EMINDER OUNTYREMINDER - Calhoun County Reminder
EMINDER OUNTYREMINDER - Calhoun County Reminder
Gold Standard Publication C ALHOUN OUNTY R EMINDER POSTAL CUSTOMER P.O. BOX 106 ROCKWELL CITY, IA 50579 PRESORTED STANDARD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID DUDLEY PRINTING, INC. 515 4TH STREET • P.O. BOX 106 • ROCKWELL CITY, IA, 50579 • PH: 712-297-8931 • www.ccreminder.com • e-mail: ads@calhouncountyreminder.com 58TH YEAR OF PUBLICATION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 PUBLISHER: JASON MAJOR - DUDLEY PRINTING, INC. PAGE 2 Annual Harvest Home Bazaar and Soup Day BENEFIT 124 N 3rd St, Rockwell City, IA Jacy McAlexander Rockwell Rock ell City Cit United Methodist Church Fri., October 21st, 2016 Saturday, October 15, 2016 SCC Middle School Coffee & Rolls: 8 - 10 AM Meal Served: 11 AM - 1 PM Rockwell City Soup (all you can eat) Made-Right & Pie Meal Served From 5 - 8 PM (Free Will Donation) Bazaar Starts at 8 AM Crafts & Bake Sale Silent Auction 5:00 - 7:30 PM October 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29, 31 6-7 PM Spook Free: Lights On $3 or NEW Gloves/Stocking Cap to be donated to schools 7-10 PM ? • Spooks $5.00 Join us on Facebook @RCHAUNTED HOUSE ISO - Child Care at my home. M - F 515-574-9221. d-10/4/16-1 TRAILER REPAIRS: Hitches install, bearings packed, brakes, wiring, lights, axles, tires & wheels. 100’s of trailer parts in-stock! 515-972-4554 www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld.com fdtw-10/4/16-ewtc Lake City Capri Theatre 464-3040 Admission • $2.00 ALL THE TIME! “Finding Dory” October 14 - 16 and October 21 - 23 Rated PG Animation/Adventure/ Comedy The friendly but forgetful blue tang Àsh begins a search for her longlost parents, and everyone learns a few things about the real meaning of family along the way. Starring Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Ed O’Neill. Show s Fri. 7:30 PM Time Sat. 7:30 PM Sun. 2:00 PM www.lakecitycapri.org Medicare Approved. (In Stock). Lowest Prices Around!! Huss Furniture & Flooring. 712-657-2126 Lake h-4/1/14-eowtc View, IA. ______________________ ALL THINGS BASEMENTY! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control. FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-800-640-8195 (MCN) Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office Accepting Applications for the position of Deputy Sheriff. For More information call, The Calhoun County Sheriff’s OfÀce FOR YOUR MARY KAY NEEDS: Call Pixie Hepp, Days-712-297-7437 and Evenings-712-297-8613. h-40-22-tc ______________________ TRAILER CLOSE-OUT SALE! Fuel trailers 500 & 990 gallon w/DEF tank; Scissor Lift trailer; 16’ 14,000# DUMP; Aluminum Snowmobile trailers. 150 trailers.100’s of trailer parts, Trailer REPAIRS. www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld.com 515-972-4554 (MCN) ______________________ Life Alert. 24/7. One press of a button sends help FAST! Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even if you can’t reach a phone! FREE Brochure. CALL 800306-1404 (MCN) FOR SALE: 1983 Yamaha Virago 912 cc, Needs Tuneup, $350 OBO. 20" Chevy Rims & Tires, Black, Make Offer. Other Misc. 515-570w-10/11/16-2 0294. ______________________ Exede High Speed Internet. Plans from $39/mo. Blazing Fast Broadband in areas cable can’t reach. Great for business or home. We Install Fast. 1-888-800-8236 (MCN) ______________________ DISH Network -NEW FLEX PACK- Select the Channels You Want. FREE Installation. FREE Streaming. $39.99/24 months. ADD Internet for $14.95 a month. CALL 1-800-390-3140 (MCN) HELP WANTED COOK POSITION at 712-297-7583 Calhoun County is an equal opportunity employer Application Deadline is Monday, October 31, 2016 • 4:40 PM Pick up application at: Sunnyview 500 E. Lake Street, Rockwell City Job Opportunities Waiting For YOU! JOB OPENING CLUBHOUSE MANAGER Conducting On-The-Spot Interviews • Twin Lakes Golf Club is hiring and individual to maintain and manage the clubhouse and activities for the 2017 season. • The ideal candidate will provide excellent customer service and have a positive attitude. s$IRECT3UPPORT0ROFESSIONALCAREGIVER s2.,0. s!0!#3UPPORT0ROFESSIONAL Apply online at www.opportunityliving.org Contact Connie Pagel, Director of HR 712-464-8961 or cpagel@opportunityliving.org Contact Steve for an application: Phone: 712-887-1115 Email: twinlkr@iowatelecom.net Opportunity Living 1890 E. Main, Lake City, Iowa 51449 HIGH-SPEED INTERNET AVAILABLE ANYWHERE WHY HUGHESNET? It’s time to call JOE’S TIRE & AUTO & get your vehicle checked out before that Scary Check Engine Light comes on! INSTANT SAVINGS High-Speed Performance FREE Standard Installation* Available Anywhere Speeds up to 15mbps No Phone Line Required Packages Starting at $59.99/mo Call for further details 1-800-715-1644 Brian & Vicki Gleason See us for all your Farm Service Needs! Auto Glass & Repair 749 High St., Rockwell City • 712-297-8818 Reg. Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - Noon Saturdays; Closed Sunday Tire & Auto www.visionsfortdodge.com visionsfortdodge.com (800) 248-4490 We are a Locally Owned Independent Shop Serving & Supporting the Community Since 1983. 1805 5th Ave S Fort Dodge Thank You Thanks! THANK YOU I would like to thank everyone for all of their thoughts, prayers, and well wishes since my fall. I'm home now and feeling better, and so glad to be back home. Thanks again. Marilla Brownlee ______________________ Are you getting TIRED of the COLD WINTERS where you are? Why don’t you get in your RV Camper and come to J-5 in Mission TX. We are located in the Rio Grande Valley. Average winter temps are 70 degrees daytime and 50 nighttime. We are a small park in a country setting but have stores and restaurants near by. We have specials for first time visitors. Call us at 956-682-7495 or email info@j5rvparktexas. com, www.j5rvparktexas. com,Tom and Donna Tuttle, Managers (MCN) ______________________ THIS PUBLICATION DOES NOT KNOWINGLY ACCEPT advertising which is deceptive, fraudulent, or which might otherwise violate the law or accepted standards of taste. However, this publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made in any advertisements, and to use good judgement and reasonable care, particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised. (MCN) ______________________ ADT Security protects your home & family from “what if” scenarios. Fire, flood, burglary or carbon monoxide, ADT provides 24/7 security. Don’t wait! Call Now! 1-888607-9294 (MCN) ______________________ GET HELP NOW! One Button Senior Medical Alert. Falls, Fires & Emergencies happen. 24/7 Protection. Only $14.99/mo. Call NOW 1-888-840-7541 (MCN) ______________________ 19.99/mo. for DIRECTV - HD Channels + Genie HD DVR + 3 months FREE HBO, SHOW, MAX & STARZ + FREE NFL Sunday Ticket! Call Now 1-888-552-7314 (MCN) ______________________ Free Pills! Viagra!! Call today to find out how to get your free Pills! Price too low to Mention! Call today 1-877560-0997 (MCN) CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 The Calhoun County Reminder Deadline is Friday at 5:00 PM!! FOR SALE: Lift Chairs. PAGE 3 80th Birthday Card Shower For Gary Nicholson Fall Specials Now in Effect on Flooring & Windows! October 14th Cards may be sent to: 255 Morton Drive, Rockwell City, IA 50579 St. Francis Turkey Dinner Central Catering (formerly Blue Mound) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2016 St. Francis Catholic Church, Rockwell City Buffet Style • 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (Ages 10 & Over) Dine-In or Carry-Out - $9.00 Under age 10 - Free Will Gratuity in Basement for Dine-In Only CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 FOR RENT: 2 Bedroom Apartment in Lake City, IA. Rental Assistance is available. Please call 712-580l-8/18/15-ewtc 5360. ______________________ PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical, and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 855-3906047 (MCN) ______________________ DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-800-283-0205 (MCN) ______________________ PAID IN ADVANCE! MAKE $1000 Weekly!! Mailing Brochures From Home. Helping home workers since 2001. No Experience Required. Start Immediately! w w w. c e n t r a l m a i l i n g . n e t (VOID IN SD, WI) (MCN) ______________________ MAKE $1,000 WEEKLY! Paid in advance! Mailing Brochures at Home! Easy pleasant work. Begin Immediately! Age unimportant! www.homemoney77.com (MCN) ______________________ McFarland Truck Lines drivers were averaging over $.50/mile and are now getting a new bonus for high miles! Drive the newest trucks, be home when needed. WWW.MCFGTL.COM Call now 507-437-9905 (MCN) ______________________ $500 DAILY! Mailing Simple Letters and Depositing checks. Exciting Free Details! Write: LISTS, Box 396, Dept. MFCP, Springhouse, PA 19477-0396 (MCN) FOR SALE: Woodstock Soapstone Stove, Side Load, Internal Catalytic Converter. k-10/11/16-1 712-288-6276. ______________________ Stop OVERPAYING for your prescriptions! SAVE! Call our licensed Canadian and International pharmacy, compare prices and get $25.00 OFF your first prescription! CALL 1-800-263-4059 Promo Code CDC201625 (MCN) ______________________ $1000 lots perfect for homes, apartments, condos. Newer subdivision in beautiful Harlan, IA. Centrally located between Des Moines and Omaha near I-80. Contact City Administrator Gene Gettys, 712-755-5137 or ggettys@cityofharlan.com (MCN) ______________________ Viagra!! 52 Pills for Only $99.00! Your #1 trusted provider for 10 years. Insured and Guaranteed Delivery. Call today 1-888-403-7751 (MCN) Golden Meadows now has several openings in our Senior Living Complex. All utilities furnished except phone & cable TV. Rent based on income. Non-smoking facility. Now accepting 50 & older. Call Today for More Information: 712-469-2119 Dietary Aide Part-time Also now hiring PRN Nurses Apply online at www.good-sam.com All qualiÀed applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, color, religion, national origin, citizenship, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, marital status or other protected status. 750 High St, Rockwell City, Iowa • 712-297-5155 www.draperiesplusrc.com • OPEN: M-F 9 to 5; Sat. By Appointment Thursday, October 20 Calhoun County Candidates Forum 7:00 PM in Rockwell City Community Center on the Square Auditor Candidates: Robin Batz • Karen Norine Supervisor Candidates: Richard Finley • David Hiler • Carl Legore Sponsored by AAUW (AM. Assoc. of University Women) FOR SALE: Golf Cart, EZ-Go, Good Condition. z-10/11/16-1 712-297-8290. ______________________ Are you in BIG trouble with the IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Call 888-606-6673 (MCN) ______________________ LIVING WITH KNEE OR BACK PAIN? Medicare recipients may qualify to receive a pain relieving brace at little or no cost. Call now! 844-668-4578 (MCN) FOR BEST RESULTS do your advertising here...in the CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER CLASSIFIEDS. Call 712-297-8931 or mail your ad to Box 106, Rockwell City, Iowa 50579 or fax 712297-7193 or e-mail: ads@ calhouncountyreminder. com. ______________________ STUDENT LOAN PAYMENTS got you down? We can help reduce payments and get finances under control, call: 866-871-1626 (MCN) CNA/Unit Secretary 2 Openings 1 Full-time Night Position 1 Full-time Day Position Stewart Memorial Community Hospital Love where you work! Take pride in our award-winning patient and employee experience • Top 1% of hospitals nationally for patient satisfaction (HCAHPS) • 100 Best Hospitals for Patient Experience (Women’s Choice) • Patient Safety Grand Prize (Iowa Healthcare Collaborative) • Top 150 Workplaces in Iowa (The Des Moines Register) • Competitive pay and benefits plus extra perks What new employees say about Stewart Memorial “Since beginning, I have had a wonderful experience and truly feel like SMCH is a great fit for me.” - RN started Mar. 2016 “I love it here. Everyone is so friendly and accepting. It’s like one big family.” - Receptionist started May 2016 Responsibilities • Coordinate activities at the nursing station between nurses, physicians and other staff • Answer phone and relay messages • Respond to hospital room call lights and coordinate responses as needed • Create and maintain departmental patient records CNA Requirements • CNA Certification • Computer skills (word processing, data entry, medical record maintenance) Apply online and submit documents at: www.stewartmemorial.org Golden Meadows 805 - 13th Ave., Manson HELP WANTED Draperies Plus & Flooring Stewart Memorial Community Hospital PIZZA serving from 3 PM - Close! Daily Specials Thursday, October 13 .....................................Wings Friday, October 14 .................................... Maidrites Saturday, October 15................... Hot Beef Dinner Sunday, October 16 . Chicken Fried Steak Dinner Monday, October 17 ........................Liver & Onions Tuesday, October 18 ................. Reuben Sandwich Wednesday, October 19 ... Philly Steak Sandwich Burger of the Month... Mexi Burger New Fall Hours: 11 AM - 8 PM Open Daily! Lake City Drive-In 808 W. Main • 712-464-3005 Open Daily 11 AM - 8 PM Like Us On Facebook FOR SALE: Older 2 Place Snowmobile Trailer $200. Topper for Small Pickup $100. 712-297-5017. k-10/11/16-1 Iowa State University Extension and Outreach-Calhoun County ofÀce is seeking a County Youth Coordinator to coordinate 4-H and youth events and trainings that occur as part of a comprehensive program in Calhoun County. The County Youth Coordinator will provide educational opportunities for youth grades K-12 with an emphasis on youth in the Calhoun County 4-H program. The position requires enthusiasm, initiative, adaptability to change, adaptability to a varying workload, interest in self-improvement, punctuality, efÀciency and conÀdentiality. This job could require hours outside of the normal business hours. High School graduate or GED required. Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree preferred. Full-time position. Wage based on qualiÀcations and experience. References and background check required. Applications may be obtained at the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach-Calhoun County ofÀce, 325 Court St., P.O. Box 233, Rockwell City, IA, 50579, phone 712-297-8611, or on-line at www.extension.iastate.edu/calhoun Completed applications due by 4:30 p.m. on October 21, 2016. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Tech/Truck Driver. Manson Red Power. 712-469-2145. Ask for Dave. mrp-9/27/16-ewtc Also: Aeration & Edging Call Bill - (712) 210-5078 B A uditor T Z + Trusted Experienced Robin D. Batz jdahle@stewartmemorial.org POSITION AVAILABLE: COUNTY YOUTH COORDINATOR HELP WANTED CASE IH DEALER: Ag Setup Fall Lawn Clean Up 1301 West Main St., Lake City, IA 51449 E.O.E. FREE WIFI Trusted: • County Health Insurance Administrator • County Payroll Manager • Election Management • Passport Acceptance Agent • Working Knowledge of Auditor’s OfÀce Daily Operations • Accounts Payable Management • Fixed Assets Management Experienced: • 22 Years County Service • Engineer’s OfÀce 1994 - 2005 • Deputy Auditor 2006 - 2016 Paid for by Robin D. Batz for County Auditor. PAGE 4 FOR SALE Gabby’s Is Open 115 N 8th St., Rockell City In spite of local rumor and extended street construction. Stop Wednesday noons for Hot Beef! Check out our other Noon Specials! Now Taking Orders for your Halloween & Christmas Goodies! s ’ y bb a G 3 bedroom 2 bath home located on a nice lot next to walk park. 3 car attached garage and main floor laundry. .....$49,000 Hours Mon. - Fri. 7am - 2pm; Closed Sat. & Sun. o Bistr ry & Bake ROCKWELL CITY 409 Court St., Rockwell City (712) 297-8741 145 Lake Street ..................................... $58,500 SELLER WANTS AN OFFER!! 730 Court Street .................................... $87,000 115 Austin Street ................................... $80,000 SOLD POMEROY 701 Oswego Street ............................... $79,000 For Rent MANSON at Lake City Retirement Housing 1 Bedroom Apartments 618 Main Street .................................... $56,000 631 Southwood Drive ......................... $102,000 SOLD 740 Main Street .................................... $70,000 2031 Quartz Avenue ........................... $149,900 ACREAGE 909 21st Avenue ................................. $192,000 SOLD 1011 Main Street Manson, IA 50563 712-469-3346 712-297-7589 1-855-295-7140 Check us out at... www.collmannrealty.com WANT TO BUY: Tractors and all types of farm equipment. Call 515-352a-40-22-tc 5204. for the elderly (62 years of age or older) or disabled (any age may apply) Stove/Refrigerator Furnished for further information, contact: Murphy Management Services 208 East State St. Phone 515-295-2927 Algona, IA 50511 THE CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER DEADLINE for ads is 5:00 p.m. on Friday before the week of publication. NOTICE: The Calhoun County Journal-Herald is Available at the Calhoun County Reminder by 11:00 on Wednesdays. ________________________________________________ Switch to DIRECTV and get a $100 Gift Card. FREE WholeHome Genie HD/DVR upgrade. Starting at $19.99/mo. New Customers Only. Don’t settle for cable. Call Now 1-800-2034378 (MCN) Daily NOON Specials! Every Wednesday is HOT BEEF! INTERNET SERVICES: Web site design, maintenance, hosting. Specializing in small business or personal sites. Over 10 years experience. Reasonable rates. Consultations available. Ask for Gary or Bob. Dudley Web Design, 712-297-8931, www.dudleywebdesign.com. ______________________ TRAILER CLOSE-OUT SALE! Fuel trailers 500 USED TILLAGE 712-297-0443 • 403 4th Street, Rockwell City 712-830-2889 • TV Repair • Dish Network • HD Antennas OPEN FOR APPOINTMENTS Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Select Saturdays 8:00 AM - Noon WALK-INS WELCOME! $ FLU SHOTS .... 25 Sports Physical - $20 • DOT Physical $90 Kylie Hildreth , A.R.N.P. Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM; Select Saturdays 8 AM - Noon Teresa Anderson, L.M.H.C., C.A.D.C. ’16 JD 2730,9 SH, Ridged,7”..…..$74,900(2) ’15 JD 2730,13 SH.…...…$85,900-$86,900(2) ’14 JD 2720,11X30,10” Pts......….$69,900 KE ’13 JD 2720,11X30,Basket…...…$65,900 CCI ’13 JD 2720,9X30,7”Pts..…...…..$59,900 KCN ’13 JD 2720,5X30,5” Pts…..……$34,900 HE ’14 JD 2700,9X24,18’5”‘……...…$39,900 CCI ’13 JD 2700,7X30,10” Pts………$27,900 KE ’12 JD 2700, 9X24…….…$31,900-$34,900(2) ’12 JD 2700, 7X30,…....…$25,900-$27,900(2) ’10 JD 2700, 7X30………….……$18,900 WE ’10 JD 2700, 5X30, 7” Pts..……..$20,900 KE ’09 JD 2700, 7X30, Nw Bld……..$25,900 CCI ’05 JD 2700, 5X30,Nw Bld...……$18,900 KE ’02 JD 2700, 7X30,7” Pts.............$55,900 CCI ’12 JD 512, 7X30………………….$25,900(2) ’12 JD 512, 5X30…………….……$25,900 LE ’11 JD 512, 7X30.…………………$25,900 KE ’10 JD 512, 9X30,Fldg……………$26,900 CCI ’09 JD 512, 5X30,Notch Bld……..$19,900 LE ’05 JD 512, 5X30, Notch Blds…...$17,900 CCI ’97 JD 510, 7X30…………………$ 8,900 CCI ’10 CA 870, 9X24,Fldg…..$42,900-$43,900(2) ’07 JD 637, 32’,23.5’ Fldg,22.5”…$35,900 CCI ’12 JD 2625,40’8”,26” Bld…….….$79,900 LE PRICING AND AVAILBILITY SUBJECT TO CHANGE will be in the office on Thursdays for counseling. Sherry Buske, FNP-C, CDE will be in the office the 1st Wednesday of every month for a Diabetic/Chronic Care Clinic. Phone lines are open daily. Call for an Appointment - 712-297-2026 401 Court Street • Rockwell City, IA 712-297-2026 K.C. NIELSEN LTD – HUMBOLDT, IA 515-332-2545 LAURENS EQ. – LAURENS , IA 712-845-2643 CALHOUN CNTY IMPL, MANSON, IA 712-469-3392 HARCOURT EQ., HARCOURT, IA 515-354-5331 KANAWHA EQ., KANAWHA, IA 641-762-8261 WOOLSTOCK EQ., WOOLSTOCK, IA 515-839-5530 STORAGE SPACE Rockwell City Mini Storage 100 units, 5 sizes to choose from, starts at $20/mo. Call 712-297-0275 for details at Swanson Audio, Video & Appliance Rockwell City WANT TO BUY: Now is the time to get rid of that old jewelry, watches, class rings, gold and silver coins. Fair Market Prices Paid. Call Gary 712-297-8931. d-10/12/10 ______________________ A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-800-4425148 (MCN) ______________________ CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888-389-0695. www. cash4diabeticsupplies.com (MCN) ______________________ Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a painrelieving brace at little or NO cost to you. Medicare Patients Call Health Hotline Now! 1- 800-604-2613 (MCN) Rockwell City/Lake City Senior Citizen's MENU 297-7401 Gift Certificates Available Wed., October 12: Swiss Style Gr. Beef, Squash, Scalloped Cabbage, Blushing Pears, Tomato Juice Thurs., October 13: Turkey & Dumplings, Asparagus, Banana, Raisin Rice Pudding, OJ Fri., October 14: Italian Meatloaf, Roasted Red Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts with Cranberries, Cinnamon Apples w/Crunch Top Mon., October 17: Spaghetti, Tossed Salad, Apricots, French Bread Tues., October 18: Liver & Onions or Beef Patty, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli, Oranges and Pineapple, Bread Pudding Wed., October 19: Baked Chicken, Baked Potato, Peas, Cinnamon Raisin Applesauce, Tomato Juice Midas Transportation available for Senior Citizen Lunch. Daily round trip package per month $21.25. Call 297-7401 for info. CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 & 990 gallon w/DEF tank; Scissor Lift trailer; 16’ 14,000# DUMP; Aluminum Snowmobile trailers. 150 trailers.100’s of trailer parts, Trailer REPAIRS. www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld.com 515-972-4554 (MCN) FOR RENT PAGE 5 50 Birthday Celebration for Eddie Fischer & Kerry Peterson th Saturday, October 15th 2016 Palmer Community Building, Palmer, IA Social Hour 5 PM • Meal Served 6 - 7:30 PM •••Great Lakes Hybrid Band 8 - 11 PM••• No Gifts Please CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 Free Will Offering for Eddie Fischer and his cancer battle. ______________________ DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (MCN) ______________________ SAVE on internet and TV bundles!Order the best exclusive cable and satellite deals in your area! If eligible, get up to $300 in Visa Gift Cards. CALL NOW! 1-800925-0146 (MCN) ______________________ ATTENTION: VIAGRA AND CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - $99 FREE Shipping! 100 Percent Guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-800-795-9687 (MCN) ______________________ MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800357-4970 (MCN) ______________________ GET HELP NOW! One Button Senior Medical Alert. Falls, Fires & Emergencies happen. 24/7 Protection. Only $14.99/mo. Call NOW 1-888-840-7541 (MCN) ______________________ Are you getting TIRED of the COLD WINTERS where you are? Why don’t you get in your RV Camper and come to J-5 in Mission TX. We are located in the Rio Grande Valley. Average winter temps are 70 degrees daytime and 50 nighttime. We are a small park in a country setting but have stores and restaurants near by. We have specials for first time visitors. Call us at 956-682-7495 or email info@j5rvparktexas. com, www.j5rvparktexas. com,Tom and Donna Tuttle, Managers (MCN) ______________________ $500 DAILY! Mailing Simple Letters and Depositing checks. Exciting Free Details! Write: LISTS, Box 396, Dept. MFCP, Springhouse, PA 19477-0396 (MCN) The Calhoun County Reminder Deadline is Fridays at 5:00 PM! ______________________ McFarland Truck Lines drivers were averaging over $.50/mile and are now getting a new bonus for high miles! Drive the newest trucks, be home when needed. WWW.MCFGTL.COM Call now 507-437-9905 (MCN) ATTENTION No passport applications will be accepted in the Auditor’s ofÀce October 17th - November 18th due to election. VOTE ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ KAREN NORINE FOR COUNTY AUDITOR ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PAID FOR BY KAREN NORINE FOR COUNTY AUDITOR ______________________ PAID IN ADVANCE! MAKE $1000 Weekly!! Mailing Brochures From Home. Helping home workers since 2001. No Experience Required. Start Immediately! w w w. c e n t r a l m a i l i n g . n e t (VOID IN SD, WI) (MCN) ______________________ PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical, and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 855-3906047 (MCN) ______________________ Stop OVERPAYING for your prescriptions! SAVE! Call our licensed Canadian and International pharmacy, compare prices and get $25.00 OFF your first prescription! CALL 1-800-263-4059 Promo Code CDC201625 (MCN) ______________________ CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888-389-0695. www. cash4diabeticsupplies.com (MCN) WANTED Full-Time Truck Driver Class A CDL Required Hauling Grain & Feed Ingredients. Home Every Night. Must have good driving record 515-370-0609 Wernimont Electric & Construction Milo Wernimont Licensed Electrician & Independent Contractor Pomeroy, IA *Will Do Trenching & Aerial Work* Call: LeAnne at (712) 468-2314 CARS WAS 1997 OLDS REGENCY CLEAN 3.8 V-6 ...........................$3,495 1999 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED ....................................$4,100 2000 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS ...............................$4,125 2000 MERCURY SABLE LS PREMIUM ...........................$3,375 2002 FORD TAURUS SES ..............................................$3,150 2004 BUICK LESABRE CUSTOM ...................................$4,875 2004 CHEVY IMPALA MAROON.....................................$3,350 2004 PONTIAC GRAND AM GT SILVER ..........................$4,995 2004 PONTIAC GRAND AM GT BLACK ..........................$3,925 2005 CHEVY IMPALA SILVER ........................................$2,995 2005 CHRYSLER SEBRING TOURING.............................$3,450 2005 MERCURY SABLE GS V-6.....................................$4,175 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ ..............................................$7,250 2006 HYUNDAI ELANTRA .............................................$3,010 2007 CADILLAC STS V-6 AWD SHARP ........................$10,850 2007 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GT GOLD ..........................$6,995 2007 TOYOTA CAMRY XLE WHITE ...............................$10,250 2008 CHEVY COBALT FUEL SIPPER ..............................$4,125 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ GRAY ....................................$7,750 2008 MINI COOPER S 80K MILES .................................$8,995 2010 CHEVY MALIBU LTZ SHARP! ................................$9,350 2010 PONTIAC G6 RED SUN ROOF! ..............................$7,995 2011 CHEVY MALIBU LT BRONZE .................................$9,995 2012 FORD FUSION SE GAS MISER ............................$10,750 2012 FORD FOCUS SE MANUAL .................................$10,250 2013 BUICK LACROSSE V-6 LEATHER ........................$14,750 2013 BUICK VERANO 13K MILES WOW! .....................$16,495 2013 CHRYSLER 200 TOURING BLACK .......................$13,325 2013 DODGE AVENGER RED, SHARP ..........................$12,075 2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT BLUE ........................................$9,495 2014 CHEVY MALIBU LS.............................................$10,750 2014 CHEVY SONIC LT 11K MILES RED! .....................$13,400 2014 FORD TAURUS GRAY, SHARP! ............................$15,450 2015 CHEVY IMPALA LT WHITE, SHARP!.....................$21,995 NOW $2,995 $3,995 $3,495 $2,995 $2,600 $4,600 $2,995 $4,495 $2,995 $2,750 $2,995 $3,450 $6,995 $2,450 $9,450 $6,350 $9,575 $3,800 $6,750 $7,995 $8,995 $7,250 $9,495 $9,995 $9,995 $13,850 $15,995 $12,750 $11,500 $8,995 $10,350 $12,300 $14,995 $21,450 ALL OF OUR VEHICLES COME WITH A 12 MONTH, 12,000 MILE WARRANTY 2015 DODGE DART SXT BLACK ..................................$12,795 2015 FORD FOCUS GAS MISER BEIGE........................$13,750 2016 BUICK LACROSSE, LIKE NEW! ...........................$26,750 2016 SMART CAR PASSION 1400 MILES! ..................$14,400 2016 SMART CAR PASSION 250 MILES! ....................$14,400 TRUCKS 1999 FORD RANGER XLT 4X4 4 DOOR .........................$6,150 2003 CHEVY S-10 EXT CAB 4X4 ...................................$4,995 2003 CHEVY SILVERADO EXT CAB 4X4 .......................$11,300 2003 CHEVY SILVERADO REG CAB 4X4 ........................$7,995 2005 CHEVY SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 ...................$11,995 2006 CHEVY CREW CAB 4X4 SILVER ..........................$14,995 2006 FORD F150 EXT CAB 4X4 ..................................$12,450 2007 CHEVY CREW CAB 4X4 BLUE.............................$14,995 2008 CHEVY 2500HD CREW CAB DIESEL ...................$26,425 2008 CHEVY CREW CAB 4X4 LTZ WHITE ....................$17,995 2008 CHEVY COLORADO CREW CAB 4X4 ...................$13,550 2013 GMC SIERRA EXT CAB 4X4 RED ........................$27,575 SUVS 2004 GMC YUKON XL DENALI 4X4 CLEAN! ...................$4,775 2004 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR ULTIMATE ..........................$6,975 2005 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4X4...............................$6,975 2005 JEEP LIBERTY LIMITED 4X4 WHITE .....................$7,450 2006 CHEVY SUBURBAN WHITE 4X4 ..........................$10,450 2006 CHEVY SUBURBAN 4X4 Z71 CLOTH ...................$11,125 2006 DODGE DURANGO SLT 4X4 ..................................$7,995 2007 CADILLAC ESCALADE LUXURY! .........................$21,275 2007 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4X4 BLACK WOW! ..................$17,525 2007 CHEVY SUBURBAN LTZ WOW! ...........................$19,200 2007 FORD EXPLORER ED BAUER 4X4.......................$10,100 2008 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL AWD BLACK .....................$13,995 2008 FORD ESCAPE LTD GRAY .....................................$8,750 2009 CHEVY TRAVERSE RED LTZ WOW! .....................$15,495 2010 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT BLACK ............................$22,475 2010 CHEVY TRAVERSE WHITE LT AWD ......................$13,350 2010 GMC TERRAIN SLE AWD SILVER ........................$13,775 2015 JEEP CHEROKEE LATITUDE 4X4 ........................$21,995 VANS 1999 DODGE GR CARAVAN SE ......................................$2,410 2001 FORD WINDSTAR LTD LOADED ............................$3,450 2003 OLDS SILHOUETTE .............................................$3,450 2005 DODGE CARAVAN SXT .........................................$3,350 2008 CHRYSLER TOWN & CTRY TOURING.....................$8,750 2011 CHRYSLER TWN & CTRY TOUR L........................$14,075 SEVERAL FINANCING OPTIONS INCLUDING “BUY HERE PAY HERE” CHECK OUR INVENTORY & ALL THE DETAILS AT WWW.POKYSALES.COM Jeff Schneider • Owner • 712-335-4470 • 1-877-335-4470 Hrs.: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Wed. 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $12,350 $12,995 $25,750 $13,995 $13,995 $5,995 $3,995 $10,450 $7,450 $10,450 $13,995 $10,995 $13,400 $25,750 $15,995 $12,995 $25,800 $4,250 $5,995 $6,450 $6,995 $9,495 $9,995 $7,450 $18,875 $15,450 $17,995 $8,995 $13,525 $8,350 $14,750 $21,995 $12,995 $13,395 $20,995 $1,995 $2,995 $2,995 $2,750 $7,995 $13,750 PAGE 6 Coupon ✃ Vote For Buy 1 Combination Meal at $8.99, Get 2nd Meal 1/2 Price! Robin D. Batz Coupon ✃ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Paid for by Dana & Deborah Garrett - PO Box 175, Pomeroy, IA ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Good thru October 2016 Las Flores Mexican Restaurant 125 High Street, Rockwell City, IA • 712-297-5008 Republican Candidate Please Take Note of our Temporary Hours: Mon.-Sat. 11 AM - 2 PM; Mon.-Thurs. 5 PM - 9 PM; Fri. & Sat. 5 PM - 10 PM; Closed Sunday CALHOUN COUNTY AUDITOR WANTED ✔Qualified ✔ Reliable ✔ Experienced Secretary for three area United Methodist Congregations 10-15 hours/week, Familiarity with Microsoft Office, Excel, Facebook, and electronic communications needed. Send resume by October 24 to Pastor Lorinda Hoover, Glidden United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 449, Glidden, IA 51443 or email to gliddenumc@windstream.net. ______________________ TRAILER CLOSE-OUT SALE! Fuel trailers 500 210 S. 25th 515-955-8200 Mon. - Thur. 9-7, Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 12-5 ______________________ THIS PUBLICATION DOES NOT KNOWINGLY ACCEPT advertising which is deceptive, fraudulent, or which might otherwise violate the law or accepted standards of taste. However, this publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made in any advertisements, and to use good judgement and reasonable care, particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised. (MCN) ______________________ $1000 lots perfect for homes, apartments, condos. Newer subdivision in beautiful Harlan, IA. Centrally located between Des Moines and Omaha near I-80. Contact City Administrator Gene Gettys, 712-755-5137 or ggettys@cityofharlan.com (MCN) It’s easy to advertise in the Calhoun County Reminder with our handy-dandy order form! 1. Who are you? Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________ City _________________________ State _______ Zip _____________ Phone _________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________ 2. How would you like your ad to read? Don’t forget your phone number. Please print clearly - we don’t want to make a mistake. 1. _________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________ 4. _________________ 5. _________________ 6. _________________ 7. _________________ 8. _________________ 9. _________________10._________________11._________________12._________________ ($6.00) ($6.40) ($6.20) 13._________________14._________________15._________________16._________________ ($6.80) ($6.60) ($7.00) ($7.20) 17._________________18._________________19._________________20._________________ ($7.40) ($7.80) ($7.60) ($8.00) 21._________________22._________________23._________________24._________________ ($8.20) ($8.40) ($8.80) ($8.60) Classified Ads cost $6 per ad for up to 10 words, each additional word is 20¢ extra. Personal ads running for 3 weeks (buy the first two weeks, get the third week free, must be prepaid.) Commercial Classified Ads (containing a business name) cost $7 per ad for up to 15 words, each additional word is 25¢ extra. 3. Total Amount $ ______________ Payment Information We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Check or Cash. Expires: _________ Mo. 4. Yr. CVC# _________ (3 digits) Or ❑ Cash ❑ Check Mail your ad to: CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER, P.O. Box 106, Rockwell City, IA 50579 You can call us at 712-297-8931 or Fax your ad to 712-297-7193 or email your ad to ads@calhouncountyreminder.com CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 Get a free brat and beer and try on a pair of boots! & 990 gallon w/DEF tank; Scissor Lift trailer; 16’ 14,000# DUMP; Aluminum Snowmobile trailers. 150 trailers.100’s of trailer parts, Trailer REPAIRS. www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld.com 515-972-4554 (MCN) ______________________ Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a painrelieving brace at little or NO cost to you. Medicare Patients Call Health Hotline Now! 1- 800-604-2613 (MCN) ______________________ STUDENT LOAN PAYMENTS got you down? We can help reduce payments and get finances under control, call: 866-871-1626 (MCN) Place your classified HERE! Call 712-297-8931. CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 Salute To Veterans We Proudly Salute America’s Veterans and Active-Duty Military for their drive and dedication, contributions and courage. Their commitment to our country and our freedom has protected us for generations, and we owe them a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid. This Veteran’s Day, please join us in honoring the brave men and women of our Armed Forces who have fought, sacriÀced and served their country with pride! Please have all information submitted by Oct. 20 for our Nov. 8, 2016 Veteran’s Day Edition! Honoring Our Veteran Name: Branch: Message: C ALHOUN OUNTY R EMIND 515 4th Street, P.O. Box 106, Rockwell City, IA 50579 E-mail: ads@calhouncountyreminder.com Submitted by: ER ER Phone: 712-297-8931 CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 November 11th is a day set aside to recognize Veterans, your effort along with the Calhoun County Reminder publishing a special Veteran’s Day Edition will be a proud moment for Mom & Dad, Grandma or Grandpa, Brothers or Sisters, Friends and Relatives to recognize a loved one past or present who served in the Military. If you would like to honor a Veteran please send in photo, name, branch, message and submitted by whom, for a 2 column x 3 inch placement honoring a Veteran. Your discounted cost will be $30.00. Thank You Very Much! PAGE 9 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + In Person Absentee Voting will be Available + + + + + in the Courthouse Basement from + + 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM the following dates: + + + Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays + + + + Monday, October 10 Tuesday, October 11 Wednesday, October 12 --------------------- + + Monday, October 17 Tuesday, October 18 Wednesday, October 19 -------------------- + + Monday October 24 Tuesday, October 25 Wednesday, October 26 Thursday, October 27 + + + Thursday, November 3 + Monday, October 31 Tuesday, November 1 Wednesday, November 2 + + + All other days, voting will be done in the Auditor’s office. + + + Judy Howrey, Calhoun County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 Email ad to: ads@calhouncountyreminder.com NOTICE: A FREE Tri- WANT TO BUY: Scrap County Special Shopper may be picked up at the Calhoun County Reminder office every Tuesday at noon, for your convenience. Gold. Call Gary at 712-297d-4/8/08-1 8931 Days. ______________________ DISH Network -NEW FLEX PACK- Select the Channels You Want. FREE Installation. FREE Streaming. $39.99/24 months. ADD Internet for $14.95 a month. CALL 1-800-390-3140 (MCN) ______________________ SAVE on internet and TV bundles!Order the best exclusive cable and satellite deals in your area! If eligible, get up to $300 in Visa Gift Cards. CALL NOW! 1-800925-0146 (MCN) ______________________ DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (MCN) ______________________ Free Pills! Viagra!! Call today to find out how to get your free Pills! Price too low to Mention! Call today 1-877560-0997 (MCN) ______________________ Are you in BIG trouble with the IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Call 888-606-6673 (MCN) ______________________ Exede High Speed Internet. Plans from $39/mo. Blazing Fast Broadband in areas cable can’t reach. Great for business or home. We Install Fast. 1-888-800-8236 (MCN) ______________________ MAKE $1,000 WEEKLY! Paid in advance! Mailing Brochures at Home! Easy pleasant work. Begin Immediately! Age unimportant! www.homemoney77.com (MCN) ______________________ 19.99/mo. for DIRECTV - HD Channels + Genie HD DVR + 3 months FREE HBO, SHOW, MAX & STARZ + FREE NFL Sunday Ticket! Call Now 1-888-552-7314 (MCN) 500 $ K & K SIDING •Replacement Windows •Vinyl & Steel Siding •Seamless Gutters, Soffit & Fascia Coverings •Shingling •Roofing FREE ESTIMATES Keith Kraft • 712-297-5420 Classifieds Find what you’re looking for! Check out the Calhoun County Reminder Classifieds! Includes Installation & Lifetime Warranty. OR MORE select appliances* WHEN YOU BUY 2 OR MORE APPLIANCES WITH A TOTAL PURCHASE BETWEEN YOU WILL RECEIVE A $899 - $1,399 $50 rebate $75 rebate $1,400 - $2,099 $2,100 - $2,999 $3,000 - $3,799 $3,800 - $4,399 $125 rebate $200 rebate $4,400 - $4,999 $5,000 or more $350 rebate $500 rebate $250 rebate OFFER VALID THRU OCTOBER 18, 2016 - SPOOKTACULAR SAVINGS *See sales associate for rebate form with complete details. “Where You Can Afford The Best” ______________________ Switch to DIRECTV and get a $100 Gift Card. FREE Whole-Home Genie HD/ DVR upgrade. Starting at $19.99/mo. New Customers Only. Don’t settle for cable. Call Now 1-800-203-4378 (MCN) Prices Starting at $300 UP TO by mail with purchase of 2 ______________________ ALL THINGS BASEMENTY! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control. FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-800-640-8195 (MCN) 524 Central Ave. Fort Dodge 515-955-2330 Mon. 8:30-7:00; Tues.-Fri. 8:30-5:30; Sat. 9:00-1:00 Get Your Appointment Scheduled Before the Snow Flies! COUPON Calhoun County Reminder Expires 12-16-16 PAGE 10 SCC School Pride! Calhoun County Reminder/US Cellular Agents will be set up at the football game Friday, Oct 14th to help register & vote for Coach Case. CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 PAGE 11 -OHRS&ARM-ARKET 0LGZHVW/DQG0DQDJHPHQW /DQG$XFWLRQ *CTOF(IGHWAYSs!UBURN)! Tomatoes, Potatoes, Onions, Mums, Pumpkins, Squash & More! We Are Open *We now have 50# bags of potatoes & onions Starting Oct. 5th, our hours will be 9AM-6PM 7 DAYS A WEEK :HG1RYDW$0 .QLJKWVRI&ROXPEXV+DOO)RQGD,$ Call & check before you drive over. ϴϬĐƌĞƐŵͬů tŝůůŝĂŵƐdŽǁŶƐŚŝƉ͕^ĞĐƟŽŶϭϲ ĂůŚŽƵŶŽƵŶƚLJ͕/ŽǁĂ ǀĞƌĂŐĞ^ZϮ͗ϴϬ͘ϰ͕ǀĞƌĂŐĞ^Zϭ͗ϳϯ͘ϭ KƉĞŶ>ĞĂƐĞĨŽƌϮϬϭϳ͊ Phone 712-688-7797 Cell 712-830-0251 AUCTION CALENDAR ______________________ FONDA HAY SCHEDULE FONDA SALE BARN 712-288-6516 _____________________ SALE DATE TUES., NOVEMBER 29 10:00 A.M. 155 Acre farm located West of Harcourt, IA. in Section 21 of Lost Grove Township, Webster County, Iowa. Sale conducted at the 209 Main Restaurant in Paton, IA Lundberg Family, Owner Green Real Estate & Auction Co., Sac City, IA Mike Green, Jim Green, & Chris Ludwig, Auctioneers ______________________ DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-800-283-0205 (MCN) ______________________ ADT Security protects your home & family from “what if” scenarios. Fire, flood, burglary or carbon monoxide, ADT provides 24/7 security. Don’t wait! Call Now! 1-888607-9294 (MCN) EVENTS Courtesy of the Calhoun County Reminder. The Calender of Events is a FREE service of the Calhoun County Reminder and is published on a SPACE AVAILABLE BASIS. 1st & 3rd Saturday of Each Month at 10:00 AM CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 CALENDAR OF THURS., OCTOBER 20 Calhoun County Candidates Forum, 7:00 p.m., Community Center on the Square, Rockwell City. Auditor Candidates: Robin Batz, Karen Norine. Supervisor Candidates: Richard Finley, David Hiler, Carl LeGore. Sponsored by AAUW (Am. Assoc. of University Women) FRI., OCTOBER 21 Reading Circle Friday, October 21 at 1:30 p.m. in the Sunny View Lounge. TUES., OCTOBER 25 Calhoun County Democrats Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Big Beve's in Manson. All are welcome. 7 Miles East of Rockwell City on D36 (Old Hwy 20) 712-830-0685 ƵĐƟŽŶĞĞƌƐ͗ůŝŶƚŽŶ:ŽŶĞƐϳϭϮͲϯϲϯͲϯϱϮϮ ĂŶĚĞŶ,ŽůůĞƐĞŶϳϭϮͲϮϱϯͲϱϳϳϵ CLASSIFIEDS WORK! Place your ad in the Reminder. Call 712-297-8931. ______________________ LIVING WITH KNEE OR BACK PAIN? Medicare recipients may qualify to receive a pain relieving brace at little or no cost. Call now! 844-668-4578 (MCN) ______________________ MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800357-4970 (MCN) ______________________ $1000 lots perfect for homes, apartments, condos. Newer subdivision in beautiful Harlan, IA. Centrally located between Des Moines and Omaha near I-80. Contact City Administrator Gene Gettys, 712-755-5137 or ggettys@cityofharlan.com (MCN) • Used Auto Sales • Complete Auto Repair With local pick-up available • New & Used Tire Sales (including Michelin, Kumho, BF Goodrich, Pirelli, Uniroyal, and many others. • New & Used, Auto Parts • Purchase Junk Vehicles Check US out ONLINE ... www.calhouncountyr eminder.com ______________________ TRAILER CLOSE-OUT SALE! Fuel trailers 500 & 990 gallon w/DEF tank; Scissor Lift trailer; 16’ 14,000# DUMP; Aluminum Snowmobile trailers. 150 trailers.100’s of trailer parts, Trailer REPAIRS. www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld.com 515-972-4554 (MCN) ______________________ A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-800-4425148 (MCN) ______________________ Life Alert. 24/7. One press of a button sends help FAST! Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even if you can’t reach a phone! FREE Brochure. CALL 800306-1404 (MCN) ^ƉĞŶĐĞƌ͕/ϳϭϮͲϮϲϮͲϯϭϭϬ ZZZPLGZHVWODQGPDQDJHPHQWFRP ________________________________________________ McFarland Truck Lines drivers were averaging over $.50/ mile and are now getting a new bonus for high miles! Drive the newest trucks, be home when needed. WWW.MCFGTL. COM Call now 507-437-9905 (MCN) Swanson Audio, Video & Appliance Not only do we do SALES but REPAIRS too!!! • Appliance Sales & Repair We Service Most • Direct TV Sales Makes & Models of Appliances. Give us a call! 600 High St., Rockwell City, IA 712-297-0275 +RXVH +RXVHKROG &DUa3LFNXS /DZQ0RZHU 0LVF,WHPV :HG1RYHPEHU#30 /RFDWLRQ#(UG6W3RPHUR\,$ *HQHUDO'HVFULSWLRQa:DXVDX5DQFKVW\OHKRPHZLWKEHGU RRPV PDVWHUEHGURRPZLWKODUJHZDONLQFORVHWEDWKVPDLQIORRUODXQGU\ 1HZHUVWHHOURRIIXOOEDVHPHQWFDURYHUVL]HGDWWDFKHGJDUDJH([FHOOHQW FRUQHUORWORFDWLRQ /HJDO'HVFULSWLRQa%ORFN/RW 7D[HVa$SSU R[LPDWHO\ 7HUPVRI6DOHa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a3RPHUR\,$ 3DXO+DUUROG([HFXWRU%LOO7KRPDV$WWRUQH\IRU(VWDWH 7KH6DOH%DUQ5HDOW\$XFWLRQ 5LFN:LQHJDUGHQ$XFWLRQHHUa 3LFWXUHV0RUH$XFWLRQVDWVDOHEDUQQFQQHW e n i l d a e d r e d n i m re The Calhoun County Reminder Deadline is Fridays at 5:00 PM! H USED 2011 SIENNA P I O M N A ’S C PAGE 12 IS PRICED TO SELL USED VANS, TRUCKS & SUVS XLE, Moon, Heated Leather $ 239 / MONTH* *Includes TTL and $2,400 in cash or trade value. with 72 months ¿nancing wi w th approved credit. USED 2011 LIBERTY $ 2007 IMPALA, LT, V6 ....................................................................... $4,450 2007 GRAND CARAVAN, SXT............................................... $1,995 2005 GRAND CARAVAN, SXT ............................................$1,695 2004 TOWN AND COUNTRY, TOURING RING PLAT, DVD .... $3,495 2004 PACIFICA, TOURING , LTHR .................................... ................................ $1,995 2003 GRAND CHEROKEE, LTD, 4X4, X4, LTHR................. $4,990 2003 AVALANCHE, 2WD, LTHR, V8 ................................ $4,990 2000 TAURUS, SES ............................................................. ................................ $1,950 2000 C1500, LS, 2WD, EXT, V8 ................................ ...................$1,450 1999 EXPLORER, XLT, 4X4 .................................... ................$895 1998 DAKOTA, SLT, REG CAB, 5 SPD, 2WDD ..... $1,795 1997 TAURUS, GL ................................................. $795 229 / MONTH* *Includes TTL and $2,000 in cash or trade value. 72 months ¿nancing with approved credit. USED 2016 200 LTD, Moon, Heated Cloth h FLU SHOT CLINIC AT CHAMPION OF ROCKWELL CITY FRIDAY, OCT. 14 11 A.M. - 1 P.M. M. Sponsored by Calhoun Publicc Health Please bring your insurance card $ 309 / MONTH** *Includes TTL and $2,150 in cash or trade value. 72 months ¿nancing with approved credit. USED CARS USED 2012 RAM 1500 Crew, Express 4x4, Hemi Cr $ 389 / MONTH* *Includes TTL and $2,500 in cash or o trade value. 72 months ¿nancing with approved credit. 2016 200, LTD, HEATED CLOTH, MOON, 8.4, 9K............................................................ $19,990 2016 200, LTD, HEATED CLOTH, MOON, 8.4, 18’, 7K ..................................................... $19,990 2015 200, S, 4CYL, MOON, NAV, 26K .............................................................................. $16,990 2013 200, LIMITED, LTHR, V6, 26K....................................................................................$14,750 2013 ACCORD, SPORT, 4CYL, 46K ............................................................................... $15,990 2013 300C, AWD, LTHR, MOON, NAV ............................................................................. $20,850 2012 FOCUS, SEL, LTHR ................................................................................................... $8,890 2011 MALIBU, LT2, 4CYL, LTHR, MOON ....................................................................... $10,250 2009 MKS, V6, LTHR ........................................................................................................ $12,990 2007 IMPALA, LTZ, LTHR ................................................................................................. $6,990 2007 LUCERNE, CXL, HEATED AND COOLED LTHR, 70K ........................................... $9,990 1995 CORVETTE, C4, AUTO, LTHR, 71K ........................................................................ $9,990 CHAMPI N of Rockwell City 527 Court Street, Rockwell City, IA | Monday–Friday, 8–5:30; Saturday, 8–3 800.676.7537 • www.championchryslercenter.net CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 LTD, 4x4, Leather, DVD 2016 OUTLANDER, SE, 4X4, 28K................................................................................. $20,650 2016 ESCAPE, TITANIUM, AWD, 4CYL, LTHR............................................................... $23,950 2015 GRAND CHEROKEE, LIMITED, V6, 4X4, MOON............................................. $28,870 2015 RAM 2500, TRADESMAN, 5.7, 4X4, CREW, 16K.................................................. $30,795 2015 GRAND CHEROKEE, LIMITED, V6, LTHR, FWD, 7K....................................... $24,990 2014 TOWN AND COUNTRY, TOURING L, DVD, LTHR, NAV, 39K......................... $23,850 2013 TOWN AND COUNTRY, TOURING, L, DVD, 43K............................................ $19,990 2013 EDGE, LTD, LTHR, AWD, 45K ................................................................................. $24,950 2013 RAM 1500, BIGHORN, CREW, V6, 4X4 ................................................................ $21,890 2013 RAM 3500, MEGA, LARAMIE, DIESEL, 4X4, 35K ................................................ $47,500 2013 TOWN AND COUNTRY, LIMITED, NAV, DVD .................................................. $20,980 2013 EQUINOX, LTZ, MOON, AWD, LTHR .................................................................... $19,500 2013 TOWN AND COUNTRY, TOURING, L, LTHR, DVD, TOW, 39K ...................... $20,950 2012 TOWN AND COUNTRY, LIMITED, DVD, TOW, MOON ................................... $20,990 2012 TOWN AND COUNTRY, TOURING, CLOTH, DVD, 45K.................................. $15,625 2012 RAM 1500, BIGHORN, QUAD, 4X4 ....................................................................... $22,960 2012 RAM 1500, EXPRESS, CREW, HEMI, 4X4, 38K ................................................... $24,990 2012 EXPEDITION, EXLT, V8, 4X4, AIR SUSP, LTHR................................................... $22,990 2012 LIBERTY, JET ED, 4X4, SKYSLIDER ..................................................................... $18,990 2012 F-150, XLT, REG CAG, 3.7, 4X4, 22’, 64K.................................................................. $17,495 2012 JOURNEY, CREW, AWD, LTHR, MOON, CHR WHLS, 26K ................................. $20,990 2012 COLORADO, 2LT, CREW, V8, 4X4, 37K ............................................................... $24,960 2011 RAM 1500, LARAMIE, CREW, MOON, NAV, 4X4 ................................................. $26,925 2011 LIBERTY, LIMITED, 4X4, LTHR, DVD ..................................................................... $14,990 2011 SIENNA, XLE, MOON, H, LTHR ............................................................................. $15,990 2011 RAM 2500, ST, CREW, 8’ BOX, 2WD, DENTS ...................................................... $10,990 2011 EQUINOX, LTZ, AWD, 4CYL .................................................................................. $14,450 2011 TOWN AND COUNTRY, LTD, NAV, DVD, PWR 3RD, 52K ............................... $18,690 2011 CHEVY 2500 HD, LT, CREW, LTHR, 4X4, 21K ..................................................... $29,990 2011 F-150, PLATINUM, 4X4, 5.0...................................................................................... $26,990 2010 TOWN AND COUNTRY, LIMITED, DVD ........................................................... $13,550 2009 TOWN AND COUNTRY, TOURING ................................................................... $8,990 2008 GRAND CARAVAN, SXT, STOW, N, GO ............................................................. $5,990 2008 TACOMA, SR5, 4X4, DOUBLE CAB, V6 ............................................................... $18,950 2007 K1500, CREW, LS, V8, 4X4 ....................................................................................... $6,990 2007 SILVERADO, LT, EXT, 4X4, Z71 .............................................................................$16,750 2006 RAM 1500, QUAD, HEMI, 4X4, TRX ..................................................................... $12,990 2004 YUKON, DENALI, V8, 4X4 ...................................................................................... $10,950 2002 ECONOLINE, CONVERSION, 4.6L, V8, 86K......................................................... $5,990 2002 EXCURSION, LIMITED, 4X4, V10, DVD ............................................................... $10,950 2000 C1500, LS, 2WD, EXT, V8 ..........................................................................................$1,450 1998 F-150, XLT, S/CAB, 4.6, 2WD, 65K ............................................................................ $5,990
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