updating list of common user items and average prices – inception
updating list of common user items and average prices – inception
LIST OF COMMON USER ITEMS AND THEIR AVERAGE PRICES JUNE 2013 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT Foreword Section 102 (2) of the PPDA Regulations 2003 mandates the PPDA to publish a list of common user items to guide Entities on the procurement of items in common use. This is to forward to you the latest list that was produced as a product of a survey of market prices as quoted by selected providers and PDEs in the quarter July – Sept 2011. The list was validated by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS). The list provides indicative prices to guide Entities during the budgeting process and help Entities achieve value for money by benchmarking quoted prices against market prices before contracts are signed. Accounting Officers are therefore encouraged to the extent possible to make their own market intelligence to avoid providers over pricing their goods or services. Though the list does not cover all items that are a subject of public procurement, it contains the major items for services, and supplies. This list is also available on the PPDA website www.ppda.go.ug. Cornelia K. Sabiiti EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 2 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT Contents List Of Common User Items And Their Average Prices 1 Foreword 2 Contents 3 List Of Tables 4 Executive Summary 5 Main Report 6 1.0 Background ................................................................................................................... 6 2.0 Assignment Approach, Methodology And Sampling Procedure 6 2.2 Providers ....................................................................................................................... 7 3.0 Findings 8 Table 1: Prices Of Advertising 9 Table 2: Prices Of Air Fares From Entebbe 17 Table 3: Prices Of Laser Engraving Services 18 Table 4: Prices Of Civil Works, Pipes & Fittings 20 Table 5: Prices Of Cleaning Materials 29 Table 6: Prices Of Clearing & Forwrding 32 Table 7: Prices Of Computer Maintenance & Repairs 32 Table 8: Prices Of Computers & Accessories 33 Table 9: Prices Of Courier Services – Local 34 Table 10: Prices Of Courier Services – International 36 Table 11: Prices Of Electrical Equipment 37 Table 12: Prices Of Fire Fighting Services & Equipment 39 Table 13: Prices Of Food Stuffs 40 Table 14: Prices Of Fuel & Lubes 41 Table 15: Prices Of Hotels & Conference Facilities 43 Table 16: Prices Of Insurance Services 44 Table 17: Prices Of Motor Vehicle Repairs & Servicing 57 Table 18: Prices Of Motorvehicle Tires & Batteries 60 Table 19: Prices Of Brand New Motor Vehicles 62 Table 20: Prices Of Office Furniture 63 Table 21: Prices Of Office Supplies & Equipment 66 Table 22: Prices Of Printers & Printer Consumables 68 Table 23: Printing, Art, Design & Secretarial Services 72 Table 24: Prices Security & Guarding Services 74 Table 25: Prices Uniforms & Office Wear 76 5.0 Appendices 77 Appendix 5.1: List Of Suppliers That Participated In The Survey ........................................... 77 Appendix 5.2: List Of Pdes That Participated In The Study .................................................... 79 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 3 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Prices of Advertising Services Table 2 Prices of Air Fares Table 3 Prices of Laser Engraving Products & Services Table 4 Prices of Civil Works, Pipes & Fittings Table 5 Prices of Cleaning Materials Table 6 Prices of Clearing & Forwarding Services Table 7 Prices of Computer Maintenance, Repairs & Servicing Table 8 Prices of Computers Table 9 Prices of Courier Services – Local Table 10 Prices of Courier Services – International Table 11 Prices of Electrical Equipment Table 12 Prices of Fire Fighting Equipment & Services Table 13 Prices of Food stuffs Table 14 Prices of Fuel & Lubricants Table 15 Prices of Hotel & Conference Facilities Table 16 Prices of Insurance Services Table 17 Prices of Motor vehicle Repairs & Servicing Table 18 Prices of Tires and Batteries Table 19 Prices of Motor vehicles Table 20 Prices of Office Furniture Table 21 Prices of Office Supplies & Equipment Table 22 Prices of Printers & Printer Consumables Table 23 Prices of Printing, Art, Design & Secretarial Services Table 24 Prices of Security & Guarding Services Table 25 Prices of Office & Corporate Wear Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 4 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Updating of the List of Common User Items and Average Prices exercise was commissioned by PPDA in June 2013. The Mulken International Consulting team that undertook the assignment employed evidence based methodologies to collect and validate the prices. The survey’s main objective was to update the list of common user items and average prices of July, 2012. The assignment’s specific objective was to come up with a comprehensive list of common user items and average prices for supplies, services and works. The final sample of the survey included 72 suppliers of different products and services and 20 PDEs. The methodology employed involved physically visiting the different suppliers and interviewing senior personnel regarding the prices of the products or services that they deal in. This was done using a structured questionnaire. In addition, we also employed the method of requesting for quotations from parallel suppliers of the same item to obtain realistic prices. We also consulted national gazettes to pick out advertised prices. The methodology further involved visiting sampled PDEs and holding discussions with procurement personnel regarding the procurements that they have done during the previous and current quarter. Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 5 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT MAIN REPORT 1.0 BACKGROUND The Public Procurement Act, 2003 Section 102 of the PPDA Regulations 2003 empowers a procuring and disposing entity, where possible, to undertake common procurement of procurement requirements that are in common use by more than one procuring and disposing entity. A procuring and disposing entity is to be guided by the list of common user items published by the Authority. The list may not be exhaustive, but should contain the major items for services and supplies. Under Section 3(p) of the Public Procurement Act, 2003, PPDA is required to “maintain a database of Suppliers, Contractors, Consultants and a record of prices to assist in the work of procurement entities. In fulfillment of this mandate, PPDA collated a list of items procured by Entities. This list known as the Common User Items List is published with average prices. These prices are meant to be indicative prices and do not serve as the mandatory prices that the items should be purchased at. There is also the likelihood that at the time of procurement the prices would have changed. The PPDA intends to update these prices periodically at least quarterly. Procuring Entities are encouraged to make reference to this list when preparing Procurement Plans and during tender evaluation to ensure that realistic prices are being offered. The first line of supplies and services was done in August 2005 while the list for works was produced in June 2007. The list of Common User Items was last updated in July 2012. The Authority was therefore desirous of producing an update of the list of common user items and average prices to reflect the current market situation. 2.0 ASSIGNMENT APPROACH, METHODOLOGY AND SAMPLING PROCEDURE We approached the task following the steps below: i. We reviewed the list of common user items and average prices that was updated in July 2012. ii. This was followed by designing the data collection tools which were pre tested in the field to check the flow and logic. We then rolled out with field visits to relevant suppliers to capture any new items/services by category, sub category; and where possible, by brand and sub brand, together with their respective prices. This was done using comprehensive data collection tools. iii. Field visits to relevant PDEs to triangulate the prices collected from the suppliers followed. The use of more than one source was to overcome the weakness of intrinsic Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 6 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT biases and the problems that come from a single method, single observer or single theory. iv. At this stage, the data was captured in excel and analysed in SSPS to generate average prices from the various sources of the data. 2.1 Sampling techniques PDEs For the PDEs, we used both random and purposive sampling. Here, for every item, we endeavoured to select a PDE that regularly uses this item to get the price. For example, to get prices of pipes and fittings, we approached National Water & Sewerage Corporation. However this method did not generate much result because most of the PDEs we approached said they had not made many purchases during the current financial year, and as such, the most recent prices they would have given us would have been old and misleading. So we supplemented the above method with random sampling. Here we made a list of all PDEs and randomly selected a specific number by picking out every 7th on the list. We then visited the sampled PDEs and instead of asking them at what prices they had purchased specific items, we asked them to give us all items they had purchased during the previous and current quarter of this financial year and the respective prices. 2.2 Providers The sampling procedure for selecting the providers that participated in the exercise was also both random and purposive. The purposive sampling bit was where, for each item, we collected names of at least 9 providers in that category. Then we selected every third name on this list to get the 3 providers that were interviewed. In the event that after three attempts we were unable to get a successful interview from the sampled provider, we went back to the list and used the same procedure to choose a replacement from the remaining 6 providers. Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 7 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT 3.0 FINDINGS TABLES OF AVERAGE PRICES NUMBERS: 1 TO 25 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 8 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT TABLE 1: PRICES OF ADVERTISING No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Newspapers New Vision/Monitor Full page (33cm x 6 column) full color Half page Horizontal (16cm x 6 column) full color Half page Vertical (26cm x 4 column) full color Quarter page (16cm x 3 column) full color Classifieds - per cm column (full color) Classified photo/logo (full color) Back page solus (10cm x 6 column) Ear piece (3x1) Front page Ear piece (3x1) Back page Voucher surchage Loose leaf insert per sheet (up to 33cmx26cm) Loose leaf insert per page/side Per centimetre column - full color Full page (33cm x 6 column) black/white Half page Horizontal (16cm x 6 column) black/white Half page Vertical (26cm x 4 column) black/white Quarter page (16cm x 3 column) black/white Per centimetre column - black/white Classifieds - per cm column (black/white) Classifieds - per word (black/white) Letter of adminstration (per cm column) black/white Classified photo/logo (black/white) Bukedde Full page (33cm x 6 column) full color Half page Horizontal (16cm x 6 column) full color Half page Vertical (26cm x 4 column) full color Quarter page (16cm x 3 column) full color Classifieds - per cm column (full color) Classified photo/logo (full color) Back page solus (10cm x 6 column) Front page solus (6cm x 6 column) Ear piece (3x1) Front page Ear piece (3x1) Back page Loose leaf insert up to 33cm x 26cm (full color) Full page (33cm x 6 column) black/white Half page Horizontal (16cm x 6 column) black/white Half page Vertical (26cm x 4 column) black/white Quarter page (16cm x 3 column) black/white Classifieds - per cm column (black/white) Classified per word (black/white) Letter of adminstration (per cm column) black/white Classified photo/logo (black/white) Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Q'ty Av Price 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9,563,400 5,432,400 7,992,000 3,173,040 35,640 28,000 3,250,000 1,000,000 900,000 936,360 9,500,000 3,000,000 60,480 8,682,500 4,384,950 1 1 1 1 1 1 7,360,000 2,259,750 50,600 25,000 2,000 18,000 1 17,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6,604,640 3,810,240 5,286,400 2,502,080 22,176 23,000 3,561,600 3,270,400 896,000 900,000 6,600,000 5,462,500 2,817,500 1 1 1 1 1 4,370,000 2,035,500 19,000 1,500 11,000 1 19,000 Page 9 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT continuation of table 1 54 55 56 57 58 59 Orumuri Full page (33cm x 6 column) full color Half page Horizontal (16cm x 6 column) full color Half page Vertical (26cm x 4 column) full color Quarter page (16cm x 3 column) full color Classifieds - per cm column (full color) Back page solus (6cm x 6 column) Front page solus (6cm x 6 column) Ear piece (3x1) Front page Ear piece (3x1) Back page Loose leaf insert up to 33cm x 26cm (full color) Full page (33cm x 6 column) black/white Half page Horizontal (16cm x 6 column) black/white Half page Vertical (26cm x 4 column) black/white Quarter page (16cm x 3 column) black/white Classifieds - per cm column (black/white) Classified per word (black/white) Letter of adminstration (per cm column) b/w Classified photo/logo (black/white) 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Etop Full page (33cm x 6 column) full color Half page Horizontal (16cm x 6 column) full color Half page Vertical (26cm x 4 column) full color Quarter page (16cm x 3 column) full color Classifieds - per cm column (full color) Back page solus (6cm x 6 column) Front page solus (6cm x 6 column) Ear piece (3x1) Front page Ear piece (3x1) Back page Loose leaf insert up to 33cm x 26cm (full color) Full page (33cm x 6 column) black/white Half page Horizontal (16cm x 6 column) b/w Half page Vertical (26cm x 4 column) black/white Quarter page (16cm x 3 column) black/white Classifieds - per cm column (black/white) Classified per word (black/white) Letter of adminstration (per cm column) b/w Classified photo/logo (black/white) 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4,536,000 2,401,350 3,628,800 1,754,550 27,300 1,275,000 1,696,200 870,000 590,000 4,600,000 3,276,000 1,899,450 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,618,700 1,276,800 9,200 1,150 8,050 8,050 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,829,750 1,481,550 2,263,800 740,250 15,750 820,000 1,567,500 601,700 367,400 2,900,000 2,354,050 1,242,000 1,886,000 624,450 6,420 1,070 6,420 6,420 Page 10 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 continuation of table 1 Rupiny Full page (33cm x 6 column) full color Half page Horizontal (16cm x 6 column) full color Half page Vertical (26cm x 4 column) full color Quarter page (16cm x 3 column) full color Classifieds - per cm column (full color) Back page solus (6cm x 6 column) Front page solus (6cm x 6 column) Ear piece (3x1) Front page Ear piece (3x1) Back page Loose leaf insert up to 33cm x 26cm (full color) Full page (33cm x 6 column) black/white Half page Horizontal (16cm x 6 column) black/white Half page Vertical (26cm x 4 column) black/white Letter of administration (per cm column) black/white Classified photo/logo (black/white) Sun (Full color) Front page solus 6cm x 6 cm Back page solus 6cm x 6cm Full page (33cm x 6 column) Half page Horizontal (16cm x 6) Half page Vertical (26cm x 4) Quarter page (16cm x 3 col) Per centimetre column Loose leaf insert up to 33 x 26cm Per sheet thereafter Saturday Vision Full page (33cm x 6 column) full color Half page Horizontal (16cm x 6 column) full color Half page Vertical (26cm x 4 column) full color Quarter page (16cm x 3 column) full color Classifieds - per cm column (full color) Back page solus (10cm x 6 column) Ear piece (3x1) Front page Ear piece (3x1) Back page Loose leaf insert up to 33cm x 26cm (full color) Full page (33cm x 6 column) black/white Half page Horizontal (16cm x 6) b/w Half page Vertical (26cm x 4 column) black/white Quarter page (16cm x 3 column) black/white Classifieds - per cm column (black/white) Classified per word (black/white) Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1 1 2,829,750 1,481,550 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,263,800 740,250 7,560 995,000 1,567,500 601,700 367,400 2,900,000 2,354,050 1,242,000 1 1,886,000 1 6,420 1 6,420 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,310,000 1,520,000 4,926,600 2,955,960 3,941,280 1,847,475 31,620 4,000,000 1,200,000 6,667,000 3,780,000 5,334,000 2,205,000 28,000 3,096,000 800,000 900,000 7,500,000 6,297,480 3,193,620 5,038,800 1,644,240 25,000 1,500 Page 11 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT continuation of table 1 120 Letter of administration (per cm col) b/w 18,000 121 Classified photo/logo (black/white) 17,000 Supplements/Special editorial 122 Full page (33 x 6 - color) 1 7,333,333 123 Half page horizontal (16 x 6) 1 4,158,000 124 Half page vertical (26 x 4) 1 5,867,000 125 Quarter page (16 x 3) 1 2,600,000 TELEVISION Bukedde TV 2 Spot Messages 15 sec 30 sec 45 sec 60 sec 127 7-9am 65,000 100,000 150,000 190,000 128 9:30-6:30am 97,500 150,000 225,000 280,500 129 6:30-8:30pm 130,000 200,000 300,000 380,000 130 8:30-9:30pm 162,500 250,000 375,000 475,000 131 9:30-11pm 130,000 200,000 300,000 380,000 132 11pm-12:30am 65,000 100,000 150,000 190,000 Non TVC Advertising 7pm-midnight Midnight-7am 133 Scheduled talk shows 7am - 7pm 1,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 134 Customized shows 1,500,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 135 Scrolls(40 words per half hr) 10,000 15,000 10,000 136 Special announcements 200,000 400,000 200,000 Death announcements 150,000 300,000 150,000 137 Product pop ups per 10 sec 100,000 150,000 100,000 138 Squeeze backs per 4 sec 100,000 200,000 100,000 Program Sponsorships(Charged per week 111 Property time 112 High frequency (5-7 days) 2,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 113 Regular frequency (3-4 days) 1,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 114 Low frequency (1-2 days) 1,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 Bukedde TV 1 115 Spot Messages 116 7-9am 175,000 250,000 375,000 475,000 117 9:30-6:30am 105,000 150,000 225,000 285,000 118 6:30-8:30pm 350,000 500,000 750,000 950,000 119 8:30-9:30pm 560,000 800,000 1,200,000 1,520,000 120 9:30-11pm 735,000 1,050,000 1,575,000 1,995,000 121 11pm-12:30am 350,000 500,000 750,000 950,000 122 123 124 125 126 30 sec 45 sec 60 sec Continuation of table 1 Non TVC Advertising 7pm-midnight Midnight-7am Scheduled talk shows 7am - 7pm 3,000,000 4,000,000 2,500,000 Customized shows 2,500,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 20,000 30,000 15,000 Special announcements 400,000 900,000 300,000 Death announcements 300,000 700,000 200,000 Scrolls(40 words per half hr) 127 128 15 sec Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 12 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT 129 130 Product pop ups per 10 sec 100,000 200,000 100,000 Squeeze backs per 4 sec 150,000 300,000 150,000 High frequency (5-7 days) 4,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 Regular frequency (3-4 days) 2,500,000 4,000,000 2,500,000 Low frequency (1-2 days) 1,500,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 Program Sponsorships(Charged per week Property time continuation of table 1 Sponsorship rates (These are uniform for UBC, NTV & WBS) Duration 15 sec 20 sec 30 sec 45 sec 60 sec 131 0600 - 1700 hrs 135,000 145,000 225,000 305,000 405,000 132 1700 - 1900 hrs 160,000 170,000 265,000 360,000 475,000 133 1935 - 2250 hrs 297,000 320,000 495,000 670,000 890,000 134 2250 - 0000 hrs 255,000 275,000 425,000 575,000 765,000 135 0000 - 0600 hrs 120,000 130,000 200,000 270,000 360,000 136 Pre - news 1930/2100 hrs 315,000 340,000 525,000 710,000 945,000 137 Mid - news 1930/2100 hrs 345,000 375,000 575,000 775,000 1,035,000 138 Morning/ 1300 hrs news 195,000 210,000 325,000 440,000 585,000 4.3 weeks 8.6 weeks 30 60 90 11,850,000 23,700,000 35,550,000 WBS TV Packages Duration No. Of Spots 139 Cost 140 News adjacency (add 30%) 13 weeks Documentaries Duration 15 min 30 min 45 min 5 min 141 0000 - 1500 hrs 1,300,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 600,000 142 1500 - 2000 hrs 2,750,000 3,500,000 4,500,000 900,000 143 2000 - 0000 hrs 3,200,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 1,200,000 Talk shows Time 30 min 60 min 144 0000 - 1500 hrs 1,750,000 2,500,000 145 1500 - 1800 hrs 2,500,000 4,000,000 146 1800 - 0000 hrs 3,000,000 5,000,000 Production costs 147 Moving pictures (Per hour) 500,000 148 Voicing (per hour) 100,000 149 Editing (per hour) 150,000 420,000 150 Filming (Excluding camera rental) 250,000 408,000 151 Airtime (30 sec announcement) 375,000 168,000 152 OB Van hire (live coverage up 3,000,000 228,000 255,000 420,000 to 2 hours) 153 Camera rental per hour Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 13 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT UBC TV Documentaries 10 min 15 min 154 Duration 1500 - 2000 hrs 5 min 900,000 1,215,000 2,750,000 3,500,000 30 min 4,500,000 60 min 155 2000 - 0000 hrs 1,200,000 1,750,000 3,200,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 Talk shows Time 30 min 60 min 156 1500 - 1800 hrs 2,500,000 4,000,000 157 1800 - 0000 hrs 3,000,000 5,000,000 Announcements 158 Prime (Pre and Post bulletins) 375,000 159 Non Prime 275,000 160 Production costs per advert 3,000,000 RADIO UBC Radio (Blue channel & Butebo FM) Spot Ads 161 30 sec Advert (0600 - 2200hrs) 40,000 162 30 sec Advert (2200 - 0100hrs) 20,000 163 Dj mentions (all day) 30,000 Radio Documentaries 164 5 min 100,000 165 10 min 200,000 166 15 min 250,000 167 30 min 300,000 168 60 min 600,000 Programme Sponsorship 169 15 min Non exclusive 100,000 Exclusive Talk shows 170 30 min 200,000 400,000 171 45 min 250,000 500,000 750,000 172 60 min 300,000 600,000 1,000,000 200,000 500,000 Standard Packages 173 Option 1: 4.3 weeks with 150 spots 4,500,000 174 Option 2: 8.6 weeks with 300 spots 175 Option 3: 12.9 weeks with 450 spots 13,500,000 176 Production of a single language radio (audio) advert 150,000 9,000,000 continuation of table 1 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 14 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT Radio One Spot Ads 177 Weekdays 15 sec 178 0600 - 1000 hrs 55,000 75,000 105,000 179 1000 - 1300 hrs 30,000 45,000 60,000 80,000 180 1300 - 1400 hrs 45,000 55,000 82,500 110,000 181 1400 - 1700 hrs 30,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 182 1700 - 2200 hrs 55,000 75,000 105,000 150,000 183 2200 - 0000 hrs 22,000 35,000 52,000 70,000 Weekends 30 sec 15 sec 30 sec 45 sec 45 sec 60 sec 150,000 60 sec 184 0600 - 1000 hrs 30,000 40,000 60,000 185 1000 - 1300 hrs 30,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 80,000 186 1300 - 1400 hrs 44,000 55,000 82,000 110,000 187 1400 - 1700 hrs 44,000 55,000 82,000 110,000 188 1700 - 2100 hrs 44,000 55,000 82,000 110,000 189 2100 - 0000 hrs 28,000 40,000 55,000 75,000 190 Run-of-station rate 35,000 191 Announcements in prime time 25,000 KFM Spot Ads Time 30 sec 45 sec 100,000 0600 - 1000 hrs(Morning Prime) 193 1000 - 1300 hrs (K Zone) 194 1300 - 1700 hrs (Standard time) 60,000 73,000 120,000 195 1700 - 2100 hrs (Evening prime) 90,000 120,000 160,000 196 Run-of-station - 30 sec 56,000 4 million per 145,000 60 sec 192 180,000 hour Sponsorship rates 197 30 sec advert 3 times a day (1 month) 4,050,000 198 30 sec advert 5 times a day (1 month) 6,525,000 199 30 sec advert 7 times a day (1 month) 9,000,000 200 DJ mention 2 times a day (1 month) 4,050,000 201 DJ mention 3 times a day (1 month) 6,525,000 202 DJ mention 4 times a day (1 month) 9,000,000 Others 203 Classifieds - 15 sec 15,000 204 Announcements (First 30 words) 40,000 205 Extra words per word 206 Presenter mentions - one off 207 1 hour talk show 3,500,000 208 30 minute talk show 1,500,000 209 Guest appearance (max 5 minutes) 1,500 45,000 750,000 Continuation of Table 1 RADIO SANYU Spot Ads Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 15 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT Time 15 sec 30 sec 45 sec 60 sec 210 0600 - 1000 hrs (Breakfast prime) 45,000 90,000 135,000 180,000 211 1000 - 1700 hrs (Regular) 30,000 59,000 88,000 115,000 212 1700 - 2100 hrs (Evening Prime) 45,000 90,000 135,000 180,000 213 2100 - 0000 hrs (Late night) 22,000 36,000 58,200 72,000 214 Run-of-station 45,000 70,000 90,000 Others 215 Endorsements per sec 216 DJ mentions each 217 Announcements per word 218 Classifieds 219 Commercial ad production 3,000 50,000 500 15,000 500,000 CAPITAL FM 220 221 222 223 224 Spot length 0600-1000 (MORNING PRIME) 15 Sec 30 Sec 45 Sec 60 Sec Run of Station (30 Sec) 18002200 (EVENING PRIME) 64,000 38,000 125,000 70,000 107,000 62,500 187,500 103,000 160,000 94,000 250,000 140,000 214,000 125,000 22000200 70,000 Extra charge 225 DJ Mentions 226 Interview (30 Min) TOUCH FM Show 75,000 10001800 (STANDA RD DAY) 42,000 News Adjacency Fixed time Fixed 0700-0800 plus 50% plus 25% Plus 50% 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 1,900,000 Schedule 227 228 Bigger Breakfast Most Wanted Mon – Fri Mon – Fri 229 230 231 232 The Dish Roots N Culture The Bridge Sumthin’ Else 233 What A Day 234 Sleepless Mon – Mon – Mon – Mon – Thurs Mon – Thurs Mon – 235 236 237 238 Weekend Shows Show Strictly 90’s Anything Goes Rick Dees - WT40 Soul Survivor Sat & Sun Sat Only Sun Only Sat & Sun Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Fri Fri Fri Fri Time Duration 7am–10am 10am– 12pm 12pm–2pm 2pm–4pm 4pm–7pm 7pm–9pm 3 Hours 2 Hours 550,000 400,000 Nonexcl 350,000 250,000 2 2 3 2 Hours hours Hours Hours 400,000 400,000 550,000 400,000 250,000 250,000 350,000 250,000 9pm–11pm 2 Hours 400,000 250,000 11pm–2pm 2 Hours 300,000 200,000 7am–10am 10am–2pm 10am–2pm 2pm–4pm 3 4 4 2 400,000 500,000 500,000 400,000 250,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 Hours Hours Hours Hours Exclusive Page 16 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT 239 240 241 Reggae Session Club Classics Party People 242 243 244 Customized Programming Duration 60 mimutes 45 minutes 30 minutes Informercials Duration 245 246 247 20 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes Sat & Sun Fri Only Sat Only 6pm–8pm 7pm–11pm 8pm–00:00 2 hours 4 Hours 4 Hours 400,000 400,000 400,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Cost 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 Initial Cost 1,000,000 750,000 500,000 Repeat Cost 500,000 375,000 250,000 TABLE 2: PRICES OF AIR FARES FROM ENTEBBE (AF) AIR FARES (USD) -RETURN TICKET Destination Economy AF_1 Abidjan 1,457 AF_2 Accra 1,206 AF_3 Addis ababa 749 AF_4 Amsterdam 987 AF_5 Bangkok 1,860 AF_6 Barcelona 1,679 AF_7 Berlin 1,243 AF_8 Birmingham 1,341 AF_9 Brussels 1,744 AF_10 Bujumbura 509 AF_11 Cairo 544 AF_12 Copenhagen 1,180 AF_13 Dakar 1,345 AF_14 Daresalaam 435 AF_15 Djibouti 625 AF_16 Dubai 683 AF_17 Freetown 1,643 AF_18 Geneva 2,392 AF_19 Guangzhou 1,597 AF_20 Harare 880 AF_21 Hong Kong 1,163 AF_22 Johannesburg 749 AF_23 Juba 250 AF_24 Khartoum 615 AF_25 Kigali 307 AF_26 Kilimanjaro 588 AF_27 Kinshasha 807 AF_28 Kisumu 475 AF_29 Kuala Lumpur 1,487 AF_30 Lagos 1,004 AF_31 Lilongwe 637 AF_32 London 970 AF_33 Lusaka 730 AF_34 Lyon 1,725 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 17 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT AF_35 AF_36 AF_37 AF_38 AF_39 AF_40 AF_41 AF_42 AF_43 AF_44 AF_45 AF_46 AF_47 AF_48 AF_49 Malindi Maputo Madrid Marseille Milan Moscow Mombasa Mumbai Nairobi Oslo Paris Prague Rome Stocholm Washington 570 1,165 842 1,801 1,171 901 508 615 332 1,441 1,453 756 1,212 1,762 1,444 TABLE 3: PRICES OF LASER ENGRAVING SERVICES Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 18 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT PRICES OF LASER ENGRAVING SERVICES Item Complete products Illuminated signs/sign posts (4 feet - 1 side) Non illuminated signs/signposts (4 feet - 2 sides) Signs/signposts (less than 4 feet) Plastic banners (per square metre) Tear drops Mugs Key rings Umbrellas Awards A4 Awards A5 Trophies Watc hes Toilet signage (15x10 c m) Desk stand labels Name tags/door labels 3D letters - 2 feet by 2 feet Wallets Engraving Pens Conferenc e tables Dining tables/c hairs Double dec ker beds Laboratory c hairs (wooden top) Laboratory stoolss (wooden top) Library book shelves Mic rosc ope c over Mic rosc ope slides Multi loc k Offic e tables Petri dishes 90 mm Petri dishes 95 mm Reading tables Q'ty Av price 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 per letter 1 1 1,200,000 780,000 590,000 35,000 470,000 17,000 2,000 12,000 300,000 250,000 500,000 15,000 55,000 35,000 2,000 250,000 14,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,000 3,500 3,500 7,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 1 1 1 1 3,500 140,000 3,500 3,500 1 letter 280,000 1 1 1 1 1 130,000 3,500 5,000 8,000 2,000 1 1 1 1 650,000 750,000 3,000,000 5,000,000 Continuation of Table 3 Smaller lab equipment Self inking stamps (Big, small & medium) Student c hairs/desks Teac hers' c hais/desks Cut out letters on buildings (height of letters 1 -2 feet) Plaques with base Name tags - plastic Name tags - silver Name tags - gold Badges Embossing seals & stic kers Personal model (Individuals, MPs, etc ) Offic e model Institutional model Heavy duty model Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 19 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT TABLE 4: PRICES OF CIVIL WORKS, PIPES & FITTINGS (CW) PRICES OF CIVIL WORKS, PIPES & FITTINGS Item Q'ty CW_1 CW_2 CW_3 CW_4 CW_5 CW_6 CW_7 CW_8 CW_9 CW_10 CW_11 CW_12 CW_13 CW_14 CW_15 CW_16 CW_17 CW_18 CW_19 CW_20 CW_21 CW_22 CW_23 CW_24 CW_25 CW_26 CW_27 CW_28 CW_29 CW_30 CW_31 CW_32 CW_33 CW_34 CW_35 CW_36 CW_37 CW_38 Culverts 900 mm (wall thickness - 100) 600 mm (thickness - 85) 450 mm 300 mm 3 mtrs Blocks Solid blocks (Sand) 18x9x6 Solid blocks (Sand) 150x225x400 Solid blocks (Sand) 100x225x400 Solid blocks (Sand) 200x200x400 Solid blocks (Stone dust) 16x9x8 Solid blocks (Stone dust) 18x9x6 Solid blocks (Stone dust) 16x9x6 Hollow blocks (200x200x400 Hollow blocks (150x200x400 Stone dust hollow (200x200x400) Balustrades SSS Shape Dog leg Flower Garden Kerbs 900 600 450 300 Road Kerbs 1000 mm (type I) 1000 mm (type II) Others Louvers (Single 150x150x300mm) Trenches (600 mm) Trench covers (1100 mm) Mark Posts Mark stones (4500 mm) Man hole (600x600) Slabs (600x600) Trally French UNRA KM Post Concrete Fence Poles Honeycomb Half bricks Ventilators Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Av Price 1 1 1 1 1 240,000 150,000 85,000 55,000 750,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3,600 2,800 2,000 3,000 4,000 3,600 3,300 3,000 2,000 3,500 1 1 1 75,000 75,000 75,000 1 1 1 1 10,000 7,000 5,500 3,500 1 1 30,000 48,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,600 12,000 85,000 55,000 4,500 22,000 10,000 3,500 15,000 220,000 150,000 4,000 500 600 Page 20 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT CW_39 CW_40 CW_41 CW_42 CW_43 CW_44 CW_45 CW_46 CW_47 CW_48 CW_49 CW_50 CW_51 CW_52 Continuation of table 4 Steel & Wire Products Barbed wire - (20 kg roll x 12.5 x 200 mtr) Barbed wire - (25 kg roll x 12.5 x 250 mtr) Binding wire 25kg roll (non - galvanised) BRC - A142 (150 kg roll) BRC - A66 (50 kg roll) Welding electrodes G10 (5 kg) Welding electrodes G12 (4.8)kg Wire mesh G10 (90 kg roll) Wire mesh G12.5 (50 kg roll) Wire nails 1" - 1.5" (50 kg) Wire nails 2" (50kg) Wire nails 2.5 - 6" (50 kg) U - nails (50 kg) Ceiling nails (50 kg) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 105,000 115,000 140,000 850,000 280,000 33,000 27,000 330,000 260,000 220,000 210,000 190,000 210,000 210,000 CW_53 CW_54 CW_55 CW_56 CW_57 CW_58 Chain link G - 10 x 50 x 50 x 6ft x 18 mtr (90 kg) G - 12.5 x 50 x 50 x 4ft x 18 mtr (40 kg) G - 14 x 50 x 50 x 6ft x 18 mtr (40 kg) G - 12.5 x 70 x 70 x 7ft x 18 mtr (43 kg) Galvanised wires 50 kgs (Gauge 10) Galvanised wires 50 kgs (Gauge 16) 1 1 1 1 1 1 330,000 185,000 210,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 CW_59 CW_60 CW_61 CW_62 CW_63 CW_64 CW_65 CW_66 CW_67 Item Twisted bars 12M M S Expanded metal 6"x2"x26G (4 kg) Pre-painted G30 Brick, Red/Blue Pre-painted G28 Brick, Red/Blue Galvanised ridges G32/30/28 Galvanised valleys G32/30/28 Pre-painted ridges G30/28 Pre-painted valleys G30/28 Pre-painted gutters G30/28 Q'ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Av Price 100,000 28,500 12,000 15,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 CW_68 CW_69 Cement PPC Cement OPC 1 1 30,000 40,000 CW_70 CW_71 CW_72 CW_73 CW_74 CW_75 CW_76 CW_77 CW_78 CW_79 Galvanised Corrugated/Covermax Galvanised Corrugated/Covermax Galvanised Corrugated/Covermax Galvanised Corrugated/Covermax Galvanised Corrugated/Covermax Galvanised Corrugated/Covermax Versatile ridges plain G 28 Valleys (487mm girth - G 30) Gutters (325mm girth - G 30) Ridges (325mm girth - G 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21,300 27,600 34,200 42,800 51,500 64,700 24,500 15,900 10,600 10,600 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug - 32G 30G 28G 26G 24G 22G Page 21 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT CW_80 CW_81 CW_82 CW_83 CW_84 CW_85 CW_86 Continuation of table 4 Hollow sections Thickness (0.8mm)(CRM) x 5.8 metres 20 mm /16x16 mm 25 mm / 20x20 32 mm / 25x25 / 30x20 38 mm / 30x30 / 40x20 42 mm / 40x25 50 mm / 40x40 / 50x30 63 mm / 50x50 / 60x40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10,900 13,800 18,100 21,200 23,000 32,800 41,500 CW_87 CW_88 CW_89 CW_90 CW_91 CW_92 CW_93 Thickness (1.0mm)(CRM) x 5.8 metres 20 mm /16x16 25 mm /20x20 32 mm / 25x25 / 30x20 38 mm / 30x30 / 40x20 42 mm / 40x25 50 mm / 40x40 / 50x30 63 mm / 50x50 / 60x40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13,400 17,000 21,000 26,000 28,500 34,100 43,000 CW_94 CW_95 CW_96 CW_97 CW_98 CW_99 CW_100 Thickness (1.12mm (HRC) x 6.0 metres 20 mm /16x16 25 mm /20x20 32 mm / 25x25 / 30x20 38 mm / 30x30 / 40x20 42 mm / 40x25 50 mm / 40x40 / 50x30 63 mm / 50x50 / 60x40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12,800 16,000 20,100 24,600 26,300 32,000 40,200 CW_101 CW_102 CW_103 CW_104 CW_105 CW_106 CW_107 Item Thickness (1.2mm)(HRC) x 6.0 metres 20 mm /16x16 25 mm /20x20 32 mm / 25x25 / 30x20 38 mm / 30x30 / 40x20 42 mm / 40x25 50 mm / 40x40 / 50x30 63 mm / 50x50 / 60x40 CW_108 CW_109 CW_110 CW_111 CW_112 CW_113 CW_114 CW_115 CW_116 CW_117 Q'ty Av Price 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13,400 16,900 21,200 25,900 28,100 36,800 47,000 Thickness (1.5mm)(HRC) x 6.0 metres 20 mm /16x16 25 mm /20x20 32 mm / 25x25 / 30x20 38 mm / 30x30 / 40x20 42 mm / 40x25 50 mm / 40x40 / 50x30 63 mm / 50x50 / 60x40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16,000 19,800 25,000 30,600 33,200 39,900 49,100 Continuation of table 4 Thickness (2.0mm)(HRC) x 6.0 metres 20 mm /16x16 25 mm /20x20 32 mm / 25x25 / 30x20 1 1 1 1 20,400 25,200 32,200 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 22 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT CW_118 CW_119 CW_120 CW_121 38 42 50 63 CW_122 CW_123 CW_124 CW_125 CW_126 CW_127 CW_128 CW_129 CW_130 CW_131 CW_132 CW_133 Hollow Sections (Traded) 80 x 40 x 3.0mm 80 x 40 x 2.0mm 80 x 40 x 1.5mm 100 x 50 x 3.0mm 100 x 50 x 2.0mm 75 x 75 x 3.0mm 75 x 75 x 2.0mm 50 x 50 x 3.0mm 60 x 40 x 3.0mm 40 x 40 x 3.0mm 30 x 30 x 3.0mm 200 x 100 x 4.0mm CW_134 CW_135 CW_136 CW_137 CW_138 CW_139 CW_140 CW_141 CW_142 mm mm mm mm / / / / 30x30 / 40x20 40x25 40x40 / 50x30 50x50 / 60x40 C - Channels 100 x 50 x 10.3 kg/m x 6.0 mtrs 127 x 64 x 14.9kg/m x 6.0 mtrs 152 x 76 x 17.9kg/m x 6.0 mtrs 100 x 50 x 5mm x 9.36kgs/m x 6 mtrs 150 x 75 x 6.5mm x 18.6kgs/m x 6 mtrs Item I Beams 100 x 55 x 8.10 kg/m x 6 mtrs 160 x 82 x 15.8 kg/m x 6 mtrs 180 x 91 x 18.8 kg/m x 6.0 mtrs 200 x 100 x 22.4 kg/m x 6.0 mtrs CW_150 CW_151 Flat bars 25mm x 3mm 20mm x 3mm 16mm x 3mm 40mm x 3mm 50mm x 3mm 40mm x 4mm 50mm x 6mm Continuation of table 4 Z- Angles 20 x 20 x 3.0mm 25 x 25 x 3.0mm CW_153 CW_153 CW_154 T- Angles 19.1mm x 19.1mm x 3.2mm 20mm x 20mm x 3mm 25.0mm x 25.0mm x 3.0mm CW_155 CW_156 Z-Purlins x 6 metres 100 x 50 x 2 115 x 50 x 2 CW_143 CW_144 CW_145 CW_146 CW_147 CW_148 CW_149 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1 1 1 1 37,700 42,900 51,600 66,700 140,500 106,000 79,500 170,200 113,500 168,700 109,000 109,700 111,000 86,000 57,400 450,900 Q'ty 274,000 385,000 462,800 242,200 480,900 Av Price 211,400 412,300 490,600 584,500 14,700 11,700 9,400 23,600 34,400 30,300 56,400 22,100 40,200 22,100 20,100 26,600 1 1 72,900 76,900 Page 23 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT CW_157 CW_158 CW_159 CW_160 130 140 150 175 x x x x 50 50 50 65 x x x x 2 2 2 2 CW_161 CW_162 CW_163 CW_164 CW_165 CW_166 CW_167 Door frames 135 x 45 x 1.0 135 x 45 x 1.2 135 x 45 x 1.2 135 x 45 x 1.5 135 x 45 x 1.0 135 x 45 x 0.8 135 x 45 x 1.1 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 1 1 1 1 81,700 84,900 88,100 105,700 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q'ty 38,400 47,000 46,000 56,200 50,600 40,200 39,000 Av Price 1 1 1 1 47,000 40,100 42,100 53,000 CW_168 CW_169 CW_170 CW_171 x 5.8m x 6.0m x 5.8m x 6.0m x 5.8m CRC x 5.8m x 5.8m Item Facia Board (Length - 6.0 metres) 150 x 30 x 1.2mm 150 x 30 x 1.0mm 150 x 30 x 0.8mm 150 x 30 x 1.5mm CW_172 CW_173 CW_174 Omega Profile - 6 metres 135 x 15 x 1.2mm 135 x 15 x 1.0mm 135 x 15 x 0.8mm 1 1 1 32,600 26,100 27,600 CW_175 CW_176 CW_177 CW_178 Bottle Section - 6 metres 100 x 34 x 1.2mm 100 x 34 x 1.5mm 100 x 34 x 1.0mm 100 x 34 x 0.8mm 1 1 1 1 47,000 56,200 40,800 43,100 CW_179 CW_180 CW_181 Galvanised Plates 8 x 4 x 0.60mm 8 x 4 x 0.80mm 8 x 4 x 2.00mm 1 1 1 70,300 93,200 234,200 1 63,600 1 78,300 1 95,500 Continuation of table 4 Mild Steel Plates CW_182 CW_183 CW_184 CW_185 CW_186 CW_187 CW_188 CW_189 CW_190 8"x4"x 0.8mm CRC 8"x4"x 1.0mm HRC 8"x4"x 1.0mm CRC 8"x4"x 1.2mm 8"x4"x 1.5mm CRC 8"x4"x 1.5mm HRC 8"x4"x 2.0mm 8"x4"x 1.12mm HRC 8"x4"x 3.0mm HRC 1 92,400 1 134,600 1 111,900 1 138,500 1 88,300 1 210,000 Angles (HRC x 6 metres) Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 24 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT CW_191 CW_192 CW_193 CW_194 CW_195 CW_196 CW_197 CW_198 CW_199 CW_200 CW_201 CW_202 CW_203 CW_204 CW_205 CW_206 CW_207 CW_208 20 x 20 x 2.5mm 25 x 25 x 2.5mm 25 x 25 x 3.0mm 30 x 30 x 3.0mm 40 x 40 x 2.5mm 40 x 40 x 3.0mm 40 x 40 x 4.0mm 40 x 40 x 5.0mm 40 x 40 x 6.0mm 50 x 50 x 3.0mm 50 x 50 x 4.0mm 50 x 50 x 5.0mm 50 x 50 x 6.0mm 60 x 60 x 6.0mm 63 x 63 x 6.0mm 75 x 75 x 6.0mm 100 x 100 x 7.0mm 100 x 100 x 10.0mm Item CW_209 CW_210 CW_211 CW_212 CW_213 CW_214 CW_215 CW_216 CW_217 CW_218 CW_219 CW_220 CW_221 CW_222 CW_223 CW_224 CW_225 CW_226 CW_227 CW_228 CW_229 CW_230 CW_231 CW_232 CW_233 CW_234 Re-inforcing bars 8mm x 12.0 mtrs 10mm x 12.0 mtrs 12mm x 12 mtrs 15mm x 12 mtrs 20mm x 12 mtrs 25mm x 12 mtrs 32mm x 12 mtrs 6mm x 11.9 mtrs Traded plates 8" x 4" x 4.0 8" x 4" x 6.0 8" x 4" x 8.0 8" x 4" x 10 8" x 4" x 11.9 8" x 4" x 15.0 8" x 4" x 20 8" x 4" x 25 Continuation of table 4 Wire nails 3 inch x 5.5 kgs 4 inch x 5.5 kgs M S Expanded metal 6" x 2" Gx26G (4kgs/bundle) 8" x 2" x 26G (6kgs/bundle) 8" x 4" x 2.0mm (10kgs/pc) Wire rods 5.5mm (12mtrs) 6.5mm (12mtrs) 8.0mm (12mtrs) 10.0 mm (12mtrs) 12.0 mm (12mtrs) Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 17,300 22,900 25,800 31,000 36,600 42,800 56,100 73,100 79,500 54,000 71,200 87,300 104,100 125,300 138,300 163,000 249,100 354,800 Q'ty Av Price 19,000 30,100 42,800 76,100 120,400 190,300 301,900 10,900 348,400 522,600 696,400 870,500 1,041,600 1,305,700 1,740,900 2,176,200 180,000 180,000 28,500 35,700 89,600 8,200 11,900 17,700 26,700 38,300 Page 25 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT CW_235 CW_236 CW_237 CW_238 CW_239 CW_240 CW_241 CW_242 CW_243 CW_244 CW_245 CW_246 CW_247 CW_248 CW_249 CW_250 CW_251 Black Pipes 2" Class A 2" Class B 6" Class A Chequered Plates 8" x 4" x 3.0mm 8" x 4" x 4.0mm Square Bars 10 x 10 x 6m 12 x 12 x 6m 16 x 16 x 6m Hardcore Per tonne 4 tonne 6 tonne 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes 259,800 82,000 720,300 330,800 409,500 22,800 28,100 48,000 22,000 88,000 132,000 154,000 220,000 264,000 308,000 440,000 484,000 Item CW_252 CW_253 CW_254 CW_255 CW_256 CW_257 CW_258 CW_259 CW_260 CW_261 CW_262 CW_263 CW_264 CW_265 CW_266 CW_267 CW_268 CW_269 CW_270 CW_271 CW_272 CW_273 CW_274 CW_275 CW_276 Wall slate (black) Per tonne 4 tonne 6 tonne 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes Continuation of table 4 Stone slate 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes Wall slate (ordinary) 2" Per tonne 4 tonne 6 tonne 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes Wall slate (ordinary) ½ - 1" Per tonne Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Q'ty Av Price 90,000 360,000 540,000 630,000 900,000 1,080,000 1,260,000 1,800,000 1,980,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 620,000 1,000,000 1,100,000 70,000 280,000 420,000 490,000 700,000 840,000 980,000 1,400,000 1,540,000 120,000 Page 26 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT CW_277 CW_278 CW_279 CW_280 CW_281 CW_282 CW_283 CW_284 CW_285 CW_286 CW_287 CW_288 CW_289 CW_290 CW_291 CW_292 CW_293 CW_294 CW_295 CW_296 CW_297 CW_298 CW_299 CW_300 CW_301 CW_302 CW_303 CW_304 CW_305 CW_306 CW_307 CW_308 CW_309 CW_310 CW_311 CW_312 CW_313 CW_314 CW_315 CW_316 CW_317 CW_318 CW_319 CW_320 CW_321 4 tonne 6 tonne 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes Block Slate (big) Per tonne 4 tonne 6 tonne 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes Block Slate (small) Per tonne 4 tonne 6 tonne 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes Continuation of table 4 Hand crushed aggregates Per tonne 4 tonne 6 tonne 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes Item Natural piece slate Per tonne 4 tonne 6 tonne 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes ⅜ inch aggregates Per tonne Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 480,000 720,000 840,000 1,200,000 1,440,000 1,680,000 2,400,000 2,640,000 32,000 128,000 192,000 224,000 320,000 384,000 448,000 640,000 704,000 34,000 136,000 204,000 238,000 340,000 408,000 476,000 680,000 748,000 27,000 108,000 162,000 189,000 270,000 324,000 378,000 540,000 594,000 Q'ty Av Price 80,000 320,000 480,000 560,000 800,000 960,000 1,120,000 1,600,000 1,760,000 44,000 Page 27 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT CW_322 CW_323 CW_324 CW_325 CW_326 CW_327 CW_328 CW_329 CW_330 CW_331 CW_332 CW_333 CW_334 CW_335 CW_336 CW_337 CW_338 CW_339 CW_340 CW_341 CW_342 CW_343 CW_344 CW_345 CW_346 CW_347 CW_348 CW_349 CW_350 CW_351 CW_352 CW_353 CW_354 CW_355 CW_356 CW_357 CW_358 CW_359 CW_360 CW_361 CW_362 CW_363 CW_364 CW_365 CW_366 CW_367 CW_368 CW_369 4 tonne 6 tonne 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes ½ inch aggregates Per tonne 4 tonne 6 tonne 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes ¾ inch aggregates Per tonne 4 tonne 6 tonne 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes Continuation of table 4 ¼ inch aggregates Per tonne 4 tonne 6 tonne 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes Stone dust Per tonne 4 tonne 6 tonne 7 tonnes 10 tonnes 12 tonnes 14 tonnes 20 tonnes 22 tonnes Roofing tiles Mangalore - selected Mangalore - eco New Portulous ½ bricks (facing) Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 176,000 264,000 308,000 440,000 528,000 616,000 880,000 968,000 44,000 176,000 264,000 308,000 440,000 528,000 616,000 880,000 968,000 44,000 176,000 264,000 308,000 440,000 528,000 616,000 880,000 968,000 48,000 192,000 288,000 336,000 480,000 576,000 672,000 960,000 1,056,000 28,000 112,000 168,000 196,000 280,000 336,000 392,000 560,000 616,000 1 1 1 1 1,800 1,500 2,500 460 Page 28 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT CW_370 CW_371 CW_372 CW_373 CW_374 CW_375 CW_376 CW_377 CW_378 CW_379 CW_380 CW_381 CW_382 CW_383 CW_384 CW_385 CW_386 CW_387 CW_388 CW_389 CW_390 CW_391 CW_392 ½ bricks (off colour) Interlocking 6" ½ Interlocking 6" Interlocking 9" ½ Interlocking 9" Corners 6" Corners 9" Suspended floor units Max pan 6" Max pan 9" Max pan 4" Max pan 5" Max pan 7" Max pan 8" Decorative Grilles Pompe 4" Vietri 6" Double pompe" Malta 4" Ventilators Sissa 3" Venezia 3" Torino 3" Z-Z, K-K Floor tiles 6" x 6" D per sq mtr 6" x 6" Quarry TABLE 5: PRICES OF CLEANING MATERIALS (CM)PRICES OF CLEANING MATERIALS Item CM_1 Ariel ½ CM_2 Astonish Cream Cleaner - Marble n Granite 500ml CM_3 Astonish Cream Cleaner 500ml CM_4 Astonish Glass n tile 750ml CM_5 Astonish One-All-Purpose 500ml CM_6 Astonish Oven Cleaner 750ml CM_7 Astonish Window Cleaner 750ml CM_8 Axion Lemon Lime 750ml CM_9 Axion-Grease Stripper 125gms CM_10 Axion-Grease Stripper 200gms CM_11 Axion-Grease Stripper 400gms CM_12 Axion-Grease Stripper 800gms CM_13 Bright Sun 5l CM_14 Car Shampoo 350ml CM_15 Carpet Wax 1 l CM_16 Cleaner Tyre Gloss 400ml CM_17 Climax 1 pc CM_18 Cockpit spray 500ml CM_19 Dazzle Green Bar Soap 1kg CM_20 Dettol 1 l CM_21 Dettol 125ml CM_22 Dettol 250 ml CM_23 Dettol 500ml Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 205 1,985 1,010 2,375 1,215 2,220 2,655 3,780 6,130 2,945 3,650 4,695 5,400 1,115 1,120 2,065 2,205 690 690 690 690 25095 23000 Q'ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Av Price 4,100 11,000 9,500 9,200 9,200 9,200 9,200 8,500 2,000 3,600 6,300 11,300 11,000 21,050 2,800 23,000 1,200 34,900 6,950 29,000 5,000 9,000 17,000 Page 29 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT CM_24 CM_25 CM_26 CM_27 CM_28 CM_29 CM_30 CM_31 CM_32 CM_33 CM_34 CM_35 CM_36 Disinfectant Balls 3 pcs Fax Ultra Care Anti Grease 500ml Flash Febreeze 500ml Fresh Blue Blocks 2 pcs Fresh Blue Blocks 6 pcs Furniture Polish - Lavender Cobra Touch 275ml Furniture Polish - Lavender Pledge 275ml Gel Citrus Fresh 750ml Handy Andy Cream - 750ml Herpic Active 500ml Jeyz 1 l Jeyz Fresh 5 l Jeyz Pine Fresh 5l CM_37 CM_38 CM_39 CM_40 CM_41 CM_42 CM_43 CM_44 CM_45 CM_46 Jik Lemon 750ml Jik Lemon 250ml Jik Regular 1000ml Jik Regular 200ml Jik Regular 750ml Jireh 1 l Jireh 5l Jireh Ease Wash 1l Jireh Easy Wash 1 l Jireh Lemon Fresh 5l CM_47 CM_48 CM_49 CM_50 CM_51 CM_52 CM_53 CM_54 CM_55 CM_56 CM_57 CM_58 CM_59 CM_60 CM_61 CM_62 CM_63 CM_64 CM_65 CM_66 CM_67 CM_68 CM_69 CM_70 CM_71 Continuation of table 5 Jireh Perfumed 5l Jireh Window Cleaner 500ml Lavender Super Fresh Inlet Cleanser 1 pc Mr Muscle Glass Cleaner 650ml Mukwano Star Perfumed Bar Soap 1kg New Improved Lemon 1 l Nomi ½kg Nomi 1kg Nomi 7kgs Nomi Superfoam ¼ kg Nomi Superfoam ½ kg Nomi Superfoam 1 kg Nomi White 1kg Odo Fresh Air Freshner 1 pc Oil drip 100ml Omo ½ kg Omo 1 kg Omo 3.5kg Persil ½ kg Persil 1kg Pine Fresh Jeyz 1 l Pledge Dust Cleaner - 300ml Polish Mira Plate 500ml Quick Shine Window Cleaner 500ml Salvon 125ml Item Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4,000 4,500 6,000 2,800 7,500 5,500 9,000 6,000 9,000 6,000 2,500 11,000 12,000 Q'ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Av Price 4,200 2,000 4,200 2,000 3,900 4,000 17,000 4,500 4,000 22,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12,500 4,800 3,000 9,000 3,400 6,500 3,000 6,300 45,000 2,400 3,200 6,500 6,300 2,000 12,000 3,800 6,800 42,000 3,500 9,000 2,800 10,500 24,000 4,200 4,800 Page 30 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT CM_72 CM_73 CM_74 CM_75 CM_76 CM_77 CM_78 CM_79 Salvon 250ml Salvon 500ml Salvon 75ml Shinex Window Cleaner 500ml Sta Soft - 2l Sta Soft - Lavender 750ml Sta Soft - Lily of Valley 750m Sta Soft - Spring Fresh 750m CM_80 CM_81 CM_82 CM_83 CM_84 CM_85 CM_86 CM_87 CM_88 CM_89 CM_90 Item Sunlight 1 kg Sunlight Bar Soap - Laundry 250gms Supa Advanced All Purpose 750ml Super multi-purpose 5 l Toss Gentle 200gms Toss Gentle 500gms Toss White 1kg Toss White 200gms Vim Lemon - big Vim Lemon - small White Bidco Bar Soap 1 kg Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7,800 11,500 2,500 5,000 14,600 6,700 6,700 6,700 Q'ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Av Price 5,800 4,450 3,600 12,500 1,800 4,000 7,800 1,800 4,000 2,000 3,700 Page 31 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT TABLE 6: PRICES OF CLEARING & FORWRDING (C&F) PRICES OF CLEARING & FORWARDING SERVICES Item C&F_1 C&F_2 C&F_3 C&F_4 C&F_5 Q'ty Truck loading & off-loading -small truck Truck loading & off-loading - big truck Transport - Entebbe to Kampala (below 2 tons) Transport - Entebbe to Kampala (2 - 5 tons) Transport & clearing - Mombasa - Kampala (20 ft container) 1 1 1 1 Av price 200,000 250,000 150,000 240,000 1 11,000,000 C&F_6 Transport & clearing - Mombasa - Kampala (40 ft container) 1 12,000,000 C&F_7 Transport & clearing - Mombasa - Kampala (Below 2000cc motor vehicle) 1 1,700,000 C&F_8 C&F_9 C&F_10 C&F_11 Transport & clearing - Mombasa - Kampala (Above 2000cc motor vehicle) Handling fees at the ICD Transport - Kampala - Entebbe (20 ft container) Transport - Kampala - Entebbe (40 ft container) 1 1 kg 1 1 2,200,000 700 450,000 600,000 TABLE 7: PRICES OF COMPUTER MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS CMR_A1 CMR_A2 CMR_A3 CMR_A4 CMR_A5 (CMR) PRICES OF COMPUTER MAINTENANCE/ REPAIR SERVICES & SOFTWARE SALES Item Cleaning, updating, trouble shooting per hr Computer cleaning - per machine Servicing big printers Trouble shooting - per machine Updating - per machine CMR_B CMR_B1 CMR_B2 CMR_B3 CMR_B4 CMR_B5 CMR_B6 CMR_B7 CMR_B8 CMR_B9 CMR_B10 CMR_B11 CMR_B12 CMR_B13 CMR_B14 Software sales & Installation Adobe CS 4 Adobe CS 5 Corel draw Dream weaver Java Linux Microsoft Office 2003 Microsoft Office 2007 Pastel - latest Quick books Sage Talley Visual basic Windows 7 Operating System Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Q'ty 1 1 1 1 1 Av price 50,000 25,000 70,000 20,000 20,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 35,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 55,000 55,000 65,000 50,000 Page 32 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT CMR_B15 CMR_B16 Windows Vista Windows XP 2 1 1 50,000 50,000 CMR_C CMR_C1 CMR_C2 CMR_C3 CMR_C4 CMR_C5 Anti virus Avast Avira Kaspersky Norton 32 Rising 1 1 1 1 1 45,000 50,000 65,000 50,000 50,000 TABLE 8: PRICES OF COMPUTERS & ACCESSORIES CCA_1 CCA_2 CCA_3 CCA_4 CCA_5 CCA_6 CCA_7 CCA_A1 CCA_A2 CCA_A3 CCA_A4 CCA_A5 CCA_A6 CCA_A7 CCA_A8 CCA_B1 CCA_B2 (CCA) PRICES OF COMPUTERS & COMPUTER ACCESSORIES Item HP Pro-book 4530s, INTEL CORE I³ Processor Windows 7, H.B. Genuine Pre-installed O.S. RAM: 4GB, HDD: 320 GB. Finger Print Reader, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Anti reflection Screen Q'ty Av price 1 1,400,000 Toshiba Satelite Series C650, INTEL CORE I³ Second Generation, Speed 2.5 GHZ, Windows 7 Genuine Home Basic O.S. RAM: 4GB, HDD: 320GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Card reader, DVD RW, 15" Monitor 1 1,300,000 Dell Inspiron 5110 INTEL CORE I³ Processor 2.5 GHZ RAM 4GB HDD: 320GB. 15" Wifi, Bluetooth, Card Reader, DVD RW 1 1,250,000 HP 500BI Desktop, INTEL PENTIUM DUAL CORE, SPEED 3.0 GHZ, RAM 2GB, HDD:320GB, Full Accessories 1 year Warranty 1 1,250,000 1 1,500,000 1 1,150,000 1 1,900,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 120,000 150,000 230,000 180,000 240,000 300,000 320,000 340,000 1 1 80,000 180,000 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 I³ Desktop INTEL CORE, Speed 3.2 GHZ, RAM: 2GB HDD:500GB, Full accessories, 1 year warranty DELL VOSTEO V230 DUAL CORE, INTEL PENTIUM Speed 3.0GHZ, RAM 1 GB, HDD: 320GB 1 year warranty DELL INSPIRON LAPTOP 500 HD, 4GB RAM, Windows 7 15.6" Screen Monitors 15" CRT 17" CRT 21" CRT 19" CRT 15" LCD 17" LCD 19" LCD 21" LCD (CCA_B)Others External CD ROM External DVD ROM Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 33 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT CCA_B3 CCA_B4 CCA_B5 CCA_B6 CCA_B7 CCA_B8 CCA_B9 CCA_B10 CCA_B11 CCA_B12 CCA_B13 CCA_B14 CCA_B15 CCA_B16 CCA_C1 CCA_C2 CCA_C3 CCA_C4 CCA_C5 CCA_C6 CCA_C7 CCA_C8 CCA_C9 CCA_C10 CCA_C11 DVD Writer Power cables - all types @ Computer mouse USB Computer mouse TS2 Mobtex USB Optical Mouse Mobtex Wireless Laptop Mouse Keyboards USB Keyboards TS2 Continuation of table 7 External Hard drive Scandisk 2 GB Flash HP Original 2 GB Flash 80 GB 250 GB 500 GB 1 Terabite (CCA_C) UPSs Power COM 500 VA Power COM 600 VA Power COM 1 KVA UPS Power COM 1.5 KVA UPS Power COM 2.0 KVA UPS Power COM 3.0 KVA UPS APC 1 KVA Back up APC 1.5 KVA Back up APC UPS 500 Va APC UPS 650 Va Mercury 650 Va 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 90,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 35,000 15,000 15,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 200,000 25,000 35,000 150,000 250,000 300,000 500,000 1 1 1 1 1 180,000 180,000 420,000 505,000 990,000 1,250,000 1,550,000 2,450,000 250,000 290,000 150,000 TABLE 9: PRICES OF COURIER SERVICES – LOCAL LC_1 LC_2 LC_3 LC_4 LC_5 LC_6 LC_7 LC_8 LC_9 LC_10 LC_11 LC_12 LC_13 LC_14 LC_15 LC_16 LC_17 LC_18 (LC) PRICES OF LOCAL COURIER Each additional District Up to 1 KG 1 Kg or part thereof Abim 13,000 1,200 Adjumani 13,000 1,200 Aduku 13,000 1,200 Amolatar 13,000 1,200 Amuria 13,000 1,200 Amuru 13,000 1,200 Apac 13,000 1,200 Arua 13,000 1,200 Bugiri 9,900 1,200 Bundibugyo 13,000 1,200 Bukwo 13,000 1,200 Bushenyi 13,000 1,200 Busia 9,900 1,200 Butaleja 9,900 1,200 Entebbe 5,000 1,200 Fortportal 9,900 1,200 Gulu 9,900 1,200 Hoima 9,900 1,200 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Risk fee for cashcheque % of value 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Page 34 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT LC_19 LC_20 LC_21 LC_22 LC_23 LC_24 LC_25 LC_26 LC_27 LC_28 LC_29 LC_30 LC_31 LC_32 LC_33 LC_34 LC_35 LC_36 LC_37 LC_38 Ibanda 13,000 Iganga 9,900 Isingiro 13,000 Jinja 6,500 Kaboong 13,000 Kabale 13,000 Kabarole 9,900 Kaberamaido 13,000 Kalangala 9,900 Kaliro 9,900 Kampala 4,500 Kamuli 9,900 Kamwenge 9,900 Kanungu 13,000 Kapchorwa 13,000 Kasese 9,900 Katakwi 9,900 Kayunga 9,900 Kibaale 8,500 Kiboga 13,000 Continuation of table 9 District LC_39 LC_40 LC_41 LC_42 LC_43 LC_44 LC_45 LC_46 LC_47 LC_48 LC_49 LC_50 LC_51 LC_52 LC_53 LC_54 LC_55 LC_56 LC_57 LC_58 LC_59 LC_60 LC_61 LC_62 LC_63 LC_64 LC_65 LC_66 LC_67 LC_68 Kiruhura Kisoro Kitgum Koboko Kotido Kumi Kyenjojo Kyotera Lira Lugazi Luwero Malaba Manafwa Masaka Masindi Mayuge Mbale Mbarara Mityana Moroto Moyo Mpigi Mubende Mukono Namutumba Nakasongola Nakaseke Nebbi Ntungamo Oyam Up to 1 KG 11,900 11,900 11,900 11,900 11,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 6,500 6,500 9,900 9,900 6,500 9,900 9,900 6,500 9,900 6,500 11,900 11,900 6,500 7,500 6,500 9,900 7,500 9,900 11,900 11,900 11,900 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Each additional 1 Kg or part thereof 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Risk fee for cashcheque % of value 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Page 35 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT LC_69 LC_70 LC_71 LC_72 LC_73 LC_74 LC_75 LC_76 LC_77 LC_78 LC_79 LC_80 Pader Pallisa Pakwach Rakai Rukungiri Sembabule Sironko Soroti Tororo Wakiso Yumbe National Parks 11,900 11,900 11,900 9,900 11,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 6,500 11,900 12,500 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 TABLE 10: PRICES OF COURIER SERVICES – INTERNATIONAL (IC) PRICES OF INTERNATIONAL COURIER Country Up to 500gms IC_1 IC_2 IC_3 IC_4 IC_5 IC_6 IC_7 IC_8 IC_9 IC_10 IC_11 IC_12 IC_13 IC_14 IC_15 IC_16 IC_17 IC_18 IC_19 IC_20 IC_21 IC_22 IC_23 IC_24 IC_25 IC_26 IC_27 IC_28 IC_29 IC_30 IC_31 IC_32 IC_33 Austria Belgium Cameroon Canada China Denmark Egypt Eithiopia Finland Germany Ghana India Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kenya Malawi Mexico Netherlands Nigeria Norway South Africa South Sudan Spain Sudan Sweden Switzerland Tanzania UK USA Zambia Zimbabwe Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 84,750 84,750 79,450 95,300 95,300 84,750 79,450 79,450 84,750 84,750 79,450 95,300 84,750 95,300 84,750 95,300 42,350 79,450 95,300 84,750 79,450 84,750 79,450 79,450 84,750 79,450 84,750 84,750 42,350 84,750 90,000 79,450 79,450 1 kg 121,800 121,800 116,500 182,650 182,650 121,800 116,500 116,500 121,800 121,800 116,500 182,650 121,800 182,650 121,800 182,650 87,350 116,500 182,650 121,800 116,500 121,800 116,500 116,500 121,800 116,500 121,800 121,800 87,350 121,800 153,550 116,500 116,500 Page 36 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT TABLE 11: PRICES OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PRICES OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Item Earth rod pure c opper Earth rod (c opper original - 5 ft) Earth rod c lamp (pure c opper) Earth wire 16 mm2 Earth wire 10 mm Energy saver bulbs 8 watts Energy saver bulbs 5 watts Extension c able UK (4 way) Flood light tubes (500w phillips) Flood light tubes (1000w phillips) Flood lights (1000w c omplete fitting) Flood lights (500w c omplete fitting) Fluoresc ent c hokes (18w) - veto Fluoresc ent c hokes (36w) - veto Fluoresc ent c hokes (58w) - veto Fluoresc ent fittings - c omplete 4ft Fluoresc ent fittings - c omplete 5ft Insulating tape Junc tion box (20 Amps) Junc tion box (30 Amps) Lamp holder (E27 - Sc rew base) Lamp holder (E40 - Sc rew base) Porc elain lamp holder (E40) Lamp holder (UK - Pendant) Lamps merc ury Rec hargeable Lamp Merc ury bulbs (125w) MK boxes - single metallic MK boxes - double metallic Plugs MK type (UK - 13 Amps) Stablizers (500 watts) Sollatek Strip c onnec tors (5 Amps) Strip c onnec tors (15 Amps) Strip c onnec tors (10 Amps) Strip c onnec tors (30 Amps) Street lamp holders - straight Switc h - double soc ket Switc h - single soc ket Switc hes original (1x2 gang) Main switc h - c rab tree (4ways) - box Main switc h - c rab tree (12ways) - box Main switc h - c rab tree (6 way) - box Main switc h - c rab tree (9 way) - box Main switc h (6 way mems - c omplete) Main switc h (8 way mems - c omplete) Main switc h (4 way - mems c omplete) Change over switc h 200A (Germany) Contrac tor switc h 40 Amps (3 phase) Interior c ut out fuses (Henry type) 60/80A Wire - Pirelli (10mm) - 100 m roll Wire - Pirelli (16mm) - 100 m roll Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Q'ty 1 1 1 Av Price 80,000 150,000 15,000 metre metre 1 pc 1 pc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7,000 5,000 6,500 9,000 25,000 5,000 7,000 100,000 45,000 8,000 8,000 15,000 35,000 80,000 1,000 3,000 4,000 4,000 15,000 15,000 2,500 10,000 120,000 7,000 1,000 2,000 5,000 190,000 1,500 2,000 1,500 2,500 2,500 13,000 6,000 3,000 200,000 400,000 250,000 590,000 160,000 250,000 130,000 1,600,000 100,000 40,000 1,200,000 1,500,000 Page 37 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT Continuation of Table 11 Wire - Pirelli (2.5mm) - 100 m roll Wire - Pirelli (6.0mm) - 100 m roll Wire - Pirelli (1.5mm) - 100 m roll Single Soc ket 2.5mm single c able - 100 m roll Soc ket outlet (single industrial) Double soc ket outlet (13 Amps industrial) 60 Amps strip c onnec tor 16 mm² solidal wire - per metre 16 mm² Twin c able - per metre 20 mm pvc c onduits (¾") H/G 25 mm pvc c onduits (1") H/G Wood sc rews (1") per 100 pc s pac ket 1.5mm Tower c lips - per 100 pc spac ket Cable glandes (metallic - 25 L) 4 c ore underground c able - 16mm (per mtr) 4 c ore underground c able - 10mm (per mtr) 4 c ore underground c able - 6mm (per mtr) 4 c ore underground c able - 4mm (per mtr) 4 c ore underground c able - 2.5mm (per mtr) 4 c ore underground c able - 1.5mm (per mtr) MCB - single pole c irc uit breakers - c rab tree Copper tapes - 25m x 3 bar (per metre) Trankings (38x25) Trankings (16x16) PVC Energy savers (20w - 24w) Ceiling rose (c omplete) 4 BA sc rews - per 100 pc s pkt Double soc ket (mem) Moulded boxes (double) Moulded boxes (single) Chokes 4 ft Chokes 5 ft Chokes 2 ft Tube starters S2 Tube starters S10 Main c able 16mm Earthrode c opper 4 ft Single Earthing 16mm Single MK Boxes Double MK boxes 20mm PVC Conduits 25mm PVC Conduits Cooker Coils Green Cooker Coils Blac k Cooker Central Unit 6x6 Starters Cooker Connec tor 30A Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 250,000 900,000 180,000 6,000 250,000 20,000 35,000 10,000 2,500 18,000 3,500 4,500 4,000 4,000 12,000 40,000 30,000 18,000 14,000 9,000 7,000 25,000 55,000 7,000 3,500 10,000 5,000 20,000 15,000 2,000 1,000 9,000 15,000 9,000 1,300 1,300 180,000 90,000 9,000 1,000 2,000 2,500 3,500 6,500 6,500 15,000 7,000 2,500 Page 38 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT Continuation Table 11 Cooker Connec tor 20A Cooker Connec tor 15A Tower Clip 1.5mm Tower Clip 2.5mm Water Heater Switc h Torc h Drop Proof Torc h Bulb 4.8v Torc h Camouflage Fridge Shield Plug - Flat Pin Plug - Rubber BV16 Single Solid Wire YG BV10 Single Solid Wire YG RV VB2x16+1 Flexible Flat Wire RV VB2x10+1 Flexible Flat Wire RV VB2x4+1 Flexible Flat Wire RV VB2x6+1 Flexible Flat Wire PVC Glue Osram Merc ury Bulb 250W Osram Merc ury Bulb 400W Change over (ETN) 32A Change over (ETN) 63A Change over (ETN) 100A Tester - Small Tester - Big 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,000 1,500 3,500 5,000 15,000 8,900 1,900 30,000 40,000 4,000 10,000 384,800 260,000 1,034,800 717,600 275,600 442,000 3,700 29,000 29,000 120,000 250,000 400,000 10,000 13,000 TABLE 12: PRICES OF FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES & EQUIPMENT (FF) PRICES OF FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES, TOOLS & EQUIPMENT FF_1 FF_2 FF_3 FF_4 FF_5 FF_6 FF_7 FF_8 FF_9 FF_10 FF_11 FF_12 FF_13 FF_14 FF_A1 FF_A2 FF_A3 FF_A4 FF_A5 FF_A6 Item Foam concentrate Afff 3% - per litre High pressure hose 1'' - 30 metres High pressure hose 3/4'' swing - 30 metres Portable carbondioxide fire extinguishers 2 kg Portable carbondioxide fire extinguishers 5 kg Portable foam fire extinguishers 2 litres Portable foam fire extinguishers 9 litres Portable Powder fire extinguishers 1 kg Portable Powder fire extinguishers 2 kg Portable Powder fire extinguishers 5 kg/6kgs Portable Powder fire extinguishers 50 kg Portable Powder fire extinguishers 9 kg Portable water fire extinguishers 9 litres Stand alone/battery operated smoke detector (FF_A) Refilling Foam 5 litres Foam 6 litres Foam 9 litres Powder 1 kg Powder 5 kg Powder 6 kg Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Q'ty 1 30m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Av price 12,000 720,000 660,000 185,000 265,500 180,000 170,000 50,850 76,272 156,800 2,200,000 175,000 165,000 100,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 40,000 40,000 45,000 14,000 38,000 38,000 Page 39 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT FF_A7 FF_A8 Water 2 litres Water 9 litres 1 1 10,000 12,000 FF_B1 FF_B2 (FF_B) Others Fire suits Fire truck 1 1 20,000,000 FF_B3 Full staff training package - Fire fighting 1,500,000,000 1,500,000 TABLE 13: PRICES OF FOOD STUFFS Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 40 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT PRICES OF FOOD STUFFS Item Matooke Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Cassava - Fresh Passion Fruits Pineapples Bananas - Ndizi Mangoes Bananas - Bogoya Oranges Water melon Papaya Avoc ado Tangarines Cabbages Bbugga Garlic Carrots Tomatoes - big Onions - big Egg plant Bitter tomatoes Green pepper Beans - fresh Pumpkin Dry beans Ground nuts - unpounded Ground nuts - pounded Cow peas - yellow Meat - beef Goat Pork Chic ken - loc al c oc k Chic ken - loc al hen Mukene Dried Nile Perc h Fresh Tilapia Dried Tilapia Ric e Maize flour Millet flour Quantity Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg AV Price 499 760 963 974 5,242 1,052 2,088 2,016 1,461 1,734 1,605 916 1,489 2,346 1,246 2,415 11,634 2,579 3,398 3,494 3,185 3,972 6,414 4,468 809 2,404 4,429 4,769 4,000 9,000 10,954 8,000 11,241 11,122 9,296 12,209 8,770 15,917 44,321 12,661 3,463 TABLE 14: PRICES OF FUEL & LUBES FL_A1 FL_A2 FL_A3 FL_A4 (FL) PRICES OF FUEL & LUBRICANTS Item (FLA) Fuel Shell Diesel Shell Kerosene Shell Petrol - unleaded extra Total Diesel - Regular Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Q'ty Litre Litre Litre Litre Av price 3,300 2,700 3,750 3,300 Page 41 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT FL_A5 FL_A6 Total Kerosene Total Petrol - Regular Litre Litre FL_C1 FL_C2 FL_C3 FL_C4 FL_C5 FL_C6 FL_C7 (FL_B1) Gas Shell gas Shell gas Total gas Total gas Total gas (FL) Lubricants Automatic Transmission Fluid - Shell Donax Brake fluid - Shell Donax De-ionised water for battery Differential oil 140 Engine oil - Helix mono Engine oil - Helix super Grease FL_C8 FL_C9 FL_C10 FL_C11 FL_C12 FL_C13 FL_C14 FL_C15 FL_C16 FL_C17 FL_C18 FL_C19 FL_C20 Hass Gear box oil 140 Hass Gear box oil 90 Hass Gear box oil 90 Hass Petrol engine oil - SAE 40 Hass Petrol engine oil - SAE 40 Motor cycle engine oil - 2T Shell Engine coolant - cool guard Total Automatic Transmission Fluid Total Automatic Transmission Fluid Total Automatic Transmission Fluid Total Automatic Transmission Fluid Total Brake Fluid - Dot 4T Total Diesel Engine Oil - Rubia G6200 FL_B1 FL_B2 FL_B3 FL_B4 FL_B5 FL_C21 FL_C22 FL_C23 Total Diesel Engine Oil - Rubia G6200 Total Diesel Engine Oil - Rubia G6200 Total Diesel Engine Oil - Rubia TIR FL_C24 FL_C25 FL_C26 FL_C27 Total Total Total Total FL_C28 Continuation of Table 12 Item Total Diesel Engine Oil - S FL_C29 FL_C30 FL_C31 FL_C32 Total Total Total Total Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil - - Rubia Rubia Rubia Rubia S S S XT Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug TIR TIR TIR TIR 6 Kgs 13 Kgs 6 Kgs 13 Kgs 45 kg 1 litre 1/2 litre 1 litre 5 litres 1litre 1 litre 500 gms 1 litre 1 litre 5 litres 1 litre 1 litre 1/2 litre 1 litre 5 litres 20 litres 1 litre 1/2 litre 1/4 litre 208 litres 5 litres 1/2 litre 208 litres 20 litres 5 litres 1 litre 1/2 litre Q'ty 208 litres 20 litres 5 litres 1 litre 208 2,700 3,750 50,000 100,000 50,000 120,000 320,000 15,000 6,500 2,000 42,500 14,000 15,000 4,000 10,000 10,000 42,500 6,300 35,000 6,000 15,000 50,900 199,000 11,500 6,000 5,000 1,912,500 48,000 6,000 1,971,000 200,500 56,500 20,000 6,500 Av price 1,697,200 175,500 46,200 10,000 Page 42 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT FL_C33 FL_C34 FL_C35 FL_C36 Total Total Total Total FL_C37 FL_C38 FL_C39 Total Gear Box Oil - 80W90 Total Gear Box Oil - 80W90 Total Gear Box Oil - 85W140 FL_C40 FL_C41 FL_C42 FL_C43 FL_C44 Total Total Total Total Total Gear Box Oil - 85W140 Gear Box Oil - 85W140 Petrol Engine Oil - Quartz 5000 Petrol Engine Oil - Quartz 5000 Petrol Engine Oil - Quartz 5000 FL_C45 FL_C46 FL_C47 FL_C48 FL_C49 FL_C50 FL_C51 FL_C52 FL_C53 FL_C54 FL_C55 FL_C56 FL_C57 FL_C58 FL_C59 Total Total Total Total Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Petrol Engine Oil Petrol Engine Oil Petrol Engine Oil Petrol Engine Oil Rimula X3 Rimula X3 Rimula R4 Rimula R4 Rimula R2 Rimula R2 Helix Monograde Helix Monograde Super Super Ultra litres 20 litres 5 litres 1 litre 208 litres 20 litres 5 litres 208 litres 20 litres 5 litres 4 litres 1 litre 208 litres 4 litres 1 litre 4 litres 1 litre 1 litre 5 litres 1 litre 5 litres 1 litre 5 litres 1 litre 5 litres 1 litre 5 litres 4 litres Diesel Engine Oil - XT Diesel Engine Oil - XT Diesel Engine Oil - XT Gear Box Oil - 80W90 - Quartz Quartz Quartz Quartz 7000 7000 9000 9000 1,816,900 180,500 51,000 11,000 2,025,000 178,000 44,200 1,776,400 182,000 44,000 43,000 11,000 1,720,500 70,000 18,000 81,000 21,000 140,000 55,000 13,000 50,000 15,000 60,000 14,000 42,000 15,000 45,000 85,000 TABLE 15: PRICES OF HOTELS & CONFERENCE FACILITIES No. (HFK) PRICES OF HOTEL & CONFERENCE FACILITIES Item Q'ty Hotel Fairway K'la Serena Africana Hotel Hotel (HFK_A) Accomodation Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 43 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT HFK_A1 Deluxe double bedroom 1 HFK_A2 Junior suite/single bedroom suite per month 1 HFK_A3 Executive Suite 1 HFK_A4 Business Suite 1 390,000 310,000 770,000 293,000 780,000 1,500,000 300,000 Royal/Presidential Suite 2,000,000 7,500,000 (HFK_B) Foods & Beverages HFK_B1 Beer 1 5,000 4,500 5,000 HFK_B2 Break tea per person (inclusive of a bite) 1 7,000 10,000 20,000 HFK_B3 Lunch per person 1 35,000 27,000 50,000 HFK_B4 Mineral water (500ml) 1 3,000 2,000 3,000 HFK_B5 Soda 1 3,000 3,000 3,000 (HFK_C) Cocktails HFK_C1 Cocktail function (per person) 1 60,000 33,000 35,000 HFK_D1 (HFK_D) Conference/meeting hall hire with PA Up to 20 people 1 250,000 150,000 600,000 HFK_D2 20 to 40 people 1 500,000 200,000 600,000 HFK_D3 40 to 60 people 1 500,000 2,500,000 1,000,000 HFK_D4 60 to 100 people 1 700,000 250,000 1,500,000 HFK_D5 100 to 300 people 1 1,000,000 300,000 3,000,000 HFK_D6 Over 300 people 1 6,000,000 350,000 5,000,000 200,000 150,000 350,000 300,000 700,000 Basic Audio visual (white board,Flip chart/stand 30,000 LCD Projector per day P A System hire (HFK_E) Conference meals HFK_E1 Afternoon break tea 1 7,000 10,000 40,000 HFK_E2 Dinner buffet 1 50,000 27,000 80,000 HFK_E3 Full English breakfast per person/buffet 1 12,000 10,000 70,000 HFK_E4 Lunch buffet per person 1 35,000 27,000 70,000 HFK_E5 Mineral water (500ml) 1 3,000 2,000 4,000 HFK_E6 Morning break tea per person 1 8,000 10,000 40,000 HFK_E7 Soda (300ml) 1 3,000 2,000 4,000 HFK_F Conference Package including venue, room set up, morning tea, buffet lunch with soft drink, evening tea, flip chart stand, stationery, lectern/public address system, mineral water, exclusive of VAT 55,000 TABLE 16: PRICES OF INSURANCE SERVICES MINIMUM PREMIUM RATES RECOMMENDED RATE A. MOTOR: Rating based on usage of vehicle. Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 44 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT 1. MOTORCYCLES Excess: Own Damage: 10% of claim, minimum Shs.100,000/= Theft & Total Loss: 15% of claim, minimum Shs.100,000/= 2. MOTOR PRIVATE Saloons, Station Wagons, & Pick Ups (for private use only) 10% 4% Excess: Own Damage: 10% of claim, minimum Shs.100,000/= Theft & Total Loss: 15% of claim, minimum Shs.100,000/= 3. MOTOR COMMERCIAL (For fare paying passengers & goods (own goods & general cartage), goods for sale including raw materials) i) Saloons, Station Wagons, & Pick Ups (for commercial use only) Excess: Own Damage: 10% of claim, minimum Shs.100,000/= Theft & Total Loss: 15% of claim, minimum Shs.100,000/= ii) Lorries, Prime Movers/ Tractor Heads, Trailers & Haulers Excess: Own Damage: 10% of claim, minimum Shs.100,000/= Theft & Total Loss: 15% of claim, minimum Shs.100,000/= iii) Tankers a) Petrol, Gas, Chemical tankers b) all other tankers Excess: Own Damage: 10% of claim, min. Shs.200,000/= Theft & Total Loss: 15% of claim, min.Shs.200,000/= iv) Buses: (Minibuses/ Taxis, coasters & buses) a) PSV. b) PMO/ Corporate & School buses Excess: Own Damage: 10% of claim, min. Shs.200,000/= Theft & Total Loss: 15% of claim, min. Shs.200,000/= v) Special Types such as Ambulances , Hearses, Bullion Vans, Fire Fighting Vehicles, Farm Vehicles, Motor recovery vehicles, etc Excess: Own Damage: 10% of claim, minimum Shs.100,000/= Theft & Total Loss: 15% of claim, minimum Shs.100,000/= vi) Road Registered Mobile plants and construction vehicles i.e. concrete mixers, bull dozers, excavators, road rollers, cranes and others of the like nature Excess: Own Damage: 10% of claim, min. Shs.500,000/= Theft & Total Loss: 15% of claim, min.Shs.500,000 vii) Motor Trade Risks a) Road Risks (Limit of liability per number plate) b) Internal Risks (Limit of Liability) Excess: 10% of claim, min. Shs.250,000/= viii) Driving Schools 5% 6% 7.5% 6% 7.5% 6% 4% 3% 5% 5% Excess: Own Damage: 10% of claim, minimum Shs.100,000/= Theft & Total Loss: 15% of claim, minimum Shs.100,000/= Notes: i) ii) Geographical Limits: Uganda only Geographical Area Extension: East Africa including South Sudan: 20% Loading Outside East Africa: 30% loading Loss of Use extension (Optional): Limit of Cover: Private vehicles: Shs.50,000 to Shs.100,000 per day Commercial Vehicles: Shs.100,000 to Shs.250,000 per day • Period: Maximum 2 Weeks (14 days), excess 3 days. • Premium Rate: 10% on Aggregate limit (e.g. 250,000 * 14 * 10% = 350,000) Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 45 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT iii) Excess of 20%, minimum 50,000/= applicable on windscreen claims and the windscreen cover is subject to automatic reinstatement. iv) The rates above are net of all discounts i.e. Fleet discounts and NCD v) The above rates have a third party extension with the following limits: Bodily injury 5M, aggregate 50M and Property Damage 10M Additional limits are chargeable at 0.5% on bodily injury, Property damage & aggregate. vi) For rate reduction due to higher deductible, the matter should be referred to Rating Committee. vii) Limited Coverage: a. Third Party, Fire & Theft: 30% Discount on the rate b. Full Third Party: Third Party Statutory Premium, plus 0.5% of the Third Party Limits above statutory limits. viii) Discounts for anti theft Car gargets (with certificates of installation) a) Car Alarms: 5% b) Tracking System: 15% B. ACCIDENT 1. ALL RISKS a) With Power surge 1% b) Without Power surge c) Portable items like Cell phones, Laptops, Cameras, Projectors and items of similar nature Excess: 10% of claim, min. Shs.200,000/= 2. BURGLARY • Total Value • Without First Loss • First Loss Excess: 10% of claim, min. Shs.200,000/= 0.75% 3% 0.1% 0.5% 1% 3. MONEY INSURANCE i) In Transit: • General transit: 1% • Accompanied by a bullion van: 0.4% ii) In premises/ site after working hours 1% iii) In premises/ site during working hours: 1% iv) Value of Safe: 0.5% v) In hands of authorized officials (Aggregate) 2% vi) Annual carryings: • Up to Shs.10B: 0.05% • 10B< ≥15B: 0.045% • 15B< ≥20B: 0.04% • 20B< ≥30B: 0.035% • 30B< ≥50B: 0.03% • Above Shs.50B: 0.02% Note: Because of the improved security and large sums, banks are to be treated as a special category. A discount of up to 75% may be allowed on all categories except on the rates forthe Annual carryings Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 46 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT Excess: 10% of claim with a min. of shs.200,000/=; 20% of claim for cash in hands of authorised officials. 4. FIDELITY GUARANTEE i) Financial Services (Banks, Forex Bureaux, Microfinances, SACCOs): ii) Distribution Channels & Sales/ Purchasing Staff: 4% iii) Others (Such as offices not exposed to huge sums of money): 4% iv) Security Firms 2.5% Notes: 5% i) For blanket covers, a per capita premium of shs.50,000/= is added to the premium charged on the aggregate limit. ii) Every effort should be made to encourage issuance of covers on named or position basis. iii) Minimum Premium: Shs.100,000/ Excess: 20% of claim, min. Shs.1,000,000/= 5. ELECTRONICEQUIPMENT: On the premise Material Damage & all extensions 1% Portable items like Cell phones, Laptops, Cameras, Projectors and items of similar nature. 3% Excess: 20% of claim, min. Shs.100,000/- for portable items and 10% of claim, min. 100,000/- for others. 6. PLATE GLASS, NEON SIGNS, COUNTER GLASSES Excess: 10% of Claim, min.100,000/= 7. PUBLIC LIABILITY i) Manufacturing ii) Non-manufacturing iii) Construction (stand alone) 8. PRODUCT LIABILITY i) Based on Annual Aggregate Limit of Liability ii) Based on Estimated Annual Turnover Deductible: 10% of claim, minimum Shs.500,000/= Note: Limits of liability above 5B to be referred to reinsurers and the rate advised to IRA for approval. 9. PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY i) Doctors ii) Architects & Surveyors iii) Others 2% 0.4% 0.3% 1% 1.25% 0.1% 3% 2% 1.5% Note: (i) Rate based on limits of liability. (ii) Liabilities in excess of Shs.5B to be referred to reinsurers and the rate advised to IRA for approval (iii) Minimum Premium: Shs.250,000/= Excess: 10% of claim, min. Shs.500,000/= 10.WORKERS COMPENSATION – ( Based On Five Years Earnings) i) Cover limited to accidents occurring during and in the course of employment including direct transits to & from work. If cover is to be extended outside working hours and or combined with GPA , a 20% premium loading to be charged. Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 47 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT Medical, Artificial appliances and funeral expenses limited to Shs.1M each. Additional limits charged, a load of 20% applied for any extra 1M extension. a) Class 1: Office & Administration b) Class 2: Manufacturing class 1 – non hazardous occupation like Pharmaceuticals, Textile, Printing&Paper manufacturing c) Class 3: Manufacturing Class 2 – hazardous occupation like Fish processing, Steel, Carpentry and furniture, Cement, Bottling Plants d) Class 4: Turn boys construction & Drivers, Security Guards and 0.275% 0.4% 0.5% 0.65% 11.EMPLOYERS LIABILITY a) Based Aggregate Liability b) Based on Estimated Annual Earnings 1% 1.5% 12.PERSONAL ACCIDENT AND GROUP PERSONAL ACCIDENT Note: Medical, Artificial appliances and funeral expenses limited to Shs.1M each. Additional limits charged, a load of 20% applied for any extra 1M extension. a) Based on Agreed Amount (CSI) i) Class 1: Office & Administration ii) Class 2: Manufacturing class 1 – non hazardous occupation iii) Class 3: Manufacturing Class 2 – hazardous occupation iv) Class 4:Construction & Drivers, Security Guards and Turn boys b) 0.35% 0.5% 0.75% 1% Based on Five Years Earnings i) Class 1: Office & Admin 0.3% ii) Class 2: Manufacturing class 1 – non hazardous occupation 0.45% iii) Class 3: Manufacturing Class 2 – hazardous occupation iv) Class 4: construction & Drivers, Security Guards and Turn boys 0.55% 0.75% C. FIRE I. FIRE AND ALLIED PERILS (MATERIAL DAMAGE) 1) Aerated Water Factories & Mineral Water 2) 3) Agricultural Show Grounds Airports, Airfields & Hangers 4) Aluminium Pressing Works 5) 6) 7) Auction Sale Rooms Automobile Show Rooms Bacon Factories Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 0.3% 0.25% 0.225% 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% Page 48 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT 8) 9) Bakeries & Biscuits Manufacture Banks 10) 11) 12) 13) Bars and Gaming Rooms Blacksmiths Boarding Houses Boat Houses 0.3% 0.125% 0.3% 0.4% 0.25% 0.175% 0.3% 14) Boot & Shoe Factories 15) Brick & Tile Works 16) Broadcasting Stations & Telecommunication Houses 17) Buildings in course of construction 0.2% % % 18) Butter and Cheese factories, Creameries and Diaries 0.2% 19) Cafes & Restaurants 20) Candle Manufacturing 0.4% 0.25% 21) Car bonds/ Warehouses 0.3% 22) Ceramic & Pottery Works 23) Chemical Insecticides and Sprays 24) Chemical manufacturing & Storage 0.3% 25) Churches, Chapels, Mosques & Temples 26) Cigarette Factories 27) Cinemas and Theatres 0.4% 0.25% 0.3% 28) Clothing Factories 0.3% 29) Clubs (Discotheques) 30) Coal and/ or Compost and Manure in the Open 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) Coffee Mills or Factories Cold Storage & Ice Factories Collieries Concrete Block Works (Wet Process) Confectioneries (Manufacturing) Cosmetic Factories 0.225% % 0.4% % 0.225% 0.3% 37) Cotton Factories 38) Distilleries (Chemical) 39) Dry Cleaners 40) Dwellings & Domestic Outbuildings 41) Electric Light & Power Stations 42) Engineering Workshops 43) Fish & Meat Processing 44) Flax Factories 45) Flour &Mealie Mills Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 0.2% 0.125% 0.2% 0.25% 0.25% 0.5% 0.225% Page 49 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT 0.225% 46) Fruit Juice Factories 0.25% 47) Garages 0.3% 48) Ghee Refineries 0.3% 49) Glass Factories 0.3% 50) Gold Smiths 51) Goods in Government Warehouses Bonded Warehouses & Other 52) Goods in the Open, Not otherwise Provided For 53) Grass/ papyrus/ makuti/ banana fibre thatched buildings 54) Green houses 55) Hospitals 56) Hotels 57) Jaggery Industries 58) Jam & Canning Factories 59) Knitting Works 60) Joinery 61) Laundries 62) Masonic and/ or Other Fraternal Meeting Halls 63) Match Manufacturing 64) Mining Risks 65) Multi Occupancy Buildings 66) Nail, Screw, Needle, Pin, Barbed Wire & Wire Mesh Makers 67) Offices 68) Oil Storage (Depots) 69) Oil & Fat Factories 70) Power Houses 71) Paint & Vanish Factories 72) Paper Industries 73) Petrol Filling Stations 74) Pharmaceutical : Tablet, Pill, Capsule Making and Bottle Filling 75) Plastic Industries 76) Poultry Houses 77) Printing Works/ Carton Factories 78) Pyrethrum Drying Sheds 79) Quarries Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 0.3% 0.6% Refer to Reinsurers 0.125% 0.125% 0.3% 0.225% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1% 0.4% 0.225% Rate each risk separately. Where it is not possible, use the rate of the dominant risk. 0.2% 0.125% 0.4% 0.25% 0.225% 0.4% 0.3% 0.225% 0.225% 0.4% 0.2% 0.225% 0.5% 0.2% Page 50 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT 0.225% 80) Razor Blade Makers 0.225% 81) Rice Mills 82) Rubber Goods Factories, Tyre Factories & Tyre Retreading Works 83) Schools 0.3% 0.15% (Day) 84) Schools & Colleges (Boarding) & Hostels 85) Shops & Super Markets 86) Silent/ Dormant Risks 0.25% 0.225% 0.15% 0.4% 87) Sisal Factories 0.25% 88) Soap Factories 0.3% 89) Spray Painting 0.25% 90) Stables 91) Steel Tubes, Steel Bed & Steel Furniture Makers 92) Steel Rolling Mills, Steel Bar, Strip & Girder Makers 93) Sugar Mills & Refinery 0.2% 0.2% 0.25% 0.25% 94) Tanneries 95) Tea Factories & Withering Houses 96) Timber Stores & Sheds Strong 0.25% 0.3% 0.4% 97) Tobacco Factories 98) Unoccupied Buildings 0.15% 0.225% 99) Vinegar Factories 100) Wattle Extract Factories 101) Wattle (Dry) Back Factories 102) Wine Bottling Premises 103) Woodworkers, Carpenters, Saw Mills, Joiners, Cabinet Makers & Upholsterers 0.4% 0.4% 0.225% 0.3% Notes: i) Minimum Premium: Shs.100,000/= ii) Minimum Excesses: • Earthquake: 2.5% of Sum Insured. • Other Perils: 5% of Claim, minimum Shs.100,000/ iii) Special discount to be allowed in respect of the following minimum excesses: • 10M: 5% Discount • 25M: 10% Discount • 50M: 15% Discount • 75M: 17.5% Discount • 100M: 20% Discount iv) Industrial All Risks: IAR policies can be issued for large risks on condition of the following Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 51 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT • • • v) Premium to be loaded by at least 20% of the applicable fire rate. For Burglary Extension, minimum rate of 1% on First Loss Sum Insured. Deductible: 5% of claim, minimum Shs.10,000,000/= Long Term Agreements: Special Discounts to be allowed in respect of LTAs • 3 Years: 7.5% Discount • 5 Years: 10% Discount The discounts are applicable for risks above Shs.10B vi) Risk surveys: All risks above Shs.2.5B must be surveyed at least once in 3 years. vii) Risks above Shs.20B should be referred to the Reinsurers for confirmation of rates. The rates should then be forwarded to Insurance Regulatory Authority for approval. II. FIRE (LOSS OF PROFITS) %age of Fire Rate Indemnity Period i) Up to 3 Months 50% ii) 3< ≥6 Months 75% iii) 6< ≥9 Months 90% iv) 9< ≥12 Months 100% v) 12< ≥15 Months 95% vi) 15< ≥18 Months 90% vii) 18< ≥24 Months viii) 24< ≥30 Months 80% 75% ix) 30< ≥36 Months 65% Notes i) The rates are applied on the gross profit of the full indemnity period, and not the annual gross profit. ii) Minimum Premium: Shs.100,000/ iii) Minimum Excess: 14 days III. HOUSE OWNERS/ HOUSEHOLDERS i) ii) iii) iv) Buildings Contents All Risks Portable items like cameras, laptops, cell phones and items of like nature v) Domestic Workers vi) Liability Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 0.125% 0.75% 1.5% 3% 0.25% 0.2% Page 52 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT D. I. ENGINEERING MACHINERY INSURANCE (MATERIAL DAMAGE) 1) Agriculture Industry i) Combine Harvester ii) Crawler Type/ Vehicle with caterpillar truck iii) Fodder Drying/ Straw baling 2% 3% 2) Leather Industry 0.8% 3) Paper/ Cardboard industry 0.8% 4) Storage Facility (Cold Storage, Chillers, Deep Freezer) 5) Wood Working Industry 6) Residence, Office, Hospital Machinery 7) Cinema/ Film Projectors 8) Food & Fodder Industry 9) Metal Producing Industry 10) Electrical Heated, Smelting, Furnace & Others 11) Scrap Shearer (Hammer, Shredder, Crasher Plant/ Steel Furnace) 12) Metal Working Industry i) Riveting & Welding Machine ii) Cutting & Facing Machine Tools iii) Forging Equipment (Hot Work) iv) Forging Equipment (Cold Work) v) Rolling Mill (Hot & Cold) vi) Heat Treatment/ Wire Drawing/ Equipment/ Sheet & Metal Working Equipment 13) Chemical Industry i) Injection/ Blow Moulding Extruders, Platter Presses, Vulcanising Presses, Mixture Rolling Mills, Pelletizing Machines, Cocking Plant ii) Other Machines & Equipment 14) Graphic Industry 15) Mining Industry a) Surface b) Underground (Refer Special Rating Committee with list of Machines) 16) Transport & Traffic System 17) Conveyors, Cranes, Winches, Hoist, Filling Equipment, etc (For CPM) 18) Others Note i) 0.8% 0.7% 1.25% 0.6% 1.25% 0.6% 1% 1% 2% 1% 0.8% 0.4% 0.5% 2% 0.8% 1% 0.5% Machinery not more than 5 years should be insured for replacement value, otherwise apply appropriate depreciation. (Ask for list of Machinery indicating their ages and service Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 53 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT history). ii) For machinery that is past its life time (obsolete), it should be covered on agreed value basis, iii) The cover does not include fire risks. Fire risks should be insured under Industrial All Risks policy. iv) Excess: 10% of Claim, minimum Shs.2,500,000/= II. MACHINERY INSURANCE (LOSS OF PROFITS) Excess: 2. 14 days 0.75% BOILER & PRESSURE VESSELS i) Material Damage ii) Third Party Liability 0.5% 0.5% Excess: 10% of Claim, minimum Shs.2,500,000/= 4. ERECTION ALL RISKS (MATERIAL DAMAGE) Up to 12 Months Any Extra Period Per Year Third Party Liability Excess: 10% of Claim, minimum Shs.2,500,000/= 5. 0.4% load by 25% 0.4% CONTRACTORS ALL RISKS i) Building ii) Roads iii) Dams/ Pipelines iv) Others Third Party Liability 0.25% 0.3% 0.4% 0.25% Same as MD Rate Excess: 10% of Claim, minimum Shs.5,000,000/= 6. CONTRACTORS PLANT & MACHINERY Excess: 10% of Claim, minimum Shs.2,500,000/= Notes: i) Cover should be annual and renewable ii) Registered vehicles should be covered under motor at the appropriate motor rate. 0.4% NOTE: For All Engineering Risks: i) Minimum Premium: Shs.200,000/= ii) Minimum Excess for AOG Claims: 10% of claim, minimum shs.10,000,000/= iii) Sum Insured in excess of Shs50 Billion: Refer to Reinsurers and the rate be forwarded to IRA for approval E. MARINE CARGO Nature of Goods: Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Single Annual Page 54 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT 1) Alcoholic Spirits, Beers, Sodas, milk, Mineral water, sugar, salt, flour and items of the like nature 1% 0.5% 2) Artefacts 1% 0.65% 3) Bulk Cargo (Grain) 0.4% 4) Bulk Cargo (Edible Oils, & Petroleum Products) 0.5% 5) Cement 0.5% 0.3% 6) Chemicals, Paints, Plastic Granules in Drums, Bags, Cans, etc 0.6% 0.3% 7) Clothing 0.4% 0.3% 8) Coffee 1% 0.5% 9) Electronics (Computers, TVs, Fridges, etc) 0.75% 0.5% 10) Farm Produce (Cotton, Tobacco, Tea, vanilla, etc) 0.75% 0.3% 11) Fish Maws 2% N/A 1% 0.4% 0.5% 0.3% 14) General Merchandise & Groceries 0.6% 0.4% 15) Glass, Sanitary ware, Tiles, Solar Panels, Crockery, and items of like nature 16) Hides & skins 3% 2% 0.5% 0.5% 1% 1% 1.5% 0.5% 1% 0.75% 19) Livestock (Only if the an accident to the Conveying Vehicle/ Vessel 20) Machinery 1% 0.5% 0.5% 0.25% 21) Metals, Steels, Bars & Scrap 0.25% 0.15% 22) Minerals 1% 0.5% 23) Paper Rolls, Newsprint, Books, Paper Board, Stationery, and etc 24) Pharmaceuticals 0.5% 0.3% 0.5% 0.4% 25) Plastic Products 0.5% 0.25% 26) Timber, Logs & Poles 0.4% 0.2% 27) Vehicles 2% 1% 12) Frozen Foods, Flowers, etc 13) Furniture 17) Household Items, Personal Effects & Owned Office Items a) Movers b) Others 18) Liquid Cargo like Petroleum Products, Chemicals, Spirits etc 28) Unique cargo like Jewellery, Precious stones Diamonds, etc), Currency, coins, brittle items. (Gold, At the discretion of the underwriter. Notes: i) Rates apply to containerised cargo. Non-containerised cargo will attract a 20% premium loading Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 55 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT ii) Air cargo will be subject to a 25% discount iii) Goods in Transit (Inland Transit only) will attract a 30% discount for transits within Uganda and 20% for transits extending beyond geographical limits of Uganda. iv) Annual carry rate will apply only when: v) a) There is a minimum of 12 declarations and the policy is subject to at least monthly declarations, and b) The Annual carry is at least Shs.1,000,000,000 Minimum Premium: vi) Minimum Excess: Shs.100,000/ 10% of Claim, minimum of Shs.250,000/= vii) Underwriters are advised to always check on the Lloyds Report on held covered locations for war rates. viii) Ugandan Cargo at Mombasa Port should be inspected by licenced Kenyan Firms with the necessary expertise. ix) Rates based on ICC(A. A 30% and 40% discount is allowed in respect of ICC (B) and ICC (C) respectively F. BONDS: 1. Advance Payment Bond 2.5% 2. Bid Bonds: 1% 3. Customs Bonds (warehousing): i) Up to Shs.5Billion: 0.5% ii) Above Shs.5B: 0.3% 4. Investment Bonds: 2% 5. Performance Bonds: 2% 6. Transit Bonds: 2% 7. Retention Bonds 2.5% Notes: iii) iv) • • Min. Premium: Shs.100,000/= Underwriters Should: Check the financials of the firm. At least 3 years audited accounts should be checked. Check the Articles and Memorandum of Association to ensure that the people signing are duly authorised. Ensure that adequate collateral is taken. Ensure thata bond is retired at the end of the period. • • General Note: For all classes of insurance, unless specifically mentioned: i) The Minimum Premium will be Shs.100,000 ii) The Minimum Excess will be 10% of Claim, minimum Shs.100,000/= Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 56 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT TABLE 17: PRICES OF MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIRS & SERVICING MVR_1 MVR_2 MVR_3 MVR_4 MVR_5 MVR_6 MVR_7 MVR_8 MVR_9 MVR_10 MVR_11 MVR_12 MVR_13 MVR_14 MVR_15 MVR_16 MVR_17 MVR_18 MVR_19 MVR_20 MVR_21 MVR_22 MVR_23 MVR_24 MVR_25 MVR_26 MVR_27 MVR_28 MVR_29 MVR_30 MVR_31 (MVR) PRICES OF MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIRS & SERVICING Item Q'ty Av price Nissan Hard body Cross member holder bolts 1 10,000 Cross member holder mounting 1 120,000 Exhaust cramp 1 4,000 Exhaust pipe mountings 1 30,000 Front upper wish bone plates Set 240,000 Head lamp assy 1 850,000 Labour per hour 1 35,000 Propeller centre bearing 1 400,000 Propeller cross bearing 1 150,000 Stablizer bar bushes 1 40,000 Toyota 50 Point Service Hilux LN166 (1998 - 2004) 1 218,600 Hilux IMV (2006) 1 222,900 Hilux IMV (2006 - to date) 1 222,900 Hilux Fortuner (2006 - to date) 1 224,100 Fortuner (2005 - to date) 1 214,900 Hilux KUN 15,25, 26 (Diesel) 1 213,700 Prado 1998 1 218,600 Prado (2002 - 2004) 1 250,300 Prado 5MT (2002 - 2004) 1 245,300 Prado New Generation (2009 - to date) 1 241,200 Land cruiser 200 Petrol Manual 1 244,300 Land cruiser 200 Diesel Manual 1 301,400 Land cruiser 200 Series (STD) 2011 1 274,300 Land cruiser HZJ105 1 292,300 Land cruiser HDJ100 (2000-2003) 1 327,000 Land cruiser 78/79/76 (2000 - to date 1 313,500 RAV4 SXA11 1 173,900 RAV4 ACA21 1 173,900 RAV4 ACA30 1 169,700 Toyota Service 40,000 Kms Corolla 1300cc EE110R 150,900 Corolla 1600cc AE100R 150,900 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 57 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT MVR_32 MVR_33 MVR_34 MVR_35 MVR_36 MVR_37 MVR_38 MVR_39 MVR_40 MVR_41 MVR_42 MVR_43 MVR_44 MVR_45 MVR_46 MVR_47 MVR_48 MVR_49 MVR_50 MVR_51 MVR_52 MVR_53 MVR_54 MVR_55 MVR_56 MVR_57 MVR_58 MVR_59 MVR_60 MVR_61 MVR_62 MVR_63 MVR_64 MVR_65 MVR_66 MVR_67 MVR_68 MVR_69 MVR_70 MVR_71 MVR_72 MVR_73 MVR_74 MVR_75 MVR_76 MVR_77 MVR_78 MVR_79 MVR_80 MVR_81 Corolla 1300cc NZE120R Corolla 1400cc ZZE150R Corolla 1800cc ZZE122R Corolla 1.8 6MT ZRE152 Corolla 1.8 Automatic ZRE152 Corolla 1.33 Manual NRE150R Corolla 1.6 Manual ZRE151R Avensis 5AT AZT250R Camry Auto ACV40R Camry Manual 2.0 ACV40R Camry Auto ASV50R Yaris NCP92R Yaris NCP90R RAV4 SXA11 Continuation of table 17 RAV4 ACA21 RAV4 ACA30 Hilux LN 166 Hilux LN 166 with LSD Hilux IMV Hilux Fortuner Hilux KUN Prado LJ95 Prado KZJ Prado LJ120 Prado TRJ120 Prado New Generation Land cruiser 200 GRJ Land cruiser HZJ Land cruiser HDJ100 Land cruiser 78/79 Land cruiser 200 VDJ Hiace Toyota Hilux Air cleaner Clutch plate Clutch pressure plate Heater plugs Lower ball joints Oil filter Pilot bearing Radiator cap Release bearing Tie rod ends Upper ball joints Toyota Landcruiser Prado Air cleaner Brake shoes Break bulb Com bushes Cross bearing Diesel filter Disc skimming Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 163,700 154,100 163,700 151,100 151,100 149,300 166,900 172,100 162,100 162,100 202,300 153,600 153,600 173,900 1 173,900 169,700 650,000 680,000 560,000 550,000 213,700 732,900 670,000 630,200 708,000 700,000 720,000 810,000 854,200 835,900 650,000 530,000 1 1 1 set 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 120,000 550,000 600,000 580,000 640,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 170,000 680,000 620,000 1 set 1 set 1 1 1 120,000 260,000 3,000 60,000 150,000 60,000 40,000 1 1 1 1 1 Page 58 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT MVR_82 MVR_83 MVR_84 MVR_85 MVR_86 MVR_87 MVR_88 MVR_89 MVR_90 MVR_91 MVR_92 MVR_93 MVR_94 MVR_116 MVR_117 MVR_118 MVR_119 MVR_120 MVR_121 MVR_122 MVR_123 Front brake pads Front radius arm bushes Master cylinder kit Mud flap Oil filter Panyard bushes Rear radius arm bushes Rear shock absorbers Reverse switch Spring bushes Stablizer bar 'O' bushes Stablizer bar 'U' bushes Steering box repair kit Continuation of table 17 Item Steering column repair Steering dumper Tail lamp Tie rod ends Wheel cylinder Brake return spring Clutch plate Clutch Release Bearing Hand brake adjuster stopper Hand brake hanger Hand brake linings Pressure plate Radius arm assy Spring hanger Clutch pressure Clutch plate Clutch release bearing Front brake pads Brak3 linings Front hub bearings Service A (Engine oil, oil filter, air cleaner, brake fluid top up and spraying and spraying) Reverse light bulb Rear brake/parking light Indicator bulb Front parking light Engine drive belts Side mirror Starter relay Wind shield MVR_124 MVR_125 MVR_126 MVR_127 MVR_128 MVR_129 Nissan Pathfinder Clutch plate Clutch pressure Clutch release bearing Diesel filter - primary Diesel filter - secondary Oil filter MVR_95 MVR_96 MVR_97 MVR_98 MVR_99 MVR_100 MVR_101 MVR_102 MVR_103 MVR_104 MVR_105 MVR_106 MVR_107 MVR_108 MVR_109 MVR_110 MVR_111 MVR_112 MVR_113 MVR_114 MVR_115 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug set set 1 1 1 set set pair 1 set set set 1 250,000 360,000 160,000 150,000 50,000 240,000 360,000 480,000 90,000 60,000 48,000 80,000 240,000 Q'ty 1 1 1 pair pair 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Set Set Set Av price 160,000 480,000 350,000 600,000 400,000 36,000 600,000 220,000 96,000 160,000 180,000 650,000 480,000 260,000 480,000 400,000 180,000 240,000 240,000 600,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 205,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 65,000 350,000 125,000 500,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 500,000 550,000 260,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Page 59 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT MVR_130 Rear brake pads 1 250,000 Q'ty MVR_131 MVR_132 MVR_133 MVR_134 MVR_135 MVR_136 Item Mitsubishi Pajero AC Gas refilling Diesel filter Expansion valve Fuel Filter Heater plugs Oil filter 1 1 1 1 set 1 160,000 80,000 280,000 88,000 140,000 80,000 MVR_137 MVR_138 MVR_139 MVR_140 MVR_141 MVR_142 MVR_143 MVR_144 MVR_145 MVR_146 MVR_147 MVR_148 MVR_149 MVR_150 MVR_151 MVR_152 MVR_153 MVR_154 MVR_155 MVR_156 Continuation of table 17 Temperature sensor Tie rod ends Air cleaner Battery (NX 120-7) Daewoo Clutch master cylinder kit Clutch sleave cylinder kit Door dust rubbers Exhaust silencer (middle part) Floor carpets Floor stopper rubbers Front brake pads Front suspension bushes Front wheel hubs Gear box insulator Hub seals Ignition switch covers Rear brake pads Rear brake shoes Refilling AC Self starter brushes 1 set 1 1 1 1 set 1 set set set set set 1 set set set set 1 set 97,500 620,000 120,000 360,000 135,000 80,000 96,000 520,000 100,000 120,000 260,000 220,000 500,000 150,000 240,000 90,000 260,000 250,000 150,000 60,000 MVR_157 MVR_158 MVR_159 MVR_160 MVR_161 MVR_162 Chevrolet - Saloon Driving shafts Front shock absorbers Hand brake lining Rear break lining Rear shock absorbers Refilling air conditioner pair pair 1 1 pair 1 200,000 580,000 180,000 250,000 580,000 125,000 MVR-163 MVR-164 MVR-165 MVR-166 MVR-167 MVR-168 Ford Ranger Engine Oil Air Cleaner Diesel Filter Greasing & Spraying Oil filter Rear light Assy 8l 1 1 1 1 1 Av price 104,000 95,000 65,000 15,000 60,000 64,000 TABLE 18: PRICES OF MOTORVEHICLE TIRES & BATTERIES (MVT) PRICES OF VEHICLE TYRES & BATTERIES Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 60 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT MVT_1 MVT_2 MVT_3 MVT_4 MVT_5 MVT_6 MVT_7 MVT_8 MVT_9 MVT_10 MVT_11 MVT_12 MVT_13 MVT_14 MVT_15 MVT_16 MVT_17 MVT_18 MVT_19 MVT_20 MVT_21 MVT_22 MVT_23 MVT_24 MVT_25 MVT_26 MVT_27 MVT_28 MVT_29 MVT_30 MVT_31 MVT_32 MVT_33 MVT_34 MVT_35 MVT_36 MVT_37 MVT_38 MVT_39 MVT_40 MVT_41 MVT_42 MVT_43 MVT_44 MVT_45 MVT_46 MVT_47 Item Tyres Hankook 185/70/14 195/80/15 205/70/15 205/80/16 225/75/16 235/75/15 265/70/16 275/70/16 BF Goodrich 225/75/16 185/70/14 265/70/16 275/70/16 205/70/15 235/75/15 205/80/16 195/80/15 235/75/16 235/70/16 31 x 10.5 R15 Michelin 225/75/16 185/70/14 265/70/16 275/70/16 205/70/15 235/75/15 205/80/16 195/80/15 235/75/16 235/70/16 31 x 10.5 R15 GT Radial (185/70/14) GT Radial (205/70/15) GT Radial (265/70/16) GT Radial (275/70/16) Kumho 195/80/15 225/75/16 235/70/16 275/70/16 185/70/14 205/70/15 265/70/16 235/75/15 205/80/16 31 x 10.5 R15 Continuation of table 18 Ling Long (195/70/15) Liwanga (205/80/16) Michelin (185/70/14) Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Quantity Average price 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 210,000 340,000 310,000 420,000 470,000 430,000 560,000 570,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 680,000 350,000 850,000 900,000 370,000 480,000 450,000 350,000 680,000 500,000 700,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 720,000 380,000 880,000 950,000 400,000 500,000 480,000 400,000 720,000 550,000 750,000 390,000 490,000 430,000 850,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 350,000 600,000 480,000 870,000 320,000 350,000 850,000 500,000 430,000 660,000 1 1 1 220,000 240,000 690,000 Page 61 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT MVT_48 MVT_49 MVT_50 MVT_51 MVT_52 MVT_53 MVT_54 MVT_55 MVT_56 MVT_57 MVT_58 MVT_59 MVT_60 MVT_61 MVT_62 MVT_63 MVT_64 MVT_65 MVT_66 MVT_67 MVT_68 MVT_69 MVT_70 MVT_71 MVT_72 MVT_73 MVT_74 MVT_75 MVT_76 MVT_77 MVT_78 MVT_79 MVT_80 MVT_81 MVT_82 MVT_83 MVT_84 MVT_85 MVT_86 MVT_87 MVT_88 MVT_89 MVT_90 MVT_91 MVT_92 MVT_93 MVT_94 MRF (195/70/15) Nankang (215/80/15) Nankang (205/70/15) Nankang (235/75/15) Nankang (275/70/16) Pirelli (275/70/16) Pirelli (185/70/14) Pirelli (265/70/16) Pirelli (235/70/16) Pirelli (205/80/16) Pirelli (195/80/15) Pirelli (225/75/16) Pirelli (235/75/15) Pirelli (205/70/15) Pirelli (195/70/15) Wheel Alignment (per car) Yokohama (265/70/16) Firestone 275/70/16 185/70/14 205/70/15 265/70/16 235/75/15 205/80/16 195/80/16 225/75/16 235/70/16 31 x 10.5 R15 Batteries N 50 N 40 N 70 Z N 100 N 120 N 150 N 200 NS 60 N 50 Z NS 70 NS 40 N 70 N 60 N 90 N 100 PP N 120 PP N 150 N 200 EB130 - Deep cycle EB200 - Deep cycle 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 240,000 500,000 300,000 520,000 590,000 950,000 320,000 850,000 500,000 450,000 340,000 630,000 580,000 380,000 240,000 25,000 720,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 900,000 300,000 320,000 780,000 530,000 410,000 320,000 600,000 450,000 620,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 153,000 115,000 231,000 295,000 370,000 440,000 500,000 145,000 179,000 175,000 111,000 200,000 145,000 380,000 390,000 470,000 439,000 499,000 366,000 533,000 TABLE 19: PRICES OF BRAND NEW MOTOR VEHICLES (MV) PRICES OF BRAND NEW MOTOR VEHICLES Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 62 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT Item Q'ty Av price (USD) MV_1 MV_2 MV_3 MV_4 MV_5 MV_6 MV_7 Mitsubishi vehicles Pajero GL 2.5l Pajero GLS 3.2l Pajero GLX 2.8l Pajero Sport 2.5l Pick up L200 GL 2.8l Diesel - Thailand Pick up L200 GLS Basic 2.5l Pick up L200 GLS Spotero high spec 3.2 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 84,000 11,200 90,300 69,000 44,500 59,000 77,000 MV_8 MV_9 MV_10 MV_11 MV_12 MV_13 MV_14 Tata vehicles Pick ups Ace 1/2 ton Single cab 207 DI (4x2) Super ace 1 ton Tata Xenon 2.2l 4x4 Double cabin Tata Xenon 2.2l 4x4 Single cabin Tata Xenon 3.0l 4x4 Double cabin Tata Xenon 4x4 Single cabin - Airbag 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16,600 19,500 14,900 27,500 25,500 28,500 31,500 MV_15 MV_16 MV_17 MV_18 MV_19 MV_20 MV_21 MV_22 MV_23 MV_24 MV_25 MV_26 MV_27 MV_28 MV_29 Light trucks LPT 1116 HLSB LP 709 Bus 32 Seater LP 909 Bus 40 Seater LP 1512 Bus 51 Seater LP 1316 Bus 60 Seater LP 1318 Bus 61 Seater LPK909 3.5CUM TIPPER LPK 813 3.5CUM TIPPER LPK407 2.85CUM TIPPER LPT 709 LPT 713/38 DSLB LPT 713 DSLB 4x2 LPTA 713 4x4 Truck SCF 407 4x4 Truck SCF 407 DSLB Twin tyre 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 36,000 40,200 49,200 67,000 85,500 87,500 30,200 32,500 25,500 27,400 29,700 29,700 45,500 30,400 22,800 MV_30 MV_31 MV_32 MV_33 MV_34 MV_35 MV_36 MV_37 MV_38 MV_39 Heavy Trucks Cesspool emptier ON SE 1613 LPTA 713 4X4 Cab Chassis SE 1613 HSLB LPT 1518 CHASSIS CAB LPT 1518 TRUCK DSLB LPT 1518 HSLB Truck LPK 1518 8CUM Tipper LPK 1615 8.5CUM Tipper LPT 2523 Chassis Cab LPK 2523 Tipper 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50,500 43,600 42,000 46,000 50,500 52,000 52,700 48,000 65,300 78,100 TABLE 20: PRICES OF OFFICE FURNITURE (OF)PRICES OF OFFICE FURNITURE Item Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Q'ty Av Price Page 63 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT OF_1 OF_2 OF_3 OF_4 OF_5 OF_6 OF_7 OF_8 OF_9 OF_10 OF_11 Executive desk set with main desk 200x90x76cm with side return desk 176x43x76cm & 3 mobile drawers 45x60x60cm plus book shelf 90x45x200 with meeting provision leather writing pad, rich coffee brown finish 1 5,000,000 Executive high back chair, swivel, 5 star castor steel base, pneumatic gas lift, leather upholstered seat and back rest Size 710x670x1150 - 1215mm 1 1,200,000 Executive visitor chairs, cantilever stainless steel frame. Genuine leather upholstered front with PU upholstered back Size 610x680x950mm 1 700,000 Executive desk set with main desk 140x76x75cm with connection top 90x76x36 plus computer table 120x76x75cm and book shelf 80x42x192cm 1 2,300,000 Executive high back chair swivel, 5star castor wooden base pneumatic gas lift, leather upholstered seat and back rest Size: 710x670x1150 - 1315mm 1 900,000 Executive visitor chairs, wooden legs, genuine leather upholstered front with PU upholstered back Size: 620x680x950mm 1 600,000 Executive desk with main desk 160x76x75cm and hanging drawers + side return 120x45x69cm + book shelf 80x42x192cm - Rich mahogany finish 1 1,800,000 Executive high back chair, pneumatic gas lift,tilt mechanism, height adjustable, 5star castor chrome base, PU upholsted seat, back and arm rests. Size: 710x670x1150 - 1215mm 1 600,000 Executive visitor chairs, cantilever steel frame, PU upholstered seat, seat and arm rests Size: 610x680x950mm 1 400,000 1 850,000 Compact L-shaped desk with full height drawers and partitions, and cable points in rich mahogany finish Size: 140x140x75 Continuation of table 20 Item Book shelves with glass shutters and lockable wooden compartment. Size: 80x42x192 Q'ty Av Price 1 700,000 High back chairs, pneumatic gas lift, tilt mechanism, 5star nylon base 1 300,000 OF_13 Deluxe Bullet Desk Executive Package 1 2,147,500 OF_14 Radius Bow Front Desk Package with keyboard drawer 1 2,322,500 OF_12 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 64 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT OF_15 Gallery Reception Station with 2 locking box/ file pedestals 1 2,137,500 OF_16 Mobile PC cart with hutch 1 745,000 OF_17 181cm x 181cm workstation package with ¾ pedestal 1 1,340,000 OF_18 Locking 2 drawer lateral file 1 747,500 OF_19 Single ¾ pedestal desk packages 1 842,500 OF_20 Desk with 61cm x 120cm return & ¾ pedestal 1 1,277,500 OF_21 Workstation package with hutch/glass doors finished with full privacy-modesty panels, locking file drawers with full ball bearing suspension for letter or legal files 1 2,170,000 Single pedestal bow front desk with distinctive fluted edge detail made from solid hardwood 1 2,515,000 OF_23 Coffee table 125cmW x 61cmD x 41cmH 1 547,500 OF_24 Book case 92cmW x 36cmD x 181cmH 1 1,637,500 OF_25 Wood collection conference table made with American cherry veneers, racetrack & round table styles featuring a radius edge detail made from select solid hardwoods 1 2,612,500 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 195,000 147,500 287,500 422,500 600,000 472,500 2,200,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,000,000 2,800,000 200,000 500,000 700,000 100,000 300,000 120,000 250,000 472,000 770,000 500,000 250,000 650,000 300,000 650,000 700,000 OF_22 OF_26 OF_27 OF_28 OF_29 OF_30 OF_31 OF_32 OF_33 OF_34 OF_35 OF_36 OF_37 OF_38 OF_39 OF_40 OF_41 OF_42 OF_43 OF_44 OF_45 OF_46 OF_47 OF_48 OF_49 Star tilt Seat & back Star task chair Aspire mid back fabric chair Presta medium back chair Pentara high back leather chair Conformatic drafting chair Executive desk (1.8metres) Continuation of table 20 Executive desk (1.6metres) Executive desk (2.4 metres) Banquet chairs Ordinary desk (1.2metres) Steel cupboards Visitors chairs, stackable & PVC upholstered Stand fan - High velocity 45cm Coat hunger - T-stand, mahogany Carpet - heavy duty industrial Blinds Kaspa Presidential High Back chair Kaspa Visitors chair KP91V Secretary's chair Leather Office Chair with arm rest Ordinary office chairs Glass door filling cabinets Book shelf (open steel - single shutter) Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug m² m² 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 65 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT OF_50 OF_51 OF_52 OF_53 OF_54 OF_55 OF_56 OF_57 OF_58 OF_59 OF_60 OF_61 OF_62 OF_63 OF_64 OF_65 OF_66 OF_67 OF_68 OF_69 OF_70 OF_71 OF_72 OF_73 OF_74 OF_75 OF_76 OF_77 OF_78 OF_79 OF_80 OF_81 OF_82 OF_83 OF_84 OF_85 OF_86 OF_87 OF_88 OF_89 Book shelf (open wood - single shutter) Book shelf (open glass - 2 shutter) Bookshelf (open glass - 3 shutter) Wooden shelf (2 in 1) Office safe (53 Kgs, Digital) Office safe (53 Kgs, combination) Office safe (90 Kgs, Digital) Office safe (90 Kgs, Combination) Office safe (110 Kgs, Digital) Office safe (110 Kgs, Combination) Conference table - 4 seater Conference table - 6 seater Conference table - 8 seater Conference table - 10 seater Conference table - 12 seater Conference table - 18 seater Conference chairs Office desks (1.2 metres) Office desks (1.4 metres) Office desks (1.6 metres) Office desks (1.8 metres) Work station (1 seater) Work stations (2 seater) Work station (3 seater) Work stations (4 seater) Work station (6 seater) Reception sofa (Leather) Teller chairs White notice boards Student chair with writing pad Continuation of table 20 Counter chair with arm rest Counter chair without arm rest Swinging door file cabinet Mobile pedestal Mobile PC Cart with Hutch Single ¾ Pedestal Desk (153cmW x 77cmD) Double ¾ Pedestal Desk (153cmW x 77cnD) Desk with 61cm x 120cm Return & Full Pedestal Round table with cross base Round table with drum base 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 650,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 1,200,000 700,000 650,000 1,500,000 1,200,000 1,900,000 1,700,000 750,000 1,200,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,500,000 7,100,000 250,000 500,000 560,000 580,000 600,000 800,000 1,600,000 2,100,000 3,500,000 1,200,000 7,500,000 650,000 400,000 300,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 350,000 300,000 420,000 650,000 775,000 912,000 1,310,000 1,480,000 1,030,000 1,940,000 TABLE 21: PRICES OF OFFICE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT OSE_1 OSE_2 OSE_3 OSE_4 OSE_5 TABLE 21: PRICES OF OFFICE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT Item Q'ty Envelopes Khaki (9x4) - Jaya 1 Envelopes Khaki (10x7) -Jaya 1 Envelopes Khaki (15x7) - Jaya 1 Envelopes Khaki (16x12) - Jaya 1 Envelopes Khaki (12x16) - Jaya 1 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Av Price 5,000 8,000 12,000 17,000 20,000 Page 66 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT OSE_6 OSE_7 OSE_8 OSE_9 OSE_10 OSE_11 OSE_12 OSE_13 OSE_14 OSE_15 OSE_16 OSE_17 OSE_18 OSE_19 OSE_20 OSE_21 OSE_22 OSE_23 OSE_24 OSE_25 OSE_26 OSE_27 OSE_28 OSE_29 OSE_30 OSE_31 OSE_32 OSE_33 OSE_34 OSE_35 OSE_36 OSE_37 OSE_38 OSE_39 OSE_40 OSE_41 OSE_42 OSE_43 OSE_44 OSE_45 OSE_46 OSE_47 OSE_48 OSE_49 OSE_50 OSE_51 OSE_52 OSE_53 OSE_54 OSE_55 OSE_56 OSE_57 OSE_58 Photocopying paper - Rotatrim - ream Photocopying paper - No. 1 Drawing pins Paper holders Desk holders (organiser) Desk calendars Counter books (Manuscript 3&4 quire) Counter books (2 quire) Short hand note book Nice pens - packet Fasteners - packet Plastic folders - pc Visitors book - executive - pc Advanced Learners/Longman Dictionary Small size stapling machine - Kangaroo Small size punching machine Heavy duty punching machine Heavy duty stapling machine White wash - packet Ruled paper - ream (picfare) Wall clock - quartz Calculator 12 digits (casio) Office trays - tire Business cards holder - executive Yellow stickers (3x4) - packet1 Cello tape (all sizes) Markers (Snowman) - packet Office glue (Pen type dulphine stick) Office glue (90 gms) Quick ink - blue, black - bottle Highlighters - packet Executive diaries - big Extension cables - Astra Delivery books Desk sharpeners Box files (Alba Rado) Executive pens - Parker Bic pens - all colors Paper clips - packet Paper pins - packet Staple wires - big (23/13-4) Staple wires - small(24/6) packet Carbon paper - packet(Sailing boat) Continuation of Table 21 Post it cards - all sizes(packet) Ring binders - packet Top covers - packet Back covers - packet Document wallet - pc (plastic) Flip charts (50 sheets) White board markers - packet Office organisers Towels/dusters - packet Complimentary slip - packet Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16,000 14,000 500 1,000 20,000 1,000 9,000 6,000 1,000 14,000 3,000 1,000 10,000 43,000 6,500 7,500 48,000 75,000 2,500 9,000 40,000 40,000 17,000 2,000 1,500 500 5,000 3,500 1,000 1,500 5,500 20,000 25,000 7,000 1,000 3,500 5,000 16,000 600 500 6,000 1,000 4,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,000 5,000 16,000 15,000 3,000 10,000 14,000 18,500 7,000 20,000 Page 67 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT OSE_59 OSE_60 OSE_61 OSE_62 OSE_63 OSE_64 OSE_65 OSE_66 OSE_67 OSE_68 OSE_69 OSE_70 OSE_71 OSE_72 OSE_73 OSE_74 OSE_75 OSE_76 OSE_77 OSE_78 OSE_79 OSE_80 OSE_81 OSE_82 OSE_83 OSE_84 OSE_85 OSE_86 OSE_87 OSE_88 OSE_89 OSE_90 OSE_91 OSE_92 OSE_93 OSE_94 Diskette holders Spreaders Rubbish bins Excel writing pads Excel paper trays Staple removers Scissors Rulers - Haco Soft tissues - packet Rubbers - pc Pencils - HB -packet Desk/table pads Photocopy paper cabinet Cello tape dispenser Binding machines Paper cutter - guillotine Uni-ball gel impact pen Pocket files Spring files (paper) Counter books (4 Q) File folders - Hard manilla - pc Manilla paper - Hard - pc Flash discs 2 GB Genuine Flash discs 4 GB Writing pads A5 - Dozen Writing pads A4 - Dozen Desk flags Masking tape Shredding machine - Big Executive Official stamp (Engraved) Spirals 8 mm Spirals 12 mm - box Spirals 16 mm - box Spirals 22 mm - box (100 pcs) Spirals 25 mm - box (50 pcs) White out - bottle 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18,000 1,000 8,000 3,000 20,000 2,500 4,500 1,000 8,000 500 2,500 15,000 17,000 15,000 120,000 400,000 5,000 350 1,300 10,000 350 1,000 45,000 55,000 10,000 24,000 23,000 2,000 900,000 70,000 10,000 16,000 23,000 35,000 30,000 2,500 TABLE 22: PRICES OF PRINTERS & PRINTER CONSUMABLES PPC_1 PPC_2 PPC_3 PPC_4 (PPC) PRICES OF PRINTERS & PRINTER CONSUMABLES Item Printers Canon photocopier (IR 2525 with Finisher 2 Way Unit, with Power Supply Unit/DADF/Pedestal unit Heavy duty printer - TASK alfa 5500i, 55 PPM Copier/ Network Printer/ Colour/ Scanner with Duplex Document Feeder DP771, 2GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, 1000 page finisher DF770 & Metal Cabinet 1230 D - 2015 Copier - Ricoh 1250 D - 1013 Copier - Ricoh Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Q'ty Av Price 1 16,100,000 1 42,000,000 1 1 228,000 228,000 Page 68 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT PPC_5 PPC_6 PPC_7 PPC_8 PPC_9 PPC_10 PPC_11 PPC_12 PPC_13 PPC_14 PPC_15 PPC_16 PPC_17 PPC_18 PPC_19 PPC_20 PPC_21 PPC_22 PPC_23 PPC_24 PPC_25 PPC_26 PPC_27 PPC_28 PPC_29 PPC_30 PPC_31 PPC_32 PPC_33 PPC_34 PPC_35 PPC_36 PPC_37 PPC_38 PPC_39 PPC_40 PPC_41 PPC_42 PPC_43 PPC_44 PPC_45 PPC_46 PPC_47 PPC_48 PPC_49 PPC_50 PPC_51 PPC_52 PPC_53 PPC_54 PPC_55 2220 D - 3025/2027 Copier Ricoh 250 CI Taskalfa 2510 Ricoh Digital Copier 3913 Nashaatec Digital Copier 51645 A HP DJ 895 CXI/6122 51A Toner Catridge C1823 D HP 895 C x 1/1120 C34092 A HP LJ 1100 C3906 A 6C C4096 A HP LJ 2100 C4127A HP LJ 4050 - 4000T C4194A HP LJ 4050 - 4500N C4837 A Magenta C4837 A Yellow C4844 A Black C6578 D HP 650/6122 C66150 HP DJ 5100 C7115A LJ 1210 C8061 X HP LJ 4100 C9351 A 2360 C9352A - 2360 Canon - Medium Black/White IR 2520 Canon IR 1600 with scanner & printer Canon IR 2800 (Reconditioned) Canon IR 3300 (Reconditioned) Cartridge 05A Tonner Catridge 85A Tonner CB 540A CB 541A/CM 1312 NFI CB 542A Yellow Continuation of table 22 Item CB 543A/CM 1312 NFI HP Magenta CC 530A Toner CC 531 A CC 532 A CC 533 A CE 285 P1102 CP2025N, 20 pgs per min DC 2560 MITA DELL 311 CN Black/Cyan/Magenta/Yellow FS 3900 DN Kyokera GPR 18 Canon GPR 22 Canon GPR 35 Canon HP 1132 Printer/Scanner/Copier HP 11A Black Tonner HP 122 Black HP 122 Colour HP 131 Black HP 132 Black HP 134 Colour HP 135 Tri-colour Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 238,000 495,000 438,000 238,000 640,000 110,000 380,000 500,000 380,000 500,000 500,000 370,000 140,000 140,000 211,000 180,000 112,000 339,000 490,000 100,000 117,000 6,400,000 6,400,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 250,000 195,000 383,000 383,000 383,000 Q'ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Av Price 383,000 659,000 720,000 720,000 720,000 440,000 1,500,000 228,000 750,000 490,000 228,000 250,000 779,000 520,000 290,000 45,000 55,000 55,000 45,000 90,000 65,000 Page 69 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT PPC_56 PPC_57 PPC_58 PPC_59 PPC_60 PPC_61 PPC_62 PPC_63 PPC_64 PPC_65 PPC_66 PPC_67 PPC_68 PPC_69 PPC_70 PPC_71 PPC_72 PPC_73 PPC_74 PPC_75 PPC_76 PPC_77 PPC_78 PPC_79 PPC_80 PPC_81 PPC_82 PPC_83 PPC_84 PPC_85 PPC_86 PPC_87 PPC_88 PPC_89 PPC_90 PPC_91 PPC_92 PPC_93 PPC_94 PPC_95 PPC_96 PPC_97 PPC_98 PPC_99 PPC_100 PPC_101 PPC_102 PPC_103 PPC_104 PPC_105 PPC_106 HP 140 Tri-colour HP 141 Tri-colour HP 21 Black Cartridge HP 22 Tri-colour HP 27 Black Cartridge HP 28 Tri-colour HP 57 Inkjet Cartridge HP 58 Inkjet Cartridge HP 901 Black HP 901 Colour HP Deskjet 1000 HP Deskjet 2050 A10 HP Laser P1505 HP Laserjet 135A Tonner HP Laserjet 2015N(53A) HP Laserjet 53A HP Laserjet Colour Printer 1025 HP Laserjet P1102W HP Laserjet P1566 HP Laserjet P1606 DN Continuation of table 22 Item HP Laserjet P2035 HP Laserjet 9000 HP Laserjet Printer 4300S HP P1102 HP P2035 IR 2016/2020 Canon IR 4570 GPR 16 Canon IR 5570 GPR 17 Canon KM 2560 Kyocera Laserjet 1102 1 Officejet 4500 A10 Officejet 7000 Officejet 8000 P0055 Printer Printer HP Laserjet P2035 Printer W3 Photocopier Q1338A HP LJ 4200 Q2600A HP LJ 1600 Q2610A HP LJ 1300 Q2612A HP LJ 1300 Q2613A HP LJ 1300 Q5942A HP LJ 4250 Q5949A HP LJ 1320 Q6002A HP LJ 1600 Q6003A HP LJ 1600 Q7553A HP LJ P2015N Tonner HP 2016S Tonner HP Laserjet 43x Tonner Photomatt D5063 Black n Colour Toner for Kyokera TK515 Toner for Kyokera 715K Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 42,000 48,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 55,000 65,000 70,000 45,000 55,000 95,000 130,000 135,000 125,000 460,000 135,000 675,000 480,000 350,000 500,000 Q'ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Av Price 470,000 690,000 440,000 250,000 475,000 228,000 400,000 482,000 790,000 330,000 320,000 550,000 450,000 650,000 470,000 1,954,000 760,000 400,000 460,000 329,000 394,000 770,000 394,000 400,000 420,000 510,000 130,000 980,000 640,000 550,000 530,000 Page 70 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT PPC_107 PPC_108 PPC_109 PPC_110 PPC_111 PPC_112 PPC_113 Toner for Kyokera 725K Toner for Kyokera 5050K Toner for Kyokera 675K Toner for 51130 faxes Toner for Kyokera 4050 Toner for Olivetti 200 mf Ribbons for type writers Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 520,000 520,000 480,000 290,000 540,000 280,000 78,000 Page 71 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT TABLE 23: PRINTING, ART, DESIGN & SECRETARIAL SERVICES (PAD) PRICES OF PRINTING, ART, DESIGN & SECRETARIAL SERVICES Item Q'ty Av price PAD_1 PAD_2 PAD_3 PAD_4 PAD_5 PAD_6 PAD_7 PAD_8 PAD_9 PAD_10 PAD_11 PAD_12 PAD_13 PAD_14 PAD_15 PAD_16 PAD_17 PAD_18 PAD_19 PAD_20 PAD_21 PAD_22 PAD_23 PAD_24 PAD_25 PAD_26 PAD_27 PAD_28 PAD_29 PAD_30 PAD_31 Brochures - A3 Brochures - A4 double side black & white (above 1000) Brochures - A4 double side black & white (up to 1000) Brochures - A4 double side colour (above 1000) Brochures - A4 Double Side Full Colour (up to 1000) Business cards (101 and above) Business cards (20 - 100) Certificates (A4 ordinary paper) Certificates (A4 special paper) Colour separation Colour separation Full color magazines- 1000 copies (48 pages) ID cards - small size (double sided) ID cards - small size (one sided) Letter heads - full colour Letter heads - single colour Paper stickers - A3 Paper stickers - A4 Polaroid ID cards - (double sided) Polaroid ID cards - (one sided) Posters - A1 single face (full colour) above 1000 Posters - A1 single face (full colour) up to 1000 Posters - A2 single face (full colour) above 1000 Posters - A2 single face (full colour) up to 1000 Posters - A3 single face (full colour) above 1000 Posters - A3 single face (full colour) up to 1000 Posters - A4 single face (full colour) up to 1000 PVC banners PVC stickers - A3 Report cards A4 double page Report cards A4 single page PAD_A1 PAD_A2 PAD_A3 PAD_A4 PAD_A5 PAD_A6 PAD_A7 PAD_A8 PAD_A9 PAD_A10 (PAD_A)Photocopying A0 A1 A2 (Plan copy) A3 black & white A4 black & white A4 colour A4 colour Colour paper (separators) Transparent paper (black & white) Transparent paper (colour) Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A3 A4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Per sq mtr 1 1 1 2,000 200 200 300 900 25,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 35,000 20,000 6,000 10,000 7,000 120,000 75,000 2,000 1,000 20,000 10,000 1,100 2,500 900 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 45,000 10,000 2,000 1,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7,000 4,000 2,000 500 200 800 800 200 100 500 1 ream 1 ream Page 72 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT PAD_B1 PAD_B2 PAD_B3 PAD_B4 PAD_B5 Continuation of table 23 Item (PAD_B) Printing (Black & white) A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 PAD_B6 PAD_B7 PAD_B8 PAD_B9 PAD_B10 Printing (Colour) A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 PAD_B11 PAD_B12 PAD_B13 PAD_B14 PAD_B15 PAD_B16 Spiral binding 10 - 30 pages 31 - 50 pages 51 - 100 pages 101 - 200 pages 201 - 400 pages 401 - 450 pages 3,000 5,000 10,000 35,000 50,000 150,000 PAD_B17 PAD_B18 PAD_B19 PAD_B20 Wire binding 10 -30 pages 31 - 50 pages 51 - 100 pages 101 - 150 pages 500 800 1,000 2,000 PAD_B21 PAD_B22 PAD_B23 PAD_B24 PAD_B25 Lamination A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Q'ty Av price 1 1 1 1 1 500 1,000 3,000 4,000 7,000 1 1 1 1 1 2,000 2,500 30,000 35,000 45,000 1 1 1 1 1 5,000 10,000 25,000 40,000 70,000 Page 73 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT TABLE 24: PRICES SECURITY & GUARDING SERVICES SG_A1 SG_A2 SG_A3 SG_A4 SG_A5 SG_A6 SG_A7 SG_A8 SG_A9 SG_A10 SG_A11 SG_A12 SG_A13 SG_A14 SG_A15 (SG) PRICES OF SECURITY & GUARDINGSERVICES Item (SG_A) Manned guarding - unarmed Banks Clubs & Hotels Factories Forex bureau Garages Industries Institutions Markets Offices Oil depots Petrol stations Radio communication Residences Shops Stores/warehouses SG_C1 SG_C2 SG_C3 SG_C4 (SG_B) Manned guarding - armed Banks Oil depots Forex bureau Factories Industries Stores/warehouses Petrol stations Shops Garages Institutions Offices Clubs & Hotels Residences Markets Special duties per armed guard per 12 hr shift Supervisor per 12 hour shift per month VIP Protection per month Escort services/driver (per day) Dog & dog handler (per month) Intrusion alarm (per month) Panic alarm - per month (free installation) Continuation of table 24 Item (SG_C) Courier service Dedicated motor bike Dedicated van (3 tonne) Parcels 1-5 kgs (up country) Parcels (town service) SG_D Secure storage (per sq metre/month) SG_B1 SG_B2 SG_B3 SG_B4 SG_B5 SG_B6 SG_B7 SG_B8 SG_B9 SG_B10 SG_B11 SG_B12 SG_B13 SG_B14 SG_B15 SG_B16 SG_B17 SG_B18 SG_B19 SG_B20 SG_B21 Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Q'ty Amount 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 472,000 472,000 472,000 472,000 472,000 472,000 472,000 472,000 472,000 472,000 472,000 50,000 472,000 472,000 472,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 531,000 531,000 531,000 531,000 531,000 531,000 531,000 531,000 531,000 531,000 531,000 531,000 531,000 531,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 531,000 650,000 1,200,000 90,000 1,000,000 210,000 210,000 Q'ty Amount 1 1 1 1 1,300,000 4,500,000 15,000 5,000 1 2,000,000 Page 74 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT SG_E SG_F SG_G SG_H SG_I SG_J Cash in transit - 7 km radius (per km) Cash in transit - above 7 km radius (per extra km) Tellers (per month) Vehicle tracking (equipment & monitoring)per month CCTV Access control Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 1 59,000 1 1 4,670 800,000 1 1,200,000 900,000-20M 210,000 1 month Page 75 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT TABLE 25: PRICES UNIFORMS & OFFICE WEAR (U) U_1 U_2 U_3 U_4 U_5 U_6 U_7 U_8 U_9 U_10 U_11 U_12 U_13 U_14 U_15 U_16 U_17 U_18 U_19 U_20 U_21 U_22 U_23 U_24 U_25 U_26 U_27 U_28 U_29 U_30 U_31 U_32 U_33 U_34 U_35 U_36 U_37 U_38 U_39 U_40 U_41 U_42 PRICES OF UNIFORMS Item Office uniforms Black berets Cap badges - metallic Cotton blouses Cotton shirts Cotton skirts Lanyards Plastic aprons Polo shirts 180 gms cotton - branded Polo shirts 180 gms cotton - unbranded Polo shirts 220 gms cotton - branded Polo shirts 220 gms cotton - unbranded Shoulder badges Suits Ties - plain Ties - with coat of arms Trousers Aprons Checkered Cotton Polyster Drop sheet wrapper Green dresses Green patients gown Green shirts Green surgical gown Green trousers Surgeon's (wrapper) Surgeon's drape sheet Caps Labled Non-labled Industrial wear Cotton over coats Cotton overalls Factory shoes - metal caped Factory shoes - non metal caped Gum boots - bata Imported gum boots Industrial gloves Jungle boots Khaki overalls Nasal masks Rain suit Safety helmets Tetron over coats Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Q'ty Av price 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18,000 10,000 35,000 40,000 30,000 5,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 35,000 30,000 10,000 80,000 10,000 25,000 40,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12,000 15,000 10,000 20,000 35,000 40,000 35,000 40,000 40,000 48,000 25,000 1 1 15,000 10,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 20,000 25,000 60,000 35,000 20,000 15,000 20,000 180,000 35,000 5,000 95,000 180,000 15,000 pair pair 1 1 1 1 1 Page 76 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT 5.0 APPENDICES APPENDIX 5.1: LIST OF SUPPLIERS THAT PARTICIPATED IN THE SURVEY No. Category 1 Advertising 2 Air fares 3 Laser Engraving 4 Civil Works, Pipes & Fittings 5 Office Cleaning Materials 6 Clearing & Forwarding 7 Computer Maintenance & Repairs 8 Computers 9 Courier Services - Local 10 Courier Services - International 11 Electrical Equipment 12 Fire Fighting Services 13 Food Stuffs 14 Fuel & Lubes 15 Hotel & Conference Facilities 16 Insurance 17 Motor Vehicle Repairs 18 Tyres & Batteries Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Names of Suppliers 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. Vision Group Monitor Publications Emirates Kenya Airways Crane Engravers Lasting Impressions Seyani & Brothers Jomayi Stones Roofclad Limited Namanve Concretes Master Industries U Ltd Uganda Baati Ltd Uganda Clays Shoprite Kenjoy Supermarket United Worldwide Movers Three Ways Shipping Computerland U Ltd Inbox Technologies Ltd M & J Enterprises Ltd Micro City Computers Ltd Yellow Pages Express Posta Uganda Posta Uganda DHL Express JB Electro Centre Appliance World U Ltd Fire & Safety Appliances Ltd Fire Masters Banda Market Nakawa Market Shoprite Clock Tower Shell Bugolobi Total Deluxe Station Road Hass Kyambogo Shell Iganga Musiitwa Service Station – Iganga Shell Ankole – Mbarara Total Kashari – Mbarara Serena Hotel – Kampala Grand Imperial Hotel Hotel Africana National Insurance Corporation Insurance Company of East Africa Wamuco Motors Toyota Uganda Tyre Express City Tyres Page 77 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT 19 Brand New Cars 20 Office Furniture 21 Office Supplies & Equipment 22 Printers & Printer Consumables 23 Printing, Art & Design 24 Security & Guarding Services 25 Uniforms Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. Arrow Centre Battery Masters Uganda Batteries Ttd Tata Uganda Toyota Uganda Victoria Motors Performance Office Furnishings Prime Impex Ltd Nina Interiors Mundo Enterprises Ltd Okinawa Stationers New Iganga Bookshop Kawuma Tabula Bookshop Bello Enterprises Ltd Lukcaul Traders Ltd Computerland U Ltd Inbox Technologies Ltd Dast Studio Graphics Suncity Adverts Ltd Camil Stationary Treasure Agencies Pinnacle Security Securex Ltd Christex Garments Ltd School Outfitters Unique Uniforms U Ltd Page 78 of 79 PPDA COMMON USER ITEMS: FINAL REPORT APPENDIX 5.2: LIST OF PDEs THAT PARTICIPATED IN THE STUDY 1. Ministry of Gender 2. Health Service Commission 3. Education Service Commission 4. N.S.S.F. 5. Ministry of Justice 6. Uganda Investment Authority 7. National Drug Authority 8. Local Government Finance Commission 9. Uganda Securities Exchange 10. Uganda Land Commission 11. Ministry of Energy & Mineral Development 12. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 13. Ministry of Housing 14. Parliamentary Commission 15. National Forestry Authority 16. Ministry of Tourism 17. Ministry of Constitutional Affairs 18. Ministry of Finance 19. Electoral Commission Find the List Common User Items at www.ppda.go.ug Page 79 of 79
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