2 WARSAW STOCK EXCHANGE FACT BOOK 2001 2000 Data Fact Book 2001 3 2000 Market indicators Equity market capitalisation at year-end (billion zl) 129.9 Turnover value, all securities (billion zl) 245.0 Total turnover value per session, all securities (billion zl) 980 Average number of orders per session (thousands) 38.5 Average number of transactions per session (thousands) 14.9 Number of newly - listed companies 13 Number of listed companies at year-end 225 WIG20 change in 2000 1.5% MIDWIG change in 2000 -9.9% WIG change in 2000 -1.3% TechWIG change in 2000 45.7% NIF change in 2000 -2.1% WIRR change in 2000 31.8% P/E ratio (at year-end, excluding NIF shares) 13.4 P/BV ratio (at year-end, excluding NIF shares) 1.80 Number of sessions in year 250 Fact Book 2001 2 Official publication of the Warsaw Stock Exchange © Copyright by Warsaw Stock Exchange Książęca 4 00-498 Warsaw, Poland Internet: www.wse.com.pl; E-mail: gielda@wse.com.pl Cover design: Carte Blanche -2 DTP: Krzysztof Doliński - WSE Information and Marketing Department Print: Drukarnia GRAFMAX S.C. ISSN 1428-118X Every effort has been made to ensure that the details contained in this publication are accurate. However, the Warsaw Stock Exchange assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. This publication is for information purposes only, and is not intended as an offer or a solicitation with respect to any product described herein. Fact Book 2001 3 The Warsaw Stock Exchange Fact Book 2001 contains information about the organisation and operation of the Exchange, statistical data for the year 2000, and historical comparisons with previous years. A description of important events, information about listed companies and brokerage houses (WSE members), along with contact details for the most important institutions on the Polish capital market, are also given here. We sincerely hope that the Fact Book will prove a useful reference source for the Reader. The aim of the Fact Book, as an annual publication, is to make it easier to follow the Polish capital market‘s developments and to help to better understand the role of the WSE in the Polish economy. Warsaw Stock Exchange Fact Book 2001 4 Zloty exchange rates (average) 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1 USD 4.35 3.97 3.49 3.28 2.70 1 EUR 4.01 4.23 3.92 3.71 3.38 Source: National Bank of Poland Fact Book 2001 5 Contents The Warsaw Stock Exchange .................................................................................. 7 The Polish capital market ....................................................................................... 11 Important events on the WSE in 2000 .................................................................. 13 The Exchange in 2000 ............................................................................................ 15 Equities .................................................................................................................... 17 Bonds ...................................................................................................................... 35 WSE indices ............................................................................................................ 39 Derivatives market .................................................................................................. 57 Investors .................................................................................................................. 65 Issuers ..................................................................................................................... 67 Exchange members ................................................................................................ 75 Organisation of trading under the WARSET system ............................................ 81 Market information ................................................................................................. 89 History of the Warsaw Stock Exchange ................................................................ 93 Organisational structure ......................................................................................... 99 Listed companies .................................................................................................. 103 List of Exchange members .................................................................................. 117 Important addresses ............................................................................................. 119 WSE publications .................................................................................................. 121 Closure dates in 2001 ........................................................................................... 121 Glossary ................................................................................................................ 123 Fact Book 2001 6 Fact Book 2001 7 T he Warsaw Stock Exchange The WSE operates on the basis of the Law on Public Trading in Securities of August 21, 1997 (as amended), under the supervision of the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission. Capital market traditions in Poland go back to 1817, when the Warsaw Mercantile Exchange was established. The Warsaw Stock Exchange commenced activity in its present form on April 16, 1991, starting from the very beginning with electronic paperless trading. The Warsaw Stock Exchange is a joint-stock company created by the State Treasury; its capital amounts to 42 million zloty split into 60 thousand registered shares. At the end of 2000, the WSE had 52 shareholders, including banks, brokerage houses and the State Treasury. The task of the Warsaw Stock Exchange is to organise public securities trading. The Exchange provides a concentration of buy and sell offers in one place and at one time, which allows prices to be determined and transactions to be concluded. The trading system used on the WSE is order-driven, which means that prices of securities are determined on the basis of buy and sell orders. To set the price for a given security, a list of buy and sell orders is prepared. Matching of these orders is done according to strictly-defined rules, and execution of transactions takes place during trading sessions. To improve the liquidity of listed securities, brokerage houses may perform the function of market maker (animator), placing (based on relevant contract with the Exchange) buy and sell orders in the public order book. Trading sessions at the Exchange are held Monday–Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:10 p.m. Futures contracts are quoted from 9:00 a.m. to 4:10 p.m. WSE mission The mission of the Warsaw Stock Exchange is to provide investors and issuers with a transparent, effective and liquid market for securities. Strategic goals The strategic goal of the Warsaw Stock Exchange is to further develop the Polish capital market and provide trading safety and service quality at the highest level. To accomplish this goal, the Exchange is: l improving the quality of its services and raising the level of trading safety l reducing costs of services rendered l offering new products l undertaking educational and promotional activities. Exchange operations The following securities are traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange: equities, bonds, subscription rights, allotment certificates and investment certificates, as well as derivative instruments: futures contracts and warrants. Fact Book 2001 8 The Warsaw Stock Exchange Equities are the basic type of securities quoted on the WSE; they account for the bulk of Exchange trading. Equities may be listed on three markets—main, parallel and free—depending on, among other things, the size and history of the company, and the value of its shares. Taking into consideration the growing importance of the so-called new economy, the WSE has launched a Segment for Innovative Technologies—SiTech—which includes companies from the telecom and IT sectors, as well as companies whose production and services use new technologies. SiTech provides an additional presentation of these companies, thus offering extra visibility to companies already quoted in one of the three Exchange markets. This allows investors to better identify these companies. Quotations are made in a continuous trading system or in a single-price system with one* or two auctions. Additionally, for large blocks of securities, so-called block trades outside the public order book are possible. Transactions are executed electronically, via the Exchange computer system. The National Depository for Securities, which settles transactions, also performs operations on securities (e.g. dividend payments, share splits, bond redemptions, etc.). Equity transactions are settled in a T+3 cycle (i.e. on the third day after the transaction), on a delivery versus payment (DVP) basis. Subscription rights are rights of shareholders in listed companies to purchase new shares in the given company. Subscription rights are quoted in the same trading system as shares of the company in question. Allotment certificates (PDA) are financial instruments allowing buyers of new issues of shares to sell them before they are introduced to trading. Trading in allotment certificates is subject to the same regulations as equity trading. Allotment certificates are quoted in the same trading system as the one in which the shares are subsequently to be listed. Bonds are traded in the continuous trading system. The majority of bonds listed are Treasury bonds. In 2000, corporate bonds were introduced to trading on the Exchange for the first time. The settlement cycle for bonds is T+2. Derivatives In January 1998, the Warsaw Stock Exchange launched its derivatives market with commencement of trading in futures contracts on the WIG20 index. In March of the same year, warrants on the NIF index and several stocks were listed on the Exchange; in September 1998, USD futures contracts were introduced to trading. In May 1999, EURO futures contracts started trading on the WSE. In August 2000, TechWIG futures contracts made their debut on the Exchange. The TechWIG is an * Effective April 18, 2001, the single-price system with one auction per day is no longer used for stock quotations. Stocks previously traded in this system have been reallocated either to continuous trading or to the single-price system with two auctions per day. Fact Book 2001 The Warsaw Stock Exchange 9 index tracking developments in IT and telecom sector companies. The importance of the derivatives market increases every year, which fact is best illustrated by this market's increasing share in total turnover. Investment certificates are instruments issued by closed-end investment funds. The first investment certificates made their debut on the Exchange in May 2000. Surveillance The tasks of the Warsaw Stock Exchange include maintaining surveillance over listed companies' compliance with disclosure requirements, and ensuring that market participants have equal access to information published by issuers. The Exchange also supervises members' activities, analysing orders placed by them and monitoring their participation in Exchange trading. Market data Exchange information is distributed in both electronic and paper format. Information distributed in electronic format is available in the form of commercial and public services. Distributors which have signed a relevant agreement with the Exchange are provided with market information in real time via satellite. This information is subsequently made available to other groups of clients, including individual investors. Apart from commercial services, which are available through data vendors, brokerage houses, Internet portals or mobile phone operators, investors also have at their disposal market information provided by the Exchange—free of charge— via the following services: the teletext service of Polish public television, WSE web site and Exchange Telephone Information System. However, public services offer a limited scope of data, and provide information with some delay. The WSE also publishes Cedula, an official daily bulletin, along with monthly statistics. Promotion and education Promotional and educational activities have been an important task since the beginning of the WSE's operation. The Exchange participates in fairs and exhibitions, publishes leaflets and educational brochures, and organises seminars and conferences for investors and capital market intermediaries. Since May 1999, a programme called the Exchange School, organised and financed by the Exchange, has been conducted. Over 2000 people, in a dozen or so cities in Poland, participate in these courses every year. Fact Book 2001 10 Giełda Papierów Wartościowych Fact Book 2001 11 T he Polish capital market The main institutions of the Polish capital market are the Warsaw Stock Exchange, which organises both cash and derivatives markets, and the National Depository for Securities, which handles clearing and settlement on the regulated market and maintains securities in the form of computer records. Since 1999, the clearing bank is the National Bank of Poland. A regulated off-Exchange market, organised by a company called CeTO, encompasses a small number of securities, mainly shares in smaller companies, along with municipal bonds. Trading in Treasury bonds takes place on the inter-bank market, as well as on the Exchange, which also allows individual investors to participate in trading. Legal Regulations The basic legal act regulating capital market activities in Poland is the Law on Public Trading in Securities of August 21, 1997, as amended. It determines the principles and scope of operations of such capital market institutions as the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission, stock exchanges, the National Depository for Securities and brokerage houses. Additional laws, including the Investment Funds Act of August 28, 1997, as amended, and the Bond Act of June 29, 1995, as amended, regulate other aspects of market activities. Structure of the Polish capital market Fact Book 2001 12 The Polish capital Market The Polish Securities and Exchange Commission is a state administration agency supervising the activities of capital market institutions, including exchanges, brokerage houses, investment funds, brokers, investment advisors and clearing institutions, as well as publicly-traded companies. This supervision is intended to ensure universal access to reliable information on the securities market, and observance of fair trading and competition rules by entities operating on the market. The PSEC works with other government bodies and with the National Bank of Poland, as well as with institutions and entities participating in public trading. The Commission's tasks also include drafting new market regulations and undertaking educational activities. Regulatory powers of the Exchange Only Exchange members may operate on the Exchange. The Exchange determines the conditions which a brokerage house must meet in order to obtain membership status. As far their operations on the Exchange are concerned, Exchange members are subject to the Exchange's supervision. One of the conditions for acquiring Exchange membership is a declaration of observance of Exchange Rules. Only an Exchange shareholder engaged in brokerage activities may become a WSE member. Activities in breach of the Rules are subject to reprimand or fine. The Exchange Court settles disputes between the Exchange and its members. In special cases, an Exchange member may be punished by being suspended or even excluded from operation on the Exchange. The Exchange also supervises issuers of listed securities. Improper discharge of disclosure obligations resulting from the Exchange Rules by an issuer is punishable by reprimand or fine. In special cases, the issuer may be punished by suspension of its securities quotations or even de-listing. The rules concerning organisation of trading, order placement and conclusion of transactions are contained in a document entitled Detailed Exchange Trading Rules. Fact Book 2001 13 I mportant events on the WSE in 2000 The last year of the 20th century was a year of important changes on the Polish capital market. The most significant one was the implementation of the new trading system called WARSET, is based on the French NSC platform, used by several exchanges world-wide. The WARSET system was launched on November 17, 2000, following two years of preparation. The advantages of the new system became visible in the first weeks of its functioning. Investors quickly appreciated the system's benefits, as they obtained better opportunity to follow the order book, as well as faster transfer and execution of orders in the system. The new system also brought an extension of the trading session. Since the introduction of WARSET, the session starts at 10:00 a.m. and lasts until 4:10 p.m.; trading in futures contracts takes place from 9:00 a.m. to 4:10 p.m. Along with implementation of WARSET, listed securities were allocated to particular trading systems according to new principles. Any given security may only be traded in one system. In addition to the continuous trading system and the single-price system with one auction*, a system with two auctions per day was introduced. All bonds and derivatives are traded in the continuous trading system. Another important project, implemented simultaneously with WARSET, was the construction of a new site for the Exchange. The finishing work was completed in May; and in June, the Exchange Centre building was opened. Besides the Warsaw Stock Exchange, this building houses the National Depository for Securities and other financial institutions. In 2000, the Exchange became both an initiator of and a participant in consolidation processes on the Polish capital market, acquiring a strategic holding in the Central Table of Offers (Centralna Tabela Ofert - CeTO), the regulated off-Exchange market. In the future, a small- and medium-sized companies market is to be created, based on the CeTO. Trading in corporate bonds, municipal bonds and mortgage bonds is also to be developed there. The SiTech, Segment for Innovative Technologies, turned out to be a very successful project, as far as organisation of trading is concerned. SiTech provides additional coverage of companies active in the telecom and IT sectors. Companies are qualified to this segment independent of the market on which they are quoted. Separate presentation of the segment began on April 28, 2000. The TechWIG index, introduced on May 19, 2000, provides a tool for analysing and evaluating SiTech companies' performance. At the beginning of August 2000, futures contracts for the TechWIG were introduced on the Exchange. These contracts allow for better price-risk management in the case of companies allocated to the SiTech. In April, corporate bonds were introduced to trading on the WSE. Three-year bonds with floating interest rates were issued by Clif—a company listed on the Exchange's free market. * Effective April 18, 2001, the single-price system with one auction per day is no longer used for stock quotations. Stocks previously traded in this system have been reallocated either to continuous trading or to the single-price system with two auctions per day. Fact Book 2001 14 Important events The first investment certificates issued by the closed-end investment fund Skarbiec-Gwarancja were introduced to trading on May 25, 2000. Investment certificates are quoted in the continuous trading system. In 2000, the derivatives market developed very rapidly. In the WIG20 futures contracts market, operating since January 1998, turnover increased seven-fold as compared to 1999. The liquidity of this instrument allows the WSE to be positioned among the medium-sized European exchanges with regard to futures contracts trading. Less interest was expressed in trading TechWIG, while the liquidity of futures contracts for USD and EURO exchange rates was definitely too low to allow these instruments to serve their purpose. Turnover on the warrants market grew five-fold. This is, above all, a result of the increasing number and variety of listed warrants. Last year for the first time issuers introduced to trading put warrants for both indices and individual stocks. Only 13 companies debuted on the Exchange in 2000. Almost half of them came to the Exchange from CeTO (the regulated off-Exchange market). There were no large-scale privatisations of state-owned companies, which in past years stimulated activity on the part of both individual and institutional investors. The year 2000 was the first in the ten-year history of the Exchange in which the largest newly-listed company—telecom operator Netia—had fully private roots. The year 2000 was the second year of Open Pension Funds investing in Exchange-listed instruments. At the end of the year, their holdings in listed companies amounted to zloty 2.6 billion, i.e. 2% of the Exchange's total market capitalisation. This constituted a significant element in the shaping of listed companies' shareholder structure, as well as of market trends. During 2000, the importance of continuous trading grew consistently. A drastic increase in its share of the total turnover was noted after the introduction of the WARSET system and new rules for allocation of companies to trading systems. In December 2000, continuous trading accounted for more than 98% of the total turnover. In 2000, 27 invitations to sell shares were announced, almost two times less than in the preceding year. This indicates stabilisation of ownership transformation processes in listed companies, most of which already have a strategic investor. The majority of the announcements were made by foreign companies. Fact Book 2001 15 T he Exchange in 2000 It is difficult to make an unambiguous judgement regarding market performance in 2000. The main Exchange index—the WIG—lost 1.3%; however, the WIG20, the index of the largest listed companies, showed a slight gain, i.e. 1.5%. The MIDWIG, the medium-sized company index, lost 9.9%; and the NIF index, 2.1%. A significant increase, 31.8%, was recorded for the WIRR (parallel market index); while the TechWIG, the index for SiTech companies, turned out to be the champion, with growth of 45.7%. WIG index in 2000 23 000 22 000 Mar, 27 22 868.4 21 000 20 000 19 000 17 847.6 18 981.7 18 000 17 000 16 000 Oct, 13 14 929.3 15 000 14 000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec A positive rate of return was recorded for 81 companies among those listed on the Exchange over the whole year; the remaining 131 companies (including NIFs) brought losses to their shareholders over the same period. For the WIG index companies (main-market companies), a differentiation in trends was clearly visible for various sectors. Telecom companies performed best—their sector sub-index gained 29%, while the worst results were observed for the consumer goods sector, whose sector sub-index lost 33%. The first quarter of 2000 was the most favourable for investors, with the WIG, WIG20, MIDWIG and TechWIG reaching all-time highs. The increase in these indices was mainly on account of the so-called new-economy companies, which constitute the base for the TechWIG index, and are also strongly represented in other indices of the main market. The following months brought falls in prices for most main-market companies. The lowest levels of all indices were recorded in October. However, in the case of the IT sector, this several-month-long downward trend did not manage to outweigh previous growth. Therefore, the year 2000 can be viewed as a good one for shareholders in IT companies. Fact Book 2001 16 The Exchange in 2000 The downward trend which affected most of the companies on the main market in the second and third quarter did not affect companies quoted in the parallel market, whose share prices rose systematically until July. However, a visible decline in prices of these stocks was recorded during the last months of the year. A similar lack of correlation with other listed securities could be observed in the case of NIF, where the third quarter was the best one for investors. In 2000, a positive correlation of the WSE with trends on exchanges worldwide was strongly visible. The euphoric run on Internet companies in Warsaw was comparable with that on the American or Western European markets. What differentiates the WSE positively from other markets is its reaction to declines after previous growth spurts, which was not as dramatic as in other countries. The bullish market for advanced-technology companies brought a new phenomenon to the Polish market, namely changes in type of business activity on the part of some companies—from less profitable, more traditional areas to the Internet and media sectors. In the first months of the year, the market accepted this kind of information with enthusiasm. However, as the Internet fever eased, interest in such stocks declined. Market growth rates in the first quarter of the year were accompanied by high turnover. This resulted in a record turnover value for the year 2000. Total turnover reached 245 billion zloty—138% higher than in 1999, and the highest in the Exchange's 10-year history. This result should be considered especially good in light of the many negative tendencies affecting the market throughout the year, chief among which were: poorer than in previous years profit growth rates of listed companies, a lack of large-scale privatisations to mobilise large amounts of capital and new investors, and high interest rates—raised during the course of the year by the Monetary Policy Council—which favoured bank deposits rather than more risky investments in securities. The year 2000 was another record year for the Exchange futures market; this, however, holds true only for index-based contracts. A significant increase was observed for exchange-rate futures as well; nevertheless, in this case, the rise began from a very low level. Total turnover for all futures contracts increased sevenfold in comparison to 1999, with WIG20 futures constituting the bulk of the turnover. Compared to the cash market, turnover for WIG20 futures equalled 70% of trading in stocks of the underlying index, and 58% of the main market turnover. In the last quarter of the year, trading in WIG20 contracts was higher than turnover in WIG20 constituent stocks. Systematic growth trends were visible in both the open interest level and the turnover volume. An increase of more than five-fold over the year 1999 was observed on the warrants market. This resulted from, among other things, introduction of new series of these instruments to trading in 2000. On the bond market, the year 2000 brought stagnation. With the exception of block trades, where turnover was higher than in the preceding year, interest in bonds was generally even smaller than in 1999. Fact Book 2001 17 E quities In the year 2000, 13 new companies were introduced to trading on the Exchange. At the end of the year, there were 225 companies listed (including 14 National Investment Funds), of which 102 were quoted in the continuous trading system; 34 in the single-price auction system with two auctions per day; and 89 in the single-price auction system with one auction*. At the end of 2000, Warsaw Stock Exchange capitalisation amounted to 130.1 billion zloty, an increase of 5.4% compared with the previous year. Such a small increase in market value resulted from the downward trend which predominated on the Exchange for most of the year, as well as from a lack of new large listings. In 2000, only one company privatised by the State Treasury made its debut on the Exchange. Equity turnover in 2000 (in milions zl) Continuous Single-price system trading Two auctions One auction January 6 255.0 --- 5 884.85 February 8 524.2 --- 7 888.36 March 7 402.5 --- 7 768.20 April 3 811.1 --- 3 271.62 Block Other* TOTAL 2 273.4 36.9 14 450 2 331.1 35.2 18 779 3 744.9 407.9 19 324 1 908.1 1 075.2 10 066 trades May 3 680.7 --- 3 677.86 874.3 486.1 8 719 June 3 753.7 --- 3 638.51 4 662.0 5 735.0 17 789 July 3 310.9 --- 3 474.19 1 856.2 3 787.2 12 428 August 2 409.3 --- 2 639.51 3 119.3 0.0 8 168 September 2 671.0 --- 2 426.43 1 263.6 42.2 6 403 October 2 376.7 --- 2 152.8 39 797.7 745.1 45 072 November 5 422.1 31.2 2 338.6 1 794.1 0.0 9 586 December 8 711.5 76.4 60.3 1 813.2 101.7 10 763 58 328.7 107.5 45 221.3 65 437.9 12 452.4 181 548 Total Single-price system with two auctions was introduced with the WARSET trading system, starting November 17, 2000. * Other: invitations to sell shares and IPOs In 2000, companies active in the new technology sector were grouped separately on the Exchange. SiTech—the Segment for Innovative Technologies—provides an additional presentation of the so-called new-economy companies. Companies are qualified to the SiTech segment regardless of the market on which they are listed. The main criterion for a company's qualification to the SiTech segment is its area of activity—IT and telecom. At the end of 2000, 17 companies were included in the SiTech. * Effective April 18, 2001, the single-price system with one auction per day is no longer used for stock quotations. Stocks previously traded in this system have been reallocated either to continuous trading or to the single-price system with two auctions per day. Fact Book 2001 18 Equities Extra visibility of session results for this group of companies is an answer to growing investor interest in this sector. This is a common characteristic for exchanges all over the globe. For the stocks included in SiTech, a new index—TechWIG—was created. Each company classified in this segment is then added to the list of TechWIG index participants. The index is used as an underlying instrument for futures contracts. Change of company name in 2000 No Name before change Name after change name name Ariel S.A. Internet Group S.A. IGROUP IGR 1 Short Ticker 2 As Motors S.A. 7bulls.com S.A. 7BULLS 7BC 3 Kredyt Bank PBI S.A. Kredyt Bank S.A. KREDYTB KRB STC 4 Małopolski Browar Strzelec S.A. Browary Strzelec S.A. STRZELEC 5 Pierwszy Polsko - Amerykański Bank S.A. Fortis Bank Polska S.A. FORTIS FTS Polski Koncern Naftowy S.A. Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. PKNORLEN PKN 6 7 Swarzędzka Fabryka Mebli S.A. Swarzędz Meble S.A. SWARZEDZ SWZ 8 Trzeci NFI & Jedenasty Fundusz Inwestycyjny S.A. Jupiter Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny S.A. JUPITER JPR 9 WOPUH Leta S.A. Leta Spółka Akcyjna LETA LTA 10 Yawal System S.A. Yawal Spółka Akcyjna YAWAL YWL 11 Zakłady Metali Lekkich Kęty S.A. Grupa Kęty S.A. KETY KTY 12 Zakłady Techniki Biurowej Biurosystem S.A. Invar&Biuro System S.A. IBSYSTEM IBS Company names as of the end of the year have been used in this table Splits of shares in 2000 No Company Market Date of Split quotation after split ratio free 04.01.00 1:6 1 LETA 2 BORYSZEW main 06.03.00 1:5 3 SOFTBANK main 06.07.00 1:2 4 MITEX main 11.09.00 1:5 5 COMARCH main 22.09.00 1:2 6 SKOTAN free 20.12.00 1:3 Fact Book 2001 19 Equities Companies by return in 2000 No Company Market Rate of return (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 NOVITA SZEPTEL 7BULLS CHEMISKOR MANOMETRY IGROUP GARBARNIA IRENA CLIF PERMEDIA HOWELL MUZA LGPETRO ESPEBEPE MIESZKO STALPROD INSTALKRK POLIGR COMPLAND PONAR BAUMA GROCLIN YAWAL ROPCZYCE OPTIMUS GRAJEWO CERSANIT AGORA ECHO CELULOZA KABLE WAFAPOMP MENNICA PROKOM IMPEXMET BIELBAW WARTA TUEUROPA EFEKT BK LENTEX AGROS 10FOKSAL 01NFI ENERGOPLD ATLANTIS ELEKTRIM PEKPOL 08OCTAVA KROSNO P R R R R R R P W W R R P P R P R R P R R R R P P P P P P P P R P P P R P W R P P P P P P P P P P P 217.5 211.8 162.9 150.9 131.1 129.4 117.9 113.1 104.2 99.6 98.6 88.2 81.1 77.7 76.2 74.4 74.3 70.2 68.1 63.9 61.8 61.8 59.3 52.4 50.6 42.2 41.9 40.7 40.7 40.6 40.3 38.0 36.5 34.8 33.6 29.0 27.9 27.8 25.8 25.7 25.1 22.0 22.0 21.2 20.8 20.8 20.5 20.0 20.0 19.2 Rate of Rate of return return in EURO since listing (%) (%) 243.4 237.2 184.3 171.3 150.0 148.1 135.7 130.5 120.8 115.9 114.8 103.6 95.8 92.2 90.6 88.6 88.6 84.1 81.9 77.3 75.0 75.0 72.3 64.8 62.9 53.8 53.5 52.2 52.2 52.1 51.7 49.3 47.6 45.8 44.6 39.5 38.4 38.3 36.0 36.0 35.3 31.9 31.9 31.1 30.7 30.6 30.3 29.8 29.8 29.0 86.9 273.2 841.7 25.0 12.2 -67.3 63.5 1260.0 150.0 -16.4 185.0 -28.2 78.9 -70.7 -59.0 -43.2 120.0 0.0 841.7 -56.6 1.1 25.2 -16.3 -45.0 143.0 -69.7 29.5 73.1 574.4 1.4 143.8 -23.2 -21.0 59.3 -27.0 -61.5 107.1 60.0 250.9 -24.3 -21.8 15.4 -66.3 -60.6 -49.2 -52.5 10191.7 9.1 -20.0 530.3 low Price high end (zl) (zl) (zl) 6.20 12.45 14.20 1.33 3.42 2.12 3.33 5.10 11.25 6.35 12.60 8.20 9.45 5.10 4.56 7.80 6.10 11.60 67.50 8.80 11.45 15.60 11.00 8.00 88.00 27.90 19.15 63.80 85.00 15.00 14.00 4.66 18.50 134.00 21.10 8.50 112.00 8.40 15.15 12.20 20.30 26.50 2.20 2.70 21.50 2.43 34.50 11.70 5.55 29.10 21.00 49.00 46.00 5.00 10.20 18.00 10.50 13.00 33.70 14.80 38.50 21.00 17.20 10.25 9.00 18.50 10.00 24.40 179.00 20.60 18.20 30.00 21.30 14.20 377.00 54.50 37.00 188.50 146.00 26.00 28.50 7.65 27.20 327.00 33.00 16.80 200.00 15.20 28.00 18.10 35.00 43.00 5.45 4.90 40.50 6.90 76.60 21.00 9.00 40.00 20.00 41.00 36.80 4.29 10.10 4.90 8.50 13.00 32.00 12.80 28.80 16.00 17.20 9.95 8.30 14.60 10.00 20.60 114.50 14.75 18.20 28.80 18.60 12.00 123.50 45.50 27.10 85.00 121.00 21.80 20.20 6.90 24.70 174.00 27.30 13.80 145.00 12.00 20.00 17.00 29.00 35.50 4.05 3.94 31.80 3.49 50.60 18.00 8.40 37.50 Fact Book 2001 20 Equities Companies by return in 2000 No Company Market Rate of return (%) 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ZEG OLAWA SWARZEDZ BPH PEKAO PBK PPWK MOSTALEXP CSS PROSPER VISCO HYDROBUGD LDASA JELFA PAGED RAFAKO POLNORD IBSYSTEM STOMIL SANOK LZPS WKSM BRE FARMACOL HANDLOWY BOS 04PRO STRZELEC TPSA LUKBUT POZMEAT FERRUM ZREW REMAK KGHM STERPRO WBK AMS APATOR 07NFI GANT AMICA PIASECKI HYDROTOR FORTE NOMI MASTERS POLLENAE AMPLI WILBO Fact Book 2001 W P P P P P R P R P R P R P P P R R P P W R P P P P P R P R R P R P P P P P R P W P R R P P R R W P 18.6 17.3 16.6 15.8 15.7 14.9 14.5 13.5 13.0 11.2 11.0 10.6 10.2 8.7 7.9 7.5 7.1 6.7 6.2 5.9 5.7 5.5 4.0 3.4 3.2 2.5 2.3 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.0 -0.3 -0.4 -0.6 -1.5 -1.7 -1.7 -2.0 -3.1 -4.6 -5.0 -5.3 -6.6 -6.7 -6.8 -7.0 -7.7 -7.9 -8.0 -8.1 Rate of Rate of return return in EURO since listing (%) (%) 28.2 26.8 26.1 25.2 25.2 24.3 23.8 22.8 22.2 20.3 20.0 19.6 19.2 17.6 16.7 16.2 15.8 15.4 14.9 14.5 14.3 14.1 12.5 11.9 11.6 10.9 10.6 6.2 9.1 8.7 8.2 7.8 7.7 7.5 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.0 4.8 3.1 2.8 2.4 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.6 -0.2 -0.4 -0.5 -0.7 -39.0 -3.3 -18.7 222.7 11.8 29.2 37.5 1011.1 -27.3 -23.1 -12.4 25.0 -43.8 35.0 -73.9 -81.9 -2.9 -41.1 15.2 -43.8 -46.5 -23.0 3114.3 -12.7 57.8 46.9 -66.7 15.7 62.7 -88.5 -28.7 61.0 -66.4 -34.8 7.7 -2.5 525.6 14.0 -67.2 -66.0 -4.5 -50.5 -22.0 -78.7 -56.8 -11.1 -63.7 -28.3 -80.3 -58.5 low Price high end (zl) (zl) (zl) 5.95 10.15 3.00 173.00 46.30 81.00 12.00 3.75 27.10 11.70 17.60 17.50 3.74 27.60 3.82 5.55 13.05 9.90 19.60 25.50 3.99 47.50 104.00 15.20 45.00 65.50 3.18 2.34 20.90 3.16 18.45 12.95 20.10 2.80 22.20 16.70 20.00 44.00 9.10 1.99 3.20 27.10 7.35 4.05 4.35 7.20 1.50 12.80 1.23 2.18 9.75 16.00 4.75 235.00 67.80 112.50 18.10 6.20 60.50 17.90 25.00 26.00 7.60 51.50 7.95 8.80 18.70 21.90 33.60 48.00 6.00 59.00 159.50 22.50 75.50 86.00 4.71 3.00 40.30 10.85 32.40 26.40 32.50 4.99 37.40 55.00 34.50 89.00 14.40 3.49 4.94 55.00 11.80 6.40 8.40 7.90 2.35 19.00 2.12 3.24 8.30 12.90 3.79 235.00 62.50 106.00 15.00 5.00 30.40 15.90 19.90 22.00 5.40 37.80 5.20 6.85 17.00 11.90 27.10 33.00 4.95 53.80 131.00 18.10 61.50 70.50 4.00 2.66 27.60 3.90 24.50 16.95 25.90 3.38 25.80 17.70 27.40 48.10 12.30 2.67 3.61 32.00 7.80 4.90 4.80 8.00 2.03 13.40 1.38 2.48 21 Equities Companies by return in 2000 No Company Market Rate of return (%) 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 WISTIL 13FORTUNA 14ZACH KRUSZWICA PEMUG HUTMEN PKNORLEN 09KWIAT BWR INDYKPOL PROJPRZEM WAWEL BSK UNIMIL STGROUP KREDYTB EXBUD BELCHATOW OBORNIKI AMERBANK ELEKTROEXP PEPEES CENSTALGD ELEKTROWAR DEBICA PROCHEM MOSTALGD KETY ENERGOPN SUWARY RELPOL APEXIM MOSTALPLC POLFKUTNO COMPENSA ZEW PGF 02NFI SANWIL IZOLACJA MOSTALZAB DROSED BCZ WOLCZANKA BUDOPOL ELBUDOWA MOSTALSDL POLIFARBC LTL GPRD R P P P R P P P P P R P P R R P P P P P P P R P P P P P P W P R P P P P P P R P P P R P W P P P W P -8.2 -9.2 -9.5 -9.8 -12.8 -13.3 -13.6 -13.8 -14.7 -14.9 -14.9 -15.4 -15.7 -16.1 -16.2 -16.2 -16.6 -16.7 -16.7 -18.0 -18.0 -18.2 -18.5 -18.8 -19.1 -20.1 -20.2 -21.4 -22.1 -22.3 -22.5 -23.8 -24.1 -24.5 -25.0 -25.5 -25.7 -25.8 -25.9 -26.0 -26.8 -26.9 -27.0 -27.4 -27.5 -27.5 -29.1 -29.3 -29.3 -30.0 Rate of Rate of return return in EURO since listing (%) (%) -0.7 -1.8 -2.1 -2.4 -5.7 -6.2 -6.5 -6.8 -7.7 -7.9 -7.9 -8.5 -8.8 -9.2 -9.3 -9.3 -9.8 -9.9 -9.9 -11.3 -11.3 -11.5 -11.8 -12.2 -12.5 -13.6 -13.7 -15.0 -15.7 -16.0 -16.2 -17.6 -17.9 -18.4 -18.9 -19.4 -19.6 -19.8 -19.9 -20.0 -20.9 -20.9 -21.0 -21.5 -21.6 -21.6 -23.3 -23.5 -23.5 -24.3 -69.1 -75.1 -65.9 -65.2 -23.0 -67.8 1.8 -43.2 -67.8 130.0 -32.5 -58.6 -65.1 -57.4 -6.1 -18.7 873.2 -13.9 -67.4 -45.3 -28.1 -76.5 -71.5 -59.1 154.5 -49.0 158.6 53.2 -41.9 -37.2 -26.0 -32.0 -30.0 131.1 -34.8 -16.7 -10.7 -71.6 -88.7 105.4 -10.3 12.9 38.9 195.0 -48.2 1.7 -60.7 42.5 -31.0 -58.1 low Price high end (zl) (zl) (zl) 19.25 2.68 3.40 6.40 7.45 11.00 15.35 4.65 1.80 19.60 4.45 14.65 182.00 14.95 10.40 12.50 24.70 15.20 2.85 24.00 2.45 27.00 1.80 2.10 31.50 4.90 11.00 33.30 12.70 8.90 28.00 17.00 11.85 46.60 15.60 28.50 26.70 2.22 1.70 300.00 8.75 31.10 13.50 12.00 1.65 19.30 10.10 4.90 6.70 6.05 28.00 4.15 5.65 9.85 11.05 18.00 28.40 6.95 3.90 35.00 7.25 21.20 350.00 23.80 27.30 21.00 44.10 21.00 5.65 32.00 4.20 41.10 2.50 3.04 49.30 7.20 28.50 75.00 26.10 23.00 57.00 39.70 17.90 91.00 29.80 42.00 43.50 3.59 6.85 462.00 15.20 64.90 26.00 19.20 3.59 39.00 17.00 10.50 17.30 9.70 22.30 3.24 4.30 8.30 7.70 12.40 22.50 5.00 1.92 30.90 5.60 17.25 235.00 16.20 10.90 15.80 29.10 17.00 3.65 24.60 2.50 27.00 1.94 2.11 34.00 5.15 15.00 44.00 14.10 9.25 32.00 22.10 12.75 54.50 19.50 30.10 28.50 2.44 3.00 340.00 9.00 39.50 15.70 12.00 1.95 23.70 11.10 5.65 9.90 7.00 Fact Book 2001 22 Equities Companies by return in 2000 No Company Market Rate of return (%) 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 ORBIS BEST 05VICT FAMOT ENERGOPOL 06MAGNA 15HETMAN BUDIMEX BEDZIN 12PIAST EKODROB MILMET KABLEHOLD LUBAWA PEKABEX POLAR STALEXP ELZAB HYDROBUD CASPOL TIM BYTOM OKOCIM ROLIMPEX KRAKCHEM JUTRZENKA ZYWIEC VISTULA FORTISPL MORLINY SOKOLOW NAFTOBUDOWA BIG BAKOMA MOSTALWAR KPBP-BICK POLNA ANIMEX INSTAL DELIA PROCHNIK KZWM KOMPAP ORFE TONSIL TUP ODLEWNIE ENAP MURAWSKI KOPEX Fact Book 2001 P P P W R P P P W P R R P R W P P P R W R P P P R P P P P P P R P W P P R P R W P W R P P W W R W R -30.6 -30.6 -31.4 -31.7 -32.1 -32.3 -32.6 -32.9 -33.2 -33.3 -33.8 -34.2 -34.6 -35.7 -35.9 -36.3 -36.3 -36.4 -36.5 -36.7 -37.1 -38.2 -40.1 -40.4 -40.5 -41.5 -43.8 -44.3 -44.6 -47.4 -47.7 -47.8 -48.8 -48.8 -49.0 -52.0 -52.7 -54.7 -54.8 -57.6 -57.6 -57.6 -58.6 -59.0 -59.2 -61.0 -63.0 -65.6 -66.5 -67.3 Rate of Rate of return return in EURO since listing (%) (%) -24.9 -25.0 -25.8 -26.1 -26.5 -26.8 -27.1 -27.5 -27.7 -27.9 -28.4 -28.8 -29.3 -30.4 -30.7 -31.1 -31.1 -31.2 -31.3 -31.6 -32.0 -33.2 -35.2 -35.5 -35.7 -36.7 -39.2 -39.8 -40.1 43.1 -43.4 -43.6 -44.6 -44.6 -44.9 -48.1 -48.8 -51.0 -51.1 -54.1 -54.1 -54.2 -55.2 -55.7 -55.8 -57.9 -59.9 -62.8 -63.7 -64.7 63.0 -85.1 -71.8 -22.6 -16.0 -66.8 -73.3 102.1 -50.0 -84.7 -60.8 -83.1 145.5 -76.7 -50.5 14.3 -37.1 -78.0 -24.9 -46.0 -74.0 -93.2 312.1 -29.7 -66.5 -18.7 2263.6 -60.9 130.8 -43.8 5.9 -56.1 750.0 -46.7 5.7 7.3 -68.9 -20.8 -73.2 -50.0 -67.7 -57.6 -82.2 -64.4 -82.5 -69.7 -78.5 -75.0 -36.8 -74.0 low Price high end (zl) (zl) (zl) 21.70 9.40 2.26 3.60 7.20 3.51 3.05 15.15 10.30 1.80 1.73 3.00 4.00 1.85 3.95 13.50 16.45 15.00 16.90 1.55 2.00 3.11 11.55 2.76 3.06 13.30 195.00 7.55 18.60 8.50 1.91 4.40 4.44 23.00 9.00 7.15 12.90 2.62 1.21 1.19 1.64 2.18 5.05 15.00 1.41 0.82 1.15 6.20 0.86 12.45 43.50 16.90 3.80 6.65 14.20 5.20 5.20 40.40 22.50 3.02 2.95 5.50 9.65 3.89 8.80 25.20 25.80 37.50 36.80 3.40 14.15 8.55 23.80 6.25 6.15 34.40 455.00 13.90 37.50 17.60 4.32 12.00 22.00 52.50 23.00 17.80 30.30 7.80 3.57 3.78 4.70 6.00 13.50 40.00 4.42 2.35 3.59 20.80 4.36 43.00 25.90 9.85 2.40 4.10 9.30 3.52 3.20 19.25 14.70 1.84 1.88 3.29 4.97 2.02 5.35 16.00 17.70 15.90 21.00 1.55 2.65 4.51 12.10 3.40 3.45 18.75 208.00 8.35 20.10 9.00 2.14 6.00 6.70 24.00 10.45 8.15 14.20 3.17 1.48 1.40 1.76 2.50 5.05 16.40 1.49 0.90 1.30 6.30 1.14 13.20 23 Equities Companies by return in 2000 No Company Market Rate of return (%) 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 PAZUR CENTROZAP COMARCH EBI SOFTBANK OCEAN SKOTAN MITEX BORYSZEW BETONSTAL LETA R P P W P P W P P R W Rate of Rate of return return in EURO since listing (%) (%) -68.2 -72.4 -76.0 -76.5 -76.6 -84.8 -86.8 -93.3 -94.6 -95.6 -98.7 -65.6 -70.1 -74.0 -74.6 -74.7 -83.5 -87.1 -92.8 -94.2 -95.2 -98.6 -30.1 -77.8 -17.2 -65.6 55.6 -37.3 -63.6 -25.3 -5.4 -96.8 -61.1 low Price high end (zl) (zl) (zl) 3.21 4.30 41.20 0.49 53.90 0.71 9.75 10.80 6.50 1.02 1.03 42.90 20.00 324.50 2.30 359.00 17.60 38.70 69.00 31.70 25.80 14.70 4.65 5.50 63.40 0.54 65.00 1.92 9.95 14.35 6.70 1.10 1.07 Market: P - main, R - parallel, W - free Allotment certificates in 2000 No Company 1 2 3 4 Trading dates STERPROJEKT 02.12.99 - 21.02.00 COMARCH 29.02.00 - 30.03.00 EFL 12.04.00 - 08.05.00 NETIA 15.06.00 - 10.07.00 Subscription rights in 2000 No Company Record date 1 COMPENSA 25.02.00 28.02.00 - 01.03.00 2 3 IGROUP 22.05.00 23.05.00 - 02.06.00 CASPOL 09.03.00 10.03.00 - 06.06.00 4 5 BKOMUNALNY 31.07.00 01.08.00 - 07.08.00 ŻYWIEC 25.08.00 08.09.00 - 22.09.00 6 7 KRUSZWICA 06.09.00 07.09.00 - 26.09.00 NOMI 15.09.00 18.09.00 - 25.09.00 8 9 MUZA 15.10.00 TIM 24.10.00 25.10.00 - 07.11.00 BUDIMEX 16.11.00 17.11.00 - 22.11.00 10 Trading dates not quoted Fact Book 2001 24 Equities Shares with highest monthly returns in 2000 No Shares Month Return (%) No Shares 1 IGROUP 2 LUKBUT February 534.8 26 PERMEDIA March 216.5 27 OCEAN 3 OPTIMUS February 189.5 28 AMS 4 CHEMISKOR 5 HOWELL July 170.0 29 IMPEXMET February 139.9 30 BIELBAW December 6 LETA 45.3 February 129.2 31 STERPRO March 44.7 7 SZEPTEL 8 BETONSTAL February 127.7 32 DROSED March 44.4 October 93.2 33 TIM 9 PROKOM February 77.4 34 COMARCH February 77.2 35 01NFI September 75.0 36 REMAK Month Return (%) February 50.0 October 48.0 February 47.9 January 47.5 Czerwiec 43.4 January 43.1 March 42.7 July 42.4 10 MUZA 11 10FOKSAL 12 TIM May 74.6 37 AGORA January 42.0 13 PAZUR April 71.1 38 BEDZIN December 41.3 14 AGORA February 69.6 39 ENERGOPLD July 41.0 15 7BULLS April 67.1 40 KABLE 16 NOVITA November 66.7 41 17 ATLANTIS July 63.9 18 BORYSZEW March 62.1 19 CLIF August 61.5 20 COMARCH February 61.3 21 SUWARY February 22 STGROUP 23 SOFTBANK 24 OCEAN 25 BWR March 40.3 SOFTBANK January 39.9 42 ELEKTRIM February 39.5 43 STERPRO February 38.9 44 CSS February 38.6 45 PEKPOL 60.8 46 POLFKUTNO March 38.5 November 38.0 March 57.4 47 BUDIMEX March 37.4 February 55.4 48 TUEUROPA June 36.8 December 52.4 49 GANT June 36.5 January 51.1 50 IBSYSTEM February 36.5 Shares with highest monthly returns in 2000 by month Month Shares Return (%) January BWR 51.1 February IGROUP 534.8 March LUKBUT 216.5 April PAZUR 71.1 May TIM 74.6 June July August September October TIM 43.4 CHEMISKOR 170.0 CLIF 61.5 10FOKSAL 75.0 BETONSTAL 93.2 November NOVITA 66.7 December OCEAN 52.4 Fact Book 2001 Equities 25 Shares by trading value in 2000 Order-book trades No Shares Ticker name Turnover value Share in Turnover turnover ratio (mil. zl) (%) (%) Average volume Block trades Average Average number of number of per session transactions orders (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (mil. zl) 1 ELEKTRIM ELE 16 684.2 16.10 196.2 631 803 822 1112 1 428.6 2 TPSA TPS 9 858.7 9.51 14.1 689 486 923 1774 37 451.5 102 42 3 PKNORLEN PKN 8 963.7 8.65 49.1 811 929 990 2904 564.2 152 4 OPTIMUS OPT 8 902.8 8.59 526.1 96 477 662 823 453.0 57 5 PROKOM PKM 6 251.2 6.03 119.6 59 884 423 544 362.4 77 6 KGHM KGH 4 552.6 4.39 38.6 309 168 473 1558 133.0 33 7 PEKAO PEO 4 093.9 3.95 27.2 147 010 355 1055 704.6 49 8 SOFTBANK SFT 3 416.2 3.30 82.7 53 008 376 478 635.2 16 9 BRE BRE 3 122.2 3.01 50.6 46 112 212 342 136.8 34 10 AGORA AGO 2 827.8 2.73 79.4 52 242 296 481 414.8 20 11 COMPLAND CPL 2 476.1 2.39 181.5 44 010 307 483 416.5 18 12 PBK PBK 1 953.4 1.88 38.5 39 468 195 651 554.9 12 13 HANDLOWY BHW 1 944.1 1.88 21.2 58 707 173 505 3 182.3 43 14 ORBIS ORB 1 936.0 1.87 66.9 123 335 260 614 1 561.1 21 15 COMARCH CMR 1 654.3 1.60 117.3 23 230 200 306 76.7 14 16 BSK BSK 1 108.1 1.07 24.2 8 961 142 479 53.0 10 17 MOSTALEXP MSX 1 091.3 1.05 259.2 453 923 255 492 2.5 1 18 KABLEHOLD ELK 1 018.4 0.98 60.2 279 829 205 390 62.4 14 WBK 989.4 0.95 27.9 76 850 132 299 39.2 7 DBC 940.2 0.91 116.5 47 064 204 488 1.3 1 35 19 WBK 20 DEBICA 21 EXBUD EXB 879.2 0.85 76.0 45 619 102 265 366.0 22 STOMIL STO 703.3 0.68 51.8 56 407 104 261 60.3 12 23 STALEXP STX 684.8 0.66 127.3 65 366 209 453 19.7 10 24 JELFA JLF 673.0 0.65 123.0 33 443 156 309 40.5 10 25 SWIECIE FSC 608.3 0.59 29.9 59 893 92 224 20.3 4 26 AMICA AMC 605.7 0.58 258.6 30 148 132 238 72.5 8 27 BUDIMEX BDX 578.5 0.56 49.5 37 046 81 205 1 159.0 77 28 BPH BPH 550.0 0.53 11.4 5 362 77 224 11.8 6 29 NETIA NET 548.8 0.53 13.6 30 725 182 328 24.2 3 30 ELBUDOWA ELB 517.6 0.50 194.2 34 358 108 242 21.8 6 31 MOSTALZAB MSZ 497.5 0.48 170.8 82 185 102 239 8.4 4 32 KREDYTB KRB 480.5 0.46 14.9 55 974 76 224 491.0 9 33 BIG BIG 462.9 0.45 5.4 92 034 108 243 6 789.3 53 34 JUPITER JPR 396.3 0.38 68.7 140 537 207 390 63.9 19 35 POLIFARBC PLC 368.3 0.36 55.8 101 255 113 303 0.0 ---- 36 KETY KTY 366.9 0.35 35.5 14 208 53 142 29.5 5 37 SZEPTEL SPT 343.8 0.33 55.6 21 647 65 116 434.7 66 38 APEXIM APX 340.4 0.33 228.6 25 603 93 141 203.2 47 39 STGROUP STG 305.9 0.30 190.4 35 101 142 253 58.2 6 40 EFL EFL 303.9 0.29 25.7 6 937 39 113 80.8 19 41 STERPRO STR 295.3 0.28 46.9 19 282 79 153 81.6 6 42 ZYWIEC ZWC 294.8 0.28 6.8 1 749 50 159 59.0 10 43 JUTRZENKA 2 44 OKOCIM 45 JTZ 285.3 0.28 231.4 24 189 99 187 4.0 OKM 263.5 0.25 33.7 29 654 66 253 17.7 4 MOSTALWAR MSW 250.8 0.24 75.6 30 249 82 185 0.0 ---- 46 WARTA WAR 238.0 0.23 12.0 2 899 22 50 420.8 29 47 IRENA IRE 230.9 0.22 252.7 63 051 61 167 23.7 10 48 PGF PGF 229.6 0.22 44.0 13 259 50 154 63.1 18 49 08OCTAVA 08N 215.3 0.21 46.0 56 094 137 272 77.4 14 50 ROLIMPEX RMX 202.9 0.20 103.7 82 768 97 214 89.1 3 Fact Book 2001 26 Equities Shares by trading value in 2000 Order-book trades No Shares 51 PAZUR 52 AMS Ticker name Turnover value Share in Turnover turnover ratio Average volume Block trades Average Average number of number of per session transactions orders (mil. zl) (%) (%) (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (mil. zl) PZR 179.2 0.17 204.0 22 124 31 75 6.8 4 AMS 177.5 0.17 34.1 5 366 29 69 249.6 32 53 CERSANIT CST 169.4 0.16 26.0 12 092 30 70 66.1 16 54 ECHO ECH 167.2 0.16 20.4 2 817 24 74 99.5 21 55 FARMACOL FCL 157.6 0.15 110.4 16 778 43 161 2.0 1 56 RAFAKO RFK 157.2 0.15 62.0 43 131 46 141 12.0 4 57 KOGENERA KGN 145.0 0.14 15.0 8 792 35 124 296.5 41 58 IMPEXMET IPX 142.9 0.14 24.2 10 304 25 83 225.8 35 59 HOWELL HWL 136.9 0.13 49.0 9 849 38 86 68.1 25 60 AGROS AGR 134.5 0.13 28.6 7 866 32 85 173.8 8 61 LENTEX LTX 131.0 0.13 41.0 9 839 27 98 9.8 5 62 SOKOLOW SKW 130.9 0.13 34.3 89 979 76 207 119.8 13 63 GRAJEWO GRJ 125.1 0.12 31.6 6 518 42 99 1.3 1 64 12PIAST 12N 118.9 0.11 87.6 106 669 189 423 16.5 3 65 FARMFOOD FMD 118.4 0.11 96.5 23 197 73 104 3.1 2 66 POLFKUTNO PFK 116.3 0.11 28.1 3 135 23 70 6.5 3 67 CSS CSS 116.0 0.11 43.8 5 519 25 68 28.7 5 68 WILBO WLB 110.2 0.11 216.4 82 236 56 171 4.4 2 69 PROSPER PSP 106.1 0.10 102.9 14 195 38 144 10.9 4 70 10FOKSAL 10N 105.6 0.10 49.7 59 954 155 323 220.1 41 71 07NFI 26 72 MOSTALGD 73 09KWIAT 74 11 NFI 75 MIESZKO 07N 95.7 0.09 60.3 72 683 169 368 144.8 MSG 91.7 0.09 76.3 11 174 23 60 11.9 7 09N 90.2 0.09 27.9 33 583 134 286 105.5 23 11N 87.7 0.08 32.2 126 760 208 395 26.6 8 MSO 85.4 0.08 105.6 24 083 26 83 33.3 13 76 IGROUP IGR 84.7 0.08 180.9 20 705 48 123 16.9 12 77 OCEAN OCN 83.4 0.08 116.0 63 888 57 129 129.3 37 78 04PRO 04N 80.9 0.08 34.3 41 344 136 299 85.7 16 79 STALPROD STP 80.8 0.08 81.4 12 590 26 117 39.6 19 80 MENNICA MNC 78.8 0.08 32.3 6 955 28 124 10.0 3 81 14ZACH 14N 77.5 0.07 30.4 36 641 141 311 181.9 27 82 YAWAL YWL 74.9 0.07 208.4 8 650 26 75 24.5 9 83 ATLANTIS ATS 73.7 0.07 134.1 38 929 31 99 44.4 16 84 OLAWA OLW 72.7 0.07 109.8 10 870 15 60 71.0 37 85 SANOK SNK 70.0 0.07 20.1 3 941 11 39 0.0 ---- 86 FERRUM FER 69.8 0.07 26.2 7 671 15 55 364.0 97 87 01NFI 01N 69.6 0.07 30.8 37 106 147 294 98.0 17 88 KPBP-BICK KPB 69.1 0.07 128.8 10 254 46 119 0.0 ---- 89 13FORTUNA 13N 65.5 0.06 33.5 40 389 137 309 40.6 8 90 BORYSZEW BRS 63.9 0.06 32.0 12 795 23 78 92.8 30 91 MPECWRO MPW 62.6 0.06 23.3 13 439 29 86 124.8 12 92 PIASECKI PSK 60.2 0.06 50.4 12 812 20 72 0.0 ---- 93 02NFI 02N 59.8 0.06 35.6 42 833 151 346 95.0 34 94 SWARZEDZ SWZ 59.4 0.06 82.1 31 221 31 129 25.6 8 95 MACROSOFT MCF 59.1 0.06 25.9 2 730 31 73 14.3 4 96 RELPOL RLP 59.0 0.06 62.2 2 740 20 54 50.8 12 97 ELZAB ELZ 57.6 0.06 97.9 4 355 32 89 5.3 2 98 ENERGOPN EPN 54.4 0.05 42.7 6 346 12 38 201.4 84 99 ENERGOPLD EPD 50.4 0.05 79.7 3 508 14 45 5.7 3 TIM TIM 49.1 0.05 79.9 15 388 47 101 0.0 ---- 100 Fact Book 2001 Equities 27 Shares by trading value in 2000 Order-book trades No Shares Ticker name Turnover value Share in Turnover turnover ratio Average volume Block trades Average Average number of number of per session transactions orders Turnover Number of value transactions (mil. zl) (%) (%) (shares) (mil. zl) POL 47.2 0.05 288.9 921 254 242 380 0.0 ---- MSK 45.6 0.04 22.6 10 186 13 47 58.3 11 101 POLISA 102 MOSTALKRK 103 15HETMAN 15N 44.2 0.04 18.3 21 992 138 324 121.5 9 104 CHEMISKOR HSR 44.0 0.04 239.6 32 963 38 127 0.0 ---2 105 LDASA LDS 43.6 0.04 182.2 16 159 24 84 2.3 106 05VICT 05N 43.3 0.04 25.6 30 894 143 328 10.2 2 107 MUZA MZA 42.8 0.04 57.2 5 355 23 52 7.8 5 108 PAGED PGD 42.5 0.04 43.2 14 783 19 82 44.8 20 109 NOVITA NVT 41.1 0.04 55.3 8 591 18 60 31.6 6 110 ZEW ZEW 40.5 0.04 24.6 2 206 17 67 28.3 4 111 POLLENAE PLE 39.8 0.04 49.6 4 759 14 68 2.8 2 112 MITEX MTX 39.2 0.04 3.2 2 491 14 40 56.5 14 113 EBI EBI 38.6 0.04 312.7 50 035 33 111 0.0 ---- 114 BK BKG 38.6 0.04 23.9 5 199 16 74 0.0 ---- 115 APATOR APT 38.0 0.04 98.6 6 914 17 66 45.1 30 116 BETONSTAL BTS 38.0 0.04 177.3 10 850 24 83 24.1 19 117 FORTE FTE 37.4 0.04 17.6 12 170 18 65 0.0 ---- 118 WOLCZANKA WLC 37.3 0.04 60.0 4 478 15 75 15.6 6 119 06MAGNA 06N 36.3 0.03 13.4 16 190 126 291 63.7 17 120 KABLE KBL 35.5 0.03 85.4 3 416 22 78 0.0 ---- 121 LGPETRO LGP 34.4 0.03 12.6 5 423 15 60 9.5 3 122 STRZELEC STC 32.2 0.03 49.5 23 746 19 119 24.8 13 123 MOSTALPLC MSP 31.5 0.03 58.6 3 998 13 67 0.0 ---- 124 PPWK PWK 31.3 0.03 45.1 4 226 8 29 40.8 17 125 BWR BWR 31.3 0.03 3.2 20 318 20 129 0.0 ---- 126 7BULLS 7BC 30.2 0.03 5.1 2 237 10 25 92.3 14 127 POLAR PLR 29.7 0.03 4.4 2 491 15 61 0.0 ---- 128 STALPROFI STF 28.8 0.03 87.3 6 931 23 77 8.0 3 129 ELEKTROEX ELX 28.8 0.03 51.1 17 836 23 74 0.0 ---- 130 KROSNO KRS 28.4 0.03 12.4 1 649 16 75 156.5 17 131 BIELBAW BLB 26.3 0.03 75.4 4 374 13 55 0.4 1 132 HYDROTOR HDR 25.9 0.02 144.0 9 772 19 70 4.4 6 133 VISCO VSC 25.7 0.02 30.5 2 388 7 45 1.4 1 134 ROPCZYCE 135 KRUSZWICA 136 CENTROZAP CZP 23.9 0.02 137 GROCLIN GCN 23.9 0.02 138 SUWARY SUW 23.9 0.02 139 PROCHEM PRM 23.9 0.02 140 KOMPAP KMP 23.6 141 POLIGR PLG 142 LETA LTA 143 INSTALKRK 144 ORFE 145 146 147 ESPEBEPE ESP 20.0 0.02 148 BROK BRK 19.9 0.02 149 ZREW ZRW 19.2 0.02 150 PEPEES PPS 18.8 0.02 RPC 25.3 0.02 25.2 4 636 14 60 0.0 ---- KSW 25.2 0.02 44.5 6 460 21 106 0.0 ---- 39.1 4 256 14 66 6.1 5 25.7 1 915 7 23 3.7 2 88.2 2 850 12 35 2.5 5 47.4 7 453 16 83 17.0 6 0.02 70.6 4 630 17 72 0.0 ---- 21.8 0.02 19.4 2 804 8 25 10.4 3 21.6 0.02 79.2 13 956 22 64 11.8 13 INK 21.6 0.02 28.0 5 022 6 20 7.5 4 ORF 21.6 0.02 5.5 1 727 13 62 0.0 ---- IBSYSTEM IBS 21.3 0.02 112.6 2 617 17 51 6.2 5 VISTULA VST 20.8 0.02 19.6 3 820 16 77 46.7 18 65.7 5 589 12 42 7.7 19 14.2 1 300 8 35 27.8 6 41.9 1 456 9 47 1.3 1 23.6 1 104 9 42 30.4 12 Fact Book 2001 28 Equities Shares by trading value in 2000 Order-book trades No Shares Ticker name Turnover value (mil. zl) Share in Turnover turnover ratio Average volume Block trades Average Average number of number of per session transactions orders (%) (%) (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (mil. zl) 151 PROCHNIK PRC 18.8 0.02 30.9 12 365 22 92 0.0 ---- 152 BOS BOS 18.6 0.02 0.9 493 7 31 1 036.0 25 153 DROSED DSD 18.6 0.02 10.0 736 7 32 13.8 5 154 PROJPRZEM PJP 18.4 0.02 45.0 6 763 17 77 6.0 1 155 MOSTALSDL MSS 18.4 0.02 9.0 2 673 9 56 35.9 7 156 REMAK RMK 18.3 0.02 83.0 9 957 16 69 0.0 ---- 157 UNIMIL UML 18.0 0.02 58.4 1 801 9 47 21.9 5 158 KRAKCHEM KKM 18.0 0.02 76.0 7 961 14 67 6.2 7 159 PERMEDIA PMD 17.9 0.02 40.9 3 081 9 28 4.4 5 160 SKOTAN SKT 16.3 0.02 11.3 975 7 28 51.4 26 161 BAUMA BMA 15.9 0.02 17.7 2 279 6 24 0.0 ---- 162 BEST BST 15.1 0.01 31.9 2 271 12 49 0.0 ---- 163 HYDROGD HGD 15.0 0.01 15.5 1 363 5 33 8.2 3 164 PUE PUE 14.3 0.01 81.0 3 295 8 27 5.8 2 165 ODLEWNIE ODL 14.2 0.01 74.2 11 663 13 61 1.0 2 166 CLIF CLF 13.5 0.01 30.4 1 628 9 28 0.0 ---- 167 INSTAL 168 SANWIL 169 INS 13.5 0.01 41.3 10 022 14 65 0.0 ---- SNW 13.4 0.01 46.0 6 152 13 44 0.0 ---- EFEKT EFK 12.3 0.01 31.2 1 218 8 33 0.0 ---- 170 BELCHATOW BHT 12.0 0.01 11.6 1 236 6 39 38.6 9 171 AMPLI APL 11.7 0.01 150.9 14 054 13 54 0.0 ---- 172 WAWEL 173 TONSIL WWL 11.6 0.01 23.8 1 233 9 61 13.4 4 TNL 10.7 0.01 47.5 6 390 17 78 0.0 ---- 174 MASTERS MST 10.3 175 OBORNIKI OBR 10.1 0.01 71.1 10 764 12 64 1.4 2 0.01 31.9 4 401 9 43 8.9 6 176 LUKBUT LKB 10.0 0.01 126.2 3 152 10 31 2.0 6 177 GPRD GPR 10.0 0.01 11.2 2 556 9 59 0.0 ---- 178 WAFAPOMP WFP 9.9 0.01 33.7 3 297 7 38 21.2 11 179 GARBARNIA GRB 9.8 0.01 39.9 3 594 6 22 30.9 37 180 MANOMETRY MNM 9.7 0.01 42.1 2 723 10 40 21.4 10 181 HUTMEN HTM 9.7 0.01 12.4 1 414 10 60 18.1 3 182 PONARFEH PNF 9.1 0.01 38.2 1 323 6 21 6.5 14 183 PEMUG PMG 8.9 0.01 19.6 1 865 7 35 2.9 3 184 ELMONTWAR ELW 8.9 0.01 36.8 6 999 11 59 0.0 ---- 185 PEKPOL 186 MURAWSKI 187 188 PKL 8.8 0.01 20.6 1 038 5 24 0.0 ---- MRW 8.6 0.01 58.4 6 713 6 22 8.2 11 KOPEX KPX 8.6 0.01 10.5 788 10 48 0.0 ---- TALEX TLX 8.4 0.01 12.5 5 182 28 90 0.0 ---- 189 BUDOPOL BDL 8.4 0.01 33.1 5 962 6 32 0.0 ---- 190 CENSTALGD CSG 8.3 0.01 32.1 8 123 11 65 2.1 2 191 TUEUROPA ERP 8.0 0.01 13.6 1 426 7 35 5.1 3 192 ENAP ENP 7.5 0.01 11.9 1 046 7 38 0.0 ---- 193 ANIMEX ANX 7.4 0.01 3.0 2 714 11 81 12.0 2 194 AMERBANK AMB 7.2 0.01 1.9 523 7 60 0.0 ---- 195 WISTIL WST 7.1 0.01 15.0 599 6 30 16.4 8 196 BEEFSAN BEF 6.9 0.01 50.7 5 658 11 57 0.0 ---- 197 UNIBUD UND 6.6 0.01 6.5 7 025 10 43 0.0 ---- 198 NOMI NMI 6.5 0.01 3.6 1 541 6 40 0.0 ---- 199 POZMEAT PZM 6.4 0.01 7.1 469 6 24 8.5 2 200 LUBAWA LBW 6.3 0.01 36.6 4 094 8 41 3.8 11 Fact Book 2001 29 Equities Shares by trading value in 2000 Order-book trades No Shares Ticker name Turnover value (mil. zl) Share in Turnover turnover ratio (%) Average volume Block trades Average Average number of number of per session transactions orders (%) (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (mil. zl) 201 HYDROBUD HBD 6.2 0.01 8.8 423 5 28 48.3 11 202 BEDZIN BDZ 5.4 0.01 6.5 710 6 33 70.0 3 203 MILMET MLM 5.4 0.01 18.9 2 393 8 48 19.4 8 204 PEKABEX PBX 5.2 0.00 17.3 1 472 6 25 0.0 ---- 205 LTL LTL 4.7 0.00 5.2 761 5 27 5.6 1 206 NAFTA NFT 4.7 0.00 10.4 975 6 53 5.1 2 207 BYTOM BTM 4.7 0.00 46.8 1 403 7 32 0.0 ---- 208 BCZ BCZ 4.5 0.00 9.8 399 3 18 44.5 23 209 DELIA DLA 4.5 0.00 9.0 4 152 7 35 0.0 ---- 210 EKODROB EKD 4.3 0.00 13.7 3 285 5 37 0.0 ---- 211 INDYKPOL IND 4.2 0.00 6.3 315 5 28 35.6 4 212 POLIFARBD PLD 3.9 0.00 1.8 193 4 22 0.0 ---- 213 COMPENSA CSA 3.7 0.00 2.0 326 5 31 43.9 2 214 FORTIS FTS 3.7 0.00 0.7 225 4 34 0.0 ---- 215 KZWM KZW 3.6 0.00 27.7 1 664 6 31 0.2 1 216 POLNORD PND 3.6 0.00 6.5 439 4 20 12.3 6 217 MORLINY MRL 3.3 0.00 1.9 441 4 31 0.0 ---- 218 LZPS LZP 3.0 0.00 19.1 1 269 5 22 10.8 16 219 TUP TUP 2.9 0.00 45.7 3 660 6 30 0.0 ---- 220 JAROSŁAW JRS 2.9 0.00 3.6 1 044 7 48 0.0 ---- 221 CASPOL CSP 2.8 0.00 17.3 2 029 4 18 3.1 1 222 ENERGOPOL EPL 2.8 0.00 6.8 464 4 24 0.0 ---- 223 GANT GNT 2.5 0.00 14.7 1 304 4 23 0.0 ---- 224 ZASADA ZAS 2.5 0.00 3.9 5 705 14 88 0.0 ---- 225 WKSM WKS 2.3 0.00 2.4 86 3 18 0.0 ---- 226 POLNA PLA 2.2 0.00 6.4 209 3 22 0.0 ---- 227 BAKOMA BKM 2.2 0.00 0.5 100 4 21 0.0 ---- 228 ZEG ---- 229 FAMOT 230 IZOLACJA ZEG 2.1 0.00 12.3 558 4 22 0.0 FMT 1.9 0.00 3.0 665 3 17 0.0 ---- IZL 1.7 0.00 0.2 9 2 14 0.0 ---- 231 WANDALEX WDX 1.3 0.00 6.3 9 966 11 48 7.3 2 232 KRAKBROK KBS 1.2 0.00 7.0 1 553 5 21 0.0 ---- 233 FASING FSG 1.0 0.00 3.9 1 681 5 37 0.0 ---- 234 SIMPLE SME 0.9 0.00 2.5 405 7 28 0.0 ---- Change of quotation market No Company Quotation market before change Quotation date after change last first before change after change 1 STERPROJEKT 2 COMARCH free main 09.03.00 10.03.00 parallel main 06.04.00 07.04.00 3 4 PAŻUR free parallel 27.06.00 28.06.00 MITEX parallel main 25.08.00 28.08.00 Fact Book 2001 30 Equities Shares with highest daily turnover in 2000 No No Shares Date (mil. zl) (shares) 9 482 173 51 ELEKTRIM 6.06 126.2 1 156 721 320.6 3 198 296 52 TPSA 20.12 125.5 2 220 493 296.1 1 944 363 53 TPSA 24.11 124.2 2 487 543 13.12 262.7 2 841 961 54 TPSA 29.02 122.1 1 584 019 TPSA 13.12 256.1 4 907 468 55 ELEKTRIM 4.02 118.9 1 187 709 6 ELEKTRIM 23.02 236.1 1 710 139 56 ELEKTRIM 31.03 118.8 974 047 7 ELEKTRIM 9.02 223.6 1 907 763 57 ELEKTRIM 8.06 118.2 1 095 046 8 TPSA 14.12 219.7 3 988 212 58 ELEKTRIM 6.12 118.2 1 351 448 9 OPTIMUS 25.02 215.3 373 006 59 ELEKTRIM 12.07 117.7 1 253 197 10 ELEKTRIM 18.02 205.1 1 590 382 60 ELEKTRIM 14.07 117.1 1 127 488 11 OPTIMUS 10.03 202.4 279 851 61 ELEKTRIM 15.02 116.4 1 013 342 12 TPSA 19.12 201.7 3 494 600 62 ELEKTRIM 20.07 116.2 1 124 431 13 ELEKTRIM 16.03 195.3 1 383 213 63 ELEKTRIM 21.07 116.0 1 095 151 14 OPTIMUS 2.03 192.3 276 690 64 ELEKTRIM 16.05 115.8 1 063 820 15 OPTIMUS 24.02 185.9 326 505 65 PROKOM 13.03 114.5 197 381 16 ELEKTRIM 17.07 178.2 1 670 827 66 TPSA 18.12 114.2 2 068 908 17 ELEKTRIM 15.03 174.2 1 273 002 67 OPTIMUS 3.03 112.7 172 418 18 ELEKTRIM 10.03 168.2 1 244 437 68 PKNORLEN 11.02 112.1 2 368 369 19 PKNORLEN 10.01 168.1 3 034 484 69 KGHM 24.02 111.0 1 698 866 20 ELEKTRIM 24.03 167.0 1 187 695 70 ELEKTRIM 7.04 110.4 847 914 21 ELEKTRIM 2.06 165.4 1 408 202 71 ELEKTRIM 1.03 110.2 877 199 22 TPSA 6.12 161.3 3 209 700 72 KGHM 14.01 110.1 1 801 483 23 TPSA 27.11 160.2 3 106 839 73 TPSA 9.02 108.8 1 520 825 24 TPSA 15.12 160.1 2 882 381 74 PKNORLEN 9.02 107.2 2 136 237 25 OPTIMUS 1.03 159.6 243 310 75 ELEKTRIM 31.05 107.0 934 644 26 ELEKTRIM 17.02 159.5 1 298 625 76 ELEKTRIM 21.03 106.9 734 149 27 OPTIMUS 28.02 158.5 303 258 77 TPSA 21.12 106.8 1 896 147 28 PKNORLEN 7.01 154.5 2 879 179 78 ELEKTRIM 11.04 106.6 833 649 29 PKNORLEN 14.01 151.7 2 766 845 79 PKNORLEN 14.03 106.3 2 350 186 30 ELEKTRIM 16.06 151.1 1 410 926 80 OPTIMUS 6.03 106.1 157 414 31 ELEKTRIM 14.03 151.0 1 096 084 81 ELEKTRIM 23.03 105.6 731 619 32 ELEKTRIM 8.02 150.6 1 404 255 82 ELEKTRIM 11.01 105.3 1 170 169 33 ELEKTRIM 19.12 149.3 1 471 183 83 ELEKTRIM 9.06 105.2 1 017 541 34 ELEKTRIM 24.02 149.1 1 082 488 84 ELEKTRIM 14.02 105.0 947 679 35 ELEKTRIM 5.06 145.7 1 255 227 85 PROKOM 1.03 104.6 181 348 36 OPTIMUS 13.03 145.5 218 566 86 PEKAO 6.11 104.3 980 456 37 OPTIMUS 12.05 142.7 368 326 87 OPTIMUS 11.02 104.0 266 556 38 PEKAO 7.11 141.2 1 263 974 88 OPTIMUS 27.06 103.2 244 990 39 TPSA 9.11 140.2 2 787 740 89 PKNORLEN 18.02 103.2 2 095 964 Shares Date Turnover value Turnover volume (mil. zl) (shares) 1 TPSA 8.11 494.2 2 PEKAO 3.11 3 ELEKTRIM 17.03 4 ELEKTRIM 5 Turnover value Turnover volume 40 ELEKTRIM 13.04 139.2 1 025 391 90 TPSA 28.11 102.6 2 064 781 41 OPTIMUS 29.02 139.1 233 867 91 KGHM 25.02 102.5 1 481 664 42 ELEKTRIM 1.06 138.6 1 198 575 92 PROKOM 10.02 102.5 228 292 43 PEKAO 21.06 135.2 1 332 021 93 ELEKTRIM 25.02 102.5 765 184 44 PROKOM 24.02 133.6 210 135 94 OPTIMUS 9.02 102.5 266 200 45 OPTIMUS 9.03 131.0 200 141 95 ELEKTRIM 2.03 101.9 778 700 46 OPTIMUS 15.05 129.8 303 447 96 ELEKTRIM 21.02 101.0 793 237 47 TPSA 10.11 129.7 2 716 134 97 PROKOM 8.02 100.9 230 005 48 TPSA 30.11 129.0 2 607 733 98 TPSA 12.12 100.7 2 005 519 49 ELEKTRIM 22.02 126.7 953 350 99 OPTIMUS 1.06 100.4 255 727 50 ELEKTRIM 13.03 126.4 967 815 100 PKNORLEN 7.07 100.0 2 434 910 Fact Book 2001 31 Equities Dividends paid by listed companies in 2000 No Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ELBUDOWA CLIF MOSTALZAB PGF IMPEXMET PEMUG SANOK POLIFARBC SUWARY KOGENERA INSTALKRK HANDLOWY YAWAL JELFA ŻYWIEC STOMIL BK KOPEX HYDROBUD PROKOM PBK ZREW SOFTBANK TPSA LETA BSK BOŚ MOSTALEXP STALPROD ROPCZYCE BAUMA STALPROFI BRE KPBP-BICK KROSNO RAFAKO ENERGOPOL ENERGOPŁD BAKOMA HYDROTOR POLNORD DĘBICA INSTAL WARTA KREDYT B LZPS WÓLCZANKA MACROSOFT ELMONTWAR SKOTAN General meeting date Record date Dividend per share (zl) 28.06 14.06 30.06 31.07 30.06 03.06 28.06 28.06 21.06 28.06 03.06 30.06 30.06 28.06 30.06 28.06 29.06 29.06 20.06 30.06 26.06 21.06 20.06 27.06 09.06 09.06 19.05 26.06 30.06 16.06 15.06 28.03 24.05 12.05 02.06 15.05 27.04 07.06 30.05 27.05 26.05 31.05 12.05 26.05 29.05 10.05 11.05 25.05 20.05 26.04 14.09 01.09 30.08 16.08 14.08 31.07 31.07 31.07 31.07 28.07 28.07 26.07 25.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 17.07 17.07 17.07 17.07 17.07 14.07 14.07 14.07 14.07 14.07 13.07 12.07 11.07 10.07 03.07 30.06 30.06 30.06 30.06 28.06 28.06 26.06 26.06 21.06 20.06 20.06 20.06 19.06 16.06 15.06 15.06 15.06 14.06 09.06 2.50 0.27 0.25 0.70 0.11 0.66 2.95 0.30 0.75 0.10 0.25 2.00 0.35 1.50 2.50 0.60 0.50 1.00 0.70 1.50 2.80 2.14 0.50 0.05 0.18 4.35 1.50 0.10 0.20 0.86 1.00 0.50 8.00 0.20 0.60 0.35 0.70 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.30 2.30 0.10 5.83 0.40 0.20 1.00 0.40 0.05 3.50 Fact Book 2001 32 Equities Dividends paid by listed companies in 2000 No Company 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 WBK JUTRZENKA POLLENAE VISCO LENTEX TIM PKN PROCHEM PROJPRZEM ŚWIECIE PERMEDIA BIG General meeting date Record date Dividend per share (zl) 05.04 20.05 16.05 20.04 12.05 13.05 15.05 29.04 28.04 05.04 14.04 28.01 08.06 08.06 06.06 01.06 01.06 31.05 31.05 22.05 19.05 18.05 05.05 10.03 0.55 0.96 0.55 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.05 0.15 0.28 1.00 0.75 0.08 Sectoral market indicators in 2000 Macrosector / Sector Number of companies Market capitalisation Share in 2000 (mil. zl) (%) turnover (%) P/BV P/E Dividend yield (%) INDUSTRY 139 29 943 23.4 28.3 1.11 14.4 0.9 FOOD 21 3 501 2.7 1.8 0.83 x 0.9 LIGHT INDUSTRY 17 374 0.3 0.4 0.61 x 1.2 WOOD & PAPER 7 1 531 1.2 0.9 1.08 -5.8 3.4 16 11 785 9.2 11.9 1.31 10.9 1.0 0.7 CHEMICALS BUILDING MATERIALS 9 1 342 1.0 0.7 1.70 24.2 CONSTRUCTION 35 3 074 2.4 4.6 1.12 23.7 1.0 ELECTROENGINEERING 20 1 607 1.3 2.1 0.82 20.3 0.7 METALS 13 6 585 5.1 5.9 1.09 11.1 0.1 1 144 0.1 0.0 2.17 14.8 0.0 OTHER FINANCE 25 37 304 29.1 15.2 1.64 15.0 1.8 16 35 007 27.3 14.5 1.62 14.0 1.8 INSURANCE 3 1 369 1.1 0.3 3.65 x 2.6 OTHER 6 928 0.7 0.3 1.35 9.5 0.1 47 60 830 47.5 56.6 2.83 12.1 0.2 WHOLESALE & RETAIL 18 1 867 1.5 1.1 1.82 25.2 0.9 IT 0.5 BANKING SERVICES 13 5 990 4.7 23.4 4.47 50.5 TELECOM 4 45 665 35.7 26.9 2.82 -9.9 0.2 MEDIA 4 5 105 4.0 3.0 5.08 49.1 0.0 OTHER TOTAL Fact Book 2001 8 2 203 1.7 2.2 1.13 19.8 0.0 211 128 077 100 100 1.80 13.4 0.8 33 Equities Invitations to sell shares in 2000 No Company Invitation announced by Date of announcement Price (zl) 1 PAGED YAWAL SYSTEM 06.01 Price on Price announcement at year-end date (zl) (zl) 5.25 5.15 5.20 2 POLIGR Baring CEF Investments IV Limited 10.01 13.00 *12.10 20.60 3 ZPW Grajewo Pfleiderer Holzwerkstoffe GmbH 16.02 35.00 50.00 45.50 4 SOFTBANK Aleksander Lesz 03.03 77.50 142.50 65.00 5 FERRUM Izostal 06.03 13.25 15.50 16.95 6 PEKPOL Romuald Dzienio 13.03 18.00 *16.50 18.00 7 SANOK Stomil Sanok 15.03 40.00 35.00 33.00 8 DROSED L.D.C. S.A. 04.04 60.00 54.50 39.50 EXBUD Skanska Europe AB 05.04 45.00 40.40 29.10 10 9 BELCHATOW Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding 12.04 21.00 *19.80 17.00 11 BWR Deutsche Bank Polska S.A. 26.04 2.85 *2.65 1.92 12 DROSED L.D.C. S.A. 26.04 60.00 54.40 39.50 13 HANDLOWY Citibank Overseas Investment 15.05 70.00 63.80 61.50 14 EXBUD Skanska Europe AB 18.05 40.00 37.60 29.10 15 BROK Holsten - Brauerei AG 30.05 42.00 38.50 ----- 16 UNIMIL Condomi 05.06 21.00 21.00 16.20 17 BELCHATOW Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding 05.06 19.02 19.50 17.00 18 HANDLOWY Citibank Overseas Investment 12.06 70.00 65.80 61.50 19 POLAR Brandt 26.06 25.40 *23.90 16.00 20 BK Nordbanken AB 20.09 17.50 14.00 17.00 21 ZEW SGL Carbon AG 26.09 41.00 39.50 30.10 22 FASING Karbon 2 13.09 3.71 **4.40 2.99 23 IZOLACJA Icopal A/S 06.10 370.00 306.50 340.00 24 ZEW SGL Carbon AG 17.10 41.00 38.80 30.10 25 POLFKUTNO Polfa Kutno 21.11 65.00 61.00 54.50 26 BIELBAW Fabryka Firanek i Koronek HAFT S.A. 20.12 14.00 13.00 13.80 27 COMPENSA Hamburg - Mannheimer 21.12 20.00 19.50 19.50 * Price from last day preceding announcement ** Company previously quoted on CeTO Fact Book 2001 34 Equities Equity—basic figures 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 WIG20 index at end of year 1 816.2 1 755.8 1 221.0 1 457.8 1 441.8 MIDWIG index at end of year 1 004.7 1 098.7 777.0 1 000.0 --- 17 847.6 18 083.6 12 795.6 14 668.0 14 342.8 1 456.9 1 000.0 --- --- --- 59.8 60.6 65.6 122.6 --- Indices WIG index at end of year TechWIG index at end of year NIF index at end of year WIRR index at end of year 2 748.6 2 085.9 1 674.5 3 284.5 2 661.7 Return on WIG20 (%) 1.5 43.8 -16.2 1.1 82.1 Return on MIDWIG (%) -9.9 41.4 -22.3 --- --- Return on WIG (%) -1.3 41.3 -12.8 2.3 89.1 Return on TechWIG (%) 45.7 --- --- --- --- Return on NIF (%) -2.1 -7.6 -46.5 --- --- Return on WIRR (%) 31.8 24.6 -49.0 23.4 164.2 225 221 198 143 83 Companies Number of listed companies at end of year Capitalisation at end of year (mil. zl) 129 879 123 411 72 442 43 766 24 000 Average P/E ratio 28.5 36.2 16.3 13.2 14.8 Average P/BV ratio 1.98 1.91 1.43 1.33 2.07 0.8 0.6 0.9 1.3 1.2 169 096 88 974 62 338 52 342 29 895 Dividend yield at year-end (%) Total turnover value (mil. zl) Average turnover value per session (mil. zl) 676.4 357.3 249.4 210.2 119.6 Number of transactions per session 14 919 17 417 14 365 14 048 9 056 Average value of transaction (zl) 22 668 20 516 17 365 14 964 13 204 Turnover ratio for companies (%) 42.9 46.1 58.2 69.4 77.2 Number of sessions 250 249 250 249 250 1 236 1 158 1 262 1 181 894 Number of investment accounts at year-end ('000) Continuous trading Number of listed companies at end of year Number of transactions per session Total turnover value (mil. zl) 102 99 82 46 21 6 157 4 085 1 626 518 31 58 329 28 667 8 766 3 583 251 Single-price system Number of listed companies at end of year Number of transactions per session Total turnover value (mil. zl) 123 221 198 143 83 8 777 7 827 11 299 13 528 9 025 45 329 42 164 44 521 44 073 28 068 2 681 2 030 1 308 509 143 Block trades Number of transactions (single counted) Average value of transaction (zl) Total turnover value (mil. zl) Fact Book 2001 12.20 4.47 3.46 4.60 5.51 65 438 18 143 9 051 4 686 1 575 35 B onds Treasury bonds have been listed on the Exchange since 1992. At the end of 2000, there were 47 issues of Treasury bonds and one issue of corporate bonds in trading. All bonds are quoted in the continuous trading system, with one bond as the transaction unit. As far as the interest calculation method is concerned, bonds listed on the Exchange may be divided into three groups: floating interestrate, fixed interest-rate and zero-coupon bonds. Two-, three-, five- and ten-year bonds are listed. Floating interest-rate bonds Three- and ten-year floating interest-rate bonds are quoted on the Exchange. For owners of three-year bonds, interest is paid out quarterly. It is calculated based on the average yield of 13-week Treasury bills (average yield x 1.04 or 1.03, depending on the issue date). Interest on ten-year bonds is paid out once a year. It is calculated based on the average yield on 52-week Treasury bills (+1%). The nominal value of three-year bonds is 100 zloty; and for ten-year bonds, 1,000 zloty. Fixed interest-rate bonds Fixed interest-rate bonds debuted on the Exchange in May 1994. In 2000, there were three types of these bonds listed: two-, five- and ten-year. Interest on these bonds, depending on the maturity date, ranges from 8.5% to 14% annually, and is paid out once a year. The nominal value of one bond is 1,000 zloty. Zero-coupon bonds In the case of these bonds, the holder is not entitled to any payment prior to the maturity date. Then, the holder receives an amount equal to the bond's nominal value. Interest on these bonds comes in the form of a sale discount. In the year 2000, there were 4 such issues listed on the Exchange. Corporate bonds In April 2000, corporate bonds were listed on the Exchange for the first time. Three-year bonds with floating interest rate were issued by Clif—a company listed on the WSE free market. Fact Book 2001 36 Bonds Floating-interest bonds in 2000 No 1 Bonds Interest rate high Price low end Turnover value (%) (%) (%) (%) (mil. zl) 99.70 98.80 99.70 7.29 1 049 5 0 One-year bonds IR0300 Average volume Average number of transactions Block trade value (mil. zl) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Three-year bonds TP0802 1.04*b TP1102 1.04*b TZ0200 1.05*b TZ0201 1.05*b TZ0202 1.05*b TZ0203 1.04*b TZ0500 1.05*b TZ0501 1.05*b TZ0502 1.05*b TZ0503 1.04*b TZ0800 1.05*b TZ0801 1.05*b TZ0802 1.04*b TZ0803 1.00*b TZ1100 1.05*b TZ1101 1.05*b TZ1102 1.05*b TZ1103 1.04*b 99.60 100.50 99.90 100.20 100.80 101.20 100.10 100.30 101.00 101.00 100.00 100.50 100.75 100.80 100.00 100.80 105.00 109.30 98.30 98.00 99.50 98.70 98.60 98.30 99.50 98.60 98.50 98.50 99.20 98.60 98.40 98.60 98.90 98.50 97.00 99.00 99.40 99.50 99.90 99.90 100.09 100.00 99.70 99.81 100.25 100.20 100.00 99.90 100.05 100.00 99.80 99.80 100.00 100.05 29.52 99.68 3.41 385.63 451.22 68.72 27.60 511.33 388.76 39.50 51.29 428.50 155.56 16.95 196.00 331.32 83.80 9.95 850 2 036 1 040 7 640 8 948 1 581 1 744 10 153 7 597 1 254 1 817 8 510 3 085 908 4 801 6 570 1 658 1 480 1 3 4 45 59 26 9 55 53 20 12 44 38 17 30 48 29 17 0 0 0 1.12 0 0 0 20.96 2.00 0 0 1.09 0 0 1.00 4.29 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Ten-year bonds DZ0107 DZ0108 DZ0109 DZ0110 DZ0406 DZ0407 DZ0706 DZ0707 DZ0708 DZ0709 DZ1006 DZ1205 c+1 c+1 c+1 c+1 c+1 c+1 c+1 c+1 c+1 c+1 c+1 c+1 100.10 101.00 100.05 100.00 100.50 101.20 100.90 100.60 100.60 100.75 101.50 101.50 99.10 98.00 97.00 97.10 99.00 100.10 97.00 98.00 96.40 96.30 98.00 96.40 100.10 100.50 100.05 99.99 99.00 101.20 99.50 99.50 99.90 99.98 101.50 100.80 2.67 63.98 192.00 47.86 1.93 1.22 9.42 0.31 73.08 187.05 0.95 6.31 5 127 362 102 4 2 18 1 142 352 2 12 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 20.73 14.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Corporate bonds VCLIFE1 b+2 98.00 95.00 95.00 0.57 2 0 5.91 1 Note: b- average yield on 13-week T-bills c - average yield on 52-week T-bills Fact Book 2001 Bonds 37 Fixed-interest bonds in 2000 No Bonds Interest rate high Price low end Turnover value Average volume Average number of transactions Block trade (%) (%) (%) (%) (mil. zl) 81.70 78.00 85.60 74.90 72.40 71.45 75.40 73.00 81.50 77.60 85.60 74.45 44.19 10.83 74.54 4.57 169 75 185 280 4 2 4 1 0 0 0 0 value (mil. zl) 1 2 3 4 Two-year bonds OK0402 OK0802 OK1201 OK1202 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Five-year bonds OS0200 OS0201 OS0202 OS0203 OS0204 OS0600 OS0601 OS0602 OS0603 OS0604 OS0700 OS0800 OS1000 OS1001 OS1002 OS1003 OS1004 PS0205 PS0605 PS1004 PS1005 14.0 13.0 12.0 12.0 10.0 14.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 10.0 14.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 10.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 99.60 99.10 96.20 97.20 93.85 99.90 97.00 96.60 97.80 94.00 99.90 99.80 99.80 96.50 96.70 100.30 93.90 87.50 84.95 89.20 84.90 99.30 95.80 91.00 89.10 81.65 98.50 93.50 90.00 89.50 82.00 98.00 97.50 96.80 92.70 90.00 88.60 82.30 76.30 76.30 76.00 77.80 99.50 99.10 95.00 93.50 88.40 99.70 97.00 93.80 92.70 88.00 99.70 99.80 99.80 95.50 93.20 92.80 88.00 85.05 84.95 85.00 84.90 3.95 6.12 26.39 19.42 14.85 12.89 73.65 51.36 9.74 9.31 3.40 6.72 6.96 12.19 7.08 6.30 3.03 25.77 10.02 24.86 3.93 77 12 53 39 32 58 148 108 20 20 13 21 18 25 15 13 7 69 43 59 45 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 77.32 0 9.73 0 9.57 7.45 0 0 0 0 14.01 0 0 0 0 6.92 8.07 4.63 0 1 2 3 Ten-year bonds DS0509 DS1109 DS1110 6.0 6.0 6.0 79.60 80.20 73.30 64.00 62.00 65.00 74.20 73.40 72.00 11.30 22.61 1.66 30 64 50 1 2 1 0 0 0 Fact Book 2001 38 Bonds Bonds—basic figures 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 48 47 44 44 42 16 219 Bonds Number of listed bond issues at end of year Total turnover value (mil. zl) 4 590 4 766 8 581 13 488 Average turnover value per session (mil. zl) 18.4 19.1 34.3 54.2 64.9 Number of transactions per session 489 544 602 1 235 1 048 18 772.9 17 587 28 494 21 936 30 955 48 45 40 39 40 Average value of transaction (zl) Continuous trading Number of listed bond issues at end of year Number of transactions per session Total turnover value (mil. zl) 146 54 10 8 8 2 941 2 088 1 197 2 871 4 007 Single-price system Number of listed bond issues at end of year Number of transactions per session Total turnover value (mil. zl) --- 13 16 15 14 388 490 591 1 225 1 038 1 440 2 588 3 753 2 782 1 898 Block trades Number of transactions (single-counted) 45 38 327 422 480 Average value of transaction (mil. zl) 2.32 1.19 5.55 9.28 10.74 Total turnover value (mil. zl) 209 91 3 632 7 835 10 314 Bond market calendar - listings and de-listings No Issue name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PS0205 DZ0110 TZ0203 VCLIFE1 OK0402 TZ0503 PS0605 OK0802 TZ0803 PS1005 TZ1103 DS1110 OK1201 First quotation date Fact Book 2001 15.02 21.02 21.02 05.04 26.04 22.05 13.06 14.08 21.08 13.10 13.11 27.11 13.12 No Issue name Last quotation date 1 2 3 TZ0200 OS0200 IR0300 24.01 02.02 15.02 4 TZ0500 19.04 5 OS0600 31.05 6 OS0700 30.06 7 TZ0800 21.07 8 OS0800 02.08 9 OS1000 27.09 10 TZ1100 19.10 39 W SE indices The Warsaw Stock Exchange publishes six indices: for the main market—the WIG20, WIG and MIDWIG indices; for companies qualified to the SiTech (WSE Segment for Innovative Technologies), the TechWIG index; for the parallel market, the WIRR; and for National Investment Funds shares, the NIF index. Index values are published on an on-going basis during each trading session, with the closing value published at the end of the session. The only exception here is the WIRR index, since its value is published twice a day: at the opening and closing of trading. Monthly rates of return on WSE indices in 2000 (%) Month WIG20 MIDWIG WIG TechWIG WIRR NIF January 6.8 3.8 7.3 22.1 6.7 -9.3 February 22.6 -7.3 11.0 77.6 22.8 -10.1 March -2.8 10.5 -1.3 -2.7 3.4 18.9 April -10.2 -5.4 -7.6 -23.7 3.3 -1.7 May -1.4 -2.8 -0.3 5.1 3.3 -4.6 June -0.8 1.6 0.4 5.2 1.3 -1.1 July -2.8 -0.6 -3.3 -9.6 1.2 9.1 August -1.5 -3.8 -3.0 2.7 -2.1 6.2 -11.7 -9.3 -8.3 -14.5 -6.1 5.7 October -7.1 -3.0 -7.6 -3.9 -4.4 -7.4 November 3.5 3.3 4.5 -8.6 -2.0 -4.1 December 11.9 4.4 9.5 17.4 3.2 0.2 September The Warsaw Stock Exchange Index (WIG) The Warsaw Stock Exchange index (WIG) takes into account price changes for all companies listed on the main market (except for National Investment Funds). The WIG is weighted by market value, so that companies' impact on the WIG value is proportional to their capitalisation. The WIG is a total-return index, which means that besides the prices of its constituent shares, income from dividends and subscription rights is also taken into account. A single company's share in the WIG cannot exceed 10 percent. Companies whose market values surpass this limit have their shares in the index reduced at the beginning of the subsequent quarter. Similarly, individual sectors' influence on the WIG is limited to 30 percent. A company's share in the index is based on the number of its shares introduced to Exchange trading. The base date for the WIG index is April 16, 1991—the first WSE trading session; the index base value is 1,000 points. During trading, the WIG value is published once per minute, based on the most recent transaction prices, with an accuracy of ±0.01 point. At the end of trading, the closing index value is announced. Fact Book 2001 40 WSE indices Monthly rates of return on WIG index (%) Month 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 January 7.3 13.9 -0.5 12.3 37.3 February 11.0 -9.2 20.7 8.9 5.9 March -1.3 6.8 -4.3 -4.9 3.2 April -7.6 7.9 5.2 -0.9 9.3 May -0.3 2.5 -11.6 -3.7 -4.4 June 0.4 7.7 0.3 -4.9 15.3 July -3.3 0.9 5.1 0.0 -6.0 August -3.0 0.2 -29.6 11.0 8.1 September -8.3 -16.2 5.2 3.9 5.8 October -7.6 5.3 0.9 -12.1 -8.5 November 4.5 4.4 -4.6 -6.8 2.2 December 9.5 15.4 8.6 2.4 4.0 Maximum changes in WIG index (%) Maximum increase Maximum decrease daily weekly monthly daily weekly monthly 1996 4.8 25/1 14.4 22-27/1 37.3 January -4.4 11/3 -8.3 21-26/10 -8.5 October 1997 7.1 29/10 10.9 4-8/8 12.3 January -9.8 28/10 -9.9 27-31/10 -12.1 October 1998 8.2 2/9 9.8 9-13/3 20.7 February -9.5 28/8 -17.5 24-28/8 -29.6 August 1999 7.0 18/1 12.7 4-8/1 15.4 December -5.5 14/1 -12.7 11-15/1 -16.2 September 2000 5.1 04.02.00 8.8 13-20/10 11.0 February -8.1 17.04.00 -9.1 6-13/10 -8.3 September WIG sector sub-indices The Exchange publishes five sector sub-indices, which allow the effectiveness of investments in companies from various sectors to be assessed. The sector subindices are based on the WIG index methodology, and take into account income from dividends and subscription rights. The number of a given company's shares in the sub-index is the same as in the WIG index. The Exchange has introduced the following sub-indices: l WIG-banking l WIG-construction l WIG-IT Fact Book 2001 WSE indices 41 l WIG-food l WIG-telecom The sub-index portfolios comprise portions of the WIG index portfolio, selected on the basis of sector criteria. The base date for sector sub-indices is December 31, 1998; their base value is equal to the WIG index value on that date, i.e. 12 795.6 points. Monthly rates of return on WIG sub-indices in 2000 (%) Month WIG-BANKING WIG-CONSTRUCTION WIG-IT WIG-FOOD WIG-TELECOM January 5.3 6.2 14.1 3.4 14.1 February -0.2 -2.5 50.6 -9.3 50.6 March -1.7 12.5 -6.3 4.4 -6.3 April -4.8 -11.2 -19.5 -5.3 -19.5 May -2.3 -1.1 1.8 -0.9 1.8 June -1.4 -3.9 5.1 -3.0 5.1 July -0.2 4.6 -17.8 6.4 -2.4 August -3.8 -0.4 4.8 -6.8 -8.5 September -5.1 -10.9 -10.2 -8.6 -11.1 October -12.1 -6.2 -8.0 -12.4 -3.4 November 14.9 -2.4 -14.4 0.4 2.3 December 9.9 3.5 14.7 -3.4 17.2 WIG20 Index The WIG20 index debuted on the Exchange in 1994. It is calculated on the basis of a portfolio comprised of shares in the 20 largest and most-traded companies on the main market. The Exchange takes into account two criteria when selecting companies for the index: turnover value (weight 0.6) and market value (weight 0.4). No more than five companies from any one sector can participate in the index. The WIG20 is a price index, which means that only price changes for its constituent shares are taken into account in the calculations. During a trading session, the WIG20 value is published every 30 seconds, based on the most recent transaction prices, with an accuracy of ±0.01 point. At the end of trading, the closing value is announced. The index base date is April 16, 1994; and its base value, 1,000 points. Changes in the WIG20 portfolio are made every quarter, based on a ranking of listed companies by turnover and market values. MIDWIG Index The MIDWIG index is calculated on the basis of share values for 40 companies on the main market (not including companies participating in the WIG20 index). The composition of the MIDWIG portfolio is based on the WIG20 index ranking. MIDWIG is a price index, which means that during its calculation, only price changes for constituent shares are taken into account. Fact Book 2001 42 WSE indices During a trading session, the index value is published once per minute, based on the most recent transaction prices, with an accuracy of ±0.01 point. At the end of trading, the closing index value is published. The base date for the MIDWIG index is December 31, 1997; and the base value, 1,000 points. Changes in the MIDWIG portfolio are made once per quarter, based on a ranking of listed companies' turnover and market values. TechWIG Index The TechWIG index covers companies qualified to the SiTech—the WSE Segment for Innovative Technologies. Each new company assigned to the SiTech becomes a TechWIG index participant. Particular companies' share in the index results from a ranking carried out every quarter. A company's position in the ranking is determined on the basis of its percentage share in SiTech capitalisation (weight 0.4) and turnover (weight 0.6) for the last six months. The share of a company in the TechWIG index portfolio is limited during quarterly revisions to 20% (the maximum). During a trading session, the index value is published every 30 seconds, based on the most recent transaction prices, with an accuracy of ±0.01 point. At the end of trading, the closing index value is published. The index base date is December 31, 1999; and its base value, 1,000 points. The Warsaw Parallel Market Index (WIRR) The WIRR index has been published since the beginning of 1995. Like the WIG index, the WIRR is a total-return index. It is weighted by the market value of individual companies, so that stocks with larger capitalisation have greater impact on the index value. In the case of the WIRR, the rule limiting companies' maximum impact on the index is not applied. The WIRR's base date is December 31, 1994; and its base value, 1,000 points. The National Investment Funds Indes (NIF) The NIF is a price index, which corresponds to the market value of shares in the National Investment Funds, received upon conversion of one NIF certificate. During trading, the NIF value is published every 1.5 minutes, based on the most recent transaction prices, with an accuracy of ±0.01 point. At the end of trading, the index's closing value is published. The NIF's base date is June 12, 1997; and its base value, 160 points. Detailed information on Warsaw Stock Exchange indices, including their current portfolio composition and correction coefficients, is contained in a brochure entitled The Warsaw Stock Exchange Indices. This information is also available on the WSE web site, at www.wse.com.pl. Licensing The Exchange registered its indices as official trademarks in January 1997. Therefore, use of WSE indices is subject to a licence agreement with the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Fact Book 2001 WSE indices 43 WIG index portfolio (end of 2000) No Shares 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TPSA PEKAO PKN KGHM ELEKTRIM BRE PROKOM BIG NETIA PBK AGORA BSK HANDLOWY WBK ORBIS KREDYTB SWIECIE SOFTBANK BPH STOMIL COMPLAND BOS ZYWIEC OPTIMUS EFL KOGENERA KETY WARTA ECHO BUDIMEX DEBICA COMARCH CERSANIT IMPEXMET KABLEHOLD MITEX OKOCIM JELFA POLIFARBC AGROS STALEXP MOSTALEXP EXBUD PGF SOKOŁOW IZOLACJA AMS BWR STERPRO LENTEX Price (zl) 27.60 62.50 22.50 25.80 50.60 131.00 174.00 6.70 75.50 106.00 85.00 235.00 61.50 27.40 25.90 15.80 22.00 65.00 235.00 27.10 114.50 70.50 208.00 123.50 114.50 52.00 44.00 145.00 121.00 19.25 34.00 63.40 27.10 27.30 4.97 14.35 12.10 37.80 5.65 35.50 17.70 5.00 29.10 28.50 2.14 340.00 48.10 1.92 17.70 29.00 Number of shares 262 108 294 200 83 17 12 317 27 19 22 6 26 51 46 70 50 16 4 27 6 9 3 4 4 9 10 3 3 18 10 5 11 10 58 19 22 6 45 6 12 43 7 7 100 4 97 10 6 726 754 124 000 770 024 515 627 023 007 550 929 160 495 075 353 000 031 399 220 152 850 203 641 430 265 001 029 460 596 100 208 633 631 086 779 000 800 362 875 834 775 500 639 194 575 017 361 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Market value (zl) 7 6 6 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 251 797 617 160 238 230 177 128 040 014 916 628 608 410 193 111 100 042 033 737 704 694 666 573 507 481 440 439 418 357 343 330 315 290 288 283 266 257 256 244 227 218 218 217 214 195 193 186 185 174 237 125 790 000 762 144 610 100 236 742 750 315 840 963 342 577 000 015 765 662 404 425 224 163 235 780 044 205 660 973 400 187 254 226 687 828 200 040 295 062 161 875 250 711 415 500 217 933 850 000 Share in WIG (%) 600 000 000 000 000 000 000 900 500 000 000 000 000 000 500 400 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 200 300 300 420 650 000 000 300 500 800 000 000 500 160 000 700 120 000 000 Fact Book 2001 10.74 10.07 9.81 7.65 6.28 3.30 3.23 3.15 3.02 2.99 2.84 2.41 2.38 2.09 1.77 1.65 1.63 1.54 1.53 1.09 1.04 1.03 0.99 0.85 0.75 0.71 0.65 0.65 0.62 0.53 0.51 0.49 0.47 0.43 0.43 0.42 0.39 0.38 0.38 0.36 0.34 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.26 44 WSE indices WIG index portfolio (end of 2000) No 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Shares Price (zl) SANWIL MOSTALZAB POLFKUTNO LGPETRO MENNICA AMERBANK KROSNO FERRUM RAFAKO GRAJEWO POLAR MOSTALWAR ELBUDOWA AMICA FORTE IRENA MOSTALSDL NOVITA FORTISPL FARMACOL ROLIMPEX ZEW ORFE BK STALPROD ROPCZCE MOSTALGD PROSPER ENERGOPN JUTRZENKA HYDROGD COMPENSA PAGED NOMI MPECWRO VISTULA DROSED SWARZEDZ ANIMES HUTMEN RELPOL ENERGOPLD BORYSZEW OLAWA PEPEES OCEAN MORLINY ATLANTIS WILBO PROCHEM 33.00 9.00 54.50 17.20 24.70 24.60 37.50 16.95 6.85 45.50 16.00 10.45 23.70 32.00 4.80 13.00 11.10 20.00 20.10 18.10 3.40 30.10 16.40 17.00 14.60 12.00 15.00 15.90 14.10 18.75 22.00 19.50 5.20 8.00 7.25 8.35 39.50 3.79 3.17 12.40 32.00 31.80 6.70 12.90 27.00 1.92 9.00 3.49 2.48 5.15 Fact Book 2001 Number of shares 4 16 2 8 5 5 3 7 17 2 7 10 4 2 17 6 7 3 3 3 19 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 8 5 5 4 9 11 2 1 1 5 2 1 13 2 7 9 4 809 927 785 042 593 159 316 314 400 580 150 000 245 928 308 238 106 884 761 800 960 245 925 730 865 606 661 450 717 614 226 449 473 288 731 885 920 512 353 844 101 100 058 476 170 767 891 259 500 506 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Market value (zl) 158 152 151 138 138 126 124 123 119 117 114 104 100 93 83 81 78 77 75 68 67 67 64 63 56 55 54 54 52 49 48 47 44 42 41 40 36 36 35 35 35 34 33 31 31 26 26 25 23 23 697 343 782 322 147 911 350 972 190 390 400 500 606 696 078 094 876 680 596 780 864 574 370 410 429 272 915 855 409 012 972 755 059 304 549 789 340 050 989 265 232 980 888 940 590 432 019 333 560 205 000 000 500 400 100 400 000 300 000 000 000 000 500 000 400 000 600 000 100 000 000 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 700 500 000 500 600 000 750 750 000 480 010 600 000 000 600 400 000 640 000 910 000 900 Share in WIG (%) 0.24 0.23 0.22 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 45 WSE indices WIG index portfolio (end of 2000) No 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Shares Price (zl) Number of shares PEKPOL BELCHATOW WAWEL ELEKTROEX MOSTALPLC WOLCZANKA ESPEBEPE KABLE GPRD INDYKPOL ELZAB PROCHNIK KPBP-BICK KRUSZWICA CENTROZAP OBORNIKI REMAK ELMONTWAR BEST TONSIL BYTOM 18.00 17.00 17.25 2.50 12.75 12.00 9.95 20.20 7.00 30.90 15.90 1.76 8.15 8.30 5.50 3.65 3.38 2.11 9.85 1.49 4.51 1 1 1 8 1 1 2 1 2 1 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 3 274 337 292 898 713 798 127 000 843 625 115 000 991 815 724 453 000 760 890 364 750 Market value (zl) 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 20 19 19 17 17 16 15 14 12 10 10 8 5 3 932 729 287 245 840 576 163 200 901 312 728 600 226 064 982 603 140 043 766 012 382 Share in WIG (%) 000 000 000 000 750 000 650 000 000 500 500 000 650 500 000 450 000 600 500 360 500 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 WIG index in 1991–2000 24 000 21 000 18 000 15 000 12 000 9 000 6 000 3 000 Fact Book 2001 46 WSE indices WIG index in 2000 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr 1 ----- 19 721.0 21 912.6 ----- 2 ----- 19 704.2 22 061.5 ----- May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ----- 19 581.3 ----- 18 961.4 18 614.2 ----- ----- 19 851.5 ----- 18 826.4 ----- 16 733.4 15 986.8 ----- ----- 19 536.6 18 873.4 ----- 16 462.2 16 550.3 ----- Day 3 18 981.7 20 204.1 21 833.8 21 783.8 4 18 558.0 21 224.6 ----- 20 984.1 19 615.9 5 17 694.4 ----- ----- 20 864.3 19 357.8 20 053.4 19 684.0 6 18 074.7 ----- 22 347.3 20 619.1 7 18 953.5 20 977.2 21 765.8 21 243.5 8 9 ----- ----- 19 709.0 18 795.7 18 782.1 16 342.7 ----- 19 677.6 19 542.9 ----- 18 562.3 16 419.2 ----- 16 347.1 ----- 16 099.1 ----- 16 430.4 ----- 18 423.2 16 415.5 16 733.9 16 716.2 ----- 19 396.3 19 474.4 18 918.1 18 275.0 ----- 21 185.3 21 421.4 ----- 19 266.9 19 866.3 ----- 18 820.4 18 265.4 ----- 21 742.2 21 967.6 ----- 19 093.7 19 676.1 ----- 17 108.5 16 714.2 ----- 16 953.6 16 860.6 ----- 19 025.6 ----- 16 156.4 16 688.0 ----- 10 19 851.8 20 859.7 22 208.2 21 325.6 19 193.8 ----- 19 610.1 19 072.2 ----- 16 045.4 16 429.4 ----- 11 19 853.3 21 245.4 ----- 20 751.3 19 262.1 ----- 19 456.5 18 756.3 18 034.2 15 506.5 12 19 469.7 ----- ----- 20 821.7 19 782.3 19 612.1 19 340.6 13 19 900.4 ----- 22 013.4 20 417.6 14 20 445.7 20 521.0 21 619.1 20 683.0 ----- 19 355.4 19 533.0 ----- 18 011.0 15 320.1 ----- 16 941.8 ----- 17 088.1 ----- 18 203.4 14 929.3 15 898.8 17 237.2 ----- 19 728.9 19 658.0 18 463.6 18 282.8 ----- 18 234.3 ----- 16 176.1 17 675.6 15 ----- 21 332.0 21 666.2 ----- 19 701.9 19 682.4 ----- 16 ----- 21 452.5 21 906.3 ----- 19 992.1 19 675.8 ----- 18 605.4 ----- 15 544.8 16 225.6 ----- 16 366.5 17 596.4 ----- ----- 15 621.7 16 467.2 ----- 17 20 108.3 21 044.4 22 386.2 19 003.7 20 207.1 ----- 19 713.0 18 458.2 18 20 318.0 21 753.2 ----- 19 704.0 19 925.3 ----- 19 835.1 18 276.2 18 026.7 15 711.4 19 19 632.3 ----- ----- 19 659.4 19 758.3 19 518.7 19 934.8 20 19 966.9 ----- 21 969.4 19 041.8 21 19 905.7 21 352.8 21 837.0 22 ----- 21 919.8 22 020.9 ----- 19 445.4 23 ----- 22 475.9 22 017.8 ----- 19 237.2 19 575.2 24 20 085.8 22 704.7 22 388.0 25 19 354.5 22 823.6 ----- 19 074.8 18 644.6 26 19 361.0 ----- ----- 19 252.9 18 356.7 19 589.8 19 830.4 27 19 481.4 ----- 22 868.4 19 252.0 28 19 765.5 21 488.9 22 848.3 19 631.1 ----- 18 032.7 15 838.7 ----- 19 575.0 19 940.1 18 032.3 16 241.6 16 568.1 17 609.9 ----- 19 561.4 20 047.7 17 901.4 17 853.3 ----- 18 461.7 ----- ----- 17 789.5 ----- 18 066.0 ----- 17 979.1 17 076.5 ----- 16 600.4 17 447.1 ----- 16 443.7 17 831.8 ----- 18 068.9 ----- 16 241.6 16 353.2 ----- ----- 20 028.0 18 261.9 ----- 16 199.3 16 773.4 ----- ----- 19 892.4 18 403.5 17 258.3 16 295.4 ----- 19 944.5 19 376.6 ----- 17 160.3 16 132.6 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 16 808.3 15 953.1 16 886.4 18 014.9 ----- 19 831.5 19 100.0 18 475.7 16 776.3 29 ----- 21 536.8 22 588.5 ----- 18 399.3 19 858.7 ----- 18 277.7 16 882.6 30 ----- ----- 21 921.5 ----- 19 028.6 19 642.7 ----- 18 220.7 31 19 398.0 ----- 21 255.9 ----- 19 570.5 ----- 18 991.0 18 420.3 ----- 16 668.7 17 909.6 ----- 16 555.6 17 847.6 ----- 15 775.7 16 292.2 ----- ----- 15 597.5 ----- ----- Until November 16, 2000, index value from single-price system; from November 17, 2000 onward, closing index value for continuous trading Fact Book 2001 47 WSE indices WIG20 index portfolio (end of 2000) No Shares Price (zl) Number of shares Market value (zl) Share in WIG20 (%) 1 ELEKTRIM 50.60 1 682 85 109 14.05 2 TPSA 27.60 2 990 82 524 13.62 3 PKN 22.50 2 592 58 320 9.63 4 PEKAO 62.50 837 52 313 8.63 5 KGHM 25.80 1 712 44 170 7.29 6 BRE 131.00 284 37 204 6.14 7 PBK 106.00 312 33 072 5.46 8 HANDLOWY 61.50 463 28 475 4.70 9 OPTIMUS 123.50 212 26 182 4.32 10 PROKOM 174.00 143 24 882 4.11 11 AGORA 85.00 266 22 610 3.73 12 COMPLAND 13 ORBIS 14 BIG 15 KABLEHOLD 16 DEBICA 17 NETIA 18 MOSTALEXP 19 SOFTBANK 20 ZYWIEC 114.50 171 19 580 3.23 25.90 599 15 514 2.56 6.70 1 947 13 045 2.15 4.97 2 527 12 559 2.07 34.00 369 12 546 2.07 75.50 158 11 929 1.97 5.00 2 019 10 095 1.67 65.00 134 8 710 1.44 208.00 34 7 072 1.17 WIG20 index in 2000 2 500 2 400 2 300 2 200 2 100 2 000 1 900 1 800 1 700 1 600 1 500 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Fact Book 2001 48 WSE indices WIG20 index in 2000 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct ----- Nov Dec Day 1 ----- 1 946.3 2 391.2 ----- ----- 2 092.8 ----- 1 903.0 1 952.0 2 ----- 1 981.3 2 358.0 ----- ----- 2 102.9 ----- 1 941.5 ----- 1 700.7 1 648.3 ----- ----- 2 023.1 1 909.6 ----- 1 667.1 1 663.6 ----- 3 1 852.9 2 109.0 2 397.4 2 209.9 4 1 796.6 2 096.8 ----- 2 192.1 2 008.0 ----- 5 1 777.0 ----- ----- 2 100.4 1 970.4 2 086.3 2 019.1 6 1 832.1 ----- 2 380.1 2 186.0 7 1 933.2 2 142.1 2 369.1 2 228.8 ----- 2 030.0 1 942.4 1 939.7 1 643.5 ----- 2 019.7 1 999.5 ----- 1 919.5 1 668.5 ----- 1 626.3 ----- 1 602.0 ----- 1 638.9 ----- 1 910.9 1 658.0 1 733.0 1 680.4 ----- 2 057.4 1 987.8 1 924.7 1 894.0 ----- 1 715.3 1 690.1 8 ----- 2 205.8 2 355.7 ----- 1 942.8 2 051.7 ----- 1 943.1 1 888.7 9 ----- 2 198.6 2 401.2 ----- 1 946.3 2 045.6 ----- 1 970.6 ----- 1 618.6 1 657.0 ----- 1 714.3 1 714.8 ----- ----- 1 608.7 1 630.0 ----- 10 2 000.8 2 170.6 2 481.8 2 217.7 1 990.5 ----- 1 989.7 1 922.7 11 1 974.9 2 132.8 ----- 2 132.4 2 044.5 ----- 1 972.7 1 886.0 1 867.7 1 546.7 12 1 961.3 ----- ----- 2 174.1 2 060.7 2 034.0 1 987.5 13 2 032.9 ----- 2 346.1 2 163.1 14 2 010.5 2 146.5 2 464.8 2 121.0 ----- 2 016.0 2 004.8 ----- 1 900.7 1 550.2 ----- 1 723.4 ----- 1 734.8 ----- 1 892.3 1 499.1 1 591.1 1 744.8 ----- 2 039.0 2 016.4 1 891.9 1 907.2 15 ----- 2 155.6 2 368.2 ----- 2 023.9 2 041.7 ----- 16 ----- 2 157.9 2 378.4 ----- 2 109.8 2 030.9 ----- 1 912.1 ----- 1 574.8 1 628.4 ----- 2 027.0 2 221.8 2 384.1 1 963.7 2 063.1 ----- 2 039.9 1 855.6 ----- 1 618.0 1 643.2 ----- ----- 2 047.0 1 837.2 1 874.3 1 542.3 17 18 1 982.6 2 264.3 ----- 2 005.5 2 068.2 19 1 971.9 ----- ----- 1 993.8 2 016.8 2 002.0 2 064.3 20 1 995.2 ----- 2 387.9 1 982.8 21 2 003.0 2 242.4 2 341.5 22 ----- 2 333.6 2 380.7 ----- 1 983.7 23 ----- 2 344.2 2 402.3 ----- 1 952.0 2 024.6 24 1 933.1 2 426.6 2 445.7 ----- ----- 2 040.9 2 061.2 ----- 1 891.9 ----- ----- 1 852.7 ----- 1 625.0 1 626.5 ----- ----- 1 644.4 1 677.4 ----- 1 873.7 2 327.6 ----- 1 951.3 1 912.9 ----- ----- 1 975.8 1 897.8 2 061.6 1 993.8 27 1 951.3 ----- 2 443.7 1 980.8 28 1 938.5 2 268.1 2 443.1 2 042.8 ----- 2 046.6 1 898.6 1 768.1 1 606.2 ----- 2 064.9 1 966.0 ----- 1 710.5 1 582.8 ----- 2 063.7 1 949.3 1 876.9 1 664.0 ----- 1 873.4 1 688.4 ----- 1 889.3 30 ----- ----- 2 235.9 ----- 1 984.6 1 997.7 31 1 910.1 ----- 2 275.5 ----- 2 014.7 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1 708.3 1 571.2 1 688.5 1 843.6 ----- 1 969.7 2 020.5 Fact Book 2001 ----- 1 660.0 1 772.1 ----- 1 639.2 1 816.6 ----- 2 069.7 1 879.4 1 914.1 Closing index value for continuous trading ----- 1 818.2 ----- 1 847.4 ----- 1 842.1 1 630.0 1 653.1 1 792.1 ----- 1 837.4 1 723.1 25 ----- 2 341.9 2 393.9 ----- 1 622.7 1 785.4 ----- 1 858.4 1 608.3 ----- 2 036.0 2 061.7 1 822.6 1 794.4 26 29 ----- 1 889.6 ----- 1 640.0 1 799.4 ----- 1 941.1 1 911.7 ----- 1 665.4 1 825.2 ----- 1 658.0 1 816.2 ----- 1 543.9 1 623.2 ----- ----- 1 568.8 ----- ----- WSE indices 49 MIDWIG index portfolio (end of 2000) No Shares Price (zl) Number of shares Market value Share in MIDWIG (zl) (%) 121 28 435 12.87 8.93 1 BPH 235.00 2 BSK 235.00 84 19 740 3 KREDYTB 15.80 962 15 200 6.88 4 WBK 27.40 497 13 618 6.16 5 STOMIL 27.10 425 11 518 5.21 6 AGROS 35.50 302 10 721 4.85 7 SWIECIE 22.00 475 10 450 4.73 8 JELFA 37.80 222 8 392 3.80 9 KOGENERA 52.00 116 6 032 2.73 10 ELBUDOWA 23.70 253 5 996 2.71 11 AMICA 32.00 178 5 696 2.58 12 EFL 114.50 47 5 382 2.44 13 WARTA 145.00 35 5 075 2.30 14 MOSTALZAB 9.00 541 4 869 2.20 15 BOS 70.50 69 4 865 2.20 16 JUTRZENKA 18.75 249 4 669 2.11 17 BUDIMEX 19.25 238 4 582 2.07 18 KETY 44.00 100 4 400 1.99 19 STALEXP 17.70 223 3 947 1.79 20 OKOCIM 12.10 278 3 364 1.52 21 SOKOŁOW 2.14 1 493 3 195 1.45 22 ECHO 121.00 25 3 025 1.37 23 IRENA 13.00 213 2 769 1.25 24 POLIFARBC 5.65 487 2 752 1.25 25 PGF 28.50 93 2 651 1.20 26 CERSANIT 27.10 97 2 629 1.19 27 STERPRO 17.70 142 2 513 1.14 1.12 28 MOSTALWAR 10.45 237 2 477 29 LENTEX 29.00 84 2 436 1.10 30 COMARCH 63.40 38 2 409 1.09 31 IMPEXMET 27.30 87 2 375 1.07 32 ROLIMPEX 3.40 640 2 176 0.98 33 RAFAKO 6.85 269 1 843 0.83 34 BWR 1.92 940 1 805 0.82 35 AMS 48.10 37 1 780 0.81 36 STALPROD 14.60 109 1 591 0.72 0.68 37 EXBUD 29.10 52 1 513 38 FARMACOL 18.10 79 1 430 0.65 39 MENNICA 24.70 55 1 359 0.61 40 MPECWRO 7.25 181 1 312 0.59 Fact Book 2001 50 WSE indices MIDWIG index in 2000 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May 1 ----- 1 169.3 1 090.2 ----- 2 ----- 1 184.6 1 109.3 ----- 1 141.9 1 175.3 ----- Jun Jul Aug Sep ----- 1 111.7 ----- 1 086.9 1 056.1 ----- 1 107.7 ----- 1 092.4 ----- Oct Nov Dec ----- ----- 960.4 955.5 950.5 ----- Day 3 1 140.1 1 246.2 4 1 103.8 1 246.5 ----- 1 177.0 1 111.5 5 1 086.1 ----- ----- 1 147.7 1 107.3 6 1 105.3 ----- 1 143.4 7 1 147.8 ----- 1 110.8 1 084.6 ----- 949.5 962.5 ----- ----- 1 116.2 1 090.4 945.5 1 059.6 947.5 ----- 1 097.7 1 128.8 ----- 1 051.2 949.5 ----- 954.7 1 173.9 ----- 1 072.9 1 124.1 ----- 1 043.0 949.9 977.1 958.4 1 185.8 ----- 1 089.1 1 135.2 1 240.4 1 148.2 1 096.3 1 043.7 ----- 967.6 953.5 8 ----- 1 234.1 1 128.4 ----- 1 101.0 1 088.7 ----- 1 093.3 1 033.7 ----- 976.5 957.1 9 ----- 1 199.8 1 140.4 ----- 1 103.5 1 087.4 ----- 1 096.7 ----- 934.2 950.5 ----- 10 1 179.1 1 174.5 1 141.8 1 172.6 1 111.1 11 1 173.8 12 1 160.7 1 166.0 ----- 1 148.2 1 114.1 ----- ----- 1 165.0 1 102.9 13 1 184.2 ----- 1 093.4 14 1 177.9 ----- 1 151.7 1 094.7 ----- 926.6 948.3 ----- ----- 1 145.0 1 086.6 959.6 1 026.9 910.7 ----- 1 087.1 1 142.9 ----- 1 025.4 900.3 ----- 960.4 1 151.7 ----- 1 092.0 1 143.1 ----- 1 018.2 875.6 931.9 967.2 1 147.0 ----- 1 110.5 1 144.1 1 162.4 1 126.8 15 ----- 1 167.9 1 112.1 ----- 1 103.1 1 112.9 ----- 16 ----- 1 176.6 1 130.0 ----- 1 136.3 1 108.0 ----- 1 083.5 17 1 189.6 1 204.4 18 1 170.6 19 1 162.1 20 1 174.4 21 1 193.9 22 23 1 132.1 1 066.9 1 125.6 1 187.6 ----- 1 098.3 1 128.3 ----- ----- 1 091.6 1 110.2 ----- 1 145.2 998.0 ----- 1 160.6 1 157.0 ----- 1 096.6 ----- 1 145.8 1 174.5 ----- 1 076.3 1 200.3 ----- 1 061.1 26 1 161.7 ----- ----- 1 106.8 1 049.6 27 1 173.8 ----- 1 203.9 28 1 164.3 ----- 1 067.6 1 146.4 1 150.6 1 069.1 946.9 ----- 1 140.3 1 099.9 1 146.9 ----- 1 094.8 909.4 ----- ----- 1 116.2 1 089.5 988.9 ----- 946.1 ----- 1 111.5 1 152.4 980.5 948.2 921.2 ----- 25 945.6 ----- ----- 1 101.1 1 118.9 ----- 1 072.2 1 140.3 1 180.4 1 025.6 1 028.8 ----- 1 140.6 1 156.8 24 1 082.6 1 019.8 896.7 ----- ----- 1 016.8 925.9 ----- 1 008.1 ----- 1 010.4 936.4 953.0 1 059.2 986.7 ----- 948.0 992.4 990.3 ----- ----- 1 059.8 977.5 ----- 946.9 1 004.6 1 112.0 ----- 1 062.5 ----- ----- 933.2 948.7 ----- 1 148.9 1 073.6 ----- 942.5 964.3 ----- ----- 1 142.8 1 069.6 986.5 933.5 ----- ----- 1 116.8 1 130.5 ----- 970.9 930.0 ----- ----- 1 108.3 ----- 1 114.0 1 115.4 ----- 962.6 932.5 972.3 1 012.1 1 120.7 ----- 1 117.0 1 102.0 1 053.0 1 222.7 1 058.5 954.3 ----- 966.5 1 009.5 29 ----- 1 072.2 1 214.4 ----- 1 064.7 1 106.7 ----- 1 059.0 960.1 ----- 965.9 1 004.7 30 ----- ----- 1 181.1 ----- 1 079.1 1 107.1 ----- 1 053.3 ----- 929.0 962.3 ----- 31 1 156.7 ----- 1 185.1 ----- 1 089.2 ----- 931.6 ----- ----- Closing index value for continuous trading Fact Book 2001 ----- 1 100.7 1 058.4 51 WSE indices TechWIG index portfolio (end of 2000) No Shares Price (zl) Number of shares Market value (zl) Share in TechWIG (%) 1 ELEKTRIM 50.60 601 30 411 20.68 2 TPSA 27.60 1 023 28 235 19.20 3 OPTIMUS 123.50 208 25 688 17.47 4 PROKOM 174.00 119 20 706 14.08 5 SOFTBANK 65.00 214 13 910 9.46 6 COMPLAND 114.50 69 7 901 5.37 5.24 7 NETIA 75.50 102 7 701 8 COMARCH 63.40 107 6 784 4.61 9 SZEPTEL 41.00 37 1 517 1.03 10 APEXIM 22.10 61 1 348 0.92 11 STGROUP 10.90 82 894 0.61 12 STERPRO 17.70 39 690 0.47 13 MACROSOFT 37.50 12 450 0.31 14 CSS 30.40 13 395 0.27 15 TALEX 26.80 8 214 0.15 16 ELZAB 15.90 13 207 0.14 TechWIG index in 2000 2 600 2 400 2 200 2 000 1 800 1 600 1 400 1 200 1 000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Fact Book 2001 52 WSE indices TechWIG index in 2000 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 1 ----- 1 292.6 2 318.5 ----- 2 ----- 1 337.8 2 376.6 ----- ----- 1 863.5 ----- 1 559.8 1 738.1 ----- ----- 1 898.7 ----- 1 606.0 2 201.0 2 195.6 ----- ----- 1 814.3 1 562.8 ----- 1 808.9 1 616.6 Nov Dec Day 3 1 065.9 1 446.5 4 1 063.0 1 589.9 ----- 2 040.2 1 589.9 5 1 017.7 ----- ----- 1 980.0 1 554.3 6 1 051.6 ----- 2 331.2 7 1 124.1 ----- 1 696.5 1 419.6 ----- 1 686.8 1 411.9 2 026.8 ----- 1 818.5 1 718.7 2 142.8 ----- 1 519.4 ----- 1 811.0 2 284.8 ----- 1 475.5 11 1 272.3 12 13 14 1 327.6 1 316.9 1 827.7 ----- 1 618.5 1 644.5 ----- 1 464.6 1 354.3 1 842.2 ----- 1 676.1 1 614.9 1 834.2 ----- 1 896.6 1 540.3 ----- 1 688.9 1 554.4 1 259.1 ----- ----- 1 885.1 1 712.5 1 298.7 ----- 2 559.9 1 329.5 ----- 1 639.4 1 290.4 1 849.5 ----- 1 786.7 1 757.3 1 379.7 ----- 1 364.8 1 414.0 ----- 1 641.1 ----- 1 311.3 1 390.5 ----- 1 801.8 1 787.9 ----- ----- 1 864.6 1 778.6 ----- 1 601.1 1 814.0 ----- 1 778.1 1 535.1 1 864.8 ----- 1 728.0 1 729.5 ----- 1 798.3 1 527.9 1 227.1 ----- ----- 1 734.1 1 690.1 1 260.8 ----- 2 438.8 ----- 1 369.9 1 301.7 ----- ----- 1 401.9 1 327.4 ----- 1 621.4 1 302.9 1 744.3 1 814.7 ----- 1 609.8 1 380.8 1 652.7 ----- 1 802.9 1 815.8 ----- 1 589.2 1 415.5 ----- 1 804.6 1 802.0 ----- 22 ----- 1 941.9 2 391.5 ----- 1 630.9 23 ----- 2 119.2 2 384.9 ----- 1 589.0 2 438.8 ----- 1 512.2 24 1 232.8 2 256.9 25 1 173.0 2 353.8 ----- 1 619.1 1 560.9 26 1 156.9 ----- ----- 1 621.9 1 524.7 27 1 189.7 ----- 2 538.9 28 1 230.1 29 1 570.6 1 666.5 2 371.6 ----- 1 378.6 1 659.1 2 411.1 1 812.0 ----- 1 372.9 1 311.5 2 390.6 1 230.6 1 321.0 ----- 1 654.0 ----- 1 790.4 21 ----- 1 617.5 1 751.9 ----- 1 795.5 20 1 362.4 1 744.9 16 19 ----- ----- 1 379.4 1 774.3 15 1 305.7 1 402.4 ----- 1 747.2 2 481.1 18 ----- 1 374.1 1 781.7 1 691.9 2 529.8 1 292.5 ----- 1 468.3 ----- 1 705.8 1 739.7 ----- 1 234.4 1 498.8 1 662.6 1 494.7 1 281.3 ----- 1 208.4 1 595.2 2 072.7 17 1 384.5 1 728.9 ----- 1 685.3 2 464.8 ----- 1 725.4 1 774.2 9 1 730.7 1 430.8 1 886.0 8 1 221.8 ----- ----- 1 402.4 ----- 1 760.7 2 177.0 10 1 419.8 1 927.7 1 589.1 ----- 1 237.4 ----- 1 442.1 ----- 1 435.5 ----- 1 463.9 1 325.8 1 408.1 1 504.5 1 530.7 ----- 1 331.2 1 396.6 ----- ----- 1 512.5 1 451.7 ----- 1 306.0 1 439.3 1 797.1 ----- 1 526.5 ----- 1 789.8 1 569.6 ----- 1 761.2 1 602.1 ----- 1 411.0 1 294.0 ----- ----- 1 436.3 1 335.6 --------- 1 503.0 1 389.2 ----- 1 881.6 1 686.4 ----- 1 430.9 1 360.4 ----- ----- 1 570.9 ----- 1 905.6 1 660.6 ----- 1 432.2 1 354.3 1 339.6 1 484.3 1 609.0 ----- 1 912.3 1 644.3 2 129.2 2 528.9 1 581.3 1 374.4 ----- 1 309.4 1 462.4 ----- 2 168.0 2 432.6 ----- 1 625.9 1 826.9 ----- 1 576.7 1 411.2 ----- 1 290.6 1 456.9 1 778.8 ----- 1 594.6 30 ----- ----- 2 282.9 ----- 1 659.0 31 1 221.0 ----- 2 108.9 ----- 1 691.1 Closing index value for continuous trading Fact Book 2001 ----- 1 608.0 1 651.4 ----- 1 329.5 1 240.6 ----- ----- 1 356.6 ----- ----- WSE indices 53 WIRR index portfolio (end of 2000) No Shares Price (zl) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SZEPTEL 7BULLS HOWELL CSS GROCLIN APEXIM BAUMA STGROUP PIASECKI MIESZKO INSTALKRK POZMEAT VISCO MUZA POLIGR PPWK IGROUP POLLENAE STRZELEC POLNORD HYDROBUD WKSM ZREW APATOR PROJPRZEM BIELBAW EFEKT GARBARNIA YAWAL PEMUG WAFAPOMP MANOMETRY ENERGOPOL BCZ CHEMISKOR NAFTOBUDOWA ENAP KOPEX PONAR TIM PAZUR CENTROSTALGD LDASA POLNA EKODROB WISTIL MILMET SANWIL KRAKCHEM INSTAL 41.00 36.80 28.80 30.40 28.80 22.10 18.20 10.90 7.80 8.30 10.00 24.50 19.90 16.00 20.60 15.00 5.00 13.40 2.68 17.00 21.00 53.80 25.90 12.30 5.60 13.80 20.00 8.50 18.60 7.70 6.90 10.10 9.30 15.70 4.29 6.00 6.30 13.20 14.75 2.65 4.65 1.94 5.40 14.20 1.88 22.30 3.29 3.00 3.45 1.48 Number of shares 6 6 5 3 2 2 3 4 6 5 4 1 1 2 1 2 6 2 12 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 4 2 6 2 6 3 3 2 6 517 221 023 630 750 800 226 599 354 700 422 653 957 323 803 322 550 405 000 713 203 446 868 813 794 450 975 250 013 311 444 619 717 993 460 353 198 994 867 800 712 331 217 832 000 500 160 341 617 073 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Market value (zl) 267 228 144 110 79 61 58 50 49 47 44 40 38 37 37 34 32 32 32 29 25 23 22 22 21 20 19 19 18 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 10 10 9 8 197 932 662 352 200 880 713 129 561 310 220 498 944 168 141 830 750 227 160 121 263 994 481 299 246 010 500 125 841 794 863 351 968 590 843 118 847 120 788 720 610 282 971 814 280 150 396 023 028 988 Share in WIRR (%) 000 800 400 000 000 000 200 100 200 000 000 500 300 000 800 000 000 000 000 000 000 800 200 900 400 000 000 000 800 700 600 900 100 100 400 000 400 800 250 000 800 140 800 400 000 000 400 000 650 040 Fact Book 2001 13.56 11.61 7.34 5.60 4.02 3.14 2.98 2.54 2.51 2.40 2.24 2.05 1.98 1.89 1.88 1.77 1.66 1.64 1.63 1.48 1.28 1.22 1.14 1.13 1.08 1.02 0.99 0.97 0.96 0.90 0.86 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.75 0.72 0.70 0.67 0.65 0.65 0.64 0.62 0.61 0.60 0.57 0.57 0.53 0.51 0.46 0.46 54 WSE indices WIRR index portfolio (end of 2000) No Shares Price (zl) Number of shares 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 HYDROTOR KOMPAP MASTERS IBSYSTEM UNIMIL LUBAWA LUKBUT BETONSTAL 4.90 5.05 2.03 12.80 16.20 2.02 3.90 1.10 1 696 000 1 640 000 3 784 000 581 000 386 000 2 800 000 624 000 1 530 000 Market value (zl) 8 8 7 7 6 5 2 1 310 282 681 436 253 656 433 683 Share in WIRR (%) 400 000 520 800 200 000 600 000 0.42 0.42 0.39 0.38 0.32 0.29 0.12 0.09 WIRR index in 2000 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May 1 ----- 2 265.1 2 824.3 ----- 2 ----- 2 302.7 2 867.4 ----- 2 801.0 2 894.1 ----- Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct ----- 3 006.5 ----- 3 082.8 3 056.2 ----- ----- 3 000.8 ----- 3 062.4 Nov Dec Day 3 2 151.0 2 386.4 4 2 143.7 2 584.5 ----- 2 796.2 2 867.6 5 2 056.1 ----- ----- 2 809.7 2 784.4 6 2 080.9 ----- 2 864.2 7 2 140.9 2 834.7 2 837.5 2 789.4 ----- 2 998.5 3 062.6 ----- 3 012.4 2 850.0 2 882.6 ----- 2 953.3 3 060.5 ----- 2 660.7 2 701.2 ----- 2 787.6 ----- 2 781.9 2 768.4 ----- 2 786.6 11 2 243.1 12 2 209.3 13 2 236.5 ----- 2 870.9 14 2 267.3 2 909.7 2 816.1 2 692.4 ----- 2 842.4 2 845.1 ----- ----- 2 833.9 2 869.5 2 617.1 2 989.1 ----- 3 084.4 3 034.4 ----- 2 684.8 2 607.5 3 020.0 ----- 3 083.6 ----- 3 068.7 3 110.1 ----- 3 051.4 3 083.9 2 733.8 2 837.4 ----- 3 007.6 3 061.7 ----- 2 996.7 2 728.4 2 884.9 ----- 3 021.8 3 061.8 2 575.5 ----- 2 603.3 2 589.8 ----- 2 975.1 ----- 2 621.3 2 600.4 3 027.2 ----- 3 051.8 ----- 3 053.0 2 945.2 2 751.0 ----- 2 777.3 2 923.3 ----- ----- 2 838.2 2 966.5 2 229.9 ----- 2 906.1 21 2 218.4 ----- 2 759.2 2 839.4 ----- 3 000.6 3 099.7 ----- 2 976.6 2 789.4 ----- 3 022.5 3 109.5 ----- 2 748.7 2 907.8 ----- 2 981.3 ----- 2 846.2 2 921.4 ----- 3 019.8 2 961.2 ----- 2 997.4 24 2 221.4 2 849.7 25 2 144.0 2 871.3 ----- 2 833.3 2 946.5 26 2 154.0 ----- ----- 2 895.7 2 891.4 27 2 172.2 ----- 2 988.2 28 2 229.7 3 005.6 3 018.5 2 618.9 2 756.3 23 3 017.9 ----- 3 118.5 ----- ----- 2 780.8 2 961.3 22 2 689.3 3 007.0 2 588.0 ----- 2 952.6 ----- ----- 2 732.8 ----- 3 096.1 ----- 2 772.7 3 082.3 2 857.5 29 3 068.2 3 027.5 2 705.5 ----- 2 575.5 2 999.8 ----- 2 885.9 2 690.0 ----- 2 591.1 2 582.9 ----- 2 880.4 20 ----- 2 759.1 2 831.1 2 204.8 2 634.5 2 976.5 2 788.1 2 262.0 ----- ----- 2 824.6 ----- 2 989.1 ----- 2 657.1 19 2 674.9 3 036.4 ----- 2 616.7 18 ----- 2 828.6 3 006.9 16 2 914.7 2 638.9 ----- 2 708.2 15 2 643.3 ----- 2 634.2 2 689.1 3 012.6 2 784.7 2 247.8 ----- 2 644.3 3 059.5 2 580.7 17 ----- 3 037.0 9 2 867.6 3 073.6 2 716.0 ----- 3 005.9 8 2 668.1 ----- 3 064.5 ----- ----- 2 852.2 3 080.1 2 793.1 2 237.7 3 043.8 2 722.4 3 055.5 2 583.2 10 ----- 3 026.2 ----- 2 617.9 ----- 2 841.0 ----- 2 610.0 ----- 2 649.6 2 624.6 2 638.3 3 000.9 2 977.8 ----- 2 606.1 2 637.1 ----- ----- 2 995.4 2 873.0 ----- 2 615.5 2 612.8 3 027.8 ----- 3 012.4 ----- 3 104.5 3 004.8 ----- 3 121.1 3 023.9 ----- 2 770.1 2 627.9 ----- ----- 2 768.9 2 661.3 --------- 2 867.5 2 747.5 ----- 3 026.0 3 118.9 ----- 2 862.5 2 740.9 ----- ----- 2 939.3 ----- 3 064.6 3 093.1 ----- 2 788.4 2 725.9 2 683.1 2 665.1 2 919.0 ----- 3 051.4 3 119.9 3 031.4 2 808.3 ----- 2 666.7 2 691.4 ----- 2 920.4 3 069.7 ----- 2 991.8 2 844.1 ----- 2 668.3 2 748.6 3 055.6 ----- 3 002.8 30 ----- ----- 2 942.9 ----- 2 956.4 31 2 225.1 ----- 2 826.6 ----- 3 015.6 ----- 3 093.5 3 028.8 ----- 2 719.2 2 663.5 ----- ----- 2 718.5 ----- ----- Until November 16, 2000, index value from single-price system; from November 17, 2000 onward, closing index value for continuous trading Fact Book 2001 55 WSE indices NIF index portfolio (end of 2000) No Shares Price (zl) Number of shares Market value (zl) Share in NIF (%) 1 JUPITER 5.40 2 10.80 18.06 2 08OCTAVA 8.40 1 8.40 14.05 3 09KWIAT 5.00 1 5.00 8.36 4 14ZACH 4.30 1 4.30 7.19 5 10FOKSAL 4.05 1 4.05 6.77 6 04PRO 4.00 1 4.00 6.69 7 01NFI 3.94 1 3.94 6.59 8 06MAGNA 3.52 1 3.52 5.89 13FORTUNA 3.24 1 3.24 5.42 10 9 15HETMAN 3.20 1 3.20 5.35 11 07NFI 2.67 1 2.67 4.46 12 02NFI 2.44 1 2.44 4.08 13 05VICT 2.40 1 2.40 4.01 14 12PIAST 1.84 1 1.84 3.08 NIF index in 2000 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 ----- 54.9 51.3 ----- ----- 55.7 ----- 60.6 64.8 2 ----- 56.0 54.8 ----- ----- 55.3 ----- 60.8 ----- ----- ----- 58.9 66.8 64.6 3 63.7 57.9 56.8 57.4 ----- ----- 54.6 60.7 ----- 64.4 64.4 --------- 4 61.0 57.5 ----- 57.3 57.5 ----- 54.4 60.6 65.4 64.0 ----- 58.2 5 59.3 ----- ----- 55.5 57.4 54.3 56.4 ----- 65.1 65.9 ----- 57.8 6 59.6 ----- 57.3 57.4 ----- 54.1 56.6 ----- 64.8 66.6 63.8 59.0 7 62.2 57.6 58.1 58.6 ----- 54.3 56.9 60.5 63.9 ----- 63.4 59.7 8 ----- 57.8 58.1 ----- 56.3 54.2 ----- 61.4 63.4 ----- 62.5 59.5 ----- Day 9 ----- 57.3 63.8 ----- 56.1 54.3 ----- 62.5 ----- 65.7 62.0 10 62.8 57.7 65.7 61.6 57.1 ----- 60.0 62.8 ----- 65.2 61.7 ----- 11 61.2 56.4 ----- 60.1 56.9 ----- 60.4 61.2 62.6 63.8 ----- 59.4 12 60.6 ----- ----- 62.1 56.7 54.3 59.3 ----- 62.8 63.5 ----- 59.2 13 60.9 ----- 63.5 61.2 ----- 54.0 59.0 ----- 62.9 61.9 60.8 61.0 14 60.6 56.2 64.8 59.8 ----- 55.0 58.9 60.9 64.1 ----- 61.0 60.1 15 ----- 54.8 61.0 ----- 56.8 58.1 ----- ----- 68.9 ----- 60.5 60.2 16 ----- 53.7 58.8 ----- 57.7 57.6 ----- 61.9 ----- 62.5 60.2 ----- 17 59.7 53.4 59.4 56.0 58.4 ----- 59.2 60.8 ----- 62.8 59.8 ----- 18 58.4 52.6 ----- 56.5 57.7 ----- 59.6 60.4 67.6 61.8 ----- 59.7 19 56.9 ----- ----- 56.9 57.0 56.5 58.9 ----- 67.4 62.6 ----- 59.9 20 56.6 ----- 58.6 57.4 ----- 55.8 59.9 ----- 70.0 63.1 59.9 59.2 21 56.4 51.4 57.6 ----- ----- 55.4 60.6 60.3 69.7 ----- 59.9 58.4 22 ----- 51.0 59.1 ----- 56.1 ----- ----- 61.8 69.9 ----- 59.1 59.5 23 ----- 50.6 58.4 ----- 55.3 54.9 ----- 61.8 ----- 62.6 59.3 ----- 24 54.3 49.0 58.6 ----- 54.7 ----- 60.8 62.2 ----- 63.1 59.6 ----- 25 52.7 48.8 ----- 56.6 54.8 ----- 60.0 62.0 68.9 63.1 ----- ----- 26 53.9 ----- ----- 55.9 53.6 54.9 59.7 ----- 66.1 62.5 ----- ----- 27 56.7 ----- 61.0 56.9 ----- 54.7 59.1 ----- 65.6 62.6 60.1 59.3 28 55.6 48.4 60.7 58.2 ----- 54.6 60.5 62.4 65.8 ----- 59.7 59.5 29 ----- 49.8 60.0 ----- 53.4 54.8 ----- 63.1 67.2 ----- 59.8 59.8 30 ----- ----- 59.4 ----- 55.3 54.9 ----- 64.2 ----- 62.3 59.7 ----- 31 55.4 ----- 59.2 ----- 55.5 ----- 59.9 63.6 ----- 62.2 ----- ----- Closing index value for continuous trading Fact Book 2001 56 WSE indices Fact Book 2001 57 D erivatives market Futures The Warsaw Stock Exchange derivatives market was launched on January 16, 1998, when WIG20 index futures were introduced to trading. In 1998, futures contracts on the USD exchange rate were listed, and in 1999 Euro exchange-rate contracts were introduced to trading. Since August 2000, futures on the TechWIG index have also been available for trading. In January 2001, futures contracts on individual stocks debuted on the Exchange. The Exchange, as the organiser of trading on the futures market, develops contract specifications, which define, among other things, the manner of contract value calculation, quotation unit and tick (minimum price change), first and last day of trading, manner of daily and final settlement price determination, as well as the settlement method. Procedures for clearing, settlement and record-keeping, as well as amount of required margin, are determined by the National Depository for Securities, which acts as a clearing house. In the year 2000, it was possible at any given time to trade WIG20 futures with expiry dates in the three consecutive months of the March quarterly cycle (March, June, September and December). In the case of currency futures, at any given time 5 contract series, with expiry dates in the three nearest calendar months, as well as the two consecutive months from the March quarterly cycle, were available for trading. Futures contracts are traded in the continuous trading system from 9:00 a.m. to 4:10 p.m. At the opening and closing of trading, an auction is held just as in the case of other securities quoted in the continuous system. To ensure liquidity on the derivatives market, some Exchange members act as market makers (animators). This means that, based on an agreement made with the Exchange, they are required to place their own buy and sell orders in the order book. At the end of the year 2000, five member firms performed a market-making function. Price variation limits are imposed on futures contracts trading. The maximum allowable variation from the previous settlement price is 10% for index and stock futures, and 5% for currency futures. In the year 2000, the WIG20 futures market grew with particular intensity. Currency futures showed the weakest growth. Transactions could be concluded by investors via 29 entities required to meet relevant organisational and financial requirements. In the last quarter of the year, the value of futures trading exceeded turnover on the equity market. Fact Book 2001 58 Derivatives market WIG20 and TechWIG index futures contracts—basic characteristics Contract symbol FW20kr FTECkr Underlying instrument WIG20 index TechWIG index Multiplier 10 zl 10 zl Contract value Multiplier x contract price Multiplier x contract price Quotation unit Index points Index points Minimum price fluctuation(tick) One index point One index point Minimum tick value 10 zl 10 zl Contract delivery months Three nearest months of following cycle: March, June, September, December Three nearest months of following cycle: March, June, September, December Last trading day Third Friday of given expiry month. If there is no trading session on that date, it is last trading session day preceding third Friday of expiry month. Third Friday of given expiry month. If there is no trading session on that date, it is last trading session day preceding third Friday of expiry month. Expiry date Day when final settlement price is determined. In this case, this is the same as last trading day. Day when final settlement price is determined. In this case, this is the same as last trading day. Final settlement price Final settlement price is determined on contract expiry date as arithmetic mean of all WIG20 values from last hour of continuous trading and closing WIG20 index value Final settlement price is determined on contract expiry date as arithmetic mean of all TechWIG values from last hour of continuous trading and closing TechWIG index value Settlement date Next working day following contract expiry date (day after last trading day) Next working day following contract expiry date (day after last trading day) Settlement Cash in Polish zloty Cash in Polish zloty USD and EURO exchange rate futures contracts—basic characteristics Contract symbol FUSDkr FEURkr Underlying instrument USD/PLN exchange rate EUR/PLN exchange rate Contract size 10,000 USD 10,000 EUR Quotation unit PLN per 100 USD PLN per 100 EUR Minimum price fluctuation (tick) 0.01 PLN per 100 USD (quotation for 100 USD) = 1 PLN 0.01 PLN per 100 EUR (quotation for 100 EUR) = 1 PLN Contract delivery months Three nearest calendar months plus 2 subsequent months from March quarterly cycle Three nearest calendar months plus 2 subsequent months from March quarterly cycle Last trading day Trading day directly preceding expiry date. Trading day directly preceding expiry date. Expiry date Day on which final settlement price is determined. Fourth Friday of contract month; in the event of fourth Friday not being a business day, expiry date shall normally be last business day preceding fourth Friday. Day on which final settlement price is determined. Fourth Friday of contract month; in the event of fourth Friday not being a business day, expiry date shall normally be last business day preceding fourth Friday. Final settlement price Average USD exchange rate determined by National Bank of Poland at fixing on contract expiry date, multiplied by 100. Average EUR exchange rate determined by National Bank of Poland at fixing on contract expiry date, multiplied by 100. Settlement date Next business day following contract expiry date. Next business day following contract expiry date. Settlement Cash in Polish zloty Cash in Polish zloty Fact Book 2001 59 Derivatives market WIG20 and TechWIG futures trading calendar Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec March June September December March June September EURO and USD futures trading calendar Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec January February March April May June July August September October November December January Feb September March June Fact Book 2001 60 Derivatives market Index futures in 2000 WIG20 futures Month Number of transactions Trading volume TechWIG futures Open interest at end Number of transactions Trading volume of month Open interest at end of month January 38 682 113 393 6 914 --- --- --- February 52 448 159 974 6 647 --- --- --- March 42 143 108 084 5 854 --- --- --- April 32 697 88 051 7 103 --- --- --- May 41 161 110 740 6 777 --- --- --- June 36 405 95 987 5 583 --- --- --- July 26 108 67 304 6 343 --- --- --- August 33 144 83 130 8 156 2 743 4 424 345 September 38 731 103 503 7 443 3 155 4 583 455 October 56 202 171 100 11 574 2 522 3 450 645 November 70 638 223 010 13 155 1 818 2 572 790 56 813 165 729 11 116 2 281 3 041 606 12 519 18 070 December Total 525 172 1 490 005 Currency futures in 2000 USD exchange rate futures Month Number of transactions Trading volume EUR exchange rate futures Open interest at end Number of transactions Trading volume of month Open interest at end of month January 44 289 151 40 301 247 February 39 72 150 68 147 333 March 33 205 101 64 204 169 April 68 115 109 118 431 312 May 214 394 132 244 1087 279 June 142 393 87 146 402 214 July 80 161 86 175 397 269 August 56 87 70 230 583 412 265 September 131 229 70 216 409 October 174 373 152 309 609 198 November 111 363 102 134 312 221 78 145 62 129 259 168 1 170 2 826 1 873 5 141 December Total Fact Book 2001 61 Derivatives market Futures trading in 2000 (volume) 250 000 200 000 150 000 100 000 50 000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Futures trading in 2000 (open interest) 16 000 14 000 12 000 10 000 8 000 6 000 4 000 2 000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Fact Book 2001 Nov Dec 62 Derivatives market Turnover in 2000 (cash market vs derivatives market) mil. zl Cash market (shares from WIG20 index) WIG20 futures 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Warrants European-style warrants are available for trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Banks and other financial institutions, e.g. brokerage houses, may issue such warrants on stocks of other companies already in public trading, indices and other Call and put warrants in 2000 Month Call warrants value share in total (‘000 zl) value (%) Put warrants value share in total (‘000 zl) value (%) Total value share in total (‘000 zl) value (%) January 8 501.0 14.35 1 004.0 8.03 9 505.0 13.25 February 13 702.0 23.13 727.0 5.82 14 428.0 20.11 March 11 378.0 19.21 1 434.0 11.47 12 813.0 17.86 April 4 626.0 7.81 1 467.0 11.74 6 092.0 8.49 May 4 052.0 6.84 890.0 7.12 4 942.0 6.89 June 3 167.0 5.35 506.0 4.05 3 673.0 5.12 July 2 744.0 4.63 579.0 4.63 3 323.0 4.63 August 2 184.0 3.69 1 266.0 10.13 3 450.0 4.81 September 1 665.0 2.81 849.0 6.79 2 515.0 3.51 October November December Total 944.0 1.59 1 774.0 14.19 2 718.0 3.79 2 587.0 4.37 1 482.0 11.86 4 068.0 5.67 3 681.0 6.21 523.0 4.18 4 203.0 5.86 59 231.0 100.00 12 501.0 100.00 71 730.0 100.00 Fact Book 2001 Derivatives market 63 financial instruments. European-style means that the warrant may be executed only on a date pre-designated by the issuer, known as the expiry date. The first warrants were introduced to trading on the Exchange on March 9, 1998. These were call warrants on Elektrim shares and on the NIF index issued by Bank Rozwoju Eksportu. In the following months, warrants on other stocks and WSE indices were made available for trading. In October 1999, put warrants on the WIG20 index were introduced, and a month later, put and call warrants on several stocks were listed. At the end of the year 2000 there were 74 series of warrants available on the Exchange. These were put and call warrants on the WIG20 and NIF indices, as well as on a dozen or so of the most liquid stocks. Warrants are traded in the continuous system from 10:00 a.m. to 4:10 p.m. No price variation limits apply for warrant quotations. Stock and index warrants in 2000 Month Stock warrants value share in total (‘000 zl) value (%) Index warrants value share in total (‘000 zl) value (%) January 5 638.0 12.08 3 867.0 15.44 9 505.0 13.25 February 10 518.0 22.53 3 910.0 15.62 14 428.0 20.11 March 9 468.0 20.28 3 345.0 13.36 12 813.0 17.86 April 3 688.0 7.90 2 404.0 9.60 6 092.0 8.49 May 2 893.0 6.20 2 049.0 8.18 4 942.0 6.89 June 2 136.0 4.57 1 538.0 6.14 3 674.0 5.12 July 2 208.0 4.73 1 115.0 4.45 3 323.0 4.63 August 1 489.0 3.19 1 960.0 7.83 3 449.0 4.81 September 1 077.0 2.31 1 438.0 5.74 2 515.0 3.51 716.0 1.53 2 002.0 8.00 2 718.0 3.79 October Total value share in total (‘000 zl) value (%) November 3 104.0 6.65 964.0 3.85 4 068.0 5.67 December 3 756.0 8.04 447.0 1.79 4 203.0 5.86 46 691.0 100.00 25 039.0 100.00 71 730.0 100.00 Total Fact Book 2001 64 Derivatives market Futures contracts—key figures Futures contracts (total) Number of transactions per session Total turnover value (mil. zl) Average turnover value per session (‘000 zl) Average volume per session (Average number of futures contracts per session) Open interest (at end of year) Number of series (at end of year) 2000 1999 2 163 359 1998 63 58 612 6 368 602 234 447 25 575 2 406 6 064 836 97 11 952 5 360 699 16 13 7 WIG20 futures Number of transactions per session Total turnover value (mil. zl) Average turnover value per session (‘000 zl) Average volume per session (Average number of futures contracts per session) Open interest (at end of year) Number of series (at end of year) 2000 1999 2 101 355 1998 63 57 390 6 015 597 229 560 24 058 2 386 5 960 815 97 11 116 4 845 675 3 3 2 TechWIG futures Number of transactions per session Total turnover value (mil. zl) 2000*** 119 1999 --- 1998 --- 545 --- --- 5 190 --- --- Average volume per session (Average number of futures contracts per session) 172 --- --- Open interest (at end of year) 606 --- --- 3 --- --- Average turnover value per session (‘000 zl) Number of series (at end of year) EURO exchange rate futures Number of transactions per session Total turnover value (mil. zl) Average turnover value per session (‘000 zl) Average volume per session (Average number of futures contracts per session) Open interest (at end of year) Number of series (at end of year) 2000 7 1999** 3 1998 --- 424 168 --- 1 695 1 148 --- 21 13 --- 168 375 --- 5 5 --- USD exchange rate futures Number of transactions per session Total turnover value (mil. zl) 2000 5 1999 2 1998* 0 253 186 5 1 012 744 59 Average volume per session (Average number of futures contracts per session) 11 9 1 Open interest (at end of year) 62 140 24 5 5 5 Average turnover value per session (‘000 zl) Number of series (at end of year) * 83 trading sessions ** 146 trading sessions *** 105 trading sessions Fact Book 2001 65 I nvestors Domestic and foreign investors are treated equally, and there are no restrictions concerning transfer of capital gains by foreign investors. Capital gains made by domestic private individuals are tax-exempt until the end of 2003. Dividends are subject to a 15% withholding tax. Income from interest on Treasury bonds is tax-exempt for individual domestic investors. Domestic legal entities pay a 28% income tax both on capital gains and on interest from T-bonds; dividends paid to them are subject to a 15% withholding tax. Foreign investors are subject to basically the same regulations as domestic investors. Tax obligations of foreign investors deriving income in Poland are regulated by intergovernmental agreements on the avoidance of double taxation, as well as by relevant reciprocity agreements. The number of investment accounts in brokerage houses amounted to 1.2 million at the end of 2000. Only about 5% of adult Poles use stocks or bonds to diversify their savings and investment portfolios. Number of investment accounts (in thousands) 1 300 1 200 1 100 1 000 900 800 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 At the same time, individual investors constitute a quite active group on the Exchange. In the year 2000, an average of 17.6 thousand transactions were concluded per session, which, in comparison with other medium-sized European markets, is a significant number. In the year 2000, 25 new investment funds were created. At the end of the year, there were 21 Investment Fund Corporations operating in Poland, managing a total of 93 funds. The year 2000 was the second year of Open Pension Funds investing on the Exchange. All 21 funds active on the Polish market invested a portion of collected premiums in stocks listed on the Exchange. Fact Book 2001 66 Investors At the end of the year, stocks accounted for 33.6% of the open pension funds' investment portfolio (with a limit set by law at 40%), while bonds represented over 61.4% of their investment portfolio's total value. Treaties on avoidance of double taxation No Country Treaty in force since No Country Treaty in force since 1 Albania 01.01.95 32 Malaysia 01.01.77 2 3 Australia 01.01.93 33 Malta 01.01.95 Austria 01.01.74 34 Moldavia 01.01.96 4 Belarus 01.01.94 35 Morocco 01.01.96 01.01.79 36 Netherlands 01.01.78 5 Belgium 6 Bulgaria 01.01.96 37 Norway 01.01.76 7 Canada 01.01.89 38 Pakistan 01.01.73 8 China 01.01.90 39 Philippines 01.01.98 9 Croatia 01.01.97 40 Portugal 01.01.99 10 Cyprus 01.01.94 41 Romania 01.01.96 11 Czech Republic 01.01.94 42 Russia 01.01.94 12 Denmark (protocol) 01.01.74 43 Singapore 01.01.94 13 Estonia 01.01.95 44 Slovak Republic 01.01.96 14 Finland (protocol) 01.01.80 45 Slovenia 01.01.99 15 France 01.01.74 46 South Africa 01.01.96 16 Germany (protocol) 01.01.72 47 South Korea 01.01.91 17 Great Britain 01.04.75 48 Spain 01.01.83 18 Greece 01.01.92 49 Sri Lanka 01.01.83 19 Hungary 01.01.96 50 Sweden 01.01.74 20 India 01.01.90 51 Switzerland 01.01.92 21 Indonesia 01.01.94 52 Thailand 01.01.83 22 Ireland 01.01.96 53 Tunisia 01.01.94 23 Island 01.01.00 54 Turkey 01.01.98 24 Italy 01.01.84 55 Ukraine 01.01.95 25 Israel 01.01.92 56 United Arab Emirates 01.01.95 26 Japan 01.01.82 57 USA 01.01.74 27 Jordan 01.01.00 58 Uzbekistan 01.01.96 28 Kazakhstan 01.01.96 59 Vietnam 01.01.96 29 Latvia 01.01.95 60 Yugoslavia 01.01.86 30 Lithuania 01.01.95 61 Zimbabwe 01.01.95 31 Luxembourg 01.01.97 Fact Book 2001 Source: Ministry of Finance 67 I ssuers Equities are listed on the Exchange on three different markets: main, parallel and free. Disclosure requirements are the same for all companies, regardless of the market on which they are listed. From the investor's point of view, the quotation market indicates the liquidity as well as the level of risk resulting from a company's size, history and financial results achieved in the past. The most liquid companies, regardless of the market to which they belong, are traded in the continuous trading system; companies with lower liquidity are traded in the single-price auction system with two auctions per day; and the remaining stocks, in the singleprice auction system with one auction* per day. A company intending to introduce its shares to Exchange trading applies to the Exchange Supervisory Board, which makes the decision regarding admittance to trading. The conditions prerequisite for obtaining a positive decision are: prior admittance of the company's shares to public trading by the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission, lack of limitations on transferability of these shares, and fulfilment of minimum criteria qualifying a company's shares for the free market. The decision to introduce a company's shares to trading on the main, parallel or free market is made by the Exchange Management Board on the basis of detailed Selected listing requirements Main market Parallel market Free market Minimum value of shares to be admitted for trading 40 mil. zl 14 mil. zl 4 mil. zl Minimum book value of company 65 mil. zl 22 mil. zl 4 mil. zl Minimum value of shares admitted to trading and held by shareholders, each of whom owns no more than 5% of the total number of votes at the general meeting 32 mil. zl 11 mil. zl ----- 25% or at least 500 000 shares of value at least 70 mil. zl 10% or at least ----- 200 000 shares of value at least 35 mil. zl 500 300 ----- three financial years two financial years last financial year Minimum percentage of shares to be admitted for trading and held by shareholders, each of whom owns no more than 5% of the total number of votes at the general meeting Minimum number of shareholders who hold shares to be admitted for trading Period for which company is required to disclose audited financial reports to the public * Effective April 18, 2001, the single-price system with one auction per day is no longer used for stock quotations. Stocks previously traded in this system have been reallocated either to continuous trading or to the single-price system with two auctions per day. Fact Book 2001 68 Issuers criteria contained in the Exchange Rules. A company listed on a lower quotation market may apply—after fulfilling the relevant requirements listed in the Rules - to have its shares transferred to a higher quotation market. The Management Board also decides the quotation system in which a company's shares are to be traded. Newly-listed companies in 2000 No Company Issue price First quotation date price (zl) (zl) Price Price change from at end issue price first quotation of year (zl) (%) (%) 1 BEEFSAN 2.70 9.03.00 3.50 1.43 -47.0 -59.1 2 MPECWRO 6.40 23.03.00 11.40 7.25 13.3 -36.4 3 STALPROFI 4 EFL 5 KOGENERA 6 MACROSOFT 7 NETIA 8 PUE 9 FASING 10 KRAKBROK 11 TALEX 12 WANDALEX 13 SIMPLE 11.00 26.04.00 12.75 12.75 15.9 0.0 145.00 9.05.00 151.00 114.50 -21.0 -24.2 49.00 26.05.00 52.00 52.00 6.1 0.0 -64.3 x 31.05.00 105.00 37.50 x 110.00 11.07.00 117.00 75.50 -31.4 -35.5 26.00 23.08.00 24.00 17.50 -32.7 -27.1 x 18.09.00 5.50 2.99 x -45.6 8.10 4.10.00 8.00 6.70 -17.3 -16.3 29.00 20.11.00 30.00 26.80 -7.6 -10.7 3.50 29.11.00 3.22 2.61 -25.4 -18.9 109.00 14.12.00 118.50 113.00 3.7 -4.6 De-listings in 2000 No Company Suspension date De-listing date Reason for de-listing 17.01.00 28.01.00 merger --- 1.03.00 bankruptcy 10.04.00 17.04.00 merger 1 UNIBUD 2 POLISA 3 11NFI 4 ZASADA 16.05.00 19.05.00 company‘s motion 5 FARM FOOD 19.07.00 2.08.00 merger 6 JAROSLAW 21.08.00 28.09.00 merger 7 POLIFARBD 25.09.00 28.09.00 company‘s motion 8 MOSTALKRK 21.09.00 18.10.00 merger 9 BROK 31.10.00 20.11.00 company‘s motion Fact Book 2001 69 Issuers Companies with largest market capitalisation in 2000 (end of year) No Company Shares Market outstanding capitalisation (in millions) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TPSA PEKAO PKNORLEN KGHM AGORA HANDLOWY ELEKTRIM BPH PBK BRE BIG NETIA PROKOM BSK WBK KREDYTB ZYWIEC ORBIS WARTA SWIECIE SOFTBANK BOS OPTIMUS COMPLAND STOMIL EFL KABLEHOLD BWR 7BULLS KOGENERA BUDIMEX DEBICA KETY COMARCH EXBUD ECHO SZEPTEL IZOLACJA AGROS LGPETRO PGF JUPITER CERSANIT MITEX MPECWRO IMPEXMET AMICA BAKOMA OKOCIM JELFA 1 400.00 165.75 420.18 200.00 56.76 69.92 83.77 14.05 29.34 22.97 424.59 31.42 12.70 9.26 68.82 98.60 7.39 46.08 8.13 50.00 16.03 13.20 6.88 6.51 27.22 6.38 119.57 298.06 15.50 10.90 25.53 13.80 10.50 7.23 15.00 3.50 10.10 1.15 11.00 22.26 12.24 60.11 11.63 20.52 40.46 10.63 8.74 11.50 22.00 6.80 38 10 9 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Market share (mil. zl) (%) 640.00 359.26 453.99 160.00 824.39 299.93 238.78 301.16 109.78 009.14 844.76 372.15 209.80 176.10 885.56 557.91 537.68 193.39 178.51 100.00 041.99 930.60 850.19 745.58 737.66 730.83 594.27 572.27 570.40 566.80 491.45 469.29 462.03 458.26 436.50 423.50 414.10 391.00 390.50 382.81 348.71 324.61 315.25 294.46 293.36 290.21 279.60 276.00 266.20 257.04 29.69 7.96 7.27 3.97 3.71 3.30 3.26 2.54 2.39 2.31 2.19 1.82 1.70 1.67 1.45 1.20 1.18 0.92 0.91 0.85 0.80 0.72 0.65 0.57 0.57 0.56 0.46 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.38 0.36 0.36 0.35 0.34 0.33 0.32 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.20 P/BV P/E Dividend yield (%) 3.42 2.38 1.45 1.32 5.49 1.32 1.03 1.50 1.47 1.40 1.56 3.22 4.66 1.30 1.81 1.09 0.74 1.15 3.06 1.17 5.13 1.55 4.48 7.31 1.35 1.26 0.91 4.37 9.30 1.29 1.17 0.83 1.41 4.03 1.19 2.28 13.18 3.06 1.09 1.31 1.23 0.73 3.07 3.38 0.95 0.81 0.84 1.96 0.68 0.79 25.8 23.9 11.5 18.3 34.1 11.3 1.2 22.2 10.5 10.5 9.0 x 23.5 11.2 8.8 8.5 18.8 17.5 x 5.2 27.6 13.0 x 32.4 8.4 9.9 68.5 x x 100.5 32.8 6.7 22.4 81.0 83.2 10.3 182.1 34.8 x 10.9 26.1 x 16.4 7.0 8.5 15.6 5.2 17.5 67.0 13.0 Fact Book 2001 0.2 --0.2 ----4.3 ----2.4 6.1 1.2 --0.9 1.9 2.0 2.5 1.0 --3.0 4.5 0.8 2.1 ----2.2 --------0.2 --6.8 ----------------2.1 --------0.4 --4.2 --4.0 70 Issuers Listed companies by origin Public offering Held by State Treasury by holdings 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Mixed ownership Private with State roots Private gone public NIF underlying companies Exbud Kable Krosno Próchnik Swarzędz Tonsil Wedel Wólczanka Żywiec BRE Elektrim Irena Mostostal-Export Okocim BIG Universal Polifarb-Cieszyn Sokołów WBK Vistula Mostostal-Warszawa Agros Holding BSK Dębica Jelfa Polifarb-Wrocław Rafako Rolimpex Stalexport AmerBank Kable Holding Remak Kredyt Bank ESPEBEPE Drosed Indykpol KrakChemia Mostostal-Zabrze Novita Prochem Dom-Plast Optimus Fortis Bank Gdański BPH Bytom Górażdże Polfa Kutno Stomil Olsztyn KPBP-BICK Mostostal-Gdańsk Animex BWR PBR Pekpol LGPetro Warta Beton Stal Budimex Elektromontaż-Export Jutrzenka ComputerLand Farm Food Zasada Centrum Bank Komunalny Paged Polisa Boryszew Chemiskór Lubawa ŁDA PPWK Relpol IGROUP Echo Forte Kompap Ocean Nomi BOŚ Amica Wronki Apator IBSystem Brok Masters GPRD Mostostal-Kr. Mostostal-Sdl. Pozmeat Ampli Atlantis Bauma Best Mieszko Strzelec Elektrobudowa Kęty Oława Bank Handlowy Świecie Hutmen Impexmetal KGHM Kruszwica Orbis PBK Polar Wrocław WKSM Budimex Poznań Centrostal Gdańsk Elektromontaż -Warszawa Energoaparatura Energomontaż-Płd. Poligrafia Stomil Sanok Unibud Unimil ZREW Fact Book 2001 Efekt Bielbaw Ferrum Grajewo Izolacja Lentex PEPEES Polifarb Dębica Ropczyce Viscoplast ZEW Issuers 71 Listed companies by origin 1998 1998 Public offering Held by State Treasury by holdings Mixed ownership Private with State roots Private gone public NIF underlying companies Elektrociepłownia-Będzin Kopex Mennica Państwowa Bank Pekao Telekomunikacja Polska Budopol Wrocław Delia Ekodrob Energomontaż-Płn. Instal Lublin Manometry Odlewnie Polskie ZEG Bank Częstochowa Cersanit Elzab Energopol Famot Pleszew Hydrobudowa-Gdańsk Hydrobudowa-Śląsk Hydrotor Jarosław Koło Mostostal-Płock Permedia Wawel WFM Oborniki AMS 7Bulls Apexim Bakoma Compensa Euro Bud Inwest Gant Howell Groclin PGF Murawski Holding Muza Pia Piasecki Prokom Softbank Suwary TIM Wilbo Seafood Yawal System Garbarnia Brzeg Łukbut LZPS Milmet Morliny Polna Ponar-Wadowice Sanwil Stomil Bełchatów Wafapomp Wistil PKN TUP Centrozap Pemug Polnord Naftobudowa Instal Kraków Projprzem Pollena Ewa KZWM Agora Caspol Clif Comarch CSS Farmacol Leta LTL Mitex Orfe Pażur Prosper St Group TU Europa Ster-Projekt Szeptel Pekabex Skotan Beef-San EFL Krakbrokers Macrosoft Netia Simple Talex Wandalex PUE Fasing 1999 1999 Kogeneracja 2000 Stalprofil MPEC Fact Book 2001 72 Issuers Assimilations of shares No Company Introduction date No Company Introduction date 20.07.00 1 COMPLAND 05.01.00 54 OPTIMUS 2 HYDROBUDOWA 20.01.00 55 APATOR 27.07.00 3 CERSNIT 24.01.00 56 PGF 28.07.00 4 BUDIMEX 24.01.00 57 POLLENAE 28.07.00 5 APATOR 25.01.00 58 HYDROBUD 6 NAFTA 26.01.00 59 SOKOLOW 11.08.00 7 BUDIMEX 2.02.00 60 POLNA 16.08.00 8 AMS 10.02.00 61 BEEFSAN 17.08.00 9 DELIA 11.02.00 62 COMPLAND 17.08.00 10 STERPRO 22.02.00 63 MITEX 17.08.00 11 POLNORD 23.02.00 64 IGROUP 21.08.00 12 MENNICA 25.02.00 65 MOSTALZAB 23.08.00 4.08.00 13 COMPLAND 1.03.00 66 FORTIS 23.08.00 14 PROJPRZEM 3.03.00 67 AMICA 28.08.00 31.08.00 15 ELEKTRIM 9.03.00 68 MOSTALSDL 16 HANDLOWY 15.03.00 69 PROJPRZEM 17 MITEX 22.03.00 70 INSTALKRK 31.08.00 18 CSS 29.03.00 71 MACROSOFT 15.09.00 19 CHEMISKOR 30.03.00 72 CASPOL 18.09.00 20 COMARCH 31.03.00 73 SOKOLOW 21.09.00 21 MENNICA 3.04.00 74 BUDIMEX 13.10.00 31.-8.00 22 JUPITER 17.04.00 75 BWR 17.10.00 23 ELEKTRIM 18.04.00 76 BOS 18.10.00 24 OPTIMUS 25.04.00 77 CSS 20.10.00 25 ELEKTRIM 26.04.00 78 BRE 20.10.00 26 APATOR 28.04.00 79 PAGED 25.10.00 27 SWIECIE 5.05.00 80 APATOR 30.10.00 28 IMPEXMETAL 8.05.00 81 TPSA 8.11.00 29 PAGED 15.05.00 82 POLAR 9.11.00 30 BWR 23.05.00 83 AGORA 13.11.00 31 ELEKTOEX 23.05.00 84 ORBIS 16.11.00 32 AMICA 24.05.00 85 BK 20.11.00 33 BUDIMEX 25.05.00 86 PBK 23.11.00 34 ELEKTRIM 29.05.00 87 PUE 27.11.00 35 PGF 30.05.00 88 BEDZIN 28.11.00 36 MPECWRO 30.05.00 89 PGF 28.11.00 37 KOPEX 31.05.00 90 NETIA 4.12.00 38 PROCHEM 31.05.00 91 COMPLAND 4.12.00 39 HUTMEN 12.06.00 92 LENTEX 6.12.00 40 PROJPRZEM 13.06.00 93 STGROUP 6.12.00 41 GROCLIN 15.06.00 94 ZYWIEC 8.12.00 42 KRUSZWICA 16.06.00 95 PGF 43 HANDLOWY 20.06.00 96 KREDYTB 14.12.00 44 PEKAO 21.06.00 97 MPECWRO 19.12.00 45 BWR 21.06.00 98 POLLENAE 20.12.00 46 MACROSOFT 21.06.00 99 COMPENSA 22.12.00 47 GROCLIN 3.07.00 100 YAWAL 22.12.00 48 MACROSOFT 3.07.00 101 EBI 22.12.00 49 MPECWRO 3.07.00 102 PROJPRZEM 28.12.00 50 KGHM 7.07.00 103 HOWELL 28.12.00 51 ELEKTRIM 12.07.00 104 NOMI 29.12.00 52 SZEPTEL 14.07.00 105 WAWEL 29.12.00 53 COMPENSA 18.07.00 Fact Book 2001 8.12.00 73 Issuers Assimilations of shares (resulting from conversion) No Company Conversion Assimilations date date No Company Conversion Assimilations date date 1 AMERBANK 3.01.00 4.01.00 19 BRE 3.07.00 2 SZEPTEL 3.01.00 4.01.00 20 AMERBANK 3.07.00 4.07.00 4.07.00 ESPEBEPE 3.07.00 4.07.00 3 EFEKT 3.01.00 4.01.00 21 4 BRE 1.02.00 2.02.00 22 BEEFSAN 1.08.00 2.08.00 5 ESPEBEPE 1.02.00 2.02.00 23 PEKPOL 1.08.00 2.08.00 6 BORYSZEW 1.03.00 2.03.00 24 PROCHEM 1.08.00 2.08.00 7 AMERBANK 1.03.00 2.03.00 25 BIG 1.08.00 2.08.00 8 PROCHEM 3.04.00 4.04.00 26 BRE 1.08.00 2.08.00 2.08.00 9 PEKPOL 3.04.00 4.04.00 27 ESPEBEPE 1.08.00 10 SZEPTEL 4.05.00 5.04.00 28 PROCHEM 1.09.00 4.09.00 11 PEKPOL 4.05.00 5.05.00 29 BORYSZEW 1.09.00 4.09.00 12 BRE 4.05.00 5.05.00 30 BWR 1.09.00 4.09.00 13 BK 4.05.00 5.05.00 31 ESPEBEPE 2.10.00 3.10.00 14 BUDIMEX 4.05.00 5.05.00 32 PPWK 2.10.00 3.10.00 15 MOSTALPLC 1.06.00 2.06.00 33 ESPEBEPE 2.11.00 3.11.00 16 PEKPOL 1.06.00 2.06.00 34 BCZ 1.12.00 4.12.00 17 KREDYTB 1.06.00 2.06.00 35 AMERBANK 1.12.00 4.12.00 18 AGORA 3.07.00 4.07.00 36 MOSTALPLC 1.12.00 4.12.00 IPO value Year Number of offerings IPO* capital Number of public offerings increase by State Treasury Value of offerings public IPO (mil. zl) (mil. zl) 1995 6 26 6 882 589 1996 1 47 22 1 432 32 1997 16 74 30 7 921 4 613 1998 14 59 24 8 039 4 241 1999 5 49 27 4 923 2 418 2000 5 57 43 4 072 232 Total 47 312 152 27 268 12 124 * Both State Treasury and private company IPOs Source: Polish Securities and Exchange Commissions Fact Book 2001 74 Issuers Exchange fees paid by issuers Issuers pay fees for listing of their shares on the Exchange. The one-time fees for introduction of shares into trading are 0.03 % of the issue value in the case of shares, and 0.004% of the nominal value in the case of bonds; for each quotation market, there is an upper limit for this fee. Issuers also pay annual fees in the amount of 0.02% of market value for shares listed on the main and parallel markets, 3,000 zloty for shares listed on the free market, and 0.01% for other securities. As in the case of the introductory fee, the annual fees are also subject to upper limits. For example, the maximum annual fee for shares on the main market amounts to 60,000 zloty. The Exchange also charges fees for such operations as change of quotation market, change of securities' nominal value, or quotation of subscription rights. Deposit of shares with the National Depository for Securities One of the conditions for introduction of shares to trading on the Exchange is their acceptance for deposit by the National Depository for Securities. Securities traded on the Exchange exist in the form of computer records. The National Depository for Securities maintains records of securities in the accounts of issuers, as well as of brokerage houses and custodian banks. Market capitalisation in 2000 (end of month) Capitalisation (mil. zl) January February March April May June July August September October November December 131 545 152 377 151 772 138 553 139 226 138 182 138 135 130 203 119 131 111 044 116 859 130 128 mil. zl 160 000 140 000 120 000 100 000 80 000 60 000 40 000 20 000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Fact Book 2001 75 E xchange members Only Exchange members have the right to conclude transactions on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. WSE membership status is granted by the Exchange Supervisory Board. Conditions for obtaining membership include, among other things, possession of the following: l Polish Securities and Exchange Commission permit to run a brokerage business; l shares of the Stock Exchange; l sufficient means to ensure proper and safe service of trading in listed securities; equity must amount to at least 3.5 million zloty; l status of a direct participant in the National Depository for Securities. The decision regarding admission to operations on the Exchange is made by the Exchange Supervisory Board. Any disputes arising between the Exchange and its members are settled by the Exchange Court. In the year 2000, the following events concerning WSE member brokerage houses took place: ProCapital SA Admittance to operations 19 January 2000 commencement of operations 21 February 2000 Dom Maklerski POLONIA NET SA Admittance to operations 21 June 2000 commencement of operations and take-over of BGK S.A. Brokerage House 1 July 2000 Dom Maklerski PBK SA Spin-off from bank structures, commencement of operations 1 July 2000 Dom Maklerski AmerBrokers SA Spin-off from bank structures, commencement of operations 2 September 2000 Krakowski Dom Maklerski Admittance to operations 18 October 2000 At the end of 2000, there were 38 WSE member brokerage houses admitted to operations on the Exchange, including 29 entities also admitted to operations on the derivatives market. All members of the Exchange are required to participate in a guarantee fund, managed by the National Depository for Securities, whose purpose is to guarantee transaction settlement between members. The amount of individual brokerage houses' contribution to the fund depends on their share in Exchange turnover. This amount is calculated by the NDS and updated every two weeks. Fact Book 2001 76 Exchange members Market-makers In order to increase the liquidity of trading, the function of market-maker (animator) was introduced. The market-maker ensures that for a given security there are both buy and sell offers placed in the order book. The presence of a marketmaker is most desirable for securities of low liquidity. MARKET-MAKERS (ANIMATORS) A market-maker is a WSE member brokerage house which, on the basis of an agreement with the Exchange, undertakes to place buy or sell orders for a given security on an on-going basis, at their own account, on terms and conditions determined by the Exchange Management Board. The Exchange may sign market-making agreements with many Exchange members with regard to a given security. A market-maker may operate in the continuous trading and single-price auction system. ISSUER'S MARKET-MAKERS Similar tasks may be carried out by an issuer's market-maker. An issuer's market-maker is a WSE member brokerage house which, on the basis of an agreement with an issuer, undertakes to maintain the liquidity of a given security. The Exchange Management Board may require an issuer of securities traded in the single-price auction system to conclude an issuer's market-making agreement if it determines that this is necessary for the liquidity of a given security. Fact Book 2001 77 Exchange members Members share in trading—equity* No Brokerage firm Single-price system** Continuous trading Total (mil. zl) (%) (mil. zl) (%) (mil. zl) (%) 11.9 13 487 13.2 1 CDM Pekao S.A. 6 625 14.8 6 862 2 DM Banku Śląskiego 1 264 2.8 1 550 2.7 2 815 2.8 3 Staropolski DM 270 0.6 408 0.7 678 0.7 4 BM BPH 681 1.5 648 1.1 1 329 1.3 5 DM Banku Zachodniego 532 1.2 763 1.3 1 295 1.3 6 IDM Kredyt Bank 468 1.0 508 0.9 976 1.0 7 PKO BP BDM 1 652 3.7 1 780 3.1 3 433 3.4 8 Global Capital Partners 142 0.3 156 0.3 298 0.3 9 DI BRE Banku 2 831 6.3 3 410 5.9 6 241 6.1 10 DM WBK 1 585 3.5 1 687 2.9 3 271 3.2 11 DM Polonia Net 196 0.4 287 0.5 482 0.5 12 BGŻ 909 2.0 1 969 3.4 2 877 2.8 13 BM PBK 1 332 3.0 1 778 3.1 3 110 3.0 14 Bank Handlowy 2 446 5.5 2 969 5.2 5 415 5.3 15 CA IB Securities 2 023 4.5 2 253 3.9 4 276 4.2 16 ABN AMRO Securities (Poland) 1 396 3.1 1 646 2.9 3 042 3.0 17 SUR5.NET 270 0.6 572 1.0 842 0.8 18 PM Elimar 925 2.1 2 196 3.8 3 120 3.1 19 Citibrokerage 1 003 2.2 1 425 2.5 2 428 2.4 20 DM Amerbrokers 287 0.6 311 0.5 598 0.6 21 Credit Suisse First Boston (Polska) 1 656 3.7 2 482 4.3 4 139 4.0 0.8 22 Fortis Securities Polska 23 DM Penetrator 24 Raiffeisen Capital & Investment 336 0.8 453 0.8 789 1 196 2.7 1 695 2.9 2 891 2.8 648 1.5 852 1.5 1 500 1.5 4.2 25 DM BOŚ 1 696 3.8 2 551 4.4 4 247 26 DM BIG-BG 3 138 7.0 4 244 7.4 7 382 7.2 27 Erste Securities Polska 2 008 4.5 2 471 4.3 4 480 4.4 28 DI BWE 114 0.3 141 0.2 255 0.2 29 Robert Fleming (Polska) 653 1.5 495 0.9 1 148 1.1 30 Beskidzki Dom Maklerski 941 2.1 1 456 2.5 2 396 2.3 31 DM BISE 98 0.2 124 0.2 222 0.2 32 ING Baring Securities (Poland) 33 HSBC Securities Polska 34 DM BMT 205 35 SG Securities Polska 948 36 Wood & Company 925 37 Procapital 74 44 669 100 Total 2 443 5.5 3 434 6.0 5 877 5.7 757 1.7 1 121 1.9 1 878 1.8 0.5 203 0.4 408 0.4 2.1 1 125 2.0 2 072 2.0 2.1 1 434 2.5 2 360 2.3 0.2 118 0.2 191 0.2 57 579 100 102 248 100 * Transactions on which WSE collects transaction fees (excluding currency futures, specialists and market-makers cash market transactions) ** Including single-price system with one and two auctions Fact Book 2001 78 Exchange members Members share in trading—T-bonds* No Brokerage firm Single-price system** Continuous trading Total (mil. zl) (%) (mil. zl) (%) (mil. zl) (%) 1 CDM Pekao S.A. 295 21.6 344 14.6 638 17.2 2 DM Banku Śląskiego 170 12.4 217 9.2 387 10.4 3 Staropolski DM 4 0.3 8 0.3 12 0.3 4 BM BPH 47 3.4 250 10.6 296 8.0 5 DM Banku Zachodniego 38 2.8 30 1.3 68 1.8 6 IDM Kredyt Bank 26 1.9 45 1.9 71 1.9 7 PKO BP BDM 44 3.2 66 2.8 109 2.9 8 Global Capital Partners 1 0.1 1 0.0 2 0.0 9 DI BRE Banku 10 DM WBK 11 DM Polonia Net 12 BGŻ 13 BM PBK 59 4.3 215 9.1 274 7.4 149 10.9 105 4.5 254 6.8 1 0.1 5 0.2 7 0.2 43 3.2 78 3.3 121 3.3 40 2.9 43 1.8 83 2.2 15.4 14 Bank Handlowy 151 11.1 422 18.0 573 15 CA IB Securities 14 1.0 61 2.6 75 2.0 16 ABN AMRO Securities (Poland) 2 0.1 23 1.0 25 0.7 17 SUR5.NET 3 0.2 3 0.1 6 0.2 18 PM Elimar 38 2.8 22 0.9 59 1.6 19 Citibrokerage 15 1.1 37 1.6 52 1.4 20 DM Amerbrokers 9 0.6 13 0.5 22 0.6 21 Credit Suisse First Boston (Polska) 1 0.1 1 0.0 2 0.0 22 Fortis Securities Polska 23 DM Penetrator 5 0.3 8 0.4 13 0.4 19 1.4 10 0.4 30 0.8 24 Raiffeisen Capital & Investment 0 0.0 75 3.2 76 2.0 25 DM BOŚ 13 1.0 13 0.6 26 0.7 26 DM BIG-BG 99 7.3 98 4.2 197 5.3 27 Erste Securities Polska 10 0.7 40 1.7 50 1.3 28 DI BWE 1 0.1 3 0.1 4 0.1 29 Robert Fleming (Polska) 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 30 Beskidzki Dom Maklerski 27 2.0 46 2.0 74 2.0 31 DM BISE 10 0.7 12 0.5 22 0.6 32 ING Baring Securities (Poland) 13 0.9 24 1.0 36 1.0 33 HSBC Securities Polska 10 0.7 12 0.5 22 0.6 34 DM BMT 1 0.1 0 0.0 1 0.0 35 SG Securities Polska 9 0.7 19 0.8 28 0.8 36 Wood & Company 1 0.1 0 0.0 1 0.0 37 Procapital Total * 0 0.0 2 0.1 2 0.1 1 366 100 2 353 100 3 718 100 Transactions on which WSE collects transaction fees (excluding currency futures, specialists and market-makers cash market transactions) Fact Book 2001 79 Exchange members Members share in total trading* Cash market o N Brokerage firm Futures contracts Single-price system** Continuous trading (mil. zl) (%) (mil. zl) (%) Continuous trading (contracts) (%) 1 CDM Pekao S.A. 6 919 15.0 7 206 12.0 239 575 2 DM Banku Śląskiego 1 434 3.1 1 767 2.9 204 386 7.9 6.8 3 Staropolski DM 274 0.6 416 0.7 29 690 1.0 4 BM BPH 728 1.6 898 1.5 111 667 3.7 5 DM Banku Zachodniego 570 1.2 793 1.3 70 788 2.3 6 IDM Kredyt Bank 493 1.1 554 0.9 139 908 4.6 7 PKO BP BDM 1 696 3.7 1 846 3.1 160 090 5.3 8 Global Capital Partners 143 0.3 157 0.3 0 0.0 9 DI BRE Banku 2 890 6.3 3 625 6.0 351 079 11.6 10 DM WBK 1 734 3.8 1 792 3.0 136 156 4.5 11 DM Polonia Net 197 0.4 292 0.5 12 639 0.4 12 BGŻ 952 2.1 2 046 3.4 131 257 4.4 13 BM PBK 1 372 3.0 1 822 3.0 123 286 4.1 14 Bank Handlowy 2 597 5.6 3 392 5.7 124 964 4.1 15 CA IB Securities 2 037 4.4 2 314 3.9 53 078 1.8 16 ABN AMRO Securities (Poland) 1 398 3.0 1 669 2.8 6 483 0.2 17 SUR5.NET 272 0.6 575 1.0 56 284 1.9 18 PM Elimar 4.4 19 Citibrokerage 20 DM Amerbrokers 21 Credit Suisse First Boston (Polska) 22 Fortis Securities Polska 23 DM Penetrator 24 Raiffeisen Capital & Investment 25 962 2.1 2 217 3.7 133 633 1 018 2.2 1 462 2.4 2 0.0 295 0.6 324 0.5 9 230 0.3 1 657 3.6 2 483 4.1 0 0.0 340 0.7 462 0.8 1 833 0.1 1 215 2.6 1 705 2.8 100 645 3.3 649 1.4 928 1.5 6 927 0.2 DM BOŚ 1 709 3.7 2 564 4.3 168 257 5.6 26 DM BIG-BG 3 238 7.0 4 342 7.2 130 438 4.3 27 Erste Securities Polska 2 018 4.4 2 511 4.2 95 416 3.2 28 DI BWE 115 0.2 144 0.2 2 940 0.1 29 Robert Fleming (Polska) 653 1.4 495 0.8 0 0.0 30 Beskidzki Dom Maklerski 968 2.1 1 502 2.5 307 286 10.2 31 DM BISE 107 0.2 137 0.2 103 487 3.4 32 ING Baring Securities (Poland) 2 455 5.3 3 458 5.8 4 726 0.2 33 HSBC Securities Polska 766 1.7 1 134 1.9 0 0.0 34 DM BMT 206 0.4 203 0.3 0 0.0 35 SG Securities Polska 957 2.1 1 144 1.9 0 0.0 36 Wood & Company 926 2.0 1 435 2.4 0 0.0 37 Procapital Total 74 0.2 120 0.2 0 0.0 46 035 100 59 931 100 3 016 150 100 * Transactions on which WSE collects transaction fees (excluding currency futures, specialists and market-makers cash market transactions) ** For equities - including single-price system with one and two auctions Fact Book 2001 80 Exchange members Specialised services No Brokerage firm Portfolio managment Investment advice Derivatives market trading since since since 14.05.98 1 CAIB Investment Management SA 14.05.98 2 Bank Handlowy SA 02.02.95 18.05.95 16.01.98 3 Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej SA 22.06.95 24.11.94 14.05.98 4 Dom Inwestycyjny BRE Banku SA 16.04.99 16.04.99 31.05.99 5 Fortis Securities Polska SA 31.10.96 11.04.96 24.10.00 6 Dom Maklerski BIG-BG SA 13.06.96 28.11.97 16.01.98 7 Beskidzki Dom Maklerski SA 18.07.96 8 PKO BP SA 12.09.96 16.04.99 08.05.98 9 06.09.99 Dom Maklerski Penetrator SA 03.10.96 ING BSK Asset Management SA 03.10.96 11 Pioneer Asset Managment 13.09.00 12 Staropolski Dom Maklerski SA 24.06.98 24.06.98 13 Credit Suisse Asset Management (Polska) SA 29.11.96 29.11.96 10 16.01.98 12.09.98 14 Raiffeisen Capital & Investment Polska SA 21.03.97 15 Dom Maklerski ELIMAR SA 07.05.97 22.10.97 09.02.98 16 Dom Maklerski BOŚ SA 05.06.97 02.08.00 02.02.98 17 Dom Maklerski BMT SA 19.06.97 18 WBK AIB Asset Management SA 07.08.97 19 Kredyt Bank SA 04.09.97 03.10.96 23.01.98 20 CDM Pekao SA 14.10.97 14.10.97 16.01.98 21 ABN AMRO Asset Management Polska SA 30.01.98 18.10.96 16.02.98 05.06.97 09.03.98 22 ING Baring Securities (Poland) SA 23 Bank Przemysłowo-Handlowy SA 24 Wood & Company SA 09.10.98 05.02.98 13.11.97 25 BRE Asset Management SA 15.11.00 26 BWE Asset Management SA 28.08.98 27 ERSTE Securities Polska SA 11.05.00 28 Dom Maklerski Banku Śląskiego SA 29 CA IB Securities SA 16.01.98 30 Dom Maklerski BZ SA 16.08.99 31 Dom Maklerski WBK SA 32 Dom Maklerski AmerBrokers SA 33 Dom Maklerski PBK SA 15.02.99 34 Bank Inicjatyw Społeczno-Ekonomicznych SA 22.12.99 35 Dom Maklerski Sur5.net SA 17.01.00 36 Dom Inwestycyjny BWE SA 01.03.00 37 ABN AMRO Securities (Polska) SA 27.03.00 38 Dom Maklerski POLONIA NET SA 14.08.00 39 Citibrokerage SA Commercial Union Investment Managment (Polska) SA 02.10.00 40 15.11.00 16.01.98 16.04.98 02.02.98 02.11.99 02.08.00 10.08.98 29.01.99 29.01.99 24.09.99 41 PBK Asset Managment SA 24.09.99 42 Handlowy Zarządzanie Aktywami SA 22.10.99 Source: PSEC Fact Book 2001 81 O rganisation of trading under the WARSET system Since November 17, 2000, Warsaw Stock Exchange trading has taken place on the new WARSET trading system. Similar systems based on the French NSC platform are in use on a number of exchanges world-wide. The WARSET system is highly effective in accepting, processing and fulfilling orders. At the same time, it is reliable and safe, providing full automation of order transmission and transaction execution. WARSET allows efficient access to the trading system for market participants, and offers numerous possibilities associated with the use of real-time market information. Transactions An investor intending to conclude a transaction on the Exchange must have an investment account with a licensed brokerage house. A brokerage firm which has accepted a customer's order to buy or sell securities on the Exchange is responsible for proper fulfilment of this order. Exchange transaction systems Shares Allotment certificates Subscription rights single-price auction, one auction* single-price auction, two auctions continuous trading block trades Bonds Derivatives market Treasury Securities Market Investment certificates * Effective April 18, 2001, all companies from the single-price system with one auction have been allocated either to continuous trading or to the two-auction system Fact Book 2001 82 Trading under the WARSET system Exchange transactions can be concluded in any one of three quotation systems: l continuous trading l single-price auction with two auctions per day l single-price auction with one auction* Additionally, for large blocks of securities, it is possible to conclude transactions outside the trading session. Orders The investor places orders at a customer service point in the brokerage house which runs his account. Then, the order is forwarded via computer network to the Warsaw Stock Exchange's computerised trading system. When placing an order, the investor must define: l type of order (buy/sell) l price limit or type of order without price limit l order validity date l name of security/financial instrument to be bought/sold l additional requirements for execution of order. TYPES OF ORDERS The WARSET system makes it possible to place many different types of orders, thereby allowing investors to apply various investment strategies tailored to their goals and needs in specific situations. Orders with price limit (limit orders) The investor precisely defines a buy or sell price for a given security. In the case of a buy order, this is the price above which the investor placing the order does not agree to its execution; in the case of a sell order, it is the price below which the investor is not willing to sell the securities. It should be remembered that: l for stocks, subscription rights, allotment certificates and warrants, limits are stated in zloty; l for bonds (Treasury and corporate bonds), limits are stated as a percentage of nominal value; l for futures contracts, limits are stated in points (index futures contracts) or in zloty (currency and stock futures contracts). Orders with price limits may contain additional execution requirements. For a minimum size order (MIN), i.e. an order with a minimum execution size, the minimum number of securities below which the order may not be executed should be specified. * Effective April 18, 2001, the single-price system with one auction per day is no longer used for stock quotations. Stocks previously traded in this system have been reallocated either to continuous trading or to the single-price system with two auctions per day. Fact Book 2001 Trading under the WARSET system 83 A hidden order (HID)—an order containing a disclosed size requirement—is fulfilled gradually, in parts. The investor placing such an order indicates the portions in which it is to be executed, i.e. the number of securities to be displayed at a given time (minimum 100). Stop orders (STOP), i.e. orders with an activation limit, are not displayed immediately after being entered into the system, but are revealed only when the indicative opening price or the price of the last transaction in the continuous trading system reaches the appropriate level, as specified by the investor. Thus, besides the activation limit, the order must also contain an execution price limit (stop price), or an instruction to execute at any price. Orders without price limit Market orders (MARKET) may be entered into the Exchange system only in continuous trading, except for the market-balancing phase. They are executed at the price of the best not-yet-executed opposite order. The unfulfilled portion of the market order becomes a limit order with limit equal to the price of the last transaction. Market-on-opening orders (OPENING) may be entered into the system only during the pre-opening phase (opening call, i.e. acceptance of orders for the opening) and pre-closing phase in the continuous trading system, the single-price auction system, and the market-balancing phase. They are executed at, respectively, the opening price, the closing price, the single-price, or the price resulting from market balancing. A must-be-filled order (MBF) may be entered into the trading system during all phases of continuous trading and in the single-price auction system, except during the intervention and post-auction trading phases. Orders entered for the opening or close of a session, the single-price auction or the market-balancing phase are executed at, respectively, the opening price, closing price, single-price, or price determined during market balancing. ORDER VALIDITY DATES Broker's orders may be designated as valid for a specific date, or their validity may be defined in one of the following ways: until the end of the trading session (DAY), good’ till cancelled (GTC), fill and kill (FAK), fill or kill (FOK). An order marked as good’ till cancelled (GTC) is valid indefinitely. A fill-and-kill (FAK) order is valid until the first transaction is made (or first transactions, if the order is to be executed in several subsequent transactions). It may be executed in part; the unfulfilled portion of the order then becomes void. A fill-or-kill (FOK) order is valid until the first transaction is made (or first transactions, if the order is to be executed in several subsequent transactions). It must be executed in full. If execution in full is not possible, the order becomes void. Fact Book 2001 84 Trading under the WARSET system The single-price auction system (electronic call auction) Quotations in the single-price system are based on a so-called auction procedure, i.e. a security's price is determined on the basis of orders entered before the opening. The first phase of the session is called pre-opening—a phase during which buy and sell orders are entered into the system, but no transactions are concluded. However, an indicative opening price for the security is calculated and published. The single price is determined on the basis of orders with and without price limit. At the moment when the single price is published, it becomes the price at which transactions are concluded. To determine the single price, the system uses the following rules: l maximise trading volume l minimise the difference between the respective numbers of securities in buy and sell orders which are possible to fulfil at a given price l minimise the difference between the price being determined and the reference price Once the single price is published, additional buy and sell orders with limits equal to the designated single price may be entered. This phase is called postauction trading. In the case of the single-price system with two auctions, the single price is determined twice daily. Continuous trading In the continuous trading system, the auction procedure is used at the opening and closing of trading. The opening auction allows the opening price to be determined. Orders are accepted in the so-called pre-opening phase, but without concluding transactions; however, an indicative opening price is calculated. After the completion of this phase, the opening price is determined, at which orders entered in the pre-opening phase (and qualifying) are executed. Then continuous quotations begin, at which time buy and sell orders may be placed. In continuous trading, buyers and sellers place orders which, upon entering the system, are executed on an on-going basis—provided their prices match - or are kept in the order book to await placement of an appropriate opposite order so that a transaction becomes possible. There are two priorities applicable to execution of orders: price and time of order placement. This means that in a case where there are two orders of identical price awaiting execution, the order first entered into the system will be the first to be executed. To avoid randomness in price formulation during the final part of a continuous trading session, the session concludes with a closing auction. The most liquid stocks, all bond series, investment certificates, warrants and futures contracts are traded in the continuous trading system. Allotment certificates, as well as subscription rights, are traded in this system, provided that the relevant stocks are assigned to the continuous trading system. Regardless of the quotation system, the transaction unit is always one security. Fact Book 2001 Preopening 8:30-10:00 Pre-closing Submiting orders for closing 16:00-16:10 CONTINUOUS TRADING Opening (auction) 10:00 Pre-opening (for next day) 16:10-16:30 Closing (auction) 16:10 CONTINUOUS TRADING - FUTURES CONTRACTS Preopening CONTINUOUS TRADING 8:30-9:00 SINGLE-PRICE AUCTION SYSTEM WITH TWO AUCTIONS Intervention 11:00-11:15 Fact Book 2001 Post-auction trading 11:15-11:45 Pre-opening 11:45-14:45 Auction 11:15 Intervention 14:45-15:00 Post-auction trading 15:00-15:30 Auction 15:00 SINGLE-PRICE AUCTION SYSTEM WITH ONE AUCTION Pre-opening 8:30-11:00 16:10-16:30 Closing (auction) 16:10 Opening (auction) 9:00 Pre-opening 8:30-11:00 Pre-opening (for next day) Intervention 11:00-11:15 Post-auction trading 11:15-11:45 Pre-opening (for next day) 11:45-16:30 85 Auction 11:15 Pre-opening (for next day) 15:30-16:30 Trading under the WARSET system Pre-closing Submiting orders for closing 16:00-16:10 Trading session schedule CONTINUOUS TRADING 86 Trading under the WARSET system Price variation limits In each quotation system, there are limits on price variations with respect to the so-called reference price. In the continuous trading system, the reference price for the opening, transactional and closing price is the last closing price. In the single-price auction system, the last single price is the reference price. Continuous trading Instrument Reference price Allowable next-day price variation Shares Closing price ± 15% relative to closing price Index and stock futures Daily settlement price ± 10% relative to daily settlement price Currency futures Daily settlement price ± 5% relative to daily settlement price Bonds Closing price ± 5 percentage points relative to closing price Investment certificates Closing price ± 15% relative to closing price Continuously-traded allotment certificates Closing price ± 15% relative to closing price Subscription rights attached to continuously-traded shares no limit Warrants no limit Single-price system Instrument Allowable price variation limits Shares, allotment certificates for shares traded in single-price auction system Subscription rights to shares traded in single-price auction system Two-auction system One-auction system ± 10% relative to most recent auction ± 15% relative to most recent auction reference price reference price no limit no limit Excluding price limit extension resulting from market balancing Fact Book 2001 87 Trading under the WARSET system Trading and post-trading activities Client Client custodian brokerage firm Cash and securities clearing Order Indirect order Order Brokerage Order Cash and securities clearing Custodian firm Warsaw Stock Exchange Transaction Transfer of clearing operations Preparation of contract notes Calculation of cash clearing position Copy of contract notes Confirmation of contract notes Brokerage firm Post-negotiation delivery order (seller) National Depository for Securities Preparation of cash transfer orders Preparation of correcting cash transfer orders Final cash clearing Calculation of cash clearing position Post-negotiation delivery order (seller) Preparation of cash and securities clearing Corrections, suspensions Calculation of cash clearing position Calculation of cash clearing position Final securities clearing Cash transfer orders NDS member bank Clearing Bank Statements of depository accounts Cash clearing Statements of cash accounts NDS member Source: National Depository for Securities Fact Book 2001 88 Trading under the WARSET system Block trades Block trades are transactions involving large blocks of securities (stocks, bonds). Most often, these trades are made between large investors who have usually preagreed all transaction details (block size, price, and settlement date). The Exchange Rules give precise conditions for block trade execution, defining the minimum block size and the maximum difference between the security's block trade price and its trading session price. WARSET system architecture Fact Book 2001 89 M arket information In recent years, access to Exchange data has become more common, mostly because of the Internet's increasing use as a data distribution channel. WSE public data services INTERNET The Exchange set up its web site in 1996. This site contains current communiqués, as well as resolutions of the Exchange Management Board and the Supervisory Board (in Polish). Data concerning trading is published at the opening and close of a trading session; during a trading session, data is available on the Internet with 15 minutes' delay. The Exchange web site also offers comprehensive coverage of indices and statistics; extensive information on the organisation, structure and history of the Exchange; and detailed descriptions of its trading systems and listed instruments. Contact details of listed companies, Exchange members and data vendors, as well as SiTech partner companies, are also available there. Exchange publications in electronic form are posted on the web site as well. Information on the web site is available both in Polish and English, and access to all data is free of charge. The Warsaw Stock Exchange web site address is www.wse.com.pl. TELETEXT The most popular electronic source of market information—besides the web site—is the Polish public television (TVP) teletext. The 'Business News' service, on teletext pages 610, 612 and relevant sub-pages, allows every viewer to stay up-todate with market developments. The service is free of charge. TVP's teletext service provides end-of-day results, as well as market snapshots during trading hours. TELEPHONE INFORMATION SERVICE An automatic information service (available in Polish only) provides closing prices for all listed securities, as well as Exchange index values. It is available at the following numbers: (48-22) 537 7447 and (48-22) 537 7145. The caller can quickly access required data via touch-tone dialling. Commercial services - Data vendors The Exchange also provides paid data services. The recipients of commercial services are professional data vendors, both traditional (information agencies) and new groups of companies interested in providing such services (brokerage houses, Internet portals and software providers). Data vendors offer market information to their clients, including brokerage houses, banks, other financial market participants and individual investors, both in Poland and abroad. Fact Book 2001 90 Market information Every vendor may purchase, on equal terms, any or all real-time data services offered by the Exchange, including: Service A1 - Cash market—transactions only Service A2 - Cash market—5 best buy/sell offers and transactions Service B - Derivatives market—transactions and 5 best buy/sell offers Service I - Exchange indices Service ABI - Final trading results (cash and derivatives markets, along with indices) The Exchange charges data vendors a fixed annual fee. Firms connected directly to the Exchange system pay a technical fee and a distribution fee, while socalled sub-vendors (firms receiving Exchange data through another distributor) pay only a distribution fee. For real-time market data, the Exchange also charges fees based on the number of end-recipient devices. Under the WSE data distribution agreement, information provided in real time cannot be retransmitted without prior consent of the Exchange, unless it is delayed by at least 15 minutes (delayed data is not subject to any fees and can be freely distributed—for example, on publicly-accessible Internet sites). To make access to market data as inexpensive as possible, especially for individual investors, the Exchange has modified its price list to offer these customers special discounts and user-friendly fee-calculation methods. Among the 45 data vendors who have signed agreements with the Warsaw Stock Exchange are well-known information agencies such as Reuters, Bridge Telerate, Bloomberg, Telekurs, Primark, the Polish Press Agency (PAP) and Agencja Telegazeta. Among the companies which signed distribution agreements with the Exchange last year were many Exchange member firms (both large bank brokerage houses and small private companies) and Internet portals (general and specialist), as well as IT companies such as Rodan Telecom (the first data vendor to deliver real-time data via the Internet) and Polish mobile phone operator Era GSM. One new quality of today's market is the assortment of distribution channels through which it is possible to receive market information, e.g. fixed telephone lines, television (ground and satellite), Internet and mobile phones. This diversity of technical solutions is accompanied by a differing scope of information, as well as differences in added value offered by the various vendors. All of these elements are reflected in the service price. Fact Book 2001 Market information WSE web site http://www.wse.com.pl e-mail: gielda@wse.com.pl Daily Quotations About the Exchange News Market's calendar Regulatory framework Communiqués Trading systems Exchange holidays Listed securities History Indices and Statistics Derivatives Indices Periodical statistics Futures contracts Market indicators Warrants Brokerage houses Data Distribution Exchange Members Market makers (animators) Issuer's market makers Information services Historical data Publications Useful links Other Exchanges Listed companies Capital market institutions Fact Book 2001 91 92 Market information Data vendors* Polska Agencja Prasowa www.pap.com.pl Bridge Telerate www.bridge.com TVP Agencja Telegazeta www.tvp.pl Reuters Ltd. www.reuters.com Bloomberg LP. www.bloomberg.com Euromoney Polska S.A. www.euromoney.pl Telekurs Financial Information Ltd. www.telekurs-financial.com Astech Polska S.A. www.astech.pl Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o. www.eragsm.com.pl Rodan Telecom Sp. z o.o. www.polpro.com.pl Dom Maklerski BMT S.A. www.bmt.com.pl Interia.pl S.A. www.interia.pl Dom Maklerski WBK S.A. www.dmwbk.pl Arena.pl S.A. www.arena.pl Dom Maklerski "Sur5.net" S.A. www.sur5.net Dom Maklerski BOŚ S.A. www.bossa.pl CDM Pekao S.A. www.cdmpekao.com.pl The Mother.Ship Poland Internet Holdings Sp. z o.o. www.ahoj.pl BDM PKO BP S.A. www.pkobp.pl www.supermakler.pkobp.pl DM Wood & Company S.A. www.woodstock.pl Dom Maklerski BPH S.A. www.bm.bph.pl Thomson Financial www.thomsonfinancial.com Dom Maklerski PBK S.A. www.bmpbk.com.pl Dom Maklerski BSK S.A. www.dmbsk.com.pl CT Creative Tean Sp. z o.o. www.creativeteam.com.pl FinFin S.A. www.expander.pl Altkom Matrix S.A. www.matrix.pl Dom Maklerski ELIMAR S.A. www.elimar.net Dom Maklerski Amerbrokers S.A. www.amerbrokers.pl Puls Biznesu Net S.A. www.pb.pl Olimp Multimedia www.olimp.com.pl Global Capital Partners Poland S.A. www.globalcapital.pl Elfin Sp. z o.o. www.elfin.pl ING Baring Securities (Poland) Sp. z o.o. www.ing-barings.com.pl Presspublica Sp. z o.o. www.rzeczpospolita.pl Dom Maklerski Banku Zachodniego S.A. www.dmbz.com.pl Dom Inwestycyjny BRE Banku S.A. www.breinwest.com.pl BlueBull AG www.bluebull.com LETA S.A. www.leta.com.pl ILX Systems www.ilx.com Bankier.pl www.bankier.pl caibon.com www.caibon.com Onet.pl S.A. www.onet.pl Factiva www.factiva.com Fortis Securities Polska S.A. www.fsp.com.pl * Firms which have signed data distribution agreements with the Exchange (as of March 30, 2001) Fact Book 2001 93 H istory of the Warsaw Stock Exchange The first stock exchange in Poland opened in Warsaw on May 12, 1817 as the Mercantile Exchange. The first Exchange trading session took place on May 16, 1817. Sessions took place between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. In the 19th century, the Exchange traded primarily in bills of exchange and bonds. Equity trading developed on a larger scale in the second half of the 19th century. In the 20 years between the world wars, exchanges in Poland operated on the basis of a presidential executive order concerning organisation of stock exchanges. Aside from Warsaw, stock exchanges also existed in Katowice, Kraków, Lviv, Łódź, Poznań and Vilnius. Poland's 180-year-long capital market tradition is worth underlining, for it is among the oldest in Europe. Paradoxically, the break in the Warsaw Exchange's activity, caused by World War II and subsequently by a change in economic system, has enabled Poland to create a modern stock exchange, taking advantage of the best solutions implemented elsewhere in Europe. Important dates in WSE History 1990 Oct 16 Poland and France sign intergovernmental agreement to create stock exchange in Warsaw 1991 Apr 12 Foundation act for Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. (the Warsaw Stock Exchange) signed Apr 16 First trading session; companies listed on the Exchange: Tonsil, Próchnik, Krosno, Kable and Exbud; trading sessions held once a week Jul 10 Computerised trade registration system begins activity Jul 16 Specialist additional offer (post-auction trading) introduced Aug 1 Computerized settlement system introduced Sep 3 First issue of the Cedula - WSE official daily bulletin Dec 3 WSE accepted as corresponding member of International Federation of Stock Exchanges (FIBV) 1992 Jan 9 Second trading session in a week introduced Jan 28 First exchange terminals installed at member firms' offices Apr 23 First trading session serviced with IBM AS/400 computer Fact Book 2001 94 History of the Warsaw Stock Exchange May 26 First dividend payment by listed company serviced Jun 15 T-bonds introduced to continuous trading Aug 18 KING electronic Exchange data distribution system launched Sep 1 T-bonds introduced to single-price auction system 1993 Jan 4 Third trading session in a week introduced Apr 22 WSE parallel market launched May 1 Settlement cycle changed from T+5 to T+3 Jun 9 First share split Jul 5 Post-auction trading computerised; orders may be entered from Exchange terminals Jul 15 Dissemination of end-of-day trading results via TV teletext begun 1994 Feb 10 Mar 1 Apr 16 Jun 1 First quotation of subscription rights First allocation of shares of new issue by public subscription WIG20 (price index) introduced Real-time transmission of post-auction trading via TV teletext begun Jul 1 Fourth trading session in a week introduced Oct 3 Fifth trading session in a week introduced Oct 10 WSE accepted as full member of International Federation of Stock Exchanges (FIBV) Nov 7 National Depository for Securities (NDS) spun-off, NDS functions as a joint-stock company owned by WSE and State Treasury 1995 Jan 3 WIRR (parallel market index) introduced Jan 25 First meeting of Co-ordinating Committee for New Trading System Apr 20 Continuous trading with use of IBM AS/400 computer and Exchange terminals begun May 17 Oct 12–14 First public invitation to sell shares listed on Exchange Your Money—the First Polish Capital Investment Forum trade fair accompanied by public debates, organised by Exchange Dec 18 Crossing phase introduced to post-auction trading Fact Book 2001 History of the Warsaw Stock Exchange 95 1996 Feb 15 First issue of WSE Monthly Bulletin May 6 Market capitalisation reaches 20 billion zloty Jul 8 Jul 15 Aug 12 Oct 1 Oct 10–12 First five companies introduced to continuous trading NIF certificates introduced to single-price auction system NIF certificates introduced to continuous trading Commercial real-time Exchange data distribution system launched Your Money—the Second Capital Investment Forum organised by WSE, Polish Bank Association and Polish Chamber of Insurance Dec 20 Invitation to tender bids for supply of new trading system sent out 1997 Feb 3 Publication of WIG20 index during continuous trading begun; 1000th trading session on WSE Feb 12 Market capitalisation reaches USD 10 billion Feb 20 First company (Elpo) listed on free market Apr 1 Real-time Exchange data available through Reuters May 12 180th anniversary of creation of first Exchange in Warsaw May 21 100th company listed on WSE May Jun 12 Number of investment accounts exceeds 1 million First quotation of 15 National Investment Funds; publication of NIF index begun Jul 1 NIF shares introduced to continuous trading; NIF index published in continuous system Jul 10 Market capitalisation reaches zloty 40 billion Jul 25 WSE and SBF-Bourse de Paris sign letter of intent for supply of new trading system Oct 16-18 Your Money—the Third Polish Capital and Financial Forum 1998 Jan 16 Mar 9 WSE derivatives market lunched—WIG20 futures introduced First warrants (on NIF index and Elektrim stocks) introduced to trading on Exchange Mar 25 Construction of new Exchange site begun Fact Book 2001 96 History of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Jun 30 First quotation of largest bank on Exchange—PeKaO SA Aug 4 First quotation of allotment certificates (for BRE shares) Aug 21 Contract signed with SBF-Bourse de Paris and Euronext for supply of new trading system Sep 15 WSE accepted as affiliate member of International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) Sep 21 MIDWIG (mid-cap index) introduced Sep 25 USD futures introduced to trading on Exchange Oct 15–17 Your Money—the Fourth Polish Capital and Financial Forum in Warsaw Nov 18 First quotation of TPSA—Polish Telecom—largest company listed on Exchange; market capitalisation exceeds USD 20 billion Dec 28 Last quotation of NIF certificates 1999 Jan 4 Trading hours extended, single-price auction begins at 10:00 a.m.; continuous trading extended by one hour, begins at 12:00 p.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m. Jan 11 200th company (Skotan) debuts on Exchange (free market) Mar 26 WIG sector sub-indices launched May First 'Exchange School' courses organised by Exchange for beginning investors May 31 Jun 4 Euro futures introduced to trading on Exchange WSE becomes associate member of Federation of European Stock Exchanges (FESE) Jun 11 Jul Market capitalisation exceeds 100 billion zloty WSE signed two memoranda of co-operation and exchange of information: with London Stock Exchange (July 12) and with Paris Bourse (July 16) Oct 14–16 Your Money—the Fifth Capital and Financial Forum in Warsaw Nov 26 Debut of largest company privatised in 1999, Polski Koncern Naftowy Nov 30 Foundation act signed for Power Exchange (in which WSE has 10% stake) Fact Book 2001 History of the Warsaw Stock Exchange 97 2000 Feb Feb 2 Mar 27 Apr 5 Real-time Exchange data become available via vendors on Internet Highest daily turnover value 1 110.8 million zloty All-time WIG index high (22 868.4) First quotation of corporate bonds on Exchange (issuer—Centrum Leasingu i Finansów Clif SA) Apr 28 Creation of Segment for Innovative Technologies - SiTech - intended for companies from IT-telecom sector (regardless of quotation market whose activities encompass production and services using innovative technologies) May 19 TechWIG index for WSE Segment for Innovative Technologies introduced May 25 First investment certificates introduced to trading on Exchange (issuer—Skarbiec-Gwarancja 2002—closed-end investment fund) Jun 8 Official opening of new Exchange site—Exchange Centre Aug 1 TechWIG futures introduced to trading on Exchange Nov 16 Nov17 Last trading session held at Banking and Financial Centre New WARsaw Stock Exchange Trading System (WARSET) introduced 2001 Jan 22 Feb 7 Futures contracts on individual stocks introduced to trading on Exchange 2000th trading session on Exchange Fact Book 2001 98 Fact Book 2001 99 O rganisational structure The Warsaw Stock Exchange was founded by the State Treasury as a jointstock company. Its share capital amounts to zloty 42 million and is divided into 60,000 registered shares. Banks, brokerage firms, investment fund societes, insurance companies, and issuers of securities admitted to public trading, as well as the State Treasury, may hold shares in the WSE. As of December 31, 2000, the Exchange's shareholders included 51 banks and brokerage firms, as well as the State Treasury. Legal basis for Exchange operations: l Commercial Companies Code of 2000 l Law on Public Trading in Securities of August 21, 1997 (as amended) l Warsaw Stock Exchange Articles of Association l Rules of the Warsaw Stock Exchange l Rules of the Exchange Court. General Meeting of Shareholders The General Meeting of Shareholders is the highest decision-making body of the Exchange. All shareholders have the right to participate in the General Meeting, whose sphere of competency includes, among other things, making of changes in the WSE Articles of Association, and election of Exchange Supervisory Board members. Supervisory Board A twelve-person Supervisory Board controls Exchange operations, admits securities for trading, and grants and revokes Exchange membership. It consists of representatives of banks, brokerage houses, financial institutions, chambers of commerce and issuers. WSE SUPERVISORY BOARD (END OF 2000): Marek Wierzbowski - Chairman Maciej Wandzel - Deputy Chairman Waldemar Markiewicz Igor Chalupec Andrzej Modrzejewski Jerzy Gajdka Piotr Osiecki Krzysztof Lis Henryka Pieronkiewicz Paweł Durjasz Fact Book 2001 100 Organisational structure Paweł Rzepka Małgorzata Zaleska Management Board The Management Board co-ordinates the day-to-day operations of the Exchange, determines procedures for introduction of securities to trading, and supervises Exchange trading activities of brokers and brokerage houses. The Management Board consists of five members. Management Board activities are directed by its President, who is elected by the General Meeting. WSE MANAGEMENT BOARD (END OF 2000): Wiesław Rozłucki - President Ryszard Czerniawski - Vice President Piotr M. Kamiński - Vice President Włodzimierz Magiera - Vice President Piotr Szeliga - Vice President Fact Book 2001 Organisational structure WSE internal organisation (end of 2000) Fact Book 2001 101 102 Fact Book 2001 103 L isted companies (AS OF DECEMBER 2000) 7BULLS 7bulls.com SA ul. Chocimska 28 00-791 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 646 84 11 fax (48 22) 646 58 09 e-mail: contact@7bulls.com [7BC] APATOR „APATOR” SA ul. Żółkiewskiego 13/29 87-100 Toruń ph. (48 56) 619 11 11, 619 13 82 fax (48 56) 619 13 12 e-mail: apatot01@apator.com.pl [APT] AGORA „AGORA” SA ul. Czerska 8/10 00-732 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 840 14 71 fax (48 22) 840 00 67 e-mail: investor@gazeta.pl [AGO] APEXIM APEXIM SA ul. Kłobucka 25 02-699 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 607 61 00 fax (48 22) 607 62 00 e-mail: apexim@apexim.com.pl [APX] AGROS „AGROS HOLDING” SA ul. Chałubińskiego 8 00-613 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 30 27 42, 830 06 14 fax (48 22) 830 06 15 e-mail: agros@agros.com.pl [AGR] ATLANTIS „ATLANTIS” SA ul. Wagonowa 12 02-233 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 868 08 68 fax (48 22) 846 33 09, 846 73 09 e-mail: atlantis@atlantis.com.pl [ATS] AMERBANK [AMB] „Bank Amerykański w Polsce” SA ul. Marszałkowska 115 00-102 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 624 85 05 fax (48 22) 624 99 81 e-mail: amerbank@amerbank.com.pl AMICA „AMICA Wronki” SA ul. Mickiewicza 52 64-510 Wronki ph. (48 67) 254 61 00, 254 61 11 fax (48 67) 254 03 20 e-mail: MaciejO@amica.com.pl AMPLI „AMPLI” SA ul. Przemysłowa 27 33-100 Tarnów ph. (48 14) 626 22 08 fax (48 14) 626 25 95 e-mail: biuro@ampli.com.pl [AMC] [APL] AMS „Art Marketing Syndicate” SA ul. Jana Pawła II 14 61-139 Poznań ph. (48 61) 877 10 81, 879 22 19 fax (48 61) 877 13 69, 877 14 49 e-mail: biuro_z@ams.com.pl [AMS] ANIMEX „ANIMEX” SA ul. Chałubińskiego 8 00-613 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 830 16 65, 830 26 39 fax (48 22) 830 05 37 e-mail: animex@animex.com.pl [ANX] BAKOMA „BAKOMA” SA ul. Jana Kazimierza 62A 01-248 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 877 19 05 fax (48 22) 877 19 03 [BKM] BAUMA „BAUMA” SA ul. Skierniewicka 16/20 01-230 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 631 15 24 fax (48 22) 631 15 23 e-mail: info@bauma.com.pl [BMA] BCZ Bank „Częstochowa” SA ul. Dekabrystów 41 42-200 Częstochowa ph. (48 34) 322 43 44, 322 44 14 fax (48 34) 325 44 18 e-mail: bcz@bcz.com.pl [BCZ] BEDZIN Elektrociepłownia BĘDZIN SA ul. Małobądzka 141 42-500 Będzin ph. (48 32) 267 98 80, 267 99 01 fax (48 32) 266 44 11 e-mail: ecbedzin@ecb.com.pl [BDZ] BEEFSAN „BEEF-San” Zakłady Mięsne SA ul. Orzeszkowej 8 38-500 Sanok ph. (48 13) 463 19 36, 463 33 46 fax (48 13) 463 48 16 e-mail: Beefsan@beefsan.com.pl [BEF] Fact Book 2001 104 Listed companies BELCHATOW [BHT] Bełchatowskie Zakłady Przemysłu Gumowego „STOMIL” SA Rogowiec 97-406 Bełchatów 5 ph. (48 44) 731 35 00, 731 52 54 fax (48 44) 731 35 15, 731 35 16 e-mail: stomil@stomil-belchatow.com.pl BEST [BST] „BEST” SA ul. Polna 58/60 81-740 Sopot ph. (48 58) 550 44 88 fax (48 58) 551 12 34 e-mail: joanna.winogradow@best.com.pl BETONSTAL [BTS] BETON STAL SA ul. Pańska 73 00-834 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 620 03 31, 620 92 11 fax (48 22) 620 68 93 e-mail: betonstal@betonstal.com.pl BIELBAW [BLB} Zakłady Przemysłu Bawełnianego „BIELBAW” SA ul. Piastowska 19 58-260 Bielawa ph. (48 74) 833 41 00, 833 43 41...49 fax (48 74) 833 46 73, 833 76 55 e-mail: bielbaw@bielbaw.com.pl BIG „BIG Bank GDAŃSKI” SA ul. M. Kopernika 36/40 00-924 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 657 50 00, 657 53 64 fax (48 22) 826 71 80 e-mail: tomaszobarski@big.pl BK Bank Komunalny SA w Gdyni ul. Kielecka 2 81-303 Gdynia ph. (48 58) 629 76 21 fax (48 58) 620 41 57 e-mail: centrala1@bksa.pl [BIG] [BKG] BORYSZEW [BRS] Zakłady Chemiczne i Tworzyw Sztucznych BORYSZEW SA ul. 15 Sierpnia 106 96-500 Sochaczew ph. (48 46) 863 02 01 fax (48 46) 863 00 96 e-mail: boryszew@boryszew.com.pl BOS Bank Ochrony Środowiska SA Al. Jana Pawła II 12 00-950 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 850 87 20, 850 88 05 fax (48 22) 850 88 88, 850 88 91 e-mail: bos@bosbank.pl Fact Book 2001 [BOS] BPH [BPH] BANK PRZEMYSŁOWO-HANDLOWY SA Al. Pokoju 1, skr. poczt. 57 31-548 Kraków ph. (48 12) 618 63 45, 618 68 64/65 fax (48 12) 618 63 43, 618 68 63 e-mail: bankbph@bph.pl BRE „BRE BANK” SA ul. Senatorska 18 00-950 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 635 54 26, 635 59 26 fax (48 22) 829 00 10, 829 01 18 e-mail: info@brebank.com.pl [BRE] BSK [BSK] Bank Śląski w Katowicach SA ul. Sokolska 34 40-086 Katowice ph. (48 32) 357 70 00, 357 72 82 fax (48 32) 357 70 91 e-mail: mpawlas@maik.bsk.com.pl BUDIMEX „BUDIMEX” SA ul. Marszałkowska 82 00-517 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 623 63 75, 629 23 97 fax (48 22) 623 62 33, 629 48 31 e-mail: info@budimex.com.pl [BDX] BUDOPOL „BUDOPOL-WROCŁAW” SA ul. Racławicka 15/19 53-149 Wrocław ph. (48 71) 361 60 61, 361 97 45 fax (48 71) 361 35 32 e-mail: budopol@budopol.wroc.pl [BDL] BWR BANK WSPÓŁPRACY REGIONALNEJ SA ul. J. Sarego 2 i 4 31-047 Kraków ph. (48 12) 421 96 42, 421 97 56 fax (48 12) 421 96 52 e-mail: bwr@bwrbank.com.pl [BWR] BYTOM Zakłady Odzieżowe „BYTOM” SA ul. Wrocławska 32/34 41-900 Bytom ph. (48 32) 281 02 81 fax (48 32) 281 76 03 e-mail: marketing@bytom.com.pl [BTM] CASPOL Cieszyńska Agencja Spedytorska „CASPOL” SA ul. Stawowa 79 43-400 Cieszyn ph. (0 33) 851 19 10 fax (0 33) 851 19 10 e-mail: office@caspol.com.pl [CSP] Listed companies 105 CENSTALGD [CSG] „CENTROSTAL” SA ul. Budowlanych 42 80-298 Gdańsk ph. (48 58) 341 77 30, 347 54 20 fax (48 58) 349 40 78 e-mail: centrostal@centrostal.gda.pl CSS „Computer Service Support” SA ul. Jagielońska 78 03-301 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 519 07 00 fax (48 22) 519 07 12 e-mail: zofia_rybicka@waw.css.pl [CSS] CENTROZAP „CENTROZAP” SA ul. Mickiewicza 29 40-085 Katowice ph. (48 32) 251 34 01 fax (48 32) 259 86 58 e-mail: cent@centrozap.com.pl [CZP] DEBICA Firma Oponiarska Dębica SA ul. 1-go Maja 1 39-200 Dębica ph. (48 14) 670 04 91, 670 28 31 fax (48 14) 621 75 68, 622 39 57 [DBC] [CST] DELIA „Delia” SA ul. Prosta 1 22-400 Zamość ph. (0 84) 639 36 11...14 fax (0 84) 638 66 77 e-mail: delia@delia.pl [DLA] CERSANIT „CERSANIT-KRASNYSTAW” SA ul. Zagnańska 27 25-528 Kielce ph. (48 41) 363 17 65, 363 17 66 fax (48 41) 363 17 67 e-mail: cersanit@cersanit.com.pl [HSR] DROSED Siedleckie Zakłady Drobiarskie „DROSED” SA ul. Sokołowska 154 08-110 Siedlce ph. (48 25) 644 20 30 fax (48 25) 640 00 00, 644 51 61 e-mail: drosed@wsrp.siedlce.pl [DSD] CHEMISKÓR „CHEMISKÓR” SA ul. Zgierska 104 91-303 Łódź ph. (0 42) 654 45 20, 654 45 83 fax (0 42) 654 42 77 e-mail: chemskor@poczta.pdi.net CLIF Centrum Leasingu i Finansów CLIF SA Al. Róż 2 00-556 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 628 33 33, 665 97 18 fax (48 22) 628 17 96, 665 97 54 e-mail: clif@clif.com.pl [CLF] COMARCH ComArch SA Al. Jana Pawła II 39a 31-864 Kraków ph. (48 12) 646 10 00 fax (48 12) 646 11 00 e-mail: inwestor@comarch.pl [CMR] COMPENSA [CSA] Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeniowe „Compensa” SA ul. Łucka 13 00-842 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 620 95 65 fax (48 22) 620 45 97 e-mail: centrala@compensa.com.pl COMPLAND „COMPUTERLAND” SA ul. Jana Kazimierza 62A 01-248 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 532 97 77 fax (48 22) 532 98 88 e-mail: info@computerland.pl [CPL] EBI EURO BUD INVEST SA ul. Zebrzydowicka 90 44-217 Rybnik ph. (48 32) 424 29 12 fax (48 32) 424 29 13 e-mail: ebi@ebi.com.pl [EBI] ECHO [ECH] „Echo Investment” SA ul. Zagnańska 27 25-528 Kielce ph. (48 41) 363 17 00, 363 17 01 fax (48 41) 363 17 07 e-mail: office@kielce.echo-inv.com.pl EFEKT Korporacja Gospodarcza „Efekt” SA ul. Cystersów 18 31-553 Kraków ph. (48 12) 413 88 32, 422 72 75 fax (48 12) 422 79 62 e-mail: efektsa@bci.pl [EFK] EFL „Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy” SA ul. Kamieńskiego 57 51-124 Wrocław ph. (48 71) 324 07 01, 324 08 57 fax (48 71) 324 07 73, 324 08 59 e-mail: info@efl.com.pl [EFL] Fact Book 2001 106 Listed companies EKODROB Iławskie Zakłady Drobiarskie „EKODROB” SA ul. Składowa 8 14-200 Iława ph. (48 89) 648 22 41, 649 05 00 fax (48 89) 648 28 70, 649 05 76 e-mail: izd@botar.home.com.pl [EKD] ELZAB Zakłady Urządzeń Komputerowych „ELZAB” SA ul. Kruczkowskiego 39 41-813 Zabrze ph. (48 32) 272 20 21...26 fax (48 32) 272 25 83 e-mail: zalog@elzab.com.pl [ELZ] ELBUDOWA [ELB] ELEKTROBUDOWA SA ul. Porcelanowa 12 40-246 Katowice ph. (48 32) 205 46 00...09 fax (48 32) 205 27 60 e-mail: elbudowa@elbudowa.com.pl ENAP ENERGOAPARATURA SA ul. Gen. K. Pułaskiego 7 40-273 Katowice ph. (48 32) 255 50 65 ph. (48 32) 255 53 56, 256 57 75 e-mail: mm@enap.com.pl [ENP] ELEKTRIM „ELEKTRIM” SA ul. Pańska 77/79 00-834 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 652 87 51, 654 61 80 fax (48 22) 652 87 50 e-mail: elektrim@elektrim.pl ESPEBEPE Szczecińskie Przedsiębiorstwo Budownictwa Przemysłowego ESPEBEPE - Holding SA ul. Świętosławy Storrady 1 71-602 Szczecin ph. (0 91) 341 655, 434 06 31 fax (0 91) 330 121, 434 27 25 e-mail: espebepe@inet.com.pl [ESP] EXBUD „EXBUD” SA ul. Manifestu Lipcowego 34 25-323 Kielce ph. (48 41) 332 62 04, 332 63 07 fax (48 41) 332 21 22, 332 25 51 e-mail: info@exbud.com.pl [EXB] FAMOT „FAMOT-PLESZEW” SA ul. Fabryczna 7 63-300 Pleszew ph. (0 62) 742 25 17, 742 81 02 fax (0 62) 742 16 40, 742 81 06 e-mail: famot@famot.com.pl [FMT] [ELE] ELEKTROEX [ELX] Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno Handlowe „Elektromontaż - Export” SA ul. Ogrodowa 28/30 00-896 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 620 30 25, 620 31 39 fax (48 22) 620 30 23, 620 32 69 e-mail: elektroex@zigzag.pl ENERGOPLD ENERGOMONTAŻ - POŁUDNIE SA ul. Mickiewicza 15 40-951 Katowice ph. (48 32) 58 70 41 fax (48 32) 58 65 22 e-mail: info@energomontaz.pl [EPD] ENERGOPN [EPN] ENERGOMONTAŻ - PÓŁNOC SA ul. Przemysłowa 30 00-450 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 621 10 41, 628 23 92 fax (48 22) 629 49 12, 629 63 24 e-mail: info@energomontaz.com.pl ENERGOPOL [EPL] Przedsiębiorstwo Eksploatacji Maszyn Budowlanych „ENERGOPOL” SA ul. Jedności 2 41-208 Sosnowiec ph. (48 32) 263 71 21, 263 71 82 ph. (48 32) 263 39 07 e-mail: info@energopol-sosnowiec.com.pl ELMONTWAR [ELW] Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Montażowe „Elektomontaż Warszawa” SA ul. Obrzeżna 3 02-691 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 843 02 31, 847 23 31 fax (48 22) 847 26 51 e-mail: biuro@elmont-waw.com.pl Fact Book 2001 FARMACOL „FARMACOL” SA ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice ph. (48 32) 202 24 86 fax (48 32) 202 24 97 e-mail: farmacol@farmacol.com.pl [FCL] FASING [FSG] Fabryka Sprzętu i Narzędzi Górniczych Grupa Kapitałowa FASING SA ul. Modelarska 11 40-142 Katowice ph. (48 32) 58 20 51, 735 00 00 fax (48 32) 58 22 66 e-mail: fasing@fasing.silesia.top.pl FERRUM „Huta Ferrum” SA ul. Hutnicza 3 40-241 Katowice ph. (48 32) 255 56 77 fax (48 32) 255 41 50 e-mail: huta@ferrum.com.pl [FER] Listed companies 107 FORTE [FTE] Fabryki Mebli „FORTE” SA ul. Biała 1 07-300 Ostrów Mazowiecka ph. (0 29) 644 22 22, 746 20 81...86 fax (0 29) 664 21 10, 746 29 19 e-mail: forte@forte.com.pl HOWELL HOWELL SA ul. Armii Krajowej 54 50-541 Wrocław ph. (48 71) 785 46 64 fax (48 71) 336 26 70 e-mail: howell@howell.pl [HWL] FORTIS [FTS] FORTIS BANK POLSKA SA ul. Marynarska 13 02-674 Warszawa ph. (48 12) 541 18 00, 541 18 90 fax (48 12) 541 18 10 e-mail: kancelaria@fortisbank.com.pl HUTMEN HUTMEN SA ul. Grabiszyńska 241 53-234 Wrocław ph. (48 71) 33 48 300, 33 48 772 fax (48 71) 33 90 346, 33 90 337 e-mail: biuro.spolki@hutmen.pl [HTM] GANT „GANT” SA ul. Rynek 28 59-220 Legnica ph. (48 76) 856 50 27, 856 52 31 fax (48 76) 856 50 27 e-mail: gant@mikrozet.wroc.pl [GNT] HYDROBUD [HBD] „HYDROBUDOWA ŚLĄSK” SA ul. Francuska 34 40-028 Katowice ph. (48 32) 255 18 06, 255 21 61 fax (48 32) 255 59 69 e-mail: hbslsa@silter.silesia.top.pl GARBARNIA [GRB] „GARBARNIA BRZEG” SA ul. Krakusa 3 49-300 Brzeg ph. (48 77) 416 26 34, 416 28 41...45 fax (48 77) 416 25 59 e-mail: info@garbarniabrzeg.com.pl HYDROGD [HGD] „HYDROBUDOWA” SA ul. Grunwaldzka 135 80-264 Gdańsk ph. (48 58) 341 02 70, 341 32 11 fax (48 58) 341 56 30 e-mail: sekretariat@hydrobudowa.com.pl GPRD „Gdańskie Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Drogowych” SA ul. Długa 81/83 80-831 Gdańsk ph. (48 58) 301 69 72, 301 82 21 fax (48 58) 301 88 32 e-mail: sekretariat@gprd.com.pl [GPR] GRAJEWO Zakłady Płyt Wiórowych SA ul. Wiórowa 1 19-203 Grajewo ph. (48 86) 272 24 17, 272 32 61 fax (48 86) 272 39 83 e-mail: zpw@zpw-grajewo.com.pl [GRJ] HYDROTOR Przedsiębiorstwo Hydrauliki Siłowej „HYDROTOR” SA ul. Chojnicka 72 89-500 Tuchola ph. (48 52) 33 48 631 fax (48 52) 33 48 635 e-mail: hydrotor@hydrotor.com.pl GROCLIN INTER GROCLIN AUTO SA ul. Jeziorna 3 64-200 Wolsztyn-Karpicko ph. (48 68) 384 27 09, 384 36 92 fax (48 68) 384 31 08 e-mail: groclin@groclin.com.pl HANDLOWY „BANK HANDLOWY w Warszawie” SA ul. Chałubińskiego 8 00-950 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 690 30 00, 830 01 00 fax (48 22) 690 37 49, 830 01 13 e-mail: listy@bh.com.pl [HDR] IBSYSTEM Invar&Biuro System SA ul. Suwalska 16 93-176 Łódź ph. (0 42) 684 64 77 fax (0 42) 681 73 89, 684 49 59 [IBS] [GCN] IGROUP „Internet Group” SA ul. Piękna 28/34 00-547 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 622 95 55, 627 21 80 fax (48 22) 627 21 81 e-mail: info@igroup.pl [IGR] [BHW] IMPEXMET „Impexmetal” SA ul. Łucka 7/9 00-842 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 658 60 00, 658 68 75 fax (48 22) 658 64 05 e-mail: info@impexmetal.pl [IPX] Fact Book 2001 108 Listed companies INDYKPOL Olsztyńskie Zakłady Drobiarskie „INDYKPOL” SA ul. Jesienna 3 10-370 Olsztyn ph. (48 89) 526 22 22, 526 50 61 fax (48 89) 526 02 45, 526 22 23 e-mail: info@indykpol.com.pl [IND] INSTAL [INS] Przedsiębiorstwo Instalacji Przemysłowych „INSTAL-LUBLIN” SA ul. Lucyny Herc 7 20-328 Lublin ph. (0 81) 744 00 31 fax (0 81) 744 16 07 e-mail: office@instal.com.pl INSTALKRK [INK] INSTAL KRAKÓW SA ul. Konstantego Brandla 1 30-732 Kraków ph. (48 12) 653 20 11, 653 23 47 fax (48 12) 653 21 97 e-mail: marketing@instal-krakow.com.pl IRENA Huta Szkła Gospodarczego „Irena” SA ul. Szklarska 9 88-100 Inowrocław ph. (48 52) 354 21 00 fax (48 52) 357 23 54 e-mail: zarząd@huta-irena.com.pl [IRE] IZOLACJA [IZL] Materiały Izolacyjne „IZOLACJA” SA ul. Łaska 169/197 98-220 Zduńska Wola ph. (0 43) 823 29 03, 823 41 11...15 fax (0 43) 823 33 89 e-mail: kapital@izolacja.com.pl JELFA Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Jelfa SA ul. Wincentego Pola 21 58-500 Jelenia Góra ph. (48 75) 752 28 21 fax (48 75) 752 44 55 e-mail: jelfa@jelfa.com.pl [JLF] KABLEHOLD „Elektrim - Kable” SA ul. Pańska 81/83 00-834 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 733 77 29 fax (48 22) 721 00 25 e-mail: kable@elektrim.pl [ELK] KETY Grupa KĘTY SA ul. Kościuszki 111 32-650 Kęty ph. (0 33) 45 22 51, 844 60 00 fax (0 33) 45 30 94, 845 30 93 e-mail: kety@gk-kety.com.pl [KTY] KGHM KGHM Polska Miedź SA ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 48 59-301 Lubin ph. (48 76) 847 82 00, 847 88 52 fax (48 76) 847 82 04 e-mail: W.Marciniak@bz.kghm.pl [KGH] KOGENERA [KGN] Zespół Elektrociepłowni Wrocławskich KOGENERACJA SA ul. Łowiecka 24 50-220 Wrocław ph. (48 71) 32 38 111 fax (48 71) 32 93 521 e-mail: zec@zec.wroc.pl KOMPAP [KMP] Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe „KOMPAP” SA ul. Pomorska 83/85 90-224 Łódź ph. (0 42) 678 26 20, 678 28 12 fax (0 42) 678 98 48 w. 212 e-mail: office@kompap.com.pl KOPEX [KPX] Przedsiębiorstwo Eksportu i Importu „KOPEX” SA ul. Grabowa 1 40-172 Katowice ph. (48 32) 58 60 31...39 fax (48 32) 203 51 80/81 e-mail: kopex@kopex.com.pl KPBP-BICK Przedsiębiorstwo Budownictwa Przemysłowego KPBP-BICK SA w Kielcach ul. Sienkiewicza 63 25-002 Kielce ph. (48 41) 366 16 21, 366 18 75 fax (48 41) 345 06 17, 366 27 64 e-mail: bick@kpbp-bick.com.pl [KPB] JUTRZENKA [JTZ] Przedsiębiorstwo Cukiernicze „JUTRZENKA” SA ul. Kościuszki 53 85-079 Bydgoszcz ph. (48 52) 376 91 04, 376 93 00/08 fax (48 52) 376 93 03 e-mail: klub@jutrzenka.com.pl KABLE Śląska Fabryka Kabli SA ul. Legionów 59 43-502 Czechowice-Dziedzice ph. (48 32) 215 22 61 fax (48 32) 215 29 57 e-mail: kable@kable.com.pl KRAKBROK KRAK-BROKERS SA ul. Kalwaryjska 69 30-504 Kraków ph. (48 12) 656 31 09 fax (48 12) 656 33 43 e-mail: biuro@krak-brokers.pl [KBS] Fact Book 2001 [KBL] Listed companies KRAKCHEM Firma Handlowa „KrakChemia” SA ul. Pilotów 6 30-964 Kraków ph. (48 12) 411 21 33 fax (48 12) 411 68 50 e-mail: info@krakchemia.com.pl [KKM] KREDYTB [KRB] Kredyt Bank SA ul. M. Kasprzaka 2/8 01-211 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 634 54 00, 634 54 12 fax (48 22) 634 53 34, 634 53 34 e-mail: brrasowe@kredytbank.com.pl KROSNO Krośnieńskie Huty Szkła „KROSNO” SA ul. Tysiąclecia 13 38-400 Krosno ph. (48 13) 432 80 00 fax (48 13) 436 31 11 e-mail: krosno.sa@krosno.com.pl [KRS] KRUSZWICA Zakłady Tłuszczowe „Kruszwica” SA ul. Niepodległości 42 88-150 Kruszwica ph. (48 52) 353 51 00 fax (48 52) 351 51 99 [KSW] KZWM „KATOWICKIE ZAKŁADY WYROBÓW METALOWYCH” SA ul. Żeromskiego 21 41-103 Siemianowice Śląskie ph. (48 32) 228 41 35, 228 53 46 fax (48 32) 228 42 16 e-mail: kzwm@kzwm.com.pl [KZW] LDASA „ŁDA Invest” SA ul. Bracka 25 00-028 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 692 16 00, 827 73 42 fax (48 22) 692 16 02 [LDS] LENTEX Zakłady „LENTEX” SA ul. Powstańców 54 42-700 Lubliniec ph. (48 34) 356 26 41 fax (48 34) 356 33 20 e-mail: EMLentex@lentex.com.pl [LTX ] LETA „LETA” SA ul. Młodzieżowa 67B 44-365 Wodzisław Śląski ph. (48 32) 456 28 51, 456 28 82 fax (48 32) 456 28 82 w. 131 e-mail: leta@leta.pl [LTA] 109 LGPETRO [LGP] LG Petro Bank SA ul. Rzgowska 34/36 93-172 Łódź ph. (0 42) 681 90 60, 684 90 60 fax (0 42) 684 61 92 e-mail: warszawa2@lgpetro.com.pl LTL [LTL] Lubelskie Towarzystwo Leasingowe SA ul. Braci Wieniawskich 5 20-843 Lublin ph. (0 81) 740 21 82...85 fax (0 81) 741 06 88 e-mail: centrala@ltl.pl LUBAWA [LBW] Zakłady Konfekcji Technicznej „LUBAWA” SA ul. Dworcowa 1 14-260 Lubawa ph. (48 89) 645 25 41 fax (48 89) 645 22 55, 645 25 64 LUKBUT Łukowskie Zakłady Przemysłu Skórzanego „ŁUKBUT” SA ul. Wójtostwo 23 21-400 Łuków ph. (48 25) 798 24 71...79 fax (48 25) 798 25 30, 798 37 42 e-mail: finanse@lukbut.pl [LKB] LZPS [LZP] Lubelskie Zakłady Przemysłu Skórzanego PROTEKTOR SA ul. Kunickiego 20-24 20-417 Lublin ph. (0 81) 532 22 31, 532 76 47 fax (0 81) 532 02 00 e-mail: info@protektor.lublin.pl MACROSOFT „MacroSoft” SA ul. Jagiellońska 36 03-719 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 511 81 15 fax (48 22) 511 81 16 e-mail: office@macrosoft.pl [MCF] MANOMETRY [ MNM ] Kujawska Fabryka Manometrów „KFM” SA ul. Łęgska 29/35 87-800 Włocławek ph. (48 54) 231 38 41 fax (48 54) 231 35 83, 231 37 65 e-mail: kfm@manometry.com.pl MASTERS Masters SA ul. Słubicka 2 59-220 Legnica ph. (48 76) 852 29 82, 862 16 71 fax (48 76) 856 08 70 e-mail: sekretariat@post.pl Fact Book 2001 [MST] 110 Listed companies MENNICA [MNC] MENNICA PAŃSTWOWA SA ul. Pereca 21 00-958 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 656 40 00 fax (48 22) 620 52 22 e-mail: mennica@mennica.com.pl MOSTALSDL [MSS] „MOSTOSTAL - SIEDLCE” SA ul. Terespolska 12 08-110 Siedlce ph. (48 25) 644 31 20 fax (48 25) 644 55 52 e-mail: sekret@mostostal.siedlce.pl MIESZKO Zakłady Przemysłu Cukierniczego „Mieszko” SA ul. Starowiejska 75 47-400 Racibórz ph. (48 32) 415 36 53 fax (48 32) 415 36 53 e-mail: mieszko@mieszko.com.pl [MSO] MOSTALWAR [MSW] MOSTOSTAL WARSZAWA SA ul. Konstruktorska 11A 02-673 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 548 56 00, 548 56 01 fax (48 22) 548 56 66 e-mail: info@mostostal.waw.pl MILMET Fabryka Butli Technicznych „MILMET” SA ul. Gen. Grota-Roweckiego 130 41-200 Sosnowiec ph. (48 32) 299 03 00, 299 03 03 fax (48 32) 299 03 03 e-mail: milmet@silesia.top.pl [MLM] MITEX „MITEX” SA w Kielcach ul. Zagnańska 65 25-558 Kielce ph. (48 41) 363 41 00, 363 41 75 fax (48 41) 363 43 00 e-mail: kielce@mitex.com.pl [MTX] MORLINY Zakłady Mięsne „MORLINY” SA Morliny 14-100 Ostróda ph. (48 88) 47 71 00 fax (48 88) 46 51 63, 47 71 50 e-mail: morliny@klub500.pl4 [MRL] MOSTALEXP [MSX] „MOSTOSTAL -EXPORT” SA ul. Krucza 20/22 00-926 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 621 16 04 fax (48 22) 628 23 62 e-mail: biuro@mostostal-export.com.pl MOSTALGD MOSTOSTAL GDAŃSK SA ul. Marynarki Polskiej 96 80-955 Gdańsk ph. (48 58) 343 06 77, 343 16 61 fax (48 58) 343 10 08, 343 28 24 e-mail: ef@mostostal.gda.pl [MSG] MOSTALPLC MOSTOSTAL PŁOCK SA ul. Targowa 12 09-400 Płock ph. (48 24) 367 11 11, 367 11 27 fax (48 24) 367 12 50 [MSP] Fact Book 2001 MOSTALZAB [MSZ] „MOSTOSTAL ZABRZE HOLDING” SA ul. Wolności 191 41-800 Zabrze ph. (48 32) 271 32 21 fax (48 32) 271 26 49, 271 50 47 e-mail: post@mz.pl MPECWRO [MPW] Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Wrocław SA ul. Walońska 3-5 50-413 Wrocław ph. (48 71) 340 55 05, 340 55 55 fax (48 71) 343 04 34 e-mail: mpec@mpec.wroc.pl MURAWSKI [MRW] MURAWSKI HOLDING SA ul. Kolejowa 19 18-411 Śniadowo ph. (48 86) 218 06 10 fax (48 86) 218 57 87 e-mail: murawski@murawski.com.pl MUZA „MUZA” SA ul. Marszałkowska 8 00-590 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 621 17 75, 621 50 58 fax (48 22) 629 23 49 e-mail: muza@muza.com.pl [MZA] NAFTA [NFT] NAFTOBUDOWA SA ul. Lubicz 25 31-503 Kraków ph. (48 12) 422 13 80 fax (48 12) 421 03 28 e-mail: office@naftobudowa.com.pl NETIA „NETIA HOLDINGS” SA ul. Poleczki 13 02-822 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 648 45 00 fax (48 22) 648 44 90 e-mail: info@netia.pl [NET] Listed companies NOMI „NOMI” SA ul. Witosa 76 25-561 Kielce ph. (48 41) 363 54 01, 363 55 00 fax (48 41) 368 57 45 e-mail: biuro@nomi.com.pl [NMI] NOVITA „NOVITA” SA ul. Dekoracyjna 3 65-722 Zielona Góra ph. (48 68) 327 00 18, 327 00 21 fax (48 68) 325 68 60 e-mail: novita@novita.com.pl [NVT} OBORNIKI Wielkopolskie Fabryki Mebli SA ul. Marsz. J. Piłsudskiego 62 64-600 Oborniki Wlkp. ph. (48 61) 297 23 00 fax (48 61) 296 07 72, 297 23 75 e-mail: office@wfmsa.com.pl [OBR] OCEAN „OCEAN COMPANY” SA ul. Rydygiera 12 01-793 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 663 47 97, 663 48 14 fax (48 22) 663 48 10 e-mail: ocean@ocean.pl [OCN] ODLEWNIE „ODLEWNIE POLSKIE” SA Aleja Wyzwolenia 70 27-200 Starachowice ph. (48 41) 274 01 01, 274 53 76 fax (48 41) 274 00 08, 274 86 62 [ODL] OKOCIM „OKOCIMSKIE ZAKŁADY PIWOWARSKIE” SA ul. Browarna 14 32-800 Brzesko ph. (48 14) 686 50 00 fax (48 14) 686 52 88 e-mail: web@okocim.com.pl [OKM] OLAWA „Huta Oława” SA ul. Gen Wł. Sikorskiego 7 55-200 Oława ph. (48 71) 313 40 31 fax (48 71) 313 40 35 e-mail: info@olawa.pl [OLW] OPTIMUS „OPTIMUS” SA ul. Nawojowska 118 33-300 Nowy Sącz ph. (0 18) 443 77 97, 444 05 00 fax (0 18) 443 71 85 e-mail: inwestor@wg.ns.onet.pl [OPT] 111 ORBIS [ORB] „ORBIS” SA ul. Bracka 16 00-028 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 826 02 71...79, 827 72 61 fax (48 22) 827 33 01 ORFE „ORFE” SA ul. Chełmżyńska 249 04-458 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 673 50 04...06 fax (48 22) 673 51 29 e-mail: bki@orfe.pl [ORF] PAGED „Paged” SA Plac Trzech Krzyży 18 00-950 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 623 81 00, 623 81 14 fax (48 22) 628 13 96, 628 45 91 e-mail: paged@paged.com.pl [PGD] PAZUR „Pażur” SA ul. Domaniewska 49 02-672 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 847 93 39, 847 99 77 fax (48 22) 847 93 68, 847 93 69 e-mail: pazur@pazur.pl [PZR] PBK „Powszechny Bank Kredytowy SA w Warszawie” ul. Towarowa 25A 00-958 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 531 87 00 fax (48 22) 531 87 05 e-mail: investor.relations@pbk.pl [PBK] PEKABEX Poznańska Korporacja Budowlana Pekabex SA ul. Szarych Szeregów 23 60-462 Poznań ph. (48 61) 822 12 73, 824 04 00 fax (48 61) 822 11 42 e-mail: pekabex@pekabex.com.pl [PBX] PEKAO „Bank Polska Kasa Opieki” SA ul. Grzybowska 53/57 00-950 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 656 00 00 fax (48 22) 656 00 04 e-mail: info@pekao.com.pl [PEO] PEKPOL „PEKPOL” SA ul. Chocimska 28 00-791 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 849 80 72, 849 83 74 fax (48 22) 849 83 38 e-mail: emitent@pekpol.com.pl [PKL] Fact Book 2001 112 Listed companies PEMUG [PMG] Przedsiębiorstwo Montażu Konstrukcji Stalowych i Urządzeń Górniczych „Pemug” SA ul. Wł. Reymonta 24 40-029 Katowice ph. (48 32) 256 53 25 fax (48 32) 255 27 11, 256 46 81 e-mail: marketing@pemug.com.pl PEPEES Przedsiębiorstwo Przemysłu Spożywczego „PEPEES” SA ul. Poznańska 121 18-402 Łomża ph. (48 86) 218 44 04 fax (48 86) 218 32 42 e-mail: pepees@pepees.pl [PPS] PERMEDIA [PMD] Zakłady Chemiczne „PERMEDIA” SA ul. Grenadierów 9 20-331 Lublin ph. (0 81) 744 12 71...73 fax (0 81) 744 03 74 e-mail: sekretariat@permedia.pl POLIFARBC POLIFARB CIESZYN-WROCŁAW SA ul. Kwidzyńska 8 51-416 Wrocław ph. (0 33) 327 37 00 fax (0 33) 327 37 02 e-mail: poczta@polifarb.pl [PLC] POLIGR [PLG] „POLIGRAFIA” SA w Kielcach ul. Zagnańska 61 25-528 Kielce ph. (48 41) 331 65 77, 331 90 76 fax (48 41) 332 23 54 w. 206, 344 82 71 e-mail: Agata.Marjanska@poligrafia-sa.com.pl POLLENAE [PLE] Fabryka Kosmetyków „POLLENA-EWA” SA ul. 6 Sierpnia 15/17 90-616 Łódź ph. (0 42) 633 98 55 fax (0 42) 632 43 90 e-mail: pollena@pollenaewa.com.pl POLNA Zakłady Automatyki „POLNA” SA ul. Obozowa 23 37-700 Przemyśl ph. (0 16) 678 37 38, 678 66 01 fax (0 16) 678 37 10, 678 65 24 e-mail: polna@pr.onet.pl [PLA] PGF [PGF] „Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna” SA ul. Zbąszyńska 3 91-342 Łódź ph. (0 42) 640 79 57 fax (0 42) 640 71 43 e-mail: kontakt@pgf.com.pl PIASECKI „PIA PIASECKI” SA ul. Pańska 84 25-811 Kielce ph. (48 41) 363 71 30/31 fax (48 41) 363 71 32 e-mail: pia@piasecki.com.pl POLNORD „POLNORD” SA ul. Na Piaskach 10 80-846 Gdańsk ph. (48 58) 301 62 31 fax (48 58) 301 61 28 e-mail: polnord@polnord.pl [PND] [PSK] PKNORLEN [PKN] Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN SA ul. Chemików 7 09-411 Płock ph. (48 24) 365 28 95 fax (48 24) 365 40 40 e-mail: ppmedia@petro1.petrochemia.pl PONARFEH [PNF] Fabryka Elementów Hydrauliki „PONAR - WADOWICE” SA ul. Wojska Polskiego 29 34-100 Wadowice ph. (0 33) 823 39 43 fax (0 33) 823 38 40 e-mail: ponar@ponar-wadowice.pl POLAR „POLAR” SA ul. Gen. T. Bora Komorowskiego 6 51-210 Wrocław ph. (48 71) 324 33 00 fax (48 71) 324 32 22, 324 34 60 e-mail: polar@polar.com.pl [PLR] POZMEAT [PZM] Zakłady Mięsne „Pozmeat” SA ul. Garbary 101/111 61-757 Poznań ph. (48 61) 817 93 00...04, 855 25 11 fax (48 61) 852 43 68 e-mail: pozmeat@ikki.com.pl POLFKUTNO [PFK] Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne „POLFA” SA ul. H. Sienkiewicza 25 99-300 Kutno ph. (48 24) 254 23 74 fax (48 24) 254 28 15 e-mail: polfa@polfakutno.pl PPWK [PWK] Polskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Kartograficznych im. E. Romera Warszawa-Wrocław SA ul. Solec 18/20 00-410 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 628 32 51 fax (48 22) 628 02 36 Fact Book 2001 Listed companies PROCHEM [PRM] PROCHEM SA ul. Ostrobramska 103 04-041 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 810 00 81 fax (48 22) 810 29 18, 810 76 94 e-mail: prochem@mail.prochem.com.pl PROCHNIK „PRÓCHNIK” SA ul. Kilińskiego 228 93-124 Łódź ph. (0 42) 683 65 00 fax (0 42) 683 65 53 e-mail: prochnik@prochnik.com.pl [PRC] PROJPRZEM [PJP] „PROJPRZEM” SA ul. Bernardyńska 13 85-029 Bydgoszcz ph. (48 52) 322 90 01, 328 61 85 fax (48 52) 328 61 57, 345 60 17 e-mail: projprzem@projprzem.com.pl PROKOM „PROKOM Software” SA Al. Jerozolimskie 65/79 00-697 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 630 39 90...93 fax (48 22) 630 39 94 e-mail: lim@prokom.pl [PKM] PROSPER „PROSPER” SA ul. Grochowska 129 04-148 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 631 15 34 fax (48 22) 631 12 32 e-mail: wa@mail.prosper.pl [PSP] PUE Zakład Produkcji Urządzeń Elektrycznych B. Wypychewicz SA ul. Jędrzejowska 79C 29-100 Włoszczowa ph. (48 41) 394 28 14, 394 49 00 fax (48 41) 394 39 39, 394 49 00 e-mail: board@zpuesa.com.pl [PUE] RAFAKO Fabryka Kotłów RAFAKO SA ul. Łąkowa 33 47-400 Racibórz ph. (48 32) 410 10 00, 415 21 71 fax (48 32) 415 34 27 e-mail: info@rafako.com.pl [RFK] RELPOL [RLP] „RELPOL” SA ul. 11 Listopada 37 68-200 Żary ph. (48 68) 374 30 21...23, 374 92 07 fax (48 68) 374 38 66, 374 90 91 e-mail: relpol@relpol.com.pl 113 REMAK [RMK] Przedsiębiorstwo Modernizacji Urządzeń Energetycznych „REMAK” SA ul. Zielonogórska 3 45-955 Opole ph. (48 77) 455 20 11...18, 455 78 09 fax (48 77) 455 98 50 e-mail: remak@remak.com.pl ROLIMPEX „ROLIMPEX” SA Al. Jerozolimskie 146D 02-305 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 30 28 47, 830 07 25 fax (48 22) 830 03 62, 830 07 65 e-mail: glks@rolimpex.waw.pl [RMX] ROPCZYCE [RPC] Zakłady Magnezytowe „ROPCZYCE” SA ul. Przemysłowa 1 39-100 Ropczyce ph. (0 17) 221 86 51, 221 86 53 fax (0 17) 221 85 93 e-mail: informatycy@ropczyce.com.pl SANOK [SNK] Sanockie Zakłady Przemysłu Gumowego „Stomil Sanok” SA ul. Reymonta 19 38-500 Sanok ph. (48 13) 463 05 43, 463 25 05 fax (48 13) 463 16 96 e-mail: sekretariat@stomilsanok.com.pl SANWIL Zakłady Wyrobów Powlekanych „SANWIL” SA ul. Lwowska 52 37-700 Przemyśl ph. (0 16) 678 03 30, 678 08 21 fax (0 16) 678 02 44 [SNW] SIMPLE „SIMPLE” SA ul. Bronisława Czecha 49/51 04-555 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 812 58 98 fax (48 22) 815 49 83 e-mail: simple@simple.com.pl [SME] SKOTAN Zakłady Garbarskie „SKOTAN” SA ul. Fabryczna 10 43-430 Skoczów ph. (0 33) 853 33 41...46 fax (0 33) 852 54 60 e-mail: skotan@skotan.com.pl [SKT] SOFTBANK „SOFTBANK” SA ul. 17 Stycznia 72A 02-146 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 846 54 71...76 fax (48 22) 846 14 57 e-mail: jsp@softbank.pl [SFT] Fact Book 2001 114 Listed companies SOKOLOW SOKOŁÓW SA ul. Sielecka 22 00-738 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 851 14 30 fax (48 22) 699 41 33 e-mail: sa@wsrp.siedlce.pl [SKW] SWARZEDZ [SWZ] „Swarzędz Meble” SA ul. Poznańska 14 62-020 Swarzędz ph. (48 61) 817 25 11 fax (48 61) 817 20 30 e-mail: office@www.swarzedz-sa.com.pl STALEXP [STX] „STALEXPORT” SA ul. Mickiewicza 29 40-085 Katowice ph. (48 32) 251 22 11....19, 251 26 64 fax (48 32) 251 12 64 e-mail: stalex@stalexport.com.pl SWIECIE [FSC] Frantschach Świecie SA ul. Bydgoska 1 86-100 Świecie ph. (48 52) 331 01 11, 21 308 fax (48 52) 331 27 88 e-mail: GP@Frantschach.Swiecie.pl STALPROD [STP] Zakład Przetwórstwa Hutniczego „STALPRODUKT” SA ul. Wygoda 69 32-700 Bochnia ph. (48 14) 611 60 65, 615 10 00 fax (48 14) 611 11 18 e-mail: trzepla@orion.stalprodukt.com.pl SZEPTEL [SPT] Przedsiębiorstwo Telekomunikacyjne „SZEPTEL” SA ul. Sienkiewicza 52 18-210 Szepietowo ph. (48 86) 476 00 70, 476 04 25 fax (48 86) 470 01 00 e-mail: szeptel@szepph.pl STALPROFI „STALPROFIL” SA ul. Roździeńskiego 11A 41-308 Dąbrowa Górnicza ph. (48 32) 792 83 22, 795 51 46 fax (48 32) 795 56 12 e-mail: biuro@stalprofil.com.pl [STF] STERPRO „Ster-Projekt” SA ul. Magazynowa 1 02-652 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 607 72 00 fax (48 22) 607 71 97 e-mail: warszawa@spsa.com.pl [STR] STGROUP „STGroup” SA ul. Legnicka 42 53-674 Wrocław ph. (48 71) 355 05 17 fax (48 71) 355 98 12 e-mail: info@stgroup.com.pl [STG] STOMIL „STOMIL - OLSZTYN” SA ul. Wł. Leonharda 9 10-454 Olsztyn ph. (48 89) 539 42 46, 539 44 84 fax (48 89) 534 40 99 [STO] STRZELEC „Browary STRZELEC” SA ul. Pachońska 5 31-223 Kraków ph. (48 12) 415 87 73 fax (48 12) 415 89 61 [STC] SUWARY SUWARY SA ul. Piotra Skargi 45/47 95-200 Pabianice ph. (0 42) 215 43 53, 215 51 74 fax (0 42) 214 53 31 e-mail: office@suwary.com.pl Fact Book 2001 [SUW] TALEX TALEX SA ul. Pułtuska 10 61-052 Poznań ph. (48 61) 879 29 01, 879 49 16 fax (48 61) 879 29 17 e-mail: talex@talex.com.pl [TLX] TIM „TIM” SA ul. Stargardzka 8A 54-156 Wrocław ph. (48 71) 782 06 00 fax (48 71) 782 06 20 e-mail: zarzad@tim.pl [TIM] TONSIL TONSIL SA ul. Daszyńskiego 2/3 62-300 Września ph. (48 61) 437 61 95 fax (48 61) 436 63 64 e-mail: sekretariat@tonsil.tpnet.pl [TNL] TPSA „Telekomunikacja Polska” SA ul. Nowy Świat 6/12 00-400 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 827 56 30, 661 71 99 fax (48 22) 826 55 59 e-mail: emer@mailer.cst.tpsa.pl [TPS] TUEUROPA [ERP] Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeniowe „EUROPA” SA ul. Kamieńskiego 57 51-124 Wrocław ph. (48 71) 324 09 20 fax (48 71) 324 09 45 e-mail: sekretariat@europa-tu.com.pl Listed companies TUP „Trans Universal Poland” SA ul. Worcella 1 01-250 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 837 28 04 fax (48 22) 836 67 90, 837 28 04 e-mail: info@tup.com.pl [TUP} UNIMIL UNIMIL SA ul. Towarowa 8 32-410 Dobczyce ph. (48 12) 421 11 56, 421 49 67 fax (48 12) 421 49 30 [UML} WAFAPOMP Warszawska Fabryka Pomp i Armatury SA ul. Odlewnicza 1 03-231 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 811 14 31 fax (48 22) 811 31 46 e-mail: biuro@wafapomp.com.pl [WFP] WANDALEX „WANDALEX” SA ul. Marynarska 14 02-674 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 843 57 42 fax (48 22) 843 01 95, 853 17 82 e-mail: office@wandalex.com.pl [WDX] WARTA Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń i Reasekuracji „WARTA” SA ul. Chmielna 85/87 00-805 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 581 01 00, 581 09 00 fax (48 22) 581 13 74, 581 13 75 e-mail: edward.turski@warta.pl [WAR] WAWEL Zakłady Przemysłu Cukierniczego „Wawel” SA ul. Masarska 6/8 31-534 Kraków ph. (48 12) 421 14 33, 634 09 55 fax (48 12) 411 09 79, 421 37 28 e-mail: zpcmail@wawel.com.pl [WWL] WBK WIELKOPOLSKI BANK KREDYTOWY SA Pl. Wolności 16 60-967 Poznań ph. (48 61) 856 49 00 fax (48 61) 852 11 13 e-mail: info@wbk.com.pl [WBK] WILBO Wilbo SA ul. Skandynawska 7 84-120 Władysławowo ph. (48 58) 674 00 20, 674 14 18 fax (48 58) 674 14 66 e-mail: wilbo@wilbo.pl [WLB] 115 WISTIL [WST] Zakłady Przemysłu Jedwabniczego „WISTIL” SA ul. Majkowska 13 62-800 Kalisz ph. (0 62) 767 73 61 fax (0 62) 757 65 73 e-mail: biuro@wistil.pl WKSM „WROCŁAWSKIE KOPALNIE SUROWCÓW MINERALNYCH” SA ul. Powstańców Śląskich 5 53-332 Wrocław ph. (48 71) 667 28 10 fax (48 71) 667 28 10 e-mail: info@wksm.com.pl [WKS] WOLCZANKA [WLC] WÓLCZANKA SA ul. Wólczańska 243 93-035 Łódż ph. (0 42) 681 86 90 fax (0 42) 681 39 90 e-mail: zarzad@wolczanka.com.pl VISCO VISCOPLAST SA ul. Kwidzyńska 6 51-416 Wrocław ph. (48 71) 325 25 52 fax (48 71) 325 31 18 e-mail: poczta@viscoplast.com.pl [VSC] VISTULA Zakłady Przemysłu Odzieżowego „VISTULA” SA ul. Nadwiślańska 13 30-527 Kraków ph. (48 12) 423 66 88 fax (48 12) 656 50 98 e-mail: vistula@vistula.pl [VST] YAWAL [YWL] YAWAL SA ul. Kopernika 17/19 42-200 Częstochowa ph. (48 34) 365 14 29, 365 18 49 fax (48 34) 365 11 81 e-mail: yawal.cz_wa@yawal.com.pl ZEG [ZEG] Zakład Elektroniki Górniczej „ZEG” SA ul. Biskupa Burschego 3 43-100 Tychy ph. (48 32) 227 10 81, 227 60 91 fax (48 32) 227 48 37 e-mail: zegtychy@zeg.pl ZEW Zakład Elektrod Węglowych SA ul. Piastowska 29 47-400 Racibórz ph. (48 32) 415 45 01 fax (48 32) 415 23 83 e-mail: zewik@zew.com.pl Fact Book 2001 [ZEW] 116 Listed companies ZREW Zakłady Remontowe Energetyki Warszawa SA ul. Elektryczna 2A 00-346 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 821 31 06, 826 35 22 fax (48 22) 826 43 86 e-mail: zrew@zrew.com.pl [ZRW] ZYWIEC [ZWC] „BROWARY ŻYWIEC” SA ul. Browarna 88 34-300 Żywiec ph. (0 33) 861 24 52, (48 22) 521 42 00 fax (0 33) 861 46 14, (48 22) 521 42 17 01NFI [01N] „Fund.1 Pierwszy Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny” SA ul. Dworkowa 3 00-784 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 646 85 46 fax (48 22) 646 85 36 e-mail: info@brepe.com.pl 09KWIAT [09N] „Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny im. Eugeniusza Kwiatkowskiego” SA ul. Jagiellońska 15 03-719 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 871 34 00 fax (48 22) 871 34 40 e-mail: pzunfi@pzunfi.pl 02NFI [02N] Drugi Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny SA ul. Jagielońska 15 03-717 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 871 34 00 fax (48 22) 871 34 00 e-mail: pzunfi@pzunfi.pl 10FOKSAL [10N] „Foksal Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny” SA ul. Krzywickiego 34 02-078 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 625 44 53, 625 53 00 fax (48 22) 627 16 08 04PRO „Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny Progress” SA ul. Jagielońska 15 03-717 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 618 88 29, 618 78 52 fax (48 22) 618 78 18 e-mail: pzunfi@pzunfi.pl 12PIAST Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny „PIAST” SA ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 4/6 00-333 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 826 84 73, 826 28 78 fax (48 22) 826 03 12 e-mail: piast@piast.com.pl [12N] 13FORTUNA „Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny FORTUNA” SA ul. Dworkowa 3 00-784 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 646 85 46 fax (48 22) 646 85 36 e-mail: info@brepe.com.pl [13N] [04N] 05VICT [05N] V Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny „Victoria” SA ul. Dworkowa 3 00-784 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 646 85 46 fax (48 22) 646 85 36 e-mail: info@brepe.com.pl 06MAGNA „Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny Magna Polonia” SA ul. Biała 3 00-895 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 620 41 83 fax (48 22) 620 41 84 e-mail: aibfund@aib.pl [06N] 14ZACH [14N] „Zachodni Fundusz Inwestycyjny NFI” SA ul. Dworkowa 3 00-784 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 646 85 46 fax (48 22) 646 85 36 e-mail: info@brepe.com.pl 07NFI [07N] „Siódmy Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny im. Kazimierza Wielkiego” SA ul. Krzywickiego 34 02-078 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 622 95 46, 625 41 93 fax (48 22) 662 42 53 15HETMAN Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny „HETMAN” SA ul. Emilii Plater 53 00-113 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 520 93 50 fax (48 22) 520 93 51 [15N] 08OCTAVA [08N] Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny „Octava” SA ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 4/6 00-333 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 826 28 78, 826 84 73 fax (48 22) 826 03 12 e-mail: fundusz@nfioctava.octava.com.pl JUPITER „Jupiter Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny” SA ul. Nowogrodzka 47A 00-695 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 525 99 00, 525 99 99 fax (48 22) 525 99 88 [JPR] Fact Book 2001 117 L ist of Exchange members (AS OF DECEMBER 2000) Centralny Dom Maklerski Pekao SA ul. Wołoska 18 02-675 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 640 28 40/41, 640 26 40/41 fax (48 22) 640 28 00, 640 26 00 e-mail: webmaster@cdmpekao.com.pl Kredyt Bank SA ul. Kasprzaka 2/8 01-211 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 632 59 24 fax (48 22) 634 53 30 e-mail: prezes@kredytbank.com.pl Dom Maklerski BZ SA ul. Strzegomska 6/10 50-986 Wrocław ph. (48 71) 355 55 24, 370 30 01/50 fax (48 71) 370 32 59 e-mail: dmbz@dmbz.com.pl Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej SA ul. Kasprzaka 10/16 01-211 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 860 40 00 fax (48 22) 860 50 27 e-mail: info@bgz.pl Staropolski Dom Maklerski SA ul. Szkolna 1 61-832 Poznań ph. (48 61) 854 45 80 fax (48 61) 852 02 04 e-mail: office@sdm.com.pl Dom Maklerski BIG-BG SA ul. Jana Pawła II 15, IV p. 00-828 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 697 67 36, 697 67 86/87 fax (48 22) 697 67 67, 697 67 77 e-mail: dmbigbg@dmbigbg.com.pl PKO BP SA ul. Puławska 15 02-515 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 521 86 41 fax (48 22) 521 86 42 e-mail: informacje@pkobp.pl Bank Przemysłowo-Handlowy SA Al. Pokoju 1 31-548 Kraków ph. (48 12) 618 63 44/45 fax (48 12) 618 63 43 e-mail: bankbph@bph.pl Dom Inwestycyjny BRE BANKU SA ul. Wspólna 47/49 00-950 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 697 47 03, 697 49 00/01 fax (48 22) 697 47 05, 697 49 44 e-mail: brebrokers@breinwest.com.pl Dom Maklerski WBK SA Pl. Wolności 16 60-967 Poznań ph. (48 61) 856 48 80 fax (48 61) 856 47 70 e-mail: dm@wbk.com.pl Dom Maklerski Polonia Net SA ul. Floriańska 55 31-019 Kraków ph. (48 12) 422 10 80, 422 31 00 fax (48 12) 411 08 00, 411 17 66 e-mail: rdm@polonia.com.pl Dom Maklerski PBK SA ul. Towarowa 25A 00-958 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 531 91 00, 531 91 02 fax (48 22) 531 89 35 e-mail: bm@pbk.pl Dom Maklerski Banku Śląskiego SA w Katowicach ul. 3 Maja 9 40-096 Katowice ph. (48 32) 205 47 00, 258 88 65 fax (48 32) 258 46 51 e-mail: dmbsk@dmbsk.com.pl CA IB Securities SA Warszawskie Centrum Finansowe, XXIV p. ul. Emilii Plater 53 00-113 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 520 99 99 fax (48 22) 520 99 98 e-mail: securities.pl@ca-ib.com Bank Handlowy w Warszawie SA ul. Chałubińskiego 8 00-950 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 830 01 00 fax (48 22) 690 37 49 e-mail: listy@bh.com.pl ABN AMRO SECURITIES (Polska) SA Wiśniowy Business Park ul. 1-go Sierpnia 8A 02-134 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 573 07 00 fax (48 22) 573 07 01 e-mail: leszek.kramarski@pl.abnamro.com Global Capital Partners Poland SA ul. Solec 22, VIII p. 00-410 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 657 43 01/02 fax (48 22) 657 43 20 e-mail: office@globalcapital.pl Dom Maklerski Sur5.net SA ul. Ks. I.J. Skorupki 4 00-546 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 583 07 10, 622 17 31 fax (48 22) 583 07 15 e-mail: biuro@sur5.net Fact Book 2001 118 List of Exchange members Dom Maklerski ELIMAR SA Al. Korfantego 79 A 40-161 Katowice ph. (48 32) 203 38 76, 206 82 81 fax (48 32) 206 81 82 e-mail: biuro@elimar.com.pl ING Baring Securities (Poland) SA Pl. Trzech Krzyży 10/14 00-499 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 820 50 18 fax (48 22) 820 50 93 e-mail: darek.chrzastowski@ing-barings.com Dom Maklerski AmerBrokers SA ul. Ostrobramska 101 04-041 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 672 47 48, 672 47 69 fax (48 22) 672 48 30, 672 48 31 e-mail: abrok@amerbrokers.pl Dom Inwestycyjny BWE SA ul. A. Kordeckiego 56/58 04-355 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 610 05 86, 610 10 05 fax (48 22) 610 45 22 e-mail: di@di-bwe.com.pl Citibrokerage SA ul. Senatorska 16 00-923 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 657 78 70, 657 78 74 fax (48 22) 657 78 80, 657 78 88 e-mail: warsaw.citibrokerage@citicorp.com Credit Suisse First Boston /Polska/ SA FIM Tower XIII p. Al. Jerozolimskie 81 02-001 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 695 00 70, 695 00 72 fax (48 22) 695 00 55, 695 00 66 e-mail: grzegorz.kolodziejczyk@csfb.com Fortis Securities Polska SA ul. Wiejska 12 00-490 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 629 07 16 fax (48 22) 629 78 73 e-mail: pdm@polbox.com.pl Raiffeisen Capital & Investment Polska SA Al. Jana Pawła II 78 00-175 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 636 95 98/99, 636 57 37...42 fax (48 22) 635 22 21 e-mail: rcip@polbox.pl Erste Securities Polska SA Atrium Business Centre Al. Jana Pawła II 23 00-854 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 653 93 30, 653 93 33 fax (48 22) 653 93 34 e-mail: erste.securities@erste.ikp.pl Dom Maklerski Banku Ochrony Środowiska SA ul. Marszałkowska 78/80 00-517 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 622 66 22 wew. 102 fax (48 22) 629 71 50 e-mail: a.ciuchta@dmbos.com.pl Dom Maklerski PENETRATOR SA ul. Gołębia 6 31-007 Kraków ph./fax (48 12) 421 73 15 fax (48 12) 421 73 12 e-mail: sekretariat@penetrator.com.pl Robert Fleming (Polska) SA Atrium Business Centre Al. Jana Pawła II 23 00-854 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 653 93 80 fax (48 22) 653 93 83 e-mail: flemings@pol.pl Fact Book 2001 HSBC Securities Polska SA Centrum Giełdowe, V p. ul. Książęca 4 00-498 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 537 78 00 fax (48 22) 537 78 68/70 e-mail: artur.pietrzak@hsbcib.com Dom Maklerski BMT SA ul. I. Paderewskiego 7 61-770 Poznań ph. (48 61) 852 08 06 fax (48 61) 852 71 11 e-mail: officepn@bmt.com.pl Societe Generale Securities Polska SA Saski Point ul. Marszałkowska 111 00-102 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 528 45 00 fax (48 22) 528 45 09 e-mail: sgsp.office@socgen.com Wood & Company SA Warszawskie Centrum Finansowe, X p ul. Emilii Plater 53 00-113 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 588 16 00 fax (48 22) 588 16 16 e-mail: agata.zyra@wood.com Bank Inicjatyw Społeczno-Ekonomicznych SA ul. Żeromskiego 75 26-600 Radom ph. (0 48) 381 53 97 fax (0 48) 363 37 72 e-mail: bmbise@radom.top.pl Beskidzki Dom Maklerski SA ul. Stojałowskiego 27 43-300 Bielsko-Biała ph. (0 33) 812 84 40 fax (0 33) 812 84 42 e-mail: sekretariat@bdm.com.pl ProCapital SA ul. Sienna 39 00-121 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 526 67 00, 526 67 02 fax (48 22) 526 67 01 119 I mportant addresses Komisja Papierów Wartościowych i Giełd (KPWiG) Polish Securities and Exchange Commission Pl. Powstańców Warszawy 1 00-950 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 826 10 31, 826 20 31 fax (48 22) 826 81 00, 826 94 35 e-mail: sekr@kpwig.gov.pl Centrum Informacyjne KPWiG Information Centre ul. Mazowiecka 13 ph. (48 22) 827 60 44/45 fax (48 22) 826 84 01 Biblioteka KPWiG Library ul. Mazowiecka 13 ph. (48 22) 827 60 46 fax (48 22) 827 60 47 Ministerstwo Skarbu Państwa Ministry of Treasury ul. Krucza 36 00-522 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 695 90 00, 695 80 00 fax. (48 22) 628 08 72, 621 33 61 e-mail: minister@mst.gov.pl Ministerstwo Finansów Ministry of Finance ul. Świętokrzyska 12 00-916 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 694 36 01, 694 56 01 fax (48 22) 826 63 52, 827 27 22 e-mail: info@mofnet.gov.pl Narodowy Bank Polski National Bank of Poland ul. Świętokrzyska 11/21 00-916 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 653 10 00 fax (48 22) 620 85 18, 826 83 18 e-mail: nbp@nbp.pl Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych (KDPW) National Depository for Securities ul. Książęca 4 00-498 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 537 93 43, 537 95 88 fax (48 22) 627 23 46, 627 31 11 e-mail: kdpw@kdpw.com.pl Izba Domów Maklerskich Chamber of Brokerage Houses ul. Smolna 10A 00-375 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 827 86 30, 828 14 02/03 fax (48 22) 827 85 54 e-mail: biuro@idm.com.pl Związek Maklerów i Doradców Polish Association of Brokers and Investment Advisors ul. Marszałkowska 68/70 m. 30 00-676 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 628 37 43 fax (48 22) 628 37 43 e-mail: biuro@zmid.org.pl Stowarzyszenie Emitentów Giełdowych Issuers Association ul. Nowy Świat 35/9 00-029 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 826 31 93 fax (48 22) 826 31 93 e-mail: seg@pro.onet.pl Związek Banków Polskich Polish Bank Association ul. Smolna 10A 00-375 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 826 34 17 fax (48 22) 828 14 06 e-mail: kontakt@zbp.pl Państwowa Agencja Inwestycji Zagranicznych Polish Agency for Foreign Investment Al. Róż 2 00-559 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 621 06 23 fax (48 22) 621 84 27 e-mail: info@paiz.gov.pl Główny Urząd Statystyczny Central Statistical Office Al. Niepodległości 208 00-925 Warszawa ph. (48 22) 608 30 00, 608 30 01 fax (48 22) 608 38 63 e-mail: m.lukaszewicz@stat.gov.pl Fact Book 2001 120 Fact Book 2001 121 W SE publications ENGLISH: GIELDY WARSZAWSKIEJ - WSE AVAILABLE IN * CEDULA OFFICIAL (PUBLISHED AFTER EACH TRADING SESSION) BULLETIN * MONTHLY BULLETIN * WARSAW STOCK EXCHANGE INDICES * ANNUAL REPORT * FACT BOOK * WSE RULES AND REGULATIONS * DETAILED EXCHANGE TRADING RULES POLISH ONLY: * PRZEGLĄD PRAWA GIEŁ DOWEGO (STOCK EXCHANGE LEGAL REVIEW) - QUARTERLY AVAILABLE IN PLEASE SEE: WWW.WSE.COM.PL/DATA DISTRIBUTION/PUBLICATIONS C losure dates in 2001 The Warsaw Stock Exchange in closed every Saturday, as well as on the following dates in 2001: January 1 Monday April 13 Friday April 16 Monday May 1 Tuesday May 3 Thursday June 14 Thursday August 15 Wednesday November 1 Thursday December 24 Monday December 25 Tuesday December 26 Wednesday Fact Book 2001 122 Fact Book 2001 123 G lossary Particular regulations concerning trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange are contained in the Exchange Rules and Regulations and the Detailed Exchange Trading Rules, as well as in the Exchange Supervisory Board and Exchange Management Board resolutions published by the Exchange in Cedula (official daily bulletin) and Przegląd Prawa Giełdowego (Stock Exchange Legal Review). Admission to trading Resolution by the Exchange Supervisory Board, admitting securities to trading on the Exchange. Affiliate Brokerage firm which is not a WSE member and places orders through a WSE member firm. Allotment certificate Financial instrument allowing investors who have purchased shares of a new issue to sell them prior to their introduction to trading on the Exchange. Assimilation Fusion of shares registered in the Depository under different codes. Base index value Initial, arbitrarily defined value of an index; the base value for the WIG, WIG20, MIDWIG, TechWIG and WIRR indices is 1,000; for the NIF, it is 160. bd (Polish abbreviation for 'ex-dividend') Information posted next to a stock quotation, signifying that stocks without dividend rights for the last financial year are being traded. Bear market Prolonged period of falling prices on the market. Block trade Transaction concluded outside the order book (off-session) on the Exchange, the minimum size (block) of which is set forth in the WSE Rules; a block trade in an Exchange-listed security may be executed before it is introduced to trading on the Exchange (pre-session block trade) or after (off-session block trade). Bond Security issued in series, in which the issuer states that it is in debt to the bond owner (bondholder), and undertakes to perform a specified service (to pay the bondholder a specified sum of money, usually at specified intervals, and to repay the principal of the loan at maturity); a convertible bond gives its owner the right to exchange it for other securities of the issuing company at some future date, under prescribed conditions. bp (Polish abbreviation for 'ex-subscription rights') Information posted next to a stock quotation, signifying that stocks without subscription rights are being traded. Broker's order Order placed by a WSE member firm on the basis of a customer's order: - Price limit order—order with maximum buy price or minimum sell price indicated. - Must-be-filled order—order without price limit, indicating willingness to buy/sell a specified number of securities regardless of price. - Market-on-opening order—order without price limit, which may be executed in full or in part; placed for the opening (closing) or market-balancing period in continuous trading or in the single-price system; the execution price equals the opening (closing) price; the unfilled portion of the order becomes a price limit order with limit equal to the opening price. - Market order—order without price limit which may be executed in full or in part; the execution price will be equal to the price of the best unfilled opposite order waiting in the order book; the unfilled portion of the order becomes a price limit order with limit equal to the execution price. - Hidden order—price limit order of which only part of the volume is displayed to the market. - Fill-or-kill order—order with price limit which may be executed only in full; when this is not possible, the order is removed from the order book. - Minimum size order—order with price limit; if the order cannot be executed in the specified minimum size, it is removed from the order book. - Stop order—order with or without price limit; appears in the order book only at the moment when the market price exceeds the level specified in the order. - Fill-and-kill order—order may be placed in any session phase; if it is executed only in part, the unfilled portion becomes void. Brokerage firm (brokerage house) Entity authorised by the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission to, among other things, offer securities in public trading, buy and sell securities on its own or its clients' account, and offer portfolio management and investment advice services to its clients. Bull market Prolonged period of rising prices on the market, usually accompanied by intensified buying of stocks. Cedula Official bulletin of the Warsaw Stock Ex- Fact Book 2001 124 Glossary change; Cedula lists quotations and provides information on trading activities concerning listed securities (available on the Internet). Closing price Price of the last transaction in a given security during a given session. Continuous trading (quotation) system Continuous trading; a system allowing transactions in a given security to be concluded at different prices during one session. Current and periodical reports Information which an issuer of securities admitted for public trading is required to disclose to the public. Depository receipt Security documenting ownership rights to shares in a foreign company. Derivatives (derivative rights) Instruments whose price depends on the price or value of their underlying instrument. Divergent market Unbalanced market in which the highest price limit on a buy order is lower than the lowest price limit on a sell order, or a market in which there are only buy or only sell orders; a market with no orders at all is also considered a divergent market. Dividend Portion of a company's net profit to be paid out per each share; determined by resolution of the company's General Meeting of Shareholders. Dividend yield Ratio of the dividend paid out in the last financial year to the average market value of the company for the same period; stated in percentage points. DVP (delivery versus payment) Principle governing settlement of Exchange transactions; DVP is based on simultaneous transfer of cash and securities. dw (Polish abbreviation for 'before split') Information posted next to a security quotation, signifying that the security will undergo a split in the near future. EPS Net profit for the last 4 quarters divided by the number of shares outstanding. of a given type or for a selected group thereof. Exchange Management Board Exchange executive body consisting of five members, including the President; the Board manages the business and assets of the WSE, and represents the Exchange in external contacts. Exchange member Entity operating a brokerage firm, which is a shareholder in the Exchange and has been approved by the Exchange Supervisory Board to operate on the Exchange and, in particular, to conclude transactions. Exchange Supervisory Board Supervisory board of the company operating the Exchange; on the WSE, in addition to performing duties regulated by the Commercial Companies Code, the Board also approves securities for trading and admits brokerage firms to operation on the Exchange. Exchange trading session Period of time during which transactions may be concluded on the Exchange; on the WSE, sessions are held from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:10 p.m. Exchange transaction Transaction concluded on the Exchange in accordance with Exchange rules and regulations, involving securities which have been approved for Exchange trading, rights concerning these securities, and other financial instruments. Exercise price Price at which the warrant (or option) issuer undertakes to buy or sell the underlying asset. FESE Federation of European Securities Exchanges, an organisation uniting exchanges of EU countries; the WSE has been an associate member of FESE since June 4, 1999. FIBV Fédération Internationale des Bourses de Valeurs (the International Federation of Stock Exchanges), an organisation that groups together the world's largest and best-organised exchanges; WSE has been an FIBV member since October 10, 1994. Exchange Court Permanent body established to act as an arbitrator in conflicts between parties to Exchange transactions, as well as between the Exchange and its shareholders. Free market Segment of the WSE market where shares admitted to public trading, but not meeting listing requirements for WSE main or parallel markets, may be traded. Exchange data services Market data services made available by the Exchange in electronic form to data distributors. Futures contract Contract between two parties, one of which undertakes to buy, the other to sell a specified quantity of a standardised underlying instrument, or to carry out an equivalent cash settlement, at a precisely-specified Exchange index Indicator of price changes for all securities Fact Book 2001 Glossary future date (expiry date) and at a price defined precisely at the moment the contract is entered into. General Meeting Highest authority of a joint-stock company; General Meetings are called at least once a year. Intervention (in the single-price auction system) Phase of the session before the single-price auction during which market participants, market-makers may modify orders they have already placed. Introduction of securities to trading Decision in the form of an Exchange Management Board resolution which determines the first quotation day, quotation system, number of securities introduced, session days, and method of the securities' introduction to trading. Investment certificates Securities issued by closed-end or mixed investment funds, which confirm participation in the fund and make it possible to determine the amount due a participant at a given moment; listed on the Exchange. Investment fund Financially separate pooled fund of variable value and constant economic objective, managed by an investment fund corporation for its participants. IOSCO International Organisation of Securities Commissions the—Polish Securities and Exchange Commission has been a member since 1991; the WSE has been an affiliate member since 1998. Issue price Price at which shares are sold on the primary market. Issuer Entity issuing securities in its own name. Issuer's market maker (animator) Exchange member firm which, based on an agreement with an issuer, undertakes to maintain the liquidity of a given security. Listed company Joint-stock public company whose shares from at least one issue are admitted for trading on the Exchange. Main market Segment of the Exchange market meant for securities with the highest liquidity; issuers on the main market are generally characterised by a higher capitalisation level and longer history. Margin Amount paid into an account by an investor opening a position on the futures market, constituting a percentage of the futures 125 contracts value, as determined by the National Depository for Securities. Market capitalisation Total value of all listed securities (or groups of securities), based on their market prices. Market maker (animator) Exchange member firm which, based on an agreement with the Exchange, undertakes to sustain the liquidity of a given security. Maturity For bonds, the date on which the issuer is required to pay the bondholder the bonds' nominal value plus interest. MIDWIG index Price index covering 40 companies listed on the main market which do not comprise the WIG20; calculated since January 1998. Mortgage bond Debt instrument issued by a mortgage bank, underlied by the mortgage bank's accounts receivable, secured by mortgages or guarantees granted by specified institutions (including the State Treasury and the National Bank of Poland); the issuer, a mortgage bank, pledges to perform a specified monetary service for the holder—payment of interest and redemption of the bond in the manner and on the dates specified in the terms of issue. National Depository for Securities (Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych) Joint-stock company established by the State Treasury and the Warsaw Stock Exchange, whose main tasks include: keeping and registering publicly-traded securities; servicing corporate actions, issuing depository receipts, organising transaction clearing and settlement. National Investment Fund (NIF) Joint-stock company established within the framework of the National Investment Funds Program (Mass Privatisation Program), holding shares in privatised companies brought into the program by the State Treasury; currently, 14 National Investment Funds are in existence. NIF index National Investment Funds Index—a portfolio price index encompassing shares of the National Investment Funds received upon the conversion of one NIF certificate; calculated since June 1997. Non-transactional price Price of a given security, equal to an upper or lower price variation limit. Opening price (in the continuous trading system) Price of a security, determined on the basis of orders accepted before the opening, with relevant rules governing the single-price auction system applied accordingly; if no Fact Book 2001 126 Glossary opening price can be determined, the price of the first transaction becomes the opening price. Option Contract between a writer and a buyer, giving the buyer the right to buy (or sell) a specified quantity of an underlying instrument (e.g. currency or stock) on a certain date and at an exercise price; a warrant is a specific type of option. Order book Orders submitted to the Exchange for a given security, sorted by price. Outstanding shares Number of registered shares. P/BV Price/Book Value ratio; ratio of a listed company's market value to its book value. P/E Price/Earnings ratio; ratio of a listed company's market value to the sum of its profits and losses for the last four quarters. Parallel market Segment of the Exchange market meant for securities of lower liquidity; issuers on the parallel market are generally characterised by a lower capitalisation level and shorter history than companies on the main market. Post-auction trading (in the single-price auction system) Phase of the session in the single-price auction system, during which buy and sell orders at a designated price (single price) may be placed and executed. Pre-opening Phase of the session in the single-price auction system and in continuous trading, in which orders are accepted and collected in an order book; an indicative opening price is published, but no transactions are concluded. Price variation limits (price brackets) Maximum allowable price change relative to the reference price, defined for each quotation system and type of security. Prospectus Document providing detailed information on an issuer's legal and financial status, as well as on its securities—specifically, information concerning the process of their introduction to public trading. Public company Company whose shares from at least one issue have been admitted for public trading by the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission. pw (Polish abbreviation for 'after split') Information posted next to a given security's quotation signifying that the security has undergone a split. Fact Book 2001 Quotation market Segment of the Exchange market having its own listing requirements; the WSE has three quotation markets: main, parallel and free. Rate of return Change in value of an investment, including dividends or interest and subscription rights, stated as a percentage. Rate of return on index Percentage change in the closing index value between the last session of the period previous to a given period and the last session of the given period; the USD rate of return is calculated by dividing the index values by the USD exchange rates. Rate of return on shares Percentage change in share price between the last session of the period previous to a given period and the last session of the given period; dividend is reinvested in the same stock at the session following the dividend record date (determination of right to dividend). Rate of return on T-bonds Percentage change in T-bond settlement price between the last session of the period previous to a given period and the last session of the given period; interest is reinvested in the same bonds at the session following the interest record date (determination of right to interest). Securities and Exchange Commission (Komisja Papierów Wartościowych i Giełd) Government body which ensures the propriety of securities market activities and the safety of investors, and oversees licensing activities on the securities market. Securities portfolio management Services rendered by a brokerage firm— making of investment decisions on behalf of its customer; requires a permit from the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission. Settlement price Value according to which exchange transactions are cleared and settled; the settlement price for a bond is equal to the bond's quotation (in %) multiplied by its nominal value (in zl), plus interest due (in zl); for shares, it is equal to the market price (in zl). Share Type of security—document which certifies that its owner (shareholder) holds a portion of a joint-stock company's capital, as well as confers the right to receive dividends and attend General Meetings of Shareholders. Share dispersion One of the listing requirements—the minimum number of shareholders required by Exchange rules: 500 for the main market and 300 for the parallel market. Glossary Share split Exchange of all of a given company's shares for a proportionally larger amount of shares with a proportionally lower nominal value. Single price Price determined on the basis of orders collected, at which transactions for a given security during a given session are concluded. Single-price auction Quotation system based on a single price; also, a phase of continuous trading. Single-price auction system Transaction system in which all transactions for a given security are concluded at the same price (single price), as determined via the single-price auction procedure. SiTech Segment for Innovative Technologies encompassing the 'new economy' companies. Subscription right Shareholder's priority rights to subscribe to shares of a new issue (pre-emptive rights); may be traded on the Exchange. Suspension of quotation Temporary suspension of trading in a given security of a given issuer, for a specified time period; suspension can take place at the issuer's request, or in the best interests and safety of market participants. T+1 Time frame for settlement of futures transactions: the next business day. T+2 Time frame for settlement of T-bond transactions: the transaction date plus two business days. T+3 Timeframe for settlement of stock transactions concluded on the Exchange; the transaction date plus three business days. Tandem Central computer of the Exchange. TechWIG Price index covering companies qualified to the Segment for Innovative Technologies (SiTech). Transaction settlement Provision of securities to the buyer and money to the seller, pursuant to a concluded transaction. Treasury bills Short-term securities issued by the State Treasury with maturity of 52 weeks or less; not traded on the WSE. Turnover ratio for shares Turnover volume (single-counted) divided by the number of shares listed. 127 Turnover value Product of price and number of securities bought and sold (i.e. double-counted). Turnover volume Total number of securities traded, calculated for a given security or for a given market. Unbalanced market (in the single-price auction system) Situation in which a price which would meet the conditions of a balanced market cannot be determined. Volatility Standard deviation of natural logarithms of the ratio of price (index value) to reference price (index value) for each session of the period, annualised assuming 250 trading sessions in a year. Warrant Financial instrument whose price depends on the price or value of the so-called underlying instrument; unconditional and irrevocable obligation undertaken by the warrant issuer to pay out the settlement value to entitled warrant holders. WARSET New trading system of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. WIG index Warsaw Stock Exchange Index—a totalreturn index encompassing all shares listed on the main market, calculated since April 16, 1991. WIG sector sub-indices Sub-indices of the WIG index which make it possible to evaluate the return on investment in companies in various sectors of the economy; the base date for the sub-indices is December 31, 1998. WIG20 index Price index encompassing 20 of the largest and most-traded companies on the main market; calculated since April 16, 1994. WIRR index Parallel Market Index; a total-return index encompassing shares listed on the parallel market, calculated since December 31, 1994. www.wse.com.pl Address of the Exchange web site on the Internet. zd (Polish abbreviation for 'with dividend right') Information posted next to a given security's quotation, signifying that stocks carry dividend rights for the last financial year. zp (Polish abbreviation for 'with subscription rights') Information posted next to a given security's quotation, signifying that the stocks are traded with subscription rights. Fact Book 2001 4 Warsaw Stock Exchange Książęca 4 00-498 Warsaw, Poland www. wse.com.pl E-mail: gielda@wse.com.pl Secretariat ph. (48 22) 628 32 32 fax (48 22) 537 77 90 Information and Marketing Department ph. (48 22) 537 77 12 fax (48 22) 537 74 84 Fact Book 2001
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