College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
ommencement C Ceremony F O R T Y- F O U R T H A N N UA L Sunday, January 25, 2015 Chase Center on the Riverfront • Wilmington, Delaware Col l eg e of H ealt h P r of e ssion s Col l eg e of So c ial an d Behav ioral S c i enc e s 9 : 3 0 a. m. Col l eg e of Arts an d S c i enc e s Col l eg e of B u si n e ss 1 : 0 0 p. m. Col l eg e of E d uc at ion Col l eg e of Tec h nol o g y 4 : 3 0 p. m. Mission S tat ement Wilmington University is committed to excellence in teaching, relevancy of the curriculum, and individual attention to students. As an institution with admissions policies that provide access for all, it offers opportunity for higher education to students of varying ages, interests, and aspirations. The university provides a range of exemplary career-oriented undergraduate and graduate degree programs for a growing and diverse student population. It delivers these programs at locations and times convenient to students and at an affordable price. A highly qualified full-time faculty works closely with part-time faculty drawn from the workplace to ensure that the university’s programs prepare students to begin or continue their career, improve their competitiveness in the job market, and engage in lifelong learning. 2 Tabl e of Cont ents Mission Statement ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2 Welcome ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 Wilmington University Board of Trustees ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Alma Mater��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Undergraduate Academic Award Recipients��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 Graduate Academic Award Recipients������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 Commencement Ceremony����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 College of Health Professions, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Commencement Ceremony����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 College of Art and Sciences, College of Business Commencement Ceremony����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 College of Education, College of Technology Academic Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Leadership and Service Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Delta Epsilon Rho Honor Society Pledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Academic Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Welcome to the Alumni Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 About Wilmington University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Graduates From Around The World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 3 Grad uat e s by Col l eg e C ol l e ge of A r t s a n d S c i e nc e s Candidates for the Associate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Advisory Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 C ol l e ge of B usi n e ss Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Candidates for the Master’s Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Candidates for the Doctoral Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Advisory Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 C ol l e ge of E d u c at ion Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Candidates for the Master’s Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Candidates for the Doctoral Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Advisory Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 C ol l e ge of H e a lt h P rof e ssions Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Candidates for the Master’s Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Advisory Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 C ol l e ge of S o c i a l a n d B e h av ior a l S c i e nc e s Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Candidates for the Master’s Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Advisory Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 C ol l e ge of Te c h nol o g y Candidates for the Associate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Candidates for the Master’s Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Advisory Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 4 Wilmington University Forty-Fourth Annual Commencement Wel come Dear Graduates, Families, and Friends, On behalf of the faculty, staff, and administration of Wilmington University, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2015 winter commencement ceremony. This day is one of life’s best because it celebrates a tremendous personal achievement for each graduate. We honor their hard work and the sacrifices made along the way, and we join these graduating students in saluting family members and friends who have offered encouragement and support. Since the fall of 1968, the University has experienced unbelievable change – in staffing; physical plant; locations; programs; and, most certainly, in enrollment. Yet, in spite of all this change, our commitment to providing high academic standards in our classrooms, personal attention to our students, and educational opportunity for all has remained constant. We are proud of what we do here, and we are proud of the graduates we send out to make a difference in the world. Presiding over our commencement ceremonies is one of my favorite tasks because I witness so much joy and excitement. Today is a very special day – a day that marks the end of one journey but the beginning of so many others. Congratulations to our graduates, and may all of you find professional success and personal happiness as you go. Dr. Jack P. Varsalona President 5 Wilmington Univ ersit y Boar d of Trust ee s Officers The Honorable Joseph J. Farnan, Jr., Chairman Thomas S. Shaw, Vice Chairman & Treasurer Thomas E. Leipold, Vice Chairman & Secretary David F. Marvin, Vice Chairman Members Robert C. Cole, Jr. Brian D. Marvin Irénée du Pont, Jr. Lawrence H. Miller Alan D. Ellingsworth Dana P. Robinson Michael J. Farnan The Honorable Sue L. Robinson Florence W. Garvin Allen L. Samuels Larry D. Gehrke Richard P. Sanger G. Dean MacEwen, M.D. Ronald C. Watts, Ed.D. Dorothy M. Peoples (Trustee Emeritus) Alma Mat er Words and Music by Duke Detjen 6 Praise our Alma Mater, Praise our Alma Mater, Cheer with all your might, Honored be her name, Proudly fly her colors, She has been our beacon, Wave the green and white. Our eternal flame. We shall not forget her, She provided knowledge, She has been our guide, Helped us on our way, Sing your praises to Wilmington, Sing praises to Wilmington, Speak her name with pride! Cheer her night and day! Wilmington University Forty-Fourth Annual Commencement Marshals and Univ ersit y Administ rat ion The marshals are responsible for directing members of the procession to their proper places, and the batons serve as the symbol of their authority. Marshals E i l e e n G . D on n e l ly E d. D. ....................................................................Assistant Vice President and Dean of Online and Experiential Learning D onal d W. D uran de t ta, P h. D. ..................... Assistant Professor and Dean, College of Business R ic har d D. G o c h naue r., E d. D. .......................Assistant Vice President and Dean of Locations J oh n C . G ray, E d. D. ......................................... Associate Professor and Dean, College of Education E dwar d L . G u t h r i e, E d. D. ...........................Assistant Professor and Dean, College of Technology C h r i st ian A . Tr ow br i d g e, J. D. .................................................. Assistant Professor and Dean, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences D or e e n B . Tur n b o, E d. D. .................... Associate Professor and Dean, College of Arts and Sciences D e n i s e Z. We st br o ok , M . S .N . ......... Assistant Professor and Dean, College of Health Professions M at t h e w J. Wi l s on , M . S . .................. Assistant Professor and Chair, College of Arts and Sciences, Faculty Senate Chair Administration Vice Presidents P e t e r A . Bai l e y, D. B . A . .............................................................. Vice President, External Affairs E r i n J. D i M ar c o, E d. D. ................................................ Vice President, Academic Support Services L aVe r n e T. H ar mon , E d. D. ...................................................................Executive Vice President H e at h e r A . O ’C on n e l l , M . B . A. ............................. Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Financial Affairs Car ol e D. P i tc h e r, M . B . A . .................................................................University Vice President Jam e s D. Wi l s on , J r., E d. D. .......................................................Vice President, Academic Affairs Registrar E l i z abe t h P. J or dan , M . S . ........................................................................................... Registrar 7 Under g rad uat e Ac ademic Awar d Rec ip ients Nicole A. Hepner David F. Massuli Nicole has maintained a 4.0 grade point average while earning a Bachelor of Science degree in General Studies with a minor in Mathematics. Employed by Delaware Technical and Community College as a math tutor, she is a resident of New Castle, Delaware. David completes his Bachelor of Science degree program in Legal Studies with two minors (History and Political Science) and a 4.0 grade point average. He is the owner of D and S Properties and Investments LLC; David is a resident of Bear, Delaware. Jedaiah Hirt Robert R. Halley Jedaiah completes his Bachelor of Science in Finance degree program with a 3.97 grade point average. A resident of Orlando, Florida, he is a sales compensation analyst for VWR, International. Robert graduates with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer and Network Security and a 3.99 grade point average. He lives in Hartly, Delaware. College of Arts and Sciences College of Business Ruth E. McGuigan College of Education Ruth is graduating with a 4.0 grade point average and a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 2). She lives in Conowingo, Maryland. Thomas Graves College of Health Professions Thomas has maintained a 4.0 grade point average while earning his Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. A Wilmington, Delaware, resident, he is employed by Christiana Care as a RN. 8 College of Social and Behavioral Sciences College of Technology Wilmington University Forty-Fourth Annual Commencement Grad uat e Ac ademic Awar d Rec ip ients Jennifer E. Moseley Katherine L. Jones Jennifer has maintained a 4.0 grade point average while earning her Master of Business Administration degree with a concentration in Organizational Leadership. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Wilmington University and is a resident of New Castle, Delaware. Katherine completes her doctoral studies with a grade point average of 4.0. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master of Education degree from Salisbury University. Employed by WorWic Community College as the Director of Student Activities, Katherine is a resident of Quantico, Maryland. Sharese C. Paylor Kristi R. Hammond-Nichols Sharese completes her Master of Science in Management degree program in Public Administration with a 4.0 grade point average. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Wilmington University. A resident of Dover, Delaware, Sharese is employed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture as a Program Compliance Branch Chief. Kristi is graduating with a grade point average of 3.87 and a Master of Science in Nursing degree with a Family Nurse Practitioner concentration. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Wilmington University and is employed by Nanticoke Memorial Hospital as a RN. Kristi resides in Seaford, Delaware. Master of Business Administration Master of Science in Management Zachary Prettyman Master of Science (Business) Doctor of Education Master of Science in Nursing Theresa Carter Master of Science (Social and Behavioral Sciences) Zachary graduates with a Master of Science degree in Accounting and a 3.93 grade point average. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Delaware. Employed by Cover and Rossiter as a Staff Accountant, Zachary lives in Milford, Delaware. Theresa completes her master’s degree program in Administration of Human Services with a 4.0 grade point average. She received a Bachelor of Science degree from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Currently employed by Wilmington University as an Administrative Assistant, Theresa is a Smyrna, Delaware, resident. Roxanne Satterfield Suneela Akkarapakam Roxanne completes her doctoral program with a 3.86 grade point average. She received a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Science degree from Neumann University. A Newark, Delaware, resident, Roxanne is employed by Boeing Rotorcraft. Suneela graduates with a 4.0 grade point average and a Master of Science degree in Information Systems Technologies with a concentration in Information Assurance. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from N.T.R. University of Health Sciences and her Master of Science degree from Sri Venkateswara University. Suneela is a resident of Edison, New Jersey. Doctor of Business Administration Nicholas A. Taylor Master of Science in Information Systems Technologies Master of Arts Nicholas has maintained a 4.0 grade point average while earning his Master of Arts degree in Secondary Teaching (grades 7-12). He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Coastal Carolina University and is a resident of North East, Maryland. Michelle Houston Master of Education Michelle is graduating with a Master of Education degree in Special Education and a 4.0 grade point average. She received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Southern Mississippi. Michelle is a Denton, Maryland, resident. 9 Commencement Ceremony F O R T Y- F O U R T H A N N UA L Col l eg e of Healt h Pr of e ssions Col l eg e of So c ial and Behav ioral Sc ienc e s Presiding: Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D., President Pr e lude Ac ade mic P r o c e s s ion ...................................................................................... “Pomp and Circumstance #1” by Elgar “ The Nat ional Ant hem” ...................................................................................................... Lieutenant Kevin Pierce Pennsylvania State Police (Retired) Invo c at ion ..................................................................................................................................... Gary L. Donahue, M.Ed. Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences & Coordinator for Student Affairs Gr e e t i ngs ..........................................................................................................................................Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D. President LaVerne T. Harmon, Ed.D. Executive Vice President Int r od uct ion of Sp eaker ...................................................................................The Honorable Joseph J. Farnan, Jr. Chairman, Board of Trustees Comme nc ement Addr e s s ........................................................................................................... Vickie R. Warehime Candidate for Master of Science in Administration of Justice Degree, Class of 2015 Pr e se ntat ion of Deg r ee Candidat e s ............................................................... James D. Wilson, Jr., Ed.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs 10 Wilmington University Forty-Fourth Annual Commencement Ac ade mic Deans Denise Z. Westbrook, M.S.N. ..................................................................................................................College of Health Professions Christian A. Trowbridge, J.D. ................................................................................................. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Conf e r r ing of Deg r ee s .......................................................................................................Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D. Academic Award Recipients.................................................................................................................................................. Page 8-9 De lta Ep sil on Rho H onor So c ie t y Induction of New Members.................................................................................................................. Sheila M. Sharbaugh, Ph.D. Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Pr e se ntat ion of Audr e y K . Dober st ei n Awar d f or Leaders hip .................................................................................................... LaVerne T. Harmon, Ed.D. Executive Vice President Pr e se ntat ion of Trust ee s ’ Awar d f or S erv ic e ..............................................Ronald C. Watts, Ed.D. Member, Board of Trustees Sol oi st ................................................................................................................................................. Lieutenant Kevin Pierce “God Bless the U.S.A.” by Lee Greenwood Be ne dict ion ................................................................................................................................ Gary L. Donahue, M.Ed. Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences & Coordinator for Student Affairs Ac ade mic Rec e s s ion Po st lude The audience is asked to stand during the Academic Procession and The National Anthem. Please remain in place until both the Academic Procession/Recession is completed. 11 12 Wilmington University Forty-Fourth Annual Commencement Commenc ement Sp eaker Vickie R. Warehime Vickie has maintained a 4.0 grade point average while earning her Master of Science degree in Administration of Justice. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Towson State University and has been employed by the Baltimore County (Maryland) Police Department since 1992. Currently, Vickie serves as the Employment Unit Supervisor with the rank of Sergeant, overseeing background investigations, case assignments, and recruitment. She is a long-time volunteer in Baltimore County’s Police Explorer mentoring program and has appeared on the popular television shows The Wire and Veep. During her graduate program, Vickie participated in a mixed-methods research study in the City of Wilmington which was accepted for presentation at the fall 2014 conference of the American Society of Criminology. A Hampstead, Maryland, resident, she is also an adjunct professor at Carroll Community College and a member of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Women in Law Enforcement. 13 Commencement Ceremony F O R T Y- F O U R T H A N N UA L Col l eg e of Arts and Sc ienc e s Col l eg e of B usine ss Presiding: Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D., President Pr e lude Ac ade mic P r o c e s s ion ...................................................................................... “Pomp and Circumstance #1” by Elgar “ The Nat ional Ant hem” ...................................................................................................... Lieutenant Kevin Pierce Pennsylvania State Police (Retired) Invo c at ion ..................................................................................................................................... Gary L. Donahue, M.Ed. Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences & Coordinator for Student Affairs Gr e e t i ngs ..........................................................................................................................................Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D. President LaVerne T. Harmon, Ed.D. Executive Vice President Int r od uct ion of Sp eaker ...................................................................................The Honorable Joseph J. Farnan, Jr. Chairman, Board of Trustees Comme nc ement Addr e s s .......................................................................................................Christopher R. Spriggs Candidate for Doctor of Business Administration Degree, Class of 2015 Pr e se ntat ion of Deg r ee Candidat e s ............................................................... James D. Wilson, Jr., Ed.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs 14 Wilmington University Forty-Fourth Annual Commencement Ac ade mic Deans Doreen B. Turnbo, Ed.D. ............................................................................................................................College of Arts and Sciences Donald W. Durandetta, Ph.D. .................................................................................................................................College of Business Conf e r r ing of Deg r ee s .......................................................................................................Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D. Academic Award Recipients.................................................................................................................................................. Page 8-9 De lta Ep sil on Rho H onor So c ie t y Induction of New Members.................................................................................................................. Sheila M. Sharbaugh, Ph.D. Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Pr e se ntat ion of Audr e y K . Dober st ei n Awar d f or Leaders hip .................................................................................................... LaVerne T. Harmon, Ed.D. Executive Vice President Sol oi st ................................................................................................................................................. Lieutenant Kevin Pierce “God Bless the U.S.A.” by Lee Greenwood Be ne dict ion ................................................................................................................................ Gary L. Donahue, M.Ed. Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences & Coordinator for Student Affairs Ac ade mic Rec e s s ion Po st lude The audience is asked to stand during the Academic Procession and The National Anthem. Please remain in place until both the Academic Procession/Recession is completed. 15 16 Wilmington University Forty-Fourth Annual Commencement Commenc ement Sp eaker Christopher R. Spriggs Christopher (Chris) is graduating from the Doctor of Business Administration program with a 3.95 grade point average. He received a Master of Science degree in Administration of Justice from Wilmington University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Delaware State University. Chris is the Director of Regulatory Compliance at Glen Mills School in Concordville, Pennsylvania. His doctoral research on the juvenile justice system has received attention from the Obama Administration, connecting Chris with the head of the Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention. His scholarly analysis will be used to lobby for an increase in training funds. The 2014 recipient of a national award for service and youth advocacy, Chris was invited to appear on Fox News to discuss his research. He is a long-time volunteer and supporter of youth activities, establishing his own foundation in 2008 which is dedicated to developing life skills of young men. Chris is a resident of Glen Mills, Pennsylvania. 17 ommencement Ceremony C C F O R T Y- F O U R T H A N N UA L Col l eg e of Ed uc at ion Col l eg e of Tec hnol o g y Presiding: Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D., President Pr e lude Ac ade mic P r o c e s s ion ...................................................................................... “Pomp and Circumstance #1” by Elgar “ The Nat ional Ant hem” ...................................................................................................... Lieutenant Kevin Pierce Pennsylvania State Police (Retired) Invo c at ion ..................................................................................................................................... Gary L. Donahue, M.Ed. Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences & Coordinator for Student Affairs Gr e e t i ngs ..........................................................................................................................................Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D. President LaVerne T. Harmon, Ed.D. Executive Vice President Int r od uct ion of Sp eaker ...................................................................................The Honorable Joseph J. Farnan, Jr. Chairman, Board of Trustees Comme nc ement Addr e s s ........................................................................................................... Damian N. Bariexca Candidate for Doctor of Education Degree, Class of 2015 Pr e se ntat ion of Deg r ee Candidat e s ............................................................... James D. Wilson, Jr., Ed.D. 18 Wilmington University Forty-Fourth Annual Commencement Ac ade mic Deans John C. Gray, Ed.D. .............................................................................................................................................College of Education Edward L. Guthrie, Ed.D. ................................................................................................................................... College of Technology Conf e r r ing of Deg r ee s .......................................................................................................Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D. Academic Award Recipients.................................................................................................................................................. Page 8-9 De lta Ep sil on Rho H onor So c ie t y Induction of New Members.................................................................................................................. Sheila M. Sharbaugh, Ph.D. Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Pr e se ntat ion of Trust ee s ’ Awar d f or S erv ic e ...........................................................Thomas S. Shaw Vice Chairman & Treasurer, Board of Trustees Sol oi st ................................................................................................................................................. Lieutenant Kevin Pierce “God Bless the U.S.A.” by Lee Greenwood Be ne dict ion ................................................................................................................................ Gary L. Donahue, M.Ed. Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences & Coordinator for Student Affairs Ac ade mic Rec e s s ion Po st lude The audience is asked to stand during the Academic Procession and The National Anthem. Please remain in place until both the Academic Procession/Recession is completed. 19 20 Wilmington University Forty-Fourth Annual Commencement Commenc ement Sp eaker Damian N. Bariexca Damian completes his doctoral program in Innovation and Leadership with a 4.0 grade point average. He received an Education Specialist degree in School Psychology from Rider University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from The College of New Jersey. Employed by the Lawrence Township Public Schools in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, Damian is currently the Supervisor of Educational Technology and Related Arts. A published author in a variety of professional journals, he has also been a presenter at numerous regional workshops and conferences. As an Ed.D. student, Damian helped to organize and manage the Teacher Leader ED Camp, an event held simultaneously at the Wilson Graduate Center and the Dover campus in late October. At the December meeting of the Wilmington University Faculty Senate, he joined several other doctoral students who shared their dissertation research with the faculty. Damian is a resident of Perkasie, Pennsylvania. 21 22 Col l eg e of Arts and Sc ienc e s Candidates for the Associate Degree Associate of Arts General Studies Crystal D. Thornton James Alan Greenwell, Jr. Cynthia Rebekah Williams∆ Brandon R. Davolos Rose Esther Viramontes∆ Jesika Reneé Logan Toni Ann Wilson Jessica Louise Mitchell Liberal Studies Ellen Neal Terrell Andre Moore Gina Marie Peirce Jeffrey Joseph Morella Adam Sedegui Rebecca Shannon Sowers∆ Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree Bachelor of Science Communication- Integrated Marketing Brittany Lynn Ennis*∆ Kathleen Ann Roach Abigayle Rebecca Marks*∆ Haley Anne Fairall*∆ Chante Nicole Baldwin ∆ Judith Lee Frantz* Michael Vincent Seward*∆ Stacy Lutner Ritchey*∆ Lauren Marie Gant Communication- Media Carltina L. Hall Jeremy A. Davis*∆ Jacqueline Christina White General Studies Daniel Wayne Bolton Bridget Michele Brown∆ Courtney Sheree Brown Brittany Culver Courtney Britt Davis ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee Christopher Paul Jackowski∆ Katelyn C. King Troy Allyne Knox Antony Vito Laudicina*** Harold L. Marmon** Holly C. Mayne Joanne M. Miller**∆ Shirley Ann Morris Cassandra Justine Vossen∆ Julena Jeńae Ward Ashanti B. West∆ Elaina C. West∆ Errol Wilson∆ June Wilson Scott Matthew Wise***∆ Stephanie Yale Young Carol Ann Zistl Liberal Studies Dean R. Dungan Matt William Moseley Taren James Nance**∆ Patricia Anne Panaro Jasmine Kristina Rivera 23 Sciences * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude Michael J. Higgin Deborah Elaine Treherne and John C. DeMatteis Nicole Annelies Hepner***∆ Sarah Michelle Sterling*** Arts Tracy L. Cameransi Kevin Michael Harkins*∆ Jamie Lynn Sharp of Krista Renee Callahan∆ Mia M. Graves Stephanie Marie Sarris College Patricia Ann Battersby**∆ Beverly Lynn Fahy Col l eg e of Arts and Sc ienc e s Advisory Committee Members Communication History Laurie Bick Leo Beattie Ellen Barosse Kate Cottle Matt Davis Maria Hess Rick Jenson Amy Patrick Rob Rector Catherine Rossi Sheila Sharbaugh Scott Shaw Doreen Turnbo Stephen Buchanan Andrea Bukay Tony DiGiacomo Gary Donahue Lisa Frank John Lewis Russell McCabe Sharon Weaver Gary Wray Katherine Ward Humanities First Year Experience James Boyd Matt Chacko Mark Daniels Matt Davis Rebecca Ghabour Cassandra Green Lauren Havens Adrienne Johnson Leslie Johnson Julie Jones Shannon Netta Gary Seydell Sarah Talmo Libbie Zimmer 24 Stacy Bartkowski Nicole Bennett-Bealer Mary Doody Patrice Gilliam-Johnson Susan Gregg Felicia Jones-Haskins James Piccone David Stradley Doreen Turnbo Robin Weinstein Col l eg e of B usine ss Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Accounting Karla Erika Asch*** Shane A. Baker Quinton Barto∆ Leonila Capron Tiffany H. Cisrow* Taisha Nicole Corrado Patrick Ennis Thomas B. Faison* John T. Fitzgerald*∆ Natalie Giraldo Ekaterina Gorchakova* Diane L. Hogan*∆ Stephanie Lynn Keithley*** Kathleen Laurel Kilcoyne**∆ Susan J. Lodge-Ieppert**∆ Teresa Conaway Mason Kristina Mikhaylyuk∆ Maxine Morris Ashley Marie Notte Erin Elizabeth O’Connor*∆ Tomi Lin Pangburn∆ Mishan U. Patel Ashley B. Portmann Shelley Puchalsky∆ Lee M. Sestak Amber Lynn Showard Jelena Silutina***∆ Andrew Cody Snowberger Arthur Ewald Tillmes**∆ Accounting and Finance Alaina Catherine Egolf*∆ Daniel J. Fox∆ Alexis P. Jordan∆ Emmanuel Ongosi Mengoh*∆ Bamasse Raoul Soura Business Management Mirla Elizabeth Aleman Jacecia J. Alexander Patricia Bartolo*∆ Jessica Lynne Bogda Jamie Lee Brown David Paul Brustman, Jr. April J. Butler Christopher Caron Maria Catalina Susan D. Ceraso∆ Enoch Coverdale Stephanie Creech Felix Cruz*∆ Scott D. Culin Lauren E. Curiale Robert L. Davis*∆ Herbert Davonte Dennis Brandon D. DiBuo Derek Daniel Dohring Modesty Renee Dolbow*** Cheick Hamala Drave John M. Duffy Linh Thi Ngoc Duong* Devon M. Durbano Latoria J. Ellis Fabiola M. Estenos-Angulo Lekia Marteen Flower**∆ Evan Scott Ford Ayoka Francis Jessica E. Galoff Ryan Christopher Gardner***∆ John Gilliam Andrew M. Gitaitis Steven Thomas Gobeil*∆ Kelly M. Graham*∆ Omar Hodari Green Stephanie Marie Greenhill*** Lauren Ashley Hamilton Elizabeth Hauske Samantha Lynn Hemphill∆ Ashley Kathleen Hetzell Marquis Anthony Hill Jay R. Howerin Alvin Bryan Hunter, Sr. Chad Malcolm Jenkins Triana Shirlna Jervey Mable A. Justice Sarah Elizabeth Kaminski* Deshay Kennedy Amanda N. Kerchevale*∆ James Robert Kimbro**∆ Jenell Diane King∆ Vickie R. Klawitter David Klotz Charmayne Y. Lane Kyle R. Lindstrom Samantha Leigh Long Benjamin Lors∆ David Joseph Lupus Laurin Christina Maczynski Reena Michelle Mall* Oscar G. Marshall** Jeffrey J. Marvel∆ Latosha T. McNeill∆ Eric Medina Danielle Mikhaiel Kimberly Ann Montague*** Christopher Mortarulo Abdelnasser Abdou Moussa 25 Business Ashley Lynne Malinowski*∆ Andre Nicholas Rodriguez Rishi Ram Giri***∆ of Leonida Kathure Cassandra Cassell Rhodes**∆ Geraldine M. Gillingham-Jones College Emily Anne Baldwin Eseosa Jeremiah Osaikhuiwuomwan*∆ Morgan C. Murr∆ Yan Yan Yang Jonathan P. Palmer*∆ Wolfgang Zeilinger Travis James Neal**∆ Ashley M. Pellow Amanda Dannielle Perrone∆ Joshua A. Pierce*∆ Tomasz Ryszard Pulsakowski Samantha L. Quackenbush Abigail R. Reed∆ Volha Renn**∆ Ralph Rhoden Cyndi Rhodes Lee Alexander Rini Anjana Risal∆ Diamandi Roots Micah Adair Sala*∆ Jackson D. Salasky Hermin Sarantes∆ James Michael Schwartz Brandon J. Scott Cleotrina Michelle Shipman-Tinch∆ Shannon R. Short Flavia Cristina Silva Yvonne J. Small*∆ Trevor Scott Smith Michael J. Spence Lavale Anthony Stevenson∆ Adrienne Marie Storm∆ Richard D. Strasser∆ Valarie M. Strzempa Shawn Patrick Sullivan Jamie Lee Thomas Chelsea Nicole Titus Jamie Erik Treml∆ Morgan Lynn Wagner*∆ Christian L. Wailes Tanya Antoinette Walker Adrienne Nicole Walstrum Christle Noreen Waples**∆ Holly Webster Bruce Williams** Lakesha N. Wright**∆ * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 26 Alexis N. Zabielski Business ManagementProfessional Aeronautics Brian Michael Naldzin**∆ James Seth Unger Marketing Jordan Leigh Calloway Stephanie Marie Carilla Samuel Carioti Francoise Conde Michael Dibert Julia M. Emory Kristy M. Johnson Finance Gregory Kitchenman Yasin Aydin Chris Michael McConnell Tayler Crosley Shane M. Rauso Dawn M. B. Ferguson**∆ Jessica Schlick***∆ Brian Omondi Aluoch Lucia Carolina Mandarino-Sanchez Kelly Lynne Boss James Harry Middleton III Mesut Deretarla James Clifton Robinson∆ Jedaiah Hirt***∆ Jennifer Marie Sheets∆ Colin F. Hunt**∆ Darius Husser Sandra Lawter-O’Toole***∆ Tuan Anh Le Kyle Keith Pritchard John Michael Repici Quentin M. Schwartz Frances N. Spencer Bryan Wilson Organizational Management Rachel L. Arbaugh Haven Baer Lauren A. Bates Steven Mark Bollinger Anthony Botto Simeon Levi Boyd Hannah E. Buckley Raphael Prentiss Bull*∆ Human Resource Management Sandra Lynn Caldwell∆ Alexandra Boguc* Holly Coleman Toni M. Favoretto***∆ Michael Evon Dean Jennifer N. Gates Tiffany Y. Fisher Sarah Lana Jones*∆ Tara L. Friebel*∆ Opas Lorboon* Sarah Hampton∆ Patrick Dominic Massaro**∆ Terrica Ernestina Margeret Hayes Shaunequa K. Seals Carla M. Hooks Peggy Tew Teresa C. Hunt Lonie R. Welch**∆ Megan L. Johnson Christina Marie Bedwell Christopher A. Ciraula Amy L. Emmons∆ Greg James Coumatos, Jr. Alexis Gainfort David Wayne Ferguson Steven Charles Hoffman**∆ Stephen M. Forbes Kimberly Paige Kidwell*∆ Tori Brielle Hall Jeffrey B. Mackie Edith Hasenauer*** Kelsey Rose Milanese∆ Ashley F. Henry Shelby J. Shockley*∆ James Edward Hudak Lisa M. Waters Jason Andrew Jaskewich***∆ Valere Channelle Jones David A. Seay**∆ Tyler William Keyes Neil Shea Madilyn L. Kelly Wayne Daniel Leahy∆ Bruce D. Macolley**∆ Jennifer Anne Marek**∆ Calvin Eugene McDonald Eric C. McDonald* Shaquille A. Monroe-Gaskins Brian Nickerson Moore∆ Brandon T. Mullins Meaad Simeon Muse Nilgun Onal Patricia F. Power* Kristin D. Roe∆ Terrell Lynnette Sample*∆ Laura L. Shahan Paula Raynell Southerland Jill M. Spivey* Kimberly Ann Stallings* Michael T. Van Alstyne*** Danielle L. Vavalla Paul Leslie Voss David Wayne Weaver** Brandi Lee Weigandt Robert Martin Woodward Felicia Marie Yerkes Juwan Young**∆ Brooke Evelyn Zicarelli Sports Management David Gregory Baker Samuel Ellis Cuomo Michael Patrick Doody William R. Hyland Jordan Michael Johnson Matthew B. Ley Nicholas Jacob Marics∆ Nikki R. Meredith Jenna Nicole Quaranta Charles Anthony Richardson Rajiv Rimal Trent M. Taylor David Richard Thomas Allyson Michelle Wheatley Melvin Sarpey Michael Anthony Seaman College of Business 27 Col l eg e of B usine ss Candidates for the Master’s Degree M A S T E R O F B U S I N E S S A D M I N I S T R AT I O N Master of Business Administration Matthew A. Ademski B.S., University of Delaware James Agyarko B.S., Wilmington University Brittany Anthony B.S., Wilmington University Andrew John Bonis B.A., University of Delaware Robin Brooks B.S., Virginia Intermont Michelle Collins B.S., University Nevada Andrada Stefana Cornea B.S., University Virginias Robert C. Cote B.S., Wilmington University Kiara Cox B.S., University of Delaware Mark Anthony-Blair Davis B.S., Widener University Catherine Marie DeMartino B.S., Rowan University Elizabeth Ellen Desimone B.A., University of Delaware Christopher L. Dickerson B.S., Delaware State University Melanie Marie Dimaio B.S., Neumann University Kimberly Leona Dixon B.B.A., Delaware State University Timothy Croy Edmondson B.S., University of Delaware David Grant Farris M.B.A., Wilmington University B.B.A., Texas A&M University Commerce Michelle Lynn Fleming B.S., Wilmington University Darya V. Gay B.S., Wilmington University Megan Kate Gorman B.S., Wilmington University LaKeyya Dawn Grasty B.S., Temple University Lauren Michele Grossman B.A., Lynchburg College 28 Jennifer Leigh Hassano B.S., Wilmington University Derrick A. Jackson B.B.A., Temple University Bradley T. Kroshus B.S., Wilmington University John Lanier B.S., University of Minnesota Siling Li B.A., Chongqing University Shiksha Mahat B.S., Surya Bikram Gyawali Marg Leslie Anne McKeon B.B.A., Kaplan University Stephen Robert Mills B.A., Thomas Edison State College Michelle Moran B.A., Cabrini College Joseph Ward Nickle M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Karina O’Brien B.S., Guilford College Amanda Elizabeth O’Donnell B.S., Wilmington University Adrienne O’Neal B.A., Ashford University Jordan Matthew Oncay B.S., Wilmington University Angela Jackson Pineault B.S., University of Delaware Richard Ramirez B.A., Salisbury University Myrna M. Rivera B.S., Rowan University Craig Rogers B.S., DeSales University Irina Olegovna Spirina B.S., Wilmington University Brian Christopher Stronach B.S., Wilmington University John Douglas Wassum B.A., University of Virginia Regina L. Watson B.S., University of Delaware Christopher A. Wendel M.Ed., Wilmington University B.A., University of Delaware Mandy Wilson B.S., Wilmington University Stephen Young B.A., Marymount University Accounting Sunny Amin B.B.A., Temple University James Austin B.B.A., Temple University Robert Bradley Barlow B.A., University of Delaware Ibrahima Bocoum M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., University of Mali Edwin Cintron B.S., Wilmington University Stenislos Priyadarshan Daniel B.S., Lancaster Bible College Robert Christopher Davis B.S., Rowan University Heather Lynn Ingersoll B.S., Wilmington University Aruna Chandimal Kapuruge B.B.A., Baruch College Christopher Kolodzey B.S., University of Delaware Joseph R. LeJeune B.S., Albright College B.B.A., McKendree College Teresa Danielle Pearson B.S., Lincoln University Brandon Andre Purnsley B.S., Delaware State University Shannon Lynn Seiler B.S., Wilmington University Momolu Emmanuel Siryon M.S., Eastern University M.B.A., Wilmington University B.B.A., University of Liberia Kathleen A. Sweeney B.S., Wilmington University Paul D. Works B.S., Wilmington University Francine Vinche Environmental Sustainability Erol Akmercan B.S., Suleymand Demirel University Randolph Earl Botterill B.S., Wilmington University Francis Y. Deku M.B.A., Wilmington University Armah Quincy Fahnbulleh B.S., Peirce College Thomas James Fox B.B.A., Wesley College Sravya Gorre B.S., Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Christine M. Lorenz B.S., Goldey-Beacom College David Paul Miller B.S., Embry-Riddle Aeron University Michael J. Morrow M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Ekaterina Moskvicheva M.A., Chelyabinsk State University B.A., Chelyabinsk State University David O’Neil Mulrooney B.A., University of Delaware Philip David Nye B.A., University of Delaware J.D., Widener University Amber Rae Owens M.B.A., Wilmington University B.B.A., Wesley Center for Adult Studies Johnson Oyebisi Oyelami M.B.A., Wilmington University B.B.A., The Polytechnic Cihan Ozturk B.S., Batum State University David Kyle Rhodes B.S., Wesley College Suzette W. Robinson M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Brittany L. Smith B.S., Rutgers State University Byeong-Ok Song M.S., Pennsylvania State University Bojana Stojanovic B.S., University of Novi Sad Crystal Nykia Taylor M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., Grambling State University of 29 Business Vincent Alvarez-Builla M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., Charter Oak College Edmond Kwakye Agyapong B.S., Strayer University College Environmental Stewardship Finance Matthew Ryan Tetrick B.S., Wilmington University Onika T. Simon-Harris B.S., Wilmington University Health Care Administration Shanell Shontay Vicks B.S., Peirce College Rena LaShelle Tucker B.S., Delaware State University Oluwatoyin O. Adeniyi B.S., Sanford-Brown Institute William Francis Brawders B.S., Wilmington University Jason Todd Brooks M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Eddy Dean Caldwell M.S.N., Wilmington University B.S.N., Wilmington University Marquia D. Cooper B.S., Bowie State University Jennifer Coverdale B.S., University of Delaware Debbie Kay Craft B.S., Wilmington University Denise DiMondi Dorph M.S., Thomas Jefferson University B.S., Thomas Jefferson University Charles Ebu B.B.A., University of Cape Coast Lauren Ashly Green B.S., Wilmington University Marshall Hawkins B.S., University of Delaware Joseph Douglas Howarth B.S., St. Joseph’s University Damaris Wangui Kanyingi B.A., University of Delaware Megan M. Kelly B.S., Wilmington University Moses Ngawga Mbugua M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University James Charles McCloskey B.S., Philadelphia University Blake E. Mitchell B.S., Wilmington University Thomas George Nee B.S., Wilmington University Leigh A. Nieuwenhuis-Cooke B.S., Wilmington University Katina G. Scott B.S., Wilmington University * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 30 Nicholas Everton Todd B.S., Northern Caribbean University Keisha C. Williams B.B.A., Oakwood College Health Care Administration and Master of Science in Nursing: Leadership Tyra Deanna Bedford-Anderson B.S.N., University Maryland Baltimore Co Henry Dimapilis B.S.N., Wilmington University Caroline Haggerty B.S.N., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Christine Nyaboke Omwenga B.S.N., Wilmington University Cheryl A. Shirey B.S.N., Wilmington University Homeland Security John W. Avera B.S., Wilmington University Tiffany Dailey B.S., Wilmington University Ann M. Edwards B.A., Salisbury University Latoya Aretha Gatewood-Young B.A., Washington College Deshanda C. Griffin B.S., Wilmington University Brian L. Pixley B.S., East Stroudsburg University Management Information Systems Isaac Kofi Akorli M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., Delaware State University Roy U. Chikwem B.S., Lincoln University Alejandro Cuervo B.S., Southern Illinois University Carbondale David L. D’Ascoli B.A., Rutgers State University Andrew Timothy Dewhirst B.S., University of Delaware Dennis Stephen Ezeogu B.S., William Paterson College Meghan Kaye Fitzgerald B.S., Wilmington University Prakash Giri B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore Aisha Hillman B.S., Rutgers State University Olcay Duzgun B.A., Istanbul University Carmen George Hunter B.S., Wilmington University Anastasia Golikova B.S., Volga Region State University Gregory Dale Hughes B.S., Wilmington University John William Kust B.S., Northern Arizona University Eugene Lloyd Mitchell B.A., University of Delaware Poornima Keerthi Muttoju B.S., Acharya Nagarjuna University Rachel L. Overbey B.S., Strayer University Bijeta Rajbhandari B.S., Tribhuvan University Mohannad Zafer Sandid B.S., Applied Science Private University Henry Gwei Sembe M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., Delaware State University Bikal Shrestha B.S., Winona State University Tejvir Singh B.C., University of Delhi Jayee Clara Slobert Moore B.S., St. Peter’s College Earl M. Smith B.S., Wesley College Patrick Michael Smith B.A., West Virginia University Aminata Soumano B.A., University of Constantine Angela Renee Stanton-Hinex M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Jacqueline C. Stasny B.S., Wilmington University B.B.A., Wilmington University Toure Jarel Wright M.B.A., Holy Family University B.S., Neumann University Umidjon Mahamatjonovich Yusupov B.S., Andijan Engineering Economic Institute Carey Marie Bergholz B.S., Wilmington University Richard D. Iwaskiewicz B.S., Wilmington University Adrian Johnson B.A., University of Maryland Aziz Mahmud Kose B.S., Kocaeli University Morgan Yvette McGill B.S., Virginia State University Ashiq Nayeem B.B.A., American National University Andrew John Neal B.S., University of Delaware Darius K. Nix B.S., Wilmington University Caitlin Elizabeth Papili B.S., James Madison University Iana Penzikova B.S., Winona State University James Puddicombe B.S., University of Delaware James J. Rothaar B.S., Robert Morris University Karoline Sue Schmith B.S., Wilmington University Chelsea Rae Warren B.S., Coastal Carolina University Master of Business Administration and Marketing Management Julien Jovani McCray B.S., Wilmington University Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Nursing: Leadership Omowunmi J. Akinola B.S.N., College of New Rochelle B.S., City University of New York Gregory James Fisher B.S., Neumann University B.S., Pennsylvania State University Emily Renee Dryer B.A., University of Delaware 31 Business Braneia Nabreia Dickey B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore Anthony Maurice Hearne B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore of Brett Deakyne Cowan B.S., University of Delaware Dafe Peter Gray M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., University of Ibadan College Marketing Management Jack Gikonyo B.S., Southern Illinois University Carbondale Paige Marie Hilberg B.S.N., Immaculata University Robert J. Winterhalter B.A., University of California Jessi Lynn Messick B.S., Wesley College Donna Zerhusen B.S., Wilmington University Jini K. Hong B.S.N., Towson University Organizational Leadership Michele Dionne Bernard M.B.A., Wilmington University B.A., Centenary College Arda Ceyhan B.S., University of Dumlupnar Kelsey Renee Dickerson B.S., Wilmington University Gregory C. Downing B.S., Wilmington College Kristine Marnane Drysdale B.S., Villanova University Debora Jean Elders B.B.A., Delaware State University Shonda S. Ellison M.S., Wilmington University Francisco Xavier Fernandez B.S., University of Delaware Serkan Gunes B.S., Cukurova University Brook A. Hughes B.S., University of Phoenix Maria Yolanda Jones M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., Fayetteville State University William Joseph Kurtz B.S., University of the Sciences Kathleen Lynn Mayan B.S., Wilmington University Sharlene Tracy Mazza B.A., University of Delaware Brian Keith McClanahan B.B.A., Wilmington University Jennifer Erin Moseley B.S., Wilmington University Michael Louis Osher B.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Yvonne Poole B.B.A., Wesley College Jeffrey Michael Warwick B.S., Towson University Kevin M. Williams, Sr. B.B.A., Wesley Center for Adult Studies * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 32 Ashley Anne Wolk B.S., Mount St. Mary’s University MASTER OF SCIENCE Accounting Danyelle christina Dashiell B.B.A., Marymount University Jamie Lee DiPaolo B.S., Wilmington University Zachary Scott DuVall B.A., Michigan State University Kaylon Marie Faulkner B.S., Delaware State University Tammy Jane Holcombe B.S., Wilmington University Paul M. Mutwiri B.S., Wilmington University Zachary Edward Prettyman B.S., University of Delaware Shamia Lynette Salley B.S., Wilmington University Daniel J. Seiden B.S., Wilmington University Crystal Thompson M.B.A., Wilmington University B.A., Immaculata University Deepthi Sri Naga Venkata Sushilpa Kandula B.B.A., Osmania University Sara Ann Loviza B.S., University of Delaware MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT Master of Science in Management Eric Christopher Bartkowski M.S., Wilmington University B.A., University of Delaware Matthew R. Hartigan B.S., LeMoyne College Todd E. Shoemaker B.S., Embry-Riddle Aeron U Florida Nicole Louise Wilson M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Health Care Administration Karen Denise Baytops B.S., Delaware State University Shawneek Davis B.S., University of Delaware Carol Deal B.S.N., University Maryland Baltimore Co Samantha Anne Egbert M.S., Wilmington University B.A., Rowan University Jessica K.M. Gibson B.S., Wilmington University Anthony Okpara B.S., University of Abuja Erica Louise Paris B.A., Delaware State University Meredith R. Parkinson B.S., University of Delaware Ericca Grace Webb B.S., Drexel University Melvina L. West B.A., Rowan University Kevin Lamont Williams M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Sandra E. Williams M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Wesley College Homeland Security Michelle Angelica Nario Perry B.S., University of Colorado B.A., University of Colorado 33 Business Erin Michele Hoban B.S., University of Delaware Michael Ottis O’Brian B.A., University of Delaware of Sara L. Gray B.S., Goldey-Beacom College Nadine Antonia Laratte-Belk B.S.N., Widener University B.A., Temple University College Nyla Cierria Fussell B.S., Wilmington University Ann M. Hurst B.S.N., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Human Resource Management Ashley N. Allen B.S., Wilmington University Brian S. Bailey B.S., Wilmington University Richard Austin Brackett B.S., Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Michael Britton B.S., Wilmington University Desiree Lake Brubaker B.A., Frostburg State University Mohamed Camara B.S., Wilmington University Ebony P. Clements M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Temple University Catherine R. Colapietro B.S., Wilmington University Darius Cubbage M.S., Wilmington University B.A., Lehigh University Fatoumata Diabate B.S., Oklahoma City University Bridgette Reneè Fleming B.S., Wilmington University Brandi A. Gott B.A., Wesley College Sean I. Hairston B.S., Wilmington University Janell Nicole Johnson M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Delaware State University Mary Louise Lewandowski M.Ed., Hardin-Simmons University M.Ed., South Dakota State University Cherene A. Pack B.S., Delaware State University Wesley E. Pack B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore Samantha J. Parker B.S., Wilmington University Natasha Sudler B.S., Nyack College Anna C. Swetland B.S., Southern Illinois University Carbondale Khadija Tall M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Delaware State University Susan Marie Watras B.B.A., Widener University Stephanie Williams B.S., University of Pittsburgh Management Information Systems Neha Sharma B.S., Institute of Technology Marketing Jennifer Lynn Brzezicki M.S.M., Wilmington University B.A., Kent State University Trumball Mahmoud Ahmed Gebril LaVee Teresa McCrea B.S., Widener University Deborah Tentee Miller B.A., Delaware State University Phylicia Long B.S., Hampton University Organizational Leadership Mark Malloy B.A., University of Delaware Pavel Belov B.S., Tatar State University Tara Ann Marple B.S., Wilmington University Shevelle Q. Cannon B.S., Wilmington University Coryndi Dorai McFadden B.S., Wilmington University James Curtis Gill B.S., Devry University Ashley M. MacKenzie B.S., University of Baltimore Cacia Mauro Gilfillian Batts M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Sunni M. Mansaray B.S., Wilmington University Brian James Boulger B.S., Rutgers State University Karla L. Mays B.S., Wilmington University Sharmina T. Ellis B.S., Wilmington University Tamika Camille Moman B.S., Delaware State University Albert Clements Grant B.S., Wilmington University * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 34 Erica Juanita Murray M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Wesley College Kelly L. Jackson B.S., Wilmington University Byron Lee Jefferson M.A., Wilmington University B.A., Kean University Dandrea Vanettra Kittles M.S.M., Wilmington University M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Gerri Dew McGuire B.B.A., Wilmington University Public Administration Evanthia Geraldine Durant B.S., Wilmington University Kathleen T. Ellis-Foultz B.S., Widener University Thomas Alfred Ford B.S., Wilmington University Todd William Hilliker M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Alice K. Miller B.M., Elizabethtown College Angelita Betsy-Nadine Mosley B.S., Wilmington University Okechukwu Iheanyi Ndukuba M.S., Wilmington University Gloria Serwa-Gyimah M.S.M., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University James M. Schilling M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Embry Riddle University Donald Troy Williams M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Marilyn Kimberly Moore M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Sharese Caldwell Paylor B.S., Wilmington University Keira Michelle Potter B.S., Delaware State University Shirley Marie Whitney B.S., Wilmington University Gloria Serwa-Gyimah M.S.M., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Lauren Quinn Egleston B.S., Pennsylvania State University Olivia Stefani Short B.A., American Military University Anne Marie Taylor B.A., George Mason University Public Administration and Homeland Security Arnold V . Maas M.A., American Public University System B.S., Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Jeni Thapa B.A., University of Maryland Baltimore Sports Management Derdre Shree Tolston M.S., Wilmington University Michael Joseph Purcell B.S., Park University Judy Ellen Thornton B.S., Wilmington University Brandon Matthew Mears B.S., Towson University Danielle P. Van Orden M.S., Wilmington University B.S., University of Maryland B.S., Wilkes University Angela S. Wahlig B.S., Wilmington University Organizational Leadership and Homeland Security College Christina Renee German B.S., Wilmington University of Business 35 Col l eg e of B usine ss Candidates for the Doctoral Degree D O C T O R O F B U S I N E S S A D M I N I S T R AT I O N Katherine Shaw Ashanti M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology B.S., Cheyney University Dissertation: The Influence of Mental Models and Socioeconomic Status on Frequent Automobile Replacement. Kandie C. Dempsey M.S., Wilmington University B.S.N., Wilmington University Dissertation: Evaluation of a National Cancer InstituteSponsored Clinical Education Audit Preparation Workshop. Tylisha N. Johnson M.B.A., Delaware State University B.S., Delaware State University Dissertation: Survival of Nonprofit Organizations During the Times of Economic Recession in the State of Delaware. Tunde T. Kehinde M.B.A., Drexel University B.S., The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro Dissertation: Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on the Exchange Rates of a Sample of Advanced and Emerging Market Currencies. Tara L. Miller M.B.A., Saint Joseph’s University B.S., Shippensburg University Dissertation: Career Success Perceptions of Professional Working Mothers Utilizing Flexible Work Options. 36 Mohammad S. Obeidat M.B.A., Strayer University B.A., Yarmouk University Dissertation: Consumer Attitude Toward Online Shopping in Jordan. Michael D. Rajchel M.B.A., Saint Martin’s University B.S., Saint Joseph’s University Dissertation: Safety and Operations: Implications within an Air Force Large Terminal Logistics Aerial Port During Manning and Throughout Reductions. Timothy J. Raynor M.B.A., Sacred Heart University B.A., Albertus Magnus College Dissertation: Business Faculty Perceptions and Enforcement of Academic Integrity Policies at a Liberal Arts University. Roxanne F. Satterfield M.S., Neumann College B.S., Neumann College Dissertation: Working in a Focus and Finish Environment: Reducing Burnout While Increasing Worker Well Being. Christopher R. Spriggs M.S., Wilmington University B.A., Delaware State University Dissertation: The Relationship Between Perceived Effectiveness of Training and Organizational Commitment in Juvenile Facility Employees. Col l eg e of B usine ss Advisory Committee Members Accounting Graduate Human Resources Management Susan J. Keiser Joe Bauer Daniel Bloom Shelley M. Hastings Robert MacCloskey Gabrielle McClure-Nelson John McManus II Charles David Nelson Dana Rubenstein Judith Scarborough Karen C. Smith Business Management David Debski Colin Kelley Mark Miller Lisa Strusowski Kathy Weiner Ross Weiner Finance John Bish Jose Echeverri Donna Mitchell Karen Simpson Robert Strong Eftihia Zerefos Jeff Banning Jeff Bross Barbara Chamberlain John Clayton Jennifer Cohan Carole Cummings Andy DiSabatino Arthur Ericson Ed Geletka Richard Heffron Michael Hutchinson Mark Kleinschimdt Richard Krett Mark Lannan Susan Pedersen Ellen Plummer Eric Poch Sherry Read Wendie Stabler Courtney Steward John Van Gorp Thomas Wagner, Jr. Susan Warren Monica Washington Sharon Abrams Patricia Claghorn Patrick Conway Richard Dann Patti DePlasco Wendi Foltz Dennis Malloy David J. Puma Joel Rudin Marketing Brian Cunningham Al Lupo Allen Putman Garth Warner Sports Management Charma Bell Michael Colman Brett Cooper Chris Kemple Keith Law Aaron Moser Nancy Myshko Organizational Management Richard Burton Joseph Kwiatkowski Dawn Powell June Roux College of Business 37 Col l eg e of Ed uc at ion Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Early Childhood Education Alexander R. Roberts Bernard Howard Knollinger** Amanda Lynn Brown Ashley E. Sommermann Lisa A. McGonigle*** Melanie L. Grainger∆ Kimberly A. Spann Ruth E. McGuigan***∆ Tempest Jacqui Stewart Leah Nicole Simendinger∆ Education Studies- Middle Level Education 6-8 English Asaiah N. Beaman Carol A. Sherman* Oveta Charlene Fullman Angelica Maria Soto Elizabeth F. Mateo Acuna∆ Melanie D. Stalworth Kathleen L. Shotwell*∆ Dawn M. Verosko Samantha Jean White**∆ Education Studies- Early Childhood Education- Birth - 2 Kyma J. Belardo∆ Shannon Krysti Britt Ashley A. Einbrod Amber N. Knab Laura Jean Miller Mindi Arlene Reed Qaadirah A. Salaam Lori Ellen Strang Leia Trene Tyrell Elementary Education Bryan Gregory Andress**∆ Nicole Renee Armentrout Lisa Ann Banbury**∆ Alexa Marie Barone Lauren E. Benavidez Tonya Denise Berry***∆ Melissa Jane Bethard**∆ Brittany L. Biddle***∆ Sarah Burr Sarah Ellen Case Amber L. Cochran*∆ Education StudiesElementary Education- K-6 Lauren Brooke Comegys Briyana J. Chandler Christine M. Craig George H. Corbin, Jr.**∆ Lucas M. Digennaro Devin J. Fletcher Ashley Michele Donahue∆ Nykisha Hall-Murphy∆ Megan E. Gray∆ Briana Anitra Holden Taylor N. Hand∆ Jaclyn A. Mayhart Julie Ann Kaisner Ashton B. Conaway Kayla Nicole Boyles Ashley D. Cooper Janine Ann-Marie Clarke Patrick M. DeBoda, II ∆ Gabrielle I. Douglas∆ Mallory R. Doddato Kelly Ann Gutierrez∆ Jessica Lynn Frederick Michaelene Andrea Hartmann Kristie May Hall∆ Whitney C. Hora Taylor Paige Hendrickson * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 38 Justin B. VanSant Ryan John Mccarthy∆ Amber N. Miller Brittany R. Munoz**∆ Ariel Amanda Mutter*∆ Courtney Elizabeth Nelson∆ Lauren Elizabeth Olson Alejandra Perez Kaitlin Elizabeth Ploof** Dawn M. Ramirez**∆ Douglas Steven Root Merrilyn Yvette Simms Christina Spadaro*∆ Joy DeAnna Tooley Lisa P. Tursi*∆ Middle Level Education Corey J. Backus∆ Deborah May Cox*∆ James Stephen Cullin∆ Chelsea J. Glanden*∆ Kaitlyn M. Hall Stephanie N. Hollingsworth∆ Alison E. Kern∆ Marianthi Kledaras**∆ Kayla Elizabeth Moody∆ Barry L. Sommers Christopher D. Walsh∆ Col l eg e of Ed uc at ion Candidates for the Master’s Degree MASTER OF ARTS Catherine A. Kubota B.A., University of Delaware Secondary Teaching Micah Yusef Abdullah B.A., La Salle University Angela Lano B.A., University of Delaware Trevor Ryan Bradshaw B.A., Johns Hopkins University Sarah Rachel Love B.A., University of Delaware Ben A. Colegrove B.S., University of Delaware Nicole E. Hatcher B.A., American Public University System Shannon Renee Howell B.S., Temple University Michael W. Sabo B.S., Northeastern University Janeice Pamela Scott B.A., Delaware State University Maria Mauro Stecker B.S., Carnegie Mellon University Bradley E. Hoy B.S., Wilmington University Tequan Jones B.S., University of Massachusetts Amherst Jared Michael Klose B.A., Wake Forest University Nicholas Aaron Taylor B.S., Coastal Carolina University Jennifer Tran B.A., Rutgers State University M A S T E R O F E D U C AT I O N Applied Educational Technology Joyce K. Aikins B.A., Delaware State University Laura E. Anderson B.S., Wilmington University Amy Beattie B.M., University of Delaware Laura Bianco B.S., Bucknell University Krista M. Bivins B.S., Wesley College Daniel Joel Bossert B.S., University of Delaware Stephen Alfred Cannon B.A., Norwich University Daphne S. Coulbourn B.S., Wilmington University Alisha CW Emerson B.S., Wilmington University Kelly Rawley Evans B.S., Fayetteville State University Emily June Hughes B.S., Keystone College Sarah M. Johnston B.S., University of Delaware Mary N. Koch B.S., Wilmington University Jessica L. LaVerne B.S., Rider University Kevin John Majewski B.S., Wilmington University Ashlynn E. Maloy B.S., Wesley College of Laura A. Marsh B.S., Wilmington University 39 E d u cat i o n Aaron Robert Curley B.S., Liberty University Tom DeMatteis B.A., Cabrini College College Laura Marie Bossert B.S., University of Delaware Samantha E. Delfeld B.S., Wilmington University Kristin N. Martin B.S., Wilmington University Gary A. Conaway B.S., Wilmington University Deborah Miller B.S., University of Delaware Gloria J. Mathews B.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Andrew Stephen Meade B.A., Eastern Mennonite University Caitlin Gwen Mogg B.S., Millersville University of Pennsylvania Jerica A. Morris M.Ed., Wilmington University B.S., University of Delaware Michael Charles Peters B.S., University of Tennessee Jessica D. Pizzaia B.S., Wilmington University Megan Renee Rice B.S., Wilmington University Amber Michelle Riniker B.S., Wilmington University Geina Cathleen Roti M.Ed., Wilmington University B.A., Florida Atlantic University Lucy Kennedy Salvatore B.S., University of Delaware Robert Benjamin Sample B.F.A., University of Delaware Gail M. Scharmberg B.S., Wilmington University Edna Mary Shaw-Williamson B.A., University of Delaware Juliana Mathieu Sheehan B.A., Washington College Christopher David Terranova M.Ed., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Eric Tsavdar B.A., Delaware State University B.A., University of Delaware Anthony Ralph Natoli M.Ed., Wilmington University B.A., University of Delaware Emilio Evan Perry B.S., University of Delaware Tara Marie Saladyga B.S., University of Delaware Amanda Louise Sanner B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania Crystal Hayman Thawley B.S.N., Wilmington University Education Studies- Elementary Education- K-6 Sonya Michelle Thomas B.S., Winston-Salem State University Education Studies- Secondary Education- 7-12 Chelsea D. Hicks B.A., Ashford University Lynette Kimberly Lee B.B.A., Delaware State University Twila Sue Parish B.S., University Maine Presque Isle Education Studies- Special Education Lindsie M. Jones B.S., Wilmington University Sarina S. Mack B.S., Wilmington University Shelby Denae Underwood B.S., Wilmington University James Michael Wheatley B.S., University of Delaware Elementary Studies Kelly Eileen Winchell B.S., Wilmington University Allison Barbieri B.S., Elon University Nina M. Wilkinson B.A., Ramapo College of New Jersey Career and Technical Education Joseph Warner Booth B.S., University of Delaware * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 40 Melissa F. Hanley B.S., Wilmington University Christine Alcarese B.A., Roanoke College Daniel Barnes B.A., University of Delaware Joseph Anthony Bartell B.S., Frostburg State University Jordan L. Barton B.A., McDaniel College B.A., Western Maryland College Ernest H. Blackwell B.A., Duquesne University Marci A. Blumenfeld B.S., Wilmington University Robert C. Brooks B.S., Sacred Heart University Michelle Kathleen Burrows B.S., Wilmington University Lisa B. Chambless B.A., University of Delaware Jillyn S. Coleman B.A., Wesley College Laura Ann Curlett B.A. & B.S., University of California Reginald Daniel B.S., Delaware State University Courtney Laurette Galbreath B.S., Lynchburg College Deborah Marie Giles B.A., Mount St. Mary’s University Steven Andrew Goodrich B.S., Wilmington University Jaquita Marie Gordy B.S., Wilmington University Briana Erica Guy B.A., Spelman College Jennifer Ann Hahn B.A., Sonoma State University Rachel Juliana Hansson B.A., Rutgers State University Melissa L. Herder M.Ed., Wilmington University B.S., University of Phoenix Rebecca J. Moscowitz B.S., University of Delaware Sherri W. Rementer M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Lauren Ashley Reynolds B.A., University of Delaware Catherine Ila Sawicki B.A., Lincoln Christian College Semnry Shannon Leah Staab B.S., Wilmington University Paula Renee Stephens B.S., Wilmington University Micheline Marie Stone B.S., Philadelphia University April A. Sturgill B.S., Auburn University Ashlee Beth Thompsen B.A., Lincoln Christian College Semnry Meredith R. Winton B.S., Wilmington University Ashley Nicole Wolinski B.S., University of Delaware Onna Noell Woods B.A., Hampton University Katrina Roxanne Younger M.Ed., Wilmington University B.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania B.B.A., West Chester University of Pennsylvania ESOL Literacy Tiffany S. Jackson B.A., Wesley College Caitlin Alicia Aurora B.S., Wilmington University Lila Kiesel B.A., University of Delaware Troy Lendell Harris M.S., Widener University M.Ed., Widener University B.A., Villanova University Angela Julien B.B.A., West Virginia University Kimberly Sook Kim B.S., University of Delaware Kevin Leamy B.A., Wesleyan University Mary K. Lofink B.S., University of Delaware Steven Mayberry B.S., University of Delaware B.S., Wilmington University Michelle E. Hemelt B.S., Seton Hall University Andrew Norman Hudson B.A., Point Loma Nazarene College Judith Lion B.A., Immaculata University College Alexa Anne Mastella B.A., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Julie Ann Citro B.S., Wilmington University Melissa Kay Ricketts M.Ed., Wilmington University B.S., Millersville University of Pennsylvania of Michael Tyler Miller B.A., Arizona State University 41 E d u cat i o n Denise LaRae Moore M.S., Wilmington University B.A., University of Delaware Instruction: Teacher of Reading Christina E. Burton B.S., Wilmington University Dawn Lee Cousins B.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Courtney C. Doyle B.A., High Point University Jennifer Leigh Jarrell M.A., Wilmington University B.A., University of Delaware Jennifer Renee Oppel B.A., Nyack College Kristine M. Patton B.S., Wilmington University Stephen Scheib B.S., University of Delaware Erika Regina Stam Inman B.S., Wilmington University Meghan V. Steffanci B.A., Dickinson College Krista M. Krayer B.S., University of Delaware Brianna Rosaria Tassone B.S., Wilmington University Jennifer Kathleen Lougheed M.Ed., Wilmington University B.S., University of Delaware Amanda M. Wessell B.A., Wesley College Lindsay Allison Kuhn B.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Antoinette Moustafa M.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania M.Ed., West Chester University of Pennsylvania B.A., Immaculata University Kristen Werner B.S., Towson University Marlowe M. Woodfin B.A., Neumann University Antonia Zajaczkowski B.A., University of Delaware Christy Michelle Thompson B.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Instruction:Gifted and Talented Jillian Wanex B.S., Bloomsburg University Reading Vicki Marie Ventura B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania Instruction: Teaching and Learning Kyla Ebone Alexander B.S., Lincoln University Mallory Elaine Anderson B.S., Towson University Rosanna Buckley B.A., University of Delaware Nicole Marie Coady B.S., Bloomsburg University Kimberly Amanda Collins B.S., Wilmington University Angela Dawn Dempsey B.S., Towson University Jennifer Cosetti Greer B.S., University of Delaware Jessica Marie Hoban B.S., University of Delaware Jacqueline Marie Miozzi B.S., University of Delaware Wendy Morgan B.A., University of Delaware Brenda Lee Prarie B.S., Wilmington University Keri Patricia Brown B.S., Kutztown University Jenna Marie Flickinger M.Ed., Wilmington University B.S., University of Delaware Meghan E. Fulmer B.A., Mount St. Mary’s University Skyler Christine Konicki B.A., University of Delaware Ericka McMillan B.S., Cheyney University Courtney Robertson Morris B.S., College of New Jersey Christa V. Jimerson Okocha B.A., University of Delaware Brittany Lynn Vagnini B.S., Wilmington University Wanda Rivenbark Williams B.S., North Carolina Wesleyan College School Counseling Kaitlyn Armstrong B.A., Widener University Kerry Lynne Brigerman B.A., Shepherd University * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 42 Lakeia T. Broughton B.A., Delaware State University Anita Lynn Bryant B.S., University of Phoenix Stephanie Marie Constantine B.A., Fairleigh Dickinson U Madison Marla A. Oliver B.S., Eastern University Steven Edward Delaney B.A., Hood College Tiffani Renèe Parker-Hughes M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Tiffani T. Ellis-Ingram B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore Alison LP Quigley B.A., University of Delaware David Scott DeCou M.Ed., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington College Matthew Kevin Doyle, Jr. B.A., McDaniel College Amy Jean Erickson B.S., University of Delaware Jayme K. Fields B.S., Elizabethtown College Boualem Ghanem B.S., Universite Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou Julian LaVon Graham B.A., University of Pittsburgh LaSheea N. Hicks M.Ed., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Chelsea Hilberg B.S., Delaware State University David Evander Irizarry B.A., Cheyney University Angela Sheree Johnson B.A., University of Delaware Antinette Marie Johnson B.A., Thomas Edison State College Avon Timothy Jones Omar Braheem Jones M.Ed., Wilmington University B.A., Thomas Edison State College Shannon Nicole Jones B.S., Wilmington University Christopher Lewis B.A., Millersville University of Pennsylvania Aline Lopes De Macedo B.A., University of Pernambuco Kai M. Maull B.S., Clemson University Stephanie Colleen McCoy B.A., Salisbury University Cynthia North M.S., Johns Hopkins University B.S., Washington College Jeanene Rivera B.B.A., Upsala College Faith Roach B.S., University of Delaware Juleeann Tichon Schlitter B.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Tarah Rosanne Smith B.S., Salisbury University Kathryn J. Stalter-Allen B.A., Eastern University Bridget Christine Strupczewski B.S., Temple University Elizabeth Erin Thomas B.S., Ohio University Fatimah Nadir Valentine B.S., Springfield College Shannon R. Willey B.A., Salisbury University Valerie Bradshaw Wise B.S., Salisbury University Stacy Lynn Yates B.S., Wilmington University School Leadership Floyd F. Azbell B.S., Wilmington University Robert J. Barbarita B.M., University of Delaware Julia Batog B.S., Pennsylvania State University Marlon C. Belfon B.A., Shippensburg University Brian Patrick Blumenstein B.A., University North Carolina Wilmington Tyler James Brown B.A., University of Delaware Lindsay Marie Buckland B.A., Neumann University Timothy Callinan B.A., Widener University 43 E d u cat i o n Carrie Marie Norlin B.A., Richard Stockton College Heather Louise Reynolds B.S., Wilmington University of Kristen Moaikel M.A., University Michigan Dearborn M.A., University of Michigan B.A., New York University Brittni Piser B.A., University of Delaware College Edward McNair B.A., St. Peter’s College Ian J. Palkovitz B.A., University of Delaware Neils Elia Clemenson B.A., Richard Stockton College Stephanie Lynn Covert B.S., Ursinus College David A. Crist B.A., Catawba College James Michael DiCicco B.A., Rider University Jeffrey Scott Dzuranin B.A., Dickinson College Nikolaus Cole Fair B.A., Wesley College Benita Lorraine Farmer B.S., Temple University Dina Marie Galdo B.A., Rowan University Josette Rose Goins B.S., Cheyney University Eva Marie Grider B.A., La Salle University John E. Henry B.S., University of Delaware Mabel Hernandez-Saienni B.S., University of Delaware Jason Michael Hunt B.S., Wesley College Valrica Paquita Lawrence B.S., Cheyney University Joseph Andrew Louden B.A., University of Delaware Wayne A. Markland B.S., Delaware State University Laura Mayer B.A., University of Delaware Robert M. McConaghy M.S., Iona College B.S., Excelsior College B.S., State University of New York James M. McCullough B.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Monica Lynn McCurry B.S., Wilmington University Ashlee A. Miller B.S., University of Delaware Shane N. Morley B.A., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Maire B. Nauman B.S., Pennsylvania State University Kecia Tomasa Nesmith B.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 44 Susan K. O’Reilly B.S., Wilmington University Leigh Ann Peter M.Ed., Fairleigh Dickinson U Madison B.A., Rowan University Damon A. Petras B.A., Rowan University Anthony Andrew Pietrofitta B.A., Rowan University Michelle Ashley Przywara B.A., Richard Stockton College Jennifer Ruzzi B.S., University of Delaware Katie Ryan B.S., Bloomsburg University Christa Czeizinger Schlemmer B.A., University of Delaware Sean Matthew Sealund B.S., Delaware State University Robert A. Skowronek B.A., Rowan University Adam J. Slusher B.S., Temple University Amber M. Spencer B.S., Delaware State University Lauren Alexis Stott B.S., Salisbury University Colin M. Thomas B.S., Wesley College Kevin Truitt B.S., Wesley College Martin J. Tuohy B.S., Widener University Kelly Brook Hull Wells B.A., University of Delaware Sharron Mata Wisdom B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore Nicholas Wolfe B.A., University of Delaware Misty Dawn Yencer M.Ed., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Special Education Harolyn Renee Addison M.Ed., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Maya Gabriela Aldas B.S., Wilmington College Danielle Lynn Asmus B.S., Wilmington University Megan Christine Bailey B.S., East Carolina University Charlotte Tiesha Bartee B.A., Rowan University Margaret Ann Booth B.S., Wilmington University Ryan DeJon Robinson B.S., Delaware State University Brendan William Butler B.S., Salisbury University Ondrea Rose Sickler B.S., Wilmington University Emilie Bullins B.S., Shippensburg University Denise E. Clark B.A., Richard Stockton College Vanita L. Clark B.A., Delaware State University Carolyn Dawn Cowder B.S., University of Delaware Kathleen F. Crescenzi B.A., Fairleigh Dickinson University Jennifer Yesenosky Danjolell B.S., Pennsylvania State University Susan E. Fogarty B.A., University of Delaware Carolyn High-Kamara M.Ed., Wilmington University B.A., Ashford University Michelle Houston B.S., University of Southern Mississippi Gary J. Hunt B.A., University of Delaware Catherine Theresa Johnson B.S., University of Delaware Monica Reneé Russ B.S., Delaware State University Erin A. Sparacio B.S., West Virginia University Tanita Thomas B.S., University of Delaware Julie Anne Twomey B.A., Rutgers State University Daniel Robert Ushler B.A., St. Vincent College Courtney Marie Waggoner B.A., St. John Fisher College Sandra D. Waller B.S., Wilmington University Tabitha Lynn Walls M.Ed., Wilmington University B.S., University of Delaware Ronald E. Walters B.S., Rutgers State University Melissa Yankwitt B.S., Wilmington University Kimberly Lee Jordan B.S., Wilmington University Christine Joyce B.A., Rowan University Ashley Ellen Kodluk B.A., Davis & Elkins College Kirsty Michelle Kostes B.S., Eastern University Daniel Lipnitz B.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Xiomara Edilma Lozano B.S., Wilmington University Jacqueline Rose Mainart B.A., Rowan University William R. Matthews B.S., University of Delaware College Lisa Nanfara B.S., Wilmington University Amy G. Napolin B.S., Wilmington University of Sarah Kate O’Toole B.S., Wilmington University Shana Marie Pollard B.S., Wilmington University 45 E d u cat i o n Briana Petrellis B.S., Wilmington University Col l eg e of Ed uc at ion Candidates for the Doctoral Degree D O C T O R O F E D U C AT I O N Jean I. Abbott B.S., Richard Stockton College M.B.A., Monmouth College Dissertation: The Financing of an Undergraduate Education: Financial Literacy Needs as Perceived by Recent Graduates. Allen R. Atwater B.A., University of Delaware M.Ed., Wilmington University Dissertation: Student Transition from Community College to Wilmington University: An Executive Position Paper. Damian N. Bariexca B.A., The College of New Jersey Ed.S., Rider University Dissertation: Sustaining Distributed Leadership: Lessons Learned from a Case Study of Delaware Middle Schools. Jennifer L. Bennett B.S., Wilmington University M.S., Wilmington University Dissertation: The Impact of Emotional Labor and Dissonance on Job Satisfaction Upon Criminal Case Managers. Yutonya D. Berry B.S., Wilmington University M.S., Wilmington University Dissertation: What Students Want: Determining the Interest and Need for Peer Mentoring at a Community College. Marsha L. Besong B.A., Temple University M.S., Eastern University Dissertation: University-Assisted School: Best Practices for Community Involvement. Laura E. Bruno B.A., Rowan University M.S., McDaniel College Dissertation: A Community Physical Activity Program: The Study of an All-Female Fitness-Based Club. David R. Burke B.A., Shepherd University M.M., Goldey-Beacom College Dissertation: Prescription for Retention and Renewal at the Charlton College of Business, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth: The Culture, The Condition, and The Cure. Marc P. Caserio B.A., Millersville University M.Ed., Temple University Dissertation: The Charter School of Wilmington: A Case Study of the Factors Influencing Institutional Development and Success. Adrienne M. Craig B.S., Old Dominion University M.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute State University Dissertation: Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Resident Assistant Job Performance. Kari M. Clow B.S., Towson University M.S., Johns Hopkins University Dissertation: A Recommended Design for a Public School Aspiring Assistant Principal Academy. Jennifer E. Dale B.S., Salisbury University M.Ed., Wilmington University Dissertation: African American Achievement and Special Education Disproportionality: Closing the Research-to-Practice Gap. Chavon D. Dottin B.S.W., Delaware State University M.S.W., Delaware State University M.Ed., Wilmington University Dissertation: MSW Graduate Programs: Admissions of Students with Criminal Backgrounds and its Implications for Field Directors. Lanette R. Edwards B.S., University of Central Missouri M.Ed., Temple University Dissertation: An Analysis of First Year Experience Models and Their Effects on Retention Rates. Santo A. Grande B.S., Slippery Rock State College M.S., Wilmington University Dissertation: Investigating the Intersection of Aging and Community Transportation. 46 Tracie Y. Grier B.S., Wilmington University M.B.A., Wilmington University Dissertation: Coming Home: Analysis of the Reintegration Experiences of Ex-Felons. Jay Valorie Hailey B.A., Delaware State University M.A. Goucher College Dissertation: The Economic Impact of Individual Artists in Delaware. Melvinia J. Harris B.A., Immaculata University M.B.A., Wilmington University Dissertation: Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatric Patients: The Public’s Perspective. Marcus T. Harrison B.S., Old Dominion University M.S. Old Dominion University Dissertation: The Impact of Gospel Choir Participation on the Social Integration and Persistence of African American Students at West Chester University. Adriene K. Hobdy B.A., Xavier University M.S., Lincoln University Dissertation: Workplace Learning: Relationships Among Perceived Learning Opportunities, Job Satisfaction and Commitment in Small Business. Jeremy M. Hritz B.A., Pennsylvania State University M.A., Lock Haven University M.Ed. Wilmington University Dissertation: The Impact of Tracking At-Risk Students at Two Maryland High Schools. Christina L. James B.S., University of Delaware M.I., University of Delaware Dissertation: Response to Intervention (Tier 3): The Impact on Student Outcomes in One Delaware Middle School. Amena D. Johnson B.A., Longwood University M.S., Wilmington University Dissertation: First Year Teaching Experiences: A Comparison of Professional Development School (PDS) and Non-PDS Graduates. Helen E. Miller B.S., Towson University M.Ed., Tarleton State University Dissertation: Building Academic Mindsets and Teacher Appropriate Learning Strategies in a Maryland School District. Kayandra J. Morgan B.S., University of Delaware M.S., Wilmington University Dissertation: The Relationship Between Perceived Supervisor Effectiveness, Work Satisfaction, Job Satisfaction and the Impact of Transition in a Healthcare Organization. Paige A. Morgan B.S., Wilmington University M.Ed., Wilmington University Dissertation: Addressing Summer Reading Loss in Urban and Rural Student Populations. Randi. M. Murray B.A., University of Delaware M.Ed., Wilmington University Dissertation: The Charter School of Wilmington: A Case Study of the Factors Influencing Institutional Development and Success. Michael A. Nolan B.S., Old Dominion University M.S., Old Dominion University M.Ed., Wilmington University Dissertation: The Effects of Intervention Programs on At-risk Youth at Hammonton Middle School. Lilian N. Ongeri Machage B.S.N., University of Eastern Africa M.S., Wilmington University Dissertation: The Lived Experience of Foreign Trained Nurses Working in New Castle County, Delaware. Karen L. Russo B.S., Wesley College M.A., Nova Southeastern University Dissertation: Elementary Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Feedback in the Content Area of Writing: Praise and Advice? 47 E d u cat i o n Dissertation: Comparing Perceptions Among Professors and Veterans at a Community College. Ashley J. Miller B.A., Millersville University M.Ed., University of Delaware of Katherine L. Jones B.A., Salisbury University M.Ed., Salisbury University Dissertation: A Recommendation for School Policy Regarding the Implementation of the Developmental Assets. College Dissertation: Content and Design of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Question Awareness Training. Michele A. Marinucci B.S., Delaware State University M.Ed., Wilmington University Christina G. Savich B.A., Bloomsburg University M.S., Wilmington University Dissertation: An Evaluation of Delaware’s Statewide Policy Change to Combat Cyberbullying. Patrick J. Scarpello B.S., Wesley College M.A., Fairleigh Dickinson University Dissertation: Examination of the Relationship Between Academic and Demographic Variables at Hillsborough High School, NJ. Susan E. Sweeney B.A., Kalamazoo College M.B.A., University of Detroit Dissertation: Creating a Learning Environment in a Manufacturing Site: A Case Study. Meghan N. Taylor B.A., Rutgers University M.Ed. Wilmington University Dissertation: Understanding the Experiences of Secondary Teachers in Co-Taught Classrooms in a New Jersey High School. Cheryl E. Tyrell B.S., University of Delaware M.Ed., Wilmington University Dissertation: The Relationship Between the Instrumental Music Program and Standardized Test Scores. Melissa A. Whitehead B.S., University of Delaware M.Ed., Wilmington University Dissertation: The Relationship Between Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement Among Middle Schools in Delaware. Susan C. Williams B.S., University of Delaware M.A., University of Delaware Dissertation: Evaluating Response to Intervention Implementation: Policy Recommendations for a K-12 School District. 48 Col l eg e of Ed uc at ion Advisory Committee Members Career and Technical Education Michael Edge Joseph Jones Jack King Kaitlin Panowski Taryn Roane John Hoover Gary Hostetler Peter Leidi Dennis Leizear Laura Mason Diana North English Language Learners Aaron Selekman Eleanor Weinglass Danielle Bergez Ann Thompson Instruction (Teaching & Learning/Gifted &Talented/Teacher of Reading) Tara Amsterdam Kelly Bench Kristin Cook Sam Fawks Cassandra Graham Sarah Grunewald Denise Hall Debra Hanson Dorothy Linn Mary Lynn Linscott Michelle Conway Joseph Massare Roy Dawson Delores Szymanski Lori Duerr Merv Daugherty Christine Miles School Counseling Kimberly de Jong Henry Wagner, Jr. Nina Cowles Visy Foraker Ed.D. ~ Organizational Leadership Jennifer Davis Mark Gladen Edmond Gurdo Angela Hill Sylvia Henderson Seth Kopp Joel Lang Victoria Lamey Jay Lingo Catherine Lindroth Erin Stancell James McCurdy Iman Turner Donna Mitchell School Leadership Brenda Phillips Mary Hirschbiel Tammy Horn Cheryl Carey Emily Eichelberger Erin Crooks Arthur Gilbert Tomica Fletcher Ann Hilkert Karen Hammer Nicole Johnson Lisa Hunt Magan Lamborn Ken Levering Daniel Lepre Stacey Papa Tairen McCollister Gemez Tull Darlene McGill Harold Brady Wayne Carmean Frank Castelli Dorinda Connor Ellen Cooper Tony Ligatti Roland Marshall Joseph Massare William McClain John Moore Julie Powell Stacey Rispoli James Jason Annie Kingcade Janet Krauss Julie Lanzillo Sean Moriarity Barbara Riley Sherry Scanlon Joseph Williams Ed.D. ~ Higher Education Leadership James Canonica Harry Gutelius Susan Hall Fred Keating Kendrick Mickens Tracey Pritchard Angela Suchanic Jeffrey Roth Robin Savage Patricia Stabler Annette Stewart Eleanor Weinglass Stacie Zdrojewski Dan Poorman J. Pamela Scott Karen Thorpe Eleanor Weinglass 49 E d u cat i o n Kimberly Keane Mervin Daugherty of Amy Honisch Robert Chester Valerie Conaghan Brent Carter College Debra Grosky Lane Carter Tammy Croce Lara Crowley Wayne Hartschuh Sherri Brooks Maggie Brady Reading Applied Educational Technology Thomas Gavin Ed.D. ~ Educational Leadership Peter Carpenter Terri Villa Jennifer Celia Raven Arminger Amy Bowen Anjulie Sharma Maurice Butler Steven Butler Teacher Preparation Col l eg e of Healt h Pr of e ssions Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Bachelor of Science in Nursing Joshua W. Cherrix Keisha M. Gorham-Parham∆ Sandra Agostini*∆ Alexandra Colin Ronald G. Gray Jonathan Andrews Sherry Lynn Cooper Kougar Ashpole Wilfred Sackie Corlon, Sr. Abigail Ayeley Ayitiah* Devon Cunningham Katherine Marie Bailey∆ Darlene Marie Deel*∆ Christina Caroline Bell Kathleen DeSanto Cynthia Kay Boccuto* Megan Dickinson Beverly Anne Bone Lisa Marie DiPietropolo Amanda Dawn Boone* Jordan Rebekah Domanski Japhia-Ann La-Shawn Bowman Maria M. Draper∆ Jenny L. Brewster Deborah M. Edwards Nicole Brice Brittany Nicole Elswick Amy Lynn Brockson∆ Leah Anne Ewing∆ Emily Joy Byler∆ Tonya Faulkner∆ Donald J. Campbell Jessica Page Fluharty* Heather M. Casile Katelyn Marie Gardner Rita K. Cham Marie Claire Gervais* Crystal Chapman Viridiana Gomez Shanon V. Abbott Jacqueline Theresa Chesmond Doris A. Allen*∆ Kathleen Mary Combs* Daria M. Angelina Kimberly Copen Flora Ageko Atangcho** Bridget Elizabeth Crabill Valerie Alexa Allen Baich Alexis Victoria Cutonilli***∆ Megan M. Bastianelli Jacqueline M. Dennis∆ Danielle Nicole Billings**∆ Jennifer Lynn DesLauriers** Patricia Marie Bodenschatz** Ellen M. DiCuirci*** CJ Booker*** Myra H. Dixon Muna Ashley Boshi Monica L. Dominic*∆ Kimberly Bracken*** May Ann Draper Allison C. Breyer Stavroula N. Efthimiou Diamond Michelle Brockbrader Jaime Ewing*∆ Racheal Ann Burns* Elinor P. Faigal Cheryl A. Calloway Michelle M. Flannery** Barbara Carroll Patricia Lois Focht∆ Cherlie Caymite Lisa Anne Geibel Robin E. Chaplin Danielle Lee Gomez*** * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 50 Thomas G. Graves***∆ Jamie L. Grevis*∆ Kelly M. Groff* Samantha Brooke Haines∆ Lisa Lee Halbert John Aaron Hancock* Clara Keith Harris* Joanne Marie Harris Lauren E. Harrison Tricia Nicole Harvey∆ Travis Burton Hearn AnnMarie Hernandez Dana Michelle Hess∆ Susan Gloria Hill** Kaye L. Hodges Debra S. Holbrook Kimberly Holman Laura Anne Ignarski Melissa Jackson-Shade Jimena A. Jolley∆ Karen Elizabeth Jones∆ Mohitkumar Joshi∆ Terese R. Kahline Mary Karcher Stephen J. Keller Nicola Margaret Knaupe*** Esther Vinolia Koilpilai Kimberly M. Kral Kelly S. Kressley**∆ Amanda M. Kryspin∆ Terry L. Laimo** Nicolette Laskowski** Nicole Irene Leonard** Lauren Marie Leva∆ Jayne Ellen Lewis Elaine Liebenbaum Allison M. Quinn Colleen Jacquelyn Valovic**∆ Miaoping Lou Karen L. Reed Kevin Vanella Brenda O. Lloyd Aron Love***∆ Danene C. Lucas Kim Y. Luckey Julie Ránette Lundgren∆ Gretchen Elise Maans Patricia Mildred MacGregor** Tack D. MacGregor* Pamela Milbourne Magee Danielle Marie Majors Rebecca J. Martinez Katlyn Noel Mattheu∆ Betty R. McCollum Deborah Ann McDermott Angela L. McGinnis∆ Michele J. McIntosh Maegan Leigh McSweeney* Maria Meloni*** Kristy Nicole Mendez Tara M. Miles Nancy Dirinda Miller Carrie Elizabeth Monson Kasey M. Moore* Kathleen Elaine Morris Astria T. Mosley Priscillah Waithira Muigai Andrea Carre Munski Matthew S. Munski Adina Negoita Teresa Lynn Novajovsky* Kathy Odaffer Christopher Edward Otto Justine Marie Painter**∆ Lawaun Parham∆ Darlene M. Perez Jessica Michelle Phillips*∆ Cheryl Lynne Pino Theresa Ann Piper Nicole Ruth Powell Myhra Protusada∆ Kristina Lynn Rivera Bradley M. Rynkowski Renee L. Rynkowski Marissa Sacrenty*∆ Laura Denise Santos Allene Faye Sappington* Angie Scott Tracy F. Scull Rickiesha Sebourne Sara Serrano Julian Servano Julie Short∆ Vicky Singh Kimberly F. Vidrine*** Renae Warren Dawn Wheway Ina Marie White Kenyetta S. Wilkins Christina Ashley Wright Jennifer Lea Wright McGowan Michelle Celine Bailon Yap-Talag*∆ Martha Ngwuh Jung Yufanyi Maria D. Yuncosa Mohammad Qasim Zia*∆ Mariya Zimenkova Emily Anne Zito Darius LaJay Smith Krystle Nicole Smith∆ Pauline Jose Soffo Jimyeong Son**∆ Meghan Marie Sowinski∆ Annie Sinah Stevens Shanta Stevens Lindsey Michelle Stinger Tina Marie Stowell Thomas Stretch∆ Stephanie Elizabeth Strother∆ Mary Elizabeth Sturgis Ally Suarez∆ Christina Alicia Swaby Gyuljan Tahirova Oluyemi Emmanuel Taiwo Kim Lorretta Taylor Melissa Ann Teat Aloys C. Tenkiang Gracy Paul Thekkumthala**∆ Billie Thomas∆ Mysha Marie Thompson Twinez Thompson Brianne M. Timmons Leanne F. Towner Karen M. Tyczkowski Lauren Uhrick∆ 51 H e a lt h P r o f e s s i o n s Stephanie Vanita Parker Rose Marie Rippy Katherine Verbeten∆ of Rebekah Parkell∆ Jeanmarie Ricks Lisa A. Vandenbossche*∆ College Diphiner Moraa Omundi Kara Quinn BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Allied Health Jennifer R. Hayden Lisa A. Turner∆ Theresa L. Barker Morgan C. Jones∆ Andrea M. Vari**∆ Valerie Bryant**∆ Catherine W. Morgan Vaughn Crothers Rumiko Nelson*∆ Erica Liana Drayton Wendy Lynn Rhodes***∆ Allied Health - Management Stephanie Pfeil Fisher Amy Slama Shirlene A. Laws Karen Lea Griffith** Christopher William Tingle** Jenna Marie Ambrosino* Karen J. Holmes Michael Turner***∆ Amy L. Boyer∆ Tracy Lawrence-Wade*∆ Lindsay Candeloro Sabina Rachel Naz∆ Eduardo Luis Diaz∆ Brian Richard Owens Zachary Andrew Finn Elizabeth Rucinski**∆ Lynell S. Jones∆ Brandon Gosseline Amanda J. Stevenson∆ Heather N. Muller Geoffrey Muriithi Wanjiru Adam M. Wasson*∆ Allison Grace West Brittany Michelle Wilson Col l eg e of Healt h Pr of e ssions Candidates for the Master’s Degree MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Adult/Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Kathleen Louise Joiner B.S.N., Wilmington University Nicole M. Lachman B.S.N., Wilmington University Tammy L. Lafferty M.S., St. Joseph’s University B.S.N., Widener University Family Nurse Practitioner Deborah Lynn Anderson B.S.N., Wilmington University B.S., Salisbury University Daisy Lara B.S.N., West Chester University of Pennsylvania B.A., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Colleen Frances Matulaitis B.S.N., Wilmington University Maureen Mercante B.S.N., Wilmington University Sabina Bonfadini Muncie B.S.N., Wilmington University Susan Rae Parks B.S.N., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Catherine A. Barber B.S.N., Wilmington University Amy Christine Reynolds B.S.N., Wilmington University Bradley S. Helmuth B.S.N., Marymount University Meredith O. Shelton B.S.N., Stevenson University B.S., Villa Julie College Kristi Rebecca Hammond-Nichols B.S.N., Wilmington University Jessica Leigh Hill B.S.N., Wilmington University Jessica Lynn Hober B.S.N., Rutgers State University * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude 52 Kathryn Elizabeth Hook B.S.N., Stevenson University ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee Amanda Kathleen Rossiter B.S.N., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Jennifer Elizabeth Willey B.S.N., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Leadership Kelly Elizabeth Ackers B.S.N., University of Delaware B.A., University of Delaware Tracy Ann Ashman M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S.N., University of Delaware Roberta Lois Atkinson B.S.N., Wilmington University Alecia Marie Bedwell B.S.N., Neumann University B.S., East Stroudsburg University Odasia Sandra Bennett B.S.N., Wilmington University Kimberly Berl B.S.N., University of Delaware Jennifer L. Bingaman B.S.N., Bowling Green State University Nancy Hegman Blackburn B.S.N., Eastern College Loretta L. Boulger B.S.N., Wilmington University Kathi A. Breeding B.S.N., Wilmington University Dionne Thompson Bridgeforth B.S.N., Virginia Commonwealth University Lori Denise Brown B.S.N., Wilmington University Beth A. Fraticelli B.S.N., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Biji Georgy B.S., Institute of Health Science-Mangalore University Cheryl D. Greene B.S.N., Wilmington University Barbara Lynn Griffin B.S.N., Immaculata University Karen A. Hall B.S.N., Neumann University Ann Kilmon Hallstrom B.S.N., Wilmington University Katrina Monique Hampton B.S.N., Wilmington University Jessica Robyn Heesh B.S., Wesley College Brittney Noel Henning B.S.N., University of Delaware Heidi Hildick B.S.N., University of Delaware Nancy Jane Hill B.S.N., Chamberlain College of Nursing B.A., Rutgers State University Terry A. Hoffman B.S.N., Wilmington University Jennifer Marie Holveck B.S.N., University of Delaware Andria Cleary Lake B.S.N., Immaculata University Constance N. Cook B.S., Chamberlain College of Nursing Erin E. Levitsky B.S.N., University of Delaware Lisa Lyn Cossaboon B.S.N., Richard Stockton College Lorrinda C. Lockard B.S.N., Immaculata University Laurie Ann Dickerson B.S.N., Wilmington University Cassima H. Marrast B.S.N., Immaculata University Alana J. Downs B.S.N., University of Delaware Lindsay Lee McGrath B.S.N., Neumann University Courtney Elizabeth Keech B.S.N., York College of Pennsylvania Shannen Vionn Cleaver B.S.N., Temple University Kristen L. Lantz B.S.N., Immaculata University Catherine A. Corradin B.S.N., University of Delaware Geraldine LiBetti B.S.N., Immaculata University Elizabeth Mary Dauphin B.S.N., University of Delaware Mary Jane Manelski B.S.N., Immaculata University Stephanie M. Dodds B.S.N., Wilmington University Donna L. Matwiejewicz B.S.N., Widener University Kavitha Edupuganti B.S.N., Wilmington University Bridget Miller B.S.N., Richard Stockton College Denise R. Elliott B.S.N., Emory University B.A., Howard University 53 H e a lt h P r o f e s s i o n s Sherry Beth Caputo B.S.N., Widener University Cathleen D. Butenewicz B.S.N., Wilmington University of Irish Towanda Jones B.S.N., Wilmington University B.A., Wilmington University College Melissa A. Brown B.S.N., Wilmington University Joni Lee Miller B.S.N., Wilmington University Mary Grace Stirparo B.S.N., University of Delaware Deborah A. Moroski Johnson B.S.N., Wilmington University Kimberly Lynn Stults B.S.N., Thomas Jefferson University Carrie Elizabeth Monson B.S.N., Wilmington University B.A., University of Delaware Esther Nchore B.S.N., Wilmington University Melissa Novella B.S.N., La Salle University Heather F. O’Day B.S.N., Wilmington University Nancy Frances Pearsall B.S., Morgan State University Jennifer L. Pepper B.S.N., Wilmington University Kathleen M. Poole B.S.N., Neumann University Kelly Ann Powers B.S.N., Immaculata University Cynthia Lynn Reigart B.S., Widener University Aliesha S. Rivera B.S.N., Wilmington University Jennifer L. Rowe B.S., Immaculata University Shannon Lynn Russell B.S.N., Wilmington University Jaclyn R. Sander B.S.N., Wilmington University Adrianne L. Shane B.S.N., Wesley College Victoria L. Sill B.S.N., University of Delaware Ana M. Silva B.S.N., Thomas Jefferson University Georgia Antoinette Skyers B.S.N., Wilmington University Erin Nicole Slattery B.S.N., Wesley College Ashley D. Smith B.S.N., University of Delaware Barbara Susan Smith B.S.N., Catholic University of America Penny J. Smith B.S.N., Jefferson College of Health Sciences Tara Rebecca Smith B.S.N., Wilmington University Jessica M. Soja B.S.N., Wilmington University * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude 54 ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee Amy M. Stolarick M.S.N., Wilmington University B.S., Rutgers State University Renay Subayar B.S.N., Immaculata University Dennise M. Taubar B.S.N., Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Karen W. Ulmer B.S.N., University of Delaware Albert John Vayda B.S.N., Wilmington University Amy M. Whalen B.S.N., College of New Jersey Carmen Elfreda Williams B.S.N., Immaculata University Susan A. Wilson B.S.N., Wilmington University Sherry L. Zurlo B.S.N., Immaculata University Col l eg e of Healt h Pr of e ssions Advisory Committee Members Health Professions Susan Lloyd Judith Stetson Lynn Bayne Charlotte McCarraher Becky Stivers Kristin Bennett Brenda Mister David Doucette Bruce Nepon Catherine Dukes Michelle O’Neal Maurice Egnor Christopher Parker Nancy Flurer Louisa Phillips Belle Goslee Karen Poisker Angela Herman Priscilla Rice Theresa Houston Catherine Salvato Claire Keane Julia Seeley Joann Baker Kay Malone Tracy Bell Mansor Meshell Ivory Coleman Alice Myers-Valenti Christy Dryer Tabatha Offutt-Powell Sandy Durgin Jennifer Painter Michele Emery Lisl Phelps Jackie Galbiatti Karen Pickard Chris Hainsworth Donna Ramage Susan Hoffman Karen Rollo Doug Huisenga Pamela Santarlasci Geraldine LiBetti Penny Short Heather Steuer Linda Sydnor Colleen Waring Beverly Welhan Cheri Will Carol Wilson-Robbins Brenda Windemuth Linda Wolfe College of H e a lt h P r o f e s s i o n s 55 Col l eg e of So c ial and Behav ioral Sc ienc e s Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Behavioral Science Tiffany B. Harper Cassi L. Peek Renee Amorosi Arnold L. Hicks Kelly Pettyjohn*∆ Michelle Ann Battistini Lisa Rae Hitchner Fayetta Marlene Blake*∆ Selina F. Houston Darius C. Brittingham Amy L. Jenkins* Deborah A. Burchett Leroy Jett Kristi Bush Mary Elizabeth Kramedas-Thomas*∆ Jennifer Anne Clarke Chelsea Lynn Lightcap William J. Clifton**∆ Cathlyn Jean Mann Maria Helena Martins do Couto**∆ Brittney Noel Martinez*∆ Vanessa A. Curtis Samantha Jo McCloskey Sharnell Darby Michelle Lynn McLaughlin Ashley D. Dibert Tara N. Merlino*∆ Gretchen Lovett Elhassani Tanyetta Breda Miranda Adelley Esuh Esuh Helena C. Moore Jasmine Lauren Evans Jeanette E. Morine*∆ Migdalia Garduno∆ Angelica Marie Nardi*∆ Denise Gomez Amy Lynn Ocasio Keshina L. Grosvenor Christine L. Pannell-Morris*∆ Rhonda Lynne Aird April Yvonne Hickey∆ Nancy Alice Baglivo-Rees* Kennedy Lynn Hinman*∆ Thomas N. Berger∆ Latisha Hopkins Dalila M. Blanchard Hawa A. Jalloh Lakeysha R. Brown Shannon M. Jennings Bryan Kendall Burton Nicole A. Jones Laura D. Canion**∆ Andrew Francis Lieske Pamela Marie Clayton Lisa L. Loper Dawn D. Cooper Laura Marie Marsango Daren William Criswell***∆ Kaitlin Ann McCloskey∆ Margarita Custodio-Garcia***∆ Allison Mary McDonald*∆ Stephanie N. Davis Shane Scot Mellin Destiney Racquel Drummond Amy Melissa Meyer Heather M. Emrick Courtney Leigh Mixon Amber L. Evanousky∆ Kevin Michael Morgan Emily Katrina Fairbank Nicole Lyn Murtaugh Madison K. Goldsmith Joshua Louis Niblett* Chelsea Leigh Grace Rachel Nicole Painter * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 56 Kyle Pedlow Travis L. Peterman Shernette C. Phillips Geeta Shelly Prasad Gina L. Ragonese∆ Anjeu Elizabeth Reuss´ David Rocco Romano***∆ Erica A. Rosa Kaylee Ruggles Ashley Marie Sanchez**∆ Alicia Lynn Santos Amanda Kate Shannon∆ Keri A. Sheppard∆ Jill Sherrard*** Jacoya Denise Simpson∆ Kimberly M. Smith Staci Lynn Smith*** Brittany A. Solomon Eric J. Spencer Amanda Leigh Spinelli*∆ Tonya R. Stallsworth Jessica M. Stone Kelly R. Szumowski JoAnn Marie Testerman* Unika T. Thomas∆ Jeri Lynn Tobolski*∆ Jalpurnia Trader Rosemarie Vasapolli Portia Ona Walker∆ Yvonne Rauchee Warren Latia S. Watson Christine I. Whitney Romain Williams Alex Randall Wissler Corry C. Wright Amila Zijadic***∆ Kehinde Oyinlola Olukoga Brittany Long Rebecca K. Donovan Kimberly Racine Erlinda P. Papili**∆ Criminal Justice Erin Louise Reyes* Behavioral Science and Criminal Justice Robert Z. Barrett** Jared L. Beers Paul Jysten Benson Jaclyn Christine Berdanier∆ Darliska L. Blessing Evelyn Teresa Boone∆ Brandon Seth Bowman Hannah Dynese Bradham Caressia Chanta Brown∆ Joseph Daniel Cauley Jason Allan Clay Robert Joseph Cowden∆ Adrian Maria Davis-Harris Ryan Austin Douglas*∆ Justin P. Fallucca** Andrew Fillman Nicole Michelle Fisher Misty K. Gardner Diana Glavnik***∆ Jennifer Lynne Greenhalgh Deborah J. Haupt*** Kevin Hikeam Hinton Elijah Christopher Pyronneau* Danny Ranger Psychology Roseann Serbio**∆ Ashley A. Bey Amanda G. Simms Boryana Draganova Boyanova**∆ Latosha Snead∆ Lauren Channel Brown Dominique Truitt∆ Tysheema Shacara Burrell Shannon M. Ward Anna Marie Clayville**∆ Maureen Bridget Waters Thomas M. Garrett∆ Natocha Williams Courtney Leigh Giles∆ Brooks Madison Witzke∆ Logan N. Hall Robert Rodriguez*∆ Diane Marie Beish Meara Egan Silberstein∆ Anna E. Bowers∆ Victoria L. Smith*∆ Racine Elizabeth Boyle Robert Timothy Spencer Brittney Cherise Bryant Charles E. Walker Charles J. Carroll∆ Dawn Michelle Warren Teresa Elizabeth Galindo*∆ Ryan M. Welch Benjamin John George Ronda Elizabeth WIlliams Sabrina Marie Greer Shannon S. Young Milo Wilbur Hannah IV*∆ Government and Public Policy Morgan Lee Hileman* Katie Lynn Payton∆ Sean Patrick Mahoney∆ Brittini Nicole Williams Scott Michael Jacobson*** David Francis Massuli***∆ Brian Christopher Lecates Kelsey L. Swain Clyde Thomas Miller**∆ Ebony Lynn Morris**∆ Jennifer Lynn Mott Amy Leipold Nicholson Kendra A. O’Connor Dana Marie Carbonetti∆ Saresa Cooper Sylvanna Marie Gomer Kelli Ann Grant, Posthumously**∆ Khadijah Lynn Jones Simone D. Leatherbury∆ Deborah A. Jastrebski*∆ Jaslyn Johnson Patricia M. Johnson Myranda Lynn Krise**∆ Caitlin Marie Lally**∆ Dulce J. Lopez Monica C. Losito Jesse Ann Marvain Jessica Katherine McCann*** Marcia A. McIntosh Renee Arielle Mendez*∆ Keisha Y. Murray Taryn Liegh Parks Carmen Price Roger Neil Rector II 57 Behavioral Sciences Dustin Dean Mistrot Thomas Linzia Broomer Albina Ivanova***∆ and Joseph W. Melvin Organizational Dynamics Stefanie B. Huff*∆ Social Adam Kurkowski Allison L. Strauss Diannah Marie Boulden Amanda Marie Hudson of George A. Inge Suzanne Irene Cerro*∆ Kimberly C. Hughey∆ Rachel L. Hawke∆ College Kyle David Hitchens∆ Ian T. McDaniel*∆ Jamie L. Topolancik Caleb P. Rich∆ Legal Studies Kellie Nicole Massey Lisa Moore**∆ Adam R. Rosenquist**∆ Lindsay Michele Sterkenburg Tina L. West Delores Sarno Pattie A. Tingle Shantice LaRaé Woods Julissa Bianca Sanchez April Lynn Schweiger Amanda Kyle Seals∆ Amber Leigh Seibert∆ Anna Sigalus** Jada Alazia Stephenson * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 58 Christina Marie Thompson Nakesha Tiana Tucker∆ Tiffany Renee Ushler-keen**∆ Dena Vanterpool Lori Wardwell* Leslie L. Weber**∆ Natrilla T. Wilkins Col l eg e of So c ial and Behav ioral Sc ienc e s Candidates for the Master’s Degree MASTER OF SCIENCE Administration of Human Services Brittany D. Addison B.S., Wilmington University Verlin Jay Alexander, III M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Martina A. Harrington B.S., Wilmington University Melanie Haynes B.S., Wilmington University Merissa D. Hickman M.S., Wilmington University Amanda Marie Alivernini B.S., Wilmington University Florinda Hovington B.S., Delaware State University Adeola Janet Bademosi B.S., Lincoln University Christina P. Lemma B.A., Rutgers State University Alisha Nicole Beckford B.S., University of Delaware Crystal Rae McCall B.A., Cheyney University Rahmah A. Allen B.S., Cheyney University Alison Jacobs B.S., Wilmington University Nicole Marie Barr B.S., Wilmington University Rose-Ann S. Lewis B.A., Wilmington University Yolanda Michelle Bleen B.S., Wilmington University Keinna McKnight M.B.A., Liberty University B.P.S., Mary Washington College Julianna Bonsu B.S., Wesley College Latasha A. Brown B.S., Wilmington University Jasmine A. Bundy B.S., Rowan University Theresa Diane Carter B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania Shaquanda C. Childers B.S., Wilmington University Candice Lynn Evans B.S., Wilmington University Tamira K. Granger B.A., Temple University * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude Geveda M.A. Robinson B.S., Wilmington University Katrina Trenice Robinson B.S., Xavier University Camille L’amour Simpson B.S., Delaware State University Rhonda Nicole Smalls B.A., Rowan University Brenda S. Smaniotto B.A., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Danielle R. Smith B.S., Wilmington University Shaylynn Irene Smith B.A., Rowan University Sheliah Elise Smith B.A., Delaware State University ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 59 Behavioral Sciences Meredith Nicole Gilbert B.S., University of Delaware Cynthia L. Poarch B.S., University of Virginia and Shameka Taneek Daley B.A., Rowan University Jessica A. Oliveri B.S., Wilmington University Social Heather F. Cooper B.S., Wilmington University Stacie E. Muludiang B.B.A., Temple University of Edith L. Clayton B.S., Wilmington University Crystal Tonia Mills-Selby B.S., Wilmington University College Aneisha J. Byrd B.A., Cabrini College Jillian Ruth Mills M.S., Wilmington University B.A., Rowan University Jaquaya Kisha Thomas B.S., Wilmington University Jennifer Kim Henderson B.A., Millersville University of Pennsylvania Donna Lanier Tuohey B.S., Wilmington University Raven Lynne Hubbard B.S., Appalachian State University Kerry Shaw Trexler B.A., Widener University Antinette L. Watson B.S., Delaware State University Aja White B.A., Augusta State University Administration of Justice Jireh Terrell Henson B.A., Millersville University of Pennsylvania Tracie Dawn Rollins B.S., University of Maryland Univ College Maurice Stokes B.S., Wilmington University Aisha Monique Toston B.A., American Military University Yolanda M. Garnett M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Wilmington University Camelia J. Viera B.S., Wilmington University Kiana Shareese Hodge B.A., Delaware State University Administration of Justice - Homeland Security Leonard C. Hall III B.S., Wilmington University Barbara T. Jordan B.S., Wilmington University Kelsey Anne Milligan M.S., Wilmington University B.S., James Madison University Batiekro A. Nabwe B.S., Wilmington University Brittany Camille Parker B.S., Kutztown University Alexandra Lee Reed B.A., University of Delaware Krystal Yvette Sagers M.S.N., Wilmington University B.S.N., Delaware State University Vickie Ray Warehime B.S., Towson University William Jesse Weins B.A., Dakota Wesleyan University Tesia Marie Zajac B.S., Ferrum College Administration of Justice - Criminal Behavior Nicholas J. Corrigan B.S., Wilmington University Jennifer Lynn Dalbow B.S., Wilmington University Adrience T. Elmore B.A., Salisbury University Gabrielle L. Ferrera B.S., Wilmington University Mark Anthony Yant B.S., Wilmington University Charles Abrecht B.S., Troy University James Patrick Antonelli B.S., Lock Haven University Botoe Zulo Barclay B.S., St. Joseph’s University Jennifer Ann Bonkowski B.S., Lycoming College Joshua William Churchill B.S., Wilmington University Daniel J. Condo B.A., La Salle University Ralph H. Davis B.S., Wilmington University Jessica S. McDade B.S., Wilmington University Clyde Thomas Miller B.S., Wilmington University Shadrack A. Minor B.S., Wilmington University Brent Mitchell B.A., Arcadia University Jeffrey B. Munn B.S., Wilmington University Bernard Palmer M.A., Central Michigan University Alyssa Renee Wackermann B.A., San Jose State University William R. Wise M.S., Wilmington University B.A., University of Delaware Paul George Woodland B.S., Wilmington University * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 60 Administration of Justice - Leadership and Administration Homeland Security- Safety and Security Theresa Carrothers B.A., Wilmington University Stacy Lyn Fabrizzio B.S., Roger Williams University Adam Michael Howard B.S., University of Maryland Michael S. Murphy B.S., Henley-Putnam University Richard J. Mantici B.S., Wilmington University Paula Tamika Pugh B.S., University of Maryland Eastern Shore Joseph Mark Brooks B.S., Wilmington University John J. Doucette M.S., Wilmington University B.S., Albright College Matthew Brady Clarke B.S., East Carolina University Daniel A. Gross B.S., Wilmington University Claudine Malone B.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania Christopher Plumley B.S., Wilmington University Kimberlynn Renai Reeves B.A., University of Delaware Richard Rempo B.S., Columbia Southern Administration of Justice - Leadership and Administration and Administration of Justice Criminal Behavior Mollie K. Roth B.S., Wilmington University Madison Kent Scaccia B.A., Northern Arizona University Joseph E. Trout B.S., Wilmington University Anita L. West-Werner B.S., University of Delaware Homeland Security- Information Assurance Eric Christopher Goucher B.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania Joseph A. Sanson, Jr. B.S., Wilmington University Homeland Security- Military Leadership College Ashley M. Adams B.S., Devry University Online Donald Joseph Catalon B.S., Wilmington University Michael C. Dellavella B.S., La Salle University of Timothy Michael Luko B.S., Charter Oak College Social Homeland Security- Organizational Leadership and Joseph Rosati B.S., Wilmington University Behavioral Sciences 61 Col l eg e of So c ial and Behav ioral Sc ienc e s Advisory Committee Members Behavioral Science Edward Gerrity Shawn Stevens Ronetia Bacon David Hall Donald Unger Keith Bosco Raymond Holcomb Rick Carter Major Adam Kisthardt Carol Doherty John Laufer Brenda Farside Scott McLaren Peira Gravenow Nathaniel McQueen, Jr. Jo Allegro-Smith Thomas Gross Adrienne Bey Alan Hart Lauren Brueckner Mark Jones Stephanie Cory Charles Kocher Joy Elvin Jeffrey Magers Linda Ganassi James McMillan Eric Hochrein William Morgan, Jr. Makeesa Johnson Benjamin Naish Sally King Laura O’Sullivan Carloyle Hoof Dominic Murgido Cathy Kavanaugh Jerry O’Callaghan Laura Leary Dawn Lucas Liana Mancini Kim Murtha Kim Paoli Susan Perron Donna Smith-Moore Paul Rager Dennis Robinson Michael Robinson Steven R. Rouscher Michael Rudisill Roxina Anthony-Rumley Ron Stephenson Lewis Schiliro James Thornton Debra Sharp Karen Spring Mark Seifert Enid Wallace-Simms Jiles H. Ship Criminal Justice Michael Terranova Raymond Carr, Jr. Michael J. Carroll 62 Benn Prybutok Joseph Sullivan David Thomas Lawrence M. Cherba Human Services Thomas Coury Gwendoline Angalet Thomas B. Cupples Richard Carter Thomas Dowd Susan Getman Robert Coupe Raina Allen Matthew Coyle John Baker Nancy Dietz Norwood Coleman Kimberlynn Reeves James Thornton Legal Studies Psychology/ Organizational Dynamics Rochellda Adderley Tasha Binet Sue Bailor Gary Breakwell Barbara Cherrix Jennifer Clement Geneer Johnson Romona Fullman Marion Newbold Cherelyn Homlish Catherine Read Jenna Mahoney Nicole Snyder Rhonda Quin Steve Bridgett Rachel Callahan Marisa DeCarli Brenda Farside Sue Molina Wendy Gainor Kristine Newhauser Carol Kuprevich Patricia Rogowski Kim Paoli J. Matt Stiller Marc Richman Public Policy Kenneth El Shabazz Mark Brainard Charles Campbell-King Joanna Champney James Collins Tracey Connolly Anthony DiGiacomo Matthias Fallis Richard Heffron Lynne Howard Thomas Kovach Vincent Lofink Jim McBride Ciro Poppiti, III David Rudolph Robert Strong Angela Suchanic David Swayze John Taylor Lezley Sexton Donna Smith-Moore Cynthia Sosnowski Richard Stockton Shawn Stevens Enid Wallace-Simms Devona E. G. Williams Debi Zistl Col l eg e of Tec hnol o g y Candidates for the Associate Degree A S S O C I AT E O F S C I E N C E Media Art, Design and Technology Matthew C. Anderson Sarah E. Culver∆ Brian E. Leonard Katherine A. Lopez Jessica Lea Walosin Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Computer and Network Security Arthur William Hurst∆ Ujwol Tuladhar Daryl Wayne Adams*∆ Ankit Khanna Raven-Simone Christele Banks* Timothy Edward Madore Marcus Bryant Walker∆ Nicholas Ryan Bennett Ryan Hunter Mahoney**∆ Sean C. Bernardo∆ Ciaran Mayo*∆ Mark D. Carrow* Kishanda Tiara McKnight**∆ Paul Han Chang∆ Daniel Lee Mroz Carmen Cheney Francis Waweru Ngugi Gino Custodi Isaac Newton Osei∆ Eugina Carletta Davis Courtney A. Passmore Samriddha Dhakal Anish R. Patel**∆ Brad Dudziec Khushbu Patel Marvin Eccleston Farrakhan Omar Pressley Alban Carter Green Stacey Dana Pulido Sudeep Gurung Anup Pratap Rana Robert R. Halley***∆ Michael Anthony Robinson Ryan Hargett**∆ Nathanial S. Rocha Sharon J. Hart Matthew Metcalfe Roe Samantha R. Hathaway Aleathea E. Tabb Michael Heinz Louis W. Tomczak***∆ Timothy Lee Hoffecker**∆ John H. Tooles-McCollum Yargbe Jah Nkenna A. Ugoanusi∆ Richard D. Wallace∆ Jason R. Wargo**∆ Jason O. Wilson Sergey A. Zagvozdin∆ Game Design and Development Jeffrey W. Davis∆ Faith April Lafazia Mycheal McQureerirais Jade Alexa Washington*∆ College Information Resource Management Thomas Joseph of ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 63 Technology * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude Information Systems Managment Daria P. Montgomery∆ Stephanie Ann Dukes*∆ Heriberto Valle Rosemary A. Fulton***∆ Media Design - Photography Michael Lane Knight Jenny M. Tucker∆ Vienna J. Oakes*∆ Studio Production - Digital Film-making Cordell A. Abbott Cindi Renee Era Raj Kumar Gurung Marc Lotharp Ibrahim Yahya Taveras**∆ April Denise Williams Interactive Multimedia Design and Communications Jeffrey E. Blansfield Media Design - Digital Publishing Danielle M. Brabson∆ Eric Cecilia Shakena B. Corbett Barbara Quattro*∆ Tamar Tomlinson Nicholas M. Suchanic∆ Chris B. Swincki*∆ Kathryn R. Timney*∆ Craig Steven Clark Ashton E. Govens∆ Studio Production - Television and Journalism Maria Cahill ∆ Robert D. Cahill Tsi´ Ann Mander Web Information Systems Paul D. Accumanno***∆ Esther Unekwuojo Agbaji*∆ Demetrios Diakos Bimal Khadka Media Design - Multimedia Timothy O. Risch∆ William Joseph Burgess Marlon Simms∆ Nema S. Bass∆ Caitlin Morgan Simms∆ John Nicholas Cahoon Walter A. Smith III, Posthumously∆ Kimberly E. Kane * Cum Laude ** Magna Cum Laude *** Summa Cum Laude ∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee 64 Col l eg e of Tec hnol o g y Candidates for the Master’s Degree Master of Science Information Systems Technologies Corporate Training Skills Donna M. Bryant B.S., Wilmington University Information Systems Technologies Information Assurance Suneela Swapna Saritha Akkarapakam M.S., Sri Venkateswara University B.S., NTR University of Health Sciences Tiffany Lorraine Alejandro B.S., Wilmington University Gabriel James Aliquo B.S., University of Delaware Swetha Alluri Charles Joseph Bacon B.S., Wilmington University Balla Barro B.S., Wilmington University Pooja Singh Bayas B.S., Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Derek Bebbington B.S., Strathclyde University Gillian Marie Bennett B.S., Devry University Online Austin F.G. Brown B.S., Wilmington University Ray Anthony Brown B.S., Wilmington University Roxanna Bryson B.B.A., Wesley Center for Adult Studies Amy Conneely M.S., Delaware State University B.S., Delaware State University Indira R. Cropper B.A., University of Maryland Eastern Shore Joseph John Dudley B.S., Wilmington University Raghuveera Reddy Gottimukkula B.S., Kakatiya Univesity Cordaro L. Hamilton B.S., Wilmington University Nikhil Kodipaka B.S., Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Srikanth Varma Kukunuri B.S., Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Alexander Efren McCreery B.A., University of Delaware Matthew M. Moye B.S., Wilmington University Suma Naredla B.S., Osmania University Naga Sita Harshita Neppalli Amrutha Valli Pasagada Ashok Pilla B.S., Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Ashok Pudota B.S., Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Srikanth Kumar Pujuri M.S., Western New England College Shiva Teja Ramini Archana Ranga B.C., Osmania University Ramesh Raut B.S., Wilmington University Pradeep Ravella M.Ed., Wilmington University Jake R. Reynolds B.S., Delaware State University Dinesh Kumar Sankuri M.S., University Colorado Denver B.S., Jntuh Collge of Engineering Hyderabad Sandeep Kumar Sheokand B.A., Maharshi Dayanand University James William Sterling B.S., Southern Illinois University Carbondale Satheesh Talluri B.S., Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Sri Rekha Rao Thakkalapelli Sunilkumar Arunchandra Trivedi B.S., Amravati University Jeffrey Turner B.S., Southern Illinois University Carbondale Theresa M. Walker B.S., University of Maryland Univ College 65 Technology Sanjay Prasad Golla Aneta Teresa Klepacka B.S., University Of Szczecin of Nirav H. Gada B.B.A., University of Mumbai Ushaswini Janagam College Madhusudhan Doosa B.S., Kakatiya Univesity Ranjith Kumar Jakka B.S., Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Information Systems Technologies - Internet and Web Page Design Saumya Agrawal Justin Phillip Danks B.S., Wilmington University Mwangi W. Nderebe B.A. & B.S., William Paterson College Joseph P. Saienni B.S., Wilmington University Donyia G. Sanders B.S., University of Phoenix Regina Bernice Davis B.A., Temple University Larry Philip Senires B.S., University of Maryland Farrah Lynn Dowell B.S., Wilmington University Eldar Shavketov B.S., Modern University for Humanities Shweta Gaggar B.B.A., JD Birla Institute Emine Ataseven Yeter M.S., Wilmington University M.B.A., Wilmington University B.S., Azerbaijan State Economic University Sowmya Kiran Gutti Priyanka Jakkamreddy B.S., Sri Venkateswara University Jeremy Shawn Zuber B.S., Wilmington University Igor Kryskin M.S., Penza State University Mounika Maroju Alexey Pankrashov B.S., S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University Joseph H. Springfield B.S., Wilmington University Information Systems Technologies Management and Management Information Systems Katherine Mary Doolittle B.S., University of Delaware Sandesh Kafle B.S., University Texas Arlington Maegan L. MacDonald B.S., Wilmington University The listings of graduates in this program are unofficial. The official conferral of degrees occurs upon satisfactory completion of all academic and financial requirements. These listings are based upon information provided to the Office of the Registrar at the time of submission of the program for publication. 66 Col l eg e of Tec hnol o g y Advisory Committee Members Business Computer Operations Media Design Janice Colvin Patrick Costigan E. Howard Johnson Jaime Armstrong Tim Day Jean Downes Dana Eggleston Robert Ford Michael Hojnicki Patrice Johnson Julie Lanzillo Amy O’Dell Audrey Parajon Beverly Peterson Bryan Steinberg Don Stuhlman Computer Network Security Jonathon Arena John Buckley Stephen Bunting Danny DeMarinis Samuel Kinch Lester Link Peter McCann Raphael Mudge Casey O’Brien Elayne Starkey Inigo Thomas Kevin Wright Hendrik-Jan Francke Daniel Krukosky Mary Rodgers Information Systems Management & Web Information Systems Vince Borelli James Garrity Michael Hojnicki Lester Link Judith McClafferty Frederick Smith Phuong Tram Game Design and Development Bob Berkebile Kevin Ogorman Scott Wasserman Video and Motion Graphics Ric Edavane Master of Science Information Systems Technologies Anthony Collins Carlos Escudero Paul Harjung Carol Mcguinness Gerry Pennington Jason Romeo College of Technology 67 Ac ademic Deg r ee s The Associate Degree The associate degree is an academic degree awarded by community colleges, junior colleges, four-year universities, business colleges, and some bachelor’s degree-granting colleges/universities upon completion of a course of study usually lasting two years. The Bachelor’s Degree The bachelor’s degree is the oldest academic degree used by American institutions of higher learning. The degree was first conferred in America in 1642 on nine young men comprising the first graduating class of Harvard College. The bachelor’s degree, or baccalaureate, represents completion of a four-year collegiate course of study. The Master’s Degree The master’s degree is academic honor conferred upon students who have successfully completed one or two years of work beyond the baccalaureate. A thesis and an oral examination are usually required. The term’s present meaning derives from the oldest universities in Europe, when the circle of academic pursuit was limited to seven liberal arts. Those who received public honors upon the completion of their studies and who already had received the degree baccalaureus were called magistri atrium (master of the arts). The Doctoral Degree Doctor is a term meaning teacher, or instructor, and was applied by ancient Romans to those who delivered public lectures on philosophical subjects. From the 12th century, it became a title of honor for men of great learning. It was first made an academic title at the University of Bologna, in Italy, which received from the emperor the right to appoint doctors legume (doctors of laws). There are two types of doctoral degrees: the professional degree and the research degree. The first represents advanced training for the practice of professions such as medicine, pharmacy, law or nursing. These degrees carry no implication of original research. The research doctorate represents prolonged advanced study, usually accompanied by a dissertation designed to make a substantial contribution to existing knowledge on the subject. The degree confers upon those who attain it the title doctor of philosophy, although the degree no longer is associated with the study of philosophy. It was first awarded in the United States by Yale University in 1861. 68 Wilmington University Forty-Fourth Annual Commencement Leadership and Serv ic e Awar ds Trustees’ Award for Service The Trustees’ Award for Service is awarded to a graduating senior and to a graduating master’s or doctoral student for outstanding service to fellow students, to Wilmington University, and/or to the community. Audrey K. Doberstein Award for Leadership The Audrey K. Doberstein Award for Leadership is awarded to a graduating senior and to a graduating master’s or doctoral student for outstanding leadership and dedication to the philosophy and mission of Wilmington University. Delta Epsil on Rho Honor So c ie t y Pl ed g e I pledge to continue a personal effort to achieve the highest forms of scholarship of which I am capable. I will demonstrate willingness to accept responsibility, to maintain an open, inquiring mind, and to provide service to my community, state, nation and world. My pledge is to become the best I can be through continued learning. I will think and act critically, creatively, and humanely. As I strive for the highest accomplishments, I will attempt to develop my personal and professional potential with reason, imagination, and human concern. 69 Ac ademic S y mbols Academic Costume The traditional black caps and gowns worn in the academic procession have been the costume of scholars since medieval times. They probably were adapted from ecclesiastical garb, since many scholars in the Middle Ages were clerics. In 1895, an intercollegiate commission drafted a uniform code for academic costumes, which the majority of colleges and universities in the United States have adopted. Each of the three academic degrees has its own distinctive gown and hood. The gown representing the bachelor’s degree has a long, pointed sleeve; the master’s a narrow sleeve; the doctor’s a full, bell-shaped sleeve with three bars of velvet. The opening of this gown is faced with wide velvet bands, which may be or of a color indicating the wearer’s general field of leaning. The most colorful and distinctive part of the academic costume is the hood, which passes around the neck and extends down the back. The color of the velvet edging indicates the wearer’s field of learning. The colors of silk lining exposed in the center of the hood are those of the college or university that conferred the degree. A rts an d L e t t er s............................................................... White L i brary S c i e nc e.................................................................. Lemon Law s........................................................................................... Purple E d uc at ion........................................................................ Light Blue N ur s i ng................................................................................... Apricot P h i l os op hy ................................................................................Blue S c i e nc e.......................................................................... Golden Yellow Fi n e A rts................................................................................ Brown P har m ac y................................................................................. Green B u s i n e s s A dm i nist rat ion .................................... Light Brown Te c h nol o g y......................................................................... Maroon Although the cap, or mortarboard, is uniform in design for all degrees, the tassel may be either black or the color of the field of learning. The tassel of the doctor’s cap may be gold. The University Mace The University mace, was created for the 1971 commencement and has been used at each subsequent commencement ceremony. The mace, which is a traditional symbol of authority, includes the seal of Wilmington University, wrought in brass, on a walnut staff. The Banners The seven commencement banners identify the disciplines whose graduates this ceremony honors. Each banner incorporates the University seal, together with colors that echo the graduates’ hoods. Each college has its own academic honor society. Students wearing colored cords or sashes are wearing the colors which signify membership in the honor society of their particular college. 70 Wilmington University Forty-Fourth Annual Commencement Wel come to t he Alumni Asso c iat ion On behalf of the Wilmington University Alumni Association, I would like to congratulate the 2015 graduating class. It is my honor and privilege to welcome you into this larger community of friends of the university. Through hard work, dedication, perseverance, and the support of many classmates, faculty and administrators, you have made a tremendous personal and professional achievement. Your journey as a graduate of Wilmington University is only the beginning. As our newest alumni, I invite each of you to continue the relationships you have with both the university and your classmates. We ask that you remain active in your community, participate at the highest level in your professional organizations, and become an active member of the Wilmington University Alumni Association. The alumni of Wilmington University would like to extend an invitation to you to get involved with our growing association. We would love to hear from you. Contact us at or 302.356.2469, and visit us online at Best wishes to the Class of 2015. Brian Adair, Class of 2006 and 2007 Alumni Association President 71 Abo ut Wilmington Univ ersit y Founded in 1968, Wilmington University is a private, nonprofit university accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. The University is committed to providing a personalized educational experience to over 19,000 traditional and nontraditional students at locations in Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey and online. Delaware New Jersey N e w Cast l e Cam p u s 320 N. DuPont Highway New Castle, DE 19720 B ur l ington Co unt y Col l eg e Wi l s on G rad uat e C e n t e r 31 Read’s Way New Castle, DE 19720 Cu mber l and Co unt y Col l eg e 3322 College Drive Vineland, NJ 08360 D ov e r 3282 N. DuPont Highway Dover, DE 19901 G l o uc e st er Co unt y Col l eg e 1400 Tanyard Road Sewell, NJ 08080 D ov e r A i r For c e Bas e 436 FSS/FSDE 261 Chad Street Dover AFB, DE 19902 J oint Bas e McG uir e-Dix-L akeh ur st 3829 School House Road Joint Base MDL, NJ 08641 Ge or g e tow n Seashore Highway, P.O. Box 660 Georgetown, DE 19947 Sal em Communit y Col l eg e 460 Hollywood Ave. Carneys Point, NJ 08069 M i ddl e tow n 651 N. Broad Street Middletown, DE 19709 Maryland B ran dy w i n e 3411 Silverside Road Wilmington, DE 19810 Cec il Col l eg e 107 Railroad Ave. Elkton, MD 21921 R e hob ot h B e ac h 41 Rehoboth Ave Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 72 3331 Route 38 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 Wilmington University Forty-Fourth Annual Commencement Grad uat e s Fr om Ar o und The Wor l d Forty-two different countries are represented in today’s graduating class. Among our January graduates, we have students from the following countries: A l ge r i a J o rd a n Antigua Kazakhstan B an g l ade s h L a t v ia Au s t r i a K e ny a B o s n i a - H e r z e go v in a L ib e r ia B u l g ar i a Ne p a l C ame ro o n Nige r ia B r az i l B u r k i n a Fa s o Mali Nige r C a n ada Pa k is t a n Eg y pt Po l a n d C hi n a Pe r u E l S al vador R o m a n ia G e r m any S o ut h K o re a G u at e mala Tur k e y Fr a n c e G han a Haiti R us s ia Sri Lanka U k r a in e In di a U n it e d K in gd o m Jamai c a V ie t n a m , Re p ub l ic O f It al y U z b e k is t a n 73
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