MAY 2010 Table of Contents Members Only New Members Briefings from Brent The Big Sell Convention & Visitor Services The Scoop Milwaukee in the Media Get on the Bus Members Covered Marketing Minute News & Notes MAY 20 VISIT Milwaukee 101 VISIT Milwaukee 9am-11am RSVP: mstrand@milwaukee.org JUNE 3 Member Mixer Molly Cool’s Seafood Tavern 5pm-7pm Invitations will be sent out in mid May 9 “Social Media for Hospitality Businesses” Educational Seminar Luncheon The Grohmann Museum, MSOE Noon-1:30pm Invitations will be sent out in May 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 648 N. Plankinton Ave. #425 Milwaukee, WI 53203 414.273.3950 www.visitmilwaukee.org Making the most of summer Milwaukeeans look forward to summer here. They make the most of it. It means weekends filled with an abundance of B y Paul Upchurch, major festivals and events, warmer weather to take advantage President & CEO of activities in our award-winning parks and along our 414.287.4233 enviable lakefront, and chances to cheer the home team to pupchurch@milwaukee.org victory at Miller Park. Many of the same reasons that make this a great place to live bring visitors here as well. It’s a busy time for VISIT Milwaukee and its members. It’s also a prime opportunity for us to support the events that make us stand out from other destinations. We want to make the most of an impressive lineup that includes everything from Summerfest and the Milwaukee Air & Water Show to Wisconsin State Fair and Tosa Tonight – as well as all the rich ethnic festivals in between. UPdates That support includes rolling out new tools to help members successfully promote their businesses and events to visitors – by making the most of their memberships. Social media is an integral part of our marketing strategy and our presence on Facebook and Twitter is growing steadily. These platforms offer us innovative ways to share membership information and reach out to target audiences. We’ll unveil a completely redesigned and upgraded web site in June, and our Explore More program will offer extra ways to capitalize on the benefits of membership. In addition to leisure visitors, we also welcome more convention attendees during the summer months than any other season. It’s the result of strategic planning and travel throughout the year that maximizes every opportunity to bring meetings to Milwaukee. We hosted several FAMs where our membership stepped forward to help us pull out all the stops. Warm greetings, first-rate meeting venues and personal tours were among the ready hospitality that greeted meeting planners from across the nation - and made the most out of their time here. We couldn’t do what we do without the support and commitment of our members, who help us make the most of Milwaukee. With your partnership, we’re looking forward to a busy summer welcoming visitors here who are eager to do the same. Membership notes Hopefully by now, you should have received a notice from us that VISIT Milwaukee’s Annual Meeting is being rescheduled to a date later this summer. As soon as we have a new date, we’ll send out a communication to all of you. Members Only B y Todd O’Leary, Director of Membership 414.287.4252 toleary@milwaukee.org I also want to take this opportunity to communicate a new VISIT Milwaukee policy that affects all of our members. As you know, VISIT Milwaukee sends a letter to members one month prior to your membership anniversary date. The purpose is to let you know that your new invoice will arrive the next month. The following month, on your anniversary date, we mail your invoice. Last fall, our membership committee approved the use of 30-60-90 day notices for past-due members. Now, at 30 days past due, we send a letter, reminding members about their dues payment. We also send a similar letter at 60 days past-due. At 90 days past-due, we now suspend all membership benefits, including listings, events, leads, access to the members-only section, etc. If we still haven’t received payment at 120 days, we must cancel your membership. We know that money continues to be tight for many of us – VISIT Milwaukee included. We are happy to work with our members on payment options, but we need to hear from you. As always, if you have any questions about your membership, please contact me! VISIT Milwaukee welcomes the new members below. If you have any leads on businesses that should become a VISIT Milwaukee member, please contact me! Welcome New Members! By Fran Jackson, Membership Sales Manager 414.287.4248 fjackson@milwaukee.org Bavarian Soccer Club 700 W. Lexington Blvd. Glendale, WI 53217 414-225-7126 www.bavariansoccerclub.org Andrea Davi andrea.davi@bavariansoccerclub.org Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers 763 N. Broadway Milwaukee, WI 53202 414-271-1242 www.schwanke-kasten.com Joanne Dixon joanne@schwanke-kasten.com Dryhootch of America, Inc. 1030 E. Brady Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 414-614-0651 www.dryhootch.org Allison Kitzerow allison@dryhootch.org 7 Mile Fair 2720 W. 7 Mile Road Caledonia, WI 53108 262-835-2177 www.7mikefair.com Steven Pockat steve@7milefair.com Maggiano’s Little Italy 2500 N. Mayfair Road Wauwatosa, WI 53226 414-978-1000 www.maggianos.com Angela Duchac mg0187gm@maggianos.com Crabby Charters McKinley Marina 1750 N. Lincoln Memorial Drive Milwaukee, WI 53202 262-538-0056 www.crabbycharters.com Captain Craig Best crabbycharters@gmail.com Friends of Reclaiming Our Heritage, Inc. 5000 W. National Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53295 888-902-1865 www.forohmilwaukee.org Laura Rinaldi friends@foroh.org KSM Builders 9317 N. 85th Street Milwaukee, WI 53224 414-688-0825 Kurt Mesterhazy Port of Call Bistro & Beer Garden 106 W. Well Street Milwaukee, WI 53203 414-273-7678 www.portofcallmilwaukee.com Dan Jorgenson gonebullish@gmail.com Briefings from Brent Convention & Visitor Services By Brent Foerster, VP of Sales & Marketing 414.287.4226 bfoerster@milwaukee.org By Dave Larson, Director of Convention Services 414.287.4224 dlarson@milwaukee.org VISIT Milwaukee is aggressively marketing the Greater Milwaukee area through leisure advertising, social and electronic media. This promises to be a busy summer in Milwaukee. Beginning in June, an advertising campaign will be launched in Chicago and its northern suburbs incorporating texting technology to promote summer events. We have developed an advertising campaign with the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA). Digital signage and posters will be placed on the exterior of busses and interior advertising placed in rail cars. This approach will allow us to change our message throughout the 10-week campaign featuring festivals, events and attractions. Special offers will be available by texting a unique code. With Chicago and northern Illinois being a prime target market for Milwaukee visitors, this costeffective program provides a high tech way to target these travelers. Both print and electronic campaigns are underway in Illinois and Wisconsin utilizing USA TODAY Regional, BestMidwestTravel.com, Wisconsin Department of Tourism admail, email and direct mail postcards. In Michigan, we are using print advertising in Booth Newspapers, a 7-day blitz program with Mlive.com and three months of Travel E-Deals Newsletter. All campaigns are coordinated closely with Dave Fantle and the PR Team to ensure we are getting valuable editorial coverage to support our campaigns. Leisure travel represents approximately 30% of our tourism business in the Milwaukee area. Competition for the tourist dollar is fierce and the efforts above are vital to maintaining a competitive edge and growing this important market. It’s amazing what a great spring we have been having and that includes the excitement felt in your VISIT Milwaukee sales team. We’ve seen planners begin to make decisions and share RFPs much more aggressively in the first quarter 2010. Signs that we believe is just the beginning of the return of the market. 2010 continues to be a busy year for Services with great events in May: • National Women Infants and Children Association Annual Convention with 600 attendees, May 3-6. • Two related events will be in Milwaukee May 8-13. American Wire Producers will bring 225 people and the Wire Expo will return with 1,000 attendees. • American Institute of Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works Annual Meeting will be here May 9-15 with their 1,000 attendees. • The Regional Airline Association will be hosting their Annual Convention with 1,200 attendees, May 21-28. • C.A World Services World Convention May 27-30 with 1,000 attendees. • Dominion Ambassadors’ World Summit on Leadership May 27-30 with 3,000 attendees. The Big Sell By Mia Brondyke, Director of Sales 414.287.4259 / mbrondyke@milwaukee.org Your VISIT Milwaukee sales team conducted 6 site visits in April and attended over 9 special customer events ranging from a Three-City Green Tea at Chef Art Smith’s restaurant in Chicago, PCMA Diversity Event in DC, a Convene Green Alliance Breakfast, to many industry chapter events both right here in Wisconsin to Kansas City and Washington DC! I encourage all of you to watch the calendar of sales events that was attached to your February VOICE and call me to join in on any of our initiatives. I look forward to seeing you all in May at the many events we have going on, from our D.C. sales mission, Dead Seas Scrolls FAM, SGMP and Springtime in the Park. Until then, stay in touch and Happy Spring In Milwaukee! All the hub-bub? It’s all about When it comes to showing visitors a good time, is there a better place to be in the summer than the Milwaukee area? From the lakefront festivals and downtown events to nearby communities such as West Allis who hosts the State Fair or Wauwatosa with its free Tosa Tonight music series, we’re the epicenter for summer fun! By Dave Fantle, Vice President of Public Relations 414.287.4253 dfantle@milwaukee.org We’re taking that message “on the road” in May to promote Milwaukee summer fun. We’ll be doing TV and radio appearances in St. Louis and Western Michigan to promote our region as the hub for a family-friendly, affordable summer vacation. In Michigan we’ll be teaming with the Lake Express high speed ferry to give away Milwaukee area getaway packages. These are cost-effective measures to tell the Milwaukee story to desirable leisure markets. HATS ON to VISIT Milwaukee VISIT Milwaukee PR put on their hosting hats in April, welcoming both Rough Guides and Go magazine. Freelance writer Max Grinnell is on assignment with Rough Guides, updating the Milwaukee section of the U.S.A. guidebook. For those not familiar, Rough Guides is similar to a Fodor’s or Frommer’s travel guide, and is distributed in the U.S. and the U.K.. Jacqui Detwiler, assistant editor of Go magazine, saw Milwaukee for the first time when she visited to research a multi-page section that will appear in the July issue of the Air Tran Airways inflight magazine. VISIT Milwaukee also developed an itinerary focusing on all things German for Rod O’Connor, a freelancer on assignment with Go. Milwaukee in the Media By Jeannine Sherman Public Relations Manager 414.287.6230 jsherman@milwaukee.org We’ve confirmed a wide variety of writers from across the nation who will be representing regional and national media outlets for our June Summerfest press trip. We’re hard at work developing a stellar itinerary to showcase the world’s largest festival and the Midwest’s premier travel destination. MTWA Writer Pam O’Meara profiles Milwaukee’s natural resources in this great article that appears in the Woodbury Review News. This is a community newspaper that is seen by more than 15,000 residents in the Minneapolis-St. Paul region. The article is a result of the fall Midwest Travel Writers Association (MTWA) conference hosted here in Milwaukee. http://woodburyreviewnews.com/main.asp?SectionID=57&SubSectionID=240&ArticleID=3460 MTWA member Sue Pollack contacted us to include Milwaukee in this roundup of helpful spring cleaning tips from hotels that appeared in the Detroit News. Click on the lead story headline, then scroll down to see tips from Milwaukee’s own Pfister Hotel. The Detroit News is a major U.S. daily newspaper with a circulation of more than 167,000. www.detnews.com/homestyle Members Covered By Maria Strand, Membership Coordinator 414.287.4259 mstrand@milwaukee.org It’s all in the DETAILS Master Convention Calendar In the March edition of VOICE, I gave instructions on how to access our Exclusive “Members Only” section of VISIT Milwaukee’s website. In April, we covered the Member Detail area. This month, I’m going to continue my series on the Members Only section by covering one of the biggest membership benefits we provide - The Master Convention Calendar. Once you have logged in to the Members Only Section, select Master Convention Calendar (MCC) from the Orange “Manage Your Profile” menu at the right of your screen. When there, you will find three links - the first is a single page document containing 10 tips on how meeting planners recommend you utilize the MCC; the second is the full calendar running from the current quarter out three years. The calendar contains convention/meeting name, dates, meeting planner contact information, location of the meeting and hotels that are being utilized during the meeting. The third link contains a list of conventions/meetings that are new to the calendar for the current quarter (these were all booked in the previous quarter and this is provided so instead of printing out the entire calendar each quarter, you can pinpoint the newest bookings.) A new MCC is posted by the first Friday in each quarter The Hearing Loss Association of America invites you to visit its exhibit hall to see first-hand the latest technology and services for people with hearing loss. Just stop by the HLAA convention registration desk at the Frontier Airlines Center for a FREE pass during the following times: Thursday, June 17: 11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Friday, June 18: 11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Saturday, June 19: 10 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. If you suspect you or someone you know has a hearing loss, this is a perfect opportunity to have your hearing screened; hearing healthcare professionals will be there to provide you with more information. Sign up for a screening at the HLAA Booth (#313). For all the latest news and details about this convention which also includes an educational program, a research symposium on hearing aid research and development, and more, visit www.hearingloss.org Also on this page is the “Who’s in Town.” This document is sent out bi-monthly to restaurants and retail members in the downtown area as a companion piece to the MCC. The “Who’s in Town” highlights some (not all) large/prestigious conventions/meetings for any given month and provides a detailed snapshot of the group. This piece is meant to be displayed for your employees so they are aware of “Who’s in Town.” If you have any questions about the MCC, need your username and password, or have a question about the Members Only Section in general, please contact me! Reach over 1,200 Milwaukee-area hospitality professionals for just $100! That’s LESS THAN A BUCK to reach 10 PROs like you! Contact Todd O’Leary at toleary@milwaukee.org or 414.287.4252 for more info on this awesome opportunity in VOICE. it’s A Group Effort It’s hard to believe that it has been a year since Milwaukee hosted the African American Travel Conference, but we just returned from this year’s AATC in Niagara, NY. The delegates at the conference still spoke very fondly of their time in Milwaukee last year. If you have not sent them information on your hotel, restaurant or attractions, the names of the attendees from last year, as well as those we met with this year, are on the Members Only section of our website. Invite these group leaders to your establishment. Watch your email for an invitation to the next Explore Milwaukee’s Best meeting. These meetings are a great resource for learning about the group market and networking with your peers in the Milwaukee area. VISIT Milwaukee also met with international receptive tour operators in New York this past month. Working in conjunction with the Great Lakes of North America, a reception was held at Savoy, an organic restaurant, in the SoHo area. Each participant was asked to bring a gift to present to the tour operators that represented an organic product from our area. Milwaukee was a huge hit with providing each operator a gift bag that included two bottles of Get On The Bus! Lakefront’s ESB Organic Beer and a 1lb. bag of “Worm Power Fertilizer” from Growing Power. B y Wendy Dobrzynski, Group Tour Manager If you would like to learn more about how VISIT Milwaukee is promoting our members to the group tour and 414.287.4222 international markets, please do not hesitate to contact me. dobrzynski@milwaukee.org Spreading the Word With spring in the air, we are working on several publications and media placements that will continue to promote Milwaukee as a terrific travel destination! Make sure that you are considering using these tools as a way to gain additional exposure for your business or event. Here are the highlights: Shop Milwaukee’s guide to neighborhood retail 2010 Spring/Summer Shopping Guide: Reach new and existing customers interested in Milwaukee’s trend-setting retail scene! This publication is printed twice a year with a circulation of 50,000 for each print run. Reserve space today for a ½ page ad at $625 – that is a CPM of only $12.50! The summer edition is nearly complete and there is very limited space still available! Marketing Minute B y Rachel Oliver, Director of Marketing 414.287.4250 roliver@milwaukee.org June, July, August, September Calendar of Events: You can reserve an entire page in the printed calendar of events to promote your venue or event using exciting colors and graphics for under $500 per month. The print run is a minimum of 21,000 each month for a CPM of only $23.81! In addition, your ad appears on www.visitmilwaukee.org within the monthly calendar. The Calendar of Events is one of the most popular areas of the Web site. Spread the word about your event! Remember, frequency of your message is very important, so consider running consecutive ads leading up to your event or special offer. Work will be starting very soon on the 2010 Bikers Guide, so please watch your email and future newsletters for more information! If you are interested in more information about the publications listed above or want to brainstorm about ways we can work together to promote your events and business, please contact me. I’d love to hear more about what you have coming up and find creative ways we can work together. One more thing – don’t forget to email me your ideas for inclusion in our social media campaign. Facebook and Twitter are great tools to help drive business and increase awareness about the Milwaukee area and all we have to offer! CONGRATS to members! Congratulations goes out to the following VISIT Milwaukee members, who were award winners at Milwaukee Downtown, BID #21’s Annual Meeting: (1) (1)Aloft Milwaukee Downtown, winner of the Brick and Mortar Award, for constructing the first new downtown hotel since 2001 and one of the first catalytic projects in the Park East Corridor. (2)Hyatt Regency Milwaukee, winner of the CPR Award, for its $19+ million makeover which revamped Downtown Milwaukee’s second largest hotel from top to bottom. (3)Milwaukee Holiday Lights Festival Jingle Bus (Wisconsin Coach Lines), winner of the Showcase Award, for helping to make Downtown Milwaukee a regional attraction during the holidays by servicing approximately 109 riders per hour. (4)Cindy Moran, ArtSpin Founder & President, winner of the Downtown Cheerleader Award, for creating a forum for Milwaukee’s visual and performing arts groups to share ideas, promote collaboration and communicate the economic impact of the city’s cultural arts. (2) (2) (3) (4)