City of Brockville
City of Brockville MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR We are proud to be a city designated a World Health Organization Safe Community and situated within a Biosphere Reserve. We promote cultural diversity and extend a warm welcome to our new Canadian immigrants. We are proud of the commitment our corporate community provides in enhancing the quality of life for our citizens, and are confident that you will find the cooperation of Brockvillians exemplary. We offer a number of publications, such as our Community Profile and listings of industrial buildings and lands, and various lure pieces that will undoubtedly supplement your assessment on our area. Please do not hesitate to contact our Economic Development Office or myself for any assistance. Yours truly, Mayor David L. Henderson The City of Brockville is a safe community that has good schools, high quality healthcare, low housing costs and a small town atmosphere where neighbours know and support each other. And, you can enjoy all of the comforts of living in a larger urban centre here too. What we do is: • bring together those working and interested in the settlement and involvement of newcomers • promote the region as a welcoming and highly desirable area in which to live, work and visit • encourage local populations to be accepting and inclusive of cultural diversity Spread your wings and fly. There’s room to grow in the City and the surrounding townships in Leeds and Grenville. 1000 Islands.......................................17 Health Associations............................28 Animal Care & Shelters......................20 Health Care ........................................19 Apartment Contacts ...........................14 History of Brockville .............................4 Arts Organizations .............................20 Biosphere Reserve ..............................2 Leisure Organizations ........................29 Child Care Services ...........................24 Literacy & Languages Services .........30 City Hall................................................6 Location .............................................46 City of Brockville Map ........................22 Multicultural & Immigration.................30 Climate ...............................................45 Communication & Information Media Services ..........................24 New Developments............................47 Property Taxes .....................................7 Community Comparison ......................3 Public Assistance ...............................30 Community Sports Facilities ..............35 Residential Areas .................................8 Community Vitality Index .....................3 Cultural Diversity................................18 Dance.................................................26 Senior Homes & Services ..................31 Service Clubs.....................................32 Educational Services .........................26 Social and Family Services................33 Emergency Services ..........................27 Sports Organizations / Associations ..34 Employment Agencies .......................27 Transportation ....................................39 Faith / Religion ...................................28 Utilities ...............................................41 Festivals and Events..........................37 Fitness Facilities ................................28 Great Outdoors of the 1000 Islands Region..........................................38 Waste Services ..................................43 Welcome Services ...............................2 Youth Clubs........................................35 This book was produced by the City of Brockville Economic Development office. Clarification of any information herein can be addressed to that department. Additional copies can be obtained from City Hall or online at 1 Brockville is part of the United Nations Biosphere Reserve and is one of only nine world regions who have a tourism charter agreement with the National Geographic Society. The Welcome Wagon program involves several local businesses as sponsors, in welcoming new families into our community. For more information please visit their website: The Newcomer’s Club is open to anyone who is new to the area in the past two years. For more information please visit their website: 2 You are encouraged to compare Brockville’s costing and social economic offerings to other communities. The City of Brockville boasts very competitive tax rates among 12 other like-sized small urban Ontario municipalities found both in the Eastern and Southwestern regions. Brockville had the 6th lowest residential rate, the 2nd lowest multi-residential rate, the 8th lowest commercial rate, and 4th lowest industrial rate. The City of Brockville remains an important place both within Ontario and Canada broadly for entrepreneurs and those wishing to start up businesses. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) places Brockville within the top 100 entrepreneurial cities in the country, ahead of such places as Vancouver, Victoria, Montreal, and Halifax. For more information on the CFIB please visit The City of Brockville and its outlying regions have shown an incredible growth in creative economy jobs. According to the Martin Prosperity Institute, Brockville and region has the second highest percentage of creative class workers and one of the highest percentages of creative occupations in the province. Rural areas in the region boast the highest percentage of creative industry establishments. For more information on the Creative Corridor Study, please visit The City of Brockville scored over 70% percent favourable score as part of an examination into Community Vitality within the municipality. The score was determined by surveys done by Brockville’s own residents. Initiated in 2007, the study (by The Ciel) found that Brockville’s primary strengths in vitality indicators (out of 9) were arts, heritage and culture (79.5%), life-long learning (79.3%), physical space (77.3%), and the environment (74.9%) with an average score of 71.3% compared with a four community average of 63.5%. Relative to others, Brockvillians are still very content with the vitality of life in their municipal community. For more information on the Centre for Innovative and Entrepreneurial Leadership and the Community Vitality Initiative, please visit 3 The City of Brockville is one of the oldest and historically important communities in Ontario. It was first settled and founded by American citizens, loyal to the British government, following the closing of the British-American War of 1775-83. These new settlers were known as United Empire Loyalists. William Buell, Daniel Jones and Charles Jones were the three village founders that were granted the land which forms the historic area of the original downtown Brockville. A town site was first laid out about 1802 on the central portion owned by William Buell, who lived here for 47 years, from 1785 to 1832, developing his properties for later settlers. Brockville stands on the eastern edge of the Canadian Shield, a rocky, geological formation. The local terrain, near the shore of the St. Lawrence River, although not conducive for farming included Buell’s Bay, Buell’s Creek, three rising plateaus from the shoreline, and a small island, close to the shore, later named Blockhouse Island. These characteristics were exploited as the small village grew in the early 1800s. In 1809, the government of Upper Canada decided to build a new court house and jail here, on the high plateau back of the shore, on a piece of land offered by William Buell. These facilities led to the establishment of the seat of government here for the District of Johnstown and then later the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. Court House Square and Green, surrounded by public buildings and tall neo-Gothic churches, in front of the 1842-built Brockville Court House, is one of eastern Ontario’s most attractive urban spaces. 4 Brockville was named in 1812, to honour General Isaac Brock, the “Hero of Upper Canada”, whose command of the British and militia forces of this province led to success during the second BritishAmerican War of 1812-14. His tragic death in October 1812 confirmed the wisdom of being the first adopters of his name for the small village. Later, when Brockville’s population exceeded 1000 residents, the village became one of the first places to send an elected representative to the provincial legislature. In 1832, Brockville was successful in becoming the first incorporated and self-governing “Police Village” in Upper Canada. Located on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, Brockville became a popular port-of-call for the steamships that travelled up and down the river. These ships carried immigrants to Canada and raw materials and manufactured products to their markets. The waterfront of Brockville was soon dotted with new industries like foundries, tanneries, breweries, as well as numerous warehouses. In the 1850s, the town of Brockville was made the centre of railway transportation, as both the Grand Trunk Railway and the Brockville & Ottawa Railway opened their rail lines here. These decisions led to further growth and development of this community. Brockville is the site of Canada’s first railway tunnel, opened in 1860. It provided a route for trains from the Ottawa Valley to the Brockville waterfront for over 110 years. The Brockville Railway Tunnel passes completely under the centre of the city for a third of a mile and is open to the public. The downtown streets of Brockville are an “outdoor museum” of beautiful buildings throughout the Historic Area. The variety of early stone houses, brick commercial blocks and Victorian homes has been preserved over our 200 years of growth. This cultural heritage is something that needs to be discovered on foot. Doug Grant Local Historian 5 Brockville is rich in history being settled in 1785. City Hall is a fine example of the architecture that exists today in the downtown area. The building, which was constructed in 1864, was once a farmers’ market. Today it houses the municipal government and the market is now found next door on Market Street West. The public is welcome to visit “Victoria Hall” anytime during the week from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Any questions pertaining to the city or services can be brought to the front desk. Most city billings including taxes, licenses, water, tickets, etc. can be paid at the Revenue Office, located within the front doors on the left. City Hall is comprised of the Mayor’s and Clerk’s office, Economic Development, Treasury, Planning/Building and Human Resources found in the Victoria Hall building; Community Services and Operations found at the Gord Watts Centre on North Augusta Road; Police located on Parkedale Avenue and Fire - main station located on Laurier Boulevard. City services include maintaining the roads, lights, water and sewers, as well as 16 islands, 38 parks (including a campground), two arenas, harbour, arts centre, 10 athletic fields and 7 km of walking trails. The municipal government consists of a mayor and nine councillors (three each from the three wards – east, central and west) who are elected for a 4-year term. Information regarding the municipal government or the City of Brockville can be found on the website or by calling/ visiting City Hall. 6 The municipality levies the taxes for the city and the school board. Taxes are based upon assessment (this is the value of your home, as determined by the Provincial Assessment office). The assessment of your residence is multiplied by the tax rate. The school tax rate is determined by the province. The municipal tax rate is determined by the Municipal Council. Based on a $100,000 home; $1338.63 municipal $252.00 school for a total of $1590.63*. The Revenue Office is responsible for the issuance of interim and final tax bills. We process supplementary bills as well as adjustments. A variety of application forms are available on-line or in the Revenue Office such as vacancy rebate, adjustments for fire, demolition class charges, etc. under section 357 of the Municipal Act. We also issue tax certificates. The property tax year runs from January to December. Taxes may be paid at any chartered bank, by computer or telephone banking, by mail or at City Hall. Taxes are invoiced in two installments, the first due in March and the final payment due in September. Residents have the option of a monthly payment plan through automatic bank withdrawals. Residential Tax Rate .015906319 x Current Value Assessment* $100,000 $125,000 Home $150,000 Home $1590.63 $1988.28 $2385.94 COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS The City of Brockville can boast of very competitive tax rates among 12 other like-sized small urban Ontario municipalities found both in the Eastern and Southwestern regions. Brockville had the 6th lowest residential rate, the 2nd lowest multi-residential rate, the 8th lowest commercial rate, and 4th lowest industrial rate. Brockville is one of the few municipalities that can boast an Office Building class, Shopping Centre class, and Large Industrial class. The municipalities examined were Kingston, Pembroke, Cornwall, Belleville, Smiths Falls, Prescott, St Thomas, Owen Sound, Stratford, Gananoque and Quinte West. *2010 For current information on tax rates please visit • email or call (613) 342-8772 x428 7 Brockville was established on the north bank of the St. Lawrence River, and initially expanded east and west, from the river north to the CNR railway line. With the development of Highway 401, the city continued to grow northerly, and now encompasses approximately 2.5 square miles. A description is given for the types of housing found in each section of the city, as well as the surrounding townships of Elizabethtown-Kitley and Augusta. (See map layout of city found in centre section of book.) WEST END This section of the city runs from the river north to the railway tracks and west of Perth Street to the city limits. The architecture is a mix of heritage styles found closer to the waterfront to recently built modern styles. There are many choices from executive high-end priced homes (many with river views), to moderate older brick homes. The following is a description of some of the more recent developed areas. Country Club Place - A condominium development on the river across from the golf course consisting of 3-storey townhouses overlooking the river. Brock Woods - The first homes were built in 1991. There is a wide mix of single family homes, from 1200 sq. ft. bungalows to 2600 sq. ft. 2-storey model semidetached dwellings. Pearl Street West - This small cul-de-sac, within the Brock Woods subdivision, contains 22 homes including single family units on oversized lots, “lifestyle” semi-detached bungalows. Susanna Lane - upscale townhouses on the North side of King Street West. Butlers Creek – Found at the west end of Church Street, this development of 52 freehold attached town homes are a popular retirement location. Snow-removal and grass-cutting is done under a group contract, at a nominal monthly cost. The majority of the units are 2 bedroom/2 bath bungalows, the balance being 2storey/3 bedroom units. “It’s not just finding a place to live – It is fulfilling your dream” I would be pleased if you would allow me to use my many years of real estate experience to HELP YOU find the place that fills YOUR NEEDS, WANTS AND DREAMS! TOWNSMAN LTD. BROKERAGE Independently Owned & Operated Donna Brewer, Broker Direct: 613.342.8860 Office 613.645.2121 Ext. 314 • Fax: 613.345.0680 Toll Free: 877.311.2121 116 King Street West, Brockville • 8 DOWNTOWN This area encompasses the downtown core from the river to the CN line between Perth Street and Park Street. The homes are a mixture of heritage culture made of stone or brick to a modest income dwelling. Numerous apartments above the stores, townhouse as well as duplexes and condos along the river makes this a truly versatile socio-economic area. All have easy access to the City’s waterfront parks and walking trails. Condominiums - Along the waterfront there are three condo establishments as well as seniors apartment complexes. The 72 unit Executive Condominium, is a waterfront, apartment-style building. The Boardwalk is the most recently completed condominium, located on Tunnel Bay consisting of 1800 sq. ft. units, all with a river view. The Harbourview Condominium, is situated so that most units enjoy a river view. Dwelling space ranges from one bedroom units to 3 bedroom river-end units. The Four Winds is located on King St. in the downtown area and also offers a birds eye view of the river from many of its units. Three new developments are in the works for downtown Brockville. The Wedgewood is a 7-storey seniors building with 109 units, and ground floor commercial space. The Brockville Landing is a 10-storey, 90 Unit condo building along the St. Lawrence River. Construction is estimated to be completed 2011/12 We also have Downtown West Condo’s. A 3-storey 26 unit building in the existing Reliable Furniture Building. Construction is estimated to be completed 2011. The Tall Ships Landing is an exciting new development that offers a complete waterfront recreational lifestyle. Situated on the beautiful waterfront in the historic downtown of Brockville, Ontario, Tall Ships Landing provides unparalleled access to the spectacular 1000 Islands with suites ranging from 995 to 2500 square feet starting at $300,000. Courtyards of Kincaid - A newer development of ten 3-storey town homes has recently been established. These are upscale units, each having a detached 2 car garage, connected by a covered walkway to the rear of the unit. There is a common centre court area and the southerly block has river views. 9 EAST END The east end is comprised of the area from the river to the railway line and from Park Street to the city limits at Oxford Avenue. Homes tend to be higher quality in some sections, many heritage dwellings found especially closer to the downtown. Higher end homes are located east of the downtown core including a stately row of mansions along King Street reminding us of the elite culture that has been present in Brockville for centuries. Most moderate homes are 25-125 years old including several larger ones CENTRAL This next section describes the homes that are found centrally in the community which is the area divided between the CN railway line and Highway 401. Homes here are generally up to 60 years old and generally tend to be fairly well maintained with generous size lots. NORTH END Brockvillians, when talking about the north end, refer to the mass development of the city north of Highway 401 to the city’s northerly limits. This section of the city began it’s growth with the boom of development in the 1970s including commercial development along Parkedale Avenue. As the community continued to grow the blocks expanded eastwardly. The styles include bungalows to split-levels, 2storey modern to executive styles including attached garages. Many apartment clusters are also found in the north as well as senior residences. The following are descriptions of just a few of the blocks recently developed. Making Your Move Easy Paula Wiltse Sales Representave Direct (613)246-5363 Office (613)342-4663 Brockhaven Realty Brokerage 246 King St. West Brockville, ON K6V 3R9 EACH OFFICE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED 10 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS BEYOND CITY LIMITS All homes outside city limits are normally on private well and septic systems, however homes on and close to County Rd. 2, west of Brockville, were connected to the City water supply early in 2000 to overcome a problem with road-salt contamination of well water aquifers. Elizabeth Park Estates (4 miles west, along Cty. Rd. 2) - A modest development of homes - mainly bungalows, 20-25 year old with garages on ½ acre lots. Lily Bay Estates (3 miles west, along Cty. Rd. 2) - A 34 lot development, of executive caliber homes, set on lots that are a minimum of 2 acres in size. The minimum size of a home that can be built is 1800 sq. ft. above grade. Lily Bay Shores (3 miles west, along Cty. Rd. 2) - A 17 lot development, with several lots fronting on the St. Lawrence River, all sharing a common docking area. Hillcrest Park (2.5 miles west, along Cty. Rd. 2) - This development is devoted to large executive homes. An exciting mix of customdesigned houses are continually being added on lots that are 1-3 acres in size. Fernbank area (2 miles west along Cty. Rd. 2) - There is a wide variety, in style and size, of custom designed homes. Lyn Heights (4 miles west along Cty. Rd. 27) - A subdivision just outside the Village of Lyn. The homes are about 10-15 years old and offer a mix of bungalows, side-splits and smaller two storey dwellings. Braelyn Estates (3.5 miles west along Cty. Rd. 27) - This development is adjacent to Lyn Heights and although the lots are similar in size, the houses tend to be slightly larger. Most houses have 2 car garages and some have pools. Heather Heights subdivision (About 4 miles north-west, just east of Cty. Rd. 29) This development was started in the early 1980s. Homes are a pleasant blend of single family bungalows, sidesplits and two-storey models, most having 2 car garages. Lion‘s Gates subdivision (3 miles east, along Cty. Rd. 2) - This development of 1.2-2.3 acre lots is the location of some of the largest recently built homes in the Brockville area. All have been heavily customized and several are over 3,000 sq. ft. in size. McLean Subdivision (4 miles east, Cty Rd. 2 in Maitland) - Housing is from 1-30 years old. Bungalows are predominant, most having a garage or carport. Lots are generally 75' x 100', many have in-ground pools and several have some view of the river, depending upon the time of year. Maitland Park Estates (About 6 miles east of Brockville and north of Maitland village) - This development on the east side of Cty. Rd. 15 in Maitland, actually consists of three adjacent subdivisions. The first homes were built in 1978, and there is now a wide range of housing styles. The subdivision consist of bungalows, side-splits and 2-storey/4 bedroom homes on ½ acre lots. 12 13 Address DOWNTOWN (SOUTH OF CNR) 99-101 1/2 Abbott St. 121 Abbott St. 45 Abbott St. 3 Apple St. 280 Bartholomew St. 284 Bartholomew St. 288 Bartholomew St. 20 Bartholomew St. 35 Bartholomew St. 10 Belvedere Pl. 37 Bethune St. 9 & 11 Broad St. 20 Broad St. 68 Buell St. 29 Buell St. 39, 41 Buell St. 20-24 Church St. 48 Church St. 19 Clarissa 41 Cochrane Ave. 4 Court Terrace 2 Court Terrace 6 Fairknowe Dr. 104 First Ave. 39 Garden St. 52 James St.W. 207 King St.E. 245 King St. E. 297, 299a King St.E. 117 King St.E. 27 King St.E. 77-79 King St.E. 87 King St.E. 93 King St.E. 133 King St.E. 73-77 King St.W. 350 King St.W. 200-202 King St.W. 210 King St.W. 89-91 King St.W. 375 King St.W. 206 King St.W. 388 King St.W. 95-97 King St.W. 196-198 King St.W. 342 King St.W. 148-150 King St.W. 152-154 King St.W. 31-33 King St.W. 389 King St.W. 188 King St. E. 55 Oak St. 55 Orchard St. 274 Ormond St. 14 Type of Unit Number of of Units Apartment Apartment Apartment Condos Side-split Side-split Side-split Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Condo Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment. Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment. Apartment. Triplex Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Triplex Apartment Apartment Condo 4 4 4 72 10 8 10 4 4 12 3 24 5 3 4 12 33 79 45 6 5 4 14 5 28 4 4 26 4 5 4 16 8 3 4 5 4 4 6 11 4 6 10 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 6 5 39 Adult/ Senior Elevator Property Manager Phone Number X Joseph Madigan Stephen McMurray Wanda Seguin Roger Hodgkinson Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG (613) 342-4663 (613) 342-4386 (613) 342-5614 (613) 345-5314 (613) 342-3840 (613) 342-3840 (613) 342-3840 William Garner Frank Gordon Stu Williams Highland Assoc. Henry Noble George Huchcroft Highland Assoc. Margaret Wicklum Margaret Wicklum Marguerita Residence Corp. Marguerita Residence Corp. Marek Wlodarczyk Margaret Wilson Thomas Utman Peter Vigile Edward Carr Floyd Halstead Julian Lamb Jack Briggs Margaret Wicklum Jean Freemantle Jo Lor Margaret Wilson Highland Assoc. Rob Sheridan (non smoking) M.J. Phillips Stanoja Simic Ann Wade - Biba Carl Burchell Chuck Mah Ming Elizabeth Hain George Yannanopolous Gordon White Highland Assoc. Highland Assoc. Paul Bak Qui Tat Richard Orr Robin Senior Roger Burke Tait's Bakery Wade Haskin Don Richards - River City Rick Paquin Walter Stilnovich Don Richards - River City (613) 925-0649 (613) 342-8772 (613) 345-3926 (613) 345-4838 (613) 342-0416 (613) 498-0876 (613) 345-4838 (613) 345-4808 (613) 345-4808 (613) 345-2734 (613) 345-2734 (613) 342-7888 (613) 345-7653 (613) 345-3949 Nepean (613) 345-1226 (613) 345-2168 (613) 342-2906 (613) 498-0792 (613) 345-4808 (613) 342-7558 (613) 342-0639 (613) 345-7653 (613) 345-4838 (613) 342-5935 (613) 246-4811 (613) 498-1461 (613) 345-1310 (613) 342-9908 (613) 342-3483 (613) 342-5577 (613) 345-5525 (613) 342-9077 (613) 345-4838 (613) 345-4838 (613) 345-4096 (613) 345-2914 (613) 923-2443 (613) 342-8644 (613) 342-1967 (613) 342-3567 (613) 342-8708 (613) 498-1598 (613) 498-1202 (613) 342-8724 (613) 498-1598 X X X X X X X X X X Contact names and numbers are subject to change, please visit$ID=265 for up-to-date Apartment Contacts. 12 to 16 Ormond St. 211 Park St. Park St. 64-66 Park St. 261 Park St. 167 Pearl St.E. 62 Pearl St.E. 64-68 Pearl St.E. 187 Pearl St.E. 16-18 Pearl St.E. 812 Pearl St.E. 5 to 17 Perth St. 3 Perth St. 142 Perth St. 274 Perth St. 98 Pine St. 97 Pine St. 124-126 Pine St. 134 Pine St. 75 Pine St. 22-24 Tunnel Ave. 46 Victoria Ave. 80 Water St. 55 Water St.E. 5 Weston Cres. 26 William St. 34-36 William St. 87 William St. 40 Winters Crt. 10 Winters Crt. Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Townhouse Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Condo Apartment Apartment Apartment Duplex Apartment Apartment 14 4 21 8 12 12 2 3 6 5 4 5 4 6 12 5 7 5 6 4 11 4 82 80 4 6 4 2 12 4 Address Type of Unit Apartment House House House Apartment Townhouse Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Townhouse Apartment Apartment Townhouse Apartment Apartment Side-split Apartment MIDTOWN 4 Buildings, Balmoral Pl. 10,22 Bisley Cres. 86,90,98 Bisley Cres. 24-120 Brighton Cres. 15 Central Ave. 12 Central Ave. 44 Central Ave. 50 Central Ave.W. 14 Charlotte Pl. 2 Charlotte Pl. 6 Charlotte Pl. 10 Charlotte Pl. 12 Charlotte Pl. 18 Chislett St. 38 Convay Cres. 42 Convay Cres. 44-62 Convey Cres. 30 Dewick Dr. 91 Front Ave. 94, 98 Front Ave. 95 Front Ave. 41 Front Ave. 5 1/2 Glengarry Rd. 10, 20, 30 Glenwood Pl. X X X X Jim Kirkland Alma Kuusiku Doug Sheffield Kim Serson Vijay Beri Dave Simmons Eric Jensen Eric Jensen Helen Smith Real Estate Lorne Birtch Patrick Riordan Gordon White Helen Smith Real Estate Kevin Wallace Vijay Beri David Norcott Jim Kirkland Mary Jordan Ed Stone Tom Wilson Donald Beaupre Ronald Helmer Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Dave Descent James Cotie Costa Sabaziotis Don Richards - River City Don Richards - River City Vijay Beri Wayne Brayton (613) 283-0415 (613) 342-6074 (613) 345-4494 (613) 498-2299 (613) 342-2532 (613) 864-7546 (613) 342-7717 (613) 342-7717 (613) 342-9148 (613) 342-9425 Cornwall (613) 342-9077 (613) 342-9148 (613) 498-5268 (613) 342-2532 (613) 345-2121 (613) 283-0415 (613) 342-4339 (613) 348-7115 (613) 342-0210 (613) 284-0675 (613) 345-5298 (613) 342-3840 (613) 342-0735 (613) 342-9305 (613) 345-2691 (613) 498-1598 (613) 498-1598 (613) 342-2532 (613) 345-7202 X X X X X X Number of of Units Adult/ Senior Elevator Property Manager Phone Number 160 2 3 40 6 49 35 24 24 24 24 50 40 8 21 22 0 12 47 0 37 4 20 108 X X Sarah Brown Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Araness Leasing Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Malcolm Bolton (613) 498-0299 (613) 342-3840 (613) 342-3840 (613) 342-3840 (613) 342-0950 (613) 342-3840 (613) 345-1420 Highland Assoc. Highland Assoc. Highland Assoc. Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG James Stepan Gwen Scott Gwen Scott Real Star Rick Paquin Gwen Scott Real Star Gwen Scott Richard Carr Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Trudy Soloman (613) 345-4838 (613) 345-4838 (613) 345-4838 (613) 342-9635 (613) 342-9635 (613) 342-6858 (613) 345-2002 (613) 345-2002 (613) 345-2002 (613) 498-1202 (613) 345-2002 (613) 345-2002 (613) 345-2002 (613) 275-1287 (613) 342-3840 (613)865-9450 X X X X X X X X X X Contact names and numbers are subject to change, please visit$ID=265 for up-to-date Apartment Contacts. 15 5,9,13,17,21 Glenwood Pl. 11 Hastings Dr. 85 Hubbell St. 21 Lancaster St. 55 Reynolds Dr. 86 Reynolds Dr. 98 Reynolds Dr. 64,68,70 Reynolds Dr. 10,14,18,22 Salisbury Ave. 25,45,49,65 Salisbury Ave. 81,85,89,113 Salisbury Ave. 14 Scace Ave. 12 to 14 Schofield 11 Schofield 9 Schofield 39 Sophia St. Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment House House Apartment Apartment House House Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment 33 48 5 6 47 1 1 33 44 4 4 18 9 12 6 8 X X Address Type of Unit Number of of Units Adult/ Senior Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment Townhouse Apartment Apartment Apartment Condo Townhouse Condo Apartment Apartment Condo Apartment Apartment Apartment 24 18 24 24 18 23 31 31 18 18 18 48 36 48 18 18 31 47 52 31 23 31 23 23 55 30 35 18 18 47 32 13 12 45 28 30 6 60 UPTOWN 14 Cartier Crt. 16 Cartier Crt. 4 Cartier Crt. 8 Cartier Crt. 12 Cartier Crt. 1340 Kensington Pkwy 1350 Kensington Pkwy 1360 Kensington Pkwy 1390 Kensington Pkwy 1400 Kensington Pkwy 1410 Kensington Pkwy 1315 Kensington Pkwy 1345 Kensington Pkwy 1375 Kensington Pkwy 850 Kyle Crt 860 Kyle Crt 810 Kyle Crt. 815 Kyle Crt. 845 Kyle Crt. 760 Laurier Blvd. 770 Laurier Blvd. 780 Laurier Blvd. 790 Laurier Blvd. 800 Laurier Blvd. 820 Laurier Blvd. 10 to 68 Liston Ave. 815 Macodrum Dr. 819 Macodrum Dr. 825 Macodrum Dr. 1100 Millwood Ave. 1301 Millwood Ave. 1171 Millwood Pl. 2478 Parkedale Ave. 226 Park St. 95 Windsor Dr. 10 Windsor Dr. 8 Windsor Dr. 17 Windsor Dr. 16 X X X X Elevator X X X X X X X X Trudy Soloman Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Clifford Rogers Vijay Beri Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Rick Paquin Rick Paquin Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Com. Housing Dept. C&SS, UCLG Don Richards - River City David Wood Ken Harden Gwen Scott Vijay Beri (613) 865-9450 (613) 342-3840 (613) 348-3952 (613) 342-2532 (613) 342-3840 (613) 342-3840 (613) 342-3840 (613) 498-1202 (613) 498-1202 (613) 342-3840 (613) 342-3840 (613) 498-1598 (613) 924-2237 (613) 345-7418 (613) 345-2002 (613) 342-2532 Property Manager Phone Number Linda Moore Linda Moore Linda Moore Linda Moore Lyn Gagne Brock-King Brock-King Brock-King Linda Moore Linda Moore Linda Moore Brenda Kim Kim Jonathan McCann Jonathan McCann Herb & Cindy Beaton Herb & Cindy Beaton Herb & Cindy Beaton Brock-King (613) 342-8833 (613) 342-8833 (613) 342-8833 (613) 342-8833 (613) 498-0606 (613) 342-0751 (613) 342-0751 (613) 342-0751 (613) 342-8833 (613) 342-8833 (613) 342-8833 (613) 498-0898 (613) 345-1403 (613) 345-1403 (613) 342-6668 (613) 342-6668 (613) 865-8660 (613) 865-8660 (613) 865-8660 (613) 548 1134 Highland Assoc. Shepherd's Green Coop. Highland Assoc. Highland Assoc. Highland Assoc. Highland Assoc. Sheridan Green Highland Assoc. Loretta Wong Margaret Wicklum Ed Ham Loretta Wong Loretta Wong Katherine David (613) 345-4838 (613) 498-1669 (613) 345-4838 (613) 345-4838 (613) 345-4838 (613) 345-4838 (613) 498-2129 (613) 345-4838 (905)-426-7274 (613) 345-4808 (613) 345-3154 (905)-426-7274 (905)-426-7274 (613) 345-4680 Contact names and numbers are subject to change, please visit$ID=265 for up-to-date Apartment Contacts. Enjoy one of the most picturesque areas in the world. The 1000 Islands and the St. Lawrence River is a playground for the young at heart. During the 1800s, the 1000 Islands was the summer home for many of North America's wealthy. Today, enjoy the serenity of the 1000 Islands (over 1,800 registered) with its hidden island coves, granite cliffs and scenic sunrises. The St. Lawrence River is one of the most important trade routes in the world. Blockhouse Island in Brockville is the best viewpoint to watch the magnificent steel freighters glisten in the sun as they glide through the mighty St. Lawrence River. Weekly sailing races provide further entertainment with their colourful sails flowing in the cool breeze. The many waterfront parks provide a great opportunity to enjoy the river. 17 Brockville is one of three Ontario communities selected by the Ontario Government to implement programming associated with supporting the building of immigration capacity for rural communities in the province. Fostering a welcoming climate for immigration is a primary first step towards advancing an aggressive immigration attraction and recruitment strategy. Brockville will assist with the coordination of settlement needs of new immigrations and endeavour to enhance the cultural diversity of the Brockville and Leeds Grenville region. For more information contact: “true happiness is to have ones passion as a profession” Our custom built and inventory homes blend the design characteristics and craftsmanship of the past with modern efficiency and ease of maintenance expected by our discriminating clients. Our homesites are located close to the historic heart of downtown Brockville only a short walk from the shores of the St Lawrence River. Our clients enjoy exclusive access to our professional construction management team. With a degree in architecture and years of experience as an Ontario Building Code Official, we offer expertise second to none. Contact us to discuss you new home relocation needs. Matthew Eyre B. Tech Arch Sc. President 18 Brockville can offer excellent health care services as it is located within a one hour drive of some of the best research clinics and institutions in Canada. The city provides acute care, active and long-term facilities as well as psychiatric treatment. Information pertaining to family physicians and dentists who are accepting new patients can be picked up at the reception desk of Brockville General Hospital. The hospital can also provide you with information and application for an Ontario health card. The city and county operate under the 911 emergency service for fire, police and ambulance. To obtain a new doctor in the area, please call 1-800-445-1822 or visit BROCKVILLE GENERAL HOSPITAL 613-345-5645 Brockville General Hospital is a two-site acute, complex, rehabilitation and palliative care facility with a combined total of 139 beds, serving a catchment area of 96,000. They offer 24/7 Emergency services; Obstetrics, Radiology and on-site Laboratory Services. The facility also features a 5 bed ICU, 4 Step-Down in addition to telemetry beds, 5 operating suites, Day Surgery and an Ambulatory Care Clinic. A full complement of specialty and support services is also available. BGH is located one hour away from two Tertiary care/academic centres in Ottawa and Kingston. Building upon its tradition of providing quality healthcare for more than 125 years, BGH underwent a $32 million dollar expansion in 2003. The expanded facility features the Emergency Department, OR suites, ICU, modern labour and delivery suites, Digital Diagnostic Imaging Department – including CT. For more information on BGH, please visit BROCKVILLE MENTAL HEALTH CENTRE 613-345-1461 BMHC is part of the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Center and has been providing a continuum of mental health treatment and services to residents of eastern Ontario since 1894. It is a teaching hospital affiliated with the University of Ottawa, and uses an integrated approach in providing specialized psychiatric programs and services to adults living with a mental illness. BMHC offers both inpatient and outpatient programs that are designed to meet the individualized treatment needs of persons with a serious mental illness. 19 Brockville Animal Control Website:... Telephone: .....................................613-342-8772 ext. 437 Brockville Animal Hospital Website: ............ Telephone:...................................................613-345-4135 Island City Animal Hospital Website:.................................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-7388 Ontario Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (O.S.P.C.A) Website:............. Telephone:...................................................613-345-5520 Parkedale Animal Hospital Telephone: ..................................................613-342-9833 Arts Organizations 1000 Islands Summer School of the Arts Explore your creative spirit in the heart of a spectacular, world-renowned tourist region. The School has welcomed hundreds of artists and aspiring artists since 1967. Study with and learn from professionals in the area. Website: ........... Telephone:...................................................613-345-0660 Brockville Artists Studio and Gallery Established in 1979, the Brockville Artists Studio and Gallery have an Annual Show and Sale held in the Brockville Museum. Members' works are on show at a variety of local establishments. Website: .................................. Thousand Islands Arts This organization is comprised of individuals, community leaders and business partners who have a passion to develop new and enhance existing cultural arts within our chosen boundaries of the triangle formed by Brockville West, Gananoque and Athens South. Website: ............................................ Telephone: ................................613-342-9896 Betty Bates Brockville Arts Center Built in 1858, the Brockville Arts Centre remains one of the most unique and historic performing arts centres in Canada. Each year the theatre greets thousands of guests for a variety of shows and concerts. The $2 million renovation in 2009 has enhanced its grandeur and provided several additional features for the arts. Website:.................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-7122 Toll Free: ..................................................1-877-342-7122 Brockville Concert Association The Mission of the Brockville Concert Association is to offer a variety of quality musical experiences for all ages, through concerts and educational programs; thereby expanding community participation and appreciation of musical excellence. Website: ........................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-7122 20 Brockville Lions Steel Band The Brockville Lions Steel Band, formed in 1996, is the first of its kind in Eastern Ontario. The band is made up of 28 teenagers from the Brockville area. The Mission of the band is to provide an educational experience and opportunity for young people to expand their musical horizons, along with the creative and artistic ability within them. Website: ................ Telephone:...................................................613-342-5927 Brockville Melodymen Barbershop Chorus This group is a chapter of the international men’s Barbershop Harmony Society. The Society has a highly trained staff of musical experts who conduct training schools and workshops for members throughout the year, both at central locations and in Districts and Chapters. Website: ................................... Telephone: ........................613-926-0895 Dan Sunderland Brockville Musicians Association The Brockville Musicians Association is part of the American Federation of Musicians, an organization which represents the interests of professional musicians. The AFM helps negotiate agreements, protects ownership of recorded music, and secures benefits such as health care and pensions. Website: ................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-5181 Brockville Operatic Society Inc. Become a member of the Brockville Operatic Society and get a jump start on news and information on new shows and audition times. Find a listing of past shows and information on current showings being put on by the BOS at the Brockville Arts Centre. Website:........... Telephone:...................................................613-342-4383 Brockville Pipes and Drums The Brockville Pipe Band was formed in 1931, and is one of the oldest pipe bands in Canada. Learn more about their history, their scheduled events and how you can receive free bagpipe and drum music lessons by visiting their site. Website: ........ Telephone: .........................613-348-3948 Stewart Nimmo Arts Centre Photo Credit: Glyn Davies Animal Care and Shelter Experience Isn’t Expensive It’s Priceless! , SHARON JORDAN Broker OFFICE: 613-345-3664 Email: ROYAL LEPAGE RIVEREDGE REALTY LTD. BROKERAGE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED “The referral of your friends and family is the greatest compliment you can give me.” “Thank you for your trust!” TOP 3% IN CANADA 21 22 23 Brockville Theatre Guild (see also, Brockville Arts Centre) Established in 1934, the Brockville Theatre Guild is a community volunteer amateur theatre company, who takes great pride in their involvement in local theatre productions. Address:P.O. Box 474 Brockville, Ontario, K6V 5V6 Brockville Recorder and Times A local newspaper providing access to recent local and world news, classifieds, weather reports, community links, home finder, auto finder, TV listings and more. Website:......................................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-4441 Thousand Islanders Chorus The chorus is dedicated to developing expertise in four part harmony in the barbershop style and to sharing both their music and enthusiasm through performance. Website:...................... Telephone: ...............613-342-0971 (Debbie membership) ...............................613-345-2385 (JoAnne performance) Child Care Services CKWS CKWS is a local television station and video production agency. Affiliated with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) they provide community service programs including a program called "Community Watch" which is a two-minute run of area happenings shown periodically throughout the day. Website:........................................ Telephone:...................................................613-342-2053 Kampus Kids Early Learning Centre A non-profit day care service located just outside of Brockville. Licensed for 91 children, there is a waiting list available if interested. Also provided are school age programs. Telephone:...................................................613-341-9224 COGECO A diversified telecommunication company, which strives to meet the communication needs of consumers and advertisers through broadcasting. Website: .......................................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-7414 Leeds and Grenville Child Care Resources The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville supports the Ministry of Children and Youth Services and the Ministry of Community and Social Services goal to support social and economic development in Ontario by investing in and supporting an affordable, accessible, and accountable Child Care System. Website:.. Telephone:...................................................613-342-3840. Toll Free: ..................................................1-800-770-2170 JR FM 104.9 104.9 Hometown Radio originates in Brockville and serves hometowns throughout Leeds/Grenville with an audience of about 20,000 listeners each week with ‘the music you want & the information you need!' Website: ............................. Telephone:...................................................613-345-1666 Little Learners Child Development Centre Licensed part-time nursery school program. Telephone:...................................................613-342-4539 Information Radio 94.5 Brockville’s fast ‘Infotainment’. Information Radio is the first and last word in weather, traffic, emergency, and event information. Website: .... Telephone: ...............................................1-877-530-5050 St. John Bosco Children’s Centre A non-profit childcare centre which is licensed for 58 children, with before and after school care offered (some registration required). Care is available for children from 2.5 to 12 years old. Telephone:...................................................613-342-1479 Communications and Information Media Services BOB FM 103.7 The original radio station playing the best music from the 80's, 90's and whatever! Website: ............................................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-1666 Brockville Public Library Brockville Public Library helps the people of Brockville and area pursue their goals and enrich the quality of their lives by providing readily accessible information and library services. Website:............................. Telephone:...................................................613-342-3936 24 Living in Brockville Monthly, local, free magazine that promotes Brockville. Website: ........................ Telephone:...................................................613-499-2222 St. Lawrence EMC The EMC [newspaper]play a key role in the community, delivering news and information as the number one read newspaper in its respective markets. Website: .................... Telephone:...................................................613-498-0305 Toll Free: ..................................................1-866-242-0262 The Brockville Voice Weekly, local newspaper, delivered on Fridays. Offshoot of “Living in Brockville”. Website: ...................... Telephone:...................................................613-499-2222 25 Dance Ballroom Blitz Dance Studio Offering ball room dancing, foxtrot, waltz, tango, rumba, salsa, swing and more. Telephone: ...................................................613 342-0179 Bread of Life Dance Theatre (BOLDT) Dance Studio dedicated to building strong character through dance, with emphasis on balance, co-ordination and memory. Local classes run 6 days a week. For more information, visit their website. Website: ........................................ Telephone:...................................................613-345-2625 Brockville School of Dance and Gymnastics (Broadway Dance Academy) At the Broadway Dance Academy, their goal is to offer dance and fitness programs to meet the changing needs of the Brockville community and the surrounding area. They offer classes for everyone, from the age of 2 to 82. Website: ............................. elephone: ....................................................613-342-1816 Brockville Scottish Country Dancing Started in 1981 by Ken Smalls, the Brockville Scottish Country Dancing club meets on Thursday evenings. Telephone: .................................................613 -342-2421. Robert Taylor Goodtime Squares Instruction for new dancers generally begins in September/October; some may start in January/February. As a rule, Clubs dance once a week at Toniata Public School with periodic breaks through the year. Most clubs dance in the evenings, but some dance during the day. The average cost is approx. $5.00 per week per person. Website:............................. Telephone: ...........613-926-2633 Ed or 613-925-4794 Ted The Thrill-Dance Club of Brockville From its humble beginnings 20 years ago at the local YMCA to its current locations in the heart of downtown Brockville and at the Brockville Arts Centre; Thrill Dancers has brought the joy of dance to hundreds of children throughout the years. Website:........................................ Telephone:.........................................613-498-1629 Grace Toll Free: ..................................................1-819-770-8453 counties of Lanark, Leeds, Grenville, Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, Prescott and Russell. To learn more about specific schools, programs and initiatives, careers, and the latest news, visit their website. Website: ....................................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-0371 Educational Services - Elementary Schools Brockville Montessori School Website: ........ Telephone:...................................................613-345-0286 Commonwealth Public School Website:............ Telephone:...................................................613-345-5031 Ecole Ange-Gabriel Website: ..... Telephone:...................................................613-345-5914 J.L. Jordan Catholic School Website: ....... Telephone:...................................................613-342-7711 Prince of Wales Public School Website: .... Telephone:...................................................613-342-3718 St Francis Xavier Catholic School Website:...... Telephone:...................................................613-342-0510 St John Bosco Catholic School Website: .................................. Telephone:...................................................613-498-0656 Toniata Public School Website: ........... Directory/Elementary/TON/homepage.htm Telephone:...................................................613-342-6310 Vanier Public School Website: .......................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-6310 Westminster Public School Website: ntary/WES/homepage.htm Telephone:...................................................613-345-5552 Educational Services - High Schools Educational Services - Districts Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario The CDSBEO’s website provides many links related to education and the services they provide including, staff, board, and school information, special education, curriculum, transportation and religious education. To learn about what else this school board has to offer visit their site. Website: ..................................... Telephone:...................................................613-258-7757 Toll Free: ..................................................1-800-443-4562 Upper Canada District School Board The Upper Canada District School Board is one of the largest public school boards in Ontario and includes the 26 Brockville Collegiate Institute (BCI) Brockville Collegiate houses approximately seven hundred students and provides a diverse program designed to meet the needs and aspirations of all students. Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics is expected and attained within our friendly, caring environment. The school has ranked among the best in provincial testing, proving that our academic programs are of the highest caliber. The vast majority of our graduates pursue post-secondary studies at college or university. Website: .................................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-5641 St Mary Catholic High School St. Mary students have the opportunity to experience Academics, Athletics, Arts and Social Justice in a caring and compassionate environment. We are competitive leaders in all areas as students benefit from an energetic and dedicated teaching and support staff. Excellence has been demonstrated in provincial testing results as well as through our Specialist High Skills Major Program in Arts and Culture. Graduates of St. Mary are successful in all post secondary destinations particularly university, college and apprenticeships. Website:..... Telephone:...................................................613-342-4911 Thousand Island Secondary School (TISS) Our mission is to provide diverse academic, social and extra-curricular opportunities for all students as they work to realize their maximum potential. The principles of integrity and the awareness of the needs of others will be at the forefront of any T.I.S.S. endeavour. Both the staff and students will exemplify the qualities of respect, leadership and community service as our students acquire the skills and knowledge to become productive citizens in the future. Website: .......................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-1100 Educational Services - Other Fulford Academy A co-educational boarding facility for high school aged students, specializing in English as a Second Language for international students. Website: ......................... Telephone: ..................................................613-341-9330 St. Lawrence College Brockville With campuses in three small to mid-sized cities in eastern Ontario, SLC serves a wide and diverse catchment area. What sets the college apart is its ability to offer a world-class educational experience without the hassles of big-city living. To find out about the Brockville campus, part time and full time studies, campus life and the employment centre, visit their website. Website: .............................................. Telephone: ...................................613-345-0660 ext. 3230 TR Leger School of Adult Brockville Alternative School The Brockville Alternative School provides educational services to people over the age of 19. Citizenship courses are also offered twice a year in preparation for Canadian citizenship exam. Website: ............................ Telephone: .....................................613-342-1127 ext. 211 Emergency Services - 911 and demands of a growing community. By visiting their website you can find out more about their specialty services including Various Ambulatory Clinics, Emergency Department, Laboratory, Operating Rooms, ECG, Stress Testing, Echo Cardiogram, Holter Monitoring, Respiratory Therapy, Day Surgery, Ontario Breast Screening Clinic, Radiology and Ultrasound. Website: .......................................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-5649 Brockville Police Service Website: .......... Telephone:...................................................613-342-0127 Leeds and Grenville Emergency Medical Service Website: ambulance.asp Telephone: ....................................613-342-3840 ext.2437 Ontario Provincial Police The Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.) commits to working continually to earn the confidence of the citizens of and visitors to Ontario. The O.P.P. fulfills this commitment by providing the best and most professional service, possible, and by striving to build a culture of trust, and open and honest dialogue, with the communities it serves and among the people it employs. The organization commits to creating and sustaining a positive working environment in which all employees have equal opportunity to fulfill their potential within the profession. Website:................................................ Telephone:...................................................613-345-1790 St. Johns Ambulance Community Service volunteers provide a variety of programs that meet the health, safety and quality of life needs. Website: Telephone: ..................................................613-342-2974 Employment Agencies We encourage individuals who are looking for employment to look at the city’s website (employment links to help you with your search. Also try the job advertisement found in the local newspaper Recorder & Times or online at Adecco Employment Website:........................................... Telephone: ..................................................613-498-1717 Career Services of Brockville Website: ............................... Telephone: ..................................................613-498-2111 Brockville Fire Department Website:.................................. Telephone: .....................................613-498-1260 ext. 501 Drake International Website: ............. Telephone: ..................................................613-342-2653 Brockville General Hospital In one hundred years the Brockville General Hospital has evolved from a charitable dispensary to a modern institution, which continues to serve the Leeds and Grenville Counties well. In its one hundred-year history the hospital has consistently adjusted to meet the needs Employment & Education Centre Website:................ Telephone: ..................................................613-498-2111 Human Resources Development Canada Website: ............. Telephone: ..................................................613-342-4487 27 Manpower Services Website: .................................. Telephone: ..........................613-342-0250/800-265-2833 St. Lawrence Anglican Church Website: ..................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-5717 ReFocus Training & Development Centre Telephone: .................................................613- 802-9514 Thousand Islands Baptist Church Website: ............................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-9552 Youth Employment Assistance Headquarters Incorporated Website:................ Telephone:...................................................613-498-2111 Wall St. United Church Website:......................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-5401 Faith / Religion Fitness Facilities Baha'i Community of Brockville Website: .............................. Goodlife Fitness Website: ........................... Bethel Christian Reformed Church Website:................................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-2050 Curves for Women Website: ........................................ Beth Israel Congregation - Synagogue of Kingston and the Thousand Islands Website:........................ Telephone: ..................................................613-542-5012 Pure Fitness Website: ................... Premier Fitness Website: ............................... Brockville Tabernacle-United Pentecostal Church Telephone:...................................................613-342-5096 Royal Brock Health Club Website: ................. Brockville Wesleyan Church Website: ................................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-4566 Health Associations First Baptist Church Telephone:...................................................613-345-5586 First Presbyterian Church Website: ............................. Telephone:...................................................613-345-5014 Hellenic Community Telephone:...................................................613-345-4696 Highway Pentecostal Church Website:............................. Telephone:...................................................613-342-4075 Jehovah's Witnesses Telephone: ..................................................613-498-0039 Islamic Centre of Kingston Telephone: ..................................................613-542-9000 Lutheran Church-Good Shepherd Telephone:...................................................613-342-2155 The Pier Christian Church Telephone: .........................................................498-7729 Seventh-Day Adventist Church Telephone:...................................................613-342-0590 St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church Telephone:...................................................613-342-2993 St. John Bosco Roman Catholic Parish Website ....... Telephone:...................................................613-342-5095 St. John's United Church Website: ......................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-5824 28 Alzheimer Society of Leeds and Grenville Telephone:...................................................613-345-7392 Arthritis Society Telephone:...................................................613-546-2546 Bayshore Home Health Bayshore Home Health is a national, Canadian owned care provider serving people in their home as well as in hospitals and care facilities. Website: ....................................... Telephone: .................................................613- 345-3371 Brockville and Area YMCA The Brockville and Area YMCA is a charity dedicated to helping individuals grow in spirit, mind and body and in service to others in an environment that is open to all. The web site includes a comprehensive listing of all the services provided by the YMCA including child care, camp, aquatics, memberships, health, fitness and recreations and more. Website:.................................. Telephone:...................................................613-342-7961 Brockville Chapter Heart and Stroke Foundation Website: .............................. Telephone:...................................................613-345-6183 Brockville Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Association Website: ............................ Telephone:...................................................613-342-5333 Canadian Cancer Society Website:................................ Telephone:...................................................613-267-1058 Toll Free: ..................................................1-800-367-2913 Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Website: ................................. Telephone:...................................................613-549-3240 Lung Association: Lanark Leeds and Grenville Website: .......................................... Toll Free: ..................................................1-866-534-5514 Canadian Diabetes Association Website:......................................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-0992 Multiple Sclerosis Society Website: ...................................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-6396 Canadian Liver Foundation Website: ............................................... Telephone:...................................................613-267-5755 Ontario March of Dimes Website: ............................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-1935 Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Website: ......................................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-0950 Parkinson Society Website: .................................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-7675 Canadian National Institute for the Blind Website: ............................................... Telephone:...................................................613-542-4975 Canadian Red Cross Society Website: ........................................ Telephone:...................................................613-342-3253 The Canadian Hearing Society Website: ................................................ Telephone: ...................613-498-3933 TTY: 613-498-3317 Victorian Order of Nurses Website: ................................................ Telephone: ...................................613-223-5694 ext. 2221 Community & Primary Health Care – Lanark, Leeds & Grenville (CPHC) Community and Primary Health Care exist to provide universally accessible and comprehensive primary health care and community support services in the promotion and building of a healthier community. Other services they offer: Adult Day Services, Lifeline, and a Diabetes Education Centre Website: ......................................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-3693 Leisure Organizations Community Care and Access Centre Community Care Access Centers are local organizations established in 1996 by the Ministry of Health and Longterm Care to provide access to government-funded home and community services, and long-term care homes. The South East CCAC is one of 14 in Ontario working together with community partners to enhance access and coordination for people across the province. Website: ........................................ Toll Free: ..................................................1-800-267-6041 Brockville Amateur Radio Club Website: ............................................... Telephone:...................................................613-498-2914 CPHC Lifeline Lifeline is a personal response system that is easy to use and available for the subscriber, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Users have a device attached to their phone and wear a button on a cord around their necks or on their wrists which allows them to call for help 24 hours a day. Website: ......................................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-9991 1000 Islands & Seaway Cruises Cruise the world famous 1000 islands aboard Sightseeing and Dinner Cruises, Special Events and Private Charters Website: Telephone:...................................................613-345-7333 1000 Islands Toastmasters Website: ............ Telephone:...................................................613-342-7065 Brockville Duplicate Bridge Club Website:................... Brockville Horticultural Club Meetings are held at 7:30 on the 3rd Monday of each month (excluding July, August, December and January) in the lower hall of Wesleyan church (Central and Ferguson). Website: Telephone:.....613-342-4907 Donelda Shackles, President Epilepsy & Seizure Disorder Centre of South Eastern Ontario (Brockville and Area Office) Website:..................................... Telephone:...................................................613-498-3288 HIV/AIDS Regional Services Website: ............................................... Toll Free: ..................................................1-800-565-2209 Kidney Foundation of Canada Website:....................................... Telephone:...................................................613-542-2121 29 Brockville Newcomer’s Club Club meets first Wednesday of each month. Numerous interest groups include: Afternoon Bridge, Book Club, Readers Inc., Reading for Fun, Needle work, Not-couples Dinner, Breakfast Club, Dinner Club, Tuesday Trotters, Lucky Pot, Pot Luck, Retirees, Civic Affairs and seasonal groups including golf, hiking, cross country skiing, kayaking. All newcomers to Brockville and the area within the past 2 years are welcome to join. Membership Fee: $25/yr. Website: Every Angle Photographers Association Website: Film Brockville Website:................................. Legion Euchre Every Thursday afternoons from 1-4 at the Royal Canadian Legion. Telephone:...................................................613-345-0473 Multicultural and Immigration Brockville and District Multicultural Council P.O. Box 1757, Brockville, ON K6V 6V8 A multicultural heritage group which holds an annual festival each year on the first weekend in May. An umbrella organization of cultural groups and individuals who work towards a society that insures and enjoys the viability of a strong Canadian identity firmly grounded in the multicultural nature of the population. Services include settlement counselling, community get-togethers, assistance with translation and interpretation in the following languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Malay, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese and more. Website:..... Telephone: ………………………………….613-345-4291 UR Brockville Brockville Community Calendar of Events produced by the Recorder and Times. Website: .................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-4441 Immigrant Resource Centre For those who are of immigrant status, new Canadian, temporary visitor/worker/student. They assist the afore mentioned with a variety of issues both in settlement (where/how to rent, where to get a drivers license, health card, stores that meet specific dietary needs, etc.) and immigration, such as filling out applications for permanent residence, sponsorship, Canadian citizenship, etc. Website: ........................ Telephone:.......................613-342-1127 or 613-930-2486 Literacy and Language Services Public Assistance TR Leger School of Adult, Alternative and Continuing Education Telephone: .........................................613-342-1127 x211 211 Ontario This is a bilingual directory of more than 56,000 agencies and services together on one searchable web site. Website:..................................... North Leeds Birders Telephone: .............613-342-9130 Harold Kelly, President Assault Response and Care Centre As a program of the Brockville General Hospital, the Assault Response and Care Centre provides services that optimize the self-worth, the dignity, and the recovery of each child, woman and man who seeks their support, and fosters the creation of a community free from sexual and domestic violence. Website:.............................................. Telephone:...................................................613-345-3881 Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce Website:...................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-6553 Drive Test Drive Test offers driver examination services at 55 Drive Test Driver Examination Centres and 38 “Travel Points” throughout Ontario. The Brockville Drive Test Centre is open Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and closed on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month. At the Brockville Drive Test Centre A,B,C,D,E,F,G1,G2,LM1,LM2,M1,M2,Z licenses can be obtained. To book tests online: Website: ........................................ Telephone:...................................................613-342-9005 30 Employment Education Centre The Employment and Education Centre (EEC) is a not-forprofit agency that is committed to helping individuals reach their potential through education, employment, volunteering and financial counseling. Website: ..................................... Telephone:...................................................613-498-2111 Therapy, Day Surgery, Ontario Breast Screening Clinic, Radiology and Ultrasound. Website: .......................................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-5649 Leeds and Grenville Small Business Enterprise Centre Business Start-Up assistance, Business Planning, Marketing Plans, Consultations, Resource Library, Information for entrepreneurs, Delivery of Ministry of Small Business and Consumer Services including Summer Company. All services are FREE. If you are thinking about starting or growing a business consider a visit to the Leeds and Grenville Small Business Centre. The business centre offers business consulting, workshops, conferences, a library full of printed resources, and free internet access for research. We can answer your questions regarding business financing, taxes, business registration, and guide you through the process of starting or expanding your business. We will help you make connections and introduce you to others who will help you. If you are an established business we can help by providing learning and networking activities that will help you promote your business. We may also be able to lead you toward government programs to assist financially. The centre is co-located with The 1,000 Islands Community Development Corporation, the Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Business Improvement Area in Brockville’s City Hall. Although the organizations have different roles we share a common goal – helping business be successful. Website: ........................................ Telephone:...................................................613-342-8772 Ontario Provincial Police The Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.) commits to working continually to earn the confidence of the citizens of and visitors to Ontario. The O.P.P. fulfills this commitment by providing the best and most professional service, possible, and by striving to build a culture of trust, and open and honest dialogue, with the communities it serves and among the people it employs. The organization commits to creating and sustaining a positive working environment in which all employees have equal opportunity to fulfill their potential within the profession. Website:................................................ Telephone:...................................................613-345-1790 Brockville and District Safe Communities Coalition The Safe Communities of Brockville Leeds and Grenville promotes a community culture of safety and well-being by addressing occupational, community and lifestyle issues through partnerships with individuals and organizations and through communication and co-ordination of resources. Website: ......................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-2917 Brockville Downtown Board of Management (DBIA) Downtown Brockville is home to more than 350 thriving businesses in the heart of Brockville, Ontario. Eclectic shops, vibrant lifestyle amenities and exceptional dining that will make your visit to Downtown Brockville a memorable experience! Website: ................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-3269 Brockville General Hospital In one hundred years the Brockville General Hospital has evolved from a charitable dispensary to a modern institution, which continues to serve the Leeds and Grenville Counties well. In its one hundred-year history the hospital has consistently adjusted to meet the needs and demands of a growing community. By visiting their website you can find out more about their specialty services including Various Ambulatory Clinics, Emergency Department, Laboratory, Operating Rooms, ECG, Stress Testing, Echo Cardiogram, Holter Monitoring, Respiratory City of Brockville Website: ................................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-8772 Public Utilities Commission Telephone:...................................................613-342-2782 St. Johns Ambulance Community Service volunteers provide a variety of programs that meet the health, safety and quality of life needs. Website: Telephone: ..................................................613-342-2974 Volunteer Bureau of Leeds and Grenville A Volunteer Bureau also known as a Volunteer Centre is an organization that takes the strengths of volunteers and matches them with the needs of community oriented organizations. Their site has a list of community programs, information for member agencies, a calendar of events and information on how to become a volunteer. Website: .............. Telephone:...................................................613-345-7000 Senior Homes & Services Bayshore Home Health Offers nursing, personal care, home support and companionship services are available privately as well as through government care programs, personal and group insurance plans and workplace safety insurance. Website: ....................................... Telephone: .................................................613- 345-3371 Bridlewood Manor Offering comfortable retirement living in a safe and secure environment, providing supported independent living. Website: Telephone:............................................ 613-345-2477 Brockville and District Hospice Palliative Care Service The goal of this service is to promote the highest quality of life possible for individuals who are living with advanced illness. A grief support service is also available to individuals who are bereaved. Telephone: ...................................613-345-5649 ext. 4412 31 Community Health Services Inspired and supported by the Canadian Red Cross, they work in partnership with clients to offer personalized care through quality health services. Their services are available 24 hours, 7 days a week. Website: ........................................ Telephone:...................................................613-342-3528 Geriatric Mental Health Community Team The Geriatric Psychiatry Community Outreach Program is a multi-disciplinary team of psychiatrists, registered nurses, social workers and psychologists working with family physician to diagnose and assist with the treatment of depression, dementias (Alzheimer’s, Vascular etc.) and other mental illnesses challenging seniors today. Services are provided in the patients’ home, homes or in hospital. Website: Telephone:...................................613.498.1493, ext. 1704 Homeward Bound Care Homeward Bound is a private home support agency in Brockville. Business hours are Monday to Friday 8am-5pm Website:.......................... Telephone:...................................................613-341-9046 Leeds and Grenville Housing Authority From the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville website, you can access information on local community housing. In the housing section of the website, links such as affordable housing, homelessness initiatives, rent bank program and special housing needs are listed. Website: Telephone: ....................................613-342-2341 ext.2119 Premura Home Care They provide home support services to enable independence and enhance quality of life. Their services include housecleaning, laundry, meal preparation, respite, transportation, events and more. Website: ........................................ Senior Citizens Inc. The Senior Citizens Inc is a place of social support and activities for Brockville seniors. Senior Citizens Inc. provides a source of information and education on related issues. Activities include luncheons, bus trips, euchre, cribbage, darts, snooker, bridge, puzzles, pepper (cards), speakers and entertainment, etc. Cards are played on Tuesday and Friday evenings, as well as Monday, Tuesday and Friday afternoons. For evening card games, membership is not required to play. Telephone:...................................................613-345-2266 Shepherd’s Welcome Centre The Shepherd's Welcome Centre is committed to providing services to seniors, retirees and semi-retired persons, also non-retired people are encouraged to get involved. Activities include: crafts, art, exercise, fitness, language classes, discussions groups in a social and educational setting. Bus trips are also available. Services include friendly visiting, telephone assurance checks and luncheons. Telephone:...................................................613-345-2412 32 Sherwood Park Manor Nursing Home Provides a full-service, accredited, non-profit Nursing Home licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. From their website you can get additional information on their services, regulations, staff, a slide show and a virtual tour. Website: .................. Telephone:...................................................613-342-5531 St. Lawrence Lodge Home for the Aged In partnership with families and personal care givers, St. Lawrence Lodge provides for the physical, social, spiritual and emotional needs of individuals requiring long-term care. St. Lawrence Lodge is a new, modern, 224 bed municipally-owned Long Term Care Home, located in Brockville, Ontario. Website:.............................. Telephone:...................................................613-345-0255 The Rosedale Retirement Centre This facility features 69 suites beautifully situated with lounges and suites overlooking the St. Lawrence River. Residents are able to enjoy comfortable dining, while looking out the gardens of the peaceful courtyard. Website: Telephone:...................................................613-342-0200 The Wedgewood Wedgewood is Brockville's newest and most elegant retirement resort, perfectly located in the downtown core and providing a spectacular view of the St. Lawrence River. Retirement residences are being transformed, they are no longer places for people just to "retire," instead they are places where seniors can have fun, learn a new activity, make new friends, exercise the mind and body, and enjoy the company of others. This is the new standard of retirement resort living. Website: .......................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-9800 Service Clubs Brockville and District Civitan Club Website:............................... Brockville and District Shrine Club Website:................. Brockville Community Foundation The central goal of a community foundation is to strengthen the quality of life in the community primarily by building permanent funds that yield interest income that is used to support local charitable initiatives. Website: ............................................. Telephone:...................................................613-498-9970 Brockville Lioness Club Website: .................................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-9743 Brockville Lions Club Website: .................................... Kinette Club of Brockville Website: ...................................... Email: Leeds and Grenville Interval House Website:................ Telephone:...................................................613-342-4724 Kinsmen Club of Brockville Website:............................... Legal Aid Legal Aid is available to low income individuals and disadvantaged communities for a variety of legal problems, including criminal matters, family disputes, immigration and refugee hearings and poverty law issues such as landlord/tenant disputes, disability support and family benefits payments. Website:..................................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-5421 Masonic Association and Complex Website: May Court Club of Brockville Website: ..................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-2251 Rotary Club of Brockville Website:............................ Telephone:......................................613-345-2008 (Bruce) Royal Canadian Legion Branch 96 Website:....................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-0473 Royal Canadian Legion Branch 96 Ladies Auxilary Website: ...... Telephone:...................................................613-342-7687 Social and Family Services Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville Providing direct service to children by matching adults and children in quality mentoring relationships. Website:.......................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-0281 Child and Youth Wellness of Leeds and Grenville Offering an array of expertise in a variety of programs and services designed to address a range of situations you may be facing. All of which is free and confidential. Website: ............................................ Telephone: ..................................................613-498-2402 Developmental Service of Leeds and Grenville Developmental Services’ prime purpose is to promote and support the status, general well-being and interests of developmentally handicapped persons. Developmental Services will promote and encourage the development of normalized and non-restrictive environments and supports throughout our communities. Their website has information about the services and supports they offer, referrals, inclusive childcare, funding and employment opportunities. Website:............... Telephone:...................................................613-345-1290 Family and Children Services Family and Children's Services promote, support, enhance and strengthen the development of family life, and the wellbeing and mental health of families, children and individuals. Their website has many resources for families in need of support, registration forms, a list of special events and access to publications. To find out more about how Family and Children’s Services can help you visit their website. Website: .................................... Telephone:...................................................613-498-2100 Loaves and Fishes Brockville Nutritious meals to all individuals and families for $1.00 per person and where children under 10 years of age eat for free. No person is turned away and all are welcome to dine with us and enjoy the friendship of the restaurant. Website: .................. Telephone: ..................................................613-345-6498 Operation Harvest Sharing Telephone:...................................................613-342-0605 The Rose Garden Family Support Centre Since 1997 The Family Support Centre has been providing Supervised Access Services for all residents of Leeds Grenville and Lanark County. They seek to meet the needs of each child so that they will experience more positive, enhanced relationships with their parent and other family members. Website: ........................................ Telephone:...................................................613-345-6007 The Salvation Army Website: ................................ Telephone:...................................................613-342-5211 United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Social Services The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville in partnership with its Municipalities and Townships provide a wide variety of services to the public. The services range from County Roads maintenance to Community Housing. In several areas, the County receives partial funding for these services from the Provincial Government. Website: ............................................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-3840 United Way of Leeds and Grenville Website: ............................................ Telephone:...................................................613-342-8889 Habitat for Humanity Website:..................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-3521 33 Sports Organizations/Associations 1000 Islands Swim Masters Website:.................................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-7237 Brockville Braves (Hockey) Website: ......................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-7881 Website: Telephone: .......................................613-342-8775 ext. 22 Brockville Men’s Soccer League Website: OCKVILLEMENSSOCCERLEAGUE&s=soccer&t=c Brockville Minor Hockey Association Website: ......................................... Brockville Bunnies Baseball Club Website: ....................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-2666 Brockville Ontario Speedway Website: .................... Telephone: ..613-345-6324 (Track) 613-348-3998 (Office) Brockville Country Club The Brockville Country Club is a semi-private organization made up of its members that welcomes and encourages guests and the public to participate in the Club's many social and recreational activities. At all times throughout the year guests of members and/or the general public are welcome to use the golf, curling and banquet facilities of the Brockville County Club. Website........ Telephone:...................................................613-342-2468 Brockville Rowing Club Website: ..................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-4849 Brockville Curling Club Website:..... Telephone:...................................................613-342-2468 Brockville Cycling Club Website: ........................ Brockville District Fish and Game Website:.......................................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-3570 Brockville Figure Skating Club Website:............................. Telephone:...................................................613-342-8848 Brockville Flying Club Website: .................... Telephone:...................................................613-342-4100 Brockville Highland Golf Course Website: .................. Telephone:...................................................613-342-7883 Brockville Girls Hockey Association Website:............. Telephone:...................................................613-342-2054 Brockville Gymny Krickets (Gymnastics) Website: ............................ Telephone:...................................................613-345-3836 Brockville Lacrosse Website:............... Telephone:...................................................613-345-0853 Brockville Memorial Civic Centre The arena has a seating capacity of 1350 in stands, 1100 on the floor for such events as Monster Bingo, Monster Trucks, Job Fair, Auctions, Easter Passion Play, Garage Sales, Sports Hall of Fame Induction, Inline Skating, Hockey Tournaments, etc. The Memorial Centre hall has a seating capacity of 300 for Holiday Parties, Weddings, Receptions, Meetings, Auctions, Dog Obedience, Craft Shows, Clinics, etc. 34 Brockville Sports Brockville Sports was incorporated as a not-for-profit multi-sport club in April 2008 to help Brockville residents and visitors of all ages and abilities experience the benefits of sport as participants and athletes. Website: ......................... Telephone: ..................................................613-345-1112 Brockville Soccer Club Website: ......................... Telephone:...................................................613-498-2672 Brockville Tikis (Hockey) Website: ............................. Brockville Yacht Club The Brockville Yacht Club is located on the St. Lawrence River in Brockville Ontario at the gateway to the Thousand Islands. With a harbour accommodating over 130 boats, the Yacht Club is a major hub of boating traffic and enjoys an active membership consisting of sailors, power boaters and boating enthusiasts. Their website offers information on their sailing school, membership, racing and they also have a list of related links. Website: .................... Telephone: ...................................................613 345-3146 Brockville Youth Football Association Website: .............................................. Cedar Valley Golf and Country Club Website: .......... Telephone:...................................................613-342-2158 Centennial Youth Arena With a seating capacity of 100 in the upstairs hall, the Centennial Youth Arena is more than just a skating facility. The Centennial Youth Arena offers the possibility for event meetings, birthday parties with rink rentals, hockey school, office training, youth hockey, tournaments and more, with available service curtains, chairs and tables, washrooms and canteen. Website: Telephone:.............613-342-2515 or 613 342 8775 ext 21 Kids Christian Hockey League Website:................................... Telephone:.........................613-345-5001, Randy Hopkins Leeds and Grenville Snowmobile Association Website:............................... St. Lawrence Rapids Speed Skating Club Telephone: .......................613-802-9278 John Somerville Sunnidell Golf 18-hole, par 3 golf course just outside of Brockville. They also have an expert mini-golf challenge, a large driving range, virtual golf in the winter months, power carts, and a fully licensed lounge. Tournament welcome. Website: .................................... Telephone:...................................................613-498-0775 Tincap Golf Club 9 hole golf course and driving range in a beautiful country setting. Telephone:...................................................613-498-4106 Off season phone: .......................................613-342-8531 Triangle Cross-Country Ski Club of Brockville Website:.... Telephone:...................................................613-342-9364 Upper Canada Swim Club Website:................................ Telephone:...................................................613-342-7961 Community Sport Facilities Brockville has a well balanced sports recreational infrastructure that provides ample opportunities for engagement in health and social orientated community activities. This is represented by facilities that include the following: fields courts 1 ..............................................................bowing complex facilities 1........................................................................flying club 2 fields 2 pads 2 ....................................................................indoor pools 1............................................................lawn bowling club 1 ...............................................................rifle/skeet range 1......................................................................rowing club 1 ......................................................................sailing club 1 ...............................................................skateboard park 6 fields 5....................................................................squash court courts 1....................................................track and field complex Don’t see it here? Visit this website for more on ATV, Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Cheerleading, Croquet, Cross Country Running, Cross Country Skiing, Curling, Cycling, Equestrian, Figure Skating, Football, Go-, arts, Golf, Gymnastics, Hockey, Karate, Kayaking, Kickboxing, Kung-Fu, Lacrosse, Lawn Bowls, Roadrunning, Rowing, Rugby, Sailing, Scuba Diving, Shotgun Shooting, Snowmobiling, Soccer, Softball, Speedskating, Swimming, Tennis, Touch Football, Track and Field, Volleyball Youth Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville Website: ........................ Telephone: ..................................................613-345-0281 Brockville Youth Unlimited Telephone: ..................................................613 345 4810 Girl Guides of Canada Website:.............. Girls Incorporated Website: ................... Telephone:...................................................613-345-3295 Scouts Canada Website: ........................................... Toll Free: ..........................................1-888-SCOUTS-NOW 35 Brockville is a city rich in history situated alongside the St. Lawrence River and is home of the world famous 1000 Islands. Tall ships, shipwrecks, hydroplane boat races, boat cruises, and some of the world’s best freshwater diving make this community a watery wonderland with sights, activities and events for visitors to enjoy all summer long and throughout the year. Brockville and surrounding communities take great pride in sharing their enjoyment of life through the many festivals and events run by thousands of local volunteers. Come be a part of our family and enjoy! BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS - RIBFEST Eastern Ontario's most popular summer cookout! Ribbers from Canada and the United States will prepare succulent ribs and spectular BBQ chicken! The weekend is brought to you by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville and includes musical entertainment, family activities, beach volleyball tournament plus much more fun for the whole family. All proceeds from this event will go towards the children in the Big Brothers Big Sisters quality mentoring programs. RIVERFEST Riverfest has grown to become one of the longest and most successful family festivals in Eastern Ontario Riverfest draws tens of thousands of people to Brockville's waterfront each year in celebration of magnificent outdoor entertainment. Riverfest has been a host to some of the biggest names in entertainment including Theory of a Deadman, Hedley, Jann Arden, Paul Brandt, The Tragically Hip, Great Big Sea, Michelle Wright, David Usher, and many more talented Canadians including a number from our home province of Ontario. Come enjoy outdoor carnivals and many activities. Other events include: Automotion Car Show, Buskers Festival, Doors Open - Brockville, Power Boating Poker Run, Multicultural Festival, Sidewalk Sales, Street Events and Wheels A Churnin’ to name a few. Cobblestone R e a l t y Real Estate Brokerage 2 Court House Ave, Brockville ON K6V 4T1 613-341-9191 (Office) 613-341-7778 (Fax) Email: Web: Honesty Integrity Professionalism Knowledge “Experience a whole new level of service!” 36 Wendy Devaux x.130 Peter J. Publow x.133 Doug Jelly x.126 Broker of Record/Owner Sales Representative/Owner Sales Representative/Owner Let Brockville and the surrounding communities create some happy trails in your life. The Brock Trail is a 7km scenic pathway that runs along Brockville's beautiful waterfront and through city parks. Historic plaques are found along the trails to provide a glimpse of the past. Passing through Brockville is the Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail that takes you to the Quebec Border going east and Niagara-on-the-Lake going west. Communities in the 1000 Islands area are connected by the Thousands Islands Parkway, a 37km stretch of roadway and path running along the river. Biking enthusiasts can enjoy amazing views as they visit Brockville, Rockport and Gananoque. Today Brockville manages to offer all the amenities of a large city while keeping a relaxed demeanor. During the hot and lazy days of summer residents, visitors and tourists from around the world come to Brockville to fish, sail, camp, golf (at five local courses!), scuba dive, cycle, and hike. THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER IS TO DIVE FOR. This region – dubbed Caribbean North - is getting a reputation as the hottest fresh water scuba diving destination in the world. The sunken shipwrecks, from steel freighters to old schooners, are well preserved. Did you know? Zebra mussels – which filter water and algae – are credited with giving the St. Lawrence River waters amazing levels of clarity and drawing divers to its underwater attractions of historical shipwrecks. Did you know? There are actually an estimated 1,864 islands in the 1000 islands. Tom Thumb Island is reputed to be smallest though many dispute that claim as folklore. Wolfe Island near Kingston is the largest. Brockville starts at the east end of the scenic 1000 Islands Parkway. Along the Parkway – which runs parallel to the St. Lawrence River – is a 37-kilometre paved bike trail, a popular pastime for walkers, cyclists and joggers. It’s picturesque detour just off the Highway 401 between Brockville and Gananoque that should not be missed. Look for Singer Castle rising from Dark Island in the St. Lawrence River just past Brown’s Bay Provincial Park, a favourite picnic and beach area just west of Brockville. Brockville, one of the oldest and most beautiful communities in Ontario. As the eastern gateway to the 1000 Islands, we offer one of the most accessible waterfronts and many of Canada’s historical treasures. 37 RAIL TRANSPORTATION The CNR mainline and spur lines pass through the city and provide excellent service for the area. Brockville is located on VIA’s main corridor for Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto. It is served by daily runs to these cities with stops along the route. Interconnections to all major cities are made in Montreal and/or Toronto. Via Rail Canada Inc. Website: ........................ Address: ...................................141 Perth St. Telephone: ...........................1-888-842-7245 AIR TRANSPORTATION Brockville-Thousand Islands Regional Tackaberry Airport (613) 345-0642 - Brockville’s municipal airport is located 4.8 miles north of Brockville. The airport can handle both private and commercial aircraft. An airport runway expansion to 4,500 ft. to accommodate jet capacity. Customs facilities for international traffic can be made by phoning 888- CANPASS. This notification must be made at least one hour (but no more than 72 hours) prior to landing in Brockville. Chartered air services are available with Brock Air out of the airport. For more information call (613) 342-4511. 38 International Airports Ottawa International Airport is less than one hour drive from Brockville. Other airports include: Dorval Airport (2hr) and Mirabel Airport (2.5hr) in Montreal, Toronto Pearson Airport (3hr) and Syracuse, NY (2hr). Brockville: Kingston: residents/transportation/ Ottawa: Montreal: Toronto: Syracuse, NY: Transportation Brock Air Services Brock Air Services offer 24 hour charter service with approximately 20 years of experience and professional flight crews. From their website you can learn more about the flight department setup, freight services, air ambulance and patient transfer services, as well as the company’s profile. Website:.................. Telephone: ..............................613-342-4511 BUS SERVICE Local Bus Service - Conventional Transit - Brockville currently operates a three bus/one hour conventional transit system covering the city limits. The hours of operation extend from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (last run starts at 5:00 p.m.) Monday through Friday. Saturday service runs 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (last run starts at 5:00 p.m.). There is no transit service on Sunday or holidays. Brockville Conventional Transit System TRANSIT FARES 2010* Fares $2.00 Children 5 and under FREE (max 2 accompanying adult) PASSES Bus route maps are available at City Hall, the Gord Watts Municipal Centre, on the bus or at 11 tickets Monthly passes 40 rides $15.00 $55.00 $55.00 Tickets and passes can be purchased at City Hall and the Gord Watts Municipal Centre. Tickets and 40 ride passes can also be purchased on the bus, exact change only. Brockville Para Transit System TRANSIT FARES 2010* Fares $2.00 PASSES 11 tickets Monthly passes 40 rides $15.00 $55.00 $55.00 Para Transit - Brockville provides doorto-door transportation for persons with disabilities within City limits. Fares and operating hours have parity with the conventional transit system. Patrons using the para transit service must be pre-approved by the City of Brockville. Application forms can be obtained by calling 613-342-8772, ext. 8266. The para bus system is operated by a private company. To schedule service, phone 613-345-PARA (613-345-7272). * Effective rate at the time of print. Fares may be subject to change. Inter-City Two major commercial bus companies provide service to Brockville and the surrounding region. Coach Canada operates a passenger service with VIA Rail at the VIA Train Station. They offer pick up and drop off services at the Brockville Train Station. For ticket information contact 1-800-461-7661 or or another, Greyhound 1-800-661- 8747 39 ELECTRICITY SERVICES Brockville’s electrical needs are met by Your residential electricity rates at a glance Urban Density High Density Normal Density 5.8¢ 5.8¢ 5.8¢ 6.7¢ 6.7¢ 6.7¢ $16.35 $21.31 $27.16+ 2.37¢ 2.73¢ 2.78¢ 0.99¢ 1.01¢ 0.97¢ ¢0.25*** $0.25*** $0.25*** 0.65¢ 0.65¢ 0.65¢ 0.70¢ 0.70¢ 0.70¢ 1.Electricity - First 1,000 kWh per month (adjusted usage - ¢/kWh) - Additional kWh (adjusted usage ¢/kWh) 2.Delivery - Fixed charge ($/month) - Volume charge (metered usuage ¢/kWh) - Volume charge (adjusted usage ¢/kWh) 3.Regulatory charges: - Fixed charge ($/month) - Volume charge (metered usuage ¢/kWh) 4.Debt Retirement charge (metered usage - ¢/kWh)) Electricity rates effective November 1, 2009 For more information call 1-888-664-9376 40 NATURAL GAS SERVICES Natural gas services are provided to the Brockville area by Enbridge Gas who does not make a profit on the cost of the natural gas commodity nor its transportation to Ontario. Since natural gas is a commodity it is traded in the competitive marketplace, therefore the price is subject to change. Enbridge Gas reviews the price quarterly and adjusts the price charged to customers accordingly. For more information call 1-877-ENBRIDGE for service information. PURCHASE GAS VARIANCE ACCOUNT We set our gas supply prices for customers every three months based on the market forecast for the cost of natural gas for the next 12 month period. However natural gas prices change continually throughout the year. Due to the fluctuation of gas prices in the market there is an ongoing difference between the forecast cost charged to customers each month by Enbridge and the actual cost that we pay for the gas. The difference between our forecast costs and actual costs is tracked in an account called the Purchase Gas Variance Account (PGVA). TELECOMMUNICATIONS Brockville has high band/high speed telecommunication capability provided by both Bell Canada and AT&T fibre lines as well as others available from Local providers like RipNET Limited and Atria Networks. Additionally, the community offers advanced switching DSL service within 4.5 km of the central service. Long distance calling is provided by diverse fibre optic sonic rings that run between Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. There are attractive wireless options provided by private sector from both RipNET and Xplornet and Brockville has been designated as a megalink and microlink servicing area as well as a POP for the EOWC fiber optic Network which provides connectivity to both the commercial and residential customer. It is estimated that 95% of the community currently has access to high speed internet service. 41 WATER RATES Brockville draws its water from the St. Lawrence River. The water intake is located in the west end of the City. It is filtrated, chlorinated and fluoridated at the city’s modern filtration plant. The water supply is administered by the City of Brockville. The multiple use of water is $5.55/ unit. Monthly Flat Charges 4 Rooms - $16.65 5 Rooms - $19.40 6 Rooms - $22.15 7 Rooms - $24.95 8 Rooms - $27.70 WASTE SERVICES City of Brockville waste/recycling collection will be picked up according to designated zoned areas. The City is divided into the following four zones. Monday Collection: Tuesday Collection: Thursday Collection: Friday Collection: All streets NORTH of Highway # 401 All streets SOUTH of Highway # 401 and NORTH of the CNR tracks All streets SOUTH of the CNR tracks and on the EAST SIDE of William Street and Broad Street All streets SOUTH of the CNR tracks and on the WEST side of William Street and Broad Street A holiday Monday pushes Monday and Tuesday collection days back one day to Tuesday and Wednesday respectively, while a holiday Friday moves forward the Thursday and Friday collection days to Wednesday and Thursday respectively. The Operations Department, located at the Gord Watts Municipal Centre at 251 North Augusta Road (3428772, ext. 8266), can answer specific questions or provide you with a brochure explaining in detail all City solid waste programs. Fees noted below are currently under review as part of the 2010 budget process and are subject to change. Curbside Refuse Collection Residents may place out for collection on their designated collection day up to a maximum of one bag/container per week comprising of refuse or yard waste or properly tied brush and hedge trimmings. Residents placing material for collection in excess of the one bag/container limit must affix a $2.50 bag tag to each bag in excess of the one 42 bag/container limit. Residents may also place large furniture items (no appliances) curbside for collection on their designated refuse collection day. Each large item to be collected must have a $10 large item tag affixed to it to be eligible for collection. Curbside Recycling Collection Recycling is divided between the blue box (glass, metal and plastic bottles #1 and #2 and tub lids #2 and #5) and the green box (papers/fibers) collected on alternating weeks. Please refer to the City’s Solid Waste Regulations brochure, website or call the office for specifics. Recycling boxes can be purchased at the Refuse Transfer Station at cost. Refuse Transfer Station Residents may deliver non hazardous solid waste for disposal to the Refuse Transfer Station located at: 4800 Development Drive (located in the City’s Industrial Park) Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 8 am - 12:30 pm - October to May 8 am - 4 pm - June to September The tipping fee schedule is a flat fee per tip of $17.50 plus GST up to 220 kg of refuse or a unit price of $79.85 per tonne or portion thereof in excess of the minimum flat fee. OTHER BROCKVILLE ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES Brockville is very committed to the idea of being environmentally responsible. The city has created and implemented several “Reduce, Recycle and Reuse” programs. Household Hazardous Waste Days This program is designed for residents (no industrial or commercial) to dispose of household hazardous material in an environmentally safe manner. Household Hazardous Waste Day has received great support from the City of Brockville. A drop off event occurs annually and is advertised on local radio stations, in the newspaper as well as a flyer delivered through Canada Post to all residents. Leaf and Yard Composting Site The composting facility was constructed in the fall of 1992 and is located on the grounds of the Gord Watts Municipal Centre. The site houses a leaf composting facility, finished compost area as well as a brush depot. Curbside collection of leaves is provided by the City twice during the fall on regular collection days during two designated weeks. Dates are determined in late summer and are advertised in the local newspaper. Residents are also encouraged to deliver their leaves to the facility at no charge. Finished compost is available to residents in the spring and/or fall for free pick-up. The equivalent of two wheelbarrows per household is available to residents in the spring and/or fall. Curbside collection of Christmas trees is provided on regular collection days during one designated week in early January, free of charge. Once the date has been determined, the City advertises in the local newspaper. Tree limbs, brush and hedge trimmings may be dropped off at the compost facility however a tipping fee does apply. The brush material is chipped and hauled away as required during the year. The following tipping fees apply for tree limbs, brush and hedge trimmings. Limbs are accepted to a maximum of 6” in diameter however stumps are prohibited. Car Truck Truck & Trailer $2 $5 $10 Trailer Car & Trailer $5 $7 43 DISTANCE FROM BROCKVILLE East Kilometers Cornwall 100 Montreal 210 West Kingston 84 Toronto 340 North Ottawa 110 U.S. Points Watertown 80 Syracuse 210 44 Miles 62 130 52 211 68 50 130 NEW DEVELOPMENTS Brockville Landings Inc. 613-499-1509 Buell’s Creek Condominiums 613-499-1590 Maritime Discovery Centre 613-342-8772- ext 450 Junic 819-595-5962 Upper Canada Condos 613-265-2700 Brockville has long been famous for its convenient location, picturesque beauty, heritage and challenging recreational facilities. With a stunning view of the St. Lawrence River and the 1000 Islands at its doorstep, Brockville is truly one of Canada’s most scenic settings. Did you also know that Brockville is a designated safe community worldwide by the World Health Organization? The results from a community survey showed that 97% of the city residents felt safe living here. This one factor is the largest appeal for families and retirees to consider Brockville as their place of choice to live. For businesses, this prime geographical location has provided the city with excellent access to all services. The city is centrally located between Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and within minutes to two international bridges to northern New York state. This presents the convenience and an economical location for those wishing to locate to a small centre. Situated in the middle of the St. Lawrence/Great Lakes area and near one of the world’s largest inland waterways, Brockville offers businesses an accessibility to major commercial international markets as well as a vast array of pleasure activities for the tourists and residents. For more information on our City of the 1000 Islands: City of Brockville Economic Development Office 1 King St. W., P.O. Box 5000 Brockville, ON K6V 7A5 Ph: 613-342-8772 ext. 430
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