Paulus Swaen Auction Catalogue Sep-29-2007 to Oct-10-2007


Paulus Swaen Auction Catalogue Sep-29-2007 to Oct-10-2007
Paulus Swaen Auction Catalogue
Sep-29-2007 to Oct-10-2007
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Atlases and Bibles
World Maps
Canada cities
North America
Great Lakes/Philadelphia
Indiana / Ohio / Kentukey / Alabama
Mississippi / Louisiana
New England states
Virginia/ Maryland/ Carolina / Georgia
Mexico cities
Caribbean & Atlantic Ocean
Bermuda / Bahamas
Puerto Rico / St.Domingo
Windwards / Leewards / Guadeloupe
Caribbean other islands
Central America
South America
Magellan/Tierra del Fuego
Oceanie & Australasia
New Zealand general
Arabia & Turkey
China provinces
China/Hong Kong
China cities
East Asia
Sri Lanka(Ceylon)
Pakistan / Mongol
South East Asia
Japan isles
Kuril islands
Japan cities
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Near / Middle East
Persia (Iran)
Holy Land & Jerusalem
South East Asia
Java cities
North Africa
Canary Islands
North Africa cities
Central Africa
East coast
West coast / Ivory Coast
Southern Africa
Cape of Good Hope
Austria cities / portraits
Belgium provinces
Belgium cities
British Isles
British counties
Channel islands
British Isles cities / portraits
Eastern Europe
France provinces
France cities / portraits
Germany provinces
Germany cities
Greece Islands
Italy provinces
Italy cities
Mediterranean & Islands
Holland - Noord
Holland - Zuid
Poland general
Poland provinces
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Poland cities / portraits
Portugal provinces
Portugal cities
Russia provinces
Russia cities / portraits
Scandinavia general
Scandinavia cities
North Pole
Spain provinces
Spain cities / portraits
Switzerland cantons
Brabant cities
Holland - Noord
Holland - Noord cities
Holland - Zuid
Holland - Zuid cities
Limburg cities
Cartographic Curiorities
Leo Belgicus
Title Pages
Medieval Manuscripts
Music / Antiphoner
Printed Leaves
Nuremberg Chronicle
Prints <I>(more)</I>
Natural history
Old Master
Stocks and Bonds
VOC &Trading companies
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Atlases and Bibles
ARIAS MONTANUS, B., Biblia Sacra., Antwerp, 1583, 13 x 19.9 inches /33 x 50.5 cm, Folio, 18th century brown
calf binding. Upper and lower part of spine a bit separating with contemp. repair. A ruled-copy, paper slightly
age-toned. With a world map, two maps of the Holy Land and several text engravings., (Estimate: $15000 - 17000)
Famous "Polyglot" Bible, printed by the famous Plantin firm and prepared under the direction of Philip II of Spain. Including a world map
well-known for its showing the dispersion of the tribes of Israel and for its high level of engraving quality.
The world map (in a first state) is of geographic significance for its apparent depiction of the north coast of Australia four decades before its
"discovery," a feature which has caused considerable controversy among historians.
Map of Canaan at the times of Abraham and before the conquest by the Children of Israel, with the neighboring regions. Oriented to the east. The
shore line runs from Turkey as far as Egypt, and inland from the Mediterranean as far as Babylonia. The shore line of Palestine is most distorted.
Shows a big Haifa bay, does not mention either Haifa or Acco, but does mention Mount Carmel. The Mediterranean is connected by a river with the
Lake of Tiberias. Many names are in Hebrew lettering also.
¤ (Lot number: 25077)
BERTIUS,P., Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum, Amsterdam, J.Hondius, 1618, 5.1 x 7.5 inches /13 x 19
cm, Oblong 4to. In contemp. vellum binding. Text in French, 5, (3), (12) 829, 9pp index. Title page and 175 maps
and plates. Paper with the usual age-toning and some very minor water staining. Generally very good., (Estimate:
$13000 - 16000)
Third edition of this rare and influential pocket atlas. All maps are fine and dark impressions. World map engraved by J.Hondius (signed): celestial
chart in double hemisphere; double hemisphere world map; Europe general (2); Iceland; England (4); Spain (7); France (12); Low Countries (22);
Germany (13); Switzerland (2); Austria (3); Scandinavia (4); Eastern Europe (10); Italy (24); Malta; Greece (6); Africa (16); Asia (25, including
Cyprus, Japan, Philippines, Malacca, Arabia, etc; America (15, America map, Burden 92; New Foundland, Burden 113, Mexico, Burden 114).
Maps are good and dark impressions and engraved by Petrus Kaerius and Jodocus Hondius. ¤ (Lot number: 62132)
Wed. Paulus Aertsz. van Ravesteyn., BIBLIA, dat is de gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de canonijcke
boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments., Amsterdam, 1660, 11.8 x 8.9 inches /30 x 22.5 cm, 3 parts in 1
vol. Folio. Contemporary calf, with 8 large brass corner-pieces and 2 large brass clasps, richly blind tooled. Spine in
18th century renewed. (20), 302, (2), 149: 164, (10): (2), 66 lvs., (Estimate: $3000 - 4500)
Richly bound copy of the official Dutch 'Staten-Bijbel' after the Synod from Dordrecht. With engraved general title, 2 separate titles, 6 double-page
engraved maps by Nic. Visscher, including a worldmap and a plan of Jerusalem. Good copy of a rich family-bible.
Paper occasionally browned and with light waterstains in upper part.
Extra shipping costs apply, due to its weight!
(Lot number: 25079)
LATTRE / RIZZI ZANONI / JANVIER, Atlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe
terrestre par plusieurs auteurs., Paris, Lattré, 1771, 11.8 x 8.9 inches /30 x 22.5 cm, Folio. 2 Parts in 19th century
calf, raised spine. Two title pages and 77 double page maps and 2 fold out double page maps in original out line
colours. Several maps with water stain in lower margin, not affecting engraved area., (Estimate: $3500 - 4000)
Typical 18th century French atlas, including maps by Janvier, Rizzi Zannoni and Bonne. Decorative title page of part one: two women holding the
title in a large drape, the page is filled with rolled maps, a globe and 2 books.
Atlas starts with extra bound-in double hemispheres with pole circles and a second plate with climate zones. The two maps have very attractive
border printed from a separate plate.
The normal order starts with a sphere, a double hemisphere world map, showing a Mer de L'Ouest.
Map of Europe, France (3), the Low Countries (2), the Iberian peninsula, Switzerland, Italy (3), Germany (3), Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland (2),
the British Isles, Scandinavia, Russia and Greece.
Map of Asia, the Holy Land (2), Indonesia, and China.
Map of Africa, the river Nile and Northern Africa.
Map of the Americas, North America (showing a Mer de L'Ouest), South America and the Caribbean Islands.
Part two has an engraved title page, and 41 maps of France, Portugal, England, Ireland, Scotland, Russia, Turkey, Arabia, Persia, South East Asia (4
sheets), Tartary (2), Nibie, Guinee (2), Africa, Canada (2), Mexico, Northern part of South America, Peru, Paraguay and Holy Land (2). ¤ (Lot
number: 25078)
ATLAS DES ENFANS, ou nouvelle méthode pour apprendre la géographie,.., Lyon, Bruyset Père & Fils, 1790,
5.1 x 6.7 inches /13 x 17 cm, Small 8vo. Contemporary brown calf. In-8 de (1) f.; 1 frontispice, XVI pp., 286 pp.
et 24 cartes ; veau fauve raciné, dos orné., (Estimate: $800 - 900)
Atlas for the children with 24 maps of the World and continents and maps of European countries. Size of the maps: 13x17cm size of the binding:
With fine engraved allegorical frontispiece, and 24 folding engraved "blind" maps, all finely coloured by hand, in the main part, and two folding
engraved plates, of an armillary globe and eclipses in the added part. Illustrated with 24 numbered hand-coloured engraved "blind" maps, that is
maps with the geographical names left out for the children to "find blindly". The explanatory text to all maps is in the form of questions and answers,
like a catechism, for the children to learn by heart. Gumuchian records this Pirate edition published at Lyons in 1790. The work was pirated not only
in France, but also in Germany, no doubt because of the "blind" maps, which represented quite a new method of teaching geography to children. (Lot
number: 25091)
BUTLER,S., An atlas of ancient geography., London, 1826, 8.7 x 5.9 inches /22 x 15 cm, In good condition, the
binding has some traces of using. The maps are a little bit browned., (Estimate: $420 - 500)
A small atlas with 21 maps made by Samuel Butler. The atlas has a titlepage, index, 21 maps of ancient geography in original out line colour and a
name index at the end.
(Lot number: 80351)
World Maps
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LUFT,H. after, [No title] Daniel's Dream Map., Cologne, 1564, 4.8 x 6.2 inches /12.2 x 15.8 cm, Wood block print
with letter press. Paper slightly age-toned with marginal water staining. Very good condition., (Estimate: $1500 1800)
A somewhat curious map of Europe, Africa, and Asia is to be found in apocalyptic literature originally emanating from Wittenberg in 1530 or even
1529. One of the first impressions of the map was used by the printer Hans Lufft to illustrate two works: one a commentary on the prophet Daniel by
Martin Luther (1530) and another linking the vision of Daniel with the assaults of the Turks on the perimeters of Christian Europe at the time.
The wood cut map is showing the four beasts of Daniel's Dream Map..This edition of the map is slightly smaller than the first edition, and was
originally printed on a text sheet of Luther's Wittenberg Bible. For this later edition, the woodblock was re-cut and surrounded in an elaborate
picture-frame style border. It was published in a Wittenberg Bible with text above and below the map (page size 385x245mm.)
(Lot number: 24907)
ORTELIUS, A., A complete set of Ortelius' World and Continents, Antwerp, Chr. Plantin, 1571-1575, 14 x 19.2
inches /35.5 x 48.7 cm, The maps are in very good to mint condition. The map of America with a printers crease.
Large margins, good impression., (Estimate: $20000 - 25000)
An attractive set of these decorative and important maps published at Antwerp in Ortelius' Theatrum.
The maps are very early impressions, with no plate cracks in America and just a very tiny one for the world.
The Theatrum was the first large modern atlas and was extremely influential. The world and four continent maps offered here summarize in a
decorative but powerful way the level of geographical knowledge at the end of the sixteenth century and the mastery of the art which expressed it on
These five maps are the most sought after combination of maps in the Theatrum.
Typus Orbis Terrarum after Gastaldi and Mercator's great 1569 wall map. The title is given in large letters above the image and below, is a
quotation from Cicero: "What do human affairs signify when one considers the vastness of the world and all eternity?"Americae sive Novi Orbis,
Nova Descriptio is one of the most famous maps of the New World. With a cartouche with sphinxes, masks and mysterious motifs that covers the
South Pacific.Asiae Nova Descriptio is the atlas version of Ortelius' own wall map of Asia, published in 1567, derived from Gastaldi and Albufeda.
Africae Tabula Nova is based on the Gastaldi wall map of 1564. It is embellished with a ferocious sea battle southeast of Madagascar and several
sea monsters in the Atlantic. The drawing of the far eastern coast of Brazil, shown as well below the Equator.Europae derives in large part from
Mercator's work. Russia from Jenkinson's map and Scandinavia from Olaus Magnus. The relatively modest cartouche shows partially covered and
apparently distraught Europe sitting on the back of a placid Zeus as bull, both gazing toward Europe. ¤ (Lot number: 24927)
ORTELIUS,A., Typus Orbis Terrarum, Antwerp, 1579, 13.4 x 19.7 inches /34 x 50 cm, Good, it has some small
restaurations at the centerfold and 1" left of centerfold (there was an extra fold), (Estimate: $6500 - 7000)
Ortelius' beautiful oval world map is a simplified version of Mercator's influential map of 1569. From surviving correspondence it is known that
Mercator encouraged Ortelius and provided him with information, particularly with co-ordinates of places in the Americas. This is the first state of
Ortelius' third world map updated with the more correct shape of South America and the first depiction of the Solomon Islands off the coast of New
Guinea. North America is nearly bissected by a lengthy St. Lawrence River, and the lands of Anian Regnum and Quivira are noted on the western
coast. The Atlantic Ocean is filled with phantom islands, including Frieslant, St. Brandain, Brasil and many others. A huge Southern Continent
incorporates Tierra del Fuego, and the mythical lands of Beach, Maletur and Lucach. The oval projection is surrounded by an intricate strapwork
design and four corner medallions containing quotations from Cicero and Seneca. Latin text on verso. (Lot number: 80312)
APIANUS, P. / FRISIUS., [Old world], Venice, c.1580, 4.4 x 4.3 inches /11.3 x 11 cm, Wood block print within
letter press. Very good condition. Size of paper: 190x155mm., (Estimate: $1200 - 1800)
A charming map of the old world, surrounded with 12 windheads, among three are sculs. From an early small octavo edition of Apianus' hugely
popular work Cosmographicus liber by Petrus Apianus.Apianus' work in its full-length form was first published in 1524. It first appeared in a
popular format in Antwerp in 1532 or 1533. (Lot number: 24992)
BÜNTING,H., Die eigentliche und warhafftige gestalt der Erden.., Magdeburg, ca. 1581, 10.8 x 14.4 inches /27.5 x
36.5 cm, Good margins. Generally in very good condition., (Estimate: $750 - 1200)
Map of the world showing a landmass remarkably like the west coast of Australia and roughly where Australia should be. Lower left an early
representation of America, the Caspian Sea is greatly exaggerated in size. The seas are adorned with sea monsters and many major cities are
indicated and named.
There are several states, of this map: this one with Mare Mediraneum in the Mediterranean Sea and with the bottom right hand corner, missing in
Shirley's example, illustrated in his book.
Bünting's work Itinerarium Sacrae Scriptura was essentially a theological commentary with other maps of great curiosity. German text on verso.
Collectors item! (Lot number: 25010)
ORTELIUS,A., Typus Orbis Terrarum., Antwerp, 1587, 14 x 19.2 inches /35.5 x 48.7 cm, Mint condition. Repair
of small split lower part center fold. Full margins., (Estimate: $11000 - 12000)
Ortelius' third and last world map is dated 1587 under the author's signature. The earlier border of clouds has been replaced by a more intricate and
elegant lattice of strapwork and swag. The oval world map used previously has been updated in two major respects. South America now assumes the
more correct shape anticipated in state 3 of Ortelius' second plate, and the Solomon Isles are marked for the first time.
However, Ortelius shows the northern mainland's of Asia and America as separated by a narrow strait, 200 years prior to Captain Cook's thorough
surveys of the area.
California is properly shown as a peninsula. However, the map reflects the misconception held at the time that Tierra del Fuego was the northern tip
of a massive southern continent. Indicative of its paramount importance, a copy of Ortelius' atlas is thought to have accompanied Sir Francis Drake
on his circumnavigation of the world.
From the third plate only approximately 3200 copies were printed. ¤ (Lot number: 24742)
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PORRO,G./ MAGINI,G., Universi Orbis Descriptio., Cologne, 1597, 5.1 x 7 inches /13 x 17.8 cm, Slight
offsetting from the text of the previous page. Marginal water stain in the upper right corner. Else good condition.,
(Estimate: $550 - 600)
Modern world map from Magini's atlas following the oval projection popularized by Ortelius.
Porro has astutely reduced Ortelius' much larger map to octavo page size with very little loss in legibility.
Six wind heads are arranged around the outside border. Large landmasses above the north of the American and Asian continents called Terra
Incognita.The early edition with the name Terra Incognita.The map comes from a scarce pirate edition published by Petrus Keschedt in Cologne one
year after the publication of Magini's original work. Ortelius informed Magini in November 1597 about this and the publication was stopped till 1608
when a new edition was issued by Keschedt. (Lot number: 24898)
TORNIELLO,A., Situs Partium Praecipuarum Totius Orbis Terrarum, Frankfurt, Jacobus Fischerus, 1609, 7.5 x
14.8 inches /19 x 37.5 cm, Etching, very good condition., (Estimate: $2200 - 2400)
World map from Augustino Torniello's ' Anales Sacri et Profani'. First state. The map, a simplified version of Ortelius' world map is on an oval
projection with spandrel windhead decorations. (Lot number: 18258)
SCHOUTEN, W.C., World Map. (No title), Amsterdam, ca. 1618, 6 x 8.9 inches /15.3 x 22.6 cm, Very good to
near mint condition. Dark impression., (Estimate: $1800 - 2000)
Rare double hemispherical world map showing the track round the world by Le Maire and Schouten in 1615-17.
A second state, now including the names of the tropics and the names of the islands of Japan, Banda, St.Helena and the Cape of Good Hope. The
map has been printed by W.Blaeu.
Continents are marked in outline and no southern regions are shown.
Above the map are two head-and-shoulder portraits of Ferdinand Magellan and Willem C. Schouten, each flanked by angels bearing laurel wreaths.
In the top corners are the two ships of the expedition - the Victoria and the Eendracht - and the borders contain portraits of four other
circumnavigators: Francis Drake, Thomas Cavendish, Olivier van Noort and Joris van Spilbergen. (Lot number: 24853)
PLANCIUS, P., Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro Multis in Locis Emendatus, Amsterdam, ca. 1620, 11.2 x 20.5
inches /28.5 x 52 cm, Expert repairs along outside folds with slight loss and 10% of the map is facsimile,and some
paper replacement (leaf-casting method) in side margins and centerfold. These repairs were skillfully executed and
are only visible on very close inspection., (Estimate: $1800 - 2000)
This handsome world map, first issued in 1590, was based on Rumold Mercator's map of 1587. It incorporates the improvements made by Ortelius
with a re-shaped South America and the inclusion of the Solomon Islands. On this map Plancius introduced new information, based on Portuguese
reports, on the far-west coast of America and the western coastline of Africa. Japan is shown for the first time as one small and three larger islands.
This example is state 2 from a Dutch Bible with the name of Plancius in latin. It was beautifully engraved by Baptista Doetecum and set in a
strapwork surround with a compass rose and armillary sphere tucked between the hemispheres. (Lot number: 80296)
HULSIUS,L., Descriptio totius orbis terrae. Ex varys.., Nuremberg, 1598-1625, 6.2 x 9.8 inches /15.8 x 24.8 cm,
Repair of small tear in lower part center fold. In very good condition., (Estimate: $2100 - 2300)
Very rare double hemisphere world map, published by Hulsius. In the corners and between the hemispheres are six medallions of celebrated
navigators - Vespucci, Columbus, Drake, Cavendish, Magellan and Del Cano. The track of Magellan's circumnavigation is marked on the map which
also notes some of Drake's discoveries, such as Anglia Nova in western America. Large southern continent.The German writer Levinus Hulsius
compiled an extensive collection of accounts of explorers' voyages, published ultimately in twenty-six parts.
Eight years after de Bry began the publication of his Great Voyages', Levin Hulsius, stimulated by the success of the Bry's work, began the
publication of a similar collection in quarto. Hulsius is credited with having exercised better judgment in his selections and translations than the de
Bry. ° (Lot number: 24897)
VAN LOCHOM,M., Hoc est pvctvm qvod inter…, Paris, 1640, 6.3 x 7.9 inches /16 x 20 cm, A good and dark
impression. 2 vertical folds as issued. Very good condition., (Estimate: $850 - 1000)
World map in double hemisphere, showing California as an island. Published by Michael van Lochom (1601-47). Engraver, publisher and Royal
Printer active in Rue St.Jacques, Paris. Rare. ¤ (Lot number: 24893)
VISSCHER,N., Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica.., Amsterdam 1652, 17.7 x 22 inches /45 x 56 cm,
Professional and expert repair of a tear extending 20cm into the right side of the map and replacements of top right
(2x2cm rectangle) and left (3x3cm rectangle)corners with facsimile of border. Upper margin cut till plate mark and
re-inforced. Right hand marging close, and re-inforced.The restoration is extremely well done and only visible on
verso. Basically it sounds worst than it really is., (Estimate: $18000 - 22000)
This stunning carte-a-figures world map on Mercator's projection is one of the most richly decorated maps from the Dutch period of pre-eminence in
cartography. While the cartography is similar to Blaeu, Visscher's map has been updated to show the discoveries around Hudson Bay and shows the
St. Lawrence River extending to a small lake in the middle of North America.
Two polar insets fill the bottom corners and a cartouche in the interior of North America tells of the discovery of America by Columbus, but
erroneously dates the voyage to 1592. The magnificent panels surrounding the map include twelve Roman emperors on richly caparisoned horses at
the top and bottom, and six groups of national figures and six vignettes of principal cities at the sides.
The corners are filled with female allegorical representations of the continents; Europa in a pastoral setting, Asia seated on a camel, America as a
warrior queen riding an armadillo, and Africa reclining on a crocodile. The map originated in 1639, this being the 1652 issue with Visscher's name
and date near the inset of the South Pole.¤ (Lot number: 15979)
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SANSON,N., L'Hydrographie Surface du Globe Terrestre., Paris 1652, 15.6 x 20.7 inches /39.5 x 52.7 cm, In
very good condition. Paper is contemp. cut till neat line and pasted on a heavy larger sheet to fit into an atlas.,
(Estimate: $1100 - 1500)
An unusual double hemisphere hydrological map of the world - the earliest of the world prepared by the great French mapmaker Nicolas Sanson.
Of particular interest is the outline of Beach or Australia, which has taken on a more insular form, reflecting a hazy knowledge of current Dutch
discoveries, while two different version of New Guinea's coast are shown. The Distrait d'Anian now just north of the island of California. (Lot
number: 03852)
MEURS,J. van, Nova Delineatio Totius Orbis Terrarum, Amsterdam 1660, 10.2 x 13.8 inches /26 x 35 cm, Good,
a small tear in the centerfold is repaired., (Estimate: $2400 - 2600)
This map is based on Arnold Colom's wonderfully graphic map from the first world maritime atlas. In the Western Hemisphere the Island of
California is separated from Nova Albion, which stretches towards Asia and off the map. The western coast of New Zealand appears, as do several
other important Pacific islands. Australia is partially mapped and only the southern tip of Tasmania appears. Superb engravings surround the map
with six statuesque female allegorical representations of the goddesses of Day and Night and the elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth. Each
hemisphere includes a strap work cartouche. The Dutch title appears in the cartouche in the Eastern Hemisphere. Meurs' map was later copied by
Van der Aa, which is more commonly available. (Lot number: 22019)
VISSCHER, Nicolas, Orbis Terrarum Tabula., Amsterdam 1663, 18.5 x 12 inches /47 x 30.5 cm, Very good, rims
of paper frayed on both sides. Besides the center fold, there are two folds at each side, approximately 4cm from the
margin. Paper slightly age toned to the rims., (Estimate: $1800 - 2000)
From : Biblia dat is de Gantsche Heylige Schifture varvattende alle de Canonijcke Boecken des Ouden en des nieuwen Testaments door last der
Hoogh-Mog. Heeren Staten Generael. (Lot number: 90306)
VISSCHER,N., Orbis Terrarum Tabula.., Amsterdam, 1663, 12.2 x 18.9 inches /31 x 48 cm, Map has several
restorations and pieces of facsimile in the centerfold and the folds, mainly visible when holding against light.,
(Estimate: $750 - 1100)
Magnificent double hemisphere Dutch Bible map. Surrounded by engravings of animals and four female allegorical representations of the continents.
At top and bottom are two diagrams depicting the Ptolemaic and Copernican theories of the solar system.
The northwest coast of North America is greatly exaggerated with a peninsular California. Western Australia, Van Diemen's Land and a bit of New
Zealand are shown, as well as the islands of the South Pacific. (Lot number: 23423)
VISSCHER,N., Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens.., Amsterdam, 1663, 12 x 18.5 inches /30.5 x 47 cm, Map has new
margins at left and right, and has a repair of a tear in the centerfold for 6"., (Estimate: $1500 - 1700)
First state of this map from a Dutch Bible published by the renowned house of Elzevier. Superb double hemisphere world map, surrounded by
engravings including allegorical representations of the continents as well as native inhabitants and wildlife. Visscher's decorations were so popular,
they were copied by several other cartographers. Two diagrams depicting the Ptolemaic and Copernican theories of the solar system. The northwest
coast of North America is greatly exaggerated and shows California as a peninsula. Western Australia, Van Diemen's Land and a bit of New Zealand
are marked. (Lot number: 80347)
GOOS,P., Orbis Terrarum Nova et accuratissima tabula., Amsterdam, 1666, 17.3 x 21.1 inches /44 x 53.5 cm, In
near to mint condition. Stunning original colours., (Estimate: $25000 - 30000)
Pieter Goos’ maritime atlases were held to be among the finest printed at the time and were often added to the nine or twelve volumes of Blaeu’s
Atlas Maior. Goos’ general map is of like quality. The two expertly engraved hemispheres geographically follow those by Goos’ predecessors,
Visscher and Blaeu. At the top of the map birds large and small -- including a goose -- fly in the beams of a resplendent sun. Beneath, a gracefully
composed group of figures represents the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The map as a whole is particularly well-balanced and
pleasing” (Lot number: 24793)
Cluver / Bertius, Orbis Terrarum Typus (heightened with gold leaf), Amsterdam, ca. 1672, 4.7 x 9.1 inches /12 x
23 cm, Fine., (Estimate: $240 - 400)
From a copy of "Introductionis in Universam Geographicam". Published by Bertius in Amsterdam and printed on the Elzevier press. This
double-hemisphere world map features California and Korea as islands. No sign of the Southern Continent. The 4 corners of the map has been filled
in with gold leaf. Nicely colored in period correct colours. The matching continent maps of Africa, Asia and Europe are also listed in this auction.
(Lot number: 90319)
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VALCK,G., Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique…,
Amsterdam 1686, 19.3 x 22.8 inches /49 x 57.8 cm, Margins cut close to or on the neat line. Backed with very thin
tissue paper, hardly notable. Generally very good., (Estimate: $4800 - 6000)
California as an island. According to Shirley, Valck’s Mappe Monde was probably copied from Jaillot’s influential world map of 1674, but in
contrast to the plain corners of Jaillot’s map, Valck has engraved four striking baroque scenes as a surround. These, representing joyous spring,
industrious summer, bucolic autumn and icy winter, are accompanied by north and south polar circles. This is the first use of these corner scenes,
which would re-appear on every world map which Gerard Valck would later publish, including his monumental eight-sheet Nova Totius Terrarum
c.1690. (Lot number: 23822)
SANSON,N., Sphere Armillaire - Harmonie ou Correspondance du Globe avecq la Sphere par les Points, Lignes,
Cercles, &c. qui se descrivent en la surface des Globes Terrestres et des Mappemondes, pour respondre a ceux qui
sont imaginés dans la Sphere Cœleste., Paris,'"chez l'autheur" [Guillaume and Adrien Sanson], 1690, 15 x 20.7
inches /38 x 52.5 cm, Paper slightly age-toned. With notes in pencil in western hemisphere. Cut down and mounted
on a sheet of late eighteenth-century paper, with no loss of the printed image, the whole folded down the middle and
with a stub on the reverse., (Estimate: $360 - 450)
A large map of the world in two hemispheres, east and west, showing the climatic zones. The geographic content is relegated to the background,
placing emphasis on the grid of parallels and meridians, along with the equator, tropics of cancer and Capricorn, polar circles, and ecliptic (with signs
of the zodiac).
In the northern half of the eastern hemisphere six lines are running from the equator at the centre of the hemisphere to the polar region, the first
labelled "Ligne du Grands Jours des Petits Climats." A compass rose appears at top centre, and a key to the signs of the zodiac above the eastern
hemisphere. The text labels the various lines and circles, indicates the climatic zones, and defines several terms (such as "antipodes").
The map was first issued by Nicolas Sanson I (d'Abbeville), dated 1659, in his first world atlas, Cartes Générales de toutes les parties du monde,
1658 (Pastoureau, Sanson V A, map 3). It continued to appear in later editions of the atlas, but "chez l'autheur" remained in the imprint even when
the plate was revised after Sanson's death in 1667.
The map in its present state (dated 1690 and with the address "aux Galleries du Louvre") probably appeared in the 1692 edition (Pastoureau, Sanson
V H, contents not itemized), published by Sanson's sons with the"aux Galleries du Louvre" address.With the texts in the two hemispheres highlighted
in green, yellow, red and brown, and with a few pencil annotations.
A good copy of this unusual map of the world's climatic zones. (Lot number: 21814)
KEUR , P., WereltCaert., Dordrecht ,1698, 11.4 x 18.1 inches /29 x 46 cm, Excellent condition, Good wide
margins., (Estimate: $1000 - 1200)
World-map, originally designed by Nicholas Visscher in 1663.
Adapted by Keur and inserted in his bible in 1698.
Very good world-map, in the four corners are representations of the 4 continents and showing wildlife of same.
Two small maps of the Northpole (arctic) and Southpole (Antarctic). (Lot number: 90341)
COVENS,J./ MORTIER,C., Carte générale du monde, ou description du monde Terrestre & Aquatique.,
Amsterdam, 1700, 15.7 x 18.5 inches /40 x 47 cm, Mint condition., (Estimate: $950 - 1200)
Beautiful world map from a Dutch Bible. The map is drawn on Mercator's projection with CALIFORNIA AS AN ISLAND and the Detroit d'Anian
connected by dotted lines through the NORTHWEST PASSAGE to 'Butons Bay' located to the west of Hudson Bay. In the Pacific is a small
coastline of New Zealand. The northeast coast of Asia is severely truncated. Australia's northern coast is shown connected to New Guinea and a tiny
part of Van Diemen's Land is depicted. Across the top of the map are five spheres depicting Day and Night, the Flood, the phases of the moon, and
the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. (Lot number: 24754)
Wells, Edward, A New Map of the Terraqueous Globe According to the Ancient Discoveries..., London, 1704, 12
x 19.5 inches /30.5 x 49.5 cm, The condition is very good. There is minor soiling, mainly in the lower part of the
right hand hemisphere and in title bar, where some very faint offset is also present. The original binders stub is
attached on the verso, and its outline appears as a second parallel centrefold. A couple tiny vertical strips of paper
loss along centrefold have been professionally restored - not noticeable. There are two visible vertical creases on
opposite sides of the centrefold as can be seen in the photos - these would not be particularly noticeable if matted to
the neatline and framed. There are two inobtrusive vertical creases parallel to the centrefold. The maps have been
professionally backed with a very thin linen., (Estimate: $2200 - 2600)
An exceptional world map from 'A New Sett of Maps both of Antient and Present Geography', an atlas compiled by the geographer and
mathematician Edward Wells (1667-1727). The maps of this atlas are dedicated to the young William, Duke of Gloucester, Queen Anne's last
surviving son and heir to the throne. (Lot number: 17908)
BODENEHR,G., Carta Hydrographica oder algemeine Welt und Commercien Carte.., Augsburg, 1704, 5.8 x 9.1
inches /14.7 x 23.1 cm, Marginal water stain in the lower corners. Faint brown spot in the upper left part.,
(Estimate: $240 - 300)
This map shows the World on a Mercator projection, with the title contained within a panel. Decorative scrollwork above and decorative panels to
either side and below categorizing the land divisions.
California is depicted as an island and a vast southern land postulated, here called Lænder des Sud Pols. Also shown are the Dutch commercial
interests in the East and West Indies with tracings of the various trade routes.
Two ships decorate the map at the top corners. (Lot number: 24808)
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ROBINSON, A Chart of the Western and Southern Oceans., London, 1711, 10.4 x 10 inches /26.5 x 25.5 cm, Paper
slightly age-toned. Short margins. Good condition., (Estimate: $150 - 200)
Copper engraved chart of the Atlantic showing the eastern part of North America, all of South America, and most of Europe and Africa. The tract of
the voyage of John Narbrough in the South Sea.
Shown from England, through the Strait of Magellan and to S. Mary Island off the coast of Chili. (Lot number: 12528)
CHATELAIN,H., Mapmonde ou Description Genrale Du Globe Terrestre., Amsterdam, 1719, 13.2 x 17.3 inches
/33.5 x 44 cm, Good margins. Minor discolouration along centre fold. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $600 750)
Double hemispherical world map with descipitive text showing California as an island, tracks of several explorers around the world and Celestial
images of the sun according to Kircher and the moon by Cassini.
From the 7th volume of Chatelain's Atlas Historique et Méthodique. (Lot number: 23978)
HOMANN, J.- B., Planiglobii Terrestris Cum Utroq Hemisphaerio., Nuremberg, ca. 1720, 19.1 x 21.9 inches /48.5
x 55.5 cm, Strong impression. Very good condition., (Estimate: $2400 - 2700)
This is one of the most decorative eighteenth century world maps, surrounded by vivid engravings of natural phenomena such as waterspouts, a
rainbow, earthquakes, and a volcano. Wind heads occupy the starry heavens, and two cherubs hold the title banner aloft. The map itself shows a
typical 18th century geographical view with an incorrect northwest coastline in North America labeled Terra Esonis, and most of the Pacific
incompletely mapped. Nestled between the hemispheres are two lovely, detailed celestial maps. ¤ (Lot number: 24704)
CHATELAIN,H., Nouvaux Mappemonde ou globe terrestre avec des tables et des .., Amsterdam, 1721, 18.5 x
26.7 inches /47 x 67.7 cm, In very good condition. Several folds as issued., (Estimate: $1200 - 1300)
This impressive double hemisphere is a wonderful example of Chatelain’s elegant maps. Included in the 1721 edition of Atlas Historique, published
by Chatelain in Amsterdam, this large fold out chart is the first map in volume one.
The two hemispheres are divided into a grid with a corresponding key. They are surrounded by a lengthy table, which identifies the locations of
principal cities, bodies of water, islands, and other geographical features across the globe.
The routes of prominent explorers are shown mapped out on both hemispheres, along with a list charting their travels. North America is still vastly
unexplored with an uncharted western coastline.
Australia and New Guinea are joined into one large landmass. (Lot number: 24748)
CHATELAIN,H., Mappe-Monde pour connoitre les progres & les conquestes.., Amsterdam, 1729, 13.2 x 18.1
inches /33.5 x 46 cm, Minor discolouration along centre fold. Good margins. Repair of marginal split, lower part
centre fold. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $750 - 950)
Unusual double hemisphere map with California as an Island. Dutch text describes the expeditions and colonial possessions of the Dutch East India
The map originated in about 1670 and the plate was acquired by Chatelain who added the decorative elements, which include sailing ships, the Dutch
crest, and a figure representing Europa seated inside a native fort. (Lot number: 23977)
22.6 inches /49.2 x 57.5 cm, Light wear and toning to centrefold. Faint surface grime and a few small spots. One
tiny pinhole to bottom of the map.
Very attractive - in very good condition!, (Estimate: $950 - 1400)
Map of the Northern Hemisphere showing California as an Island. Inspired by the German clockmaker Zacharias Landteck.
The map is contained within an engraved table case clock, which is surrounded by explanatory text of using time to determine longitude. Refers also
to seasons and the date line when ships sail around the world. Published during the area of Harrisson and his first reliable clocks for traveling. (Lot
number: 90276)
STOOPENDAAL,D., Werelt Caert Orbis terrarum, Amsterdam, 1730, 12.2 x 18.1 inches /31 x 46 cm, In good
condition., (Estimate: $1100 - 1200)
Lovely double hemisphere map from a Dutch Bible. Title inside the surrounding allegorical representations of the continents, based on Visscher.
CALIFORNIA IS AN ISLAND with a flat northern coastline, Australia is partially mapped and there is only a hint of New Zealand. The north-west
American and east Asian coastlines are incomplete. Diagrams of the Copernican and Ptolemaic solar systems rest between the hemispheres. (Lot
number: 80317)
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Weigel,C., Planiglobium Terrestre Minus in hanc formam reductam, Nuremberg, 1730, 11 x 14 inches /28 x 35.5
cm, Good, but there are some restaurations in the folds, with very small pieces of facsimile., (Estimate: $1400 1600)
This uncommon map is based on Johann Baptist Homann's Planiglobii Terrestris Cum Utrog Hemisphaerio Caelesti and is embellished with similar
engravings of natural phenomena and the starry heavens. However, the map itself differs from Homann in that it presents an insular California and a
different Terra Esonis with the Fretum Anian. The map also retains a faint outline of the great Southern Continent, Terra Australis Incongnita.
Instead of celestial maps between the cusps of the double hemisphere map, Weigel has included terrestrial maps on polar projections. (Lot number:
JAUGEON / JAILLOT, Mappe-Monde Celeste Terrestre Et Historique., Paris, 1733, 40.9 x 36.6 inches /104 x 93
cm, Very good, near to mint condition. Still in its original form of only upper and lower sheets joined., (Estimate:
$15000 - 18000)
Shirley - A veritable compendium of a map. A splendid encyclopedic French Wall map of the world. This remarkable wall map was originally
engraved by Jouvin de Rochefort and published by Jaugeon in Paris in 1688 being subsequently issued by Alexis Hubert Jaillot in the early 18th
century.This edition by Jaillot has the publisher's address in lower right corner : A Paris chez Sr. Jaillot Géographe du Roy Quay et à coté des
Grands Augustins. Corrigé sur les dernieres observations 1733 and the engravers' name "de Rochefort".A new plate with revised title and updated
information appeared in 1758. ¤ (Lot number: 25070)
TIRION,I., Wereld-Kaart na de alderlaatste Ontdekking.., Amsterdam 1744, 13 x 16.5 inches /33 x 42 cm, Faint
damp stain at left, else fine with original colour., (Estimate: $850 - 1000)
Double hemisphere map with polar projections tucked between the spheres at top and bottom. In the Western Hemisphere the entire northwest coast
of North America is blank and only the western shore of New Zealand is mapped. In the Eastern Hemisphere Nieuw Holland is shown with only the
northern and western coastlines and they are connected to New Guinea. Van Diemens Land is shown with several place names. Title in large ribbon
style cartouche. (Lot number: 22018)
Visscher, N. / J. van Jagen., World (no title)., Amsterdam, 1748, 11.8 x 17.7 inches /30 x 45 cm, unobtrusive
restorations in border, otherwise excellent., (Estimate: $2300 - 2500)
Dutch so-called ' Staten' bibles published between 1637 and c. 1760, contained 5 maps: The World, ' Paradise', The Perigrinations, The Promised
Land Canaan, The Travels of St. Paul and a plan of Jerusalem.A world map in two hemispheres in the series of the Visscher world maps in Dutch
bibles. All names in Dutch, more islands in the Pacific are depicted, California no longer shown as an island. (Lot number: 18079)
BACHIENE,W.A., Afbeeldinge der Oude Waereld, Gorinchem, 1749, 15 x 20.1 inches /38 x 51 cm, In good
condition, the map is in 8 parts mounted on linnen., (Estimate: $350 - 400)
An interesting and uncommon map of the 'Old World' showing the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa divided among Noah's sons. The
continental outlines are shown according to 18th century knowledge with interiors reflecting Ptolemaic models. The map includes a key in a
drape-style cartouche and the title cartouche incorporates a large landscape showing the migrations setting out from the Tower of Babel and a large
tree representing Noah's descendants. Engraved by Jan van Jagen. (Lot number: 80319)
COVENS,J / MORTIER,C., SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE., Amsterdam, 1757, 18.1 x 18.1 inches /46 x 46 cm,
Very good condition, very wide margins., (Estimate: $625 - 675)
Large map of the southern hemisphere, with the south pole in the center, showing also the southern parts of America, Africa, Asia and Australia.
Originally designed and edited by de L'Isle, now newly edited by Covens and Mortier in Amsterdam 1757.
Good original bordercolouring and fine condition. (Lot number: 90363)
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BELLIN,J.N./ ARKSTEE & MERKUS, Versuch von einer kurzgefassten Karte welche die bekannten theile der
Erdkugel enthalten.., Leipzig, 1758, 19.5 x 27.7 inches /49.5 x 70.3 cm, Several folds as issued. In very good
condition., (Estimate: $950 - 1400)
A scarce German reprint of Bellin’s detailed and decorative map of the world in Mercator projection. In lower part a decorative cartouche and
compass card.
With an incomplete coast line for Australia.
In: Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zur Wasser und zu Lande: oder Sammlung aller Reisebeschreibungen.. in Englischen zusammen getragen, und
aus demselben und dem Französischen ins Deutsche übersetzt.A German edition of L’Abbe Prevost’s encyclopaedic collection of travellers’ and
explorers’ reports. (Lot number: 23097)
MOITHEY, M. A., Le Globe Terrestre vû en convêxe par les deux Poles..., Paris, 1769, 9.1 x 16.5 inches /23 x 42
cm, Hand-laid paper with strong and clear impression, central vertical fold, spotting and browning, mostly outside
of image. A few short marginal tears not affecting., (Estimate: $600 - 800)
Scarce map showing the World in twin-hemispheres, centered on the Poles. Ornamental uncolored title cartouche. Northern Hemisphere shows large
"Mer de l'Ouest".
Early mapping of Australia and New Zealand in Southern Hemisphere. (Lot number: 90112)
DE PAGE, P.M.F., Carte Reduite du globe Terrestre.., Paris, ca 1782, 10.8 x 13.5 inches /27.5 x 34.2 cm, Several
folds as issued. Repair of tear in the left hand side, 6 cm into the image. Upper left margin cut close to the border
frame. Repair of marginal split, right border., (Estimate: $240 - 350)
Fine world map in a Mercator projection. From Voyages autour du monde et vers les deux pôles par terre et par mer.. by Pierre Marie François
vicomte de Pages (1748-1793).Born of noble family, a French naval officer, Pierre Marie François de Pages, made a five-year voyage around the
world, between 1767 and 1771. Subsequently he took part in a two year voyage to the South Pole, between 1773 and 1774. Finally he made a trip to
the North Pole in 1776. These voyages were recounted in his publication of 1782.
Scarce. (Lot number: 24801)
LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., Mappe-Monde ou Description du Globe Terrestre.., Paris, ca 1783, 11.9 x 17.7 inches
/30.2 x 45 cm, Water staining affecting the lower corners. Repair of 2 marginal tears and one split in the lower
border. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
World map, ornated with a large rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by Jean
Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable number of
maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24270)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Nouvelle Mappa Monde., Venice, 1776 - 1784, 18.1 x 25.5 inches /46 x 64.8 cm,
Printed on heavy paper with large margins. Good impression. Very good condition., (Estimate: $2800 - 3500)
Double hemisphere world map, from an unusual perspective. Paris is located at the centre of the hemisphere, so that Europe, Asia, Africa, North
America and most of South America appear together: the left sphere contains Patagonia, Australia and the East Indian Islands. The two halves are
named Hemisphere Maritime and Hemisphere Terrestre. Australia and New Zealand are only shown partially and the erroneous 'Mer de L'Ouest'
appears in northwest America, with a large 'I. Nouvelle' just south of the Bering Straits. Jesso, north of Japan, is part of mainland Asia.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse sur
les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example. ¤ (Lot number: 25068)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Mappa Monde ou description du globe terrestre .., Venice, 1776 - 1784, 18.5 x
25.6 inches /47 x 65 cm, Printed on heavy paper with large margins. Good impression. Very good condition.,
(Estimate: $2000 - 2500)
Double hemisphere world map. California is not an island anymore, but a large Mer de l'Ouest is shown. Delineation between New Holland
(Australia) and New Guinea is not yet determined.
The coastlines of North and South America have some place names but inland, the map is almost bare. The map tracks many known sea explorations,
like Admiral Anson's in 1743, and Magellan's in 1520.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse sur
les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example. ¤ (Lot number: 25069)
DESNOS/ BRION, Hémisphère Oriental.., Paris, 1786, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.2 x 48.1 cm, Marginal faint water
stain along left & right borders. Restoration of marginal split, lower central fold. Minor Yellow spot affecting the
left text panel. Overall good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Map of the Eastern Hemisphere, including numerous exploration routes with notation of important recent discoveries.
Australia is partially mapped and then completed into an odd shape by hatchings connecting Tasmania and New Guinea.
The map is flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the continents depicted. Map and border were printed
from two separate plates with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24166)
DELAPORTE,L'Abbé., Mappe-Monde ou Description du Globe Terrestre., Paris, Prudhomme, Levrault, Debray,
1806, 6.8 x 8.7 inches /17.3 x 22.1 cm, Good and dark impression. Minor light brown spot in center. Printers crease
in left part of the map. Else good condition., (Estimate: $175 - 200)
Double hemisphere world map, from Atlas de la Géographie de toutes les parties du monde .. Ouvrage destiné pour l'education, et nécessaire aux
négocians, aux voyageurs, aux fonctionnaires publics, aux banquiers, aux agens de change, aux littérateurs, etc..With a complete outline of Australia
and Tasmania separated from the main land. (Lot number: 24422)
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WALCH, J., OESTLICHE HALBKUGEL, Augsburg, 1818, 7.3 x 8.9 inches /18.5 x 22.5 cm, Thick hand-laid
paper, with light foxing and spotting. Margins with some fraying and soiling. Sharp impression and nice original
hand colouring., (Estimate: $80 - 120)
Well engraved German map of the Eastern Hemisphere including Australia. Accurately shaped continents mostly correctly placed Islands. (Lot
number: 90269)
CELLARIUS, A., [Matching set of 2 celestial charts] Haemisphaerium scenographicum australe coelistellati .. /
Haemisphaerium Stellatum Boreale Cum Subiectgo Hemisphaerio Terrestri.., Amsterdam, 1661, 16.7 x 19.4 inches
/42.5 x 49.4 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $8500 - 9500)
A matching set of the northern and southern sky, illustrating the constellations, with decorative scenes surrounding the chart. The South Pole, South
Africa & South America are also shown, with the South Pole listed as Terra Incognitae.
Cellarius full hemisphere maps are becoming increasing difficult to find, especially in such exceptional condition, original colours and hightened
with gold.
A matching set !
¤ (Lot number: 00331)
BRUNACCI,F., Planisfero del Globo Celeste artico Antartico.., Rome 1687, 16.5 x 22 inches /42 x 56 cm, Paper
slightly age-toned. Margins slightly spotted and two repairs of marginal tears. Very good., (Estimate: $3000 3500)
Decorative double hemisphere chart. Text in Italian below image. From Rossi's Mercurio Geografico. Finely engraved by Mariotti, very decorative
double hemisphere celestial map. This elegantly engraved chart is based on the work of the Italian astronomer Francesco Brunacci (1640-1703), and
has a descriptive panel of text below explaining the celestial systems. ¤ (Lot number: 23551)
EIMMART, G.C., Loca Stellarum Coelesti huic Globo insertarum 'a Io. Hevelio Astronomo insigni, ad Ann. 1700.
complet.. noviter redacta à G.C. Eimmarto.., Nuremberg 1705, 20.4 x 19.2 inches /51.8 x 48.7 cm, 4 plates in 1
sheet. Marginal loss of paper in 4 places, professionally restored. Good impression., (Estimate: $1900 - 2500)
12 (of 24) engraved half gores with 1 polar calottes to fit a 300mm. diameter celestial globe, printed on 4 plates on one sheet, scale 24mm per 10o.
(Lot number: 23534)
ALLARD,C., Nouvelle carte de la sphere pour faire connoitre les diver mouvemens des planetes et leurs diverses
revolutions.., Amsterdam, 1706, 20.4 x 23.5 inches /51.8 x 59.8 cm, Very good, in decorative original colours.
Upper margin underlaid on 2 unimportant places due to paper thinness., (Estimate: $900 - 1200)
A rare print showing an armillary globe with smaller circular diagrams illustrating the theories of Ptolemy, Copernicus, Brahe and Descartes.
The tables along the sides identify and describe the constellations on the chart., published in Allard's Atlas Coelestis. A visually striking example of
this scarce and important map, in a first state.
Later the chart was re-issued by Covens & Mortier. (Lot number: 24866)
HOMANN,J.B., Systema Ptolomaicum/Systema Copernicanum / Systema Tychonicum/Systema Cartesianum.,
Nüremberg, 1719, 9.4 x 11 inches /23.8 x 27.9 cm, Good and dark impression on sound paper. Good condition.,
(Estimate: $210 - 250)
Four inset maps, each depicting one of the theories of the Solar System. Each system is enclosed in engraved clouds and stars.
Part of a title page from his atlas Atlas methodicus explorandis juvenum profectibus in studio geographico ad methodum Hubnerianam
accommodatus.. (Lot number: 23363)
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DOPPELMAYR,J.G./ HOMANN,J.B., Tabula selenographica.. Hevelii quam Riccioli.., Nuremberg 1730, 19.1 x
22.8 inches /48.5 x 58 cm, Minor marginal spotting. Very good condition., (Estimate: $1400 - 1700)
The moon map has been published on the J.G.Doppelmayr Atlas Coelestis.It shows two representations of the surface of the Moon, with names of
seas and craters introduced by Riccioli (left) and Hevelius (right) respectively mythological figures on the upper corners. ¤ (Lot number: 24780)
DOPPELMAYR,J.G./ HOMANN,J.B., Planisphaerium Caeleste., Augsburg, 1740, 19.1 x 22.6 inches /48.6 x
57.3 cm, Paper slightly age-toned. Minor marginal water stain, lower border. Repair of marginal tear and 1split
lower part centre fold, 5 cm into the printed area., (Estimate: $1300 - 1600)
A very decorative double hemisphere celestial chart, centered on the North and South Poles.
With smaller circular diagrams illustrating the theories of Tycho, Ptolemy and Copernicus, two armillary spheres, 2 terrestrial globes.
Showing the inter-relation of the moon and tides, the illumination of the moon by the sun and the path of the earth around the sun. (Lot number:
DOPPELMAYR,J.G./ HOMANN,J.B., Theoria Eclipsium., Nuremberg, 1740, 19.1 x 22.5 inches /48.5 x 57.2 cm,
Dark impression. A couple of small, light brown spots. Marginal spotting. Good condition., (Estimate: $560 - 700)
One of a series of celestial maps drawn by Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr, engraved by Homann and published in the Atlas Coelistis by Homann's
Heirs.Doppelmayr was an astronomer of high repute. He was born at Nuremberg in 1671 and was educated at Halle University.
He was a professor of mathematics in his native city for nearly fifty years, and for some time made a speciality of lunar observations' (Brown,
Astronomical Atlases, Maps and Charts p. 51).
His reputation was such as to gain him memberships in the Academia Caesarea Leopoldina, the academies of Berlin and St. Petersburg, and the
Royal Society of London ... His major work is the Atlas novus coelestis ...
Besides star charts and a selenographic map, Doppelmayr's Atlas includes diagrams illustrating the planetary systems of Copernicus, Tycho, and
Riccioli. The elliptic theories of Kepler, Boulliau, Seth Ward, and Mercator. The lunar theories of Tycho, Horrocks, Newton and Halley's cometary
The positions of the stars on the maps are correct for the year 1730. (Lot number: 24787)
DOPPELMAYER,J.G./ HOMANN,J.B., Globi Coelestis in tabulas planas redacti pars VI,.., Nuremberg 1742,
19.2 x 22.9 inches /48.8 x 58.2 cm, Very good condition. Dark impression., (Estimate: $1200 - 1500)
This is the sixth chart in a series of six depicting part of the night sky on a gnomonic projection with 'the fixed stars for the end of the year of Christ
1730 'according to the rules of arithmetic and geometry.'
The constellations are shown as figures according to classical mythology and the zodiac as derived from Hevelius. The more recently named
constellations are shown as scientific instruments. The paths of several comets are traced following a pattern established by Pardies.
Specifically this chart is an internal view of the sky centred on the equator above the winter solstice in a gnomonic projection between the
declinations 45° North and 45° South. Also depicted are the paths of the comets C/1577 V1 (observed by Tycho Brahe), 1P/1607 S1 [Halley s
Comet] (Johannes Kepler), C/1661 C1 (Johannes Hevelius), C/1680 V1 (John Flamsteed), C/1702 H1 (Philippe de la Hire) and C/1707 W1
(Giovanni Domenico Cassini).
The comet of 1692 (observed by Philippe de la Hire) does not seem to be mentioned in modern cometographies.
Celestial chart by Johann Gabriel Doppelmayer, astronomer and cartographer of Nuremberg. The chart has been published by Johann Baptist
Homann in the Atlas Coelestis.Johann Gabriel Doppelmayer may be considered one of the most famous scientists of Nuremberg, Germany. He was
born in Nuremberg in 1671, studied in Altdorf and Halla and travelled for some time in Germany, the Netherlands and England. Doppelmayer wrote
on astronomy, geography, cartography, spherical trigonometry, sundials and mathematical instruments. He often collaborated with the cartographer
Johann Baptista Homann (1664-1724), a former Dominican monk from Oberkammlach in Schwabia who in 1688 had settled in Nuremberg and
became a map engraver for the publishing firms of Jacob von Sandrart and David Funck.
In 1702, Homann founded an influential cartographic publishing firm that after his death was continued by his son Johann Christoph Homann
(1703-1730) and after the latter s death by his friend Johann Michael Franz (1700-1761) and his stepsister's husband Johann Georg Ebersberger
(1695-1760) under the name Homännische Erben . (Lot number: 22795)
DOPPELMAYER,J.G../ HOMANN,J.B., Sphaera Mundi.., Nuremberg 1742, 19 x 22.4 inches /48.3 x 57 cm,
Good impression on solid paper. Light brown spot on the upper part of left/right margins. Else very good condition.,
(Estimate: $350 - 450)
An unusual comparative view of the earth rotated at various angles noting the equator and other circles dividing the earth’s surface.
This chart is by the famous astronomer, professor of mathematics and cartographer J. G. Doppelmayer (1677-1750) and clearly illustrates the various
theories and observations of the heavens and the solar system as perceived in the early 18th century.
In the top corners are two armillary spheres.
A celestial sphere noting several constellations is shown in the lower left, and a terrestrial sphere is at the lower right. (Lot number: 22799)
HOMANN,J.B. / DOPPELMAYR,J.G., Globi Coelestis in tabulas planas redacti pars V.., Nuremberg, 1742, 19.4
x 23.2 inches /49.3 x 59 cm, Paper slightly age-toned. Very minor marginal discolouration. Else very good
condition., (Estimate: $950 - 1100)
This is the fifth chart in a series of six depicting part of the night sky on a gnomonic projection with 'the fixed stars for the end of the year of Christ
1730 'according to the rules of arithmetic and geometry.
The constellations are shown as figures according to classical mythology and the zodiac as derived from Hevelius. The more recently named
constellations are shown as scientific instruments.
The paths of several comets are traced following a pattern established by Pardies.
Specifically this chart is an internal view of the sky centered on the equator above the winter solstice in a gnomonic projection between the
declinations 45° North and 45° South.
Also depicted are the paths of the comets C/1577 V1 (observed by Tycho Brahe), 1P/1607 S1 [Halley s Comet] (Johannes Kepler), C/1661 C1
(Johannes Hevelius), C/1680 V1 (John Flamsteed), C/1702 H1 (Philippe de la Hire) and C/1707 W1 (Giovanni Domenico Cassini).
The comet of 1692 (observed by Philippe de la Hire) does not seem to be mentioned in modern cometographies.
Doppelmayr wrote on astronomy, geography, cartography, spherical trigonometry, sundials and mathematical instruments. He often collaborated
with the cartographer Johann Baptista Homann (1664-1724), a former Dominican monk from Oberkammlach in Schwabia who in 1688 had settled in
Nuremberg and became a map engraver for the publishing firms of Jacob von Sandrart and David Funck. In 1702, Homann founded an influential
cartographic publishing firm that after his death was continued by his son Johann Christoph Homann (1703-1730) and after the latter s death by his
friend Johann Michael Franz (1700-1761) and his stepsister s husband Johann Georg Ebersberger (1695-1760) under the name Homännische Erben .
The publishing firm remained in business under different names until 1848. Celestial map by Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr, astronomer and
cartographer of Nuremberg. The map has been published by Johann Baptist Homann in the Atlas Coelestis . Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr may be
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considered one of the most famous scientists of Nuremberg, Germany. He was born in Nuremberg in 1671, studied in Altdorf and Halla and traveled
for some time in Germany, the Netherlands and England. (Lot number: 24763)
DOPPELMAYR,J.G./ HOMANN HEIRS, Motus Cometarum in Hemisphaerio Boreali.., Nuremberg, 1742, 18.9
x 22.5 inches /48 x 57.2 cm, Minor marginal spots. Minor discolouration lower part centre fold. Good condition.,
(Estimate: $550 - 650)
Fine chart of the movements of different comets, published in the J.G.Doppelmayr Atlas Coelestis. (Lot number: 24764)
DOPPELMAYR, J.G./ HOMANN, J.B., Globi Coelestis in tabulas planas redacti pars IV.., Nuremberg, 1742,
19.3 x 22.9 inches /49 x 58.2 cm, Repair of split lower part centre fold, 5 cm into the engraved area. Water stains on
lower margin just entering the image. Minor spot close to lower centre fold. Overall good condition., (Estimate:
$950 - 1100)
Celestial map by Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr, astronomer and cartographer of Nuremberg. The map has been published by Johann Baptist Homann
in the Atlas Coelestis.Doppelmayr was an astronomer of high repute. He was born at Nuremberg in 1671 and was educated at Halle University.
He was a professor of mathematics in his native city for nearly fifty years, and for some time made a speciality of lunar observations' (Brown,
Astronomical Atlases, Maps and Charts p. 51).
His reputation was such as to gain him memberships in the Academia Caesarea Leopoldina, the academies of Berlin and St. Petersburg, and the
Royal Society of London ..His major work is the Atlas novus coelestis ..
Besides star charts and a selenographic map, Doppelmayr's Atlas includes diagrams illustrating the planetary systems of Copernicus, Tycho, and
Riccioli. The elliptic theories of Kepler, Boulliau, Seth Ward, and Mercator. The lunar theories of Tycho, Horrocks, and Newton. Halley's cometary
The positions of the stars on the maps are correct for the year 1730. (Lot number: 24778)
DOPPELMAYR,J.G./ HOMANN,J.B., Phaenomena circa quantitatem dierum artificialium et solarium perpetuo
mutabilem.., Nuremberg 1742, 19.1 x 22.4 inches /48.5 x 56.9 cm, Dark impression. Repair of split lower part
centre fold, 4 cm into the printed area. Light water stain along lower half centre fold., (Estimate: $650 - 800)
This map shows 6 planetary systems as well as various schemes illustrating the influence of the sun on night and day.
At the top there are rich figural embellishments, among others showing Helios, the Greek sun god, surrounded by numerous angels.
Doppelmayr was an astronomer of high repute. He was born at Nuremberg in 1671 and was educated at Halle University.
He was a professor of mathematics in his native city for nearly fifty years, and was for some time specialist in lunar observations' (Brown,
Astronomical Atlases, Maps and Charts p. 51).
His reputation as such as to gain him memberships in the Academia Caesarea Leopoldina, the academies of Berlin and St. Petersburg, and the Royal
Society of London ..His major work is the Atlas novus coelestis ..
Besides star charts and a selenographic map, Doppelmayr's Atlas includes diagrams illustrating the planetary systems of Copernicus, Tycho, and
Riccioli. The elliptic theories of Kepler, Boulliau, Seth Ward, and Mercator. The lunar theories of Tycho, Horrocks, and Newton. Halley's cometary
The positions of the stars on the maps are correct for the year 1730. (Lot number: 24784)
DOPPELMAYR,J.G./ HOMANN,J.B., Hemisphaerium Coeli Australe in quo loca Stellarum.., Nuremberg, 1747,
19 x 22.6 inches /48.3 x 57.5 cm, Paper very slightly age-toned. Repair of split lower part centre fold, 2 cm into the
printed area. Minor marginal spots., (Estimate: $950 - 1100)
Magnificent celestial chart drawn by the famous scientist Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr.
Large circular charts of the southern hemisphere constellation, with decorative vignettes of celestial monsters and animals.
The tables along the sides identify and describe the constellations on the chart.
Doppelmayr was an astronomer of high repute. He was born at Nuremberg in 1671 and was educated at Halle University.
He was a professor of mathematics in his native city for nearly fifty years, and for some time made a speciality of lunar observations (Brown,
Astronomical Atlases, Maps and Charts p. 51).
His reputation was such as to gain him memberships in the Academia Caesarea Leopoldina, the academies of Berlin and St. Petersburg, and the
Royal Society of London ... His major work is the Atlas novus coelestis..
Besides star charts and a selenographic map, Doppelmayr's Atlas includes diagrams illustrating the planetary systems of Copernicus, Tycho, and
Riccioli. The elliptic theories of Kepler, Boulliau, Seth Ward, and Mercator. The lunar theories of Tycho, Horrocks and Newton and Halley's
cometary theory.
The positions of the stars on the maps are correct for the year 1730. (Lot number: 24767)
DOPPELMAYR,J.G./ HOMANN,J.B., Hemisphaerium Coeli Australe in quo Fixarum.., Nuremberg 1747, 19.3 x
23 inches /49 x 58.5 cm, Dark impression. Paper slightly age-toned. Very good., (Estimate: $1300 - 1600)
Magnificent celestial chart drawn by the famous scientist Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr.
Large circular charts of the southern hemisphere constellation, with decorative vignettes of celestial monsters and animals.
Matching with lot : 24775.
The tables along the sides identify and describe the constellations on the chart.
Doppelmayr was an astronomer of high repute. He was born at Nuremberg in 1671 and was educated at Halle University.
He was a professor of mathematics in his native city for nearly fifty years, and for some time made a speciality of lunar observations' (Brown,
Astronomical Atlases, Maps and Charts p. 51).
His reputation was such as to gain him memberships in the Academia Caesarea Leopoldina, the academies of Berlin and St. Petersburg, and the
Royal Society of London ... His major work is the Atlas novus coelestis..
Besides star charts and a selenographic map, Doppelmayr's Atlas includes diagrams illustrating the planetary systems of Copernicus, Tycho, and
Riccioli. The elliptic theories of Kepler, Boulliau, Seth Ward, and Mercator. The lunar theories of Tycho, Horrocks, Newton and Halley's cometary
The positions of the stars on the maps are correct for the year 1730. (Lot number: 24772)
DOPPELMAYR,J.G./ HOMANN,J.B., Hemisphaerium Coeli Boreale in quo Fixarum.., Nuremberg, 1747, 19.3 x
22.9 inches /49 x 58.2 cm, Dark impression. Paper slightly age-toned. Minor marginal spotting. Good condition.,
(Estimate: $1300 - 1600)
A magnificent celestial charts drawn by the famous scientist Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr.
Matching with lot : 24772.
Large circular chart of the northern hemisphere constellations, with decorative vignettes of celestial monsters and animals.
Depicted in the corners the observations of Brahe, Hevelius (whose eight new constellations are shown on the chart), and Eimmart and the Paris
The tables along the sides identify and describe the constellations on the chart.
Doppelmayr was an astronomer of high repute. He was born at Nuremberg in 1671 and was educated at Halle University.
He was a professor of mathematics in his native city for nearly fifty years, and for some time made a speciality of lunar observations' (Brown,
Astronomical Atlases, Maps and Charts p. 51).
His reputation was such as to gain him memberships in the Academia Caesarea Leopoldina, the academies of Berlin and St. Petersburg, and the
Royal Society of London ..His major work is the Atlas novus coelestis ..
Besides star charts and a selenographic map, Doppelmayr's Atlas includes diagrams illustrating the planetary systems of Copernicus, Tycho, and
Riccioli. The elliptic theories of Kepler, Boulliau, Seth Ward, and Mercator. The lunar theories of Tycho, Horrocks, and Newton. Halley's cometary
The positions of the stars on the maps are correct for the year 1730. (Lot number: 24775)
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HOMANN,J.B., Le Monde Eclipsé ou.. Eclipse de la Terre ou du Soleil.. Premiere feuille., Nuremberg, 1747, 19.1
x 21.8 inches /48.4 x 55.3 cm, Dark impression. Light discolouration along centre fold. Minor marginal water
stains. Good condition., (Estimate: $560 - 700)
Showing four hemispheric world maps showing the predicted eclipse of 1748, based upon the calculations of the important 18th Century Swiss
mathematician and astronomer Leonhard Euler.
The chart was conceived by Georg Moritz Lowitz, also mathematician and astronomer, who worked for Homann in the 1740s.
The top hemisphere is blank and has the eclipse superimposed. The other three hemispheres appear in various projections and show the effects of the
eclipse at different times in relation to the continents.
Various scales and measurements are included near the lower margin.
Decorated with 2 rococo cartouches containing the title and the description of the map in German and French. ¤ (Lot number: 24788)
Augsburg, c. 1755, 19.7 x 23 inches /50 x 58.5 cm, Printed on quality hand-laid paper. Pleasantly age-toned.
Additional vertical crease to centerfold, both with light wear. 2 repaired tears into image with a few tiny specks of
loss. A few small spots, margins with light toning.
Still in very good + decorative antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $1200 - 1500)
Rare engraved wind chart showing the compass disc divided in 32 sections, with text in six languages (German, Dutch, Italian, Latin, French and
Surrounding the compass are 31 small cherub heads arranged in successive ages from young to old, and four large heads, blowing winds on the
compass and seasons. The corners are decorated with large allegorical representations of the four seasons.
With attractive original hand coloring. (Lot number: 90407)
DOPPELMAYR,J.G./ HOMANN,J.B., Systema solare et Planetarium.., Nuremberg, 1760, 19.3 x 22.5 inches
/49.1 x 57.1 cm, Minor marginal discolouration and spotting. 2 worm holes next to lower center fold, filled in. Else
very good., (Estimate: $1600 - 1900)
One of J.G.Doppelmayr's celestial charts, appearing in Homann's Atlas Coelestis.It depicts the system of Copernicus with the orbits of the planets
and the twelve constellations of the zodiac.
The four corners embellished with scenes depicting a.o. the eclipse of the sun on May 12th, 1706 and the various theories on the orbit of the planets.
Lower left corner a pole projection depicting California as an island. (Lot number: 24782)
Brion la Tour, L. / L. Ch. Desnos., Introduction a la Geographie., Paris, 1766, 9.3 x 10.4 inches /23.5 x 26.5 cm,
excellent., (Estimate: $400 - 430)
Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823), ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique', 1766, ' Atlas Général', 1790-98. Louis Charles Desnos (fl.1750-70), Le
Rouge's 'Atlas Nouveau Portatif', 1756, ' Atlas Général et Élémentaire', 1768-69.A most decorative print of a celestial sphere. With on both sides an
explanatory text, the whole surrounded by an elaborate border. (Lot number: 18445)
PROBST,J.M., Planisphaerium Coeleste. Verlegt von I.M.Probst., Augsburg 1780, 7.2 x 10.9 inches /18.2 x 27.6
cm, Very strong impression. Paper slightly age toned. Upper margin cut along plate mark, as issued. Good
condition., (Estimate: $300 - 350)
Scarce and very handsome celestial chart showing the constellations in allegorical form. Published by the lesser known brother Johann Michael
Tucked between the cusps at bottom is a terrestrial globe and the title is emblazoned on a ribbon cartouche at top. ¤ (Lot number: 23229)
LATTRÉ, Sphère de Ptolomée.. Rose de Boussole.., Paris, ca 1783, 13.3 x 17.4 inches /33.7 x 44.2 cm, Water
staining affecting the lower corners. 3 marginal tears on the lower border. Creases right side of centre fold. Printed
on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $15 - 20)
The Ptolemaic, parallel and right spheres are represented in the left hand side while in the right hand side are a compass rose and a wind rose.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at the
Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24285)
MONDHARE / DENIS, L., De la Sphère. L'equateur. Des Tropiques. Le zodiac. Les cercles polaires. L'Horizon.
Le meridian., Paris, 1787, 16.5 x 24.8 inches /42 x 63 cm, Good and dark impression, printed on strong paper. Some
minor marginal discolouration, not affecting printed area. Very good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Rare print of armillary sphere, surrounded by several diagrams of the sun, moon, and planets after Cassini. To the left and right 7 blocks of text with
explanations and one colour key.
With address of the publisher's : De la Sphere. Se vend a Paris chez le Sieur Mondard, rue S. Jacques a l'Hotel Sanmur. Et chez L. Denis, meme rue
vis a vis les Jesuites la Porte cochere a cote d'un Libraire et d'un Herloger.
The plate is more commonly known in Geographie moderne avec une introduction. This edition has however a very decorative engraved border
around the plate. ¤ (Lot number: 24709)
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DE BRY,Th., America sive novus orbis respectu Europaeorum inferior globi terrestris pars 1596., Frankfurt, 1596,
12.9 x 15.6 inches /32.7 x 39.5 cm, Good margins. Some very light staining, mainly visible on verso. In very good
condition., (Estimate: $6500 - 9500)
An especially rare and beautiful hemisphere map of the Americas, with exquisite calligraphy and superb portraits of Columbus, Magellan, Vespucci
and Pizarro adorning the corners amidst nautical scenes. Based on Plancius' 18 sheet hemisphere of 1592, especially along the Northwest coast.
South America has an unusual pointed tip, entirely different from Ortelius, Mercator, or de Jode.
Newfoundland is depicted as a single island based on the information of Cornelis Claesz and Lasso.
Most significantly, this is the first Western Hemisphere map to incorporate the White - le Moyne cartography in Virginia.
The map appeared in Part VI of the Grand Voyages, which is the last part actually issued by de Bry (Parts VII to XII appeared only after his death).
De Bry's map achieved a cartographic success that eluded de Jode, Wytfliet and others who tried to incorporate the new knowledge gained from the
maps of White for Virginia and Le Moyne for Florida and who included between the areas covered by those maps the conception of the east coast
from earlier Spanish maps (e.g. Diego Gutierrez).
This implied that parts of the coast were incorporated twice (once crudely) and had the double effect of placing White's Virginia above the Spanish
version of Cape Cod and of forcing an enormous eastern extension of North America. ¤ (Lot number: 24987)
HONDIUS,H., America noviter delineata., Amsterdam, 1631, 14.8 x 19.7 inches /37.5 x 50 cm, Repair of split
lower part center fold, 9cm. Into engraved area. The map was once pasted on card board, professionally removed
without damaging the paper., (Estimate: $2000 - 2500)
This map was originally one map of a separate-issue set of world and continents with decorative borders first published in 1618. After the death of
the elder son of Jodocus Hondius, many of his plates were sold by his widow to Blaeu, but this plate stayed with the family. In 1631 Henricus put
his own name on the plate and added the 1636 date: it is likely that it was at this time that the decorative borders were trimmed off to make the map
fit the standard atlas format.
According to Although derived from two maps by Willem Blaeu, Burden notes that “it was the Hondius, however, that helped to popularize this
particular depiction of America, stylized by the inset maps of the two polar regions.”
(Lot number: 24776)
Blaeu, Willem, Americae Nova Tabula, Amsterdam, ca. 1635, 17.7 x 21.9 inches /45 x 55.5 cm, Fine. No tears or
repairs. Wide margins. Small red color smudge below Tropic line in top left of map., (Estimate: $9500 - 10000)
Willem Blaeu's cornerstone map of America. One of the examples of a carte a figures, this map served as a prototype for maps of the Western
Hemisphere for over half a century. This map was originally published as a separate sheet, but amended for inclusion in Blaeu’s atlas, the most
significant change being the addition of the Le Maire Strait. The map itself is surrounded by nine New World city views of the Americas on top and
costumed figures of the inhabitants of Virginia, Florida, California, and South America on the left and right. Blaeu resisted the California as an
Island myth long after it was widely excepted. As such, the map reflects updated cartographical information, yet there is no sign of the Great Lakes.
A beautiful copy with wide margins, and no damage or repaired tears. (Lot number: 90320)
Seile, Henry., AMERICAE / Descriptio Nova/ Impensis/ Henrici seile/ Will: Trevethen. Sculp/ 1652., London,
1652, 13.4 x 16.5 inches /34 x 42 cm, remargined and doubled, a small tear in upper middle fold unobtrusively
restored otherwise fine, strong clear impression., (Estimate: $2500 - 2300)
The first state of Henry Seile's map of the Americas, from Peter Heylin's ' Cosmographie '.
Reference: Burden, North America, entry and plate 308. (Lot number: 18424)
BLAEU, W., Americae Nova Tabula., Amsterdam, 1658, 16 x 22 inches /40.6 x 55.9 cm, Printed on heavy paper.
Repair of tear along complete center fold, expertly repaired. Paper very slightly age-toned. Generally very good
condition., (Estimate: $5500 - 6500)
The delineation of the coast and the nomenclature on both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts are basically Spanish in origin and follow the maps of
Ortelius and Wytfliet.
To these Willem Blaeu has inserted on the East Coast the English names given by the Roanoke colonists in Virginia and by Frobisher, Davis and
Hudson to the far north.
He has added French names in Florida and along the St Lawrence. European geographers still had no knowledge of the extent of the Mississippi.
From the expedition journals of De Soto (1539-43) they had inferred an extensive range of east west trending mountains north of the Gulf of Mexico,
precluding any great river system.
The Great Lakes were as yet unknown, although Champlain had reached Huron and had heard of the lakes from Coral Indians and had, in 1632,
published his own map showing the region. (Lot number: 24994)
Aa, P. van der., America, of Nieuw-Ontdekte Wereld, tot de Beschryving van Joseph d'Acosta afgebakend.,
Leiden, 1706, 5.9 x 9.1 inches /15 x 23 cm, very good condition., (Estimate: $750 - 700)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naauwkeurge versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.An attractive map of the Americas. California as an island with
flat northern coast. (Lot number: 20054)
SCHENK,P., America tam Septentrionalis quam Meridionalis.., Amsterdam, 1720, 18 x 22.6 inches /45.8 x 57.5
cm, Some slight (pleasant) age-toning of the paper. Slight discolouration along lower half centre fold. Else very
good condition., (Estimate: $2200 - 2500)
An uncommon map of the Americas with two superb pictorial (uncoloured) cartouches. Engraved by A.F. Zurner and based largely on Visscher and
Sanson. California is shown as an Island with an indented northern coast on the Sanson model with the inclusion of three place names in Southern
California: S. Isidoro, Gigante and N S del la Guadalupe.
The title cartouche, flanked by two Native Americans, conveniently hides Terra Esonis Incognita that stretches out towards Asia and the Fretum
Anian separates it from California. A large vignette at bottom shows explorers seated around a table, natives worshiping in a temple, a battle, and the
figure of America displaying the wealth of the hemisphere. Latin text enclosed in the cartouche discusses the explorations of Columbus and
Vesputius, and Catholic missions. (Lot number: 24882)
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Homann/Homann Heirs, Americae Mappa Generalis, Nuremberg, ca. 1746, 18.5 x 17.7 inches /47 x 45 cm, Very
Good. Faint waterstain at bottom, small repaired old tear on centerfold bottom, just entering image, no loss. Else
very fine. Full, original color, also to cartouche., (Estimate: $950 - 1000)
An updated map of the western hemisphere by the Homann Heirs. The map shows the continent on the eve of the conflicts that would soon erupt and
change the political face of North America. The then current political situation is depicted using contrasting colors.
California shown properly as a peninsula and the unknown northwestern lands left blank rather than filled in with guesswork. The cartouche features
local goods and parrots, and has two volcanoes exploding in the distance (beautifully colored), and two pairs of Native Americans are shown in the
European notion of native dress. (Lot number: 90321)
LONGCHAMPS, [Eight scenes depicting various stages in the history of America], Paris, 1754, 29.1 x 16.1 inches
/74 x 41 cm, Paper very slightly age-toned. Good and dark impression. Good margins., (Estimate: $600 - 900)
The side border of Longchamps wall map of America, here still in its uncut form. The eight scenes depicting various stages in the history of the
- Monarchie des Incas Rois du Perou.
- Etablissement de l'Empire du Mexique.
- Dècouverte de l'Amerique par Christophe Colomb.
- Dècouverte du Bresil.
- Conquete du Chilli.
- Dècouverte et Conquete du Perou.
- Dècouverte du Canada.
- Dècouverte du Dètroit de Magellan.
Underneath the print the text is printed Ornements des colés de la Carte de l'Amerique quil saut coller les premiers. Separate segments of wall maps
are extremely rare. ¤ (Lot number: 25007)
LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., L' Amerique divisée par Grands Etats.., Paris, ca 1783, 12 x 17.6 inches /30.6 x 44.6
cm, Light discolouration along centre fold. Some spotting in the left hand half of the map. Printed on heavy paper,
with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $360 - 500)
Attractive map of America, ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by Jean
Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable number of
maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others.
notable for it's representation of North America. Published by Jean Janvier, and engraved by Jean Lattré. The map is justifiably famous for its
depiction of one of the great cartographic "errors" of the 18th century -- a huge inland sea in the Pacific Northwest. The sea was called 'La Mer De
L'Ouest.' Of course, it must be remembered that the search for a Northwest Passage, and a route to the Orient, was of enormous importance in the
18th century, and the existence of such a sea would have made such a passage a reality. The mythical strait of Juan de Fuca leads into the sea. Most
of the western portion of North America can only be described as fanciful, including an East-West mountain range at the southern edge of the sea.
More southerly, in the area of New Mexico, the river system shows some rudimentary knowledge, and Santa Fe is depicted. (Lot number: 24282)
MENTELLE,E., Carte générale et politique de L'Amerique.., Paris, 1798, 12.8 x 16.4 inches /32.5 x 41.7 cm, Very
good condition., (Estimate: $360 - 400)
Well-engraved and attractive map of North and South America, from the French Atlas National, dated An VI. in title. With No. 155 in upper left
margin. A lovely, wide margined example. (Lot number: 25053)
PEIGNE, V., Amérique., Paris, 1852, 17.8 x 15.3 inches /45.2 x 38.8 cm, Good and dark image on solid paper.
Wide margins. Close to excellent condition., (Estimate: $320 - 400)
Fine manuscript map of America with relief shown pictorially. Inset map of Central America called Guatemala in the left hand side.Signed by the
author in the lower right corner. Lower right Mai 1852. (Lot number: 23283)
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BOISSEAU, J., Evrope Francoise Ov Description Generalle Des Empires.., Paris, 1641, 14.2 x 21.7 inches /36 x 55
cm, Left and right hand margin cut into engraved border. Short lower margin. Paper very slightly age-toned. Good
and dark impression., (Estimate: $5200 - 6000)
Unrecorded early Canadiana. Rare map of Europe with an inset of Canada or Nouvelle France. The inset has been missed in the bibliographies of
North America (not cited in Burden, Kershaw or Phillips), and the only reference we can find is a mention in Pastoureau.
On four side the map is beautifully decorated with the fleur-de-lis.
Published in the Theatre des Gaules and pre-dates Boisseau�s famous 1643 map of Canada.Apparently designed to detail French influence in
Europe, North Africa, and the New World, the map lists royalty throughout Europe which were descended from French ancestry, with the dates of
their reigns. � (Lot number: 23550)
CORONELLI,V.M., Isola di Capo Breton./ Isola e citta di cartagena Nell America., Venice 1690, 4.8 x 6.5 inches
/12.2 x 16.5 cm, Two copper engravings on a sheet with letter press. Printed on thick paper. Dark impression.,
(Estimate: $240 - 300)
An engraving of Cape Breton, from Isolario Dell'Atlante Vento.On verso a map of Cartagena (220x125mm.)Click here to enlarge.
(Lot number: 17781)
CHATELAIN,H., Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France, & des Découvertes qui y ont été faites.., Amsterdam,
1719, 15.9 x 20.4 inches /40.3 x 51.8 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Left & right margins short, as issued. Minor
discolouration along centre fold. Else good condition., (Estimate: $600 - 750)
Chatelain's map of Canada follows in its rendering of the Great Lakes closely the de l'Isle model of 1703 but from an entirely new plate with a large
panel of text in place of the cartouche in the upper left corner. The title is in two lines across the map.
From Chatelain's Atlas Historique et Méthodique . (Lot number: 23971)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie du Canada où se trouvent le Fleuve St. Laurent et la Nouvelle Ecosse., Paris, later than
1749, 6.5 x 8.5 inches /16.5 x 21.7 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Minor marginal water stain. Else very good
condition., (Estimate: $200 - 240)
Nice small map of Canada which shows the last stretch of the Saint Lawrence River, passing Quebec City before draining into the Gulf of Saint
Tom 2. Page 184 outside border top right. To the left Pl. 6.Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24626)
VAUGONDY,R. de, L'Acadie., Paris, later than 1749, 6.4 x 8 inches /16.3 x 20.2 cm, Very crisp and fine image.
Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Nice small map of Nova Scotia. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Number 100 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24628)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Golfe de St. Laurent, Isle et Bancs de Terre Neuve., Paris, later than 1749, 6.5 x 7.1 inches
/16.4 x 18 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Nice small map showing the Gulf of Saint Lawrence as well as the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton and Prince Edward.
Number 101 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24629)
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VAUGONDY,R. de, Isle Royale., Paris, later than 1749, 6.5 x 7.6 inches /16.4 x 19.3 cm, Very crisp and fine
image. Hardly noticeable marginal water stains. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Nice small map of Cape Breton Island. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Number 102 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24630)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Isle de Terre-Neuve., Paris, later than 1749, 6.8 x 7.6 inches /17.2 x 19.3 cm, Very crisp and
fine image. Very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Nice small map of Newfoundland. Showing good detail along the coasts. The inland is left blank except for a writing which says that the interior of
the Island is completely unknown.Number 103 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number:
VAUGONDY,R. de, Bayes d'Hudson et de Baffins, et Terre de Labrador., Paris, later than 1749, 6.5 x 6.4 inches
/16.5 x 16.2 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Very attractive, small map focusing on Labrador, Baffin Bay, Hudson Bay and Greenland.
The latter is represented with the three island configuration that began with Sanson. The Baffin Island is shown as a peninsula with a large James
Island in the Baffin Bay.
The coast discovered by Middleton in 1742 is noted at the western portion of the map.
Map in a conic projection.
Number 104 outside border top right. Pedley, Bel et utile, map 461, not mentioning this state. (Lot number: 24632)
Bonne, R., L' Isle de Terre-Neuve, l' Acadie, ou la Nouvelle Ecosse, l' Isle St. Jean et la Parttie Orientale du
Canada., Paris, c. 1770, 8.5 x 12.6 inches /21.5 x 32 cm, excellent, strong impression, (Estimate: $175 - 150)
Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795), French cartographer. His maps are found in a.o. Atlas Moderne (1762), Raynal's Histoire Philos. du Commerce des
Indes (1774) and Atlas Encyclopédique (1787-1788).
A map showing the southeastern part of Canada. (Lot number: 18586)
RASPISCHEN HANDLUNG, Karte von der Insel Montreal.., Nurnberg 1770, 8.7 x 11.4 inches /22 x 29 cm,
Paper slightly age-toned. Upper and lower margin cut close. Marginal water staining along lower border. A couple
of light brown spots in the central part., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
A rare issue of a plan of Montreal prepared by N.Bellin in 1760. (Lot number: 24822)
RASPISCHEN HANDLUNG, Plan der Stadt Quebec Haupstadt in Neu Franckreich oder Canada.., Nurnberg
1770, 8.4 x 14 inches /21.4 x 35.5 cm, A few minor rust spots. Else very good., (Estimate: $280 - 350)
Plan of the city of Quebec, with an inset view of the town in the lower right corner. In the upper right a recapitulation of the main military actions
prior to the surrender of the town. (Lot number: 24823)
RASPISCHEN HANDLUNG, Grund Riss der Americanischen Insuln Cape Breton, St. Iean und Anticosti im
Flusse S. Laurencii.., Nurnberg, 1770, 8.4 x 13.9 inches /21.4 x 35.3 cm, Marginal water staining along lower
border, just affecting the lower border frame. Else very good., (Estimate: $200 - 250)
Map representing the eastern part of Nova Scotia, namely Cape Breton and Prince Edward Islands. With an inset map of Anticosti Island on top. (Lot
number: 24824)
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LATTRE./ BONNE,R., Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale..Canada, la Louisiane, Paris/ Bordeaux, 1773, 11.7 x
17 inches /29.7 x 43.1 cm, In good condition., (Estimate: $220 - 250)
Interesting map of the eastern part of Canada with Hudson Bay, Baffin Bay and Greenland. (Lot number: 24749)
D&Eacute;POT G&Eacute;N&Eacute;RAL DE LA MARINE., Carte r&eacute;duite des Bancs et de l'Ile de
Terre Neuve.., Paris, 1784, 23.2 x 34.4 inches /59 x 87.5 cm, Paper little brittle, several marginal splits, just
affecting scale border. Repair of split upper part centerfold, 10cm into engraved area., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
Detailed chart showing island Nova Scotia, the St Laurence Gulf, and Acadie. (Lot number: 60460)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Partie Orientale du Canada avec la Nouvelle Angleterre.., Venice, 1776 - 1784,
19.1 x 22.7 inches /48.4 x 57.7 cm, Slight marginal spotting, attaining lower border frame. Tiny black ink spot
affecting the cartouche. Elsewhere very good., (Estimate: $900 - 1000)
Fine map of the extremities of Canada after d'Anville's, to whom Santini gives credit in the cartouche.
The map extends from New York northwards to include Lake Mistassini and covers the Atlantic coastline between Long Island, New York, and
Large title cartouche in the lower right corner featuring a beaver.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse sur
les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example - indicating that this is the second state of the map.
(Lot number: 24969)
Canada cities
RAMUSIO,G.B., La terra de Hochelaganella Nova Francia., Venice, 1556-1606, 10.5 x 14.3 inches /26.7 x 36.4
cm, Some slight browning along the center fold and in the margins. Some very minor paper thinness along center
fold., (Estimate: $950 - 1200)
The first printed plan of Montreal, from Delle navigationi et viaggi. and prepared Jacques Cartier, the great French explorer. visited the village of
Hochelaga on the island of Montreal in 1535. The village was near a mountain the explorer named Mount Royal or Monte Real. His account was
published in the third volume of Ramusio's Delle navigationi et viaggi in 1556.The lodges within the fort are exceedingly symmetrical, but with each
family unit indicated by a fire, they were probably intended to indicate that they were both single family and multiple family or extended family
dwellings. (Lot number: 24367)
HABERMANN,F.X., Vue de la Haute ville a Quebec.., Augsburg 1790, 9.8 x 15.7 inches /25 x 40 cm, Paper
browned and slightly stained, as usual. Marginal tears, lower part verso contemporarily underlaid with paper.,
(Estimate: $180 - 250)
A beautiful view of square at the road to the Millbarracks in Quebec with soldiers in the foreground. Engraved for a Vue d'Optique, it was designed
to be viewed in a special apparatus that gave the scene a strong 3-D impression. The title at top is engraved in reverse.
These views are some of the most distinctive and interesting images of the eighteenth century, and their distinctive engraving style, striking
perspective and bright original color makes them as visually delightful as they are historically fascinating.
An optical mirror with print. (Mirror is not included in the lot.)More about optical prints.
(Lot number: 23567)
North America
SCHERER, H., Repraesentatio Americae Borealis..., Munich 1699, 8.7 x 13.8 inches /22 x 35 cm, The map is in
excellent condition on clean white paper with no discernible faults., (Estimate: $1000 - 1200)
An interesting religious map of North America, showing the Catholic regions illuminated and the Protestant and still uncolonized lands swathed in
darkness. California is shown as a huge island stretching all the way to the strait of Anian, with two placenames assigned.
Decorative elements include a sea monster off the coast of Virginia, a ship bringing missionaries to the New World, and a magnificent vignette of
Christ appearing to the missionaries and exhorting them to reap a harvest of souls.
The map has quotes from Matthew and John in cartouches supported by angels, and a lovely title cartouche also borne aloft by cherubs. (Lot number:
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SENEX, J., North America corrected from the observations communicated to the Royal Society of London, and the
Royal Academy at Paris..., London, c 1710, 38 x 25.6 inches /96.5 x 65 cm, Good impression printed on heavy
quality paper, with nice original coloring. Torn at right side of map with loss (approx. 15 x 10 cm) mostly to sea
area off the coast of Newfoundland. Small library stamp in cartouche. Map with some folds, soiling and toning.
Marginal tears with some reaching into engraved area, bottom right corner missing with small loss.
Would greatly benefit from professional restoration., (Estimate: $3000 - 4000)
Monumental and important large wall map of the Eastern part of North America with the United States, Central America, and the West Indies.
Centered on the great lakes.
1st published by John Senex in London in 1710, here probably a later state dedicated to Anthony Hammond.
One of the earliest large-scale English maps of the continent. It represents a British attempt to consolidate new information about the region and
borrows data from such recently published sources as Delisle’s landmark Carte du Mexique et de la Floride, especially for the lower portion of the
map. To this information Senex contributed a fine depiction of the Great Lakes region and the most accurate definition of the lower Mississippi River
and its delta by an English cartographer of the period. He also extended the map’s coverage to the far reaches of Canada’s Northwest Territories and
the Terra Incognita above Baffin’s Bay. Present-day Oklahoma and Texas are part of “La Floride,” considered at the time to be a possession of the
French. The Red River and the Indian villages of East Texas are portrayed accurately, but Senex, following Delisle, incorrectly placed many Texas
rivers, in addition to depicting some strange and unrecognizable names. An exceptional product of its era, the map has a spare, clean, carto-scientific
style indicative of that for which Senex was known.
SCARCE & IMPORTANT MAP! (Lot number: 90404)
CHATELAIN, H., Carte contenant le Royaume du Mexique et la Floride., Amsterdam, 1719, 16.1 x 20.6 inches
/41 x 52.4 cm, Paper slightly age-toned along centre fold. Good impression., (Estimate: $800 - 1000)
This is a derivative of Delisle's landmark map of the southern part of North America. The detailed map shows many English settlements along the
East Coast and carefully notes the discoveries of D'Iberville along the Gulf Coast and Mississippi River. The vast region, later known as Louisiana,
from Florida through present-day Texas is shown as the French possession of Florida. There is also a great amount of detail in Nouveau Mexique,
particularly of the Spanish missions and Hopi mesas. (Lot number: 60660)
CHATELAIN, H., Carte contenant le Royaume du Mexique et la Floride., Amsterdam, 1719, 15.9 x 20.5 inches
/40.5 x 52 cm, Good impression. 2 vertical folds as issued. Very good condition., (Estimate: $950 - 1200)
This is a derivative of Delisle's landmark map of the southern part of North America. The detailed map shows many English settlements along the
East Coast and carefully notes the discoveries of D'Iberville along the Gulf Coast and Mississippi River.
The vast region, later known as Louisiana, from Florida through present-day Texas is shown as the French possession of Florida.
There is also a great amount of detail in Nouveau Mexique, particularly of the Spanish missions and Hopi mesas. (Lot number: 24718)
CHATELAIN,H., Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou se voi le cours.., Amsterdam, 1719, 16.5 x 19 inches /41.8 x
48.2 cm, Repair of 2 tears central part of lower margin, respectively 7 and 15 mm into engraved area. Small yellow
spot upper left side, close to center fold, hardly noticeable. A good and dark impression. Good condition,
(Estimate: $2400 - 2900)
Derived from de Fer's 1718 map, from west of the Mississippi it contains a mass of inland detail with notes and vignettes of the indigenous peoples
and fauna of North America. In an inset at top left the coast of Louisiana, in another inset at bottom right a panoramic view and plan of Quebec.
Louisiana and the Mississippi valley are based on Delisle's manuscript map of 1701. The geography of New England and Eastern Canada originates
with Franquelin. A large-scale map of the Mississippi delta and Mobile Bay, based on the voyage of Le Moyne is inset at top left.
The map is filled with wildlife, scenes of Indians hunting, Indian villages and notations, and the oceans are embellished with numerous ships, canoes
and sea monsters.
The map was issued to promote the recently established Compagnie Francoise Occident, which was formed to fund the debt of Louix XIV and
offered inducements to encourage settlement in Louisiana.
From Chatelain's Atlas Historique et Méthodique . (Lot number: 24899)
CHATELAIN,H., Carte qui contient..Iles & Terres..L'Amerique..Jamaique.., Amsterdam, 1728, 16.1 x 20.6 inches
/40.9 x 52.3 cm, Left & right margins cut along border frame. Else good condition., (Estimate: $500 - 630)
Eight maps on one sheet. From Chatelain's Atlas Historique et Méthodique. Including maps of Bermuda, Jamaica, New England with Long Island,
Carolina, Chesapeake and Delaware Bay, Nova Scotia and a map of the Caribbean. (Lot number: 23988)
DE VAUGONDY,R., Partie de l'Amerique septentrionale.. le cours de L'Ohio.., Paris, 1755, 18.7 x 24.4 inches
/47.5 x 62 cm, Two marginal wormholes and water staining, not affecting engraved area. In very good condition.,
(Estimate: $950 - 1200)
From the Atlas Universel , a detailed map extending the length of the east coast from Penobscot Bay to Cape Fear and, in an inset, from Cape Fear to
Fort St.Georges. This state pre-dates the Treaty of Paris and the subsequent changes made on the plate. The map is based on a portion of the
fabulously rare and costly Dr. John Mitchell 'Map of the British and French Dominions in North America,' also dated 1755. Lands belonging to the
Six Nations have greatly distorted the configurations of Pennsylvania and New York. Scores of Indian settlements and tribal areas throughout.
Decorative cartouche (uncolored, as issued).
The Atlas Universel of Gilles and Didier Robert de Vaugondy was first published in 1755. The maps were detailed, precisely engraved and not given
to the fanciful cartography being promoted by many of the other contemporary French theorists. (Lot number: 02144)
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BELLIN,J.N. / SCHENK, L. / SOON, J., Karte von Nord - America zur Geschichte von Neu-Frankreich..,
Leipzig 1743 - 1755, 11 x 13.9 inches /27.9 x 35.2 cm, Good and dark impression. Left margin cut close to the neat
line. Else good condition., (Estimate: $390 - 450)
A map of North America with an interesting Great Lakes area. (Lot number: 23521)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Canada IIe. Feuille., Paris, ca 1783, 11.6 x 17.1 inches /29.5 x 43.5 cm, Traces of
humidity. Light discolouration along central fold. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression.,
(Estimate: $160 - 200)
Attractive map covering the eastern half of the United States, from the gulf of Mexico as far as Canada. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at the
Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24219)
LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., L' Amerique Septentrionale divisée en ses principaux Etats.., Paris, 1771-1783, 12.1 x
17.6 inches /30.7 x 44.8 cm, Minor marginal spotting. Light offsetting affecting the lower right corner. Printed on
heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $480 - 700)
Attractive map of North and Central America, ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by Jean
Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable number of
maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24268)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Carte des nouvelles decouvertes au Nord de la Mer du Sud., Venice, 1776 - 1784,
17.5 x 24.6 inches /44.5 x 62.5 cm, Minor marginal spots. Brown spot affecting the lower left scale border. Else
very good condition., (Estimate: $1300 - 1500)
Although concentrating on the northern Pacific, this map show all of North America and Mexico.
While the Russian coastline is shown with reasonable accuracy, notwithstanding Terre d'Yeso , the American coastline north of Cape Mendocino is
very hypothetical and largely incorrect.There is a large western, island, sea and no real sense of Alaska at all. With the large Mer ou Baye de L'Quest
in California.A series of lakes joined by rivers seem to hold some promise of the elusive north-west passage, but the delineation is indistinct as if to
emphasize Santini's uncertainty.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse
sur les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example - indicating that this is the second state of the map.
¤ (Lot number: 24966)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Carte Générale du Canada, de la Louisiane, de la Floride, de la Caroline..,
Venice, 1776 - 1784, 18.9 x 25.8 inches /47.9 x 65.5 cm, Minor marginal spotting. Else very good condition.,
(Estimate: $1100 - 1300)
Map of the eastern part of the United States and Canada. With inset map of Hudson and Baffin bays. in the lower right corner.
Venetian edition of d'Anville's map, from "Atlas Universel" printed in 1776-84.
Noteworthy topographical detail is shown, with particular focus on the Great Lakes. Lake Superior is shown attached to a convoluted river system
reaching across the continent reminiscent of the Riviere Longue of Baron Lahontan's memoirs.
On the Gulf Coast the region of Tecas (Texas) is named with a nearby note about the Atac-apa tribe of Indians, who are noted as Antrophages
(Cannibals) and Indiens errans.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse sur
les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example - indicating that this is the second state of the map.
(Lot number: 24967)
Brion de la Tour, L., Carte de la Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, comprenant les Possessions Anglaises.,
Paris, c. 1795, 8.7 x 9.8 inches /22 x 25 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $200 - 190)
Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823), French geographer. ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique', 1766, ' Atlas Général', 1790-98.
From Brunet's 'Histoire Universelle, depuis le commencement du monde jusqu'a present'. (Lot number: 20429)
DELAPORTE,L'Abbé., Carte de l'Amérique Septentrionale Divisée en ses principaux Etats., Paris, Prudhomme,
Levrault, Debray, 1806, 6.9 x 8.7 inches /17.5 x 22 cm, Two vertical folds as issued. Short left and right margins.
Else very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Map of North and Central America. From Atlas de la Géographie de toutes les parties du monde .. Ouvrage destiné pour l'education, et nécessaire
aux négocians, aux voyageurs, aux fonctionnaires publics, aux banquiers, aux agens de change, aux littérateurs, etc.. (Lot number: 24404)
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COLLIN,E., Carte d' Amérique Septentrionale 1817., Paris, 1817, 9.3 x 13.4 inches /23.6 x 34 cm, Lower part left
margin cut along border frame, reinforced. Marginal spotting in the upper right corner. Several folds as issued.
Else good condition., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Map of North and Central America. Engraved by E.Collin, active at 23, quai des Augustins, Paris. (Lot number: 23364)
McKenney, Thomas Loraine and James Hall., Qua-Ta-Wa-Pea a Shawanoe chief., Philadelphia, circa 1836-1842,
20.5 x 14.2 inches /52 x 36 cm, Folio edition. Lithograph with exquisite bright original hand colour. Overall,
excellent. Size of paper:520x360mm., (Estimate: $900 - 1200)
A beautifully defined lithograph of Shawanoe chief who is wearing a Jefferson peace medal. From McKenney & Hall’s History of the Indian Tribes,
perhaps the most important work ever published on North American Indians. Published by F.W.Greenough, Philadelphia and printed on the original
full folio sheet.
Thomas Lorraine McKenney was Superintendent of Indian Affairs under presidents Madison, Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Jackson. As a result
of his keen interest in the customs and beliefs of the Indian tribes under his jurisdiction, he commissioned Charles Bird King and several other artists
to paint the portraits of Indians whom he had met or had heard about. With the help of James Hall, a frontier lawyer, judge, newspaper editor, and
author, McKenney assembled the portraits into a coherent representation of Indian life, lore, and costume.
Published as a three-volume portfolio between 1836 and 1842, the hand-coloured lithographs after the paintings are among the only portraits
remaining of this early generation of Indian warriors, statesmen, medicine men, and commoners.
The original paintings, which were on display in the Smithsonian Institution, were destroyed by fine in 1865. (Lot number: 25021)
McKenney, Thomas Loraine and James Hall., Mo-Hon-Go an Osage woman., Philadelphia, circa 1836-1842,
20.5 x 14.2 inches /52 x 36 cm, Folio edition. Lithograph with exquisite bright original hand colour. Overall,
excellent. Size of paper: 520x360mm., (Estimate: $900 - 1200)
This hand-coloured lithograph of Mo-Hon-Go, one of only eight women whose portraits appeared in this book. By contrast there were 111 men's
portraits in it. Mo-hon-go, fl. 1827-1830 (Osage (Wazhazhe) and her husband were among a group of Osage deceived into traveling to Europe in
1827 by a man named David Delaunay.
Delaunay presented himself as a representative of the United States Government and friend of William Clark and Manuel Lisa who was to
accompany Osage representatives to Washington, D.C.
Instead, he took them to Europe where he toured them as a primitive wild west show. He abandoned them in Paris. Lafayette learned of their plight
and paid their return passage. Before arriving in Norfolk, Virginia, Mohongo's husband died of smallpox.
The Osage were rescued from Norfolk and brought to Washington, D.C. in 1830 at McKenney's direction.
King painted Mohongo's portrait there before her return to the Osage Nation.
From McKenney & Hall’s History of the Indian Tribes, perhaps the most important work ever published on North American Indians. Published by
F.W.Greenough, Philadelphia and printed on the original full folio sheet.
Thomas Lorraine McKenney was Superintendent of Indian Affairs under presidents Madison, Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Jackson. As a result
of his keen interest in the customs and beliefs of the Indian tribes under his jurisdiction, he commissioned Charles Bird King and several other artists
to paint the portraits of Indians whom he had met or had heard about. With the help of James Hall, a frontier lawyer, judge, newspaper editor, and
author, McKenney assembled the portraits into a coherent representation of Indian life, lore, and costume.
Published as a three-volume portfolio between 1836 and 1842, the hand-coloured lithographs after the paintings are among the only portraits
remaining of this early generation of Indian warriors, statesmen, medicine men, and commoners.
The original paintings, which were on display in the Smithsonian Institution, were destroyed by fine in 1865. (Lot number: 25022)
McKenney, Thomas Loraine and James Hall., War dance., Philadelphia, circa 1836-1842, 14.2 x 20.5 inches /36
x 52 cm, Folio edition. Lithograph with exquisite bright original hand colour. Overall, excellent. Size of paper:
360x520 mm., (Estimate: $1500 - 2500)
This hand-coloured lithograph of War Dance of the Sauks and the Foxes. From McKenney & Hall’s History of the Indian Tribes, perhaps the most
important work ever published on North American Indians. Published by F.W.Greenough, Philadelphia and printed on the original full folio sheet.
Thomas Lorraine McKenney was Superintendent of Indian Affairs under presidents Madison, Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Jackson. As a result
of his keen interest in the customs and beliefs of the Indian tribes under his jurisdiction, he commissioned Charles Bird King and several other artists
to paint the portraits of Indians whom he had met or had heard about. With the help of James Hall, a frontier lawyer, judge, newspaper editor, and
author, McKenney assembled the portraits into a coherent representation of Indian life, lore, and costume.
Published as a three-volume portfolio between 1836 and 1842, the hand-coloured lithographs after the paintings are among the only portraits
remaining of this early generation of Indian warriors, statesmen, medicine men, and commoners.
The original paintings, which were on display in the Smithsonian Institution, were destroyed by fine in 1865. (Lot number: 25023)
McKenney, Thomas Loraine and James Hall., Little-Crow a Sioux Chief., Philadelphia, circa 1836-1842, 20.5 x
14.2 inches /52 x 36 cm, Folio edition. Lithograph with exquisite bright original hand colour. Very light
transference of text from preceding page. Overall, excellent. Size of paper: 520x360mm., (Estimate: $900 - 1200)
This hand-coloured lithograph of Little-Crow a Sioux Chief. Chief Little Crow was the eldest son of Cetanwakuwa (Charging Hawk). It was on
account of his father's name, mistranslated Crow, that he was called by the whites "Little Crow." His real name was Taoyateduta, His Red People.
As far back as Minnesota history goes, a band of the Sioux called Kaposia (Light Weight, because they were said to travel light) inhabited the Mille
Lacs region. Later they dwelt about St.Croix Falls, and still later near St. Paul. In 1840, Cetanwakuwa was still living in what is now West St. Paul,
but he was soon after killed by the accidental discharge of his gun.
It was during a period of demoralization for the Kaposias that Little Crow became the leader of his people.
From McKenney & Hall’s History of the Indian Tribes, perhaps the most important work ever published on North American Indians. Published by
F.W.Greenough, Philadelphia and printed on the original full folio sheet.
Thomas Lorraine McKenney was Superintendent of Indian Affairs under presidents Madison, Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Jackson. As a result
of his keen interest in the customs and beliefs of the Indian tribes under his jurisdiction, he commissioned Charles Bird King and several other artists
to paint the portraits of Indians whom he had met or had heard about. With the help of James Hall, a frontier lawyer, judge, newspaper editor, and
author, McKenney assembled the portraits into a coherent representation of Indian life, lore, and costume.
Published as a three-volume portfolio between 1836 and 1842, the hand-coloured lithographs after the paintings are among the only portraits
remaining of this early generation of Indian warriors, statesmen, medicine men, and commoners.
The original paintings, which were on display in the Smithsonian Institution, were destroyed by fine in 1865. (Lot number: 25024)
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McKenney, Thomas Loraine and James Hall., Payta-Kootha a Shawanoe Warrior., Philadelphia, circa
1836-1842, 20.5 x 14.2 inches /52 x 36 cm, Folio edition. Lithograph with exquisite bright original hand colour.
Very light transference of text from preceding page. Overall, excellent. Size of paper: 520x360mm., (Estimate: $900
- 1200)
This hand-coloured lithograph of Flying Clouds (Payta-kootha) (Shawnee) was probably painted by King in Washington, D.C., but the date is
unknown. He was an itinerant, self-appointed ambassador among tribes. As a Shawnee representative, he signed treaties beginning with the Treaty
of Greenville in 1795 and ending with the Treaty with the Shawnee of 1825.
In the latter treaty the Shawnee sold the last of their lands in Ohio and received lands in the State of Missouri. In this portrait the mutilation of the
subject's ears and addition of trade silver ear cuffs is extreme.
From McKenney & Hall’s History of the Indian Tribes, perhaps the most important work ever published on North American Indians. Published by
F.W.Greenough, Philadelphia and printed on the original full folio sheet.
Thomas Lorraine McKenney was Superintendent of Indian Affairs under presidents Madison, Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Jackson. As a result
of his keen interest in the customs and beliefs of the Indian tribes under his jurisdiction, he commissioned Charles Bird King and several other artists
to paint the portraits of Indians whom he had met or had heard about. With the help of James Hall, a frontier lawyer, judge, newspaper editor, and
author, McKenney assembled the portraits into a coherent representation of Indian life, lore, and costume.
Published as a three-volume portfolio between 1836 and 1842, the hand-coloured lithographs after the paintings are among the only portraits
remaining of this early generation of Indian warriors, statesmen, medicine men, and commoners.
The original paintings, which were on display in the Smithsonian Institution, were destroyed by fine in 1865. (Lot number: 25025)
McKenney, Thomas Loraine and James Hall., Push-Ma-Ta-Ha a Choctaw warrior., Philadelphia, circa
1836-1842, 20.5 x 14.2 inches /52 x 36 cm, Folio edition. Lithograph with exquisite bright original hand colour.
The usual light transference of text from preceding page. Overall, excellent. Size of paper: 520x360mm., (Estimate:
$900 - 1200)
This hand-coloured lithograph of Pushmataha (ca. 1764-5 - 1824) (Choctaw), was a warrior noted for his vengeance on other Native Americans,
notably Creeks and Seminoles, against whom he fought with Andrew Jackson during the War of 1812. He was supportive of Whites and signed land
cessions of his Nation. He was painted by Charles Bird King on a visit to Washington, D.C. in 1824, shortly before his death from alcoholism and
exposure. He was buried in the Congressional Cemetery with full military honors..
From McKenney & Hall’s History of the Indian Tribes, perhaps the most important work ever published on North American Indians. Published by
F.W.Greenough, Philadelphia and printed on the original full folio sheet.
Thomas Lorraine McKenney was Superintendent of Indian Affairs under presidents Madison, Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Jackson. As a result
of his keen interest in the customs and beliefs of the Indian tribes under his jurisdiction, he commissioned Charles Bird King and several other artists
to paint the portraits of Indians whom he had met or had heard about. With the help of James Hall, a frontier lawyer, judge, newspaper editor, and
author, McKenney assembled the portraits into a coherent representation of Indian life, lore, and costume.
Published as a three-volume portfolio between 1836 and 1842, the hand-coloured lithographs after the paintings are among the only portraits
remaining of this early generation of Indian warriors, statesmen, medicine men, and commoners.
The original paintings, which were on display in the Smithsonian Institution, were destroyed by fine in 1865. (Lot number: 25026)
McKenney, Thomas Loraine and James Hall., Hayne-Hudjihini the eagle of delight., Philadelphia, circa
1836-1842, 20.5 x 14.2 inches /52 x 36 cm, Folio edition. Lithograph with exquisite bright original hand colour.
Overall, excellent. Size of paper: 520x360mm., (Estimate: $900 - 1200)
This hand-coloured lithograph of Hayne-Hudjihini the eagle of delight, one of only eight women whose portraits appeared in this book. By contrast
there were 111 men's portraits in it.
"She was young, tall, and finely formed, her face...was the most beautiful we had met with. Her hair was parted across her forehead, and hung down
upon her shoulders. A small jacket of blue cloth was fastened round her shoulder and breast, and a mantle of the same was wrapped around her
This was the way an Indian commissioner recalled the Eagle of Delight after he had met her in the 1830s. A decade before, she had accompanied her
husband Shaumonekusse, an Oto chief, to Washington where she had captivated McKinney, the President, his cabinet, and just about everyone she
met. She was poised and charming, but she was not the sole love of her warrior chief.
The Eagle of Delight was only one of five wives and their husband was getting on in years when the commissioner met him. That day the women
were all "pounding corn, or chattering over the news of the day." The old chief, while eating, "took the opportunity to disburthen his heart" to the
As he moaned, five women were just too much, even the Eagle of Delight. Their "caprices, and the difficulties which he found in maintaining a
proper discipline [made it impossible for him] where there were so many mistresses and but one mister." Unfortunately, no one ever obtained the
Eagle of Delight's version of married life to an old man in a tepee with four other women.
McKenney called her "young, and remarkably handsome...." She died of measles after her return to the west.
From McKenney & Hall’s History of the Indian Tribes, perhaps the most important work ever published on North American Indians. Published by
F.W.Greenough, Philadelphia and printed on the original full folio sheet.
Thomas Lorraine McKenney was Superintendent of Indian Affairs under presidents Madison, Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Jackson. As a result
of his keen interest in the customs and beliefs of the Indian tribes under his jurisdiction, he commissioned Charles Bird King and several other artists
to paint the portraits of Indians whom he had met or had heard about. With the help of James Hall, a frontier lawyer, judge, newspaper editor, and
author, McKenney assembled the portraits into a coherent representation of Indian life, lore, and costume.
Published as a three-volume portfolio between 1836 and 1842, the hand-coloured lithographs after the paintings are among the only portraits
remaining of this early generation of Indian warriors, statesmen, medicine men, and commoners.
The original paintings, which were on display in the Smithsonian Institution, were destroyed by fine in 1865. (Lot number: 25027)
BIBLIOGRAPH. INSTITUTS., 8 American views., Hildburghausen & Philadelphia 1846, 4.3 x 6.1 inches /11 x
15.5 cm, Eight detailed steel engravings, with usual light brown spotting., (Estimate: $110 - 125)
Including: The Presidents House in Washington. New Braunfels in Texas. Hartford in Connecticut. Starucca viaduct, Erie Railroad. Washington
Irving's Landhaus am Hudson. Das Kosziuszko Denkmal bei West point am Hudson. Deutsche Niederlassung in Nordamerica. The little Falls of
St.Anthony, Mississippi. (Lot number: 06843)
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ANONYMOUS., Opperhoofd der Vos Indiaanen. [Fox indians], Amsterdam, ca. 1850, 8.1 x 5.7 inches /20.5 x 14.5
cm, Overall good condition., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Decorative, hand coloured, woodcut engraving illustrating the chief of the Fox Indian tribe.
After a war with the Illinois (c.1765), the Fox moved into Illinois territory. In 1804 a fraudulent treaty was extracted from them, and they were told
to move west of the Mississippi. Most of them refused to go, but by 1831 they were induced to cross the river into Iowa. By 1832, however, they
were back east of the river, attacking frontier settlements. This started the Black Hawk War. After that war they moved west, eventually settling on
reservations in Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma. In 1990 there were about 4,775 Sac and Fox in the United States. (Lot number: 23391)
ANONYMOUS., Groep van Raven-Indiaanen., Amsterdam, ca. 1850, 5.7 x 8.1 inches /14.5 x 20.5 cm, Overall
good condition., (Estimate: $35 - 45)
Decorative, original hand coloured, woodcut engraving illustrating a group of Native Americans belonging to the Raven tribe. (Lot number: 23389)
LEVASSEUR, V., Amérique Septentrionale, Paris 1851, 11.8 x 17.1 inches /30 x 43.5 cm, Strong paper, hardly
toned with excellent impression. Wide margins with a few stains and short tears not entering image. Map itself
clean except 2 small brown dots., (Estimate: $200 - 300)
Important French map of North America, showing Texas as an independent republic.
The population table lists Texas with 200.000 and the United States with 19.000.000 inhabitants. Very good copy in original colors of this decorative
map from one of the last great Atlases in the 19th century. (Lot number: 90148)
RAPKIN, J., North America., London 1855, 14.2 x 9.8 inches /36 x 25 cm, Dark impression but foxed and spotted.
With old folds and two short marginal tears not affecting the image., (Estimate: $40 - 60)
Important and uncommon later edition by Rapkin based on Tallis' maps. The vignettes have been removed and the map is issued in black and white.
With decorative borders and title. A rare and desirable issue that was published by the London Printing and Publishing Company.
Drawn and engraved by Rapkin. (Lot number: 90165)
GEOGRAPHISCHES INSTITUT., Nord America mit Westindien.., Weimar, 1857 - 1859, 23.6 x 20 inches /60 x
50.7 cm, Paper slightly age toned. Good margins. Overall good condition., (Estimate: $210 - 250)
A superbly engraved and colored map of North America and the West Indies with a host of place names and meticulously rendered topography.
Includes an inset of the Aleutian Islands, a color key to the continent's republics and European colonies, a glossary of English and Spanish
geographical terms, a list of Mexico's tallest mountains, and a key to the abbreviations of the New England and Middle Atlantic states. (Lot number:
LEVASSEUR:V., Amerique Septentrionale, Paris 1860, 11 x 16.9 inches /28 x 43 cm, In good condition, a bit
stained in the margins., (Estimate: $220 - 250)
Lovely map with an INDEPENDENT TEXAS. The United States extending into present day Canada, Russia in control of Alaska and Mexico's
northern border according to the Treaty of 1810.
Surrounded by beautifully engraved scenes of North and Central America including local animals, a ship stranded in the polar sea, and a Mayan
A very popular and decorative 19th century map. (Lot number: 80164)
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GRÄF, C., Die Vereinigten Staten von Nordamerika (Ostlicher theil)., Weimar, 1874, 24.5 x 22.4 inches /62.2 x
56.8 cm, In good condition. Some very small brown spotting. Printed on heavy paper., (Estimate: $290 - 400)
Detailed map of eastern part of the United states. In lower right hand corner inset map of New York Bay, including, NY, Newark, Staten Island.
The map is prepared by C.Gräf and published in Weimar at the Geographisches Institut. (Lot number: 08391)
ZATTA, Antonio, Nouve Scoperte de' Russi al Nord Del Mare del Sud si nell' Asia, che nell' America., Venice,
1776, 12.6 x 16.3 inches /32 x 41.5 cm, Negligible stains in the margin., (Estimate: $900 - 1000)
Despite the map showing the Pacific coasts of California and Kamchatka to the Arctic Circle, the title vignette shows an elephant, rhinoceros, ostrich
and crocodile.
Also of interest is the imaginary Northwest Passage that connects Hudson's Bay with Cape Fortune. (Lot number: 90384)
VAUGONDY, R., Carte générales des découvertes de l'Admiral de Fonte.., Paris, 1779, 11.2 x 14.8 inches /28.5 x
37.5 cm, Printed on heavy paper with wide margins., (Estimate: $650 - 800)
Based on the map of the northern Pacific and Alaska, published by Thomas Jeffery' in London in 1772.
Shows clearly the extraordinary network of channels supposed to link the pacific coast with Hudson's Bay. (Lot number: 01295)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Nouvelle Carte des Decouvertes Faites par des Vaisseaux Russes aux Cotes
Inconnues del' Amerique Septentrionale avec les Pais Adiancents.., Venice, 1776 - 1784, 19.2 x 25 inches /48.7 x
63.5 cm, Printed on heavy paper with large margins. Good impression. Minor marginal spotting. Good upper
margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $780 - 950)
Santini's version of Gerhard Muller's landmark map of 1754 showing the discoveries of Captains Bering and Tschirikow.
Muller originally published his map in response to Joseph Delisle and Philippe Buache's map that showed previously unknown Russian discoveries
and an elaborate (and entirely speculative) depiction of the imaginary voyage of Admiral De Fonte through a Northwest Passage.
The map was updated several times, most significantly in 1773 after the expedition of Ivan Synd in which the elongated peninsula was shortened in
favor of a large group of islands.
Interestingly the speculative Northwest Passage is still shown connecting to Hudson Bay via a mythical River of the West . <BR Dated on the plate
1784. (Lot number: 25067)
SCHRAEMBL,F.A., Karte von den N.W.Amerikanische und N.O.E. Asia.., Vienna 1788, 15.7 x 26.6 inches /40 x
67.5 cm, Faint toning along centre fold, slightly more pronounced on top. Repair of 2 marginal splits. Wide
margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $300 - 350)
German edition of Cook's explorations along the NW Coast of America and NE Coast of Asia, based upon the original work by Lieutenant Henry
A detailed large-scale map showing the Bering strait, Kamchatka, Alaska and much of North America. While the Russian coastline is shown with
reasonable accuracy.
Showing tracks of Captain Cook. With interesting detail in north western part of America. (Lot number: 22172)
La Pérouse, J.B.G. Comte de., Plan du Port des Francais sur la Côte du Nord-Ouest de l' Amerique., Paris, 1797,
19.7 x 27.2 inches /50 x 69 cm, excellent, (Estimate: $525 - 500)
Jean François Galoup, Comte de la Pérouse (1741-88), outstanding French explorer and hydrographer. ' Voyage autour du Monde…Atlas',
1797."Chart of the entrance of "Bassin de L'Quest", visited on July 2nd 1786 by La Perouse.
On many 18th century maps we find a depiction of Mer de L'Quest or Sea of the West a great sea, easily the size of the Mediterranean, to flow from
the then-known Strait of Juan de Fuca and an opening to the ocean from this great sea at roughly in North California or Oregon and Quivira
somewhere in Idaho.Engraved by Bouclet." (Lot number: 20472)
La Pérouse, J.B.G. Comte de., Plan de l'entrée du Port de Bucarelli., Paris, 1797, 19.7 x 27.2 inches /50 x 69 cm,
good, (Estimate: $260 - 240)
Jean François Galoup, Comte de la Pérouse (1741-88), outstanding French explorer and hydrographer. ' Voyage autour du Monde…Atlas', 1797.A
plan of Port Bucarelli in 56o N. From La Pérouse's 'Voyage autour du Monde'. (Lot number: 20473)
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CASSINI, G.M., Le Coste Nord Ovest dell'America e Nord Est dell'Asia Delineate sulle ultime Osservazioni del
Cap. Cook., Rome, 1798, 13.8 x 19.1 inches /35 x 48.5 cm, Printed on heavy paper. Good and dark impression.
Slight crease in the middle of the map. Brown striation on the left hand side of the map. Good margins and
condition., (Estimate: $650 - 800)
The Bering Straits from the latest observations by Captain Cook, with large title vignette of native American figures in a landscape, engraved map
with original hand-colouring in outline, with later colour additions.
From Cassini's "Nuovo atlante geografico universale delineato sulle ultime osservazioni". (Lot number: 22222)
Cook, J., Kaart van den Mond van Norton en van de Engte van Behring., Amsterdam, 1801, 10.4 x 14.8 inches
/26.5 x 37.5 cm, good, (Estimate: $130 - 120)
Captain James Cook (1728-79), explorer, circumnavigator and hydrographer. Three voyages, 1768-71, 1772-75 and 1776-79. From 1778 on printed
editions of ' Captain Cook's Travels' appeared in English, Italian, French and Dutch.A chart of Behring Strait with the adjacent coast of Asia and
America's northwest extremity with the mouth of the Norton River. (Lot number: 19659)
Cook, J., Kaart van de noord-west kust van Amerika en de noord-oost kust van Asia. Opgenoomen in de Jaaren
1778 en 1779., Leiden, 1795-1803, 15 x 25.2 inches /38 x 64 cm, very good, (Estimate: $425 - 400)
Captain James Cook (1728-79), explorer, circumnavigator and hydrographer. Three voyages, 1768-71, 1772-75 and 1776-79. From 1778 on printed
editions of ' Captain Cook's Travels' appeared in English, Italian, French and Dutch.
A chart depicting America's northwest coast and Asia's northeast coast. From a Dutch edition of ‘Cook's voyages'. (Lot number: 19136)
METELLUS,J./ ACOSTA,J.DE, Granata Nova et California., Cologne, 1598, 7.2 x 9.1 inches /18.3 x 23 cm, With
wide margins. Paper very slightly age-toned. Very good condition. German text on verso., (Estimate: $4000 - 5000)
Very rare sixteenth century map: the second printed map devoted to the California peninsula and the south west of present day United States. A
reduced version of the Cornelis Wytfliet map of the same name.
Published in the German edition of José de Acosta's De Natura Nova Orbis, first published in Salamanca, 1588. Acosta was a Spanish Jesuit
missionary, historian and cosmographer. The included maps, however, are attributed to Metellus. In the America sive Novis Orbis of 1600, he is
named as the cartographer of the maps but, most probably, did not see their complication as he died in 1597. The work was finished by Matthias
Quad.It has been suggested that the Metellus maps in fact precede the Wytfliet.
This extremely rare map is of great interest for the serious collector! (Lot number: 24717)
TIRION,I., Kaart van het Westelyk gedeelte van Nieuw Mexico .., Amsterdam, 1765, 12.8 x 13.8 inches /32.5 x 35
cm, Mint condition, printed on heavy paper., (Estimate: $1200 - 1400)
A detailed map of the Baja California and Sonora, bounded on the north by the Colorado and Gila Rivers and approximately Mozatlan in the south,
thus including parts of modern Arizona and New Mexico, an area including the modern towns of Yuma, Phoenix and Tucson, while Cape St. Diego
is marked at the site of the modern city.
A fascinating, uncommon, detailed map. (Lot number: 24777)
DORN,S.V., Untitled [Nordlicher Theil des Grossen Süd Meers]., Germany, 1750 - 1770, 9.3 x 6.9 inches /23.5 x
17.4 cm, Minor marginal discolouration. Folds as issued. Overall very good condition., (Estimate: $180 - 200)
Uncommon map illustrating the Californian and some of the Mexican Pacific shores. With notations in German.
In the upper central part some marks are visible due to cracks on the plate.
Engraved vy S.V. Dorn. (Lot number: 24713)
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DIDEROT,D., Carte de la Californie et des Pays Nord-Ouest..4de Carte, Paris, 1779, 11.5 x 14.3 inches /29.2 x
36.2 cm, In good condition. In the very outer margins light water staining., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Diderot's famous 2 on 1 map showing the two early mappings of the west coast of North America, the first after Visscher, the second after Plancius'
World map. Both show the Straits of Anian, Quivera, Baja and a similarly projected east-west coastline.
The larger map includes more detail along the coastline and in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, as well as a truer orientation of Baja California.
Diderot's map were one of the first surveys of comparative cartography, tackling a number of the early misconceptions of the west coast of North
America and the North-eastern Asian Coastline. The form an excellent baseline for collections of this region, as the maps they illustrate are generally
extremely expensive or impossibly rare. (Lot number: 24712)
ANONYMOUS., Een Danser der Californische Indiaanen., Amsterdam, ca. 1850, 8.1 x 5.7 inches /20.5 x 14.5 cm,
Overall good condition., (Estimate: $30 - 40)
Decorative, original hand coloured, woodcut engraving illustrating a native American dancer from California. (Lot number: 23390)
Great Lakes/Philadelphia
VAUGONDY,R. de, Les Lacs du Canada et Nouvelle Angleterre., Paris, later than 1749, 6.5 x 8.5 inches /16.5 x
21.5 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $260 - 330)
Charming small map showing the Great Lakes region from Superior to Ontario and including the northern part of Pennsylvania below Lake Erie,
although the state is not named.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Edited by : "Au dépôt de Géographie, Rue Geoffroy Langevin, N° 328. Se trouve A Paris au
Bureau de l'Atlas National, Rue de la Harpe, N° 26. Et chez tous les Marchands de Géographie".Number 97 outside border top right. Mary
Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24634)
MASI, T., CARTA RAPPRESENTANTE I CINQUE LAGHI DEL CANADA, Livorno, 1763, 10 x 7.4 inches /25.5 x
18.8 cm, Excellent impression printed on quality hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned with light damp staining to
top left corner. Three small repaired wormholes. Margins cut very close to engraved area. Very good + decorative
antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $350 - 450)
Rare and important Italian map showing the area of the Great Lakes. Published in "Il Gazzettiere Americano" 1763.
Very detailed map of the area with many place names, also indicating forts, Indian tribes, regional borders, mountains, and rivers.
Decorated with an attractive title cartouche. (Lot number: 90403)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Partie Occidentale du Canada et Septentrionale de la Louisiane.., Venice, 1776 1784, 18.9 x 22.3 inches /48 x 56.7 cm, Minor very outer marginal spotting. Else very good condition., (Estimate:
$1300 - 1500)
Fine copper engraved map of the Great Lakes region after d'Anville's, to whom Santini gives credit in the cartouche.
The map extends from the upper Mississippi River valley east to include most of Lake Ontario. The more thorough right hand side covers the area
between James Bay and Philadelphia. Showing "Chicagon" (Chicago) and Detroit while Green Bay, in present-day Wisconsin, is named "Baye des
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse sur
les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example - indicating that this is the second state of the map.
(Lot number: 24968)
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VAUGONDY,R. de, La Floride divisee en Floride et Caroline., Paris, later than 1749, 6.5 x 6.8 inches /16.5 x 17.3
cm, Very crisp and fine image. Very good condition., (Estimate: $320 - 390)
Nice small map representing the southeastern part of the United States, centred on Florida. It shows the Bahamas at the bottom.
Number 93 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24637)
Indiana / Ohio / Kentukey / Alabama
GRÄSSL, J., Die Staaten von Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana & Alabama 1850, Hildburghausen, 1852, 8 x 7.8
inches /20.3 x 19.9 cm, Some marginal light spotting. Good. Steel engraving., (Estimate: $100 - 150)
With inset map of Nashville and Lexington.
Major ‘roads’ shown. Numerous Indian tribal areas named.
From Meyer’s significant German atlas, “Neuster Zetungs Atlas Hildburghausen”. (Lot number: 23972)
Mississippi / Louisiana
VAUGONDY,R. de, Cours du Mississipi et la Louisiane., Paris, later than 1749, 8.5 x 6.4 inches /21.5 x 16.3 cm,
Very crisp and fine image. Very good condition., (Estimate: $320 - 390)
Nice small map showing the course of the Mississippi River, from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico.
Number 92 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24636)
BELLIN,J.N., Carte de la Louisiane et pays Voisins., Paris, 1757, 8.7 x 11.9 inches /22 x 30.3 cm, Folds as issued.
Very good condition., (Estimate: $420 - 500)
Accurate map showing the lower Mississippi River and surrounding areas, the ranges and villages of numerous Indian tribes are shown.
Jacques Nicolaas Bellin (1703-1772) was one of the most important and proficient French cartographers of the mid-eighteenth century. He was
appointed the first Ingenieur Hydrographe de la Marine, and also Official Hydrographer to the French King.
Bellin produced a substantial number of important separately issued maps, particularly reflecting continuing discoveries and political events in the
His maps and charts were finely engraved and produced, and set a high standard of accuracy. (Lot number: 23953)
MEYER, Hermann J., Neueste Karte von Lousiana., Hidleburgh, dated 1851, 14.3 x 11.5 inches /36.4 x 29.3 cm,
In near excellent condition. Strong impression. Good margins. Slight browning along margin edges., (Estimate:
$325 - 350)
This highly attractive work is from the German edition of the Tanner / Mitchell Louisiana map, forming part of the NEW UNIVERSAL ATLAS. It
shows a German title with place names written in English.
The map contains a table that provides steam ship mileages and routes from New Orleans to Pittsburgh, Natchitoches and the Balize.
The map also has a detailed inset of the city of New Orleans, with two legends listing key sites. A very nice example. (Lot number: 90299)
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GRÄSSL, J., Die Staaten von Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky & Tennessee 1850., Hildburghausen,
1852, 10.4 x 10.6 inches /26.5 x 26.8 cm, Some marginal light spotting. Good. Steel engraving., (Estimate: $100 150)
With inset maps ofNew Orleans.
Major ‘roads’ shown. Numerous Indian tribal areas named.
From Meyer’s significant German atlas, “Neuster Zetungs Atlas Hildburghausen”. (Lot number: 23973)
New England states
JANSSONIUS,J., Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova., Amsterdam, 1649, 15.2 x 19.7 inches /38.5 x 50 cm, Paper slightly
browned and slightly spotted, as usual. With French text on verso. In very good condition., (Estimate: $2300 2500)
A second state. Derived from De Laet's map of 1630, which was important as the first appearance on a printed map of 'Manhattes' (Manhattan),
'N.Amsterdam' (New York, founded 1626), and 'Massachusets' (1620).
It shows from Nova Scotia south to 'C. of Feare', which is, however not Cape Fear but Cape Lookout. Inland is a 'Grand Lac', which Karpinski states
is the first depiction of a complete Lake Superior, but Burden believes is more likely to be Lake Huron. ¤ (Lot number: 24768)
BLAEU, W., Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova., Amsterdam, 1658, 15.3 x 19.9 inches /38.8 x 50.5 cm, German text on
verso. Repair of a tiny pinhole in center part of center fold. Wide margins, very good impression, except for the
slight browning of paper., (Estimate: $3000 - 3500)
Orientated with north to the right. This is one of the earliest maps to concentrate solely on this area of the colonies, excluding Virginia and the
extreme north east coastline of the States.
This would appear to be the first map to include scenes of Indian natives paddling their canoes and also has scenes of Indian villages and habitations,
European vessels, animals and birds on each side of the title cartouche. Lake Champlain, as usual in this period, is shown too far to the east.
The coastal strip is well detailed with settlement names, testifying to the Dutch and English interest in the area, but the map is, above all, a fine
example of the superb design and craftsmanship employed by the Blaeu's in their work.
Based on the manuscript survey by Adrian Block, completed about the year 1614. (Lot number: 24769)
MONTANUS,A., Novi Belgii quod nunc Novi Jorck.., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.4 x 14.4 inches /28.9 x 36.7 cm, Some
usual age-toning of the paper. With hardly notable evidence of removed stamp on verso of map. Dark imprint. Good
condition., (Estimate: $1400 - 1750)
A beautifully engraved map, derived from the highly influential map by Visscher. The decoration of this finely engraved map has in the lower right
corner not longer a view of New York but has in its place an entirely new cartouche.
The plate was prepared by Meurs for the Dutch edition of Montanus De Nieuwe en onbekende Weereld.. and than printed for Oglilby's America.. in
1671. (Lot number: 24757)
Aa, P. van der., Nieuw Engeland in Twee Scheepstogten door Kaptein Johan Smith in de Jaren 1614 en 1615
Bestevend., Leiden, 1707, 5.9 x 8.9 inches /15 x 22.5 cm, excellent, strong impression., (Estimate: $700 - 650)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naaukeurige versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.An attractive map of the east coast from Martha's Vineyard to
Penobscot Bay, illustrating John Smith third voyage. Embellished with an attractive title-cartouche, showing the English trading with the Indians.
(Lot number: 20106)
VALK,G./ SCHENK,P., Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova., Amsterdam, 1720, 15.2 x 19.7 inches /38.5 x 50 cm, Very
good condition. Printed on heavy paper., (Estimate: $2600 - 2800)
A re-issue of Janssonius' map in a second state of the Northeast. Janssonius borrowed in this second state the cartouche and the animals and Indian
village from Blaeu's map of 1635. ¤ (Lot number: 24766)
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SEUTTER,M., Recens edita totius Novi Belgii in America Septentrionali., Augsburg, ca. 1735, 19.5 x 22.8 inches
/49.5 x 58 cm, With uncoloured cartouche. In mint condition., (Estimate: $4200 - 5000)
This most spectacular map, the last engraved in the sequence of maps based on the Janssonius' map of the area, shows a multitude of animals and
birds and features a view of New York with a legend. Although cartographically the map was rather outdated, its publication reflects German interest
in the area and the enduring qualities of one of the most decorative and informative maps of any period.
On top of this view a boldly engraved scene of natives.
A second state. ¤ (Lot number: 24761)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Nouvelle Angleterre N.lle York N.lle Jersey Pensilvanie Mariland et Virginie., Paris, 1748, 7.5
x 6.3 inches /19 x 16 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Upper margin cut short as issued. Else very good condition.,
(Estimate: $260 - 330)
Charming small map showing the eastern States between New England and Carolina, including part of the Great Lakes area.
Number 98 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state with date 1748 and plate number 98. (Lot number: 24635)
LOTTER,T.C., Recens Edita totius Novi Belgii, in America Septentrionali, Amsterdam, 1763, 19.5 x 22.6 inches
/49.5 x 57.5 cm, It has a small split in the centerfold under for 2cm, else fery fine., (Estimate: $4000 - 4500)
A wonderful cartouche adjacent to the title shows a long line of gods and natives bringing forth gifts for a British monarch. Below the cartouche is a
large inset view of New York City ("Neu Jorck five Neu Amsterdam"). The map itself it nicely detailed with printed lines to distinguish between the
boundaries of Massachusetts, New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Many colonial towns and cities are noted and the inland
areas are filled with various forms of wildlife. An example of the fifth state as noted in Tooley's The Mapping of America. (Lot number: 80348)
ANONYMOUS, Theatre de la guerre en Amerique. Seat of war in America., London, 1777, 9.8 x 15.2 inches /25 x
38.7 cm, Very good condition. Folds as issued, with on two crossings some paper thinness, filled in., (Estimate:
$600 - 1500)
RARE. This map of uncertain date and origin is oriented with northeast at the top, with a banner Supplement au Courier de L'Europe No. XXXII
Vol. II, apparently a French publication.
It includes northern Maryland, Delaware, eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, southern New York and parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New
Hampshire. Its intent is to show the theatre of the Revolutionary War around New York.
Scale ca. 1:1,600,000.
Shows states, some counties, towns and cities, manors, forts, and some roads.
With inset of North America. ¤ (Lot number: 24169)
LE ROUGE,G.L., Carte des troubles De L'Amerique..New-York.. Jersey.., Paris, 1778, 27.6 x 20.5 inches /70 x 52
cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $2200 - 2500)
A French edition of this uncommon map giving good detail of the states of New York and New Jersey. Claude Joseph Sauthier was a German
surveyor from Strasbourg who immigrated to the Carolinas.
Between 1768 and 1771, Sauthier performed a number of surveys of the main settlements in North Carolina, possibly under the patronage of the
then-Governor William Tryon. Tryon, a British Major-General, subsequently employed Sauthier after his appointment as Governor of New York in
1771, to make surveys of this area.
Sauthier's maps were used by Faden for the original London publication of this map which has been copied, with an altered title and covering a
slightly smaller area to the west. An extraordinary amount of information is recorded by Sauthier including details of topography and county and
township boundaries, roads and forts. (Lot number: 24870)
DÉPÔT GÉNÉRAL DE LA MARINE, Carte Réduite Des Côtes Orientales De L' Amérique Septentrionale
Contenant Celles des provinces de New-York et de la Nouvelle Angleterre.., Paris, 1780, 22 x 34.3 inches /55.9 x
87.2 cm, Printed on heavy paper. Small marginal tear in left and right hand margin, tear and part of neat line
underlaid for protective reason. Overall in very good condition., (Estimate: $2100 - 2500)
A well engraved and highly detailed chart that was issued in Neptune americo-septentrionale. Showing the East Coast from Chaleur Bay to New
Jersey, encompassing all of New England, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island and Prince Edward Island, as well as parts of New York, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, New Brunswick and Quebec.Prepared by Sartini and based on Sayer & Bennett's chart that was issued in 1776 and was intended for
use by the French Navy during the Revolutionary War.
It shows soundings, anchorage's, channels, shoals, navigational sightings, Fort Johnson and the town of Brunswick. . Engraved by Petit, engraver
for the Depot Générale de la marine is noted as such on the map. (Lot number: 23051)
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WEIMAR GEOGRAPHSCHER INSTITUT/ Carey & Lea., Massachusetts., Weimar, 1822-1825, 16.5 x 22 inches
/42 x 56 cm, Overall, in excellent condition. Left margin cut short. A finely engraved example printed on thick hand
laid paper., (Estimate: $120 - 0)
This is the map of Massachusetts is from a plano edition of the very scarce German edition of Carey & Lea's "A Complete Historical, Chronological,
and Geographical American Atlas..," first published in 1822. The map is surrounded by text (in German) describing the regional geography, history,
government and population. (Lot number: 16534)
BUCHON,J.A., (Washington) Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique., Paris 1825, 10.6 x 10.2 inches /27 x
26 cm, A bit spotted in the text, further in good condition., (Estimate: $420 - 500)
This is a striking map of the capital city with north oriented to the top left corner by a compass rose and an arrow indicating the flow of the Potomac
River. Washington, Georgetown and Alexandria are well depicted and a good part of the vicinity is also illustrated with major roads named.
Buchon's atlas is often called the French Carey & Lea, and it was printed on better quality paper than the Philadelphia issue.
The map is surrounded by French text providing details of climate, topography, commerce, religion, government, history and military battles.
Size is of map only, with full text size is 17 x 24". (Lot number: 21984)
MILBERT,J., Theresa falls Indian River., Paris, 1829, 7.9 x 11.4 inches /20 x 29 cm, Lithograph on india paper
mounted (as issued). In very good condition, fine imprint and wide margins., (Estimate: $100 - 120)
Decorative print of Theresa falls at the Indian River, after Jacques Milbert, and lithographed by Sabatier and Bichebois and the figures by Victor
Printed by de Bove and Noöl ainé &Cie.
An outstanding view from Milbert's Itinéraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson et des parties latérales de l'Amérique du Nord. Milbert arrived in the
United States in 1815, with the backing of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, with instructions to explore, record and collect as much
information about the topography, social history, and flora and fauna of the north east of the country as possible. The task took him seven years, and
in addition to the 8,000 natural history specimens he sent back to France, he made a series of highly significant sketches of the areas through which
he travelled.
The present image, an important early example of the use of lithography for topographical prints, is part of this eye-witness record of life in America
in the early 19th century which forms the most comprehensive and accurate depiction of the country at the time.
As 'an artist, Milbert loved to paint American landscapes, particularly those that showed the Hudson, "King of Rivers", flowing majestically through
the mountains... the pictures of what he saw, as of the time he drew them, constitute a unique and valuable record' (Sherman, A French Explorer in
the Hudson Valley). (Lot number: 17281)
MILBERT,J., Falls near Schooley's Springs., Paris, 1829, 7.7 x 11.6 inches /19.5 x 29.5 cm, Lithograph on india
paper mounted (as issued). In very good condition, fine imprint and wide margins., (Estimate: $100 - 120)
Decorative print of Water falls near Schooley's Springs, Morris County in New Jersey, after Jacques Milbert, and lithographed by Dupressoir and
figures by Victor Adam.
Printed by Henry Gauguin.
An outstanding view from Milbert's Itinéraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson et des parties latérales de l'Amérique du Nord. Milbert arrived in the
United States in 1815, with the backing of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, with instructions to explore, record and collect as much
information about the topography, social history, and flora and fauna of the north east of the country as possible. The task took him seven years, and
in addition to the 8,000 natural history specimens he sent back to France, he made a series of highly significant sketches of the areas through which
he travelled.
The present image, an important early example of the use of lithography for topographical prints, is part of this eye-witness record of life in America
in the early 19th century which forms the most comprehensive and accurate depiction of the country at the time.
As 'an artist, Milbert loved to paint American landscapes, particularly those that showed the Hudson, "King of Rivers", flowing majestically through
the mountains... the pictures of what he saw, as of the time he drew them, constitute a unique and valuable record' (Sherman, A French Explorer in
the Hudson Valley). (Lot number: 17283)
MILBERT,J., Falls of mount Ida, above the town of Troy., Paris, 1829, 8.1 x 11.5 inches /20.5 x 29.3 cm,
Lithograph on india paper mounted (as issued). In very good condition, fine imprint and wide margins., (Estimate:
$100 - 120)
Decorative print after Jacques Milbert, and lithographed by Bichbois, Showing the Water Falls of mount Ida, above the town of Troy.
From Amérique Septentrionale. Printed by de Bove and Noöl ainé &Cie. An outstanding view from Milbert's Itinéraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson
et des parties latérales de l'Amérique du Nord. Milbert arrived in the United States in 1815, with the backing of the Museum of Natural History in
Paris, with instructions to explore, record and collect as much information about the topography, social history, and flora and fauna of the north
east of the country as possible. The task took him seven years, and in addition to the 8,000 natural history specimens he sent back to France, he
made a series of highly significant sketches of the areas through which he travelled.
The present image, an important early example of the use of lithography for topographical prints, is part of this eye-witness record of life in America
in the early 19th century which forms the most comprehensive and accurate depiction of the country at the time.
As 'an artist, Milbert loved to paint American landscapes, particularly those that showed the Hudson, King of Rivers, flowing majestically through
the mountains... the pictures of what he saw, as of the time he drew them, constitute a unique and valuable record' (Sherman, A French Explorer in
the Hudson Valley). (Lot number: 17287)
MILBERT,J., Falls of Cohoes of the river Mohawk., Paris, 1829, 8 x 11.5 inches /20.3 x 29.3 cm, Lithograph on
india paper mounted (as issued). In very good condition, fine imprint and wide margins., (Estimate: $100 - 120)
Decorative print of Falls of Cohoes of the river Mohawk after Jacques Milbert, and lithographed by A.Joly.
Printed by de Bove and Noöl ainé &Cie.
An outstanding view from Milbert's Itinéraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson et des parties latérales de l'Amérique du Nord. Milbert arrived in the
United States in 1815, with the backing of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, with instructions to explore, record and collect as much
information about the topography, social history, and flora and fauna of the north east of the country as possible. The task took him seven years, and
in addition to the 8,000 natural history specimens he sent back to France, he made a series of highly significant sketches of the areas through which
he travelled.
The present image, an important early example of the use of lithography for topographical prints, is part of this eye-witness record of life in America
in the early 19th century which forms the most comprehensive and accurate depiction of the country at the time.
As 'an artist, Milbert loved to paint American landscapes, particularly those that showed the Hudson, "King of Rivers", flowing majestically through
the mountains... the pictures of what he saw, as of the time he drew them, constitute a unique and valuable record' (Sherman, A French Explorer in
the Hudson Valley). (Lot number: 17288)
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MILBERT, J., View of Hudson & the Castskill mountains., Paris, 1829, 8.1 x 11.6 inches /20.7 x 29.5 cm,
Lithograph on india paper mounted (as issued). In very good condition, fine imprint and wide margins., (Estimate:
$300 - 400)
Decorative print of Hudson river and the Castskill mountains after Jacques Milbert, and lithographed by Bichbois and the figures by Victor Adam.
Printed by de Bove and Noöl ainé &Cie.
An outstanding view from Milbert's Itinéraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson et des parties latérales de l'Amérique du Nord. Milbert arrived in the
United States in 1815, with the backing of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, with instructions to explore, record and collect as much
information about the topography, social history, and flora and fauna of the north east of the country as possible. The task took him seven years, and
in addition to the 8,000 natural history specimens he sent back to France, he made a series of highly significant sketches of the areas through which
he travelled.
The present image, an important early example of the use of lithography for topographical prints, is part of this eye-witness record of life in America
in the early 19th century which forms the most comprehensive and accurate depiction of the country at the time.
As 'an artist, Milbert loved to paint American landscapes, particularly those that showed the Hudson, "King of Rivers", flowing majestically through
the mountains... the pictures of what he saw, as of the time he drew them, constitute a unique and valuable record' (Sherman, A French Explorer in
the Hudson Valley). (Lot number: 17289)
DUFOUR, A. H., NEW-YORK, Paris, dated 1835, 7.9 x 9.9 inches /20.1 x 25.1 cm, In exellent condition. Strong
and dark impression., (Estimate: $500 - 600)
A scarce, uncommon early 19th century French plan of New York City. The work is finely rendered and provides two different plans of the city.
The upper portion consists of a general presentation of the entirety of Manhattan and Brooklyn.
The lower section offers excellent detail of the downtown tip of Manhattan along with Brooklyn. A 37 point legend identifies key sites and points of
interest. Rarely seen in the market. (Lot number: 90081)
GRÄSSL, J., Die Staaten von Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut & Rhode I. 1850,
Hildburghausen, 1852, 10.6 x 7.9 inches /27 x 20 cm, Some marginal light spotting. Good. Steel engraving.,
(Estimate: $100 - 150)
With inset maps of Boston, New Haven and Hartford.
Major ‘roads’ shown. Numerous Indian tribal areas named.
From Meyer’s significant German atlas, “Neuster Zetungs Atlas Hildburghausen”. (Lot number: 23970)
GRÄSSL, J., Die Staaten von New York, Pensylvania, Maryland, New Jersey Delaware & Virginia 1850.,
Hildburghausen, 1852, 10.4 x 7.8 inches /26.5 x 19.8 cm, Some marginal light spotting. Good. Steel engraving.,
(Estimate: $100 - 150)
Detailed map including the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware and Virginia. Inset maps of New York, Philadelphia,
Niagara Falls, Albany, Pittsburgh and Baltimore.
Major ‘roads’ shown. Numerous Indian tribal areas named.
From Meyer’s significant German atlas, “Neuster Zetungs Atlas Hildburghausen”. (Lot number: 23986)
Virginia/ Maryland/ Carolina / Georgia
HONDIUS,H., Nova Virginiae Tabula., Amsterdam, ca. 1636, 15 x 19.6 inches /38.2 x 49.9 cm, Light browning of
the paper. Original colours a bit touched up. Good impression. Overall good condition., (Estimate: $1900 - 2300)
One of the most important maps of the Chesapeake Bay region, credited with disseminating knowledge of the English settlement in Virginia
throughout Europe in the 17th century.
The map is a derivative of Capt. John Smith's map of 1612, which was the first to depict the bay and its tributaries with any accuracy.
In the upper left corner is an engraving of the great Indian chief Powhatan seated on his throne and surrounded by his subjects. A Susquehanna chief
is depicted on the right under a coat of arms and cartouche.
This is Henricus' version based on the map drawn by Jodocus Hondius Jr.
Compass rose in the lower left corner. French text on verso. ¤ (Lot number: 23512)
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BLAEU,W., Virginiae Partis Australis, et Floridae Partis Orientalis., Amsterdam, 1640, 15.1 x 19.9 inches /38.3 x
50.5 cm, A good impression. Wide margins. Very good to near mint condition., (Estimate: $2300 - 3000)
Blaeu based this map on the Mercator-Hondius of 1606. A number of geographical improvements, however were incorporated, although two large
fictions lakes accompanied by explanatory legends in Latin, still appear on the map. The British and French royal coats of arms indicate the territorial
interests of the two nations at the time. A settlement by Irish planters in 1621 at Newport News in the north, near Chesapeake Bay is shown, and also
Jamestown, further in stream. The Carolina coast is improved with two large bays. (Lot number: 24716)
BLAEU, W., Nova Virginiae Tabula., Amsterdam, 1642, 14.7 x 18.9 inches /37.4 x 48 cm, Light age toning of the
paper. Good margins. Water stains affecting the upper corners and lower part centerfold. Else good condition.,
(Estimate: $2500 - 3000)
The map is based on the first state of Smith's map, 1612, and is slightly larger and more expertly engraved. In 1629 the Hondius plate was purchased
by Blaeu who deleted Hondius' name and added his own to the imprint, constituting the second state.
The map is, in part, famous for its depiction, upper left, of Chief Powhatan, waving his tobacco pipe, and seated, as the caption says, ,in state when
Capt. John Smith was delivered to him prisoner. Smith was unusual among early mapmakers in acknowledging the assistance of native American
Maltese Crosses designate areas on the map based on this help. (Lot number: 24714)
MONTANUS,A., Virginiae partis australis, et Floridae partis orientalis.., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.3 x 14 inches /28.8
x 35.5 cm, Some usual age-toning of the paper. With hardly notable evidence of removed stamp on verso of map.
Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $1250 - 1500)
A beautifully engraved map, derived from the highly influential maps by Mercator and later Blaeu. The decoration of this finely engraved map has
two entirely new cartouches with Indians.
The plate was prepared by Meurs for the Dutch edition of Montanus De Nieuwe en onbekende Weereld.. and than printed for Oglilby's America.. in
1671. (Lot number: 24752)
MONTANUS,A., Nova Virginia Tabula., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.5 x 14.1 inches /29.1 x 35.8 cm, Some usual
age-toning of the paper. With hardly notable evidence of removed stamp on verso of map. Dark imprint. Good
condition., (Estimate: $1250 - 1500)
A beautifully engraved map, derived from the highly influential map by Captain John Smith in 1612, showing Chesapeake Bay and the surrounding
The decoration of this finely engraved map has in the upper right corner a Notarum on a small panel and surrounded by figures of animals including
a lama and goats and two Indian figures.The plate was prepared by Meurs for the Dutch edition of Montanus De Nieuwe en onbekende Weereld..
and than printed for Oglilby's America.. in 1671. (Lot number: 24760)
HOMANN,J.B., Virginia Marylandia et Carolina.., Augsburg, 1740, 19.1 x 22.7 inches /48.5 x 57.7 cm, Crisp and
fine image on solid paper. 2 brown spots in the lower left part., (Estimate: $1600 - 2000)
An attractive and detailed map, covering the coastline from Long Island in the north to just south of Cape Feare in Carolina, with the large fictitious
Apalache Lacus in Florida.It is noted for its particularly large cartouche which assembles imagery intended to display the attractions of the New
World. The map was intended to promote German emigration to America.
Germantown Teutsche Statt is placed at the headwaters of the Rappahanock. A number of early counties shown in the Carolinas. Nice detail in the
interior of Virginia and Maryland for the period. New Jersey is divided into East and West New Jersey. The region in the west is Florida, extending
to Lake Erie.
Shows Indian Tribes and Place names, rivers, bays, coastal soundings, early settlements and other details.
Embellished by one of the most decorative cartouches to appear on a map of the region, showing figures from regional history and local trade with
the English. The Atlantic is Mare Virgini [or] Sea of Virginy. (Lot number: 24826)
BRADFORD,T.G., Baltimore., Philadelphia and Boston, 1838 - corrected to 1846, 11.3 x 14 inches /28.6 x 35.6
cm, Light browning along margin edges, otherwise, very good., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
Decorative town plan of Baltimore. The map highlight’s the city’s 14 boroughs and provides excellent street detail.
Baltimore was a major commercial center during America’s colonial and early post independence periods. Today, Baltimore’s port has the most
activity in the east coast of the United States, just ahead of Miami. (Lot number: 16705)
WELLS,J., Washington D.C. and its Vicinity., New York, ca. 1863, 4.8 x 7.4 inches /12.3 x 18.7 cm, Steel
engraving. Marginal age toning. Overall good condition., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Bird's eye-view. With a numbered key 1-33 for points of interest. Engraved by W. Ridgway after J. Wells. (Lot number: 23371)
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Mercator, G./ H. Hondius., HISPANIA NOVAE / NOVA DESCRIPTIO., Amsterdam, c. 1620, 5.3 x 7.3 inches
/13.5 x 18.5 cm, very good condition, (Estimate: $200 - 190)
The Mercator / Hondius pocket atlas 'Atlas Minor' was published between 1607 and 1651, editions in Latin, Dutch English, French and German.A
map of Mexico. (Lot number: 18031)
MONTANUS,A., Nova Hispania Nova Galicia Guatimala, Amsterdam, 1671, 11.4 x 14 inches /29 x 35.6 cm, Some
usual age-toning of the paper. With hardly notable evidence of removed stamp on verso of map. Dark imprint. Good
condition., (Estimate: $480 - 600)
A fine map based on the cartography of Hessel Gerritsz. The map includes Mexico through Costa Rica with nice detail.
Large pictorial cartouche depicting Native Americans loading goods for a European trader.
Also shows the western portion of Cuba, and the south-western tip of the Florida peninsula. (Lot number: 24745)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie du Mexique ou de la Nouv.lle Espagne où se trouve l'Audience du Mexique., Paris, later
than 1748, 6.4 x 9.3 inches /16.2 x 23.7 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Very good condition., (Estimate: $200 - 260)
Nice small map showing the southern part of Mexico, from Guadalajara to the Yucatán Peninsula.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 90 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without
date. (Lot number: 24623)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie du Mexique où de la Nouv.le Espagne.. Californie &c., Paris, later than 1749, 6.3 x 7.8
inches /16.1 x 19.7 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $320 - 390)
Nice small map showing the northern part of Mexico, from Lower California to Guadalajara.
Pedley, Bel et utile, map 461, not mentioning this state.
Number 91 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. ¤ (Lot number: 24633)
Bellin, J.N., Carte de l'Empire de Mexique, 1754., Paris, c. 1755, 7.7 x 11.4 inches /19.5 x 29 cm, very good,
(Estimate: $165 - 150)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
A map of central Mexico Prevost’s ‘ Voyages’. (Lot number: 20519)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte du Mexique ou de la Nlle. Espagne.., Paris, ca 1783, 11.6 x 16.3 inches /29.4 x 41.3
cm, Light traces of humidity in the left hand half of the map. Minor discolouration along central fold. Printed on
heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $320 - 400)
Attractive map centered on Mexico, covering the whole Central America and the southern part of the United States.
Ornated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at
the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24217)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Carte du Mexique et de la Nouvelle Espagne.., Venice, 1776 - 1784, 17.7 x 23
inches /45 x 58.5 cm, Printed on heavy paper with large margins. Good impression. Minor marginal spotting. Very
good condition., (Estimate: $780 - 950)
Santini's version of D'Anville's important map showing the south-eastern part of the United States, Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. Tecas is named,
as Nouv'le Leon. La Salle's explorations in Texas in 1685 are noted, as are the French discoveries near Galveston in 1720. Overall excellent detail
throughout the map.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse
sur les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example - indicating that this is the second state of the map.
(Lot number: 24971)
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Mexico cities
MONTANUS,A., St. Francisco de Campeche., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.3 x 14.1 inches /28.8 x 35.7 cm, Some usual
age-toning of the paper. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Large view of St. Francisco de Campeche in the Yucatan with numerous warships fighting in the foreground and firing on the fort.
Title ribbon in the sky, small numbered key at the bottom. (Lot number: 24734)
Bellin, J.N., Carte des Environs de la Ville de Mexico, 1754., Paris, c, 1760, 7.9 x 6.3 inches /20 x 16 cm, very
good condition., (Estimate: $90 - 85)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
A map of Mexico City and its vincinities (Lot number: 20368)
Tirion, I., De Stad Vera Cruz in Nieuw Spanje., Amsterdam, c. 1760, 7.1 x 8.7 inches /18 x 22 cm, very good.,
(Estimate: $100 - 90)
Izaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His ' Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also '
Tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren', a series of descriptions of countries and their inhabitants.
A plan of Vera Cruz. (Lot number: 19158)
Caribbean & Atlantic Ocean
JANSSONIUS,J., Mar di Aethiopia., Amsterdam, 1640, 17.1 x 22 inches /43.5 x 55.8 cm, A good impression. With
age toning and paper oxidation due to offsetting of colour, as usual. Repair of split upper and lower part center
fold., (Estimate: $1700 - 1800)
This chart from Johannes Janssonius' sea-atlas 'De Water-Weereld' covers the area between the Cape of Good Hope and the most southern tip of
South America. Giving many place names along the Brazilian coast. Included is a large southern continent. (Lot number: 24747)
JANSSONIUS,J., Mar del Nort., Amsterdam, 1657, 17.1 x 21.7 inches /43.5 x 55 cm, Some browning. Left & right
margins short, as issued., (Estimate: $2000 - 2500)
This chart from Johannes Janssonius' sea-atlas 'De Water-Weereld'. The decorative title cartouche shows a native American (as interpreted in
Europe!) and various species of animals.
The distance scale shows putti at work with measuring tools.
The map covers the coastlines of Europe, Greenland, North and Central America and part of West Africa. A compass rose is placed on the centerfold.
(Lot number: 23984)
BELLIN,J.N./ ARKSTEE & MERKUS, Karte von dem mittaeglichen Meere, zu der allgemeinen Historie der
Reise beschreibungen entworfen von Hrn Bellin.., Leipzig 1753, 13.4 x 17.8 inches /34 x 45.3 cm, Several folds as
issued. In very good condition., (Estimate: $280 - 350)
A nice and decorative map of the Atlantic Ocean.
In: Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zur Wasser und zu Lande: oder Sammlung aller Reisebeschreibungen.. in Englischen zusammen getragen, und
aus demselben und dem Französischen ins Deutsche übersetzt. (Lot number: 23074)
Bermuda / Bahamas
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MONTANUS,A., Mappa Aestivarum Insularum alias Barmudas.., Amsterdam, 1680, 11.4 x 14.1 inches /29 x 35.8
cm, Some usual age-toning of the paper. With hardly notable evidence of removed stamp on verso of map. Dark
imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $1400 - 1750)
A very decorative map. The large title cartouche shows Neptune with mermaids and a sea-monster.
The map includes the arms of England and Bermuda, and lists proprietors of the various tribes into which the island was divided.A very sought-after
map. (Lot number: 24755)
LE ROUGE, George Louis, La Jamaique aux Anglois dans le Golfe du Mexique; La Bermude aux Anglois, Paris,
1746, 8.5 x 11 inches /21.5 x 28 cm, Re-margined at the top., (Estimate: $360 - 400)
Two maps on one sheet, Jamaica above Bermuda. Jamaica has the plantations marked, denoting those growing sugar, cotton, cocoa, and indigo.
Bermuda has an interesting cartographic error. The first authoritative map of Bermuda was compiled by Norwood in 1622 and published by John
Speed in 1627.
Behind the main map Norwood superimposed the coastline of New England and Virginia to show the relative position of Bermuda. Le Rouge has
dropped this device from his map, but has copied the small version of Bermuda, mistaking it for another island in the chain.
This confirms that Le Rouge's source for this map was over a century ol (Lot number: 90387)
JANSSON, Jan, Insulæ Americanæ in Oceano Septentrionali, cum Terris Adiacentibus., Amsterdam, c.1640, 15 x
20.3 inches /38 x 51.5 cm, A few small restorations., (Estimate: $2200 - 2500)
The West Indies and the coastline of America north to Chesapeake, decorated with three large cartouches in full colour. (Lot number: 90385)
BLAEU,W., Insulae Americanae in Oceanus Septentrionali cum Terris.., Amsterdam, 1642, 15 x 20.7 inches /38 x
52.5 cm, Some age toning of the paper. Good margins. Water stains affecting the upper corners and lower part
centerfold. Else good condition., (Estimate: $1100 - 2000)
General map of the West Indies extending from Virginia to the mouth of the Orinoco, and destined to be copied in various shapes by many other
Title cartouche top left incorporates various marine fauna. This is a derivative of Hessel Gerritsz' chart of c. 1631.
The nomenclature of the North American part is virtually identical, the only notable addition being the naming of VIRGINIA.
It reflects the firsthand knowledge of Gerritsz during his voyage to South America and the West Indies undertaken in 1628. (Lot number: 24715)
DONCKER,H., [No title] I. de S.Iuan de Puerto rico…, Amsterdam 1658, 15.9 x 20.2 inches /40.3 x 51.3 cm, In
very attractive original colours. Heightened with gold. Some usual browning of the paper. Printed on double
ply-paper., (Estimate: $2200 - 2500)
Interesting chart of the Lesser Antilles, from Porto Rico as far as Trinidad & Tobago and the South American coast. North is orientated to the left of
the page. One of the earliest obtainable sea charts of the region and quite scarce.
With a splendid baroque cartouche with two cross staff's. (Lot number: 23557)
MONTANUS,A., Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali.., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.2 x 14.3 inches /28.4 x 36.4
cm, Some usual age-toning of the paper. With hardly notable evidence of removed stamp on verso of map. Dark
imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $1200 - 1400)
A fine map of the West Indies based on the cartography of Hessel Gerritsz. Encompassing the eastern coast of North America from the Chesapeake
through the Gulf of Mexico, Central America and the northern coast of South America.
Scenic title cartouche fills the North American continent and an equally graphic scale of miles cartouche fills the interior of South America, each
surrounded by Native Americans and European merchants.
The seas are embellished with rhumb lines, ships and compass roses. (Lot number: 24746)
CORONELLI, Vincenzo Maria, Isole Antilles, La Cuba, e la Spagnuola..., Venice, c.1692, 10.2 x 17.1 inches /26 x
43.5 cm, A few scattered tiny stains, otherwise very good, (Estimate: $650 - 700)
The West Indies from Cuba to Trinidad. (Lot number: 90382)
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Aa, P. van der., Reys Togt Door Gil Gonzales Davila van 't Eyland St. Dominica Gedaan na de Honduras en
Nicaragua., Leiden, 1707, 5.7 x 8.9 inches /14.5 x 22.5 cm, very good condition., (Estimate: $500 - 475)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naauwkeurge versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.
An attractive map of the Caribbeans, Honduras and Nicaragua. (Lot number: 20058)
Aa, P. van der., De Voor Eylanden van America., Leiden, 1707, 5.9 x 8.9 inches /15 x 22.5 cm, excellent condition,
strong impression., (Estimate: $550 - 500)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naauwkeurge versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.
An attractive map of the Caribbeans. (Lot number: 20104)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Les Isles Antilles., Paris, later than 1749, 6.4 x 8.9 inches /16.3 x 22.7 cm, Very crisp and fine
image. Very good condition., (Estimate: $200 - 260)
Nice small map of the Caribbean, centered on the island of Hispaniola. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 94 outside
border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24624)
Brion de la Tour, L. / Desnos, L.Ch., Guayana, Terre Ferme, Isles Antilles et N.lle Espagne., Paris, 1769, 9.3 x
10.4 inches /23.5 x 26.5 cm, good, (Estimate: $400 - 375)
Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823), ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique', 1766, ' Atlas Général', 1790-98. Louis Charles Desnos (fl.1750-70), Le
Rouge's 'Atlas Nouveau Portatif', 1756, ' Atlas Général et Élémentaire', 1768-69.
A map from Louis Charles Desnos' atlas 'Atlas Général et Élémentaire', depicting central America and the Caribbeans, with on both sides of the map
an explanatory text, the whole framed in a decorative border. (Lot number: 18346)
DÉPÔT GÉNÉRAL DE LA MARINE, [Carte Réduite Des Îles Antilles..] & [Carte Réduite Des Debouquements
De St. Domingue..], Paris, 1775, 34.1 x 20.5 inches /86.6 x 52 cm, Printed on heavy paper. Overall in very good
condition., (Estimate: $850 - 950)
A well engraved and highly detailed two-in-one chart of the Lesser Antilles (from the eastern tip of Puerto Rico to St. Vincent and Barbadoes) and of
the Turks and Caicos (including part of the Bahamas and the northern coast of Hispaniola). Prepared by the prolific French cartographer N. Bellin. It
shows soundings, anchorage's, channels, shoals, navigational sightings. Engraved by Petit, engraver for the Depot Générale de la marine with its seal
and Prix. Trois Sols. In upper right corner the number 75bis. (Lot number: 23048)
LATTRÉ / ZANNONI,R., Carte Geo-Hydrographique du Golfe du Mexique et de ses Isles.., Paris, ca 1783, 17.6 x
12.4 inches /44.7 x 31.5 cm, Some very light marginal spotting, not affecting printed area. Light discolouration
along centre fold. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $300 - 350)
Map of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico showing the various islands and continental coastlines according to the 18th century Venetian cartography
of Rizzi Zannoni.
Illustrated with navigation rhumb lines in waters. Includes notations of the sea depths, such as off the coast of Florida and the Yucatan peninsula.
The baroque cartouche in the upper right incorporates a cornucopia, symbolic of the abundant natural resources of the New World.
Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo Rizzi Zannoni was one of the leading cartographers of the late 18th century, as well as being an astronomer, surveyor
and mathematician.
Born in Padua, he worked in Venice and was engaged by the governments of Austria and France to produce maps.
Rizzi Zannoni was the first to execute the triangulation of Poland, assisting in the French and English border survey of American in 1757, and
serving as the hydrographer of the Dépot de Marine.
He was also a member of the Cosmographic Society of Göttingen, a town in Saxony, Germany, home to the University of Göttingen.
Rizzi Zannoni is known for his world atlas, the French edition of which was published in 1762 as Atlas Moderne by Lattré in Bordeaux.
In 1781, he was invited by the Bourbon rulers of the Kingdom of Naples to direct the Topographical Office, among the first governmental
cartographic agencies in Europe. There he produced celebrated land and maritime atlases of the region, as well as many separately issued maps. (Lot
number: 24212)
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CASSINI, G.M., Le Isole Antille.., Rome, 1798, 13.8 x 19 inches /35 x 48.2 cm, Very minor marginal brown
spotting, hardly notable. Overall in very good condition., (Estimate: $800 - 900)
Scare map of Caribbean, including Florida, Bahamas and coast of Venezuela, including Artiba I, Curacao I, Buenayre , etc. Illustrated with a
decorative title cartouche representing indigenous people welcoming a delegation of Europeans. (Lot number: 22223)
MERIAN, M, [Two items] Abbildung Welcher Gestalt die Spanische Silberflota von dem Hollandischen / Das
Eylandt Cuba mit Deroselben Gelegenheit, Frankfurt, 1627, 13.4 x 16.9 inches /34 x 43 cm, Very good condition
and dark impression. Two sheets., (Estimate: $850 - 1000)
An etching showing Piet Heyn going ashore at Cuba on a sheet with letterpress. Together with a scarce engraving of the Dutch and Spanish fleets in
Patanca Bay, Cuba illustrates the events in 1628 when the Dutch buccaneer Pieter Heyn captured the Spanish silver fleet. (Size of the print is
Vignette portraits of General Pieter Heyn and Admiral Cornelius Long overlook the scene.
The Dutch are shown in the foreground of the map, with the Spanish trapped further in the Bay. The Spanish had been gathering in Patanca Bay to
begin their long voyage across the Atlantic to Spain, after having rendezvoused in Cuba with the riches from the numerous silver mines within the
Spanish New World possessions.
The Dutch were able to seize the tremendous wealth that these Spanish ships contained. This view succinctly captures the world-wide struggle that
was underway during this period for economic dominance among the Spanish, Dutch, French, British and other European powers.
In lower left corner a map of Cuba who identifies Havana and numerous other place names: "Das eylandt Cuba mit deroselben gelegenheit".
A numbered key identifies the fleets and 20 ships with their captains.
The map was first published as a broadsheet to record this famous event. The map also appeared in De Bry's Grand Voyages Part XIV. as published
by Merian in Frankfurt. ¤
(Lot number: 23421)
MONTANUS,A., Havana., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.4 x 14 inches /29 x 35.5 cm, Some usual age-toning of the paper.
With hardly notable evidence of removed stamp on verso of map. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $540 650)
Impressing copper engraving depicting the Havana harbour. (Lot number: 24731)
DAUMONT, A View General of the City de Havana of Amerique. Vue Generalle de la Ville de Havanne en
Amerique., Paris, c.1760, 8.2 x 14.6 inches /20.9 x 37 cm, A light stain in title area., (Estimate: $480 - 600)
A 'vue d'optique' of Havana, designed to be looked at through a zograscope, with the title in reverse above the view. The naive style of colouring is
standard for these prints, although the English version of the title is unusually inept.
In the foreground are a number of ships, including a galleon firing its cannon. The chain boom can be seen across the entrance of the harbour. (Lot
number: 90386)
BELLIN,J.N., Carte Réduite De L'Isle De Cube.., Paris, 1762, 22.2 x 34.3 inches /56.3 x 87 cm, Printed on heavy
paper. Overall in very good condition., (Estimate: $1200 - 1600)
A well engraved and highly detailed chart that was issued in Neptune americo-septentrionale. This chart is based on Sayer & Bennett's chart that
was issued in 1776 and was intended for use by the French Navy during the Revolutionary War. It shows soundings, anchorage's, channels, shoals,
navigational sightings, Fort Johnson and the town of Brunswick. . Engraved by Petit, engraver for the Depot Générale de la marine is noted as such
on the map with it's seal.The superb title cartouche features palm trees, snakes, and a fierce crocodile. A beautifully coloured and well preserved
exemplar of one of the largest and most significant 18th-century printed maps of the island. (Lot number: 23045)
Aa, P. van der., Hispaniola., Leiden, 1707, 5.7 x 8.7 inches /14.5 x 22 cm, very good, (Estimate: $250 - 225)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naauwkeurge versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.
A map of the island of Hispaniola with an attractive cartouche. (Lot number: 20187)
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L'ISLE, G. de., Carte de l'Isle de Saint Domingue Dressée en 1722 pour l'usa, Amsterdam, 1720, 18.9 x 24.8 inches
/48 x 63 cm, Brown water stains in left and right margin, not affecting engraved area. Very good condition.,
(Estimate: $360 - 450)
Map of the island Hispaniola, now Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Embellished with a charming title cartouche and two compass roses. Shows
the south easternmost part of Cuba.
The map is from a Dutch edition of De L'Isle's work entitled, Atlas Nouveau, Contenant Toutes Les Parties Du Monde, Ou sont exactement
Remarquées les Empires, Monarchies, Royaumes, Etats, Republiques &c. Par Guillaume de l'Isle. Premier Géographe de sa Majesté. It was
published by Covens and Mortier, brothers-in-law who continued the firm established by Pierre Mortier. (Lot number: 10144)
VAUGONDY,R. de, L'Isle St. Domingue., Paris, later than 1748, 6.4 x 8.4 inches /16.2 x 21.3 cm, Very crisp and
fine image. Very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 200)
Nice small map of Hispaniola. Including the Caicos Islands and the Great Inagua. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 535
and 95 outside border top right. To the left Pl.103, 104, 105, 106, 107.Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number:
DELAPORTE,L'Abbé., L'Isle St. Domingue Divisée en 5 Département., Paris, Prudhomme, Levrault, Debray,
1806, 6.4 x 8.3 inches /16.2 x 21.2 cm, Two vertical folds as issued. Short left margin. Good condition., (Estimate:
$110 - 150)
Map of the island of Hispaniola, from Atlas de la Géographie de toutes les parties du monde .. Ouvrage destiné pour l'education, et nécessaire aux
négocians, aux voyageurs, aux fonctionnaires publics, aux banquiers, aux agens de change, aux littérateurs, etc.. (Lot number: 24411)
Bellin, J.N., Carte de l’Isle de La Jamaique., Paris, 1758, 8.3 x 12.6 inches /21 x 32 cm, excellent condition.,
(Estimate: $160 - 140)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.Nicolas Bellin's map of Jamaica. (Lot number: 20116)
Bonne, R., Carte de l'Isle de la Jamaique., Paris, 1774, 8.1 x 12.4 inches /20.5 x 31.5 cm, very good, (Estimate:
$150 - 125)
Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795), French cartographer. His maps are found in a.o. Atlas Moderne (1762), Raynal's Histoire Philos. du Commerce des
Indes (1774) and Atlas Encyclopédique (1787-1788).Rigobert Bonne's map of Jamaica from Raynal's 'Histoire Philosphie du Commerce des Indes'.
(Lot number: 19655)
ZATTA, Antonio, La Giammaica, Venice, 1784, 13.2 x 17.1 inches /33.5 x 43.5 cm, Binding fold to middle of map.,
(Estimate: $420 - 450)
An attractive map, with Jamaica printed within a trompe-l'oeil 'scroll', and the parish borders highlighted with colour. (Lot number: 90396)
BUCHON,J.A., Carte Géographique, Statistique et Historique de la Jamaïque., Paris 1825, 18.1 x 24.2 inches /46
x 61.4 cm, Good margins. Very good condition. Size of map area: 285x300, (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Detailed map of Jamaica. From J.A. Buchon Atlas Gégraphique Statistique, historique et chronologique des deux Amériques et des isles adjacentes;
traduit de l'atlas exécuté en Amérique d'aprés Lesage, avec des nombreuses corrections et augmentations. Paris 1825.Engraved by Hennequin. The
island is divided by soft pastel colors into the three main provinces of the time; Surry, Middlesex and Cornwall, obviously showing its possession by
Great Britain at that time. Numerous cities and towns appear almost all along the coasts.
The map is surrounded by letterpress explanatory text ( in French), which includes details of climate, topography, commerce, religion, government,
governors and basic history. (Lot number: 22175)
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VAUGONDY,R. de, L'Isle de la Martinique., Paris, later than 1748, 6.4 x 7.5 inches /16.2 x 19 cm, Very crisp and
fine image. Minor hole in the central part, filled in. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Nice small map of Martinique. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 563 and 96 outside border top right. To the left Pl. 110.
Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24627)
Homann Heirs., Carte de l' Isle de la Martinique., Nürnberg, 1762, 18.1 x 21.7 inches /46 x 55 cm, very good
condition, (Estimate: $425 - 450)
Homann Heirs (of Johann Baptist and Johann Christof) published: Grosser Atlas, 1731, 1737. Geogr. Maior, 1759, Atlas Homannianus, 1762.
A map of the island of Martinique. (Lot number: 18133)
Puerto Rico / St.Domingo
MONTANUS,A., Urbs Domingo in Hispaniola., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.3 x 13.9 inches /28.7 x 35.4 cm, Some usual
age-toning of the paper. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Attractive bird's eye view of old Santo Domingo with the Cathedral, the Ozama fortress and other monuments clearly identifiable. (Lot number:
Windwards / Leewards / Guadeloupe
MONTANUS,A., De Stadt St. Martin., Amsterdam, 1671, 10.7 x 14.1 inches /27.3 x 35.9 cm, Some usual
age-toning of the paper. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
A view of the town of St. Maarten on the island St.-Martin/St. Maarten with a Dutch fleet in the foreground. Title ribbon in the sky, letter key in the
upper right corner.
From Arnoldus Montanus' De Nieuwe en Onbekende Weereld: of Beschryving van America, published by Jacob van Meurs. (Lot number: 24735)
Aa, P. van der., Scheeps-Togt Door Rodriue de Bastide en P. Alvares Polomina uyt de Haven van St. Domingo op
Hispaniola, Gedaan na St. Martha., Leiden, 1707, 5.9 x 8.9 inches /15 x 22.5 cm, very good condition condition.,
(Estimate: $425 - 400)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naauwkeurge versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.
An attractive map showing Colombia and Venezuela and the Lesser Antilles, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico. Embellished with a large and decorative
title-cartouche. (Lot number: 20059)
BELLIN,J.N., Carte Reduite Des Isles De La Guadeloupe Marie Galante Et Les Saintes.., Paris, 1759, 22 x 34.3
inches /55.9 x 87.2 cm, Printed on heavy paper. Overall in very good condition., (Estimate: $650 - 750)
Very decorative chart of the French island of Guadeloupe, one of the southernmost islands in the Leeward Group. Includes Isle de Marie Galante,
Isle Des Saintes. Depicts shoreline topography with primary harbors, capes and bays. Locates many mountain ranges inland with roads crossing the
island. Title is surrounded by a decorative cartouche with scroll & flower motifs.
Was issued in Neptune americo-septentrionale. This chart is based on Sayer & Bennett's chart that was issued in 1776 and was intended for use by
the French Navy during the Revolutionary War. It shows soundings, anchorage's, channels, shoals, navigational sightings. Engraved by Petit,
engraver for the Depot Générale de la marine is noted as such on the map. (Lot number: 23041)
BELLIN,J.N., Carte Reduite des Isles de la Guadeloupe Marie Galante et les Saintes.., Paris 1760, 23 x 34.1
inches /58.4 x 86.7 cm, In very good condition. Good margins, printed on heavy paper., (Estimate: $360 - 450)
Superb large-scale sea chart with great detail of parishes, forts, towns, settlements, anchorages and topography. Includes Guadeloupe, Isles de
Saintes and Marie Galante (French West Indies). Large inset of environs of Fort Louis surrounded in a delicately engraved border.
The chart is centered with a large compass rose with radiating rhumb lines and ornamented with title and distance scale cartouches.
Its meticulous topographical and nautical detail makes this one of the major 18th century maps of Guadeloupe. (Lot number: 22164)
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INDES ORIENTALES, Basle, 1835, 7.5 x 10.8 inches /19 x 27.5 cm, Excellent dark and clear impression, printed on
heavy paper stock. Wide margins with pronounced foxing and soiling. A few short folds and short tears not affecting
plate. View itself only with light foxing, generally very clean., (Estimate: $950 - 1200)
Extremely rare and important aquatint view of Antigua!
Based on original works by L. Stobwasser, engraved by Franz Hegi.
Illustrates a scene of island life with slaves working and resting at the Moravian Mission in the capital city of Saint John. The view was
commissioned by the Moravian Church to raise interest and funds for their missionary activities on the island, and was published in Basle in 1835.
The Moravian Church was a Protestant sect originally known as the Unitas Fratrum. Its missionary arm, the Society for the Furtherance of the
Gospel, began its activities in the Caribbean in the 1760s.
Scarce collectors item - hardly seen on the market... (Lot number: 90405)
Caribbean other islands
BELLIN,J.N., Carte Réduite De L'Isle De Saint Christophe.., Paris, 1758, 22 x 34.3 inches /55.9 x 87.2 cm, Printed
on heavy paper. Overall in very good condition., (Estimate: $750 - 950)
A well engraved and highly detailed large-scale map of St. Kitts, with highly detailed topography , many place names, and a beautiful title cartouche.
At the upper right is a large inset map of Nevis in a rococo frame.
It shows soundings, anchorage's, channels, shoals, navigational sightings. Engraved by Petit, engraver for the Depot Générale de la marine is noted
as such on the map. With the seal and Prix . Trente Sols.A beautiful chart in fine condition. (Lot number: 23042)
BELLIN,J.N., Carte de l'Isle de Sainte Lucie.., Paris 1763, 21.9 x 34.3 inches /55.7 x 87.2 cm, Faint marginal
water staining. Altogether in very good condition., (Estimate: $650 - 800)
Attractive double page chart of St. Lucia with inset plans ('Port du Carenage', Cul de sac des Roseaux' and 'Mouillages du Grand Islet et du Choc',
illustrating some details of the coast.
Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772) was one of the most important and proficient French cartographers of the mid-eighteenth century. He was
appointed the first Ingenieur Hydrographe de la Marine, and also Official Hydrographer to the French King.
Bellin also produced a substantial number of important separately issued maps, particularly reflecting continuing discoveries and political events in
the Americas.
His maps and charts were finely engraved and produced, and set a high standard of accuracy. (Lot number: 22166)
SAILLANT / NYON, Carte de Maidenland ou de la Virginie de Hawkins.. Et du Canal Falkland.., Paris 1780, 8.7
x 11.7 inches /22 x 29.8 cm, Good and dark impression. Upper margin cut to the plate mark. Good condition.,
(Estimate: $160 - 200)
Fine chart of the Falkland Islands called Maidenland or Virginie by Sir Richard Hawkins who discovered the islands in 1574.
Also shows the Canal Falkland, the Strait between the islands named & discovered by Capt. Jean Strong in 1689 in his ship, the Farewell out of
The ship's tracks are shown circling the islands with depth soundings indicated at intervals & includes detailed navigational notes. The chart also
includes German subtitles.
From “Relation des Voyages.” Published by Saillant et Nyon in Paris 1774 from notes & surveys by Joseph Banks and John Hawkesworth. (Lot
number: 23522)
HITZINGER, A., Carte der Insel St. Helene.., Germany 1816, 7.9 x 11.2 inches /20 x 28.5 cm, Water colour, pen
and ink. In very good condition., (Estimate: $350 - 400)
Decorative water colour on paper, signed Andreas Hitzinger, 1816.
The drawing was made during the exile of Napoleon Bonaparte between 1815 and his death in 1821.
James town is clearly indicated along other areas. Longwood House, where Napoleon stayed, and Sane Valley, where he was buried, are owned by
the French government, since the British government gave them to the French in 1858. ¤ (Lot number: 23519)
TALLIS, John, Islands in the Atlantic., London: c. 1851, 14.2 x 9.6 inches /36 x 24.5 cm, Ink pagination in right
margin., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Steel engraving from one of the last decorative atlases, drawn and engraved by John Rapkin & H.Winkles, showing Bermuda, Madeira, the Azores,
Canaries and Capo Verde Islands. (Lot number: 90388)
Central America
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Aa, P. van der., Nicaragua En de Kusten der Zuyd-Zee, Noordwaard van Panama, Door Gil Gonzales Davila
Ontdekt., Leiden, 1707, 5.9 x 8.9 inches /15 x 22.5 cm, Excellent condition, strong impression., (Estimate: $400 350)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. 'Naaukeurige versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.
An attractive map of Central America, illustrating the voyage of Gil Gonzales Davila.
Embellished with a large and decorative title-cartouche. (Lot number: 20082)
Bellin, J.N., Plan de Port-Royal et des Environs dans la Baye de Campeche., Amsterdam, c. 1760, 7.1 x 5.3 inches
/18 x 13.5 cm, very good., (Estimate: $90 - 100)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
A map depicting the Bay of Campeche with the island of Port Royal in Yucatan. (Lot number: 19219)
MONTANUS,A., Yucatan . . . et Guatimala Conventus Iuridicus., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.3 x 14.3 inches /28.6 x 36.3
cm, Some usual age-toning of the paper. With hardly notable evidence of removed stamp on verso of map. Dark
imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $400 - 500)
Very attractive map encompassing the Mexican heartland, the Yucatan peninsula, and the old Spanish Audiencia of Guatemala including Honduras,
Nicaragua, Costa Rica and part of Panama.
Rich in topographical detail and place names. Embellished with several warships and a splendid title cartouche featuring natives and sea gods. (Lot
number: 24738)
Tirion, I., Kaart van de Landengte van Panama., Amsterdam, c. 1745, 10.6 x 11.8 inches /27 x 30 cm, excellent
condition., (Estimate: $280 - 300)
Izaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His ' Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also '
Tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren', a series of descriptions of countries and their inhabitants. Uncommon map of Panama showing Panama City
at the southeast, Chagres at the northwest and Porto-Bello at the northeast. Several missions are also located. Roads and the Chagres River connect
them all. (Lot number: 18068)
Tirion, I., Kaart van de Landengte van Panama., Amsterdam, c. 1745., 10.6 x 11.8 inches /27 x 30 cm, excellent
cond., (Estimate: $280 - 300)
Izaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His ' Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also '
Tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren', a series of descriptions of countries and their inhabitants.Uncommon map of Panama showing Panama City
at the southeast, Chagres at the northwest and Porto-Bello at the northeast. Several missions are also located. Roads and the Chagres River connect
them all. (Lot number: 18437)
South America
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BERTELLI,F. / FORLANI,F., La descrittione di tutto il Peru., Venice, 1565, 18.8 x 13.6 inches /47.7 x 34.5 cm,
Left and upper margin cut slightly into the scale border. The left border with contemporarily extended margins. The
right and lower border with generous margins. Very good and dark impression., (Estimate: $42000 - 50000)
The only map of South America from the Lafreri school. Showing South America, a large Terra del Fuego, all the Caribbean islands and southern tip
of Florida, with many rivers all named, the source of River Perla is named Lago.The topographical image differs strongly from the influential 1562
wall-map of America by Diego Gutierrez. For instance, the form of the Amazon with a series of overemphasized curves has disappeared. But in all
and especially in the southern part, the proportions are gravely distorted.
The engraving of this map is attributed to Paolo Forlani.
Collector's item. An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example of a map from the early Lafreri school.! ¤ (Lot number: 25013)
Aa, P. van der., ' T Zuider America, van Terra Firma en Gujana Voor bij Rio dela Plata, tot aan de Straat
Magellaan, en Kusten tegen de Zuid-Zee., Leiden, 1707, 7.9 x 12 inches /20 x 30.5 cm, except for a very small tear
just into left border in very good condition, strong impression., (Estimate: $375 - 325)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naauwkeurge versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.
An attractive map showing South America. .Embellished with a large and decorative title-cartouche. (Lot number: 20055)
CHATELAIN,H., Nouvelle carte de geographie de .. meridionale de l'Amerique, Amsterdam, 1719, 18.5 x 23.3
inches /47 x 59.3 cm, Left & right margins cut close to the plate mark. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $500 630)
Chatelain's map of south America. The title is in two lines across the map. The tracks of Magellan, de la Maire, de Mendana, etc are shown.
On each side border appears an index to the map's contents, and at the top of the map on both sides appear historical remarks describing various parts
of the country.
From Chatelain's Atlas Historique et Méthodique. (Lot number: 23989)
CHATELAIN,H., Carte de la Terre Ferme, du Perou, du Bresil, et du Pays des Amazones.., Amsterdam 1720, 15.8
x 20.3 inches /40.2 x 51.6 cm, A good and dark impression. Very good condition. Short left and right hand margin,
as issued., (Estimate: $350 - 450)
Handsome map of the northern part of South America based on the cartography of Guillaume Delisle.
It is filled with place names and notations speculating about the Indian tribes and the tributaries of the Amazon. The Capitanias are named in Brazil
and the Inca Way is shown from Chuquisaca in Peru to Pasto in Colombia.
Title at top with text block at upper right.
Contains some explicative text in the upper right corner, giving information about the 4 main areas delineated in the map. (Lot number: 22786)
CHATELAIN,H., Carte du Paraguai, du Chili, du Detroit de Magellan &c.., Amsterdam 1720-1735, 15.7 x 20.5
inches /40 x 52 cm, A good and dark impression. 3 folds. Short left and right margins., (Estimate: $350 - 450)
Large, finely engraved map of the southern part of South America with great topographical detail and notations throughout.
The tracks of several explorations are noted in both oceans and Amerigo Vespucci's ship is shown sailing in the Atlantic.
Contains some explicative text in the bottom left corner, giving information about the 3 main areas depicted in the map. (Lot number: 22785)
ANSON, G., Kaart van het Zuidelykste Gedeelte van Zuider Amerika.. - Carte de la Partie Meridionale de
l'Amerique Meridionale.., Amsterdam ca 1749, 19.7 x 19.1 inches /50 x 48.5 cm, Slight age toning of the paper.
Several original folds. Some discolouration along right margin. Short left margin. Overall good condition.,
(Estimate: $230 - 290)
This fine chart shows the route of Capt. George Anson's ship “The Centurion” down the east coast of South America from St. Catherine's Island off
the coast of Brazil, down to Rio de la Plata and the coast of Argentina to Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego (Isle de Terre Fer).
Rounding Cape Horn, Anson charted a route up the west coast to Chili and Juan Fernandes Island. From the Dutch Edition of the “Voyage Round
the World”.
Embellished with a compass rose. (Lot number: 23533)
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Bellin, J.N., Carte de l' Ocean Meridional, 1746., Amsterdam, c. 1760, 13.4 x 18.3 inches /34 x 46.6 cm, very good
condition, (Estimate: $210 - 200)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.A chart of the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean with South America's east
coast from the Amazone river to Terra del Fuego. (Lot number: 19990)
SAYER, R., A Map of South America containing Tierra-Firma, Guayana, New Granada, Amazonia, Brasil, Peru,
Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia from Mr. D'Anville with Several Improvements and Additions and
the Newest Discoveries.., London 1775, 39.4 x 46.6 inches /100 x 118.4 cm, Good impression. Traces of foldings.
Light browning due to a minor offsetting of ink. Minor losses of paper in 4 points. Good margins., (Estimate: $1050
- 1200)
A superbly detailed, large scale map of South America in 4 sheets joined, with copious notes and a huge, elaborate title cartouche showing the
continent's flora, fauna, and native peoples.
Includes in the upper right corner an inset map of the Falkland (Malvines) Islands and in the lower left a large text block entitled "Division of South
America with a summary account of its trade".
Based on d'Anville. (Lot number: 23529)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte de la Terre Ferme, de la Guyane et du Pays des Amazones.., Paris, ca 1783, 12.2 x
16.9 inches /31 x 42.9 cm, Minor discolouration along central fold. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins.
Good impression., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
Attractive map centered on the Amazon drainage basin, covering the northern part of South America. Ornated with a rococo title cartouche.
Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at
the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24216)
LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., L' Amerique Meridionale divisée en ses principaux Etats.., Paris, ca 1783, 12 x 17.4
inches /30.5 x 44.2 cm, Minor discolouration along centre fold. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good
impression., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Attractive map of South America, ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by Jean
Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable number of
maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24269)
Dufour, A.H., Amérique du Sud., Paris, 1862, 29.9 x 21.7 inches /76 x 55 cm, good condition., (Estimate: $200 190)
Extremely detailed lithograph map of the continent, with profile view of the Andes, ocean currents and wind directions. Details rivers, mountain
ranges, cities, missions, and Indian villages.Finely engraved vignette titled "Zone Equatoriale des Andes comprise entre 0° - 20° de Latitude S. et N."
Seven distance scales and fancy titling. (Lot number: 18002)
CALLEWAERT, Amérique Méridionale., Brussel, ca. 1875, 6.2 x 4.8 inches /15.7 x 12.3 cm, Very good.,
(Estimate: $40 - 50)
Attractive 19th century map of the South American continent. Small inset of the Galapagos Islands in the lower left corner. (Lot number: 23368)
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SMITH,L. / MIGEON,J., Amérique du Sud (Partie Septentrionale), Paris 1875, 13.2 x 16.7 inches /33.5 x 42.3 cm,
Good impression on solid paper, slightly age-toned. Large margins. Excellent condition., (Estimate: $25 - 30)
Map showing the northern part of South America, from the state of Panama as far as Bolivia and the Minas Gerais state in Brazil.It presents the
Lesser Antilles on top as well as Jamaica, part of Hispaniola island coast and Porto-Rico.
Vignette of Curacao in the upper left corner. (Lot number: 22202)
MONTANUS,A., Paraquaria vulgo Paraguay cum adjacentibus., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.3 x 14.5 inches /28.7 x 36.8
cm, Paper slightly age-toned. Small black ink spot in the title cartouche and the upper right corner. Minor worm
hole in the lower left, restored., (Estimate: $480 - 600)
Detailed map extending from Rio de Janeiro to the Rio de la Plata basin in what is today Argentina.
The title cartouche of this highly decorative map features Indians and South American fauna, while warships battle on the open seas. (Lot number:
Tirion, I., De Ingang van Rio de la Plata, Waar aan de Stad Buenos Ayres ligt, in Zuid-Amerika., Amsterdam, 1765,
7.3 x 12.2 inches /18.5 x 31 cm, good, (Estimate: $90 - 85)
A map showing the Rio de la Plata estuary with the town of Buenos Aires. With an inset depicting the Bay of Maldonado. (Lot number: 20239)
Bellin, J.N., Carte du Paraguay et des Pays voisin., Amsterdam, 1771, 8 x 12.4 inches /20.2 x 31.5 cm, excellent,
(Estimate: $135 - 125)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
Attractive map of the area around the Rio de la Plata, with northern Argentina with Buenos Aires, Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brasil as far
north as Rio de Janeiro. (Lot number: 20205)
RUSCELLI, G., Brasil nuova tavola., Venice, 1561, 7.2 x 9.6 inches /18.2 x 24.5 cm, In very good condition, dark
impression., (Estimate: $750 - 1000)
Uncommon first edition of this early map of Brazil. West to the top.
Girolamo Ruscelli's edition of Ptolemy's Geographia included newly engraved copperplates by Giulio and Livio Sanuti. The curious fact is that this
map is one of two that were engraved on the same plate, printed and than separated for the book. This can be seen in the atlas by the fact that the
plate mark of the map runs off the top of the page.
In 1574 a new plate was used which lasted until the final edition of 1599. (Lot number: 11337)
Commelin, I., Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende Forten., Amsterdam, 1656, 14.2 x 10.6 inches /36 x 27 cm, excellent
condition., (Estimate: $375 - 350)
The Dutch fleet before the entrance of the Rio de Paribo. From Isaac Commelin's description of the life and acts of Prince Frederik Hendrik van
Nassau (the 'Brasilian'). (Lot number: 20150)
MONTANUS,A., Fluvius Grandis., Amsterdam 1671, 11.2 x 13.9 inches /28.5 x 35.4 cm, Paper slightly age-toned,
as usual. Very good condition., (Estimate: $200 - 260)
A finely engraved view of a heavily armed fort along the Amazon delta. In the foreground soldiers and natives can be seen unloading goods from
small boats that have come ashore.
The title is encased in a beautiful ribbon banner with a large armorial crest. Short key list in the upper left corner. (Lot number: 24720)
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MONTANUS,A., I. Tamaraca., Amsterdam, 1671, 10.8 x 13.5 inches /27.5 x 34.2 cm, Some usual age-toning of the
paper. With hardly notable evidence of removed stamp on verso of map. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate:
$200 - 260)
A superb view of the Dutch Forte Oranje on the Brazilian island of Itamaracá, with small-craft shipping and local products being hauled along the
A small letter key identifies the town's fortresses. Title ribbon in the sky. (Lot number: 24721)
MONTANUS,A., Urbs Salvador., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.2 x 13.9 inches /28.5 x 35.3 cm, Some usual age-toning of
the paper. With hardly notable evidence of removed stamp on verso of map. Dark imprint. Good condition.,
(Estimate: $250 - 300)
Fine copper engraving of the walled city of San Salvador, with numbered key at the top.
Ships and boats fill the harbor in the foreground. (Lot number: 24722)
MONTANUS,A., Obsidio et Expugnatio Portus Calvi., Amsterdam, 1671, 10.6 x 13.2 inches /27 x 33.5 cm, Some
usual age-toning of the paper. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Copper engraving of the Dutch fort at Porto Calvo (Alagoas), with numbered key in the upper right corner.
The foreground is filled with people, carts, and farmers. Title in banner style cartouche. (Lot number: 24723)
MONTANUS,A., Alagoa ad Austrum., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.1 x 13.9 inches /28.3 x 35.3 cm, Professional
restoration of 1 tear in the lower left corner, 4,5 cm into the engraved area. Some usual age-toning of the paper.
With hardly notable evidence of removed stamp on verso of map. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $250 300)
Superb view of Alagoa (Maceio) with native fishermen in the foreground and a religious procession in the background.
A small letter key at the bottom left identifies major sites. (Lot number: 24724)
MONTANUS,A., Ostium Flumines Paraybae., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.3 x 13.9 inches /28.7 x 35.2 cm, Paper slightly
age-toned. Printer crease along center fold. Some usual age-toning of the paper. With hardly notable evidence of
removed stamp on verso of map. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $190 - 250)
Fine copper engraving illustrating the entrance to the Paraiba River in Brazil. With small letter key in the upper left corner.
In the left background is a large fort (Castle Margareta) at the river’s edge. In the foreground two white men are dealing with a group of natives while
other natives are engaged in other activities. (Lot number: 24725)
MONTANUS,A., Castrum Mauritij ad Ripam Fluminis S. Francisci., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.1 x 13.7 inches /28.2 x
34.7 cm, Paper slightly age-toned. Minor vertical printer's creases in the central part. Else very good condition.,
(Estimate: $240 - 300)
Impressing copper engraving depicting Fort Maurice, which controlled the ferry on the Rio Francisco.
With small letter key at the bottom. (Lot number: 24726)
MONTANUS,A., Olinda de Phernambuco., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.2 x 14 inches /28.4 x 35.5 cm, Some usual
age-toning of the paper. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $220 - 270)
View of the town of Olinda, north of present-day Recife in Pernambuco with extensive shipping in the foreground.
With small letter key in the upper left corner. (Lot number: 24728)
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MONTANUS,A., Serinhaim., Amsterdam, 1671, 10.6 x 13.4 inches /27 x 34 cm, Some usual age-toning of the
paper. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Fine view of a fort in Serinhaim, Brazil. With numbered key in the upper left corner and title enclosed in large ribbon banner style cartouche.
A procession of Portuguese or Dutch soldiers advance along the road carrying a litter. To the left of the image there is a simple church with a group
of missionaries standing outside. (Lot number: 24729)
MONTANUS,A., Sinus Omnium Sanctoru., Amsterdam, 1671, 10.9 x 14 inches /27.8 x 35.5 cm, Some usual
age-toning of the paper. With hardly notable evidence of removed stamp on verso of map. Dark imprint. Good
condition., (Estimate: $220 - 270)
Fine impression illustrating a view of the Bay of All Saints in Brazil. With small letter key in the upper right corner.
Known as Sao Salvador, or Bahia, the town was first founded by the Portuguese in 1549 and was a favorite haunt for pirates and merchant privateers.
The town flourished with the development of the sugar plantations and became an important political and economic center.
Bahia was a favorite haunt for pirates and merchant privateers who plagued the oceans around Brazil in search of rich trade ships on their way back
to Europe.
Title enclosed in a ribbon style cartouche in the sky, carried by a bird. (Lot number: 24732)
MONTANUS,A., Brasila., Amsterdam 1671, 11.4 x 14.1 inches /28.9 x 35.8 cm, Some usual age-toning of the
paper. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $480 - 600)
Map of Brazil extending from C. Nasou and Parime Lago to the Mouth of the Rio de la Plata.Oriented with West on top.
The cartography of the region is quite primitive. The early mythical cartography of the Amazon shows the source of the Amazon and the Rio de la
Plata as a series of lakes called Puerto de los Reyes.
The map includes two compass roses, rhumb lines, sailing ships and two large cartouches. (Lot number: 24741)
MALLET,A.M., P.les dv Chili. P.les dv Perov. Carthagene. Royavme de Chile. [4 prints], Paris 1683, 5.6 x 3.7
inches /14.1 x 9.5 cm, Some very minor marginal age-toning of paper. Very good condition and imprint., (Estimate:
$200 - 240)
Group of 2 small maps and two costume plates of native people with a verdant landscape on the background.
From the French text edition of Description d'Univers, 1683. by Allain Manneson Mallet (1630-1706), a well traveled military engineer and
geographer who worked in 17th century France under King Louis XIV. (Lot number: 23571)
Bellin, J.N., Carte du Cours du Maragnon ou de la Grande Rivière des Amazones., Paris, c. 1760, 6.7 x 13.1 inches
/17 x 33.4 cm, very good, (Estimate: $200 - 175)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century.
Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65, atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.Nicolas Bellin’s map of the
course of the Amazone river. (Lot number: 20389)
Tirion, I., Kaart van de Aller-heiligen Baay waar aan de Hoofdstad legt van Brazil, Amsterdam, 1765, 13.4 x 15.7
inches /34 x 40 cm, very good, (Estimate: $450 - 425)
Izaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His ' Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also '
Tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren', a series of descriptions of countries and their inhabitants.An attractive map of the Baya de Todod os Santos
with an inset picturing San Salvador (Bahia). Embellished with a nicw title-cartouche. (Lot number: 18450)
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d APRES de MANNEVILLETTE, Jean B.D.N., Plan de la Baye et Du Port de Rio de Janeiro, Paris, ca. 1775,
12.6 x 19.3 inches /31.9 x 49 cm, Very good to near excellent condition. Strong impression. Thick paper. A little
faint toning along border edges., (Estimate: $1300 - 1500)
An important early chart of the harbor of Rio de Janeiro, showing the city in block plan form. All islands and coastal features with numerous
anchorages and soundings are depicted. A fine compass rose with fleur-de-lys and rumb lines embelish this large copperplate engraved chart. From
the NEPTUNE ORIENTALE, one of the most significant hydro-graphical atlases published during the 18th century.
A very handsome example. (Lot number: 90281)
Dublin, c.1861, 18.4 x 12.5 inches /46.7 x 31.7 cm, Very good impression with original coloring. Clean, with a few
small spots and toned areas. Very good condition., (Estimate: $80 - 120)
Excellent lithograph published by Fullarton.
Shows two maps of Brazil: "East Coast of Brazil" & "Province of Rio de Janeiro" both by H.Mahlmann and engraved by Swanston.
Surrounding the maps are beautiful vignettes featuring costumes, scenes of the daily life and a large panoramic view of Rio de Janeiro. The original
color is partly printed and partly done by hand! (Lot number: 90271)
Blaeu,W., Chili, Amsterdam 1635, 18.7 x 14 inches /47.5 x 35.5 cm, Some slight brown spots., (Estimate: $850 950)
From the first Dutch edition 'Tonneel Des Aerdrycx ofte Nieuwe Atlas'. (Lot number: 90307)
MONTANUS,A., Chili., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.3 x 14.4 inches /28.7 x 36.5 cm, Some usual age-toning of the paper.
Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $480 - 600)
Map representing part of Chile, orientated with north to the left. East of the Andes is filled with decoration to make up for lack of knowledge.
It includes a compass rose, rhumb lines, sailing ships and a large cartouche on top combining title and scale cartouche. (Lot number: 24744)
MALLET,A.M., P.les du Chile., Paris 1683, 5.9 x 4 inches /15 x 10.2 cm, Some very minor marginal age-toning of
paper. Very good condition and imprint., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
A charming copper engraving depicting a town surrounded by a luxuriant landscape on the background and a couple of indigenous on the
From the French text edition of Description d'Univers, 1683. by Allain Manneson Mallet (1630-1706), a well travelled military engineer and
geographer who worked in 17th century France under King Louis XIV. (Lot number: 21716)
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MALLET,A.M., Royaume de Chili., Paris, 1683, 5.6 x 3.9 inches /14.3 x 10 cm, Light age-toning of paper. Water
stain covering half of the printed area., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Interesting early map of Chile. The name Patagons is present on the southern border. The mountain range of the Andes is shown pictorially.
From the French text edition of Description d'Univers, 1683. by Allain Manneson Mallet (1630-1706), a well traveled military engineer and
geographer who worked in 17th century France under King Louis XIV. (Lot number: 23753)
Bellin, J.N., Carte Réduite de la Partie la plus Meridionale de l'Amerique., Amsterdam, c. 1760, 8.1 x 6.5 inches
/20.5 x 16.5 cm, very good condition, (Estimate: $85 - 75)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
A small map of South America's extremity with the Falklands, Strait Magellan, Terra del Fuego and Staten Island. (Lot number: 20503)
BLAEU,W., Guiana sive Amazonum Regio., Amsterdam, 1640, 14.6 x 19.5 inches /37 x 49.5 cm, Good margins.
Paper very slightly browned. In good condition., (Estimate: $500 - 700)
Nice map extending from the Isla Margarita in the northwest to the coast of northern Brazil near Sao Luis east of the Amazon delta. The map locates
at its center a large inland sea, Parime Lacus, on whose northwestern shore lies the fabled city Manoa del Dorado, or the golden city of the Incas.
The search for this city led many explorers, including Sir Walter Raleigh, on wild adventures through the jungles. The map is beautifully decorated
with three cartouches, ships, sea battles, monsters and a fine compass rose. (Lot number: 22290)
MONTANUS,A., Guiana sive Amazonum Regio., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.2 x 14.2 inches /28.4 x 36.1 cm, Some usual
age-toning of the paper. Dark imprint. With vertical printer's crease. Good condition., (Estimate: $320 - 400)
Map of Guiana and Amazon extending westwards to Trinidad and Margarita Island, dominated by a huge inland sea north of the Amazon.
Embellished with decorative title and scale cartouches, as well as a compass rose. (Lot number: 24743)
MALLET,A.M., Pays des Caribes et Guiane., Paris 1683, 5.7 x 4.1 inches /14.5 x 10.4 cm, Some very minor
marginal age-toning of paper. Minor shine through of the French text on verso, hardly noticeable. Marginal water
stain in upper left corner. Minor browning. Very good condition and imprint., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Interesting map depicting the north coast of South America between the Orinoco and the Amazonas rivers, appreciatively corresponding to the
From the French text edition of Description d'Univers, 1683. by Allain Manneson Mallet (1630-1706), a well travelled military engineer and
geographer who worked in 17th century France under King Louis XIV. (Lot number: 21791)
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MALLET,A.M., Isle de Cayenne., Paris 1683, 5.6 x 3.9 inches /14.2 x 9.9 cm, Some very minor marginal
age-toning of paper. Minor shine through of the French text on verso, hardly noticeable. Slight marginal browning.
Very good condition and imprint., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Dramatic view of the island of Cayenne, off French Guyana, showing Fort Louis and a fierce sea battle being waged just off shore.
From the French text edition of Description d'Univers, 1683. by Allain Manneson Mallet (1630-1706), a well travelled military engineer and
geographer who worked in 17th century France under King Louis XIV. (Lot number: 21799)
BELLIN, J.N., Carte Réduite des Costes de la Guyana Depuis la Riviere d' Orinoque jusqu'au Cap de Nord à l'
Entrée de la Riviere des Amazones., Paris, 1760, 22 x 34.3 inches /56 x 87 cm, excellent, (Estimate: $450 - 500)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
A large chart of the coasts of South America between the rivers Orinoco and Amazone. (Lot number: 18542)
TIRION, I., Land-kaart van het Eiland en de Volkplanting van Cayenne aan de Kust van Zuid-Amerika.,
Amsterdam, c. 1770, 13.8 x 16.1 inches /35 x 41 cm, large paper copy, excellent, (Estimate: $275 - 300)
Izaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His 'Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also
'Tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren', a series of descriptions of countries and their inhabitants.
An attractive map of the island and settlement of Cayenne, with an inset picturing a plan of the town and fort of Cayenne.
Embellished with a nicw title-cartouche. (Lot number: 18473)
Magellan/Tierra del Fuego
BLAEU,W., Tabula Magellanica, Amsterdam 1635, 21.1 x 16.1 inches /53.5 x 41 cm, Bottom part of fold [5.5cm],
tear restored on verso., (Estimate: $1100 - 1500)
From the first Dutch edition 'Tonneel Des Aerdrycx ofte Nieuwe Atlas'. (Lot number: 90308)
MONTANUS,A., Tabula Magellanica qua tierrae del Fuego.., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.4 x 14 inches /29 x 35.5 cm,
Some usual age-toning of the paper. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $480 - 600)
One of the most decorative maps of the extremity of South America, with Patagonia, the Straight of Magellan, Terra del Fuego and the discoveries
made by LeMaire and Schouten.
Four large cartouches and further decorations in the land part. (Lot number: 24759)
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Mallet, A.M., Macedoine, Thessalie, Epire., Paris, 1683, 5.9 x 4.5 inches /15 x 11.5 cm, very good condition.,
(Estimate: $80 - 75)
Alain Manneson Mallet (1603-1706) published in 1683 his ' Description de l' Univers' in 5 volumes. In 1686 a German edition appeared.Map of
northern Greece. (Lot number: 20361)
Bellin, J.N., Carte du Détroit de le Maire, 1753., Amsterdam, c. 1760, 7.5 x 10.8 inches /19 x 27.5 cm, very good,
(Estimate: $110 - 100)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
Detail chart of Strait Le Maire between Staten Island and Terra del Fuego. (Lot number: 19488)
Cook, J., Carte de la Baye du Bon Succès dans le Détroit de le Maire./ Carte de la partie S.E. de la Terre de Feu
comprenant le Détroit de le Maire et une de la Terre des Etats. 1769., Paris, c. 1795, 11.8 x 14 inches /30 x
35.5 cm, very good, (Estimate: $150 - 135)
Captain James Cook (1728-79), explorer, circumnavigator and hydrographer. Three voyages, 1768-71, 1772-75 and 1776-79. From 1778 on printed
editions of ' Captain Cook's Travels' appeared in English, Italian, French and Dutch.
Detail maps of the Strait of Le Maire between Terra Fuego and Staten Island, with on top coastal profiles. (Lot number: 20365)
La Pérouse, J.B.G. Comte de., Carte du Detroit de Magellan., Paris, 1797, 11.3 x 19.3 inches /28.8 x 49 cm, very
good condition., (Estimate: $170 - 150)
Jean François Galoup, Comte de la Pérouse (1741-88), outstanding French explorer and hydrographer. ' Voyage autour du Monde…Atlas', 1797. A
mdetailed chart of the Strait of Magellan. (Lot number: 19991)
Cook, J., Kaart van de Good Success Baai in de Straat van le Maire. / Kaart van het Z.O.gedeelte van het Vuurland
de Straat Le Maire en een gedeelte van Staaten-Land 1769., Leiden, 1795-1803, 11.6 x 13.8 inches /29.5 x 35 cm,
excellent condition., (Estimate: $150 - 135)
Captain James Cook (1728-79), explorer, circumnavigator and hydrographer. Three voyages, 1768-71, 1772-75 and 1776-79. From 1778 on printed
editions of ' Captain Cook's Travels' appeared in English, Italian, French and Dutch.
Detail maps of the Strait of Le Maire between Terra Fuego and Staten Island, with on top coastal profiles. From a Dutch edition of ‘Cook's voyages'.
(Lot number: 19252)
BLAEU,W., Paraguayo prov. de Rio de La Plata cum regionibus.., Amsterdam, 1640, 14.7 x 18.9 inches /37.3 x
48.1 cm, Good margins. Paper very slightly browned, with a marginal water stain. In very good condition.,
(Estimate: $450 - 550)
A beautiful map of Paraguay, and parts of Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia. Much of the area was still "Terra Incognita" so there are few
towns and cities shown. The Andes are clearly shown to the west as well as the river systems.
The Renaissance cartouche adds a special decorative accent to the map. The small cartouche in the lower right gives the name of the publisher. (Lot
number: 22286)
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LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte du Paraguay et partie des Pays adjacants.., Paris, ca 1783, 16.7 x 12.7 inches /42.4 x
32.3 cm, Some very light spotting. Minor discolouration along central fold. Printed on heavy paper, with good
margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
Attractive map centered on Paraguay, covering southern Brazil. Ornated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at
the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24215)
MÜNSTER,S., Il Cuscho citta principale della provincia del Peru., Basle, 1555, 10.6 x 15.3 inches /27 x 38.8 cm,
Paper slightly browned, and marginal water staining. Some shine-true of text on verso. Margins a bit frayed. Fine.,
(Estimate: $190 - 250)
A very desirable item of this decorative and early bid's-eye view of the Inca city of Cuzco, based on Braun & Hogenberg's depiction of the city.
Several figures shown inside the city walls and on the hillside and roads leading into the city.
Title in ribbon banner. German text on verso. (Lot number: 24878)
BLAEU,W., Peru, Amsterdam, 1635, 19.1 x 14.8 inches /48.5 x 37.5 cm, Paper slightly age toned and soiled.,
(Estimate: $800 - 900)
From the first Dutch edition 'Tonneel Des Aerdrycx ofte Nieuwe Atlas'. (Lot number: 90309)
JANSSONIUS,J., Peru., Amsterdam, 1635, 14.8 x 19.1 inches /37.7 x 48.4 cm, Printers crease next to lower half
center fold, hardly notable. In very good condition., (Estimate: $550 - 750)
Decorated with ships and monsters on the sea. Orientated with east at the top. A most attractive item. (Lot number: 04963)
BLAEU,W., PERU., Amsterdam, 1650, 15 x 19.4 inches /38 x 49.4 cm, Good margins. Paper slightly browned and
stained., (Estimate: $450 - 550)
Decorative map of Peru, shows the Pacific coast of South America from Ecuador (at the left-hand side) as far south as the Atacama desert in the
northern reaches of Chile.
Featuring large decorative cartouche, elaborate compass rose, 4 sailing ships and 3 sea monsters. Nearly 100 place names shown, with extensive
details throughout the map. Although the interior terrain is not mapped with any particular degree of accuracy, Blaeu's map nevertheless conveys a
vivid impression of the difficult terrain of the Andes in Peru.
''As early as 1520, Spanish settlers in Panamá had heard tales of a powerful civilization rich in gold that lay to the south, and in 1522 an expedition
was organized to find this land and the people called Birú or Pirú in the south. In 1524 Francisco Pizarro led the first of his expeditions that led
ultimately to the discovery and conquest of the Inca empire which extended over wide areas of modern Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and part of Chile.
Pizarro obtained from Atahuallpa, the head of the Inca empire, a huge ransom of silver and gold that made Spain rich almost beyond the most
inventive dreams of the Spanish conquerors, and once the mountain city of Cuzco was captured in 1533, the Spanish hold over much of South
America was virtually complete." (Goss) (Lot number: 22289)
MONTANUS,A., Peru., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.4 x 13.9 inches /28.9 x 35.4 cm, Paper slightly age-toned as usual.
Upper margin short as issued. Small part in outer lower margin professionally reinforced with paper., (Estimate:
$320 - 400)
Map of Peru from De Nieuwe en onbekende Weereld.. published by Arnold Montanus, which was used by John Ogilby as the basis of his Complete
History of America.The map extends from Los Pastos in the west to Talvera and Yuntas and Atacama in the east. Oriented with East on top. It
provides primitive look at he Cordilleras, towns and rivers along the coastline.
decorated with two large cartouches, sea monster and sailing ships, plus a compass rose. (Lot number: 24762)
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VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie Méridionale du Perou., Paris, later than 1748, 6.4 x 7.5 inches /16.3 x 19.1 cm, Very
crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very light marginal water staining. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $100
- 130)
Detailed small map encompassing southern Peru, Bolivia and part of Chile. Centered on the lake Titicaca. Including the Atacama desert.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 109 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without
date. (Lot number: 24603)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte du Perou ou se trouvent les Audiences de Quito, Lima et la Plata.., Paris ca 1783,
17.2 x 12.4 inches /43.7 x 31.6 cm, Some ink smudging. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good
impression., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
Attractive map centered on Peru, covering the northern half of the South American Pacific coast, from Ecuador to northern Chili.
Boundaries outlined in hand colour. Large ornamental cartouche.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at
the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24211)
Janssonius, J., Venezuela cum parte Australi Novae Andalusiae., Amsterdam, c. 1635, 14.8 x 19.2 inches /37.5 x
48.8 cm, very good condition, (Estimate: $725 - 750)
A map of Venzuela by Johannes Janssonius. Also showing the Caribbean island north of the coast of Venezuela from Aruba to S. Margarita,
Trinidad and Tabago and the Windward islands. (Lot number: 18453)
BLAEU,W., Venezuela cum parte Australi Novae Andalusiae, Amsterdam, 1635, 18.9 x 14.8 inches /48 x 37.5 cm,
Excellent condition., (Estimate: $900 - 1000)
From the first Dutch edition 'Tonneel Des Aerdrycx ofte Nieuwe Atlas'. (Lot number: 90310)
MONTANUS,A., Venezuela cum parte Australi Novae Andalusiae., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.3 x 14.2 inches /28.6 x 36
cm, Some usual age-toning of the paper. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $400 - 500)
Most decorative map with two large cartouches and compass-rose, large group of islands at the mouth of the Orinoco, other islands off Venezuela
coast: Margarita, Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire, etc. (Lot number: 24739)
Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Carte de la Terre Ferme, dela Guyane et du Pays des Amazones., Paris, 1783, 17.3 x 12.4
inches /44 x 31.5 cm, excellent, (Estimate: $275 - 250)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.A map of the northern part of South America. Embellished with a nice title-cartouche. (Lot number:
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JANSSONIUS,J., Terra Firma et Novum regnum Granatense et Propayan., Amsterdam, 1650, 14.6 x 19.1 inches
/37.1 x 48.5 cm, Printed on heavy paper. Repair of split lower part center fold, just affecting engraved area. French
text on verso. Wide margins, good impression., (Estimate: $450 - 550)
Fine copy, with wide margins of this handsome map of the Isthmus of Panama and northwestern South America including most of present day
Columbia and part of Venezuela.
Terra Firma is Panama, Veragua is Costa Rica, and Popayan in the west and Nuevo Rey Node Granada in the east refers to the mountainous
The map is significant both for illustrating these early historic areas in the New World and for the numerous settlements, rivers and mountains.
The map is based on the cartography of Hessel Gerritsz. (Lot number: 25073)
MONTANUS,A., Cartagena., Amsterdam, 1671, 10.6 x 13.8 inches /27 x 35 cm, Some age-toning of the paper.
Repair of one marginal tear., (Estimate: $190 - 250)
Attractive view of the Caribbean treasure port of Cartagena in what is now Colombia.
A variety of boats and ships dominate the foreground with the town and its surroundings depicted in the background. (Lot number: 24733)
MONTANUS,A., Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et Popayan., Amsterdam, 1671, 11.3 x 14.3 inches
/28.7 x 36.2 cm, Some usual age-toning of the paper. Dark imprint. Good condition., (Estimate: $400 - 500)
Detailed map of Panama and northwestern South America derived from the Blaeu/Jansson map of the region
Featuring ships at sea, two compass roses, and two cartouches depicting indigenous peoples and products. (Lot number: 24737)
Tirion, I., Plan van de Haven van Carthagena., Amsterdam, 1765, 6.3 x 11.2 inches /16 x 28.5 cm, excellent,
(Estimate: $120 - 100)
Izaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His ' Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also '
Tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren', a series of descriptions of countries and their inhabitants.
A plan of the harbour of Carthagena. (Lot number: 19210)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie Septentrionale du Perou.., Paris, later than 1748, 6.4 x 7.6 inches /16.3 x 19.2 cm, Very
crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Detailed small map encompassing the Ecuadorian seacoasts and the Peruvian shores as far as Lima.
In the hinterland the first stretch of the River Amazon. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.
Page 108 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24602)
Oceanie & Australasia
VALENTIJN,F., 1)'T Eylant Amsterdam. 2) Anamocka.. 't Eylant Rotterdam., Amsterdam, 1726, 11.6 x 7 inches
/29.4 x 17.7 cm, Paper slightly aged-toned as usual. Rather short margins. Else very good condition., (Estimate:
$240 - 300)
2 sheets featuring 2 views on the Salomon Islands on one plate. The scenes illustrate indigenous people on the foreground while the European are
represented on the background, discharging barrels.
Engraved by F. Ottens.
François Valentijn (1666-1727), a missionary, worked at Amboina from 1684 to 1694 and 1705 to 1713 and traveled extensively in the V.O.C.'s
lands. He is best known for his monumental history and description, ''Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën'' which remains one of the most important primary
sources for the East Indies and neighboring lands. (Lot number: 24807)
ANONYMOUS., A Chart of the PACIFIC OCEAN.., London, 1760, 10.8 x 34.6 inches /27.4 x 87.9 cm, In good
condition., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Showing in the left southern coastline of Japan and eastern coastline of Philippines. To the right Americas West Coast from Acapulco up to Los
Farollones. Showing tracks of the Spanish galleons from Manila to Acapulco, track by Anson, etc. Engraved by R.W. Seale. (Lot number: 02919)
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REINECKE, I.C.M., General charte von Australien Nachdem neusten Entdeckungs Reisen.., Weimar, 1803, 17.7 x
24 inches /45 x 61 cm, Good impression., (Estimate: $950 - 1200)
Map of Australia, the S.W. Pacific, and Indonesia showing Australia lettered Neu Holland vormals Ulimaroa with separated Tasmania. (Lot number:
MEYER, J., ASIATISCHER ARCHIPEL UND NEU HOLLAND 1849, Hildburghausen, c1850, 8.1 x 10.4 inches
/20.5 x 26.5 cm, Bright and strong paper with a few small spots. Very good condition., (Estimate: $70 - 100)
Steel engraved map from "Meyers Zeitungs und Groschen-Atlas" by J. Meyer, considered on of the best German atlases in the 19th century.
Very detailed representation of Indonesia, Australia (New Holland) including some of the Oceanian Islands. Two inset maps show South-West
Australia and New South Wales on greater scale. Outline coloring indicates the colonies and their affiliated mother countries. (Lot number: 90272)
ANONYMOUS, Carta Generale dell' Oceania ossia quinta parte del mondo., Turin ca. 1860, 13.9 x 18.2 inches
/35.2 x 46.3 cm, Lithography. Light brown spot attaining the border frame in the upper left margin. Marginal splits
and tears, professionally repaired. Overall in good condition., (Estimate: $180 - 200)
Attractive original outline colour large map of the whole of Oceania covering South East Asia, the many and various groups of Pacific Islands,
Australia and New Zealand prominent.
Two insets of Australia with proposed English Divisions and detail of New South Wales. (Lot number: 23357)
BERNARD, Carte Des Decouvertes du Carteret dans la N.le Bretagne avec une partie du passage du Cook à travers les Detroits Endeavour.., Paris, c.1775, 8.5 x 24.5 inches /21.5 x 62.2 cm, Good and dark
impression., (Estimate: $200 - 250)
The routes of British explorers around New Guinea, 1699-1770, published in a French account of Cook's Voyages. (Lot number: 23092)
ZATTA, Antonio, Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67 e 69 nel Mare del Sud., Venice, 1776, 12.6 x 16.5 inches /32 x
42 cm, Good condition, binding fold to middle., (Estimate: $1500 - 1800)
Oceania, showing the routes of Carteret and Byron, but most importantly the discoveries made by Captain Cook, 1768-71. These include the first
circumnavigation of New Zealand and the mapping of the eastern coast of Australia.
The coastline of southern Australia is only guessed at. (Lot number: 90399)
New Zealand general
DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules Sébastian César, Carte de la Nouvelle-Zélande pour servir au Voyage pittoresque
autour du Monde, Paris: L.Tenré, 1835, 13.8 x 9.1 inches /35 x 23 cm, Negligible fold lines as issued., (Estimate:
$360 - 400)
Dumont d'Urville was second in command on Duperrey's expedition of 1824 and later led his own expedition to the Pacific aboard the 'Astrolabe'.
The 'Dictionary of Mapmakers' notes his 'Great contribution to the mapping of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific'. Engraved by Ambroise
Tardieu. (Lot number: 90389)
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Cook, J., Terre Eoboo, Koning van Owhijhee, Kapitein Cook geschenken brengende., Leiden, 1795-1803, 8.9 x 14.2
inches /22.5 x 36 cm, good, (Estimate: $275 - 250)
Captain James Cook (1728-79), explorer, circumnavigator and hydrographer. Three voyages, 1768-71, 1772-75 and 1776-79. From 1778 on printed
editions of ' Captain Cook's Travels' appeared in English, Italian, French and Dutch.Terre Eoboo, king of Hawaii, on board of a proa bringing
Captain Cook presents. From a Dutch edition of ‘Cook's voyages'. (Lot number: 20443)
MÜNSTER,S., India extrema XIX Nova Tabula., Basle, c.1550, 10.1 x 13.5 inches /25.6 x 34.3 cm, Very good
condition., (Estimate: $850 - 1200)
One of the first European maps of Asia. Although quite crude, Münster's map does significantly improve upon the Ptolemaic model for the area. The
coast of China begins to emerge in recognizable form, although Japan is not shown yet.
The Philippines are part of the scattered 7448 islands mentioned by Marco Polo that are noted on the map. Strikingly embellished with a beguiling
mermaid and a large, whale-like sea creature. ¤ (Lot number: 24753)
BÜNTING,H., [Asia is presented as the mythical winged horse Pegasus.], Magdeburg, 1592, 9.4 x 13.4 inches /24
x 34 cm, Paper slightly age-toned. A few marginal small wormholes. Czech text on verso., (Estimate: $720 - 1500)
Copper engraved map of Asia in the form of a Pegasus. This is a very rare issue of the map from a Czech edition. The original woodcut map was
re-engraved on copper with a stippled sea and the inclusion of several additional embellishments including a coat of arms.
The seas are adorned with sea monsters and many major cities are indicated and named.
Bünting's work Itinerarium Sacrae Scriptura.. was essentially a theological commentary with other maps of great curiosity.The title of this map is
Asia Secunda Pars Terrae in Forma Pegasi (’Asia, the Second Part of the Earth, in the Form of Pegasus‘). The winged horse of Greek mythology is
the son of Poseidon and Medusa, was tamed by Athena and became the horse of the Muses. This obviously pagan origin of the image makes its
appearance in a Holy Land travel book a bit of a mystery.On this map, Pegasus is drawn realistically – i.e. Asia is adjusted to horse-shape.
- Asia’s front legs, touching Africa with the knees, constitute Arabia.
- Its head, licking Europe, is Asia Minor (present-day Turkey).
- The Tigris and Euphrates rivers run down its neck, on which is marked the area of Mesopotamia.
- Another river indicated, at the horse’s thigh, is the Ganges, with India Infra Gangem (‘India before the Ganges’) to the west and India Extra
Gangem (‘India across the Ganges’).
- The horse’s behind is India Orientalis (’East India‘, which could be used for parts east of present-day India, e.g. Indonesia, formerly the Dutch
East Indies).
- Both hind legs are inscribed with India Meridionalis (’South India’), which doesn’t at all reflect the single-peninsular nature of the Indian
- The wings are labeled Scythia and Tartaria, names often used to describe the vast unknown areas of Siberia.
- The body of water in between the wings and the horse’s body is the Caspian Sea.
¤ (Lot number: 25009)
JANSSONIUS,J., Asia recens summa cura delineata., Amsterdam, 1632, 16.1 x 21.7 inches /41 x 55 cm, Paper
slightly age toned. Some shine-thru of text on verso. Very good condition., (Estimate: $3000 - 3500)
This is the rare early issue with decorative paneled borders. In upper border views and plans of Famagusta, Rhodos, Damascus, Jerusalem, Aden and
Ormus. Originally engraved with plans of 6 towns at the top and bottom, c1630, this edition was printed after the lower border had been cut off (in
order to fit more conveniently into the standard folio atlas of the time).
Five panels on each side show figures in national costume. Only issued in a few editions of the Mercator/Hondius/Janssonius atlas. ¤ (Lot number:
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Asia ex magna Orbis terre descriptione Gerardi Mercatoris.., Amsterdam, 1633,
14.8 x 18.3 inches /37.5 x 46.4 cm, In attractive colours. Printed on heavy paper., (Estimate: $1100 - 1500)
The cartography derives directly from the 1569 Mercator world map and includes the southern landmasses of New Guinea and Terra Australis, the
East Indian Islands, the Philippines and a strange roundel kite-shaped archipelago of Japan.
The coasts of North East Asia and North West America are separated by Gastaldi's fabled Straits of Anian, where a well-placed galleon provides
speculation as to the possibilities of an Arctic route to the Indies.. (Lot number: 24868)
BLAEU,W., Asia noviter delineata., Amsterdam, 1663, 16.1 x 21.9 inches /41 x 55.5 cm, Paper slightly browned.
Light discolouration along center fold. Margins cut close to the border frame., (Estimate: $2400 - 3000)
With columns of figures on either side depicting the native manners of dress, and nine city plans and views at the top.
Japan is shown accurately unusually with Korea as an enlonged island. A wide paper copy, probably from his famous Atlas Major.From 1633 the
members of the Blaeu family were official cartographers to the United East India Company and, as such, had access to the most up-to-date
cartographic information concerning this area. Indeed, Dutch explorers and merchants returning from the information on them had proved to be
wrong. (Lot number: 24821)
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BLAEU,W., Asia noviter delineata., Amsterdam, 1663, 16.1 x 21.9 inches /41 x 55.5 cm, Printed on heavy paper.
Repair of tear along lower half center fold, expertly repaired. Paper very slightly age-toned. Generally good
condition., (Estimate: $2400 - 3000)
With columns of figures on either side depicting the native manners of dress, and nine city plans and views at the top.
Japan is shown accurately unusually with Korea as an enlonged island.
From 1633 the members of the Blaeu family were official cartographers to the United East India Company and, as such, had access to the most
up-to-date cartographic information concerning this area. Indeed, Dutch explorers and merchants returning from the information on them had proved
to be wrong. (Lot number: 24995)
Cluver / Bertius, Asia (heightened with gold leaf), Amsterdam, ca. 1672, 5.1 x 5.1 inches /13 x 13 cm, Very Good.
Small repaired marginal tear on right, not affecting image. Small marginal tear on left, just entering image,
repaired, no loss, hardly visible., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
From a copy of "Introductionis in Universam Geographicam". Published by Bertius in Amsterdam and printed on the Elzevier press. Beautiful map
in period correct colours, with the cartouche heightened in gold leaf. Narrow borders as issued, but wider than usual specimens. The continent
maps of Africa and Europe, as well as the world map are also listed in this auction. (Lot number: 90322)
SANSON,N/ JAILLOT,A.H., L'Asie.., Paris, 1692, 22.4 x 34.3 inches /57 x 87 cm, Printed on two joined sheets.
Paper slightly age-toned. A good and dark impression., (Estimate: $1200 - 1500)
One of the largest and most impressive general atlas maps of the Asian continent. Based on Nicolas Sanson's Sr's map of 1650, but Jaillot has
updated the north-eastern coastline in the manner of Du Val's map of ca.1670. (Lot number: 24774)
HOMANN,J.B., Recentissima Asiae Delineatio.., Nuremberg, 1730, 18.9 x 22.4 inches /48 x 57 cm, Mint
condition., (Estimate: $1800 - 1900)
A fine example of this detailed map of Asia showing the outlines of New Holland, Terre des Papons, Nova Britannia and Capentaria. The cartouche
shows a Sultan on his throne with his subjects. The title is surrounded by scroll work and floral decoration. (Lot number: 24750)
Lat,, Asia., Amsterdam, 1742, 7.1 x 8.6 inches /18 x 21.8 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $115 - 125)
An attractive pocket-size map of the Asian continent. (Lot number: 19259)
VAUGONDY,R. de, L'Asie Divisée selon ses differens Etats., Paris, 1748, 6.3 x 7.7 inches /16.1 x 19.5 cm, Very
crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Small detailed map of Asia. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Edited by : "Au dépôt de Géographie, Rue Geoffroy Langevin, N°
328. Se trouve A Paris au Bureau de l'Atlas National, Rue de la Harpe, N° 26. Et chez tous les Marchands de Géographie".
Page 64 outside border top right. (Lot number: 24588)
Brion de la Tour, L. / Desnos, L.Ch., L' Asie., Paris, 1769, 9.3 x 10.4 inches /23.5 x 26.5 cm, good, (Estimate:
$270 - 250)
Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823), ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique', 1766, ' Atlas Général', 1790-98. Louis Charles Desnos (fl.1750-70), Le
Rouge's 'Atlas Nouveau Portatif', 1756, ' Atlas Général et Élémentaire', 1768-69.
A map from Louis Charles Desnos' atlas 'Atlas Général et Élémentaire', depicting the Asian continent, with on both sides of the map an explanatory
text. (Lot number: 19492)
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LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., L'Asie divisée en ses principaux Etats.., Paris, ca 1783, 12 x 17.5 inches /30.4 x 44.4 cm,
Slight discolouration along centre fold. Very light spotting in the left hand part of the map. Printed on heavy paper,
with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Attractive map of Asia, ornated with a sumptuous title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by Jean
Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable number of
maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24280)
SAYER,R., Asia and its Islands According to d'Anville.., London 1787, 40.6 x 47 inches /103 x 119.5 cm, Several
restorations made on marginal tears, splits on the vertical folds and minor marginal paper loss on the lower border
frame. Some light brown spotting on the upper right and lower left side.Basically in good condition considering it's
size., (Estimate: $550 - 750)
An attractive large wall map of Asia in 2 sheets, each sheet measuring 515x1195mm.
With large decorative title cartouche.
Full Title: (Asia and its islands according to d'Anville, divided into empires, kingdoms, states, regions, &ca. with the European possessions and
settlements in the East Indies and an exact delineation of all the discoveries made in the eastern parts by the English under Captn. Cook. Southern
section. By Thomas Kitchin. London, printed for Robert Sayer, Fleet Street as the Act directs, 6 Jany. 1787)
(Lot number: 22781)
DESNOS/ BRION, L' Asie Dressée pour l' étude de la Géographie.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.2 x 48 cm,
Very good condition., (Estimate: $150 - 200)
Highly decorative map of Asia embellished with a landscape style title cartouche and several sailing ships.
Flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two separate plates
with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24150)
DELAPORTE,L'Abbé., Carte d'Asie Divisée en ses principaux Etats.., Paris, Prudhomme, Levrault, Debray, 1806,
7.1 x 8.7 inches /18 x 22.2 cm, 2 vertical folds as issued. Left and right margins cut close to border frame. Else
good condition., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Map of Asia, from Atlas de la Géographie de toutes les parties du monde .. Ouvrage destiné pour l'education, et nécessaire aux négocians, aux
voyageurs, aux fonctionnaires publics, aux banquiers, aux agens de change, aux littérateurs, etc.. (Lot number: 24405)
WYLD,J., Map of the countries inbetween England & India.., London, 1855/1864, 24.3 x 31.1 inches /61.6 x 79 cm,
Repair of split upper part centerfold 6cm into engraved area. Due to its size with extra horizontal fold, contemp.
underlaid with linen., (Estimate: $180 - 220)
Very detailed map of the countries between England and India, designed to show the over-land and sea-routes to the East.
In lower left hand corner inset map of the eastern hemisphere with Australia. Showing the route from England to Ceylon, continuing to Hong Kong
and Australia.
James Wyld (the younger) was geographer to the Queen and H.R.H. Prince Albert. Joined his father's business in 1830. His address was from 1835
until 1860: Charing Cross East next door to the Post Office and 457 Strand. As Queen Victoria married Albert in 1840 his imprint changed to
Geographer of the Queen and H.R.H. Prince Albert. From his A New General Atlas of modern geography... Map is very finely engraved and
coloured by hand. (Lot number: 05968)
Arabia & Turkey
BERTIUS,P., Mare Rubrum., Amsterdam 1616, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.3 x 13.1 cm, Paper slightly age-toned. Upper
left part of margin cut till plate mark, and re-inforced, with re-drawn lettering., (Estimate: $110 - 150)
Map of the Red Sea. (Lot number: 22054)
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DE CLERCK, N., Solimannus Turcarum Imperator X. Ex Stirpe Ottomannicae., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621,
7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Some
light spotting. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $25 - 30)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Solimannus Turcarum Imperator X", signed lower right corner N. de Cleck". Nicolaes de Clerck
(de klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de
Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et
principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24300)
DE CLERCK, N., Selimus Primus Imperator Turcarum decimus Tertius., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x
4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Water stain
affecting the lower left corner. Minor light brown spots. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $25 - 30)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Selimus Primus".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24316)
DE CLERCK, N., Acomath .I. Turcarum Imperator .XIIX. Ex Stirp. Ottomannica. / Abissinorum Imperium.,
Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress.
Page slightly age-toned. Minor shine through of the title on verso. Marginal water stain, lower left corner. Size of
paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Acomath I". Map of central Africa on verso.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen Aerdbodems
which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24322)
DE CLERCK, N., Amurathes Tertius Imperator Turcarum Decimus Sextus., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x
4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Marginal
spots. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $25 - 30)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Amurathes Tertius".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24323)
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DE CLERCK, N., Selimus Secundus Imperator Turcarum Decimus Quintus., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1
x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Light outer
marginal spots and water stains. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Selimus Secundus".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24324)
DE CLERCK, N., Constantinus Magnus Conditor Novae Romae Seu Constantinopolis., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Minor marginal spots in the upper left corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Constantine I.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24347)
DE CLERCK, N., Natolia., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.3 x 13.2 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Minor marginal tumbling. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Small map of Turkey, with Cyprus surrounded by text in Dutch. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by Jodocus
Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri septem.. edition of
1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some other books with
maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld Spiegel.Cloppenburch
probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably acquired them along with the
plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan Blaeu used these plates to produce
an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24452)
PEETERS,J. / BOUTTATS,G., Gli Dardanelli., Antwerp, ca 1650, 4 x 10.3 inches /10.2 x 26.2 cm, Faint
browning. Right margin cut to the neatline, with added margin. Else good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 120)
The forts on the entrance of the Dardanelles. From ' Diverse viste delle cita in Candia, Malta, come nel Archipelago'. Etchings by Joh. Peeters,
Gaspar Bouttats, Lucas Vorstermans and Coenraad Lauwers.
Engraved by I. Peeters. (Lot number: 24809)
PEETERS,J. / BOUTTATS,G., Diverse viste delli Dardaneli del Strecio come delle Città e Castelli
nel'Arcipelago.., Antwerp, ca 1650, 4.1 x 10.4 inches /10.4 x 26.4 cm, Faint browning. Right margin cut to the
neatline, with added margin. Else good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 120)
Bird's eye-view of the forts on the entrance of the Dardanelles strait. Engraved by I. Peeters.
From ' Diverse viste delle cita in Candia, Malta, come nel Archipelago'. Etchings by Joh. Peeters, Gaspar Bouttats, Lucas Vorstermans and Coenraad
Lauwers. (Lot number: 24810)
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Sanson, N., Mer Noire ou Mer Maievre., Paris, c. 1652, 7.1 x 9.4 inches /18 x 24 cm, very good, (Estimate: $150 140)
Nicolas Sanson (1600-67), ' father of the French cartography' and founder of the Sanson firm. Atlas ' Cartes générales de toutes les parties du
Monde', 1658-70 and a pocket atlas in 4 parts ( 1652-1705).
A map of the Black Sea and northern Turkey. (Lot number: 20195)
DE WIT,F., Nova Persiae, Armeniae, Natoliae et Arabiae., Amsterdam, 1660, 18.6 x 21.7 inches /47.2 x 55.2 cm,
Paper very slightly age-toned, generally in good condition., (Estimate: $600 - 750)
East from Cyprus to Iran with numerous place names and ornamental cartouches below. There are vignettes of sailing ships in sea areas and the land
divisions of the time are distinguished in out line colours. (Lot number: 24877)
DE WIT,F., Turcicum Imperium, Amsterdam 1670, 19.3 x 22.8 inches /49 x 58 cm, The map is in good condition
with a repair to a small loss at border of the lower centerfold., (Estimate: $800 - 900)
A fine example of a decorative late seventeenth century Dutch map, finely engraved by Frederick De Wit.
The map is very detailed with a comprehensive network of waterways and mountains and so on - mostly fictitious. There are numerous place-names
along the coasts and in the interior and a decorative cartouche. (Lot number: 17915)
SANSON,N., 't Steenachtige, Woest, en Gelukkig Arabien., Amsterdam, 1700, 7.4 x 9.5 inches /18.7 x 24.1 cm, In
very good condition., (Estimate: $450 - 550)
An attractive map of the Arabian Peninsula from a Dutch text edition. Engraved by Winter. (Lot number: 24913)
Aa, P. van der., Zee-Togt van den Grooten Turk Uyt het Roode Meyr Tegen de Portugysen na Indien tot aan Kaap
Comerin ondernomen., Leiden, 1707, 5.9 x 8.9 inches /15 x 22.5 cm, excellent condition, strong impression.,
(Estimate: $350 - 325)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naaukeurige versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.
An attractive map showing Arabia. Embellished with a large and decorative title-cartouche. Ref.:Tibbitts, Arabia, entry 187. (Lot number: 20077)
Aa, P. van der., De Roode Zee met de Kusten van Arabien en het Naauw tussen Aden en Zeila tot aan Bassora.,
Leiden, 1707, 5.9 x 1 inches /15 x 2.5 cm, excellent condition, strong impression., (Estimate: $325 - 300)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naaukeurige versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.
An attractive map showing Arabia, illustrating the travels of Johan de Castro. Embellished with a large and decorative title-cartouche. (Lot number:
CHATELAIN,H., Etat abregé de la Maison du Grand Seigneur.., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 13.6 x 17.7 inches /34.6 x
45 cm, Minor water staining along left and right margins. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $300 400)
This impressive engraving is a wonderful example of Chatelain’s elegant plates. Ornamented with 3 vignettes: Vuë du Serrail de Constantinople, Vuë
de Constantinople, Vuë de Sainte Sophie.Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain imprints,
depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and 1720, with a
second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history, chronology,
genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25046)
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Cellarius, Ch., Asia Minor., Leipzig, Gledisch, 1732, 7.7 x 11.8 inches /19.5 x 30 cm, excellent., (Estimate: $130 120)
Christoph Cellarius (1638-1707). Geographia Antiqua, 1686.A map of Turkey and Cyprus. Embellished with a nice title-cartouche. (Lot number:
VAUGONDY,R. de, L'Arabie., Paris, later than 1748, 6.3 x 7 inches /16.1 x 17.7 cm, Very crisp and fine image.
Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Small detailed map of the Arabian Peninsula. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 66 outside border top right. Mary
Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24590)
DE VAUGONDY,R., Antiquor? Imperiorum.. Marcedonium seu Alexandri.., Paris, 1753, 18.7 x 24.4 inches /47.4 x
62 cm, Minor age-toning of the paper. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Including the Arabian Peninsula here called Arabia Deserta. Good detail in Turkey and Egypt.Large inset shows northern India from the Indus River
and the region of the Asiatic Sythians, with notes on Alexander the Great explorations.
With fine rococo cartouche lower left. (Lot number: 24789)
COVENS, J. / MORTIER, C., TURKEY AND ARABIA, Amsterdam, 1757, 18.1 x 22.4 inches /46 x 57 cm, Very
good condition, wide margins., (Estimate: $480 - 550)
Large map of the Middle-East, showing the Arabian peninsula, Turkey, Persia, Greece, Italy and a large part of north-eastern Africa.
Originally designed and edited by de L'Isle, according to the latest observations.
Now newly edited by Covens and Mortier in Amsterdam 1757.
Good original border colouring, and in fine condition. (Lot number: 90372)
LOTTER, T. C., Terrae Yemen., Augsbourg, 1774, 22.2 x 14.6 inches /56.5 x 37 cm, Plano edition. In mint
condition., (Estimate: $720 - 800)
South-west Arabia, with the Saudi Arabian city of Jizan south to Aden. With a fine title cartouche. (Lot number: 61246)
Bonne, R., Carte de l'Arabie, du Golfe persique, et de la mer Rouge., Paris, 1774, 8.5 x 12.6 inches /21.5 x 32 cm,
very good, (Estimate: $220 - 200)
Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795), French cartographer. His maps are found in a.o. Atlas Moderne (1762), Raynal's Histoire Philos. du Commerce des
Indes (1774) and Atlas Encyclopédique (1787-1788).A map of the Arabian peninsula. Not in Tibbetts. (Lot number: 19631)
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ANONYMOUS, Vue du Port de la Ville de Lamekk dans Larabie heureuse à 5 lieues de la Mer Rouge., Paris
1730-1775, 9.8 x 14.6 inches /25 x 37.2 cm, Good and dark impression on solid paper. Some smudge of printer's
ink. Cut till neat line and mounted into a frame of larger paper. Very good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 400)
Imaginary optic vue of Mecca's harbor.
An optical mirror with print. (Mirror is not included in the lot.)More about optical prints.
(Lot number: 22186)
DEPOT DE LA MARINE ?, Plan de Constantinonple et du Bosphore de Thrace, D'après celui levé sur les lieux
en 1776, par Mr. Kauffer.. [Map in manuscript], France, later than 1776, 15.6 x 23.5 inches /39.7 x 59.8 cm,
Manuscript in brown and black ink, on paper. Water coloured in green., (Estimate: $1500 - 2000)
An interesting French manuscript map of the Bosphorus from the Marmara See till the Black Sea. The outlines of "Stambol ou Constantinople",
"At-Meydan ou Hyppodrome", Grand Sérail, Galata, Péra are indicated. Typical chart made by the Dépot de la Marine.After the important map of
F.Kauffer of 1776. Its importance lies in the fact that after the work of Kâtip Çelebi and Von Reben, it constitutes a new stage of development from
the point of view of the technique used in cartography. ¤ (Lot number: 17483)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte de l'Arabie qui se divise en Arabie Petrée, Deserte et Heureuse.., Paris, ca 1783,
12.1 x 18 inches /30.7 x 45.7 cm, Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression. Very good
condition, (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Attractive map of the Arabian peninsula, ornated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at
the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24240)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Asia Minor in suas partes seu provincias divisa., Venice, 1776 - 1784, 18.9 x 23.8
inches /48 x 60.5 cm, Brown spotting in the lower corners. Elsewhere very good condition., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
Detailed map of Asia Minor and contiguous Islands and the Black Sea region, including Cyprus.
With fine rococo title cartouche in the upper left corner.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse sur
les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example - indicating that this is the second state of the map.
(Lot number: 24925)
SCHRAEMBL, F.A., Karte von dem groessten Theil des Landes Jemen Imame, Kaukeban &. &., Wien 1789, 22.4
x 14.6 inches /57 x 37 cm, Good and dark impression. Wide margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $390 - 450)
Large map of Jemen from "Allgemeiner grosser Atlas" published by P. J. Schalbacher - 1786-1800. (Lot number: 23526)
DESNOS/ BRION, Perse, Turquie Asiatique et Arabie.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.2 x 48 cm, Very good
condition., (Estimate: $180 - 220)
Attractive map covering the Arabian Peninsula, Turkey, Palestine, the Caucasus, today's Iraq and Iran.
Flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two separate plates
with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24153)
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DE VAUGONDY,R., Carte des Premiers Ages du Monde.., Paris, ca c. 1795, 9.4 x 9.6 inches /24 x 24.5 cm, In
mint condition., (Estimate: $220 - 280)
Encompassing Asia Minor from Turkey to the Caspian Sea and from Egypt to Iran., including an over-sized Cyprus. Showing early names of people
and places.
Decorative title cartouche covers most of the Arabian peninsula. (Lot number: 24794)
WILD / BOUQUET, Constantinople - Vue prise de la tour du Séraskir., Paris, ca 1855, 13.6 x 21.8 inches /34.6 x
55.3 cm, Minor foxing along left and right outer borders. Repair of 3 short marginal tears., (Estimate: $950 - 1200)
Lithography on tinted grounds, with a panoramic view of the Bosphorus, with on foreground Istanbul. Printed by Wild, after a design of Bouquet and
drawn on stone by Champin and Bayot. (Lot number: 24812)
Mallet, A.M., La Chine., Paris, 1683, 5.9 x 4.1 inches /15 x 10.5 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $160 - 150)
Alain Manneson Mallet (1603-1706) published in 1683 his ' Description de l' Univers' in 5 volumes. In 1686 a German edition appeared.An attractive
little map of China. (Lot number: 20001)
Bellin, J.N., L' Empire de la Chine, 1748., Amsterdam, 1773, 11 x 15.6 inches /28 x 39.5 cm, very good cond.,
(Estimate: $330 - 350)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
Nicolas Bellin's map of China. (Lot number: 18683)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., L'Empire de la Chine d'après l'Atlas Chinois, avec les Isles du Japon.., Paris, ca 1783, 12.2
x 17.5 inches /31 x 44.5 cm, Brown spotting in the right hand half of the map. Printed on heavy paper, with good
margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Attractive map of eastern part of China, including Taiwan, Korea and Japan. With ornamental title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at
the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24248)
ZATTA, Antonio, Impero della China Colle Isole del Giappone., Venice, 1784, 13 x 16.5 inches /33 x 42 cm, good
condition., (Estimate: $480 - 550)
China, Korea and Japan, with a decorative title cartouche. (Lot number: 90390)
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RAPKIN, J., CHINA and BIRMAH, London, 1855, 10 x 13 inches /25.5 x 33 cm, Good impression on bright paper.
Old vertical folds and a few isolated small brown spots otherwise very good., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
This is the uncommon and slightly later edition by Rapkin based on Tallis' maps. The vignettes have been removed and the map is issued in black
and white.
A rare and desirable issue that was published by the London Printing and Publishing Company. Drawn and engraved by Rapkin. (Lot number: 90109
China provinces
DE CLERCK, N., China., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.5 x 13.3 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Minor marginal tumbling, not affecting the image. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $220 - 260)
Small map illustrating China with the Great Wall and Korea as an island, surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by Jodocus
Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri septem.. edition of
1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some other books with
maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld Spiegel.Cloppenburch
probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably acquired them along with the
plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan Blaeu used these plates to produce
an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24455)
BLAEU,W., Pecheli sive Peking imperii sinarum provincia prima., Amsterdam, 1640, 15.3 x 19.1 inches /38.8 x
48.5 cm, Paper slightly age toned, good margins and very slightly spotted., (Estimate: $1500 - 1800)
The map of the province of Peking from Joan Blaeu's Novus Atlas Sinensis , the first atlas of china with maps by the hand of the Italian Jesuit
Martino Martini. A beautiful map embellished with a very large and elaborate title cartouche and one other cartouche with scales. (Lot number:
China/Hong Kong
VALK,G./ SCHENK,P., Iunnan, Queicheu, Quangsi, et Quantung.., Amsterdam, 1720, 18 x 20.5 inches /45.7 x 52
cm, With coloured cartouches. In mint condition., (Estimate: $1600 - 1800)
A beautifully engraved map of Southern China covering Hainan and the Pearl River Delta with Macao and the islands around present-day Hong
Kong. (Lot number: 24771)
WEEKLY DISPATCH, Vue de Hong Kong, Paris, ca. 1891, 12 x 17.1 inches /30.5 x 43.5 cm, , (Estimate: $80 250)
This is a wonderful antique print depicting a panoramic view of Hong Kong as it appeared in the late-1800s.
Wood engraving, published in l'Univers illustré. French text on verso. Excellent condition with light age- toning. (Lot number: 24795)
China cities
VALEGIO,F., Quinzai., Venice 1600, 3.3 x 5.2 inches /8.5 x 13.1 cm, Paper slightly age-toned, as usual. In good
condition., (Estimate: $60 - 120)
Uncommon plan of Quinzai (in China) with its bridges from Francesco Valegio's townbook: Raccolta di le piv illustri et farmose citta di tutto il
mondo. (Lot number: 23578)
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CHATELAIN,H., Description d'un des plus fameux temples des Chinois.., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 14.6 x 16.9 inches
/37 x 43 cm, A good and dark impression. Minor marginal discolouration upper part centre fold. Else very good
condition., (Estimate: $120 - 175)
This impressive engraving is a wonderful example of Chatelain’s elegant plates.
Divided in 3 panels, respectively showing the most important gods in the Chinese deities system, a pagoda, Pussa, one of the Chinese gods.With
exhaustive information about the 3 subjects in tables at the bottom.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain imprints,
depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and 1720, with a
second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history, chronology,
genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. ¤ (Lot number: 25042)
CHATELAIN, H., Habillement de l'Empereur de la Chine & des Dames de son Palais.., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 14.8
x 17 inches /37.5 x 43.3 cm, A good and dark impression. Very good condition., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
This impressive engraving is a wonderful example of Chatelain’s elegant plates.
Divided in 3 panels, showing examples of costumes of Chinese ladies and those of the king of China.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain imprints,
depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and 1720, with a
second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history, chronology,
genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25047)
CHATELAIN,H., Habillemens d'Hommes et Femmes de diverses provinces de Chine.., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 14.8
x 16.9 inches /37.5 x 42.9 cm, A good and dark impression. Minor marginal discolouration upper & lower part
centre fold. Very good condition., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
This impressive engraving is a wonderful example of Chatelain’s elegant plates.
Very nice view representing a bridge in the upper central part. Surrounded with panels showing figures in national costume.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain imprints,
depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and 1720, with a
second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history, chronology,
genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25048)
PREVOST, A.F., Monnoyes de la Chine et du Royaume de Tunquin. - Lingots d'Argent du Japon qui passent pour
Monnoye. Pl. VI., Paris, 1752, 7.7 x 5.4 inches /19.5 x 13.8 cm, Minor water stain along left margin. Minor
discolouration in the upper margin. Overall good condition., (Estimate: $25 - 30)
Decorative print illustrating coins and silver ingots from East Asia. From Histoire générale des voyages..>/I> by Antoine François Prévost.Titles in
French and Dutch. (Lot number: 23385)
Schley, J. van., Vue de Nanking, tirée de Nieuhof., Amsterdam, c. 1760, 6.9 x 10.2 inches /17.5 x 26 cm, engr./
etching, very good condition., (Estimate: $80 - 90)
A view of Nanking. (Lot number: 19291)
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DE CLERCK, N., Tamerlanes. Magnus. Imperator Tartarorum. 1398., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7
inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Some shine
through of the text on verso. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $25 - 35)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Tamerlanes. Magnus. Imperator Tartarorum.".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24304)
DE CLERCK, N., Tartaria., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.3 inches /9.4 x 13.4 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Minor marginal spots and water stain. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Small map of Tartary, including the Great Wall and part of China. Surrounded by text in Dutch. Showing part of the Great Wall of China in the
lower right corner.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by Jodocus
Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri septem.. edition of
1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some other books with
maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld Spiegel.Cloppenburch
probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably acquired them along with the
plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan Blaeu used these plates to produce
an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24453)
SANSON,N., Groot Tartaryen., Utrecht, 1683, 7.4 x 9.8 inches /18.8 x 25 cm, A good and dark impression.,
(Estimate: $80 - 100)
Engraved by A.Winter. In lower right hand corner Korea depicted as an island. (Lot number: 00442)
DE L'ISLE:G., Carte de Tartarie.., Paris 1706, 18.9 x 25 inches /48 x 63.4 cm, Paper age-toned. Left and right
margins reinforced. Short upper margin as issued. Faint brown spots close to centre fold, difficult to be noticed.
Else good condition., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
Detailed map covering north east Asia, Tibet, Korea and part of Terre d' Eso . Nova Zembla joined with the mainland. (Lot number: 22195)
CHATELAIN,H., Nouvelle Carte de Moscovie où sont representés les differents etats de sa Maiesté Czarienne..,
Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 19.7 x 23 inches /50 x 58.5 cm, Minor hole at the intersection between vertical and horizontal
fold, at bottom left. Minor marginal water staining. Upper margin short. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $180
- 250)
Map of Russia Tartary and part of China with key tables to the towns. Depicting the different states belonging to the Czar in Asia and Europe,
showing the path of one of his ambassadors to Peking. The Great wall of China is shown.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain imprints,
depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and 1720, with a
second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history, chronology,
genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25033)
CHATELAIN,H., Carte generale des Etats du Czar. Empereur de Moscovie, ou L'on voit ce que ce prince possede
en Europe .., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 15.2 x 38.4 inches /38.5 x 97.5 cm, Minor hole at the intersection between
vertical and horizontal fold, at bottom left. Minor marginal water staining. Upper margin short. Else very good
condition., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
Impressive map of Russia Tartary and part of China with key tables to the towns. Depicting the different states belonging to the Czar in Asia and
Europe, showing the path of one of his ambassadors to Peking. The Great wall of China is shown.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain imprints,
depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and 1720, with a
second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history, chronology,
genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
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More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25050)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte de la Tartarie Chinoise.., Paris, ca 1783, 11.5 x 16.2 inches /29.3 x 41.2 cm, Light
discolouration along centre fold. Very light spotting in the left hand side of the map. Printed on heavy paper, with
good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Attractive map of Tartary, ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at
the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24249)
Bonne,R., Tartarie Chinoise, Roy. de Corée et Isles du Japon., Paris, 1787, 9.3 x 13.6 inches /23.5 x 34.5 cm, very
good, (Estimate: $150 - 125)
Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795), French cartographer. His maps are found in a.o. Atlas Moderne (1762), Raynal's Histoire Philos. du Commerce des
Indes (1774) and Atlas Encyclopédique (1787-1788).
A map of northern China, Korea, Manchuria and Japan. (Lot number: 18703)
DESNOS/ BRION, Grande Tartarie et Isles du Japon.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.3 x 48 cm, A few minor
yellow spots along centre fold. Else good condition., (Estimate: $150 - 200)
Attractive map of Russia, northern Asia, China, Tibet, Turkistan, and Japan, with decorative rococo-style cartouche.
Flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two separate plates
with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24151)
La Pérouse, J.B.G. Comte de ., Plan de la Baie de Ternai, situee sur la cote de Tartarie., Paris, 1797, 13 x 19.1
inches /33 x 48.5 cm, good condition., (Estimate: $80 - 90)
Jean François Galoup, Comte de la Pérouse (1741-88), outstanding French explorer and hydrographer. ' Voyage autour du Monde…Atlas', 1797.
A map of the bay of Ternai on Asia northeast coast visited by La Perouse on June 22nd, 1787. (Lot number: 18023)
Father DE MAILLA, S.J., Carte de ce qui appartient a L'Empereur de la Chine dans L'Isle de Formose faite par
ordre de L'Empereur Kamhi, Paris, 1781, 4.8 x 6.6 inches /12.2 x 16.7 cm, With two vertical foldings, as issued.
Very good., (Estimate: $360 - 500)
Important map of Taiwan extracted from Vol XVIII the 1781 edition of the Jesuit Lettres Edifiantes, illustrating the account of Formosa by the
Jesuit Father de Mailla, first issued in 1721.
A general map of Taiwan, showing the extent of Chinese Imperial control over the western regions of the Island and including the western coastlines
of Taiwan and the adjacent Chinese mainland of Fujien province. (Lot number: 24796)
Father DE MAILLA, S.J., Carte des Isles de PONGHOU suivant le point sur lequel on ete faites les Cartes de la
China et de l Tartarie par l'Ordre et aux frais de L'Empereur., Paris, 1781, 4.9 x 6.6 inches /12.5 x 16.7 cm, With
two vertical foldings, as issued. Very good., (Estimate: $240 - 350)
Important map of the Ponghou or Pescadore Islands lying in the Straits of Taiwan and includes details of the environs of Fort Zeelandia on the
south-western coast of Taiwan. Extracted from Vol XVIII the 1781 edition of the Jesuit Lettres Edifiantes, illustrating the account of Formosa by the
Jesuit Father de Mailla, first issued in 1721. (Lot number: 24797)
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CAMOCIO, G.F., CYPRVS jnsula nobilissima, que inter maiores huius / maris, primu[m] sibi locu[m] vendicat,
p[er]diues et mire ferti= litatis {…] VENETIIS ad signum Pyramidis. M. D. LXVI., Venice, 1566, 10.7 x 16.1
inches /27.2 x 40.8 cm, Margins cut till neat lines with contemporarily extended margins. Some minor
discolouration at joined parts. Very good and dark impression., (Estimate: $35000 - 40000)
A rare map of Cyprus, based on Matheo Pagano’s map of 1538. Woodward attributes the engraving to Forlani
One of the first printed maps of Cyprus. An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example of a map from the early Lafreri school.!
In lower right corner fine cartouche of the town symbol of Venice with a crown appearing above the head of lion, with text : >I>CYPRVS jnsula
nobilissima, que inter maiores huius / maris, primu[m] sibi locu[m] vendicat, p[er]diues et mire ferti= / litatis, Vnde et Macaria hoc est beata, a grecis
olim / dicta fiut, Ambitus eius mill .550. longitudo .210. / et latitudo .65. distat ab Equinoctiali grad. 36 1/6. Strabone[m] / vero legat, qui plura de ea
intelligere cupit Hujus aute[m] t[ame]n / insignis Jusulae designatio.nem expensis Jo.s Fr.i Camotij in / æs incisa[m], chorographie studiosis visum
fuit imp[er]tire. / VENETIIS ad signum Pyramidis. M. D. LXVI. ¤ (Lot number: 25015)
ORTELIUS, Abraham, Cypri Insulae Nova Descriptio 1573, Antwerp, 1581, 13.8 x 19.7 inches /35 x 50 cm,
Restoration and slight staining (in the top margin)to center fold., (Estimate: $2300 - 2500)
Ortelius's modern map of Cyprus, engraved by Johannes à Doeticum for the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum.
A large title cartouche top left is balanced by an inset map of Lemnos bottom right, drawn by Ortelius himself from a written account by Pierre
Belon, 1555. (Lot number: 90391)
PORCACCHI,Th., Cipro [ Cyprus ], Padova, (1572-) 1620, 4.1 x 5.6 inches /10.4 x 14.2 cm, Map printed on a
sheet with letter press. Some very minor marginal age-toning. In very good condition., (Estimate: $600 - 800)
One of the earliest separate maps of Cyprus. Includes decorative cartouche, sea monsters. Nice wide margin example, with Italian text. A
decorative compass rose lies in lower center. (Lot number: 14409)
DE CLERCK, N., Cyprus., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.8 x 5.2 inches /9.6 x 13.3 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Water stain in the lower left corner of the sheet. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $340 - 500)
Small map of Cyprus, surrounded by text in Dutch. Embellished with a sea monster and 2 vessels.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by Jodocus
Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri septem.. edition of
1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some other books with
maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld Spiegel.Cloppenburch
probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably acquired them along with the
plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan Blaeu used these plates to produce
an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. ¤ (Lot number: 24445)
BLAEU,W., Cyprus Insula., Amsterdam, 1635, 14.8 x 19.4 inches /37.5 x 49.3 cm, Paper washed. Large margins.
Very good condition., (Estimate: $1200 - 1500)
Blaeu's beautiful map of Cyprus embellished with a very decorative title cartouche, a scale cartouche, two coats of arms, two wind roses and three
sailing ships. (Lot number: 24981)
Stoopendaal, B., De Beschryving van de Reysen Pauli en Van de Andere Apostelen., Dordrecht-Amsterdam, H.
Keur en M. Doornik, 1686, 13.8 x 18.1 inches /35 x 46 cm, very good, (Estimate: $350 - 325)
The Dutch so-called ' Staten' bibles published between 1637 and c. 1760, contained 5 maps: The World, ' Paradise', The Perigrinations, The Promised
Land Canaan, The Travels of St. Paul and a plan of Jerusalem.
Bastiaan Stoopendaal’s highly decorative map of the eastern part of the Mediterranean with two cartouches and above and below four vignettes with
episodes from the travels of St. Paul. (Lot number: 19419)
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Stoopendaal, B., De Gelegentheyt van t' Paradys en t' Landt Canaan, mitsgaders d' eerst bewoonde Landen der
Patriarchen., Amsterdam, Hendrik Keur en Marcus Doornick, 1688, 12 x 17.5 inches /30.5 x 44.5 cm, strong
impression, good condition, (Estimate: $350 - 325)
Dutch so-called ' Staten' bibles, published between 1637 and c. 1760, contained 5 maps: The World, ' Paradise', The Perigrinations, The Promised
Land Canaan, The Travels of St. Paul and a plan of Jerusalem.Bastiaan Stoopendaal's small 'paradise' map.Title in banner in center top, in the corners
4 vignette showing scenes from Genesis, in the lower center a vignette with the Ark of Noah.
Depicted are the wandering through the dessert and the voyage made by Jacob from Ur to Kanaan. (Lot number: 18744)
Aa, P. van der., M. Heberers Ongelukige Voyagie gedaan in Verscheyde gedeeltens van Asia en Africa., Leiden,
1707, 5.9 x 8.9 inches /15 x 22.5 cm, very good condition., (Estimate: $275 - 250)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naaukeurige versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.
A map of the eastern part of the Mediterranean illustrating the voyage made by Michael Heberer. Embellished with an attractive title-cartouche. (Lot
number: 19305)
East Asia
Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Carte Hydro-Geo-graphique des Indes Orientales en deça et au dela du Gange avec leur
Archipel., Paris, 1783, 23.2 x 32.3 inches /59 x 82 cm, excellent, (Estimate: $775 - 750)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.
A map of South East Asia on 4 sheets (Lot number: 18718)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte Hydro-Geo-Graphique des Indes Orientales en deça et au dela du Gange avec leur
Archipel.., Paris ca 1783, 11.7 x 16.2 inches /29.7 x 41.1 cm, Spotting in the left hand half of the map. Printed on
heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Attractive map of the South East Asia, from Vietnam as far as Taiwan, including part of the Luzon Island.
Ornated with a large title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at
the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24246)
DE CLERCK, N., Malabar., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.8 x 5.2 inches /9.7 x 13.1 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $220 - 260)
Small map illustrating the south western seacoast of India. Oriented with East on top, surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by Jodocus
Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri septem.. edition of
1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some other books with
maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld Spiegel.Cloppenburch
probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably acquired them along with the
plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan Blaeu used these plates to produce
an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24457)
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DE CLERCK, N., Narsinga. [India], Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.8 x 5.2 inches /9.6 x 13.1 cm, Page
slightly age-toned. Marginal water stain in the lower right corner of the sheet, brown spot in the upper right. Size of
paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $220 - 260)
Small map illustrating the Indian peninsular. Oriented with East on top, surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen Aerdbodems..
which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by Jodocus Hondius before
1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri septem.. edition of 1616.According
to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some other books with maps, such as Paullus
Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the
plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius
Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.
RARE. (Lot number: 24458)
DE CLERCK, N., Bengala., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.8 x 5.2 inches /9.6 x 13.1 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Marginal water stain in the lower right corner of the sheet, light spot in the upper right. Slight marginal
tumbling. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $180 - 220)
Small map centered on the Bay of Bengal, surrounded by text in Dutch. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft
from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen Aerdbodems..
which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by Jodocus Hondius before
1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri septem.. edition of 1616.According
to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some other books with maps, such as Paullus
Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the
plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius
Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.
RARE. (Lot number: 24459)
DE ROSSI,G., Penisola dell India di là dal Gange et Isole intorno ad essa adiacenti.., Rome, 1683-1688, 20.9 x
16.1 inches /53 x 41 cm, Some very minor marginal spotting. Dark impression. Very good., (Estimate: $1200 1500)
Giacomo Rossi's fine late 17th century map of India with Ceylon and Maldives. Issued in Il Mercurio geografico In lower right hand corner a large
title cartouche with dedication to Tavernier and Mandeslo, supported by exotic Asian figures and surmounted by an elephant.The cartographer was
Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola(1643-1695) who was active in Modena in Italy.
. The principal settlements, mountain ranges and rivers are shown in detail.
Engraved by Franciscus Donia.
RARE. (Lot number: 24820)
CORONELLI,V.M., [Globe Gore of the Arabian Sea], Venice 1690, 10.6 x 11 inches /27 x 28 cm, Copper
engraving on a sheet with letter press. Paper slightly age-toned., (Estimate: $360 - 450)
Originally engraved to be pasted onto a globe in 1688, this edition was printed with a text underneath it.
It shows the Arabian Sea from Oman to Sri Lanka, with a roundel with a text describing how to sail from Goa to Madagascar and the Cape of Good
Under the map and on verso is an Italian text. (Lot number: 17783)
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VAN der Aa, Pieter, Scheep-Togt door Don Henrique de Menezes..., Leiden, ca. 1707, 6.1 x 9.3 inches /15.6 x 23.6
cm, In very good to near excellent condition. Strong and dark impression. Light even browning. Short bottom
margin, as issued., (Estimate: $390 - 450)
This is a desirable first state example of the Indian Ocean / India and Sri Lanka regions, from Van der Aa's NAAUKEURIGE VERSAMELING
DER GENDENK-WAARDIGSTE ZEE EN LAND-REYSEN. It notes the travels of Portuguese nobleman, Dom Henrique de Menezes, starting
from the horn of Africa and Arabia and ending in Calcutta.
The map contains a very decorative cartouche that depicts a sea battle, several ocean vessels and a group of Europeans felling trees. In the lower
right corner is the name "Don [Dom] Vasco da Gama", in reference to the legendary Portuguese explorer.
Van der Aa is well recognized for the design and quality of his work and his maps and views are increasingly sought after. (Lot number: 90305)
Aa, P. van der., Het Koninkrijk van Bengalen en de Vloeden die zig inde Ganges ontlasten., Leiden, 1707, 5.9 x 8.9
inches /15 x 22.5 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $275 - 250)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naaukeurige versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.
An attractive map of the Ganges delta. (Lot number: 20114)
VALENTIJN,F., De stadt Dabul., Amsterdam, 1726, 10.7 x 14.2 inches /27.3 x 36 cm, In very good condition.
Vertical fold as issued., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Decorative panoramic view of the town of Dabul. Dutch (V.O.C.) sailing ships and various local craft fill the foreground. The city with great detail
including the fort and hundreds of individual houses and buildings. Below the print is an extensive key in Dutch that locates and describes 16 places
and buildings.
François Valentijn (1666-1727), a missionary, worked at Amboina from 1684 to 1694 and 1705 to 1713 and traveled extensively in the VOC's lands.
He is best known for his monumental history and description, ''Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën'' which remains one of the most important primary
sources for the East Indies and neighboring lands. (Lot number: 25005)
HOMANN HEIRS., Peninsula Indiae Malabar Coromandel Ceylon., Nuremberg 1733, 21.5 x 18.9 inches /54.5 x
48 cm, Paper slightly age-toned. In very good condition. Decorative coloured cartouche., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved map of southern India and Ceylon.
Johann Baptist Homann (1663-1724) was a German engraver and publisher, who established himself and his family as perhaps the most famous
German map publishers. Following his death in 1724, the business continued under the name Homann Heirs . This Homann map is finely engraved,
and in original wash colour. (Lot number: 25055)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Indoustan ou Etats du Mogol Avec les établissements Français., Paris, later than 1748, 8 x 6.4
inches /20.4 x 16.3 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Light marginal water staining along right border. Else very good
condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Small detailed map of India, including Sri Lanka and the Maldives. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Edited by : "Au dépôt de
Géographie, Rue Geoffroy Langevin, N° 328. Se trouve A Paris au Bureau de l'Atlas National, Rue de la Harpe, N° 26. Et chez tous les Marchands
de Géographie". ¤ (Lot number: 24592)
Bellin, J.N., Carte de l' Ocean oriental ou Mer des Indes., Paris, c. 1750, 15 x 18.9 inches /38 x 48 cm, very good
cond., (Estimate: $250 - 275)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.A chart depicting the Indian Ocean and the coasts of the lands bordering it.
(Lot number: 18721)
Bellin, J.N. / J. v. Schley., Ville de Cochin / De Stad Coetsijen., Amsterdam, c. 1755, 6.7 x 10.5 inches /17 x 26.7
cm, very good condition, (Estimate: $140 - 130)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75. Nicolas Bellin's plan of the town of the town of Cochin. From a Dutch
edition of Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages'. (Lot number: 20336)
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Schley, J. van., Cour du Grand Mogol., Amsterdam, c. 1760, 6.9 x 10.2 inches /17.5 x 26 cm, excellent, (Estimate:
$80 - 90)
Jan van Schley is the engraver of the maps (by J.N. Bellin) and views in the Dutch edition of A.F. Prévost d' Exile's 'Histoire Géneral des Voyages.
(Lot number: 18131)
Bellin, J.N., Nouvelle Carte du Royaume de Bengale., Amsterdam, 1773, 11 x 13.6 inches /28 x 34.5 cm, very good
condition, strong impression., (Estimate: $150 - 140)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
Nicolas Bellin's detailed map of Bengalen. (Lot number: 19062)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Indes. Iere. Feuille., Paris, ca 1783, 11.6 x 16.3 inches /29.5 x 41.3 cm, Light spotting in
the left hand half of the map. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Attractive map of the northern part of India, extending northwards to Pakistan and Afghanistan. Including Bangladesh in the East. Boundaries
outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at
the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24243)
Brion de la Tour, L., Carte du Bengale, avec la parte Septentrionale des Etats du Roi d'Aûa., Paris, 1790, 9.3 x
13.4 inches /23.5 x 34 cm, very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 110)
Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823), French geographer. ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique', 1766, ' Atlas Général', 1790-98.
A map of Bengal from Brunet's 'Histoire Universelle, depuis le commencement du monde jusqu'a present'. (Lot number: 20384)
Sri Lanka(Ceylon)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Ins. Ceilan que incolis Tenarisin dictur., Amsterdam 1633, 13.5 x 19.6 inches
/34.2 x 49.7 cm, In very good condition., (Estimate: $600 - 800)
In 1606 J. Hondius introduced in the Mercator Atlas a separate map of Ceylon. Prepared by Petrus Plancius (Lot number: 13483)
Aa, P. van der., De Eilanden Maldives., Leiden, 1707, 5.7 x 10.6 inches /14.5 x 27 cm, very good, (Estimate: $200 175)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naauwkeurge versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.
An uncommon map of the Maldives, Sri Lanka, the Nicobars Islands and northern Sumatra. (Lot number: 20178)
VALENTIJN,F., Baticalo., Amsterdam, 1726, 10.7 x 14.2 inches /27.3 x 36 cm, In very good condition. Vertical
fold as issued., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Decorative panoramic view of the town of Baticalo on Ceylon. Dutch (V.O.C.) sailing ships and various local craft fill the foreground. The city with
great detail including the fort and hundreds of individual houses and buildings. Below the print is an extensive key in Dutch that locates and
describes 16 places and buildings.
François Valentijn (1666-1727), a missionary, worked at Amboina from 1684 to 1694 and 1705 to 1713 and traveled extensively in the VOC's lands.
He is best known for his monumental history and description, ''Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën'' which remains one of the most important primary
sources for the East Indies and neighboring lands. (Lot number: 25006)
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VALENTYN, F., Jaffenapatnam., Amsterdam, 1728, 10.8 x 14.2 inches /27.5 x 36 cm, excellent, strong impression.,
(Estimate: $170 - 190)
From Francois Valentyn's "Oud en Nieuw Oost Indien, part V : Beschryving van Coromandel, Pegu, Arrakan, Bengale, Mocha,…Persien...
Malakka.. Sumatra... Ceylon.
A bird's eye-view of the fort and town of Jaffna. (Lot number: 18654)
Valentyn, F., Punto de Galle., Amsterdam, 1728, 10.8 x 14.2 inches /27.5 x 36 cm, excellent, (Estimate: $250 225)
From Francois Valentyn's '' Oud en Nieuw Oost Indien', part V : Beschryving van Coromandel, Pegu, Arrakan, Bengale, Mocha,… Persien…
Malakka.. Sumatra… Ceylon.
An attractive view of Colombo as seen from the sea. (Lot number: 18657)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Indes. IIe. Feuille., Paris ca 1783, 11.6 x 16.2 inches /29.4 x 41.2 cm, Light discolouration
along centre fold. Some spotting in the right hand half of the map. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins.
Good impression., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Attractive map of the south most tip of India and Sri Lanka, including the Malives and part of Sumatra. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at
the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24244)
Pakistan / Mongol
SEUTTER,M., Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach.., Augsburg, ca 1740, 19.5 x 22.4 inches /49.6 x 57
cm, A good and dark impression, printed on heavy paper. Marginal loss of paper at the centre of left border. Else
very good condition., (Estimate: $480 - 600)
Impressive map of the Mongol Empire, including present India (except the southern tip), Pakistan, Afghanistan, parts of Burma, etc.
Decorated with two colored pictorial cartouches, a sailing ship and a fishing boat. (Lot number: 24827)
FLEMMING, C., Der Sikh - Staat., Glogau, ca 1850, 10.6 x 7.8 inches /26.8 x 19.8 cm, Marginal discolouration
along lower border. Close to very good condition., (Estimate: $200 - 250)
An attractive lithographed map northern Pakistan (Punjab), by Flemming. Showing part of Afghanistan on the left side with Kabul in the upper left
The mouth of the Indus is in the lower left. In the upper right is part of Tibet. Delhi is in the lower right corner. (Lot number: 23983)
South East Asia
DE BRY,Th., TIDORE., Frankfurt 1607, 10.2 x 13 inches /25.8 x 33.1 cm, Paper slightly browned. In good
condition., (Estimate: $450 - 600)
View of Dutch vessels stationed in bay of Tidore. From Theodor & Johann Theodor de Bry's eighth volume compilation of voyages to the east, the
so-called "Little Voyages." Among the five accounts are those of Jacob Neccio, Johann Hermann De Bree, Conelius Nicolai, Cornelius de Vena and
Stephanus de Hagen. (Lot number: 22280)
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JANSSONIUS,J., Mar di India., Amsterdam 1650, 17.2 x 21.9 inches /43.7 x 55.7 cm, Good and dark impression.
Paper slightly age-toned with brown spots affecting most part of the image., (Estimate: $1900 - 2500)
This chart from Johannes Janssonius' sea-atlas 'De Water-Weereld' covers the area between the Cape of Good Hope and Japan.
It owes its importance to the rendering of the coastline of Australia, which bears the name 'TERRA DEL ZUR'.
Of the results of the Carstensz expedition in 1623, only those of the ship Pera on the West Coast of Cape York Peninsula are shown.
The results of the voyage of the Arnhem are omitted. The discoveries of the Vianen in 1628 are rendered.
Reference.: Clancy, The mapping of Terra Australis, Map 6.9: Schilder, Australia unveiled, p.332, plate 45. (Lot number: 23517)
CHATELAIN,H., Vue et Description de quelques-uns des principaux forts des Hollandois.., Amsterdam, ca. 1720,
14.6 x 16.9 inches /37 x 43 cm, A good and dark impression. Large margins. Faint discolouration along centre fold.
Else very good condition., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
This impressive engraving is a wonderful example of Chatelain’s elegant plates.
Ornamented with numerous vignettes representing some of the Dutch settlements in the East Indies.
Exhaustive information about the settlements is given in lengthy tables.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain imprints,
depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and 1720, with a
second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history, chronology,
genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25045)
ET BANCA GOLPHE DE SIAM ETC, Paris, c1760, 10 x 11.6 inches /25.5 x 29.5 cm, Excellent strong hand-laid
paper with light toning, spotting and faint offsetting. Excellent dark and clear impression. Several crisp folds. Very
good condition!, (Estimate: $100 - 150)
Very detailed map of Indonesia by celebrated French mapmaker Nicolas Bellin. Decorated with a compass rose and an attractive title cartouche.
Many Islands and harbors are named. One of the most accurate maps available of Indonesia, published in the late 18th century. (Lot number: 90274)
ANONYMOUS, Carte du Détroit de Bouton., France 1782, 13.3 x 9.8 inches /33.7 x 25 cm, Paper slightly
age-toned, as usual. Faint marginal brown spot in lower left corner. Excellent condition, (Estimate: $100 - 150)
Uncommon map of Celebes centered on the Island of Butung. It shows part of Wowoni Island as well as South East Sulawesi.
Indicating a V.OC. Settlement on the island Bouton. (Lot number: 22170)
Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Les Indes Orientales et leur Archipel., Paris, 1783, 12.2 x 17.3 inches /31 x 44 cm, excellent
condition., (Estimate: $400 - 425)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.
A map of South East Asia. Embellished with a nice title-cartouche. (Lot number: 18670)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Les Indes Orientales et leur Archipel.., Paris, ca 1783, 12.6 x 17.9 inches /32 x 45.5 cm,
Minor discolouration along centre fold. Slight spotting in the right half of the map. Printed on heavy paper, with
good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
General map of Indonesia, extending from India to the Philippines and New Guinea.
Ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at
the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24242)
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LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Indes IVe. Feuille., Paris, ca 1783, 11.6 x 16.2 inches /29.4 x 41.1 cm, Minor marginal
spots. Light age-toning in the right hand half of the map. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good
impression., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Attractive map of the East Indies, centered on Borneo. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important
cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at
the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work
represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards
a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his
predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate
decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical
importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24247)
DESNOS/ BRION, Chine, et Indes Avec les Isles.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.1 x 48 cm, Four light spots
along center fold. Else good., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Attractive map of southern Asia, most of the East Indies, including China, Malaysia, Java, Borneo and the Philippines.
Extending westwards to include India, the northern region of which is here "Mongol oll Industan".
Outline color distinguishes political borders as they were understood at the time.
Flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two separate plates
with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24152)
DELAPORTE,L'Abbé., Les Indes Orientales et leur Archipel.., Paris, Prudhomme, Levrault, Debray, 1806, 7.1 x
8.8 inches /18 x 22.3 cm, Two vertical folds as issued. Short left margin, right margin cut into the scale border, as
issued. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Map of South Eastern Asia, encompassing the area between India and Indonesia.
From Atlas de la Géographie de toutes les parties du monde .. Ouvrage destiné pour l'education, et nécessaire aux négocians, aux voyageurs, aux
fonctionnaires publics, aux banquiers, aux agens de change, aux littérateurs, etc.. (Lot number: 24402)
GOOSSENS,G., Kaart vande Nederlands bezittingen in Oost-Indie., Amsterdam 1842, 17.7 x 25.2 inches /45 x 64
cm, Lithography in very good condition. Smal tear in lower margin, just affecting text, hardly notable., (Estimate:
$250 - 300)
Detailed lithographed map of Indonesia surrounded by geographical and historical text in letter press. A second edition. (Lot number: 15940)
DE BRY,Th., De foro Goae frequentato.., Frankfurt 1607, 9.8 x 15.6 inches /25 x 39.5 cm, In good condition.
Copper engraving with letter press., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
An attractive panorama view of the market square at Bantam, with Indians and Portuguese traders, buying and selling various merchandise, with a
row of colonial buildings in the background.
From Theodor & Johann Theodor de Bry's eighth volume compilation of voyages to the east, the so-called "Little Voyages."
Latin text at top and descriptive text, with illuminated initial letter, below. (Lot number: 23077)
Aa, P. van der., 'T Koninkryk Sunda met dat van Java, Leiden, 1707, 5.9 x 8.9 inches /15 x 22.5 cm, excellent
condition, strong impression., (Estimate: $400 - 350)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naaukeurige versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.
An attractive map showing Java. Embellished with a large and decorative title-cartouche. (Lot number: 20084)
BELLIN, J.N., Idée de l’Isle de Java., Paris, c.1760., 8.1 x 16.8 inches /20.5 x 42.6 cm, In very good condition.,
(Estimate: $225 - 250)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's 'Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
A map of the island of Java. (Lot number: 16954)
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MÜNSTER,S., Sumatra ein grosse Insel.., Basle, 1580, 12 x 14.1 inches /30.5 x 35.7 cm, Paper slightly browned.
In good condition., (Estimate: $420 - 550)
One of the most interesting fruits of the revamping of the Münster Cosmographia in 1588 was this map of the southern Malay Peninsula and
Sumatra, one of the earliest to focus closely on the region. Singapore is marked on the peninsular mainland.
Text on the right quotes Plinty, and a large elephant carries someone in European dress. (Lot number: 25011)
JANSSONIUS,J., Insularum Moluccarum Nova descriptio., Amsterdam, 1640, 15 x 19.5 inches /38 x 49.5 cm,
Paper slightly browned, good margins. Marginal water staining. Attractive full colours., (Estimate: $480 - 600)
Exquisite map of the famous Spice Islands based on the islands described by Jan Huyghen van Linschoten. This map was the first large scale map of
the region and depicts the islands which provided first the Portuguese, and then the Dutch with a monopoly on the lucrative spice trade.Each of the
islands is shown with groves of the prized clove and nutmeg trees and the location of their protective fortresses.
Very decorative title cartouche and a cartouche enclosing the scale. Other decorations include 2 compass roses, various types of sailing ships, and
sea monsters. (Lot number: 24770)
BLAEU,W., Moluccae Insulae Celeberrimae., Amsterdam, 1658, 14.6 x 19.3 inches /37 x 49 cm, Some light
marginal water staining. Dutch text on verso. Wide margins, very good impression., (Estimate: $550 - 700)
Showing the geographical features of the spice islands, and decorated with ships, sea monsters and a handsome cartouche.
In addition to a sumptuous title cartouche, the map features an inset of the Island of Bachian (Batjan) in an elaborate military-motif frame.
It was the first large-scale, detailed map of the Dutch-controlled islands. It shows the heavily forested nature of the islands and the recently
constructed forts.
There is a sea battle near Ternate where the Dutch defeated the Portuguese. After the Sultan of Ternate granted the spice concession to the Dutch in
1607 they established a settlement on Bacan in 1609 and rapidly gained control of the Moluccas. (Lot number: 24707)
Aa, P. van der., De Moluccos, of Speceri-dragende Eilanden Tussen Cilolo en Celebes gelegen., Leiden, 1707, 5.9 x
8.9 inches /15 x 22.5 cm, excellent condition, strong impression., (Estimate: $325 - 300)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naaukeurige versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.An attractive map showing the Moluccos. Embellished with a
large and decorative title-cartouche. (Lot number: 20074)
Bellin. J.N., Carte de l'Isle de Célèbes ou Macassar., Paris, c. 1750, 8.1 x 5.7 inches /20.5 x 14.5 cm, very good
condition., (Estimate: $95 - 90)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75. (Lot number: 20044)
Bonne, R., Carte des Isles Moluques., Paris, 1774, 9.3 x 13.6 inches /23.5 x 34.5 cm, very good, (Estimate: $130 150)
Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795), French cartographer. His maps are found in a.o. Atlas Moderne (1762), Raynal's Histoire Philos. du Commerce des
Indes (1774) and Atlas Encyclopédique (1787-1788).Rigobert Bonne’s map of Halmahera, the Moluccos Islands, westernmost New Guinea and
Sumbawa, Flores and Timor. (Lot number: 19501)
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MERCATOR,G., Japonia., Amsterdam 1606-1620, 13.5 x 17.5 inches /34.2 x 44.5 cm, Very good condition. Dark
imprint and wide margins., (Estimate: $1800 - 2200)
Jodocus Hondius' fine map early 17th century map of the islands of Japan, first issued as one of the new maps in the expended Mercator Hondius
Atlas of 1606.
The map is closely modeled on the Ortelius-Teixeira outline of 1595 and includes Korea as an elongated island and the three principal islands of
The decoration to the map includes sea monsters, a Japanese junk and a Dutch galleon. (Lot number: 23823)
DE CLERCK, N., Iapan., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.8 x 5.1 inches /9.7 x 13 cm, Page slightly age-toned.
Marginal spot in the upper right corner of the sheet. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $220 - 260)
Small map of Japan, surrounded by text in Dutch. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by Jodocus
Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri septem.. edition of
According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some other books with maps, such
as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had
borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably acquired them along with the plates for
Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas
Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24456)
Briet Ph. / P. Mariette., Royaume de Japon., Paris, N. Sanson,1676, 14.6 x 20.5 inches /37 x 52 cm, excellent,
(Estimate: $2500 - 2750)
The second state of Père Philippe's map of Japan. (Lot number: 18144)
TIRION, Isaak, Carta Accurata Dell' Imperio del Giappone..., Venice, Albrizzi, 1740, 11.8 x 13.2 inches /30 x 33.5
cm, good condition, (Estimate: $700 - 800)
Albrizzi was the first publisher to issue Tirion's maps: Tirion's own atlas was issued in Amsterdam in 1744. (Lot number: 90392)
TIRION,I., Nieuwe Kaart van 't Keizerrijk Japan., Amsterdam, 1740, 10.8 x 12.6 inches /27.5 x 32 cm, Mint
condition. Wide margins., (Estimate: $1200 - 1500)
Japan is still drawn in a nearly purely east-west position. At bottom right at the island of Fatsisio is mentioned: To this island the powerful men of
Japan were sent Into exile . (Lot number: 24783)
CHARLEVOIX,P.F.X., Carte de la Corée et du Japon. Par M.Brion de la Tour Ing.r Geographe du Roi., Paris,
1754, 9.4 x 13.5 inches /23.8 x 34.3 cm, Very good condition. Several folds as issued., (Estimate: $240 - 350)
Rare map of Japan and Korea prepared by Brion de la Tour. (Lot number: 01764)
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SEUTTER, M., Regni Japoniae Nova Mappa Geographica, ex indigenarum observationibus delineata ab
Engelberto Kaempfero…., Augsburg 1760, 20.7 x 24.6 inches /52.5 x 62.5 cm, The map is in very good condition on
strong paper. There is minimal browning or spotting., (Estimate: $2400 - 3000)
This highly decorative map of Japan was based on Englebert Kaempfer's travels in the late 17th century. This map is highly embellished, in the upper
left corner is a large figurative and allegoric title cartouche with scenes relating to the exploration of Japan.
In the lower right is ornated with japanese arms relating to the kingdom of Japan. This map was engraved by Tobias Conrad Lotter.
One of the great 18th century German cartographic families was the Seutters. George Mattaus Seutter the elder was an apprentice to Johann B.
Homann, (another great German cartographer who's style was a big influence), in the late 17th century.
He left Homann and settled in Augsburg where he set up his own shop. Later joined by his son, Albrecht, who continued the firm in partnership with
Tobias C. Lotter upon his father's death. (Lot number: 21842)
ZATTA,A., L'Impero del Giapon diviso in sette principali parti cive.., Venice 1785, 12.6 x 16.1 inches /32 x 41 cm,
In good condition. With good margins. The map itselve with later colour addition., (Estimate: $750 - 900)
The map of the Japanese Empire published by Antonio Zatta (1757-97) continued to show most of the inaccuracies of earlier eighteenth-century
maps. (Lot number: 23089)
CASSINI, Giovanni Maria, Le Isole del Giappone e la Corea Delineatio., Rome, 1797, 14.6 x 19.7 inches /37 x 50
cm, Negligable foxing and very faint stains., (Estimate: $1200 - 1600)
Japan and Korea, from the 'Nuovo Atlante Geografico Universale'. It has a very unusual, almost triangular, representation of 'Jeso-Gasima', the
semi-mythical island to the north of Japan.
The title is within a decorative title cartouche. (Lot number: 90383)
BALLOU,M.M., Japanese Sketches., Boston, 1856, 7.2 x 10.7 inches /18.4 x 27.3 cm, Upper half of the page.
Overall good condition., (Estimate: $15 - 20)
Two woodcut engravings illustrating a Japanese Gentleman and a Japanese Lady. Included in Ballou's Pictorial.The 1840s~50s saw the rapid
growth in popularity of the illustrated weekly newspapers. These publications followed a tested and proven formula of carefully combining elements
of war, politics, art, science, travel and exploration, literature and the fine arts in each issue. The writings were heavily supplemented with
illustrations. In the 1840s and 1850s, the illustrations were woodcut engravings.
The illustrated weeklies often had articles of the Perry Expedition to Japan and Japan in general.
Maturin Ballou became the managing editor of the Gleason’s Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion in 1854 and in 1855 he purchased the paper. The
name was then changed to Ballou's Pictorial. (Lot number: 23384)
Japan isles
Mallet, A.M., Terre de Jesso., Paris, 1683, 5.7 x 4.1 inches /14.5 x 10.5 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $150 130)
Alain Manneson Mallet (1603-1706) published in 1683 his ' Description de l' Univers' in 5 volumes. In 1686 a German edition appeared.An attractive
little map of Japan from Mallet's 'Description de l'Univers'. (Lot number: 20004)
Kuril islands
CLOCKHOFF, H., Carte des Isles Kouriles., Amsterdam, 1780, 9.3 x 10.4 inches /23.5 x 26.3 cm, very good,
(Estimate: $150 - 125)
An attractive and unusual map of the Kuriles Islands and the northern coast of Hokkaido. The map includes numerous inaccuracies and fanciful
names for a number of the islands including Is. Tsitronnoi ou des Citrons (Island of Lemons) and Is.
Des trois Soeurs (Islands of the Three Sisters). Decorative title cartouche in the French style with a cache of weapons.
A map of the Kuriles Islands and the northern coast of Japan’s northernmost island Hokkaido. (Lot number: 19902)
Japan cities
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PREVOST, A.F., Monnoyes d'Or et d'Argent du Japon. Pl. VII., Paris, 1752, 7.7 x 5.8 inches /19.5 x 14.7 cm,
Minor water stain along left margin. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $25 - 30)
Decorative print illustrating Golden and silver coins from Japan. From Histoire générale des voyages..> by Antoine François Prévost.Title in French
and Dutch. (Lot number: 23386)
KRUSENSTERN,A.J., Ansicht des Papenbergs. [title also in russian], St.Petersberg, 1810-1814, 12.2 x 18.1
inches /31 x 46 cm, Good margins, paper a little age-toned. Printed on heavy paper., (Estimate: $720 - 1000)
View at Takahoko at the mouth of Nagasaki Harbour. In center Papenberg known for Christian martyrs. In foreground Japanese junks and a
Russian vessel. German title preceded by the title in Russian characters. Copper engraving after Tilesius. Taken from the atlas volume from the
extremely rare and only Russian edition of the first Russian circumnavigation under the command of Adam Johann von KRUSENSTERN. An
elegantly engraved work published by the Imperial Command on heavy paper.
The expedition set off from Kronstadt in August 1803 aboard two English vessels purchased for the voyage. Traveling via Cape Horn and visiting the
Sandwich Islands, Kamchatka and Japan, they eventually returned to the same port, via the Cape of Good Hope, in August 1806. The expedition
constituted the first ever Russian voyage round the world, and the published work included much of value, particularly about Japan. Krusenstern's
most important practical achievement was the establishment of diplomatic and commercial relations between Russia and Japan. (Lot number: 24828
KRUSENSTERN,A.J., Ansicht von Megasaky. [Nagasaki - title also in Russian characters], St.Petersburg,
1810-1814, 12.2 x 19.3 inches /31 x 49 cm, Good margins, paper a little age-toned. Printers crease in center of
print, hardly notable. Repair of a marginal tear. Printed on heavy paper., (Estimate: $1000 - 1200)
Scene in Nagasaki harbor Harbour. In foreground the Russian delegation with Krusenstern in a boat with 3 Chinese. Japanese junks and the town of
Nagasaki in the background.
German title preceded by the title in Russian characters. Copper engraving after Tilesius.
Taken from the atlas volume from the extremely rare and only Russian edition of the first Russian circumnavigation under the command of Adam
Johann von KRUSENSTERN. An elegantly engraved work published by the Imperial Command on heavy paper.
The expedition set off from Kronstadt in August 1803 aboard two English vessels purchased for the voyage. Traveling via Cape Horn and visiting the
Sandwich Islands, Kamchatka and Japan, they eventually returned to the same port, via the Cape of Good Hope, in August 1806. The expedition
constituted the first ever Russian voyage round the world, and the published work included much of value, particularly about Japan. Krusenstern's
most important practical achievement was the establishment of diplomatic and commercial relations between Russia and Japan. (Lot number: 24829
KRUSENSTERN,A.J., Ansicht der stadt Nangasaky. [Nagasaki - title also in Russian characters], St.Petersburg,
1810-1814, 15 x 25 inches /38 x 63.5 cm, Good margins, paper a little age-toned. Next to the center fold two folds.
A few marginal tears not affecting engraved area. Printed on heavy paper., (Estimate: $2200 - 2600)
Lively scene in Nagasaki Harbour. In foreground Japanese junks and the town of Nagasaki in the background, with the ware houses on Deshima, the
trading post of the Dutch V.O.C., clearly shown.
German title preceded by the title in Russian characters. Copper engraving after Tilesius.
Taken from the atlas volume from the extremely rare and only Russian edition of the first Russian circumnavigation under the command of Adam
Johann von KRUSENSTERN. An elegantly engraved work published by the Imperial Command on heavy paper.
The expedition set off from Kronstadt in August 1803 aboard two English vessels purchased for the voyage. Traveling via Cape Horn and visiting
the Sandwich Islands, Kamchatka and Japan, they eventually returned to the same port, via the Cape of Good Hope, in August 1806. The
expedition constituted the first ever Russian voyage round the world, and the published work included much of value, particularly about Japan.
Krusenstern's most important practical achievement was the establishment of diplomatic and commercial relations between Russia and Japan.
The Dutch V.O.C. trading post on Deshima clearly marked with Dutch flag.
Nagasaki was the port city of the Hizen Province (now Nagasaki Prefecture), and after 1570 began to prosper from the trade with Portugal. The
government imposed a policy of seclusion on Japan in the early 17th century and since Nagasaki became the only port open to foreign trade. All
the Dutch traders moved their commercial houses their in 1641.
The piece of fan shaped land that juts out into Nagasaki Bay, attached to the shore by a bridge is the island of Deshima. Constructed in 1634 and
first home of the Portuguese, later the Dutch traders. (Lot number: 24839)
KRUSENSTERN,A.J., Das Fahrzeug auf welchem der Russische Gesandte zuert in Nangasaky ans Land fuhr.
[Nagasaki], St.Petersburg, 1824, 13.9 x 25.1 inches /35.3 x 63.7 cm, Good margins, paper a little age-toned.
Printed on heavy paper., (Estimate: $1600 - 2000)
View of Nagasaki Harbour, with on foreground Japanese junks bringing the members of the first Russian expedition a shore. In the back ground the
artificial island of Dejima.
German title preceded by the title in Russian characters. Copper engraving after Tilesius.
Taken from the atlas volume from the extremely rare and only Russian edition of the first Russian circumnavigation under the command of Adam
Johann von KRUSENSTERN. An elegantly engraved work published by the Imperial Command on heavy paper.
The expedition set off from Kronstadt in August 1803 aboard two English vessels purchased for the voyage. Traveling via Cape Horn and visiting
the Sandwich Islands, Kamchatka and Japan, they eventually returned to the same port, via the Cape of Good Hope, in August 1806. The
expedition constituted the first ever Russian voyage round the world, and the published work included much of value, particularly about Japan.
Krusenstern's most important practical achievement was the establishment of diplomatic and commercial relations between Russia and Japan.
The Dutch V.O.C. trading post on Deshima on the right, marked with a flag.
Nagasaki was the port city of the Hizen Province (now Nagasaki Prefecture), and after 1570 began to prosper from the trade with Portugal. The
government imposed a policy of seclusion on Japan in the early 17th century and since Nagasaki became the only port open to foreign trade. All
the Dutch traders moved their commercial houses their in 1641.
The piece of fan shaped land that juts out into Nagasaki Bay, attached to the shore by a bridge is the island of Dejima. (Lot number: 24830)
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MISSIONS CATHOLIQUES, TYO SYEN Corée par les Missionnaires de Corée de la société des missions
etrangéres., Lyon, 1872, 19.1 x 12.3 inches /48.4 x 31.3 cm, Repair of splits at the extremities of horizontal fold,
marginal in the left, 4,7 cm into the engraved area in the right. Overall good condition., (Estimate: $450 - 500)
A very nice map and rare map of Korea. Prepared by R.P.Carceri who was an missioner active for de la Sociéte des Missions Etrangères.
Published as a supplement to Journal les missions Catholiques 1898.Engraved by R. Hausermann. ¤ (Lot number: 13927)
DE ROSSI,G., Penisola dell India di là dal Gange.., Rome, 1683-1688, 20.9 x 16.1 inches /53 x 41 cm, Some very
minor marginal spotting. Dark impression. Very good., (Estimate: $2200 - 2500)
Giacomo Rossi's fine late 17th century map of Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and part of Sumatra. Issued in Il Mercurio geografico In lower right
hand corner a large title cartouche with dedication to Tavernier and Mandeslo, supported by exotic Asian figures and surmounted by an
elephant.The cartographer was Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola (1643-1695) who was active in Modena in Italy.
. The principal settlements, mountain ranges and rivers are shown in detail.
Engraved by Franciscus Donia. RARE. (Lot number: 25065)
VAN KEULEN,J., Nieuwe Caart [..] van Banca langs [..] Malacca, Siam, Cambodia, Conchinchina, Amsterdam
1753, 19.9 x 22.8 inches /50.5 x 58 cm, Paper slightly age-toned. Two sheets joined, contemp. pasted on second
piece of paper, who is a bit more browned on verso. Generally very good for such a chart., (Estimate: $8000 9000)
A finely engraved and detailed chart of Malacca, with Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand and part of Borneo, Philippines, and many other islands in the
South China Sea.
Very rare: only included in 6th volume (so-called secret atlas) of Van Keulen's.
Latitude scale, compass rose and system of rhomb lines, soundings, anchorage's, etc. Many Dutch names and a wealth of cities and information
appear in the chart.
The van Keulen family operated a chart-making and publishing firm in Amsterdam for nearly 200 years. It was founded by Johannes van Keulen
who registered his business as a “bookseller and cross-staff maker.” Under his management the Nieuwe Lichtende Zee-Faakel (New Shining Sea
Torch) was begun in 1681. It was expanded to five volumes, and finally to six volumes with the addition of material from the secret files of the
V.O.C. (Dutch East India Company.) This chart, much more detailed than the standard sold charts, was only published in the secret atlas of the
East India Company for their own internal use around 1753. COLLECTOR'S ITEM. (Lot number: 23814)
BRION DE LA TOUR, L., Carte de la Presque' Isle de l' Inde., Paris, 1774, 13.6 x 9.3 inches /34.5 x 23.5 cm, In
good condition. Several folds as issued., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
A map of Indochina, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and the island of Hainan. Published by Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823), and included in
his Histoire Universel. (Lot number: 24706)
MANNEVILLETTE, Carte Plate de la partie Septentrionale du Detroit de Malac, depuis de la rade d'Achem
jusqu'a Malac., Paris, 1775, 18.9 x 27.6 inches /48 x 70.2 cm, Printed on heavy paper. In very good condition.,
(Estimate: $600 - 750)
French chart of the Island of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula separated by the strait of Malacca in Indonesia.Latitude and longitude scales,
compass rose and system of rhumb lines, soundings near coast and in bay areas.
D' Après de Mannevillette (1707-1780) was a famous French sailor and hydrograph. During a voyage to China in 1728 he succeeded in
correcting the latitudes of many places using new instruments. Back in France he devised a plan to correct and publish all the existing maps of
the route to China: the Res Sea, the coasts of India, Malaya, the northern parts of Indonesia, Indochina and China.
When the first edition of his Atlas Le Neptune Oriental (containing only 22 charts) was published in 1745, it was regarded as a major
achievement and a library indispensable to navigators. In 1672, d'Après was appointed director of an office established by the Compagnie des
Indes for the publication of charts. (Lot number: 02776)
Near / Middle East
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Visscher, N., De Gelegenheyt van 't Paradys en 't Landt Canaan, mitsgaders de eerste bewoonde landen der
Patriarchen… door Nicolaes Visscher.met Privilege vande Groot Mog: Heeren van Hollandt en West-Frieslandt
voor 15 Jaaren. Broeck sculpsit., Amsterdam, 1664, 18.7 x 17.7 inches /47.5 x 45 cm, strong impression,
excellent condition., (Estimate: $425 - 400)
Dutch so-called ' Staten' bibles, published between 1637 and c. 1760, contained 5 maps: The World, ' Paradise', The Perigrinations, The Promised
Land Canaan, The Travels of St. Paul and a plan of Jerusalem.The second state of Nicolaas Visscher's ' Paradise' map depicting the Near East. With
2 vignettes showing Adam and Eve eating the apple and driven out of Pardise. With the privilige for 15 years. (Lot number: 19846)
Aa, P. van der., Constantinopelen en Egypten door Nicolaus Schmidt…Besogt., Leiden, 1707, 5.9 x 8.9 inches
/15 x 22.5 cm, very good cond., (Estimate: $250 - 275)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naauwkeurge versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.A map of the eastern part of the Mediterranean illustrating the
voyage made by Nicolaus Schmidt. Embellished with an attractive title-cartouche. (Lot number: 19337)
WEIGEL,C., [Untitled] Area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea., Nuremberg, ca 1720, 12.1 x 14 inches
/30.8 x 35.5 cm, Some age-toning of the paper. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Nice map encompassing part of the Near East and the area comprehended between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.
Centered on Turkey, with an over-sized Cyprus. (Lot number: 24806)
Stoopendaal, D., De Gelegentheyt van t' Paradys en t' Landt Canaan, mitsgaders d' eerst bewoonde Landen der
Patriarchen., Amsterdam, Pieter en Jacob Keur, 1729, 13.8 x 18.1 inches /35 x 46 cm, strong impression,
excellent, (Estimate: $350 - 300)
Dutch so-called ' Staten' bibles, published between 1637 and c. 1760, contained 5 maps: The World, ' Paradise', The Perigrinations, The Promised
Land Canaan, The Travels of St. Paul and a plan of JerusalemBastiaan Stoopendaal's large 'paradise' map, showing the Near East. Title in banner in
center top, in the corners 4 vignette showing scenes from Genesis, in the lower center a vignette with the Ark of Noah.
Depicted are the wandering through the dessert and the voyage made by Jacob from Ur to Kanaan. (Lot number: 20409)
CALMET,A., Gezicht van de Stadt en Haven van Tripolis in Syrie, Paris, 1729, 10.8 x 16.9 inches /27.5 x 43 cm,
Good., (Estimate: $100 - 110)
A fine bird's-eye view of the ancient city of Tripoli as seen from the sea. (Lot number: 80320)
HOMANN,J.B., Typus Aetiologicus II., Nuremberg 1739, 10.2 x 16.1 inches /26 x 41 cm, Good and strong
impression. Paper slightly browned along upper margin. Altogether very good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Map covering the Middle East from the Eastern Mediterranean to the borders of India.
Outline coloring shows the political division of the region under Seleucos I. (Lot number: 22154)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Turquie Asiatique.., Paris, later than 1748, 6.4 x 7.8 inches /16.2 x 19.7 cm, Very crisp and
fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Small detailed map of the Near East, including Cyprus. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 65 outside border top right.
Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24589)
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Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Carte de la Turquie d' Asie presque entiere Contenat l' Anatolie, la Géorgie, l' Armenie, le
Curdistan, l' Alge-Zira. l' Irak-Arabi, la Syrie &c., Paris, 1783, 11.8 x 17.1 inches /30 x 43.5 cm, excellent,
(Estimate: $250 - 240)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.
A map of the Near East. (Lot number: 18740)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte de la Turquie d'Asie.., Paris ca 1783, 11.8 x 17.1 inches /30 x 43.5 cm, Minor
discolouration along centre fold. Two minor rust spots in the lower part. Printed on heavy paper, with good
margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Attractive map of the Near East centered on Turkey, ornated with a rococo title cartouche. A curious shape for Cyprus. Boundaries outlined in hand
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24239)
Persia (Iran)
ORTELIUS,A., Persici sive Sophorum Regni Typus., Antwerp, 1570/1612, 13.7 x 19.6 inches /34.8 x 49.7 cm,
Light discolouration along centre fold. Latter professional backed with paper to restore paper thinness, 2 worm
holes and 1 tear on top. Short upper, left and right margins., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
The map includes Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Caspian Sea and the north eastern tip of the Arabian Peninsula including United Arab Emirates
and Oman.
Milestone map of the region. (Lot number: 24804)
Hondius, H., Persicum Regnum., Amsterdam, c. 1620, 5.5 x 7.3 inches /14 x 18.5 cm, very good, (Estimate: $135
- 125)
Hendrick Hondius (1597-1651). In assocation with Johannes Janssonius, Hendrick continued to publish the Mercator-Hondius Atlas, which was
improved and enlarged, the by then obsolute Mercator maps were substituted by new ones.
A map of Iran from the Mercator-Hondius 'Atlas Minor'. (Lot number: 18613)
DE CLERCK, N., Persicum Regnum., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.3 inches /9.5 x 13.4 cm, Page
slightly age-toned. Minor marginal spots. Marginal water stain in the lower left corner of the sheet. Size of paper
: 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $110 - 130)
Small map of Persia, surrounded by text in Dutch. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24463)
MERCATOR,G/ HONDIUS,J., Persici vel sopho rum regni typus, Amsterdam, 1630, 13.8 x 19.8 inches /35.1 x
50.4 cm, A good and strong impression. Good margins. Professional re-inforcements of paper thinness and tear
along whole centerfold. Paper has been washed, with remains of old colours. Else good condition., (Estimate:
$120 - 150)
Map of Persia. (Lot number: 23772)
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Janssonius, J., Persia Sive Sophorum Regnum., Amsterdam, 1636, 15 x 19.2 inches /38 x 48.8 cm, very good
condition., (Estimate: $450 - 475)
In 1636 the by then obsolete map of Persia by Jodocus Hondius is replaced by a new map by J. Janssonius. Embellished with two cartouches. (Lot
number: 18337)
CHATELAIN,H., Description des Tombeaux & autres Monumens Anciens.., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 14.7 x 19.4
inches /37.4 x 49.2 cm, A good and dark impression. Minor marginal spotting and water staining. Else very
good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 150)
This impressive engraving is a wonderful example of Chatelain’s elegant plates.
Ornamented with views representing burial monuments and mausoleums hewed out in the rock and dedicated to the Persian kings.
A lengthy table in the central part give general information about these monuments.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25041)
CHATELAIN,H., Description des habits des Persans.., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 14.8 x 17.2 inches /37.6 x 43.7 cm,
A good and dark impression. Minor marginal discolouration upper part centre fold. Else very good condition.,
(Estimate: $120 - 170)
This impressive engraving is a wonderful example of Chatelain’s elegant plates.
Ornamented with numerous vignettes showing the costumes of the ancient Persians.
General information about clothing and hairstyle is given in lengthy tables.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25043)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Royaume de Perse., Paris, later than 1748, 6.5 x 7 inches /16.4 x 17.8 cm, Very crisp and
fine image. Minor marginal water staining along upper border. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Small detailed map of Persia. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 67 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does
not mention a state without this erased date. (Lot number: 24591)
Bauer, W. / F. X. Habermann., Vue du Pallais du l'Empereur de Perse avec la Mosquée, ou Eglise a Ispahan.,
Augsburg, c. 1750, 11 x 16.5 inches /28 x 42 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $200 - 225)
One of a set of two optical views of the court of the Persian Emperor. The price is for the set. (Lot number: 18159)
Bauer, W. / F. X. Habermann., Vue de la Cour du l'Empereur de Perse avec le Diverses Habillements des Dames
du premier Rang., Augsburg, c. 1750, 11 x 16.5 inches /28 x 42 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $200 - 225)
An optical views of the court of the Persian Emperor. (Lot number: 18160)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte de l'Empire de Perse.., Paris, ca 1783, 12.5 x 16.9 inches /31.8 x 43 cm, Some
discolouration along centre fold. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $160
- 200)
Attractive map of Persia, ornated with a large rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24241)
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Mercator, G./ H. Hondius., Persici Vel Sophorum Regni Typus., Amsterdam, 1633., 13.8 x 19.7 inches /35 x 50
cm, slight browning, otherwise very good, (Estimate: $400 - 450)
Gerard Mercator's ' Atlas sive Cosmographica' was published and augmented between 1606 and 1641 by Jodocus Hondius, his son Hendrik and by
Johannes Janssonius.A map of the Persian Empire from the French edition of the Mercator / Hondius Atlas, published by Hendrik Hondius. Ref.:
Koeman, Atlantes neerlandic, part II, item [132].
Embellished with two elaborate strap-work cartouches. (Lot number: 18342)
VAN KEULEN,J., Nieuwe Afteekening van de PHILIPPYNSE EYLANDEN geleegen in de Oost-Indische Zee
tusschen Formosa en Borneo., Amsterdam, 1753, 19.9 x 22.5 inches /50.5 x 57.2 cm, Paper slightly age-toned
and foxed. Two sheets joined, contemp. pasted on second piece of paper, who is a bit more browned on verso.
Generally very good for such a chart., (Estimate: $9000 - 11000)
A finely engraved and detailed chart of the Philippines.
Very rare: only included in 6th volume (so-called secret atlas) of Van Keulen's.
Latitude scale, compass rose and system of rhumb lines, soundings, anchorage's, etc. Many Dutch names and a wealth of cities and information
appear in the chart.
The van Keulen family operated a chart-making and publishing firm in Amsterdam for nearly 200 years. It was founded by Johannes van Keulen
who registered his business as a “bookseller and cross-staff maker.” Under his management the Nieuwe Lichtende Zee-Faakel (New Shining Sea
Torch) was begun in 1681. It was expanded to five volumes, and finally to six volumes with the addition of material from the secret files of the
V.O.C. (Dutch East India Company.)
This chart, much more detailed than the standard sold charts, was only published in the secret atlas of the East India Company for their own
internal use around 1753. COLLECTOR'S ITEM. (Lot number: 23816)
VAN KEULEN,J., [2 charts] Nieuwe aftekening van de Baay MANILLA in de Oostindische Zee.. / Kaart van de
baay van Bongo onder 't Eilandt MINDANO.., Amsterdam 1753, 19.5 x 10.4 inches /49.5 x 26.5 cm, Paper
slightly age-toned and foxed. Two charts on one sheet, contemp. pasted on second piece of paper, who is a bit
more browned on verso. Generally very good for such a chart., (Estimate: $3600 - 4500)
Two finely engraved and detailed charts of the Bay of Manila and the coast of Mindanao with the island Bongo.
Very rare: only included in 6th volume (so-called secret atlas) of Van Keulen's.
Latitude scale, compass rose and system of rhomb lines, soundings, anchorage's, etc. Many Dutch names and a wealth of cities and information
appear in the chart.
The van Keulen family operated a chart-making and publishing firm in Amsterdam for nearly 200 years. It was founded by Johannes van Keulen
who registered his business as a “bookseller and cross-staff maker.” Under his management the Nieuwe Lichtende Zee-Faakel (New Shining Sea
Torch) was begun in 1681. It was expanded to five volumes, and finally to six volumes with the addition of material from the secret files of the
V.O.C. (Dutch East India Company.) This chart, much more detailed than the standard sold charts, was only published in the secret atlas of the
East India Company for their own internal use around 1753. COLLECTOR'S ITEM. (Lot number: 23817)
DE PRETOT,E.A.P., Carte du Canal des Iles Philippines.., Paris 1787, 21.3 x 16.5 inches /54 x 42 cm, 3 folds as
issued. Minor offsetting. Short left margin. Else good condition., (Estimate: $550 - 650)
Detailed map of the Philippines from the Atlas Universel by E. A. Philippe de Prétot, Paris, 1787. (Lot number: 23514)
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DE CLERCK, N., Arachan & Pegu., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.6 x 5.2 inches /9.2 x 13.2 cm, Page
slightly age-toned. Minor marginal spotting. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $110 - 130)
Small map illustrating part of the Martaban seacoast belonging to today Myanmar. Surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24464)
VALENTIJN,F., Eauweck. Hoofdstad van Cambodia. [Lawec], Amsterdam, 1726, 10.7 x 14.1 inches /27.3 x 35.8
cm, In very good condition. Vertical fold as issued., (Estimate: $100 - 150)
Decorative panoramic view of the town of Lawec in Cambodia. The city of shown in the centre of this illustration and is surrounded by hills, forests
and a river.
François Valentijn (1666-1727), a missionary, worked at Amboina from 1684 to 1694 and 1705 to 1713 and traveled extensively in the VOC's lands.
He is best known for his monumental history and description, ''Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën'' which remains one of the most important primary
sources for the East Indies and neighboring lands. (Lot number: 25002)
VALENTIJN,F., Samboepo in 't Verschiet., Amsterdam, 1726, 10.7 x 14.2 inches /27.3 x 36 cm, In very good
condition. Vertical fold as issued., (Estimate: $100 - 150)
Decorative panoramic view of the town of Samboupo on the island of Celebes (Sulawesi) in today's Indonesia. Dutch (V.O.C.) sailing ships and
various local craft fill the foreground, the fortifications and buildings along the coast are illustrated.
François Valentijn (1666-1727), a missionary, worked at Amboina from 1684 to 1694 and 1705 to 1713 and traveled extensively in the VOC's lands.
He is best known for his monumental history and description, ''Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën'' which remains one of the most important primary
sources for the East Indies and neighboring lands. (Lot number: 25003)
VALENTIJN,F., Samboepo in platte Grond., Amsterdam, 1726, 10.7 x 14.2 inches /27.3 x 36 cm, In very good
condition. Vertical fold as issued., (Estimate: $100 - 150)
Decorative panoramic view of the town of Samboupo on the island of Celebes (Sulawesi) in today's Indonesia. Dutch (V.O.C.) sailing ships and
various local craft fill the foreground. The city with great detail including the fort and hundreds of individual houses and buildings. Below the print is
an extensive key in Dutch that locates and describes 16 places and buildings.
François Valentijn (1666-1727), a missionary, worked at Amboina from 1684 to 1694 and 1705 to 1713 and traveled extensively in the VOC's lands.
He is best known for his monumental history and description, ''Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën'' which remains one of the most important primary
sources for the East Indies and neighboring lands. (Lot number: 25004)
VAN KEULEN,J., [2 charts] Kaart van Pulo Condor, of het Eiland Condor.. / Paskaart van de Baay van
Padaran op de Kust van Tsiompa.., Amsterdam 1753, 19.5 x 10.6 inches /49.5 x 27 cm, Paper slightly age-toned
and foxed. Two charts on one sheet, contemp. pasted on second piece of paper, who is a bit more browned on
verso. Generally very good for such a chart., (Estimate: $600 - 800)
Two finely engraved and detailed charts of Condor Island and the Bay of Pandaran.
Very rare: only included in 6th volume (so-called secret atlas) of Van Keulen's.
Latitude scale, compass rose and system of rhomb lines, soundings, anchorage's, etc. Many Dutch names and a wealth of cities and information
appear in the chart.
The van Keulen family operated a chart-making and publishing firm in Amsterdam for nearly 200 years. It was founded by Johannes van Keulen
who registered his business as a “bookseller and cross-staff maker.” Under his management the Nieuwe Lichtende Zee-Faakel (New Shining Sea
Torch) was begun in 1681. It was expanded to five volumes, and finally to six volumes with the addition of material from the secret files of the
V.O.C. (Dutch East India Company.) This chart, much more detailed than the standard sold charts, was only published in the secret atlas of the
East India Company for their own internal use around 1753. COLLECTOR'S ITEM. (Lot number: 23819)
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Bellin, J.N., Carte du Cours de la Riviere de Tunquin., Paris, c. 1760, 8.3 x 5.5 inches /21 x 14 cm, very good
condition., (Estimate: $90 - 85)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
A map of the Tunkin river with Hanoi in Vietnam. (Lot number: 20043)
Bellin, J.N., Carte des Costes de Cochin Chine, Tunquin et Partie de celles de la Chine., Amsterdam, 1773, 8.1 x
5.5 inches /20.5 x 14 cm, left upper border remargined, otherwise very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 90)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
Nicolas Bellin's map of Vietnam and Cambodja. (Lot number: 20042)
Holy Land & Jerusalem
SCHEDEL, H., Tercia etas mundi. Folio XLI - Samson and King Saul..Circe and Ulysses., Nuremberg, 12 July
1493, 17.7 x 12.2 inches /45 x 31 cm, Wood cut. Some marginal minor age-toning and browning on the outer left
hand margin. Very good. Wide margins., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
On recto a fine woodblock print of Saul and in lower left Circe and Ulysses. To the left portraits of Yepte, Abessan, Abyalon and Abdon.
On verso Samsom among 10 other historical personages.
Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chronicle, published the year that Columbus returned to Europe after
discovering America.The woodblock cutters were Michael Wolgemut, the well-known teacher of Albrecht Dürer, and his stepson Wilhelm
Pleydenwurff. Wohlgemut was Albrecht Dürer's tutor between 1486-90 and recent scholarship has shown, Albrecht Dürer may also have
collaborated, since some of the cuts bear a remarkably close resemblance to the Apocalypse illustrations.
The printing was carried out under the supervision of the great scholar-printer Anton Koberger, whose printing were famous throughout Europe
A opportunity to acquire a 15th-century book illustration by named artists.!
(Lot number: 09175)
SCHEDEL, H., Quarta etas mundi Folium L. Jericho, The Prophet Elijah Ascending to Heaven.., Nuremberg,
12 July 1493, 17.7 x 12.2 inches /45 x 31 cm, Wood cut. Some marginal minor age-toning and browning on the
outer left hand margin. Very good. Wide margins., (Estimate: $480 - 550)
Panoramic view of Jericho. A imaginary view: however the earliest obtainable view of this period. Underneath The Prophet Elijah Ascending to
Heaven in a Fiery Chariot, on verso The Lineage of Pontifs and Kings of Syria.Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous:
Nuremberg Chronicle, published the year that Columbus returned to Europe after discovering America.The woodblock cutters were Michael
Wolgemut, the well-known teacher of Albrecht Dürer, and his stepson Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Wohlgemut was Albrecht Dürer's tutor between
1486-90 and recent scholarship has shown, Albrecht Dürer may also have collaborated, since some of the cuts bear a remarkably close
resemblance to the Apocalypse illustrations.
The printing was carried out under the supervision of the great scholar-printer Anton Koberger, whose printing were famous throughout Europe
A opportunity to acquire a 15th-century book illustration by named artists.!
(Lot number: 09174)
CAMOCIO, G.F., Situs Terra Sancta iuxta numeru filior, Israel, apices, seu pucta divisus., Venice, 1566, 10.9 x
19.3 inches /27.6 x 49 cm, Margins cut till scale border with contemporarily extended margins. Some minor
discolouration at joined parts. Very good and dark impression., (Estimate: $17000 - 20000)
A rare map of Holy Land not listed in Tooley, Italian Atlases. Oriented to the east. The shore line runs from Sidon as far as Gaza. Signed lower
right corner.
An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example from a map from the early Lafreri school.! ¤ (Lot number: 25018)
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BÜNTING,H., Beschreibung des Heiligen Landes., Magdeburg, ca. 1581, 10.5 x 14.6 inches /26.7 x 37 cm, Some
minor marginal discolouration. In very good condition., (Estimate: $300 - 500)
Heinrich Bünting’s woodcut map of the Holy Land from Itinerarum Saccrae Scripturae, first published in 1581. Palestine is shown on both sides
of the River Jordan and is divided among the twelve tribes of Israel. The Dead Sea appears crescent shaped and the Sea of Galilee is placed very
A good example from a rare and sought-after series.
German text on verso. (Lot number: 24990)
BÜNTING,H., Reisen der Kinder Israel aus Egypten., Magdeburg, ca. 1581, 10.2 x 14 inches /25.8 x 35.5 cm, In
very good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 500)
Travels of the Children of Israel from out of Egypt - is a beautiful late 16th century wood-engraved map.
The path of the Israelites is traced starting out at the lower left in Egypt, across the Red Sea (with a little vignette of the drowning pharaoh), through
the ‘undulating' dunes of the Wilderness, and ending at the upper right corner to the west of the Jordan river - with various stopping places indicated
along the way. Mountains, cities, fish and a sea god have been sprinkled around as appropriate. German text on verso.
Heinrich Bünting, a theological commentator from Hanover, first published his Itinerarium Sacrae scripturae in 1582. It is illustrated by several
curious woodcut maps. (Lot number: 24991)
CLOPPENBURG,J.E./ PLANCIUS,P., Tabula Geographica, in qua regiones Cananaeae, et locorum situs..,
Amsterdam 1643, 11.4 x 19.3 inches /29 x 49 cm, Some minor re-inforcements along vertical foldings. Good and
dark impression., (Estimate: $1200 - 1500)
This is the second state of the Petrus Plancius bible map. D.R.M. Mathes , whose identity we don't really know ( Doctor Rudolf Mercator,
Mathematicus ??).
Published with some small changes in the Plancius plates : Top right : indication of the scale in German miles and "Uren gaans".
The promised land. Around the map are 15 pictures from the new testament. (Lot number: 23559)
CLOPPENBURG,J.E./ PLANCIUS,P., Tabula Geographica, in qua Israelitarum, ab Aegypto ad
Kenahanaeam.., Amsterdam 1643, 11.4 x 19.3 inches /29 x 49 cm, Paper slightly age-toned. The condition of the
map is very good. Good and dark impression., (Estimate: $1200 - 1500)
This is the second state of the Petrus Plancius bible map. D.R.M. Mathes , whose identity we don't really know ( Doctor Rudolf Mercator,
Mathematicus ??), made very small changes in the Plancius plates : Top right : indication of the scale in German miles and Uren Gaans. The
journey through the desert has been drawn with 41stops. Around the map are 15 pictures with episodes from the first 3 books of the bible.
In the map, right, a square and a circle with the situation of the Israelites when they were not traveling. (Lot number: 23561)
Visscher, N., Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-Jarige Reyse der Kinderen Israëls, Uyt Egypten door de Roode Zee, ende
Woestyne, tot in 't Beloofde Land Canaan., Amsterdam, c. 1657, 12.4 x 18.5 inches /31.5 x 47 cm, excellent,
(Estimate: $375 - 350)
Dutch so-called ' Staten' bibles, published between 1637 and c. 1760, contained 5 maps: The World, ' Paradise', The Perigrinations, The Promised
Land Canaan, The Travels of St. Paul and a plan of Jerusalem.
Nicolaes Visscher's map of the travels of the Children Israel. (Lot number: 20401)
VISSCHER,N., Terra Sancta sive Promissionis, olim Palestina.., Amsterdam, 1659, 21 x 24.4 inches /53.3 x 62
cm, Minor repair on lower fold 2cm. into map area: otherwise, excellent., (Estimate: $700 - 800)
Apparently this same plate was used by later cartographers, such as De Wit.
The top portion with cartouche was taken from a John Speed map of the Holy Lands. (Lot number: 05777)
DU VAL,P., Terra Sancta quae et Terra Chanaan.. [2 Sheets], Paris, 1666, 29.6 x 20.9 inches /75.3 x 53 cm, Two
sheets if joined together 753x530mm. A dark impression., (Estimate: $750 - 850)
A decorative and well designed map with inset, bottom right, of the route of the Israelites through the desert. This edition with : 1666. (Lot number:
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Visscher, N., Het Beloofde Landt Canaan door wandelt van onsen Salichmaecker Iesus Christo, neffens syne
Apostelen., Amsterdam, 1680, 12.4 x 18.7 inches /31.5 x 47.5 cm, strong impression, excellent, (Estimate: $400 375)
Dutch so-called ' Staten' bibles, published between 1637 and c. 1760, contained 5 maps: The World, ' Paradise', The Perigrinations, The Promised
Land Canaan, The Travels of St. Paul and a plan of Jerusalem.
The second state of Nicolaas Visscher's map of the 40 years travel of the Children Israel. (Lot number: 19850)
DE WIT,F., Terra Sancta sive Promissionis, olim Palestina., Amsterdam, 1680, 18 x 21.8 inches /45.8 x 55.4 cm,
In very attractive colours. Repair of split lower and upper part centre fold each ca. 5cm into engraved area.
Upper half lightly damp stained., (Estimate: $600 - 750)
West is at the top, thus Palestine is shown as Moses would have viewed it from Mt. Pisgah. A depiction of an Israelite encampment during the
Exodus is at bottom centre. The map shows the regions occupied by each of the twelve tribes. (Lot number: 00552)
STOOPENDAAL,D., Jerusalem, Amsterdam, 1682, 14.2 x 18.1 inches /36 x 46 cm, Mint condition, printed on
heavy paper., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
Plan of ancient Jerusalem from a Dutch bible. At the top the Temple as a Renaissance palace, at left and right Biblical figures and Temple vessels.
(Lot number: 25060)
Stoopendaal, B., Het Beloofde Landt Canaan door wandelt van onsen Salichmaecker Iesu Christo, neffens syne
Apostelen., Amsterdam / Dordrecht, H.,J., en M. Doornick 1682-1686, 13.8 x 18 inches /35 x 45.8 cm, right and
left border remargined, otherwise in excellent condition., (Estimate: $425 - 400)
Dutch so-called ' Staten' bibles, published between 1637 and c. 1760, contained five maps: The World, ' Paradise', The Perigrinations, The Promised
Land Canaan, The Travels of St. Paul, and one plan of Jerusalem.
A map of the Holy Land in the time of Christ. Title in bottom center with on both sides episodes from the life of Christus,flanked by the 4 evangelists
with their symbols. On top 2 other cartouches. (Lot number: 19384)
after SANSON,N., Terra Sancta Vita Miraculis et Passione Christi Consecrata., Paris, ca. 1691, 5.4 x 5.9 inches
/13.8 x 15 cm, 2 vertical folds as issued. Slight smudging of ink along left & right border frame. Else good
condition., (Estimate: $90 - 120)
Map of Palestine prepared by N. Sanson Abbaville with fine title cartouche carrying Images of Moses and Aaron in the upper left corner and
vignette in the lower right representing Adam and Eve. (Lot number: 23369)
KEUR, P., Promised land and Canaan., Dordrecht, 1698, 11.8 x 18.1 inches /30 x 46 cm, Excellent condition,
good margins, very nice handcolouring., (Estimate: $180 - 210)
Map of Israel/Palestine.
The large bottom-cartouche shows the birth, death and resurrection of Christ, and the four evangelists with their symbols. (Lot number: 90342)
KEUR, P., Middle-East., Dordrecht, 1698, 11.8 x 18.1 inches /30 x 46 cm, Excellent condition, good margins.
Beautiful handcolouring., (Estimate: $180 - 210)
Map of the middle-East
four cartouches show life in, and expulsion out of paradise, another cartouche shows the Noah's Ark. (Lot number: 90343)
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KEUR., Palestine / Israel., Dordrecht ,1698, 11.8 x 18.1 inches /30 x 46 cm, Excellent condition, good margins,
very nice handcolouring., (Estimate: $180 - 210)
Map of Palestine and Israel.
Large bottom-cartouche shows the 40-years expedition from the Sinai desert to the promised land, and Moses receiving the the tables of the 10
commandments. (Lot number: 90344)
STOOPENDAAL., Eastern Mediterranian., Dordrecht 1698, 11.6 x 18.1 inches /29.5 x 46 cm, Excellent
condition. Good margins. Good handcolouring., (Estimate: $180 - 210)
Map of Turkey, Greece, Middle-east, part of Italy and part of north-Africa.
A large bottom-cartouche showing scenes from the life and travels of st.Paul. (Lot number: 90345)
KEUR, P., Jerusalem., Dordrecht, 1698, 11.8 x 18.1 inches /30 x 46 cm, Excellent condition. Good margins. Very
nice handcolouring., (Estimate: $300 - 350)
Map of Jerusalem and a view on the temple of Salomon.
At the sides are cartouches of king Salomon and the high-priest, pictures of the arch of the covenant, tabernacle and more. (Lot number: 90346)
Amsterdam, c 1700, 13 x 18.5 inches /33 x 47 cm, Printed on quality watermarked, hand-laid paper. Pleasantly
age-toned. Several folds with light wear. Repaired tear to centerfold. Top right margin cut close just touching the
edge of engraved borderline. Few closed marginal tears. Very good + decorative antiquarian condition!,
(Estimate: $750 - 1000)
Attractive and rare map centered on the Garden Eden.
Shows the Near East with Holy Land Israel, Syria, Jordania, Palestine, Arabia, Yemen, the Emirates, Egypt, Turkey, Cyprus, Irak, Iran, and
The corners show biblical scenes clockwise from lower left: "Per Legem Constitutus" Moses receives the Ten Commandments. Upper left: "Orbis
per creationem institutus" Adam and Eve amidst animals. Upper right: Orbis per Diluvium destitutus" Mount Ararat with Noah's Arc on top and
people having survived the Deluge. Lower right: "Per Christum Restitutus". Christ is born - adoration in Bethlehem.
A desireable and unusual map! (Lot number: 90406)
STOOPENDAAL,D., Het Beloofde Landt Canaan.., Amsterdam, 1704, 12 x 17.7 inches /30.5 x 45 cm, A small
sea part at the top right is made in facimile 2x50mm, else very good., (Estimate: $160 - 220)
Title of the map: Het Beloofde Landt Canaan door wandelt van onsen Salichmaecker Iesu Christo, neffens syne Apostelen.Fine map of Israel
with north oriented to right. Large decorative title cartouche at bottom surrounded by vignettes depicting the life of Christ. At top, scale of miles,
while tiny ships sail in the sea, including the track of Apostle Paul. (Lot number: 80342)
HALMA,F., Vera Hierosolymae Veteris Imago, Amsterdam, 1709, 8.1 x 12.8 inches /20.5 x 32.5 cm, Good.,
(Estimate: $180 - 200)
Delicately engraved imaginary plan of ancient Jerusalem based on Villalpando's foundation map of the city. The plan shows only the major religious
sites, uncluttered by habitations and is beautifully engraved to show the surrounding topography. (Lot number: 80325)
STOOPENDAAL,D., Pergrinatie ofte Veertich-iarige Reyse, Amsterdam, 1710, 12.2 x 17.7 inches /31 x 45 cm,
Map has no margin at the top, and a few small tears at the bottom are repaired., (Estimate: $220 - 250)
Dutch Bible map of the Holy Land depicting the Exodus from Egypt and the wanderings of the Children of Israel. The lower part of the map is
elaborately engraved with a scene of the encampment of the Children of Israel and Moses receiving the Ten Commandments at Mt. Sinai. The map is
further decorated with a convoy of ships bringing cedar for the building of Solomon's Temple, Jonas & the whale, (Lot number: 80343)
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CHATELAIN,H., Vue & discription de la Ville de Jerusalem..avec Tombeaux.., Amsterdam, 1728, 14.8 x 19.4
inches /37.5 x 49.3 cm, Repaired tear in lower centre fold. Paper slightly age-toned and a few light brown spots
in center. Nice and dark impression. In very good condition., (Estimate: $400 - 500)
This copper-engraving shows a panoramic view of Jerusalem, two insets of mount "Liban" and three insets of the tombs De Zacharie, Des Rois and
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25056)
CALMET,A., De stadt Rama, ten westen van Jerusalem, tusschen Lydda en Joppe., Paris, 1729, 11.2 x 16.9
inches /28.5 x 43 cm, Good., (Estimate: $100 - 110)
Fine copper engraved view of the walled cities of Ramla and the nearby Lydda (Lod), showing the surrounding landscape as well as travelers making
their way along the road. (Lot number: 80321)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte des Douze Tribus d'Israel.., Paris, ca 1783, 12.2 x 17.4 inches /31 x 44.3 cm,
Traces of humidity. Light discolouration upper part central fold. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins.
Good impression., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Attractive map centered on Israel, ornated with a large decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24220)
LATTRÉ/ DE L'ISLE,G., [2 maps] Terrae Sanctae Tabula è Scripturae Sacrae.., Paris, ca 1783, 27 x 19.4 inches
/68.5 x 49.2 cm, 2 maps, printed on heavy paper. Good impression. Upper map with brown spots. 2nd map: some
discolouration along centre fold. Minor marginal spots., (Estimate: $280 - 350)
Map of the Holy Land on both sides of the Jordan, divided among the Tribes and according to the division into provinces at the Roman time. The
shore line runs from Sidon as far as Gaza.
Ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
A posthumous work of Guillaume de L'Isle, edited by the author's brother. (Lot number: 24283)
LATTRÉ/ BONNE,R., Carte des Regions et des Lieux dont il est parlé dans le Nouveau Testament.., Paris ca
1783, 12.1 x 17.4 inches /30.7 x 44.3 cm, Slight discolouration along centre fold. Light marginal spots. Printed
on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
A map of the near East at the time of Christ. Ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Inset plan of Jerusalem in the bottom left corner. Inset map showing the Judea of King Herod's time in the bottom right. Including an over-sized
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24284)
ORTELIUS,A., Daphne., Antwerp, 1612, 14.3 x 19.2 inches /36.4 x 48.7 cm, Some age-toning of the paper Minor
discolouration along centre fold, visible only on top. Repair of splits at the extremities of centre fold, 1 cm into
the image at the bottom. In good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Stunning town view of the Paradise Daphne, a pleasant suburb of Antioch in Syria, representing a mixture of myth and history.
Prepared by Ortelius on basis of ancient sources, specifically Ammianus, Strabo and Philostratus.
This map belongs to a series of historical maps known as the Parergon Theatri which appeared from 1579 onwards, sometimes as a separate
publication and sometimes incorporated in the Theatrum. (Lot number: 24985)
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LATTRÉ / DE L'ISLE,J.N., Carte particuliere de la Syrie.., Paris/ Bordeaux, 1764, 21.9 x 16.5 inches /55.5 x
41.8 cm, In mint condition. Wide margins., (Estimate: $950 - 1000)
Published by Joseph-Nicolas De l' Isle (or Delisle) (1688-1768), astronomer, geographer of the Marine and professor at the 'Académie Royale des
Sciences'. The map itself was originally made by his brother, Guillaume De l' Isle (1675-1726), who was geographer of the king of France, and
member of the Académie des sciences.
Joseph-Nicolas found the map in his brother's belongings. He considered it of such importance for the understanding of the Holy Books, that he
decided to publish it. With the address of the co-publisher Lattré.
RARE. (Lot number: 13934)
South East Asia
Java cities
VALENTIJN,F., De stad Bantam., Amsterdam 1726, 11 x 14.2 inches /28 x 36 cm, In very good condition.,
(Estimate: $150 - 200)
"Decorative bid's-eye view of the town of Bantam. In lower margin key a-z to the principal places in town.
Fran&ccedil;cois Valentijn (1666-1727), a missionary, worked at Amboina from 1684 to 1694 and 1705 to 1713 and travelled extensively in the
VOC's lands. He is best known for his monumental history and description, ''Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indi&euml;n'' which remains one of the most
important primary sources for the East Indies and neighbouring lands." (Lot number: 15937)
Anonym, German., Grundriss von der Stadt und dem Schlosse Batavia., Halle, 1763-1792, 8.3 x 11.4 inches /21
x 29 cm, very good, (Estimate: $175 - 185)
From 'Algemeine Welthistorie (der Neuern Zeiten)', edited by S.J.Baumgarten, J.S.Semler a.o.A plan of the town and fortress of Batavia. (Lot
number: 19277)
FORLANI,F., [Untitled Map Of Africa], Venice, 1562, 17.4 x 23.6 inches /44.3 x 60 cm, Printed from two plates.
Margins cut till neat lines with contemporarily extended margins. Some minor discolouration at joined parts.
Very good and dark impression., (Estimate: $31000 - 40000)
The first map of Africa from the Forlani-school, in a first edition. Forlani appears to have largely drawn upon the earlier work of Gastaldi.
Forlani shows additional place names, particularly in Southern Africa. Forlani also makes further refinements in the shape of Madagascar. The
source lake for the Nigar River (the unnamed Nigaer lacus) is moved from where it is placed in the Ramusio-Gastaldi map to just north of the
Equator. There are no Mountains of the Moon.With a very decorative compass rose in the Indian Ocean. With a dedication to Thomaso Rauenna
within the text box. An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example of a map from the early Lafreri school.!
In lower left large cartouche with : Al Ecc[ellentissi],mo Philosopho, Mathematico, Medico, et Cauallier aureato, beniemerito Guardiano grande
della / Scola de .S. Marco: jl Sig:or THOMASO Rauenna Suo Sig:or et patron Singularissimo. / Se coloro che donano, ò dedicano le cose loro,
Mag:co et Ecc:mo Sig:or mio: hauessero riguardo á chi donano: alla cosa donata, et á loro / stessi: senza dubbio alcuno si uedrebbono le cose
delle lettre, et altre intorno alle dedicationi co[n] piu p[ro]portionato ordine di quel che / sono distribuite, é cosi ciascuno hauarebbe inció la
meritata parte sua: et le cose, ó non si dedicherebbono ad alcuno ó acoloro / che di quelle hanno cognitione, et di esse si dilettano molto. La onde
considerando jo questo: essendo per dare in luce la descrit= / tione dell'Africa una delle principali parte del Mondo co[n] tutti i suoi termini, et
confini (Regione cosi famosa) et mai fin qui / data fuori da altri per se sola, et se pur ancho data accompagnata: non mai cosi copiosa di nomi,
ne secondo che haggi di / in esser si uede. Ho uoluto far la uscir fuori sotto l'honorato, nome .uro. Mag:co et Ecc:mo Sig:or mio: conoscendo di
os= / seruare quella proportione che di sopra dissi, dedicando la cosa a degno di maggior dedicatione per molti rispetti, per tanto / á uoi Mag:co
et Ecc:mo mio Sig:or rap[re]sento, dono, et dedico questa noua descrittione: pregandola si degni accettarla, non hauendo / rispetto alla bassezza
del dono, ma alla cortesie ura. et al grande animo mio: il quale se potesse donarli la Regione propria, / non che la descrittione: non scemaria
ponto la inclinatione in u[ost]ra. Mag:ca laquale so non sdegnara d'accettami nel / numero de suoi seruittori. da Venetia il di .9. di maggio .M.
D. LXII. / Di V[ost]ra Mag.a perpetuo seruitor / Paulo Forlani Veronese. ¤ (Lot number: 25019)
BLAEU, W., Africae nova descriptio., Amsterdam, 1645, 16 x 21.5 inches /40.7 x 54.5 cm, Slightly age-toned. In
attractive colours. A very good and dark impression., (Estimate: $4800 - 5500)
Much of the geographical information is still based on the Ptolemaic maps, with the Nile shown with its source in the Lakes Zaire and Zaflan. Also
included are various other mythical lakes and rivers including the famous Lake Sachaf of Laurent Fries.
Only coastal towns are named on the Cape, with the printing covering much of the Unknown territory. Decorated with elephants, lions, ostriches etc.
on the land areas, and ships and sea monsters on the sea.
With columns on either side depicting ten views of the native manner of dress and nine city and town plans above. ¤ (Lot number: 24993)
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BLAEU,W., Africae nova descriptio., Amsterdam 1663, 16.1 x 21.8 inches /41 x 55.3 cm, Paper slightly
age-toned. Some water staining in very outer margins. Original ruler along center fold removed for protective
reason and replaced by strip of archive paper. Very good condition. French text on, (Estimate: $6000 - 8000)
A wide paper copy, probably from his famous Atlas Major. Much of the geographical information is still based on the Ptolemaic maps, with the
Nile shown with its source in the Lakes Zaire and Zaflan. Also included are various other mythical lakes and rivers including the famous Lake
Sachaf of Laurent Fries. Only coastal towns are named on the Cape, with the printing covering much of the Unknown territory. Decorated with
elephants, lions, ostriches etc. on the land areas, and ships and sea monsters on the sea. With columns on either side depicting ten views of the
native manner of dress and nine city and town plans above.
Schilder (p. 116-119) identifies three states of this map.
The 1st state of 1617 was issued separately and has the name of "Willem Jansz" (not Blaeu) in the title cartouche. This state is rare. The 2nd
state of 1621-30 has the name changed to "Guiljelmo Blaeuw" in the title. There is a 3rd state dated c. 1663. In this state, there is additional
hatching around the sea monsters as a result of re-engraving due to the wear of the copperplate. ¤ (Lot number: 23546)
Blome, Richard, A Mapp of the Higher and Lower Aethiopia Comprehending ye Several Kingdomes ..., London,
1669, 11.8 x 16.1 inches /30 x 41 cm, Very good. Repaired small tear on bottom border near center, just entering
map image. Else fine. Soft handcolor, period correct., (Estimate: $950 - 1050)
The earliest folio sized map of the region to be engraved in England. Elaborate heraldic cartouche and a dedication to William Glynne as per
Norwich 44. From Blome's Geographical Description Of The Four Parts Of The World. The maps were engraved by Francis Lamb, Thomas
Burnford and Wenceslas Hollar. (Lot number: 90329)
Cluver / Bertius, Africa (heightened with gold leaf), Amsterdam, ca. 1672, 5.1 x 5.1 inches /13 x 13 cm, Very
Good. Small repaired marginal tear, not affecting image, hardly visible., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
From a copy of "Introductionis in Universam Geographicam". Published by Bertius in Amsterdam and printed on the Elzevier press. Beautiful
map in period correct colours, with the cartouche heightened in gold leaf. Narrow borders as issued, but wider than usual specimens. The
continent maps of Asia and Europe, as well as the world map are also listed in this auction. (Lot number: 90325)
Scherer, Heinrich 1628-1704, Representatio Totius Africae ..., Munich 1710, 8.7 x 13.4 inches /22 x 34 cm, A
strong dark impression. Small worm damage on centerfold, not repaired. Small folds just entering upper border
corners, else very fine., (Estimate: $420 - 500)
This is Scherer's (1628-1704) famous but rather uncommon map showing the skeleton chopping down the tree. Based on his earlier map of the
continent (see Norwich Map 62), this map is similar but less detailed, but make up for it with two elaborate cartouches. On the left, an angel is
carrying a scroll with an extract from the Bible. Below the angel, under the tree, are five figures in native African and oriental dress. In the opposite
corner are four figures kneeling and praying, again with an angel above them. According to Norwich the map was engraved by Homann. From
Scherer´s Atlas "Geographia Artificiosa". (Lot number: 90323)
Bion, Nicolas, L'Afrique, Paris, 1710, 6.3 x 7.5 inches /16 x 19 cm, Very Good. A scuff mark in the cartouche.
Good margins., (Estimate: $180 - 200)
Nicolas Bion (1652-1733) was a French mapmaker in Paris. In 1710 Bion's L'Usage des Globes Celestes et Terrestrees et des spheres was
published, from which this map comes. It is an uncommon map of the continent, with the width of Africa bigger at the equator as usual. This is
due to the eastern coastline never curving back in, instead continuing in almost a straight line to the horn of Africa. (Lot number: 90328)
Weigel, Christopher, Africa Vetus., Nuremberg, 1720, 13 x 16.1 inches /33 x 41 cm, Faint browning of
centerfold, else fine., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Map of ancient Africa, with the geographical features known to the ancients and decorated with a vignetter and 23 Roman coins & medallions. A
interesting and highly decorative map. (Lot number: 90330)
Lullier, J / Danet, G., L'Afrique., Paris, 1732, 19.1 x 28.1 inches /48.6 x 71.4 cm, Very good condition. Three
short repaired marginal tears, just enetering image due to narrow margins (as issued). Repaired tear in lower
right corner on fold, to the left of the advertisement., (Estimate: $2600 - 3500)
L'Afrique. Dressé Sur les Relations et nouvelles decouvertes de differens Vogageurs Conformes aux observations Astronomiques.
PAR J. LUILLIER Mise aujour par le Sr. G. Danet A PARIS
Pont Notre Dame a la Sphere Royale Avec privilege du Roy. A large, very decorative and rare copperplate map by J. Luillier, revisited and
published by Guilliame Danet in Paris, 1732. The map layout is curious, as the "centerfold" is not as expected in the center of the map, but rather
about a third from the left margin, with two extra folds afterwards to the right. The present map has many interesting decorative features. In the
upper left is a stunning, large title cartouche with name of the cartographer, Danet and the date, 1732, showing a white lady and a black man
(probably a freed slave, as he holds broken chains in his hands) and some animals (the head of a lion, a serpent, a scorpion and some shells). There is
also a basket filled with tusks. The border of the map is composed of a sea shell decor with coast-of-arms of various countries, including Europe. In
the upper right part is part of India and the Maldives. In the lower left side north eastern Brazil is shown. There is a small "advertisement" in the
lower right corner. Danet was the son in law to Nicolas de Fer and was one of the successors to him. This map is not listed in either Norwich or
Tooley’s Maps of the African Continent. The map has narrow margins, and a few repaired marginal tears. Due to the short margins some of the
tears ended up in the borders, but the map has not had long tears into the image or any other damage. (Lot number: 90326)
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Le Rouge, George Louis, L´AFRIQUE Suivant les Nouvelles Observations, Paris, 1748, 8.7 x 11.4 inches /22 x
29 cm, Fine., (Estimate: $180 - 200)
Le Rouge was an eighteenth-century French hydrographer and cartographer appointed Ingenieur Geographe du Roi to King Louis XV. He was a
military engineer who specialized in a wide range of subjects including plans of fortifications, military campaigns and town plans, as well as the
more usual atlases and sea charts. This map is clearly based on the continent maps of fellow Frenchmen De Lisle and Robert de Vaugondy. (See
Norwich Map 74). Much of the usual ornamentation has disappeared from the map as well as most of the fictitious lakes and rivers. Nice
cartouche featuring elephants and a very European looking man on a horse, holding a spear. Excellent condition, with period correct, soft
colors. (Lot number: 90324)
Drake / Reynolds, An Accurate Map of Africa.., London, 1768, 7.5 x 11 inches /19 x 28 cm, Fine, (Estimate:
$120 - 150)
An Accurate Map of Africa from the Latest Improvements A nice copperplate engraved map from Edward Cavendish Drake's "A new Universal
Collection of Authentic and Entertaining Voyages and Travels " published In London for J. Cooke in 1768. The map was engraved by R.
Reynolds, with his name engraved in the lower right margin. A copy of the title page is included. Typical map from late 18th century geography
books, with the cartography usually based on DeLisle or Vaugondy, although not many geography book maps had such a nice cartouche. The
cartouche has a native, surrounded by tusks, sitting on a crocodile. The native wrestling the crocodile was introduced into cartouches by DeLisle
in his 1700 continent map.(See Norwich Map 59 and 74.) The map here has similarities with Norwich Map 94, which is an edition of the
Vaugondy continent map. (Lot number: 90337)
LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., L'Afrique divisée en ses principaux Etats.., Paris, ca 1783, 11.9 x 17.2 inches /30.3 x
43.7 cm, Slight discolouration in the lower right part of the map. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins.
Good impression., (Estimate: $180 - 200)
Attractive map of Africa, ornated with a decorative title cartouche showing luxuriant nature and native animals. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by
Jean Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable
number of maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24281)
DESNOS/ BRION, L' Afrique Dressée pour l' étude de la Géographie.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.2 x 48
cm, Minor discolouration in the title cartouche. Close to very good condition., (Estimate: $180 - 220)
Highly decorative map of Africa embellished with a landscape style title cartouche and several sailing ships.
The interior of the continent contains little geographical information, as is typical of the period. Large rivers are evident but the larger lakes are not
The Nile appears to rise from two small lakes, located in the Mts. de la Lune above the Equator. In the south there is a minimum of place names
and a few tribal names.Flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were
printed from two separate plates with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24148)
ELWE,J.B., L' Afrique Divisee en ses Empires, Royaumes et Etats, Amsterdam, 1792, 18.1 x 23 inches /46 x 58.5
cm, Good, cartouches has new color., (Estimate: $500 - 600)
This handsome, large map of Africa was copied from Jaillot's map of more than a century earlier (1674). The cartography is typical for the
seventeenth century with the Nile originating in two large lakes below the equator. The River Zaire (Congo) also arises from Lake Zaire. The
Kingdom of Monomotapa is shown with its capital on the Rio de Spirito Santa, and Vigiti Magna is also depicted. The map is richly embellished,
also in the seventeenth century style, with two elaborate cartouches. (Lot number: 80346)
Levasseur, Afrique, Paris, 1850, 11.4 x 17.3 inches /29 x 44 cm, Fine. Nice dark impression, generous margins.,
(Estimate: $180 - 200)
Classic Levasseur treatment; smaller map (8" x 9") embedded in very elaborate engraved scenes about the people, animals and plants of the subject
region. Small inset view of Cairo. Interior of Africa has the speculation of the past eliminated. Extensive detail of more coastal regions. Original
hand color distinguishes boundaries as they were understood at the time. Eleven regions contained in population table at left. Interesting reference for
the time. (Lot number: 90327)
PEIGNE, V., [Untitled Map of Africa], Paris, 1852, 14.5 x 18.2 inches /36.9 x 46.2 cm, Good and dark image on
sound paper. Professional repair of minor worm hole in the upper central part of the image. Minor light brown
spotting in the upper right side, 1 spot in the lower part of the image. Wide margins. ., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Fine manuscript map of Africa with relief shown pictorially. Signed by the author in the lower right corner.
Lower left Décembre 1852. (Lot number: 23279)
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STANFORD, Edward, Stanford's Library Map of Africa, in 4 sheets, London 1866 updated for 1920, 64.6 x 59.1
inches /164 x 150 cm, Map Sheets: Excellent. Slipcase Box: Scuffed with loose top cover., (Estimate: $2000 2500)
Stanford's Library Map of Africa, constructed by A. K. Johnston. Scale, 94.34 miles= 1 inch, or 1: 5,977,382 of nature. Large wall map of the
continent in four sheets. Four separate sheets, each 810 x 720 mm, dissected into 20 sections and mounted on canvas. Folds into marbled paper
endpapers. Size if joined: 59 x 64� in. (150 x 164 cm.) Map conditions: Excellent. All housed in morocco slipcase box. Box condition: Scuffed,
with top cover loose. This map was first published in 1866. According to the British Library Catalogue, there were 12 editions between 1866 and
1920, this being the last of the 1866 edition. The map was replaced by a new four sheet map in 1930 called Stanford�s Library and Commercial
Map of Africa. Drawn on Sanson-Flamsteed Projection. Scale 1: 6,000,000, etc. with a different size (780 x 740 mm). The map gives the British
Empire in Africa at the height of colonization after World War 1. Henry Morton Stanley owned a 1890 copy of this same map. (Lot number:
North Africa
DE CLERCK, N., Tunetanum Regnum., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.4 x 13.3 cm, Page
slightly age-toned. Marginal spot in the upper right corner of the sheet, water stain in the lower left. Size of
paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $85 - 110)
Small map representing Tunisia and Algeria, surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24451)
DE CLERCK, N., Barbaria., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.5 x 13.3 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Minor marginal spots and humbling, not affecting the subject. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate:
$110 - 130)
Small map illustrating the eastern part of the Mediterranean Basin, namely the African side. Surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24462)
MERCATOR, G / JANSSONIUS, J., Barbaria., Amsterdam, c.1628, 5.9 x 7.5 inches /15 x 19 cm, Hand-laid
paper with excellent dark and clear impression. Slight staining and toning to top margin outside of image. Image
clean with very attractive coloring. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 150)
Excellent map by Jansson, engraved for Mercators Atlas Minor (page 575). The map is divided in three parts: the top part is showing Northern Africa
with the Mediterranean Sea, while the two bottom parts show Carthago and its surroundings and the Nile river delta respectively.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information and nicely engraved symbols representing towns, woods and hills.
The map of Carthago shows also the citywalls, the fort and the aqueduct. Latin edition with descriptive text on verso. (Lot number: 90145)
MARIETTE,P./ SANSON,N., Partie de la Coste de Barbarie en Africque.., Paris 1655, 14.7 x 21.2 inches /37.3 x
53.8 cm, Faint toning along centre fold. Else good., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Decorative map of northern part of Africa with Tunisia and Libya, including Malta.
Engraved by Joannes Somer. A first state with address A Paris chez Pierre Mariette en la Rue St. Jacques a l'enseigne de l'Esperance. Avec Privilege
du Roy pour vingt Ans. (Lot number: 22184)
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WEIGEL C., Africa propria et Cyrenaica, Nuremberg 1725, 12.2 x 14.6 inches /31 x 37 cm, Small brown spot in
left lower part. Overall in good condition. Wide margins., (Estimate: $220 - 260)
A very striking map of the ancient Northern Africa, embellished with an coloured pictorial title cartouche. From Schul-und-Reisen Atlas.. (Lot
number: 09541)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie Occidentale de la Turquie d'Afrique.. / Partie Orientale de la Turquie d'Afrique..,
Paris, 1748, 6.3 x 6.2 inches /16.1 x 15.8 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very minor marginal
staining along upper border. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $55 - 70)
Two small detailed maps on one plate representing the seacoasts of North Africa. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.
Page 76 outside border top right. (Lot number: 24609)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte des Côtes de Barbarie ou les Royaumes de Maroc.. Circonvoisins.., Paris, ca 1783,
12.1 x 17.6 inches /30.7 x 44.6 cm, Some discolouration along centre fold. Minor marginal spots. Printed on
heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $100 - 120)
Attractive map of North Africa, ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24254)
DESNOS/ BRION, Partie de L'Afrique.. L'Egypte, La Barbarie, La Nigritie &c., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches
/28.2 x 48 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $90 - 120)
Map showing the northern half of Africa with decorative rococo-style cartouche.
Flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two separate plates
with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24149)
MISSIONS CATHOLIQUES, Carte du Sahara et du Nord Ouest de l'Afrique., Lyon/Paris, 1894, 26.8 x 38.4
inches /68 x 97.5 cm, In good condition. Lithography., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Rare and detailed map of northern part of Africa, including Canary Islands. Includes also a translations of some basic words in Arab and Berber.
Key to Lieux ou ont été massacrés les Pères Blancs en 1875 et en 1880.Published as a supplement to Journal les missions Catholiques 1898 .
Engraved on stone by R, Hausermann. Published by Augustin Challamel, 5 rue Jacob Paris.RARE. (Lot number: 13929)
Canary Islands
DE CLERCK, N., Canariae I., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.5 x 13.2 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Minor marginal tumbling. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $110 - 130)
Small map of the Canary Islands, surrounded by text in Dutch. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24436)
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Aa, P. van der., Barbaryen., Leiden, 1707, 5.9 x 9.3 inches /15 x 23.5 cm, very good, (Estimate: $150 - 140)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naaukeurige versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729A map of nortwest Africa with the Canarian Islands. Embellished
with an attractive title-cartouche. (Lot number: 19452)
STANFORD, E., Map of the Canary Islands., London, ca. 1894, 18.7 x 25 inches /47.5 x 63.5 cm,
Hand-coloured zincograph map, dissected into 18 sheets and mounted on cloth. A little discolouration in upper
corner of the cover, generally in very good condition., (Estimate: $85 - 100)
Charming folding map of Canary Islands, still in it's original publisher's yellow advertisements at endpapers, folding into original red covers, yellow
Published by Edward Stanford, 26 and 27 cockspur street, Charing Cross, London.
Dimensions when folded 180x115mm. Scale: one inch : 12.5 miles. (Lot number: 24914)
DE CLERCK, N., Aegyptus., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.3 inches /9.5 x 13.4 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Marginal spots. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $85 - 110)
Small map focused on the Nile Delta, where the Nile divides into several branches.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24513)
BLAEU,J., Nova Aegypti Tabula., Amsterdam, 1650, 17.2 x 20.6 inches /43.6 x 52.4 cm, Wide margins. Very
good throughout., (Estimate: $600 - 800)
With an ornate cartouche and two surveyors supporting the mileage scale. (Lot number: 25061)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte de l'Egypte Ancienne et Moderne.., Paris, ca 1783, 17.3 x 12.1 inches /44 x 30.8
cm, Light discolouration in the lower right part of the map. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good
impression., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Attractive map showing part of the course of the river Nile. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Ornated with a decorative title cartouche representing a crocodile flanked by waterfalls.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24251)
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MERCATOR, G/JANSSON, J., MAROCCHI REGNUM, Amsterdam, 1628, 5.8 x 7.6 inches /14.7 x 19.2 cm,
Hand-laid paper pleasantly age-toned, dark and clear impression. Light showthrough from text on verso. Soft
yellowing and 2 tiny brown spots to margins outside of image. Slight rubbing to top borderline.Very good
condition! Attractive color., (Estimate: $70 - 100)
Janssons desirable map of Morocco and the Atlas Mountains, engraved for Mercators Atlas Minor (page 579). Very detailed with well engraved
symbols representing towns, mountains, woods and a vulcano.
Latin edition with descriptive text on verso. (Lot number: 90099)
MERCATOR, G/JANSSONIUS, J., Marocchi Regnum., Amsterdam, 1628, 5.9 x 7.5 inches /15 x 19 cm,
Hand-laid paper pleasantly age-toned, dark and clear impression. Soft yellowing and one small brown stain to
margin outside of image. Slight surface rubbing, else in very good condition! Attractive colour., (Estimate: $80 120)
Janssons beautiful map of Morocco and the Atlas Mountains, engraved for Mercators Atlas Minor (page 371-A22 2). Very detailed with a lot of
topographical information and well engraved symbols representing towns.
German edition with descriptive text on verso. (Lot number: 90142)
BLAEU,W., Fezzae et Marocchi Regna Africae Celeberrima describebat Abrah : Ortelius, Amsterdam, 1635,
19.5 x 15 inches /49.5 x 38 cm, Paper slightly age toned. Bottom left corner [5 x 5mm] missing., (Estimate: $550
- 650)
From first Dutch edition 'Tonneel Des Aerdrycx ofte Nieuwe Atlas' (Lot number: 90311)
BLAEU, W., Fezzae et Marocchi regna Africae celeberrima., Amsterdam, 1640, 15 x 19.7 inches /38 x 50 cm,
Paper very slightly age toned. A good and dark impression., (Estimate: $500 - 600)
An attractive map of northwest Africa and Morocco. The Pillars of Hercules & Straits of Gibraltar, and Spain are shown to the right of the map
(north is to the right of the map). Blaeu credits Ortelius and his 1570 map as the source of data for this map. Spain controlled portions of this area
from 1580 until 1640 along the coast at Ceuta, Tangiers, and Arzilla.
A sea battle is shown in the Atlantic ocean. (Lot number: 22303)
VAN KEULEN,J., Nieuwe Pascaert van de Kust van Maroca en Zanhaga.., Amsterdam, 1700, 19.8 x 22.4 inches
/50.2 x 57 cm, On double ply paper as issued. Very good., (Estimate: $600 - 750)
Very decorative sea chart covering the coast from Nieu Sallee till Cape Cantin. With small inset map Nieuwe afbeelding van de rivier Rio Rebata
in 't groot.Plate number 32 in lower right corner. (Lot number: 24756)
Sanson, N., ' T gedeelte van Biledulgered, waar in leggen Tesset, Darha en Segelomessa., Amsterdam, F. Halma,
1705, 6.7 x 11 inches /17 x 28 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $125 - 115)
Nicolas Sanson (1600-67), ' father of the French cartography' and founder of the Sanson firm. Atlas ' Cartes générales de toutes les parties du
Monde', 1658-70 and a pocket atlas in 4 parts ( 1656-1705).
Sanson's map of southern Marocco with the Canarian Islands (Lot number: 20395)
HOMANN HEIRS., Statuum Marocca Norum., Nuremberg, 1728, 18.9 x 22 inches /48 x 56 cm, Water staining
along the upper part of map. Good and dark impression. Repair of split in lower part center fold, 1cm. Into
engraved area. Else good condition., (Estimate: $360 - 500)
Large and very graphic map by the prominent German cartographer. The map itself is very detailed showing the domains of desert tribes by means of
little tent cities.
It extends to include the Canary Islands and Madeira. In the upper left is a large pictorial cartouche with merchants, soldiers, wild animals, a view of
Tangier and a sea battle. Below the map are two panoramic city views of Morocco and Mequinetz. (Lot number: 09633)
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VAUGONDY,R. de, Cote Occidentale d'Afrique.. Canaries., Paris, later than 1748, 6.5 x 7.7 inches /16.6 x 19.5
cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Nice small map illustrating the African shores of Morocco and Western Sahara. The Canary Islands and the Madeira Islands are also shown.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Tom.2.p.164 outside border top right. In left corner Pl.5.. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not
mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24610)
North Africa cities
SCHENK,P., Salee, een vermaerde Koopstadt, en roofnest, gelegen aen de Atlantische of Spaense zee.,
Amsterdam, 1702, 8.3 x 10.3 inches /21 x 26.2 cm, Paper slightly age-toned and stained. Good margins.,
(Estimate: $120 - 200)
From Schenk's Hecatompolis sive Totius Terrarum Oppida Nobiliora Centrum.. , a collection of 100 views, dedicated to the 14-year old Prussian
crown prince, the later king Friedrich Wilhelm I. View of the city of Salé in Maroc. (Lot number: 24999)
SCHENK,P., Arzilie een oud en sterk stedeken in het koningrijk van Fez, aen de Spaensche Zee., Amsterdam,
1702, 8.3 x 10.3 inches /21 x 26.2 cm, Paper slightly age-toned and stained. Good margins., (Estimate: $120 200)
From Schenk's Hecatompolis sive Totius Terrarum Oppida Nobiliora Centrum.. , a collection of 100 views, dedicated to the 14-year old Prussian
crown prince, the later king Friedrich Wilhelm I. View of the city of Arzilie in Maroc. (Lot number: 25000)
Central Africa
GALLE, Philip, Abiffinorum Imperium, Antwerp, c. 1600, 4.7 x 7.3 inches /11.9 x 18.5 cm, Slight foxing to the
rims., (Estimate: $150 - 200)
After A. Ortelius. (Lot number: 90312)
DE CLERCK, N., Congo Regnum Christian. In Africa., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.3 inches /9.5 x
13.5 cm, Page slightly age-toned. Light marginal spots along left border. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate:
$110 - 130)
Small map illustrating the western seashores of Central Africa, surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24461)
East coast
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Pontanus, J.A., I.S. Laurentii. / Rex Ins. S. Maria Indigenarum I.S. Laurentii imagines., Amsterdam, 1611, 4.5 x
5.7 inches /11.5 x 14.5 cm, excellent., (Estimate: $200 - 180)
Johan Isaac Pontanus. Rerum et Urbis Amstelodamensium historia, with descriptions of the voyages made by the Dutch to Novoya Zemlya and the
first voyage of the Dutch to the East Indies.A map of Madagascar with 4 insets with detail maps and a print depicting the inhabitants of the island.
(Lot number: 19453)
Pontanus, J.A., Mauritius., Amsterdam, 1611, 3.3 x 4.7 inches /8.5 x 12 cm, excellent, (Estimate: $110 - 100)
From J.A.Pontanus' 'Rerum et urbis Amstelodamensium historia'. Description of the first voyage of the Dutch to the East Indies under command of
Houtman. (Lot number: 19454)
DAPPER,O., Insula S.Laurentii vulgo Madagascar., Amsterdam, 1680, 11.1 x 14.4 inches /28.1 x 36.5 cm, Mint
condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Showing in great detail the island of Madagascar. In upper left hand corner part of Mozambique. (Lot number: 11444)
SCHENK,P., Amara, een voorname stadt midden in opper Ethiopie, Abyssine genaamt, .., Amsterdam, 1702, 8.3
x 10.3 inches /21 x 26.2 cm, Paper slightly ague-toned and stained. Good margins., (Estimate: $120 - 200)
From Schenk's Hecatompolis sive Totius Terrarum Oppida Nobiliora Centrum.. , a collection of 100 views, dedicated to the 14-year old Prussian
crown prince, the later king Friedrich Wilhelm I. View of the city of Amhara in Ethiopia. (Lot number: 25001)
Bellin, J.N., Plan du Fort Dauphin…dans l' Isle de Madagascar., Paris, c. 1750, 0.8 x 10.8 inches /2 x 27.5 cm,
very good, (Estimate: $80 - 70)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
Plan of Fort Dauphin on Madagascar. (Lot number: 19455)
Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Parte de la Cote Orientale d' Afrique avec l' Isle de Madagascar et les Cartes particulières
des Isles de France et de Bourbon., Paris, 1783, 11.6 x 16.1 inches /29.5 x 41 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate:
$300 - 330)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.
A map of Madagascar and the opposite mainland of Africa. With 2 insets depicting Mauritius and Réunion. (Lot number: 18022)
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LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Nubie et Abissinie.., Paris, ca 1783, 11.7 x 16.3 inches /29.7 x 41.3 cm, Minor marginal
spotting affecting the upper left part. Light discolouration in the right side of the map. Printed on heavy paper,
with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Attractive map showing today Ethiopia and Eritrea. Ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24252)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Partie de la Cote Orientale D'Afrique avec l'Isle de Madagascar.. Isles de France et de
Bourbon.., Paris, ca 1783, 11.6 x 16.2 inches /29.5 x 41.2 cm, Slight discolouration along centre fold. Marginal
spotting, just affecting the lower scale border. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression.
Good condition., (Estimate: $180 - 200)
Attractive map of part of South Africa, including Madagascar and 2 insets with the Reunion and Mauritius Islands.
Ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24256)
West coast / Ivory Coast
BERTIUS, Petrus, Congi Regni Chriffiani in Africa, Amsterdam, c. 1602, 4.6 x 7.1 inches /11.8 x 18 cm, Slight
traces of foxing to the rims., (Estimate: $130 - 160)
Based on the geographical data of Philippo Pigafetta (Lot number: 90313)
Hondius, J., Guinea Nova Descriptio., Amsterdam, 1609, 13.6 x 19.3 inches /34.5 x 49 cm, very good, (Estimate:
$550 - 500)
Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612). Geographer, engraver, founder of the Hondius publishing house. Worked in England as engraver. Returned in 1593 to
Amsterdam, acquired the plates of Gerard Mercator's Atlas. First editon in 1606.Jodocus Hondius’ map of Guinea is probably the most attractive
map of this area. An inset with a elaborate strapwork border depicts the island of S. Thomas.Further embellished with two strapwork cartouches, a
gallion and a canoe. (Lot number: 18548)
JANSSONIUS, J., Guinea., Amsterdam, ca. 1640, 15 x 20.5 inches /38.1 x 52.1 cm, Very good to near excellent
condition. Strong paper and attractive original colouring. Expert old repairs in centerfold and blank margins,
well away from the plate.
A couple of unobtrusive spots in margins., (Estimate: $675 - 725)
One of the most beautiful and graphic maps to be found, covering the east coast of Africa from Sierrra Leone to Gabon.
The interior is decorated with many wild animals, such as lions and elephants and the sea is enhanced with various sailing vessels, sea monsters and
compass roses. The large title cartouche contains a native couple and three apes, one of which strongly resembles a human.
In the left lower portion two child-like sea creatures are carrrying a large elephant tusk, ostensiby representing the flourishing ivory trade.
French text on verso. (Lot number: 90137)
CORONELLI,V.M., Bocche del Fiume Negro et Isole di Capo Verde.., Venice 1690, 17.8 x 24 inches /45.2 x 61
cm, Good and dark impression on heavy paper. Some very small re-inforcements of paper thinness along the
centerfold, carefully re-drawn. Short lower margin., (Estimate: $480 - 750)
This is a splendid map of the northwestern coast of Africa and the Cape Verde Islands.
The map provides details of the various Portuguese discoveries in the region in the late 15th century. The Portuguese maintained a trade monopoly in
Africa until the middle of the 16th century when it was challenged by the other European powers.
Inset at top, in a wreath-style cartouche, is a plan of the island of Goree, the first and for most of the 17th century the most important slave depot in
West Africa. At bottom is a large title cartouche with putti and a coat of arms.
The remarkable Vincenzo Coronelli (1650-1718), was a Franciscan Friar and appointed General of the Order in 1701. He was cosmographer to the
Republic of Venice and founder of the Academia Cosmografica degli Argonauti, the world's first geographical society (1680). He was also one of the
most prominent mapmakers and publishers in Europe of his day. (Lot number: 23445)
Sanson, N., Guinee., Amsterdam, F.Halma, 1705, 6.5 x 12.2 inches /16.5 x 31 cm, very good condition,
(Estimate: $125 - 100)
Nicolas Sanson (1600-67), ' father of the French cartography' and founder of the Sanson firm. Atlas ' Cartes générales de toutes les parties du
Monde', 1658-70 and a pocket atlas in 4 parts ( 1656-1705).An attractive map of the lands along the Gulf of Guinea. (Lot number: 20036)
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CHATELAIN, H., Carte de la Barbarie, Nigritie, et de la Guinée…, Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 15.7 x 20.1 inches /40
x 51 cm, Light marginal water staining. Minor discolouration along centre fold, mainly visible at the back.
Lower margin short. Else very good., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
Map of North and West Africa, including the Canary Islands, the Cape Verde Islands and the Azores. According to the title "drawn up from early
18th century reports and most precise observations."
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25036)
BELLIN, J.N., Carte Generale de la Coste de la Guinée., Paris, 1750, 21.7 x 34.8 inches /55 x 88.5 cm, very
good, (Estimate: $475 - 500)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.A large sea-chart from Nicolas Bellin’s ‘l’Hydrographie Française’ showing
the coast of the gulf of Guinea from the Sierra Leone river to Cape Lopez Gonsalvo in Gabon in the south.With the islands of S. Thomas, du Prince
and Fernando Po. With three coastal views and a large and attractive title cartouche. (Lot number: 18246)
Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Carte de la Guinee, contenant les Isles du Cap Verd, le Senegal, la Cote de Guinee
proprement dite, les Royaumes de Loango, Congo, Angola et Benguela., Paris, 1783, 16.5 x 24.4 inches /42 x 62
cm, very good condition., (Estimate: $250 - 270)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.
A map of the Gulf of Guinea on 2 sheets. (Lot number: 18026)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte de la Guinée contenant les Isles du Cap Verd, le Senegal.., Paris, ca 1783, 16.7 x
12.3 inches /42.4 x 31.2 cm, Slight discolouration along centre fold. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins.
Good impression. Good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 120)
Attractive map of the western African coast, including the Cape Verde Islands. Ornated with a large decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined
in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24253)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., [No title - Central Africa] Guinee IIe. Feuille., Paris, ca 1783, 17 x 12.4 inches /43.3 x
31.5 cm, Slight discolouration along centre fold. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression.
Good condition., (Estimate: $150 - 180)
Attractive map of the African coast around the Gulf of Guinea, encompassing the area between Ghana and Angola. Boundaries outlined in hand
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24255)
Southern Africa
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DE CLERCK, N., Africae pars meridional., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.4 x 13.2 cm,
Page slightly age-toned. Marginal water stain in the lower right corner of the sheet. Minor marginal spots. Size
of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $220 - 260)
Small map illustrating the southern part of Africa, surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems.. which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24460)
Van Meurs / Ogilby, Aethiopia inferior vel exterior. Partes magis Septentrionales, quae hic desiderantur, vide in
tabula Aethiopia Superioris, Amsterdam 1668 / London 1670, 11 x 14.2 inches /28 x 36 cm, Very good.,
(Estimate: $850 - 900)
Map occurred in both Olfert Dapper's Naukeurige Beschijvinghe der Afrikaensche gewesten (published in Amsterdam in 1668 by Jacob van
Meurs, second edition 1676) as well as the English edition of 1670 by John Ogilby (Africa: Being an Accurate Description of the Regions of
Aegypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Billendulgerid, the Land of Negroes, Guinee, Aethiopia, and the Abyssines; with All the Adjacent Islands. Collected
and Translated from Most Authentick Authors, London: printed for the author.) The engraver is not mentioned on any map from any edition,
but according to Norwich it is assumed to be the original publisher Jacob van Meurs. Clearly based on the Blaeu map of Southern Africa, this
version has more ships and animals on the land. A good strong impression, uncolored as issued, with a faint printers crease starting from top
margin. (Lot number: 90340)
Scherer, Heinrich 1628-1704, Africae Pars Australis., Munich, ca. 1700, 9.1 x 13.8 inches /23 x 35 cm, Mint
condition., (Estimate: $420 - 450)
A map of the southern part of the continent, with a cartouche with animals, flying fish, sailing vessel and a sea serpent. Strong impression, slight
browning to fold, otherwise excellent condition, uncolored & narrow margins as issued. (Lot number: 90331)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Pays des Cafres., Paris, later than 1748, 6.5 x 9.1 inches /16.4 x 23 cm, Very crisp and fine
image. Good margins. Minor marginal water staining along upper border. Else very good condition., (Estimate:
$200 - 260)
Charming small map of Southern Africa. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 82 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24614)
Bellin, J.N., Carte de la Coste Orientale d' Afrique depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance jusqu'au Cap del Gada.,
Paris, c. 1750, 9.6 x 8.9 inches /24.5 x 22.5 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $130 - 150)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
A map of the east coast of South Africa and Mocambique from the Cape of Good Hope to Cape Delgado. From the French edition of Prevost's '
Voyages'. (Lot number: 17595)
Bellin, J.N., Coste Occidentale d' Afrique depuis le XIe. Degré jusqu'au Cap de Bonne Esperance., Paris, c.
1750, 9.6 x 10.2 inches /24.5 x 26 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $150 - 160)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.
A map of the west coast of South Africa with the Cape of Good Hope. From the French edition of Prevost's ' Voyages'. (Lot number: 17594)
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Bellin, J.N., Le Pays des Hottentots., Paris, c. 1755, 9.8 x 13.6 inches /25 x 34.5 cm, very good cond., (Estimate:
$150 - 140)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.Map of the Cape region with the colonies, villages and tribes carefully noted.
(Lot number: 18329)
Bellin, J.N., Carte de la Baye de Sainte Helene., Amsterdam, c. 1760, 8.1 x 6.3 inches /20.5 x 16 cm, very good
condition., (Estimate: $90 - 100)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75. A map St. Helena Bay. From the Dutch edition of Prevost's ' Voyages'. (Lot
number: 18034)
Brion de la Tour, L. / Desnos, L.Ch., Partie de L' Afrique audelàde l' Equateur, comprenant Le Congo, La
Cafrerie &c., Paris, 1769, 9.3 x 10.4 inches /23.5 x 26.5 cm, good, (Estimate: $250 - 225)
Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823), ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique', 1766, ' Atlas Général', 1790-98. Louis Charles Desnos (fl.1750-70), Le
Rouge's 'Atlas Nouveau Portatif', 1756, ' Atlas Général et Élémentaire', 1768-69.
A map from Louis Charles Desnos' atlas 'Atlas Général et Élémentaire', depicting Africa south of the equator, with on both sides of the map an
explanatory text. (Lot number: 19440)
Lotter, Tobias Conrad [1717-1777], Africae Pars Meridionalis cum Promontorio Bonae Spei Accuratissime
Delineato, Vienna, 1778, 18.1 x 21.7 inches /46 x 55 cm, Fine., (Estimate: $475 - 550)
A map of Southern Africa by T.Lotter [1717-1777]. The coastline still provides inaccurate information, while Hottentot tribes are illustrated
throughout the mainland. There are three detailed insets of the Cape Fort (castle), Saldanha Bay and the Cape of Good Hope, all with a legend. There
is a cartouche dedication to Domino Wilhelmo. (Lot number: 90332)
Isle, G. de l'. / Dezauche., Carte du Congo et du Pays des Cafres., Paris [1708] 1780, 18.9 x 24 inches /48 x 61
cm, excellent, (Estimate: $600 - 650)
Guillaume de l' Isle (1675-1724), Royal Geographer, was the most influential cartographer of the first quarter of the 18th century. ' Atlas de
Géographie' (1700-12), posthumous ' Atlas Nouveau' (1730).Re-issue of Guillaume de l' Isle's important map of South Africa.
(Lot number: 18562)
Nolin, Jean Baptiste, Partie Meridionale de L'Afrique., Paris, 1781, 8 x 10.1 inches /20.3 x 25.6 cm, Fine.,
(Estimate: $250 - 300)
An uncommon map of southern Africa, not listed in Tooley or Norwich. Scarce info on the interior, also has an inset of the horn of Africa top right.
Large cartouche with date of 1781. Jean Baptiste Nolin (1657-1708) French engraver and publisher and his son of the same name (1686-1762). The
elder Nolin falsely claimed to be Engraver to King Louis XIV and Geographer to the Duke of Orleans. He was convicted on the fraudulant use of
these titles, but apparently suffered no loss in business from this conviction. (Lot number: 90333)
DESNOS/ BRION, Partie de L'Afrique.. Le Congo, La Cafrerie &c., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.2 x 47.9
cm, Marginal spot lower border. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $130 - 200)
Map showing the southern part of Africa with decorative rococo-style cartouche.
Left and right box with geographical information for each part of the area. Printed on 2 paste-on slips.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24143)
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JEPPE, Friedrich, Jeppe's Wall Map of the Transvaal Republic, in 6 sheets, London, 1899, 116.1 x 75 inches
/295 x 190.5 cm, Excellent, (Estimate: $8500 - 9000)
Jeppe's Map of the Transvaal or S.A. Republic and Surrounding Territories 1899, First Edition, Edward Stanford, London. Color lithograph on
linen. Scale 1:476,000, about 7 miles to the inch. A complete set of the 6 sheets of this monumental wall map, finely lithographed on linen by
Wurster, Randegger & Cie (J. Schlumpf), Winterthur, Switzerland, and published by Stanford in London. Sheets are all in fine virtually unused
state, each sheet is about 39 x 25 inches. Contained in cardboard slipcover with map key on upper cover. Spine damaged and frayed, but
otherwise fine and includes the fold out flap with the engraver's name. The most elaborate and complete of the Jeppe maps, this is the last major
map of the Transvaal before the outbreak of the Boer War. Sheet 1 is the town plans of Johannesburg and Pretoria, and was sometimes issued
as a separate map. Sheet 5 contains the beautiful title with scroll work. Most of the east part of the Transvaal is labeled as unexplored country.
Extra shipping costs apply due to size.
(Lot number: 90338)
Cape of Good Hope
TARDIEU, Carte générale de la colonie du Cap de Bonne Espérance.. Par John Barrow., France c.1801, 18 x
27.4 inches /45.7 x 69.5 cm, In good condition. Several folds as issued., (Estimate: $380 - 450)
A very nice and rare map of the tip of South Africa, showing Cape of Good Hope. From Voyage dans la partie méridionale de l'Afrique: fait dans
les années 1797 et 1798. With a key and scale underneath the title. (Lot number: 23095)
ANONYMOUS., Hottentot Vrouw., Amsterdam, ca. 1850, 8.1 x 5.7 inches /20.5 x 14.5 cm, Overall good
condition., (Estimate: $15 - 20)
Decorative, hand coloured, woodcut engraving illustrating a woman from the South African Hottentots tribe. (Lot number: 23393)
ANONYMOUS., Hottentot., Amsterdam, ca. 1850, 8.1 x 5.7 inches /20.5 x 14.5 cm, Overall good condition.,
(Estimate: $15 - 20)
Decorative, hand coloured, woodcut engraving illustrating a warrior from the South African Hottentots tribe. (Lot number: 23392)
RAPKIN, J., Cape Colony, London, 1855, 10.2 x 13 inches /26 x 33 cm, Pleasantly age-toned paper with old
folds and one tiny brown spot. Right margin cropped and few small repaired tears not affecting the image.
Slightly lighter impression., (Estimate: $30 - 60)
This is the uncommon and slightly later edition by Rapkin based on Tallis' maps. The vignettes have been removed and the map is issued in black
and white.
With decorative borders.
A rare and desirable issue that was published by the London Printing and Publishing Company. Drawn and engraved by Rapkin. (Lot number: 90175
Arrowsmith, John, Cape of Good Hope (with special fold out flap)., London, 1858, 20.5 x 28.3 inches /52 x 72
cm, Fine condition., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
This large map is from Arrowsmith's London Atlas. With the special fold out flap which opens and extends the Natal Coast beyond the regular
border of the map to the area north of Durban. First printed in 1824, this is a later (eighth) edition with the 10 Soho square imprint and little
geographical change, according to Tooley. Note on map states, "This Map is with permission copied from the Original M.S. drawing in the Colonial
Office, compiled by Mr. Hebert Senr." Referring to this map, Tooley wrote: "The alterations and additions to this map in the subsequent editions ...
provide one of the fullest geographical pictures of the expansion of the Boers into Natal, the Orange Free State and the Transvaal, beginning with the
Great Trek". (Lot number: 90334)
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PTOLOMY,C./ WALDSEEMÜLLER, M., Tabula Moderna Germanie., Strasburg, Johann Schott , 1513-1520,
15.4 x 21.5 inches /39 x 54.5 cm, Good margins. Some very minor discolouration along center fold. Good
impression., (Estimate: $2400 - 3500)
Woodblock map of Ptolemaic Central Europe from Denmark to the Alps and from France to Poland.
Title along top. No text on verso. Rare map from the first modern atlas by Martin Waldseemüller since it is the first Ptolemy edition with twenty
new regional maps beside the traditional twenty-seven Ptolemaic maps derived from the 1482 Ulm edition. The Atlas is titled GEOGRAPHIE OPUS
NOVISSIMA TRADUCTIONE E GRECORUM ARCHETYPIS and is one of the most important edition of Ptolemy Atlases.
In 1520 a second edition of the atlas was printed by Schott from the same woodcut blocks. (Lot number: 24988)
DE BELLE-FOREST,Fr., Europae. La carte d'Europe., Paris, 1575, 13.5 x 18.4 inches /34.3 x 46.8 cm, Wood
cut map. Several folds as issued. In good condition., (Estimate: $2400 - 2800)
In 1575 Sebastian Münster's Cosmographia was translated into French and published in Paris by François de Belle-Forest. The Europe map
being a folding woodcut copy of Ortelius' 1570 plate. With an additional title in French.RARE. (Lot number: 25054)
ANONYMOUS, Europa Prima Pars Terrae Forma Virginis., Magdeburg, ca. 1581, 10.2 x 13.6 inches /26 x 34.5
cm, Copper engraving. Good margins. Two tiny worm holes in upper marginal title filled in. Generally in very
good condition., (Estimate: $3000 - 4000)
Desirable, famous and extremely rare issue of this famous map of Europe, depicted in the form of a Queen wearing her crown and in flowing robes.
HISPANIA (Spain) is shown in the figure's crown in acknowledgment of its dominance. GALLIA (France) is the upper chest. GERMANIA is the
bosom. ITALIA is Europe’s right arm, with SICILIA being the globus cruciger, the cross-bearing orb signifying world power throughout the Middle
DANIA (Denmark) is the left arm of Europe, holding what appears to be a ceremonial sword, another classic piece of regalia.
BOHEMIA (the Czech lands) is a circular area close to Europe’s stomach.
HVNGARIA (Hungary)
The British Isles are shown, but not integrated into the figure. It has been argued that instead of a woman, the map represents Charles V of Spain. ¤
(Lot number: 24786)
MÜNSTER,S., Europa Regina, Basel 1598, 10.2 x 6.3 inches /26 x 16 cm, Wood block print, in good condition.,
(Estimate: $1200 - 1350)
This is one of the most famous of cartographic oddities showing Europe in the shape of a woman. The representation of Europa Regina or Queen of
Europe, was first drawn by Jonannes Bucius in 1537. This simplified version appeared in several editions of Münster's Cosmography from 1580
onwards. West is shown at top with Spain forming the crown and head, France the neck and bust, Italy the left arm and Denmark the right arm
holding a scepter with Britain as the flag.The remainder of the figure is a flowing robe with Greece and Russia at the feet.
It has been argued that instead of a woman, the map represents Charles V of Spain, modeling a Europe that had Spain as its crown. Whatever
the source, this is an extraordinary example of the art of mapmaking. ¤ (Lot number: 80288)
ORTELIUS,A., Romani Imperii Imago., Antwerp, 1612, 13.8 x 19.5 inches /35 x 49.5 cm, Wide margins. Printed
on heavy paper. Very good condition., (Estimate: $750 - 850)
An attractive map of the second plate prepared (after 1592) of the Roman Empire, drawn by Ortelius and published in the 'Paregon' section. The
medallion portraits are of Romulus and Remus -the genealogical 'tree' describes the lineage of the Roman emperors while the strap work bordered
panels explain the history of the Empire.
With a quote in large lettering of four lines by Vitrivius at the top right. (Lot number: 25059)
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DE CLERCK, N., Europa., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.3 inches /9.5 x 13.4 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Minor marginal spots and water stains. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $110 - 130)
Small map of Europe, surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24443)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Europa, ad magnae Europae Gerardi Mercatoris.., Amsterdam, 1630, 15 x 18.5
inches /38.2 x 47 cm, Repair of split lower part center fold. Paper slightly browned and spotted, as usual.,
(Estimate: $1900 - 2000)
General map of Europe by one of the greatest mapmakers. (Lot number: 24740)
HONDIUS,H., Europa exactissimae descripta., Amsterdam, 1633, 14.9 x 20 inches /37.8 x 50.8 cm, Repair of
split lower part centerfold. Paper slightly age-toned. Dis colouration in very outer margin due to earlier framing.
With recent colour addition., (Estimate: $1800 - 2000)
Embellished with two cartouches, several ships and a sea-monster, polar bears and lions.
Now with the imprint of Henricus Hondius and the date 1631. With Latin text on verso. (Lot number: 24792)
BLAEU,W., Rhenus Fluviorum Europae.., Amsterdam, 1640, 16.3 x 37.8 inches /41.5 x 96 cm, Marginal
discolouration due to water staining. Professional restoration of a few marginal splits along vertical folds. Good
condition., (Estimate: $950 - 1200)
Shows the course of the River Rhine, showing parts of Switzerland, Austria, The Netherlands and part of Germany.
The finest Dutch map publishers were the Blaeu family, and they hold the title of mapmakers supreme for any period of cartographical history.
Willlem Jansz. Blaeu (1571-1638) was the founder of the Blaeu publishing house and established the fine reputation of Blaeu maps. Originally
specializing in sea charts and pilot guides, he published his first atlas, Atlas Appendix in 1630.In 1634 he published the first edition of a new world
atlas. On his death he was succeeded by his son Joan (1596-1673). Joan produced a number of fine town books of the Netherlands and Italy,
works without parallel. The 'Atlas Major', often found in the loveliest contemporary colour, finally incorporated over 650 of the most up to date
and finely engraved maps available.
Blaeu maps are renowned for the consummate care and attention apparent in every stage of production - using only the best paper with finely
engraved plates and a high standard of printing. (Lot number: 24875)
BLAEU,W., Nova Totius Germaniae Descriptio., Amsterdam, 1645, 15.4 x 19.5 inches /39 x 49.5 cm, Paper
age-toned. Repair of split lower part center fold, just into engraved area., (Estimate: $260 - 350)
As indication in the title cartouche, the map was prepared by the German cartographer Gaspher Henneberg of Erlich. Showing central Europe,
including the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, part of Poland and Hungary, until the Alps. (Lot number: 24997)
SANSON, N./ MARIETTE,P., Europa Vetus., Paris, 1668, 16.6 x 21.9 inches /42.2 x 55.5 cm, Paper
contemporarily cut till plate mark and laid down on a larger sheet of paper. Good and dark impression.,
(Estimate: $350 - 400)
A fine map of the ancient European continent.
This edition carries the date 1668.
Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of French cartography, although the fierce competition of the Dutch would last until the end of the
century. His success was partly owing to the partnership with the publisher Pierre Mariette. In 1644 the latter had purchased the business of Melchior
Tavernier, and helped Sanson with financial support in producing the maps. In 1657 Pierre Mariette died, however his son, also named Pierre,
co-published the following years. (Lot number: 13054)
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Cluver / Bertius, Europa (heightened with gold leaf), Amsterdam, ca. 1672, 5.1 x 5.1 inches /13 x 13 cm, Very
Good. Narrow borders as issued, but wider than usual specimens. The right margin has three small tears,
repaired and hardly visible., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
From a copy of "Introductionis in Universam Geographicam". Published by Bertius in Amsterdam and printed on the Elzevier press. Beautiful
map in period correct colours, with the cartouche heightened in gold leaf. Interesting features include the presence of Frislandt and the fictitious
Atlantic islands of Brasil and St. Michel. The continent maps of Africa and Asia, as well as the world map are also listed in this auction. (Lot
number: 90335)
DE WIT, F., Totius Fluminis Rheni Novissima Descriptio…, Amsterdam, 1680, 18.2 x 20.9 inches /46.3 x 53 cm,
Professional repair of marginal split on the extremities of center fold. Minor discolouration along center fold,
hardly noticeable. Else good condition., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
Two maps on one sheet, one above the other, charting the course of the Rhine River.
Beginning on the top map, from its spring at the Bodensee in Switzerland, through the eastern part of Germany and transitioning to the bottom map
with its course through western Germany, the Netherlands, and flowing into the North Sea.
The upper map has a decorative title cartouche with four figures and the bottom map contains a distance scale cartouche flanked by two cherubs with
tiny ships sailing in the sea.
Each map measures 230x530mm (Lot number: 22747)
DU VAL,P., La Carte des Conciles.., Paris, 1687, 29.8 x 19.8 inches /75.7 x 50.2 cm, Paper browned, margins
short and frayed. Dark impression., (Estimate: $400 - 500)
From his first edition of his only folio atlas, the map is relied upon the map of his uncle, Nicolas Sanson. Engraved by I.Somer.
A nice map of Europe on one sheet, and a list of the councils. (Lot number: 13079)
SCHENK,P., Tabula Historica et Geographica ad breve compendium.., Amsterdam, 1705, 19.2 x 23.2 inches
/48.7 x 59 cm, A good and dark impression in contemp. colours. Lower left and right corners missing, but paper
expertly re-inforced., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
An attractive instructional plate showing the coats-of-arms of various European countries, each with extensive key. (Lot number: 25074)
Sanson, N., Europe., Amsterdam, 1721, 5.7 x 6.5 inches /14.5 x 16.5 cm, good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 110)
A nice little map of the European continent. (Lot number: 18865)
VAUGONDY,R. de, L'Europe. Divisée suivant ses principaux Etats., Paris, ca.1748, 6.3 x 7.7 inches /16 x 19.5
cm, A good and dark impression. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $55 - 70)
Nice small map of Europe, dated 1748. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 3 outside border top left. (Lot number: 24522)
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TIRION,I., Nieuwe Kaart van Europa, Amsterdam, 1769, 11 x 13.6 inches /28 x 34.5 cm, Good, but there are
some restaurations in the folds, with very small pieces of facsimile., (Estimate: $180 - 200)
Nice map of Europe extending to include Iceland. Political divisions are delineated in original colour and major cities are located. (Lot number:
LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., L'Europe divisée en ses principaux Etats.., Paris, ca 1783, 11.9 x 17.7 inches /30.2 x
45 cm, Water staining affecting the lower corners. Repair of 2 marginal tears and one split in the lower border.
Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Attractive map of Europe, ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by
Jean Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable
number of maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24271)
CASSINI, G.M., L' Europa Secondo Le ultime osservazioni divisa ne' suoi Stati Principali, Rome, 1788, 13 x
18.1 inches /33 x 46 cm, Good, a bit smudged in the margins, (Estimate: $600 - 650)
Uncommon Italian map of Europe with considerable detail of both topography and place names. The large title cartouche features the allegorical
female representation of Europe, with putti, a horse, and a peacock presented in a lush landscape. (Lot number: 80286)
DELAPORTE,L'Abbé., Europe en 1806., Paris, Prudhomme, Levrault, Debray, 1806, 6.6 x 8.7 inches /16.8 x 22
cm, Two vertical folds as issued. In very good condition., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Map of Europe, from Atlas de la Géographie de toutes les parties du monde .. Ouvrage destiné pour l'education, et nécessaire aux négocians, aux
voyageurs, aux fonctionnaires publics, aux banquiers, aux agens de change, aux littérateurs, etc..Engraved by Daréna. (Lot number: 24369)
ANONYMOUS, [Untitled map of the Mediterranean countries in a playing grid]., France, ca. 1850, 8.1 x 8.2
inches /20.7 x 20.8 cm, Overall very good condition., (Estimate: $50 - 60)
Small, accurate map centered on the Mediterranean Basin with the adjacent countries, embedded in a square playing grid formed by 100 cells.
The map presumably represents the extension of the territories under Roman control.
11 cells contain the profile of or a reference to a Roman emperor. Some cells show vignettes representing a particular episode of the Gospel and
some others contain symbols referring to the Roman history. ¤ (Lot number: 23365)
PEIGNE, V., Europe., Paris, 1852, 15.6 x 18.1 inches /39.7 x 46.1 cm, Good and dark image on sound paper.
Professional repair of minor worm hole in the upper central part of the image. Repair of marginal tear in the
lower left corner. Good margins. ., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
Fine manuscript map of Europe with relief shown pictorially. Signed by the author in the lower right corner.
Lower left Juillet 1852. (Lot number: 23278)
ORTELIUS,A., Austriae Ducatus Chorographia, Wolfgango Lazio Auctore., Antwerp, 1588, 13.1 x 18.2 inches
/33.3 x 46.3 cm, Very good and dark impression. Wide margins. Professional repair of lower center fold split, in
outer margins. Fine., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
A highly decorative early map of the duchy of Austria, engraved after the cartographic source by Wolfgang Lazius.
Centered on the stretch of the Danube from Linz to Bratislava. In the lower right corner a mileage scale with a coat of arms and a circle.
Towns indicated as miniature engraved city views, mountains, woods, rivers and lakes are decorative engraved. (Lot number: 24800)
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MÜNSTER, S., Algoiensis Regionis et Partium., Basle, 1550-1590, 12.3 x 8.1 inches /31.2 x 20.5 cm, Woodblock
print with letter press. Very good impression., (Estimate: $25 - 30)
On recto an early map of the western part of Austria (127x155 mm).
From a Latin text edition of his Geographia , that great compendium of Renaissance knowledge. (Lot number: 13843)
ORTELIUS,A., Austriae ducatvs chorographia, Wolfgango Lazio auctore., Antwerp 1598, 13.4 x 18.5 inches /34
x 47 cm, Paper slightly browned. Repair of a split in lower part center fold, 2cm. Into engraved area. Dark
impression., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Fine and early map of Austria after Wolfgang Lazius and used by A.Ortelius in his atlas Theatrum Orbis Terrarum [Atlas of the Whole World].
Only included in the atlas editions published after 1595.
The Theatrum was re-issued in 42 editions with 5 supplements with text in Latin, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Italian & English between
the years 1570-1612.
Very decorative and a masterpiece in the sense of engraving and composition. (Lot number: 21701)
Ortelius, A., Salisburgensis Iurisdictionis, Antwerp, Robert Bruneau, 1609, 15 x 18.1 inches /38.2 x 46 cm, Very
good condition., (Estimate: $700 - 750)
Abraham Ortelius(1527-98), Dutch cartographer and publisher of the first modern atlas, ' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570. Editions till 1612. Also
an atlas of ancient cartography, the ' Parergon' and a pocket atlas, the ' Epitome'.
A map of Saltzburg from the editions of Ortelius 'Theatrum from 1592 on.
From the rare Spanish edition of Abraham Ortelius’ ‘Theatrum Orbis Terrarum’, published by Vrientius. Ref.: v.d.Broecke, Ortelius, map 108;
Karrow, Mapmakers of the 16th Cent., (Lot number: 17642)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DE BOURBONNOIS, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
hand-laid paper, with faint yellow areas. Good, sharp impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and worn
with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed map of the area indicating mountains, rivers, and woods.
Nicely engraved symbols represent towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale, and a simple compass rose.
Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90247)
Austria cities / portraits
DE CLERCK, N., Matthias I. D. G. Roman. Imperat. Semp. Aug. Ungariae Bohem. & Rex. Arc. Aus. etc.,
Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with
letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Light marginal spot, upper left corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate:
$12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24350)
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DE CLERCK, N., Ferdinand. D. G. Roman. Imp. Semper. Aug. / Maximilianus II.., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Light marginal spots, on the right margin. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor.
On verso another half length oval portrait of Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24351)
DE CLERCK, N., Maximilianus I. D. G. Romanorum Imperator Semp. Aug., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621,
7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Minor
worm hole in the upper left corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24352)
DE CLERCK, N., Fridericus III. D. G. Romanorum Imperator Semper Augustus., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Spot and minor worm hole in the upper left corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24353)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Carte Générale de la Seigneurie de Lyege, et du Duché de Limbourg., Paris, 1748, 6.3 x 6.2
inches /16 x 15.8 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Attractive small map showing an area straddling the border between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
Centered on Maastricht. Dated 1748. Divided into 6 sections. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 15 outside border top
right. (Lot number: 24662)
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LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., Partie Méridionale des Pays Bas, Comprenant les Provinces de Brabant, Gueldre,
Lumbourg, Luxembourg.., Paris, ca 1783, 12 x 17.4 inches /30.6 x 44.2 cm, Water staining in the left hand half
of the map. Light discolouration in the lower right part. Repair of marginal split lower part centre fold. Printed
on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Attractive map centered on Belgium, encompassing Luxembourg, part of France and the southern part of the Netherlands.
ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by
Jean Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable
number of maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24272)
Belgium provinces
VAUGONDY,R. de, I. Carte de l'Etat de Lyege ou se trouvent la Terre de Leon, et la Campine Lyegeoise., Paris,
1748, 6.4 x 7.7 inches /16.3 x 19.6 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition.,
(Estimate: $75 - 90)
Attractive small map encompassing the eastern part of the Flemish Limburg. It shows the town of Diest in the lower left corner. Dated 1748.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 15a outside border top right. (Lot number: 24663)
VAUGONDY,R. de, III. Carte de l'Etat de Liege.. où sont les environs de Maestricht.., Paris, 1748, 6.5 x 8.2
inches /16.5 x 20.8 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Attractive small map showing an area straddling the border between the Netherlands and Belgium, between Sint-Truiden, Tongeren, Borchloon and
Maastricht. Dated 1748.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 15c outside border top right. (Lot number: 24665)
VAUGONDY,R. de, V. Carte de l'Etat de Lyege.. ou se trouvent Lyege, Hannuye, Huy.., Paris, 1748, 6.3 x 8.1
inches /16 x 20.5 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Very good condition., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Attractive small map showing part of the Wallon region, south west of Liège. Dated 1748. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.
Page 15e outside border top right. (Lot number: 24667)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Carte Générale des Comtés de Haynaut, de Namur, et de Cambresis., Paris, after 1748, 6.5 x
7.8 inches /16.4 x 19.9 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $25 - 30)
Attractive small map encompassing an area straddling the border between Belgium and France.
Showing Cambrai, Tournai, Mons and Namur. Divided into 10 sections. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Unrecorded state
with erased date. Page 14 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24669)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Carte Generale du Duché de Brabant., Paris, later than 1748, 6.4 x 6.3 inches /16.3 x 16.1
cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $55 - 70)
Nice small map illustrating the Duchy of Brabant in the Low Countries. Divided into 10 sections. Centered on Herentals.
The historical region consisted not only of the three actual Belgian provinces of Flemish Brabant, Walloon Brabant and Antwerp as well as
Brussels-Capital Region but also the present-day Dutch province of North Brabant.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 13 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24680)
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VAUGONDY,R. de, [IV.] Carte du Brabant où se trouvét la Mairie de Santhoven.. Ryen., Paris, later than 1748,
6.4 x 7.6 inches /16.2 x 19.4 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $85 110)
Nice small map encompassing an area which straddles the border between Belgium and the Netherlands.
Showing Antwerp in the central lower part. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 13d
outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24684)
VAUGONDY,R. de, V. Carte du Brabant ou se trouvét les Mair.s d'Herentals.. Hochstraten., Paris, later than
1748, 6.3 x 7.7 inches /16.1 x 19.6 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition.,
(Estimate: $100 - 130)
Nice small map illustrating the northeastern part of the Flemish region. Centred on Turnhout.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 13e outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24685)
VAUGONDY,R. de, VII. Carte du Brabant ou sont les environs de Bruxelles, de Malines et Liere., Paris, later
than 1748, 6.4 x 8.1 inches /16.2 x 20.6 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition.,
(Estimate: $35 - 50)
Nice small map illustrating part of the Flemish region and the Brussels-Capital Region. It shows Brussels, Aalst, Dendermonde, Mechelen and Lier.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 13g outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24687)
VAUGONDY,R. de, [VIII.] Carte du Brabant ou sont les env.s de Louvain, d'Ascot, de Diest de Leeuwe &c.,
Paris, later than 1748, 6.5 x 8 inches /16.4 x 20.4 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Minor rust spot
close to the title. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $50 - 75)
Nice small map illustrating part of the Flemish region. It shows Leuven, Aarschot, Diest and Sint-Truiden.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 13h outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24688)
Belgium cities
GUICCIARDINI,L., Domus Senatoria Antwerpiensis., Amsterdam 1612, 8.9 x 12 inches /22.6 x 30.5 cm, Paper
age-toned. Marginal traces of water staining on upper part of the sheet, one stain entering 2,7 cm into the
image., (Estimate: $200 - 250)
From Ludovico Guicciardini' s description of the Netherlands Beschrijvinghe van alle de Nederlanden anderssins ghenoemt Neder-Duytslandt ,
published by Willem Blaeu.A print showing the Town Hall in Antwerp. (Lot number: 22758)
L. Guicciardini, Bruxella fontium copia coeli amoentate et aedificiorum splendore nobiliss., Amsterdam 1648,
9.1 x 12.4 inches /23 x 31.5 cm, In Excellent condition. Vertical fold as issued. Strong imprint., (Estimate: $360
- 450)
Nice city plan depicting the city of Brussels. Copper engraving from Guicciardini's famous work Description of the Netherlands issued in 1648 by J.
Janssonius, Amsterdam.
Verso Blanc. (Lot number: 90197)
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RENAU, Anvers., Sedan ca. 1651, 12.2 x 8.3 inches /31 x 21 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $650 - 750)
Manuscript fortification plan of Antwerp showing the walled city and citadel. Drawn in brown ink and nicely hand colored. Renau was a
mathematician, military engineer and cartographer who worked on Blaeu's great atlas of city plans. The draftsman made pin-holes to indicate
the ends of the straight segments in the drawings, which he then drew with a straightedge.
The manuscript atlas from which this plan came was dated 1651, although the plans may have been drawn later based on sketches and surveys
made in 1651 after the Peace of Munster ended the Eighty Years' War in 1648.
The paper stock is watermarked with a fleur-de-lis on a crowned shield.° (Lot number: 16600)
British Isles
BERTELLI,F. / FORLANI,F., Britania Insula quae dup Regna continet Angliam et Scotiam cum Hibernia
adiacente. Ferando Berteli exc. 1561. Venise: 1562, Venice, 1564, 18.8 x 13.6 inches /47.7 x 34.5 cm, Paper very
lightly age-toned, as usual. Cut on the plate mark and contemporarily extended margins. Very good and dark
impression., (Estimate: $17000 - 22000)
One of the earliest printed maps of England. The essential roots of mid-16th century mapping of the British Isles go back to the English catholic
priest George Lily (c.1510-1559°, who lived in exile from 1532 to 1553 at the Papal court. He compiled a highly influential map, which was
engraved by Nicolas Beatrizet and first published in 1546 in Rome. The copperplate was used by Thomas Geminus for a 1556 re-issue in London,
the first map of the British Isles printed in England. A close derivative was made by an anonymous engraver IHS.
The present Bertelli edition is a close copy of this IHS version.
The engraving of this map is attributed to Paolo Forlani.
Collector's item. An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example of a map of the early Lafreri school.! ¤ (Lot number: 25012)
DE CLERCK, N., Anglia Scotia et Hibernia., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.3 x 13.1 cm,
Page slightly age-toned. A few marginal spots. 1 tiny spot affecting the lower left border frame. Size of paper :
31x 19cm., (Estimate: $110 - 130)
Small map of Great Britain and Ireland, surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24428)
NOLIN,J.B./ CORONELLI,P., Le Royaume d'Angleterre., Paris, 1689, 17.6 x 23.5 inches /44.8 x 59.6 cm,
Generally very good. Repair of split lower part center fold., (Estimate: $600 - 750)
An attractive map centered on England, Wales and southern part of Scotland. The very decorative cartouche includes a dedication to Iacques II Roy
d'Angleterre, d'Escosse et d'Irlande . The left side presents a list of the English shires. A visually stunning map with a large title cartouche. This
large one-sheet map was produced by the Venetian cosmographer Vincenzo Coronelli when he was working in Paris in the 1680's. Tillemon, who
corrected and amended the map was, Coronelli's collaborator in Paris and J.B.Nolin was their publisher.Nolin must have published this map
separately on several occasions as it is not regularly found in atlas form. Engraved by H.van Loon.
Rare. (Lot number: 23870)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Carte des Isles Britanniques., Paris, ca. 1748, 6.3 x 7 inches /16 x 17.9 cm, A good and dark
impression. Good margins. Marginal light brown spot in the upper right corner. Else very good condition.,
(Estimate: $55 - 70)
Nice small map of the British Isles, dated 1748. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 4 outside border top left. (Lot number:
Page 116/232
TIRION,I., "Nieuwe Kaart van’t Zuider Gedeetle van Groot Britannie", Amsterdam 1763, 12.8 x 14.3 inches
/32.4 x 36.3 cm, Several folds as issued. In excellent condition with good margins., (Estimate: $180 - 220)
A very attractive and detailed map of England and Wales. This work includes topography along with principal roads and cities. Portions of
Scotland, Ireland and France are also depicted. (Lot number: 15227)
Horsley, J., Brittanniae Antiquae Tabula Geographica., London, R. Sayer and J. Bennett, 1777, 21.3 x 19.5
inches /54 x 49.5 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $250 - 270)
John Horsley's map of antique England, published in ' A Complete Body of Ancient Geography'. (Lot number: 18053)
BONNE,R., Carte des Isles Britanniques., Paris, c. 1780, 12.4 x 8.3 inches /31.5 x 21 cm, excellent condition.,
(Estimate: $120 - 130)
Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795), French cartographer. His maps are found in a.o. Atlas Moderne (1762), Raynal's Histoire Philos. du Commerce des
Indes (1774) and Atlas Encyclopédique (1787-1788).Rigobert Bonne's map of the British Isles. (Lot number: 18818)
Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Insularum Britannicarum Tabula Geographica., Paris, 1783, 16.7 x 11.8 inches /42.4 x 30
cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $125 - 150)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer. An attracive map of the ancient British Isles. Embellished with a nice title-cartouche. (Lot number:
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte Du Royame D'Angleterre.., Paris ca 1783, 11.9 x 16.5 inches /30.2 x 42 cm, Minor
marginal spotting. Small brown spots close to left and right border. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins.
Good impression., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
Attractive map of England, ornated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24235)
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LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., Les isles Britanniques comprenant les Royaumes d'Angleterre d'Ecosse et d'Irlande..,
Paris, ca 1783, 12.2 x 17.5 inches /31.1 x 44.5 cm, Slight discolouration along centre fold. Printed on heavy
paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $100 - 150)
Attractive map of the British Isles, ornated with a decorative title cartouche and a scale cartouche.
With inset map including the Orcade and Shetland Islands. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by
Jean Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable
number of maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24277)
DESNOS/ BRION, Les Isles Britanniques.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.3 x 48 cm, Good condition.,
(Estimate: $120 - 150)
An attractive map of the British Isles including an inset of the Orkney and Shetland Islands. Finely embellished with a large title cartouche.
The map is flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two
separate plates with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24159)
DESNOS/ BRION, L'Angleterre divisée en 5 grandes Parties.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.3 x 48 cm,
Good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
A very attractive map of England and Wales showing its 52 counties and the major cities as well as five large regional divisions.
Finely embellished with a large title cartouche incorporating the royal coat of arms.
The map is flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two
separate plates with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24158)
Tirion, I., Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien behelzende de Koningryken Engeland, Scotland
en ierland., Amsterdam, c. 1770,, 12.6 x 14.4 inches /32 x 36.5 cm, large paper copy, excellent condition.,
(Estimate: $260 - 300)
Izaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His ' Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also '
Tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren', a series of descriptions of countries and their inhabitants.An attractive map of the United Kingdom. (Lot
number: 18828)
British counties
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Eboracum, Lincolnia, Derbia, Staffordia, etc., Amsterdam, 1606, 13.9 x 16.5
inches /35.4 x 42 cm, Paper slightly age-toned. Minor discolouration along centre fold Wide margins., (Estimate:
$180 - 250)
Map of the eastern part of England from about Middlesbrough to Yarmouth, inland to include Coventry, Nottingham, Sheffield, Leeds, and York.
Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders and studied in Louvain under Gemma Frisius, Dutch writer, astronomer and mathematician.
The excellence of his work brought him the patronage of Charles V, but in spite of his favor with the Emperor he was caught up in the persecution of
Lutheran protestants and charged with heresy, fortunately without serious consequences. No doubt the fear of further persecution influenced his
move in 1552 to Duisburg, where he continued the production of maps, globes and instruments.
Mercator's sons and grandsons, were all cartographers and made their contributions in various ways to his atlas. Rumold, in particular, was
responsible for the complete edition in 1595.
The map plates were bought in 1604 by Jodocus Hondius who, with his sons, Jodocus II and Henricus, published enlarged editions which dominated
the map market for the following twenty to thirty years. (Lot number: 24977)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Warwicum, Northhamtonia, Huntingdonia.., Amsterdam, 1630, 14.4 x 18.3
inches /36.5 x 46.4 cm, Very light, pleasant, age-toning. Very good condition., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
Nice map of south-eastern England. Includes London, Salisbury, Oxford, Cambridge, Leicester and Norwich and the Isle of Wight. Strap work title
cartouche and scale of miles.
Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders and studied in Louvain under Gemma Frisius, Dutch writer, astronomer and mathematician.
The excellence of his work brought him the patronage of Charles V, but in spite of his favor with the Emperor he was caught up in the persecution of
Lutheran protestants and charged with heresy, fortunately without serious consequences. No doubt the fear of further persecution influenced his
move in 1552 to Duisburg, where he continued the production of maps, globes and instruments.
Mercator's sons and grandsons, were all cartographers and made their contributions in various ways to his atlas. Rumold, in particular, was
responsible for the complete edition in 1595.
The map plates were bought in 1604 by Jodocus Hondius who, with his sons, Jodocus II and Henricus, published enlarged editions which dominated
the map market for the following twenty to thirty years.
French text on verso. (Lot number: 24979)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Cornubia, Devonia, Somersetus,.., Amsterdam, 1630, 14.4 x 18 inches /36.5 x
45.8 cm, A good and strong impression. Large margins. Altogether in very good condition., (Estimate: $350 500)
A very nice map showing the south-western part of England.
Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders and studied in Louvain under Gemma Frisius, Dutch writer, astronomer and mathematician.
The excellence of his work brought him the patronage of Charles V, but in spite of his favor with the Emperor he was caught up in the persecution of
Lutheran protestants and charged with heresy, fortunately without serious consequences. No doubt the fear of further persecution influenced his
move in 1552 to Duisburg, where he continued the production of maps, globes and instruments.
Mercator's sons and grandsons, were all cartographers and made their contributions in various ways to his atlas. Rumold, in particular, was
responsible for the complete edition in 1595.
The map plates were bought in 1604 by Jodocus Hondius who, with his sons, Jodocus II and Henricus, published enlarged editions which dominated
the map market for the following twenty to thirty years.
French text on verso. (Lot number: 24983)
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HONDIUS,H., Westmorlandia Lancastria, Cestria, Caernarvan, Denbigh.., Amsterdam 1642, 14.2 x 16.3 inches
/36 x 41.4 cm, Minor age toning. Vertical crease right side centre fold. Wide margins. Very good condition.,
(Estimate: $180 - 250)
Showing the north-western part of England, including the Island of Man, Liverpool, Blackpool, etc.
Embellished with ornamental title cartouche and a vessel. (Lot number: 23806)
HONDIUS,H., A general Plott and description of the Fennes.., Amsterdam 1639-1644, 17.2 x 21.9 inches /43.7 x
55.5 cm, Paper very slightly age toned as usual. A few brown spotting, light water staining in margins.,
(Estimate: $250 - 300)
Fine map depicting the area north of Cambridge, up to Kings Lynn. West to the top. (Lot number: 22146)
VAUGONDY,R. de, d'Angleterre.., Paris, 1748, 6.3 x 6.4 inches /16 x 16.2 cm, A good and dark
impression. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $55 - 70)
Nice small map of England, dated 1748. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 5 outside border top left. (Lot number: 24520)
VAN KEULEN,G., Afteekening van Scarbough Wicke.. / Afteekening van Hartlepoole .., Amsterdam 1753, 19.8
x 11.4 inches /50.2 x 29 cm, Paper very slightly age-toned, good margins. Generally very good for such a chart.,
(Estimate: $250 - 400)
Latitude scale, compass rose and system of rhumb lines, soundings, anchorage's, etc. A wealth of cities and information appear in the chart. (Lot
number: 21019)
VAN KEULEN,G., A new-enereasing Compass Map of part of the east coast of England.., Amsterdam 1753, 20.4
x 23.3 inches /51.8 x 59.3 cm, Paper very slightly age-toned, good margins. Generally very good for such a
chart., (Estimate: $250 - 400)
Latitude scale, compass rose and system of rhumb lines, soundings, anchorage's, etc. A wealth of cities and information appear in the chart.
The address is now updated to G. van Keulen Boek en Zeekaart verkooper aan de Nieuwenbrug in de gekroonde Lootsman Remains of the old
address are still visible. (Lot number: 21020)
BELLIN., THE ISLE of WIGHT., Paris / LOndon, 1762, 22 x 33.5 inches /56 x 85 cm, Excellent condition,
especially considering the size.Wide margins slight losses in the bottomcorners of the margins, though far away
of the engraving., (Estimate: $510 - 600)
Very large map of the Isle of Wight, and a large part of the Southcoast of England over the full width of the map. Two big cartouches in the left and
right bottomcorners.
With very many details of the areas, and drawn with great accuracy.
Designed for use of the French navy, by order of he French minister of the navy and war.
Certainly for military purposes. (Lot number: 90361)
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SMITH,C., "A New Map of the County of Middlesex", London, dated 1801, 18.5 x 20.3 inches /47 x 51.5 cm, In
near-mint condition. Strong, thick paper. Good margins. Fine colour., (Estimate: $500 - 650)
A beautifully engraved and well-detailed turn of the 19th century map of County Middlesex, England. The metropolis of London and its environs
are nicely highlighted, and even Hyde Park is shown with specifics.
Numerous roadways, towns and expanses are accurately depicted, with distances between "market towns" and London provided.
An uncommon example. (Lot number: 16900)
Channel islands
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Holy Iland. Garnsey. Farne. Iarsey., Amsterdam 1630, 16.1 x 20.3 inches /40.8 x
51.5 cm, A good and strong impression. Repair of split lower part centre fold, just affecting the engraved area. In
very good condition., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Showing the islands in the Channel.
Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders and studied in Louvain under Gemma Frisius, Dutch writer, astronomer and mathematician. The
excellence of his work brought him the patronage of Charles V, but in spite of his favor with the Emperor he was caught up in the persecution of
Lutheran protestants and charged with heresy, fortunately without serious consequences. No doubt the fear of further persecution influenced his
move in 1552 to Duisburg, where he continued the production of maps, globes and instruments.
Mercator's sons and grandsons, were all cartographers and made their contributions in various ways to his atlas. Rumold, in particular, was
responsible for the complete edition in 1595. The map plates were bought in 1604 by Jodocus Hondius who, with his sons, Jodocus II and Henricus,
published enlarged editions which dominated the map market for the following twenty to thirty years.
Latin text on verso. (Lot number: 22136)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Udrone Irlandiae in Catherlagh Baronia., Amsterdam, 1630, 13.4 x 10.8 inches
/34.1 x 27.5 cm, Minor age-toning. Wide margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Depicts present day County Carlow in Leinster Province and Catherlaugh which is now Carlow.
The title is surrounded by a strapwork design cartouche topped with calipers & a mileage scale. Signed lower right hand corner Per Gerardum
Mercatorem Cum Privilegio.Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders and studied in Louvain under Gemma Frisius, Dutch writer,
astronomer and mathematician.
The excellence of his work brought him the patronage of Charles V, but in spite of his favor with the Emperor he was caught up in the
persecution of Lutheran protestants and charged with heresy, fortunately without serious consequences. No doubt the fear of further persecution
influenced his move in 1552 to Duisburg, where he continued the production of maps, globes and instruments.
Mercator's sons and grandsons, were all cartographers and made their contributions in various ways to his atlas. Rumold, in particular, was
responsible for the complete edition in 1595.
The map plates were bought in 1604 by Jodocus Hondius who, with his sons, Jodocus II and Henricus, published enlarged editions which
dominated the map market for the following twenty to thirty years. (Lot number: 24984)
BLAEU,W., Hibernia regnum vulgo Ireland.., Amsterdam, 1635, 15 x 19.3 inches /38 x 49.1 cm, Paper age
toned. Minor discolouration along centre fold. A couple of tiny spots., (Estimate: $750 - 950)
Standard map of Ireland embellished with decorative coat of arms, cartouche with title and a scale cartouche showing two putti. (Lot number: 23985)
VAN DER AA, Pieter, L'irelande suivant les nouvelles observations, Leiden, ca. 1700, 9.1 x 12.1 inches /23.2 x
30.7 cm, In excellent condition. Dark and well defined impression. Sound paper with good margins. Fine,
period correct colour., (Estimate: $625 - 675)
A beautifully rendered and sought after map of Ireland. The cartouche depicts a pastoral scene with horsemen, hunters and various domesticated
and wild animals.
A very decorative work. (Lot number: 90303)
DE VAUGONDY, R., Royaume d'Irlande., Paris, 1750, 19.3 x 21.7 inches /49 x 55 cm, Very good condition,
heavy paper, wide margins., (Estimate: $480 - 550)
Nice large map of the kingdom of Ireland,divided in the 4 provinces and subdivided in counties,also showing a part of England and of Scotland, fully
coloured by hand.
From the atlas edited by de Vaugondy in 1750, by order of the French king.
Large coloured cartouche in the top-left corner, the map fully coloured, the borders slightly heavier coloured.
Very detailed, showing all the towns and nearly all the villages. (Lot number: 90408)
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LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte D'Irlande.., Paris, ca 1783, 11.9 x 16.6 inches /30.2 x 42.2 cm, Minor marginal
water staining. Light discolouration along centre fold. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good
impression., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Attractive map of Ireland, ornated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24237)
DESNOS/ BRION, L'Irlande divisée.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.3 x 48 cm, Very good condition.,
(Estimate: $75 - 100)
Map showing Ireland, decorated with a rococo-style cartouche. Left and right a box with geographical information in French about the country
(rivers, counties etc.). Printed on 2 paste-on slips.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24142)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Isle et Royaume d'Irlande., Paris, 1748-1799, 6.6 x 6.5 inches /16.7 x 16.6 cm, A good and
dark impression. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $85 - 110)
Nice small map of Ireland. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 7 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not
mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24518)
CORBET, W., New Map of the City of Dublin For the Year 1816, Dublin, ca. 1816, 10.6 x 13.8 inches /27 x 35.1
cm, Very good to near excellent. Fine impression on sound paper. Folding as issued. Left margin shaved but
still suitable for framing., (Estimate: $600 - 650)
A hard to find, beautifully rendered plan of Dublin. The work contains wonderful detail, with all streets, major sites and expanses identified.
In the lower right corner is a very decorative cartouche containing military figures, standards and a coat of arms. (Lot number: 90304)
RAPKIN, J., Ireland, London 1855, 14.2 x 9.4 inches /36 x 24 cm, Old folds with a few minor tiny spots. Right
margin with light wrinkling and one small repaired tear into the border, but otherwise very good with dark
impression., (Estimate: $80 - 120)
This is the uncommon and slightly later edition by Rapkin based on Tallis' maps. The vignettes have been removed and the map is issued in black
and white.
With decorative borders and title. Interesting are the indication of telegraph cables and important railways.
A rare and desirable issue that was published by the London Printing and Publishing Company. Drawn and engraved by Rapkin. (Lot number: 90171
Item 1) MILLAR, George H., Item 2) Anonymous, LOT of 2: 1) A Prospect of Dublin the Capital of Ireland 2)
Dublin, Item 1) London, ca. 1780. Item 2) Philadelphia, dated 1838., 6.8 x 9.8 inches /17.3 x 24.9 cm, Item 1) is
in very good condition. Slight browning along margin edges. Finely engraved with beautiful colouring. Paper
remnant on verso. Item 2) is in very good condition. Strong and clean paper with wide margins. A little bit of
rippling in the lower plate section (shows as faint shadows in auction image) Nicely coloured., (Estimate: $420 450)
Two wonderful views of Dublin offered as one lot. Item 1) shows the Liffey River winding through the city. The foreground is filled with citizens,
some wealthy and others from the peasantry, with one happy character fishing in the river. A highly decorative work with high presentation value.
Measurements are 173mm x 249mm. Item 2) measures 99mm x 150mm. It depicts the city of Dublin skyline with the Liffey River cutting through.
Several monuments are clearly visible. The foreground contains a pastoral scene with cattle and sheep along with a number of figures sitting on a
hillside overlooking the river. A nice little piece. (Lot number: 90347)
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MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Scotia Regnum., Amsterdam, 1613, 13.7 x 16 inches /34.9 x 40.6 cm, A good and
strong impression. Wide margins. Professional re-inforcement of paper to repair a tear along whole centerfold.
Else good condition., (Estimate: $220 - 250)
Detailed map of Scotland.
Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders and studied in Louvain under Gemma Frisius, Dutch writer, astronomer and mathematician. The
excellence of his work brought him the patronage of Charles V, but in spite of his favor with the Emperor he was caught up in the persecution of
Lutheran protestants and charged with heresy, fortunately without serious consequences. No doubt the fear of further persecution influenced his
move in 1552 to Duisburg, where he continued the production of maps, globes and instruments.
Mercator's sons and grandsons, were all cartographers and made their contributions in various ways to his atlas. Rumold, in particular, was
responsible for the complete edition in 1595. The map plates were bought in 1604 by Jodocus Hondius who, with his sons, Jodocus II and Henricus,
published enlarged editions which dominated the map market for the following twenty to thirty years. (Lot number: 23766)
DE CLERCK, N., Iacobus V. Dei Gratia, Rex Scotorum., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x
12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Size of paper : 31x 19cm.,
(Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of James V of Scotland.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24329)
DE CLERCK, N., Maria Stuart. D. G. Scotia Regina., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12
cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Marginal tumbling and minor
water stain at the bottom of the sheet. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Mary Stuart.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24344)
Keulen, G. van., Nieuwe Paskaart van de Orcades Eylanden, Amsterdam, 1715, 19.9 x 23 inches /50.5 x 58.5 cm,
good, (Estimate: $550 - 500)
The successful van Keulen firm published charts, pilot guides and sea-atlases for over 2 centuries. Founded by Johannes van Keulen, his son Gerard
led the firm to its zenith in the period between 1700 and 1730.
A fine sea-chart of the Orcades Islands. (Lot number: 20256)
VAN KEULEN,G., Nieuwe aftekening van Holy Eyland de Staples, coket Eyland en Barwyk .. Aan de ioostkust
van Schotland.., Amsterdam 1753, 19.8 x 23.3 inches /50.2 x 59.2 cm, Paper very slightly age-toned, good
margins. Generally very good for such a chart., (Estimate: $360 - 450)
Latitude scale, compass rose and system of rhumb lines, soundings, anchorage's, etc. A wealth of cities and information appear in the chart.
Latitude scale, compass rose and system of rhumb lines, soundings, anchorage's, etc. Many Dutch names and a wealth of cities and information
appear in the chart. COLLECTOR'S ITEM. (Lot number: 21726)
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VAN KEULEN,J., Paskaart Vande Noord Cust van Schotland als mede de Eylanden van Hitland en Fero..,
Amsterdam 1753, 19.8 x 23.1 inches /50.2 x 58.6 cm, Paper very slightly age-toned, good margins. Generally very
good for such a chart., (Estimate: $360 - 450)
South to the top. Latitude scale, compass rose and system of rhumb lines, soundings, anchorage's, etc. In lower right corner with added number 26.A
wealth of cities and information appear in the chart. Latitude scale, compass rose and system of rhumb lines, soundings, anchorage's, etc. (Lot
number: 21727)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte Du Royame D'Ecosse.., Paris, ca 1783, 11.8 x 16.7 inches /29.9 x 42.3 cm, Some
grey spotting. Some discolouration along centre fold. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good
impression., (Estimate: $75 - 90)
Attractive map of Scotland, including the Shetland Islands. Decorated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24236)
DESNOS/ BRION, L'Ecosse.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.3 x 48.1 cm, 2 minor brown spots. Else good
condition., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Decorative map showing Scotland divided into northern and southern portions with all the county divisions noted. Embellished with fine title
The map is flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two
separate plates with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24160)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Royaume d'Ecosse., Paris, 1748-1799, 6.4 x 7.7 inches /16.2 x 19.5 cm, A good and dark
impression. Good margins. Minor rust spot in the upper left corner. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $55 70)
Nice small map of Scotland. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 6 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does
not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24519)
British Isles cities / portraits
DE CLERCK, N., Elisabet D. G. Angliae, Franciae, Et Hiberniae, Regina, Fid. Chr. Prop., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Marginal brown spots. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $35 - 50)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Elisabeth I.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. ¤ (Lot number: 24325)
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DE CLERCK, N., Maria D. G. Angliae Franciae Et Hiberniae Regina., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x
4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Marginal
spots. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Mary Tudor.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24326)
DE CLERCK, N., Henricus VII D.G. Angliae Franciae Et Hiberniae Rex., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1
x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Marginal
tumbling. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Henry VII.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24327)
DE CLERCK, N., Henricus VIII D.G. Angliae Franciae Et Hiberniae Rex., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621,
7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Marginal brown spot, lower left corner. Minor light brown spot affecting the title. Size of paper : 31x 19cm.,
(Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Henry VIII.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24328)
DE CLERCK, N., Iacobus I. D. G. Magnae-Brittanniae, Franciae Et Hiberniae Rex. Def. Fid., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Marginal spots in the right border. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of James I of England.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24330)
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MERIAN,M., Rivier oder gegent von London mit der eroberingen der Insul Scheperij …, Frankfurt 1680, 8.7 x
13.6 inches /22 x 34.5 cm, Dark impression. All together very good., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Decorative map of the River Thames up to London. With inset map. Very decorative and of the highest standing of engraving. (Lot number: 23992)
HOMANN HEIRS., Regionis quae circa Londinum.., Nuremberg, 1741, 19.7 x 22.3 inches /50 x 56.6 cm, With
several pinhole-sized worm holes. A printers crease along center fold., (Estimate: $850 - 950)
Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved map has a large decorative panoramic view of London in bottom. Detailed map of London.
Johann Baptist Homann (1663-1724) was a German engraver and publisher, who established himself and his family as perhaps the most famous
German map publishers. Following his death in 1724, the business continued under the name Homann Heirs . This Homann map is finely
engraved, the original wash colour and the panoramic view of London with later colour addition. (Lot number: 05163)
LONGMATE, L., NEW MAP OF THE CITY OF OXFORD, London, dated 1773, 14 x 16.9 inches /35.5 x 42.9
cm, In very good to near excellent condition. Crisp and dark impression. Strong, thick paper. Folding as
issued. Right margin shaved. Tiny tear in right margin, (Estimate: $500 - 575)
A scarce 18th century plan of the City of Oxford. The work is finely rendered and contains exceptional detail.
Three separate legends identify important town sites. University buildings are highlighted. Overall presentation reflects a fine "architectural"
quality. (Lot number: 90139)
BAYLY, J.C., A Plan of the City of Canterbury & the adjoining Suburbs..., London, dated 1798, 12.1 x 15.4
inches /30.7 x 39 cm, In very good condition. Sound paper. Two folds as issued. Light overall browning, as
normal. Fine colouring., (Estimate: $475 - 525)
A beautiful, sought after plan of Canterbury as seen towards the end of the eighteenth century. The work contains four insets: 1) "The North View of
St. Augustine's Monastery", 2) "The Old Church of St. Andrew", 3) "The late Steeple of St. George's Church" and 4) "The Conduit given by Arch
Bishop Abbot removed in 1754".
There are three armorials, including the city's coat of arms, and a title cartouche. Most decorative. (Lot number: 90302)
SWIRE, William, Liverpool and its Environs, Liverpool, ca. 1824, 16.1 x 21.1 inches /41 x 53.5 cm, In very good
condition, overall. Left margin shaved to border. Folding as issued. Sharp and dark impression. Strong paper.,
(Estimate: $1000 - 1300)
A seldom seen, superbly rendered and decorative early 19th century plan of Liverpool. The map proffers extraordinary detail of the city's streets,
important sites, monuments and dock areas. An extensive key is provided identifying important sites. An inset plan of Liverpool as it was in 1720 is
provided in the lower right section of the plate. In addition, it contains a prospect of the town hall and exchange buildings, three official seals and the
Liverpool coat of arms. Published by William Wales and Co. of Castle Street, Liverpool. Terrific presentation value. (Lot number: 90282)
CRUCHLEY, George Frederick, Cruchley's New Plan of London Shewing all the New and Intended
Improvements to the Present Time, London, 1836, 16.5 x 23.6 inches /42 x 60 cm, The plan is in near excellent
condition. Laid on original canvas. The slip case is a bit worn but still very functional., (Estimate: $3000 4000)
One of the more desirable and sought after plans of London. Demand for Cruchley London plans has grown substantially in recent years. At a 2006
Bonhams auction, an 1828 edition of Cruchley London fetched nearly 5,300 British pounds; one dated 1838 sold for 3,240 British pounds and an
1836 version yielded 3,000 British pounds (as reported in the MapForum journal - see reference section below) Other recent Bonhams auctions have
resulted in similar prices for Cruchley London works.
This highly attractive 1836 issue is beautifully engraved and coloured. It provides extraordinary detail of the city's streets, major edifices and
monuments. The work has a rather unique border composed of an extensive key that identifies London's important sites.
A fabulous collector's item. (Lot number: 90301)
Eastern Europe
ORTELIUS, Abraham, Illyricum, Antwerp, 1612, 14.6 x 18.9 inches /37 x 48 cm, Centerfold repaired with some
loss of margin. Slight tone and oxidation of colours., (Estimate: $300 - 350)
Very decorative map of Slovenia and Croatia, engraved in 1572 after Johann Sambucus. (Lot number: 90393)
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MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Walachia Servia, Bulgaria, et Romania., Amsterdam, 1631, 5.5 x 7.7 inches /14
x 19.5 cm, Good., (Estimate: $140 - 155)
Small map of the Eastern Balkans centered on Bulgaria. Includes the Bosphorus and Constantinople. Adorned with decorative title and distance scale
cartouches. German text on verso. (Lot number: 80337)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Carte de la Pologne. Aujourd'hui Partagée entre la Russie, l'Empereur et le Roi de Prusse.,
Paris, later than 1748, 6.5 x 8.3 inches /16.4 x 21 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good
condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Small detailed map showing Poland, Lithuania, the Kaliningrad Oblast, Belarus and part of Ukraine.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 35 and Tom. Premier 2eme partie. Page 1. outside border top right. To the upper
left corner Pl.1. (Lot number: 24580)
LATTRÉ / ZANNONI,R., [No title] Part of Eastern Europe., Paris ca 1783, 11.9 x 17.8 inches /30.2 x 45.2 cm,
Minor discolouration along centre fold. 4 minor spots in the central area, hardly noticeable. Printed on heavy
paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
Attractive map showing part of the course of the river Danube, from Germany to Hungary.
Including the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo Rizzi Zannoni, one of the leading cartographers of the late 18th century, as well as being an astronomer,
surveyor and mathematician.
Born in Padua, he worked in Venice and was engaged by the governments of Austria and France to produce maps.
Rizzi Zannoni was the first to execute the triangulation of Poland, assisting in the French and English border survey of American in 1757, and
serving as the hydrographer of the Dépot de Marine.
He was also a member of the Cosmographic Society of Göttingen, a town in Saxony, Germany, home to the University of Göttingen.
Rizzi Zannoni is known for his world atlas, the French edition of which was published in 1762 as Atlas Moderne by Lattré in Bordeaux.
In 1781, he was invited by the Bourbon rulers of the Kingdom of Naples to direct the Topographical Office, among the first governmental
cartographic agencies in Europe. There he produced celebrated land and maritime atlases of the region, as well as many separately issued maps. (Lot
number: 24266)
DESNOS/ BRION, La Hongrie avec les Provinces adjacentes.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.3 x 48 cm,
Minor marginal discolouration along sheet borders. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Attractive map of Hungary, adorned with a rococo-style title cartouche.
Left and right box with geographical information about the area. Printed on 2 paste-on slips.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24146)
VAN KEULEN, G., [I. Dago] [I. Wormso], Amsterdam 1797, 8.1 x 7.5 inches /20.5 x 19 cm, Very outer marginal
browning due to water staining. Very wide margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $360 - 400)
Extremely rare sea chart centered on Hiiumaa (Dago) and Vormsi (Wormso) Islands, off the coast of Estonia. (Lot number: 22199)
DE JODE,G., [Untitled] Tractus Danubii, Tabula II., Antwerp, 1593, 13.3 x 19.5 inches /33.7 x 49.5 cm, Very
good and dark impression. Tiny black ink spot, central left hand side. A couple of minor light brown spots
central upper part., (Estimate: $950 - 1100)
A rare map centered on the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. Showing Bulgaria, part of Romania and of Turkey. Engraved by the Doetecum
Gerard De Jode was the great rival of Ortelius, both made a living out of selling maps, and it seems not always on good terms. It is probable that
Ortelius was responsible for a delay in the publication of Gerard de Jode's Speculum. Gerard De Jode, 18 years older than Ortelius, owned many
more copper-plates for maps than Ortelius had. Ortelius did not employ highly paid engravers as De Jode had done.
De Jode received the ecclesiastical imprimatur in 1573, but it was not until 1579 that the first copies of the Speculum were sold at Plantin's shop, and
only very few copies were sold. Now-a-days only a few atlases from the first and only edition are known to exist.
After the death of Gerard in 1591, the business was carried on by his widow and his son Cornelis, who re-issued the Speculum in 1593, most plates
were newly engraved. (Lot number: 24791)
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Ortelius, A., Regni Bohemiae Descriptio., Antwerp, 1571, 13.2 x 20.1 inches /33.5 x 51 cm, excellent, (Estimate:
$500 - 450)
Abraham Ortelius(1527-98), Dutch cartographer and publisher of the first modern atlas, ' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570. Editions till 1612. Also
an atlas of ancient cartography, the ' Parergon' and a pocket atlas, the ' Epitome'.Abraham Ortelius’ map of Bohemia is based on the map by the
Bohemian cartographer Johann Criginger. (Lot number: 20356)
Hondius, H., Bohemia, Amsterdam, c. 1620, 5.7 x 7.9 inches /14.5 x 20 cm, good, (Estimate: $150 - 140)
Hendrick Hondius (1597-1651). In assocation with Johannes Janssonius, Hendrick continued to publish the Mercator-Hondius Atlas, which was
improved and enlarged, the by then obsolute Mercator maps were substituted by new ones.
A map from the Mercator- Hondius' ' Atlas Minor', depicting Czechia. (Lot number: 18544)
Blaeu, W., Bohemia., Amsterdam, 1635, 16.1 x 21.5 inches /41 x 54.5 cm, slight foxing, 2 small wormholes
restored, otherwise good condition, (Estimate: $450 - 400)
Willem Blaeu, founder of the famous publishing firm. Originally publishing pilot-guides, he issued his first atlas, 'Atlantis Appendix', in 1630,
followed by his "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" or "Novus Atlas" in 1635.
Willem Blaeu's map of Czechia. From the French edition of Willem Blaeu's atlas "Theatrum". (Lot number: 18033)
JAILLOT,A.H., Estats de la couronne de Boheme qui comprennent le Royaume de Boheme.., Paris 1704, 18.1 x
25.6 inches /46 x 65 cm, Good and dark impression. Restoration of split lower part centre fold, attaining the scale
border. Repair of tear in the right margin. Good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Decorative map of Czech Republic, southwestern part of Poland and eastern parts of Germany with a nice title cartouche.
Engraved by Cordier and prepared by N. Sanson. With the address "les grands Augustins, aux 2 Globes". (Lot number: 23405)
CHATELAIN,H., Carte du Royaume de Boheme. La chronologie de ses Rois.., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 18.5 x 24.4
inches /47 x 62 cm, Three folds as issued. Short margins. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 150)
Map centered on today Czech Republic, including part of Poland with a key table to the towns on both sides.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25035)
ANONYMOUS, Plan de Prag. [Manuscript plan of Prague - Praha], [France] ca. 1760, 14.8 x 16.4 inches /37.5
x 41.7 cm, Manuscript plan in pen and ink with gouache colour on paper. Some light water staining in lower
part of plan. Very good condition., (Estimate: $2400 - 2600)
Very nice manuscript plan of Prague and the castle. Not dated or signed. In upper left a numbered key 1-36 referring to the ramparts of the town and
a scale (of 1:700 aulnes). To the right a numbered key 37-42 for the castle. (Lot number: 24911)
KARTARO, M., [Gÿor] Iavarino in Ongaria et trinciere dove al presente al ritrova lo Imperatore aloggiato con lo
essercito …, Venice, 1566, 15.4 x 20.7 inches /39.1 x 52.6 cm, Margins cut till neat lines with contemporarily
extended margins. Some minor discolouration at joined parts. Very good and dark impression., (Estimate: $1300
- 1800)
Showing the siege of Iavarin (now-a-days Gÿor). Title in a cartouche lower left, with compass rose, date 1566 and initials of Marios Kartaro.
An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example of a map from the early Lafreri school.! (Lot number: 25020)
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DE CLERCK, N., Lodovicus D.G. Rex Hungariae et Bohemiae Etc., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7
inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Light marginal
spots. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Lodovicus D.G. Rex Hungariae et Bohemiae".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24307)
DE CLERCK, N., Iohannes Sigismundus D. G. Rex Ungariae.., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7
inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Light marginal spots, water stain and
tumbling. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Iohannes Sigismundus".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24349)
DE CLERCK, N., Hungaria., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.6 x 5.2 inches /9.1 x 13.1 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Minor marginal tumbling. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $85 - 110)
Small map of Hungary, surrounded by text in Dutch. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24449)
Mallet, A.M., Hongrie., Paris, 1683, 5.7 x 4.3 inches /14.5 x 11 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $85 - 82)
Alain Manneson Mallet (1603-1706) published in 1683 his ' Description de l' Univers' in 5 volumes. In 1686 a German edition appeared.Map of
Hungary from Mallet's ' Description de l' Univers'. (Lot number: 18795)
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DE WIT,F, Regni Hungariae et Regionum, quae ei quodam … Transilvania, Valachiae, Moldaviae, Serviae,
Romaniae, Bulgariae.., Amsterdam, 1688, 19.7 x 34.6 inches /50 x 88 cm, Printed on two sheets. The border lines
of Slovakia are oxidized, resulting in loss of paper, now carefully re-inforced. Very decorative title cartouche.,
(Estimate: $600 - 750)
Fine and detailed map of Hungary reaching far east as Istanbul. Decorative title cartouche. (Lot number: 25076)
LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., Le Royaume de Hongrie Divisé en Haute et Basse Hongrie.., Paris, ca 1783, 12.1 x
17.4 inches /30.7 x 44.1 cm, Minor marginal spotting. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good
impression., (Estimate: $150 - 180)
Attractive map centered on Hungary, ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by
Jean Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable
number of maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24276)
Hondius, H., Valachia Servia Bulgaria et Romania., Amsterdam, c. 1620, 5.5 x 7.9 inches /14 x 20 cm, good,
(Estimate: $120 - 110)
Hendrick Hondius (1597-1651). In assocation with Johannes Janssonius, Hendrick continued to publish the Mercator-Hondius Atlas, which was
improved and enlarged, the by then obsolute Mercator maps were substituted by new ones.
A map from the Mercator- Hondius' 'Atlas Minor', depicting the eastern Balkan. (Lot number: 18798)
Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Pannonia, Dacia, Illyricum et Moesia. 1783., Paris, 1783, 11.8 x 16.9 inches /30 x 43 cm,
good condition., (Estimate: $175 - 160)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.
A map of the northern Balkan in classical times. (Lot number: 18799)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Sclavonia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae parte., Amsterdam, 1630, 14.1 x 18 inches
/35.7 x 45.8 cm, Paper very slightly agetoned as usual., (Estimate: $500 - 600)
Excellent map with coat-of-arms focusing specifically on the embattled nations of the former Yugoslavia. (Lot number: 03036)
Blaeu, W., Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae Parte., Amsterdam, c.1630, 15.2 x 20 inches /38.5 x 50.8
cm, very good condition., (Estimate: $350 - 375)
Willem Blaeu, father of Johan and Cornelis Blaeu, was the founder of the famous publishing firm. Originally publishing pilot-guides, he issued his
first atlas, 'Atlantis Appendix', in 1630. Willem Blaeu’s map of the western Balkan, based upon the map by Gerard Mercator. With a title cartouche
and three coats-of-arms. (Lot number: 18032)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae parte., Amsterdam, 1630, 14.1 x 18.3
inches /35.8 x 46.5 cm, Paper age-toned, as usual. Minor marginal spotting. Good margins. Good condition.,
(Estimate: $180 - 250)
Nice map of the Eastern Balkans with the geographical & political divisions of Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Bosnia, Serbia, etc.
Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders and studied in Louvain under Gemma Frisius, Dutch writer, astronomer and mathematician.
The excellence of his work brought him the patronage of Charles V, but in spite of his favor with the Emperor he was caught up in the persecution of
Lutheran protestants and charged with heresy, fortunately without serious consequences. No doubt the fear of further persecution influenced his
move in 1552 to Duisburg, where he continued the production of maps, globes and instruments.
Mercator's sons and grandsons, were all cartographers and made their contributions in various ways to his atlas. Rumold, in particular, was
responsible for the complete edition in 1595.
The map plates were bought in 1604 by Jodocus Hondius who, with his sons, Jodocus II and Henricus, published enlarged editions which dominated
the map market for the following twenty to thirty years. (Lot number: 24982)
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Mallet, A.M., Noricum, Vindelicie, et Rhetie., Paris, 1687, 6.3 x 4.5 inches /16 x 11.5 cm, excellent condition.,
(Estimate: $85 - 80)
Alain Manneson Mallet (1603-1706) published in 1683 his ' Description de l' Univers' in 5 volumes. In 1686 a German edition appeared.
A map of Switzerland, Tirol and northern Italy. (Lot number: 18797)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Nouvelle Carte de la Partie Occidentale de Dalmatie, dressee sur les lieux.,
Venice, 1776 - 1784, 18.4 x 24.6 inches /46.7 x 62.4 cm, Good margins. Slight marginal spotting. Else very good
condition., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
Finely and crisply engraved map depicting part of the Dalmatian coastline and its islands between Zadar and Omis, south of Split.
Oriented with east on top. Remarkable topographical detail is shown.
Ornated with a large decorative title cartouche in the upper left corner and a compass rose.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse sur
les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example - indicating that this is the second state of the map.
(Lot number: 24890)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Nouvelle Carte de la Partie Orientale de Dalmatie, dressée sur les lieux., Venice,
1776 - 1784, 18.5 x 24.6 inches /47 x 62.5 cm, Good margins. Slight marginal spotting. Else very good condition.,
(Estimate: $300 - 400)
Finely and crisply engraved map depicting the southern part of the Dalmatian coastline and its islands.>BR>Encompassing the area from the
southern half of Brac island to the border with Montenegro.
Oriented with east on top. With an inset map illustrating the "bay of Kotor" in the lower right corner and a large decorative title cartouche in the
upper right.
Remarkable topographical detail.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse sur
les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example - indicating that this is the second state of the map.
(Lot number: 24891)
DE CLERCK, N., Franciscus I. D. G. Galliarum Rex Christianissimus., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x
4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Minor
marginal water stain, upper right corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Francis I of France.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24335)
DE CLERCK, N., Carolus IX. D. G. Galliarum Rex Christianissimus., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x
4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Minor
marginal water stain, upper right corner. Marginal discolouration, lower border. Size of paper : 31x 19cm.,
(Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Charles IX of France.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24336)
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DE CLERCK, N., Gallia., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.4 x 13.3 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. A few marginal spots. 1 tiny spot affecting the lower left border frame. Size of paper : 31x 19cm.,
(Estimate: $55 - 70)
Small map of France, surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24429)
BEREY,N., Carte Generalle de toute les poste et traverse de France., Paris, 1640, 15.7 x 20.4 inches /40 x 51.7
cm, Good impression. Map slightly age-toned. In very good condition., (Estimate: $2750 - 3500)
One of the first Post route maps of France, decorated with figured borders. In top a panoramic view of Paris and two post horse carriage. On each
side five city views. Roan, Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille, Bourges, Tours, Angers, Poitiers, Orleans and Nantes.
Very decorative title cartouche in the upper right-hand corner, with the address A Paris chez Nicolas Berey proche des Augustins .
L’une des premières cartes routières de France, vers 1640Combinaison d’itinéraires rayonnant autour de quelques grands centres --- Paris,
Lyon, Rouen, Toulouse, Bordeaux ---, la Carte générale de toutes les postes de France montre la configuration du réseau des services routiers
mis à la disposition des courriers officiels et des voyageurs fortunés à la fin du règne du roi Louis XIII. Rééditée régulièrement et mise à jour
jusqu’à la Révolution en fonction des listes annuelles des relais de la poste, elle est un précieux témoin de l’évolution du réseau routier aux
XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.
Publiée en 1632 par l'éditeur d'estampes Melchior Tavernier et copiée peu après par un autre éditeur d’estampes, Nicolas Berey (1610?-1665), la
première carte des routes de poste du royaume de France fut dressée par le géographe du roi Nicolas Sanson (1600-1667).
Nicolas Berey lui donna un caractère plus attractif en y faisant graver, dans les marges latérales, une série de vignettes représentant en plan, en
profil ou en vue perspective, les dix principales villes du royaume. La bordure supérieure est ornée, en outre, d’une gravure représentant deux
coches se dirigeant en toute hâte vers Paris. ¤ (Lot number: 24710)
France provinces
DE JODE,G., Bitvrigvm, provinciae que Berry., Antwerp 1578, 13.5 x 9.7 inches /34.4 x 24.7 cm, Dark
impression. Right hand margin cut into neat line, with some discolouration., (Estimate: $450 - 500)
Includes the Loire Valley, centered on Bourges and Vierzon. From the first edition of De Jode's Speculum Orbis Terrarum, the second general atlas
of the world, after Ortelius. The first edition of De Jode's atlas was not a commercial success, making maps from the first edition very rare.
Gerard De Jode was the great rival of Ortelius, both made a living out of selling maps, and it seems not always on good terms. It is probable that
Ortelius was responsible for a delay in the publication of Gerard de Jode's Speculum. Gerard De Jode, 18 years older than Ortelius, owned many
more copper-plates for maps than Ortelius had. Ortelius did not employ highly paid engravers as De Jode had done.
De Jode received the ecclesiastical imprimatur in 1573, but it was not until 1579 that the first copies of the Speculum were sold at Plantin's shop, and
only very few copies were sold. Now-a-days only a few atlases from the first and only edition are known to exist. Also single leaves are an utmost
After the death of Gerard in 1591, the business was carried on by his widow and his son Cornelis, who re-issued the Speculum in 1593, most plates
were newly engraved, and therefore making those of the first edition extremely rare. (Lot number: 23080)
DE JODE,G., Exacta novaqve descriptio dvcatvs Andegravensis qvem vvlgari nomine Le Duche d'Aniou
Indigitant., Antwerp 1578, 13.7 x 17.4 inches /34.9 x 44.3 cm, Dark impression. Some very minor marginal
discolouration., (Estimate: $800 - 1000)
Centered on the town of Angiers. From the first edition of De Jode's Speculum Orbis Terrarum, the second general atlas of the world, after Ortelius.
The first edition of De Jode's atlas was not a commercial success, making maps from their first edition very rare.
Gerard De Jode was the great rival of Ortelius, both made a living out of selling maps, and it seems not always on good terms. It is probable that
Ortelius was responsible for a delay in the publication of Gerard de Jode's Speculum. Gerard De Jode, 18 years older than Ortelius, owned many
more copper-plates for maps than Ortelius had. Ortelius did not employ highly paid engravers as De Jode had done.
De Jode received the ecclesiastical imprimatur in 1573, but it was not until 1579 that the first copies of the Speculum were sold at Plantin's shop, and
only very few copies were sold. Now-a-days only a few atlases from the first and only edition are known to exist. Also single leaves are an utmost
After the death of Gerard in 1591, the business was carried on by his widow and his son Cornelis, who re-issued the Speculum in 1593, most plates
were newly engraved, and therefore making those of the first edition extremely rare. (Lot number: 23081)
DE JODE,G., Limania e topographia. Boloniensivm Ditionis et Caletensivm exacta descript., Antwerp 1578, 13.5
x 17.7 inches /34.3 x 45 cm, Dark impression. Some very minor marginal discolouration., (Estimate: $650 - 750)
Two maps on one sheet. The map to the right covers the north western tip of France. From the first edition of De Jode's Speculum Orbis Terrarum,
the second general atlas of the world, after Ortelius. The first edition of De Jode's atlas was not a commercial success, making maps from their first
edition very rare.
Gerard De Jode was the great rival of Ortelius, both made a living out of selling maps, and it seems not always on good terms. It is probable that
Ortelius was responsible for a delay in the publication of Gerard de Jode's Speculum. Gerard De Jode, 18 years older than Ortelius, owned many
more copper-plates for maps than Ortelius had. Ortelius did not employ highly paid engravers as De Jode had done.
De Jode received the ecclesiastical imprimatur in 1573, but it was not until 1579 that the first copies of the Speculum were sold at Plantin's shop, and
only very few copies were sold. Now-a-days only a few atlases from the first and only edition are known to exist. Also single leaves are an utmost
After the death of Gerard in 1591, the business was carried on by his widow and his son Cornelis, who re-issued the Speculum in 1593, most plates
were newly engraved, and therefore making those of the first edition extremely rare. (Lot number: 23082)
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DE JODE,G., Typus Corographicus Veromanduae Partis Galliae Belgicae [on sheet with] Sabaudiae Ducatus,
seu Narbonensis Galliae Partis, vera Germanaque Delineatio., Antwerp 1578, 13.5 x 17.9 inches /34.3 x 45.5 cm,
Very good and dark impression. Slightly age-toned. Very fine., (Estimate: $700 - 800)
FIRST EDITION of this fine example of De Jode's rare map of part of France. From the first edition of De Jode's Speculum Orbis Terrarum, the
second general atlas of the world, after Ortelius.
Engraved by Joannes and Lucas van Deutecom.
The first edition of De Jode's atlas was not a commercial success, making maps from the first edition very rare.
Gerard De Jode was the great rival of Ortelius, both made a living out of selling maps, and it seems not always on good terms. It is probable that
Ortelius was responsible for a delay in the publication of Gerard de Jode's Speculum. Gerard De Jode, 18 years older than Ortelius, owned many
more copper-plates for maps than Ortelius had. Ortelius did not employ highly paid engravers as De Jode had done.
De Jode received the ecclesiastical imprimatur in 1573, but it was not until 1579 that the first copies of the Speculum were sold at Plantin's shop, and
only very few copies were sold. Now-a-days only a few atlases from the first and only edition are known to exist. Also single leaves are an utmost
After the death of Gerard in 1591, the business was carried on by his widow and his son Cornelis, who re-issued the Speculum in 1593, most plates
were newly engraved, and therefore making those of the first edition extremely rare. (Lot number: 23085)
Ortelius, A., Venuxini Comitatus Nova Descr. Auctore Stephano Ghebellino., Antwerp, 1584, 14 x 9.1 inches
/35.5 x 23 cm, good, (Estimate: $190 - 180)
Abraham Ortelius(1527-98), Dutch cartographer and publisher of the first modern atlas, ' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570. Editions till 1612. Also
an atlas of ancient cartography, the ' Parergon' and a pocket atlas, the ' Epitome'.A map showing the Vaucluse with the Rhone river from
Montelimarto to Tarascon with Avignon. (Lot number: 19809)
DE JODE,C., Comitatus Venayscinensis Nova Discriptio., Antwerp, 1593, 11.8 x 9.5 inches /30 x 24.2 cm, Very
good and dark impression. Left margin cut close to plate mark. Professional repair of tear in the lower right side,
8,5 cm into the engraved area., (Estimate: $360 - 450)
Rare map depicting part of Provence with Avignon, Cavaillon, Orange, Carpentras, etc.Gerard De Jode was the great rival of Ortelius, both made
a living out of selling maps, and it seems not always on good terms. It is probable that Ortelius was responsible for a delay in the publication of
Gerard de Jode's Speculum. Gerard De Jode, 18 years older than Ortelius, owned many more copper-plates for maps than Ortelius had. Ortelius
did not employ highly paid engravers as De Jode had done.
De Jode received the ecclesiastical imprimatur in 1573, but it was not until 1579 that the first copies of the Speculum were sold at Plantin's shop,
and only very few copies were sold. Now-a-days only a few atlases from the first and only edition are known to exist. Also single leaves are an
utmost rarity.
After the death of Gerard in 1591, the business was carried on by his widow and his son Cornelis, who re-issued the Speculum in 1593, most
plates were newly engraved. (Lot number: 24799)
Bouguereau, M./ J. Leclerc., Nova et integra Cae(n)oma(n)lia descriptio vulgo Le Mans., Paris, 1619, 13.8 x
17.9 inches /35 x 45.5 cm, minor restorations, not affecting printed area., (Estimate: $375 - 400)
In 1594 Francois Bougereau published his ' Le Theatre Francois', the first atlas of France. Jean Leclerc re-issued this atlas in 1619 as 'La Theatre
geographique de France. The maps remained the same, but on the verso there is no text.This map of Le Mans is copied after the Map by Macé Ogier,
published in 1539, but now lost. Pastoureau, Les Atlas Francais XVIe-XVIIe Siècles, LECLERC A, p. 296, map [14]. (Lot number: 18345)
DE CLERCK, N., Lotaringia Ducatus., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.5 x 13.3 cm, Page
slightly age-toned. Marginal water stain. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $55 - 70)
Small map of Lorraine, oriented with West on top and surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24437)
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MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Bourbonois, Borbonium Ducatus., Amsterdam, 1630, 14.7 x 19.6 inches /37.4 x
49.7 cm, A good and strong impression. Some discolouration along centre fold. Else very good condition.,
(Estimate: $240 - 280)
A very nice map centered on a province of France, with the river Loire and its castles.
Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders and studied in Louvain under Gemma Frisius, Dutch writer, astronomer and mathematician.
The excellence of his work brought him the patronage of Charles V, but in spite of his favor with the Emperor he was caught up in the persecution of
Lutheran protestants and charged with heresy, fortunately without serious consequences. No doubt the fear of further persecution influenced his
move in 1552 to Duisburg, where he continued the production of maps, globes and instruments.
Mercator's sons and grandsons, were all cartographers and made their contributions in various ways to his atlas. Rumold, in particular, was
responsible for the complete edition in 1595.
The map plates were bought in 1604 by Jodocus Hondius who, with his sons, Jodocus II and Henricus, published enlarged editions which dominated
the map market for the following twenty to thirty years. (Lot number: 23300)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Lionnois, Forest .., Amsterdam, 1631, 5.3 x 7.7 inches /13.5 x 19.5 cm, In good
condition., (Estimate: $90 - 100)
A beautifully engraved map of the Rhone and Loire valleys with Vienne, Lyon, and Macon. Fully illustrated with mountains, forests and hundreds of
tiny villages. German text on verso. (Lot number: 80330)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Artesia Comitatus, Amsterdam, 1631, 4.7 x 6.9 inches /12 x 17.5 cm, Good.,
(Estimate: $150 - 200)
Detailed map of France most Northern province Artois. Rare and decorative oval map in a rectangular frame, the corners decorated with ornaments.
Decorated with a small strapwork title cartouche. German text on verso. (Lot number: 80331)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Picardia., Amsterdam, 1631, 5.5 x 7.5 inches /14 x 19 cm, Good., (Estimate: $70
- 85)
Fine small map reduced from Jansson's folio map of this historic region including the cities of Abbeville, Amiens, Cambrai, Laon, and Compiegne.
Fully engraved with cities and forests and adorned with title and scale of miles cartouches. German text on verso. (Lot number: 80338)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Le Duche D' Berry., Amsterdam, 1631, 5.5 x 7.1 inches /14 x 18 cm, Good.,
(Estimate: $70 - 85)
Lovely map of the heart of France naming many cities, including Bourges, Chartres and Nancy. The map shows wonderful pictorial topography of
the mountains and trees. The map is adorned with a simple title cartouche. German text on verso. (Lot number: 80339)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Alsatia inferior., Amsterdam, 1631, 5.5 x 7.1 inches /14 x 18 cm, Good.,
(Estimate: $70 - 85)
Handsome map of the region around Strasbourg featuring a decorative cartouche enclosing the title and scale. Fully engraved to illustrate the rivers,
forests and mountains and locate hundreds of tiny villages. German text on verso. (Lot number: 80340)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Alsatia superior cu Suntgoia & Brisboia., Amsterdam, 1631, 5.5 x 7.5 inches /14
x 19 cm, Good., (Estimate: $70 - 85)
Handsome map covering the Alsace region and the course of the Rhine River from Basel to Strasburg. North is oriented to the right. German text on
verso. (Lot number: 80341)
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JANSSON, J., Provincia. La Provence., Amsterdam, 1636, 14.8 x 19.6 inches /37.7 x 49.8 cm, Very light
browning. Repair of marginal splits at the extremities of the centre fold. Wide margins., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Detailed map of the Province including the towns of Marseille, Avignon, Nice, Aix-en-Provence, Sisteron, etc. (Lot number: 24790)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DES SEUENNES, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
watermarked hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned with a few mild yellowish areas.. Good + clear impression.
Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good
antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed map of the area with many place names, also indicating regional borders and rivers. Nicely engraved symbols represent towns and
villages. Decorated with a title cartouche, a distance scale, and a simple compass rose. Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90257)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., LA PICARDIE, Paris 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Strong hand-laid paper,
pleasantly age-toned. Good strong impression, slightly blurry in places. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and
rubbed and worn to bottom right corner - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30
- 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information. Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful title
cartouche, another cartouche bearing the distance scale, a simple compass rose and a small sailing ship. Uncoloured as issued. (Lot number: 90209)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DU VERMANDOIS, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Strong
hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned. Strong and clear impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and
worn with some fraying & short tears - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information including regional borders, woods and rivers. Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and
villages. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche and a simple compass rose. Uncoloured as issued. (Lot number: 90210)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DU CAMBRESIS, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned. Good and clear impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and worn
with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information including regional borders, woods and rivers. Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and
villages. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale and a simple compass rose. Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90211)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DU RETELOIS, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned with one brownish stain. Good and clear impression. Wide, uncut margins
faintly stained and worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Good antiquarian condition!,
(Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information including woods and rivers.
Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale and a simple compass rose.
Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90212)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., LA PRICIPAUTE DE SEDAN, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned. Good and clear impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and worn
with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information including woods and rivers. Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages.
Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche with a distance scale, and a simple compass rose. Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90213)
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TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DU BEAUVAISIS, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned. Dark and clear impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and worn
with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information. Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages.
Decorated with a title cartouche, a distance scale and a simple compass rose. Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90214)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DU MAYNE, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality hand-laid
paper, pleasantly age-toned. Good and clear impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and worn with light
fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information including regional borders and rivers.
Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale and a simple compass rose.
Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90218)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DE TOURAINE, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned. Lighter impression to edges. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and
worn, with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information including regional borders, lakes and rivers.
Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale and a simple compass rose.
Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90220)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DE BEAUSSE, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality hand-laid
paper, pleasantly age-toned. Excellent, clear impression, with light engraving streaks. Wide, uncut margins
faintly stained and worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition,
(Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information including regional borders and rivers.
Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale and a simple compass rose.
Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90221)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., PARTIE ORIENTALE DE SOULÒGNE, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm,
Quality hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned. Dark and clear impression, one corner slightly smudged. Wide,
uncut margins faintly stained and worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good
antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information including regional borders, lakes and rivers.
Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale and a simple compass rose.
Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90230)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DU VALOIS, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality hand-laid
paper, pleasantly age-toned. Dark and clear impression, one tiny brown spot. Wide, uncut margins faintly
stained and worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!,
(Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information.
Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale and a simple compass rose.
Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90224)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DE BRIE, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality hand-laid
paper, pleasantly age-toned. Excellent, clear impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and worn with light
fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information including rivers and bridges.
Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale and a simple compass rose.
Uncoloured as issued. (Lot number: 90225)
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TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DU GASTINOIS & SENONOIS, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm,
Quality hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned. Excellent, clear impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained
and worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate:
$30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information including lakes and rivers.
Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages. Decorated with a title cartouche, a distance scale and a simple compass rose. Uncoloured
as issued. (Lot number: 90226)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DE CHAMPAGNE, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned. Good and clear impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and worn
with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information. Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages.
Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale and a simple compass rose. Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90227)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DU PAYS MESSIN, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned. Good and clear impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and worn
with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information including regional borders, mountains and rivers.
Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale and a simple compass rose.
Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90215)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DE LORRAINE, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned with faint yellowing. Good and clear impression. Wide, uncut margins
faintly stained and worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian
condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed with a lot of topographical information including regional borders, hills, lakes, and rivers.
Nicely engraved symbols representing towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale and a simple compass rose.
Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90239)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DU LOUDUNOIS, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
hand-laid paper, with faint yellow areas. Good impression, bottom with lighter impression. Wide, uncut margins
faintly stained and worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian
condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed map of the area indicating regional borders, mountains, rivers, and woods. Nicely engraved symbols represent towns.
Decorated with a title cartouche, a distance scale, and a simple compass rose. Uncoloured as issued. (Lot number: 90244)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DE BERRY, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality hand-laid
paper, with faint yellow areas. Good impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and worn with light fraying
& short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed map of the area indicating mountains, rivers, and woods.
Nicely engraved symbols represent towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale, and a simple compass rose.
Uncoloured as issued. (Lot number: 90246)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DE NIVERNOIS, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
hand-laid paper, with faint yellow areas + a few small spots. Good impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly
stained and worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!,
(Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed map of the area indicating regional borders, and rivers. Nicely engraved symbols represent towns and villages.
Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale, and a simple compass rose. Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90248)
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TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DE BOURGONGNE, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
hand-laid paper, with faint yellow areas. Good impression with a few light smudges. Wide, uncut margins faintly
stained and worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!,
(Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed map of the area indicating rivers and their springs. Nicely engraved symbols represent towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful
title cartouche, a distance scale, and a simple compass rose. Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90249)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DU CHARLOIS, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality
hand-laid paper, with faint yellow areas. Good impression with a few light printing smudges. Wide, uncut
margins faintly stained and worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian
condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed map of the area indicating mountains, rivers, and woods. Nicely engraved symbols represent towns and villages. Decorated with a
beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale, and a simple compass rose. Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90250)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DE LA FRACHECOMTE, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm,
Quality hand-laid paper, with faint yellow areas. Good impression with a few light printing smudges and a tiny
brown spot. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image!
Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed map of the area indicating mountains, and rivers. Nicely engraved symbols represent towns and villages. Decorated with a beautiful
title cartouche, a distance scale, and a simple compass rose. Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90251)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DU QUERCY, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality hand-laid
paper, with faint yellow areas and light surface grime. Dark impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and
worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Very good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed map of the area indicating regional borders, and rivers. Nicely engraved symbols represent towns and villages. Decorated with a
beautiful title cartouche, a distance scale, and a simple compass rose. Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90254)
TASSIN, N./BEREY, N., CARTE DE BRESSE, Paris, 1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality hand-laid
paper, pleasantly age-toned with a few mild yellowish areas and a brown stain. Light but good impression. Wide,
uncut margins faintly stained and worn with light fraying & short folds - not affecting image! Good antiquarian
condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed map of the area with many place names, also indicating regional hills, lakes and rivers. Nicely engraved symbols represent towns and
villages. Decorated with a title cartouche, a distance scale, and a simple compass rose. Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90263)
1648, 4.1 x 6.1 inches /10.5 x 15.4 cm, Quality hand-laid paper, pleasantly age-toned with a few mild yellowish
areas. Good impression. Wide, uncut margins faintly stained and worn with light fraying & short folds - not
affecting image! Good antiquarian condition!, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Nice map from Tassin's desirable and scarce Atlas "Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne..." published by Berey in 1648.
Very detailed map of the area with many place names, also indicating regional hills, rivers and springs. Nicely engraved symbols represent towns
and villages. Decorated with a title cartouche, a distance scale, and a simple compass rose. Uncolored as issued. (Lot number: 90264)
SANSON, N., Isle de France / Champagne / Lorraine., Paris, 1648, 14.6 x 22.8 inches /37 x 57.8 cm, Repair of
split lower half of center fold. Left and right hand margins cut into the scale border., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
Showing the regions around Paris, Metz and Troyes. R. Cordier. (Lot number: 60539)
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MALLET,A.M., Lorraine., Paris, 1683, 5.6 x 3.9 inches /14.3 x 10 cm, Some very minor marginal age-toning of
paper. Some discoloration on the right part and minor shine through of the French text on verso. Very good
condition and imprint., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Map of Lorraine, with decorative title cartouche. From the French text edition of Description d'Univers, 1683. by Allain Manneson Mallet
(1630-1706), a well travelled military engineer and geographer who worked in 17th century France under King Louis XIV. (Lot number: 21749)
MALLET,A.M., Lorraine., Paris, 1683, 5.6 x 3.9 inches /14.3 x 10 cm, Light age-toning of paper. Minor
marginal water stain in the upper left corner. Very good condition and imprint., (Estimate: $30 - 40)
Map of Lorraine, with decorative title cartouche. From the French text edition of Description d'Univers, 1683. by Allain Manneson Mallet
(1630-1706), a well traveled military engineer and geographer who worked in 17th century France under King Louis XIV. (Lot number: 23752)
Visscher, N., Comitatus Burgondiae., Amsterdam, F. de Wit, c.1690, 22.4 x 18.5 inches /57 x 47 cm, A few spots
in margins, otherwise in excellent condition., (Estimate: $370 - 400)
Frederik de Wit (1610-98), Amsterdam-based cartographer and publisher. ' Atlas minor', 1670, ' Zee-Atlas', 1675, 'Atlas Major', 1690.An attractive
map of Burgondy. Embellished with a large, ornate title-cartouche and the English coat-of-arms.
From Frederick de Wit's' Atlas Maior'. (Lot number: 20255)
Jaillot, A.-H. / P. Mortier., Le Gouvernement General de Dauphine, Divise en Haut et Bas. paris, 1692,
Amsterdam, 1696, 21.5 x 33.5 inches /54.5 x 85 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $400 - 450)
Alexis-Hubert Jaillot (1632-1712), French cartographer. He joined the Sanson heirs and redrew Nicolas Sanson's maps on a larger scale. 'Atlas
Nouveau' (1674), sea-atlas ' Le Neptune François' (1693).An attractive large-format map depicting the Dauphine. Embellished with a large
title-cartouche and a cartouche with scales.Newly engraved for the counterfeited edition of the ' Atlas Nouveau', published by Pieter Mortier in
Amsterdam. (Lot number: 20268)
Jaillot, A.-H. / P. Mortier., Le Gouvernement General de Picardie. Paris, 1692., Amsterdam, 1696, 21.3 x 31.5
inches /54 x 80 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $400 - 450)
Alexis-Hubert Jaillot (1632-1712), French cartographer. He joined the Sanson heirs and redrew Nicolas Sanson's maps on a larger scale. 'Atlas
Nouveau' (1674), sea-atlas 'Le Neptune François' (1693).
An attractive large-format map depicting Picardie. Embellished with a large title-cartouche and a cartouche with scales.Newly engraved for the
counterfeited edition of the ' Atlas Nouveau', published by Pieter Mortier in Amsterdam. (Lot number: 20267)
Jaillot, A.-H. / P. Mortier., Seconde Partie du Gouvernement General de l' Isle de France, ou la Generalite de
Paris. Paris, 1692., Amsterdam, 1696, 16.7 x 25.4 inches /42.5 x 64.5 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $400 450)
Alexis-Hubert Jaillot (1632-1712), French cartographer. He joined the Sanson heirs and redrew Nicolas Sanson's maps on a larger scale. 'Atlas
Nouveau' (1674), sea-atlas ' Le Neptune François' (1693).An attractive large-format map depicting the area southeast of Paris between Orleans,
Troyes and Nevers. Embellished with a large title-cartouche and a cartouche with scales.Newly engraved for the counterfeited edition of the ' Atlas
Nouveau', published by Pieter Mortier in Amsterdam. (Lot number: 20266)
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Isle, G. de l'., Carte du Bourdelois du Perigord et des Provinces voisines., Paris, 1712, 19.3 x 25 inches /49 x 63.5
cm, good condition., (Estimate: $200 - 220)
Guillaume de l' Isle (1675-1724), Royal Geographer, was the most influential cartographer of the first quarter of the 18th century. 'Atlas de
Géographie' (1700-12), posthumous 'Atlas Nouveau' (1730).De l' Isle's map of the Bourdelois and the Perigord. (Lot number: 20262)
RAPIN,P.Th., "Plan of Attack of Camaret Bay, on the Coast of Bretagne ...", London, ca 1745, 15 x 18.5 inches
/38 x 47 cm, Pale and even age toning. Top left portion of margin cut close. Overall, in very good condition.,
(Estimate: $260 - 300)
An interesting and attractive map of Camaret bay in Brittany. The piece depicts a battle scene between British and French naval forces in the vicinity
of Brest.
It features two highly decorative cartouches: one containing a 13 point legend, which provides an explanation of the battle scene, and the second
presents various battlefield paraphernalia along with a military figure. The town of Brest is highlighted in the left hand section of the plate. (Lot
number: 15230)
AYROUARD, J., [Untitled Front views of the coastal relief of Provence], Marseille, 1732 - 1746, 11.6 x 17.9
inches /29.5 x 45.5 cm, Good impression on solid paper. Overall good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Copper engraving presenting separate front views of the coastal relief of Provence divided in stripes.It covers the area which extends from Cap
Sicié as far as Monaco, including St.Tropez. From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer
Méditerranée. (Lot number: 23302)
AYROUARD, J., [Untitled] Front views of the coastal relief of Sardinia., Marseille, 1732 - 1746, 11.5 x 17.8
inches /29.2 x 45.3 cm, Minor age-toning of the paper. Some discolouration along centre fold. Good condition.,
(Estimate: $55 - 70)
Copper engraving presenting separate front views of the coastal relief of Sardinia and the Ponziane Islands, divided in stripes.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24831)
AYROUARD, J., [Untitled] Front views of the Riviera., Marseille, 1732 - 1746, 11.6 x 17.7 inches /29.5 x 45 cm,
Minor age-toning of the paper. Some discolouration along centre fold. Minor rust spot in the central right side.
Good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Copper engraving presenting separate front views of the Italian Riviera.It covers the whole Gulf of Genoa and Monaco.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24832)
AYROUARD, J., [Untitled] Front views of the coastal relief of Corsica and Sardinia., Marseille, 1732 - 1746,
11.7 x 17.9 inches /29.7 x 45.5 cm, Minor age-toning of the paper. Some discolouration along centre fold. Good
condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Copper engraving presenting separate front views of the coastal relief of both islands around the Strait of Bonifacio, divided in stripes.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24833)
AYROUARD, J., [Untitled] Front views of the coastal relief of Corsica and Tuscany., Marseille, 1732 - 1746,
11.7 x 17.8 inches /29.7 x 45.3 cm, Minor age-toning of the paper. Some discolouration along centre fold. Hardly
noticeable vertical discolouration in the right hand side. Upper margin short as issued. Good condition.,
(Estimate: $65 - 80)
Copper engraving presenting separate front views of the coastal relief of northern Corsica and the facing Tuscan shores, divided in stripes.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24834)
AYROUARD, J., [Untitled] Front views of the Tyrrhenian coastal relief of Italy., Marseille, 1732 - 1746, 11.7 x
17.9 inches /29.6 x 45.5 cm, Some discolouration along centre fold. Minor marginal discolouration and spotting.
Upper margin short as issued. Good condition., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Copper engraving presenting separate front views of the coastal relief of Italy between Tuscany and Campania with its Tyrrhenian islands, divided in
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24835)
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AYROUARD, J., [Untitled] Front views of the Italian coastal relief., Marseille, 1732 - 1746, 11.5 x 17.8 inches
/29.2 x 45.3 cm, Some discolouration along centre fold. Minor marginal loss of paper in the lower right corner.
Good condition., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Copper engraving presenting separate front views of the Tyrrhenian as well as Ionian coastal relief of Italy, divided in stripes.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24836)
AYROUARD, J., [Untitled] Front views of the Spanish coastal relief., Marseille, 1732 - 1746, 11.6 x 17.8 inches
/29.4 x 45.3 cm, Minor age-toning of the paper. Some discolouration along centre fold. Light marginal foxing.
Upper margin short as issued., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Separate front views depicting great part of the Mediterranean coast of Spain, divided in stripes.
It covers the littoral zone between Peñíscola and Gibraltar.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24837)
AYROUARD, J., [Untitled] Front views of the coastal relief of the French Riviera., Marseille, 1732 - 1746, 11.7 x
18 inches /29.8 x 45.7 cm, Minor age-toning of the paper. Some discolouration along centre fold. Minor
marginal spotting., (Estimate: $65 - 80)
Separate front views depicting the coastal relief of French Riviera, divided in stripes.
It covers the littoral zone between Monaco as far as the Iles Hyères.From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports ..
de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24840)
AYROUARD, J., [Untitled] Front views of the Mediterranean coastal relief of France., Marseille, 1732 - 1746,
11.6 x 17.9 inches /29.5 x 45.4 cm, Minor age-toning of the paper. Some discolouration along centre fold. Short
upper margin., (Estimate: $30 - 40)
Separate front views depicting the coastal relief of the Gulf of Lyon, divided in stripes.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24841)
AYROUARD, J., Plan du Passage Entre L isle Azinara et le Cap Azinara de Sardaigne., Marseille, 1732 - 1746,
11.5 x 17.8 inches /29.3 x 45.3 cm, A good and dark impression, printed on solid paper. Good margins. Very
good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Copper engraving depicting the northwestern tip of Sardinia and the southern tip of the Asinara Island.
Oriented with West on top. Decorated with a large compass rose.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24842)
AYROUARD, J., Plan du Port et Rade de Livourne.., Marseille, 1732 - 1746, 11.5 x 17.8 inches /29.2 x 45.1 cm,
A good and dark impression, printed on solid paper. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Copper engraving showing the harbour and roadstead of Livorno with the adjacent seashores. Decorated with a large compass rose.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24843)
AYROUARD, J., Plan du Port et Rade de Livourne.., Marseille, 1732 - 1746, 11.2 x 17.4 inches /28.5 x 44.3 cm,
A good and dark impression, printed on solid paper. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Copper engraving centered on the harbour and roadstead of Livorno. Decorated with a large compass rose.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24844)
AYROUARD, J., Plan du Port de Civita-Vechia.., Marseille, 1732 - 1746, 11.4 x 17.6 inches /29 x 44.6 cm, A
good and dark impression, printed on solid paper. Good margins. Minor water stain, upper part centre fold. Else
very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Large plan of the harbour in Civitavecchia. Decorated with a large compass rose.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24845)
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AYROUARD, J., Plan de Porto Longon.., Marseille, 1732 - 1746, 11.4 x 17.6 inches /28.9 x 44.8 cm, A good and
dark impression, printed on solid paper. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Copper engraving representing the plan of Porto Longone [Porto Azzurro] in the Elba Island, off the Tuscany shores. Decorated with a large compass
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24846)
AYROUARD, J., Veue en Plan de la Rade.. mont Cercele.. / Plan du port de Poussole.. / Plan du Mole de
Naple.., Marseille, 1732 - 1746, 11.2 x 17.6 inches /28.5 x 44.7 cm, A good and dark impression, printed on solid
paper. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
4 plans in one plate representing part of the Tyrrhenian seacoast of Italy south of Rome.
Among them the harbours of Pozzuoli and Naples. Each plan is decorated with a large compass rose.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24847)
AYROUARD, J., [Untitled] Front views of the Italian coastal relief., Marseille 1732 - 1746, 11.5 x 17.9 inches
/29.3 x 45.5 cm, A good and dark impression, printed on solid paper. Good margins. A couple of minor rust
spots. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $25 - 30)
Copper engraving presenting separate front views of the Tyrrhenian as well as Ionian coastal relief of Italy, divided in stripes.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24848)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Duché de Savoye., Paris, later than 1748, 6.4 x 7.3 inches /16.2 x 18.5 cm, A good and dark
impression. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Detailed small map centered on Savoy, extending eastwards to include the Italian region Valle d'Aosta.From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de
Vaugondy. Page 53 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24534)
Tirion, I., Nieuwe kaart van het Zuidelykste Gedeelte van Frankryk., Amsterdam, c. 1770, 9.6 x 17.9 inches /24.4
x 45.5 cm, large paper copy, excellent, (Estimate: $175 - 150)
Izaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His ' Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also '
Tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren', a series of descriptions of countries and their inhabitants. A fine map of the southern part of France. (Lot
number: 19807)
Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Carte des Gouvernements de Dauphine et de Provence., Paris, 1783, 15.9 x 11.6 inches
/40.5 x 29.5 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $150 - 130)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.A fine map of the Dauphine and the Provence.
Decorated with an attractive title-cartouche. (Lot number: 20212)
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Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Carte des Gouvernements du Berri, du Nivernois, de la Marche, du Bourbonnois, du
Limosin et de l' Auvergne., Paris, 1783, 16.3 x 11.6 inches /41.5 x 29.5 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $100 90)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.
A fine map of Berri, Nivernois, la Marche, Bourbonnois, Limosin and Auvergne. Decorated with an attractive title-cartouche. (Lot number: 20215)
Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Carte du Gouvernement de L ' Isle de France et de celui de L 'Orleanois., Paris, 1783, 16.3
x 11.6 inches /41.5 x 29.5 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $100 - 90)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.
A fine map of Isle de France and Orleans. Decorated with an attractive title-cartouche. (Lot number: 20216)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte du Gouvernement de Normandie avec celui du Maine et Perche.., Paris ca 1783,
11.7 x 16.4 inches /29.8 x 41.7 cm, Water staining, affecting the lower corners of the map. Minor discolouration
along centre fold. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $55 - 65)
Attractive map centered on Normandy, with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24222)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte des Gouvernements de Flandre Françoise, d'Artois, de Picardie et du Boulenois..,
Paris, ca 1783, 11.7 x 16.3 inches /29.8 x 41.5 cm, Water staining, affecting the lower corners of the map.
Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $30 - 40)
Attractive map covering the French regions "Nord-Pas de Calais" and Picardy, with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24223)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte du Gouvernement de Bretagne.., Paris, ca 1783, 11.5 x 16.1 inches /29.1 x 40.8 cm,
Water staining, affecting the lower corners of the map. Small rust stain in the left hand side. Printed on heavy
paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Attractive map of Brittany, with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24224)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte des Gouvernements d' Anjou et du Saumurois.. Saintonge-Angoumois.., Paris, ca
1783, 16 x 12.1 inches /40.7 x 30.8 cm, Water staining along left margin, affecting the left corners of the map.
Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $65 - 80)
Attractive map of part of France, centered on the region "Poitou-Saintonge". Ornated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24225)
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LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte du Gouvernement de L' Isle de France et de celui de L' Orleanois.., Paris, ca 1783,
16.3 x 11.7 inches /41.5 x 29.8 cm, Marginal water staining, just affecting the left corners of the map. Minor
spot at the left of the cartouche. Good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $55 - 70)
Attractive map of part of France, centered on Paris and ornated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24226)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte du Gouvernement de Champagne et Brie .., Paris, ca 1783, 16.1 x 11.4 inches
/40.8 x 29 cm, Marginal water staining in the left corners, not affecting the map. Printed on heavy paper, with
good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $65 - 80)
Attractive map of part of France, centered on the region "Champagne". Ornated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24227)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte des Gouvernements de Lorraine et d' Alsace.., Paris, ca 1783, 11.5 x 16 inches
/29.1 x 40.6 cm, Marginal water staining in the upper and lower margins, just affecting the map. Printed on
heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $35 - 50)
Attractive map covering the north eastern part of France. Ornated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24228)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte des Gouvernements de Bourgogne, de Franche Comté et de Lyonnois.., Paris ca
1783, 16.4 x 11.8 inches /41.7 x 29.9 cm, Marginal water staining in the left marginal corners. Printed on heavy
paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $35 - 50)
Attractive map of part of France included between the towns of Lyon, Dijon, Besançon and the border with Switzerland.
Decorated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24229)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte des Gouvernements du Berri, du Nivernois.. Auvergne.., Paris, ca 1783, 16.3 x 11.6
inches /41.3 x 29.5 cm, Marginal water staining in the left corners. Slight discolouration along centre fold. 2 tiny
spots in the central area. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $30 - 40)
Attractive map of the central part of France. Decorated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24230)
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LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte du Gouvernement de Guienne et Gascogne.. Navarre.., Paris, ca 1783, 16.3 x 11.7
inches /41.5 x 29.7 cm, Minor marginal water staining in the left corners. Printed on heavy paper, with good
margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Attractive map of the south western part of France delimited by the Garonneoutfall, the town of Toulouse and the Pyrenees.Decorated with a
rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24231)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte des Gouvernements de Languedoc.. Roussillon.., Paris, ca 1783, 15.9 x 13.2 inches
/40.5 x 33.5 cm, Minor discolouration in the upper part. Printed on heavy paper. Good impression., (Estimate:
$95 - 120)
Attractive map of part of France, covering the western part of the Gulf of Lyon with its hinterland.
Decorated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24232)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte des Gouvernements de Dauphiné et de Province.., Paris, ca 1783, 16.1 x 11.5
inches /41 x 29.2 cm, Minor discolouration along centre fold. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good
impression., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Attractive map of part of France, covering the eastern part of the Gulf of Lyon with its hinterland. Extending as far as Nice and Grenoble.
Decorated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24233)
Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Carte du Gouvernement de Guienne et Cascogne avec celui de Bearn et Basse Navarre.,
Paris, 1783, 16.3 x 11.6 inches /41.5 x 29.5 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $100 - 90)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.A fine map of Guienne and Cascogne. Decorated with an attractive title-cartouche. (Lot number:
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Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Carte des Gouvernements de Bourgogne, de Franche Comte et de Lyonnois., Paris, 1783,
16.3 x 11.6 inches /41.5 x 29.5 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $100 - 90)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.
A fine map of Burgundy, Franche Comte and Lyonnois. Decorated with an attractive title-cartouche. (Lot number: 20217)
Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Carte des Gouvernements de d' Anjou, et du Saumurois, de la Touraine, du Poitot, du Pays
d' Aunis, Saintonge-Angoumois., Paris, 1783, 15.9 x 11.4 inches /40.5 x 29 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate:
$100 - 90)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.
A fine map of Anjou / Tourraine. Decorated with an attractive title-cartouche. (Lot number: 20214)
Lattré, J. / R.Bonne., Carte des Gouvernements de Lorraine et d' Alsace., Paris, 1783, 11.4 x 15.9 inches /29 x
40.5 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $100 - 90)
Jean Lattré, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Worked with Robert de Vaugondy, J. Janvier and R. Bonne. " Atlas Monderne', 1771, 1783 , 1793.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-95), French cartographer.A fine map of the Alsace and Lorrain. Decorated with an attractive title-cartouche. (Lot number:
France cities / portraits
DE CLERCK, N., Carolus Dux Borbonius Praefectus Militiae Caesaris Caroli. V., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned
and mainly marginal tumbling. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Carolus Dux Borbonius", signed lower right corner N. de Cleck". Nicolaes de Clerck (de klerc)
was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge
der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de
monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24293)
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DE CLERCK, N., Ludovius XI. D. G. Galliae Rex Christianiss., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7
inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Light marginal
spots. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Louis XI of France.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24331)
DE CLERCK, N., Henricus IIII. D. G. Galliae Et Navarrae Rex Christian., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1
x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Minor
marginal spots and water stain. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Henry IV of France.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24332)
DE CLERCK, N., Henricus Lotharingius, Dux Guisius Franciae Par. Etc., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1
x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Minor
marginal water stain, upper left corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Henry of Lorraine, Duke of Guise.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24333)
DE CLERCK, N., Maria De Medices D. G Galliae et Navarrae Reg. Uxor Henr. IIII., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Minor marginal water stain, upper left corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Marie de' Medici, queen consort of France .
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24334)
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DE CLERCK, N., Carolus Audax D. G. Dux Burgundiae Brab. etc. Com. Hann. Holl. Zelan. etc., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Light marginal spots and water stain. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Charles, Duke of Burgundy.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24337)
DE CLERCK, N., Eduardus Princeps Cambriae, Terror Gallorum., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7
inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Minor marginal
spots and water stain at the bottom of the sheet. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Edward Prince of Wales.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24338)
DE CLERCK, N., Ioannes Aurelianus, Comes Engolismae, Avus Francis. I. Gall. Reg., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Ioannes Aurelianus".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24339)
DE CLERCK, N., Lodovicus XIII. D. G. Galliae Et Navarrae Rex Christianiss., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Marginal spot and water stain in the upper left corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Louis XIII of France.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24341)
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DE CLERCK, N., Carolus Magnus Romanorum Imperator Et Francorum Rex.., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Marginal spots in the upper left & lower right corners. Repair of marginal tear in the lower right. Size of paper :
31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Charles the Great.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24354)
CHASTILLON,C., La Ville de Fovgers., Paris, ca. 1640, 4.5 x 7 inches /11.4 x 17.8 cm, Slight age toning of the
paper. Repair of 2 tears in the right corners, respectively 15 and 8mm into the engraved area. Margins cut along
border frame., (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Charming view of Fougères, in Brittany. (Lot number: 23370)
RENAU., Calais., Sedan ca. 1651, 12 x 8.3 inches /30.5 x 21 cm, In very good condition., (Estimate: $600 - 700)
Manuscript fortification plan of Calais showing the walled city and citadel. Drawn in brown ink and nicely hand colored. Renau was a
mathematician, military engineer and cartographer who worked on Blaeu's great atlas of city plans.
The draftsman made pin-holes to indicate the ends of the straight segments in the drawings, which he then drew with a straightedge.
The manuscript atlas from which this plan came was dated 1651, although the plans may have been drawn later based on sketches and surveys made
in 1651 after the Peace of Munster ended the Eighty Years' War in 1648.
The paper stock is watermarked with a fleur-de-lis on a crowned shield. (Lot number: 16601)
RENAU., Duynkercken., Sedan ca. 1651, 12 x 8.3 inches /30.5 x 21 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $600 800)
Manuscript fortification plan of Dunkerque showing the walled city and citadel, see the small ships. Drawn in brown ink and nicely hand colored.
Renau was a mathematician, military engineer and cartographer who worked on Blaeu's great atlas of city plans. The draftsman made pin-holes to
indicate the ends of the straight segments in the drawings, which he then drew with a straightedge. The manuscript atlas from which this plan came
was dated 1651, although the plans may have been drawn later based on sketches and surveys made in 1651 after the Peace of Munster ended the
Eighty Years' War in 1648. The paper stock is watermarked with a fleur-de-lis on a crowned shield. (Lot number: 16602)
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ANONYMOUS, (Lot of 2 views) - BOULONGNE, c 1690, 4.1 x 5.7 inches /10.5 x 14.5 cm, Slightly browned
hand-laid paper with excellent dark and clear impression., (Estimate: $120 - 180)
Two rare views of "Boulongne", one showing the fort and the surrounding area, the second showing the city with its buildings and the sea in the
Both maps are very well engraved with excellent detail. Decorated with an attractive title cartouche and several sailing ships. (Lot number: 90275)
FER, N de, Valenciennes., Paris 1705, 8.3 x 11 inches /21 x 28 cm, Good, but a bit stained in the margins,
(Estimate: $70 - 85)
Nice fortification plan of Valenciennes. (Lot number: 80267)
FER, N de, Brisach., Paris 1705, 7.9 x 11 inches /20 x 28 cm, Good, but a bit stained in the margins, (Estimate:
$70 - 85)
Nice fortification plan of Brisach Belle-Garde in the department Haut-Rhin, Alsace. (Lot number: 80272)
FER, N de, Le st. Esprit., Paris, 1705, 6.9 x 9.6 inches /17.5 x 24.5 cm, Good., (Estimate: $50 - 70)
Beautiful engraving of the famous Pont St. Esprit in the department of Gard in Languedoc-Rousillon. The bridge crosses over the Rhone River, and
was built in the 14th century. Published by Nicolas de Fer, Geographer at Louis XIV's court. He was one of the most prolific publishers of plans of
European cities in the late seventeenth century. (Lot number: 80310)
FER, N de, (3 maps) Carte particuliere du Nouveau Canal. Versailles., Paris, 1705, 7.7 x 10.6 inches /19.5 x 27
cm, Good., (Estimate: $100 - 120)
This map in three sheets illustrates the canal that would divert water from the Eure River at Pontgouin to Versailles. This massive project was
designed by the great military engineer, the Marquis de Vauban, on the orders of Louis XIV. The work started in 1685, but was never finished.
(Lot number: 80311)
PUTHAUX, Plan de la Bataille de Malplaquet Donnée entre l'armée du Roy et celle des alliés le 11. Sept. 1709.,
Paris, 1710, 8.2 x 10.6 inches /20.8 x 27 cm, A good and dark impression. Slight, pleasant, age toning of paper.
Minor discolouration on the extremities of centre fold. Good margins. Good condition, (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Extremely fine and detailed plan depicting the siege of de Malplaquet over Price Eugéne on September 11th 1709.
With key list in the upper right corner. Engraved by Puthaux. (Lot number: 23246)
PUTHAUX, Plan de Brisach Assiegé par l'Armée du Roi, commandée par Mgr. Le Duc de Bourgogne.., Paris,
1710, 7.8 x 11 inches /19.9 x 28 cm, A good and dark impression. Slight, pleasant, age toning of paper. A few
light brown stains in the right hand side and lower margin. Good margins. Else good condition., (Estimate: $40 50)
Extremely fine and detailed plan depicting the siege of Vieux-Brisach which was conquered on September 7th 1703.
Showing the foundation of the new town, created by Vauban, just on the other side of the Rhine. With key list in the upper right corner. (Lot number:
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PROBST,G.B., Prospectus Pontis St. Michaelis, vers Eccles: Cathedr. B.V.M. Parisiensis, Paris, 1780, 11.4 x
15.7 inches /29 x 40 cm, Good, (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Scarce view of the heart of Paris with the Pont Saint-Michel and Notre Dame. Engraved for a Vue d'Optique, it was designed to be viewed in a
special apparatus that gave the scene a strong 3-D impression. A title at top is engraved in reverse. These views are some of the most distinctive and
interesting images of the eighteenth century, and their distinctive engraving style, striking perspective and bright original color makes them as
visually delightful as they are historically fascinating. (Lot number: 80349)
BOWYER,R., Ceremony of Te Deum by the allied armies.., London 1815, 11.1 x 20.2 inches /28.2 x 51.4 cm,
Colour aquatint in good condition. Wide margins., (Estimate: $180 - 220)
View of a military ceremony at the square Louis XV in Paris. (Lot number: 09547)
GERAUD, H, Plan de la Ville de Paris, sous Phillipe de Bel..., Paris, 1837, 21.8 x 18 inches /55.3 x 45.8 cm, In
very good condition. Issued folded, now pressed with Japanese tissue reinforcement. Excellent impression. Fine
colouring., (Estimate: $475 - 550)
An uncommon, large scale, decorative early 19th century plan of Paris. The work was commisioned by architect Albert Lenoir. Important buildings
are highlighted and streets are named.
A number key in the upper right portion of the plate identifies major sites. Very attractive piece. (Lot number: 90298)
SIMONAU,G., Cathédrale d'Amiens., Bruxelles, 1839, 24.7 x 18.9 inches /62.8 x 47.9 cm, Minor foxing along
upper margin, just affecting the image. Repair of marginal tears in the lower margin, 1 affecting the title. Else
very good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Impressive lithograph by Gustave Simonau, depicting the facade of the cathedral of Amiens. (Lot number: 24814)
SIMONAU,G., Eglise de S.te Croix, a Orléans ., Bruxelles, 1839, 24.8 x 18.8 inches /63 x 47.8 cm, Repair of
marginal tears in the lower margin, affecting the title. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Impressive lithograph by Gustave Simonau, representing the Cathédrale Sainte-Croix in Orléans. (Lot number: 24815)
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SIMONAU,G., Eglise de St. Riquier (Picardie)., Bruxelles, 1839, 24.8 x 18.9 inches /63 x 47.9 cm, Repair of
marginal tears in the lower margin, affecting the title. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Impressive lithograph by Gustave Simonau, depicting the facade of the Abbey church of Saint-Riquier. (Lot number: 24816)
Münster, S., Germania VI Nova Tabula., Basle, 1540-1552, 9.8 x 13.2 inches /25 x 33.5 cm, woodcut, good,
(Estimate: $370 - 350)
Sebastian Münster, 1489-1552, outstanding geographer of Basle. Editied Ptolemy's atlas ' Geographia Universalis', editions 1540,-42, -45, -51 and
-52. Published his " Cosmographia', editions in 1544, -45, -46 -48, -50 up to 1578.
The 'modern' map of Germany from Sebastian Münster's edition of Ptolemy's ' Geographia'. (Lot number: 19039)
Magini, G. A., Germania., Venice, 1596, 4.9 x 6.7 inches /12.5 x 17 cm, strong impression, excellent, (Estimate:
$200 - 180)
Giovanni Antonio Magini (1555-1617), Italian mathematician and cartographer. Edited edition of Ptolemy's ' Geographia', 1596.
The 'modern' map of Germany. An elegantly engraved map. (Lot number: 19458)
Ortelius, A. / F. Hoogenberg., Deutschlanndt / GER: / MANI: / AE TY: / PUS. 1576., Antwerp, Robert Bruneau,
1609, 15 x 19.3 inches /38.1 x 49 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $700 - 750)
Abraham Ortelius(1527-98), Dutch cartographer and publisher of the first modern atlas, ' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570. Editions till 1612. Also
an atlas of ancient cartography, the ' Parergon' and a pocket atlas, the ' Epitome'.
From 1603 on the Ortelius map of Germany (v.d. Broecke 56) was replaced by the Deutschlanndt map by Frans Hoogenberg of 1576.
From the rare Spanish edition of Abraham Ortelius’ ‘Theatrum Orbis Terrarum’, published by Vrientius. (Lot number: 17649)
DE CLERCK, N., Rudolphus II. D. G. Romanorum. Imperator Semp. August., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621,
7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Marginal spot in the upper left corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Rudolphus II".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24348)
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DE CLERCK, N., Germania., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.5 x 13.2 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Marginal water stain in the right border. Minor tumbling. Marginal stain in the upper left corner of
the sheet. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Small map of Germany, including Austria, the Czech Republic and part of Poland. Surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24448)
BLAEU, W., Germaniae veteris typus, Amsterdam, 1635, 14.8 x 18.7 inches /37.6 x 47.5 cm, In very good
condition. Printed on heavy paper., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
A very attractive historical map of Germany was concepted after the map of Abraham Ortelius. It shows the area from the North Sea and Baltic Sea
in the north to south of the alps and the Adriatic Sea in the south. In the west is Holland and the mouth of the Rhine. In the east is the Weichsel river.
The towns and cities from the time of Charles the Great (8-9 centuries) are in the legend in the lower left and especially marked on the map. In the
upper left is the title cartouche, in the lower right a cartouche giving mention that this map was made after one by Ortelius. (Lot number: 60802)
SANSON, N./ MARIETTE, P., Germania Antiqua., Paris, 1690, 16.1 x 21.1 inches /41 x 53.5 cm, Paper
contemporarily cut till plate mark and laid down on a larger sheet of paper. Good and dark impression. Two
minor spots in upper margin., (Estimate: $100 - 120)
A fine map of ancient Germany, Poland and the Netherlands.
This edition carries the date 1690 in manuscript.
Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of French cartography, although the fierce competition of the Dutch would last until the end of the
century. His success was partly owing to the partnership with the publisher Pierre Mariette. In 1644 the latter had purchased the business of Melchior
Tavernier, and helped Sanson with financial support in producing the maps. In 1657 Pierre Mariette died, however his son, also named Pierre,
co-published the following years. (Lot number: 13059)
CHATELAIN,H., Nouvelle Carte de l'Empire divisé selon ses differents Etats.., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 18.3 x 24.6
inches /46.5 x 62.5 cm, Good and dark impression. 1,8 cm split at the intersection between vertical and horizontal
fold, at bottom left. Left margin short. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 150)
Map of Germany including Alsace with a key table to the towns on both sides.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25030)
CHATELAIN,H., Nouvelle Carte de l'Alemagne avec des tables des branches de la noblesse.., Amsterdam, ca.
1720, 18.4 x 24.4 inches /46.8 x 62 cm, Good and dark impression. 3 folds as issued. Minor marginal
discolouration, upper part centre fold. Lateral margins short. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 150)
Map of Germany including parts of the neighboring countries with a key table to the towns on both sides.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25031)
CHATELAIN,H., Nouvelle Carte des Cercles de l'Empire, avec des tables des divers souverains.., Amsterdam,
ca. 1720, 18.5 x 24.6 inches /46.9 x 62.5 cm, 2,3 cm split at the intersection between vertical and horizontal fold,
at bottom left. Minor marginal discolouration, upper part centre fold. Left margin short. Else very good
condition., (Estimate: $100 - 150)
Map of Germany including parts of the neighboring countries with a key table to the towns on both sides.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25032)
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TIRION,I, Nieuwe Kaart van de Opper en Neder Rhynse Kreits nevenshet Hertogdom Lotharingen, Amsterdam,
1765, 11 x 13.2 inches /28 x 33.5 cm, Good., (Estimate: $120 - 130)
Very detailed map of the Rhein River valley from Basel to Wesel. (Lot number: 80344)
LATTRÉ / ZANNONI,R., L'Allemagne Divisée par Cercles.., Paris, ca 1783, 12.1 x 17.4 inches /30.7 x 44.1 cm,
Minor marginal spots. Very light spotting in the upper left corner. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins.
Good impression., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
General map of central Europe, centered on Germany but including Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and part of eastern Europe.
Ornated with a decorative title cartouche surmounted by a big eagle. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo Rizzi Zannoni, one of the leading cartographers of the late 18th century, as well as being an astronomer,
surveyor and mathematician.
Born in Padua, he worked in Venice and was engaged by the governments of Austria and France to produce maps.
Rizzi Zannoni was the first to execute the triangulation of Poland, assisting in the French and English border survey of American in 1757, and
serving as the hydrographer of the Dépot de Marine.
He was also a member of the Cosmographic Society of Göttingen, a town in Saxony, Germany, home to the University of Göttingen.
Rizzi Zannoni is known for his world atlas, the French edition of which was published in 1762 as Atlas Moderne by Lattré in Bordeaux.
In 1781, he was invited by the Bourbon rulers of the Kingdom of Naples to direct the Topographical Office, among the first governmental
cartographic agencies in Europe. There he produced celebrated land and maritime atlases of the region, as well as many separately issued maps. (Lot
number: 24261)
Germany provinces
ORTELIUS,A./ GALLE,T., Franciae orientalis../ Monasteriensis et osnaburgensis.., Antwerp, 1574, 14.3 x 20.1
inches /36.3 x 51 cm, Two maps on one sheet. Minor loss of paper along centre fold, reinforced. Short left / right
margins as issued. Marginal traces of humidity., (Estimate: $200 - 250)
From 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum [Atlas of the Whole World]' published in Antwerp. French text on verso.
The map of Frankenland is prepared by Sebastian Rotenhan (1478-1532) and showing the area between Frankfurt and Bamberg. The map
Monasteriensis is after Godfried Mascop (1535-1577). (Lot number: 23303)
DE JODE,G., Turingiae Comitatus Provincialis - Misniae Marchionatus, Antwerp, 1593, 11.8 x 19.9 inches /30
x 50.5 cm, Very good and dark impression. Lower and left margins cut close to plate mark. Else very good
condition., (Estimate: $360 - 450)
2 maps on one plate depicting the German states of Thüringen and Saxony. Centered respectively on Erfurt and Dresden.
Gerard De Jode was the great rival of Ortelius, both made a living out of selling maps, and it seems not always on good terms. It is probable that
Ortelius was responsible for a delay in the publication of Gerard de Jode's Speculum. Gerard De Jode, 18 years older than Ortelius, owned many
more copper-plates for maps than Ortelius had. Ortelius did not employ highly paid engravers as De Jode had done.
De Jode received the ecclesiastical imprimatur in 1573, but it was not until 1579 that the first copies of the Speculum were sold at Plantin's shop, and
only very few copies were sold. Now-a-days only a few atlases from the first and only edition are known to exist. Also single leaves are an utmost
After the death of Gerard in 1591, the business was carried on by his widow and his son Cornelis, who re-issued the Speculum in 1593, most plates
were newly engraved. (Lot number: 24798)
ORTELIUS,A., Wirtenberg Ducatus., Antwerp, 1598, 15.1 x 17.3 inches /38.4 x 43.9 cm, Paper slightly browned. Else
good. wide margins., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Ortelius copied the map after Georg Gadner's map of 1572.
Very decorative and a masterpiece in the sense of engraving and composition. (Lot number: 11782)
ORTELIUS, A., 1) Palatinatvs Bavariae .. 2) Argentoratensis agri .., Antwerp 1598, 11.8 x 19.3 inches /30 x 49
cm, Very good and dark impression., (Estimate: $300 - 350)
From 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum [Atlas of the Whole World]. The left hand map of Bavaria is after Erhart Reych's 4-sheet map of 1540. Including
the towns of Regensburg, Nurnberg.
The other map of the Elsas is after Daniel Specklin's 3-sheet map of 1576.
Very decorative and a masterpiece in the sense of engraving and composition. (Lot number: 11783)
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Ortelius, A., NORIMBERG. AGRI, FIDISSIMA DESCRIP.1590., Antwerp, Robert Bruneau, 1609, 12.2 x 9.3
inches /31.1 x 23.6 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $325 - 350)
Abraham Ortelius(1527-98), Dutch cartographer and publisher of the first modern atlas, ' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570. Editions till 1612. Also
an atlas of ancient cartography, the ' Parergon' and a pocket atlas, the ' Epitome'.
Abraham Ortelius' map of Nurnberg is based on the map by Joerg Noettelein. From the rare Spanish edition of Abraham Ortelius’ ‘Theatrum Orbis
Terrarum’, published by Vrientius. (Lot number: 17650)
Ortelius, A., Circulus / sive Liga SVEVIAE Vulgo Schwa / bische Kraiss., Antwerp, Robert Bruneau, 1609, 11.5
x 9.6 inches /29.2 x 24.5 cm, excellent cond., (Estimate: $325 - 350)
Abraham Ortelius(1527-98), Dutch cartographer and publisher of the first modern atlas, ' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570. Editions till 1612. Also
an atlas of ancient cartography, the ' Parergon' and a pocket atlas, the ' Epitome'.
Abraham Ortelius' Schwaben map is based on the map by Seltzin of 1572.
From the rare Spanish edition of Abraham Ortelius’ ‘Theatrum Orbis Terrarum’, published by Vrientius. (Lot number: 17654)
Ortelius, A., THIETMAR: / SIAE, HOL: / SATICAE RE: / GIONIS PAR: / TIS TYPUS., Antwerp, Robert
Bruneau, 1609, 12 x 7.7 inches /30.6 x 19.5 cm, excellent, (Estimate: $300 - 275)
Abraham Ortelius(1527-98), Dutch cartographer and publisher of the first modern atlas, ' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570. Editions till 1612. Also
an atlas of ancient cartography, the ' Parergon' and a pocket atlas, the ' Epitome'.Abrahm Ortelius' map of Thietmars is based on the map by Peter
Boeckel.From the rare Spanish edition of Abraham Ortelius’ ‘Theatrum Orbis Terrarum’, published by Vrientius. Ref.: v.d.Broecke, Ortelius, map
90 a,Karrow, Mapmakers of the 16th Cent. 1/30 (Lot number: 19115)
Ortelius, A., RUGIAE, / USEDO: / MIAE ET / IULINAE,, Antwerp, Robert Bruneau, 1609, 12.1 x 7.9 inches
/30.8 x 20 cm, very good, (Estimate: $300 - 275)
Abraham Ortelius(1527-98), Dutch cartographer and publisher of the first modern atlas, ' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570. Editions till 1612. Also
an atlas of ancient cartography, the ' Parergon' and a pocket atlas, the ' Epitome'.
Abraham Ortelius' fine map of the island of Rugen and the opposite coast.
From the rare Spanish edition of Abraham Ortelius’ ‘Theatrum Orbis Terrarum’, published by Vrientius. (Lot number: 19755)
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DE CLERCK, N., Wolfgang Guilelm.. / Georgius Wilhelm. March. Brandenb.., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Wolfgang Guilelm".
On verso another half length oval portrait of "Georgius Wilhelm".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24345)
BLAEU, W., Coloniensis archiepiscopatus., Amsterdam, 1630, 14.7 x 18.9 inches /37.3 x 48 cm, Good and dark
impression. Printed on heavy paper, age-toned., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
Detailed map centered on the river Rhine and the city of Cologn, punctuated by several coats of arms. (Lot number: 60915)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Franckenland., Amsterdam, 1631, 5.5 x 7.1 inches /14 x 18 cm, A bit browned
but further good., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Map depicting a part of Germany. Decorated with a small strapwork title cartouche. German text on verso. (Lot number: 80327)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Hassia.., Amsterdam, 1631, 5.5 x 7.5 inches /14 x 19 cm, Good., (Estimate: $80 100)
Map depicting a part of Germany. Decorated with a small strapwork title cartouche. German text on verso. (Lot number: 80329)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Westphalia Cum Diocesi Bremensi., Amsterdam, 1631, 5.1 x 7.1 inches /13 x 18
cm, Good., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
Map depicting a part of Germany with Bremen and Emden. Decorated with a small strapwork title cartouche. German text on verso. (Lot number:
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Westphalia tabula II, Amsterdam, 1631, 5.5 x 7.1 inches /14 x 18 cm, Good.,
(Estimate: $80 - 100)
This little map covers part of North Rhein-Westphalia north of the Lippe River, with southern portions of Lower Saxony as far as Meppen and
Diepholz. The strapwork title and scale cartouches are located at lower right. German text on verso. (Lot number: 80333)
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MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Westphalia tabula tertia, Amsterdam, 1631, 5.5 x 7.7 inches /14 x 19.5 cm,
Good., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
Appealing small map of the North Rhein-Westphalia region is finely engraved to illustrate mountains, forests, rivers and cities and adorned with a
strapwork cartouche. German text on verso. (Lot number: 80334)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Holsatia ducatus, Amsterdam, 1631, 5.5 x 7.7 inches /14 x 19.5 cm, Good.,
(Estimate: $120 - 135)
Fine small map of Holsatia with the city of Hamburg (here Hamborch). Fully engraved with forests, rivers and lakes and hundreds of villages.
Engraved by Petrus Kaerius and decorated with a strapwork title cartouche. German text on verso. (Lot number: 80335)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Waldeck, Amsterdam, 1631, 5.5 x 7.7 inches /14 x 19.5 cm, Good., (Estimate:
$100 - 120)
Appealing small map of the region surrounding Waldeck in northern Hessen. Finely engraved by Petrus Kaerius to illustrate mountains, forests,
rivers and cities and adorned with a strapwork cartouche. German text on verso. (Lot number: 80336)
BLAEU, J., Comitatus Marchia et Ravensberg, Amsterdam, 1635, 14.9 x 19.4 inches /37.8 x 49.2 cm, Good and
dark impression. Printed on heavy paper, age-toned., (Estimate: $240 - 350)
With an inset of Ravensberg comitatus. Decorative title cartouche with coats of arms. Scale cartouche with a surveyor. (Lot number: 60912)
Blaeu, W., Braunswyck et Meijdburg cum terris adjacentibus., Amsterdam, 1635, 14.8 x 19.5 inches /37.5 x 49.5
cm, very good, (Estimate: $300 - 280)
Willem Blaeu, founder of the famous publishing firm. Originally publishing pilot-guides, he issued his first atlas, 'Atlantis Appendix', in 1630,
followed by his "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" or "Novus Atlas" in 1635.
Willem Blaeu's attractive map of Braunsweig and Magdeburg. From the French edition of Willem Blaeu's atlas "Theatrum". (Lot number: 19095)
BLAEU,W., Saxonia Superior, cum Lusatia et Misnia., Amsterdam 1645, 15.5 x 20 inches /39.3 x 50.8 cm, Paper
age-toned. Marginal discolouration due to water staining. Split lower part centre fold, 24 cm into the engraved
area. Consolidation lower part centre fold, underlaid with tape., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Finely engraved and detailed map of Saxony including Halle, Leipzig, Meissen, and Dresden. Filled with forests and tiny villages.
It presents Prague close to the centre of the lower border line. Title in long banner at top. (Lot number: 22516)
BLAEU, W., Juliacensis et Montensis Ducatus/ De Hertoghdomen Gulick en, Amsterdam, 1645, 15 x 19.5
inches /38 x 49.5 cm, Good and dark impression. Printed on heavy paper, age-toned., (Estimate: $230 - 300)
Detailed map centered on Cologne. Embellished with scale cartouche with cherubs, a cartouche with a putti inside holding two coats of arms.
Lower left corner, the title cartouche surrounded with natives. (Lot number: 60914)
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BLAEU,W., Lusatia Superior., Amsterdam, 1647, 16.1 x 20.6 inches /41 x 52.2 cm, Very light, pleasant,
age-toning. Very good condition., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
Attractive map of the region straddling present-day southwestern Poland, Saxony and the Czech Republic.
Old city names including Lieba, Gorlitz, Dresden, Pirnaw, and Prybus, and lots of tiny villages are located.
The map is fully engraved to show mountains and forests with original color. The cartographer was Bartholomeus Scultetus (1540-1614), active in
The title cartouche at bottom left shows two hunters, one of them a falconer. Coat of arms in the upper left. (Lot number: 24980)
SANSON, N./ MARIETTE, P., Estats de la Succession de Cleves/ Iuliers.., Paris 1650, 14.6 x 20.9 inches /37 x
53 cm, Paper contemporarily cut till plate mark and laid down on a larger sheet of paper. Good and dark
impression. Paper slightly age-toned. Some marginal staining, far from the printed area., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Fine map of western Germany.
This edition carries the date 1650 and the publishers address A PARIS chez l'Autheur aux Galleries du Louvre. Nicolas Sanson was to bring about
the rise of French cartography, although the fierce competition of the Dutch would last until the end of the century. His success was partly owing
to the partnership with the publisher Pierre Mariette. In 1644 the latter had purchased the business of Melchior Tavernier, and helped Sanson
with financial support in producing the maps. In 1657 Pierre Mariette died, however his son, also named Pierre, co-published the following
years. (Lot number: 13033)
BLAEU, W., Nassovia Comitatus., Amsterdam, 1650, 14.8 x 19 inches /37.7 x 48.2 cm, Good and dark
impression. Printed on heavy paper, very slightly age-toned., (Estimate: $240 - 350)
Beautiful map of Nassau, including Coblenz, Siegen, etc. (Lot number: 60916)
BLAEU,W., Wirtenberg Ducatus, Amsterdam, 1650, 16.2 x 19.6 inches /41.2 x 49.8 cm, A good and strong
impression. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Map depicting the area south of Heidelberg, including Stuttgart, Ulm, etc.. and river Danube.
A beautiful coat of arms and a splendid title cartouche decorated by three cherubs with chain of fruits. (Lot number: 23767)
HONDIUS,H., Ducatus Holsatiae nova tabula., Amsterdam, 1650, 14.9 x 20 inches /37.8 x 50.8 cm, A good and
dark impression. Near to mint condition., (Estimate: $240 - 350)
Beautiful map of Schleswich Holstein with two insets. (Lot number: 23867)
SANSON, N./ MARIETTE, P., Haute Saxe.. Duche de Saxe/ Marquisat de Misnie.., Paris 1655, 13.5 x 17.9
inches /34.4 x 45.5 cm, Paper contemporarily cut till plate mark and laid down on a larger sheet of paper. Good
and dark impression., (Estimate: $100 - 120)
Fine map of Saxony.
This edition carries the date 1655. Engraved by R.Cordier Abbauil.Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of French cartography, although
the fierce competition of the Dutch would last until the end of the century. His success was partly owing to the partnership with the publisher
Pierre Mariette. In 1644 the latter had purchased the business of Melchior Tavernier, and helped Sanson with financial support in producing the
maps. In 1657 Pierre Mariette died, however his son, also named Pierre, co-published the following years. (Lot number: 13037)
SANSON, N./ MARIETTE, P., Haute Partie de la Basse Saxe.., Paris, 1679, 15.7 x 20.4 inches /40 x 51.9 cm,
Paper contemporarily cut till plate mark and laid down on a larger sheet of paper. Good and dark impression.
Slight age-toning of paper., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Fine map of the north eastern part of Germany, including Hamburg and the rivers Wesel and Elbe.
This edition carries the date 1679.
Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of French cartography, although the fierce competition of the Dutch would last until the end of the
century. His success was partly owing to the partnership with the publisher Pierre Mariette. In 1644 the latter had purchased the business of
Melchior Tavernier, and helped Sanson with financial support in producing the maps. In 1657 Pierre Mariette died, however his son, also named
Pierre, co-published the following years. (Lot number: 13035)
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SANSON,N./ MARIETTE,P., Cercle de Westphalie., Paris 1690, 15.5 x 20.3 inches /39.4 x 51.5 cm, Paper
contemporarily cut till plate mark and laid down on a larger sheet of paper. Good and dark impression. Slight
age-toning of paper., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Fine map of Westphalia. The address is much re-worked, now with the address Chez L'Autheur aux Galleries du Louvre , dated 1690.This edition
carries the date 1690 and the publishers address A PARIS chez l'Autheur aux Galleries du Louvre. Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of
French cartography, although the fierce competition of the Dutch would last until the end of the century. His success was partly owing to the
partnership with the publisher Pierre Mariette. In 1644 the latter had purchased the business of Melchior Tavernier, and helped Sanson with
financial support in producing the maps. In 1657 Pierre Mariette died, however his son, also named Pierre, co-published the following years.
(Lot number: 13034)
Wit, F. de., Circulus Westphalicus in quo sunt Episcopatus Monarsteriensis Paderbornensis et Osnabrugiensis,
Ducatus Iuliasnensis, Clivensis, et Montensis, Principatus Mindensis, Ferdensis et Frisiae Orientalis, Comitatus
Marchiae &c., Amsterdam, c.1690, 18.5 x 20.9 inches /47 x 53 cm, excellent, (Estimate: $525 - 500)
Frederik de Wit (1610-98), Amsterdam-based cartographer and publisher. ' Atlas minor', 1670, ' Zee-Atlas', 1675, ' Atlas Major', 1690.An attractive
map of Rheinland-Westfalen and Nieder Sachsen. Embellished with a title-cartouche.From Frederick de Wit's' Atlas Maior'. (Lot number: 19122)
Jaillot, A.-H. / P. Mortier., Le Duche de / Westphalie / ainsi qu'il est presentenment possede par / l' Escateur de
Cologne. Paris, 1692., Amsterdam, 1696, 16.9 x 22.6 inches /42.8 x 57.5 cm, excellent, (Estimate: $650 - 600)
Alexis-Hubert Jaillot (1632-1712), French cartographer. He joined the Sanson heirs and redrew Nicolas Sanson's maps on a larger scale. 'Atlas
Nouveau' (1674), sea-atlas ' Le Neptune François' (1693).An attractive map showing the Duchy of Westfalen with Ham and Soest. Embellished with
a large title-cartouche and a cartouche with scales.
Newly engraved for the counterfeited edition of the ' Atlas Nouveau', published by Pieter Mortier in Amsterdam. (Lot number: 19071)
HOMANN, J.- B., Accurate Vorstellung der Beruhmten... der Königlich Dähnischen.., Nuremberg , ca. 1730,
19.1 x 22.6 inches /48.4 x 57.5 cm, Light browning in the right hand half of the map. Upper margin frayed.
Water stain upper and lower centre fold. Repair of split, left side horizontal fold, 1,5 cm into the image.,
(Estimate: $120 - 150)
Detailed map of the area 15km around Mindelheim in southern Germany with large cartouche with cherubs and coat of arms.
In the right hand side inset prospect of Mindelheim in decorative framework surmounted by an allegorical vignette. (Lot number: 23402)
SEUTTER,M., Marchionatus Brandenburgensis Ducatus Pomeraniae et Ducatus Mecklenburgicus..,
Nuremberg 1750, 18.9 x 22.2 inches /47.9 x 56.4 cm, In very good condition. Decorative cartouches in b/w as
issued. Old repair of split lower part centerfold., (Estimate: $300 - 450)
Seutter's well-engraved map has a large decorative cartouche. Including the towns of Wismar, Stettin, Berlin, etc. (Lot number: 23862)
Brion de la Tour, L. / Desnos, L.Ch., Cercles de Westphalie, Haut et Bas Rhin., Paris, 1766, 10.6 x 11.8 inches
/27 x 30 cm, good condition, (Estimate: $180 - 170)
Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823), ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique', 1766, ' Atlas Général', 1790-98. Louis Charles Desnos (fl.1750-70), Le
Rouge's 'Atlas Nouveau Portatif', 1756, ' Atlas Général et Élémentaire', 1768-69.A map depicting Westphalen and the Rhineland. From the ' Atlas
Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique'.
Embellished with a title- cartouche and a decorative border. (Lot number: 18923)
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Tirion, I., Nieuwe Kaart van de Heerlikheid Creveld., Amsterdam, c. 1770, 14.2 x 16.5 inches /36 x 42 cm, large
paper copy, excellent, (Estimate: $300 - 320)
Izaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His ' Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also '
Tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren', a series of descriptions of countries and their inhabitants. (Lot number: 18899)
LATTRÉ / ZANNONI,R., Carte de L'Empire D'Alemagne avec les Etats de Bohême.., Paris ca 1783, 11.9 x 17.8
inches /30.3 x 45.2 cm, Minor marginal spots. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression.,
(Estimate: $80 - 100)
Attractive map centered on the south western part of Germany, including Switzerland, Luxembourg and part of Austria.
Decorative title cartouche with wine grapes, musical instruments and an eagle with two crowned heads. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo Rizzi Zannoni, one of the leading cartographers of the late 18th century, as well as being an astronomer,
surveyor and mathematician.
Born in Padua, he worked in Venice and was engaged by the governments of Austria and France to produce maps.
Rizzi Zannoni was the first to execute the triangulation of Poland, assisting in the French and English border survey of American in 1757, and
serving as the hydrographer of the Dépot de Marine.
He was also a member of the Cosmographic Society of Göttingen, a town in Saxony, Germany, home to the University of Göttingen.
Rizzi Zannoni is known for his world atlas, the French edition of which was published in 1762 as Atlas Moderne by Lattré in Bordeaux.
In 1781, he was invited by the Bourbon rulers of the Kingdom of Naples to direct the Topographical Office, among the first governmental
cartographic agencies in Europe. There he produced celebrated land and maritime atlases of the region, as well as many separately issued maps. (Lot
number: 24264)
MERCATOR, G. / J. HONDIUS., PALATINATUS BAVARIAE., Amsterdam, 1613., 14.6 x 19.3 inches /37 x 49
cm, 00000, (Estimate: $325 - 375)
Gerard Mercator (1512-94). His 'Atlas sive Cosmographica' was posthumuously published in 1595. Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612), founder of the
Hondius publishing house, acquired the plates of Mercator's Atlas. First editon in 1606.
An attractive map of Bayern, embellished with a fine strapwork title-cartouche and a cartouche with scales.From the latin, 1613 edition. (Lot
number: 16675)
JAILLOT, A.-H., Le Duche de Iuliers, l' Abbaye de St. Cornelis Munster, la Baronie de Wickrad, et la ville
Imperiale d' Aix la Chapelle. Paris, 1692., Amsterdam, 1696., 17.1 x 22.2 inches /43.4 x 56.4 cm, In good
condition., (Estimate: $500 - 550)
Alexis-Hubert Jaillot (1632-1712), French cartographer, joined the Sanson heirs. He redrew Nicolas Sanson's maps on a larger scale. 'Atlas Nouveau'
(1674), sea-atlas 'Le Neptune François' (1693).
An attractive map showing the Duchy of Juelich and the territory of the Abbey of Kornelimuenster, the town of Aachen and the Baronie
Embellished with two large cartouches.Newly engraved for the counterfeited edition of the ' Atlas Nouveau', published by Pieter Mortier in
Amsterdam. (Lot number: 16669)
JAILLOT, A.-H., Le Cercle de Franconia. A Paris, 1696., Amsterdam, 1696., 21.5 x 33.9 inches /54.6 x 86 cm, In
good condition., (Estimate: $350 - 400)
Alexis-Hubert Jaillot (1632-1712), French cartographer. He joined the Sanson heirs and redrew Nicolas Sanson's maps on a larger scale. 'Atlas
Nouveau' (1674), sea-atlas 'Le Neptune François' (1693).
An attractive large-format map depicting Frankenland. Embellished with a large title-cartouche and a cartouche with scales.Newly engraved for the
counterfeited edition of the 'Atlas Nouveau', published by Pieter Mortier in Amsterdam. (Lot number: 16670)
15.1 x 19.6 inches /38.4 x 49.7 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $650 - 675)
Abraham Ortelius(1527-98), Dutch cartographer and publisher of the first modern atlas, ' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570. Editions till 1612. Also
an atlas of ancient cartography, the ' Parergon' and a pocket atlas, the ' Epitome'.
Three maps on one sheet: the Pommeren map is based on Peter Artopäus' map, the Livonia map is based on material of Johannes Portantius, the
Oswiecze map is based on Stanislaw Porebski's map of 1563.
From the rare Spanish edition of Abraham Ortelius’ ‘Theatrum Orbis Terrarum’, published by Vrientius. (Lot number: 17648)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Royaume de Prusse et Prusse Rle. ou Polonoise., Paris, later than 1749, 6.4 x 7.7 inches
/16.2 x 19.6 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
On the left is Pomerania and the Desert of Waldow. At the top of the map is Memel and Samland. On the right side is the Biss River and Kautten. In
the center of the map is Marienburg and Riesenburg. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Unrecorded state with erased date.
Page 36 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24581)
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Germany cities
NELLI,N., [Gotha] GOTTA. Alli 25 di Gennaro 1567 su posto l'assedio sotto la gr: an fortezza.., Venice 1567, 12
x 16.1 inches /30.6 x 41 cm, Cut on the plate mark and contemporarily extended with gorgeous margins. Slight
paper discolouration of places where paper is joined, as usual. Very good and dark impression., (Estimate: $3000
- 4000)
Rare plan of the town and siege of Gotha in 1567. In foreground nice depiction of tents and soldiers on horses.
Engraved by Nicolo Nelli.
Collector's item. An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example from an town view from the early Lafreri school.! (Lot number: 23811)
BRAUN,G./ HOGENBERG,F., Cliviam../ Duisburgum.. / Embrica.. / Gennapium.., Cologne, 1575, 13.5 x 19.3
inches /34.3 x 49.1 cm, Paper very lightly age-toned. Good impression. Very good condition., (Estimate: $360 500)
Four prospects clockwise showing : Cliviam (Kleve ) Duisburgum (Duisberg) Embrica (Emmerich) Gennapium (Gennip in The Netherlands).
From the greatest publication in this genre! The "Civitates" was compiled and written by George Braun, Canon of Cologne Cathedral. Braun
gathered together vast amounts of information and draft plans to produce over 500 city views/maps published in six parts between 1572 and 1617.
Most of these engravings were made by Simon Novellanus and Frans Hogenberg, many after drawings by Joris Hoefnagel. (Lot number: 24975)
MÜNSTER,S., Schletstatt., Basle, 1550-1580, 7.7 x 12.8 inches /19.6 x 32.5 cm, Wood block print with letter
press in German. Repair of tear in upper part center fold, 4cm. Into print., (Estimate: $50 - 60)
Very early birds-eye view of Schletstatt in Elsas. From his Cosmographia, that great compendium of Renaissance knowledge. An exciting print.
With monogram of RMD. (Lot number: 24214)
DE CLERCK, N., Fridericus V. D. G. Comes Palatinus Rheni. Bavariae Dux etc. Princ. Elec., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Some marginal spotting, 1 minor spot affecting the title. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate:
$12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Fridericus V. D. G. Comes Palatinus Rheni", signed lower right corner N. de Cleck". Nicolaes
de Clerck (de klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in
vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les
estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24299)
DE CLERCK, N., Iohan. Wilhelmus Dux Iuli. Cliv. Et Berg. Com. Mar. etc. Dom. Rav., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Spot in the upper left. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Iohan Wilhelmus".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24346)
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DE CLERCK, N., Caes. Flavius Anicius Iustinianus Semp. August., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.9 x 4.7
inches /10 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Light marginal
spots. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Caes. Flavius Anicius Iustinianus".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24467)
FER, N de, Hailbron., Paris 1705, 8.1 x 11.8 inches /20.5 x 30 cm, Good, but a bit stained in the margins,
(Estimate: $70 - 85)
Nice map with Hailbron (with the fortification walls) at the Necar river. (Lot number: 80264)
BERTELLI, F. / ZENOI, D., Totius Graeciae Descriptio., Venice, 1564, 15.5 x 24.3 inches /39.4 x 61.8 cm,
Printed from two plates. Margins cut till neat lines with contemporarily extended margins. Some minor
discolouration at joined parts. Very good and dark impression., (Estimate: $23000 - 25000)
A rare map of Greece.
One of the first printed maps of Greece, decorated with many ships. An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example of a map from the early Lafreri
In lower left a very large cartouche with : CANDIDO LECTORI. S. / QVA diligentia nouæ huius Graeciæ chorographia, / aliarumq[ue]
nonnullarum adiacentium regionum, insularum[que] / descripta sit ipsa tabella ostendere poterit, si cum alijs hactenus / impressis conferre non
grauaberis. Nam præter qua[m] quod ex Hero= / doto, Thucydide, Pausania, Strabone, emendatissimoq Ptolomæo, et / ex recentioribus tabulis
tam maritimis, quam terrestribus accuraté descriptis / quæcunq[ue] in rem tuam conducere arbitrati sumus, excerpimus: noua regionum, /
ciuitatumq[ue] nomina cum antiquis apposuimus: literasq[ue] per regiones hinc / inde diffusas, quæ legentium oculis negotij nonnihil
facessebant, in unum ueluti / corpus contulimus, quid enim eas ita diffundere opus erat, cum regio, pro= / uinciaq[ue] unaquæq[ue] in quibus
eæ continentur, punctis tanquam terminis / sit distinta: Læta igitur fronte accipe quod damus: maiora daturi / quandoq[ue] quod pro laboris,
industriæq[ue] et studij æstimato. Vale. / VENETIIS. / Io. Fr. Camocij æris formis, ad signum / Pyramidis. / M. D. LXVI. / Paulo forlani
Veronese fecit. (Lot number: 25017)
Mercator, G./ H. Hondius., Macedonia, Epirus et Achia., Amsterdam, 1607-1621, 5.7 x 7.1 inches /14.5 x 18 cm,
good condion, (Estimate: $125 - 135)
Gerard Mercator's ' Atlas sive Cosmographica' was published and augmented between 1606 and 1641 by Jodocus Hondius, his son Hendrik and by
Johannes Janssonius.A small map of the mainland of Greece from the pocket edition of the Mercator atlas. (Lot number: 19318)
DE CLERCK, N., Alexander Magnus Macedoniae Rex., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x
12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Light marginal spotting. Size
of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Alexander the Great.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24305)
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DE CLERCK, N., Graecia., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.8 x 5.2 inches /9.7 x 13.3 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $110 - 130)
Small map centered on Greece and the Aegean Sea, surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24440)
MOORE, J., Turquie in Europe., London, 1681, 6.3 x 8.2 inches /16 x 20.8 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Very
good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 200)
Extremely rare map of Greece, including also lands adjacent to the Black Sea.
From: Jonas Moore, A New Geography with Maps to Each Country. ¤ (Lot number: 24811)
Mallet, A.M., Greece Generale., Paris, 1683, 6.1 x 4.5 inches /15.5 x 11.5 cm, very good condition., (Estimate:
$90 - 85)
Alain Manneson Mallet (1603-1706) published in 1683 his ' Description de l' Univers' in 5 volumes. In 1686 a German edition appeared.
Map of Greece. (Lot number: 20360)
SANSON, N./ MARIETTE, P., Graeciae Foederata., Paris, 1690, 16.5 x 20.5 inches /42 x 52 cm, Paper
contemporarily cut till plate mark and laid down on a larger sheet of paper. Water stain in outer margin. Good
and dark impression., (Estimate: $300 - 350)
A fine map of Ancient Greece.
This edition carries the date 1690.
Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of French cartography, although the fierce competition of the Dutch would last until the end of the
century. His success was partly owing to the partnership with the publisher Pierre Mariette. In 1644 the latter had purchased the business of Melchior
Tavernier, and helped Sanson with financial support in producing the maps. In 1657 Pierre Mariette died, however his son, also named Pierre,
co-published the following years. (Lot number: 13063)
SANSON, N./ MARIETTE, P., Graeciae Antiquae., Paris 1690, 16.5 x 21.9 inches /42 x 55.5 cm, Paper
contemporarily cut till plate mark and laid down on a larger sheet of paper. Some age-toning of the paper.
Vertical Marginal water stain near lower center fold. Minor marginal spotting., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
A fine map of Ancient Greece prepared by Sanson. A later impression of the copper plate as a large crack in the plate is shown.
This edition carries the address of Pierre Mariette: rue st.Jacques a L'Esperance .
Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of French cartography, although the fierce competition of the Dutch would last until the end of the
century. His success was partly owing to the partnership with the publisher Pierre Mariette. In 1644 the latter had purchased the business of
Melchior Tavernier, and helped Sanson with financial support in producing the maps. In 1657 Pierre Mariette died, however his son, also named
Pierre, co-published the following years. (Lot number: 13062)
CHATELAIN,H., Carte de la Grece contenant l'Etat present de l'Eglise Grecque &.., Amsterdam 1728, 14.7 x
16.9 inches /37.4 x 43 cm, A good and dark impression. Faint toning along fold. Light marginal water stain in
upper right corner., (Estimate: $120 - 200)
Handsome chart with a small map of Greece (115 x 150) together with five Greek religious scenes and descriptive French text. (Lot number: 22160)
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Tirion, I., Nieuwe Kaart van Europisch Turkyen., Amsterdam, 1733, 11.4 x 14 inches /29 x 35.6 cm, large paper
copy, excellent condition, (Estimate: $325 - 300)
Izaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His ' Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also '
Tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren', a series of descriptions of countries and their inhabitants.
An attractive map depicting Greece with Crete and Cyprus, Turkey and the Black Sea. (Lot number: 20381)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Carte de la Turquie d'Europe des Isles de la Grece et de l'Archipel., Paris, later than 1748,
6.3 x 7.7 inches /16.1 x 19.5 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100
- 130)
Small detailed map encompassing the area between the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea. Centered on Greece.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 63 and Page 584 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a
state without date and this title. (Lot number: 24587)
Laurent, J., Carte de Groenland, 1770., Paris, c. 1760, 7.5 x 9.8 inches /19 x 25 cm, good, (Estimate: $125 - 120)
A map of Greenland and Iceland. (Lot number: 20359)
Sanson, N., Partie de Turquie en Europe., Paris, c. 1780, 7.1 x 9.3 inches /18 x 23.5 cm, very good condition.,
(Estimate: $160 - 150)
Nicolas Sanson (1600-67), ' father of the French cartography' and founder of the Sanson firm. Atlas ' Cartes générales de toutes les parties du
Monde', 1658-70 and a pocket atlas in 4 parts ( 1652-1705).A map of Greece from a French edition of Nicolas Sanson's pocket atlas. (Lot number:
LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., Turquie d'Europe et partie de celle d'Asie.., Paris, ca 1783, 12.7 x 17.3 inches /32.2 x
44 cm, Some discolouration along centre fold. Some spotting in the right hand half of the map. Printed on heavy
paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
Attractive map centered on the Aegean Sea, encompassing the whole Balkan Peninsula and part of Turkey.
It includes also Crete and Cyprus. Decorated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by
Jean Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable
number of maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24279)
Greece Islands
CANDIA., Venice 1564, 10.6 x 15 inches /26.8 x 38 cm, Cut on the plate mark and contemporarily extended with
gorgeous margins. Slight paper discolouration of places where paper is joined, as usual. Very good and dark
impression., (Estimate: $3000 - 4000)
Fine map of Crete. No further states are recorded.
Engraved by Paolo Forlani (active 1561-1577).
Title in banner in top. In lower right corner a cartouche including the humanist Nicolaus Stopius, who was born in Flanders but lived since 1556 in
Venice as a book agent.: Ad Cosmographiæ Studiosos N[icolaus]. St[opius]. / CRETA Insula, uulgo ia[m] Candia nuncupata, a Candia insigni /
urbe quæ sane metropolis est, olim Cydon, siue Cydonia, dea[m] nom[en] / accepit, fuit nihilominus insignis qq habita urbs Cioctyna, Dianæ /
patria, quæ ibi Fligiosissime colebatur, Britomactis dea[m], quod uir= / gine[m] dulce[m] no[n]nulli i[n]terp[re]tari uolunt, fuit at Creta magni
Iouis / patria, ab omnibus scriptoribus celebratissima, ce[ter]u[m] urbiu[m] clara, / auctis fere quæ ad usu hu[m]anu[m] attinet dotata bonis,
præciosissimi / præcipue uini fertilissima, nullu[m] uero, animal noxiu[m] altre dr, in me= / dio fere Po[n]ticis maris sita, latitudo cuius . 50
millja passuu[m], longitudo / uero .270. et circuitus .589. ut apud Strabone[m] Cosmographu[m], cuius / hæc patria fuit, co[m]plectitur, huius
ergo scripta legat, qui plura / de hac nobilissima Iusula intelligere cupit. / Venetijs Io. Franc.i Camotij æreis formis ad signu[m] Pyramidis. 1564.
Collector's item. An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example from an town view from the early Lafreri school.! (Lot number: 23788)
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BERTELLI,F. / FORLANI,F., Vogliono alcuni l'isola di Corfu fosse prima .., Venice 1564, 14.6 x 10.6 inches
/37 x 27 cm, Paper very lightly age-toned, as usual. Cut on the plate mark and contemporarily extended margins.
Printed on heavy paper. Very good and dark impression., (Estimate: $3000 - 3500)
Fine map of the island of Kerkyra (Corfu), based on a map of the French artist Jacques Prevost. The present edition by Fernando Bertelli (ascribed by
D.Woodward to Paolo Forlani) is somewhat re-worked and served as the model for many followers.
A feature of the map is the exaggerated depiction of the fortress of Corfu.
Collector's item. An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example from an town view from the early Lafreri school.! (Lot number: 23793)
Mercator, G. / J. Hondius., Morea olim Peloponnesus. per Gerardum Mercatorum., Amsterdam, 1609, 13.4 x
16.1 inches /34 x 41 cm, excellent condition, strong impression, (Estimate: $450 - 500)
Gerard Mercator's ' Atlas sive Cosmographica' was augmented and published in 1606 by Jodocus Hondius.Gerard Mercator's map of the
Peloponesus, published by Jodocus Hondius.
French text on verso.
Embellished with a strapwork title-cartouche. (Lot number: 18200)
PORCACCHI,Th., Rhodi., Padova, (1572-) 1620, 4.1 x 5.6 inches /10.4 x 14.2 cm, Map printed on a sheet with
letter press. In very good condition., (Estimate: $130 - 180)
One of the earliest separate maps of Rhodos. Includes decorative cartouche, sea monsters, sailing ship, etc. Nice wide margin example, with Italian
text. A decorative compass rose lies lower right. (Lot number: 14405)
DE CLERCK, N., Rhodi., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.1 inches /9.3 x 13 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Marginal spot in the upper left corner of the sheet, water stain in the lower right. Size of paper : 31x
19cm., (Estimate: $110 - 130)
Small map illustrating the island of Rhodes, oriented with West on top and surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24444)
Mallet, A.M., Is. de Lero Calamo et de Lango., Paris, 1683, 5.5 x 3.9 inches /14 x 10 cm, very good condition.,
(Estimate: $75 - 65)
Alain Manneson Mallet (1603-1706) published in 1683 his ' Description de l' Univers' in 5 volumes. In 1686 a German edition appeared.
A map depicting the island Leros, Kalimnos and Kos. (Lot number: 19332)
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ANONYMOUS, Map of Italy and wood block print within text., Italy circa 1550, 7.2 x 11.3 inches /18.4 x 28.6
cm, The print is in very good condition, the map of Italy is smudged near Florence, (Estimate: $180 - 375)
A ¾ page wood block print of the two-headed figure at the dining table with musicians in attendance, farmhands in the distance. The reverse side is a
map of Italy.
(Lot number: 90349)
De L'ISLE,G., L´Italie..., France, c. 1720, 19.1 x 24.6 inches /48.5 x 62.5 cm, The map is in very good condition
although a little browned, folds as issued, and the margin with very small crack at the centre fold., (Estimate:
$550 - 750)
Title: L´Italie. Dressée sur les Observations de Mrs. de l´Academie Royale des Sciences sur celles du R.P. Riccioli de la Compagnie de Jesus et
autres Astronomes du pays et sur plusteurs autres memoires. par Guillaume Del´Isle'An elegant and detailed map of Italy by Frances leading
cartographer of his day (Lot number: 21847)
VAUGONDY,R. de, L'Italie et ses Isles circonvoisines Sicile, Sardaigne, Corse, &c., Paris, 1748, 6.3 x 6.4 inches
/16 x 16.3 cm, A good and dark impression. Wide margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Charming small map of the Italian Peninsula, including Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica. Dated 1748.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 52 outside border top right. (Lot number: 24533)
COVENS, J. / MORTIER,C., l'Italie., Amsterdam, 1757, 18.9 x 23.2 inches /48 x 59 cm, Very good, wide
margins., (Estimate: $480 - 550)
Large map of Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, part of the Balkan, France and northern Africa.
Dressee sur les observations de Mrs de l'Academie royale etc.
Originally designed and edited by de L'Isle and newly edited by Covens and Mortier in Amsterdam 1757.
Good original border colouring, and fine condition. (Lot number: 90362)
Cellarius, Ch., Italia Antiqua., Leipzig, 1773, 8.1 x 12 inches /20.5 x 30.5 cm, very good, (Estimate: $140 - 160)
Christoforus Cellearius (1638-1707), geographer. ' Geographia Antiqua', 1686-1812 (Lot number: 19418)
LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., L' Italie divisée en ses differents Etats Royaumes et republiques.., Paris ca 1783, 11.9
x 17.3 inches /30.2 x 44 cm, Some light browning. Slight discolouration along centre fold. Printed on heavy
paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Attractive map of the Italian Peninsula, showing also Corsica and Malta. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Ornated with a decorative title cartouche presenting the symbols of the coat of arms of the Pontifical State.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by
Jean Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable
number of maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24275)
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SANTINI, P. / REMONDINI, M., L'Italie Divisée en ses différents Etats, Royaumes et Republiques.., Venice,
1776 - 1784, 18.8 x 25.5 inches /47.8 x 64.8 cm, Some very minor marginal spotting. Else very good condition.,
(Estimate: $480 - 600)
Finely and crisply engraved map of Italy, covering also Corsica and Malta. Venetian edition of Janvier's map, from "Atlas Universel" printed in
Large decorative title cartouche in the upper right corner.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse sur
les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example - indicating that this is the second state of the map.
(Lot number: 24861)
Bonne, R., Italia Vetus, Paris, 1787-1788, 9.3 x 13.4 inches /23.5 x 34 cm, very good condition., (Estimate: $130 120)
Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795), French cartographer. His maps are found in a.o. Atlas Moderne (1762), Raynal's Histoire Philos. du Commerce des
Indes (1774) and Atlas Encyclopédique (1787-1788).
A map from Rigobert Bonne's 'Atlas Encyclopédique', showing the Italian peninsula in classical times. (Lot number: 19416)
DESNOS/ BRION, L' Italie Divisée en tous ses Etats.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.2 x 48 cm, 2 small
marginal spots in the lower corners. Close to very good condition., (Estimate: $85 - 100)
Decorative map of Italy, showing Corsica and Sardinia. With ornamental title cartouche and inset map of the Mediterranean including Tunis, Malta
and Pantelleria.
Flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two separate plates
with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24147)
RAPKIN, J., LOT OF 2: Northern Italy & Southern Italy, London 1855, 9.8 x 12.6 inches /25 x 32 cm,
Age-toned paper with old folds and one tiny brown spot each. Right margin cropped and few small repaired fold
splits not affecting the image. Slightly lighter impression., (Estimate: $50 - 100)
Lot of 2 maps of the the uncommon and slightly later edition by Rapkin based on Tallis' maps. The vignettes have been removed and the map is
issued in black and white.
With decorative borders and both maps flanked by figures. Shows all of Italy including Corsica, Sardinia and Sicilly. A rare and desirable issue that
was published by the London Printing and Publishing Company.
Drawn and engraved by Rapkin. (Lot number: 90176)
Italy provinces
FORLANI,P. / CAMOCIO,G.F., Descrittione del Piamonte Mon- / ferra, et la maggior parte della / Riuiera di
Genoua, con jl territorio / Astesano, Alexandrino Tortonese, / Nouarese, et la maggior parte del .., Venice, 1566,
14.8 x 19.5 inches /37.5 x 49.5 cm, Cut on the plate mark and contemporarily extended with gorgeous margins.
Slight paper discolouration of places where paper is joined, as usual. Very good and dark impression., (Estimate:
$7000 - 8000)
Fine map of Piedmont, with the Mediterranean coast including Monaco till Genoa, and Milan in top. In center the river PO. State 3 of 5, with the
name of Camocio added to the cartouche.
Engraved by Paolo Forlani (active 1561-1577),
Collector's item. An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example from an town view from the early Lafreri school.! (Lot number: 23789)
VENETIA M.D.LXIII. / Ferando Berteli exc: / Paulo forlani Veronese., Venice 1568, 12.4 x 18.1 inches /31.5 x
46 cm, Cut on the plate mark and contemporarily extended with gorgeous margins. Slight paper discolouration
of places where paper is joined, as usual. Very good and dark impression., (Estimate: $2600 - 3500)
With the Tuscany Sea and centered on Rome. The immediate model of this engraving ascribed to Forlani was a map published by Donato Bertelli in
1559. No further states are recorded.
Engraved by Paolo Furlani (active 1561-1577),
Collector's item. An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example from an town view from the early Lafreri school.! (Lot number: 23787)
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DE CLERCK, N., Regnum Neapolitanu., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.5 x 13.2 cm, Page
slightly age-toned. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $220 - 260)
Small map of the Hibernian peninsula with the Balearic Islands, surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24432)
DE CLERCK, N., Milanese., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.6 x 5.1 inches /9.2 x 13 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Minor marginal water stains not affecting the subject. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $110 130)
Small map centered on Milan, oriented with West on top and surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24435)
DE CLERCK, N., Latium sive Campania di Roma., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.4 x 13.2
cm, Page slightly age-toned. Marginal water stain. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $110 - 130)
Small map illustrating part of the Tyrrhenian coast of Italy close to Rome and its hinterland. Surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24438)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Abruzzo et Terra di Lavoro., Amsterdam, 1631, 5.5 x 7.9 inches /14 x 20 cm,
Good., (Estimate: $150 - 180)
Nice map of a part of Italy with Napels at the left seacoast. Decorated with a small strapwork title cartouche.
German text on verso. (Lot number: 80326)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Lombardiae, Amsterdam, 1631, 5.1 x 7.5 inches /13 x 19 cm, Good condition.,
(Estimate: $180 - 200)
Map depicting the northern part of Italy with the sea of Geneva at left and Milano in the right under corner.
Decorated with a small strapwork title cartouche. Latin text on verso. (Lot number: 80328)
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Blaeu, W., Mantua Ducatus., Amsterdam, 1635, 13.8 x 18.5 inches /35 x 47 cm, good, (Estimate: $450 - 425)
Willem Blaeu, founder of the famous publishing firm. Originally publishing pilot-guides, he issued his first atlas, 'Atlantis Appendix', in 1630,
followed by his "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" or "Novus Atlas" in 1635.Willem Blaeu's very decorative map of Mantua. From the French edition of
Willem Blaeu's atlas "Theatrum". (Lot number: 18502)
Jaillot, A.-H/ P. Mortier., Le Royaume de Naples / divisee en douze provinces., Amsterdam, 1696, 17.1 x 21.7
inches /43.4 x 55 cm, excellent, (Estimate: $450 - 500)
Alexis-Hubert Jaillot (1632-1712), French cartographer. He joined the Sanson heirs and redrew Nicolas Sanson's maps on a larger scale. 'Atlas
Nouveau' (1674), sea-atlas ' Le Neptune François' (1693). An attractive large-format map showing southern Italy. (Lot number: 18490)
Jaillot, A.-H., Le Duché de Milan., Paris, c. 1700, 20.3 x 26.8 inches /51.5 x 68 cm, good, (Estimate: $450 - 425)
A detailed map of the duchy of Milan. (Lot number: 20469)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Carte des Sources du Po où se trouve la Partie Merid.le de la Prin.té de Piemont., Paris,
later than 1748, 6.4 x 8.1 inches /16.2 x 20.6 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Minor marginal
water stain along lower border. Marginal brown spot in the upper right corner. Marginal worm hole, filled in.
Else very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Detailed small map showing the southwestern part of Piedmont and in particular the first stretch of the river Po, whose headwaters spring from the
northern slopes of Monviso.
Relief shown pictorially. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 55a outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does
not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24536)
VAUGONDY,R. de, II. Cours du Po et Partie du Piémont où sont les environs de Turin.., Paris, later than 1748,
6.9 x 5.6 inches /17.4 x 14.3 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Minor marginal spot in the upper
right corner. 2 marginal worm holes, filled in. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Detailed small map showing the northwestern part of Piedmont and a short stretch of the river Po going through Turin.
Relief shown pictorially. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 55b outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does
not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24537)
VAUGONDY,R. de, III. Cours du Po où sont les environs de Chivazzo, Verrue, Casale, Valence.., Paris, later
than 1748, 6.3 x 7.1 inches /16.1 x 18 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Marginal worm hole, filled
in. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Detailed small map centered on the stretch of the river Po flowing between Chivasso and Valenza. Relief shown pictorially.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 55.c outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state
without date. (Lot number: 24538)
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VAUGONDY,R. de, IV. Cours du Po où sont les environs de Paivie, Plaisance, Cremone.. Milan., Paris, later
than 1748, 6.8 x 7.2 inches /17.3 x 18.4 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Marginal worm hole, filled in. Very good
condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Detailed small map centered on the stretch of the river Po flowing through the region Lombardy, between the area near Pavia and Cremona.
Milan appears in the upper left corner. Relief shown pictorially.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 55.d outside border top right. (Lot number: 24539)
VAUGONDY,R. de, V. Cours du Po, où sont les environs de Parme, Guastalle, Mantoue, &c., Paris, later than
1748, 6.5 x 7.1 inches /16.5 x 18 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Marginal worm hole, filled in.
Else very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Detailed small map centered on the stretch of the river Po flowing through the region Lombardy, between Villanova sull'Arda and San Siro,
southeast of Mantua.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 55.e outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state
without date. (Lot number: 24540)
VAUGONDY,R. de, VI. Cours du Po, ou sont les environs de la Mirandole, partie du Veronese, Padouan,
Ferrarese, Bolonois, &c., Paris, later than 1748, 6.7 x 7.1 inches /16.9 x 18 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good
margins. Marginal worm hole, filled in. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Detailed small map centered on the stretch of the river Po flowing between Ostiglia and Ro, in the Province of Ferrara.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 55f outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without
date. (Lot number: 24541)
VAUGONDY,R. de, VII. Embouchure du Po, où sont les environs de Rovigo, d'Adria Ariano &c., Paris, later
than 1748, 6.7 x 7.2 inches /17 x 18.2 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Marginal worm hole, filled
in. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $200 - 260)
Detailed small map centered on the river Po delta, at the southern part of which is Comacchio.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 55g outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state
without date. (Lot number: 24542)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Carte Générale de l'Etat de Gênes., Paris, ca. 1748, 6.5 x 12 inches /16.5 x 30.5 cm, Very
crisp and fine image. Traces of vertical folds, as issued. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Detailed map centered on the Gulf of Genoa. It shows the Italian region Liguria and extends westwards as far as Nice.
Finder map for the nine large scale maps de Vaugondy made of Genoa. Relief shown pictorially. Dated 1748. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by
Robert de Vaugondy.Page 56 outside border top right. (Lot number: 24543)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Etat de la Seigneurie et République de Venise avec l'Evêché de Trente., Paris, 1748, 6.3 x
14.6 inches /16.1 x 37 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Minor line of brown ink affecting the title. 2 vertical folds
as issued. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Detailed small map of northern Italy. Including Istria in the East and extending westwards as far as Bergamo and Crema.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 58 outside border top right. (Lot number: 24554)
Brion de la Tour, L., Partie de l' Italy Comprenant les Etats du Roy de Sardaigne, de Milan, Parme et Cenes.,
Paris, 1766, 10.6 x 11.8 inches /27 x 30 cm, a small tear in lower center fold, otherwise in good condition.,
(Estimate: $180 - 160)
Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823), ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique', 1766, ' Atlas Général', 1790-98. A map depicting northern Italy. From
the ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique'. Embellished with a title- cartouche and a decorative border. (Lot number: 18238)
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LATTRÉ / ZANNONI,R., L'Italie divisée en ses différens Etats.., Paris, ca 1783, 12 x 17.7 inches /30.5 x 45 cm,
Light discolouration along centre fold. Minor spots affecting the cartouche. Light marginal spotting. Printed on
heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $180 - 200)
Map of northern and central Italy, including Corsica and Istria. Ornated with a decorative title cartouche, surrounded by winged cherubs' heads.
Prepared by Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo Rizzi Zannoni, one of the leading cartographers of the late 18th century, as well as being an astronomer,
surveyor and mathematician.
Born in Padua, he worked in Venice and was engaged by the governments of Austria and France to produce maps.
Rizzi Zannoni was the first to execute the triangulation of Poland, assisting in the French and English border survey of American in 1757, and
serving as the hydrographer of the Dépot de Marine.
He was also a member of the Cosmographic Society of Göttingen, a town in Saxony, Germany, home to the University of Göttingen.
Rizzi Zannoni is known for his world atlas, the French edition of which was published in 1762 as Atlas Moderne by Lattré in Bordeaux.
In 1781, he was invited by the Bourbon rulers of the Kingdom of Naples to direct the Topographical Office, among the first governmental
cartographic agencies in Europe. There he produced celebrated land and maritime atlases of the region, as well as many separately issued maps. (Lot
number: 24259)
LATTRÉ / ZANNONI,R., [No title] Southern Italy with Sardinia., Paris, ca 1783, 12 x 17.7 inches /30.5 x 45 cm,
Minor discolouration along centre fold. Minor symmetrical spot in the lower corners. Printed on heavy paper,
with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $190 - 220)
Map of southern Italy, including Sardinia and Sicily. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo Rizzi Zannoni, one of the leading cartographers of the late 18th century, as well as being an astronomer,
surveyor and mathematician.
Born in Padua, he worked in Venice and was engaged by the governments of Austria and France to produce maps.
Rizzi Zannoni was the first to execute the triangulation of Poland, assisting in the French and English border survey of American in 1757, and
serving as the hydrographer of the Dépot de Marine.
He was also a member of the Cosmographic Society of Göttingen, a town in Saxony, Germany, home to the University of Göttingen.
Rizzi Zannoni is known for his world atlas, the French edition of which was published in 1762 as Atlas Moderne by Lattré in Bordeaux.
In 1781, he was invited by the Bourbon rulers of the Kingdom of Naples to direct the Topographical Office, among the first governmental
cartographic agencies in Europe. There he produced celebrated land and maritime atlases of the region, as well as many separately issued maps. (Lot
number: 24260)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Partie Méridionale du Royaume de Naples où se trouvent la Calabre et l'Isle et
Royaume de Sicile., Venice, 1776 - 1784, 18.7 x 23.2 inches /47.5 x 59 cm, Slight very outer marginal spotting.
Else very good condition., (Estimate: $450 - 600)
Finely and crisply engraved map of southern Italy, depicting Sicily and the region Calabria with remarkable topographical detail.
Ornated with a large title cartouche and a scale cartouche in the left corners.
Inset map of Malta and Gozo in the lower right, decorated with a title scale featuring cherubs holding the Maltese cross.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse sur
les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example - indicating that this is the second state of the map.
(Lot number: 24903)
Mallet, A.M., P.tie Meridionale de L' Ancien Italie., Paris, 1787, 5.7 x 4.3 inches /14.5 x 11 cm, excellent
condition., (Estimate: $80 - 75)
Alain Manneson Mallet (1603-1706) published in 1683 his ' Description de l' Univers' in 5 volumes. In 1686 a German edition appeared.The
southern part of classical Italy. (Lot number: 19417)
DESNOS/ BRION, Etats du Roi des Deux Siciles avec les Métropoles Ecclésiastiques et tous leurs Suffragans..,
Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.3 x 48 cm, A few marginal spots, some affecting the text panels. Marginal
faint water stain in the lower left margin., (Estimate: $180 - 200)
Attractive map of southern Italy and Sicily with ornamental rococo-style title cartouche.
The map is flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two
separate plates with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24157)
DESNOS/ BRION, Etats de l' Eglise, de Toscane, Modène et Luques.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.2 x 48
cm, Very sight spotting in text panels at both sides. Else good., (Estimate: $180 - 200)
Decorative map of Italy covering the region centered on Florence and extending to show Modena, Bologna and Rome.
With major cities of the area named among which Siena, Arezzo, Pisa, Parme, etc. Decorative title cartouche.
The map is flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two
separate plates with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24156)
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DESNOS/ BRION, L'Etat de Venise et le Duché de Mantoue.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.2 x 47.9 cm,
Minor marginal spots on the upper border. Right lower margin cut close to border frame. Overall good
condition., (Estimate: $100 - 120)
Attractive map covering the region centered on today region Veneto and its chief town Venice.
Extending westwards to include part of Lombardy and eastward to Trieste and Istria. With ornamental title cartouche bearing St.Marc's lion, emblem
of the Republic of Venice.
The map is flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two
separate plates with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24155)
DESNOS/ BRION, Partie de l' Italie, comprenant les Etats du Roy de Sardaigne.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9
inches /28.2 x 48 cm, Repair of marginal split lower part centre fold. Very good condition., (Estimate: $120 150)
Decorative map of northwest Italy and the Golfo di Genova. With ornamental title cartouche.
Flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two separate plates
with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24154)
Ortelius, A., ITALIA GALLICA, SIVE / GALLIA CISALPINA., Antwerp, Robert Bruneau, 1609., 13.7 x 18.5
inches /34.7 x 47 cm, very good, (Estimate: $750 - 80)
Abraham Ortelius(1527-98), Dutch cartographer and publisher of the first modern atlas, ' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570. Editions till 1612. Also
an atlas of ancient cartography, the ' Parergon' and a pocket atlas, the ' Epitome'.A map depicting northern Italy in ancient.times.
From the rare Spanish edition of Abraham Ortelius’ ‘Theatrum Orbis Terrarum’, published by Vrientius.Ref.: v.d.Broecke, Ortelius, map 206.2 (Lot
number: 18344)
Italy cities
BERTELLI, D., [Venice] VENETIA., Venice, 1566, 14.6 x 22.6 inches /37.1 x 57.5 cm, Cut on the plate mark
and contemporarily extended with gorgeous margins. Slight paper discolouration of places where paper is
joined, as usual. Very good and dark impression., (Estimate: $14000 - 18000)
Rare bird's-eye view of the town of Venice
Engraved by Donato Bertelli, with signature in lower right.
Underneath the print a key I-XXXV and 1-169.
Collector's item. An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example from an town view from the early Lafreri school.! (Lot number: 23812)
VALEGIO,F., VENETIA. [Venice], Venice, ca. 1579, 3.2 x 4.7 inches /8.1 x 12 cm, Paper slightly age-toned, as
usual. In good condition., (Estimate: $300 - 350)
Uncommon plan of Venice from Francesco Valegio's townbook: Raccolta di le piv illustri et farmose citta di tutto il mondo. (Lot number: 24880)
DE CLERCK, N., Iulius III. Pontifex Maximus Montanus Sedit Annos 6., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1
x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Light
marginal spots in the upper border. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of the Pope "Iulius III", signed lower right corner N. de Cleck". Nicolaes de Clerck (de klerc) was
active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der
Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de
monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24297)
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DE CLERCK, N., Divos Iulius Caesar Dictator Perpetuus., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 8 x 5 inches /20.3 x
12.8 cm, Page slightly age-toned. Light marginal spots and humbling. Minor spot affecting the title in the lower
left side. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $35 - 40)
The engraving depicts an oval portrait of Julius Caesar. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24466)
RIZZI-ZANNONI, G.A., Planta della citta di Napoli come esifte nel prefeute Anno MDCCXC., Naples, 1790,
21.7 x 31.7 inches /55 x 80.5 cm, Very good condition. Printed on heavy paper. Short left and right margins, as
usual. Dark impression., (Estimate: $3000 - 3500)
Stunning plan of Naples, prepared by Rizzi-Zannoni and engraved by Giuseppe Guerra from Naples. To the right and left a key to the important
places of interest, among the names of important Naples families.
Giuseppe Guerra was one of the most famous engravers active in Naples. Due to his skills the maps engraved for Rizzi-Zannoni, between 1781 and
1814, became such an success. (Lot number: 24895)
FRANZETTI, Pianta topografica della citta di Roma., Florence 1838, 20.9 x 26.4 inches /53 x 67 cm, Printed on heavy paper. With several
foldings. One horizontal fold re-inforced, due to paper thinness., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
Uncommon and decorative plan of Rome. With a numbered key. 1-264. Engraved by Marco di Pietro. (Lot number: 25075)
Ortelius, A., Lutzenburgensis Ducatus Veriss. Descript., Antwerp, 1612, 14.4 x 19.3 inches /36.5 x 49 cm, very
good cond., (Estimate: $900 - 1000)
Abraham Ortelius(1527-98), Dutch cartographer and publisher of the first modern atlas, ' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570. Editions till 1612. Also
an atlas of ancient cartography, the ' Parergon' and a pocket atlas, the ' Epitome'
The map of Luxembourg from Abraham Ortelius' atlas ' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' is based on Jacques Surhon's map of 1551
The third state published between 1592 and 1612. With numerous new placenames added, e.g. Gomery and Chanese near Longwy
Embellished with a large title-cartouche.
Reference: Karrow, p.14, entry1/114 (Lot number: 18098)
VAUGONDY,R. de, VI. Carte du Duché de Limbourg où sont les environs de Limbourg., Paris, 1748, 6.4 x 8.2
inches /16.3 x 20.9 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Very good condition., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Attractive small map showing part of the Wallon region, centered on Limburg. Dated 1748. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.
Page 15f outside border top right. (Lot number: 24668)
Mediterranean & Islands
DE CLERCK, N., Sicilia., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.3 inches /9.5 x 13.4 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $220 - 260)
Small map of Sicily, surrounded by text in Dutch. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24433)
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DESNOS/ BRION, Turquie Européenne, Avec les Pays limitrophes.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.2 x 48
cm, Tiny spot affecting the text panels. Marginal discolouration along upper border. Else good condition.,
(Estimate: $100 - 150)
Copper engraved map centered on Greece, extending northwards and eastwards to include the Balkans and Ukraine as well as Cyprus.
The map is flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two
separate plates with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24161)
BRION DE LA TOUR, L. / DESNOS, L.CH., Les Isles de Sardagne et de Corse., Paris, 1766., 9.2 x 10.2 inches
/23.3 x 26 cm, In good condition., (Estimate: $275 - 300)
Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823), ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique', 1766, ' Atlas Général', 1790-98. Louis Charles Desnos (fl.1750-70), Le
Rouge's 'Atlas Nouveau Portatif', 1756, 'Atlas Général et Élémentaire', 1768-69.
A map depicting Sardinia and Corse. From the ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique'. Embellished with a title- cartouche and a decorative border.
(Lot number: 16943)
DE CLERCK, N., Majorcae et Minorcae descrip., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.3 x 13.1
cm, Page slightly age-toned. Minor marginal spots, not affecting the image. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate:
$340 - 400)
Small map depicting 2 of the Balearic Islands, surrounded by text in Dutch. Embellished with a sailing boat and 2 sea monsters.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24431)
BLAEU,W., Insulae Balearides et Pytiusae., Amsterdam, 1645, 15 x 19.6 inches /38 x 49.8 cm, In attractive
original colours. With wide margins. Light water staining in upper margin, not affecting printed area. Very
good, (Estimate: $900 - 1000)
Beautiful map of the islands of Majorca, Minorca, and Ibiza, including the coasts of Catalonia and Valencia.
Decorated with sea monsters, ships, royal coats of arms, and an elegant title scroll. (Lot number: 02188)
LOTTER, T. C., Carte des Isles de Maiorque Minorque et d'Yvice., Augsburg, 1770, 19.3 x 22.8 inches /49 x 58
cm, Very good condition. Short lower margin., (Estimate: $800 - 850)
Fine map of the Balearen with much detail, in lower part inset "Plan du Port de Mahon du Fort St. Philippe et ses Fortifications".
T.C. Lotter married M. Seutter's daughter in 1740 and succeeded him in 1756. Lotter used the copperplate of Seutter, he only changed the name. (Lot
number: 61191)
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DE CLERCK, N., Sardinia., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.1 inches /9.3 x 13 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Minor marginal tumbling and water stain. 1 tiny spot in the lower left side. Size of paper : 31x 19cm.,
(Estimate: $180 - 220)
Small map of Sardinia, oriented with East on top and surrounded by text in Dutch. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and
publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24434)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Isle et Royaume de Sardaigne., Paris, later than 1748, 8.3 x 6.5 inches /21.1 x 16.4 cm, A
good and dark impression. Good margins. Minor marginal water stain in the upper left corner. Minor marginal
spot in the lower right. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Detailed small map of Sardinia. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 54 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley
does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24535)
DE CLERCK, N., Malta., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.5 x 13.3 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Marginal spot in the upper left corner of the sheet. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $340 - 400)
Small map of Malta, surrounded by text in Dutch. Embellished with a sea monster and a title cartouche.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24439)
CADORIN,M., [Untitled] Malta.., Padua, 1658 - 1659, 4.6 x 6.5 inches /11.7 x 16.5 cm, Short margins. Overall
good condition., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
RARE. Bird's eye-view of Malta showing an escutcheon with the Maltese Cross in the upper left corner.
With vessels and galleys approaching the harbor. ¤ (Lot number: 23373)
VISSCHER, Nicolas, Insularum Melitae vulgo Maltae et Gozae Novissima Delineatio per Nicolaum Visscher,
Amsterdam, c. 1670, 20.7 x 24.6 inches /52.5 x 62.5 cm, Excellent, (Estimate: $3000 - 3500)
Map of the islands Malta, Comino and Gozo by Nicolas Visscher. Inset map in the bottom left corner shows the Mediterranean. The original
colouring is nice and crisp. (Lot number: 90315)
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BLAEU, Joan / MORTIER, P., Valleta ou Valet Ville Forte de l'Isle De Malta, Amsterdam, 1705, 20.3 x 22.3
inches /51.5 x 56.7 cm, Excellent, (Estimate: $2800 - 3000)
Map of the harbour and city of Valletta was originally published Joan Blaeu in the atlas ‘Theatrum Admiradorum……...’. Below the map an index
referrers to 57 features on the map. The map was reissued by Pierre Mortier in 1704/1705. In the top right corner a crack in the copperplate is clearly
visible. (Lot number: 90314)
BASSET, VUE DE MALTE. [View of Malta -Valetta], Paris, 1780, 10.2 x 15.7 inches /26 x 40 cm, In very good condition. Title in mirror
image in top., (Estimate: $360 - 450)
A so-called optical print. A very decorative and extremely rare view of Valetta, seen from the sea. The mirror-image title in top reads :Vue de la partie sud est de la ville capitale de MalteIn
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries there were many popular speciality establishments in Paris, Augsburg and London, which produced optical viewing devices and special
engravings to be viewed through them. In the 18th century the optical print or vue optique came into existence, whose exaggerated converging lines were intended to produce the optical
illusion of deep recession. The viewing devices for which these perspective prints were produced consisted of a lens and a mirror, this requiring the use of reversed or mirror-image
An optical mirror with print. (Mirror is not included in the lot.)~ (Lot number: 24719)
DUVOTENAY, Thunot, Malte., Paris, Maison Bassett, 1854, 10.2 x 13.4 inches /26 x 34 cm, Very slight
discoloration around margins concommitent with age., (Estimate: $200 - 220)
Detailed map of Malta and Gozo, engraved by Dyonnet. (Lot number: 90394)
DE CLERCK, N., Mauritius Aur. Princ. Com. Nass. Murs. & Marc. Verae Et Ulis. Conf. Belg. Prov. Gub.,
Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with
letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Some light brown spots. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24317)
DE CLERCK, N., Guilelmus D. G. Princ. Aur. Com. Nass. etc. Vicec. Antu. Biz. Baro Bredae etc. Gub. Hol. Zel.
Ult., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with
letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. A couple of minor marginal spots. Small marginal loss of paper, upper right
corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of William, Prince of Orange.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24318)
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DE CLERCK, N., Gulielmus Ludovicus Com. Nass. Cats. Viand. Dietz. etc. Pref. Frisiae etc., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Marginal light spotting. Minor spot in the image. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Gulielmus Ludovicus" of Nassau, Prince of Orange.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24319)
DE CLERCK, N., Ernestus Casimir. Com. Nassauiae. Catsenelnb. Viand. Dietz. etc., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Marginal spotting. 3 light brown spots affecting the bottom of the image. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate:
$12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Ernestus Casimir" of Nassau, Prince of Orange.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24320)
DE CLERCK, N., Henricus Fridericus Natus Aur. Prin. Comes Nass., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x
4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. A couple of
small marginal spots. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $25 - 30)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Henricus Fridericus" of Nassau, Prince of Orange.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24321)
DE CLERCK, N., Inferior Germania., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.5 x 13.2 cm, Some
age-toning of the paper. Sheet torn in several points, one 1,5 cm tear entering the image in the upper right side.
Right margin trimmed. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $55 - 70)
Small map of the Benelux, centered on the Netherlands. Surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24465)
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JANSSONIUS,J., Belgii Veteris Typus ex Conatibus Geographicis, Amsterdam, 1644, 15 x 18.9 inches /38 x 48
cm, Very good, with wide margins., (Estimate: $300 - 350)
A fine map of this historic region based on the cartography of Ortelius. The map is decorated with a title cartouche flanked by tribesmen, a distance
scale surrounded by cherubs, and three ships sailing in the North Sea, which is further embellished with a fine compass rose and rhumb lines. No text
on verso. (Lot number: 80313)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Carte des Provinces-Unies des Pays-Bas., Paris, 1748, 6.2 x 7.4 inches /15.8 x 18.8 cm, Very
crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Attractive small map of the Low Countries. Dated 1748. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 17 outside border top right.
(Lot number: 24650)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Carte Generale des Six de la Hollande, avec, la Seig? D'Utrecht, Partie de la Gueldre, &c.,
Paris, later than 1748, 6.7 x 8.3 inches /17 x 21.2 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good
condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Attractive small map illustrating part of the Netherlands, namely the provinces of Noord- and Zuid-Holland, Gelderland and Utrecht.
With an inset map of the island of Texel in the upper left cornet.
Key map of the nine larger scale maps. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 19 outside
border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24652)
LATTRÉ / ZANNONI,R., [No title] Map of the Netherlands, Belgium and the north western part of Germany.,
Paris, ca 1783, 11.8 x 17.8 inches /30 x 45.1 cm, Minor marginal spots. Minor offsetting affecting the right
border frame. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Attractive map centered on the Netherlands, encompassing the area between Calais, Gottingen up to Denmark.
Ornated with a cartouche containing a dedication to "S.E. Monseigneur J.D. Almoreau Tiepolo Ambassadeur Ordinaire pour la Serenissime
Republique de Venise à la Cour de France". Boundaries outlined in hand colour.Prepared by Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo Rizzi Zannoni, one
of the leading cartographers of the late 18th century, as well as being an astronomer, surveyor and mathematician.
Born in Padua, he worked in Venice and was engaged by the governments of Austria and France to produce maps.
Rizzi Zannoni was the first to execute the triangulation of Poland, assisting in the French and English border survey of American in 1757, and
serving as the hydrographer of the Dépot de Marine.
He was also a member of the Cosmographic Society of Göttingen, a town in Saxony, Germany, home to the University of Göttingen.
Rizzi Zannoni is known for his world atlas, the French edition of which was published in 1762 as Atlas Moderne by Lattré in Bordeaux.
In 1781, he was invited by the Bourbon rulers of the Kingdom of Naples to direct the Topographical Office, among the first governmental
cartographic agencies in Europe. There he produced celebrated land and maritime atlases of the region, as well as many separately issued maps.
(Lot number: 24262)
LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., Partie Septentrionale des Pays Bas, Comprenant les Etats Généraux des Provinces
Unies.., Paris, ca 1783, 12 x 17.2 inches /30.4 x 43.8 cm, Very light discolouration along centre fold. Printed on
heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Very attractive map centered on the Netherlands. The title is included in the stern sail of a large Dutch vessel. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by
Jean Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable
number of maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24273)
DESNOS/ BRION, Les Pays Bas François, Autrichiens, et Hollandois.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.3 x
48 cm, Minor discolouration in the upper left corner. Minor spot in the left text panel. Else good condition.,
(Estimate: $100 - 120)
Finely engraved map centered on the Netherlands, extending to include Belgium and Luxembourg.
Finely embellished with a large title cartouche surmounted by Mercury's head.
The map is flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two
separate plates with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24163)
DESNOS/ BRION, Les Pays Bas Francois Autrichiens, et Hollandois, Divisee en Provinces Civiles et
Esslesiastiques.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.3 x 48 cm, Minor discolouration affecting the title
cartouche. A few marginal spots at the bottom of the sheet. Else in good condition., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
A decorative copper engraved map of Benelux which extends to include portions of France and Germany. Decorative rococo-style cartouche.
Left and right box with geographical information about the area. Printed on 2 paste-on slips.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24144)
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BANSE, A., Gedenkzuyl Der VII Vereenigde Provincien., Amsterdam, 1793, 19.5 x 25.2 inches /49.5 x 64 cm, In
good condition, there are only a few small tears in the margins., (Estimate: $2400 - 2600)
Large engraving of a "statue" of the 7 provinces of The Netherlands with all the 57 cities sorted per province, below the name of the city in a number
the walking hours to Amsterdam the Capitol city. (Lot number: 80292)
GUICCIARDINI, L., Brabantia., Antwerp, 1582, 9.3 x 12.2 inches /23.5 x 31 cm, Copper-engraving. Very good
condition, wide margins., (Estimate: $300 - 360)
Map of Brabant from Guicciardini's "Description de touts les Pais-Bais" edited by Plantin in 1582.
The map drawn after Ortelius'map of Brabant, and after the large van Deventer-map of Brabant, in six leaves, drawn in 1536.
One of the earliest maps of Brabant, and with great details. (Lot number: 90380)
VAUGONDY,R. de, II. Carte du Brabant où sont les environs de Bréda, et de Bosleduc., Paris, later than 1748,
6.3 x 7.7 inches /16.1 x 19.6 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $85 100)
Nice small map illustrating part of North Brabant. Extending West to East from Breda to ’s-Hertogenbosch.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 13b outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24682)
VAUGONDY,R. de, III. Carte du Brabant ou se trouvet le Maesland, la Seigneurie de Ravenstein, la Terre de
Cuyck &c., Paris, later than 1748, 6.3 x 7.7 inches /16.1 x 19.5 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins.
Very good condition., (Estimate: $60 - 75)
Nice small map illustrating a stretch of the river Meuse, flowing besides Alphen, Grave and Gennep.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 13c outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24683)
VAUGONDY,R. de, VI. Carte du Brabant ou se trouv.t les envir.s d'Eyndhoven.., Paris, later than 1748, 6.4 x 7.8
inches /16.2 x 19.7 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Nice small map illustrating part of southeastern Noord Brabant. With Eindhoven and Helmond in center of map.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 13f outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24686)
VAUGONDY,R. de, VI. Partie du Duche de Gueldre où se trouve la Veluwe., Paris, later than 1748, 6.2 x 7.1
inches /15.8 x 18 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $60 - 90)
Attractive small map covering the northwestern part of Gelderland. In the center "'t Loo". From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.
Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 19f outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number:
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VAUGONDY,R. de, VIII. Carte de la Hollande ou sont les environs de Schoonhove.., Paris, later than 1748, 6.6
x 8 inches /16.7 x 20.3 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Nice small map showing an area straddling the provinces of North Holland, Gelderland and North Brabant, crossed by the rivers Lower Rhine and
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 19h outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24660)
VAUGONDY,R. de, IX. Carte de la Hollande ou sont les environs de Nimegue.., Paris, later than 1748, 6.5 x 7.1
inches /16.6 x 18 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $75 - 100)
Attractive small map showing an area straddling the border between the Netherlands and Germany. Centered on Nijmegen.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 19b outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24661)
Holland - Noord
JANSSONIUS, J., La Hollande Septentrionale., Amsterdam, 1639, 17.7 x 21.9 inches /45 x 55.5 cm, Very good
condition. Good margins., (Estimate: $360 - 400)
Large map of the northern part of the province "Holland" in the Netherlands.
The map comes from the "atlas novus" originally published by Janssonius in 1838, son-in-law of Hondius.
This map is from the French edition edited by Hondius in 1639.
The map is very detailed, and shows the great progress of reclaiming the polders, creating new farming land. (Lot number: 90381)
Lootsman, Jacob Theunisz., Cust van Hollant Tusschen de Maes ende Texel., Amsterdam, 1676, 16.5 x 20.5
inches /42 x 52 cm, very good cond., (Estimate: $625 - 650)
Theunis Jacobsz, Amsterdam-based maritime publisher added Lootsman (pilot) to his name. After his death in 1650, his sons Jacob Theunisz and
Casparus continued the firm. Published the pilot-guide ' The Lightning Columne or Sea-Mirrour'.
A sea-chart of the coast of Holland with the ' Bree Veertien', the large shallow which lays before the coast. Embellished with two cartouches, a ship
and two compass-roses. (Lot number: 18315)
COLOM,J.A., La Rhinlande Amstellande et Terres Circovosines.., Amsterdam, 1696, 6.1 x 9.1 inches /15.6 x 23
cm, Light water stain in the upper right & lower left corners. Else good condition., (Estimate: $65 - 75)
Attractive map of the province of Holland, from the atlas "de Vyerighe Colom". (Lot number: 23366)
VAUGONDY,R. de, I. Carte du Comté de Hollande où se trouve l'Isle de Texel., Paris, later than 1748, 6.5 x 8.3
inches /16.6 x 21.1 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Attractive small map illustrating the northernmost tip of Noord-Holland and Texel. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.
Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 19a outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number:
VAUGONDY,R. de, II. Partie du Comté de Hollande.. Edam &c., Paris, later than 1748, 6.3 x 8.3 inches /16 x
21.2 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Attractive small map illustrating the central part of Noord-Holland, between West Friesland and the IJ bay.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 19b outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24654)
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Holland - Zuid
GOOS, P., Cust van Hollant tussen de Maes ende Texel., Amsterdam, ca.1670, 16.5 x 20.9 inches /42 x 53 cm,
Good, but a bit browened., (Estimate: $1000 - 1100)
Very scarce and handsome sea chart of the coast of Holland from Texel to the Maas. It is richly embellished with rhumb lines, compass roses, a
sailing ship, a distance scale, and a fine title cartouche. (Lot number: 80287)
VAUGONDY,R. de, IV. Partie du Comté de Hollande.. Haarlem, Leyden, la Haye.., Paris, later than 1748, 6.2 x
8.3 inches /15.8 x 21 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Attractive small map centered on Zuid Holland, including Leiden, Delft extending northwards as far as Haarlem.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 19d outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24656)
VAUGONDY,R. de, VII. Carte de la Hollande ou sont les environs de Rotterdam.., Paris, later than 1748, 6.3 x
7.8 inches /15.9 x 19.8 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 130)
Attractive small map centered on the island of Voorne-Putten with Rotterdam and Dort[recht]. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de
Vaugondy.Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 19g outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date.
(Lot number: 24659)
VAUGONDY,R. de, II. Carte de l'Etat de Lyege.. et partie du D.ché de Limbourg., Paris, 1748, 6.3 x 7.7 inches
/16 x 19.5 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Attractive small map showing an area straddling the border between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Centered on Roermond. Dated 1748.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 15b outside border top right. (Lot number: 24664)
VAUGONDY,R. de, IV. Carte du Duché de Limbourg.. Aix la Chapelle &c., Paris, 1748, 6.5 x 8.2 inches /16.4 x
20.9 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Very good condition., (Estimate: $110 - 150)
Attractive small map showing an area straddling the border between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
Delimited by the towns of Sittard, Aachen and Dalhem. Dated 1748.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 15d outside border top right. (Lot number: 24666)
VAUGONDY,R. de, III. Carte de la Hollande.. Over-Yssel., Paris, later than 1748, 6.3 x 8.2 inches /15.9 x 20.8
cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Attractive small map centered on the delta of the River Ijssel, where it discharges into the Zuiderzee.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 19c outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24655)
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VAUGONDY,R. de, V. Carte de la Hollande et de la Seigneurie, d'Utrecht…, Paris, later than 1748, 6.6 x 8
inches /16.7 x 20.2 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Detailed small map showing an area straddling the provinces of North Holland and Utrecht. Showing Amsterdam in the upper left corner.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 19e outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24658)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Carte du Comté de Zélande., Paris, later than 1748, 6.3 x 9.1 inches /16.1 x 23.2 cm, Very
crisp and fine image. Minor marginal water stain, left part lower border. Else very good condition., (Estimate:
$150 - 200)
Attractive small map illustrating the northern part of Zeeland. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 18 outside border top
right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24651)
Poland general
DE CLERCK, N., Polonia., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.3 x 13.2 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Minor marginal spots. Light water stain in the lower right corner of the sheet. Size of paper : 31x
19cm., (Estimate: $110 - 130)
Small map of Poland, surrounded by text in Dutch. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24446)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Royaume de Pologne divisé en Haute et Basse Pologne.., Paris, later than 1749, 6.5 x 7.6
inches /16.6 x 19.2 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Small detailed map showing the southern part of Poland. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Unrecorded state with erased date.
Page 37 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24582)
TIRION:I., Nieuwe kaart van 't Koningkrijk Poolen., Amsterdam, 1759, 11.4 x 13.8 inches /29 x 35 cm, Good, it
has a small restauration in a fold in the titelcartouche, a repair of a tear at the right side and a partly new
margin at the right side., (Estimate: $120 - 130)
Nice copper engraved map of the Kingdom of Poland excellently details topography, cities and villages. It is embellished with a simple compass
rose. Engraved by J. Keyser. (Lot number: 80315)
ZATTA, Antonio, Il Regno di Polonia con le Provincie ora possedute dalle Tre confinati potenze Prussia Russia
e Casa d'Austria., Venice, c.1780, 10 x 13 inches /25.5 x 33 cm, Fold marks as issued and slight stains in the
margins, a small paper loss to the lower right hand corner., (Estimate: $220 - 300)
Not the usual Zatta atlas map of Poland but a smaller format volume, probably a folding map from a travel book. (Lot number: 90400)
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LATTRÉ / ZANNONI,R., Carte Generale de la Pologne avec tous les Etats qui en dependent.., Paris ca 1783, 12
x 17.7 inches /30.5 x 44.9 cm, Light discolouration along centre fold. Minor marginal spotting. Printed on heavy
paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $180 - 200)
Attractive map of Poland, ornated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo Rizzi Zannoni, one of the leading cartographers of the late 18th century, as well as being an astronomer,
surveyor and mathematician.
Born in Padua, he worked in Venice and was engaged by the governments of Austria and France to produce maps.
Rizzi Zannoni was the first to execute the triangulation of Poland, assisting in the French and English border survey of American in 1757, and
serving as the hydrographer of the Dépot de Marine.
He was also a member of the Cosmographic Society of Göttingen, a town in Saxony, Germany, home to the University of Göttingen.
Rizzi Zannoni is known for his world atlas, the French edition of which was published in 1762 as Atlas Moderne by Lattré in Bordeaux.
In 1781, he was invited by the Bourbon rulers of the Kingdom of Naples to direct the Topographical Office, among the first governmental
cartographic agencies in Europe. There he produced celebrated land and maritime atlases of the region, as well as many separately issued maps. (Lot
number: 24267)
DESNOS/ BRION, Etats de Pologne et de Lithuanie.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.2 x 48 cm, Some
spotting along upper part centre fold., (Estimate: $75 - 100)
Handsome map of Poland and Lithuania with decorative title cartouche.
The map is flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two
separate plates with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24165)
LIZARS,D., Poland and Lithuania., Edinburgh, 1833, 15 x 19.3 inches /38.2 x 49 cm, A good and dark impression.,
(Estimate: $220 - 250)
Uncommon detailed steel engraved map of Poland and Lithuania. Published in Edinburgh by W. Lizars. (Lot number: 09711)
Poland provinces
Janssonius, J., Silesia Inferior., Amsterdam, 1649, 16.1 x 20.1 inches /41 x 51 cm, very good condition.,
(Estimate: $400 - 420)
Johannes Janssonius, the great rival of Willem Blaeu, was the son-in-law of Jodocus Hondius. Together with Jodocus' son Hendrick, he continued to
publish the successive editions of the Mercator Atlas. An attractive map of Lower Silesia after the map by Jonas Scultetus. (Lot number: 18040)
BLAEU, J. & C., Silesia Inferior.., Amsterdam, 1650, 16.3 x 20.1 inches /41.5 x 51.1 cm, In good condition. Dutch
text on verso, (Estimate: $500 - 600)
Decorative map prepared by Jonas Scultetus, a Silesian cartographer (1603-1664). (Lot number: 06744)
BLAEU, J. & C., Silesia Ducatus.., Amsterdam 1650, 15 x 19.6 inches /38 x 49.8 cm, In good condition. Dutch
text on verso, (Estimate: $480 - 550)
Centered on Breslaw. (Lot number: 06745)
LATTRÉ / ZANNONI,R., [No title] Northern part of Poland., Paris, ca 1783, 11.9 x 17.8 inches /30.2 x 45.1 cm,
Minor marginal spots. Light discolouration along centre fold. Minor spotting in the upper left part. Printed on
heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Attractive map centered on the northern part of Poland, including northern part of Eastern Germany.
Prepared by Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo Rizzi Zannoni, one of the leading cartographers of the late 18th century, as well as being an astronomer,
surveyor and mathematician.
Born in Padua, he worked in Venice and was engaged by the governments of Austria and France to produce maps.
Rizzi Zannoni was the first to execute the triangulation of Poland, assisting in the French and English border survey of American in 1757, and
serving as the hydrographer of the Dépot de Marine.
He was also a member of the Cosmographic Society of Göttingen, a town in Saxony, Germany, home to the University of Göttingen.
Rizzi Zannoni is known for his world atlas, the French edition of which was published in 1762 as Atlas Moderne by Lattré in Bordeaux.
In 1781, he was invited by the Bourbon rulers of the Kingdom of Naples to direct the Topographical Office, among the first governmental
cartographic agencies in Europe. There he produced celebrated land and maritime atlases of the region, as well as many separately issued maps. (Lot
number: 24263)
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SCHRÄMBL,F.A., Karte von Danzig, Elbing und Marienburg odert.., Vienna, 1799, 18 x 22.2 inches /45.6 x
56.5 cm, A good and dark impression. Margin cut close as issued. On top a label is pasted with manuscript title
and no.28. Lower left hand corner small piece re-inforced., (Estimate: $350 - 400)
Uncommon map centered on Danzig and Elbing. Very detailed, prepared by Johann Fridrich Endersch (1705-1769). Engraved by A.Amon. (Lot
number: 06444)
Poland cities / portraits
DE CLERCK, N., Sigismundus Augustus II. D. G. Rex Poloniae, Magn.-Dux Lituaniae. etc., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Sigismundus Augustus II".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24306)
DE CLERCK, N., Henricus III. D. G. Galliae Et Poloniae Rex Christianiss., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621,
7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Size of
paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Henry III of France and Poland.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24340)
DE CLERCK, N., Stephanus Bathorus, D. G. Poloniae Rex. Magnus-Dux Lithuaniae etc., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Minor marginal water staining and light brown spots. Marginal paper thinness, lower right
border. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Stephanus Bathorus".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24358)
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DE CLERCK, N., Sigismundus III. D. G. Poloniae Rex. Magnus-Dux Lithauniae. Russ. Prus. etc. Dux.,
Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with
letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Minor marginal water staining and tumbling. Light spot in the upper left
corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Sigismundus III".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24359)
DE CLERCK, N., Sigismundus I. D. G. Poloniae Rex Magnus-Dux Lithuaniae. Russ. Prus. etc. Dux.,
Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with
letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Marginal tumbling. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Sigismundus I".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24360)
MERIAN, M., Cracovia. [Cracow], Frankfurt, c. 1650, 8.3 x 15.4 inches /21 x 39 cm, Good margins. Very good
condition., (Estimate: $600 - 800)
Panoramic view of Cracow with a numbered key (1-46) to the most interesting buildings in town. (Lot number: 24989)
Pufendorf, S., Regiomontis Borussiae Urbis novae munitionis., Nürnberg, C. Riegel, 1697, 9.6 x 12.2 inches
/24.5 x 31 cm, excellent condition., strong impression., (Estimate: $190 - 200)
From Pufendorf's famous chronicle on the Baltic area, ' Histoire du règne de Charles Gustave, roy de Suède' A plan of Landsberg in Prussia. (Lot
number: 18044)
Pufendorf, S., Montower Spitze / Fluvii Nogat, Nürnberg, C. Riegel, 1697, 9.6 x 12.2 inches /24.5 x 31 cm, very
good condition, (Estimate: $250 - 230)
From Pufendorf's famous chronicle on the Baltic area, ' Histoire du règne de Charles Gustave, roy de Suède' .
A map of the river Vistula and the Frische haft with the town of Elbing. (Lot number: 18042)
Pufendorf, S., Ichnographia Castelli ad Caput Vistulae vulgo Hoft Schantz., Nürnberg, C. Riegel, 1697, 9.8 x
12.2 inches /25 x 31 cm, excellent condition, strong impression., (Estimate: $200 - 180)
From Pufendorf's famous chronicle on the Baltic area, ' Histoire du règne de Charles Gustave, roy de Suède'.A splendid view of the Hoft Schanz on
the old and the Dantzig river Vistula. (Lot number: 18114)
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DE JODE,G., Portvgalliae qvae olim Lvsitania Vernando Alvaro Secco avtore recens descriptio., Antwerp 1578,
12.3 x 20.7 inches /31.3 x 52.5 cm, Very good and dark impression. Slightly age-toned. Very fine., (Estimate:
$1800 - 2200)
FIRST EDITION of this fine example of De Jode's rare map of Portugal. From the first edition of De Jode's Speculum Orbis Terrarum, the second
general atlas of the world, after Ortelius.
Engraved by Joannes and Lucas van Deutecom.
The first edition of De Jode's atlas was not a commercial success, making maps from the first edition very rare.
Gerard De Jode was the great rival of Ortelius, both made a living out of selling maps, and it seems not always on good terms. It is probable that
Ortelius was responsible for a delay in the publication of Gerard de Jode's Speculum. Gerard De Jode, 18 years older than Ortelius, owned many
more copper-plates for maps than Ortelius had. Ortelius did not employ highly paid engravers as De Jode had done.
De Jode received the ecclesiastical imprimatur in 1573, but it was not until 1579 that the first copies of the Speculum were sold at Plantin's shop, and
only very few copies were sold. Now-a-days only a few atlases from the first and only edition are known to exist. Also single leaves are an utmost
After the death of Gerard in 1591, the business was carried on by his widow and his son Cornelis, who re-issued the Speculum in 1593, most plates
were newly engraved, and therefore making those of the first edition extremely rare. (Lot number: 23084)
MERIAN, Matthaus, Portvgallia et Algarbia quae osim Lvsitania, Frankfurt, 1635, 11.2 x 14.6 inches /28.5 x 37
cm, Small rust sport in bottom margin with some slight loss. Not affecting the plate., (Estimate: $450 - 500)
Map of Southern Portugal. Off the coast three vessels and Zeus ridding a sea monster are shown. In the bottom a centre a richly decorated cartouche
is placed.
The map shows the area between Aliamur, Ayamonte Miranda and Baiona. (Lot number: 90316)
BLAEU,W., Portugallia et Algarbia quae olim Lustitania, Amsterdam, 1635, 19.5 x 15 inches /49.5 x 38 cm,
Paper slightly age toned., (Estimate: $750 - 850)
From the first Dutch edition 'Tonneel Des Aerdrycx ofte Nieuwe Atlas'. Signed bottom right corner : Amsterdami Apud Guiljelmum et Johannem
Blaeuw (Lot number: 90317)
DU VAL,P., Le Portugal dedié au Roy., Paris 1689, 27.2 x 18.2 inches /69 x 46.2 cm, In very good condition.
Printed on heavy paper. Good and dark impression., (Estimate: $480 - 600)
From his first edition of his only folio atlas, the map is relied upon the map of his uncle, Nicolas Sanson. Engraved by Inselin.
Nice map of Portugal with a very decorative cartouche. (Lot number: 21781)
NOLIN,J.B., Le Royaume de Portugal divisé en cinq.., Paris, 1740, 23.6 x 18.2 inches /60 x 46.3 cm, Repair
of a split in upper margin of map, 1cm into engraved area. Paper slightly age toned, mainly marginal.,
(Estimate: $550 - 750)
RARE map of Portugal. A visually stunning map with a large title cartouche. A second text box with a geographical description of Portugal,
with the coat of arms.
Nolin must have published this map separately on several occasions as it is not regularly found in atlas form. (Lot number: 14494)
Portugal provinces
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VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie Septentrionale du Royaume de Portugal., Paris, later than 1749, 6.4 x 7.7 inches /16.3
x 19.5 cm, A good and dark impression. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $85 - 110)
Small detailed map encompassing the whole northern half of Portugal. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 50 outside
border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24530)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie Meridionale du Royaume de Portugal., Paris, later than 1749, 6.5 x 7.8 inches /16.4 x
19.9 cm, A good and dark impression. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $85 - 110)
Small detailed map encompassing the whole southern half of Portugal. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.
Page 51 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24531)
LATTRÉ / ZANNONI,R., Carte des Royaumes de Portugal et D'Algarve.., Paris, ca 1783, 11.9 x 16.6 inches
/30.3 x 42.2 cm, Some very light spotting in the upper left area. Minor discolouration along centre fold. Printed
on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $80 - 100)
Map of the northern part of Portugal prepared by Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo Rizzi Zannoni, one of the leading cartographers of the late 18th
century, as well as being an astronomer, surveyor and mathematician.
Born in Padua, he worked in Venice and was engaged by the governments of Austria and France to produce maps.
Rizzi Zannoni was the first to execute the triangulation of Poland, assisting in the French and English border survey of American in 1757, and
serving as the hydrographer of the Dépot de Marine.
He was also a member of the Cosmographic Society of Göttingen, a town in Saxony, Germany, home to the University of Göttingen.
Rizzi Zannoni is known for his world atlas, the French edition of which was published in 1762 as Atlas Moderne by Lattré in Bordeaux.
In 1781, he was invited by the Bourbon rulers of the Kingdom of Naples to direct the Topographical Office, among the first governmental
cartographic agencies in Europe. There he produced celebrated land and maritime atlases of the region, as well as many separately issued maps. (Lot
number: 24257)
LATTRÉ / ZANNONI,R., Mapa dos Reynos de Portugal e Algarve.., Paris, ca 1783, 11.8 x 16.6 inches /30 x 42.1
cm, Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $150 - 180)
Map of the southern part of Portugal, including part of Spain and Gibraltar. The large decorative title cartouche presents the coat of arms surmounted
by a crown, a representation of Jesus Christ on the cross leans at the bottom.
Prepared by Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo Rizzi Zannoni, one of the leading cartographers of the late 18th century, as well as being an astronomer,
surveyor and mathematician.
Born in Padua, he worked in Venice and was engaged by the governments of Austria and France to produce maps.
Rizzi Zannoni was the first to execute the triangulation of Poland, assisting in the French and English border survey of American in 1757, and
serving as the hydrographer of the Dépot de Marine.
He was also a member of the Cosmographic Society of Göttingen, a town in Saxony, Germany, home to the University of Göttingen.
Rizzi Zannoni is known for his world atlas, the French edition of which was published in 1762 as Atlas Moderne by Lattré in Bordeaux.
In 1781, he was invited by the Bourbon rulers of the Kingdom of Naples to direct the Topographical Office, among the first governmental
cartographic agencies in Europe. There he produced celebrated land and maritime atlases of the region, as well as many separately issued maps. (Lot
number: 24258)
Portugal cities
BELLIN,J.N., Plan Du Port De Lisbonne Et Des Costes Voisines.. [Lisbon], Paris, 1756, 17.8 x 25.2 inches /45.1
x 64 cm, Printed on heavy paper. Overall in very good condition., (Estimate: $850 - 950)
A well engraved and highly detailed chart of Lisbon harbour with a decorative horizontal panorama along upper part. It shows soundings,
anchorage's, channels, shoals, navigational sightings. To the left a large in set plan of Lisbon
With rhumb lines radiating across the chart, with title in a rococo style cartouche and surrounded by leaf, flower and scroll motifs.
Published by the Depot De La Marine in Paris in 1760, under the direction of J. N. Bellin. With the seal and Prix . Trente Sols.A beautiful chart
in fine condition. (Lot number: 23031)
Aa, P. van der., Carte de l' Empire des Russes en Europe Partie, , 8.9 x 11.8 inches /22.5 x 30 cm, very good,
(Estimate: $175 - 200)
Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. ' Naauwkeurge versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen', a series of
accounts of voyages (1706-08) and ' Galérie agréable du monde', completed in 1729.A map depicting the Ukrainia, decorated with a nice
title-cartouche. (Lot number: 18786)
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ORTELIUS,A., Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio., Antwerp, 1575, 13.9 x 17.4 inches /35.3 x 44.2 cm,
Paper slightly washed and cleaned, and repair of 2 marginal tears, hardly notable. Center fold backed with paper
strip for protective reason., (Estimate: $1800 - 2000)
Engraved by Frans Hogenberg from an original of 1562 by Anthony Jenkinson of the English Muscovy Company. The many vignettes are based on
the reports of Marco Polo's explorations. At the upper left is an image of the Russian Emperor and ruler of Moscow.
(Lot number: 24705)
ORTELIUS,A., Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio., Antwerp, 1570-1612, 13.9 x 17.5 inches /35.4 x 44.5
cm, Center fold underlaid with strip of archive paper to restore minor paper thinness. Paper slightly age-toned.
Light brown spot in the central part. Good margins., (Estimate: $1600 - 2000)
Engraved by Frans Hogenberg from an original of 1562 by Anthony Jenkinson of the English Muscovy Company. The many vignettes are based on
the reports of Marco Polo's explorations.
From a rare Spanish text edition.
Very attractive original colours. (Lot number: 24825)
MERIAN,M., Tabula Russiae… Moscovia, Francfurt, 1644, 11 x 13.8 inches /28 x 35 cm, Good., (Estimate:
$600 - 700)
An attractive map of the region including all of Scandinavia through to the Black and Caspian Seas. The map is based on Hessel Gerritsz' rare and
significant map of Russia, which he compiled from manuscripts brought back by Isaac Massa. Richly decorated with a large title cartouche, three
Russian gentlemen, and a view of Archangel Sckagoroda. (Lot number: 80324)
HONDIUS,H., Novissima Russiae Tabula., Amsterdam, 1645, 18.5 x 21.8 inches /47 x 55.4 cm, Paper slightly
age-toned. A good and dark impression. English text on verso of map., (Estimate: $1300 - 1800)
Detailed map of Russia including Scandinavia.
A rare PROFF-STATE: unfinished, empty space at bottom left for title cartouche and dedication. This is the second variant of the proof state,
now with the title and author added, dedication unfinished. RARE.Prepared by Isaac Masso. (Lot number: 12329)
Mallet, A.M., Moscovie., Paris, 1683, 5.5 x 3.9 inches /14 x 10 cm, very good condition., (Estimate: $90 - 80)
Nice small map of European Russia. (Lot number: 20383)
Chatelain, H.A., Nouvelle Carte des Etats du Grand Duc de Moscovie en Europe partie Septentrionale.,
Amsterdam, c. 1720, 13.8 x 18.1 inches /35 x 46 cm, very good condition., (Estimate: $325 - 300)
H.A. Chatelain's attractive map of the northern part of European Russia. (Lot number: 20408)
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TIRION,I, Nieuwe Kaart van Muskovie of Rusland, Amsterdam, 1765, 11 x 13.6 inches /28 x 34.5 cm, Good.,
(Estimate: $120 - 130)
Detailed map of European Russia extending into present-day Finland, and to the Black and Caspian Seas. (Lot number: 80345)
MONDHARE / NOLIN,J.B., La Russie d'Europe Divisée par Gouvernemens Assujetties aux Nouvelles
Observations.., Paris, 1783, 8.1 x 10.2 inches /20.5 x 26 cm, Good and dark impression, printed on strong paper.
Very good condition., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Rare map of the European part of Russia, prepared by J.B.Nolin and published by Monhare for his Atlas Général a l'usage des colleges et maisons
d'education.. Louis Joseph Mondhare published several smaller atlases and re-published the wall maps of Nolin. Later Pierre Jean jointed the
A rare map by two of the foremost publishers in France. (Lot number: 17201)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., [2 maps] Partie Occidentale de l'Empire de Russie.. / Partie Orientale de l'Empire de
Russie.., Paris, ca 1783, 17.1 x 25 inches /43.5 x 63.5 cm, 2 maps printed on heavy paper, with good margins.
Good impression. 1st map: repair of marginal tear, close to left part centre fold. Minor ink spot in the title
cartouche. 2nd map: minor discolouration along centre fold., (Estimate: $280 - 350)
Attractive map of Russia, ornated with a rococo title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24238)
Bachiene, W.A., Het Russische gebied in Europa. 1778., Amsterdam, 1785, 12.4 x 8.7 inches /31.5 x 22 cm, very
good, (Estimate: $150 - 125)
Willem Albert Bachiene (1712-1783), Dutch geographer in Maastricht. Most important work ' Heilige Geographie', a work on the Holy Land.
Mathijs Schalenkamp published in 1785 his atlas with 60 maps after Bowen.
A map of European Russia. (Lot number: 20243)
Veuve Bourgoin., Carte de l' Empire des Russes en Europe Partie Septentrionale., Paris, 1788, 13.4 x 16.5
inches /34 x 42 cm, good, (Estimate: $250 - 275)
Pierre Bourgoin, Paris-based engraver and publisher. Published in 1784 his uncommon ' Atlas Élémentaire de la Géographie'. After his death his
widow continued the bussiness.A map of northern Russia. (Lot number: 18788)
DE MAT,P.J., L'Empire Russe en Europe et en Asie avec ses acquisitions.., Paris 1827, 20.7 x 27.5 inches /52.5
x 69.8 cm, Good impression on solid paper, slightly age-toned. Repair of split lower part centre fold, 2,5 cm into
the engraved area. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 120)
Map showing the extension of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the XIXth century. Several letterpress notations are present on the map.
Surrounding letterpress explanatory text ( in French) includes information about geography, history, genealogy, religion, etc.
From the French edition of the original Atlas Historique, Généalogique, Chronologique et Géographique.Dimentions of the map without the
explanatory text: 324x527mm. (Lot number: 22201)
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GARNIER FRÉRES, Théatre de la Guerre en Orient 1854., Paris, 1854, 23.4 x 30.3 inches /59.5 x 77 cm, Steel
engraving, paper slightly browned. Generally in good condition., (Estimate: $60 - 70)
Detailed map depicting the progress of the war in the Ukraine, the Crimea and the Black Sea. Including Istanbul lower left. Centered on the Black
Sea area, with the northern coast of Turkey. Prepared by P.Lapie and engraved by P.Tardieu. Printed by Caillet, active at Paris, Faubourg St.Denis.
Pierre Lapie (1779-1851) was geographer to the King of France. (Lot number: 14355)
WYLD,J., The Russian dominions in Europe.., London, 1855/1864, 42.7 x 36.1 inches /108.5 x 91.7 cm, A few
very minor light browning along one margin of lower sheet, generally in very good condition. Two sheets.,
(Estimate: $240 - 300)
Very detailed map of Russia on two sheets. Including Finland, Black Sea, northern part of the Caspian Sea and railway from St. Petersburg to
James Wyld (the younger) was geographer to the Queen and H.R.H. Prince Albert. Joined his father's business in 1830. His address was from 1835
until 1860: Charing Cross East next door to the Post Office and 457 Strand. As Queen Victoria married Albert in 1840 his imprint changed to
Geographer of the Queen and H.R.H. Prince Albert. From his A New General Atlas of modern geography.. . Map is very finely engraved and
coloured by hand. (Lot number: 05976)
Russia provinces
Hondius, H., Taurica Chersonesus, Amsterdam, c. 1620, 5.7 x 7.9 inches /14.5 x 20 cm, good, (Estimate: $150 140)
Hendrick Hondius (1597-1651). In assocation with Johannes Janssonius, Hendrick continued to publish the Mercator-Hondius Atlas, which was
improved and enlarged, the by then obsolute Mercator maps were substituted by new ones.
A map from the Mercator- Hondius' 'Atlas Minor', depicting Ukrainia (Lot number: 18767)
MERCATOR, G. / HONDIUS, J., Taurica Chersones Nostra aetate Przecopsca et Gazara.., Amsterdam, 1620,
12.3 x 15.7 inches /31.2 x 40 cm, Wide margins. Paper very lightly age-toned. Else good condition., (Estimate:
$180 - 250)
One of the earliest detailed maps of Crimea and Ukraine. (Lot number: 24978)
BLAEU,W., Russiae vulgo Moscovia dictae, Partes Septentionalis et Orientalis., Amsterdam 1645, 16.5 x 21.3
inches /41.8 x 54.1 cm, Very light age-toning. Minor marginal water stain in the lower corners. Upper part
centre fold re-inforced with paper, attaining the scale border. Minor superficial scratch, lower part cf.,
(Estimate: $360 - 400)
Covers the northern part of Russia from Finland to just beyond the Jenisej River and south to the Volga River. Includes the cities of Jaroslavl, Niznij
Novgorod, and Kazan.
The map is fully engraved with mountains and forests with deer, bear and other animals throughout. Large title cartouche, coat of arms, and a scale
of miles with two men and several wild animals. (Lot number: 23798)
MARIETTE,P., Armenia Vetus In Quatuor Partes.., Paris, 1653, 14.8 x 20 inches /37.7 x 50.8 cm, In good
condition., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Uncommon map of ancient Armenia. (Lot number: 25028)
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Mallet, A.M., Petite Tartarie., Frankfurt, 1686, 5.7 x 4.3 inches /14.5 x 11 cm, very good, (Estimate: $85 - 80)
Alain Manneson Mallet (1603-1706) published in 1683 his ' Description de l' Univers' in 5 volumes. In 1686 a German edition appeared.
A map depicting the Black Sea with the Crim peninsula. (Lot number: 19347)
SCHENK,P., La Russie Blanche ou Muscovie, Amsterdam, 1700, 19.2 x 22.9 inches /48.7 x 58.1 cm, In very
good condition., (Estimate: $350 - 450)
Uncommon map of European Russia, including Ukraine. (Lot number: 24876)
VAN DER AA,P., La Moscovie meridionale.., Leiden, 1702, 8.7 x 11.5 inches /22.2 x 29.2 cm, Mint, dark
impression wide margins., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
Detailed map centered on Moscow. Charming title cartouche in lower right corner. (Lot number: 25057)
VAN DER AA,P., La Moscovie meridionale.., Leiden, 1702, 8.7 x 11.5 inches /22.2 x 29.2 cm, Mint, dark
impression wide margins., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
Detailed map centered on area north of Moscow, including part of Finland and Lapland. Charming title cartouche in lower right corner. (Lot number:
CHATELAIN, H., Nouvelle Carte des Etats du Grand Duc de Moscovie en Europe. Partie Meridionale.,
Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 14.1 x 18.1 inches /35.8 x 46.1 cm, Minor marginal water staining. Very good condition.,
(Estimate: $120 - 175)
Detailed map of central Russia. Moscow in the centre of the map, including Rzeva, Ukraine, Astracan, etc.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25039)
CHATELAIN,H., Nouvelle Carte des Etats du Grand Duc de Moscovie en Europe. Partie Sertentrionale.,
Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 14.1 x 18.1 inches /35.7 x 46 cm, Minor marginal water staining. Else very good
condition., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
Northern part of European Russia.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25049)
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CHATELAIN,H., Carte ancienne et moderne des differents et Païs situez au long du Danube, pour servir a
l'intelligence de l'histoire., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 13.8 x 17.7 inches /35 x 45 cm, Very good condition.,
(Estimate: $120 - 200)
Handsome map of the Balkans showing the various historical regions with explanatory text and tables on three sides. The map focuses on the Danube
valley, which is the most important hydrographic feature of the region.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25051)
CHATELAIN,H., Carte génealogique pour conduire à l'Histoire des Rois du Nord, la Carte de leurs états, leurs
Armes .., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 149.7 x 37.6 inches /380.2 x 95.5 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $180 300)
Large fold out map which traces the genealogy of the royal families of Scandinavia. The royal lineage of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden are all
carefully laid out across the sheet.
On either side inset maps, one depicting the whole of Scandinavia and the other illustrating the southern tip of Sweden, are also included, as are six
carefully drawn coats of arms.
The plate shows the connections between the separate houses and includes a wealth of meticulous detail. Historical notes and dates have been
carefully included and there is a lengthy text explaining the history of the Scandinavian royal lines. Beautifully designed and filled with intricate
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25052)
DE L'ISLE:G., Carte Marine De La Mer Caspiene.. Set of two maps., Paris, 1722, 34.8 x 24.6 inches /88.5 x 62.4
cm, De L'Isle maps were almost always issued with outline colour, and it is very unusual to find them in wash
colour. Two sheets if joined together, (Estimate: $850 - 1000)
Detailed of the Caspian Sea, prepared by Karl van Verden in 1722. Van Verden was a Russian sailor who produced the first accurate map of Caspian.
With 8 inset maps. (Lot number: 02934)
CHATELAIN,H., Nouvelle carte des etats du grand duc de Moscovie en Europe., Amsterdam 1728, 13.9 x 18
inches /35.2 x 45.7 cm, In very good condition., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
Northern part of European Russia. (Lot number: 21066)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Russie Blanche ou Moscovie.., Paris, later than 1748, 6.3 x 5.6 inches /16 x 14.2 cm, A good
and dark impression. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Nice small map of European Russia, framed by ‘Suede’, ‘Pologne’, ‘Ukraine ou Cosaquie’, ‘Partie d’Asie, and ‘Royaume de Siberie’.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 3 outside border top left and Tom.2. p.132. top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not
mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24515)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie Occidentale de la Russie Polonoise.. Haute Podolie., Paris, later than 1748, 6.6 x 9.3
inches /16.7 x 23.7 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Light marginal water staining along lower border. Else very
good condition., (Estimate: $75 - 100)
Small detailed map showing the western part of Ukraine. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.
Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 40 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number:
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VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie Orientale de la Russie Polonoise.. Basse Podolie., Paris, later than 1748, 6.5 x 7.6
inches /16.6 x 19.3 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Minor marginal water staining on the lower
border. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Small detailed map showing the eastern part of Ukraine, without Crimea. Centered on the course of the Dnieper river.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Paris, later than 1748Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 41 outside border top right.
Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24585)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., Carte de la Tartarie Indépendante qui comprend le Pays des Calmuks, celui des Usbeks,
et le Turkestan.., Paris, ca 1783, 12.2 x 17.5 inches /31 x 44.5 cm, Minor discolouration along centre fold.
Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Attractive map covering the area between the Caspian Sea and China. In lower right part Tibet ou Budian. Ornated with a decorative title
cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert
Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal
Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of
the most detailed and accurate maps of the period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away
from the decorative work of the 17th and early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering
of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common
18th century decorative features such as hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal
regions, the work of Bonne is highly regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24250)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Carte de la Géorgie et des pays situés entre la Mer Noire et la Mer Caspienne..,
Venice, 1776 - 1784, 18.9 x 25.9 inches /48 x 65.8 cm, Slight marginal spotting. Else very good condition.,
(Estimate: $600 - 700)
Finely and crisply engraved map depicting the area comprehended between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.
With ornamental title cartouche and noteworthy topographical detail.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse sur
les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example - indicating that this is the second state of the map.
(Lot number: 24909)
SANTINI,P. /REMONDINI,M., Carte des environs de la Mer Noire.., Venice, 1776 - 1784, 19.6 x 25.4 inches
/49.9 x 64.5 cm, Minor marginal spotting. Upper margin short as issued. Else very good condition., (Estimate:
$550 - 650)
Finely and crisply engraved map centered on Crimea, showing the Black Sea and its hinterland.
>Noteworthy topographical detail is shown. Decorative title cartouche in the upper right corner.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse sur
les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example - indicating that this is the second state of the map.
(Lot number: 24910)
SANTINI,P. / REMONDINI,M., Partie Occidentale de l'Empire de Russie en Asie.., Venice, 1776 - 1784, 18.5 x
23 inches /47 x 58.5 cm, A very fine copy., (Estimate: $320 - 400)
Finely and crisply engraved map of the north-western part of Russia, with noteworthy topographical detail.
Ornamental title cartouche in the upper left corner surrounded with local fauna, clouds and wind-blowing cherubs.
The map was prepared by the Venetian cartographer and publisher François (Père) Santini and first published in Santini's 'Atlas Universel dresse sur
les meuilleures cartes modernes 1776.'
Santini collaborated with Janvier and gives credit to him on most of his maps. The atlas is effectively an Italian copy of the Robert de Vaugondy
'Atlas Universel'.
In 1784 Santini sold the plates to M. Remondini, whose name appears on this particular example - indicating that this is the second state of the map.
(Lot number: 24920)
DESNOS/ BRION, La Russie Européenne.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 19 inches /28.3 x 48.2 cm, Spots affecting the
text panels in the lower part. Else good., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Attractive map of the European part of Russia. Decorated with a title cartouche in the lower left corner.
The map is flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two
separate plates with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24162)
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RAPKIN, J., RUSSIA in EUROPE, London, 1855, 13.4 x 9.4 inches /34 x 24 cm, Good impression on bright
paper. Old vertical folds plus further creasing to top left area. A few isolated faint spots otherwise very good.,
(Estimate: $60 - 80)
This is the uncommon and slightly later edition by Rapkin based on Tallis' maps. The vignettes have been removed and the map is issued in black
and white.
A rare and desirable issue that was published by the London Printing and Publishing Company. Drawn and engraved by Rapkin. (Lot number: 90110
VAUGONDY,R. de, Grand Duché de Lithuanie divisé par Palatinats., Paris, later than 1748, 6.5 x 7.6 inches
/16.6 x 19.2 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Good margins. Light marginal water staining along lower border.
Else very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Small detailed map centered on Lithuania and Belarus. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Unrecorded state with erased date.
Page 38 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24583)
Russia cities / portraits
BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F., Moscauw., Cologne, 1575, 13.8 x 19.3 inches /35 x 49 cm, Good impression.
Good margins. Some age-toning of the paper. Repair of minor paper thinness, upper part centerfold, hardly
notable., (Estimate: $2100 - 3000)
It shows the city of Moscow from a slightly elevated viewpoint across the frozen Moskva River.
The walled center of the city is depicted with its many churches and filled with people and horse-drawn sleighs, others of which are shown, along
with skiers, on the river to the right.
In the foreground are depicted two cows and a number of armed Russian soldiers on horseback. These graphically reflected the growing military
power of Moscow under Grand Duke Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible), who was the first to assume the title of Tsar of Russia and who established the city
as the capital of the Grand Duchy of Russia in 1547, not long before this image was made.
From the greatest publication in this genre! The Civitates was compiled and written by George Braun, Canon of Cologne Cathedral.Braun
gathered together vast amounts of information and draft plans to produce over 500 city views/maps published in six parts between 1572 and 1617.
Most of these engravings were made by Simon Novellanus and Frans Hogenberg, many after drawings by Joris Hoefnagel. (Lot number: 24819)
DE CLERCK, N., Theodorus Iohann Basil Filius. Magnus-Dux Moscoviae, Imp. Russiae. etc. / Demetrius
Magnus.., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf
with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Minor marginal spotting in the upper corners. Size of paper : 31x
19cm., (Estimate: $25 - 30)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Theodorus Iohann Basil Filius". On verso another half length oval portrait of "Demetrius
Magnus - Dux Moscoviae Imperat. Russiae".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24308)
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DE CLERCK, N., Basilius Magnus - Dux Moscoviae Russiae Imperator etc., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621,
7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Minor
marginal water staining in the lower border. Tiny brown spot upper left corner of the image. Size of paper : 31x
19cm., (Estimate: $25 - 30)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Basilius Magnus".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24309)
HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE OF THE BRITISH ADMIRALTY, The Bay of St. Petersburg, Dated 1854, 19.9 x
25.8 inches /50.5 x 65.5 cm, In excellent to near-mint condition. Impression is crisp and dark. Very strong
paper. Two very minor soil spots in margins, easily erased., (Estimate: $1400 - 1900)
A very rare British Admiralty nautical chart of the Bay of St. Petersburg, engraved by J & C Walker. Licensed to J. D. Potter as agent for the British
Admiralty Charts. Based on official Russian surveys, the work is a superbly engraved example that provides exceptional detail of the city of St.
Petersburg, its bay and environs. The chart bears the official seal of the Hydrographic Office of the British Admiralty with the price of "eighteen
pence" engraved just below it. The number 2239 is found in the center of the lower margin as well as in the bottom right corner. British Admiralty
charts of St. Petersburg are sought after and exceedingly difficult to find. A true collector's item. (Lot number: 90284)
Scandinavia general
CAMOCIO, G.F., [Southern Scandinavia to central Germany, Netherlands and East England], Venice, 1562,
15.1 x 20.4 inches /38.4 x 51.8 cm, Margins cut till neat lines with contemporarily extended margins. Some
minor discolouration at joined parts. 2 brown spots in very outer margin. Very good and dark impression.,
(Estimate: $18000 - 22000)
The rare second state, dated 1562, but still lacking the imprint of Camocio. The map has no title and extends from Southern Scandinavia to Central
Germany, The Netherlands and East England.
A mile stone in the early mapping of the Northern regions was the so-called "Carte van oostlant" by the Amsterdam artist and cartographer Cornelis
Anthoniszoon. The first edition (c.1543) of the woodcut wall-map is lost. Tramezzino adapted the concept and published in Rome in 1558 a
copperplate engraved map. The latter served as the immediate model for the present Venice edition by Camocio. There are three states known, this is
the second state.
On of the first printed maps of Scandinavia. An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example of a map from the early Lafreri school.! ¤ (Lot
number: 25014)
DE CLERCK, N., Suecia et Norvegia ect., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.3 x 13.2 cm, Page
slightly age-toned. Minor marginal discolouration, not affecting the image. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate:
$220 - 260)
Small map of Scandinavia, surrounded by text in Dutch. On verso a copperplate engraving on text leaf depicting a half length oval portrait of
"Gustavus D G Sveciae Gotthor Vandalor etc. Rex".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24454)
MALLET,A.M., Ancienne Germanie., Paris, 1683, 5.7 x 4.3 inches /14.5 x 11 cm, Very minor marginal
age-toning of paper. Very good condition and imprint., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Attractive map of Scandinavia from the French text edition of Description d'Univers, 1683.
By Allain Manneson Mallet (1630-1706), a well traveled military engineer and geographer who worked in 17th century France under King Louis
XIV. (Lot number: 23763)
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MALLET,A.M., Partie Septentrionale de l'Ancienne Germanie., Paris, 1683, 5.6 x 4.3 inches /14.3 x 11 cm,
Minor age-toning of paper. Some marginal browning., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Small map of Scandinavia from the French text edition of Description d'Univers, 1683.
By Allain Manneson Mallet (1630-1706), a well traveled military engineer and geographer who worked in 17th century France under King Louis
XIV. (Lot number: 23764)
NORWEGEN...POLEN..., Augsburg c1704, 6.7 x 9 inches /16.9 x 22.8 cm, Strong hand-laid paper, pleasantly
age-toned with light spotting to margins not affecting map. Image clean, without any marks.
Fine condition!, (Estimate: $80 - 120)
Very decorative map from Bodenehr's "Atlas curieux" published in Augsburg.
The map shows parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Baltic states and Russia in great detail, with many towns and villages shown, represented by
engraved symbols. Woods, mountains and rivers are nicely represented. (Lot number: 90267)
Chatelain, H.A., Carte Genealogique pour conduire a l' histore des Rois du Nord, la Carte de leurs etats, leurs
Armes &tc. / nouvelle cart du Royaume de Suede. / Carte du Royaume de Gothie., Amsterdam, 1710-1720, 15.2 x
35.4 inches /38.5 x 90 cm, a small tear restored, otherwise good condition., (Estimate: $250 - 270)
Henri Abraham Chatelain was a Amsterdam-based geographer and publisher. His main product is the 'Atlas Historique et Méthodique', in seven
volumes, published between 1710 and 1720. The maps are largely based on de l' Isle's.Two sheets pasted together with a map of Scandinavia and a
map of southern Sweden, surrounded by the geneology and the coats-of-arms of the Scandinavian kingdoms. (Lot number: 18106)
CHATELAIN, H., Carte de la Partie Septentrionale du Royaume de Suede…, Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 15.4 x 17.9
inches /39.2 x 45.5 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
Map of the northern part of Scandinavia. It covers the area straddling Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25037)
CHATELAIN, H., Carte de la Partie Meridionale du Royaume de Suede…, Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 15.4 x 17.6
inches /39.1 x 44.8 cm, Minor marginal water staining. Very good condition., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
Map of the southern part of Scandinavia with letter key at the bottom.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25038)
TIRION, Isaak, Nuova Carta del Regno di Svezia..., Venice, Albrizzi, 1740, 11.2 x 13.6 inches /28.5 x 34.5 cm,
excellent, (Estimate: $280 - 350)
An attractive map of Scandinavia.
Albrizzi was the first publisher to issue Tirion's maps: Tirion's own atlas was issued in Amsterdam in 1744. (Lot number: 90395)
SEUTTER,M., Synopsis Plagae Septentrionalis Sueciae Daniae et Norwegiae Regn., Augsburg, 1744, 19.3 x
22.4 inches /49 x 57 cm, Good, it has a narrow top margin at the top of 7mm., (Estimate: $360 - 400)
Large decorative map of Scandinavia filled with topographical and political information. Attractive title cartouche with figures and a coat of arms.
(Lot number: 80314)
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TIRION,I., Niewe Kaart van het Koninkrijk Zweden., Amsterdam, c. 1745, 11.2 x 13.4 inches /28.5 x 34 cm, a
small hole restored otherwise in good condition., (Estimate: $250 - 270)
Izaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His ' Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also '
Tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren', a series of descriptions of countries and their inhabitants.Izaak Tirion's map of Scandinavia. (Lot number:
LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., Les Couronnes du Nord comprenant les Royaumes de Suede Danemarck et Norwege..,
Paris, ca 1783, 12.1 x 17.4 inches /30.8 x 44.1 cm, Light discolouration along centre fold. Light brown spot in the
upper right corner. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Attractive map of Scandinavia, ornated with a decorative title cartouche. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by
Jean Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable
number of maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24278)
DESNOS/ BRION, La Suede, et la Norwege Avec l'Islande.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9 inches /28.3 x 48.1 cm, 2
minor spots in the upper left corner. Minor marginal spots in the right part. Else good condition., (Estimate:
$150 - 200)
Finely engraved map of Scandinavia, with inset map of Iceland in the upper left and decorative title cartouche.
The map is flanked by two columns of French text containing geographical information about the area. Map and border were printed from two
separate plates with the text on glued down sheets, as issued.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24164)
DELAMARCHE, C.F., [2 sheets ] Les Couronnes du Nord, le Danemarck, la Norwège, l' Islande, et la Suède..,
Paris, 1792, 17.5 x 24.4 inches /44.5 x 62 cm, The lower map with a repair of tear, lower left side close to centre
fold, 11,5 cm into the engraved area. Faint water stain in the lower left corner. Wide margins., (Estimate: $360 450)
Large and detailed two sheet map of Northern Europe, including the Baltic countries, Norway, Sweden, Finland and part of Russia.
With a brilliant figurative armorial cartouche.
Prepared by De L'Isle and re-issued by Charles François Delamarche (1740-1817) a Paris-based geographer and publisher, successor to Didier
Robert de Vaugondy after his death in 1786. (Lot number: 23312)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Royaumes de Suede et de Norwege.., Paris, ca. 1748-1799, 6.7 x 8 inches /16.9 x 20.4 cm, A
good and dark impression. Good margins. Minor marginal tumbling on lower border. Else very good condition.,
(Estimate: $100 - 130)
Small general map of Scandinavia. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.
Page 8 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24517)
KLINT,G., Karta öfver Kettegat och Bohus Bugten med en del af Skagerrack.., Stockholm 1808, 38 x 25 inches
/96.5 x 63.5 cm, Slight age-toning of the paper. Water staining along the right side. Short right margin, as
issued., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
Chart encompassing the part of the North Sea between the Kattegat and the Skagerrak straits.
It gives good detail of the Jutland seacoast as well as part of Norway and the south-western coast of Sweden.
Copenhagen is shown in lower part of chart. In upper left corner part of Norway. Decorated with a compass rose.Engraved by C.Akrel. (Lot
number: 22780)
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WYLD, J., A new map of Sweden and Norway., London 1855/1864, 28.7 x 19.6 inches /72.8 x 49.7 cm, Good
condition., (Estimate: $110 - 130)
Very detailed map of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Indicated are railways and Canals.
James Wyld (the younger) was geographer to the Queen and H.R.H. Prince Albert. Joined his father's business in 1830. His address was from 1835
until 1860: Charing Cross East next door to the Post Office and 457 Strand. As Queen Victoria married Albert in 1840 his imprint changed to
Geographer of the Queen and H.R.H. Prince Albert. From his A New General Atlas of modern geography.. . Map is very finely engraved and
coloured by hand. (Lot number: 05965)
DE CLERCK, N., Christiernus II. Danorum Svetie Norvegie etc. Rex. Vixit Annos 78., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Marginal spot in the upper right corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Christiernus II".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24314)
DE CLERCK, N., Christianus IV. D. G. Daniae Et Norvegiae Rex. Dux Slesw. Storm. etc., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Christianus IV".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24315)
DE CLERCK, N., Christianus III. D. G. Daniae Et Norwegiae Rex. Dux Hols. etc., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Light marginal spot in the upper left corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Christianus III".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24355)
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DE CLERCK, N., Fredericus II. D. G. Daniae Et Norvegiae Rex. Dux Holsatiae etc., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Marginal spot in the upper right corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Fredericus II".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24356)
DE CLERCK, N., Fridericus I. D. G. Daniae Et Norvegiae Rex. etc., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7
inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Size of paper :
31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Fridericus I".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24357)
DE CLERCK, N., Dania., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.1 inches /9.3 x 13 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Minor marginal spotting. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $85 - 110)
Small map of Denmark, surrounded by text in Dutch. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24450)
DE WIT,F., Dania Regnum In quo sunt Ducatus Holsatia et Slesvicum Insulae Danicae et Provinciae Iutia,
Scania, Blekingia et Hallandia. Per F. de W, Amsterdam, 1680, 19.8 x 23 inches /50.3 x 58.5 cm, Some
age-toning of paper with faint discolouration along the centre fold and in the lower right corner of the map. A
couple of creases close to center fold. Overall good condition., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
Large, attractive map of Denmark, Sleschwig-Holstein and southern Sweden. Good detail throughout.
Embellished with a title cartouche with the Danish coat of arms. (Lot number: 22748)
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Homann, J.B., Tabula Generalis Jutiae., Nurnberg, 1714, 22.4 x 19.3 inches /57 x 49 cm, excellent, (Estimate:
$370 - 350)
Johan Baptist Homann (1663-1724). Outstanding German cartographer. Founder of the Homann publishing house. After the death of the son Johann
Christoph, the firm continued till 1813 under the name Homann Heirs.
A map of Jutland, embellished with a large title-cartouche.
Reference: Bramsen, Gamle Danmarkskort, p. 134-136, fig 122 (title-cartouche). (Lot number: 18334)
CHATELAIN,H., Nouvelle Carte Geographique du Royaume de Dannemarck avec une table des villes les plus
remarquables., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 19.7 x 23.4 inches /50 x 59.5 cm, Good and dark impression. 3 folds as
issued. Very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 150)
Map of Denmark with a key table to the towns on both sides.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25029)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Royaume de Danemark., Paris, 1748, 6.3 x 7 inches /16 x 17.8 cm, A good and dark
impression. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $55 - 70)
Detailed map of Denmark, centered on Själland. Showing also the southernmost tip of the Scandinavian peninsula, Scania. Dated 1748.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 9. outside border top left. (Lot number: 24516)
Tirion, I., Nieuwe Kaart van het Koninkryk van Deenemarken. 1734, Amsterdam, c. 1750, 11.2 x 13.4 inches
/28.5 x 34 cm, good, (Estimate: $175 - 200)
Izaak Tirion (d. 1769) Amsterdam publisher. His ' Nieuwe en beknopte handatlas' saw 6 editions between before 1740 and after 1784. Also '
Tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren', a series of descriptions of countries and their inhabitants. (Lot number: 19602)
Brion de la Tour, L./ Desnos, L.Ch., Le Danemark, Paris, 1769, 9.3 x 10.4 inches /23.5 x 26.5 cm, a small brown
spot outside the map itself., (Estimate: $170 - 150)
Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823), ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique', 1766, ' Atlas Général', 1790-98. Louis Charles Desnos (fl.1750-70), Le
Rouge's 'Atlas Nouveau Portatif', 1756, ' Atlas Général et Élémentaire', 1768-69.
A map from Louis Charles Desnos' atlas 'Atlas Général et Élémentaire', depicting Danemark, with on both sides of the map an explanatory text. (Lot
number: 19457)
DESNOS/ BRION, Le Danemark divisé par Provinces et Dioceses sous une Métropole.., Paris, 1790, 11.1 x 18.9
inches /28.2 x 48 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Finely engraved map of Denmark, extending eastwards to show all islands including Bornholm. Decorative rococo-style cartouche.
Left and right box with geographical information about the area. Printed on 2 paste-on slips.
Prepared by Louis Brion de la Tour and published by Louis Charles Desnos, active in Paris at rue St.Jacques.
From Atlas Général et Élémentaire pour l'Etude de la Géographie et de l'Histoire moderne. (Lot number: 24145)
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VAUGONDY,R. de, Curlande, Livonie, Ingrie et partie méridionale de Finlande., Paris, later than 1748, 6.4 x
7.2 inches /16.2 x 18.3 cm, Very crisp and fine image. Light marginal water staining on the lower border. Else
very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
Small detailed map showing Latvia, Estonia, part of Russia and southern Finland. With St. Petersburg in the right part.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 39 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg
Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24586)
BEER,J.C., Insula Islandia., Nuremberg 1678, 4.1 x 5 inches /10.5 x 12.8 cm, Very good and dark impression.
Lower and right margin cut till neat line., (Estimate: $325 - 400)
Uncommon derivate of this miniature map of Island, earlier published in Pierre Duval's La Geographie Universeille.The copper plate is newly
engraved, and the name of Duval is omitted. ° (Lot number: 22379)
ZATTA, Antonio, L'Isola d'Icelanda Divisa Ne Suoi Distretti Di nuova Projezione, Venice, 1781, 13 x 16.1
inches /33 x 41 cm, Binding fold to middle of map., (Estimate: $350 - 400)
A very attractive map of Iceland, with a decorative title cartouche to the bottom right hand corner depicting a walled village amongst trees. (Lot
number: 90397)
DE CLERCK, N., Gustavus Adolphus D.G. Sveciae. Gotth. et Vandal. Rex. / Russia., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Marginal spot in the upper right corner. Minor shine through of the map on verso. Size of paper : 31x 19cm.,
(Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Gustavus Adolphus". Map of Russia on verso.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24310)
DE CLERCK, N., Carolus IX D G Sveciae Gotthorum Vandalorum etc. Rex., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621,
7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Marginal loss of paper in the right corners. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Carolus IX".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24311)
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DE CLERCK, N., Ioannes II. D.G. Svecior. Gotthor. et Vandalor. Rex., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x
4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Some
spotting in the right hand side, affecting the title. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Ioannes II".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24312)
DE CLERCK, N., Ericus XIV. D G Sveciae, Gotthor. Vandalor. etc. Rex., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1
x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. A few light
marginal spots and water stains. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Ericus XIV".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24313)
Scandinavia cities
RENAU., Coopenhag., Sedan ca. 1651, 11.8 x 8.3 inches /30 x 21 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $600 700)
Manuscript fortification plan of Copenhagen showing the walled city and citadel, see the small ships. Drawn in brown ink and nicely hand
colored. Renau was a mathematician, military engineer and cartographer who worked on Blaeu's great atlas of city plans. The draftsman made
pin-holes to indicate the ends of the straight segments in the drawings, which he then drew with a straightedge.
The manuscript atlas from which this plan came was dated 1651, although the plans may have been drawn later based on sketches and surveys
made in 1651 after the Peace of Munster ended the Eighty Years' War in 1648.
The paper stock is watermarked with a fleur-de-lis on a crowned shield.° (Lot number: 16598)
RENAU, Helsingborgh in Schone., Sedan ca. 1651, 9.6 x 8.1 inches /24.5 x 20.5 cm, Very good condition.,
(Estimate: $600 - 700)
Manuscript fortification plan of Helsingborgh showing the walled city. Drawn in brown ink and nicely hand colored. Renau was a
mathematician, military engineer and cartographer who worked on Blaeu's great atlas of city plans. The draftsman made pin-holes to indicate
the ends of the straight segments in the drawings, which he then drew with a straightedge.
The manuscript atlas from which this plan came was dated 1651, although the plans may have been drawn later based on sketches and surveys
made in 1651 after the Peace of Munster ended the Eighty Years' War in 1648.
The paper stock is watermarked with a fleur-de-lis on a crowned shield. (Lot number: 16599)
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CHATELAIN,H., Carte de la Maison du Roi, des Etats.. de Suede., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 13.7 x 17.7 inches
/34.7 x 45 cm, Minor marginal spots upper part centre fold. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate:
$120 - 175)
This impressive engraving is a wonderful example of Chatelain’s elegant plates. Ornamented with 3 vignettes: Palais du Roi de Suede, Vuë de
Stockholm, Vuë du château de Yacobdal.It provides a detailed description of the infrastructure of the Swedish government in lengthy tables.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25044)
North Pole
MOLL, H., This Draught of the North find out the N. East and N. West Passages, London, ca. 1705, 6.5
x 5.8 inches /16.5 x 14.8 cm, In very good condition. Dark impression and attractive original colour. Narrow
margins as issued. Split in lower centerfold professionally repaired and backed with Japanese tissue., (Estimate:
$475 - 525)
A boldly engraved chart of the polar region that shows the latest discoveries and routes of various explorers during their attempts to find a Northwest
and Northeast passage, including James, Hudson and Barentz.
The Hudson and Baffin bays are depicted in an unusually narrow configuration. Novaya Zemlya is correctly presented on the chart as an island, but
shown as a peninsula in an inset with a disclaimer by the maker (Moll). There is a second inset that proffers a north polar projection with the
ISLAND OF CALIFORNIA, along with notes regarding the destinations of explorers who were attempting to find a northern passage to Asia.
A very attractive example. (Lot number: 90300)
TIRION:I., Nieuwe Kaart van de Noord Pool., Amsterdam 1735, 11.5 x 13.7 inches /29.3 x 34.9 cm, In near mint
condition. Excellent original color. Very wide margins., (Estimate: $500 - 600)
A first state example. Highly attractive map of northern polar projection. The Pacific region is completely blank, with good detail in Europe and
In China, the great wall is actually shown.
On the other hand, there is little detail provided in North America. Ribbon cartouche.
CALIFORNIA IS SHOWN AS AN ISLAND and the Pacific region is completely blank. Good detail in Europe and Asia, with even the Great Wall
of China shown. Whereas, there is little detail in North America. Ribbon style title cartouche. (Lot number: 16703)
WEIGEL,C., Facies Poli Arctici.., Nurnberg 1735, 12.6 x 14.2 inches /32 x 36 cm, In very good condition.,
(Estimate: $500 - 600)
Hondius' important map of the polar region which replaced Mercator's polar map and incorporated much of the knowledge gained by the English in
their search for a Northwest Passage to Asia.
The cartography is based on Henry Briggs depiction of Hudson Bay. There are several Dutch names in Labrador, many appearing for the first time
on this map.
The fascinating whaling scenes which surround the map also depict Dutch activity in the region. (Lot number: 23979)
Bellin, J.N., Carte Des Pais Habités par les Samojedes et Ostiacs, Paris, 1760., 6.3 x 9.4 inches /16 x 24 cm, very
good, (Estimate: $80 - 90)
Jaques Nicolas Bellin (1702-720) was the most important French hydrographer of the 18th century. Sea-atlas 'Hydrographique Français' , 1756-65,
atlas to accompany Prévost d' Exile's ' Histoire. des Voyages', 1738-75.A map of Novoya Zemlya and the Russian mainland opposite. (Lot number:
MÜNSTER, S., Hispanien nach aller seiner gelegenheit…, Basle, ca. 1550, 12.1 x 14.2 inches /30.8 x 36 cm, A
few light brown spots close to upper border frame. Minor worm holes in the upper part, filled in., (Estimate:
$120 - 150)
Early map of Spain and Portugal. Featuring vessels and a sea monster. (Lot number: 24805)
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BERTELLI,F. / FORLANI,F., [untitled map of Spain and Portugal] Al Molto Mag et Ecc Alessandro Serego,
Che lo studio della Geografia.., Venice, 1566, 17.2 x 21.7 inches /43.7 x 55 cm, Printed from two plates. Margins
cut till neat lines with contemporarily extended margins. Some minor discolouration at joined parts. Very good
and dark impression., (Estimate: $11000 - 14000)
A rare map of Spain and Portugal, with an oversized Majorca.
One of the first printed maps of Cyprus. An unique opportunity to acquire a fine example of a map from the early Lafreri school.!
In lower left large cartouche with : AL Molto Mag:co et Ecc.te Sig:or Alessandro Serego, Sig.or mio sempre osseruandissimo. / Che lo studio della
Geografia sia utile et necessario alla medecina, oltre le molte et / molte ragioni, che si potrebbono allegare, il testimonio della . u[ost].ra / Ecc:tia
uoglio p[er] hora, / che sia quello, che appótutti ne facci intiera fede: p[er]chioche ella quelle hore, che puó / sotrarre dalla infinite honorate
occupationi sue, tutte le spende nello studio non sola= / me[n]te della Geografia ma ancora della Cosmografia. la onde io hauendo ueduto / con
effetto questo amore ch'ella á talle scienza porte, et essendomi occorso di inta / gliare una Spagna uenutami nelle mani p[er] la piú giusta,
copiosa, et bella, di qua[n]te / fin qui ne sono uscite fuori, me ha parso fare il mio debito farla uscir fuori sotto / l'honorato nome della V[ostra].
Ecc[ellen].tia et á questo modo io uerró ad hauerdato all'opera / a moreuole patrone, priego ddunq la V[era]. Ecc[ellen]tia che sidegni di
accettarla, no[n] gia mosso / dalla gra[n]dezza del dono, ma dalla amore ch'ella alla scienza porta, co[n]te[n]ta[n]dosi ch'io le sia / seruitore. / D.
V[ostra]. Ecc[ellen].tia seruitore, / Paulo di Forlani Veronese. [1e] A' Benigni Lettori. / Eccoui Lettori la Spagna una delle principali parti
dell'Europa, la / quale quanto al disegno é delle migliori et piu giuste di quante / fin qu ne sono uenute nelle uostre mani, diuisa per i suoi regni,
/ secondo, che hoggi si ritroua, et intagliata con quella maggior / diligenza, che far si possa: Voi adunque, ad utilitá de' quali, é uolto / tutto il
mio intento, l'accettarete uolontieri como hauete fatto / sempre le fatiche utili et honorate: aspettando appresso una Europa, / che ora si sta
intagliando, iustissima, bellissima, et copiosissima la qua= / le pure á commune utilità sará data da noi fuori: stati sani. / Paulo di Forlani
Veronese. (Lot number: 25016)
DE CLERCK, N., Hispania., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.7 x 5.2 inches /9.3 x 13.1 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Light offsetting of ink from the engraving in the previous page. Minor marginal spots, not affecting
the image. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $120 - 150)
Small map of the Iberian peninsula with the Balearic Islands, surrounded by text in Dutch.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24430)
BLAEU, W., Regnorum Hispaniae nova descriptio., Amsterdam, 1638, 14.8 x 19.4 inches /37.7 x 49.4 cm, Paper
slightly age-toned. Very good condition., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
A fine copy of this impressive map of the whole Iberian Peninsula. Decorated with the Spanish Royal Coat of Arms. (Lot number: 24996)
JANSSONIUS,J., Hispaniae veteris descriptio., Amsterdam, 1644, 14.6 x 19.3 inches /37 x 49 cm, Very good,
with wide margins., (Estimate: $420 - 450)
Attractive large map of the Iberian Peninsula in classical times. It is based on Ortelius' map of the same title from information gleaned from Clusius'
map of 1571 as well as classical sources. Adorned with a nice title and scale cartouche. Engraved by Abraham Goos. (Lot number: 80316)
LEVANTO, F.M., Costa di Spagna del Riode Siviglia fino a Malaga et La Costa di Barbaria de Larache fino al
Penon de Velez., Genoa, 1664, 15.6 x 20.2 inches /39.6 x 51.3 cm, a worm hole in centre fold, otherwis very good
condition, (Estimate: $400 - 425)
A sea-chart of the Strait of Gibraltar and the opposite coasts of Spain from the Rio Sevilla to Malaga and of North Africa. Embellished with a large
title / distances cartouche.
From Francesco Maria Levanto’s ‘Specchio del Mare’. (Lot number: 16948)
SPEED, John, Spaine Newly described..., London, Bassett & Chiswell, 1676, 16.3 x 21.1 inches /41.5 x 53.5 cm,
New margin added on right hand side., (Estimate: $1200 - 1600)
Published in the first English atlas of the world, this map has nine prospects of Iberian cities along the top of the map and ten costume vignettes
down the sides.
A classic collector's map. (Lot number: 90398)
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DE WIT,F., Totius Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae., Amsterdam, 1680, 18 x 22 inches /45.8 x 56 cm,
Expertly repaired tear next to center fold, along the full height of the map. Some paper thinness in center fold.
Expertly done and hardly visible. Interesting manuscript notes., (Estimate: $480 - 600)
A very detailed map. At bottom right a beautiful cartouche with the coats of arms of Portugal and the Spanish provinces.
Interesting manuscript notes on map and verso.
(Lot number: 00174)
SANSON,N./ MARIETTE,P., Hispaniae Antiquae Tabula., Paris 1641-1690, 16 x 20.4 inches /40.7 x 51.9 cm,
Paper contemporarily cut till plate mark and laid down on a larger sheet of paper. Good and dark impression.,
(Estimate: $300 - 350)
A fine map of ancient Spain, Portugal and Majorca, etc.
This edition carries the date 1641 and in manuscript pencil 1690.Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of French cartography, although the
fierce competition of the Dutch would last until the end of the century. His success was partly owing to the partnership with the publisher Pierre
Mariette. In 1644 the latter had purchased the business of Melchior Tavernier, and helped Sanson with financial support in producing the maps.
In 1657 Pierre Marriette died, however his son, also named Pierre, co-published the following years. (Lot number: 13060)
CHATELAIN,H., Carte Historique et Geographique des Royaumes d'Espagne et de Portugal.., Amsterdam, ca.
1720, 17.5 x 21.4 inches /44.5 x 54.3 cm, Minor irregular browning, only visible at the back. Lower and right
margins short. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 150)
Historical and geographical map of the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal divided according to their kingdoms and provinces. Including indexes, notes
and an inset map of the Hibernian Peninsula with the Balearic Islands.
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25034)
CHATELAIN,H., Carte du Gouvernement de la Cour d'Espagne.., Amsterdam, ca. 1720, 13.2 x 17.1 inches /33.5
x 43.5 cm, A good and dark impression. Some discolouration along centre fold. Else very good condition.,
(Estimate: $100 - 150)
This impressive engraving is a wonderful example of Chatelain’s elegant plates. Ornamented with numerous vignettes.
It provides a detailed description of the infrastructure of Spain's ecclesiastical and military government as well as information listed in a lengthy
Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (1684-1743) and Zacharie Junior (1690-1754).
They worked as a partnership publishing the Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … under several different Chatelain
imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication.The atlas was published in seven volumes between 1705 and
1720, with a second edition appearing in 1732. The maps were accompanied by information pertaining to cosmography, geography, history,
chronology, genealogy, topography, heraldry, and costume of the world.
More about Chatelain. (Lot number: 25040)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Royaumes d'Espagne et de Portugal., Paris, ca. 1748, 6.2 x 7.6 inches /15.8 x 19.3 cm, A
good and dark impression. Good margins. Light marginal water staining on the lower border. Else very good
condition., (Estimate: $85 - 110)
Detailed map of Spain, Portugal and Baleares islands. Showing also south part of France and Gibraltar. Dated 1748.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 42 outside border top right. (Lot number: 24514)
ROBERT DE VAUGONDY,D., Royaumes d'Espagne et de Portugal., Paris, 1762, 9.4 x 11 inches /24 x 28 cm,
Large margins. Very good condition., (Estimate: $50 - 60)
Detailed map of Spain, Portugal and Baleares islands. Showing also southwestern part of France and north Africa. (Lot number: 24802)
VALLET, Carte d'Espagne, Dirigée par Mr. Philippe.., Paris, 1763, 10.3 x 14.8 inches /26.2 x 37.7 cm, Short
lower margin. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Detailed map of the Hibernian Peninsula and Baleares islands, showing a short legend in the lower left corner. (Lot number: 24818)
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Brion de la Tour, L. / Desnos, L.Ch., L' Espagne et le Portugal, divisée par Gouvernemens généraux et
Provinces Ecclésiastiques.1766., Paris, 1769, 9.3 x 10.4 inches /23.5 x 26.5 cm, good condition, (Estimate: $230 200)
Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823), ' Atlas Géneral, Civil et Ecclésiastique', 1766, ' Atlas Général', 1790-98. Louis Charles Desnos (fl.1750-70), Le
Rouge's 'Atlas Nouveau Portatif', 1756, ' Atlas Général et Élémentaire', 1768-69.
A map from Louis Charles Desnos's atlas 'Atlas Général et Élémentaire', depicting the Iberian peninsula with on both sides of the map an
explementary text. (Lot number: 18010)
Anonym, French., Nouvelle Carte du Royaume d' Espagne., Paris, c. 1770, 6.5 x 8.5 inches /16.5 x 21.5 cm,
good, (Estimate: $90 - 80)
Attractive small map of the Iberian peninsula. (Lot number: 19403)
MOITHEY,M.A., Imperii Romani Pars Occidentalis. Hispania. L'Espagne.., Paris, ca 1780, 10.3 x 15.2 inches
/26.2 x 38.5 cm, Short margins. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Detailed map of the Hibernian Peninsula and Baleares islands, showing also southwestern part of France.
Decorative title cartouche in the lower right corner. (Lot number: 24817)
LATTRÉ / JANVIER,Sr., Les Royaumes D'Espagne et de Portugal, divisés Par Grandes Provinces.., Paris, ca
1783, 11.9 x 17.3 inches /30.2 x 44 cm, Repair of marginal split, lower part centre fold. Printed on heavy paper,
with good margins. Good impression., (Estimate: $180 - 200)
Attractive map of the Iberian Peninsula. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
Ornated with a decorative title cartouche showing the coats of arms of Spain and Portugal.
Prepared by Le Sieur Janvier, Jean denis [Robert], French geographer and cartographer.In addition to work published under his own name by
Jean Lattré in Bordeaux and C. F. Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with other cartographers and publishers in producing a considerable
number of maps, many of which were used in general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini and others. (Lot number: 24274)
BOURGOIN, P., Carte du Royaume d' Espagne et de Portugal., Paris, 1784, 13.3 x 16.8 inches /33.9 x 42.7 cm,
Paper slightly age-toned. Minor discolouration in the lower part. Good condition., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Detailed map of Spain, Portugal and Baleares islands. Showing also southwestern part of France and north Africa.
Published in 1784 in his uncommon "Atlas Élémentaire de la Géographie". (Lot number: 24803)
DELAPORTE,L'Abbé., L'Espagne et le Portugal. Divisés Par Gdes. Provinces., Paris, Prudhomme, Levrault,
Debray, 1806, 6.9 x 8.7 inches /17.5 x 22.2 cm, Two vertical folds as issued. Short left margin. Else very good
condition., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Map of Spain and Portugal, including the Balearic Islands archipelago. From Atlas de la Géographie de toutes les parties du monde .. Ouvrage
destiné pour l'education, et nécessaire aux négocians, aux voyageurs, aux fonctionnaires publics, aux banquiers, aux agens de change, aux
littérateurs, etc.. (Lot number: 24407)
Spain provinces
BLAEU, W., Catalonia., Amsterdam, 1635, 15 x 19.7 inches /38.2 x 50 cm, Paper slightly browned. Dark
impression. Very good condition, wide margins., (Estimate: $650 - 850)
Decorative map of the province Catalonia in Spain. (Lot number: 25071)
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BLAEU, W., Valentia regnum Contestani, Ptol. Edentani, Plin., Amsterdam, 1635, 15 x 19.7 inches /38.2 x 50
cm, Paper slightly browned, with in upper margin some water staining. Dark impression. Wide margins.,
(Estimate: $650 - 750)
Fine map of the Spanish province of Valencia, with large title cartouche and Dutch vessels offshore. West on top. Dutch text on verso. (Lot number:
VAN KEULEN,J., Nieuwe Pascaart waar in vertoont wert de Baij van Cadix In't groot., Amsterdam, 1685, 19.6
x 22.4 inches /49.8 x 57 cm, In very good condition., (Estimate: $650 - 750)
An important sea-chart of the coast and island of Cadiz. With plate number 30 in lower right corner. Large title cartouche, with title in Dutch and
French and a dedication to Dirck Verburg of Amsterdam. (Lot number: 24781)
KEULEN,J., Pascaart van de Zee Kusten van Granada en Murcia.. Barbarische Zee-Kusten.., Amsterdam, 1708,
20.1 x 23.2 inches /51 x 59 cm, Wide margins. Printed on two sheets of paper, contemporarily mounted together.
Good condition., (Estimate: $900 - 1000)
This sea chart covers the Spanish coast from Véléz-Malaga, in the region Andalucía, from Malaga as far as Alicante and Bay of Altea, in the
province of Valencia. It shows also the facing African coast.Decorated with a vessel, a galley, a sea monster, rhumb lines and 2 compass roses.
From van Keulen's "De Nieuwe Groote Lichtende Zee-Fackel", part III.3.3.
The atlas was published by Johannes van Keulen (1654-1715) and his son Gerard with the cooperation of the mathematician and surveyor, Claes
Jansz. Voogt. The chart is an altered state with an scale with Italian miles added.
Koeman calls the Van Keulen maps of paramount importance in the development of marine cartography. (Lot number: 22208)
AYROUARD, J., Plan de la Baye de Rose et des Côtes des environs de puis le port de Cadequié jusques au Cap
St. Sebastien.., Marseille, 1732 - 1746, 11.3 x 17.7 inches /28.7 x 44.9 cm, Good impression on solid paper.,
(Estimate: $200 - 250)
Coastal chart illustrating part of the Spanish Catalan country seacoast. It covers the area from south of Begur to today Cadaqués, close to the French
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports ... de la Mer Méditerranée. Embellished with a compass rose. (Lot
number: 23301)
AYROUARD, J., [Untitled] Front views of the Spanish coastal relief., Marseille 1732 - 1746, 11.5 x 17.7 inches
/29.3 x 45 cm, Minor age-toning of the paper. Some discolouration along centre fold. Minor marginal spotting
along lower border., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Separate front views mainly depicting the coastal relief of Catalonia, divided in stripes.
From the rare chart book by Jacques Ayrouard: Recueil de plusieurs Ports .. de la Mer Méditerranée. (Lot number: 24838)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie Septentrionale des Etats de Castille où se trouve le Royaume de Gallice.., Paris, later
than 1748, 6.3 x 7.6 inches /16 x 19.3 cm, A good and dark impression. Good margins. Minor marginal water
staining on the lower border. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Detailed map of Galicia, in the northwestern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.
Page 43 outside border top left. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24524)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie Sept.le des Etats de Castille où se trouvent les Roy.mes des Asturies.. Biscaye., Paris,
later than 1749, 6.5 x 7.5 inches /16.4 x 19 cm, A good and dark impression. Good margins. Very good
condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Small detailed map of Northwestern Spain, including Asturias, León, Old Castille, New Castille and Biscaya. Extends southwards as far as Madrid.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 44 outside border top left. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without
date. (Lot number: 24525)
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VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie Meridionale des Etats de Castille où se trouvent l'Andalousie et le de
Grenade., Paris, later than 1749, 6.5 x 8.6 inches /16.4 x 21.8 cm, A good and dark impression. Good margins.
Light marginal water staining on the lower border. 2 marginal worm holes. Else very good condition., (Estimate:
$100 - 130)
Small detailed map of Andalusia. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 47 outside border top left. Mary Sponberg Pedley
does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24527)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie Meridion.le des Etats de Castille, où se trouvent l'Estremadure-de-Leon et la Castille
Nouvelle., Paris, later than 1749, 6.4 x 9 inches /16.3 x 22.8 cm, A good and dark impression. Very good
condition., (Estimate: $85 - 110)
Small detailed map of Extremadura and New Castile. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 45 outside border top left. Mary
Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24528)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Royaume de Navarre divisé en six Mérindades., Paris, later than 1749, 8.7 x 6.5 inches /22.2
x 16.4 cm, A good and dark impression. Very good condition., (Estimate: $85 - 110)
Small detailed map of Navarre. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Page 46 outside border top right. Mary Sponberg Pedley
does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24529)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie Méridionale de la Couronne d'Aragon.. R.mes de Valence, de Maiorque et de
Murcie.., Paris, later than 1749, 6.5 x 8 inches /16.4 x 20.3 cm, A good and dark impression. Good margins. Very
light marginal water staining on the lower border. Else very good condition., (Estimate: $160 - 200)
RARE. Small detailed map encompassing the Valencian Community, the region of Murcia and the Balearic Islands.
From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Page 4 outside border top left and Tom 2 p.156. upper right. (Lot number: 24532)
VAUGONDY,R. de, Partie Septent.le de la Couronne d'Aragon où se trouvent le d'Aragon.. Catalogne.,
Paris, later than 1749, 6.4 x 8.3 inches /16.3 x 21 cm, A good and dark impression. Good margins. Very good
condition., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
Small detailed map of Aragon and Catalonia. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.
Page 47 outside border top left. Mary Sponberg Pedley does not mention a state without date. (Lot number: 24526)
BELLIN,J.N., Carte Hydrographique de la Baye de Cadix.., Paris, 1762, 22 x 34.5 inches /56 x 87.6 cm, A few
unobtrusive foxing spots, else in very good condition. Engraved on thick strong paper with good margins.,
(Estimate: $480 - 550)
A large and very handsome chart of the Bay of Cadiz, from the town of Rota to Cadiz. The piece contains dramatic coastal topography, forts,
anchorages and soundings. Beautifully enhanced with an impressive decorative cartouche and a compass rose. (Lot number: 15876)
PALOMINO, J. F., Mapa del Reyno de Murcia dividido en sus partidos, Madrid 1779, 5.1 x 7.1 inches /13 x 18
cm, Strong hand-laid paper, slightly age-toned with good impression and two old vertical folds. Waterstained in
top part of the map, somewhat tight margins on top and the bottom., (Estimate: $120 - 200)
Scarce map of the area around Murcia from "ATLANTE ESPAÑOL - Don Bernardo Espinalt y Garcia" engraved by Palomino.
Includes many placenames, a large title cartouche with coat of arms, a key and a distance scale. Rare! (Lot number: 90151)
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Spain cities / portraits
DE CLERCK, N., Franciscus A Mendoça Archi. Arrag. Marchi. Guadales.., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621,
7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Marginal water staining. Minor spotting . Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Franciscus A Mendoça", signed lower right corner N. de Cleck". Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc)
was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge
der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de
monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24303)
DE CLERCK, N., Philippus II. D. G. Hispaniarum Et Indiarum Rex Catolicus Arch. Aust., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Marginal water stain in the upper right corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Philip II of Spain.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24343)
PALOMINO, J. F., Vista oriental de la ciudad de Chinchilla., Madrid, 1779, 5.1 x 7.4 inches /13 x 18.9 cm,
Strong hand-laid paper, slightly age-toned with strong & clear impression. Two old folds and tight margins on
top and bottom., (Estimate: $200 - 300)
Scarce city view from "ATLANTE ESPAÑOL - Don Bernardo Espinalt y Garcia" engraved by Palomino, showing Chinchilla de Monte Aragón in
Albacete. Numerous buildings are named in a key, showing also the city coat of arms.
Rare! (Lot number: 90152)
PALOMINO, J. F., Vista oriental de la ciudad de Villena., Madrid 1779, 5.1 x 7.1 inches /13 x 18 cm, Strong
hand-laid paper, unevenly age-toned with strong & clear impression. Two old folds and tight margins on top and
bottom., (Estimate: $120 - 250)
Scarce city view from "ATLANTE ESPAÑOL - Don Bernardo Espinalt y Garcia" engraved by Palomino, showing Villena, a strategic important city
close to Alicante.
Numerous buildings are named in a key, showing also the city coat of arms.
Rare! (Lot number: 90153)
DE CLERCK, N., Philippus III. Dei Gratia Hispaniarum Et Indiarum Rex etc., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621., 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Minor rust spot near the title. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Philip III of Spain.
Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24342)
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DE JODE,G., Helvetiae sev sviciae qvae mvltis confoederatorvm terra dicitvr primmae Germanorvm provinciae
Galliae Italiae qvae contigvae chorographia vera et elegans avtore., Antwerp 1578, 15.6 x 20.6 inches /39.7 x
52.3 cm, Very good and dark impression. Minimally age-toned. Very fine., (Estimate: $1800 - 2200)
FIRST EDITION of this fine example of De Jode's rare map of Switzerland. From the first edition of De Jode's Speculum Orbis Terrarum, the
second general atlas of the world, after Ortelius.
Engraved by Joannes and Lucas van Deutecom.
The first edition of De Jode's atlas was not a commercial success, making maps from the first edition very rare.
Gerard De Jode was the great rival of Ortelius, both made a living out of selling maps, and it seems not always on good terms. It is probable that
Ortelius was responsible for a delay in the publication of Gerard de Jode's Speculum. Gerard De Jode, 18 years older than Ortelius, owned many
more copper-plates for maps than Ortelius had. Ortelius did not employ highly paid engravers as De Jode had done.
De Jode received the ecclesiastical imprimatur in 1573, but it was not until 1579 that the first copies of the Speculum were sold at Plantin's shop, and
only very few copies were sold. Now-a-days only a few atlases from the first and only edition are known to exist. Also single leaves are an utmost
After the death of Gerard in 1591, the business was carried on by his widow and his son Cornelis, who re-issued the Speculum in 1593, most plates
were newly engraved, and therefore making those of the first edition extremely rare. (Lot number: 23083)
ORTELIUS,A., Helvetiae descriptio., Antwerp, 1580, 13.5 x 17.9 inches /34.3 x 45.5 cm, Paper washed, one hole
of 5xçmm along center fold filled in. Major cities underlined with red ink., (Estimate: $300 - 400)
A fine map based upon a map by the Swiss cartographer Aegidicus Tschudi of 1538. (Lot number: 23865)
ORTELIUS,A., Helvetiae descriptio., Antwerp 1603, 13.6 x 18.1 inches /34.5 x 46 cm, Dark impression. Paper
washed, with restoration of split center fold., (Estimate: $360 - 400)
A fine map based upon a map by the Swiss cartographer Aegidicus Tschudi of 1538. (Lot number: 11428)
DE CLERCK, N., Helvetia., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 3.6 x 5.2 inches /9.2 x 13.2 cm, Page slightly
age-toned. Shine-true of verso text. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $55 - 70)
Small map of Switzerland, surrounded by text in Dutch. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity.The map is engraved by
Jodocus Hondius before 1616 and first published in Petrus Bertius' revised pocket atlas Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri
septem.. edition of 1616.According to Peter van der Krogt in Atlantes Neerlandici, volume IIIA, page 442, the plates were used to illustrate some
other books with maps, such as Paullus Merula's Cosmographia Generalis, printed in Leiden by Isaac Elsevier and in 1621 for the Wereld
Spiegel.Cloppenburch probably had borrowed the plates, since in the 1630s they were in the possession of Willem Jansz. Blaeu, who probably
acquired them along with the plates for Jodocus Hondius Jr.'s Appendix. Blaeu used the plates again for the Merula edition of 1635/36. Joan
Blaeu used these plates to produce an Atlas Minor without text.RARE. (Lot number: 24447)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Helvetia cum finitimis regionibus confoederatis., Amsterdam 1630, 13.8 x 18.5
inches /35 x 47 cm, A good and strong impression. Paper slightly age-toned, as usual. Faint toning along centre
fold. Good margins. Altogether in very good condition., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
Detailed and finely engraved map of Switzerland. (Lot number: 22190)
MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J., Helvetia cum finitimis regionibus confoederatis., Amsterdam, 1630, 13.9 x 18.4
inches /35.2 x 46.8 cm, A good and strong impression. Printed on heavy paper, center fold re-inforced.,
(Estimate: $180 - 250)
Detailed and finely engraved map of Switzerland. (Lot number: 23864)
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BLAEU,W., Sabaudia Ducatvs Savoye, Amsterdam, 1635, 19.5 x 15 inches /49.5 x 38 cm, Paper slightly age
toned., (Estimate: $650 - 700)
From first Dutch edition 'Tonneel Des Aerdrycx ofte Nieuwe Atlas'. Signed [right of centrefold] : Amsterdami Apud Guiljelmum Blaeuw (Lot
number: 90318)
LATTRÉ / BONNE,R., La Suisse divisée En Ses Treize Cantons Et Ses Alliés.., Paris, ca 1783, 12 x 17.3 inches
/30.5 x 44 cm, Light spotting in the right hand half of the map. Printed on heavy paper, with good margins. Good
impression., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Attractive map of Switzerland, ornated with a rococo title cartouche. 24 coats of arms in the lower left corner. Boundaries outlined in hand colour.
From theAtlas moderne ou collection de cartes sur toutes les parties du globe terrestre...Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795 ) was one of the most
important cartographers of the late 18th century. In 1773 he succeeded Jacques Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the
Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Working in his official capacity Bonne compiled some of the most detailed and accurate maps of the
period. Bonne’s work represents an important step in the evolution of the cartographic ideology away from the decorative work of the 17th and
early 18th century towards a more detail oriented and practical aesthetic. With regard to the rendering of terrain Bonne maps bear many stylistic
similarities to those of his predecessor, Bellin. However, Bonne maps generally abandon such common 18th century decorative features such as
hand coloring, elaborate decorative cartouches, and compass roses. While mostly focusing on costal regions, the work of Bonne is highly
regarded for its detail, historical importance, and overall aesthetic appeal. (Lot number: 24234)
SANSON,N./ MARIETTE,P., Les Suisses les Allies des Suisses et leurs Suiets.., Paris, 1648-1667., 16 x 20.1
inches /40.7 x 51.1 cm, Good and dark impression. Generally very good., (Estimate: $230 - 250)
Fine map of Switzerland. This edition carries the date 1667 and was engraved by R.Cordier Abbauil.
Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of French cartography, although the fierce competition of the Dutch would last until the end of the
century. His success was partly owing to the partnership with the publisher Pierre Mariette. In 1644 the latter had purchased the business of Melchior
Tavernier, and helped Sanson with financial support in producing the maps. In 1657 Pierre Marriette died, however his son, also named Pierre, co
published Les Cartes Générales de toutes les parties du Monde. the following year. It was the first folio French produced world atlas. (Lot
number: 23866)
Switzerland cantons
ORTELIUS, A., Basiliensis territorii descriptio nova./Circulus sue Liga.., Antwerp, 1598, 12.6 x 19.5 inches /32
x 49.5 cm, Two maps on one sheet. Each 320x240mm. Good condition., (Estimate: $350 - 450)
Left hand map centred on Basle, east to top. With credit to Sebastian Münster in title cartouche.
Right hand map with Boden See, Strasbourg and Augsburg. The map was prepared by David Seltzlin.
Very decorative and a masterpiece in the sense of engraving and composition. (Lot number: 11781)
Mercator, G. / J. Hondius., Zurichgow et Province de Basle (no title)., Amsterdam, 1619, 13.9 x 18.5 inches /35.2
x 47 cm, very good, (Estimate: $350 - 400)
Gerard Mercator's ' Atlas sive Cosmographica' was published and augmented between 1606 and 1641 by Jodocus Hondius, his son Hendrik and by
Johannes Janssonius.A map of the cantons Zürich and Basel from the Mercator / Hondius atlas. (Lot number: 18608)
BLAEU,W., Argow cum parte merid. Zurichgow., Amsterdam 1645, 15.1 x 19.5 inches /38.3 x 49.5 cm, Paper
slightly age-toned. Marginal discolouration., (Estimate: $100 - 300)
Nice map of Canton Aargau and parts of the Cantons Schwyz, Zurich and Glarus. Includes the cities of Bern and Lucern.
Based on the cartography of Gerard Mercator and very similar to a map of the same title by Janssonius.
Beautifully engraved to depict the mountainous countryside and embellished with a small title cartouche.
Latin text on verso. (Lot number: 22512)
Brabant cities
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DE CLERCK, N., Isabella Clara Eugenia, Austriaca Infans Hisp. Duciss. Burg. Brab. etc., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Marginal water staining along right border. Marginal loss of paper, central left border &
lower right corner. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Isabella Clara Eugenia", signed lower right corner N. de Cleck". Nicolaes de Clerck (de klerc)
was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge
der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de
monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24301)
DE CLERCK, N., Albertus D. G. Archidux Austriae. Dux Burgund. Brab. Com. Fland. etc., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Marginal water staining. Marginal loss of paper, central right border. Size of paper : 31x
19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Albertus D. G. Archidux Austriae", signed lower right corner N. de Cleck". Nicolaes de Clerck
(de klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de
Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et
principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24302)
Holland - Noord
Holland - Noord cities
OVERTON, H. / BASSET, A view of the Admiralty at Amsterdam of the store houses, wharfes.. To the East
India Company of Holland.., London / Paris, ca. 1752, 15.7 x 15.3 inches /40 x 38.8 cm, Good impression.,
(Estimate: $240 - 300)
So-called optical print showing a mirror image depiction of the headquarters of the V.O.C. in Amsterdam (present-day Maritime Museum) and their
wharfs' and docks, with extensive shipping.
After a design by Peter van Rijne. Uncommon co-production of Overton and Basset.
Text in English and French.
An optical mirror with print. (Mirror is not included in the lot.)More about optical prints.
(Lot number: 24703)
WAGENAAR, J., Haerlemmer Poort, Amsterdam, ca. 1760, 10.2 x 13.4 inches /26 x 34 cm, In good condition.,
(Estimate: $120 - 130)
Large engraving of the Haarlemmerpoort in Amsterdam. (Lot number: 80293)
WAGENAAR, J., De Leydtze Poort, Amsterdam, ca. 1760, 10 x 13.2 inches /25.5 x 33.5 cm, In good condition.,
(Estimate: $120 - 130)
Large engraving of the Leidsepoort in Amsterdam. (Lot number: 80294)
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WAGENAAR, J., De Uytrechtze poort, Amsterdam, ca. 1760, 10 x 13.2 inches /25.5 x 33.5 cm, In good
condition., (Estimate: $120 - 130)
Large engraving of the Utrechtsepoort in Amsterdam. (Lot number: 80295)
Holland - Zuid
Holland - Zuid cities
BRAUN,G./ HOGENBERG,F., Roterodamum.. (Rotterdam) / Gouda, Cologne 1580, 14.6 x 19.1 inches /37 x
48.4 cm, Marginal discolouration and age-toning. Overall in good condition. A tiny split in middle centerfold
(5mm.) underlaid. With French text on verso., (Estimate: $650 - 750)
One of the oldest panoramic views of the cities of Gouda and Rotterdam.
From the greatest publication in this genre !. The "Civitates" was compiled and written by George Braun, Canon of Cologne Cathedral. Braun
gathered together vast amounts of information and draft plans to produce over 500 city views/maps published in six parts between 1572 and 1617.
Most of these engravings were made by Simon Novellanus and Frans Hogenberg, many after drawings by Joris Hoefnagel. (Lot number: 09538)
LETIE, G., Haga Comitis Vulgo 'S Graven-Hage, Amsterdam, ca. 1690, 15 x 20.9 inches /38.2 x 53.1 cm, In
good to very good condition. Folding as issued. Left margin reduced. Repair of split in left hand portion of the
plan expertly repaired, hardly noticeable. A couple of small reinforcements with Japanese archival tape along
lower margin. Beautifully coloured., (Estimate: $1400 - 1600)
A very RARE bird's-eye view of the historic city of The Hague. The work was copied after Blaeu and printed by Willem de Jonge. From the
exceedingly rare TEATRO BELGICO.
The plan is finely engraved and provides superb detail of the city's important buildings and world famous gardens. A 24 point legend identifying
key sites is part of the cartouche located in the lower left section of the plate. The title cartouche in the upper left is enhanced with two armorials and
A true collector's item. (Lot number: 90296)
CLERMAN, Plage de Scheveningen., The Hague, c.1867, 6.2 x 8.3 inches /15.7 x 21.2 cm, Lithography. Paper
age-toned. Some light brown spotting., (Estimate: $60 - 80)
Attractive lithography showing a typical Dutch beach scene at Scheveningen in the middle of the 19th century, lithographed by Cleman after a
painting by Nuyen. Published by C. J. Vanden Berghen. (Lot number: 22766)
BASSET, Vue d'Optique nouvelle, representant la Gde rue a Leyde.., Paris, 10.4 x 15.6 inches /26.5 x 39.6 cm,
Mirror-imaged title. Overall in good condition., (Estimate: $70 - 100)
So-called optical print. Fanciful depiction of a canal scene in Leiden.
Basset was a well-known publisher of optical prints, established in Paris. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries there were many popular
speciality establishments in Paris, Augsburg and London which produced optical viewing devices and special engravings to be viewed through them.
In the 18th century the "optical print" or "vue optique" came into existence, whose exaggerated converging lines were intended to produce the optical
illusion of deep recession. The viewing devices for which these perspective prints were produced consisted of a lens and a mirror, this requiring the
use of reversed or mirror-image pictures.
An optical mirror with print. (Mirror is not included in the lot.)~ (Lot number: 09542)
Limburg cities
GUICCIARDINI,L., Traiectum ad Mosam, Amsterdam 1648, 9.1 x 11.6 inches /23 x 29.5 cm, Excellent
condition. Middle fold as issued. Vague stain lower left corner. Also in the lower right title box., (Estimate: $700
- 850)
Attractively handcoloured copper engraving picturing the city of Maastricht. Plan nr. 12 in the 1648 edition of Guicciardini's famous work
Description of the Netherlands issued by J. Janssonius, Amsterdam.
With coats of arms of the King of Spain, the city of Maastricht and the Archbishopric of Liège. Later colouring. Verso Blanc. (Lot number: 90280)
Cartographic Curiorities
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MÜNSTER,S., [Europe depicted as a Queen], Basel, 1580, 10.1 x 6.5 inches /25.7 x 16.4 cm, Paper slightly
age-toned as usual. Wood block print with German text letter press. Woodcut, printed area 260 x 160mm,
(Estimate: $1500 - 1800)
Among the most striking of early cartographic curiosities is this woodcut of Europe regina or Queen of the world. This is a simplified version of
Johannes Bucius' representation.
HISPANIA (Spain) is shown in the figure's crown in acknowledgement of its dominance. GALLIA (France) is the upper chest. GERMANIA is the
bosom. ITALIA is Europe’s right arm, with SICILIA being the globus cruciger, the cross-bearing orb signifying world power throughout the Middle
DANIA (Denmark) is the left arm of Europe, holding what appears to be a ceremonial sword, another classic piece of regalia.
BOHEMIA (the Czech lands) is a circular area close to Europe’s stomach.
VNGARIA (Hungary) and SCLAVONIA (land of the southern Slavs) are the right thigh and VANDALIA (probably a reference to the Wends, a
collective name for Slavic peoples in present-day eastern Germany) and POLONIA form the left thigh of Europe.
LITHVANIA must be about the spot of Europe’s left knee.
LIVONIA, MACEDONIA , BVLGARIA, MOSCOVIA, MOREA (the mediaeval name for the Peloponnese peninsula), GRAECIA, SCYTHIA
(present-day Bulgaria), TARTARIA (parts of present-day Russia) are folds ever further down Europe’s flowing red dress.
The British Isles are shown, but not integrated into the figure. It has been argued that instead of a woman, the map represents Charles V of Spain,
modeling a Europe that had Spain as its crown. (Lot number: 24785)
BÜNTING,H., Asia secunda pars terrae in forma Pegasi. [Asia is presented as the mythical winged horse
Pegasus.], Magdeburg c. 1581, 9.8 x 13.8 inches /25 x 35 cm, Repair of tear lower part center fold, hardly
notable. Else good condition. German text on verso., (Estimate: $720 - 1500)
Wood block map of Asia in the form of a Pegasus. The seas are adorned with sea monsters and many major cities are indicated and named. There are
several states, of this map.
Bünting's work Itinerarium Sacrae Scriptura.. was essentially a theological commentary with other maps of great curiosity.The title of this map is
Asia Secunda Pars Terrae in Forma Pegasi (’Asia, the Second Part of the Earth, in the Form of Pegasus‘). The winged horse of Greek
mythology is the son of Poseidon and Medusa, was tamed by Athena and became the horse of the Muses. This obviously pagan origin of the
image makes its appearance in a Holy Land travel book a bit of a mystery.On this map, Pegasus is drawn realistically – i.e. Asia is adjusted to
- Asia’s front legs, touching Africa with the knees, constitute Arabia.
- Its head, licking Europe, is Asia Minor (present-day Turkey).
- The Tigris and Euphrates rivers run down its neck, on which is marked the area of Mesopotamia.
- Another river indicated, at the horse’s thigh, is the Ganges, with India Infra Gangem (‘India before the Ganges’) to the west and India Extra
Gangem (‘India across the Ganges’).
- The horse’s behind is India Orientalis (’East India‘, which could be used for parts east of present-day India, e.g. Indonesia, formerly the Dutch
East Indies).
- Both hind legs are inscribed with India Meridionalis (’South India’), which doesn’t at all reflect the single-peninsular nature of the Indian
- The wings are labeled Scythia and Tartaria, names often used to describe the vast unknown areas of Siberia.
- The body of water in between the wings and the horse’s body is the Caspian Sea. (Lot number: 25008)
HOMANN,J.B., Geographische Universal-Zeig und Slag-Uhr., Nuremberg 1700, 19 x 22.5 inches /48.3 x 57.2
cm, In lower margin some light water staining, not affecting the engraved area. Dark impression. In very good
condition., (Estimate: $1100 - 1500)
The world centered around the North Pole is depicted on the dial of a beautiful full size mantle-piece clock with California as an island and also
with Japan included.Around this world map the sky, half of it sunlit, the other half dark with stars. Around the sky a rim with the names of the
months and the signs of the zodiac. In the following rim the -Roman- figures for the time indication. On top, left and right of the clock an
explanation in the German language.
A very interesting item. (Lot number: 22275)
Vinkeles, R., Petrus Plancius., Amsterdam, 1791, 5.9 x 7.5 inches /15 x 19 cm, Excellent condition. Strong
impression., (Estimate: $90 - 100)
A portrait of the famous Dutch cartographer. (Lot number: 18048)
ANONYMOUS, [Flag] Honor a los vaientes viva Espana., Spain, c.1920, 16.1 x 17.3 inches /41 x 44 cm, Flag
printed in six colours on linen., (Estimate: $240 - 280)
(Lot number: 23562)
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Leo Belgicus
STRADA,F., Famiani Strad Romani E Societate Jesu De Bello Belgico Decas Secunda, Rome, 1701, 5.3 x 3
inches /13.5 x 7.5 cm, The map is in good condition, the binding is damaged, and the back spine is partly
broken., (Estimate: $850 - 1000)
This popular history describes the war between the Low Countries and Spain between 1568 and 1648 from a pro-Spanish and pro-Catholic
viewpoint. Famiamo Strada was a Jesuit and teacher at the Collegium Romanum in Rome. Includes the famous Leo Belgicus, or Lion of Belgium,
title page depicting a map of Belgium and Holland in the form of a lion. This version of the Leo Belgicus is based on the original Aitsinger form with
the lion standing facing right with the right paw raised and holding a shield. Title page, several engraved portraits, 642 pages + index. Original
leather binding. The size of the map is 12.5cm x 6.5cm.
(Lot number: 80352)
ANONYMOUS., Journal de la Belgique. Orbis terrarum, Brussels, 1815, 1.8 x 1.4 inches /4.5 x 3.6 cm, In good
condition., (Estimate: $300 - 350)
Among the most interesting decorative works of cartography is a series of arresting maps showing The Netherlands and Belgium in the shape of a
lion. This wonderful, miniature version of the Leo Belgicus is based on the original 1538 Aitsinger form with the lion standing facing right with the
right paw raised and holding a shield with the text: L'Union fait la force. This Leo is printed on a text page of a journal with French text. (Lot
number: 80318)
Title Pages
Braun, G. & F. Hoogenberg., Urbium Praecipuarum Mundi Theatrum Liber Quartus., Cologne, 1583, 13.4 x 8.7
inches /34 x 22 cm, very good, (Estimate: $375 - 350)
Georg Braun and Franz Hoogenberg, published the highly successful "Civitas Orbis Terrarum' in 6 volumes, 1572-1618. It was the first atlas of town
views and plans of the whole world.
The most decorative frontispice of the 4th part of the ‘Civitatus Orbis Terrarum’. (Lot number: 20353)
BLAEU,J., Title page from "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum sive Atlas Novus"., Amsterdam, 1640, 16 x 9.7 inches
/40.7 x 24.7 cm, Minor age-toning of the paper. Marginal spot, far from the image. Good condition., (Estimate:
$360 - 500)
Attractive title page of Blaeu's Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. The title is printed on a paste-on slip.Decorative and finely engraved architectural
façade with figures. Some elements highlighted with gold. (Lot number: 24974)
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BLAEU,W. & J., Title page from "Novus Atlas, Das ist Weltbeschreibung.."., Amsterdam, 1641, 15.4 x 9.4
inches /39.2 x 23.8 cm, Paper slightly browned. Strip of paper pasted on left & right margins. Small dark ink spot
at bottom right. Small wormhole in the right side. A couple of minor superficial scratches flanking the title.,
(Estimate: $360 - 500)
Attractive title page of Blaeu's New Atlas. Highly decorative, and finely engraved architectural façade with figures.
The title is printed on a paste-on slip and surmounted by an armillary sphere.
Some elements highlighted with gold. (Lot number: 24973)
Blaeu, J., Nuevo Atlas de las Partes Orientales de Europa., Amsterdam, 1649, 15.4 x 9.4 inches /39 x 24 cm,
right and left margins trimmed close, some discolouring in upper right., (Estimate: $450 - 400)
Johan Blaeu succeeded his father Willem when the latter died in 1638. Johan led the Blaeu firm to its greatest achievement the ' Atlas Maior' in 12
parts, the greatest and finest atlas ever published.
A spectacular title-pages in beautiful colouring. (Lot number: 18959)
Dapper, O., Africa., Amsterdam, 1671, 11 x 6.9 inches /28 x 17.5 cm, good, (Estimate: $175 - 150)
The decorative frontispice of Olfert Dapper’s description of Africa. (Lot number: 19438)
CORONELLI,V.M., Leopoldo I. per la D.G. Imperatore de Romani, re d'Ungheria, di Boemia, Etc., Venice
1692, 19.3 x 12.6 inches /49 x 32 cm, Paper slightly age-toned. Printed on thick paper. Wide margins., (Estimate:
$100 - 150)
Portrait engraving of Leopold I from Isolario Dell'Atlante Vento. (Lot number: 22383)
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CHATELAIN,H., Title page: Atlas Historique.., Amsterdam, 1720, 15.6 x 9.3 inches /39.7 x 23.5 cm, Dark
impression. Very good., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
Very decorative title page. Engraved by B.Picart. Showing representations of the four continents, extensive shipping in background scene and in top
Mercury. (Lot number: 24751)
Bonne, R. / C.F. Delamarche., Recueil de Carte sur la Geographie Ancienne., Paris, 1750, 11.6 x 8.7 inches
/29.5 x 22 cm, good condition., (Estimate: $400 - 375)
An attractive title-page of Rigobert Bonne's historical atlas. (Lot number: 20379)
Crepy, l., Atlas nouveau Portatif a l' Usage des Militaires Colleges et du Voyageur, Tome Ier., Paris, 1780, 8.5 x
11 inches /21.5 x 28 cm, excellent condition., (Estimate: $175 - 15)
Nice title-page of a French pocket-atlas. (Lot number: 20120)
GRENET, L'A., Atlas Portatif pour servir a l'intelligence des autres classiques, Paris 1781, 9.4 x 13.8 inches /24
x 35 cm, Good Impression. Age-toned and faintly foxed, centrefold toned, few small spots, faint showthrough of
manuscript text from verso, manuscript date at bottom., (Estimate: $50 - 100)
Title page of French Atlas showing a globe, numerous geographical instruments and books. (Lot number: 90161)
Medieval Manuscripts
Anonymous, 13 century French Bible page, Paris, ca. 1250, 5.3 x 3.5 inches /13.4 x 8.8 cm, very good, (Estimate:
$180 - 375)
13th Century vellum leaf from a French Bible page printed in Paris mid 13th century. There are 46 lines of text written in a fine Gothic Script. It is
on very fine vellum.
A five line letter L in the left column and a two line letter S in the left column.
(Lot number: 90354)
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BIBLE, Leaf on vellum from a manuscript Bible., France, ca.1250, 6.7 x 4.7 inches /17 x 12 cm, A bit smudged
around the borders., (Estimate: $275 - 300)
Manuscript Bible leaf on vellum, more than 700 years old!! Probably from France.
The Bible has, of course, always been the center of Christianity from the beginning, but as a book it was always in parts : to be read at certain times.
The priests and monks studied the Psalms, or the Gospels, or the Minor Prophets, for instance. In Paris the birth of the Bible as one book took place,
around 1200. There the Bible was put in a single volume, the order and names of the biblical books were standardized, and the text was checked for
accuracy. For the first time the text was divided up into numbered chapters. The name that is attached to this is Stephen Langton, he of the Magna
More important for us : the physical appearance of the book changed! The pages became very small, the scribes employed headings at the top of the
page and used blue and red initials to mark the beginning of each chapter. ( There was not yet a division into verses, this happened in the 16th
It is thought that the Franciscan and Dominican friars, when they travelled preaching through Europe, spread the use of the Bible in one volume, and
the Bibles were produced in such quantities that two centuries later they were still in use. ( For more on this subject see : A history of illuminated
manuscripts, by Christopher De Hamel, whose work was used for this information.)
The text is in two columns, 50 lines, with 2 initials with pen work in red and blue. The name of the book is in red and blue letters at the top of the
The text is from the last part of Matthew and the beginning of Mark. See the pretty initials M and I
(Lot number: 80301)
Anonymous, Peter Lombard’s Sententiarum ca. 1260, Italy, ca. 1260, 6.5 x 9 inches /16.5 x 22.8 cm, Very good,
some minor soiling from handling through the centuries., (Estimate: $110 - 275)
13th Century vellum leaf from Peter Lombard’s Sententiarum Libri Quator, produced in Italy. Lombard’s work was initially branded as heresy and
only later accepted by the Church.
(Lot number: 90359)
ANONYMOUS, French Bible Page ca 1280, Paris, ca 1280, 9.3 x 7 inches /23.5 x 17.8 cm, Very good, some age
staining to vellum., (Estimate: $180 - 250)
This is a 13th century bible page done in Paris, France.
There is a four line initial I in red with extenders on one side and a four line initial F with extenders on the other side.
(Lot number: 90370)
Anonymous, English Bible page ca. 1280, England, ca. 1280, 8.5 x 6 inches /21.6 x 15.2 cm, Good, age staining
to vellum with a hole and a small circular stain in the margin., (Estimate: $180 - 375)
This is a 13th century bible page done in England. There is a 15 line initial J in red with blue extenders and a 2 line initial A in red with blue
extenders on one side.
The other side has a 2 line initial H in red with blue extenders and a 2 line initial O in blue with red extenders.
(Lot number: 90371)
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Anonymous, The Golden Legend 1300's, circa 1300, 4.8 x 7.8 inches /12.1 x 19.7 cm, Worn, recovered from old
binding, (Estimate: $325 - 450)
Leaf on vellum from "The Legenda Aurea" of Jacobus de Voragine. From the Golden Legend concerning the lives of the Saints. Originally written
about 1260.
Only about 900 manuscripts of Jocobus de Voragine still exist.
This binding fragment is one of the earliest known. Written in a small hand in brown ink.
(Lot number: 90358)
ANONYMOUS, Manuscript leaf from a Book of Hours ca. 1360, Italy, ca. 1360, 7.2 x 4.8 inches /18.4 x 12.1 cm,
Good vellum age darkened., (Estimate: $180 - 375)
Manuscript leaf in Latin from a Book of Hours on vellum from Italy 14th century; written in a large Gothic hand with versal initials in red and blue
with contrasting penwork, marginal drawings added in the 17th century.
It is a litany of prayers. (Lot number: 90378)
Anonymous, Manuscript leaf from a Book of Hours., Italy, ca. 1325-1375, 4.8 x 7.2 inches /12.1 x 18.4 cm, Good
vellum age darkened, (Estimate: $180 - 375)
Manuscript leaf in Latin from a Book of Hours on vellum from Italy 14th century; written in a large Gothic hand with versal initials in red and blue
with contrasting penwork, marginal drawings added in the 17th century.
It is a litany of prayers.
(Lot number: 90357)
BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf on vellum from a manuscript Book of Hours., France, ca.1380, 4.7 x 3.5 inches /12 x
9 cm, A bit stained and the leaf is cutoff., (Estimate: $350 - 400)
Vellum leaf from an early French Book of Hours, the decoration is typical of the scriptoria of Northern France in the second half of the 14th century:
large initials in red, blue, white and burnished gold with the 'tails 'of triangular leaves in the same colours extending into the margins. See the dragon
at the top of the leaf.
(Lot number: 80303)
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Master painter’s workshop Swabia, Renaissance Panel Painting circa 1440, Swabia (Southwest Germany) circa
1440, 14.5 x 20 inches /36.8 x 50.8 cm, The panel needs professionally restoration to become a museum quality
piece. It is separated at the joints. Someone has attempted a repair to the paint., (Estimate: $4200 - 8000)
Renaissance Panel Painting - An original panel painting on wood circa 1440’s probably from the Swabia (Southwest Germany) region. The panel
appears to be from a Master painter’s studio with ornamental gold work in the Byzantine style.
The pattern is a textile design of gold brocade on silk. The fingers of the hand are in the Gothic style. The painting is egg tempura. Saint John the
Baptist holding the book and the lamb is on the left. Saint Andrew is on the right. The panel is separated at the joints.
On Saint Andrew’s image, someone has attempted a repair to the paint. Rare find, restoration can make this a museum piece. Sold as is. Extra
shipping costs apply due to its nature.
(Lot number: 90360)
Anonymous., Leaf on vellum from a manuscript Book of Hours., Paris ca. 1450, 6.7 x 4.6 inches /17 x 11.7 cm,
Very good condition, on vellum. Untrimmed i.e. original size. Wide margins., (Estimate: $360 - 400)
Leaf on heavy vellum from a Parisian book of hours.
Recto: 15 lines of text, written in dark brown ink, in different sizes of a neat Gothic book hand. One large 4-line initial "D" in blue and white, infilled
with white,blue and rosa vine leaves, heightened with burnished gold, another 2-line initial and four 1-line initials in colours and also heightened
with burnished gold.
Verso: 15 lines of text, and eight 1-line initials in colours and heightened with burnished gold.
Nice sparkling leaf with text devoted to the Holy Virgin. (Lot number: 90401)
BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf on vellum, from a manuscript book of hours., Flanders, 1450, 6.4 x 4.5 inches /16.3 x
11.5 cm, 19 lines of text in brown ink in Dutch. In very good condition., (Estimate: $260 - 350)
RECTO: Three 2-lines capitals.
VERSO: One 2-lines capital.
(Lot number: 24862)
BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf on vellum, from a manuscript book of hours., Flanders, 1450, 6.4 x 4.5 inches /16.3 x
11.5 cm, 19 lines of text in brown ink in Dutch. In very good condition., (Estimate: $260 - 350)
RECTO: A 5-lines capital "O" and a 1-line capital.
VERSO: 19 lines of text in brown ink.
(Lot number: 24863)
BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf on vellum from a manuscript Book of Hours., France, ca. 1450, 6.7 x 4.5 inches /17 x
11.5 cm, A bit spotted., (Estimate: $250 - 300)
A very nice vellum leaf of a French Book of Hours*, written around 1450 in Paris [or Rouen ?]. The first thing we observe is the elaborate pen work
decoration in red, blue, black and gold, especially around the initial.
*Book of Hours - A very popular type of text during the Middle Ages used for private devotions. It contains a calendar as well as psalms, prayers,
hymns and biblical readings for recitation during the eight canonical hours of the day, known as the Hours of the Virgin.<IMG
SRC="" BORDER=0 width="80" (Lot number: 80305)
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BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf on vellum from a manuscript Book of Hours., France, ca.1450, 6.1 x 4.3 inches /15.5
x 11 cm, Very good., (Estimate: $240 - 270)
A beautiful manuscript on vellum with a wonderful initial I on the verso and a border decoration with acanthus leaves in many colours, green leaves,
red flowers, etc. On the recto are some initials in red, blue, white and gold and two line fillers in the same colours. It is from a Book of Hours, written
in France [ Paris maybe ] on a very nice piece of vellum in a creamy colour.
The text is from the Office of the Dead.
(Lot number: 80306)
BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf on vellum from a manuscript Book of Hours., France, ca.1450, 7.3 x 5.5 inches /18.5
x 14 cm, It has an old repair of a small hole, could be original., (Estimate: $390 - 450)
Leaf on vellum from a French Book of Hours, written around 1450. The leaf has a panel border on the verso with pasted on gold leaves, flowers and
fruit in bright colours. The text is written in black ink. There is a large initials with a pretty painting of flowers inside on a gold back ground.
(Lot number: 80307)
BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf on vellum from a French manuscript Book of Hours., Rouen, ca. 1450, 5.9 x 4.3
inches /15 x 11 cm, A bit browned and stained., (Estimate: $155 - 180)
A beautiful vellum leaf from a French Book of Hours, written in the north, Rouen?
The decoration on the recto has ivy leaves with gold leaf and coloured flowers. There are many initials and linefillers in red, blue, white and gold,
there is a large initial P.
(Lot number: 80308)
BOOK OF HOURS, 2 Leaves of vellum, from a manuscript book of hours., France, 1440 - 1460, 5.6 x 4.3 inches
/14.2 x 11 cm, 14 Lines of text in Latin, written in dark brown ink, gothic lettering., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
RECTO: 1 two-line initial (letter S) in burnished gold, on blue grounds. One-sided illuminated borders of penwork with gold dots with multicoloured
flowers in left border.
VERSO: 14 Lines of text in Latin, written in dark brown ink, Gothic lettering.
Extra leaf with on both sides 14 lines of text.
(Lot number: 07614)
BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf on vellum from a manuscript Book of Hours., France, ca.1470, 5.9 x 4.5 inches /15 x
11.5 cm, A bit stained., (Estimate: $170 - 180)
Leaf on vellum from a French Book of Hours, written around 1470 in or near Rouen. The decoration on the recto has flowers and leaves in bright
colours and gold.
It is the fourth leaf of a calendar, April, with the names of the saints in red, blue and gold leaf. At the top are the letters KL.
(Lot number: 80299)
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BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf on vellum from a manuscript Book of Hours., France, ca.1470, 5.9 x 4.5 inches /15 x
11.5 cm, A bit stained., (Estimate: $170 - 180)
Leaf on vellum from a French Book of Hours, written around 1470 in or near Rouen. The decoration on the recto has flowers and leaves in bright
colours and gold.
It is the seventh leaf of a calendar, July, with the names of the saints in red, blue and gold leaf. At the top are the letters KL.
(Lot number: 80300)
BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf on vellum from a Dutch manuscript Book of Hours., Haarlem, ca.1470, 5 x 3.7 inches
/12.7 x 9.5 cm, Very good., (Estimate: $60 - 75)
The text is from the Book of Hours translated into Dutch, probably by Geert Grote, most Books of Hours were in Latin at that time, but Grote
thought that even lay men should be able to read religious books!!
The text is in black with the rubrics in red. (Lot number: 80304)
ANONYMOUS, Calendar leaf for June 1475, France, 1475, 6.5 x 4.8 inches /16.5 x 12.1 cm, Very good, some
age stains., (Estimate: $180 - 275)
Calendar leaf from a Book of Hours for the month of June Latin text in brown ink in letter batarde script with red ruling. There are several initials in
gold leaf on a ground of red and blue with white tracery.
(Lot number: 90379)
BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf on vellum from a French manuscript Book of Hours., Paris, 1570, 6.3 x 4.3 inches /16
x 11 cm, Very good., (Estimate: $180 - 240)
A wonderful vellum leaf from a Book of Hours, written in Paris, around 1570. The scribe used dark brown ink and wrote in a fine rounded roman
hand. The initials are in bright colours and liquid gold: the large one has a very pretty painting of flowers and leaves with white heightening on a
liquid gold panel. The line fillers are also well executed and all different!, both sides are within a gold ruled frame.
(Lot number: 80302)
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ANONYMOUS, Book of Hours leaf, France, late fifteenth century, 5.7 x 3.7 inches /14.6 x 9.5 cm, Good, some
age soiling to vellum., (Estimate: $75 - 125)
18 lines of text in Latin, with 4 one line initials and 1 two line initial, then 5 one line initials with line fillers.
(Lot number: 90373)
Anonymous, The Homilies 13th Century, Italy 13th Century, 5.7 x 0 inches /14.5 x 0 cm, very good, (Estimate:
$90 - 175)
13th Century vellum leaf by Pope Gregory (Gregory the Great, Pope 590 – 604) the Homilies (Biblical commentaries) produced in Italy.
Gothic script, capitals touched in red.
(Lot number: 90353)
Music / Antiphoner
ANTIPHONAL, Leaf on vellum from an antiphonal., ca.1480, 16.1 x 11.8 inches /41 x 30 cm, A bit stained.,
(Estimate: $330 - 350)
Lovely leaf of fine vellum containing four-line music. The recto is decorated with two and the verso with one large initial executed in a very unusual
red and blue pen work.
(Lot number: 80262)
Antiphonal Leaves on Vellum, Two Consecutive Vellum Music Leaves with Gold Initials, Spain or Italy, ca.
1650, 19.7 x 15 inches /50 x 38 cm, Fine., (Estimate: $360 - 400)
Two large consecutive pages of an antiphoner, on vellum, with the initials filled in with gold leaf. Width and height is per leaf.
(Lot number: 90336)
Anonymous, Swiss Gradual Leaf, Switzerland, ca. 1750, 4 x 6.3 inches /10.2 x 15.9 cm, Good, (Estimate: $120 225)
A small but attractive music page hand written in Switzerland in the 1700’s with a large opening initial.
(Lot number: 90364)
Printed Leaves
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Ottaviano Scoto, Bible leaf Jeremiah 1480, Venice, 1480, 8.5 x 6 inches /21.6 x 15.2 cm, Good with age toning to
paper and stains in the margins., (Estimate: $35 - 75)
Bible leaf from Jeremiah printed in 1480 by Ottaviano Scoto in Venice. Double columned text in Latin with three letters in red and blue.
Ottaviano Scoto headed a family of Venetian printers. His press in Venice operated from 1479 to 1484.
(Lot number: 90376)
Angelus De Clavasio, Summa Angelica de Casibus Conscientiae 1486, Chivasso, 1486, 8.7 x 6 inches /22.2 x
15.2 cm, Good, with age toning to paper stained on theourto margins, (Estimate: $35 - 75)
Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae., Jacobinus Suigus, A leaf from the only book printed in in the 15th century in Chivasso (a fortified city in
Ink in red and black.
(Lot number: 90375)
George Husner, Bible page Cantica 1490, Strassburg, 1490, 11.3 x 8 inches /28.6 x 20.3 cm, Good there is some
folding and crinkling of paper at the edges, (Estimate: $90 - 175)
An Incunabula page printed by George Husner in Strasburg, Germany.
(Lot number: 90369)
MISSAL, Leaf on vellum from a French missal., Paris, ca.1500, 10.8 x 7.3 inches /27.5 x 18.5 cm, The lower
part of the verso is stained and rubbed., (Estimate: $1500 - 1800)
Vellum leaf from a French, very probably Parisian, missal with a woodcut on both sides: on the recto the Crucifixion with Jerusalem in the
background. Standing near the cross are Mary and John, both weeping. Above the cross the initials I.N.R.I. [ = Jesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum ,
Jesus from Nazareth, King of the Jews.] Next to this the sun and the moon.
The whole picture within an architectural border.
The verso shows God the Father, sitting on a throne and surrounded by angels. In the corners are the symbols of the four evangelists : the eagle for
John, the angel for Matthew, the lion for Mark and the ox for Luke.
(Lot number: 80161)
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BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf on vellum from a printed Book of Hours., Paris, ca. 1500, 6.7 x 4.3 inches /17 x 11 cm,
A bit smudged., (Estimate: $300 - 350)
Book of Hours leaf, printed by Thielman Kerver* in 1507. It is printed on vellum in black and red with many initials hand painted in red, blue and
Next to the text on the recto are two metal cuts, depicting scenes from the Dance Macabre, a popular subject of the medieval artists!
The rest of the border is ornamental.
On the verso is full page picture of Virgin as the Queen of Heaven, surrounded by adoring admirers and with a Book of Hours in her lap!
*The firm of Thielman Kerver is best known for its lovely printed Books of Hours, many of which include hand-painted miniatures and initial letters.
Thielman Kerver, who was one of France’s most prolific printers of such books, began printing Books of Hours in 1497, and continued until his
death in 1522. At this time, his widow, Iolande Bonhomme, took over the firm, and continued to produce liturgical books of different types until
Brunet notes that even though Kerver printed many different Books of Hours, his work is less common than that of his colleagues, Simon Vostre and
the Hardouins. Brunet suspects that is because fewer copies on vellum were printed, and paper copies were destroyed. This may also account for the
rarity of the present leaf.
(Lot number: 80297)
BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf on vellum from a printed Book of Hours., Paris, ca. 1500, 6.7 x 4.3 inches /17 x 11 cm,
Very good., (Estimate: $100 - 110)
Book of Hours leaf, printed by Thielman Kerver* in 1507. It is printed on vellum in black and red with many initials hand painted in red, blue and
Around the text are many metal cuts depicting scenes from the Old and New Testament with the captions in red [ these pictures explained the relation
between the Old Testament and the Life of Christ ], the rest of the borders is ornamental.
*The firm of Thielman Kerver is best known for its lovely printed Books of Hours, many of which include hand-painted miniatures and initial letters.
Thielman Kerver, who was one of France’s most prolific printers of such books, began printing Books of Hours in 1497, and continued until his
death in 1522. At this time, his widow, Iolande Bonhomme, took over the firm, and continued to produce liturgical books of different types until
1556. Brunet notes that even though Kerver printed many different Books of Hours, his work is less common than that of his colleagues, Simon
Vostre and the Hardouins. Brunet suspects that is because fewer copies on vellum were printed, and paper copies were destroyed. This may also
account for the rarity of the present leaf.
(Lot number: 80298)
VERARD,A., Leaf with miniature from a printed book of hours, on vellum., Paris, 1506, 8.3 x 5.5 inches /21 x 14
cm, Small hand-painted miniature in very bright colouring (gouache technique, heightened with liquid gold)
showing Christ in Majesty., (Estimate: $450 - 550)
RECTO: Hand-painted miniature in very bright colouring (gouache technique, heightened with liquid gold) showing Christ in Majesty . Christ
blessing and holding the orb, size of miniature 22 x 24 mm. 28 lines of text in Latin and French, surrounded by metal-cuts showing gothic and
renaissance scenes. Capitals painted in red or blue, heightened with liquid gold.VERSO: 28 lines of text, surrounded by borders of metal-cuts,
showing scenes from the old and new testament
All within a fine renaissance frame.
Very fine condition. From a book of hours by Antoine Verard, Paris , 18 Sept. 1506.
Superb vellum leaf from this transitional period - combining printed text, metal-cut illustration, and hand illumination.
(Lot number: 24883)
Higman done for Vestre, Horae use of Rome 1507, Rome, 1507, 7 x 4.5 inches /17.7 x 11.4 cm, Good with paper
missing from bottom margin, (Estimate: $125 - 275)
Book of Hours (Horae use of Rome) printed page circa 1507, Higman done for Vestre with hand colored engravings, borders in gold and other
colors. The type is Gothic in red and black with historiated .
(Lot number: 90377)
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Higman done for Vestre, Horae use of Rome 1507, Rome, 1507, 4.5 x 7 inches /11.4 x 17.7 cm, Good, (Estimate:
$110 - 200)
Book of Hours (Horae use of Rome) rare printed page circa 1507, Higman done for Vestre with hand colored engravings, borders in gold and other
The type is Gothic in red and black with historiated border.
(Lot number: 90352)
BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf from a printed Book of Hours on vellum., Paris ca. 1518, 7.3 x 4.5 inches /18.5 x 11.5
cm, Very good., (Estimate: $400 - 450)
A wonderful leaf from a Book of Hours printed on vellum by Gilles Hardouyn for Germain Hardouyn ‘librayre demourant entre les deux portes du
Palays en l’enseigne saincte marguerite’, ‘bookseller living between the two gates of the Palace at the sign of saint marguerite’, Paris around 1518.
All initials are highlighted by hand in red, blue and liquid gold.
On this leaf, on the verso, is a splendid painting of a King, probably David who is often associated with the Penitential Psalms. This painting is
extraordinary in its form: a rectangle along the whole page.
(Lot number: 80198)
BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf from a printed Book of Hours on vellum., Paris ca. 1518, 7.3 x 4.5 inches /18.5 x 11.5
cm, Very good., (Estimate: $400 - 450)
A wonderful leaf from a Book of Hours printed on vellum by Gilles Hardouyn for Germain Hardouyn ‘librayre demourant entre les deux portes du
Palays en l’enseigne saincte marguerite’, ‘bookseller living between the two gates of the Palace at the sign of saint marguerite’, Paris around 1518.
A few initials are highlighted by hand in red, blue and liquid gold.
The text is from the beginning of the book in the gospel readings, John and Luke. On the recto is a tall picture of John blessing the cup of wine, and
on the verso is a smaller one of Luke writing the gospel. These miniatures are painted by hand, where as the text in printed from metal type.
(Lot number: 80199)
BOOK OF HOURS, Leaf from a printed Book of Hours on vellum., Paris, ca. 1518, 7.3 x 4.5 inches /18.5 x 11.5
cm, Very good., (Estimate: $70 - 80)
A wonderful leaf from a Book of Hours printed on vellum by Gilles Hardouyn for Germain Hardouyn ‘librayre demourant entre les deux portes du
Palays en l’enseigne saincte marguerite’, ‘bookseller living between the two gates of the Palace at the sign of saint marguerite’, Paris around 1518.
All initials are highlighted by hand in red, blue and liquid gold.
(Lot number: 80309)
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HARDOUYN, Calendar Leaf for Jan. Feb. March, April 1520, Paris, 1520, 6.5 x 4.3 inches /16.5 x 10.8 cm,
Good, vellum has staining, (Estimate: $75 - 150)
Germain Hardouyn, with his brother Gilles, published editions of the Book of Hours during the Renaissance in France. They published only about
1,000 copies for each edition. The brothers specialized in luxury editions on vellum using hand painted illumination. Because Paris was a stronghold
of the trade in manuscripts, the Hardouyns used the art of the illuminator to make his books as beautiful as a scribe’s work. The main block of text
was printed on vellum with spaces left for the scribe and illuminator to finish by hand. The materials used were vellum (made from animal skin),
gold in a liquid suspension (thus the term illuminated or from metal) and ground lapis lazuli (used to produce the bright blues still vibrant 500 years
later). Like other publishers, Germain participated in all aspects of the book trade, as printer, gilder, illuminator, publisher, and bookseller.
(Lot number: 90374)
Winken de Worde, The Golden Legend (in English) circa 1527, England circa 1527, 11 x 7.5 inches /27.9 x 19.1
cm, Very good some age tone to paper, (Estimate: $180 - 275)
The Golden Legend - the Lives of the Saints, was originally written about 1260 in Latin. This page is in English and printed circa 1527.
It is The Life of Saint Andrew.
(Lot number: 90355)
Petrum Rebuffi, Canon Law Leaf 1591, Venice, 1591, 9.5 x 7 inches /24.1 x 17.8 cm, Good on age colored paper
small stain at bottom, (Estimate: $90 - 150)
A 1591 Canon Law leaf from the Legum Digesti Noui (New Legal Digest) with commentary on the Canon Law compiled by Roman Emperor 591
Justinian I in 534 edited by Renaissance Canon Law Expert Petrum Rebuffi from Venice in 1591.
(Lot number: 90366)
ANONYMOUS, Russian Apocalypse, Russia, ca. 1750, 7.5 x 12.5 inches /19 x 31.7 cm, Good, some age staining
outside edge, not effecting image. Red paint scraped, (Estimate: $600 - 900)
Judgment leaf from a Russian illustrated Apocalypse on paper. It illustrates part of Revelation 9:13-19. "and the sixth angel sounded the trumpet" ...
and heard a voice from the four horns of the golden alter ... before the eyes of God (on the throne), saying ... loose the four angels (there are only
three here) who were bound in the Euphrates ... and by these three plagues were killed the third of men (flames at bottom refer to this).
The army is not shown in the image, the leaf is an illustration of the text. ¤ (Lot number: 90350)
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Anonymous, Saints page from Book of Hours, Unknown, 9.3 x 7.2 inches /23.5 x 18.4 cm, Good, paper age toned
with small hole in center, (Estimate: $30 - 50)
Saints page from a Book of Hours Latin text in Black and red ink
(Lot number: 90365)
ANONYMOUS, Calendar page September/ October, France, unknown, 11.7 x 8 inches /29.8 x 20.3 cm, Good,
paper wrinkled at edges small stain at bottom, (Estimate: $35 - 75)
Calendar leaf from a Book of Hours for the month of September and October Latin text in Black and red ink (Lot number: 90402)
Nuremberg Chronicle
SCHEDEL, H., Terta etas mundi CXCVIII - Page from: Liber chronicarum Nuremberg., Nuremberg, 12 July
1493, 15 x 8.8 inches /38 x 22.3 cm, With woodcut illustrations on both sides., (Estimate: $100 - 130)
A very fine page from this monumental work, the most famous and richest illustrated Incunabula. The remarkable woodcuts are the work of Michel
Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff.
The woodcut lower left is of particular interest as the person illustrated is holding a book and his eye-glasses. Must be one of the earliest depiction
of a pair of glasses. On verso five bishops, one of them holding a globe.
(Lot number: 06147)
Prints <I>(more)</I>
DE CLERCK, N., Paulus III. Pontifex Maximus Farnesius Sedit Annos 15 Dies 28., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned.
Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of the Pope "Paulus III", signed lower right corner N. de Cleck". Nicolaes de Clerck (de klerc) was
active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der
Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de
monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24294)
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DE CLERCK, N., Clemens VII. Pontifex Maximus Florentinus Sedit Annos 10 Menses 10., Amsterdam,
Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page
slightly age-toned. Marginal spots in the upper & left border. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of the Pope "Clemens VII", signed lower right corner N. de Cleck". Nicolaes de Clerck (de klerc)
was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge
der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de
monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24295)
DE CLERCK, N., Leo X. Pontifex Maximus Florentinus Sedit Annos 8 Menses 8. / Paulus Quartus
Neapolitanus Pontifex Maximus.., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate
engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned. Minor marginal spots in the upper border. Slight
shine through of the portrait on the verso. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 - 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of the Pope "Leo X", signed lower right corner N. de Cleck".On verso a half length oval portrait of
"Paulus Quartus Neapolitanus Pontifex Maximus".
Nicolaes de Clerck (de klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.
Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen
Aerdbodems… which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24296)
DE CLERCK, N., Adrians VI. Pontifex Maximus Ultraiectinus Vixit Annos 64 1/2., Amsterdam, Cloppenburch,
1621, 7.1 x 4.7 inches /18 x 12 cm, Copperplate engraving on text leaf with letterpress. Page slightly age-toned
and mainly marginal tumbling . Small brown spot affecting the title. Size of paper : 31x 19cm., (Estimate: $12 15)
The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of the Pope "Adrians VI", signed lower right corner N. de Cleck". Nicolaes de Clerck (de klerc)
was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Included in the rare book : Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge
der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendommen des gantsen Aerdbodems which was a Dutch translation of "Les estats, empires et principautez de
monde" by Pierre Davity. (Lot number: 24298)
CURTIS,W., Flower (Plate 83)., London, 1821, 7.9 x 4.7 inches /20 x 12 cm, Finely engraved copper plate. Very
good condition., (Estimate: $35 - 50)
Plate from William Curtis (1746-1799) The Botanical Magazine. The publication began in February 1787 and was immediately successful, and the
early volumes were quickly sold-out. On the death of William Curtis, the periodical was briefly conducted by his brother Thomas Curtis. William's
son-in-law Samuel Curtis became proprietor from 1801-1845, when the copyright was transferred to Messrs. Lovell and Reeve.
Most of the early plates were from drawings by Sydenham Edwards, engraved by F.Sansom and the colouring by William Graves. (Lot number:
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Natural history
L'ADMIRAL,J., [Insects], Amsterdam, 1774, 6.9 x 9.3 inches /17.5 x 23.5 cm, Contemp. and varnished hand
colouring. Very good condition., (Estimate: $40 - 50)
Decorative plate from Naauwkeurige waarneemingen omtrent de veranderingen van veele insekten of gekorvene diertjes. Engraved by Ludwig
Schmidt after Jablonsky. Printed by J. Sluyter. (Lot number: 09189)
L'ADMIRAL,J., [Insects], Amsterdam, 1774, 6.9 x 9.3 inches /17.5 x 23.5 cm, Contemp. and varnished hand
colouring. Very good condition., (Estimate: $30 - 40)
Decorative plate from Naauwkeurige waarneemingen omtrent de veranderingen van veele insekten of gekorvene diertjes. Engraved by Ludwig
Schmidt after Jablonsky. Printed by J. Sluyter. (Lot number: 09188)
L'ADMIRAL,J., [Insects], Amsterdam, 1774, 6.9 x 9.1 inches /17.5 x 23 cm, Contemp. and varnished hand
colouring. Very good condition., (Estimate: $35 - 40)
Decorative plate from Naauwkeurige waarneemingen omtrent de veranderingen van veele insekten of gekorvene diertjes. Engraved by Ludwig
Schmidt after Jablonsky. Printed by J. Sluyter. (Lot number: 09187)
DE SÈVE, After Jacques (active 1742-1788), Le Basset A Jambes Torses., Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1749-1783,
7.7 x 6.1 inches /19.5 x 15.6 cm, Cut till plate mark and contemporarily laid down on a larger sheet of paper.
Good condition, (Estimate: $60 - 80)
A charming plate from "Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière," Georges Louis Marie Leclerc, comte de Buffon's magnum opus and "the most
celebrated treatise on animals ever produced" (Dibner).
Comprised of a total of 44 volumes, the encyclopedic Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière revolutionized the study of natural history and
was instrumental in both popularizing and elevating the field to the status of a serious discipline. With its comprehensive descriptions, exhaustive
theories on botany, geography, zoology, and geology, and innovative approach to topics such as species classification and evolution, Buffon's
publication was regarded as the seminal work on natural science. Issued in numerous successive editions in multiple languages, Histoire
Naturelle was an overwhelming success that "rivaled Diderot's Encyclopedia in prestige and circulation, and ranks with that Enlightenment
classic as an apotheosis of an age which sought to set down and explain everything" (Kestner, p.122). The publication of this monumental work
established Buffon's reputation as the chief authority on natural history and as one of the most prominent figures of the Enlightenment.
Jacques de Sève was a prolific artist, who contributed illustrations to Buffon's Receuil de Vingtquatre Plantes et Fleurs (1772) and completed
plates and vignettes for the works of Duhamel du Monceau, Perrault and others. His son, Jacques Eustache also worked as an artist and
engraver. (Lot number: 23380)
LEVAILLANT, F., L'Ara Militaire. Pl. 4., Paris, 1801, 17.7 x 13.6 inches /44.9 x 34.6 cm, Slight age toning of
the paper. Some light foxing., (Estimate: $350 - 450)
Superb representation of a parrot belonging to the species of the Military Macaw (Ara militaris) which occupies a massive but fragmented range from
Mexico to Argentina.
From Histoire naturelle d'une partie d'oiseaux nouveaux et rares de l'Amérique et des Indes : ouvrage destiné par l'auteur à faire partie de son
ornithologie d'Afrique. (Lot number: 23304)
HOMANN,J.B., Neue Tafel vor alle Liebhabers und See-fahrende.., Nuremberg, 1730, 18.9 x 22 inches /48 x 56
cm, In good condition., (Estimate: $1800 - 2000)
Large sheet with construction and rigging detail of a three-masted 96 gun man-o-war.
The rendering provides great detail of the ship's equipment, construction, rigging, etc. The main part of the engraving is composed of engraved
views. The first is a large and extraordinarily detailed cutaway showing all five decks.
Above this is another showing the ship at anchor and explaining the rigging in great detail. Tables keyed to these drawings name and locate over 170
lines, pieces of equipment, and locations on the ship! Plus two detailed vignettes of the bow show a masthead as a Lion. Table of detailed
specifications gives further detail on ship's size, capacity, crew, etc.
All surrounded by 17 smaller vignettes showing cross-section views, ribbing and planking details, compass and astrolabe detail, dry docks, etc. You
could construct your own model from these drawings.
Beautiful 32-point compass rose at lower right. (Lot number: 80350)
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HOMANN,J.B., Flaggen aller seefahrenden potenzen und nationen.., Nuremberg 1750, 19 x 22.6 inches /48.3 x
57.5 cm, Very good condition., (Estimate: $600 - 800)
A highly decorative and beautiful chart with 140 flags of the sea-faring nations of the world. (Lot number: 24976)
MONDHARE, Les differents pavillons ou bannieres que la pluspart des nations arborent sur mer., Paris, 1787,
17.8 x 26 inches /45.3 x 66 cm, Paper slightly age-toned and very lightly spotted. Several folds as issued. Small
burn hole re-inforced., (Estimate: $360 - 450)
Uncommon print showing 152 flags and banners of the sea-faring nations and town states of the world, including the Dutch trading companies of
V.O.C., W.I.C. ¤ (Lot number: 24708)
SINCLAIR,T., A Chart of National Flags. Published by Henry Bill. New York., Philadelphia, ca 1850, 17.8 x
21.4 inches /45.3 x 54.3 cm, Paper slightly browned. Several folds as issued. Bottom margin frayed. Professional
repair of tear in the upper right part, 10 cm into the image., (Estimate: $240 - 300)
Lithograph by Thomas Sinclair, showing 105 flags, mostly national flags and a few merchant and pilot's flags.
In the 1850s Italy was being created from several kingdoms, states and cities, many of their flags are shown. Similarly, in the early 1800s German
states formed the Germanic Confederation. The German Empire was created at the close of the Franco-Prussian war in 1871. Thus, several flags of
German states and cities are shown.
The flag of the Ionian Republic has the Union Jack in the upper left and a winged lion in the field. The Ionian Islands were a British protectorate
during 1815 to 1864. ¤ (Lot number: 24813)
Old Master
PIRANESI,G.B., Veduta del Castello dell'Acqua Felice presso le Terme Diocleziane., First Paris edition,
1800–1807, 15.8 x 27.1 inches /40.2 x 68.8 cm, Good and dark impression. Fine: No chips or tears. Large
margins., (Estimate: $1500 - 2000)
Fine early imprint and signed in the plate in lower right corner : Piranesi F. In the center Presso l'Autore.Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778)
was an Italian etcher, draughtsman and architect. He was born in Venice on the 4th October 1720. In 1740 Piranesi left Venice for Rome and
started to draw Roman architecture. He studied etching under Giuseppe Vasi.
With the help of Giuseppe Wagner, a successful engraver and publisher of Venice, he returned to Rome, where he had a workshop on the Corso.
Most of his life was passed in Rome, etching, writing, publishing, and directing a workshop in which the restoration and sale of antiques played a
considerable part.
Although perhaps Piranesi’s most discussed etchings are those of his visionary Prison series (Carceri), his Views of Rome (Vedute di Roma),
produced as single prints between 1748 and 1778, are his best-known mature works. Comprising 135 large-scale etchings of the buildings of
classical and post-classical Rome, these images contributed considerably to the city’s fame and to the rise of Neoclassicism in art, architecture,
and interior design in the second half of the eighteenth century. Piranesi’s unparalleled accuracy of depiction, his personal expression of the
structures’ noble simplicity and calm grandeur (in the words of the art historian Johann J. Winckelmann), and his technical mastery made these
prints some of the most original and impressive representations of architecture to be found in Western art.
The present print appears to be from the Paris edition of 1800–1807.
Following Piranesi’s death in 1778, his children carried on his publications in Rome until 1798. Two years later, the artist’s sons moved to Paris,
taking with them their father’s original copper plates and from their new location reissuing his prints until 1839 when the Camera Apostolica
bought the plates.
A strong and desirable impression from his most important architectural series. (Lot number: 23099)
PIRANESI,G.B., Veduta del Tempio di Cibele a Piazza della Bocca della Verita., First Paris edition, 1800–1807,
15.4 x 23.2 inches /39 x 59 cm, Good and dark impression. Fine: No chips or tears. Large margins., (Estimate:
$1500 - 2000)
Fine early imprint and signed in the plate in lower right corner : Piranesi Archit.dis. ed incise. In the center Presso l'Autore a Strada Felice vicino
alla Trinita de Monti.Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) was an Italian etcher, draughtsman and architect. He was born in Venice on the
4th October 1720. In 1740 Piranesi left Venice for Rome and started to draw Roman architecture. He studied etching under Giuseppe Vasi.
With the help of Giuseppe Wagner, a successful engraver and publisher of Venice, he returned to Rome, where he had a workshop on the Corso.
Most of his life was passed in Rome, etching, writing, publishing, and directing a workshop in which the restoration and sale of antiques played a
considerable part.
Although perhaps Piranesi’s most discussed etchings are those of his visionary Prison series (Carceri), his Views of Rome (Vedute di Roma),
produced as single prints between 1748 and 1778, are his best-known mature works. Comprising 135 large-scale etchings of the buildings of
classical and post-classical Rome, these images contributed considerably to the city’s fame and to the rise of Neoclassicism in art, architecture,
and interior design in the second half of the eighteenth century. Piranesi’s unparalleled accuracy of depiction, his personal expression of the
structures’ noble simplicity and calm grandeur (in the words of the art historian Johann J. Winckelmann), and his technical mastery made these
prints some of the most original and impressive representations of architecture to be found in Western art.
The present print appears to be from the Paris edition of 1800–1807.
Following Piranesi’s death in 1778, his children carried on his publications in Rome until 1798. Two years later, the artist’s sons moved to Paris,
taking with them their father’s original copper plates and from their new location reissuing his prints until 1839 when the Camera Apostolica
bought the plates.
A strong and desirable impression from his most important architectural series. (Lot number: 23100)
PIRANESI,G.B., Veduta della Dogana di Terra a Piazza di Pietra., First Paris edition, 1800–1807, 15.8 x 27.1
inches /40.2 x 68.8 cm, Good and dark impression. Fine: No chips or tears. Large margins., (Estimate: $1500 2000)
Fine early imprint. Underneath the imprint of the engraving a second plate is printed with title and a numbered key, signed in this plate in the right
corner : Piranesi Archittetto fec.. In lower bottom Presso l'Autore a Strada Felice nel palazzo Tomatti vicino alla Trinita de Monti.Giovanni
Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) was an Italian etcher, draughtsman and architect. He was born in Venice on the 4th October 1720. In 1740
Piranesi left Venice for Rome and started to draw Roman architecture. He studied etching under Giuseppe Vasi.
With the help of Giuseppe Wagner, a successful engraver and publisher of Venice, he returned to Rome, where he had a workshop on the Corso.
Most of his life was passed in Rome, etching, writing, publishing, and directing a workshop in which the restoration and sale of antiques played a
considerable part.
Although perhaps Piranesi’s most discussed etchings are those of his visionary Prison series (Carceri), his Views of Rome (Vedute di Roma),
produced as single prints between 1748 and 1778, are his best-known mature works. Comprising 135 large-scale etchings of the buildings of
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classical and post-classical Rome, these images contributed considerably to the city’s fame and to the rise of Neoclassicism in art, architecture,
and interior design in the second half of the eighteenth century. Piranesi’s unparalleled accuracy of depiction, his personal expression of the
structures’ noble simplicity and calm grandeur (in the words of the art historian Johann J. Winckelmann), and his technical mastery made these
prints some of the most original and impressive representations of architecture to be found in Western art.
The present print appears to be from the Paris edition of 1800–1807.
Following Piranesi’s death in 1778, his children carried on his publications in Rome until 1798. Two years later, the artist’s sons moved to Paris,
taking with them their father’s original copper plates and from their new location reissuing his prints until 1839 when the Camera Apostolica
bought the plates.
A strong and desirable impression from his most important architectural series. (Lot number: 23101)
PIRANESI,G.B., Veduta del Mausoleo d'Elio Adriano (ora chiamato Castello S.Angelo) nella parte opposta alla
Facciata dentro al Castello., First Paris edition, 1800–1807, 17.1 x 22 inches /43.5 x 56 cm, Good and dark
impression. Fine: No chips or tears. Large margins., (Estimate: $1500 - 2000)
Fine early imprint and signed in the plate in lower right corner : Piranesi Archit.dis. ed inc.. In the center Presso l'Autore a Strada Felice vicino
alla Trinità de'Monti.Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) was an Italian etcher, draughtsman and architect. He was born in Venice on the
4th October 1720. In 1740 Piranesi left Venice for Rome and started to draw Roman architecture. He studied etching under Giuseppe Vasi.
With the help of Giuseppe Wagner, a successful engraver and publisher of Venice, he returned to Rome, where he had a workshop on the Corso.
Most of his life was passed in Rome, etching, writing, publishing, and directing a workshop in which the restoration and sale of antiques played a
considerable part.
Although perhaps Piranesi’s most discussed etchings are those of his visionary Prison series (Carceri), his Views of Rome (Vedute di Roma),
produced as single prints between 1748 and 1778, are his best-known mature works. Comprising 135 large-scale etchings of the buildings of
classical and post-classical Rome, these images contributed considerably to the city’s fame and to the rise of Neoclassicism in art, architecture,
and interior design in the second half of the eighteenth century. Piranesi’s unparalleled accuracy of depiction, his personal expression of the
structures’ noble simplicity and calm grandeur (in the words of the art historian Johann J. Winckelmann), and his technical mastery made these
prints some of the most original and impressive representations of architecture to be found in Western art.
The present print appears to be from the Paris edition of 1800–1807.
Following Piranesi’s death in 1778, his children carried on his publications in Rome until 1798. Two years later, the artist’s sons moved to Paris,
taking with them their father’s original copper plates and from their new location reissuing his prints until 1839 when the Camera Apostolica
bought the plates.
A strong and desirable impression from his most important architectural series. (Lot number: 23102)
PIRANESI,G.B., Veduta della Facciata della Basilica di S.Crioce in Gerusalemme., First Paris edition,
1800–1807, 15.7 x 24.1 inches /40 x 61.2 cm, Good and dark impression. Fine: No chips or tears. Large
margins., (Estimate: $1500 - 2000)
Fine early imprint and signed in the plate in lower right corner : Giovan Battista Piranesi Architetto dis., ed inc.. Just underneath the illustration
Presso l'Autore a Strada Felice nel Palazzo Tomati vicino alla Trinita de'monti.Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) was an Italian etcher,
draughtsman and architect. He was born in Venice on the 4th October 1720. In 1740 Piranesi left Venice for Rome and started to draw Roman
architecture. He studied etching under Giuseppe Vasi.
With the help of Giuseppe Wagner, a successful engraver and publisher of Venice, he returned to Rome, where he had a workshop on the Corso.
Most of his life was passed in Rome, etching, writing, publishing, and directing a workshop in which the restoration and sale of antiques played a
considerable part.
Although perhaps Piranesi’s most discussed etchings are those of his visionary Prison series (Carceri), his Views of Rome (Vedute di Roma),
produced as single prints between 1748 and 1778, are his best-known mature works. Comprising 135 large-scale etchings of the buildings of
classical and post-classical Rome, these images contributed considerably to the city’s fame and to the rise of Neoclassicism in art, architecture,
and interior design in the second half of the eighteenth century. Piranesi’s unparalleled accuracy of depiction, his personal expression of the
structures’ noble simplicity and calm grandeur (in the words of the art historian Johann J. Winckelmann), and his technical mastery made these
prints some of the most original and impressive representations of architecture to be found in Western art.
The present print appears to be from the Paris edition of 1800–1807.
Following Piranesi’s death in 1778, his children carried on his publications in Rome until 1798. Two years later, the artist’s sons moved to Paris,
taking with them their father’s original copper plates and from their new location reissuing his prints until 1839 when the Camera Apostolica
bought the plates.
A strong and desirable impression from his most important architectural series. (Lot number: 23103)
PIRANESI,G.B., Veduta del Palazzo Farnese., First Paris edition, 1800–1807, 16.1 x 25.9 inches /41 x 65.8 cm,
Good and dark impression. Fine: No chips or tears. Large margins., (Estimate: $1500 - 2000)
Fine early imprint and signed in the plate in lower left corner : Cavalier Piranesi F.Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) was an Italian etcher,
draughtsman and architect. He was born in Venice on the 4th October 1720. In 1740 Piranesi left Venice for Rome and started to draw Roman
architecture. He studied etching under Giuseppe Vasi.
With the help of Giuseppe Wagner, a successful engraver and publisher of Venice, he returned to Rome, where he had a workshop on the Corso.
Most of his life was passed in Rome, etching, writing, publishing, and directing a workshop in which the restoration and sale of antiques played a
considerable part.
Although perhaps Piranesi’s most discussed etchings are those of his visionary Prison series (Carceri), his Views of Rome (Vedute di Roma),
produced as single prints between 1748 and 1778, are his best-known mature works. Comprising 135 large-scale etchings of the buildings of
classical and post-classical Rome, these images contributed considerably to the city’s fame and to the rise of Neoclassicism in art, architecture,
and interior design in the second half of the eighteenth century. Piranesi’s unparalleled accuracy of depiction, his personal expression of the
structures’ noble simplicity and calm grandeur (in the words of the art historian Johann J. Winckelmann), and his technical mastery made these
prints some of the most original and impressive representations of architecture to be found in Western art.
The present print appears to be from the Paris edition of 1800–1807.
Following Piranesi’s death in 1778, his children carried on his publications in Rome until 1798. Two years later, the artist’s sons moved to Paris,
taking with them their father’s original copper plates and from their new location reissuing his prints until 1839 when the Camera Apostolica
bought the plates.
A strong and desirable impression from his most important architectural series. (Lot number: 23105)
BASSET, Introduction a la géographie carte des diverses positions de la sphere.., Paris, 1750, 19.8 x 28.4 inches
/50.3 x 72.2 cm, Good and dark impression on sound paper. Good margins. Very good condition., (Estimate:
$1200 - 1400)
A charming and large print showing a terrestrial, celestial and an armillary globe with smaller circular diagrams illustrating the theories of Ptolemy,
Copernicus, Brahe and Descartes. (Lot number: 23352)
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Delamarche, C.F./ D. Robert de Vaugondy., TABLEAU ANALYTIQUE des différentes positions de la Sphère,
des diff'rents systèmes, des révolutions et des distances des Planètes, &c., Paris, 1804, 19.3 x 24.4 inches /49 x 62
cm, excellent cond., (Estimate: $480 - 500)
Charles François Delamarche (1740-1817), Paris-based geographer and publisher, successor to Didier Robert de Vaugondy after his death in 1786.
Attractive print with a celestial and a terrestial globe, two spheres demonstrating the celestial systems of Ptolemy and Copernicus and several other
diagram explaining the phases of the moon, the eclipses of the sun and the moon etc. (Lot number: 17613)
L. N et K ,, Sphere Terrestre [Globe], Paris, c. 1914, 4.9 x 2.8 inches /12.5 x 7 cm, The gores of the globe are not
all perfectly aligned. No pieces missing, (Estimate: $400 - 450)
This charming miniature globe formed part of a writing-kit which was produced in the early 1900 in Paris. The globe, showing navigation routes and
railway lines, is labeled ‘Sphere Terrestre / L. N et K / Editeurs / Paris’. The globe was made between 1914 and 1924 as St. Petersburg is identified
as ‘Petrograd’.
The gores of the globe are not all perfectly aligned. (Lot number: 90348)
Stocks and Bonds
Tho. Bayly, Loan Document, England 1727, 7.2 x 12 inches /18.4 x 30.5 cm, Very good, (Estimate: $120 - 225)
English loan document from 1727 with seal and eight pence stamp (Lot number: 90351)
VOC &Trading companies
Schley, J. van., I. Pierre Both - Ier. Gouverneur General des Indes / XXVIII. Jacob Mossel XXVIII Gouverneur
General des Indes, Amsterdam, c. 1760, 2.8 x 5.1 inches /7 x 13 cm, excellent., (Estimate: $225 - 250)
Jan van Schley is the engraver of the maps (by J.N. Bellin) and views in the Dutch edition of A.F. Prévost d' Exile's 'Histoire Géneral des Voyages.
27 portraits of the Gouveneurs General of the Dutch East India Company V.O.C. between 1609 and 1752 (J.P.Coen was G.G. twice). (Lot number:
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