BB vol 7 issue 1 - Fall - Long Beach School District


BB vol 7 issue 1 - Fall - Long Beach School District
Bearcat Beat
Carrolyn Hamilton
Christi Spinks
Assistant Superintendent
Jana H. Grenn
Director of Finance
Susan Molesworth
Director of Student Services
Peter Dabbs
Long Beach High School
Dr. Timothy Holland
Long Beach Middle School
Ken Sims
Let Every Day
Be Christmas (Excerpt) Christmas is forever,
not for just one day,
For loving, sharing, giving,
are not to put away
Like bells and lights and tinsel,
in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do for others
is good you do yourself.
Peace on Earth, good will to men,
kind thoughts and words of cheer,
are things we should use often
and not just once a year.
Harper McCaughan Elementary
Lori Price
W. J. Quarles Elementary
Melanie Walton
Thomas L Reeves Elementary
Larry Ramsey
Long Beach Alternative School
December 17, 1976
Norman Wesley Brooks,
U.S. design engineer
1923 - 2002
McCaughan Elementary Named PBIS Model Site
Harper McCaughan Elementary School piloted PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and
Support) during the 2011-2012 school year. It was a great success in decreasing office
discipline referrals and increasing attendance. This year, the McCaughan PBIS Team:
♦ Dr. Jenny Webber, Asst. Principal
♦ Susan Molesworth, SPED Director
♦ Marsha Bishop, Counselor
♦ Deb Allen, SPED Teacher
♦ Hallie Farris, 6th Grade Teacher
♦ Ashleigh Seal, 5th Grade Teacher
♦ Cheryl Landry, 4th Grade Teacher
♦ Carly Parker, Discovery Teacher
♦ Jessica Baker, PE Teacher
♦ Linda Shirk, Parent Member
♦ Summer McWilliams, Parent Volunteer Liaison
improved our school plan to provide more individual rewards for students as well as
making school-wide consistency and positive attitudes our goals. We have added the H &
M Market and PRIDE buckets as well.
With all of our hard work, we were awarded the honor of being a PBIS Model Site. We
are the only Model Site on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. This award gives our school $2500
to use for PBIS incentives, and if any schools visit us to see what we are doing with PBIS,
we get $250 for every school that visits.
Newkirk’s English Class Completes Multi-Genre Writing Projects
Mrs. Newkirk’s eighth grade English class
connected with social studies by completing a
multi-genre project, which involved writing
various pieces of different genres such as
poetry, newspaper articles, journal entries,
obituaries, memoirs, timelines, letters and
Angie Johnson
Tim Pierce
Vice President
Sandi Dulaney
Craig Carpenter
James Stubbs
Jim Simpson
Board Attorney
Bearcat Beat is a publication
of the LBSD Office of Parent
and Community Relations
Leigh Anne Biggs
These writing pieces pertained to various
European, Spanish and Portuguese explorers who were studied in social
studies classes. As a result of their social studies research, students were
able to expand their learning by developing multi-genre units on their
preferred explorer. Students wrote letters, journal entries and memoirs
from the explorer’s points of view. To conclude their projects, students
wrote defenses to why they chose particular
writing forms to highlight information
regarding their chosen explorers.
The students really enjoyed expressing
their creativity through this cross-curricular
National Honor Society Honored for Blood Drive Work
LBHS's Chapter of the National Honor
Society held a blood drive October 18th.
They collected 125 pints of blood.
During the Summer, the LBHS chapter
was recognized for sponsoring two Red
Cross blood drives a year for the past 15
years. They also received recognition for
being the "Largest High School Blood
Drive" in the region.
Last school year
we collected 274
pints of blood from
Long Beach Gifted Advisory Board Meets to Review Programs
The Long Beach School District Gifted Advisory Board met on September 4, 2012.
The board consists of students, parents, regular classroom teachers, gifted teachers,
administrators and community members who meet twice yearly to review the gifted
program and offer suggestions for improvement.
Mrs. Deborah Holt presented an annual program review to the group, highlighting
results of the student/parent/teacher surveys, as well as the Gifted Program
Evaluation. Mrs. Holt also shared projects and goals for the 2012-2013 school year.
Afterwards, all stakeholders held small group discussions to share suggestions for
improvement in various areas. Input from stakeholders is of great importance and
value to the success of the LBSD Discovery program.
Storonskyj’s “Einstein Academy” Researches, Presents Scientists
Mrs. Storonskyj's third grade class (Einstein Academy)
researched eminent scientists. Student scientists used costumes,
props and visual aids to present their research findings. The
presentations were such a success, our young scientists took their
show on the road. Students revised their presentations to suit
younger audiences and presented to each kindergarten, first,
second and third grade class at Quarles Elementary.
Ethan Nicely as Thomas Edison
Vaiden Ross as Stephen Hawking
James Jones as Albert Einstein
Devon Martischang as Dr. Sally Ride
Jacob Holland as Louis Pasteur
Logan Husley as Tyronne Hays
Leiland Humphrey as Albert Einstein
Oscar Whalen as Edmund Haley
Rachel Crapps as Dr. Sally Ride
Robert McGee as Albert Einstein
Students, Teachers at Reeves Elementary Celebrate 50s Style
Reeves Elementary celebrated the 50th day of school with a Bearcat Bonanza. This was their PBIS
reward for first nine weeks. Activities were centered around the "50th Day of School" theme. All students
were invited to dress in 1950's styles and had opportunities to enjoy fun music and classroom activities.
Students who earned enough paw print stamps for being "ready, respectful and responsible" during the
first nine weeks, enjoyed time outside where they learned the Twist and the Hand Jive, had fun with limbo
and hula hoops, ate popsicles, played outdoor games and posed by a cool 1950's car. The students had a
great time, and teachers got into the spirit as much as the students did!
Dunlap Receives State Honor
The Mississippi High School
Activities Association (MHSAA) in
Clinton, Mississippi has nominated
Mr. Joel Dunlap of Long Beach High
School to represent the state of
Mississippi as the "2012 Outstanding
Music Educator."
Each year, MHSAA nominates
one music educator to represent the
state in the nation-wide pool. The
national office in Indianapolis,
Indiana, will vote in December of
2012 for the "Outstanding Music
Educator." Mr. Dunlap's choir has
performed for the world stage touring Italy, France and
England. His 80-voice Concert Choir and ensembles
consistently rate Superior ratings at the District and State
In 2014, the Choir will again travel overseas performing
Dance Team Earns Honors at Camp
The LBHS Dance Team attended camp at
USM July 16-19 where they were awarded all
superior ratings and 1st Runner-up Overall
Camp Champions.
Dancers who received American All-Star
Recognition are Esi Attipoe, Erin Carrubba,
Kailey Cuevas, A'Miracle Fagan, Kelsey Lee,
Kaitlyn Lynch, Kaitlyn Scoufos and Brandi Zhe.
(This policy addresses Certification of Compliance with Unsafe School Choice Option Requirements as
required in the Consolidated Plan for No Child Left Behind)
The following definitions apply to this policy:
a. A "persistently dangerous school" is a public school other than a charter school in which the conditions
during the past two school years continually exposed its students to injury from violent criminal offenses
and it is:
Unsafe School Choice Option Policy
(i) an elementary, middle or secondary public school in which a total of 20 or more violent criminal
offenses were committed per 1000 students (2.0 or more per 100 students) in two consecutive
school years; or
(ii) an elementary, middle or secondary public alternative school in which a total of 75 or more violent
criminal offenses were committed per 1000 (7.5 or more per 100 students) in two consecutive
school years; and
b. "Violent criminal offenses" are the following crimes reported in the Mississippi Student Information
Simple or Aggravated Assault as defined in Section 97-3-7 of the Mississippi Code Annotated 1972,
as amended,
Homicide as defined in Sections 97-3-19, 97-3-27, 97-3-29, 97-3-31, 97-3-35, 97-3-37, and 97-3-47
of the Mississippi Code Annotated 1972, as amended,
Kidnapping as defined in Section 97-3-53 of the Mississippi Code Annotated 1972, as amended,
Rape as defined in Sections 97-3-65 and 97-3-71 of the Mississippi Code Annotated 1972, as
Robbery as defined in Sections 97-3-73, 97-3-77 and 97-3-79 of the Mississippi Code Annotated
1972, as amended,
Sexual Battery as defined in Section 97-3-95 of the Mississippi Code Annotated 1972, as amended,
Mayhem as defined in Section 97-3-59 of the Mississippi Code Annotated 1972, as amended,
Poisoning as defined in Section 97-3-61 of the Mississippi Code Annotated 1972, as amended,
Extortion as defined in Section 97-3-82 of the Mississippi Code Annotated 1972, as amended,
Stalking as defined in Section 97-3-107 of the Mississippi Code Annotated 1972, as amended, and
Seizure and Forfeiture of Firearms as defined in Section 97-3-110 of the Mississippi Code
Annotated 1972, as amended.
Whenever the State Board of Education has information that a school meets the criteria described in
paragraph 1.a (i) or 1.a (ii), the State Board of Education shall provide the local board of education the
opportunity to report on conditions in the school. After consideration of that report and consultation with a
representative sample of local educational agencies, the State Board of Education shall determine whether
the school is a persistently dangerous school. Once a school has been designated a persistently
dangerous school, it retains that designation for at least one school year.
Students assigned to a school which the State Board of Education has determined to be persistently
dangerous shall be allowed to attend another school in the LEA which is not designated a persistently
dangerous school, provided there is such a school in the LEA which offers instruction at the student's
grade level.
Any student who is the victim of a violent criminal offense committed against him or her while he or she
was in or on the grounds of the public school that he or she attends shall be allowed to choose to attend
another school in the LEA which is not designated a persistently dangerous school, provided there is such
a school in the LEA which offers instruction at the student's grade level and provided the student requests
transfer within 30 days of the violent criminal offense.
Local school systems shall establish a process for assuring any student who has the right to transfer from
a school under this policy is allowed to transfer to a school in the LEA, which is not persistently
dangerous. The process must be included in the system's Safe School Plan.
The LEA shall report each student transfer effected pursuant to this policy to the State Board of Education
in the Mississippi Student Information System.
In accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act, parents have the right to know:
Annual Report Cards:
The Mississippi Department of Education and the Long Beach School District will disseminate to
parents, schools and the public an annual report card with aggregate information, including student
achievement (disaggregated by category) and graduation rates.
Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications:
a. Whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and
subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
b. Whether the teacher is teaching under a provisional status through which State qualification or
licensing criteria have been waived;
c. The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree
held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree; and
d. Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
Currently, all teachers and paraprofessionals in the Long Beach School District meet all NCLB
To the extent practicable, Parent’s Right to Know Notification will be provided in a language that
parents can understand.
Student Achievement:
The Long Beach School District will provide individual student assessment reports to parents
providing individual information on the level of achievement of the parent’s child in each of the state’s
academic assessments.
Non-Highly Qualified Teachers:
The Long Beach School District will notify each individual parent in a timely manner if the parent’s
child has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified.
Federal Programs Offer Parent, Community Resources
Important parent information is available on the Federal Programs page of the newly
improved Long Beach School District website. You can access this information by clicking on
the Federal Programs link listed under Departments from the district home page or copying
and pasting this address into your web browser:
Some of the information you can find there:
Parent Involvement Policy
Parent Involvement Plans for Quarles and Reeves
Elementary Schools
Parent Compacts for Quarles and Reeves Elementary
Federal Report Card Link
Link to Parent-Community Feedback forms for Quarles
and Reeves Elementary Schools
In addition to the web resources, you can contact the
counselor at your child’s school for available books and videos.
Important Parent Information
Parents of Title I, Part A students have the right to know the professional qualifications of the
classroom teachers who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask for certain information
about your child’s classroom teacher, and requires us to give you this information in a timely manner
if you ask for it. Specifically, you have the right to ask for the following information about each of your
child’s classroom teachers:
Quarles Celebrates Students of the Month
Quarles Elementary is celebrating Student of the Month this year with t-shirts and other prizes to encourage good
behavior, attendance and an overall good attitude.
August 2012
Brannon Bryan Engle Mar n Mason Rawlins Blackwell Clay Hamiter Hill Switzer Barre Harris Peters Peterson Bowman Carmody Sanzin Storonskyj Strebeck Feeney Student
Caroline Lukes Caleb Woods Aubrey Pingul Reese Carmack Ben Cozart Samara Hudson Mia Goodwin Gigi (Dakota) Vermilyea Ramiro Cooley Kaeleigh Ladner Sarah Jensen Ashley Benson Ada Shirk Wesley Watson Brady Wa s Lauren McDonald Brandon Scherich Raegan Williams Lilly Morgan Jade Lorenzo Cameron Frisby September 2012
Brannon Bryan Engle Mar n Mason Rawlins Blackwell Clay Hamiter Hill Switzer Barre Harris Peters Peterson Bowman Carmody Sanzin Storonskyj Strebeck Student
Anelise Blackwell Leland Henderson Jenna Shirk Lucas Johnson Karen Choi Owen Barlow Tripp Elias Wya Mullins McKenzie Smith Vicki Tran Hannah Hartley Barre Rose Jaquan Newsome Reagan Stallings Cheyenne Smith Braden McCaleb Baylee Cruz Josiah Williams Rachel Crapps Ethan Dollar Long Beach School District Continues to Participate in Child Find
The Long Beach School District continues to participate in an ongoing state effort to locate, identify and
evaluate children from birth through age 21 who have physical, mental, communicative and/or emotional
disabilities, and who are not currently enrolled in school.
The school district provides programs in the following areas: Autism, Deaf-Blind, Developmentally Delayed,
Emotional Disability, Hearing Impaired, Language/Speech, Mental Retardation, Multiple Disabilities, Orthopedic
Impairment, Other Health Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Traumatic Brain Injury and Visually Impaired.
Some programs may be offered through cooperative agreements with neighboring districts.
Susan Molesworth is the Child Find Coordinator for the Long Beach School District. She will assist in having
the child evaluated and placed in an appropriate special education program according to procedures established
by the MS Department of Education. She will also refer parents to other agencies who may be able to provide
services to this child.
Ms. Molesworth is responsible for conducting an awareness campaign on an annual basis, contacting
agencies annually, coordinating handicapped referrals and initiating the evaluation process for any child who is
Students are evaluated by qualified personnel in all areas related to the suspected disability. This information
and testing results will be kept confidential. Records to other agencies will be provided in accordance with the
Family Rights and Privacy Act and IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). Parents have the right to
inspect any information about their child and to challenge its accuracy.
For further information, call Child Find Coordinator Mrs. Susan Molesworth at (228) 864-8085.
McCaughan Discovery Classes Learn to Deal With Stress in Positive Way
Harper McCaughan Discovery students learned about relaxation techniques from Mrs. Olivair of Kid
Fit. These relaxation techniques help relieve stress, which gifted students tend to experience to a
greater level. Mrs. Marsha Bishop, McCaughan counselor, spent the entire week of September 17-21,
2012, talking to students in grades 4-6 Discovery about stress and how to deal with it in a positive
manner. Both of these ladies provided a valuable service addressing these social-emotional needs of
the gifted.
LBMS Advanced Drama Students Put on “Turnaround” for Red Ribbon
Fifty-two students in Lisa Russell’s
Advanced Drama classes at Long Beach
Middle School put on Red Ribbon Week
productions of “Turnaround”. They were
featured on WLOX and, in turn, asked by
Gulfport Job Corp. to come and perform for
their national director. Congratulations on
this honor and on creating such a moving
piece with an important message for all to
hear and see.
Reeves Discovery Students Dedicate Long Beach Time Capsule
Former students from Kelly Cassibry’s
Discovery Class presented, dedicated and
buried a time capsule for the City of Long
Beach at the Harper McCaughan Town Green.
Presenters were: Andrew Bishop, James
Graben, Savannah Hicks, Lauren Holliman,
Isabella Hutchinson, Vy Nguyen and Sanaa
The class would like to extend special
thanks to the following people and businesses
for helping them: Mayor Skellie, Local
Business owners and community leaders,
Linsey Plumbing, Bob Paul, Fred Walker
(State Farm), Sam and Lisa Hodges and their
Bearcat Basketball Gives Back to Community: Helps Clean Harbor
Bearcat basketball players from the boys team helped the City of Long Beach clean the harbor
before Cruisin the Coast. The players had a great time giving back to the city.
Wedgeworth’s Discovery Classes
Mrs. Peters Class Goes Apple
Happy at Quarles
Mrs. Peters second grade
class memorized poems and a
Johnny Appleseed Play which
was performed for parents on
Sept. 21. They also had an
Apple Feast that same morning
applesauce to apple chips!
Ree ves Round
Quarles Fall Festival
Students Connect Classroom Learning to Real World at LB Alternative School
Connecting academic skills to real life experiences
The students at the Long Beach Alternative School
recently were able to witness the construction of a
boat. Thomas Mallini, a science teacher at the school,
incorporated the concepts of math and science into
this environmental science class experience. Students
had been studying volume, density and measurement.
Mallini had his students doing hands-on projects using
graduated cylinders and triple beam balance scales to
analyze the effect density has on the buoyancy of
various objects.
Students took the scientific information they learned in class and related it to the processes they
were able to see being used in the construction of a boat. They observed how the physical and
chemical properties of aluminum played a key role in the welding process of the boat and were able to
compare and contrast two different boats constructed for two different purposes. They learned how
exact measurements for the sides of the boat were important when considering the shallow depth of
water in which the boat was expected to float. Many were amazed to find out how expensive it would
be in replacing the building material if their measurements were off 1/16 or 1/8 of an inch. Through
this experience, the students had a new found appreciation for the academic skills they are learning in
Alternative School Welcomes New Faculty, Staff
New to Long Beach Alternative School
Larry Ramsey is the principal at the alternative school this year after spending the last two years as
the principal of Thomas L. Reeves Elementary School.
“I enjoyed working with the staff, students and parents of Reeves Elementary. It was a great
experience. I appreciated the efforts the staff and the students gave on a daily basis,” Ramsey said.
“I look forward to the challenges presented at the alternative school.”
Michelle Harrison comes to the alternative school as a guidance counselor and special education
teacher. She also works with home bound students and testing students for Student Services. She
worked at Harper McCaughan Elementary School last year as a 6th grade special education teacher.
“We are here to provide a safe and encouraging environment in which all students increase their
knowledge and obtain skills and attitudes needed for all areas of life and become productive members
of society,” Harrison said. She is working with the Seabee Base to acquire military personnel to
become mentors for our students and the alternative school is incorporating components of PBIS
(Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) like the other schools in the district.
In addition to the new school staff this year, a member from the Coastal Family Health Center
comes and works with the students on anger management techniques.
Teachers at the alternative school include Teresa Barkum, Ron Skinner, Thomas Mallini, Courtney
Pollock and Bo VonderBruegge.
Students Participate in Male Vocal Symposium
H & M Store Benefit for PBIS
Once a month at Harper McCaughan they have
the H & M Market. Some of their special classes
work the market. These students must greet
customers, stock the market, tally the bills and collect
Students in the school may use their PRIDE
bucks to purchase school
supplies, snacks, toys,
privilege certificates, etc.
On Saturday, September 8, 2012, a group of students
from the middle school choir participated in the Male Vocal
Symposium sponsored by the Mississippi American Choral
Director's Association. The student's clinician was Dr.
Nicholaus B. Cummins, Director of Choral Activities at
Delta State University. The students’ names are Paul
Brown, Nate Lyon, Dae Quan McInnis, Dylan Morris,
Joseph Olguin, and Anakin Wiggins. The students
participated in a finale concert that included the Spirit of
Southern Vocal group from the University of Southern
McCaughan Launches Deployment Clubs
Harper McCaughan's Deployment Clubs have had their first
meetings and are looking forward to a great year!
Deployment Club is for anyone who has a close family
member with a recent, current, or upcoming deployment in
our military service. Students meet together monthly during an extended lunch to
develop resiliency skills and build social support among their
peers. The groups are facilitated by Marsha Bishop, counselor
at Harper McCaughan, who has several speakers scheduled
throughout the year, including representatives of different
military branches, as well as several military support
For further information, please contact Marsha Bishop at
(228) 863-0478 or
Quarles Teams Walking, Running for Charity
Quarles PBIS team took part in this
Annual Sea Bee Mud Run (left to
Chelsey Newman, Karen Brown,
Duggan, Holly Jo Engle, Rose Smith,
Quarles Pink Heart Fun Walkers (left to right)
Susan Levens, Karen Brown, Chelsey Newman,
Paula Storonskyj, Karen Duggan, Linda Shirk,
Rose Smith and Brenda Young
Lady Bearcats Earn Sixth Straight South State Title
to the
Lady Bearcats
Volleyball Team Earning
6 Straight District
6 Straight
South State Championships
McCaughan Honors MCT2 Student Achievements
Congratulations to the Students at McCaughan Elementary who were honored for scoring
Proficient or Advanced on your 11-12 MCT2 tests.
4th Grade Proficient Math
Yasenia Acuna (Not Pictured), Mallory Ahrens, Amirah Allen, Steven Bailey, Andrew Bais, Lauren Bennett, Andrew Bishop, Sydney
Blakeney, Alexis Bosarge, Asia Bui, Hannah Burkett, William Burkett, Jennifer Cardenas, Evia Castellanos, Melana Chism, Brody Cobb,
Noah Cola (Not Pictured), Kristina Dahl, Zachary Daley, Luis Dalmasi, Jake Daniels, Whitney Davenport, Jacob Deen, Julian Delgado,
Abbie Drake, Loralei Duncan, Addison Englund, Sophia Fimiano, Arianna Frisby, Kayleigh Garrett, Haleigh Griffing, Bryce Haden (Not
Pictured), Brayton Hammons, Moises Herrera, Aidan Hines, Jasmyn Holmes, Marcus Hopkins, Kenyatta Hunt, Gavin Husley (Not Pictured),
Isabella Hutchinson, Hanna Jensen, Treasure Jones, Trenton Jorgensen, Aislinn Kaufman, Christian Kilgore (Not Pictured), D’Alan King,
Adam Krol, Christain Ladner, Laurel Ladner, Janirya Lindsey, Madison Lorenzo, Stuart Lund, Madelyn Lynch, Leo Maldonado, Jaidon
McClain, Jamarion McDonald, Zoe Mohr (Not Pictured), Analeigh Moran, Brandon Nagle, Takazula Nicks, Zamaire Nicks, Evan Nguyen,
Kayla Nguyen, Vy Nguyen, Jackson O’Rand, Dakota Outlaw, Daniel Outlaw, Zacharie Pack, Marcell Patterson, Thuan Pham, Elijah Phillips,
Aaliyah Posey, Kameron Prestonbach, Zahra Prudhomme, Stacy Ramirez, Ashlynn Roswell, Andrew Schepens, Marlee Schevers, Erin
Schwarz, Gia Siciliano, Izanahwayith Singer, Amaijah Smith, Nashon Smith, Sophia Spears, Makenna Stennett, Jayda Stivers, Cydney
Stubbs, Jasmine Sutton, Camerin Swazer, Savannah Sykes, Devin Thomas, Parker Thompson, Guice Tripp, Madelyn Trout, Victoria
Walker, Timothy Washington, Maegan Weeks, Kayla White (Not Pictured), Blake Wilkerson, Carter Wilson, Melia Yamodis (Not Pictured)
4th Grade Advanced Math
Macy Barkum-Robinson, Cordero Ber, Patricia Broadus, Ryan Carter, Joseph Casperson, Iliana Chenarak, Noah Coggin, Susanna Collins,
Joseph Cruz, Wyatt Dove, Robert Ellis, Ashlyn Elsworth, Michael Felder (Not Pictured), Ivylee Fontenot, Phoenix Gardner, Abigael Gowens,
James Graben, Samantha Gundlach, Savannah Hicks, Emma Holland, Lauren Holliman (Not Pictured), Connor Isaacs, Shelby Johnson,
Corbin Jones, Jordan Jones, Olivia Lipski, Colton Longino, Killian McCaleb, Riley McCool, Jack McDonald, John McFarland, Wilberto
Mendoza, William Mitchell, John Moore, Matthew Mulvaney, Aidan Ogilvie, Baylee Outlaw, Zayne Osborne, Hailey Perrone, Reagan
Phillips, Jeremy Pierce, Zachary Reed, Justin Rolison, Nathalie Salvador, Jason Sapp, Samuel Shirk, John Sisson, Sanna Stough-Lacking,
Shiann Vining, Hunter Watts, Elizebeth Yeager
4th Grade Proficient Language Arts
Mallory Ahrens, Alexis Bosarge, Asia Bui, William Burkett, Jennifer Cardenas, Ryan Carter, Joseph Casperson, Melana Chism, Noah
Coggin, Noah Cola (Not Pictured), Joseph Cruz, Jacob Deen, Julian Delgado, Julien Dice, Abbie Drake, Loralei Duncan, Michael Felder
(Not Pictured), Sophia Fimiano, Ivylee Fontenot, Arianna Frisby, Phoenix Gardner, Kayleigh Garrett, Abigael Gowens, Haleigh Griffing,
Brayton Hammons, Moises Herrera, Lauren Holliman (Not Pictured), Jasmyn Holmes, Isabella Hutchinson, Hanna Jensen, Shelby Johnson,
Corbin Jones, Jordan Jones, Trenton Jorgensen, Aislinn Kaufman, Christian Kilgore (Not Pictured), Christain Ladner, Laurel Ladner, Olivia
Lipski, Madison Lorenzo, Madelyn Lynch, Leo Maldonado, Killian McCaleb, Riley McCool, John McFarland, Zoe Mohr (Not Pictured), John
Moore, Analeigh Moran, Bryya Morris, Sydney Myer, Brandon Nagle, Zamaire Nicks, Evan Nguyen, Kayla Nguyen, Aidan Ogilvie, Dakota
Outlaw, Marcell Patterson, Hailey Perrone, Elijah Phillips, Jeremy Pierce, Aaliyah Posey, Zachary Read, Ashlynn Roswell, Andrew
Schepens, Samuel Shirk, Gia Siciliano, John Sisson, Amaijah Smith, Jayda Stivers, Cydney Stubbs, Houston Taylor, Parker Thompson,
Guice Tripp, Madelyn Trout, Hunter Watts, Maegan Weeks, Julius Wells, Kayla White (Not Pictured), Blake Wilkerson, Carter Wilson, Melia
Yamodis (Not Pictured)
4th Grade Advanced Language Arts
Steven Bailey, Macy Barkum-Robinson, Lauren Bennett, Andrew Bishop, Sydney Blakeney, Patricia Broadus, Iliana Chenarak, Brody Cobb,
Susanna Collins, Kristina Dahl, Jake Daniels, Whitney Davenport, Wyatt Dove, Robert Ellis, Addison Englund, James Graben, Samantha
Gundlach, Bryce Haden (Not Pictured), Savannah Hicks, Aidan Hines, Emma Holland, Gavin Husley (Not Pictured), Connor Isaacs, Colton
Longino, Jack McDonald, Wilberto Mendoza, William Mitchell, Matthew Mulvaney, Vy Nguyen, Zayne Osborne, Baylee Outlaw, Daniel
Outlaw, Zacharie Pack, Reagan Phillips, Kameron Prestonbach, Stacy Ramirez, Justin Rolison, Nathalie Salvador, Jason Sapp, Marlee
Schevers, Sophia Spears, Sanna Stough-Lacking, Jasmine Sutton, Devin Thomas, Elizebeth Yeager
5th Grade Proficient Math
Zuri Abrams, Abi Adkison, Jenna Arenas, Olivia Atkinson, Brandi Barnes, Dreanna Barnes, Kindric Baumgart, Dorrie Beseau, Hunter
Blackwell, Joshua Bonds, Madison Boynton, Lane Bradshaw, Ashlyn Brady, Mary Braud, Patrick Brown, Garrett Caldarelli, Hannah
Caldwell, Justin Carroll, Ironee Casey, Isaiah Cervantes, Mason Cleveland, Kobe Cook, Bonnie Cortinas, Landon Cuevas, Summer
Cunningham, Johnathan Davis, Johnathan Dedeaux, Gage Deitrick, Bryce DeWitt, Katie Dollar, Elizabeth Dougherty, Abby Dubuisson, Allie
Dubuisson, Jackson Dulaney, Alan Dyson, Rachel Eaton, Jade English, Kanon Enox, Ryanne Fancher, Jayda Fazzio, Emma Fisher,
Javonte Foxworth , Katie Fruge, Aaliyah Gara, Melinda Golden, Logan Graham, Devin Greer (Not Pictured), Gavin Haas, Daulton Hancock,
Raegan Hathcock, Kolby Helton, Ebony Hill, Kayley Holloway, Emma Holston, Carter Hudson, Christopher Jamison, Joseph Johnson,
Samantha Johnson, Madison Kelly, J’Miah Keys (Not Pictured), Damien Koon, Andrew Kriner, Nicole Lacoste, H.T. Ladner, Lovell Ladner,
Jr., Erin LaFontaine, Calvin Lan, Montegus Lee, Meredith LeMasters (Not Pictured), Emma Levens, Jordan Lipinski, Aurora LoPiccolo,
Nicholas Lyon (Not Pictured), Breanna Magee, Reece Marroy, Ava McAdory, Cade McAdory, Alexandria McCray, Joselyn McKinnie,
Karissa McKlveen, Jodi Mcleod, Katelyn McNutt, Haley McWilliams, Aubrey Mondares, Hunter Moore, Kyle Morgan, Jesse Morris, Paige
Myers, Elizabeth Napier, Cade Newman, Nathaniel Nguyen, Simon Nguyen, Soleila Ogbin, Abigail O’Rand, Gabriel Osmon (Not Pictured),
Isaiah Parker, Kyle Parks, Hannah Pearson, Selena Perley, Shayla Pierson, Keionna Polk, Alexandra Powell, Victoria Powell, Reagan
Rainey, Marcos Rivera, Daeshaun Robinson, Benjamin Rutledge, Samantha Salazar, Rayven Sanderford, Noah Shockley, Brian Smith,
L’tysha Smith, Kaleb Stevison , Caden Sudlow, Jazlyn Swartz, Liam Toney, Garret Touchet, Kevin Tremino-Garcia, Stanley Trzaska, Ivy
VanAlstyne, Tony Vitch, Roderick Walker, Sebastian Walker, Levon Watson, Piper Whitsitt, Dillon Williams, Jackie Williams, Jr., Riley
Williams, Madison Workman
5th Grade Advanced Math
Brannon Anders, Julia Anderson, Kamila BaBaeva, Katie Baker, Kalie Binning, Kori Broadus, Shaleyah Carter, Abigail Cassibry, Dalton Cook, Anderson
Dulaney, David Guzman, Cameron Hillman, Rachel Knight (Not Pictured), Anna Kate Long, Timothy Pierson, Shyanne Oak, Kylee Oberg, Thea Rose,
Jackson Roth, Anna Seal, Joel Smith, Matthew Stalling, Dylan Stephens, Cydney Traylor, Maddison Williams
5th Grade Proficient Language Arts
Zuri Abrams, Abi Adkison, Julia Anderson, Jenna Arenas, Olivia Atkinson, Brandi Barnes, Kindric Baumgart, Kalie Binning, Hunter Blackwell, Joshua Bonds,
Lane Bradshaw, Ashlyn Brady, Hannah Caldwell, Justin Carroll, Ironee Casey, Isaiah Cervantes, Bonnie Cortinas, Landon Cuevas, Summer Cunningham,
Jessica Daniels, Johnathan Dedeaux, Bryce DeWitt, Katelyn Dollar, Elizabeth Dougherty, Samantha Dougherty, Abby Dubuisson, Allie Dubuisson, Alan
Dyson, Jade English, Jayda Fazzio, Emma Fisher, Juan Flores, Javonte Foxworth, Katie Fruge, Aaliyah Gara, Melinda Golden, Logan Graham, Devin Greer
(Not Pictured), Raegan Hathcock, Aubrey Hebert, Ebony Hill, Crystal Hinton, Kayley Holloway, Emma Holston, Carter Hudson, Christopher Jamison, Tommie
Johnson, David Joyner, Kaleb Joyner, Damien Koon, Nicole Lacoste, Lovell Ladner, Jr., Meredith LeMasters (Not Pictured), Aurora LoPiccolo, Nicholas Lyon,
Breanna Magee, Ava McAdory, JayQuawn McCall, Alexandria McCray, Joselyn McKinnie, Karissa McKlveen, Jodi Mcleod, Haley McWilliams, Allayah Moore,
Hunter Moore, Brennan Moran, Paige Myers, Elizabeth Napie, Nathaniel Nguyen, Kylee Oberg, Soleila Ogbin, Abigail O’Rand, Gabriel Osmon (Not Pictured),
Isaiah Parker, Hannah Pearson, Shayla Pierson, Timothy Pierson, Keionna Polk, Alexandra Powell, Victoria Powell, Reagan Rainey, Marcos Rivera,
Daeshaun Robinson, Samantha Salazar, Rayven Sanderford, Anna Seal, Noah Shockley, Brian Smith, L’tysha Smith, Travione Smith, Dylan Stephens, Kaleb
Stevison , Caden Sudlow, Brian Sumrall, Jazlyn Swartz, Cydney Traylor, Kevin Tremino-Garcia, Ivy VanAlstyne, Tony Vitch, Sebastian Walker, Levon Watson,
Piper Whitsitt, Gabrial Willard, Dillon Williams, Jackie Williams, Jr.
5th Grade Advanced Language Arts
Brannon Anders, Kamila BaBaeva, Katie Baker, Dreanna Barnes, Dorrie Beseau, Mary Braud, Kori Broadus, Patrick Brown, Shaleyah Carter, Abigail
Cassibry, Dalton Cook, Anderson Dulaney, Jackson Dulaney, Ryanne Fancher, David Guzman, Gavin Haas, Cameron Hillman, Madison Kelly, Rachel Knight
(Not Pictured), Erin LaFontaine, Anna Kate Long, Cade Newman, Shyanne Oak, Kyle Parks, Thea Rose, Jackson Roth, Joel Smith, Gavin Stalling, Isabella
Strong, Stanley Trzaska, Maddison Williams, Riley Williams, Madison Workman
6th Grade Proficient Math
Reece Adcock, Morgan April, Caleb Ashley, Jeremy Baker, Ariel Bankston, Joshua Barker, Ashton Barnes, Joe Bassett, Virginia Bell, Kendal Bennett, Ashley
Bogner (Not Pictured), Jaelyn Breaux, Hunter Chose, Tatiana Clark, Marshall Cleveland, Levi Condiff, Ramirez Cooley, Hannah Craig, Katelin Crapps, Joshua
Crawford (Not Pictured), Ananya Dauntain (Not Pictured), Brandon Dear, Bishop Durham, Larkyn Embry, Lydia Englund, Lauren Falks, Carson Favre,
Madison Finnila, Natheniel Fitzgerald, Anecia Flewellen, Nicolas Fox, Duran Garcia, Andrew Goforth, Hunter Grimes, Keegan Hallman, Jonathan Havens,
Antonious Hawthorne, A.J. Herodes, Kayla Holmes, Lyrick Hopkins, Kevin Hudson, Harley Hull, Kyle Hursell, Hayden Husband, Caleb Innes, Megan Jacobs,
Dayna Jordan, Grant Kenworthy, Dawn Lacy, Shelby Lacy, Kyonna Levens-Carter, Nicholas Leitenberger ,James Liles, Nadia Lund, Catherine Lynch, Sydney
MacMann, Nadia Magee, Gabriela Maldonado, Iyana Malik, Antonio Martinez, Emma Mauffray, Sarah McDaniel, Cierra Mendel, Nicholas Miller, Dillon Myers,
Jase Neale, Sophia Nguyen, Cynthia Ogilvie, Jonathon Olaivar, Carrie Payne, Eric Pentek, Chase Pinkerton, Kayley Polk, Madison Riley, Carson Rogers, Ray
Sanderford, Gavin Sanzin, Raven Saucier, Madeline Schackman (Not Pictured), Jourden Schonewitz, Tabitha Shamblin, Chelsey Slay, Emma Smith, Joseph
Smith, LaZorria Smith, Elizabeth Stevison, Drake Swafford, Jasmine Swaja, Brynn Sweetapple, Kelsey Thomas, Logan Thibodeaux, Conner Thurtell, Julie
Tinsley, Lakelyn Tinsley, Parker VanAlstyne, Javen Vanaman, Kai VanCourt, Ryan Voytko, Nicole Walker (Not Pictured), Alison Warden, Morgan Watson,
Devon Whisenant, Shea White, Gatlin Williams, Wayne Windham, Andrew Woodall, Mason Young
6th Grade Advanced Math
Alexa Beets, Kaley Biggs, Kathryn Boettner, McKenzie Borzik, Madison Bowell, Aaron Bowman, Madeline Broadus, Gracie Bush, Ashlyn Byrd, Michael Chan,
Aeon Charfauros, Connor Clarke, Sydney Cole, Anthony Coludrovich, Anthony Crolla, Dylan Deas, Chase Dedeaux, Kolten Donovan, Emily Eaton, Maurianna
Ellis, Seth Estes, Hailey Felder, Ashley Flint, Jamie Garcia, Fallon Groves, Joseph Gurneck, Benjamin Haag, Alexis Helton, Matthew Hertzog, Drake Hogue,
Tarea Jacobs, Tyler Kneiss, Zaine Luppino, Emily McDonald, Quinten McMillan, Cameron Miller, Kevin Montgomery, Martin Moore, Tanner Motsko, Mason
Mullins, TQ Newsome, Danny Nguyen, Chelsey Reed, Sara Rehor, Joel Spiers, Isaac Steele, Zander Stennett, Jonathon Stevens, Susanne Stevison , Carlin
Taylor, Levi Thibodeaux, Jeb VonderBruegge, Kyle Weede (Not Pictured), Frederick Welch, Cameron Williams (Not Pictured), Sam Wood, Nicholas Yamodis,
Destiny Yarbrough
6th Grade Proficient Language Arts
Morgan April, Caleb Ashley, Jeremy Baker, Joshua Barker, Ashton Barnes, Joe Bassett, Virginia Bell, Kaley Biggs, Thomas Blackburn, Ashley Bogner (Not
Pictured), Aaron Bowman, Jaelyn Breaux, Madeline Broadus, Julian Bustamante, Ashlyn Byrd, Aeon Charfauros, Hunter Chose, Connor Clarke, Marshall
Cleveland, Anthony Coludrovich, Ramirez Cooley, Cassie Crain, Katelin Crapps, Anthony Crolla, Reece Cruz, Ananya Dautain (Not Pictured), Brandon Dear,
Dylan Deas, Chase Dedeaux, Christopher DeLaFuente, Maurianna Ellis, Larkyn Embry, Lauren Falks, Madison Finnila, Natheniel Fitzgerald, Anecia
Flewellen, Ashley Flint, Nicolas Fox, Kylee Galloway, Taylor Goff, Andrew Goforth, Hunter Grimes, Fallon Groves, Benjamin Haag, Keegan Hallman, Jonathan
Havens, Alexis Helton, A.J. Herodes, Kyla Holmes, Lyrick Hopkins, Harley Hull, Kyle Hursell, Hayden Husband, Caleb Innes, Dayna Jordan, Leeah Jordan,
Letavia King, Tyler King, Tyler Kneiss, Jaden Lackey, Dawn Lacy, Shelby Lacy, Nicholas Leitenberger, James Liles, Nadia Lund, Zaine Luppino, Catherine
Lynch, Naida Magee, Gabriela Maldonado, Iyana Malik, Cameron Manning, Antonio Martinez, Coraliz Martinez, Janai McDonald (Not Pictured), Amaris
McGoey, Nicholas Miller, Amiya Moore, Tanner Motsko, Dillon Myers, Jase Neale, Danny Nguyen, Sophia Nguyen, Cynthia Ogilvie, Jonathon Olaivar, Haley
Parks, Eric Pentek, Faith Peterson, Chase Pinkerton, Darius Powe, Ismail Prudhomme, Katera Raymond, Madison Riley, Priscila Rios, Madeline Schackman
(Not Pictured), Jourden Schonewitz, Tabitha Shamblin, Madison Shiyou, Joseph Smith, Joel Spiers, Jonathon Stevens, Elizabeth Stevison (Not Pictured),
Susanne Stevison (Not Pictured), Jasmine Swaja, Brynn Sweetapple, Brandon Tanner, Carlin Taylor, Levi Thibodeaux, Logan Thibodeaux, Julie Tinsley,
Lakelyn Tinsley, Parkerk VanAlstyne, Javen Vanaman, Justin Walmsley, Morgan Watson, Kyle Weede (Not Pictured), Frederick Welch, Devon Whisenant,
Shea White, Katelynn Wiggins, Wayne Windham, Sam Wood, Andrew Woodall, Nicholas Yamodis, Destiny Yarbrough, Mason Young
6th Grade Advanced Language Arts
Ariel Bankston, Alexa Beets, Kathryn Boettner, Madison Bowell, Gracie Bush, Michael Chan, Sydney Cole, Levi Condiff, Hannah Craig, Kolten Donovan, Emily
Eaton, Seth Estes, Hailey Felder, Jamie Garcia, Joseph Gurneck, Matthew Hertzog, Tarea Jacobs, Sydney MacMann, Emma Mauffray, Sarah McDaniel,
Emily , McDonald, Quinten McMillan, Cameron Miller, Kevin Montgomery, Martin Moore, Mason Mullins, TQ Newsome, Kayley Polk, Chelsey Reed, Sara
Rehor, Ray Sanderford, Emma Smith, Isaac Steele ,Zander Stennett, Conner Thurtell, Jeb VonderBruegge, Cameron Williams (Not Pictured)
Helping Out with “Pennies for Ponies”
This is Mallorie Rishel giving you news about Camryn Kopszywa and how she made a
difference with Pennies for Ponies. Camryn is a student in Mrs. Sanzin’s third grade class at
W. J. Quarles Elementary School.
Mallorie: Who are you raising the money for?
Camryn: The Pink Heart Fund.
Mallorie: How did you come up with Pennies for Ponies?
Camryn: In July, I cut my hair and I decided to give it to the Pink Heart Fund. Then I saw a
Pink Heart poster at the school and I wanted to help! So, I wrote myself a reminder. Then
when I got home I started to make Pennies for Ponies posters.
Mallorie: Why are you raising money?
Camryn: When I saw the poster, I really wanted to donate. I didn’t have many pennies to
donate. So, I decided to make some jars for each classroom in the school to encourage other
students to donate.
Mallorie: How much money are you aiming to raise?
Camryn: At least $400.
Mallorie: How did you encourage the students to raise money?
Camryn: I started to wear Pennies for Ponies shirts and people saw that I was supporting
them. Then the students started to fill the jars with money.
Mallorie: Other than collecting money at the school, how else are you raising the money?
Camryn: I’m not just trying to raise money at the
school. I gave other places some jars too. I took
jars to Harper McCaughan, Mallini’s and Juan
Camryn also went on a walk to support Pennies
for Ponies. She sold cookies at the walk and
successfully raising $101! Why is Camryn wanting
to do this wonderful thing? For Christmas, she
wants to surprise the Pink Heart Fund with all the
money she has raised. Also she hopes she will
encourage others to raise money too! Camryn
hopes that through the year she will raise more
and more money for Pennies for Ponies!
Hansen’s Happenings at Reeves Elementary
Mrs. Hansen’s class made models of volcanoes at the end of a unit on Earth. The most impressive part
was the simple ingredients to imitate a volcanic explosion! The students were interested to see if the "lava"
would cool off to become volcanic rock!
Her class also analyzed and described character’s traits in a fiction book. One of the factors in their PowerPoints
was to describe how the character's actions contributed to the sequence of events. The PowerPoint presentations were
ready for parent viewing on their MLS night. Our high school helpers, Olivia Moger and Caroline Bassett, were on hand
to guide us through the process in using technology in our lessons. They were available because they were exempt
from nine week exams!
Korbin Mitchell, Mikey Burkett, Justin Walgren and Amiri Williams interviewed the Long Beach Bearcats along with the
band director and a few cheerleaders on Meet the Team Night. They were able to talk to Jonathon Chiniche and a few
other 'Cats. The players were excited about the season and really love playing football. Most of the high school players
have played football since they were in elementary school! The Tell It All Tuesday reporters love their Bearcats!
Watershed Comes to Life at Quarles
On Friday, October 12th, Beth D'Aquilla and
Althea Jerome from Harrison County Soil and Water
Conservation District "brought the Watershed to
Life" through interactive presentations with our third
graders at Quarles Elementary. Our third grade
students really enjoyed the enthralling presentation
given by Jerome. Students gained knowledge and
understanding of a watershed and its inhabitants
through classroom instruction, thought-provoking
questions and creative learning experiences.
Discovery Students Participate in School Business Interviews
Harper Discovery students in sixth grade participated in creating resumes and interviewing for
their school business job. Students were interviewed by local community members and were dressed
to impress! These students did a fabulous job with their interviews and are better prepared for this
aspect of their future after having participated in this real-life experience. The Grand Opening of the
Discovery school businesses will be on December 14, 2012, in the Harper McCaughan gym.
McCaughan Student Council Attends Conference, Raises Money for Diabetes
Harper McCaughan sixth grade student council attended the Mississippi Association of Student
Councils conference at Jones County Jr. College on Wednesday, October 17th. They attended
workshops on leadership skills and will be presenting an activity on "Ingredients Needed to Become a
Good Leader" to students at Harper McCaughan in the spring.
They also hosted the "Walk for a Cure" Diabetes fund raiser at McCaughan. Red (4th), Green (5th)
and Blue (6th) paper shoes were sold for a dollar each and hung up in the cafeteria to see which
grade level could complete a lap around the room. More than $500 was raised for the Diabetes
Foundation and some members even participated in the “Walk for a Cure” in Jackson.
Sixth Grade Discovery Dissects Sheep Brains with Mr. Sims
Did you know that Mr. Sims wanted to be a doctor? He was a biology teacher at LBHS for many years
before becoming the principal of Quarles Elementary and Harper McCaughan.
He recently spent time in Mrs. Leitenberger's sixth grade Discovery workshop "Code Blue" teaching
students about dissection. He guided students through the process of dissecting sheep brains, while
patiently explaining the different parts of the brain. You could see the joy in his face as the students
enthusiastically donned their scrubs and put on goggles to get to the hands-on experience of their medical
Discovery greatly appreciates Mr. Sims sharing his joy of learning science with the gifted students! It was
a day these students will never forget!
Parker and Muellers Honored by MAGC
Discovery Teacher Carly Parker was
recently honored by the Mississippi
Association for Gifted Children
(MAGC) with the Conrad Castle
Grant. The grant is for $400 and
was issued by MAGC at their
conference in September.
Glenn and Val Mueller (pictured with LBSD
Discovery Coordinator Debbie Holt) were
honored by the Mississippi Association for
Gifted Children (MAGC) as Community
Partners for Gifted Students. They have both
supported the Long Beach Discovery program
countless times throughout the years.
Middle School PBIS Program Helping with Student Referrals, Discipline
This year, Long Beach Middle School has implemented Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS). We are “Changin’ the
Tide with our Bearcat PRIDE” by being Prepared, Respectful, having Integrity, being Dependable, and putting forth our best Effort.
The PBIS team in conjunction with faculty members at Long Beach Middle School has devised programs that are designed to
recognize those individuals who do the right thing in upholding Bearcat PRIDE on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Teachers and
administrators are responsible for acknowledging students by giving specific and positive feedback to students who are meeting
building-wide expectations.
So far, the results of PBIS have been very encouraging. We have had a reduction in tardies, discipline referrals and absenteeism
just in this first 9 weeks of implementation. The students work very hard to reach their monthly target goals so that they can attend
our monthly “Boogie at the Beach”. These are held on the last Friday of each month, the last 30 minutes of the day. Only students
who met the target goal for that month are allowed to attend this dance/free time in the gym. In August, the target goal was no zeros,
in September, the target goal was no tardies, and in October the target goal has been no absences. Along with working to meet these
school wide, monthly goals, students are earning Bearcat Bucks by meeting the behavior expectations. They are given opportunities
to spend their Bearcat Bucks during the month, or they can save them for a field trip at the end of the semester.
Teachers have also benefited from the implementation of PBIS. The PBIS committee has delivered “Room Service” breakfast and
drawn names of teachers to bring lunch to from a local restaurant. We also have drawings for various prizes that we have done for
teachers who have met different teacher target goals. Many teachers have remarked what a positive change PBIS has been for our
The graphs below illustrate just two components of success we have had at Long Beach Middle School this year. These graphs
compare office discipline reports (ODR) and tardies from last year during August and September.
ODRs September 2011 vs. September 2012
Number of ODRs
Number of ODRs
ODRs August 2011 vs. August 2012
Students with 3 or More Tardies -September
Number of Students
Number of Tardies
Students with 5 or More Tardies-August
2012 - 2013 Calendar
Upcoming Important Dates
December 10, 11 ............................................................................ SATP English II Assessment
December 12 ................................................................................... SATP Algebra I Assessment
December 13 .............................................................................. SATP U.S. History Assessment
December 14 .................................................................................... SATP Biology I Assessment
December 18, 19 (Dec. 19 - 60% Day) ...............................................................................Exams
December 20 - January 1 ...............................................................................Christmas Holidays
January 2 .............................................................. Students Return, First Day of 3rd Nine Weeks
January 11 ............................................................................................................... Report Cards
January 21 .................................................................................... Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Parent Input in the Federal Programs Planning Process
Parent Involvement and participation is an integral part of the Federal Programs planning process
in the Long Beach School District. Your suggestions and participation are important to our program
development and decision making process. Please feel free to use the form below to provide
suggestions and/or feedback or just drop us an e-mail at the address below. This is not about
individual children, but an opportunity for you to provide input on school-wide and district-wide
planning as well as the 1% set-a-side amount for parent involvement activities.
Forms can be mailed to Long Beach School District Central Office at 19148 Commission Road
Long Beach, MS 39560. You also may send a fax or e-mail to Leigh Anne Biggs, Parent and
Community Liaison or Peggy Hertz, Federal Programs Assistant.
Fax: 228-863-3196
Name _____________________________ Phone Number or e-mail ________________________
School _________________________________________________________________________
Suggestion/Comment _____________________________________________________________