BiltBest Catalogs DoubleHung Collection
BiltBest Catalogs DoubleHung Collection
Casement Windows DoubleHungCollection EClad. BestClad. BestWood. BestCurve. EClad Double Hung Windows Double Hung Hardware E HOM OWN ER’S EClad Double Hung Distinguishing Features: Sash Locks Antique Brass Chrome LIMITED WARRANTY Fold Down Vinyl Nailing Fin True Wood Parting Stop Black Gold Tone Brass Oil Rubbed Dual Weatherstrip All Sides Bronze Pewter Calibrated Block and Tackle Balance Brushed Chrome White Tilt In For Easy Cleaning with Recessed Finger Tilt Release Latches Tilt Latch Triple Sill Weatherstrip Antique Brass Black Clear Stain Grade Natural Pine Interior Sure Latch Locking Balance Foot Brass Bronze Flush Mounted-Routed-In Sash Lock and Keeper with Hidden Screws Dual Locks on 2-8 and Wider Units Brushed Chrome Chrome BiltBest EClad Double Hung Windows Our double hung windows have become a classic that will never go out of style. They have endured the tests of time, emphasizing the warmth and beauty of wood with the tradition of each structure. 2 Additional Features: Available Options: • • • • • • • • • • • • Extruded Brickmould • Over 180 Special Clad BestColors Available • Sash Lift Handle • Surround Colonial Wood Grilles • Grilles Between the Glass • 1” or 1 3/8” SDL (Simulated Divided Lite) • Metal Nail Fin Options Extruded Sash and Frame Cladding 3/4” Dual Seal Insulated Glass Block and Tackle Balances AMMA/WDMA 101/I.S. 2-97 H-LC30 WDMA Hallmark Certified Sixteen Standard Clad BestColors NFRC Rated Vinyl Folding Nail Fin Full Perimeter Dual Weather-stripping Baked on Polyester Enamel Paint Finish 1” Heavy Duty Screen • • • • • • • • UltraBilt6 Argon Filled IG SunBilt6 Argon Filled IG SmartBilt6 Argon Filled IG Special Sizing Available Jamb Widths up to 8 1/16” Tinted IG Glazing Ten Hardware Finishes Primed or Pre-finished White Interior • DP50 Option Gold Tone Oil Rubbed Pewter White 3 EClad Double Hung Windows EClad Vent Vent Details EClad Double Hung Units Rough Opg Soft Metric 3'2" 3'6" 3'10" 3'2" 4'2" 5'2" 5'10" 6'2" 559 660 762 864 965 1067 1168 965 1270 1575 1778 1880 3'1 7⁄16" 3'5 7⁄16" 3'9 7⁄16" 3'1 7⁄16" 4'1 7⁄16" 5'1 7⁄16" 5'9 7⁄16" 6'1 7⁄16" 2'5 7⁄16" 2'9 7⁄16" 3'7 3 ⁄ 8" 4'3 3 ⁄ 8" 4'11 3 ⁄ 8" 5'7 3 ⁄ 8" 6'3 3 ⁄ 8" 6'11 3 ⁄ 8" 1102 1305 1508 1711 1915 2118 2321 Unit Size 3'6 7⁄ 8" 4'2 7⁄ 8" 4'10 7⁄ 8" 5'6 7⁄ 8" 6'2 7⁄ 8" 6'10 7⁄ 8" 7'6 7⁄ 8" Rough Opg Soft Metric 1-1832 1-2032 1-2432 1-2832 1-3032 1-3432 1-3832 1-3032 1-4032 1-5032 1-5832 1-6032 1-18310 1-20310 1-24310 1-28310 1-30310 1-34310 1-38310 1-30310 1-40310 1-50310 1-58310 1-60310 1-1842 1-2042 1-2442 1-2842 1-3042 1-3442 1-3842 1-3042 1-4042 1-5042 1-5842 1-6042 * * 1-1846 1-2046 1-2446 1-2846 1-3046 1-3446 1-3846 1-3046 1-4046 1-5046 1-5846 1-6046 * * 1-18410 1-20410 1-24410 1-28410 1-30410 1-34410 1-38410 1-30410 1-40410 1-50410 1-58410 1-60410 * * * * 1-1852 1-2052 1-2452 1-2852 1-3052 1-3452 1-3852 1-3052 1-4052 1-5052 1-5852 1-6052 * * * * 1-1856E 1-2056E 1-2456E 1-2856E 1-3056E 1-3456E 1-3856E 1-3056E 1-4056E 1-5056E 1-5856E 1-6056E * * * * 1-1856C 1-2056C 1-2456C 1-2856C 1-3056C 1-3456C 1-3856C 1-3056C 1-4056C 1-5056C 1-5856C 1-6056C * * * * * 1-18510 1-20510 1-24510 1-28510 1-30510 1-34510 1-38510 1-30510 1-40510 1-50510 1-58510 1-60510 * * * * * 1-1862 1-2062 1-2462 1-2862 1-3062 1-3462 1-3862 1-3062 1-4062 1-5062 1-5862 1-6062 * * * * * 1-1866 1-2066 1-2466 1-2866 1-3066 1-3466 1-3866 1-3066 1-4066 1-5066 1-5866 1-6066 2-1832 2-2032 2-2432 2-2832 2-3032 2-3432 2-3832 2-18310 2-20310 2-24310 2-28310 2-30310 2-34310 2-38310 2-1842 2-2042 2-2442 2-2842 2-3042 2-3442 2-3842 2-1846 2-2046 2-2446 2-2846 2-3046 2-18410 2-20410 2-24410 2-28410 2-30410 * * 2-1852 2-2052 2-2452 2-2852 2-1856E 2-2056E 2-2456E 2-2856E 2-1856C 2-2056C 2-2456C 2-2856C 2-18510 2-20510 2-24510 2-1862 2-2062 2-2462 2-2862 * * 2-1866 2-2066 Dark Charcoal Sandstone Muncil Brown Rustic Red Grey 22" 36"/24" 5'6" Earthstone * * * * 2-34410 * * 2-38410 Bronze Smoke Gray * * * Champagne Creme Olive Moss * Hartford Green Pacific Blue White Country Meadow 2-3446 2-3846 * * * * 2-3052 * 2-3452 2-3852 * * * * * * * * 2-3056E 2-3456E 2-3856E * * * * * * 2-3056C 2-3456C 2-3856C * * * 32" 5'10" Teal Blue * * * * * * 2-28510 2-30510 2-34510 2-38510 * * * * 34" 6'2" Yoke White 20" 2-38210 24" 4'6" 2-34210 26" 4'10" 2-30210 28" 5'2" 2-28210 30" 5'6" 2-24210 * * * 2-3062 * 2-3462 * 2-3862 36" * * 2-2466 * * 2-2866 * * 2-3066 * * 2-3466 * 2-3866 1-3472 1-3872 * * * 1-1876 1-2076 1-2476 1-2876 1-3076 1-3476 1-3072 1-4072 1-5072 1-5872 1-6072 1-3076 1-4076 1-5076 1-5876 1-6076 40" 7'2" 7'4 1⁄4" * 2-1872 2-2072 2-2472 2-1876 2-2076 2-2476 * * 2-2872 * * 2-3072 * * 2-3472 * 2-3872 42" 1-3072 7'6" * 1-2872 7'8 1⁄4" * 1-2472 2254 7'4 3⁄4" * 1-2072 7'8 3⁄4" * 1-1872 2356 40" 7'2" 2-20210 Without Matching GBG Mansion Series 42" 7'6" 7'4 1 ⁄4" 2-18210 * Mansion Series 7'8 1 ⁄4" Sixteen Standard Clad Colors With Matching GBG * 6'6" 4'8 1⁄4" 5'0 1⁄4" 5'4 1⁄4" 5'8 1⁄4" 5'8 1⁄4" 6'0 1⁄4" 6'4 1⁄4" 6'8 1⁄4" 4'8 3⁄4" 1441 1543 5'0 3⁄4" 5'4 3⁄4" 1657 1746 5'8 3⁄4" 5'8 3⁄4" 1746 1848 6'0 3⁄4" 6'4 3⁄4" 1949 2051 16" 6'8 3⁄4" 3'10" 20" 22" 4'2" 4'6" 24" 26" 4'10" 5'2" 28" 30" 5'6" 5'6" 36"/24" 32" 5'10" 6'2" 34" 36" 6'6" 4'0 1 ⁄4" 4'4 1 ⁄4" 4'8 1 ⁄4" 5'0 1 ⁄4" 5'4 1 ⁄4" 5'8 1 ⁄4" 5'8 1 ⁄4" 6'0 1 ⁄4" 6'4 1 ⁄4" 6'8 1 ⁄4" 4'0 3 ⁄4" 1238 1340 4'4 3 ⁄4" 4'8 3 ⁄4" 1441 1543 5'0 3 ⁄4" 5'4 3 ⁄4" 1657 1746 5'8 3 ⁄4" 5'8 3 ⁄4" 1746 1848 6'0 3 ⁄4" 6'4 3 ⁄4" 1949 2051 6'8 3 ⁄4" 14" 1-38210 2'10" 1-34210 16" 1-30210 3'2" 1-28210 3'10" 1-24210 4'2" 1-20210 933 1-18210 3'0 1⁄4" 40" 3'4 1⁄4" 3'8" 36" 4'0 1⁄4" 3'4" 32" 4'4 1⁄4" 3'0" 28" 3'0 3⁄4" 2'8" 24" 1035 2'4" 20" 3'4 3⁄4" 2'0" 16" 1238 1'8" Nominal Glass Size 4'0 3⁄4" Sash Size 68" 1340 6'0" 64" 4'4 3⁄4" 5'8" 56" 14" 5'0" 44" 2'10" 4'0" 32" 3'2" 3'0" 40" 933 3'8" 36" 3'0 1 ⁄4" 3'4" 32" 3'4 1 ⁄4" 3'0" 28" 3'0 3 ⁄4" 2'8" 24" 1035 2'4" 20" 3'4 3 ⁄4" 2'0" 16" 7'4 3 ⁄4" BestColors 7'7 3 ⁄ 8" 1'8" 7'8 3 ⁄4" Our double hung window’s flexibility, variety of sizes and combination possibilities make your vision a reality. You can choose from singles, double-wide, triple-wide, angle bay or picture window combinations. 2'10" Sash Size 2254 Horizontal Detail 2'6" Nominal Glass Size 2356 Vertical Detail Twin Unit Double Hungs 2'2" 1'9 7⁄16" 2'1 7⁄16" Unit Size EClad Picture Windows 1'10" * * 2-2876 * * * 2-3076 * 2-3476 *Egress units (20˝ min. clear opening width, 24˝ min. clear opening height, 5.7 square feet min. total clear opening area). Check local codes for egress requirements. Roundtop Units 4 Rough Opg 2'10" Rough Opg 762 Soft Metric 864 Soft Metric 3'1 7⁄16" 3'5 7⁄16" 3'9 7⁄16" 1-1810 1-2010 1-2410 1-2810 1-3010 1-3410 1-3810 Unit Size 1-1820 1-2020 1-2420 1-2820 1-3020 1-3420 1-3820 RTT20 RTT24 RTT28 488 2'9 7⁄16" Unit Size 1'6 3 ⁄4" 2'5 7⁄16" 2'9 7⁄16" 1'7 1⁄4" 2'1 7⁄16" 438 1'9 7⁄16" Unit Size 1'4 3 ⁄4" 1168 2'5 7⁄16" 1'5 1⁄4" 3'10" 1067 387 3'6" 965 Unit Size 1'2 3 ⁄4" 3'2" 864 2'1 7⁄16" 1'3 1⁄4" 1'0 3 ⁄4" 2'10" 762 337 2'6" 660 1'1 1⁄4" 2'2" 559 3'6" Rough Opg 5'7 3⁄8" Rough Opg 1067 Soft Metric 1711 Soft Metric 3'2" Unit Size RTT2W28 965 5'6 7⁄8" 3'1 7⁄16" RTT34 864 Unit Size 2'9 7⁄16" 3'5 7⁄16" 2'10" 1'8 3 ⁄4" Rough Opg Soft Metric 540 356 1'1 1⁄2" 2'6" Soft Metric 1'10" 2'1 1⁄2" 660 2'2" 1'2" Unit Size Rough Opg 660 1'9 1⁄4" Soft Metric 2'2" Soft Metric Unit Size Transom Units Rough Opg Rough Opg 3'2" 962 3'1 7⁄16" RTT30 6'3 3⁄8" 1915 6'2 7⁄8" RTT2W30 5 EClad Double Hung Windows Triple Unit Double Hungs 1'8" 2'0" 2'4" 2'8" 3'0" 3'4" 3'8" Nominal Glass Size 16" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 40" 3-18210 3-20210 3-24210 3-28210 3-30210 3-34210 3-38210 3-1842 3-2042 3-2442 3-2842 3-3042 3-3442 3-3842 3-2846 3-3046 3-18410 3-20410 3-24410 3-28410 3-30410 3-1852 3-2052 3-2452 3-1856E 3-2056E 3-2456E * * 3-2852 * * * * 3-3052 * * * * * * * * 3-34410 4'0 3 ⁄4" * * * * * * 3-3846 3-38410 * 3-3452 3-3852 3-18510 3-20510 3-1862 3-2062 3-1866 3-2066 3-2456C * * * * * * * * 3-204046 3-205046 10'0 13⁄16" 2764 3069 8'0 5⁄16" 9'0 5⁄16" 10'0 5⁄16" * * * * * * * * 3-3456E * * 3-3056C * * * 3-3856E * * 3-3456C * 3-2430310 3-2440310 3-2450310 3-244046 3-245046 4'0 1⁄4" * 3-3056E * * * * * * 3-30510 * * * 3-2862 * * * 3-2466 * 3-3856C * * * 3-34510 * * * 3-3062 * * * * * 3-38510 * * * 3-3462 * * * 3-3066 3-2866 * * 3-3862 Above are some of the many popular sizes of BiltBest Double Hung Flanker combinations. Many more combinations may be produced by simply combining common height units with picture window units. * * * * EClad Bay Windows 3-2472 * * * * * 3-3072 3-2872 * * * * * 3-3872 3-3472 3-0 Center 42" 3-2072 * * 3-2076 3-2476 * 3-2876 * * * 3-3076 * * * 3-3476 ECladEClad Angle Bay Typical Jamb Jamb Frame Frame Typical * 3-3866 3-3466 40" * 7'6" 7'8 1 ⁄4" 3-2050310 9'0 13⁄16" 1238 * 3-28510 3-2462 * 7'2" 7'4 1 ⁄4" 7'4 3 ⁄4" 2254 2356 7'8 3 ⁄4" 3-2040310 2459 * * Egress Unit 4-0 Center 6 3-2030310 8'0 13⁄16" 4'0 3 ⁄4" * 3-2856C 3-24510 * 3-1876 OWN ER’S LIMITED WARRANTY 9'4 5⁄16" 4'8 1 ⁄4" 3-2056C 3-1872 E 8'4 5⁄16" Rough Opg Unit Size Mansion Series HOM 2865 7'4 5⁄16" 9'4 13⁄16" Soft Metric 1441 * 3-1856C * 3-2856E 36"/24" 5'6" * * 3-3446 2561 32" 5'10" Unit Size 4'8 3 ⁄4" 3-2446 8'4 13⁄16" 2256 4'0 1 ⁄4" 3-38310 3-2046 7'4 13⁄16" 4'8 1 ⁄4" 3-34310 1238 3-30310 1441 3-28310 4'8 3⁄4" 3'2" 16" 20" 3'10" 3-24310 22" 4'2" 3-20310 24" 4'6" 3-18310 3-1846 3-185046 3-3832 Soft Metric * 3-184046 It’s all about your home. 34" 6'2" 3-3432 Rough Opg * 6'6" 3-3032 26" 4'10" 3-2832 28" 5'2" 3-2432 2662 8'8 5⁄16" 30" 5'6" 3-2032 8'8 13⁄16" 2357 7'8 5⁄16" 36" 3'4 1 ⁄4" 4'0 1 ⁄4" 3-1832 4'4 1 ⁄4" 4'8 1⁄4" 5'0 1⁄4" 5'4 1 ⁄4" 5'8 1 ⁄4" 5'8 1 ⁄4" 6'0 1 ⁄4" 6'4 1 ⁄4" 6'8 1 ⁄4" 1035 1238 1340 3'4 3 ⁄4" 4'0 3 ⁄4" 4'4 3 ⁄4" 1441 4'8 3 ⁄4" 5'0 3 ⁄4" 1543 1657 5'4 3 ⁄4" 5'8 3 ⁄4" 5'8 3 ⁄4" 1746 1848 6'0 3 ⁄4" 6'8 3 ⁄4" Soft Metric Unit Size 1441 Sash Size 7'8 13⁄16" Rough Opg 4'8 1⁄4" 3477 11'4 5⁄16" 14" 3172 10'4 5⁄16" 2'10" 2867 9'4 5⁄16" 933 2562 8'4 5⁄16" 3'0 1 ⁄4" 2257 7'4 5⁄16" 6'4 3 ⁄4" and warmer in winter. 11'4 7/8" 1927 1949 homes cooler in summer 10'4 7/8" 6'4 5⁄16" 2051 filled glass, it keeps 9'4 7/8" 1648 Ask about SmartBilt6 high performance Argon 8'4 7/8" 5'4 5⁄16" 1746 “I love the classic look of the EClad double hung windows. The windows also tilt out for effortless cleaning - I really love that!” 7'4 7/8" Unit Size 3'0 3 ⁄4" Soft Metric Flanker Combination Units 6'4 7/8" 4'8 3⁄4" 5'4 7/8" Rough Opg 5-0 Center Flanker Width R.O. Width Soft Metric M.O. Width Projection 30°—2-0 7'21⁄4" 2191 7'4" 1'33⁄4" 30°—2-4 7'9 ⁄16" 2367 7'10 ⁄8" 1'53⁄4" 45°—2-0 11 6'6 ⁄16" 1999 6'10 ⁄2" 1'101⁄16" 45°—2-4 7'05⁄16" 2142 7'37⁄ 8" 2'07⁄ 8" 30°—1-8 7'7 ⁄16" 2319 7'9" 1'13⁄ 4" 30°—2-0 8'2 ⁄4" 2496 8'4" 1'33⁄4" 30°—2-4 8'9 ⁄16" 2929 8'10 ⁄8" 1'53⁄4" 45°—1-8 7'1" 2159 7'41⁄2" 1'73⁄16" 3 5 1 3 7 1 7 45°—2-0 7'6 ⁄16" 2303 7'10 ⁄8" 1'10 ⁄16" 45°—2-4 8'05⁄16" 2446 8'37⁄8" 2'07⁄8" 30°—1-8 8'7 ⁄16" 2624 8'9" 1'13⁄4" 30°—2-0 9'21⁄4" 2800 9'4" 1'33⁄4" 30°—2-4 9'9 ⁄16" 2980 9'10 ⁄4" 1'53⁄4" 45°—1-8 8'1" 2464 8'4 ⁄2" 1'73⁄16" 45°—2-0 8'6 ⁄16" 2608 8'10 ⁄8" 1'101⁄16" 45°—2-4 9'05⁄16" 2751 9'37⁄8" 2'07⁄8" 11 5 3 11 1 1 1 3 NOTE: Use standard double hung R.O. height +1 1/2" Horizontal Detail Bay 30° Mullion 1 Horizontal Detail 7 BestCurve EClad Double Hung Windows BestCurve EClad Double Hung Windows Double Hung Hardware 1'10" 3'7 3⁄8" 2'2" 4'3 3⁄8" 2'6" 4'11 3⁄8" 2'10" Soft Metric 559 1102 660 1305 762 1508 864 1711 1'9 7⁄16" 3'6 7⁄8" 2'1 7⁄16" 4'2 7⁄8" 2'5 7⁄16" 4'10 7⁄8" 2'9 7⁄16" 5'6 7⁄8" Oil Rubbed Pewter White 8 SDH2-1866 E 3'0 1⁄16" 2'11 3⁄16" 3'8 1⁄16" 3'10 1⁄16" 4'4 1⁄16" 4'2 1⁄16" 4'8 1⁄16" 4'6 1⁄16" 5'0 1⁄16" SDH2-2466 E 4'10 1⁄16" 5'4 1⁄16" 5'2 1⁄16" 5'6 1⁄16" 6'0 1⁄16" 6'4 1⁄16" * * SDH1-2866 E * * * * SDH2-2862 E SDH1-2862 E SDH2-2462 E * * * SDH2-28510 E SDH1-28510 E * 6'0 9⁄16" SDH1-2466 E 3'6 1⁄16" 4'0 1⁄16" 3'8 9⁄16" 4'0 9⁄16" 4'4 9⁄16" 4'8 9⁄16" 5'0 9⁄16" 5'4 9⁄16" 5'8 9⁄16" * * * SDH2-2856 E 5'10 1⁄16" 3'7 3⁄16" 3'11 3⁄16" 4'3 3⁄16" 4'7 3⁄16" 4'11 3⁄16" 5'3 3⁄16" 5'7 3⁄16" 5'11 3⁄16" 6'3 3⁄16" * SDH2-2066 E SDH2-24510 E SDH1-2462 E SDH2-2062 E * * SDH2-2852 E SDH1-2856 E 5'8 1⁄16" 2'8 15⁄16" 3'4 15⁄16" 3' 8 15⁄16" 4' 0 15⁄16" 4' 4 15⁄16" 4' 8 15⁄16" 5' 0 15⁄16" 5' 4 15⁄16" SDH1-2066 E 2'8 1⁄16" 2'7 3⁄16" 2'4 15⁄16" 2'8 5⁄8" 3'8 5⁄8" 4'0 5⁄8" 5'11 3⁄16" SDH1-1866 E * * SDH2-28410 E SDH1-2852 E SDH2-2456 E SDH1-24510 E SDH2-20510 E SDH1-2062 E * SDH2-2846 E SDH1-28410 E SDH2-2452 E SDH1-2456 E SDH2-2842 E SDH1-2846 E SDH2-24410 E SDH1-2452 E SDH2-2056 E SDH1-20510 E SDH2-1862 E 6'3 3⁄16" UltraBilt6 Argon Filled IG SunBilt6 Argon Filled IG SmartBilt6 Argon Filled IG Special Sizing Available Jamb Widths up to 8 1/16” Tinted IG Glazing Ten Hardware Finishes Primed or Pre-finished White Interior • DP50 Option 6'5 3 ⁄4" • • • • • • • • 6'8 1 ⁄4" • Extruded Brickmould • Over 180 Special Clad BestColors Available • Sash Lift Handle • Surround Colonial Wood Grilles • Grilles Between the Glass • 1” or 1 3/8” SDL (Simulated Divided Lite) • Metal Nail Fin Options Extruded Sash and Frame Cladding 3/4” Dual Seal Insulated Glass Block and Tackle Balances AMMA/WDMA 101/I.S. 2-97 H-LC30 WDMA Hallmark Certified Sixteen Standard Clad BestColors NFRC Rated Vinyl Folding Nail Fin Full Perimeter Dual Weather-stripping Baked on Polyester Enamel Paint Finish 1” Heavy Duty Screen 2051 Available Options: • • • • • • • • • • • 6'8 3 ⁄4" Additional Features: 5'4 5⁄8" 5'3 3⁄16" SDH2-18510 E SDH1-1862 E Chrome Gold Tone 5'7 3⁄16" 6'0 1 ⁄4" 5'9 3 ⁄4" 6'1 3 ⁄4" 6'4 3 ⁄4" Brushed Chrome SDH2-2052 E SDH1-2056 E SDH2-1856 E SDH1-18510 E 6'4 1 ⁄4" Bronze Flush Mounted-Routed-In Sash Lock and Keeper with Hidden Screws Dual Locks on 2-8 and Wider Units 1949 Sure Latch Locking Balance Foot 1848 SDH1-1856 E 6'0 3 ⁄4" Brass SDH1-2052 E SDH2-1852 E SDH1-2842 E SDH2-2446 E SDH1-24410 E R24 SDH1-28310 E SDH2-2442 E SDH1-2446 E SDH2-20410 E 5' 8 15⁄16" Triple Sill Weatherstrip Black 5'0 5⁄8" 4'11 3⁄16" 5'1 3 ⁄4" 5'5 3 ⁄4" 5'8 1 ⁄4" 1746 Clear Stain Grade Natural Pine Interior 5'8 3 ⁄4" SDH1-1852 E Antique Brass 4'8 5⁄8" 4'7 3⁄16" 4'9 3 ⁄4" 1543 5'0 1 ⁄4" 5'4 1 ⁄4" Tilt Latch R60 SDH1-2442 E SDH2-2046 E SDH1-20410 E SDH2-18410 E SDH1-2832 E SDH1-24310 E SDH2-2042 E SDH1-2046 E SDH2-1846 E SDH1-18410 E 5'4 3 ⁄4" Tilt In For Easy Cleaning with Recessed Finger Tilt Release Latches 1645 White 5'0 3 ⁄4" SDH1-1846 E Brushed Chrome SDH1-2042 E SDH2-1842 E 4'4 5⁄8" 4'5 3 ⁄4" 4'8 1 ⁄4" 1441 4'8 3 ⁄4" Calibrated Block and Tackle Balance 3'0 5⁄8" 2'113⁄16" 3'11 3⁄16" 4'1 3 ⁄4" 4'4 1 ⁄4" SDH1-1842 E Pewter SDH1-28210 E SDH1-2432 E SDH2-20310 E 5'7 3⁄8" R36 SDH1-24210 E SDH2-2032 E SDH1-20310 E SDH2-18310 E 4'3 3⁄16" Bronze 1340 Dual Weatherstrip All Sides 4'4 3 ⁄4" SDH1-18310 E 5'8 5⁄8" Oil Rubbed R24 SDH2-20210 E SDH1-2032 E SDH2-1832 E 3'7 3⁄16" 3'9 3 ⁄4" 4'0 1 ⁄4" 1238 4'0 3 ⁄4" Brass SDH1-20210 E SDH2-18210 E SDH1-1832 E R48 6' 0 15⁄16" SDH1-18210 E R24 6'0 5⁄8" True Wood Parting Stop R48 2' 7 3⁄16" 2'9 3 ⁄4" 933 LIMITED WARRANTY 3'0 1 ⁄4" R24 6'4 5⁄8" Unit Size 3'1 3 ⁄4" Gold Tone Rough Opg 3'4 1 ⁄4" Black Fold Down Vinyl Nailing Fin ER’S 3'0 3 ⁄4" Chrome BestCurve EClad Double Hung Distinguishing Features: BestCurve EClad Double Hung Units OWN 1035 Antique Brass E HOM 3'4 3 ⁄4" Sash Locks * * SDH2-2866 E * Egress units (20" min. clear opening width, 24" min. clear opening height, 5.7 square feet min. total clear opening area). Check local codes for egress requirements. 9 BestClad Challenger Double Hung Windows BestCurve EClad Double Hung Units 3'2" 6'3 3⁄8" 3'6" 6'11 3⁄8" Soft Metric 965 1915 1067 2118 1168 3'1 7⁄16" 6'2 7⁄8" 3'5 7⁄16" 6'10 7⁄8" 3'9 7⁄16" Unit Size Sixteen Standard Clad Colors R48 3'7 9⁄16" 3'7" 4'0 1 ⁄4" 2'6 9⁄16" 2'11 9⁄16" 2'11" 3'4 1 ⁄4" 3'4 3 ⁄4" 1035 1238 4'0 3 ⁄4" SDH1-3832 E SDH1-3432 E SDH1-3032 E Earthstone SDH1-38210 E 2'10 9⁄16" SDH1-34210 E SDH1-30210 E Yoke White R48 2'7 9⁄16" 2'7" 933 3'0 1⁄4" R36 3'0 3⁄4" With Matching GBG 3'10" 3'6 9⁄16" BestColors Rough Opg SDH1-38310 E SDH1-34310 E SDH1-30310 E R24 5'11" 6'4 1 ⁄4" 1949 6'4 3 ⁄4" Grey * SDH1-3062 E * * 3'10 9⁄16" 4'2 9⁄16" * 4'10 9⁄16" 4'3 1⁄8" SDH1-3462 E SDH2-3062 E * * * SDH1-3856 E * SDH1-38510 E SDH2-34510 E SDH1-34510 E * 5'2 9⁄16" 5'3 9⁄16" 4'7 1⁄8" SDH2-3456 E 5'6 9⁄16" * 4'6 9⁄16" 3'11 1⁄8" 4'7 9⁄16" 4'11 9⁄16" * * SDH1-3456 E SDH2-30510 E 5'5 3⁄4" SDH1-30510 E Muncil Brown * * SDH1-3852 E 5'10 9⁄16" * * SDH2-3056 E 5'1 3⁄4" 5'7" 6'0 1 ⁄4" 1848 SDH1-3056 E 6'0 3 ⁄4" Dark Charcoal * SDH1-38410 E SDH2-3452 E 4'11 1⁄8" Teal Blue * SDH1-3846 E SDH2-34410 E SDH1-3452 E SDH2-3052 E 4'9 3⁄4" 5'3" 5'8 1 ⁄4" 1746 5'8 3 ⁄4" SDH1-3052 E Without Matching GBG 5'7 9⁄16" * 4'5 3⁄4" 4'11" 5'4 1 ⁄4" 1645 5'4 3 ⁄4" White SDH1-34410 E SDH2-30410 E 5'3 1⁄8" SDH1-30410 E Hartford Green R72 SDH1-3446 E SDH2-3046 E 4'1 3⁄4" 4'7" 5'0 1 ⁄4" 1543 Champagne Creme 5'0 3 ⁄4" SDH1-3046 E SDH1-3842 E SDH1-3442 E 4'3 9⁄16" 3'9 3⁄4" 4'3" 4'8 1 ⁄4" 1441 4'8 3 ⁄4" SDH1-3042 E 5'11 9⁄16" Rustic Red Bronze 3'11 9⁄16" 3'11" 4'4 1 ⁄4" 1340 4'4 3 ⁄4" Sandstone * SDH1-3862 E SDH2-3462 E Olive Moss SDH1-3066 E Pacific Blue Country Meadow * SDH2-3066 E SDH1-3466 E * * SDH2-3466 E * Egress units (20" min. clear opening width, 24" min. clear opening height, 5.7 square feet min. total clear opening area). Check local codes for egress requirements. 6'2 9⁄16" * 5'7 1⁄8" * 6'3 9⁄16" * 5'9 3⁄4" 6'3" 6'8 1 ⁄4" 2051 6'8 3 ⁄4" Smoke Gray * SDH1-3866 E BestClad Challenger Double Hung Windows The BestClad Challenger windows are the most cost effective answer to keeping your construction on budget! For less money, you can enjoy the classic styling and benefits of an aluminum clad double hung window. You’ll receive a Home Owners 20/10 Limited Warranty without the problems associated with “value” windows. The Challenger is a great window at a great and affordable value. 10 11 BestClad Challenger Double Hung Vent Windows Vent Double Hung Hardware E HOM BestClad Challenger Double Hung Distinguishing Features: 3'2" 3'6" 559 660 762 864 965 1067 1'9 5 ⁄16" 2'1 5 ⁄16" 2'5 5 ⁄16" 2'9 5 ⁄16" 3'1 5 ⁄16" 3'5 5 ⁄16" Tilt In For Easy Cleaning Standard BestColors Without Matching GBG 1-18210 1-20210 1-24210 1-28210 1-30210 1-34210 1-38210 1-1832 1-2032 1-2432 1-2832 1-3032 1-3432 1-3832 1-3032 1-4032 1-5032 1-5832 1-6032 1-18310 1-20310 1-24310 1-28310 1-30310 1-34310 1-38310 1-30310 1-40310 1-50310 1-58310 1-60310 1-1842 1-2042 1-2442 1-2842 1-3042 1-3442 1-3842 1-3042 1-4042 1-5042 1-5842 1-6042 1-1846 1-2046 1-2446 1-2846 1-3046 1-3446 1-3846 1-3046 1-4046 1-5046 1-5846 1-6046 * * * 12 20" 3'10" 4'2" 22" 24" 4'6" 5'6" * * 1-3452 1-3852 1-40410 1-50410 1-58410 1-60410 1-3052 1-4052 1-5052 1-5852 1-6052 1-3056E 1-4056E 1-5056E 1-5856E 1-6056E 1-3056C 1-4056C 1-5056C 1-5856C 1-6056C 1-30510 1-40510 1-50510 1-58510 1-60510 Picture Window Picture Picture Window Window 30" 1-18510 1-24510 1-28510 36"/24" 5'6" * 1-30410 * * * 1-3056E 1-3456E 1-3856E * * * 1-3056C 1-3456C 1-3856C * 32" 5'10" 1-38410 * 1-20510 * * * 1-30510 1-34510 1-38510 * Vertical Detail Vertical Detail 34" 6'2" 1-34410 * * * * * 1-2862 1-3062 1-3462 1-3862 1-1862 1-2062 1-2462 * * * * * 1-1866 1-2066 1-2466 1-2866 1-3066 1-3466 1-3866 1-3062 1-4062 1-5062 1-5862 1-6062 1-3066 1-4066 1-5066 1-5866 1-6066 36" 6'6" 5'9" 5'9" 6'1" 6'5" 5'9 1 ⁄ 2" 1765 1765 1867 6'1 1 ⁄ 2" 1-2456C 1-2856C 2'10" 3'2" 3'6" 3'10" 762 864 965 1067 1168 1'9 5 ⁄16" 2'1 5 ⁄16" 2'5 5 ⁄16" 2'9 5 ⁄16" 3'1 5 ⁄16" 3'5 5 ⁄16" 3'9 5 ⁄16" 1-1810 1-2010 1-2410 1-2810 1-3010 1-3410 1-3810 1-1820 1-2020 1-2420 1-2820 1-3020 1-3420 1-3820 Roundtop Units Rough Opg 2'2" Rough Opg 2'6" Rough Opg 2'10" Rough Opg Soft Metric 660 Soft Metric 762 Soft Metric 864 Soft Metric 2'9 5⁄16" CCRT28 Unit Size 486 CCRT24 Unit Size 1'6 3⁄4" CCRT20 2'5 5⁄16" 1'7 1⁄8" Unit Size 435 2'1 5⁄16" 1'4 3⁄4" Unit Size 1'5 1⁄8" Rough Opg 3'6" Rough Opg 5'7 1 ⁄8" Rough Opg Soft Metric 1067 Soft Metric 1692 Soft Metric Unit Size CCRT34 5'6 5⁄ 8" CCRT2W28 Unit Size 960 3'5 5⁄ 16" 3'1 5⁄16" Unit Size 3'1 11⁄16" Interior Stool Stock Trim UltraBilt6 Argon Filled IG SunBilt6 Argon Filled IG SmartBilt6 Argon Filled IG Tinted IG Glazing Jamb Widths up to 8 1/16” Four Hardware Finishes Primed or Pre-finished White Interior • AMMA/WDMW 101/I.S. 2-97 H-LC50 with Clips • Metal Nail Fin Options 2'6" 660 859 • • • • • • • • 2'2" 559 2'9 5⁄16" • Extruded Brickmould • Completely Set-Up Angle Bay Units • Picture Windows • Sash Set Transom Units • Direct Set Half Round Transoms • Surround Colonial Wood Grilles • Grilles Between the Glass • 1” or 1 3/8” SDL (Simulated Divided Lite) 5/8” Dual Seal Insulated Glass Heavy Extruded Frame Clad AMMA/WDMA 101/I.S. 2-97 H-LC30 WDMA Hallmark Certified Sixteen Standard Clad BestColors .019 Roll Form Sash Clad NFRC Rated Vinyl Folding Nail Fin Baked on Polyester Enamel Paint Finish • Full Screen • 4 9/16” Jamb Depth 1'10" 2'9 11⁄16" Country Meadow * 1-1856C 1-2056C 384 White Horizontal Detail Horizontal Detail 1-30410 1-3052 1-2456E 1-2856E 1'2 3⁄4" Pacific Blue Available Options: • • • • • • • • • 1'1 1⁄2" Hartford Green 1-2852 * 2'1 1⁄2" Olive Moss Additional Features: 1'0 3⁄4" Champagne Creme 1-2452 1-2052 1-1856E 1-2056E 1'8 3⁄4" Smoke Gray Flush Mounted-Routed-In Lock and Keeper Dual Locks on 2-8 and Wider Units 356 Bronze Unit Size 1'2" Grey 5/4” Wood Sill 660 Rustic Red 1 1/2” Check Rail Soft Metric 2'2" Muncil Brown * * Transom Units 333 Sandstone Vertical Detail Vertical Detail Horizontal Detail Horizontal Detail 1'1 1⁄8" Dark Charcoal 1-24410 1-28410 1-20410 28" 5'2" 1-18410 537 Earthstone * 26" 4'10" 1054 3'5" 4'1" 4'5" 4'9" 1257 1359 5'1" 4'1 1 ⁄ 2" 4'5 1 ⁄ 2" 14" 68" 2'10" 6'0" 64" 16" 5'8" 56" 3'2" 5'0" 44" 953 4'0" 32" 3'1" 3'0" 40" 3'5 1 ⁄ 2" 3'1 1 ⁄ 2" 3'8" 36" 1'9 1⁄8" Teal Blue 1880 6'1 5 ⁄16" 3'4" Rough Opg Yoke White 1778 5'9 5 ⁄16" 32" 1'3 1⁄8" With Matching GBG 1575 5'1 5 ⁄16" 3'0" 6'9" and warmer in winter. 1270 4'1 5 ⁄16" 28" 5'9 1 ⁄ 2" Factory Applied Inside Stops homes cooler in summer 965 3'1 5 ⁄16" 2'8" 1969 filled glass, it keeps 1168 3'9 5 ⁄16" 24" 6'5 1 ⁄ 2" high performance Argon BestClad Challenger 6'2" 2'4" 6'9 1 ⁄ 2" Routed Finger Groove Sash Lift Ask about SmartBilt6 5'10" 20" 2070 Clear Pine Interior 5'2" 2'0" 1-1852 SmartBilt6 4'2" 3'2" 3'10" 16" 5'5" White 2'10" 1'8" 1461 Adjustable Dual Spring Balance Shoe 2'6" Sash Size 4'9 1 ⁄ 2" Brite Brass 2'2" Nominal Glass Size 1562 Wood Parting Stop BestClad Challenger Picture Windows 1'10" Soft Metric Unit Size LIMITED WARRANTY Bronze Rough Opg 5'1 1 ⁄ 2" Fold Down Vinyl Nailing Fin BestClad Challenger Double Hung Units ER’S 1664 Gold Tone OWN 5'5 1 ⁄ 2" Sash Locks 3'2" 962 3'1 5⁄16" CCRT30 6'3 1 ⁄8" 1908 6'2 5⁄ 8" CCRT2W30 13 BestWood Challenger Double Hung Windows Flanker Combination Units 7'8 1⁄2" 8'8 1⁄2" 2350 2654 7'8" 8'8" 3-184046 3-185046 7'4 1⁄2" 8'4 1⁄2" 9'4 1⁄2" 2250 2553 2858 7'4" 8'4" 9'4" 3-2030310 3-2040310 3-2050310 3-204046 3-205046 Rough Opg Soft Metric 4'9" 1461 4'9 1⁄ 2" Unit Size Rough Opg Soft Metric 4'1" BestClad Angle Bay BestClad Typical Jamb Frame 1257 4'1 1⁄ 2" Unit Size 4'9" 9'0 1⁄2" 10'0 1⁄2" 2451 2756 3061 Unit Size 8'0" 9'0" 10'0" 3-2430310 3-2440310 3-2450310 3-244046 3-245046 4'1" 8'0 1⁄2" 1257 Rough Opg Soft Metric 4'1 1⁄ 2" Horizontal Detail 1461 4'9 1⁄ 2" Typical Jamb Frame 4'9" 1461 4'9 1⁄ 2" Bay 30° Mullion Above are some of the many popular sizes of BiltBest Double Hung Flanker combinations. Many more combinations may be produced by simply combining common height units with picture window units. Horizontal Detail BestClad Bay Windows 3-0 Center 4-0 Center 5-0 Center 14 Flanker Width R.O. Width Soft Metric M.O. Width Projection 30°—2-0 7'17⁄8" 2181 7'31⁄2" 1'33⁄4" 30°—2-4 7'813⁄16" 2357 7'107⁄16" 1'53⁄4" 45°—2-0 13 6'4 ⁄16" 45°—2-4 6'109⁄16" 30°—1-8 1951 9 6'8 ⁄16" 1'10" 2097 7'25⁄16" 2'03⁄4" 7'615⁄16" 2310 7'85⁄8" 1'13⁄4" 30°—2-0 8'115⁄16" 2488 8'31⁄2" 1'33⁄4" 30°—2-4 8'8 ⁄16" 2662 8'10 ⁄16" 1'53⁄4" 45°—1-8 6'11 ⁄4" 2115 7'3" 1'51⁄8" 45°—2-0 7'4 ⁄16" 2259 9 7'8 ⁄16" 1'10" 45°—2-4 7'105⁄8" 2403 8'25⁄16" 2'03⁄4" 13 1 15 7 BestWood Challenger Double Hung Windows 30°—1-8 8'7" 2616 8'8 ⁄8" 1'1 ⁄4" 30°—2-0 9'17⁄8" 2791 9'31⁄2" 1'33⁄4" These windows give you the beauty of a wood-primed window at a beauty of a price. 30°—2-4 9'8 ⁄8" 2969 9'10 ⁄16" 1'53⁄4" 45°—1-8 7'111⁄4" 2419 8'3" 1'51⁄8" The BestWood Challenger lets you have the quality of factory-produced wood double hungs, 45°—2-0 8'47⁄8" 2562 8'89⁄16" 1'10" 45°—2-4 8'109⁄16" 2707 9'25⁄16" 2'03⁄4" 7 5 7 NOTE: Use standard double hung R.O. height +1 1/2" 3 roundtops and picture windows, economically. All these benefits plus a Home Owners 20/10 Limited Warranty! See a copy of warranty for details. 15 BestWood Challenger Double Hung Windows Double Hung Hardware E HOM BestWood Challenger Double Hung Distinguishing Features: OWN BestWood Challenger Double Hung Units ER’S Tilt In For Easy Cleaning 5/4” Wood Sill 5'9 5 ⁄16" 6'1 5 ⁄ 16" 5'0" 5'8" 6'0" Nominal Glass Size 16" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 40" 32" 44" 56" 64" 68" 1-18210 1-20210 1-24210 1-28210 1-30210 1-34210 1-38210 1-1832 1-2032 1-2432 1-2832 1-3032 1-3432 1-3832 1-3032 1-4032 1-5032 1-5832 1-6032 1-18310 1-20310 1-24310 1-28310 1-30310 1-34310 1-38310 1-30310 1-40310 1-50310 1-58310 1-60310 1-1842 1-2042 1-2442 1-2842 1-3042 1-3442 1-3842 1-3042 1-4042 1-5042 1-5842 1-6042 1-1846 1-2046 1-2446 1-2846 1-3046 1-3046 1-4046 1-5046 1-5846 1-6046 1-18410 1-20410 1-24410 1-28410 1-30410 1-30410 1-40410 1-50410 1-58410 1-60410 1-1852 1-2052 1-2452 1-3052 1-4052 1-5052 1-5852 1-6052 1-3056E 1-4056E 1-5056E 1-5856E 1-6056E 1-3056C 1-4056C 1-5056C 1-5856C 1-6056C 1-30510 1-40510 1-50510 1-58510 1-60510 1-3062 1-4062 1-5062 1-5862 1-6062 1-3066 1-4066 1-5066 1-5866 1-6066 16 14" 16" 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 30" 3'5" 3'1" 1054 953 3'2" 2'10" 3'10" 4'2" 4'6" 4'10" 5'2" 5'6" * * * 1-3056E 1-3456E 1-3856E 1-20510 1-24510 1-28510 * * * * * 1-1862 1-2062 1-2462 1-2862 1-3062 1-3462 1-3862 * * * * * 1-1866 1-2066 1-2466 1-2866 1-3066 1-3466 1-3866 36"/24" 1-18510 * * * 1-3056C 1-3456C 1-3856C * 32" 5'6" 5'10" * * * 1-30510 1-34510 1-38510 * 1'1 1⁄2" 1'10" Horizontal Detail Picture Window 2'2" 2'6" 2'10" 3'2" 3'6" 3'10" 559 660 762 864 965 1067 1168 1'9 5 ⁄16" 2'1 5 ⁄16" 2'5 5 ⁄16" 2'9 5 ⁄16" 3'1 5 ⁄16" 3'5 5 ⁄16" 3'9 5 ⁄16" 1-1810 1-2010 1-2410 1-2810 1-3010 1-3410 1-3810 1-1820 1-2020 1-2420 1-2820 1-3020 1-3420 1-3820 2'1 1⁄2" 356 660 Vertical Detail 34" 3'5 1 ⁄ 2"3'1 1 ⁄ 2" 1257 4'1" 4'1 1⁄ 2" 1359 4'5" 4'5 1 ⁄ 2" 1461 4'9" 4'9 1 ⁄ 2" 5'1 1 ⁄ 2" 1562 1664 5'1" 5'9" 1765 5'5 1 ⁄ 2" 5'5" 5'9" 1765 * 1-3852 2'2" Rough Opg 2'6" Rough Opg 2'10" Rough Opg Soft Metric 660 Soft Metric 762 Soft Metric 864 Soft Metric Unit Size WCRT24 2'9 5⁄16" Unit Size WCRT28 486 WCRT20 2'5 5⁄16" 1'6 3⁄4" Unit Size 435 2'1 5⁄16" 1'4 3⁄4" Unit Size 1'7 1⁄8" Rough Opg 1'5 1⁄8" Rough Opg 3'6" Rough Opg 5'7 1 ⁄8" Rough Opg Soft Metric 1067 Soft Metric 1692 Soft Metric 3'5 5⁄ 16" WCRT34 Unit Size 5'6 5⁄ 8" WCRT2W28 Unit Size 960 Unit Size 3'1 5⁄16" 5/4 x 4” or 6” Flat Casing 4” Adams Casing UltraBilt6 Argon Filled IG SunBilt6 Argon Filled IG SmartBilt6 Argon Filled IG Tinted IG Glazing Jamb Widths up to 8 1/16” Four Hardware Finishes Primed or Pre-finished Interior AMMA/WDMW 101/I.S. 2-97 H-LC50 with Clips 3'1 11⁄16" • Clear Pine Interior * 1-3452 1-2456C 1-2856C 859 Natural 1 x 6 Knotty Pine Casing • Full Screen * 1-3052 2'9 5⁄16" • NFRC Rated * 1-1856C 1-2056C 2'9 11⁄16" • WDMA Hallmark Certified Primed 5/4 x 6 Flat Casing * 1-38410 1-2456E 1-2856E 384 • AMMA/WDMA 101/I.S. 2-97 H-LC25 * 1-34410 1-1856E 1-2056E 1'2 3⁄4" Primed 5/4 x 4 Flat Casing • • • • • • • • • • 1'0 3⁄4" • 4 9/16” Jamb Depth Completely Set-Up Bay Units Picture Windows Sash Set Transom Units Direct Set Half Round Transom Surround Colonial Wood Grilles Grilles Between the Glass 1” or 1 3/8” SDL (Simulated Divided Lite) • Natural Wood Exterior • Knotty Pine 1 x 6 Flat Casing * Vent Wood Vent Roundtop Units 1'8 3⁄4" • • • • • • • 2'2" 1'2" • 5/8” Dual Seal Insulated Glass * 1-3846 1-2852 * 333 Available Options: 1-3446 Transom Units 1'1 1⁄8" Primed L-Adams Colonial Casing Additional Features: * * * 537 2" WM180 DH Wood Brickmould Cellular Vinyl Routed Finger Groove Lift 1880 5'1 5 ⁄ 16" Soft Metric 1 Piece Sill Nosing 1778 4'0" Unit Size 14° Slope on Sill 1575 4'1 5 ⁄ 16" 1'9 1⁄8" 2" WM180 DH Wood Brickmould Natural or Clear 1270 3'0" Rough Opg 2" WM180 DH Wood Brickmould Primed 965 1'3 1⁄8" BestWood Challenger Double Hung Accessories 1168 36" and warmer in winter. 1067 3'1 5 ⁄ 16" 6'2" homes cooler in summer 6'2" 965 3'8" 6'5 1 ⁄ 2" filled glass, it keeps 5'10" 864 1'9 5 ⁄ 16" 2'1 5 ⁄ 16" 2'5 5 ⁄ 16" 2'9 5 ⁄ 16" 3'1 5 ⁄16" 6'6" high performance Argon 5'2" 762 3'9 5 ⁄ 16" 5'9 1 ⁄ 2" Ask about SmartBilt6 4'2" 660 3'4" 5'9 1 ⁄ 2" Flush MountedRouted-In Lock and Keeper Dual Locks on 2-8 and Wider Units 3'2" 559 3'5 5 ⁄ 16" 6'1 1 ⁄ 2" SmartBilt6 3'10" 3'0" 6'1" White 3'6" 2'8" 1867 Adjustable Dual Spring Balance Shoe with Jamb Liner with Cover 3'2" 2'4" 6'5" Bronze 2'10" 2'0" 1969 Brite Brass 2'6" 1'8" 6'9" Wood Parting Stop 2'2" Sash Size 2070 LIMITED WARRANTY BestWood Challenger Picture Windows 1'10" Soft Metric Unit Size Gold Tone WM180 Brickmould Rough Opg 6'9 1 ⁄ 2" Sash Locks 3'2" 962 Vertical Detail 3'1 5⁄16" WCRT30 6'3 1 ⁄8" 1908 6'2 5⁄ 8" The tilt sash and snap out grilles make Horizontal Detail WCRT2W30 cleaning and maintenance quick and easy. 17 BestWood Challenger Double Hung Windows BestCurve Wood Double Hung Windows Flanker Combination Units 7'8" 8'8" 3-184046 3-185046 1464 2654 Unit Size 4'9 1⁄4" 8'8 1⁄ 2" 2350 4'9 5⁄8" 7'8 1⁄ 2" 9'4 1⁄ 2" 2553 2858 Unit Size 7'4" 8'4" 9'4" 3-2030310 3-2040310 3-2050310 3-204046 3-205046 4'9 1⁄4" 1464 4'9 5⁄8" 4'1 1⁄4" 8'4 1⁄ 2" 2250 1260 7'4 1⁄ 2" 4'1 5⁄8" Rough Opg Soft Metric 10'0 1⁄ 2" 2756 3061 Unit Size 8'0" 9'0" 10'0" 3-2430310 3-2440310 3-2450310 3-244046 3-245046 4'9 1⁄4" 4'9 5⁄8" 4'1 1⁄4" 9'0 1⁄ 2" 2451 1260 8'0 1⁄ 2" Soft Metric 4'1 5⁄8" Rough Opg 1464 It’s all about your home. Rough Opg Soft Metric Above are some of the many popular sizes of BiltBest Double Hung Flanker combinations. Many more combinations may be produced by simply combining common height units with picture window units. WoodWood Angle Bay Typical Jamb Frame Typical Jamb Frame Wood Bay Windows 4-0 Center Horizontal Detail Bay 30° Mullion 5-0 Center Horizontal Detail 6-0 Center 18 Flanker Width R.O. Width Soft Metric M.O. Width Projection 30°—1-8 7'615⁄16" 2310 7'85⁄8" 1'13⁄ 4" 30°—2-0 8'1 ⁄16" 2488 8'3 ⁄2" 1'33⁄4" 30°—2-4 8'8 ⁄16" 2662 8'10 ⁄16" 1'53⁄4" 45°—1-8 6'111⁄4" 2115 7'3" 1'51⁄8" 15 13 1 7 45°—2-0 7'4 ⁄16" 2259 7'8 ⁄16" 1'10" 45°—2-4 7'105⁄8" 2403 8'25⁄16" 2'03⁄4" 30°—1-8 8'7" 2616 8'85⁄8" 1'13⁄4" 30°—2-0 9'17⁄8" 2791 9'31⁄2" 1'33⁄4" 30°—2-4 9'8 ⁄8" 2969 9'10 ⁄16" 1'53⁄4" 45°—1-8 7'11 ⁄4" 2419 8'3" 1'51⁄8" 45°—2-0 8'4 ⁄8" 2562 9 8'8 ⁄16" 1'10" 45°—2-4 8'109⁄16" 2707 9'25⁄16" 2'03⁄4" 15 7 1 7 9 7 BestCurve Wood Double Hung Windows 30°—1-8 9'7" 2921 9'8 ⁄8" 1'1 ⁄4" 30°—2-0 10'17⁄8" 3096 10'31⁄2" 1'33⁄4" BestCurve Windows specialize in helping implement the style, preferences, and unique requirements 30°—2-4 10'87⁄8" 3273 10'107⁄16" 1'53⁄4" of each home they touch. Whatever your desire, BiltBest can help. Don’t be afraid to be creative. With 45°—1-8 8'111⁄4" 2419 9'3" 1'51⁄8" 45°—2-0 9'47⁄8" 2867 9'89⁄16" 1'10" 45°—2-4 9'10 9⁄16" 3011 10'25⁄16" 2'03⁄4" 5 NOTE: Use standard double hung R.O. height +1 1/2" 3 our help and shared expertise, the home of your dreams can come true. Whether you’re designing a new home, renovating an existing one, or working on a light commercial project, we can do it. 19 BestCurve Wood Double Hung Windows Double Hung Hardware BestCurve Wood Double Hung Units Rough Opg 1'10" 3'7 3⁄8" 2'2" 4'3 3⁄8" 2'6" 4'11 3⁄8" 2'10" Soft Metric 559 1102 660 1305 762 1508 864 1711 1'9 5⁄16" 3'6 3⁄4" 2'1 5⁄16" 4'2 3⁄4" 2'5 5⁄16" 4'10 3⁄4" 2'9 5⁄16" 5'6 5⁄8" BestCurve Wood Double Hung Accessories Primed 5/4 x 4 Flat Casing Primed 5/4 x 6 Flat Casing Natural 1 x 6 Knotty Pine Casing 20 2'9 1⁄8" 2'8 1⁄4" 3'0 1⁄4" 3'1 1⁄8" 3'9 1⁄8" 3'8 1⁄4" 3'11 1⁄8" 4'5 1⁄8" 4'1 5⁄8" 3'7 1⁄8" 4'1 1⁄8" 3'9 5⁄8" 4'3 1⁄8" 4'9 1⁄8" 4'5 5⁄8" 5'1 1⁄8" 4'9 5⁄8" 4'7 1⁄8" 4'0 1⁄4" 4'4 1⁄4" 4'8 1⁄4" 5'0 1⁄4" SDH1-2852 W 5'5 1⁄8" 5'1 5⁄8" 5'4 1⁄4" SDH1-2456 W SDH2-28410 W SDH2-2456 W * SDH2-2852 W 4'11 1⁄8" 2' 6" 2' 10" 3' 6" 3' 10" 4' 2" 4' 10" 5' 2" SDH1-2856 W * * * SDH2-2856 W • AMMA/WDMA 101/I.S. 2-97 H-LC25 • WDMA Hallmark Certified • NFRC Rated • Full Screen • Clear Pine Interior SDH1-1866 W SDH2-1866 W SDH1-2066 W SDH2-2066 W SDH1-2466 W * * SDH2-2466 W 5'3 1⁄8" 5'7 1⁄8" * * SDH2-2862 W 5'11 1⁄8" SDH1-2862 W 6'5 1⁄8" 6'1 5⁄8" * * SDH2-28510 W * * SDH2-2462 W SDH1-2462 W SDH2-2062 W 6' 2" 6'5 5⁄8" 5/4 x 4” or 6” Flat Casing 4” Adams Casing UltraBilt6 Argon Filled IG SunBilt6 Argon Filled IG SmartBilt6 Argon Filled IG Tinted IG Glazing Jamb Widths up to 8 1/16” Four Hardware Finishes Primed or Pre-finished Interior AMMA/WDMW 101/I.S. 2-97 H-LC50 with Clips 6'4 1⁄4" • • • • • • • • • • 6'6 3 ⁄4" • 4 9/16” Jamb Depth Completely Set-Up Bay Units Picture Windows Sash Set Transom Units Direct Set Half Round Transom Surround Colonial Wood Grilles Grilles Between the Glass 1” or 1 3/8” SDL (Simulated Divided Lite) • Natural Wood Exterior • Knotty Pine 1 x 6 Flat Casing 6'9 1 ⁄4" • • • • • • • 2073 • 5/8” Dual Seal Insulated Glass SDH1-2062 W 6'4 1⁄4" SDH2-1862 W SDH1-1862 W Available Options: * * SDH1-28510 W 6'1 1⁄8" 5'9 5⁄8" * Additional Features: * * SDH2-24510 W SDH1-24510 W SDH2-20510 W 5' 10" 6'1 5⁄8" 6'0 1⁄4" 6'2 3 ⁄4" 6'5 1 ⁄4" SDH1-20510 W 6'0 1⁄4" SDH2-18510 W 5'9 1⁄8" 5'5 5⁄8" 5'8 1⁄4" 5' 6" 5'9 5⁄8" 5'8 1⁄4" 5'10 3 ⁄4" 6'1 1 ⁄4" 1870 6'1 5 ⁄8" Routed Finger Groove Lift 1972 1 Piece Sill Nosing 6'5 5 ⁄8" 14° Slope on Sill 6'9 5 ⁄8" Primed L-Adams Colonial Casing SDH2-2056 W SDH2-2846 W SDH1-28410 W SDH2-2452 W * SDH1-18510 W 2" WM180 DH Wood Brickmould Cellular Vinyl SDH1-2056 W SDH2-1856 W SDH2-24410 W SDH1-2452 W SDH2-2842 W SDH1-2846 W SDH2-2446 W SDH1-24410 W SDH2-2052 W SDH1-2842 W 5/4” Wood Sill 2" WM180 DH Wood Brickmould Primed 2" WM180 DH Wood Brickmould Natural or Clear 4' 6" 4'8 1⁄4" SDH1-1856 W SDH2-20410 W SDH1-2052 W SDH2-1852 W 5'4 1⁄4" 5'6 3 ⁄4" 5'9 1 ⁄4" 1768 5'9 5 ⁄8" SDH1-1852 W Tilt In For Easy Cleaning 3'1 5⁄8" 4'4 1⁄4" 4'6 3 ⁄4" 4'10 3 ⁄4" 5'1 1 ⁄4" 1565 and warmer in winter. 5'0 1⁄4" homes cooler in summer 5'2 3 ⁄4" 5'5 5 ⁄8" filled glass, it keeps SDH2-2442 W SDH1-2446 W R24 SDH1-28310 W R60 SDH1-2442 W SDH2-2046 W SDH1-20410 W SDH2-18410 W SDH1-2832 W SDH1-24310 W SDH2-2042 W SDH1-2046 W SDH2-1846 W SDH1-18410 W 5'5 1 ⁄4" high performance Argon 1669 Ask about SmartBilt6 5'1 5 ⁄8" SDH1-1846 W Flush MountedRouted-In Lock and Keeper Dual Locks on 2-8 and Wider Units 3'9 5⁄8" 4'0 1⁄4" 4'2 3 ⁄4" 1362 4'5 1 ⁄4" 4'9 1 ⁄4" SmartBilt6 SDH1-2042 W SDH2-1842 W SDH1-28210 W SDH1-2432 W SDH2-20310 W 5'7 3⁄8" R36 SDH1-24210 W SDH2-2032 W SDH1-20310 W SDH2-18310 W SDH1-1842 W 4'9 5 ⁄8" White 1464 Adjustable Dual Spring Balance Shoe 4'5 5 ⁄8" SDH1-18310 W 4'1 5⁄8" Bronze R24 SDH2-20210 W SDH1-2032 W SDH2-1832 W 3'8 1⁄4" 3'10 3 ⁄4" 4'1 1 ⁄4" 1260 4'1 5 ⁄8" SDH1-1832 W R48 SDH1-20210 W SDH2-18210 W 3'01⁄4" 3'2 3 ⁄4" 3'5 1 ⁄4" Wood Parting Stop Brite Brass 1057 WM180 Brickmould 3'5 5 ⁄8" SDH1-18210 W R24 2'9 5⁄8" R48 2' 8 1⁄4" 2'10 3 ⁄4" LIMITED WARRANTY 956 Gold Tone 3'1 1 ⁄4" R24 4'5 5⁄8" Unit Size 4'9 5⁄8" ER’S 5'1 5⁄8" BestCurve Wood Double Hung Distinguishing Features: OWN 5'5 5⁄8" E HOM 3'1 5 ⁄8" Sash Locks * SDH1-2866 W * * SDH2-2866 W * Egress units (20" min. clear opening width, 24" min. clear opening height, 5.7 square feet min. total clear opening area). Check local codes for egress requirements. 21 Clad & Wood Accessories BestCurve Wood Double Hung Units Rough Opg 3'2" 6'3 3⁄8" 3'6" 6'11 3⁄8" 3'10" Soft Metric 965 1915 1067 2118 1168 3'1 5⁄16" 6'2 5⁄8" 3'5 5⁄16" 6'10 7⁄8" 3'9 5⁄16" Unit Size R48 2'7 5⁄8" 3'0 3⁄8" 3'0" 3'5 1 ⁄4" 1035 3'5 5 ⁄8" SDH1-38210 W 3" Clad Brickmould 2" WM180 DH Wood Brickmould Natural or Clear 2" WM180 DH Wood Brickmould Primed 3 1/2" Flat Casing 2" WM180 DH Wood Brickmould Cellular Vinyl 2" WM180 Casement Wood Brickmould Primed 2" WM180 Casement Wood Brickmould Natural or Clear 2" WM180 Casement Wood Brickmould Cellular Vinyl 1 3/16" 1 7/8" SDH1-3832 W SDH1-3432 W SDH1-3032 W 2" Clad Brickmould 2'11 5⁄8" SDH1-34210 W SDH1-30210 W Wood Accessories R48 2'8 3⁄8" 2'8" 933 3'1 1⁄4" 3'1 5⁄8" R36 Clad Accessories 4" Extruded Vinyl Nailing Fin 3/8" Std Mull Cap 4'3 5⁄8" R72 SDH1-3446 W SDH2-3046 W * SDH1-3066 W * SDH2-3066 W 4'11 5⁄8" 4'4 1⁄4" 5'3 5⁄8" 4'8 1⁄4" 5'0 1⁄4" 5'7 5⁄8" 5'4 3⁄8" 5'11 5⁄8" 5'4 1⁄4" * SDH1-3466 W 45° Nail Flange Receptor Mull Cover WM356 Laminated WM356 Clear PVC WM366 Laminated WM366 Clear PVC WM366 Primed WM356 Primed 30° Nail Flange 30° Bay Mull Corner Cover 45° Bay Mull Corner Lead Ins (2) * SDH2-3466 W Reinforcing Mullion Anchor Clip (2 per mull) Interior Cap for 3/4" Reinforcing Mullion 3/4" Reinforcing Mullion WM444 PVC/Primed DH Interior Stool Stock Clear Natural Pine 1 3/8" PG Int Mull Casing Clear Natural Pine 1 1/8" S4S Int. Transom Casing Clear Natural Pine BestColors A palette of over 200 available colors. BestColors Options 184 Special RAL Colors offered on all E-Clad windows and patio doors: With the widest selection of clad colors, BiltBest offers virtually unlimited choices including 16 standard colors, 184 special RAL colors, and computer custom color matching to meet any design. Choose any of the 184 special RAL colors shown in this brochure for a distinctive color scheme for your home. Sixteen Standard Colors offered on all BiltBest clad products: Computer matched custom colors: BiltBest offers eight standard colors with matching GBG and two-tone GBG options: Yoke White Bronze Earthstone Champagne Creme Sandstone Hartford Green Rustic Red White SDH1-3862 W (Note: These eight colors are available in the E-Clad Maxima™ Series high performance window and meet AAMA Standard 2604-98. The extrusions for the Maxima™ Series are painted by the aluminum extruder to the 2604-98 specification) 6'3 5⁄8" * Cap for 3/8" Reinforcing Mullion * SDH2-3462 W * Egress units (20" min. clear opening width, 24" min. clear opening height, 5.7 square feet min. total clear opening area). Check local codes for egress requirements. * Additional lead time and a per order set-up charge may apply. Eight additional standard colors: Additional lead time, per order custom set-up charge, and per order unit charge apply. BiltBest is one of a very few aluminum clad wood window manufacturers that has its own, in-house, powder coat paint line. A four step process applies colors to mill finish aluminum extrusions per the specifications of AAMA Standard 2603-98. BiltBest powder coats approximately 70% of all aluminum clad products with the in-house powder coat line. The remaining 30% of aluminum clad products are painted by the aluminum extruder and also meet AAMA Standard 2603-98. Special RAL Colors The BiltBest Special RAL colors use weather resistant polyester TGIC powder coatings for exterior applications. The RAL color standard has gained worldwide acceptance in recent years and is one of the most popular color standards used today. SDH1-3866 W Features: Teal Blue Smoke Gray Dark Charcoal Olive Moss Muncil Brown Pacific Blue Grey Country Meadow (Note: Not available on E-Clad Maxima™ Series high performance window) There is no order set-up charge or per order unit charge, nor any additional lead time for any of the sixteen standard BestColors. 22 WM324 Laminated Provide a sample and BiltBest will computer match your color. SDH1-38510 W * 5'8 1⁄4" 6'4 3⁄8" * * SDH1-3462 W SDH2-3062 W 5'10 7⁄8" 6'4" 6'9 1 ⁄4" SDH1-3062 W SDH1-3856 W SDH2-34510 W * * * * SDH1-34510 W 6'0 3⁄8" 6'0" 6'5 1 ⁄4" 1949 6'5 5 ⁄8" 5'6 7⁄8" * SDH2-3456 W * * SDH2-30510 W * 2051 5'8 3⁄8" * SDH1-30510 W * Vinyl Drip Fin * SDH1-3852 W SDH2-3452 W SDH1-3456 W SDH2-3056 W * 6'9 5 ⁄8" * 5'2 7⁄8" 5'8" 6'1 1 ⁄4" 1848 6'1 5 ⁄8" SDH1-3056 W * Natural 1 x 6 Knotty Pine Casing SDH1-38410 W SDH2-34410 W SDH1-3452 W SDH2-3052 W 4'10 7⁄8" 5'4" 5'9 1 ⁄4" * 5'0 3⁄8" 4'6 7⁄8" 5'0" 5'5 1 ⁄4" 5'5 5 ⁄8" 1645 1746 5'9 5 ⁄8" SDH1-3052 W * Head Drip Fin 2" Mull Cap (1 3/4" Spread) 3/8" Reinforcing Mullion * Primed 5/4 x 6 Flat Casing 4'7 5⁄8" 4'0 1⁄4" 4'2 7⁄8" 4'8" 5'1 1 ⁄4" 1543 5'1 5 ⁄8" 4'8 3⁄8" SDH1-34410 W SDH2-30410 W Primed 5/4 x 4 Flat Casing SDH1-3846 W 10° Bow Mull SDH1-30410 W Primed L-Adams Colonial Casing Nail Clips SDH1-3842 W SDH1-3442 W 4'4 3⁄8" 3'10 7⁄8" 4'4" 4'9 1 ⁄4" 1441 SDH1-3046 W 8" 3'11 5⁄8" 4'0 3⁄8" 4'5 1 ⁄4" 1340 4'5 5 ⁄8" 4'0" R24 SDH1-3042 W Frame Expanders SDH1-38310 W SDH1-34310 W SDH1-30310 W 4'9 5 ⁄8" 3'7 5⁄8" 3'8 3⁄8" 3'8" 4'1 1 ⁄4" 1238 4'1 5 ⁄8" 6" Clad Sill Nosing Excellent Weather Resistance Very Smooth Flow and Application Good Storage Stability High Mechanical Properties Gloss Level: All colors featured in this brochure are available in a standard smooth glossy finish with a gloss level of 80 +/- 5. Reduced gloss levels are available subject to a special set-up charge. 23 To see the complete BiltBest Window and Patio Door line, visit your local BiltBest dealer or call 1-800-245-8237 and ask for inside sales. Each BiltBest dealer is a window and door professional and is available to help you select the best BiltBest product to meet your needs. (DEALER IMPRINT) B i l t B e s t P r o d u c t s , I n c . • 1 7 5 S o u t h Te n t h S t r e e t • S t e . G e n e v i e v e , M O 6 3 6 7 0 Specifications subject to change without notice. Color and hardware finish reproductions are as close to shown as modern printing allows. To see actual samples visit your local BiltBest Dealer. ®Energy Star, NFRC, WDMA and HALLMARK are registered US Trademarks. 24 Part #DH0706 Strategic Industries ©2006 BiltBest Products, Inc. a subsidiary of Strategic Industries, LLC • Printed in USA
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