aimed at CFOs will be
different than one aimed at CEOs.
The integration and analytical functionalities of the enterprise portal may seem similar
to the CRM, SRM, SCM and BI packages discussed earlier. The functionalities are similar,
and Enterprise portals and these packages do interact with each other. Enterprise portals
are useful if the organization has a mix of computing systems; the fragmentation of
Exhibit 13. Business objects Infoview XI portal (Source:
products/platform/enterprise.asp, used with permission)
Exhibit 14. Information fragmentation in organizations
Customer analytics
Inventory availability
Accounts receivable
Production plans
Please can
you answer
my question?
Sales force
Financial analytics
Customer knowledge
•Unstructured documents
o emails
o Memos
o Hypertext
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information is more of a problem. Even if the organization uses software packages from
the same vendor, complete integration of structured (data stored in relational databases)
and non-structured (documents, hypertext, e-mails, news, etc.) information is not
possible. The ERP system can collect the information, but enterprise portals are needed
to extract and deliver such information.
The SAP white paper “Business Unification with mySAP Enterprise Portal 2003”
describes the use of portal by a sales manager as follows:
“The sales manager receives an alert from the portal detailing all outstanding orders. The manager simply drags an order from the alert to the Web
component of the ERP application to display details of the order. To check
on its progress, the manager then drags the order onto the shipping
carrier’s Web site icon, which automatically displays the order status.”
The sales manager in this case does not need to remember which system to use, does not
have to log in using separate IDs to different systems, and does not have to manually
synthesize the information. The enterprise portal brings together the required information from different sources such as CRM, EDI, data warehouse, document management
or the Internet, to mention a few. If the sales manager needs to analyze data, the embedded
analytical and data mining tools can be used. The enterprise portal pulls information from
different sources in a seamless fashion; at least, that is the promise.
Components of an Enterprise Portal
Conceptually, the major components of an enterprise portal are as follows: functionalities,
interface and infrastructure. The functionalities of enterprise portals should include BI
tools, collaboration tools, knowledge management tools, search facilities and workflow
management tools. BI tools such as report generation, analytical capabilities, OLAP and
data mining are generally provided in an enterprise portal. These tools can come with the
enterprise portal package, or existing tools such as Cognos can be integrated with the
enterprise portal package. Enterprise portals generally support collaborative tools, such
as discussion boards, document sharing, chat, instant messaging, virtual conferencing
and video. The analytical and collaborative abilities of the portals separate private
portals from public portals.
Knowledge management tools are absolutely necessary, since enterprise portals promise
to access information in any format from any location. Sources of information can be
transactional systems, databases and data warehouses, the Internet and documents.
This information can be further classified into two categories — structured and unstructured. Structured information, such as data stored in databases, can be effectively
searched, since databases already come equipped with search tools and mechanisms.
The data organization in structured databases is already standardized, and search and
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The General Ledger Cycle 285
Exhibit 15. Components of enterprise portals
•Business intelligence
•Collaboration tools
•Knowledge management
•Search facilities
•Web servers
•Content servers
•Application servers
•Support of standards
Infrastructure I
Infrastructure II
•Access control
•Development environment
retrieval mechanisms are easy to devise. Organizations also generate massive amounts
of unstructured information that may be stored in documents, memos, newsgroups and
discussion boards, which need to be indexed and categorized for effective use. Organizations also acquire new businesses, and in the process acquire new and inconsistent
sources of data and information.
Knowledge management tools provide different ways to manage unstructured data and
information from disparate sources. These tools have a repository that maintains indexes
that point to the documents stored throughout the organization. The documents can also
be categorized so users can find them without knowing the exact content of the document.
The interface standard for knowledge management solutions is called Web Based
Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV), which is an open standard. This
standard specifies document-locking protocols, metadata standards, deletion and retrieval functions and searching for resource location on the Web, and also supports
copy-and-move operations. These are merely illustrative examples; WebDAV can also
provide a front end for knowledge management solutions.
A searching facility is the capability to access, browse and retrieve information based
on the user’s requirements. Search facilities are enabled by search-and-retrieval engines.
These are similar to Google or AltaVista. Different types of queries, such as simple
queries (one word), term queries (search for a term such as enterprise portals), Boolean
queries (words connected by and or or) and linguistic queries (different forms of the
word), are supported by these search engines. Advanced searches, such as searches
based on author or date, are also possible. An enterprise portal provides access to
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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various applications on the corporate system. As such, the portal should be capable of
interacting with workflows contained in these different applications. enterprise portals
have the ability to interface with existing workflows so the user can access and interact
with the workflows. Additionally, users can receive alerts through e-mail, PDAs or
directly through the portal.
The enterprise portal interface uses a Windows-type environment and the portal can be
accessed via browser over the Internet or intranet. The user can customize the portal by
changing the setting, fonts and colors, and choosing the content to be displayed after
log in. The user interface needs to be user-friendly to shorten the learning curve.
Navigation across the portal can be achieved in a number of ways. For example, the user
can move through pages that are hierarchically arranged, click on links to drill down for
information, click on a link to change some aspects of the page, or drag and drop the
information. The portal should also offer help facilities for new and experienced users.
Help features come in various formats, such as general help, context-sensitive help,
interactive help or help wizards. Portal access is governed by standard authentication
and authorization procedures. Security procedures are important, since portal access
generates further access to various applications and corporate intranets.
The infrastructure for enterprise portals consists of different servers to accomplish
various functions and software for the administration, security and development environment. The servers contain the logic to perform functions such as business intelligence, knowledge management, interfacing with databases and document repositories
and portal management. Enterprise portals also come with software for administering and
securing the portals, and a development environment for developing and customizing
portals. The architecture, that is, mix of hardware of software for portals, is different for
each vendor; as usual, claims, definitions and terminologies are confusing in this area.
A detailed discussion of the architecture is beyond the scope of this book.
SAP Enterprise Portals — A Business View
The SAP enterprise portal is a suite of software modules that comes with the capabilities
described earlier. These functionalities include unification of information from different
sources, BI, knowledge management, and access to internal and external databases. This
software connects with the underlying ERP system, applications, databases, data
warehouses, unstructured documents, and Internet and intranet content to become
operational. The focus of discussion in this section is on the abilities and users of the
enterprise portal, not on the technical infrastructure.
At the heart of the SAP enterprise portals is software called iView. This program
integrates information from the ERP system, applications, databases and data warehouses, and also provides search functions. Additionally, users can access content from
Microsoft Outlook, Oracle database, Yahoo! and similar programs. SAP calls iView a
unification technology. iView can add windows to a user desktop that integrate external
Web-based sources of information with the desktop. If the user wants a continuous feed
of information from the stock market, the related Web site, such as Bloomberg, will always
be available on the desktop without the need to fire up the browser and navigate to the
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The General Ledger Cycle 287
Exhibit 16. SAP enterprise portal
enterprise portal
Business packages
•Content management
•Document management
•News and information
•Employee management
•Budget management
•Asset management
•Corporate management
•Human capital management
• Credit management
• Financial queries
• Strategic enterprise
• Health care queries
• Real estate queries
site. The user can use the capabilities of iView to organize and arrange the required
information for a personal view.
SAP provides what is called business packages to complement its enterprise portal.
Business packages are pre-assembled content for certain tasks, and can be used either
out of the box or to shorten custom development of applications. Business packages
essentially package required information, analytical tools and tasks geared to satisfy
specific users. The primary business constituents at whom Business packages are aimed
are users, managers and specialists. The packages aimed at the user include tasks
common to all users, whether managers or functional specialists. Standard tools include
e-mail, task lists, calendars, travel management, benefits management, e-learning and
search engines. Users can manage documents using industry standard platforms, get
news and information from Yahoo!, manage projects and access their own data in the
human resources department for self-service. Information and workflows can be managed using collaborative tools. The business package provides all the necessary tools
to conduct enterprise portal activities.
Business packages aimed at managers perform a variety of tasks that should help them
manage the enterprise. Employee management tasks include monitoring attendance,
reviewing employees, recruiting employees and compensation planning. Budgets can be
planned using cost centers and profit centers, and costs can be allocated using various
allocation mechanisms. Assets can be monitored according to costs centers or profit
centers, depreciation and useful life can be viewed, internal service requests can be
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
generated, and maintenance schedules can be reviewed. Workflows for various activities, such as requisitions, can be viewed and changed. The basic idea is to reduce time
spent on routine administrative tasks and support strategic work. Enterprise portals and
related business packages specifically targeted at top management or stakeholders/
investors are also available.
Enterprise portal for CFOs: This portal provides a single access point for the CFO
to access data required on a day-to-day basis. The portal uses information from
internal financial systems and also incorporates information supplied by external
news and content providers. BI tools are used, data is analyzed and information is
provided regarding strategic management and performance management, business
planning and consolidation, and risk and treasury management.
The portal is similar to executive dashboards. What is the difference? The
difference depends on the capabilities of the underlying system and implementation; conceptually, there is very little difference in this portal and executive
dashboards. The way SAP describes this portal apparently makes it an advanced
version of executive dashboards.
Enterprise portal for investors: This portal provides information to investors and
prospective investors. Information includes analyst estimations; financial calendar; stock information; newsletter subscriptions; and names, addresses and
photos of the investor relations team. This portal can be useful in disseminating
information, reacting to market information and disinformation, and damage control.
The term specialist refers to functional specialists, such as people in accounting,
marketing and finance. These packages deliver operational and analytical tools and
functionalities appropriate for each department. Illustrative business packages for
financials include customer credit management, financial queries and strategic enterprise
management. Customer credit management is useful for credit managers and provides
payment analysis, payment history, customer details, details of overdue invoices and
credit memos, changes in customer credit and analysis of customer credit, among other
things. This package allows for end-to-end analysis of customer credit and interfaces
with SAP FI/CO module or the underlying ERP system. The financial query package
interfaces with SAP Business Information Warehouse and provides a list of prepared
queries. These queries can be used to analyze financial data according to cost center,
profit center, period, budgeted vs. actuals, financial statements or projects. The business
package for strategic enterprise management provides financial and non-financial
analytics, which is covered in the next chapter. Business packages can also be designed
for an industry; for example, SAP offers health care queries and real estate queries, aimed
at healthcare and real estate industries, respectively.
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The General Ledger Cycle 289
The general ledger cycle, from the accounting perspective, consists of making periodend-adjusting entries in the general ledger, preparing financial statements and closing
the books by making closing entries. As accounting systems got computerized, the
general ledger cycle has undergone a metamorphosis. Closing of the books, which used
to take weeks or months in the real world, has been reengineered. The closing process
and preparation of financial statements give a real picture of business. Managers who
want to view this picture and make course corrections demand virtual close. The closing
process has been shortened via standardized accounting procedures, integrated and
automated financial systems, real-time connections with operational systems, use of the
Internet and automation of workflows. Shortening the closing process highlights
inefficiencies in the financial system and is useful even if the closing time is not reduced
Financial analytics has leaped beyond the standard financial, managerial and specialreport routines of accounting departments. New tools to mine financial information
include report writing, analytical and BI tools. They supplement and at the same time
supplant trusty spreadsheets. Integrated environments, such as Cognos or Business
Objects, offer all functionalities in one package. These tools extract data from different
sources, transform it using business rules and load it in data marts. The loaded data can
be formatted using reporting tools, crunched using analytical tools, even mined for
knowledge, and can be downloaded to spreadsheets for analyzing in a familiar environment. These packages also provide packaged solutions, such as planning/budgeting and
consolidations software. Top-level managers can use executive dashboards to monitor
the pulse of the organization by looking at key performance measures in a graphical, userfriendly environment.
Planning and budgeting tools have changed the traditional process of budgeting. The
functionalities of new software allow for roll up and roll down of budgets, use of the
Internet in budgeting, integration with back-end systems, flexibility, use of data warehouses and strong security measures.
The SAS Budgeting solution was then reviewed. This solution starts from creation of
data-entry forms that support top-down and bottom-up budgeting. These forms are
consolidated in the financial data warehouse and can be used for budgeting and data
analysis. The solution also comes with solid security, workflows and auditing capabilities.
The final technology changing financial reporting is enterprise portals. These portals
provide user-friendly interface, use push-and-pull technologies to collect and disseminate data and information, tap external and internal data sources, provide analytical
capabilities and provide pre-packaged solutions for certain functions. The functionalities
of these portals, interface characteristics and infrastructure requirements were reviewed.
The SAP enterprise portal for financial and managerial purposes was discussed. This
discussion covered iView, business packages and portals aimed at CFOs and investors.
However, do not confuse the availability of functionalities with successful implementation of the software, which is another story, not covered in this book.
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
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Knorr, E., Udell, J., & Farley, J. (2003, January). The new enterprise portal. InfoWorld, 26,
McKie, S. (2000). Financial analytics. Loveland, CO: Business Technology Press.
mySAP enterprise portal (SAP Solutions Brief). (2003). SAP. Retrieved August 7, 2003,
mySAP financials next-generation integration (SAP Solutions Brief). (2003). SAP.
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mySAP financials: Financial and management portals (SAP Solutions Brief). (2003).
SAP. Retrieved August 9, 2003, from
O’Rourke, J. (2002). The virtual close – Myth or reality? (white paper). Retrieved August
17, 2003, from
Optimizing your IT investments with SAP business packages for mySAP enterprise
portal (mySAP Enterprise Portal Brief). (2003). SAP. Retrieved August 10, 2003,
Oracle performance analyzer 11i (data sheet). (2003). Oracle. Retrieved August 10, 2003,
Profit management by pricing and profit maximization (SAP white paper). (2003). SAP.
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Roth, R. (2000, February). Capitalize on virtual close. Financial Executive, 45-46.
SAP: The evolution of finance and the enterprise (white paper). (2003). The CFO Project.
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Saran, C. (2000, November). What transformation of budgeting and planning process.
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SAS data warehousing (SAS Solutions). (2003). SAS. Retrieved August 12, 2003, from
SAS financial management solutions (SAS white paper). (2003). SAS. Retrieved August
12, 2003, from
SAS information delivery portal (SAS Solutions). (2003). SAS. Retrieved August 13,
2003, from
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Scherpenseel, C. (2003, July/August). Getting more from an ERP investment. Financial
Executive, 19, 52-54.
Schroeder, J. (1999). Enterprise portals: A new business intelligence paradigm. DM
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This section is based on Deshmukh, A. (2004). Virtual close: Problems and
prospects. Review of Business Information Systems, 8(4), 103-108.
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting
Chapter IX
Financial Management,
Strategic Management
and Digital Accounting
Digital Accounting and
Accounting Processes
A dominant trend in information technology is the convergence of different software
functionalities. Even after the dot-com bust or, perhaps because of it, the convergence
has gathered steam. Different tools and techniques get concentrated in one solution or
software in a short duration. Distinct techniques and technologies, such as accounting
software, Web-based businesses, supply chain management, data warehouses and
artificial intelligence, are converging as the organizations move from ERP to ERP II,
integration of internal functions to integration across supply chain, and the Internet to
Internet 2. Today’s ERP software packs all applications into one monster package and
offers tremendous functionalities.
The Internet and ERP systems have created a strange amalgam of fragmentation and
focus in accounting processes. Accounting processes are scattered across various xRM
modules. Sales order and incoming payments can be handled in the CRM function, POs
and invoices can be handled in the SRM function, and financial reports are available
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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through enterprise portals. As such, accounting processes are not exactly centered in
standard accounting modules. This effect is not uniform across organizations, but the
movement of fragmentation of accounting has begun. Internal controls are also being
moved with accounting processes, and we have seen numerous examples of this
movement. On the other hand, due to data and information warehouses that store
financial and non-financial information, accounting departments can have insights into
the most remote corners of the organization. BI tools can be used to access data locked
into different systems across the organization, empowering the accounting function.
These effects took us to the core accounting areas, as well as areas peripheral to
accounting. Again, this is inevitable due to the convergence not only in Information
Technology but also in organizational functions. This chapter is no exception. First,
changes in the Treasury function due to the Internet and related technologies are
explored. Treasury functions, such as cash and liquidity management, have changed due
to new integrated tools, and make for a fascinating discussion. Second, the new subject
of financial supply chain management is briefly reviewed. This area deals with changes
in accounting and finance mainly due to the Internet, and neatly fits with the theme of
this book. Third, the area of Corporate Performance Management (CPM) is reviewed.
CPM pools all the new tools and technologies and puts a new spin on the ancient
problems of strategy formulation, strategy execution, strategy monitoring and performance measurement. CPM is intimately connected with accounting and finance, and
cannot be executed without appropriate financial tools and software. Financial supply
chain and CPM highlight the emerging integrative and collaborative nature of the
organization. Finally, a summary rounds off the chapter.
Exhibit 1. Whither accounting?
Distribution networks
Inbound logistics
Distribution networks
Outbound logistics
PLCM analytics
SCM analytics
CRM analytics
SRM analytics
Business intelligence tools
Budgeting consolidations
Enterprise portals
Treasury analytics
Treasury functions
Financial analytics
HR analytics
Financial data warehouse
Business information warehouse
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Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting
Corporate Treasury Functions
Corporate treasury functions include cash management, investment and debt management, financial risk management and investor relations. This is a catchall description, not
an authoritative definition, and there is considerable overlap in these classifications.
Treasury functions also deal with complex financial areas, such as foreign exchange
rates, derivatives and interest rate swaps, among other things. Treasury functions also
might differ between, say, a manufacturing firm and a bank. These treasury functions
have changed due to Web-based tools and technologies. The pace of change is uneven;
several years ago e-treasury or virtual treasury was projected to be a fait accompli for
corporations. The penetration of Web-based tools has been slow; however, promised
functionalities have begun to appear in most ERP packages. Independent vendors also
are providing services such as electronic banking and trading market software. These
areas are now briefly reviewed.
Cash management deals with liquidity management, payments and collections, and
electronic banking, which are complementary areas. Liquidity management involves
forecasting short-term and long-term fund requirements, arranging for financing, investing surpluses and maintaining a proper balance between assets and liabilities. The
objective is to provide the required cash at minimum cost. Electronic banking, electronic
lockboxes and electronic bank statements all are used to optimize liquidity. To forecast
cash requirements, a detailed analysis of payments and collections also needs to be
undertaken. As such, payments and collections are integral to liquidity management.
Illustrative problems in liquidity management are summarized below.
Bank account management: A large corporation can have a number of bank
accounts spread across the globe. In this case, even obtaining a bank balance may
take days.
Bank reconciliations: Bank accounts need to be reconciled with the cash account
to get a handle on cash transactions.
Payment and collections processing: The schedule of payments and collections
should be available for understanding future cash in and outflows. For multinational corporations, such data has to be collected from subsidiaries and consolidated for analysis.
Cash forecasts: These include forecasts for subsidiaries and different units, and
need to be consolidated into a central forecast. Time periods, such as short-term
vs. long-term, need to be specified. Cash forecasting models need to be developed
and vetted. These different forecasts can come in different file formats, and
currency adjustments may be required. Also, cash flows may have to be appropriately classified; for example, committed, uncommitted, budgeted or financial.
Global problems: Managing cash across various countries can pose problems,
such as regulatory considerations, taxes, regional banking standards for minimum
cash and vehicles available for investments and financing.
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Exhibit 2. Treasury functions
Cash Management
•Liquidity Management
•Payments and Collections
•Electronic Banking
Treasury Functions
Investment and Debt
•Bank Borrowings
•Stock and Bond Issuance
•Dividend Policies
Financial Risk Management
•Liquidity Risk
•Credit Risk
•Interest Rate Risk
•Currency Risk
•Share Value Risk
Investor Relations
Foreign Exchange
Interest Rate Changes
Investment and debt management deals with investments in marketable securities,
issuance debt and security instruments, and sale and redemption of these instruments.
These activities require access to stock market information, money markets, fixed-income
securities markets, foreign exchange rates and derivatives. The treasurer also needs a
view of market positions, ability to track, check and complete transactions, and back-end
connections to the accounting system. Accounting standards such as Financial Accounting Standard (FAS) 133, FAS 138 and IAS 39, which provide authoritative guidance
for measurement and valuation of transactions in these areas, need to be supported by
accounting and treasury systems.
Risk management involves assessing liquidity, credit, interest rate, currency and stock
market risks. Liquidity risk is the risk that the corporation will not be able to meet its shortterm or long-term commitments. Assessing this risk is part of liquidity management.
Treasury policy often specifies applicable credit rating criteria for third parties while
investing in cash assets or making derivative contracts. Credit risk deals with the
creditworthiness of business partners and, in the case of international transactions, may
also include analysis of country risks. Interest rate risk deals with changes in the interest
rate and interest margins and the consequent effects on financing costs, returns on
investments and valuations of investments or debt. These changes need to be monitored
and appropriate corrective actions need to be taken to minimize the risk. Currency risk
is a risk that an organization’s operations or an investment’s value will be affected by
changes in currency exchange rates. Currency risks are important for companies that
derive revenues from other countries, since adverse changes in currency values can
affect the bottom line. Currency and interest rate risks can be managed using different
on- or off-balances sheet hedging strategies such as forwards, futures, swaps and
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Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting
trading strategies, among other things. Stock market risk is the risk that the market value
will fluctuate and the portfolio of stocks held by the corporation will decline in value.
Treasury functions may also include dealing with current and prospective investors and
providing them with relevant and reliable information.
The software that manages the treasury functions, especially debt/investment and risk
management, must deal with different activities — trading, back-office record keeping
and accounting. Trading activities involve buying and selling of debt and security
instruments. For risk management purposes, treasury often uses financial instruments
such as options, futures, swaps and derivatives. As such, the trading activities involve
evaluating offers, contracts, order, confirmation of orders and settlements of transactions. This front end must have access to debt, security and foreign exchange markets,
and should receive information in real time. Back-office record-keeping activities involve
completing the paperwork or electronic document work for purchases and sales of
financial instruments, tracking various contracts, and maintaining historical and current
data for all transactions. The accounting function includes recording all financial
transactions in accordance with the GAAP, particularly FAS 133 and 138 in the U.S. and
IAS 39 for countries following the IAS.
The preceding is a simplistic explanation of treasury functions, and these functions may
vary based on industry and business. Our interest is in the Internet and Web-based tools
that have evolved in this area. There is a profusion of software in this area, and most of
the ERP vendors offer Web-based functionalities to a varying degree. To understand
these functionalities, a Web-based treasury tool, eTreasury, and SAP CFM module are
now reviewed.
SunGard Treasury System
SunGard Treasury System, a part of the SUNGARD group of companies, offers Webbased treasury management solutions. The core module in this solution is called
eTreasury, and is supported by a number of complementary modules to support treasury
functions. eTreasury provides consolidation abilities for intra-corporate units and
interfacing ability with general ledger. A complementary product eTreasury Exchange,
on the other hand, provides integration with markets and connects trade and reporting
systems with corporate treasury management systems. These solutions are available on
the web or as software to be installed on the corporate network.
eTreasury enables use of the Internet to manage cash, debt and investments. Cash
management services include automatic consolidation of bank balances and transactions, details of cash on hand via cash worksheets and reconciliation of expected vs.
actual cash transactions. The data-entry screens available on the workstation or browser
ease entries for bank transactions and wire transfer requests. Debt management services
include automatic calculation of interest rates and tracking of fixed and floating rate debt
instruments, such as lines of credit, notes and intra-company loans. Current market
positions and historical activity can be observed, and forecasts can be generated.
Investment management functionalities are similar to the debt management services.
Supported investment functionalities include automatic calculation of interest; tracking
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of fixed and floating rate investments, such as money market accounts, bonds and
government issues; and viewing of market positions and historical activity. Analytical
tools include online inquiries, drill-down abilities and reporting tools. Analytical tools
have pre-packaged and user-defined reporting functionalities.
The modules that support eTreasury are now described. Not all companies require fullfledged treasury functionalities, and the required modules can be selectively installed.
These modules have many overlapping functionalities and can be used in isolation or
in combination with other modules.
Advanced Portfolio Systems 2 (APS 2): APS 2 is an investment management
product aimed at the financial services industry. Functionalities include securities
tracking, regulatory compliance and reporting tools. Additional modules provide
extra functionalities, such as cash flow, fund accounting, bank polling — connecting to different financial institutions for obtaining balance and transaction information — and investment swap analysis. APS 2 also provides an interface to
connect with general ledger, vendors and accounting systems.
Global Treasury and Risk Management System (GTM): This module is aimed at
mid- to large-sized corporations and medium-sized financial institutions. Trading
and risk management for currency, commodity and interest rates is supported by
this module. Accounting standards such as FAS 133 or 138 also are supported by
this module.
ICMS/TS treasury system: This module manages daily cash transactions and inhouse banking, and debt, investment and foreign exchange transactions. Collaborative tools, such as access to e-mail and the Web, also are included in this module.
Quantum TM: This module provides an integrated treasury environment for cash
management, accounting and risk management, and pricing models for commonly
traded instruments.
ResourceIQ2: This module is aimed at corporations and governments. It can be
used to manage cash positions, investments, debts, in-house banking, foreign
exchange and fund accounting. A subsidiary ledger to account for treasury
transactions can be created. This subsidiary ledger can be integrated with a general
ledger or accounts payable ledger.
QRisk: This module provides risk management and performance measurement for
derivatives. Deals can be priced and captured using the software, query engines
can be used to analyze deals, and historical data is stored in databases. Data can
be drilled down or downloaded to Excel or Crystal Reports for further analysis.
These modules access external data by using eTreasury Exchange (eTX). eTX provides
the following real-time connections.
With banks for cash balances, prior-day debits and credits, current-day debits and
credits and EFT requests
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Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting
Exhibit 3. SunGard eTreasury modules
Advanced Portfolio Systems 2
Global Treasury and Risk
Management System
ICMS/TS treasury system
•Cash management
•Debt management
•Investment management
With fund managers and brokers/dealers for price requests, trade requests, trade
acknowledgment and confirmations, and position updates
With markets for foreign exchange rates and security prices
eTX real-time connections with banks, financial institutions, and stock and foreign
exchange markets enable Straight-Through Processing (STP), which became a treasury
buzzword several years ago. STP means automation of the entire trade cycle — authorize,
request, confirm and settle. The trade process is standardized and automated. Most other
treasury packages support STP. eTX provides appropriate security mechanisms to
ensure generation and delivery of electronic documents to the required financial
institution along with processing instructions. SunGard has developed SunGard Transaction Network (STN), which is Internet-enabled and handles NASDAQ transactions
and other forms of financial market transactions. eTX uses this network to gather and
disseminate information, and support functionalities of eTreasury.
SAP CFM is considered a comprehensive solution and can be used by large corporations
and financial institutions. For funds management, SAP offers cash management, loans
management, liquidity planner and in-house cash modules. Please note that the terminology used by SAP is slightly different than terminology used earlier. Risk management
capabilities include three analyzers — portfolio analyzer, market risk analyzer and credit
risk analyzer. Transaction manager connects front-end trading activities with back-end
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accounting and is the nexus of SAP CFM. These modules run on top of the SAP ERP
system and are integrated with accounting and treasury modules.
The cash management module provides abilities to monitor incoming and outgoing cash
flows. This module supports importing of electronic bank statements in various formats,
posting and processing of bank statements, automatic bank reconciliations and conversion programs for special electronic bank formats. Other functionalities include monitoring electronic lockboxes, electronic check deposits, bank polling, presentation of bills
of exchange at programmed intervals and cash payments. Financial planning in the cash
management module deals with cash concentration — consolidating cash from various
bank accounts to the required bank account — rule-based automatic payments and rulebased bill of exchange presentations. To summarize, this module receives data from sales,
distribution and finance, and handles cash reporting, bank interfacing, transaction
posting and period-end closing activities.
The loans management module manages the entire loan process from initiation through
posting entries to the accounting module. The loans, such as mortgage loans, borrower’s
notes, policy loans and general loans can be handled in this module. Initial data, such
as potential contacts, contract information, analysis of interest and repayment terms,
calculated credit standing and required collateral, among other things, can be managed
and entered via standardized screens. Position management functions in this module can
be used to process existing contracts, change existing contracts or automatically rollover
the loans. Accounting entries for loans can be maintained in the subledger and then
transferred to the general ledger, either automatically or manually. Reporting tools in the
module can be used to monitor deadlines and calculate interest and repayment of loans
for cash flow purposes.
Exhibit 4. A conceptual schema for SAP CFM
Risk analyzers
•Portfolio analyzer
•Market risk analyzer
•Credit risk analyzer
Fund management
•Cash management
•Loans management
•Liquidity planner
•In-house cash
Transaction manager
• Real time data feed
• Internet based support for
foreign exchange markets
• Web enabled collaborative tools
•Money market
•Securities market
•Foreign exchange
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Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting
The liquidity planner aims to improve cash flow planning and the internal and external
payments process. This planner can be used for short-term and long-term liquidity
planning. Data entry and time schedules can be entered using standardized templates,
which can be centrally administered for security purposes. Data can be captured from
central databases and databases of subsidiaries and other business units. The planner
can be used to aggregate data from different businesses, compare current data with
historical data, and forward results and analyses to managers. Liquidity planner has
workflow features that can be used to simplify entry, aggregation and reporting of
liquidity and cash flow data.
SAP in-house cash, a Web-enabled tool, serves as an in-house virtual bank that can be
used to manage intercompany transactions, transfer of funds to subsidiaries and
payments to external partners. Cash information from subsidiaries, corporate headquarters and banking networks is centralized and monitored. Policies such as tolerated
overdraft by subsidiaries, cash concentration and balance notification can be set at this
central location. Using these policies, the internal payments between subsidiaries,
central payments — settlement of subsidiary dues using in-house cash center — and
central incoming payments where customers of subsidiaries pay to the in-house cash
center, can be automated and monitored. The illustrative functionalities of this module
are given below.
Calculation of interest and other charges and posting
Analyzing and granting current account overdrafts to subsidiaries
Generating bank statements for subsidiaries
Automation of intra-group payment transactions
Automation of cash payments and cash receipts from external parties
Transferring funds to subsidiaries
The in-house cash module is integrated with the financial accounting module. For
example, cash payments are initiated using the payments program in the accounting
module, or electronic bank statement information can be imported from the accounting
module. This module can also be used to anticipate and manage cash crunches, reduce
netting process times, reduce bank transfers and bank charges, manage currency
exchange losses, decrease physical cash transfers and reduce administrative overhead.
Risk analyzers aid in managing risk associated with financial instruments — portfolio,
market and credit risk — and also provide decision support systems. Portfolio analyzer
calculates actual performance of the investments. This return is then compared with the
targeted or budgeted return. Portfolio analyzer can break down the performance portfolio
to the individual component level for control and evaluation purposes. The functionalities
of this analyzer are as follows.
Making yield calculations
Reporting risk and yield figures
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Supporting portfolio hierarchies
Handling portfolio audits
Market risk analyzer manages risks associated with the stock market, foreign currency
holdings and fluctuations in interest rates. Stock market positions such as mark-tomarket valuations can be evaluated using the built-in tools. Different calculations, such
as risk and return, exposure, future values and value at risk, can be calculated using this
analyzer. Accounting standards such as FAS 133 are supported. Simulation tools can be
used to run valuation scenarios based on actual and simulated market prices. These tools
can also be used to simulate changes in interest and currency exchange rates and run
hypothetical valuation scenarios. Market risk analyzer also accesses payment information from the transaction manager, and calculates amount and due dates for payments
in different currencies. This information can then be used in hedging activities to manage
foreign currency exposure. Reporting tools can be used to generate graphical or tabular
Credit risk is considered to be a default risk in the SAP CFM. SAP defines default risk
as a risk that refers to possible loss arising from a financial transaction should the
business partner not fulfill his/her contractual obligations due to economic or political
reasons. Credit risks involved in treasury functions extend to the individual party — a
corporation, or may extend to the country (country risk). The mechanisms of assessing
credit risk — that is, decline in the creditworthiness of a business partner — in SAP CFM
are similar to the Web-based methods seen in the revenue cycle. Country risk deals with
getting payments from a country that has become insolvent or bankrupt, or has political
problems in releasing payments. Credit risk analyzer provides the following functionalities
for managing these risks.
Online credit checks
Setting enterprise-wide credit limits
Managing credit limits
Providing formulas for calculating credit exposures
Assessing country-specific risks
Supporting netting and collateral agreements
Transaction manager connects to all modules in SAP CFM — risk management tools,
fund management tools, the financial accounting module and online sources of information. Transaction manager supports the front-end activities of trading and transactions
and can transfer those transactions to the financial accounting module. Additionally,
automation and workflow facilities in the transaction manager can be used to streamline
business processes, and the reporting and evaluation tools can be used to analyze
financial transactions, positions and portfolios. Transaction manager standardizes data
entry, as well as monitoring, processing and posting of transactions across different
modules and different financial instruments. SAP claims that such standardization
enables STP, which is demanded by a number of users.
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Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting
Transaction manager supports transaction handling for multiple financial instruments in
money markets, securities markets and foreign exchange markets. Managing risks —
stock market, interest rate or foreign currency — requires different strategies. Transaction manager can be used to configure these strategies based on the product types for
each organization. Transaction manager manages the following functions:
Trading area: This area supports tools that can be used by traders in optimizing
trading. Here, offers can be entered and evaluated, and common transactions can
be automated. Additionally, order limit checks, date checks, and expiration and
barrier checks for options are provided. Financial calculators that calculate, for
example, option price and Net Present Value (NPV) are also included. This is the
front end for trading.
Back office: In this area, details for transactions, such as account assignments and
payment information, can be entered. Orders can be confirmed and counterconfirmed — automatically or otherwise — and securities accounts can be
Accounting: Transaction data can be automatically transferred and the general
ledger can be updated. This area also supports processing of payment transactions, valuation procedures and accrual/deferral procedures.
Internal Controls: User authorizations can enforce separation of duties in trading,
back office and accounting areas. User activities are logged and monitored to
enforce user authorizations. Other software-specific control functions are designed to satisfy requirements of financial accounting and treasury, which are not
discussed here.
Exhibit 5. Components of transaction manager
General functions
Money market
Transaction manager
Foreign exchange
Information system
Payment program for
payment requests
•Fixed term deposits
•Deposits at notice
•Commercial paper
•Subscription rights
•Investment certificates
•Spot exchange transactions
•Forward exchange transactions
•Foreign exchange swaps
•Forward rate agreements
oInterest rate swaps
oInterest currency swaps
•OTC options
oCurrency option
oCurrency barrier option
oSecurity options
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Transaction manager can receive real-time data from designated information providers.
The incoming information can come from stock markets, foreign currency markets and
financial analysts. Using real-time data, historical databases and analytical tools;
transaction manager can be used to manage risks and the trading process. Transaction
manager can connect with risk analyzers and funds management components for realtime exchange of information. SAP CFM is also equipped with Web-based collaborative
tools to facilitate treasury functions. SAP CFM is capable of meeting strategic and
operational treasury management, as per most ERP analysts.
We have reviewed two treasury management solutions. However, a number of vendors
offer treasury management solutions, and most leading vendors offer similar
functionalities. As with Internet-based tools, the promise and hype of treasury solutions
far exceeded the benefits offered by such software. Surveys done a few years earlier of
CFOs and treasurers indicated that they believed that the Internet will substantially
change the treasury function. The treasury function is indeed changing, but in an
evolutionary manner. Again, practical problems involved in installing and operationalizing
these systems are not discussed here. There is precious little research in this area, and
even anecdotal evidence is hard to come by.
Financial Supply Chain
Accounting and finance departments have always strived to improve the management
of cash flows, reduce working capital and financing costs, track long-term indicators of
solvency and contain transaction-processing costs. However, the centralized accounting function, due to intra- and inter-enterprise collaboration and integration, is no longer
centralized in many organizations. Accounting processes are handled by different pieces
of software, costs are not only internal but also spread across the supply chain and
accounting information is contained not only in the general ledger but also is scattered
in data, information and knowledge warehouses. These changes pose new challenges
in dealing with old problems and offer new solutions for the same problems.
The financial supply chain, also referred to as financial value chain, is the new area
emerging to deal with the new financial processes. This term has been around for at least
a decade, though consultants and software vendors have put a new spin on it. Now, the
area of financial supply chain, similar to SCM, has multiple interpretations, multiple
perspectives and no single departmental owner. Aberdeen Group defines financial value
chain as follows: “A range of B2B, trade-related, intra- and inter-enterprise, financial
transaction-based functions and processes” (Best practices in streamlining the financial value chain, 2002, Killen & Associates Inc. categorizes all the
services provided by financial supply chain into three categories: “performance measurement and control, decision support and transaction processing” (Optimizing the
financial supply chain, 2002, SAP, on the other hand, includes
“order-to-cash, purchase-to-pay, bank processes and relationship management, and
cash management” (mySAP Financials: Next generation integration, 2003, as four processes in the financial supply chain management.
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Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting
Exhibit 6. Financial supply chain
Revenue cycle
Warehouse Shipping Billing Collections
Expenditure cycle
Choosing Order
Conversion cycle
Product Production
and control
General ledger cycle
Financial reports
Receipt of Receipt of Payment
Supply chain management
Measurement and control
Managerial reports
Special reports
•Financial institutions
•Supplier networks
•Financial institutions
• Managers
• Shareholders
• Stakeholders
• Financial institutions
• Debt and security
These definitions evidently cover all aspects of accounting and finance. Functionalities
explored, from the revenue cycle to treasury functions seen in the last section, fall under
the gamut of financial supply chain. Problems encountered by accounting departments
in identifying costs, let alone controlling those costs, are formidable. Illustrative internal
problems include disparate ERP systems, lack of consolidation and budgeting software,
patchwork of add-on modules and absence of an organizational strategy. External
problems may include establishing relationships with suppliers and customers, banking
relationships, lack of access to real-time data and managing funds in an uncertain external
environment. A number of these problems were reviewed earlier in the book.
Financial supply chain management tools are available, though a concerted strategy to
employ those tools for optimizing financial supply chain is missing in most organizations.
Aberdeen Group forecasts that optimization of financial supply chain can result in
substantial savings. The savings forecasts for a billion-dollar company are as follows.
Reduction in working capital by 20% to 25%
Reduction in financing costs by $4 million per year
Proactive warnings for delayed receivables and reduction in Days Sales Outstanding (DSOs)
Approximately $13 million savings from transaction processing costs
According to another estimate, the cost to finance products moving through the supply
chain is approximately $360 billion, or 4% GDP. If these forecasts are correct, then major
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corporations can achieve billions of dollars in savings by optimizing financial supply
chain. But, how does a corporation optimize the financial supply chain?
Solutions offered by consultants and software vendors primarily revolve around the new
tools seen so far. Suggested tools can be classified into three categories: ERP systems
to integrate internal functions, Web-based tools to facilitate free flow of information with
trading partners, and hybrid tools that use functionalities of ERP and the Internet. Due
to the convergence of software tools, no distinction in these categories was made in this
book. However, most of the tools and software that we have seen is from the second and
third category. A summary of these tools for each cycle is provided.
Revenue cycle
Online credit checks
Web-enabled WMS for order fulfillment
Web-based tracking of shipments
Electronic invoice (bill) presentment and payment
Online management of receivables
Web-based cash collection and payment methods
Expenditure cycle
SRM tools
Procurement cards
Employee self-service features
Online management of expenses
Online management of assets
Conversion cycle
Supply chain planning tools
Supply chain execution tools
Supply chain collaboration tools
Supply chain coordination tools
General ledger cycle
Technical and managerial requirements for virtual close
BI tools
Planning and budgeting solutions
Enterprise portals
Treasury functions
Cash and liquidity management tools
Debt and investment management tools
Risk evaluation tools
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Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting
Exhibit 7. Costs in the financial supply chain
•SO processing costs
•Lost sales
•Transportation-out costs
•Returns costs
•Warranties costs
•Service costs
•Financing costs
•Inventory costs
•Administrative costs
•PO processing costs
•Material costs
•Transportation-in costs
•Financing costs
•Inventory costs
•Administrative costs
•Product costs
•Financing costs
•Inventory costs
•Administrative costs
Financial supply chain management aims to reduce costs in financial management,
transaction processing and financial reporting. Financial supply chain is optimized by
automating, outsourcing Web enabling and rationalizing financial workflows and business processes. The tools to achieve these objectives are available. However, the costeffectiveness and efficacy of these tools is not proven. The optimal investment in
information technology for financial supply chain management is a difficult question to
answer, and the answers are probably unique for each organization. It seems that
consultants and software vendors will thrive in this area for a while!
Corporate Performance Management
So far, a number of philosophies and tools that manage a variety of business processes
were explored; for example, ERP, CRM, SRM, SCM, BI, treasury management, and
planning and budgeting software. These tools and techniques are devised to solve
pressing business problems. CRM software handles customer-centric functions and
provides a platform to coordinate and execute customer-related strategies and activities.
SRM handles supplier relationships, SCM handles collaboration across the supply
chain, and BI tools provide desired measurements. So what is the problem? The problem
is how to coordinate these different techniques to ensure that corporate strategy and
direction set by top management is being consistently followed. How do you provide
assurance that these different initiatives are optimizing profits for the entire enterprise?
Corporate strategy has to be linked with performance measures, which should be
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communicated to responsible managers at desired intervals and, if required, corrective
action should be taken.
Enter Corporate Performance Management (CPM). CPM is neither a brand new concept
nor a new suite of software modules. CPM builds on the tools seen earlier and integrates
them as a cohesive methodology to manage corporate strategy, at least that how it is
being sold! CPM bridges the gap between corporate strategy and different software tools
and management techniques, and provides a way to steer the entire enterprise. This area
has spawned numerous acronyms, such as corporate performance measurement, Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Business Performance Measurement (BPM) and
Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM). As usual, there is no unanimity in the definitions; though the description of the CPM process is fairly standard.
The CPM process consists of seven steps: strategy formulation, scenario analysis,
planning and budgeting, communication, monitoring, forecasting and reporting. Strategy formulation is carried out at the top management level. This is an iterative process
and different scenarios are analyzed from different angles to select a set of strategies.
These strategies are converted into operational plans and financial budgets. The
planning and budgeting process needs to be speedy and flexible to be useful. Key
performance measures are designed for each area, and the budgets and performance
measures are communicated to all levels. As the strategic execution unfolds, performance
measures are monitored and forecast of future results is derived based on existing trends.
Performance measures are communicated to all levels and corrective action, if required,
is taken. This process is probably at least a century old; so, why the sudden interest?
The technology tools now have developed to such an extent that an effective implementation of this process is possible.
Exhibit 8. CPM process and information technology tools
CPM process
Information technology tools
Strategy formulation
Data warehouse
Scenario analysis
Knowledge warehouse
Planning and budgeting
Web based collaborative tools
Simulation and optimization models
Planning and budgeting software
Business intelligence tools
Reporting and analytical tools
Enterprise portals
Executive dashboards
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Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting
The technology tools required for the CPM process are data warehouse, knowledge
warehouse, Web-based collaborative tools, simulation and optimization models, planning and budgeting software, business intelligence tools, reporting and analytical tools,
and enterprise portals. These tools have been around for some time, and the applications
of these tools have been investigated at various places in this book. However, what has
changed is the ability of these tools to talk and work together. ERP integrated internal
functions, CRM/SCM/SRM has extended the integration across the supply chain and BI
tools can extract and deliver the information across the organizations. Bring these tools
together, tie in the strategy formulation via performance measures, and we have CPM.
This, of course, is a simplistic description, and the practical problems inherent in such
effort are not discussed here. Now, SAP SEM tools are reviewed to get an idea as to how
the CPM process might work in the real world.
SAP offers a set of SEM tools, which is integrated software that addresses areas
identified in the methodology of CPM. This set of tools operates on top of the following
SAP components: business information warehouse, knowledge warehouse, exchange
infrastructure and enterprise portals. These are common components to most mySAP
functionalities and have been discussed in earlier chapters. SAP says that SEM tools can
also be used as a stand-alone application or can interface with an existing third-party
warehouse. The core components of SAP SEM are SEM Business Planning and Simulation (BPS), SEM Business Consolidation (BCS), SEM Corporate Performance Monitor
(CPM), SEM Business Information Collection (BIC), and SEM Stakeholder Relationship
Management (SRM). The SAP white paper, Translating Strategy into Action (2003),
enumerates the following functions of SEM tools.
“Structure your strategy (strategy map or balanced scorecard)
Communicate your goals throughout the entire organization and to stakeholders
Value your strategy through scenario planning and activity-based planning
Link strategy with operative targets and resource allocation
Support integrated planning, budgeting and forecasting process
Collect unstructured information from external and internal sources
Consolidate actuals
Monitor the performance of strategic key success factors using external and
internal benchmarks — either online or in the management cockpit room
Communicate your strategy and performance to major stakeholders and collect
SEM BPS supports strategy formulation and planning functions. The modeling techniques can be used to model linear relationships, non-linear relationships, competitor
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Exhibit 9. A conceptual schema for SAP SEM tools
SAP business information warehouse
SAP knowledge warehouse
SAP exchange infrastructure
SAP enterprise portal
Strategic management
•Value-based management
•Balanced scorecard
•Portfolio management
•Activity based management
•Target costing
•Risk management
Planning and budgeting
•Price/volume planning
•Headcount planning
•Cost/tax planning
•Investment planning
•Balance sheet planning
•Income statement planning
Performance management
•Collect actuals
•Financial consolidation
•Economic profit calculation
•Actual/plan comparison
•Adapt planning scenarios
•Define operative actions
•Communicate to stakeholders
behavior and risk assessment, among other things. Illustrative simulation abilities
include changes in assumptions of the plan; running of multiple scenarios; factoring in
changes in external variables, such as economic growth; and incorporating of analysts’
reports. Strategy scenarios can be created for worst case, best case or most likely case;
probabilities can be assigned to different scenarios; and Monte Carlo simulations can
be performed on required strategies. These strategy models can be optimized and
analyzed for different levels of risk by using Powersim Solver, a powerful optimizing tool.
The collaborative aspects of strategy formulation are supported by Web-based and
browser-based access to these tools, management cockpit and what-if analyses
functionalities. Results can be displayed in the management cockpit (SAP’s version of
executive dashboard), and the management team can run simulation scenarios on these
results in real time.
The different planning techniques, such as top-down planning, bottom-up planning,
hybrid of top-down and bottom-up planning, decentralized or distributed planning, and
rolling forecasts, are supported in the SEM BPS. A user can develop customized planning
methods and models and can also store those models. The plan data can be modified
using techniques such as revaluation, percentage revaluation and transfer of data from
other sources. The plan data can be generated using trend analysis or other statistical
forecasting techniques. This data can be allocated using top-down allocations or can be
consolidated. Revised or new plan data need to be posted only once to update the entire
plan. The user interface for strategy and planning functions is customizable; for example,
rows and columns, graphs, gauges and dials, or other data presentation techniques,
which are supported for wider user acceptance.
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Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting
Manual planning
Predefined planning functions
Dynamic simulation
Activity-based management
Document collection
User defined planning functions
Planning environment
•Planning area
Choose key figures and
characteristics for the plan
•Planning level
Select relevant data
•Planning package
Use planning functions on
the chosen data set or
Planning functions
Data cubes
Business planning functions
•Balance sheet planning
Packaged planning applications
•Balance sheet planning
•Currency translation
oNPV and IRR
oAccumulated balances
•Profit planning
•Cost center planning
•Investment planning
•Liquidity planning
•Capital market interpreter
Business information warehouse
Planning workbench
Exhibit 10. Planning functions in SEM BPS
Exhibit 11. Information collection in SEM BIC
Unstructured data
Structured data
Third-party system interfaces
Importing files
Manual entry
Structured data
•Financial accounting
•Investment management
•Human resources
•Sales and distribution
•Materials management
•Quality Management
•Plant maintenance service
•Production planning & control
•The Internet
•Push services
•Upload of local files
•Free text entry
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SEM BPS can also be used to create budgets or financial plans, such as sales and profit
plans, financial budgets and balance sheet plans for different business units and for the
entire organization. Examples of pre-packaged plans include quantity and sales planning,
material requirements planning, cost planning, headcount planning, capacity planning,
profit-and-loss planning and balance sheet planning. SEM BPS also comes with a
function called capital market interpreter. Capital market expectations are revealed
through current stock price, buy and sell recommendations by the stock brokers and
financial analysts’ reports, to mention a few sources. Capital market interpreter accepts
these expectation inputs and forecasts financial numbers and key value drivers to meet
market expectations. Activity-Based Management (ABM) activities, such as resource
modeling, activity modeling, cost object modeling, budgeting and planning, simulation
and decision support are also supported by SEM BPS.
Strategy formulation and planning functions need access to data and information. SEM
BIC collects structured and unstructured information from internal and external sources.
The structured data from different functional areas of the organization can be collected
from the underlying ERP system via data extractors. SEM BIC is integrated with the SAP
R/3 system; however, it also comes with third-party ERP interfaces, file uploading
capabilities and even the ability to manually enter data. Unstructured information
generally comes from external sources; for example, business databases, expert opinions
and reports, conference papers, discussion forums and analysts’ reports. A large portion
of this information can be accessed using the Internet. SEM BIC comes with an editorial
workbench, which is used to collect and organize information collected from the Internet
and other sources. Editorial workbench can be used to store numerical, textual or
multimedia information, or to point to such information. This information is then linked
Exhibit 12. SEM CPM for performance measurement
Pre-defined KPI catalogs
Measure builder
Management cockpits
Business analytics
•Financial analytics
•CRM analytics
•SRM analytics
•SCM analytics
•PLCM analytics
•HR analytics
User defined measures
•Tachometer graphics
•Horizontal bar charts
•Four-quadrant metrics
•Portfolio graphics
Interpretation models
Benchmark provider
Benchmark data
Benchmark surveys
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Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting
with SEM BIC; for example, a sales estimate from the broker’s report can be linked with
actual sales figures for the same period. Users can also post queries to the workbench
and such queries can be answered using existing information, or a search to identify
relevant information may be initiated. Currently, research is going on regarding automatic
collection, indexing and linking of information from external sources.
Information collection and strategy/plan formulation are followed by strategy execution.
There are severe problems in connecting strategy with operational measures. For
example, if top management decides that shareholder value will be the guiding principle
in conducting business affairs, how do you explain this measure to other stakeholders
and how do you measure whether the organization is working toward maximizing
shareholder value? There are two parts to this problem: the first is to design appropriate
key performance indicators, and the second is to make those available to stakeholders
for continuous monitoring and corrective action. SEM CPM helps in designing, displaying and disseminating key performance indicators and operational indicators. The
functionalities of SEM CPM are described below.
Pre-defined KPI catalogs: Approximately 200 pre-packaged financial and nonfinancial measures exist. These measures span all functional areas of business,
such as accounting, finance, sales and distribution, production and human resources. Collaborative areas, such as CRM, SCM and SRM, are also covered.
Industry-specific KPI templates are also available.
Measure builders: This function can be used to generate user-defined KPIs.
Existing KPIs can be modified, or entirely new ones can be created.
Management cockpits: These cockpits are similar to executive dashboards and
enterprise portals, though aimed at management. The KPIs can be displayed
numerically or visually. Visual representation includes graphics, such as bar and
pie charts, gauges and dials, or matrix format. KPIs displayed depend on the user
level; for example, KPIs displayed for the CEO will be different than those for the
plant manager.
There are a number of interpretation models to aid understanding of KPIs. For
example, KPI figure trees reveal individual values and mathematical relationships
in the KPIs and also enable sensitivity analyses by changing those values and
relationships. KPI driver trees, on the other hand, display causal relationships
between measures. Balanced scorecards are also supported at this level. Industryspecific, balanced scorecards can highlight strategic themes, strategic objectives,
KPIs and causal relationships between strategic objectives.
Benchmarking: This function helps in selecting a benchmark provider, accessing
benchmark data and participating in benchmarking surveys, which is useful for
organizations involved in benchmarking efforts.
Consolidation abilities are useful in closing of the books and generating financial reports.
SEM BCS can be used to perform legal consolidations and user-defined consolidations
across desired dimensions. Since SAP software is used by large corporations, SEM BCS
supports U.S., international and country-specific GAAP requirements. Different charts
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of accounts that support different GAAP requirements are built into the software. Userdefined consolidations can be carried out across world zone, country, division, strategic
business units or profit centers. SEM BCS can also be used to consolidate actual and
budgeted figures, carry out simulations, say, for different currency exchange rates, and
generate reports.
SEM SRM is used to manage stakeholders of the corporation and can include stockholders, employees, customers, suppliers, partners, federal/state/local governments and the
general public. SRM involves understanding stakeholder expectations, evaluating
appropriateness of such expectations, incorporating appropriate expectations in corporate strategy, devising and monitoring performance measures and communicating those
measures to stakeholders to close the loop. SEM SRM comes with the following
functionalities to manage stakeholders.
Stakeholder map/Relevance matrix: This tool can be used to map different types
of stakeholders, objectives and interests of stakeholders, power of the stakeholders to influence the corporation and risks posed by each group.
Stakeholder questionnaire generator: This function can be used to design
surveys to assess stakeholder expectations and interests, automate delivery and
acceptance of forms, and automate statistical analysis.
Stakeholder database: This database contains information regarding stakeholder
groups, such as expectations, interests and power structure; and individual
stakeholders, such as name and contact information.
Stakeholder value proposition modeling: This tool can be used to develop models
of stakeholder relationships and similarities and differences in their expectations.
These models can be mathematically optimized for deciding the course of action.
Stakeholder communication processor: This processor enables two-way communication with stakeholders via print, fax, telephone, Web and e-mail.
Stakeholder report builder: This report-generation tool can be used to generate
various reports targeted at different stakeholder groups.
This is a nutshell description of SAP SEM tools. A closer look at these tools will reveal
a strong connection with accounting and finance functions. Accounting functions, such
as financial consolidation and reporting, budgeting and planning, financial performance
measures, and even closing of the books, are closely connected with effective CPM. It
is also instructive to note that SAP SEM tools are marketed as a part of mySAP Financials
and integrated with FI, CO and Treasury models. Aberdeen Group’s white paper, The
Financial Implications of Corporate Performance Management, states that the primary
role of accounting in CPM is to provide the answer to the question: How far along the
way are we? Remember, measurement of strategies, plans, and initiatives must be linked
with financial objectives. As it is often said, you get what you measure.
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Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting
This chapter completes coverage of digital accounting by reviewing treasury functions,
financial supply chain and CPM. The introduction reiterates changes in accounting due
to the Internet and ERP. Accounting processes are scattered across various modules and
can even be handled by customers and suppliers. At the same time, data and information
warehouses have centralized financial and non-financial information, allowing insights
into nooks and crannies of the organization. BI tools can be employed for controlling
accounting processes, such as consolidations, planning and budgeting, and report
Treasury functions, such as cash management, investment and debt management, and
financial risk management, have changed considerably due to Web-based tools. The
primary advantage is access to real-time information from across the globe. Such
information can be leveraged to effectively manage the treasury function. Two tools —
SunGard Treasury tools and SAP CFM — were reviewed. These software tools facilitate
front-end trading by accessing real-time market information, transaction and document
management, and automated back-end accounting functions. Accounting standards,
such as FAS 133 and 138, are supported by most of these treasury tools.
Financial supply chain or financial value chain is a new term that refers to the management
of financial functions across the enterprise and even beyond for cash management and
cost reductions. Billions of dollars of savings have been forecasted for corporations that
effectively manage their financial supply chain. Financial supply chain concepts are
similar to the theme of this book. Proposed financial supply chain tools can be classified
into three categories: ERP systems to integrate internal functions, Web-based tools to
facilitate free flow of information with partners, and hybrid tools that use functionalities
of the Internet and ERP. A number of these tools were explored in earlier chapters.
Finally, the topic of CPM was reviewed. The CPM process consists of seven steps:
strategy formulation, scenario analysis, planning and budgeting, communication, monitoring, forecasting and reporting. This is not a new process; however, an effective
implementation of this process is now possible due to advances in Information Technology. CPM packages different technology tools, such as ERP systems, CRM, SCM and
SRM, to name a few, and uses business intelligence tools to extract and deliver
performance measures across the organization. The SAP SEM solution and its support
for CPM were explored in-depth. However, do not confuse the availability of functionalities
with the successful implementation of the software, which is another story, not covered
in this book.
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
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Banham, R. (2003, March). Performance is its middle name – Can new software help
companies link past, present, and future? CFO. Retrieved September 3, 2003, from
Best practices in streamlining the financial value chain. (2002). The abridged report.
Boston: Aberdeen Group. Retrieved from
Beyond budgeting (white paper). (2003). SAP. Retrieved September 5, 2003, from
Corporate finance management with mySAP Financials (SAP Solutions Brief). (2003).
SAP. Retrieved September 5, 2003, from
Crane, A. (2003). Actionable e-metrics. Intelligent Enterprise. Retrieved September 6,
2003, from
Empowering finance for e-business (white paper). (2003). SAP. Retrieved September 7,
2003, from
Enterprise performance management (white paper). (2003). Business Objects. Retrieved
September 7, 2003, from
Financial supply chain management with mySAP financials: Biller direct (SAP Technical Brief). (2003). SAP. Retrieved September 8, 2003, from
Financial supply chain management with SAP in-house cash (SAP Financials Brief).
(2003). SAP. Retrieved September 8, 2003, from
Improving corporate governance: A balanced scorecard approach (white paper).
(2003). SAP. Retrieved September 10, 2003, from
Kersnar, J. (2001, December). STP: Is it the racer’s edge? CFO. Retrieved September 12,
2003, from
Lloyd, M. (2002). Enterprise commerce: The new paradigm for treasury management
(white paper). Retrieved September 12, 2003, from
mySAP financials: Next-generation integration (SAP Solutions Brief). (2003). SAP.
Retrieved September 13, 2003, from
mySAP financials: Strategic enterprise management with the balanced scorecard (SAP
Solutions Brief). (2003). SAP. Retrieved September 13, 2003, from
Optimizing the financial supply chain (white paper).(2002). Palo Alto, CA: Killen &
Associates. Retrieved from
Oracle 9i application server: Business intelligence technical overview (white paper).
(2003). Oracle. Retrieved September 14, 2003, from
Osterland, A. (2002, January). Virtual treasury: Any day now. CFO. Retrieved September
16, 2003, from
Product information and description. (2003). SunGard Corp. Retrieved September 15,
2003, from
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Financial Management, Strategic Management and Digital Accounting
Release 11i Multi-Org Today (white paper). (2003). Oracle. Retrieved September 15, 2003,
SAP strategic enterprise management – Enabling value based management (white
paper). (2003). SAP. Retrieved September 20, 2003, from
SAP strategic enterprise management – Translating strategy into action (white paper).
(2003). SAP. Retrieved September 22, 2003, from
SAP strategic enterprise management with (white paper). (2003). SAP.
Retrieved September 22, 2003, from
SAP strategic enterprise management, The functions – A closer look. (2003). SAP.
Retrieved September 22, 2003, from
Talbot, I. (2002). Questioning the future for outsourcing the financial supply chain
(white paper). (2003). The CFO Project. Retrieved September 23, 2003, from
Taub, S. (2001, October). Internet will have big impact on Treasury, say finance execs.
CFO. Retrieved September 12, 2003, from
The financial implications of corporate performance management (white paper). (2002).
Boston: Aberdeen Group. Retrieved from
White, C. (2003). Corporate performance optimization guide (white paper). Oracle.
Retrieved September 16, 2003, from
Wright, J. (2002). Order-to-cash: Unlocking corporate value (white paper). Retrieved
September 11, 2003, from
Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written
permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
Chapter X
Controls, Security,
and Audit in Online
Digital Accounting
Internal Controls: What and Why?
Internal controls have existed since the dawn of business activities. Internal controls are
basically systems of checks and balances. The purpose is to keep the organization
moving along desired lines as per the wishes of the owners and to protect assets of the
business. Internal controls have received attention from auditors, managers, accountants, fraud examiners and legislatures. Sarbanes Oxley Act 2002 now requires the annual
report of a public company to contain a statement of management’s responsibility for
establishing and maintaining an adequate internal control structure and procedures for
financial reporting; and management’s assessment of the effectiveness of the company’s
internal control structure and procedures for financial reporting. Section 404 of the Act
also requires the auditor to attest to and report on management’s assessment of
effectiveness of the internal controls in accordance with standards established by the
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).
Internal controls are also affected by changes in business and information technology.
As such, the sophistication, scope and interpretations of internal controls have evolved
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 319
Exhibit 1. Perspectives on internal controls (Source: A Comparison of Internal
Controls: COBIT, SAC, COSO and SAS 55/78, by Janet Colbert and Paul Bowen;
The policies, procedures, practices, and
organizational structures are designed to
provide reasonable assurance that business
objectives will be achieved and that
undesired events will be prevented or
detected and corrected.
A system of internal controls is a set of
processes, functions, activities, subsystems,
and people who are grouped together or
consciously segregated to ensure the
effective achievement of objectives and
A process effected by an entity’s board of
directors, management, and other personnel,
designed to provide reasonable assurance
regarding the achievement of objectives in
the following categories:
• Effectiveness and efficiency of
• Reliability of financial reporting
• Compliance with applicable laws
and regulations
A process effected by an entity’s board of
directors, management, and other personnel,
designed to provide reasonable assurance
regarding the achievement of objectives in
the following categories:
• Reliability of financial reporting
• Effectiveness and efficiency of
• Compliance with applicable laws
and regulations
Planning and organization
Acquisition and
Delivery and support
Focus: Information
Control environment
Manual and automated
Control procedures
Focus: Information
Control environment
Risk management
Control activities
Information and
Focus: Overall entity
Control environment
Risk management
Control activities
Information and
Focus: Financial statements
over the years. However, internal controls do not have a standard definition, standard
objective nor one owner. The basic questions tackled in this section are: What are internal
controls? What function do they serve? Answers to these questions, of course, depend
on who is answering the question.
The major U.S. organizations that have articulated concepts of internal controls include
Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), Institute of Internal
Auditors (IIA), Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) and AICPA. These
efforts are not independent, but borrow from each other in an evolutionary spiral. Internal
controls are viewed as an amalgam of business models, organizational processes,
organizational procedures, people and information technology. These controls are used
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permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.
in safeguarding assets of the business, providing relevant and reliable information,
promoting operational efficiency and complying with managerial policies and procedures.
The responsibility for instituting and maintaining internal controls rests with management. In the real world, involvement of various layers of management in internal controls
varies widely. Internal controls provide reasonable, not absolute, assurance. Internal
controls are subject to cost benefit analysis. And all internal controls have limitations,
such as collusion by personnel to overcome controls, override by top management and
human error. Internal controls ideally should evolve in tandem with changing business
conditions; thus, the need for continuous management monitoring.
Each organization defines components of internal controls differently, though there are
a number of similarities. Components defined by COSO and adopted by the AICPA are
comprehensive and briefly discussed below.
Control environment: This is the foundation of internal controls, since it deals with
the people aspect. Control environment signifies attitudes of the people in charge
of the organization toward the controls. The tone set at the top soon permeates the
entire organization. As such, no system of internal controls is effective unless
actively supported by top management. The different elements of control environment are as follows:
Management’s commitment to integrity and ethics
Management’s philosophy and operating style
Complexity of the organizational structure
Procedures for delegating authority and responsibility
Human resource policies and procedures
External influences, such as requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Risk management: All businesses face internal and external threats. Risk analysis
involves analyzing these threats and taking proactive and reactive steps to mitigate
risks. The steps involved in the risk analysis are given below.
Identify threats in financial, operational and strategic areas
Estimate risks involved in each threat
Oversight exercised by the board of directors, audit committee and internal
Assess cost of loss due to the risk; that is, likelihood of the occurrence of the
risk multiplied by possible loss
Manage risk by designing appropriate controls
Make sure that all controls undergo cost/benefit analysis
Control activities: These are policies and procedures that ensure that management’s
directives are carried out. The five classes of these policies and procedures are
given below.
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 321
Appropriate authorization of transactions
Separation of duties
Proper design and usage of documents and records
Safeguarding of assets and records via adequate access controls
Independent verification; for example, internal and external audits
Information and communication: Internal controls should identify, capture, process and report appropriate information, which may be financial or operational.
Monitoring: Internal controls should be evaluated, periodically or continuously,
to assure that they are functioning as intended by management. The methods of
evaluating internal controls depend on the type of controls being evaluated; for
example, the evaluating tone set at the top will be different from evaluating
separation of duties.
How does this discussion help understanding internal controls in the online world?
Surprisingly, or, perhaps not surprisingly, the theoretical framework advocated by COSO
fits well to the controls on the Internet. In the context of internal controls over business
transactions over the Internet, risk management, control activities and monitoring
aspects of the COSO framework are useful and applicable. Use of the Internet and Webbased tools, as seen so far, permeate almost every functional area of the business.
Problems regarding information flowing in and out of the organization via the Internet
are similar to the problems encountered in EDI. Add to that a unique mixture of disparate
Exhibit 2. Internal controls and the networked world
Physical defense of computer facilities
Internet defense
Perimeter defense
Telephone lines
Optical fibers
Intranet Defense
Desktop defense
Application level defense
Data warehouse defense
Weakest link??
Education and training
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technologies, networks and computing systems, along with people collaborating —
perhaps from across the globe — who may not have ever met face to face. No wonder
security is considered to be one of the prime problems for businesses and consumers
already on the Internet or wishing to move processes to the Internet.
The objective of this chapter is not to list every internal control in the online world. You
should be able to ask intelligent questions regarding the controls — What is being
protected? Why? How? How effectively? Conceptual discussions of these issues are
more important than the details, which can get very complicated very quickly. To that end,
this chapter is structured as follows. First, the technical, human and legal dimensions of
security issues in the online world are investigated. Second, a conceptual framework to
evaluate controls in the online world is presented. Third, standard online control
techniques that should be known to accountants and auditors are explored. Fourth, a
taxonomy of network anti-intrusion techniques, which provides proactive, reactive and
interactive defenses against network intrusion attempts, is discussed. Fifth, since
millions of transactions are being processed in minutes due to automation, manual
controls are not very useful in Internet transactions. This section looks at a couple of
software tools that can be used in automating internal controls and complying with new
laws. Sixth, privacy issues and assurance services in the online world are discussed.
Finally, a summary rounds off the chapter.
Security Issues in the Online World
The objectives of internal controls in the online world are similar to internal controls in
the physical world — protect assets and information, provide reliable and relevant
information, promote operational efficiency and comply with managerial policies. The
online environment presents a mix of technological, human and physical elements, and
threats to business can arise from any of these elements. Generally, in the security
literature, technical solutions have received the most attention. However, there is no
technological silver bullet to solve security problems, since technology is but one piece
of the problem. Security solutions and internal controls must cover every aspect of the
online environment.
The Internet is a global collection of networks and connects myriad operating systems,
applications, databases and machines. The explosive growth of the Internet and commercial applications has sidelined security issues; and to begin with, the Internet was
designed to promote communication, not security. A white paper published by the
CERT® Coordination Center (2003) gives the following reasons for security problems on
the Internet.
“The Internet was never designed for tracking and tracing user behavior.
The Internet was not designed to resist highly untrustworthy users.
The addresses of information packets over the Internet is untrustworthy, which
hinders user tracking.
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 323
Today’s risk levels far exceed the Internet’s design parameters.
The expertise of the average system administrator continues to decline.
Attacks often cross administrative, jurisdictional and national boundaries.
High-speed Internet traffic, tunneling of information and anonymizers hinder
tracking of errant users.
The Internet links networks, so a well-protected network can be attacked from
a connected but less-secure network.”
Additionally, the Internet has a large user population that is accessing a large and
dynamic pool of computer services and resources. Programs can be accessed, transported and executed by remote and anonymous users. Numerous protocols run Internet
transfer of data and are difficult to debug and monitor. Authentication and authorization
mechanisms are different at each Web site; users may have multiple IDs and can be
geographically scattered. Security, a late-comer to the party, has become a serious
problem. A popular belief in the security community: If you want to truly secure your
system, unplug it and pour concrete over it!
The efficiency and effectiveness of internal controls in the online environment encompasses technical, human, legal and audit considerations. Technical considerations
consist of protecting against physical threats and logical attacks directed at networks
and information technology assets. This area encompasses network infrastructure,
operating systems, application programs, browsers and communication methods, just to
mention a few. To avoid technical complexities, a conceptual view of technical problems
will be taken in the ensuing discussion. The human element arguably is the weakest link
in internal controls, and unless users are adequately educated and trained, no control
system will function as desired. The legal element deals with validity of transactions.
Federal and state commercial laws have different requirements for enforceability of the
commercial transactions; for example, the UCC requires that a contract must be signed
and in writing if it involves a sale of goods for more than $500. Several new laws to
facilitate e-commerce are in place, though there are many unanswered questions in
implementation and acceptance of these laws. Audit considerations include storage of
transactions and maintenance of audit trails. The problem of internal controls on the
Internet, as expected, is multidimensional.
Technical problems can be classified in two parts: physical security and logical security;
these parts are not entirely independent. Physical threats to the network and information
technology facilities should be identified and controlled. These threats include natural
hazards, such as fire, flood, and hurricanes; and man-made hazards, such as riots,
terrorism and sabotage. Physical facilities should be located away from hazardous areas,
have solid construction that can withstand certain levels of stress and have uninterrupted power supply. Access to the facilities should be controlled and appropriate
heating and air conditioning installed. Inventories for hardware, software and supplies
should be established and maintained. Storage, access and usability policies for data
should be established. A team of security professionals should handle the physical
security. The security system should be periodically audited and corrective actions
taken, if required.
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Exhibit 3. U.S. Department of Defense security levels, circa 1987 (
irp/nsa/rainbow/tg003.htm; this summary appears on various Web sites)
No Security – Minimal Protection
Discretionary Protection
• Discretionary Access Control, for example ACLs (Access Control Lists), User/Group/World
• Usually for users who are all on the same security level.
• Username and password protection and secure authorizations database.
• Protected operating system and system operations mode.
• Periodic integrity checking of TCB (Trusted Computing Base).
• Tested security mechanisms with no obvious bypasses.
• Documentation for User Security.
• Documentation for Systems Administration Security.
• Documentation for Security Testing.
• TCB design documentation.
• Typically for users on the same security level
• C1 certification is rare.
Controlled Access Protection
• Object protection can be on a single-user basis, e.g. through an ACL or Trustee database.
• Authorization for access may only be assigned by authorized users.
• Object reuse protection (i.e. to avoid reallocation of secure deleted objects).
• Mandatory identification and authorizations procedures for users, e.g. Username/Password.
• Full auditing of security events (i.e. date/time, event, user, success/failure, terminal ID)
• Protected system mode of operation.
• Added protection for authorizations and audit data.
• Documentation as C1 plus information on examining audit information.
• This is one of the most common certifications.
Labeled Security Protection
• Mandatory security and access labeling of all objects, e.g. files, processes, devices etc.
• Label integrity checking (e.g. maintenance of sensitivity labels when data is exported).
• Auditing of labeled objects.
• Mandatory access control for all operations.
• Ability to specify security level printed on human-readable output (e.g. printers).
• Ability to specify security level on any machine-readable output.
• Enhanced auditing.
• Enhanced protection of Operating System.
• Improved documentation.
Structured Protection
• Notification of security level changes affecting interactive users.
• Hierarchical device labels.
• Mandatory access over all objects and devices.
• Trusted path communications between user and system.
• Tracking down of covert storage channels.
• Tighter system operations mode into multilevel independent units.
• Covert channel analysis.
• Improved security testing.
• Formal models of TCB.
• Version, update and patch analysis and auditing.
Security Domains
• ACLs additionally based on groups and identifiers.
• Trusted path access and authentication.
• Automatic security analysis.
• TCB models more formal.
• Auditing of security events.
• Trusted recovery after system down and relevant documentation.
• Zero design flaws in TCB, and minimum implementation flaws.
Highest level of security – Verified Protection
• Formal methods and proof of integrity of TCB.
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 325
Logical attacks against the network can be broadly classified into three categories: clientside attacks, server-side attacks and attacks on transmission of information. Client-side
security, also called browser-side security, deals with protecting the end user. The end
user’s system can be crashed or damaged by active content (programs) that executes on
the user’s computer with or without authorization. The user’s privacy may be breached
and personal information, such as bank account numbers, might be used for unauthorized
purposes. Server-side security is concerned with protecting the Web server — hardware
and software. The idea is to prevent unauthorized access to confidential information by
remote users, changes in content or format of Web site information, and the use of the
hardware and software to break into the host system. Secure transmission of information
protects from interception of data traveling on the network – from Web browser to server
and vice versa. Such data can be accessed from the network on the browser’s side, on
the server’s side and on the ISPs on the browser or server side — all of these access points
need to be guarded.
Logical attacks are possible due to network and computer system vulnerabilities. These
include faulty architecture of the system, improper configuration by inexperienced
administrators or built-in programming flaws in the operating system or application
programs. Some systems are not designed for the Internet, but are rushed to it for
business reasons. System configurations, such as setting up a firewall, network components and network services may not be done in accordance with security guidelines.
Security features may not be configured or may be turned off. Security fixes may never
be installed. Today’s software is designed at breakneck speed with scant attention to
security, and may be shipped with poor code, inadequate testing or design problems.
Users may not follow security policies of the organization with respect to setting of
passwords, log-in and log-off procedures, downloading of files and running of anti-virus
software. These fault lines are then exploited by hackers. Remember, malicious hackers
can be insiders, outsiders, trading partners or anyone in between!
How can hackers exploit these problems to attack or gain access to the network? There
are numerous methods for such access, and new ones are being regularly developed. Any
successful attempt or security breach wherein a network is used without authorization
for whatever purpose is called a network security incident. Such incidents can be used
to steal information, damage a compromised system, infiltrate other systems or launch
attacks on other networks. The standard technical methods of such attacks are described
Probes and scans: Probing involves checking access points to the network to
collect information regarding the network; for example, network layout, operating
systems, types of services offered on the network and users of the system.
Scanning, also called footprinting, refers to simultaneously conducting a large
number of probes using automated tools. The objective is to determine points of
vulnerability for the network, which can later be used to infiltrate it.
Compromises: An account compromise refers using an authorized user’s account
without permission. Generally, the users’ accounts have limited privileges, but
once an account is compromised it is used to burrow deeper into the system. In
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account compromise, the damage is contained to the specific user(s); however, the
victim may suffer from theft, loss or unauthorized use of data.
A root compromise is unauthorized use of the system administrator’s (or an
equivalent) account. Generally, system administrators are considered superusers,
meaning they have special privileges on the system. Once the root account is
compromised, the hacker can take over the entire system or network, run his/her
programs and cover traces of intrusion. The damage caused by a root compromise
is far more severe than an account compromise.
One way to compromise a user account is to obtain the user ID and password for
that account. Getting a user ID is relatively easy; however, getting user passwords
is difficult. Password crackers are programs that crack passwords using a brute
force approach or using dictionaries of frequently used passwords. This, of course,
necessitates password policies that regulate formation and deployment of passwords. User passwords are stored on computer or network systems in encrypted
files. These files can also be stolen and decrypted to obtain passwords.
Packet sniffer: The purpose of sniffer programs is to monitor network activity,
diagnose the network, generate traffic and help troubleshoot problems. These
programs can be used by hackers to capture data or information packets as they
travel over the network; that is, data is sniffed. Data may include private information, user names or user passwords. This information can then be used to launch
further attacks against the network.
Malicious code: These programs, once executed, are designed to damage or
compromise the user’s system. The malicious code can be used for different
purposes; for example, it may simply display a message, can destroy data on the
user’s machine or can transfer command of the machine or network to the remote
Exhibit 4. Dimensions of online controls
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 327
hacker. Malicious code includes viruses, worms, Trojan horses and logic bombs.
Computer viruses are programs that replicate themselves and spread from computer to computer. These viruses spread when infected disks or files are shared or
downloaded from the Internet. E-mail is a favorite method to spread different types
of malicious code. E-mail can spread viruses not only via attachments but also
through embedded HTML, pictures or sound files. Computer viruses are operatingsystem specific and exist in most operating system environments, such as Windows, DOS, OS/2 and UNIX. These computer viruses can be broadly classified into
four categories:
Macro viruses: Macros automate functions such as keystrokes or commands
and are written in special-purpose command language in a particular application. Since macro viruses are written in macro language, they are platform
independent and can spread to any machine that runs that particular application. For example, if the virus is written in Microsoft Word macro language,
any machine running Word can be infected.
File viruses: These viruses attach themselves to executable files and are
activated when the file is run or executed. There are different types of file
viruses. Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) viruses, once activated, stay
active in the memory and attach themselves to other programs. Direct-action
file viruses load themselves in the memory and infect other files and then
unload themselves. Companion file viruses create false .COM (Command)
files that invoke a virus code when a program is used.
Boot viruses: These viruses write over or move the disk’s (floppy or harddrive) boot sector data and replace it with malicious code. As the disk is shared
and used, the virus loads into memory and performs assigned tasks.
Multi-partite viruses: These share characteristics of file- and boot-sector
viruses; they can infect .COM and .EXE (Executable) files and also have the
ability to infect the boot sector.
The development of new viruses is an ongoing process; every year, hundreds of
viruses are developed. The software code for viruses is also getting sophisticated.
Stealth viruses attach themselves to the file, do not change the file length and try
to stay invisible to anti-virus software. Polymorphic viruses change their identifying signatures every time they infect a new system. Such change makes it harder
for anti-virus programs to detect them.
Worms, another type of malicious code, are programs that replicate themselves. In
the process, the worm consumes computing resources and eventually slows or
shuts down the attacked system. Worms move through the networks, scanning it
for security holes. If it finds one, the worm copies itself to the new machine, and
so on. Trojan horses are programs that simulate legitimate programs; for example,
a free game. The free game may work, but in the background, assigned illicit
activities are carried out. These may include stealing passwords; stealing information for fraud, embezzlement or espionage; destroying data; or transferring local
control to a remote location. A logic bomb performs certain acts when certain
conditions are met. For example, a logic bomb might erase data exactly 6 months
after the software programmer, who wrote the bomb, was fired.
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Active content (spyware, adware, software microbes, electronic moles and electronic latch-keys): Active content has different definitions; however, generally,
active content refers to any information transmitted over the Internet that modifies
the behavior of the recipient computer. The most common examples of active
content are Java applets and Active X controls. Not all active content is bad; in fact,
active content is required for many routine functions carried over the Internet.
These programs are routinely used to download Web pages containing, say,
animation, and play it on the user’s computer.
Active content programs are based on macros and scripts, share program libraries
and other executable objects, and can be used to remotely control infected PCs.
These programs can be used to steal customer lists, conduct industrial espionage,
capture e-mail addresses and capture user keystrokes, among other things. Active
content can also be modified to acquire worm or Trojan horse capabilities described
earlier. Some programs can be used to kill the antivirus software and firewalls, and
also to launch Internet Infrastructure attacks (see the next bullet point). These
programs were called by various names, but now the term “spyware” seems to be
taking hold. In spite of these threats, a recent survey showed that only 25%
businesses acknowledge spyware as a major problem.
A White Paper on has this to say about spyware:
“[It is] any product that employs a user’s Internet connection in the
background without their knowledge, and gathers/transmits info on the
user or their behavior. Many spyware products will collect referrer info
(information from your Web browser, which URL you linked from), your IP
address (a number used by computers on the network to identify your
computer) and system information (such as time of visit, type of browser
used, the operating system and platform, and CPU speed). Spyware products
sometimes wrap other commercial products, and are introduced to machines
when those commercial products are installed.”
The problem is that traditional anti-virus software and firewalls could not identify
and filter spyware. Spyware can hide in files downloaded from the Internet. It can
also download itself on the person’s computer if the person merely visits certain
Web sites. A new breed of software tools, such PestPatrol and Spybot Search and
Destroy, is being developed and employed to secure systems against active
content. Many traditional anti-virus software suites are also being re-tooled to
detect and neutralize active content.
Internet infrastructure attacks: These attacks target the Internet infrastructure,
such as network name servers, network access providers and major archival sites,
to disrupt the smooth functioning of the Internet. These attacks are not targeted
at a particular corporation, but can cause problems to a large number of users.
Denial of Service (DNS) attack: The objective of a DNS attack is not to gain
entry in the network but to deny network services to legitimate users. This
attack may be carried out by flooding the target network with a large volume
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 329
of data, or a critical resource may be overloaded to crash the network. Initially,
this attack compromises the Internet infrastructure. Then the compromised
infrastructure is used to launch further attacks.
Steganography: Steganography means covered writing, and dates back thousands of years. In the digital age, steganography has been used to hide messages
by embedding them within other harmless messages or images. Steganography is
similar to encryption; however, steganography does not create unintelligible
messages, it makes them vanish altogether. Steganography uses unused space in
images and hides information and data in those spaces.
Steganography can be used for theft of information. An engineering firm suspected
an insider of passing of proprietary information to outsiders. A complete forensic
audit did not discover anything abnormal; however, the consultants found two
outgoing e-mails with attached images. These images were analyzed and were
found to contain the firm’s vital engineering specifications.
Hackers can be teenagers, criminals, insiders, industrial spies or foreign government
agents. Insiders may include company employees, trading partners who have access to
company networks and other users who have limited privileges on the network. If hacking
attacks are launched by insiders, industrial spies or foreign government agents, then the
level of sophistication and probability of damage are high. Frauds carried out by insiders
using networks and information technology generally go on much longer before being
detected. Motives may include psychological rewards, such as vengeance, curiosity or
attention. The attacks may also be launched for competitive advantage, money or
disruption of the target’s computing resources. The political side of hacking has given
rise to a new area of Information Warfare, which deals with attacking a nation by attacking
the core information infrastructure that holds the nation together.
What tools carry to out these attacks? How do these tools and programs get distributed?
The hacker community is getting sophisticated. There are number of easy-to-use hacking
scripts for newbie hackers, many of them available on the Internet. A number of talented
persons have devoted their lives to develop effective hacking programs. If insiders or
foreign agents are hackers, they can be legitimate, motivated and highly educated
individuals, well-versed in the art and science of programming. The development and
dissemination of hacking tools is also carried out via telephone, Internet Relay Chat
(IRC), anonymous FTP services, publications and even conferences such as DEF CON
( Advanced hacking tools are automated, discover security loopholes
faster, use firewall- and wireless-friendly packets (for easy penetration of networks) and
employ distributed server and client agents. However, hacking is not merely an arena of
technical expertise but intersects the human element of security. Medina (2002), in his
article Profile of Sophisticated Hackers, provides the following characteristics of a
sophisticated hacker.
“Understands the business culture of their targets
Recognizes potential security holes
Exercises patience and collects pertinent information
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Plans and organizes the attacks
Manages the hacking process and controls details
Applies new techniques to combat security measures
Evaluates attack outcome and performance
Enhances technical skills and defines new objectives”
The human element of the hacking side also includes behavior of internal employees. A
technique employed by the hackers to obtain information from employees is called social
engineering. The idea behind social engineering is to deceive legitimate employees and
gain proprietary information that can be used for hacking purposes. Social engineering
is an application of a very old idea to the technological age. Social engineers can use any
psychological tools, such as flattery, friendliness, intimidation, name-dropping, ridicule
or impersonation. Contact with the employees can be on the phone, through e-mail, over
the Internet or face to face. A few typical methods employed in social engineering are
described below.
Over the phone: The hacker calls the employee over the phone and pretends to be
someone in authority. The discussion will be aimed at drawing sensitive information out of the employee. Help desks are easy prey in this scam, since they exist
to help. Hackers can obtain information regarding names, telephone numbers and
recent projects going on in the company, which can then be used for contacting
those employees and obtaining further information. Hackers will also shoulder-surf
near pay phones or ATMs and steal credit card numbers and other identification
Dumpster diving: This activity involves going through company dumpsters and
collecting discarded information. Things discarded by a company may include
directories, organizational charts, computer disks, system manuals, security policies and printouts. These things may be used to glean information about personnel
on duty, computer system, default passwords and security environment. A hacker
gave the following illustrative guidelines on dumpster diving: Park your car a
couple of blocks away, do not carry ID or wallet with you, carry a trash bag filled
with cans to claim that you are collecting cans, and wear dark-colored clothes.
Using the Internet: A computer is used to gather sensitive information. For
example, a hacker may install a pop-up window with a company logo that might ask
for user IDs and passwords, Web-based forms might be sent asking the same
information, or e-mail questionnaires or forms may be circulated. The hacker might
pretend to be a network or system administrator while asking for the information.
Physical contact: Hackers can disguise themselves as repairman, IT support
specialists, employees from other departments or managers. Fake identity cards
can be used to gain entry. Information then may be collected by looking for
passwords taped to the computer, stealing documents and assuming role of a new
employee and eliciting passwords. There are many variations on this theme. The
hacker may also use this initial information to gain a deeper acceptance in the
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 331
The defense against social engineering tactics is difficult. Sloppiness on the part of
network personnel and employees aids social engineering. For example, if network
administrators have not applied the latest security fixes, changed default factory
passwords for the software or set security policies for the organization, social engineering is that much easier. Employees also need to be aware of security and should not leave
important documents and offices unlocked or keep passwords taped to their workstations. A general security awareness, constant training and education, and standard and
consistent security protocols may minimize social engineering instances. Appropriate
physical security for computing facilities also prevents social engineering attempts.
Standard security precautions are simple, though are frequently ignored in favor of
expediency. Standard security techniques against social engineering are examined in a
later section.
A global information security survey carried out by InformationWeek in 2002 found the
following reasons for network break-ins. The reasons are arranged in descending order
of importance. The listing of reasons highlights the role of human error in network breakins.
Known operating system vulnerability
Known application vulnerability
Use of valid user account
Unintended misconfiguration or human error
Poor access control
External denial of service attack
Exploited unknown vulnerability
Guessed passwords
The validity of transactions over the Internet is a legal issue. The UCC is a primary federal
commercial law in the U.S., is accepted by every state and governs business transactions.
There are numerous other commercial laws at the state level. Most of these commercial
laws have been designed with paper-based transactions in mind. How do you interpret
and apply these laws to electronic transactions? This question is an important internal
control issue. In general, existing commercial laws apply to e-commerce transactions.
However, e-commerce also raises a few novel legal issues not addressed by existing laws.
These issues in the online world can be stated as follows.
Can you consider electronic records and paper documents as equivalent?
Can you enforce the online sale if the customer denies that he/she ever placed the
Are electronic agreements legally valid?
What is the role of electronic signatures vis-à-vis pen and ink signatures?
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There are three primary acts that govern the electronic transactions. The first two acts,
Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) and Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA), were drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners on
Uniform State Laws in 1999. The third act, Electronic Signatures in Global and National
Commerce Act (E-SIGN) was passed by Congress in 2000. UETA validates electronic
signatures and establishes an equivalence of electronic documents and paper-based
documents. The majority of states in the U.S. have adopted this act. UCITA is primarily
aimed at computer information transactions and applies to computer software, digital
databases, digital music and digital storage devices, such as CDs and DVDs. This act,
in essence, provides a commercial contract code for digital information transactions. The
majority of states in the U.S. have not adopted this law, as some provisions have been
controversial. E-SIGN, on the other hand, is a federal statute that provides legal validity
and enforceability to electronic contracts and electronic signatures across the entire
country. E-SIGN defines electronic signature as an electronic sound, symbol or process,
attached or logically associated with the contract or other record, and executed and
adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record. This definition is broader than,
but includes, digital signatures.
Does that mean these laws have resolved our e-commerce concerns? The answer is a
qualified yes. These laws, in general, make electronic documents and paper-based
documents equivalent. The use of electronic signatures now has a legal force of paperbased signatures. Electronic contracts are now legally enforceable. Electronic contracts
can come in various formats; for example, in case of intangible goods, such as sale of
software (or rather licensing of software) there are clickwrap, shrinkwrap and boxtop
licenses. Clickwrap licenses are clickable, the types you encounter when you are
installing software and the agreement pops up and will not allow you to proceed until you
click the I Agree button. Shrinkwrap licenses apply to digital products that are
shrinkwrapped, and breaking the shrinkwrap indicates acceptance of the agreement.
Boxtop licenses are generally enclosed in the boxes that contain the software or digital
products. All of these contracts are enforceable. The courts have upheld these contracts
as long as these agreements were consistent with general contract principles.
The primary concerns in these areas are drafting of electronic contracts, methods of
acceptance, and compliance with the letter and spirit of the law. The laws also shift the
burden of proof to the corporation if the customer denies ever having ordered the goods.
For such a situation, the online corporation must establish electronic controls that will
enable tracing of each order to a specific customer (refereed to as non-repudiation). In
B2C transactions, standard controls may ask the customer for name, address and credit
card number, and assign password-protected areas before the order is finalized. UETA,
UCITA and E-SIGN have rationalized conduct of online transactions, though this is an
emerging legal area, and not all questions are answered: a fact to remember as internal
controls are designed for online transactions.
The USA PATRIOT (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate
Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism) Act of 2001 has specific provisions
to combat money laundering and financing of terrorist activities. This act is applicable
to financial institutions, and also to entities such as broker-dealers, insurance companies, credit unions, mutual funds, credit card companies and money service bureaus. The
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 333
act will eventually apply even to travel agents and car dealers. Money laundering refers
to funds that were illegally acquired, generally through criminal activities, and then
routed through a financial institution to make them look legitimate. The act also adds
funds that are legitimately moving through financial institutions but have the ultimate
purpose of financing illegal activity to the definition of money laundering. The act
requires financial institutions to detect, deter and report all money-laundering activities.
Financial institutions need to watch financial transactions from a money-laundering
perspective and should have compliance programs in place. Non-compliance with the act
may result in severe civil and criminal penalties; for example, eBay’s PayPal was charged
with violating provisions of the Act on March 31, 2003, by the U.S. Attorney’s office.
The next day, eBay’s shares went down by $4 per share, a total loss of approximately $1
billion in market capitalization.
Another important issue on the Internet is privacy of customer information. Privacy has
been an important issue for a long time, though it becomes even more urgent in the online
world. The Internet makes collecting, storing, analyzing and selling of customer information very easy. Additionally, such information can be collected without the consumer’s
knowledge or consent. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) deals with privacy issues
in the context of financial industry, banks, securities firms and insurance companies.
GLBA provides guidelines for protecting customer and member information. The objectives of GLBA are to ensure security and confidentiality of nonpublic personal information and to protect against destruction or unauthorized access of such personal
information. GLBA does not provide specific guidance on how to achieve these
objectives; it is left to individual organizations. However, since GLBA deals with privacy
and control issues, it must be factored in while designing internal controls. A number of
automated solutions have come to the market to manage risks associated with compliance
of these new laws, which are explored in a later section.
Finally, design of internal controls should also cover auditing concerns. Internal controls
in this area deal with tracking, validating, recording and maintaining audit trails for online
transactions. The storage of past transactions, backups for the storage and easy access
to disputed past transactions are some areas that need to be addressed. The audit trail
needs to be maintained for valid and invalid transactions, especially if invalid transactions indicate security violation or inappropriate user activity. This area assumes
importance due to the ease with which electronic records can be erased and intrusion
tracks or fraudulent activity can be covered. The personnel who handle online auditing
duties need to be qualified, have clear responsibilities and be supported by management.
However, technical solutions are only the first line of defense. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002 mandates documentation of internal controls over financial reporting by management. If networks are used for financial transactions, and that is the purpose of networks
in business, then management needs proper understanding of controls and should be
able to assess the adequacy of documentation.
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A Conceptual Framework
for Online Internal Controls 1
Internal controls, no matter the exotic terminology, have standard objectives. The
objectives of online controls can be classified as validity of transactions, mutual
authentication of identity, authorization, end-to-end data integrity and confidentiality,
non-repudiation and auditability of transactions. These areas are not mutually exclusive,
but provide a way to conceptually organize and discuss internal controls in the online
world. Let us take a detailed look at elements of the conceptual framework. Some of the
controls mentioned below are covered in detail in a later section.
Validity of transactions: The primary question in online transactions is its legal
status. Transacting parties in EDI take care of this problem by using trading
agreements. New laws, such as UETA, UCITA and E-SIGN, have facilitated validity
of transactions in the online world, though compliance with these laws remains an
important internal control issue.
Mutual authentication of identity: Authentication is a process of verifying identities of the transacting parties. It involves determining whether someone or
something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be. Authentication of identity
has two facets: identity of the machines and identity of the humans operating the
Such authentication can be carried out by means of static or dynamic passwords
or PINs, passwords or PINs and security tokens, automatic callbacks and biometric
Exhibit 5. A conceptual framework for online controls
Validity of transactions
Mutual authentication of identity
Data integrity and confidentiality
Auditability of transactions
Is it legal?
Do we know each other?
Can you do that?
Did anybody tamper with you?
Did anybody see you?
You come from where?
Can we verify?
Do we have a record?
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 335
techniques. The use of digital certificates is also increasingly common. Establishing identity of a human at the end of the machine is primarily a matter of intraorganizational controls. It requires review of access controls and separation of
duties within the organization. The human user is identified by something the user
knows or carries. These criteria include passwords, ID cards or biometric measures,
such as fingerprints.
Authorization: Authorization is the step after authentication. The machine and
user are identified and allowed access to the computer system in the authentication
phase. Then, the authorization phase deals with granting rights to the user to
perform certain functions. These rights define types of resources and actions
allowed to the user; for example, the user can read, write or modify but cannot delete
files. The rights can be assigned via Access Control List (ACL).
Accounting, which may follow authorization, involves collecting statistics and
usage information for a particular user or class of users. This information is used
for authorization control, billing, trend analysis, resource utilization and capacity
Data integrity and confidentiality: Data integrity refers to transfer of data without
any modification, intentional or unintentional, in the transit. Data confidentiality
refers to inability of unauthorized parties to access data. Standard controls in this
area include encryption, security algorithms and communication protocols such as
Non-repudiation: Non-repudiation refers to proof that the electronic document
was sent by the sender and received by the receiver. The three aspects of nonrepudiation are: non-repudiation of origin, non-repudiation of receipt and nonrepudiation of submission. Non-repudiation covers the problem of post-facto
denial of an electronic transaction by transacting parties. First, it proves that the
transaction took place, and second, it establishes identity of the transacting
parties. Controls such as digital signatures and digital certificates address nonrepudiation.
Auditability of transactions: Auditability of transactions refers to the existence of
an audit trail and the ability to verify past transactions. The transactions should
be validated, controlled and recorded properly. A log of users, resources used by
the users, and various system functions is also required for auditability. Audit trail
problems can be solved by maintaining backups, time stamps and file linkages.
This classification does not cover every dimension of the internal control problem,
though it helps ask the right questions. For example, if you want to evaluate internal
controls over e-mail, you can ask the following questions based on the conceptual
How do you know the e-mail is valid?
How do you know the e-mail came from the person identified in the e-mail?
How do you grant permissions for users of e-mails to do e-mail-related activities?
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How do you know the e-mail was not altered in the process?
How do you know that no one has seen the e-mail?
How can we trace earlier e-mails?
These questions do not need any technical understanding of internal controls for the
Internet. The framework simply enables us to ask intelligent and logical questions. These
areas are not mutually exclusive, and a control technique can perform several or more
functions, such as validity, authorization and authentication, at the same time. The
identified characteristics of internal controls and COSO framework are now used to
discuss standard internal controls in the online world.
Standard Online
Internal Control Techniques
Internal control techniques must address technical, legal, human and audit dimensions
of security in the online world. A well-designed internal control system should be
supported by top management and cover a wide range of technical and managerial
strategies and tactics. No single method provides reasonable, absolute — it is never
absolute — protection. A mix of security mechanisms needs to be in place to protect
information assets. Security and internal controls are an ongoing and evolving process.
Exhibit 6. The COSO framework and online controls
Control environment
Security policy
Risk management
Security policy
Control activities
Perimeter security
Message content
Information and
Security policy
Security policy
Organizational mission/culture
Legislative influence
•Sarbanes-Oxley act
•US patriot act
•Gramm-Leach-Bliley act
•Foreign corrupt practices act
•Digital signatures
•Digital certificates
•Virtual private networks
•Anti-intrusion techniques
•Automated software tools
• Alerts
• Reports
• E-mail, pager, portals, instant
messages, etc.
•Automated software tools
•Automated responses
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 337
This process must be monitored as business situations change. The consensus of
experts in this area indicates a layered approach to security. The different layers of a
security system are given below. This is but a broad classification, and these areas
intersect at various levels.
Security policy for the organization
Perimeter security
Message content security
Back-end infrastructure security
Security policy is a pervasive element of the security architecture. Security policy
captures business issues and relates them with technical requirements. Perimeter
defense refers to the defense of all contact points between the corporation’s internal
network and external public/private networks. Perimeter defense has become more
difficult due to collaborative activities with trading partners and new technologies, such
as wireless networks. The perimeter has now become amorphous. Message content
security refers to maintaining integrity and confidentiality of a message, whether the
message is traveling over the Internet or internal private networks. Finally, back-end
infrastructure security refers to security of the hardware and software used by the
organization to carry out its routine activities. This topic is only tangentially covered in
this book, since it is not specific to the Internet. The ensuing discussion covers security
Exhibit 7. The conceptual framework and online controls
Validity of transactions
Mutual authentication of identity
Data integrity and confidentiality
Auditability of transactions
•Digital signatures
•Digital certificates
•Message security protocols
•Access control lists
•Digital signatures
•Digital certificates
•Virtual private networks
•Virtual private networks
•Message security protocols
•Digital signatures
•Digital certificates
•Message security protocols
•Virtual private networks
Security policy of the organization
•Compliance with laws
•Audit trails
•Automated data collection techniques
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Exhibit 8. Classification of online controls
Perimeter defense
Back end infrastructure security
oDigital signatures
oDigital certificates
oPublic key infrastructure
•Virtual private networks
•Message security protocols
•Anti-virus software
•Application controls
•Physical security
•Access controls
•Anti-intrusion techniques
Security policy of the organization
Message content security
•Access control lists
•Passwords, security tokens, biometrics
•Public key infrastructure
•Anti-intrusion techniques
policies and standard internal controls employed in perimeter defense and message
content security.
Security Policy
Security and internal controls are not technological issues; they are business issues. The
security architecture for any organization begins with a clear plan of action: If you do not
know what you are supposed to protect and from whom, the latest technological gizmos
are of little use. Security procedures and internal controls must embody strategic,
cultural, political and technological aspects of an organization. Security policy is the
place where these factors are integrated to develop a comprehensive framework for
security. Security policy contains goals and objectives of the security system, defines
overall purpose of the security system and provides direction for implementation of the
security system. Security policy is generally designed for the entire information system,
not only the online component. However, the ensuing discussion focuses on the online
component. Questions addressed by the security policy can be simplistically stated as
Who will use the system?
What will be the rights and responsibilities of the users?
How will remote and local users access the system?
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 339
When the system can be accessed?
Who will decide and grant user rights?
How is user activity tracked and recorded?
What disciplinary actions will be taken for errant users?
What are the procedures for responding to security breaches?
Designing a security policy is a multi-disciplinary process. As the COSO report states,
involvement of top management is crucial. Senior management knowledge, operational
management knowledge, information technology knowledge and financial knowledge is
required to complete the assessment necessary to design a security policy. The process
is interdisciplinary and iterative. The designed policy is not set in stone, but changes as
the organization changes, and it needs constant updating and maintenance. The steps
in development of the security policy are outlined below.
Identify and classify organizational assets: Information assets of the organization
may include hardware, software, network infrastructure, data and information,
people, documentation and supplies. These assets should be classified according
to importance, more important assets being more stringently protected; for example, the resulting asset protection categories may be public use, confidential,
restricted or administration use only.
Assess the risk: Risk refers to probability of loss. Online examples of risk are
unauthorized access to the network, stealing of data and information, denial of
service, damage to hardware and loss of reputation. In mathematical terms, risk can
be defined as the cost of damage to an asset multiplied by probability of an event
that can damage the asset. Asset values are generally identified in the identification
and classification phase. Then, probability of the undesired events for these assets
must be identified. Risk analysis should answer questions such as, what should
be protected? From whom? and By what?
Determine acceptable use: Permissible business uses of information assets are
identified in the acceptable use policy. These policies will tell users what they can
and cannot do, what might be construed as an abuse of privileges, and privacy and
confidentiality positions of the organization. In specific terms, these policies may
tell the user how to set a password and how often to change it, what kind of backups
are the user’s responsibility, which content can and cannot be downloaded from
the Internet, and whether e-mail is property of the organization.
Create security awareness: Having a security policy document will not in itself
create security awareness among stakeholders of a corporation. These policies
should be communicated to new and continuing employees, suppliers, customers
and trading partners. Training and education activities should be outlined and
Monitoring and auditing: Security policies are worthless unless monitored for
execution and performance. Fortunately, security policies in the networked environment can be monitored using in-built tools or automated auditing tools available
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in the market. Monitoring and auditing activities are designed to spot intentional
and unintentional misuse of the system by users. Such a misuse needs to be
detected, preferably in real time, and corrected. The collected information, at least
a summary, needs to be forwarded to appropriate managers.
Security breach policies: In a security-related incident, perpetrators can be
insiders or outsiders. Security breach policies prescribe actions in case of a
discovered security breach. The conduct of the investigation to determine the
nature and causes of breach should be outlined. If the perpetrators are identified,
then the question is whether to contact authorities and proceed with prosecution
or simply fire the employee and plug security loopholes. A large percentage of
security violations are not reported to authorities, since prosecution of offenders,
collection of evidence, possibility of copycat attacks and loss of reputation are
considered too costly. In any case, whatever the course of action, the system must
be restored to a safe state by correcting security flaws.
Depending on the organization, the security policy can be a two-page statement or an
elaborate document that may span several binders. The security policy offers many
advantages. First, system administrators know what is and what is not permitted on the
system. This baseline can be used to determine whether a security violation has occurred.
Second, the policy can be used for user training and education. Security awareness
spreads through the entire organization, since users know their rights and responsibilities. Such a policy also demonstrates that the organization is committed to security.
Third, the security policy can be used as a guide in devising technical solutions. For
example, technical requirements for guarding nuclear missile command codes will be
different than the requirements for guarding a university network designed to facilitate
Exhibit 9. Automated security policy tools
Organizational Network
PoliVec Builder
PoliVec Scanner
PoliVec Enforcer
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 341
Exhibit 10. PoliVec security policy management console, used with permission
a free-flow of information. These rules can also be used to perform cost benefit analysis
of various technical products on the market. Finally, it provides a legal foundation for
taking action against offenders.
Development and implementation of security policies do not have to start from scratch.
Many automated tools can be used to customize canned security policies for an
organization. The Security Policy Automation (SPA) market consists of scores of
vendors providing SPA solutions. The entire security policy cycle, from development
to deployment, monitoring and change can be managed using these tools. As is the trend
in the last decade, these tools have a graphical interface and do not need a deep
programming knowledge. PoliVec software, a typical SPA solution, is now reviewed.
PoliVec software consists of three modules: Builder, Scanner and Enforcer. PoliVec
Builder, as the name implies, partially automates development of the security policy. The
software comes with built-in, industry-specific templates; for example, banks or credit
unions. These templates cover different facets of security, such as regulatory, general,
systems, network and physical security. These templates can also be operating-system
specific, such as Windows or Linux. The templates serve as a starting point and are
customized to develop organization-specific policies. The developed policies are then
converted to XML files, which are passed on to the Enforcer module for automatic
implementation. HTML filescan also be created, for publication and distribution purposes. PoliVec aids formulation of security policies using the following features.
Policy configuration: This feature can be used to set global variables repeated
throughout the policy document; for example, company name, address and organization structure.
Policy categories: This feature enables the user to add categories or subcategories
such as legal or computer systems, and provides an illustrative policy for each
category or subcategory. These policies may be customized, if desired.
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Policy settings: These settings can be used to accept the best-practices policy
built into the product or customize the policy for the organization.
Policy details: This feature enables viewing of all security categories and policies,
and displays rationale for each policy. This feature may be useful to auditors in
evaluating network security.
PoliVec Scanner scans the network to assess security configurations and compare those
to the security policy for conformance and exceptions. Scanner automates discovery of
weaknesses in the security setting; recommends remedies for those weaknesses; and,
after authorization, applies changes to the network systems. Security settings that can
be analyzed include password management, account management and audit trails. This
feature is also equipped with a password cracker that hackers use to crack passwords.
Password cracker can be used to detect ineffective passwords set by users. Scanner is
essentially an analytical and audit tool, and is designed to be used by system administrator from a central location. Additional illustrative features of Scanner are user
authentication, security auditing and event logs, trust relationships, user and group
management, system rights, system services and scheduled audits.
PoliVec Enforcer enforces security policies designed and contained in the builder. As the
security policy evolves, Enforcer automatically changes enforcing mechanisms based on
the new policy. Enforcer deploys small software agents on the network and host
computer systems, and these agents constantly monitor security settings. Moreover,
these agents also run security-related tests on the computer systems. These agents
report to the agent manager, which is designed to manage the agents. A component
named controller manages the Enforcer system, and a GUI can be used by the system
administrator to administer and manage the components of the Enforcer. The software
agents evaluate the actual system configuration settings and transmit that information
to the agent manager. Incoming information is evaluated by the agent manager against
expected configurations, as defined by the security policy. Exceptions are passed on to
the controller for further processing. Security policy infractions are reported to designated managers using designated methods at designated intervals or in real time.
Compliance reports can be evaluated to ascertain performance of security policies to
support the core business, and strategic and legal objectives of the organization.
Passwords, Security Tokens and Biometrics
The standard authentication technique is passwords. Users logging remotely or from
inside the corporate network are expected to enter a user ID and password to get on the
network. User IDs are assigned by the administrator, and passwords are set by users. The
problem with passwords is that most users set simple passwords that can be guessed
easily; for example, “bulls” and “Jordan” were favorite passwords in Chicago at one time.
If users are forced to set difficult passwords, users tend to write them down on paper and
put the papers in their drawers or, worse, stick them to their computers. Passwords still
continue to be the first line of defense in many organizations. Passwords are easy to
deploy and can be maintained cheaply. Many corporations have policies as to design,
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 343
expiry and storage of passwords; the critical issue is, of course, in monitoring adherence
with these policies.
The standard password is called one factor authentication. Passwords can be strengthened by using a two-factor authentication. In two-factor authentication, users have to
present some form of identification either before they are allowed to enter passwords or
concurrently with the passwords. For example, security tokens can be used along with
passwords. Some security tokens display a number on the token that is synchronized
with the network computer; this number changes after a fixed interval, such as 60
seconds. In a two-factor authentication, a user will have to type in this number and his/
her password to access network resources. However, the management of these security
tokens remains an implementation issue. Smart cards can also be used as security tokens.
Smart cards can even allow storage of digital certificates and can provide stronger
authentication for remote users.
A three-factor authentication can use biometrics in conjunction with passwords and
security tokens (or smart cards). Biometrics refers to physical characteristics unique to
the user; for example, fingerprints or eye retina patterns. Now the user has to use three
factors before being allowed to access network resources. Such stringent security
requirements are needed only for the most critical resources, since these requirements
are expensive. Numerous commercial products manage storage, comparison and validation of biometric measures. However, implementation of biometrics is a tricky issue, since
some biometric tools are not completely ready for real-world use; if valid users get
rejected or invalid users are accepted, user resistance to these techniques will be very
The additional control technique for remote access to the network, especially using
modems, is a call-back technique. The remote user calls in, connects and is then asked
to provide the designated authentication. The system breaks the connection, verifies the
user authentication and then dials back to the user. The system uses a phone number
stored in the system for that particular user. If the user is not using that number or is being
impersonated from another line, the connection will not be established. The user, after
the connection is established, can have access to the network. This technique is useful
against a hacker dialing in at random, guessing passwords or using brute force methods
to break the passwords. This technique, however, slows down network access for the
user; especially if the user is calling long distance or from another country.
Access Control List (ACL)
ACL, which is commonly used in database security, is also routinely used in network
security. ACL specifies the rights of users within the network. ACL maintains a list of
users and a list of available resources and assigns those users specific resources. For
example, user X might be able to read the Web page, user Y might be allowed to read and
write, and user Z might be authorized to read, write and modify content. ACL can be used
in the Web environment by analyzing incoming user requests, matching those requests
with resources and granting appropriate rights to users. For example, most visitors will
have read rights whereas read, write and modify rights will be reserved for Web
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administrators. ACLs are also used in firewalls to analyze incoming traffic and assign
appropriate rights to incoming messages and users.
Anti-Virus Software
Ant-virus software probably resides on the majority of computers and perhaps most
corporate, government and academic networks. You may have scanned files on your hard
drive using anti-virus software or received messages that a certain e-mail was carrying
a virus that has been neutralized. Anti-virus software automatically scans resident files,
incoming and outgoing network traffic, and incoming and outgoing e-mails for suspected
viruses. The anti-virus software can also monitor instant messages for viruses and take
appropriate action. Anti-virus software depends on a database of known viruses, called
signatures, and if a match is found for an incoming file then either an alert is sounded or
an automatic action — such as deleting or isolating the file — is taken. Other variations
of anti-virus software provide real-time defense against viruses. Some techniques are
listed below.
Sandbox: This technique identifies every program that arrives from the Internet
using monitoring agents. Sandbox uses a set of rules to identify the intent of the
program that is downloaded or arriving as an active content. If the program is
identified as a malicious code, that program is neutralized.
Heuristics: This technique analyzes the program code to determine whether it is
malicious. This technique is useful against script- or macro-based viruses.
Blocking: Incoming files can be blocked based on pre-defined rules. The rules may
be based on file signatures, file length or even an analysis of the actual content of
the files before the files are cleared or blocked.
Since new and improved viruses are continuously being developed, anti-virus software
also needs to be updated continuously. Anti-virus software, though ubiquitous and
prosaic, is an important element in the overall security architecture.
Defense Against Social Engineering
The defense against social engineering starts with a security policy that offers guidelines
on providing information to the public and colleagues. The next factor is controlling
access to physical facilities. The buildings and other entry points should be guarded,
and entry should be provided based on verified identifications. All visitors should be
logged at a central location. Employees should be trained to question unescorted guests,
not to type in passwords in the presence of strangers or give out passwords on the phone.
Vacant offices should be locked, and computers that are on while owners are absent
should at least have password protection. Important documents, letterheads and
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 345
security badges should not be lying around, but should be well guarded. The trash
should be secured, and all documents should be shredded before dumping. Hard disks,
floppy disks and CDs — all magnetic storage media — should be wiped clean or
physically destroyed before being trashed.
Employees should be assigned a positive identification before the help desk can help
them via phone or in person. For potentially sensitive questions, the help desk should
be instructed to call back the (alleged) employee, or they should have caller ID facilities
on their system. The persons managing the phone system should investigate all
international and overseas calls and should not transfer calls unless positively identified. The corporation should have a clear modem policy, since modems bypass firewalls.
Generally, modems should not be permitted. In some corporations, the mere presence of
a modem on an employee desk can be reason enough for dismissal. The company should
also have a policy regarding formation, use and expiry of passwords. If the organization
deals in sensitive information, two- or three-factor authentication may be considered.
Finally, if a social engineering attempt succeeds, then the corporation should have a
response policy. The incident should be investigated, damage ascertained and lessons
learned should be disseminated. Security loopholes that caused the incident should be
plugged, and if the perpetrators are identified, legal action may be initiated. The defense
against social engineering is neither easy nor static. Hackers also learn, and try new and
unexpected attacks. As such, continuous user training and education are necessary.
Cryptology can be approximately described as the art and science of hiding data and
information, to shield it from unauthorized eyes and still keep it accessible to legitimate
recipients. Cryptology consists of two branches: cryptography and cryptanalysis.
Cryptography deals with cryptosystems, which convert plain text or data into text or data
that is unintelligible — called ciphertext. Cryptanalysis is the study of legal and illegal
methods to crack such unintelligible text and access the hidden message. Cryptography
can be called encryption and cryptanalysis can be called decryption. The primary
objective of cryptography is to keep sensitive communications private. The conversion
of readable data or text into nonsensical gibberish using coding techniques has been
practiced since time immemorial. The field of cryptology expanded exponentially when
digital computers arrived on the scene, and have become even more important due to the
advent of the Internet. Cryptology can achieve the objectives of authentication, data
integrity, data confidentiality and non-repudiation in e-commerce.
Let us use the terms encryption and decryption to keep the ensuing discussion simple.
Encryption transforms plain text or data into something that seems like gibberish and
makes no sense. How can this transformation be achieved? A method allegedly used by
Julius Caesar replaced every A by D, B by E, C by F and so on. The code now can be broken
using shift alphabets backwards by three rule. The age of computers brings a great deal
of processing power to our desktops, not to mention the computing power of networks
and supercomputers. Unless the encryption scheme is strong enough, it will not hide data
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very well. Today’s encryption schemes are based on complex mathematical techniques.
The harder the technique is to crack, the stronger the encryption system will be.
The mathematical techniques or formulas used in encryption schemes are called encryption algorithms. Encryption algorithms use a string of bits to perform a transformation,
and such a string is called a key. The larger the string of bits used , the larger the potential
encoding patterns will be; as such, a larger key is harder to break. Thus, a key that uses
128 bits is harder to break than the key that uses 64 bits. The historical problem with
encryption is that of key management. Based on the type of key management, there are
three types of encryption schemes in practice.
Symmetric encryption (private key): In this case, the sender and receiver both
have the same key. The sender encrypts the message and forwards it to the
authorized recipient. The receiver uses the same private key and decrypts the
message. This method of encryption and decryption is computationally very fast.
This key management method is useful when keys are shared by a small circle of
people, such as in the defense sector. This key management method is not suitable
for the Internet, where the user population is large and the chances of a key being
compromised are high. There are various private key algorithms, and a few common
ones are listed below.
The Data Encryption Standard (DES), having a 56-bit key
DES variants, such as 3DES and DESX, having a 168-bit key
The IDEA, a basis for PGP (a famous algorithm used for encryption), having
a 128-bit key.
Asymmetric encryption (public/private key): In this system, the recipient has a
pair of keys – private/public key. The public key, as the name says, is available to
all. Anyone can see and access it. The sender will encrypt the message using the
public key of the recipient. The message encrypted using the public key can only
be decrypted by using the associated private key. But if the key with which the
message is encrypted is known to everyone, why can’t everyone decrypt the
message? The answer lays in the mathematical functions involved; they only work
one way. The public key cannot decrypt the message that is encrypted using the
very same key! The recipient now only has to guard his private key, which is a
relatively easier task. The common asymmetric algorithm is the Rivset, Shamir and
Adleman (RSA) algorithm and can have keys up to 1024 bits.
Hash functions: A hashing algorithm is used to calculate a hash value or message
digest from the message that is being encrypted. Hash value or message digest
generally refers to the generation of a fixed string of numbers using the text in the
message. If the text in the original message is altered, the resulting hash value is
different from the original. This hash value is then forwarded to the recipient, along
with the message. The recipient independently recalculates the hash value; if the
two values match, the message has not been altered in transit. If the two values do
not match, the message has been altered. The hash values, if properly calculated,
can be as unique as fingerprints. Message Digest Hash Functions (MD4 and MD5)
are the common hash functions that produce 128-bit hash values.
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 347
The basics of encryption schemes covered now can be applied in the framework of
internal controls. Encryption techniques can be used to create digital signatures, digital
envelopes and digital certificates or digital IDs. These techniques are used in e-commerce
for various authentication, integrity and confidentiality purposes. Digital signatures are
used to confirm data integrity, data confidentiality and non-repudiation. Digital signatures can be implemented using a variety of methods. A standard method based on
private/public key or asymmetric encryption will be described.
A digital signature can consist of a unique data string designed by the sender, a hash
value (or message digest) of the message and/or any other mutually acceptable data. If
a unique data string is used as a digital signature, then either the recipient knows what
it is or it can be attached as plain text with the message or sent separately. The unique
data string or hash value of the message is encrypted using the sender’s private key. The
original message is also encrypted using the sender’s private key. The digital signature
and original message are joined and again encrypted using the receiver’s public key. The
message is then forwarded to the receiver. The receiver now uses his/her private key to
decrypt the entire message. The decryption yields two messages — the digital signature
and the original message, both of which are still encrypted (by the sender’s private key).
The recipient can now decrypt the digital signature and the original message using the
sender’s public key. The digital signature, if verified, indicates that the message has
originated from the sender. If the digital signature contains the hash value, recalculation
and comparison of this hash value confirms that the message has or has not been
tampered since its origination.
Asymmetric encryption is computationally slower, and hence, can cause bottlenecks in
the fast-paced Internet environment. Digital signatures can also be implemented using
a combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption. The sender creates a symmetric
Exhibit 11. Applications of cryptology
Symmetric encryption
Asymmetric encryption
Digital signatures
Digital envelopes
Digital certificates
Public key infrastructure
Hash functions
Virtual private networks
Secured socket layer
Secure HTTP
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private key for a particular message and encrypts the message with that private key. This
private key is generally created and used only for one session. Then the private key is
encrypted using the public key of the recipient, which is called a digital envelope. The
encrypted message and the digital message are forwarded to the recipient. The recipient
decrypts the symmetric private key for the message using his/her private key. This key
is then used to decrypt the original message. This process is faster than purely
asymmetric encryption.
Digital certificates, also called digital identifications or digital IDs, are similar to passports or drivers licenses in the physical world. Digital certificates carry identifying
information that is validated and guaranteed by a trusted third party —CA. Digital
certificates use the framework of asymmetric encryption. The CAs are generally Internetbased companies; for example, the most famous trusted third party is VeriSign
( Digital certificates perform two functions. First, they authenticate
the holder of the certificate. The holders can be Web servers (site certificates), individual
persons (personal certificates), software publishers or CAs. Second, digital certificates
provide data integrity and confidentiality. Digital certificates are used in e-commerce, emails and EFT.
The business or entity that wishes to use digital certificates applies to CA. The CA issues
a digital certificate that generally contains the following digital information.
Details of the certificate owner, such as name, address or e-mail
Certificate owner’s public key
Serial number of the certificate
Validity dates for the certificate
Name and digital signature of the CA who issued the certificate
The CA also creates a hash value or message digest and encrypts those using its private
key. The hash value or message digest is now called signed certificate. The public key
of CA is made available to all. Digital certificates have in-built security and cannot be
captured online and altered. VeriSign offers different types of digital certificates, from
Class 1 through Class 4. These types are differentiated by assurance levels; the Class
4 certificate carries the highest level of assurance.
The customer who wishes to deal with the business requests the signed digital certificate
from that business. Digital certificates can be delivered via e-mail or can be embedded
in the Web pages. The signed digital certificate is then decrypted using the public key
of the CA. The customer calculates the hash value or message digest independently. The
hash values are compared; if these values match, the identity of the business is
confirmed. Generally, these tasks are automatically done by the customer’s browser and/
or the server. When the secure session is established, the browser will indicate a lock
at the bottom of the screen. If you click on the lock, you will be able to see the digital
certificate. The customer now has the confidence to conduct business knowing that he/
she is dealing with a legitimate business on the Internet. The same assurance is available
for persons, software publishers and CAs who hold digital certificates.
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 349
Exhibit 12. Encryption mechanisms
Symmetric encryption
Sender and receiver have the same key
Asymmetric encryption
Receiver’s Public Key
Receiver’s private key
Hash functions
Sender Sender
Hash algorithm
Hash value
Hash value
Hash algorithm
The mass implementation of digital certificates in the Internet environment is done via
PKI. PKI is in an evolving phase, and different solutions are offered. PKI establishes a
framework or system to use digital certificates, encryption and digital signatures as an
authentication mechanism and devises management methods for such usage. The basic
idea behind PKI is to integrate the use of digital certificates, CAs and other security
mechanisms to provide an infrastructure that can be used to validate each party involved
in e-commerce; thereby making e-commerce more secure. PKI should consist of a CA to
issue and verify digital certificates, Registration Authority (RA) to verify the digital
certificates before they are issued, appropriate storage places for digital certificates and
public keys and a certificate management system. PKI can offer services such as issuance
of new certificates with public keys, obtaining public keys of a trading partner or
customer, cancellation of certificates, validation of certificates and recovering private
keys under exceptional circumstances. A number of developments are in progress in PKI
standards and architecture, PKI-enabled applications and PKI security requirements.
Currently, Entrust ( is one of the leading PKI providers.
Digital Watermarks
A digital watermark is an application of steganography. Watermark is a pattern or design;
paper watermarks have been used for a long time to provide authenticity to paper
documents. For example, the new U.S. $20 bill contains watermarks that make copying
the bill almost impossible. Watermarking can also be used in digital media, now called
digital watermarks. Digital watermarks are generated by adding extra data to the digital
file that does not make any difference to legitimate users. However, if the digital material
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is copied, the watermark will not get copied and such material can be identified as a copy.
A few digital watermarks will also corrupt a copy so that copy becomes unusable.
Numerous software vendors exist; for example, DigiMarc Corporation, which provides
digital watermarking software.
Digital watermarks shot to prominence due to the music industry’s campaign to stop
downloading of music on the Internet. Digital watermarks can also be used to protect
materials posted on a Web site. Digital watermarks can provide protection to images,
audio files and video files. The protection format can vary. First, such images cannot be
copied to a hard disk, even after using the print screen feature. Other Web sites cannot
provide links to such images. Second, audio and video files can be streamed over the
Internet and played without storing data on the user’s hard drive. Third, audio and video
files can be downloaded, but will expire after a certain number of uses or days.
Digital watermarks and related technologies that strive to prevent copying and reproduction of digital material are called Digital Rights Management (DRM) Technologies. DRM
technologies are intrusive, and can have fair use and privacy implications for users. For
example, if you buy a music CD, you may not be able to make a backup copy, or, if you
are allowed, such information might flow to the owner of the music copyrights. This area
is currently mired in congressional bills and legal fights. From the internal control
perspective, remember, digital watermarks can be used to maintain confidentiality and
integrity of digital images and digital audio/video files.
A firewall is a fireproof wall used to prevent spread of fire. The purpose of an electronic
firewall is to prevent spread of unauthorized data packets in protected private networks
and limit damages. Traditionally, firewalls have been a foundation for perimeter defense.
In the networked world, a firewall is generally a hardware/software system that sits at the
intersection of the private (corporate or personal) network and the Internet or public
network. A firewall interfaces with both private and public networks. It scans incoming
data packets, which are either accepted and forwarded to the private network or rejected
and denied access. For outgoing data packets, the process is reversed. Some methods
used in scanning data are illustrated below.
Packet filtering: Data packets are analyzed using pre-set rules, referred to as
filters, which are set by system administrators or users. Filters can look at the source
and destination addresses; protocols, such as HTTP or FTP, used by the data
packets; or any other designated information; and can make a decision regarding
the acceptance or rejection of the data packets. Critical message characteristics
include traffic direction, network address, port (a pathway in or out of the computer
or network) address, protocol type and service type.
Proxy servers: Proxy servers sit between the real server and the application and
intercept all requests directed at the real server. If the proxy server can fulfill a
request, then it is not forwarded to the real server. Proxy servers improve performance and can be used in firewalls to direct incoming and outgoing traffic. A proxy
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 351
server can also be used for filtering; for example, a corporation can block undesirable Web sites and make them inaccessible.
Stateful inspection: This method not only uses pre-set rules but also looks at prior
packets to establish context for incoming information. The incoming or outgoing
information is analyzed for its characteristics. These characteristics are then
compared with stored and acceptable characteristics. If they match, then messages
are forwarded, or else they are discarded.
Firewalls can be used to protect at network and application levels. Applications such as
e-mail, FTP and remote logins can be managed by limiting access to the network. Only
authorized users are allowed to pass through the firewall, thus providing a certain level
of assurance. The unauthorized login can be effectively blocked and trigger alarms.
Logging features can be used to track and analyze user records, thus providing a valuable
diagnostic tool, even in case of a successful breach. Private network addresses can be
masked by converting them into different addresses, as messages carrying those
addresses travel over the public network. Firewalls are being embellished by new
functionalities, such as encryption and VPN. Finally, firewalls provide a single point for
security and audit purposes.
Firewalls do not protect against attacks that bypass firewalls. This may seem like a truism,
which it is, though there are many corporations having strong firewalls but no policies
on modems that dial in and out of the organization. Firewalls also do not protect against
careless employees, social engineering, dumpster diving and failure to apply the latest
security patches. Firewalls will not protect against theft of information if CDs are used
to copy and take the information out of the corporation. Viruses are also hard to stop
Exhibit 13. Firewalls
Public networks
Firewall Secure network
Public networks
Public networks
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using only firewalls. There are far too many types of viruses, and firewalls cannot replace
anti-virus software. Firewalls can cause traffic bottlenecks on the network; the more
complex the method for scanning, the more computing resources are required. If a firewall
is the only security point, the failure of the firewall can be catastrophic. Firewalls, in
essence, are no substitutes for security policy, security awareness and common sense.
Web Content Filtering
Numerous commercial products provide Web content filtering or URL filtering services.
Proxy servers can block traffic to undesired Web sites. However, if the employee
browsing is a major concern, then a commercial product may be deployed. Web-filtering
solutions work in the following way.
Capture: Browser requests are captured before Web pages are delivered to the
Evaluation: The request is evaluated for acceptance against the Web access policy
Action: Based on the policy, the request is accepted, rejected or delayed.
How does the filtering software know the Web content of the requested pages? It uses
a variety of techniques to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable Web sites.
The four commonly used techniques are: platform for Internet content selection (PICS),
URL blocking, keyword filtering and intelligent analysis of Web site content.
The World Wide Web consortium created a set of specifications that can be used to
construct a platform for content rating systems. Web publishers can associate labels or
metadata with their Web pages to identify the nature of the Web site. However, PICS is
not mandatory, and mislabeling of Web sites is possible. URL blocking works by
comparing URLs with a database of unacceptable URLs, and then by denying access to
the URL for which there is a match in the database. Another variation of this method is
to only allow access to acceptable Web sites. Keyword filtering works by comparing
words and phrases on a Web page with a keyword dictionary of prohibited words and
phrases. If a match is found, the Web site is blocked. Intelligent content analysis, on the
other hand, strives to achieve a semantic understanding of the context of the words and
phrases on the Web pages. Statistical methods are then applied to this semantic
understanding to categorize Web pages into acceptable and unacceptable categories.
Corporate policy decides what Web sites can be inappropriate given the corporate
mission, sensitivity of target audiences and risk to the organization due to legal liability
problems. The choice of filtering software, thus, depends on corporate policy. The
software can also be customized for a particular organization. The trick is to find the
commercial product that is a best fit for the organization.
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 353
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
VPN technology allows secure and confidential transmission of data and information
over the Internet or public networks. VPN cannot exist without the Internet. Internet
transmission is unsecured and can be intercepted using automated tools; however, using
the Internet is a cost-effective way to transfer data. Major corporations sometimes use
expensive dedicated communication lines, which in the long term are not cost effective;
and small- and medium-size businesses generally cannot afford dedicated lines. VPN
provides a cheaper and safer way to transfer data over the Internet.
The VPN is operated through a combination of hardware and software. The VPN server
can be a piece of hardware or software that accepts VPN connections from VPN clients.
This server is perpetually on and listens to VPN clients calling in to connect. A VPN client
is generally a computer with loaded VPN client software. A client uses this software to
initiate a call and establish a connection with the VPN server. VPN clients can use a variety
of channels, such as corporate networks and telephone and satellite communications,
to establish a connection with the VPN server.
The idea behind VPN technology is to create a private network over public networks. VPN
creates a private network by establishing a secure and private communication channel
between two machines across the public network. The secure links are established using
tunneling. Tunneling does not mean establishing a fixed path through the Internet,
though VPN users feel as if they have established a point-to-point connection. Tunneling
refers to the fact that only the authorized users at both ends can see inside the message
and obtain information. VPN also uses encryption of user data to shield it from prying
The data flows over the Internet using TCP/IP. TCP performs transportation functions
for data and makes sure that the correct message reaches the destination. IP manages
network addresses and routes messages over the networks. The IP Packet of data, created
using tunneling, contains three elements: passenger protocol, encapsulating protocol
and carrier protocol. The passenger protocol contains user data sent by the user, such
as credit card number, addresses or other confidential information. The encapsulating
protocol is the protocol wrapped around the passenger protocol or user data and can be
specific to the network hardware and software used by the corporation. This information
can contain addresses of the ultimate user on the corporate network. If accessed, this
information can be used by hackers to attack Web sites. The carrier protocol contains
the source and destination addresses using IP protocol so the data can travel over the
VPN generally uses IP Security (IPSec) protocol for tunneling. IPSec is a standard
developed by the IETF that defines a set of protocols and encryption algorithms that
create secure communication links. These standards apply at the packet level. IPSec is
developed to serve the following goals.
Authenticity: Each data packet contains a unique digital signature that identifies
the sender. If such data packets are forged and passed on to the network, they will
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be identified and rejected. Authentication is a two-way process — the VPN client
and the VPN server mutually authenticate each other.
Confidentiality: Data is encrypted and transported over the Internet privately;
unauthorized uses are not allowed to see or sniff data. The IPSec can be configured
even to hide source and destination addresses, so no one knows whom you are
communicating with.
Integrity: If the data packets are altered without proper authorization, authorized
users are able to detect such modification. This protection is applied to each data
packet. An illustrative technique to ensure integrity is the use of hash functions.
This function calculates a unique number based on the characteristics of data. This
number is attached to data and the data is encrypted. These numbers can also be
sent via different message, if desired. These hash numbers cannot be recalculated
unless the specific mathematical functions are known, and thus, cannot be altered
by the hacker. The recipient, after receiving the message, decrypts the message and
calculates the hash number independently. If the two hash numbers do not match,
data has been altered in transit.
If a denial of service is initiated using duplicate data packets copied from the original,
they can be identified and rejected before the services get overloaded and shut down.
Such identification is possible due to message counting features enabled by the IPSec
Exhibit 14. Architecture of VPN
VPN client
VPN server
Passenger protocol
Encapsulating protocol
Carrier protocol
Data packet
Tunnel Protocols
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 355
VPN serves different groups. First, remote, traveling or telecommuting employees can
avail the corporate computing resources. This is referred to as remote VPN, which uses
the Internet to establish cost-effective communication links. Second, branch offices and
subsidiaries can establish a secure network to conduct business. This is referred to as
Intranet-based VPN, which uses TCP/IP and authentication mechanisms, such as
passwords. Finally, stakeholders and trading partners can be given controlled access to
the corporate network. This is referred to as extranet-based VPN, which connects the
networks of the stakeholders or trading partners to create the Extranets.
The primary benefit of VPN is cost reduction due to the elimination of leased lines,
reduction in long-distance and international calls, deployment of cheaper VPN equipment as compared to other remote access solutions and simpler network administration,
since part of the network is the Internet. VPNs also provide adequate security to conduct
business over the Internet. Moreover, VPNs can be scaled cheaply as the business
grows, as opposed to, say, leased lines, which increase exponentially as the business
grows. The global reach provided by VPNs is generally unmatched, considering the cost
benefit. Costs of VPNs include hardware, software, installation, changes in workflows,
defining and managing security policies, and buying or outsourcing required expertise.
Additionally, the improved security requires high-speed computers and high bandwidths, which should be considered in deploying VPN.
Message Security Protocols
Numerous security protocols ensure message integrity. Two common protocols are
discussed here. SSL is a protocol or technique to secure communications between two
computers communicating over the Internet. For example, if a customer buys books on
the Internet, he/she needs a secure way to send personal information over the Internet.
SSL enables such secure communication. SSL can be used if supported by the customer’s
browser. Nowadays, most browsers support SSL, and the SSL connection is exemplified
by a lock at the bottom of the screen. SSL establishes secure links via encryption, digital
certificates and authentication algorithms.
The SSL process consists of four steps. First, the client computer (a computer that is
initiating the SSL session) makes a request to the server computer (a computer to whom
the request is being made) to establish a secure connection. Second, mutually acceptable
methods for establishing such a connection are established by the client and server
computer. Third, a secure link is established and data is exchanged; however, tests that
verify security of the connection go on constantly. Finally, the communication is
completed and the session is terminated.
Initiation of the SSL session is done after the request is made by the client computer. The
request is handled by the server using a special port. Standard requests for information
and requests to establish SSL connection are generally handled by different ports. A
choice of special port by the server signals preparation for negotiating procedures for
establishing an SSL session, which is called SSL Handshake. SSL Handshake begins with
the client saying Hello to the server. Remember, the client computer is accessing the
server using a browser, and there are different types of browsers and different versions
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Exhibit 15. SSL protocol
SSL Client
SSL Server
1. Client Hello – Let us initiate SSL session
2. Server Hello – Method for encryption and digital ID
3. Client authenticates server ID and sends a unique private key
4. Handshake complete – Verify the process
If data has been tampered, reinitiate the handshake
5. Data transfer using mutually agreed encryption method
6. Session terminated
of each browser. Each type and version supports different encryption protocols and
algorithms. The initial Hello tells the server supported encryption protocols and data
compression algorithms; and also sends a random number. This random number is used
to establish a secure connection in a rare case where the server does not have a digital
ID. At this point, no private information is being passed; merely, the ways of exchanging
information and the methods of encryption acceptable to the browser are being conveyed
to the server. Finally, the browser also asks the server for identification.
The client Hello is followed by the server Hello. The server now sends its digital ID
(including public key) for authentication or identification purposes. Additionally,
another random number and the chosen encryption method and data compression
algorithm are sent back to the client; the method chosen is generally the strongest method
supported by the client. The server may request the client’s digital ID. The client now
validates the digital ID of the server by decrypting it with the public key. Then validity
checks are conducted to ensure that the decrypted digital ID contains a digital certificate
from a trusted authority, dates are correct and the Web site URL matches with the
certificate. The client, if assured, generates a private key, encrypts the private key with
the server’s public key and the encryption method suggested by the server. The
encrypted key is compressed using the chosen data compression algorithm and sent back
to the server. This encrypted key can now only be opened with the private key of the
The entire process is now verified. The client and the server know the private key. A copy
of previous transactions is recreated and encrypted using the client private key and
exchanged to confirm that it has not been tampered with in transit. If the answer is no (the
information has not been tampered), the handshake is completed and both parties are
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 357
ready for transmittal of data on a secure link. If the answer is yes (the information has
been tampered), the handshake is not completed but re-initiated. The client-generated
private key is used only for one session and discarded; a new session requires generation
of a new key.
Data transmission after the handshake is carried out using the previously agreed
encryption method. The messages are encrypted, digitally signed and forwarded by the
server and the client during the session. The encryption also extends to the URL of the
requested document and cookies sent from server to browser and vice versa. The
encrypted data are verified for authentication, integrity and confidentiality. As in the
VPN, SSL also establishes a secure tunnel through the Internet using encryption. When
data transmission is complete, the session can be terminated. At termination, the client
computer is warned (Are you sure you want to leave the secure connection?), and the
session then terminates.
Secure HTTP (S-HTTP) is another way to secure messages over the Internet, though SSL
is more prevalent and enjoys wider support. Do not confuse S-HTTP with HTTPS. HTTPS
is a browser-specific application of SSL to HTTP. S-HTTP has different design goals and
can be used in conjunction with SSL. S-HTTP provides authentication, integrity and
confidentiality features for data flowing on the Internet. The basic functioning of S-HTTP
is similar to SSL. During the initial negotiation, the client and server computer set the
security requirements, such as a preferred method of encryption. Then the client sends
the private key encrypted with the server’s public key. This key can be used for
encryption purposes by both the client and server. The primary difference in SSL and SHTTP is that SSL sets up a secure session. S-HTTP does not set up an entire session,
but sets up packet headers for each data packet that specify the security requirements.
Thus, if a customer is viewing a product description on Web pages, the session will be
unsecured. But if the customer moves on to the payment page for payment, a secure
transmission is established. S-HTTP can be used in conjunction with SSL to provide a
stronger security for sensitive information.
A Taxonomy of
Network Anti-Intrusion Techniques
This section is based on an excellent white paper by Halme and Bauer, titled AINT
Misbehaving: A Taxonomy of Anti-Intrusion Techniques, found at
resources/idfaq/aint.php. Anti-intrusion techniques are used to identify and prevent
network intrusion attacks. These techniques evolved as technology and misuse of
technology evolved. Anti-intrusion techniques now include proactive defenses, such
as attacking hacker bulletin boards and spreading misinformation; reactive defenses,
such as intrusion detection; and interactive defenses, such as intelligent programs that
continuously monitor network traffic. Anti-intrusion techniques can be classified into
six categories: prevention, preemption, deterrence, deflection, detection and countermeasures.
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Network anti-intrusion techniques
Exhibit 16. Network anti-intrusion techniques
1. Preventive techniques
•Proper system configuration
•Vulnerability scanning tools
•Firewalls and web content filtering
2. Preemptive techniques
•User profiles
3. Deterrent techniques
•Heavy protection
•Arcane interfaces
4. Deflection techniques
•Bogus fronts
•Honey pots
5. Detection techniques
•Anomaly detection
•Misuse detection
6. Systems integrity techniques
•Monitor system state
•Usage of resources
7. Intrusion countermeasure
• Alerts
• User commands ignored or
• User locked out
Preventive Techniques
Preventive techniques strive to prevent network attack. Prevention of a network attack
refers to either foiling a network intrusion attempt or preventing serious damage to the
system. Security techniques include proper configuration, vulnerability scanning tools
and firewalls. Proper configuration of computer and network systems include following
the software vendor’s directions, installing appropriate security patches, developing
physical and logical security routines for the system, and continuous update and
maintenance of the system. Given the plethora of operating and network software
systems, wide variations in security training and spotty organizational security awareness, proper configuration is not as easy as it sounds. Security policy and user education
are non-technical but important components of preventive techniques.
Vulnerability Scanning Tools scan the network and identify possible vulnerabilities for
network attacks. These tools scan networks computers, operating systems, applications
and attached peripherals. Examples of common vulnerabilities include unauthorized
software, unauthorized computers on the network, unauthorized user accounts, weak
passwords and compromised valid user accounts. These tools also look for intruder
activity, may have a database of known vulnerabilities that can be used to investigate
weak network points and even check for dormant viruses. Vulnerability scanning
services, if outsourced to a security company, may also include ethical hacking to test
the network. The scanning tools can be used periodically or in real time to continuously
monitor the network. Scanning tools can automatically fix security flaws, create alerts and
pass on reports to authorized persons. Numerous vulnerability scanning tools are
available, and vulnerability scanning services are offered by different software vendors.
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 359
Firewalls and Web Content Filtering are also preventive measures. Firewalls prevent
network attacks by monitoring bi-directional network traffic and stopping potentially
dangerous data packets. A Web content filtering mechanism blocks access to Web sites
and bulletin boards, which may be used by hackers for disseminating viruses, Trojan
horses or for social engineering. Remember, firewalls and Web content filtering techniques are not foolproof. Vulnerability scanning tools complement firewalls, since
firewalls can be bypassed or compromised, especially if the hackers are from inside or
are knowledgeable; for example, industrial spies and foreign agents.
Preemptive Techniques
Preemptive techniques use a pro-active stance to defeat network attacks. These techniques can include real-time analysis of network traffic, profiling of users, developing
contacts in the hacker community to glean information and taking appropriate preemptive
action. For example, some companies have developed intelligent programs that sit
outside the firewall and monitor incoming traffic. If the incoming traffic indicates a hacker
attack, which may be identified by the nature of commands, such as probes and scans,
then counteraction is taken. The intelligent program will respond by sending back bogus
data to confound hacking efforts. Preemptive techniques may also include attacking
hacker resources or planting false information; such efforts are dubious in nature, since
innocent users may also be hurt. Another venue is to lobby legislatures for stringent
laws; an excellent example is a campaign carried by the music industry to halt the spread
of digital distribution of music. Such campaigns, of course, have their own risks; there
being no free lunch.
Deterrent Techniques
Hackers, like thieves, follow a path of least resistance. If the network is heavily protected,
rigorously prosecutes offenders or does not appear to be important, hackers will move
on to softer systems. Deterrence techniques may be implemented by heavily protecting
all network entry points. Such protection may discourage prospective hackers or may
attract a few as a challenging system, though the overall rate of attacks will go down. This
policy, of course, is expensive and used to guard critical resources. Other techniques
might be to post warnings to prospective hackers on the Web site, swiftly punish any
errant user activity, develop an aura of a highly security-conscious company, or plant
false security indicators. Some systems may be camouflaged, meaning a system may
appear to be plain, uninteresting, of little importance, may use arcane user interfaces or
any other technique that will cause a prospective hacker to lose interest and move on.
Deflection Techniques
In this technique, a network attack is not prevented or stopped; it is allowed to succeed
— under controlled conditions. As the network attack begins, the hacker(s) are lured into
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network systems specifically created for them. These systems can be totally separate or
built into the network. These systems, called honey pots, are made especially attractive
for hackers. The systems display all signs of protecting a vital resource and present (not
insurmountable) difficulties in penetration. The intruder may think that he/she has
compromised a user account, obtained supervisory rights,or successfully penetrated the
network. The attacker can be fed false information, tracked for counterattack or his/her
attack pattern studied for research and security purposes.
Detection Techniques
Network intrusions, either in real time or after the incident, are detected using network
intrusion-detection systems. There are three types: host based, network based and
hybrid systems. Host-based systems analyze network traffic data that is collected by a
host computer, which is a computer that hosts a service such as a Web server. Data
collected by the host system is aggregated; it can be forwarded to another location or
kept locally, and then analyzed using a network intrusion detection system. A hostbased system is effective in network intrusion initiated by insiders and unauthorized file
modifications. A host system becomes inefficient when the network is large and has
thousands of entry points; collecting and analyzing data from each host computer can
become cost prohibitive. A network-based system operates on the network in real time
and analyzes incoming and outgoing data packets. These systems monitor live network
connections and data transfer; as such, these systems are more effective in detecting
unauthorized access by outsiders and denial-of-service-type attacks. A hybrid system
combines characteristics of both systems to provide better coverage from network
intrusion. The choice of a particular type of system depends on the risks posed by
insiders vs. outsiders.
How do these systems detect network intrusion? Network intruders obviously want to
cover their tracks and will not announce successful penetration. Standard techniques for
network intrusion are anomaly detection and misuse detection. Anomaly detection refers
to any network activity that differs from the normal or expected pattern of activity. How
do we define differ? There are a number of techniques, but they take us in the realm of
statistics and computer science; for example, any activity that occurs with a frequency
that is either above or below two standard deviations compared to the norm may get
flagged as possible intrusion. A few methods of anomaly detection are given below; each
method has strengths and weaknesses, and many of these methods are concurrently
used in intrusion detection.
Work profiling: In this method, the user’s standard work habits and requirements
are compiled. For example, a work profile of a manager may be as follows: logs in
early mornings, uses e-mail regularly, browses extensively and may log in on
weekends. If the manager changes his/her behavior, acts like a system administrator and tries to change a user profile, then network intrusion will be suspected. This
method can be extended to a group of workers to develop group profiles. Any
behavior that differs from a group profile may become target of an investigation.
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 361
Resource profiling: Here, the resources in the network system, such as applications, network connections and peripherals, are profiled for usage. Each of these
resources will have a usage pattern, based on usage since deployment. Any
significant deviation from the usage pattern may be a suspected network intrusion.
Executable profiling: Executable programs that execute certain activities to use
system resources can also be profiled. If the executable programs seem to be
consuming a great deal of system resources, that might indicate anomalous
Misuse detection, also referred to as signature detection method, on the other hand,
explicitly checks for illegal, illicit or prohibited activity on the network. Instead of looking
for deviations from the norm, as in anomaly detection, misuse detection scans specific
patterns of activities. The illegal activity can be as simple as three failed log-in attempts
or can involve analysis of data packet contents (packet content signatures or header
content signatures) that indicates intentions to carry out unauthorized actions. Misuse
detection methods work best when there is a historical database of network intrusion
cases that can be used to develop methods to identify misuse of the network. Different
methods — such as expert systems that use a series of if and then rules to arrive at
conclusions, model based reasoning, or neural networks that are trained using historical
cases — are used. A variety of artificial intelligence techniques, such as data mining and
Bayesian networks, are also used in developing models that can be used for misuse
detection. Anomaly detection and misuse detection are not mutually exclusive, and many
systems use both techniques at the same time to improve performance.
To be effective, intrusion detection systems must have a low rate of false alarms and false
negatives. A false alarm refers to an alarm triggered by the system when there is no
intrusion (legitimate visitor classified as attacker) and false negative (attacker classified
as legitimate visitor) refers to the real network intrusion that is not identified by the
network detection system. The problem with many of today’s systems is that there is an
incredibly high rate of false alarms. An analogous problem in reducing the rate of false
alarms is that one needs reliable historical data and complete audit trails, which may not
be possible. A new breed of hacking tools simulates hundreds of attacks in a few seconds,
thereby overwhelming the network intrusion detection system; the system can crash,
overlook real attacks or operate but become dysfunctional. A test carried out by
NetworkWorld on eight intrusion detection systems, which includes hardware and/or
software, identified the following problems: repeated crashes due to a high rate of false
alarms, missing real attacks, overly complex interfaces and consumption of a large
amount of computing and communication resources. Another issue is the requirement
of skilled and costly personnel required to operate and maintain network detection
systems. Network intrusion detection systems are important in the overall security
architecture, but should not be unduly relied upon.
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System Integrity Techniques
These techniques monitor various vital signs of the network. The initial configuration
is known, since it is set by the system administrator. These tools take a snapshot of the
network system; for example, the system configuration files, systems programs or Web
pages. The network system is then monitored by changes in system files and usage of
system resources. Standard and expected changes are ignored and changes that seem
incompatible with the purpose of the network are investigated in real time. The network
system integrity tool may sound an alarm if suspicious changes are found; however, in
case of an active attack, it may be too late by the time the alarm is investigated and action
is taken. Sometimes responses can be automated; for example, restore the Web pages or
system files using backups. These tools can operate in the background, constantly or
periodically checking system status. The trick, of course, is to develop intelligent tools
that will minimize false alarms and false negatives.
Intrusion Countermeasures (ICE) Techniques
Network intrusion detection is the beginning of a process; the next step is to immediately
neutralize the intrusion. ICE refers to the process of taking action against the perceived
intrusion. The problem with network intrusion attacks is that they are automated and
done within minutes; human responses are too slow to parry such fast-moving threats.
ICE automates responses and responds to network attacks in real time. Numerous
retaliatory responses are possible. The severity of the response will depend on the
confidence placed by ICE on the possibility of intrusion. First, the intrusion attempt
might be conveyed to the system administrator using e-mail, instant messaging or even
by beeper. Second, user activity may be monitored, user authenticity may be (re)verified
or security personnel may be alerted to check on the user. Finally, ICE can take
programmed actions, such as slow response to user commands, only pretend to execute
user commands, lock out the user, disconnect the network or track back the attack to the
suspected offender and counter-attack.
But which action do you take given the high incidence of false alarms? If you lock out
legitimate users continuously, ICE will face resistance in the organization. If the CEO is
locked out while doing important work, the chances that ICE will be put on ice are very
high. On the other hand, if network intrusion attempts succeed, the very same fate awaits
the system administrator and ICE. There is no one right answer to these questions. The
configuration of ICE is not a science, since each organization and network is unique. As
such, the correct answer is different for each organization.
A Word on Wireless Networks
Most network anti-intrusion techniques discussed so far are also useful in case of
wireless networks. However, wireless networks provide new ways to attack the network.
Additional vulnerabilities can be summarized as follows. First, the hackers do not need
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 363
physical access to the network; attacks can be launched on any computer connected to
the network. For example, an employee may be working in an office on a secure system,
but if the hackers manage to get a seat outside the office window, then they may be able
to hack into the wireless network. Second, wireless networks are used predominantly for
laptops or mobile computing. Network nodes or laptops are constantly moving. The
problem of physical security is now even more acute, since these computers can be
compromised on airports, roads, motel rooms or any unknown location. The comprised
node can be used to launch attacks from anywhere on the globe, which makes tracking
such attacks very difficult. Third, in some cases, wireless networks do not have a
centralized authority but work due to cooperation among peer nodes or connected
computers. Such lack of centralized authority makes it easier to launch hacker attacks.
Finally, wireless networks extensively use proxies (trusting tasks to other computers) or
software agents (partially or fully automated software performing certain tasks) to
accelerate processing. These proxies or agents can also be targeted for attacks.
The technical details of wireless networks are beyond the scope of this book. Standard
security tools such as encryption, digital signatures and digital certificates are obviously
used to secure wireless networks, but these are not enough. The vulnerabilities of a
wireless network warrant additional security precautions. The standard algorithm used
to protect confidentiality and for authentication purposes is Wired Equivalent Privacy
(WEP); however, a number of questions have been raised about the efficacy of this
algorithm. Regardless, new and improved security standards are emerging in this area.
Here are some common-sense controls suggested for a wireless network.
Secure SSID: SSID stands for service set identifier, which is used for identification
purposes on the wireless network. Securing SSID involves a few simple things,
such as change the default SSID set by the manufacturer and customize it, change
SSID at frequent intervals and do not use an easily identifiable SSID. These
requirements are similar to requirements for setting up good passwords.
Change passwords: Change the default passwords set by the software vendor,
which may be overlooked by tsystem administrators.
Change access point position: Make a survey of the wireless network area and make
sure that those areas do not extend outside the office or someplace where hackers
can easily tap into the network.
Use filtering: Network interface cards generally carry a number or address used
in directing traffic by the wireless network. Use only those addresses in directing
traffic, and filter out any other addresses demanded by the data packets.
Use security protocols: For larger wireless networks, use security protocols such
as IPSec or Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (Radius) that provide
better security.
The wireless security area is in transition, and many new security protocols and tools
are emerging. For example, IBM has developed Wireless Security Auditor (WSA), which
is an automated tool to audit a wireless network for proper configuration and vulnerability
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Anti-Intrusion Products
The anti-intrusion product market is flooded with different types of products. There are
standalone products in every category. Some of these products, such as Security
Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks (SATAN), are freely available and used by
system administrators and hackers alike. These products may also come in a box, a
hardware/software combination, which can be connected with the network. These
products are sometimes referred to as security appliances. There are also numerous
software-only products. As is the trend of the times, these products are converging and
a number of comprehensive security software suites are now on the market. The
efficiency and effectiveness of these products still remains a research issue.
Automated Control
and Compliance Tools
Traditional internal controls are useful in the online environment. However, millions of
transactions are processed online in minutes; illicit transactions are few, but need to be
identified in real time, and the after the fact audit or knowledge of such transactions is
not very useful. Privacy and security requirements imposed by new legislation are
stringent and backed by stiff penalties. As a result, a number of software vendors have
offered automated control and compliance tools. Research in efficiency and effectiveness of these tools has not kept pace with offerings. This area promises to grow rapidly,
since only automated tools seem capable of meeting the online challenge. Automated
software offerings by Searchspace and TransactionVision are now examined. The
ensuing discussion will hopefully provide an understanding of this segment of the
Searchspace is a software provider of what is called intelligent enterprise systems, which
refers to software that automates decisions, reduces risk and monitors compliance. Some
examples of solutions offered include anti-money laundering, financial fraud, compliance
with laws and assessment of operational risks to business. These products are generally
tailored to a particular industry, because the external environment and applicable laws
are different for each industry.
Searchspace employs what it calls Intelligent Enterprise Framework (IEF) to carry out
automated duties. The IEF-based software analyzes normal and abnormal patterns of
behavior in data. By developing both patterns, the software can remain alert to situations
that conform to the norm and differ from the norm. This pattern identification is done
using artificial intelligence techniques, data mining techniques and business rules
applicable to a particular business and industry. This framework has certain core
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 365
components to manage different functions. The IEF is structured as five different layers,
each layer processing and filtering data to enable intelligent decisions. These five layers
are discussed in the following list.
Data manager: Data manager extracts data from the production or operational
systems of the enterprise. Data manager also has abilities to transform data
collected from different business systems. Data can be extracted in real time or in
batch modes.
Adaptive profiling engine: This part of the software develops profiles or behaviors
of data extracted from the operational systems. Profiles are developed for each
entity — for example, a customer, channel, account, product or country — in three
dimensions. These dimensions are comparison against peers, comparison against
other entities and comparison over time. The profiles capture necessary attributes
or characteristics of the entity. The problem in profiling is to develop necessary
models that are neither too simplistic nor too complex. Moreover, the profiles must
change as complexity of the transactions changes. The actual profiling process is
proprietary, it uses techniques such as statistical profiling, clustering and generic
Operational data store: Profiles are stored in the operational data store. Specific
transactions used to develop the profiles may also be stored, if necessary. The
profiles can be sliced and diced to examine how different transactions affect
different profiles or behaviors of entities.
Sentinels: Sentinels use the profiles stored in the operational data store as
baselines. These tools use heuristics techniques to statistically predict behavior.
Different profiles can be compared across different dimensions, and abnormal or
anomalous behaviors are spotted. Sentinels derive their own rules in the process;
a user can also add other desired rules to the sentinel knowledge base. These rules
are used to suggest actions to the action manager.
Action manager: Based on the sentinels’ characterization, actions are initiated by
the action manager. For example, a money-laundering alert to the manager shows
reasoning, account summary, customer summary, notification status and history
of the account. If needed, regulatory reports required under the U.S. Patriot Act can
be automatically generated. Drill-down abilities and additional contextual details
are available in the system. Every recommended action is stored for audit trail
Solutions such as Searchspace are useful in environments where millions of transactions
are being processed and manual monitoring or evaluation is almost impossible. Figuring
out normal behavior for customers and finding a customer who is involved in money
laundering or check kiting is not possible, even using an army of employees. The primary
advantage is that these systems learn and adapt from data and then automate the decision
making. The incidence and costs of false alarms and false negatives, of course, assumes
great importance in case of such systems and should be evaluated.
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Exhibit 17. Searchspace functionalities
Anti money laundering
Financial fraud
•Check fraud
•Debit card fraud
•Electronic payment fraud
•ATM deposit fraud
•Identity theft
•Financial service industry
•Insider trading
•NYSE rules 92 and 97
•Market manipulation
•Anti money laundering
Operational risk
•Business risk
•Policy enforcement
Customer relationship management
Exhibit 18. Searchspace operations
Data manager
Collect data from operational systems of the business
Adaptive profiling engine
Use the collected data to develop different profiles or patterns
Operational data store
Collect the different profiles in a central data warehouse
Automated software agents that monitor the profiles and
look for anomalies, exceptions, and aberrations
Action manager
Based on the finding of sentinels appropriate actions are taken
Reports to the user
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Controls, Security, and Audit in Online Digital Accounting 367
TransactionVision is not exactly an autom