Noce Travertine
Noce Travertine
Noce Travertine Noce TRVNOCE1212FH TRVNOCE1212P TRVNOCE1212T TRVNOCE1224FHVC TRVNOCE1818FH TRVNOCE1818P TRVNOCE2424FH Noce Antiquated - T RV N OCESL A B2FH T RV N OCESL A B2P T RV N OCESL A B2P VC T RV N OCESL A B3FH T RV N OCESL A B3P 12"x12" Filled & Honed TRVNOCE1818AN 12"x12" Polished 12"x12" Tumbled 12"x24" Filled & Honed Vein-Cut 18"x18" Filled & Honed 18"x18" Polished 24"x24" Filled & Honed - 2 2 2 3 3 cm cm cm cm cm Slab Slab Slab Slab Slab Noce Classic - 18"x18" Antiquated Filled a nd H oned Polished Polished Vein-Cu t Filled a nd H oned Polished T RV N OCCLS1818FH 18"x18" Classic Filled a nd H oned T RV N OCEBU N DL E Ver sailles Pat ter n A ntiquated (2)8"x8", (1)8"x16", (2)16"x16", (1)16"x 24" = 8 s/f p er bu ndle T RV N OCE88A N - 8"x8" A ntiquated T RV N OCE816A N - 8"x16" A ntiquated T RV N OCE1616A N - 16"x16" A ntiquated T RV N OCE1624A N - 16"x 24" A ntiquated TRVNOCESFP 7"x21" Split Face Panel TRVNOCESFCNR 7"x21" Split Face Corner TRVNOCECONP 7"x21" Contemporar y Panel TRVNOCECONCNR 7"x21" Contemporar y Corner TRVNOCE5858T 5/8"x5/8" Mosaic Tumbled TRVNOCE22T 2"x2" Mosaic Tumbled TRVNOCE24B 2"x4" Mosaic Honed and Beveled TRVNOCE36T 3"x6" Tumbled TRVNOCE44T 4"x4" Tumbled TRVNOCE66T 6"x6" Tumbled TRVNOCEDIA Ar tisan Diamond Mosaic Tumbled TRVNOCESF Eclipse Split Face Mosaic Tumbled TRVNOCE VP Mini Versailles Mosaic Tumbled TRVNOCELNR Random Linear Mosaic TRVNOCEINTER Urban Interlock Mosaic Tumbled TRVNOCESF4FL Split Face 4" x Free Length TRVNOCE VCAP 2 1/2"x12" V-Cap TRVNOCECANE 3/4"x12" Cane TRVNOCEROPE 5/8"x12" Rope Liner .COM MK T TERTRVNOC Mosaics - cont. Sizes Shape Size Sq Ft/Piece 8"x8" Field Tile Shape Size Sheet Size Pieces per Box Artisan Diamond Mosaic Tumbled 12"x12" 10 Eclipse Split Face Mosaic 12"x12" 9 Urban Interlock Mosaic Tumbled 12"x12" 10 Mini Versailles Mosic Tumbled 12"x12" 10 Random Linear Mosaic 12-1/8"x 12-1/8" 10 .44 8"x16" Field Tile .88 16"x16" Field Tile 1.78 16"x24" Field Tile 2.66 3"x6" Field Tile .125 4"x4" Field Tile .11 6"x6" Field Tile .25 Trim and Ledgers Shape 12"x12" Field Tile Type Size Pieces/Ctn Split Face Panel 7"x 21" 5 Split Face Corner 7"x 21" 5 Contemporary Panel 7"x 21" 9 Contemporary Corner 7"x 21" 9 Split Face 4" x Free Length N/A N/A V-Cap 2 1/2"x12" 40 1 12"x24" Field Tile 2 18"x18" Field Tile 2.25 24"x24" Field Tile 4 Versailles Pattern 8 s/f per bundle Mosaics Shape Size Sheet Size Pieces per Box 2"x2" Mosaic Tumbled 12"x12" 10 Cane 3/4"x12" 56 2" x 4" Honed and Beveled 12"x12" 10 Rope Liner 5/8"x12" N/A 5/8"x5/8" Mosaic Tumbled 12"x12" 10 Shelf Filled and Honed 9" 6 Applications Floors Walls Countertops Showers Floors Showers Walls Pools Residential Shade Variation Light Commercial Commercial Legend: Product rated for interior & exterior use V1 Interior use only V2 V3 V4-High Made in Turkey Imag es a nd p rodu ct sa mples a re rep resentative of a p rodu ct ’s potential cha racter istics. T here is no gua ra ntee that the sa mple p rodu ct or images w ill 10 0% match the p rodu ct received. N atu ral stone tiles/slabs a nd cor responding tr im may not b e a n exact match. We reser ve the r ig ht to ma ke cha nges to p rodu ct sp ecif ications at a ny time w ithou t notice. N atu ral stone is a p rodu ct of natu re a nd subject to va r iations in color, shade, g rain, sizing, veining, movement, pit ting, su r face tex tu re a nd f inish. N o t wo stone tiles/slabs a re exactl y the sa me. Some slabs require f iller du r ing p rodu ction, w hich is a necessa r y a nd acceptable p ractice in the stone industr y. Pr ior to installation, installer must mi x stone tiles f rom dif ferent boxes to p revent color block ing. Installer must condu ct a dr y mock layou t u nder p rop er lig hting conditions p r ior to installation. It is the consumer ’s responsibilit y to insp ect the p rodu ct p r ior to installation to ensu re satisfaction w ith all cha racter istics. O nce installed, the p rodu ct is deemed accepted. C onsumer is responsible for ensu r ing p rop er installation, application, a nd use. Aerosol catal yst adhesives should not b e used for stone installations as they may cause discoloration. D ue to porosit y, all natu ral stone p rodu cts must b e sealed p r ior to installation. Regula r ca re a nd maintena nce is required for natu ral stone p rodu cts. Do not use v inega r or a ny clea ner s conta ning acids or strong alk alis on natu ral stone. Reference the most cu r rent TCN A H a ndbook, A NSI, the M I A , ma nu factu rer ’s sp ecif ications, a nd the B edrosia ns Ca re & M aintena nce guide for installation, ou tdoor use, ca re a nd maintena nce infor mation. N atu ral stone p rodu cts a re not wa r ra nted. .COM MK T TERTRVNOC
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