O nOvO painel de audya 4 e 5
O nOvO painel de audya 4 e 5
O novo painel de Audya 4 e 5 Painel Audya 4 e Audya 5 O novo painel de Audya 4 e 5 AS multi-tabs são feitas de um grupo de 16 botões no lado esquerdo do teclado com o qual você pode activar e controlar muitas das funções fornecidas pelo instrumento. Nos modos de funcionamento diferentes você pode controlar a secções de percussão mudo, acesso directo a 16 partes de General Midi, controlar a playlist, mudar o tom da escala temperada. Além disso, as funções podem ser atribuídas directamente a essas chaves pelo usuário, que pode personalizar a ferramenta para atender às suas necessidades e sua própria maneira de jogar. 111 O áudio regulável: Ressincronizarão de estilo entre MIDI e áudio. 222 Filtro Wave: Designa a onda de filtro de utilizador ao controle deslizante. 333 Micro rotação: Designa o reverb no micro utilizador de controlo deslizante. 444 Pedal Wha 555 Baixo enraizado 666 Unplugg 777 Lead 888 Lyric 999 Juke-box 1111 Zoom 1111 Autocrash 1111 Depois do Fill 1111 Fill to arr. 1111 Auto fill 1111 Reintro 1111 Fill de final 2 KETRON • AUDYA Painel Audya 4 e Audya 5 ▀▀ MULTI-TABS MENU Ao pressionar o botão de MODO, as multi-tabs de gerência de menu abrirão, ao pressionar o F1. As teclas de função F6 permitem activar vários modos de operação que será descrita em detalhe na seguinte secção. F1) DRUM ON/OFF: (Figura 1) DRUM ON/OFF modo que capacita ou abafa rapidamente as secções de instrumento de percussor. A correspondência entre as multi-tabs e grupo de percussão é como segue: Tab1 Kick Tab2 Snare (Snare, Rim Shot) Tab3 Hi Hat Tab4 Cymbals (Crash, Ride, Cup) Tab5 Toms/FX Tab6 Tamb Tab7 Latin 1 (Congas , Bongos, Tambora) Tab8 Latin 2 (Cowbell, Guiro, Claves) Tab9 Latin3/ (Maracas, Cabaza, Shaker, Guira, Whistle) Tab10 CLAP FFFFFFFF •• Quando o LED está aceso, a seção é silenciado. A multi-tab # 14 e # 15 activa a função de solo do grupo de percussão dos chutes e oichapéus. A multi-tab n º 16 tem a função RESET, ou seja, silenciar todas as seções de percussão actualmente nesse estado e restaura o funcionamento normal da percussão parte. F2) GM PAGE: (Figura 2) Esta modalidade permite o acesso para 16 partes de General Midi apenas pressionando o correspondente da multi-tab. Se você usar um arquivo midi, este modo é útil para o acesso rápido a todos os parâmetros das várias faixas do arquivo midi. Por exemplo, você pode alterar o programa de mudançado baixo e da bateria dentro de um arquivo midi, premindo a multi-tab da pista modificar os parâmetros como explicado no Capítulo Play Song. F3) ARAB. SCALE: (Figura 3) Ao pressionar a multitab1 a12, você pode definir as alterações nas 12 notas daescala musical. Quando o LED está aceso, a nota domultitab é alterado, quando o LED está desligado, a nota foisem alterações. Você pode restaurar rapidamente a escala normal pressionando a multitab 16 (RESET). A quantidade de centésimos de semitom sobre a alteração para cada nota individual pode ser definida a partir da ARABIC SCALE menu no menu -> Teclado controle - página Árabe>. FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF KETRON • AUDYA 3 Painel Audya 4 e Audya 5 F4) A SSIGN.TABS: (Figura 4) Esta modalidade permite atribuir funções chamadas por cada um dos 16 multi-tabs. Você pode personalizar, por conseguinte, o multitabs configuração e atribuir a função pretendida para eles. Para tornar a tarefa, seleccione desejado multitabs pressionando DATA CURSOR (Up e Down) e percorrer os disponíveis funções pressionando DATA CURSOR (Esquerda e Direito) ou utilizando o disco. FFFFFFFF A tabela a seguir mostra as funções disponíveis. Audio Reset Micro Rev. Autocrash Fill/Break Sustain Soft Sostenuto Arr. A Arr. B Arr. C Arr D Int./End 1 Int./End 2 Int./End 3 Fill 1 Fill 2 Fill 3 Fill 4 Fill In Break 1 Break 2 Break 3 Break 4 Break Start Stop FillToArr. Key Start Key Stop Hold Tempo+ TempoTranspTransp+ Voice To Arr. ReIntro Auto Fill After Fill Inter.Gtr. Manual Bass Bas Mono/Poly Swing Bass BassToRoot Bassist Bass Sust. BasToLowest Lower Mute Low.Off Stop Lower1 Hold Lower2 Hold Pianist PianistSustain Accordion Swell Left Drum Fade Out Manual Drum Crash Play Kick1 Play Kick2 Only Kick Drum&Bass Kick Off Snare Off HiHat Off Cymbal Off Tom/Fx Off Rimshot Off Latin1 Off Latin2 Off F5) P LAYLIST: Este modo permite-lhe conduzir a primeiras 16 faixas de qualquer lista carregada. Primeiro pressione o botão inicia a faixa correspondente reprodução, e re-seleccionar o mesmo botão, en quanto o LED está aceso, a 4 KETRON • AUDYA Latin3 Off ClapFx Off minor 7th m7th 5+ dim 6th 7th+ Lead Mute Lyric On/Off Midi Reset Zoom A.play On/Off Loop On/Off Text PageText Page+ Cross Fade Wha-Wha Reverb Chorus Echo/Delay Dist./Overdr. Voicetron Micro On/Off Micro Talk DryOnStop Voc. On/Off Voice Down Voice Up Regis Down Regis Up 2nd Voice Harmony Double Rotor On/Off Rotor Slow/Fast Arabic_1 Arabic_2 Arabic_3 Arabic_4 Arabic_5 Arabic_6 Arabic_7 Arabic_8 Arabic_9 Arabic_10 Arabic_11 Arabic_12 Arabic_13 Arabic_14 Arabic_15 Arabic_16 Right Boost Exit Style Stop Pause/Count In/Res. Program/Preset Aftertouch Portamento EndOnStop FillToEnd Left Voice Unplugged Glide Jukebox Wave Filter. faixa de reprodução é interrompida. F6) F ACTORY TABS: Estabelece o multi-tabs de padrão de fábrica. KETRON • AUDYA 5 KETRON s.r.l. Via Giuseppe Taliercio n. 7 60131 Ancona (Italy) Tel. +39 071 285771 Tel. +39 071 2857748 www.ketron.it email: ketron@ketron.it UPDATE 3.0A PORTUGUES UPDATE 3.0A - Informação Preliminar ▀ AUDIO STYLE MODELING 4 Novos BANKS incluídos com DRUM BANK, PIANO BANK, GUITAR 1 BANK, GUITAR 2 BANK. O novo arquivo/Library permite substituir as faixas correspondentes MIDI em Drum, Chord1, Chord 2 e Chord 3 do Style. Foram aperfeiçoadas as Libraries Bass Bank e Arp&Lick. • Percorrer para Banks disponíveis, agora também quando o Style está em execução (excepto para Audio Drums). • Corrigida uma condição no Style, com notas que permanecem em execução em Chords quando configurado o Retrigger Mode. • FILL TO END: permite executar o Fill In seguido por End 1 (abaixo de User Assignable Tab) • END ON STOP: permite activar o Ending mesmo na condição Stop (abaixo de User Assignable). Primeiro, seleccionar a função e depois pressionar o Ending pretendido. seus nomes devem incluir o símbolo @ seguido de informação precisa BPM. Por exemplo: • • HOUSE2@127.wav. • Os Loops são automaticamente sincronizados com MIDI e podem ser associados a cada parte Style, tal como as variações dos 4 Arranger, Fill In, Break, Intros, Endings. • É fornecida uma opção abaixo de Style Mode > Drum2/2 para saltar a parte do carregamento automático inicial para os recursos User Audio Drum. ▀ REGISTRATION • Incluída a capacidade de guardar o Left Octave e os 3 sliders fornecidos para Voice: Left, 2nd, Right. Corrigida a função de Headphone com metrónomo. Aperfeiçoadas as operações “guardar” e “carregar”. • ORIGINAL FILL – ORIGINAL BREAK: o Fill Ins e Break são sempre executados do mesmo modo, independentemente se eles estão activados na função single Fill In tab ou em Tab 1-5 (abaixo de Style Mode> Modes 2/2). • Nova opção REG LOAD MODE que controla o menu Progr. Change à direita quando se altera Registration (abaixo de Menu > Keyboard Control > Utility > Next Page 2). Em Mode 1, a Voice à direita muda imediatamente quando um novo registration é repetido; em Mode 2 muda apenas no início da bar seguinte. • INTRO TO ARRANGE A: selecção automática do Arranger Variation A depois de Intro (abaixo de Style Mode > Modes 2/2). • A condição Zoom On para Txt é guardada em Registration. • STYLE BALANCE: abaixo de Style Mode > Modes 2/2. Esta função permite controlar o equilíbrio total de Style sem ter que ajustar individualmente as partes Style. O controlo slider Style Master afecta este nível e não o volume max. disponível (63). • O Txt é visualizado automaticamente quando o Registration é carregado. ▀ MACRO RECORDING Gravação global dos eventos da actuação (abaixo do Menu). A gravação começa com Start Rec e termina quando se pressiona o botão Record. O ficheiro é memorizado na pasta MIDI, com a extensão Msr (Macro Song Recording). Para iniciar o playback, seleccione apenas o ficheiro e pressione Enter; termina quando pressionar a tecla Registration (que pisca durante o playback). • Agora as Parts muted (partes mudas) vão para MIDI Out com o seu volume (para controlar um módulo externo). ▀ USER AUDIO DRUMS • Nova função que permite substituir o Audio Drum interno com Loops Wave criados pelo utilizador e localizados numa nova pasta Audya denominada User Audio Drum. • Os Wave Loops têm que ser 44 KHz,16 bit e os 2 KETRON • AUDYA ▀ MIDI FILE • Incluída a capacidade de guardar Mute, Solo e MIDIMIX no setup Song (F3 > Part & MIX). • O Slider Lead de MIDIMIX controla o canal Lead que está configurado no MIDI e não a part 3. • O Bass slider em MIDIMIX reconhece a faixa Bass do ficheiro MIDI. • Inserida a opção MIDI SYSEXC MODE no Menu > Control > Utility > Page3 >F10: activando esta função, os parâmetros MIDI não são guardados como SYS EXC, mas sim como eventos normais. Com a tecla Enter, é carregado o ficheiro MIDI, enquanto a tecla Start inicia a execução do ficheiro com o objectivo de não perder as alterações memorizadas no buffer. UPDATE 3.0A - Informação Preliminar Na parte GM, uma vez realizadas as alterações, pressione apenas a tecla USER 5/10 para as actualizar. • WAVE SYNC: esta função permite-lhe sincronizar com o ficheiro MIDI uma ou mais faixas Wave correctamente associadas ao MIDI (no ficheiro MIDI> Next > F8) (ver Wave Sync documento especial). ▀ PLAYER • HALF SCREEN MODE: no Menu > Control > Utility >Page3 > F10. Esta função apresenta o músico em Main View com a Lista de ficheiros à Esquerda e a letra (Lyric) à Direita. • JUKE BOX: no Menu >Control >Utility >Page3 > F10. Quando um ficheiro já se encontra em execução, esta função permite seleccionar um segundo ficheiro que começará a tocar automaticamente no fim do primeiro. Pressionando Go To Next é possível ligar imediatamente a canção seguinte. • PAGE UP _ PAGE DOWN: inserida a nova capacidade de mudar a página durante a navegação com as teclas Back << e Forward >> . que esperar que um acorde completo tenha o mínimo de 3 notas. • LEFT SUSTAIN: adicionado o controlo do sustain On/Off esquerdo em GM para a a parte esquerda. • RIGHT: Inserido VOICE SELECT MODE no Menu> Keyboard Control > Utility > Pag 3. Configurando esta opção em mode1, é possível navegar pelas várias famílias de orquestra sem mudar o som da direita; isto só mudará quando se seleccionar um novo som. Por outro lado, configurando em mode2, permanecerá o modo de selecção habitual. • ROTOR: o efeito Rotor permanece em função mesmo quando alternar entre vários Presets ou Programs possuindo a opção Rotor guardada. • AFTERTOUCH&PORTAMENTO AUTOSWITCH: automatic switch On for the tabs Portamento and Aftertouch when these are programmed into Presets or Programs (under Menu > Keyboard Control > Aftertouch > Aft&Port Autoswitch On / Off). • OUT ASSIGN: nova possibilidade de atribuir a faixa Bass a Out 3&4. • S.MEDLEY: Sync medley. Quando estas funções estão configuradas em On, o próximo ficheiro MIDI seleccionado iniciar-se-á a partir da segunda barra e não do beat. • KEYBOARD TRANSPOSER: possibilita a transposição Left (Equerda) quando é requerido um transposer global do teclado, enquanto o ficheiro MIDI está em execução. • A. PLAY – PAUSE ON – SPACE3s: se configurada em AutoPlay On, o músico reproduz por ordem todos os ficheiros presentes na pasta. Se configurada em Pause, depois do ficheiro ter terminado, vai automaticamente para o ficheiro seguinte, mas sem começar a tocar. Se configurado em Space 3s o músico inclui uma pausa de 3 segundos de uma faixa para outra. • PEDALBOARD: quando a função Pedalboard está ligada (On) (abaixo de Style Mode > Bass) e com o Bass Manual activado, o Bass toca em estilo órgão no Pedalboard. • VOICETRON: com o modo TALK, o Voicetron está desactivado. • É possível personalizar este tempo de espera com Alpha dial. • Adicionado DRY ON STOP Mode abaixo do Menu > Keyboard Control > Utility > Pag 3: quando configurado em Stop, o Reverb no Voice fica desactivado. ▀ VÁRIOS • WAVE SYNC: a nova função permite associar um ou mais Waves ao ficheiro MIDI com uma sincronização perfeita, com a possibilidade de especificar a Start bar, End e outros vários parâmetros. • HARMONY: nova função. Para exibir os efeitos, deve pressionar o botão Harmony durante pelo menos 1 segundo. Deste modo, a tecla pode inserir/excluir a função Harmony rapidamente, tornando a actuação ao vivo mais fácil. • PIANIST/BASSIST EASY MODE: novo Easy Mode fornecido para Pianist / Bassist (abaixo do Style Mode). O acorde é reconhecido imediatamente logo que sejam pressionadas as teclas, sem ter • WHA CURVE: abaixo de Keyboard Control > Expr. Pedal. Foram adicionadas três novas e diferentes curves de resposta para o Pedal Expressão com efeito Wha. KETRON • AUDYA 3 AUDIO STYLE MODELING Com Release 3.0A o Audio Style Modeling de Audya apresenta-se definitivamente com toda a sua estrutura final e completa. A inserção de 4 novos BANK para as secções Drum, Piano, Guitar1 and Guitar 2, juntamente com o aperfeiçoamento de Libraries/ Arquivos para Bank Bass e Arp&Lick pré-existentes, tornam o Audio Style Modeling um sistema muito poderoso, mas ao mesmo tempo muito simples para compor novos Styles. É suficiente começar num Style pré-existente e depois, sem programar qualquer nota, percorrer o arquivo Modeling existente e ouvir, em tempo real, o resultado final, substituindo as várias partes do Style usando os inúmeros templates disponíveis. Vejamos alguns exemplos práticos para Audio style Modeling. FFFFFFFF ▀ Seleccionar um Style para ser editado e aceder ao Style View As partes sublinhadas a vermelho (Figura 1) são as que interessam para o funcionamento de Bank. Pressionando duas vezes as teclas F1, F2, F3, etc., é possível seleccionar os arquivos BANK. Obtém-se o percorrer de vários templates através de Alpha dial. Todos os arquivos Bank, uma vez seleccionadas e atribuídas as partes Style, substituem o MIDI origina programado para qualquer style. F1: a gestão de Drum na tecla F1 é muito sofisticada com a possibilidade de controlar 4 ambientes diferentes: Audio Drum (Figura 1) Drum Bank (Figura 2) User Audio Drums (Figura 3) Drum1 (Figura 4) FFFFFFFF Audio Drum Arquivo interno Audio Drum, com mais de 324 ficheiros Audio completos. Drum Bank Base de dados Midi Drum com 255 ritmos User Audio Drums Ritmos Wave Loops do utilizador. Esta nova e poderosa função fornecida com 3.0A permite substituir os Audio Drums internos de Audya com Drum Wave loops criados pelo utilizador e localizados numa nova pasta HD denominada User Audio Drums. • Os Loops devem ser Wave 44 KHz, 16 bit e incluir um nome com o símbolo @ seguido do número BPM exacto, por exemplo: House2@127. wav. • Os loops são automaticamente sincronizados com o MIDI do Style. • É possível associar um diferente Wave para cada 4 KETRON • AUDYA FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF AUDIO STYLE MODELING secção Style, tal como ABCD, Fill In, Break, Intro e Ending (Ver a documentação anexa para User Audio Drums, para mais detalhes). • É fornecida, juntamente com 3.0A uma pasta Demo com 1 User Audio Drums style completo. dente. O acesso a um único template do Arquivo Bank pode ser também feito através do teclado numérico 0 -9 (Por favor ver as listas STYLE BANK). Drum1 Selecção do tipo Drum Set. IMPORTANTE • No Audio Drum interno e no User Audio Drums, o percorrer do template pode ser feito apenas na condição Style Stop. • Audio Drum interno e User Audio Drums são auto-excluídas, o mesmo para Drum Bank e MIDI Drum original do Style. F2: com F2, similar a F1, acede-se a 3 ambientes Drum diferentes: Groove Bank: Arquivo de loops percussivos (240), com Loops Acústicos e Eléctricos (Latin, Dance, Pop, Folk, etc.). Groove: set up de compatibilidade com loops percussivos de Styles precedentes (SD1, SD 5, Midjay). Drum2: selecção do tipo de Drum Set para o segundo Drum Set. IMPORTANTE • Secções Groove, Groove Bank e Drum 2 são auto-excluídas, mas podem ser adicionadas individualmente a Audio Drums ou User Audio Drums ou Drum Bank ou Drum1. F3: Bass Bank. Arquivo Bass (333). F6: Piano Bank. Arquivo de Piano e Piano Eléctrico (236). F7: Guitar Bank 1. Arquivo de Guitarra Acústica e Eléctrica (253). F8: Guitar Bank 2. Arquivo de Guitarra Acústica e Eléctrica (253). F9: Arp & Lick. Arquivo de arpejos e vários embelezamentos orquestrais (254). F10: Live Guitar. Arquivo de Guitarra Audio Live sincronizada com MIDI, até 150 Live Guitars. Todos os Arquivos Orquestrais, como Bass, Piano, Guitar 1-2 e Arp&Lick tocam com o seu Program Change original, mas é possível alterar o timbre de cada secção (quando a caixa é azul), com a simples selecção da família de sons à direita e os únicos GM sons. Todas as variações aplicadas ao Style com a inserção de templates Bank podem ser memorizadas e guardadas, como habitual, no User Style corresponKETRON • AUDYA 5 MACRO RECORDING Com Release 3.0A, é fornecida uma nova função MACRO RECORDING no principal MENU (Figura 5). MACRO RECORDING regista todos os eventos compostos no teclado. Os ficheiros criados possuem a extensão MRS e são guardados na pasta MIDI, de onde também é possível reproduzi-los. Uma vez seleccionada a função Macro Recording, um ecrã mostrará um sub-menu com a possibilidade de atribuir um nome e outras opções (Figura 6). • Macro Restore: se configurado em On, no fim da execução de Macro Recording serão restaurados automaticamente todas as condições prévias da máquina antes da execução de Macro. • Macro Rec Keyb.: Activa/Desactiva a gravação/ registo do teclado. • Macro Play Keyb.: Activa/Desactiva o funcionamento do teclado durante a reprodução de Macro. • Macro Play Tab: Activa/Desactiva o funcionamento do painel durante a reprodução de playback Macro. • Sync Start Rec: esta função permite iniciar automaticamente o registo Macro, logo que o Style esteja activado. Para usar esta função é suficiente sair pressionando a tecla Menu e depois regressar a Main View: em Start, o Style iniciará o seu registo. • Sync Stop Rec: a função permite parar o registo Macro com o Stop do Style. ▀ Registo & Playback MACRO Uma vez atribuído um nome e seleccionadas várias opções, é possível começar o registo Macro pressionando a tecla START REC (user 5/10). Todos os eventos seguintes produzidos em Audya, como a selecção de sons, alterações de style, player e outros, excepto para o sinal de Microfone, serão registados. Durante o registo Macro todos os Menus são desactivados. Terminada a performance, é possível concluir o registo pressionando STOP REC ou RECORD. Para iniciar o playback, basta ir à pasta MIDI, seleccionar o ficheiro MSR e pressionar Enter. 6 KETRON • AUDYA FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF ▀ Macro e Registration Durante o registo de um Macro, não é possível aceder a Registration. Se desejar registar um Macro usando a configuração de um Registration, pode começar primeiro por Registration e depois por Macro Recording. Executado o Macro, serão automaticamente configurados os valores iniciais, assim como a função Registration previamente seleccionada. USER AUDIO DRUM Em 3.0A Release é fornecida a possibilidade de poder utilizar novos ritmos AUDIO criados pelo utilizador em substituição de AUDIO DRUMS internos de Audya Styles. Estes ritmos são denominados USER AUDIO DRUM. Os loops devem ser colocados na pasta User Audio Drums localizada no directório principal Audya (C:). Os Loops devem possuir as seguintes características: 44 KHz, 16 bit e o nome deve ter o símbolo @ seguido pela indicação precisa do BPM. Exemplo: HOUSE2@127.wav. A pasta demo USER AUDIO DRUMS fornecida por KETRON será copiada para C: de Audya. Quando ligada a máquina, surgirá uma nova mensagem popup “Loading Audio Resources”. FFFFFFFF A pasta demo possui 1 User Audio Drums completa com todas as partes (Intro, Ending, ABCD, Fill and Break). Para aceder a User Loops é necessário ir a Style View e pressionar repetidamente a tecla F1 até surgir o nome User Audio Drum (Figura 1). Com Alpha dial é possível percorrer a função User Audio Drums disponível. FFFFFFFF Os Loops são automaticamente sincronizados com MIDI e podem ser associados a cada parte do Style, tal como A, B, C, D, Fill In, Break, Intro, Ending (Figura 7). Para memorizar User Drums nas partes diferentes de ABCD,como Fill, Break, Intro e Ending, é necessário ligar as duas teclas KEY START e KEY STOP no painel. Na condição de Stop do Style, pressionando a tecla Fill, o nome Fill surgirá no ecrã permitindo assim configurar o Loop apropriado para o Fill. Aplica-se o mesmo procedimento para Breaks e Intro – Ending. Contudo, para obter a selecção do Ending, é necessário pressionar duas vezes a tecla Intro correspondente. O novo Style que incorpora User Audio Drums pode ser guardado pressionando SAVE na secção User Style (Figura 8). NOTA 1) S e User Audio Drums está associado apenas aos 4 Arranger, então os Fills e Breaks continuarão a executar o Arrange Loop. Atribuir um nome com o símbolo inicial @ facilitará o seu reconhecimento como um Style áudio. 2) F ornecida uma opção especial em Style Mode >Drum>2ª página para controlar a condição On/Off para o utilizador de Audio Drums. Quando a opção é configurada em Off, os recursos iniciais Audio Loading serão avançados. A condição On/Off pode ser guardada como default com a função Save Custom Start Up. 3) O tempo de carregamento dos Recursos Audio é directamente proporcional à quantidade de ficheiros presentes na pasta Audio Drums. KETRON • AUDYA 7 WAVE SYNC O ambiente WAVE SYNC permite atribuir várias faixas wave sincronizadas à faixa MIDI através de MIDI. Com esta função pode atribuir medidas Starting /Stop / Repeat para cada faixa Wave atribuída. Como operacionalizar: 1 Faixas WAVE e MIDI devem ser colocadas na mesma pasta. 2 Usar a tecla F8 para seleccionar a função WAVE SYNC. Esta acção permite criar ou editar os seus ficheiros WAVE SYNC. 3 Seleccionar o ficheiro MIDI e pressionar Load MIDI (F10). O ecrã mostrará uma mensagem popup sobre o estado do carregamento. Uma vez complete o processo de carregamento, as funções PLAY e STOP estarão disponíveis na tecla F10 para escutar o ficheiro MIDI. Esta função é também replicada pela tecla Start do painel (Figura 9). 4 Adicionar agora o seu próprio Wave no fichiero MIDI. Usar as setas do painel para navegar nas Waves desejadas e, depois, pressionar a tecla ADD LOOP (F8) para a atribuição (Figura 10). 5 Uma vez atribuído o Wave Loop, o ecrã Audya mostrará informação e propriedades relacionadas com este ficheiro: • F1 - Wav: Este valor mostra o número progressivo Wave. • F2 - Nome: nome do Wave seleccionado. • F3 - BPM: Beat/Tempo por minuto do Wave seleccionado no caso de Drum Loop. Esta informação será usada para sincronizar com perfeição o seu ficheiro Audio no MIDI. O BPM deve ser preciso e é essencial para definir a melhor sincronização entre Audio e MIDI. O valor BPM pode ser modificado também quando o Audio e MIDI estão em execução. • F4 – Start: Informação para o ficheiro Wave. O utilizador pode definir apenas a tecla Audio Start, como a tecla Stop será definida automaticamente de acordo com os parâmetros Length e Repeat. • F5 - Length: Duração das batidas para Wave. Este valor definirá a duração correcta para a performance Wave. Prestar atenção quando configurar este parâmetro para obter a execução correcta e o término da sua faixa áudio. • F6 - Repeat: Esta função selecciona o número de repetições para Wave. Quando configurado o valor Loop (antes do número 1) a faixa Audio será repetida desde o seu início Start até ao final do ficheiro MIDI. • F7 - Remove Wav: permite remover o Wave seleccionado. • F8- Add Wav: esta função permite adicionar o Wav ao ficheiro MIDI. • F9- Play Wav: permite escutar o Wave desde a sua inserção. Pode prolongar-se pressionando novamente a mesma tecla sobre a qual aparece automaticamente a expressão Stop Wav (Figura 11). 6. Uma vez configurados adequadamente todos os parâmetros, o utilizador pode organizar uma espécie de antevisão do projecto final, simplesmente se tocar o ficheiro MIDI (F10). 8 KETRON • AUDYA FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFF 7 8 9 Para guardar a nova combinação MIDI + Audio, é suficiente pressionar SAVE no painel. Atribuir um novo nome e confirmar novamente com a tecla 5 / 10 – Guardar. O playback é obtido ao seleccionar o novo ficheiro MIDI e pressionando Enter. O volume Wave pode ser controlado separadamente em MIDI pelo slider Wave. Para adicionar outras faixas, repetir cuidadosamente os procedimentos desde #5 a #7. NOTA 1) É possível utilizar muitas vezes a mesma faixa Audio em vários pontos do mesmo ficheiro MIDI. 2) O utilizador pode atribuir um único Wave de cada vez. 3) S e um Wave é configurado com o parâmetro Repeat em modo Loop (antes do valor 1), todos os outros Waves associados ao ficheiro MIDI contendo uma barra Start consequente, serão ignorados MIDI IMPLEMENTATION ▀ DRAWBARS Control Change Program Change 0 0-19 Value = 5 0 0-127 Value = 3 0 0-127 Value = 4 0 0-127 Value = 8, 35, 36 0 0-127 Value = 9, 20, 21, 22 0 0-127 Value = 30, 31, 32, 33 ▀ RAM SOUND Control Change Program Change ▀ GROOVE Control Change Program Change ▀ VOICE LIST Control Change Program Change ▀ PROGRAMS Control Change Program Change ▀ PRESET Control Change Program Change ▀ SINGLE REGISTRATION Control Change Program Change 0 0-127 Value = 0-64 ▀ BLOCK REGISTRATION Control Change Program Change 0 0-127 Value = 64-126 block registration voice selection Control Change 0 Program Change 0-19 Value = 127 KETRON • AUDYA 9 STYLE BANK ARP&LICK 39 16GUIT_01 40 16GUIT_02 41 16GUIT_03 42 16GUIT_04 43 16GUIT_05 44 16GUIT_06 45 16GUIT_07 46 16GUIT_08 47 16GUIT_09 48 16GUIT_10 49 16GUIT_11 50 16GUIT_12 51 16GUIT_13 52 16GUIT_14 53 16GUIT_15 54 16GUIT_16 55 16GUIT_17 56 16GUIT_18 197 16GUIT_19 57 16PIANO_01 58 16PIANO_02 59 16PIANO_03 60 16PIANO_04 61 16PIANO_05 62 16PIANO_06 63 16PIANO_07 64 16PIANO_08 117 16STRINGS_01 118 16STRINGS_02 119 16STRINGS_03 120 16STRINGS_04 121 16STRINGS_05 122 16STRINGS_06 123 16STRINGS_07 124 16STRINGS_08 125 16STRINGS_09 126 16STRINGS_T_01 127 16STRINGS_T_02 128 16STRINGS_T_03 65 16SYNT_01 66 16SYNT_02 67 16SYNT_03 68 16SYNT_04 69 16SYNT_05 70 16SYNT_06 71 16SYNT_07 72 16SYNT_08 73 16SYNT_09 74 16SYNT_10 75 16SYNT_11 76 16SYNT_12 77 16SYNT_13 78 16SYNT_14 79 16SYNT_15 80 16SYNT_16 81 16SYNT_17 82 16SYNT_18 83 16SYNT_19 10 KETRON • AUDYA 84 16SYNT_20 85 16SYNT_21 86 16SYNT_22 87 16SYNT_23 88 16SYNT_24 89 16SYNT_25 90 16SYNT_26 91 16SYNT_27 198 16SYNT_28 199 16SYNT_29 200 16SYNT_30 201 16SYNT_31 202 16SYNT_32 203 16SYNT_33 204 16SYNT_34 205 16SYNT_35 206 16SYNT_36 207 16SYNT_37 208 16SYNT_38 209 16SYNT_39 210 16SYNT_40 211 16SYNT_41 212 16SYNT_42 213 16SYNT_43 214 16SYNT_44 215 16SYNT_45 216 16SYNT_46 143 3_4HARPSI_01 144 3_4HARPSI_02 92 3_4STRINGS_01 93 3_4STRINGS_02 94 3_4STRINGS_03 95 3_4STRINGS_04 96 3_4STRINGS_05 97 3_4STRINGS_06 98 3_4STRINGS_07 99 3_4STRINGS_08 100 3_4STRINGS_09 101 3_4STRINGS_10 102 3_4STRINGS_11 103 3_4STRINGS_12 104 3_4STRINGS_13 105 3_4STRINGS_14 106 3_4STRINGS_15 107 3_4STRINGS_16 145 4_4STRINGS_01 146 4_4STRINGS_02 147 4_4STRINGS_03 148 4_4STRINGS_04 151 6_8PIANO_01 152 6_8PIANO_02 153 6_8STRINGS_01 154 6_8STRINGS_02 155 6_8STRINGS_03 129 8BANJO_01 130 8BANJO_02 131 8BANJO_03 132 8BANJO_04 133 8BANJO_05 134 8BANJO_06 135 8BANJO_07 136 8BANJO_08 137 8BANJO_09 138 8BANJO_10 139 8BANJO_11 140 8BANJO_12 141 8BANJO_13 142 8BANJO_14 1 8GUIT_01 2 8GUIT_02 3 8GUIT_03 4 8GUIT_04 5 8GUIT_05 6 8GUIT_06 7 8GUIT_07 8 8GUIT_T_01 9 8GUIT_T_02 10 8GUIT_T_03 11 8GUIT_T_04 12 8GUIT_T_05 13 8GUIT_T_06 14 8GUIT_T_07 15 8GUIT_T_08 16 8PIANO_01 17 8PIANO_02 18 8PIANO_03 19 8PIANO_04 20 8PIANO_T_01 21 8PIANO_T_02 22 8PIANO_T_03 23 8PIANO_T_04 24 8PIANO_T_05 25 8PIANO_T_06 26 8PIANO_T_07 108 8STRINGS_01 109 8STRINGS_02 110 8STRINGS_03 111 8STRINGS_04 112 8STRINGS_05 113 8STRINGS_06 114 8STRINGS_07 115 8STRINGS_T_01 116 8STRINGS_T_02 27 8SYNT_01 28 8SYNT_02 29 8SYNT_03 156 8SYNT_04 157 8SYNT_05 158 8SYNT_06 159 8SYNT_07 160 8SYNT_08 161 8SYNT_09 162 8SYNT_10 163 8SYNT_11 164 8SYNT_12 165 8SYNT_13 STYLE BANK 166 8SYNT_14 167 8SYNT_15 168 8SYNT_16 169 8SYNT_17 170 8SYNT_18 171 8SYNT_19 172 8SYNT_20 173 8SYNT_21 174 8SYNT_22 175 8SYNT_23 176 8SYNT_24 177 8SYNT_25 178 8SYNT_26 179 8SYNT_27 180 8SYNT_28 181 8SYNT_29 182 8SYNT_30 183 8SYNT_31 184 8SYNT_32 185 8SYNT_33 186 8SYNT_34 187 8SYNT_35 188 8SYNT_36 30 8SYNT_T_01 31 8SYNT_T_02 32 8SYNT_T_03 33 8SYNT_T_04 34 8SYNT_T_05 35 8SYNT_T_06 36 8SYNT_T_07 37 8SYNT_T_08 38 8SYNT_T_09 189 8SYNT_T_10 190 8SYNT_T_11 191 8SYNT_T_12 192 8SYNT_T_13 193 8SYNT_T_14 194 195 196 149 150 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 261 262 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 8SYNT_T_15 8SYNT_T_16 8SYNT_T_17 8_HARPSI_01 8_HARPSI_02 BRASS_CHA_01 BRASS_CHA_02 BRASS_CHA_03 BRASS_CHA_04 BRASS_POP_01 BRASS_POP_02 BRASS_POP_03 BRASS_POP_04 BRASS_POP_05 BRASS_POP_06 BRASS_POP_07 BRASS_POP_08 BRASS_SWG_01 BRASS_SWG_02 BRASS_SWG_03 BRASS_SWG_04 BRASS_SWG_05 BRASS_SWG_06 BRASS_SWG_07 BRASS_SWG_08 BRASS_SWG_09 BRASS_SWG_10 BRAS_SAMB_01 BRAS_SAMB_02 FISABEGUIN_01 FISABEGUIN_02 FISABEGUIN_03 FISAFOX_01 FISAFOX_02 FISAFOX_03 FISAFOX_04 FISAMAZURK_01 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 FISAMAZURK_02 FISAMAZURK_03 FISAMAZURK_04 FISAPARTY_01 FISAPARTY_02 FISAPARTY_03 FISAPARTY_04 FISASLOWLZ_01 FISASLOWLZ_02 FISASLOWLZ_03 FISASLOWLZ_04 FISASLOWLZ_05 FISASLOWLZ_06 FISATANGO_01 FISATANGO_02 FISATANGO_03 FISATARANT_01 FISATARANT_02 FISATARANT_03 FISATARANT_04 FISAWALZ_01 FISAWALZ_02 FISAWALZ_03 FISAWALZ_04 HORNS_SWG_01 HORNS_SWG_02 REEDS_SWG_01 REEDS_SWG_02 REEDS_SWG_03 SAX_SWG_01 SAX_SWG_02 SAX_SWG_03 SAX_SWG_04 SAX_SWG_05 SAX_SWG_06 BASS BANK 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 12_8BALLAD_01 12_8BALLAD_02 12_8BALLAD_03 12_8BALLAD_04 16BEAT_01 16BEAT_02 16BEAT_03 16BEAT_04 16BEAT_05 16BEAT_06 16BEAT_07 16BEAT_08 16BEAT_09 3_4PDOBLE_01 6_8BALLAD_01 6_8BALLAD_02 6_8BLUES_01 6_8WALZ_01 6_8WALZ_02 23 70BEAT_01 24 70BEAT_02 25 70POP_01 26 70POP_02 7 8BEAT_01 8 8BEAT_02 9 8BEAT_03 306 8BEAT_04 307 8BEAT_05 308 8BEAT_06 309 8BEAT_07 310 8BEAT_08 311 8BEAT_09 312 8BEAT_10 313 8BEAT_11 314 8BEAT_12 315 8BEAT_13 316 8BEAT_14 317 8BEAT_15 318 8BEAT_16 319 8BEAT_17 320 8BEAT_18 321 8BEAT_19 322 8BEAT_20 323 8BEAT_21 324 8BEAT_22 217 AFRO_01 218 AFRO_02 219 AFRO_03 220 AFRO_04 27 BACHATA_01 28 BACHATA_02 29 BACHATA_03 30 BALLAD_01 31 BALLAD_02 32 BALLAD_03 33 BALLAD_04 34 BALLENATO_01 KETRON • AUDYA 11 STYLE BANK 35 BALLENATO_02 291 BALLENATO_03 36 BEGUINE_01 37 BEGUINE_02 296 BEGUINE_03 297 BEGUINE_04 298 BEGUINE_05 299 BEGUINE_06 300 BEGUINE_07 301 BEGUINE_08 302 BEGUINE_09 38 BIGBAND_01 39 BIGBAND_02 40 BLUES_01 41 BLUES_02 42 BLUES_03 43 BOLERO_01 44 BOLERO_02 45 BOOGIE_01 46 BOOGIE_02 47 BOSSA_01 48 BOSSA_02 49 BOSSA_03 50 BOSSA_04 51 BOSSA_05 221 BOSSA_06 222 BOSSA_07 223 BOSSA_08 52 BUGG_01 53 BUGG_02 54 CALYPSO_01 55 CALYPSO_02 56 CANCAN_01 57 CANCAN_02 58 CANCAN_03 59 CHACHA_01 60 CHACHA_02 61 CHACHA_03 62 CHARLESTON 63 CNTRYDIX 64 DANCE_01 176 DANCE_02 177 DANCE_03 178 DANCE_04 179 DANCE_05 180 DANCE_06 181 DANCE_07 182 DANCE_08 183 DANCE_09 224 DANCE_10 225 DANCE_11 226 DANCE_12 227 DANCE_13 228 DANCE_14 229 DANCE_15 187 DISCO_01 65 DISCO_02 66 DISCO_03 67 DISCO_04 184 DISCO_05 12 KETRON • AUDYA 185 DISCO_06 186 DISCO_07 188 DISCO_08 189 DISCO_09 194 DISCO_10 195 DISCO_11 196 DISCO_12 197 DISCO_13 198 DISCO_14 199 DISCO_15 200 DISCO_16 201 DISCO_17 202 DISCO_18 203 DISCO_19 204 DISCO_20 70 ENGLTRIP_01 71 ENGLTRIP_02 72 ENGLTRIP_03 73 FLAMENCO_01 74 FLAMENCO_02 75 FLAMENCO_03 76 FLIPBEAT_01 77 FOLKSINGER_01 78 FOLKSINGER_02 79 FOLKSINGER_03 80 FOLKSINGER_04 285 FOX_01 286 FOX_02 287 FOX_03 81 FUNKY_01 82 FUNKY_02 83 FUNKY_03 84 FUNKY_04 85 FUNKY_05 86 FUNKY_06 87 FUNKY_07 88 FUNKY_08 209 FUNKY_09 210 FUNKY_10 211 FUNKY_11 212 FUNKY_12 213 FUNKY_13 214 FUNKY_14 215 FUNKY_15 216 FUNKY_16 89 FUSION_01 90 FUSION_02 91 FUSION_03 92 FUSION_04 93 GITANA_01 94 GITANA_02 95 GITANA_03 96 GOSPEL_01 97 GOSPEL_02 98 GOSPEL_03 230 HIP-HOP_01 231 HIP-HOP_02 99 HOUSE_01 100 HOUSE_02 101 HOUSE_03 102 103 104 105 106 205 206 207 208 232 233 234 235 236 107 108 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 109 110 111 112 245 246 247 113 114 115 248 116 117 118 119 120 249 250 251 252 253 330 331 332 333 166 167 325 326 121 122 254 255 256 257 327 HOUSE_04 HOUSE_05 HOUSE_06 HOUSE_07 HOUSE_08 HOUSE_09 HOUSE_10 HOUSE_11 HOUSE_12 HOUSE_13 HOUSE_14 HOUSE_15 HOUSE_16 HOUSE_17 HULLYGULLY_01 HULLYGULLY_02 JAZZ_01 JAZZ_02 JAZZ_03 JAZZ_04 JAZZ_05 JAZZ_06 JAZZ_07 JAZZ_08 LATINROCK LIGHTPOP_01 LIGHTPOP_02 LIGHTPOP_03 LOUNGE_01 LOUNGE_02 LOUNGE_03 MACARENA_01 MACARENA_02 MARCH MAZURKA MENEITO_01 MENEITO_02 MERENGUE_01 MERENGUE_02 MERENGUE_03 NUJAZZ_01 NUJAZZ_02 NUSOUL_01 NUSOUL_02 NUSOUL_03 NUSOUL_04 NUSOUL_05 NUSOUL_06 NUSOUL_07 OBERPOLKA_01 OBERPOLKA_02 OBERWALZ_01 OBERWALZ_02 PDOBLE_01 PDOBLE_02 POLKA POPCHA_01 POPCHA_02 POPCHA_03 POPLATIN_01 STYLE BANK 328 329 123 124 125 126 127 128 258 259 260 261 262 138 139 134 135 129 130 131 132 133 136 137 288 289 290 292 263 264 265 266 POPLATIN_02 POPLATIN_03 POP_01 POP_02 POP_03 POP_04 POP_05 POP_06 PROGRESS_01 PROGRESS_02 PROGRESS_03 PROGRESS_04 R&BLUES_01 R&BLUES_02 R&BLUES_03 REGGAETON_01 REGGAETON_02 REGGAE_01 REGGAE_02 REGGAE_03 REGGAE_04 REGGAE_05 RHUMBA_01 RHUMBA_02 RHUMBA_03 RHUMBA_04 RHUMBA_05 RHUMBA_06 RNB_01 RNB_02 RNB_03 RNB_04 267 268 269 270 146 293 294 295 140 141 142 143 144 145 147 148 149 191 192 193 150 151 303 304 305 271 272 273 274 152 153 154 RNB_05 RNB_06 RNB_07 RNB_08 ROCKSHUFF_01 ROCKSHUFF_02 ROCKSHUFF_03 ROCKSHUFF_04 ROCK_01 ROCK_02 ROCK_03 ROCK_04 ROCK_BALLAD_01 ROCK_BALLAD_02 SALSA_01 SALSA_02 SALSA_03 SAMBA_01 SAMBA_02 SAMBA_03 SHAKE SLOWROCK_01 SLOWROCK_02 SLOWROCK_03 SLOWROCK_04 SLOW_01 SLOW_02 SLOW_03 SLOW_04 SOUL_01 SOUL_02 SOUL_03 155 SOUL_04 156 SWING_01 68 SWING_02 69 SWING_03 190 SWING_04 275 SWING_05 276 SWING_06 277 SWING_07 278 SWING_08 279 SWING_09 280 SWING_10 157 TANGO_01 158 TANGO_02 159 TANGO_03 160 TANGO_04 161 TANGO_05 162 TANGO_06 163 TANGO_07 281 TECHNO_01 282 TECHNO_02 283 TECHNO_03 284 TECHNO_04 164 TWIST_01 165 TWIST_02 168 WALZ_01 169 WALZ_02 170 WALZ_03 171 WALZ_04 172 WALZ_05 173 WALZ_06 174 WALZ_07 175 WALZ_08 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 8_BEAT_3_02 BIGBAND_01 BIGBAND_02 BIGBAND_03 BIGBAND_04 BLUES_01 BLUES_02 BLUES_03 BOSSAMIX_01 BOSSAMIX_02 BOSSAMIX_03 BOSSANOVA_01 BOSSANOVA_02 BOSSANOVA_03 BOSSANOVA_04 BRUSHPOLKA_01 BRUSHPOLKA_02 BRUSHPOLKA_03 BRUSHWALTZ_01 BRUSHWALTZ_02 BRUSHWALTZ_03 BUGG_01 BUGG_02 BUGG_03 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 DRUM BANK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 60’S_POP_01 60’S_POP_02 60’S_POP_03 60’S_POP_04 6_8_BALLAD_01 6_8_BALLAD_02 6_8_BALLAD_03 70’S_BEAT_01 70’S_BEAT_02 70’S_BEAT_03 70’S_BEAT_04 70’S_POP_01 70’S_POP_02 70’S_POP_03 70’S_POP_04 8BEAT1_01 8BEAT1_02 8BEAT1_03 8BEAT1_04 8_BEAT_2_01 8_BEAT_2_02 8_BEAT_2_03 8_BEAT_2_04 8_BEAT_3_01 BUGG_04 CNTRY_BLD_01 CNTRY_BLD_02 CNTRY_BLD_03 CNTRY_FOX_01 CNTRY_FOX_02 CNTRY_FOX_03 CNTRY_FOX_04 CNTRY_ROCK_01 CNTRY_ROCK_02 CNTRY_ROCK_03 CNTRY_ROCK_04 COOLFUNKY_01 COOLFUNKY_02 COOLFUNKY_03 COOLFUNKY_04 DANCEFLOOR_01 DANCEFLOOR_02 DANCEFLOOR_03 DANCEFLOOR_04 DANCEFLOOR_05 DISCODANCE_01 DISCODANCE_02 ENGL_WALTZ_01 KETRON • AUDYA 13 STYLE BANK 73 ENGL_WALTZ_02 74 ENGL_WALTZ_03 75 ENGL_WALTZ_04 76 ENGL_WALTZ_05 77 EUROCHACHA_01 78 EUROCHACHA_02 79 EUROCHACHA_03 80 FOLK_SNG_01 81 FOLK_SNG_02 82 FOXTROT_01 83 FOXTROT_02 84 FOXTROT_03 85 FOXTROT_04 86 FUNKY_01 87 FUNKY_02 88 FUNKY_03 89 FUNKY_04 90 FUSION_01 91 FUSION_02 92 FUSION_03 93 GOSPEL_01 94 GOSPEL_02 95 GOSPEL_03 96 HARDROCK_01 97 HARDROCK_02 98 HARDROCK_03 99 HARDROCK_04 100 HIPHOP_81_01 101 HIPHOP_81_02 102 HIPHOP_89_01 103 HOUSE6_126_01 104 HOUSE6_126_02 105 HOUSE6_126_03 106 HOUSE6_126_04 109 HULLYGULLY_01 110 HULLYGULLY_02 111 HULLYGULLY_03 112 HULLYGULLY_04 113 HULLYGULLY_05 114 HULLYGULLY_06 115 HULLYGULLY_07 107 House_132_01 108 House_132_02 116 IRISHWALTZ_01 117 IRISHWALTZ_02 118 IRISHWALTZ_03 119 LATINROCK_01 120 LATINROCK_02 121 LATINROCK_03 122 LATINROCK_04 123 LIMBO_01 124 LIMBO_02 125 LIMBO_03 126 LIMBO_04 127 LOUNGE_01 128 LOUNGE_02 129 LOUNGE_03 130 LOUNGE_04 131 MACARENA_01 132 MACARENA_02 133 MACARENA_03 14 KETRON • AUDYA 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 MACARENA_04 MARCH_01 MARCH_02 MARCH_03 MARCH_04 MAZURKA_01 MAZURKA_02 MAZURKA_03 MAZURKA_04 MENEITO_01 MENEITO_02 MENEITO_03 MENEITO_04 MODBEGUINE_01 MODBEGUINE_02 MODBEGUINE_03 MODBEGUINE_04 MODBOSSA_01 MODBOSSA_02 MODBOSSA_03 MOVIESONG_01 MOVIESONG_02 MOVIESONG_03 MOVIESONG_04 MUSETTE_01 MUSETTE_02 ONTHEROAD_01 ONTHEROAD_02 ONTHEROAD_03 ONTHEROAD_04 ORGANHIT_01 ORGANHIT_02 ORGANHIT_03 ORGANJAZZ_01 ORGANJAZZ_02 ORGANJAZZ_03 ORGANJAZZ_04 POP12_8_01 POP12_8_02 POP12_8_03 POPFOLK_01 POPFOLK_02 POPFOLK_03 POPFOLK_04 POPMIX_01 POPMIX_02 POPMIX_03 POPMIX_04 POPTWIST_01 POPTWIST_02 POPTWIST_03 POPTWIST_04 R&B10_88_01 R&B10_88_02 R&B12_63_01 R&B12_63_02 R&B12_63_03 R&B12_63_04 R&B13_81_01 R&B13_81_02 R&B13_81_03 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 R&B15_114_01 R&B15_114_02 R&B15_114_03 R&B17_100_01 R&B17_100_02 R&B17_100_03 R&B17_100_04 R&B20_100_05 R&B21_100_01 R&B21_100_02 R&B22_90_01 R&B22_90_02 R&B23_93_01 R&B23_93_02 R&B4_95_01 R&B4_95_02 R&B5_97_01 R&B5_97_02 R&B6_106_01 R&B6_106_02 R&B7_95_01 R&B8_73_01 R&BALLAD_68_01 RAP_85_01 RAP_85_02 RAVE_125_01 REGGAETON_01 REGGAETON_02 ROCK&ROLL_01 ROCK&ROLL_02 ROCK&ROLL_03 ROCKBLD_01 ROCKBLD_02 ROCKBLD_03 ROCKBLD_04 ROCKSHUFF_01 ROCKSHUFF_02 ROCKSHUFF_03 ROCKSHUFF_04 SAMBAJAZZ_01 SAMBAJAZZ_02 SAMBAJAZZ_03 SAMBA_01 SAMBA_02 SAMBA_03 SAMBA_04 SLOWALTZ_01 SLOWALTZ_02 SLOWALTZ_03 SLOWALTZ_04 SLOWROCK_01 SLOWROCK_02 SLOWROCK_03 TANGO_01 TANGO_02 TANGO_03 TARANTELLA_01 TARANTELLA_02 TARANTELLA_03 WALZER_01 WALZER_02 STYLE BANK GUITAR BANK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 12_8_01 12_8_02 16BEATARP_01 16BEATTRPL_01 16BEAT_01 16BEAT_02 16BEAT_03 16BEAT_04 16BEAT_05 16BEAT_06 16BEAT_07 16BEAT_08 16BEAT_09 16ELNOISE_01 16ELNOISE_02 60POP_01 60POP_02 60POP_03 60POP_04 60POP_05 60POP_06 8BEAT_01 8BEAT_02 8BEAT_03 8BEAT_04 8BEAT_05 8BEAT_06 8BEAT_07 BAJON_01 BALLADARP_01 BALLADARP_02 BALLADARP_03 BALLAD_01 BALLAD_02 BANJO_01 BANJO_02 BEAT70_01 BEAT70_02 BEGUINE_01 BEGUINE_02 BEGUINE_03 BEGUINE_04 BEGUINE_05 BLUEGRASS_01 BLUEGRASS_02 BOOGIE_01 BOOGIE_02 BOOGIE_03 BOSSA_01 BOSSA_02 CHACHA_01 CNTRYARP_01 CNTRYARP_02 CNTRYARP_03 CNTRYARP_04 CNTRYBAL_01 CNTRYBAL_02 CNTRYBAL_03 59 CNTRYBEAT_01 60 CNTRYBEAT_02 61 CNTRYBEAT_03 62 CNTRYBEAT_04 63 CNTRYBEAT_05 64 CNTRYBEAT_06 65 CNTRYBEAT_07 66 CNTRYBEAT_08 67 CNTRYBEAT_09 68 CNTRYPOP_01 69 CNTRYSLOW_01 70 CNTRYSLOW_02 71 CNTRYWALZ_01 72 CNTRYWALZ_02 73 CNTRYWALZ_03 74 COUNTRY12_8_01 75 DANCE_01 76 DANCE_02 77 DANCE_03 78 DANCE_04 79 DANCE_05 80 DANCE_06 81 DANCE_07 82 DANCE_08 83 DANCE_09 84 DANCE_10 85 DISCOSAMBA_01 86 DISCOWHA_01 87 DISCOWHA_02 88 DISCOWHA_03 89 DISCOWHA_04 90 DISCOWHA_05 91 DISCOWHA_06 92 DISCOWHA_07 93 DISCO_01 94 DISCO_02 95 DISCO_03 96 DISCO_04 97 DISCO_05 98 DISCO_06 99 DISCO_07 100 DISCO_08 101 DISCO_09 102 DISCO_10 103 DISCO_11 104 DISCO_12 105 FLAMENCO_01 106 FLAMENCO_02 107 FLAMENCO_03 108 FLAMENCO_04 109 FLAMENCO_05 110 FLAM_NOISE_01 111 FOXSWING_01 112 FOXSWING_02 113 FOXSWING_04 114 FOXSWING_05 115 FOXSWING_06 116 FOXSWING_07 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 FOXSWING_08 FOXSWING_09 FOXSWING_10 FOXSWING_11 FOXSWING_12 FOXSWING_13 FOXSWING_14 FOXSWING_15 FOXSWING_16 FOXSWING_17 FOXSWING_18 FUNKTRPL_01 FUNKTRPL_02 FUNKTRPL_03 GIPSY_01 GIPSY_02 GIPSY_03 JAZWALTZ_01 JAZWALTZ_02 JAZWALTZ_03 JAZWALTZ_04 JAZWALTZ_05 LIMBO_01 LIMBO_02 MAMBOSHUF_01 MAMBOSHUF_02 MUTED_01 MUTED_02 MUTED_03 MUTED_04 MUTED_05 MUTED_06 MUTED_07 MUTED_08 MUTED_09 OBPOLKA_01 OBPOLKA_02 OBWALZ_01 PARTY_01 PASODOBLE_01 POP_01 POP_02 POP_03 POP_04 POP_05 POP_06 POP_07 POP_08 POP_09 PWRCHORD_01 PWRCHORD_02 PWRCHORD_03 PWRCHORD_04 R&BLUES-01 R&BLUES-02 R&BLUES_03 R&BLUES_04 R&BLUES_05 KETRON • AUDYA 15 STYLE BANK 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 R&BLUES_06 R&BLUES_07 R&BLUES_08 R&ROLL_01 R&ROLL_02 R&ROLL_03 R&ROLL_04 R&ROLL_05 R&ROLL_06 R&ROLL_07 REGGAE_01 REGGAE_02 RIDE_01 ROCK_01 ROCK_02 ROCK_03 ROCK_04 ROCK_05 RUMBANOISE_01 RUMBANOISE_02 RUMBANOISE_03 RUMBANOISE_04 RUMBANOISE_05 RUMBA_01 RUMBA_02 RUMBA_03 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 RUMBA_04 RUMBA_05 RUMBA_06 RUMBA_07 RUMBA_08 RUMBA_09 RUMBA_10 RUMBA_11 RUMBA_12 SAMBA_01 SAMBA_02 SAMBA_03 SAMBA_04 SHUFFLE_01 SHUFFLE_02 SHUFFLE_03 SHUFFLE_04 SIRTAKY_01 SLOWALZ_01 SLOWALZ_02 SLOWALZ_03 SLOWROCK_01 SLOWROCK_02 SLOWROCK_03 SLOW_01 SOCA_01 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 SOCA_02 SOCA_03 SOUL_01 SOUL_02 SOUL_03 SOUL_04 SURF_01 SURF_02 SURF_03 TANGO_01 WALTZ_01 WALTZ_02 WALTZ_03 WESTERN_01 WESTERN_02 WESTERN_03 WESTERN_04 WESTERN_05 WESTERN_06 WESTERN_07 WESTERN_08 WHANOISE_01 WHANOISE_02 WHANOISE_03 20 21 22 23 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 8 BT_EP_01 8 BT_EP_02 8 BT_EP_03 8 BT_EP_04 BALLAD_01 BALLAD_02 BALLAD_03 BALLAD_04 BALLAD_05 BALLAD_06 BALLAD_07 BALLAD_08 BALLAD_09 BALLAD_10 BALLAD_11 BALLAD_12 BALLAD_13 BEGUINE_01 BEGUINE_02 BEGUINE_03 BEGUINE_04 BEGUINE_05 BEGUINE_06 BEGUINE_07 BEGUINE_08 BLUES_01 BLUES_02 BLUES_03 BLUES_04 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 BLUES_05 BLUES_06 BOOGIE_01 BOOGIE_02 BOOGIE_03 BOSSA_01 BOSSA_02 BOSSA_03 BOSSA_04 BOSSA_05 BOSSA_06 BOSSA_07 BOSSA_08 BOSSA_09 BOSSA_EP_01 BOSSA_EP_02 BOSSA_EP_03 BOSSA_EP_04 BOSSA_EP_05 BOSSA_EP_06 BOSSA_EP_07 BOSSA_EP_08 BOSSA_EP_09 BOSSA_EP_10 BOSSA_EP_11 BOSSA_EP_12 BOSSA_EP_13 BOSSA_EP_14 BROADWAY_01 PIANO BANK 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12_8 BALLAD_01 12_8 BALLAD_02 12_8 BALLAD_03 12_8 BALLAD_04 12_8 BALLAD_05 16 BT_EP_01 16 BT_EP_02 16 BT_EP_03 16 BT_EP_04 16 BT_EP_05 8 BEAT_01 8 BEAT_02 8 BEAT_03 8 BEAT_04 8 BEAT_05 8 BEAT_06 8 BEAT_07 8 BEAT_08 8 BEAT_09 8 BEAT_10 8 BEAT_11 8 BEAT_12 8 BEAT_13 8 BEAT_14 8 BEAT_15 8 BEAT_16 8 BEAT_17 8 BEAT_18 8 BEAT_19 16 KETRON • AUDYA STYLE BANK 88 BROADWAY_02 89 BROADWAY_03 90 CHACHA_01 91 CHACHA_02 92 CHACHA_03 93 CHACHA_04 94 CHACHA_05 95 CHACHA_06 96 CHACHA_07 97 CHACHA_08 117 DANCEP_01 118 DANCEP_02 98 DANCE_01 99 DANCE_02 100 DANCE_03 101 DANCE_04 102 DANCE_05 103 DANCE_06 104 DANCE_07 105 DANCE_08 106 DANCE_09 107 DANCE_10 108 DANCE_11 109 DANCE_12 110 DANCE_13 111 DANCE_14 112 DANCE_15 113 DANCE_16 114 DANCE_17 115 DANCE_18 116 DANCE_19 119 DISCO_EP_01 120 FUNK_01 121 FUNK_02 122 FUNK_03 123 FUNK_04 124 FUNK_05 125 FUNK_06 126 FUNK_07 127 FUNK_08 128 FUNK_09 129 FUNK_10 130 FUNK_11 131 FUNK_12 132 FUNK_13 133 FUNK_14 134 LATINP_01 135 LATINP_02 136 LATINP_03 137 LATINP_04 138 LATINP_05 139 LATINP_06 140 LATINP_07 141 LATINP_08 142 LATINP_09 143 LATINP_10 144 MARCH 6-8_01 145 MARCH 6-8_02 146 MARCH 6-8_03 147 MERENGUE_01 148 149 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 MERENGUE_02 MERENGUE_03 PARTY_FOX_01 PIANO_6_8_01 PIANO_6_8_02 PIANO_6_8_03 PIANO_6_8_04 POLKA_01 POLKA_02 P_BEAT_01 P_BEAT_02 P_BEAT_03 P_BEAT_04 P_BEGUINE_01 P_BEGUINE_02 P_BEGUINE_03 P_DOBLE_01 P_DOBLE_02 P_MARCH_68_01 P_MARCH_68_02 P_RHUMBA_01 P_RHUMBA_02 P_RHUMBA_03 P_RHUMBA_04 P_SHUFFLE_01 P_SHUFFLE_02 P_SHUFFLE_03 P_SHUFFLE_04 R&ROLL_01 R&ROLL_02 R&ROLL_03 R&ROLL_04 R&ROLL_05 R&ROLL_06 R&ROLL_07 R&ROLL_08 RAGTIME_01 RAGTIME_02 RAGTIME_03 RETRO_01 RETRO_02 RETRO_03 SALSA_01 SALSA_02 SALSA_03 SALSA_04 SALSA_05 SALSA_06 SAMBA_01 SAMBA_02 SAMBA_03 SAMBA_04 SAMBA_05 SAMBA_06 SAMBA_07 SWING_01 SWING_02 SWING_03 SWING_04 SWING_05 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 SWING_06 SWING_07 SWING_08 SWING_09 SWING_10 TANGO_01 TANGO_02 TANGO_03 TANGO_04 TANGO_05 TANGO_06 TRIPL_EP_01 TRIPL_EP_02 TRIPL_EP_03 TRIPL_EP_04 TRIPL_EP_05 UP_PIANO_01 UP_PIANO_02 UP_PIANO_03 WALTZ_01 WALTZ_02 WALTZ_03 WALTZ_04 WALTZ_05 WALTZ_06 WALTZ_07 WALTZ_08 WALTZ_09 WALTZ_10 WALTZ_11 KETRON • AUDYA 17 KETRON s.r.l. Via Giuseppe Taliercio n. 7 60131 Ancona (Italy) Tel. +39 071 285771 Tel. +39 071 2857748 www.ketron.it email: ketron@ketron.it UPDATE 4.1 ENGLISH UPDATE 4.1 - Special Features 111 Wave Edit\Sampler: New Menu for Wave track Sampler and MSP Edit (Take reference on page #3). 222 New Live Guitar Remix: Powerfully Remix feature on Midi File menu. Now Live Guitar can be add on REMIX menu and link to follow harmony tune on midi file automatically while playing. (Take reference on page #8). 333 User Live Guitars: New User LIVE GUITARS suitable on Ins-Ram memory (Take reference on page #13). 444 User Voice List: Powerful feature to link a Voice List group to Style or Player (Take reference on page #10). 555 Edit Pattern: New menu where create or edit your own styles (Take reference on page #12). 666 Footswitch\User Assignable: “Unplugged” function add. When this function is active all remains part of style are muted. Also add “Glide” function and parameter “Glide Time” on Menù>Keyboard Utility->Pitch-Volumes-Tran. Add “Jukebox” and “Wave Filter” function, the latter only works if “User Assignable” active. 777 Portamento Autoswitch: As well Aftertouch On-Off works this new feature enable /disable automatic action on related button when programmed on Preset or Program. This menu is located under Menu > Keyboard Control > Aftertouch. 888 Lock Regs Micro: New function available on Keyboard Utility > Page #4.This function (stored on Custom Start Up) allows to freeze Microphone and Voicetron preset on Registration. 999 2nd Voice on Out 1 & 2: 2nd Voice now can be routed on Outputs 1 and 2. 1111 Lock Style Balance: Global Style balance value can be locked over all Audya style. This function can be activated by press both horizontal cursors at the same time. Of course user should be assign this feature firstly on menu Style Mode -> Modes 2/2 (function with marked value mean activate). This feature can be stored on Custom Start Up. 1111 Preset Edit: This function allows to Edit your own Preset and Save on Program section (original Presets remain unmodified.) Select your Preset holding related button for 1 second (apprx) than edit all desiderated parameters. Once will be completed choose your own program name, location and press Save to store it. 1111 Msp as Ins: MSP file format can be managed just like INS file. MSP file are located on Ram Ins menu. Moving these file with related resources on Instrument Folder will be linked on Autoload feature. 1111 Edit Micro/Vocalizer: Micro and Vocalizer Edit is allowed holding related button for more than 1 second as well Harmony already do since Version 3.0. 1111 Drum Remap Global: Since this release Global Edit can be managed on Drum Remap setting 2 KETRON • AUDYA also. Select Global or Single setting before to enter on Drum Remap menu however. 1111 Midi In Glob.Transp: New feature on Menù>Midi->Utility in order to enable /disabile transposed event coming from Midi In 2-key. 1111 Fill To Arr: Jmp: New selection on Fill to Arranger feature on Style Mode->Mode1. When set on JMP Fill or Break 1/ 2 hit force on jump on the next variation (related of variation used) If hit Fill or Break 3 / 4 force on the previous variation. 1111 Metronome: Metronome Volume linked on Aux spider 3-4 and routed on Headphone 3-4. 1111 Bass & Lower Lock: Allows to lock Bass and Lower voice when Style selection is recalled. Style Mode->Bass2 and Style Mode->Lower. 1111 Style Mode: New features on Style Mode menu: •• Original Fill/Break: Fill/Break force original sound setting whenever recalled. •• Intro To Arr A.: Anytime Intro is pressed Arranger A will be select. •• Autocrash Intro/Fill/Break/Riff: Enable autocrash feature after Intro/Fill/Break/Riff. •• Inversion: User can set Chord tablet on manage Parallel mode recycled •• Bassist Expert: New enhancement on Bassist feature with advanced chord recognize ▀▀ Fixed Bugs: •• •• •• •• •• Several improvement on Harmony Display, Filter on Expression Midi out Metronome outputs Mixdown on Audio recording Lower hold midi transmission. WAVE EDIT Since Audya version 4.1 you’ll find on Wave Player menu a new WAVE EDIT feature located on F9 button. In order to operate with this new function firstly select the wave to edit than select WAVE EDIT button (Picture 1). Once Wave Edit button is pressed a pop up menu will show on display the Import progress activity. When this procedure will be completed the waveform will be displayed on Audya screen. Related at this new waveform screen Audya will show a tools palette to operate on this imported file (Picture 2). NOTE PPPPPPPPP Stereo file will be shown on Audya display as a single waveform however. Beside the new imported waveform Audya will show three markable lines (see on Picture with arrows) to indicate a Start Point (Blue) Fade Start Point (Grey) End Point (Black) Here is on detail: Zoom: permette d’aumentare o diminuire l’ immagine della forma d’onda importata. Start: indica il punto d’inizio applicato al wave. End: indica il punto di fine applicato al wave. Norm: permette di normalizzare o amplificare la waveform (Range 0%-200%). Fade: indica quando comincerà la dissolvenza (Fade Out) in relazione al Punto End del wave (Max. 8 s). PPPPPPPPP •• Zoom: allows to magnify (or reduce) waveform displayed. •• Start: Set the Start Point of waveform. •• End: Set the End Point of waveform. •• Norm: Apply Normalize (or amplify) function on waveform (range 0%-200%). •• Fade: Set the Fade Out time (showed on ms) related of the original waveform End (Max. 8 s). Once you’ll select a new Start (F2), End (F3) o Fade (U1/6) point, the Blue transport bar colour will be changed on red just to inform on new operating status point. All values are editable by alpha Dial (step by step) or by cursor (quickly edit). Arrows cursor pressed (Left & Right) at the same time will restore default value of Start / End point and will clear any previous Fade setting. Using up or down arrows will be useful to catch Zero crossing function automatically. PPPPPPPPP As showed on Picture 3 when a new parameter will be selected a Preview, Restore e Save tab will appear on bottom of display. KETRON • AUDYA 3 WAVE EDIT In detail: •• Preview: Allows preview function of edited waveform with new assigned value •• Restore: as Restore mean and useful as UNDO of preview use •• Save: Just to Save an edited file. In order to hear NORM and FADE rendered feature user must select PREVIEW function. As probably know this feature needs a computing time (related of wave length) to elaborate final wave result. Rendering feature will not necessary in case of using START or END features. You ‘ll hear it immediately. If for instance you select NORM parameter at 100% your own waveform will be Normalized in order to gain all dynamic range available. However we suggest to use less (i.e. at 90%) is any sound source will be applied on this wave the whole amount could be overloaded even a properly distortion or overdrive is request. After that pre PREVIEW and when computing rendering will be completed you could hear and see the difference as showed of Picture 4. If you would catch the right START (or else) Point will be really useful manage with ZOOM feature Here is the ZOOM value to use: 1x, 8x, 16x, 32x, 1:8, 1:4, 1:2, 1:1. The first (1x, 8x, 16x, 32x,) set value allows to magnify waveform in a traditional way. The others will be useful as a PPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPP ▀▀ WAVE EDIT on MSP template Sample windows to analyze waveform as block of 1:8, 1:4, 1:2, 1:1. In detail: 111 Move a Start Point ahead just focused in a better way your waveform (i.e. put value to 24040). 222 Select ZOOM feature and assign 16x value. 333 Select START feature again. If everything will done as suggest display will show as in Picture 5. Display will show more detail with ZOOM feature (Picture 6) When ZOOM will be magnify display will inform you on Value related on point selected (Arrow will show value updated) PPPPPPPPP WAVE EDIT menu is available also on MSP template to create your own MSP Select MSP Edit, load your wave file and it will be available on display (Picture 7). Once the wave file will be imported on WAVE EDIT Audya display will show a screen shot alike the previous issue . The main remarkable difference is LOOP (F4) (Picture 8). LOOP feature, as well name say, allows to set a Loop point on the selected wave (previously imported). The 4 KETRON • AUDYA WAVE EDIT LOOP point will be notable on display by the Green horizontal line (as showed by). Once LOOP point is selected (F4 button) value can be edited by usual directional button or with Alpha Dial. When navigation arrows are both pressed LOOP point will be set at the same START point automatically (Thus caused repetition of whole waveform). If arrows button will be pressed once again this feature will be de activated. NOTE Wave Edit recognize LOOP Point which can be assigned via computer by using professional Audio Editor. PPPPPPPPP As previously mentioned a START, END, Loop preview feature is possible by pressing assigned wave button of MSP. NORM and FADE function need a rendering PREVIEW (as well mentioned on previous issue) Once modification will be completed you can save your edit file by SAVE feature. If during a SAVE procedure a different name will be used, Audya will replace automatically the previous file with the new one named assigned (Picture 9). If MSP file is arranged with several sounds to operate on MSP VIEW will be necessary press Enter to select than WAVE EDIT in order to operate directly on a Single file. On this feature we suggest to use SOLO function to avoid other wave playing at the same time PPPPPPPPP Sampler On Menu-> Audio Recording we add a couple new function called Sampler Rec. Mic. And Sampler Rec Lin In. This new feature allows to record directly from microphone or Line in. If user operate in wave folder, once recording is completed Audya automatically swap on Wave Edit to operate modifications and saving your own sample. PPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP KETRON • AUDYA 5 MIDI REMIX On Version 4.1 Audya bring a MIDI REMIX feature which allows to replace original midi file drum track (usually on track #10) with a Drum part of Audya Style (Audio Drum or else). ere how create your own MIDI DRUM ▀▀ H REMIX: 111 Press MIDI button on Player Section than select your own Midi file. (As showed on Picture 1 we have select “Raindrops_Keep_Falli.mid” (metronome tempo as 123 BPM). 222 Press F9 button to activate REMIX ON feature (Picture 11). 333 Select your favourite Style with a same (more or less) metronome BPM of midi file previously select. If the BPM tempo will be too different between Style and midi file a warning message will inform you to select another style more suitable. On Picture 12 we select (i.e.) a “SWING_2”style. 444 By using STYLE VIEW menu and than F1 button will be possible replace Drum kit with your own Audio Drum. As well you can see on Picture 13 we select Audio Drum SWING2_120 (120 as 120 BPM). 555 Press USER 5 button (START) to activate REMIX Feature. 666 After a while START led button will flash and will be possible play midi file with your new own Audio Drum track . 777 While REMIX playing will be possible select A, B, C, D Variation and also Fill on style (as well showed on Picture 14). Moreover arranger variations will be recordable and playable automatically (see in detail Automation Issue). 888 Press Save to store your own REMIX file while midi file and Remix are running. 999 Digit a name for your own file than press Save again. (For further information please refer from Saving Section). Select REMIX file from disk list by using Alpha Dial or cursor button. Wait until RMX file will be loaded than press USER 5 (START). When led button will flashing press REMIX button. PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP 6 KETRON • AUDYA MIDI REMIX Since OS 4.1 version STYLE and MIDI button (on User Style/Disk Area Picture 15) are add on Audya features. These buttons enable (or disable) style on REMIX while REMIX is running. Moreover REMIX function can be linked with a midi file while is playing. Firstly select your own midi file than activate REMIX function and add your favourite style. User could change your styles while REMIX play easily. Thus will be useful to catch the suitable style for your own midi file without stop playing (For further info please refer on Tips & Trick issue). PPPPPPPPPP ▀▀ Automation Issue In order to Save Arrange Variation sequence (plus Style and Midi button) while REMIX function is playing user must activate RECORD button. While user manage this procedure all data are saved on Midi file. To complete this procedure press SAVE while REMIX is still playing with RECORD button led active. By the way with this procedure will be possible record Chord change sequence coming from LEFT part. For further information please read LIVE GUITAR REMIX Part #2. ▀▀ Saving Procedure We add a couple options in order to Save MIDI REMIX: F1–Start Bar F2–Stop Bar F6- Save As: Mid-Kmx F7- RmxGtr PPPPPPPPPP Start Bar and Stop Bar (Picture 16): These bar show respectively Beat Start (from) and Beat Stop (to) of Midi Remix plus Style which will play. Please notice: Outside these marker (Start and Stop bar) Midi File will play with original Drum part. Save As Allows to Save your work in a two different format file. The first one will be a traditional midi file which include Exclusive message to play it as Remix. The second one will be renamed as KMX file. This file format is a Ketron proprietary format which include all information to play a Remix plus Style, Transposer, tempo and so on. This file is really useful to export all information over another Audya keyboard and guarantee to play it properly. Of course all resources (Audiodrum, Live guitar,) must be installed on thus other Audya. RmxGtr Live Guitar setting to Save on File. KETRON • AUDYA 7 MIDI REMIX ▀▀ LIVE GUITAR REMIX On Midi Remix feature is also possible add Live Guitar (coming from selected style) beside drum part. Live Guitar could be played manually or automatically by Live Guitar REMIX which will extract harmony tune directly from midi file. Live Guitar Remix can be activate on Manual or Autoplay way directly form MENU->KEYBOARD CONTROL> UTILITY (Page #1) -> Remix Live Guitar. By Manual mode User can insert LIVE GUITAR on Midi Remix simply playing on Left part of Audya keyboard while midi file run. By Autoplay feature (as well term say) Live Guitar will be detected automatically from midi file while playing. PPPPPPPPPP ow to follow chord’s track to live guitar ▀▀ H remix: 1° Mode: If Chord (Txt format) track is built on Midi file thus will play automatically by simply press Menu-> KEYBOARD CONTROL->UTILITY(Page #1)->Remix Live Guitar = Autoplay (Picture 17). CH.QUANT: Here Mode Chord Quantize will be available. Chord Quantize is really useful to guarantee suitable synchronization for Chord playing on Live Guitar Remix feature (Picture 18). 2° Mode: Here you could set your own midi track to assign on Left Part: 111 Set on Menu KEYBOARD CONTROL>UTILITY(Page #1)->Remix Live Guitar = Autoplay. 222 On selected Midi File record or locate Chord Part. Set on GM PART “Chan TX”: Left. Save Song Set up with F3 flag Part & MIX to On. 333 Select your own Style with more suitable Live Guitar pattern built in to assign on current Midi file. 444 Insert REMIX function to ON (Midi Player page selection). Once Midi file will play press SAVE button to store Remix feature recorded. 555 Play again Midi file just saved. 3° Mode: How to Record Chord Track: 111 Set on Menu KEYBOARD CONTROL>UTILITY(Page #1)->RemixLiveGuitar = Manual 222 Activate Remix feature. 333 Press RECORD while midi file playing. 444 Play Chord on Left part of keyboard following harmony tune. Chord played will be record as is. 555 Press Save to store all data. Tips & Tricks: 8 KETRON • AUDYA PPPPPPPPPP In order to get the “Best Deal “ between Midi File and Style select firstly Midi File and play it. Now activate Remix feature than select style to link on ! Go ahead until the best Style will be catch! Please unaware if Live Guitar will be unsuitable during this procedure. You’ll replace it on next step. Once the Audio Drum will be selected (while Drum Remix is playing) you could assign your own Live Guitar on different arranger from Style View Menu and than Save it as usual. Accordingly Internal or User Style selection we suggest once Remix feature will be completed to Stop and Play it again in order to check procedure done. Of course you could create your own Remix by using User Audio Drum also specially designed for Remix feature purpose. USER LIVE GUITAR USER LIVE GUITAR, since Version 3.0, are on Audya ready to load as well Ram Ins works. In this new release this feature is still more powerful and exciting. User Live Guitar are located on DISK menu on USER LIVE GUITAR Folder (Picture 19-20). Once you’ll select this folder display menu’ will inform you on related operating menu. On the left part of display you ‘ll assign 4 available Ins bank of selection. On the right part you’ll operate with followed features: Clear All (F6): Allows to clear all memory User live Guitar data. Load GTR (F7): Load selected User Live Guitar. Save Sel (F8): This function create a file with GBK extension which like RBK file can load more than a single User Live Guitar at the same time and could be assigned as Autoload function hen Audya will be turned ON. A.Load On/Off (F9): Enable or Disable Autoload function for GBK file when Audya turn On. GTR Disable/Enable (F10): Enable or Disable User Live Guitar (once user will enable this function should be saved on Custom Startup in order to get this function on Audya start up). User Live Guitar will be loaded simply after select your own file and than press Load GTR (or Enter). Up to 4 User Live Guitar can be loaded at the same time’ Once loading procedure will be completed user should be enable User Live Guitar to play set by press F10 button (GTR Enable) (Picture 21). PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP In order to Clear (empty) User Live Guitar memory user could use Clear All (F6) button. If user would clear one by one (or choose GTR) should be use a related button (F1-F2-F3-F4). Once User Live Guitar will be completed user can add this feature over any selected style. Exit from Disk menu and select User Style to select your own style. So now press “View” button (Picture 22). PPPPPPPPPP As well other section works user can choose several banks on Ch 5. By press F 10 button user could be choose guitar from User Live Guitar or Ins Live Guitar bank until display will show “Live Ins” as showed on Picture. From this menu User can edit all other style part freely and save it as usual. So now with this feature when user will select your own User Live Guitar Audya will load automatically related sample if not present. PPPPPPPPPP KETRON • AUDYA 9 USER VOICE LIST ▀▀ What is a User Voice List The new User Voice List is controlled from the Voice group Effect/SFX, can be edited independently from the others User Voices and can be associated to Style, Midi, Mp3 and Wave for an automatic recall. User Voice List files (with extension *.UVL) are located per default on folder C: USER VOICE LIST, into 4 subfolders: Midi, Mp3, Style, Wave. In alternative they can be set automatically on Menu: KEYBOARD CONTROL > UTILITY > PAGE 2/4 >Player Autoload and Text+UVL or UVL (Picture 23). PPPPPPPPPP ▀▀ How to save your User Voice List: Edit menu is the same used for standard Voice List. Make your modifications on the 20 Voices of the List provided on EFFECT/SFX group. You can Save it in 2 ways: 111 Save together with the entire Voice List on folder C:\SYSTEM\INIT\VOICELIST.TOU by pressing USER 5/10 SAVE. 222 Save just the individual User Voice List by pressing USER 4/9 SAVE UVL. This file will be saved into the UserVoice List folder of Audya (Picture 24). ow to assign a User Voice List to Style, ▀▀ H Midifile, Wave, Mp3 PPPPPPPPPP STYLE Select the Style. Press Voice List tab and then select the Voice group EFFECT/SFX. Press Save. Related to the F3 button the display will show SAVE UVL to STYLE. Pressing again F3 will save the User Voice List on folder USER_VOICE_LIST\STYLE. If no other name has been written for the User Voice List, this will be saved with the same name of Style. Any time this Style is recalled Audya will load automatically also it’s correspondent User Voice List (Picture 25). PPPPPPPPPP 10 KETRON • AUDYA USER VOICE LIST MID,WAV and MP3 The same concept of the Style is applied to Mid, Wav and Mp3. Once file is selected press SAVE. On F3 button the display will show: SAVE UVL to MIDI or SAVE UVL to WAVE or SAVE UVL to MP3. By pressing F3 the current User Voice List will be saved on the correspondent User Voice List folders. When the User Voice List is saved with same name of the files, then it will automatically loaded (Picture 26). NOTE When <SAVE> button is pressed of F3 must be displayed the file reference information. If not, pls. verify if DISK, REGISTRATION, PLAYLIST or SFX leds are off: at least a Style, Midi, Wave or Mp3 must be selected. PPPPPPPPPP KETRON • AUDYA 11 EDIT PATTERN As a follow up to our Style Compiler software (found at www.ketron.it) used to Create and Edit styles on a computer for Audya, and teaming up with the Advanced Audio Style Morphing feature (which gave AUDYA the capability to EDIT styles using existing style parts), a new PATTERN Editor now brings all the necessary features needed to Create and in great detail, Edit your own Styles directly on the Ketron AUDYA (Picture 27)! Copyright information:- Although all Ketron styles have been copyrighted, please feel free (as a Ketron owner) to use any of our styles in your performances or production. PPPPPPPPPP ow to use the Pattern Editor to Create or ▀▀ H Edit Styles In order to access the Pattern Editor screen, from the default screen, press the User Style button, select a Style to modify (or any User style), then press the EDIT button to access the screen shown here... Here is a detailed explanation of the options available:F1 - Shows the Style’s Arranger part to be Edited/ Created - Arranger A, B, C, D Fill in, Intro or Ending. F2 - PARAMETER: By pressing this button, you now have access to all Parameter settings for all arrangements (such as Tempo, Time Signature, Measures and Metronome level). F3 - In this filed, the display shows the chord tonality being edited/created (whatever is recorded will only be played when this chord type is played, apart from Major which applies to all). The default value is set to Major mode. The user can change this value by pressing F3 to highlight, then change with the Data/Value Dial. This feature is very useful if for an example you want certain sounds to be heard only when (e.g. a Minor chord is played when a style is played back). F4 - METR: On/Off: This enables or disables the Metronome Click (heard only in Record Mode). F5 - VELOCITY: This function allows one to edit the velocity value on note / event played (very useful when you want to go and increase or reduce the volume of an independent note/part without changing the volume to the entire recording). F6 - Displays the current Quantize Value. Press F6 to highlight and change with the Data Value wheel. F7 - QUANTIZE: Quantizes the current recording data/ notes when pressed. F6 displays the quantize value. F8 - RECORD: Used to start recording. F9 - COPY: Used to access the COPY menu where you can copy from one style part to another. F10 - CLEAR: Allows one to Clear a note / event programmed. Press and hold down to display corresponding parts that can be cleared (e.g. to clear all notes, as you hold down CLEAR, press 12 KETRON • AUDYA PPPPPPPPPP ALL NOTES (F2). To Clear everything, press GLOBAL (F5)). User Buttons: •• User 1/6 - ALL/SOLO: This function allows to “isolate” /solo selected tracks so you can better hear what is currently being recorded. When “ALL” is selected, you can ‘test’ how your current style will sound with all parts playing. •• User 2/7 - VOLUME/OCTAVE: Allows you to toggle between the Volume or Octave values in the far right column. It’s value can be changed for the selected track by selecting it first with the cursor buttons and turning the Data wheel. •• User 3/8 – NEW STYLE: Allows you to create your own style from scratch. •• User 4/9 – LOOP/NO-LOOP (OFF): Enable or Disable Arrangement loop during Recording. With LOOP, you can have AUDYA continuously loop through the measures of the style as you record more parts and build the style all together. With NO-LOOP, Audya will stop recording at the end of the designated length of the current part being recorded. •• User 5/10- SAVE: Used to Save the current style. You can name the Style in the display that follows and then press SAVE to save it. The Style will be saved in the USER STYLE folder of the Hard Disk. Arrangement (F1): EDIT PATTERN The Arrangement selection is selected by pressing F1 then by using the Dial to change or by pressing directly the A/B/C/D, Fill in, Break or Intro/Ending Style button to access the Arranger part you want to edit/record. Parameter (F2): Here you can set Parameter values for Tempo (BPM), Time Signature and Arrangement Measure length. These parameters (except Tempo) can be modified only when the arrangement is empty (i.e. nothing has been recorded yet). Furthermore in this section, the user can set their own Metronome Volume value. EXIT button (now displayed in it’s place) allows you to exit from this menu when pressed (Picture 28). PPPPPPPPPP Velocity (F5): The Velocity feature allows one to modify dynamic values of events recorded within selected tracks. This function is applicable to all tracks if the Global parameter is set to ON, or on single notes when the Global parameter is set to OFF. The user can select the desired NOTE by highlighting the related display box using the data arrow buttons and either by pressing the corresponding notes on the keybed or using the Dial selection (Picture 29). Copy (F9): The Copy feature can be used for a single part (e.g. Chord 2), or an entire arrangement (Arranger B) (Picture 30): Selected the Arrangement to Copy from by pressing the F2 button, then using the dedicated Arranger buttons (A, B, C, D …Ending). Selected the Arrangement to Replace (Copy to) by pressing the F7 button and changing with the Data Value wheel. Use the navigation arrows to select either the whole Arrangement part (Global) or a single part of the selected Arrangement you want to Copy from the displayed column. Press EXECUTE to actually copy the selected part. Clear (F10): This feature allows to one to Clear events such s Note(s), Dynamic, Controllers and other parameter of the selected track. Press and hold down CLEAR (F10) to browse this menu and select the desired part to Clear. To delete a single note, press and hold down CLEAR (F10) and the related note on the keybed you wish to delete. This note will be deleted from the entire track at all past, current and future locations (so you don’t have to repeat for each occurrence). In order to Clear just a single note (as a single event), you will needs to press the Record button then select the CLEAR button once more (Picture 31). PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP NOTE The CLEAR feature operates only on the current Root of the selected part. It is not applicable to Audio Drum parts or any other Banks used. KETRON • AUDYA 13 EDIT PATTERN ▀▀ How to EDIT/MODIFY an existing Style In order to modify an existing style simply select it (after you have pressed the USER STYLE button to display the user styles), then press EDIT to access the Pattern Editor as shown in Picture 32. By using the navigation arrows, highlight the Voice of the arrangement part to be modified (for our example we’re using the Bass line). Use the Dial to change the voice for this track. You can use any of the Voice Group buttons (Piano, El.Piano, Chrom … etc.) to select the group from which you want to access a voice with the Data Value wheel (Picture 33). PPPPPPPPPP To switch to a different Bank, highlight the part (e.g. Bass) and turn the Data Value wheel to access a different bank (e.g. Bass Bank) – then move back to the voice column and use the wheel to select a voice within the new bank. Press RECORD (F8) to enter the recording mode. For our convenience we’ve switched from SOLO to ALL by using User (1/6) button just so we can hear all the other style parts (chord1, chord 2… etc.) while recording (Picture 34). The voice assigned by default is whatever sound the current style used for this part. PPPPPPPPPP By pressing the START button, Audya will count in with an extra measure (not recorded) before recording starts, to give you time to have a feel for the tempo before you start recording anything at the next measure. Please keep in mind Recording mode at this point works by adding/inserting events (not replacing) within the existing track data. If during recording unwanted notes are played, the user can delete it/them by pressing the Record button while the arrangement runs (to temporally de-activate recording) and then by pressing the Clear button - so now, while the arrangement part runs, delete unwanted single notes by pressing the corresponding key from the keybed (Picture 35). PPPPPPPPPP Another way to Clear unwanted data is by using the Clear menu (as already mentioned above). Once this procedure is complete, press SAVE (U5/10) to store your work. PPPPPPPPPP 14 KETRON • AUDYA EDIT PATTERN ▀▀ How to Create your own Style Here is how to Create your own style from scratch. First select any existing Style from the User Style selection, then press the EDIT button and NEW STYLE (U3/8) (Picture 36). Name the new style using the keybed and press SAVE (U5/10). Upon completion, the Parameter menu will be displayed automatically. PPPPPPPPPP In this menu, you can set the Tempo (BPM) Time Signature, Arrangement Measures and metronome level for your new style, using the data cursor buttons to navigate and changing the value with the Data Value wheel (Picture 37). When all of these parameters have been set, press the Exit button to return to the main Style Creation page. From this point, you can now proceed to recording your Style as usual (Record the Drums, Bass, Chords …). As you might already be aware of, if the tonality is set to Major root (displayed in the corresponding F3 box), before recording, Audya will automatically convert the data recorded regardless of tonality and apply to all other chord types played (such as minor, 7, dim … etc) ~ just remember to program in the key of ‘C’ for best results. To obtain specific notes that should/ will be heard only when say a Minor or 7 chord is played, simply set the tonality to the part requested before recording the notes. If you want to use this Editor as a partial Sequencer, you may as well, in which case you don’t have to focus on recording in a particular key (C) but record freely as you would do with a Sequencer – just remember that during playback you won’t play the arranger, but simply one chord and let the ‘sequencer’ take over and play what you recorded. You can record partial sequences into Arrangement A, B, C, D, Intro … etc. with each being 48 Measures long (Max.). When done with the recording, simply press SAVE (U5/10) to save it. IMPORTANT QUICK STYLE CREATOR TOOLS No point in trying to re-invent the wheel. Within the Pattern Editor menu, using Ketron’s new Audio Style Morphing would be best exploited if you access and use the huge Library Banks available to help you instantly create professional styles at once. Guitar rhythms, licks, Drum rolls …etc. usually impossible to create just on the keyboard: Substitute internal Audio and/or Midi Drums with User Audio Drums you’ve created/recorded/ PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP sampled or loaded from an external source. Substitute internal Midi Bass parts with the new ones from the Bass Bank. Substitute internal Chord 1 parts with the new ones from the Piano bank. Substitute internal Chord 2 & 3 parts respectively with the new Guitar Banks 1 and 2 sounds. Substitute internal Chord 4 parts with the new Arp&Licks melodies. Substitute internal Chord 5 parts with the Live Audio Guitar (or User Live Guitar). Move the cursor to highlight the desired part and use Dial to select the required Bank (Picture 38). KETRON • AUDYA 15 Exclusive MessageS ▀▀ Remix Exclusive Message List : Exclusive code for quantize chords on/off F0 26 7B 6B 03 chrdQuant F7 chrdQuant: 1 = quantize; 0 = non quantize GM PART Chan TX: Left F0 26 7B 18 00 PART 11 F7 Load Factory Style: F0 26 7B 60 03 name 00 F7 factory style load Es. “@POP_SONG” Load User Style: F0 26 7B 61 03 fam name 00 F7user style load fam 00 = FOLK 01 = BALLAD 02 = POP 03 = DANCE 04 = PARTY 05 = ROCK 06 = COUNTRY 07 = SWING 08 = LATIN 09 = R&ROLL 0A = UNPLUGGED 0B = BALLROOM F0 26 7B 62 03 group num F7 load style guitar group = 0 num = 0-7F; load guitars from 0 to 127 group = 1 num = 0-7F; load guitars from 128 to 255 F0 26 7B 63 03 group num F7 load audiodrum(only on stop) group = 0 num = 0-7F; load audiodrum from 0 to 127 group = 1 num = 0-7F; load audiodrum from 128 to 255 group = 2 num = 0-7F; load audiodrum from 256 to 383 F0 26 7B 65 03 Remix F7 Remix = 0 OFF Remix = 1 ON F0 26 7B 64 03 GuitarRemixAutoplay F7 GuitarRemixAutoplay = 1 MANUAL 2 AUTO 0 OFF F0 26 7B 6C 03 arrVarTab F7 // Arranger Variations arrVarTab 16 KETRON • AUDYA Exclusive MessageS arrVarTab : ARR_A 0x00 INT_3 0x0a ARR_B 0x01 END_1 0x0b ARR_C 0x02 END_2 0x0c ARR_D 0x03 END_3 0x0d FIL_1 0x04 BRK_A 0x0e FIL_2 0x05 BRK_B 0x0f FIL_3 0x06 BRK_C 0x10 FIL_4 0x07 BRK_D 0x11 INT_1 0x08 MIDI DRUM INT_2 0x09 ARR. DRUM 0x12 0x13 Clock In GM to Style: F0 26 7B 6D 03 clockInGMtoStyle F7 clockInGMtoStyle=0=Off; clockInGMtoStyle=1=ON clock from midi Gm send to midi Keyb. Remix Sysex Summary: Remix with drum only:F0 26 7B 50 01 Path_Style 00 F7 Remix with autochord:F0 26 7B 52 01 Path_Style 00 F7 Remix with manual chord: F0 26 7B 54 01 Path_Style 00 F7 Remix with drum only:F0 26 7B 50 01 Path_Style 00 5A Start_Meas(4 bytes) Stop_Meas(4 Bytes) Arr_Initial F7 Remix with autochord:F0 26 7B 52 01 Path_Style 00 5A Start_Meas(4 bytes) Stop_Meas(4 Bytes) Arr_Initial F7 Remix with manualchord:F0 26 7B 54 01 Path_Style 00 5A Start_Meas(4 bytes) Stop_Mis(4 Bytes) Arr_Initial F7 Path_Style Es. “C:\SYSTEM\FACTORY STYLES\@16BALLAD.PAT” (don’t exceed 63 words) Start_Meas (Initial measure of Remix) Es.:02 01 00 00 start on mesure 18 Stop_Meas (End measure of Remix) if Start_Mis = 0F 0F 0F 0F e Stop_Mis = 0F 0F 0F 0F remix from Start to End point Arr_Initial = 0 ArrA Arr_Initial = 1 ArrB Arr_Initial = 2 ArrC Arr_Initial = 3 ArrD KETRON • AUDYA 17 Technical Tables Sounds GM Voices BANK A (CC0 Value=0) N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VOICE Grand_Piano Pop_Piano* Upright Honky El_Piano1 Dx_Piano Harpsichord Clavinet Celesta Glocken Musicbox Vibraphone Marimba Xylophon Tubular_Bell Santur Leslies Jazz_Organ Rock_Organ Church_Organ Theatre_Organ Musette1 Harmonica Accordion1 ClassicFx Country1 Jazz_Guitar1 Clean Muted Distortion Overdrive Harmonics N° 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 VOICE Acoustic Finger Picked Fretless Slap Funk Synbass1 Synbass2 Violin Viola Cellos* Contrabass Tremolos Pizzicato Harp Timpani Strings1* Slow_Strings* Synstrings1 Synstrings2 Choir1 Choir2 Synvoice Hits Mexican Trombone Tuba Miles* French_Horn Brass1 Synbrass1 Synbrass2 N° 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 VOICE N° VOICE Altosoft Altosax Tenor Bariton Oboe English_Horn Bassoon Clarinet Piccolo Classic_Flute Recorder Pan_Flute Bottle Shakuashi Whistle Ocarina Square Sawtooth Calliope Wha Sinesweep Vox Fifth Fm_Lead1 Fantasy Warmpad Score Space Softpad Metal Prelude Sweep 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Ice_Rain Soundtrack Crystal* Atmosphere Brightness Goblin Tough_Pad Startheme Sitar Banjo Shamisen Koto Kalimba Bagpipe Fiddle Zurna Tinkle Agogo Steeldrum Wood_Block Taiko Melotom1 Syntom Reverse Fret_Noise Breath Seashore Bird Telephone Helicopter Applause Gunshot1 VOICE N° VOICE BANK B (CC0 Value=1) N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 VOICE Jingle Electric Latin_Piano El_Piano1 Concert_Grand Bright Twin_Fm Hard_Dx Musicbox Tubular_Bell Marimba Long_Vibe* Kalimba Ep_Phase Orch_Bell Windchimes Rotary Dry_Organ Drawbar KETRON N° 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 VOICE Positive Master Francaise Jazz-Fisa Tango Country&Slide Ac_Folk1 Funky_Guitar* 60Stopped Mute_Velo Pop_Lead 12Strings Solid_Body Warm Ballad Funk Bass&Guit2 Precision Synbass3 N° 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Synbass4 Synbass5 Strings2 Violas Strings2 Octastring Strings1* Marcato Strings3 Slow_Strings* Strings2 Synstrings3 Dah Choir_Aah1 Choir_Aah2 Ooh Vocal Tuuh Golden 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Tbone_Section Oberbass1 Muted_Tpt Flughorn_1 Brass2 Growbrass1 Brass1* Soprano* Circus Blowed Rock_Alto* Mariachi Growbrass2* Blare Slide_Tbone Jazz_Alto* Pan_Flute Voice_Flute Synth14 Sounds GM Voices 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Analogs Flanger Brightpad Wiring Synth23 Ramp Synth22 Synth20 Fusion Synbass6 Synbass7 Synbass8 2nd_Perc 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 3rd_Perc Click* B3_Vibrato Blues_Slow* Blues_Fast* Lower_8-4 16_1 R&Roll Medium_Guit* Strato Humbuck* Vintage Fingered 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 Stops Whaguitar Hawaian Mandolin* Bright_Acoustic* ClassicFx Pedalsteel Vintage Reed Silent Fx Polisynth Sci_Fi 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Synth21 Wave D_Cycle Synth10 Synth4 Hit&Crash Clackson Pfif&Jew_Harp Huu Alarm&Laser Door_Bell1 1Shot_Jazz* Airhorn N° VOICE N° VOICE N° VOICE Blowed Contralto* Muted_Tpt Growl_Sax* Brass&Fall* Mellow_Tpt* Smooth_Tpt* Brass_Section Smooth_Horns* Piccolo Pop_Flute Pan¬_Flute Voice_Flute Shakuashi Whistle Classic_Flute Pulse1 Synbrass3 Lead_Square Chick Triangle1 Triangle2 Synth8 Synth1 Softpad Saw&Pulse Warmpad Fantasy Magic Glockpad Choir_Pad Digipad 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Atmosphere Obx_Pad Bowed_Pad Digipad Fantasy Halo Ensemble Digistring Tres Hackbrett Tres Cajun Pan_Flute Ac_Folk1 Jungle Ukulele* Tinkle Triangle Tambora Claves Ac_Tom Brushtom Snare Crash Scratch1 Scratch2 Bellow* Breaths* Laser2* Fx_Slap Laser1 Fisa_K.Off* BANK C (CC0 Value=10) N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VOICE Bright Grand_Hammer* Grand_L Grand_R Ep_Legend Real_Mark* Ep_Phase Tine_Soft Brightpad Crash Tubular_Bell Dry_Vibe* Kalimba Marimba Glockpad El_Piano1 Hamm_Slow Hamm_Fast Gospel_Slow Pipe Gospel_Fast 1Shot_Musette* Diatonic Alpen Brazilian CountryFx MelobarFx StratoFx Fingered Pop_Fx JGuit&Slide Spanish 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Sinus Bass&Guit1 Oberbass1 Fusion Funk Oberbass2 Pedal Bass&Guit2 Violin_Slow Geige Marcato Tzivago Concert* Chamber Strings3 Symphonic* Strings3 Digistring Strings2 DarkEnsemble* Tuuh Humming Choir1 Classic_Choir* Cornet Bright_Tbone Dixie Tbone_Section Fall_Brass Brass3 Trombone Octabrass 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 KETRON Sounds GM Voices BANK D (CC0 Value=11) N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VOICE Concert_L Concert_R Pop_Hammer* Pulse_Clavi El_Piano2 Dx_Tine Soft_Dx Stage_Piano Pop_Slow* Synth11 Open_Concert Harps_Wide Harps_Octave ElPiano_Detune Marktree Vibraphon_Wide* Marimba_Wide Full_Fast* B3_Fast* Church_Octave Pipe_Octave Fisa8 Blues_Harp Cassotto Ac_Folk2* Ac_Folk2* Folk&Slide Jazz_Guitar2* Country2* Thin_Strato Ac_Nylon1 Jazz_Octave N° 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 VOICE Blues_Lead* Chuck_5TH Folk Deep Finger_Slap Retro Synbass9 Synbass10 Synbass11 Synbass12 Synbass13 Bass&Guit3 Fingerpick Staccato* Swing_Tpt* Clean_Detune* Country_Slide Latin_Tenor Latin_Bariton Pulse2 Fm_Lead2 Synth23 Synth6 Synth7 Mariachi Brass_Section* Wide_Horns Synth9 Flughorn_2* Synth12 Tijuana* Synth13* N° 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 VOICE N° VOICE Synth15 Synth16 Synth17 Synth18 Synth19 Musette2 Accordion2* Church_Detune RealBrass* Bass&Piano1 Bass&Piano2 Parisienne* Jazz_Slide Country_Stereo* Muted Yang_Chin Synth2 Synth3 Door_Bell2 Key_Hammer Fisa_K.On* Tremolo* Synth5 Ac_Nylon2 Short_Perc Bowed_Pad Brazilian_Slide Hammer_1* Bubble Burst Hammer_2* Synbass14 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Car_Stop Car_Crash Car_Engine Car_Pass Cow Melotom2 Dog Door_Slam Concert_Bd Explosion Fire_Alarm Foot_Splash Foot_Steps Gunshot2 Gunshot3 Heart Castanets Horse Horse_Gallop Jet Laughing Machine_Gun Punch Rain Screaming Sirene Starship River Thunder Train Wind Sax_Keys* Drum Set N° DRUM SET N° DRUM SET N° DRUM SET N° DRUM SET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 17 25 Standard1 Standard2 Room_Gm2 Power_Gm2 Electro_Gm2 Jazz_Gm2 Analog_Gm2 Standard_Gm2 Folk Acoustic1 JazzDry Vintage Acoustic2 Rock House 26 28 29 30 33 41 42 47 48 49 57 58 59 60 62 Techno Progressive Rave HipHop Fusion Brush Brush_Gm2 Sfx_Kit Orchestra_Gm2 Orchestra Studio LightPop Rap Hip_Box Modern 65 66 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Custom Latin PopJazz Street Analog Citypop Smooth Acid Kick&Snare JazzBrush Swing Garage U.S.Pop MeloRap Grunge 86 87 88 89 90 Contemporary Urban Electro Country R&B KETRON SPECIAL KIT 91 92 93 Pop_Super_Kit Funk_Super_Kit Power_Super_Kit Audio Drum Audio Drum N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 N° 60'S_POP_01 60'S_POP_02 60'S_POP_03 60'S_POP_04 6_8_BALLAD_01 6_8_BALLAD_02 6_8_BALLAD_03 70'S_BEAT_01 70'S_BEAT_02 70'S_BEAT_03 70'S_BEAT_04 70'S_POP_01 70'S_POP_02 70'S_POP_03 70'S_POP_04 8BEAT1_01 8BEAT1_02 8BEAT1_03 8BEAT1_04 8_BEAT_2_01 8_BEAT_2_02 8_BEAT_2_03 8_BEAT_2_04 8_BEAT_3_01 8_BEAT_3_02 BIGBAND_01 BIGBAND_02 BIGBAND_03 BIGBAND_04 BLUES_01 BLUES_02 BLUES_03 BOSSAMIX_01 BOSSAMIX_02 BOSSAMIX_03 BOSSANOVA_01 BOSSANOVA_02 BOSSANOVA_03 BOSSANOVA_04 BRUSHPOLKA_01 BRUSHPOLKA_02 BRUSHPOLKA_03 BRUSHWALTZ_01 BRUSHWALTZ_02 BRUSHWALTZ_03 BUGG_01 BUGG_02 BUGG_03 BUGG_04 CNTRY_BLD_01 CNTRY_BLD_02 CNTRY_BLD_03 CNTRY_FOX_01 CNTRY_FOX_02 CNTRY_FOX_03 CNTRY_FOX_04 CNTRY_ROCK_01 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 N° CNTRY_ROCK_02 CNTRY_ROCK_03 CNTRY_ROCK_04 COOLFUNKY_01 COOLFUNKY_02 COOLFUNKY_03 COOLFUNKY_04 DANCEFLOOR_01 DANCEFLOOR_02 DANCEFLOOR_03 DANCEFLOOR_04 DANCEFLOOR_05 DISCODANCE_01 DISCODANCE_02 ENGL_WALTZ_01 ENGL_WALTZ_02 ENGL_WALTZ_03 ENGL_WALTZ_04 ENGL_WALTZ_05 EUROCHACHA_01 EUROCHACHA_02 EUROCHACHA_03 FOLK_SNG_01 FOLK_SNG_02 FOXTROT_01 FOXTROT_02 FOXTROT_03 FOXTROT_04 FUNKY_01 FUNKY_02 FUNKY_03 FUNKY_04 FUSION_01 FUSION_02 FUSION_03 GOSPEL_01 GOSPEL_02 GOSPEL_03 HARDROCK_01 HARDROCK_02 HARDROCK_03 HARDROCK_04 HIPHOP_81_01 HIPHOP_81_02 HIPHOP_89_01 HOUSE6_126_01 HOUSE6_126_02 HOUSE6_126_03 HOUSE6_126_04 HOUSE_132_01 HOUSE_132_02 HULLYGULLY_01 HULLYGULLY_02 HULLYGULLY_03 HULLYGULLY_04 HULLYGULLY_05 HULLYGULLY_06 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 HULLYGULLY_07 IRISHWALTZ_01 IRISHWALTZ_02 IRISHWALTZ_03 LATINROCK_01 LATINROCK_02 LATINROCK_03 LATINROCK_04 LIMBO_01 LIMBO_02 LIMBO_03 LIMBO_04 LOUNGE_01 LOUNGE_02 LOUNGE_03 LOUNGE_04 MACARENA_01 MACARENA_02 MACARENA_03 MACARENA_04 MARCH_01 MARCH_02 MARCH_03 MARCH_04 MAZURKA_01 MAZURKA_02 MAZURKA_03 MAZURKA_04 MENEITO_01 MENEITO_02 MENEITO_03 MENEITO_04 MODBEGUINE_01 MODBEGUINE_02 MODBEGUINE_03 MODBEGUINE_04 MODBOSSA_01 MODBOSSA_02 MODBOSSA_03 MOVIESONG_01 MOVIESONG_02 MOVIESONG_03 MOVIESONG_04 MUSETTE_01 MUSETTE_02 ONTHEROAD_01 ONTHEROAD_02 ONTHEROAD_03 ONTHEROAD_04 ORGANHIT_01 ORGANHIT_02 ORGANHIT_03 ORGANJAZZ_01 ORGANJAZZ_02 ORGANJAZZ_03 ORGANJAZZ_04 POP12_8_01 KETRON Audio Drum Audio Drum N° 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 N° POP12_8_02 POP12_8_03 POPFOLK_01 POPFOLK_02 POPFOLK_03 POPFOLK_04 POPMIX_01 POPMIX_02 POPMIX_03 POPMIX_04 POPTWIST_01 POPTWIST_02 POPTWIST_03 POPTWIST_04 R&B04_95_01 R&B04_95_02 R&B05_97_01 R&B05_97_02 R&B06_106_01 R&B06_106_02 R&B07_95_01 R&B08_73_01 R&B10_88_01 R&B10_88_02 R&B12_63_01 R&B12_63_02 R&B12_63_03 R&B12_63_04 R&B13_81_01 R&B13_81_02 R&B13_81_03 R&B15_114_01 R&B15_114_02 R&B15_114_03 R&B17_100_01 R&B17_100_02 R&B17_100_03 R&B17_100_04 R&B20_100_05 R&B21_100_01 R&B21_100_02 R&B22_90_01 R&B22_90_02 R&B23_93_01 R&B23_93_02 R&BALLAD_68_01 RAP_85_01 RAP_85_02 RAVE_125_01 REGGAETON_01 REGGAETON_02 ROCK&ROLL_01 ROCK&ROLL_02 ROCK&ROLL_03 ROCKBLD_01 ROCKBLD_02 ROCKBLD_03 KETRON 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 ROCKBLD_04 ROCKSHUFF_01 ROCKSHUFF_02 ROCKSHUFF_03 ROCKSHUFF_04 SAMBAJAZZ_01 SAMBAJAZZ_02 SAMBAJAZZ_03 SAMBA_01 SAMBA_02 SAMBA_03 SAMBA_04 SLOWALTZ_01 SLOWALTZ_02 SLOWALTZ_03 SLOWALTZ_04 SLOWROCK_01 SLOWROCK_02 SLOWROCK_03 TANGO_01 TANGO_02 TANGO_03 TARANTELLA_01 TARANTELLA_02 TARANTELLA_03 WALZER_01 WALZER_02 NOTA Il postfisso RX al nome dell’AUDIO DRUM sta per “remixed” ovvero la versione remixata del file di base che ha lo stesso nome, mentre il postfisso FX sta per “effects” ovvero la versione effettata con compressore, riverbero ecc1 della versione base1 Groove (Drum 2) Groove Bank (Drum 2) N° N° N° 1 AFRO_1 40 CONGA_BOLERO1 74 FLAMENCO_F 2 AFRO_2 41 CONGA_BOLERO2 75 FLAMENCO_G 3 AFRO_3 42 CONGA_BOSSA 76 GIPSY1 4 AFRO_4 43 CONGA_CHA1 77 GIPSY2 5 AFRO_5 44 CONGA_CHA2 78 GUAJIRA_A 6 BACHATA_A 45 CONGA_MAMBO 79 GUAJIRA_B 7 BACHATA_B 46 CONGA_MERENG1 186 GUIRA_1 8 BACHATA_C 47 CONGA_MERENG2 187 GUIRA_2 9 BACHATA_D 48 CONGA_RUMBA 80 GUIRA_BACHAT1 10 BATUCADA_A 49 CONGA_SALSA1 81 GUIRA_BACHAT2 11 BATUCADA_B 50 CONGA_SALSA2 82 GUIRA_MERENG1 12 BLUEGRASS 51 CONGA_SALSA3 83 GUIRA_MERENG2 13 BOLERO_A 52 COWBELL_CHA1 84 GUIRO_CHA 14 BOLERO_B 53 COWBELL_CHA2 85 GUIRO_CUMBIA 15 BOLERO_C 181 COWBEL_SALSA1 86 GUIRO_MERENG 225 BONGO_1_T 182 COWBEL_SALSA2 87 GUIRO_SALSA 16 BONGO_BACHAT1 56 CUMBIA_A 88 HHAT_SHUFFLE1 17 BONGO_BACHAT2 57 CUMBIA_B 89 HHAT_SHUFFLE2 18 BONGO_BOLERO1 58 CUMBIA_C 92 HIHAT 16_1 19 BONGO_BOLERO2 59 CUMBIA_D 93 HIHAT 16_2 20 BONGO_CHA 60 CUMBIA_E 90 HIHAT 8_1 21 BONGO_SALSA 61 DANCE_1 91 HIHAT 8_2 22 BOSSA_A 62 DANCE_2 94 HIHAT SWING1 23 BOSSA_B 63 DANCE_3 95 HIHAT SWING2 24 BOSSA_C 64 DANCE_4 96 HIHAT SWING3 226 BRUSH_1_T 65 DANCE_5 97 HIPHOP1 25 BRUSH_FAST 66 DANCE_6 98 HIPHOP2 26 BRUSH_MEDIUM 67 DANCE_7 99 HOUSE_1 27 BRUSH_SLOW1 68 DANCE_8 100 HOUSE_2 28 BRUSH_SLOW2 195 DANCE_Kick1A 101 HOUSE_3 29 BRUSH_SLOW3 196 DANCE_Kick1B 102 HOUSE_4 30 BRUSH_SLOW4 197 DANCE_Kick2A 103 HOUSE_5 184 CABAZA_1 198 DANCE_Kick2B 104 HOUSE_6 185 CABAZA_2 199 DANCE_Kick3A 105 HOUSE_7 31 CAJON 200 DANCE_Kick3B 106 HOUSE_8 32 CHACHA_A 201 DANCE_Kick4A 211 HOUSE_Kick1A 33 CHACHA_B 202 DANCE_Kick4B 212 HOUSE_Kick1B 34 CHACHA_C 203 DANCE_Kick5A 213 HOUSE_Kick2A 35 CHACHA_D 204 DANCE_Kick5B 214 HOUSE_Kick2B 36 CHACHA_E 205 DANCE_Kick6A 215 HOUSE_Kick3A 37 CHACHA_F 206 DANCE_Kick6B 216 HOUSE_Kick3B 38 CLAP_1 207 DANCE_Kick7A 217 HOUSE_Kick4A 39 CLAP_2 208 DANCE_Kick7B 218 HOUSE_Kick4B 227 CONGA_1_T 209 DANCE_Kick8A 219 HOUSE_Kick5A 228 CONGA_2_T 210 DANCE_Kick8B 220 HOUSE_Kick5B 229 CONGA_3_T 69 FLAMENCO_A 221 HOUSE_Kick6A 230 CONGA_4_T 70 FLAMENCO_B 222 HOUSE_Kick6B 231 CONGA_5_T 71 FLAMENCO_C 223 HOUSE_Kick7A 232 CONGA_6_T 72 FLAMENCO_D 224 HOUSE_Kick7B 233 CONGA_7_T 73 FLAMENCO_E 107 JAZZROCK_A KETRON Groove (Drum 2) Groove Bank (Drum 2) N° N° 108 JAZZROCK_B 238 RIDE_1_T 109 JIGS 146 RIDE_FAST1 110 LATINDANCE1 147 RIDE_FAST2 111 LATINDANCE2 148 RIDE_MEDIUM 112 MAMBO_A 149 RIDE_SHUFFLE 113 MAMBO_B 150 RIDE_SLOW 114 MAMBO_C 151 ROCK_A 188 MARACAS_1 152 ROCK_B 234 MARACAS_1_T 153 SALSA_A 189 MARACAS_2 154 SALSA_B 235 MARACAS_2_T 155 SALSA_C 190 MARACAS_3 156 SALSA_D 191 MARACAS_4 157 SALSA_E 192 MARACAS_5 158 SALSA_F 115 MARAC_BOLERO1 159 SALSA_G 116 MARAC_BOLERO2 160 SAMBA_A 117 MARAC_BOLERO3 161 SAMBA_B 118 MARAC_BOSSA 162 SAMBA_C 119 MARAC_CHA 163 SAMBA_D 120 MARAC_CUMBIA 164 SHAKER_1 121 MARAC_MERENG 239 SHAKER_1_T 122 MARAC_SALSA1 165 SHAKER_2 123 MARAC_SALSA2 240 SHAKER_2_T 124 MERENGUE_A 193 SHAKER_3 125 MERENGUE_B 194 SHAKER_4 126 MERENGUE_C 166 SHUFFLE_A 127 MERENGUE_D 167 SHUFFLE_B 128 MERENGUE_E 168 SHUFFLE_C 54 MERENGUE_F 169 STREET1 55 PANDERO1 170 STREET2 129 PANDERO2 171 SWING_A 236 PANDERO_1_T 172 SWING_B 237 PANDERO_2_T 173 SWING_C 130 PASODOBLE 174 TAMBORA 131 POPDOWN_A 183 TAMBOURIN16 132 POPDOWN_B 175 TAMBOURIN16T 133 POPFUNK_A 177 TAMBOURINE_12 134 POPFUNK_B 178 TAMBOURINE_24 135 POPJAZZ_A 176 TAMBOURINE_8 136 POPJAZZ_B 179 TRIPLET 137 POPJAZZ_C 180 URBAN 138 POPJAZZ_D 139 POPJAZZ_E 140 POPJAZZ_F 141 R&BLUES_A 142 R&BLUES_B 143 R&BLUES_C 144 RAP 145 REELS KETRON Bass Bank Bass Bank N° 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 23 24 25 26 7 8 9 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 217 218 219 220 27 28 29 30 31 N° 12_8BALLAD_01 12_8BALLAD_02 12_8BALLAD_03 12_8BALLAD_04 16BEAT_01 16BEAT_02 16BEAT_03 16BEAT_04 16BEAT_05 16BEAT_06 16BEAT_07 16BEAT_08 16BEAT_09 3_4PDOBLE_01 6_8BALLAD_01 6_8BALLAD_02 6_8BLUES_01 6_8WALZ_01 6_8WALZ_02 70BEAT_01 70BEAT_02 70POP_01 70POP_02 8BEAT_01 8BEAT_02 8BEAT_03 8BEAT_04 8BEAT_05 8BEAT_06 8BEAT_07 8BEAT_08 8BEAT_09 8BEAT_10 8BEAT_11 8BEAT_12 8BEAT_13 8BEAT_14 8BEAT_15 8BEAT_16 8BEAT_17 8BEAT_18 8BEAT_19 8BEAT_20 8BEAT_21 8BEAT_22 AFRO_01 AFRO_02 AFRO_03 AFRO_04 BACHATA_01 BACHATA_02 BACHATA_03 BALLAD_01 BALLAD_02 32 33 34 35 291 36 37 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 221 222 223 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 224 225 N° BALLAD_03 BALLAD_04 BALLENATO_01 BALLENATO_02 BALLENATO_03 BEGUINE_01 BEGUINE_02 BEGUINE_03 BEGUINE_04 BEGUINE_05 BEGUINE_06 BEGUINE_07 BEGUINE_08 BEGUINE_09 BIGBAND_01 BIGBAND_02 BLUES_01 BLUES_02 BLUES_03 BOLERO_01 BOLERO_02 BOOGIE_01 BOOGIE_02 BOSSA_01 BOSSA_02 BOSSA_03 BOSSA_04 BOSSA_05 BOSSA_06 BOSSA_07 BOSSA_08 BUGG_01 BUGG_02 CALYPSO_01 CALYPSO_02 CANCAN_01 CANCAN_02 CANCAN_03 CHACHA_01 CHACHA_02 CHACHA_03 CHARLESTON CNTRYDIX DANCE_01 DANCE_02 DANCE_03 DANCE_04 DANCE_05 DANCE_06 DANCE_07 DANCE_08 DANCE_09 DANCE_10 DANCE_11 226 227 228 229 187 65 66 67 184 185 186 188 189 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 285 286 287 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 N° DANCE_12 DANCE_13 DANCE_14 DANCE_15 DISCO_01 DISCO_02 DISCO_03 DISCO_04 DISCO_05 DISCO_06 DISCO_07 DISCO_08 DISCO_09 DISCO_10 DISCO_11 DISCO_12 DISCO_13 DISCO_14 DISCO_15 DISCO_16 DISCO_17 DISCO_18 DISCO_19 DISCO_20 ENGLTRIP_01 ENGLTRIP_02 ENGLTRIP_03 FLAMENCO_01 FLAMENCO_02 FLAMENCO_03 FLIPBEAT_01 FOLKSINGER_01 FOLKSINGER_02 FOLKSINGER_03 FOLKSINGER_04 FOX_01 FOX_02 FOX_03 FUNKY_01 FUNKY_02 FUNKY_03 FUNKY_04 FUNKY_05 FUNKY_06 FUNKY_07 FUNKY_08 FUNKY_09 FUNKY_10 FUNKY_11 FUNKY_12 FUNKY_13 FUNKY_14 FUNKY_15 FUNKY_16 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 230 231 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 205 206 207 208 232 233 234 235 236 107 108 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 109 110 111 112 245 246 247 113 114 115 248 116 117 118 119 FUSION_01 FUSION_02 FUSION_03 FUSION_04 GITANA_01 GITANA_02 GITANA_03 GOSPEL_01 GOSPEL_02 GOSPEL_03 HIP-HOP_01 HIP-HOP_02 HOUSE_01 HOUSE_02 HOUSE_03 HOUSE_04 HOUSE_05 HOUSE_06 HOUSE_07 HOUSE_08 HOUSE_09 HOUSE_10 HOUSE_11 HOUSE_12 HOUSE_13 HOUSE_14 HOUSE_15 HOUSE_16 HOUSE_17 HULLYGULLY_01 HULLYGULLY_02 JAZZ_01 JAZZ_02 JAZZ_03 JAZZ_04 JAZZ_05 JAZZ_06 JAZZ_07 JAZZ_08 LATINROCK LIGHTPOP_01 LIGHTPOP_02 LIGHTPOP_03 LOUNGE_01 LOUNGE_02 LOUNGE_03 MACARENA_01 MACARENA_02 MARCH MAZURKA MENEITO_01 MENEITO_02 MERENGUE_01 MERENGUE_02 KETRON Bass Bank Bass Bank N° 120 249 250 251 252 253 330 331 332 333 166 167 325 326 121 122 254 255 256 257 327 328 329 123 124 125 126 127 128 258 259 260 261 262 138 139 134 135 129 130 131 132 133 136 137 288 289 290 292 263 N° MERENGUE_03 NUJAZZ_01 NUJAZZ_02 NUSOUL_01 NUSOUL_02 NUSOUL_03 NUSOUL_04 NUSOUL_05 NUSOUL_06 NUSOUL_07 OBERPOLKA_01 OBERPOLKA_02 OBERWALZ_01 OBERWALZ_02 PDOBLE_01 PDOBLE_02 POLKA POPCHA_01 POPCHA_02 POPCHA_03 POPLATIN_01 POPLATIN_02 POPLATIN_03 POP_01 POP_02 POP_03 POP_04 POP_05 POP_06 PROGRESS_01 PROGRESS_02 PROGRESS_03 PROGRESS_04 R&BLUES_01 R&BLUES_02 R&BLUES_03 REGGAETON_01 REGGAETON_02 REGGAE_01 REGGAE_02 REGGAE_03 REGGAE_04 REGGAE_05 RHUMBA_01 RHUMBA_02 RHUMBA_03 RHUMBA_04 RHUMBA_05 RHUMBA_06 RNB_01 KETRON 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 146 293 294 295 140 141 142 143 144 145 147 148 149 191 192 193 150 151 303 304 305 271 272 273 274 152 153 154 155 156 68 69 190 275 276 277 278 279 280 157 158 N° RNB_02 RNB_03 RNB_04 RNB_05 RNB_06 RNB_07 RNB_08 ROCKSHUFF_01 ROCKSHUFF_02 ROCKSHUFF_03 ROCKSHUFF_04 ROCK_01 ROCK_02 ROCK_03 ROCK_04 ROCK_ BALLAD_01 ROCK_ BALLAD_02 SALSA_01 SALSA_02 SALSA_03 SAMBA_01 SAMBA_02 SAMBA_03 SHAKE SLOWROCK_01 SLOWROCK_02 SLOWROCK_03 SLOWROCK_04 SLOW_01 SLOW_02 SLOW_03 SLOW_04 SOUL_01 SOUL_02 SOUL_03 SOUL_04 SWING_01 SWING_02 SWING_03 SWING_04 SWING_05 SWING_06 SWING_07 SWING_08 SWING_09 SWING_10 TANGO_01 TANGO_02 159 160 161 162 163 281 282 283 284 164 165 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 TANGO_03 TANGO_04 TANGO_05 TANGO_06 TANGO_07 TECHNO_01 TECHNO_02 TECHNO_03 TECHNO_04 TWIST_01 TWIST_02 WALZ_01 WALZ_02 WALZ_03 WALZ_04 WALZ_05 WALZ_06 WALZ_07 WALZ_08 Arp & Licks Arp & Licks N° 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 197 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 N° 16GUIT_01 16GUIT_02 16GUIT_03 16GUIT_04 16GUIT_05 16GUIT_06 16GUIT_07 16GUIT_08 16GUIT_09 16GUIT_10 16GUIT_11 16GUIT_12 16GUIT_13 16GUIT_14 16GUIT_15 16GUIT_16 16GUIT_17 16GUIT_18 16GUIT_19 16PIANO_01 16PIANO_02 16PIANO_03 16PIANO_04 16PIANO_05 16PIANO_06 16PIANO_07 16PIANO_08 16STRINGS_01 16STRINGS_02 16STRINGS_03 16STRINGS_04 16STRINGS_05 16STRINGS_06 16STRINGS_07 16STRINGS_08 16STRINGS_09 16STRINGS_T_01 16STRINGS_T_02 16STRINGS_T_03 16SYNT_01 16SYNT_02 16SYNT_03 16SYNT_04 16SYNT_05 16SYNT_06 16SYNT_07 16SYNT_08 16SYNT_09 16SYNT_10 16SYNT_11 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 143 144 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 N° 16SYNT_12 16SYNT_13 16SYNT_14 16SYNT_15 16SYNT_16 16SYNT_17 16SYNT_18 16SYNT_19 16SYNT_20 16SYNT_21 16SYNT_22 16SYNT_23 16SYNT_24 16SYNT_25 16SYNT_26 16SYNT_27 16SYNT_28 16SYNT_29 16SYNT_30 16SYNT_31 16SYNT_32 16SYNT_33 16SYNT_34 16SYNT_35 16SYNT_36 16SYNT_37 16SYNT_38 16SYNT_39 16SYNT_40 16SYNT_41 16SYNT_42 16SYNT_43 16SYNT_44 16SYNT_45 16SYNT_46 3_4HARPSI_01 3_4HARPSI_02 3_4STRINGS_01 3_4STRINGS_02 3_4STRINGS_03 3_4STRINGS_04 3_4STRINGS_05 3_4STRINGS_06 3_4STRINGS_07 3_4STRINGS_08 3_4STRINGS_09 3_4STRINGS_10 3_4STRINGS_11 3_4STRINGS_12 3_4STRINGS_13 105 106 107 145 146 147 148 151 152 153 154 155 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3_4STRINGS_14 3_4STRINGS_15 3_4STRINGS_16 4_4STRINGS_01 4_4STRINGS_02 4_4STRINGS_03 4_4STRINGS_04 6_8PIANO_01 6_8PIANO_02 6_8STRINGS_01 6_8STRINGS_02 6_8STRINGS_03 8BANJO_01 8BANJO_02 8BANJO_03 8BANJO_04 8BANJO_05 8BANJO_06 8BANJO_07 8BANJO_08 8BANJO_09 8BANJO_10 8BANJO_11 8BANJO_12 8BANJO_13 8BANJO_14 8GUIT_01 8GUIT_02 8GUIT_03 8GUIT_04 8GUIT_05 8GUIT_06 8GUIT_07 8GUIT_T_01 8GUIT_T_02 8GUIT_T_03 8GUIT_T_04 8GUIT_T_05 8GUIT_T_06 8GUIT_T_07 8GUIT_T_08 8PIANO_01 8PIANO_02 8PIANO_03 8PIANO_04 8PIANO_T_01 8PIANO_T_02 8PIANO_T_03 8PIANO_T_04 8PIANO_T_05 KETRON Arp & Licks Arp & Licks N° 25 26 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 27 28 29 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 30 31 N° 8PIANO_T_06 8PIANO_T_07 8STRINGS_01 8STRINGS_02 8STRINGS_03 8STRINGS_04 8STRINGS_05 8STRINGS_06 8STRINGS_07 8STRINGS_T_01 8STRINGS_T_02 8SYNT_01 8SYNT_02 8SYNT_03 8SYNT_04 8SYNT_05 8SYNT_06 8SYNT_07 8SYNT_08 8SYNT_09 8SYNT_10 8SYNT_11 8SYNT_12 8SYNT_13 8SYNT_14 8SYNT_15 8SYNT_16 8SYNT_17 8SYNT_18 8SYNT_19 8SYNT_20 8SYNT_21 8SYNT_22 8SYNT_23 8SYNT_24 8SYNT_25 8SYNT_26 8SYNT_27 8SYNT_28 8SYNT_29 8SYNT_30 8SYNT_31 8SYNT_32 8SYNT_33 8SYNT_34 8SYNT_35 8SYNT_36 8SYNT_T_01 8SYNT_T_02 KETRON 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 149 150 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 261 262 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 8SYNT_T_03 8SYNT_T_04 8SYNT_T_05 8SYNT_T_06 8SYNT_T_07 8SYNT_T_08 8SYNT_T_09 8SYNT_T_10 8SYNT_T_11 8SYNT_T_12 8SYNT_T_13 8SYNT_T_14 8SYNT_T_15 8SYNT_T_16 8SYNT_T_17 8_HARPSI_01 8_HARPSI_02 BRASS_CHA_01 BRASS_CHA_02 BRASS_CHA_03 BRASS_CHA_04 BRASS_POP_01 BRASS_POP_02 BRASS_POP_03 BRASS_POP_04 BRASS_POP_05 BRASS_POP_06 BRASS_POP_07 BRASS_POP_08 BRASS_SWG_01 BRASS_SWG_02 BRASS_SWG_03 BRASS_SWG_04 BRASS_SWG_05 BRASS_SWG_06 BRASS_SWG_07 BRASS_SWG_08 BRASS_SWG_09 BRASS_SWG_10 BRAS_SAMB_01 BRAS_SAMB_02 FISABEGUIN_01 FISABEGUIN_02 FISABEGUIN_03 FISAFOX_01 FISAFOX_02 FISAFOX_03 FISAFOX_04 FISAMAZURK_01 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 FISAMAZURK_02 FISAMAZURK_03 FISAMAZURK_04 FISAPARTY_01 FISAPARTY_02 FISAPARTY_03 FISAPARTY_04 FISASLOWLZ_01 FISASLOWLZ_02 FISASLOWLZ_03 FISASLOWLZ_04 FISASLOWLZ_05 FISASLOWLZ_06 FISATANGO_01 FISATANGO_02 FISATANGO_03 FISATARANT_01 FISATARANT_02 FISATARANT_03 FISATARANT_04 FISAWALZ_01 FISAWALZ_02 FISAWALZ_03 FISAWALZ_04 HORNS_SWG_01 HORNS_SWG_02 REEDS_SWG_01 REEDS_SWG_02 REEDS_SWG_03 SAX_SWG_01 SAX_SWG_02 SAX_SWG_03 SAX_SWG_04 SAX_SWG_05 SAX_SWG_06 Live Guitar Live Guitar N° 7 8 9 10 6 69 1 2 135 136 68 3 4 5 127 11 12 59 88 83 90 114 13 122 14 129 137 15 91 92 93 16 17 18 19 60 20 74 21 22 115 70 89 75 76 66 67 71 N° 16B_ELECT_1 16B_ELECT_2 16B_FOLK_1 16B_FOLK_2 16_SMOOTH 2_STEPS 5TH_MUTE 5TH_SHUFFLE 6-8MARCH_1 6-8MARCH_2 8B_ELECT 8B_FOLK_1 8B_FOLK_2 8B_FOLK_3 8B_FOLK_4 BALLAD_1 BALLAD_2 BALLAD_MIX BALLENATO BEAT_1 BEAT_2 BEAT_3 BEGUINE_1 BEGUINE_2 BLUES_1 BLUES_2 BLUES_EL_6_8 BOSSA_NOVA BUGG_1 BUGG_2 BUGG_3 CNTRY_ 12-8 CNTRY_POP DANCE DISCO DISCO_MIX DISCO_WHA ENGLISH_WALZ FAST_FOLK FINGERPICK FOLK_12_8 FOX IRISH_WALZ6_8 LONG ELECT_1 LONG ELECT_2 LONG FOLK_1 LONG FOLK_2 PARTY_FOX_1 72 73 23 24 144 101 138 139 25 26 27 106 128 28 29 94 116 30 31 32 33 34 35 107 108 109 110 111 112 36 37 38 95 96 97 98 99 39 40 130 131 132 133 41 84 85 86 87 N° PARTY_FOX_2 PARTY_POLKA POLKA_1 POLKA_2 POLKA_2_STOP POLKA_3 POLKA_4 POLKA_5 POP_1 POP_2 POP_3 POP_4 POP_5 POP_6-8 R&BLUES_1 R&BLUES_2 R&BLUES_3 R&ROLL_1 R&ROLL_2 REGGAE_1 REGGAE_2 RIDE_WEST ROCK_1 ROCK_10 ROCK_11 ROCK_12 ROCK_13 ROCK_14 ROCK_15 ROCK_2 ROCK_3 ROCK_4 ROCK_5 ROCK_6 ROCK_7 ROCK_8 ROCK_9 RUMBA_1 RUMBA_2 RUMBA_3 RUMBA_4 RUMBA_MIX_1 RUMBA_MIX_2 SAMBA_JAZZ SHORT_ELECT1 SHORT_ELECT2 SHORT_FOLK1 SHORT_FOLK2 46 47 48 103 118 119 42 43 44 45 77 49 125 126 134 80 50 113 51 52 82 78 79 117 53 SHUFFLE_1 SHUFFLE_2 SHUFFLE_3 SHUFFLE_4 SHUFFLE_5 SHUFFLE_6 SHUF_ROCK_1 SHUF_ROCK_2 SHUF_ROCK_3 SHUF_ROCK_4 SLOW_ROCK6_8 SLOW_ROCK_1 SLOW_ROCK_2 SLOW_ROCK_3 SLOW_ROCK_4 SLOW_WALTZ SMOOTH_FOLK SOKA SOUL_16 STOP_FUNK SURF SWING_1 SWING_2 SWING_3 SWING_FOX1 123 124 54 55 56 57 61 143 141 142 62 63 64 81 65 120 104 105 121 58 100 140 145 102 SWING_FOX2 SWING_FOX3 TANGO_1 TANGO_2 TARANTELLA_1 TARANTELLA_2 TRIPL_16SMOTH TRIPL_DISCMIX TRIPL_DISCO TRIPL_DISCWH TRIPL_POP1 TRIPL_POP2 TRIPL_POP3 TRIPL_RNB TRIPL_SOUL16 UP_CLEAN UP_COUNTRY_1 UP_COUNTRY_2 UP_MUTED WALTZ_1 WALTZ_2 WALTZ_3 WALTZ__1_STOP WESTERN KETRON Styles AUDYA FACTORY STYLES BALLAD 1 @SLOW_BALLAD 2 @POP_BALLAD_1 3 @POP_BALLAD_2 4 @NICE_BALLAD 5 @POP_SONG 6 @GENTLE_R&B 7 @MEDIUM_16_BT 8 @16_BEAT_1 9 @16_BEAT_2 10 @ELECTRO_BALLAD 11 @8_BEAT_1 12 @8_BEAT_2 13 @HEAVY_BEAT 14 @ENGLISH_TUNE 15 @EUROPOP 16 @NEW_TITLE 17 @GUITAR_BALLAD 18 @NEW_BALLAD 19 @COUNTRY_BEAT_2 20 @CLASSIC_BALLAD 21 @FOLK_MELODY 22 @FOLK_BEAT 23 @70’S_BEAT 24 @8_LIGHT_FOLK 25 @MODERN_POP 26 @ITALBEAT 27 @SOFT_BEAT_1 28 @WONDER_LIFE 29 @COUNTRY_BEAT_1 30 @SOFT_BEAT_2 31 @8_BEAT_BALLAD 32 @8_FOLK_ROCK 33 @CLASSIC_BEAT 34 @EASYBALLAD 35 @POP_BALLAD_3 36 FOLK_12_8 37 16BEAT_1_SD 38 16BEAT_2_SD NOTA Il simbolo @ davanti al nome dello STYLE indica che lo style utilizza parti AUDIO DRUM, GROOVES o LIVE GUITAR1 KETRON 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 16BEAT_3_SD 16BEAT_4_SD 16UPBEAT_SD 6-8_BALLAD_SD 70’S_BEAT_SD 70’S_POP_SD 8BEAT_1_SD 8BEAT_2_SD(R) 8BEAT_3_SD 8_BALLAD_SD AFTERHOURS_SD EASY_BEAT_SD GUIT&ORG_SD ITALBEAT_SD LOUNGE_SD MOVIE_SONG_SD PNO_BALLAD_SD POP_12_8_SD SOFT_BALLAD_SD POP 1 @16_POP_ROCK 2 @ACOUSTIC_GROOVE 3 @FUSION_FUNK 4 @TREND_POP 5 @HIP_HOP 6 @EASY_FUSION 7 @ELECTRIC_POP 8 @EMOTIONAL_R&B 9 @LATIN_R&B 10 @ORIENTAL_R&B 11 @ACOUSTIC_POP 12 @SUBWAY 13 @LOUNGE 14 @BROKEN_BIT 15 @SHUFFLE_POP 16 @SOULFUL 17 @LIGHT_POP 18 @R&B_BALLAD_1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 @R&B_BALLAD_2 @SMOOTH_FUNK @OLD_SCHOOL @FUNKY_1 @RAP®GAE @CHILL_OUT @TRIPLET_POP @RUMBA_RAP @FUNKY_2 @DOWNBEAT @BRIT_POP @98_POP @SOULFUNK @ENERGY_RAP @LOUNGE_GROOVE @MIX_HIP_HOP @NU_SOUL @POP_LATIN @STREET_DANCE COOL_FUNKY_SD ENGLISH_TUNE_SD FOLK_SINGER_SD FUNKY_1_SD(R) FUNKY_2_SD(R) FUSION_SD LIGHT_POP_SD POP_CHART_SD POP_FOLK_SD POP_MIX_SD R_N_B_SD STREET_SD DANCE 1 @EURO_DANCE 2 @DISCO_DANCE 3 @DANCE_HALL 4 @DISCO_FEVER_70 5 @DISCO_FUNK_70 Styles AUDYA FACTORY STYLES 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 @DJ_DISCO @LIQUID_FUNK(R) @LATIN_DANCE_1 @LATIN_DANCE_2 @REGGAETON_1 @ELECTRO_DANCE @MINIMAL_TECHNO @ROCK_HOUSE @REGGAETON_2 @MODERN_SOKA @HANDS_UP @GIPSY_DANCE @DISCO_NIGHT @DISCO_70’S @VILLAGE_FÊTE @TECHNO_GARAGE @TECH_HOUSE @AFRO&BASS_1 @AFRO&BASS_2 @AFRO&BASS_3 @AFRO_HOUSE @DEEP&BASS_1 @DEEP&BASS_2 @ELECTRO&BASS_1 @ELECTRO&BASS_2 @FUNK&BASS_1 @FUNK&BASS_2 @HOUSE&BASS_1 @HOUSE&BASS_2 @LATIN&BASS_1 @LATIN&BASS_2 @LATIN&BASS_3 @TRIBE&BASS_1 @TRIBE&BASS_2 @DISCO_70’S_2 @DISCO_FLAVOR @FRESH_GROOVE @GROOVY_FUNK(R) @HOUSE_FEVER 60_REVIVAL_SD D-FLOOR_SD DANCE_1_SD DANCE_2_SD DANCE_3_SD DISCO_1_SD DISCO_2_SD 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 DISCO_3_SD DISCO_BAROQUE_SD GIPSY_SD HOUSE_1_SD HOUSE_2_SD HOUSE_3_SD NOCHE_MIX_SD RUMBA_DANCE_SD PARTY 1 @PARTY_POLKA_1 2 @PARTY_POLKA_2 3 @PARTY_FOX 4 @SCHLAGER 5 @ORGELSAMBA 6 @SHUFFLEBEAT 7 @SCANDSCHLAGER 8 @PARTYSAMBA 9 @HAPPY_FOX 10 @SKA_BEAT 11 BOARISCHER 12 OBERWALZ 13 OBERPOLKA 14 DISCOFOX 15 SCHLAGERGRIECH 16 SPATZENBEAT 17 TANZPALAST 18 CTRYBALLAD 19 SCHLAGERWALZER 20 DOLOMITENPOWER 21 DOLOMITENBEAT 22 ALOHA 23 DISCODREAM 24 FLIPFOX 25 FOX_70 26 HAPPYPOLKA 27 JIVECONIE 28 ORGELPARTY 29 SCANBUG 30 SLOWROCK_6_8 31 SUMMERREGGAE 32 DANCE_ROCK_SD 33 DISCO_CHA_CHA_SD 34 DISCO_SAMBA_SD 35 FLIP_BEAT_SD 36 H-GULLY_1_SD 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 H-GULLY_2_SD H-GULLY_DAN_SD HIT_POLKA1_SD HIT_POLKA2_SD HOWY_HITS_SD KASTELBT_SD LIMBO_SD MACARENA_SD MENEITO_SD PARTY_FOX_SD PARTY_GRV_SD PARTY_POLKA_SD SCHLAGER_1_SD SCHLAGER_2_SD WOLLEMIX_SD WOLLE_SD ROCK&SOUL 1 @AMERICAN_ROCK_1 2 @POWER_ROCK 3 @POP_ROCK 4 @STREET_ROCK 5 @STUDIO_ROCK 6 @BLUES_NIGHT 7 @R&BLUES_1 8 @SHUFFLE_BLUES 9 @ROCKING 10 @60’SBLUES 11 @METAL_ROCK 12 @AMERICAN_ROCK_2 13 @R&BLUES_2 14 @R&BLUES_3 15 @ROCK_SHUFFLE_1 16 @STAGE_ROCK 17 @ON_THE_ROCK 18 @GARAGE_ROCK 19 @BLUESY_MOOD 20 SOUL_POP 21 BASICROCK_SD 22 BB_ROCK_SD 23 GOSPEL_SD(R) 24 HARD_ROCK_SD 25 R&BLUES_1_SD 26 R&BLUES_2_SD(R) 27 ROCKING_SD 28 ROCK_BALLAD_SD KETRON Styles AUDYA FACTORY STYLES 29 30 31 32 33 ROCK_SHUFFLE_SD SHUFFLE_BLUES_SD SOUL_1_SD SOUL_2_SD USA_ROCK_SD COUNTRY 1 @APACHE 2 @BLUEGRASS 3 @COUNTRY_BEAT 4 @COUNTRY_QUARTET 5 @ON_THE_ROAD 6 @KRAMER_BALLAD 7 @OLD_CNTRYWALZ 8 @ROCKABILLY 9 @WALKING_FOX 10 @COUNTRY_ROOTS 11 @IRISH_WALZ 12 @COUNTRY_FOX 13 @COUNTRY_SURF 14 @IRISH_FOX 15 @IRISH_SLOW_FOX 16 @QUICK_STEP 17 @UP_COUNTRY_1 18 @SOFT_BALLAD 19 @WESTERN_1 20 @WESTERN_2 21 @UP_COUNTRY_2 22 @FOLK_ROOTS 23 @IRISH_WALKING 24 BALLAD_12_8 25 COUNTRY_BALLAD 26 COUNTRY_DIXIE 27 COUNTRY_WALZ 28 BLUEGRASS_SD 29 CNTRY_BLD_SD 30 CNTRY_FOX_SD 31 CNTRY_POP_SD 32 CNTRY_ROCK_SD 33 KRAMER_SD 34 NASHVILLE_SD 35 ONTHEROAD_SD 36 SLOW_COUNTRY_SD 37 WESTERN_SD 38 WESTRIDE_SD KETRON SWING 1 @BIGBAND_1 2 @BIGBAND_2 3 @BIGBAND_SLOW 4 @JAZZ_COCKTAIL 5 @JAZZ_QUARTET 6 @ORCHESTRAL_SLOW 7 @JAZZ_WALZ 8 @FAST_BEBOP 9 @SWING_1 10 @SWING_2 11 @CHRISTMAS_FOX 12 @GOGO(R) 13 @BRASSY_FOX 14 @ROMANTIC_FOX 15 @SMOOTH_FOX 16 CHARLESTON 17 DIXIELAND(R) 18 JAZZMAN 19 JAZZ_5_4 20 MANOUCHE 21 SHUFFLE_FOX 22 SLOW_FOX(R) 23 SWING3 24 BIG_BAND_SD 25 BLUES_BLD_SD(R) 26 BLUES_SD(R) 27 EASY_JAZZ_SD(R) 28 JAZZ_WALTZ_SD 29 ORCH_SLOW_1_SD 30 ORCH_SLOW_2_SD 31 ORGAN_HIT_SD(R) 32 ORGAN_JAZZ(R) 33 SWING_BLD_SD LATIN 1 @BALADA 2 @FAST_BOSSA 3 @SAMBA_JAZZ 4 @BOLERO_2 5 @TECNO_MERENGUE 6 @PUERTORICANA(R) 7 @MAMBO_SALSA(R) 8 @RUMBA_BEGUINE 9 @DOMINICANA(R) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 @GUAJIRA(R) @BOLERO_1 @BOSSA&SALSA @CUBAN_CHACHA(R) @MERENGUE_1(R) @SAMBA_LIGHT @ITALBACHATA @SALSA_CUBANA(R) @LIVE_BOSSA @VILLERA @SAMBA_MOOD @CUMBION @JLG_BACHATA @MEDIUM_BOSSA @REGGAE_BAND @BAJON @DISCO_SAMBA @LATIN_BALLAD @MAMBO_HIT(R) @CALIENTE(R) @MERENGUE_2(R) @CUMBIA(R) @BACHATA @CHA_CHA_1 @MAMBO @CHA_CHA_2(R) @BALLENATO @BOSSA_LOUNGE @SON_ANTIGUO @LATIN_JAZZ @RUMBA_FLAMENCA @LOUNGE_BOSSA_2 @SAMBA_ROCK TROPICAL SOKA(R) ANTILLES_SD BACHATA_SD BALADA_SD BATUCADA_SD BEGUINE_1_MS BEGUINE_2_MS BEGUINE_3_SD BOSSAMIX_SD BOSSANOVA_1_SD BOSSANOVA_2_SD Styles AUDYA FACTORY STYLES 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 BRAZILIAN_SD CALIENTE_SD CHA_CHA_SD(R) EURO_CHA_CHA_SD JAZZ_SAMBA_SD LATIN_JAZZ_SD LATIN_POP_SD LATIN_ROCK_SD MAKOSSA_SD(R) MAMBO_1_SD MAMBO_2_MS MERENGUE_SD(R) MOD_BOSSA_SD NDOMBOLO_SD(R) RAPIDO_SD REGGAETON_SD(R) ROMANTICA_SD RUMBA_FLAM_SD RUMBA_SD SALSA_1_SD(R) SALSA_2_SD SALSITA_SD SAMBA_SD VALLENATO_SD ZOUK_SD(R) R&ROLL 1 @JIVE 2 @SLOW_ROCK_1 3 @SLOW_ROCK_2 4 @ROCKER 5 @SHADOW 6 @PARTY_R&ROLL 7 @RETRO_ROCK 8 @SHUFFLE 9 @R&ROLL 10 @STAGE_R&ROLL 11 @SURF 12 @HIP_SLOW_ROCK 13 @RETRO_S_ROCK 14 @SLOW_12_8 15 @SLOW_BLUES 16 @TERZINATO 17 @VINTAGE_S_ROCK 18 @BLUESMAN 19 @TWIST 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 @6_8_SLOW_BLD @SHUFFLE_BOOGIE BOOGIE POP_60 POP_ROCK R&ROLL_1 R&ROLL_2 SLOW_ROCK TWIST 60’S_POP_SD BOOGIE_WOOGIE_SD BUGG_1_SD BUGG_2_SD JIVE_SD(R) POP_TWIST_SD ROCK&ROLL_1_SD ROCK&ROLL_2_SD SCANDFOX_1_SD SCANDFOX_2_SD SHUFF_FOX_SD SLOWROCK_1_SD SLOWROCK_2_SD SLOWROCK_3_SD SLOWROCK_4_SD SURF_SD UNPLUGGED 1 @16BALLAD 2 @ANDALUZ 3 @BALLAD 4 @BEGUINE 5 @BLUEGRAS 6 @BOSSANOVA 7 @COUNTRYROCK 8 @COUNTRYBEAT 9 @COUNTRY_POP 10 @FAST_SAMBA 11 @GYPSY 12 @MAMBO_SHUFFLE 13 @MEDITERRANEAN 14 @SLOW_ROCK 15 @SMOOTH_FOLK 16 @SOUL_FOLK 17 @SURFIN 18 @IT_TARANTELLA 19 @WESTERN_BALLAD 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 @FADO G_ANDALUZ_SD G_BALLAD_1_SD G_BALLAD_2_SD G_BOSSA_SD G_BRASIL_SD G_COUNTRY_1_SD G_COUNTRY_2_SD G_COUNTRY_3_SD G_FLAMENCO_SD G_POP_1_SD G_POP_2_SD FOLK 1 @MARCH_4_4 2 @MILONGA 3 @PARISIENNE 4 @PIZZICA 5 @TAMMURRIATA 6 @PASO_DOBLE 7 @PAQUITO 8 @SEVILLANA 9 @RUMBA_NAPOLETA 10 @SALTARELLO 11 @JIGS 12 @QUEBEC_FOLKLORE 13 @REELS 14 ALPEN_POLKA 15 ALPEN_WALZ 16 BAROQUE 17 CAN_CAN 18 ESPANA_HIT 19 MEXICAN 20 OBERKRAIN 21 PASO_DOBLE_3_4 22 SIRTAKY 23 CELTIC_SD 24 FADO_SD 25 HABANERA_SD 26 JIGS_SD 27 MARCH_SD 28 NAPOLETANA_SD 29 PASODOBLE_NEW_SD 30 PASODOBLE_SD 31 P_DOBLE_3-4_SD 32 P_DOBLE_4-4_SD 33 REELS_SD KETRON Styles AUDYA FACTORY STYLES BALLROOM 1 @ARGENTINO 2 @BEGUINE_1 3 @ITALPOLKA 4 @MAZURCA(R) 5 @WALZ_ROMAGNOLO 6 @TARANTELLA 7 @SLOW_FOX 8 @FOX_TROT 9 @MODERATO 10 @SWING_FOX 11 @BEGUINE_2 12 @ENGLISH_WALTZ 13 @H-GULLY_1 14 @H-GULLY_2 15 @MEDIUM_FOX 16 @QUADRIGLIA 17 @SHUFFLE_FOX 18 @SLOW_WALZ 19 @TANGO_ITALIANO 20 @WIENER 21 @CLASSIC_TANGO 22 @NEW_MAZURKA(R) 23 @NEW_POLKA(R) 24 @NEW_WALZER(R) 25 @VALZER_LENTO 26 SMOOTH_FOX 27 SOFT_POLKA 28 SOFT_WALZ 29 BEGUINE 30 POLKA(R) 31 SLOW_BEAT 32 TANGO_1 33 TANGO_2 34 WALZER 35 BRUSH_POLKA_SD 36 BRUSH_WALZ_SD 37 FOXTROT_1_SD 38 FOXTROT_2_SD 39 FOXTROT_3_SD 40 FOXTROT_4_MS 41 FRANCAISE_SD 42 IRISH_WALTZ_SD 43 MARCH_6-8_MS 44 MAZURKA_1_SD 45 MAZURKA_2_SD KETRON 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 MAZURKA_3_SD(R) MAZURKA_4_MS MEDIUMFOX_SD MODERATO_1_SD MODERATO_2_SD MUSETTE_SD(R) POLKA_1_SD POLKA_2_SD POLKA_3_MS QUADRIGLIA_SD QUICK_STEP_SD SALTARELLO_SD SLOW_FOX_1(R) SLOW_FOX_2 SLOW_WALTZ_SD TANGO_1_SD TANGO_2_SD TANGO_3_MS TARANTELLA_SD WALTZ_1_SD WALTZ_2_SD WALTZ_3_MS WIENER_1_SD WIENER_2_SD NOTA Il simbolo @ davanti al nome dello STYLE indica che lo style utilizza parti AUDIO DRUM, GROOVES o LIVE GUITAR1 Drum Set Drum Set Standard 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks 01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick16 Kick07 Rimshot05 Snare094 Clap03 Snare097 Tom01 Stick12 Tom02 Close01 Tom03 Open04 Tom04 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Standard 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Program Change 1 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Conga Slap Conga_Hi Conga_Low Timbales_Hi Timbales_Lo Agogo_Hi Agogo_Low Cabasa Maracas01 Whistle01 Whistle02 Guiro01 Guiro02 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Castagnet Tambourine03 Rimshot02 Snare011 Snare012 Snare013 Middle01 Stick02 Close02 Open02 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 2 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick03 Kick01 Rimshot03 Snare031 Clap01 Snare021 Tom01 Stick15 Tom02 Close01 Tom03 Open02 Tom04 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Ride03 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride01 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Room Gm2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Fingsnap 01 Slap Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick04 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Whistle02 Guiro01 Guiro02 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Castagnet Tambourine01 Rimshot04 Snare009 Snare010 Snare015 Middle01 Stick01 Close02 Open01 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 3 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 KETRON Drum Set 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Kick02 Rimshot01 Snare009 Clap01 Snare010 Tom07 Stick01 Tom08 Close01 Tom09 Open01 Tom10 Tom11 Crash02 Tom12 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Power Gm2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Fingsnap 01 Slap Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick16 Kick01 Rimshot01 Snare095 Clap01 Snare096 Tom07 Stick01 Tom08 Close01 Tom09 Open01 Tom10 Tom11 Crash02 Tom12 Ride01 KETRON 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Sticks02 Castagnet Kick40 Kick39 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 4 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 85 Castagnet 86 Kick40 87 Kick39 88 Empty 89 Empty 90 Empty 91 Empty 92 Empty 93 Empty 94 Empty 95 Empty 96 Empty 97 Empty 98 Empty 99 Empty 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Electro Gm2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Program Change 5 Empty 62 Conga Slap Empty 63 Conga_Hi Empty 64 Conga_Low Empty 65 Timbales_Hi Empty 66 Timbales_Lo Empty 67 Agogo_Hi Empty 68 Agogo_Low Empty 69 Cabasa Empty 70 Maracas01 Empty 71 Whistle01 Empty 72 Whistle02 Empty 73 Guiro01 Clap11 74 Guiro02 Fingsnap 01 75 Claves01 Slap 76 W_Block_Hi Scratch Up 77 W_Block_Lo Scratch Down 78 Cuica01 Sticks01 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome01 81 Triangle02 Metronome02 82 Shaker01 Kick21 83 Shaker02 KIck20 84 Sticks02 Rimshot01 85 Castagnet Snare045 86 Kick40 Clap01 87 Kick39 Snare046 88 Empty Tom43 89 Empty Stick28 90 Empty Tom44 91 Empty Close10 92 Empty Tom45 93 Empty Open05 94 Empty Tom46 95 Empty Tom47 96 Empty Crash02 97 Empty Tom48 98 Empty Reverse 99 Empty Crash03 100 Empty Ridebell01 101 Empty Tambourine01 102 Empty Crash04 103 Empty Cowbell01 104 Empty Crash05 105 Empty Vibraslap 106 Empty Ride02 107 Empty Bongo_Hi 108 Empty Bongo_Low 109 Empty Jazz Gm2 14 Empty 15 Empty 16 Empty Program Change 6 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low Drum Set 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Fingsnap 01 Slap Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick06 Kick13 Rimshot01 Snare009 Clap01 Snare010 Tom01 Stick01 Tom02 Close01 Tom03 Open01 Tom04 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Analog Gm2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Fingsnap 01 Slap Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Timbales_Hi Timbales_Lo Agogo_Hi Agogo_Low Cabasa Maracas01 Whistle01 Whistle02 Guiro01 Guiro02 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Castagnet Kick40 Kick39 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 7 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas02 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves02 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick16 Kick24 Rimshot12 Snare087 Clap01 Snare010 Tom26 Stick29 Tom27 Close10 Tom28 Open05 Tom29 Tom30 Open06 Tom31 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Castagnet Kick40 Kick39 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Standard Gm2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Program Change 8 Empty 62 Conga Slap Empty 63 Conga_Hi Roll01 64 Conga_Low Roll02 65 Timbales_Hi Snare002 66 Timbales_Lo Snare003 67 Agogo_Hi Snare004 68 Agogo_Low Snare005 69 Cabasa Snare006 70 Maracas01 T_Flam01 71 Whistle01 T_Flam02 72 Whistle02 Crash01 73 Guiro01 Snare007 74 Guiro02 Fingsnap01 75 Claves01 Slap 76 W_Block_Hi Scratch Up 77 W_Block_Lo Scratch Down 78 Cuica01 Sticks01 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome01 81 Triangle02 Metronome02 82 Shaker01 Kick05 83 Shaker02 KIck02 84 Sticks02 Rimshot01 85 Castagnet Snare013 86 Tambourine1 Clap01 87 Rimshot02 Snare014 88 Snare080 Tom01 89 Snare012 Stick02 90 Snare013 Tom02 91 Middle01 Close01 92 Stick02 Tom03 93 Close02 Open01 94 Open02 Tom04 95 Reverse Tom05 96 Applause KETRON Drum Set 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Crash02 Tom06 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Folk 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick04 Kick02 Rimshot05 Snare012 Clap01 Snare013 Tom01 Stick02 Tom02 Close01 Tom03 Open01 Tom04 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Ride03 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride01 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low KETRON 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 9 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 85 Castagnet 86 Tambourine01 87 Rimshot03 88 Snare011 89 Snare009 90 Snare010 91 Stick12 92 Stick02 93 Close02 94 Open02 95 Reverse 96 Applause 97 Belltree 98 Empty 99 Empty 100 Empty 101 Empty 102 Empty 103 Empty 104 Empty 105 Empty 106 Empty 107 Empty 108 Empty 109 Empty Acoustic 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick06 Kick07 Rimshot06 Snare016 Clap01 Snare017 Tom01 Stick02 Tom02 Close07 Tom03 Open02 Tom04 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Jazz Dry 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Program Change 10 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 85 Castagnet 86 Tambourine01 87 Rimshot04 88 Snare013 89 Snare018 90 Snare015 91 Close06 92 Stick02 93 Close02 94 Open01 95 Reverse 96 Applause 97 Belltree 98 Pandero01 99 Pandero02 100 Pandero03 101 Empty 102 Empty 103 Empty 104 Empty 105 Empty 106 Empty 107 Empty 108 Empty 109 Empty Program Change 11 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 Drum Set 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick16 Kick06 Rimshot08 Snare020 Clap01 Snare019 Tom07 Stick01 Tom08 Close01 Tom09 Open01 Tom10 Tom11 Crash02 Tom12 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Vintage 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick10 Kick11 Rimshot09 Snare021 Clap01 Snare016 Tom01 Stick02 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Castagnet Tambourine01 Rimshot05 Snare009 Snare012 Snare013 Middle01 Stick04 Close02 Open02 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 12 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 85 Castagnet 86 Tambourine01 87 Rimshot03 88 Snare022 89 Snare010 90 Snare015 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Tom02 Close01 Tom03 Open02 Tom04 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Acoustic 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome 01 Metronome 02 Kick08 Kick09 Rimshot05 Snare019 Clap01 Snare020 Tom01 Stick04 Tom02 Close02 Tom03 Open02 Tom04 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Close06 Stick01 Close02 Open01 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 15 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 85 Castagnet 86 Tambourine01 87 Rimshot02 88 Snare011 89 Snare012 90 Snare013 91 Middle01 92 Stick04 93 Close02 94 Open02 95 Reverse 96 Applause 97 Belltree 98 Empty 99 Empty 100 Empty 101 Empty 102 Empty 103 Empty 104 Empty 105 Empty 106 Empty KETRON Drum Set 59 Ride02 60 Bongo_Hi 61 Bongo_Low 107 Empty 108 Empty 109 Empty Rock 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Program Change 17 Snare001 62 Conga Slap Roll01 63 Conga_Hi Roll02 64 Conga_Low Snare002 65 Timbales_Hi Snare003 66 Timbales_Lo Snare004 67 Agogo_Hi Snare005 68 Agogo_Low Snare006 69 Cabasa Tom Flam01 70 Maracas01 Tom Flam02 71 Whistle01 Crash01 72 Whistle02 Snare007 73 Guiro01 Fingsnap 01 74 Guiro02 Slap 75 Claves01 Snare008 76 W_Block_Hi Scratch Up 77 W_Block_Lo Scratch Down 78 Cuica01 Sticks01 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome 01 81 Triangle02 Metronome 02 82 Shaker01 Kick05 83 Shaker02 Kick16 84 Sticks02 Rimshot21 85 Clap02 Snare092 86 Tambourine01 Clap15 87 Rimshot11 Snare093 88 Snare086 Tom01 89 Snare084 Stick19 90 Snare028 Tom02 91 Middle01 Close09 92 Middle04 Tom03 93 Close02 Open03 94 Open01 Tom04 95 Reverse Tom05 96 Applause Crash02 97 Belltree Tom06 98 Empty Ride03 99 Empty Crash03 100 Empty Ridebell01 101 Empty Tambourine01 102 Empty Crash04 103 Empty Cowbell01 104 Empty Crash05 105 Empty Vibraslap 106 Empty Ride01 107 Empty Bongo_Hi 108 Empty Bongo_Low 109 Empty House 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 KETRON Program Change 25 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick42 Kick15 Rimshot05 Snare029 Clap10 Snare077 Tom20 Stick20 Tom21 Middle07 Tom22 Middle05 Tom23 Tom24 Crash02 Tom25 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Techno 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Whistle02 Guiro01 Guiro02 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Clap04 Tambourine1 Rimshot12 Snare036 Snare037 Kick42 Kick15 Kick17 Stick08 Middle06 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 26 Snare001 62 Conga Slap Roll01 63 Conga_Hi Roll02 64 Conga_Low Snare002 65 Timbales_Hi Snare003 66 Timbales_Lo Snare004 67 Agogo_Hi Snare005 68 Agogo_Low Snare006 69 Cabasa Tom Flam01 70 Maracas01 Tom Flam02 71 Whistle01 Crash01 72 Whistle02 Snare007 73 Guiro01 Fingsnap 01 74 Guiro02 Slap 75 Claves01 Snare008 76 W_Block_Hi Scratch05 77 W_Block_Lo Scratch Down 78 Cuica01 Sticks01 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome01 81 Triangle02 Metronome02 82 Shaker01 Kick15 83 Shaker02 Kick17 84 Sticks02 Rimshot13 85 Clap04 Snare034 86 Tambourine1 Clap03 87 Rimshot12 Drum Set 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Snare033 Tom26 Close04 Tom27 Stick09 Tom28 Middle05 Tom29 Tom30 Crash02 Tom31 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Progressive 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch03 Scratch04 Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick44 Kick22 Rimshot16 Snare059 Clap12 Snare061 Tom20 Stick21 Tom21 Close10 Tom22 Open05 Tom23 Tom24 Crash02 Tom25 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Snare038 Snare077 Snare028 Kick28 Kick29 Stick08 Middle06 Middle08 Applause Belltree Clap07 Clap08 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 28 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 85 Clap01 86 Tambourine1 87 Rimshot01 88 Snare039 89 Snare040 90 Snare070 91 Kick45 92 Kick15 93 Middle05 94 Middle01 95 Reverse 96 Applause 97 Belltree 98 Empty 99 Empty 100 Empty 101 Empty 102 Empty 103 Empty 56 57 58 59 60 61 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch01 Scratch02 Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick34 Kick51 Rimshot12 Snare037 Clap13 Snare076 Tom26 Stick22 Tom27 Close11 Tom28 Open08 Tom29 Tom30 Crash02 Tom31 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 El.Percussion Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Rave Hip Hop 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 104 Empty 105 Empty 106 Empty 107 Empty 108 Empty 109 Empty Program Change 29 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Conga Slap Conga_Hi Conga_Low Timbales_Hi Timbales_Lo Agogo_Hi Agogo_Low Cabasa Maracas01 Whistle01 Whistle02 Guiro01 Guiro02 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Clap03 Tambourine1 Rimshot12 Snare041 Snare033 Snare042 Kick20 Kick23 Stick23 Open01 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 30 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low KETRON Drum Set 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick49 Kick46 Rimshot12 Snare038 Clap14 Snare077 Tom26 Stick23 Tom27 Close12 Tom28 Open05 Tom29 Tom30 Crash02 Tom31 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Fusion 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick30 Kick06 KETRON 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Cabasa Maracas01 Whistle01 Whistle02 Guiro01 Guiro02 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Clap02 Tambourine1 Rimshot12 Snare042 Snare045 Snare061 Kick21 Kick20 Stick21 Stick18 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 33 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Rimshot07 Snare081 Clap01 Snare011 Tom01 Stick02 Tom02 Close01 Tom03 Open02 Tom04 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Brush 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Castagnet Tambourine01 Rimshot04 Snare022 Snare009 Snare010 Middle04 Stick02 Close02 Open01 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 41 Snare001 62 Conga Slap Roll01 63 Conga_Hi Roll02 64 Conga_Low Snare002 65 Timbales_Hi Snare003 66 Timbales_Lo Snare004 67 Agogo_Hi Snare005 68 Agogo_Low Snare006 69 Cabasa Tom Flam01 70 Maracas01 Tom Flam02 71 Whistle01 Crash01 72 Whistle02 Snare007 73 Guiro01 Fingsnap 01 74 Guiro02 Slap 75 Claves01 Snare008 76 W_Block_Hi Scratch Up 77 W_Block_Lo Scratch Down 78 Cuica01 Sticks01 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome01 81 Triangle02 Metronome02 82 Shaker01 Kick03 83 Shaker02 Kick13 84 Sticks02 Rimshot06 85 Castagnet Snare023 86 Tambourine01 Snare024 87 Rimshot05 Snare025 88 Snare026 Tom13 89 Snare027 Stick02 90 Snare043 Tom14 91 Close06 Close01 92 Stick02 Tom15 93 Close02 Open01 94 Open02 Tom16 95 Reverse Tom17 96 Applause Crash02 97 Belltree Tom18 98 Empty Ride03 99 Empty Crash03 100 Empty Drum Set 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride04 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Fingsnap 01 Slap Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick03 Kick13 Rimshot01 Snare023 Snare024 Snare025 Tom01 Stick01 Tom02 Close01 Tom03 Open01 Tom04 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Brush Gm2 Sfx Kit 14 15 16 17 Empty Empty Empty Empty 101 Empty 102 Empty 103 Empty 104 Empty 105 Empty 106 Empty 107 Empty 108 Empty 109 Empty Program Change 42 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Conga Slap Conga_Hi Conga_Low Timbales_Hi Timbales_Lo Agogo_Hi Agogo_Low Cabasa Maracas01 Whistle01 Whistle02 Guiro01 Guiro02 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Castagnet Kick40 Kick39 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 47 62 Belltree 63 Engine 64 Car_Stop 65 Car_Pass 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Fret Noise Empty Empty Empty Pfif&Jew Laughing Screaming Punch Heart Foot_Splash Steps Applause Door_Slam Door_Bell Scratch_Fx Orchestra Gm2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Stick02 Close01 Open01 Ride01 Sticks01 Click Metronome01 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Car_Crash Sirene Train Jet Helicopter Starship Gunshot Machine_Gun Laser Explosion Dog Horse_Gallop Bird Rain Thunder Wind Seashore River Bubble Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 48 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 KETRON Drum Set 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Metronome02 Kick41 Kick37 Rimshot01 Snare031 Castagnet Snare014 Timpani01 Timpani02 Timpani03 Timpani04 Timpani05 Timpani06 Timpani07 Timpani08 Timpani09 Timpani10 Timpani11 Timpani12 Timpani13 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash09 Vibraslap Crash07 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Orchestra 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Castagnet Kick40 Kick39 Applause Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 49 Snare001 62 Conga Slap Roll01 63 Conga_Hi Roll02 64 Conga_Low Snare002 65 Timbales_Hi Snare003 66 Timbales_Lo Snare004 67 Agogo_Hi Snare005 68 Agogo_Low Snare006 69 Cabasa Tom Flam01 70 Maracas01 Tom Flam02 71 Whistle01 Crash01 72 Whistle02 Snare007 73 Guiro01 Fingsnap 01 74 Guiro02 Stick02 75 Claves01 Close01 76 W_Block_Hi Open01 77 W_Block_Lo Ride01 78 Cuica01 Sticks01 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome01 81 Triangle02 Metronome02 82 Shaker01 Kick41 83 Shaker02 Kick37 84 Sticks02 Rimshot18 85 Castagnet Snare031 86 Tambourine1 Clap01 87 Rimshot01 Snare014 88 Snare013 Timpani01 89 Snare094 Timpani02 90 Snare009 Timpani03 91 Middle01 Timpani04 92 Stick02 Timpani05 93 Close02 Timpani06 94 Open01 Timpani07 95 Reverse Timpani08 96 Applause Timpani09 97 Belltree KETRON 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Timpani10 Timpani11 Timpani12 Timpani13 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Crash07 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Studio 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Program Change 57 Snare001 62 Conga Slap Roll01 63 Conga_Hi Roll02 64 Conga_Low Snare002 65 Timbales_Hi Snare003 66 Timbales_Lo Snare004 67 Agogo_Hi Snare005 68 Agogo_Low Snare006 69 Cabasa Tom Flam01 70 Maracas01 Tom Flam02 71 Whistle01 Crash01 72 Whistle02 Snare007 73 Guiro01 Fingsnap 01 74 Guiro02 Slap 75 Claves01 Snare008 76 W_Block_Hi Scratch Up 77 W_Block_Lo Scratch Down 78 Cuica01 Sticks01 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome01 81 Triangle02 Metronome02 82 Shaker01 Kick03 83 Shaker02 Kick04 84 Sticks02 Rimshot01 85 Castagnet Snare083 86 Tambourine1 Clap01 87 Rimshot04 Snare082 88 Snare009 Tom01 89 Snare010 Stick02 90 Snare012 Tom02 91 Middle01 Close01 92 Stick01 Tom03 93 Close02 Open02 94 Open01 Tom04 95 Reverse Tom05 96 Applause Crash02 97 Belltree Tom06 98 Empty Ride03 99 Empty Crash03 100 Empty Ridebell01 101 Empty Tambourine01 102 Empty Crash04 103 Empty Cowbell01 104 Empty Crash05 105 Empty Vibraslap 106 Empty Ride01 107 Empty Bongo_Hi 108 Empty Bongo_Low 109 Empty Lightpop 14 Snare001 Program Change 58 62 Conga Slap Drum Set 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Rap 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick36 Kick02 Rimshot12 Snare078 Clap03 Snare091 Tom07 Stick12 Tom08 Close09 Tom09 Open03 Tom10 Tom11 Crash02 Tom12 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Conga_Hi Conga_Low Timbales_Hi Timbales_Lo Agogo_Hi Agogo_Low Cabasa Maracas01 Whistle01 Whistle02 Guiro01 Guiro02 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Clap01 Tambourine1 Rimshot02 Snare011 Snare012 Snare013 Stick02 Open04 Open02 Close02 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 59 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick34 Kick23 Rimshot15 Snare077 Clap02 Snare074 Tom07 Stick08 Tom08 Stick16 Tom09 Middle05 Tom10 Tom11 Crash02 Tom12 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Clap03 Tambourine1 Rimshot12 Snare039 Snare071 Snare041 Middle08 Stick07 Stick18 Middle06 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Hip Box 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Program Change 60 Snare001 62 Conga Slap Roll01 63 Conga_Hi Roll02 64 Conga_Low Snare002 65 Timbales_Hi Snare003 66 Timbales_Lo Snare004 67 Agogo_Hi Snare005 68 Agogo_Low Snare006 69 Cabasa Tom Flam01 70 Maracas01 Tom Flam02 71 Whistle01 Crash01 72 Whistle02 Snare007 73 Guiro01 Fingsnap 01 74 Guiro02 Slap 75 Claves01 Snare008 76 W_Block_Hi Scratch Up 77 W_Block_Lo Scratch Down 78 Cuica01 Sticks01 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome01 81 Triangle02 Metronome02 82 Shaker01 Kick27 83 Shaker02 Kick15 84 Sticks02 Rimshot11 85 Clap02 Snare076 86 Tambourine1 Clap01 87 Rimshot20 Snare077 88 Snare087 Tom07 89 Snare045 Stick06 90 Snare061 Tom08 91 Kick22 Stick18 92 Kick02 Tom09 93 Stick10 KETRON Drum Set 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Middle01 Tom10 Tom11 Crash02 Tom12 Ride01 Crash13 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Modern 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash10 Snare055 Fingsnap03 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick50 Kick11 Rimshot22 Snare050 Clap03 Snare090 Tom38 Stick02 Tom41 Close01 Tom40 Open01 Tom40 Tom39 Crash10 Tom39 Ride04 Crash02 Ridebell03 Tambourine01 Crash10 Cowbell01 Crash10 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low KETRON 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Stick18 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 62 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 85 Castagnet 86 Tambourine01 87 Rimshot02 88 Snare066 89 Snare067 90 Snare088 91 Middle01 92 Stick02 93 Close02 94 Open02 95 Reverse 96 Applause 97 Belltree 98 Empty 99 Empty 100 Empty 101 Empty 102 Empty 103 Empty 104 Empty 105 Empty 106 Empty 107 Empty 108 Empty 109 Empty Custom 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Program Change 65 Snare001 62 Conga Slap Roll01 63 Conga_Hi Roll02 64 Conga_Low Snare002 65 Timbales_Hi Snare003 66 Timbales_Lo Snare004 67 Agogo_Hi Snare005 68 Agogo_Low Snare006 69 Cabasa Tom Flam01 70 Maracas01 Tom Flam02 71 Whistle01 Crash01 72 Whistle02 Snare007 73 Guiro01 Fingsnap 01 74 Guiro02 Slap 75 Claves02 Snare008 76 Wood_Hi Scratch Up 77 Wood Scratch Down 78 Cuica01 Sticks01 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome01 81 Triangle02 Metronome02 82 Shaker03 Kick03 83 Shaker04 Kick02 84 Sticks02 Rimshot02 85 Clap01 Snare081 86 Tambourine1 Clap02 87 Rimshot11 Snare017 88 Snare010 Tom01 89 Snare013 Stick01 90 Snare028 Tom02 91 Stick05 Close01 92 Stick02 Tom03 93 Close02 Open01 94 Open01 Tom04 95 Cowbell02 Tom05 96 Applause Crash02 97 Belltree Tom06 98 Empty Ride01 99 Empty Crash03 100 Empty Ridebell01 101 Empty Tambourine01 102 Empty Crash04 103 Empty Cowbell01 104 Empty Crash05 105 Empty Vibraslap 106 Empty Ride03 107 Empty Bongo_Hi 108 Empty Bongo_Low 109 Empty Latin 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Maracas02 Program Change 66 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas03 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 Drum Set 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Tom42 Pandero01 Pandero02 Pandero03 Kick40 Kick39 Tom19 Metronome02 Kick32 Kick04 Rimshot11 Snare009 Clap01 Snare011 Tom07 Stick02 Tom08 Close01 Tom09 Open01 Tom10 Tom11 Crash02 Tom12 Ride03 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride01 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Pop Jazz 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Castagnet Tambourine1 Rimshot03 Snare009 Snare012 Snare028 Guira01 Guira02 Tambora01 Tambora02 Tambora03 Applause Cowbell03 Empty Empty Clap07 Clap08 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 73 Snare001 62 Conga Slap Roll01 63 Conga_Hi Roll02 64 Conga_Low Snare002 65 Timbales_Hi Snare003 66 Timbales_Lo Snare004 67 Agogo_Hi Snare005 68 Agogo_Low Snare006 69 Cabasa Tom Flam01 70 Maracas01 Tom Flam02 71 Whistle01 Crash01 72 Whistle02 Snare007 73 Guiro01 Fingsnap 01 74 Guiro02 Slap 75 Claves01 Snare008 76 W_Block_Hi Scratch Up 77 W_Block_Lo Scratch Down 78 Cuica01 Sticks01 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome01 81 Triangle02 Metronome02 82 Shaker01 Kick02 83 Shaker02 Kick16 84 Sticks02 Rimshot09 85 Castagnet Snare021 86 Tambourine01 Clap01 87 Rimshot18 Snare028 88 Snare012 Tom01 89 Snare016 Stick04 90 Snare013 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Tom02 Close02 Tom03 Open02 Tom04 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Ride03 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Street 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick24 Kick25 Rimshot14 Snare041 Clap05 Snare042 Tom07 Close11 Tom08 Close10 Tom09 Open08 Tom10 Tom11 Crash02 Tom12 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Close06 Stick02 Close01 Open02 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 74 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 85 Clap04 86 Tambourine1 87 Rimshot12 88 Snare039 89 Snare030 90 Kick42 91 Kick17 92 Kick18 93 Stick25 94 Middle03 95 Reverse 96 Applause 97 Belltree 98 Empty 99 Empty 100 Empty 101 Empty 102 Empty 103 Empty 104 Empty 105 Empty 106 Empty KETRON Drum Set 59 Ride02 60 Bongo_Hi 61 Bongo_Low Analog 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick23 Kick24 Rimshot20 Snare087 Clap01 Snare037 Tom01 Stick16 Tom02 Stick11 Tom03 Open06 Tom04 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Open06 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Citypop 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 KETRON 107 Empty 108 Empty 109 Empty Program Change 75 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 85 Clap01 86 Tambourine1 87 Rimshot01 88 Snare059 89 Snare074 90 Snare034 91 Kick17 92 Kick15 93 Middle05 94 Stick13 95 Reverse 96 Applause 97 Belltree 98 Empty 99 Empty 100 Empty 101 Empty 102 Empty 103 Empty 104 Empty 105 Empty 106 Empty 107 Empty 108 Empty 109 Empty Program Change 76 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick02 Kick35 Rimshot25 Snare019 Clap03 Snare062 Tom07 Stick12 Tom08 Close06 Tom09 Open04 Tom10 Tom11 Crash02 Tom12 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Smooth 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick35 Kick32 Rimshot16 Snare083 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Whistle02 Guiro01 Guiro02 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Clap03 Tambourine01 Rimshot08 Snare034 Snare077 Kick08 Kick13 Kick10 Stick07 Middle06 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 77 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 85 Clap02 86 Tambourine01 Drum Set 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Clap06 Snare081 Tom07 Stick13 Tom08 Close01 Tom09 Open01 Tom10 Tom11 Crash02 Tom12 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Acid 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Rimshot12 Snare077 Snare060 Snare061 Kick11 Kick09 Middle06 Stick08 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 78 Snare001 62 Conga Slap Roll01 63 Conga_Hi Roll02 64 Conga_Low Snare002 65 Timbales_Hi Snare003 66 Timbales_Lo Snare004 67 Agogo_Hi Snare005 68 Agogo_Low Snare006 69 Cabasa Tom Flam01 70 Maracas01 Tom Flam02 71 Whistle01 Crash01 72 Whistle02 Snare007 73 Guiro01 Fingsnap 01 74 Guiro02 Slap 75 Claves01 Snare008 76 W_Block_Hi Scratch Up 77 W_Block_Lo Scratch Down 78 Cuica01 Sticks01 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome01 81 Triangle02 Metronome02 82 Shaker01 Kick25 83 Shaker02 Kick27 84 Sticks02 Rimshot05 85 Clap01 Snare059 86 Tambourine1 Clap07 87 Rimshot03 Snare077 88 Snare059 Tom38 89 Snare041 Stick26 90 Snare034 Tom41 91 Kick17 Close13 92 Kick15 Tom40 93 Middle05 Open05 94 Close04 Tom40 95 Reverse Tom39 96 Applause Crash02 97 Belltree Tom39 98 Empty Ride01 99 Empty Crash03 100 Empty Ridebell01 101 Empty Tambourine01 102 Empty 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Kick&Snare Program Change 79 62 Kick42 63 Kick22 64 Kick34 65 Kick38 66 Kick27 67 Kick43 68 Snare009 69 Snare010 70 Snare014 71 Snare012 72 Snare013 73 Snare016 74 Snare017 75 Snare077 76 Snare034 77 Snare033 78 Snare056 79 Snare023 80 Snare024 81 Snare032 82 Snare029 83 Snare030 84 Snare070 85 Snare071 86 Snare035 87 Snare058 88 Snare031 89 Snare021 90 Snare060 91 Snare074 92 Snare037 93 Snare36 94 Snare38 95 Snare022 96 Snare011 97 Snare039 98 Snare040 99 Snare059 100 Snare061 101 Snare076 102 Snare019 103 Snare041 104 Snare020 105 Snare042 106 Snare045 107 Snare069 108 Empty 109 Empty Jazz Brush Program Change 80 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 14 15 16 17 18 19 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Kick02 Kick03 Kick04 Kick05 Kick06 Kick07 Kick19 Kick12 Kick13 Kick08 Kick14 Kick15 Kick17 Kick29 Kick28 Kick30 Kick31 Kick35 Kick16 Kick32 Kick01 Kick25 Kick09 Kick51 Kick36 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 KETRON Drum Set 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick06 Kick13 Rimshot02 Snare043 Snare024 Snare025 Tom13 Stick02 Tom14 Close01 Tom15 Open01 Tom16 Tom17 Crash02 Tom18 Ride03 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride04 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Swing 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Agogo_Low Cabasa Maracas01 Whistle01 Whistle02 Guiro01 Guiro02 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Castagnet Tambourine01 Rimshot05 Snare026 Snare043 Snare023 Middle04 Stick02 Close02 Open02 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 81 Empty 62 Conga Slap Roll01 63 Conga_Hi Roll02 64 Conga_Low Snare002 65 Timbales_Hi Snare003 66 Timbales_Lo Snare004 67 Agogo_Hi Snare005 68 Agogo_Low Snare006 69 Cabasa Tom Flam01 70 Maracas01 Tom Flam02 71 Whistle01 Crash09 72 Whistle02 Snare065 73 Guiro01 Fingsnap 01 74 Guiro02 Slap 75 Claves01 Snare008 76 W_Block_Hi Scratch Up 77 W_Block_Lo Scratch Down 78 Cuica01 Sticks03 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome1 81 Triangle02 Metronome02 82 Shaker01 KETRON 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Kick37 Kick35 Rimshot10 Snare024 Snare023 Snare044 Tom37 Stick02 Tom36 Close01 Tom35 Open01 Tom34 Tom33 Crash08 Tom32 Ride03 Crash11 Ridebell02 Tambourine01 Splash01 Cowbell01 Crash06 Vibraslap Ride07 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Garage 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Shaker02 Sticks02 Castagnet Tambourine01 Rimshot07 Snare016 Snare022 Snare026 Middle01 Stick17 Close02 Open01 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 82 Snare001 62 Conga Slap Roll01 63 Conga_Hi Roll02 64 Conga_Low Snare002 65 Timbales_Hi Snare003 66 Timbales_Lo Snare004 67 Agogo_Hi Snare005 68 Agogo_Low Snare006 69 Cabasa Tom Flam01 70 Maracas01 Tom Flam02 71 Whistle01 Crash01 72 Whistle02 Snare007 73 Guiro01 Fingsnap 01 74 Guiro02 Slap 75 Claves01 Snare008 76 W_Block_Hi Scratch Up 77 W_Block_Lo Scratch Down 78 Cuica01 Sticks01 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome01 81 Triangle02 Metronome02 82 Shaker01 Kick18 83 Shaker02 Kick09 84 Sticks02 Rimshot17 85 Castagnet Snare019 86 Tambourine01 Clap01 87 Rimshot02 Snare020 88 Snare011 Tom01 89 Snare012 Stick08 90 Snare013 Tom02 91 Middle01 Stick10 92 Stick02 Tom03 93 Close02 Open03 94 Open02 Tom04 95 Reverse Tom05 96 Applause Crash02 97 Belltree Tom06 98 Empty Drum Set 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low U.S. Pop 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Stick05 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick19 KIck01 Rimshot26 Snare079 Clap09 Snare091 Tom07 Stick04 Tom08 Middle04 Tom09 Open01 Tom10 Tom11 Crash02 Tom12 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride02 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Melorap 14 Snare001 15 Roll01 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 83 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 85 Clap04 86 Tambourine1 87 Rimshot12 88 Snare019 89 Snare020 90 Snare035 91 Kick03 92 Kick08 93 Stick02 94 Open02 95 Close01 96 Applause 97 Belltree 98 Clap07 99 Clap08 100 Empty 101 Empty 102 Empty 103 Empty 104 Empty 105 Empty 106 Empty 107 Empty 108 Empty 109 Empty Program Change 84 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 KIck33 Kick26 Rimshot16 Snare040 Clap02 Snare029 Tom07 Stick07 Tom08 Stick08 Tom09 Middle06 Tom10 Tom11 Crash12 Tom12 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Grunge 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Stick07 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Conga_Low Timbales_Hi Timbales_Lo Agogo_Hi Agogo_Low Cabasa Maracas01 Whistle01 Whistle02 Guiro01 Guiro02 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Clap01 Tambourine1 Rimshot03 Snare042 Snare045 Snare046 Kick17 Kick15 Middle05 Close04 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 85 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 KETRON Drum Set 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick03 Kick16 Rimshot12 Snare095 Clap01 Snare096 Tom07 Stick02 Tom08 Close01 Tom09 Open01 Tom10 Tom11 Crash02 Tom12 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Contemporary 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Stick21 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick21 KIck22 Rimshot16 Snare087 Clap01 Snare033 Tom01 Stick27 Tom02 Close14 Tom03 Open05 Tom04 KETRON 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Stick07 Clap02 Tambourine01 Rimshot01 Snare028 Snare009 Snare085 Kick02 Kick08 Stick02 Stick10 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 86 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Stick21 85 Clap09 86 Tambourine1 87 Rimshot05 88 Snare039 89 Snare040 90 Snare041 91 Kick17 92 Kick15 93 Middle08 94 Stick13 95 Reverse 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Urban 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick14 Kick45 Rimshot06 Snare039 Clap01 Snare030 Tom38 Stick24 Tom41 Stick22 Tom40 Open05 Tom40 Tom39 Crash02 Tom39 Ride02 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 87 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 85 Castagnet 86 Tambourine01 87 Rimshot12 88 Snare046 89 Snare058 90 Snare059 91 Stick07 92 Stick11 93 Stick18 94 Close01 95 Reverse 96 Applause 97 Belltree 98 Empty 99 Empty 100 Empty 101 Empty 102 Empty 103 Empty 104 Empty 105 Empty 106 Empty 107 Empty 108 Empty 109 Empty Drum Set Electro 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick48 Kick15 Rimshot01 Snare030 Clap02 Snare061 Tom01 Close04 Tom02 Middle05 Tom03 Open02 Tom04 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Country 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 Tom Flam01 Tom Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 Fingsnap 01 Program Change 88 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker02 84 Sticks02 85 Clap01 86 Tambourine1 87 Rimshot05 88 Snare045 89 Snare042 90 Snare074 91 Stick07 92 Close05 93 Close03 94 Middle05 95 Middle05 96 Applause 97 Belltree 98 Kick17 99 Empty 100 Empty 101 Empty 102 Empty 103 Empty 104 Empty 105 Empty 106 Empty 107 Empty 108 Empty 109 Empty Program Change 89 62 Conga Slap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Slap Snare008 Scratch Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick16 Kick06 Rimshot01 Snare014 Clap01 Snare012 Tom07 Stick01 Tom08 Close01 Tom09 Open01 Tom10 Tom11 Crash02 Tom12 Ride01 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride03 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Claves01 W_Block_Hi W_Block_Lo Cuica01 Cuica02 Triangle01 Triangle02 Shaker01 Shaker02 Sticks02 Clap02 Tambourine01 Rimshot03 Snare013 Snare011 Snare009 Stick05 Stick02 Close06 Open01 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty R&B 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Program Change 90 Snare001 62 Conga Slap Roll01 63 Conga_Hi Roll02 64 Conga_Low Snare002 65 Timbales_Hi Snare003 66 Timbales_Lo Snare004 67 Agogo_Hi Snare005 68 Agogo_Low Snare006 69 Cabasa Tom Flam01 70 Maracas01 Tom Flam02 71 Whistle01 Crash01 72 Whistle02 Snare007 73 Guiro01 Fingsnap 01 74 Guiro02 Slap 75 Claves01 Snare008 76 W_Block_Hi Scratch Up 77 W_Block_Lo Scratch Down 78 Cuica01 Sticks01 79 Cuica02 Click 80 Triangle01 Metronome01 81 Triangle02 Metronome02 82 Shaker01 Kick15 83 Shaker02 Kick17 84 Sticks02 Rimshot19 85 Clap04 Snare074 86 Tambourine1 Clap03 87 Rimshot01 Snare076 88 Snare016 Tom38 89 Snare034 Stick07 90 Snare036 KETRON Drum Set 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Tom41 Stick08 Tom40 Middle08 Tom40 Tom39 Crash02 Tom39 Ride03 Crash03 Ridebell01 Tambourine01 Crash04 Cowbell01 Crash05 Vibraslap Ride01 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low Pop Super Kit 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Kick54 Roll03 Kick53 Roll04 Snare063 Roll05 Snare057 Kick52 Kick54 Rimshot22 Snare055 Snare050 Snare054 Tom38 Stick14 Tom41 Stick03 Tom40 Open07 Tom40 Tom39 Crash10 Tom39 Ride04 Crash02 Ridebell03 Middle09 Crash10 Middle02 Crash10 KETRON 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Stick08 Stick11 Middle01 Stick06 Middle06 Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 91 62 Whistle01 63 Whistle02 64 Guiro01 65 Guiro02 66 Open07 67 Claves01 68 Open07 69 Tambourine01 70 Close07 71 Clap04 72 Clap02 73 Clap03 74 Clap01 75 Fingsnap02 76 Fingsnap01 77 Tambora01 78 Tambora02 79 Empty 80 Empty 81 Empty 82 Empty 83 Empty 84 Empty 85 Empty 86 Empty 87 Empty 88 Empty 89 Empty 90 Empty 91 Empty 92 Empty 93 Empty 94 Empty 95 Empty 96 Empty 97 Empty 98 Empty 99 Empty 100 Empty 101 Empty 102 Empty 103 Empty 104 Empty 105 Empty 58 59 60 61 Open07 Ride03 Maracas01 Maracas02 Funk Super Kit 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Kick54 Roll03 Kick53 Roll04 Snare075 Roll05 Snare073 Kick52 Kick53 Rimshot21 Snare072 Snare068 Snare064 Tom38 Stick14 Tom41 Stick03 Tom40 Open07 Tom40 Tom39 Crash10 Tom39 Ride04 Crash02 Ridebell03 Middle09 Crash10 Middle02 Crash10 Open07 Ride03 Maracas01 Maracas02 Power_S.Kit 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty 106 107 108 109 Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 92 62 Whistle01 63 Whistle02 64 Guiro01 65 Guiro02 66 Open07 67 Claves01 68 Open07 69 Tambourine01 70 Close07 71 Clap04 72 Clap02 73 Clap03 74 Clap01 75 Fingsnap02 76 Fingsnap01 77 Tambora01 78 Tambora03 79 Empty 80 Empty 81 Empty 82 Empty 83 Empty 84 Empty 85 Empty 86 Empty 87 Empty 88 Empty 89 Empty 90 Empty 91 Empty 92 Empty 93 Empty 94 Empty 95 Empty 96 Empty 97 Empty 98 Empty 99 Empty 100 Empty 101 Empty 102 Empty 103 Empty 104 Empty 105 Empty 106 Empty 107 Empty 108 Empty 109 Empty Program Change 93 62 Whistle01 63 Whistle02 64 Guiro01 65 Guiro02 66 Open07 67 Claves01 68 Open07 69 Tambourine01 70 Close07 Drum Set 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Empty Empty Empty Snare052 Snare051 Kick52 Roll03 Kick53 Roll04 Snare053 Roll05 Snare066 Kick54 Kick52 Rimshot21 Snare067 Snare088 Snare089 Tom01 Stick14 Tom02 Stick03 Tom03 Open07 Tom04 Tom05 Crash10 Tom06 Ride04 Crash02 Ridebell03 Middle09 Crash10 Middle02 Crash10 Open07 Ride03 Maracas01 Maracas02 Ms_100_Set 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Snare001 Roll01 Roll02 Snare002 Snare003 Snare004 Snare005 Snare006 T_Flam01 T_Flam02 Crash01 Snare007 F_Snap01 Slap Snare008 Scratch_Up Scratch Down Sticks01 Click Metronome01 Metronome02 Kick50 Kick47 Rimshot23 Snare049 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Clap04 Clap02 Clap03 Clap01 Fingsnap02 Fingsnap01 Tambora01 Tambora02 Tambora03 Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Clap01 Snare049 Tom01 Stick15 Tom02 Close01 Tom03 Close08 Tom04 Tom05 Crash02 Tom06 Ride02 Crash05 Ride06 Tambourine02 Crash04 Cowbell04 Crash03 Vibraslap Ride05 Bongo_Hi Bongo_Low 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Rimshot24 Snare047 Snare047 Snare048 Middle01 Stick02 Close02 Open02 Reverse Applause Belltree Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Program Change 13 62 Congaslap 63 Conga_Hi 64 Conga_Low 65 Timbales_Hi 66 Timbales_Lo 67 Agogo_Hi 68 Agogo_Low 69 Cabasa 70 Maracas01 71 Whistle01 72 Whistle02 73 Guiro01 74 Guiro02 75 Claves01 76 W_Block_Hi 77 W_Block_Lo 78 Cuica01 79 Cuica02 80 Triangle01 81 Triangle02 82 Shaker01 83 Shaker05 84 Sticks02 85 Castagnet 86 Tambourine03 KETRON Voice Preset Voice Preset PIANOS CONCERT_GRAND UPRIGHT_PIANO POP_GRAND HONKY_TONK LATIN_PIANO ROMANTIC_ GRAND TINE_PIANO DYNAPIANO HARPSICHORD CLAVI RAGTIME ELECTROMIX PIANO&STRINGS OCTAPIANO JINGLE_PIANO FM&GRAND R&ROLL PIANO_PAD DIGIPIANO HOUSE EL_PIANOS STAGE_73 SUITECASE FM_PIANO1 80’S_MODULE CRISTAL_TX 88_PRO PHASER SWEET_MARK CLAVIMIX TREMOLO_MARK HIGH_TINES FM_PIANO2 ROTOR_E_PIANO ULTRAFUNK E_PIANO_PAD FM_LAYERED CHORUS_E_PIANO 3_OPERATOR VINTAGE DELAY_E_PIANO CHROM CELESTA GLOCKENSPIEL MUSIC_BOX VIBRAPHONE MARIMBA ORCHEST_BELL XYLOPHONE BELL KALIMBA STEEL_DRUM MARKTREE WINDCHIMES WOODBLOCK SHORTY VIBE TINKLE GLOCKSTRINGS XYLOMARIMBA AIRBELL TUBULAR CARILLON ORGAN CLASSIC_B3 ROCK_ORGAN JAZZ_ORGAN GOSPEL ROTARY HAMM_ON THEATRE LEAKAGE 16’+1’ BLUES_ORGAN FOOTAGE LOWER 8’+4’ VALVE SPIRITUAL EVERGREEN POSITIVE PRINCIPALE+4’ CHURCH B3_VIBRATO 760_ROTOR JAZZ_B3 FULL_FAST DARK_B3 POP_ROCK DRY_ORGAN PIPE1 PIPE2 2ND_PERCUSSION HAPPY DAY TWIN FAST 16’ 8’ 51/3 TONEBARS JAZZY SPIN POP DRAWBARS ROCKER CHORUSED OVERDRIVE FULL_THEATRE FUZZ_ORGAN ACCORDION MUSETTE JAZZ_FISA TANGO PARISIENNE MASTER BLUES_HARP FISARMONICA ALPEN ITALIAN ORGANETTO CELESTE ACCORDION HARMONICA BASSOON CLASSIC TYROLER BANDONEON 8’ REED 16’+8’ ARGENTINIAN PIEMONTESE CASSOTTO FULL_FISA FRANCAISE WIDE_MUSETTE SMOOKEY_HARP FOLK_MASTER MANOUCHE DYNAFISA BELLOW GUITAR ACOUST_NYLON COUNTRY&SLIDE JAZZ_GUIT&SLIDE FOLK STRATO CARLOS DE LUXE SOLIDBODY 12_STRINGS DISTORTED CLEAN FINGERPICKING NYLON&SLIDE MEDIUM STEEL SHADOW POWER PEDAL STEEL SMOOTH_FOLK MUTED JAZZ_OCTAVE BACHATA_GUIT PHASE_GUIT ROCK_LEAD HUMBUCK BOTTLENECK MELLOW_STRAT WHA_LEAD ROCK_STRAT SWEET_NYLON POP_FUNK RAY_BLUES GUITAR BRAZILIAN BRONZE_ COUNTRY JAZZ_GUITAR2 TELECAST CNTRY_FOLK POP_WHA AFTERFOLK METAL SOFT BLUES CLASSIC GUITAR_DUO FLAMENCO TREMOLOS BRIGHT_FOLK POP_LEAD STOPPED PUNK HOT_TUBE DARK_LEAD VINTAGE BASS ACOUSTIC FINGER POP FUNK FRETLESS PICKED SLAP RETRO PRECISION BASS&PIANO SYNBASS 1 SYNBASS 2 SYNBASS 3 SYNBASS 4 SYNBASS 5 HOUSE 1 HOUSE 2 SINUS BASS&GUIT OBERBASS STRINGS STRINGS_ ENSEMBLE PHILARMONIC VIOLIN CELLOS VELOSTRINGS OCTASTRING_1 SLOW STRINGS WIENER (otm) HARP PIZZICATO CAMERA DISCO_STRINGS Voice Preset BAROQUE OCTASTRING_3 VIOLA TZIVAGO SYMPHONY (otm) OPERA PRELUDE STACCATO CHOIR POP_AHH POP_OHH VOCALS DAH TOOH UHH CLASSIC CHOIR SYNVOICE TREBLE_VOICES DIGICHOIR HALOCHOIR DIGIVOICE SMOOTH AHH TUU_UAA CHOIRPAD CHURCH_VOCAL 1 CHURCH_VOCAL 2 SYNTHVOX 1 SYNTHVOX 2 SYNTHVOX 3 BRASS BRASS 1 BRASS 2 MEXICAN JAZZ_TROMBONE DIXIE ® MUTED_TPT SWING_TRUMPET OCTABRASS GOLDEN_ TRUMPET FLUGHORN JAZZ_CORNET TROMBONES BRASS&FALL FRENCH_HORN MARIACHI BEBOP_MUTED SOFT_BRASS (otm) LATIN_BRASS ALPEN_DUO MEXICAN_DUET MELLOW_TPT GENTLE_HORNS BRIGHT&BRASS TIJUANA T_BONE_SECTION OCTABRASS 2 BAVARIAN_LIED GROWBRASS(otm) SMOOTH_ SECTION DARK_TRUMPET SAX BLOWED_TENOR JAZZ_CONTRALTO SWEET_ALTO ROCK&GROWL CIRCUS_SAX ALTOSOFT CLARINET BARITON SOPRANO POP_ALTO WOODWINDS GRAFFIATO ® TENOR MILLER (otm) SAX&BRASS SAXBAND 1 SAXBAND 2 (otm) SAXBAND 3 SAXBAND 4 SAXBAND 5 FLUTE CLASSIC_FLUTE LATIN_FLUTE ANDES WHISTLE SHAKUASHI CHIFF PERUVIAN POP FLUTE OCARINA RECORDER BOTTLE ETHNIC PIPES PICCOLO FLUTE&STRING STEREO FLUTE VOICE FLUTE OCTAFLUTE FLUTE&JAZ_GUIT RAINDROPS PAD ACOUSTIC_DREAM MOVIES OBX SWEEP SPACE DIGIPAD NEW AGE 1 SYNSTRINGS BRIGHTPAD EXPLORER NYLON_PAD GLASSPAD SYBER NEW_ERA (morph) HALO (morph) BELL_PAD WARMNESS TINEPAD ANALOGS NEW AGE 2 EVOLVING INNER_PAD JUMPIN_BRASS LARGE INTERLUDE DRONE MIXPAD CHIFFER MATRIX VANGELUS SYNTH LEAD 1 LEAD 2 LEAD 3 LEAD 4 LEAD 5 SYNTH 1 SYNTH 2 SYNTH 3 SYNTH 4 SYNTH 5 TRANCE RESO RAVE WAVEMIX BRIGHTSYNTH MAXSYNTH SOLOIST QUADRA CALLIOPE SYNTHBRASS 1 MINISOLO CHORD_SYNTH SPARKLY SHINE PAT_SYNTH SYNTHBRASS 2 OVERLOAD SQUARED FOLLOWSYNTH SYNTHBRASS 3 ETHNIC MANDOLIN BANJO FIDDLE steel SITAR PARAGUAYAN_ HARP DULCIMER BAG_PIPE BOUZOUKI STEEL_BAND SHAMISEN FADO CELTIC_HARP AFRICAN_MALLET JUNGLE HACKBRETT ZITHER ETHNO_VIBES TRES KOTO ZURNA EFFECT_SFX FRET_NOISE BREATH PFIF&JEW_HARP HUU HEART APPLAUSE LAUGHING SCREAMING JET HELICOPTER EXPLOSION GUN_SHOTS MACHINE_GUN STAR_SHIPS ALARMS DOOR_ SLAM&BELL TELEPHONE AIRHORN SCRATCHES LASERS EFFECT_SFX FX_SLAP BIRD BUBBLE DOG&COW HORSE&GALLOP CLACKSON CARS CAR_PASS TRAIN FOOT&SPLASH RAIN RIVER THUNDER SEASHORE WIND BURST HITS&CRASH NYLON_SLIDE COUNTRY_SLIDE JAZZ_SLIDE KETRON KETRON s.r.l. Via Giuseppe Taliercio n. 7 60131 Ancona (Italy) Tel. +39 071 285771 Tel. +39 071 2857748 www.ketron.it email: ketron@ketron.it