Donatello timeline
Donatello timeline
1386 Born in Florence, Italy. He was the son of Nicolo di Betto Bardi. 1403 Ghiberti's studio was working on the bronze reliefs of the Florence Baptistry doors, and he participated in the workmanship. 1 1407 1408 1411-1414 He was employed in the workshops at the Cathedral of Florence. He created his first major work, a marble statue, David, for one of the buttresses of the Cathedral of Florence. He worked on a statue of ST. Mark, which shows the figure in a Classical pose. 2 1415-1426 He executed five statues for the bell tower of the Cathedral of Florence. 3 1416-1420 1418 1422 1425 1427 1430-1432 He completed a St. George for the Or San Michele in Florence. He made the sandstone Marzocco, a symbolic Florentine lion, for the Pope's apartments at S. Maria Novella. For the friars of Ognisanti in Florence, he created a gilt bronze reliquary for the head of St. Rossore, an early Christian martyr who had been decapitated. He collaborated with Michelozzo on the funeral monument of Antipope John XXIII 4 He was Involvd with Ghiberti in the decoration of the Siena Baptistery front, for which he created a relief of the Dance of Salome. This work showed his true Classical style and his interest in linear perspective. He Created the bronze David for the Medici family. It was the first Renaissance freestanding bronze nude since ancient Roman and Greek times. 5 1443 1454 1454-1455 1455 He Went to Padua, where he produced his equestrian statue of the Condottiere Gattamelata. When he returned to Flourence, his work became more emotional. His wooden statue of Mary Magdalen, made for the Florence Baptistry, is notable for its drama and realism. The Medici family commissioned a bronze sculpture of Judith and Holofernes for their garden. 6 1466 Died December 13 in Florence, buried in the Basilica of San Lorenzo. PICTURES: 1. Bronze Doors - Bapistry - Florence ( 2. Donatello's St. Mark ( 3. Florence Cathedral ( 4. The Pope, Only Not ( 5. Florence- David by Donatello ( 6. Donatello's Judith & Holofernes- Florence (