our 2016 - 2017 prospectus
our 2016 - 2017 prospectus
PROSPECTUS 2016/17 Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training Kilkenny Road, Carlow Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training, Kilkenny Road, Carlow Tel: 059 9131187 Email: cife.info@kilkennycarlowetb.ie Fax: 059 9143521 www.carlowife.ie A Welcome Note Welcome to Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training offers students the opportunity to work towards qualifications, while enjoying the ambience and liveliness of Carlow as one of the major college towns in Ireland. This Institute has a long and very successful tradition of providing Further Education in the region. Whether you intend to develop new interests or are planning a career, Further Education will shape your future. We encourage students to develop to their full potential. Through study, projects and experience of work in your area we hope to foster in each student self-confidence and ability to further life choices. As part of the NQAI framework Further Education is now an important link for students to access third level. Our courses also lead directly into the world of work. If you would like more information please contact the relevant course Co-ordinators or come to our Information Day or visit our website – www.carlowife.ie Markita Mulvey Principal Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training, Kilkenny Road, Carlow T: 059 913 1187 | F: 059 914 3521 E: cife.info@kilkennycarlowetb.ie | www.carlowife.ie Contents General Information Education Health & Welfare Gateway Programme to Third Level Level 5 Arts, Crafts & Media Level 5 Graphic Design / Visual Communication Art, Design & Mixed Media Creative Craft Product and Industrial Design Furniture Design & Making Media Production & Photography Multimedia Production & Digital Movie Music Performance, Theory and Management Music Technology & Sound Engineering 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Level 6 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Level 6 27 Construction & Built Environment /Engineering & Manufacturing Level 5 Automotive Technology Engineering Technology Professional Diploma in Beauty Therapy Early Childhood Care & Education Hairdressing Nail Technician (with Make-Up Artistry) Make-Up Artistry 38 39 40 41 42 Tourism, Hospitality & Sports Level 5 Travel & Tourism Sport & Recreation Leisure Management Level 5 Business Practice Level 6 43 44 Level 6 Business & Humanities Applied Social Studies Business Administration with Legal Studies Web Design & Digital Marketing (eBusiness) Legal Studies Office Administration Office Informatics 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Level 5 Level 5 Animal Science Special Needs Assistant Early Childhood Care & Education Health Care Assistant Nursing Studies Physiology & Sports Injuries Management Beauty Therapy Spa & Complementary Therapies Services Agriculture, Science & Computing Animal Care Games & Apps Development Commercial Landscape Design and Gardening Organic Gardening Enterprise Computer Systems and Networks 30 28 29 Leaving Certificate 45 Repeat Leaving Certificate 46 Further Education Application Form 50 Lifelong Learning — Part-Time Programmes 53 General Information Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training, Kilkenny Road, Carlow Tel: 059 9131187 Fax: 059 9143521 Email: info@kilkennycarlowetb.ie www.carlowife.ie Entry Requirement Unless otherwise stated, the basic requirement for entry to all Further Education courses/programmes is successful completion of the Leaving Certificate or equivalent. Mature students who do not have the above qualification are also eligible to apply. David Forde Deputy Principal Nigel Quirke-Bolt Deputy Principal Mary Lyons Further Education Co-Ordinator Niamh Doyle Further Education Organiser Enrolment »»Complete on-line application form (www.carlowife.ie) or complete application form attached at the back of this book and return it to Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training, Kilkenny Road, Carlow. A non-refundable application fee of €20 must be submitted when applying. (Application cannot be processed without payment) »»Attend for interview and ensure all documents requested are brought to interview as your application may otherwise be delayed. »»To confirm your place upon offer, pay fee on-line or by Postal Order on registration day. Places on courses are offered on the following basis: »»Availability of places on particular courses/programmes in the year of application. Waiting lists may be formed if course /programme is over subscribed. »»Adequate enrolment to run the course/programmes. »»Suitability at interview. »»Course requirement. »»Examination results. »»Order of acceptance of offer and payment of fees. »»Learners deemed not suitable to a course/programme are offered: Career Guidance Foundation/Level 4 courses Literacy support English as a foreign language course »»All efforts are made by the Institute to place a learner on a course/programme. »»Learners who are progressing for a second year in the Institute but on a different course to the previous year, must reapply using the procedure outlined above. »»Learners may, if they wish seek the advice of the Career Guidance Counsellor in choosing a course, making the application and accepting the offer. »»All reasonable efforts are made to facilitate diversity and put in place mechanisms and staff who will support learners with additional needs. »»While studying on one of our courses/programmes, learners may also seek help in choosing and applying for follow on courses/programmes at third level through the CAO system. Closing Date Closing date for receipt of applications is August 19th 2016. Applications received after this date will only be processed subject to places being available on your chosen course/ programme. An application fee of €20 must be submitted when applying. (Application cannot be processed without payment) Registration Fees Unless otherwise stated a fee of €150 will be payable to include administration and QQI examinations. Additional fees are listed under each course outline. Fees are non-refundable. Department of Education Fees All learners who enrol on an approved PLC course are eligible to pay the €200 programme participant contribution. The contribution is an annual contribution. Eligible participants on PLC courses of more than one year duration must pay the contribution for each year of that course. The following categories of participant are exempt from paying the contribution: »»Full medical card holders in their own right and their dependent children »»Those who are eligible under the student grant scheme »»Those in receipt of the Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) or Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS) allowances. Course Content »»Students should note that modules on courses are subject to change. »»Courses commence subject to adequate enrolment. Interviews Interviews for courses are generally held in late August/early September. Interviews for some courses will also take place in May, see Course Page for details. 1 Grants Board Of Management The range of financial support available from the Department of Education and Science (DES) to students intending to attend Further Education includes: »»Maintenance Grant Scheme »»Special Rates of Maintenance Grants »»Millennium Partnership Fund »»Fund for Students with Disabilities Details available on websites www.kcetb.ie & www.studentfinance.ie The Institute has a Board of Management which consists of parents, teachers, community representatives and representatives of Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board. One place is allocated to a student representative from the Institute. The board is a sub-committee of Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board. Students with Additional Needs Carlow Institute of Further Education is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice and has an appointed Equality Officer. It is committed to supporting any student with particular needs involved in studies at the Institute. Applicants with disability/special needs who require Department of Education support/funding need to submit applications on/before April 14th of year preceding commencement of course. Applications for Support Funding will only be processed if accompanied by a consultant’s report of a disability or illness or a psychological report in the case of specific learning difficulties. Reports which were done over five years ago will not be accepted. Assessments of disability are carried out for the following categories: Physical/Mobility Disabilities, Significant ongoing illness, Specific learning difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ADD/ADHD, Blind/Low Vision, Deaf/Hard of hearing, Mental Health or Psychiatric or Psychological Difficulties and Head/Traumatic Brain Injury. Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS) Student Council All students in Carlow Institute of Further Education are automatically affiliated members of the Student Council body. The structure of the council comprises of at least one class representative and a maximum of two from each class. A student charter sets out the role and structure of the council and is contained in the student diary and planner. Transport Carlow Institute of Further Education shares a campus with the Institute of Technology Carlow. Students may avail of the many buses which service the campus from the surrounding towns and counties. Carlow is situated on the main Dublin to Waterford train line and the train station is situated in the centre of town. Graduation Graduation Ceremony takes place annually in October. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. A limited number of places available To be eligible you must be: »»Over 21 years old »»6 months in receipt of a qualifying social welfare payment Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. Students who are eligible for an available place on the scheme continue to receive their Social Welfare entitlements plus the cost of some books lunch and travel expenses (where applicable). Student Facilities Application forms for VTOS PLC places will only be issued when a student has a confirmed place on a Carlow Institute of Further Education course they wish to study (i.e. proof of offer and confirmation of acceptance). A study room is provided for all students studying at Carlow Institute of Further Education. It is open daily and students can avail of this service that includes IT workstations. It is used solely for study purposes. Students will be required to complete the forms at the VTOS Centre. An application does not guarantee a place on the VTOS programme. VTOS, 1-3 Granby Row, Carlow Tel: 059 914 0311 2 Career Guidance Service The Career Guidance Service is available to all students at Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training. The service offers workshops on Progression Routes, CAO Applications and UCAS. The Careers Section of Moodle provides a wealth of valuable information for the student and it is updated regularly. Canteen Services A canteen offering tea/coffee and fresh food is available to all students daily. Photocopying facilities are also available in the canteen. Sports A variety of sports are offered for students studying at Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training including: swimming, soccer, basketball and Gaelic football. Gaelic Football One of the most popular field games for men and women with a rich tradition at Carlow IFET, Gaelic Football continues to thrive by attracting players of all levels. We compete in the higher Education league and Championship. All are welcome to participate in the field of play in Carlow IFET Soccer At present in the 2015/16 Colleges and Universities Football League season, we are looking forward to the CUFL League Div 4 semi-final having topped our group and won our 1/4 final match. We are also progressing nicely in the cup competition with the 1/4 final match due in the next few weeks. Awarding Bodies In November 2012 a new integrated agency, Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) replaced the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI), the Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), and the higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC). It will also take over the functions of the Irish Universities Quality Board (IUQB). *Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) will continue to make awards based on standards developed by the Further Education and Training Awards Council and the Higher Education and Training Awards Council while it develops its own award standards and processes.* 3 QQI is the primary awarding body in Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training. Other awarding bodies include: »»CIBTAC (Confederation of International Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology) »»ITEC (International Therapy Examination Council) »»CIDESCO (Comite International D’esthetique et de cosmetology) »»Irish Water Safety Quality Assurance Agreement Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training received its Quality Assurance Agreement with QQI in May 2006. We have agreed procedures and policies with QQI to assure the quality of programmes and services. We are now registered to offer programmes leading to QQI awards. Mature Students (over 23yrs of age) Mature Students are welcome to apply for any course offered at Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training. Applicants need not have the normal minimum entry requirements to apply for courses. Application forms should be completed and returned. Students should note that modules on courses are subject to change. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) The National Framework of Qualifications forms the basis of a new, more flexible and integrated system of qualifications. The need for such a system arises in the main from the national objective of moving towards a ‘lifelong learning society’, in which learners will be enabled to take up learning opportunities at chosen stages throughout their lives. Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training fully supports the policy of the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland to promote the co-ordination and harmonisation of processes for the recognition of prior learning on the part of education providers and awarding bodies. Prior Learning Encompasses: 1.Formal learning, which takes place through programmes of study or training, delivered by education or training providers which attract awards. 2.Non-formal learning that takes place alongside the main stream systems of education and training. It may be assessed but does not normally lead to formal certification. Examples of non-formal learning are: learning and training activities undertaken in the workplace, voluntary sector or trade union and community-bases learning. 3.Informal learning that takes place through life and work experience (and is sometimes referred to as experiential learning). Often, it is learning that is unintentional and the learner may not recognise at the time of the experience that it contributed to his or her knowledge, skills and competences. Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training in conjunction with QQI is committed to implementing a RPL Policy to enable assess to our programmes for all students. This involves an evaluation of all students’ learning to date so as to determine their capacity to participate on their chosen course/programme. Contact Institute for details. Note: The information in this publication is correct at the time of going to press. It is issued on the express condition that it shall not form part of any contract between the Institute and any student. All matters covered in this publication are subject to change from time to time. The Institute reserves the right and in every case at its own discretion and for any reason to alter or not offer courses, minor awards or parts of courses. The National Framework of Qualifications and Progression QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) is a state agency established by the Quality Assurance and Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 2012. Its functions include those previously carried out by the Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC); the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC); the Irish Universities Quality Board (IUQB) and the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI). AWARDING BODIES Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) makes awards in further and higher education and training SEC - State Examinations Commission (Department of Education and Skills) Institutes of Technology Universities QQI is responsible for maintaining the ten-level NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications), validates education and training programmes in colleges such as Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training and make extensive awards in the Further Education and Training sector including those offered by Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training/ Kilkenny-Carlow Education and Training Board. Courses at Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training lead to qualifications at Level 5 or Level 6 of the NFQ, and this facilitates further progression to awards at higher levels in Universities, Institutes of Technology and other Higher Education Institutions. QQI (FETAC) Level 5 or 6 graduates are eligible to apply to progress to Higher Education through the Higher Education Links Scheme and through our partner links programmes (see page 5). For information, you can contact the Admissions Offices of the particular Higher Education Institution you plan to progress to For further information please contact: Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) 26/27 Denzille Lane Dublin 2 Ireland QQI Website: www.qqi.ie AWARDS IN THE FRAMEWORK There are four classes of award in the National Framework of Qualifications: Major Awards: named in the outer rings, are the principal class of awards made at a level Minor Awards: are for partial completion of the outcomes for a Major Award Supplemental Awards: are for learning that is additional to a Major Award Special Purpose Awards: are for relatively narrow or purpose-specific achievement 4 Partners and Progression Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training has strategic links with its partners Institute of Technology, Carlow, Waterford Institute of Technology, Carlow College and VISUAL Carlow. The partnerships with both Institutes of Technology offer unique progression arrangements for students who graduate from programmes at Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training. These progression agreements are subject to specific conditions, and each year an information workshop is held at Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training to assist applicants. VISUAL Carlow is strategic partner for Creative and Performing Arts studies. VISUAL Carlow is a dynamic multi-disciplinary arts centre presenting local, national, and international work in the visual and performing arts. The centre comprises over 3000m3 of world-standard gallery space, and a 290-seat performance theatre. VISUAL Carlow has a highly creative programming approach that features outstanding international work, and seeks opportunities to support and connect national, regional and local work in its environment of excellence. Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training has a progression agreement with Waterford Institute of Technology under which WIT reserves a specific number of places on a range of programmes for CIFET students. An agreement has been signed with Institute of Technology Carlow that allows graduates from Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training, who apply through CAO for programmes at Institute of Technology Carlow and who meet the required entry criteria, to be offered a place in advance of the usual Round 1 offers. Carlow College provides opportunities for CIFET students to achieve B.A. (Honours) degrees in Applied Social Social Studies (Social Care), Humanities, English and History and Citizenship and Community Studies, in a supportive learning environment and a friendly campus. Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training is a strategic partner of VISUAL Carlow, and is developing active education links between its Arts courses and the programme at the gallery and theatre. These opportunities will include visual art workshops, film screenings, performances, venue and event management experiences, stage and theatre makeup, and production and technical theatre workshops at the centre, run in conjunction with VISUAL Carlow and Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training. Look out for the VISUAL Carlow logo on individual information pages to see which courses offer links. Links: 5 The Key To Your Future ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA LevelCrafts 5 Arts, & Media Graphic Design / Visual Communication Level 5 (Portfolio Preparation) Code 5M1995 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Nuala Dalzell This is a one-year course/programme for students who are interested in pursuing a career in Graphic Design. This course enables students to develop problem- solving skills, generate ideas and develop them creatively. Students will combine essential drawing skills with the use of modern multimedia to produce a variety of Graphic Design projects such as posters, logo design , concept development and stationary design .Using the design process daily students learn and develop the skills of a graphic designer. They can produce a portfolio of work which will show their varied skill in design and which they can use to progress to third level, either in the area of art and design or for those who wish to directly pursue a career in Graphic Design. Course/Programme Content Design Skills Graphic Design Skills Work - Experience Digital Photography Drawing Communication Desk-Top Publishing Combined Materials Portfolio Preparation As part of this course, students can prepare a portfolio of their work which will support future applications for further and higher education, or employment. Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Graphic Design Web Design Creative & Technical Illustration Visual Merchandising Typography Exhibition & Event Display Editorial Design Freelance Design Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Graphic Design Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Additional Costs: €30 for Photography Printing costs. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/ programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/ Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. I studied Graphic Design in Carlow Institute of Further Education in 2009/2010. I found the course well rounded, both practical and academic. There was great one to one contact with lectures that really helped develop my skills. This course provided a brilliant foundation to continue my studies. I am now doing an Honours Degree in Visual Communication and Design. It had been seven years since I left school and this course enabled me to rejoin the education system. Jonathon Byrne Links: ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA 6 Art, Design & Mixed Media (Portfolio Preparation) Level 5 Code 5M1984 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Mary Mooney This course is for students who are looking to produce an exciting, competitive and creative body of art portfolio work. Students will gain skills in creative thinking in drawing, mixed media, print, painting and various other media. Our students are very successful in securing places in all top art and IT colleges through guidance from teachers and dedication of students. Course/Programme Content Drawing Painting Design Skills Combined Materials CommunicationsSculpture Printmaking Work Experience Portfolio Preparation As part of this course, students can prepare a portfolio of their work which will support future applications for further and higher education, or employment. Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Fine Art Craft Industrial and Product Design Fashion and Textiles Interior Design Sculpture PhotographyPrintmaking Art and Design Teaching Ceramics Entry Requirements Students will be required to bring a small selection of their most recent artwork with them to interview. Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Art, Craft and Design Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses / programmes where students / learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students / learners must be vetted by the Gardai. All students / learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with the course offer. At CIFE I was able connect two of my passions, fashion and film and I’m now studying how to become a costume designer for film and stage in the Institution of Art, Design and Technology in Dun Laoghaire. My time in Carlow allowed me an exemption in first year and start college in second year. Slawomir Narwid Students / learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland / Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 7 Links: ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA Creative Craft Level 5 Code 5M1984 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Mary Mooney This course is an opportunity for those who wish to further their interest and learn new skills in the creative arts such as drawing, painting, printmaking and mixed media. It is an exciting and creative course suitable for all learners to experience a creative environment in which to work. Course/Programme Content Drawing Painting Design Skills Combined Materials CommunicationsSculpture Printmaking Work Experience Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: QQI LEVEL 6 courses in the arts and crafts field. Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Art, Craft and Design Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses / programmes where students / learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students / learners must be vetted by the Gardai. All students / learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with the course offer. Students / learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland / Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. Links: ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA 8 Product and Industrial Design (Portfolio Preparation) Level 5 Code 5M2208 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Mary Mooney This is a one-year course/programme for students who are interested in pursuing a career in Product or Industrial Design. Through a series of projects learners will develop specific design skills such as concept sketching, computing and relevant workshop skills. This will allow the learner to fully engage in the Product and Industrial design process from initial briefing, to research, creative experimentation, critical evaluation and the development of concepts into finished products with the execution of prototypes. Course/Programme Content Drawing Communications Materials and Finishes Engineering Workshop Processes Design Skills Work Experience Furniture Making Graphic Design Skills Portfolio Preparation As part of this course, students can prepare a portfolio of their work which will support future applications for further and higher education, or employment. Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Design consultancies; graphics; furniture design; environmental design. Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 - Certificate in Design Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses / programmes where students / learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students / learners must be vetted by the Gardai. All students / learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with the course offer. Students / learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland / Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 9 Links: ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA Furniture Design & Making Level 5 Code 5M2012 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Laura Conheady This one-year course/programme aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills and understanding required to work effectively in the areas of design, carpentry, joinery, and the construction industry. Course/Programme Content Design Skills Furniture Making Work Experience Wood Turning DrawingCommunications Wood Finishing 2D CAD Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Furniture Design Cabinet Making CAD draughtsperson Furniture Making Carpentry & Joinery Industrial Design Product Design & Innovation Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Furniture Design Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. I am a fitter/welder by trade and in late 2009 I lost my job. I did a PLC course in Furniture Making & Design which I really enjoyed. I now attend Carlow IT, am in my Third Year of a BA (Honours) in Industrial Design. Last year we visited Barcelona for 4 days to look at design in Spain. In September I will start my 4th year, you’re never too old to go back to college and learn new skills. Paul Clancy Links: ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA 10 Media Production & Photography Level 5 Code 5M0528 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Imelda Fitzmaurice This one-year full-time course aims to equip students with a broad knowledge and understanding of the media in areas such as film, journalism, photography, TV & Video. Course/Programme Content Digital Movie Processing Media Analysis Desktop Publishing Safety and Health at Work Digital Photography Work Experience Communications Legal Studies Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: TelevisionPhotography Film Making and Production Journalism Advertising Agencies Magazines/Newspapers Public Relations and Marketing Local Radio Production Assistant (TV) Television research Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Media Production Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Additional Costs €30 for Photography Printing costs. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. I started my media career in CIFE studying Media Production and Photography. Since then I now work in TV3, where I am involved in the production, programming and operations of such shows as Xposé, Midday, Tonight with Vincent Browne, 5:30 News, Late Lunch Live etc. I have continued my studies and recently finished a Masters Degree in Radio and TV Production in IADT, and I am now working on postgraduate course with a view to becoming a teacher. Dave Doran Studying Media Production and Photography in Carlow Institute of Further Education was the best decision I ever made. 11 Links: ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA Multimedia Production & Digital Movie Level 5 Code 5M2146 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Joan Dunne This one-year course/programme aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills and understanding required to work effectively in many areas of media. Multimedia production integrates media such as digital movie, worldwide web, CD-Rom, digital photography, film, video, publishing, TV and DVD, skilfully merging them with text, graphics, sound and animation to communicate in a powerful and holistic way. Course/Programme Content Design Skills Multimedia Project development Work Experience Digital Movie Processing Multimedia Authoring Communications Web Authoring Safety & Health at Work Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Multimedia Project Management Multimedia Design Audio-Visual Communications Advertising & Marketing Digital Photography Printing & Publishing Web Mastering Graphic Design Digital Entertainment & Games Visual Arts & Film Digital Movie Television & Video Multimedia Programming Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Multimedia Production Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. The course was great last year. I learned a lot of things from animation to web development to making short films. The course was great fun and I got to meet a lot of interesting people during the year. At times it was tough but we all managed to work as a team to get the work done. If anyone wants to do a course in Multimedia I would recommend this one. Brian Heffernan Links: ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA 12 Music Performance, Theory and Management Level 5 Code 5M2011 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Karen O’Neill This practical one –year course offers live performance, event production, music theory, technology and an in depth look at the music industry. Course/Programme Content Sound Engineering & Production Music Theory & Practice Music Industry Studies Communications Music Performance Work Experience Event Production Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Music Management Music Performance Sound Engineering Music Theory Studies Event Management Entry Requirements A minimum grade C at HL or OL Leaving Certificate Music (or equivalent qualification), or equivalent standard of performance. Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Music Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 13 The lecturers are great and I was really interested in the topics covered, particularly Music Industry Studies and Sound Engineering. I did work experience in the George Bernard Shaw Theatre and stayed on as a volunteer after the work experience was over. I’ve recently graduated with a Masters degree and know that doing the course in CIFE was an immense help in getting me where I wanted to go.” David Collier Links: ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA Music Technology & Sound Engineering Level 5 Code 5M2149 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Karen O’Neill / Keith Shirley This is a one-year course/programme to prepare students for further study or careers in the music and media industries as a sound engineer or professional DJ. It aims to develop a broad range of knowledge related to the operation of sound equipment for both live and studio environments. Course/Programme Content Sound Engineering & Production Music Technology Event Production Music Industry Studies Digital Movie Processing Communications Work Experience Desktop Multimedia Audio Production Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Sound Engineer DJ Producer Studio Manager Sound Engineer-Film Event Manager AV Installer Post-Production Engineer Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Sound Production Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. If you have any aspirations to forge a career in the modern music industry this is the course to send you well on your way. With expert lecturers on hand to guide you through a broad syllabus, everyday is different. Each module within the course allows you to learn new skills imperative to your future career in the industry , enhance your ability to work within a team and show your individuality within every assignment. The course also maintains a very “hands on” approach, allowing you to participate in live events and operate/learn multiple types of studio/live sound equipment. A very friendly learning atmosphere for music lovers all. Niall Dunne Owner @Crave Recordings /Crave Event Mgmt /Pro DJ/Producer I am very proud to have graduated from this course which has benefited me to no end in my career within the music industry and life in general. Links: ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA ARTS, CRAFTS & MEDIA 14 Level 5 Agriculture, Science & Computing Animal Care Level 5 Code 5M2768 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Martina Redmond This is a one year full-time course which aims to provide a gateway for students interested in perusing a career in an animal related field. The course is designed to equip students with the practical skills, knowledge and experience required to work directly with animals and as a foundation for further study in this arena. Course/Programme Content Animal Anatomy and Physiology Communications Mathematics Animal Welfare Work Experience Animal Grooming Biology Small Animal Husbandry & Housing Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Pet Shops Grooming Parlours Boarding Kennels Catteries Animal Welfare Organisations Stable Yards Large & Small Animal Clinics Costs Approx €330 to cover the costs of textbooks, grooming equipment & tunic. Level 5 Word Processing will be available as a night course at the Institute for students wishing to apply to the degree course in Veterinary Nursing at UCD. Approx. cost €150 QQI Link Scheme Includes Athlone I.T. Veterinary Nursing (AL731) Dundalk I.T Veterinary Nursing (DK784) UCD Veterinary Nursing (DN310) Letterkenny I.T Veterinary Nursing (LY847) Waterford I.T. - BSC in Applied Biology WD176 - BSC in Science WD177 Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 15 In doing this course it gave me a foundation to build on. I am now in my 1st year of a BSC in Veterinary Nursing in Athlone Institute of Technology. I am really enjoying the course and it was great to have done the Animal care course in Carlow IFE as it eased me into 3rd level education, as I am a mature student and the course in CIFET has made settling into the academic life of AIT easier. Lisa Brown Links: AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE & COMPUTING AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE & COMPUTING Games & Apps Development Level 5 Code 5M0529 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Seamus Kelly This is a one-year course/programme to prepare students for further study in software development including games and applications for mobile devices. It aims to develop a broad range of knowledge covering the use of general computer technology and software development techniques. Course/Programme Content Communications Operating Systems Games Analysis Design Maths for STEM Web Authering Mobile Technologies Work Experience Programming and Design Principles Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Software Development Games Programming General IT Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 Certificate in Software Development Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Subject to validation Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. I completed the Games and Apps Development Fetec level 5 course in Carlow Institute of Further Education in 2013/2014. The course is an excellent stepping stone into other Third Level Degree courses. I really enjoyed the course and I learned a lot of different skills from completing the course. The Lecturers were always very helpful, friendly and approachable. The course has helped me to progress on to undertaking a Higher Diploma in Science of Computing in the Institute of Technology Carlow. Christopher Teehan Links: AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE & COMPUTING AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE & COMPUTING 16 Commercial Landscape Design and Gardening Level 5 Code 5M2586 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Martin Quigley This is a one-year course/programme for students who are interested in pursuing a career in Horticulture, Landscaping, Organic Farming and general gardening. This course will enable Learners to identify suitable plants for different gardens. It will incorporate garden design and practical garden skills. Course/Programme Content Plant Science Communications Soil Science and Growing Media Work Practice Plant Identification and Use Design Fruit & Vegetable Production Plant Protection Landscape Construction and Maintenance Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Garden Centres Gardening Landscaping Own Business AgricultureNursery Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Horticulture Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 17 I found this course extremely beneficial as a first stepping stone towards my career in landscaping. All modules covered within it benefited me greatly when I began working in this sector. I also got to make many friends both young and old and all the tutors were very helpful in working with me to get the grades I wished to achieve. I am currently working for a landscaping company and many of the skills I have are a credit to me doing this course. I would highly recommend this course to anyone with an interest in garden and landscaping. Stacey Beckett Links: AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE & COMPUTING AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE & COMPUTING Organic Gardening Enterprise Level 5 Code 5M2586 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Martin Quigley This is a one-year course/programme for students who are interested in pursuing a career in Organic crop production and general vegetable production. This course will enable Learners to identify suitable crops and plants for different gardens. It will incorporate commercial and practical organic production skills. Course/Programme Content Plant Science Plant Protection Fruit and Vegetable Production Organic Principles and Standards Soil Science and Growing Media Plant Identification and Use Work Practice Communications Organic Production Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Organic Market Stall Agriculture Gardening Own Business Further study Fruit and Vegetable Producer Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Horticulture Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses / programmes where students / learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students / learners must be vetted by the Gardai. All students / learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with the course offer. Students / learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland / Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. Links: AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE & COMPUTING AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE & COMPUTING 18 Computer Systems and Networks Level 5 Code 5M0536 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Mary Collins This is a one-year full-time course/programme, for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the computer industry or the modern technology office. Course/Programme Content Communications Operating Systems Computer Systems Hardware Networking Essentials Maths for IT Work Experience Mobile Technologies Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Technical Support Networking Computer Manufacturing End user Support Computer Sales / Marketing Financial Institutions Call Centres Government Departments Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Computer Systems and Networks Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Subject to validation Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 19 I have attended CIFE, in year 2011/2012, and completed the Information Technology course which was very interesting, educational and enjoyable, made so by all the instructors and teachers. I am now attending IT Carlow, doing an honours bachelor’s degree in Computer Systems Management, which is going great, and made easy thanks to the confidence and know how given to me at Carlow Institute of Further Education. Steve Reilly Links: AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE & COMPUTING AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE & COMPUTING Level 6 Animal Science »»» Level 6 Code 6M5153 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Martina Redmond This one-year course/programme integrates aspects from a wide range of animal related disciplines to provide students with the relevant practical and theoretical knowledge to further their professional careers in this field. Course/Programme Content Wild Animal Management Animal Grooming Communications Kennel & Cattery Management Animal Behaviour Animal Science & Health Work Experience Investigative Studies Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Wildlife Tourism Parks Animal Grooming Boarding Kennels & Catteries Animal Shelters Animal Welfare Organisations Pet Shops Stable Yards Opportunities to progress to further study in Veterinary, Zoological, Equine, Agriculture, Science and Animal Welfare fields. Entry Requirements QQI level 5 Certificate in a related area of study or equivalent experience Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 6 – Certificate in Animal Science Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. I am now studying a Bachelor of Science in veterinary nursing at AIT. I am really enjoying the course and doing these previous courses (level 5 & 6) in CIFE really helps me with my studies at present. I gained a lot of experience in CIFE and I even look back at previous notes that I have from CIFE! I hope to continue my study and complete an honours degree in Veterinary Practice Management. Aoife Lennon Links: AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE & COMPUTING AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE & COMPUTING 20 Level 5 & Humanities Business Applied Social Studies Level 5 Code 5M2181 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Bríd Griffin This one-year course/programme aims to assist students who may be seeking employment or higher education in the area of social care. Course/Programme Content Social Studies Human Growth & Development Intercultural Studies Work Experience Applied Psychology Equality & Disability Teamworking Word Processing Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Health Services Youth Services Voluntary Organisations Community Organisations Education Services Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Applied Social Studies Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. The choice of courses at Carlow Institute of Further Education was great. The modules in the Applied Social Studies course gave me options for a career in areas that I had never thought of before. Carlow Institute of Further Education focussed me in the direction of achieving my goal of a third level degree. There’s value in education, when it’s in an environmentwhere people enjoy teaching.It inspires you to want to achieve. 21 Links: Agnita Kenny The Key To Your Future BUSINESS &BUSINESS HUMANITIES & HUMANITIES BUSINESS &BUSINESS HUMANITIES & HUMANITIES BUSINESS &BUSINESS HUMANITIES & HUMANITIES Business Administration with Legal Studies Level 5 Code 5M2468 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Maria Tyrell This one-year course/programme aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills and understanding required to work effectively in a business and legal environment. Course/Programme Content Business Administration Skills Spreadsheets Business Law Communications Legal Practice & Procedures Word Processing Work Experience Bookkeeping - Manual & Computerised Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Legal Firms Accounting Firms Positions with Public Bodies Banking Offices of Industrial/Manufacturing Companies Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Business Administration Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. I really enjoyed the course and found the content both interesting and relevant to Business and Legal area. This course gave me the confidence to further my education by enrolling in IT Carlow and I have completed the Higher Certificate in Accounting and I am currently enrolled in Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Supply Chain Management. Philip Crowe Links: BUSINESS & HUMANITIES BUSINESS & HUMANITIES BUSINESS & HUMANITIES 22 Web Design and Digital Marketing (eBusiness) Level 5 Code 5M0828 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Keith Shirley This is a one-year course/programme to prepare students for further study or careers in eCommerce, web development and social media. It aims to develop a broad range of knowledge covering the use of web technology and general IT in business. Course/Programme Content eBusiness Studies Web Authoring Digital Marketing Communications The Internet Word Processing Business Administration Work Experience Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Web Development Digital Marketing Social Media Marketing Own Business Sales Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in eBusiness Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. I loved this course. Coming from not being able to read HTML to designing my own websites for businesses in less then a year is unbelievable, I would recommend this course to anyone who would like to pursue a career in web design. Stephen Mullally 23 Links: BUSINESS & HUMANITIES BUSINESS & HUMANITIES BUSINESS & HUMANITIES Legal Studies Level 5 Code 5M3789 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Maria Tyrrell This course/programme is an introduction to the Irish legal system and general law subjects. It is particularly suited to students who wish to progress to a degree in law at third level. Course/Programme Content Legal Practice & Procedures Business Law Communications Word Processing Work Experience Spreadsheet Methods Business Administration Skills Bookkeeping - Manual & Computerised Career Prospects Progression to third level Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Legal Studies Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. After making contact with Carlow IFE and after a short interview I was notified that I was accepted for a course in legal studies. When the first day arrived I found myself in a room full of students all of whom were younger than my own offspring, but I got over the shock and settled in comfortably. I was treated exceptionally well by the teaching staff and the other students at Carlow IFE and when I finished the course I applied to Carlow IT to study law which I hope will eventually lead to a degree in law. All in all, this was a worthwhile experience and certainly not to be missed. Tom Nevin Links: BUSINESS & HUMANITIES BUSINESS & HUMANITIES BUSINESS & HUMANITIES 24 Office Administration Level 5 Code 5M1997 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Shelagh Hand This one-year course/programme is designed for students who wish to pursue a career as a receptionist or office administrator. It aims to develop the social skills and attitudes necessary in dealing with the public. Students are trained in both personal and up-to-date business skills. Course/Programme Content Information and Administration Work Experience Spreadsheet Methods Communications Text Production Word Processing Customer Service Bookkeeping - Manual & Computerised Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue a career in: IndustryCompanies Offices Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Office Administration Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. I completed the Office Administration Level 5 Course Last Year. I found that this course benefitted me a lot because I learned how to meet assignment deadlines and I got involved in group tasks in different classes, I felt it made me more confident in myself. I made a lot of new friends from doing this course. Gemma Lawlor 25 Links: BUSINESS & HUMANITIES BUSINESS & HUMANITIES BUSINESS & HUMANITIES Office Informatics Level 5 Code 5M18294 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Miriam Monahan This intensive one-year course/programme is designed to provide students with a broad and balanced skill base to enable them to work in an administrative area in any office environment. Particular emphasis is placed on IT Applications and key communication skills which are an employment requirement of the modern office. Course/Programme Content Database Methods The Internet Text Production Work Experience Word Processing Spreadsheet Methods Comunications Capstone for Office Informatics Career Prospects Learners who qualify in this area can pursue further study and /or a career in: Public Bodies, Industrial/Manufacturing Companies, Professional Organisations, Insurance, Banking. Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 Certificate in Capstone for Office Informatics Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. Links: BUSINESS & HUMANITIES BUSINESS & HUMANITIES BUSINESS & HUMANITIES 26 Level 6 Business Practice »»» Level 6 Code 6M5013 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Joan Dunne This one-year course/programme aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills and understanding required to work effectively in any business environment. It also qualifies students to pursue further studies in this area. Course/Programme Content Spreadsheets Supervisory Management Word Processing Administration Studies Accounting Customer Service Payroll Manual & Computerised Work Experience Personal & Professional Development Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Clerical Officer Office Manager Personal Assistant Accounts Assistant InsuranceBanking Sales/Distribution Public Bodies Entry Requirements QQI Level 5 Certificate in related area of study or equivalent Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 6 – Certificate in Administration Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 27 I completed the Business Management Level 6 course in May of 2013. I found this course very enjoyable and it has helped me find work as an intern in Carlow town. I would really recommend this course for anybody who would like to update their skills in admin. Clare Kearns Links: CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS & HUMANITIES & BUILT ENVIRONMENT BUSINESS & HUMANITIES / ENGINEERING BUSINESS & MANUFACTURING & HUMANITIES Level 5 Construction & Built Environment /Engineering & Manufacturing Automotive Technology Level 5 Code 5M2145 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Kevin O’Doherty This is an introductory automotive maintenance course. The course will present learners with an opportunity to identify and carry out routine maintenance on a variety of mechanical and Electrical components on a motor vehicle. The course provides both practical and theory sessions. Course/Programme Content Auto Electricity Motor Vehicle Theory Work Experience Safety & Health at Work Engineering Workshop Processes Motor Vehicle Practice Communications Mathematics Materials Science Engineering Drawing Career Prospects This course is ideally suited for students who aspire to apprenticeships in the motor industry and related fields. Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Motor Technology Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. I studied Automotive Technology in Carlow Institute of Further Education in 2012/2013. I found the course interesting and informative, both from a practical and academic perspective. This course provided a brilliant foundation to continue my studies. I am now studying for an Honours Degree in Civil Engineering. The experience at CIFE has been a great benefit to me and has given me confidence to continue my studies. Liam Kavanagh Links: CONSTRUCTION & BUILT ENVIRONMENT / ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING 28 Engineering Technology Level 5 Code 5M2061 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Pat Lawlor This one-year course/programme is designed to prepare students for further study or careers in the Engineering/ Construction Industry. It provides an introduction to many of the skills involved in the area of Engineering/Construction. Course/Programme Content Engineering Workshop Processes Engineering Workshop Theory Computer Aided Draughting (2D) Mathematics Communications Building Construction Engineering Drawing Work Experience Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: CNC Operators Electronic Technician ElectricianPlumber Carpentry and Joinery Mechanical Engineering Fitter Civil Engineering Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Engineering Technology Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Additional Fees Safe Pass: €75 All above fees are approximate Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 29 For anyone looking to return to full time education, Carlow IFE is the perfect start. I returned to education after 20 years in order to further my career in the fire service. I completed a Level 5 course in Engineering Technology which gave me the opportunity to enter Carlow IT where I am now doing an honours degree. Without the encouragement, support and hard work of the teachers in the IFE I would not have achieved the goals I had set for myself. I would like to thank Pat Lawlor my course director for all his advice and a special thanks to the rest of my teachers. Aiden Owens Links: EDUCATION, HEALTH CONSTRUCTION & BUILT & WELFARE ENVIRONMENT EDUCATION, / ENGINEERING HEALTH & WELFARE & MANUFACTURING Gateway Programme to Third Level Course/Programme Co-ordinator Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training: Bríd Griffin Carlow College: John McHugh This course/programme is delivered in partnership with Carlow College. It is designed to provide students with an opportunity to experience third level education while studying for a QQI level 5 Certificate. Course/Programme Content QQI Level 5 Certificate at Carlow Institute of Further Education QQI Modules at Carlow College Entry Requirements Students will be chosen to attend Carlow College as part of their studies. To apply, students must be accepted into a QQI level 5 course at Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training. Learners for this programme will be chosen through interview process. Interviews will take place in October. Each Year a number of students from Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training studying Applied Social Studies, were selected to participate in a pilot programme with Carlow College. The students get the chance to experience college life before they commit to it. Students’ feedback prove very positive. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. Links: The Key To Your Future EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE 30 Level 5 Special Needs Assistant Level 5 Code 5M2786 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Siobhan O’Connell This one year programme aims to prepare students to work as Special Needs Assistants, (SNAs) in primary and secondary school classrooms or special schools, assisting children with everyday practical tasks. It also serves as a platform for further study in applied social studies/social care and early childhood care and education. Course/Programme Content Care Provision & Practice Human Growth & Development Special Needs Assisting Work Experience Safety & Health at Work Intellectual Disability Studies Equality & Disability Communications Career Prospects Special Needs Assistant (SNA) in Primary/Secondary Schools Special Schools Day Care Centres Residential Care Settings Personal Assistant Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Community Care Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Occupational First Aid Certificate (additional cost) Manual Handling / Patient Lifting Certificate (additional cost) Higher Education Graduates are eligible to apply through the CAO to Universities and Institutes of Technology for entry to the first year of relevant Degree Programmes in Ireland through the Higher Education Links Scheme. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 31 I completed my SNA course in May 2015. From start to finish I had the best time. I met some fantastic people, which made the course all the more enjoyable, and also conquered my fears of presentations and public speaking. I am now working as an SNA in the Gaelscoil, Carlow and love every minute of it. Joanne Hutton Links: EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE Early Childhood Care & Education Level 5 Code 5M2009 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Fiona Maher This one-year course/programme prepares students to work with young children aged 0 – 6 in a variety of childcare settings. The award will provide participants with skills, knowledge and competence to work as a childcare professional within the childcare and early education sector. Course/Programme Content Child Development Early Care & Education Practice Early Childhood Education & Play Equality & Diversity in Childcare Child Health & Well Being Communications Work Experience Special Needs Assisting Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue a career in: Assistants in Crèches Nurseries After School Services Pre-schools and Playschools Au pairing / Nanny Primary Schools and Special Needs Classroom Assistants Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to progress to Level 6 Early Childhood Care & Education at Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training or to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. In September 2010, after 30 years away from a classroom, I decided to return to school. I completed the Level 5 Childcare course at CIFE in June 2011 and returned the next year for the Level 6 Supevision in Childcare course. I am now in my second year running my own After School and Homework Club. Completing the two courses at CIFE gave me the confidence and skills I needed to pursue a career working with children. Margaret Hedigan Links: EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE 32 Health Care Assistant Level 5 Code 5M2786 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Siobháin O’Connell This one year programme is designed to equip students with the specialist knowledge and practical skills to pursue a career in the growing healthcare sector and work under supervision in hospitals, nursing homes, respite centres and centres for people with disabilities. It also serves as a platform for further study in applied social studies/social care. Course/Programme Content Care Provision and Practice Safety and Health at Work Human Growth and Development Care of the Older Person Work Experience Care Support Care Skills Communications Career Prospects Community Care Assistant Hospital Care Assistant Nursing Home Care Disability Care Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Community Care Occupational FIrst Aid Certificate (additional cost) Manual Handling / Patient Lifting Certificate (additional cost) Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education Graduates are eligible to apply through the CAO to Universities and Institutes of Technology for entry to the first year of relevant Degree Programmes in Ireland through the Higher Education Links Scheme. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 33 Links: EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE Nursing Studies Level 5 Code 5M4349 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Siobháin O’Connell This one year programme provides students with foundation skills to access Nursing Degree Programmes. Course/Programme Content Nursing Theory and Practice Human Growth and Development Care Provision and Practice Work Experience Anatomy and Physiology Safety and Health at Work Care of the Older Person Communications Career Prospects Graduates are eligible to apply for academic progression routes in Nursing in Ireland and the UK. Graduates are also qualified to work as Health Care Assistants in a variety of health and community settings. Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Nursing Studies Occupational FIrst Aid Certificate (additional cost) Manual Handling / Patient Lifting Certificate (additional cost) Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education Graduates are eligible to apply through the CAO to Universities and Institutes of Technology for entry to the first year of Nursing and Health Science Degree Programmes in Ireland (through the Higher Education Link Scheme) and through UCAS for UK universities. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. As a Nursing Studies student of Carlow Institute of Further Education (2014) I would highly recommend the course as it provides great preparation for third level studies. I am soon to enter my second year at De Montfort University in Leicester United Kingdom studying Adult (General) Nursing. I had no knowledge of UCAS before I attended the Level 5 course. I received so much information regarding studying in the UK from CIFE. I am extremely happy to be finally working towards my Nursing Degree and Nursing Studies at CIFE was a great stepping stone towards my goal. It provided me with much needed experience, choices and knowledge towards a career in nursing. Katie O’Byrne Links: EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE 34 Physiology & Sports Injuries Management Level 5 Code 5M4468 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Andrea Norton This is a one-year course/programme giving students an excellent foundation in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries. Course/Programme Content QQIITEC Communications Anatomy and Physiology Work Experience Holistic Massage Anatomy & Physiology Exercise and Fitness Safety and Health at Work Legal Studies Nutrition Physics Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue a career in: Assistants in Sports Injury Clinics Assistants in Athletics area Assistants with Physiotherapist in private practice Certification ITEC Level 3 Holistic Massage Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Community and Health Services Institute of Massage and Sports Therapy. Certificate in Taping and Strapping Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC): Level 3 Certificate Holistic Massage Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Additional Fees ITEC Fee - €150 Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 35 I can honestly say this course changed my life completely. I am a Plasterer by trade and had tried different courses. Initially I intended to go straight into third level Education and had even attended an interview for IT Carlow with great feedback. The one thing that stood against me was trying to cope with a big workload from the start and I was advised to try a Further Education course to see how I would deal with full time Education. I now work for as a therapist while continuing my studies on the Sports Rehabilitation & Athletic Therapy BSc Level 8 course in IT Carlow. Ivan Lynch Links: EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE Beauty Therapy Level 5 Course/Programme Co-ordinator D. Dunphy This is a one-year course/programme leading to diplomas in Beauty Therapy of international recognition. Successful learners have the opportunity to progress on to Advanced Beauty Therapy Level 6 Course/Programme Content Eye & Skincare Treatments Make-up Manicure / Pedicure Waxing Facial Electrics Anatomy & Physiology Communications Health & Hygiene Work Experience Body Massage Beauty Industry Ethic and Practice Figure Analysis Body Electrics Beauty Therapy Business Awareness & Professional Conduct Interviews Interviews for this course will take place in May and late August / early September 2016. Closing date for receipt of applications for first round interviews is April 22nd 2016. Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue a career in: Health Farms / Leisure Centres Make-up Artist Cruise Liner Therapist Company Representative Massage Therapist Beauty Salons Make-up and Skin Care Consultant Entry Requirements Applicants should have successfully completed a Leaving Certificate /LCVA or equivalent course with a minimum pass grade in Biology or Home Economics (Social and Scientific) is desirable. Certification International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC): Diploma for Beauty Specialists Diploma in Anatomy & Physiology Diploma in Professional Conduct & Business Awareness Leading to CIDESCO qualification in Level 6 Costs Approx €1000 to cover costs of examination fees, kits, books, uniform. There are a number of additional optional courses made available throughout training which will incur further costs. Links: Following completion of CIDESCO, I remain working locally in a family pharmacy where we offer the latest treatments in microdermabrasion and IPL Laser. I found the course, staff and college to be personal, supportive and challenging. Martina Cush Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE 36 Spa & Complementary Therapies Level 5 Code 5M3471 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Andrea Norton This one-year course/programme aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills and understanding required to work effectively in the complementary health and spa area. Course/Programme Content QQIITEC Manicure, Pedicure and Waxing Hopi Ear Candling Indian Head Massage Nutrition Skin Care, Eye Treatments Anatomy and Physiology and Make Up Holistic Massage Interviews Interviews for this course will take place in May and late August / early September 2016. Closing date for receipt of applications for first round interviews is April 22nd 2016. Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue a career in: Health Spas Beauty Salons Cruise ships Leisure centres Own business Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Minor Awards Certificate in Hot Stone Massage (OBUS College) Certificate in Hopi Ear Candling (OBUS College) Level 3 Diploma ITEC: Holistic Massage, Reflexology Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Additional Fees Uniform, Books, Kits etc. €350 (approx) ITEC Fees €300 Higher Education A level 5 graduate with 5 distinctions would be eligible to progress into the first year of BA in Spa and Wellness Management programme in Athlone Institute of Technology through the CAO System. The skills and confidence I acquired from participating in the course enabled me to set up my own business ‘Stillness Holistic Centre.’ My life expanded/developed in a different direction, now I encourage people to stay well and support them through this. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Claire Healy Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 37 Links: EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE Level 6 Professional Diploma in Beauty Therapy Level 6 Course/Programme Co-ordinator D. Dunphy This is a Level 6 Programme leading to Diplomas in Advanced Beauty Therapy of international recognition Course/Programme Content Electrical Machines: Face & Body Anatomy & Physiology Electrical Epilation Micro Dermabrasion Work Experience Laser Figure Diagnosis Body Massage Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Health Farms/Leisure Centres Make-up Artist Cruise Liner Therapist Company Representative Massage Therapist Beauty Salons Make-up and Skin Care Consultant Entry Requirements Applicants should have successfully completed Level 5 Certificate in Beauty Therapy or equivalent. Certification: International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC): Diploma in Microdermabrasion Diploma in Laser Diploma in Electrical Epilation Diploma in Body Therapy CIDESCO (Comite International D’esthetique et de Cosmetologie): Diploma in Beauty Therapy Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) Level 6 – Component Certificate Higher Education A level 6 graduate in Beauty Therapy is now eligible to enter into the BA in Spa and Wellness Management programme at year 2 and would apply directly to Athlone IT Additional Fees Exam fees: €600 Books €50 Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/ programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. My time studying Beauty Therapy was one of the best experiences of my life, it gave me the courage, confidence and of course the educational qualifications I needed to pursue my dream of becoming a Beauty Therapist. I have now been working in the industry at Mount Wolseley Spa for over 4 years, going from part time to full time and then on to become senior therapist, I love my job and am eternally grateful to Carlow Institute for the wonderful opportunity I was given there. Kathleen Keane Links: EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE 38 Early Childhood Care & Education »»» Level 6 Code 6M2007 Course/Programme Co-ordinator A. Dempsey This one-year course/programme aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills and competence required to work effectively in Early Childhood Education in a leadership/ supervisory capacity. Course/Programme Content Child Development Early Childhood Curriculum Childhood Social & Legal Studies Work Experience Child Psychology Special Needs Assisting Personal & Professional Practice Early Childhood Literacy & Numeracy Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue a career in: Nursery Supervisor/Manager Pre-school leader Primary School assistant Play group Leader Nanny Childminding Business Special educational needs Assistant Entry Requirements FETAC LEVEL 5 Certificate in Childcare or equivalent Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 6 – Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 39 Following completion of the Level 6 qualification and with the support and guidance of my CIFE tutors, I felt empowered to continue my studies. This resulted in me obtaining a First Class Honours Degree in Early Childhood from I.T. Carlow in June 2012. I now work as a Room Leader in a Community Childcare setting during the day and as an Adult Education Tutor, tutoring Level 5 Childcare one evening per week. Gillian Hegarty Links: EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE Level 5 Services Hairdressing Level 5/6 Code 5M3351 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Roisin Deegan This is a two year course/programme leading to diplomas of international recognition. Successful completion of year one will lead to progression to year two. Course/Programme Content Hairdressing Theory & Practice Hairdressing Science Safety and Health at Work Communications Work Experience Reception Business Management Customer Service Business Studies & Salon Procedures Interviews Interviews for this course will take place in May and late August / early September 2016. Closing date for receipt of applications for first round interviews is April 22nd 2016. Career Prospects Students who qualify in all areas can pursue a career in: Hairdressing Cruise Ships Own Business Company Representative Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Hairdressing Level 6 – Component Certificate Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Department of Education and Science: Junior Trade Hairdressing Examination Senior Trade Hairdressing Examination Additional Fees Junior Trade Exam Fees: €100 Student Kit: €300 Senior Trade Exam Fees: €100 Uniforms: €25 All Above Fees are Approximate Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. I completed the two year course in 2010 and since I am working as a stylist in teknicolor salon. I felt the course was a great stepping stone to getting you ready for a working salon. The course gave me the confidence to start entering competitions where l progressed to entering the Irish Hair Photographic Awards and was a finalist in 2012. Edel Jones Links: SERVICES SERVICES 40 Nail Technician Level 5 Code 5M5265 (with Make-Up Artistry) Course/Programme Co-ordinator Sara Ashmore This is a one year course/programme is designed for students with an interest in the Make Up & Nail Industry. It aims to develop skills necessary for work as a make-up artist and nail technician. Course/Programme Content Anatomy and Physiology Health and Hygiene Skincare & Eye Treatments Work Experience Fashion & Theatre Makeup Gel, Acrylic, False Nails, Manicure & Pedicure Interviews Interviews for this course will take place in May and late August / early September 2016. Closing date for receipt of applications for first round interviews is April 22nd 2016. Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Make-up Artist Nail Technician Make-up Consultant Cruise Liner Therapist Make-up & Nail Therapist Company Representative TV / Film Make Up Artist Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Certificate Award in Skincare, Eye Treatment and Make-up, Fashion and Theatre Make-Up Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC): Diploma Nail Art Diploma Nail Technology Certificate in Make-up Application Award in the Art of Photographic Make-up (optional) Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Additional Costs Uniform, Kits, Exam Fees, approx €800. 41 Links: SERVICES SERVICES Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. Make-Up Artistry Level 5 Code 5M5265 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Sara Ashmore This is a one year course/programme is designed for students with an interest in the Make Up Industry. It aims to develop skills necessary for work as a make-up artist. Course/Programme Content Anatomy and Physiology Skincare & Eye Treatments Work Experience Communications Pastiche, Fashion & Theatre Makeup Make-up Application Special Effects Makeup Interviews Interviews for this course will take place in May and late August / early September 2015. Closing date for receipt of applications for first round interviews is April 22nd 2016. Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Make-up Artist TV/Film Make-up Artist Make-up Consultant Company Representative Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Make-up Artistry Award Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC): Certificate in Make-up Application Award in the Art of Photographic Make-up Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Additional Costs Uniform, Kits, Exam Fees, approx €600. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Since the course has ended I have worked all over the world, in London, Sydney and Los Angeles and I currently work in America in TV for Chanel Makeup. The course itselfs inspired me, and gave me a real passion for what I do. The qualification is recognised all around the worlds, but most importantly the skills I have learnt in your college have been relevant in my career. John Paul Payne Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. Links: SERVICES SERVICES 42 Level 5 Hospitality & Sports Tourism, Travel & Tourism Level 5 Code 5M5011 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Shelagh Hand This one-year Tourism course/programme has been designed to enable students to gain a broad understanding of the operations of the Tourism Industry and to facilitate their integration into the workplace or into professional training. Course/Programme Content Tourism principles and practice Customer service Heritage Work experience Communications Word processing Airline Studies Tourism Information and Administration Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Travel Agencies Airlines Tourist Office Reservation Ground Operations at Airports Sales Agent Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Tourism with Business Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. 43 The best thing about Carlow IFE has been meeting incredible new people and learning amazing skills I can take forward. The course I studied has also been enjoyable and the teachers have helped me by going through the work thoroughly to make sure I understand the work and to adapt to a different language. They have always respected my own individual learning style, which has supported me in achieving the best possible grades. Christina Neira Links: TOURISM, HOSPITALITY & SPORTS TOURISM, HOSPITALITY & SPORTS Sport & Recreation Level 5 Code 5M5146 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Dot Byrne This is a one year course for those wishing to pursue a career in the leisure industry. Course/Programme Content Sport and Recreation Studies Communications Leisure Facility Administration Safety and Health Sports-Anatomy and Physiology Exercise and Fitness Work Experience FAI Coach Education Nutrition Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Gym/Fitness Instructor Recreation and Leisure Management Sports Retail Management Personal Trainer Sports Development Officer Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 5 – Certificate in Sport, Recreation & Exercise Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. Irish Water Safety: Water Safety Awards National Governing Bodies of Sport: Sports Awards FAI Coach Education Awards Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Additional Fees Governing Body Certification Fees-varied and subject to change, will be discussed at interview. Garda Vetting Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. I studied “Sport & Recreation” in the Carlow IFE during 1999/2000. At the time I had started my FAI Coach Education Coaching Badges and found the course to be of huge benefit to me as it gave me a better insight to player / coach development. In 2006 I graduated as a FAI Coach Education Tutor and since August 2008 I have been the FAI’s Development Officer for County Carlow. Garry Coady Links: TOURISM, HOSPITALITY & SPORTS TOURISM, HOSPITALITY & SPORTS 44 Level 6 Leisure Management »»» Level 6 Code 6M4749 Course/Programme Co-ordinator Dot Byrne Nowadays people are becoming increasingly more aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. At Carlow Institute of Further Education, the Leisure Management course provides students with a broad range of practical skills and increases their prospects for employment in the Leisure Industry. Course/Programme Content Business Management Safety Management Marketing Management Leisure Facility Operations Customer Service Leisure Finance and IT Personal and Professional Development Career Prospects Students who qualify in this area can pursue further study & a career in: Leisure Centre Manager Merchandising, Lifeguard, Fitness Instruction Personal Trainer/Professional Coach Entry Requirements QQI Level 5 Certificate in Sport & Recreation or equivalent Certification Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Level 6 – Certificate in Leisure Management Due to ongoing developments in QQI, award names and content are subject to change. CEHF (Certificate in Exercise and Health Fitness) Various Sports Governing Body Coaching Award (eg GAA, FAI etc) IWS Pool Lifeguard Occupational First Aid Higher Education QQI graduates are eligible to apply to Institutes of Technology and Universities for follow-on courses. Additional Fees CEHF €1350 First Aid €120 Pool Lifeguard - €250 approx. All fees are approximate and subject to change. 45 After the construction industry downturn I found myself unemployed with no formal education, so I made the decision to start a Sport & Recreation Course at CIFE. On completion, I took the plunge to start my own business, Fitnesse Fit Bootcamp, as an exercise and fitness instructor. I feel the course gave me the confidence I never had, and the motivation to succeed. David Hickey Links: TOURISM, HOSPITALITY & SPORTS TOURISM, HOSPITALITY & SPORTS Education Health & Welfare Repeat Leaving Certificate Course/Programme Co-ordinator Anne Marie Malone The Repeat Leaving Certificate Course is designed for students who wish to maximise their points in preparation for progression to Third Level Education. It is also suitable for mature students returning to education. This is a revision course and students are required to work on their own initiative. There are frequent subject assessments and attendance at class is taken daily and monitored monthly. Parents/Guardians are invited to a Parent/Teacher Meeting in the first term to discuss attendance, progress and motivation. Entry Requirements *Be over 18 years of age or have sat the Leaving Certificate Applications are invited from motivated and focused students who wish to repeat their Leaving Certificate to maximize their points. Students who wish to enrol on the Institute of Further Education and Training Repeat Leaving Certificate Course should apply on-line at www.carlowife.ie or complete the application form at the back of the prospectus. A copy of Leaving Certificate results should accompany the application form. Completed application forms should be sent to: Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training, Kilkenny Road, Carlow. Thereafter the applicant and their Parent/Guardian will be invited to a Subject Options Presentation with the Co-ordinator in late August to discuss and finalise their subject choices. Places are offered following the subject options meeting. We are currently accepting applications for the 2016/2017 academic year. Examination Fees Course/programme Content: Examination Fees: €400 (Approx) or a current Medical card. (This fee includes registration for repeat Leaving Certificate and Examination Fee.) Course/programme Content: Students may choose from a range of over 20 subjects available at both Higher and Ordinary Level. Range of subjects on offer typically include: Garda Vetting Accounting Agricultural Science Art Garda Vetting is a requirement on courses/programmes where students/learners have access to children or vulnerable adults. Prior to attending work experience students/learners must be vetted by the Gardaí. All students/learners being offered a place on a course/programme will be issued with Garda Vetting forms by post with course offer. Biology Business Chemistry Construction DCG Engineering English French Geography German History Home EC. Irish Italian Latin Students/learners who have lived outside the jurisdiction of Ireland/Northern Ireland and for whom Garda Vetting is unavailable are required to provide vetting from the relevant police authorities. Link Modules Music Physics You will be invited to attend a meeting to choose subject blocks which are subject to enrolment and resources. EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE 46 Notes Notes Notes Further Education Application Form Further Education Course Application Form 2016/2017 Affix Photo Here The information provided on this form is confidential and will be retained, used and disclosed by Carlow Ivnstitute of Further Education and Training in line with the Kilkenny and Carlow ETB Data Protection Policy in place. A copy of the full Data Protection Policy of Kilkenny and Carlow ETB is available to download from the school website www.carlowife.ie. All sections of this form must be completed in BLOCK CAPITALS 1. This Application is for (choose one): Fulltime FE Course Repeat Leaving Certificate 3. (continued) Most recent School attended: Name: Address: Name of Course: Course Code: APPLICATION FEE €20 payable by Postal Order to be submitted with application form. Application cannot be processed without payment. 2. Personal Details (Required for school enrolment and contact purposes) School Roll Number (available from your school office): Number of years in 2nd Level school(s) (if applicable): QUALIFICATIONS: Please give details of any qualifications you hold. Secondary School Qualification Please state details of most recent Secondary School qualification, if applicable: Surname: First Name: Examination: Nationality: Home Address: Date: Further Education Qualifications Please state details of most recent Further Education qualification completed, if applicable: Awarding Body: Date of Birth: / / PPSN: Gender: (Required by Dept. of Education & Skills) Mother’s Maiden Name: NCVA / FETAC / QQI Other Qualification (inc. Level if known) School/Institute/College: Tel (Home): Mobile: Date: E-mail: HIGHER Education Qualifications Please state details of most recent Higher Education qualification completed, if applicable: Awarding Body: Medical Card: Yes Medical Card No: No Expiry Date: HETAC / NCEA EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAIL: Please give details of parent / guardian / next of kin who can be contacted in case of emergency NAME: Qualification (inc. Level if known) TEL: School/Institute/College: Other 3. Educational Background: (please tick all relevant categories) Date: Primary Post Primary: Group Certificate Junior/Inter Certificate Leaving Certificate Leaving Cert. Applied Further Education up to Level 4 (BTEI, VTOS etc.) Further Education Level 5/6 (PLC) Apprenticeship (FÁS) Other - Please give details: Occupational Status on 30th September 2015 Please choose ONE option only - we are required to collect this information for statistical purposes by the SOLAS/Department of Education and Skills Carlow Vocational School Student Unemployed 0 - 6 months CIFET Student Unemployed over 6 months Student in other school/college/centre Employed Trainee/Apprentice 4. Employment: 7. Data Protection (continued) Please state your most recent employment Institute Contacting You/Other Contacts listed on this form Job Title/Role: The Institute will be contacting you by SMS/text message, on the telephone numbers provided and emails for all the purposes of: Place of Employment: Status: Full Time Part Time • • • • • • • Duration: • 5. Additional Needs: • (required to facilitate applications for funding to support additional needs) *Have you any disability or additional need about which we should be aware? Please indicate by ticking box: Yes No *For additional info refer to General Information on page 2 of this prospectus. If “yes”, please state disability or additional need below: events (e.g. sporting fixtures, concerts, workshops, other events) student-teacher meetings other institute-related information/reminders Work experience Garda vetting Assessment and Results (provisional and final) to notify you of institute closure (e.g. where there are adverse weather conditions), to notify you of your non-attendance or late attendance or any other issues relating to your conduct in the institute to communicate with you in relation to your social, emotional and educational progress and to contact you in the case of an emergency Consent to Contact for other purposes-eg. survey, opportunities etc., Please write ‘YES’ opposite if you agree with these uses. Permission for the institute to use your email address to alert you to these matters? (Details will be treated in confidence) Permission for the institute to use your mobile phone number to send you SMS texts to alert you to these matters? Permission for the institute to use your mobile phone/landline number to call you to alert you to these matters? 6. Source of Referral (please tick all relevant categories) Where did you hear about Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training? School Guidance Services Adult Guidance Services Website Recommendation from other students Word of mouth Other - Please give details: Advertisements Referral from INTREO 7. Data Protection Personal Data on this form Kilkenny and Carlow ETB, is registered as a Data Controller under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003. The personal data supplied on this application form is required for the purposes of student enrolment, registration, examination, administration, allocation of teachers and resources to the school, determining a student’s eligibility for additional learning supports, child welfare and to fulfil other legal obligations under the Education and Training Boards Act, 2013. Contact details will also be used to notify you of school/ETB events or activities. While the information provided will generally be treated as private to Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training/ Kilkenny and Carlow ETB, and will be collected and used in compliance with the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003, from time to time it may be necessary for us to transfer your personal data to other bodies (including the Department of Education & Skills, the Department of Social Protection, An Garda Síochána, the Health Service Executive, TUSLA (CFA) social workers or medical practitioners, the Higher Education Authority, SOLAS, the National Educational Psychological Service, or (where the student is transferring) to another school). We rely on students to provide us with accurate and complete information and to update us in relation to any change in the information provided. Should you wish to update or access your personal data you should write to the institute principal requesting an Access Request Form. Please note: Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training/Kilkenny and Carlow ETB reserves the right to contact you/your emergency contact in the case of an emergency, regardless of whether you have given your consent. Data Protection Policy of Kilkenny and Carlow ETB A copy of the full Data Protection Policy of Kilkenny and Carlow ETB is available on request from the CEO, Kilkenny and Carlow ETB, ETB Offices, Athy Road, Carlow. Photographs and Digital Images of Students The institute maintains a database of photographs and digital images (including video) of school events held over years. It is customary to take photographs of students engaged in activities and events in the interest of creating a pictorial as well as historical record of life at the institute. Photographs/digital images may be published on our institute website or in brochures, yearbooks, newsletters, local and national newspapers and similar school-related productions. In the case of website photographs/digital images, student names will not appear on the website as a caption to the picture. If you do not wish to have your photograph/ digital image published, it is your responsibility to ensure that you do not participate in the taking of images. Please note that for some course assignments, the capture of photographs/digital images is essential and cannot be avoided – please consult your interviewer at the interview stage – you are responsible for ensure that you can participate in all aspects of coursework and assessment. SIGNED (to indicate that you have read and understood the above information, and that the information you have submitted is accurate) Signature: Date: Application Closing Date: August 19th 2016 Applications received after this date will only be processed subject to places being available on your chosen course/programme. Please Enclose: »»Application fee of €20 (application received without payment will not be processed) »»Copy of current Medical Card »»A passport-sized photo BUSINESS & COMMERCIAL TRAINING BUSINESS & COMMERCIAL TRAINING Please note: All courses are subject to demand and available resources Lifelong Learning — Part-Time Programmes Lifelong Learning & Adult Education Business & Commercial Training Services Carlow IFET Lifelong Learning Team offers a wide range of training services for business and other organisations including accredited courses leading to qualifications from QQI and other awarding bodies. We provide training for many organisations and our extensive range of programmes for business includes: »»Manual Handling, Health and Safety and other Workplace Statutory Policies and Procedures training »»Information Technology from introductory levels (including ECDL) to advanced applications »»Web Design, eBusiness and Marketing »»Accounting, Administration, Legal Studies, Marketing »»Occupational First Aid, Healthcare, Child/Vulnerable Adult protection Bríd Griffin 087 924 10 56 Director of Lifelong Learning & Adult Education Bespoke Training Carlow IFET Lifelong Learning Team are happy to discuss your business’s specific training requirements and will develop tailor-made training programmes to meet your needs. You can be confident that CIFET Lifelong Learning will deliver: »»Bespoke training programmes that respond to your exact business needs »»Quality assured delivery and assessment »»Real flexibility in delivery – we can bring training to your premises at a time that works for you »»Outstanding value To discuss training for your business, please contact: Director of Lifelong Learning & Adult Education Bríd Griffin 087 924 10 56 Assistant Director of Lifelong Learning & Adult Education Mary Mooney 087 272 23 07 www.carlowife.ie/adulted.aspx Cife.AdultEd@KilkennyCarlowETB.ie Mary Mooney 087 272 23 07 Assistant Director of Lifelong Learning & Adult Education BUSINESS Director & COMMERCIAL of Lifelong TRAINING Learning BUSINESS & Adult & COMMERCIAL Education TRAINING 52 Lifelong Learning & Adult Education Part-Time Programmes Carlow IFET Lifelong Learning offers a wide range of part-time courses that lead to recognised qualifications. We offer programmes that lead to awards at Level 5 and Level 6 and onto Diploma and Degree level from a wide range of awarding bodies. Courses for new-comers and English as Second Language have fees already reduced. Course fee reductions are not available on programmes with limited place numbers (e.g. First Aid). Part-time Lifelong Learning programmes can help learners to: »»Learn new skills or refresh existing ones Course costs are shown with each programme outline, but please note: »»Enhance employment or promotion opportunities »»A €10 administration fee is included in the course cost »»Step-up to the next level qualification at Further or Higher »»Assessment fees are included in QQI programmes, but an extra fee may apply when registering for a full QQI major award »»Education levels »»Take a second-chance with their education How To Apply You can register for a place on a Part-time Lifelong Learning programme in a number of convenient ways including: »»Online from end of August at www.carlowife.ie/adulted.aspx Charges »»Costs may be charged for other awarding bodies – details available from the Director of Lifelong Learning & Adult Education »»Some programmes incur charges for class materials/ equipment – details available from the Director of Lifelong Learning & Adult Education »»By phone in mid-September at 087 924 10 56 »»In person in Institute of Further Education and Training in mid-September In certain circumstances it is necessary to apply in person rather than online or by phone. These include courses with set minimum entry requirements, or where fees are paid by your employer or other third party organisation or where documentation is required. Ways to Pay You can pay fees in a number of ways: »»Fees are payable on registration »»By credit or debit card when applying online or by phone »»By cash, cheque or credit card or debit card when applying in person at Carlow Institute of Further Education (cheques made payable to ‘Kilkenny Carlow Education and Training Board’) Fee Reductions In certain cases, unemployed persons in receipt of social welfare allowances, and their spouses, may be registered for courses on payment of reduced tuition fees. If you are eligible and you wish to avail of a fee reduction, you will need to provide the following documentation on registration: »»Proof of current payment and General Information Learners are advised that »»Courses commence, subject to minimum enrolment, on week following registration »»In the event of a class being postponed, learners will be notified by text or email and the class will be re-scheduled for a later date »»A commitment to time for personal study and research is a pre-requisite of accredited courses. »»It is the responsibility of the learner to secure work placement and relevant documentation for accredited courses. »»For courses which have a required minimum entry requirement, relevant documentation should be presented on registration »»Where a course fee is being paid by an employer or other organisation, a letter from the relevant person should be presented at registration »»Information is accurate at time of publication. Adjustment to programme may arise. »»Car parking is controlled and unregistered cars may be clamped and subject to release fee. All cars are parked at the owner’s own risk Register online end August at www.carlowife.ie/adulted.aspx Register in the Institute from mid-September. »»Proof that payment has been received for a minimum of six months 53 LIFELONG LEARNING & ADULT EDUCATION PART-TIME PROGRAMMES Lifelong Learning & Adult Education Part-Time Programmes ¬ see www.qqi.ie for details Business and Administration Office Administration (Level 5) 5M1997 Year 1: €690 This 2-year part-time course/programme is designed for learners who wish to pursue a career as a receptionist or office administrator. Learners are trained in both personal and up-to-date business skills. Legal Studies (Level 5) 5M3789 Year 1: €690 This 2-year part-time course/programme is an introduction to the Irish legal system and general law subjects. It is particularly suited to learners who wish to progress to a degree in law at third level. Year 1 Year 2 Word Processing & Text Production Tuesday Information and Administration & eBusiness Studies Communications & Work Experience Wednesday Reception and Frontline Office Skills & Payroll - Manual and Computerised Year 1 Business Law & Criminal Law Communications & Work Experience Year 2 Tuesday Wednesday Libel and Defamation & The Law and Insurance Legal Practice and Procedures & Word Processing LIFELONG LEARNING & ADULT EDUCATION PART-TIME PROGRAMMES 54 Education, Health and Welfare Community Development (Level 5) 5M3050 Year 1: €690 This 2-year part-time course is designed to enable learners to develop core skills in community development practice. It promotes the ability of learners to work effectively in community development settings and integrate all elements of practice within a coherent framework. Early Childhood Care & Education (Level 5) 5M2009 Year 1: €690 This 2-year part-time course / programme prepares learners to work with young children (0-6 years) in a variety of childcare settings. This award will provide learners with the skills, knowledge and competence to work as a childcare professional within the childcare and early education sector. Early Childhood Care & Education (Level 6) 6M2007 Year 1: €990 This 2-year part-time course/programme aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills and understanding required to work effectively in early childhood education in a leadership/supervisory capacity. Entry requirement Health Care Support (Level 5) 5M4339 Year 1: €690 This 2-year part-time course is designed to prepare learners for a career as a health care assistant in a range of settings such as hospitals, home help support or nursing homes. 55 Year 1 Year 2 Understanding Community Development & Young People and Society Tuesday Working with Young People & Working with Groups Communications & Work Experience Wednesday Community Development Practice & Substance Use Issues for Youth Work Year 1 Child Development & Child Health and Well Being Communications & Work Experience Year 2 Tuesday Wednesday Early Care and Education Practice & Early Childhood Education and Play School Age Childcare & Special Needs Assisting FETAC(QQI) Level 5 Certificate in childcare or equivalent Year 1 Child Development & Early Childhood Curriculum Childhood Social, Legal and Health Studies & Work Experience Year 2 Tuesday Team Leadership & Early Childhood Literacy and Numeracy Wednesday Child Psychology & Supervision in Early Childhood Care Year 1 Care Skills & Care Support Communications & Work Experience Year 2 Tuesday Care of the Older Person & Palliative Care Support Wednesday Infection Prevention and Control & Safety & Health at Work LIFELONG LEARNING & ADULT EDUCATION PART-TIME PROGRAMMES Youth Work (Level 5) 5M4732 Year 1: €690 This 2-year part-time course/programme aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills and understanding required to work effectively in a youth work setting. Year 1 Understanding Community Development & Young People and Society Communications & Work Experience Health Service Skills (Level 5) 5M3872 Year 1: €690 This 2-year part-time course is designed to prepare learners for a career as a health care assistant in a range of settings such as hospitals, home help support or nursing homes. Year 2 Tuesday Wednesday Working with Young People & Youth Information Skills Understanding Youth Work & Substance Use Issues for Youth Work Year 1 Care Skills & Care Support Communications & Work Experience Year 2 Tuesday Care of the Older Person & Palliative Care Support Wednesday Infection Prevention and Control & Safety and Health at Work LIFELONG LEARNING & ADULT EDUCATION PART-TIME PROGRAMMES 56 Other Accredited Programmes Bachelor of Arts (Social Care) National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) NFQ Level 8 4 years, part-time The Bachelor of Arts (Social Care) provides teaching of theoretical concepts applied to social care practice. The course is designed to meet the needs of adult learners returning to education and to enable those working in a social care field to further develop and enhance their understanding, knowledge and skills. Formal academic qualifications are not required to commence this BA. Candidates should have experience in care work. Candidates under 21 years should meet the University’s minimum matriculation requirements. Year 1 and year 2 of the programme are provided through interactive distance learning with workshops, seminars and work placement in Carlow. Candidates may exit the course at the end of any year and be awarded certification indicated below. For further details visit www.nuigalway.ie/hpr or email Yvonne.Forde@nuigalway.ie Year 1: Certificate in Social Care »»Redefining Health and Well Being »»Basic Care skills »»Health Services and Policy Context »»Introduction to IT for Social Care »»Practice »»Introduction to the Legal and »»Ethical Contexts »»Work Placement Year 2: Diploma in Social Care »»Skills in Practice for Social Care »»Psychology for Social Care Workers »»Sociology for Social Care Workers »»Introduction to Social Research »»Skills »»Independent Research »»Work Placement Year 3: BA (Ordinary) in Social Care Year 4: BA (Honours) in Social Care »»Health and Social Care Services »»Equality and Diversity »»Social Care Theory and Practice »»Research Methodology in Social »»Sciences »»Work Placement »»Social Care Theory and Practice »»Promoting Health and Social Care »»Working with Older People* »»Working with People with »»Disabilities* »»Working with Children / Young »»People* *optional modules 57 LIFELONG LEARNING & ADULT EDUCATION PART-TIME PROGRAMMES Leaving Certificate - Ordinary Level (6 subjects) Department of Education and Skills 2 years, part-time €150 per subject Course designed for those wishing to repeat examination or sit specific subjects. It is the responsibility of the learner to register directly with the State Examinations Commission to enter for examinations as an external candidate. Examination fees apply. Year 1 Evening Time Year 2 Mathematics Tuesday 6.30 - 7.30 History English Wednesday 7.30 - 9.00 Business Biology Wednesday 6.30 - 7.30 Art LIFELONG LEARNING & ADULT EDUCATION PART-TIME PROGRAMMES 58 Notes Notes Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training, Kilkenny Road, Carlow Tel: 059 9131187 Email: cife.info@kilkennycarlowetb.ie Fax: 059 9143521 www.carlowife.ie