Children`s Hospice Association Scotland


Children`s Hospice Association Scotland
“When my beautiful son Callum
was six days old we received the
worst news; that Callum wouldn’t
walk, talk or hold his head up.
In that moment our life changed
Callum needs 24/7 care. We have
nurses come in at night but I still find it
difficult to relax after everything I have
to do in the day. The only time I really
switch off is when we go to our local
children’s hospice. Callum’s Community
Nurse suggested we contact the
hospice but my initial thought was
that it was for children at the end of
their life. I had no idea about the short
breaks they provide. Their support has
been invaluable for the whole family. It’s
a place you don’t think you’ll ever need,
but I can’t picture my life without it now.
Callum is now eight years old and
his conditions are more complex.
Despite this he is a very happy,
sociable little boy who loves cuddles.
We don’t know how much time we’ll
have and I’m determined to make every
moment count.” Jane, Callum’s mum
Together for
CHAS is proud to be a member of
n’s Hospice
Short Lives and to promote Childre
Week in Scotland. This is the per
opportunity to be part of a UK-wid
event to support children’s hospice
services like Rachel House, Rob
House and CHAS at Home
penny you raise will go to CHAS.
Robin House
Rachel House
We care
Children’s Hospice Week is the
UK’s only awareness raising and
fundraising week for children with
life-limiting conditions and the
services, like children’s hospices,
that support them.
This year Children’s Hospice Week
(13-20 June) will focus on the incredible
round-the-clock care provided to
seriously ill children by families,
professionals, children’s hospices and
services across the UK.
Children with life-limiting or lifethreatening conditions often have
complex needs that require care 24
hours a day, seven days a week. This
can put enormous pressure on families,
carers and siblings.
Children’s hospices and palliative care
services are there to provide a vital
lifeline to families. They offer a wide
range of services including short breaks,
hospice at home care, 1:1 counselling
services and activity days. For many
families, a short break at a hospice
might be the only opportunity to get a
proper night’s sleep. It gives them the
time to relax as a family, with expert
support day and night, and spend time
together making precious memories.
This guide is jam packed with
fundraising ideas. Help children
and families in your area and start
fundraising today!
Pay for a play
Suggested target £33
Just £33 could pay for a play therapy
session for a seriously ill child,
providing a creative and fun way to
express their emotions.
Pay for a day
Suggested target £247
By raising £247 you could pay for
12 hours of nursing care at a
hospice or in the community.
Caring cake sale
Everybody loves a treat – so why not
have your very own bake off. Sell your
cakes to friends, family or colleagues…
every penny you raise will help make
the world of difference.
Brain strain
Why not host a quiz? Ask friends and
family to pay to enter and get them
Pay for a stay
Helping hands
“Max loves
his play therap
Suggested target £1,141
Offer to help out a friend, colleague or
family member for a generous donation!
Clean their car, mow the lawn or make
the tea for the whole of Children’s
Hospice Week.
£1,141 could pay for an overnight
short break for the whole family at a
children’s hospice – providing some
much needed rest and family time.
Round the clock
Give it up
Show you care by taking part in the
We Care 24/7 sweepstake. Pay for
an hour of the clock and you could win
a prize.
Please note this is just an example of
the kind of work your donation might
help make possible, costs vary from
region to region. Money raised will be
spent where it’s needed most.
“I can happily
fe in
Lali all day, sa
the knowledge
l cared
he’s being wel
for by experts.
“Staying at our
local children’s
hospice means
that we have time
to be a family.”
Sacrifice one of life’s luxuries during
Children’s Hospice Week. It could
be your morning coffee, daily pastry
or evening glass of wine. You’ll be
surprised how much money you can
raise, especially if you do it as a team.
24 hour challenges
Be as creative as you like with 24 hour
fundraising ideas. Why not pull an all
nighter and get sponsored to stay up
for 24 hours. Or challenge a chatterbox
to stay silent all day.
Children’s Hospice Week culminates with Hero Friday. We’ll be
celebrating all the heroes who help care 24/7 for children and
young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions.
Imagine the most painful blister you’ve ever had, multiply the pain by 10,
and increase the wound to the size of a tennis ball – this will give you some
understanding of what seven year old Ciara goes through every day.
Ciara was born with a rare, incurable,
genetic condition. She needs 24/7 care,
and is constantly bandaged to protect
and heal the wounds that she gets on a
daily basis.
Since 2007, the family have received
ongoing care, emotional support
and advice from their local children’s
hospice. According to Ciara’s dad
Grant, the team have become a ‘fifth
member’ of the family.
Grant explains, “Having a child with a
disability that requires around the clock
attention can be exhausting. The hospice
at home team have enabled us to share
time with our son Jonathon, who often
gets overlooked in day to day life.
Ciara’s condition is bad. To an outsider
looking in it looks near on impossible
to cope with, but we’ve managed to do
this because of the hospice at home
team. We cannot thank them enough.”
Social media: #wecare247
During Children’s Hospice Week we’ll be building up a picture of 24 hours of care
by asking children’s hospices, families, and services to tweet round the clock using
We’d also love to hear about what you are doing to support Children’s Hospice
Week. Are you giving up your morning coffee, staying silent all day or even doing a
24 hour challenge? Shout about it on twitter and facebook using #wecare247.
Dress up as your hero and help
raise money to provide 24/7 care
for seriously ill children. It could be
your favourite pop star, actor, sports
personality or superhero. Or maybe
your hero is a family member or friend
that’s made the world of difference to
you. Why not showcase your hero on
social media, shout about it! You can
even download a social media sticker
from the website to use to tell everyone
you’re a Children’s Hospice Week hero.
Share your her
er and
stories on twitt
facebook. Dow
your social med
badge from
I’m a
to pay
Thank you for taking part in Children’s Hospice Week
to support Children’s Hospice Association Scotland
(CHAS). There are many ways you can bank the money
you raise – just choose the option that suits you best.
Bank direct - Please pay into the CHAS bank account at your local
branch of Bank of Scotland. It is really important that you send us the
counterfoil along with your contact details so that we can thank you
appropriately, otherwise your donation will be anonymous. Account
Name: CHAS, Account Number: 00289545, Sort Code: 80-20-00
Online - You can make your donation on the CHAS website Please be sure to fill out all your details
Telephone – CHAS will be happy to take your credit or
debit card details over the phone. Please telephone 0131
444 1515 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Office – You can bring your money directly to one of our
fundraising offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Kinross or
Aberdeen. Full addresses on our website
Post - You can post a cheque made payable to CHAS:
Please enclose a covering
note with your contact details
and state your donation is
from Children’s Hospice Week.
From everyone at CHAS, thank you for taking part in this year’s Children’s Hospice Week.
Children’s Hospice Association Scotland (CHAS)
Canal Court, 42 Craiglockhart Avenue
Edinburgh, EH14 1LT
A Scottish charity and a company limited by guarantee.
Scottish charity number SC 019724. Registered in Scotland
number 136410.
Children’s Hospice Week is organised by Together for Short Lives.
Together for Short Lives
Helpline: 0845 108 2201
Together for Short Lives is a registered charity in England and Wales (1144022)
and Scotland (SC044139) and a company limited by guarantee (7783702)