The 1876 Grille Presents “Chocolat” Champagne Brunch


The 1876 Grille Presents “Chocolat” Champagne Brunch
M onthly N ewsletter
f e b r u a ry
The Florida Yacht Club
St. Johns River | Jacksonville, Florida
5210 Yacht Club Road | Jacksonvi
Champagne Brunch
Every Sunday, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
The Florida Yacht C
5210 Yacht Club Road | Jacksonvil
The 1876 Grille Presents “Chocolat”
With Guest Pastry Chef & Chocolatier Nils Rowland
Saturday, February 9th at 6:30 pm
Every Tuesday, 6:00 pm
We wrapped up 2012 at The Florida
Yacht Club in great form with our
formal presentation of the Debutante
Coterie. Those in attendance were
introduced to some wonderful young
ladies, their families, and many of
their friends. Our New Year’s Eve wine
dinner was also a great success and
we appreciate all of you that helped to
make it such a great event. Many of us
have begun 2013 with some New Year’s
resolutions. We hope that The Florida
Yacht Club is or will be a part of those
The Fitness Center
This is always the busiest time of the
year for our Fitness Center as all of
our members try to lose a few of those
holiday pounds. Our fitness staff is
kicking off this year with a “Lose
BIG” program which, in the past, has
produced phenomenal results! We
are also hosting the 3rd Annual FYC
Health Fair so please be sure to come
out for this wonderful event. Our
trainers are world class and would love
to help you get into shape. Sign up for
a month or two of personal training to
get yourself back into shape and ready
for pool season. We have worked on
providing more group fitness activities
and these are good opportunities to
meet new members, have fun and
improve yourself.
I am very proud to say that we have the
best tennis program in Jacksonville
and 2013 is a great time to get
involved. Join a team and improve your
game with lessons from our excellent
tennis staff. Contact Louis Ballantyne
or (904) 389-428. Tennis players have
more fun than anyone in the Club
and this is a great opportunity for
you to get out, meet, and enjoy the
great fellowship that is… The Florida
Yacht Club.
We have an excellent summer program
planned and are currently accepting
2013 Junior Sailing Program signups. Sailing Director Jabbo Gordon
is running a fall and spring program
as well which is really helping our
youth sailors to improve their sailing.
As for all of our other members, you
are never too old to learn to sail. Fleet
Director Steve Crowder and Jabbo
Gordon would be happy to arrange
some adult sessions in our larger 420s
or Lasers to let you start enjoying this
fantastic sport. Beginning in April,
our Beer Can Races will take place on
Wednesday nights and our J24 sailors
are always looking for new people
to come crew and get involved with
racing. Who knows… you may find
yourself in Newport with our sailing
team at some point in the future!
We are going to have some great
incentives for our members which
will encourage everyone to bring in
more members to our great Club.
Steve Shewbrooks is our Membership
Chairman and Bailey Stephens in the
FYC Front Offce is our Membership
Director. If you have someone that
you think may be interested, please
have Bailey or Steve assist you. It is
much easier than you think. Please
contact Bailey at (904) 387-1653 or
Let’s all make a New Year’s resolution
to use our Club more- whether it is
having a romantic dinner with your
spouse, large family get-together or
even a birthday party, wedding or
other special occasion. We have one
of the finest yacht club facilities in the
United States. Let’s get out and use it!
We are working hard to provide you
with a fun and relaxing escape all year
long. I look forward to seeing you here.
R. Stephen Lucie,
Flag Officers and Board of Governors
Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Secretary Treasurer R. Stephen Lucie, MD
Robert S. Steeg
J. Palmer Clarkson
Russell E. Grooms, Jr.
Matthew W. Tuohy
H. Bradford Berg
A. Lynn Ellis
Richard A. Exline
Kevin E. Greene
Wade M. Hampton
G.A. Ralston III
Stephen J. Shewbrooks
Wilson S. Studstill
Lawrence K. Weber III
Contact Information
FYC Front Office: Fax: Tennis Pro Shop: Fleet Center: Fitness Center:
(904) 387-1653
(904) 389-9993
(904) 389-4281
(904) 387-1653 ext.414
(904) 387-1653 ext.413
Front Office Hours
Tuesday - Friday
Sunday & Monday
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Pirate’s Den Restaurant Hours
Tuesday - Thursday
Friday Saturday
Sunday Closed
11:00 am - 9:00 pm 11:00 am - 10:00 pm 11:00 am - 9:00 pm 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Pirate’s Den Bar Hours
Tuesday - Thursday
Friday & Saturday
Sunday Closed
11:00 am - 11:00 pm 11:00 am - 12:00 am 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Formal Dining Room Hours
Reservations Please
6:00 - 10:00 pm
Select Saturdays 6:00 - 9:00 pm
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
The 1876 Grille
Presents “Chocolat”
Open Saturday, February 9th
6:30 pm, Guest Chef Demonstration
Snack Bar Hours
FYC Tennis Pro Shop Hours
Tuesday - Friday
Friday & Saturday
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
& 3:00 - 7:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Fitness Center Hours
Monday - Sunday
4:00 am - 10:00 pm
For information on our events, check out our page online!
Visit and select “Like”.
The Florida Yacht Club is a Member of the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs
Club Update:
The year started off in a lively manner with exciting
activities taking place throughout the property. The
Pirate’s Den Dining Room and Bar have been very
busy with the Friday Night Sunset Parties as a popular
highlight. Tennis play is back up to full capacity
following the holiday break. The Fitness Center is busier
than ever with a complete program of options to help meet New Year’s
resolutions. The Fleet Director and Sailing Director hosted a top notch
coaching certification course. Maintenance projects are ongoing. Things are
really happening and this is a good opportunity to take a closer look…
The new Champagne Brunch has been a resounding success. Chef Bechan
and the culinary team are focusing on creating delicious selections and
with an attentive service staff, it is a particularly pleasant event. The
complimentary champagne and mimosas are a favorite. On a lighter
note, we served more than 12 bottles of champagne on just the first few
Sundays however it would be really fun to serve a lot more than that. Can
you help us double that amount this month? Please keep in mind that the
full lunch menu is also available if you prefer a salad or sandwich with
your complimentary mimosas.
During the holiday season, we took time to paint the Ballroom as part of
our ongoing maintenance improvement project. The room looks fantastic!
Speaking of the great event spaces, Catering Director Pamela Mills reports
that there has been an increase in private party inquiries recently. It looks
like the new catering menus and excellent service in such an attractive
location is a recipe for success. When you are planning upcoming events,
Pamela is very helpful with all of the details that will result in your perfect
party. Ask her about the trendy, value-minded cocktail party packages and
the new ideas for kid’s birthday parties. Keep in mind that the Club is also
a perfect destination for your company retreat that will produce inspired
results in the coming year!
It seems that finding time for relaxation or even a quick lunch or dinner
is more challenging than ever. To help make things easier, if you want to
plan ahead and make a reservation for lunch or dinner in the Pirate’s Den,
just let us know! We are going to try and offer this new service and see
if it will help you to enjoy the Club even more often. Keep in mind that
reservations are not necessary and we want you to visit any time and we
will always be ready to serve you. Speaking of lunch at the Club, the new
lunch menu looks terrific. The increased variety of daily features really
keeps things interesting. The updated Soup and Salad Bar is a great option
for a quick lunch and is a perfect way to compliment any diet plan.
Also, the Pirate’s Den Bar is a great setting with the view of the St. Johns
River and the Downtown area. Enjoying a great lunch in such a relaxing
atmosphere offers a nice opportunity to show off the Club while hosting
friends or clients. We continue to focus on the pace of service and there
have been many positive comments about the service attention. You can
have confidence that lunch will be served to you in less than 20 minutes
from ordering and that is a promise.
Romance is in the air. There are several sweet occasions for you and
your sweetheart to enjoy at the Club this month. A few other fun events
include the new Two-for-Tuesdays Gourmet Burgers feature and a very
special “Chocolat” night in The 1876 Grille. Take a look at the events
pages so you don’t miss out! Looking forward, we are already planning for
a marvelous summer season. One sneak preview of events will be Sunday
Night Cookouts so stay tuned for more information on making FYC your
summer vacation destination. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Darren General
Betz, CCM
Membership News:
Greetings FYC members,
It is an honor to have been selected as Membership Committee Chair
for 2013. I know that a lot of responsibility and hard work comes with
this territory. Having been an FYC member for 7 years and served
on the Board of Governors for the past 2 years, I have had a unique
opportunity to understand what has taken place here over the last
several years. Unfortunately, we had a disappointing December so
in spite of a great deal of excellent work and accomplishments that
we can all be proud of, our membership declined again in 2012.
While we are doing better than most clubs, this trend has created a
major challenge for our management, yet they have done a fantastic
job of reducing costs while maintaining quality and seeking out
opportunities to increase value. However, we simply must stop the
decline and start growing again. This is my objective for 2013 achieve growth without compromising quality. In order to accomplish
this, I believe we need to do several things:
· Follow through and build on initiatives started last year,
such as:
• Associate Membership – New membership category
for age 21-29 at reduced cost
• Commodore’s Council – Recognition & rewards for
bringing in new members
• Ambassador Program – People well positioned to
identify potential new members
· Try out new ideas, such as a Temporary Guest Membership
program to let people learn how wonderful it is being a
member of FYC.
· Seek out best practices from other clubs all across the
country to help us retain the members we have and add
new members.
It will take multiple initiatives to be successful. We have a very good
Committee that will coordinate initiatives, evaluate new ideas, ensure
they are well thought through, try them out, and then adopt those
that are successful while discarding the others. We need your support
to try these new ideas and we also welcome your feedback.
Finally, we all must redouble our efforts to seek out prospective new
members and to recruit the best of them to join us at the best club in
America! If you have suggestions that will increase our membership,
without compromising quality, please share them with me at
Steve Shewbrooks
Membership Chairman
Welcome Back!
Mr. William E. Draper, Jr.
In Memoriam…
Mr. Randolph Tucker Evans
05/02/1936 – 01/04/2013
As Fleet Captain A. Lynn Ellis mentioned in his adjoining
article, your Fleet Center personnel have not gone into
hibernation during the winter months. So true! We have
been as busy as ever. We hosted the 40 hour U.S. Sailing
Level 1 (small boat) Instructor Course which stresses
different ways to teach sailing, safe powerboat operation,
conducting drills, as well as giving presentations. One of the
most memorable highlights of this particular course was
when everyone had to capsize and right a 420 class sailboat
and then complete at least a 50 yard swim in the chilly (5052 degrees) Pirate’s Cove water. Warm showers afterward
were most welcomed.
Another twist was when six young sailors from the area
rigged their Optimist class vessels and participated in the
drills that the instructor candidates directed. Participating
in that event were Lizzie Grich, Alexander Bryan, Michael
Scott Burgstiner, Tom Commander (in his newly acquired
Opti that Santa Claus brought), Wes Myler and Epping
Forest Yacht Club member Stone Henderson. John Newman,
an instructor from the Englewood Sailing Association,
assisted me with the course and presented his trademark
exercise of requiring the candidates to tie a human bowline.
The group was divided into two teams and each candidate
had to hold onto one of two long lines. Then it was their
duty to tie a bowline – not an easy knot for many folks
under the best of conditions.
It’s definitely not too soon to start planning your summer
vacation or staycation. We hope that whether you go away
for awhile or stick around for the summer, you will take
advantage of the Club’s Summer Sailing Camps. Let the
aforementioned sailing instructors teach your youngsters
how to sail or just enhance your child’s skills if they are
already avid sailors.
December, January and February are usually slow sailing months
around here because of the cooler weather and holiday activities.
However, no one at your Fleet Center went into hibernation from
the busy schedule of events that was so evident throughout the
year. It’s been business more than usual this winter season.
We have a fantastic program planned for this summer! Our
one week sessions will run Monday through Friday, 0900 to
1600 (9:00 am to 4:00 pm for you landlubbers), giving them
30 hours of engaged instruction. Our FYC Summer Sail
Camp will run for 9 weeks starting on Monday, June 10th
through Friday, August 16th. The week of July 1st will be a
special period for our racing team.
Most notably, FYC hosted a U.S. Sailing Level 1 (small boat)
Instructor Course on the 27th - 30th of December instructed by
our very own Jabbo Gordon. The national governing body of the
sport now has 13 newly minted sailing instructors, including Ally
Adams, Matt Barth, Cody Derr, and Steve Crowder of The Florida
Yacht Club as well as Brendan Wright (whose family is visiting
from Mobile Yacht Club). Way to go guys!
Camp cost will be $265 with a $25 discount for members
and a $15 discount for a second (or third) child plus a $15
discount for additional weeks. However, the rate will become
$280 for any registrations received after April 30th. Those
interested in participating should contact the Fleet Center at
(904) 387-1653 ext. 414.
Coming up in a few weeks will be the always fantastic Frostbite
Cruise to the Ira Farm on Black Creek. Please make plans to
attend this event from February 22nd to February 24th and make
reservations by calling our Front Office at (904) 387-1653! We
have a fish fry on Friday night and the “Bring Your Own Steak”
dinner on Saturday night. The world’s best breakfast will be on
Sunday morning and will include milk punch (yum yum). Let’s all
go down to Black Creek and celebrate the 41st anniversary of this
fun and popular cruise.
See you on the River,
Jabbo Gordon
Sailing Director
A. Lynn Ellis
Fleet Captain
My Point
This month kicks off the first tournament of our four majors
that make up the Grand Slam: the Mixed Doubles Club
Championships. This has always been a very popular tournament
as we don’t have a lot of opportunity to play Mixed Doubles.
Our Defending Champions are as Follows:
6.0 Al Ainsworth/Stephanie Wilder
6.5 Brooks Gallagher/Ben McDonald
7.0 Tommy Dean/Leslie Gilliland
9.0 Val Diers/Cary MacRae
This year we will be playing the tournament on a Wednesday
night, February 6th, and will finish on Friday, February 8th. On
the 15th, we will have a Mardi Gras themed Players’ Party, Pro
Exhibition, Wilson Demo Court, good food and then some! If
you need help finding a partner, no problem, we are here for you!
Save the Date for the Major of all Major Tournaments: The Steeg
Member/Guest from April 12th – 14th! This Tournament has sold
out for ten straight years now and this year should be no exception.
The Tournament Committee lead by Russ Brockman and Kevin
Greene are already hard at work compiling the list of sponsors
and tournament details. If you are interested in sponsorship
opportunities, they’re available at several levels. Please contact Russ,
Kevin or myself for details.
On February 23rd, we will be having our annual Junior Grand
Prix Tournament. This tournament will take up all of our courts. I
apologize for this inconvenience but the staff will do their best to
assist you in getting a court at a neighboring club.
Upcoming Tennis Events...
February 1st - 3rd
Davis Cup USA vs. Brazil
February 6th - 8th Mixed Doubles Club Championships
February 7th & 8th FYC Free Adult Beginners’ Clinic
February 15th
Mardi Gras Players’ Party
February 23rd
Junior Grand Prix Tournament
March 9th
March 15th
April 12th - 14th
Tennis/Golf at Eagle Landing
St. Patty’s Day Social
The Steeg Member/Guest Tournament
Good Luck to all of our USTA Teams that have entered the
League this season. I would like to say a special thank you to
all of the Team Captains for your help in putting the rosters
together. Our Captains this season are as follows:
2.5 Deb Taylor & Gretchen Whipple
3.0 Stephanie Wilder & Jessica Ryals
3.5 Cheri Holesko & Linda Jackson
4.0 Carol Worsham
5.0 Susan Kirby
3.0 Seniors’ Babs Riffel
3.5 Seniors’ Kathy Cold
3.0 Matt Ausherman
3.5 Kevin Greene
3.5 (over 40) Kevin Greene
5.0 (red) Danny Colon
5.0 (blue) Louis Ballantyne
The Captains have put together some good looking rosters
that will hopefully have some teams advancing to the
Regional, State, and maybe even National levels!
Finally, I have an interesting little bit of trivia that I learned
from our outgoing Commodore, Thomas Bryan. Did you
know that you are a member of a Club that has a deeper
history than the original Grand Slam, Wimbledon? The
Wimbledon Championships was founded in 1877 which is
one year after The Florida Yacht Club was founded. I am not
sure what year the first tennis court was built at our great
Club but if any of you do know, then please share with us! It’s
great being a part of such great history and tradition!
See you on the courts!
Louis Ballantyne
Director of Tennis
Save the Date...
The Steeg Member/Guest Tennis Tournament
April 12th - 14th, 2013
Champagne Brunch
Every Sunday | 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Pirate’s Den
Complimentary Champagne & Mimosas
Adults $17.00 | Children Under 17 Eat Free (1 Per Adult)
Gourmet Bloody Mary Specials | $5.00
Rise and shine with a delicious Brunch Buffet and a
gorgeous view of the beautiful St. Johns River. Chef
Bechan is preparing all of your breakfast and lunch
favorites and we will serve complimentary Champagne
and Mimosas for your enjoyment. What a lovely way to
start your Sunday!
Homemade Soups
Boar’s Head Bacon
Locally-made Sausage
Cheddar Cheese Home Fries
Smoked Salmon Display
with Traditional Accompaniments
Low Country Shrimp & Grits
Chef ’s Choice Breakfast Feature
Cooked-To-Order Omelets & Eggs
Made To Order Waffles
with Fresh Fruit Toppings,
Whipped Cream & Chocolate Chips
Wine Club: Hogue Cellars
Tuesday, February 12th | 6:00 pm
Ballroom | $15 Non-Wine Club Member
Complimentary with Wine Club Membership
Reservations Required
Welcome members and guests
to our February Wine Tasting
Class. We will taste and learn
about the wonderfully rich
selection of highly rated wines
from “Hogue Cellars” in the
state of Washington.
Back in 1982, when brothers Gary and Mike Hogue
started Hogue Cellars in Washington's Yakima Valley, it
was the state's 19th bonded winery. Today, Washington
is home to over 650 wineries and produces a collective
20 million gallons of wine per year! As time would tell,
the Hogue Cellar's adventure, that began over 25 years
ago, exploded into one of Washington's most influential
and quality-driven wine companies. Come join us as we
discover some amazing wines and the story of Gary and
Mike Hogue.
Friday Night Sunset Parties
Every Friday | 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Pirate’s Den Bar
Did you know that you can win money just by being at your Club on
Friday nights? There is also a complimentary wine tasting and Chef ’s
delicious Hors d’oeuvres for you to enjoy! Why even go anywhere else?!
5:00 - 5:30 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm 6:00 - 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Complimentary Wine Tasting
Kid’s Fishing or Activities on the Lawn
Hors d’oeuvres Action Station
Pot O’ Gold Drawing
Details on the Pot O’ Gold Drawing: As an FYC Member, your name has
already been entered into the pot but you or your spouse MUST be present with
an open tab to win! The pot grows by $100 each week that there isn’t a winner
present! See the Weekly Events email to see how much you could win! If you
aren’t receiving these updates, email Bailey at
The 1876 Grille Presents “Chocolat”
With Guest Pastry Chef & Chocolatier Nils Rowland
Saturday, February 9th | 6:30 pm Demonstration
Formal Dining Room | Reservations Please
Prix Fixe Menu | $40 Per Person
This exciting evening is dedicated to chocolate with a menu inspired
by its various flavors. Chef Stephen Bechan will be preparing some
amazing dishes and local Pastry Chef and Chocolatier Nils Rowland
will provide a demonstration revealing some of his chocolate
making secrets. You will learn how to make delicious chocolates at
your own home that are sure to impress family and friends. The best
part is that after everyone enjoys the demonstration, dinner and
champagne, each person will receive their own sampling of Nils’
specialty chocolates! You don’t want to miss out on this experience!
Please call to make your reservation early!
Cocoa Spinach Salad
Fresh Mango, Strawberries, Dried Cranberries,
Cocoa Balsamic Vinaigrette
Seared Scallop
White Chocolate Polenta, Micro Green Salad, Apricot Beurre Blanc
Chocolate Chili Con Carne
Seasoned Beef, Tomato, Spices, Bittersweet Chocolate
Choice of Entrée
Seared Beef Tenderloin
Chocolate Vegetable Ragu, Spinach & New Potato Salad,
Cabernet Gastrique
Roasted Chicken Breast
Black Bean Risotto, Tomato Confit, Spaghetti Squash, Chocolate Mole
Macadamia Crusted Mahi Mahi
Island Rice Pilaf, Tropical Fruit Salsa,
Coconut White Chocolate Beurre Blanc
A Variety of Chocolates and Truffles
Valentine’s Day Dinner
Thursday, February 14th | 6:00 pm
Formal Dining Room or Pirate’s Den Seating
Prix Fixe Menu | $38 Per Person
Pirate’s Den | Reservations Please
Celebrate Valentine’s Day at the Club with your loved
one and enjoy a menu that has been especially created
with you in mind. Chef Bechan is preparing a fantastic
menu and dinner includes a rose, a box of artisanal hand
painted chocolates from local Chocolatier and Pastry
Chef Nils Rowland and two glasses of Champagne for
your special toast.
Arugula Salad
Roasted Beets, Pepitas, Spanish Goat Cheese,
Dried Cherries, Champagne Vinaigrette
Coconut Calamari French Fries
Cucumber Slaw, Chili Pineapple Coulis, Sriracha Aioli
Vermillion Snapper Meuniére
Cauliflower Silk, Pancetta Vegetable Ratatouille,
Lemon Basil Beurre Blanc
Andouille Crusted Beef Tenderloin
Sweet Corn Potato Cake, Grilled Portabella Mushroom,
Spinach Ragù
Red Velvet Cake
Chantilly Cream, Raspberry Ink, Strawberry Confetti
Chocolate Panna Cotta
Strawberry Gelée, Candied Mint, Marble Chocolate Cigar
(Pasta Bar and Full Pirate’s Den Menu Also Available)
Don’t Miss Out!!
3rd Annual FYC Health Fair
February 8th | 2:30 - 6:00 pm
Robert Hall Winery Wine Dinner
With Guest Speaker Thomas Harrell
Friday, February 15th | 6:30 pm
Astor Room
$75 Per Person | Reservations Please
Local wine enthusiast and experienced
Sommelier Thomas Harrell will be visiting
FYC for our February wine dinner.
Passed Hors d’oeuvres
Sauvignon Blanc 2009
Grilled Diver Scallop
Prosciutto Corn Crêpe, Pea Tendrils,
Black Currant Beurre Blanc, Chardonnay 2011
Bacon Fat Poached Pork Tenderloin
Forest Mushroom Tart, Braised Salsify,
Chestnut Coulis, Merlot 2009
Roasted NY Strip Loin
Crispy Sweetbreads, Saffron Potato Confit,
Cauliflower Silk, Broccoli Rabe,
Meritage Hall Ranch 2006
Cake & Ice Cream
Fuji Apple Upside Down Cake,
Spiced Rum Ice Cream, Pistachio Brittle,
Vintage Port 2006
Two-for-Tuesdays Gourmet Burgers
Every Tuesday | 6:00 pm
Pirate’s Den | $10 For Two
When we learned that one of your favorite menu items was
our burger, we decided to make a lot of folks happy with
Two-for-Tuesdays! Order one gourmet burger and receive the
second at no cost! With an offer like this, you should bring the
whole family to the Club for dinner!
Frostbite Cruise
Friday, February 22nd - Sunday, February 24th
Ira Farm on Black Creek
The Florida Yacht Club’s Frostbite Cruise is open to the
entire membership and is once again headed to Ira Farm
on Black Creek for another great event. Travel by boat or
car for the Saturday night dinner. The Club will provide
delicious salad, baked potatoes and a large grill for your own
meat entrée. We suggest that you bring something extra to
contribute to Sunday breakfast because that is one of the
highlights of the weekend! Call Fleet Director Steve Crowder
at (904) 403-2480 for directions or for more information.
Choice of a White or Wheat Bun
Served with Seasoned Curly Fries & Fresh Local Pickle Chips
BBQ Burger
Caramelized Onions Stewed in BBQ Sauce, Smoked Cheddar Cheese
Heavenly Blue Burger
Local Flat Creek Lodge Blue Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion
Shrooms’ N Swiss
Garlic Sautéed Wild Mushrooms, Boar’s Head Baby Swiss
Garden Turkey Burger
Choice of Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion
Buffalo Chicken
Buttermilk Fried Chicken Breast, Texas Pete Buffalo Sauce
(No To-Go Orders Please)
Group Fitness Classes:
9:45 - 10:30 am River Queens Chair Aerobics
5:30 - 6:30 pm Gentle Yoga
9:45 - 10:30 am Line Dancing
9:45 - 10:30 am Tai Chi
9:45 - 10:30 am River Queens Chair Aerobics
All Classes are $40.00 per month.
Drop-in rates are also available.
Fried Shrimp
1 Prime Rib 2
Champagne Brunch
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Two-for-Tuesdays 5 Famous Fried
Club Closed
Club Closed
Champagne Brunch
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Club Closed
Champagne Brunch
am - 2:00 pm
Frostbite Cruise
15 Prime Rib
22 Prime Rib
Building & Grounds
Committee 6:00 pm
Gourmet Burgers
Chicken Dinner
Wine Club:
Finance Committee
6:00 pm
Two-for-Tuesdays 19 Famous Fried
Gourmet Burgers
Tennis Committee
6:00 pm
Fried Shrimp
13 Lotsa’ Pasta Bar 14
Food & Beverage
Committee 6:00 pm
Hogue Cellars 6:00 pm
Club Closed
Committee 6:00 pm
Committee 6:00 pm
Two-for-Tuesdays 12 Famous Fried
Champagne Brunch
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
8 Prime Rib
Chicken Dinner
Pool & Fitness
Committee 6:00 pm
Fried Shrimp
6 Lotsa’ Pasta Bar 7
Gourmet Burgers
Chicken Dinner
FYC Fashion Show
The 1876 Grille
Tennis Mixed Doubles 1:30 - 2:30 pm
“Chocolat” 6:30 pm
Club Championships 3rd Annual FYC Health
Fair 2:30 - 6:00 pm
Free Adult Beginners’ Friday Night Sunset
Tennis Clinic
Party 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Friday Night Sunset
Valentine’s Day Dinner Party 5:00 - 6:30 pm
6:00 pm
Robert Hall Winery
Wine Dinner 6:30 pm
Tennis Mixed Doubles
Committee 6:00 pm
Mardi Gras Party
Fried Shrimp
20 Lotsa’ Pasta Bar 21
Board of Governors
6:00 pm
Friday Night Sunset
Party 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Junior Grand Prix
Tennis Tournament
Frostbite Cruise
Frostbite Cruise
Two-for-Tuesdays 26Famous Fried
Lotsa’ Pasta Bar 28 25
Gourmet Burgers
Chicken Dinner
Cooking Class:
6:30 pm
Tear along perforation
Friday Night Sunset
Party 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Cuisine Scene
February is not just a month for Valentine’s romance but its also
the Super Bowl and the month of my birthday! How can you go
wrong with that line up? We are offering a couple of opportunities
for the “sweetheart” dining experience on Valentine’s weekend.
First, we have a special Valentine’s Day Dinner taking place on
Thursday, February 14th in the Pirate’s Den and Formal Dining
Room. Then we have our first wine dinner of the year on Friday,
February 15th! On this exciting evening, we will showcase the
Robert Hall Winery in Paso Robles. This will be a fantastic event
and I recommend that you bring your valentine with you since
there is no better way to show your love than with a delectable
meal, wonderful wine and great company. Please see the events
page for our menu that evening.
We will also have our traditional Frostbite Cruise this month.
This is when you’ll get to show off your grilling skills to everyone
else while we supply all the fixins’ for your feast out on the banks
of Black Creek.
In case you haven’t been to the new Sunday Brunch, you need to
come check it out! We’ve brought back the buffet in full force and
are offering my famous shrimp and grits every week along with
other delectable specials. Oh and did I mention that there will
be unlimited Mimosas and Champagne included in the already
great value price! FYC is the perfect place to come after church
or when you are just crawling out of bed to have a few beverages
and eat a great meal. There is no better way to start your Sunday!
Cooking Class
Thursday, February 28th | 6:30 pm
Formal Dining Room
I hope that everyone was able to try out some good ideas from my
last cooking class. February can be the “in between” month as far
as the seasonal temperatures go in north Florida. Last year, we had
a warm February so we’ll see about this year. I thought I should
do a class on something neutral for the season which brought me
to the idea of Brunch! Keeping our delicious Sunday Champagne
Brunches in mind, I will be showcasing some fun items that can be
created any day of the week. Who says brunch is only for Sundays?
Come out and see what I’m cooking on the 28th.
Happy Cooking!
Chef Stephen Bechan
Executive Chef
How to Pair Food and Wine?
An enormous amount of information is available on this
topic and many people have become rich and famous writing
and talking about it. While the volume of information is
overwhelming, the basic principles are pretty simple and
fundamental. The pairing of food and wine is important
because, done properly, like any good partnership or marriage,
each brings out the best in the other. With this premise in
mind, it follows that it is worth it to expend some time and
effort to make a pairing thoughtfully. Traditional guidelines
begin with white wines being served with fish and chicken,
while red wines are served with red meats and strong cheeses.
From there, it gets more subtle. Within these categories, serve
more light bodied, delicate flavored wines with similar food
and, of course, the opposite is true for full bodied, strong
flavored wines. The logic is simple: it is very difficult to
appreciate the subtle flavor and aroma of something that is
light and delicate right after you have been eating or drinking
something that is very strong and heavy. That is why, on
gourmet menus, you will always see the fish or chicken course
listed before the red meat course.
As for the “chicken or egg” question, the answer depends
entirely on the circumstances. If you have a particular menu
in mind, then the wines will be paired to the food. If you have
some favorite wines you want to serve, then pair the foods to
those wines.
A good resource is for doing
wine pairings. This website gives you the option of pairing
wine with food or vice versa. In the “Match Wine to Food”
section, it lists the most popular varieties of wine. When you
select one of these wine varieties, it tells you a little bit about
the wine and recommends foods to pair with it. In the “Match
Food to Wine” section, you select a category like poultry, then
a sub category like turkey-roast and it recommends wines to
pair with it.
The Wine Club meets for a tasting class on the SECOND
Tuesday of each month. Make a reservation to try it out by
calling the FYC Front Office (904) 387-1653. If you have
questions, send me an e-mail at
Club Chairman
Fashion Show Kick Off!
Featuring FYC Pro Shop Merchandise, Brighton,
Brooks Brothers and More!
Friday, February 8th | 1:30 - 2:30 pm
Formal Dining Room
The Fashion Show is kicking off the 3rd Annual FYC Health
Fair with Lunch, Cocktails & Door Prizes!
RSVP for the luncheon by contacting the FYC Front Office
at (904) 387-1653.
Passport to Wellness
Friday, February 8th | 2:30 - 6:00 pm
Astor Room
Join us for a day of health, wellness and fitness featuring many
health care professionals, physicians and vendors. Complete
your journey with your “Passport to Wellness” for a chance
to win PRIZES such as a $300 10-Session Personal Training
Package, 1 Month of Group Fitness Classes, 1 Month of Tai Chi
Classes, 1 Month of Line Dancing Classes, an 8 week/16 session
of the Lose BIG program and much more!
Some of our participants this year will include:
Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute with Richard R. Grimsley, MD
St. Vincent’s AngioScreen
Internal Medicine with Albert A. Lopez, MD
Sports Medicine with R. Stephen Lucie, MD
Esser Community Hospice of North Florida
Vision Is Priceless
Grassroots Natural Market
Foot Solutions
Focus Fitness with Scott Crawley, PT
St. Vincent’s Diagnostic Cardiology Associates
Weise Natural Food Shoppe with Gilbert Weise
Black Hog Farm
Chiropractics with Robert F. Travis Jr., MD
1st Place Sports
Dior Makeup Application & Consulting with Paige Weber
* Stroke/Carotid Screening
* AAA Screening for Abdominal Aneurysm
* Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Screening
If you can’t make it to out to our Health Fair,
call St. Vincent’s to schedule your appointment at
(904) 308-6893.
Nothing Says “Be My Valentine" Better than
a Massage Gift Certificate!
If you purchase the gift of Massage by February 10th, you will
save $10 on a one hour massage! This special will apply on or
before February 10th with a cost of $55.
Stop by the FYC Front Office to give the most relaxing
Valentine’s Gift!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Karolyn Cantin, L.M.T
(904) 228-8127
Valentine’s Month Special
Purchase a Facial Gift Certificate in the month of February for
the price of $50! With a $65 value, you will save $15 this month!
Gina Bradley
Facial Specialist and Cosmetologist
(904) 434-7524
Group Fitness Classes:
9:45 - 10:30 am 5:30 - 6:30 pm River Queens Chair Aerobics
Gentle Yoga
9:45 - 10:30 am Line Dancing
9:45 - 10:30 am Tai Chi
9:45 - 10:30 am River Queens Chair Aerobics
All Classes are $40.00 per month. Drop-in rates are also available.
Lose BIG 2013 Kicks Off With 17 Participants!
A New FYC Watercolor!
Painted by John E. Ropp
(904) 737-3373
This 15”x 27” full color landscape is
ready to place in your home or office.
(904) 737-3373
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organic groceries
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organic wine
gourmet cheeses
grab & go organic
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Liz Bobeck
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©2012 BRER Affiliates Inc. An independently owned and operated broker member of BRER Affiliates Inc. Prudential, the Prudential logo and the Rock symbol are service
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New Year’s Eve at FYC
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