Rev.A WARRANTY With the exception of the printhead, EPC Labs, Inc. warrants the GSP-1086 thermal gray scale printer to be free of any defects and in good working order for a period of one year from date of delivery. The printhead is warranted for a period of 90 days after delivery. In the event of failure of any part(s) due to defect in material or workmanship occurring within the warranty period, EPC will repair or replace the product at no charge for parts and labor performed at a company designated repair facility. EPC will not be obligated to, or liable for, repair or replacement of the product due to the misuse, abuse, misapplication, or the modification of the product without prior written consent from EPC Labs. This includes the use of unauthorized recording medium (thermal film and/or paper) which may cause irreparable damage to the printhead as well as the entire recorder. In addition, EPC will not be liable for damages, lost revenue, lost wages, lost savings, or any other consequential or incidental damages arising from same. The user of this product will be responsible for packing and shipping the failed product properly, and for the shipping charges associated with the return of the product to an EPC repair facility. EPC will be responsible for returning the product to the place of origin, and all associated costs. EPC LABORATORIES, INC. EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, Rev.A WARNING PAGE HIGH VOLTAGE!! - When this symbol appears it implies that that the forthcoming operation will require the technician to take special safety steps around an exposed electrical circuit. STATIC DEVICE - This symbol implies the procedure should be performed in a static safe workstation. GENERAL CAUTION NOTE - This symbol implies that there is a general point of interest. In some cases it may be for operator or product safety. General precautions: • Keep away from live circuits. Operating and maintenance personnel must, at all times, observe all safety regulations pertaining to electronic equipment. • To prevent damage, caution must be exercised when removing or inserting printed circuit boards (PCBs). • The TGR PCBs contain components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Approved ESD prevention techniques must be used when working on or handling PCBs. ESD-sensitive components are usually labeled, as shown to the right: • Avoid the use of flammable or toxic cleaning fluids such as carbon tetrachloride. • Use care when soldering. Avoid breathing the fumes from soldering, use proper eye protection, and be sure the area is well ventilated. EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, Table of Contents Rev.A TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Section Description Specifications 1 Page i Getting Started 1.0 General ………………………………………………………. 1-1 1.1 Controls & Features ………………………………………… 1-1 1.1.1 Control Panel ………………………………………………… 1-1 1.1.2 Keyboard Interface …………………………………………. 1-1 1.1.3 RS-232 Command Interface ………………………………. 1-2 1.1.4 Analog Data …………………………………………………. 1-3 1.1.5 Digital Data ………………………………………………….. 1-3 1.2 A Sample Session ………………………………………….. 1-5 1.2.1 TGR Preparation ……………………………………………. 1-5 1.2.2 Load Paper ………………………………………………….. 1-5 1.2.3 Power-up …………………………………………………….. 1-6 1.2.4 Check Paper Feed ………………………………………….. 1-6 1.2.5 Secure Take-up Reel ………………………………………. 1-7 1.2.6 Check Test Pattern …………………………………………. 1-7 1.2.7 Print Some Data …………………………………………….. 1-8 Printing Analog Data ..……………………………………… 1-10 Printing Parallel Data ………………………………………. 1-10 2 System Overview 2.0 General ………………………………………………………. 2-1 2.1 Mechanical Frame ……..…………………………………… 2-1 2.2 Electronic Components …..………………………………… 2-1 2.2.1 Passive Backplane ….……………………………………… 2-1 2.2.2 Microprocessor Board ……………………………………... 2-2 2.2.3 Digital I/O Board ….………………………………………… 2-2 i EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Table of Contents Chapter 2 Rev.A Section Description Page 2.2.4 EPC Enhanced Analog Interface Board …………………. 2-2 2.2.5 ISA Control Board ………………………………………….. 2-3 2.2.6 Motor Drive PC ……………………………………………… 2-3 2.2.7 Thermal Printhead ..………………………………………… 2-4 2.3 Power System …….………………………………………… 2-4 2.3.1 Line Input Module …………………………………………… 2-5 2.3.2 Logic Supply …….………………………………………….. 2-5 2.3.3 Printhead Supply …………………………………………… 2-5 2.3.4 Motor Drive PC ……………………………………………… 2-6 2.3.5 Printhead Relay ….…………………………………………. 2-6 2.3.6 Printhead Capacitor ……….……………………………….. 2-6 2.3.7 System Cooling ……...……………………………………… 2-6 2.4 Paper Transport System …………………………………… 2-6 2.4.1 Feed Roll Magazine ..….…………………………………… 2-6 2.4.2 Paper Feed Block ...………………………………………… 2-6 2.4.3 Print Roller Assembly ………………………………………. 2-7 2.4.4 View Panel …………………………………………………... 2-7 2.4.5 Pinch & Drive Rollers ………………………………………. 2-7 2.4.6 Stainless Steel Gear Train ………………………………… 2-7 2.4.7 Stepper Motor ………………………………………………. 2-8 2.4.8 Chart Module ……………………………………………….. 2-8 2.4.9 Chart Clock Circuit .………………………………………… 2-8 2.4.10 Take-up Motor ……………………………………………... 2-9 2.4.11 Take-up Blocks …………………………………………….. 2-9 2.4.12 Take-up Chamber ……………………………………….…. 2-9 2.5 Error Sensors ……………………………………………….. 2-9 2.5.1 EPC Paper Sensor Interlock ………………………………. 2-10 2.5.2 Printhead Not Engaged Switch ………………………….… 2-10 ii EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Table of Contents Chapter 2 Rev.A Section Description Page 2.5.3 Paper Out Sensor ………………………………………….. 2-10 2.5.4 Printhead Thermistor ………………………………………. 2-10 3 Theory of Operation 3.0 General ………………………………….…………………… 3-1 3.1 Analog Data Acquisition ……………………………………. 3-1 3.2 Trigger Characteristics .……………………………………. 3-1 3.2.1 Internal Trigger Mode ….…………………………………… 3-1 3.2.2 External Trigger Mode ..……………………………………. 3-2 3.3 Analog Signal Conditioning ...……………………………… 3-2 3.3.1 Input Amplifier / Primary Gain Stage ...…………………… 3-2 3.3.2 Time Varied Gain …………………………………………… 3-2 3.3.3 Signal Polarity ………………………………………………. 3-3 3.3.4 Bandpass Filters …….……………………………………… 3-3 3.3.5 Threshold Stage ….………………………………………… 3-3 3.4 Signal MUX ……..……………………………………….….. 3-4 3.5 Digitization ……………..……………………………….…… 3-4 3.5.1 Scan Rate .……………………………………………….….. 3-4 3.5.2 Calculating Record Scale ……………………………….…. 3-5 3.5.3 Delayed Scans ……………………………………………… 3-5 3.5.4 Calculating Delay …………………………………………… 3-5 3.5.5 Scan and Delay Limitation ………………………………… 3-6 3.5.6 Line Stacking ……………………………………………….. 3-6 3.6 Digital Data Acquisition ……………………………………. 3-6 3.6.1 Data Transmission …………………………………………. 3-7 3.6.2 Embedded Control Codes …………………………………. 3-7 3.6.3 Pixel Depth ………………………………………………….. 3-7 3.6.4 Data Shifting and the GIGO Theory …………………….. 3-8 3.6.5 Data Decimation ……………………………………………. 3-9 iii EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Table of Contents Chapter 3 Rev.A Section Description Page 3.6.6 Parallel Port Hardware …………………………………….. 3-9 Data Register ……………………………………………….. 3-10 Status Register ……………………………………………… 3-10 Control Register …………………………………………….. 3-10 Extended Capabilities ……………………………………… 3-11 3.7 RS-232 Input ………………………………………………… 3-11 3.7.1 RS-232 Data ………………………………………………… 3-11 3.7.2 RS-232 Commands ………………………………………… 3-12 3.8 Keyboard Interface …………………………………………. 3-12 3.9 Message and Annotation Functions ……………………… 3-12 3.9.1 Basic Event Marks ………………………………………….. 3-12 3.9.2 Printing Messages ………………………………………….. 3-13 3.9.3 Message Attributes …………………………………………. 3-13 3.9.4 Autoevent ……………………………………………….…… 3-13 3.9.5 Automsg ………………………………………………….….. 3-13 3.9.6 Using Fix Numbers …………………………………….…… 3-13 3.9.7 Printing Navigation Data ………………………………..….. 3-14 3.10 Thermal Printing ……………………………………….……. 3-14 3.10.1 Data Loading ……………………………………...………… 3-14 3.10.2 Print Cycle …………………………………………………… 3-15 3.10.3 Printhead Signals …………………………………………… 3-15 3.10.4 Printhead Logic ……………………………………………... 3-15 3.10.5 Print Methods ……………………………………………….. 3-16 Magnitude Weighted Compare ……………………………. 3-16 Equal Weighted Compare …………………………………. 3-16 Binary Weighted Compare ………………………………… 3-16 3.10.6 Dot Modulation ……………………………………………… 3-17 iv EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Table of Contents Chapter Section 4 5 Appendix A Rev.A Description Page Maintenance & Troubleshooting 4.0 General Overview of Troubleshooting ….…………..……. 4-1 4.1 General Maintenance ………………………………………. 4-1 4.1.1 Keep the Area Clean ………………………………………. 4-1 4.1.2 Clean the Paper Feed Chamber ……………………...….. 4-1 4.1.3 Clean the thermal Printhead ……………………….……. 4-2 4.1.4 Handling and Storing Thermal Media ……………….…… 4-3 4.1.5 Quick Troubleshooting Method ……………………….…… 4-4 4.1.6 Replacement Procedure …………………………………… 4-5 4.2 Basic Adjustments and Fuse Change ……………………. 4-5 4.2.1 Drop-out on Paper …………………………………………. 4-6 4.2.2 Changing the Power Fuse ………………………………… 4-7 4.3 Verifying Recorder Operation ……………………………... 4-7 4.3.1 Running the Test Pattern …………………………………. 4-8 4.3.2 Checking Out the Analog Functions ……………….…….. 4-9 Verifying the Key Out ……………………………………… 4-9 Verifying the Scan Speeds ……………………………….. 4-10 Verifying the Delay Setting ……………………………….. 4-12 Verifying the Gain And Threshold ………………………... 4-13 Checking Out the Digital Functions ……………………… 4-13 Engineering Drawings and Schematics Command Protocol v EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Table of Contents Rev.A This page intentionally left blank vi EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Specifications Rev.A MODEL 1086-500 SPECIFICATIONS PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Dimensions 17.6"W x 19.3"H x 6.7"D. Weight 50lbs. Media Heat sensitive thermal paper or high grade plastic film 23dB Dynamic range. Paper Length 150 feet / 45.72 meters. Film Length 130 feet / 39.62 meters. Temperature 0ο to 65οC - Operating, -28ο to 65οC - Storage. HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS HARDWARE Host Processor 486DX2 / 66MHz, Minimum. CPU Bus 16 bit industry standard architecture (ISA). Control Panel Sealed membrane type, software defined. Displays Twin 2x40 LCD displays with LED back lights. POWER Power Supply Logic = 65 Watts, Printhead = 200 Watt, Auto-ranging 100-120VAC and 200-240VAC, 47-63Hz. Power Consumption 80 Watts non-printing. 130 Watts peak. PRINTING Gray Levels Selectable: 8, 16, 32, 64 levels. Printhead 2048 pixels @ 203 DPI. Maximum Line Speeds (approx.) @8 Shades: 15ms @32 Shades: 26ms @16 Shades: 18ms @64 Shades: 43ms Chart Speeds Fixed 75, 80, 100, 120, 150, 200, 240, 300 LPI. Chart Speeds Variable 1.6kHz max clock, BNC input. 1/1200th inch per clock. i EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Specifications Rev.A ANALOG INTERFACE Dual Signal Input 0V to 10V SIGNAL BNC inputs. 2K ohm Input Impedance. External Trigger Input TTL EXT TRIG BNC input with slope sense. Internal Key Output TTL KEY OUT BNC with polarity selection. 156us pulse width. Gain, Threshold, Polarity Independently controlled for each channel. Min input signal 500 mV. Time Varied Gain Selects one of 255 logarithmic gain curves. HIGH Pass: 83Hz, 100Hz, 166Hz, 200Hz, 250Hz, 333Hz, Band Pass Filtering 500Hz and 1.0kHz LOW Pass: 1.0kHz, 1.2kHz, 2.0kHz, 2.4kHz, 3.0kHz, 4.0kHz, 6.0kHz and 12.0kHz Scan .005 to 10secs, 1ms resolution. Key .010 to 10secs, 1ms resolution. Delay 0.000 to 8secs, 1ms resolution. PARALLEL INTERFACE Interconnect 25 Pin Sub D, Metal shell. Data Input 8 Bit Centronics Compatible, 2048 bytes per raster line. Handshake Low Active host /STB on Pin 1. Low Active printer /ACK on Pin 10. High Active printer BUSY on Pin 11. Busy cycles on end of line (2048 bytes). /ACK cycles on every /STB. Burst Rate Bandwidth Over 250kHz. Sustained Bandwidth Based on gray levels. COMMAND INTERFACE QWERTY Keyboard Jack for commands and annotation. 9 Pin Sub D, RS-232 For commands and GPS. ii EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Specifications Rev.A MENU SETTINGS LEFT DISPLAY SETTINGS First menu Row TIME Set / view system time. 24 Hour Clock. DATE Set / view system date. 01/01/99 format. SAVE TO CONFIG 1 to 4 Selects config file to be loaded. SETTINGS CONFIG 1 to 4 Selects config file to be saved. Second menu Row TRIGGER TRG SLOPE EXTERNAL / INTERNAL Designates trigger mode. RISING / FALLING Edge to trigger on (external). POSITIVE / NEGATIVE Polarity of key out pulse. OFF, 2, 3, 4, 5 # of lines to average. 008, 016, 032, 064 # of gray levels. MEDIA FILM / PAPER Type of print media. SCL LINES OFF, 5, 10, 20 Equally spaced grid lines. 0 to 32766 Fix # counter. KEY OUT STACKING Third menu Row SHADES FIX # Fourth Menu Row SWEEP A STANDBY, RS-232, PARALLEL, ANALOG 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 FORWARD / REVERSE Selects sweep direction for Ch A. SWEEP B FORWARD / REVERSE Selects sweep direction for Ch B. DATA INPUT BAUD RATE Selects Data interface. Selects baud rate of Serial Port. RIGHT DISPLAY SETTINGS First Menu Row CONTRAST LPI EVENT WIDTH -30% to 40% 75, 80, 100, 120, 150, 200, 240, 300, EXTERNAL SOLID, DASHED, TICK, MESSAGE 2048 % of nominal print intensity. Selects number of lines per inch to print. Determines action when event is triggered. Display width in pixels, fixed. iii EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Specifications Rev.A Second Menu Row BP FILTERS LOW PASS HIGH PASS TVG OFF / ON 3.0kHz, 6.0kHz, 2.0kHz 1.2kHz, 2.4kHz, 4.0kHz 1.0kHz, 12.0kHz 250Hz, 500Hz, 166Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 333Hz, 83Hz, 1.0kHz OFF, 1 to255 Activates Band Pass Filter. Selects low pass frequency. Selects high pass frequency. Selects 1 of 255 logarithmic curves. Third Menu Row SIGNAL SINGLE / DUAL KEY RATE 00.010 to 10.000 SCAN RATE 00.005 to 10.000 DELAY 00.000 to 08.000 Selects between single channel and side scan mode. Time between key out pulses in seconds (internal trigger only). Sweep speed in seconds. Amount of time to delay printing of sweep in seconds. Fourth Menu Row AUTO-EVENT OFF, 1 to 32766 AUTOMESG OFF, 1 to 32766 DATA TYPE 3 to 8 BIT REPEAT LN 1 to 5 LINES Determines how many lines to print before initiating selected EVENT. Determines how many lines to print before printing selected MESSAGE. Sets word length of incoming digital data. Number of times to repeat each line. Fifth Menu Row MESSAGE MARGIN CHAR SIZE BACKGROUND TIME, DATE, SETTINGS, GPS $GPGGA, FIX #, Selects which message to print. USER 1, USER 2, USER 3 0.00 > 10.00 Annotation margin in inches. 1>5 Font size of annotated characters. WHITE / DATA Background behind annotation. iv EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Specifications Rev.A Pin Out of Centronics 25-Pin ‘D’ Connector Pin # Signal Description 1 /STROBE Terminated by a 500Ω resistor to +5V. 2 D0 Terminated by a 10kΩ resistor to +5V. 3 D1 Terminated by a 10kΩ resistor to +5V. 4 D2 Terminated by a 10kΩ resistor to +5V. 5 D3 Terminated by a 10kΩ resistor to +5V. 6 D4 Terminated by a 10kΩ resistor to +5V. 7 D5 Terminated by a 10kΩ resistor to +5V. 8 D6 Terminated by a 10kΩ resistor to +5V. 9 D7 Terminated by a 10kΩ resistor to +5V. 10 /ACK Terminated by a 1kΩ resistor to +5V. 11 BUSY Terminated by a 1kΩ resistor to +5V. 12 PAPER Terminated by a 1kΩ resistor to +5V. 13 SELECT Terminated by a 1kΩ resistor to +5V. 14 /AUTO LF Not terminated. 15 /ERROR Terminated by a 1kΩ resistor to +5V. 16 /INIT Terminated by a 1kΩ resistor to +5V. 17 /SELECT IN Not Terminated. 18 - 25 GROUND v EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Specifications Rev.A Pin Out of RS-232 9-Pin ‘D’ Connector: Pin # Signal Description 1 DCD Data Carrier Detect. 2 RX Receive Data. 3 TX Transmit Data. 4 DTR Data Terminal Ready. 5 GND Signal Ground. 6 DSR Data Set Ready. 7 RTS Request To Send. 8 CTS Clear To Send. 9 RI Ring Indicator. vi EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 1 Getting Started Rev.A CHAPTER ONE - GETTING STARTED 1.0 GENERAL: This is the EPC Model GSP-1086 Thermal Graphic Recorder, or TGR for short. The 1086 has become an industry-standard paper recorder for analog and digital sonar data – interfaced to virtually every major acquisition system in the oceanographic community. The recorder is simple to use. This manual covers the latest series of 1086 recorders, the “500” series. The 500 Series incorporates exciting new features like Bandpass Filtering and Time Varied Gain. Data throughput, system diagnostics, and reliability have also been improved from previous 1086 recorders. Please take a few moments to read through this section. If you have used analog and/or digital gray scale recorders in the past, there is enough information here to get started on a typical application. 1.1 CONTROLS AND FEATURES: All functions of the 1086 recorder are implemented by any of three input methods: • • • The Control Panel (sometimes referred to as the User Interface) The Keyboard Interface The RS-232 Command Interface 1.1.1 CONTROL PANEL: The Control Panel on the 1086 is comprised of two Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) and a series of membrane switches or “soft keys”. The majority of the switches are positioned around the LCD displays such that the function that is visible on an LCD can be changed by pressing the switch nearest to it (left/right). The arrow keys to the left of each display scroll the entire menu to the next group of functions (up/down). Each LCD displays four functions at a time. The left LCD has a total of four function groups, the right LCD has five. Items that are likely to be changed frequently (CONTRAST, SCAN RATE, etc.) are located on the right LCD. There is also a row of fixed functions silk-screened on the buttons along the top edge of the panel. The functions of these keys are self-explanatory. Some of the buttons are used, and some of them are reserved for later use. It is not necessary to have a function visible on a LCD to modify its setting. The setting can be changed at any time by one of the other input methods. 1.1.2 KEYBOARD INTERFACE: EPC Labs has some advice. Learn the command set and use the keyboard interface. This method of changing functions is much easier and less intrusive to 1-1 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 1 Getting Started Rev.A data collection than using the Control Panel. Keystrokes from the QWERTY compatible keyboard are buffered via an interrupt driven process to the microprocessor. While the keystrokes are being buffered, data collection continues normally. When the [ENTER] key is pressed to terminate and send the command, the function is implemented with minimal effect on printing. The Control Panel is read by a process called polling -- which is much less efficient than the interrupt service routine. When you hold a panel switch down, the processor dedicates itself to just that function and all printing stops (until the switch is released). This is particularly problematic when changing analog scales – you may need to scroll from 125 ms to 250 ms which will take a few seconds. The easier method would be to type in the following command: SCN 0.250 [ENTER] While you are typing, the characters will appear on the left LCD. If you make a mistake, just hit the [ENTER] key and start over. After correctly entering the string and pressing the [ENTER] key, you may hear a very slight hesitation, this is normal. All recorder functions can be implemented in this manner. Make sure there is at least one space between the Mnemonic and the Argument. The general format is as follows: Mnemonic Argument [ENTER] “Mneomic” is a three-letter function identifier (SCAN RATE in the previous example) and ”Argument” is the new setting. The entire command set can be found in Appendix A. 1.1.3 RS-232 COMMAND INTERFACE: The entire command set can also be implemented over the 1086’s Serial Interface. The Serial Interface is of the RS-232 variety and can be driven using a three wire, null-modem cable connected to a PC or other serial equipment. On a standard 9-Pin to 9-Pin system, the cable should connect Pin 5 to Pin 5 (ground), Pin 3 to Pin 2 (Rx to Tx), and Pin 2 to Pin 3 (Tx to Rx). Make sure the BAUD RATE on the two systems match (115200 for best performance). BAUD RATE on the 1086 can be set from the left LCD on the Control Panel. Commands are sent in identical fashion to the Keyboard. The three-letter identifier and any subsequent argument strings are separated by a single blank space (20 Hex, 32 Decimal, ‘ ‘ ASCII). The last argument is immediately terminated by a Carriage Return / Line Feed pair of characters (0D/0A Hex, 13/10 Decimal, <CR/LF> ASCII). For example, to print an alphanumeric message on top of some data that is being printed, you could write the following character string to your computers COM Port: 1-2 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 1 Getting Started Rev.A MES HELLO WORLD, THIS IS A TEXT STRING<CR/LF> The string “HELLO WORLD, THIS IS A TEXT STRING” would then print out on the record, complete with spaces, commas, and all other printable characters. 1.1.4 ANALOG DATA: The Analog Interface is discussed in greater detail in chapter 3. If you are not familiar with analog concepts, you should study that chapter. The 1086 is capable of scanning in analog data and presenting it in a variable scale from five milliseconds to ten seconds with one millisecond resolution. Each scan cycle is started by an Internal or External synchronization pulse. This Key Pulse must be TTL in nature (positive or negative going). In Internal Trigger mode, the period of the Key Pulse is determined by the setting of KEY RATE on the right LCD. An independent Delay function is implemented in a similar manner to offset the start of the sweep from the initial Key Pulse (Time Zero or T0). Clearly labeled controls on the Interface Panel of the unit control the Gain (Amplitude), Threshold (DC Offset), and Polarity (Gates A/C components of signal) of the incoming signal. Presentation is Single Channel (A Channel = 100% of record width) or Dual Channel (A and B are 50/50%) with independent Sweep Direction controls. The time bases (Scan, Key, and Delay) are common to both channels. New features on the 500 series also provide signal filtering, time varied gain (TVG) and stacking. 1.1.5 DIGITAL DATA: Like the Analog Interface, the 1086’s digital concepts are presented more comprehensively in chapter 3. This paragraph is for those who have strong computer knowledge. Digital Data can be sent from a Host source to the printer (Target) as a stream of binary values, using a straight through 1 to 1 cable. Each byte of data sent corresponds to a pixel on the printhead – there are no headers, escape sequences, terminators, or synch bytes. A stream of 2048 bytes must be sent for each line. A byte value of 0x00 corresponds to a white dot, The DATA TYPE function on the Control Panel determines what value is used for a black dot. By setting DATA TYPE to 8 BIT, the input range is selected from 0 to 255 (0xFF). In this case, sending 2048 bytes all of the value 0x7F (127d) would cause a single solid line to be printed with an intensity of 50% of full scale (midlevel gray). 1-3 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 1 Getting Started Rev.A The data can be sent over a Centronics compatible 8-Bit connection or over a null modem RS-232 connection, as discussed in paragraph 1.1.3. To select one or the other, simply choose “PARALLEL” or “RS-232” from the DATA INPUT function on the Control Panel. If you choose RS-232, you will not be able to simultaneously send commands and image data, only image data. Here is a program, written in C, for generating a gray scale ramp over the Parallel Interface on a standard PC: //---------------------------- headers ------------------------------------------------------#include <dos.h> #include <bios.h> #include <stdio.h> //--------------------------- prototypes ---------------------------------------------------void main(void); void send_byte(unsigned char b); //--------------------------- globals --------------------------------------------------------unsigned char pbuff[2048]; //-------------------------- code ------------------------------------------------------------void main(void) { int ctr, shd=0; for(ctr=0; ctr<2048; ctr++){ pbuff[ctr]=shd; if((++shd) >255) shd=0; } while(!kbhit()){ for(ctr=0; ctr<2048; ctr++) send_byte(pbuff[ctr]); } return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------void send_byte(unsigned char b) // heart and soul of parallel print driver { outp(0x378, b); // put data byte on DATA PORT while(!(inp(0x379)&0x80)); // loop on BUSY signal until clear outp(0x37A, 0x0D); // drive strobe line low active outp(0x37A, 0x0C); // return strobe line idle high return; } //----------------------- end of program ----------------------------------------------------------1-4 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 1 Getting Started Rev.A With the exception of the BIOS call on kbhit(), this program is very efficient and fast. You can use the send_byte() logic in your own code – be sure the port addresses are accurate. The example is for a generic PC. EPC does not recommend using the Serial Port for sending image data. Not only do you lose the ability to send serial commands (like navigation messages), the transmission tends to be rather slow. At the fastest speed of 115000 Baud, the throughput is only about five lines per second. A properly written parallel printer driver can achieve line rates of over 60 lines per second. 1.2 A SAMPLE SESSION: The following paragraphs provide the simple sequence of events required to print data. 1.2.1 TGR PREPARTION: Situate the recorder on a clean, stable platform and connect to a 100 –120 VAC or 200 - 240 VAC power source. Make interface connections by either connecting the appropriate analog BNC cables or a parallel 25 Pin one to one cable from computer to recorder. Make sure the host system is not attempting to send data. 1.2.2 LOAD PAPER: Load only EPC qualified paper. First, open the Print Roller Assembly by sliding the Side Latches to the right and then lifting the two black handles away from the Printhead. The latches are normally locked in place by two silver colored plungers – one is located just above the CHANNEL A GAIN control, the other is just below the second set of arrow keys on the left LCD (fig 1-1). Pull the two plungers straight out to slide the Side Latches to the right. Once the Print Roller Assembly is pivoted open, you will see the paper feed area (fig 1-2). Snap the roll of media (paper or film) into to two blocks on either side of the chamber. The paper should feed such that the outside surface of the paper rests against the Printhead (fig 1-3). With the paper properly positioned, close and secure the Print Roller Assembly. Next, roll the Pinch Roller Cams to the right, opening a space between the Drive Roller and Pinch Roller (1-4). Thread the paper through this space and then close BOTH Pinch Roller Cams. 1-5 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 1 Getting Started Rev.A FIGURE 1-1 FIGURE 1-2 FIGURE 1-3 FIGURE 1-4 1.2.3 POWER-UP: Make sure the Recorder is plugged into a AC power source that supplies either 100 –120 VAC or 200 – 240 VAC @ 47-63Hz. After switching the 1086’s line power ON, the Microprocessor will go through its boot sequence. During this sequence, listen for a single beep and watch the LCDs. If there is a problem with some of the internal circuitry, the recorder will attempt to report what is wrong. If there is nothing wrong, the machine will become operational with menus displayed after about 15 seconds. 1.2.4 CHECK PAPER FEED: RAPID Now that the paper is threaded properly and the unit is under power, check the chart advance by pressing the RAPID button on the upper right-hand side of the Control Panel. The paper should advance. Press the RAPID key again to stop the chart drive. This is a critical test that should be performed every time the unit is turned on. A malfunctioning chart drive can destroy the printhead, rollers, and gears. 1-6 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 1 Getting Started Rev.A 1.2.5 SECURE TAKE-UP REEL: TAKE UP If you plan on printing any significant amount of data, you will want to fasten the paper to a take-up core. For the Take-up Reel to wind properly, the end of the chart must be trimmed evenly and secured carefully to the core. Using the stainless-steel roller as a guide, trim the paper in a straight line with a sharp instrument (fig 1-5). Snap a core into the chamber, making sure that the teeth on the aluminum paper block (top) are grabbing into the small notches on the core’s white end plug. Next, toggle the RAPID key on and off to carefully feed paper out to the core. The paper should run under the core, around, and just over the top – a small amount of core should still be visible. Use three equally spaced pieces of scotch tape to secure the paper to the core (fig 1-6). After making sure that the edges of the paper are equidistant from the white end plugs, press the TAKE-UP key to enable the Take-up Motor. The paper should become taught, but not rip off the core. Test the setup by pressing the RAPID key again, the chart should move smoothly and take-up evenly. Careful preparation on this step will insure no take-up problems during data collection. FIGURE 1-5 FIGURE 1-6 1.2.6 CHECK TEST PATTERN: Like checking the Chart Drive, inspecting the Test Pattern is a critical power-up procedure. This simple step insures that the majority of the sub-systems in the recorder are working properly. TEST Assuming that the feed roll has been properly loaded and the chart drive has been checked, the 1086’s Internal Test Pattern can now be printed. Press the 1-7 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 1 Getting Started Rev.A TEST button. Depending on how the SHADES and CONTRAST functions are set, you should see a gray level ramp being printed (fig 1-7). While the Test Pattern is printing, adjust CONTRAST and SHADES to your liking. You can also change the Lines Per Inch (LPI) setting to adjust line spacing. Press TEST again to stop the pattern. If there are any dropouts in the Test Pattern, refer to the Troubleshooting section of this manual (4.2.1). FIGURE 1-7 1.2.7 PRINT SOME DATA: TEST Set the DATA INPUT field on the left LCD to the PARALLEL or ANALOG (whichever source you are using). Next, you will want to run through every single menu, configuring those items germane to your application. Following is Table 1-1, showing how to configure each item for each application: 1-8 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 1 Getting Started Rev.A TABLE 1-1 SAMPLE SETTINGS SETTING SET TO TIME DATE SAVE TO SETTINGS TRIGGER TRG SLOPE KEY OUT FIX # SHADES MEDIA STACKING SCL LINES DATA INPUT BAUD SWEEP A SWEEP B CONTRAST LPI EVENT WIDTH BP FILTERS LOW PASS HIGH PASS TVG SIGNAL KEY RATE SCAN RATE DELAY AUTOEVENT AUTOMESG DATA TYPE REPEAT LN MESSAGE MARGIN CHAR SIZE BACKGROUND NOW TODAY CONFIG_1 CONFIG_1 INT/EXT RISE/FALL POS/NEG 0 16 FILM OFF OFF PAR/ANLG 115200 FORWARD FORWARD 0 200 SOLID 2048 OFF 12.0 kHz 83 Hz OFF SINGLE 0.125 0.100 0.000 OFF OFF 8 BIT 1 TIME 0.00 2 WINDOW DATA LCD B B B B A A A B B B B B B S B B B B B D A A A A A A A A B B D B B B B B L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R REMARKS TIME OF DAY CURRENT DATE SAVE SETTINGS TO FILE LOADED CONFIGURATION INT=MASTER, EXT=SLAVE POLARITY OF EXT TRIGGER POLARITY OF INT KEY OUT SEQUENTIAL FIX NUMBRNG GRAY LEVELS IN IMAGE PAPER OR PLASTIC FILM DISABLE LINE AVERAGING DISABLE SCALE LINES INTERFACE SELECTION SERIAL PORT Rx SPEED PRINT DIRECTION A CHAN PRINT DIRECTION B CHAN DARKNESS/INTENSITY LINE SPACING VERTICAL GRID LN TYPE DIGITAL SYNCH COUNT ANALOG FILTERS ON/OFF HIGH FREQ CUTOFF LOW FREQ CUT OFF TIME VARIED GAIN DUAL OR SINGLE CHANNEL ANALOG SYNCH RATE ANALONG DISPLAY WIDTH T0 TO SWEEP OFFSET AUTOMATIC EVENT LINES AUTOMATIC ANNOTATION DIGITAL INPUT RANGE PRINT DATA x TIMES ANNOTATION ON RECORD LOCATION OF ANNOTATION FONT SIZE OF ANNOTATION APPEARANCE OF ANNOT. D=DIGITAL S=SERIAL A=ANALOG B=BOTH R=RIGHT L=LEFT N/A=NOT APPLICABLE 1-9 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 1 Getting Started Rev.A PRINTING ANALOG DATA If you wish to print analog data, make sure DATA INPUT is set to ANALOG and all other functions are set in accordance with the Table 1-1. If the host analog source is providing the Key Pulse, set the 1086 TRIGGER to EXTERNAL and make sure there is a connection between KEY OUT on the host to TRIG IN on the 1086. Conversely, if the 1086 is the master, connect the KEY OUT on the 1086 to the TRIGGER (or SYNCH) INPUT on the host and make sure the 1086 TRIGGER is set to INTERNAL. For EXTERNAL TRIGGER mode, select RISING or FALLING for the appropriate TRIG SLOPE; On INTERNAL TRIGGER, make sure the KEY OUT polarity is set correctly. As the recorder is triggering, adjust SCAN, KEY, DELAY, GAIN, THRESHOLD, and POLARITY to see what happens. If you have no analog source, you can actually print the 1086’s own Key Pulse. Connect the KEY OUT jack to the SIGNAL A jack, set the GAIN to 1.0, POLARITY to ‘+’, and THRESHOLD to mid-level. Next, make sure the recorder is set to ANALOG, TRIGGER to INTERNAL, SCAN RATE to 0.005, KEY RATE to 0.125, KEY OUT to POSITIVE, and DELAY to 0.000. The 1086 should print a dark bar, about 5/16” wide, along the top margin of the record (assuming SWEEP A = FORWARD). The 5/16” bar is about 63 pixels out of 2048, or roughly 3% of the display width. Since the SCAN RATE is set to 5 ms, we know that the width of the KEY PULSE should be about 3% of that, or 156µS. PRINTING PARALLEL DATA: To print parallel digital data, configure the recorder in accordance with the previous table and select PARALLEL for the DATA INPUT. Next, make sure a proper cable connection already exists between the 1086 (see 1.1.5) section and host computer. From the host computer, begin sending data to the parallel port. If you do not have specific software for sending digital images to the recorder, EPC has enclosed an evaluation version of the Image Processing Utility (IPU) with this manual. Load this software onto a Windows type PC and follow the on-screen prompts. If you need further assistance with printer driver development, EPC offers a Developer’s Toolkit and many assorted software utilities on its web page at URL: or can be contacted by electronic mail: E-mail: 1-10 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 2 System Overview Rev.A CHAPTER TWO – SYSTEM OVERVIEW 2.0 GENERAL: The following paragraphs will describe, in detail, the systems of the 1086 and offer a comprehensive discussion on data collections and thermal printing. 2.1 MECHANICAL FRAME: EPC Labs designs all of its equipment to withstand the harsh environments commonly found in aircraft, ships, and other demanding applications. The framework of the 1086 is constructed with ¼” aluminum plate that is machined to extremely demanding tolerances (+/- 5/10000th of an inch in some cases). To resist corrosion, most metal parts are hard anodized to a smooth black finish or undergo a chemical chromate plating process. The heavy gage metal and strict tolerances insure that the printing and paper transport mechanisms maintain accurate registration over long periods of time in varied conditions. 2.2 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS: There are a number of electronic sub-systems in the 1086. This section will attempt to describe the function of each circuit board, power supply, sensor, switch and connector. 2.2.1 PASSIVE BACKPLANE: The Passive Backplane (P/N 171051) provides the 1086 with a backbone for the system’s electronics suite. This six-slot circuit board, which sits in the middle of the machine, acts as the common bus for the other circuit boards to share data across. Four LED lamps on the board show the status of the logic voltages required to run the 1086 (+5VDC, +12VDC, -5VDC, -12VDC). 2-1 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 2 System Overview Rev.A 2.2.2 MICROPROCESSOR BOARD: All operation of the 1086 is governed by and carried out on the 80x86 processor board (µP Board for short). The Microprocessor Board (P/N 802398) is a powerful Single Board Computer (SBC) with a rich set of onboard peripheral components. Some of the onboard peripherals (IDE interface, Floppy Controller, Parallel Printer I/O) are not presently utilized. Other components of the single board computer (RS-232, Keyboard I/O, and Flash Disk) are essential. Found in the #6 slot (closest to the Take-up), this circuit board is basically a small and very rugged PC. The User Interface, I/O Boards, and error sensors are monitored and/or controlled by an embedded program that is loaded into system memory after boot-up. During the boot sequence, the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) loads the DOS (Disk Operating System) from the Flash Memory, and then calls the 1086 embedded program. The program sits in an endless loop, reading the interfaces for input stimuli, i.e. the arrival of data or some sort of user input. When an event occurs, the program branches off and takes the appropriate action to deal with that stimulus. If you were to insert a VGA card into the ISA Backplane and connect a monitor and keyboard, you would be able to watch and, if desired, interrupt the boot-up process. 2.2.3 DIGITAL I/O BOARD: The Digital I/O Board (P/N 802039) is responsible for all of the internal digital input and output operations that go on in the recorder. This board has nothing to do with digital data acquisition. Usually located in the #3 slot (from the printhead side), the Digital I/O Board can be identified by the two 50 pin ribbon cables connected to it. These cables carry digital signals to the LCD’s and from the error sensors and Control Panel switches. The board is simple in construction. It interfaces to the ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) Bus with standard address decode circuitry and provides its 96 bits of I/O via four 82C55A parallel peripheral interface chips. Each chip has three eight-bit registers that can be configured as either input or output. Most of the bits are used. 2.2.4 EPC ENHANCED ANALOG INTERFACE BOARD: The primary data interfaces of the 1086 (Analog and Centronics Parallel) are implemented on the EPC Enhanced Analog Board (P/N 802351). Sitting in the #4 slot (next to the Digital I/O Board), the board can be identified by the two locking header connectors along its 2-2 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 2 System Overview Rev.A top edge. One of the connectors (26 pins) provides the interface to the 25 Pin Parallel Input connector on the front of the unit. The other connector (40 pins) interfaces to the BNC jacks, Gain controls, Threshold controls, and Polarity switches. Discrete circuitry on the board is used to amplify, rectify, and filter incoming analog data. Digital components provide key pulse timing, analog-todigital scan clocks, data buffering, and filter frequency programming. The majority of the digital logic (address decoding, analog timing, parallel interface handshake, and bus interface) is carried out in a single chip, the Xilinx XC95108 84 pin CPLD (PLCC through-hole socket). This versatile package is In-System Programmable (ISP) via industry standard JTAG interconnect and stores its fuse pattern utilizing modern Flash memory technology. 2.2.5 ISA CONTROL BOARD: The Control Board (P/N 802221), like the Analog Board, is manufactured by EPC Labs. Its primary function is to drive the Thermal Printhead and carry out the advanced logic required to print gray scale data. In addition to the bus interface circuitry (gates and buffers) the ISA Control Board employs two large FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) for loading the printhead, counting the shade cycles, and modulating the enable pulses that actually turn the pixels on. There is also and on-board A/D converter used for reading the temperature of the printhead. Temperature information is fed to the µP board, which then compensates for ambient conditions – and shuts down the system if it becomes too hot. 2.2.6 MOTOR DRIVE PC: “Motor Drive PC” (P/N 802392) is a bit of a misnomer. Though this circuit board provides the clock circuit which ultimately drives the system stepper motor, the primary purpose of the board is to distribute power and signals to a variety of different sub-systems. The Chart Drive Module is one of the more important subsystems, so this circuit board derives its name from that. Additionally, EPC recorders have always had a Motor Drive PC, so we couldn’t break with tradition. Located underneath the Control Panel, the Motor Drive PC has interconnections to the following components: • Power Supply – Power bus distribution to several components that need various voltages. • Printhead – Power (+24VDC, +5VDC, and GND) connection for Thermal Printhead. 2-3 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 2 System Overview Rev.A • LCD Displays – Signal patch from 50 pin Digital I/O Board interconnect to 14 pin display connectors. Backlight power supply to LCDs. • Digital I/O Board – Signal routing for error sensing, Printhead Relay enable, LCD interface, and Chart Drive Clock programming. • Passive Backplane – Power distribution to system Backplane. • External Chart Drive BNC – Interconnection to Chart Drive Clock circuit for External Chart Clock Input. • External Event Mark BNC – Interconnection to Event Mark latch which is then read via the Digital I/O Board. • Error Sensors -- Connection of Paper Out Sensor, Printhead Not Engaged Switch, and EPC Paper Sensor to Digital I/O Board. • Chart Module – Power and Clock connection to Chart Drive Module. • Printhead Relay – Connection of Printhead Power Relay (24V enable) to Power Supply and Digital I/O Board. • Printhead Capacitor – Location of 11,000µF cap across main outputs of 24 Volt Printhead supply. • Chart Clock PAL – Digital I/O Board interface for programming the Chart Clock Logic (Programmable Array Logic). • Take-up Motor – Power connection and enable circuit for 12V Take-up Motor. 2.2.7 THERMAL PRINTHEAD The one-step thermal printing process is accomplished by the Thermal Printhead. The Printhead is comprised of an aluminum mounting plate, some drive circuitry (shift registers, latches, etc), a ceramic substrate, and an array of 2048 individual heater elements (resistors). The elements, called pixels, are spaced at 203 dots per inch (8 dots/mm) across a 10.08” (256 mm) active print width. Vertical alignment of the pixels is within a 4/10,000th of an inch tolerance. Each resistive element consumes a nominal 0.4 watts and the average impedance is between 1320Ω and 1520Ω. 2.3 POWER SYSTEM The power system in the 1086 500 Series is different from its predecessors. In conjunction with support components, two AC/DC supplies are used to generate the five DC voltages required by the unit. 2-4 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 2 System Overview Rev.A 2.3.1 LINE INPUT MODULE: Serving as the entry point for system power, the Line Input Module has three major functions. First, it provides the interconnections to a suitable AC source (100-120 or 200-240VAC, 50-60 Hz). Second, the module’s three-amp fuse protects against over-current situations. Finally, the ON/OFF switch for the recorder is located on the Module. Caution: Connecting the 1086 to unsuitable AC line source may cause severe damage to the unit and/or serious injury to personnel. PRINTHEAD POWER SUPPLY LOGIC POWER SUPPLY 2.3.2 LOGIC SUPPLY: Located on the Power Supply Bracket, underneath the Interface Panel, the Logic Supply (P/N 400275) can be identified as the silver colored, small module. This AC/DC supply has quad DC outputs (+5V, +12V, -5V, -12V) and accepts a wide AC input range (84-265 VAC, 50-60 Hz). All four of the output voltages must be operating correctly for the system to run. The Bandpass Filter section of the Analog Board is the only circuit that uses the –5VDC, the rest of the voltages are used in multiple places. 2.3.3 PRINTHEAD SUPPLY: The 24 volt Printhead Supply (P/N 400274) is the black colored module located next to the Logic Supply. This supply is Auto ranging and accepts only input Voltages between 100 -120VAC and 200 – 240VAC. The Printhead Supply only generates a single adjustable DC output. Both the Printhead and the Chart Module require this output to run. Depending on the characteristics of the Printhead, the supply may be trimmed down somewhere between 22 and 24 volts. 2-5 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 2 System Overview Rev.A 2.3.4 MOTOR DRIVE PC: As mentioned in paragraph. 2.2.6, the Motor Drive PC acts as a key distribution bus, bringing power to many of the sub-assemblies in the 1086. 2.3.5 PRINTHEAD RELAY: Mounted directly to the Motor Drive PC, the Printhead Relay (P/N 450004) is responsible for gating power (the 24V supply, specifically) to the Printhead. To preserve the life of the Printhead, power needs to be removed when not printing. A logic signal from the Digital I/O board toggles the Relay off in non-printing situations. 2.3.6 PRINTHEAD CAPACITOR: Also mounted to the Motor Drive PC, the 11,000µF Printhead Capacitor (P/N 151131) provides a storage tank of power for the in-rush current requirements of the Printhead during printing. 2.3.7 SYSTEM COOLING: A 12 volt fan is strategically located to cool the Power Supply and system electronics. 2.4 PAPER TRANSPORT SYSTEM: The chart drive mechanism in the 1086 is comprised of several components – all of which are discussed in the following paragraphs. 2.4.1 FEED ROLL MAGAZINE: The Feed Roll Magazine, or Paper Feed Chamber, is located on the left-hand side of the machine (adjacent to the Printhead). A roll of 1086 media is generally about 2.5 inches in diameter (130-150 ft. in length) and fits easily in this cavity. If necessary, larger rolls could be accommodated. For instructions on how to load paper, please refer to paragraph 1.2.2 in the previous chapter. 2.4.2 PAPER FEED BLOCKS: Two black Delrin blocks hold the Feed Roll secure in the Paper Feed Chamber. Each block has a set-screw located where the white end plug on the paper core snaps into place. The set-screws are used to adjust the tension on the roll so it does not vibrate during operation. Vibration can cause the roll to unravel slightly, which in turn, causes the paper to walk to one side or the other. Because the blocks are 2-6 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 2 System Overview Rev.A made out of plastic, never ship the recorder with a roll of paper installed. Shipping the recorder with paper loaded can cause damage to the blocks. 2.4.3 PRINT ROLLER ASSEMBLY: The Print Roller Assembly has three main functions. First, it encloses the Feed Roll in its chamber. Second, the metal plate on top of the assembly (called the Feed Roll Cover) provides a smooth surface for the paper to travel across. The aluminum plate is also an ideal table for writing on a printed record. Last, and most importantly, the mechanism is responsible for holding the Print Roller (platen) against the Printhead. This calculated fit presses the paper against the element line of the head in a precise manner for printing. 2.4.4 VIEW PANEL: The View Panel is merely a continuation of the Feed Roll Cover. It is a sturdy electro-coated plate that covers the Electronics Chamber and provides a smooth stable surface for the paper to move across. 2.4.5 PINCH & DRIVE ROLLERS: A pair of rollers, one stainless steel and one urethane-coated, are located between the View Panel and the Take-up Chamber. These two rollers are called the Pinch Roller (stainless) and Drive Roller (urethane) and are responsible for pulling the paper across the viewing area. The Pinch Roller is held against the Drive Roller under strong spring tension and “pinches” the paper between the two rollers. As discussed in the previous chapter, the Pinch Roller Cams can be used to pull the Pinch Roller away from the Drive Roller so that paper may be threaded between the two. The urethane-coated Drive Roller connects to a Stainless Steel Gear Train. 2.4.6 STAINLESS STEEL GEAR TRAIN: Due to the large amount of torque required to accurately step the paper at high rates of speed, the 1086 uses a series of reduction gears connected to the Drive Roller. EPC has found that stainless steel is the best material for the gear cluster. Though this causes the machine to be audibly louder, precise chart speed is maintained. The nylon gears that were formerly used would sometimes compromise print quality by warping. The Gear Train is located underneath the Control Panel. 2-7 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 2 System Overview Rev.A 2.4.7 STEPPER MOTOR: EPC has used the EAD Stepper Motor found in the 1086 (P/N 350001) for more than 20 years. This time proven device is mounted to the aluminum side riser, just under the Control Panel. The motor is driven in full copper mode (all four phases are driven with commons to each pair) by the 24 volt power supply. Full step resolution is 1.8° or 200 steps for one full revolution. The Chart Module used to control the Motor is capable of ½ step operation for finer increments. 2.4.8 CHART MODULE: The Chart Module (P/N 350011) is the liaison between the chart drive logic and power in the 1086 and the Stepper Motor. Taking control signals and distributed voltages from the Motor Drive PC, the Chart Module is responsible for pulsing the phases of the Stepper Motor in accordance with the Lines Per Inch (LPI) setting. One signal in particular, the clock signal on pin 10, governs the distance that the paper is advanced for each printed line. Configured for ½ step operation, a single clock pulse will advance the chart approximately 1/1200th of an inch. So, for a chart speed of 200 LPI, the Chart Module needs to receive a burst of six clocks for every printed line. The burst of clocks has a maximum frequency of about 1.6 kHz. The Chart Clock Circuit on the Motor Drive PC uses 1.2kHz as its base frequency. 2.4.9 CHART CLOCK CIRCUIT: As mentioned in earlier passages, the Chart Clock electronics are located on the Motor Drive PC. The circuit is composed of a programmable oscillator, a PAL (Programmable Array Logic), and some discrete components. The programmable oscillator is configured to run at 1.2kHz to derive the 1086’s Internal Chart Speeds (see Table 2-1). The PAL (EP610T), is programmed by a bit code from the Digital I/O board as to the number of chart clocks to send for a given line (or clocks to count in External Chart Clock mode). A couple of RC (Resistor/Capacitor) networks surround the circuit to filter noise and buffer the signal inputs. If you are using the External Chart Clock Input, make sure the burst rate frequency of the input clocks is less than 1.6kHz and that you send at least four clocks (300 LPI) per line of data to be printed. The Chart Clock Circuit will not print a line until at least four external clocks have been counted. This safety mechanism protects the printhead and the paper from overheating. 2-8 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 2 System Overview Rev.A Table 2-1: Chart Clock Requirements LPI SETTING 75 80 100 120 150 200 240 300 CLOCK PER LINE 16 15 12 10 8 6 5 4 LINE PITCH 0.0133 in (0.339 mm) 0.0125 in (0.318 mm) 0.0100 in (0.318 mm) 0.0083 in (0.212 mm) 0.0067 in (0.169 mm) 0.0050 in (0.127 mm) 0.0042 in (0.106 mm) 0.0033 in (0.085 mm) 2.4.10 TAKE-UP MOTOR: A 12 VDC Take-up Motor (P/N 802223) is mounted to side riser, underneath the Control Panel. The motor is used to turn a hub which attaches to the Take-up Core. Power leads from the motor connect to a power transistor circuit on the Motor Drive PC. This transistor circuit is then enabled or disabled by an I/O bit from the Digital I/O Board. 2.4.11 TAKE-UP BLOCKS: There are two different support blocks used to secure the Take-up Core into the Take-up Chamber. The support on the Control Panel side of the machine is donut-shaped and has two spring plungers protruding into the cavity that the end plug of the core snaps into. The two plungers are there to positively grab the core by the two small slots in the end plug. This mechanism allows the Take-up Motor to spin the Take-up Core. The other Paper Take-up Block is identical to the Paper Feed Blocks. It allows the core to spin in place without grabbing hold of it. 2.4.12 TAKE-UP CHAMBER: The Take-up Chamber is located at the opposite end of the recorder from the Paper Feed Chamber (Feed Roll Magazine). The cavity is spacious enough to wind a complete roll of paper even though the roll will not be as small and tight as the original feed roll. 2.5 ERROR SENSORS (INTERLOCKS): The 1086 has several safety interlocks to prevent damage to the unit in the event of an illegal operating condition. The sensors are detailed in the following sections. Out of Paper Sensor Reflector 2-9 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 2 System Overview Rev.A 2.5.1 EPC PAPER SENSOR INTERLOCK: Located in one of the Paper Feed Blocks, the EPC Paper Sensor determines the presence of EPC qualified paper. Using unauthorized recording medium may cause irreparable damage to the Printhead. In addition, the paper sensor verifies that the roll of paper is orientated correctly. 2.5.2 PRINTHEAD NOT ENGAGED SWITCH: Located just above the upper Paper Feed Block, the Not Engaged Switch connects to the system I/O Board via the Motor Drive PC. When this switch is open, an error message will appear on the left LCD and the machine will not operate. The interlock is an attempt to insure that no printing takes place when paper is not properly loaded. 2.5.3 PAPER OUT SENSOR: The Paper Out Sensor is mounted to a bracket in the lower region of the Paper Feed Chamber. This device is an optical device that is activated by a reflector mounted on the underside of the Print Roller Carriage. When all paper has been discharged, a beam from the sensor bounces off the reflector and back to the sensor’s pickup. In this event, an error message is displayed and the machine becomes inoperative. The interlock is an attempt to insure that no printing takes place when paper is not properly loaded. 2.5.4 PRINTHEAD THERMISTOR: Read via an A/D converter on the ISA Control Board, the Printhead Thermistor relays temperature information to the embedded program. Once the temperature of the Printhead exceeds 150° Fahrenheit, the machine will stop operating until it cools to 120°F. During the cooling period it is a good idea to shut the recorder off and move it to a well ventilated area. 2-10 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A CHAPTER THREE – THEORY OF OPERATION 3.0 GENERAL: This chapter gives a very detailed account of what goes on during analog and parallel data acquisition, line buffering, data formatting, and thermal printing. 3.1 ANALOG DATA ACQUISITION: The 1086 can be connected to a variety of Side Scan Sonar systems and Subbottom Profilers. The purpose of the host sonar system is to provide the electronics, drive circuitry, and electro-mechanical components that generate an acoustic impulse in the water. The impulse reflects off of objects either on top of the sea floor or underneath it. Many of these reflections return to the source of the impulse where they can be measured by a sensitive device called a hydrophone. Impulses that reflect off of hard objects will cause the hydrophone to create stronger analog signals while reflections from soft objects generate weaker returns. The varying analog signals are then digitized and printed by the 1086. This whole sequence of events, called a sweep or a line scan, is based on repetitive synchronization pulses that trigger the sonar and recorder. 3.2 TRIGGER CHARACTERISTICS: Generally, analog sonars are used as synchronous devices. The impulse that occurs in the water is the result of a trigger pulse being generated at a set rate. The rate is dependent on many factors, such as, how fast the device can actually be triggered, the distance the impulse has to travel, and the speed of the vessel. This trigger pulse, often called a key pulse, represents “time zero” of the impulse – the baseline after which all events occurring during the pulse period are measured. The key pulse can be generated by either the recorder or the sonar system. When the recorder is used to trigger the sonar (recorder “KEY OUT” to sonar “TRIGGER IN”), the recorder is said to be the “master” and the sonar is the “slave”. Exactly the opposite holds true for when the sonar system is used to trigger the recorder. 3.2.1 INTERNAL TRIGGER MODE: When the 1086 is set to Internal Trigger (1086 is master), it will produce a pulse on its KEY OUT connector at the rate specified in the KEY RATE field. The pulse is 156 µS in width, TTL. The polarity of the pulse is selectable in the KEY OUT field. 3-1 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A 3.2.2 EXTERNAL TRIGGER MODE: In External Trigger (1086 is slave), the recorder waits to receive a TTL trigger pulse to initiate a line scan sequence. The pulse can be positive or negative going – there is a slope selection under the TRG SLOPE field. It is important to understand the nature of the sonar’s key pulse when operating in this mode. If the host pulse is very long, several milliseconds, and the slope field is not set correctly, the recording of the signal will actually be delayed by the length of the key pulse. In shallow water applications this could represent a significant error in the scale of the record. 3.3 ANALOG SIGNAL CONDITIONING: The sonar’s analog output is brought to the 1086 through one or both of the signal input jacks on the front of the machine. These inputs have a 2kΩ impedance and can print signals from 0-10V. Input bandwidth is –3dB when Vin is a one-volt peak-to-peak, 200kHz sine wave. * 3.3.1 INPUT AMPLIFIER / PRIMARY GAIN STAGE: The first and primary gain stage is linear and occurs at the signal input. The circuit is based on an adjustable 20kΩ potentiometer loop around the 2kΩ input resistor and op-amp. This network gives the 10-turn GAIN Controls a range of 010 with extremely fine resolution. 3.3.2 TIME VARIED GAIN: The next stop for the incoming signal is the non-linear spreading loss amplifier. Since the impulse in the water attenuates and propagates over distance, signals that are coming from further away tend to be weaker. By ramping the gain during the course of the sweep, this problem can be offset to produce more uniform looking data. The non-linear amp (AD600) works by amplifying the input signal as a logarithmic factor of a control voltage input on one of its pins. By changing the control voltage over time, you change the shape of the log curve. The control voltage is a linear ramp that increases from 0 to Ref over the course of a sweep. The Ref voltage is set by an eight bit control code written to a D/A Converter with a maximum output of 2.5 Volts. This eight bit code is what the user sets from the control panel. For instance, if the recorder is set for a 100 ms sweep, and TVG is set to 128 (out of 255 max), the Ref voltage will ramp (linearly) from 0 to 1.25 volts over the 100ms scan period. This will cause the spreading loss amp to use a logarithmically increasing gain that increases at a rate about half as fast as it is capable of increasing. In general, bigger numbers in the TVG field will cause larger amounts of gain towards the end of the scan, as the gain curves get steeper and steeper. * high bandwidth op-amps required. 3-2 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A 3.3.3 SIGNAL POLARITY: The digitizing circuitry in the 1086 only recognizes DC voltages. The analog signals generated by sonar systems are usually AC. The third input stage handles this polarity issue. The POLARITY switches on the Interface Panel allow an operator to select Positive, Negative, or Both (+,-,+/-) portions of the signal to view. If the ‘+’ selection is used, the negative going portion of the AC signal is gated off. If the ‘-‘ setting is used, The positive part of the wave is removed and the negative portion is rectified. When ‘+/-‘ is selected, the negative half is rectified allowing the A/D converter to see the amplitudes of both portions of the signal. 3.3.4 BANDPASS FILTERS: Low and mid frequency (0-12kHz) sonar signals are commonly affected by undesirable electrical noise emanating from generators, cabling, and other shipboard equipment. For this reason, the 1086 has a Bandpass Filter available on Channel A (ostensibly for sub-bottom data). There are a pair of switchedcapacitor filters (MF10) that are used in tandem to form a high pass cutoff frequency and a low pass cutoff frequency. The cutoff frequency for each filter is a derivative of a base oscillator input. The Low Pass Filter passes any signal with a frequency that is less than 1/50th of its base clock. The High Pass Filter is configured to pass any frequency greater than 1/100th of its base clock. The oscillator input for each of the two filters is derived from two separate, digitally programmable oscillators. Changing the Low Pass or High Pass setting on the panel causes different control codes to be sent to the programmable oscillators, thus changing the base input frequency for the corresponding filter. These filters are only used together to set up a distinct ‘notch’. They can not be used independently to set an open ended band. As the input frequency approaches either of the frequencies visible on the control panel, it will attenuate about 3 dB, and then drop rapidly to nothing as the frequency goes beyond the cutoff. The BP FILTERS control enables or disables the pair of filters by means of an analog switch (MAX333). 3.3.5 THRESHOLD STAGE: Two independent Threshold controls are provided to add (or subtract) DC offset to the signal on either channel. This final stage is useful to eliminate small components of noise commonly found near signal ground. By increasing offset, the signal noise drops below ground where it can no longer be digitized and printed. The overall effect on the main signal is usually minimal. 3-3 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A 3.4 SIGNAL MUX: The conditioned signal outputs from the Channel A and Channel B Threshold Amplifiers are presented to the same MAX333 Quad Analog Switch used to enable and disable the Bandpass Filters. The switch has an A/B input that determines which channel is presented to the A/D Converter for digitizing. If Single Channel operation is selected, the A/B input remains in a steady state, allowing only Channel A to pass through to the A/D Converter input. When Dual Channel mode is used, the switch is clocked (by control logic) at one half the frequency of the A/D Converter clock. This causes each channel to be sampled on every other clock cycle to the A/D. Some may argue that this cuts the bandwidth of the converter in half. While this is true, only half as many samples need to be taken for a given channel since both channels have to share the record width (1024 dots each as opposed to 2048 dots for one channel only). 3.5 DIGITIZATION: For every key pulse, the acoustic impulse is created, turned into an analog signal, and then conditioned in some or all of the ways described above. The entire pre-digitization process is designed to provide the 1086’s A/D Converter (MAX153) with a clean, 0-5V signal. In general, A/D converters take an input voltage and, when enabled (clocked), turn that voltage into a number. The act of clocking the converter once is called taking a sample. By taking several samples over a period of time, a series of numbers can be generated to represent the changing amplitude of the signal over that period of time. The period is referred to as a sweep or a scan. The 1086 takes 2048 samples during one scan – one sample for each dot on the printhead. These values are eight bit binary numbers in the range from 0-255. A value of 0 (0x00) corresponds to an input voltage of 0V, which translates to a white dot on the printed record. Conversely, a sample with a value of 255 (0xFF) is the result of a 5 volt input signal and produces a black dot on the paper. All the values in between produce a proportionate level of gray. 3.5.1 SCAN RATE: As stated previously, a Scan sequence is initiated each time the sonar is triggered. The Scan Rate is the period of time in which the 1086 collects the 2048 samples for the next printed line. Because the number of samples is fixed at 2k, shorter scan periods will yield higher resolution data. Scan Rate is usually a function of how far the acoustic impulse must travel to reflect back with useful data. Fast scan rates are indicative of short range/shallow water applications. 3-4 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A 3.5.2 CALCULATING RECORD SCALE: Figuring out the appropriate scan rate for an application is the job of the operator or scientist running the equipment. Still, EPC receives many calls inquiring about this procedure. As a general rule of thumb, the distance or range on a record can be calculated with the following formula: D = S x (V/2) Where: D = Distance S = Scan Rate V = Velocity of Sound in Water (approx. 4800 Feet / Second) Ex. Single Channel Mode Scan Rate = 0.100 Velocity = 4800 ft/s D = 0.100 x (4800/2) à 240 Feet In the above example, the width of the entire record would correspond to 240 feet. The reason the V constant is divided by two, is because we are only interested in the one-way travel time of the acoustic impulse, that is, the time it took to reflect back to the hydrophone. 3.5.3 DELAYED SCANS: Some seismic applications occur in extremely deep water. These types of applications require that the scan of data for a given line be delayed for a period after the sonar creates its impulse. This way, the sound has time to travel to the point of interest and return before the 1086 starts sampling. Without this function, the operator would be forced to use excessively long scan periods which, as stated earlier, have much less resolution. Also, the resultant record would be dedicated to printing mostly water column instead of geology. 3.5.4 CALCULATING DELAY: A useful delay period can be determined using the same math that was used in the Scan Rate example. Suppose there is a region to be profiled that is sitting in 3100 feet of water and we want to create a record of the first 400 feet of that region. A good first configuration would be to set a scan rate for 500 feet and a delay period that would gate out 3000 feet of the water column. 3-5 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A Using: D = S x (V/2) to calculate the Scan Rate: 500 = S x 2400 S = (500/2400) à Scan Rate = 0.208 Seconds Next, use the same formula to calculate Delay (d), plugging 3000 in for the Distance (D): 3000 = d x 2400 d = (3000/2400) à Delay Period = 1.250 Seconds It is important to note here that these equations are very approximate. They are general rules that do not take into account how the velocity constant changes with salinity, temperature, and most importantly, geology. 3.5.5 SCAN AND DELAY LIMITATIONS: While configuring Scan and Delay on the Control Panel, it is important to not enter invalid settings. Doing so will cause the recorder to drop lines of data – resulting in inaccurate ground track. The Scan Period and Delay Period added together should never be greater than the Key Period. 3.5.6 LINE STACKING: Many analog based sonar systems are subject to noise as discussed in paragraph 3.3.4. In addition to the analog bandpass filters, the 1086 offers a digital method of filtering the data called stacking. Because this algorithm is applied to the data after digitization, it will work in digital acquisition as well. Stacking is a method of averaging whole lines against other whole lines of data. In a three line stack, each pixel in each successive line becomes part of a running average. The average value of the last three dots is then printed for that pixel number (column). The net result of this process tends to make strong signals more pronounced and weak signals less pronounced. Strong returns usually occur in repeatable trends whereas noise is random. A single dot of noise which is averaged with two subsequent white dots becomes a very small, barely visible dot. Conversely, several dots of legitimate signal return average together to make a larger, more intense series of dots. 3.6 DIGITAL DATA ACQUISITION: The collection of digital parallel data on the 1086 is, by contrast to analog data collection, a very simple process. More and more sonar systems today are using personal computers to digitize, store, format, and view data. Since the data in these systems is already in a digital format, the Printer Port on the PC can be 3-6 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A used to easily transmit the data to the 1086. The following paragraphs describe how this is accomplished. 3.6.1 DATA TRANSMISSION: The 1086 is a line scan type printer. When a line’s worth of data has accumulated in its input buffer, the 1086 prints the line and then advances the paper. This occurs after 2048 bytes of data have been transmitted from the host to the 1086. Each successive byte of data corresponds to each sequential pixel on the printhead. That is, the first byte transmitted is encoded with the intensity information for ‘pixel 0’ at the top of the record. The 2048th byte contains the level information for ‘pixel 2047’. After the 2048th byte is received, the line prints and the paper advances. The next byte received is then assigned back to pixel 0 again. In normal operation, there are no synchronization bytes or control codes – just raw binary data that synchronizes on a byte count of 2048. 3.6.2 EMBEDDED CONTROL CODES (SYNCH AND REPEAT): There is only a single ‘command’ available over the parallel interface. The full command set is implemented on the serial interface or the keyboard. Using the parallel interface, it is possible to synchronize (reset to zero) the byte (pixel) counter for incoming data and set a repeat count with a single one byte command. For this command to have any effect, the 1086 must not be set to “8 BIT” in the DATA TYPE field. When set to anything other than “8 BIT” the 1086 will decode byte values over 240d (0xF0) as a combination reset/repeat command. The upper nibble of the byte must be set to F (0xF?, 1111b) and then the lower nibble will be decoded as a repeat count. The repeat count (how many times each line of new digital data will be printed) remains active until a new repeat count is set. For instance, suppose the 1086 is in 6 BIT data mode and has received 2046 bytes of valid data when it receives a byte of 0xF3. In this case, the previous 2046 pixels of information are discarded and the pixel counter is reset to zero. Additionally, the line repeat count is set to three. This means each 2048 valid bytes of successive data will be printed three times in a row until a new repeat code is set. Line repeating is a common method for stretching out the printed record, or speed-correcting, in side scan applications. Note for Developers: A good method for keeping the record synchronized is to use six bit data and proceed every 2048 byte stream with a byte value of 0xF1. Every line transmission will only be 2049 bytes long, and the record should stay synchronized. 3.6.3 PIXEL DEPTH: Having stated that a host program must send 2048 bytes per raster line of data, it’s worth asking what each byte of data means to the 1086. Each byte is encoded with the intensity information (shade) that its corresponding pixel is to 3-7 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A print. A byte value of zero (0x00) will always produce a white dot on the record. The value required to print a black dot is dependent on what the DATA TYPE field is set to. If DATA TYPE is set to “6 BIT”, the host program should only send data in the range of 0x00 to 0x3F (000000b to 111111b, 0d to 63d). For many systems, 8 BIT is a natural setting, since many A/D converters produce eight bit values in the range 0x00 to 0xFF (00000000b to 11111111b, 0d to 255d). The top end of the range always determines what a black dot should be. All bytes in between will be an appropriate level of gray. It is important to note that the SHADES selection has no effect at all on DATA TYPE. The 1086 maintains an internal Look-up-Table to translate the data range into the available gray levels to print. If the 1086 is set to print sixteen levels of gray, it is perfectly legal (and actually advisable) to use a six or eight bit data format. 3.6.4 DATA SHIFTING AND THE GIGO THEORY: At EPC Labs, we are often accused of doing a poor job printing someone’s digital data. Usually, The GIGO (Garbage-In, Garbage-Out) theory applies. As a ruleof-thumb, if the Internal Test Pattern on the 1086 produces a nice gray ramp, there is nothing wrong with the machine. Muted, flat, or otherwise poor looking digital data is usually the result of an incorrect DATA TYPE setting or data that has not been properly justified. One major error that developers make is assuming that the pixel values that are assigned to video memory for their CRT displays will map identically to the printer. For starters, computer monitors are inherently black whereas paper is usually white. This causes most printer and VGA palettes to be inverted to one another. Also, color displays work on three components of color, red, green and blue. The green ‘gun’ usually contains the bulk of the intensity information. The TGR paper of course is primarily working with one color (black) and is only capable of presenting information based on a portion of this single color. As a point of interest, color VGA values can be converted to gray scale using the following formula: Gray Value = (0.59 x Green Value) + (0.11 x Blue Value) + (0.30 x Red Value) 3 Rather than fiddling with this formula, the best method for a developer to use is to buffer the values directly from the digitizer and shift them into the appropriate bit field. For instance, many popular A/D cards will generate a series of 12 bit values to represent the incoming analog data. The general logic required to map a 12 bit integer to a pixel configured for six bit data input is coded as follows: send_byte((unsigned char)((val>>6)&0x3F)); This ‘C’ code divides the 12 bit value by 26 by using the shift operator (>>) and then casts the value as an unsigned, eight bit character before passing it to the transmission procedure. The ‘0x3F’ bit mask is added as a redundant safe guard 3-8 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A to insure that the resultant value is formatted strictly within the 0x00-0x3F range. This code should produce no ill side effects. 3.6.5 DATA DECIMATION: Another problem software engineers run into during driver development is incompatible transformation sizes. As previously stated, the 1086 requires 2048 bytes of data to print a line. Not many VGA adapters use a horizontal pixel resolution of 2048. Common resolutions for the ‘X’ plane are 1280, 1024, 800, or 640. A clever way for a developer maximize bandwidth and minimize transformation problems would be to collect 2048 samples per shot and use a video resolution of 1024 x 768. This way the video adapter is in a fairly high resolution mode that maps as an even derivative of the 1086’s line size. Corrected data values can then be sent to the 1086 as one byte for every pixel. From this data, an algorithm can easily be created to generate video data as a product of every two printer pixels. If the digitizer produces more samples than the number of dots on the 1086, similar methods of decimation can be used. Suppose the A/D card produces 4096 12 bit samples (common binary number) for every shot and stores them in an integer array called ad_data[4096]. A line of data (called pbuff[2048]) can easily be generated for transmission with the following code: //----------------------------------- code segment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------int ctr, idx=0; for(ctr=0; ctr<2048; ctr++){ pbuff[ctr] = ((((ad_data[idx] >= ad_data[idx+1]) ? ad_data[idx] : ad_data[idx+1]) >> 6) & 0x3F); idx+=2; send_byte(pbuff[ctr]); } //------------------------------- end code segment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This segment obviously relies heavily on in-lining to accomplish several operations in a few lines of code. Notice the peak detection that takes place in the inner most set of parenthesis. EPC feels that this algorithm works better than averaging for data decimation. Consider a black bit of data and a white bit of data immediately adjacent to one another. What provides a stronger image of those two dots, a single gray dot, or a single black dot? If the number of samples cannot be evenly divided by 2048, it is really up to the developer to choose a method that is best suited for the type of data being printed. 3.6.6 PARALLEL PORT HARDWARE: The pin assignments for the Parallel Interface can be found in the specifications section of this manual or any PC reference. What is significant to note in this section is how the 1086 implements its parallel data handshake. In general, the Parallel Printer Port (running in compatibility mode) on most PCs is comprised of three registers. These registers are written to or read from by host software so 3-9 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A as to control the TTL signal lines that physically connect a computer to the 1086. A good programming example appeared earlier in this manual demonstrating how to access these registers directly. DATA REGISTER: On most PCs, the Data Register is mapped to the address space at 0x378. If a secondary ‘LPT2’ exists, it can usually be found at 0x278. In either case, the Data Register is referred to as the Base Address from which the other two registers (Status and Control) are sequentially enumerated. The register contains an internal latch which allows data values written to it to be read back. Writing a value to this port will drive the non-inverting outputs on the parallel connector appropriately (D0 to D7 on pins 2 through 9, respectively). Consider the following instruction: outp(0x378, 0xF1); This macro would cause pins 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9 to be driven to a TTL high state, or logical ‘1’, while pins 3, 4, and 5, would be driven low to ‘0’. STATUS REGISTER: The register located at BASE+1 (normally 0x379) is the Status Register. This register consists of five input bits that pertain to the readiness of the printer. The following table shows the logic associated with this register and how the 1086 implements its signals: Bit # Pin TTL LEV WHEN ‘1’ IS READ NAME 1086 USAGE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 13 12 10 HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH N/A N/A N/A /ERROR SLCT PAPER /ACK 7 11 LOW BUSY N/A N/A N/A IDLE HIGH – NOT USED IDLE HIGH – NOT USED IDLE LOW – NOT USED ACTIVE LOW – DRIVEN, NOT NEEDED ACTIVE HIGH – DRIVEN, MUST BE OBSERVED CONTROL REGISTER: The Control Register is located at BASE+2 (commonly 0x37A) and implements a set of four output signals, all of which are inverted. The most critical of these signals is the strobe line on pin #1. When this signal is driven low and then high again by the host, whatever data is in the Data Register is transmitted to the 1086’s input buffer. The host should never drive this signal unless BIT 7 of the 3-10 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A Status Register (Busy) is inactive. These are the only two critical handshake signals that the 1086 implements. The general logic for sending a byte at the register level is clearly defined in the programming example at the beginning of this manual. Bit # Pin TTL LEV WHEN ‘1’ IS WRITTEN / READ NAME 1086 USAGE 0 1 2 3 Bit # 1 14 16 17 Pin LOW / LOW LOW / LOW LOW / HIGH LOW / LOW TTL LEV WHEN ‘1’ IS WRITTEN / READ /STROBE /AUTOFEED /INITIALIZE /SELECT NAME REQUIRED NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED 1086 USAGE 4 5 6 7 INT - 1=ENABLED IRQ7 - IRQ EN N/A N/A N/A CAN BE USED N/A N/A N/A EXTENDED CAPABILITIES: The IEEE-1284 specification outlines a comprehensive method by which a parallel port’s capabilities can be extended. The 1086 has no means for ‘negotiating’ these modes with a host computer. Electrically, the input circuitry can support the EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port) part of the specification, provided the right cable is used. This mode allows burst rate input at up to 1.0 MHz. The DMA based closed loop handshake in the ECP portion of the standard is not supported, nor is PS/2 derived bi-directional port. If you have a need to work with the extended registers in a custom application, please feel free to contact EPC Labs, as it has reasonable knowledge of this standard. 3.7 RS-232 INPUT: The 1086 can receive commands or data over its DCE configured serial port. The minimum cabling required to connect to a host computer is a three wire null modem (Tx to Rx, Rx to Tx, and GND to GND). Baud Rate is selectable on the 1086 and must match the host. Furthermore, the host must configure its port to use eight data bits, no parity, and one stop bit (8,N,1). Once this connection is made, the 1086 will accept either commands or data, not both. 3.7.1 RS-232 DATA: EPC Labs does not recommend using the serial port for printing data. Even with the fastest baud rate of 115.2kbits per second, printing will be relatively slow. If you must use this interface for data, make the appropriate connections and set DATA INPUT to ‘RS-232’. The transmitted data must then be formatted in 3-11 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A accordance with the same rules that govern parallel digital data from the previous section. The synch/repeat control code is not available in this mode of operation. 3.7.2 RS-232 COMMANDS: Primarily, the RS-232 interface on the 1086 is used for receiving commands. Just about every function on the 1086 can be remotely implemented using the rich command set. Each RS-232 command consists of a header followed by one or more arguments. The header and each subsequent argument is separated by a white space (0x20). The command string should be terminated with a Carriage Return / Line Feed (0x0D / 0x0A) pair of characters. The entire command set is implemented in the typeable ASCII range – making it easy to test commands from a terminal emulator. As was the case with sending serial data, the host system must be configured for 8,N,1 with a baud rate that matches the 1086. In the following example, the command string would cause 5.2 inches of paper to advance on the 1086: FEED 5.2<CR/LF> The full command set is described in the Protocol section of this manual (Appendix A). 3.8 KEYBOARD INTERFACE: All of the 1086 remote commands can also be implemented on the system’s keyboard. EPC recommends using a keyboard because changing some functions, like SCAN RATE, is much easier with a keyboard than scrolling the values on the Control Panel. It is also less intrusive to data collection because the keystrokes are buffered in the background through an interrupt driven process. By contrast, the switches on the Control Panel are polled and the microprocessor spends much more time decoding the switches than it does decoding keystrokes. The Protocol section of the manual contains a detailed description of all remote commands and their functions. 3.9 MESSAGE AND ANNOTATION FUNCTIONS: The 1086 has a comprehensive set of functions dedicate to marking and annotating the printed record. Scale Lines, Event Marks, Fix Numbers, Navigation Data, and Messages can all be easily added to the output. Since many attributes need to be recurrent, there are provisions for triggering events and messages automatically at set intervals. 3.9.1 BASIC EVENT MARKS: Solid, dashed, or tick mark events can be printed on the record by selecting the type of event and then triggering it. Events can be triggered by a contact closure 3-12 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A over the EXT MARK BNC connector, pressing the EVT button, sending an EVENT command, or through the AUTOEVENT facility. When MESSAGE is selected as the current event type, triggering an event will cause the current MESSAGE to print instead of an event line. This feature is provided for those who wish to print messages using the EXT MARK BNC. 3.9.2 PRINTING MESSAGES: Alphanumeric text strings can be added to the record several ways. Using remote commands via the Keyboard or RS-232 Interface, any message can be entered and immediately printed (e.g. MES HELLO WORLD!<CR/LF>). Any of the preset messages can be printed by simply selecting the desired message in the MESSAGE field, and then pressing the MSG button. These same messages can also be triggered using the AUTOMSG function. 3.9.3 MESSAGE ATTRIBUTES: The size, location, and background of printed text can be controlled by the CHAR SIZE, MARGIN, and BACKGROUND controls, respectively. 3.9.4 AUTOEVENT: The AUTOEVENT function is provided to automatically trigger the printing of event lines. The interval works by line count and that line count is reset whenever the control is changed. Suppose you are printing at a rate of four lines per second (0.250 Key Rate) and you wish to print a dashed event line every ten minutes. Simply select DASHED for the EVENT TYPE, and set AUTOEVENT to 2400 (4 lines per second x 60 seconds per minute x 10 minutes). 3.9.5 AUTOMSG: The AUTOMSG function will automatically generate the preset text message at a set line interval. It works identically the same way AUTOEVENT works and prints the text string with the current attributes. 3.9.6 USING FIX NUMBERS: It is common practice in surveying to place cyclic event marks on a record and number those events in ascending order. The FIX # feature on the 1086 does just that. To use this feature, first set the TGR to a non-printing mode. Next, select the current fix number to start with under the FIX # field. The next number that prints will be one greater than what you set. The FIX preset must be selected under the MESSAGE field and you must decide how you want to trigger the FIX message. Manual or AUTOMSG type triggers will have the same effect. A good method is to use AUTOMSG to set up a numbered grid, and then use manual triggers to number special events. When the FIX is triggered, an event 3-13 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A line is printed with the fix number just above the line, in the margin. The event line will reflect whatever is selected in the EVENT TYPE field. 3.9.7 PRINTING NAVIGATION DATA: Latitude, Longitude, and GPS time can be annotated on the record by using the 1086’s GPS interface. There are several parameters that must be configured to use this function. The GPS receiver must be properly configured to interface to the 1086’s serial port, with matching baud rates and data formats (8,N,1). It must also be configured to output the NMEA 0183 string with the identifier “$GPGGA”. If the receiver does not have this output string or format available, this procedure will not work. Prior to making the physical connection between the 1086 and the GPS receiver, set the following menu items as shown: FIELD SETTING DATA INPUT BAUD RATE AUTOMSG MESSAGE NOT RS-232 4800 or 9600 to match receiver As Desired $GPGGA Once both pieces of equipment are properly configured, make the cable connection from the receiver to the 1086. Connecting the receiver before the 1086 is ready to receive ‘GPS’ data, will cause the recorder to try to decode the GPS output as serial commands. The result will be an endless series of invalid commands which will most likely hang one or both pieces of equipment. Most receivers are generally configured as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and will require only a straight cable connection to the 1086’s DCE configured port. 3.10 THERMAL PRINTING: The following paragraphs describe, in detail, what occurs during the printing process. This information is provided for those who are interested in the electronics, the logic, and the methods that are used to create high resolution images on thermal paper or film. 3.10.1 DATA LOADING: Once the Microprocessor has determined that there is a line of data available in the Interface Board’s line buffer, it reads the line out and stores it in a 2K data array in system RAM. It is at this point in time that any attributes are added to the data. If there are scale lines, event marks, or alphanumeric messages to print, the appropriate bit patterns are ANDed or ORed into the data array. The formatted data array is then transferred byte by byte to the Control Board’s ping pong buffer using a high speed assembler loop. The Microprocessor Board then begins the print cycle. 3-14 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A 3.10.2 PRINT CYCLE: A print cycle involves several steps. The pseudo code below shows the general logic used by the Microprocessor to drive the Control Board and Chart Drive circuitry through this process. OUTPUT NEW DATA TO CONTROL BOARD TOGGLE PING PONG BUFFER SO NEW DATA IS ‘ON-LINE’ INITIALIZE THE SHADE VALUE TO ZERO WHILE THE SHADE VALUE IS NOT AT THE LAST SHADE, DO THE FOLLOWING: LOAD THE SHADE VALUE INTO THE CONTROL BOARDS ‘SHADE’ REGISTER SET THE STROBE WIDTH (ENABLE PERIOD) FOR THIS PARTICULAR SHADE ISSUE A ‘START PULSE’ TO THE CONTROL BOARD TO PRINT THE SHADE WAIT FOR A ‘DONE’ SIGNAL FROM THE CONTROL BOARD INCREMENT THE SHADE COUNTER, AND CONTINUE TO TOP OF LOOP NOW THAT ALL SHADES HAVE BEEN ‘STROBED’, ISSUE A TRIGGER PULSE TO THE CHART DRIVE CIRCUITRY TO ADVANCE THE PAPER 3.10.3 PRINTHEAD SIGNALS: The Control Board is responsible for driving all the electrical signals to the Printhead. These signals are described in the following table: SIGNAL PIN # DESCRIPTION BEO DATA /STROBE 1 /STROBE 2 /STROBE 3 /STROBE 4 THERMISTOR /LOAD CLOCK JP-2 JP-3 JP-5 JP-7 JP-9 JP-11 JP-14 JP-21 JP-23 BLOCK ENABLE OUT – GLOBAL ENABLE SIGNAL SERIAL DATA INPUT TO PRINTHEAD ENABLE SIGNAL FOR DOTS 0-511 ENABLE SIGNAL FOR DOTS 512-1023 ENABLE SIGNAL FOR DOTS 1024-1535 ENABLE SIGNAL FOR DOTS 1536-2047 VOLTAGE LEVEL CORRESPONDING TO HEAD TEMPERATURE LATCH SIGNAL TO ENABLE ALL 2048 DATA BITS IN PHEAD 4 MHz CLOCK FOR LOADING DATA INTO PHEAD SHIFT REG 3.10.4 PRINTHEAD LOGIC: When a ‘start’ pulse is issued to the Control Board, it begins the process of loading data to the printhead and then enabling (strobing) the dots. An address counter on the board cycles up from zero to 2047 at a frequency of 4.0 MHz. Each successive clock causes the ping pong ram to yield the next byte of data that defines the depth of the next sequential pixel. The byte is compared to the current shade value in the shade register. If the byte is greater than or equal to the current shade, the Control Board cycles the Printhead data line high. Nanoseconds later the rising edge of the printhead clock signal latches the data 3-15 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A into a 2048 bit shift register on the printhead. When the last of the data has been shifted into the head, the Control Board generates a load pulse which causes the data in the head’s shift register to become ‘active’. It also clears the shift register so that the next shade’s data can begin loading. The dots on the printhead are then enabled via the strobe signals. The four strobe lines cycle low, one at a time, to enable each bank of 512 dots. Each pixel can be thought of as being driven by an AND gate. The gate has three inputs, one of which, the strobe signal, is inverted. The other two inputs are the global BEO signal and the data bit for that dot. If the data bit is set to a logical ‘1’ and BEO is high, the falling strobe line will cause the output of the gate to sink current through the pixel. The pixel is nothing more than a resistor that gets hot when current passes through it. By precisely controlling the duration of the strobe pulses, the energy that a pixel releases to the paper can be accurately defined. This process is executed once for each of the shades to print (i.e. sixteen times for sixteen shades). Once the last shade has been ‘strobed’, the paper is advanced and the next line is loaded. 3.10.5 PRINT METHODS: The 1086’s Control Board is capable of using any one of three methods for shading and comparing the printhead data. EPC decided to use the Magnitude compare method because of the balance between print speed and dot definition. The pros and cons of each method are stated below. MAGNITUDE WEIGHTED COMPARE: The 1086’s Control Board uses what is called a Magnitude Weighted Compare method of printing. What this means is that the shade level of a dot is actually the sum of all the shade cycles leading up to, and including, the dot’s shade. So if a particular pixel is to print at a shade level of eight out of 16 (about 50% gray), that dot will be turned on through each of the first eight strobe cycles, and then remain idle for the last eight. EQUAL WEIGHTED COMPARE: In an Equal Weighted Compare method, the dot would only be enabled when the current shade cycle was exactly equal to the data for that dot. Using the previous example, the dot in question would be turned on only once, on the eighth shade cycle. Since the Magnitude method takes advantage of energy from previous shades, the strobe cycles can be much shorter. This translates to much faster print speeds than the Equal method. BINARY WEIGHTED COMPARE: A third technique, called Binary Weighted Compare, is the fastest of the three methods. In this method, the logic will cycle through the number of bits in the MAX shade value. A dot is then enabled based on whether the current ‘bit’ 3-16 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A appears in the shade value for that dot. Referring back to our previous example, the controller would need to go through four cycles (for 16 possible shades) with the following compare values loaded into the shade register on each cycle: 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08 (0001b, 0010b, 0100b, 1000b). The dot with the value of eight would be enabled on the fourth cycle only because the value eight only has one bit in it (1000b). Though the reduced number of cycles make this method very fast, a true gray ramp cannot be created because of disproportionate cooling between shades. Consider how a dot with a data value of five (0x05, 0101b) would print. It would be enabled on the first cycle, would begin cooling on the second cycle and then get turned on again in the third cycle. Different shades, obviously, cool differently. When coupled with the non-linear response curve of the paper, this method really cannot do a fair job at creating distinct gray levels. 3.10.6 DOT MODULATION: To complicate matters in an already complicated process, the thermal paper does not behave in a linear fashion with regards to energy. If a strobe pulse of x generates a 25% gray level on the paper, stretching the pulse to 2x will not produce 50% gray. For this reason, and other reasons having to do with cooling, it is necessary to vary the widths of the enable pulses to the printhead on every shade cycle. A ‘strobe table’ is maintained in system memory for this function. The table is an integer array loaded with a set of numeric time constants that relate to given shades in given ambient temperatures for the particular media being used (paper or film). On every shade cycle, the appropriate strobe value is loaded into an 8254 Counter Timer. The 8254 is programmed as a hardware triggered one-shot whose base clock has a 250ηs period. A typical strobe count for shade #0 might be 500. So, on the first shade cycle, the four strobe lines would cycle low for 125µs (500 x 250ηs). The active strobe table is calculated based on the temperature of the head, the CONTRAST setting, the MEDIA setting, the mean resistance of the pixel elements on the printhead, and the total number of shades to print. 3-17 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 3 Theory of Operation Rev.A 3-18 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting Rev.A CHAPTER FOUR – MAINTENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING 4.0 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF TROUBLE SHOOTING: The following procedures should be performed in a clean, dry area by qualified personnel. 4.1 GENERAL MAINTENANCE: General maintenance should be performed when changing media or when a problem is encountered. 4.1.1 KEEP THE AREA CLEAN: The 1086 is a rugged field ready machine that prints on continuous thermal paper. One of the most basic practices that will extend the life of the 1086 is to keep the general area around the recorder clean. This practice will prevent dust from getting inside the recorder and on the thermal printhead. 4.1.2 CLEAN THE PAPER FEED CHAMBER: To remove any dust or small particles that are in the Paper Feed Chamber. Dust particles can attach themselves to the outside of the paper Roll and get PURPOSE fed into the element line of the printhead, causing a small white spot or small white streak on the record. ITEMS OR A clean, lint free cloth rag is recommended. Standard household ammonia TOOLS based cleaners are acceptable but alcohol is highly recommended. 1) Avoid the use of flammable or toxic cleaning fluids such as carbon tetrachloride. (Cleaners this powerful will take the paint off of the case of the recorder). PRECAUTIONS 2) Avoid touching the element line of the printhead. The oils from fingertips can accelerate the heat transfer process. This will cause pixels to burn out prematurely. 1) DISCONNECT THE 1086 FROM ITS AC POWER SOURCE!! 2) Open the Feed Roll Chamber and remove the roll of paper. 3) Lightly moisten the rag with the cleaning fluid. Make sure none of the fluid is dripping off of the rag. PROCEDURE 4) Wipe down the inside of the Paper Feed Chamber, removing the dust particles. 5) Wait until the chamber is dry and replace the roll of paper. 6) Connect the recorder to its AC power source. The chamber should be cleaned after the use of every roll of paper. 4-1 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting Rev.A Note: When cleaning the Paper Feed Chamber be careful not to come in contact with the element line. Figure 4-1 – cleaning Feed Roll Chamber 4.1.3 CLEAN THE THERMAL PRINTHEAD: To remove any dust or residue deposited on the printhead after the use of a roll of paper or film. A clean, lint free cloth rag should be used. Also a small cotton swab may be ITEMS OR used. Use either denatured or isopropyl alcohol. The ideal item is an TOOLS alcohol swab (EPC uses Becton-Dickinson PN: 326895 containing over 70% alcohol). 1) Avoid the use of flammable or toxic cleaning fluids such as carbon tetrachloride. (The element line of the printhead is covered with a clear hard epoxy. Use of powerful solvents will dissolve the protection on the element line). PRECAUTIONS 2) Avoid touching the element line of the printhead. The oils from fingertips can accelerate the heat transfer process. This will cause pixels to burn out prematurely. PURPOSE 1) DISCONNECT THE 1086 FROM ITS AC POWER SOURCE!! 2) Open the Feed Roll Chamber and remove the roll of paper. 3) Moisten the rag with the cleaning fluid or use the alcohol swab. Make sure none of the fluid is dripping off of the rag. 4) Gently rub the rag or swab onto the element line. Make small back and forth motions while advancing from one side of the printhead to the other. PROCEDURE 5) Wait for the element line to dry. Once the line is dry, re-install the paper. 6) Connect the recorder to its AC power source. NOTE: Occasionally, after a roll of paper/film prints there will be a small white residue left on the element line of the Printhead. It is very important to get all of this residue off before printing on another roll of paper/film. The Element Line should be cleaned before installing each new roll of paper. 4-2 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting Rev.A Element line will be the thin slightly raised dark brown line on the printhead. Figure 4-2 cleaning the Printhead 4.1.4 HANDLING AND STORING THERMAL MEDIA: PURPOSE ITEMS OR TOOLS To give a brief overview on how to store thermal paper or film. Thermal Paper (EPC P/N: 802140) or Thermal Film (EPC P/N: 802141). 1) Store in a cool dry place. 2) The finished record should not be exposed to direct sun light or prolonged fluorescent light, temperatures above 100οF (38οC), relative PRECAUTIONS humidity over 80% or placed in contact with adhesives, adhesive tapes or plasticizers such as those found in all PVC page protectors. 3) Be careful handling finished record with bare hands. The oils from skin can alter the chemistry of the paper and distort the record. 1) Remove the paper from the box, and load the paper into the recorder. Always make sure that the outside of the roll, as it unravels, is pressing against the element line of the printhead. 2) If the records are to be kept for a long period of time it is a wise idea to use the Take-up spool in the recorder. (see page 13) 3) Once the records are rolled up remove them from the take-up spool using one of two methods. PROCEDURE a) With the paper spooled up on the Take-up core, use the RAPID button to advance several inches of unused paper/film around the outside of the roll. This will protect the used portion of the roll of paper. Place the roll back into its original box or an dark cool dry place. b) Another alternative is to wear white cotton gloves when handling thermal paper/film. This will prevent the oils from skin getting onto the record. 4-3 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting Rev.A The outside of the roll is coated with a chemical which is sensitive to thermal activation. Always be careful when handling thermal media. Excessive handling with bare hands can alter the records appearance. The inside of the roll is not subject to thermal activation. Figure 4-3 Thermal Print Media 4.1.5 QUICK TROUBLESHOOTING METHOD: 1) No Power Up: Check AC line fuse, check power cord, check power supply input, check power supply output +/- 12V, + 5V and +24 at the power supply terminal. If all voltages are present, the four LEDs on the back plane should be illuminated and the recorder should power up. 2) Recorder does not boot up: Check Microprocessor Board, the flash memory may be corrupted. 3) Recorder boots up but does not chart: Check the rapid function. If RAPID works, the Control Board may be faulty. But if rapid does not work, check the step motor voltage +5V. If present, check pin 10 on the chart module for the chart clock. If present, the chart module itself may be bad. 4) Print Check: When the Test key is depressed the recorder should start running the test pattern. If idle, or ‘OVERHEAT’ is displayed, the control board is most likely the problem. For overheat errors check the maxim chip 7828. 5) Recorder boots up and charts, but does not print test pattern: Make sure that the Printhead Cable is plugged in, check for +24V. 6) Display back lights are ON, but no characters are shown: Check for connection of data lines on Motor Drive Board under the display panel. If connected, either displays are bad or the I/O display Control Board is bad. Or there could be a flash memory problem on the Microprocessor Board. 7) Take-up Motor does not activate: Check for +12V at terminals. If present, Motor is bad. 4-4 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting Rev.A 8) Analog mode is selected but machine does not chart: Check the trigger mode selected. If external trigger is selected make sure a valid trigger pulse is applied to the TRIG IN BNC. 9) Analog mode is selected, recorder charts but does not print: Check BNC cables. Increase the GAIN, decrease THRESHOLD and increase the CONTRAST. Set POLARITY to +/-. If annotation prints the problem is probably in the analog circuitry. 10) Not printing parallel data: Make sure PARALLEL mode is selected. Check the interface cable for 1 to1 continuity. If the above checked out it may be the Analog Interface Board. 11) Not printing serial data: Make sure ‘SERIAL’ mode is selected. Check the interface cable for the pin out shown in section Make sure the baud rate of the 1086 matches that of the host equipment. If the above checked out it may be the Microprocessor Board. 12) EXT Chart function not working: Check the BNC cable being used and make sure a valid TTL square wave of not more then 1.6kHz is present. 13) Machine beeps and displays “NO PAPER” even though EPC qualified Paper is properly installed: Check the sensor connections on the Motor Drive Board under the display panel. Check Paper Sensor Connector and wiring. 4.1.6 REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES: 1) To take the recorder out of the case a hex wrench is needed. Remove 14 # 2 screws around the case, 4 # 6 screws holding the rubber feet underneath the recorder and 2 # 10 screws holding the interface panel. 2) To replace the Printhead simply shut off the recorder remove 4 pan head #4 screws using a flat head screw driver and carefully disconnect the printhead cables (Use cotton swabs wet with denatured alcohol to clean the head). Be careful not to touch the printhead element line. 3) To replace boards, make sure that the machine is disconnected from AC power. Remove the anchor screw and connectors from the board to be replaced. Assure that all connections and hardware are secured before restarting the recorder. 4.2 BASIC ADJUSTMENTS AND FUSE CHANGE: The following procedures should be performed in a clean, dry area. 4-5 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting 4.2.1 Rev.A DROP OUT ON PAPER: PURPOSE To cover the possible ways to remedy the light or “drop out” areas of print on a record. ITEMS OR TOOLS A #4 hex wrench. If the “drop out” or light area is increasing as the adjustment is being made, PRECAUTIONS do not continue to turn the adjustment set screw in the current direction. Printing large white areas at high contrast may cause damage to the printhead. 1) Print the factory test pattern or have the host system generate a test pattern. Note: a pattern that is consistently gray across the entire record is recommended. 2) Notice where on the printhead that the drop out occurs. PROCEDURE a) If the drop out occurs on either the right or left side of the record then adjust the #4 set screw located in the print roller assembly. (Example: If the right side of the print drops out then rotate the set screw either up or down to eliminate the drop out.) Unlike large machines, dropout will very rarely occur in the middle of the records. If it does it usually can be fixed by adjusting the set screws on either side of the print roller assembly. Slide the latch forward. Insert a #4 hex wrench into the semi-circle cut out in the latch. Adjust the relative position of the print roller to the element line by rotating the tuning screw. This same technique will work on the other side of the machine. Figure 4-4 Adjusting print quality 4-6 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting Rev.A 4.2.2 CHANGING THE POWER FUSE: PURPOSE This procedure describes how to change the line fuse. ITEMS OR TOOLS A small slotted screw driver and a replacement fuse. Unplug the 1086 prior to replacing the fuse!!!! PRECAUTIONS 1) Turn off the 1086. 2) Use a small slotted screw driver to pry open the small fuse holder chamber in the power entry module. PROCEDURE 3) The fuse will be in a small plastic holder and will slide out. 4) Examine the fuse and verify that it has blown. 5) Replace the fuse (EPC PN: 515034 ) and turn the 1086 back on. Figure 4-5 Fuseholder Slotted groove for screwdriver 4.3 VERIFYING RECORDER OPERATION: These procedures will verify that the various recorder functions are working properly. 4-7 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting Rev.A 4.3.1 RUNNING THE TEST PATTERN: PURPOSE ITEMS OR TOOLS PRECAUTIONS Verify the Print at 8,16,32 and 64 shades of gray. Running the test pattern will verify that the POWER SUPPLY, PRINTHEAD, MICROPROCESSOR BOARD and CONTROL BOARD are working properly. None Properly load the paper in the recorder. (see installation section 1.2.2) With the 1086 OFF, load the thermal media into the recorder. Turn the 1086 ON. PROCEDURE On the left side of the Control Panel, use the Increment-Decrement keys to set the 1086 to 8 shades of gray and set the appropriate media either Paper or Film. Run the test pattern. Figure 4-7 test pattern with 16 shades selected Figure 4-6 test pattern with 8 shades selected 4-8 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting Rev.A Figure 4-8 test Pattern with 32 shades selected Figure 4-9 test pattern with 64 shades selected There should be a smooth ascending gray scale across the printhead. If not, use the see the Basic Adjustments section to fix this problem. 4.3.2 CHECKING OUT THE ANALOG FUNCTIONS: Rudimentary analog functions can be evaluated by using standard electronic test equipment. The following section describes some simple tests which evaluate the functions of KEY OUT, SCAN and DELAY. VERIFYING THE KEY OUT: PURPOSE ITEMS OR TOOLS PRECAUTIONS PROCEDURE Verify the KEY OUT period. Oscilloscope and frequency counter, BNC cables. Make sure the recorder is set to internal trigger. Using the menus on the Control Panel - set the 1086 to internal trigger. In this mode the recorder will be “KEYING OUT” a signal. 4-9 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting Rev.A Figure 4-10 Verifying the key out 0.1250 Frequency Counter Control Panel Settings KEY RATE 0.125 SCAN RATE DELAY 0.120 156us pulse width 0 Scope Settings Volts / div Time base 2V 20ms / div .125ms Period Figure 4-11 key pulses on scope VERIFYING THE SCAN SPEEDS: PURPOSE Verify the SCANS function Checking the Set the 1086 recorder to the settings on the table below. SCANS 1) Set a signal generator so that it will generate a 1volt square wave at 100Hz. 2) Set the signal generator to produce a triggered burst width (sweep width) of 100ms. Procedure 3) Attach the 1086 Key Out to the oscilloscope Channel 1 and the Trigger In of the Signal Generator. 4) Attach the 1086 Signal A IN to the oscilloscope Channel 2 and the Function out of the Signal Generator. 5) Set the 1086 to the settings on the following table and run the test. 4-10 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting Rev.A Figure 4-12 Verifying the scan speeds SETTING NAME VALUE CONTRAST 0% LPI 100 WIDTH 2048 TRIGGER INTERNAL KEY OUT POSITIVE SIGNAL SINGLE KEY RATE 0.125 SCAN RATE 0.100 DELAY 0.000 SHADES 8 SCALE LINES OFF DATA INPUT ANALOG SWEEP FORWARD RESULTS The results should produce 10 identical bars evenly spaced across the record. See figure 4-14. How it works: 1) The 1086 KEY OUT triggers the signal generators sweep function. The signal generator is set to produce a 100Hz signal for .1 seconds. Thus 100cycles/sec .1 seconds = 10 complete cycles. 4-11 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting Rev.A SIGNAL PRINTED KEY OUT Figure 4-13 Scope traces Figure 4-14 Pattern on record VERIFYING THE DELAY SETTING: PURPOSE Verify the DELAY function. Checking the Shorten the generators burst to 80ms. Set the 1086 recorder to the settings DELAY on the table below, notice the SCANS + DELAY < KEY OUT. RESULTS The results should produce the pattern on the lower half of Figure 4-15. SETTING NAME VALUE CONTRAST 0% LPI 100 WIDTH 2048 TRIGGER INTERNAL KEY OUT POSITIVE SIGNAL SINGLE KEY RATE 0.150 SCAN RATE 0.100 DELAY 0.030 SHADES 8 SCALE LINES OFF DATA INPUT ANALOG SWEEP FORWARD No Delay 30ms Delay Figure 4-15 Printed pattern 4-12 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting Rev.A VERIFYING THE GAIN AND THRESHOLD: PURPOSE Verify the GAIN and THRESHOLD function. Checking the Keep the recorder running from the previous step. GAIN 1) Turn the gain knob down to almost zero. Procedure 2) The record should become lighter and lighter as the GAIN is reduced. Increase GAIN. 3) Increase the THRESHOLD. The record should become lighter and lighter as the THRESHOLD is increased. CHECKING OUT THE DIGITAL FUNCTIONS: PURPOSE Verify the DIGITAL function Checking the Parallel Port Set the 1086 recorder to the settings on the table below. 1) Install the parallel test program provided with the Training Manual. Procedure 2) Set the 1086 to the settings on the table below. 3) Follow the instructions as the test program prompts. SETTING NAME VALUE CONTRAST 0% LPI 200 WIDTH 2048 DATA TYPE 4 REPEAT LINE 1 AUTO EVENT OFF SCALE LINES OFF DATA INPUT PARALLEL SWEEP FORWARD First an “X” pattern will run with a REPEAT LINE of one. Then a “X” pattern will run with a REPEAT LINE of two. NOTE: The “X” pattern should be twice as tall. Finally, a shade pattern will generate. 4-13 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting Rev.A 16 shades / 4 bit 32 shades / 5 bit 64 shades / 6 bit 64 shades / 7 bit 64 shades / 8 bit Figure 4-16 Digital shade patterns 4-14 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A CHAPTER FIVE – ENGINEERING DRAWINGS AND SCHEMATICS P/N DESCRIPTION # OF PAGES 802037 Reset Cable Assembly 1 802191 Printhead Control Cable 1 802194 Cable Assembly, Printhead Error 1 802207 Assembly, LCD 2 802208 Assembly, LCD 2 802209 Cable Assembly, Chart Module 1 802210 Power Cable Assembly Backplane 1 802212 Print Roller Assembly 1 802219 Ribbon Cable Assembly 1 802221 ISA Control bd. Assembly 1 802223 Take-up Motor Assembly 1 802350 Grounding Lug Kit 1 802351 PC Board, Analog 2 802374 Cable Assy., AC Input Logic Power Supply 1 802375 Cable Assy., DC output Logic Power Supply 2 802384 Bracket Assembly, Power Supply 3 802391 Final Assembly 4 802392 Motor Drive Board 3 802394 Cable Assembly, Printhead Power 2 802395 Assembly, Main Frame 5 802396 Assembly, Top Level 2 802397 Panel Assembly Interface 3 900480 PC Board, Motor Drive Schematic 1 900481 Analog Board Schematic 3 900472 ISA Control Board Schematic 5 EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Chapter – 5 Engineering Drawings Rev.A EPC LABORATORIES, INC. 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, web: Appendix A Rev. A COMMAND PROTOCOL FUNCTION ANALOG DELAY PERIOD EXT TRIGGER SLOPE KEY POLARITY KEY RATE SCAN RATE SIGNAL SELECT TRIGGER SELECT BAND PASS FILTER LOW PASS FILTER HIGH PASS FILTER TIME VARIED GAIN HEADER ARGUMENTS DEL SLO KPO KEY SCN SIG TRI BPF LPF HPF TVG 0.000 to 8.000 RIS, FAL POS, NEG 0.011 to 10.000 0.006 to 10.000 SIN, DUA INT, EXT OFF, ON 1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 2.4, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 12.0 83, 100, 166, 200, 250, 333, 500, 1.0 OFF, 1 > 255 ANNOTATION AUTO - EVENT AUTO - MESSAGE BACKGROUND CHARACTER SIZE FILL MESSAGE BUFFER MESSAGE LOCATION PRINT EVENT PRINT MESSAGE FIX # AEV AMS BAC SIZ FIL MAR EVE MES FIX OFF, 1 to 32767 (# of lines) OFF, 1 to 32767 (# of lines) WHI, DAT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3 0.00 to 10.00 DAS, SOL, TIC, MES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, TEXT STRING 0 > 32766 CHART LINE REPEAT LINES PER INCH PAPER FEED REP LPI FEE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 75, 80, 100, 120, 150, 200, 240, 300, EXT 0.01 to 30.00 CONTROL DATA TYPE SET DATE SET TIME DTY DAT TIM 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (data bits) XX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX DISPLAY CONTRAST MEDIA STACKING SCALE LINES SHADES OF GRAY SWEEP DIRECTION A SWEEP DIRECTION B CON MED STA SCA SHA ASW BSW -30 to 40 PAP, FIL OFF, 2, 3, 4, 5 5, 10, 20, OFF 8, 16, 32, 64 FOR, REV FOR, REV A-1 EPC LABS 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:, Rev. A Change Page Rev: Date: Changes Made: Done By: A 5/12/99 Corrections to Command Protocol B.Reynolds Pages Changed: A-1 EPC LABS 42A Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-1996 Fax: (978) 777-3955 E-mail:,