panhead - GUTSCHROME
panhead - GUTSCHROME
panhead seAts & sissY bArs DS-0401 eXhAust cArburetors & Air filters engine trAnsmission & DriVeline gAskets & seAls electricAl & lighting 1002-0025 SUpeR e ShORTY CaRBUReTOR KIT •Kit includes an S&S Super E gas carburetor, S&S teardrop air cleaner assembly, manifold, mounting hardware, fuel line, clamps, overflow line, one extra intermediate jet and two main jets, VOES tubing hAnDlebArs, (when applicable), installation and jetting instructions controls & •Super E has a 17/8” throat at the butterfly and a 19/16” venturi and is recommended for use on Big Twin engines up to 100-cubic-inch mirrors •Carburetors only also available cAbles brAkes NOTE: S&S Super E carburetor requires the use of a two-cable, pull open/pull close throttle assembly; S&S kits are compatible with stock cables except as noted. IMPORTANT NOTE: Recommended for racing only, this carburetor is not legal for use in California on motor vehicles operated on public highways or in other states where similar pollution laws may apply. User must determine the suitability of the product for his or her use and assumes all risk and liability in connection therewith. PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 55-65 PANHEAD WITH STANDARD GAS TANKS DS-04011 Complete kit with O-ring-style intake PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 55-65 PANHEAD WITH STANDARD GAS TANKS (CONT) $579.95 1002-0025 1 Repl. Super E carburetor only $349.95 Modifications needed to oil lines on 63-65 models. oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks DAshes & gAuges 1013-0004 1013-0005 chAssis, suspension, fenDers & wheels 1013-0006 floorboArDs & pegs CaRBUReTOR SpaCeRS hArDwAre generAl 342 •Easy way to add extra torque and horsepower •Machined from solid 6061 T-6 billet aluminum that completely eliminates porosity problems •Machined finish can be polished to a bright luster •Made in the U.S.A. hOTOp S&S enRICheneR KnOB aSSeMBLY •Replaces the stock S&S enrichener lever on E and G carbs when changing to a different style air cleaner assembly •Retains the stock plunger and spring •Setscrew allows progressive enrichment •Kit includes a chrome knob and a brass plunger nut •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DS-289138 DESCRIPTION For 48-65 Panhead PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR S&S E & B SERIES CARBURETORS (17/8”) SUG. RETAIL $39.95 1013-0004 1013-0005 1013-0006 All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. 1” 11/2” 2” $33.95 39.95 39.95 PANHEAD seats & sissY bars 112923 eXhaust Carburetors & air filters 112903 engine transMission & DriVeline gaskets & seals eleCtriCal & lighting hanDlebars, Controls & Mirrors DS-289111 Cables brakes 1003-0312 oil tanks, filters & gas tanks Dashes & gauges DS-289113 REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR S&S CARBS •Rebuild kits are available in master kits, body-only kits and accelerator pump kits •Replacement gaskets, O-rings and components are made from the highest-quality materials available FOR S&S CARBURETORS PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL (EA.) REBUILD KITS 112923 112903 DS-289111 1003-0312 DS-289113 DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL (EA.) REPLACEMENT COMPONENTS (CONT) Master rebuild kit Super E (body, accelerator pump, fasteners, springs, idle mixture screw, seat and needle assembly) Rebuild kit for Super B (body rebuild kit) Rebuild kit for Super E (body rebuild kit) Rebuild kit for S&S E & G (basic) Accelerator pump rebuild kit for E (diaphragm, spring, check balls and springs, pushrod and required hardware) $80.95 40.95 40.95 31.95 1003-0041 1003-0042 1003-0043 1003-0044 1003-0045 1003-0047 1003-0050 1003-0052 19.95 REPLACEMENT COMPONENTS DS-289935 DS-289933 112091 160491 160057 DS-289183 1050-0242 1003-0085 1003-0040 PART # 112084 Manifold to carburator O-ring, Super E (10-pk.) Bowl gasket, Super E and G (10-pk.) Bowl gasket, Super B and D (10-pk.) 1 /4” Insulator block w/ O-ring Super E 1” Spacer block Super E Gas line insulator 19” gas line w/ 90° end Idle mixture screw (5-pk.) Idle mixture screw spring (10-pk.) .95 2.95 1.95 20.95 37.95 10.95 5.95 7.95 .95 1003-0192 1003-0194 1003-0193 1003-0188 0706-0203 1003-0237 Bowl plug (5-pk.) Needle: 17/8” E (ea.) Bellows seal, accelerator pump (5-pk.) Diaphragm spring, accelerator pump (10-pk.) Accelerator pump diaphragm (ea.) Fast idle plunger/enrichener (ea.) Ball check spring (5-pk.) Fuel inlet/seat for 17/8” E carb (uses needle PART #1003-0042) (ea.) Enrichment device for B series carb (will work on Super E carbs when changing air cleaners) (ea.) Accelerator pump ejector nozzle O-ring (10-pk.) Accelerator pump check ball only (10-pk.) Accelerator pump cap O-ring (two required) (10-pk.) Fuel bowl overflow hose per 24” (5-pk.) Straight gas hose for use with the new S&S carbs with 90° fuel inlet Inlet, carb fuel swivel all part nuMbers in blue are new for 2014. $2.95 11.95 3.95 .95 13.95 11.95 1.95 Chassis, suspension, fenDers & wheels floorboarDs & pegs harDware 11.95 33.95 .95 .95 .95 3.95 5.95 22.95 general 343 panhead seAts & sissY bArs eXhAust ReBUILd KIT FOR LInKeRT CaRB ReBUILd KIT FOR LInKeRT CaRB •Kit includes foam float, needle and seat, gaskets, springs and bushings cArburetors PART # & Air filters 1003-0294 DESCRIPTION For 48-65 Panhead SUG. RETAIL $38.95 •Includes all necessary gaskets, seals and O-rings PART # DS-289108 DESCRIPTION For 48-65 Panhead SUG. RETAIL $14.95 engine CaRBUReTOR InSULaTOR BLOCK KIT CaRBUReTOR InSULaTOR BLOCK KIT trAnsmission •Kit includes 3/8” fiber insulator & DriVeline block and gaskets gAskets & seAls electricAl & lighting •Kit includes gaskets required when converting a Linkert to a Bendix/Keihin carb •Made in the U.S.A. •Designed to reduce the risk of boiling fuel in the carb •Made in the U.S.A. PART # 0935-0100 DESCRIPTION For 48-65, carb to intake (Linkert); repl. OEM #29250-55 SUG. RETAIL PART # 0934-0945 $14.95 DESCRIPTION For 48-65, carb to intake (Linkert to Bendix/ Keihin); repl. OEM #27411-40A LInKeRT/BendIX CaRBUReTOR ThROTTLe LeVeR WIRe BLOCK KIT SUG. RETAIL $7.95 2401-0651 •Kit includes Cadmium plated block; OEM #27450-36, screw, cotter pin and brass washers •Available standard or +.005” over sized hAnDlebArs, •Made in the U.S.A. controls & mirrors PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 49-65 PANHEAD (CONT) FOR 49-65 PANHEAD 2401-0651 Standard $11.95 2401-0652 +.005” $11.95 cAbles brAkes oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks DAshes & gAuges JeT KITS FOR S&S CaRBS 1003-0015 •For jetting most stock and performance engines •Low-range kit contains one each of the following intermediate jets (.025, .0265, .028, .0295) and one each of the following main jets (.062, .064, .066, .068, .070, .072, .074) •High-range kit contains one each of the following intermediate jets (.0295, .031, .032. .033) and one each of the following main jets (.072, .074, .076, .078, .080, .082, .084) •Dealer jet kit contains three each of all intermediate jets (except PART #s 1005-0008 and 1005-0009) and five each of all main jets (except PART #s 1006-0233, 1006-0234, 1006-0235, 1006-0236, 1006-0237 and 1006-0238) plus a main jet tool •Replacement jets also available separately chAssis, suspension, PART # fenDers JET KITS & wheels DESCRIPTION 1003-0015 DS-0450 DS-0451 Dealer jet kit Low-range kit High-range kit DS-94025 DS-940265 DS-94028 DS-940295 DS-94031 DS-94032 DS-94033 1005-0008 1005-0009 .025 intermediate jet .0265 intermediate jet .028 intermediate jet .0295 intermediate jet .031 intermediate jet .032 intermediate jet .033 intermediate jet .036 intermediate jet .040 intermediate jet 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 $317.95 46.95 46.95 .040 .042 .044 .046 .048 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 MAIN JETS (5-PK.) generAl 344 1006-0228 1006-0229 1006-0230 1006-0231 1006-0232 PART # DS-0451 DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL (EA.) MAIN JETS (5-PK.) (CONT) floorboArDs INTERMEDIATE JETS (3-PK.) & pegs hArDwAre SUG. RETAIL (EA.) DS-0450 main main main main main jet jet jet jet jet 1006-0233 1006-0234 1006-0235 1006-0236 1006-0237 1006-0238 DS-72062 DS-72064 DS-72066 DS-72068 DS-72070 DS-72072 DS-72074 DS-72076 DS-72078 DS-72080 DS-72082 DS-72084 .050 .052 .054 .056 .058 .060 .062 .064 .066 .068 .070 .072 .074 .076 .078 .080 .082 .084 main main main main main main main main main main main main main main main main main main All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. jet jet jet jet jet jet jet jet jet jet jet jet jet jet jet jet jet jet $7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 panhead seAts & sissY bArs 1006-0012 Rd pReCISIOn MaIn JeTS eXhAust •Brass carburetor jets are high precision and flow-calibrated for extremely accurate fuel flow rate •Available in a range of sizes for Mikuni applications •High-quality replacement; NOT original Mikuni jets •Individual jet sizes sold in 4-pack to dealers, sold each to consumer •Dealer kit includes a range of sizes also available PART # CArburetors & Air filters DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL DEALER KIT 1006-0012 PART # 1006-0018 1006-0019 1006-0020 1006-0021 1006-0022 1006-0023 1006-0024 1006-0025 1006-0026 1006-0027 4-pc. each jet sizes 72.5 through 160 JET SIZE 72.5 75 77.5 80 82.5 85 87.5 90 92.5 95 SUG. RETAIL $2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 PART # 1006-0028 1006-0029 1006-0030 1006-0031 1006-0032 1006-0033 1006-0034 1006-0035 1006-0036 1006-0037 JET SIZE 97.5 100 102.5 105 107.5 110 112.5 115 117.5 120 engine $353.95 SUG. RETAIL $2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 PART # 1006-0038 1006-0039 1006-0040 1006-0041 1006-0042 1006-0043 1006-0044 1006-0045 1006-0046 1006-0047 JET SIZE 122.5 125 127.5 130 132.5 135 137.5 140 142.5 145 SUG. RETAIL $2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 PART # 1006-0048 1006-0049 1006-0050 1006-0051 1006-0052 1006-0053 1006-0054 JET SIZE 147.5 150 152.5 155 157.5 160 170 SUG. RETAIL $2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 trAnsmission & DriVeline gAskets & seAls eleCtriCAl & lighting The ORIGInaL “pOWeR TUBe” aTOMIZeR •Atomizer power tube is CNC-machined from brass for consistency and accuracy •Converts fuel from a squirting liquid to a fine mist •Eliminates spitting and popping through the carburetor •Made in the U.S.A. NOTE: Covered under the following U.S. patent #s: 5,233,180/5,562,868/5,662,836/5,810, 264/6,270,060. PART # DS-289120 hAnDlebArs, Controls & mirrors DESCRIPTION For 48-65 Panhead models w/ S&S B, D and E series carburetors 2401-0430 SUG. RETAIL $47.95 CAbles 2401-0431 brAkes BILLeT FLanGe adapTeR FOR SpIGOT-TYpe CaRBS InTaKe pIpe nUTS, SeaLS and nIppLeS •Allows you to mount OEM late-model CV or Mikuni HSR-42 carbs on Sportster, Panhead, Shovelhead or early Evolution with two-bolt flange manifolds •CNC-machined from 6061 billet aluminum •Mounting holes are 2.75” on center •Can be polished, plated or painted •Carb-to-manifold seal also available; see GASKETS & SEALS section •Made in the U.S.A.; sold each PART # DS-289219 DESCRIPTION Billet flange adapter SUG. RETAIL $28.95 2401-0432 oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks •Precision machined duplicates of original intake manifold seals, nuts and nipples •Made in the U.S.A. PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 48-54 PANHEAD 2401-0430 2401-0431 2401-0432 Cad-plated intake manifold nuts for O.H.V. 61”/74” engines; repl. OEM #27052-40 Brass intake manifold seals for O.H.V. 61”/74” engines; repl. OEM #27059-40 Intake manifold nipple for O.H.V. 74” engines; repl. OEM #27039-48 DAshes & gAuges $45.95 ChAssis, suspension, fenDers & wheels 19.95 16.95 floorboArDs & pegs InTaKe ManIFOLd CLaMp •Clamp is 3/4” wide and constructed of .020” thick stainless steel and use a curved 10-24 threaded “T”-bolt with plated steel aircraft-style hex locknut •Sold each •Made in the U.S.A. InTaKe ManIFOLd CLaMpS WITh O-RInGS •Spring steel, chrome-plated clamp assemblies with high-quality O-rings •Sold in pairs PART # DS-203094 hArDwAre DESCRIPTION For 55-65 Panhead; repl. OEM #s 27063-57 and 27060-55 SUG. RETAIL $20.95 PART # 1013-0043 DESCRIPTION For 55-65 Panhead with O-ring-style cylinder heads; repl. OEM #27063-57 All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. generAl SUG. RETAIL (EA.) $10.95 345 panhead seAts & sissY bArs eXhAust CaRBUReTOR BOWL LOCK nUT KIT cArburetors & Air filters engine •Includes copper gasket, nut and lock washer •Cad-plated •Made in the U.S.A. adJUSTaBLe CaRBUReTOR SUppORT BRaCKeT •Adjusts from 51/4” to 63/8” •Mounts from the center case bolt between cylinders to the lower flange mount of the manifold •Made in the U.S.A. trAnsmission PART # & DriVeline DESCRIPTION For 48-65 Panhead 160471 PART # 2401-0505 DESCRIPTION For 48-65 Panhead; repl. OEM #27375-29, 27376-28, 7045, 7793 SUG. RETAIL $13.95 SUG. RETAIL $16.95 gAskets & seAls 2401-0501 electricAl & lighting ‘TeaRdROp’ aIR CLeaneR aSSeMBLY 2401-0500 hAnDlebArs, controls & mirrors •Made from chrome-plated cast aluminum •Ribbed style; measures 8” x 4.5” x 2” •Include mini air filter and required hardware •Made in the U.S.A. 2401-0504 PART # 1010-0710 cAbles DESCRIPTION For S&S Super E and G carbs SUG. RETAIL $166.95 2401-0503 brAkes oil tAnks, filters & gAs tAnks DAshes & gAuges CaRBUReTOR SUppORT BRaCKeTS •Exact reproduction of the original H-D support brackets •Used to support the Linkert carburetor •Made in the U.S.A. PART # 2401-0500 2401-0501 2401-0503 2401-0504 DESCRIPTION For 48-53 O.H.V. Big Twin For 54-65 O.H.V. Big Twin For 48 Big Twin For 48-52 45 Solo OEM # 27431-41 27431-41B 1110-39 27432-36 SUG. RETAIL $10.95 12.95 8.95 6.95 1011-2663 chAssis, suspension, fenDers & wheels floorboArDs & pegs hArDwAre generAl 346 CUSTOM aIR CLeaneR aSSeMBLIeS FLOaT BOWL Speed SCReW KIT •Electropolished stainless steel for a great custom look •Will not corrode in extreme climates •Longer and stronger than the stock screws, makes them easier to handle; will not round off •5/16” hex head design eases bowl removal and jet changing •Made in the U.S.A. PART # 1050-0160 DESCRIPTION For 48-65 Panhead with S&S E carbs SUG. RETAIL $34.95 1011-2664 •Increases horsepower with proper carburetor calibration •Pleated media provides a large filtration area offering long service intervals •Multi-layers of woven cotton gauze media offers excellent filtration •Mount directly to the carburetor •Designed to fit most Panhead models equipped with various carburetors •Made in the U.S.A. PART # 1011-2663 1011-2664 DS-289057 DESCRIPTION For Bendix-Tillotson carbs to 75 For Linkert early 4-bolt model carbs Repl. filter All pArt numbers in blue Are new for 2014. SUG. RETAIL $91.95 92.95 45.95 PANHEAD SeaTS & SISSY BarS eXhauST DS-289130 1014-0133 UNIVERSAL STEALTH AIR CLEANER KIT AIR CLEANER AND COVERS •Original S&S chrome teardrop air cleaner assembly •Includes an S&S cover, backing plate and high-quality filter element and hardware kit •Increase horsepower with no other changes •Made in the U.S.A. NOTE: Covers may need to be notched when used with custom or 5-gallon or larger fuel tanks. NOTE: Installation of an S&S air cleaner may require re-jetting. PART # 1014-0040 DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL AIR CLEANER ASSEMBLY FOR S&S CARBURETORS DS‑289130 For E & G series carbs on 48-65 Panhead $239.95 REPLACEMENT PARTS DS‑289404 DS‑289403 1014‑0133 1014‑0040 1011‑1721 Repl. S&S air cleaner cover for E & G carb Repl. S&S air cleaner cover for S&S CV and Super B carbs Black wrinkle finish repl. S&S air cleaner cover for E & G carbs Chrome Slasher-style air cover; repl. standard cover for all E & G carb kits Repl. filter element for PART #DS-289130 143.95 143.95 121.95 143.95 18.95 CarBureTOrS & aIr FILTerS 1010-1313 •Stealth’s design incorporates a directional stinger that directs incoming airflow toward the carburetor’s venturi •Increased performance •Perfect addition to a performance exhaust system •Filter element can be cleaned and reused •Kit includes backplate, air filter, all necessary mounting hardware and complete instructions •Made in the U.S.A. NOTE: Kit does not come with covers. Can be used with S&S Stealth air cleaner covers (sold separately). SUG. PART # 1010‑1313 1011‑3119 1011‑3120 DESCRIPTION For 48-65 Big Twin w/ Super E or G carb Standard stealth air filter for S&S Universal Stealth Air Cleaner Kit 1” tall stealth air filter for S&S Universal Stealth Air Cleaner Kit eNGINe TraNSMISSION & drIVeLINe GaSKeTS & SeaLS RETAIL $129.95 24.95 eLeCTrICaL & LIGhTING 24.95 haNdLeBarS, CONTrOLS & MIrrOrS CaBLeS 1014-0119 1014-0116 1014-0120 1014-0117 STEALTH AIR CLEANER COVERS •Fit the S&S Universal Stealth air cleaner kit •Bob and Muscle style air cleaner covers are machined from billet aluminum and fit over the end of the air filter, leaving the filter element exposed •Air Stream-style is die-cast and features screened vents for more air without sucking in rain/road hazards •Muscle-style features muscle car-style hood pins •Made in the U.S.A. PART # 1014‑0116 1014‑0117 1014‑0118 1014‑0119 1014‑0120 DESCRIPTION Air Stream, chrome Air Stream, black wrinkle powder-coat Bob dish, chrome Bob dish, black wrinkle powder-coat Bob dome, chrome SUG. RETAIL $139.95 139.95 94.95 94.95 94.95 BraKeS OIL TaNKS, FILTerS & GaS TaNKS 1014-0122 1014-0165 PART # 1014‑0121 1014‑0122 1014‑0123 1014‑0165 DESCRIPTION Bob dome, black wrinkle powder-coat Muscle, chrome Muscle, black wrinkle powder-coat Muscle, black wrinkle powder-coat w/ logo daSheS & GauGeS SUG. RETAIL ChaSSIS, $94.95 SuSPeNSION, 129.95 FeNderS 129.95 & wheeLS 99.95 FLOOrBOardS & PeGS hardware HYPERCHARGER™ AIR CLEANER •This air cleaner looks great and works even better •Outstanding performance on stock or mildly modified engines up to 90 horsepower •Available with a standard (smooth) trapdoor design and chrome butterflies •Provides excellent legroom for comfort while riding PART # 1010‑0229 DESCRIPTION For 48-65 Panhead with S&S B series carb GeNeraL SUG. RETAIL $199.99 aLL ParT NuMBerS IN BLue are New FOr 2014. 347 PANHEAD seats & sissY bars eXHaust BIRD DEFLECTOR •Original Randy Smith design; this was one of Randy’s first products, made from polished cast aluminum the way he originally made them •Prevents your pant leg from being sucked into the open venturi on an old brass Linkert carb Carburetors •Made in U.S.A. & air filters PART # 1014-0090 DESCRIPTION Bird deflector SUG. RETAIL $65.95 eNGiNe traNsMissioN & DriVeliNe REUSABLE AIR FILTERS GasKets & seals SMOOTH-STYLE CARBURETOR COVER eleCtriCal & liGHtiNG •Teardrop-style design •Comes without element •Available in chrome finish HaNDlebars, •Made in the U.S.A. CoNtrols & Mirrors PART # 1015-0099 DESCRIPTION For 48-65 Panhead w/ S&S carburetor SUG. RETAIL $87.95 SUG. RETAIL $31.95 31.95 31.95 HIGH-FLOW REPLACEMENT AIR FILTERS DS-289502 DS-289514 •Designed to increase horsepower and torque •Pleated media provides a large filtration area offering long service intervals •Multi-layers of woven cotton gauze media offers excellent filtration •Application-specific sealing bead ensures an airtight fit •Original K&N High-Flow Technology •American-made for over 40 years DS-289504 AIR FILTER ELEMENTS •Top-quality replacement air filter elements from Uni, the OEM supplier to Harley-Davidson •Constructed of a unique, open-cell polyurethane material that allows maximum airflow while still providing superior filtration •Sold individually •Made in the U.S.A. CHassis, susPeNsioN, YEAR MODEL FOR PANHEAD feNDers 48-65 74”, 45” & WHeels YEAR MODEL PART # OEM # SUG. RETAIL E-2470 29036-41 $46.95 E3226 - 47.95 E-3225 - 47.95 FOR AFTERMARKET AIR CLEANERS PART # OEM # SUG. RETAIL DS-289502 29036-41 $19.95 S&S Super E series carb air filter; 2.5” DS-289514 S&S old style teardrop-shaped housing; 6” x 23/16”air filter DS-289504 Drag 7” round air filter (DS-288998) DS-289504 E-2470 FOR PANHEAD 48-65 74”, 45” S&S Super E series carb air filter; 21/2” S&S old style teardrop-shaped housing; 6” x 23/16” air filter 1010-1034 FOR AFTERMARKET AIR CLEANERS floorboarDs & PeGs 1011-0315 MODEL S&S “D” teardrop air filter; K&N reference #E-3224 S&S 6” x 2 3/16” air filter; K&N reference #E-3225 S&S Super E and G series carb air filter; K&N reference #E-3226 braKes DasHes & GauGes 1011-0314 NOTE: For cleaner use PART #3704-0044; For oil use PART #3610-0013. PART # 1011-0313 1011-0314 1011-0315 Cables oil taNKs, filters & Gas taNKs 1011-0313 •Durable epoxy-coated wire mesh designed to maximize airflow and provide peak filtration •100% reusable and washable •High-flow four-layer surgical-grade cotton filtration •Urethane body that won’t crack or curl like rubber •Precision hand-poured design •Made in the U.S.A. - 18.95 - 18.95 18.95 1010-1033 HarDWare VELOCITY STACKS VELOCITY STACK PRE-FILTER GeNeral 348 •Compatible with all RSD velocity stacks •Also fits on any 33/4” velocity stack •Hydrophobic manufacturing process repels water •Filters out larger particles of debris down to .005” •Uniform micron openings allows air in while keeping debris PART # DESCRIPTION and water out 1011-2763 Velocity stack pre-filter •Made in the U.S.A. •CNC machined from billet aluminum •Bolts directly to S&S Super E or G carb •No backing plate required •Chrome bolts and gasket included •Made in U.S.A. PART # DESCRIPTION SUG. RETAIL FOR 48-65 PANHEAD W/ S&S SUPER E/G CARB SUG. RETAIL $19.95 1010-1033 1010-1034 Black Chrome all Part NuMbers iN blue are NeW for 2014. $189.95 199.95
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