Pro Presenter User Guide


Pro Presenter User Guide
Pro Presenter User Guide
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Real Pro Success – Pro Presenter User Guide 2010
Pro Presenter User Guide
Table of Contents
A. HOW TO LOGIN TO YOUR ACCOUNT ................................................................................................................4
1. Real Pro Success Home ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Click Login ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
2. Enter email and password.................................................................................................................................. 6
3. Edit Account Info ................................................................................................................................................. 7
B. HOW TO EDIT YOUR ACCOUNT INFORMATION .................................................................................................8
1. Singular (I) /Plural (We)........................................................................................................................................ 8
2. Update Account Information ............................................................................................................................ 9
C. UPLOADING PHOTOS .......................................................................................................................................10
1. Upload your photo ............................................................................................................................................ 10
2. Preview Photo .................................................................................................................................................... 11
3. Update Account Information .......................................................................................................................... 12
D. HOW TO CHANGE YOUR PRESENTATION NAME .............................................................................................13
1. Edit Name ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
2. Update ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
E. HOW TO COPY/DELETE PRESENTATION ............................................................................................................15
1. Copy Presentation............................................................................................................................................. 15
2. Edit Name ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
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3. Apply Changes to All Presentations................................................................................................................ 17
F. CUSTOMIZING/EDITING YOUR PRESENTATION.................................................................................................18
1. Edit Slide .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
2. Customizable/Non-customizable slides (see page. For list) ........................................................................ 19
G. HOW TO EDIT A SLIDE .......................................................................................................................................20
H. HOW TO RESTORE DEFAULT CONTENT ..............................................................................................................21
I. HOW TO PREVIEW A SLIDE .................................................................................................................................22
1. Preview Slide....................................................................................................................................................... 22
2. Preview Button ................................................................................................................................................... 23
J. HOW TO SAVE CHANGES..................................................................................................................................24
K. HOW TO GET BACK TO MAIN PRESENTATION PAGE........................................................................................25
L. HOW TO FIND INDIVIDUAL SLIDES QUICKLY .....................................................................................................26
1. Slide Drop Down Menu ..................................................................................................................................... 26
2. Show All Slides .................................................................................................................................................... 27
M. CHOOSING A TEMPLATE..................................................................................................................................28
N. INCLUDING/EXCLUDING CERTAIN SLIDES.......................................................................................................29
O. HOW TO CHANGE THE SLIDE ORDER ...............................................................................................................30
1. Change the order ............................................................................................................................................. 30
2. Update ................................................................................................................................................................ 31
3. Original Slide Order ........................................................................................................................................... 32
P. HOW TO PREVIEW PRESENTATION ....................................................................................................................33
1. Preview Presentation......................................................................................................................................... 33
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2. Full Screen/F11 ................................................................................................................................................... 34
Q. THE VIEW SCRIPT FUNCTION ............................................................................................................................35
1. View Individual Script ........................................................................................................................................ 35
2. View Entire Script ............................................................................................................................................... 36
3. Save or Print Script ............................................................................................................................................. 37
R. HOW TO DOWNLOAD THE PRESENTATION .......................................................................................................38
1. Download Presentation Button........................................................................................................................ 38
2. Run ....................................................................................................................................................................... 39
3. Install to Desktop................................................................................................................................................ 40
4. Presentation 1 Icons .......................................................................................................................................... 41
5. Full Screen/F11 ................................................................................................................................................... 42
S. DURING YOUR PRESENTATION ..........................................................................................................................44
1. Click Anywhere .................................................................................................................................................. 44
2. Quick List ............................................................................................................................................................. 45
T. HOW TO LOG OUT .............................................................................................................................................46
u. QUICK LIST OF SLIDES WE SUGGEST YOU CUSTOMIZE .....................................................................................47
V. COMPLETE LIST OF SLIDES .................................................................................................................................48
W. HELPFUL TOOLS & RESOURCES .........................................................................................................................49
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Turn on your computer and launch your internet browser (i.e. Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox)
1) Type into the address bar
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2) Click on LOGIN at the top right of the page
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3) Enter your Email and Password (refer to the welcome email you received)
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4) You will then be defaulted to your Presentation 1. Click on Edit Account Info
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1) You can make changes to the information entered by clicking on the field you wish to
change and typing in what you would like to see. For example, if you have a team you
will want to change it from Singular to Plural by selecting Plural.
Note: Changing your email address here will also change the email address you use to login
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2) The fields with a Browse button beside are for uploading images. Once you’ve finished
making changes, click on Update Account Info to save the changes made.
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1) To change/upload your own photo, click on Browse and another window will pop up. Go
to the folder your picture is stored in. Once you find the picture click Open or double click
on the actual picture.
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2) Click Preview to view the pre-loaded photo or view the photo you uploaded.
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3) Again, you must ALWAYS click on Update Account Info to save any changes you made.
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1) To change the name of the presentation, click on Edit Name and a box will come up for
you to change the name.
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2) Type in the name and click update.
This functionality is useful in organizing your presentations if you decide to create multiple
presentations where each one targets a unique market place, client, etc. For new users, it’s that
you keep it simple by sticking to just one generic presentation until you get more comfortable.
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1) If you want to create multiple versions of your presentation (maximum of 3) with the
intention of having one for each market place (Mississauga, Oakville, and Brampton) click
on Copy Presentation and a Presentation 2 will be created and will be an exact copy of
your Presentation 1.
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2) Again, you can edit the name by clicking on Edit Name. To delete the presentation, click
on the red Delete Presentation button and the presentation copy created will be deleted.
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3) If you have created multiple presentations you will now be able to select whether you
want to apply changes to all presentations by checking off the square box indicated. If
this checkbox is left empty then the changes made will only be applied to the
presentation you are working on. When finished, click on Update Slide to save the
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1) To Edit a slide, click on the Slide Title (Intro Slide below), Edit Slide button, or even on the
Slide Image, as all of these functions will take you to the edit page.
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2) Not all slides can be edited or customized. Slides that are customizable have titles
underlined with blue font and also have the Edit Slide button. Slides that are not
customizable have titles with grey font and will not have an Edit Slide button.
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To Edit a particular slide, click Edit Slide or the slide tite. Most slides have a full Description
right underneath the slide title describing exactly what the proposed purpose of that slide
is. To the left there are also clear instructions outlining exactly How to edit the slide.
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If you want to start from scratch again and erase everything you entered, click Restore
Default Content and everything will be populated with what was there originally.
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To preview the slide and see what it looks like with the changes you’ve made to it, click
on the image of the slide and it will preview the slide in a new
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The preview button on the main page will also allow you to preview each slide
independently so you don’t have to preview your entire presentation when all you want
to see is the individual slide.
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If you are happy with the changes you have made and want to save them, click on
Update Slide. You must always click on Update Slide whenever you have edited the slide
in order to save the changes.
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To Return back to your presentation, click Back To Presentation. You can also go to a
particular slide by clicking on the appropriate number from the top Slide Quick List or use
the arrows on the far right and left to navigate sequentially through each slide.
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1) There are 60 slides in total and rather than scroll down them if you know which slide you
want to go to then you can click on the Slide Drop Down Menu and select the slide you
wish to go to.
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2) You might also want to limit the slides that display and only want to see the slides you
decided to use in your presentation.
We recommend leaving this on Show All Slides so that you never forget what slides that
you are not using as you may decide to use them in the future.
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Choose your presentation template by clicking on the template drop down and selecting
either the Aqua, Urban, Tech or Families template. Each template has a different look to
as it was created with a different target market in mind. You may choose a template
based on either the client demographic or target market you are servicing.
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Each slide has a check box to indicate whether you want to include the slide in your
presentation or not. If you want to include a slide click on the box to check mark the box,
click update presentation, and that slide will now be included in your presentation. If you
want to exclude a slide, you would uncheck the box, click update, and that slide will no
longer be included in your presentation, but will still appear in your list of 60.
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1) The box under include slide is slide’s order. You are able to change the order of your
presentation by highlighting the slide and putting in the appropriate slide number.
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2) After you have put in the number click anywhere on the slide area and the update button
will come up and click on update. All other slides will be automatically re-organized so
you do not have to change the order of each slide.
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3) You will find the original slide number that each slide was given on the right above the
edit slide button. You can change the slide order for your presentation numerous times
and always know what order each slide was originally.
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1) Once you have finished customizing and want to preview your presentation, click on
the Preview Presentation button. Do not panic if the photos you uploaded aren’t
perfect as the photos you uploaded will display once you have downloaded the
presentation. Instead, check the grammar, spelling, and word placement to ensure
that it is correct.
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2) Check the grammar, spelling, and word placement to ensure that it is all appearing
correctly. It might help if you press F11 on your keyboard or go to View in your browser
toolbar and click on Full Screen to get a full screen view of the presentation.
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1) Sometimes you may not know exactly what to say in your presentation or for a particular
slide. If you want to view a script of what to say there are two options. You can view the
individual script for each slide by clicking on VIEW SCRIPT.
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2) Or you might want to view the entire script for the whole presentation(hence, all slides
combined) and you can do that by clicking on PRESENTATION SCRIPT on the presentation
main page.
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3) To view, save, or print the file you click on File up at the top left and scroll down to either
save or print the document depending on what your needs are.
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1) You are finished making changes and now you are ready to present this to a potential
client. Click on the Download Presentation button.
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2) You will see a pop up window asking you if you want to Run, Save, or Cancel. Although it
might seem a bit counter-intuitive, click Run, as the program needs to actually run in order
to download the presentation to your computer. If a second pop up window appears
again asking you “Are you sure you want to run this software?” say yes by clicking on Run
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3) A third pop up window will appear asking you if you want to Install or Cancel. The Install to
field should say C:\abc\efg\Desktop. If it doesn’t then click on browse and click on
desktop. Now it is ready to install to your desktop so click on Install.
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4) Go to your desktop and you should see 2 icons both named presentation 1. The first icon
is a file folder that contains all the components that make up your presentation. The
second icon will either be an Internet Explorer icon or Mozilla Firefox icon depending on
which browser you use and this icon is your full presentation.
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5) Click on the second icon and your presentation will open. Press F11 on your keyboard or
go to View in your browser toolbar and click on Full Screen to get a full screen view of the
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1) You can click anywhere on the slide to advance slide to slide. Or you might also want to
bring the cursor or mouse to the bottom of the screen and some options will appear. If
you click on Quick List you will be able to scroll through your slides easily.
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2) To select the slide you want to skip ahead to or review again, use the Quick List and
select the slide by scrolling back and forth during your presentation.
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When you have finished your session remember to log out before closing the program.
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= Customizable = Upload Photo)
*If you are a brand new agent you can use your office statistics or information instead of your own or
simply exclude these slides from your presentation
**If you don’t have a personal website/company website you can exclude these slides from
your presentation
1. Intro Slide 2. The Agenda 3. Prepared For 5. Qualifications* 6. The Power Behind the Sign (Upload Company Logo) 12. Personal Website (Upload Picture)** 13. My Company Website (Upload Picture) ** 48. I Sell More* 49. My Listings Sell for More* 50. My Listings Sell Faster* 52. Testimonials* 53. My Team* Page | 47 of 50
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= Customizable & = Upload Photo)
1. Intro Slide 2. The Agenda 3. Prepared For: 4. Philosophy 5. Qualifications*
6. The Power Behind the Sign
(Upload Company Logo)
7. Local House Prices 8. Most Listings Expire
9. A Proven System
10. Why MLS?
11. Buyers and the Internet
12. Personal Website (Upload
Picture)* 13. My Company Website
(Upload Picture)*
14. About MLS
15. Email Marketing
16. Virtual Tours
17. Slide Shows
18. Print Media
19. Local Promotion
20. Networking
21. Local Canvassing
22. Public Open Houses
23. Agents Open Houses
24. Buyers Seminars
25. Kiosk Advertising
26. Client Data Base
27. TV Advertising
28. Talking Yard Signs
29. Flyer Mailbox
30. The Role of the Real Estate
31. Selecting An Agent
32. Beware of False Promises
33. How Properties Are
34. How Is Value Determined
35. Factors That Do Not Effect
36. Home Renovations
37. How Agents Search
38. Where Is the Market Now?
39. The Market Determines
40. Well Priced Properties Will
41. The Critical First 3 Weeks
42. Pitfalls of Over Pricing
43. Benefits of Staging
44. Investing in Home Staging
45. The # 1 Complaint
46. How I Service My Clients
47. I Sell More*
48. My Listings Sell for More*
49. My Listings Sell Faster* 50. More of My Listings Sell* 51. Testimonials* 52.
My Team* Currently on the Market Expired Listings Recent Sales Blank Bullet Slide 1 Blank Bullet Slide 2 Blank Bullet Slide 3 Page | 48 of 50
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1. Snag it Screen Capture
What is Screen Capture?
Creating an image of what you see on your computer monitor.
Create an image of your company website, your personal website, and even the
property of a potential client’s property.
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