charito b - Caraga State University
charito b - Caraga State University
Educttor, Lcgblator, Leaderthlp & Manogan|cnt f'g/lnlrr9.l3ctut er, Publb [Oano4er''',nt & Govcmane c,n'fJ/ltont" Developncnt Mky Andyst, *ardty Stw|Gg''n CIRreAEIATC cHcE aF UT'CII'I nc PilsClaf iEC EIVE D at: n dclnht ilAR 31 20lf ,t:'|rft[ th::id.l{o..- CHARITO B Erigadler General PLITZA AFP-R CAREER OBJECTIVE To become a trustworthy ond competent inetrument of servantleodership in inculcating a culture of ocodnmic ercellence of and. for the Carogo State Univercity. il CAREER SPECIATIZATION & EXPERTISE Al Nationaf Poficy tedslation Exped (frricy formulotim Eryerd*l r' r' r' / / Bl Expert Expert Expert Expert Expert in Rural Development & Special Economic Zone Designing in Eco-Toursim & AgrFTourism Development Zoning in National Defense Modernization & Industrialization Programming in Public Safety Programming in Managin8 Public Relations and Tri-Media Affairs Securlty Manatement St]ategist Competent in Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy Formulation Competent in Disaster Relief & Rehabilitation Program Administration Competent in Formulating Inter-Agency Cooperation on Crisis Mitigation & Control Competent in Managing Crisis Communications (Applicotion of Crowd & Medio Controlling Techniquesl Competent in Programming & Managing Institutional Security & Safety Competent in Anti-Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism Strategy Formulation Competent in Managing Relief on the Consequences of Acts of Terrorism Competent in Strategic Intelligence S€rvice Programming Competent in Formulating Psychological Warfare Approaches & Techniques Competent in Formulating & Administering CiviFMilitary Operations Competent in Performing Military Attachd Roles / r' r' r' r' r' y' r' r' r' r' c) Peace Educator & r' r' r' r' r' r' Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Peae Process Specialist Designing & Formulating Peace Education Curricula & Exemplars Designing & Formulating Diplomatic Negotiation Strategy Designing & Formulating Amnesty Program for Stateless & Rebel Groups Managing Conflict NeSotiation & Resolution in Formulating & Administering "Political Leadership Crisis Prevention Plan" in Formulating & Administering Peace Advocacy Programs in in in in 0915-r42-92-sr I 09+3-649-67-33 ctlngllaza@yahoocom | (O85) 300-30-06 CAP Rcaidence, Claudlo Str€et Estaclo Viuat3,8600 Bubar City Edu@tor, Lcgls@or, lcodctshrp & Mooagcrncnt Ttoining.bcau,E r, P.t ic itatl6leent€rnt & Gown'o/n(f, Consultont, Development ME! Anatyst, *(i,,rtty Stmteglst D! Profussionaf EdlJ{calot lrlondling ,lniveBity lnstruction & Troining Caurses Onl r' r' r' ||l Sociaf Science lPoliticol Sciencel . . . . Comparative Political Thought & Theories of Political Systems Instruments of National Power Instruments of International Peace & Security (The UN System, Etc.l Fundamentals of International Relations & Diplomacy Public Administration (Prrbric Mor ogen'trlntl Fundamentals of Development Policy Administration o . o Fundamentals of National SecuriW Administration Public Management and Governance Business Management o . . Basic & Advance Entrepreneurship Marketing Management & Marketing communication Brand Eguity Management ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION SENIOR EXECUTIVES STUDIES in llational & fnternational Secu.ity Managem efi lAugust 2O011; Executives Program on Stratetic of Persuasion (October 20071 JFK School of Government, Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA Senaor Executives Program Speciaf Course in Crnffict Management & ResoluLon lseptember 2unl University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia Anti-Terrorlsm: Preparing & ManagSng the Consequences of Terrorism National Civil Military lnstitute, San Luis Obispo, California, USA AFP Command & General Staff Cour* (Closs 79971 AFP Command & General Staff College, Department of National Defense Psychological Operations Course Philippine Army Civil Affairs Group, AFP r' student Pifot Cource (Flying Completion Pending), Philippine Air Lines Inc, Manila o9ts-r42-92-3r I ctlng 'D913-&9-67-33 | [O8s) 30r]-30-06 PAL Aviation school CAP Resldence, Claudlo Sbeet Estacio Village, 8600 Buhran Clty Ed..@tot, L4Efu, tEd.6hip a Mo,ncg.mcnt T.aiat rg-tact t..., & Gow'|'an(€ cot'6utunt, tutby Alta4/flt *cutty Suotcae Public Managanant Wnent POST-GRADUATE STUDIES / Dostor of Humanitiet Honoris Couso Far East Advent School of Theology and the World Theologian Council Doctor of Phalosophy in Peace & Secudty Administration Obtained As A Consortium Program of United Nations Commission on Disarmament; Philippine National Police; and Bicol State University - 6raduate School Doctor in Pubf ic Administretlu, lcomplete Acodemic Requirements) National College of Public Administration & Governance University of the Philippines - Diliman Campus, Quezon City GRADUATE STUD]ES r' Master in Nafional Securlty Administration lClass 79891 National Defense College of the Philippines, Department of National Defense SPECIAL MIUTARY TRAININGS r' & FIELD TRAINING EXERCISES COMPLETED The AFP-IPSP Bayanihan Training & Worftshop, 2011 Armed Forces of the Philippines Joint & C.ombined Operations Trainiry 2011 Joint by AFP-CGSC and U.5. Department of State Oplan Cari-Sagip: A Disaster Management Exercises, 2004 Joint by AFP-PAF and Malaysian Royal Air Force lMindanoo-Moloysion Peninsulal Public Affairs Experts Trainin& 2003, U.S. Department of State Oyil Prot€ction & Technkal Support Atainst Chemical Weapons, 2003 Joint by Department of National Defense & Department of Foreign Affairs Weapons of Mass Destruction C.out* lNovember 2OO2l Joint by Department of National Defense and U.S. Department of State t Oplan Sagip: Regional Response on Disaster & Calamities, 2002 Joint by ASEAN Disaster Council, U.S. Department of State, & United Nations Reengineering Diplomacy & Development through Information Technologa U.S. Department of State, Washington D.C. (1997) BACCATAUREATE STUDIES r' Bachefor ot Sdence in Commere (Monogement & Morketing) (Class 7984) Father Saturnino Urios University, Butuan City o9t5-t42-92-31 | 0943-649-67-33 I chtngtlaza@yahoo.c,om (O8s,) 300-30-n6 CBP R6ldence, Claudlo Sr€et Buunr City Estacio V||lage, A600 Edu@tot Lcgbhor, Lc&6t ip & MonogcnEnt frohritrg-Lcau,Er. Puttlk Monqencnt & futat |p/ne @osttltont" Devetopmerrt tv Nkl AiaB, Sccudty St steglst HISTORY OF STATESMANSHIP lRecord of Semant-Leodership in Government, LEGISIATIVE CAREER SERVICE A) Member of the 84, 9s & lOn Contress of the Republic of the Philippines, as Representative of the First District of Agusan del Norte 11986-19981in the House of Representatives of the Philippine Government. In such capacity, she served as 8l / Acting House Speaker r' r' / Assistant Majority leader Chairperson chairperson r' Vice Chairperson / r' Vice Chairperson Deputized Member Major Leeislations Audpred & CcAuthored r' / RA7898 r' RA7916 { r' RA7977 RA8289 RA 79ot: r' Mxxxx r' RAXXXX / RAxxxx Cl Women's Month Congressional Celebration 9rH & lorH congress 9rH congress Committee on Tourism, lOrH Congress Sub-Committee on Internal Securitv 8-*, 9r* & lorH congress Committee on National Defense BrH, 9-" & lorH congress Committee on Public Information, 8rH Congress Committees on olJ Local Government, o2)Trade & lndustry, o3J Appropriations, o4,l Mass Housing, o5/ Public Order & Safet% o5,f Foreign Affairs. an Congress The AFP Modernization Act An Act Creating & Establishing the Caraga Region-13 Comprising Northeastern Mindanao, as the First Administrative Region Declared by Law An Act Creating the Philippine Economic Zone Authority and Declaring the Special Economic Zones of the Philippines (on which Butuan City & Agusan Del Norte are included) The AFP Reservist Law (Citizens Armed Forces Act) The Magna Carta for Small Enterprises to include Tourism The Local Government Code Philippine National Police Law Salary Standardization Act Made History as the Youngest lady RepresentatiNe (ot dge 261in the 8n Congress EXECUTIVE CAREER SERVICE Df Provided Technical Expertise as Administrative Adviser or Consultant on the Plans & Programs of the following Government Atencies & Entities : / Office of the President, Republic of the Philippines Office of the National Security Adviser (1998-1999) . o9rs-r4z-92-3r I 0943-&9-67-33 | (Oas' 3{x)-30-ll6 chlntplaza@yahoorom (laudio Str€€t Estacio Viuage, 8600 BuutaD Clty CBP Residetrce, Edu@br. tagislotot Leoderhtp & Monagananl t,E/,l',tngFlect trer. lc tttarcgenf,'/t & Gr['|otw Cot suftont, D€rctopmcnt tutwAtpw *dt Wsao'rgln ht r' Department of the lnterior & Local Government Office of the DILG Secretary (20O1-2OO2! o Board of Trustees, Local Government Academy (2OOl-2OO2l Philippine National Police (2001-2003) Philippine Public Safety College (1996-1998) o r o / r' Department of National Defense - Armed Forces of the Philippines Office of the AFP Chief of Staff (1998-2000) Philippine Air Force (1998-2000) Philippine Navy (2002-2003) Philippine Army (1999 to 2000) o . . . Department of Transportation and Communications Air Transportation Office (2000-2001) Office of Transportation Security (2000-2001) 'o MITITARY SERVICE E| Brigadier General, AFPSN 125128 (Commissioned Officer) Armed Forces of the Philippines - Reserve > Frrst Woman Generol of the AFP Reseve Force Y First Womon Generol of the Philippine Air Force Y First Womon Generol from Mindonoo Y The Youngest Commissioned Lieutenont Colonel ot age 29 Y The Youngest Colonel ot oge 35 Wing Command er (lncumbent Authorityl 7rH Air Force Wing Reserve, TOG-72 Mindanao (Davao City) Philippine Air Force wing Command et (19893RD 19981 Ready Air Reserve Wing Mindanao, (Edwin Andrews Air Base, Zamboanga) Afumni President (Formerlyl, NDCP Alumni Association Inc. National Defense College of the Philippines, Department of National Defense Licensed Security Consultant by the SOSIA-CSG of Philippine National Police v spEclAL CoMMENDATIONS (HONORS, MER|TS, DECORATIONSI A) HONORARY TITLES 8ai Mangompiya (Princess of Chority) of Ranao Adopted Princess of the 13 Sultanates of Lanao Provinces, Mindanao Bai Sambuyakan (Princess of the Spirits/ of Manobo Tribe of Caraga, Philippines Honorary Pilot Badge, Philippine Air Force Adopted Dauthter, Municipality of Pandami, Sulu lsland Province o9rs-r+2-92-3r I 0913-649-57-33 | [O85) 3rx]-3lt-ll6 CBP Resldence, Oaudio Sr€et Estacio Vi||a83, 8600 Butuan City ttuinw-lecutreL tttonofenqt & Gowmon(€ Car|5'ttuna, Derelopment tuti.y At'o4l5!, *at filsffig EducotoL leglslotor, tcodctthlp & Mooogcmeaa Pablic B) SPEC|AL AWARDS Academac Exceffence GSC Arard fAFP Chief ol Stofi Award) by the AFP Chief of Staff Commencement, AFP Command & General Staff College Most Outstandint Gvilian GEduate National Defense College of the Philippines Celebrity Mother Achiever for Public Service, Gintong Ina Awardee, Outstanding Mother of the Year Awardee, by the Golden Mother & Father Foundation Outstanding teadership Awardee, Meritorious Scruice Awardee, Most Distiryuirhed Award for Exemplary t€ade.ship, by the NDCP Alumni Association (1994-1997) Grand Marshall, Philippine Independence Day Celebration in the United States, Philippine Embassy & the Tri-state Filipino Communities of Washington DC Outstandang Citizen of Butuan, 2000, City Government of Butuan Ten Outstanding Students Award€€, L973, Butuan Jaycees c) MTUTARY MEDA|S & DECORATTONS Outstanding Achievement Medal, by the AFP, for the Successful Negotiation which Led to the Surrender of the Rag-Tag Army of the Renegade Colonel Alexander Noble Outstanding Achievement Medal, by the DND-AFP, for successfully initiating landmark projects for the development of the NDCP Disaster Relaef & Rehabilitation Service Medals, by the AFP CMO & Gvic Action Merit Medals, by the AFP Gawad Kuhura Award, for Successful CMO's in Mindanao, by the AFP Lapu-Lapu Badge, for Dedicated Service in the Reservist Development of the AFP Commande/s Well-Done Job Trophy, by the AFP-PAF Officers of 1999 Philippine Legion of Honor, for initiating the establishment of the State Partnership Program between the AFP-Reserve & the U.S. National Guards of Hawaii & Guam lslands (For Approvol) lopez-Jaena Award, for the Successful NeSotiation & Surrender of 213 MILF Rebefs from Basilan, Sulu & Zamboanga Peninsula (For Approvoll vt SERVICE RECORD lN THE ACADEME / University Instructor and Seminar-Workshop l€cturer lPort'time & visiting Fellow) in the following Institutions of Higher Learning : East Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies in Hawaii U.S.A DND's National Defense College of the Philippines AFP'S Command & General Staff College AFP's Philippine Military Academy DOTC-CAAP'S Aviation Training Center Philippine Public Safety College - Regional Training Schools . o . o . o o9rs-142-92-3r I 0913-619-67-33 | (085) 300-3ll-06 CBP Residence, Claudio Stre€t Estacio Viuage, 86{10 Buurar Clty Educ.tor, bgitbot, Lodatthb & Hanqcrnct t tmiaing-t au..r, f1.ffic rtonqcnwt & @wnurr.r c,{,'6rftflrt, ot",doprncnt hlicy AnoW, *atrfv Sffieglst . . . o o Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) Bicol state university - Graduate school University of Sto. Tomas - Graduate School Father Saturnino Urios University Saint Joseph Institute of Technology lnstitutional Articles Autholcd & Published r Reengineering the AFP towards Modernization & Development . Anti-Terrorism Training for National & Regional Agencies, LGU's, & Private Sector Responses o The Utilization of AFP Reservists in the Enhancement of Disaster Management & in Managing the Consequences of Terrorism r lnculcation ofthe Culture of Peace in Education . Makang the AFP Entrepreneurial, Self-Reliant & Modern through the Utilization of its Real Estate Assets o Establishing the DEFENSE Industrial Complex r Professionalizing the AFP . A Test Case: Caraga as an Administrative Region, its Prospects for Development o The Prospects of Privatizing the Tourism Industry . The Emergence of the Tri-City Program for Butuan as a Special Economic Zone Vll FoREIGNsrArEsoFFrcrAtlyvrsrrED r' EUROPE: / AMERICA: 3. r' OCEAI{IA: 4. / AS|A: 5. ;r Official Delegate of the Philippines to the World lnter-Parliamentary Union Conference in 1992 London, UK Military Site Guest to the Russian Air Force and the MIG Aircraft Industry in Moscow Russia Hawaii National Guards United States of America Bureau; Guam National Guards Bureau; National Defense University; Federal Defense Department - Pentagon; East Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies; UN Commission on Disarmament; UN General Assembly in New York; Naval Post Graduate School in California; International Travel Associations Conference in Philadelphia; USIS Program Military lnstallations Tours & Security Studies; Filipino-American Tourism Associations; Official Military Study & Military Australia Conferences in Melbourne, in Canberra, in Sydney, in Darwin; including an Official Tour in the Australian Parliament Simultaneous and Concurrent Military & Trade Visits to Japan, China, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia. -- -- wrs-a42-92-31 | O913-ff9-67-33 | (O85) 3(x)-30-l16 chlDsrlaza@yahoorom f,8P Residence, Claudio Sutet Estacio Village,8600 Buhmn CltY EdumaoL Legb/,'or, Laderhip & Uanqament T'olni'gilrjct fier, PUUE ll'cr'o cment & Goverr'g,nca Corrsut',,n+ o€vcbp,/rrcr.t Pott V Ano4,5!, *at ft, Saa'€g&| Vlll conponnrE PRAcncE Associete Consultant, Independent Insights lnc, (A Risk Control & Monogement Consulting Firml, 15038 West Towers Tektite Building, Ortigas Center, Pasig City '/ r' tx Prgadent F.O. Plaza Holdings lnc. (A Family Corporotion, Proprietor & Treasuty Comptroller, Aquaculture Industry, Butuan City FC Real Estate and PROFESSIONAL & SOCIO-CIVIC AFFILIATION for Reform Rotary Club of Butuan North, Concurrent Rotary-Anns of Butuan North (President, 1.97Gl97a) Breakfast Conference of Businessmen & Professionals CORE Fellow, Coalition - Butuan Albay Lion's Club Balikatan sa Kaunlaran - Butuan Chapter Cultural Planners Association of the Philippines Bantay Bayan Foundation Ing (Regional Chairperson, 1989-1992) Philippine Management Association National Association of Peace Educators ofthe Philippines (Vice President for Mindanao, 1999 to Present) Fellow Parliamentarian, ASEAN Inter-Padiamentary Union ( IPU ) National Association of ROTC Alumni Inc, Reservist officers League of the Philippines X cHARACTER REFERENCES r' r' xl President (1992-19981 Republic of the Philippines Chairman ll ncumbentl RPDev Foundation H.E. FIDEIV. RAMOS HON. TEOFISTO GUINGOI{A Former vice President & Justice Secretary Republic of the PhiliPPines CERTIFICATION The underslgrcd, hereby certifies that all data and information contained in this Cufiiculum Vftoe are true and valid to the best of her knowledge; as a serve her matter of her declaration of willingness to continue to legacies of hope for the CHARITO G€ncral hnuarym73 Butwn City o9r5-r12-92-3r I 0913.&9-67-33 | (O85J 3|XF3O-O5 CBP Resldence, Claudlo Str€et Estaclo Villege,8600 BuhraD city
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