community foundation annual report
community foundation annual report
B LU E M O U N TA I N COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Serving Donors. Strengthening Communities. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Significant progress was made in 2014-2015 FY. I can attest to the continuation of the Community Foundation’s long tradition of excellence in its Board of Trustees and governance. Governance and leadership are critically important to any organization. Each BMCF Board Member is deeply involved in the community through serving on other nonprofit organization boards, as members of service clubs, through their businesses and as volunteers. In addition to Board meetings, every Trustee serves on at least one Board committee. Most Board members have participated in other Community Foundation activities along with staff such as attending Gates Foundation meetings in Seattle, joining staff on site visits and community meetings, and in myriad other ways. The Board and staff work together as a team for the good of our communities. The list of accomplishments of the Community Foundation last year included several changes in its governance. Last year the Board affirmed new mission and vision statements, articulated basic values to guide our work and created two new Board committees – Development and Marketing and the Farm Committee. In addition, we conducted a search for a new auditing firm and after sorting through five very competitive bids, we decided to remain with Cordell, Neher & Company, PLLC of Wenatchee, our long-time auditor. Calendar year 2015 is my last year on the Community Foundation Board of Trustees. After nine years, the last two of them as President, I can truly say this has been a meaningful, interesting and enriching experience. CONTENTS GIFTS & FUNDS GRANTS & SCHOL ARSHIPS 5 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 8 GIFTS TO THE FOUNDATION 8 FOUNDATION FUNDS 8 COMMUNITY IMPACT FUNDS 15 FIRST FRUITS FUND GRANT AWARDS 5 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 15 FOUNDATION FUNDS 15 ADVI SED DESI GNATED F UNDS 6 HARD WORK PAYS OFF ERIKA IBARRA-PEREZ 15 AGENCY ENDOWMENT F UNDS 14 HEALTH CENTER 17 FI ELD OF I NTEREST FU NDS 16 DESI GNATED FUNDS 17 DI SCRETI ONARY FUNDS 17 DONOR ADVI SED FUN DS 17 SCHOLARSHI P FUNDS 18 SPLI T I NTEREST FUNDS 18 SUSTAI NI NG ENDOWMENT F UNDS CRAIG SIEVERTSEN President 2 3 BLU E M O U N TA I N CO M M U N I TY F O U N D ATI O N BL UE MOUNTAIN COMMUNIT Y FOUNDAT ION A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L REP O RT 2015 18 DISCRETIONARY GRANTS 22 SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS Executive Director’s B LU E M O U N TA I N REPORT COMMUNITY FOUNDATION CRAIG SIEVERTSEN PRESIDENT VOLUNTEER COMMITTEES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair ANNE-MARIE ZELL SCHWERIN TOM SAWATZKI CRAIG SIEVERTSEN AUDIT COMMITTEE Vice President NORM PASSMORE Secretary SHERILEE COFFEY Treasurer SHANNON BERGEVIN DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING COMMITTEE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chair SHANNON BERGEVIN SHERILEE COFFEY MINDY NELSON GARY PONTI TONY BILLINGSLEY SANDI BLACKABY CHRIS DRABEK TIM KENNEDY KEVIN MICHELSON MINDY NELSON ANNE WALSH ANNE-MARIE ZELL SCHWERIN FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair NORM PASSMORE CRAIG SIEVERTSEN What do we mean by “significant progress?” Here are a few of the significant accomplishments of 2014-2015 FY: A new software system that saves $1,000 a month in operating costs, a new online application process that makes our scholarships and grants more accessible, the launch of a new website, a new bimonthly column about the Community Foundation and philanthropy in the Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, and renewal of the First Fruits grant from Vista Hermosa Foundation–the charitable arm of Broetje Orchards. This $100,000 grant was re-granted to local nonprofit organizations. We also reached out to the communities in Garfield and Umatilla counties, establishing new funds, donors, grants and scholarships. Last year the Puget Sound Energy Lower Snake River Habitat Fund made its first grant for habitat in Garfield County. $10,000 was recommended by the local grant selection committee and approved by the BMCF board. BMCF served as fiscal sponsor to the Walla Walla Pickleball Association for six new pickleball courts in Pioneer Park in Walla Walla. This amazing group of volunteers raised $127,000 in six months! Serving as a fiscal sponsor is one of many services the Community Foundation offers. We are so grateful for the support of our community and the ability to be part of its betterment. KARI ISAACSON Executive Director INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Chair ANNE-MARIE ZELL SCHWERIN LLOYD BAKER PETER HARVEY JAMES HAYNER KEVIN MICHELSON MARK SHERRY STAFF Executive Director KARI ISAACSON Director of Finance JOAN CONSANI Finance Assistant LEAH MALDONADO Donor Services Associate CASEY RICHARDS-MOLLER PAST PRESIDENTS FRANKLIN B. “PETE” HANSON ARTHUR H. GRIFF L. E. KEILER GARY SIRMON TOM BAKER MARK C. GRAVES THOMAS K. BAFFNEY W. W. “PETE” PEERY JACK L. BARGA JOHN M. REESE JANE A. KREITZBERG ELLEN L. WOLF JAMES HOBKIRK PETER W. HARVEY MARK THOMPSON DAN REID GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Chair TONY BILLINGSLEY SHANNON BERGEVIN KIM BOGGS JOHN REESE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Chair SHERILEE COFFEY JEAN “PUNKEY” ADAMS SANDI BLACKABY LINDA BYERLEY CHRIS DRABEK SERGIO HERNANDEZ TIM KENNEDY LAURE QUARESMA JEANNE RUECKER FARM COMMITTEE Chair CRAIG SIEVERTSEN HAROLD COCHRAN DAVE GORDON MARK SHERRY SUMMIT SOCIETY The Summit Society recognizes individuals and couples who have named Blue Mountain Community Foundation as the beneficiary of any type of planned or deferred gift, including bequests. The purpose of the society is to thank those who have made these gifts as well as to encourage and inspire others to do the same. LEONARD & LESLIE BROWN JACK & PAT COBB DUANE & MARYANN COLE EARL & JANE FERGUSON MIKE & SUE GILLESPIE PETER & KRISTEN HARVEY Dr. ELLEN WOLF & JIM HEALY MIKE & LINDA HOWELL BOB & DEE JACKSON JAMIE & BECKY KENNEDY LAWSON & CYNDY KNIGHT SUSAN & JIM NEWTON KEITH & RHONDA OLSON MARY PHILLIPS JOHN & ELAINE REESE THERESA ANNE REGIMBAL RICHARD & RUTH THOMASSEN JO WINN HANK & CATHERINE WORDEN FRANCES YELLIOTT STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION* ASSETS 2014 Cash & Cash Equivalents Investments Grants & Pledges Receivable Other Assets 2013 $1,411,823 $35.736.427 $57,000 $17,398 $1,159,495 $37,398,977 $12,370 $9,250 $37,222,648 $38,580,092 $383,182 $9,477 $7,607,101 $893,502 $423,467 $22,648 $7,467,195 $946,652 $8,892,208 $8,859,962 Total Unrestricted $323,920 $152,973 $796,387 $308,512 $1,581,792 $156,470 $81,003 $899,587 $1,033,823 $2,170,883 Sustaining Endowments Field of Interest Donor Advised Scholarship Designated Split-Interest Total Temporarily Restricted $90,376 $8,028,796 $595,211 $6,950,474 $10,335,105 $748,687 $26,748,648 $50,542 $7,246,141 $624,542 $7,781,058 $11,099,335 $747,629 $27,549,247 $28,330,440 $29,720,130 $37,222,648 $38,580,092 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Grants & Scholarships Payable Other Liabilities Funds Held on Behalf of Others Split-Interest Agreements TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS Unrestricted Administrative Donor Advised Sustaining Endowments Discretionary Temporarily Restricted TOTAL NET ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS * Unaudited. Final audit available at 4 5 BLU E M O U N TA I N CO M M U N I TY F O U N D ATI O N BL UE MOUNTAIN COMMUNIT Y FOUNDAT ION A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L REP O RT 2015 Hard Work Pays Off Erika Ibarra-Perez, of Walla Walla, began her Freshman year at Washington State University the Fall of 2015. She plans to major in Chinese and Global Politics and hopes to one day work at the United Nations. If one learned English in three years as a teenager, majoring in Chinese doesn’t seem so difficult! When Erika moved to Walla Walla, at the age of 14, she did not speak English. She struggled to adjust to school. Thanks to the support and assistance she received from teachers and aides, she earned her high school diploma. Although Erika received several scholarships for tuition, including one from Blue Mountain Community Foundation, she needed to cover living expenses for her Freshman year. Throughout the summer, Erika arose between 3:00-4:00 a.m., six days a week, to harvest cherries, apples, and grapes. The very hot summer of 2015 was particularly tough on people harvesting in the Walla Walla Valley. We are proud that Blue Mountain Community Foundation is part of Erika’s bright future due to the many kind and generous people who made the scholarship possible. 6 BLU E M O U N TA I N CO M M U N I TY F O U N D ATI O N A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 5 Gifts to the Foundation Gifts to the Foundation BMCF ADMINISTRATIVE FUND ARTS & CULTURE COMMUNITY IMPACT FUND Punkey Adams Tom and Jane Baffney Lloyd and Heidi Baker Sherry Chew In memory of Leo Goebel Jack and Mary Barga Muriel Bott In memory of Dr. R.J. Weiland Jr. Jon and Wendye Bren Michael and Sandra Buckley Sandra Cannon David and Lou Ann Casper Martin and Megan Clubb Carla Cunha Wayne Fondahn Gene and Nadine Gerkey In memory of Ruth Cundiff Arthur & Norma Griff David Griffith Jim and Pam Hayner Daniel and Kathie Hess Craig and Maureen Homchick Dr. James Johnson Daniel and Linda Johnson Jeff and Jane Kreitzberg Stan and Corliss Ledington Steve and Patricia Malcom Joanne Martin Mitch and Casey Moller In honor of Brad and Lisa Richards Karen Morton In memory of Scott Bayne Steven Moss M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Vera Perry Jim Peterson Helen Logan-Schneider and Edward Schneider Anne-Marie Zell Schwerin and Don Schwerin In honor of Mike and Sue Gillespie Christopher Shepley Craig and Julie Sievertsen The Sherwood Trust JL Stubblefield Trust Bill and Marian Taylor Mark and Joan Vanmatre Darrel and Alice Walters Dr. Bob and Nancy Withycombe Helen Logan-Schneider The Jensen Family Fund Larry Hoof and Kathy Foster Carol and Jim Peterson Family Fund BASIC NEEDS COMMUNITY IMPACT FUND Helen Logan-Schneider Jerold Kaman Steven and Debbie Frol Bud and Patty Waggoner Anonymous EDUCATION COMMUNITY IMPACT FUND The Jensen Family Fund Richard and Mary Sundberg Carol and Jim Peterson Family Fund Dale and LaDessa Smelcer HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMUNITY IMPACT FUND Helen Logan-Schneider The Jensen Family Fund Sherilee Coffey Anonymous ALTHADEL BEAMER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION FUND In Memory of Miriam Johns: David and Virginia Lindberg Barbara Palmer Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation CAROL AND JIM PETERSON FAMILY FUND Jim Peterson ANN WEATHERILL MEMORIAL ADVISED FUND CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH DESIGNATED FUND Wheatland Wheelers Bicycling Club Dick and Norma Hanson Alan Feistner BAKER MUDD NURSING SCHOLARSHIP FUND Tom and Anita Baker In memory of: Bill Asbury Jean Beechinor Arvilla Katsel Cyr John Delp Barbara Dodd Bernard Donnelly Adele Ferguson Rocco Francesco Robert Frink Steve Hayner Tom Hiatt Ron Hoffman Vern Kegley Pete Kinder Dorothy Knowles Fred Laeger Bob Lee Dale McKinley Ruth Mings Pat Minnich Karen Mohney Richard Naumann Virginia Neace Carol Patton Dick Pelo Margaret Picton Stan Pierson Charlotte Saul Lois Skiles Kenneth Smith Ivan L. White Jack Williams Mary Arlend Woodward CHRISTIAN AID CENTER BUILDING EXPANSION FUND Christian Aid Center COLLIN SNIDER FIREFIGHTER SCHOLARSHIP FUND William & Jacqueline Gentry DAYTON/COLUMBIA COUNTY WASHINGTON FUND Chad and Darlene Broughton Broughton Land Co. The Oregon Community Foundation DIXIE CEMETERY FUND Dixie Cemetery Association Chuck and Jeanie Fulton Dean Gerling and Kathleen Price-Gerling Connie Gwinn In memory of Thomas Lamb K-FARMS, INC Ed and Judy Townsend DOROTHY HOCKETT KAPPA ALPHA THETA SCHOLARSHIP FUND John and Shauna Lilly Bogley Greg and Linda Brown Curtis and Dorothy Hockett Linda Moats DOS RIOS FUND John Jamison and Katherine Wildermuth Earl Brown & Sons Fund Earl Brown & Sons, Inc. FIRST FRUITS FUND Vista Hermosa Foundation GARFIELD COUNTY HEALTH FOUNDATION FUND Gary and Chris Houser In Memory of R.J. Weiland Jr – MD Harold and Helen Shepherd Foundation BETA THETA PI SCHOLARSHIP FUND G.G. and Patricia Gose GARFIELD COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT ENDOWMENT BETTY RAE AND LUETTA ANDERSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND Garfield County Hospital District No. 1 Haley Grunhurd Robert Turner Robert and Sydney Rupar In Memory of Doris Ann Wolf: Muriel Bott Betty Capwell Larry and Barbara De Herrera Luetta Anderson DOROTHY BJORKLUND SCHOLARSHIP FUND Ken and Dorothy Bjorklund Ken and Dorothy Bjorklund Family Fund 8 9 BLU E M O U N TA I N CO M M U N I TY F O U N D ATI O N BL UE MOUNTAIN COMMUNIT Y FOUNDAT ION A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L REP O RT 2015 Gifts to the Foundation Gifts to the Foundation Jerald Liskey Thomas and Candace Maroldo Providence Health & Services The Wujek Family GARFIELD COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT ENDOWMENT (CONT.) Brady and Bette Franklin Brad and Lisa Gingerich Betty Greenwell Dorothy Kausche Larry and Nelda Koller (LNK Farms) Bruce and Sally Konen Lyle and Judy Landkammer Dick & Jacquelyn Lloyd Lois Long Dave McBrearty Sandra Powell Dirk and Sarah Sundt PICKLEBALL IN THE PARK Anthony and Susan Anfinson Penny Bingham Clara and Art Bald Trust Jon & Wendye Bren Casey Casebolt Shelia Coe Jane E. Coffey Columbia Rural Electric Association-Dayton Cost Less Carpet Ted and Laura Cummings Eastern Washington Dermatology Steve and Johanne Dyerly Eagle Fence of Walla Walla LLC Bryan Eggart Mary Garner Esary Trust Mel & Mike Gammond Dave Gibson Tim & Connie Gleason Leon Gordon David and Theresa Hampson Linda McKinney Herbert Dean and Judy Hilliard Gary Hultman Phillip and Nancy Kress Edith Mailolo Paul and Joan McLain Bruce and Kathleen Murr Ronald and Connie Zigler Tom and Sandi Madsen Norm and Virginia McKibben Mike and Margy Monahan Andrew and Amy Myers Nelson Irrigation Corporation Terri and John Norwick Patrick O’Connor Dr. & Mrs. Reuben Ojeda Stacia Peterson Providence Health & Services Raymond Designs Marge & Bill Reed Craig Richards James Robles Tracey Thompson United Way of Walla Walla Ronald Urban Wheatland Village YMCA Anonymous JIM KIBLER AGRICULTURE SCHOLARSHIP Doug and Karen Brown Kibler Farming, Inc. In Memory of Douglas L. Heimgartner JOHN W. MCGILLIS JR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Jack McGillis Ivan O’Neill Tom Sawatzki GARRISON MIDDLE SCHOOL TRACK MAINTENANCE FUND KEGLEY-MAYO MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND Bart and Karen Nelson Good Samaritan Ministries Charles and Norma Austin Bernice Mock Pete and Dolores Peery HEALTHY COMMUNITY FUND KEN AND DOROTHY BJORKLUND FAMILY FUND The Sherwood Trust The Seattle Foundation Ken and Dorothy Bjorklund GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRIES ENDOWMENT FUND MARY MAYBERRY ORCHARD NURSING HERITAGE FUND Fort Walla Walla Museum WW Valley Historical Society MARY N KOCH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND James and Catherine Barrett Leonard and Leslie Brown Beth Call Jean Carney Michelle Conner Sonia Schmitt Salon W KENNETH GARNER NON-ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUND HEVEL WAITSBURG FUND Kenneth Garner Life Insurance Trust Laura Jean Hevel LARRY & CLAIRE SIEGEL FAMILY FUND HEVEL WAITSBURG SCHOLARSHIP FUND Larry and Claire Siegel S. Roger and Laura Jean Hevel In memory of Virginia Neace LARRY HOOF AND KATHY FOSTER FUND Larry Hoof and Kathy Foster HOMER I. AND PERSEPHONE B. WATTS MEMORIAL FUND U.S. Bank-The Private Client Reserve LARRY JAY BRITTAIN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Carol Brittain Shirley and Ricky Davis Randy Gust John and Judith Hofman Gordon and Lois Huesby David and Desiree Koehler Lee and Debbie Koehler S. McKee Jean McKinley Wilber and Karen Pribilsky Doug and Malinda Saturno Randal Taylor Douglas F. Walters Anonymous INK OUT FUND Walla Walla General Hospital JACK YANTIS INTEGRATIVE ARTS IN CLASSROOM FUND Leonard and Leslie Brown In memory of: Mollie Monahan Fern Tash Ivan Wheeler JAMES MCCLELLAN ANNUAL LECTURE FUND Carole Alexander Bruce and Kay Barga McClellan Family LLC In Memory of Dr. James E McClellan Regan and Lodi McClellan Rose Anne McClellan Computer Data Service Frederick Field Mike and Sue Gillespie Linda Herbert In Memory of Carol Mason RN Ken and Julie Isaacs Robert Arnold Johnson & Susan Eileen Pickett LARSON FAMILY FUND Barbara Larson Marian Larson LILLIE RICE CENTER ENDOWMENT FUND Lillie Rice Center, Inc. MARY JANE AYLWARD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND 10 James Aylward In Memory of Mary Jane Aylward MARYLOU AND VERNON KEGLEY ENDOWMENT FUND In Memory of Vernon Kegley: Richard & Carol Collum James and Gayl Ruff Anonymous Chuck and Jane Drabek Yancey and LaVonne Reser MCJUNKIN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Anita McJunkin MIKE AND SUE GILLESPIE FAMILY FUND Mike Gillespie Sue Gillespie MISSY O. PETERSON ENDOWMENT FUND Books for Babes MORASCH FAMILY FUND Isaacs & Associates Inc. NEACE FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND John Neace PHOENIX FUND Anonymous 11 BLU E M O U N TA I N CO M M U N I TY F O U N D ATI O N BL UE MOUNTAIN COMMUNIT Y FOUNDAT ION A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L REP O RT 2015 Gifts to the Foundation Gifts to the Foundation WAITSBURG HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND POMEROY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Rodney Kimble Waitsburg High School Alumni Association In Memory of Karen Huwe Mohney: Jeff Broom Mary Phillips Wes & Katie Leid Linda McKinney Herbert Glenn and Sally Baker In Memory of Beth Lloyd Tietjan Jeff and Gayle Broom Robert Jr. and Leslie Danforth In Memory of Laurette McCaw Janice Eastman In Memory of: Joe Abbey Elizabeth Danielson Abbey Velma Baxter Auer Beth Lloyd Tietjen John Lloyd Albert Lloyd Dorothy Baxter Lloyd Bettie Lloyd Chase Helen Lloyd Shaffner George M. Lloyd II Jim Leid Wes & Katie Leid Marvin Lloyd Memorial Fund Mary Phillips In Memory of: Arvilla May Katsel Elena Perry Cindy Downing Sonenthal POMEROY-GARFIELD COUNTY WASHINGTON FUND The Seattle Foundation Butch and Cindy Klaveano ROTARY CLUB OF WALLA WALLA DON SHERWOOD ENDOWMENT FUND Rotary Club of Walla Walla SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Sacred Heart Catholic Church STEVEN MOSS ENDOWMENT FUND Blue Mountain Action Council WA State Community Action Partnership SUSTAINING BMCF ENDOWMENT FUND John and Elaine Reese Peter and Kristen Harvey Jim and Pat Hobkirk Dennis and Laura Rea Byerley Farm, Inc. Bonnie and Clifford Braden Foundation THE JENSEN FAMILY FUND The Jensen Family Trust THE MULKERIN FAMILY FUND Judy Mulkerin TOUCHET EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND Touchet Educational Foundation WALLA WALLA PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS SCHOLARSHIP FUND (CONT.) WALLA WALLA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SPECIAL PROJECTS FUND Walla Walla Presbyterian Church TOUCHET EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION-DAVE REPPE FUND Touchet Educational Foundation WALLA WALLA PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of Class of 1962: Sandra Conlee Kathryn Habedank Marilyn Klock Boni Merrill In Honor of the Class of 1964: Sandra Mattingly WA-HI Class of 1959: Susan Anderson Robert and Betty Bakie T. L. and B. D. Bennington Dale Bethel Russ and Maryann Byerley Anonymous Sandra Conlee In Honor of Bob Yenney TOUCHET EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION-GUN CLUB FUND Touchet Educational Foundation TOUCHET EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONHELEN DURFEE MEMORIAL FUND FOR EDUCATION Touchet Educational Foundation TOUCHET EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONMCCUBBINS FAMILY MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Touchet Educational Foundation UMAPINE YOUTH FUND Gary and Cindy Key Opal Wallace Umapine Seventh-Day Adventist Church WATTS FUND FOR GEM THEATRE Susan and William Cornelius Geraldine Cramer Geraldine and W Cramer In Memory of Zania Marie Schmidt-Class of 1962 John Cranor Tom Drumheller Charlotte Frederking Neil and Katherine Geitner Keith and Carol Gradwohl Kathryn Habedank Janet McCabe Harrington Kristian Hedine Carol Hill Judy Holloway Sandra Hopson Eleanor Howells Bruce Hunt Alan Krebs Garth and Mary Lindsey Boni Merrill Marylyn Patton George and Wilma Penner Ted and Patty Reid In Honor of Jerry Zahl Tristan Renz Susan Rippet Donald and Toshiko Salsberry In Honor of Bob Ahsmush Henry and Nancy Sauer Richard and Kay Schisler Keith Van Scotter Dr. Christian and Patti Tiemeyer Patricia Webster Diana Weis Peggy Anderson Wiggum Jane and Donald Wilkins Kathryn Zahl Jerry and Kathryn Zahl In Memory of: Connie Johnson Dick Pelo In Honor of Ron Esselstyn and all who served in Vietnam Homer I. and Persephone B. Watts Memorial Fund Ken & Dorothy Bjorklund WATTS/FS LEGROW LIBRARY FUND Homer I. and Persephone B. Watts Memorial Fund WHITMAN MISSION NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE FUND Whitman Mission WILLIAMS FAMILY TRUST Bob Williams In Memory of: Lenore Herman Sally Hooker Jack Sutherland Lloyd’s Insurance WINSTON AND VIRGINIA HEACOCK SUSTAINING ENDOWMENT FUND Virginia Heacock WOLF HEALY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Dr. Ellen Wolf and Jim Healy WALLA WALLA-COLUMBIA SCHOOL RETIREES ASSOCIATION FUND Walla Walla-Columbia School Retirees Association WALT ROLOFF SCHOLARSHIP FUND Helen Adams In Memory of Mollie Monahan David and Vicki Lee In Memory of John Thrasher WARD & VERA HOSKINS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND The Elizabeth Ankeny Testamentary Trust Rebecca Wood 12 13 BLU E M O U N TA I N CO M M U N I TY F O U N D ATI O N BL UE MOUNTAIN COMMUNIT Y FOUNDAT ION A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L REP O RT 2015 Foundation Funds ADVISED DESIGNATED FUNDS AGENCY ENDOWMENT FUNDS (CONT.) These funds allow fund advisors to recommend grants to charitable organizations which address the issues and needs they care about most. Althadel Beamer Memorial Scholarship Fund Donald Duncan Memorial Fund Williams Family Trust Sacred Heart Catholic Church Scholarship Fund St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Collier Camp Cross Endowment Fund Ralph and Bunny Stevens Capital Maintenance Fund Touchet Educational Foundation Mary O. & Alvin Adams Endowment Eileen Collier Fund Helen Durfee Memorial Fund for Education Gun Club Fund Oscar Ferrians Alumni Scholarship Fund McCubbins Family Medical Scholarship Fund Dave Reppe Scholarship Fund Scholarship Fund Waitsburg Presbyterian Church Bickelhaupt Fund Endowment Fund Memorials Fund Reserves Fund Scholarship Fund Walla Walla 4H Leaders’ Council Endowment Fund Walla Walla Community College Foundation Fund Walla Walla Community Hospice Endowment Fund Walla Walla Exchange Club Endowment Fund Walla Walla General Hospital Library and Education Fund Walla Walla Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund Special Projects Fund Walla Walla Senior Citizens Center Endowment Fund Walla Walla Symphony Endowment Fund Walla Walla University Student Aid Fund Washington Odd Fellows Home Fund Whitman Mission National Historic Site Fund YWCA of Walla Walla Endowment Fund AGENCY ENDOWMENT FUNDS Improving the Health of Our Youth Now beginning its 7th year, the Health Center at Lincoln High School in Walla Walla addresses the health concerns of nearly 30% of Lincoln students. This year the program was expanded to meet the mental health needs of the students and families of Blue Ridge Elementary School. A grant from Blue Mountain Community “It’s wonderful to have a place where it feels Foundation helped make this expansion possible. Three menlike home, with doctors who love and care tal health counselors are now located at the school, and immeabout you–where you are not just a number.” diately began working with families. One four-year-old preschooler had suffered from angry outbursts, and staff was at a loss as to how to help. She would hit and kick other children and even teachers. After play therapy sessions with a Health Center counselor and her mother, she became calmer in school and happier at home. She and her mother make use of the techniques learned in counseling and remind each other about ways to calm down. “Now,” her mother says, “my daughter loves being able to remind me to take a big breath, just like her counselor taught her to.” Funds established by a non-profit organization to provide ongoing financial support for the agency or a special project of the agency. Carson Akre Endowment Fund Luetta Anderson Endowment Fund FBO Pioneer UMC Athena Library Friends Association Building Reserve Fund Athena Civic Memorial Endowment Fund Blue Mountain Heart to Heart Endowment Fund Bruce House Museum Reserves Fund Christian Aid Center Board Operating Reserves Fund Building Expansion Fund Endowment Fund Bill Roach Endowment Fund Christ Lutheran Church Fund Columbia County Hospital District Fund Dayton Historical Depot Society, Inc., Endowment Fund Downtown Walla Walla Foundation Endowment Fund Emmanuel Lutheran Church Capital Improvement Fund Christina Eggers Fund Foundation Endowment Fund Cindy Norby Library Fund Rodger Paetel Memorial Scholarship Fund First Congregational Church Endowment Fund Memorials Fund Marcus Whitman House Proceeds Fort Walla Walla Museum Building Reserve Fund Friends of Children of Walla Walla Endowment Fund Friends of Fort Walla Walla Endowment Fund Friends of the Library of Walla Walla Endowment Fund Ruth Salnitzki Fund Frontier Days Foundation Fund Good Samaritan Ministries Endowment Fund Helpline Endowment Fund Italian Farmstead Endowment Fund The Kids’ Place Endowment Fund Kirkman House Endowment Fund Camp Kiwanis Foundation Fund Lillie Rice Center Endowment Fund Little Theatre of Walla Walla Endowment Fund Mary Mayberry Orchard Nursing Heritage Fund Pavilion Preservation Foundation Fund George Peery Cemetery Association Endowment Fund Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and Northern Idaho Fund Providence St. Mary Medical Center Endowment Fund Rogers Adventist School Worthy Student Endowment Fund Rotary Club of Walla Walla Don Sherwood Endowment Fund DESIGNATED FUNDS Endowment funds established by a donor for the benefit of a specific nonprofit or charity. Anderson Family Endowment Fund Anonymous Fund № 6 Archer Ranch Fund FBO Dayton Columbia County Fund Gordon and Edna Arthurs Fund Parker Barrett Testamentary Trust FBO Pioneer Methodist Church Beta Theta Pi Scholarship Fund Blue Mountain Humane Society Endowment Fund Booker Annex Nursing Home Endowment Fund Boy Scout Trust Fund Lester M. Bruce Memorial Fund Christ Lutheran Church Designated Fund Columbia County Ambulance Endowment Peggy Cummins Memorial Endowment for Carnegie Center Fund Dayton Cemetery Endowment Dayton Great Strides Award Fund Dixie Cemetery Fund Karen J. Earle Endowment Fund Elks Lodge № 287 Endowment Fund Emmanuel Lutheran Church Designated Fund Endowment for Strings 14 15 BLU E M O U N TA I N CO M M U N I TY F O U N D ATI O N BL UE MOUNTAIN COMMUNIT Y FOUNDAT ION A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L REP O RT 2015 *denotes a new fund Foundation Funds Foundation Funds DISCRETIONARY FUNDS DESIGNATED FUNDS (CONT.) Funds that broadly support the well-being and vitality of the Blue Mountain area and its residents - grants are made to organizations through the Foundation’s Discretionary Grants Program. Eileen Cummins Collier Fund Frances Edmonson Fund Velma W. Egan Fund Healthy Community Fund Claudina Keen Trust Fund Frank & Sally Mitchell Fund Clarence B. Smith Discretionary Fund Larry and Debora Zalaznik Endowment Fund William E. and Mary G. Falconer Designated Fund Jean Ferguson Endowment Fund FBO Carnegie Art Center Earl and Jane Ferguson Endowment Fund Frazier Farmstead Museum Endowment Fund Friends of Dayton Memorial Library Endowment Friends of the Waitsburg Pool Fund Pierre & Margaret Ganguet Fund Garfield County Hospital District Endowment* Kenneth Garner Designated Fund FBO Pioneer Methodist Church Garrison Middle School Track Maintenance Fund Goodwill Industries of Walla Walla Endowment Fund Ora V. & E. Frances Grubbe Endowment Fund Hardy E. Hamm (Friends of Dayton Library) Fund Herring House Endowment Fund Hevel Waitsburg Fund Dorothy Hockett Kappa Alpha Theta Scholarship Fund Johnson/Lehmann Junior Club Scholarship Fund Marylou and Vernon Kegley Endowment Fund Kegley-Mayo Memorial Endowment Fund FBO First Presbyterian Kessler Anderson Endowment Fund Friends of Sheldon King Fund James N. Lamar Foundation Designated Fund Anna Magallon Fund Darrel and Nadine Marks Memorial Fund Charles McClune Endowment Fund Lee and Mary McMurtrey Fund Betty C. Medlar Memorial Scholarship Fund Steven Moss Endowment Fund* Pete and Dolores Peery Designated Endowment Fund Pete and Dolores Peery Student Scholarship & Loan Fund Peterson Fund FBO Walla Walla Valley Historical Society Missy O. Peterson Endowment Fund FBO Books for Babes Pioneer United Methodist Church Capital Projects Endowment Fund Project Read Endowment Fund Providence St. Mary Regional Cancer Center Endowment Clarence B. Smith Fund Freeman Cornwall Smitten Fund FBO St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Chester Steen Fund FBO Christian Aid Center Norah Timm Charitable Fund Donna Underman Humane Society Endowment Fund Peter Venneri Youth Scholarship Fund Walla Walla Credit Bureau FBO United Way of Walla Walla Walla Walla Sheltered Workshops Fund Walla Walla Valley Academy Lodge Endowment Fund Physical Education Endowment Fund Scholarship Fund Worthy Student Fund Watts Fund for Gem Theatre* Watts/FS LeGrow Library Fund Nels Winter Park Manor Memorial Trust Marion S. White Fund Wolf Healy Scholarship Fund YMCA Endowment Fund DONOR ADVISED FUNDS These funds allow fund advisors to recommend grants to charitable organizations which address the issues and needs they care about most. Ken and Dorothy Bjorklund Family Fund Earl Brown & Sons Dos Rios Fund Mike and Sue Gillespie Family Fund God’s Gift Fund Cecil & Verdie Hart Fund Larry Hoof and Kathy Foster Fund Leonard & Shirley Isaacs Fund The Jensen Family Fund Larson Family Fund* The Markham-Banks Fund Morasch Family Fund The Mulkerin Family Fund Keith and Rhonda Olson Endowment Fund Passmore Family Fund Carol and Jim Peterson Family Fund Phoenix Fund* John and Elaine Reese Family Fund Larry & Claire Siegel Family Fund Ruth and Dick Thomassen Fund Homer I. and Persephone B. Watts Memorial Fund Wolf Healy Family Fund Wujek Family Fund FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS 16 Funds established by donors who have identified a cause, category or interest, or a geographic area they wish to support, leaving selection of grants to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. Arts & Culture Community Impact Fund David Bashore Relief Fund Basic Needs Community Impact Fund Paul Bjorklund Firefighter Development Fund Earl and Lucille Blake Endowment Fund Carnegie Center Fund for the Arts Cystic Fibrosis Endowment Fund Dayton/Columbia County Washington Fund Economy Community Impact Fund Education Community Impact Fund Chas.E. Elliott Charitable Fund Environment Community Impact Fund First Fruits Fund *denotes a new fund Dayl & Doris Graves Scholarship Fund FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS (CONT.) Margaret A. Ganguet Charitable Trust Garfield County Health Foundation Fund Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Fund Gillespie Teacher Development Fund Health & Wellness Community Impact Fund Ink Out Fund Ann P. Kibler Memorial Fund for Developmentally Disabled Citizens Deloris Dickenson King Memorial Fund Ed and Gloria Lawrence Fund for Music and the Arts James McClellan Annual Lecture Fund Neighborhoods & Communities Impact Fund Louis B. and Genevieve P. Perry Fund Pickleball In The Park* Pomeroy-Garfield County Washington Fund Puget Sound Energy Lower Snake River Wind Habitat Project Fund Donald C. & Ruth F. Roff Fund Umapine Youth Fund* Donna Underman Fund Walla Walla Valley Care Net Fund Ann Weatherill Memorial Advised Fund Jack Yantis Integrative Arts in Classroom Fund SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS (CONT.) Katherine Guinn Memorial Scholarship Fund William & Delora Harpe Scholarship Fund Hevel Waitsburg Scholarship Fund Ward & Vera Hoskins Memorial Scholarship Fund John Israel Scholarship Trust Fund Marilyn Jensen Memorial Scholarship Fund Wesley D. Kessler Class of 1927 Scholarship Fund Jim Kibler Agriculture Scholarship Mary N. Koch Memorial Scholarship Fund Roberta Bell Kraemer Scholarship Fund James N. Lamar Foundation Scholarship Fund Jack McDonald Memorial Scholarship John W. McGillis Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund McJunkin Family Scholarship Fund Charlotte Mikkelson Scholarship Fund Neace Family Scholarship Fund Northwest Grain Growers Robert Abbey Memorial Scholarship Fund Prescott Presbyterian Church Capital Scholarship Fund Walt Roloff Scholarship Fund Lawrence and Margaret Slater Scholarship Fund Collin Snider Firefighter Scholarship Fund Tichi-Groom Scholarship Fund Ann Weatherill Memorial Scholarship Fund O. A. & Marion S. White 4-H Scholarship Fund Waitsburg High School Alumni Association Scholarship Fund Walla Walla-Columbia School Retirees Association Fund Walla Walla Public High Schools Scholarship Fund SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Scholarships may support any level of education and can be directed toward students who attended a particular school, studying a particular field, or coming from a particular geographic area. Betty Rae and Luetta Anderson Scholarship Fund Anderson Family Scholarship Fund Archer Ranch Scholarship Fund Mary Jane Aylward Memorial Scholarship Fund* Baker Mudd Nursing Scholarship Fund Bayne Family Scholarship Fund Ralph R. Bennett & Mary Ellen Bennett Scholarship Fund Benton City Wranglers Educational Trust Ted Berry Memorial Scholarship Dorothy Bjorklund Scholarship Fund* Paul Bjorklund Memorial Scholarship Fund Earl and Lucille Blake Scholarship Fund Larry Jay Brittain Memorial Scholarship Fund Bob and Eleanor Burgess Scholarship Fund Howard & Pearl Burgess Scholarship Fund Clarkston High School Memorial Scholarship Fund Terry Copple Scholarship Fund Bobby Cox Memorial Scholarship Fund Kenneth M. Dean - Quixote Fund John Eagon Scholar-Athlete Award Fund T.B. Elliott Student Scholarship & Loan Fund Ralph and Elsa Emigh Scholarship Fund William E. and Mary G. Falconer Scholarship Fund Keith P. and Helen C. Fenner Scholarship Fund Earl and Jane Ferguson Scholarship Fund Edward F. Fields Memorial Scholarship Fund Fix Scholarship Fund Kenneth Garner Scholarship Endowment Fund Kenneth Garner Non-Endowed Scholarship Fund SPLIT INTEREST FUND Robert W. Jackson & Dolores Jackson Charitable Remainder Unitrust Robert Jackson & Dolores Jackson Flip Charitable Remainder Unitrust James B. Owsley Charitable Remainder Unitrist Kathleen M. Owsley Charitable Remainder Unitrust Richard S. and Vera T. Perry Charitable Remainder Unitrust SUSTAINING ENDOWMENT FUND Funds that support the operations of Blue Mountain Community Foundation. Baker Boyer Sustaining Endowment Fund BMCF Sustaining Endowment Fund Velma Egan Sustaining Endowment Fund Mike and Sue Gillespie Sustaining Endowment Fund Arthur & Norma Griff Sustaining Endowment Fund Winston and Virginia Heacock Sustaining Endowment Fund Iverson Sustaining Endowment Fund Eleanor S. Kane Sustaining Endowment Fund Otto Bismark Michel Sustaining Endowment Pete and Dolores Peery Sustaining Endowment Fund Laura & Carl Peterson Sustaining Endowment Fund Clarence B. Smith Sustaining Endowment Norah Timm Sustaining Endowment Wolf Healy Sustaining Endowment Fund 17 BLU E M O U N TA I N CO M M U N I TY F O U N D ATI O N BL UE MOUNTAIN COMMUNIT Y FOUNDAT ION A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L REP O RT 2015 *denotes a new fund First Fruits Fund Grant Awards Discretionary Grants BOY SCOUTS EXPLORER POST 311 Latino Club Support $6,000 FRIENDS OF THE FARM LABOR HOMES Summer of Exploration 2015 $2,000 TRILOGY RECOVERY COMMUNITY Latino Outreach Support $12,500 WALLA WALLA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Garrison Night School Support $6,000 WALLA WALLA COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOUNDATION Emergency Assistance for WWCC Students $11,500 Early Learning Coalition Agenda Setting Process (as fiscal agent) $2,000 YMCA YMCA Community Center for Youth Program Support $12,500 American Red Cross Walla Walla, Washington General Support $3,000 Blue Mountain Resource Conservation & Development Council Waitsburg, Washington Environmental Education - Camp Wooten & Envirothon $1,200 Athena Caledonia Games Athena, Oregon History of Games Book Project $1,000 Blue Mountain Young Life Walla Walla, Washington Young Lives Program $2,500 Blue Mountain Action Council Walla Walla, Washington Commitment to Community Program $8,500 Next Steps Transitional Housing $15,000 Children’s Resilience Initiative (as fiscal agent) $10,000 Camp Fire Walla Walla Walla Walla, Washington After School Camp Grades K-5 $10,000 Blue Mountain Artisan Guild Pomeroy, Washington Replace doors and windows $1,000 Center at the Park Walla Walla, Washington Adult Day Care $3,000 Center Volunteers $1,000 Senior Round Table - Walla Walla County $5,000 Blue Mountain Arts Alliance - ArtWalla Walla Walla, Washington Website & Membership Upgrades $1,000 BLUE MOUNTAIN ACTION COUNCIL Commitment to Community Program $6,500 Blue Mountain Chorus Sweet Adelines International Walla Walla, Washington Annual Show & Barbershop Quartet Workshop $1,000 COLUMBIA ELEMENTARY PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION Dolly Parton Imagination Library $1,800 LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL Student Support $1,000 Blue Mountain Heart to Heart Walla Walla, Washington HIV Prevention Outreach $7,000 STUDENT HEALTH OPTIONS (THE HEALTH CENTER) The Health Center at Blue Ridge Elementary $10,250 Blue Mountain Humane Society Walla Walla, Washington Canine Spay/Neuter Voucher Program $2,500 YMCA Blue Ridge Afterschool $3,700 Blue Mountain Land Trust Walla Walla, Washington Community Trail Guide $1,100 YWCA Fun Factory $1,000 WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Neil DeGrasse Tyson Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey $5,000 Discretionary Grants Blue Mountain Habitat for Humanity Walla Walla, Washington Habitat House № 14 $3,000 Frenchtown Historical Foundation Walla Walla, Washington Prince’s Cabin Project $1,500 Friends of Children of Walla Walla Walla Walla, Washington Friends ABC Program $5,000 Friends of the Walla Walla Public Library Walla Walla, Washington Media Mastery $1,500 Carnegie Picture Lab Walla Walla, Washington K-5 Art Education $2,500 Garfield County Super Citizens Pomeroy, Washington Replace Roof on Historic Building $3,000 Garfield County Transit Pomeroy, Washington Bike Racks For Bus $600 Great Explorations in Education Walla Walla, Washington Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) Program $1,500 Children’s Home Society Walla Walla, Washington Child and Family Counseling $9,500 The Health Center Walla Walla, Washington Health Center Services to Blue Ridge Elementary Students $4,750 City of Walla Walla, Department of Recreation Walla Walla, Washington Sherwood Leadership Class Heritage Square Improvements $2,000 Helpline Walla Walla, Washington Emergency Social Services $18,000 Community Council Walla Walla, Washington Catalyst for Positive Community Change $2,750 Junior Achievement Central Washington Kennewick, Washington Program Support for Walla Walla Area Students $2,000 Community Counseling Services Heppner, Oregon Foster Grandparent Program $2,000 Kirkman House Walla Walla, Washington Kids First Program $1,000 Fort Walla Walla Museum Walla Walla, Washington Collections Management Computer System $1,000 School Tours Program $2,000 Lillie Rice Center Walla Walla Washington Employment Training Programs $4,000 18 19 BLU E M O U N TA I N CO M M U N I TY F O U N D ATI O N BL UE MOUNTAIN COMMUNIT Y FOUNDAT ION A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L REP O RT 2015 Discretionary Grants Lincoln High School Walla Walla, Washington Principal’s Student Support Fund Selected Projects $12,750 Discretionary Grants Rotary Foundation Walla Walla, Washington Fountains for Youth Splash Pad $2,500 $2,000 Waitsburg School District Waitsburg, Washington Instruments for School Band $1,500 Walla Walla Valley Bands Walla Walla, Washington 2014-2015 Season Music Purchase $1,000 Walla Walla Chamber Music Festival Walla Walla, Washington General Support $2,000 Walla Walla Valley Quilt Festival Walla Walla, Washington Annual Festival $500 Walla Walla Community College Foundation Walla Walla, Washington Parenting Education Scholarships $4,000 Whitman College Dance Lab Walla Walla, Washington Walla Walla Dance Festival Discovery Outreach $500 YMCA of Walla Walla Walla Walla, Washington Blue Ridge Elementary After School Program $6,300 Little Owls Preschool $3,000 Walla Walla and Milton-Freewater Learn to Swim Program $2,750 Medical Teams International Walla Walla, Washington Mobile Dental Program - Walla Walla $3,500 Southeastern Washington Aging and Long Term Care Advocate Council Walla Walla, Washington General Support $1,500 The Mom’s Network Walla Walla, Washington Community Parent Workshops $1,000 Shakespeare Walla Walla Walla Walla, Washington Shakespeare Walla Walla Education Program $2,000 New Directions Education Project Pendleton, Oregon Inmate Education $1,000 SonBridge Community Center College Place, Washington Dental Clinic $4,000 Walla Walla Community College Foundation Fiscal Agent Walla Walla, Washington Early Learning Coalition Operations $2,500 The Pantry Shelf Walla Walla, Washington Increase Protein Available Through Food Pantry Program $2,250 SOS Health Services of Walla Walla College Place, Washington Sustaining Services $4,250 Walla Walla Community Hospice Walla Walla, Washington General Support $3,000 STAR Project Walla Walla, Washington Transitional Housing Support for Previously Incarcerated Citizens $4,750 Walla Walla Council for Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect Walla Walla, Washington “Ride Against Child Abuse” Project $1,000 Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington & Northern Idaho Walla Walla, Washington Increase Access to Health Coverage $1,750 Touchet Valley Arts Council/ Liberty Theatre Dayton, Washington Missoula Children’s Theatre 2015 $1,900 Theatre Assisted Listening Devices System $1,000 Pomeroy School District Pomeroy, Washington After School Program $3,800 Prescott Elementary School Prescott, Washington After School Program for Elementary Students $4,700 Trilogy Recovery Community Walla Walla, Washington Youth and Young Adult Recovery Support Services $5,000 Providence St. Mary’s Foundation Walla Walla, Washington Breast Milk Donation Program for New Moms $1,000 United Way of Walla Walla County Walla Walla, Washington Youth Volunteerism Program $1,000 Rising Sun Clubhouse Walla Walla, Washington General Operations Support $5,000 YWCA of Walla Walla Walla Walla, Washington One Million Words Initiative $2,000 Fun Factory $5,000 Mariposa $5,000 Walla Walla County Health Department Walla Walla, Washington Access to Baby and Child Dentistry $2,750 Walla Walla Public Schools Walla Walla, Washington BMX Racing After School Program $2,000 Farm to School Program (as fiscal agent) $2,500 Walla Walla Symphony Walla Walla, Washington Collaboration! Walla Walla Symphony’s 108th Season $3,000 Valley Residential Services Walla Walla, Washington Supported Living Vehicle 20 21 BLU E M O U N TA I N CO M M U N I TY F O U N D ATI O N BL UE MOUNTAIN COMMUNIT Y FOUNDAT ION A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L REP O RT 2015 Scholarship Awards EARL AND LUCILLE BLAKE SCHOLARSHIP FUND Lamar Farm - A Gift In Perpetuity The Walla Walla Valley is home to many farms that can trace their roots to the late 1800s. The Valley is rich in many ways, including the productivity of the land, whether wheat, vegetables, fruit or wine grapes. Some farms produce an extra gift– scholarships! The Community Foundation’s Lamar Farm dates back to 1863. Through his will, James N. Lamar made sure the farm remained in production, that the family name was kept alive, and that revenue from the farm supported scholarships. Inspired by the success of this arrangement, the Community Foundation has begun a program encouraging gifts of agricultural land. Now, producers have the option of donating their land to the Community Foundation and dedicating its revenue to the good of the community in perpetuity. The family’s name will continue to be associated with the land, and the land in production. Tanya Esquivel Eduardo Gonzalez Hannah Grant Erika Ibarra-Perez Alyssa James Andrea Lamadrid-Torres Aaron Lopez Karla Macias Raul Magana Veronica Ocampo Esteban Ojeda Christy Poirier Rebecca Reyes Jessica Smith Travis Stinebaugh Christina Swanson Paige Wood JOHN EAGON SCHOLAR-ATHLETE AWARD FUND T.B. ELLIOTT STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP AND LOAN FUND Zane Henderson Kyler Pommerening BOB AND ELEANOR BURGESS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Rachel Campos Vivian Punzo Jadie Wick Viviana Castillo Alesandra Diaz Jazmin Duran Zane Henderson Katrina James Isaiah Scheel RALPH AND ELSA EMIGH SCHOLARSHIP FUND LARRY JAY BRITTAIN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Lauren Likes Gilberto Ambriz-Urueta Brianna Brown Trenton Brown Mikaela Dejesus Luke Gales-Alexanko Gerardo Gomez George Lopez-Vargas Marilyn Melgoza Sofia Mercado Kush Oilwala Stephanie Ojeda-Diaz Gabriela Salazar Joel Smith Hannah Theil WILLIAM E. & MARY G. FALCONER SCHOLARSHIP FUND KEITH P AND HELEN C. FENNER SCHOLARSHIP FUND HOWARD AND PEARL BURGESS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Scholarship Awards 2015-2016 BETTY RAE AND LUETTA ANDERSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND BAYNE FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Emily Atkinson Alyssa Barnett Alison Braddock Ye Ji Cho Kendall David Alonda Hernandez-Cadena Erika Ibarra-Perez Shanna Postlewait Chase Edwards ANONYMOUS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Janelle Batalla Miriam Hernandez ARCHER RANCH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Levi Laib Darrin Brown Josue Chavez Eva Diaz Jessie Hopkins Adrianna May Veronica Ocampo Isaiah Scheel Gary Sublett Jessica Wallingford Hailee Rogers Heather M. Lee Sandra Morrison Campbell Davis Makayla Wagner Andrea Lamadrid-Torres DAYTON/COLUMBIA COUNTY WASHINGTON FUND TED BERRY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND BAKER –MUDD NURSING SCHOLARSHIP FUND BOBBY COX MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND RALPH R. BENNETT AND MARY ELLEN BENNETT SCHOLARSHIP FUND JOHN P. AND ANNA ANDERSON AND FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Madeline Payne Shaylee Brown Dakotah Petty TERRY COPPLE SCHOLARSHIP FUND BENTON CITY WRANGLERS EDUCATIONAL TRUST SCHOLARSHIP FUND Jared Guttromson Seth Guttromson Emily Leinweber Amanda Bren McKenzie Delp Taylor Frame Jennifer Gonzalez Keelin Hovrud Bonnie Laib Levi Laib Derek McCleary Alea Pena Sarah Phillips Haley Puckett Lexie Ramirez Caitlyn Robins Ian Smay Kaitlyn Thompson Matthew Warren Renee Baumann Kelsey Childers Kayla Crain Griselda Garcia Keelin Hovrud Samantha Keeney Andrea Lamadrid-Torres Gabrielle Longmire Karla Macias Sergio Pena Kyler Pommerening Athen Reid Felipe Salazar Astrid Salgado Nelson Sanchez Kaitlyn Thompson Makayla Wagner Timothy Weber Madyson Gabriel 22 23 BLU E M O U N TA I N CO M M U N I TY F O U N D ATI O N BL UE MOUNTAIN COMMUNIT Y FOUNDAT ION A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L REP O RT 2015 Scholarship Awards EARL AND JANE FERGUSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND Sarah Denton Taylor Entze Kylie Humble Kayla Peterson Katie Schroeder Keegan Shepard Shylee Stroud Scholarship Awards DAYL AND DORIS GRAVES SCHOLARSHIP FUND KATHERINE GUINN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Lyric Arms Kayla Crain Madison Elmenhurst Raul Magana WILLIAM AND DELORA HARPE SCHOLARSHIP FUND EDWARD F. FIELDS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Stacia Deal Allison Ryckman NANCY AND DON FIX SCHOLARSHIP FUND Colleen Delp Ian Smay Guy Spalinger Selena Duran Luke Gales-Alexenko Hannah Grant Talen Larson Chance Leroue Sofia Mercado Emma Philbrook Paige Wood KENNETH GARNER NON-ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUND HEVEL WAITSBURG SCHOLARSHIP FUND MARILYN JENSEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Manuel Aguilar Meara Baker Antonio Benito Esmeralda Cruz Keziah Doyle Madison Elmenhurst Taylor Gregg Molli Lesko Jocelyn Magdaleno Manuel Marin Jr. Ceriann Price Gabriela Salazar Marco Segovia Mikaela Waterland Troy Anderson II Kevin De Santiago Cisneros Hunter Degerness Selena Duran Jolie Elsinghorst Lorena Esquivel Esmeralda Guevara Yamile Gutierrez-Bernal Loegan Harshman Zane Henderson Alondra Hernandez-Cadena Katelyn Huesby Kathia Jimenez Carla Kitts Andrea Lamadrid-Torres Owen Lanning Brissa Perez Yasmin Ramos Fabiola Salgado Isaiah Scheel Sydney Schultz Tyler Shafer Cynthia Zungia Shylee Stroud WARD AND VERA HOSKINS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Amanda Bren Taylor Frame Keelin Hovrud Derek McCleary Sarah Phillips JOHN ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND KENNETH GARNER ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIP FUND Zach Bartlow Hannah Grant Talon Larson McKenzie Delp Taylor Frame Samantha Harting Keelin Hovrud Bonnie Laib Sarah Phillips Haley Puckett Ian Smay Kaitlyn Thompson Matthew Warren WESLEY D. KESSLER CLASS OF 1927 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Nimo Ahmed JIM KIBLER AGRICULTURE SCHOLARSHIP FUND Ethan Gardner KENNETH M. DEAN-QUIXOTE SCHOLARSHIP FUND Sarah Berglin JACK MCDONALD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Kayla Crain JOHN W. MCGILLIS JR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Seth Perkins Emma Philbrook JAMES N. LAMAR SCHOLARSHIP FUND ROBERTA BELL KRAEMER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Vanesa Alverado-Rivas Gilberto Ambriz-Ureta Brenda Andrade Alyssa Barnett Sarah Berglin Joseph Billman Nadia Chavez German Contreras Jordan Crewse Juan Diaz Noemi Diaz Jonathan Escalante Nikki Fisher Halie Fisk Michael Grant Adan Gutierrez Amelia Hemenway Olivia Hemenway Zane Henderson Olivia Holm Donavin Hull Viridiana Ibarra James Innes Eva Katsel Cody Keller McKenzie Loney Ryder Magnaghi Katelynn Martin Danitza Maya Bryor McVey Amanda Meliah Adriana Meyers Dakota Phillips Elliott Quick Beatriz Ramirez Julia Rice Maria Rodriguez Gabriela Salazar Suleyma Salazar Jessica Smith Lisset Sotelo Choici Stroe Max Troin Natalie Tucker Jesus Valladares Laura Varga Samantha Walker Rebecca White Kennlyn Willard Meghan Anderson Harrison Attema Henry “Hank” Bartee Alex Bowles Katie Brill Gabriel Chiaventone Owen Chiaventone Colton Cole Caleb Cox Molly Diven Olivia Elder Harper Euwer Jaclyn Fee Bailey Gabbert Cody Guthrie Benjamin Heili Matthew Heili Bailey Hiatt Braxton Hill Kyle Hollingsworth Kyle Howerton Spencer Hudson Erin Jameson Keaton Johnson Robert Jones Philip Kendall Alicia Kottman Clay Lambrecht Kinsey Paige Larison Emily Layton Shannon Lee Kelsey Lintner Tanner Lintner Jayme Lowe Madison Manley Mary McClure Rebecca McGhay Jared Meyer Jodi Meyer Michaela Miller Bayleigh Moore Austin Mosier Dane Newton Jakson Pennington Davis Pilloni Trevor Perdue Sarah Quattlebaum Cassi Roebling Cory von Seggern Halle Settles Tyler Shipman Amanda Swift Kara Tabaka 24 25 BLU E M O U N TA I N CO M M U N I TY F O U N D ATI O N BL UE MOUNTAIN COMMUNIT Y FOUNDAT ION A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L REP O RT 2015 Scholarship Awards POMEROY SCHOLARSHIP FUND JAMES N. LAMAR SCHOLARSHIP FUND (CONT.) Blair Turnbull Mattie Vandel Taylor Vinyard Makenzie Wardlow Nathan Wilson Darien Witter Jessica Wyatt WALT ROLOFF SCHOLARSHIP FUND Landon Clark-Gammell Brittanee Hayden CHARLOTTE MIKKELSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND Meara Baker Tyler Shafer Bonnie Laib Haley Puckett Samantha Case Stacia Deal Logan Dozier Hannah Grant Michael Grant Mary Beth Jones Allison Key Eric Klicker Garrett Leahy Hannah Leahy Heidi Miller Sienna Struthers Andrew Thonney Andrew Zahl Cole Mayfield TICHI-GROOM SCHOLARSHIP FUND NORTHWEST GRAIN GROWERS ROBERT ABBEY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Lyric Arms Makayla Bishop Erin Krempasky Karla Macias Blanca Quiroz Ksenia Skorohodova Michaela Wiggins LAWRENCE AND MARGARET SLATER SCHOLARSHIP FUND MERWIN F. AND ALTHEA M. NEACE AND FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Emma Philbrook DONALD C. AND RUTH ROFF SCHOLARSHIP FUND MCJUNKIN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Clayton King Ashley Bennett Kathy Colin WAITSBURG HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND WALLA WALLA-COLUMBIA SCHOOL RETIREES ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND WALLA WALLA PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Sofia Mercado Paige Wood Michelle Carpenter Jennifer Golden Samantha Case Lorena Esquivel Christina Swanson O.A. AND MARION S. WHITE 4-H SCHOLARSHIP FUND Haley Puckett Apply for a Scholarship or Grant online. SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE IS MARCH 7, 2016 DISCRETIONARY GRANT DEADLINE IS JULY 1, 2016 26 27 BLU E M O U N TA I N CO M M U N I TY F O U N D ATI O N BL UE MOUNTAIN COMMUNIT Y FOUNDAT ION A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L REP O RT 2015 NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID 99362 Permit # 121 BLUE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION SERVING DONORS. STRENGTHENING COMMUNITIES. P.O. BOX 603 • WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON 99362 (509) 529-4371 Connecting people, charitable causes, and community needs.
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